#queue the love dive;
moonperished · 9 months
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“Okay, look. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I just got the opportunity to go see where I grew up for the weekend. I missed it.” Skipper admits quickly, taking a step back. “You’re not really mad at me for not telling you where I went, are you?”
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daily-hanamura · 8 months
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bylertruther · 1 year
a collection of my thoughts + notes as i read lucas on the line —
first of all, i am, of course, feeling yet another wave of anger at all the "hot takes" that floated around cheapening lucas's season four journey or vilifying him for wanting to try new things, make a better life for himself, and be in the company of other black people that weren't related to him for once. as if his experience as a black boy doesn't make his life all that much harder, so much more complicated and isolating, even as he tries to better it. just... sigh. the more i read the more upset i felt about how fandom, no matter which one it is, treats black characters, especially ones with darker skin.
max breaks my fucking heart into a million pieces in this, over and over again.
i already know that people mischaracterize mike to a horrendous degree, but it is just... funny, for lack of a better word and in a terribly unfunny way, just how egregious it is. mike's written as such a stern stubborn hardass. he's a good older brother, and even uses that Older Brother Voice on others when necessary. he thinks motorcycles are cool, as well as the people that ride them. he's mopey and broody and irritable. he wants to fight to defend the ones he loves, but he won't do it if the offenders are bigger than him, which they often are. he fidgets with an old dnd die. he likes board and card games. he's honestly kind of a Cool^tm nerd guy—just has that standoffish vibe to him. he's the most difficult person to convince, apparently. he's also incredibly cut-to-the-chase, no-bullshit, mega blunt. of course we know that mike can be kind and sweet beyond his years, too, but i feel like that outer, more prominent layer of his—which, honestly, has persisted since the very beginning—is often cast aside by people for something more palatable. sad.
mike is the heart, i know this, everyone knows this, but... it is kind of funny that dustin and mike gave up on calling themselves a party, and what remained of them in hawkins wasn't much, didn't support lucas at all (which did hurt him a lot, because he couldn't give up hope that they eventually would), and that they only came together again like old times when will and el came down, but that togetherness went away once they left again. "look how the party fell apart just by will and el moving away." mike is the heart of the party, yes, but he relies on will, whether it be the support he offers or the inspiration he serves him, in order to be that heart. just interesting to see that repeated here, too.
the party doesn't understand or even see the racism lucas faces, which is to be expected, but still sad.
lucas is prone to nervousness and anxiety, and he clenches his hands into fists to keep them from visibly shaking. he also doesn't like the aggression that's prevalent in hyper-masculine spaces and takes note of it.
lucas's father was adopted by a white family, but they're not allowed to talk about them—ever. he's a vietnam veteran and doesn't talk about his time there either. he prefers keeping a low profile, because he feels that keeps his family, and people like them, safer. he also used to be a barber and he's the one that gives lucas his hi-top fade.
will didn't only wear jonathan's clothes. he also wore joyce's.
so many beautiful and heart-wrenching passages about the monsters of hawkins, which is a repeating motif in these tie-in books. it's classism, racism, homophobia, ableism, and so much more, and it's always there, lying in wait. those vulnerable are expected to remain small and hidden to survive, lest they become targets.
lucas has a dnd character that sounds a lot like robin hood. hashtag commie king 🤝
robin was the wise-beyond-her-years, nonjudgmental mediator between lucas, dustin, and mike. it took them hours to reconcile and she would interfere when it got too heated. lucas also felt that she would've fit right into the party were she their age.
nancy was their official chauffeur. hehe.
max flinches whenever anyone mentions neil or calls her maxine like he does. she also tried to run away on halloween, but talked herself out of it.
mike wasn't interested in dressing up for halloween because will and el were gone. max wanted to go as green lantern and lucas wanted to go as mad max, thinking he could borrow the costume from her.
eddie is apparently a freak, jackass, always high, and looks like he hasn't showered in a week. nice.
lucas knows the "i contain multitudes" walt whitman quote and it was a black boy that shared it with him. that boy, jay, also showed him james baldwin. the sinclairs are also fans of prince. 🌈 :)
i already knew this before reading, but it was nice to have even more proof that lucas is indeed the bestest boy in all of existence. this is #real and true.
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liamobrienlove · 1 year
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If you know, you know.
Liam on 4 Sided Dive (2/?)
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snowshinobi · 2 years
Kyojuro survives by digging up the things people are worried about/ashamed of/scared by and talking about them openly. Like. It's so natural for him to tell his brother how proud he is of him no matter what the guy decides to do with his life. Affectionate speeches just roll out of this guy, as does his blunt agreement that Nezuko should be killed. Thank god he changes his tune on this. A change that he reveals that in another direct, emotional speech!
Kyo is consistently open and awkward and unabashed about it. He might not actually realize some of the stuff he just SAYS is stuff other ppl would be way way too embarrassed to blurt out like that. RIP to neurotypicals but Kyo is built different.
I cannot stress enough that Senjuro is a burier. Sen buries the things he's worried about/ashamed of/scared by because that's safe. Cover your weaknesses. Keep your cards close to your chest. This boy walks on eggshells everywhere he goes. He's always waiting for the other shoe to drop. He feels like an imposter in this powerful family, this huge house, this endlessly loving bond with a big brother he can't believe he's lucky enough to have. Sen looks at his life and wonders what he's done to deserve it. He can't make the math add up. That terrifies him. So he puts his head down and he works as hard as he can to earn the love and reputation and career he's on course to receive.
In Senjuro's mind, he's always playing catch-up. He can't afford to have one more thing wrong with him. So every point of further weakness must be discarded. Cut it off from himself and shove it in the dirt.
That's what makes Kyo such an excellent friend for Sen. Yeah they're birth siblings, but that doesn't guarantee they'll get along. Their personalities happen to contrast just right. Kyojuro refuses to let Sen bury his guilt and shame. Kyojuro brushes the dirt aside and says "oh, this is what you thought you had to hide? There's nothing wrong with this at all. It's part of you. I love you. And anyone worth your time and care will see and love all of you too."
Tanjiro's open compassion for the demons he slays puts him, in my mind, close to Kyo on the burier-digger scale. Tanjiro is a lot more aware of social conventions, tho; he mirrors Kyojuro's shouting and lack of eye contact in their first encounter on the Mugen train. But yeah, Tanjiro will say the scary/stressful/embarrassing thing if he knows the comfort it will bring outweighs the awkwardness of bending social norms:
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"If anyone speaks badly about you," Tanjiro promises Senjuro,"I'll headbutt them." This is right after Tanjiro headbutted Sen and Kyo's dad bc he spoke badly of Kyojuro. Wildly inappropriate things to do and say, but worth it to Tanjiro (and I agree with him). Senjuro is stunned. All he can say is "you shouldn't do that."
Tanjiro is the friend Senjuro needed after Kyojuro died. It would've been even better to let Sen have both of them, but Tanjiro alone will do. He'll care for Senjuro in a way Senjuro cannot care for himself. Tanjiro will brush aside the dirt and process what he sees. He'll wait for the right time to bring it up. And then he'll tell Sen "hey, I get why this scares you. It scares me too. I love you, and I'm not going anywhere."
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reluctantjoe · 6 months
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i absolutely love this photo because you couldn't tell he's just played a widowed kidnapping murdering teacher dilf who hooked up with an underage student twice
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coneheadseekers · 5 months
omg a conehead-focused account, am I dreaming??
I was STARVING through Tumblr searching for content of my fav little conical blue guy who can't catch a break and then, out of nowhere, I see this account, and I'm dazzled- Are you even real? Please tell me you are and confirm the existence of conehead enjoyers.
Believe it or not, fellow conefan, you're not dreaming. You've simply left behind the unconely transformer rabble and entered into...
✈🍧The Cone Zone 🍧✈
Please enjoy your stay.
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hecho-a-mano · 7 months
so envious of people that can swim really deep underwater. i go a few meters deep and my ear is already breaking apart from the pressure.
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benicioscenes · 1 year
finally got all my scenepack bs in order so I'll be focusing on gifsets again and hopefully posting regularly soon! queue included!!!
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a9saga · 3 months
rina sawayama - akasaka sad // it's about damn time i get into rina sawayama
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moonperished · 9 months
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"Did you enjoy making a fool out of everyone, but especially me?"
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mythvoiced · 5 months
" what is there between us if not a little annihilation? " kazuki
@astremourante | ✧˚ · . so much (for) stardust - fall out boy
Hasn't Inoue Kazuki always been a pinnacle of calm?
Why else would his father care, hm?
Kazuki's strength lies in the stiffness of his arms and the frozen silence of his resolve. An avalanche is eerily silent until it gets close enough for it to be too late, wind howls only through crevices and right angles, and no death is as quiet as the one experienced all on your own, buried beneath the very earth, suffocating on the air you expel.
Calm and resolute, like the earth. Changing only in millennia, like the earth.
Ruthless and unforgiving, like the earth.
But whenever he's forced to face her, he becomes both the cave and the explorer. The earth is resolute and ancient, it is his job to stand somewhere and keep an eye for the movements surrounding his father, all for the pretense of his father not being perfectly aware himself of how he's been played and where the blades pointed at his back are being drawn from.
That was the idea. He's no guard, no heir, no student, no teacher, he doesn't hold his father's arm to help him stand or walk, he doesn't collect his belongings, he doesn't stand for him in meetings.
He's no more than a dog trained to be very quiet, very still.
Because dogs that bark don't bite.
And he never barks.
Then, comes her, and suddenly his father's pretense is no longer a pretense. She reeks of bad ideas, there's a glint in his eyes that threatens to blind him, suffocates him with the promise of escape from a crevice thousands of miles under the ground.
He sees the light in her eyes and knows it's not the surface, but a bubble of rock in the middle of a cavern, with no way through and no way back, where every breath he takes slowly kills him because there is nothing there to filter his own foolishness out of his surroundings.
There, she is, and his father's pretending fades into non-existence and Kazuki thinks he's above it, finally. Here comes an opportunity, something she's not allowed to know so long as his skin moves strange where it wraps around her scar on him, the opportunity to prove himself as more than a loyal lap dog.
But he's a cave explorer.
Gone spelunking too far.
No, there's not a 'little annihilation' between them. She's the rock pressing into his Floyd Collins, Neil Moss.
There's nothing left between them. If annihilation was all she brought, she'd be easier to deal with.
But she brings... too much more.
His fists flex at his sides. He doesn't know if he wants to strangle her or...
"You always look like you're having fun," he breathes out. Knowing English isn't even all that much a requirement around here. Does he often try to over-achieve?
To answer that question, answer this one: is he mad? Insane? Deranged?
A little lot worse than he intends to be?
Is she the only key to that?
"You never stop having fun. Do you."
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cordeliawhohung · 22 days
pornstar!gaz x fem!reader drabble
cw: smut smut smut, no plot (: unedited this was just a real quick thing sldfj
uh... blame @groguspicklejar and her post about sucking gaz's dick mwuah i love you
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Harsh studio lights threaten to wash you out, but Kyle couldn't care less about the creasing of your foundation or the smudging of your eyeshadow; not when you're on your knees so pretty for him.
Usually, he'd rather give than receive. He can never get enough of that sweet whining you do when he selfishly sucks on your clit, forcing your orgasm out of you faster than your body can perceive. But this? These gentle moans as you flatten your tongue and lick from the base of his cock all the way to the tip? That's a pretty close second.
Ignoring the camera man on his right, zooming in on your face, he brushes the tips of his fingers along your cheek as you lap at his tip, head gently bobbing with the movement. It's wet. Spit sticking to your bottom lip and the tip of your tongue, it lingers in thin ropes before breaking.
"Christ, doll," he curses. His cock pulses with heavy need, and you smirk as you feel him dance in your hand and on your lips. "Gonna make me come apart just with this."
A smirk pulls at your lips as you squeeze the base with your hands, and you pleasure him with a few teasing kisses as he shifts his hips on the edge of the bed.
"Haven't even started yet, Ky."
You were right; you haven't, and he is very much aware of this fact when you finally take him into your mouth. It's slow, almost agonizingly so, the way you slowly begin to swallow him. It's almost enough to get his head rolling back, but he refuses to take his eyes off of you, not even for a second. You don't move far enough for him to prod against the back of your throat before you're moving back, pulling away from him with a slick pop!
His hips buck at the loss of stimulation, and you hold back your chuckle before you take him in your mouth again, deeper this time. Your jaw opens wide and welcoming as you press your head down, and down, and down, all the way until he's reached your throat, and even then you press further. You're so fucking tight like that, slick muscles pulsing around him as you try to loosen them enough to take him further. He hisses underneath his breath, and you see the director nodding in approval out of the corner of your eye.
That's your queue to get to work.
You work at him with a heady need, head bouncing up and down along his length, nose touching the trimmed hairs on his stomach before you glide back up to his tip. The toned muscles of his abdomen tense and untense in a mesmerizing dance, yet you can hardly make it out at your speed.
His hands rest on the back of your head now, aiding you in your movement, but not forcing you any further than you're able to go. Heavy breaths fall on your ears like a sweet symphony, and you can't help but groan at the sound. Kyle shudders at the vibration that rips through his body, and it's then that you lean back as a panting, out of breath mess as a string of spit connects the two of you together.
Before his hand drops from the back of your head, you catch one of them and place his palm flat against your throat. His brows twitch and eyes narrow in confusion, but you only grin before diving in for seconds.
Kyle's eyes roll into the back of his head as he feels your throat swell to accommodate his size. It swells, then sinks, then swells each time you move, and you can tell by the way his legs twitch that he's not going to last much longer. But you don't let up. Don't let him get off easy.
"Fuck, y-you like this, don't you?" Kyle asks between groans. "Like suckin' my cock like this? You sweet thing. Sweet, greedy fuckin' thing. Christ, gonna make me come, fuck."
You don't back off when you feel his cock twitch and pulse in your mouth, but you do slow down to savor the briny taste of his cum on your tongue. His groans are guttural, divine, and they don't stop utnil he's given you every last drop of his spend. You lap along the underside of his cock, drawing more out of him, and you don't let him free until the camera zooms in on your face.
Maintaining eye contact, you let your tongue roll out, coated in spit and milky white cum, and you smile before you swallow it whole. Kyle's thumb presses against your lips, like he wishes he could kiss you himself, but he doesn't. No, nothing in the world could get him to take eyes off of the cock-drunk expression that lingers on your face.
"You're gonna be the death of me," he whispers to you once the cameras cut.
"We've still got a good hour left of filming to do," you chuckle.
He hums with a smirk as he presses his thumb into your mouth. You welcome it without resistance, and he swipes it along the flat side of your tongue.
"Good. 'Cause you're gettin' yours, next."
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skeletondeerart · 2 years
Hey! I was wondering if you could write headcanons for Lo'ak dating a female human?
Dating Lo'ak as a Human
Lo'ak x Fem!Sky Person | Word Count: 340 Words
The reader is the same age as Lo’ak.
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Lo’ak would always try his best to impress you, whether that be hanging from the branches by just his tail or landing a perfect bullseye, he thrived off the praise you so willingly gave him.
He would pick you up and carry you on his back just to show off how strong he was, you would laugh as Lo’ak would sprint along the forest floor, jumping over roots and bioluminescent flora and fauna.
Lo’ak would take you to his secret spots to enjoy the sunset as he would braid your hair while adding beads to match his own, like a subtle way to say you were taken.
Some nights he would lay awake and watch you sleep and marvelling at your features that are so foreign to his own kind, gently caressing your features and feeling the peach fuzz against his fingertips, a smile overtaking his features as you lean into his touch.
Wrapping his tail around your legs as you sleep while curling around you, shielding you from the bitter winds of the night.
Him caging you in his arms and nuzzling into your hair when you are trying to wake up to start the day as he just wants to enjoy the warmth of your body heat for a little while longer.
He would take you on flights with his Ikran, due to you not possessing a queue and doing flips and dives just you feel you hug him closer to your form.
Lo’ak loves to hear you sing your ‘sky people songs’ and he ends up humming them while you're apart.
Lo’ak teaching you Na’vi and you teaching him English <3
Lo’ak would get jealous if Spider or Neteyam would talk to you, he would walk up behind you and place a hand on the crest of your head while giving a tight-lipped smile to his brothers.
Secretly holding hands when Neytiri and Jake aren’t looking and quickly turning away from each other when Jake sneaks up behind the both of you and ruffles your hair laughing.
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torukmaktoskxawng · 1 year
'anla - part two
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Series Masterlist
Summary: Life on the reef has started to change the Sully kids for the better, while a storm looms overhead. Certain teenagers are in denial of each other.
Pairing: Ao'nung/Fem!Na'vi!Sully Reader
Warnings: Mature language, teenagers acting their age, time skips, strict parents, puppy love, canon compliance, slow burn, etc.
Word Count: 5k+
Tag: #'anla ao'nung fic
Na'vi Words: nivi - hammocks, marui - homes, ilu - dolphin like creatures, tulkun - whale like creatures, tsurak - skimwings, Sänrr Rong - the Glow Tunnel, spä - jump, olo'eyktan - clan leader, sa'sem - parents, Iknimaya - Rite of Passage, tsahik - spiritual leader, tsakarem - tsahik in training, tsmukan - brother, Utraya Moktri - Metkayina Spirit Tree, kuru - braid neural queue, fpxafaw - medusa
Taglist (red indicates "could not tag"): @timotheechalametishot @ghost-lantern @shadowmoonlight0604 @melsunshine @ocd-onut @purennn @themostegotisticalgirl124 @notsochillnerd @athenachu @yhern05 @amortencjja
A/N: I tagged everyone from the comment section of the first chapter who was excited or asking for part two. I couldn't respond to them in the comment section because this is a secondary account, so if you do or don't want to be on the taglist, please let me know via ask box or dm, thank you!
read it here on ao3
(I do not consent to my works being reposted or copied)
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Kiri had woken shortly after, crying, but was otherwise unharmed and showing no signs what happened had affected her. They gave her a day to recover in their home while the rest of the Sullys went about their day normally, sending Norm and Max away with heartfelt goodbyes and returning to the sea life they had started to grow accustomed to. 
Lo'ak and Y/n were put in charge of plucking barnacles off the bottom of canoes for the afternoon, and the young boy takes the time to avoid silence and boredom, "So what are you doing with Ao'nung?"
Y/n doesn't react or even bother looking up from her handiwork, "What do you mean?"
"I mean when did you guys become friends?"
She looked up then, puzzled as she stared at her younger brother, "I'm confused. Weren't we trying to all be friends?"
Lo'ak paused from working for a moment, shrugging, "Well, we were trying to just earn their respect and get along, but yeah, I guess we did come out as friends."
"I guess we're full of surprises."
"But the other night, you guys were being... weird."
Y/n huffed with mirth, "Look who's talking."
"Shut up." He snarled, "Have you guys been hanging out a lot?"
"Not really. Just a few times lately."
"Is that where you were the other night? This... Arch?"
"Yeah. Ao'nung said he had something to show me."
Lo'ak's expression goes blank, "Y/n. Dad taught us to literally never follow someone just because they said they have something to show you. He called it 'stranger danger' or something like that."
She tossed a barnacle at him, "Is this coming from the boy who willingly followed Ao'nung and his friends beyond the reef?"
"... Okay. Fine. You win."
"Besides, Ao'nung didn't phrase it like that. It was a lot less creepy."
"So why didn't he invite the rest of us to the Arch?"
"You guys had already gone for the day so he just took me." Y/n then reached over to mess with Lo'ak's hair, earning an annoyed hiss and she smiles, "Don't look too closely at it, alright? We're friends now."
A peaceful morning where the Sullys find themselves rolling up their nivi after a night's rest is interrupted by a horn, followed by whoops and hollers of celebration coming from outside. Confused and on edge, Jake and the kids emerge from the marui, looking around as the Metkayina jump around and dive into the water, making the newcomers curious as to what was going on.
Their answer came in the form of Tsireya, astride an ilu as she waves down her people from the water below their homes, "The tulkun have returned! Everybody! Our brothers and sisters have returned!"
Y/n looked up toward the atoll walls protecting the village from less docile nature. Emerging from the tunnels and pathways were rolling waves indicating something large underneath the water. Spurts of seaspray spring out like geysers from beneath the ocean's surface. It was a large pod of whale-like creatures, massive and slow. Their descent onto the village was graceful and one that brought much joy to the Metkayina as they couldn't get in the water fast enough.
The Sully kids couldn't wait either, jumping from the walkway around their home and into the water below. They scatter, exploring the new creatures one way or another. Tsireya had grabbed Lo'ak when she spotted him and pulled him onto her ilu, swimming away to introduce him to her Spirit Sister. Jake summoned his tsurak and both he and Neytiri take off to observe the sacred animals themselves. Rotxo had come around and pulled Kiri and Tuk away too, leaving the twins to their own devices. Ao'nung was not far behind his friend, inviting Neteyam and Y/n to come along with him to find his own Spirit Brother. All three teenagers grab an ilu and take off, making a game of chase with Ao'nung in the lead.
They weave through and around the large bodies of tulkun, dodging other ilu and Na'vi while keeping close to Ao'nung the entire time. He leads them through the chaos expertly, the three teenagers swimming quickly around a particular tulkun. Kiri, Tuk, and Rotxo were hanging onto the bull's fin and gliding peacefully through the water, the tulkun likely the reef boy's Spirit Brother. Neteyam and Y/n are only able to catch a glimpse of this as they swim by, keeping close to Ao'nung's tail until he slows down in front of a particular bull. This tulkun didn't have tattoos yet, much like Ao'nung as he signed to the twins, "My Spirit Brother."
Neteyam drifts close to the creature's eye, signing, "Greetings, mighty tulkun."
"I See you, Forest Brother." The tulkun sang as his form of speaking, and luckily, having had enough lessons, Neteyam and Y/n were able to grasp the old language.
Y/n ditched her ilu and swam up next, signing effortlessly, "I See you, Great Spirit Brother of Ao'nung."
"Hello, Forest Sister. I See you."
Ao'nung's hand gestures were too fast, and the twins were unable to read them but they had no need. The signing was not for them as Ao'nung was trying to relay a season's worth of events to his Spirit Brother, more excited than either Omatikaya have ever seen him. Ao'nung was smiling softly, and brightly as he tried to tell a story only to stumble over his own way of telling it. The tulkun in front of him chimed in as his way of laughing, urging the Na'vi boy to slow down. Y/n managed to pick up some of the gestures after Ao'nung slowed, not missing the words 'Sky People', 'Forest People', and 'new friends'.
Neteyam took a break to swim up and get some air, but Y/n managed to stay underwater a little longer. She didn't want to miss a second of this adorable interaction, and somehow found herself roped in it when the tulkun turned its eye to her.
"Ao'nung tells me that you are a mighty warrior, Y/n te Suli Neytiri'ite."
"He's being nice in your presence," Y/n signed back with a grin, "I have seen war but not been a part of it. I am too young. I am a hunter at best."
Neteyam, still treading water at the surface, takes a deep breath and simply dunks his face underwater, looking back down to locate Y/n and Ao'nung. He found them below, right where he had left them with the bull tulkun. Y/n was signing to the creature, keeping herself swimming next to his eye while Ao'nung floated off to the side, watching them. Neteyam didn't miss the way Ao'nung was staring at her, yet again, when she was not looking. The reef boy's face was calm, his lips relaxing into a soft, carefree smile, never taking his eyes off the Na'vi girl.
That evening was full of celebration, music and dancing a central part of it. Bonfires lined up the beach where the village people could still be close to their ocean brothers and sisters. Late night dives through bioluminescent waves, sending scattered stars up to the sky whenever a splash was made or a tulkun jumped through the air, cascading back down into the water.
Ao'nung kept Neteyam and Y/n with him most of the evening, adamantly talking about his Spirit Brother and the stories exchanged between them. At one point, the three of them were sitting on the edge of a rock fixture, their toes in the water below as they watched the tulkun dancing around in the distance. Neteyam rolled his eyes lightheartedly at a certain part of Ao'nung's story where his mischief had got the best of him. The Omatikaya boy took a moment to glance at his sister, then looked away-- only to double-check when he saw something that intrigued him.
Y/n was watching Ao'nung with a tender expression, her smile sweet and fond as her eyes locked onto every hand gesture and every laugh Ao'nung made, who was clearly unaware of her stares throughout his story-telling. She laughed and nodded whenever she was supposed to in between tales, urging the boy on when he knew he had an avid listening audience. Neteyam smiled, too, though he was sure it wasn't for the same reasons his sister was smiling.
After that fateful day, Ao'nung invited Neteyam and Y/n to everything. They spent whole afternoons together, sometimes sitting around on the rocks, soaking up the sun while they exchanged stories. After hearing all of Ao'nung's tales between him and his Spirit Brother, either one or both twins would tell him stories from the forest growing up. They told him everything, from their childhood to recent events before they had left their home. Ao'nung was actually a good listener if one sat him down to do so. He nodded in acknowledgment and asked questions between appropriate breaks in the stories. Neteyam could tell how much Y/n appreciated this side of Ao'nung, the girl perking up and gladly answering whatever questions he had. At the end of the day, Neteyam couldn't recall if he ever answered any of Ao'nung's questions himself, but he didn't have the heart to care.
The three were also fond of hunting together and sometimes brought Rotxo and Lo'ak along, this time within the reef and with higher spirits. Some days they would mess around too much and wouldn't catch anything, other times they used their newfound friendship and teamwork to coordinate and bring home enough fish to feed all their families combined.
Ao'nung and Y/n decide to bring all the kids to Sänrr Rong. Tuk was the more ecstatic out of all of them, but everyone was delighted by this new place they could use as a hideout away from their parents. This time, they got a chance to cliff dive from the very top of the arch. The reef kids showed them the path up but were shocked to watch the Sully kids effortlessly climb up the rock as if they were born to do so. Even Tuk showed zero signs of exhaustion as she took a stable vine hand and scurried up it like a monkey. The Omatikaya children were clearly faster and more agile climbers than the Metkayina and therefore made it to the top before the locals even had a chance.
"We'll throw you down a vine so you can catch up," Y/n jeers as she pointedly climbed over Ao'nung.
The reef boy hissed, though it appeared to be playful as he makes a point to tug her tail as she passed him. Y/n hissed back and made sure to gently shove his big forehead with her toes as she climbed before leaping out of reach. They all eventually make it to the top of the cliff, hair whipping wildly in the unforgivable winds, then the reef kids stood over the edge, looking down at the ocean water below.
"Okay! Everyone ready?" Tsireya beamed with excitement.
"For what?" Lo'ak questioned.
"SPÄ!" Rotxo hoots to the clouds as he jumps off the ledge, straightening his legs and stiffening his posture as he falls-- falls-- falls--
"Who's next?" Ao'nung grinned.
Lo'ak was closest to the edge, peering over and even squinting when he couldn't spot Rotxo all the way down there, wadding in the sea, "Has anyone died doing this?"
The reef boy laughed, "If you wanna be the first, then don't stiffen your form as Rotxo did. Flail about like a screaming baby."
"Me next!" Tuk squealed.
"NO!" All four of her siblings, including Tsireya, shout in different ranges of emotion, such as fear, amusement, and seriousness.
The little girl stomps her foot, pouting as she crossed her arms, "Then why am I even here?"
"To keep me company," Y/n cut in, tugging her baby sister's arm until the shorter girl is pressed into her side. Y/n holds her tight while carefully watching the cliff, being sure to stay close to the middle and away from all edges.
"Aw, Forest Girl, you are scared," Ao'nung laughs, clapping his hands together once in amusement, "I thought you liked to fly?"
She glares at him, sticking her nose up in the direction of the cliff's edge, "That's not flying. It's falling."
Needless to say, Y/n and Tuk didn't do any cliff diving and left that to their other siblings. Kiri went first after Tsireya offered to go with her. Holding hands, the girls jump, screaming and laughing with both delight and horror. Neteyam paced along the edge of the cliff until he watched Kiri's head rise from the water, then relaxed. Once Ao'nung dared the Sully boys to race to the bottom, they were suddenly all for it, jumping off at the same time. Ao'nung took his time and teetered over the edge, grinning when he watched how nervous Y/n shuffled, keeping Tuk close to her side. The future olo'eyktan pretended to lose his balance, earning a laugh from Little Tuk and a scowl from Y/n before Ao'nung also jumped, hitting the water with practiced ease and a laugh still bubbling in his throat.
They climbed up and jumped back down several times, each time trying to persuade Y/n to jump. She put her foot down every time, even when her twin Neteyam offered to either go with her or stay with Tuk. Still, Y/n would not give into the peer pressure and Tuk was miserable by the time they returned home, squawking to her parents while stating that no one would let her cliff dive. Jake and Neytiri exchanged looks and appeared grateful when they nod to their older children with approval.
The Sully kids' lessons continue as usual, the older ones now granted permission to hunt in groups outside the reef if they pleased. Once they were fluent in signing, they learned to strengthen their knowledge in communicating with the tulkun for the next time. Their knowledge was tested when Tsireya, Ao'nung, and Rotxo refused to talk to them unless they used and perfected the language through signing. When Jake and Neytiri call their children home every night, they often find them sitting silently among each other, only using hand motions to communicate.
Many times, the group of friends return to the Glow Tunnel, to have fun or to enjoy the silence. Each time they all gathered at the center of the village, ready to go back to the Arch, everyone was so eager. All except one particular day, when Lo'ak was nowhere to be found once it was time to go. His absence did not go unnoticed. While Kiri decided to bring Tuk home, the others volunteered to go look for him, and hopefully, he wasn't in trouble like last time. With their newfound hunting party privileges, they go swimming beyond the reef in search of the Omatikaya boy.
They stumble upon Lo'ak by chance, and he wasn't alone. Swimming around him was an impressive tulkun, the left side of the bull scarred and missing a fin. Payakan. Neteyam and Y/n look at each other, worried, while the reef children watch curiously. Payakan and Lo'ak swam around each other like dancers, graceful and practiced. Then, the tulkun turned, fully facing Lo'ak, and opened his mouth, jaw unhinging to reveal the dark cave within. Lo'ak willingly swam in, and Payakan closed his mouth behind him. The twins went to scurry out of hiding as they watched this happen, but both Tsireya and Ao'nung stop them while Rotxo looked on, amazed.
Tsireya went on to further explain that Payakan had chosen Lo'ak to form tsaheylu, and while she appeared proud and excited at the idea, Ao'nung and Rotxo exchanged uncertain glances. Y/n had noticed this exchange, reaching out and grabbing Ao'nung's shoulder, forcing him to look back at her. When the reef boy met her curious gaze, she made movements in the water with her hands, "What is wrong?"
Ao'nung shakes his head and signs back, "Sa'sem will not be pleased."
They definitely were not. Once Lo'ak returned home with the other teenagers, word spread fast and reached Tonowari's ears. Together, he and Ronal round up the teens and brought them to their marui to have a stern lecture, berating the Metkayina children for allowing Lo'ak to bond with the tulkun outcast. It didn't go well as Lo'ak was adamant about Payakan being misunderstood and how he wasn't a killer, even by the Tulkun Way. Jake Sully refused to let his son explain and took him away to straighten him out, but the damage had already been done. Neytiri gathered the twins and followed the father and troubled son home.
They hadn't gone to the communal meal that night, instead, they ate together at home, as a family. Jake was certain that the Metkayina would only receive Lo'ak coldly should they turn up there now, so he suggested that they wait until things cooled down before returning to the village dinners. The Sullys' absence was missed that night, mostly by the children who had slowly become their friends.
Y/n was distressed when her family stayed close to their home the next morning, her father ordering the children to stay near and don't go further beyond the walkways of the village. It felt like a prison sentence to be stuck in one place when it was such a beautiful day out. Neytiri promised her children that they can move on with their lives tomorrow once Jake had calmed down and she spoke to him, but for now, "Listen to your father."
"I see that if one sibling gets punished, we all get punished now," Y/n snarled to Neteyam when she found a moment alone with her twin. Neytiri took Jake hunting with her so that they may talk, while the twins were ordered to look after their younger siblings for the night. Lo'ak and the girls went to sleep not long after their parents had gone, but the oldest son and daughter remained wide awake, talking quietly to one another just outside the marui.
Neteyam exhaled air through his nose, squinting at the dark ink of water in the distance, absently swinging one leg off the side of the walkway, "You don't mean that."
"You're just saying that because you've been stuck here with all of us today, unable to go anywhere."
He turned and clocked the snarl on her nearly identical face, her eyebrow hairs furrowing together while she looked away, rocking herself by her heels, "I hate it."
Neteyam smiled fondly, "I know you do. You always hated small spaces. I can see why you like this place better than home."
A pregnant pause hangs in the air over the twins, the only sounds around them being the water and the village, still stirring with life as things begin to settle down. Y/n doesn't look back at Neteyam, sitting on his words for a moment until she slowly turns back, expression blank and immovable, "I don't like this place better than home. I miss home."
"Of course you do. Doesn't change the fact that you're far more free here than you were back there. You've adjusted well here, even if Dad doesn't see it," Neteyam leans over and pats his sister's knee, "He doesn't see how fast you caught onto the Metkayina ways, he just sees all the times we screwed up."
Her ears flatten as she glares at him through her eyelids, unimpressed, "You mean how Lo'ak screwed up."
"We, Y/n. We."
She rolls her sharp, yellow eyes, "If anything, Dad should be proud of him. Bonding with a tulkun is a young Metkayina's first step to their Iknimaya."
"And only you would know that because you've gotten so accustomed here."
She winced, batting his hand from her knee, "You can't talk like this when one day we're just gonna be heading home again. Stop it now. Talk less about how much we like this place and it might hurt less when we eventually leave."
"Do you want to leave?" He cocks his head, eyes scanning her face for an answer.
"... I want to see the forest again."
"That's not what I asked."
"... Do you?"
Y/n's eyes squint, confused, "Why?"
"I have nothing here."
"You have us. You have our friends."
"Yes, but that's all," Neteyam looks around and Y/n follows his gaze, "You have the ocean, the plant life, the sea life. The ilu, the Sänrr Rong-- everything. You love everything about this place. I only love the people. Don't get me wrong. It's a beautiful paradise and I loved experiencing every part of it... but I want to go home. I felt more at peace there."
"At peace?" The twin girl scowled, "We were at war, 'Teyam."
"Yes." She doesn't miss the way his eyes darken a shade, expression hardening into stone as he glares back out to the sea, "But war is what I was trained for."
The silence is chilling this time, Y/n's heart dropping to her stomach as guilt runs through her veins. Even as twins, Neteyam was still the older brother. He and Y/n might have been conceived during a war, but Neteyam had been bred for it, whether or not their parents realized this. Before Kiri was in the picture and before either she or Y/n had their own voices, Y/n was the one expected to be the next tsahik. With Little Y/n learning the Will of Eywa from her grandmother, Neteyam was learning to be the next olo'eyktan. He had to learn to be strong quick, to hunt quick, to think quick. Even when Y/n finally put her foot down and passed the torch of tsakarem to Kiri, she couldn't catch up to all Neteyam had already learned. She wasn't able to share that burden with her twin, and that guilt hung heavy in her heart.
"... That's not a good thing, tsmukan." She spoke gently, even her whisper sounding like a drum in the silence, "There's more to life than fighting."
"I know," Neteyam's posture shrinks, defeated, his smile not quite reaching his eyes when he glances back to Y/n, "But I haven't found what that 'more' is yet. Not for me at least... You did."
"I did?" She tilts her head curiously.
A glint sparkles in Neteyam's eye, like he knew a secret that not even his twin knew. His tail swings behind him with interest, teasing when he nudged her leg with his shoulder, "Ao'nung is good for you. And you're good for him."
He caught the flash in her eye. The flash of understanding behind the meaning of his words. The flash is there one moment and then gone the next. Y/n shifts uncomfortably in her sitting posture and nods, "He's a good friend."
"He is." Neteyam chuckles, "For me. For Lo'ak, and Kiri, and Tuk. But not for you. For you, he's 'more.'"
Quiet surrounds them once again, Y/n glaring down at her feet as if she had been caught stealing treats from Norm. She looked ashamed and belittled, likely wishing her own brother didn't know everything about her even before she knew those things herself. She swallows down whatever emotion came to mind before she looked up, stubbornly staring Neteyam down,
"I don't need 'more'. I just need this. This family is all I need."
The Sully family had been tense ever since Lo'ak bonded with Payakan, speaking few and far in between words to one another if found in the same space. It wasn't much significance to them whether or not Lo'ak had bonded with the outcast, but to Jake, it was all about principle. Whether or not the family was proud or disappointed in Lo'ak's accomplishment had not been said, but something heavy was floating in the air, like the calm before the storm. The idea of war was still fresh at the very back of their minds, ever looming like a vulture, waiting to strike. Something had changed the other night, shifting into place, deciding the Sullys' fates. Although, no one knew what kind of fate, and that unsettled them.
Unlike the rest of her family, however, Y/n wanted to do something about it. She started by finding the one person she knew would help her, "Take me to the Cove of the Ancestors."
Ao'nung looked up from sharpening his spear, ears immediately rising to the sound of her voice. He tilts his head and forms a closed-mouth smile, though his eyes squint in confusion, trying to solve whatever puzzle he found on Y/n's face, "Why?"
"Because you said you would take me there," Y/n quipped back, taking the spear out of his hands and backing away, "I'm cashing in the offer."
"What is 'cashing?'" He stood up, following her with his arm out, only half-heartedly trying to take the spear back from the Omatikaya girl.
When she purposely kept the weapon out of his reach, Ao'nung smirked, taking a huge step forward so he could stare smugly down at her with their subtle height difference. They were close, close enough to share the same air, and despite Neteyam's words playing back in her head, despite the shame and guilt in her gut, Y/n stomped it down and stood strong.
"It means I want you to stand behind your word." She matches his grin with one of her own, ignoring the heat threatening to rise up to her face as she purposely kept eye contact, "You promised to take me to the Cove. I want you to keep your promise."
She stepped away then, never taking her eyes off him until she fully turned back in the direction she came, walking away with the spear still in hand. She could feel his eyes on her, a thrill running up her spine at the mental image of it. An even bigger thrill, the one led by a horn of victory in her head, went through her whole body when she heard Ao'nung dutifully following her without complaint and without question.
They summoned nearby ilu and fled without another word. They dive down deep into the water and only resurfaced when they had left the sea wall and village behind. Once Y/n inhaled the crisp air, she tosses the spear back to Ao'nung, who effortlessly caught it with a grin of excitement and promise, "Follow me."
A feeling of familiarity took hold of Y/n when she emerged from the water and looked up to find floating islands all around her. An instant smile graces her face, looking around at all the floating rocks, surrounding a wide circle of water at the center of spectacularly arched rocks easily identifying this sacred place. It wasn't entirely like the Hallelujah Mountains. These floating islands were smaller and floated horizontally, like large stepping stones leading up to the heavens above.
Ao'nung emerged and looked around, unimpressed, "This is it."
"It's beautiful."
He shrugged, "It's not much."
"To you, maybe," she grinned while pointing up at the floating rocks, "To me, I see the potential of kicking your ass climbing up those islands."
He laughed, "Careful what you wish for, Forest Girl."
"Is the Tree on one of those islands?"
"Nope." He smiles slyly, "I'll give you another guess though."
She flashed an odd look before looking around, finally staring down below, into the water. Ao'nung dismounted from his ilu and drifted over to Y/n, "Remember, I'm just acting as your diving partner today. We always have to pair up here. One has to watch over and monitor the other while they connect to our ancestors. Got it?" She nods. "Let's go."
The Na'vi girl sinks into the water with him and they submerge after she takes a deep breath. They swim down, side by side, as they approach the large, underwater Spirit Tree. Instead of limbs hanging down like Y/n was used to, this tree's arms reached up, flowing in the water like an overlarge, glowing anemone. Y/n reaches out and gently touches one of the luminous, graceful fronds, smiling to herself when it tickled her palm to greet her.
Ao'nung chirps low in his throat, like a baby crocodile, to grab Y/n's attention. When she turned her head in his direction, he moves his hands about, "The Tree is called Utraya Mokri. It gives breath when the kuru is connected."
Y/n nods in understanding, reaching behind and taking her braid in hand. She gently offers the tendrils to reach out and curl into the ones belonging to the Tree and closed her eyes.
Ao'nung dutifully keeps watch while Y/n connects with his ancestors. The Tree glows and looms beautifully over him, but he's not paying attention. He's seen the Tree hundreds of times and while it is beautiful, it's nothing new. Y/n, on the other hand, is new, and his attention would rather fixate on her than the Tree he's grown bored of over his young life. Her braided hair floats around her like fpxafaw, and her tail, usually dormant, twitches occasionally in response to the bond. Her fingers, all five of them, still delicately hold her braid to the Tree's fronds. Her hands weren't as strange as Ao'nung initially thought. In many ways, he reasoned the extra finger was good for some things-- like the punch Lo'ak fooled him into taking. If nothing else, an extra finger just means more to hold.
Y/n's body jolts and Ao'nung is torn from his traitorous thoughts. He swims forward and wraps his whole hand around her arm and then her kuru lets go of the Tree. Y/n's eyes flutter, still closed, a little dazed and overwhelmed from the whole experience as expected. With Ao'nung's support, she's brought back up to the surface and she slowly remembers to breathe again, now that she didn't have the Spirit Tree to aid her. The two young Na'vi stay there, treading water as Y/n catches her breath, and once her head is no longer foggy, her eyes appeared saddened, an expression that irritated Ao'nung for some reason.
"Not what you were expecting?" He asked light-heartedly.
"It's just..." she shook her head, bottom lip pouting with her eyes lowered, the water reaching up to kiss her chin, "I was hoping for answers."
He didn't ask, but maybe he should have. It's something that would continue to gnaw at him as the rain clouds float overhead. It would gnaw at him as he expressed on returning home before the storm, it would gnaw at him as their swim back resulted in silence and pouring rain. It would continue to gnaw at him as they approached the village, his ears rising to attention when the horn sounds, his blood cooling in fear and worry.
"Find your family."
"Why?" Y/n asked as her ears lowered in concern, loose hairs plastered to her forehead, "What's wrong?"
"It's a war cry. My father has called for a war meeting."
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A/N: Not sure when 'part three' will be out, but it'll likely be longer than normal. Thank you so much for all the support and love I have seen from my very first Avatar work! It motivates me to continue doing what I love!
part three
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thewritetofreespeech · 9 months
Could I request headcanons of the 7 brothers of obey me finding their s/o asleep in their bedroom, waiting for them?
Obey me Boys + who's that sleeping in my bed?
Lucifer sighed as he turned down the final hall of their home. Why did the House of Lamentation have to have so many hallways?
He had been in a very long meeting with Lord Diavolo. Discussing current events in the Devildom, the school, and of course the exchange program. His prince was always interested in how the selected were doing. And although Lucifer didn’t really care how the angels or Solomon were doing, he could report that [Y/N] was doing very well.
Reaching his room, he opened the door and shrugged off his cloak. Feeling a metaphorical weight come off, along with the real one, as it slumped to the floor.
He was on his way to change and take a shower when he noticed someone on his bed. It was [Y/N]. Of course it was. No one else would dare enter his room if he wasn’t there. They must have come in and waited to surprise him, but he had arrived too late.
A soft smile, a mix of heart warming and sad, came to his face as he looked at them. He then came over and pet their hair. “It’s good to see you too, my love. I’ll be right back.”
[Y/N] didn’t wake up as he spoke, but did move a little in some sort of unconscious acknowledgement. He then continued on with the task of showering and changing. Maybe he was working a little too hard afterall.
“Ouch!” Mammon cursed as he bounced off one of the walls.
Another successful night of debauchery for the scummiest brother. Gambling, drinking, cruising hot demons at the club, more drinking. He’d finally reached his fill (or more to the point: puked) and decided to go home. Because despite what his credit card statements said he could not, in fact, live in the club.
He finally made it into his room. Immediately starting to strip out of his clothes. Leaving a trail from the door to his bed. He got down to his shorts just as he was about to swan dive in, when he noticed [Y/N] there. He was surprised, then trying to think of why they were there. His alcohol soaked brain tried to think of something, but the only thing he could think of was that they had waited for him.
Suddenly his stomach felt heavy; and not just from the impending nausea. [Y/N] had been waiting for him. For what, he didn’t know, and it really didn’t matter. They had waited for him. And he had been out drinking and gambling with a bunch of losers, who didn’t even care enough to hold up his head when he got sick.
Mammon suddenly felt like actually the scummiest brother, then turned to head towards the couch. Besides the fact that he stunk, which didn’t matter to him but might to [Y/N], he didn’t feel he deserved to sleep next to them and slept on the couch.
He woke up the next morning to [Y/N] petting his head and asking if he was alright. He then decided he wasn’t going to the club anymore. He didn’t need it.
“I got it! I got it! I got it! I got it!” Levi cheerfully chanted as he ran up the stairs and towards his room.
He had been at the midnight release of his new game, Paradox Spheres. A muti-level, muti-dimension, multi-timeline RPG game where the main character travels through rips in time & space to save the universe. He had to have it.
Levi had been camping out since lunch, like any good otaku, to get a good spot for the release. His hours of waiting, then hours of waiting in the queue up, finally paying off when he got one! Number 134 was always a lucky number for him.
“[Y/N]! I got it! I got it!” The demon exclaimed as he burst through the door. Holding his new game up like a trophy.
His enthusiasm, however, was not matched as he found [Y/N] asleep on his bed. The real one, not his bathtub.
Levi moved to check his watch and see how late it was. He’d gotten the game, but at what cost? [Y/N] was understandably out just waiting for him to come back. Not here to revel in the joy with him.
The demon sighed and placed his game on his dresser. He didn’t want to play it anymore. Without [Y/N] it wasn’t fun anymore.
He instead booted up one of his older games to play that. He wasn’t tired. Being a seasoned otaku, and running on game grab adrenaline, this time of night was nothing to him. He would just have to wait until [Y/N] woke up to start his new game.
The sound of pages turning filled the room as Satan furiously read page after page.
He had planned to go to bed a while ago, telling [Y/N] he would be there in a minute, but just after that he had reached a very interesting part in his book and couldn’t stop. Satan had to see how it ended otherwise he would be plague with regret and anxiety on what could happen all night.
Finally, he reached the end with a satisfying conclusion. Closed the book. Then leaned back with a contented sigh. If only for a moment.
“Shit.” He cursed as he realized how late it was and rushed to his room.
It was too late though. [Y/N] was already asleep. Clearly reading on their own to try and stay away before sleep took them. Satan felt bad. He had promised he would be up soon and broke it. Leaving them alone and waiting for him all evening.
Carefully coming over to the bed, Satan picked up their book and placed a crisp, new bookmark in their place before he moved them over a little and slide in beside them. “I’m sorry dearest.” He apologized before kissing their forehead. Surely they would understand it was a good book though.
“Annnnd…done!” Asmo let out a little giggle as he finished his skin care regiment for the night and bounced off to bed. “Ok [Y/N]~! I’m ready to snuggle up and….” The demon’s cheerfulness waned when they saw that [Y/N] was a sleep on the bed. Looking like an angel he would know.
Asmo pouted seeing them asleep. He thought they would wait up for him, so they could gab and do…other stuff. His skin care regiment was only 21 steps. Surely they could wait up for him to be done with that!?
Being petty, Asmo walked over to the other side of the bed and flopped down. Intentionally being forceful and loud as possible with his tuck in process to hopefully wake them. They did not. He pouted again and rolled over to get some sleep. Good thing he used his advanced anti-wrinkle cream on his mouth & brow tonight.
Beel hit his stopwatch as he came back to the front gate and gave a little cheer. A new personal best.
He hadn’t been able to sleep, or felt like he was going to be able to get to sleep, while he and [Y/N] were getting ready for bed. So, he decided to go for a run. [Y/N] told him that was ok, and they would wait up for him, but he told them it was ok if they didn’t.
Making his way upstairs, two at a time, Beel came into the room quietly and sure enough, [Y/N] was asleep. He didn’t feel bad that they hadn’t stayed up. He wasn’t sure how long he was going to run for, when he would be back, and he knew that they had been sleepy when he left. It was his problem he couldn’t sleep, not theirs.
Beel came over and kissed the top of their head before he went to get some new pajamas to change into. He was obviously sweaty now, so he needed a shower.
When he got back he curled up with [Y/N] and immediately went to sleep. Finally tired, and contented to be with [Y/N].
He’d woken up from one of his naps in the middle of studying to find [Y/N], still working, before he got up and announced, “I need some water.” His mouth was very dry.
Belphie heard their response, which sounded tired if he was paying attention, before he went downstairs to get said water. By the time he came back, all the way up in the attic, [Y/N] had fallen asleep. Their pen still in their hand.
The demon paused and observed the situation for a moment. This was an odd experience for him. Usually, people walked in on him asleep. Not the other way around.
Belphie smiled at being on the other side for once and crawled into bed. “[Y/N], move over.” He urged. Gently pushing them to make space, but also put them in the position he wanted to lay down. He then curled up with [Y/N], smelling their hair, and immediately fell asleep like usual. This was a very nice surprise.
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