mschapstick · 2 years
Mudkip 😎💧💛💙👒🌧️
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only1copy · 2 years
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1950s Linox rain hat 💦 . . . #linox #l556 #rainhat #vintagerainhat #1950shat #sailorhat #fishermanhat #vintagebuckethat #vintagehat #vintagerainwear #rainwear #waterproofhat #southwesternstyle #souwester #outdoorhat #vintageoutdoor #outdoorstyle #vintage50s #1950svintage #1950sstyle #truevintageclothing #vintagestore #vintagearchive #vintagepoland #vintagehunter #vintageaesthetic #secondhandstyle #truestyle https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck-rNheo4Lm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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polliwoggers · 8 months
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throwing these up here because i need to link em to something in order to put them on the fr forums. but anyways. flight rising rainy day apparel WHEN
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jomiddlemarch · 1 year
for the made up fic title: (song lyrics as titles cuz why not haha) "in a storm in my best dress, fearless"
Something about Helnik always makes me come up with sort of zany plot lines, so this would be a modern AU where Matthias is a local reporter who usually covers sports who is deployed during a hurricane to cover storm surge by his boss Kaspar and is NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT. Nina is a bridesmaid who has HAD IT with the wedding reception for her cousin Alek she's attending at a venue overlooking the ocean, since her ex Niko has spent the whole time hitting on Alek's sister Ursula, her aunt Barbara has taken every opportunity to suggest she needs to lose at least 10 lbs dear, and the wi-fi sucks so she can't even reliably text her BBFs Inez and Zoe for moral support and snarking, respectively. Nina and Matthias meet, albeit not necessarily cutely, when she goes outside to get some air and he is stationed right near the back of the club's pavilion. An argument ensues as to the wisdom of both their choices, not excluding the revealing design of Nina's bridesmaid dress (she had tried to convey to Alek's bride Alina that the neckline of the dress Alina picked would look *very different* on someone with... curves and had given up in the face of Alina's starry-eyed enchantment and Alek's prior-to-shopping enjoinder/plea to grant Alina's every wish) and Matthias's bright yellow raincoat with matching sou'wester.
This will probably turn into a kiss when Matthias grabs Nina to keep her from getting toppled by a wave, plus/minus the kiss getting caught on camera by Matthias's camera crew Jess and Wylie.
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drivingsideways · 2 years
9, 12, 30 for your AO3 Wrapped!
Hiiiii Rainhat! I've answered 9 and 30 for Gin here
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
Hahahaha, girl, don't think I don't see where you're going with this. But at the moment, it's not a lot. In terms of what's occupying my headspace, there's Lucky Star, which I do hope to finish...sometime...and snippets from Strawberry 'Verse which I'm not sure will ever make a coherent whole, and the whole sequel to Juche, which resides in my head at the moment and NOT in a google doc, but I hope I can get down to writing it next year.
You know what I have the wildest desire to write though? The Tang Wei/Kim Hye-soo Hallmark Christmas movie one- I just feel it deserves to be written....maybe by next Christmas. lolsob.
Wish me luck, bestest, and thank you: sine qua non, as always. <3
AO3 wrapped questions here
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hystericallsoph · 7 months
i hate rainy days where the hell is the damn sun
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pixelatedraindrops · 8 months
can we get another sick yuma fanfic?
I usually don't take fic requests because I feel I'm not creative enough to write too often. But if its sick Yuma you want I may have a lil’ oneshot for ya c:
Here's a fic where he catches a terrible cold after losing his hat in the rain. This one's less whumpy and more fluffy. And Yuma will be speaking in a nasally tone pretty much the whole time.
Under the Weather
Word Count: 4,000+
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Sickfic, Found Family
Fandom: Master Detective Archives RAINCODE
It was just more terrible, awful luck for Yuma. When has it ever been good? He was minding his business investigating the situation in Kanai Ward like he usually did to track their ultimate secret down, but suddenly when he was doing something that upset the wandering Peacekeepers, they had begun chasing him. Thankfully Yuma was able to evade them, however it came at a price. A sudden gust of wind had blown across the trainee as he ran in the neon city of rain…and his rainhat had flown off. Yuma wanted to try to go back to get it, but the peacekeepers were still after him. He had to keep running, he had no choice. If he was captured, it would be all over.
He eventually lost them by running into a corner of the city. He decided that he needed to go back to the agency, thinking maybe this was enough for today. Yakou always said that if things like this happen, it was best to lay low until things calmed down. So, Yuma waited a little bit for the peacekeepers to get further from him so he could rush back to the sub safely. But as he ran, the rain kept pouring. He had no hat to cover him anymore. By the time he got back to the nocturnal detective agency’s submarine base, his hair and face were soaking wet.
“Master, you look like a sopping wet cat! Kyahaha~!” his spirit partner Shinigami cackled as she viewed how wet her master was. “Practically…dripping…wet…” The death god’s dirty mind decided to jab at the short detective.
Rain water was dripping down every strand of his lilac hair. To say he was sopping would be an understatement, He was practically drenched with the rain from the city by the time he came back from the chase. He began realizing how much that hat was protecting him as he tried to shake his head in a poor attempt to try to dry off.
“Stop it. There was nothing I could do. The Peacekeepers would’ve caught me if I went back to get my hat…” Yuma responded, starting to sound a little bit slurred in his speech.
He sighed as he opened the cover of the sub.
“Hey Chief, I’m back…” he announced climbing down the steps to the entrance chamber.
“Hey Yuma, how’d things go out there?” Yakou’s voice could be heard from the office of the sub. “You find anything new out?”
Yuma slowly walks into the office room sniffing a bit and wiping his nose with his sleeve. “No…” he quietly responded.
Yakou was not paying attention to the boy, as he was reading the paper at his desk with a cigarette in his mouth like usual. “Well, don’t sweat it, can’t do everything all at once.”
Yuma shivered as he took his rain attire off. “I-I was cha- aehh..” He stopped as he felt something tickle his nose.
“You were what?” Yakou asked still not paying attention to him.
Yuma couldn’t finish his sentence as he felt a sneeze building up something fierce.
“Eeeahh… Ahhh…” his eyes were squinted as he tilted his head backwards.
The loud wet sneeze finally came out of the small detective in training like a volcano erupting. His head shot downward as the sneeze came out, he tried to cover his mouth with his sleeve.
Let’s just say…he failed.
This finally got the chief’s attention. Yakou heard that sound and then moved his gaze to meet the shivery trainee detective at the corner of the right side of the room. His nose was bright red and now leaking profusely after that sudden onslaught.
He was dripping wet in a different way now.
“Whoa, gesundheit! Are you alright?!” Yakou exclaimed putting the paper down.
“Y-Yeah…” Yuma replied weakly as his nose continued dripping.
The NDA leader immediately stood up from his desk and grabbed a box of tissues that were in the desk drawer and walked over to the trainee.
He took one of the tissues out, handing it his way. “Here you go.”
Yuma still had his eyes shut from the intensity of that sneeze, his eyes stinging a tiny bit as tears formed, but he reached for the tissue grabbing it.
“Tank you…” he responded sheepishly. The congestion in his speech is now making its way to him.
“Sheesh. You’re a mess… Did you catch a cold out there in all that rain?” the chief asked as he leans down to be more at the trainee’s level.
Yuma sniffled hard. “Ugh…I guess so…”
Yakou sighed as he placed a hand on the boy’s shoulder. “Well, that much can be said from the way you look and the way you sound…”
Yuma let out another wet sneeze interrupting him mid-sentence, making sure to do it into the tissue he held. Yakou flinched, turning his head away. “Yikes…that sounds bad.”
Yuma sniffled again finally opening his watery eyes to look Yakou’s way “I’b…reawy sowwy…” he muttered in his nasaled tone looking embarrassed and ashamed.
Yakou sighed, smiling at him a bit as he stood back up. “You poor kid. I’ll go get a towel to dry you off. Then I’ll get you something warm to drink, how’s that sound?”
Yuma held the the tissue to his nose wiping it a bit.
“Uh-huh…dat souds good…” he responded before he blew into the tissue.
Yakou felt sorry for the boy but couldn’t help but be a little amused by his nasaled speech. He walked over to the shower room to grab a towel he could use to dry his wet hair. He walked back over to see Yuma sitting on the purple sofa still holding the tissue to his face.
Yakou placed the towel on Yuma’s head and began drying it moving his hands in a circular motion. Yuma tried remaining as still as possible while the older man dried his wet hair off.
He put the towel around the boy’s neck after he finished drying him off best as he could.
“There we go.” He said with a grin. “Thats about as dry as I can make you. You can hop in the shower later.”
“Tank you…” Yuma responded before his nose tickled him again. “Ahh-choo!” he sneezed into the tissue he held.
“Gesundheit!” Yakou responded surprised as he placed the tissue box he was holding right next to the boy and walked over to grab the trash can by his desk and put it below the purple sofa where the stuffy detective was sitting.
“Here, the trash can is officially reserved just for you today.” he responded kindly.
Yuma sighed as he threw the tissue away. His nose leaking again not long after, but he didn’t notice as he felt a little dazed.
The older detective sighed. “Yuma, your nose is still running…” Yakou grabbed one of the tissues and placed it to his face wiping it away himself as Yuma scrunches his face up, then he threw it away. Yuma blushed in minor embarrassment.
“Hey, are you feeling alright?” Yakou asked looking at him with some concern. “Aside from…well this.”
Yuma sniffled in response before answering.
“S-Sowwy…my head’s just fuzzy…” he responded putting a hand to his head.
Yakou slid his hand under Yuma’s bangs and onto his forehead after the sniffly boy uttered those words.
“Mmm yeah, you’re feeling a teensy bit warm. Rain sure did a number on you, huh? What the heck happened to your hat?”
Yuma looked down. “I…was chased…by some peacekeepers…”
“What!?” Yakou exclaimed in shock looking nervous. “Th-They didn’t follow you did they!?”
“Don’ wowwy…I lost dem…” Yuma said sniffling again. “But…I lost my hat while I was running…and couldn’t go baaaa…aaah…” he felt another sneeze coming. He quickly grabbed another tissue sneezing into it. “…back to go get it...” he finished throwing it away afterwards sighing.
Yakou sighed and calmed down hearing that they weren’t in any trouble looking at the boy with pity in his expression.
“Okay I gotcha. Sorry about that kiddo.” he said putting a hand to his shoulder to try to comfort him. “Looks like you got a pretty nasty cold though. So no more going out today, got it?”
Yuma nodded without hesitation or further argument. Without his hat, going out in the rain again would only prove more harmful. And he was starting to feel a little bit dizzy, so he didn’t really want to get up again anyway.
“I’ll write to the WDO to send you a replacement hat later, but for now I’m gonna go make you some tea. Drinking something warm should help you feel a little better. You want ginger or chamomile?”
Yuma wanted to respond but then his voice got a little hoarse in his attempted response causing him to cover his mouth in embarrassment.
Yakou raised an eyebrow as he closed his eyes smiling. “I’ll do chamomile then, sounds like your throat’s getting a little scratchy.”
Yuma nodded quietly as he laid back. His head was starting to hurt a little as well as his throat. He cleared it as he grabbed another tissue in his hand feeling his nose start leaking again. It just wouldn’t stop.  
“Sheesh! You humans sure are pathetic! Can’t believe you got this roughed up from JUST the rain, gosh you’re so lame master!!” Shinigami said floating by her master’s side laughing to herself a bit. “And you look awful!! May as well be dead Kyahahaha~!”
Yuma rolled his eyes as he blew his nose into the tissue again throwing it away.
“Just leave me alone…I’m not in the mood for your antics right now.” Yuma responded in perfect speech to the cackling spirit in his head.
“Ooh, you’re so snappy!! Are your face holes being full’a gunk making you a bit cranky!?” she retaliated teasing him again.
As Shinigami kept yapping away, Yuma just turned away from her as he curled up trying to ignore her and how bad his sinuses felt right now. He could hardly breathe through his nose, so he had to do so through his mouth. His head was starting to hurt again, and he felt another tickle in his throat.
He definitely caught a cold. It was going to be a long day.
After a short while Yakou returned with the tea as he saw Yuma curled up facing away from him. Yakou sat down. “Hey, Yuma? You awake?”
Yuma slowly got himself up before he let out another harsh sneeze.
“Aahaa…” Yuma whined trembling a little from the shock as he didn’t have a tissue on him, so his nose was leaking again, and his teary eyes were clenched shut.
Yakou put the tea down grabbing another tissue placing it to Yuma’s face. “Alright, let it out Yuma.” He responded. Yuma did so as he blew into the tissue harshly.
“I think we may need to get some nasal spray for you kid.” Yakou said throwing the tissue away. “Didn’t think you had this much mucus in your tiny body.”
Yuma sniffled while groaning miserably.
“Ughh…Adythig…to make dis stop…” he muttered quietly in an annoyed tone.
“Alright kid, sit up. Let’s get a warm beverage in you for now.” Yakou said as he grabbed the warm tea again.
Yuma sat up as Yakou handed him the tea. Yuma tried smelling it, but there wasn’t much luck in that. He was still way too stuffy to smell anything.
“Made it extra warm. Hopefully it’ll settle that tickle in your throat down.” Yakou said.
Yuma sighed as he drank a bit of the tea. It was sweet and warm, and felt nice going down. It uplifted him a little bit.
“Tanks Chief…” Yuma said weakly smiling.
“No problem.” Yakou replied smiling petting his head. “I’ll go get you a blanket. You’re officially taking today off to rest. I’ll see if I can tell the other master detectives to get you some things to help. Like, maybe some nice warm soup, nose spray, cold medicine, and some more tissues and herbal tea bags.”
Yuma nodded. “Dat souds dice…tank you…” he took another sip of the tea then handed it back to Yakou.
Yakou smiled taking it then putting the tea on the table. Then he stood up to walk the other room to get a dark blue spare blanket that he had stored away. He brings it back and places it over Yuma’s head and shoulders wrapping him up into a cocoon.
Yuma smiled as he sunk his chin into the blanket taking on its softness.
“So warm…” he said sighing in content.
“Good. Now you lay down and rest. I’m gonna head out to tell everyone else what happened then later we’ll all come back with more things to help you feel better alright?”
Yuma nodded. “Tank you. Ad…I’b sowwy for da twouble…”
“It’s no trouble Yuma, you’re sick.” Yakou chucked. “And hey, it beats being caught by peacekeepers. At least here you’re safe and warm instead of being stranded in the rain or in some run-down cell at Amataerasu.”
Yuma nodded before he laid back down sniffling curling up sinking his face into the warm blanket. He groaned a little bit. “…by head huwts…” he complained.
“Hang in there kid, medicine is on the way. Just try to relax.”
Yuma fell asleep soon after Yakou responded to him.
Yakou nodded as he grabbed his raincoat and put it on. He turned one of the lights off in the office to see if dimming the lighting a bit would help the trainee sleep better. Then he left closing the door behind him.
After about 2 hours, Yakou along with the rest of the Master Detectives all came back with multiple shopping bags. Containing many different necessities for the cold-stricken trainee waiting back at the office. Everyone also wore facial masks. It was probably already too late for Yakou on being a carrier, as he spent quite a while with Yuma along with touching him, but him getting ill wouldn’t be a big deal. But he could not risk any of the other detectives getting sick, or they wouldn’t be able to do any work.
They all entered the room to find Yuma awake sitting up on the side of the purple checkered sofa wrapped in the blanket trying to get comfortable looking very out of it. Shinigami decided to be quiet as Yuma continued to ignore her, so she eventually gave in and just stayed quiet floating beside him.
Yuma’s hair was a mess, as was his face, his nose was running, and his eyes were as watery as before. The tea left on the table was empty and there were tissues everywhere. Even on the sofa and table, and the trash can was full of them as was the floor. Only one person littered the sub in trash today. One sick little trainee detective.
“Hey Yuma, we’re back!” Yakou said smiling brightly at him.
Yuma looked his way, not changing his expression nor speaking. Just lightly nodding.
“How are you feeling, my man? Heard the rain gave ya a pretty bad case of the sniffles!” Desuhiko chimed in also grinning behind his mask.
“We got some basic necessities for you.” Halara said muffled as well as they lifted the bag they were holding. “Hoping to help to cure whatever ails you.”
“Yuma, you look like a caterpillar in a little cocoon right now!” Fubuki stated observing the state of the trainee as he tried to get warm. “How very cute!”
“Honestly Princess, have some compassion! Can’t you see he’s suffering right now?!” Desuhiko exclaimed a bit annoyed.
“Looks comfy…wish I could…do that too…” Vivia lastly responds.
Yuma sighs as he lets out another sneeze before groaning and sniffling the nasal discharge up again. Then he wraps himself in the blanket once more hugging himself shivering a little bit.
This pitiful sight and clearly very miserable gesture from him made everyone else get a worried look in their eyes.
Yakou signals the other detectives to keep their distance as he removes his raincoat putting it to the hanger, and walks over to the wrapped up trainee sitting down next to him moving his face closer to observe him carefully.
Upon looking at him more closely, his skin looked a little paler and shinier and there was a slight pink flush in his cheeks, but not nearly as red as his nose.
Yakou placed his hand to the boy’s cheek gently. The older detective frowned a little.
He felt warmer. No wonder he wasn’t speaking.
“Hang tight kid, medicine’s here.” Yakou said as he rummaged through his bag to grab some liquid cold medicine as well as some aspirin for his headache.
“Mhm…” was all Yuma could utter.
Yakou then clapped his hands twice as he began instructing everyone else.
“Halara, go start making the soup, Desuhiko go grab some spare clothes from your disguise bag that he can change into later after he showers, Fubuki go get me a spoon from the kitchen and a glass of water, and Vivia go get me the thermometer in the shower room along with an ice pack.”
All the master detectives did as they were told. Halara grabbed the can that was in their bag and went into the kitchen to get to work as Fubuki followed them to finish her own task. Desuhiko unzipped his bag going into it to search for any spare clothing in Yuma’s size. And Vivia walks slowly to the shower room. Leaving the two to have a small moment alone.
When the coast is clear, Yuma weakly leans into Yakou’s shoulder still trying to get himself comfortable.
Yakou sighs as he places a hand over Yuma’s body scooting a little closer to him until the small blanket cocooned boy was in his arms. He smiles down at him sympathetically as a parent would for their sick child.
“Not feeling very good, are you kiddo?” he asked, looking down at him, placing a hand on his head stroking it softly.
“Mm-mm…” Yuma pitifully responded in a whiny tone shaking his head as he sinks his warm cheek into the older one’s chest.
“You’ll be fine, don’t worry. We’ll take care of you.” Yakou said petting his head more to soothe him.
Yuma nodded smiling before he felt another sneeze building up.
Like clockwork, Yakou quickly grabs the last tissue from the box he had and places it to his face catching the sneeze just in time.
“Gesundheit.” He says with a gentle smile.
“…Tank you…” Yuma whispered quietly with his eyes closed.
Yakou wipes the trainee’s nose then he tosses the last tissue on top of the ones already overfilling the trash can.
“Hey, look what I bought.” Yakou said rummaging through another one of the bags. He pulled out a small bottle of nasal spray handing it to him. “There ya go, instant relief for all that pesky nose stuff you have built up.” he gave him a reassuring grin.
Yuma smiled sighing in relief as he held the bottle and nodded in silence.
Soon Fubuki and Vivia had returned. They both hand Yakou the spoon and thermometer almost in synced unison.
“Here you go Chief! And here’s the water too!” Fubuki says a bit muffled by her face mask as she puts the water down on the table.
“Thank you Fubuki.” Yakou said smiling. Fubuki then turns her eyes to Yuma.
Yuma just turns and shyly hides his face away. He’s a little embarrassed to be seen like this in front of his coworkers.
Fubuki just smiles behind her mask at this reaction. Yuma was so cute!
Vivia places the ice pack down on the table next to the water.
“Thank you, Vivia, you’re excused to go back to your corner now.” Yakou said.
As if Vivia was waiting for those words he walks back to the fireplace and lays down and begins to read his book again.
Yakou uses his hands to shoo Fubuki away telling her to give the two of them some space. Telling her to go assist Halara in the kitchen. Fubuki nods and heads over to the kitchen where Halara was.
Desuhiko had found a suitable pair of pajamas for Yuma in his bag, but decides to stay in it to give Yuma and Yakou some space. He quietly watches them from a small open space from the open zipper.
“Coast is clear Yuma. Nobody’s here anymore. Except Vivia but he’s just in the fireplace like usual. He won’t bother us.” Yakou said telling Yuma he can stop hiding now.
Yuma turns his head to look around and then looks up at Yakou who was holding a device in his hands. Yuma raises an eyebrow in confusion.
“Just gonna take your temp real quick alright? Can you open your mouth for me?”
Yuma opens his mouth as Yakou places the thermometer inside. The feverish trainee instinctively moving it under his tongue and closing his mouth.
After a few seconds the device beeps and Yakou takes it out. It read about 37.7 c (100. f)
“Yep. Definitely a fever, but it’s nothing serious.” Yakou replied looking at the device then putting it down on the table. “Good thing we caught it early. We got some medicine for it, so it should break in a few hours after some rest.”
Yuma nodded as he leaned back into Yakou. He was feeling very tired.
“Whoa, before you go back to your nap, let’s get this medicine in you first so you can wake up later hopefully feeling better.” Yakou said noticing how sleepy he looked. “C’mon, sit up for me.”
Yuma slowly gets himself back up again facing Yakou. His complexion and appearance status were the same, runny eyes and cherry red nose, pale yet flushed cheeks, but his tired and dazed face made him look like a nervous yet curious little kid. Yakou couldn’t help himself when he spoke again.
“Attaboy. Alright let’s see what we got here...” Yakou said as he picked up the cold medicine. He reads the instructions over and takes the spoon Fubuki gave him uncapping the bottle and pours the orange liquid into it. “Open wide.”
Yuma opens his mouth as Yakou places the spoon of medicine into it.
It didn’t taste very good as Yuma’s face was a little scrunched up and his tongue slightly sticking out. But he still swallowed it down with no vocal complaints.
“Okay good, now let’s try this one, it should help your headache.” Yakou grabbed the aspirin tablet and placed one in his hand and gave it to Yuma. “Pop that in and we’ll swallow it with some of this water.”
Yuma placed the tablet in his mouth and Yakou gave him the water glass to drink and swallow it down with. The boy takes the glass and took a small drink from it swallowing the pill and sighing once he was finished.
“There we go. Medicine is all done. You’ll be just fine now.” Yakou said smiling at him.
Yuma smiled in return before he sneezed twice into his arm quickly turning away from Yakou as he did so. His nose was running once again. He instinctively reached for the tissue box on the table, but it was empty.
Yakou laughed. “Don’t worry, we got more tissues.” he said looking at the empty box on the table as he took out some new ones, he bought at the store placing the box in Yuma’s lap.
Yuma nodded as he grabbed a couple of tissues wiping his nose and blowing into it.
“Sowwy…” Yuma said quietly feeling a little guilty for using up the entire tissue box.
“You’re fine. You have a cold; it can’t be helped.” Yakou responded taking the tissues and throwing them away for him.
“You wanna use the spray?” Yakou asked.
Yuma nodded quietly.
Yakou took the nasal spray from Yuma’s lap and opened and uncapped it. Then he plugged it up the boy’s nose.
“Brace yourself.” Yakou said a bit playfully. As he quickly spritzed the formula into both the boy’s nostrils then quickly taking it out. He puts the cap back on it placing it onto the table.
Yuma flinched slightly as he received the spray, but then as it was removed he exhaled trying to breathe through his nose again. It was a little better, but not quite.
Yakou then lays the blanket wrapped trainee back down. “Alrighty. Now you can sleep. When you wake up later you should feel better and then you can have some nice warm soup, take a nice hot shower and change into fresh and warm clothes.”
Yakou grabbed the wrapped ice pack Vivia brought and placed it under the boy’s neck where the pillow was. “And that should cool you off while you rest.”
Yuma smiled as he laid his head to the pillow and cool ice turning his head curling up to get in a more comfortable position for his nap.
“…Tanks fo all dis chief…” he said quietly as he began nodding off.
“You’re welcome, Yuma.” Yakou said smiling, putting his hand to the trainee’s head petting it softly.
“Get well soon, okay?”
Yuma smiled as he drifted off into a deep sleep with the medicine now in his system. His chief and coworkers watching over him and caring for him throughout the rest of the day.
He was already starting to feel better.
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cruyffista · 19 days
Hi can you rec some fics please 😊
fic recs below the cut!
Squirm - atria - Men's Football RPF [Archive of Our Own] (alessandro nesta/paolo maldini)
As Far as You and Me Go - distira - Football RPF [Archive of Our Own] (pep guardiola/jose mourinho) (<- in my opinion this is the greatest football rpf fic i've ever read)
Don't write any name in the sand - MrBK - Football RPF [Archive of Our Own] (alessandro nesta/paolo maldini)
words alone are vain and vacant (and my heart is mute) - SixPonderous - Football RPF [Archive of Our Own] (pep guardiola/jose mourinho)
The Cynics - rainhat - Men's Football RPF [Archive of Our Own] (paolo rossi/antonio cabrini)
The El Siete Chronicles - Guede - Football RPF [Archive of Our Own] (luis figo/pep guardiola)
Put the Gun Into Your Mouth to Bite - justkisa - Football RPF [Archive of Our Own] (joe hart/costeel pantilimon)
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tm-trx · 4 months
currents.22 [2024]
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selections from my week in media [26 may - 1 jun 2024]
Ascendant by Michael R. Miller - I love a good 'boy and his dragon' story, so this one is up next on my dragon book list.
Running Close to the Wind by Alexandra Rowland - It comes out on June 11 and sounds like a fun read.
Dee's grandma crashing Yak and Dee's sex date, then proceeding to charm the heck out of everyone, including the audience. I love her.
The Lawyer in Shizukuishi Sleeps With a Wolf by Akira Sugano [3 stars] - The cover art looks yaoi, but the book mostly consists of philosophical concerns around the nature of justice, with more than a little tax fraud. It took me two months to the day to finish it. But there are also immortals and a wolf who can only be in his human form when he's alone with his brother. I would actually love to see this adapted into a drama or movie.
Love, a Kitten, and a Salty Dog by Nenko Nen [2 stars] - It was cute, but that was about it. It features a couple of my least favorite tropes. The kitten was adorable though.
The Oppa Trap by rainhat - The King: Eternal Monarch twins AU - one of my favorites; I reread it every time I watch the drama
The Storm Boys series by NR Walker [4 stars] - MM contemporary romance about a storm chaser and a fulminologist (lightning scientist)
When Among Crows by Veronica Roth [5 stars] - urban fantasy novella based in Slavic folklore
The King: Eternal Monarch, ep 8-16 - finished my latest rewatch; still wishing there were time stamps included at key points because the passage of time is so unclear
Wandee Goodday, ep 5 - A very cute episode with more plot development than I expected, looking back. And is it me, or is meeting a promoter after dark, on a deserted street not a good sign? (Or maybe that was just filming location problems.)
previous Currents posts
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afaroffsong · 1 year
Her umbrella had long since turned inside out.
Thank you! <3
Her umbrella had long since turned inside out. Nan had given up trying to right it, gripping it instead in both hands and praying the wind would not whip it away as it had done to her sad little rainhat moments before. There was no shelter anywhere along the street; the bus stop had been her best hope, but it was uncovered and the wind was blowing the rain directly into her face. She thought she probably looked like she had decided to go for a swim in her work clothes and jacket. Eddie, sopping wet or no, would have been laughing and dancing and asking Nan, ‘Isn’t this fun? Aren’t we having a grand ol’ time?’ But Nan was alone, and of a much more melancholic disposition than her sister.
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radialarch · 2 years
obviously this was coming: tkem recs for @idrilka
The Amnesiac King's Time-Travelling Husband by rainhat (G | 7936 | Lee Gon/Jo Yeong)
“Your husband’s been at your bedside without a break for nine days. You’ve given us all the biggest scare of our lives, sir.”
if you're like, jo yeong suffers so pretty, i wonder if i can have more then boy have i got the fic for you. lovingly constructed, truly excellent.
Self-praise is no recommendation by hastybusiness (G | 4235 | one-sided Jo Yeong/Lee Gon, brief Jo Yeong/Kang Sinjae)
Three conversations Yeong has about Gon, with three different people.
the sword that was broken by gulpsofoxygen (G | 4295 | one-sided Jo Yeong/Lee Gon)
Jo Yeong loves by giving up everything, one day at a time.
the thing about jo yeong is that a character study is just him pining for lee gon. two fics, deft, vivid, with details i immediately adopted into my heart.
let us flow stream by stream by Teaotter (T | 12024 | poly-v Jo Yeong/Lee Gon/Jeong Tae-eul)
The king’s weekly absences can’t go unnoticed for long.
obviously the way to hide that the king is in love with an unsuitable foreigner is to have him fake date the other person he's in love with. a delight.
Every Door in the Universe by oliviacirce (M | 2899 | poly-v Jo Yeong/Lee Gon/Jeong Tae-eul)
Captain Jo Yeong to Lieutenant Jeong Taeeul, greetings.
epistolary communications about the stupid stupid man you both love: extremely good. one letter in particular that made me scream.
Destiny's Child by drivingsideways (M | 16943 | Lee Gon/Jo Yeong)
Lee Gon grew up well. Didn't he?
the inevitable post-canon falling-together. sometimes i stare up into the sky and think about: "It's just that it took me a long time," [Yeong] says, "to stop being in love with you. I had to work very hard at it." it's a lot.
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mindfogger · 2 years
mind's 2022 reading round up recs... pt. 2
featuring lots of fandom hopping and lots of reading... find pt.1 here
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July: 742,627 words read, 50 hours
Most Memorable Read: a sequence that you never learned by annataylor
Star Trek: AOS, Kirk/Spock, Fake Marriage & Kid AU
Normally I don't like kidfic but I'm a sucker for fake marriage aus and goddamn did this one deliver. The pining...wowwwwww, and the world building just hit right.
Honorable Mentions: time to come home, little one (Dark SBI, Runaway Tommy, Dark Fluffy) by inspire4044 Epiphany (The West Wing, Hurt/Comfort, Missing Scene - warning for reference to suicide) by Speranza
August: 1,221,073 words read, 81 hours
Most Memorable Read: moonflower by Magnolia35
The Sandman, Dreamling...
How careful Hob is in this, the hurt/comfort?? The non-sexual intimacy??? it's all just so *chef's kiss*
Honorable Mentions: The Raven and The Hawk (Avengers, Clint/Coulson, God/Reincarnation AU) by sunryder Mercy Is Not Mine To Give (SBI, Morally Dark, Murder/Serial Killers) by Dragonire
September: 977,656 words read, 65 hours
Most Memorable Read: Fragments by sparxwrites
Red vs. Blue, Tucker/Washington
Soulmates... need I say more? I'm a sucker for soulmate aus and adding in the hurt/comfort & angst inherent in rvb... this was a re-read but it hits just as good as the first time.
Honorable Mentions: Accidental Heroism (The Batman, Bruce-centric, Humor) by nighhtwing Afterimage (Sandman, Dreamling, Hurt/Comfort & Recovery) by ScribeofArda
October: 980,618 words read, 65 hours
Most Memorable Read: Bottom of the Ninth by Waldo
NCIS Dinozzo/Gibbs... NCIS is a comfort show for me in many ways since I watch it with my dad so I was watching a few episodes while in Korea.
Featuring some really great not-ooc Anthony and Jethro characterization and a really sweet Jethro-pov exploration of their early relationship.
Honorable Mentions: Things Fall Apart (Valerian 2017, Laureline/Valerian, Hurt/Comfort & Protectiveness) by sospes Damsel (Valerian 2017, Laureline/Valerian, Kidnapping) by sospes
November: 1,116,006 words read, 74 hours
Most Memorable Read: A Cup of Sugar (What Neighbors Are For) by odymcbea
Emerald Duo are veterans who are neighbors to Crimeboys...
God, wow it's all about love, isn't it? I love how carefully their familial relationships are handled and the humanity in this story really gets to me.
Honorable Mentions: Be Gay, Do Crimes, Turn in Your Homework (The Old Guard, Booker/Nile, Pining & College AU) by xiaq and i'm nothing (SBI, Werewolf & Hanahaki Disease) by Radio Silencer
December: 1,345,543 words read, 90 hours
×× note: this month I only read The King: Eternal Monarch fic. Only.
Most Memorable Read: Fire on Fire (Would Normally Kill Us) by www_gov_uk
The King: Eternal Monarch, Jo Yeong/Lee Gon in a universe where they never met before/didn't grow up together. I'm also already loving the series' continuation.
The realism, the world building, the characters, I cannot rave about this enough. Yeong's relationship to his family and his developing relationship with Gon just. Wow. Also these dumbasses need to communicate more <3
Honorable Mentions: which will bloom most constantly? (K:EM, OT3 - Yeong/Gon/Tae-eul, Developing Polyam) by itspointydumbass the stars are filming us for no one (K:EM, Yeong/Sinjae & Others, Hurt/Comfort, AMAZING Characterization) by drivingsideways & rainhat
Year Totals: 15,147,132 words read, 1010 hours
...Totalling 781 fics read, about 65 works a month, 138 pages a day 95 fics over 40,000 words (about the length of a short novel) ... 25 fics over 100,000 words
About 11.53% of my year was spent reading
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I had difficulties deciding how to count WIPs that were updating throughout the year but eventually I managed to keep track of the difference in word count between the last time i read it and the new word count. Not sure if I'll keep it like that next year. I ended up reading 71% completed works, partially because it was such a pain to calculate and keep up with WIPs in this system, partially because it's a habit for me to filter them out automatically.
I was all over the place in terms of fandom in the second half of the year but Jan-June I read mostly MCYT/SBI fics. From July-Dec, only September had MCYT as its top fandom.
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I tagged everything as one of four genres: Fluff, Angst, Smut, Dark. I read 280 Angst - 35% of fics, 202 Fluff, 128 Smut, and 170 Dark fics.
In terms of the tags I read, I manually tagged all my fics when I entered them and my most-read tag was Hurt/Comfort. Second most-read tag was Found Family. Following that was some smut tags I had... may be a data error because if there was smut I made sure to tag it right but I didn't tag small instances of other things in that ff.
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Also, I only added some tags later on, like Slow Burn & PWP, so they don't appear at all in earlier entries. For 2023, I've kept a lot of these tags and added more, especially to cover the romance front since I wasn't reading much rom in the beginning of 2022.
I really liked this project, it encouraged me to finish the fics that I read. It also made me read & ao3 bookmark more mindfully, I think. I'm really interested to see the difference from this year to next year.
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sketchesandmesses · 1 year
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I wanted to draw them in cute rain clothes! I shoulda given Sam a rainhat haha! But I sped through this before bed!
(Also wanted to try out some new shading tricks my partner taught me!)
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officiallysoup · 2 years
i love the rain so much she is my bestie he is my lifeblood they are my soulmate rainhaters dni
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hunty627 · 1 year
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Here’s a scene from Melody and the rainbow. Jirachi tried to make a rainbow for Melody, but he made raincoats and rainhats appear on on Annie and June. He tried again, but he ended up using Rain Dance to make a rainstorm! They had to get inside the rocket room before they get all soaked!
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postman came to the door in a rainhat ! they are catching on ! (this is the only person I have seen wear one besides myself)
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