#radblr homophobia
nakanx · 1 year
no actually, you know what the most insane example of osa privilege on radblr is? this whole thing with macroclit. a couple people are saying misogynistic things on anon because she had sex with a moid and people are attempting to doxx the anons. when has anyone ever cared about lesbophobia like that? i have been on radblr for four years and i have NEVER seen anyone threaten to doxx anons in the name of lesbians. in fact, whenever anyone calls out lesbophobia, they’re told that they’re creating “drama” and “unnecessary infighting”. you know what actually creates unnecessary drama? partnering with men. centering men in your life to any degree. that drama ends with rape, assault, and death.
so why go to these lengths to excuse it? what’s the point?
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rdlain · 9 months
@sailor-moon-rage doesn't understand the sex appeal of a stick nd poke covered never-went-to-college woman selling shrooms out of her basement and I pity her for it
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radicalavender · 17 days
oh my god. this tiktok, in which a lesbian is speaking up against “genital preference”, has 2.3k likes so far. and all of the comments are actually POSITIVE. nature is healing. lesbians are waking up. there is hope!!
heres some of the comments:
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womenaremypriority · 2 months
i truly can’t think of anything more evil than convincing children they’re going to hell and suffer eternal torture because of their natural attraction to other girls or other boys. every time I think of what religion has unleashed on this world I get unforgivably angry
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kanelia · 1 month
Calling homosexuality a 'genital preference' is genuinely so twisted. Preference implies there is a choice. It implies sexual orientation is no different than saying; "I prefer horror movies, but if romance is all we have, I will watch romance". It is basicly denying the existence of homosexuality by implying everyone is a bisexual under the right circumstances. It is no different than conservatives calling being gay 'a lifestyle choice'.
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kiawritesstuff · 2 months
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Thank God , sex by deception is illegal. What a fucking rapist mentally this Trans cult have . I really wanna see how all the TRAs will defend this now ?
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museumofferedophelia · 10 months
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This is actually hilarious because:
Wasps are not bees. They are both members of the Hymenoptera order, which also includes ants. You wouldn't say that an ant is a bee just because they're both members of the same order, so why would you argue that a wasp is a bee? Would you argue that a camel and a giraffe are the same species because they also share the same order (Artiodactyla)?
Out of the some 20,000 species of wasp, NONE produce honey. There is a genus called "Brachygasta" including 17 species that keep stores of nectar and honeydew in case of food shortages, but none produce honey. And certainly not from meat.
So yet again, you have a TRA blatantly lying in order to turn something into what it's not. "The wasp is right, and the bee relies on untrue myths to explain itself," is such bullshit.
Sadly, this post got something like 2,000 notes. People will blindly believe what a TRA says, especially if it's a lie constructed to undo a radfem point. So many logical fallacies.
Wasps are not bees. Men are not women.
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hard--headed--woman · 7 months
friendly reminder that it's okay and normal for lesbians to like breasts and ass and pussy, to find other women attractive, to look at women, to have sexual thoughts about women. you're not "like a man" for finding this woman on that pic attractive or for having a soft spot for boobs or anything. lesbianism is healthy and natural. stop shaming lesbians for having sexual desires
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tra-archive · 5 days
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Gay man calls gender ideology a social contagion, TRA responds with a homophobic rant straight out of the 50s. You can’t make this shit up
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womenaremypriority · 8 months
It is traumatic to live in a world where major world religions teach that your very existence as a woman was an afterthought to god, and you only exist to serve men. It traumatic to hear that there are people who think your existence as a gay person is sinful and evil. EVEN IF YOU WERE NOT RAISED RELIGIOUS. Knowledge of those belief systems and their prominence is TRAUMATIZING. It is okay to be angry about it. It is okay to feel grief about it. Knowing millions, if not billions of people, think you are inferior and deserve to die is fucking painful.
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tervenbutch · 10 days
three days into pride month and i’ve already seen queerios on twitter “warning” people that the double venus symbol is a “terf dogwhistle” oh BROTHER
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kanelia · 1 year
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TRA brainfart of the week: Shaving your legs is what makes a woman. Plus the usual pile of misogyny and homophobia on top.
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kiawritesstuff · 1 month
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It’s insane how common homophobia is among these people. The obsession they have with lesbians is sickening; it makes me want to vomit. Someone asked this person what a lesboy is, and their answer was, “a person who identifies as a boy but also a lesbian.” It's a new form of conversion therapy and rape, but we become the villains if we question them. According to the logic, words or terms literally have no meanings anymore. Trans people truly hate women because every degrading step is directed towards women. Straight moids always used to fantasize about lesbians, but now they can do it without any shame because of the trans cult. Disgusting!
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museumofferedophelia · 9 months
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Just some TiMs casually fantasising about humiliating and raping feminists and lesbians.
They say they "don't feel safe," around radfems, while imagining ways to demean and humiliate us.
This is why we want spaces where we can avoid rape and abuse fetishists. This is why we don't want to be exposed to males in environments where we should be protected.
Stay safe out there guys.
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redditreceipts · 6 months
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is it transphobic for people to be lesbians? I went on a lesbian subreddit and asked people there why they don't even consider dating men. but suddenly, people were being defensive??? I really don't get it. it feels icky to me when women are asserting their boundaries, because that gives off transphobia vibes.
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aman1taverna · 2 months
reddit has a few good qualities but god sometimes ....
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people really act like they don't know what homosexuality is anymore
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