#queue log: arrival
kalims · 8 months
he's a ten but he...
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premise. sometimes certain bad habits of theirs make their overall rating just a tad bit lower—besides the fact that they keep doing it.
characters. dorm leaders
content. gender neutral reader
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malleus (doesn't have a sense of space)
"look beastie, that flower is a native of ours,"
"I agree mal, but I didn't think you taking up the entirety of my seat will make me see it better,"
he blinks, then shrugs.
like i said, has NO sense of space.
if an average person would make an excuse to constantly be in physical contact with who they admire, then malleus is the complete opposite. well, not entirely but he doesn't even bother to construct an explanation as to why he's literally sat over your seat when you coincidentally get put in a table together.
if you start questioning him about it the most you'll get in a very outright 'because he wanted to.' it's not even one of those sarcastic replies he's 100% serious!
cause he believes there's no use in lying about things to be honest.. to further emphasize that, if he ever acts like he does hold fondness for you that surpasses the platonic meter but doesn't mention it he probably hasn't realized yet.
if he did he'd already walk over and bluntly tell you about it.
(I wish I could be that unbothered.)
lilia thinks it's the cutest thing though. you swear you see flashes of light for a split second from the ceiling but when you look up there's only a suspicious swinging chandelier.
^ totally has his own album full of pictures.
if malleus ever discovers it he won't even be disturbed, probably would ask for a copy 💯
since human lives, and their bodies are so fragile he'd taken it upon himself to protect you from harm. even if it means trailing behind you everywhere way too close for comfort, or standing a bees wing away.
while he is respectful most of the time, he's encouraged if you don't comment. if anything, he seems pleased you dont seem to be bothered! (and it'll get harder to tell him to stop when he's so happy the more you let it happen..)
"child of man, have you slept?"
*starts leaning his body forward, to squint at your eyes.* practically right in front of your face.
not even a warning or anything! but atleast he's concerned?
idia (won't even show up for anything and insists a 'virtual' date is better.')
user: where tf r u??
ghoul666: WDYM? at the dorm?
unintentionally stood you up 💀
you literally have to tell him that you're waiting for him to arrive at the specified area you discussed where your date would take place but would end up vastly irritated when he questions if you guys even did.
ghoul666: we do??
user: I'm taking my minecraft bed away from urs.
ghoul666: NO PLS
ghoul666: HELLO????
next time you log in minecraft it's probably because he begged you to play, you WILL end up seeing some kind of structure that probably took days to make. that's not even the entire thing cause the inside is entirely decorated to your taste.
in short: he constructed some kind of venue for a wedding.. even changed his skin to wear a tuxedo 😭
though he has sparked your pettiness, hence the ignoring him period. even you have got to admit that it's freaking adorable...
big sign, emphasis on please: Im sorry pls put ur minecraft bed back I can't sleep w/o u and I have to wait entire days for it to turn into morning :(
with what he's built you're sure it's 65% true.
if you do end up forgiving him, few weeks later attempting to schedule another date will only end up in naught.
ghoul666: can we not go there
user: 😐
user: you are testing my patience love
ghoul666: 😓 (he is screeching about the term of endearment part btw KABSJAJSAJA ortho would enter his room very concerned.)
ghoul666: how abt
ghoul666: mimic together? call
user: sighs
user: I'm only agreeing cause I want to spend time with you
queue more screeching from his end that you're completely oblivious to.
the only screeching you're gonna hear though is when you guys do get into call as you play, and it's mainly out of terror when his soul gets sent to the void ascending when the entity pops out of a corner and starts chasing him.
"I GOT THIS. ILL CARRY U THIS IS FINE" *screams again* but really wants to impress you so he pushes through.
unsurprisingly does carry you.
asks to match avatars right after (idia love languange)
vil (frets over you way too much.)
"vil, did you see the chocolate in the freezer?"
"oh, that? I noticed that you've already gone through the ideal number of bars this week so I took it upon myself to make sure you don't go sick on me,"
"I love you but please give it back—"
"I love you too, and no."
disclaimer: he does this for your own good 😜 (average mom excuse.)
looks out for you more than he does for his own dorm residents. everyone is wondering where he ran off to after class, especially since he's the one that scheduled the pomefiore meeting every fridays!
and to think he was the one getting irritated over the more newer first years for being late..
*shows up literally half an hour in*
why you ask? you simply shouldn't have texted him about abandoning your daily walk together through the gardens in favor of catching sleep since you called in sick (you're suspicious if crewel really did go in to check for proof, and not concern.)
vil's really feeling the absolute regret of not checking his phone during classes.. well, he only saw the message which was coincidentally sent like somehow ONE minute after the lecture started and he's only seeing it 59 minutes later.
oh you poor thing!! though the lunch break is short, he has about 5 minutes for a trip to the mirror chamber..
you'd think the 'seen' icon below your message was a weird omen for something you're not sure but it must be doom cause vil is right at the front porch of your crappy dorm. at his own expense?! looking more disheveled than you've seen him before.
if a few stray hairs was disheveled at all. more importantly, he still looked drop dead gorgeous!
you probably looked quite terrible with the blanket draped around your shoulders looking like you just crawled out of your grave, because he looked absolutely mortified at your state.
"oh great sevens.." he looked like he was faint, huffing and fanning himself with his hand. "look at you, why didn't you tell me sooner, darling?"
you blink, swallowing to make your throat less dry but your voice still comes out raspy. "I did, like an hour ago—" without your invitation whatsoever, he steps in. promptly shutting the door behind him (which surprisingly still stands sturdy.)
vil takes a hold of your shoulders before reaching his hands upwards to tilt your face around. "you should have sent earlier," he says. you keep in the comment that you were sleeping during it, and you told him about it during second period so.. "your face is so pale."
you sigh.
"yeah, I just saw. I know, I look hideous right now."
vil frowns at you, stopping to angle your face at him. "don't ever say that. I always find you beautiful even if you are.." he glances at you from face to toe, then back up. "sickly."
"... I feel offended."
"hmph, shush now. let me draw you a bath then I know something that will boost your system."
after much coaxing in his end, you reluctantly take a warm bath in the hopefully hygienic bathroom. true to his word, vil did... concoct something. though it looked pretty the random steam that flew from it was really suspicious.
the residents don't dare to question, except rook of course. who already knew what transpired! :)
epel: 😃 (atleast vil wasn't around.)
"roi du poison~ tell me, tell me! is the trickster well? have you cured them with your love?"
"rook, you have 5 seconds to get out of my face."
rook giggles away.
kalim (thinks money will buy anything, including your forgiveness.)
"here!" there's a suspiciously bright smile on his face as he hands you.. some keys?
you deadpan, jingling it in your hands. it weighs heavy than the average, probably because of the fact that it's literally made of gold. "... kalim what is this?" you emit a sigh, from suspicion and concern.
"a gift!"
"wait why does it say lot 111--"
as you can already, that was an actual, literal house. which you imagine would probably be a lots more grand, and new compared to your old baby ramshackle.
but you do love it despite it's love for falling apart at the most inconvenient of times..
fighting with kalim was rare but it was hard to even argue with him because the notion of disagreements are so bizarre to him that he unintentionally doesn't treat you seriously with your concerns, accidentally downplaying them aaaand now you're upset.
after the ranting to jamil about how you must be busy with a lot, since you haven't even talked to him in the past 2 days. all it took was a side glance to his friend in denial and jamil immediately knew.
"what do you mean they're mad!? D:"
"just.. go apologize, I don't want to get caught up in this."
if his definition of an apology is buying you an entire house...
( ^ it is btw.)
kalim really doesn't mean any harm. he just really wants to sate whatever anger you held for him <- maybe he's overthinking it but it's kalim so he's 99% sure it's his fault! even though it hasn't even been confirmed from your end he'd probably accept it whole heartedly.
he wanted you to talk to him again so badly that he wouldn’t mind showering you with houses... since your living situation doesn't live up to your kindness (sorry ramshackle love u xx)
you know what. he wouldn't even notice he's the reason you're upset at first even though he's been asking around on who put you in that mood. despite himself being the perpetrator but he didn't really know that did he?
the only reason he does is because he assumed you were just because you avoided him like some sort of.. cockroach! (he dislikes those.) and he couldn't take it anymore.
was probably 1 sec away from barging into your dorm which wouldn't take a lot of effort since one ram to the door would probably break it.
bless jamil for jailing all the carpets so kalim doesn't find them.
even if said carpets fling him off when he's riding them.
"kalim, why would you buy a literal house... and you also got a rare address paid--"
"for them! ;D"
"... you do know they'd be more offended by the fact that you'd try to replace that.., ahem. dorm, right?"
"oh... should I buy them a vehicle then?"
you only promise to forgive him once he takes back the keys, and the house entirely...
(grim begged you to keep it, 'house for him apparently.')
azul (keeps trying to offer you discounts thinking it's a good excuse to have you over.)
"I assure you. you'll find no deal better than this."
"I'm not even that hungry for sea food, actually I'm craving some--"
"you're in luck then! ahem, it's 26% off due to a special event for today."
pro tip: keep insisting to eat at other places cause he's gonna keep increasing the discount by 2% until you eventually relent. once, you made him go to the point of 75% off, it's almost hilarious if not for the fact it only worked once.
now he won't go last 50!
ahem. if you look closely you can almost spot tiny cracks accumulating with each denial you respond with, and each increase of his discount. he's grown to be wary about the bullshit 'lucky' promos you just happen to stumble on.
last time you did he practically lost a week's worth of the presumed income he's predicted cause you actually went around and told your first year friends about it... who.. in turn told some, other friends of theirs about it and you could guess.
love must hurt.. and unfortunately it's his wallet wailing.
but azul is not so easily swayed by this! for you have swayed him first! *wink wonk*
but azul has another trick up his sleeve... keeping on roping jade and floyd into it; whom are far too enthusiastic cause finally— something fun to do! someone to bother! not only have you got the most stubborn octopus having frequent suspicious 'deals' but here are his equally suspicious lackeys.
who keeps.. talking about fried octopus..
yeah, you're not sure if preaching about azul’s species is the job they were assigned.
they're fairly easy to point in the right direction anyways. the tweels have always associated you with the word 'fun' so just a little, friendly suggestion from and they were off to their merry way. mortifying every single person you come across with their sudden attachment.
one of their tricks? following you around. and just somehow, every single place you enter is just mysteriously full even though you peered inside and there was like 7 tables empty. what are they hosting? ghosts? spirits?
they do look like they've seen some though..
jade rn: "a shame indeed, you must be hungry. why don't we escort you back to monstro lounge?" :)
long story short you can't even reply cause the sleek eel is already guiding you around by the use of his hands on your shoulders. just to make sure you don't stray away from the destination, he says.
"didn't you say that yesterday's promo was like, a one day thing?" you quirk a brow, and you almost fool yourself into thinking he flinched.
azul clears his throat. "well—today is.. the month before you've graced octavinelle with your assistance—"
he praises himself for his quick thinking.
COME ON! it doesn't matter if you're sick of eating stir fried shrimp, or the butter one, or every single dish they serve that includes shrimp! (also do not mention that you ate somewhere else before you just decide to visit his dorm because that establishment just mysteriously got filed a non-legal business report.)
then you've got floyd chasing you around with a fork. which is more terrifying because he's holding it in a notion that would seem like he'd just stab down at you when he catches up with your little goose chase.
it's just.. you're not sure if your stomach could take another bite of the poor food he stabbed into, and is now chasing you around with.
you screech. "JADE PLEASE."
the man shrugs. "it's a free taste."
"... only on a condition of course."
frankly. it took all the balls he had to actually sputter out the most simplest sentence ever, cause during the time he rehearsed that in front of his mirror it just plagued him with embarrassment but he's getting desperate.
'I'd like to take you out to dinner, somewhere else of course.'
actually, maybe obliterating any possible craving for the food of his lounge just might've been part of his plans to ask you out..?
leona (prevents you from actually being productive via dragging you down to 'nap' every. single. time.)
"I will literally fail if you don't let go of me right now."
"hmph. so what? it's not like failing a grade killed anyone."
"leona just because you've lived through a lot of fails doesn't mean I have to, we're not all rich enough to not finish school."
to which he'd retaliate that all you'd need is to marry him and you'd be set for life.
there is no winning an argument with leona when it comes to his naps. if he states that you're to be next to him as he sleeps, its final. no buts, no retaliations, cause apparently they're all invalid according to him even if you drag him to court.
rhetorically of course, that if its a comical court scene his only statements are; 'well you're wrong', 'who cares', and 'i dont care'. one way or another he's still gonna win you over and now you're fit snugly in his arms, lamenting.
and if crowley chastises you for not doing the errands (via leona's common interference.) the only thing you need to honestly do is to complain to leona about it and suddenly crowley has the kindness to forgive you for your 'laziness' then says something about enjoying your time together?
leona's work no doubt.
you suppose he does has its perks. even if most of it isn't exactly ideal.
if you're being smart then you should give him an ultimatum or something, or bribe him. but... that really has no guarantee to work either cause you're ending up defeated, or just defeated and flustered since he's somehow unconsciously flirty.
at the end of the day you can't really hate him cause the following day you find out he sent an already sleep deprived ruggie to do your work. 'so you can shut your fussing up and let me enjoy you.' he says, and you quote.
it goes something like;
"if i finish my work i'll stick by you all day."
a stready flow of confidence keeps your voice firm as you glower down at the blank-faced leona sat on the grass. he merely tilts his head, raising a brow at you and seemingly pondering from the way his eyes fly to the sky.
you'd think that maybe your plan actually worked but he merely grunts and flops backwards, holding the back of his head with his palms as he laid. and! he ignores you.
...this little greedy man... "why should i care whether or not you finish your work?" he huffs, like the evil, arrogant spawn he is but you can't really defend yourself cause said evil spawn bewitched you so much that you actually still like him.
"because you care about me?"
"...fine," he scowls, releasing a breath you'd mistake for irritation. "then, do you really think i need you to finish your work when i can just keep you right here?"
you sulk. "i'll do anything you want?"
he deadpans as if you said something stupid. "i don't need you to anything else but sit still and be pretty."
see what i mean about him eventually winning you over? yeah.
next morning there's a rebellion in savanaclaw about overworked residents and ruggie is the head of them.
"he said that he doesn't need you today." <- ruggie, steering you away.
"really?" <- you, confused
riddle (overthinks TOO HARD.)
“I'm just a little busy.”
“I understand,” riddle says.
“I'm just a little busy.” he understands.
“a little busy.” its just… a small thought…
“I'm just busy.” his mind is a hazard at this point. 
for someone as supposedly maintained as riddle—you'd think his mind is as composed as it is organized. like the pens you'd perfectly align in correlation to order of colors, or the neat pile of clothing folded neatly, tucked in some corner in your closet that is farther in since it's used less.
that's just how he is, or at least seems to be. a bundle of organized thoughts, every thought connected to another. a mind too clean to be going on haywire (when he isn't in a particular mood, that is.)
you're just busy. he thinks. you said it yourself, with that agonizingly nice smile that must be sprinkled with some kind of spell from the way it just eradicated all the protests in his throat upon sight. he isn't one to question it, he wants to help but not if you don't ask.
he can only stare with resigned acceptance at your insomnia induced eyes.
but when the curtain of darkness befalls night raven college, even in the comfort of heartslabyul is he still thinking about that thought–and he can’t help but wonder; why exactly are you busy? its not that he’s suddenly hyper aware of your lack of presence since you’ve been attached to the hip the previous week and now you’re just.
riddle likes to think of himself as a level-headed, private person. like the boy he raised himself to be and therefore proud of. but its way past 10AM. which is usually the time he sleeps, and let me tell you that he’s never once broke the cycle for years. yet here he is, a frown of frustration present on his face as he wills his mind to sleep.
somehow closing his eyes felt forced, he immediately snapped them open once his mind decides to conjure an image of you even in the darkness his lids offers.
and the yell promptly woke up the entire dorm from the ferocity of his scream. (and of course gave them the flashback of their year.)
that night was one of the worst he’s ever had because he woke up with red rimmed eyes and a pounding headache that ensured his bad mood the rest of the day.
everyone noted to steer clear.
and he unknowingly steered clear of yours since you were ‘busy.’
“why are you sulking?” a voice queried, spoken as though they were eating something as they asked. a reprimand rises in his throat, but it all just dies down once his sharp eyes settle on you, slipping into the seat in front of him then raising a brow and the traces of irritation practically evaporates from his eyes.
he feels the need to cough–so he does. “i’m– i’m not.” he clears his throat, avoiding your eyes but still sneaking in glances, something he notes is that you’re still looking everytime he does. (and boring an unimpressed face because he knows you don’t believe him at all.)
guilt rises in his mind, because he feels a slither of annoyance and its the presence of pettiness that bothers him. riddle knows you’re not at fault, just his mind at convincing that you just somehow decided in the span of a day that you might not like him anymore–so he can’t help the bite. 
“why are you here?” a glance not intended to look mean.
“i thought you were busy.” he adds.
your brows raise, he spots your teeth holding your lips back from showing your grin and he feels warm. “what?” he hisses defensively, despite you not even having replied to him yet.
he leans backwards, straightening up in his seat when your chin leans forward, resting on your intertwined fingers. you flash him a smile. 
“mr. rosehearts, are you perhaps… sulking because i’m busy?”
“no.” he repeats, weaker.
“well,” you continue, beaming. “i heard from ace that you were awake the entire night, and that you kept him awake too. are you alright?” 
he sputters. “it wasn’t because of you!”
you snort. “i didn’t even say anything about me.”
so you incline to following riddle around, poking fun at him and still trailing after the seemingly enraged red head because despite his angry protests, demanding you to go away because you’re annoying he keeps glancing back to see if you’ll follow,
so cute…….
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fuck-customers · 8 months
hey gang! me again (from /post/741038774641983488, bitching about the two coworkers and the filthy deli slicer), and i guess we couldn’t go three days/two shifts without more bullshit from J1! as i write this it’s currently the morning after the shift described below. thankfully, i have the day off today, due to a prior appointment, so i might be able to wind down again before going in again tomorrow afternoon.
so before Chef C left on the hell shift prior, he asked me to be there at noon, when the first folks are showing up for their prep. good thing, too, because shortly after i arrive, before i even clock in, the head line cook (M) that showed up the same time i did informs me that he’s just gotten a text from C saying that both the sous chef S and the pantry cook J1 have called out for the day, leaving me as (currently) the only person available with any experience on pantry.
before i switched mostly to dish, this was fine, because i could rest assured that the old pantry lead (name irrelevant; no longer works there) would have as much as possible done and prepped for the next shift, even with the one day off we had between. the only time she wouldn’t is if the store was going to be closed for 3-4+ days straight and we needed to be concerned about spoilage. thus i would be left with minimal prep actually needed to be done and could just focus on the essentials.
considering this prior prep cook is the one who trained me and J1, it’d be safe to assume that she’d follow the same practices, right? well, clearly, that’s giving her too much credit, because again, i never got trained to any degree on how to make the vast majority of what gets “cooked” for pantry, and apparently she’s incapable of planning ahead even if for no other reason than to simply make her own job easier.
to make matters worse, we had just gotten a shipment, so the walk-in was packed full without any room to get around; i’d have put it away myself, but i don’t know where the vast majority of the shit goes, and i don’t want to fuck up the already tenuous inventory log situation that C constantly grouses about. i’m resultantly unable to get counts for anything we already have, so for the time being i focus on what i am able to easily access to get done, which is mostly plating desserts.
after a couple hours, a temp (E) comes in to help. there is a language barrier and she has never worked pantry before, only line, so i have to train her (through translation apps and my own rudimentary kitchen spanish) while also trying to figure out what the hell i’m doing myself. chef doesn’t get around to teaching me how to make two of the items we need until about half an hour before service starts, meaning i once again did not get a break and had to rush through making them myself, while i also try to get E set up with making sure everything she could put together was ready for service.
as you can probably imagine, this doesn’t go particularly well! E does great with the actual prep stuff, with dressing the cold cured meat dish and this that and the other, but as soon as we get to service it becomes an absolute shitshow. apparently nobody taught E on line that you need to send dishes out in the order the tickets come in, so we’re 15 tickets deep with more printing, and she’s ignoring things i specifically showed her how to make while we were slow to, instead, pull from the end of the queue to make salads that i keep having to drop what i’m doing to coach her on how to make correctly when they have a special request applied.
ultimately this results in me getting scolded by the GM/service lead to send tickets out in order, to which i just respond that “i’m trying,” and M comes to my defense when i can’t hear it to point out that i really wasn’t set up for success today, and folks kind of back off. thankfully we only end up with one extra dish (to my knowledge? something was said about extra carrot cakes but they were never brought back) and it’s just like. a half salad that E didn’t prep right so we couldn’t send it out.
insult to injury is that there were actually others present who had worked pantry before. one of the expo cooks (D) actually comes back to help J1 all the time, but because of S being absent he had to focus on expo—and he ended up leaving before dinner service without raising a finger or even pausing to ask to make sure i was going to be okay with just me and the temp. D’s got a problem habit of leaving without doing everything that needs done, anyway, which ended up resulting in J2 getting forced into overtime to pick up his and J1’s slack on that front, which is why he wasn’t there for this shift. probably ultimately for the better but i really would have appreciated the extra pair of hands.
due to the string of buffoonery that resulted in us missing no less than 3 kitchen staff and damn near everyone who knew how to do anything of substance on pantry, i wasn’t really given an opportunity to call for help. thankfully M had my back and nobody seems to have any hard feelings now that it was made clear to them that i wasn’t given room to do anything but struggle, and the GM and service staff took it pretty well when i apologized for how much of a shitshow pantry became, but i really should not have been left drowning like that in the first place.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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mbrainspaz · 1 year
Was supposed to have a doctor appointment downtown at a place I was referred to by my primary care doctor (who I'm about done with) but when I arrived they said 'oops we're actually not in network but you can pay us $200 if you still wanna have your appointment'
so I walked out and went to find a beer instead.
Only bright side is I refused to make another login on their stupid app so I didn't have to spend the last week getting spammed with all their 'appointment updates' and 'early sign in' prompts. Healthcare providers have lost their damn minds if they think I'm putting up with more of that. They called me yesterday to complain that I hadn't logged in to their 'patient portal' yet and I just said, 'mmm, but what if I didn't?' They were like, 'uh... um... okay just arrive 30 minutes early.' 'See, I can do that.'
Not that it did me any good. I gave them my insurance info on the phone when I booked the appointment 2 weeks ago and what was the point of even doing that if they were just gonna decide not to tell me I'm 'out of network'? Or is it that they're 'out of network'? Hell if I know.
Finished my beer, went home, and logged on to the stupid insurance site to find a stupid provider that IS 'in network.' Turns out there's only one without a slew of negative reviews. I called their number, got a robot maze, picked a dead end option, it hung up on me. Called again, tried a different path, got a person, she said she was the wrong person, gave me a number for the right people but said they were in a meeting. It was 4pm so I asked when they closed. 5pm. Waited 30 minutes, called the number, "number cannot be completed as dialed," hung up. Went back through the call robot, got their voicemail, voicemail explained that they won't return calls after 4pm. Left one anyway.
Also tried to find a psychologist since I was already suffering anyway and discovered there's only one who's 'in-network' who might be able to help me. Got rerouted to their website, very corporate (hate it), it funneled me into a virtual appointment queue and demanded my credit card info. Tried calling instead, lady on the phone says yeah no a virtual appointment won't work for diagnostic assessment so I have to go in person. Oh, and the location on my insurance site is wrong, it's actually 2 hours away. I say 'thanks I'll keep looking' and hang up.
I'll die, thanks!
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samantha-bradford · 1 year
Brewfest Closing
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The festive celebrations of Brewfest had finally come to a close, and Sam was eagerly looking forward to returning to Stormwind and taking some well-deserved time off for herself. After working tirelessly as a server and barker, she took a day to recuperate during the dismantling of the Beer Garden grounds. However, her intentions to sleep in were thwarted when she was abruptly awoken by a grumpy dwarven woman, who briskly reminded her that all the other girls had already risen and were ready to leave. Feeling embarrassed for oversleeping, Sam hurriedly got out of bed and hastily put on a few layers of make-up before packing the last of her belongings.
The corners of her lips tugged upwards into a warm smile as she gracefully reached out to collect the payment notes from the two companies she represented during the festivities, feeling the crisp paper against her fingers as she tucked them into her pocket for safekeeping. Sam made her rounds of farewells around the grounds, taking in the sights and sounds of the lively celebration before casting a playful wink towards the one-night lark as he dismantled the stage. She quietly slipped away, knowing that she had no obligations to help in the deconstruction. With a deep sigh of relief, she watched as the final cart was loaded up and began its journey up to Ironforge, piloted by a wise and seasoned dwarven male who had previously been working the kegs. As they made their way up the mountain slope, the two companions shared friendly chatter and a few hearty laughs, their voices ringing out amidst the brisk Dun Morogh chill.
Parting ways outside the bank, she walked into the grand building, clutching the purse full of tips and payment notes. Depositing most of it but kept a small amount to cover her travel expenses back to Stormwind. The teller appeared unphased by the large sum of nine-hundred thirty-three gold as they quickly noted it in the ledger and secured it in the vault. Sam, on the other hand, was still in shock at the fact that she had made more money in the past two weeks than she would have made in an entire year working at the Pig & Whistle. After receiving the deposit receipt with a smile and thanking the exhausted-looking teller, Sam set her sights on the tram on the other side of the Dwarven City, eager to make her way back home to Stormwind.
A groan rolled out of Sam's core as she approached and spotted the lengthy queue to purchase a ticket. Many Brewfest patrons and hirelings are all waiting their turn to get to Stormwind and disperse into the crowds of normality. Nearly an hour had passed before she finally had a ticket in hand, and another forty-five minutes were spent lost in the pages of a Kul Tiran novel before her train arrived. Like ants, she and many more marched into the car's single file, taking seats while others stood for the hour-long ride. Enough time to finish three-quarters of the novel she brought along to busy herself, ignoring the sounds of crying babies and arguing couples from the other end of the train car.
As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting long shadows across Stormwind, Sam emerged from the tram tunnels after spending the entire day on her journey. With a sense of relief, she set her sights on the winding canals that would lead her home through the bustling Trade District. As she arrived, she was greeted by the persistent yowling of her feline companion, Peach. Despite having a full dish of food, the cat weaved between her feet, demanding attention. Sam rolled her eyes but couldn't help but smile at the furry little creature. After giving Peach some affection, she moved on to the terrarium and spotted Max, her beloved serpent, curled up under the hallowed half-log. As she approached, the serpent stretched out in greeting, flicking its tongue against the glass.
Her bag hit the floor beside the bed with a heavy thud, and Sam fell into the mattress face-first, arms wide open. The relief was palpable as she sank into the soft caress of the sheets and plush support of the bed. After two weeks on a plain, roped-bound cot, this was pure heaven. As she tore the travel clothes from her body, she could feel the weight of the world lifting off her shoulders. She sprawled out like a starfish beneath the sheets, tugging a pillow beneath her as she drifted belly down into a deep and well-earned sleep. The hum of the city was the perfect lullaby compared to the cacophony of Brewfest.
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koreanbibliophilegirl · 5 months
Welp, I'm logging off for my midterms! I'll most likely return on April 30th, or May 1st.
Imma go queue sone posts now- but before that:
May 1st is school picture day for me! We've been told to dress up for the group & individual photos, and for my individual photos I'm planning to wear (modernized) hanbok. I've already rented a set, it'll arrive sometime during my exams.
So I'm thinking of posting some photos!😊 Just wanted to tell ppl in advance, haha.
Well, I'll be back soon!👋 Hopefully my studying is enough for good grades...TwT
(Also, if you wanna tag me or send an ask or whatever: DW about notifications, they're all off! I'll look through them after exams!)
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robbiemd · 1 year
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Log #397
Had a very long day today. I went to MNL T3 around 8AM to meet my parents who just had their flight from PPS. We waited until 2PM to board our flight to KIX.
We landed around 7:30PM, KIX time. It was raining hard as fuck but we were lucky to be flying with an Airbus A330-900 so there were little to no turbulence despite the harsh weather.
Unluckily, the rain was so hard that Nankai trains to the city suspended their operations for the day. We had no choice but to take the midnight bus to Umeda station after about 4 hours of queueing. From there, we hailed a cab to our hotel near Shin-Inamiya station. The cabbie was kind enough to drop us exactly where we needed to be. Good thing he understood my barok Japanese. We arrived around 3:30AM local time.
Our last meal intake was while in flight so tomguts na when we arrived in our hotel. I immediately went to a nearby Family Mart to rummage some (superb quality) convenience store food. The shop attendant understood my barok Japanese as well as she tried conversing with me in English.
It’s time to sleep. I might go to Kyoto later if may energy pa.
Nishinari-ku, Osaka, JP 3 June 2023 4:59 AM
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AO3 Meme
Thanks @starknstarwars for the tag!
Rules: Give us the links to your wonderful words with the Most hits, Most kudos, Most comments, Most bookmarks, Most words, and Least words.
🥇 Most Hits:
Kinktober 2019 (28,299) / Through Fire and Flood (9,055)
Summary: The hits leaders overall and under my primary username; despite separating out the fics that I posted under my smut-compilations pseud, that's exactly what TFF is, too—written for Zutara Smut Week in the ATLA fandom.
Thoughts: People read my smut, I guess? Which is fair, given how much I've written.
🥇 Most Kudos, Comments, Bookmarks:
(Silhouetting) The Snow on the Breeze
198 kudos
Summary: Avatar - The Last Airbender AU working conceptually backward from Zuko's visit to the Western Air Temple—only revealed late in the canon show—and imagining a how things might have gone if that experience had affected him more strongly. Currently moored off the coast midway through Season 1, but to be continued once the log circles back around.
Thoughts: My first fic that got serious traffic in terms of responses — I still get the occasional fav/follow on one abandoned fic back on FFN, but the frequency and complimentary comments while I was actively writing/posting this one blew me away. Thanks to all of those people, and my apologies for my rare and sporadic comment responses.
🥇 Most Words:
"Unnatural Selection," Part 1 of A Dream of Small Minds (12,878)
Summary: From the colony of his birth to the tombs of Khar Delba, Miraathis Riskav has never known a life free of the Empire's lash. Lysandra Vael was raised knowing that power was hers to wield, following ancient honor—until her parents were murdered for their ideals. Now, ten years after the Treaty of Coruscant, both arrive on Korriban: One seeking to reform the Sith, the other to destroy them.
Thoughts: One of my many incomplete works, although the plan and intention are still there; I just need to get through the stuff that's ahead of it in the queue. Miraathis may not be my absolute favorite SWTOR OC, but he's where this series started and important to me, and Lysandra is a delight as well if also frustratingly contradictory. (Technically I've also written a much longer fic, but that need not be spoken of, and is coming down as soon as I get close to posting the first chunk of the rewrite—that's the queue that's holding up writing on this one.)
🥇 Fewest Words:
"Shadow of Intent" (355)
Summary: A brief look into the psyche of the Director of Project Freelancer as he tears his project, and himself, apart.
Thoughts: I had completely forgotten about this little snippet, but unlike some larger things I've written I think it still holds up fairly well, all the more so for dating back to my FFN days.
Tagging: This seems to have been going around for a bit, so I'll just add @ftmshepard and anyone else who wants to join in!
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passportrenewal · 1 day
What is the Procedure to Get a Fresh Passport?
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Getting a passport is an essential step if you’re planning to travel abroad. Whether it’s for a holiday, study, or work, the process of obtaining a fresh passport in India is straightforward and efficient. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step procedure to get a fresh passport.
Step 1: Register on the Passport Seva Website
The first step to getting your passport is to register on the official Passport Seva Portal:
Visit the Passport Seva website.
Click on “New User? Register Now” if you’re applying for the first time.
Fill in your details, including your name, date of birth, and email.
Create a login ID and password.
Once registered, log in to the portal using your credentials.
Step 2: Fill in the Passport Application Form
After logging in:
Click on “Apply for Fresh Passport/Reissue of Passport” under the Applicant Home section.
Select the application type (fresh passport).
Fill in the required details, including personal, family, and address information.
After completing the form, either submit it online or download the PDF and upload it later once filled.
Make sure the information provided is accurate to avoid delays during verification.
Step 3: Pay the Fees
Once your application form is submitted, proceed to the payment section:
Select “View Saved/Submitted Applications” and click on “Pay and Schedule Appointment”.
Choose between Normal and Tatkal services. Tatkal is faster but costs more.
The fee for a 36-page passport under the normal scheme is Rs. 1,500, and under Tatkal, it’s Rs. 3,500. The charges may vary for a 60-page booklet.
Pay the fees using credit/debit cards, net banking, or other payment options.
Step 4: Book an Appointment
After the payment is successful:
Book an appointment at your nearest Passport Seva Kendra (PSK) or Passport Office for document verification.
Choose a convenient date and time slot.
You’ll receive an appointment confirmation via email and SMS.
Step 5: Visit the Passport Seva Kendra (PSK)
On the day of your appointment, ensure you carry all the necessary documents:
Required Documents:
Proof of Address (Aadhaar card, voter ID, utility bills, etc.).
Proof of Date of Birth (birth certificate, school-leaving certificate, PAN card, etc.).
Photo ID Proof (Aadhaar card, PAN card, etc.).
Marriage Certificate (if applicable).
At the PSK:
Submit your documents at the verification counter.
Biometrics (fingerprints and photographs) will be taken.
You will undergo an interview where an officer will review your application.
The entire process at the PSK generally takes a few hours, depending on the queue.
Step 6: Police Verification
After the PSK visit, police verification is initiated. A police officer will visit your address to verify your documents and ask you a few questions. Make sure all the documents are available for inspection.
Step 7: Passport Delivery
Once your application is cleared and police verification is complete, your passport will be dispatched via India Post to your registered address. You can track the delivery status on the Passport Seva website or the India Post tracking system.
In the Normal process, it usually takes around 30-45 days for the passport to arrive, while in Tatkal, you may receive it within a week, depending on verification speed.
Final Thoughts
Applying for a fresh passport is a simple process if you follow the steps outlined above. Make sure your documents are in order and filled out correctly to avoid any delays. If you’re still unsure or facing difficulties, feel free to reach out to a passport agent for assistance.
Source: https://passportagentinbangalore.com/passports/apply-for-fresh-passport-india/
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cedarboughs · 10 days
Hiking Journal: The West Coast Trail
Day I: Trail Guardians
August 28
Woke early and packed up to be first in line at the Coastal Cafe, the only breakfast spot in Port Renfrew. Didn't have much time to look at the fun books and souvenirs. At 8:30 A.M. sharp the door opened and we were at the head of a fast-moving queue to get breakfast and lunch - a breakfast burrito (not as good as the ones in Bamfield) and a veggie sandwich to pack on the trail. Plus, I'm a sucker for specialty drinks with localized names, so I had to get a Port Renfrew Fog (lavender earl grey latte.)
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It was a shorter bus ride from town back to the Pacheedaht campground for (actual) orientation. So far most of the trail experience had been a matter of waiting for things, and here we waited again.
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There was a burger shack across the street from the campground called "Don't Pannock We Got Bannock." It wasn't open but I just thought that was worth noting.
While we waited we chatted with an older guy named R—-. He wasn’t doing the Trail right then, rather waiting on family to arrive coming southbound. But he had hiked the Trail four times and shuttled people more than that. He told us that the last time he’d been there in Pacheedaht, he’d heard the best description of the trail from trekkers coming off. “‘That’s not a hiking trail, it’s a fucking obstacle course!’ they’d said. They got it right. It’s a seventy-five-kilometre fucking obstacle course.”
I don’t think we appreciated the warning at the time.
Orientation led the starting group through notes to scrawl in my all-important trail map and tide chart. A cheer went up when it was announced that the fire ban— nationwide since the start of this hot, dry summer— would lift at noon. Blisters and Bliss, the Bible of the West Coast Trail, told much about the joys of beachwood fires. So does modern folk music.
“The Old Shenandoah gonna keep me right / and hold me like I was forgiven / take me down and let the beachwood alight…”
“Holding on close / holding onto / any kind of ring I can bring you / And at the beachwood pyre good news / it’s wet but it’s catching easy”
A Pacheedaht trail guardian ferried the group across the wide Gordon River in a Normandy-style landing craft. Two herons alit on an island. On a branch right at the trailhead, a bald eagle watched over the entrance. All these birds seemed to me like trail guardians too. The ferryman extended and dropped his ramp onto the gravel bank, and with a hop to shore, the trek began—
— Vertically! The ladders are famous, but this first one was exactly vertical, so that your pack feels like its weight is pulling you into open air.
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The trail in the woods travels through ferns and salal- and through, over, and under huge old-growth Sitka spruce and red cedars. My favourite! My namesake on this blog!
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But there’s little time to look way, way up at the trees when you must always be looking down to navigate the step-by-step maze of high, ankle-breaking root holes, which if you’re lucky for a particular metre, can serve as steps over huge logs— logs either crossing and blocking the path, or just barely serving as bridges over steep gorges. Sometimes there are “board”“walks”. Both parts of that compound word are euphemistic. Few boards remain, and there are very few spots where the remaining piles of scrap wood can be simply walked across. So scrapdances, or scrapsquelches, might be more accurate. Everything is also mud. The good part about the mud is that it's home to giant yellow banana slugs. The bad part is it's awful to trudge through and pick footfalls around.
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We stopped after a few kilometres, which took much longer than anyone could reasonably expect, to eat our Coastal Cafe lunches by the remains of a huge rusted-out logging engine.
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This was where we first chatted with F——- and S——-, who became steady trail friends over the next week. She’s a pretty blonde Irish nurse living in Vancouver. He’s a strapping Canadian. We first met him trying to literally tape his insulin monitor back into his arm beside this hulk of a steam engine, so that’s a bonding moment. The hardship of the trail makes comrades of all.
It’s a hard side km down to the first camp at Thrasher Cove. More ladders!
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But I was still feeling good about the trip as we pitched camp in the trees just hidden away from the beach. A two-masted sailing ship anchored in the cove for the night, which added a wonderful touch of piratical fantasy to camping by the sea. Though really we were still on the edge of Port San Juan, facing Port Renfrew across the sound, not the international span of the Strait of Juan de Fuca, let alone the true open Pacific.
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I was feeling not very social - tired, and embarrassed to be hiking with parents - but all the same I went to stand in a circle around a communal firepit, and that was nice. No sunset that night. It was hidden by the cliffs still ahead.
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nickgerlich · 15 days
Apple A Day
It’s that time of year again. No, not the changing of the seasons, the beginning of football, or the month Green Day wants you to wake them up when it’s over. Nope. Tomorrow is the annual September announcement—drumroll, please—from Apple and the release of the next iPhone.
Not that Apple doesn’t let the rumor mill freely run and play with wild speculations for the nine months leading up to this. The iPhone16 will officially be announced tomorrow, but we probably already know everything there is to know. If anyone knows how to play the hype game, it is Apple.
The question is will people be impressed enough to plan on lining up at stores in a couple of weeks to replace their old phones.
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I remember back in 2007 when the first iPhone was announced. Much to my current embarrassment, I roundly dismissed it as superfluous, wasteful, and overkill. I already had a phone, pocket camera, and calculator. Why would I want to replace all of them with an expensive new device? That first-gen iPhone had a list price of $499, which is laughably cheap compared to today’s models, but it was still a huge expense to duplicate everything else you already had.
I quickly saw the folly of my way, and was ready to hop in the queue a year later to get my hands on what has arguably become the most important device ever released. It has been imitated by others and with different operating systems. It has been improved upon by Apple each year, adding more bells and whistles to that shiny veneer. And it has been the one thing that has kept Apple stock and profits in the stratosphere.
Of course, as with any innovation well into its umpteenth iteration, you have to wonder exactly what they could possibly add to make this worth buying, especially if the older iPhone in your pocket or purse still works fine. With new phones costing more than $1500 at the top end of the product line, it better be good, even if your phone carrier is willing to float you a 30-month interest-free financing plan.
The trend in recent years has been toward less frequent replacements. As of last year, data showed that more iPhone owners are keeping their phones three years or longer before buying a new one. As for me, my iPhone 12 will be four years old this November. Yes, the battery is showing signs of decay, but I bring along a small power brick for those times when it starts to run low. Photos and videos are enormous battery sucks, and if you shoot like me, it doesn’t take long. That brick was a lifesaver in Costa Rica last year.
This year, though, I am betting the iPhone16 will be a runaway success, because there is one significant enhancement: the arrival of AI, or as they like to call it, Apple Intelligence. A rose by any other name, of course, smells the same, but it will be cool to have a handheld computer that is capable of creating text and images on the fly without having to log in to other websites.
Were it not for AI, I doubt that I would be ready to make a move, and I bet that is the same story for many. We need something big when the product is so expensive. Never mind inflation, economic uncertainties, and all the problems plaguing us these days.
Not many years ago, some people replaced their iPhones each year, just like a few decades ago, it wasn’t uncommon for motorists to line up to buy the latest new model every autumn. How else do you explain the Cadillac Ranch, a tribute to the auto industry’s ability to wow drivers with a slightly larger tail fin every year?
But cars are too expensive for that kind of frivolity today, unless you are made of money, and the same goes for iPhones. Marketers can only dangle new products successfully when there are both willingness and means. If either are in short supply—willingness because the new item truly is impressive, and means translating into ability to pay—then we won’t jump.
I guess we’ll all learn a bit more tomorrow, about ourselves, as well as Apple’s ongoing profitability. I’ll be watching.
Dr “But Can You Make The Camera Even Better?” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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spintly-co · 25 days
Leveraging Visitor Management Systems to Enhance Workplace Security and Efficiency
In the modern workplace, security and efficiency are paramount. The days of paper sign-in sheets and manual visitor logs are rapidly fading as businesses embrace digital solutions. A Visitor Management System (VMS) offers a powerful, tech-driven alternative that enhances workplace security, streamlines visitor processes, and supports overall operational efficiency.
This blog will delve into the importance of visitor management systems, how they integrate with attendance management software, and the key benefits they bring to businesses.
What is a Visitor Management System?
A Visitor Management System (VMS) is a digital solution that tracks and manages visitors who enter a building or workplace. From initial check-in to final check-out, a VMS automates and records every step of a visitor’s journey, offering a seamless experience while improving security. These systems typically include features like pre-registration, ID verification, badge printing, and real-time notifications for hosts.
Why Your Business Needs a Visitor Management System
Visitor management has evolved beyond simply knowing who is on-site. Modern VMS solutions offer a range of features that enhance security, improve compliance, and create a professional visitor experience. Here’s why your business should consider implementing a visitor management system:
Enhanced Security Security is one of the top reasons businesses adopt a VMS. Unlike manual sign-ins, a digital system ensures that every visitor is logged accurately, with real-time tracking of who is in the building. This is crucial for emergency situations, where having a real-time log of all visitors can be lifesaving. Additionally, VMS solutions often include ID verification, ensuring that only authorized individuals can enter certain areas of the building.
Streamlined Check-In Process Traditional visitor check-ins can be slow and cumbersome, leading to long queues and wasted time. A VMS streamlines the check-in process by allowing visitors to pre-register online or use self-service kiosks upon arrival. This speeds up the process and creates a more professional and efficient experience for both the visitor and the business.
Compliance and Record Keeping For businesses that need to maintain strict records of visitors, such as those in the healthcare, finance, or government sectors, a VMS is essential. The system automatically logs visitor information, ensuring compliance with industry regulations and providing a reliable audit trail. This can be especially valuable for businesses that need to meet GDPR or other data protection requirements.
Branding and Professionalism A modern visitor management system contributes to a positive first impression. Visitors using a sleek, tech-savvy check-in process perceive the business as forward-thinking and organized. Customizable branding options allow businesses to tailor the VMS interface to reflect their brand, further enhancing the professional visitor experience.
Seamless Integration with Access Control and Attendance Management One of the greatest advantages of a VMS is its ability to integrate with other security and administrative systems, such as access control systems and attendance management software. When integrated, a VMS can automatically grant or restrict access to certain areas of the building based on visitor credentials. Similarly, it can be tied to employee attendance systems to monitor when and where employees check in and out, offering a more holistic view of building occupancy.
Key Features of an Effective Visitor Management System
When considering a VMS for your business, it’s important to look for features that maximize its effectiveness. Here are some of the key features to consider:
Pre-Registration Capabilities Pre-registration allows visitors to complete the check-in process before arriving at the office. This not only speeds up the process but also gives security teams the opportunity to vet visitors ahead of time, improving overall security.
Self-Service Kiosks Self-service kiosks offer a touchless, convenient way for visitors to check in without the need for manual assistance. These kiosks are especially useful for busy reception areas or businesses that want to reduce contact during the check-in process.
Real-Time Notifications Real-time notifications ensure that hosts are immediately informed when their visitors arrive. This allows for quick and efficient meetings, eliminating the need for visitors to wait at reception. Notifications can be sent via email, SMS, or through the business’s internal communication platform.
Visitor Badging Visitor badges help identify guests on the premises, allowing employees to recognize who is authorized to be in specific areas. Modern VMS solutions often include badge printing with customizable templates, making it easy to create professional visitor badges that reflect the company’s brand.
Access Control Integration Integration with access control systems allows for automatic management of visitor access. For example, once a visitor is checked in, the system can grant them temporary access to specific areas of the building using an access card or mobile credentials. This eliminates the need for manual key distribution and enhances security by controlling visitor movement within the building.
Analytics and Reporting Detailed reports on visitor traffic can provide valuable insights into trends, peak times, and the effectiveness of visitor policies. Analytics can also help businesses identify potential security risks or areas where the visitor experience could be improved.
Touchless and Contactless Features In the post-pandemic world, touchless technology has become a priority for many businesses. Look for VMS solutions that offer contactless check-in options, such as QR code scanning, mobile app check-in, or facial recognition. These features reduce the need for physical contact, creating a safer environment for both visitors and employees.
The Benefits of Integrating VMS with Attendance Management Software
When combined with attendance management software, a visitor management system offers even greater functionality. This integration allows businesses to monitor both employee and visitor presence, providing a comprehensive view of building occupancy.
Here’s how integrating VMS with attendance management software can benefit your business:
Centralized Data Management By integrating visitor and employee data, businesses can centralize their records, making it easier to manage and analyze occupancy trends. This is particularly useful for compliance reporting and in the event of emergencies.
Enhanced Security Protocols Integrating VMS with access control and attendance management software enhances security by ensuring that only authorized personnel and visitors are present on-site. For example, the system can alert security teams if a visitor attempts to access a restricted area or if an employee forgets to check out.
Streamlined Operations With all systems working together, businesses can streamline their operations and reduce the administrative burden on reception and HR teams. For instance, visitor data can be automatically linked to the host’s attendance record, reducing the need for manual input and making it easier to track meetings and visits.
Conclusion: Why Spintly?
Spintly’s Visitor Management System offers a cutting-edge solution that enhances security, streamlines check-in processes, and integrates seamlessly with your existing systems, including attendance management software. Our cloud-based platform is designed to meet the needs of modern businesses, offering real-time tracking, touchless check-ins, and detailed analytics. Whether you’re looking to improve security or create a more professional visitor experience, Spintly has the solution for you. Visit Spintly to learn more about our visitor management systems and how we can help your business stay secure and efficient.
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fgumi · 1 month
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ꕥ let's play; — heeseung drabble, wc: 705, genre: comedy, fluff
you’d asked heeseung to play league of legends with you countless times, but every time, he’d give you the same response: “i get too toxic when i play, babe. you wouldn’t like it.” and, if you were honest, a small part of you wondered if he also doubted your skills. so, being the petty person you were, you decided to keep your ranked account a secret from him. you’d let your skills speak for themselves when the time was right.
that time came sooner than expected. one evening, you found yourself in queue for a ranked match when a familiar username popped up on your team—heeseung’s. a mischievous grin spread across your face. this was your chance. without saying a word, you locked in riven, your main, and readied yourself for the game.
as the match began, you could hear heeseung over voice chat, quickly slipping into his “toxic” persona. he was barking orders, criticizing poor plays, and generally being the shot-caller you knew he could be. but when it came to you, he was surprisingly complimentary, especially when you started carrying the team from the top lane.
“nice plays, riven,” he said, clearly impressed. “we might actually win this.”
you smirked, staying silent as you continued to dominate. it felt good to prove yourself without him knowing it was you. as the game progressed, you played flawlessly, eventually leading the team to victory. when the game ended, heeseung spoke up again in voice chat.
“gg. you were really good,” he complimented.
you seized the opportunity, leaning into your mic and saying, “we should play again sometime!”
there was a brief pause on the other end, and then, out of nowhere, heeseung screamed, “I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!” and instantly ended the voice chat, like he was trying to escape a nightmare.
you couldn’t hold back your laughter any longer. you doubled over, imagining the sheer panic on his face. it wasn’t long before your phone buzzed with a text from him.
heeseung: come over? you: be there in 10.
when you arrived at his place, he was pacing back and forth, looking completely frazzled. “so, i was just playing league,” he began as soon as you walked in, “and this riven was amazing. like, carrying the whole team amazing. but then… she sounded just like you.”
you couldn’t keep a straight face anymore. you burst out laughing, and his eyes narrowed in realization.
“wait… no way. was that you?” he asked, eyes wide with disbelief.
“yep,” you confirmed, still laughing.
heeseung stared at you, jaw practically on the floor. “prove it.”
with a smug smile, you walked over to his computer, logged into your account, and showed him your match history. his expression was priceless—utter shock, mixed with a bit of awe.
“you’re… you’re a riven main?” he finally managed to say, still processing.
you nodded, enjoying the look of disbelief on his face. “surprise.”
heeseung went silent for a moment, then suddenly threw his hands up in the air. “i could’ve been playing with someone competent this entire time? and you’re a riven main? i’ve been missing out!”
you grinned, crossing your arms. “and i’ve been asking to play with you, but someone kept saying no.”
heeseung’s face flushed as he realized his mistake. he quickly turned to you, grabbing your hands with an exaggerated look of remorse. “please forgive me for my ignorance, oh great riven main. how could i have been so blind? i didn’t know my girlfriend was a goddess amongst mere mortals. you’re like… faker!”
you couldn’t stop laughing, your sides starting to hurt from how ridiculous heeseung was being. “okay, okay, you’re forgiven. but only if we play together from now on.”
heeseung grinned, nodding enthusiastically. “deal. i wouldn’t miss out on playing with you again. just… try not to carry too hard, okay? my ego can only take so much.”
you rolled your eyes, giving him a playful shove. “no promises.”
as the two of you settled in for another game, this time together, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction. not only had you proven yourself, but you’d also gotten your way in the end. and if heeseung was smart, he’d never underestimate you again.
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disclaimer: this, in no way, reflects the idol. this is purely fiction. ✧ comments are appreciated! ✧ !nanamlist
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mossappreci8or · 1 month
i’m sure this like Nothing to a lot of other professional mysterious illness havers but I had such a comically bad time getting blood drawn yesterday.
I got sent to a service I usually don’t use. they require appointments ahead of time. we arrive and I check in at the kiosk. the little stand for scanning ID and insurance cards has been ripped off the machine so I just kinda hold it up to the scanner and adjust until it finally accepts the scan. it keeps trying to log me out every 10 seconds and then helpfully tells me to ask a staff member if I need any help checking in. there is absolutely no sign of any other living person being in this office. it is a good while after my check-in time when someone finally comes out to get me. that’s fine. there’s literally no one else in the queue until a full hour after my check in time according to the queue on the tv screen but ok, i’m pretty sure it’s just this one woman running the show today so can’t be that annoyed by it.
the phlebotomist is clearly bored and miserable (and maskless) which is whatever, she’s the only person in that whole office so I cannot blame her for not being very enthused (and hardly any other medical pro I work with still wears masks for me these days). but the vibes are immediately rancid as I sit in the chair and wait for her to painstakingly charge and then return my credit card to me per each round of tests I was ordering one by one as separate transactions. My ID pops up on her screen every time she runs a transaction. The scan is very clearly too blurry to read. I watch her scroll through a list of questions she is supposed to ask me as she types “NOT PROVIDED” into every option. ok……….
I knew going in this was gonna be more tests than I usually do because it was all stuff my dysautonomia doc ordered to eliminate as many variables as possible but as she’s loading her little basket with vials I keep expecting her to finally stop but she keeps going. 5 vials. 10. 15. please say psyche
she leaves the room to go get more vials
so it’s time to suck me dry I fucking guess. I went in more hydrated than probably any of her other patients were that day, had eaten recently but not too recently, electrolyte balance impeccable. I am typically not a very hard draw anyway but I like to make their job easy. I offer my left arm first because that’s usually the good one, look away, and focus on my breathing as is my custom.
she palpates my inner elbow a bunch. way more than any other person has ever had to for me. she jabs me. it’s a sharper jab than the techs I usually work with but whatever right? I wait for like 3 minutes but I don’t hear her changing out the tubes.
she pulls the thang out and asks for my other arm. ok. unusual but whatever gets me out of that chair yeah? I must emphasize that this whole time the tech isn’t saying a single word more than she is contractually obligated. it’s dead silent. I scoot over and offer the other arm. I’m breathing through it like a champ.
she palpates my inner elbow again. and again. more. a good two minutes go by and she finally decides to do the jab. it’s the most painful I have ever had. she basically stabs me. I sit for at least 5 minutes of her just changing out all the tubes, it actively hurts the whole time. she finally finishes up and as she’s putting the labels on each tube, she finally looks at me and goes. Hey, you good?
i’m being SO normal. i’m dizzier than i’ve ever been after a draw. she gets me a bottle of water and a flaccid cold pack that just barely works and has me hold it up on the back of my neck. I have to pull down my mask to drink the water but she still doesn’t offer to put one on herself. I can’t hold up the cold pack and drink my water at the same time. I sit there for about a minute before she asks me to leave and I go even though I feel like absolute doo doo garbage. I have paid seven hundred and fifty american dollars for the privilege
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fluffy-critter · 2 months
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robbiemd · 1 year
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Log #395
I’m writing this while in a Grab on the way home from the airport.
I took the midday PR flight to MNL today. I usually arrive at PPS ~30mins before check-in counters close because queueing usually is inexistent. In most days, 5-10 mins lang and you’ll be at the pre-departure terminal. But today, because of the putanginang city-wide blackout in PPS, it took me about an hour. To the point that PA is already announcing boarding. Yes. Boarding na, nasa check-in counter pa rin ako together with like ~25 more travelers, mostly Chinese and European tourists. In the end, they were able to accommodate and check everybody in.
It all winds up with one cause and it’s corruption. If the PH properly liquidates our taxes and puts ‘em to good use, say additional power plants or alternative sources of power enough to sustain our cities, e ‘di sana walang problema. But that’s not the case. Our government is too busy spending millions for an inauguration or renaming a street or a government building or probably redesigning a departmental logo/crest. Or too busy organizing a local Ms. Gay or Ms. (insert town or province here) for everyone’s entertainment. ‘Yan ang priority for them.
Minsan gusto ko na lang din talaga umalis.
EDSA-Makati City, PH 29 May 2023 4:06 PM
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spacefaxy · 4 months
It started with an idea
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So I built this water wheel here, because i wanted a sawmill
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Partly because I cut down this whole forest at the spawn area, my house on the right, and partly because i saw a huge forest in the distance i wanted to build a road to, with wagons and stuff to carry the logs back to the mill.
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It's not done, but i wanted to share my progress for today. On the left is the queue, and on the right is a log being sawn. More detailed photos will be available when I finish the mill, so tomorrow probably.
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The finished logs leave the mill on the left and roll down to the bottom there for workers to pick up as a team and lift into a wagon to be taken to whomever is buying the lumber.
Speaking of buying lumber, here's my idea:
I gave word to a traveling merchant that I was setting up a lumber mill here and needed workers, who would be paid handsomely for their work. Meanwhile, I start using the mill to build the houses for these workers before they arrive so when they get here it's already like home for them. Over time, this will expand into a town, then a city-state, with my palace in its center. I think it'll be pretty fun :3
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