#quinn's season 1 framing
tuiyla · 2 years
speaking of Quinn and religion, one thing that's always baffled me is that I do think S1 wants to set up the black comedy of the "Queen of the Chastity Ball" getting knocked up, and it's supposed to be a whole commentary on celibacy, religious hypocrisy, etc. But I've never fully understood why they didn't truly lean into that? Because what the rest of Quinn's arc through S3 shows us is that honestly she's NOT a hypocrite about this. She believed in waiting. She was sincere in her faith. Her big slip-up was super dubious and a one time thing. For how much we've been told we were meant to hate Quinn in S1, I wonder why RIB didn't have her sleeping with the entire football team except Finn, having her play the nice girl around her parents then being knowingly cynical about using her religion as a disguise. It would still even work to contrast her with Santana, one being unapologetically sexual, the other hanging onto her pristine rep while doing the exact same things privately. It would've been such an easy way to make sure the audience sees her as the villain and tbh, might have better fit the dark humor of S1. That they didn't go that path is more proof to me that RM was ALWAYS writing Quinn as an empathetic character, even if he wasn't aware of it.
Alright alright, not gonna put off answering this because it's an amazing topic I wanna keep discussing or as long as y'all have thoughts.
Completely agree, they never lean into it. Not nearly as much as this ostensibly satire show should have. I often think about that, the deliberate irony of framing Quinn as ultra-religious and having her be the president of a damn Celibacy Club just to have her get knocked up. After having sex once, too. A better show would have a) leaned in and b) examined how society treats those who cross the madonna-whore threshold. Even in terms of the cheerleading stereotypes that the Unholy Trinity all check, it's ultimately Quinn who gets portrayed as a whore because she's the one with "evidence" that she's had sex. Brittana are much, much more promiscuous, yeah, but there's something about teen pregnancy as the ultimate symbol of sexual transgression. But, like you say, Quinn wasn't actually a hypocrite about all this.
I think she was also scarred from the pregnancy emotionally, understandably, but the only times she uses her sexuality after this in high school are when she's clearly unhinged. I.e. trying to make another baby with Puck. She wants to take things slow with Sam, completely understands Joe's perspective, and I for one seriously doubt Fuinn ever actually had sex. All that happened with Beth's conception was Puck taking advantage of her. But Glee season 1 just,,, does not get this. They so badly want Quinn to be this hypocritical bitch who cheats on her boyfriend and gets knocked up and isn't all that virginal after all. But even if we didn't see the actual scene, and oh boy do we, that narrative would still be dubious. Simply put, Quinn isn't the character Glee thinks they're writing.
I've said this so many times in so many ways but the bottom line remains the same. The writers did not know what kind of character they were writing. And there's a lot to be said about how RM reacted to that, goddammit I still haven't talked about that Rolling Stone interview, but at the end of the day we just have these facts within the show itself. And this is how I try to explain my frustrations with season 1 to people. Later seasons Quinn is a whole convo, too, but s1 always feels particularly insidious to me.
In terms of how you would have written it, yeah I think that would have worked better with what they were trying to do. There's still the contrast to Brittana so a chance for Quinn's redemption, but this villanizing would at least make more sense. She really would be a hypocrite and not just... a victim. But no, instead they wrote the story of a clear victim. I don't give a fuck if she happens to be rude to Finn and lie to him, yeah that's messed up but the dude is also actively cheating on her, so. Lest we feel too bad for him. It just sucks so much that RM was so, so unaware of the Quinn he was writing. Makes season 1 in particular incredibly frustrating to me, I can't believe there are people out there who consider this to be her best season. Why do you hate her so much?
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satinsummer · 13 days
Chapter 1: Likewise
Summary: The first time you met Sam you knew you had to have her but how would you get her?
Culinary is your major but sports media is your side quest that turned you into a dual degree seeking mf! ;)
Chapter 2: https://www.tumblr.com/satinsummer/761133841884889088/chapter-2-movie-night?source=share
WARNING: Suggestive Language, Drug Use (Smoking Weed) 18+ No men or minors pls and thanks!
Nobody POV
It all started at Y/BF/N's soccer game, after a long day of running around a hot kitchen with no break, sitting on the cold metal bleachers was the only thing that brought Y/N some sort of solace that fated night.
Sitting all the way at the top wasn't the best choice with the way her legs and feet were aching but it was tradition, especially since this was not only the first game of the season but this was Y/BF/N's first senior game and Y/N wouldn't miss it for the world! As she's scanning the crowd and just taking everything in Y/N noticed the "Core 4" + Anika as Chad so happily calls them making their way through the packed area.
Tara, Mindy, Anika and some mystery lady Y/N has never met stop and start talking to Quinn who just so happened to know few players on the team. Chad just continued to climb the bleachers until he reached Y/N.
"Yoo Y/N" Chad says with a big ass smile on his face, arms stretched out to hug her. "Hey Chad" Y/N says smiling but not moving an inch. "Sorry I realllyyyy don't feel like standing up unless I absolutely HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE but to" She stated now eyeing the mystery lady following behind Tara while they continued their ascend up the bleachers having now finished the conversation with Quinn.
Before Y/N or Chad get to say anything else Tara is barreling past him and pulling Y/N into a hug. "Where have you been all day, under a fucking rock??My girlfriend has not stopped talking about how sad she is because she didn't think you'd make it. I was honestly starting to think she loved you more than me and so I had to show her who she belo-" "OKAY THATS ENOUGH" Slapping a hand over Tara's mouth be she gets too carried away. "Anyway I was afraid of not making it because dinner service was a shit show and- Who's She?"
Y/N had finally stood up and looked behind Tara after pulling back from the embrace to shoot Mindy and Anika a small wave and smile but instead she was met with the most gorgeous set of chocolate colored eyes she'd ever seen. It felt like her the entire world stopped.
She stood there just staring back at her, eyes dark and brooding scanning over your face as Y/N did hers. Her hair was framing her face perfectly, her eyebrows were knit in concentration or maybe it was confusion either way Y/N just wanted to reach out and soothe it over with her thumb but she fought against it.
"Keep staring and I'll make sure I'm the last thing you see" And that's all it takes to knock Y/N out of whatever spell she was under while looking at mystery lady. "SAM! You cant threaten to kill everyone that looks at you, especially not my girlfriends best friend. Y/N she didn't mean that. Right Sam?" Tara said ending her sentence with an elbow to Sam's side. "Yeah, Right" she grumbled rolling her eyes at Tara before sitting down.
A bit after you and mystery lady's SAM's moment, everyone gets settled to watch the game as it begins. "So Sam, is this your first time at a soccer game?" Y/N asks, looking over at sam who was already looking at her. "Yeah" Sam replies never taking her eyes off of Y/N. "Want me to explain it? Help you under a bit better?" Y/N offers. "Nope" and with that Sam turns her back around to the game and doesn't say another word. That is until the game is over and Y/BF/N is running to Y/N as she pushes her way on to the field to greet Y/BF/N.
Y/BF/N played one of her best games EVER tonight, she came away with 2 goals-2 assist and 3 steals. She plays hard so when her and Y/N finally meet in the middle she's throwing her body on Y/N like a kid seeing their mom after the first day of school. She's overjoyed to have won and to know her best friend, her girlfriend and their friends were there to have witnessed it. "I'm so fucking proud of you, Y/B/NN. You were a goddamn storm out there!" Y/N shouts while rocking back and forth still embracing Y/BF/N. As the two girls pull back from each other and start doing their handshake, the rest of the group has made their was down to the field and over to them.
Tara pulls Y/BF/N into a big ass hug that ends in a kiss Sam would've paid money not to see. The rest of the group just standing there awkwardly talking amongst themselves as it continues.
"How's the chef been? You ran off to Jersey for the summer and have been MIA since you came back" Mindy points out and just like that all eyes are back on Y/N. "She didn't run off" Y/BF/N interjects after finally pulling away, jersey was still a sore topic for the two but at least Y/N could count on Y/BF/N not to force conversations about it.
As Y/BF/N headed off to the locker rooms to shower and get changed, with Tara following close behind Y/N seen this an opportunity to answer Mindy's first question. "Anyway, the chef is great, I'm in my final year so it's more stressful now than it has ever been but the world deserves to taste me so I'm dedicated to perfecting that." "Taste...you?" Mindy snickers a sly smirk playing on her lips. "Yeah, taste me and I know your gutter mind ass is taking it there so I won't divulge but I will extend you an offer to stop by the kitchen and learn somethings" Y/N states matter of factly looking straight into Mindy's eyes and suddenly she's the one acting all coy and bashful. "Damn, Y/N. You go MIA and come back trying to be Miss.TakeMyBitch" Anika says feigning betrayal. Laughter erupts between all of them and suddenly Y/BF/N and Tara are making their way back to the group. Looking a little "freshly fucked" might Mindy add but she saves them the embarrassment for now.
As everyone is walking through the parking lot and getting into their respective vehicles. Y/N can't help but let her mind wonder and eyes wander over to the brown eyed goddess she had met earlier. "You're staring again" Sam says "Can't Help it" Y/N replies. This makes Sam stop dead in her tracks as Y/N kept walking trying to keep her facade of being smooth as fuck under control. "Come on Sam, We are riding in Y/N's Car" She hears as is grabbing her arm and leading the way.
"Damn Y/N/N, when can I get a ride in that" Chad Says while looking at her car. She had recently purchased an Inifinti Q50S, it was painted titanium grey with an all black interior to match her rims. "Must be nice to have mommy and daddy get you everything" Sam sneered to no one in particular but Y/N heard it. " I don't have a mommy and daddy to do anything for me. This is NIL money, baby" Y/N retorted. "NIL?" Sam questions.
"Name, Image, Likeness." You, Y/B/N and Chad all say in unison. "Y/N is the best sports media journalist Blackmore has ever seen. She built media platform and gave the athletes here a voice" Chad Explains. Truth be told Y/N was glad nobody double back about the "no mommy daddy" comment because she didn't have the mental or emotional capacity for that tonight. "Alright, can we go now? I just played my ass off, I'm hungry and a little horny" Y/BF/N groans closing the car door as her and Tara climb in the backseat. "Guess that means you're riding shotgun Sammy" You tease. " Call me that again and I-" "Yeah, Yeah, save the threat. We both know Tara won't let you" Effectively cutting Sam off and starting her car.
Sam refused to admit but Y/N was actually pretty decent and before she knew it her mind was clouded with thoughts of Y/N. The way she would easily slip in and out of traffic, never breaking too hard or go too fast for Sam or the other two sucking face in the back to feel unsafe. Sam found herself now being the one to stare at the girl and my god was she glad Y/N was focused on the road. Under the glow of the city lights and the ones slightly illuminating the inside of the car Sam got lost in her side profile, with Y/N hair now pulled back she had a chance to examine the other features she may have missed earlier like the one dimple Y/n on her right cheek, the small scar above her ear that traveled down to the base of her hairline. The way Y/N's nose was the perfect slope from this angle.
"You're Staring" Y/N says glancing over at Sam when she stops at a red light. All Sam can do is open and close her mouth like a fish having just been caught doing the same thing she threatened Y/N for doing previously. The soft hum of the engine and music fill the rest of the car ride as the girls make their way to the " Carpenter Habitat" as Y/BF/N calls it.
As the car pulls up in front of the apartment building, Tara begins begging Sam to let Y/BF/N sleepover and much to her surprise she gives in not before giving a stern "door open or living room" option with no room for rebuttal. Sam then looks to Y/N as if she was going to say the same to her but Y/N is quick to correct. "I won't be staying, Gonna head back to the kitchen and get prepped for the dinner service happening tomorrow. You kids have fun" Y/N states looking at all three of them while leaning on her car and lighting a joint. "Wanna finish this off before you go up?" Y/N says to Y/BF/N who looks over at Tara for the go-ahead. "Fine, but just one and you better shower again" Tara directs at Y/BF/N. After kissing Tara, Y/BF/N walks over to your car and takes the lit joint from you. Tara and Sam begin to walk inside and up to their shared apartment where they both watch Y/N & Y/BF/N smoke and interact like predators hunting prey.
"You sure you don't wanna stay?" Tara yells down to Y/N after the smoke session has ended and Y/BF/N has made it safely inside and upstairs to her girlfriend. "Yeah, I'm sure. You and Y/BF/N deserve some time together after that game she played" Y/N says with a knowing smile. Y/BF/N needed her "Tara Time" after long days or hard games and who is Y/N to stop that.
Before getting in her car, Y/N spares one last glance to the balcony Tara was just on only to see the older carpenter staring back at her. With a small smile and a wave Y/N bids farewell to Sam "It was nice meeting you tonight..Sammy" "Likewise Y/N" Sam replies softly watching as Y/N slips into her car and disappears in the city traffic.
AN: this is my first time writing something like this so pls bear w meeeeeeeeeee. if you have any suggestions on how the story line should progress, critiques, etc feel free to lmk!
any ideas on what to name the fic? submit themmmmm
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beansprean · 1 year
Spoilers for ch 22 of "The Circular Conundrum"...
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Excerpt from chapter 22 of “The Circular Conundrum” by @soontobecyborg!! I adore this series and you should, too.
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1a. Close up of the Guide’s gloved hands holding a plain shoebox with a silver-gold bow on top. She says, “Now there is one more gift…” 1b. Wide shot of the Guide standing in her usual black hat, blouse, and long skirt, holding the box and saying “It’s just a little something Tessa and Quinn snuck through airport security.” She smirks at the box and playfully spins it and throws it up in the air a few times. Behind her, Tessa, dressed in a leather jacket and skirt, plays at a sappy smile, one hand pressed to her chest. Quinn, dressed in a long black tee shirt dress, has an arm around Tessa and smirks at the scene. In the foreground, Guillermo looks up and over his shoulder at them in curiosity, the top of child Colin’s head visible at his side. The Guide continues, “You probably don’t even want it after all the amazing gifts you’ve just gotten.” 1c. Close up of the box in the Guide’s hands again as she concludes, “Maybe I’ll throw it in the fire…” The box immediately shakes and screeches in complaint. 1d. Zoom out as Guillermo, wearing a striped shirt with rolled sleeves, suspenders, green chinos, and his new Rolex rainbow Daytona watch, stands up and snatches the box from the Guide’s hands, clutching it close and staring down at it in shock. He asks urgently, “How long has he been in there?!” The Guide cackles and replies, “A few hours.” 1e. Bust shot of Guillermo as he lifts the lid of the box, snapping his head up as what was inside zooms out with an audible flap of wings.
2a. The motion lines from the box lead to a poof of smoke as Nandor appears back in human form, wearing the brown kaftan and diamonds patterned overcoat from season 4 episode 1. He spreads his arms out wide and grins, announcing, “Surprise!” 2b. Repeat. Guillermo launches into frame and onto Nandor, arms thrown around his neck and legs kicked up in the air, sending Nandor stumbling back in surprise. 2c. Zoom in to their embrace, Guillermo’s back to the viewer with his arms and legs locked around Nandor. Nandor brings his arms tightly around Guillermo to press him even closer, eyes closed in bliss and nose buried behind his ear. The background erupts into happy yellow bubbles. 2d. Close up of Guillermo’s face buried in Nandor’s hair, trembling with emotion, eyes tightly shut and glasses knocked askew. 2e. Close up of Nandor’s face buried in Guillermo’s shoulder, looking like he has exhaled for the first time in months.
3a. Wide reaction shot of the rest of the room. In the foreground, Laszlo is sitting on a loveseat in a dark red suit jacket with a red pussybow and red and black striped pants, hands laced together in his lap and smirking. Child Colin sits leaning against him in a green tee shirt, idly humming and not paying attention. Nadja stands behind them in her red and black striped dress from season 4 episode 1, one hand on her hip and the other raised to her mouth in a fist as she pointedly and loudly fake-coughs into it. Derek stands in the background in a leather jacket and dark gray button up with a chain necklace, awkwardly smiling with his arms held straight down at his sides. The Guide is leaning casually against his shoulder with a smile, arms crossed, as she watches the embrace with as much interest as Laszlo. 3b. Close up of Nandor and Guillermo in profile as they break apart, gazes locked. Nandor has one hand pressed to Guillermo's arm and the other cradling his cheek, smiling down at him with aching softness and love as he says, "Happy birthday, Guillermo." Guillermo looks up at him in wonder, smiling like he can't believe it, hands sliding down from Nandor's shoulders. He breathes out, "You came." 3c. Close up of Nandor as he straightens with a silly grin, waving his hand around nonchalantly. He replies, " Of course! You did promise to do something on your next birthday where I could attend also." 3d. Close up of both in profile as Nandor grins down at Guillermo teasingly, continuing, "So here I am. Attending." He boops Guillermo's nose with one finger. Guillermo, hands pressed to Nandor's chest, just gazes up at him happily. 3e. Repeat. Guillermo surges up on his tiptoes and presses his mouth joyously to Nandor's, one hand clutching at the back of his neck and the other reaching around his shoulder to press him closer. Nandor's eyes fly open in brief shock.
4a. Repeat. Nandor gets with the program quickly, closing his eyes and pressing his hand to the dip in Guillermo's waist as he returns the kiss with something like relief. Guillermo laces his fingers together at the back of Nandor's neck. 4b. Repeat. They turn slightly, deepening the kiss as one of Guillermo's hands slides down to cup Nandor's cheek and the other makes a fist in his hair. Both of Nandor's large hands slide up Guillermo's back, desperate to touch anything he can. 4c. Extreme closeup on Nandor's face as Guillermo licks into his mouth, Nandor's eyes flying wide open and bulging in shock. 4d. Zoom out to full body as Nandor suddenly grips Guillermo's arms in both hands and pushes him back to break the kiss, much to the latter's shock. Nandor throws his head back, eyes watering profusely, tongue out and fully on fire, screaming "Owowow ow ow!!" 4e. Repeat. Nandor runs off frantically, arms straight out in front of him, trailing smoke and licks of flame. Guillermo stands frozen in place, an anxious sweat forming on his brow as he brings one hand to his mouth in shock. He mumbles to himself, "Oh no, the holy water." Nandor shouts back, "Mmmm-mmm-mmm!" /end ID
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dianawinchester03 · 6 months
Season 1, Episode 5 - Bloody Mary
Series Masterlist
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Third Person POV
Currently in the Impala, Sam's asleep in the passenger seat, Y/N is in the back playing Sudoku in the newspaper and Dean was the drivers seat of course. Sam starts to shake in his sleep, groaning as if he was in pain. Dean and Y/N notice this instantly, knowing exactly what I meant. A nightmare. Shaking his shoulder to wake him up.
"Sam, wake up!" They yell, worried. His bloodshot eyes shoot open, jumping up his chest heaving. Taking a deep breath, he takes in his surroundings. "I take it I was having a nightmare" Sam says turning to them. "Yeah. Another one" Dean confirms, worried for his little brother. "Hey, at least I got some sleep" Sam tries to joke.
"You know, sooner or later, we're gonna have to talk about this" Y/N says to him, concerned for his well-being. Sam looks around and realizes they're already in Toledo, Ohio. "We're here?" He changes the subject. "Yeah. Welcome to Toledo, Ohio" Dean says and Y/N gives him the newspaper with the recently deceased, Steven Shoemaker, in the obituary.
"So, what do you guys think really happened to this guy?" Sam asks. "That's what we're gonna find out" Y/N says smiling. "Let's go" Dean says and they exit the Impala. Locking the door behind her, she still misses Quinn. Reminding herself to take her out for a spin whenever they're up in the midwest.
Now in the morgue, posing as med students. They approach the morgue tech at the desk. "Hey" The tech greets them. "Hey" Dean greets back, a smile plastered on his face. "Can we help you?" The tech asks, leaning forward on the desk and propping himself up on his elbows. "Yeah, we're the med students" Y/N says sweetly and the tech's eyes scans Y/N frame quickly, checking her out. "Sorry?" The receptionist asks, confused.
"Oh, Dr. Feiklowicz didn't tell you?" Dean says, butchering the doctors name in the process and Y/N mentally facepalms herself. "Yeah, we talked to him on the phone. He- uh. We're from Ohio State. He's supposed to show us the Shoemaker corpse. For our paper" Dean casually lies.
"Well I'm sorry, he's at lunch" The tech says to them. "Well, he said uh— Well, you know what, it doesn't matter. You don't mind showing us the body, do you?" Dean says charmingly. "Sorry, I can't" He denies them access. "Doc will be back in an hour. You can wait for him, if you want" He says.
"An hour? Ohhh. We gotta be heading back to Columbus by then" Dean says to Y/N and Sam and they nod agreeing. Y/N could already see where this is headed. So while sighing and rolling her eyes, she fixes her tank top that's layered over her leather jacket subtly, to show her cleavage a bit, enough to leave room for imagination.
"Look man, this papers like half our grade. So if you don't mind helping us out-" Dean tries to reason but the morgue tech cuts him off rudely. "Look man. No." He says rudely. Dean chuckles irritated turning to Sam and Y/N. "I'm gonna hit him in his face man. I swear-". Before he could finish Y/N decides to interject and turns her charm on.
Pushing Dean behind her she leans over the tech's desk, giving him a coy smile. "What my aggressive lab partner here is trying to explain. We are really passionate about all things Pathology" She says cutting Dean off. "I'm sure you of all people could understand. Assuming you're as smart as you are handsome" Y/N says flirtatiously, biting her lips, tilting her head.
Sam and Dean behind are stunned at this. Sam holding back a laugh and Dean's nostrils flare, feeling a burning in his chest. Reallyyy wanting to hit this guy now.
The morgue tech is a bit flustered at her posture, his eyes glancing from her slightly exposed chest to her eyes rapidly. Thinking she doesn't realize when he snuck a peek at her boobs. "Ma'am, I-I, I could get in a lot of t-". He stutters trying to explain himself. Taken back by her sudden captivating behavior, a clear blush on his face.
"Pleaseee" She cuts him off, her tone is alluring, putting her hand over his gently thats on his desk. "It would really mean a lot to me" She says suggestively, pouting her lips. He smirks, nodding. Winking at her he says, "Okay, follow me" He gets up and guides them to the morgue.
Y/N turns around to look at the boys with a triumphant smile. A look of impress is on Sam's face and a mixture of jealousy that's covered up with a smirk on Dean's face.
"Seriously?" Dean whispers, cocking his eyebrows at her as he rolls his tongue against his upper teeth, shaking his head. Meanwhile Sam laughs, giving her a high-five which she returns. "I just saved you at least a hundred bucks Winchester cuz I saw Sammy ready to pull out his wallet and bribe his way into that morgue using the poker money" She whispers back at Dean before turning on her heels walking behind the tech she just conned, swaying her hips a bit.
She turns around and shoots a wink in Deans direction causing his cheek to turn a tinge of pink, which he quickly masks. Dean looks at Sam like 'really?' and Sam just shrugs with his hand in his pocket, chuckling walking behind Y/N. Of course, Dean couldn't help but look at the way Y/N swayed her hips as she walks and it low-key drove him insane. Clearing his throat, disposing of his unholy thoughts, he follows behind them.
"Now, newspaper said his daughter found him. She said his eyes were bleeding" Sam asks the morgue tech. "More than that. They were practically liquefied" He says, lifting the blanket over the corpse. "Any sign of a struggle? Maybe somebody did it to him?" Dean asks. "Nope. Besides the daughter, he was all alone." He informs.
"What's the official cause of death?" Y/N asks nicely, crossing her arms over her chest and the techs eyes flicker up and down her. "Docs not sure. He's thinking massive stroke. Maybe an aneurysm? Something burst up in there, that's for sure" The tech says, smiling. "What do you mean?" She asks, tilting her head in confusion. Dean notices the way the tech is still staring at Y/N and his expression hardens.
"Intense cerebral bleeding. This guy had more blood in his skull than anyone I've ever seen" The tech says as if it's the coolest thing ever. "And the eyes? What would cause something like that?" Sam asks and the techs gaze moves to him "Capillaries can burst. See a lot of bloodshot eyes with stroke victims" The tech says shrugging. "Yeah, you ever see exploding eyeballs?" Dean asks ironically.
"Ah, that's a first for me. But hey, I'm not the doctor" He says, smirking over at Y/N who fakes a surprised look. "Hey, you think we could take a look at that police report. You know? For our paper.." Y/N asks sweetly, moving closer to the tech and batting her eyelashes. "I'm not really supposed to show you that" The tech says suggestively and they sigh. Sam goes to pull out his wallet she stops him.
"Does this change your mind?" She cocks her eyebrows, leaning over to his scrub pocket to take out a pen from his left shirt pocket and a old receipt in her pocket. His breath hitches in his chest when Y/N reaches into his shirt pocket, a seductive smile playing on her lips. She writes down a phone number and hands it to him smiling. He takes it without hesitation and gives them a copy of the police report.
"Did you really just give that douche your number?" Dean grumbles to Y/N as they walk down the stairs, headed back outside. She looks at him shocked, not expecting that reaction from him. "Hell no! I'm not an idiot, I gave him your number" She says snickering and Deans eyes practically bulged out of his eye sockets. "You WHAT!?" He whisper yells but is honestly relieved.
Knowing that this freak won't be calling Y/N and if he does call his phone, he can tear him a new one. "Oh relax. If you answer once and it's him. Just block him" She says shrugging and Dean looks her over. "What?" She asks innocently and he smirks. "You really are a nutcase" He says and she snorts. "Whatever asshat" she says, rolling her eyes.
Meanwhile Sam is laughing to himself, head down, hands in his pockets. They turn to him and ask him simultaneously, "What's the matter with you?" And he turns to them. "Nothing...you two just sound like an old married couple" He says laughing hysterically at the way Dean and Y/N's face morphed. "We should get that kid a brain scan" Y/N says to Dean loud enough for Sam to hear and they all laugh.
"Might not be one of ours. Might be some freak medical thing" Y/N said as they continue walk down the stairs. "How many times in our Dads long career has it actually been a freak medical thing...and not the sign of some supernatural death?" Dean asks them rhetorically but Sam answers sighing. "Uh, almost never"
"Exactly" Dean says. "Alright" Y/N and Sam say in unison. "Let's go talk to the daughter" Y/N says.
Now at the Shoemakers residence, a wake is in progress. Grieving relatives scattered all over the place. Dressed in black and white. Looking down at her outfit, now feeling a bit self conscious. "I feel like we're underdressed" Y/N mutters to the boys who agree nodding. They walk into the house casually, going into the backyard and approach a group of teenage girls by the bench.
"You must be Donna, right?" Dean asks the young brunette girl, sitting with her blonde friends. "Hi, uh. We're really sorry" Y/N says apologetically to Donna. "Thank you" Donna responds sadly. "I'm Y/N, This is Sam and Dean. We worked with your dad" Y/N lies to keep their cover, introducing herself and then the boys.
Donna looks at her friend surprised and back at them. "You did?" She asks, giving a small smile. "Yeah. This whole thing...I mean a stroke.." Dean begins to say but Donna puts her head down. "I don't think she really wants to talk about this right now" Her blonde friend pipes up from next to her. "It's okay. I'm okay" Donna assures her friend and she looks back up at Dean.
"Were there ever any symptoms? Dizziness? Migraines?" He asks Donna curiously. "No" She shakes her head and the other little brunette girl who had been quite this whole time, turns around and says. "That's because it wasn't a stroke".
"Lily, don't say that" Donna says to Lily who Y/N assumes is her sister. "What?" Sam asks. "I'm sorry. She's just upset" Donna says, looking up at them and smiling. "No, it happened because of me" Lily insisted. "Sweetie it didn't." Donna tries to reassure her sister it wasn't her fault.
"Lily..why would you say something like that?" Y/N asks her gently, taking a stooping down in-front to her. "Right before he died. I said it" She says. "You said what sweetie?" Y/N's tone is comforting. "Bloody Mary. Three times in the bathroom mirror" Lily says and the boys eyebrows raise at this.
"She took his eyes. That's what she does" Lily says. "That's what why Dad died. This isn't your fault" Donna says and Lily turns to her sister frowning. "I think your sister's right, Lily." Dean says to her. "There's no way it could've been Bloody Mary. I mean your dad didn't say it. Did he?" Dean asks and they all look at her.
"No, I don't think so" Lily says unsure. And Dean nods at her.
The boys and Y/N are upstairs investigating the house, they make their way to the bathroom. The floor stained in blood. "The Bloody Mary Legend" Sam says opening the door. "Did dad ever find any evidence if that was a real thing?" He asks Dean. "Not that I know of" Dean says, going into the bathroom. "You? Did Mr. L/N ever come up with anything?" Sam turns to Y/N asking her and she shakes her head.
"It never came up" She says, stooping down with Sam, touching the bloodstained floor. "I mean, everywhere else..all over the country, kids play Bloody Mary..and as far as we know, nobody dies from it" Sam says, standing back up walking over to Dean. "Well maybe everywhere it's just a story, but here it's actually happening" Y/N says.
"The place where the legend began?" Sam asks and Dean shrugs, opening the mirror cabinet by the sink. "But according to the legend, the person who says—" He goes to say it but Dean faces the mirror at him, and he looks at it before closing it back harshly and Y/N snickers.
"The person who says you-know-what gets it. But here-" Sam starts. "Shoemaker gets it instead. Yeah" Dean finishes. "Right" Y/N says. "Never heard anything like that before" Dean says, raising his eyebrows. "Still the guy did die right in-front of the mirror. And the daughters right. The way the legend goes...you-know-who scratches your eyes out" Y/N says.
"It's worth checking in to" Sam says. Their ears perk up when they hear footsteps coming their way. Their heads turn to the door, approaching it to be greeted by Donnas friend who they never got the name of. "What are you doing up here?" She asks annoyed. "We— We had to go to the bathroom" Dean comes up with an excuse on the spot causing Sam and Y/N to look at him like 'dude what?!'.
"Who are you?" She asks them, suspiciously. "Like we said downstairs, we work with Donna's dad" Y/N says and she narrows her eyes at them. "He was a day trader or something. He worked by himself" She said and Dean stutters. "No. We know. We meant-" He tries to explain but Donnas friend cuts him off.
"And all those weird questions downstairs. What was that?" She asks, still suspicious but they can't come up with an answer. "So you tell me what's going on, or I start screaming" She threatens. Dean shoots her a sassy look but they cave. "Alright, alright. We think something happened to Donnas dad" Sam says honestly.
"Yeah. A stroke" The girl says, matter of factly. "That's not the sign of a typical stroke" Y/N adds and the girl looks at her up and down. "We think it might be something else" She says, firmly, crossing her arms over her chest. "Like what?" The girl asks. "Honestly...we don't know yet" Sam says.
"But we don't want it to happen to anyone else. That's the truth" He finishes. "So, if you're gonna scream. Go right ahead" Dean urges her and she looks down. "Who are you? Cops?" The girl asks. The boys and Y/N exchange a look. "Something like that" Dean smirks
"Tell you what. Here. You think of anything. You or your friends notice anything strange, out of the ordinary, just give us a call" Sam reaches into his jacket pocket to take out a business card, handing it to the girl and they leave.
Sometime later, the trio end up at the library to do some research. "Alright. Say Bloody Mary is really haunting this town. There's gonna be some sort of proof, right? A local woman who died nasty" Dean rambles as they walk through the library. "Yeah. But a legend this widespread, it's hard. I mean there's like 50 versions of who she actually is. One story says she's a witch, another says she's a mutilated bride. There's a lot more" Sam lists the possibilities.
"Alright. So what are we supposed to be looking for?" Dean asks. "Well every version's got a few things in common. It's always a woman named Mary. And she always dies right in-front of a mirror. So we gotta search newspapers, public records, as far back as they go....see if we can find a Mary who fits the bill" Y/N explains.
"Well that sounds annoying" Dean scoffs. "No, it won't be so bad uh...as long as we-" Sam says causally and Y/N nudges him, pointing to the computers that has "OUT OF ORDER" signs on him. "Huh, I take it back. This will be very annoying" He says and they all sigh.
Y/N and Dean are sitting at the desk in the motel room by the window, reading in their books, looking for any clue on Bloody Mary. Meanwhile Sam is asleep on the bed across from them. Right now he needs the rest and they know that. Y/N takes a drag from her cigarette and exhales it out the window. "You know, those things kill you" Dean teases her and she snorts.
"This job will kill me faster than these will" She flatly says not looking up from her book, waving it in her fingers. Dean shakes his head at her pessimistic view. "Besides" She takes one last drag, blowing the smoke out the corner of her lips.
Deans eyes study the curvature of her (description of your lips) lips, his tongue darting to moisten his own bottom lip. Trying to keep his gaping look subtle. "Everyone has a vice" She shrugs, crushing the bud in the ashtray next to her and Dean clears his throat and nods agreeing.
"No judgement, Princess. You're your own woman. I'm just pulling your leg" He says sweetly, nudging her leg with his under the table lightly. This makes her smile, Dean was never one to judge. Neither Sam. Which is why she was so comfortable around them. They're her family. "I know, charming" She winks at him and he smirks, biting his lip.
If Deans being honest with himself, he always found smoking sorta hot. Especially on Y/N. Of course, she's naturally a beautiful woman "You found anything interesting?" Her voice breaks him out of his thoughts. He sighs shaking his head.
"You?" He asks back. "If I have to read one more book, my head is gonna explode!" She slams her book down frustrated, sinking into her seat, the headache she was nursing is getting worse.
"If your nerd ass is complaining about reading, imagine how I feel" Dean huffs and Y/N clutches onto her forehead. "Reading isn't whats pissing me off, it's my head. It's killing me" She groans, the pressure from the headache building up in her head. This worries Dean, his eyebrows creasing.
"I've got some painkillers in my duffel. Here" He gets up to go for the pills in his bag but she stops him. "It's fine, probably just my period" She says, Deans mouth forming an "o" shape at this as she rubs her temples. He still goes and gets the pills. Handing it to her with a bottled water. "Here. Take it" He says gently. "Dean I'm-" He cuts her off.
"Y/N. Take it." Authority in his tone. She sighs, and opens her mouth sticking her tongue out for him to put it. He swallows, his eyebrows raising at this but he puts it lightly on her tongue and hands her the water. Y/N takes a big gulp and swallows the pill.
Sticking her tongue out and lifting it up for him to see jokingly. "I took it doc" She says and Dean chuckles patting her head. "Good girl" He says in a gruff tone, winking at her. The way he said that just awakened something in Y/N.
Her breath hitched in her throat slightly but she quickly recovered, not making it obvious it affected her. "You need anything? I can get you some pads, snacks.." He says concerned, his tone gentle again and she shakes her head cuz she's got some handy. It wouldn't be the first time he's gotten her pads because her period came.
She looks up at him and smile brightly, still holding her head. "You can be real sweet you know" She says and he chuckles sitting back down. "Shut it" He says jokingly, hiding his blush, his green eyes piercing in her (e/c) ones. Studying each others eyes like if they're cramming for a history final.
Sam starts shaking and groaning in his sleep, jumping awake instantly. Y/N and Dean's heads snap over to him, breaking their heated eye contact. Their gazes filled with concern. Sam's chest heaving like earlier, trying to catch his breath. "Why'd you guys let me fall asleep?" Sam asks, disappointed.
"Because I'm an awesome brother" Dean remarks sarcastically. "And I'm a phenomenal best friend" Y/N adds, her tone matching Dean's. Her headache easing a bit. Dean sighs, "So what'd you dream about?" He asks his little brother, already knowing the answer. "Lollipops and candy canes" Sam remarks dryly.
Y/N nods, rolling her eyes. "Yeah, sure". Sam looks over at them, "You guys find anything?" He asks. "Oh, besides a whole new level of frustration. No. We've look at everything" Y/N scoffs while Dean shakes his head and closes his book. Sam pushes himself up on his elbows as Dean explains.
"A few local women, a Laura and a Cathryn committed suicide in-front of a mirror. And a giant mirror fell on a guy named Dave, but uh..." Dean says, rubbing the side of his mouth. "..no Mary" he finishes. And Sam plops back down on the bed sighing.
"Maybe we just haven't found it yet" He says. "We've also been searching for strange deaths in the area. You know, eyeball bleeding, that sort of thing. There's nothing" Y/N says frustrated. "Whatever's happening here, maybe it just ain't Mary" Dean suggests and Sam's phone starts to ring.
"Hello?" He answers and his face drops.
They were now outside of Jill's house. Charlie, Donna's friend from the wake, sobbing because another one of her friend, Jill, was found dead the same was as Steven Shoemaker. Charlie sits on a bench below a tree, Dean sitting on the top of it, Y/N next to her and Sam standing in-front of them.
"And they found her on the bathroom floor....And her— her eyes. They were gone" Charlie sniffles as Y/N rubs her back gently, comforting her. "I'm sorry" Sam says sympathetically and Y/N nods frowning. "And she said it" Charlie gasps for air from crying, causing the three hunters to share a look.
"I heard her say it. But it couldn't be because of that" She says doubtfully. "I'm insane right?" She asks them. "No you're not insane hun" Y/N says calmly. "God, that makes me feel so much worse" Charlie whimpers, looking at Y/N with bloodshot eyes. "Look." Sam starts. He looks at his brother and best friend before he begins explaining.
"We think somethings happening here. Something that can't be explained" Sam says gently. "And we're gonna stop it. But we could use your help." Dean adds
Charlie enters Jill's room, closing the door behind her. She immediately walks over to the open, unlocking it and opening it for Sam, Dean and Y/N who are waiting outside for her to do so. They get in one by one, Dean getting in last, resting his duffle bag on the floor and closing the window behind him. Y/N picks it up and starts unloading it with Sam.
"What did you tell Jill's mom?" Sam asks Charlie as he takes his stuff out of the bag. "I just said I needed some time with her pictures and things" She tells them. "I hate lying to her" Charlie adds, holding her forehead in her hand. "Trust us, it's for the greater good" Y/N assures her. "Hit the lights" Dean tells Charlie who does as she's told.
"What're you guys looking for?" She asks them. "We'll let you know as soon as we find it" Dean says as Sam puts on the video camera. "Hey, night vision" He says, Dean clicks the button to put on the camera that's still in Sam's hand.
"Thanks. Perfect" Sam says gratefully. He points to Dean and Y/N. Dean turns his back slightly, sticking out his butt with a sassy look on his face. "Do I look like Paris Hilton?" Dean says cockily, pumping his eyebrows and Y/N chuckles.
"Nah. More like Sonny and Cher" Sam says cheekily, panning the camera over to Y/N. Dean smirks while Y/N hides her blush with a glare, flipping Sam the bird who flashes her a cheeky smile. "Bitch please, I'm a Madonna" She says sassily, putting her hands on her hips.
Despite the daft situation, Charlie giggles at their interaction. Reminding her of how her own friend group once was. Sam chuckles at Y/N's lippy comeback, turning around he scans the room with the night vision. Opening the closet and scanning the mirror on the door.
"So I don't get it. I mean, the first victim didn't summon Mary and the second victim did. How is she choosing them?" Sam questions, stooping down to get the full length of the mirror in the camera. "Beats me" Y/N says while she and Dean check the room for frequencies with their EMF meters.
Sam closes the closet door behind him and walks into the bathroom to scan the mirror above the sink. "I wanna know why Jill said it in the first place" Dean asks Charlie a bit harsh.
"It was just a joke" She says timidly. "Well, somebody's gonna say it again. It's just a matter of time" He says brashly. "Down boy, don't be so harsh" Y/N warns Dean, firmly. His eyes flicker over to Y/N, nodding apologetically. Noticing the fearful look on Charlie's face.
"Hey" Sam calls for their attention. "There's a black light in the trunk right?" He asks.
After getting the black light, Dean closes the curtains, all light in the room diminishes. Sam takes the mirror that was hanging in the bathroom, resting it on the bed backside up. Dean tosses the black light to Y/N who catches it and Sam rips the back of the mirror that was covered in brown paper.
Y/N takes the black light and scans the now ripped mirror. The light reveals a handprint in the back, below is a name written. "Gary Bryman?" Charlie reads the name from the mirror, questionably. Sam turns to her, "You know who that is?" She shakes her head, "No" and the three share a look.
Dean and Charlie are outside now on the bench they were on earlier, Sam and Y/N walk up to them, taking a seat on the bench. "So, Gary Bryman was an 8 year old boy. Two years ago, he was killed in a hit and run. The car was described as a black Toyota Camry...but nobody got the plates or saw the driver" Sam explains the tragic storyZ
"Oh my god" Charlie gasps in disbelief and the three look over at her. "What?" Y/N asks. "Jill drove that car" She says, her voice shaky and the three sigh. "We need to get back to your friend Donna's house" Dean tells her.
A little later, they're back at Donna's house. Scanning the mirror that Steven Shoemaker died infront of with the black light. Behind it is an identical handprint like there was on Jill's mirror only the name below was "Linda Shoemaker" Y/N reads off of the mirror.
"Why're are you asking me all this?" Donna asks and Y/N apologizes. "We're sorry but it's important" she says calmly. "Yeah, Linda's my mom, okay? And she overdosed on sleeping pills. It was an accident and that's it" Donna says frustrated. The group of Y/N, Sam, Dean and Charlie look concerned. "I think you should leave" Donna says irritated.
"Donna, just list-" Dean tries to plead her but she cuts him off screaming, "Just get out of my house!" Donna runs up the stairs. "Oh my god. Do you really think her dad could've killed her mom?" Charlie asks fearfully. "Maybe" Sam says. "I think I should stick around" She says and Sam nods.
"Alright. Well just whatever you do, don't-" Charlie cuts Dean off by saying, "Believe me, I won't say it" crossing her arms over her chest.
Before they knew it, it's nightfall. They're back in the motel room. Dean in-front of his computer, Sam pacing the room and Y/N on her bed, eating a snack. "Wait wait wait, so you're doing a nationwide search?" Y/N cocks her eyebrows munching on potato chips.
"Yep. The NCIC, the FBI database. At this point, any Mary in the country who died in-front of a mirror is good enough for me" Dean says as he clicks through the database. "But if she's haunting the town, she should've died in the town" Sam says as he takes a seat next to Y/N on her bed.
"Im telling you, there's nothing local Sammy. We've checked. So unless you got a better idea, might as well do the search" Y/N says, offering him some of her chips which he takes. "The way Mary's choosing her victims, it seems like there's a pattern" Sam says as he now munches on the chips.
"I know, I was thinking the same thing" Dean says. "With Mr. Shoemaker and Jill's hit and run-" Y/N thinks out loud. "-both had secrets where people died" Dean finishes the thought out loud. "Right. I mean, there's folklore about mirrors. That they reveal all your lies, all your secrets. That they're a true reflection of your soul, which is why its back luck to break em" Sam explains.
"Right, right.....So maybes if you've got a secret, you know, like a really nasty one, where someone died, then Mary sees it... and punished you for it" Dean says. "Whether you're the one that summoned her or not" Sam adds.
"Jesus......that's some dark shit" Y/N says out of nowhere, crunching on her chips. Earning amused look from the boys. "Take a look at this" Dean says, slightly chuckling. Showing them the computer.
Not too long after, they printed out what Dean was showing them. It was crime scene photos of a murder. Bloody hand print on the mirror that was on the scene, below is a have written name "TRE" similar how Mary writes her victims names on the back of the mirrors. Everything was identical to Mary's MO.
"Looks like the same handprint" Y/N says as she looks over the picture and Sam nods agreeing. "Her name was Mary Worthington. An unsolved murder in Fort Wayne, Indiana." Dean explains to them.
Fort Wayne, Indiana
"I was on the job for 35 years. Detective for most of that." Jackson tells them. The trio made their way over to Fort Wayne, the drive being only an hour and a half, to interrogate the responding officer on the scene of Mary Worthington's murder.
"Now, everybody packs it in with a few loose ends. But the Mary Worthington murder...that one still gets me" Jackson's tone is jittery. "What exactly happened sir?" Y/N asks nicely. "You kids said you were reporters?" Jackson asks suspiciously. "We know Mary was 19, lived by herself." Sam interjects, trying to digress the topic.
"We know she won a few local beauty contents. Dreamt of getting out of Indiana, being and actress. And we know the night of March 29th, someone broke into her apartment and murdered her. Cut out her eyes with a knife." Sam said and Jackson nods. "That's right" He says.
"See so when we ask you what happened, we wanna know what...you think happened" Dean says and Jackson looks between the three of them before going into his room and coming back out with a file. "Technically, I'm not supposed to have a copy of this" Jackson says as I rests it down on the desk in-front of them and begins flipping through it.
"Now...see that there? T-R-E?" He asks us, pointing to a picture of Mary's body at the crime scene, her bloody handprint on the mirror and "TRE" written below. "Yeah." Dean says, looking down at the picture as he leans on the desk. "I think Mary was trying to spell out the name of her killer" Jackson says, superstitiously. "You know who it was?" Sam inquires, sitting on the edge of the desk.
"Not for sure" Jackson sighs, pulling out a picture of a man in a tux and sunglasses. "But there was a local man, a surgeon. Trevor Samson. And I think he cut her up good" Jackson says. "Now, why would he do something like that?" Y/N asks, crossing her arms over her chest. "Her diary mentions a man she was seeing. She called him by his initial, T. Well, her last entry....she was gonna tell T's wife about their affair" Jackson explains.
"Yeah. But how do you know that it was this guy Samson who killed her?" Dean asks, pulling himself up from the desk. "It's hard to say" Jackson says honestly but thinks for a second, "But the way her eyes were cut out, it was almost professional" Jackson says and Y/N nods. "But you could never prove it" She says.
"No. No prints. No witnesses. He was meticulous" Jackson says shaking his head. "Is he still alive?" Dean asks. "Nope" JACKSON says sighing as he sits down. "If you ask me, Mary spent her last living moments trying to expose this guys secret. But she never could" He says sadly as the group watches him intently. "Where is she buried?" Sam asks. "She wasn't. She was cremated" Jackson tells them and something clicks in Y/N head.
"What about that mirror? It's not in some evidence lockup somewhere, is it?" She asks causally as she sticks her hands in her pockets "No. It was returned to Mary's family a long time ago" Jackson informs them, looking a little confused as a sighs while leaning back in his seat. Dean rolls his eyes in annoyance at this and looks over to Y/N and Sam. "You have the names of her family by any chance?" Sam asks.
"Oh really?? Ahh, that's too bad Mr. Worthington. I would've paid a lot of money for that mirror. Okay. Well maybe next time. Alright, thanks" Sam says into the phone, disappointed. "So?" Y/N pipes up from the backseat, leaning forward in between the boys. They're driving back from Fort Wayne at the present moment.
"So that was Mary's brother. The mirror was in his family for years until he sold it. One week ago" Sam explains. Dean and Y/N look over at him. "To a store called Estate Antiques. A store in Toledo" He says, explains to them. "So wherever the mirror goes, Mary goes?" Dean asks. "Her spirit's definitely tied up with it somehow" Y/N mutters. "Isn't there an old superstition that says mirrors can capture spirits?" Dean asks, looking at her through the rear view mirror.
"Yeah there is, when someone would die in a house. People would cover up the mirrors so the ghost wouldn't get trapped" Y/N explains. "So Mary died in-front of a mirror and it draws in her spirit" Dean says. "Yeah but how could she move through, like, a hundred different mirrors?" Sam asks confused. "I don't know but if the mirrors a source, I say we find it and smash it" Y/N suggests and Dean nods in agreement. "Yeah I don't know. Maybe" Sam sighs and his cellphone rings.
"Hello" He flips the phone up answering it. "Charlie?" He says confused.
Immediately they head over to pick Charlie after getting a phone call from her. Apparently Donna got mad in their school bathroom and said "you know what" three times to prove nothings gonna happen and now Mary is after Charlie. Currently, Sam and Dean covering up mirrors in their motel room while Charlie is cradling her head in her knees with Y/N trying to comfort her.
"Hey. Hey. It's okay" She says soothingly, rubbing her back. "You can open up your eyes hun. It's okay. They covered up the mirrors. Alright?" Her tone is gentle and nurturing. Charlie puts her head up from her lap wearily. "Now, listen. You're gonna stay right here on this bed. And you're not gonna look at glass or anything else that has a reflection, okay?" She calmly instructs her for her own safety.
"Now, as long as you do that, she cannot get you" She assures her. "But I can't keep that up forever" Charlie's voice is fearful and shaky. "I'm gonna die, aren't I?" She asks sadly and Sam face drops. "No. No. Not anytime soon" Sam says gently, reassuring her as he takes a seat next to Charlie on the bed. "Alright Charlie. We need to know what happened" Dean says to Charlie, taking a seat on the bed next to Y/N.
"We were in the bathroom. Donna said it" Charlie answers. Dean looks over at Y/N and she nods. "That's not what we're talking about hun" She says calmly, rubbing her back. Charlie looks up at them with tears in her eyes. "Something happened, didn't it? In your life. A secret. Where someone got hurt." Dean asks her and she looks down guiltily. Her tears falling down her cheeks.
The three share a look before Dean turns back to Charlie. "Can you tell us about it?" Dean asks gently. "I had this boyfriend" She begins to explain. "I loved him...but he kind of scared me too, you know? And one night...at his house...we got in this fight...and I broke up with him. And he got upset and said he needed me and he loved me. And he said 'Charlie, if you walk out that door right now. I'm gonna kill myself'. And you know what that said? I said 'Go ahead'. And I left." She ends her tearful confession sobbing and Y/N's heart drops.
"How could I say that? How could I leave him like that?" She sobs, looking at Y/N. "I just- I didn't believe him, you know? I should've" She stutters, looking over at Sam.
"You know, her boyfriend killing himself, that's not really Charlie's fault" Dean says driving. They're now in the Impala headed to the store where Mary's mirror is currently residing. "You know as well as we do that spirits don't exactly see shades of gray, Dean. Charlie had a secret, someone died. That's good enough for Mary" Y/N says, leaning back in her seat to the back.
"I guess" Dean says shrugging. "You know, I've been thinking. It might not be enough to just smash that mirror" Sam says. "Why? What do you mean?" Dean inquires, looking over at his little brother. "Well, Mary's hard to pin down, right? I mean, she moves around from mirror to mirror. So who's to say that she's not gonna just keep hiding in them forever. So, maybe...we should try to pin her down. You know, summon her to her mirror and then smash it" Sam suggests.
"Well how do you know that's gonna work?" Y/N asks intrigued, leaning forward between Sam and Dean. "I don't. Not for sure" Sam says honestly. "Well, who's gonna summon her?" Dean asks. "I will" Sam says, this causes Y/N's head to snap over to Sam and Dean shakes his head, huffing in annoyance.
"She'll come after me" Sam says confidently. "Alright, you know what? That's it" Dean snaps, parking Baby and turning off her engine. Dean turns to Sam and starts. "This is about Jessica, isn't it?" Dean asks him, firmly. Sam keeps looking out the window, not answering.
"You think that's your dirty little secret? That you killed her somehow?" Y/N asks her best friend, trying to stay calm. "Sam, this has gotta stop, man. I mean, the nightmares and calling her name out in the middle of the night. It's gonna kill you" He barks and Y/N nods, a frown on her face.
"Now, listen to us. It wasn't your fault. If you wanna blame something, then blame the evil son-of-a-bitch that killed her. Or hell, why don't you take a swing at me and Dean, cuz we're the ones that dragged you away from her in the first place" Y/N retorts and Sam finally looks at them.
"I don't blame you guys" He says calmly and Dean nods. "Well you shouldn't blame yourself. Cuz there's nothing you could've done" Dean says. "I could've warned her" Sam says. "About what?!" Dean yells angrily. "Okay. Chill out!" Y/N comes to Sam's defense.
"Go easy on him man, take a breather and then talk" She says firmly and Dean angry gaze snaps to her stern one, instantly fading when he sees she's being serious. He calms down a bit nodding slightly taking a deep breath.
"You didn't know it was gonna happen. And besides, all of this isn't a secret. I mean, we know all about it. It's not gonna work with Mary anyway." Dean says after he calmed down a bit. "No you don't" Sam says with a grim look on his face. "We don't what?" Dean asks confused.
"You don't know all about it. I haven't told you guys everything" Sam says looking at them. "What're you talking about" Y/N asks worried "Well, it wouldn't really be a secret if I told you, would it?" Sam says with a bit of snark. Dean and Y/N eyebrows shoot up at this, they look at each other baffled before turning back to Sam. "No. I don't like it. It's not gonna happen. Forget it." Y/N says firmly.
"Y/n/n, that girl back there is going to die...unless we do something about it. And you know what? Who knows how many more people are gonna die after that? Now we're doing this." Sam says to her trying to reason with them. He looks at Dean, "You guys have got to let me this" He says, a determined look on his face. Dean and Y/N look at each other in elaboration and sigh.
Presently, the three hunters are at the store where Mary's mirror is. Y/N is down on her knees, infront of the store. Trying to pick the lock for the gate. In record time, she successfully picks the lock and they walk in. The store is filled with mirrors, the three look around while shining there flashlights baffled.
"Well, that's just great" Dean says sarcastically. He digs into his pocket and takes out a picture of the mirror from the crime scene, showing it to Sam and Y/N. "Alright fellas, let's start looking" Y/N says and they begin walking around to look for the mirror. While walking around, they don't realize that they tripped up a security alert from breaking in, a red light flashes in the corner of the store.
"Maybe they've already sold it!" Dean suggests as he shouts from a distance. Sam turns a corner, shining his light on the exact mirror from the picture. "I don't think so" He says and Dean and Y/N approach him. Dean takes out the picture again to look it over. "That's it" He confirms. "You sure about this?" Y/N ask Sam concerned and he just hands her the flashlight. She takes it and the three walk up to the mirror.
Sam sighs deeply before saying, "Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary..." He stops, looking over at them. He holds up his crowbar, preparing to smash the mirror. "Bloody Mary" he says one last time. A car pulls up outside, it's light flashing through the windows. Dean and Y/N turn around, panic sets in and Dean says. "Let's go check that out, you stay here. Be careful" He warns them and Sam gives him a curt nod and they begin to walk off.
"Smash anything that moves" Dean says as they're going. They lower their bodies so nobody can see him from outside, they creeps their way to hide behind a cabinet, to see the bright lights of a car infront of the door. "Crap" Y/N mutters, "You should go back. I can deal with this" Dean tells her.
"Like hell. You go out there alone. You'll look like a criminal. Better chance with me, might underestimate us" She snaps back and he chuckles. They walk towards towards the gate and push it open. "Hold it!" A security guard yells at Dean and Y/N, two guards are there holding up a guns at them.
"Whoa, whoa whoa guys. False alarm, I tripped the system" Dean says chuckling, his hands in the air. "Who are you?" The guard asks his suspiciously. "I'm the boss's kid. This is my girlfriend" Dean lies causally, pointing to Y/N who's eyebrows shoot up. "You, Mr Yamashiro's kid?" The guard asks him.
Meanwhile Sam is waiting for Mary to show. He hears some tussling and turn to see what it was. When he turns back to the mirror, nothing is there. Sam sees Mary's spirit from the corner of his eye in the other mirror and smashes it. She flashes in another and he smashes it too.
He turns back to the main mirror, "Come on. Come into this one" He mutters but she doesn't show. What he does notice is his reflection moving in a way he's not. He sees himself smiling back at him with a sadistic smile, blood dripping from his eyes. Gasping and groaning from pain building up at the back of his eyes, feeling like his head is gonna explode.
The crowbar slips from his hands. "It's your fault. You killed her." His reflection in the mirror taunts him. His face twitches in pain while looking at the scene, holding his neck as blood runs does his eyes. "You killed Jessica." His reflection says gruffly.
Outside, still trying to convince the security that they're not criminals. "Like we just said sir, my boyfriend is adopted" Y/N says sweetly. "Yeah" The guard says not convinced. Dean looks back at the store, worried "You know, I just— we really don't have time for this right now" He says before he throws a right hook at the guards face when he least expected it.
Y/N elbows the other guard and knees him where the sun doesn't shine. Huffing as she nurses her fist, she snaps her gaze over to Dean who grimaces at the guard on the ground, clutching his pearls. "Oh man that's gotta hurt" He puts his fist to his mouth, biting it.
"Girlfriend? Really?" She cocks her eyebrow and he chuckles, his cheeks turning a twinge of pink. First thing that came to mind" He defends. "Yeah, sure" She says ironically, she interlocks her arm in his, "Come on, darling" She says sarcastically and Dean chuckles as walk back into the store.
While this is all going on. Sam's reflection continues to taunt him as he falls to the ground, bleeding from his eyes in pain. "You never told her the truth, who you really were. But it's more than that, isn't it? Those nightmares you've been having...of Jessica dying...screaming...burning. You had them for days before she died. Didn't you?!" His reflection harshly yells at him about his guilt and how it's his fault Jessica is dead.
Sam groans in pain, clutching his chest. Dean and Y/N enter the store again to see some mirrors smashes and Sam on the ground clutching his chest, bleeding from his eyes "You were so desperate to be normal, to believe they were just dreams. How could you ignore them like that? How could you leave her alone to die? You dreamt it would happen!" His reflection shouts at him.
Dean screams as he charges at the mirror, breaking it with his crowbar. Y/N ducks so the shards don't cut her and kneels next to her best friend who's still doubled over in pain, bleeding from his eyes. "Sammy? Sammy?" Her voice is laced with panicked concern. She grabs his face, checking to make sure she's okay. "Come on Sammy!" Dean kneels next to them, checking on his little brother. Worry etched on both their faces.
"It's Sam" Sam retorts back weakly to them. "God. You okay?" Dean holds his brother up. "Uh, yeah" He tells them and Dean looks back at the broken mirror. "Come on, come on" Y/N says as they pick Sam up, putting each of his arms around their shoulder. Sam groans in pain as they walk him out of the store.
Unbeknownst to them. Mary begins to crawl out of the mirror. They hear the broken glass behind them moving around, turning around to see Mary moving towards them. They all begin to bleed from their eyes, doubling over in pain. Dropping to their kneels as Mary walks towards them with a limp. Dean reaches over to grab a mirror, pointing it to Mary. She looks at her own reflection in it eerily.
"You killed them" Her voice is rugged, harsh, gruff. "All those people. You killed them" Her reflection says back to her, bleeding from her eyes. The reflection snarls at her, almost animalistic as she begins gasping in pain. Her spirit melts into the ground, causing the shards of glass to flatter all over the ground.
Dean then throws the mirror onto the ground, breaking it over the area she melted. The three groan in pain, trying to catch their breaths. "Hey guys?" Dean calls them. "Yeah" they say in unison. "That's gotta be like, what, 600 years of bad luck" Dean says jokingly and they all chuckle dryly.
The next morning, they drive Charlie back to her house. Dean parks the Impala in-front of it, turning to Charlie and Y/N who are seated at the back. "So this is really over?" Charlie asks. "Yeah, it's over" Y/N smiles, assuring her. "Thank you" She says gratefully. Dean reaches over to shake her hand, which she accepts.
Charlie looks at Y/N with a blush on her face and exits the car. Y/N scoots to the end of the seat, leaning back. Through the window, Charlie says, "Hey, Y/N?". She turns to Charlie, a smile on her face. "Yeah?"
Charlie leans in and places a chaste kiss in Y/N's lips. Y/N is taken back but returns the kiss passionately. Deans eyebrows shoot up from this, a burning feeling of...jealousy? Starts to build up in his chest again but at the same time he's turnt on a bit? Conflicted to say the least.
Meanwhile Sam is agape, knowing Y/N is comfortable in her sexuality but he notices the look of conflict on Deans face. Chuckling at his brothers demise.
"Thank you to you especially" Charlie's says flirtatiously, biting her lips. "No worries hun" Y/N says back, returning the flirt. Charlie hands her a paper with her number on it before turning on her heels and walking towards her house.
Sam turns back to Y/N, who's still stunned by all this and nudges her shoulder. "You player!" He says jokingly while laughing hysterically and Y/N rolls her eyes scoffing. "Not gonna lie, did not see that one coming from Charlie" Dean snorts, putting the Impala in drive. "Me neither. I think my gaydar's off" Y/N jokes, looking at Dean with a twinge of guilt in the rearview mirror while fiddling with the paper in her hand
Dean still can't help the burning feeling he felt in his chest from seeing her kiss Charlie. Usually if he saw two other girls kiss he would've been definitely into it. With Y/N we was kinda into it? But mainly hated seeing it.
As they drive down the freeway, Dean turns to Sam. "Hey Sam?" He calls his attention. "Yeah?" Sam responds. "Now that this is all over...I want you to tell us what that secret was" He says. "Look. You're my brother, Dean. And Y/N. You're my best friend. And I'd die for the both of you in a heartbeat. But there are some things I need to keep to myself" He says to them, smiling a bit. They don't answer and Dean keeps driving.
Sam's eyes drift outside, where he sees what looks like Jessica's spirit on the sidewalk where they're passing. His face contorts to a look of shock, guilt, pain. When they pass by a post, she disappears and Sam looks down sadly. Dean and Y/N notice his shift in mood but prefer not to push him at this moment.
Authors Note:
I kid you not when I say, I took my sweet time writing this chapter because this episode scared the shittt out of me🤣
The first time I watched it, I couldn't sleep properly for daysss. So I hope whoever is reading, they enjoyed this chapter cuz if this one deleted accidentally, I would've just skipped over it honestly😭
I'm excited to do 'Skin' because it's one of my favorite episodes!!😆😆
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unholy-fabray · 5 months
💕💚💔? –hevanderson
💕: What is an unpopular ship that you like? Hmm Puckleberry? I think their voices sound good together, they had some hilarious lines and interactions, and Rachel's ruthless self-centeredness + Puck's lack of morals has some wild potential yfm.... I also love Puckleberry bromance in fanfics
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character? Seeing as how my favorite character is Quinn Fabray, so much lmao 💀 I might be preaching to the choir here, but many viewers can't seem to read past the show's framing of her as a super selfish megabitch and see how freaking scared and uncomfortable she is most of the time. Quinn's surrounded by immense social pressure and little-to-no real friendship or unconditional support. She's certainly an antagonist, don't get me wrong - but often a sympathetic and compelling one.
💔: If you had to remove one major character from the series, who would you choose? Ohh this is a tough one... Post-season 1 Shelby because she's heinous and a scourge to humanity OR Ryder because I never felt like he had much impact on the story or a strong presence on screen and pretty much all his tropes we had already seen before (except for his SA subplot with Kitty - that actually meant a lot to me).
Sam also felt like a repeat of tropes that had already been filled by Finn (quarterback, teen boy with a heart of gold, etc.) and Brittany ("dumb blonde", neurodivergent af, etc.) HOWEVER I really love Sam and feel like he had a stronger presence on the show, so...
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euroquision · 4 months
"The Fairest of Them All" A EuroQuision Article
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Hello everyone! I hope you're ready for the first official EuroQuision article release! This one is a mathematical doozy, but trust me when I say this is worth the read. If you wanna download a PDF of the article, you can do so here!
And if you don't feel like downloading the whole thing, I'll be copying the entire article into this post after the section break so you can read it here! Thanks so much to the Patrons and other supporters that make this work possible!
The Fairest of Them All
By Beatrice Quinn
Quickly: what is the most overrated song of Eurovision 2024?
…got an answer? Ok, now: Prove it.
Today we’re talking about one of the most ambiguous, aimless, misunderstood metrics we use to say whether a song is overrated or not, and that is: Ratings. Literally! Now, we’re familiar with “ranking” Eurovision songs – dragging and re-dragging “Halo” up and down your 2022 scoreboard depending on whether or not you think Pia Maria is a real person or not – and other such activities! Ranking is crucial and emblematic to the existence of Eurovision and its fans, it hardly needs to be said. Developing babies watch the dancing fruits of Cocomelon, we watch a series of rectangles and numbers combine to shift and jump around aimlessly until they eventually settle in place. And once they’ve settled in place, forever to remain unmoving from those results, fans all across the world will continue to exist in a frenzy about how they should have landed instead.
But what’s the difference between ranking and rating? And by extension, why are the phrases “overrated” and “underrated” thrown around so frequently? Well, ranking songs is an action that always exists in and around the context of all competing songs that year. That’s why when the first Eurovision song of the season rolls around – usually courtesy of our lovely Albanians – it’s ridiculous and repeatedly unfunny to see YouTubers upload their “Eurovision 2021: Top 1 Ranking” videos. Rating a song is something you can do whether you’re talking about one song, or 42 songs. You don’t have to judge the songs ranked against each other. You can judge it based on its own merits or whatever frame of reference you have. I’m not here to write an article trying to tell people how they can or can’t rate songs – I would only ever tell that to the WiwiJury. And I would tell them politely, yet firmly, to stop.
No, I’m writing all this to do one thing: To give you a quick math lesson! And by quick, I really mean it, I promise. I swear I’m not a nerd! Well, that’s a lie. I’m a huge nerd. But I’m not a math nerd. It would be more accurate to say I’m a numbers nerd – specifically, Eurovision numbers. That’s the kind of numbers we like! We’ve seen our share of Twitter polls, asking us to choose between anything from Biggest National Final Robberies to “do you think Joker Out read the fanfic?” We just love stats and percentages! So I’m here to put those to the test in the most straight-forward, least-opinionated way possible. And let me be so clear about this: This article is not going to try and definitely prove anyone’s personal tastes right or wrong. This is about the mathematical results of how we rate Eurovision songs and whether or not this provides any accuracy.
Before we get into all the numbers: Let’s say you’re an Albania stan – a type of stan I’m familiar with, fond of, and am deeply frightened by – and you go to EurovisionWorld.com to excitedly check the results of the star ratings left by online visitors from every end of the earth, all coming to rate a song you’re excited to rate and enjoy yourself. You get there and you see: 2 stars – 2,815 ratings. Your heart sinks. “Only two stars? Is this actually a bad song? Do people hate the song? Am I dumb for liking it?” These are all things we’ve all felt about certain songs we hold dear to our heart, but it really doesn’t make sense, right? Why should a number generated by the preferences of 2,815 people sway your feelings towards a song you like? Then, as the season goes on, more songs pop up and get rated as well. As your Albanian gem middles out around 2.3 stars after 5,000 or so people decided to rate it, you see a grinning Dutch lad beating out the majority of the competition in terms of stars. “Wait, that just has so many views and over ten thousand more ratings than Albania has, what gives?” Then: the accusations start. “Joost is overrated!!” “Baby Lasagna’s hype won’t last forever.” “Vidbir said they’ll announce the results after six business days, not counting shipping and handling, but when they do, they’re gonna be so overrated.” And on the flip side: “Everyone is sleeping on Dons.” “Hera shock Q in May.” Various statements that however passionate are sadly not actually provable – at least, not in the moment.
It goes without saying that a Eurovision song’s rating out of 5 stars on EurovisionWorld does not, in any way, affect the results and winners of Eurovision. Instead, these ratings exist as a rare form of communal discussion. While the subjectivity of musical taste varies, we all get to share our opinions. And this process is what leaves us with two sides of the same undefinable coin: Over or Under Rated. 
We all have experiences with people or conversations where a fun song may be chastised for being overrated, or overly praised for being underrated. The attitude for or against a song doesn’t always exist like this – you can love an overrated song and hate an underrated one, I don’t care. But the point here is: these terms are something we relate to being an idea or descriptor, rather than something that can be mathematically determined. In fact, by treating the Eurovision “rating” system in its current state as purely a matter of statistics, we can then use that information to reference other claims against it. It’s quite scientific, if I do say so myself. Now, are both my college degrees in film, music, and writing? Yes. Did I ever get anything higher than a B in any math class I’ve ever taken? No. But allow  me to explain!
If someone were to say “Sweden is overrated,” what if there were a way to actually find out if that’s accurate or not? And once you find that out with some quick math, you can use that as evidence as to why or why not Sweden is overrated. My hope is that once we find out whether a song is mathematically overrated or underrated, we can then discuss possible reasons why or why not. Of course, this kind of question is going to be answered by collecting a LOT of numbers and doing a LOT of organization. Luckily I know someone who personally is sick enough in the head to sit down and pour through all the numbers, make the spreadsheets, make the graph, explain the equation, and write the article about it.
…it’s me. I think the “write the article” part was a giveaway, but here we are! So enough fluff, let’s get rating!
CHAPTER 1: The EuroQuision Equation!
Say that five times fast. And if you choose not to say that five times fast: I respect your decision, but I am disappointed in you.
So, we’re working with numbers. That means I am now tasked with figuring out the best way to observe the information I’m given, find out how it all balances out, and how do we compare all of that together? For context, there are two key components to finding out how over or underrated a Eurovision song is. As you’ll see while scrolling down the songs of any Eurovision year, you’ll see the stars beside them which are a result of ratings given by any IP address that rates the song. So not only do you get to see a song’s star rating, you can also see how many people contributed to that average rating. For anyone who doesn’t know, averages are a mathematical result of adding up the values of a set of inputs, then dividing that total by the amount of inputs. It’s hard to explain averages in a proper sentence, so here’s an example. If you are given the numbers 4, 8, and 3, you would first add up the numbers. 4+8+3 equals 15. Then, you take the sum (15) and divide it by how many numbers you added together. You added 3 numbers, so you divide (15 / 3) and find the average of 4, 8, and 3 is 5.
This is how those star ratings show up the way they do. If a song is rated by 10,000 people, you would add up the total stars given by each person, then divide that by 10,000. However, there’s another statistic we can find out by collecting all of this information. Like I said before in the Albania example, there are songs that only get 10,000 ratings by April, and others have hit over 40,000. You would think it’s as simple as saying “The songs with the most ratings are overrated, case closed.” But I’m here to say: not quite! If you were to rank the songs by most to least amount of ratings, that’s one result to find, sure. But I’m choosing to ask: what’s the average amount of ratings themselves? It’s something we can actually find out, since we have all the information!
Needing only the numbers provided by EurovisionWorld.com, we can find out what the average number of ratings is, and what the average number of stars is. We can’t really say who is over or underrated until we have an idea of how many people have contributed to these ratings. After finding these averages, the next step would be to compare and contrast how close or far each country deviates from those averages. Let’s say, if I were to add up all the star scores and find their average, I get an average of 3 stars. Therefore, any song that scores fewer stars than that is under average, and those scoring higher are above average. The same goes for ratings. After adding up EVERY number of ratings from each country and dividing by 37, we’ll know the average number of times a Eurovision 2024 song is rated. This will matter greatly in comparison to other years because the global attention to Eurovision grows every year. A year like 2014 is going to have a significantly lower average number of ratings simply because not as many people rated the songs in comparison to 2024. Sounds easy enough, right?
Ok, even if it’s not “easy” to understand now, it will be very soon! To help guide us into the numbers of it all, I made some visual aids! Let’s stop talking about the numbers and actually start crunching them!
CHAPTER 2: Playing With Numbers
Before we find out if any country is over or underrated, we gotta find our global averages first! Let’s look at the stars first. As you know, a song can achieve anywhere from 1 to 5 stars on EurovisionWorld.com – a very standard format! While we the voters/raters can only select a whole number of stars (one star, four stars, etc.), the website takes all those scores and calculates the average for us and displays that as a more accurate number often with a decimal point. Another important note is that I know this information doesn’t exist in stasis: songs can continue to be rated long after the contest is over. So for accuracy’s sake, I gathered ALL numerical information for this essay on one day: April 25th! This is to account for a few factors. Like I said, the amount of ratings grows over time and has a recency bias, so I didn’t want to get the ratings in late March. I also didn’t want to wait after the contest, just in case any results of the contest cause a shift in mass ratings from the rest of the world. I chose April 25th to write down every song’s current amount of ratings and current star score so that it reflected nothing but expectation and audience reaction, and without any influence from rehearsals or live shows.
Now, a song’s release day does play a part in how many ratings and stars it gets…most times. We’ll discuss that in the analysis chapter AFTER we go over all the numbers. So, this is all you need to know right now: I collected these numbers on April 25th, 2024. Additionally, there’s something else I did for making the math easier and more score-like, which is that I convert a song’s total amount of ratings into a whole number with one decimal point so that I’m operating with two factors closer to each other in size. For example, if a song has 18,311 ratings, I’m converting that to 18.3 so that I’m working with a star score of, for example, 3.6 and a rating total of 18.3, which are easier to put into the equation and find a Deviation Score that is represented by a small, whole number. The last important detail is that there WILL be more visual aids, and if any of this is still confusing by the end, let me know and I’ll figure out how to make this easier for everyone!
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Lastly, you might wonder why I’m looking at both stars and ratings in this big equation. If this is about who is or isn’t fairly rated, why do the star scores matter? Well, I’m factoring both ratings and stars in a song’s Deviation Score because these numbers don’t exist separately from each other. A song only gets a star score after thousands of people leave their opinions, and people share those opinions in this medium by clicking somewhere between one and five stars. Therefore, it isn’t fair to say a song is “overrated” simply because more people have rated that song compared to others. Spam rating exists (as EurovisionWorld has learned the hard way), and there are songs every year that are perceivably more “popular” based on things like YouTube video views or Spotify streams. Those things don’t factor into this because simply watching the video or streaming the song isn’t the same thing as “rating” it. Spotify only has stream counts, and YouTube has a like or dislike button. EurovisionWorld has a conventional 5-star rating system that is determined by people from all around the world and is mathematically calculated. So by giving a song a Deviation Score that’s based on how close/far from average a song is in stars and ratings, we’re acknowledging all the factors that go into this question.
Now onto the numbers! Do you wanna take a guess as to how many ratings were left on EurovisionWorld.com from the start of the season through Apr. 25th? There was a staggering total of 689,968 ratings across 37 songs! Over half a million ratings is a lot of opinions, right? And still that’s barely a fraction of the total people who watch the show itself. Regardless, that’s the information we have to work with! So, if there’s a total of 689,986 ratings given out to 37 different songs, that means our avg. # of ratings is: 689,968 / 37 = 18,647.7838. Obviously, 18,647.7838 is an awfully long, complicated number to use. Therefore, I’m simplifying it to just 18.6 (approx. 18,600 ratings). So, 18.6 is our avg. # of ratings. As for avg. # of stars, there is a grand total of 130.1 stars totalled up between all the songs. This is a really good number, when you consider the math. For example, if every song of 2024 only got on average one (1) star, then we’d have a total of just 37 stars. So with this info, it means our avg. # of stars is: 130.1 / 37 = 3.51621622…… and many more numbers after that. Therefore, I’ll state our avg. # of stars is 3.5. Once again, this is a good number! On a scale of only one to five stars, the average of that would just be 2.5 stars, right in the middle. That means the public thinks that overall, Eurovision 2024 is a bit above an average level of quality. And I would agree! Anyway, just to sum up all the numbers we just found out, I’ll list them here:
Total amount of ratings from all songs: 689,968
Avg. amount of ratings per song: 18.6 (simplified from 18,647)
Total amount of stars from all songs: 130.1
Avg. amount of stars per song: 3.5 (simplified from 3.5162…)
For me, the easy part is over and the hard part begins. Now is when we begin to document every song’s amount of ratings, their star scores, and running the math to see how far above or below the averages they are. For the super hot and cool nerds that like excel sheets, I’ll link the viewable sheet of all the info at the end of the article! For the sake of this article, I’m going to choose a couple key examples, and those are: Sweden, the Netherlands, Iceland, and…sadly, “Israel.”
CHAPTER 3: Do We Have a Valid Result?
Let’s actually see this equation in action and find out what we can learn from all of this. The reason we’re going to be looking at these select countries is that each of them exists at a very specific point on the spectrum of overrated or underrated. We’ll begin with the country that receives arguably the most “overrated” accusations thrown at them in a given Eurovision season, and that is: Sweden! Did you find the twins’ song unforgettable? Regardless, let’s run their numbers through our equation and figure out just how “rated” they are.
As you remember from our graphic, the equation we use is shown as (a - x) + (b - y) = z. Let’s take a look at Sweden’s stats, which are documented altogether in the same list as all 37 songs. “a” is Sweden’s star score. Sweden, as of April 25th, has a score of 3.4 stars. “x” is the total average of stars across all songs, which is 3.5. (3.4 - 3.5) = -0.1. This -0.1 means that Sweden is just ever so slightly below the average score, which is something I would agree with (but that part’s just my opinion). The second half of our equation is about ratings. Sweden was rated on EurovisionWorld a total of 18,259 times. We simplify that big number just to 18.2, and we subtract the average number of ratings from that number. (18.2 - 18.6) = -0.4. Now, we can also observe that in its total number of ratings, Sweden is actually still below average, even though not by a whole lot. Now that we have -0.1 and -0.4 reflecting Sweden’s relationship to the global average of stars and ratings respectively, we combine those! (-0.1) + (-0.4) = -0.5. There you go! Sweden got a score of, overall, slightly underrated. Shocking, right? That’s right, in numbers and stats alone, Sweden is very close to the global averages. However, the claim that they’re “underrated” isn’t as true as it sounds once we look at another country through this equation.
Next, let’s take a look at a country that was 1st in the odds…only to fall from those heights down to a last place finish in their semi-final. Iceland’s song “Scared of Heights” is an interesting case. I won’t try and pretend that these ratings exist separately from a song’s public perception – or at times, their public drama. So don’t worry, we’ll address that and much more after we do more fun math activities. Not many people were running around saying “Husavik 2025!” when this got selected, but how was it rated? Iceland has the literal lowest star score out of all 37 songs this year, sitting at 2 whole stars. Since we know the global average is 3.5, that means Iceland is -1.5 stars from the average. However, this is where we can see the ways ratings and stars can differ. When it comes to stars, a song scores anywhere from 1 to 5; it’s not a very wide range. But for ratings, Iceland only has 10,951 ratings (shown as 10.9). Even compared to Sweden, that’s eight thousand fewer ratings, meaning: people either chose not to go out of their way to leave a rating, or it's just not as popular. From the average of 18.6, Iceland’s 10.9 ratings is a whole -7.7 away from the average. Let’s combine those two differences: (-1.5) + (-7.7) = -9.2. In comparison to Sweden, Iceland is actually “underrated” when we look at the numbers. That final score of -9.2 is a culmination of the song not only getting a lower score, but it comes from fewer people deciding to rate it. Would “Scared of Heights” be closer to the average amount of stars if more people had chosen to give it a rating? Or would more ratings just reflect the same sad score of 2 stars? This is something to consider when we have more context about who/which countries have more ratings than our first two examples.
They may have been disqualified for total BS reasons, but they’ll never be disqualified from my heart! The Netherlands’ “Europapa” is a song that has a lot to give it a leg up over a country like Iceland when it comes to public perception: Joost Klein is a more  “established” artist in comparison to most Eurovision competition. “Europapa” contains satirical-yet-universal lyrics that touch on personal and international topics at the same time, and the whole thing is a lot of good fun, even with a touching ending. However, this can all add up to what no sounds like a very reasonable claim of “overrated”-ness. Do the numbers reflect that? Unsurprisingly: yes, yes they do. The Netherlands has a star score of 4.1, which is the average score from a total of 35,557 ratings. Again, we see how the number of ratings can vary much wider than just star scores on their own – I can only imagine how it feels to see someone else’s song get 20,000 more ratings than yours. Let’s run the equation!. (4.1 - 3.5) + (35.5 - 18.6) => (0.6) + (16.9) = 17.5. As you can see, now that we move to the opposite end of the spectrum, the difference in influence is more observable. That score of 17.5 now properly reflects how a star score of 4.1 comes from a severe increase in number of ratings, and Joost’s popularity can very well be a factor in that, all regardless if the song is “good” or “bad.”. Like I promised, we’ll talk about the implications and conclusions these numbers can represent in a moment. We have one more “country” to look at.
“Israel,” as I’m sure you need no reminding, is the reason all of Eurovision 2024 was a complex, un-fun, total mess of a season. All the reasons supporting this can fill up their own article, so we’re going to be focusing on how 2024’s hottest potato fares in terms of stars and ratings. “Israel” and their song “Octo–” sorry, “Hurricane” has the same star score as the Netherlands, which is 4.1 stars out of 5. However, “Hurricane” has almost ten thousand more ratings than “Europapa,” at 45,255 ratings. (4.1 - 3.5) + (45.2 - 18.6) => (0.6) + (26.6) = 27.2. Just for another moment, let’s disregard the implications of this number and just compare it to the 3 other examples we’ve done. At one end of the spectrum, Iceland is underrated with a Deviation Score of -9.2, and Sweden has a Dev. Score of -0.5. As a reminder, if a country is completely and perfectly “average,” they would receive a score of 0; as in, it’s not overrated nor is it underrated. However, the score for songs being underrated are a lot less severe than the others. The Netherlands’ Dev. Score of 17.5 and “Israel’s” 27.2 are up in the double digits, but why?
Well, the first explanation is very easily observable: “Israel,” the Netherlands, and several other countries are simply rated more than other countries are. Therefore, this is evidence to support the claim that more people overrate songs than people who underrate other songs. For context, the country with the lowest number of ratings is Albania, with only 9,094 ratings and a star score of 3.1 stars. The country with the highest number of ratings is actually Croatia, with 47,315 ratings as of April 25th and has the highest “overrated” Dev. Score with 29.5. And now that we have our equation and can actually tell who is statistically over or underrated, let’s actually ask what that “means.”
CHAPTER 4: Take (It) Away
At ten pages (and two visual aids) in, we finally have some concrete numbers to look at and discuss, leading with the question: What are we meant to take away? If being over/underrated is now mathematically observable, what does it all mean? To answer that question, we need to look at the entirety of our data table and apply real-world context to the numbers we’re looking at. As I mentioned near the beginning of this article, this is not about simple labels. Let’s start with the observation I made right before this chapter, “More people are more likely to overrate songs than people are to underrate them.” This is visible in multiple ways. First, as we discovered when we found the global average of each song’s star score, we got a score of 3.5/5 – above average! But it’s not just about the stars; there’s another noticeable trend between the highest star-scoring songs and how many people have rated them. Ten songs from 2024 have a star score of 4 stars or higher – Croatia, Greece, and Serbia were all tied at 4.3 stars. Between all ten songs, they have a total of 292,504 ratings. Now at the other end of the star spectrum, how do the lowest scorers look?
Well, no song this year got less than 2 stars, now matter how much I dislike “Scared of Heights.” However, there are eight songs that scored below 3 stars, in comparison to the ten higher scoring songs. Fun fact: Finland’s “No Rules!” is the lowest-ranking song that qualified for the final (as of April 25th), whereas the highest ranked NQ was Belgium. Anyway, between those eight songs underneath 3 stars, there’s only 129,063 ratings, which is approx. 170 thousand fewer ratings. The numbers don’t lie: if anyone ever claims “Eurofans just like to hate things,” statistically that’s wrong! It’s not impossible, either. On that note, though, one would be allowed to ask “But doesn’t that mean there are songs that are overrated?” And if you’re talking about the literal, specific definition of songs having a greater number of ratings than others, then yes you’re right. But I have a feeling that most people say the word “overrated” more emotionally than logically. Remember how I introduced Sweden as one of the most frequently overrated countries? My guess is that you didn’t disagree with that claim. And I’m not just guessing: I’ve seen every upset Kaarija stan, Mans-hater, and person with ears that dislikes “If I Were Sorry.” Sweden’s no stranger to the overrated accusation, but we just saw how this year that’s statistically untrue. The most perfectly middle-rated song this year is Luxembourg’s “Fighter” with a Deviation Score of -0.4. Sweden, Slovenia, Austria, and Czechia round out the Top 5 Most-Midrated Songs of 2024. And like the title of this article says, these five songs are by all definition “the fairest” of them all. Czechia is actually closest to the average number of ratings (that 18.6 we’ve been using in the equation) with 18,614 ratings. But hey, I like to indulge my own curiosity, so I wondered if these numbers are connected at all to who did or didn’t qualify. In Eurovision 2024, 11 songs did not qualify to the Grand Final. So, let’s look at the 11 most statistically-underrated songs!
They are from lowest to highest (of the low): Albania, Iceland, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Australia, San Marino, Armenia, Portugal, Malta, Latvia, and Cyprus. Now, Denmark and Poland aren’t that much higher than these 11, but they managed to not be in the bottom 11. And of these lowest 11 Dev. Scores, 7 ended up being NQ’s. In fact, it’s more understandable why the few Q’s of the bottom 11 are here. Armenia was the last-revealed song of 2024, and Portugal had the very last National Final of the season. They didn’t have as much time between their selection and April 25th when I collected the numbers like other songs had. And yet, Albania was one of the earliest selections and sits at the very bottom of the list – time may not heal all wounds. 
Cyprus and Latvia are the other two songs from the Bottom 11 of the Underrated’s that qualified, and I genuinely think this is where the legitimate factor of chance plays a part. Cyprus came 6th in its semi, so we can state that the live performance and competition of the semi elevated Cyprus to a better position in the televoters’ preference, despite the odds! Latvia could be a similar case, as it finished 7th in the second semi-final. Then come Saturday, the two songs ended up right next to each other on the scoreboard with Cyprus at 15th and Latvia at 16th. As we keep moving up the list of Deviation Scores, we can spot the four songs that did qualify in the eyes of the raters, but not in the show itself. Denmark is just above Cyprus, and two more spots up is Poland. Four more spots up is Czechia among the most midrated songs of the year, so they were a true “Could go either way” case. Then in the biggest jump to our final non-qualifier, Belgium is 11 spots higher than Czechia and sits at being the 9th Most Overrated of 2024. Here and now, we have finally arrived at the fabled: Shock NQ. Now, a non-qualifier being a “shock” is up to your own opinion. If you’re me, you’re sitting here writing this article knowing damn well you knew Belgium’s Q-streak was over before Mustii hit the stage. This is the honest truth, and only Silia Kapsis has the right to try and say otherwise. But it also can be said that it’s not about asking “Who was the Shock NQ?” and more about asking “Who had the most attention before they NQ’d?” And the answer would be Belgium! Anyway, at this point I’m starting to think to myself “Huh, can using this over/underrated equation be a method to possibly predict a country’s qualification?”
…and then I remembered: Qualifiers are chosen entirely by televote. Therefore, if the Deviation Scores can predict the qualifiers with about 64% accuracy, can it predict the televoting Top Ten?...Let’s find out!
When looking at the Top Ten Most Overrated Songs of 2024, we have:
1st. Croatia
2nd. Israel
3rd. Netherlands
4th. Switzerland
5th. Italy
6th. France
7th. Ukraine
8th. Greece
9th. Belgium
10th. Ireland
(11th: Lithuania)
And for comparison, let’s look at the Top Ten of the 2024 Televote:
1st. Croatia
2nd. Israel
3rd. Ukraine
4th. France
5th. Switzerland
6th. Ireland
7th. Italy
8th. Greece
9th. Armenia
10th. Lithuania
To begin, you’ll notice I included the 11th Most Overrated song in parenthesis, which is Lithuania. I did this to reflect that even though the Netherlands is 3rd Most Overrated, they sadly weren’t able to receive the televotes they deserved the night of the Final. Using the data from this table alone, my conclusion on the Netherlands is that they were easily going to place Top Ten in the Televote, which would then leave who in 11th? Lithuania. All that’s left is to replace Belgium – a poorly-staged pop ballad with a party-harshing climax – with Armenia, which is a song bursting with fun, flawless vocals, and something so Armenian it caused Azerbaijan to get sent to the Doom Dimension. Additionally, mostly out of curiosity, I checked how many more reviews “Jako” has on EurovisionWorld as of May 22nd, and they’re up from ~12,000 ratings to ~18,000 while maintaining their 3.7 star score both times – that’s a show of quality and enjoyment from audiences over time. So other than those cases…I think I just mathematically figured out how to predict the televote? And, I don’t even mean the Top Ten – I mean the whole competition.
So I ask you this: What do we do when we are suddenly given information about the ways the results of Eurovision can be reflected in data before the fact? The answer is not “try and make a profit.” No, that’s not how EuroQuision works. Instead: we use it as mathematical evidence that propaganda fucking works.
CHAPTER 5: Couldn’t See It Comin’
Except: now we know we did see it coming.
Before we dive into the serious stuff, you might be thinking that what I’ve presented is an attempt or desire to “break Eurovision” or take advantage of this information for personal gain. I won’t deny that bets play a huge role in Eurovision – it’s how we get the odds in the first place. But if you know me, you know I’m not in this for the money, even though that may differ from the EBU’s intentions. The truth is that I don’t have any practical means to try and “profit” from any way this information could be used. Part of journalism and sharing of information is the inability I have to control how it’s used despite my best intention.
My intention with this article is to provide evidence that “Israel’s” attempts at utilizing Eurovision to get a good result and repaint their global image was nearly perfect, and the numbers said it was going to happen the whole time. Even without the numbers from EurovisionWorld, we knew how desperate “Israel’s” pleas for votes from the world were. From Duolingo’ing her way across the internet to coordinated efforts to vote en masse in various countries, Eden Golan was gunning for a televote win that she nearly reached, and that’s assuming every single one of those votes were completely legitimate. This is not said to try and accuse anyone of fraudulent voting when I don’t have evidence to support that. I mention it because vote buying is a practice that has been done in the past and actual delegations received punishment for doing so. Given the context of every other effort “Israel” put into their campaign for votes – and I mean everything: begging other artists/teams for positive press and harassing them to the point of retaliation – doesn’t make fraudulent voting seem out of the question. 
Unfortunately, I am no expert on voter fraud – ironic, me being an American and all, but I digress. This is something that, if proven true, will be revealed in the time post-Eurovision 2024. And if it’s true, I will happily discuss it! But for now, I can only  talk about what we do know, which is the newfound connection between EurovisionWorld’s sample of public ratings indicating a song’s predicted success or failure in the contest. This connection is reflective of the greatest tool a Eurovision song has: public perception. Or as some countries treat it: propaganda. Even though “Israel” is a country being sued by the ICJ for genocide, actively commit acts of violence to Palestinians as well as fellow-EBU member countries Lebanon, Jordan, and Egpyt, and were told multiple times by the EBU reference group to rewrite their political song lyrics, they still performed and qualified and finished Top Ten. Truly, did we even need my equation to prove “Hurricane” was overrated? Not really. Instead, “Hurricane” being so statistically overrated was a symptom of the larger effect of a successful PR campaign. When you consider that “Israel’s” mere existence inside of Eurovision is in itself a PR campaign, none of this is surprising. “Israeli” media took every possible moment to try and tell the world that their Eurovision participation was a good thing and truly represented being “united by music.” They did this in commercials and even in what “Israel” calls a sketch comedy show. 
All of these factors had me worried that despite my best hopes and efforts, somehow “Israel” would pull off a good result when they should have been removed months ago. However, the numbers were there the whole time. As we can see, the numbers don’t only apply to solely to “Israel.” Just as they came 2nd in my list and 2nd in the televote, Croatia was 1st in both, and the accuracy of the Top Ten as well as the bottom eleven/NQ’s can’t be ignored either. Truly think about that for a moment: on April 25th – several days before we saw any rehearsal footage or official performance – we knew with 80-90% accuracy the Grand Final televote results and who wasn’t going to qualify with 64% accuracy. And before you suggest that this was a Eurovision 2024-exclusive phenomenon, I thought of that too! So as a surprise fun addition, I ran my equation with the 2023 songs as well!
Since I can’t travel back in time to April 25th 2023, there’s no way I could collect all the ratings and stars with the same accuracy as I did for 2024, Thankfully, using the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. I managed to “go back in time” to a window of time spanning from mid-April to early-May and collect all the numbers. Even with a wider window of information, the 2023 Deviation Scores proved to be almost identical in accuracy – even more accurate in some cases. Starting with the Bottom 11 Most Underrated according to my equation, 9 of those countries turned out to be NQ’s. At the other end with the Top 10 Most Overrated, 7 out of those 10 did in fact finish in the Televote Top 10. And who was the most “overrated” of 2023? Not Finland, not Sweden, but “Israel” and “Unicorn.” This shows that for two years in a row, despite the drastic shift in public opinion and discussion concerning Israel’s participation, their songs that directly correlate to geopolitical aggression and self-victimization proved effective in the realm of Eurovision. So once again, I ask you, the reader: What do we do? CONCLUSION
Since I’m aware that a 20-page article is a bit long, I will go ahead and just list out the most important bits of information I covered and discussed:
Using the information from EurovisionWorld.com, we created an equation that figures out how close or far a song is from the global average of both stars and number of ratings.
Comparing these Deviation Scores reflects a somewhat-accurate correlation between how much the public “rates” a song and whether that song qualifies or potentially comes Top Ten in the Televote
Once these connections can be observed, we can discuss what factors or influences play a part in these connections (Is a song more popular? Is it less popular? Is it representing a country committing war crimes and hopes no one notices? Etc etc.)
Finally, here in the conclusion of all of this, we can answer that third point. As I mentioned, cases like Joost and “Europapa” being overrated are fairly easy to explain; well-known artist, extremely radio-friendly banger song, the list goes on. It also reflects why Iceland and “Scared of Heights” is near the bottom; a more “generic” paint-by-numbers pop song with simple English lyrics, a very unambitious composition, etc etc. However, there’s a difference between a song being over/underrated based on merit, and those with scores based on skewed public opinion one way or another.
I won’t pretend for a moment that spam-liking or spam-disliking doesn’t exist. For example, I’m aware of how Bashar Murad was the clear favorite to win over Hera Bjork, but sadly finished 2nd in what felt like a very devastating blow to the potential of Palestinian representation at Eurovision when it’s needed most. Anyone who rated Iceland poorly because of this is able to do so just as fairly as those who rate it low based on song quality alone. I cannot control the reasons as to why people choose to rate a song high vs. low.
Conversely, you might reasonably be saying “If ‘Israel’ is continuing to treat this as one big PR stunt, wouldn’t that mean all those positive ratings and their televote score are a result of artificially inflating the numbers and/or buying votes?” And as much as that’s one possible explanation, I’ll remind you that there are people who genuinely just enjoy “Hurricane” and dislike having to engage in contextualizing “Israel’s” Eurovision participation. For example, Worldvishawn is a Eurovision TikTok creator with over 300,000 followers, and on multiple occasions has published videos voicing his enjoyment and support of “Hurricane” this year. In a video discussing “Hurricane’s” rehearsals, he notes that the song is a “9/10” and is a case where “the live vocals are better than the studio version.” The issue here is not the fact that a fan of Eurovision has a positive opinion of a song that a lot of people dislike, that’s never a problem with me. The issue is that people with large platforms are able to give their opinions to hundreds of thousands of people with the click of a button and provides a space where people can attempt to remove any context of “Hurricane” and “Israel” whatsoever and just say the song is good. This is what indicates to me that all the positive numbers surrounding this song aren’t all completely fabricated and this should not conclude in a baseless accusation of buying or faking votes.
Eurovision 2024 was a year where at every level of control, nearly everyone chose to do nothing rather than doing something. At the tippy top of the ranks, it was up to the EBU to remove “Israel” because of their own previously-established actions and morals concerning geopolitical violence during Eurovision, specifically in the case of Russia. After they refused to do that, it was the responsibility of participating broadcasters to withdraw and refuse to participate. After all 37 broadcasters refused to actually do anything, it was up to the artists to put their career aside and take a stand in the public eye. And then, none of the artists did that! Some showed and voiced their advocacy, but none of them showed solidarity. If you aren’t familiar with the difference between advocacy and solidarity, advocacy is when you “advocate” your morals and beliefs in your words and attitude. Solidarity is when you put those words to action and actually do something actionable to disrupt the status quo to be in solidarity with those who are suffering and against a system of power that is ignoring them. And since none of the artists’ advocacy led to solidarity, there we were with a Grand Final with “Israel” coming 2nd in the televote and no one doing anything about it.
Now, I could go down the entire chain of responsibility of “Who needs to do something about this?” and eventually land where I and many others have been for months, which is the fun destination of Boycottville, but a lot of people hear the B-word and think its an invitation to start arguing and calling me a hypocrite. What I will state is this: boycotting is not something asked of us to try and simply prove our morals for show or optics, and it is not something we ask people do to in order to shame them should they choose not to. Boycotting is what we do when every level of command above us refuses to do anything about a system that is completely broken and exploitable. The numbers were there from the beginning and even I can admit I was foolish when I stated in my own video essay that “‘Israel’ isn’t going to get an enormous televote score.” That is something I said based on optimism and my own reasoning, before I actually came up with this equation and ran all the numbers. I was proven very wrong and I think I’m not the only one.
In the end, I need to remind us all that this was never about the results, it was never about “making sure ‘Israel’ doesn’t win.” If this were truly about making sure “Israel” didn’t win, then we would all have had to agree on one (1) artist to mass-vote for AND hope the juries liked as well, but that would be literally impossible. Whereas Eurofans could argue “Let’s mass-vote Croatia!” or “Mass-vote Ukraine again,” that is nowhere as easily and streamlined as it is for Zionists, “fake” votes, and “Israeli” fans to just spend all their money on voting for “Hurricane.” So once again: THIS IS NOT ABOUT RESULTS. The numbers sadly reflected “Israel” succeeding in their campaign nearly the entire way, and because they know that Eurovision is a system where everyone from the broadcasters to the fans don’t actually want to do anything that poses a threat to this silly contest, they’ll get the numbers they want. Trying to beat “Israel” at the game of Eurovision is a mathematical impossibility as things currently stand, and if EVERYONE continues to not want to change their behavior (the EBU, the broadcasters, the artists, the news websites, even the fans themselves), then “Israel” will keep playing this game successfully for years to come.
“The Fairest of Them All”
Researched and Written by Beatrice Quinn
Research Data Links:
Eurovision 2024: Deviation Scores
Eurovision 2023: Deviation Scores
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greazyfloz · 2 years
Bend Til We Break - Chapter 3
Chapter (1) (2)
Smut Warning
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A couple weeks go by and Quinn and I have started texting more regularly and hanging out a bit more. Deep down I know this isn’t going to end well, he left us. Why wouldn’t he do it again? Even though we are “just friends”, being around him builds anticipation that something might happen between us. I can’t talk about another heartbreak but he keeps pushing himself back in. 
I’m currently cooking dinner when I hear my phone ring on the island behind me, I turn to see Quinn’s contact so I answer. 
“What’s up? I say into my phone a little confused as to why he is calling me. 
“Hey, I’m in the neighborhood and figured I’d see if you wanna drive around or something”
“I’m actually cooking supper right now, but um- i guess you could come up if you’re hungry” I say questioned why I wouldn’t just say ‘no I’m busy’.
“Starving, be right there” he says hanging his phone up. 
I sigh before turning to continue to cook dinner. I heard a knock at the door about 10 minutes later just as I finished tossing the salad. I set the bowl down and make my way over to open the front door. Quinn appears on the other side of the door and I move out of the way and greet him before entering. 
“Sit, I’ll get the food” I say as I make my way back over to the counter
“Do you want any help?” he says watching me plate the salad on a plate beside a chicken breast
“Here come take these to the table for me” I say and Quinn makes his way over to grab the two plates before setting them both on the table as I am reaching for the wine glasses. When I finally get them I get a bottle of white wine and bring everything to the table. I set the glasses down first by each of our plates and uncork the new bottle.
“Wine?” I ask and Quinn nods pushing the glass back towards me on the table. I fill it to the quarter point before turning and filling it to half. I set the bottle back on the table as I take my seat across from Quinn.
“So how’s Josh?” I ask as we eat our supper
“He is in Ottawa right now, he is out for the rest of the season. Shoulder again” Quinn answers
“Poor Josh” I say sadly, “is he getting surgery again?”
“Yeah, guy can’t catch a break”
“Are you and Hanna still friends?” he asks
“Not as close, we just lost touch. Started acting weird a couple months before I moved here actually then we just kinda lost touch” I say as Quinn reaches over to pour more wine into his glass, he tilts the top of the bottle pointing at my glass
“Want me to top you up?” he asks and I nod. 
Before long I find myself getting up to grab a new bottle of wine. I come back, topping both glasses up before sitting back down. As the night goes on and the more the drink, the more we laugh. Quinn is now sitting in the chair beside me as we laugh and talk about everything. When it finally became quiet, sadness suddenly hit me. I look down and see Quinn’s hand resting on my knee as he looks at me. 
I stand up grabbing the plates and two glasses and bring them to the kitchen. I put them in the sink then grab both sides of the dishwasher. I wasn’t typically a sad drunk but tonight I was. I dropped my head so I was looking down into the sink. 
“Y/n?” I hear Quinn say behind me as he gently rests a hand on my back
“Quinn, I think you should go” I say turning to face him as he continues to stand there with his hand on my back, “Quinn, please”
“You don’t trust me?” he asks
“How could I?” I say. Before he could say anything else I continued, “It hurt me Quinn, but being your friend hurts more. We should just go back to the way things were when you had no idea I was in Vancouver”
“No, I want you in my life”
“Quinn, this is killing me” I say as I let a tear fall from my eye, “I can’t just be friends!”
Quinn makes his way to the door then grabs his coat draping around his arm, I follow him as he opens the door. I turn as the door starts to shut but instead of the click of the door hitting the frame, I hear it swing back open. I turn to see Quinn walking over to me, swinging the door shut behind him. “Quinn-” I start but his lips press hard onto mine as he continues walking, backing me against the wall. I begin to kiss him back, wrapping my arms over his shoulders as it gets deeper and deeper. 
His hands trail down my back to my ass, squeezing it hard. He bends a little, placing his hands on my upper thighs right under my ass pushing upwards. I took the hint so I pulled away and jumped up wrapping my legs around his waist. He reconnected our lips, smashing my back, back against the wall. We begin making out until I pull away, “2 door on the left” I breath into his mouth keeping my eyes closed as he reconnects our lips again as he walks us down the hall. 
We make it to my bedroom and he shuts the door behind him setting me down on my feet, taking his shirt off before taking mine off. He pushes me against the door and begins making out with me as he unbuttons his pants, kicking them off and I reach behind me to unclasp my bra, shimmying off so it slides down my arms. He pulls away looking down at my body admiring it before grabbing my boobs each in one of his hands, he messages them before bringing his mouth down gently sucking on one. I throw my head back when he squeezes them hard, nibbling my nipple, breathing out loudly before he pulls away.
“I fucking love you” he says lifting me up bringing me over to the bed laying me down. He slides his briefs down his legs and pumps himself looking at me naked on the bed. I decide to give him a little show so I start playing with my boobs watching as he pumps himself faster before tracing one hand down to my panties rubbing my clit over them in circles. “Fuck!” he groans before making his way over to me. 
He crawls overtop of me and rips my panties off me without warning then jams two fingers inside of me pumping them in and out suddenly as I push my bed back deeper into the bed. He starts curling his finger and I bite my lip masking the moans the escape my mouth. 
He pulls them out and kneels down so he is facing my entrance kissing my clit then blowing on it causing me to whimper out just as he enters his tongue inside of me flicking and pumping it around and inside of me. I arch my back a little then reach down grabbing Quinn’s hair, “So good, Quinn”.
When Quinn pulls away he immediately crawls up so he is hovering over me, with one hand he pumps himself as I wrap my arms around his abdomen before entering himself inside of me. He slides in slowly and begins to thrust, slowly picking up speed. I moan out loudly the faster he pumps. “Fuck, I love you” he says giving me butterflies as he thrusts get harder as he begins to ram himself inside of me full force. With every thrust inside of me he earns a loud whimper. “I’m not leaving” , “I’m so in love with you”, “You are so fucking beautiful” he says between his slow hard thrusts. I feel him pull out of me grabbing my ripping panties off the floor while pumping himself before cumming on them. He throws them out and I go to the bathroom, turning the shower on. 
I step inside the shower and hear the rattle from the curtain being pulled from side to side before feeling Quinn’s strong arms wrap around my waist. He nuzzles his head into the crook of my neck, kissing it softly as I turn around. He moves his arms so they are draped over my shoulders as I wrap mine around his waist. He kisses the top of my head while we are standing in each other's embrace in the shower. “I meant it” he says against the top of me head
“I do love you, with all my heart” I move my head back a little so I can look up at him, “I really fucked up, and I regret it everyday. You are right though, we can’t be friends. Because I love you so much it hurts. And when I look at you it makes me want to try harder to be here for you, to try and fix the pain I put you though” he says and I rest my head on his shoulder before for a second before pulling away to look at him again
“I love you Quinn” I say then he smiles down at me slightly before pressing his lips to mine. 
After we leave the shower and enter my room again Quinn puts his clothes back on then begins to scroll through his phone, “Oh shit” I hear him say making me turn to look at him. “I’m so sorry but I have to go” Quinn says, turning quickly to leave me here alone, again. Not even a goodbye or a pause to listen for my response.
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magpiesicons · 11 months
2000+ Eddie Munson Icons || S4E1
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2103 Eddie Munson Icons from Stranger Things - Season 4 Episode 1 - as played by Joseph Quinn Some icons may seem like doubles but are zoomed in/framed differently/slight change in expression.
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
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#if robin had been on the creel house team she wouldnt have tripped and then the vines wouldnt have gotten them
My Top Posts in 2022:
When Max wakes up her sight has been severely damaged, she needs special glasses that have quite thick frames. She hates them. None of her friends wear glasses and she's in high school which is just a breeding ground for bullies. So she doesn't want to wear them. Steve has had so many hits to the head over the years that his hearing and sight is a bit fucked. He hates his glasses too, he made fun of kids in high school with glasses. Steve thinks all he's got to offer is his face and body so he doesn't want glasses to ruin that. He wants his kids to be happy though and wants them to be healthy and capable. So he wears his glasses for Max, she's ecstatic when he visits her wearing them, it's one of the first smiles she's made since waking up. Max feels better knowing she's not alone, and Steve finds he doesn't mind his glasses as much now.
7,963 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
I headcanon that Steve's parents already went on trips a lot leaving Steve alone but after season 1 they leave for much longer stretches of time, so as the seasons progress we see Steve settle into how he wants to be, he wears his hair a little longer and more swoopy and loose. His clothes become more comfortable rather than clean cut and pressed. He starts to feel ok in the times between his parents trips.
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Eddie: How many kids do you have?
Steve: Biologically, emotionally, or legally?
13,133 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
Robin: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at fascists" and I think that's very sexy of us.
Eddie: If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both.
14,177 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
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Maya Hawke insisting Robin be a lesbian instead of just a rebound love interest for Steve. Joseph Quinn playing Eddie as someone who's clearly got a crush on Steve. Caleb and Noah giving such raw emotions in their characters. A big thank you to all the actors making their characters better than anything the writers could do.
57,659 notes - Posted July 20, 2022
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lenaschin · 10 months
Viewing Response 11: The Mandalorian
John Quinn’s “The Past, the Present, and The Mandalorian” asserts that the show's first season evokes nostalgia for a non-progressive, male-dominated world, and refreshes and romanticizes the "heteronormative masculine experience" that Star Wars fans (supposedly) desire. While this may apply to season 1, season 2's Chapter 16 challenges Quinn's critique; in contrast to Djin's emotional neutrality/control (illustrated by his ability to leave Grogu behind) in Ch. 3, Ch. 16 frames Djin as vulnerable, emotional, and caring through his difficulty letting Grogu go, which opposes ideas of hegemonic masculinity/hypermasculine ("tough") fatherhood.
This scene occurs after Luke Skywalker helps fight the Stormtroopers, and explains to Djin that for Grogu to reach his true potential, he must leave (to be trained by Skywalker). Quinn notes the show's focus on the "hypermasculine father as (the only capable) care provider," but in this scene, Djin actually recognizes his inability to sufficiently care for Grogu, and expresses his feelings through tears (sadness) rather than "violence," or trying to prove his worthiness of Grogu (a "defense" of masculinity).
Djin's last moments with Grogu illustrate an abandonment of hypermasculinity, as Djin reveals his face at Grogu's 'request' (he simply lifts three fingers), which has only occurred ~3 times throughout the entire series. Djin's usual mask hides his facial expressions, creating a normalized emotional distance that this scene absolves. The rarity of this moment heightens its significance, and frames it as an abandonment of his hypermasculine fear of vulnerability. The slow transitions between long close-ups of Grogu and Djin's saddened, yet love-filled, faces highlight their emotionality. Djin smiles, and the fairy-like instrumentals bring a formerly absent lightness to the room. Their bright faces pop against the dark, blurred background, making Djin's emotionality similarly clear. Djin's love for Grogu aids in a narrative transition to a less binarized main character, and possibly, overall story.
#oxyspeculativetv @theuncannyprofessoro
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roxanneantidote · 2 years
Finally caught an episode of Harley Quinn season 3, and I've been a huge fan of the whole show but... am I missing something, or has the animation quality fallen directly off a cliff? Like almost unwatchably bad? Like I could almost literally count the animation frames bad?
I'm really confused? I watched all of season 1 and 2, and remember it looking great, but I'm searching online for answers now, and no one even seems to acknowledge it at all? Did the TV channel I was watching get sent a corrupted video file or something? I'm just super confused here.
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tuiyla · 2 years
What’s your favorite seasons for Santana, Brittany, Quinn, Rachel, Tina and Mercedes?
Ohh this is such a fun question! Thank you Anon xx There's such an urge to choose a different one for each because six seasons six girlies but I shan't. At least not with that intention.
Brittany - Season 6
Starting with her because it's sooooo easy to choose. Gosh, how I wish we could have had season 6 Brittany for longer. If only she could have always been here, blessing us with her confidence. I cannot overstate how much this is my favourite version of Brittany. I also think it's a good albeit brief season for her plot-wise, and though I hear the criticism that she set Santana up for failure by pulling that Alma shit, she meant well and goddam did she do it in a fun way. Don't tell me the Brittany who tells Santana's homophobic grandma that sex with her granddaughter is great isn't the best version of herself.
Tina - Season 5
It was that or season 4. Listen, listen, I know a lot of people prefer her in the earlier seasons but they're wrong because diva Tina who has stuff to do is superior. It felt like season 5 finally allowed her to not only be part of the club but honestly be the de facto female lead. And it's a bummer that she's but a guest star in season 5B but season 5A has some of her very best vocal moments and is generally when I think she gets her dues. There's Tina in the Sky With Diamonds, of course, but even beyond that. Frenemies, Trio! The girl is actually getting plot! So yeah I guess you could argue for season 4 but iirc she sings the most this season and is still sort of the butt of the joke but it feels less disrespectful because she is actually being featured. She's beloved.
Santana - Season 4
I swear I'm not doing the season countdown thing on purpose. Obviously I love Santana in every season and I'm a firm believer that if you don't love her at her season 3A you don't deserve her at her season 4. And I reject the notion that she peaked in season 4 in that she didn't continue to be beautiful breathtaking brilliant never been done before afterward. But with all that you don't love my fave like I do talk aside, yeah season 4 is probably my favourite for Santana. Ironic because she actually misses a lot of episodes but she just has such an Arc and goes through such a journey. I love how lost she feels and how vulnerable she is after the breakup and how hard she tries to be a good friend but how much she sucks at acting like a normal person. The writers should have gotten her to New York sooner and my god do I have other notes for improvement in terms of writing but Santana herself? Beautiful perfect baby girl. She goes through your bags and drawers and hugs and holds you while you cry. Season 2 is also a contender.
Mercedes - Season 3
Oh poor Mercedes gets such a chaotic season. Unfortunately I don't think she has a standout season because she never gets enough of a story but season 3 feels the closest to having an arc. There's a bit there in season 1 but it's lowkey and in B plots, and season 2 similarly feels like they mostly forget she's there. Now I very much do not appreciate the way season 3A frames her because season 3A SUCKS but she gets to take a stand and shine. She gets shit done, stands by her principles and herself, gets The Troubletones going, demands the respect she deserves. And then season 3B sees the love triangle thing with Sam which I'm not a huge fan of but it does give Mercedes character drama and even then she stays so principled. She ultimately gets many happy moments and her stardom gets kicked off. So yeah I just love to see her stand up for herself and work towards her goals while also not being left out of the romance drama, which on Glee equals screentime.
Quinn - Season 2 I guess
I simply refuse to consider season 1 her best. I think people who only like Quinn in that season must not like Quinn very much at all because she's constantly decentered during her own pregnancy and has so little agency in it all. It also feels, just, sadistic to say all that horrible shit happening to her was the best. Then again horrible things always do be happening when she's around. And I think my latest Quinn ask was exactly about the messiness of season 2 so clearly this season isn't perfect, either. But she has stuff to do, you know? It's fascinating to see her completely reject the pregnancy. She refuses to be the teen mom people want to perceive her as. She clings desperately to a sense of normalcy, nay, superiority, and it leads to tensions with Santana and a messy dating life and Quinn ultimately crumbling at the end of the season. So, you know, still sad shit, but my god at least it's not You're Having My Baby. My other choice would be season 4 but she's in the grand total of two and a half episodes and I just happen to project a lot into it.
Damn it's really hard to choose for Rachel. I'm going to sound like such a hypocrite because I explicitly said I won't just do the girl-a-season thing but here goes:
Rachel - Season 1
Like with Santana, I would once again like to note that if you don't love Rachel at her season 5 maybe you don't deserve her at her season 1. And I do really like season 6 for her, for example, but it's been so long since I've seen that season that it wouldn't feel right to say it's my fav for her. Season 1 Rachel is just such a delight. Again, I think there's good in her (and for her) in every season and it feels too mainstream to say season 1 but goddam. It's the popular answer for a reason. Rachel is so earnest and so over the top and so hilarious. But then she has these come-down-to-earth moments and especially when Shelby the devil comes around we see how she's just a lonely girl desperate for love. She's so so precious I just wanna wrap her in a blanket. And I hugely dislike the Finchel stuff but unfortunately, that is what it is. Lots of other great moments.
Again great question, hopefully good answers too.
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cfbtransferportal · 2 years
12/26/2022 CFB Transfer Portal Update #2
Since my last post, 11 of the players that I discussed have made their commitments. In this blog post, I am going to cover the choices these student-athletes made and their potential fit with new programs.
The once five-star prospect will look to take over as the starting Quarterback for the Purdue Boilermakers after Transferring from Texas where he was the backup to Quinn Ewers. This could prove to be a good move for Card because He was already a backup at Texas and next year will have another five-star top-ranked quarterback joining the room to bring even more competition. He joins a system with much less competition at Purdue where last year's starter in Aidan O'Connell is leaving for the NFL draft.
Shedeur Sanders did exactly as most thought he would which was to follow his dad to Colorado. Shedeur will step on campus as the immediate starting QB and be a share to the face of the program with his father, Deion, and teammate, Travis Hunter. He also is a big asset to future recruiting for the Boulder program as he can message players and talk with other athletes in grace periods when his father is not allowed by the NCAA to recruit.
After seeing Oregon State Quarterback Chance Nolan enter the transfer portal earlier in December the program is bringing in D.J. Uiagalelei to compete with last year's starter, Ben Gulbranson. This can be a fresh start for D.J. after a shakey 2 years of starting at Clemson. His brother recently committed to the University of Oregon so they will be able to play each other every year in the Civil-War rivalry game.
LJ Johnson will look to prove why he was so highly touted coming out of high school and take over as the lead back at SMU which had run by committee backfield last season where 5 different running backs split a majority of the workload. In my opinion, this can go either way for LJ. With so many capable runningbacks in one room, it will be hard to steal all of the reps and be a clear-cut #1 on the team. With that being said, if 5 running backs shared the majority of touches last year then Johnson has the potential to show the coaching staff that he is their do it all back and can perform the same capabilities as some or all of the other running backs at SMU.
RaRa Thomas committing to Georgia is huge for the Bulldogs as they add even more weapons to their already #1 ranked team in the country. With Stetson Bennett running out of eligibility and leaving for the NFL before next season, it is unclear who will be the QB throwing RaRa balls in 2023. If Georgia finds a ready-to-win QB for next season, they and RaRa are going to be a force to be reckoned with in CFB.
Ajani Cornelius committed to the University of Oregon where he will most likely make an immediate impact starting at either the left or right tackle position. This was a huge get for Oregon as they look to protect their returning starter at QB, Bo Nix, who was on the fence about going pro or returning for his final season of eligibility. This also brings a lot more national attention to Ajani that he wasn't necessarily getting at Rhode Island.
Amari Kight found a new home at the University of Central Florida where and will hope to shine as one of their best lineman in order to boost his draft stock in his final season of eligibility. The Big bodied tackle the frame and mobility that the NFL loves.
Braden Fiske decided to go with the East coast and commit to Florida State rather than the likes of USC on the West. The massive interior defensive lineman will look to not only prove that he can compete against the best playrs in a power-5 conference but will also hope to gain attention from NFL scouts.
Tunmise Adeleye is leaving the heat of college station Texas for the shivering cold of East lasing Miching to join the Michigan State Spartans. This move makes sense for Adeleye because he in joining a much more run-heavy conference in the BIG10 as compared to the SEC. This will allow Tunmise to display his run-stuffing abilities as there will be far more opportunities.
Travis Hunter decided to follow his head coach and top hall-of-fame cornerback, Deion Sanders to Colorado. Travis will fit right back into Coach Sander's system where he played on both the offensive and defensive side of the ball last season for Jackson State University.
Tony Grimes decided to join the Texas A&M Aggies who have seen the departure of 4 defensive backs through the transfer portal in just this past month. Grimes will make an immediate impact at corner as there isn't much competition for his spot.
Thank you for reading my post that covered all of the now-committed players from the transfer portal who I talked about in my last blog. In the near future, I will post my update #3 and talk about programs that have been the most successful in replenishing their teams with talent from the CFB transfer portal.
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catboy-steve · 2 years
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I posted 10,738 times in 2022
That's 4,245 more posts than 2021!
64 posts created (1%)
10,674 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 682 of my posts in 2022
#toh spoilers - 62 posts
#naruto - 10 posts
#so true - 9 posts
#lmao - 7 posts
#incredible - 7 posts
#nicos art - 6 posts
#jason todd - 5 posts
#prev - 5 posts
#harley quinn - 5 posts
#jonathan sims - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#and even bill seacaster while i would never call him responsible (unless it comes to like teaching them battling skills) he is so loving !!!
My Top Posts in 2022:
percy is hazel and nicos big brother and u can not tell me otherwise
27 notes - Posted September 24, 2022
just thinking thoughts abt how harley literally watched ivy die in season 1,,, wish we had gotten to see her deal with that post s1, just what if  harley started being more protective of ivy and starting taking hits for ivy because she cant go through losing ivy again 
47 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
i love all might and think he’s a cool dude, but sometimes i think about how he told a random 14 year old a state secret before crushing his dreams, and then later gave that same kid a power that he couldn’t tell anyone the details about inadvertently cutting him off from his support systems (deku wasn’t allowed to tell his mom or his teachers or his friends) that weren't all might or someone all might knew and i understand all for one, just a little bit 
58 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
i have been thinking and i have formulated a list of ppl who should be allowed to kill the joker/ppl i want to see kill the joker
-harley (duh)
-jason (duh)
-tim (specifically at age like 12, i’ve read multiple fics where he has killed the joker or been directly involved in the jokers death and its great)
-i think it would be funny if they let damian kill him, but specifically 10 year old damian
might add more later im not sure
89 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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made this for trans day of visibility, its probably the best thing i’ve ever made 
image id: a trans flag with a picture of garfield in the bottom right he is visible from the chest up with his right arm slightly out of frame he has sunglasses on he is holding up with his left hand and his ears are back, his expression is serious. there is a stock image of an explosion behind him that is bright orange. in the top right there is another much smaller garfield popping out with a design around him that makes it look like he bust through paper. in the top middle there is orange text over bright green that reads: fun facts with garfield. a little bit below that text is more bright orange text over a bright green square that reads: being tans automatically makes you 100 times cooler and hotter. this is why so many trans people are so cool and hot. in the bottom left there is a picture of naruto pointing at the viewer, he is visible from the waist up and has a blue backpack on and his usual orange jumpsuit. his right eye is closed and he has a big open mouth that is smiling. there is a text bubble above him that reads : naruto uzumaki approves this message! believe it! end id. 
171 notes - Posted March 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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bowtiesnmusicals · 2 years
Here is my recap of the False Finale (Sectionals) episode of the podcast.
This is the fall finale.
They didn't know if they were coming back when they filmed this episode.
Jenna said this episode is very nostalgic and emotional because they didn't know if they were coming back.
Kevin said when he watched the episode there were scenes he remembered reading for the first time. He couldn't believe they got this far. I felt monumental. He had never done more then one or two episodes of a tv show before Glee.
Brad Falchuk directed this episode.
It was a big deal to them.
This episode aired December 9, 2009.
Empire State of Mind is still the #1 song and Blindside is still #1 movie.
Glee was nominated for Golden Globes.
Jenna was not prepared for the crazy press that came with the nominations for Golden Globes.
This was the beginning of the huge thing that Glee became and it was like being shot out of a cannon.
Glee won 5 awards at the 14rh Annual Satellite Awards. Kristen Chenoweth Won for Best Outstanding Guest Star. Lea won for Best Actress. Jane won for Best Supporting Actress. Matt Morrison won for Best Actor.
TV Guide named them Entertainers of the Year. Matt, Lea, and Cory were on the cover.
Glee Season 1 Volume 1 The Road to Sectionals was released on DVD.
This was the midseason break and Glee did not comeback until April.
The cast was working the whole time. The break they had was a promo break. They had to promote the first 13 episodes. They came back sometime in the late fall to continue filming. They did get a break for Chrismas.
People kept coming up to Kevin while he was ice skating with family. His family got super protective.
Jenna remembers going home and being able to by her family super nice Christmas gifts.
It was weird but also super exciting.
Jenna talked about how a favorite restaurant added a plaque to a table and she got pictures with the owners. It made everything feel real. It was like overnight they had become celebrities.
Now onto the episode.
We get to see Amber doing And I'm Telling You for the first time. Jenna watched it and just cried.
The Fox promo for this episode says "The phenomenon that has made America sing brings you an unforgettable fall finale guarantied to make you cheer!"
Kevin said it felt surreal to be on a show being advertised in such a huge way.
Everything happening at the time was unbelievable and very big.
Jenna said she doesn't think they could ever experience what everyone on the outside experienced at the time.
New Directions go to sectionals.
We have babygate, Will and Terri's marriage problems, and Sue maybe finally getting caught.
They start recapping the episode at this point.
Everyone knows Puck is the baby daddy except Rachel. She gets suspicious when Puck helps Quinn when she slips.
Artie starts the use of trout mouth before the real trouty mouth joins Glee. He says it about Rachel.
Jenna remembers shooting the phone scene and being nervous.
It was one long walk and talk. Squishing three people into the camera frame was hard.
This was a really big moment for Santana and Brittany. Kevin doesn't know if it was anything more then a joke at the time. Santana was like sex is not dating and Brittany was like if it were Santana and I would be dating. Everyone pauses and then the scene carries on. It was so good.
We then get to Emma telling Schue that the wedding has been postponed. Ken is not okay with it.
Rachel is up to no good trying to figure out Quinn's baby daddy.
Schue tells the students Emma is his replacement.
Brittany says she's the one they made me talk to when they found out I was keeping that bird in my locker. There are a lot of bird jokes in this season but also in this whole show.
I am with Kevin how did they not know the setlist by this point?
Kevin and Jenna said they did not ask these questions at the time they filmed this episode.
Mercedes is mad because they have to have a solo ballad and Rachel assumes its hers.
Kevin said one his favorite things the show does is when Mercedes wants to prove she can do something and we see her talking to somebody and its a full band with strings.
This was the famous episode where Matt Rutherford (Dijon Talton) gets his one line, I don't know. It was in response to Mercedes asking what is a balladeer. The cast used the I don't know part for years amongst themselves.
Mercedes is sort of like the clubs defacto leader.
Mercedes does And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going. She was going for it every time they shot it. In the recording studio she almost fainted at the end because it is such a hard number.
The reactions were all real. Chris' tears were real as were everyone's cheers.
Kevin called Amber out for not knowing the runs and covered her face with her hair to hide it.
Rachel decides she should have the solo.
She then decides to tell Finn the truth about Quinn and Puck.
The fight in the choir room was done with stunt doubles.
Kevin made a good point that Puck and Finn didn't seem to get hurt in the fight. No one had bruises or anything.
Finn storms out and says he is done.
Rachel apologizes to Quinn. Quinn asks Rachel to leave. Puck comes in to comfort Quinn. Quinn says nah I'm going to do this on my own.
Kevin said Finn is a big guy but throws weak punches or maybe he just missed a lot.
In the bts that he was excited to go to sectionals because it feels like we have been talking about it for ages.
In real life they were growing as actors, friends, and coworkers. They were becoming a cohesive group and learning these numbers. The glee club was doing the same thing. It was all leading to a real stage in a real theater. In real life they got to Glendale and perform at Alex Theatre.
This was there first big competition. By the time they got to season 3 or 4 it was old hat. In season 1 it was all new and it was huge. There were a lot of audience extras and the judges.
This laid the groundwork for how they shot completions from here on out. You couldn't get too creative. Things needed to be structured.
Brad Buecker, a director, would come in with a big poster board that listed all the shots they needed and mark each one off when they finished it.
Jenna vividly remembers shooting the scene in the lobby room. Kevin was really excited for the next scene in this room where he was ramming himself into the wall.
Kevin thought that scene was hilarious with everyone losing their minds in the background after finding out their setlist had been stolen.
Will confronts Sue. It's such a good scene. Sue say love you like a sister. She also makes fun of Will's hair and marriage.
Matt had a really easy episode. It's mostly phone acting.
Will finds Finn in the locker room and gives him a pep talk. It was a really nice full circle moment from the first episode. Sometimes it sucks to be special.
Sweet sweet Emma confronts the other choir directors. She makes them feel really bad.
Rachel calls a group meeting in the green room. Kevin and Jenna said this scene sucked to film. They were on this one set for hours and it was so hot.
Watching the scene it is great and it is an important scene.
If anyone can do a ballad on the fly it is Rachel. I agree with Kevin that it doesn't sit right that Mercedes had to basically say Rachel was the better singer.
This is a really nice moment with Santana saying she likes being in Glee club. There is a lot of trauma bonding going on in this scene.
Finn shows up and pulls a Mr. Schue. It was really sweet to him come in and save the day. It was also cool to see him not be fine with Quinn and Puck.
Rachel does Don't Rain On My Parade. In one episode we get two the actresses would sing in the original shows they came from. The other was Amber in Dreamgirls.
The next number is You Can't Always Get What You Want. Schue planted the seeds for this song during his pep talk to Finn.
They do Somebody To Love as the last number but don't show it.
They think that dummy extras were used during this competiton. They were definitely used in later competition episodes.
Kevin had a hard time not laughing when they did the scene with Rod Remington.
Kevin was starstruck when they did the scene with Eve.
Ian, Brad, and Ryan used this episode to try to wrap up many of the storylines.
The Emma and Will scene after the wedding that was canceled is a bit weird. Why is she fully glammed up and wearing the dress. Otherwise it was a good scene.
We then go to the scene with Mr. Figgins and Sue. Jenna said she was genuinely worried for Figgins.
Sue says to Figgins that you are about to board the Sue Sylvester express. Destination: Horror.
We don't find out until now that the New Directions won.
This is when they do My Life Would Suck Without You.
Zach and Brooke the choreographers came up with the idea to incorporate all the most iconic numbers or moves from other numbers from the season thus far. It was a nod to those moments for Mr. Schue.
In the last scene Will and Emma weren't supposed to kiss. Brad Falchuk told Matt to kiss Jayma to get an honest reaction from her.
Tartie Takes:
Cringe Moments/Ouchies - JBI saying he was just wanting to get into Rachel's pants. The judges comments on the different choirs.
Worst Dance Move - The callback to some of the weird numbers like Push It during My Life Would Suck Without You.
Best Dance Move - Revisiting all the dance moves in My Life Would Suck Without You
Favorite Song - Don't Rain On My Parade and I Am Telling You
Best Performance by a Prop - the trophy
Best Lines - Sue saying running a high school glee club and finding a hairstyle that doesn't make you look like a lesbian. Also the Sue line about riding on the Sue Sylvester train, destination horror.
Shit We Found on TikTok:
Someone watched Glee so much that the logo is burned into his tv.
Jenna cannot wait to recap Hello.
Now we are on our way to Regionals.
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tv-moments · 3 years
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The White Lotus
Season 1, “Departures“
Director: Mike White
DoP: Ben Kutchins
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