#quest: tea for three
rainswept · 1 year
ok who else dislikes wriothesley immensely
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cometnoodle · 10 months
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if you know you know
im not efficient in backgrounds lmao
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So my dad and I finally sat down and watched Sandman however many years late and idk what I expected but it wasn’t that
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pearlywritings · 2 months
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synopsis: for the public eye, the head of the Oak Family and his wife are a loving couple. In private they are astonishingly content with each other too.
pairing: Sunday x fem!reader
tw: fluff, arranged marriage, reader is halovian, established some time before the game quest on Penacony.
word count: 2.8k+ words
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Nothing supports the man’s prestige and public image more than a proper marriage with a proper woman. So, I want you to meet this very woman, my child…
Two months, fifteen days and one hour. That’s exactly how long ago Sunday became a husband. A role he didn’t imagine himself playing, not with the role assigned to him from above. But, it was Gopher Wood - his adoptive parent basically, who brought you to him and announced his grand plan. And even if the head of the Oak Family had his doubts initially, a thorough conversation held with and without the Dreammaster, plus your immaculate background and some more specific matters proved to him that you were indeed chosen rightfully. He wasn’t sure if it was Mr Wood’s way of helping him, offering you as an aid at handling some of the work-related matters but with the seemingly perfect image of being wed - the elder gave no answers, however Sunday knew better than to question some of his schemes.
And so, your union was sealed. The ceremony wasn’t something exceptionally huge, none of you wanted that, but it was public enough for everyone and their mother to be talking about it. A couple of perfectly sterile interviews, some joint photos and three or four public appearances together, and people have been fooled enough to believe that.
That was enough.
Something as shocking as a wedding would avert the public eye and serve a great purpose in deceiving the people. After all, newlyweds are far too busy for one of them to be plotting something, right?
Right. So right, that Sunday himself was in a somewhat daze for the first week. But it’s understandable - on top of his regular responsibilities he had to prepare for the wedding and get to know the person he was about to spend life with better. Surprisingly, you turned out to be very understanding and supporting from day one, actively participating in whatever additional activity served on the man’s plate. It was weird, new and confusing, but above all he caught himself considering it not unwelcome.
You are astonishingly easy to work with. Well-versed in the matters of Family (but he shouldn't be all too surprised, given who brought you to him), soft, yet - when needed - firm spoken, not afraid to face the crowd in your husband's place for a public announcement and taking a portion of his responsibilities without any questions asked. If not for your interactions outside of all of that, Sunday would've thought you were his secretary and not a wife (but even a secretary wouldn't have known as much as you are aware of).
You are…comfortable. Sunday should really reproach himself for giving in so quickly, but it’s so hard not to. Maybe his vigilance is lulled with security of his patron’s choice or maybe it’s his own longing for normal civil interaction with someone close, but it didn’t take much time to start entertaining your sparks of curiosity.
Oh, how curious you are. Despite being trapped in a loveless marriage, you’ve been willing to learn about him from day one, trying to unfurl at least one tiny secret of his every day. He knows that because you are methodical, because you write it down (and you don’t hide the fact - when he, alarmed, asked or rather demanded you to show him that little notepad of yours, you just did so, with an explanation of your reasoning.)
Speaking of getting to know each other better… It’s still half an hour before your recently established tea time, but… But maybe he could summon you earlier? 
I hope, my child, this woman will become your reprieve. You are not obligated to love her, see her as just a companion, but feel free to treat her as a continuation of yourself. I educated her to match you specifically, after all.
As a continuation of himself… Isn’t it cruel to speak such things of a sentient being? Isn’t it putting one into the position of submission? 
Somehow it feels bitter on the tongue when he thinks of you.
His hand reaches for the bell, but promptly stops before the fingertips can touch the polished metal. Ah, of course, he asked to not be disturbed today. So, let him not violate his own order. He can find you on his own, not to mention, a small walk around the building might help clearing up his mind. Lately, he’s been thinking too much.
Spacious halls of the Dewlight Pavilion are empty, he knows as much, yet he hopes he won’t have to roam for too long, as the gloved hands push the doors of the meeting room. Today you two decided to work from the main Family residence in need of some materials here, and since no congregations were scheduled for the day, the building was all yours.
Each step of his is muffled by the carpet, lining the exactly 39 stairs, every next one lifting some of the weight from his shoulders and smoothing the deep frown of light gray brows. When his heels click on the small podium with the additional three steps, Sunday feels like his head is cleared. 
Stepping on the carpet again, he finally ends up in the big hall with the 5 Lineages symbols and a big City Sandpit in the middle. Quickly fishing his phone out of the pocket, he swiftly unlocks the screen and finds your name in the recent calls, dialing it.
When did it happen that conversations with you outnumbered ones with his sister?
You pick up the phone after just two seconds.
“Hello? What is it, Sunday?”
Ah, straight to the point, he admires that. And the calmness of your tone is surprisingly grounding.
“I was wondering if you’d join me earlier,” he speaks softly, barely holding off from calling you ‘dear’. It’s not wrong for the spouses, but how would you react? He asks strange questions lately. “Tell me where you are, I’ll come fetch you.”
“To answer your first question, I’d love to,” the young man might lie to himself, but he swears he heard your voice sweeten just a little. It makes the little wings behind his ears flutter, which he is quick to still. “As for your second one, however, you might want to look down.”
Sunday follows your instruction without much thought, looking right at the red carpet covering the marble floor.
“...I don’t believe I understand.”
He hears you chuckle, a tinkling sound, lacking any malice. His left wing slightly jerks as the favorable noise fills his left ear through the phone.
“The City Sandpit, beautiful. I am not far from the origami birds’ nest.”
As he moves to round the table, your husband’s heart skips a beat. You called him beautiful, you have done so on multiple occasions already. You praised his intellect, you gently clapped for the perfect choice of the clothes for the day he made, you agreed with him on the most mundane things incorporated into your daily lives. And not once it felt forced or fake. You were surprisingly sincere with him - he would’ve thought that with the Dreammaster’s upbringing you’d have been all mastered flashy smiles and sickly sweet polished words.
But here you’ve been, admiring him in your own quite blunt kind of way.
He immediately spots your tiny figure among the fake buildings on the city’s layout. You are waving at him with a smile.
“Found me,” he hears again in the speaker, but now also from you as well.
“Found you,” Sunday echoes, reaching his free hand to you. When he curls his fingers, you understand and, clutching the strap of the bag hanging from your shoulder, carefully climb onto his open palm.
Your husband is careful, finishing the call and putting the phone aside, before cupping the other hand under the one holding your sitting figure. Bringing you closer to his eyes he can see all the little details on the pretty pale blue dress you left home in this morning, with your second pair of clipped wings wrapped around the waist like another skirt. Then his gaze skims along your neck, adorned in one of the pendants he gifted you and then up to the first pair of wings, bigger than his when you are your normal size. 
He doesn’t have an opportunity to marvel over your intricate halo, because your eyes capture his in a vice, looking at him inquiringly.
“Didn’t expect you to take a break earlier. I thought you liked to stick to your routine.”
This was probably the first thing you learned about your back then betrothed.
“I do,” a tiny smile adorns his pale lips, “however, today I managed to wrap the most attention-requiring matters up earlier. Now only the mundane cases are left.”
“Good to hear that,” you hum, swinging your stocking-clad legs a little. His golden eyes look over your form once more, capturing the image of surprising comfortability in the hands of a bigger being, one that could crash your body so easily at the moment.
“I do wonder however about the reason behind your current predicament,” the male tilts his head in an inquiring way. “I believe I’ve never seen you enter the City Sandpit.”
Well, not to count the very first time he was giving you a tour.
“Oh, as I said, I know your routine, so I usually leave it before our meetings. I actually enter it quite often when we stay here,” is your answer that makes Sunday’s eyes widen in surprise.
“It’s easier to do paperwork this way,” motioning to the bag still on your shoulder, you then huff in annoyance. “If only you knew how eager your subordinates to bother me whenever you are unavailable. I am well-informed of my seeming position as the “lady-of-the-house”, but I’ve never signed up to be a link element between you and them, let alone a pawn in someone’s game of becoming first to seek your favor. Pardon me for my straightforwardness, but I much prefer interactions without actual feedback from the interlocutor if the situation doesn’t require otherwise. Except for you, of course.”
Except for him.
“You are my equal. You can always order them not to bother you,” drawing his hands closer to the chest, Sunday turns and starts walking closer to the table’s side where the gates are located.
“As if,” he glances down and catches just the end of your eye roll. “Mister Wood would have had my head if I ruined your picture as little as being distant from your inner circle. I’d much rather prefer just to hide away when needed and return to my secondary duties once I’m done with the primary.”
With the Dreammaker’s upbringing you would think a person can’t be as open-minded. Sunday is sure that it was no different from his - after all you have the clipped wings to match his. But, it seems, you found a way to temporarily escape from the suffocating clutches. Today he learnt a new thing about you, and, surprisingly it warms his soul instead of feeling repulsed.
He carefully puts you down just in front of the gates from the city’s side. Almost knocking off  a little ”DO NOT TOUCH” card near it, your husband moves to the right to let you step out. And in a couple of seconds of blinding light you stand before him in all your tall glory.
“Thank you for making the trip across the city so much shorter,” you grin, shaking the bag’s strap down your shoulder and rolling it, before unwrapping the wings from around your waist and spreading them in a stretch.
“It was my pleasure,” his tone is even, yet the gaze with which he watches you move gives him out. To this day and probably for a long while the levels of intimacy that used to be unknown to him yet which you display are going to surprise him. Sunday almost feels an annoying twinge of upsetness when you rewrap your wings around the dress’s skirt. Though it lets him see a couple of ruffled feathers and he has to suppress the urge of his hand to reach and fix them for you.
Yes, there is some intimacy between you lately, but not close enough.
“If you give me a moment to drop off my papers, I’ll be swift in joining you,” your voice breaks the man out of his self-restraining thoughts, and he lifts his eyes from your waist back to your face.
“Ah, it won’t be necessary. I’d like to have our tea time back at the meeting room, I have some things to discuss with you.”
“So official,” you smile, taking a step to join his side. “Alright then, let us be on our way up. Would you like to fill me in on the agenda of our ‘meeting’?”
“Sure,” Sunday chooses to ignore your teasing, but habitually offers you his elbow to hook your arm in it. “My sister is going to visit soon and she seems to be quite pissed at me.”
“Miss Robin?” Your question is laced with puzzlement. “I assumed from your stories of her that she is hardly in a sour mood.”
“It is true, yes,” your husband sighs, leading you up the first set of stairs. “But I would’ve been mad too if my sibling had gotten married and I did not know a thing.”
“She does not know about us?”
The man nearly halts in his ascending. If he didn’t know better and where your thoughts and loyalties stood in this marriage, he would’ve believed you are offended that he kept such an important fact a secret from his only family member. Nevertheless, he continues his walking.
“I sent her an invitation, you know that. But it seems the planet she’s been on is pretty far away and she’s gotten my message only recently, on her way back. I loathe to admit it, but now I feel very bad and the situation itself is iunjust. I am aware we were in a rush, all because of the- you know why,” he sees you nod from the corner of his eye and feels your fingers carefully dig into his arm, “but Robin has always wanted to be a maid of honor at my wedding. And I ripped this opportunity from her.”
And I am not going to get married the second time. This he did not voice out loud.
For a moment you both fall silent. You get lost in thought, Sunday does so too, analyzing his own words, wondering if this speech of his was too personal, if it was painting him as weak in your eyes.
And his own.
You speak only when he reaches for the knob and twists in to swing the door open and lead you two inside.
“So, how much time do we have before she gets here?”
“Maybe a couple of days,” he breaks the lock of your arms and gets a hold on the strap, sliding the bag down your shoulder and turning to put it aside for the time being. “Why asking?”
“You are a good brother, I can see that, “ ah, here you are, praising him again. “And it’s obvious you care for your sister and wish to give her the world. I suggest organizing a small party for her. This way she could experience what she missed and get familiar enough with me. I can negotiate with Mister Wood, I am sure I can convince him - he has some sort of a soft spot for you, Sunday.”
Surprisingly, it twists something uncomfortable in the halovian’s stomach.
“It sounds… delightful. However, are you certain you’d like to go to such lengths for Robin?”
“Well, she is your sister,” you chose the table farthest from the one your husband has been working at and grab the back of the chair to move it so you could sit, “and I am your wife. I’d love her to believe in us too. If I am not overstepping, of course.”
That’s actually not a bad idea. If almost four months ago someone - even you - suggested he let his sister and future wife meet, he’d be hesitant. He knows his little sister, he knows how perceptive she is - he is not so sure he wouldn’t have cracked under her inquisitive questions about whether he was happy with the arrangement or not. Plus leaving her sad and aching for brother if he let her know of the unjustness of the situation and still chose to proceed with the wedding is just too much for him.
Now he, at least, will not be lying that he is content if being asked.
“I accept your offer and thank you profusely for it,” Sunday slightly bows his head, to which you shake yours, reaching your hand out to beckon him to join you.
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. You’ll have time to thank me later, once we’ve already done something, alright?”
Surprisingly… It is indeed alright.
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writers-potion · 8 months
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Meet-Cute Ideas
Reponses to: "How Could You?"
Responses to: "Break my heart." 💔
How would you develop a relationship that’s been constantly one-sided?
Enemies-to-Lovers Dialogue Prompts
List of Relationship Tropes <3
Library Romance Prompts
Arranged Marriage Prompts
Responses to: "I love you"
Soulmates AU Prompts
"I love you but I don't" Prompts
Romance Novel Tropes & Subgenres: a comprehensive list
The Romantic Academic
Forbidden Love Dialogue Prompts
Angry Love Confessions
☕📜Writing Scenes
Scenes: The Basics🏕️
Structuring Your Fight Scene
Writing Funny (But Intense) Action Scenes
Ideas for Flashback Scenes
Writing The Perfect Kiss Scene
Fantasy Battle Scenes 101
✧𑁍.ೃPlot Tips & Tropes
A Very Brief Outline of the Three-Act Structure
Plot Type 1: "The Quest"
Writing Text Conversations - follower question
Fairy Murder Method Ideas 
Gossiping Scene Idea Prompts
Child Eating Fairies Ideas + The Mysterious Cave Trope - follower question
Writing Political Intrigue
Comforting a Fire Girl Scene - follower question
Energize a Sluggy Middle
2 Types of Deaths in Fiction
Literary vs. Commercial Plots
Fantasy Tropes that I Love
Writing the Perfect Betrayal 
Writing Strong Opening Lines
Plotting Tips for Romantasy
Dark Fantasy Tropes List
Dark Academic Plot Must-Haves 
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1st vs. 3rd POV For Mad Characters
Emotionless Character POV
🧛🏻‍♀️Character Writing Tips
Redeeming The Bad Boy Character
How to Write Redemption Arcs 
Writing Diverse Characters - Things to Remember
Character Nickname Ideas
How to Write Liars Believably
Choosing the Right Character
Organizing Character Relationships
Writing 1st POV Character Fears 
Introducing Non-binary Characters
Teasing Sibling Dialogue Prompts
Writing A Drug Addict Character
No Redemption Villains
Emotions and humanity for the Non-Human Character - follower question
Writing Gangsters
Characterization: Unforgettable Characters
Human Feelings for the Non-Human Character
The Character Arc: 101
Emotional Mini BIO
Writing Autistic Characters
On Writing Blind Characters
Writing Homosexual Characters 
Establishing the MC-Reader Bond
Writing Child Characters Believably 
Toxic Parent Prompts
Writing Morally Gray Characters 
Writing the "Mean Girl" Character
Writing Introverted Characters
Strong Female Characters 
Fantastical Asian Monsters (Part I)
🕐List of Dirty Character Traits
Dark Backstory Ideas
Good Characer Traits to bad
A List of Toxic Traits for Your Character 
Character Names with Unfortunate Meanings
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feroluce · 1 month
I have finally finished 2.4 and oh my GOD watching Dan Heng be so protective of his friends nearly killed me, MY HEART.
And yes, the cutscene where he pushes the trailblazer out of the way and even cushions their fall with his own body, but I mean even before that! When he was already trying to protect them and March 7th from Feixiao and Lingsha!!
Because if you watch the dango trio throughout the main quest, you'll notice that they often position themselves in the same way, which is a detail that makes me super happy that Hoyo thought to include- when the three of them aren't evenly spaced, March 7th and the trailblazer tend to gravitate towards each other and stand very close together, frequently side-by-side. And by comparison, Dan Heng usually stands slightly away, and often even slightly behind them, where he can pull on their leashes to wrangle them keep an eye on them.
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This is probably a habit learned through experience, since March 7th said during Belobog she is the "queen of unannounced disappearances" fjdksajfkldjsak
And of course at least a little bit of it is just done for like, aesthetic purposes. It's a video game. Things have to look nice for the player. The trailblazer and Dan Heng are the same height, March 7th is a bit shorter, and Yanqing is even smaller. It makes sense to have the trailblazer and Dan Heng stand on the ends, with March 7th and Yanqing in the middle, it just looks nicer and more balanced that way. But still! Even when they're accommodating for Yanqing in this quest, they still all arrange themselves the same way, almost every time!
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But this changes after Dan Heng and Yanqing become suspicious of the visitors from the Yaoqing.
The dango trio still stand around relaxed and in their usual manner when they go to the artisanship delve and meet Skott,
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but Dan Heng takes notice of Lingsha when she arrives, and he and Yanqing mentioned her specifically when discussing their worries.
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Yanqing worrying so much about Jing Yuan got me right in the heart, he's such a good boy WEH
And when the four of them go out to the alchemy delve to meet Lingsha for tea, the pattern breaks. Suddenly Dan Heng is standing right up front, and even walks in and enters the scene before March 7th and the trailblazer to get to Lingsha before them. He stays a step in front of them the whole time, too.
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And then when Dan Heng and the trailblazer have to go be interrogated by Feixiao! The same deal! Dan Heng walks in ahead of them and stays in front of them! Noticeably so! Enough that even Feixiao takes note and voices it!
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Dan Heng is so so fiercely protective of his companions, and I love it, I adore hyper vigilance in the wake of trauma like this, I'm so excited to see what else he does in 2.5, I hope we either get to see him get fucked up or the trailblazer gets fucked up in his place, I wanna see them run through the meat grinder!!!
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koolades-world · 13 days
I'll be really vague and just say I've been feeling under the weather recently
For that reason I'd like to see how the dateables would comfort MC after a bad day or bad event or bad whatever
of course! hope you're feeling a little better now!
enjoy <3
Dateables comfort Mc after a bad day
he’s busy, but not too busy to be with you when you need him
he’s actually a little ahead of schedule, but he’s willing to dedicate that surplus to you
why wouldn’t he? you mean the world to him <3
when he’s feeling down, you smother him in cuddles
so, the only thing he can is return the favor with some sweet words
you’re always there for him, so it’s his turn to be there for you
the two of you are going to spend the rest of the night doing whatever you want!
he owns your favorite game, anime and manga for sure
honestly, he’d anything to help you feel better again, so if you want to go out, he’d do it
he’s your shoulder to lean on, and always willing to listen to you
you’ve listened to him countless times so he’s willing to give you the world of that’s what it takes for you to smile again
you’re his number one, you deserve to be treated like royalty
let’s say it together on the count of three
self care night!!!
he’s more than prepared to pamper you for however long you want <3
he’s happiest when you’re happiest
so if you’re feeling down, he’s doing whatever it takes to make you feel better
will go on a quest to get your favorite food, no matter what hat
if you think sleeping it off might help, he’ll give you the sweetest dream
but if you want to stay up and chat, or do whatever, he’s staying up with you
this is one of the few times he’ll try his hardest to stay awake until you’re reading to head to bed
he basically forced a hole in his schedule so he can spend time with you
it’s comforting to know the lengths he’d go for you
the two of you can spend that time doing whatever you want; he guarantees he can make it happen no matter what
will serve you a hot cup of tea, and sit you down
he makes sure he has the time to be with you
if you want to talk, he's all ears
he gives the best massages in the three realms, so he offers you one
if that’s not youre thing, he’s got other things that might help you
just say the word. he’s at your service <3
like he knew you had a bad day, he already has a surprise ready at home
a cute dinner in your back garden!
don’t worry, it’s catering/takeout haha (from your favorite place of course)
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waitingonher · 1 year
hiii!! I saw your Percy x Hecate reader and was wondering if you could do a percy x Aphrodite reader?? 🫶🏽🫶🏽
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percy jackson dating a child of aphrodite
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pairing: percy jackson x reader
content warning: coupley things
word count: 916
author's note: hi!! sorry this took so long (finals r around the corner) enjoy tho! i also put my own gas station order in this LOL
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you and percy have got to be the most attractive couple on the planet. honestly, it’s an unspoken camp rite of passage to have a crush on at least one of you two. everyone literally has their own story about how they have/had a crush on either you or percy (or both) it’s crazy. 
percy is such a green flag!! 
HE FOLLOWS THE SIDEWALK RULE. no matter where you are, you WILL be walking on the inside. 
you could be on a super dangerous quest being chased by monsters and percy would still make sure he’s running on the outside. like i’m pretty sure being ran over is the least of your worries… but it’s still cute.
percy is actually so obsessed with the fact that you can speak french/other romance languages. he’d make up any excuse just to hear you speak them.
all of a sudden he’s paying attention in his spanish class and he needs your help pronouncing certain words!! 
or one day he’d randomly come up to you and would start speaking to you in french??? turns out he’s been secretly learning it without you knowing?? percy’s 387 day duolingo streak is all because he wanted to hear you speak your language more. he’s definitely dedicated!
sometimes when you’re talking, percy would suddenly be like “wow, she’s so pretty???” and he’d (accidentally) zone out, just completely admiring you. he knows that you’re the most beautiful person he’s ever seen, but sometimes he just has to take a moment to take it all in. 
shopping dates with percy!! 
you’d ask him which top looks the best on you and then he’d tell you all of them?? he really thinks you can afford all 10 shirts you showed him.
“perce, between those three pants, which one looked better on me?” you ask, holding one of the pairs against your body.  your boyfriend looks deep in thought before coming to a decision, “all of them,” he declares. “babe,” you groan, “you can’t choose them all, choose one.”  percy looks genuinely worried when he realizes he has to actually decide on one, because he thinks that you looked absolutely gorgeous in all of them. so he comes up with the only other idea that makes sense, “well i don’t mind buying them all for you. besides, you looked super great in them.”  you immediately shake your head, “percy, i’m not about to let you drop $150 on three pairs of pants. that’s actually insane.”  “but-”  “no percy.” 
HE KNOWS WHAT COLOR JEWELRY YOU WEAR. percy absolutely refuses to be one of those lousy boyfriends who don't even know what kind of jewelry their girlfriend wears. 
he’s been patiently waiting for the day when someone asks which color you prefer.  
this guy has your gas station order down to a tee! 
percy walks up to the passenger door with a plastic white bag in hand. he opens the door and begins to take out its contents, “thanks perce! you got my-”  “i got your arizona, the green tea flavor, and your hot fries. and yes, i made sure to shake all the bags to make sure i got the one that was optimally filled,” he responds, a smug expression spreading across his face.  with an impressed look, you nod your head in approval, “wow babe, you’ve really got my order down.”   percy nods his head pridefully, “i know.” 
dates where you two have to dress up are one of his favorites!! 
him seeing you all dolled up…whewww…someone call 911 for him. 
despite how much percy hates dressing up, he’d do it if it means he gets to see you all dressed up. 
percy makes you flower bouquets!! 
they’re always so unique and special every time?? you didn’t even know that camp had such a wide variety of flowers until he started making you bouquets. 
and he always makes sure to keep a flower in his cabin so he knows when it’s time to make you a new one jdfsklds
one of percy’s favorite things to do with you are little skincare nights! 
you’d come over to his cabin and you guys would light some candles and make tea. overall it’s a very calming ambience! 
even though it’s terrible for his skin, percy has an affinity for peel-off face masks. every single time, without fail, he’ll make some sort of joke about how he’s shedding. LMAO 
you look over in the bathroom mirror to see your boyfriend applying the very thing you hate, a peel-off face mask, “love, why can’t you be normal and use a sheet mask for once? or even a clay one like mine?” you point to your face.  percy takes a quick glance at you in the mirror and shrugs, continuing to apply the mask onto his skin, “those ones are lame, and it’s not fun if i can’t peel it off,” he responds, very concentrated on spreading the mask around. you cringe when he gets a glob of the mask onto his fluffy headband.  “well the formulas aren’t really good and it’s super irritating for your skin, babe,” you tell him, hoping that the thought of a damaged skin barrier scares him out of using peel-off masks.  “y/n, you can have the good skin. i’m fine with a damaged skin barrier or whatever,” percy replies, trying to remove the mask from his headband.  you roll your eyes, “whatever, lizard face.” 
you two are actually a match made in heaven <333 
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urhoneycombwitch · 9 months
blurb based on this anon everyone say thank you anon <3
(No pronouns used for R)
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On the fourth night in a row of you sleeping like shit, Eddie takes matters into his own hands.
He makes it his private quest- Operation Fair Maiden’s Slumber- to get you to sleep and stay asleep. Unbeknownst to you, he’d started earlier that afternoon, casually handing you a mug of chamomile tea along with your paperback. You both stay curled up on the trailer’s couch with your respective books for awhile, your legs in his lap, his warm palm stroking up your thigh, until the sun dipped low enough to warrant turning on all the lamps in the room. 
He makes you a proper, robust dinner- pasta and garlic bread, a carb-o-load for the ages to try and lull your stomach into hibernation. When the dishes are done, he asks if he can play you a song.
You get cozy in Eddie’s bed, blanket around your shoulders, while he sits cross-legged on the floor, plucking through the strings to tune. And when you’re settled, he starts playing- first it’s an old Fleetwood Mac song that he knows is your favorite, followed by a Bob Dylan single that he’s always found kinda hokey but he likes the way you close your eyes with the feeling of it.
All the while he keeps his singing soft, the melodies gentle, glancing up every so often to confirm you’re nestling deeper into the blankets. When he thinks you might’ve drifted off, he stealthily sets his guitar aside and climbs carefully onto the bed- only to startle when your eyes pop open, seemingly wide awake.
“Those were really nice songs,” you tell him, wrapping the blanket around you both so that he can lay across your body. “Thanks for giving me my own concert. I’m so lucky.”
“You deserve it, angel,” he says into your collarbone. As your arms wrap around his frame he slips his hands under your shoulders, cuddling into the warmth of you. “You want a bedtime story, too?”
When you nod, Eddie launches into a memorized monologue of the first chapter of Alice in Wonderland. It was one of your favorite books as a kid, so he’s hoping that the kick of nostalgia will be enough to send you off to dreamland.
And at first, he thinks it’s working- the small movements in your waist and shoulders he takes as a sign of your body settling into the mattress. But when the plush of your hip rolls against his crotch, he stops mid-sentence, affronted- “Baby... You’re supposed to be sleepy, not horny!”
“I can be both,” you pout, pulling Eddie towards you so that he’s forced to hover over you, his hair creating a curtain around your faces. “You’re just so handsome and sweet and I wanna thank you for your hard work…”
Your hand trails down his chest, against his stomach, and Eddie’s quickly losing the plot to his quest as you graze against his already half-hard clothed cock. 
“You’re s’posed to…” his forehead dips to crush against yours, hips rolling into your hand automatically. “Tryn’a get you… to sleep…”
“An orgasm would help.” You stretch up to press your lips against his, and he kisses you back, a little whimper in your throat swallowed up by his mouth.
Eddie doesn’t totally abandon his quest, in the end. It just gets re-titled:
Operation Give the Fair Maiden One Two Three Orgasms. For Bedtime. 
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mika-mp3 · 2 months
The treasure is all mine
-chapter four-
(Prologue, chapter one, chapter two, chapter three)
Genshin Impact x Creator!Reader
warnings: possible spelling errors, no y/n used, takes place after the sumeru archon quest
summary: after resting, your new friends tell you their plan to visit the dendro archon. You were very excited but had no idea what trouble little actions of yours can bring.
characters: Tighnari, Collei, Nilou, Wanderer (Hat Guy), Nahida, some guard npc's
word count: 3408
wattpad story here
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Tighnari's words from the previous night echoed in your mind. The journey to uncover your true identity was just beginning, and with the support of your new friends, they felt ready to face whatever lay ahead. The path forward was uncertain, but it was also filled with hope and the promise of discovery.
You awoke to the delicious aroma of fresh fruit and baked bread wafting through the air. The scent of ripe berries, citrus, and something sweet filled your senses, inviting you to rise from the warmth of your blankets. As you blinked away the remnants of sleep, you noticed the soft morning light streaming through the window, casting gentle shadows on the wooden floor. Slowly, you sat up and stretched, feeling the comforting ache of a good night's sleep. The previous day's journey and the warmth of Tighnari and Collei's hospitality had done wonders for your weary body. You glanced around, taking in the cozy, rustic interior of Tighnari's home, the shelves lined with various plants, books, and trinkets.
As you made your way outside, you found Tighnari and Collei already seated at a small wooden table laden with a simple but inviting breakfast spread. There were freshly baked bread, colorful fruits, and a pot of fragrant tea. The morning sun bathed the village in a golden light, highlighting the intricate architecture and lush greenery.
"Good morning!" Collei greeted with a bright smile as you joined them. "Did you sleep well?"
"Yes, very well, thank you," you replied, taking a seat and feeling the warmth of their kindness envelop you once more.
"Help yourself," Tighnari said, gesturing to the food. "We have a lot to discuss today."
You nodded, grateful for the sustenance and the company. As you ate, Tighnari began to explain their plan. "After discussing things last night, we decided it would be best to take you to the Dendro Archon," Tighnari said between bites. "She possesses great wisdom and knowledge, and if anyone can help you uncover your past and identity, it's her."
"The Dendro Archon?" you echoed, feeling a mixture of awe and anticipation.
"Yes," Collei confirmed. "But we need to gather a few supplies for the journey. It will take some time, so you have a chance to explore the village while we prepare."
You nodded, understanding the importance of the plan. "Thank you, both of you. I really appreciate everything you're doing for me."
"It's our pleasure," Tighnari said with a reassuring smile. "Feel free to look around and get to know the place. Gandharva Village is a special community, and I'm sure you'll find it quite interesting."
After finishing breakfast, you stepped outside into the vibrant village. The morning sun bathed Gandharva Village in a golden light, highlighting the intricate architecture and lush greenery. The village, often referred to as "The City Above the Forest," was a marvel of design, with houses built into the trees and connected by winding bridges and pathways. As you wandered through the village, you noticed that many of the villagers were glancing at you curiously. Their expressions were a mix of friendliness and intrigue, as if they were trying to understand who you were and what had brought you to their home.
After a few minutes of strolling through the village, you came across a group of children playing near a large tree. They were laughing and chasing each other, their joy infectious. When they spotted you, they paused and approached with wide eyes and eager smiles.
"Hi! Are you new here?" one of the children asked, their curiosity shining brightly.
"Yes, I am," you replied with a smile. "What are you all up to?"
"We're just playing," another child said, their eyes sparkling. "Do you want to join us?"
Feeling a surge of warmth and happiness, you nodded. "Sure, I'd love to. How about I teach you something I learned from some very special friends of mine?"
The children gathered around, their excitement palpable. You sat down on the grass and began to show them how to make flower crowns, just as the Aranara had taught you. The children watched with fascination, their small hands eager to mimic your movements.
"First, you need to find some pretty flowers and sturdy stems," you explained, demonstrating as you spoke. The children scattered, collecting flowers and stems from the surrounding area, their laughter filling the air.
Once they returned, you guided them through the process, weaving the flowers together to create beautiful crowns. The children were quick learners, and soon they were proudly wearing their creations, their faces beaming with pride and joy.
"This is so fun!" one of the children exclaimed, adjusting their flower crown.
"Thank you for teaching us," another added, their eyes shining with gratitude.
"You're very welcome," you replied, feeling a deep sense of fulfillment. "It's something my friends taught me, and I'm happy to share it with you."
As the children continued to play and create, you felt a sense of peace and belonging. Despite the uncertainties that still lay ahead, moments like these reminded you of the simple joys and connections that made life meaningful. Soon after, Tighnari and Collei called you back to start the travel. Feeling both excited and a bit scared you start the new chapter
The journey through the vibrant and verdant Sumeru rainforest felt surprisingly effortless with Tighnari and Collei by your side. The forest seemed to welcome your presence, the paths almost guiding your steps as the dense foliage parted to make way. Tighnari, with his vast knowledge of flora and fauna, pointed out various plants and creatures, sharing fascinating tidbits about each one. Collei, though initially quiet, soon opened up, her laughter and stories adding warmth to the journey. The camaraderie between the three of you created a comforting rhythm, each step taken with a shared purpose and growing bond.
Before long, the towering silhouette of the Academia came into view, its majestic spires rising above the treetops. The awe-inspiring structure, built upon a colossal tree, seemed to defy gravity with its intricate architecture and grand design. The sight filled you with a mix of anticipation and wonder. With Tighnari and Collei's support, the path to discovering your past felt clearer and more achievable. The closer you got to the Academia, the stronger the feeling of hope and purpose grew, propelling you forward towards the answers you sought.
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The bustling capital of Sumeru came into view, its port teeming with activity. Ships unloaded their cargo as merchants and travelers from all over Teyvat mingled, creating a lively and colorful scene. Market stalls lined the streets, offering everything from exotic spices to intricate jewelry. The aroma of freshly baked bread and ripe fruits filled the air, mingling with the sounds of lively bargaining and cheerful chatter. The buildings were adorned with intricate carvings and lush greenery, their architecture blending seamlessly with the natural beauty of the rainforest.
As you walked through the city with Tighnari and Collei, you couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and excitement. The sheer vibrancy of the capital was overwhelming. "Can we look around first before meeting the Archon?" you asked, your eyes wide with curiosity. Tighnari nodded, understanding your eagerness to explore. "Of course," he said. "There's much to see here. We'll head towards the Grand Bazaar first. It's a place filled with wonder and culture."
As you made your way through the bustling streets, the crowd seemed to part for Tighnari and Collei, their presence as respected Forest Rangers earning them nods and smiles from the townsfolk. The Grand Bazaar was a vibrant hub of commerce and culture nestled under the giant tree that supported the Academia. Colorful banners fluttered in the breeze, and the sounds of laughter and music filled the air.
Before you could reach the entrance to the tunnel leading to the Grand Bazaar, a captivating sight caught your eye. A red-haired girl in a flowing blue dress adorned with beautiful gold and silver accessories was dancing gracefully. Her movements were fluid and enchanting, as if she was telling a story with every step. Her hair, a cascade of crimson waves, flowed around her as she twirled, and her eyes sparkled with joy and passion. The small group of children watching her were completely captivated, their eyes wide with wonder.
Tighnari and Collei smiled, recognizing her immediately. "That's Nilou," Tighnari explained. "She dances for the Zubayr Theater, located in the Grand Bazaar. Her performances are legendary around here."
Nilou's dance was mesmerizing. She moved with an ethereal grace, each motion perfectly synchronized with the music that played softly in the background. Her dress fluttered like petals in the wind, and her bare feet seemed to barely touch the ground. It was as if she was dancing on air, her every move a testament to her skill and dedication. The children watched in awe, clapping and cheering with delight.
When Nilou noticed you watching, she beckoned you to join her. At first, you hesitated, unsure if you could match her grace. "Me?" you asked, pointing to yourself. Nilou nodded with a warm smile, her eyes inviting and encouraging.
Collei gently nudged you forward. "Go on," she said with a smile. "It's a rare opportunity to dance with someone as talented as Nilou. Besides, it looks like fun!"
Taking a deep breath, you stepped forward. Under Nilou's expert guidance, you found it surprisingly easy to follow her lead. She moved with such fluidity and grace that it felt natural to mimic her movements. Her hands guided yours, her smile reassuring you. The crowd began to grow, more and more people stopping to watch the impromptu performance. Their cheers and applause were a testament to Nilou's captivating presence and your newfound courage.
More and more people stopped to watch, and soon a small crowd had gathered, captivated by the performance. The energy was infectious, and for a moment, you forgot about everything else. You were lost in the dance, the rhythm of the music, and the joy of the moment.
The crowd, however, began to cause a bit of congestion, blocking the merchants from entering and leaving the tunnel to the bazaar. This attracted the attention of the city guards, who moved in to disperse the crowd for safety reasons. One of the guards, carrying a spear like the others, approached you with a stern expression. "Please follow me," he said. "The Lesser Lord Kusanali has requested to meet you."
The sudden request made you nervous, and Nilou's expression turned worried. She stepped closer, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "Don't be afraid," she said softly. "The Lesser Lord is kind and wise. If she wants to meet you, it must be important."
Tighnari and Collei rushed to your side, having heard the guards words as well. "Don't worry," Tighnari reassured you. "It will be okay. We'll be with you every step of the way."
Collei nodded, her expression serious but kind. "We won't leave your side," she said firmly. "You're not alone in this."
With your friends by your side, you followed the guard up towards the Academia. The path spiraled upwards, each step taking you higher and higher. The grandeur of the Academia loomed closer, its magnificent structure both intimidating and awe-inspiring. The buildings were intricately designed, with ornate carvings and lush greenery adorning their surfaces. The closer you got, the more the air seemed to hum with an almost palpable energy.
Finally, you reached the grand doors of the Academia, standing tall and imposing before you. As the doors slowly opened, you couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and apprehension. The interior was just as grand as the exterior, with high ceilings, elegant archways, and an atmosphere of quiet reverence. With Tighnari and Collei at your side, you stepped forward, ready to face whatever awaited you inside.
The doors to the Academia swung open, revealing an interior that took your breath away. The first room you entered was vast and round, dominated by a magnificent water fountain in the center. The water cascaded gracefully, its gentle splashing echoing softly throughout the chamber. Around the fountain, potted plants added a touch of verdant beauty, their leaves glistening in the light. Above, a grand chandelier hung from the high ceiling, its crystals catching and reflecting the light, casting shimmering patterns on the polished floor below. Additional stand lanterns lined the room, their soft glow adding to the serene ambiance.
The room buzzed with activity as students moved about, their expressions serious and focused. The atmosphere was markedly different from the bustling port and vibrant bazaar outside; here, the weight of knowledge and scholarship was palpable. Some students paused to stare at your group, their curiosity evident, but their attention didn't deter your determined progress.
You followed the guard through the room, your footsteps echoing on the marble floor. The halls of the Academia were lined with more intricate carvings and adorned with lush greenery, a testament to the harmonious blend of nature and intellect that defined Sumeru. As you walked, you couldn't help but be struck by the sheer scale and beauty of the architecture.
Your journey led you to a grand library, a sanctuary of knowledge and learning. The vast number of books lining the shelves was truly impressive, each tome a repository of wisdom waiting to be explored. The library was illuminated by more of the elegant chandeliers, their light casting a warm, inviting glow over the numerous tables where students sat engrossed in their studies. The air was filled with the quiet rustle of pages turning and the soft murmur of scholarly discussions.
The most impressive feature of the library, however, was the stained glass ceiling. Intricate designs in shades of blue and green formed a breathtaking mosaic above, casting beautiful light patterns on the floor below. The interplay of colors created an ethereal atmosphere, making the library feel like a sacred place of learning and reflection.
In the middle of the library was a smaller, round room that piqued your curiosity. At first, you didn't understand its purpose, but as you stepped closer, a sense of familiarity washed over you. Though you had never been here before, you instinctively recognized it as an elevator. The realization was strange, like remembering something from a past life.
You stepped inside the elevator with the guard, Tighnari, and Collei. The doors closed with a gentle whoosh, and you felt the ground begin to lift beneath you. The ascent was smooth and silent, the library slowly disappearing from view through the elevator's glass walls. The higher you went, the more the grandeur of the Academia unfolded before you, each floor revealing more of its architectural marvels and scholarly treasures.
As the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened, you found yourself on a higher floor, ready to continue your journey towards the answers you sought. The anticipation in your heart was a mix of excitement and apprehension, each step bringing you closer to the enigmatic Lesser Lord Kusanali and the truth about your mysterious past.
You step out of the elevator and into a round room bathed in a soft, ethereal blue light. The centerpiece of the room is a giant floating blue sphere, rotating slowly and surrounded by intricate constructions that defy your understanding. The size of the sphere is imposing, and multiple staircases wind up to a second floor that encircles the room, adding to the grandeur.
As you take in the breathtaking sight, you finally notice two figures standing before you. One is a small girl, exuding a gentle, calming presence. The other is a boy with a more intense demeanor, his expression a mix of surprise and something deeper, like he has seen a ghost. The girl quickly regains her composure and smiles warmly at you.
"Welcome," she says with a voice as soothing as a breeze through the trees. "You can call me Nahida. And this is Wanderer"
She nods to the boy beside her, wearing a navy blue kasa hat, a black turtleneck bodysuit, a white kimono, and other intricate garments, continues to look at you with a mixture of disbelief and wariness. His attire includes fingerless metallic gloves, black hakama shorts, a thick black and indigo obi belt, knee-high white gaiters, black geta sandals, and a patterned blue half-cape adorned with gold ornaments and a gold feather. This is the Wanderer, and his piercing gaze seems to search for something beyond your appearance.
Nahida's expression turns more serious as she continues, "I called you here to discuss an incident that occurred during the dance at the bazaar. A child was hurt and couldn't get out as quickly as they should have. I don't blame you, but this situation has piqued my interest more than I initially thought."
Before you can respond, Tighnari steps forward, his demeanor respectful yet firm. "Lesser Lord Kusanali, this person has lost their memory and does not even recall their own name. They were found in the forest, and their presence seems to have a profound effect on the environment. Flowers bloom, and they even met and stayed with the Aranara for a while."
Nahida listens intently, her eyes widening slightly as she processes Tighnari's words. "Is that so?" she murmurs, more to herself than anyone else.
The Wanderer finally speaks, his voice tinged with curiosity and skepticism. "The Aranara? Are you telling me they were living with those mythical creatures?"
You nod, feeling the weight of their combined scrutiny. "Yes, I lived with the Aranara for months. They took care of me when I had nowhere else to go."
Nahida's eyes soften with understanding. "It seems there's much more to you than meets the eye. The Aranara are known to be elusive and magical beings. For them to accept you so readily is extraordinary."
The Wanderer crosses his arms, his gaze still sharp but now more thoughtful. "So, what are you, exactly?"
Tighnari interjects again, his voice calm and measured. "We believe they may be something more than human. The forest's reaction, the absence of any scent, and the unusual events surrounding them all point to a deeper mystery. We hoped you might be able to help us uncover the truth, Lesser Lord Kusanali."
Your eyes widen. You had no idea they thought you were something more then a human. However you said nothing, you didn't want to be rude to someone like Nahida and wanted to know more about their theories.
Nahida nods slowly, her mind clearly racing through possibilities. "I see. This is indeed a complex situation. There is a presence about you that is different. We must tread carefully to understand it fully."
The Wanderer, though still skeptical, seems to accept the gravity of the situation. "If anyone can uncover the truth, it's Nahida. She has the wisdom and the connection to this land that we need."
Nahida smiles again, this time with a hint of determination. "We will get to the bottom of this. But first, let's address the immediate concerns and ensure everyone is safe."
The atmosphere in the room shifts from tension to a shared sense of purpose. You feel a mixture of apprehension and hope, knowing that these knowledgeable and powerful individuals are now invested in uncovering your true identity. With their guidance, the path ahead, though uncertain, seems a little less daunting.
After a lengthy discussion, a conclusion is reached: you will remain in Sumeru, living within the bounds of the capital until more is known about your true nature. During this time, you will have unrestricted access to the grand library, a treasure trove of knowledge that will aid in uncovering your past. You will also meet with Nahida once a week. Through various tests and exposures to different environments and stimuli, they will try to learn as much as possible about you.
However, this arrangement means that you won’t be seeing your friends as often. Collei and Tighnari must return to Gandharva Ville to fulfill their duties as forest rangers and caretakers of the rainforest. They promise to visit the capital when they can, but their presence will be sporadic. The Wanderer continues to watch you with suspicion, his eyes never leaving you, as if expecting something to reveal itself at any moment. Nahida, on the other hand, seems to already be forming theories, her mind working quickly behind her gentle eyes.
As you stand there, surrounded by these remarkable individuals, you feel a mixture of hope and sadness. The path to discovering your identity may be long and challenging, but you are not alone. With the support of Nahida and the resources of the Akademiya, you take your first steps toward uncovering the mystery of who you truly are.
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Thank you so much for reading! Fell free to give me feedback and ideas how to continue this!
P.S. Sorry for not posting in a while! I got really sick and wasn't able to do much.
- @resident-cryptid - @wutap - @saternsky - @vianitry - @fantasyhopperhea - @yamarireads
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everparanoid · 10 months
Make me lose my breath, make me water ┃Wriothesley
pairing: f!reader x wriothesley
genre: fluff , NSFW
rating: 18+
tags: Cunnilingus, consent is hot, Reader is from Natlan, cuffs used inappropriately, Body Worship, My First Smut, Fontaine is France but it's not but it is, PWF, PWP, Mutual Pining, No use of y/n, Reader is Not Traveler (Genshin Impact), Creampie, biting kink, Written After 4.1 Update, Minor spoilers for 4.0 quest, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Oral Sex, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Light Bondage, light orgasm denial
wordcount: 6.1k
synopsis: The notorious Duke of the fortress of Meropide hasn't been on his A-game lately, and it shows.
Originally posted: 25.10.23 on AO3
a/n: I am now reposting my AO3 stuff onto tumblr. If you know me....no, you don't. ;) Also check out my AO3 for more wriothesley fics.
Song Inspiration: 'Water' by Tyla.
Three quick knocks rattled the door to his large office. The sound echoed up to the second floor where his desk resided.
“Come in,” Wriothesley said not looking up from his papers.
Wriothesley was a busy man. Well, being the Duke of the self-running, man-powered Fortress of Meropide wasn’t an easy job. It wasn’t exhausting either, but that was beside the point.
He took a slow prolonged sip from his teacup. The second sip in the last hour; the flavoured water had long since cooled from the general chill in the office. Not that he could feel anything beyond the normal chill of the underwater Fortress; and with the added benefit of his cryo vision he considered himself well-suited for the climate. That didn’t mean he didn’t miss the sun. Although, he could see the sun whenever he found a reason to leave the fortress, which he often didn’t.
He sighed for the fifth time that hour.
“I hear you’ve been doing that a lot,” You said ascending the spiralled staircase.
He paused and lowered his teacup, placing it on the small pile of report papers he was using as a mat. One side of his lips raised threatening to become a half smile. He quickly wiped it away.
“Oh? Have I now?” he asked.
“Yes,” you said, your voice smooth and confident. “I think I’m going to have to report you to Sigewinne.”
“Am I to assume she isn’t the one who sent you?”
His eyes met yours as you arrived atop the stairs, a hand on your hip and that sassy look in your eyes that he had grown fond of. He realised now why he had been so distracted.
He missed you.
You often frequented the fortress. First as a commissioned messenger between Wriothesley and Neuvillette, then a ‘convict’, and after that a friend and now… he didn’t know, but he wasn’t going to complain about the company. It was nice having someone as into tea as he was. Not that he would admit it, but it got lonely in the Fortress sometimes. More so since he met you.
“What? You afraid of a couple of stickers?”
“You know about that?” he grumbled, glancing at the pile of crumpled Melusine stickers littering the side of his desk, freshly pulled off the back of his coat.
“I have ears everywhere, Your Grace,” you smirk, withholding the crucial fact that you were the culprit providing the stickers for Sigewinne and her Melusine friends. They paid you back in giggles and smiles, and just the joy on their small faces was enough for you.
“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. You probably know more about what’s happening in my humble home than me,” he said. Only a half lie on his part. You had an aptitude for making tough things bend to your will. Him being the toughest of things in question. He dismissed the thought of you flashing that blinding smile at anyone other than him.
Your shoulders rose and fell as a melodic laugh left your lips and graced his ears. If he could keep your voice in a bottle, he would.
You shook your head and pushed off the railing. His attention remained on you as you took a seat on the settee a bit away from his desk.  His throat—as if he hadn’t just taken a sip of his cold tea— felt overwhelmingly dry. He cleared it gently and picked up his teacup.
“How’s the Traveler and Paimon?” he asked, taking a sip.
The flavoured water was colder. He needed to calm down lest he froze the entire thing. He imagined you would be the only one to find amusement in him sipping ice.
You crossed your legs, and your skirt rode up. He looked away respectfully, much to his dismay and the favour of his quickly deteriorating will. He didn’t remember when it happened. When he started seeing you as more than just the middle woman between Neuvillette and himself; more than just a pawn in this game against the fatui, but now he found himself knowing the way your cheek dimpled slightly only on your right cheek when you laugh; how the skin around your eyes crow when you yawn or squint; how you change to fix your posture every thirty minutes when you’re lost in a book, and your neck starts to get sore, and your lower back begs to be stretched out. He pulled himself out of his thoughts before they had a chance to spiral further.
“They send their regards and a thank you for your help with ‘the situation,’” you said making air quotes. You didn’t mention how you didn’t plan to return to them for a while, but some things were best left unsaid with Wriothesley.  
Wriothesley nodded and gestured for you to join him in for some tea.
“If you have some time, of course,” he finished.
“Of course, If you are offering,” you responded. 
You went to stand but Wriothesley beat you to it. Thankful for the excuse to busy himself with something other than your smouldering presence. If he was an icy avalanche, then you were like a raging inferno, melting him into warm water. Perhaps it had something to do with the pyro vision dangling from your hip. He glanced at the vision and caught a glimpse of your bare legs. He froze, curious about what colour you might be wearing underneath your skirt: black, white, blue, red? Instead, he was beyond relieved when he saw black shorts. He breathed a sigh. That’s so you.
“I can heat the pot, you know?” you say, growing increasingly more tired of his strange mood and equally as obscure silence. Never had Wriothesley sighed so much. Honestly, you never would have considered him a sigher; more a hmpher or a quiet snickering type.
You and everyone in Fontaine who had the pleasure or misfortune—mostly the misfortune—of knowing the Duke, knew that recently he had been off. In truth, your visit hadn’t been to express Neuvillette’s message (though that made a great cover). No, you were there because of a chain of strange letters from Sigewinne, given to you by an equally as annoyed Clorinde, telling you of the Duke’s bizarre behaviour. According to these letters, he was more attentive than usual. He had appeared around the fortress checking in on the production zones and the inmates an alarming number of four times in the last month, nearly causing several heart attacks amongst the inmates, which as a result caused Sigewinne to be on high alert from all the overworking; he hasn’t been partaking in as many fights in the ring, and he hasn’t been drinking as much tea.
It was the last two on the list that shocked you the most and was most of the reason why you were there now. Wriothesley not drinking tea? Was Fontaine’s archon a fraud?
Uncrossing your legs, you stood and approached him. Placing a hand on the teapot, you heated the water with your vision.
“Let me do that," you said.
You sounded more breathless than you had intended to, but being so close to him does that to you. He always managed to take your breath away, but you had stupidly thought that with time those senseless reactions would die upon learning more about the mysterious brutish duke. The way all crushes faded when the mystic i.e., the lack of information and the delusions of projection, disappeared. Instead, it seemed to have only worsened. A butterfly somersaulted in your stomach when you accidentally brushed your hand against his.
Wriothesley stiffened. The touch went straight to his gut.
“Why are you here?” he responded smoothly, crossing his arms over his broad chest. Not that he was concerned about why you were here—he couldn’t be happier—but you were supposed to be away for the next six months on a quest with the traveler to your home region, Natlan. Had Sigewinne called you back out of concern for him? He had to be more careful around the small nurse in the future.
“Your tea collection isn’t as depleted as usual,” you observed, staring into the box filled with other miniature boxes of tea, skilfully deflecting the question.
“An interrogation. You’re making me nervous,” he joked. “I am a busy man, I don’t always have time for tea.”
The look you fixed him with was not amused.
“You always drink at least three cups a day,” you said putting stress on the ‘at least.’ If it wasn’t tea, it would be a terrible addiction.
“Wow, you’re counting? I’m impressed.”
“Which flavour do you want?”  you said, ignoring him.
“The special blend.”
Without a second thought, you plopped the tea bag into the teapot and left it to brew.
It was your favourite, and that is why he chose it. He was more of a black tea or green tea kind of person, but the special blend he had made specifically for you. You didn’t know that though; you didn’t have to, he enjoyed hearing your quiet hums of happiness with each sip. It was great fodder for his late-night thoughts.
His heart warmed, as the skin around your eyes crowed the way he loved. Loved? He cleared his throat.
“You aren’t booking yourself as many fights. Which I would be happy about if I thought it didn’t directly correlate to why you’re acting so strange,” you lectured, and to him, you sounded like a particular short blue-haired Melusine.
“I can’t help but feel that you are worried about me,” he jested.
“As anyone would be about a friend,” you said.
Friend? Yes, that was what you were. Friends.
“Friends. Yes,” he agreed albeit stiffly.
You gave him a cautious side-eye unsure as to why his tone hurt you.
The word left a bitter taste in Wriothesley’s mouth and when you offered to fill his cup again, he accepted. Suddenly needing the soothing numbing effects of his tea more than ever. You topped up his cup before you poured the heated water into the teacup that had unintentionally become yours.
 Wriothesley didn’t let anyone else use it. It was superstitious really, and he didn’t consider himself a superstitious person. However, he worried that if he let anyone else use it you suddenly won’t come back one day. Not that you would be able to tell the difference if he did let someone else use the cup; all the teacups he owned looked exactly alike, but yours was different. It was a cup with a little chip on the rim near the handle from when you decided to have your tea with Neuvillette, Clorinde, the traveler and himself after the recent troubles with the Fatui. Your cup had chipped due to the heat of your hand; he could recall the horror on your face when he informed you how much each cup cost after letting you ramble on about owing him another cup.
You eventually fell into a comfortable silence sitting together on the settee.
“Clorinde has been visiting you a lot recently,” you said from behind your teacup. You took another sip.
Wriothesley recalled his earlier meeting with the champion dualist.
“Yes, we had some tea.”
You turned away.
“There is no need to be, I assure you,” he said, feeling a deep sense of relief at the way you seemed so bothered by his meeting with your mutual friend. The same friend who had been lecturing him about his ‘mutual’ feelings for you. Perhaps it was because of your reaction, that he realised that Clorinde might have been right. Or he was delusional? Maybe it was both.
Wriothesley placed his mug down on the coffee table. His hand brushed your bare thigh and you both jolt.
“Who says I am jealous?” You snapped, your lip twitching.
He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.
“I don’t know. Maybe it’s because your lip twitches when you’re upset, and your pyro vision makes you heat the things around you without abandon. Your eyes lose that spark which makes them look like the spotlights guarding Meropide, and you refuse to look at me because you know I’ll see right through you. And I do. I see you.”
He took another sip from his tea, pretending to not notice your tea bubbling in your hand, and the crack growing on the side of the teacup.
“It’s not nice to make jokes like that, Your Grace,” you said nervously.
Your eyes darted about the office settling on anything but him. The bookshelves looked fuller than usual. Has he been reading more books?
“Indeed. It is not but come on you should know me better than that by now. I never joke about things like this,” he said. His voice was clear and sincere. “Is it so strange that I would want to give a few words of praise out of genuine adoration?”
Especially since he saw the way you’re reacting; he knew that it was real and not a fantasy from his misguided thoughts. He wouldn’t lose this opportunity to make his feelings clear. He was a straightforward guy, after all. When he knew what he wanted was within his reach he wouldn’t simply pass it up. It would be unjust. He wanted to watch you smile, to be the one that caused that smile; he wanted to be the first person you went to when something good happened in your life; he wanted to feel your skin and not just in passing touches; he wanted to let it scold him, to embrace the flames.
“Ah, it seems I have ruined the mood,” he said smoothly.
He stood.
You went to stand too, but when you did the boiling liquid in your teacup splashed your hand. You hissed and dropped it. The porcelain shattered against the metal ground; the liquid spilt everywhere.
Wriothesley sat back down on the settee and took your warm hand in his immediately not sparing a second to glance down at his soaked boots. They encased yours and worked to chill the burn; one of the many benefits of having a cryo vision. The two of you couldn't be any more different. Fire and ice co-exist? Impossible.  Unimaginable. Dangerous. The tenderness in which he held your hand sets your heart ablaze as if it wasn’t already. Had he been telling the truth? You knew the Duke better than most, and with that knowledge you know he wasn’t the type to lie about that, but did he mean it? Could he mean it?
“I’m sorry,” you said.
Wriothesley’s attention remained on the forming boil on your soft skin. He soothed it gently, trying not to give you frost-burn. Thankfully the natural heat of your skin stopped his cryo from hurting you further.
“For what?” he responded softly, bringing your hand up to his lips and breathing out cool frosty air. You felt like mush, and if it weren’t for the dull ache in your hand you would have snatched up the opportunity to run said hand through his salt-and-pepper hair. It always looked so soft and maybe he would allow you to touch it.
You pulled a face between flustered and self-loathing.
“That was one of your expensive teacups,” you managed to choke out.
He continued to blow cool air onto your hand.
“There will be other teacups,” he says, his lips barely an inch from your skin.
You wanted to melt on the spot.
He sighed and said your name sternly looking up at you through the haze of dark lashes.
“Why would I worry about a teacup when you are hurt?” he asked and lowered your hand from his lips. “In any case, I should apologise for ruining a perfectly good meeting. If you have said all you need to say then—”
You waved your hands, flabbergasting him as you snatched them from his cool encasing, momentarily forgetting about the burn, and cutting him off mid-speech.
“No, you didn’t,” you yelped.
He half smiled at the scarlet tint of your ears, and taking your burnt hand back into his, he proceeded to gently apply cryo to the festering burn.
“Ah, is that so?” he chuckled. “Alright then, how will you pay me back?”
“You broke my favourite teacup, after all. So—“ he said your name with a hint of mischief in his smooth voice. “How will you pay me back?”
“That’s not fair!” You straightened in your seat. “How can that be your favourite teacup when they all look the same? Are you just saying that to make me feel worse than I already do?”
He cocked a brow and tugged you forward. You fell into him, your free hand coming to rest on his lower abdominal. Your nose brushed his, and you felt his cool breath against your cheeks. His breathe smelt of spearmint. Your lips twitched and you tried to focus on the scar under his eye (the one you’ve always wanted to trace with the tips of your fingers) so as to not meet his icy blue stare, or to glance down at the obvious smirk on his lips. You wanted to kiss him; you could kiss him; would he let you kiss him?
Wriothesley watched your tongue dart out to swipe across your lips; he wanted to bite it; but he had more control than that. He had an image to uphold. The Duke was supposed to be fair and reasonable; he was supposed to lead by example and be a neutral figure of respect and reverence, not a brute without self-control. He pushed you back gently, hoping beyond hope that in your shock you haven’t noticed how hard he was.
“Kidding, of course,” he drawled.
Anger coloured your face and you punched his shoulder, half seriously. You hissed and shake your still very much wounded hand. You had been duelling partners for a while when you had spent a significant amount of time in the Fortress pretending to be a convict back when you were neither friend nor whatever you were now. He’d only agreed to it at the time because you managed to beat everyone and nearly him.
“You are breathtaking,” he muttered. “Come on let’s get you to Sigewinne.”
He stood and offered you his hand.
Your heart stuttered. Even though you weren’t native to Fontaine you were well-versed in their mother language, but even then, you didn’t believe your ears.
“What?” you asked.
He chuckled again, a deep and hearty sound.
“When will I stop doubting the ears of a seasoned traveler,” he said out loud although it was meant for his ears alone. He must have been mentioning your mutual friend, the blond traveler, and their small pixie pie companion, Paimon. You have been accompanying them on a few commissions and quests here and there, especially through Natlan. Which kept you away from Fontaine for significant periods of time, much to Wriothesley’s silent dismay.
However, he would never keep something so precious away from the light. He tried to keep a pet once—not that you were a pet—but he soon realised that it was wrong to keep something meant to be in the sun away from it. And if he couldn’t do it to a small animal then he definitely couldn’t do that to you. You were a traveller, not even native to Fontaine. Although you have made it clear countless amounts of times that Fontaine is your favourite region; he can’t help but feel like you weren’t meant to be chained to one place. He won’t be your administrator, the fortress won’t be your prison, and he couldn’t imagine keeping you in this cage with him. He refused to, even if his more selfish desires would have you cuffed to his desk where he could gaze upon you forever till you hated him and wished him gone.
“No, I want to talk first,” you said.
“I assure you we can talk after your hand has been seen too.”
Your tone went straight to his cock. You have never said his name, at least not his face. Even when you’re both around your mutual ‘friends’ you still have only ever called him ‘your grace.’ He wanted to hear you say his name again. He wanted to hear you say his name breathlessly, desperately, whilst you crumbled into each other. He cleared his throat and walked across his office hoping that the distance would stop you from noticing the obvious tent in trousers. He fiddled with the cuffs on his hips to distract himself and pulled at his tie.
“You really should go…to Sigewinne,” he said.
You approached him. He turned away from you facing a bookshelf. You brushed your fingertips to his forearm feeling the chilling aura around his skin. You expected him to pull away, for him to stop you from going past the point of no return, but he didn’t.
“Wriothesley,” you said his name again, this time with a wistful air. You don’t even realise you’re saying it. You never said it; not to him, only to the crisp cold darkness when your back arched on your sheets late into the night.
“Say it again,” he said.
“My name. Say it again.”
Your eyes widened as you realised your mistake. You have always tried not to say his name to separate your lustful fantasies from the real man.
He faced you, capturing your gaze and with it your heart too in his glacial eyes that looked so warm. “Please.”
You couldn’t help but obey. His name slipped out in a hushed prayer: “Wriothesley.”
In turn, he said yours; just as quiet, just as wanting.
“You really should go to Sigewinne,” he said and ghosts his thumb along your jaw.
“What if I don’t want to?” you stepped closer. “What if I want to stay right here?”
His expression darkened.
“You shouldn’t,” he said with no bite behind it.
You didn’t budge.
“Can I kiss you?” You asked, sounding way more desperate than you intended. Before you could cringe at yourself, he had you caged in his arms, mouth cold against yours. He groaned when you bit down on this bottom lip, and for the first time, you felt his thick erection brush against your stomach.
None of your wildest fantasies could compare to the reality of kissing Wriothesley and any pain in your hand disappeared altogether. He kissed you like you’re the only thing tethering him to the earth; like you were his last gulp of air before he dissolved into primordial water.
He tugged on your shirt.
“If you don’t take this thing off right now I’m going to rip it,” he said, his breath laboured.
You reached under your shirt, and he helped you slip it over your head. He threw it away and pulled you into another kiss. His hand wrapped in your hair.
You took off his tie and his waistcoat, his usual fur coat was already draped on the back of his large red chair. He stopped you unbuttoning his shirt, shaking his head, trailing kisses along your jaw, and down your neck as he walked you backwards to his desk. He unclasped your bra. He watched it slide down your arms and then tossed it somewhere that was going to be your future you’s problem.
“Up,” he ordered.
You jumped up, wrapping your arms around his neck. He grasped the underside of your thighs and placed you down on the free space of his grand desk.
He bit your shoulder, and you moaned out his name in a way that had him almost feral. He lapped at the wound and kissed it. You threw your head back biting down on your lip. He continued leaving kisses and nibbles along your collarbone, slowly lowering until your breasts were under his hungry gaze. You suddenly felt nervous. You wouldn’t say you were insecure in your looks. You knew that your looks were something to behold and of which you were very proud. They’ve come in handy in your many jobs as many times as they have caused unnecessary issues but being under the watchful gaze of Wriothesley felt different… intimate. You tried to bring your hands up to cover yourself. Wriothesley caught your wrists, looking up at you from his crouched position.
“Don’t you dare. You’re beautiful.”
“Wriothesley,” you said.
“If you aren’t comfortable, we can stop,” he assured you, although the words pained him and his dick, consent was king—always. If you weren’t comfortable, he could always sort himself out later. You were the most important thing to him. He let go of your wrists and you dropped them, letting him feast his eyes on your breasts.
“Don’t stop. Please.”
“Are you sure?” he asked again.
“If you change your mind, just tell me and we’ll stop,” he said. “Give me a safe word.”
“Cake,” you instantly responded.
“Cake?” He cocked a brow. “Cake, it is.”
Without a moment spared, he grasped your breasts and planted a kiss there, dragging his lips over your nipples in a way that made you shiver. He smiled to himself at the occasional whimpers that left you; even more pleased that he was the one causing them.
“I love the noises you make. I love your voice. I’m obsessed with it. I wish to capture it and listen to it whenever you’re away,” he groaned.
He dragged his tongue down, further, and further until he was on his knees, he pushed up your skirt that had been bothering him since you crossed your gorgeous legs earlier. He was tempted to have you keep it on when he fucked you, for no other reason than the thought that the next time you decided to wear that poor excuse of a skirt he knew all you would be able to think about was how he messed you up in it. The thought brought him immense pleasure.
 He slid his hands into your shorts, squeezing your thighs. The flimsy piece of black material and whatever surprise underwear beneath it were the only things keeping him from what he wanted. He wanted to taste you. He wanted to feel how you’ll curl on his tongue; he wanted to feel you gripping his hair and screaming his name as he brought you to a high only he could give you.
“These damn shorts,” he grumbled.
“I climb mountains. How else am I going to keep myself comfortable?” you asked.
He tutted and tore them open; the fabric did not put up much of a fight at all.
“I guess you won’t be climbing mountains anytime soon,” he said guiding the torn fabric down your legs.
“Those were my favourites, you brute.”
He winked up at you.
“Ah, I suppose that makes us even,” he drawled.
Was he thinking about that damn teacup right now?
“How are you?” He said, checking in on you.
He smiled and your heart melted a little.
He froze when he took in the sight of your lingerie.
“Were you thinking of me when you bought these?”
“Don’t get too cocky,” you said.
“Too late.”
You bit your lip. It hadn’t been intentional, your underwear matching the colour of his eyes. He trailed his nose up the soaked fabric brushing your clit. You grabbed his hair at the stimulation. You felt the beginnings of the scruff threatening to break out of his chin tickling you as he guided your lingerie aside and gave your clit an ardent lick. Wriothesley wasn’t big on savoury treats, but you weren’t savoury, you tasted like you, and you were fast becoming his favourite dessert.
“You taste divine,” he said.
“Oh Archons,” you muttered.
“They won’t hear you down here,” he said.
It didn’t take long before your toes were curling, and you were chanting his name. Wriothesley gripped your thigh with one hand and fingered you with the other, stretching you out in preparation for him; because if there was one thing he was sure of, it was that you were going to cum around him. He was going to feel the way you would clench around him; he was going to watch your blissed-out face twist as he fucked you hard into his desk. Although he would love to feel you climax on his face there would be time for that. He’d be damned if this was the first and only time he had you. You were his. Morals and reputation be damned, he wanted—no, needed to be inside you. He didn’t care if the entirety of Meropide could hear you; in fact, he got off on the thought.
Just when you felt like you were about to climax, he pulled away and licked his lips. You glared at him as he stood and bent over you kissing you softer than before. You could taste yourself on his lips, and instead of it turning you off it spurred you on. You wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist, grinding against his clothed erection.
“Do you trust me?” he asked between heated kisses.
Everything felt wet like you both were melting, and you probably were. If so, you didn’t care, becoming water wasn’t half bad if it was with him. You heard his cuffs before you saw them spinning around the two fingers that had been inside you.
“Right now, no,” you lied.
He half smiled.
“I suppose I deserve that. I guess I’ll just have to persuade you then.”
You untangled from around him. He stepped back unbuttoning his shirt and revealing lean scar-littered skin. You wanted to reach out and so you did, tracing the long jagged discoloured scars, slightly keloid. Some looked fresher than others. He shivered and breathed out a low groan when you grazed over his nipple. He raised his signature cuffs.
“Give me your wrists,” he said.
It clinked when it secured around both wrists. The spiked metal looked so beautiful against your skin; he was almost tempted to throw away the key.
“Oh no, you’ve caught me, your grace,” you teased. Something you shouldn’t have done because the way he looked at you after told you that you had triggered something in him.
“You did break my favourite teacup after all,” he said.
“I thought we were even.”
You watched him slowly unbuckle his belt and step between your legs. There would be time for savouring the moment later, many moments if he could help it but not then. You felt his erection only covered by the thin fabric of his boxers press against your vagina, he leans over you caging you between his arms and the desk.
“Indeed, we are for breaking.” He nibbled on your ear, “but that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook. That was an expensive cup you know some flimsy shorts won’t cover the costs. You should know I only play fair, and you got some of the tea on my freshly shined boots.”
Your cuffed hands resting on your stomach fiddled with the lining of his boxers. You lost your breath when he nuzzled into the base of your neck.
“Don’t tease me,” he grunted.
You manage to slip his cock out.
“Says the man who denied me my orgasm.”
You felt his smile on your neck.
He rubbed his cock along your folds but didn’t push in. He wanted to be sure that you’re sure.
“I don’t think friends do this,” he said as he continued to edge your hole.
“Just fuck me already,” you sassed.
He thrust into you, filling you completely. He was thicker than you expected, thicker than you had had before. You couldn’t be more thankful for the earlier foreplay because without it he wouldn’t have fit. He remained still for a while, and you slowly adjusted to his size. The dull ache of the intrusion quickly turned from discomfort to bliss.
“Fuck, you feel amazing,” he breathed. “Don’t stop saying my name.”
You didn’t.
“Good girl,” he said.
The desk jutted, the papers shook, and books slid off the desk smacking the floor in their wake, but the sound was lost to you both. Despite his strong persona, and much to your delight, he didn’t hold back his occasional whimpers, and grunts. The sound blessed your ears like a symphony. Sometime after your first orgasm, he took off the cuffs and threw them to his settee.
He left the occasional bites and kisses on the underside of your jaw, and down to your breasts. You, in turn, added to the long scars down his back, your nails clawing into the flesh. He would treasure those when they scarred.
You guided his face up from your neck, where he had been breathing you in as if he couldn’t get enough of you into his system. In truth, he couldn’t. You kissed him deeply, filling it with all the words you hadn’t yet been able to say. You felt your third climax on the horizon as he hit the same spot that made your back arch.
“Wriothesley,” you said against his mouth. “There.”
He chased your lips.
“That’s it,” he said, rolling his hips. He slipped a hand between your rocking bodies and rubbed your swollen clit. You let out a needy moan.
 “I’ve got you,” he said as you clenched around him.
Your orgasm washed over you like a tidal wave of primordial water. He held you to him, as he continued to thrust towards his own high, encasing you in his arms.
“That’s it, that’s my girl,” he groaned.
 Wriothesley felt like he was on cloud nine. Being with you was entirely different from what he imagined in the best way possible. It felt like a dream having you here, in his arms, pliant to his every desire. In each kiss, he pretended that you felt the same way; that you wanted the same things. He pretended that this moment wasn’t just a moment but forever—because he wanted you forever.
He slowed down prolonging the experience and straightened up looking down at the fucked-out expression on your face. He knew he didn’t look any better. Swiping a hand through his hair, he continued to roll his hip slowly. He placed a hand on your pelvis steadying you. Your body was covered in a sheen of sweat which glistened under the light of the office. He felt like he was melting into you—like you were melting into each other.
“Can I?” he asked.
“Yes,” you answered opening your arms for him, beckoning him home. And truly, to him, you felt like home.
He pushed his damp hair back once again, before leaning over you. With a final grunt and a spam of your walls around him, he came. He didn’t pull out right away, wrapping his arms around you as if afraid to let go.
Your thighs were sticky from your combined releases, and your body felt like it had been sitting in a sauna for hours but seeing the rare, satisfied look on his face made it all worth it. He closed his eyes and sighed.
“How are you feeling?” he asked.
“You owe me new shorts,” you said.
“I’ll buy you as many shorts as your heart desires,” he uttered, tiredly.
He hummed and nodded slowly.
“Good because I think I’m going to need a lot of them if you’re going to rip them off every time,” you said causing him to perk up. “You know to repay for the teacup.”
“Unless this was a one-time thing then—“you hesitated.
He kissed you again, unable to hide his smile.
“Next time let’s use my bed.”
“I’d like that,” you said.
He tried to intertwine your hands, but you winced when he brushed against the forming boil.
“Let’s get you cleaned up and to Sigewinne, for real this time.”
“First, can we have a cup of tea?” you asked.
He laughed. Of course, you wanted to have tea. He could do with some tea too; he was famished after all. He laid a kiss on your forehead and made a mental note to send Clorinde an extra box of his finest tea.
“Of course, first let's clean up and then we'll have tea. I promise, but don’t spill it this time.”
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girlkisser13 · 2 months
hecate cabin headcanons
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a/n: hey!!! daughter of hecate here. can you guys tell that i grew up reading pjo and harry potter? 😭
children of hecate
• their grades in school usually aren't always the best, but they constantly surprise (annoy) their teachers by knowing the most random facts because their mother is the goddess of trivia.
• naturally, they love fantasy novels.
• a lot of them are triplets, or have two other siblings, since three is a very sacred number (not just in greek mythology, but since hecate has three technical personas).
• when claimed, hecate gifts them with a familiar that is tied to the demigod's life and goes on quests with them. the familiar strengthens their magic and they share a strong psychic bond.
• many of them have their own personal grimoires and journals.
• they often watch witch movies and television shows and laugh at the inaccuracies (but they all secretly jot down spells for inspiration).
• despite their slightly mysterious and creepy appearances, they actually are really nice.
• at the end of summer, they put on a magic show for the little campers.
• they love teaching their new siblings magic and watching them freak out when they turned everything into pineapples and watching over them as they’re levitating in their sleep before they learn to control it.
• they have a side hustle of tarot card readings, palm readings, tea leaves and miscellaneous spells.
• they can all see through the mist and control it with ease, making it hard for the hermes cabin to prank them.
• they all have their own deck of tarot cards and there’s crystals everywhere.
• they all strongly believe in astrology.
• they’re all naturally skilled in the use of daggers.
• although their mother is sometimes depicted as a maiden goddess, none of them have ever explicitly stated if they are born the "traditional" way or if they are conceived in ways similar to children of athena.
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cabin exterior
• the cabin's architecture is a blend of ancient and mystical styles, with elements of gothic and greco-roman designs.
• the walls have intricate carvings of magical symbols, runes, and mythical creatures.
• out in front of their cabin, they grow yew, nightlock, and many other herbs (to use in potions).
• they have a dedicated area behind the cabin for practicing spells and rituals, complete with a stone altar and circles of power. this area is also surrounded by protective wards.
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cabin interior
• the runes and inscriptions in the stones they used to build their cabin don't only strengthen the walls of their cabin and lessen their unintended spell-casting, but also make it so their cabin is bigger on the inside.
• charms and talismans hang from the eaves and doorways, tinkling softly in the breeze and adding a layer of protection and enchantment.
• they have their own treasure room in which they keep objects their have collected on their quests.
• they only keep the magical or enchanted objects though and send everything else to the attic of the big house.
• they have a basement (like many of the other cabins) complete with a lily pond that includes a couple of frogs, the walls are lined with hundreds of magic books and it is where they spend hours on end learning from their siblings how to control the mist and cast spells.
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cabin traditions
• everytime they get a new sibling, they have a moving in party.
• they make tons of broom shaped snacks, prepare a few spell books and potion brewing books. as soon as the sibling walks into the room they all yell. "YER A WIZARD" and the party begins.
• every year, on halloween, they choose a city to go to and use the mist to confuse the mortals.
divider by @anqlicrosie
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muxshwriting · 2 months
we always do...
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Theseus Scamander x reader
summary: theseus and his wife may have very conflicting views on war, but they'll never go to bed angry and never leave the other in danger || warnings: fighting, violence || word count: 1567 || masterlist
REQUESTED by @malvikareader: Can you please write a Thesues Scamander x reader fic from your imagination (my minds not working as of now)
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You often disagreed with your husbands job. Not in theory, because being an auror is an honourable and noble career. But in practise, the ministry was throwing him recklessly into a war and not to capture dark wizards. You knew that you couldn't stop Theseus from fighting, the reckless and caring man he is. But you wanted him to stay alive, even if it meant arguing with him about safety and trying to get him to take care of himself before running into danger to help others.
"Why do you have to go and fight?"
"I'm the head of aurors." Theseus said incredulously.
"You don't deserve to fight and die in this war just because you're an auror. You didn't sign up to be a soldier."
He shrugged. "Sometimes that's what the world needs."
You nod, seemingly finished with the disagreement before continuing to speak. "Where's you brother?"
"He's sent us a letter," You hold up said letter for Theseus to see. "He's put together a haphazard alliance to try and singlehandedly take down Grindelwald. An alliance he implies you already knew about. Are you and Newt insane, Theseus? Have you been checked?"
Theseus chuckled slightly at your words. "Darling, Newt only told me about his team today. The letter arrived later than expected. I'm going to try and stop him from getting himself killed."
"Then I'm going to stop you from being killed." You declare.
"I'm not going to be killed, Y/N."
"You're throwing yourself into a suicide mission and I can't let you do it alone. Look-"
Theseus pulled you into his arms. "I know. I know." He comforts. "We'll get through this together, right?"
You give him a watery smile. "We always do."
"We always do." He agrees, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead and then your lips.
The two of you sit in silence for a moment, your hands fidgeting in your lap as you start to realise what the future may hold for you and your husband. Slowly, you're realising the harrowing weight of your new quest and the increasing likelihood of an outcome that involves death.
"Have you got something on your mind?" Theseus asks softly.
"Besides the obvious, no." You glance out of the window, unable to look him in the eyes. "I love you Theseus."
He replies in earnest. "I love you too."
The crowd shouts as Newt leads you all through the German Ministry of Magic. Theseus' hand has a firm grip on yours, keeping you close to him and trying to keep you safe. You stay by his side as Newt tries to pass on his message to Vogel. The Supreme Mugwump steps up to make his final speech, beginning normal and then starting to take a more sinister turn.
Newcomers begin to slink into the room, a few faces recognisable from Paris. They're Grindelwald's followers, meaning that this tea party in Berlin won't end as calmly as you hoped it would. The three of you follow the newcomers as they weave through the crowd, being watched as you do this and almost taunted by them.
"... insufficient evidence exists to prosecute Gellert Grindelwald for the crimes against the muggle community of which he was accused." The Supreme Mugwump pardons Grindelwald of all his crimes as Theseus approaches his followers, attempting to place them under arrest.
One sneaks up behind you and a wand presses against your temple. Your body freezes in place as you try to see who has you under threat. The shift of your head had the wizard behind you wrapping his arm around your neck to hold you in place.
"Theseus!" Before he could reply, Theseus is hit with a spell he never saw coming and drops to the ground. The crowd began to thin as people didn't want to be involved and swiftly left the room. You begin to struggle against his grip, trying to fight back but an utterance is heard and the world goes black.
When the world comes back into view, the first thing you realise is that you're upside down. Secondly, your hands and ankles are bounded together and chained to the ceiling of the dank cell you find yourself in. Thirdly, you're alone. Theseus is nowhere to be seen but you can hear the chinking of chains to your right.
The clinking stopped. "Hello? Y/n, is that you?"
"Theseus!" At least you weren't in this prison alone. "Are you alright?"
"I think so?" The answer came out as a question. "I'm upside down for some reason."
You can't hold back your laugh, imagining your husband strung up by his ankles and swinging in his cell. "Me too. I think the blood is getting to my head."
Theseus sighed. "Yeah. Are you alright though? You aren't hurt?"
"I'm alright." You reply. "Can't wait to get out of here, but alright."
The two of you hang together for many hours, drifting in and out of consciousness as the blood rush become too much at times. You're awoken to someone calling Theseus' name and getting closer.
"Rescuing us are you?" Theseus tries to joke.
"That's the general idea!" Newt replies, edging closer. You see he's being followed by a large consortium of crabs, all copying the bizarre way he is walking.
"Is this a strategic move or do you just like to walk like that sometimes Newt?" You ask him.
Newts shrugs slightly. "It's called limbic mimicry, supposed to discourage violent engagement."
"Supposed to?" Theseus asks.
"Theoretically. I've only attempted it once before with inconclusive results." He continues to ramble about his experiment as he now faces Theseus.
A giant tail sprouts from the central darkness to assess the space next to Newt. The three of you freeze in place, Newt dodging the tail. A few levels down, a firefly lamp goes out and the prisoner screams. The tail retracts and a stinger takes it's place, aiming directly for the screaming prisoner and dragging him down into the depths.
In the chaos of the smaller crabs, Newt cut Theseus down and moved on to sever your bonds as well. You dropped to the floor, angling your body so you'd land on your side and shoulder instead of your head.
"Thanks Newt." You sarcastically say, pulling yourself to your feet and moving towards Theseus. Newt was once again focused on the crabs, who were interested in you all again.
"And the plan is?" Theseus asks.
Instead of answering, Newt cupped his hands to his face and blew, letting a whistle-like noise echo throughout the prison.
"Uh Newt? That's not a plan."
"We're gonna need some help." He suddenly struck up his pose to 'discourage violent engagement' and the crabs copied him without hesitation. After the exchange of some heavy looks, you and Theseus copied him and began to the slow ascent to the exit.
Just as you neared the top, Theseus stepped on one of the crabs, crushing it. Before any of you could say a word, the lamp began to flicker in and out and the distinct rumbling of the giant creature began. The tail popped up from the darkness and the trio ran. As you weaved through narrow stone corridors, the creature's tail crashed through walls just behind, hunting for it's prey. It began to shoot poison from it's stinger that was so strong it melted stone.
You and Theseus were separated as you tried to avoid the flying poison and the onslaught of regular crabs which had reappeared. The number of appendages that the creature had seemed to only grow as they appeared in every direction, hunting for you.
As a limb reached toward you, you jump over a different limb and continue to run. Spotting Theseus in the corner of your eye, you make a beeline towards him and almost crash into him as you slowed, Newt joining you. You all took off down yet another hallway as the rocks collapsed behind you, separating the creature from the group. Or so you thought.
Before you had a second to breathe, the creature had wrapped an arm around your waist, squeezing you and pulling you backwards. Theseus called out your name, grasping your hands in his and trying to keep you close. Newt tries to help but Theseus' grip falters for a moment and you slide closer to the edge.
Out of nowhere, Pickett appears with Newt's wand and you all fall into the pit before apparatting out of that godforsaken place.
Your back slams onto forest floor, limb still wrapped around your waist. The feel of it repulses you as you try to squirm your way out and push it off of you. Theseus pulls it off as it continues to move and wriggles away through the leaves.
Now on your feet, your hands are batting off and dirt and leaves stuck to you, still convinced you were being crushed by the creature. Your heartbeat is pounding in your ears and your hands have a slight shake to them. Theseus gently approaches, grasping your hands in his and staring into your soul.
"You're alright. It's over. We're safe."
"We got through it." You mutter, stumbling into his arms.
Theseus melted in your embrace, dropping his head onto your shoulder. "We always do."
"We always do..." You whispered back like a mantra, a prayer that you both would and a promise that you did.
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zykamiliah · 1 year
So we know SQQ uses The Wives/The Women as a stand-in to talk around his attraction to Binghe, but another thing SQQ does is use the Original Shen Qingqiu as a way to talk around his own personality, (negative) emotions, and even self-esteem, either by contrasting himself against him, or by finding similarities. It makes a lot of sense, since he's inhabiting the body of the original, the person he needs to, to a certain point, imitate to survive.
From the very beginning, SQQ finds similarities between o!SQQ and him, and says he doesn't get why someone with reputation, good cultivation and the biggest sect backing him up would be so envious of other people's potential to the point of scheming against them. The Original Shen Qingqiu was not satisfied with the things he has and instead of idling his life away, like Shen Yuan in his previous life, he's digging his own grave.
When rummaging through the carriage interior, SQQ finds a lot of stuff that was frankly unnecessary to take on such a short trip, like "five or six different tea sets". And noting this, SQQ thinks,
No matter that in his past life he could have counted as a wealthy second-gen, he still hadn’t been this pointlessly indulgent in his pursuit of first-world affluenza, okay? (Chapter 1: Scum)
He's saying, "unlike him, i wasn't needlessly indulgent".
Another example is when he compares his own competency to that of O!SQQ. He does this a few times in the first volume.
The original Shen Qingqiu’s skill at facing down demons should have made this quest as easy as killing a chicken with a knife. Shamefully, the knife had failed to even hit the chicken. In seconds, Shen Qingqiu discovered something that made his mood even worse. (Chapter 2: Mission)
In other words, "unlike the original goods, I am so uncool right now". But the best thing about this part is that... it puts SQQ in a bad mood. I want to call attention to the fact that he feels shame for failing, for being being weak when he should be strong. Shame doesn't come out of nowhere.
Rereading this volume and noticing this few hints of his character and emotions really challenge the notion that SQQ/SY is just an easygoing person. There's a lot of mental gymnastics being performed so he doesn't have to confront his own emotions. If the unreliable narrator tells me he's easygoing, should I believe him? I am questioning everything he says until it's confirmed by his actions.
Now, going back to how he uses o!SQQ to talk about his own competency, and most important, how he feels about being competent, strong, etc.
Surrounded by the cheers of the sect’s disciples, Shen Qingqiu attained a complete victory in the first match.
At this moment, Shen Qingqiu realized why the original flavor had clung to being a poser like it was his lifeline—it was unbelievably satisfying. (Chapter 2: Mission)
Why is it so hard to say "being cool feels so so good"? Being admired, strong and capable is something he comes to enjoy, and I wonder about Shen Yuan, and what was his life like. Why does he have to use o!SQQ to open a sentence about why being "a poser" feels good. He won't say he himself is a bit of a poser, or that it feels good to be cool.
The original flavor pushed Luo Binghe onto the battlefield because he was shameless! He didn’t care about the sect’s reputation! He hated Luo Binghe to the bone, enough to want to vicariously torture him via the hands of demons!
The current Shen Qingqiu didn’t share any of those three motives! (Chapter 2: Mission)
SQQ is not shameless, in fact there's a lot of shame in him. He cares about the sect's reputation, even if he's been in PIDW for, what, a few months? And most of that time he spent it in a cave cultivating. I wonder why he latched himself to the sect so quickly? As if a part of him always wanted a place to belong to, be part of, play an important role, a place he could contribute to.
“Do you think that the burden of peak lord will be too heavy, Qingqiu?” asked Yue Qingyuan.
The original Shen Qingqiu would most likely have suspected that Yue Qingyuan was trying to undermine his authority or something of that sort. However, the current Shen Qingqiu knew that Yue Qingyuan was genuinely worried about him overworking himself and damaging his health(...) (Chapter 3: Favor Points)
He's saying: "unlike him, i don't misunderstand people", which is... clearly not the truth, but he doesn't know that. SQQ thinks he has a pretty good grasp about people's intentions and that he's good judge of character.
All that said, the quote that actually made me connect the dots about how SQQ invokes the original to talk around his own emotions is this one, when they're facing MBJ:
“Unusually inferior talent,” [Mobei-Jun] said. “Foundation and techniques inflexible. Leave.”
Shen Qingqiu said nothing.
He wasn’t some unmatched genius in the Human Realm, but his talent was still at least one in a thousand. And Cang Qiong Mountain’s foundation and techniques weren’t inflexible, they were orthodox! Mobei-Jun still described them as he would a pile of garbage. If the original Shen Qingqiu had heard this, he would have coughed up three liters of blood and run away crying to make a voodoo doll. (Chapter 4: Conference)
But wait, that first sentence kind of sounds familiar, doesn't it?
From early on, he’d known that even if he idled the rest of his life away, he’d never want for food. Perhaps due to this carefree upbringing, devoid of either competition or pressure, he came to believe that ranking in the top ten of a competition was good enough, so long as it had more than ten people. (Chapter 1: Scum)
He's saying "as long as I score among the best I don't have to be a top ranker". Like, if he's comparing himself to others, he won't feel bad because he's not at the bottom. He's average, and average is good, right? Like a "at least I passed the test, I don't need a top score" type of thinking. It feels like something he'd tell himself to feel better about his own performance.
The middle child, saying that as long as he has an average rank everything is fine? Hahaha. Yeah ok, Shen Yuan. (wtf are you hidinnnng)
But I want to draw your attention to this sentence
If the original Shen Qingqiu had heard this, he would have coughed up three liters of blood and run away crying to make a voodoo doll.
because it's so fascinating how SQQ is mentally incapable of admitting to himself that his pride has been hurt by MBJ's words. He feels insulted, and he channels that emotion by projecting his feelings on and picturing what the original would feel in that situation.
Oh, but zy, isn't this just SQQ's humorous running commentary on everything that happens to him? Maybe he's not really upset about what Mobei-Jun said about him having "unusually inferior talent".
Nope. He's really, really pissed off
Just as the sword array was about to come down like sheets of rain, Shen Qingqiu snarled within his heart.
I’ve done my best, but he still thinks I’m low-level trash, so what can I do?!
How loathsome! If I have to die, couldn’t it at least be in a better-looking way? After being stabbed with hundreds of black swords, I’m going to be a sieve! Who could bear to look?!
He SNARLED in his heart. MBJ didn't call him low-level trash, he did that himself. It pisses him off that he's going to die in such an uncool way that will leave him looking like an ugly bloody pulp.
Is this really a guy that doesn't care about his reputation or how he looks to others, that calls himself an "easygoing person"????
This is a guy that has had to repress every emotion related to his own pride and self-esteem. And this is something he was doing in his previous life. Again, what the fuck was going on with the Shen family?!
I don't think this is the way a man that is satisfied with his lot in life would think.
Shen Qingqiu was a man of few needs; he would have been satisfied just idling away to a ripe old age. In that way, it wouldn’t be that different from how his previous life had been going.
youre LIYING. I'm not going to trust anything you said about yourself EVER AGAIN. you were so satisfied to "idle your life away" you died from eating expired yogurt! you were clearly repressed and depressed and unhappy and pretending to be okay!
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darielivalyen · 4 months
Everbloom: Free | Full game | Cozy Fantasy
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Everbloom is a cozy fantasy game set on the idyllic Everbloom Isle, a place where the charm of a simpler life and the warmth of a close-knit community come together. In this tranquil world, you’re invited to slow down, cherish the small moments, and find joy in building connections and creating a space where everyone feels at home.
Your journey centers on the dream of opening a teahouse, an aspiration deeply influenced by your longing for independence and a meaningful life. This dream becomes a reality with the inheritance of your grandmother’s house on Everbloom Isle. Here, in a setting far removed from the bustle of city life and your family’s expectations, you begin the delicate process of building a new life for yourself.
Are you ready to leave behind the monotony and dullness of daily life and build the teahouse of your dreams on Everbloom Isle?
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Play as male, female, or nonbinary.
Choose your appearance and personality.
Romance or befriend one of three distinctive characters: a brave knight seeking a new purpose, a mischievous oakling who finds joy in life’s lighter moments, or an enigmatic elf with a complex past, seeking solace and clarity on Everbloom Isle.
Create and customize your own teahouse.
Cultivate and enhance your grandmother’s garden.
Explore Everbloom Isle in search of unique tea saplings.
Interact with a host of quirky characters, from the whimsical Holy Cow and her not-at-all terrible fish choir to giant turtles, winged wolves, and mysterious fernlings.
Follow a lovely little quest from the Holy Cow that will challenge you to build friendships, honor your grandmother’s legacy, and expand your collection of unique teas.
Overall: 220.000. Playthrough: 60.000.
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Sir Castian/Dame Castillia Honeycutt
Personality: brave, honorable, old-fashioned, bashful. Blurb: In a land where swords are replaced by teacups, Casti(), a knight accustomed to battles and quests, struggles to find his/her role. Everbloom Isle, with its whimsical ways, challenges him/her to redefine what it means to be a hero. Can you help him/her weave his/her knightly virtues into the fabric of your new home?
Narciso/Narissa Roseblade
Personality: mischievous, lighthearted, adventurous, non-committal. Blurb: Nar()’s presence on Everbloom Isle is like a breeze through the Elder Tree’s leaves–light, unpredictable, and full of life. His/her playful antics and seemingly carefree nature captivate those around him/her. Yet, there’s a depth in his/her eyes suggesting more than just whimsy. Will you be the one who figures out what really inspires his/her eternal dance through the grove?
Ideru/Ideri Nightingale
Personality: calculating, composed, solitary, adaptable. Blurb: Ider() arrives at Everbloom Isle cloaked in an aura of intrigue, his/her quiet nature standing in stark contrast to the isle’s vibrancy. Amidst the isle's welcoming community, his/her enigmatic presence stirs a sense of curiosity. Will you be the one who digs into his/her mysterious past and discovers what brings him/her to Everbloom?
PS: If you're interested in why I decided to release Everbloom for free, you are welcome to visit the forum and look under the 'State of the Game' section. I explained everything there! 😊
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verxsyon · 11 months
·:*¨༺ ❝ 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐀 𝐁𝐄𝐓? ❞
wriothesley always wins his bets against you. for this round, the stakes are getting much higher. how long will it take for the captain of the gardes to admit their feelings to the duke? will this be the moment you’ll finally come out victorious, even though you have to pretend that your feelings toward him are in denial?
✧ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠. wriothesley x gn!reader
✧ 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭. drabble ; 0.6k
✧ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞. coworkers to lovers au ; fluff
✧ 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚. no way, it's almost been a year since i wrote a drabble and for genshin too. wrote this during class today, so it looks pretty rushed lol. this man’s the death of me. he can choke slam me like he did with douchier dougier in his story quest. and no, i’m not sorry for saying that.
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A defeated sigh escapes your lips as your cards rain down from your fingers onto Wriothesley’s desk. “Unbelievable. A first-time TCG player beat me in all three rounds. So, what do you want your prize to be? A tea company from the surface?”
“Haha. Your suggestions are becoming more adventurous, captain.” Wriothesley kicks back on his chair with a great idea in mind from the smug smile on his face. “Meet me there at night. You’ll help me sneak in, and I’ll rob its entire collection.”
You narrow his eyes at his sarcasm, and he surrenders. “Alright. I'll settle with a tea cup set. The cups in my current one are broken and the teapot has some cracks, so it’ll be nice to have a new one.”
“Okay, I’ll place an order from the surface and ship it here.” You get up from your seat. “I must head back. The guards could be slacking off as we speak. Excuse me, your grace.” 
“Ah, actually.” You hear the chair scrape the floor and turn to face him, who’s now leaning against the front of his desk. “Before you go, there’s something I need you to investigate.”
“Of course. what is it?” He stops you from coming back to your seat by his hand on your shoulder, making you flinch. His expression’s gone rather ominous, and it stays that way when he leans closer to your ear.
“How long will it take for the captain of the gardes to admit their feelings for the duke?”
You cough violently and push yourself out of his hold. Despite his claims of not being omnipotent, his eyes and ears are everywhere within and beyond the fortress. But why are you still surprised that he’ll find out your feelings toward him eventually?
“Don’t tell me you believe those rumors, your grace?” You boldly deny, but deep inside you already know he totally won’t buy your facade based on your immediate reaction. “I’m assuming that’s what you want me to investigate, so again, please excuse me—”
“You didn’t answer my question, captain.” His fingers glide to your shoulder, akin to caressing it, and the temperature in your cheeks suddenly skyrockets. “So, how long will it take for the captain of the gardes to—?”
“I heard you the first time, your grace,” you say dismissively, screaming at him in your head to let you go back to your station and never talk about this matter ever again. “With all due respect, what’s the meaning of this?”
“Come on. Don’t tell me you already forgot,” he laughs as he goes back to his seat, hands folded on top of his desk. “Wanna bet?”
“This again?” you huff, more worn out from his ludicrous habits since you were stationed at the fortress as its security team. However, this could be an opportunity for you to finally win against him. If he decides to play the game this way, then might as well follow along to ensure your own victory. “Fine, I’ll say never.”
“Oh? No faith in the duke’s capabilities to charm them?” He seems confident with the answer he has come up with. “I’ll say within the next hour or two.”
“Ha! Overestimating the captain’s willpower to not fall for his charms, I see,” you counter, showing off your determination to win. “I’d like to see you try.”
“Alright then, it’s settled.” He shakes hands with you to solidify the agreement. “Oh, and captain? No need for your suggestions for this one. I know what I want as my prize.”
“Oh? And what would that be, your grace?”
Wriothesley just chuckles and tells you the most unpredictable thing that you never imagine being your fate as a loser. “How about a date with the captain themselves?”
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