#quick take it away before the show comes back
lymtw · 3 days
Aftercare with Toji, where after all the roughness and manhandling is over with, he can't take his eyes off of you. All he cares about is making sure that you're not in excruciating pain, yet he hasn't been able to say a word for the past five minutes. You've pressed so many tender kisses to his face and expressed that you're okay enough times to him, but he can't seem to drop the smallest, lingering coil of guilt he feels at the sight of your scuffed up body. You look like you fought off a bear and ripped octopus tentacles off your skin—simultaneously, with all the scratches, bruises, and hickeys that littered you from your jaw to your ankles.
"Quit staring," you say, bringing your knees up and crossing your arms, your hands gripping your biceps.
"Nah- baby..." he finally says, softly, like he's quickly trying to justify the gaze he had set on you. "Come here."
Toji makes quick work of crushing this wave of insecurity that threatens your peace. He knows what you just endured was not the softest experience, and that you practically let him—a man capable of showing the aggression of a pack of wolves, devour you. Really, he did not hold back at all.
You slide down the bed and pull the covers over your body, laying your head on his chest with an arm thrown over his midsection. He pulls you close with an arm wrapped around your shoulder, and kisses the top of your head. "You know I love you, right, mama?"
"Mhm," you hum. Minutes ago you would have thought those words were a cruel joke being played on you with the way he gripped onto you like he wanted it to hurt.
"Wasn't trying to hurt your feelings by staring at you like that. Just did a lot of damage, this time, and it looks like it hurts... a lot."
"I'm fine," you repeat, for the nth time. You look up at him, briefly, sparing a smile before resting your cheek on his chest again. "A hot shower will melt it all away, I promise," you mumble.
He brushes over one of the many stains he left on the side of your neck. "My little trooper," he sighs, very much relaxed by your side. "You know i'd be proud even if you told me you were hurting." He knows it'll take more than a shower to get all these new semipermanent tattoos off your pretty skin, but for the sake of not making you feel small, again, he shuts up about it.
"I know," you assure. "I just don't wanna burden you. You're probably just as tired, if not more."
"What do you need?"
You lift your head again and look at him, confusion filling out your features. "You heard me, didn't you? I can take care of myself."
"I know that, and I don't doubt it for a second, but you're really gonna reject me?" He hisses, dramatically clutching his chest. "Damn, mama, just like that?"
"Well, no. Of course not-"
"Right. Of course not," he says, with that horrible tendency he has of cutting you off when the situation benefits you. "Gonna ask you one more time, and if you don't answer, i'm just gonna do what I want for you. What do you need?"
You had to think about it for a minute, about how you wanted him to help you. Independence shone through your thoughts. Everything he could help you with, you could also do alone. You didn't want to be needy.
"Five..." He's timing you, now. "Four..." The countdown has your brain scrambling to pick something. Anything, but you're blanking, losing second by second the already little time you were gifted. "Three... it shouldn't be this hard," he teases, a smirk on his face.
"I don't know, um."
"Two... you're gonna lose the option of telling me what to do, doll."
"No- I don't know."
"One." The countdown ends. "Alright," he groans, pulling you up with him as he sits up. "Let's go."
Sure enough, once the lukewarm water hit your skin, you gained a burst of energy. You made the washing of your body an amusing, yet tedious task for Toji. With all your little excitement fueled dances and laughter, what should have been a ten minute session turned into a twenty minute one.
"Doll, turn around. Let me get your back," Toji says, holding back a grin at the sight of you trying to soothe the burning sensation you feel in your nose after inhaling water.
You turn your back to him, before jovially turning to face him again. "Joking, joking," you say, when you catch his lidded eyes. You quickly turn your back to him, again, with giggles slipping past your lips.
He sighs, unable to hold back the gentle curl of his lips any longer. "What am I gonna do with you?" He lathers you from the nape of your neck to your lower back, with soap. The contrast of the white foam and the darkened stains on your skin, were enough to have him thinking about what ended just a little over half an hour ago. There wasn't a spot on you that didn't have some mark of his on it. Your shoulder blades and spine were mottled with stains of his lips, and your hips had opaque fingerprints on them.
You winced and took a step forward, away from Toji's touch, successfully pulling him out of his zoned out state. "You're scrubbing the scratches too hard," you say, turning to him while running your hands over the tender skin.
"Shit," he gently pulls you back and turns your back to him again, "sorry, princess." A few soothing kisses are pressed into the strikes, enough of them to make you forget that it even stung in the first place. He makes sure his mind stays out of the gutter, at least until he's done washing you, so that he doesn't hurt you again.
After showering, you stayed in bed while Toji went to the kitchen to make some tea for you. He did this for you after every night of intimacy, to expedite the betterment of your exhausted throat. He also knows of the calming properties that ease you into slumber. He wants nothing more than for you to sleep off the soreness your body retains.
"There you go, baby. I know you don't like it, but it'll make your throat feel better, so you have to drink the whole thing." He settles down next to you, on his side of the bed and watches you sip on the steaming hot drink.
The familiar scrunch of your nose appears at the taste that hits your taste buds, a sight that Toji has started looking forward to. "I hate the flavor just a little more every time I drink it. Oh well," you say, taking another sip, ignoring the scalding heat that embraces your tongue.
"I know. It sucks," he says, pressing a kiss to your temple. "Hopefully, next time we choose correctly and get something you'll like."
You set the mug down on the nightstand and turn to him. With warm hands, you cup his cheeks and tilt his head up slightly.
"What?" He asks, his eyes directed towards you.
Your smile evolves into a short giggle as you stare at one pinpointed spot on the side of his neck. "I got you, too. Right..." you drag a finger down his neck, gently pressing on the dark spot you left on him. "...here."
His hand tracks your touch and replaces it with his own, feeling the mark. "Damn right, you did. You got me, baby," he says through a grin. "My turn?"
You sigh, with faux irritation. "Fiiine."
"Let's see..." He cups your cheeks the way you did his. "I got this whole area here." His thumb brushes over your jawline, dragging beneath it to where the marks end. "Then there's this entire patch right here." He turns your head, exposing the reddish-purple splotches on the side of your neck to the light. His eyes trace the slope that leads to your shoulder, spotting the marks that remain visible beneath the collar of your shirt. He coordinates his touch with his sight, dragging his fingers over your delicate skin. "Right here," he says, after pulling the collar of your shirt down your shoulder, revealing more of his marks.
"Okay, okay. You win," you say fixing your shirt, covering up again.
"There's one right there," he continues, tapping the column of your neck. "Some more there," his finger glide over your left collarbone.
"Toji, I swear, if you point out one more, i'm gonna bite your finger off."
He stares at you silently, the corners of his lips twitching as you watch him, intently. After a few seconds, he slowly starts directing his finger towards a mark on your chest. Once he makes contact with your skin, he gently presses on the smear of color that marks it, still holding eye contact with you. "Here, too."
You swat his hand away from you, and huff. "Why did I even try to threaten you? You want me to bite your finger off, huh?"
"Not in the slightest. I just knew you weren't actually gonna do it, so I pushed it."
You cross your arms. "Whatever. I'm just gonna put a hoodie on so you can't look at them anymore."
"Woah, baby, put down the knife," he says, hands up in playful surrender. "No need to take drastic measures over this. Don't hide all my hard work."
"Hard work," you mutter, an incredulous scoff following.
Toji's gaze falls on your lips. "You're pouting like you wanna be kissed," he teases.
"And you're... you're being annoying," you say, covering your mouth with your hand, concealing the involuntary lift of your lips.
"Yeah, but you still want me to kiss you," he says, with a sly, knowing smirk on his face. "Look at you. Look at that blush. Even your knuckles are red, doll."
"Oh my god..." you groan with embarrassment. You use both hands to cover your entire face, now.
He chuckles, pulling you into his arms. "You're so pretty, ma. A total work of art." His hands have never gotten lost on you, but for now, in any way he holds you, he'll be able to see the trails his lips left behind.
"Stop..." you mumble, smiling softly at the sweetness poured into his words.
"You look mine, with all these marks," he says, pulling down the collar of your shirt a little, to see the blots of color that appear at the start of your spine.
"Shut up," you say, blushing furiously against his chest.
"Sounds like you still want that kiss, huh?"
"Not anymore," you say, lifting your gaze to meet his. The look in your eyes betrays every ounce of your denial. Toji can very clearly tell that you're lying.
"Those rosy cheeks are saying something else," he says, grinning. "Damn, look at those pretty lips. They're ready for me."
"If you want to kiss me, just say so," you chide, lightheartedly.
"I'm gonna kiss you so hard, doll," he says, cupping your cheeks again. "Your lips lack a little more of me."
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kiss kiss fall in love | s.r. x pregnant!fem reader
your hormones have peeked at your five month mark. your belly started to properly show now and your tastebuds were only slightly concerning. at least the morning sickness was gone, top two worst things about pregnancy, second having to give birth.
you lounged on the couch as you watched your daughter and husband playing on the floor, bits of their hair covered their faces in a curtain. spencer was already teaching her the ways of chess, she asked him many questions.
“how come the queen isn’t wearing a gold crown? she’s special.” holding a black chess piece in her small palm. you chuckled at the childish question.
“well she is wearing a crown, but if you want we can paint it gold. she is the most important piece of the game.” spencer agreed with annabeth, ruffling her locks. he stood from the ground, made a quick stop to kiss your cheek and went into the hallway to comeback with the craft supplies box. he pulled out the paint pens, “why don’t you decorate all of them how you want? it’ll be our special set.”
annabeth went quick to work on coloring over the pieces, some covered in swirled and dots while others had hearts or stars. she even drew a couple of happy expressions, then one sad one, “because he’s just a pawn.” you and spencer chuckled at her reasoning.
you rubbed your palm along your swollen stomach, old stretch marks reappearing at the bottom. your cotton shorts and simple tank feeling suffocating even with minimal fabric. “oh!” a tiny yelp from your lips, eyes widening and mouth pursing.
spencer snapped his head your way, “what’s wrong?” hurrying over to you. annabeth stopped her work to watch both of you with her big eyes. you let a smile ease onto your face, “the baby kicked.”
annabeth scrambled over, “can i feel?” tucking her hands into her chest for restraint. “of course, sweets. here,” holding a palm out for her tiny hand to sit and you guided it over to where the kick happened.
“try speaking to them. they like hearing our voices,” whispering to your daughter when the baby didn’t kick right away. little annabeth leaned in close, her lips grazing your ticklish skin, “i can’t wait to meet you. i’m gonna be the best big sister to you.”
it took a moment but then another kick appeared, “kick! i felt a kick!” she squealed, giving a little jump to her body. she looked to spencer, “daddy! daddy feel the baby!” reaching for his hand like you did earlier.
spencer cooed and gasped with annabeth when another kick appeared. “hi little one,” spencer whispered close, “i’m your daddy and your big sister is next to me. we can’t wait to meet you.” another strong kick followed.
“okay, how about we give mommy a rest. cause my organs aren’t feeling happy about being a soccer ball.” ruffling at your daughter hair. annabeth pressed a kiss goodbye to the growing baby and went back to her art project.
spencer joined you on the couch, arm thrown behind your head and resting on your shoulders while you leaned into him. “how are you feeling? need anything?” his rich voice caressing your ear and making your heart race.
you turned to him with a bright smile, “i do actually. i need a thousand kisses from you. haven’t been given my usually attention.” pouting exaggerated.
spencer looked surprised, “a thousand? man i must be really behind.” clicking his teeth. you nodded, “you have mister. better get started.” puckering up with your eyes closed.
spencer’s light giggles filled your soul and then his lips on yours caused a craving. “more,” a quiet demand.
a fast peck, “oh this is gonna take awhile.”
a lingering drawl, “we’re getting somewhere.”
another fast kiss, but you could tell spencer didn’t move far away. his breath tingled your wet lips, “i’m gonna have to call hotch to babysit if you want all those kisses.” a fifth kiss before his weight left the couch and his footsteps disappeared. you thought it was a little funny he was gonna call his boss on an off day so your child and his could have that playdate that’s been in the works.
“bethie,” calling for your daughter with outstretched arms. she worked her way beside you on the couch an wrapped her arms in a side hug, here genetic reid puppy eyes glaring upon you. “would you be okay to have a playdate with jack today?” smoothing a hand over the crown of her head.
“really?” eyes wide with excitement. you nodded, “you have to be a good girl for mr and mrs. hotchner. that’s daddy’s boss and our friend, say please and thank you. and also make sure you’re cleaning up after yourself.”
spencer walked back into the living room, “the hotchners are on their way. and they happily agreed to bethie joining them on their trip to the aquarium.” scooping annabeth up, both of them yelling “aquarium! aquarium!”
“i wanna see the stingrays!” annabeth declared to jack when him and hotch appeared at your door fifteen minutes later. the three of you watched the two chat while you packed her little backpack of supplies, you handed it off to hotch with a grateful smile.
“thank you for accepting on short notice. i just really want to be alone with my husband, im deprived of attention. i’m wilting like a flower.” sighing and aching as you talked to hotch.
the older man smiled and lightly chuckled, you’re one of the few to crack that stone facade spencer says. “jack’s been missing her anyway, he was trying for a sleepover as well tonight.” you raised your brows, “we’ll see how the afternoon goes.”
once you were completely alone, you dragged spencer behind you into your shared bedroom. “more kisses please,” sitting at the foot of the bed.
spencer moved to stand in the space between your spread legs, his hands cupping at your cheeks like you were fine china. your wandering fingers slid under his plain t-shirt, sitting in his waistband and rubbing against his slim stomach. “don’t keep me waiting, pretty boy. i will start getting angry.”
spencer bent in and let his plush lips mesh with yours, his nose tickling at your cheek when he changed angles to broaden the intimate act. a hum sounded from your throat as you opened your mouth wider and let your tongue wonder, desperately needing a french kiss. a moan echoed in the room as spencer moved from your lips to your jaw, further down onto your neck.
“this- this is nice,” letting a hand sink into the ends of his hair. your nails scratching at his scalp as your eyes fluttered and pulse spiked.
“i love you so much,” lips causing a shiver to erupt. you sighed, “i- i love you too. so lucky for- for marrying you.” your hands starting to mess with spencer’s belt and zipper.
“gonna show you how loved you are.”
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azzifudd · 1 day
that you let me wear home
paige bueckers x azzi fudd
summary: "who's closet do you think the clothes come from?" - paige bueckers
rated: teen
~760 words
Paige wakes to the sound of stifled laughter and strange music. It repeats over and over in short sequence. She finally opens her eyes, squinting as the light hits them and throwing her arm over them, bumping her glasses into her face. 
They had been getting a nap in before their evening plans, and Paige must’ve been even more tired than she had thought because Azzi had woken up and gotten out of bed without her even stirring. 
Azzi stands at the side of the bed, giggling as she taps on her phone, which is suspiciously pointed in Paige’s direction. 
“Azzi… Whatcha doing?” 
“Nothing,” replies Azzi, snickering. But then she turns off her phone and tosses it to the bed, climbing up the bed and astride Paige’s hips. 
Paige slides her hands up smooth thighs, head tilting back as Azzi’s lips find her jaw. 
“Mmm,” she murmurs as Azzi kisses along her jawline and down her neck, stopping at the base of her neck and sucking lightly. 
Paige is so distracted and intoxicated by Azzi’s scent all around her that she almost doesn’t hear the sound of her phone buzzing almost incessantly on the bedside table. 
“Wait.” She brings one hand to the back of Azzi’s neck as the other reaches out to grab for her phone.
“Ignore it,” Azzi mutters against her neck, but the buzzing continues. Paige nudges at her a little. 
“Baby, that’s too high up, you know I bruise easy.” 
As Azzi moves her head away, Paige finally gets a hold of her phone, tilting it to look at the screen. The team group chat is blowing up with texts. The same thing keeps coming through over and over along with their teammates’ jokes and the crying laughing emoji.
“What the hell?” Paige nudges Azzi off of her and onto her side. It’s a video showing her asleep in Azzi’s bed that quickly morphs into some strange animated drawing of a half dressed woman. 
“Dude, is this what you were doing? Were you distractin’ me?” 
Azzi starts laughing, burying her face in Paige’s neck. Another text comes in. 
“You put it on Tiktok?!” Paige sits up. 
“Just on my story.”
“Delete it!” She turns and spots Azzi’s phone on the bed, and reaches for it. Azzi catches her hand in hers, intertwining their fingers.
“It’s probably been screen recorded a million times by now.” Azzi replies, giggling, and she’s smiling so hard her dimples are deep in each cheek. 
Paige stops trying to grab for the phone, instead running her hands down Azzi’s sides and tickling her until they’re both nearly crying from laughter. 
Hours later, they’re in Paige’s apartment getting ready to go out for the night. Paige enters her room to find Azzi standing in front of the open closet. She’s dressed already, in a black top that exposes the skin of her arms and belly and tight gray jeans that hug her figure. 
Paige comes up behind her, arms encircling her midsection, hands coming to rest on the soft skin of her bare stomach, before she presses a quick kiss to Azzi’s shoulder. 
Azzi sighs and Paige feels her body melt into hers. 
“You sure you don’t wanna come to the game tonight?” 
They’ve spent the entire day together, but Paige doesn’t think she’ll ever get tired of spending time with Azzi. She’s still recovering from the near week they just had to spend apart. 
“No, you should take Kayla. She’ll enjoy it more than me.” She has plans with their friend Sam anyways.
Paige nods into Azzi’s shoulder. “You outta bring a jacket. It’s raining a bit.” 
Azzi turns in Paige’s embrace, Paige’s hands sliding along her waist to rest on the bare skin of her lower back. 
“Pick something out for me?” But she doesn’t let Paige move, instead bringing her hands up along Paige’s arms until they’re draped over Paige’s shoulders. 
Paige leans in to press a kiss to that dimpled smile. She pulls Azzi closer, about to deepen the kiss when Kayla breezes by the door, knocking on the frame. 
“I don’t dare to come in, but you guys better almost be ready or else we’re gonna be late.” 
Paige laughs, finally pushing Azzi away and stepping to her closet and pulling out a light pink button up and helping Azzi into it. 
“Damn. You always look so good in my clothes.” 
“Okay, sweet talker." Azzi gives her a little peck. “I’m gonna head out. Have fun. I love you.” 
“Love you.” Paige watches her go and misses her right away. 
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muwapsturniolo · 2 days
platonic!matt x reader
IN WHICH…Two best friends hold an annual tradition of wearing costumes in the summer, carving jack-o-melons, and eating all the candy their hearts desire...But what happens when they drift apart?
WARNINGS: no smut, angst, asshole!matt, that’s about it
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Summer-ween, a fictional holiday from the animated Disney show Gravity Falls, that takes place on June 22nd.
Y/n and Matt fell in love with that specific episode so much, that they made it a reality. They begged their parents to make their costumes, they ran to the store and grabbed all the candy and watermelons they could carry, and they ran around the streets of Boston terrorizing their neighbors by asking for candy.
The neighbors quickly became use to it, always making sure to have some type of candy for the two come June 22nd.
However, only a few years later, the tradition stopped. It wasn’t by choice, it was by force.
The triplets' career took off causing them to move to LA, and leave Y/n alone. They still kept in touch with her, never being able to drop the girl they met in first grade.
Y/n was heartbroken her tradition with Matt wouldn’t continue, but she came up with a solution.
It wasn’t the same, but the two would sit on FaceTime and watch all the Halloween movies ranging from Twitches to Nightmare on Elm Street. It satisfied Y/n a little bit, but she missed dressing up, she missed carving the watermelons and sitting them outside.
She missed Matt.
So when Mary-Lou told her the boys would be coming back to Boston the week of Summer-Ween, Y/n was over the moon.
She quickly planned out costumes, thinking her and Matt could match this year. She ran to the store and grabbed the biggest watermelons and their favorite candy, She threw up all of the Halloween decorations and even put them outside.
She was ready to finally have her best friend back in her arms.
She couldn’t sleep the night before the triplets arrived back home, her jitters causing her to lay wide awake. As soon as the sun rose and she saw the time, she darted to the triplets' house. They were only a block away from her, so there was no need to take a car, so she sprinted.
It wasn’t long before she busted through the front door and ran into the kitchen where the family was eating breakfast. Seeing this would happen, Mary-Lou made sure to set an extra plate out for the girl she considers to be a daughter.
Y/n rushed forward and pulled Matt who had half of a pancake in his mouth into a tight hug.
“Matt! I missed you so much!”
“Jesus, can I eat my pancake first?” Despite the annoyance in his voice, he proceeds to wrap his arms around her, hugging her just as tight.
“Damn, where’s my hug?” Chris asks jokingly.
They finish eating breakfast before their parents head out and leave them be.
Y/n is quick to start talking about the plans she made and how she’s excited to finally celebrate with Matt again. The sparkle in her eye burned brighter at each word.
However Matt, didn’t seem to thrilled with the idea.
“Aren’t we too old to be celebrating still? I mean why dress up in costumes and carve watermelons?”
Y/n scrunches her face in bafflement, “Because it’s a tradition! We’ve always done it and we haven’t celebrated since you moved to LA.”
Matt rolls his eyes, “that’s not true, we have celebrated. You force me every year to sit on FaceTime and watch those dumb movies with you.”
Y/n frowns even more, pulling herself away from Matt, “I don’t force you…You said you liked watching the movies with me.” Her words are softer as the argument goes on. She doesn't understand why Matt is being so mean about this. They've always celebrated this way, what's different now?
Matt scoffs, “Do you really think I enjoy sitting on FaceTime for hours on end watching childish movies? I mean be serious Y/n we are all about to be 21 and you want to run around in costumes and beg neighbors for candy? I think it’s time you grow the fuck up.”
Y/n quickly becomes upset, “Why are you being mean?” She was beyond confused and a bit overwhelmed as Matt's irritation grew.
“Because it’s childish!”
“I just thought- Thought what? That I came back home to deal with your childish and annoying antics? No. We came back because we wanted to spend time with family, not you. You need to grow the fuck up! Life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows!”
Y/n feels her eyes begin to burn at Matt’s words, her throat feeling tight, almost suffocating her.
"I mean be serious, what do I look like acting like a child when I'm 20 years old and have a very big career. That would make me a laughingstock! Jesus Christ Y/n!"
Not being able to stand here and take the harsh criticism any longer, Y/n stands up.
“if you didn't want to do it you just had to say no, you didn't have to be an ass about it."
"I'm not being an ass- Yes you are! You're sitting up here calling me childish for wanting to spend time with you like how we use to! You move to LA and let all this fame get to your head, you changed! And it wasn't for the better!"
The girl grabs her things and storms out of the house with tears running down her face and a heavy heart.
Still not thinking clearly, Matt scoffs and looks to his brothers with crossed arms, "Can you believe her?"
"Can you believe You? Christ Matt, you were really an asshole just now!" Nick states as Matt's brows furrow in confusion.
"What are you talking about? I didn't say anything wrong!"
"Matt you sat up here and called her childish for wanting to spend time with you. Like she said, if you didn't want to do it all you had to do was say no and explain nicely why you didn't want to...You didn't have to throw being famous in her face, you make it seem like you're too good for her."
With that Chris and Nick leave the kitchen, leaving Matt alone with his thoughts.
As the days go on, Matt begins to feel bad.
Y/n was ignoring the boys, including Nate. They tried inviting her to their outings, but she never read their texts.
she wasn't even active on socials.
In the midst of all of this, Matt saw a few fans on tiktok talking about how the boys changed since they moved to LA. It hits him hard and he starts to believe it.
Is it really true? Did he change for the worse?
He throws his phone down and decides to turn on his TV. Oddly enough, Gravity Falls is on.
Matt feels his heart clench when he sees it's the Summer-ween episode. Seeing Mabel and Dipper argue because Dipper feels too childish dressing up makes Matt feel horrible.
Watching the siblings come together in the end has Matt jumping up from his bed. He rummages through his closet finding what he needs before grabbing his keys and rushing out of the house.
Y/n is lying on her couch, a solemn look on her face as she watches her favorite Halloween movie, The Nightmare Before Christmas. She would usually be watching with a big smile on her face and a bowl of chocolate-covered popcorn in her hands, but instead, she's lying down in pajamas and a Dr. Pepper in hand
Her doorbell rings and she ignores it, thinking it's the neighbors asking her to retrieve their football once again, but when it keeps ringing and the person begins to bang on the door, she finally gets up.
She swings the door open in irritation and is shocked at what she sees.
Matt stands in front of her sheepishly, dressed in a peanut butter costume that's a little bit too small, and his arms outstretched with a pillowcase.
"Trick or treat?" He says awkwardly.
"What are you doing?" Y/n asks softly.
Matt sighs and puts his arms down, " I'm trying to celebrate Summer-ween with you." Y/n crosses her arms and looks off to the side.
"Why? I thought it was too childish and you were too famous for that." Matt sighs sadly and takes a step into the house.
"I know what I said... And it was wrong. I shouldn't have treated you like that, I'm sorry. I just- you were right when you said I changed. I let fame get to my head and I felt like it would ruin my image if I celebrated with you."
Matt grabs her chin softly and makes her look at him, "But I'd rather have a ruined image than a ruined friendship. I care too much about you to lose you because I was being a dick head."
Y/n is quick to pull Matt into a hug, feeling happy that Matt is back in her arms. Matt smiles and returns the tight hug, happy that everything is ok.
Y/n pulls away and looks him up and down, cracking a smile. "You pulled out the old peanut butter costume?"
"Yup, and I have your strawberry jelly costume too!"
Y/n shakes her head, "Nope not doing that! That costume was ugly!"
"If I have to squeeze into this peanut butter costume and have my dick squeezed you have to wear the strawberry costume!"
Y/n laughs loudly before dragging him to her room, "Well I have better costumes!"
before he knows it, Matt is dressed as Dipper Pines and Y/n is dressed as Mabel.
The two ended up carving the watermelons, taking pictures, and even went to a few houses to retrieve candy.
The two are soon settled back in the living room of Y/n's home, changed into pajamas as they watch Halloween Town.
"Hey Y/n?" Matt asks softly. Y/n looks up at him from her place on the floor. "Can I ask why you want to keep celebrating Summer-ween?"
Y/n looks back down as Matt settles down on the floor next to her.
"I just...like you said you're more famous now...You live in LA and I never get to see you anymore. Celebrating with you in person or at least over the phone just reassures me that we're always going to be friends, or at least in each other's lives."
Matt can see the sad look in her eyes and he hates it. he hates seeing her sad, she wasn't supposed to be sad. She was always the happy-go-lucky one between the two and he plans on keeping it that way.
he pulls her into his side and plants a soft kiss to her forehead, his hand brushing down her boho braids.
"I'm always going to be in your life, always."
"I wouldn't have it any other way."
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liked by Y/n.luvs and more....
matthew.sturniolo: happy summer-ween from Dipper and Mabel Pines 🍉👩🏽‍🤝‍👨🏻
nicolassturniolo: Y/n is really the fourth triplet
⌊christophersturniolo: sturniolo triplets + Y/n! quadruplets does not hit the same!
Y/n.luvs: still mad you wouldn't post the peanut butter and jelly costumes 😔
⌊matthew.sturniolo: not happening sweetcheeks, keep dreamin'
⌊user2:SWEET CHEEKS?!?!
user1:i yearn for a friendship like this omg 😭
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𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 🍑: @mattslolita @thenickgirl @guccifrog @luverboychris @zayyluvz @mrsmiagreer @chrisssluttywaist @78yaz @hoesformatt @freshloveforthefit @3lizaluvs @mattsturniolosgirlfriend @jetaimevous @luxy-nyx @ts-is-my-spirt-animal @iihrtsturniol0 @idontexistman @katw4shereee @madisturn @starlace111 @zivall @adoreindie @imwetforyourmom @sturnsxplr-25 @sturncakez @theyluvme-2315 @moonk1ss3d
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leonw4nter · 11 hours
I really like ur fics with Leon as a dad 🤍 can I request one where it’s angst at the start but happy at the end? I think with Leon’s job he’s probably alway moving to new places and his wife is kinda at the point where she just can’t take it and worried for their kid?
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My Baby Here On Earth Showed Me What My Heart Was Worth
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Husband!RE:Damnation!Leon x F!Reader
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“The kids are sleeping now,” you quietly tell your husband as you get into bed with him.
He hums a response, setting aside a copy of William Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury as he gets up. To go look at the kids one more time for the night, he says as he walks around the foot of the bed and towards the door. You wait until Leon noiselessly closes the door, his footsteps growing fainter as he grows more distanced from you, to sigh deeply, sitting up to lean against the cold headboard as you bury your face in your hands for a moment. You love Leon and you know that he loves you and your kids too but he’s grown increasingly distant with each passing day after coming home from deployment to the Eastern Slav Republic. You’ve done your best to show that you’re there for him, initiating conversations and even giving him simple compliments but the most he’s done is look in your direction and nod. A hum and a forced smile, if you’re lucky and he’s feeling less bad about himself. He still took care of the kids, driving them to school and playing with them in the afternoons but it’s clear that his mind is far from home. Even the kids could sense just how weary their father is, doing their best to cheer him up by giving him colorful drawings and letters. “Don’t be sad, daddy! Me, Ollie, and mama are here for yuo!” one of them reads, the word ‘you’ misspelled but Leon loved it nonetheless. For a quick moment he genuinely smiled whenever he read the letters and saw the drawings again before the frown took its place in his face again as he put the artwork in a folder and placed it back in the drawer cabinet.
You lifted your head from your hands when Leon walked back in, silent as always as he headed back to his side of the bed. You stared at him, urging him to say something–anything, just to dissolve the wall that he put up around himself but to no one’s surprise, he doesn’t speak. He checks the time on his phone and decides that it’s far too late to continue reading his book and sinks down beneath the covers, muttering a nearly inaudible ‘goodnight’ to you before he closes his eyes and drifts to sleep. Hurt, you scoff at how distant he feels. Physically, he’s home and with you but you know that emotionally and mentally, he’s still on the other side of the world and dealing with Tyrants, Lickers, and corrupt leaders. Turning the lamp off, you sink into the sheets as well and turn to face the wall. You have so much to say, so much to express to him but you’re afraid that this will only push him further from you even more. Worst case scenario, he packs his bags and sleeps in a hotel for a week before coming home plastered. He’s never done that before but you don’t want this rift to widen to the point he even considers doing that, maybe even leave behind the family he has with you for the enigmatic woman in red. Inhaling deeply, you shut your eyes before you speak to him. You don’t even think deeply about what you’re doing before your fears get to you and force you to shut up again.
“I can’t keep doing this, Leon.” You shakily begin. “We can’t keep doing this. I’m here for you, so are the kids, but you’re pushing us all away.”
“I need space.” He responds. Short and curt, straight to the point but you wish he said more.
“What does ‘space’ mean to you, Leon?” you gently ask as you sit up and face him who is still curled up on his side, his face hidden away like a secret. “I just want to know what I can do to support you while also giving you some time alone.”
“Leave me alone. There. That’s the kind of space I want,” he grumbles as he sits up, facing you. You stay silent for a moment, your sympathetic gaze on him but his eyes are elsewhere as he runs a hand through his dark hair, not wanting to see the look on your face.
“Okay. But let’s still talk, okay? Let’s voice out how we feel and communicate, I want to be able to provide you with what you need–”
“Why are you doing this?” Leon interrupts, not out of irritation but rather out of wonder. Your eyes widen for a quick moment before you inch a little near him, hesitant to reach out and place your hand on his hand.
“Because I care for you, Leon, and I don’t want to see you suffer alone. I want to be here for you and share the weight of the world on your shoulders too. You don’t have to keep it all to yourself, I can see it eating away at you.”
He doesn’t stop you when you take his hand, feeling the scars and calluses on them. He quite misses your touch, actually, but he felt like he was throwing himself a pity party whenever he thought about asking you for a hug or a kiss.
“I don’t want to bring home anything from work,” he explains. “I don’t plan on mixing it– work and home life… and I didn’t expect for it to get to this. That I’m pushing you and the kids away. I don’t… I don’t want my family to even think about how the monsters I’ve killed looked like or how I killed them. Something as precious as you three don’t deserve that. Our little ones, most of all.”
Pulling him in for the first hug in nearly two weeks, after two weeks of Leon trying to avoid your physical display of affection, he gives in. He leans his forehead on your shoulder but doesn’t wrap his arms around you and instead, lies limply on his side.
“Oh Leon,” you delicately whisper. Sushing and humming the same tune you used to hum when your toddlers were still tiny babies, you tenderly sway Leon from side to side in order to ease all the anguish he bottled up and refused to share. It doesn’t take long for his tears to wet your shoulder, his large frame shaken with stifled sobs. He went by “Condor One”, “Agent Kennedy”, and many other aliases required by his job but at the end of the day, he is your Leon Scott Kennedy. “Daddy”, as his dear children would call him.
Leon slept in your arms, his head buried in your side with an arm slung around your stomach, for the first time in the longest time. He still shook and spoke in his sleep, flinching at times, but his sleep appeared to be much more restful. It was your turn to be unable to fall asleep now, a hand gently patting Leon’s shoulder blade with a watchful eye observing him. You were tired from the entire day and the crying you did with him hours ago but you couldn’t find it in you to doze off; you thought about your kids’ future and raising them, along with considering the fact that Leon was rarely home for a long time and was always moving to new places for indefinite periods. Each mission brought the fear that this would be the last time you’d see Leon alive, to be talking to you in person and that what would come home to you are two agents holding a folded flag, an urn, and what remained of his gear instead. It would be cruel for Leon, who proudly proclaims that his life has only begun when he met you. Leon, who knew what it meant to truly live when he found out that you were pregnant with his children. You knew that it also hurt Leon to leave at ungodly hours of the night when he was going to be deployed for a mission and to think that his kids would wonder where their daddy is and why he’s always gone. You’re used to Leon’s constant absence but it doesn’t hurt any less each time he has to go. His job is bad for your heart, constantly putting it in a state of worry and fear. It always stung whenever your kids asked if they could go with Leon when he had to leave on an “adventure” because they wanted to spend more time with him. You hated breaking the news to Leon that he’d have to miss out on another one of their school events, having to phone Chris or Patrick to attend in his place; he sounded so pained whenever he asked about the details of the event, his dreams of walking up the stage and being active in his childrens’ schooling playing in his head every time he closed his eyes for a quick nap before being back on his feet and killing monsters. Ultimately, you decided to give the kids a day trip with Leon since their only trip with Leon was when they were still babies. Sighing once more before giving sleep another try, you start to mentally compile all the things needed for tomorrow’s road trip.
“She’s already got a stain on his shirt and the ice cream hasn’t even melted yet,” Leon says with an amused grin as he tries to wipe the chocolate off of Euphemia’s pink shirt with a wet wipe. You’re preoccupied with watching over the other twin Ollie, who’s trying to call a stray cat and give the kitty a lick of his vanilla ice cream. You look back at Leon, who’s giving his daughter kisses as he got the stain to look a lot less dark than it was earlier.
“Pheme still tends to get ice cream everywhere,” you softly tell him as you offer another set of wipes, to which he declines since the stain isn’t obvious and the wipes could be used for later. Leon smiles when he notices you use the nickname he gave to Euphemia; he’s managed to get you to use this one instead of his other loving nickname for Oliver, “Rolliver Polliver”, derived from when Ollie almost ate a roly poly bug.
All of you finish eating ice cream without getting any more stains or a cat being fed something it shouldn’t be fed and get back to the car, hitting the road once more. Queen, Hall & Oates, Elton John, and The Flamingos have been traded for nursery rhymes and songs to induce sleep in toddlers in order to get them to nap a little bit. Instead of Leon sitting in the passenger seat with you, he decided to sit at the back in between the kids in order to spend some time being near them on the road trip. The twins seemed to have gotten their habit of sleeping with their head leaned back and mouth slightly ajar while softly snoring from Leon, who is also asleep with his hands on their child car seat. Caught in a red light, you quietly observe this tender moment in the front and snap a few pictures of them with your digital camera from 1989 that still surprisingly works well. You giggle at the sight behind you, heart melting at seeing your husband and children look so adorable. His jacket is on your lap when you told him that you were feeling a little chilly, insisting that he’s fine in the back without one. Just earlier, he was making funny faces and holding a serious, one-sided conversation with his little ones, making them laugh and giggle at his every word and now they’re all asleep together. If it means having more moments like this, you’re ready to fight the D.S.O. for keeping your husband occupied on the other side of the world. You guess that it’s also moments like these that Leon continues to fight bioterrorism so that other families can safely enjoy moments like this one without worrying about monsters coming to harm their loved ones. Since the red light is still going and you seem to have been caught in a moderate traffic, you take out your video cam and film the soft scene behind you. “Papa and the kiddos are sleeping together, their snoring isn’t in sync so there’s no moment of silence for me but I don’t mind. I love you all so much and momma is very happy right now.”
After nearly four hours of driving, you four finally get to the cliff overlooking the great wide sea. Parking your car to a safe place, you take out the picnic basket and start preparing your spot. You two chose a spot underneath the shade of a thick tuliptree, a cover from the hot sun. The kids have been asking so much about finally being able to play soccer and ‘helicopter’, a game where Pheme and Ollie hang from Leon’s arms as he spins around (the twins have promised to never, ever play ‘helicopter’ again because they got dizzy but they seem to have ‘forgotten’ it this time) and you explained that they can play an hour after having the picnic and when the sun isn’t so hot anymore. Leon agrees and although the twins don’t seem too happy, they don’t appear to mind it that much since they’re eager to help Leon in unloading the car (he gave them the lighter tasks). As soon as the food is set and most of the bugs have been successfully warded off, the twins gather to sit beside you but before everyone can take a bite of the sandwiches, Leon gets up and takes the digital camera and snaps a couple of pictures, even attempting a selfie at one point. Soon, everyone digs into their sandwiches and stuffs their faces full of the snacks you and Leon prepared together in the morning.
After what felt like the nth picture Leon has taken of you and the twins, he finally puts the camera down and puts it back in its case but picks up the video cam instead. The twins groan, urging their dad for more playtime even if they’re drenched in sweat with dirty knees.
“5 minutes,” Leon says as he starts recording. “Papa’s back hurts. Why don’t you ask mama?”
“Mama already played! She can’t carry us and she says she’s also tired! She’s reading now!” Pheme exclaims.
He points the camera towards you, reading a pocketbook in the picnic basket while dabbing your forehead and neck with a towel. He laughs and calls you, causing you to look up from the book you were engrossed with and blow him a kiss. He laughs one more time, ‘catching’ the kiss and placing it inside his shorts pocket which gets a giggle out of you.
“My beautiful wife is uhh sitting there, she’s reading.” He narrates as he zooms in. “Very beautiful, the sunlight is hitting her just right. Gosh, she makes me nervous and she doesn’t even know. Love her very much.”
He zooms out and zooms into his children, who decide to take interest in the rocks and starts flinging them towards the cliff with the intention to try to fling it to the ocean, which is quite far from where they are.
“Hey kiddos,” he says as he walks up to them and pats them with his free hand. “What’re you doin’?”
“We’re trying to throw rocks into the ocean!” Ollie and Pheme cheerfully explain, showing their rocks to the lens before flinging it with all their tiny might.
“Ooh, that’s quite far honey,” Leon comments. “Want me to try?”
The twins cheer and he takes that as an opportunity to throw one, the recording being temporarily shaky.
“Woah! You threw it far, papa!” The twins say and clap, determined to throw it as far as he did. He helps the twins throw it, focused on teaching them how to aim and the force they need to exert to fling it a little farther.
After several minutes of flinging rocks and random conversations with your husband and your kids, you call them over to look at the pictures Leon has taken. Everyone gathers around you as you look at each one, oohing and aahing at Leon’s photography skills. Leon focuses the cam on the pictures popping up in the digital camera, chipping in with his thoughts.
“Mommy looks amazing there,” he breathily says. “Divine. What’d you think, Pheme?”
“So pretty!” She beams before giving you a big kiss on the cheek. Ollie giggles and snuggles closer to you, occasionally pointing to the pictures.
Like you guessed, most of the pictures are of you, the kids, or both. Observant like their dad, they picked up on this as well.
“Pa, you’re not in a lot of the photos! It’s always us or mama!”
Leon chuckled, ruffling his kids’ heads. He extends a pointer finger to a shadow in the image before you switch to another one, pointing to the tall shadow once again.
“That’s me,” Leon explains. “I’m the shadow.”
His twins seem confused, falling into silence along with you, who is also intrigued by Leon’s words.
“When you look at these pictures when you’re bigger, I want you all to know that I’m always here. These are proofs that I’m with you because I’m the shadow and I’ll always look out for all three of you,” he explains
The twins say ‘aww’ at the same time and tackle his legs, hugging him tight. While you set the camera down and look at Leon with a small pout and slightly glossy eyes. Leon chuckles softly and places a free hand on your face, his thumb gently stroking your cheek before you join your twins in giving him a big bear hug as you wrap your arms around his neck.
“I love you, Leon.” You softly tell him, warm breath fanning against his neck.
“Me too, sweetheart. I love you more.” He tenderly responds as he hugs you and the kids back.
He’s thankful that this tender moment is caught on camera so he can rewatch it several more times before he goes to bed.
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NOTE - I hope you liked this fic anon!!! At first, I wasn't super confident about writing this or how it'll turn out but I think it turned out nicely ngl :) YALL. I finally got my driver's license. I can drive. Do I know how to? I know the theoretical aspects of it but driving itself? Running a motor vehicle? I have yet to learn (it's on June 20-21 and my dad will teach me until I get better)... I also scarfed down a big spicy bowl of ramen coz I didn't have breakfast this morning <3 Also, It's not rlly embarrassing for me to be writing fics while my parents r sitting at the back (I'm at my living room) but making the border??? Looking for pics of Leon??? It's embarassing for me 😭😭 My dad said that my Chris capcorom looks like a Bánh bò and ngl I kinda see it 😭😭 There's a Japanese mall where I live and I'll be going there tomorrow so hopefully yk there's a copy of any RE book or manga (PLEASEPLEASEPLE) Anyways, that's it and thank you for readings my fics!!!!!! I <33333 UUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The wavy divider was made by @kaitsawamura , the images are made by me (sourced from Pinterest).
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lilgirl-cumslut · 2 days
I invite you over to show you my new puppy... soon after you arrive 5 of my friends also arrive... they haven't cum to play with my puppy 😈
TW: gangbang, cnc, degradation.
I love dogs!! They get me so excited.
I bounce up to your door and ring the door bell. I’m so giddy to get to meet your cute little puppy. You answer the door and grin. “Hey there, sweetie.” You purr at me. Your eyes look slowly over my body. My large tits are nearly busting out of my push-up bra and tank top. My little black skirt has a slit that leads up to a zipper, making it easy access.
I don’t notice you taking me in at all. I’m looking past you. You send a text on your phone while holding it at your side, something you had already typed up before answering the door.
“Where is he?” I ask, all excited.
“Oh, he’s in my bedroom. He’s very excited to meet you too.” You lead me into your house and show me around. I didn’t even notice you left the door ajar as you take me in the quick tour.
Soon, we get to your room and you open the door, letting me in first. You look towards the door and see your group of friends walk in. You smile at them and follow me inside.
I’m standing there, pouting. “Where is he?”
You grab me and push me hard to my knees, pulling my face to your crotch. “Right here, you stupid bitch. You’re the puppy.”
Confused, I struggle to get away as your friends pile into the small bedroom. I start to panic.
“What’s going on?” I ask.
“Where here to play with the new puppy.” One of them says as they all laugh, circling around me.
“Go ahead,” you say, “play time!”
Two of them kneel down and start to grope my tits and ass.
“Please… no…” I whimper.
“Come on, we won’t hurt you. If you’re a good pup, we’ll make sure you enjoy it too.” One of them says.
I whimper and try to push away from them but you hold me firmly. “Be a good girl, pup. If you cause any trouble I’ll crate you and you’ll be punished.”
It seems hopeless to resist, and as you pull your cock out, I open my mouth. You push your way right in.
“That’s a good girl. See? Not so bad to be obedient.”
The guy playing with my tits gets rougher before finally ripping my shirt open. “Let me at those titties!”
I yelped, but as he yanks on my bra, my breasts pop right out and his hands grip them hard. “Man, I spent most of Chemistry class fantasizing about fucking these last year!”
I look up in horror, realizing who it is. That was Johnny! We were in Chemistry together. He was my lab partner. Every time he accidentally touched me in class wasn’t an accident. I should have known.
Johnny pulls out his cock and puts it between my tits. Your other friend gets down lower and starts to unzip my skirt.
I kick at him but he pins my legs down. “Dumb bitch! Kick at me again and I’ll break your fucking leg!”
I cry out and try to move away from him but you and Johnny have me pinned. He finishes removing my skirt and finds my cute black lace panties. “Nice panties. I knew you were a fucking slut.”
His fingers go straight into my pussy and I yelp, unable to stop him. The others get closer and they all have their cocks out, stroking them to my distress.
“Be a good girl and suck my friends off too.” You say, guiding my hand to the next person. Johnny moves out of the way, getting in line to get his cock sucked. I open my mouth and take the first cock. I realize it’s your friend Trent. The black guy next to him is Jamal, and next to him is Cody. The guy on the floor I didn’t even know.
You make me suck each one of them in order. They all moan and praise me for being a good pup. You hold my head for them as they fuck my throat? Making me gag. My spit splattering out as I gag, covering my face.
You force me to go back and forth between them before pulling me to my feet. “Good puppy’s walk on all fours.” You say and toss me into your bed. I start to get up, but you and Jamal pull me up and put me on all fours. You get behind me and rub your wet cock against my pussy. I cry out and move my hips away. Jamal grabs me and holds me in place. “No. Bad puppy. Girl puppies are good for one thing. Breeding.”
“No!!! I’m a virgin please don’t!” I cry out, struggling in vain once more.
The guy who was go by wrong me before shoves his cock in my mouth? Holding my head in place while he makes me gag. “Shut the fuck up, bitch.”
Tears are pouring down my face as I realize what’s about to happen to me. You slide the head of your cock up and down my slit before pushing slightly. The tip slides right in and you moan. “Mmm… you say no, but your pussy is pretty wet, pup.”
You rock in and out a little, staying shallow for now. “I guess it’s time to see if you’re a real virgin or not.”
I shake my head as much as I’m able but it’s fruitless. You pull back and ram your cock inside me. I scream around the stranger’s cock as you tear through. I’m sobbing and gagging even more around his cock as you both move in and out of my holes at both ends.
“Definitely not a virgin now.” You say, chuckling. The rest of them laugh as they watch the two of you fuck me.
I feel your friend’s cock jerk in my mouth just before he released his load down my throat. I start coughing and he pulls out, letting me retch his cum all over the bed. Then he slaps me across the face. “Good dogs swallow, you dumb bitch. Try again.” He said, then pushed Johnny over to take his place.
Johnny shoved his cock right in, lubricated by the other guy’s cum he had me gagging on his cock instantly. It was so intense I barely noticed how much pain I was in as you raped my pussy.
Johnny held me down on his cock, letting me choke for a bit.
“Her mother feels so damn good!” Johnny says.
“You should feel her pussy, man. She’s fucking squeezing my cock right now. I think this slutty puppy likes it!” You say.
I feel lightheaded as your words echo in my head. I felt it, but I didn’t realize what that was. I was orgasming on your cock as you raped me and Johnny choked me with his dick.
I couldn’t really explain it, but in that moment, I felt so confused. The orgasm felt good, but the circumstances were distressing and painful. I wasn’t sure what to feel.
You start fucking me harder as I nearly vomit. Johnny pulls back and I cough, somehow managing not to puke all over him.
Johnny laughs. “Damn, she takes cock good.” Then he grabbed my head and forced his way back down my throat, fucking into it roughly.
I can feel you speed up. I hope you pull out but after you all talk of breeding me, I doubt you’re going to. I groan around Johnny’s cock as you ram your cock as deep as possible into me and release your load.
I can feel the pulse of your cock as it empties a fertile load deep inside of my violated pussy and it throbs to the beat of my own pulse. I cum from the intensity of it, then feel a hot liquid gush down my thighs.
Your friends all start to talk at once. They seem excited about something but I have no idea what. You pull out and I hear one of them exclaim, “she fucking squirted all over the bed, man!”
Johnny pulled out a bit with a shaky “oh fuck! Here it cums!” And releases his load in my mouth.
I desperately try to swallow it for I feel I’ll drown if I don’t. There’s so much.
A different dick slips inside of me and starts fucking me hard. My pussy walls are on fire with pleasure. The pain is fading quickly and the cum inside of me mixed with my own fluids causes his thicker cock to slide right in and stretch me with ease. He doesn’t go nearly as deep as you did, but the pleasure is still there.
With no cock in my mouth, I’m moaning like a whore.
“She really is enjoying this!” One of them cheers.
I feel all sorts of hands on me as whoever it is fuck me hard and fast. He’s using my pussy as his own personal flashlight. I was just an object to use for him. I could feel it in every thrust and that knowledge just made me cum again.
He came right along with me, moaning like it was his first time. “Oh, fuck yeah!” I recognized the voice. It had to be Cody.
I feel his thick cum start to drip out and then someone shoves two fingers inside me. “Gotta keep that in!” They all laugh.
“Me next.” Jamal’s deep voice rumbles as he pushes past the others. He grabs me by the hips and flips me over.
When I look up at him, I see him stroking his long, thick black cock. It looks huge in his big hand and he chuckles as my face must show my concern.
“Don’t worry, bitch. I’ll make sure you feel the whole thing.” He chuckles again and lines himself up.
“W-wai…” I try to protest but the head of his cock slips right in my slippery well used hole. I whimper, but he shoves his cock deep inside me and I scream as the head hits me cervix hard.
“Shut up, slut. Take my fucking cock.” He says, then pulls out and slams in again. I can feel the head of his cock spread my tight cervix open, causing me to scream again.
Trent moves to kneel above my head, then tilts my face so he can shove his cock in my mouth. “There, now be quiet, dumb whore.”
I suck on his cock because there’s nothing else I can do. Jamal rams his cock inside me over and over again and my eyes fill with tears. Each thrust Jamal sends into my cunt sends a sharp pain through the inside of my body and I can feel his cock starting to break through.
He gives one final thrust and I feel the head of his cock split my cervix open. I try to fight and get away but they both hold me down. Through my tears I can see the pleasure on Jamal’s face. My cervix is squeezing the head of his cock and knowing it gives him pleasure makes my body tremble around him.
“Oh, that’s more like it. You’re nothing but a needy whore aren’t you?” Jamal says. He starts moving again, but he keeps his cock firmly inside my womb.
Meanwhile, Trent starts fucking my face, moaning softly. My body feels so overwhelmed and I start cumming on Jamal’s cock.
He laughs, “oh yes, good slut. Cum for me. That’s it. Nothing but a little rape sleeve.” Jamal closes his eyes and starts fucking me harder. His cock head starts popping in and out of my womb like it was meant to be that way. I’m crying as I cum over and over again.
Trent grunts and pulls out, cumming all over my face. “Nnn… so hot.” He moans, then smacks my face with his cock a couple times before moving away.
Jamal finally starts to thrust a little more erratically. He’s getting close and I’m oh so thankful.
He shoves his cock back in my womb and I can feel every inch of his length jerk and spasm as he cums. Every drop spills into my fertile womb and it causes me to start crying again.
I’m sure I look a mess. There’s cum all over me and all inside of me. The only hole that hasn’t been violated and used as a cum dump is my ass.
Jamal pulls out and I hear the stranger speak. “All mine then?” He comes closer and pulls me over to the edge of the bed and rolls me on my stomach again.
This guy looks at you and smiles. “Mind holding her down for me?”
It’s not like I could get away if I wanted to. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve cum, and my body is sore and shaky. You come over in front of me and hold me down.
The stranger steps up and slides his cock inside my aching pussy. “Mmm… so much cum inside you. You’re surely going to be a mommy after tonight.” He says, then he pulls out.
The tip presses against my ass and my eyes go wide. He wouldn’t!
I look up at you and you’re just grinning down at me, your cock half hard again in front of my face.
“No! Please! Don’t!” I cry out.
“Sorry, bitch, this ass is mine.” He growls, and then he uses the cum from my cunt to allow his cock to slide right inside my ass. It stings as he stretches me open so easily. In just a few thrusts he has most of his cock buried in my ass.
I’m crying again, unable to handle it. Still, he moves his hips, fucking my ass however he wants. I whine and cry but he doesn’t stop.
“Damn, babe, you crying like that’s got me all hard again.” You say, grabbing my face and guiding me to your cock.
I reluctantly take your cock in my mouth and let you slowly fuck it as my ass feels like it’s being ripped open. This guy is thicker towards the base of his cock and he uses that to fuck my tight, virgin ass open. It feels so uncomfortable, but my pussy is dripping wet. It’s not just cum either.
It feels like forever as he fucks me, but finally, he slides in as deep as he can go and grunts, starting to cum inside my ass. It feels strange. I can feel the hot fluid inside me, filling my ass and stopped by his cock.
I’m hoping it’s over. I’m hoping they’ll let me go and I won’t ever have to see any of them again. The stranger steps back, sliding out of me with a wet sound and the others are standing around me, stroking themselves.
“Ready for round two, slut?” You ask, petting my cheek. I whimper weakly. It seems I didn’t have a choice.
Want round two? Give me a like!
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blueboybot · 24 hours
In Your Cold Dead Arms
I don't care! I need to show yall one of my weird pairs.
Twigs and dry leaves snapped under feet that were in a hurry, wind blowing violently enough to feel as though it was one more step from uprooting trees and flinging them carelessly about with its strong might. Rain droplets fell from the dark and cloudy sky, rapid rainfall increasing with every droplet that hit skin and cloth, each one harsher than the other.
Some might find struggle with this kind of weather condition but for him it was way nicer than dealing with someone who could manipulate the weather at will. Luckily for him it was simply an act of nature, no powerful foe was attacking him and he could appreciate that once he got out of said rain.
As he ran his eyes continued to look out for shelter, something he could only hope to find in an area like this. More trees and plants overtook his vision, his temper starting to flare as rain fell even harder, almost feeling as if it were lashing him. Thunder boomed from above and lightening soon followed after, clouds lit up and illuminated the area for a few seconds.
On que, lightening striked next to a tree he was close to making him instinctively dodge out of the way. The tree took major damage, its base split in two and some of its green leaves burnt black. Fire appeared for a quick second before immediately being quelched by the rain. However with the destruction of the tree he was able to see a path, and further in the distance some kind of structure.
With the discovery of shelter he headed straight for the building, his legs picking up speed with the promise of soon being out of rain. Getting closer he saw that the structure was a mansion, an abandoned mansion at that. Not one to be picky he pushed open the gates with overgrown vines, finding them unlocked and bolted straight towards the front door, ready to use his body to force it open only to find out it was also unlocked and opened when his hand pushed on it.
Entering the mansion his first red flag came when he laid his eyes on the interior of the place. It was much nicer on the inside than the outside, the floors were clean and shiny, a chandelier lit up with flames hung high from the ceiling, red carpet and wooden decorations greeted him from where he could see them. Overall, the mansion gave off the vibes that it was well kept and that meant he may have just broke into someone's home.
He expected someone to come rushing out of a door, cursing him or attacking him for entering their home as an unwated guest but he got nothing.
"Please tell me I didn't walk into some kind of haunted house." He mumbled.
Arsenal stood near the entrance door, wiping his boots on the mat and trying to dry himself with the warmth of a nearby candle. He tried to contact the team but something was blocking his signal, so for now he was stuck here until the rain stopped, but judging from the sounds outside that may take a while. He himself think back to how he got into this situation in the first place.
They were flying in the bioship when they got attacked, while trying to manuver through the air the ship got hit and plunged into the sea. He remembered exiting the bioship to look at the damage, only to be swept away by a current that appeared out of nowhere. He ended up on a beach and tried to contact the others but his communicator didn't work. Leaving the beach to explore the rest of the island storm coulds appeared, then it started raining so he ran to find shelter. Now, he was here in mansion that may or may not be haunted.
With a hesitant first step he continued to explore the mansion, going up the long steps that lead to the second floor. Turning left he was met with a hallway, dark brown with a few candles lighting up the way from which they were positioned from each door. Peaking inside, he saw a room with the same dark brown wood, but this time there were elegant designs carved into some of the walls, soft looking chairs and a rug lay in the center surrounded by bookshelves on the wall, a window showcasing the rainy outside world.
The sound of something falling against the floor in another room caught his attention. He whipped out his bow and readied an arrow, cautiously, he drew nearer toward the sound, stopping infront of the third room on the right that was slightly open. Slowly, he pushed open the door back, coming to halt when he saw nothing but furniture covered in white sheets.
He didn't lower his bow though, and his theory of something being in here was proven correct when movement came from a sheet close to the window. Arsenal stepped closer, arrow aimed directly at what he assumed was its head, whatever is under there could be dangerous for all he knows and he wasn't taking anymore chances. He wasn't about to lose another arm or any other limbs for that matter.
The rustling stopped and the sheet pulled back, revealing the face of someone that was definitely close in age to him. Hair so dark as if it was trying to mimic the void of space looked wet, strands clinging to their forehead. Freckles dusted over their cheeks and nose like they were carefully placed by the gentlest of hands. Blue eyes stared at the bow and then him, looking at him with a hint of curiousity only to turn to fear a second later at remembering that there was a weapon very close to their face.
Those blue eyes intrigued the red head. They were unlike any blue he had seen before, mesmerizing in a way, tempting him into their hypnotic trance. Looking away was becoming more of a challenge the longer he continued seeing into something so enchanting. They reminded him of the ice and a burning blue star. So out of this world that he swore his body was beginning to tingle as those eyes gaze back into him. He was locked in a view so breathtaking that the word did little justice to describe how he felt as he stared.
His trance was broken when the teen scrambled away from him, hitting hard against the underwall of the window, and likely hurting his back if the way he winced was anything to go by. The other boy quickly got up an moved to side, hitting his head into a piece of covered furniture that reverberated with a clang sound.
Aresenal winced, deciding he needed to step in and do something before the teen knocked himself out while trying and failing to get away from him.
"Easy easy!" He put away his bow and arrow, looking at the boy on the floor with his hands up to come across less dangerous "I'm not going to hurt you, I was just curious as to why I heard a noise coming from this room."
The teen looked at him with those blue eyes, accessing him to see if he was lying. He must of taken a gamble and decided to somewhat believe he meant no harm because the boy rose to his feet once again, looking at him with slight caution now.
"Do you live here?"
"No, I was trying to escape the rain and came across this abandoned mansion." He replied, looking away from Roy and opting to stare at the carpet.
"Got a shy one." Roy thought looking over the boy and his body language.
His clothes looked a little too big for him. A white t-shirt with short red sleeves and an oval pattern in the middle, black cargo pants, and red shoes with white lacing. There was also a metalic looking wristband the boy wore on his left hand. Overall, Arsenal took him for a pretty boy who wasn't used to these sorts of situations, one who doesn't do much except for sit in quiet with the popular kids and have everything handed to him without much of a resistance from other teachers or students.
"So do you have a name or do I just call you boy?" Roy asked, trying to lighten the atmosphere.
"I'm not a child!"
Oh he was going to have fun with this one.
Roy's face split into a grin as he waited for the boy to reply. The other teen rolled his eyes at him.
"My name is Danny." Danny looked him up and down, "Did you just come from a cosplay party or something?"
He raised an eyebrow, "I'm Arsenal!"
This time Danny raised an eyebrow at him.
"Protégé of Green Arrow."
The boy's face remained the same as Roy's changed.
"Part of the Young Justice team."
Still no look of recognition.
"The Justice League."
"I literally don't have a clue on what any of those are, is it like some kind of sports team?"
"How do you not know the Justice League?"
"I'm from a small town, a lot of outside media doesn't get through to us." The boy mumbled something with a hint of annoyance at the end.
Roy groaned in frustration, putting his hands up to his masked face. He silently wondered if he was going to have to tell pretty boy here about the existance of aliens and meta-humans.
"Woah!" He heard the boy exclaim, feet that barely made a sound ran up to him. "Cool arm!" Roy spread his arms apart from his face to look at him, seeing that the boy's focus was entirely on his prosthetic.
"What kind of lights did you buy for this?"
" Lights? What no— This is how it is." He growled out the last part, remembering what Lex did still left a sour taste in his mouth.
"No. Way!" Danny's eyes seemed to sparkle with awe. "Can I touch it, please?"
Roy let the other teen poke at his arm, watching as fascination filled those blue eyes. The only other person that showed this much interest in his arm was Bart and the little menace would always ask to look at it or try to wrestle him, resulting in him always winning because there was no chance of him losing to someone with those kind of arms.
"This is amazing, can you wiggle your fingers for me?" Roy did just that and watched as a smile etched onto the boy's face.
"INCREDIBLE! The black metal, the desgin, everything was made to fit you. But, I bet I could do a way better job."
"Oh really?" He raised an eyebrow.
"My parents are inventors and scientist, I obviously picked up a thing or two from being around their equipment for so long." Danny placed his two hands on the prosthetic, providing Roy with the knowledge that he was two inches taller than Danny.
The vigilante catalogued the information given to him for later. Even if Danny meant him no harm that didn't mean he trusted him right away, sue him, but the other's parents being scientist that built enough inventions for Danny to alledgedly make his own made him wary.
"You're not a bad cosplayer." Danny said, leaning his head against the metalic arm while looking at Roy.
Those too blue eyes pierced his soul. Danny had to be a meta or alien of some kind, there was no other explanation for his eyes.
"It's not a cos—"
An unholy noise screamed out, sounding like a high pitched call and simultaneously a warning from whatever creature it came from.
Roy quickly grabbed Danny by the waist and pushed the boy behind him, shielding him as he armed himself once again.
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anisscarletstarlet · 12 hours
nsfw, boxer anakin skywalker
anakin couldn't remember much after the solid hit that knocked him down, waking up to obi-wan crouching next to him, pouring water all over him and sighing in relief when he noticed his eyes slowly opening.
"what happened out there, skywalker? that was your worst fight yet" he closed his eyes again at the harsh words leaving his coach's mouth, groaning when one of the many people surrounding him wiped at the fresh cut on his cheekbone. he was still on the floor of the ring, meaning he hadn't been down for long, the celebrations still taking place on the other side.
everything that came after was in the form of a familiar blur, only coming to when he was sat in his car, driving home to you. you hadn't been at his fight, you weren't there when the medics were rushing to make sure he was fine, wiping at all the blood that had oozed out of him. it was all your fault. his fists hit the steering wheel a few times as he cussed under his breath. it felt like his whole world was closing in.
the second he was home he wasted no time in calling out for you, his voice hoarse and his tone fed up. you didn't come downstairs so he made his way to your shared room, sure enough finding you there on the bed, headphones in. he was quick to rip them off your ears, his hands trembling as he spoke.
"where were you" his tone was shaking pathetically, his eyes stinging with unshed tears. “where the fuck were you? i waited for you. i looked for you. is it that hard to show up for me?” he had no idea how he got the words out, the lump in his throat making it much more difficult.
you didn’t even have time to respond as he grabbed your arm, pulling you up and smashing his lips against yours. you tried replying, talking to him, explaining yourself, but he wouldn’t listen. he shoved you down again, forcing himself between between your thighs. it was like he couldn’t hear a single word you were saying as he ripped the skimpy panties you had on right off your body, his hands holding much more force than he ever treated you with.
he didn’t even bother stretching you out, didn’t bother making sure you were wet, simply spreading your folds apart, spitting right on your hole before sitting back on his haunches. he spat into his palm, running it all over his cock before sheathing himself inside you in one long, torturous thrust. he ignored your cry, ignored the way your hands were shaking as they pushed at him, ignored the way you begged for him to hold on, his hips immediately moving.
it was an extremely tight fit, your gummy, velvet walls were gripping him so tight he could barely move, but he didn’t care. once you slightly loosened up, it finally felt pleasurable for the both of you. he always treated you with so much care and affection, so the contrast was welcome, and you couldn’t stop the moans being forced out of your throat with each deep, harsh thrust.
“needed you there” his voice was strained, his clothes suffocating him, the patch on his cheekbone annoying him to the point where he ripped it off, hissing at the sweat that was now seeping into his open wound. “you like being fucked like a prostitute, is that it? want to be treated like one, eh?”
you words were lost at a particularly hard thrust, your entire body being jolted up the bed with his new pace, his grip on your hips painful and bruising.
“slow down, fuck- please” you broke off into a sob, tears now flowing down your cheeks as you pushed at him.
“why the fuck are you crying? why are you the one crying?” his voice was loud as he bent down so his face was a mere breath away from yours. you hiccuped, looking away only for his fingers to harshly dig into your cheeks, making you look at him. “fucking answer me”
“i’m sorry. i’m sorry, please- please just slow down” you spoke between sobs, your nails digging into the skin of his arm that was gripping your face harshly. he let go of your face, his hands moving to pull your legs over his shoulder as he sat back, his eyes moving to where he was disappearing into you.
“shut up” his tone was nothing short of condescending as he slapped the back of your thigh, your loud cry doing nothing to stop him as his hand came over your mouth. “you stay fucking quiet”
and you could only nod against his hand, your eyes wide in fear at this new side of him, your clit pulsing at how good it all felt. he was going to make sure you were sorry anyway.
boxer anakin: sfw hcs + nsfw hcs ೃ࿔*:・
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t0yac1d · 2 days
The eyes, Chico (R.Cameron x Fem!Reader)
The eyes, Chico. They never lie.
Request: Rafe please
Word Count: 720
Summary: Rafe noticing how differently you look at him compared to others
Warnings: None! Just fluff!
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Rafe Cameron who never paid any mind to you at first. He thought you were just new to Kildare Island and got invited to one of his infamous parties.
Rafe Cameron who never got the best glances from people. They always looked at him in disappointment, hatred and fear.
Rafe Cameron who ends up subconsciously searching for your eyes through the sea of kooks.
Rafe Cameron who notices your glances and longing stares. He noticed how different your look was from the others.
Rafe Cameron who decides to push you away before you could ever make the move to talk to him.
Rafe Cameron who fears that the way you're looking at him is just a facade from who you really are.
Rafe Cameron who ends up telling Barry about you. How you probably already know about his issues and crimes by now.
Rafe Cameron who caught your eye when you stepped into the huge Cameron Estate. He was the first who caught your attention.
Rafe Cameron who made you wonder what a handsome boy like him is doing around guys like Topper and Barry.
Rafe Cameron who pushes you away and leaves you wondering what you could have done.
You stopped showing up at the parties, hoping it'll make him feel better. Maybe he just didn't enjoy your presence around him.
You'd hang out with Sarah and end up third wheeling with her and Topper. You were at the Cameron home, so you decided to leave the two alone in Sarah's room. You felt like you were getting in between them anyway.
Rafe Cameron who spots you walking past his room and down the stairs. He was curious about you. Always has been. And honestly, he was kind of disappointed with himself for pushing you away.
Rafe Cameron who follows you downstairs and tries to strike up a conversation with you. Asking "How are you?" "How was your day?" "Did you enjoy the parties?"
You'd respond with little to no expression on your face, but your eyes held a different story. They said more than you could.
Rafe Cameron who excuses himself in an awkward and stuttered manner as he heads to the bathroom.
Rafe Cameron who dials a number and impatiently waits as it rings before the person on the other end picked up and answered with, "Barry speaking."
Rafe Cameron who goes into detail about your eyes and how you have been looking at him since the two of you shared a glance at the first party he spotted you at.
Rafe Cameron who is sure that words mean more than looks and actions. Which is why he's so sure that you're just not as interested as he thought you were
Barry who tells Rafe that "none of those matter". "Actions and words don't mean shit when it comes to the eyes, man."
Rafe Cameron who is evidently confused and now realizing how long he left you in the kitchen.
Rafe Cameron who asks Barry for a quick tip before he gets back to you.
Barry who tells Rafe to suck it up and "listen to what her eyes are saying. She might not be able to tell you, but her eyes will. Trust me."
Rafe Cameron who hangs up and takes multiple deep breaths before walking out of the bathroom and making his way to the kitchen.
Rafe Cameron who strikes up another conversation with you, this time putting an effort to get to know you while also taking Barry's advice and paying close attention to your eyes.
Rafe Cameron who notices just how pretty your eyes are up close. He then starts to notice how gorgeous you are up close.
Rafe Cameron who does end up seeing what Barry was talking about, you held so much emotion in your eyes even when you didn't show any on your face.
Rafe Cameron who sees how you look up at him with beautiful, wide eyes that sparkle when he makes eye contact with you.
Rafe Cameron who sees little hearts inside of your eyes when he smiles or speaks.
Rafe Cameron who learned to love your eyes.
You who loved him and learned the real him instead of the aggressive and angry kid who has gotten nothing but looks of fear, hatred and disappointment his whole lie.
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Hi since I know Sanji is your husband ; how about A , b , I , k , l for him please 💗 👀😈
It's funny, even though he's my husband, I almost never write him as a yandere lol
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
God, how doesn't he show his affection? He's always got a hand on you when he isn't cooking, he acts as if you'll perish if he doesn't kiss you every five minutes, he's constantly doing your work for you, and, of course, he makes all of your meals and snacks. You don't have to lift a finger with him around. On top of that, you don't go a day without him singing your praise or showering you with compliments.
He's also a big fan of taking you shopping. He loves to pick out new clothes for you that he thinks will further add to your beauty. Anything that you so much as glance at will be yours.
The never ending onslaught of love and affection is suffocating to say the least. Sanji loves intensely. He's desperate to make you feel loved, and it never occurs to him that he's going too far or that you may not even want it.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
There is nothing that he won't do in the name if protecting his darling. He doesn't care how messy it gets so long as that means that you'll be out of harm's way. He will try to make it quick, though. Not out of mercy, but because he wants to get back to you as soon as possible.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
This man is constantly fantasizing about his future with you, and he has no problem telling you about it. As much as he loves being a part of the Straw Hats, he does want to find a place to settle down with you after Luffy has become the pirate king and the crew has decided to retire from piracy. Ideally, this home would be in the All Blue and be a floating craft that doubles as a restaurant like the Baratie. He talks ceaselessly about how much fun it will be to decorate it with you and make it your home. Any opposition you have to this is severely downplayed or misinterpreted into something else entirely because Sanji is the reigning king of being delusional.
More likely than not, you guys will be married within a year of meeting. Sanji is desperate to be your husband and spends all of your relationship trying to prove to you what a good husband he will be. Can't you see how doting and caring he is? Doesn't that make you want to grow old with him?
Sanji is extremely eager to have children. Like having a baby before the first anniversary levels of excitement. Every time he sees a child in public or you interact with one, he's dropping very blatant hints about you two having one of your own some day. You two will have children some day, it's an inevitability. And refusal on your part is taken as you just being nervous and needing a little persuasion.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
He acts completely whipped. He's the most lovesick man the world has ever seen. The man will kiss your feet if you don't kick him away. He's constantly finding any opportunity he can to hug and kiss you. If your back isn't to a wall, he's hugging you from behind and taking the opportunity to smell your hair.
Of course, he's also making you food around the clock. If you were skinny when you met him, you won't be for long. He acts as if hearing your stomach growl is what failure sounds like. You get an extra large portion for each meal, and he's constantly bombarding you with snack in between meals.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
He comes on strong and unrelenting. You're his beloved, perfect god(dess), and he is not going to let you slip between his fingers. He gets you extravagant bouquets every time you're on land, and he'll usually buy you a few other gifts while he's at it. He'll wax poetic about how perfect you are and how much he loves you for hours on end. You're under a full frontal assault of love bombing with no end in sight. This is also the point when he starts doing the food thing mentioned in the previous letter.
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crow2222 · 1 day
You. You should totally write or smth abt Darry being unable to swim well, or at all, so he just grabs on to something with a white knuckled grip every time he's near semi-deep water lmao. Pls it'd be funny-
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get this man outta the water asap.
WC; 1,206
The sky looked like it was lit ablaze; the setting sun letting off the last of it's light for the day, filtering through the leaves of trees, but managing to blind Darry as he stood at the edge of the lake.
"It's still a little warm if you get in now!"
Sodapop's smile showed off all his bright white teeth, a fair competitor to the sunlight that had been shining on them all day.
Darry had an excuse at first, as all the guys did stupid tricks and flips into the water, he was grilling the sausages and patties to fill the ravenous teenager's stomachs. Every each one of them could eat a horse if left without a cook, like Darry. He wasn't even that good of a cook- he'd under cooked and burnt more food than he could count on his finger, but it was all eaten away. Even if it meant being sick.
But as time went by, and the meal was eaten (their burgers were soaked, they wasted no time going from the lake to the food and grabbed at the buns before their hands could even dry first.), and everyone piled back into the water, expecting Darry to follow right in.
He'd never been a fan of the water.
Too many risks, too little reward. He could splash around in the bath if truly he wanted that, but he didn't. Besides the bath was uncomfortably small for his build, so he'd grown to like showers more.
His feet stayed planted on the slippery rock, any sudden move would've had him flying down towards the water; and it got pretty deep pretty quick too!
He'd never been a fan of the water, because he couldn't swim.
Never learned, had no use for it in Oklahoma. Maybe almost everyone knows how to swim except for him, and maybe it did bug him some, but gosh, by then he had two jobs keeping him busy all day, and no time to hangout by the local pool with the gang. That's what he told them. It wasn't necessarily a lie, he would be home before they had a chance to get their feet wet, but all his muscles ached and he had better things to do than swim aimlessly. If he could, that is.
"Darrryy" Sodapop groaned, "Jump in already. If you stay up there any longer I'd be inclined to call you a pussycat!"
The man narrowed his eyes at his little brother, ready to come up with a smart remark before he felt the cold hands on his back for a split second-
then he was in the air,
and landed in the water, with a painful belly flop.
Water filled his ears, and he couldn't open his eyes in the water. It was all dark, and he felt no ground under his feet. Was he upside down? He couldn't tell.
Darry hadn't had a chance to breathe before being pushed in the water, so he was quickly panicking about needing to take a breath. He was going to drown. He can't swim. He's about to die.
Something grabbed him, and he foolishly wondered if it was death itself that had come down to reap his soul.
He wasn't about to go down without a fight, or a chance to survive, so he thrashed around his arms wildly, hoping that maybe he'd swim up to the surface doing so.
He grabbed at it- whatever it was- and pushed himself up with all the strength he could muster, accidentally holding onto the soft arm with full grip. He didn't notice, his focus was on getting above the water.
And he did exactly that.
Darry had both his hands on the person as his head finally reached the cold air. He coughed out water he accidentally let in his mouth, and then he gasped and gasped, his panic being more than clear as he tried to suck in as much air as he could, worried he was about to go under again.
But then he gently lowered his legs in the water, and he felt the muddy ground.
Then he tested opening his eyes, blinking away any water that still hung onto his eyelashes.
"Are you okay?" Two-bit's face was all screwed up weird as he stared at Darry, who was still holding onto him for dear life, even if he had floor underneath him now.
The older man was shaking, he couldn't stop himself. He thought he was about to die seconds ago! "I can't swim." He blurted out, his voice was garbled; his throat was sore from his harsh coughs and gasps.
Two led Darry out of the water, helping him push up the rocks when he physically couldn't by himself. It was like his body used up all it's energy when he panicked in the water; and he collapsed sideways on the wet rocks the moment he felt far enough from the water.
"Dally, that wasn't fucking funny." Someone spat out, but Darry didn't see who, nor did he care. He kept his focus on the way the air went in and out his lungs as he felt the cold envelope his body, being no help to his intense shivers from the shock.
Warmth. Suddenly he felt a warm hand rub his back, and heard a quiet voice telling him to slow down his breathing. He didn't think he was breathing fast, but tried his best to follow it's instructions.
He just wanted to cook some burgers.
When he felt calm enough to do so, he opened his eyes again, and was met with a variety of faces looking back at him.
Sodapop, a frown that somehow etched worry into each crevice in his face.
Two-bit, confusion visible by his furrowed brows and searching eyes.
Dallas, who looked away the moment Darry met his gaze, who looked uncomfortable, and guilty.
Steve, desperately holding back a grin that he hid horribly with a frown, mimicking his best friend's.
Johnny, who's big black eyes bore into Darry's pale blue ones, unspoken questions in them.
There was a face missing, and that's when he laid on his back and saw Ponyboy, who had been the one behind him previously.
"Darry.. you can't swim?"
Ponyboy tucked a blanket above his shoulders- a blanket he didn't realize was covering him in the first place.
Heat rushed to his entire face as he took in what had happened. He got pushed in the water, he flailed about wildly once he was in, couldn't push his body out the water alone, then was left spluttering and panting. And they all watched it happen. God he'd never live it down.
He closed his eyes again, shaking his head as a no. He waited for the burst of laughter to come from the group, his muscles tensing for it. Yet, nothing happened.
"Gee, you could've told us. We woulda taught you how to." Steve was the brave soul who spoke up, seemingly speaking the thoughts of the whole group as murmurs of agreement filled Darry's ears.
His brothers helped him sit up, even with the blanket he couldn't stop shaking. It was all too humiliating, yet none of them seemed to pay it any mind.
It wasn't long until everyone piled back into the car, half wet and shivering, but laughing together about anything but Darry's wild panic from earlier.
And let's just say Dallas found his own way back home that day.
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aohisworld · 1 day
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ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ when things are a little too tame in Aohi’s world, she conspires to dote on her seven boyfriends. (A series!)
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ poly!ot7 x addedmember!oc , contains. cringe writing, fluff, like CAVITY SWEET fluff, some parts (excluding ri-ki) might be a LITTLE suggestive , keep in mind that this series takes place in the present, which puts Aohi at 20 years of age!
| : ̗̀➛ MINTIE’s NOTES: sorry about the no updates to either big fics guys TT school’s ending and I have to pass the diplomas before I actually get to graduate (grad ceremony was literally for show) so have this silly little series that I plan to do!
| : ̗̀➛ WARNING! How I write ENHYPEN is not meant to portray the idols irl, this is my au and I write this for fun.
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✧. ┊ “Noo-noo-ah!” Aohi softly called, her arms opening for the boy who was approaching her bed with a pep in his step. “Tokki-yah!” Sunoo replied back, gently kissing her nose as the two smiled and giggles.
“What’s up, oppa?” Aohi asked, gently rubbing her hand up and down on his back. Usually, Sunoo loved to come into Aohi’s room and lay on top of her, the boys actually shared that habit together, coming in her separate room to bother her whenever they wanted.
“Nothing, what’re you doing?..” Sunoo’s muffled voice from him tucking his head into Aohi’s neck spoke, peeking from whatever line of sight he could achieve from the intimate cuddle.
“I’m just watching whatever, you want to watch with me?” She asks, looking down slightly to try and establish eye contact with the puffy-cheeked fox.
“No, just came to check in on you.” Sunoo hummed, he sits up from his spot and grabs hold of Aohi’s own cheeks, dipping down for a sloppy kiss as her muffled giggles started to resonate within the room.
“Owp-pwa!” A muffled attempt was heard, Sunoo tried his best not to laugh, pulling away with a dramatic ‘smooch!’ Sound coming from his own lips.
Aohi’s laughs became clearer as Sunoo pulled away, and he could feel a gentle tug at his heart the way Aohi’s big smile appears in his line of sight.
“Come out for dinner soon, Jay-hyung said you haven’t eaten lunch yet.” Sunoo reminds her, getting off Aohi’s bed and walking to the door. He turns to look at Aohi one more time, making sure he’s heard.
“Eung! I’ll come soon, oppa!” Aohi spoke, turning in her bed as she wiped her cheek of any saliva that didn’t dry out.
Not that it didn’t disgust her that the boys leave sloppy kisses but, Aohi just thinks that’s how intimacy goes, kind of like how cats rub up on anything and everything to mark their territory.
Actually, Aohi has no idea why she’s comparing those two things with each other.
She continued to watch her YouTube videos a little longer, having a deep interest in hour-long documentaries that spoke about anything of the horror genre.
Aohi wasn’t a big fan of horror though, but there’s something funny about having an excuse to sleep in one of boys’ rooms, and usually Jay or Heeseung can’t bother to say no to her.
“Aohi-yah! Dinner’s ready!” Sunghoon’s voice called for her, and she sighs knowing she actually has to go this time. “Coming!” Aohi sits up from her bed and places her feet into bat slippers gifted to her by Jake.
Aohi wiggles her feet for a little bit, smiling at the fluffy feeling on her feet. She leaves her room with a hop in her step, walking into the open-plan kitchen with a sleepy smile.
“What’s for dinner, oppa?” Aohi looked over Jay’s shoulder, looking into the pot of kimchi-jjigae he made. “I felt a little lazy today, I hope you don’t mind, batsy.” Jay turned to her, and he kissed Aohi’s temple.
“Eung~” Aohi hummed understandingly, before walking off to go sit with her other boyfriends. “Hi baby, did you have a good nap earlier?” Heeseung pulled his gaze away from his phone, looking up at Aohi with his gentle Bambi gaze.
“Mhm! Speaking of which, can I sleep with one of you guys tonight?” She sat in her seat, and her legs made quick work of sitting criss cross on the seat.
“I don’t get why you do that, it’s so weird.” Sunoo mumbled jokingly beside her, obviously mentioning her instinct to sit weirdly on her chair.
“It’s a habit! Don’t you know my cousins in the Philippines do it all the time!” Aohi scrunched her nose back at Sunoo, who couldn’t help but smile at her adorable expression.
“You can sleep with me, bunny.” Sunghoon offered, placing his hand on her head affectionately, Aohi happily cherishing his attention.
“Like hell! You’ve been snuggling with her more than enough! She’s with me tonight!” Ri-ki huffed, pulling Aohi to his side.
Aohi felt her heart warm a little that her boys were so wanting to spend time with her, even if it’s just for the night. “Why don’t you guys let her decide? She’s the one who wants to sleep somewhere else for the night.” Jungwon hummed, his gaze on his phone.
“Wonnie, do you want to, tonight?” Aohi asked, looking towards him, in which he glanced up in response, and she could easily tell the way his eyes lit up that there was no way he was denying her offer.
“Yeah!” The other boys at the table groaned and complained, and Jungwon could only smile smugly. Soon enough the boys stopped messing around, Aohi sensing Jay’s presence with the smell of kimchi-jjigae filling her nostrils.
“Wah! It smells delicious, oppa.” Aohi’s eyes sparkled at the sight of Jay’s cooking, channeling her inner foodie as she was getting ready to dig in.
“Did I make you wait too long, batsy?” — “no, but the other people at the table waited too long.”
Sunoo answered smartly, looking up at Jay with a look that pulled a sheepish grin from the cook. Sunoo sat up on his seat as Jay placed the pot onto the coaster, the steam letting out a spicy aroma in the room.
“I’m going to eat well..” Aohi made a gesture before picking up her chopsticks, waiting for Heeseung to get his first bite, and then Jay.. and then Jake, and you get the rest.
Aohi took her bite soon after everyone else had, smiling as she ate, loving the domesticity of dinner tonight. She really felt like doting on her boyfriends for being so doting on her as well.
Like, maybe she should return the kindness! She looked around her for a little bit more before continuing to eat her meal silently, but happily. Aohi had a plan…
It was operation: dote on the en- boys!
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"what're you doing here, little bunny? Not up to some trouble, I hope."
mission in progress! [possible completion: June 19th].
⋆✴︎˚。⋆ ┊Jungwon has been a lot busier promoting their new album, memorabilia. Aohi can't remember the last time she's got the time to even look at her boyfriend! Not that the whole group wasn't promoting or anything... but she really misses one of her two feline boyfriends!
This calls for a little Aohi TLC, which is exactly what she's planning to do during a surprise visit before an interview!
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ yang jungwon x addedmember!oc , contains. mentions of poly!ot7 x oc, cringe writing, fluff, a tiny bit of suggestive themes (honestly it's just kissing).
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"I'm just playing for another hour! You can wait, right, batsy?"
mission in progress! [possible completion: June 29th].
⋆✴︎˚。⋆ ┊ It's been a little too quiet at the apartment for Aohi's liking, understandably the boys might be recharging from doing so many promotions, but Aohi's just a girl! She needs her daily attention like her naps, and she's going to get them!
Her next victim? Lee Heeseung, Aohi knows nobody can tear the boy away from his beloved game, League of Legends. Aohi thinks she should still try though! No harm in trying!
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ lee heeseung x addedmember!oc , contains. mentions of poly!ot7 x oc, cringe writing, fluff, a tiny bit of suggestive themes, a lot of gaming vocabulary.
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“You know you're the only one I'm willing to spoil, right?”
mission in progress! [possible completion: July 9th].
⋆✴︎˚。⋆ ┊ Aohi's taken a small break on doting on her boyfriends, her current schedule was taking her out and Jay seems to be able to tell, so.. instead of Aohi carrying out her doting missions, Jay beats her to it by taking her out for a little spoiling.
Don't fear though, it's not a mission if Aohi doesn't dote on him back! Luckily, she knows just the thing that'll do the trick!
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ park jjonseong (jay) x addedmember!oc , contains. mentions of poly!ot7 x oc, cringe writing, fluff, a lot of spoiling, erm... idk my draft doesn't really have anything to make note of LOL.
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"I wouldn't let anyone else take care of Layla, batsy.. you're her mama, and I sure as hell won't let you go!"
mission in progress! [possible completion: July 19th].
⋆✴︎˚。⋆ ┊ There's nothing better than a boyfriend and his cute as heck dog, named Layla! Ever since Aohi started to date Jake, she's been referred as Layla's mama, and the dog seems to agree, and what kind of mom would she be if she didn't spoil Layla and her dad?
A little hike on her's and Jake's favourite trail to relax and get some exercise in, while Layla gets to spend the whole day with her parents!
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ sim jaeyun (jake) x addedmember!oc , contains. mentions of poly!ot7 x oc, cringe writing, fluff, a lot of cringe name calling?? Idk I drafted a really dorky Jake.. Layla blocking Jake from Aohi LOL.
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"You sure do slip a lot.. is it because you're you falling for me, batsy? Ow! It was a joke, babe!"
mission in progress! [possible completion: July 29th].
⋆✴︎˚。⋆ ┊ The summer heat was too much for the en- group to handle! With the other boys and Xiulin going out for cold treats, Aohi and Sunghoon opt for the ice skating rink. Aohi uses this to her advantage by using this time alone with her boyfriend to dote on him!
Only... how can she dote on him when he keeps cracking the most lamest jokes?! Aohi thinks she's going to break from one more dad joke!
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ park sunghoon x addedmember!oc , contains. mentions of poly!ot7 x oc, cringe writing, fluff, lame dad jokes, as in, googled dad jokes, a little bit of suggestive themes at the end. skating vocabulary.
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"You always dote on me, tokki.. please let me return the favour, pretty girl."
mission in progress! [possible completion: August 9th].
⋆✴︎˚。⋆ ┊ Kim Sunoo, Aohi's favourite to dote on. Well, he knows that for sure, considering he manages to catches Aohi before she could even plan on a way to dote on him! Sunoo wants to give back all of the love she's given him, knowing that she must be tired on loving seven, such rowdy boys.
Sunoo plans his own little mission when he and Aohi are chosen as ambassadors for Vivienne Westwood, and brought to Milan for a photoshoot.
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ kim sunoo x addedmember!oc , contains. mentions of poly!ot7 x oc, cringe writing, fluff, modelling mentions, sunoo is not an actual ambassador for viv westwood!! A little bit of suggestive themes.
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"Did you plan this whole trip back home just to spend time with me? Aren't you adorable, batsy."
mission in progress! [possible completion: August 19th].
⋆✴︎˚。⋆ ┊ Aohi was feeling a little homesick, and what's a better way to spend a little home vacation if not with her boyfriend, who probably misses Japan as much as she does? Aohi makes the smartest idea to dote on Ri-ki during their trip, equipped with her credit card and an extra piece of luggage for any souvenirs to take home.
Ri-ki acts oblivious to her plans though, after living with Aohi for so long, he's made the conclusion that an excited Aohi cannot keep anything to herself for the life of her. Therefore, Ri-ki has plans to reverse the roles on Aohi, doting on her instead.
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ nishimura ri-ki x addedmember!oc , contains. mentions of poly!ot7 x oc, cringe writing, fluff, a little travel trip to Japan, tiny bit self-indulgent because they're going through my travel plans LMAO.
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moniescove · 19 hours
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Tomorrow pt. 2
(pt. 1 here)
The sun peeked through your blinds only stinging your already swollen eyes, aching from the surplus of tears that slipt through your eyes the night before. You lay alone in your bed as always, Jeno having already left without saying a word to you. Continuing to act like you don't matter in his world.
Today was the day you decided you'll finally have the courage to stand up to him. The courage to finally put yourself first to the fullest and leave this all behind.
You worked quick to organize your bags, making sure to pack the esentials needed in order to create your new life elsewhere. Digging through drawers and closets in search of anything you might need.
Through your search you found a small box hidden behind the clothes of your walk in closet. The box containing all of your early memories together. Polaroids capturing your happiest moments spent with him, bright smiles and kisses adorning the box with small notes and gifts Jeno got you from then. While it stung you deep inside, reliving those tender memories only reaffirmed your decision on leaving him. This Jeno isn't coming back anytime soon and you knew it.
You grasp onto your newly packed bags and begin to make your way to the door before you here the familiar sound of Jeno's car pulling in the drive way. He shouldn't be home this early is all you can think as the familiar sound of his keys jingling againts the door fill your ears. Your breath hitches with his enterance. His eyes still trained to the floor before finally turning towards you.
Your heart racing as his uninterested gaze went from your tired, swollen eyes to the baggage you currently clutched towards your figure. With every step he took towards you left you more anxious than the last but you knew you had to say something, make him understand just how hurt he has left you. Maybe even make him reflect and change.
"I-" is all you could say before he walked right past you.
Feeling bewildered and embarrassed you are left with nothing to say. How foolish were you to think that he would finally give a shit about you even if you were mere seconds away from stepping out of his life for good.
You turned towards Jeno who seemed completely unfazed of your state right now simply enjoying a glass of bourbon as he began to make his way to your shared bedroom.
Pent up anger and frustration wells up inside you stinging your eyes with tears from every step he took. "Are you just gonna act like nothing's wrong jeno?" letting out an exasperated sigh the tears continued to well up in your eyes.
Stopping in his tracks he turns to you, indifference etched all over his face, annoyed with you more than anything else. "What __. Do you really expect me sit here and take it when you act like this?" the irritation in his voice only growing more apparent with every word. "Always ruining a good day with your fucking theatrics." Shifting his gaze away from you, distaste all over his face "Why can't you just let me enjoy my fucking drink after a long day of work." he finished.
Every word stinging you deep. You really were nothing but a nuisance to Jeno and this really solidifies it. At least now you can leave with a slightly better consciousness knowing that you had not one thing to stay for. "Fine then." You head to the door, grasping the handle before turning to him. "Now you can live your life how you want without anybody holding you back. Not even your wife." And maybe in that moment you'd like to think he showed a hint of something more on his face but now you couldn't care less, you just needed to get away.
Taking one last look at him you let the image of your first love completely die within your heart before finally leaving.
It's been weeks since you've left and Jeno feels more burned out than ever. Spending long nights at work filling out piles and piles of paperwork to only barely make a dent on the large scale of work that followed him home. Work has been piling up at an alarming rate he just can't keep up, seeing traces of you scattered around your once shared home doesn't make it any easier either. His mind has just been anywhere but here. Everyone from his friends to employees notice Jeno's strange shift in character.
Friends frequently checking up on him as they witnessed his dark circles only getting darker from the lack of sleep from his strenuous amount of work he's been taking on. While employees and coworkers alike whispering in the hallways about how on edge and and troubled Mr. Lee has become the past couple of weeks.
Any and all attempts at consolation as well as unpleasant rumors falling on deaf ears as Jeno could only think of one thing.
It all came so abruptly after you left, every repressed feeling and thought of you that had been lost underneath the stress of his work and greed for short release finally bursted through him when you left, only now realizing how much he loved and needed you. He felt like he was truely drowning underneath the pressure and regret leaving him dazed for the weeks to come. He just didnt know what to do, reflecting on everything that had led up to you leaving him without a regret. He felt ashamed as he sat alone at the large table of his empty home, divorce papers sitting tauntingly before him. You didn't even bother handing them to him in person, having recieved them from your lawyer with no sign of you. His cheeks heating up from the self loathing he felt within him as tears began to prick at his eyes. His head leaned againts his fist atop the table as he fought the tears through gritted teeth. How could he allow himself to cry when he caused this himself, he felt so weak and miserable from his actions as they constantly played again and again in his head before finally the tears had broken through and he could no longer hold in the muffled cries within his throat. There was nothing he could do to get you back and he knew that which only left even more tears cascading down his face.
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a/n: A couple of people wanted a part 2 so I made one with the suggestions from @girlwholoveslpreppyattire , though, I made the ending unhappy in true moniescove fashion.
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littleplantfreak · 2 days
Say my name - Sakura Haruka
Normally I'm bad with titles but without further ado! A ficlet(?) about Sakura struggling to call his lovely partner by their first name! It's SFW (but still under the cut) btw
I tried to keep it they/them for neutrality but if you find a stray 'she' somewhere that's my bad
(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
“I really don’t know what to do with him Suo! Every time he tries to say it he just freezes and sputters until he calls me ‘you’ or he changes it to another word last minute. Last week he tried so hard he nearly turned purple and gave himself a headache!” whining, you practically drape yourself over the table in defeat.
“Wow…our captain really is shy when it comes to that stuff, huh?” Suo’s holding back but you can tell he wants to laugh. Once Sakura shows up he’ll throw a teasing remark or two in but you’ll still be at square one.
“Maybe a nickname? Or what if you don’t look at him when he says it? What if he spells it out-“
“I don’t think we need to go that far,” interjecting gently before Nirei could start going through an insane list of things that may or may not actually work for the present problem, Suo leans forward, looking at you from across the table. “There’s something we can try that might work if you're up for it."
It’s not a bad plan actually, if more simple than you thought it’d be. You’re waiting behind the support wall in the middle of Cafe Pothos, obscured from anyone just walking in. Nirei and Suo are at the same table near the front that you were at before, and Kotoha is cleaning dishes at the sink, though she knows what’s going on and has a ear turned towards the main stage of this event making sure she doesn’t miss a thing.
From where you’re peeking before Haruka opens the door, you can see Nirei’s tense shoulders, both trying and failing to appear casual not that your boyfriend will pay it any mind. Sometimes you're afraid he'll end up like Hiragi and his nervous stomach issues. Suo is the picture of tranquility as he eyes Nirei’s notebook before greeting Haruka. You hear your boyfriend stop, possibly looking around for where you said you’d be waiting for him earlier.
“Bathroom~,” Suo singsongs smoothing over his partner’s stuttering. “By the way, Nirei’s been wondering about their first name! It seems the notebook page he has on them is incomplete without it…” he’s drawing attention, not to the boy himself, but the pen and notebook he’s gripping on to waiting on Sakura to take the bait. Nirei had opted for silence as he clicks his pen and as if to write it down.
"It’s-" a short pause before he actual says the full weight of your name, matter of factly too, without fumbling it at all and you’re suddenly too giddy to contain yourself.
“S-Sorry I wasn’t listening. Could you say it again?” Nirei squeaks out.
There’s annoyance in his voice as Sakura says it again, and before he can get anything else out, you’ve decided this is your cue.
“Yes, Haruka?” You blink looking at him, poorly portraying innocence but you can tell blood is rushing to your face and you cannot rub your smile off if you tried.
“Oh my~ Sakura you’re so bold calling your partner by their first name!” Red eyes glittering wickedly as he taunts “How romantic!” He gasps with a hand over his mouth. Looking flustered but proud is Nirei, nodding vigorously, and Kotoha giving Sakura a pat on the back in congratulations. You’re proud of him yourself, despite having to coax your name out of him with the help of his vice captains.
He's wide-eyed going between you and Suo, gears clicking in to place that he'd been set up as he settles for firing at the brunette "Wha- you- I'm GONNA KNOCK YA-,"
"Oookay we're heading out now!" Before he starts a fight, you link an arm through his and begin leading him towards the door. He’s puffed up like an angry cat but his body completely yields when it’s you who’s maneuvering him away the cafe after saying a quick goodbye to everyone.
It's quiet, the path you take through town on the way to your house and he doesn't look at you when he mumbles a quiet apology. You aren't quite sure what he’s apologizing for but you stop walking and wait for him to start speaking again.
“Sorry fer takin’ so long to say it.” He’s still not looking at you but your heart breaks a little at how small he sounds. You touch his cheek enough for him to turn and look at you, uncertainty clear in his bi-colored eyes.
“Honey I never meant to rush you. If you’re still working on it that’s okay! I never wanna make you feel uncomfortable,” brows knit together in worry now that you’re holding his face in both hands, searching signs that you took it too far.
“I think I’ll be able to say it now - especially if it makes ya look as happy as ya did at the cafe. Not all the time, but when we're alone I think I can." He’s almost fully settled into your hands now, melting into warmth he’d been craving since he woke up this morning. He always wondered how such soft hands could touch something as rough as him and still continue to make the effort to hold him. You wait for him to finish soaking up his much needed affection for a few more minutes and then you're both walking again, slowed by the urge to stay close for as long as possible.
"...and she popped out from behind the pillar and said "Yes, Haruka?"" Kotoha mimics your voice as she's giving Umemiya the rundown of what he missed.
"He's growing up so fast!" He wails theatrically wiping a tear from his eye.
"He's changed a lot since he came here, and even more since they started dating. I think he's getting soft with how fast they were able to drag him away without a fight."
"So he went from alley cat to house cat huh. Nothing wrong with that." he grins digging into his omurice. Kotoha smiles and hums in agreement. Nothing wrong with that in the slightest.
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januaryembrs · 19 hours
Any fluffy sweet Drabble about the moon boys 🫡
SWEET MORNINGS | Marc Spector x reader
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description: the boys wake up to their girlfriend making breakfast, too bad she has no clue which boy is fronting that morning
length: 1.1k
warnings: representation of DID, Marc's slight self loathing (it's Marc idk what to say). Writer has never experienced DID so I am going off the show
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He woke up peacefully, which had once been a fleeting dream in itself for a man like him. He’d spent years jumping at the smallest sounds, flinching at voices and footsteps, ready to be up and out of bed within a moment’s notice. Yet, when his eyes slowly blinked out of the reverie of sleep, he heard her humming along to the radio, already half way through the song, heard her socks sliding against the kitchen floor as she whirled around the stove, and the smell of pancakes and coffee hit him with full force. 
His lips drew into a smile before he even knew it, and he was drawing the covers back, her side of the bed not entirely freezing which told him she’d been up about twenty minutes. Marc grabbed his shirt off the floor, the same one Steven used to sprinkle with sand when he had no idea about their coexistence, only two years later, it was scrubbed clean, even with a pretty, knit rug you’d bought from your apartment when you moved in. 
Tugging it over his head, he padded into the living room, where he could already see your form where you danced around the kitchen, entirely unaware of his approach. He’d been trying to teach you self defence, said you needed to learn to have a sixth sense when it came to people on your tail, because he had a tendency to worry about you more than Steven and Jake did. But maybe it was the fact he had naturally light footsteps, or maybe it was the fact you knew in the comfort of your home he would always be there to protect you, either way your guard was entirely down by the time he swooped behind you, grabbing you in a warm, soft hug, pressing kisses down the side of your bare neck and onto your shoulder. 
“Morning,” His voice was muddied with sleep, and he cleared his throat, hoping to take some of the husk out of it despite the fact you whirled around to look at him with something that told him just what you thought of his rumbling voice. 
“Morning, honey,” You said, pressing a small kiss to his lips, your hand still on the frying pan that he now realised had been filled with mini-chocolate pancakes, the batter sizzling and cracking in the oil, “You hungry?” 
Marc wasn’t really listening as he gave a ‘mhm’, too busy burying his nose in the crook of your neck and jaw, kissing lazily there as he tightened his grip on your waist. 
His gaze fell on the counter after a moment, the blueberry porridge Steven went crazy for already dished up in the little purple bowl you’d painted for him for their birthday, whirled of steam coming off the breakfast that was slowly turning a cornflour colour with the chopped fruit swirling in the centre. 
“Sorry, baby, I think Steven’s still sleeping, I can try ask him-” He started as you used a spatula to quickly flip the pancakes, their underside a golden brown that made his mouth water.
“Oh, don’t worry. I wasn’t sure who was joining me for breakfast, or if all of you wanted something, so I made a bit of everything,” You said, smiling at him as you turned the gas down and spun in his arms, batting your eyes at him with an innocent smile, “Chocolate pancakes for you, blueberry oatmeal for Steven and a black coffee for Jake since I know you guys got mad last time we had bacon together,”
“What a woman,” Jake’s voice was a growl of appreciation that Marc couldn’t help but agree with, and he was quick to lean in to steal a handful of long kisses, grabbing the soft plush of your hips with feather light fingers and pulling you towards him, “Ay, Romeo, your pancakes are burning.”
You sprung away from him like you’d heard the alter yourself, your eyes wide in surprise, “Your pancakes are burning!” 
He heard Jake chuckle and a smile made it’s way onto his face as you fretted over whether the brown was where the chocolate had melted or if the mix had singed, but Marc thought he might just eat anything you gave him because you poured so much love and affection into it he couldn't help but think it tasted divine. 
“Marc, I’m sorry, I know we have the no hogging the body rule and I got to have her all last night, but please let me have just a few bites- o-or atleast ask her to save it for me, that stuff smells delicious,” Steven seemed to be wide awake and kicking at the sight of food, and Marc sighed, reaching out with one hand to swoop your hair off your neck as he kissed the very top of your spine. 
“Steven asks if we could save him the blueberry oatmeal since it’s my turn to spend time with you,” He said gently, and he feels you smile before he sees it, the way your cheeks crinkle and pull tightly. 
“Of course I can, baby, I’ll put it in the fridge,” You said, despite the fact the man was inside the body, scooping the little circular goods onto two plates for both of you. Turning to set the plates on the table, Marc grabbed two glasses out of the cabinet, opening the fridge door with a rattle as the magnets clasped pictures of the two of you to the cooler. 
“Orange or apple juice?” He asked, pulling the former out of the side drawer for himself. 
“Orange, please,” You replied politely, grabbing some cutlery out and laying it beside his plate. 
The two of you sat down finally, Marc sliding the filled glass over to your half of the dinner table and allowing himself to just watch as you picked up your knife and fork, digging into the chocolatey breakfast before it went cold. 
He never deserved any of this, the light touches and the breakfasts and the devotion and the way you put him on a pedestal. But sitting in the slow hum of the radio, the most obscure top hundreds playlist he thinks you could have chosen, he bit into his pancake, his tongue exploding with sugary yumminess, as you told him the weird dream you’d had about him becoming some kind of half horse, centaur type man and how you wondered if he would wear jeans on the front legs, the back legs, or if you would have to have custom, four legged bottoms made for him. 
The two of you laughed, because he didn’t quite understand what had gotten him so lucky as to end up with you. He could get used to all this.
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karinasmy · 1 day
𝘢/𝘯 : 𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘪 𝘥𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘥𝘰 𝘴𝘮𝘵𝘩 𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘺!! 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺 𝘮𝘺 𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘵 𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴!😭
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⌗ 𝗞𝗔𝗥𝗜𝗡𝗔 ♡( 𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘵𝘴𝘦𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘤𝘦𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘴𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘧𝘰𝘺 )
so for rina
i think when she gets jealous shes just quiet
and she could get a little snarky sometimes, but just a smidge
karina didn't expect to come home to you and ningning laughing your asses off at some random tiktok you were showing her
for some reason she was very bothered by it even tho you guys were naturally close
you kinda took awhile to notice her standing there but you once you did, you were quick to wrap your arms around her
she'll play it off and act normal but she's def quiet and i think she'd look like she's deep in thought about something
so when you ask her to do something with you, that's when light bulbs go off
"hey wanna go grab lunch later" "idk why don't you go with ningning instead"
then you drag her to lunch anyway and endlessly tease her for being jealous in the first place
you also tease her ab the fact that she got jealous over the YOUNGEST member, like ma’am?
"i didn't press you for the jealous type bro" "just shut up and eat"
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⌗ 𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚 ♡( 𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘵𝘴𝘦𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘺𝘫𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘪)
every time i see/think of this girl she's always smiling
so i think when she gets jealous she'll still be smiling but like it's def forced and looks fake
or if she's not smiling then she 100% looks like shes just zoned out staring into space in her own world
either way that shit makes her stomach feel weird deep down
she'll watch you and giselle just monitoring your dance practice but you guys are just way too close together and giselles shoulders brush against yours and-
"ning, you okay? you've been zoning out for a while" and she just smiles again and plays it off
you knew something was up so when you're back at the dorms that's when you ask her and she shyly admits that seeing you that close w giselle made her feel uneasy
you kiss her forehead softly and tell her she has nothing to worry about before pulling her into bed and cuddling w her for the entire night (even if ur arm goes incredibly numb cuz girlie does not move an inch away from u
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⌗ 𝗚𝗜𝗦𝗘𝗟𝗟𝗘 ♡( 𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘵𝘴𝘦𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘳𝘦𝘨𝘪𝘮𝘺𝘶𝘦)
radio silence.
she's already naturally quiet as is and she def does not speak her emotions compared to the others
so it takes you a little longer to figure out when she's jealous vs the other members
after finishing a movie w winter, she just blankly watches the two of you have deep conversations ab it
and honestly you confuse her jealous silence for her normal silence at first
but you start realizing the difference when she's less affectionate with you (bc behind closed doors i think giselle is so affectionate like she deadass wont let go of you and is so touchy, needs to be holding you or be in close proximity w you)
"gigi, are you okay?" and she just nods. girl pls give us something to work with
she never really openly admits that she was jealous of you and rina but ur smart genius self put two and two together and connected the dots when u saw she was quiet around winter too but not the others
but be she never outwardly said it, you don't outwardly tell her not to worry or not to be jealous. instead you spend more time w her and getting her her fav snacks and whatnot and she appreciates it so much
giselle likes how you don't need to be told when something bothers her, and when you figure it out, you always knew how to make her feel better without words
actions do speak louder than words and giselle knows how true that is with you
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⌗ 𝗪𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥 ♡(𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘵𝘴𝘦𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘭𝘶𝘨𝘣𝘰𝘺)
Im gonna go for a platonic type of jealousy for winter
she wanted to show u a new app she downloaded but u told her u were busy learning the new choreo from karina
and she just whines
not like an annoying child throwing a tantrum kinda whine but just in a "why do u alw have sumn better to do" typa way
when u finish w karina ur quick to go back to the dorms to see winter napping
and u lowk feel bad be all she wanted to do was show u sumn
u decide to let her sleep but ur idiot self banged ur hand on her door while trying to close it and now u feel bad even more bc she woke up
"you're back alr?" "yeah i came here quickly so you could show me the app"
winter is super excited even tho she jus woke up, and shes reaching for her phone and is tapping thru w such speed
you both spend hours on the app (i keep saying the app bc idk what kinda app it would be but im thinking either a game or a photo filter app idk) before ur both scolded by ningning
it's literally giving when ur little sibling just wants to show u sumn cool but ur too busy and u feel bad
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