#racetrack Higgins fanfiction
lithuaniaseye · 7 months
last night I dreamed that Davey and Spot had a duet singing about how they yearned for Jack and Race respectively... I woke up laughing from the idea of Tommy Bracco and Ben Fankhauser's height difference.
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faefox9 · 26 days
I'm indecisive so..
I'll probably try to write all of these at some point, but which one should I start first?
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i-politely-disagree · 6 months
Sprace- Call
MODERN AU TW: Swearing??
(I've never posted on here lol)
Spot cringed as his phone call was answered. Usually, it just went straight to the far too familiar  “Hi it’s Racetrack! Don’t leave a message!” voicemail to hurt him even more with the fact that he was either blocked, or Race was declining all his calls. A harsh ‘What do you want?’ may not have been ideal, but Spot still smiled softly at the sound of his ex’s voice.
"Hey…Race," He started. The same words he had said almost every day a month ago. Throwing his bag down as he got back from work, striking up conversations at 2 a.m even though they both needed to be up early, Starting a call much like this one if anything happened. "Do you still have my white shirt with the sleeves?" 
When Race’s phone displayed Spot’s caller ID, he didn’t know what to expect. Maybe yelling, maybe an explanation that it was a dare, or maybe some tearful confession about how his love never died. Anything with more emotion than requesting an old shirt.
“Um… I’ll look around.” The conversation was too stiff, too formal. Race fiddled with the cuffs of the white shirt that definitely wasn’t Spot’s (it was) that he was wearing and paced around the couch he slept on. 
“What do you need it for?”
He’d never admit it, but Race missed Spot more than he could tell. Hearing his voice again was painful, but something to feel. He had been a mess the last month, living with his best friend, missing sleep and working his ass off to help pay the rent when it was paying the rent that got him into this mess. Spot had walked out after the topic of money had come up, only after many anger-clouded words had been thrown between him and Race. Just thinking about it, Race could taste the regret and adrenaline and feel the knot of codependency tighten as it had done that night when he realized how alone and helpless he was. Even though he hadn’t anticipated a break-up, it wasn’t like Race was expecting-
“A wedding,” Spot answered coldly and quickly. Dwelling on love around him wasn’t going to help him swallow the lump in his throat.
He regretted walking out every day. He knew deep down, that he could’ve walked back in at any moment with nothing fixed, another argument ignored, but weeks passed and Race lost the apartment he could only afford with Spot’s help. Spot lost the one stable thing in his life, the one person he felt like he could talk to, the stupidity, wittiness, energy and affection that came with Race and he missed it more than he was willing to admit. He knew it was his chance to salvage any scraps of a relationship but didn’t know how to begin. 
“I’m sorry.” It was a struggle to force the words out of his mouth, but Spot managed to sound a lot more stable than he felt. 
Race’s reply was so emotionless it hurt. No sadness, not even a quiver in his voice, no hope. Just a bland question reminding Spot he’d made more than enough mistakes;
“About what?” 
“Um, This. Calling you, acting like nothing’s happened, acting like I don’t care.”
There was silence on the other end of the phone and Spot knew he would have to address the elephant in the room.
“...And leaving. I was- I am so stupid for walking out. It sounds pathetic but I didn’t mean any of the things I said. I really lo- I really loved you.” 
Race’s soft smile threatened to fall at the use of past tense.  His mind tried to object, but a smirk tugged at his lips and words crawled out.
“You miss me.”  He observed, a mix of teasing and astonishment now unmistakable in his voice
“No, I just really want my shirt,” Spot said sarcastically, rolling his eyes as if Race could see him over the phone.  “Yes, I fucking miss you.”
Spot hated himself for giving in that easily. But at the same time, he knew lying wasn’t going to get him anywhere or anyone for that matter.
Warm hope bloomed through Race at the less-than-heartfelt confession, sudden longing for the one person he thought he’d never be allowed to long for again. A million hazy emotions flew through his mind but he couldn’t articulate everything he was feeling and couldn’t force every heavy sentiment through the phone. He needed to know this was genuine before pouring his heart out. 
Spot’s finger was over the ‘End Call’ button when Race interrupted their silence, “But you said-”
“I said a lot of things,” Spot cut him off, “We both did. But I’d bet this month's rent you didn’t mean half of it.” 
Race wanted to object, but it was true. He hadn’t meant anything close. And while he prayed to every god that he wouldn’t regret it again, heavy words slid off his tongue;
“I miss you too. But look, we can’t just…go back to whatever we had a month ago.”
“Bad communication and not-yet-healed commitment issues?”
Race exhaled deeply, “Yeah, that. But I can’t- I mean- I’ve got your shirt. Please just come and get it so we can at least talk in person.” 
Spot running down apartment stairs full speed to reunite with his ex-boyfriend was probably something countless medical professionals would advise against but, quite frankly, he was more than willing to break a wrist or two for another shot. He managed a couple of breathless words that were essentially just ‘See you soon’ before falling into his car in a haze of nerves and emotions pretty damn close to excitement. Serious conversations weren’t his forté but were better than a familiar voicemail.
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somedayonbroadway · 7 months
What would the Newises do if they saw the Delanceys showing their brotherly affection with each other?
Interesting question…
I think all the newsies would react in different ways.
Jack would leave it alone. He wouldn’t say anything about the way morris tussled Oscar’s hair, but he would watch the exchange and wonder why they had decided to be as cruel to him as they were.
Race would speak up and ask them if they were going soft which would end in him getting chased all the way to Brooklyn
Crutchie would smile at them and say good morning as he bought his papes and he’d tell them they were lucky to at least have each other
Albert would use the opportunity to slip himself an extra pape or two because Morris would be making sure Oscar was alright after he slipped and fell
David would be too distracted managing his own brother to notice.
Specs would clean his glasses to make sure what he was seeing was actually real.
What do you guys think?
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metallicmikus · 2 months
i want to write a cute little modern ralbert one shot but i don’t have any ideas plz help 😭😭😭😭
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piedoesnotequalpi · 3 months
My contribution to @newsiesficchallenges Sprace week, featuring the UKsies versions of Spot and Race as cross country runners!
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sluttylittlenewsboy · 7 months
@eponine-thenadier You said dead newsie, I give you: dead newsie
Race was whistling Spot's favorite song as he crossed the bridge into Brooklyn. It wad his favorite time of the day, time to see his boyfriend. Race went to their usual meeting place, but Spot was nowhere to he found. Race also took notice of the fact that no one was out selling like they usually were.he shrugged it off and decided he would try the lodging house.
Race needed to visit the lodging house anyway, he had a new deck of cards to give to HotShot, and she was always the one to open the door.
When he arrived, he knocked three times, just like he always did, but no one answered. Race immediately knew that something was wrong.
He cautiously opened the door to the devastated faces of several newsies. Some of the toughest boys he knew were cuddled together under blankets, trying to hide their tears. Race's stomach turned, he needed to find Spot immediately.
He ran directly to the roof and began searching. It didn't seem like anyone was up there, but Race knew better. He kept searching until he heard a small stiff come from under a pile of boxes.
"Spotty?" Race asked quietly. The pile hiccuped. Race quickly moved the boxes to find his boyfriend sobbing in fetal position.
Race's mind filled with questions. What had Spot so upset? Why hadn't Spot sent someone to get him? Why wasn't HotShot there to comfort him like she usually was? And then, it clicked.
"HotShot" Race whispered under his breath. His eyes welled with tears.
"Oh Spotty, I'm so sorry," he whispered.
The two spent the rest of the night crying on each other's shoulders. They knew in their hearts that nothing would ever be the same again.
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fishcowwrites · 24 days
In The Stars - RedFinch Military AU
Albert DaSilva x Finch Cortes from Newsies
2.5k words cross posted on ao3 under cut
Title from the song by Benson Boone which was on repeat as I wrote this to establish ✨vibes✨
Any inaccuracies regarding military death notifications can be taken up with Fort Lee Casualty Assistance Center Casualty Notification Guide for the Casualty Notification Officer pdf from 2013 that I found online.
TW: major character death, mentions of vomiting (non graphic), mentions of self harm (not really graphic)
When Albert was deployed, Finch was distraught. He didn’t want his husband to leave him, let alone leave their daughter.
“It’s just ten months. Not even a year. I’ll be back before you know.” They were both trying not to cry for the sake of Lily, who was not quite old enough to understand what was happening but not young enough to be ignorant of it all.
“Papa, what’s happening?” Albert knelt down next to her, gently taking her hands.
“I have to go, lilybug. Just for a little bit. Not a long time. I’m coming back soon, ok? Be good for your daddy.” Albert scooped her up, passing her into Finch’s arms. He hugged the two of them, then leaned in for one final kiss. “I’ll see you soon, I promise. Just ten months, yeah?” he spoke quietly, pressing his forehead against his husband’s. Finch nodded, choking back his tears.
“Just ten months.”
Then Albert was leaving, and Lily was crying, and maybe Finch was crying too, but he couldn’t tell. The rest of the day was a blur. The two of them headed back home, where Race and JoJo were waiting. JoJo took a now sleeping Lily to her bed while Race got some water for Finch.
“What if he doesn’t come back? What if I never see him again? What would I tell Lily?” Finch was hyperventilating, his hands shaking as he sobbed. Slowly, Race turned Finch towards him.
“Look at me. Look at me, Finch. Albert will be okay. It’s just ten months. He’ll be fine. I promise.” Race tilted Finch’s head up, nodding with what he hoped was a comforting smile. “Albert will be back before you know it.”
Those were the words that ran through his head when a soldier showed up at his door 7 months later.
“Daddy?” Lily called out. “There’s a man at the door.” Finch ran to the front hall.
“Lilybug, what did I tell you about answering the door? You gotta-“ He froze, taking in the crisp uniform and the stoic expression of the man who wore it. “Can I help you?” The man pursed his lips. “Are you Patrick DaSilva-Cortes?” Slowly, Finch picked up Lily, trying his best to ignore the dread creeping into his bones.
“Yeah, can I help you?”
“I am Captain Sam Robinson from Company A, 2nd Battalion, 21st Ordnance, from Stuttgart, Germany. I have an important message to deliver from the Secretary of the Army. May I come in, Mr. DaSilva-Cortes?"
Finch knew exactly what was happening. He had imagined it in his head over and over, and all the ways it could go, but nothing could’ve prepared him for the shock. It felt like he was drowning, with muffled sound and no air. All he could do was nod.
The captain stepped aside, revealing a younger man dressed in a slightly different uniform.
“This is Chaplain Steve Lewis. Is there somewhere we can sit down to talk?”
Wordlessly, Finch led them the living room, clutching Lily tightly. He moved to sit on the couch before stopping to look at the captain.
“What,” Finch closed his eyes, willing himself to stay composed. “What do I do with Lily? She can’t-“ he stopped as she looked up at him, eyes wide.
At barely three, Lily Patricia DaSilva-Cortes was shaping up to be sharper than both of her fathers. She had Albert’s flaming red hair and Finch’s love for music, as well as the penchant for mischief that both men shared. And above all, he loved her with his whole heart. How could he make her leave now?
“It’s nothing, darling. I’m staying with you.” He sat down, gesturing for the two men to do so as well. Carefully, he did his best to cover Lily’s ears before nodding for them to start.
The older one cleared his throat, looking Finch straight in the eye.
"The Secretary of the Army has asked me to express his deep regret that your husband Albert died in Germany on October 19th. His truck crashed in an accident. The Secretary extends his deepest sympathy to you and your family in your tragic loss."
That was it. Those were the words that Finch had been dreading ever since he knew Albert was going to leave. Those were the words that haunted him every day and every night as he prayed he would never have to hear them. And those were the words being said to him in the house he had built with Albert, holding the daughter they had raised together. The man was saying something that Finch couldn’t quite make out, but this couldn’t be real, it couldn’t be real, it can’t be real, and-
Finch felt something. Two tiny hands reaching for his shaking ones. That brought him back to the moment.
“Daddy, what’s this man saying? What happened? What’s happening?” Lily was on the verge of tears, her childish mind trying to find reason in the unreasonable.
“Nothing’s happened, dear. Nothing’s happened.” Finch wanted to just close his eyes and wake up from this nightmare, but he couldn’t. Not when the nightmare was simply reality.
“Why are you crying then?” She was too smart for her own good, really. He didn’t know what to say. How could he tell her?
“Sir, is there someone I can call?” The man was talking to him again. At least this was a question he could answer. Finch nodded, reaching for his phone. His contacts. Albert’s name stood there at the top, but he ignored it. Anthony Higgins. Call. There must’ve been some mercy left in the universe, as he picked up quickly.
“Yeah, Finch?”
Oh god. Race was Albert’s closest friend.
What could he say? What could he possibly say in this moment?
“Are you there?”
Finally, Finch found his voice.
“I need you. At the house. JoJo too. It’s an-“ His voice caught on the last word. “It’s an emergency.”
Race must have sensed the tone of his voice, because he could immediately hear action on the other side of the phone.
“Shit, yeah. Are you okay? Is Lily okay?”
Finch nodded for a bit, until he remembered Race couldn’t see him.
“Yeah. Yeah. But, um,” Breaths. Deep breaths. He could do this. “Please hurry.” Finch could here Race calling for JoJo; they must have been at their place. He heard the rustle of their shoes, the click of the door, the beep of the car.
“The GPS says 10 minutes. Are you fine? Do we need to call someone?” Why was breathing so hard? Why couldn’t he breathe? It was Lily’s touch that kept him grounded, at least momentarily.
“No, no, 10 minutes is fine. You don’t need to call anyone. See you then.” He hung up quickly. He didn’t know how much longer he could’ve held on. Finch looked up at the man desperately, unsure of what to say next. Thankfully, he spoke up.
“We can stay with you until they arrive.” Finch nodded gratefully, running one hand through his daughter’s hair. He held her close, praying to whatever god was left that Race and JoJo would show up soon.
When they knocked on the door, the other man stood up to get it. He led Race and JoJo to where Finch and Lily were sitting. Finch could see them putting the pieces together and the shock of realization that flashed across their faces. They both turned towards the captain, gripping each other’s hands tightly. Race spoke first.
“Is Albert-“ He shook his head, unable to say those horrible words. JoJo stepped forward, holding onto Race like he was a lifeline.
“What happened?” The man turned towards Finch, seemingly asking for permission. Finch nodded, unable to see how he could tell them himself.
“The Secretary of the Army has asked me to express his deep regret that Albert died in Germany on October 19th. His truck crashed in an accident. The Secretary extends his deepest sympathy to you and your family in your tragic loss.”
Race’s mouth dropped open in horror as JoJo reached back to steady him. Carefully, he sat Race down next to Finch and took Lily out of Finch’s arms.
“Thank you…”
“Well, thank you captain. Do you need anything else?” JoJo’s voice was carefully measured as he reached out to shake the man’s hand. The man turned back towards Finch, taking out a clipboard and a pen.
“Once again, you are Patrick DaSilva-Cortes?” Finch nodded numbly; he knew that this man had business he needed to do.
“This is your place of residence and your mailing address?
Another nod. Another scribble on the clipboard.
“And you phone number is xxx-xxx-xxxx?”
Finch nodded again, now desperate for the man to leave. He had put the clipboard away and taken out a paper, which he handed to Finch.
“That paper has more information, as well as the contact information for your casualty area command. A casualty assistance officer will contact you sometime in the next 24 hours to arrange another visit. Please do not make arrangements for his remains until you have been fully briefed by them.”
Casualty. Remains. All words that now described his Albert. The man stood up from his chair, taking a deep breath before addressing Finch one final time.
“Mr. DaSilva-Cortes, I must be returning to Stuttgart. Again, on behalf of the Secretary of the Army, please accept the United States Army's deepest condolences.”
Then he walked out the door, the other one trailing behind. Everything was silent. Silence. Finch hated silence. Albert always knew what to say. But Albert was gone.
Albert was gone.
“I’m just gonna, y’know.” JoJo looked calm somehow, still holding Lily. He went off to put her down.
“Finch, god, I don’t-“ Race’s mouth hung agape as he tried to find the right words, but Finch couldn’t stand it anymore.
“Albert will be okay. It’s just ten months. He will be fine. You promised me, Race! You promised he would be fine! You promised-“ Finch gasped before running into the bathroom, barely making it as he collapsed in front of the toilet. Race was on his tail, slamming against the door frame as he ran towards Finch.
“Shit shit shit shit shit. Do I need to call-Do I need to see if I can get that guy back here? Do you need like an ambulance?” Race was crying now, but his worry for Finch overtook anything else he was feeling. “I need Albert. I need Albert. I need Albert. I need-“ Finch was cut off by another round of violent heaving, gasping for air all the while. He couldn’t take it anymore. His skin felt too tight on his body, restricting his movement and not letting him breathe. He needed to tear it off, tear it off, tear IT-
Race’s hands covered his own, refusing to let him harm himself. “I’m calling someone, okay? JoJo has Lily, they’ll be fine together. This time I promise. I’m sorry I can’t-I just can’t.”
Race stepped out of the bathroom, pulling out his phone. Finch stayed there, hunched over the toilet, just crying. Eventually, he heard sirens. Voices. Hands on his body, lifting him up, placing him on something soft. Wires and cuffs and beeps and white. So much white. White sheets, white walls, white gowns, white ceilings, white floors. And pink. Pink? A flower. A lily.
“Uncle JoJo said you would like it.”
His Lily. Standing there. Scared.
“Where’s papa?”
Oh. JoJo stepped into his vision, followed closely by Race. His voice was soft, as if they were all glass that could shatter.
“We told you, honey. He’s-“ Finch could here JoJo take a deep breath, with Race saying something to him quietly.
“He’s gone, honey.”
“But when is he coming back? He said he would come back. Why won’t he come back?”
She was crying now, far too young for this tragedy. JoJo picked her up, muttering an apology as he left. Race sat down next to Finch’s bed, taking one of his hands. They stayed there for a while until a nurse came in a said that Race had to go. All the white turned to black as Finch slipped into unconsciousness.
He dreamt of Albert, sitting on the docks in Brooklyn. He dreamt of Albert, dancing in the rain. He dreamt of Albert lying in their bed, holding their daughter. Don’t go, he tried to say. Don’t leave, it’s not worth it. But Albert couldn’t hear him. More scenes of him passed by. Albert swimming, eating ice cream, watching tv, reading a book, playing with Lily at the playground. The day he asked Albert out, the day Albert proposed, the day of their wedding, the day they brought Lily home from the hospital. Their whole life together, blurred together through time. When Finch woke up, he was crying.
The funeral was hard. Hell, everything was hard. Lily was trying her best to understand, and Race and JoJo were trying their best to help them. They helped Finch tell the rest of their friends. Jack, Davey, Les, Sarah, Katherine, Crutchie, Romeo, Elmer, Buttons, Mush, Specs, Tommy, Mike, Ike, and Spot were all at the funeral. Finch tried to say something, he really did. Thankfully, Race had his back and gave the speech instead. He was glad when the whole thing was over. He just wanted to go back home.
Race and JoJo, bless them, stood by Lily and Finch for the rest of their lives. Slowly, they all learned to heal. Support groups, therapy, time. Some days were harder than others. Albert’s birthday, and their wedding anniversary. Those were days when Finch couldn’t get out of bed, days when Lily cried simply because her dad did. But time passed, no matter how slowly it did.
On Lily’s 18th birthday, there was a video. Something Finch had never thought they would have use for, but something that he had convinced Albert to make just in case. The sight of Albert’s face was enough to bring tears to their eyes, and the sound of his voice almost made Finch turn the tape off. But he didn’t.
“Hey, Lilybug. Happy 18th birthday! I hope you never have to see this, and I’m sorry if you do. I bet you’ve grown quite a lot, now! I’m sorry that I couldn’t be there today. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there every day. Hopefully, you’ve been good for Father Finch there. I wish I could see who you’ve grown up to be. I hope you know I’m proud of you, regardless of whatever has happened. I love you!”
As Albert leaned in to turn off the camera, Finch could see the tears in his eyes. He was crying now, and Lily was too. He tried to apologize, but she wouldn’t let him. As he hugged her tightly, she just whispered “Thank you.”
And 35 years later, as Finch laid in his hospital bed with his daughter by his side, all he could think about was finally seeing Albert again.
“I’ll see you soon, huh?” Finch laughed a little. “I’ll see you soon.”
tysm for reading! hope this wasn't too shit
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to-be-a-dreamer · 5 months
Absolutely FUMING at the sudden realization that I've somehow found myself overly-invested in another ship between two incredibly minor characters whose ship name would be Ralbert (thank you to whoever decided to make Ravi Panikkar and Albert Han's official ship name "Hanikkar" I don't think I would be able to survive)
Those silly little dancing newsboys. They will never stop haunting me.
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sl-newsie · 9 months
Hat Thief (Jack Kelly x Medda's Daughter)
Tumblr media
Hi!! Idk if you’re taking requests (if you aren’t ignore this, but if you are) could you please write a 92sies Jack Kelly x reader? Perhaps the reader is a year younger than him, she’s quite playful and steals his hat, practically forcing him to chase her. Very very fluffy and sweet! Tyy!!!♥️                 Gotcha!
Friendship is a wonderful thing. When two people’s relationship grows so deep, sometimes it feels as if they’re one and the same person. I met Jack Kelly 5 years ago, when mother and I first traveled to New York. My mother, Medda Larkson, became very busy with her theater and didn’t always have time to entertain me. Jack cured that. The minute he first snuck in backstage we’ve been thick as thieves ever since. He’s got his dream of leaving for Santa Fe, and I have my own dream of becoming an actress like my mother. But for now we’ve let our childhoods prosper with a strong friendship connected by fun memories.
“Hey there, Annie!”
Speak of the devil.
“Heya, Jackie.” I turn away from the costume I’m sewing and face the cowboy himself. He’s been growing more lately, especially since he can afford food better since the strike. “How’s the headline today?”
He leans back against the wall and twirls his cowboy hat in his hand. “Was ok, I guess. It was about the new horse at the track. Race luved it! How’s your day been?”
I shrug and gesture to my project. “Been woiking on this for the past two hours. Mom said I can take a break in ten minutes if you wanna do someth’n.”
Jack gets a devilish glint in his eye. After setting his hat down on the vanity, he slinks over to grab my hand and starts pulling me towards the back door.
“Whaddaya say we skip the wait and you can go on a break now? I hear there’s a few boids at the pond. People’re saying they’s flying south for winter, call’n ‘em swans.”
“Jack, I don’t wanna get anodda tell’n off from- Wait. Swans?” My jaw drops. “I’ve only read about them in books!”
“I thought that’d spark your interest!” Jack grins. “So let’s go!”
He drags me behind him while I try to pull the other way. “No, I can’t! I promised I’d have this dress done by supper.”
“Aw, c’mon.” Jack pouts and sticks his lip out. “Don’t leave me alone.”
I scoff and boop his nose with my finger. “You’ll survive for ten minutes.”
I sit back down and return to sewing the dress, while Jack keeps pacing the room.
“I could ask Medda to let you go early,” he suggests.
I stifle a laugh. “Won’t work. Mom’ll have you scrub’n the stage for say’n that. Just because you’re a year older does not mean you are smarter, Mister Kelly!”
The cowboy makes a mock look of surprise and dramatically clutches his heart. “I thought we were on a foist-name basis! I’m scarred!”
Then an idea flickers on in my head. Carefully, I inch closer to the vanity. “Well, we might not be able to go somewhere else to have fun-” I grip Jack’s hat behind me and hold it up to dangle it in the air. “But who says we can’t have fun here?”
Jack’s eyes widen when he sees the hat. “Now now, Annie. Give it back.”
I think for a second. “Nah. I think I’ll keep it!” And with that, I dash out the door and into the backstage corridor.
“Annabelle Larkson, give that back right now!” I hear Jack shout behind me.
“Come and get it, Jackie boy!”
I snake through the curtains and begin climbing the stairs to the catwalk. I’ve explored every inch-a this place since I was a kid, so I know every hidey-hole there is. There’s a tucked away cupboard near the back that’s poifect for right now. Once I’ve crammed myself in, I wait to see if Jack will continue with the chase. He’s not one to disappoint, because he comes panting up the stairs in a few seconds. 
“Alright, Annabelle. You got me! Come on out now.”
Why is this so fun? I struggle to silence my heavy breathing when I see him getting closer through the crack in the door. My heart’s beating faster and faster! But is it because of the thrill of the chase or something else? Jack walks past, and I swear he can hear my racing heart through the thin wooden door separating us. He passes, and seems to have missed me entirely-
The cupboard door swings open and two strong arms grip my dress to pull me out. My reaction is a goilash squeal that rings throughout the empty theater as I struggle to break free.
“Oh no, you ain’t get’n away that easily!” Jack grumbles as he backs me into a wall and starts tickling me.
“No- No! Not fair! No tickling!” I titter.
After a while I stop fighting and Jack ends his tickle revenge, trying to keep a serious face but it keeps slipping into a smile.
“You give in?”
I roll my eyes and turn to face him while he’s still gripping my arms. “You know I ain’t do’n that, Jack.”
His brow furrows and he nods, seeming to think something over. “Alright, let’s make a deal.”
“I’m listening.”
He releases my arms and points to his hat I’m holding. “You give back my hat, but can keep my heart.”
His what? I frown. “Your heart? What’re you-? Oh!”
Jack leans in and presses a soft kiss to my forehead, causing me to strain against the wall in surprise. My hands press against the brick, unsure what to do. I’m speechless.
"You stole my heart too, Annie." When he pulls away and sees my shocked face, Jack starts panicking. “Did I mess up? Are you mad?”
I slowly come to my senses and shake my head. “No, no! You- you read me just fine, Jack. I’s just surprised it took you this long.”
He mirrors my surprise and playfully swats my shoulder. “You luv me too? You mean all this time I could’ve been kiss’n you? I thought you just thought of us as friends!”
I smirk. “So what’s stopping you now?”
He grins and leans in closer. “Not a thing, Annie.”
Friendship is a wonderful thing. When two people’s relationship grows so deep, sometimes it feels as if they’re one and the same person. And that’s exactly how it feels when Jack closes the gap to mesh our lips togedda. A million emotions race through me, and all in all I could never think of any odda guy I’d want to kiss me. It feels right. 
“Just curious,” Jack mumbles through the kiss. “Your mom ain’t gonna kill me for this, right?”
“Hm. No. Then she’d have to hear me complain the rest-a my life. By the way, this is yours.” I flop the cowboy hat on Jack’s head.
He chuckles. “I dunno. I think it looks bedda on you.” Jack brushes his nose against mine and wraps an arm around my waist. 
“Aw, I’m flattered. But what kinda cowboy would you be without your hat, hm?”
Hope this is the fluff you were looking for! ;) 
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artemis-lynn · 7 months
Ok. So. I've been needing to make this for a while, so I'll just put down my favorites in no particular order, it's SO hard to pick...
Summer Camp AUs :3
Mountain Ridge Camp for Boys by timetogoslumming
Javey & Sprace, T, 22/22
This is a really good summer camp AU of newsies! I love how it combines canon plot with a modern AU!
Summary: David was just looking for a summer job when he applied to work at Mountain Ridge Camp for Boys. He had no idea how much would change. For the first time in his life, David is part of a brotherhood, but not everyone is on the same side.
How I Spent My Summer Vacation by studentnumber24601 (Itsy Royal)
Javid & Specs/Dutchy (Sputchy?? Idk, but I <3 this ship) & Blink x OC, T, 40/40
The prank war in this is honestly the best + the reluctant ladies man Mush is LOL, it had me guessing the ships till the very end, especially with Blink.
Summary: Modern-day newsboys at summer camp. Will wacky hijinks ensue? Gee, ya think?
Make Off Like a Band(it) by thespiritscalling
Sprace, G, 14/14
OMG. It's the funniest summer camp au I've read that sheds light on band camp (I'm an orchestra kid so this was hilarious to me). I especially love the That's Amore remix near the end lmaoo
Summary: It's the summer after graduation. Race is ready to hit the road- metaphorically, of course- but before that happens, it's time for one last stint at the Camp To End All Camps: band camp. Armed with nothing more than a French horn, two best friends, and reckless abandon, Race decides it's going to be the best final year of camp anyone's ever had. It'll be full of excitement, laughter, music, and an absurd crush on the lead trumpet player. Wait. What?
Canon Era :3
Their Mistake Is They Got Old by PenzyRome
David & Katherine, but the side ships are Newsbians and Javey, T, One Shot
You're gonna need the tissues for this one. I literally sob every time I read it, it's literally one of the best fics I've ever read. It's poetically tragic and heartbreaking and beautiful and HOLY CRAP!
Summary: Katherine Plumber, 17, had been so sure that she could stay the same, that she could stop the world, that she'd stay young forever. The world kept moving, though, no matter how hard she tried to stop it, and it forced her to move with it.
When Manhattan Met Brooklyn by warrior_sif
No ships cause they're kids, T, 4/4 (but the second one isn't finished :( )
Wow. Just wow. This one is honestly sad and I love the brother relationship between Jack, Race, and Spot and how Jack feels abandoned, like Race chose Spot over him. READ IT.
Summary: The only Manhattan newsies that Spot Conlon deals with are Jack and Race. A look back at how they met, eight years before the strike, when neither Jack nor Spot were leaders and Race just wants to sell at the racetracks.
False Rumors and The Truth Behind Them by FrogmanFae
Sprace, M, One Shot
This one is...heavy. The Refuge is such a bad place :( I love it though, the writing is beautiful.
Summary: Rumor has it that Spot Conlon and Racetrack Higgins met when Race started selling in Brooklyn because of his love for gambling. That isn't as true as the other boys in their lodging houses tend to make it seem. Though, they don't necessarily mind the false rumors. They hide the much darker truth. The truth that still causes Race to make the walk from Manhattan to Brooklyn in the middle of the night sometimes, even several years later. Or...It's pretty easy to form connections with someone you're forced into sharing a bed with while you're both being tortured.
The King & The Cowboy by goldenbiebah
Sparah <3, Spot/Sarah/Jack love triangle, T, 11/? (not completed :sob: )
I love this one, it really touches on how Jack is kinda toxic and how Sarah can have someone wayyyy better *cough* Spot *cough*
Summary: Spot Conlon and Jack Kelly are the fearless leaders of all the newsies in Brooklyn and Manhattan. They have a perfect system and hundreds of boys who respect and look up to them. But what will happen when the two leaders let selfishness and pride break up their friendship? And what happens when Spot's dark past begins to catch up with him? And where does Sarah Jacobs fit into all of this? Find out in The King & The Cowboy. Fights will break out, romances will clash, and lives will be lost in an epic struggle to salvage both new and old relationships.
Modern AUs :3
We Are Newsies by VeronicaWeasley (this is my sole ff.net one but likeeee it's too good to be ignored)
There are so many ships that I can't remember but I do know Sprace is one, T, 80/80 (I know that's a lot but it is SO worth it holy frick)
Ok. So. This one is like SO good. It's my fav high school AU because it has a really genius way of incorporating the canon plot with the perfect amount of angst, fluff, and more! :D
Summary: The same old story, the same old song. A tale in which the newsies of Lower Manhattan go on strike, and David Jacobs gets roped into it. High School AU set in 1999. Told through the eyes of multiple characters.
Captivity by Hexmari
No ships :), M, One Shot
I LOVEEE this one it's so crazy and you're in for a wild ride when (it's so cute that you think I'm letting that be an if :) ) you read it.
“Ma– you seriously can’t do this to us!” Jack argued, “I mean it's Halloween!”
Charlie was quick to back his older brother up, “Yeah, do you want us to become hermits? Because that's what keeping us captive here all night will do!”
Medda rolled her eyes, “You will not become hermits by staying in for one night. It won’t be too bad, you can break into our Halloween candy and put on some horror movies, and Ester will be here with David soon. No kids are going out tonight, it’s just a safety precaution. Especially because of recent events.”
When a kid in their town goes missing, paranoid parents decide to keep their kids home on Halloween. Even after their mom forbids them from going out Jack, Race, Charlie, and their friend David sneak out, coming up with a theory that their old neighbor is behind the boy's disappearance.
The Beast of Brooklyn by ArtemisRayne
Sprace + side Javey, M, 26/26
This one is soooo worth staying up late for, it's amazing in every way and my heart aches for Spottie boy. And Race. And Jack. And David. But mainly Spot :)
Racetrack Higgins always thought it would be his own vices that got him into trouble one day; turns out it's his Ma who does it for him. When Ma Higgins crosses the local drug lord and leaves him high and dry with a target on his back, Race's saved by a mysterious stranger who gives him a safe place to hide—a short-tempered and anti-social stranger covered in horrifying scars, with a past as dark as the marks on his body. However, the longer Race spends in the Brooklyn house, the more he comes to discover about the boy beneath the scars: a boy who is just as trapped as Race and twice as damaged. Befriending the two men who live in as hired help, and chipping away at the mysterious "boss" and his walls, Race might even manage to find a place to call home.*Beauty & the Beast/Beastly AU fusion*
Forever With You by 손 현�� (safarikalamari)
Sprace, T, 14/14
ajlskdfjalkjdkajl this one is so sweet. The concept of it is super interesting and I just LOVE ittttttt.
Summary: In 1899, Spot Conlon is the leader of the Brooklyn newsies, writing away his thoughts and hiding them inside his desk for safekeeping. Meanwhile, in 1999, Tony Higgins receives an antique desk for his birthday and finds an old letter stuffed in one of the slots, the name, Spot, his only lead in this mystery. What becomes of that summer is a series of time-traveling letters, falling in love, and the realization that Spot and Tony know each other better than the two ever could have imagined.
Pirate AUs :3
The Truth About The Stars by ArtemisRayne
Javey + side Sprace, T, 10/10 (long chapters but it's worth it!)
OMG. This one is amazingggggggggggggggggggggggg I love the fantasy/pirate twist on the best movie/musical on the planet Earth!
Summary: The rest of the world might not think Jack Kelly is destined for much, but Jack knows better. He just needs to get away from the city, to some place where he can be more than just another nameless orphan in the chaos of New York City. So when someone offers to pay his way to Santa Fe in exchange for crossing the Wall and retrieving a fallen star, he jumps at the chance. He just wasn't expecting the star to be so, well, human. Jack makes a deal with the fallen star named David to get them both home, but the magical kingdom of Stormhold has so much more in store for them both. People are tracking David, secrets from Jack's past leave him in danger as well, and injustice is rampant in the kingdom. Throw in a climate of political upheaval, a renegade noblewoman, and a crew of fugitive sky pirates, and soon all of Stormhold will know that change is coming.
A Pirate's Life Is Never Easy by ChaosFairytale <3
Sprace + side Blush & Bumlets x Swifty, M, 9/? (it's an ongoing one shot series that has frequent updates)
OML I LOVE U SO MUCH CHAOS YOU'RE MY FAVORITE FANFIC WRITER AND I LIVE FOR YOUR WRITING TYSM FOR EXISTING!!!!! Her writing is the best and this is such a good story! (read Toss A Coin To Your Pirate first)
Summary: A Pirate's story doesn't start easy and it won't end easy, but there are many fantastic stories to tell throughout it. A series of One-Shots set in the "Toss a coin to your Pirate" universe containing different POVs, Backstory of a lot of characters and shorter stories about the relationships of the characters over the years.
Toss A Coin To Your Pirate by ChaosFairytale <333
Sprace + side Javid and Blush, M, 2/2
YUSSS CHAOS AGAIN!!!! <3 a million kudos. She writes almost exclusively about 92sies and I'm so here for it! READ THIS!!!!!!
Summary: Racetrack hadn't expected to see his hook-up ever again and had certainly not expected him to be the feared pirate Spot Conlon, but he also didn't have time to worry about that right now since his captain, Jack, desperately needed his help. He'd wonder later how he could maybe seduce the pirate captain once more. Because you'd miss every shot you didn't take, right?
Drumroll please...my all time favorite fanfiction....
FIVE by stress
Sparah + Davey/OC/Jack love triangle <3, T, 11/11
I finished reading this last night and got literal chills. The plot twist is wild and I love it so much, but you might need the tissues again! Can't spoil, but you NEEEEEEEEEEEEED to read it >:( It is the absolute best piece of reading on the Earth and I can't get over this. It's just...wild.
Summary: A lot can happen in five years. Don't believe me? Ask David. Ask Spot. Ask Jack, or Racetrack. You can even ask Oscar Delancey. They know. They're the five who've been waiting for this moment. Waiting for what? They'll never tell - but this story will.
Idk if I should be doing this....but I'm gonna plug my own work and also give a fanfic update!
What Feels Like a Thousand Years by yours truly, ArtemisLynn
Sprace + mentioned Jatherine, G (?), One Shot
I'm honestly so proud of this one, it's one of the best pieces of writing I have ever done...
Summary: War has always been a foreign concept to Racetrack Higgins.. Even when America goes to war in 1941, he never gives it much thought....until it hits a little too close to home and his secret boyfriend, Spot Conlon, is drafted into the U.S Army. Will he make it home safely, or will Racetrack's one and only love be lost overseas...forever?
I also have chapter 1 of Jack Kelly's Guide to Being a Parent out, though I don't know if I'm going to complete it....
Fics I'm working on: -I have a couple chapters of this one boarding school newsies modern AU I'm doing done but not posted
-A Sparah fanfic that currently is in the early stages
-A Sparah princess bride AU in the planning process
-I'm toying with the idea of a newsies Descendants AU....thoughts?
Damn this post became long. ANYWAYS. Bye and have a great (insert timezone)!!!
<3 Artie
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ethereal-bumble-bee · 2 months
(Finally!!!!) Chapter 14 of When the World Falls Into Anarchy is out!!
when the world falls into anarchy (16049 words) by etherealbumblebee Chapters: 14/? Fandom: Newsies!: the Musical - Fierstein/Menken, Newsies - All Media Types, Newsies (1992), Newsies: The Broadway Musical! (2017) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Spot Conlon/Racetrack Higgins, Albert DaSilva/Finch (Newsies), Sarah Jacobs/Katherine Plumber Pulitzer, David Jacobs/Jack Kelly, Crutchie/Albert DaSilva (Newsies), Bill Hearst/Darcy Reid Characters: Spot Conlon, Racetrack Higgins, Finch (Newsies), Albert DaSilva (Newsies), Jack Kelly (Newsies), Crutchie (Newsies), Katherine Plumber Pulitzer, David Jacobs, Les Jacobs, Bill Hearst, Darcy Reid Additional Tags: Zombie Apocalypse, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Zombie Apocalypse, Post-Apocalypse, Danger, Survival Summary: One month. It’d been one month since the first signs of the plague showed up, since the first person became mad with fever and insane with bloodlust, since the disease had ravaged the world until there was nothing left. Spot had been lucky somehow, able to stay far from the infected, but as far as he could tell, he’d been the only one. … One month after the outbreak of a disease that turned the whole world on its head, Spot Conlon must navigate his way through a world no longer safe to walk in, seeking safety alongside several other survivors. When the world falls into anarchy, who will be able to see their way through?
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i-politely-disagree · 6 months
Could be canon era or modern
lil short fic
(Inspired by Haunted by Laufey )
Spot always told himself it wouldn't happen again. It was always ‘the last time’ he went home to Race's. It was always ' the last kiss ' when he woke Race up in the haze of the early morning as he left.
Spot flicked the lamp off, looking fondly at Race who lay beside him.
As his eyes adjusted to the moonlight lacing the room, Spot watched as Race brought a hand to his cheek and smiled as he leaned into his touch.  
Eyebrows raised in question.
A nod in return. 
And a brush of soft lips against his own. 
Spot pulled Race back in, wanting moments like these to stretch out forever, savoring every mistake he was probably making. He loved the thrill he felt from a mix of Race and strange vulnerability, but something about the familiar smell of Race's room, the familiar feeling of his sheets and the relief of letting his walls down surrounded him with a feeling of comfort. Spot didn't want to sleep. He'd have to leave everything he wanted alone in a room as he went back to his life in the morning. He wanted the odd domestic feeling of whatever this was. Race's blue eyes seemed misty in the low light, clouded with some emotion Spot didn’t want to dwell on too long because he knew the impermanence of the situation they were in and, so it didn't hurt too much when that impermanence hit, he had to force ideas of Race wanting something serious out of his mind. 
Might as well make the best of the moment.
Winding his fingers through Race’s hair, Spot let his mind go quiet, taking in the sounds of New York traffic, the faint hum of a fridge from the other room, his lips as they separated from Race’s and small sighs while a blush made its way up Race’s cheeks. A heavy feeling of longing wrapped its way around Spot, but he wouldn’t give in. After all, this was the last time.
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somedayonbroadway · 6 months
Ok so: Oscar gets pushed into the semi frozen Hudson river by a gang of bored rich kids. Morris was held back by them until they decided they were bored and leaves. Morris get Oscar out of the water but doesn't know where to go that was near and warm because Oscar was experiencing hypothermia, they go to the Newboy Lodge House. How would the Newsies react?
I think it would go a little something like this…
Jack was putting the littles to bed when he heard the knocking on the door. He immediately went into protection mode. He stood up straight and rushed to the door, ready to peak out and fight off the bulls. It wouldn’t be the first time they’d tried to raid this place and take the boys for nothing. Race was behind him, ready to get the kids out if he needed to. But when Jack looked out through the crack in the door, he froze.
The knocking came again, harder this time. “Kelly! Open up! Come on!”
Race squinted. “Morris?” he asked.
Jack shushed him, reaching to open the doors. He was dumbfounded at the sight before him. Morris was standing there, holding a shivering, nearly blue Oscar against his chest. The younger boy was soaked to the bone and Morris had tear stains on his cheeks, but looked fairly dry despite the water dripping off of his brother. Morris looked up at Jack and Jack could see that the older boy had a bruise forming on his left cheek and a split lip. “S-some assholes pushed him into the fucking river… h-he can barely talk— I have nowhere ta take him,” Morris insisted.
The newsie looked over the brothers again. Oscar was definitely dazed. He didn’t even seem to know where they were. So Jack turned back to his second. “Racer, go get all the blankets we have. Get the littles into one bed to keep warm, Specs! I need water on the fire! Al, any extra clothes you can find!” Jack barked out before he rushed to help Oscar inside. He wrapped one of Oscar’s arms around his shoulder and Morris supported him from the other side.
They got him inside close to the fireplace and Jack helped lay him down, quickly taking out a pocket knife. Morris immediately scowled and grabbed his wrist, ready to fight but Jack looked up at him as his boys squared up behind him. “Hey!” he hissed. “We need to get him out of these clothes. I’m not gonna hurt him, okay?”
Race rushed back down the stairs with blankets and Morris grabbed him by the collar. Race gasped and immediately went wide eyed as Morris backed him into a wall. “Jack!” Race cried, not expecting the attack.
Jack raised his hands up in surrender. “Morris! What the actual hell?!”
The older boy’s eyes were watery. A tear fell down his cheek as he tightened a fist in Race’s shirt. “Don’t… I swear Kelly, I’ll—“
“No one is gonna hurt anyone, Delancey! Race brought blankets for Oscar, that’s all, I have ta get these clothes off of him before he freezes to death!” Jack hissed.
Morris tried to scowl through the fear, but he sniffled as tears began to freely fall down his cheeks. He shoved Race back as he lowered himself back down to his brother’s side. He slowly began to undress him, shoving Jack’s hands away when he tried to help. “Don’t touch him.”
Jack watched as Morris shakily unbuttoned Oscar’s vest. Oscar was trembling violently, his eyes trained on his big brother. “M-M… M-Mo—“
“It’s okay, we’re gonna get you warm,” Morris promised, stripping Oscar down to his undergarments until he could conceal the younger boy beneath some blankets. He then let Jack help wrap Oscar up in about seven blankets.
The other boys did as Jack had asked and soon Morris was holding fast to Oscar as Jack sat with them. Race was whispering with Albert about how poorly Morris had treated them after simply trying to help, but Jack knew better than that. Morris was scared. He wasn’t sure he remembered ever seeing Morris like this. “What happened?” he whispered finally.
The older boy scowled. “Some rich bastards think it’s funny ta push a kid into the Hudson.”
Jack bit his lip. “They hurt you too?”
“Don’t pretend like you give a shit, Kelly. I came here cause of Os, I wouldn’t have asked if I had anywhere else ta go. This don’t make us friends—“
“I get it, Delancey, Jesus Christ, I’m sorry I asked,” Jack insisted, standing up and walking over to his boys. “Get up ta bed. Now,” he said before turning back to the brothers who made his life a living hell. “Your welcome, I guess. Feel free ta leave whenever,” he muttered, headed towards the stairs.
But Morris looked down at Oscar and sighed. “Kelly,” he called, causing Jack to pause. “Thanks…”
Jack didn’t respond. He just sighed and rushed up the stairs.
Morris sniffled and hugged Oscar a little tighter as he tried to warm up the boy.
“Well… this was a shit night, huh?” Morris muttered to himself.
Oscar snored slightly and cuddled up a little more to his brother’s chest. Morris wasn’t exactly sure what to do. He’d never been the touchy feely type. But he managed to brush a hand over the boy’s hair and sniffle as he let out a long breath. “We’re okay…” he promised. “I’m so sorry, Ozzie, it’s gonna be okay…”
And he just kept repeating it over and over again, praying it was true.
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lovingmusicalmen · 2 years
Racetrack Higgins with "You look adorable when you smile" ?
Guys... I love Race - I also lowkey wanna turn this into a full one shot... lmk if you guys would wanna read that!
Still accepting blurb requests!
Fluff 15 - "You look adorable when you smile"
Tumblr media
Mouse was... an enigma, to say the least.
When she had first arrived at the lodging house, bruises decorating her skin, she hadn't said a word to anyone for several weeks.
Hence the nickname.
Despite this, many of the newsies had taken a shine to her. Specs had immediately adopted her as a selling partner, Albert would drag her to the edge of the lodging house and she would listen to him ramble about who-knows-what when his brain was going to quick, Crutchie would ask her to help him on days where his leg acted up and Jack would invite her to join him at Meddas for company as he painted.
She was a newsie. There was no doubt about it.
But Race had never heard her laugh. Even in the more recent days where she had begun to talk to him, quiet, shy words, bashful jokes and whispered reassurances that made Race's heart ache, he had ever seen her so much as crack a smile.
There was a sadness in her eyes that Race recognised from the mirror. From the faces of the other newsies, his other friends. Only, for Mouse, it never left her.
Lately, though, Race had been making it his personal mission to change that. He would go out of his way to spend time with her - he forgone his pack of cigars to instead pay for some extra food to give to her, he lent her his newsboy cap and had been spending days trying to convince her to leave Specs to join him in Sheepshead selling for a day.
And at nights, when he would hear quiet sniffles from her bunk, which was situated beside his, he would join her. He'd wrap his arms as tightly around her as he could and rock her gently, whispering quiet stories of the antics he and his friends had gotten up to before she had joined the lodging house.
And Mouse would cling onto him, as though he was the only thing anchoring her in that moment. And Race's chest would burn with the need to tell her he loved her.
"You're staring," Mouse said in a low, quiet voice. Race just grinned at her, tugging off his hat and placing it onto her head, and readjusting his grip on his bag of newspapers.
Mouse rolled her eyes, but Race saw the gleam of amusement in them.
"Can hardly blame me for that, pretty girl," Race teased, and he placed a hand on her elbow to steer her carefully out of the way of the oncoming crowds. He was used to the rush of people on his walk over to Brooklyn, but the same could not be said for his selling partner for the day.
"Y/N," Mouse said after a moment. Her voice barely audible.
"What?" Race asked, frowning a little, dropping his hand down to link their fingers together. He told himself it was to stop them from getting separated in the swarms of businessmen, but the flutter in his chest when she squeezed his hand in response begged to differ.
"My name - it's Y/N," she clarified, her voice no louder than before. Race stopped, pulling her over to the edge of the street, raising his eyebrows at her. "You told me yours," she whispered, looking suddenly shy at the mention of the previous night, where they had been up late, and Race had whispered his own given name to her.
"Pretty name for a pretty girl," Race said. He paused before adding: "Y/N."
For the first time, Race saw the girl's lips turn up a little at the corners. Her eyes crinkled at the edges and she bit her lip, reaching up to readjust Race's cap so it no longer covered her eyes.
"You look adorable when you smile," Race told her, not really thinking through his words before he said them. But then Y/N was meeting his eyes again, and he knew it was worth the mild embarrassment of his slip of the tongue to see her smile break properly across her face.
"Thank you," she whispered. Race ducked down and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead.
"Come on, Mouse - we've got papes to sell."
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piedoesnotequalpi · 5 months
It's here! The first chapter of my @newsiesminibang24 fic! I wanted the second chapter to be done for today but I was Very Busy with Passover and seeing Massachusetts friends! Featuring newsies characters as members of a college juggling club!
I've never participated in a bang of any size before, so this has been very cool! However, the length got away from me a bit, and this is probably going to probably be the longest thing I've written without a built-in plot structure once I'm done.
Anyway, the artist I was paired with is @echofive7567, and they did a very cool juggling show poster that will make more sense as the fic progresses. It's been wicked awesome working with them!
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