#r me that i will run the errand for you and tell you i don't mind and it's fine and i will really really try hard because i have not yet int
rowretro · 7 months
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✧taglist✧: @baevsxii @nikisdubblchococake @manooffline lilyofhoon
✧warnings: Yandere themes, toxic themes, unhealthy love, mentions of blood, manipulation(?), shirtless-ish Riki
♡synopsis: Nishimura Riki. The Robot created by Yang Jungwon himself, a robot that is insanely human like, inside and out. No one could tell he was a robot. However, the Robot had possessed demonly powers, from Satan himself. So I guess you could see it's a half robot. Yang y/n, the younger sister of Jungwon finds herself stuck to this robot 24/7 no matter what she tried, he will always be by her because she's his muse, his world, his love, his obsession.
(PART 5)
The Yang siblings sat there silently, watching as the robot worked around the kitchen. "What do you think he's doing? do you think he's babyproofing it?" Y/n asked as Jungwon stared at her, his face had shock written all over it "Oi- no I'm not pregnant!... I meant- do you think he's baby proofing it because he thinks I'm immature?" Y/n asks as Jungwon goes silently "That would make perfect sense... but what part of baby proofing uses strawberries and rice cakes?" Jungwon asked as Y/n blinked.
"NI-KI bot what are you up to?" The girl asked as the robot frowned. "R-right... my bad- Riki- what are you doing?..." she asked as the robot continued chopping some fruit "Preparing dinner." he simply said as Y/n frowned "I- what? I'm the one who usually cooks... Jungwon can't cook for shit-" she said as the robot turned to her, suddenly planting a kiss on her forehead. "My love, My life, My battery, I don't want even a drip of blood leaving your body from chopping vegetables... so go take a seat and let me make dinner." he said as Y/n stared elsewhere, avoiding staring into his cameras that were planted into those stunning, dark eyes.
The girl cleaned around the house a little while Jungwon left the house to run a quick errand at his work place. The girl gasped when she came back. The table was all set, all sorts of perfectly cooked foods, plated aesthetically, decorating the beautiful table. "I-Is someone coming over?" Y/n asked as the robot went silent "no visitors expected today." He simply said as he took off his apron.
"Then why so much food?" she asked as Riki softly pushed her to sit at the table, serving her with some food. "For us. healthy, tasty and pretty." He said as he picked up some food with his chopsticks, feeding her softly. His fingers making their way to comb her hair back a little, as she feasted on the delectable goods. "I don't know why I'm so surprised a robot can cook... I've heard you sing, seen you dance, you really are the whole package..." Y/n trailed off as Riki smiled.
"But I can't love you... we can be friends? but even that is weird... I'm sorry but me and a robot? I'm going to look so crazy." Y/n admitted. The robot's eyes darkened "I'm only PART robot... god why is it taking so long for you to realise you have no choice but to fall in love with you pretty girl?" The robot asked in Japanese as the girl frowned, tilting her head in confusion. "Oh nothing... Just analysing some data" he lied as Y/n nodded.
Y/n helped clean the place up while Jungwon ate. Poor guy had to overwork. "Riki..." Y/n trailed off as she nervously fiddled with the hem of her skirt. "you're biting on the skin of your lips, hair looks like you just fiddled with it, you're fiddling with the hem of your skirt, you're thinking about something what is it?... what's troubling you princess?" The robot asked as the girl stared in a little shock. "O-Oh.. u-uh... w-well... the weekend's over and... I uh. I kinda have to- I uhm..." The girl was scared.
"You want to go to school?" he asked, his voice a few octaves deeper. scaring the girl more. Y/n stared at the ground, as Riki softly lifted her head so she was staring at him, his fingers just under her chin. "Riki it's kinda the law- a-and im turning 18 soon so I will be done soon anyway-" she tried to explain, only to be silenced by his lips. "I'll be going with you." He coldly said as y/n's jaw dropped.
A robot? in a school? Y/n with a robot boyfriend? she needs to keep his robotness a secret, of course the government or military won't be a big deal, I mean this robot can't even be harmed by acid or lava, what the fuck will 109487430498 measly rifles do to him? It's more the fact, he may end up killing so many students. He's going to raise the teachers' standards, it's just not ideal for a freaky demon robot to go to a place for humans. tomorrow was going to be pretty fun...
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moshpitgamma · 5 months
This was probably asked a lot but can we get a part 2 for Family Reunion?
YESSS FINALLY SOMEBODY HAS REQUESTED IT AGAIN🥹💗💗 I know this was requested to be up again HEAVILY so I now announce
Family Reunion Pt. 2
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: Language, Angst to Fluff
🥹💗🙌🏾TAG LIST: @syraxnyra @cheshirenjp @g-l-1-t-c-h-3-r @insomniacticartist
Ps. It’s 50/50 proofread😔🤘🏾💗
—————————— ————————————————————dff
3 years earlier...
“I don't care no more JD. I will really walk out of this resort and leave again if that’s what you want .” I said, grabbing my helmet from the nicely made table.”
“So much for a Family Reunion.....Hope we meet again, but on better conditions.”
That all happened 3 years ago and you haven’t spoken to your brothers ever since. You felt bad for walking out again, but you knew JD was tired of seeing you and basically still called you a mistake. They looked so happy together and they all looked so confused to see me. I knew my h/c hair looked a little pale and had started to age on me, but was I really that dierent?
All those questions were swirling in my head like a blizzard. I was trying not to let it get to my head, but it stopped when I heard a little cute and tiny voice.
“Mommy are you ok?” my daughter asked me.
“Yea im ok sweetie just a little shaken up that's all.”
I didn’t want my little rose to worry so I only told her I was just lost in thought. I knew she didn’t fully believe me because she came up to me and rubbed my cheeks.
“Don’t cry mama it’s gone be ok” she said as she smiled and rubbed her small s/c hand onto my face. My little Rosie is courageous just like her papa/mama (you can pick their gender and what type of troll they are) but unfortunately they died while Rosie was still an egg. So now I'm a single mom with an amazing kid. I would've told Rosie that she has uncles, aunts, and cousins, but I just don’t know how she will react.
“Maybe i'll tell her once she’s from school” I thought to myself
“Ok Rose go on and get ready so you can get on the bus for school hun.” I said in my sweet voice while I headed downstairs to start on our breakfast.
“Ok mama!” Rosie screamed as she made her way to her room in our two story pod.
It has been 15 minutes and now me and Rosie are currently eating our pancakes/waes, bacon, and assorted fruits, until we hear a knock.
“I'll get it mama!” Rosie said as she took o from the table. All I did was mumble an ok as I started to finish up my food and get on washing our dishes. I knew Rosie was on her way back when I heard her little quick-paced pitters of her little feet running back to the dining room. “Mama It’s a letter in gold” Rosie said astonished at the elegant and gold adorned letter. “Let me see, Rose” I say as I puzzledly grabbed the letter and started to open it. “It’s a letter from the Queen of Pop?!” I say in a confused but excited tone. “What would she want with me? I haven’t even spoken or seen her before” I say more confused as I try to put two and two together. “It says to come to her palace pod tomorrow with a suitcase with at least 4 days worth of clothes.” “Mama, are we gonna go?” Rosie asked me as she jumped up and down excited to see a queen in person.” I don’t know hun, but we need to hurry up if you’re trying to go to school” I say in a hurried tone as I tried to rush her outside to get on the bus. Right when we stepped outside the bus pulled up. “Bye babyyyy!” I yelled at her while she got on the bus “Bye mamaaaa!” Rosie yells back before she gets on and takes a seat.
“Now that she’s on the bus let’s go get sum errands done” I thought aloud.
“I finally have the pod clean and some groceries in the fridge so now time for a little relaxation.” While I was planning on fixing a little movie day for myself I suddenly saw the flash of gold in the corner of my eye. “Oh yea the letter” I thought. I gathered my snacks, started the movie and picked up the letter to inspect it further. “Why does the Queen want me?” “I hope I haven’t broken any royal law or something that I didn’t know about.”
Before I could continue my thinking session, I look over to the time and see that it’s around the time Rosie should be getting home. “Guess I might as well head outside” I say aloud to myself. As I opened the door I saw my little girl running towards me with a big smile and excited to see me again. “How was school hun, Are you hungry?” I asked her as i'm ready to prepare her some fresh blueberries and strawberries as a treat. “Yes momma I am and school was sooo fun.” She told me as she grabbed her bowl full of fruit and went to sit on the couch.
“Momma have you decided yet?” Rosie asked me as she suddenly appeared beside me to put her bowl in the sink. “How- Huh- When- Anyways what are you talking about baby?” I asked slightly surprised at how fast she finished her fruit AND how fast she showed up beside me.
“I’m talking about the letter momma.” Rosie said as she tilted her head. “Are we going to see the pretty Queen tomorrow?” I didn’t want to ruin her spirit, so I said yea and watched as she dragged me to her room to pack.
“Wake up hun we have to get ready to go over to the palace.” I shook Rosie so she could get ready. “Ok mama” Rosie said as she got ready.
After we got ready we started to head towards the palace
“Do you think she will let me wear one of her crowns, mama?” Rosie asked me as she daydreamed of the once-in-a-lifetime request. “I don’t know, baby, but are you excited?” I said as I let my little excitement show. “OF COURSE I AM!!” She screamed as she ran further ahead to the Queen’s pod. All I did was chuckle and hurried to catch up to her.
Once we finally made it to the palace, we were greeted by some guard trolls. “Ahhh Miss Y/N, The Queen is waiting for you inside. Would you like me to escort you?” The slight green guard asked me. They seemed to be a little taken back to seeing a child with me, but they decided to ignore it. “Of course, I would love that.” I said as I let them lead me into the huge pod.
Knock Knock Knock
“Your Majesty, Ms. Y/N is here, just as you requested.”
The guard said as she led us into a bright room where the Queen and some of her guards sat. “OMG it is sooo nice to finally meet you. Well oofficially meet if you really think about it.” The Queen said as she ran up to me.
“Awwww and I see you’ve brought a little guest with you too.” The queen said as she smiled giddily like a kid. “Your Majesty, it is a pleasure to meet you too and this is my daughter, Rosie.” I said as I watched as Rosie grow excited and nervous little by little. “Oh I didn’t know Branch had a niece and please just call me Poppy.” “Wait- You know my brother?” I asked Poppy as she looked at me in disbelief. “Um- yea Branch is my boyfriend”
“Wait- so how do you know ME? And why did you send me a letter to bring extra clothes?” I was confused and perplexed as to why THE Pop Queen wants me and how she knows that I was related to Branch. Branch didn’t even know about me and yet she still found me. “Mama who’s Branch?” Rosie asked me as she heard me ask Poppy how she knew my brother. “Honey I’ll tell you later, but right now me and Queen Poppy have to have a very serious conversation” “Ok mama” She said as she went to mess with one of the female guards.
“Look, I hope I'm not coming of disrespectful or anything, but please tell me why you need me.” I looked at Poppy desperately for an answer. “Branch wanted to see you and wanted to finally meet you and he wanted you to be in his life again.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing and only nodded and swallowed the lump that formed in my throat. My little brother wanted to finally meet me. “I know it was weird to get a letter from the palace, but I really wanted to surprise Branch with his Older sister that he has never met before, except for that time you came to Bruce’s diner and surprised us all.” She rambled on and on, but you stopped her before she could continue. “Poppy- it’s ok and I'm glad Branch wants to see me.” I said as I watched a small smile formed on her face. “Looks like we’re right on time” Poppy says as she hears a few knocks from the gigantic doors.
She looked towards the enterance me and Rosie came through. Right then I couldn’t do anything, but stare at him.
He was a tall dull blue troll with blackish/dark bluish hair. “Branch?” I said as I felt the tears fall o my face. He looked just as shocked as I was. “Y/N...”
Before he could finish I ran and gave him the biggest hug in the world. I felt my shoulder getting damper by the second from his own tears, but I didn’t mind at all. “Oh spirits! It’s so nice to finally and properly see my baby brother besides having to stare at a blue decorated egg.” I said pulling away from him and moving his face around like he was a tiny little kid. (Kinda like what Clay did in the movie) “WHAT!” A loud scream was heard in the corner. Coming up to Branch was your daughter with a hung open mouth. “MOMMY HAS A BROTHER?!” Rosie screamed as she looked between you and her uncle. “Yes hunny I do” I laughed at my daughter's confusion. “Wait, you have a daughter?” Branch asked me as if he couldn't believe that he was an uncle to other kids besides Bruce’s. “Yes I do and Her name is Rosie.” I said as I looked at Branch’s face from my daughter’s name being named after our late grandma. “That was nice of you” He said to me before excusing himself to go talk to Poppy.
“GUESS WHO’S BACK” a loud deep yell was heard. “Ahh Fuck” I said out loud without realising.
Once I said that you could’ve heard a penny hitting the floor.
“Um surprise” Poppy said as she looked between me and JD and the tension in the air. “Um Rosie how about you go with Aunt Poppy and Uncle Branch while me and you Uncle JD talk.” She was stunned AGAIN for me dropping ANOTHER secret uncle onto her. Before she could go and bombard us with questions she was pulled out of the room with Branch and Poppy. I didn’t notice my other brothers being in the room with us too until I saw them backing out of the room also.
“Why are you here?” JD asked me, crossing his scarred arms and raising one eyebrow. “I was invited by Poppy. She helped me and Branch properly meet each other.” I waited for him to say some dumb crap about me, but it never came. I was ready to walk out of the room, but slight hiccups and snies were heard from the older man that was across from me. “What the-” “I'm so sorry Y/N. I never meant for you to leave. I was to caught up with trying to hit the family harmony and I totally fucked it up.”
HE was apologizing....
After so long..
I didn’t know how to feel and I only stared at him with a mix of shock and disbelief. “It’s hard being the oldest and ever since mom and dad left, It’s just been me. I shouldn’t have lashed out on you. You were never the problem, but when you left the pod when we were younger, it had done something to me and had made me live with regret ever since.” He meant every word, as his eyes started to become bloodshot from the constant streams of salty streaks running down his eyes.
“I get if you don’t want to speak to me ever again bu-”
It went silent…..
Jd was being embraced. You felt like everything was complete. He finally apologized and wanted to make things better. “I forgive you.” You said with tears in your eyes. “Thank you” was all he could muster up as he held onto you like his life depended on it. Everything was great until the door was busted wide open by one particular person. “BROZONE ARE MY UNCLES! AND MY AUNT IS THE FREAKING QUEEN!” Rosie said as she ran to me as if I said no more candy forever. Clay and the rest of them walked into the room ready to ask questions and hang out and I couldn’t wait to tell them everything “Guess the Family Reunion did happen again” I said as I looked at JD. “And on better conditions like you said”.
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bye-shou · 7 months
luca kaneshiro × gn!reader
characters : luca kaneshiro
side characters : -
warnings : character death, hurt no comfort (i think you know what's up), suicide❗❗❗, implied self harm❗
please do NOT interact if you are sensitive to the topics marked with exclamation marks (❗)
summary : your husband's asthma has been getting worse, but he's been saying that it's fine, and that he didn't need to go to the doctor. but...
i managed to cook up something!1!!11
⇚ ↺ ⇛
you are the significant other of luca kaneshiro, a boss of one of the most famous companies in the whole world.
you were doing chores, like sweeping & mopping the floors, cooking, organizing, being a responsible housekeeper.
you hear some footsteps, and are met with a hug from your dear husband.
"welcome home, dear." you greet, smiling as luca keeps you in a warm embrace.
"hey..." he greets back, still hugging you tightly. then, he coughs.
"oh, are you sick? or is your asthma acting up again..?" you ask worriedly, as luca tries holding back coughs.
"it's okay. i'm fine, don't worry about me." he says, patting your back reassuringly.
"if you say so... but please go to the doctor if the symptoms get worse..." you get worried. luca rarely got asthma attacks the past few weeks, but it seems something happened.
"you should work so hard, you know...? take a break, working without rest is harmful to your health." you advise, your voice soft, worry visible in your words.
"it's fine. the bills won't pay themselves, you know?" he jokes, however you didn't laugh.
"well... your inhaler is on the table. i'll prepare something that won't make your asthma worse, okay?" you say, before pulling away from his hug and going to the kitchen. luca just nods, letting go of you.
he goes to the bathroom to shower after a long day at work, while you prepare some chicken & rice with spinach and kale. you also cut up some fruits.
luca came to the dinner table, ready to eat. although he didn't enjoy vegetables a lot, he knew he had to eat them.
you two enjoyed dinner, and decided to do your own things. luca did his normal things like working.
it was 10pm, and you both decided to get some rest so you could wake up early for a new day tomorrow.
you two hugged and cuddled together, and eventually fell asleep.
the next few days were similar. his asthma getting worse, yet him refusing to go to the doctor and telling you not to worry.
⇚ ↺ ⇛
you both went to bed early, because you both had matters to attend to — luca needing to go to work and you needing to run a few errands.
when you woke up, you realized luca was not by your side. you thought that he probably just went to get ready.
when you went out, you saw luca.
but... he didn't give you a hug and big smile. instead, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘢𝘸 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥.
"luca!? a-answer me..! luca!" you realized tears were forming in your eyes. you immediately ran to get your phone, then called 911.
"h-hello!? 911...! my husband passed out, his asthma has been worse lately, but he saw it as nothing... but this morning, i found him passed out on the floor...!" you manage to sob out, you were so scared of what was gonna happen to him.
"calm down, where's the address? we'll send an ambulance right away!" the officer on the other side said, getting ready to dispatch an ambulance.
"i-it's xxx, b-block b xx..!" you tried calling yourself down, but you just couldn't. you started crying, breaking down.
"okay, i have dispatched an ambulance. stay on the call with me." she says, telling you reassuring words how your husband will be fine.
when the ambulance came, they immediately brought luca into the ambulance and set off to the hospital asap, as the officer on the phone hung up.
you drove the the hospital, and searched for the room luca was in.
you waited and waited outside, waiting for the news about him. your heart was racing, you were nervous.
a doctor went out of luca's room, and you hoped that he went to bring out good news. but, he seemed really sad.
"𝙬𝙚'𝙧𝙚 𝙨𝙤 𝙨𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙮. 𝙬𝙚 𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙙 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜." the doctor said, "please be patient. really, we tried everything. but... 𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘪𝘵."
just those four words were enough to make you burst into tears. you were in denial, there's no way he's gone, right...? you two were being all lovey-dovey the other day... how...?
⇚ ↺ ⇛
ever since that day, you were in a deep depression.
you couldn't do anything, you couldn't even get out of bed.
you couldn't bear it. you couldn't bear the fact that your dear husband for five years, has passed on.
you didn't want to believe it. you tried convincing yourself that it was just a dream.
but, you have to face reality.
he's gone. and there's nothing you can do about it.
you sobbed day and night, you were so guilty. why didn't you bring him to the hospital, when you knew it was the right choice?
you felt like a horrible person.
⇚ ↺ ⇛
eventually, you got up. not positively, though.
you started hurting yourself, whether it be cutting yourself or not eating at all.
you felt horrible. you had no appetite, you didn't feel like you could ever be happy ever again.
one day, you chose a choice that will never be able to be reversed.
you chose to 𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘭. hoping that, maybe you'll get to see luca in heaven, and you two could meet up happily again.
you went to the beach, and made sure to go to an area where there was nobody guarding it.
you slowly walked into the water, without stopping.
you went deeper and deeper into the water, you didn't care if your clothes were soaked by now.
slowly but surely, your lungs started getting filled up with water.
you couldn't breathe, though you were holding in your coughs to make sure there wasn't any unwanted attention.
eventually, you 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨. everything was dark, and you hoped no one would find you. you were nowhere near the shore, after all.
maybe luca wanted you to live a long life, but you couldn't bear to live like that when your dear husband has passed on.
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valberryy · 2 years
HIHIHI BACK WITH THE PLAYING WITH HAIR IDEA... can i have heizou and yoimiya this time? hands you a cookie
tyvm for your service to all of society in so many ways
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AUGHFHGH NO U???? ur playing with hair reqs r always soooo cute ur brain is so large... thank U for ur service to society!!!!
➻ playing with heizou's and yoimiya's hair
content warnings: none
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➻ without a doubt, there are few things HEIZOU enjoys more than feeling your fingers run through his hair. of course, that doesn't mean he'll give you an easy time about it — he'll poke and prod at you just to see the way you'll react, cooing at you for being so cute ("oh, you have a crush on me? how embarrassing!" "heizou, you're my boyfriend.").
➻ but at the end of the day, he really can't deny you for very long, untying his ponytail to let you do whatever you wish with his hair. he just loves feeling the way you play with his hair while he pores over his work — there seems to be nothing stopping him from all but purring the minute he feels you bury your hands in his hair.
➻ he also has a teeny-tiny "superstition," of sorts, that he hopes you'll indulge him in... what is it, exactly? oh, haven't you noticed he seems to make so much more progress on cases if you do his hair for him in the morning, first? it's true, he'll preach to you — he's tried and tested it himself!
➻ similarly... if you happen to also like putting things into his hair, or tying it up differently, you can guarantee that heizou makes sure to wear it for the rest of the day. it's almost impressive how careful he is with your handiwork, no matter how silly it makes him look. and if he's asked about it? he'll flash a knowing little grin and boast, "oh, this? my partner did it for me!"
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➻ to YOIMIYA, playing with your hair — and you playing with hers — is just the perfect time to catch you up on all the things you two did during your (supposedly) busy schedules. as much as she'd love to be by your side every hour of the day, she has errands to run, and people to talk to, and fireworks to make... surely you understand, right?
➻ so, during your downtime, she always absolutely adores sitting with you, leaning her head against your shoulder as you play with her hair, and she plays with yours, telling you all about the orders she's filled lately, or a funny story the neighbourhood kids had been spreading around. she'll finish off a little braid in your own hair just as she asks you to tell her what you've been up to, too — but if not, she'll gladly do the talking for the both of you!
➻ you don't even have to have a specific time for your little hair sessions, though; yoimiya will always be able to make time for you! you can twirl a stray lock of her hair while you're waiting in line for lunch, and she'll tuck a simple little hairpin into your own hair while waiting for your orders... even little, fleeting moments like this make her giddy — but maybe that's just the effect you have on her.
➻ yoimiya can't guarantee that any little changes you make in her hair — like a clip, or flowers, or little braids — will... well, survive until the end of the day, and she'd hate to accidentally lose something you'd given her in her rush to get from one place to another. she normally takes them out of her hair once she feels them start to come loose, and the next time you two meet up, she's already grinning at you with your hairpins in one hand and a hairbrush in the other.
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pumpkinsy0 · 10 months
Buck x Tim headconnons
I feel like they would be a good duo
Buck can fight, but he's just retired to fight. Just tends the Bar he owes
They will both beat peoples asses, if they fight together
Tim makes fun of Buck for being old, but Buck doesn't get mad he lets it slide
If its Buck's b-day, Tim will steal him little gifts (Buck gets mad at Tim for stealing but is thankful for the gift)
If its Tim's b-day, Buck will let him have free beer (only on his birthday)
Tim dares Buck to fight him, but still losses to Buck anyways 😂
When Tim is having a bad day, he will go to Buck's bar and spend there all day till he's drunk (maybe will often tell Buck about his bad day, and Buck will try his best to comfort him) I thought that will be cute♥😭
Since Buck has a dog (I feel like it should be a girl and her name should be pig) But Buck's dog loves Tim and Tim loves her back, he loves playing with her and she loves playing with him
One time Buck was laughing at Tim, because he was getting attacked by Pig while playfighting, and she accidentally bit Tim so hard he ended up having a scar on his neck (ofc Buck took Pig off Tim, but Tim was hurt so badly he couldn't talk right for a few week😭)
Tim wasn't mad at Pig, but was mad at Buck for laughing at him💀 (its fine if u don't like the whole idea)
When Tim's car isn't working and he need to go some places, he would steal Buck's car and Buck finds out, gets really pissed at him for stealing his car
Speaking of Buck's car, Tim like riding with Buck when he's running errands (Tim's passenger princess😭 Buck is forces to buy him stuff) 💀
Sorry for writing so much. And sorry if you don't like some stuff I put down. But I would love to see what you come up with. (I love your headconnons there so awesome! I wanna know what you put for THESE TWO. And its them being friends not lovers I swear😭)
This is the same person that asked for the "Buck Merrill headconnons" just letting you know. :D And you know that Buck is my favorite character. :D I also loved what you wrote for him, and thanks for taking your time writing about him. Now I wanna know for this one. :D
OOoOo i actually dont see many ppl talk about buck n tim so id b happy to talk about it!!!
perhaps buck will b my third fav caribbean man of the outsiders one day
•i see them as business partners and friends!!! not exactly THEE closest of friends, but friends nonetheless!!!
•so like,,,both of em r black,,,,both got 4c hair,,,perhaps they share tips n tricks on how to maintain their hait🗽🗽
•i can totally see buck w cornrows, tim probably did it for him as a “thanks for letting me hide out here while the cops searched for me and patching me up”
•tim can braid hair thanks to practice on angela and curlys hair btw i feel like i should announce that
•tim absolutely does make fun of buck for being old even though it’s literally by a few years buck is so sick of it, ESPECIALLY when tims drunk, ur so real for this hc anon
•for tims bday he definitely abuses his free beer privileges n takes some home, if he can get it for free and not have to pay later he’s DEFINITELY gonna b on that
•buck doesnt rlly fight anymore but he for sure isnt rusty, hes the bartender AND the bouncer let that b known☝🏽☝🏽
•buck MIGHT join in on a rumble if tim RLLY needed the backup but thats a huge might
•AT FIRST pig was fucking terrified of tim, like she would run away from tim, but tim gave her some food ONCE and now she loves em
•sometimes when buck and tim get together for business reasons tims just petting pig cause fluffy dog goes brrrrr
•inspired by my dog but sometimes pig just takes tims hand and literally forces the guy wherever and tim wants to hate it but pig is a cutie so he lets it slide<33
•LIKE I SAID caribbean men, buck prolly taught tim some trinidadian creole english while tim taught buck some haitian creole #culturalkingswowiezowie
•if tims having a bad day or is just bored and doesnt rlly wanna go home he just goes to bucks bar to pick someone up or drink a bit hes not a busy man EVERY day surprisingly
•rlly when it comes to buck, if darry cant rlly relate to him he knows that buck will to some degree!!!
•ALSO ALSO hc that when tims locked up or gets arrested, he calls for buck to watch over angela and curly, cant have them without a guardian now
and thx for liking the hcs :D!!
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justdancekid · 2 years
Family doesn't always mean blood - A JD Fanfiction
Series: Just Dance 2023 Edition
Characters: Alzena (Numb), Liv (Bring Me to Life P1), Blake (Bring Me to Life P2)
Relationship: Alzena/Liv (Mother and Daughter)
Rating: T
Type: Fluff, Found Family
Warning: thoughts of Self-harm
Description: Alzena was a woman who hasn't seen color since she was 4, and one day she was thinking ending it all until she ran into a 6-year old Liv
Today is the day. Alzena said as she was walking down the street to her house. Ever since she was 4, her life has been nothing but terrible. Losing both parents, being bullied, being ignored by every school authority, dropping out to escape the bullying, and never getting an job. She just wanted this terrible life of hers to end.
I'll do it. I'll do it. She repeated in her head. She then felt something hugging her legs. She looked down and saw a little girl down there
"Mommy!" She said as she looked up at her with bright eyes.
"Oh, I think you're mistaken. I don't have a daughter." Alzena replied
"Oh." The girl said disappointingly
"But, I can't help you find your mommy."
Now, Alzena is walking with this little girl, holding her hand.
"I don't think I've asked, what's your name?" Alzena asked
"Liv." She answered
"And, how old are you?"
As they were walking, they ran into a man on a bench who recognized her.
"Oh, hey. I think I've seen her." The man said
"Oh, really?" Alzena asked
"Yeah, I remember a woman putting her on the sidewalk and drove off"
"Well, okay. So, I guess your mom is doing some errands." Alzena said "But, I can't leave you here. You wanna come back to my house?" She asked
"Yeah!" Liv answered
4 months have passed since then and neither Alzena nor Liv have gotten a knock on the door, a call, or even a note from Liv's mom.
Did she forget about her? Alzena thought
6 months has passed, and still nothing
It didn't take until a year for Alzena and Liv to finally get something from Liv's mom, a letter
Dear Liv, I know you must be worrying about me, so I'm writing this note so you would know that I'm leaving this town. I have hope that you can fend for yourself, love mom.
Alzena got angry reading this note
How the hell can a mother leave her 6-year-old child to fend by themselves?!? Alzena thought as her hand shakes.
"Is it a note from my mom? What does it say?" Liv asked
Alzena hesitated, not knowing if she could tell her that her mother left her. Alzena sat her down. And then told her in the kindest way possible
"Liv. You'll sometimes run into some cruel people. And, sometimes those cruel people can be your own parents." She tried to give her a clue about what the note said. But, she noticed the note on the table, so she picked it up and read it. She then shed some tears
"She......she left me...." Liv said as she start to cry.
"D-don't cry, Liv" Alzena said "It's okay. I'll raise you" She said as she stopped crying
"R-really?" She asked as she wiped her tears
"Yeah, I'll be your mom."
Liv jumped up and hugged her, then said "Thanks.......I don't know your name?"
"Alzena." She replied "But, you can call me mom."
8 years later
Here we see a 31-year-old Alzena with a 15-year-old Liv. Taking her to the store for new clothes and food to eat, they end up spending $142.52, Alzena paid for the clothes and food. As they walked out the store, a burglar came through and snatched Liv and held a knife to her throat
"Give me the money or your daughter gets-" The burglar tried to say before Alzena kicked him in his head, sending him flying across the street. Rendering him unconscious.
Now this isn't the first time Alzena got mugged. She's been mugged couple of times. But, she's always give the mugger her money because she had nothing to begin with, but now that she has a daughter, she won't let her get hurt.
"Wow! You can do that?" Liv asked her
"Yeah, I guess." Alzena answered. "Now come on, your freshman year starts tomorrow"
3 years later
Now, it's Liv's senior year, there's a lot going for her as an 18-year-old. But, she doesn't know what to do after this. As she was thinking, a boy kicked her in the back, as she fell over, he laughed
"Hey, what's wrong? Did a Rhino hurt you?" The boy asked "No. It was me!"
"What you gonna do? Cry about it-" The boy was about to say as Liv hiked her leg up, and kicked that boy in his face, sending him flying, as he landed she heard an "Ow!", but it came from another boy. As she came to help him, she picked the unconscious boy up and tossed him aside and helped up a boy with blonde hair.
"I'm so sorry!" Liv apologized
"It's okay." The Blonde boy said "It's not everyday where you see a boy get kicked that high. You must be strong." He said
"Yeah, my mom taught me that move." She said
"What's your name?" Liv asked the boy
"Blake." He replied "I'm planning to live in the scariest house imaginable, you wanna help me, uh....." He asked her
"Liv. And sure!" She answered
2 years later
Blake came running to Alzena's house to find Liv on the roof
"Come up!" She gestured as he came up there.
"I found the perfect house!" He said as he showed her a photo of a clock tower.
"Let's live in it!" He said as she held her breath
"What's wrong? You don't wanna live there?" He asked
"No, it's not that." She replied "I just don't wanna leave my mom."
"Come on, Liv! You're 20 now. Everyone's gotta leave their parents at some point. Some leave earlier than others. But, we all have to." He said
She hesitate at first, but ultimately she said "Yes."
They then came down, and knocked on Alzena's door, she opened it as Liv stood there with her head down
"Liv. What's wrong?" She asked. Liv hesitated before telling her, not knowing how to tell her about this
"We've found a house. And, we're gonna live in it. That means that I won't be living with you, anymore." She said
Alzena walked up to Liv and gave her a hug. Liv starts to tear up "I'll miss you. But, I know that it's your time. But, don't worry, I'll visit you when I find out where you guy's live at now." Alzena said
Liv shed more tears as she and Blake walked out the house
"Bye, Liv!" Alzena said
"Bye, Mom!" Liv said back as she and Blake ran out to find the clock tower
Present Day
It has now been 4 years since then, and Liv and Blake now live in the tower. And, Liv likes to stare out the window.
"Liv, what are you doing?" Blake asked her
"Waiting" She replied
"For who?"
Liv turned around to face him
"My mom to see me again."
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hanmi-xo · 1 year
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CHAPTER 5: "Happiness in the Rain"
| My Happiness | Chapter List |
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[ C H A N ]
I watched as the two walked down the quad.
Her hair bounced with each step she took and her oversized cardigan moved with the motion of her stride. Hansol walked along side her and before they could turn down the corner to one of the lecture hall buildings, he turned around to look at me.
I watched as he waved towards my direction as if he wanted me to notice him. He then walked ahead of Subin and the two disappeared behind the corner.
I couldn't help but be annoyed at this whole thing.
I skipped class in hopes that Hansol wouldn't try anything funny. I hardly ever skip class but with the way Hansol has been acting ticked me off.
If Subin knew he didn't have the same class as her, she would be mad. I've never really seen her mad before, but I've seen her disappointed many times.
She was never one to like liars.
Yet, here I was lying to her. I stayed in the library and lied to her about having class later just to be paranoid over my troublesome friend.
It was too late to go to my actual class. It ends at this hour. I am no different from him.
"Why lie about your class?" I mutter to myself. "Why do you choose to bother Subin?"
This isn't like him.
Why Subin of all people?
The rain poured with splashes of raindrops hitting every surface of the concrete. I watched it pour as I breathed in the dew air.
Students huddled under cover by umbrella, coats, or by roofing. The sound of their footsteps echoed with the sound of puddles. Though there were many people leaving campus, there was one person who I couldn't take my eyes off.
Kim Subin.
She ran impetuously. She had some of her clothes drenched from the rain while she made her way to pass the crowd.
As always, she went the opposite direction. And I knew where she was heading.
I took out my umbrella and made my way to her. She hasn't changed even in childhood.
She was still beautiful.
I remember the first time I saw her. It was like she magically appeared in my neighborhood.
It was Spring.
The new start of a school year was around the corner and I was excited for the day to arrive.
I was waiting for my umma to come back from work while my halmeoni watched me at home.
The sound of water dropping from the edge of my roof slowed down, and I quickly stuck my head out the door. I watched as the sun finally showed its face from the grey cottons that covered it.
A rainbow could be seen forming as the sun glistened through the hollow parts of the billow of clouds.
I came out of my house to greet my mom since she usually comes home around this time, but when I turned to look down our street where she usually comes from, her car was nowhere in sight. Instead, I saw the Kim's. They were moving bags from their car and I watched in a distance. That's strange.
I don't remember them going anywhere. Those luggage's looked heavy.
"SUBIN!" I heard Miss Kim yell.
Out came a girl from their gate. She looked about my age.
She had mid-length hair tied into a ponytail and she had a pale complexion. She looked malnourished and wore an oversized shirt with tattered jeans. She had a few bangs that framed her face but it was unkept. She looked like she's been running errands or something?
I watched her talk to the Kim's before she began moving heavy luggage's that looked like her size. Two younger kids came from the gate and helped carry small bags. I couldn't tell what it was. Clothes?
"The Kim's have kids?"
I looked at my halmeoni who appeared behind me. She too hid behind our gate's door way to watch them.
"But, I was told they don't like kids?" I say in confusion.
I hear the neighbors all the time talk about not wanting kids. During Halloween they never have candy and they always gave other kids and I dirty looks like we were some sort of species.
My halmeoni looked at me with a surprised expression before giggling. "That's what adults say, but there usually comes a time when some of them change their mind."
"Change their mind?" I repeat her words.
Could the Kim's really have changed their minds? How would they magically have a kid though? She looks the same age as me.
(I didn't understand it then, but it was later on when I found out what adoption was...)
I turned back around to look at the girl who was helping her parents. She came back out from the gate with the luggages from her hands gone and stuck her body inside the back seat doorway. She was reaching for something.
I watched in curiosity to what appeared to be a uniform which was much similar to mine.
She's going to attend the same middle school as me? Does that mean I'll see her around school? Will we be classmates?
She came out of the car and saw her turn her head towards my direction.
A ray of sun hit her with a faint rainbow overlay. I felt my stomach twist from seeing her. It was like seeing a painting in real life. She was surreal.
Her eyes were dark but with the sunlight it looked like honey. Her hair bounced with the gentle wind, and her lips were slightly parted like she was thinking of something.
She looked alluring. Was girls supposed to look like this? I've met plenty in class but none of them ever looked like her. She reminded me of the moon with how she appeared like a dream.
She was beautiful.
I couldn't help but awe at her. Was she even real?
"Omo, what a pretty girl," Halmeoni said with joy. "You should be her friend, Chan."
"HUH!" I yelled in surprise from my Halmeoni's words.
"Chan, your cheeks are red," she teased with a finger on her lips to signal my abrupt voice.
I quickly covered half of my face with the collar of my t-shirt.
"No they're not," I huffed and avoided eye contact with her.
As I was turning back around to see if the girl was still around, I felt something hit the edge of my shoes.
A ball?
I picked it up with wonder where it came from.
"I'm sorry!" I heard a feminine voice say aloud.
I stared at the beauty that was far from me moments ago. Behind her was a boy and a girl who looked very similar to her. They hid behind the doorway of their gate and watched me with a look of anxiety.
My eyes wandered back to the girl who seemed to have walked closer to me.
"I'm sorry about that. My siblings were playing and the ball flew out of our yard," she said with such an apologetic tone as if she did a horrible thing.
I wanted to speak, but I didn't know what to say to her.
She was so beautiful...
"Oh no, it's okay. Accidents happen," Halmeoni said and grabbed the ball from my hands before handing it to the girl.
"Oh... thank you," she politely said before bowing and was ready to make her way home.
"Ah! What's your name?" Halmeoni asked her before she can fully turn away.
She stared at the two of us with wide eyes before softly smiling.
"Subin. Kim Subin."
That was the first time I felt myself physically and internally freeze from seeing someone. I didn't know what to say. How I should respond or if I should even say my name back.
"Kim Subin? What a pretty name," Halmeoni delightedly said. She put her hands on my shoulders as she stood behind me.
"My name is Lee Eunkyung, but you can call me Halmeoni Eun. This is my grandson, Lee Chan," she introduced with glee.
I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out so I instead raised my hand to wave at her. I felt so embarrassed with how I was feeling.
"Chan is usually very talkative. He's just shy when he sees a pretty girl." Halmeoni giggled which only made me feel more embarrassed.
I couldn't deny her words. Especially when Subin stood there.
She looked at me with eyes that I couldn't read. She smiled, but she wasn't happy. They looked so empty. It was like she was hollow. For someone that seemed surreal, she also seemed sad.
"I'm sorry, but I'm not pretty," she said. Her tone was polite but her words were heavy.
Her eyes looked down at the ball in her hands before looking back at the two kids hiding. She turned back to look at us.
"It was nice meeting you, Halmeoni Eun. You too Chan," she said. "I have to go back home." She bowed to us.
I waved. I was still having trouble to speak for myself.
Halmeoni said her good byes to her in hopes to see her again and Subin just smiled and waved her hand before disappearing into her yard with a shut of her gate.
Before I thought she just wanted to get out of the conversation out of embarrassment.  I was twelve. I didn't know anything. But now that I think about it, she was not just avoiding us.
But she was shutting herself away from the world.
I wanted to bring her out of her bubble, but how could I?
I was in no place to bother her. Yet here I was holding an umbrella over her head.
"Chan?" She whispered to me.
Her eyes glistened through the rain. She looked surprised from my presence, but I couldn't blame her for that.
Why would I be here out of all place? Is probably what she might be thinking.
I usually would be heading home, but with the way things were going today, I wanted to stay by her side.
This time, I won't be a coward like I was in middle and high school.
"Your hair's wet," I say. Her face was pale from the cold air that stuck to her face due to the rain. "I'll walk you to the bus stop."
She shook her head and motioned me to stop in my tracks.
"No, no... it's okay!" She said with protest.
I laughed at her silly expression along with her dramatic gesture. She always avoided causing problems from others.
But helping her is never a problem for me.
I looked at the dark sky that continued to pour endless rain. The only thing stopping the rain from hitting us was my umbrella. My eyes met with Subin who seemed to be watching me.
"Keep my umbrella then."
Her eyes looked at me with astonishment. Before she could protest, I gentle grabbed her wrist before putting the handle in her hand.
"Chan!" She immediately said with such shock.
She tried to give it back to me but I quickly dodged her hand that held the umbrella. I ran from her, loosing the one thing protecting me from the rain. She followed after me as I continued to run away from her with my hands in my pocket.
She can't give it to me if my hands stay in my pockets!
"Nope! It's yours now!" I laughed. It was funny seeing her chase me around.
The feeling of rain hitting me felt exhilarating while I sprinted down the pathway. It got my heart pumping from the thrill of not just the feeling of raindrops, but the fact Subin was trying her best to keep up with me.
I ran towards the bus stop while some students and bystanders watched. It was getting darker and from the looks of it, the sun could be setting behind these dark clouds.
There was traffic forming on the busy street signally how late it is becoming. The lampposts were slowly getting lit and the noise of people grew closer as we got close to the shopping center.
I watched as she made her way past people while she huffed and puffed. She may be annoyed by me but I knew she was enjoying the moment.
Her lips were curled in a smile. She seemed to be happy, or I so hope. Seeing her smile was great, but for her to be happy- that's what looks best on her.
I smiled as I made it to the bus stop while she slowed down her pace. She walked towards me with heavy breathing while I tried to catch my breath.
I watched her try to speak but she was too out of breath. She tried to give me my umbrella, but she ended up stumbling.
Her legs got weak.
I quickly caught her.
I felt my hands wrap around her arms to steady her. Her eyes met mine and for a moment. It felt like the world stopped.
Her bangs framed her face as if she was a delicate portrait. Her hair was messy from running, but it didn't stop me from gazing at her.
Was this what it meant to be lost in someone's eyes?
If so, I don't ever want to get out of it.
• • •
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hollyhomburg · 2 years
okay first of all i’m in awe, like i feel like i’ve run out of words to gush over your writing because i’m always equally as blown away if not more. second, i LOVE longer chapters and i KNOW how stressful that must’ve been for you so i just wanted to tell you how grateful we are that you did that for us and to get plenty of rest and some nesting time or something hopefully too. also i’m quite…..stupid🤡😀 so please forgive me but was that all three parts of taes coming out or is there one more since you split the last one into two? either way thank you so much for creating something so incredibly comforting to people and i hope that it is somehow fulfilled for you too because at the end of the day it means more than you’ll ever understand🤍🫀💗
as far as my break goes it's been incredibly fruitful in a very like...mentally healthy way! i got a sowing machine last year for my brithday (and then proceeded to use it twice in the whole year simply because i didn't have like 3 hours to dedicate to it,) and i spent all yestersday (besides the 3 hours i spent running errands and getting grommets) making a mock up design for a corset!
i ended up kinda fucking it up near the end of it, but i love takeing my old clothes that i haven't worn in years and sorta fucking with them, i'm gonna try and make a version 2 at some point this week since the first draft got sorta muddy (i cut the seams before i realized i actually needed to leave one of them open for boning channels so woopsy i'm learning!) i know you didn't ask for an update on my R&R but there it is!
okay so the next chapter you guys are going to get for bily is going to be a very fluffy and more of a 'filler' episode for the series? but i feel like i really wanna show you guys tae's first day as a girl, i wanna take you guys into the salon and then back home and have the m/c and tae sorta share their feminine joy with the others. it won't be very long. i haven't started writing it yet but i predict probably 6-7k words!
sometimes i catch myself feeling insecure about my writing and what ive done with it, but then i remember that 400 people usually 'like' my stuff in the first day, and that doesn't feel like a lot or as other people might get but if i can reasonably assume that everyones smiled once while reading then i'm responsible for 400 smiles every time i update. if i saw 400 people smiling all at once- i don't think i'd assume that my efforts wheren't worth while. it helps to put the fulfillment into perspective in that sense. we might never have met, but once upon a time, i made you happy.
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Artist!Luke Masterlist
Aquarelle (ao3) - antisocialhood michael/luke N/R, 3k
Summary: Michael was slow fucking into him, taking his time to build a pace that would ultimately drive Luke nuts and probably give him the best orgasm of his life
Brush Strokes (ao3) - falloutmuke michael/luke M, 667
Summary: luke has autism with a love for art. michael is an artist with a love for luke.
do you wanna touch (yeah) (ao3) - kingscrossinseptember luke/calum G, 1k
Summary: Calum always had trouble knowing what a normal amount of time was to look at another person, so when his brain kicked back into gear, he quickly dropped his gaze to his shoes, realized that was probably too obvious, and then darted his eyes around the aisle until he settled on staring intently at the rows of paintbrushes sticking up in front of him. Hopefully the pretty stranger was too focused on whatever errand he was running to pay attention to some weirdo fondling brushes. Alas, luck was not on Calum’s side.
every now and then the stars align (ao3) - merlypops luke/calum E, 3k
Summary: Calum gets in trouble a lot, Luke's had a bad life, and Calum would do anything to keep him safe. Anything at all.
if i knew from the start, would it change a thing? (ao3) - acetominophen luke/ashton N/R, 35k
Summary: “All I painted was you, Ash. It was always you.” But Ashton wasn’t listening to him at all. His silver-lined eyes were trained on the hand-written words at the bottom of the canvas, unblinking.
Luke’s gaze followed his and his lips parted because shit, he’d forgotten. He’d forgotten that he’d titled this one.
‘Poisoned myself again. LH’.
Artist!Luke Cowboy!Ashton
if my wall clock tells me that it's 4 in the morning i'll give it hell (ao3) - crankgameplays luke/ashton N/R, 1k
Summary: basically writer!ashton with a small case of lukesomnia and artstudent!luke who also cant sleep and he draws ashton a lot okay its not his fault the boy has such a nice face, he /has/ to draw it.
Line Work (ao3) - ashtonhours (heartandmindxx) luke/ashton, michael/calum M, 21k
Summary: Ashton Irwin, 07/07/94, no known medical conditions and not under the influence of drugs or alcohol – and originally from Sydney, as it turns out – is looking to get a bird on his neck.
“A California condor,” he says for about the twelfth time, “on my nape.”
a story about boundaries, trust, and a line in the sand.
no you don't need to be careful (ao3) - xieagle luke/ashton, michael/calum N/R, 3k
Summary: ashton irwin hasn't spoken in a large number of years. he works in the coffee shop his foster parents own, and is constantly dealing with the idea that no one will ever truly understand and accept him.
luke goes to university, studying art. he loves going to the local coffee shop to find a caffeine boost and to meet his friends, michael and calum, the two he is rather jealous of. he says it's a good boost for his muse, but never says why.
Paint Me (ao3) - @daydadahlias​ (cornflowerblue (daydadahlias)) luke/ashton E, 17k
Summary: “Holy shit, hold on a minute,” Calum says, “is that who we’re supposed to be drawing?”
“I can’t draw him,” Michael gawks, “I’m not a Goddamn renaissance painter.”
Or, the one where Luke is an art student practicing realism for a month and Ashton is the nude model in his portrait class.
twink boy bottom erotica. (ao3) - badomensbaby luke/calum E, 13k
Summary: in which luke agrees to be calum's model for his photography project.
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benefits1986 · 9 months
ER BTS x Bisperas Xmas 2023
"Ang mga bagay ng pinaghihirapan, hindi mo madaling mabibitawan."
The reason why I took a leave starting 21st December is because a good friend from grad school reached out to me for her wedding invite. Actually, I was supposed to go to ina's house and down work there. LOL. E may nag-DM slide. It's E asking me where I'd be on the 23rd. I was about to share the ekis Iloilo - Danj - Punta Bulata - Guimaras trip, but decided to tell her that I'd most likely be in Manila to run errands for my ina's "house warming" instead.
Since she and her fiance R are law students who are up the neck with adulting, wedding planning and LS deadlines, she sheepishly shared that even her invites came super late. E told me if I can make it to their Lipa wedding. LOL. E and I rarely meet but when we do, super updates translate to 7 hours of daldalan, lakad onti, kain, daldalan, inom, late night and early morning pasok ulit sa work kinda thing.
Actually, I was stunned to get an invite from her. As an introvert, I said yes with reservations. LOL. Then she told me that Ea and Fa confirmed their invite, too. HAHAHA. You see, the last time E and I talked was back in UP Town Center ages ago. Those times, she told me that she's no longer gonna give love a chance after being a consistent alpha female fighter of love na.
E has a very strong personality but tends to love like an accla and is proud to do so. Hahahahaha. I told her that it's okay to choose herself and that her "move back" to Laguna is something that may seem counter-intuitive but may be her going back to the basics. She shared that her condo is her home but there's something weird and wonderful in her first home somewhere in one of the sleepy, plantita paradise towns of Laguna. Tawang-tawa ako kasi that time, I'm rediscovering dad's hometown, too.
Iba, bii. This is what E shared when I asked her that I'd want to understand her "move back" move better. Sana, bii nagbahay at lupa na lang ako. I told E that having a condo near her office when she does not have a Manila house is super duper logical, rather than emotional. She chuckled because she knew I abhor condo living. 'Yung mukha niyang unfiltered ang facial expressions, 'di ko makakalimutan. HAHAHAHA. Sabi ko, bii, let me explain. Ako, as a South of Manila Girl, gusto ko maging probinsiyana. Ikaw naman, since tubong Laguna ka, natural naman na mag-crave ka ng city life, pero sure ako na babalik ka rin sa tinubuan mo kasi rooted ka doon. Bay, Laguna is not a bad spot. Sleepy town lang and sabi mo nga, iba e. Periodtzzz. 'Yung condo mo, puwede mo namang pa-rent out or maging halfway house mo since 'di ka naman din magaling sa Math. LOL.
We talked about her journey and goal to be a mom. Sabi ko, bii, mapagod ka pero 'wag kang mag-tap out. Goal mo 'yan e. Non-negotiable mo 'yan, so push mo. Support kita diyan kahit I don't like kids. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Syempre, asar look si E sa akin.
E and I became close out of really, really asar-bitchesa bonding that involves too loud LOL IRL. Also, kami 'yung magka-partners in crime nung muntik na talaga kaming sumuko sa isang class sa Diliman. Naging coping mechanism namin 'yung pag-compare with delulu ng mga bagsak naming quizzes na naging pasang-awa. Tapos matic partner kami kasi alam naming 'yung kapasidad ng utak at pake namin para walang kahihiyan sa ibang A-list and top-tier ng class. Sobrang naging cheerleader with wicked and dark humor namin each other and eventually, we managed to get a meager 1.75 in that friggin' class. I remember as she walked down the aisle 'yung mga kabobohan namin pati na rin mga milestones namin kahit munti at unti-unti.
From mga updates like: Bii, natapos mo na ba? Bii, drop na tayo. Tatalino ng mga blockmates natin. Bii, 'di ko pa rin tapos. Dami work. Bii, suko na ako. Bii, nasa Laguna ako now. Pasok pa akong QC bukas. Bii, ilan pa allowable absence natin? Bii, ayoko na. Bii, eto na naman prof natin. Bii, paano na? Magliligwak na ba tayo sa nyetang grad school dream turned reality na masakit na 'to? Bii, si Atom, hindi na naman pumasok. Hinahanap ko siya ngayon. Baka andyan sa puso mo? CHOZ. Crush ko kasi si Atom Araullo since birth. CHAR. Kaya lambing niya 'yan sa akin na papakita niya mga ganaps ni Atom. Ayoko na lang though mag-talk kasi... 'wag na. Let's not go there. Bii is actually from her last name. Hahaha. Saka mga accla nga kami noh. LOL.
Seeing her glowing and loudly proud with her curly hair made me smile na hanggang mata abot hanggang hypothalamus. E used to hare her super lovely curls. Lagi ko siya sinasabihan na hair goals ko siya. Pero syempre, babalikan ako ni Bii ng gusto naman niya super straight hair na walang halong kemikal like mine. Maraming beses din kaming nag-stroke ng hair ng isa't isa na walang malisya. Mga 100% of the time, to be honest. Hahahahahaha.
So ayun na nga, 35th birthday ni E today, so her wedding with R yesterday is like a super GG as in God's gift. LOL. Hahahahaha. Seeing her believe in love again after so much disbelief is both nakakatawa at nakakatuwa. Honestly, nung shared niya ayaw na raw niya sa love, aba, I'm like, huy. Tigil mo 'yan. Tacca. Since may bahay, career and core values siya, sabi ko, asawa at anak na lang kulang sa kanya. HAHAHAHAHA. Sabi ko, since gusto rin niya pumunta sa Europa to landi ulit, sabay na lang kami. Ayun, may nahanap na true love kinauwian niya. HAHAHAHAHHA. Lekat.
I have yet to daldal si R because the past 3 years were spent by E in Batangas na. Syempre, I don't drive na sooooo, wala. Plus, schedule-wise, grabe 'yung impact ng pandemic until now. Parang naghahabol parati kahit alam mong may "enough" time naman. Deep dive ko ito next time.
Hindi rin kami 'yung tipong thriving in online kamustahan kasi nga baka ma-SS kami ng malala. Hahahaha. But, I see and feel that R is E's matcha made in heaven to slay the hell in this lifetime and the next. R is super calm and may fun vibe. Tawang-tawa ako sa prenup vid nila where E is actually letting her kalog self go with the flow. Hindi ko kinaya, as in. Si E kasi, batang prod and dev comm ang slant, nag-LS pa kaya mhie, sungit levels neto, 1000000 may irap at simangot plus sulimpat pa ng mata. HAHAHAHAHA. May pagsasalita pa 'yan in a certain way na akala mo galit lagi. Kaya, Bii E and me = super duper mega vibin' always.
Syempre, E introduced me, Fai, Ea and Ja to R. With hug pa syempre, wedding e. Super fun times kasi may PLUS ONE officially na naman sa daldal-introvert-food-inom group namin na hindi mahilig mag-post online and hindi rin mahilig magkita IRL.
Why do I silently love this bunch? HUY. NAIIYAK NA NAMAN RN. Ang aga-aga. When mom died, matic pasok agad akong grad school pati work. HAHAHAHHAHA. As in, walang filed bereavement leave. Walang buwelo. Metal talaga ako e. Walang halong kemikal. Baliw levels 100000 lang. When my blockmates saw me, tumigil silang magdaldalan back in Plaridel Hall. Syempre, I took it as an attack. LOLOLLOLL. LUH. They asked me how I was and bakit daw pumasok ako agad. They "hugged" me without hugging me kasi sabi ko, even a tiny space invasion will make me spiral. HAHAHAHAHA.
Ang lala at kahihiyan levels nito is all coming back to me now. They tried their best to wing me even when I barely pass papers na hindi ko alam paano ko natatawid from South to Diliman on commute then pasok pa ako ng malala ring wantusawa shifts. HAHAHAHHAA. Sila 'yung isa kong super support group na sana mas ni-embrace ko noon, pero here I am making bawi. Sabi nga, better late than never, right? 'Yung goal ko noon is to show up as much as I can kahit sobrang sabog na sabog na insides ko. And of course, basta at least 1.75 grade ko dahil 2 is a mortal sin and ligwak ka na 'pag may dalawa kang 2 plus posted pa name mo sa bulletin board. Lekat.
Looking back, Plaridel blockmates were my lifelines even when I purposefully CTRL + ALT + DEL my feelings kuno. Whenever I see my grades, hindi grades nakikita ko. Vital signs ko na even when I'm messed up and super hindi ko talaga gusto ang mga naganap noon lalo the fuckkkkk na I got my grad school dream at the expense of losing mother dragon, sobrang life-changing niya for me. Ilang beses akong umiiyak with tiny tears sa Diliman sulok-sulok kasi gusto kong ipamukha sa mom ko IRL, in full color that I have finally arrived and I wanna make her proud pero all I get are white or yellow butterflies at certain times in the campus. 'Yung first one is in Via Mare outside the window, may pangasar na papansing yellow butterfly during my first gruesome commute to UPDi. I ate puto bumbong and bibingka kasi fave ng nanay ko 'yun. Also, yellow pala fave niya apart from red. I felt like it's mom who welcomed me to Diliman noon. LUH.
Fa and Ea are the top tier in all classes, kahit electives pa. HAHAHAHAHA. As a shy silent fan girl, iwas akong makipag-group sa kanila talaga. Hahahahaha. Pero, the past years lalo kahapon, I am finding them plus Ja in a different and glowing light. We shared about our current status, and syempre, NGO silang tunay kaya 'di ako magco-compare and no TMI because... 'wag na lang talaga. NGO is much like corp or at times, worse and better at the same time. Dati, ayokong mag-share ng work stuff kasi feeling ko, ambabaw ng marketing lalo ng digital marketing. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
Kahapon, iba. As in. Iba rin. Iba na siguro talaga takada ko. Syempre, utusan pa rin ako sa work and sila rin pala pero pay grade levels nila is HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA USD, baby, pero it never bothered me naman kasi gusto ko natuto kesa nauuto. LOL. Hahahahaha. Speaking of utusan, lumabasa lang ako to vape and pee, then sa CR may nanghingi ng tulong. Akala ko naman kung ano. Ninang pala nina ER na nasira gown. I don't know how to sulsi at all but, I tried my best to help. Nung 'di talaga kaya ng kapurit kong kaalaman, buti na lang, sabi sa parish office, lapit daw ako sa coord. Siguro, bias lang talaga ako sa South suppliers since galing akong wedding industry hahahaha. Super bait nung coord. As in. Namiss ko man kiss nina ER, at least, nakahabol 'yung ninang with dress SOS sa official photos and videos with the bride and groom sa altar. Hahahaha.
Really happy to see Fa in her new chapter as a single straight XY. Hahahaha. Sabi ko, since BGC lang naman pala siya naka-base for now, e alam na ang mga paganaps para maka-get back to the ballgame na siya. Hahahahaha. Syempre Ea and Ja naman , super lovely couple who are in a serious relationship involving mortgage and city versus isla life na. Hahahaha. Happy ako kasi they invested in the South, babyyyy. E mga legit Katips people 'tong mga 'to. Gulat nga din ako kasi parang out of character ang South move nila na 'di madaling itawid, tbh. Pero, happy daw sila sa South kasi chill and andaming puwedeng gawin. Hindi lang about mortgage ang usapan; but also, how we go there as in iyak, luha, uhog, ihi, tae and lahat na. I love how we don't compare to be inggit. Kasi ayoko talaga ng inggitero at inggitera. Core value ko 'yan: Be genuinely happy for the wins of your people. Live vicariously through them kasi naniniwala ako na dreams are made of people who come together and celebrate their wins and share lessons about their losses.
What's even better is that ang mga introverts noon, maka-share ng shit nila wagas na ngayon. 'Yung BTS kasi ng mga stories namin and I guess, the rest of the world
Eto 'yung kind of connection that I am looking for. Sedated pero makadaldal wagas. Hindi judging pero people watching level 100000 'pag walang maggawa or bored. May kagat, may angas pero grounded. Super unfiltered and safe space. Plus, siguro, ngayon ko lang 'to narealize from our 2012 era... 'yung hindi ako bibitawan kahit mahirapan sila, as a baliw persona non-grata vibe talaga ako ih.
Sabi nga nung priest na nag-officiate sa ER nuptial: "Ang mga bagay ng pinaghihirapan, hindi mo madaling mabibitawan."
Bisperas na ng 2023 Pasko. Pasiklaban na ba ng feelings ito? LUH. Ready na ba tayo for mature roles, for realzzz through it all? Abangan. LUHHHH. PS: Seeing Sen. Risa kahapon deserved a selfie. LOL. Gusto ko nga sabihin na: Puwede po sample nung mala-Broadway n'yong singing voice pero sa susunod na. It can wait. LOL. Hahahahaha. Ang graceful niya and super kita how her Leon Guinto training molded her. Sana all. Hahahahaha. ;)
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mtnkat3 · 1 year
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Um... my loves.....
Huh. Well. That's kinda close color. Caramel.. mocha.. Cherokee & Scottish & Irish. Add in some streaks of white, & loss of volume from stress & about there.
But I hate unproductive errands. I "just missed" my hairdresser. At 3.30pm. I thought they usually worked later. Sigh. Whatever.
But for an 80+yo lady to tell me I look like I'm in my 20's before I told her. And her say don't tell anybody! Lmao! That made my year! Cheeky grin. Blushing beet red.
I think it's just one of those familial things. People have been getting my age wrong since I was a teenager. I think happens to other family members too.
Evidently white streaks & no makeup don't matter. Even wearing my turquoise "T" hat! Lmao! Bewildered shrug. But I'll take it!
Anyways. Lunch. No go on hair trim. [I only trim as someone with health issues should only do. Trying to do anything else is a waste of money. I am not pouring money down the drain! Been there with a 2 day "perm" & not ever again!
Got prescription for my cats renal food. Elderly cat is having problems & "special food" now. Sigh. Go thru the trial & err$r of finding what she'll eat. Again. I'm tried of scrubbing up barf.
That's my day. Feeling like I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off.
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& yeah I am a carnivore.
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Cats, & all predators are. But. We need "stomach contents" too. There are "cat attraction " type of places that don't know that & the animals are severely malnourished. No matter human, or animal, we all need protein & grains.
Sorry but if I had tried to be a vegetarian because of my allergies like a lot of people assume.
I'd be dead.
Soy is bad for human consumption.
It causes males to deal with estrogen issues that they should never have.
And women, don't get me started.
G.M.O. 🚫⛔⚠️☣☢📛❌
Now that I'm about to get out ..
I will have to go thru a difficult detoxification process from "boxed foods," GMOs, factory food, etc.
That includes cows milk.
The only animal milk that's the closest to human & ok is goat. AND.
I saw on Homestead Rescue there's even a breed of goat that produces one gallon a day. More than a cow! I need to research this further.
Ok. Blushing beet red grin.
That's been my crazy day.
I miss you.....my loves.....
Chewing my lips bowing head.
I am always...
Even when confounded & cranky & confused...
Always Blessedly Yours.....
~Tijgeress kat Phoenix. 🌺✝️☸⚓⛓🔗🙏🤲👣🐾🐯🦉🐢🐛🐐🌱🌟🗝🔱⚜💝🐻🦌🐺🧩♠️♾🧭🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯
Th.4.6.2023 5.30pm.est.
Sorry. "Chicken" gifs was hilarious.
0 notes
starglow-xx · 2 years
— the ada boys when they find out their little sister is dating someone they know
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characters: dazai osamu, edogawa ranpo, kunikida doppo, nakajima atsushi
a/n: i found this buried in the depths of my drafts and it’s kinda like a part two to this !!
i originally had junichiro here too but i got stumped and gave up so maybe i’ll try again for him next time😅
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dazai osamu *ೃ༄
// nakajima atsushi (sorry for those who expected chuuya; i wanted to mix it up hehe)
im gonna call it now, if you’re 18 (and single ofc), he would try to set you up with atsushi
*you and atsushi having a friendly conversation bc yk you two are friends*
*dazai creeping up in the background and obnoxiously whispering* shala-la-la-la-la don't be scared! you got the mood prepared! go on and kiss the girl!
you and atsushi: “...”
i feel like it would start off as a joke to piss you off, annoy you, and embarrass the both you
but at some point he might be doing it fr and not as a joke
and if by any chance, you do get together with atsushi then yay!! his precious little sister and his subordinate are dating <33
but it’s different if you were actually secretly dating atsushi the entire time cause then he’ll go off on some tangent about “betrayal and heartbreak”
dazai’s words not mine
but nonetheless, is genuinely happy for the both of you <33
tho does not mean you escape the menace that is your big brother
“ne ne atsushi-kun have you and y/n-chan ever went all the waAWHACKS”
“d-dazai-san?! a-are you okay?!”
“let’s just leave him alone for right now atsushi-kun”
“but y/n-chan you threw a plant at him. a potted plant.”
“i know what i did atsushi”
besides bothering u, he constantly wants all the deets bc he’s nosy like that
“hey y/n-chan–”
“osamu go away”
“but i didn’t say anything yet!”
also blackmails both u and atsushi bc yeah he’s a little shit
you don’t even know how he knows the things he knows bc you’re 98% sure you haven’t told him or gave anything away
“so how was your date at the park? you know, the one you went on yesterday instead of doing those errands kunikida-kun wanted you two to do? i wonder how mad he’ll get~”
“…im calling chuuya-san”
“(y/n) you’re no fun!”
edogawa ranpo *ೃ༄
// edgar allen poe
he’d be such a fucking troll
“poe-kun can you run to the store and get this for me?”
“ah yes of course ranpo-kun!”
“what was that?”
“oh er, of course greatest detective in all of japan and the rest of world!”
anything for that big brother approval yk?
ranpo just wants to mess with him bc he’s bored (and bc he’s a little bitter his younger sister is dating)
poe would come back from the store and ranpo will send him back like 7 times claiming that he didn’t get the right thing or that he forgot to tell him to buy something else
“ah i hope this is the right one this time! i wonder what ranpo-kun needs motor oil and tupperware for anyways...”
ranpo, if he’s not sending poe out for sweets, he always sends him to get stuff he doesn’t need nor want if he’s feeling particularly bored that day and if he’s feeling generous, he’d send poe to run the errands everyone else is supposed to be doing
for example, making him buy the things on yosano’s supply list or going to the grocery store to use the coupons kunikida had been saving
and poe being poe and being in the position he’s in won’t question why he needs it find some more tweezers, sharp knives, alcohol, scalpels or buy 3 dozen eggs and dish washing soap
finding out, you weren’t exactly pleased
you: im speechless!
ranpo: *looks stright into the camera like he’s in the office*
ranpo: despite being “speechless”, (y/n) continued to yell at me for another hour
kunikida doppo *ೃ༄
// dazai osamu
i don’t know how to start this besides holy shit he will flip the fuck out
it’s dazai what else were you expecting?
but jeez lighten up nii-san would you? smh
eventually, he’ll suck it up
it’ll take...quite a while but yes
he’ll suck it up just for you and only you
somewhere deep down inside he’s happy tho bc, he along with everyone else in the agency knows that he secretly cares for dazai
but he has night terrors realizing that if/when you guys get married, they’ll be brothers (in laws, but whatever)
if you accidentally show up with a hickey to work, even if it’s just barely visible, he’s throwing dazai out the window
and then locking him in a closet
dazai also likes to take all your paperwork along with his and hide them in random folders of kunikida’s work so he’ll accidentally do them
istg he’s literally like 5 pieces of paper away from being finished before he realizes he’s in the middle of doing dazai’s 2 week missing report and that he’s done all of your paperwork for today
he starts screaming and you nervously sweat drop from like halfway across the city bc oh boy you can already tell that this isn’t going to go down well
nakajima atsushi *ೃ༄
// akutagawa ryuunosuke
for the sake of keeping you of age, let’s say you’re twins
he cannot for the life of him comprehend how you fell for that...thing
at first you think he’s mad at you which makes you sad, but he’s not; he’s just really really surprised
he never thought that akutagawa would’ve gotten a girlfriend with his “attack and or kill first don’t ask questions ever” kind of thing he’s got going on
ok, sure, akutagawa getting a girlfriend? he’ll get over that shock soon, it’s not rlly his business yk?
but the fact that his girlfriend iS HIS SISTER??
yeah no never in a million years
sometimes he wakes up in the morning thinking that it was a just a nightmare dream till his overhears you on the phone with ryuu and he’s like
“...so that wasn’t a nightmare after all”
it’s like a complete switch of their relationship
atsushi is more than willing to fight ryuu and on the other hand ryuu is somewhat in control
and just to clarify it’s not bc he doesn’t want to fight atsushi, no he’s always willing to do that bc how dare that jinko look down on me but it’s more like if does it you’ll get upset with him
he doesn’t want to do that
so he fights with every single fiber of his being to resist the urge of smacking atsushi into wall bc no if i do that y/n gets mad and that’s not good
and boy were there close calls
they’re literally 2 seconds from attacking each other but then suddenly they’ll feel a chill in the room from your direction and stop then refuse to make eye contact with anyone
you included (ㆁᴗㆁ✿)
you don’t think that they’ll ever get along, but at least for your sake, you’re sure that they’ll at least try to tolerate each other
for now anyways (*°▽°*)
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as always, reblogs and shares are appreciated! i hope you all stay safe! and just in case nobody told you they loved you today, i love you! you are enough! <3
writing belongs to me! please do not plagiarize, repost, or translate on here or any other sites!
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mrs-hollandstan · 3 years
Reader beings best frnds with Z and dating timmy secretly. Going to dune premier as Z's guest bt later paprazzi catching r and timmy kissing...
If u dont feel like doing it just ans it lemme know maybe :)
Posting this right after I finish it because I'm in a Timmy hole right now and I love this concept and I want more.
It really sucked not being Tim's plus one. Zendaya knew about the two of you, and of course, she understood the two of you wanting to keep it on the DL. Paparazzi sucked. And she was sympathetic when you explained that you just wanted to hold him in public without the repercussions. So she did the next best thing. She invited you to the Dune premiere and she planned this whole thing of the three of you sitting together, you between the two actors so you could hold Tim's hand in the dark. She'd watched youlen in and kiss Tim's cheek, as is polite, but she watched his eyes sparkle, 
"You guys are actually really adorable. I love you both and I wish we had more content from the two of you on Instagram." She'd remarked cheesily. You giggled, before you were looping your arm through hers and he was following the both of you to your front row seats. 
The red carpet walk had been agonizing and you thought for sure that you couldn't have been any more inconspicuous as when you always watched for Tim in his all black. And now here he was, sat next to you, his hand draped over the armrest, fingers laced in yours, cologne intoxicating. He squeezed your hand whenever he remembered your presence, smiling at you if he caught your eye in the dark. 
Halfway through the film, you'd had to pee, so you excused yourself, ducking where you weren't noticed under the projection. Tim watched you exit, checking every few minutes when you hadn't returned. The urge had been too strong as it was, and with everyone in the theater, he figured he could sneak away, follow you and just hold your body close, kiss your soft lips, nuzzle your sweet-smelling neck for just a fleeting moment. So he stood, and excused himself as well, following the halls to the bathroom. He rapped at the door, peeking his head in after a moment. When he caught your eye in the mirror, your own eyes widened and you turned to him, 
"Timmy!" He chuckled as you spun, brushing him out into the hallway again, "What are you doing? You can't just follow me. People will know." 
"Everyone is watching Zendaya in that film, half of them probably don't even realize I'm in it. Besides… it's gonna be like… another two or three hours until I get to hold you and I can't wait that long for at least a kiss." He murmurs. His hips press into yours as his palms slide up to your cheeks, cradling your face as he leans in and his lips cover yours. He's gentle and he tastes amazing. His lips are soft and plush and you could melt right here. 
But then you hear it… and behind your closed eyes, you can still see bright flashes. Tim quickly pulls away, cursing under his breath as his eyes find the paparazzi at the end of the hall, just outside an exit door, snapping photo after photo of the two of you. Your heart plummets. He brushes you back inside the bathroom, thunking his head back against the door, 
"Shit… darling… I'm so sorry." He tells you, eyes locked in yours. The way he looks at you breaks your heart. If he could have his way, you'd be flaunted at every premiere, party, gathering, set, outing, errand run, he didn't care. He wanted the world to know you were his, the beautiful specimen you are. He'd dreamed of showing you off. But he'd also respected your wishes. He'd always been respectful to you. He sighs, dropping his head forward. Before you can even think about it, you move forward and collect him in your arms, holding his face in your shoulder, 
"Its okay. It's not your fault." You tell him. He stares down at you, sighing softly again, 
"You're just so passionate about your privacy and now, once they find out who you are and all that, I'm scared they won't leave you alone or they'll say mean shit."
"I can handle it." You reassure. He stares down at you, 
"Are you sure?' You nod, 
"Yeah. It's… less than ideal, but you know what, for you, I'll do it." You tell him. He smiles slightly, 
"Yeah?" You nod,
"Yeah. As long as you'll hold my hand." You tell him. His smile widens and he nods,
"Absolutely. I can do it in public now too? You're in trouble. You're gonna see so much PDA." He jokes, wrapping his arms around your body, kissing your cheek. You giggle, pressing your forehead to his shoulder, 
"I love you." He kisses your temple, 
"I love you too baby. Always. And I'll do my best to protect you." He tells you. You nod, staring up at him when he draws back, 
"Thanks." He nods,smiling down at you, cradling your face again. He kisses you softly before he's taking your hand,
"Shall we give them more?" Taking a deep breath, you nod, squeezing his hand, 
"Yeah." He gives one last sympathetic smile before he's dragging you after him, squeezing your hand when you take a deep breath again. The click and flash of cameras again goes off behind you, but once Tim drags your hand into the crook of his elbow, kissing your knuckles, your heart melts and you know that there is no better situation you could be in, with any better person. And you're infinitely more happy having him by your side always.
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rommahh · 3 years
Love On Tour…Actually
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{Im sorry for how late this was. I went to the show Friday and honestly, it was the best day of my life. I had a little PCD which made me super unmotivated but I’m back. I love you all, R}
You woke up a little grumpy, you won’t lie. You didn’t like waking up alone especially on a show day. It made you uncomfortable to be left to your own devices without any structure or schedule. You understood that Harry was a busy man but it would’ve been nice to receive some text so you could plan your day accordingly.
Sitting on the couch in the lounge of your hotel room, you chowed down on leftover pasta while watching Netflix on your iPad. You had yet to receive a text from Harry even though you had texted him hours ago when you woke up. It was hard to tell if he was ignoring you out of anger or if he was simply just lost in track. Either way you felt dejected.
On the other hand, Harry hadn’t even noticed that he iced you. He was busy running around Nashville trying to get things ready for tonight’s show. He bought you a new dress and shoes, and got the ring fitted. It was hard to figure out your ring size but he end up measuring your finger when you were passed out asleep in bed last night. When you slept, you slept and he knew that would be the perfect time to measure your finger.
Harry was so busy that morning, that by the end of his errands he realized he didn’t even have time to go back to the hotel before rehearsals. He was sporting a small cough and his vocal chords felt overworked but that’s all apart of tour.
Pulling his phone out of his back pocket as he walked into the arena, he dialed your number quickly. He had people trying to talk to him but he paid them no mind.
“Oh? Would you look who’s here?” Harry’s head shot up to the sound of your voice. There you sat on his dressing room couch, arms crossed over one another as you glared at him. Your gaze burned through him and he could just tell he was in trouble.
“Hello lovie.” Harry rasped.
“Harry you sound like shit but here you are up and about running around. You should’ve slept in this morning.” Scolding as you stand up to walk in front of him. Harry could feel the anger radiate off of you but you hid it well. He melted into your hands that cupped his warm cheeks.
“I had a lot of errands to run and I didn’t want to wake you. Also it’s just a sore throat from singing and traveling- comes with being on tour.” He mumbles dropping his head into your neck. You caress the hairs on the back on his neck and massage the tense muscles.
“You’ve got to think about yourself more, Harry. You have a show to put on but you can’t put on your best show if you’re not at your best. I am not happy with you at all.” Even though your words were scolding him, you held him your arms in the most soothing way. That’s what Harry loved about you, you cared for him like no one else could (aside from his mom). You could tell him off with your harshest words but he’d always feel your love from miles away.
“You’re right love, sorry for not keeping in touch today.” You hum in acknowledgement. You both pulled away from each other when his driver walked in with Harry’s abundance of bags. “Thank you, sir.”
“What all did you buy?” You ask walking towards the bags. Harry’s arm shot out in front of you making you stop. You looked up at him in shock. “Fine be secretive.”
You huffed before making your way back to the couch. Harry rolled his eyes at you, making way to his shopping bags. Plucking the bag from Nordstrom he plopped it down on the table in front of you.
“I just didn’t want you snooping at some other stuff. I bought you this, for tonight.” He sat down beside you, thighs touching leaving no room between you two.
“Im not trying to be mean. Just a little peeved that you left this morning without telling me. You also have a cold and I wanna take care of you since you won’t do it.” A hand rubs his forehead luring his eyes shut.
“Sorry baby, I thank you for caring so much.” He whispers sleepily.
“Im always gonna care for my bubs.” Kissing him on the lips, your turn your attention to the bag. The small grey bag had light tissue paper covering the product within the bag. The tissue falls to the floor as you dig into the bag. A silky champagne dress, folded neatly to decrease wrinkles, sits in the bag. The dress was soft and you knew it was loose enough to give you the room to dance. Soft snores escaped the boy beside you- the exhaustion evident on his face.
You pull the dress out of the bag and walk over to where his outfit of the night hung. The dress was hung beside his to be steamed for later. Turning around, you smile at the sight of your curled up boyfriend. Your heart hurt knowing that in a few minutes he would have to go rehearse.
Harry sleepily went through rehearsals sitting in a chair the whole time. He knew his stage cues and performance, he only had one more thing to rehearse but it required for you to not be in the room. He gave one look to Jeff to signal him to get you out. Jeff made up some excuse saying that he needed help with some social media post for the show.
Before the show, there was a catered dinner from some local restaurant. Harry ate a light meal of fresh vegetables and a sweet iced tea which has grown on him having lived in the states for some years. You ate grilled chicken and fries enjoying the free food. The two of you ate alone in his dressing room- wanting a moment of piece before the crazy.
“How are you feeling?” You ask Harry. He shrugs, he was more nervous than anything but you wouldn’t understand why if he had told that to you. He felt floaty. Tonight would be a game changer, a step in a whole new direction. This is something he’s wanted to do for years now but it’s finally happening, and he’s scared.
"Im ok, a little tired but what else is new. I can't wait to sleep all night and cuddle with you." He grabs your hand from across the table. you squeeze it, frowning at his revelation.
"I don't like that you're so tired." You worry, his hand squeezes yours in reassurance.
“Im ok, it’s all apart if the job.” He looks down to your bare ring finger, thumb brushing over the empty spot. Your nails were done in your favorite way, some funky pattern you found from Pinterest all painted on short coffin nails.
“I love you Harry and I’m so proud of you. I know that these years put us both in a bad place mentally but I’m happy of where we are now.” Harry could almost tear up to your words. They settled into his mind, resonating. He was making the perfect decision and you solidified that ideal.
Harry didn’t know how they did it. A show every night, a new state everyday, a new country every few months- he was burnt out. He was tired of shared tour buses and the lack of autonomy. Last nights LA show was amazing, the crowd was amazing, the energy was amazing- so why did he feel so horrid?
He walked around in The Grove, security guards walking in front and behind him. He wanted a peaceful day alone but here they were. Fans watched suspiciously trying to decipher if it was Harry or not. His hat and sunglasses were obviously not the disguise he thought they would be.
As the whispers got louder, his heart started to flurry more. Panic seeped into his veins as he looked for an escape. Bolting in the Barnes and Nobles- security guards close behind- Harry asked for the employees to close shop just for a moment. Harry only needed a moment to get a car near by to escape to. Feeling overwhelmed, Harry hid.
In between the historical fiction and romance aisle is where he sat. Head between his knees, trying to catch his breathe.
“Are you ok?” A voice asked from above him. His head whipped up in shock. Standing there was you, three books clutched between your arms. Adjusting your dress you dropped down to the floor in front of him.
“I-im fine, tired but fine.” He replied. He looked different than he did the night before, you thought. Last night, he was energetic and full of life and now, now you saw a boy whose exhaustion overpowered him.
“You here for any books?” You were just trying to change the subject, something you did with yourself when you had panic attacks.
“Oh no, I don’t-“ he stuttered shaking his head. You smiled at him before pulling a book from your stack. The fault In Our Stars, your new favorite.
“I love this book, one of my favorites. Heard a movie is coming out too so that’s fun.” You joke. Harry’s relaxed slightly, you nestled closer to him. Opening the book, you began reading, your gentle voice calming Harry.
At the start of chapter four, an interruption pulled you both away. Harry’s security guard told Harry that a car was waiting and the perimeter of the store was clear. Harry nodded telling the guard to give him five more minutes.
“I guess this is it.” You mumble closing your book. Harry nods but makes no move to leave. Something clicks in him as he looks at your face again.
“You were at the concert last night, meet and greet?” He muses.
“Yeah, One Direction is my favorite band. My friend bought our vip tickets for my birthday. Best night ever.” You say quietly, scared that he might think that you’re some obsessed fan.
“Oh, well I’m glad you enjoyed the show….so why didn’t you freak out today or- or expose where I was?”
“You’re a human being, just like me. You get nervous, frustrated, and sad just like me. You get panic attacks just like. Who am I to treat you differently?” Your words did so much for Harry. “Now don’t get me wrong, you’re my favorite in the band, but I don’t idolize you nor do I wish to be in your position cause I know it must be hard.”
“It is. Hard, I mean, really really hard. I love my job but I’m tired.” The silence you two shared burned a connection between you two. “This may be weird but could I have your number? I like talking to you and I wanna hear more of this book.”
Placing your hand made bookmark in the book, you closed in and gently placed it on Harry’s lap. “Have it. I have one at home and if you still want to talk about it- I’ll give you my number.”
Harry stills as the book sits in his lap. “I want to talk to you about the book.”
After exchanging numbers, Harry was urged by you to go. Walking side by side to the door, you were separated by his security.
“Harry, don’t let this keep hurting you. Find the joy and grasp on to it.”
You turned out to be his joy. Calls every night after shows and different books being read together, you both gravitated towards each other. Everyday was a new day to grow closer together. He invited you to more concerts, paying for every ticket because he just needed to be with you.
The show was going beautifully. Harry looked amazing in stage in all white and most fans were captivated by your outfit too. It worried you to see Harry so exhausted on stage but you knew he would stick it through like he always does. Proud was an understatement in your eyes. Harry made you more than proud.
You stood in the back of the watermelon pit at the end of the aisle where his stage stopped a few feet away. Jeff stood beside you like he normally did but he was acting suspicious. You two never stood on the side of Harry’s exit but this is where Jeff said you’d get the best view tonight.
Harry sang his final ‘we’ll be alright’ before doing his stage stroll and bows, but instead of finishing in the middle of the stage- he went down stage to the place he normally exits to at the end of the night. You watched in confusion, along with the crowd, as he walked down the steps to you. The crowd erupted in screams as the lights focused on where you were standing.
“What are you doing?” You asked with large eyes of shock. You felt your heart stop in your chest. The crowd getting louder by the moment. Harry walked closer to you, one hand digging into his pocket while his eyes focused on your face. You couldn’t place what was happening but you’re eyes welled with even more tears nonetheless. Jeff was to the side with a huge smile and his phone out to capture the moment.
“Y/N, my love, my light, the best thing that has happened to me,” he didn’t have his mic on so the crowd couldn’t hear him but you could hear him perfectly. As if you two were the only ones in the large arena, you could only see Harry. “From the moment I met you in the bookstore, I knew you were meant to be in my life. Somehow you took me from my darkest place and guided me to my lightest.
I know our lives have been hard but we’ve always found a way to be alright. I want that for the rest of my life. I want you to be by my side for the rest of my life, so will you please, my love, marry me?”
You gave him no time to answer as you yanked him up by his arm. You wept as you exclaimed loud yeses, yeses that could be heard by a few fans who screamed in excitement igniting the rest of the crowd to scream. Harry picked you up in his arms, throwing one arm out to wave at the crowd before bounding backstage.
“Oh my god Harry!” You exclaimed as he set you down. He only had a few minutes to talk so you kept it quick. You pulled his face down to your kissing his lips. This kiss pulled you both deeper into each other.
He pulled away making you whine. “I gotta go back but I promise you’ll get it all tonight. I can’t believe you said yes. I love you so much.”
Harry’s energy multiplied by 100 going back on stage. He even went as far as to explain what watermelon sugar was about. Remembering when the song was made, it made your legs clench together- a pulse overwhelming your lower regions.
Looking down at your hand, you could feel yourself tear up again at the ring he bought you. It fit perfectly in your hand, you remember him measuring your hand that night even though he thought you were asleep. The thought of your future made your heart swell. A future with new music, a wedding, a nice house, and babies made your heart swell. This was something you couldn’t wait for.
Harry found his joy in you but he never knew about the joy he was to your dark life.
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kagejima · 2 years
i heard punk sukuna and came running 😭 what r his hobbies? what does he like to wear when running errands? what's his current favorite song?
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When I tell you that I love Punk!Sukuna more than ushijima, i am not even kidding fhasdjfaklds. If somebody made me pick between Punk!Sukuna and Ushijima, I would choose Punk!Sukuna in a heartbeat. sorry ushi
Anyways hmmmmMMMM i don't think i've ever really thought about his hobbies before. I bet he likes to do something like building Gundam model kits. I think he does it as a de-stresser and as a nostalgic thing too because he watched the anime as a kid and really really loved it and he still loves it.
this got long so i put it under a read more bc ill talk about punk!sukuna all day fjsnfjejdnsm
Since he's an artist, his favorite part is painting them a completely different way than the colors that the runners are. He also adds a lot of fun details to them. He posts them on the internet under a pseudonym when he's done with them and he's built quite a reputation for himself and everybody is DYING to know who he is because his custom Gundams are fucking GOOD but he gets very shy about his art (because his parents were dicks about it and didn't really encourage art as a Respectable Path) so he's still dealing with the trauma of that. I think that's why he encourages his tattoo artist friends and the kids that come into the skate shop to give him their artwork - because he knows what it feels like for somebody to not encourage you even though you're talented and he doesn't want them to feel that way.
Usually he's pretty busy working full-time at the skate shop and basically managing it, so his errands have to be squeezed in before or after he goes to the gym. It's usually some sort of shirt with the sleeves cut off and that's cut super deep on the sides and his work-out shorts. He tries to squeeze the errands in BEFORE he goes to the gym though because he doesn't like to be gross and sweaty and have people deal with the stinkiness if he's walking around grocery shopping or something.
One time MC ran into him while out grocery shopping when they were still acquaintances and not friends yet and that was one of the first times she saw him semi shirtless because all she had ever seen him in was band tees and plaid and she had to make a very conscious effort to not ogle at his body hehehehehheheh
And his favorite song at this current moment in time!!! Is THIS ONE!!!!
the original has been in regular rotation ever since he heard it when he was still in school way back when, but this acoustic version has been on his mind ever since he had a romantic dream about MC and now he can't stop listening to it, if his Spotify Wrapped came out at this very moment, this acoustic version would be at the top of the list :((( they'd be like "BRO, YOU'VE LISTENED TO THIS 800 TIMES, ARE YOU GOOD?" lmaooooo
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captainaikus · 3 years
♱ 𝔅𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔡𝔦𝔞𝔪𝔬𝔫𝔡
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♱ Pairings : Sanzu Haruchiyo x fem! reader (Haru are reader are 16 to 17 at the start of the fic, idway they’re 19, timeskip! Bonten! Haru x reader they are 27)
♱ Warnings : Violence, crude language and graphic depiction of blood (duh it's Sanzu), Sanzu being a sadistic shit in a way?, mentions of sexual abuse (but not quite elaborated just the threats of it), mentions of blood, mentions of suicide (on reader's end), mentions of killing people and drug abuse (cause duh it's Sanzu)
♱ Tags : SFW
If you don't like it, then don't read it.
Tone : Angst to fluff
Synopsis : After saving an unconscious boy from a gang scuffle, you learned his name was Akashi Haruchiyo. With your friendship coming to a turn and you leaving for the states, you made a final promise to him that you would always be by his side. Unanswered phone calls along with his disappearance for 3 years, yet you still continued to look for him. On a fateful day, you did run into him but not a way of what you had in mind. As you learnt more about Haru, you look back on your conversations and time with him. Was the really the Akashi Haruchiyo you knew or would you face the wrath of Sanzu that was secretly hidden?
♱ note : So I deleted the first part and had some time to kill... and I made it into a oneshot! And I do plan on working for a series, but that would probably be uploaded on ao3 or here, can't say... But anyway... Surprise cherubs! The parts came in early... I was gonna write some smut, but I just wanted to keep it wholesome. I hope you enjoy reading the new version of blood diamond! I will also be taking a break for a couple of days, but my next oneshot would probably be an idea I have for Fushiguro Megumi... maybe ଘ(˵╹-╹)
I know I will be back to edit this later.
Amount written : 6.9k words
Do not copy, repost or edit my works. That includes the idea of it too.
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“Ne ne Kita? One of the students in our year was beaten up yesterday. And guess what” one of the students quipped.
“What what?” came eager voices
“It was by a gang” he excitedly replied.
“Ehhh maji?” The girl questioned in a non believing tone.
“I heard he was a second year which means he’s one of us. Goes by the name ‘Sanzu’. Even though he does go to our school, highly likely if we know him. He doesn’t come for class neither does he make an appearance for exams. Sounds more like a deadbeat gang member unlike the other loud pricks that roam around the hallways of our school” one of the boys in the group said.
“Looks like along with him the reputation of our school would also go down. Looks like I’d have to tell okaasan to pull me out early” one of the girls responded.
Hearing them, you remembered the discussion teachers were having in the staff room when you went to keep assignments on their desk. The number of delinquents had been growing slowly, eating away at the school’s reputation. The most notorious cases had been in and around parks and empty grounds at night. Thinking back to the teacher’s comment, you wondered why they wouldn’t be involved in the life of a delinquent. Sure, it was tempting to not live by the rules… but wouldn’t it better to have something consistent that’s worth depending on like an actual job rather than running circles, breaking the law and eventually running away from it?
“Oi errand girl” one of the boys called out.
Those three words were enough to break you out of your daze and brought you back to harsh reality.
“Go get me some juice” Kawasaki said. “Oh… and you’ll be paying for it” he added with a sinister smile.
Getting up from your desk, you made your way to the konbini which was the closest to school. Buying 8 drinks, you made your way through the lonely street. Turning around the corner, you could hear sounds of people fighting. Peeking from a wall, you saw a young boy with rose pink hair being beaten into the ground.
“Think ya could take us in one go ha?” the man straddling him said as he held the boy by his collar.
“Don’t fucking forget. You’re a Toman reject” he said as he carved into the boy’s with his knife while his other two henchmen laughed.
“Yametekudasai” you screamed as you ran towards the unconscious boy and the trio who pinned him down to the dusty floor of the street.
“Ha? Do you want to get beat up too lil girl?” He said with a sneer as he got up from the unconscious boy and walked over to you. Thinking fast you looked at the boy. What possible excuse could you come with in order to get him and you out of the terrible situation.
“Our sensei sent me to go search for him. He said he had detention after school and sent me to go fetch him. I promise you we won’t trouble you any further. Just give me the boy and I’ll be on my way” you said in a hurry, wiping the sweat away from your face.
“Hm… you think that is a good enough excuse for me to let you go?” He said before looking down at the bag.
“You’ll probably have to give me something else in return” he added with a smirk.
“You can have my money and the juice I bought. Just please give him to me. And we’ll be on our way to school” you replied quickly, opening the bag in front of him to prove your point.
You felt your skin break into a cold sweat. It was no rumor what these gangs were capable of and what they would do to an unarmed woman. You felt your hands shake as you held the bag out to the leader of the trio. The leader stared into your eyes and smiled widely as he breathed in the scene of your fear.
“Ayyyy not bad huh. I was gettin thirsty and I could do with some money too” one of his henchmen said throwing his arm around your shoulder.
“You take those. I wanna have some fun with this one right here” the perpetrator said as he snatched the bag from your hand and threw it to one of his henchmen. Grabbing your hand, he pulled you towards him “I’ll have fun breaking you”
The unconscious boy stood up, kicking the perpetrator at the back of his knees. Letting go of your hand, you grabbed a piece of wood that laid against the wall of if the alleyway and hit it on the face of one of his henchmen while the boy punched the other in his face.
Thanking your stars and relieved by your luck, you dragged the limping boy into the nearest store and hid behind an array of shelves.
“Did you see them?” The leader asked.
“I think they ran ahead” his henchmen said as the ran across the store.
After waiting for twenty minutes and feeling confident they were gone, you threw his arm around your shoulder and dragged him to the Nurse’s office at school. Luckily, there was no one there to answer as you called out for the nurse which made it clear that the room was empty.
Grabbing the first aid kit from the cupboard, you dipped the cotton in antiseptic and dabbed them around the corners of his mouth where there had been a lot of blood. Fucking psychopaths. Even though it was shallow and not in need of stitches, the wound would definitely lead to a scar How could anyone even think of hurting another person this?
Feeling tears come to the corner of your eyes, you put the cotton down and looked at his breathing chest. At least he’s alive. It could’ve been worse had you not made in time… but you’d till couldn’t help the feeling of sadness and what if’s that played in your mind. Staring at his uniform, you could tell he was from a gang. ‘Toman’ huh… you tore your gaze away from the golden ,enters on his uniform to his face, only to find yourself staring into his blue orbs. You gasped while taking a step back. Using his elbows, he grunted in pain.
“Don’t get up. And don’t try to talk either. I’ll be right back” you said as you ran out of the nurse’s office and made your way to the classroom to grab your backpack.
“Oi errand girl. Where the fuck have you been”
Maybe you could pay them back some other day. Pushing Kawasaki aside, you ran back to the nurse’s office to see the said boy sitting against the wall.
Taking the strawberry milkbox, you handed it to him.
“Drink this. I would’ve offered you my bento, but you can’t move the corners of your mouth. Liquid foods till your wound heals up. Meet me here during recess so that I can see the progress of it. And before you ask, you can’t come to the nurse cause if she finds out, you might be taken to the higher authorities and possibly expelled when they find out you’re in a gang unless you have money who are rich bastards at school like Kawasaki. Taking care of your wounds at home is something I don’t trust you with, cause you seem reckless and a person with rough hands. Besides, my okasaan is experienced in this. I’ve seen her do it multiple times with me as a child. Sl don’t worry…” you said with a smile.
“You’re in good hands. I didn’t get your name though… would you write it down here?” You said as you handed him your notebook and pen
With slow and steady movements, he wrote in messy Kanji
“Akashi Haruchiyo”
“Oi errand girl. Watch where you’re fucking going. My uniform costs more than your fucking rent” one of the schoolboys said as you were pushed into the shoe locker after school.
“I’m sorry. I won’t do it again” you said as you bowed your head down, eager to leave the place, not wanting to go attract attention towards the scene.
“Fucking pathetic” he said as he turned his back towards back towards you and continued to make his way to the hall.
Getting your teeth and clenching your fists by your side, you raised your head up. Taking a deep breath you opened your locker, taking out your outdoor shoes, ready to meet Haruchiyo at your usual place.
Stopping by the konbini, you picked up some soda and popsicles before meeting him at the dock.
“Why did you let him go?” You heard a voice near you as you were paying for the bill ont he counter before taking your bought goods.
“Haru! Bikirishita!” You said aloud.
Sitting on the dock, you took a sip of your soda before turning to face him.
“I see your scars have healed well… seems like my assistance isn’t needed any longer huh” you said with a sad smile as you gently moved back and forth to see the pale patches of skin that adorned the corners of his mouth. Your remark and gaze caused his line of sight to fall from your’s to the soda can that was unopened in his hands.
“What’s so good about them anyway? I could argue and say that it’s just skin… but I don’t like seeing a permanent reminder of how it is. Neither do I like it when other members of Toman stare at me for it” he said.
“I think they look like diamonds” you said as your eyes traced the shape of the scar.
“Diamonds?” He asked with his blue eyes widening.
“Yeah… like the ones you see on playing cards?” You said as you looked at him. Hearing a small chuckle, you nearly spat out your drink.
“Did you just laugh?” You said with a surprised expression. Your words silenced him and the silence was broken with the sound of the opening of a can. Feeling the breeze in your face and watching the sun set, you threw your head back and groaned.
“Nanda?” You heard Haru say.
“Ever wondered about what you’d want to do in the future?” You asked as you stared at the dark sky above you. Glancing at Haru, you saw him shrug with a casual “Betsuni”
“Hmm…” you replied back as you saw dark clouds pass through the night sky.
“Why do the kids call ‘errand girl’?” He asked suddenly. Taking a sigh you replied
“Okaasan works as a house keeper in Kawasaki’s house. Under contract, I was allowed to go to school with him. But apparently, my identity as someone’s daughter speaks instead of my grades and hard work”.
“Then why don’t you fight back?” Haru asked.
“Okaasan goes through a lot of hardships to earn our keep. I’m not about to let some stupid 18 year old with a silver spoon stuck in his mouth tell me how I should be when all he knows is money and being spoiled by his elders. Besides, it’s only of a matter of a year anyway before we go to university. Time flies by really quickly and I plan on becoming a doctor… maybe get out of the country? I want to be able to live a life of luxury… ever wonder what that’s like?” You said in return as you raised your hand to the sky.
“Must be nice to want something” Haru said as he gave a subtle smile towards you.
“The number of days you have is the same as stars in the sky Haru. Maybe once in a while, your chance would come riding on a shooting star, where you would know what you want. Until then, there is plenty of time. I’m curious to see what future Haru looks like though… would you continue to be ‘Sanzu’ or would you actually be ‘Akashi Haruchiyo’?” You said as you looked at him.
“Hard to say… you might end up getting what you wished for. Knowing you, you would tell me to have my identity, but knowing me for the past 18 years… I would follow Mikey wherever he goes” he said as he threw the can into the ocean.
“Haru don’t litter!” You scolded him. Chuckling, he stuck out his tongue while getting up and broke into a light run before turning back and smiling, indicating for you to chase him.
“Bakachiyo. Get back here!” You shouted as you got up to run after him.
“Who did this?” Haru asked as he grabbed your bruised hand.
“It’s nothing Haru. I just bumped on the kitchen counter on the way to school” you said as you tried to cover your forearm with your school uniform.
“For fucks sake (Y/N) I work in a gang. You think I’m stupid that I can’t tell between a bruise from an object and from a person?!” He yelled. Even though his expression was hidden by his long locks and a mask, this was the most angry you had seen Haru. He was usually calm with his composure and it was surprising to see him this furious.
“I’ll find the bastard. And I’ll make sure he pays the price for it” he said as he turned to the school exit. Grabbing his arm, you held him back.
“We’re only four days away from graduation Haru. Please don’t be reckless. I won’t let people remember you as a person out for blood. Please let them see Akashi Haruchiyo and not a member of an infamous gang. I know you have a change of heart when it comes to Toman… but can we keep Toman you aside from the other you?” You asked him in a small voice as you let your tears fall onto the marble floor.
“Fine. Until graduation. Till then, I’ll behave” he said as he clasped his hand with your’s.
“I have a place where we should go” you said as you pulled his hand, telling him to follow you. Reaching in front of the large building, you said with a laugh
“The mall?” He asked with a bored expression.
“Well… there was something I wanted to buy you. Think of it as a graduation present… but I needed to see if you would like it or not” you said as you stared at your shoes embarrassed.
“Surprise me” he said.
“What?” You asked while blinking at him.
“Surprise me”
“Open it” you said as you shoved the gift into Haru’s waiting hands. Opening the box and moving the butter paper, Haru eyes widened as he stared at the content of the box. Unfolding the cloth, he realized it was a scarf. It had the portrait of the king of hearts on it. The cloth was smooth and it had bright but subtle colors. Haru ran his hand through the scarf in admiration.
“Ahh… I hope you like it… it did cost me a fortune… but I managed it with saving my money and getting part time jobs. I’m sorry for missing out on the times we had Haru… I-”
“Kirei. Omae onaji da” he said as he chuckled. You shuffled bashfully at the compliment and felt heat pour out of your ears.
“I got you something too” he said as he held out a box in front of you.
Opening it, your eyes widened and your mouth left a gasp, surprised at the object inside the box. Pressing the back of your hand into you rough to muffle a choked sob, you picked up the stethoscope from the box.
“Why are you crying? Did you not like-” Haru asked as his blue eyes widened at your expression.
“No! I love it! This means so much to me Haru… apart from you and okaasan, no one really believes that I can actually have my dream. This means so much to me. I told you my dream just once and you actually believe that I can do it. I can actually do it. Do you know how much it means in the world to someone when they’re told they can achieve anything by someone else? I now have a permanent reminder of it. Thank you so much Haru. Every time I lose hope, I’ll remember to look at this on my desk. And if you ever need to be treated, then you know where to stop by” you said with a laugh as you wiped away the tears streaming down your face.
Pulling you in for a hug, Haru breathed in your scent, pressing your head into his shoulder.
“H-Haru?” You asked as you clung to his uniform.
“Will you leave me?” He asked in a broken voice, realizing that these were your last moments together before you left for the states to study.
“Never. I’ll always be beside you. Even though I am far away, I’ll be always be there when you need me the most” you said as you rubbed his back. He gently titled your face by placing his hand under your chin. Before you could question him, you felt your voice silenced by his lips pressing against your’s. Feeling his tongue danced with your’s you pulled his head back to stare at his beautiful blue orbs.
“Call me when you reach”
“The number you have called is currently unavailable. You will be directed to voicemail *beep*”
Sighing deeply, you’d eat your phone on your desk as you stared out into the night.
“Where are you Haru?” You said to no one. Haru had not picked up his phone in last 8 years. Yet everyday, you tried to call him. Making trips to Japan, you wandered streets in search of him, only to be yelled at the turned away by people. No one knew who was Akashi Haruchiyo. At the start of your shift to the states, calling Haru was easy. But soon, days turned into weeks, which turned into months and then a year. The boy you once knew was erased and no where to be found. You were broken from your train of thoughts but the sound of your phone ringing.
“Doctor. You have get here fast. It’s an emergency and we’re losing out on blood” Making a dash for your coat, you slammed the door on your way out of the house and revved up the engine of your car.
Reaching the hospital, you were shocked to find the door of the room the receptionist directed you towards to be torn off it’s hinges. Your assistant and a nurse were found dead on the floor and a hulking figure hovered over the unconscious man on the bed.
“I told you I wouldn’t let you get away. Bastard” he laughed sadistically. Squinting your eyes, you saw long locks of familiar pink hair.
“Ha-Haru?” You said in a shaky voice while grabbing a fistful of your scrub in fear.
The figure turned around, and your eyes widened at the sight of diamond shaped scars at corners of the said figure’s mouth. Trailing your eyes from his lips, you gasped in fear at the blood that stained his cheeks. Meeting his eyes, you saw a maniacal expression with his pupils dilated.
“Wh-wha” you said as you took a step back from him.
“Ah… you’re alive?” He said with a maniacal smile. Dropping the collar of the unconscious man, he moved towards you. Taking steps back, you tripped and fell to the floor. Haru stared down at you with a sadistic glint in his eyes.
“How… why are you here?” You asked as you stared up at him. Giving a deep chuckle, he dropped something on the floor.
“Don’t have time to play around right now (Y/N). Maybe we can have a play date some other time. This” he said as he stomped his foot near the object he dropped.
“Would tell you where to find me. See ya then!” He said as he walked through the hall of the hospital. Watching his retreating figure turn to the corner of the hallway, you looked at the object he dropped. It was a playing card.
Turning it over, you saw it was the ace of diamonds.
“Meet at the mall, Friday at midnight. Come alone or else there will be a price to pay - Sanzu” the card said.
Gritting your teeth, you clenched your fist and whispered
“Who are you and what did you do to Akashi Haruchiyo?”
“Did you happen to know the man who was there in the room with a gun? Pink hair, Blue eyes, scars on either side of his mouth?” You asked the nurses and doctors in the room as you crossed your arms and leaned back into the chair.
“He just told us to move. And if we got in his way, he’d shoot us” Dr. Miyamura said as he adjusted his glasses. Humming deep in thought you looked around the room.
“Tell me this. How did Haru find the patient in the first place? Who went to pick the patient up after answering the call?” You asked as you looked around the room.
“Are you trying to tell me that there was a traitor among us Dr. (Y/L/N)?” Dr. Miyamura said with a slight chuckle towards your question.
“Riddle me this. Since I was called on emergency regarding the patient, I wouldn’t know what kind of injuries they suffered. Highly doubt a gang member made a report cause when it comes down it, if the patient was a member of the gang and got hurt, they would’ve taken them for healing into their own space. If the member was a traitor, they would’ve killed him cause that’s what most gangs in Japan have as one of their unspoken rules. So, this proves the fact that the report was made by a civilian. Now what doesn’t make sense to me and rather leaves me unsettled is the fact of how the pink haired man came into a particular room of a particular hospital? Tailing medics in the van with the patient would’ve caused him to jump early and by now there would have been newspapers stating that there was an accident on the highway and people in the van were found dead” you reasoned and said these words out loud for everyone in the room to hear.
“So yes, Dr. Miyamura. There was a traitor among us” you said while getting up from your chair with force. Looking around the room, your eyes fixed on the cctv that was on the edge of the room. Smirking, you made your way out of the room and headed to your office. If there was a traitor in the room, they would’ve seen your act of looking towards the ceiling. Packing up your belongings including a taser, you made your way to the control room where recordings of people in the hospital would be there. You had to stay in the room till nightfall to make sure the perpetrator would appear.
It was nightfall when you found the footage. Going through it, you couldn’t see the face of the nurse, but you did find it suspicious that they were heading into an empty hallway only to find Haru make a scene at the entrance of the hospital mere minutes later. Hearing footsteps approach the door, you quickly deleted closed the file and hid away in the dark corners of the room. Hearing the click of the door, you stayed still, digging your hand into your pocket, holding the taser. The figure had their back turned towards you and were going through the files.
Making your way from the corner, you twisted their arm in a lock and held the taser close to their neck.
“Don’t move. Or I’ll have you tased” you said. Hearing a slight chuckle, you dug the head of your taser into their neck to prove your point.
“Talk. Who did you call?” You asked. Laughing the perpetrator said
“The person you’re dealing with is the most dangerous one from Bonten (Y/N) san” he said in a raspy voice.
“Miyamura?” Your eyes widened in surprise, recognizing his voice.
“Sonotori desu” he said with a chuckle. Hitting him at the back of the head, you made him unconscious. Dragging his figure to the supply closet, you dropped him on the bed near the window of the room. Switching on the lights, you pulled belts from either side of the bed and strapped him down. Grabbing a chair, you waited for him to wake.
“Ore… doko da?” Miyamura said as he blinked his eyes, trying to get used to the hazy vision that came with him being knocked out.
“Doko demo iie. Now tell me. Who are the Bonten?” You asked while standing near his bed. He threw his head back and laughed.
“You think I would tell you?”
“Kosuke. If that’s even your real name… did you happen to forget that I’m a doctor?” You asked lifting a scalpel. Dragging it towards the corner of his head.
“They say the head and spinal cord at the most sensitive areas of your body. But I’ll get to that after I’m done with dealing with your femur and groin since that this what’s the most valuable to man… Am I correct?” You whispered into his ear.
Dragging the scalpel along his clothed thigh, you cut the cloth. Using the tip to prick his skin, you said “I’m a doctor Kosuke. Blood and hearing a person yell comes with the job. Don’t confuse me for a psychopath cause that’s what your kind does” you said as you lifted the scalpel high into the air. Trying to break free from being strapped down, Miyamura’s eyes widened as your hands came crashing down with the scalpel.
“I’ll Tell!” He screamed as your hands stopped mere centimeters away from his thigh. Grabbing his face you said, “I see you’ve a made a wise choice. Now tell me what is Bonten and for long has Sanzu been a part of it?”
You felt numb and shocked to know how Haru had become over the years. Had he truly fallen so far as a human to commit such gruesome events? Pressing the button to your floor, you saw the elevator doors close. Being unable to keep your eyes open, you decided to take a nap once you reached home. It had been a stressful night with finding the perpetrator, getting information, processing it and calling the cops with a charge of hospital malpractice and breach of confidentiality.
Crashing on your bed, the last thought you had was about seeing Haru. You woke up later to the sound of your alarm. Turning it off, you stared at your screen ‘Friday 9pm’. Realizing that you had to meet Haru at theI mall, you threw on your shirt with jogging pants and a parka. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you accepted your fate of possibly not coming back after your meet with Haru. Taking your black cap off the hook, and your keys, you closed the door and headed for the mall.
The mall looked broken and empty. According to the news, there had been a blast in the very same place about a year ago and it would undergo reconstruction. Looking at the broken windows, you remembered the day you bought the scarf for Haru. Working part time jobs and coming late to your meetings with Haru brought a smile to your face.
“You’re 15 minutes early” a voice came from behind you. As you turned your head the voice said “Don’t you dare turn around. Not yet at least” with a chuckle “Walk up the stairs and go the store you bought my scarf. But before that, throw your phone on the ground”
Taking your phone out, you placed in the ground.
“Good. Forward march” he said. Climbing up the steps, you made it the fourth floor and went into the store which was once surrounded by scarves.
“You can turn around now”
Taking slow and steady steps, you turned around to face the man you once knew. Taking a seat, he gestured you to do the same. Sitting far away from him, you looked at your feet. Hearing the crack of a pill, you watched him sprinkle the powder on his tongue before throwing the dissolvable plastic aside.
“Are you a corpse or are you a person? I came here to talk ” He said as he looked at you. Taking a note of his complexion, you noticed bags under his eyes and pupils dilated. His skin looked a sickly pale.
“What happened Haru?” You said as you grit your teeth. Your question was only met with the crack of another pill.
“What do you mean what happened (Y/N)? You’re pretty fucking dumb to not see anything around you” he said with a dark laugh.
“Why are you being like this?!” You screamed. “After disappearing on me for eight years, not answering my calls or texts, is this what I get?! What the fuck were you doing all this time Haru?” You yelled as you got up from your chair.
The sound of a gun rang in the air at the end of your sentence.
“Know your place (Y/N). That was a warning shot. I could take your life this fucking moment and no one would be able to find you. Not the police, not your family either. You’re a numbskull for a fucking doctor. It’s even a wonder how a pitiful person like you even made it this far to find me. I’ve chosen my path (Y/N). Nothing you say can change that and neither can you fucking stop me in the future too. Wherever Mikey goes, I follow. Even if it is the darkest pits of hell” he said as he held the gun a few meters away from you.
“Bonten is what you chose huh… what happened to waiting for me?” You said felt tears sting your eyes.
You heard a cackle around the room at your question. Coming to a stop, Haru’s eyes were wide as he stared at you.
“That Haru is dead (Y/N). You’re even lucky that I let you live. Small fries like you are fish bait in godowns that were once a part of Bonten. If I don’t spare people who work under me what makes you think I’ll spare you? And then you talk about me waiting for you and being your lover” he said as he continued to laugh.
“The man I know is Akashi Haruchiyo. The man I once knew was a friend of mine” you said as you took a step.
“The man I once knew was saved by me from a gang. He calls me pitiful for being that way, but I’ll never forget that incident as long as I live”. You took another step.
“The man I once knew has scars on the corners of his mouth. He used to feel ashamed about them… but it made think of diamonds every time I saw them. It’s what makes him even more beautiful”. You took another step.
“His baby blue eyes would shine anytime I said they looked like diamonds… I remember the day he got protective over me. He saw my bruised hand and scolded me for it. He threatened to find the boy who hurt me and kill him. But I said no. That day made my heart skip a beat and I realized that I couldn’t see him as a friend anymore… but I kept it all in” you said as you moved your foot forward to take another step.
“Stop right there or I’ll shoot” he said, placing his finger on the trigger. Taking slow and steady steps with shaky breaths you said
“On the day we graduated, he told me to surprise him with a gift I wanted to give him. I got him a scarf which would hopefully remind him of me. He got me a stethoscope. Even though I told him only once I wanted to become a doctor, he remembered it. It’s a gift I would never forget and it sits in a case in my office. He helped me save lives of people even though I was far away and he was here. With the last kiss he gave me, he told me that he would wait for me. And I promised I would be beside him” you said as stopped at gunpoint.
“But little did I know that the man I love was stuck in a hellhole while I was away. Abusing drugs, killing people and living his life where each day could be his last. It hurt me so much that the man I love is taking lives away and is happy to see his hands coated in blood of innocent people while my hands are the same, struggling to save their lives in an operating room. It hurt me so much I couldn’t breathe when I saw him standing over an unarmed man, ready to take his life like it was snatching candy from a child” you said as you pressed your forehead against the gun.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for you Haru. I’m sorry that you are this way when I should’ve been there to save you. I should have been there to stop you. Even though you were under Mucho-san, according to what Miyamura told me, I’m equally to blame for being unable to pull you out of it cause I made a promise that I would be by your side. But I broke a promise and people paid for it. Ne, Haru, can I ask you one last thing before you decide?” You said as you held his hand with the gun as tears streamed down your cheeks.
“Have you ever thought of me from the years that went by? Have you ever thought about finding me as much as I tried finding you?”
Your question was again met only with silence.
“You’re still very handsome Haru. You’ve aged quite well from a boy I once loved to a man I still love and would go to the ends of earth for. I would have loved to spend time with you, but my time is up. I looked at myself in the mirror once last time knowing that there was a possibility of me not coming back in one piece. I’m glad though… and now that I’ve seen you and I’m happy you’re alive, I don’t really have anything left. You were the only friend I made in school and Okaasan isn’t there anymore… colon cancer took her away from me. I tried telling you this years ago… but after your silence, I realized how lonely I had become. Children would come into my office and grab candy from the bowl I keep …and that gave me joy… but there was a feeling of emptiness cause everyday I would hope. That you would burst through my office door and take me the dock with sodas from the konbini… but this is how we meet. I really want to go back to those times… but no matter how I hard I try I know I can’t. So what’s the point anymore? And you’ve made up your mind about not needing me anymore…” you said as your tears hit the floor while you pressed your forehead into the mouth of the gun.
“I can’t be vengeful… I can’t be angry. If only I stayed and saved you from falling into all this. Even though I hate so fucking much point I want to slap you, my love for you would always be stronger which is why I’m holding back” taking a deep breath you sniffled.
“Aishiteru… Son'nani. I’ll be waiting for you on the other side” you said as you pressed the trigger of the gun with your finger pressing into his.
You felt a pain on your shoulder. Opening your eyes, you saw turned around and saw the bullet lodged into the opposite wall. Looking down at your arm, you saw blood stream from your wound.
“Are you fucking idiot?!” Haru screamed. Staring at his face, you could see his eyes bloodshot and tears flowing down his chin, falling onto the tips of his leather shoes. Turning your head, you saw his hand shake while holding the gun.
“Haru?” You said in a shaky voice.
Dropping the gun, he pulled out the scarf in his pocket and wrapped it around your bleeding shoulder tightly. Tying the cloth into a knot he pulled you into him by the end of the cloth strings. You could feel his form shake against you as he held your head, nuzzling it into his chest while his other pressed your back against him.
“How fucking dare you. How fucking dare you pull shit like that!” He screamed as he cried. Using your other hand, you rubbed circles into his back.
“Did you really want to go into an early grave? You think I could handle seeing you as a corpse? Huh?!” He sobbed as he pulled at your parka. “Drugs are only way I can see you. When I’m sober, reality hits like a fucking bus knowing that you’re not there. Having Mikey so broken that he turns his back when I shoot people makes me think about you. And it hurts. It hurts so fucking much knowing how disappointed you would be with me. I even killed fucking Mucho. I feel like I’m going insane (Y/N). I thought about you every day, dove. Every fucking day” he said as he pulled back. Staring into your eyes, you could see how red and angry they were. Taking your cap off and looking at you clearly, he feel to the floor and pulled you down with him. Pulling you into his lap, he closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against yours. Taking shaky breaths, he t go of your parka and held your face to make himself realize that you were here and you were real. You could hear his grit his teeth and let out a voice of pain.
“Were you really happy about dying? Were you going to leave me with telling me how much you love and not hear a fucking reply back? Did you really think I was gonna kill you?” He asked in a broken voice as his shoulders shook from violent sobs that racked his body.
“I didn’t want to see a world with you painted in red Haru. I knew what you were getting yourself into when you decided to join a gang and it was common at the time. But heinous crimes? Murder? Prostitution? Smuggling? Were those the heights you were aiming for? How did I not see all this? How… how did I not know about all this. Putting me out of my misery sounded more easier than living with the regret that I am to blame as well” you said as you felt your shoulders relax and your grip on Haru become loose as you let it fall to your side.
Taking your hands into his, he softly kissed the tip of each finger
“I might be a selfish man. But I’m not that selfish to keep you away from your calling. Saving people was your’s. Getting rid of them was mine. You don’t have to feel responsible about what I do. I chose to follow through with it. You gave me an alternative years ago where you asked me what I’d want to do going ahead. I had plenty of time to think about it. And going with Mikey is what I chose. You don’t have to take the blame Dove. If anyone is to blame t should me. I didn’t tell you where I went, if I was alive… I was just satisfied about you crumbling on your knees when you couldn’t find me. I thought it would teach you your lesson to be involved with me. Thought I would scare you off. But looks like it only led to you wanting to die by my hands” he said as he sniffled.
“I wouldn’t be able to bear it if I found my hands red with your blood dove. No matter how many drugs I take. No matter how many drinks I have. No matter how many people I kill. I wouldn’t be able to erase the thought that you weren’t fucking there anymore. Having you far away from but still breathing was enough to let me know that I can survive without you. You mean so much to me. So fucking much p” he said as he leaned in to kiss you. You could feel passion flow through him as you he tilted your head back and held you gently by your throat. His thumb moved in shooting circles on your pulse as hummed into the kiss.
Pulling back he rocked you back and forth into his figure while kissing the crown of your head.
“(Y/N)” he said breaking the silence.
“Hm?” You asked in a muffled voice.
“Aishiteru. Ore no diamond no joō”
There were a lot of things to be settled and said that night. But it could wait. The only sound you needed was of his heartbeat. It was enough to know he was with you and you had never felt more alive.
Looking down at you as you nuzzled into his chest, Haru felt his lips turn into a soft smile. When he was around you, there was no Sanzu. He was just… Haru. Your diamond in the rough… your, Haru.
Bonus : "I got your scarf dirty"
"Doesn't matter. Person who gave me the scarf is alive and that's the real pill"
"Don't use me as a drug reference. My shoulder will scar though... bye sleeveless shirts"
"You look beautiful in every way dove. Wasureruna"
Ne ne Kita? : Hey, Hey did you hear?
maji? : Really?
okaasan : Mother/ Mom
konbini : Japanese convenience store
Yametekudasai : Please stop ( and not in that tone ya pervs =_=)
Bikirishita : You surprised me
Nanda : What
Betsuni : Don't really know/ care
Kirei : Pretty
Omae onaji da : Same as you
Sonotori desu : That's right
Ore… doko da : Where am I?
Doko demo iie : Wherever, you're fine (in this reference)
Aishiteru… Son Nani : I love you so much
Aishiteru. Ore no diamond no joō : I love you. My queen of diamonds
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