#ran oneshot
haihaihaitani · 4 months
Cheers to the Jukebox Queen! ~ *Ran Haitani*
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Summary: You love the little dive bar you found after work one day. You're always spending time with the regulars and enjoying the atmosphere. That is, until it's disrupted by a stranger...
Pairing: Ran Haitani X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluffyish Oneshot
Word Count: 2224
Warning: Alcohol consumption, swearing
It was your favorite place to go when you needed to get away and relax. The little hole-in-the-wall dive bar had everything you needed: excellent drinks, good food, charming regulars, and a chill vibe. It was everything you needed after a stressful day at work.
Especially on a day like today.
It was pouring, soaking anyone who went outside to the bone, even if you had an umbrella. You also just put in two hours of overtime at your job and were exhausted. That's why as you were leaving the office, you could hear the sound of a cool drink and some old music calling your name from across town. You braved the storm to get to your favorite dive bar and order your favorite drink to make you feel better.
"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?" The crotchety old bartender chuckled as he saw you. "The usual?"
"Double it. I need something strong tonight." You sighed, slouching against the bar.
"Another long day?"
You nod, shaking your wet hair. "Always. They work you to the bone for pennies, I'm telling you."
"That's why I keep asking you to quit that dead-end, early-grave job and come work for me. Sure, you'll still be making pennies, but you won't be worked to the bone. And everyone here likes you." He explained, as he passed you your drink.
You glanced back at him and shook your head. You took a sip of your drink, enjoying the subtle sting of alcohol in the back of your throat. "Nah, I still need to pay my dues. The contract expires in three years. Then maybe, maybe I'll consider quitting my day job to come work for you."
He chuckled. "That's all I'm asking; just some consideration. And quit swinging your hair around like a wet dog! You're getting my clean bar all dirty!"
"When has this bar ever been clean?"
He threw an ice cube at you, which you expertly dodged. A laugh spilled past your lips and you took another sip of your drink. The night settled after that. You chatted with some of the regulars, talking about their day and their latest gripe of the night. All of them commiserate over your struggles at work and how you never seemed to have time for yourself. Despite all of the crap the day threw at you, you could always count on your evenings and nights to be much sweeter. This is what made working like a dog all worth it; being able to spend some good quality time with people you actually liked.
"You know, you really ought to stop hanging out with us old timers so much." One of the regulars sighed and downed the dregs of his beer.
The woman next to him nodded. "You need to go to one of those swanky clubs and grind up against someone to take home."
You grimaced at the thought. "Clubbing isn't my style. I like it here! It's super chill and everyone is so nice! Why would I give that up?"
"A pretty young thing like yourself needs to find herself some hunky arm candy." The woman laughed.
You laughed and shook your head. "The dating scene isn't for me. All the guys are whiney babies who want a mother, not a significant other."
The man grunts in response. "You got that right. You kids don't want to work for a relationship anymore."
The woman scoffed and playfully shoved him. "Like you put any work with me when we were dating!"
"And yet you still married me!"
As the rest of the bar laughed, the door opened with a bang. You jumped, spilling a little of your drink on the bar counter. There, soaked to the skin, was a man dressed in purple to match his hair. He was tall, lithe, and carried himself with such authority it looked as if he was disgusted the rain even dared to fall on him. But what struck you about him was the tattoo prominently displayed on his throat. 
Bonten. He was trouble.
Everyone seemed to sober up in that exact second. No one looked at him, finding other things far more interesting to occupy themselves. It wasn't until the bartender cleared his throat hesitantly that he was actually acknowledged.
"What can I do for you?"
"I need to borrow your phone. Mine died."
His voice was smooth and cold. It sent a shiver down your spine. You looked down at your drink as he took the phone from the bartender, leaning against the bar next to you. Though you tried really hard not to, you couldn't help but listen to his conversation.
"The car's dead. No, I didn't wreck it. Probably the battery. Just get someone down here to fix it. I'm not staying here all night. Be here in an hour or I'll tell the boss you kept me waiting."
Your heart stuttered in your chest. You didn't know who his boss was but you really hoped you wouldn't find out. A part of you wished he never walked into this bar and killed the whole vibe.
"Do you have a bathroom?" He asked the bartender, who pointed to the back.
As he left, you let out a shaky breath. The regular who was talking to you earlier shook his head. "That was terrifying."
"Shh! He could hear you!" His wife smacked his shoulder.
"Why is a Bonten executive hanging around this part of town?" The bartender mumbled under his breath, wringing his hands.
"You know him?" You ask and he winced at your words.
"Before I moved the bar here, I had a run in with their boss. He's terrifying to put it mildly, worse than that one. He let me off with my life but took everything else from me. I'm lucky to have escaped and I vowed I would never get tangled up with them again. Now they're back and I don't think I can go through all of that a second time."
The bar fell silent once more, heavy with the weight of the bartender's words. It made your stomach roll. But you weren't going to let some gang executive ruin your night. You couldn't. This place was your sanctuary. You couldn't let anyone take that from you.
Looking for a distraction, you found the perfect thing. Grabbing a quarter from your wallet, you walked over to the jukebox and punched in the correct code. Instantly, the bar was jamming to one of their favorite classic rock songs. The heavy mood lifted and you found yourself smiling once more. It was good to have the night back on track.
Everyone was too lost in their good mood to even notice the Bonten executive return from the bathroom, in a new, dry suit. You were bopping along to the music, watching some of the regulars dance in between tables, trying not to spill their drinks too much.
"What's all this?" His voice coming from behind you made you jump again. 
"Ah..." You replied, your words getting stuck in your throat. "Sometimes, we like to turn on the jukebox for some dancing. It's a normal occurrence here."
He nodded. "I'm assuming it only plays songs from back in the day."
You give a small shrug. "Yeah, but it's nice. Reminds a lot of these people of the good old days."
If you weren't paying attention, you would've missed how his eyes widened a fraction. "The good old days..."
The wistfulness in his voice that you were sure wasn't supposed to be there made your heart skip a beat. Despite your better judgment, you drank the last of your drink and held out your hand to him. "What do you say?"
He stared at you. "What? Are you asking me to dance?"
"Why not? You're waiting for your ride, right? Why not wait with some dancing?"
He continued to stare at you for a moment longer before taking your hand. His grip was strong and his skin was smooth, save for some callouses you were sure came from handling weapons. Still, you didn't want to think about that right now. You were trying to lighten the mood and you would not be frightened by this mysterious, yet powerful man whose hand you were now holding.
He was stiff at first on the dance floor, as if he had never danced to this kind of music before. You weren't surprised. He seemed like the kind of guy who would frequent the swanky clubs the regulars were teasing you about earlier. Still, with a bright smile and some good moves of your own, you got him to loosen up on you. He even flashed you a small smile which made yours grow.
"You're pretty light on your feet." You tell him over the music.
He shook his head with a smirk. "You're not so bad yourself. What's your name."
When you tell him, you nudge him playfully. "Are you going to tell me yours?"
"Just call me Ran."
You didn't need him to tell you his last name, because you already knew it. Anyone who's anyone knew the only Ran in Bonten was Ran Haitani. He was powerful and dangerous, and you were currently dancing with him in a dive bar. What a small world this was after all.
As the song started to come to an end, you grabbed another quarter to change the song. Before you could punch in the code, Ran punched one in for you. You raised your eyebrow at his choice and he rolled his eyes in response.
"I like this song." Was all he said before he pulled you into your next dance. 
A laugh escaped you as he twirled you around the floor. You felt weightless and dizzy, but in the best way possible. You could tell why he liked the song. It was peppy and had a good rhythm, something easy to dance to. You couldn't help but enjoy this time immensely, even as the song drew to a close.
You paused to catch your breath and take a sip of your drink. Ran ordered a whiskey and drank it slowly, his eyes on you the whole time. If he was any other person and this was any other time, you would have taken him home with those bedroom eyes. But you valued your life more than your pleasure. So instead you just winked at him and went back to the jukebox. You had one quarter left. You had to make it a good one.
After going over the choices a couple of times, you finally made your selection. It wasn't fast-paced or even all that happy. It was a song about reminiscing over your past and finding solace that the best is yet to come. It was slow, easy, and a good way to end the night.
Ran tapped your shoulder. "One more?"
You couldn't deny him. If you weren't going to take him home, you could at least dance with him one more time. As he pulled you close, you could feel your heart leap into your throat. It was intimate but not sexual. It was almost... romantic.
"How come I've never seen you at the clubs?" He asked quietly in your ear. "You have the moves for it."
You chuckled and shook your head. "Not my scene. But I'm assuming they're yours. You seem like a club guy. Ah, I don't mean to offend you or anything-"
He shook his head. "Not at all. Actually, I own a couple of clubs in Roppongi."
"Is that so? You must be loaded then. I hear the club scene over there is to die for."
"Thanks to my brother and me." He smirked and spun you, making your head go fuzzy. "Perhaps you should try it sometime. I can turn one of my clubs into a dive bar for a night, just for you."
The way he whispered that last part in your ear made you shiver. But you smiled nonetheless. "I might just have to take you up on that."
As the final song of the night came to a close, the two of you stared at each other in the eyes. There was something in him, something that was asking if he could kiss you. You wanted to give in. You were even leaning towards him-
The door to the bar opened. Everyone turned to look. It was a different man with a Bonten tattoo. Upon making eye contact with Ran, he nodded. Apparently, his ride was here.
Ran sighed. "Right on time. And I was so looking forward to cracking some skulls."
You bit your lip and hid it behind your hand. You knew he wasn't joking but you were tipsy. It was a little funny the way he said it so stoically.
He turned to look at you and pulled out a business card. "Call me, if you ever want to partake in my proposal."
You gently took the card from him and watched him slip away. Your heart was beating too fast and your head was clouded. Still, you couldn't stop thinking about the charming Bonten executive you danced your night away with.
It was then that the regular woman yelled out to you, "See? I told you! All you needed was some hunky arm candy!"
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kurogxrix · 10 months
Stomach Empty, Heart Full
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[part 2]
Viking!Bucky x Wife!reader
IN WHICH you’re sick and refuse to eat, but it’s nothing that your beefy husband Bucky can’t help with.
WC: 2.5k
Warnings: vague mentions of smut, mentions of puke, beefy!bucky, INACCURATE VIKING UNITS, pregnancy(?).
A/N: my mom is the BIGGEST viking fan and yet idk anything abt em so…yes everything about this is inaccurate. From their beds to their huts but it’s fiction so who CARES.
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A huge campfire was bustling outside your hut, that you knew. The sounds of men and women alongside their noisy children made the headache currently gnawing at your head just about 10 times worse. You’d been lying sick since this morning and if you were being honest with yourself, all you craved was for a good sip of water alongside the company of your dear husband. 
Talking of, Bucky had been gone for far too long now. Even though he’d just gone on his regular routine as a fellow warrior, it helped that they’d only gone out to hunt that morning. 
You suddenly winced as the high pitched wail of a kid adventuring far too close to your hut breached your ear drums, and from the thud that you’d heard a split second before, he’d taken a nasty fall to himself. It didn’t help that his father had chosen the front of your hut opening to reprimand his son, the headache feeling like it would burst out from your head and carve a hole through your skin at any moment now. 
You couldn’t tell what sort of sickness you’d picked up on, but hell if you wouldn’t give up anything in your possession in that instant for an ounce of relief. Your stomach yelled at you for food, but the ache in your head only increased the growing nausea that came with your illness. You were sure that once you’d be healed and back on your feet, you’d kill whichever scum had passed on their bug to you. 
Comfort only came as you curled over yourself, soft blankets warming you, the stitches and patches of soft furs from all sorts of animals that Bucky had hunted and skinned for you. You missed your husband so, so much more in your sick haze. Your eyes finally started to droop as you felt your body giving in to slumber, which was hard prior to the insane pounding at the far back of your head.  
It didn’t take long for your vision to darken, your rumbling stomach being the furthest of your worries as a faint smile overtook your features as you felt the headache begin to dissipate as sleep pulled you in its arms. You could almost taste it, the sweet and victorious taste of relief, when- 
“You are not joining us tonight?” And there it was, the pounding in your head almost immediately punched back to life at the loud sound of whoever that was that had breached your hut. You groaned in dismay, turning around reluctantly to find your sister looking at you in confusion. It didn’t help with the fact that she was your sibling, but at that instant you wanted nothing more than to rip her hairs straight from the root and craft yourself a rag doll with them out of spite. 
“Get out.” you mumbled before rolling back, not missing the way her eyebrows furrowed at your rudeness. You’d treat her a little better if you felt a little better, but you didn’t, and to add to that the only person that you wanted with you right now was probably fighting off whatever beast was hiding in the forest. 
She did, however, listen to you for what felt like the first time in your entire life as sisters. A content sigh left your lips at the newfound silence, as silent as it could be with a meal in preparation happening outside. Finally, you felt the warm arms of slumber welcoming you again in the embrace that you seeked so much, and it felt a little too good to be true. Maybe because you had a knack for jinxing yourself, but the sound of the hut door creaking again had you close to tears. 
The sound of metal colliding against the floor however, gave you a brief idea that it was in fact not your sister. You didn’t have it in you to greet your husband, instead choosing to wallow in your pain as you held yourself like a dying child. You didn’t hear much from Bucky but the rustling of something that sounded big and meaty, probably a catch that he’d brought home to skin later. 
On his side, Bucky was confused as to why you weren’t outside with the other people. It wasn’t that you didn’t know that the feast had arrived, and if you’d fallen asleep, the doubling in noise would’ve surely awakened even the deafest foe. He contemplated waking you up before his blue eyes fell upon the bucket of water by the door, as full as it was before he’d left home that morning.
With his eyebrow furrowed, Bucky kneeled beside you in all of his silence. You could hear the trinkets attached to his belt clanking against one another, his booted feet causing a heavy thud against the floor. 
“You haven’t drunk, you haven’t eaten.” he stated as a matter of fact, and your undying silence threw him off. He’d been your husband long enough to know that you weren’t sleeping, eyelids shut as a decoy more than anything. The beefy brunette sighed at your actions, eyes flickering between the  abandoned wooden plate that harboured his food, waiting for him in all of its loneliness. The cut of meat had his mouth salivating for a taste, after all he had been gone all day to bring back food for his people, why shouldn’t he enjoy it? 
Yet, he just couldn’t get himself to as he eyed your curled figure. There must’ve been a reason why you hadn’t bothered to take care of yourself today, of course there must’ve been one, and as your husband - it was all the more his duty to care for you. There was no resentment or obligations in his actions, only love. 
One of Bucky’s palms slid under your cheek, disconnecting your face from its warm place upon the layers of furs. You whined in dismay, but Bucky didn’t falter. His huge palm covered half of your face, his thumb rubbing at your cheek with inclination. You felt your body relax once more as he slowly let go, as much as you’d normally complain, this time you felt happy as your cheek made contact with the blanket once more. 
Your peace didn't last long, not when you had a burly husband who had enough force to take down a 300 pound beast on his own. You gasped suddenly as you felt his arms wrapping themselves around you, before pulling you into the warmth of a familiar torso. You wasted no time getting comfortable, you head pushing impossibly further into the firm flesh of his chest to serve as a pillow. It didn’t faze Bucky, blue iris simply gazing down at your slithering form. 
“You haven’t eaten today,” he states again, and this time you’d actually taken the courage to look up at him, eyelids pushing away from each other painfully slowly as you tried to adjust to the dim light of the oil lamps burning by the side of the hut. You could feel his warm palm slowly inching itself into caressing your back through the material of your dress, the beaded necklace that you wore squished between the both your bodies. 
Bucky didn’t ask, he could tell that you were ill and you had no intentions of talking if you didn’t feel well. So he did what he could, a hand digging into the meat in his plate to rip a fat piece off. You watched in dismay as his hands dragged to your mouth, pausing before you closed lips as you refused him access. 
“You’ll be even more ill if you don’t eat, come on.” his gruffly voice sent shivers down your spine. You could feel the ends of his long, auburn hair tickling your cheeks as the wind whistled past the cracks of your shared hut. Your nose involuntarily scrunched at the smell of the meat before you, which you normally loved like all people in your village. Bucky took notice of your discomfort, lowering his hand slightly to prevent you from puking all over him and the place. 
You made a sound of frustration, sick and tired of being sick and tired. You simply wanted to eat and all the more drink but your body just wouldn’t let you do any of it. So sick that tears pricked at your waterline again, resurfacing the throbbing headache that'd been killing you since this morning. 
You couldn’t even have told when the sob had burst through your mouth, but it had apparently and it didn’t fail to startle the hulk of a man you were lucky to call your husband. In a split second, the food was dropped back in the discarded plate, and his hands were quick to carelessly wipe clean against his cloak with little to no care for it. 
Bucky’s heart was hardened from the series of events that’d turmoiled his life from his birth, being a viking was anything but easy. He’d bathed in blood, his own like not, he was scarred mentally just as physically. Yet, he was fierce with a shell as hard as rock to carry his sorrows in. Despite all, nothing hurt Bucky like seeing you upset, or even worse in this scenario, hurt. 
Cradling your head to his chest, he tilted your head softly towards his own as you cried upon his chest. It was weird seeing a woman such as yourself cry over something that couldn’t be seen, yet enough described because your words wouldn’t even allow you to. So to say that Bucky was worried was an understatement, you’d never cried over something so minor, best to deduct that it wasn’t.
“I’ll go and fetch the lach, better hope that Thyra has the herbs to fix you a remedy.” he spoke more to himself than to you, referring to the village healer. You didn’t want him to go though, you’d spent enough time on this miserable day away from the only man you’d wish to see, so you weren’t about to let him go. 
“No, I can handle it until daytime. I just want to eat…I’ll try the meat again.” Bucky looked down at you in hesitance, remembering the way you looked so sick at the approach of his food. Nevertheless, he brought the food back up to your mouth, and you had to fight the inner battle to not throw up now and then. He could see your struggles, yet he only focused on your determination. 
You chewed slowly so as to not upset your stomach further, giving Bucky the time he needed for him to get a taste of his own meal as well. Sure, the cut was barely enough for a man of his size but at least he’d get you to eat, he could always go out and get some more once you were satiated. His hand that wasn’t busy feeding the both of you was still glued to your back, keeping you flushed against his chest as he sat legs crossed amongst the many blankets. 
You couldn’t help with the way your heart soared at his worry, at his care, and at his love. Sure he wasn’t the most verbally expressive man, but his actions meant more to you than any I-Love-Yous. The way his fingers curled against your side as a measure of extreme protection had you weak in the knees, and that said a lot considering you weren’t even standing. 
By the time you’d both exhausted whatever food was on his plate, Bucky’s skilled hand worked for water. Grabbing a cup from the side, he sought water from the bucket by your front door. He took a drink first, draining the cup in two quick gulps. You watched as he served himself another cup, a drop of water dribbling past his beardy chin and onto the defined curve of his Adam's apple. 
Fuck and if he didn’t just look so hot, you’d really gotten the finest pick of all men in your village. You lifted an unsuspecting hand up to his cheek, the prickly feeling of his beard against your palm made a shiver run down your spine. So much for all the days he’d spent buried between your legs, you felt a ghost of the burn you’d feel on your inner thighs at the friction everytime. 
The sounds of water sloshing around brought you out of your daydreams, finally receiving the end of the cup as he lifted the edge to your lips. You liked everything about this, getting pampered while laying in your husband's arms. You couldn’t possibly have gotten two sips down your throat before-
“Maybe I should call the midwife to check on you tomorrow.” Bucky randomly blurted out, and you swore you’d never accidently taken a gulp of water this big before. The choking came first, then the excessive coughing fits before the headache resurfaced again. Now maybe you’d rethought everything, maybe you didn’t want to spend the rest of the night with Bucky anymore. 
His hands quickly abandoned the cup to rub at your back, some silent apology of some sorts for surprising you, and eventually causing you to choke. 
“You don’t think…” you looked up at your husband after you had calmed down, expectant baby blue iris staring right back at yours. Your lips were slightly parted in the confoundment of his words, you found yourself unable to speak past your sentence. You didn’t know any contraceptives further than a remedy of herbs, spells and whatnot the untrustworthy pull-out method. Yet even if  Bucky had been very obedient when it came to following that way, there were some days where he just couldn’t help himself.
His silence made you sigh to yourself, but you didn’t feel like speaking further yourself. The hut fell into a peaceful silence as you both wallowed in the other's presence, soaking each other's affection through soft touches and occasional prayers.You closed your eyes once more for the night, allowing yourself to fully sink into your husband’s burly arms.
Bucky didn’t complain, waiting for your shoulders to fall limp in indication that you’d finally submitted to the slumber you so craved. Now that you were sleeping, tucked and fed, he could finally go out and reach for a serving more appropriate for a man of his size. Though he staggered for a second, kneeling besides your sleeping form along the blankets that he’d arranged over you. 
He moved the blanket properly after noticing that you’d already managed to mess up the ‘bed’ despite being dreams deep into your sleep. Bucky allowed his hand to hover over your stomach, before providing extra heat to the area that crossed his palm. He watched as your lips twitched into a smile in your sleep, his thumb uncontrollably caressing at the clothed area at the sight of your delight. 
A rare smile tugged at the corner of Bucky’s lips, something that only you and his family had gotten to experience more often. His hand left your stomach as he rose to his feet, a distant dream of an infant swaddled by green cloth burning by the back of his mind. He didn’t turn back as he left the tent, stomach empty but heart full. 
i’m working on 2 requests rn but i’ll be busy all weekend so expect a fic by next friday‼️
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stevebabey · 2 years
love as sweet as honey (and lover, i’m hungry)
a/n: u can read me for literal filth in this piece, i won’t even lie to u lmao. it’s disgustingly full of praise and petnames and steve’s biggest turn on is being told he’s loved <3 big ups to em (@familyvideostevie) for literally being the reason this got written at all & if u haven’t guessed by now, practically ever single idea i have is consulted by kenny <3 (@hawkinsindiana) also thank u steve stans for being my cheerleaders love u guys sm (@spideystevie​ @harringtonbf) & sanne too (@sanguineterrain​) bcos talking w you helped sm <3
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word count: 6.9k hehe summary: One Sunday, filled with too many kisses to count and a sureness in your heart that you are entirely in love with Steve Harrington. You tell him him for the first time in a flurry of love and lust, tangled in his sheets. [established relationship + smut, praise, petnames, + first i love you + fem!reader] MINORS DNI this piece contains nsfw content and is intended for 18+ readers. 
It was often a question on your mind: How does one know when they’re in love?
For you, it was as easy as a Sunday. 
When you wake on this Sunday morning, it’s in Steve’s arms. You’re in his bed, intertwined beneath the sheets and warmed by more than just the sun that peeks through the gap in his curtains. The room glows golden. His warmth creeps under your skin and his love finds you even when he sleeps, still snoozing against the pillow when you drift into consciousness.
He’s beautiful. Soft brown curls that crumple against the pillow, long lashes that you know even the girls at Hawkins High were envious of, faint barely visible freckles that hide under his tan. He’s beautiful and he’s yours. It makes you giddy to even think that. 
You wake him with a kiss. It’s gentle, soft lips against the dozen tiny white scars on his cheek. Steve hums, a low sound in his throat, and even that makes you smile.
“Steveeee,” you whisper, cheek pushing against the pillow as you grin, unable to stop yourself. Grins come so damn easy with him.
Steve makes another noise, high and sweet, and snuggles closer to the pillow. You shuffle closer and dot another kiss on his face, this one on his nose. It scrunches up at the contact and finally, he drags his eyes open. You can read nothing by adoration in them.
“Mm,” he hums again, then speaks in that delicious raspy morning voice that drives you crazy. You wonder if he knows just how much it affects you. “Good morning to you too.”
His arms tighten around you, inching you closer until you’re pressed against him. He uses the closeness to bury his face against yours, nosing along your neck and placing sweet pecks paired with content sighs. You’re bundled together, lovers in the morning sun.
It’s cut short far too soon. Steve gets whisked away to his Sunday shift at Family Video and leaving you pouting, with a kiss in the doorway. He looks soft, with his hair still messed up from bed and a handsome grin adorning his face.
You smooth down the collar of his shirt, a nice navy long sleeve, and let your hands linger. You almost consider telling him to skip work and follow you back up the stairs, eager to jump his bones then and there. The side-effect of getting to see him in the morning, voice low and eyes lovely. You give yourself a quiet pat on the back for your self-restraint when you hold the thought, at least til later.
“Wish I could spend all day with you,” Steve says wistfully, planting a quick kiss into your hair. He’s stalling leaving, knowing he’ll be late if he dawdles much longer; Steve never can bring himself to leave on time when you’re here. Not when you kiss him in the doorway like it’s a promise you’ll be there when he gets home.
You smile cheekily. “Well, someone’s gotta be the breadwinner of the family. That’s the whole reason I’m with you, no?”
You tease, raising your brows with a smirk and Steve snorts, hands tugging you closer.
It’s a reference to some absurdly jealous girl who’d been head over heels for Steve since first glance in the Hawkins High’s Halls. As a result, his relationship with you had been viewed merely as an obstacle to getting with the love of her life. She’d gone to his work one day to try her luck and leaned over the counter on one of his shifts, shirt unbuttoned to reveal her cleavage. Then she expressed her heartfelt concern with a coy whisper.
“Steve, I hate that I’m the one who has to break it to you,” She’d said, voice all sweet and breathy as she cast a look at you across the store where you’d been joking with Robin. Steve’s brows had scrunched in confusion, following her gaze, unsure where she was going with this.
“But I’ve heard... just through the grapevine, that she’s totally with you for the money.” She had shaken her head, like she was ashamed of you, and plastered on her most sympathetic look, doe-eyed and entirely insincere. Laid a hand on his arm with a pout. “I’m so sorry you had to find out from me.”
Steve had barely been able to cover his laugh with a cough, ducking his head to hide his grin. Is that so? He wanted to ask, just to see how far she’d take the lie — Steve knew for a fact what she said wasn’t true.
Because you’d been there the day Steve’s father had cut him off for good, with a slap on the wrist and a few too many mean words aimed in spots he knew would hurt. But you’d been there. You’d kissed him softly, said so what? so earnestly he knew you meant it, and then pulled up the newspaper to help him begin searching for jobs without missing a beat.
“Mmhm,” In the present, Steve chuckles, his hand stroking down your arm as he continues the joke. “Total gold-digger you are. Everyone knows it.”
And then he’d left with you another kiss and a promise he’d be by your house just after six, when he finished his shift, to take you out to the movies. You busy yourself in his absence and try not to count the hours. Per his word, Steve swings by just after six, greets you with a kiss, and the two of you cozy up in the back of the theater for a film.
From there, the tension builds, hanging around you like a soft-scented perfume that you can’t shake and only fuelled by Steve’s lingering touches — ones that let you know he’s more than on the same brainwave as you. A finger drawing a line up along your thigh, a kiss too hot on your neck, his hands getting too adventurous for public.
So, when you tumble through his front door together and it quietly snicks shut behind you, there’s a quiet moment where Steve turns back to you, brows raised. Tension stains the air between you.
He’s so fucking handsome, you think. You want to kiss him stupid.
His cheeky smile grows slowly as if he knows exactly what is on your mind.
His hand moves to cradle your jaw, his lips pressing against yours hotly and without meaning to you back up and let him press you against the door. Steve groans softly into the kiss, his other hand coming up to grasp at your side, grip just a bit too tight. It gives away how wound up he really is. You crave the feeling it gives you.
It’s a flurry, his lips kissing, kissing, kissing, til you’re breathless and his hand is higher, thumb tracing higher on your ribcage, skimming but never quite where you want him. Your stomach hums, excitement dancing and stirring up til you’re sure the taste of his lips is your favourite in the world.
After a minute of fervent kissing, Steve finally breaks away with a pant, but his lips don’t stop. They trail down, a soft kiss on your cheek and then one your jaw, your neck. Your head tips back instinctively, giving him easier access. He hums appreciatively.
“Y’so fuckin’ pretty,” He breathes against your skin, quiet enough you wonder if you were meant to hear it. He dives back in, nips at your skin, and you feel his lips pull into a devilish grin when you keen at the lovebite, a soft noise passing your lips. Fuck, he’s always so good at this.
There will be a hickey there tomorrow, no doubt about it. But when his lips reattach and he gives a gentle suck on the skin of your neck, followed by the soothing sensation of his tongue, you really can’t bring yourself to care. Want builds in your stomach.
Your hands struggle to pick a place to fixate on, flitting from his chest to up around his neck. You decide on the latter and wind your fingers in his hair. When he scrapes his teeth against your neck, a little mean, you retaliate with a tug on his hair.
A groan warbles out his throat, a delicious noise that makes your stomach a little warmer, thighs clenching a bit.
With his pause, you seize your chance and tug his head back again gently and Steve lets it fall back, exposing the column of his throat to you. You dip in, dragging your lips against it, and grin when Steve lets another groan tumble out, the vibrations reverberating into you where you lips touch his skin.
You pause, just to tease him. Don’t make a move. Your breath fans out across his neck and Steve tenses, a vein standing out in his neck, his patience waning within seconds.
“Don’t tease,” He warns, voice raspy, but he already sounds a bit wrecked.
Then his hands reignite, as if he’s just remembered them, and the one cupping your jaw moves downward, fleeting touches against your boob that have you gasping against his skin. He kneads the flesh and pinches your nipple, his other hand gripping your hip tight.
Your lips find his throat again, a soft kiss that turns hard and hot. You kiss up along the skin, pull his hair a little, and find that sweet spot under his ear that you know he loves.
Steve lets out another groan, his hand dropping so he can grip your hips on either side and he presses himself against you. His knee navigates between your thighs, an enticing pressure that makes you quiver for a moment — you suck harder on his neck in retaliation.
His groan turns into a borderline whine as he inhales a sharp breath. Against your thigh, his hardness presses into you, giving away just how riled up you’ve got him.
“Sweetheart,” he rasps, between a pant. “Y’gonna kill me.“
His fingers pulse tighter against your hips for a moment. He drops his head forward, his forehead touching yours. “Let me take you upstairs, yeah?”
You force yourself to drag yourself away from his kiss-bitten neck, a grin curling at your lips.
“Jeez, at least buy a girl dinner first.” You jest, just to make him laugh. Like he hadn’t bought you dinner and paid for the movie tickets as well, because he loves to spoil you.
He does laugh, with a huff and a poorly concealed smile. His hands slide from your hips, wrapping around your waist and pulling you closer to him.
Like you can sense it right before he says it, some stupidly cheesy line, one of your hands shoots out to cover his mouth.
“Whatever you’re thinking of saying,” You say, voice doused in amusement. “Don’t.”
Steve’s eyes dance in delight and before you predict it, the wetness of his tongue splays against your palm and you squeal, winding it back.
“Save that for later.” You tease, scrunching your nose as you exaggeratedly wipe your hand against his shirt. Steve doesn’t seem to care, his feet beginning to backtrack, and bundled in his arms, you go with him.
“I hope you mean now.” He murmurs playfully, voice dipping a bit lower, just to turn you on, and it sends a delightful shiver down your spine. You speed up your footsteps, the itch to get him between the sheets increasing.
He spins, releasing his grip but still grasping one of your hands in his. Your footsteps thunder up the stairs behind Steve, a giggle of anticipation slipping out and nipping at your heels that pushes you both faster. Steve nudges the door open hastily, and in a flurry, your back meets his sheets.
The warmth of his body is a weight you’ll always welcome, especially when Steve’s lips trail back along your throat. His teeth sink in, his mouth hot and wet, kisses that draw a thread of breathy noises from you. His hips cant into yours, a slow roll that has your thighs falling further apart automatically, the beginning of a whimper forming.
His hands tangle with the edge of your shirt, fingertips skirting under. They’re hot, burning against your skin.
He halts his kissing for just a moment, to pull back and pant, “Can I?”
You’re nodding before he can even get the question out. He tugs it up, the fabric sliding up and the smoothness of the motion leaves you a bit breathless. Steve stares down at you, eyes a mixture of affection and a hunger for more.
“You,” his large hands splay against your bare stomach, one moving up and sketching a line of heat where his fingertips linger. He leans close, lips scratching a kiss into your collarbone. Whispers his sweetness into your skin. “You’re so fucking beautiful. M’so lucky. How’d I get you all to myself, hm?”
The question makes your body hum, like a live wire, your knees tightening around his hips. Your hands clamber up around his neck and you tug his head up, claiming his lips with your own. You grind your hips back up against Steve, pleasure licking up your spine at the feeling of his hard cock dragging against you.
“Please,” you tease, words a bit breathy. “Everyone knows I’m with you for the money.”
Steve faux gasps, a laugh slipping through his facade at the inside joke you both share. He pulls back a bit, a pout on his pink lips, sheened with spit. He’s sitting up now, hair already a bit ruffled, handsome face housing a grin you love so dearly.
“Is that so?” He asks, brows raised.
You nod, a giggle tittering out before you stop it. Steve can’t help his smile, a quiet joy quelled beneath his lust over the fact you’re both so comfortable with each other. Laughing in bed, jokes in between the moans — Steve feels his stomach pool hotter, his love for you somehow still ever-growing.
“Take it back.” He demands, dropping down closer — his hands plant on either side of your head.
You squirm against the bed, trying to grind up against him again but it’s futile, he’s pulled back too far. Steve grins deviously. You arch your chest out and give Steve your best bedroom eyes, lids low and eyes dark.
“Take this off first,” You counter, hands tugging on the ends of his own shirt. Steve doesn’t need to be told twice.
It’s nearly as smooth as the removal of your shirt had been, his toned arms twisting to yank the fabric up — until it gets caught on his head. Steve makes a surprised noise and decides to tug it harder, his arms caught above his head, face hidden in the fabric. You laugh without meaning to.
Steve tugs again, managing to free himself but not before he topples sideways and disappears in the mass of his duvet with an oof!
You laugh loudly, covering it behind your hands, and roll in his direction, amusement dancing along your features. Steve’s head pops up, hair properly mussed now, and he grins. His hand clutches the meddlesome shirt and he flings it behind him mindlessly. It lands on his bedside table, hanging off the lamp.
“Where were we?” He asks, with a wiggle of his brows.
You shift up and swing your leg across his lap, seating yourself atop him and the shape of him makes you hiss pleasantly. Hands creeping up his bare chest, teasingly slow, you smile and it borders a smirk. “I was… taking it… back?”
Your voice is coy, tone doused in suggestiveness as your nails dig in and rake back down his chest. Beneath them, you can feel the rumble of his groan and he wastes no time in getting his hands back on you. His fingers find the waistband of your pants, dipping in and you suck in a breath instinctively.
He doesn’t even get to ask before you’re nodding, already anticipating his question. Steve smiles, guides you down and peppers kisses along your neck with a half-hearted hum— all the while, his other hand works open the button of your jeans.
“Steve,” you say breathily. You don’t know what you’re asking for, why you’re saying his name, just that it’s right.
“Y’good?” He asks, hands not stilling but not delving any further into the confines of your pants. When you nod, fervent and a bit too enthusiastic, his tone turns a bit heavier. “You gonna be good f’me, yeah?”
The whine that comes out of you in response takes you by surprise, body reacting with a filthy grind down against him. Steve doesn’t even get a chance to look smug, pleasure shuttering across his face as he tilts his head back.
“Fuck,” he says, hands tight on your hips. He guides them, pulling you harder down against himself and bucking up. He presses into you at the exact angle to have you keening, a happy sigh tumbling out your throat. “Fuck.” He huffs against, voice strained.
“Please do just that.” You say, a bit cheeky, grinding down harder just to make him moan properly — his head buries further in the pillow, eyes clenched closed for just a moment and the sound he makes travels right to your cunt.
Steve grapples to control himself, his chest beginning to heave. He manages to respond, voice still smooth in that way you’ve learned is his specific Harrington Charm.
“As you wish, honey.”
And god, if that doesn’t do something to you.
You can’t deny how much it turns you on when Steve manhandles you, a swift turn of your bodies where you find yourself back on your back with Steve hovering above you. His hands toy with the edge of your jeans, shimmying them down and discarding them somewhere behind you both.
You pant a bit, stomach stirring at how Steve gazes at you — the way his fists clench slightly give away his utter desire for you.
“You’re entirely overdressed.” you rasp, aiming for seductive but accidentally landing closer to whiny.
A glow raises in your cheeks, face hot, but Steve seems to revel in your words, his hands making hasty work of his belt. Unwittingly, your mouth waters a bit.
He sheds the extra layer in a moment, leaving him in just his boxers. You take a moment to recognise them, the Batman logo printed all across them. He clearly hasn’t meant for you to see them. For the second time tonight, you laugh before you can suppress it.
“Hey,” Steve jabs a finger at you, cheeks a bit pinker than they were a second ago. “It’s laundry day, okay?”
It’s a bit meek, said too feebly for you to actually believe. You raise your brows and wait for him to crack. It takes only another moment.
“Oh my god, fine,” he sighs dramatically, scrubbing his hands down his face. He drops them and then away at his sides, his face still warm. “I didn’t want to assume I’d get to fuck you tonight. They were at the top of the drawer, alright?”
Your heart does a little kick at that. Your wonderful, hot, never-presumptuous boyfriend that you fucking adore — it never manages to not astound you with the new way he turns you on.
“Then clearly,” you begin, wiggling closer. Your legs move up, circling around his hips and you cross your ankles at his tailbone — and urge him closer, feeling your own wetness stain against the final layer on your cunt.
Steve’s cock fits snugly between your folds and he gives a delicious grind, brows scrunching at the sensation. You fight to keep your voice steady as you continue, “You don’t know me that well.”
Steve huffs, some half growl escaping his lips. He sneaks his fingers under the band of your panties on either side of your hips and begins to pull down. They slide down your thighs, tantalizingly slow, and you’re unable to do anything but watch him. Steve’s gaze turns heavier and he licks his lips, teeth sinking in to hold back another noise of approval.
Then unexpectedly, the next words out of his mouth come out in a poor french accent. “Mon dieu,” Steve mutters, already smiling because he knows you’ll laugh at this.
You do, a startled laugh— especially when Steve wrangles your panties off your ankles and repeats his earlier motions of the night, sending them flying behind him carelessly.
“Steve, what are you—“
“Mademoiselle,” He interrupts, voice huskier than normal, completely on purpose.
“Oh my god,” you say in exasperation, yet the love leaks into the work, obvious and undeniable. Steve grins, thankfully dropping the voice and instead working his hands back up your body. They crawl beneath your torso, fingers searching, and make quick work of your bra. It comes away with his hands, straps scraping against your arms.
“Oh, sweetheart.” he sighs contently. Like they’ve got a mind of their own, his rough hands meet the soft skin of your boobs, kneading and thumbing at your nipples. Beneath his touch, they harden and pleasure thrums hot in your core when he twists them lightly, a gasp pushing your lips.
“Steve,” you whine hotly, pushing up against him.
“What d’ya need, honey?” He murmurs, dipping closer and restarting his kisses against your neck. He suckles gently, the barest hint of his teeth, lips soft and tongue hot.
“Y’gonna tell me what you need?” He hums, but even as he asks, one of his hands creeps downwards, landing on your thigh. He inches it closer, his thumb rubbing against the soft inside of your thigh.
The pillow rubs against your cheek as you nod fervently, turning to press your face into the pillow. Even after all this time with Steve, there’s no quelling the nerves in your stomach. But even with your enthusiastic nods, you know Steve needs your words.
“You.” The word is a bit whimpery. “Please, Stevie, s’you I need. You— your-” you cut yourself off, shyness creeping in and stealing your words.
Steve senses it, a quiet chuckle against your neck, and his fingers draw higher, til they ghost across your cunt. “Mm? Sweet girl gonna tell me when she wants?”
His words both make your face warm and your stomach flutter— he loves to goad your shyness, drinks in the reactions when you give he pushes it.
“Don’t make me say it, please.” You plead softly, resisting the urge to burrow further into the pillow.
Steve had told you early on when you’d started sleeping together in your relationship that he wanted nothing less than for you to hide away from him. I wanna see your face, okay? Wanna see everything from you. And hear all those pretty sounds you make, yeah?
A sound like the one you make now when he doesn’t make you wait, a pad of his thumb tracing down the folds of your cunt. His fingers dip in, soft touches that draw out a gasp as he trails them back up, beginning gentle circles against your clit. A fire in your belly that’s never quite extinguished burns a bit hotter. Your legs spread open further.
“Oh, honey,” he coos, devouring every reaction you give. “You’re doing so good. All worked already?”
His thumb rubs a bit rougher, circles faster, and his fingers stroke back down to your entrance. A moan punctuates the air, dragged out of your chest as one of his fingers slips inside, a stretch that has your back arching up.
“Please…” You sigh, words lost to your breathy moans as the finger pumps in and out, far too in tune with the circles on your clit for you to think straight. “So good, baby, you’re so good at this, fuck—“
Steve’s mouth moves south, his lips curling around your nipple and adding to the stream of stimulation. It’s overwhelming, the heat of his mouth and the curl of his fingers in your cunt— you can hear how turned on you are, your slick gushing against Steve’s fingers, and it only fuels the fire under your skin. You’re unbearably warm.
“That’s it,” The soft praise falls from Steve’s mouth, pausing his licking and sucking. “Good girl. So fucking wet for me, huh?”
The words inspire a lick of heat along your spine, the coil in your stomach tightening even more. Your breath staggers and you whine in response to his words. Shit, at this rate you could very well come undone before you even get him out of those stupid Batman boxers.
You wonder if this is Steve’s plan; it sure isn’t yours. You want him now.
“Anyone ever tell you,” you huff, a bit breathless. It takes effort to formulate sentences, the words coming out a bit whimpery. “What a motor-mouth you have in bed?”
Steve’s kisses work up to your collarbone, before drops one swollen kiss on your lips and smirks from above you, “In more ways than one.”
Something about the cockiness in his voice only adds to the anticipation building beneath your skin, your head lolling against the pillow as sweet noises escape your mouth.
Steve watches, eyes fixed on where his fingers sink lazily into you, curling in a way that makes your breath hitch loudly — it only serves to add to the growing heat in his stomach, blood rushing to his cock, which twitches at the sight. He groans to himself, head delirious with his desire.
His name is the only word you can seem to remember and as Steve’s fingers pump faster, precise curls, it leaves your mouth in a flurry that is all too telling about how close you are. He nearly feels bad to take it from you, nearly.
A disappointed whine draws out at the sudden removal of his fingers and Steve chuckles, a confident drawl in his voice. Your brows scrunch together in frustration, hips up twitching ever-so-slightly, searching for the lost stimulation even as your building pleasure tapers off. Asshole, you think, not meaning it even a little bit. You pant lightly.
Steve doesn’t waste a second, using his freed hands to begin to dig in his bedside table for a condom.
“Why are you laughing?” You grumble with a pout, chest still heaving. As his search proves fruitful, proven by a little aha! and the glisten of the condom wrapper, your hands reach up to cup his face and tug him back to you greedily. His hands stumble and plant on either side of you, letting you pull him in for a searing kiss. Steve hums into it with a grin.
“You’re like some sort of supervillain,” You mumble against his lips, a smile already curling at your mouth.“Laughing at my misery.”
Steve breaks the kiss, dropping his voice an octave to rumble out a spooky “Mwahaha,” that tickles laughter out of you in seconds. You thwack him lightly on the arm just so you can kiss away the pout he makes - because you know him that well.
The kiss is sweet and saturated with adoration, kisses that break off just to steal another. I love him, you think. I love him so completely. The wonderful thought melts and curls up in your mind, like a cat purring beside a fire, like it had always been there and you had only just noticed it.
It only feeds the anticipation that thrums through your body, your prior disappointment already long forgotten at the sight in front of you, at the delirious thought still spinning in your mind.
All the while, Steve’s hands shed off his boxers and make quick work of the condom. When he’s situated, his slender fingers curve around his leaking cock and give a light tug to relieve the building tension, eyes fluttering for a moment.
His other rests on your thigh, soothing subconscious touches; Steve never could keep his hands off you for long. His eyes trail up, committing each detail of you to memory.
Seeing you like this, Steve swears it never gets old; he could find sunsets in the curves of your skin and melodies in every moan. It’s vulnerable, exposing yourself to him and trusting him, all the same, to take care of you. And fuck, if he doesn’t love taking care of you.
But tonight, you have a particular moonstruck look on your face. Enough to make him pause, thumb skimming atop your thigh. “What?” He asks, with a hint of a chuckle.
Your cheeks grow a bit warmer and you fight the urge to hide your face in the pillow. Holding his gaze, his amber eyes which only hold endless patience and love, it’s not even a choice to tell him. The words bubble up inside, golden and sweet like you’d just taken a swig of pure ambrosia, and they spill out of you.
“S’just,” you begin, teeth scraping across your bottom lip. “I love you, Steve.”
Steve seems to freeze, his thumb halting its motions on your skin but there’s not even a moment for panic to trickle in — not when he flushes, cheeks rosy, and a pure expression of elation overtakes his features.
“You do?”
It’s nearly a whisper, uttered like he’d worried you’d take it back the moment he believed it. You’re already nodding by the time your words catch up with you, nervousness making them fall out without thought. “A lot. I love you a lot. So much. So many.”
A wet-sounding laugh splutters out of him as Steve’s face splits into a beam and he’s on you in an instant. He’s hovering above you, held up by his arms, but his face crowds in close — kiss after kiss finds its way onto your skin.
“So many, huh?” He teases before his voice drops to a murmur, words thick with emotion, and another weak wet laugh comes out. “I love you so many as well.”
You groan at his mocking and tuck your face in the crook of his neck, hiding away your giddy grin.
“Don’t be mean,” you whine but still revel in Steve’s unstoppable shower of kisses, warm and wet, one after another. “I got nervous.” 
His lips work along your neck until you’re forced to tilt your head out of your hiding place and he captures your lips with his without hesitation. It feels like home, the curve of his mouth that you could recognise in the dark you’ve kissed it enough.
“Nervous?” He asks against your lips, the question halfway between disbelief and happiness. His eyes search yours desperately, pools of affection shining in the chocolate colour of them, giving away his complete elation. “My girl.”
Another kiss, molten hot affection that melts into your skin, from Steve. Your arms tangle over his shoulders, bring him closer, til his chest scratches against yours and you’re pulling him closer, closer, you can’t get him close enough. The craving in your stomach twists up, a reminder of what your love declaration had interrupted. 
You wiggle your hips slightly, knees bending so you can slide your legs up and encircle his waist, hot skin against hot skin. You kiss him once more and nudge your nose against his gently, to halt his kisses.
“Yeah, yeah,” you tease, all too fond. “You love me, I love you. Y’still gonna fuck me, hm?” 
Steve grins, “Ouch, way to make a guy think you said all that just for the sex.”
He raises a hand to cover his wounded heart for a moment, but it settles on your thigh, pushing it back an inch. His other hand curls back around his heavy cock, lining it up with your pulsing cunt that quivers in anticipation - Steve groans a bit at the heat he can already feel.
“I already told you,” you grin at the inside joke, words all breathy. Your thighs tighten around his waist impatiently. “It’s all for the money, baby.”
Steve scoffs with a smile that melts away as he steals another kiss. His hips shift forward, burying himself in you slowly with a moan that sends shivers down your spine, fingers clutching your hips tighter. A high keening noise pushes out of you as Steve rolls his hips gently, a slow fuck into your wet cunt.
“Shit,” he curses, movements still gentle as he pulls back and sinks into you, a tortuously slow pace that has your hips moving back against him. “Honey, fuck, y’so wet, so soft.”
“Stevie,” You whimper, hands grappling for a better grip on his broad shoulders. Like he can tell what you’re asking for instantly, one of his hands travels from your hip and clasps atop yours. He tugs it off and presses it against the sheets beside your head, his large fingers moving to link with yours instinctively.
You clutch at his hand, squeezing your intertwined hands tighter as Steve begins to build his pace, your moans egging him on. His face drops lower, warm breaths fanning over your face as his other hand tugs your hips back on his cock strongly. He strokes in, giving and giving to your mounting pleasure. Your skin burns warm; your chest arches up and the nails of your free hand sink into his back. 
“So good for me, yeah?” He grunts, but it gives way to a groan as you clench around him. “My girl, my sweet girl, you feel fucking so good on my cock.”
God, him and his fucking motor-mouth. Your breath is heavy, cunt blazing warmth, and the coil in your stomach begins to burn again.
“Steve,” you mewl like it’s a praise.
“I know, I know,” He murmurs. His hand squeezes yours as he gives a particularly deep thrust, the head of his cock finding the spot inside you that makes you squirm. Makes the blood in your veins turns to pure confetti; a long moan drags out your lips and you bury it in his skin.
“Feels so good,” you cry softly, fingers flexing against his. Your hips are moving without thought, meeting his thrusts and Steve moans brokenly when your cunt flutters around him. “Y’feel so good, baby.” You praise him with a whimper.
Steve‘s arms keeping him up stutter a bit at your words, more of his weight pressing against you and you welcome it, legs tightening their grip.
“Y’so. Fucking. Good.” He punctuates each word with a thrust, fucking you harder and beginning to lose his rhythm as he chases his pleasure. “So pretty, my girl, hm? Could fuck this pretty pussy all day. Fuck, I— nothing feels as good as you, sweetheart, I swear, nothin’.”
Through your pleasurable haze, you manage to scrounge up a halfhearted joke, a soft smile peeking through on your face. “What’d I say? Such a motor-mouth.” The final word is swallowed up by your gasp.
Steve grins, not slowing his motions in the slightest. He looks fucking beautiful like this; his hair disheveled and wild, cheeks rosy, a slight sheen of sweat on his brow. 
“You love it,” He bites back gleefully — he dips his head to scrape a kiss along your neck, up your jaw. You whine as he rolls his hips into you expertly, each thrust managing to steal your breath and make your stomach grow hotter. The beginnings of your orgasm trickle in.
“I do,” you agree, fond and voice sticky with bliss. “I love you.”
Steve’s cock twitches inside you, paired with a soft moan that Steve buries into your neck. His thrusts speed up, chasing desperately as he whines, the noise pathetic and whimpery, and he clutches your hand tighter.
“Fuck, I love you too.” He says, a sloppy kiss granted on your neck, then he laughs weakly. “Please tell me you’re close too.”
“I am,” you gasp, head nodding and eyes scrunching closed as the buzz of heat swells inside you, thighs twitching and clenching around him tighter. “I am, baby, please.”
“C’mon honey,” he urges with a pant, voice strained and face wrecked, contorted in his pleasure. His free hand shifts up, pushing back your hair so he can see your face and his nose nuzzles against yours. “I know you can do it. Y’gonna cum for me? Be a good girl and cum on my cock, yeah?”
His voice turns cooing like he knows exactly what it’ll do to you to hear him beg. “C’mon, be good for me. Cum for me, honey, please,”
You tense up as his words hook into the coil in your stomach and tug, unraveling it and you with a soft cry. Legs gripping him tighter, you arch and writhe as the ache in your cunt pulses so deliciously, pleasure flooding every nerve — Steve fucks into the tightness, low whines in this throat as he chases his own orgasm.
“Say it,” he rasps, hips snapping fast and milking every second of your bliss, dragging it out as you clench around him. “Please, honey, wanna hear it.”
He says it so low, you nearly don’t hear it but you know exactly what he means. Your fingers clutch at his tighter, your intertwined hands keeping you connected and you nod, breathless, and tell him exactly what he wants to hear.
“I love you, Steve. Love you, ah, love you so much. Want you to cum for me, please,”
He falls apart, breath stuttering as he releases a desperate moan which dissolves into a kiss, soft lips scraping yours. His hips move a bit slower, jerky motions, as he clenches your hand tightly and whispers all his ardent love onto you, a dozen i love you’s between a thousand kisses.
His forehead presses against your forehead and you revel in the final zings of pleasure that rush up your spine as he slows his thrusts.
Your free hand drifts off his shoulder, soothing through his hair as all motion slows to a stop, Steve’s breath warming your shoulder. He drops his weight a bit, energy spent, and squishes against you and you make a noise somewhere between a squeal and a laugh.
“Y’good?” You ask, fingers still stroking through his hair. Wordlessly, Steve nods, chest still heaving but you can spot the gorgeous grin that graces his face, eyes closed.
Basking in the warmth of your love, you stay interwoven together. You’re warm but not just from the hot press of his body against yours; no, you gleam from the inside, pure glittering light because you love him.
You break the moment, the glow hazing out to tiredness and you free your hand from his hair to pat his shoulder softly.
“Okay, gross, you’re sweaty, get off me.”
Steve laughs, even as he peels himself off you, biceps tensing as he props himself up. “Yeah, ‘cos I just rocked your world.”
A laugh bursts out of you, though you don’t deny his words. Steve eases himself out of you gently and the stimulation makes you gasp lightly, lashes fluttering. You slump into the bed, feeling slightly melted as Steve deals with the condom and you’re fairly convinced you could just drift off in a moment. Steve doesn’t let you.
A poke on your arm. Your eyes peek open, seeing your boyfriend back in his silly little Batman boxers and a smile pulls on your lips. “Go pee.” He says.
You groan, eyes sliding shut again and he pokes you again, a jab at your shoulder.
“Go pee,” He insists, shuffling off the bed to stand up. When you make no motion to move, his hands hook around your knees and he tugs. You slide forward with a yelp and Steve grins when you frown but relent, getting to your feet. Your legs wobble for just a moment, a tad unsteady, and it only feeds Steve’s shit-eating grin.
“Shut up,” you warn, without any real heat. Steve raises his hands, not saying a word, though his chuffed expression says enough. He holds out one of his shirts — old and softened, it’s one of his old swim-team ones — and you slip into it easily. The trip to the bathroom is quick, already eager to be bundled back up in his arms and you nearly skip back to his room.
He’s in bed when you push the door open, covers pulled back, and waiting for you to join him. The slight smile on his face blooms into a grin that he pairs with grabby hands in your direction. You don’t deny him for even a moment, feet dancing across the carpet to clamber in beside him.
His arms, strong and sure, pull you against his chest and you hum contently with a smile, settling against him comfortably. Steve tugs up the duvet to cover you both. Cheek against his chest, you can hear the thump of his heartbeat easily and it eases some part of your soul, like a finger soothing down invisible hackles that raise whenever you’re apart from him.
“Can you say it again?”
He mumbles the question against your hairline where his lips rest and it turns your heart inside out, both pained and pleased that he wants to hear it as much as you want to say it.
“I love you, Steve Harrington.” You say without faltering, nuzzling closer to him. You drop one kiss on his chest, above his heart, and grin. “You totally rock my world.”
Where you expect some dramatized groan, Steve only laughs, the sound light and easy. His arms tighten around you, his lips gifting another sweet kiss atop your head. “Yeah, you too, sweet girl.”
And it makes you love him all the more.
(dis is my first smut soOOoOOoo pls do indeed come tell me how i did)
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reds-skull · 3 months
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I haven't drawn anything for it in months, but I haven't forgotten about the Cyberknights AU...
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lssugaluv · 3 months
Brushing your teeth together.
• MDNI 18+ only
You and your man were laying down when he brings up the idea to go brush your teeth together. It was all cute seeing you brush your teeth until you were brushing your tongue and gagged. That set the man off. He was dying of laughter but at the same time with a boner.
As soon as you finish rinsing off the mouthwash, he goes from behind you and lifts up your cute night gown. He starts power thrusting you. At first it’s funny until he grabs a fist full of your hair and has you stare at the mirror. He pulls up your night gown letting your titties out free. “Look at your gorgeous titties baby.” He says as he squeezes them.
He turns you around and gently puts your back facing the wall. He starts to make out with you, tasting nothing but the fresh toothpaste as his tongue attacks yours. He lifts one of your legs, having it wrap around him halfways. He inserts one finger and starts pounding it in and out having you already become a mess.
He takes his finger out and proceeds on taking off your underwear. “These stay here. Walk with nothing under your night dress to the room.”
The rest was history. 😉
Characters who I think will do this:
• ATSUMU (HQ), Kuroo(HQ), Nanami (JJK) , Gojo (JJK) , Suna (HQ), SAKUSA (HQ), Mikey (TR), Ran (TR), Iwazumi (HQ), Ushijima (HQ), TSUKKISHIMA (HQ) , Daichi (HQ)
• Well that overheated real quick 🥵
• Not proofread.
• Like, Comment, and reblogg. <3
• 5 a.m. thoughts. 💭
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izunx · 3 months
heyoo! Would you like to make a story about Kakucho x reader afraid of rejection? I'm curious what it will look like!
kisses :3
(sorry for my English :c )
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bonten KAKUCHO x reader
jealous reader is afraid of rejection
xx this is a very cute request ty!
no warnings.
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you had kakucho have been friends since childhood. ever since you guys have been young, he’s been protective over you.
he’s always been nice to you, caring considering how sensitive you’ve always been. you would’ve assumed that he’s fed up with you now. but he’s not. why?
you were too fear struck to face the reality that he LIKED YOU
kakucho never had eyes for any woman other than you. but you were riddled with stubbornness.
the fear of rejection.
you couldn’t blame yourself though. when you and kakucho were both 15, you went through something ‘traumatic’.
you went through rejection.
“kakuu” you whined while your head was in his lap whilst he was scrambling his arms in the air, wondering how to comfort you.
“it’s not the end of the world, y/n”
“you don’t get it!”
“I do tho.” he grumbled.
“I thought he liked me. he even chose ME to do his homework..”
he struck at disgusted face at that one.
“come on, you can do better than him.”
“NO, I’m never doing that again!”
and you were not joking about that.
your female friends at work ridiculed you for that, they didn’t seem to understand why you didn’t make a move on kakucho when he cared about you so dearly.
“y/n you can literally see his heart eyes for you!” your friend squealed seeing kakucho in his car, picking you up from the work dinner you guys had.
“stop, he’s just a friend” you sighed.
“just a friend MY ASS”
“I swear he’s been in love with you since you guys were like babies” your friends snickered.
“ugh you teases”
you stormed away, approaching kakucho.
“what’s up with you?”
you pouted.
“why are you moody for,”
“they’re asking about us again”
“is it bothering you?” kakucho in reality liked it when both your friends suspected you two, but he wouldn’t let you know that. likewise, you only pretended to be annoyed.
“never said that,”
“did you have fun with them?”
“yeah but I’m drained!”
he sped off, you in the passenger seat talking his ear off about your day at work. he didn’t complain tho.
“we can’t stay out for long tho,”
“there’s this girl I gotta help out at her little cafe, made her a promise.”
you unintentionally tightened your grip on your seatbelt - you didn’t like hearing about that one. what you failed to see tho, was the reddening on his face as he glanced at your moody face.
but you were afraid to ask. I mean, who were you to ask about any girl he hangs out with?
you did like him. you couldn’t deny that one, but could you say the same for him, did he like YOU?
“do you have to do it?” you meekly whispered.
kakucho raised his eyebrows at the one, he didn’t think you’d really want him to stay. considering the mood you’re in.
“thought you weren’t ina good mood?”
“I feel better now though”
“sorry y/n, but I really did promise her”
but he did want to stay with you.
you didn’t respond to this, rather you turned your head to look at the cars rushing past you two and you stayed silent the rest of the ride. sulking.
he sighed as you got out, “it won’t happen again so don’t be too mad at me.”
but it did.
it happened again.
with that same cafe girl.
“what do you mean she broke her arm and now she needs help working around the cafe?”
“y/n I still owe her a favour ..”
“we haven’t hung out in ages though.”
he moved the hair out your face and just smiled.
“I promise, after this one we’ll go out”
again, you just didn’t reply. ‘he’s falling for her’ you assumed.
“you could clearly see the blush on his face talking about her” you grumbled into your pillow.
turning on your phone, you just looked at the multiple pictures you took of kakucho as kids.
you really did want to ask him out. but what if he rejected you and then that would mean you guys won’t ever be back to being bestfriends, was it worth the risk?
you phoned kakucho, and he answered immediately.
“you done? can’t you come over now?” you asked first thing.
“I got a work call pretty, I can’t right now” you were too oblivious to hear his disappointed tone.
“mhm, yeah that’s fine.”
you hung up.
‘pretty’. you loved when he called you that, it was the same name he’s been calling you since you were young.
you simply just stayed depressed the whole weekend. well that was initially what happened, but you were disrupted.
bonten had kakucho working like a dog, considering he was an executive. he was gone up until the moment you called him to now.
he appeared in front of your door shamelessly wearing a white shirt covered in blood, his suit jacket unable to cover it properly.
“hey pretty,”
you were persistent however, refused to talk to him and instead attempted to slam the door. he knew better though, stopping it with his foot.
“you know you can’t be moody forever”
he forced himself in,
“my shower ain’t working, I’m using yours.”
but you stayed silent.
his eyes was observing your every move. your awkward stance in the hallway, your averting eyes, and nervous leg shake.
“I’m not liking this silent treatment anymore, y/n”
still no answer.
he furrowed his brows, “hey, come on, talk to me”
“the girl.”
kakucho didn’t have to ask further to know what you were talking about. he covered his face with his forearm, attempting to hide that stupid boyish grin.
“ahh come on now, don’t tell me you think I like her, pretty?”
“don’t call me that.”
he raised his eyebrows at that one.
“I didn’t mean to make you upset, were you jealous?” he took steps forward towards you.
“jealous? I don’t even like you.”
that would’ve made anyone laugh.
you weren’t taking a risk, he probably liked that other girl more is all you could think.
“yeah but I like you”
guess you didn’t have to take the risk but —
“no you don’t”
he was playing with you. it was plaguing your mind.
“y/n. don’t do that”
“do what?”
“I know what I feel for you, are you just tryna say you don’t like me?”
was he testing you? you don’t want a replay of when that boy humiliated you. 7th grade or not. you still had the video he had recorded of your watering eyes and flustered face.
“I’m not like him y/n, you think I’d hurt you?”
your eyes again just watered, you covered your face.
but this time, he gently moved your arm away and held onto it.
“been wanting to be with you ever since then”
“I trust you, kaku”
“I’d trust you with my life, if that means anything to you”
he didn’t have to say a word more before you moved quick to steal his lips. he didn’t hold back either.
“knew you were jealous,” he mumbled smirking against your lips.
“shut up.”
hands tangled in his hair, you stared up at him worried.
“no more talking about that girl”
“if it means I can have this everyday,” he rested his forehead on yours.
“maybe admitting I like you wasn’t that bad of a thought”
“you think? told you could do better than that wimp.”
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cardinailed0 · 2 months
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Goddess of luck, Lady Fora
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rosifyyy · 1 year
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silly thingy inspired by tanger's splice ep cover art
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mchlgayser · 25 days
𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐃𝐈𝐃 𝐈𝐓 𝐆𝐎 𝐖𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆 [tokyo revengers various]
⸻ cw: hurt/no comfort, triggering events and poor writing skills.
qeena's brief note: i'm here after nearly a month went MIA
໒꒰ྀི o̴̶̷̤ ̯o̴̶̷̤ ꒱ྀ১ first of all, thank you so much for 1.13k followers on tumblr (i honestly still can't believe it lol) you guys did a lot for me throughout my years here in this platform like bro i love you guys sm andddd thank uuuu! ik lots of my ole mutuals are no longer active but still, thank you so much to you guys for your continuous support 💙 and thanks to my readers (from jude girlies readers to anime girlies readers), thank you so much. last to wrap things up, here a small sorry gift from me after went missing, a tokyo revengers drabble! happy (sad) reading xoxo!! i love you <33
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𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐉𝐈𝐑𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐎: too preoccupied with his work.
The sun disappears behind the horizon and the daylight soon fades. The once cheerful home, turn out dingy and dejected. Tears spew down your cheeks to your chin as you examine one single paper lay before your eyes. The saying above appear clear "Divorce Paper" with your signature on the very right and below.
"So, this is it?" You sneer, teeth grinding against each other "Don't 'so, this is it' me right now, you know well none of this would've have to happen if you could be a bit more considerate." He did not say a word, look down on the floor as if it could've been the most entertaining object in the world.
"I'm busy, there's too much works I need to tend-"
"You said that last week, and the other month and even months before that! How come you're always busy with your job that you can't loiter around with me even for a minute. You left at early mornings, before the sun pops out, you're gone, out of sight and when you came back, you're tired, hot and needed rest. I'm sick of it, Manjiro. I can't do this anymore, ...so yeah, this is it."
He didn't notice the luggage you had beside you until you pull it forward "I'll have my lawyer pick the paper tomorrow morning. Please have is sign by then." A last drop of tear fall cascade down your cheek, like a stray until you wipe it off.
"Goodbye, Manjiro."
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𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐌𝐀 𝐒𝐇𝐔𝐉𝐈: cheated on you.
He said- No, he promised the last will be the last time. The last time you had to pick up the last shattering pieces of your dignity. The last time you had to faced the brutally honest reality of your marriage. He promised...
And yet, he broke it again. Today is supposed to be a good day. A happy day as it's a 'happy' birthday for a reason, right? But no, the happy day turned out to be your most saddening, fucked up moment in life. You left home to pick up a dress you custom made for yourself, to go buy your favorite cake at your favorite cafe. You didn't expect to come home, seeing him with your maid on the bed. She was half-naked, bra straps off her shoulder and his clothes thrash on the side.
It's a mess. The splat noise of the cake make a noisy sound and both of their ears perked up "Thought both of you had gone deaf that you both didn't hear me knock for five fucking minutes!" She frantically hid herself beside the bed, where you can't see her but you practically lunge at her, ripping strands after strands of her fake blonde hair "You fucking bitch. I picked you up at the gutter and this is how you fucking repayed me?!" Hanma tries to block into your attack but you punches him making him stumbled.
"And you, rot in hell with your fucking promises! I trusted you, not once, not twice but fucking three times!" He hold you by your shoulder but you slap his face away.
"Dont touch me! Don't you fucking dare..." Your punches ended weak and helpless. Tears pool beneath your eyes but no, they're not sad tears. It's resent, anger and betrayed tears.
"I'll file a divorce, fuck you and that bitch." You push him off, slapping him on the face one last time. The stone on the ring slash through his cheek and he bleed slightly "I'l fucking take half of your fortune, lustful bitch."
You turn to the woman "And you..." You peel the ring off of your ring finger aggressively and throw it to her chest "Keep that shit. I'm outta here." Hanma didn't try to say anything, just mumbling an apology before you walk out that door.
You turn back and look at him, he didn't look remorseful - he did, but it could never be enough to make you crawl to him once more "Shove your apology up your ass, Hanma."
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𝐇𝐀𝐉𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐊𝐎𝐊𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐈: can't move on from his past.
At first, it was okay. You can even claim it to be perfect. But that was at first, soon everything gradually becoming worse. He started to get busy with works or as he claimed it. He told you he won't be coming home at a day but sometimes, he remained unresponsive for days. You don't know where he go until you heard from his close friend, Inupi that Kokonoi had been sleeping over at his house.
That means he was not so busy after all. You confronted him about it and as you thought he'll get angry, he remained calm and apologised. He just said that he wanted some time for himself. Of course, that's foreign coming from him as he's always been the type to want to stay close to you.
He still bought you monthly gifts just as he promised he would when you both first got married but they are just not the same anymore. He started giving you tulips when your favorite flower is gerberas. He started giving you white flavored chocolate, and that's weird. You always like the original flavor with nuts in it. Kokonoi just started making unusual mistakes.
Then, one day, he did it. The mistake he can't never undo. You both had Inupi over to your house because Kokonoi wanted to discuss something with him regarding business and when he left for the bathroom, Inupi unlock his phone revealing whom seem like a teenage girl with a peach blonde hair like Inupi and she's holding a bouquet of pink tulips "Sei, who's this?"
He turn to look at you, wondering who you were asking about "...Oh, this is Akane. My older sister. She passed away when she was 16." You nod your head, sadden to hear that.
"I'm sorry for your loss." You look at Inupi then to the ground "But, can't I know if she had any sort of relation with Kokonoi before I met him?" Inupi is confused as to why you'd ask that but he nodded his head.
"Koko used to like my sister."
And he came into the living room. You turn to look at him, almost livid "Is that so..." Both Kokonoi and Inupi look at you, confused.
"What is it?"
"Can't you move on?" Your question caught both of them by surprise, especially Kokonoi "You've been buying me stuff recently but they're never what I like. You got me pink tulips, cute hairbands and books when you should know damn well I like none of those."
"Did you think of her when you got me all of those? Or was it Sei's sister you're trying to give that gifts to?" He tried to explain himself but you kept cutting him, not wanting to hear none of his excuses.
"Please, just listen Akane!" The silence defeaned and the occasional sound of the wind whisper in the background as it soon faded. You look at him, wide eyes "Wow. You are incredible, Hajime. So. Fucking. Incredible." You tried to walk past him but he kept you back, trying his best to talk it out.
Inupi just sat there, dumbfounded. He only back in his trance when he heard a crash and the vase on the table smash to the ground with puddle of water and the pink tulips scatter on the wet carpet.
You stare down at the tulips, scoffing to yourself "This is enough. I'm not nobody's rebound, I have respect for myself... I can't do this, I won't." You push him off and tread to your bedroom, slamming the door shut leaving Kokonoi alone in the living room as Inupi too, got up and left, disappointed by his friend's behavior.
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𝐑𝐀𝐍 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐈: constant jealousy and overprotective.
You know what you put yourself into when you started dating the Ran Haitani. Ran can be obsessive with you, overly jealous with whom you befriends with, and got really protective over it. But you'd never imagine even in your wildest dream would he start to oppressed your freedom away from you - objecting your idea to meet anyone other than him, that includes your family members as well.
You put up with it, begrudgingly until today, it's an important date for you to attend and besides, it's been a while since you meet your family members so you went ahead, not bothering to tell him because you know well he will say no, no matter how hard you. You are having a great time with your family, chatting together after a while and leaving Ran texts from time to time but you certainly did not expect him to burst his way inside the venue, all rigid and mad.
How rude of him. He pull your hand and immediately get you out of there "Ran, stop. Ran, stop it!" You smack his back and he halt in his steps. He look back at you, glaring down at you with his jaw clenched.
"Just what the hell are you doing, Y/n? Going out behind my back like this and for what? To flirt and whoring around─" Smack, blood trickles from the corner of his lips when you slapped him across the face.
"You had no respect for my family, and for me, Ran Haitani. You failed us." He tried to put his hands around you shoulder but you pry his hands away "Don't. I put up with your ridiculous acts for years. I obeyed like a goddamn dog for you to disrespect me like this? You are fucking insane, Ran..."
"Love, I just don't want you to mixed along with that kind of people─"
"What kind of people, Ran? They're my family. I may have not like most of them but they're my family and the least you should do is respect them as I do. You barged in, acting like you're the main event, embarrassing me, and disrespected them. You may think you're above others but you're not. My family, we may not be as rich and lavish as you - if we're talking about lifestyle, we're alien to each other but I always expect you to be kind, Ran Haitani."
"You can't go around acting like the world revolve around you. I can't, and I'm sorry for that." You look up at him with pitiful eyes "I'm going now, good bye." You turn around and enters the same room he barged into a couple of minutes ago.
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𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓 is open ✦ all rights reserved goes to @mchlgayser on tumblr.
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airbendertendou · 10 months
May I please get a scenario or hc (whatever is easier for you!) of Rindo’s s/o dying their hair to match his hair color? Like they do it while he’s at work and he has no idea until he comes home. Thank you! I hope you have a good day/night!
synopsis : reader changes their hair to match their boyfie <3 characters included : mikey, ran, draken, koko & bonten!rindou
if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked.
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— MANJIRO! ♥︎ you copy his classic, half-up hairstyle ♥︎ doesn't even notice you've changed your hair ♥︎ draken says something snarky abt it like "oh, you're matching, cute." ♥︎ nd mikey goes ??? w his cheeks puffed out from a taiyaki ♥︎ but when he turns to see you ♥︎ it's like the sun shines down onto you carefully ; like angels are singing ; like he's falling in love all over again ♥︎ his head flops onto your shoulder, arms shakily bringing you closer to his hold ♥︎ mumbles something about turning you into a sano /:
— DRAKEN! ♥︎ you go for jus a simple braid, a little piece of hair tugged out ♥︎ he snorts when he sees you, rolling his eyes nd everything ♥︎ but his ears are so so red ♥︎ and hes thought abt how to tell you how pretty you look ; how you need a dragon tattoo now, too ♥︎ shoves you under his arm when you tease him abt his blush, digging his chin into the top of your head annoyingly ♥︎ tugs on that little strand a lot!! jus to get your attention, he swears ♥︎ but has this sort of pride in his eyes when you show your hair off at the toman meeting
— RAN! ♥︎ your hair is styled into two braided pigtails ♥︎ oh hes so smug ♥︎ but also keeps an eye narrowed and focused on anyone mking inappropriate comments ♥︎ we live in a society where pigtails are sexualized ♥︎ twirls your braids the way he twirls his!! ♥︎ will also purposely mess his hair up so you have to fix it for him ): ♥︎ grins at any and all matching hair accessories he see ♥︎ talk him out of getting the giant, obvious bows please
— KOKONOI! ♥︎ can b his bonten hair or his current one! ♥︎ either way, you twist or braid a few pieces of hair to mimic his style ♥︎ hates it at first ♥︎ bc how dare you make his signature style look better than he does ):< ♥︎ ends up liking it bc now he has easy access to kiss your ear nd neck ♥︎ he goes through all the other styles you'd look nice in ; all the colors you could pull off ♥︎ something about your hair matching his... ♥︎ makes you feel more official, somehow
— RINDOU! ♥︎ bonten era ; you get the jellyfish cut! or maybe copy his colors- ♥︎ he knew abt your hair appointment but didnt think it was anything out of the ordinary ♥︎ little did he know.... ♥︎ he just stares ♥︎ like wide-eyed, heartstopping, can barely breathe stares ♥︎ stands to his full height and cups your chin, turning your head gently to get a full view ♥︎ grins w pink cheeks ): kisses the tip of your nose and just continues to stare ♥︎ "all mine......" its whispered before he takes your breath in a kiss ♥︎ He's Obsessed.
——♥︎—— im so sorry for the lack of content lately ); hope this was okay / the format was alright. if youd like to b tagged / untagged in any tokyo revengers content, let me know! ♥︎
🍓FOREVER TAGS : @star2fishmeg ♥︎
🍓 TOKYOREV TAGLIST : @thatpoindexterpixy @night-shadowblood-writes2 @muichirouswifeandhusband @chrofeisnightmaregf
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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sagephilosophie · 4 months
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" A FAVOR ." ┃ Part II
ꜱᴜɢᴀʀ ᴅᴀᴅᴅʏ! ʀᴀɴ ʜᴀɪᴛᴀɴɪ x ᴄᴏʟʟᴇɢᴇ ꜱᴛᴜᴅᴇɴᴛ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ x ꜰʟɪɴɢ! ʀɪɴᴅᴏᴜ ʜᴀɪᴛᴀɴɪ
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⊹₊ Tags !
NSFW AHEAD, Sugar daddy theme, Age difference (Ran is 37, Rindou is 36, and Reader early 20s), GN! Reader, Bonten Arc, Reader is materialistic, Hidden drama, Favouritism towards Ran (Between the lines), Injuries, Explicit language, Emotional invalidation, pet names (by Ran), Guns, Sofa sex, Making out, Unprotected sex, Fingering, Praise kink, Voyeurism, Masturbation, Hair pulling, Complex character relations.
⊹₊ Word count ! 2957 || Ao3 || pt.I
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You gripped on a velvety mattress to protect you from the cold breeze, consciousness alerted you in panic to swing your eyes wide open. A tattooed arm around your waist, a spacious room with the queen sized bed you were sleeping on, there was no doubt the broken bed frame was his doing too, and you're also naked, no wonder you felt cold.
Horror fell upon you with everything to observe around, with the most noticeable disaster being the slumbering rich man holding you down firmly, his short purple hair falling on your neck as he used your shoulder like a pillow after he was using it like painting canvas the previous night.
Memories determined this was the right time to haunt you down; there was no stopping in the Haitani dictionary, after your private shower, Ran carried you to his bed where he devoured you all night, with every passing second you retrieve a new detail from your actions, your sore bottom and aching scalp made complete sense now, oh- you were the one who broke that bed frame, hopefully he won't remove the cost from your monthly allowance, the new Versace summer collection is a must have.
Ran breathed peacefully as you tried to slip from his embrace carefully without waking him up, last thing you'll want right now is to hear his smug voice reminding you of how you surrendered to him last night or telling you what an obedient doll you are, you were too pissed your perfect plan to keep him drooling for more has failed that his praising won't make up for it, he got all he wanted and more now, why would he do you any more favors ?
Once freed, you quietly made your way to his bathroom where everything you visualized went downhill, and wore your clothes that he stripped you off of with his veiny hands- ugh! This is the problem! Your lust is invading your head, almost like you're the one desiring him and not vice versa as it should be!
Irritated, you grabbed your stuff and left the room, the view from the glass-walls was mesmerising but not enough to cheer you up, passing by the empty liquor bottles still on the ground you thought about telling him he pledged his assets and properties to you then blame his fuzzy memory on the alcohol, that will solve all your problems before they can happen, still no matter how crazy he makes you, never under any circumstances try and scam Ran Haitani, it's not worth the risk, you know better than that, you as well as anyone who saw what happens when you mess with Roppongi's king would rather live in the streets than get on his bad side.
You stomped into the elevator pushing the buttons aggressively, the slow pace it was going at was more than enough reason to curse out the engineer and his entire bloodline and of course, curse at Ran and his stupid brother. At the thought of the younger Haitani it accured to you what a great plan B role he can play if things with the horny one went south, so you opened your phone to leave him a teasing message, to your total shock, Rindou had apparently already beat you to it.
Your jaw dropped at the mountains of notifications almost entirely sent by Rin, hurriedly, you opened your apps, RINHTN SENT +45 VOICE MESSAGES ?!
The elevator ride was indeed tedious and his feathery voice does tempt you to hear him speak for hours but not to the point of making you listen to all these calls, just to check that it isn't an emergency, you pressed play on the most recent one, you were met with a calm toned "See you later, don't forget."
Scrolling up to the first message, muttering curse after curse, you finally found it hoping he mentioned everything at once on it so there will be no need to open the rest, your finger hit the button and the silky smooth voice spoke again, "Hey babe, sorry for leaving a message so late, you haven't been picking up my phone calls, I need to tell you something, so meet me at my place once you wake up, yeah ?"
You hid your phone where it was, the elevator panel was about to experience the godzilla treatment if it doesn't speed up - the Haitani brothers were draining every last drop of your energy and soon sanity, it's humbling enough you're on your way out of one's house to go to the other's, for god knows whatever reason Rindou have in store.
The door opened and you let out a sigh of relief, unaware you were holding, passing by the front desk and ignoring the itch to ask the receptionist for older and wealthier residents to trap since the one you landed got a crazy sex drive that will be the end of you.
Getting out, you ran to the first taxi that stopped for you, "Where to ?"
"Just five streets ahead.", you told him through the car window, all he did was stare you up and down, "It's gonna cost you extra, sweetheart."
"Are you serious ?! It's not even that far away!!", your brows furrowed as you argued back at the random driver, "That's why you pay more, for wasting my precious time."
"Ugh- well i'm not giving you a penny!!! and for your informations, i know who controls this area personally, i'll make sure they hear about this...", the greedy man laughed a loud and mocking laugh before hitting the brakes and rudely driving off on you.
You stomped your feet from the indignation, that driver was gonna get a taste of hell on earth the moment you get your hands on him, but for now, looks like you will have to walk all the way to Rindou's apartment.
Being hardly able to walk thanks to a certain someone made the journey far more miserable than it had to be and you wondered why you actually bothered - but the memory of your first visit to his place interrupted you, the youngest of the two proved himself to be a gentleman seeing you coming out of his brother's penthouse on a stormy night and offered you a ride home with his Lexus RX and you would've been an idiot to let that chance go.
Despite his car catching your eyes first, you did pay attention to how beautifully structured his face was, just too handsome to reject when he made a move, hence why the next stop was his bed, and that night became your secret from Ran that you will take to the grave, along with his little brother as soon as he answers the door you've been knocking on aggressively until your knuckles were hurting, instead all your violent thoughts were pushed into the abyss when you were greeted with his shirtless toned body, "Wow you actually made it, although it's early... i didn't get ready yet."
"What ? You told me to come over once i wake up and...", your eyes shot to his tattooed arm, a bloodied bandage covering half of it, "...what happened ?"
"Oh this ?", he noticed your worry and covered the visible leaking blood behind his hand, "Long story, doesn't matter, what's important is that i told you about the change of plans, did you not listen to all my messages ?"
"No?", you retorted, judging him with a glare in an atrempt to avoid telling him nobody will read over forty voice messages in a short span of time weither willingly or miraculously, "Come in, we'll chat inside."
You let him pull you inside, hearing a clicking sound behind you, "So, what do you want to drink ?"
"Drink- what- just tell me why you asked me to meet you here, Rindou.", He was already on his way to the kitchen when you stopped him and crossed your arms in impatience.
The older man sighed and ultimately accepted his defeat, "Alright, alright, i'll repeat what i already said... i want to apologize."
You couldn't get any more puzzled, "For what ?"
"For not doing this properly... After i got shot in the arm yesterday night, i thought about us and i realized that i've been nothing but a coward, that's why i wanted to talk to you, i don't want to die without letting you know that- i genuinely need the chance to get serious and take you out on a normal date and... not being just a hookup to you. I apologize that the kind of... relationship you have with Ran stopped me from doing this sooner, but i regret that now and i really lov-", if you thought your knocking was loud earlier, the banging on the wood rumbled like thunder, both of your ears began ringing.
With the pattern your luck was following since you woke up, there was no surprised reaction when beholding your powerful, jealous, flaming mad sugar daddy walking past Rin who just opened the door, however, you were instead possessed by dread and disturbance, uh-oh.
"There you areeeee~ i was wondering where you went!!", in spite of his fuming aura, the devil wore his disguise and pushed the fallen angel out of the way, embracing your stunned self, "Was so worried, baby~ good thing Rindou here found you... that better be what's going on."
"What are you doing in my house ?"
"Better question is, what is my thing doing in your house ?", the mask broke in no time and the true face of the Ran Haitani you both knew and feared began to show.
"Thing ? Oh you're a dick, Ran, you're a real dick that's what makes us better off together.", The panic hugged your soul tighter than the man squeezing you to suffocation, both of you scowling at Rindou.
"How sweet... together, huh ? You've been having sex then. Excellent. Well done. I'm gonna kill you, fucker."
"Shut it, man! You don't actually care! I care! I care like hell for everything you think you care for! so keep your dick in your pants for once. and stop. Taking. EVERYONE. I LOVE FROM ME!!!", The eldest moved you away with the same energy he drew you closer, and there was nothing possible to do but to witness the infamous charismatic brothers of Roppongi clash from the side, probably because of you, at a certain angle.
"Look at you, sulking about that like a whiny baby, and you still ask yourself they pick me first. I hate sharing, little bro, you know that, yet you keep eying my belongings, that's why you end up lonely and bitter. Every time."
"WHY YOU SON OF A-", Losing his temper, the younger grabbed his brother's collar, ready to shed blood, you had to make sure it wasn't yours so tgat was your call to run for your life, "Umm- I have to go... i got like, exams and... stuff."
You barely made it to the exit when a familiar strong grip made contact with your wrist, you should have gotten used to the sensation by now, under a day ago, you had a rough session until midnight, but the tense atmosphere combined with your panic and his force made his clutch sting, "Where do you think you're going ? No one dares to get in between the Haitani brothers and leave, sugar."
Rindou was quick to interfere and try to break the hold, earning a death glare from his sibling instead, "Alright, if you two wanna fuck so bad, do it then. Not behind my back this time."
The confusion was mutual between you and Rin, only responding with a "What ?" midst the silence, Ran made himself clear by pulling a gun from his pocket aiming it directly at the other's uninjured biceps, "I won't repeat. Make it worth my while."
The youngest held you defensively as you gulped, this was a position you weren't planning on since you've known the two, the possibility existed exclusively when discovering Ran's freaky side; of course he's the type to make poeple close to him go at it and watch like they're dolls.
"Fine.", your neck twisted in a matter of seconds to the one protecting you, droopy eyes half present in the room and half remembering all the disrespect you weren't told, and weither you like it or not you were involved if you hadn't guessed that already from getting dragged to the sofa; these Haitanis sure like trailing everyone behind them even when it comes to their intimate lives.
That's how you ended up making out with Rindou in his sofa under the piercing gaze of your sugar daddy still spinning his handgun.
You had a feeling they were using you to assert dominance on each other, your dignity told you to get up and let them feud on their own, but your desires held you down and became a slave to his touch, deepening the kiss with every stroke of his fingers across your clothed back.
His hands came up and held your cheeks to seperate your lips sweetly, you tried to focus on the one on top of you pulling down the only piece of clothes he was wearing rather than the other playing with the trigger and threatening to fire the gun, his malicious smile your way proved you failed at keeping your attention on his brother.
The action of your legs parting pulled you back into the real world, you searched for shared discomfort looking up at his expression instead all you saw were the pretty purple pupils you admired covered by his bangs, what's visible from them filled with lust, his mullet fell down to cover you from sight like curtains, if there wasn't an audience he was surely getting the sloppiest head ever just for stealing your heart.
You helped him get rid of your underwear and he was currently lining himself at your entrance as you sticked to his shoulder, when the voice you've been hardly ignoring spoke out, "No lube ?"
Rindou rolled his eyes but told you softly, "He's right..."
Carefully, taking his cock further away from your exposed area, he replaced the missing sensation with his index and middle fingers rubbing around your hole until they went in and out in a steady motion.
Your noises set free to whimper boldly with every thrust, shutting your eyes and enjoying the moment in your own headspace where you aren't supervised throughly getting fingered, your privates were getting wetter the more he stimulated you, to your disappointment, he pulled away again, determined that you were prepped enough.
Repositioning his length where it was before, he stared at you lovingly before pushing in with a decent pace, enough to make you cling to him, "You look so beautiful when you take me this well, you're my sweetheart, aren't you ?"
You swore not to admit it in front of Ran, but praising does crazy stuff to your sex life, and Rindou has been looking after that sweet spot, feeding it lots of petnames and adoration, "Ah...I am..."
"Very good... so proud of you.", going for another passionate kiss, his speed increased with every shove and you were both a heated mess, you moaned into his mouth bit that only made him harder than he already was.
You committed the mistake of looking to your side, only he knows when exactly did he unbuckle his pants, all you could know from the scene in front of you where he is jerking himself off at the sight of his brother fucking his plaything, as he calls you.
Truth to be told, that surprisingly turned you on, adding more and more to the pleasure Rindou was responsible for, in the heat of the moment, you tugged on his long hair earning a deep groan from him, "Oh~ just like that, you always know exactly what i need..."
There was no need to peek back to the side to know Rin using the situation to annoy his brother was working, deciding the ignore the negative energy and feel the bonten executive so deep inside of you hitting the right spots.
Your steaming face knew the only way you were willing to reach your climax at this point was to turn and take advantage of your reality, Ran never looked more enticing, the stern expression he wore was habitual whenever he was getting worked up, it was refreshing watching him give the same visage unable to have you and relying on his displeasing hand to replace you, that feeling went straight down and you moaned louder as you came on Rindou.
Ran followed right after, making a mess all over his hands and lab, his brother finished last after a couple final thrusts, pulling out and spilling his cum on your abdomen. Your eyes fluttered shut and you passed out from exhaustion, the room turned black and the sounds hushed down.
The youngest Haitani got up from his spot quietly as to not wake you up, he took the opportunity to confront the eldest, wearing his pants and getting ready to leave, he was still livid despite there being something somewhere inside his twisted and complex mindset that made him enjoy the show and Rindou was mindful of that even if he can't understand him either.
"You will leave us alone right ?"
Ran faced him smirking, "I could~ but i still won, you see~ it won't matter if i get out of the picture when i'm the frame between you two."
"Why are you speaking in riddles ?"
"That means, little bro, that i'm always in control weither you like it or not."
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kisakis-boyfriend · 11 months
Kinktober Day 22: Tentacles + Overstimulation
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Pairings: Ran x male reader
Warnings: Male!reader, Eldritch god!reader, dom/top!reader, sub/bottom!Ran, tentacle fucking, overstimulation, sorcerer AU, college AU
Prompt List by: sakuyaserenitykira 🧡
Author's Note: This takes place in the same AU as the one from the day 6 prompt with Inui. Though the reader is a different supernatural being and this is set 100s of years later. The prologue is pretty plot-heavy, and the whole thing is much longer than I intended for it to be. But I think it's worth it <3
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Ran Haitani's boredom has landed him in some rather unfortunate situations before, including a couple trips to the hospital. Never in a million years did he predict that he'd end up in this particular situation though...
It all started with a leather bound book hidden within the library's basement. Ran had snuck in there a few days ago in a fit of boredom, mainly searching for some hidden porn stash that he assumed would be down there. To his dismay, no such thing existed. What he did find was an old, dusty book with several symbols etched into the leather cover. Cocking a brow in curiosity, he shoved the book under his jacket and left in a hurry, the fantasy of finding some ancient spell book or magical journal ran rampant in his mind, though deep down he knew that those things didn't exist
Later that day, he flipped through the pages in secret, locking himself inside of his dorm room and quickly becoming engrossed with the content between the papers. It was filled with what looked like legitimate spells and...summoning spells? This concept intrigued him more than anything else written in the book. Skimming through the different summoning rituals, he landed on one that piqued his curiosity greatly. “Warning: Careless summoning of The Immortal Unknown (praise be to him) could result in a catastrophe that will destroy humankind as we know it. DO NOT ATTEMPT UNLESS AN EXTREMELY EXPERIENCED SORCERER” was scribbled on a sticky note. The modern dialect was a stark contrast to the ‘Medieval speak’, as Ran called it, that the book was composed of
“Hmph. Like this crap is even real.” Ran scoffed, slamming the book shut and hiding it under his pillow. Promptly flopping onto the soft sheets to settle in for a nap, wrapping a soft blanket around his body and soon descending into the realm of dreams
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Ran's eyes fluttered open, panic quickly sinking in as he realized that he was underwater. Unfamiliar ruins and sunken ships were scattered around the ocean floor. In front of him was a cave, unfathomably massive and pitch black inside. He gulped as he stared into the abyss, his eyes burning from the salt water surrounding him as he was unable to look at anything else, his stare transfixed on the cavern before him. As a deep rumble shook the entire ground, the abyss seemed to stare back as a pair of large red orbs lit up, glowing and yet casting no light onto the cave's walls
Every last cell in Ran's body tried to move, to swim away from whatever the hell this thing was. Yet he remained immobile, floating effortlessly in the cold waters as the orbs stared through his puny being. Then, in a split second, a growl echoed and whatever creature had been concealed within the black shadows of the cave suddenly lunged forward. It's form revealed in an instant, but not long enough for Ran to process what he actually saw as he immediately sat up in his bed, gasping for air
Sweat spilled down his forehead while his heart raced uncomfortably, a strange sense of dread filled his mind. This feeling compelled him to walk over to the window that pointed out towards the ocean just across from the college campus, a shiver crawling up his spine as he stared outside, almost in a trance. Ran swallowed dryly, wiping the sweat from his brow and turning to sit on the edge of the bed, switching his bedside lamp on with a shaky hand. He glanced back towards his pillow, suddenly remembering what was hidden beneath the soft cushion. Shaking his head, he stood up and grabbed a snack from his stash, swiftly devouring the food before tossing the wrapper onto his desk. Then hesitantly returning to bed, seeing as his nap lasted several hours into the night already. ‘Might as well go back to sleep.’ He thought to himself, crawling under the covers properly and soon drifting off once more
The next few days went by normally, save for a bit of paranoia and spacing out the morning after his strange dream. Hanging out with his younger brother and their friends mostly took his mind off of the dumb book and weird dream, laughing at various things and discussing their plans for the big Halloween party that was only two nights away
Though, the closer that the holiday approached, the more compelled Ran felt to actually perform the strange ritual with the warning note. I mean, it's not like anything will happen, right? Magic and summoning ancient gods or whatever, that's all fake shit. Nothing's gonna happen. At least, that's what Ran told himself. Concocting up a plan on how and where this is going to go down as he dashed back to his dorm room to study the ritual again
He settled on performing the ritual on Halloween night for reasons that he couldn't quite place, though he didn't bother to question why as he was far too caught up in making sure that everything would go perfectly. Already thinking of an excuse as to why he would have to ditch the party and stay in his room all night long. “I'm sick.” Ran said aloud, the idea coming to him naturally. He'd just pretend to be too sick to go out that night. It was perfect!
After hours spent studying the pages of the book and brainstorming every step of his master plan, Ran had everything he needed set up for this night to go off without a hitch. Snatching his phone from the bed, he quickly texted his brother explaining his ‘predicament’
Sent at 3:47 - Hey dude
Sent at 3:47 - I feel like shit rn. Think I caught a stomach bug or something
Sent at 3:47 - Gonna have to skip the party 😔
Sent at 3:49 - What? Seriously?
Sent at 3:49 - We never miss these things
Sent at 3:50 - U need anything? Everyone will be out ya know
Sent at 3:51 - Yeah I know
Sent at 3:51 - I'm so mad
Sent at 3:52 - But I can't even make it out of bed rn
Sent at 3:52 - Jeez
Sent at 3:53 - Just wanna sleep it off
Sent at 3:53 - Party extra hard for me ok?
Sent at 3:53 - Tell Izana I said sorry for missing his party
Sent at 3:54 - 😭😭😭
Sent at 3:54 - Sure thing
Sent at 3:54 - Hope u feel better
Sent at 3:55 - Thanks 👍
Yes! Perfect! Now that Ran was successfully exempt from having to leave the dorm, he would have plenty of time to prepare this ‘summoning circle’ that the ritual called for. With a few substitutions of course, since the actual spell called for all of these strange herbs and crystals and shit. Ran opted to use whatever supplies were available to him. Which resulted in a crude symbol on the floor created with pens, highlighters, notebooks, snack wrappers, and whatever else he could find. It's not real anyways, who cares what the thing is made of?
As nighttime approached the sounds of heavy footfall could be heard around the building, signaling the departure of nearly every student as they left to either join the most popular Halloween party, or hang out with a couple of close friends and watch horror movies
Taking a deep breath, Ran read the contents one last time, beginning the ritual by laying down in the center of the summoning circle. Next came the chant, which he comically mispronounced seeing as it was written in Latin and he was unfamiliar with the language. After finishing said chant, he tossed the book out of the circle and waited
There was a strange sense of excitement to this. While Ran didn't really believe in magic or demons or any of the legends passed around the campus, the prospect of finding an ancient book that could prove all of his doubts wrong was... thrilling. He wanted something to prove him wrong, wanted to have a supernatural experience just for the hell of it. Somewhere deep in his heart, he wanted to believe in all of those things. And as his eyes closed, sighing in boredom, something peered up at the young man laying in the middle of this symbol. It's form slowly rising from the ground in silence....
“And what do we have here?” A velvety voice said, peering at the human with glowing red eyes. Ran immediately jolting awake at the sound of someone else's voice in his closed room. Upon seeing your form, he scrambled to sit up and back away, hitting the side of his bed
“What the hell are you?!” He shouted, fear washing over his features as his eyes scanned your body. Your eye twitched at the rude question, scoffing at him and retorting, “I am The Immortal Unknown, but you, rude creature, may call me Y/n.”
Ran stared at you in disbelief, you were so close to appearing as a normal human...ok maybe not that close. The several large, red tentacles sticking out from behind you did kind of shatter that illusion... As did the glowing red eyes, needle sharp teeth, and strange echoing voice
“Tell me, dear human, for what reason have you summoned me tonight? And what compelled you to create my hallowed circle out of disgusting plastic...? Do you even know who I am?” You sneered, fangs flashing when the light of the candles illuminating the room hit them
“Are we playing 20 questions? What does it matter what your stupid circle is made out of? You showed up anyways.” The sarcastic comment made your blood boil, a scowl quickly gracing your lips as you stepped towards him
“Insolent fool. My domain is situated in the ocean, the same place your kin have decided to dump your filthy garbage.” You began, taking another heavy step forward while your tentacles writhed behind you. “You pollute MY habitat and then dare to mock me by summoning me with that same garbage?! Incompetent cretin. I should rend your weak flesh from your bones right this second.” In an instant several tentacles shot towards Ran, wrapping tightly around his limbs and torso, one of them squeezing his throat as he was lifted into the air before you
“Sh-shit–!! R-relax...'s not like I expected that dumb spell to even work...how was i supposed to know I'd summon a fish?!” Your jaw practically dropped to the floor, eyes widening in disbelief at such a disrespectful display. The tentacles suspending his body tightened painfully, if you hadn't been holding back they surely would have snapped his bones by now
“Your kind used to be much more respectful. I recall a time when your people worshipped me, and rightfully so. Don't tell me this is how you treat your deities these days?” You crossed your arms as you stared down the human, enjoying his pained gasps and struggling
“Maybe if you weren't so arrogant....ow fuck...maybe someone would give a shit about you.” At this point you had heard enough, sending another tentacle towards him, but this time shoving it right down his throat. An action that caused him to immediately gag and writhe around within your grasp, shaking his head while the appendage caused his mouth to stretch around its large circumference. You smirked at the display, tilting your chin up triumphantly
What happened next was quite different from what you anticipated. As the slimy tentacle ungulated within his wet cavern, Ran moaned around it, his eyes rolling back while his tongue moved against the appendage hungrily. You blinked in surprise at the strange display, cocking your head to the side in mild amusement. Quite an interesting turn of events...
“Oh. I see, you're one of those humans.” Ran quirked a brow at your statement, still attempting to deepthroat your tentacle. “I used to have a number of followers like you. They begged for me to grant them the kind of pleasure that only a god could grant them.” You explained, your voice becoming sultry and sending shivers up Ran's spine. “They worshipped me like no other could, allowing me access to every inch of their being. I claimed their bodies as mine, driving them to the brink of insanity with pleasure.” Suddenly, your voice echoed within Ran's mind, simultaneously appearing to come from directly behind him as if you were whispering into his ears. “Then when they finally broke, I claimed their very souls, which they happily gave away to me in exchange for the mind-numbing ecstasy.”
Ran's back arched at your haunting declaration, moaning louder as the tentacle slid in deeper. “I can see it in your eyes, little one. You're scared, but you want that too, don't you?” His lust-filled eyes met yours, batting his pretty lashes at you as if to say ‘yes, I want that’
Chuckling at his desperation darkly, you had the tentacles swiftly remove his clothing, discarding it onto the floor before allowing another tentacle to pleasure him, making it shift from its position around his torso to prodding at his ass. Ran's eyes flew open at the feeling, his body jerking as a reflex while the tentacle oozed a thick substance onto his entrance, rubbing it all around the area and coating itself in it before pushing in. The pain from the initial penetration felt subdued, with only a slight burn from the stretch as the appendage intruded his hole, thrusting itself in and out until it was buried within him
“Hmph. You're doing well so far, human. I must say, I am a bit impressed.” You said, forcing both tentacles to push in far deeper, creating a bulge in Ran's throat from the intrusion. His breathing increased as the slimy limbs began thrusting quickly, ignoring the way he gagged or how tightly his little throat was constricting around them, until they shot thick fluid directly into his stomach
His body spasmed in the air while his insides were flooded with the liquid, already feeling the weight in his stomach from how much was pumped into him. The two tentacles retracted and he coughed immediately once his mouth was free, some of the liquid coming up in the process. “Oh god...aah...” Ran shivered, still a bit hazy from the rough treatment
“Oh sweetheart, you are enjoying this.” You purred, commanding a third tentacle to flick his hard member and earning a jolt from the sudden contact. His cock soon became enveloped within the tentacle's grasp, wrapping around his length several times and stroking him until he was fully erect. The tip of your tentacle slithered upwards until it reached his cock head, squishing and wiggling itself against his tip, which caused Ran to cry out shrilly
This treatment continued for several minutes until you were able to sense his incoming release, promptly stuffing his holes once more. Another loud cry muffled by the appendage sliding down his esophagus while the one buried inside of his ass fucked him roughly, forcing its way in much deeper than before and thickening in girth while it was inside. Within a few more minutes, the thick tentacles came inside of him again, spilling another round of gooey cum in his stomach, so much so that it bulged from the amount of fluid in there
Ran reached his limit soon after, spraying his own cum on his chest and the tentacle currently jacking him off. His hips jerked violently while his orgasm overtook him, moaning all the while. After they finished unloading inside of him, the tentacles retreated once again, leaving him with a sense of emptiness that elicited a whine from him. Except for the one still jerking off his sensitive cock, that one continuously pleasured him even while he wailed from overstimulation
Seeing your prey so fucked out like this had you worked up too, seeing as the large tentacle dick concealed within your pants writhed around wildly. Groaning in annoyance, you pulled the appendage out and stroked yourself, your large human-like hand barely wrapping around the thing. “Mm you have...truly impressed me, human. Haaah...mmph–!!” You moaned in between praises, twisting your wrist while you stroked your alien-looking cock. “Most humans would tap out after the second round, but you...yeess~ You crave something more, hm? Something... bigger? ”
A wave of desire flashed in Ran's eyes, craning his head to look at you while you touched yourself across from him. Soft squelching noises emanating from where your hand met your dick, the tip oozing the equivalent of precum. Ran choked out something akin to begging, his throat incredibly sore from your harsh treatment so far, “Pl-ease...yes...aaahh...”
You'd be lying if you said you didn't want this too, after all it had been hundreds of years since a single follower had summoned you. Much longer since you had been summoned for this. Your cock ached to be buried within a fragile human's tight walls, splitting them open and fucking away their sanity with every thrust. Just the thought of this caused you to involuntarily lick your lips, impossibly sharp teeth peeking through as you did so. Ran stared at you the whole time, turned on by every new detail that he discovered
He gulped when your eyes snapped to his, a dangerous lust hidden behind them as they shined in the dimly lit room. Grabbing his waist with your hands delicately, you lined your cock up with his hole, searching his eyes for any sign of disagreement. Finding none, you plunged inside, stretching his tight hole farther than any human had been stretched before. Ran's hands balled into fists as he bit his lip hard enough to draw blood, the simultaneous sensations of your monster dick prying him open and the slimy tentacle working his cock had him reeling from pleasure. His head fell back, hanging limply while you fucked him open, until your hand grabbed the back of it and lifted him back up, forcing him to look at your expressions as you railed his slim body
“So tight...yet you're still able to take all of my cock...good boy~ ” The growl caused Ran to tremble, feeling impossibly submissive as the night went on. With one sharp thrust, you managed to bury yourself to the hilt, moaning shamelessly as he clenched around you. Your long tongue lolled out, drool dripping from the end as you fucked Ran's ass deeply. Rolling your hips into him and brushing against his prostate, causing him to whine and push his head against your hand harder
“Dear human, you never had the chance to tell me your name. Won't you tell me now?” You asked sweetly, ravaging his hole the entire time. His body greedily accepting the whole thing
“It's Ran...H-Haitani...ah! Aaahh fuck...” Ran exclaimed when your hips snapped into him suddenly, panting heavily from the way your dick glided in and out of his hole. The name ringing in your ears for a moment while you contemplated it
“Ran...how lovely. You are aware that there's no going back after tonight, yes Ran?” You explained, leaning closer to his sweet face. “Even if you refuse to make a pact with me, to become my worshipper, the thought of submitting to me will never leave your mind. It will plague every second of your pathetic life.” A low growl rumbled within your chest, teasing the human cruelly. Though you weren't actually lying, he didn't know that, all he knew was that he needed your cock to stay inside of him and fill him up until he stopped thinking
Letting his head go, you slid that same hand down to his hips, thrusting deeper due to the better leverage. His moans filled the small room while you railed him eagerly, releasing your tentacles' grip on his legs so that he could wrap them around your torso. Which he did weakly, most of the strength in his legs had left him after being fucked multiple times. “Human... I'm very close...but–” You paused, hips stilling inside of his wet hole as he whined. “I want you. Too much time has passed since I had any loyal followers to worship me, so I want you to be mine~”
Ran stared at you quizzically, suddenly nervous at the idea. Yet something inside of him screamed at him to agree, craving you from somewhere deep down within his soul. “Make a pact with me. Give yourself over to me and I will give you everything you have ever wanted, little one. How about it?” Laying your hand on his stomach, you gazed at him expectantly as you awaited an answer. He tossed the question around in his mind for a moment, but just as the gravity of the question settled in you began thrusting again. Your thick cock erased any rational thought, replacing it with an unfathomable sense of desire
As you slammed into his ass, Ran gasped out his answer, “Ah! Yes...yes yes yesyesyesyes—!! I'll do whatever you want...j-just don't stop—!! ” He shouted, rolling his hips against yours in an attempt to take you deeper. His own release inching closer while you fucked him brainless
“Very good...” You purred, creating a seal on his skin. The same symbol that was lazily recreated on Ran's floor, a mark signaling to any other creatures that the item marked by this seal belonged to you. The mark burned into his skin painfully, a glowing blue inky substance etched into his flesh that forever bound the human to you
“Darling, mmm~ Cum for me. ” You growled, your own orgasm hitting you as your body stiffened, releasing an impossible amount of cum within his warm walls. Ran came just after, shooting his cum all over your hand and the seal that you created on his delicate flesh. The milky fluid acts somewhat as a stamp, effectively sealing the contract created between you and your new follower
Ran soon went limp, panting heavily while your cock finished unloading inside of him. You stayed like this for a minute, rubbing at the new seal with your thumb. All of his nerves felt raw around the area, each little touch and wisp of air that brushed against it caused him to whine and tremble. You slowly and carefully pulled out of him, being as gentle as you really could with the fragile thing. He whimpered when you had fully unsheathed yourself, already missing the stretch of your fat length
Scooping the slender human up in your arms and releasing your tentacles' grip on him, you carried him to his bed. Allowing him to finally rest after nearly breaking him, though he might have enjoyed that too, now that you think about it... nevertheless, you tucked the little thing under the covers and brushed your knuckles against his cheek, whispering a “See you soon, little one.” into his ears before returning to your domain
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Tagging: @steadybreadbluebird @6kabuki
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niikosia · 10 months
; taking ran haitani's dick tonight wasn't in my bucket list.
synopsis: the youthful heiress of the kurokawa-sano corporation went to the fnn club for a night of lighthearted fun and decided to perform as a pole dancer. there, she caught the attention of haitani ran, one of the haitani brothers and the older of the two. the brother placed a 10 million won bet on her behalf.
warning: fem reader, explicit language, dominant ran, passive-aggressive treatment, baton as dildo, baton penetration, hair pulling, clitorical stimulation, erotic dancer, dirty talking, age gap.
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I came into the changing room in purple lingerie that seemed more appropriate for the evening and with the attractively disheveled appearance of mine, I puffed away on my cigarette while the exotic dancers, who were positioned nearby, stared on me in wonder.
The youngest heiress of Kurokawa-Sano Corporation was acting in a scandalous manner, which shocked the company's employees, who had noticed.
"I know you. You're the other woman of Mr. Miwako," I said, pointing my finger at the champagne-haired woman who was sitting on a couch and adjusting her hair.
Without regretting my actions, i trudged over to the empty couch and took a seat. The woman with champagne hair nearly lost her cool under my disparaging remarks, but she was merely annoyed.
The woman glared at me and spat, dropping her lipstick on the tiny bureau. "You're such a bitch," she said. The woman next to me became increasingly irritated because, even though she had collected every rouge palette, none of them seemed to pique her interest.
I almost complained about not being able to find the red lipstick shade I was looking for in a tiny box. But I soon discovered the color I desired, Penumbra. My intense gaze stayed fixed on her as I satisfied myself by applying the penumbra lipstick to my voluptuous lips.
I heard someone say, "You're the next heiress of Kurokawa Corporation, yet you're working here as a whore," from behind me.
I said, "None of your business," rolling my eyes upward.
My ink-colored eyes stared at the woman even though I was a comfortable distance away. The woman kept staring at me as I finished applying the penumba lipstick, but my expression stayed neutral.
The conversation was about to take an awkward turn when all of a sudden the door opened, revealing Sano Shinichiro, half-buttoning a black polo shirt and drenched from head to toe.
I cry out, "Shin!" and toss my older brother a towel that's nearby. I thought he must have tripped over someone or something because I was curious as to why he was so wet.
With a faint laugh, Shinichiro scratched his forehead and said, "I just got rejected again."
Just after Shinichiro made his appearance, a white-haired man appeared. He softly smiled at me and said, "You look good." It was none other than Sano Manjiro, my other brother. Kurokawa Izana, my second oldest brother, appeared with a frown just after Manjiro had complimented me.
Izana chastised me, acting as though they were the only ones in the room, saying, "For God's sake, Y/n! You're a successful model and this is your sideline? How could you not be embarrassed?" Instead of arguing or responding to Izana, I gave my older brother Shinichiro puppy-dog eyes and pleaded with him in silence for help.
"Izana is right, Y/n. I could give you a hand by calling Yuzuha about your modeling career," Shinichiro said, arching an eyebrow.
I came to the realization that Izana was probably disliking me and silently passing judgment on me, but he wasn't really able to take action because I am a highly successful model in New York City who is 21 years old.
I said firmly, "I can handle myself without asking for help from any of you."
After exchanging a few glances, Mikey remained impartial, Izana rolled his eyes, and Shinichiro finally shook his head.
They were aware of my attraction to young men; my unpredictable nature had recently landed me in trouble in New York, which was the primary reason they chose to bring me back to Japan for a while.
Mikey felt a wave of annoyance when Izana spoke again. "Iza, what's your problem?" he asked. My eyes grew wide as I shifted between the boys' arguments, not sure how to respond.
Izana took the lollypop out of his mouth and jammed it in my mouth so I couldn't speak. With irritation, he said, "If you really want a big salary from Koko, shut up and go do your damn fucking job at Bonten's 10th anniversary."
I gave my brothers a rolling look and turned to head for the front door. "She's a slut in New York, that's what I heard from there. She fucks men with money for her to become relevant," the champagne-haired woman said, turning back as she stared at my appearance.
I snapped back, clicking my tongue in amusement, "And your mom is one of my brother's hoe."
"You won't pull any Haitani's tonight with that sharp mouth of yours," the woman remarked as I flipped your hair, leaving the strippers with a frustrated expression on their faces.
I confidently strode onto the stage. I am the perfect woman for every man and the star of the club tonight.
Men find me repulsive, but even though I haven't touched the pole yet, I can hear them praising me and placing huge bets on me, showing how amazing I am to them.
I winked at the other strippers after tilting my head back to give them a flying kiss. I silently thought to myself, "Men are disgusting." before I jumped into the pole.
Men began sending me thousands of yen, but I didn't notice any of them. As a result, I continued stripping as if nobody else was present. I was just feeling myself at the moment and didn't give a damn about anyone else.
As I stepped down from the pole and took off my blazer, the older men started to swoon. A little smile came to my lips as the bonten walked in.
I moved toward the bonten, whispering to myself, "Now this is what we call heaven."
Men were speculating with enormous sums of money on me as I approached the Bonten.
I heard the man at the other table bet a sizable amount of money to me for just having sex, and all I could heard was, "I'll take her 100k."
The other guy said, "Mine's 300k," and slammed the case full of cash onto the table.
With his money on the table, the other man exclaimed, "500k."
The bonten was amazed at the huge amount of money the men wanted to bet on me.
"Kaku, why are they betting like that?" Izana asked, crossing his arms. They were talking about his sister's extreme taste in women.
I gasped when I noticed one of the well-known Haitani brothers standing next to my brothers. The tall man, who appeared to be in his thirties and had large, drooping lavender eyes, spoke up and addressed everyone in a deep, bass voice.
The Haitani Ran glared at the other group next to them and said, "10 million for Kurokawa Y/n. If any of you frauds have an objection with my decision, none of you will be able to see the light of day after." Everyone felt uneasy around him because of his intimidating appearance and menacing tone. Catching my wrist and yanking me in the direction of the exit. "What was the purpose of your action?" I asked Ran.
Ran slammed my body against his wide chest and tugged me instead of answering my question. They can still hear the other men complaining about how Ran only needed to make one wager to win me. Given that he is willing to risk millions to have me fuck him, he must think highly of me.
I stated, staring at his boner, "It's not enjoyable for me to fuck with men who have short dicks.
A smirk crossed Ran's lips as his hand began to slither down my ass and squeeze it.
"Your dick is probably as short as your hair."
I become even more curious when Ran allows a small giggle to escape his lips. I flinched the instant Ran touched my flawless skin.
"We'll see about that," was all Haitani could say.
With a slow, sultry gaze, he licked my lower lip and caressed my hand, gently massaging my hand into his man's bone just enough to give him a weak feeling.
My touch was too much for Ran to withstand, so he grabbed my waist angrily and pulled me into the secret room hidden in the departure area. When he lifted my chin to face him, he smacked his lips against mine. I attempted to brush his thin hand, but he ended up pushing me into bed.
"Do you recall asking me what's the dick?" Ran said, unbuckling his belt with one hand while using his free hand to pull something out of the bureau.
"Remember that time you asked me how long my baton was? Just to be clear, which baton are you referring to this?" he asked, pointing to his crotch first. I remembered, somehow, and my eyes widened when he showed me the black baton. "Or this?" I asked.
Legs spreading naturally, a jovial grin reappearing in his mouth, he planted gentle kisses on my thighs follow by a deep bite marks.
"See, you're already a good girl."
Ran was aware of my love for praise.
"How's new york, babe?" Ran asked, trailing the baton up to my inner thigh.
My voice cracks slightly as the baton's tip touches my clitoris part, which is surprisingly aroused already. "G-good," I says.
"You're getting wetter the more my baton touch your slippery clit." I cried as he pulled down my underwear and started rubbing my cherry chap stick in slow pace causing me to whimper with pain and pleasure.
"Does that pussy of yours feel like it has a vibrator?"
I attempted to massage your clit, but he grabbed my hand and smacked it, saying, "You're not allowed to do what you want unless I say so." He continued to rub my clit feebly. My knees are becoming weaker and my body is trembling.
I stared into Ran's large lavender eyes. As soon as Ran got the baton inside of me, tears suddenly appeared in my eyes. He chokes me lightly as he thrust the thing he uses to kill people inside me.
I scream causes my legs to spread apart making him pushes the baton farther than it was before. I was screaming uncontrollably as I experienced the man's pleasure and pain.
When he eventually pried the baton from me, he immediately and without hesitation thrust his dick into me. hunching my back, lifting your hips, and sprinting quickly and forcefully to me.
"Fuck! Fuck!"
I can't stop groaning uncontrollably and experiencing both rapture and agony. Both of us were experiencing erotica and had forgotten the outside world. Our movements, our smell, and our touches diverted our attentions.
I tentatively bit his shoulder, pleading for "Ran... more."
Ran said, "You like this don't you?" with a sly smile on his lips as he leaned closer to whisper in my ear.
He bit the tip of my earlobe and said, "You like when I treat you like the little slut you are?"
With a soft laugh, he says, "You like when I torment you, huh?"
He mumbles in my ear, "You like it when I thrust my dick deeper than you want."
He said in a whisper once more, "You like it when I treat you like an object.
Seductively, he whispered, "You like it when I treat you like one of my girls?"
"I like to fuck you like the fuck doll you are," He say, holding onto the sheets.
"You seem to enjoy it when I ruin this tiny cat of yours." he whispered so softly whilst rubbing my sensitive clit smoothly.
Digging my nails into Ran's back, I found that he has a lot of endurance despite his current situation because he controlled his movements to demonstrate the pleasures of sex to me alone.
I entwine my legs around Ran's sensual waist and say, "yes," allowing him to do as he pleases while biting his shoulder once more.
I was so constricted by each of his deeper thrusts that I managed to mutter, literally gasping, "Ain't no way there's a dick that its 9 i-inches long."
Ran's other hand violently flipped me back while I was gripping the sheets, "Bullshit Haitani-aaghh!" He then stuck his dick inside my asshole, causing me to gasp and start crying, "You got a filthy mouth, little izana." Ran then slapped my ass cheeks, which made me whimper even louder.
I rolled my eyes upward, my eyes still watering, as I heard Ran say, "Wipe those stupid tears of yours or-" as he lowered his hips for more powerful blows.
I stammered out, "I will fucking kill you after this!"
The faster and faster he pounded, the more smirky Ran got as he pulled my hair to him, but it stopped suddenly when someone spoke into the speaker. When he lowered his hips for deeper strokes, I rolled my eyes back and remained motionless, listening to the person on the speaker as I felt his tip hit my G-spot.
"Mic test, mic test, this is your dear Sanzu speaking. I'm sorry to break up your romantic moment, but Rindou and his bike have slid into the canal and he needs assistance."
I felt something odd inside of me, and Ran groaned, tightening his grip on my waist and intensifying his thrust, causing me to arch my back even more and whimper softly. "Fuck Sanzu!" shouted Ran.
Ran said, "I'm gonna fucking cum, you better be obedient when I flipped you," as he flipped me and I gasped and panted loudly. It's clear that Ran was jerking his dick off quickly and aiming for my chest, suggesting that it was firmer and more rigid than I initially thought.
He circled the tip of his dick in mmy hard nipples and cums in between my books while stroking it, and his loud moans soon made me blush.
"This feels so good," he mewled as I felt his liquid filling me up.
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a/n: this was written in 2021.
don't repost my work to any platform. thank you!
© 2023 niikosia. all rights reserved.
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mushtoons · 7 months
woe 'fanart' scenes from our personal fanfics
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lssugaluv · 9 months
MDNI 18+
How dare you walk in to the office full of hungry men waiting to devour you just with their looks. How dare you come into the office dressed in that sexy outfit he handpicked just for him to see you in.
You walk in wearing that short mini skirt that shows the creases of your ass with those cute heals that show your cute pink toes. Wearing a top that almost shows your breasts. As soon as he sees you he pulls you into his office locking the door.
It was actually a coincidence when he walked out of his office. After hearing all the commotion of whistling and applauses coming from the hall he went to take a peak. At first he didn’t even recognize you until you turned around and you saw him. “Ran! I was looking for you.”
His jaw dropped seeing you dressed like that in public. Not that he cares, he loves seeing you wear anything that makes you happy, but he absolutely hates other men looking at you.
Once in his office, he begins to question you. You notice he’s annoyed by his hand running through his hair and this eager grin he has on his face. “What are ya doin’ here doll?” You smile and want to hug him but he right away walks away from your affection. “I came to surprise you Ran.” You begin to pout. “Surprise me?! Dressed like that? You surprised all those assholes out there alright.” You sit down on his desk chair as he is walking around the office still annoyed. “Excuse me? But I haven’t seen you the past three days! You’ve been working non stop and I miss you. But I guess that all you care about is how others see me.” You grab your small purse and walk towards the door.
He grabs your arm and pulls you towards him with force. He places one hand to the small of your back while the other is placed in the back of your head grabbing your hair. He whispers in your ear, using that husky sexy voice of his. “Where the hell do ya think you’re goin’ baby? You’re here to see me aren’t ya?” He pulls you in for an aggressive kiss, his tongue wrestling with yours, eagerly showing you that he wants you. You wrap both your arms around his shoulders and return back the eager kiss, showing your hunger for him.
He pulls away and walks to his desk full of mountains of documents waiting to be placed back in their direct spots. He throws them all out of the way and pulls you and puts you on top of his desk. He’s on top of you, hands everywhere on you. He starts to suck on you supple skin on your neck, loving to take in your scent. You feel him sucking on your neck, knowing he’s marking territory. Knowing that when you walk out of his office, showing all those assholes who you belong to.
He stops and takes off his expensive jacket and discards it somewhere. He sits down on his chair and turns you towards him. He opens your legs, pulling your skirt up by your belly. He starts kissing and gently biting your thighs, caressing them carefully. He pulls your panties to the side and licks your clit. He starts to moan with you. “Delicious as always baby. I missed you.” He eats you out like a starving man and when you feel like you’re about to cum he stops. “Baby why did you stop?” You pout feeling yourself a hot mess. “You want to act like a tease, I’ll treat ya like one baby.” He gets up and smashes his lips onto yours having you get a taste of yourself.
His fingers are now giving your cunt attention by playing with you. He circles your clit in such a motion that you once again feel like cumming, and he knows your every move. He stops once again, not letting you cum. Knowing that you get tight down there. “B..baby don’t stop.” You pant kissing his neck, trying to convince him. But once Ran has an idea, there’s no changing his mind.
He gets you and turns you around in his all time favorite position, Face down ass up. With no warning whatsoever he rams into you. A loud sexy moan comes out from you making him go crazy. He sure did miss being inside of you. All this work has him going crazy but you’re the only thing that keeps him going. His precious angel who he loves to make an absolute babbling mess. He reaches in to your ear, one arm wrapped around your belly and the other around your neck. “I missed fuckin’ ya, you know that doll? You feel so fuckin’ good baby.”
He whispers nothing but nasty stuff in your ear but also telling you how much he has missed you. Ran can be an ass but man, he loves you. Everything he does now is just for you. He hears a small thud against the door, knowing those assholes are listening. He lets go of your neck and positions himself standing, grabbing onto your hips. He starts pounding so hard, and felt you getting tight once again. As much as he wanted to let you come, he also wanted to teach you a lesson. You almost cry out angry and frustrated because once again he didn’t let you come. He kisses your shoulders gently and once again roughly inserts himself in you, having you scream.
Ran loses himself on how tight and great you feel, and places his hand on your belly once again. “You feel that baby?” Pressing his hand right under your belly button. “This is where I am” you roll your eyes in pure lust. His rhythm gets out of control and he cums in you. You feel all his weight on your back making you feel heavy.
He pulls out making you feel empty and you moan on your sensitive cunt. He helps you fix your panties and clothes. He pats on your panties, “keep my babies safe here.” And he grins and kisses you gently.
He offers to walk you out, and as soon as he opens the door, all the nosey guys scatter out like roaches. He wraps his arm around your waist, keeping his hand on your ass, showing everyone who you belong too.
Enjoy this Ran Haitani one shot.
It is not proofread :(
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hiemaldesirae · 4 months
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@dancingafterdark snippet for you before i lock in again and disappear
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