#rare spain w
goldenliartrash · 2 years
Normalmente me gusta ver las cosas en versión original, especialmente si la VO no es en inglés, en parte por ver si se me queda algo y en parte porque muchos doblajes al castellano son asquerosos, pero la verdad es que los equipos de localización españoles que se encargan de la comedia son verdaderamente la cosa más graciosa que hay.
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owliellder · 1 year
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My Superstar
post RE4! Leon Kennedy x afab Musician! Reader
MDNI 18+
Description: Leon was a fan of you. It was a well kept secret, how much he enjoyed your music and watching you perform. A little bit of lying can get a man a long way.
Warnings: Not proofread, Porn w/ lots of plot, Unprotected p in v (stay safe), some minimal stalkerish behavior, vague mention of a PTSD-induced panic (it's very short), awkwardness
Tags: Strangers to lovers, post RE4! Leon, Dom! Leon, Sub! Reader, this can be considered slow burn (?), multiple instances of masturbation cause Leon is touch starved, praise kink, handjob, oral (m! and f! receiving), fingering, nipple play, inappropriate use of mama, grinding, cowgirl position, Leon manhandling the reader a bit, this man cannot keep his hands off of you!!
Word Count: 11k
Cross posted onto Ao3
Note: Spent days working on this. DAYS!! It's crazy that I can sit here at work all night, multiple nights in a row, and write smut.
Anyways, thank you for reading
Leon Kennedy was one of the government's best agents; fighting horrors beyond the general public's comprehension like it was nothing at this point. He was only 28, yet he was rugged, stoic, and damn near emotionless. Every agent he's ever interacted with knew next to nothing about him. Outside of work, this man was an absolute enigma.
He stayed in a comfortable one bedroom, one bathroom apartment that was provided by the government. It was practically barren due to his line of work. What was the point of having anything if you're never there to enjoy it?
On the rare occasion Leon had more than a few weeks of quiet, he strictly kept to himself; declining invitations to go out and drink with his fellow agents, ordering in whenever he decided he was hungry, and even flat out ignoring anyone who approached him when he was performing his more domestic duties, like grocery shopping.
The blond had manners, sure, but he didn't want to entertain anyone's idea of him, especially the women. He was approached in that way often due to his muscular appearance and mysterious atmosphere. It was a bit of a pain for him to deal with. He just wanted to be left alone during his highly valued time away from agent work.
Leon looks and acts like the type of guy to just be a stick in the mud. He rarely ever indulged the other agents in his personal affects.
One evening while stuck doing paperwork from his last mission, the blond was dragged into a nearby conversation when one of the agents asked about his music taste. More specifically, if he preferred one music artist over another. All he did was shrug and said he didn't know the names, which stunned everyone involved in the conversation. When asked about not knowing two very popular artists, he even went so far as to say: "I don't listen to music."
Little did everyone know that Leon Kennedy was a filthy, dirty liar.
He listened to music, oh he did. This seasoned agent, who fought actual hellspawn, was a fan of you.
Actually, fan would be an understatement. He was a super fan.
Leon discovered your music a year ago while in a drunken stupor after he'd come back from Spain. He was in an incredibly tough spot mentally, physically too, and he just needed something to help with the constant feeling of dread clouding his thoughts. Amidst his drinking spree, he caught a glimpse of you when scrolling through TV channels.
The agent paused for a long moment before switching the channel back, his body lagging behind his brain. He was very wary at first, seeing as he really wasn't a music guy, but something about your voice drew him in further. Of course Leon blamed it on the massive amount of alcohol he'd drank, dismissing the tickling in his stomach with a shake of his head as he switched to a different channel.
From there, it spiraled.
Everywhere he went, he heard bits and pieces of you; the grocery store, in a car passing by that had its windows rolled down, even from the other agents occasionally when he got stuck doing paperwork late into the night. You were slowly taking over his thoughts, and though he seemed calm and collected on the outside, it was driving him insane.
Leon didn't understand why you were able to mess with him like this. It was so unfair. He'd managed to keep his personal life the way he wanted it, the one thing he had control over, and now he owned all of your CD's and even a t-shirt for god's sake...
He indulged himself in everything that was you; the way you smiled in the few music videos you had, the nervous habits you had when he was able to watch your interviews, old and new, and even the way you dressed. It had him almost browsing similar clothes at the store, his gaze lingering for just a moment too long as he wondered if you'd like something like that.
The whole thing made Leon feel gross, perverted even, especially when you crept into his thoughts late at night. Turning down other women's advances meant he never really got any action, never really feeling the need to touch himself either, so he found himself a little more pent up than he originally thought he'd be. The smallest of thoughts about you had him straining against his pants at work.
Yes, embarrassingly, he'd masturbated to the thought of you. Multiple times at this point. He felt terrible, but what you didn't know couldn't hurt you, right? He could live with the shame.
The agent made sure not a soul knew about his growing obsession for you and your sound, that much he could control.
Despite feeling incredibly emasculated, you did well by him. He didn't drink as much as he used to and he spent just a little more time each day off making his apartment cozier, though that's not the craziest part. That title belongs to the fact that whenever you were brought up at work, he rather subtly joined in on conversations willingly. He acted uninterested, didn't even add to the conversation really, but it was an opportunity for him to learn about you that he wasn't going to pass up.
From that, Leon learned that you were doing a concert in this city next month! That seemingly insignificant bit of information that was casually mentioned by one of the other agents nearly knocked the fucking wind out of him.
"Yeah, they're going to be in town for a week or something." One agent spoke up, shrugging before he tilted his disposable coffee cup towards their slips to take a small sip. Leon managed to collect himself internally to reply, clearing his throat quietly beforehand. "This isn't a big city. What're they doing here?"
In an attempt to seem casual, he rested his left arm rested on the back of a chair as he held his own cup of coffee in his right hand, taking a sip from it.
"Dunno." The agent responded simply, shrugging a bit. The topic quickly shifted after that, leaving Leon to mull over the simple tidbit he'd learned.
The next few weeks were grueling for the blond, feeling as if time was purposefully slowing down on him. His anticipation was growing by the minute.
He had managed to finagle himself a backstage pass along with a VIP ticket the second he made it home to his personal computer after that conversation with his coworkers, thank you special government access. The printed ticket and pass taunted him from where it sat propped up against the bottom of the computer monitor.
Leon kept the ticket and pass somewhere he would remember them, somewhere they couldn't get lost when he had to rush to work in a haste, which was a common occurrence for the agent.
The last week of the month was when you were going to be in town for your concert. Thursday, to be specific. It was relatively easy for Leon to play off his absence at work, having called out sick for the entire week so no one would suspect anything. Honestly, everyone was more concerned since he never got sick and even on the rare occasion he was, he never called out.
It made Leon feel just slightly guilty when a few of his fellow agents decided to send him get well cards... he'll worry about that later.
Every day until Thursday decided to roll around, Leon was practically vibrating in his apartment. He was so worried he would somehow miss the concert, so he decided to occupy himself by scrubbing the damn place top-to-bottom. It helped him release that ever-building tension he was accruing as he oh so patiently waited.
Wednesday night, he couldn't sleep, the anticipation of this one single event made it hard for him to sleep ever since he learned about it. But with the promise of seeing you tomorrow, he was actually trembling in his bed.
The man had tried his best to control his urges regarding you, but tonight was really getting to him. Just to relax, he thought, it can't hurt. A common thought in his mind.
Leon lost track of time and spent over 2 hours edging himself, the adrenaline from knowing he'd get to see you in person, be in the same building as you, had him biting down on his knuckles as he roughly fisted his cock. He at least still had the dignity to keep himself quiet, mostly not wanting his neighbors to hear how needy he was. He also didn't want your name to accidentally slip out of his mouth.
God, the things you did to him. All he had to do was simply imagine you were the one stroking his cock and he was gone, pathetically whimpering into his hand. You didn't even know he existed, but hopefully you would after that concert. He wished he could show you how much he appreciated you one day soon.
After the agent came with your name on the tip of his tongue, he decided to give up on sleep. He was wide awake, now needing a shower after making a sizable mess all on his hand, exposed abs, and the blankets that had bunched up near his groin.
Only 10 minutes later, he came again, this time in the shower.
Leon checked himself over numerous times during the hours leading up to your concert; dressing in a shirt a size too small to show off his muscles, spritzing himself with just the right amount of a cologne that he totally didn't buy because you said you liked those certain perfume and cologne notes once before, even going so far as to make sure not a single strand of hair on his head was out of place.
The anxiety got to him and, of course, he left almost 5 hours early to stand in line at the stadium you'd be performing at. He found himself felt awkward standing by himself in line, almost second guessing his decision to even be here. Almost.
Once the employees at the stadium started checking tickets and leading people inside, the blond began to tremble with anticipation. This once stoic, cold man was now reduced to nothing more than a nervous fangirl, his lips pulled tight as his ticket and pass were checked and he was lead through a set of double doors. Despite all his years living and working in this area, Leon had never been inside this place. Hell, he didn't even know there was a stadium here.
The VIP ticket granted him one of the best spots in his opinion. He wasn't right up against the stage, but he was close enough to where he'd be in the crowd that got to interact with you personally.
Once again, Leon was feeling awkward as he sat stiffly next to people he didn't know. Hopefully he can grow a pair quick so he doesn't make an absolute fool of himself in front of you.
The crowd waited for a good 30 minutes or so, probably to give everyone enough time to settle, before the lights dimmed, causing everyone to cheer loudly. The man tapped his fingers against his muscular thigh anxiously, attempting to get his breathing under control.
He did not like being crowded like this, but he had to put up with it for just a couple hours in order to see your entire concert. He could handle that...
No he couldn't.
Only a few minutes after you entered the stage, everything got to him fast. The screaming, the lack of any form of personal space, and his climbing body temperature caused him to flee as casually as physically possible. Leon never considered that he wouldn't be able to handle such a loud and crowded environment.
He pushed his way forward, flashing his backstage pass to one of the security guards standing in front of the temporary fencing put up. They moved the fence slightly to let him through, to which he speed-walked his way towards the bathrooms, following the signs that led the way.
Thankfully the bathroom was empty since the concert had just started. The man chose to go into the family bathroom since it the door had a lock and he didn't want anyone walking in on him while he calmed himself.
For fucks sake, he can do this! He knows he can, he has to. He bought the damn ticket and pass, he needed to see you.
After giving himself awhile to calm down, Leon eventually walked out of the bathroom, ready to go back in and claim his seat once more. The sound of music echoed through the large hallway that surrounded the area you were performing, causing his nerves to spike again for just a brief moment.
He took a deep breath and walked over to another security guard that stood by the set of doors he walked out of previously, using his pass once more to get back in since it led through the fenced off area.
The second the blond walked through, he froze, his eyes landing on you up on the stage. Your voice was so clear now, the way you moved and sang with a smile causing the corners of his lips to peak up slightly.
He just couldn't keep his eyes off of you, making his walk back to his seat incredibly drawn out. Seeing you at every angle possible at the moment was making his heart flutter, and shamefully, his dick twitch. He was grateful anything below his torso was obstructed by everyone jumping and dancing around him.
The lyrics to your songs resonated with Leon like nothing before, your proximity making it feel like you were singing directly to him. For him.
The concert lasted a little longer than either you or Leon had anticipated due to a random technical issue with the mic you were wearing.
It was funny to you, the slight and very short lasting hiccup caused you to joke with one of your bandmates, your hushed voice and laugh being picked up by their mic. God, Leon could listen to your laugh for hours.
Regardless of any mistake, your concert was nothing less than perfect to the man. To him, you could do no wrong, that much was clear by the way he zeroed in on you and you alone for the entire duration of the performance.
After thanking the audience with a grin and a wave, you exited the stage with your bandmates and retreated backstage to shed that post-concert adrenaline. All those eyes watching you? Yeah, that'll always be nerve-wracking, no matter how many times you do it.
You settled next to your drummer on a particularly uncomfortable couch, your guitar sitting propped up on a stand not too far away. The downtime after a concert was always very appreciated, considering you lacked any sort of energy after the adrenaline finally wore off. Your voice had grown hoarse, throat now sore, and ears ringing from the volume of the music earlier.
You wanted to have a chance to collect yourself properly before you met up with anyone that had a backstage pass, which was normally reserved for people actually working the event. You liked to keep it easy for you and everyone involved, which meant you only ever green-lit a very small number of them to be sold to the general public.
As much as you loved your fans, you wanted to keep your after-concert relaxing at a maximum. This kind of life was stressful, as fun as it was. You didn't want to come at your fans' throats because you were too exhausted to answer questions. The last thing you wanted was to get mad at people who were just excited to meet you.
Luckily for you, it doesn't seem very many people were able to acquire a backstage pass. Most were left to event workers, it seemed. A few stragglers had made it backstage with the help of security to get a picture and have you and your bandmates sign a poster or a shirt.
One final man wandered backstage an hour after the concert had ended, one you didn't notice as your exhaustion was really presenting at this point. Your bassist was the first to notice Leon, righting themselves from their spot leaning against the wall to greet him with a handshake.
The drummer and keyboardist followed suit, slowly leading the agent over to where you now sat on the floor, back against the couch since it had grown too uncomfortable for you.
You were nudged by your bassist, causing you to grumble and open your eyes to look up at whoever decided to rouse you. Catching sight of Leon prompted you to quickly stumble upwards onto your feet.
Smiling awkwardly, you reached your hand out to shake his hand, which he gladly accepted with a tender smile of his own.
"Leon." he stated simply, his eyes lidded as he looked into yours. "Very happy to finally meet you and your band."
This man was fucking gorgeous and he had the voice of a pornstar. Maybe he was a pornstar? Who knows, you weren't one to judge, especially not someone who's looking at you like that.
You introduced yourself, rather breathlessly as you'd stood yourself up too fast. "I'm sorry, we're all a little gross from the show.." you laughed out nervously, pulling your hand back from him to wipe against your shirt after realizing how sticky from sweat you were.
Leon laughed a low laugh with you, his eyes quickly raking over your figure before making their way back up to yours. "It's no problem, I'd be a little confused if you weren't gross after that performance. It was amazing, by the way."
He followed you and your bandmates over to a circular table sitting near the corner of the room, accepting a seat after everyone sat down and gestured for him to do the same. The blond really wanted to talk to you alone, but getting to talk to you at all was a feat in his books right now, and getting to sit across from you was more than enough.
"Thank you, Leon. We're very happy you enjoyed the show." Your drummer spoke, giving Leon a quick smile. Everyone else agreed, including you with a quiet, tired chuckle.
Leon was surprisingly good at hiding his hard on, but your hoarse voice and tired, disheveled look had his thoughts leading a less than innocent path. It was hard for him to focus on anyone else.
The agent asked general, boring questions that the band was asked almost every time they encountered a fan, though he was a lot more casual about it.
He kept giving you these looks that you couldn't quite describe. It almost seemed like he was eyeballing you for a reason. You were used to getting a bit more attention since you were the main face of the band, but wow he was really giving you some questionable looks. Not that you minded, of course. Hell, you started giving him your own coy glances here and there.
After about 10 minutes of general chatter, Leon began to single you out in questions; asking about your guitar, how you come up with your lyrics, and how you learned to sing, all the while staring at you with those half-lidded eyes of his.
You answered as best as you could, taking note of a smirk tugging at his lips. He'd noticed you blushing, his low tone and staring effecting you in your tired state.
You couldn't quite place it, and as cliche as it was, he seemed different to you. Leon wasn't like most of the other fans you'd met over the years, he seemed so nonchalant about everything.
This type of behavior was obvious when it came from younger fans. You and your band mates have dealt with a fair share of teenage crushes, but having a grown man display the same kind of mannerisms was strange. Not in a bad way, though.
In your defense, it was a bit refreshing to know you were desirable in that sense. You'd grown so busy with music that you just haven't worked to put yourself out there. Plus, there's always that inkling that anyone who would try their hand at you was just out for the money and fame, not to mention that handling a relationship with the spotlight always watching is really difficult. It can wear on it.
As everyone stood up from the table, your bandmates shook Leon's hand and said their thank you's again before beginning to make their way to a door where a couple security guards stood ready to lead them out to the tour bus. You waved them on before walking over to grab your guitar from the stand it was on.
"You're not gonna go with them?" Leon asked quietly, watching you from where he stood next to the table. He pointed over his shoulder with his thumb as your bandmates walked out, his eyebrows furrowed slightly with confusion.
"Oh, I just have to put this away before I follow them out..." You yawned, grabbing the guitar case that wasn't too far away from you before sitting yourself on the floor, opening the case up. You began to examine the guitar for any damage that went unnoticed during the concert.
Leon nodded and moseyed over to you, standing a couple feet away before leaning over just a bit to watch you as you looked over your guitar, giving a small smile once more.
"You know," he started, voice almost a rumble as he spoke. His eyebrows raised as he turned his focus down a little further to look at you. "...you really were the star of the show."
You placed the guitar in it's case before looking up at him, having tilting your head upwards since he was currently towering over you. You smiled, huffing out a laugh through your nose. "Please, I wouldn't sound very good if it wasn't for my band.."
Leon clicked his tongue, bending over a little more to get closer to you. He was looking at you with those same half-lidded eyes from before, his voice lowering to a hushed tone. "I'm being serious. All I could focus on was you. And that voice of yours? Wow.."
He was now giving you a bit more of a serious look, though he still had the faintest smile. Your face relaxed with his words, smile widening ever so slightly. He spent the time to gauge your reaction before continuing to speak, moving next to you before crouching down.
"I know I'm just a fan, but I'd really like to see you again sometime." Leon turned his head away from you to look down at the floor, fiddling with his fingers nervously after resting his arms on his knees.
Now it was his turn to blush, his sudden proximity to you bringing out a more bashful side to him. He hadn't felt this way in years, so he wasn't quite sure how to act.
You followed him with your head as he crouched next to you, never moving your gaze away from him. Normally you'd never let a fan get this close to you for so long, but Leon didn't give off any sort of threatening energy. If anything, he just seemed like a nervous kid asking his crush to hold his hand during school. It was endearing having such a well-built, handsome man acting this way for you.
You averted your gaze for just a moment to zip up the guitar case before quickly looking back at the blond sitting next to you. "Do you have a pen?"
His eyes shot up from his lap to meet yours, his eyebrows raised up again. "What?" he asked, his voice a little too loud before he caught himself with a wipe of his palm across his lips. "Sorry- what did you say?" He must've been zoned out after admitting to wanting to see you again.
"Do you have a pen? Or a sharpie?" You repeated yourself with a gentle tone, eyes crinkling with your smile as he looked over at you. "Oh! Oh, yeah.. yeah yeah, I do.." He muttered, quickly standing up so he could dig through his pockets with both his hands. After a few seconds he pulled out a pen, clicking it a couple times before holding out the pen to you.
You nodded with a giggle, gently taking the pen from him. You grabbed his hand and flipped it so his palm was facing up, drawing a couple quick circles on your own arm to make sure the pen worked before carefully scribbling your number out onto his open palm.
Leon focused all his brain power on keeping his hand as still as possible for you, watching you intently as you wrote on his hand. He never thought it would've been this easy, imagining he'd have to follow you to at least a few other cities before even getting a chance at this.
Once you finished writing, you placed the pen back into the same hand. You held his hand with both of yours, closing his fingers for him before patting them. Every single nerve ending in his hand was tingling with your touch, his eyes wide as he turned his gaze from his hand and back up to your face where his eyes met yours.
"I have to go, but don't be afraid to call, okay?" You slowly slid your hands off of his and stood up, grabbing the handle on the guitar case. "I'm easily reachable."
Leon pulled his hand close to his chest, opening his fingers to sneak a glance at your number. He balled his hand right back up before shoving it into his pocket, like he'd somehow lose it if he didn't keep a tight hold on it. He started to speak, voice cracking a bit which caused him to clear his throat before attempting to speak again. "Yeah, okay.. yeah.."
The agent was reduced to nothing more than his nerves, taking a shaky breath as he gave you a crooked smile. You nodded in acknowledgement, blush dusting your cheeks again as you stood awkwardly next to him.
You pointed towards the door before starting to shuffle away from him, muttering out a quiet "It was nice to meet you, Leon.."
You take quiet note on how nice his cologne smelled as you walked in front of him to the door.
"It was nice to meet you too, sweetheart." Leon responded, his shyness immediately falling away as he watched you leave, allowing a security guard to lead him to the main arena so he could walk out to the main parking lot where his car was.
He slid into his car and sat for a moment before leaning his head against the steering wheel, arms above his head as he laughed. It almost felt fake, but when he angled his head to look at the number written on his hand again, he knew it wasn't.
The man almost crashed 3 times on the short drive home, getting honked at numerous times as he sat unfocused at traffic lights when they turned green. He even sat at a stop sign waiting for it to turn green for a whole minute until he realized that it was not going to be turning green.
At least he made it back to his apartment building alive, that's all that mattered to him right now. He wanted to enjoy this moment of euphoria before his own exhaustion caught up to him, calmly walking into his apartment in case any of his neighbors saw him. Once his front door was closed and locked, he scrambled into his office to write down your number onto a piece of paper. He wanted to make sure the numbers were at least legible, seeing as his hands were trembling.
Afterwards, he moved to his bedroom to sit on the edge of his bed, having taken off his jacket and shirt, leaving them both abandoned on the floor somewhere in his room. The entire night was finally setting in for him, his breathing turning ragged as he leaned forward to place his elbows on his knees.
The blond shared the same analogy you had, feeling like an awkward teen all over again with how he could barely calm himself from such a simple interaction.
Leon kept himself on the edge of his bed, sitting up only slightly to pull his cock out from his boxers and unzipped pants, rock solid and incredibly sensitive. You'd been so close to him, and god the way you looked and sounded after giving the concert your all made it so easy for Leon to paint a picture of what you'd look like after he got his hands on you.
He's been hard for hours at this point, not even caring to undress fully before jerking himself off with the same hand that you'd written your number on. He was so thankful his precum didn't stain through to his pants during that whole ordeal, he wouldn't have known what to do if you knew about his problem.
The pen smudged as he wet his hand with his precum, the liquid smearing the ink all along his hand and dick. He didn't care, it'll wash off, he just needed to take care of himself right now. He wanted you, and now he knew you wanted him too, to some extent.
Leon closed his eyes, moving his left hand down to fondle his balls as he stroked himself faster, doing his best to imagine it was you playing with him like this. Whimpering with every breath, he started to wonder how you'd handle him: Your hands were a lot smaller than his, would you have to use two hands to stroke him properly? Would you touch his balls like this? Bet you'd be so willing to suck his cock, fuck, you probably taste so good too. Eating you out would be so fun, hearing you moan out his name with that pretty voice of yours-
It only took about a minute for him to cum onto the floor, eyebrows furrowed and panting heavily as he gripped the base of his cock tightly, feeling it throb with each string of cum that pumped out.
Wonder if you're on birth control..
Leon had to return to work the next week, feigning the flu in its final stages to keep up with his little white lie. No one questioned him, only offering smiles and the occasional "glad you're feeling better".
He didn't really do his work to the best of his ability, his main focus being when would be the right time to call you.
Embarrassingly, the agent went out and bought a flip phone since he didn't have his own phone. He hadn't needed his own phone before, using only his work phone when anything work related came up.
He didn't want to risk putting your number into your work phone and he figured having your number was a good time to invest in a personal phone.
Now, Leon had to gamble with the idea of calling you. Obviously he'll wait until he's home, but it's hard to think of anything else when you're only a button away.
His aloofness was normal to his coworkers, even more explainable considering he was "sick" last week. He was incredibly thankful no one bothered him with extra work tonight.
After work, he was sat on his couch, staring down at his new phone while the TV was on, flashing only colors in his periphery since he'd muted it. It was only 5pm, he was contemplating calling you. He wanted to hear your voice again, but he didn't know if it was too late in the evening or not.
You said you were easily reachable, so it's all or nothing, he guessed.
He pushed through his nerves, pressing the call button before slamming the phone against his ear with a slight wince. Every ring caused him to tense up.
On the final ring you finally picked up, breathing out a quick "Hello?" into the phone. Leon sat there frozen, sucking in a harsh breath before letting out a cough.
"Hey-.. Uh, hey. It's uh, it's Leon.."
There was a bit of a pause on the other end before you responded, voice cheerful despite sounding out of breath.
"Oh hey! I was wondering when I'd hear from you! How are you?"
"Uh.. I've been alright... how about you?"
Leon patted his thigh with his left hand, mentally chastising himself for his voice cracking again.
"I'm doing good, uh, I'm fighting a spider, so.."
You breathed into the phone with a laugh, causing Leon to smile and relax a bit as you kept the conversation alive.
"Oh yeah, spiders are kind of evil. Need me to ward it off?"
"I mean, I would take you up on that offer, but I'm already about 100 miles away from your city at this point."
Leon cursed internally, turning his head away from the phone to sigh where you could hear it.
"I appreciate it, though. This thing is nasty."
Your voice pulled him back to the phone, bringing a smile back to his face.
"You should get uh... that drummer of yours to help you. Two against one."
"Everyone is out at dinner. I'm all alone in this, Leon."
Your dramatic tone made him chuckle, leaning his head back against the couch.
"Okay, well, I'm with you in spirit."
The laugh you emitted only egged Leon on further.
"How long are you gonna be in the next city? If uh.. if you don't mind me asking."
"For a few days. It's our last city on the tour we're doing, then we go back to LA."
The agent nodded silently with a hum, his confidence slowly coming back to him. He needed to put his intentions out there.
"Would you mind if I drove out and took you to dinner tomorrow?"
He's now sweating bullets. There was another brief pause before you responded, the silence causing him to tense up once more.
"...I normally wouldn't accept something like that... but, you know what, I'll take you up on that."
Leon let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, now leaning forward with a relieved look. You could hear the relief in his voice too.
"Uh- awesome! Okay, I'll find somewhere nice to take you."
You two said your goodbye's and hung up after you told the agent which city and hotel you were staying at.
He took it upon himself to go into his office and search up the location on his computer, easily memorizing the path to where you were since it mostly just involved following a freeway the majority of the way.
It took awhile for Leon to calm down after that call, now busy anticipating his journey tomorrow to see you. It'll be easy to call out of work again, saying the sickness flared back up or something along those lines. Anything to see your pretty face again.
He spent the night with himself, finding himself unable to fall asleep once more, just like the night before your concert. The man had never been or felt this desperate before, chasing some person he barely knew over a silly crush. Okay, it was more than a crush if he had to be honest with himself.
Planning on leaving early, he was more than frustrated when he finally fell asleep close to 4am. He wanted to scope out good restaurants and nice places to park, if it came down to that. The hopeful bastard.
Groggy, Leon got himself up only 2 hours after he'd fallen asleep, drinking the coffee he'd made himself on the stove days ago. It tasted stale, but it would have to do.
He definitely sounded the part when calling out sick again, which was accepted without question.
Wanting to make sure he looked his best even after a long car ride, he showered and shaved his stubble right before leaving, making sure to bring his cologne, hairbrush, and gum.
The drive was boring, traffic irritated Leon, but he eventually made it to the city you were in at around 3pm. He called you again, thankful you answered, and asked if 6pm was a good time, to which you happily accepted.
The three extra hours provided the blond with the much needed time to explore restaurant options and generally nice places to walk around. You probably weren't in this city often, if at all, so wandering like tourists seemed fit.
He eventually settled on a nice sushi restaurant since he hadn't had sushi in awhile. They had plenty of non-sushi options on the off chance you didn't like sushi. Or, you could pick the restaurant, he didn't mind, as long as he got to spend time with you.
Leon was nervous. He had to wipe his hands off a good few times since they'd grown clammy while gripping the steering wheel. He was parked outside the hotel you were staying at, having called you just a couple minutes before to let you know he was outside.
While waiting, the agent decided to get out and lean against the passenger door of his car. He wanted to be a gentleman and open the door for you, though he wasn't really sure people still held the door for others anymore.
His heart skipped a beat when he saw you walk out past the main sliding doors of the hotel, immediately straightening his posture while giving you an awkward smile. You looked absolutely amazing.
"Hey," Leon breathed out, frozen for a moment before suddenly remembering to open the passenger door for you. He just couldn't keep his eyes off of you.
"Hey." You replied back, almost just as winded as he was. "Sorry, I didn't expect the elevator to be so busy. It took a couple rotations before I could even get down here."
You smiled at Leon as a silent thanks, sitting yourself down in his car before he carefully closed the door once you'd settled. After getting into the car himself, he gave you a quick glance and a smile of his own before driving to the restaurant.
Although the conversation between you and Leon was airing on the side of awkward, the two of you slowly loosened up as the night went on. Your apprehension regarding going out with a fan quickly left once you realized how charming the man actually was.
The power dynamic was one of your main worries. You didn't want to feel like you were taking advantage of a man so eager to please, but Leon actually had the same worry, considering his work as a government agent gave him a lot of special privileges that aren't normally handed out to the common person.
Luckily for him, you didn't pry about his work. You gladly accepted his vague description about working for the government and that was that.
You also didn't pry about his interest in you as a musician when the topic came up. That was a given.
After dinner, the two of you wandered around the downtown part of the city for awhile, sightseeing while chatting about anything and everything. You felt oddly safe around Leon, something about him just screamed stability.
Leon felt the same way about you, but the way he described you was fluffy. You made him feel fluffy and warm. And the promise of domesticity and love only made him want you more.
You were so easy to talk to. He rarely ever indulged anyone about his personal life, but he found himself talking about anything he could remember about his childhood on a whim with you.
You were stopped a few times by fans that recognized you. The majority of them had driven up to the city to see your concert.
He knew it was going to happen, but Leon really didn't like how they so carelessly wandered up to you. Did you not look busy to them? Pretty disrespectful, if you asked him.
Leon made sure to make his presence known by placing a gentle hand on your shoulder which pulled you from the brief conversation you'd been so rudely dragged into. If he actually got an opportunity to be with you, the attention you receive will definitely take some getting used to.
A reserved, near isolated man with a popular musician? What a combo that would be.
Eventually, you and Leon ended up back at the hotel you were staying at. The blond didn't want to leave, and it was clear you didn't want him to leave either, but he had work the next day and you were going to be extremely busy the rest of the week. So, as one does, you invited him into your hotel room anyways.
To hell with work, calling out again wouldn't hurt. He was good at feigning illness.
He followed you inside like a puppy, his chest practically pressed against your back the entire way up to your room. You didn't share a room with your bandmates, Leon thanks god for that, so he was able to settle a lot quicker once you led him into the room. You both took your shoes off, leaving them near the door.
As expected, the agent was awkward at first. The two of you just sat on the edge of the bed next to each other and talked for awhile longer.
"I'll admit, it's been a really long time since I've done anything. With anyone." Leon admitted quietly, his hands clasped together in his lap since he didn't quite know what to do with them in the moment.
You laughed nervously in response, almost mimicking his position. "Yeah, it's been a long time for me too. I'm very out of practice.."
He turned his head to look at you with a weak smile tugging at the corner of his lips, eyebrows furrowed upwards. "We don't have to do anything. We can just... hang out for awhile if you want to?"
You contemplated for a moment before responding to him again. "I mean, I'm totally fine with either or..?"
Leon really wanted to fuck you. He's been imagining this moment ever since he first discovered your music. He wished he wasn't so anxious, but he needs to power through that. He needs you.
"Can-" the man cleared his throat before taking in a small breath, voice hushed. "Can I kiss you?"
The second he heard you whisper out a weak "yeah", he quickly angled himself so his body was facing yours, tilting his head to the right as he leaned in and pressed his lips gently against yours.
It only took you a brief moment to bring your arms up to wrap around his neck, his hands moving to grip your waist, rubbing circles against it through your shirt as the kiss deepened.
He loved how vocal you were. You sang beautifully, sure, but he never would've guessed you'd be so sensitive to touch. The little whimpers you made just from being kissed and caressed were already driving him crazy.
Leon moved down to kiss your neck, nipping and sucking hickeys wherever he could. He tucked his fingers underneath your shirt, bunching it up partially before moving away from your neck to pull your shirt off.
He took some time to ogle at your figure, a low growl rumbling from his chest as he shifted himself on top of you, gently pushing you back against the bed to continue his assault on your neck.
Your breathy moans only continued to egg him on. Everything he's ever felt regarding you quickly came bubbling back up, leading him to leave a trail of hickeys down your neck, all along your collarbone, and on the tops of your breasts.
Leon had moved his right hand to grip the point of your hip, the left groping one of your boobs through your bra while keeping himself propped up with his knees on either side of your legs as he sat hunched over you.
The man couldn't keep his hands off of you, his hands dragging up and down your body as they swapped places every few seconds.
"Leon-.. god, please..." You moaned breathlessly, chest heaving. He groaned at the sound of his name leaving your pretty lips, dragging himself back up pull you into a heated kiss.
"My name sounds so good when you moan it." Leon growled against your lips, nipping at your bottom lip which caused you to gasp, allowing him to lick into your mouth. "You taste amazing."
Your hands moved from the sheets to wrap around his neck again, carding your fingers up through the that fluffy golden hair on the nape of his neck. When he pulled away so you both could catch your breath, he wasted no time standing up to shuck off his own shirt.
Leon smirked when you sat up on your elbows, watching your wide eyes rake down his sculpted torso.
"Glad you like what you see." He wiggled his eyebrows at you, causing you to scoff playfully and grab one of the pillows off the bed, tossing it at him. He laughed, catching the pillow to throw right back at you, albeit a little softer than you had. "Hey, hey, alright."
You laughed with him as the pillow landed on your chest, letting it slip off to the side as you sat up fully. You tucked your legs under your ass, sitting back on your haunches as you reached forward to rest your hands against his thighs.
Looking up at Leon with those doe eyes, he just couldn't resist. He knew what you wanted. "Go on, don't be shy.." he spoke in a hushed tone, moving his right hand to rest on your head to play with your hair.
He angled his head down so he could watch you fumble with his belt, wanting to let you set the pace now.
"Thaaat's it, there ya go mama..." Leon whispered with a gravelly voice, eyes half lidded as he watched you finally pull his belt from the loops. Your hands were shaky as they now worked to unbutton and unzip his jeans, glancing up at him occasionally to make sure you were doing everything right.
Once you were able to fully undo the agent's jeans, he moved his hand off your head so he could tug them all the way down for you, kicking them away which left him in only his boxers and socks.
As mentioned before, you were out of practice. You didn't have a very good frame of reference for men, but Leon's sizable erection straining against his boxers was more than intimidating.
The man could tell you were worried. He didn't want to scare you, no, that's the last thing he wanted. So he brought his right hand up to hold the side of your face, caressing your cheekbone his thumb. "Don't feel pressured, sweetheart. Take your time for me."
You looked up at him as you took in a shaky breath, leaning your head against his hand for a moment with a nervous smile. "Thank you... Just-.. just work with me here.." you huffed, moving your gaze back down to his bulge.
You lifted your head away from his hand to which he moved back up to stroke your hair, keeping his gaze fixed down on you.
You tucked your fingers under the waistband of his boxers, glancing up at him one last time, prompting him to smile in approval. You nodded, swallowing dryly as you slowly tugged them down.
His cock sprung out at you and you let out a quiet gasp as it stood directly in front of your face now, tip red and angry. "Oh wow... okay.." you whispered, mostly to yourself as you took in the size of it.
Leon gave a breathy chuckle as he watched you, moving his legs a bit so his boxers would fall the rest of the way down.
You let your hands rest against the tops of his thighs again, a bit closer to his v-line as you looked back up at him. "I like your uh-.. I like your happy trail..."
Your quiet admission dragged another laugh from the man, who was looking right back at you with probably the most endearing expression. "Oh, do you?" You nodded. "I'll make sure to keep it for you then."
The way Leon kept stroking your hair felt so nice, his voice was really encouraging too. You were incredibly thankful he was willing to take things slow and let you lead for the moment.
Speaking of taking the lead, you brought your eyes back down to stare at his cock, watching precum pearl from the slit. You gave yourself one last mental push before bringing your right hand up to wrap around the base, glancing up at Leon when he hissed from the sensitivity.
Your eyes moved from his dick to his face every few seconds as you began slow, languid strokes. Once the blond was able to get past the sensitivity, he was smirking at you again, those encouraging words beginning to slip from his mouth again. "Mmm~... that's gooood... just like that, baby.."
Your confidence in the whole situation was growing with every word of praise Leon directed at you, leading to your hand beginning to move faster. Slick was pooling into panties now, especially with the way he was looking at you with that blissed out expression.
You must've had your own look going since he felt the need to comment on it. "You like that, mama? Like the weight on my cock in your hand?" You only moaned out in response. "Yeah you do. If only you could see the way you look, fuck- I wish I could take a picture. Those pretty eyes lookin' up at me while you stroke it, pouty lil' lips- shit~..."
Leon let you stroke him for awhile longer before patting your head softly, pulling your hand away from him. "C'mon, love. You're a bit overdressed for this, aren't you?"
Damn, you hadn't even realized you still had your bra and pants on. You made quick work of the bra, reaching back to unhook it before letting it fall forward and off your shoulders.
"Ohh~.. There's my gorgeous girl~.." Leon purred, eyeballing your now exposed breasts, cock twitching as he looked over the hickeys that he'd covered the tops of them with. "Those tits of yours look a bit heavy, mind if I hold 'em for ya?"
The agent chuckled as you clicked your tongue at him, and though you didn't want to, you couldn't help but smile at his joke.
He gently pushed you down back onto the bed by your shoulder, letting you move your legs out before he climbed on top of you again. "At least let me love on 'em for a bit?"
The way he said that almost seemed like he was begging, and maybe he was, but regardless you nodded, blush deepening as he brought his head down to your breasts.
He resumed how he was before when he was on top of you, caging you underneath his broad form. Leon teased you, kissing all around the soft mounds before bringing his right hand up to grope one while he attached his lips to the other, licking and sucking your nipple. Your hands flew up to grip at his hair, needing some sort of register.
"O-oh... Leon- ah~! ..Pl-ease be gentle..." As much as he tried to hold back, he couldn't help how desperate he was to taste and feel all of you; your soft cries of pleasure, the way your voice broke when he rolled his tongue around the perked bud, he wanted it all. Soon he was moaning, nearly whimpering, eyes closed while his mouth swapped from one nipple to the other, making sure both got equal treatment.
Leon had shifted his legs up a bit more, almost sitting on your thighs as he sat hunched over you, hands tight on your waist as he centered his focus on using his mouth to toy with your nipples, cock laying right below your belly button as it weeped onto your stomach. He was soaking you in, in love with how responsive you were, in love with you.
Eventually, you tugged his head away from your tender breasts, his mouth wet with his saliva as he looked at you with a dopey smile.
Leon needed more of you. He needed to taste more of you.
Pulling you to the edge of the bed as he stood, Leon quickly yanked off your pants, tossing them to the side. He took a moment to drink in the sight of you; blush running down to your chest, hickeys covering your upper half, nipples swollen, that beautiful body, panties absolutely soaked. He really wanted to take a picture now.
After the agent finished taking in the scenic view in front of him, he slipped down onto his knees, pulling you by your hips so your legs dangled over the edge.
He sighed contently, placing his hands on the inside of your thighs as you attempted to close them. He wasn't really listening at this point, but he could hear you whimper something about 'not staring at it'.
Alright, Leon won't stare. He'll do you one better.
He planted his face right against your clothed pussy, breathing in your heady scent with a low groan, causing his cock to twitch again. "Ohh-ho hooo.. shit baby~.. that's good..."
You gasped, legs trying to close instinctively again which Leon didn't allow. He was so strong, barely straining to keep you spread wide for him as flattened his tongue against the gusset before closing his mouth around it. His nose bumped against your clit over and over as he moved his head up and down, taking in everything you had to offer through your panties.
Your panties started to irritate the man fast, growling as he had to pull himself away from you to tug them off. He dropped them next to where his knees sat on the floor, making a mental note to take those whenever he left your hotel room.
As soon as your panties were off your body, he threw one of your legs over his shoulder, using his right hand to reach up and spread your pussy lips. You whined again about not wanting him to stare which was cut off with a moan as he moved his thumb to press against your clit and rub in small circles.
"If I wanna look at ya, I'm gonna.. and you're gonna let me too..." Leon slurred slightly, eyebrows furrowing as he watched you clench around nothing with a whimper.
"Oh, you like that, huh?" He rumbled, now stroking his index and middle finger through your folds, spreading slick up to your clit so he could keep massaging it. "You like when I get a little bossy with you, pretty girl? Hm?"
You nodded, eyes shut tight as you balled your fists up in the sheets. "Look at me, mama.. Watch me..." Your eyes opened at his words, teary from the stimulation, and he laughed. "There ya go~.. Watch me devour this sweet little cunt of yours."
His words barely had a chance to register in your clouded head before his face was buried back into your crotch, immediately licking along your folds. He slung your other leg over his shoulder before sliding his tongue around your slit, moaning as slick ran into his mouth. You responded with slurred moans of your own, hands flying back to grip at his hair. You muttered out barely legible nonsense, words almost always cut off by moans and whines as Leon sucked on your clit, nipping at it ever so gently.
The agent hadn't experienced this in so long. You sounded so pretty, tasted so good. You were all his now and he had to make sure you knew that too.
"Taste so good. All mine." He growled into your cunt, wrapping his arms under and over your legs so he could place his hands on your hips, holding you steady to keep you from squirming. "This pussy's all mine." He repeated with a chuckle as he continued to lap at your folds, tongue dipping into your hole.
"L-Leon-! I-...I can't-!" You cried out, tugging at his hair as you tried to pull his face away from you. You were close, it was too much.
Oh he needed this. Leon needed you to cum on his face. He brought his still partially slicked up fingers to your pussy, pulling his mouth away for just a moment while he wet them again with a mix of your slick and his saliva.
Immediately, he placed his mouth over your clit, sucking as he pushed one finger into your dripping hole, drawing a breathy gasp from you.
His finger was quickly buried to the knuckle, wiggling it a bit inside of you before starting to pump it in and out of you.
The combination of feeling Leon's thick finger inside of you, curling to hit just the right spot while sucking on your clit had you tumbling over the edge, choking out a moan as tears spilled from your eyes.
It had been so long since you'd done this with anyone, and even then, no one really took the time to focus on you like this.
Your orgasm racked through your body, legs trembling as you gasped, trying to catch your breath. Leon eased you through it, pulling his mouth away so he could look watch his finger slowly disappear into you repeatedly. Once he pulled his finger out, he sucked it clean, leaning down just a bit to drink you up.
"Mm.. good job, sweetheart.." He sighed, taking the chance to stare at your glistening cunt for a bit longer before setting your legs back down on the bed so he could get up off his knees.
The man sat you up as he crawled onto the bed, holding onto your waist as he moved to sit against the headboard, legs out in front of him. He pulled you up onto his lap, making sure you were in a comfortable position.
"That good, mama?" Leon whispered, running his hands down your arms as his eyes trailed down to where your cunt sat right against his cock.
"Yeah... yeah that's good..." You whispered back, angling your head down a bit as you moved your hips experimentally. You did it again when Leon moaned, his hands moving down to your hips so he could grind you down his dick.
The agent harshly huffed through his nose, watching your puffy lips glide across the length of him. "Damn, that's it baby- grind on my fucking cock... god you're so wet."
You let Leon grind you down onto him, weak and drawn out moans being pulled from your lips every time the head of his dick bumped against your swollen clit. He was so focused on you.
"Lift up for me." He ordered, moving one his hands to pat your thigh. You mindlessly did as he told you, lifting yourself up onto your knees so he could line himself up with your hole.
"Gonna fuck ya good.." The blond grumbled, furrowing his eyebrows as he brought his hand back up so both were on your hips again. "Gonna have ya bouncin' on this cock, baby.."
He slowly pushed you down, both of you moaning in tandem when his head pushed past that tight ring of muscle. He gave you a moment to adjust before pushing you further down, mouth agape as your pussy sucked him in.
Once you were fully seated on his dick, you let out a shaky whine, placing your hands on his pecs for balance even though Leon would make sure to keep you upright.
Giving you more time to adjust, he tightened his grip on your hips, feeling your walls clench around him before relaxing a bit. His breathing was ragged, doing everything in his power not to pound into you right then and there.
Instead, he began to grind you on his cock, moving your hips back and forth. You gasped and moaned, nails digging into the taut muscle on his chest. He couldn't help but moan as well, just the sight of him balls deep in your cunt was enough to have him ragged.
"Okay..." You breathed out, causing Leon to hold your hips still. "Okay.. okay I-.. I'm good.." you nodded, looking down briefly where the two of you sat connected before looking up at his face.
Leon didn't need to be told twice, breathing out a groan as he slowly lifted you up. The head was almost pulled out of you before he sat you all the way back down onto his dick. Your lips made an 'o' as you felt him caress the inside of you, breathing still shaky.
After repeating the process a couple more times, he started to pick up the pace, even meeting you with thrusts of his own.
"God- shit baby-.. fuuuck~.." Leon breathed out, eyebrows furrowed as he focused on bouncing you up and down while timing his thrusts. "Bounce on my cock, mama.. Feel it deep in that pussy?"
He spoke breathlessly, eyes moving from your face down to where his dick drilled into you, almost drooling at the erotic sound of skin slapping and your pussy squelching.
"Uh-huh.." You moaned, moving your hands up to his shoulders so you could start to bounce yourself without Leon's help. "S'good.. ohhhh~.."
"Yeeeaahhh, it's good, huh?" Leon smirked, though it faltered a bit as you ground yourself down onto him again before starting to bounce again. "You love it, don't ya?"
You nodded lazily, tears starting to run down your face again while your legs trembled as they grew tired from the workout. The agent took notice of this, taking it upon himself to start bouncing you again since his hands were still firmly planted on your hips.
"Sing for me, sweetheart. Let me hear my superstar sing." Leon's thrusts turned hard as he felt you clench around him, listening to the way your voice rose again as your sensitivity grew. He filled you in all the right places, like you were made for him.
Your second orgasm made you scream, though it wasn't as loud as you thought considering your voice cracked. Your back arched, pussy clenching around Leon's cock like a vice.
He moved his arms up to wrap around your lower back as it arched, muscles flexing as he pulled you against his chest. He fucked you through your orgasm, thrusting up into you like it's the last thing he'll ever do. You were so overstimulated, tears now streaming down your face as choked out moans were forced out of you.
"Want me to cream this sloppy cunt of yours?" He growled into your ear, only getting a loud whine in response. "Words, use your words, c'mon."
"P-please-!" You managed to stutter out as he pounded into you, wrapping your arms around his shoulders so you could bury your face into his neck, tears dripping onto his exposed skin.
"Fuck- finally..." Leon rasped as he thrust into you for a few seconds longer before he held you firmly down on his lap. He came with a low groan, chuckling at your gasp when you felt him throb and pump you full of cum. "Take it, baby, fucking take it all..."
You both sat unmoving for a long minute, catching your breath before sitting up with a whine as your legs screamed at you and his cock shifted inside you.
The agent eased you off with a hum, watching his cum drip out of you and onto his stomach. You sat back once you felt him spread his legs for you, slotting yourself between them.
"Oh you're just perfect, aren't you? Gonna clean me off?" Leon chuckled when you nodded, sighing when you pressed your face against his cock after laying yourself on your stomach.
You licked a lazy stripe up the length of it, eyes closing as you tasted a mix of your juices and his cum. He placed a hand into your hair, gently combing through it as you sucked the head into your mouth with a soft whimper.
Leon watched with hungry eyes as you sucked on his cock, fitting what you could into your mouth before pulling away to lick him
clean, even going so far as to lick the cum off his stomach that had dripped out of you a minute prior.
"Perfect.. So good for me." Leon muttered out bits of praise for you, petting through your hair once you'd finished and just had his dick pressed against your cheek while you stroked it with your right hand. "My perfect superstar."
You smiled weakly, sitting up and crawling to the side so he could lay down, pulling your back flush against his chest the second you laid down.
The both of you were up early the next morning showering, Leon helping you clean by holding you against the shower wall so he could eat you out.
You had to go in to help your bandmates and crew set up the next stage you'd be performing at, so you gave Leon a tender kiss goodbye, reminding him to call you.
Oh he'll be calling you, right after he calls his boss. He forgot to call out and he already had a couple missed calls from them.
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saerins · 1 year
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+ sae x f!reader | wc 3.2k | content: angst, insecurities, death
notes: i’m sorry idk how this came about but i was in a mood :’) i promise i love him okay <3 feedback & reblogs appreciated !!
summary: he’s back home, and you recall the times you’d spoken to him. all the calls you made, then all the calls he made, and then all the times it went to voicemail.
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you remember every conversation you’ve had with your boyfriend. the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly. it’s hard to quantify into numbers since you’d been together for the last five years.
but there’s a few of them that are prominent, that are burned into your mind, engraved onto your brain. the sound of his laugh, for one, that’s always been precious to you, if only for the fact that he doesn’t laugh often.
sae always said you were the only one who could get that out of him, and you’ve kept it close to your heart since.
to the world, he may have seemed rude and off-putting at times, and despite the countless false reports of sae being an asshole to all his girlfriends in private (because the media can never decide who he’s actually with), he’s always been the same itoshi sae to you—the kind of guy who only ever bothers what you think about him because the other people not involved in your relationship don’t matter.
you remember everything he’s ever done for you.
“you know that one day you’ll be mrs. itoshi, right?”
yeah, you definitely remember.
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MARCH 2020; [ sae’s fifth day in spain ]
“you miss me, itoshi sae?”
you can feel him rolling his eyes from the other end. “i should just hang up right now.”
“you could, but then you’d miss me even more.”
sae suppresses a grin, even if there’s no one around to see it. you’re right, but he doesn’t say anything.
it was rare for sae to call you at all. but then again, it is the first time you two had been apart since you got together. maybe it isn’t so weird after all.
“how’d practice go today?”
“it’s fine, nothing i couldn’t handle.” of course he’s fine, he’s the youngest on the team and yet it was as though he’d played the longest.
“of course it was fine, mr genius,” you tease, and he smiles because he knows you’re smiling too.
you can’t really remember how the rest of the conversation went. but you only remember this moment because it was the first time you realised that amidst all the times you’d pester him to go on a date with you, amidst all the times you asked him for a kiss, sae could miss you too.
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SEPTEMBER 2020; [ sae comes back to japan soon ]
“hey so i was thinking, i’ll meet you at the airport?”
sae hums, “wanna see me that bad, huh?”
“shut up,” you snap at him, hating his quick tongue that so easily gets you flustered. “so i miss my handsome, successful boyfriend, big deal.”
he missed you too.
“am i just arm candy for you, y/n?”
“what? no—”
“too late. i’m offended. bye.”
then he actually hangs up on you.
it takes you half a second to pull up your message thread with him.
itoshi sae, you wanna die or something?
it takes him the same amount of time to respond to you.
y/n l/n, okay, then maybe i’d get some relief from you.
before you can even be actually offended, your phone vibrates again.
miss you too, stupid. see you tomorrow.
you can’t seem to rub the smile off your face.
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FEBRUARY 2021; [ first valentines’ apart ]
it takes him three rings to pick up.
“happy valentines’, lover,” you giggle over the phone.
it’s been a few months since your about-to-go-pro soccer player boyfriend had gone back to spain, doing pro soccer player things. you miss him, especially since it’s the first time you guys are spending the romantic occasion apart.
it sucks that you couldn’t even spend new years with him. it’s okay though, you managed to video call him while you spent time with his family.
“think you got the wrong number.”
“open the door, smarty pants.”
“w-wait, what? did you send me something?”
you hurry over to your front door, not knowing what to expect. but you definitely didn’t expect sae to be there, in the flesh, sighing when you finally open your door, a pretty bouquet of flowers in his hand.
“what are you doing here?” you’re still shocked from his mere presence.
sae smirks, and you realise just how much you miss him. “think i got the wrong apartment, i was supposed to deliver these to my other girl—”
but you kiss him to shut him up. he’s full of nonsense, and so, so witty, and he’s here.
sae’s always claimed that it was not soccer stealing him from you, it was more the other way around. and he had been joking at the time he said that, but right now he thinks maybe there’s some truth to it.
if there’s anyone capable of having and getting him to willingly relinquish his attention from soccer, it’s you.
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JUNE 2021; [ night of sae’s first PR event ]
“someone looks handsome,” you comment as you watch your boyfriend getting ready over the phone.
he has an entire entourage of people over at his hotel—they must be the makeup crew and stylists. his entire team is getting vip treatment for being champions of the league thanks to last week’s game. now, even more brands are trying to sponsor them and you really shouldn’t be surprised over the amount of girls going crazy over your boyfriend.
“and someone should really sleep,” sae pauses for a moment when the man beside him (presumably his stylist, because he’s double checking sae’s suit) asks a quick that your girlfriend?, to which sae says “yes.”
the man winks at you through the video. “lucky girl,” he comments, eyes back on the fabric he’s touching, “the only time i caught him smiling was while he was texting ya.”
you snicker through the phone as you watch sae’s face go beet red before frowning at you.
“he did not.”
his stylist is laughing at his reaction too. “totally did. i thought he was possessed.”
sae grabs the phone and relegates himself to the bathroom, glaring at you through the screen. he’s not mad at you, he’s just embarrassed and you know that. you’ve known him long enough now to tell his cues.
“i hope you know i hate you.”
he’s always all bark and no bite and you’re still laughing at him.
“aw, i hate you too, mr itoshi.”
“stop with the smart mouth before i find another contender for a mrs itoshi.”
you and sae had been staring at each other through the screen up until that point, when sae realised what he just said and has to look away.
“you… think i could be?”
neither you nor sae have ever broached another about the future, and sae has always been generally avoidant about it, which is why it makes you even more surprised that he’s the one who slipped up about it.
after a moment of silence, he sighs, trying to suppress a smile. it tugs at the edges of his lips, not really there but you can feel it.
“you know that one day you’ll be mrs itoshi, right?”
you don’t know that, he doesn’t know that, not until the day has come. but yeah, you really, really want to be.
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OCTOBER 2022; [ sae’s birthday ]
“happy birthday, mr. itoshi,” you greet when he picks up the phone.
things had been rocky lately, admittedly. only because you and sae lived worlds apart.
sae is famous now, in both japan and europe, and it’s no surprise because he’s one of the best midfielders anyone has ever seen. his life is now full of the glitz and glam that you’re not even close to familiar with.
and you; you’re just a simple girl living in tokyo, with a normal life and normal friends and normal everything. except for the fact that sometimes people stalk you online because based on theories, you’re his girlfriend.
he was advised against confirming your identity with the press. for a myriad of reasons, apparently. and you’re fine with it, because yeah, you’re aware there are games to be played when you have his status. and it was fine with you, except for times when it’s not.
like how at his previous PR event he had to appear like he was dating some other celebrity. which was fine, but you’d be lying if you said it didn’t suck having to see your boyfriend appear intimate with someone else. even worse when you hear said someone else mention in multiple interviews that she’s always had a huge crush on him.
“thanks, though it kinda sucks today.”
but it’s fine; you’ve been with him long enough to know that sae isn’t the type to hurt you like that. so even if it’s rocky, it doesn’t stop you from loving him.
“why? i thought the guys were bringing you out drinking tonight.”
sae sighs. “that’s exactly why.”
you smile, thinking how sae is still the same sae you’ve always known. “you’ve been playing with them for more than a year now, i think one night out wouldn’t kill you, babe.”
“but they’re freaks.” and sae says that because they’re rowdy, noisy guys and he doesn’t even want to imagine them drunk.
“we both know they’re going to bother you to no end if you don’t go,” you point out, and sae relents. “and if you need an escape when you’re too tired, you could just use my name.”
you break into a grin because you know for a fact that sae uses you as an excuse to his publicist sometimes to not attend events.
“yeah, maybe i’ll tell ‘em the missus is angry,” he jokes, and you find yourself wishing you could hug him right now.
“have fun tonight, okay?” a little hesitance comes to you before you ultimately open your mouth, “i love you.”
sae chuckles, and he can’t even describe the relief that comes to him each time he hears you say those words.
“i love you too.”
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DECEMBER 2022; [ the day you break ]
you don’t pick up his call.
when you saw the picture earlier, it’s like you’ve gone numb. and now everyone in the world will see the picture too. but you don’t really care. the images the paparazzi capture will die down after a while. the rumours will take longer.
right now you’re not even sure if your relationship is dead.
but you love him. you still do. and he’s still calling for what seems like the ninetieth time tonight.
this time you pick up.
sae flinches on the other line because he’s not used to this coldness. “can i at least explain?”
you sniffle, gritting your teeth to stop your crying. “sure, why don’t you explain why i had to find out from the fucking news that you kissed someone else on your birthday?”
it’s that girl. the same celebrity you’ve seen ogling him and gushing over him and the one who has PR relations with him.
“i promise, she means nothing,” and you can hear the panic in sae’s voice. he sounds apologetic and manic and scared. “look, i-i was drunk, and she kissed me, and i pushed her off right after—”
“then why didn’t you tell me?” you yell back. because you’re sure that’s what happened. you believe him. but it wasn’t the fact that some other girl was so desperate for him that she’d do that, it was the fact that sae kept it from you.
sae can’t answer. he knows it, but he’s struggling to find the words. “i-i didn’t want you to misunderstand,” is all he can manage.
you pause for a while because you’re crying again, and sae can sense it even if you’re silent. he loves you and he’s killing himself for his stupid decisions.
“sae,” you call him, softly. “is that how much you know me?” because after all this time, you’d think he’d know better. you trusted him. a hundred percent. now? you’re not sure.
“please, y/n, i’m sorry, please just- forgive me?” and sae’s not sure how to do this. sae’s never had anyone he cared about this much other than you. you’re the only one and you forever will be. and he’s stupid and clueless outside of soccer but he’s always had you to hold his hand through this, yet now you feel further away from him than ever.
you’re quiet and he’s not sure what to expect. you’re just sniffling on the other side, not saying anything, and for the first time in his life, sae is afraid.
“babe, i—”
“don’t say it, sae,” you sigh, because you don’t want to think that he’s saying it just to appease you.
sae obeys, because he’s scared that just a little nudge would push you right off the edge. “i’m gonna fix this, okay? i’ll tell everyone that—”
“it’s fine,” you interject, your mind in shambles. you’re tired, and you really don’t know what to do about this when it’s so fresh in your heart. “i need to think things through anyway.”
“no- y/n, please, i—”
and for the first time ever, you’re the one who hangs up abruptly. then you turn off your phone because you know sae’s not going to stop but you really just don’t want to to feel bad about not picking up.
you still love him, but you’re just heartbroken right now.
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sae stares at his phone after you hang up. he can hear his heart beating out of his chest and his breathing gets shallow. he tries to call you again but it’s not even ringing.
there’s only one thing he knows: he fucked up.
a stupid, stupid mistake which was grave enough to make you doubt everything and you’re right. this was on him for not opening his stupid mouth and just trusting that you’d understand.
for the first time ever, he heard what you sounded like when you’re hurt and he can’t forgive himself. not if he doesn’t do anything about it.
he gives up on trying to call you and pulls up his club’s coach’s contact instead. “sub someone else in for me tomorrow, i won’t be there.”
“what? what are you talking about? we can’t play without our star midfielder! it’s a big match against our home rivals—”
but everything he’s lecturing sae about falls on deaf ears because sae’s already packing his duffel bag and searching for his passport. he doesn’t even bother acknowledging anything before he hangs up, dialing his assistant’s number instead.
“i need to fly back to tokyo. immediately.”
his assistant’s distraught voice is apparent. “wha- um, you have a game tomorrow—”
“i don’t care. i need to fly now. get me a flight or you’re fired.”
“uh, but- um, the private jet’s not available—”
“then get me tickets on a commercial flight. i don’t fucking care about what kind of plane it is.”
yeah, because he only cares about fixing things with you. no one and nothing else, just you.
his assistant sighs because he knows he’s going to get in trouble for aiding sae. “fine, i’ll send you the details soon.”
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JANUARY 2023; [ the present ]
it goes straight to voicemail. you still talk.
“you know, i hate you so much for not having a voicemail recording.”
you pause, the tears streaming down your face. you’re staring at your phone, at his instagram, at his last post. something he posted before his flight.
a picture of the both of you in private, in your room. he’s sitting behind you on the bed, his arms around your neck as he kisses your head and you take the picture.
it’s funny because he was forbidden from sharing any sort of those pictures yet he still did it anyway. you stare at the caption.
i love only you
“itoshi sae, how am i going to hear your voice now, huh?”
you’re already full-on crying now, as you have been for the last month.
“itoshi sae! talk to me, answer me!” you’re screaming but no one will ever hear you.
how can sae hear you? you’re unreasonable for expecting that.
“tell me how to reach you,” you wail into the receiver.
you’re painfully aware of what you’re getting now.
“i love you, mr. itoshi.”
there’s no one on the other line who’ll chuckle now. you can’t hear the same fondness in his voice when he says he loves you too. you can’t ever hear him joking with you again.
no more sighs, no more video calls, no more love. no more you know one day you’ll be mrs. itoshi, right?
you hang up and look at the note in your hand; something sae’s assistant passed to you on the day of his funeral.
a few weeks ago, sae asked me to get this for him. i know he wanted you to have this. before he left for tokyo, he told me to get this done for you at all costs. it was only ready a day after he left. i thought you might still like to have this. i’m sorry you have to go through this.
the gold velvet box sits heavy in your hand. it’s all of sae’s commitment to you, feelings for you—it’s all of his resolution in one tiny package and it’s heavy.
you open it, same as the countless times before.
it’s still beautiful. it’s shiny and four carats and princess cut because you were always his princess. inside the band, he has mrs itoshi engraved.
you know one day you’ll be mrs. itoshi, right?
you bring up his messages and play the last audio he sent to you.
“look, i know i fucked up and it was stupid of me to keep it from you. i’m sorry, okay? and i know you don’t want to speak to me right now but i can’t just sit around and do nothing. i love you, so i’m coming back home, and we’ll talk, and then… i promise you, nothing like this will happen again.”
you remember your last words to him and can’t help but to hate yourself. you should’ve told him one last time before you lost your chance.
if you’d just stayed on the line, he wouldn’t have come back. if he didn’t come back, he wouldn’t have gotten into that cab. if he didn’t get into that cab, he wouldn’t have been in that fatal accident in shibuya.
staring at the ring, calling his number, getting no response, visiting his plot and running into rin. and repeat. that’s all life is now.
sometimes you wear the ring to pretend he’s still here. to pretend he’s already proposed and you’re waiting for him to come back from spain.
you’re probably at voicemail #314 now.
mrs itoshi stares at you until you’re crying all over again.
you’ll never hear his voice again. never hear his laugh. never get to hug him, or pick fights with him. you’ll never get to feel his broad shoulders or his strong arms around your body. you won’t get to go home ever again.
you’ll never be mrs itoshi now.
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bekkathyst · 3 months
Sainte Marie Mineral Show Finds 2024 Complete List
To claim an item, please comment on the individual post. The complete rules can be found here. Please be sure to read the rules before claiming :)
Preview Items:
Amethyst Stalactite Specimen on Stand
Blueberry Fluorite on Quartz Specimen
Fluorite on Calcite Specimens
July 5th - 7th Sale:
Pink Opal Palm Stones
Bolivianite Palm Stones
Rhodochrosite Palm Stones
UV Reactive Calcite Specimens
Polished Malachite w Chrysocolla - Sold Out!
Polished Tourmalinated Natural Citrine
Rare Opalized Fluorite from Russia
Harlequin Jade from Italy
Scenic Quartz Round Gems
Rare Natural Citrine from Mexico
Amethyst Crystal Shards
Ocean Jasper Bowls - Sold Out!
Blue Calcite Starfish from Argentina
High-Grade Blue Calcite Palm Stones from Argentina
Phantom Amethyst Spheres
Tumbled Agate from Bulgaria - Sold Out!
Blue Barite Specimens from Spain
Epidote Clusters from Turkey
"Forest Quartz" from Turkey
Sparkly Grape Agate Clusters
Trolleite Hearts - Sold Out!
High-Grade Black Tourmaline Crystals
Cobaltoan Calcite from Morocco
Fossilized Snail Shells from Hungary
Sterling Silver Meteorite & Libyan Desert Glass Pendants
Sterling Silver Meterotie & Moldavite Pendants
Moldavite Cabochons - Sold Out!
Moldavite Adjustable Bracelets
Chrysocolla Freeforms from Peru
Charoite Slabs - Sold Out!
Natural Citrine Facets from Madagascar
Sphalerite Facets from Spain - Sold Out!
Harlequin Quartz Facets from Madagascar
Natural Smoky Ametrine Cabochons from Brazil
Unique Included Quartz Cabochons/Gems
Sparkly Agate Druzy Points
Large Trolleite Obelisks
Large Purple Labradorite Crescent Moons - Sold Out!
Pink/Red Chalcedony Geodes from Morocco
Large Prehnite Clusters from Morocco
New Find "Agathyst" Flames from Brazil
Amethyst & Calcite Specimens from Uruguay w Metal Stands
Thank you so much! I will periodically update the list with sold out items.
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maochira · 1 year
hello! can i request the itoshi brothers when reader pretends they have a lot of friends, but they found out that she's getting bullied at school and how would they react to that?
Yeah sure!
Requests open! - Itoshi sibling masterlist
Tags: gn!younger sibling!reader, (over)protective big bro!Rin and Sae, hurt/comfort
For a while now, Rin has been a little suspicious if you always say the truth when you're telling stories about your "friends." To him, they often either sounded as if you were coming up with them on the spot or there were some inconsistencies about your stories. Despite that, he never asked you about it. Then one day, you come home from school in tears because the bullying is just getting too much. "(Y/N)? What's wrong?" Rin asks in a worried tone when he sees you in the hallway, "Why are you crying? Are you hurt?" And now, you know there's no other choice but you have to tell your brother the truth. "No I just feel bad because... I'm getting bullied in school..." Rin pulls you into a hug before you can even finish talking. As soon as the word "bullied" leaves your mouth, his arms are around you. "And why didn't you tell me earlier?" His voice sounds a little stern, but that mostly gets overshadowed by the overprotective undertone. "I didn't know how to tell you..." You shrug and hug your brother back very tightly. "You can tell me anything at any time, remember that. Now can you please let me know what you're getting bullied for?" - "W-well... uhm..." Only thinking about it makes you cry harder, so Rin lifts you up and carries you to your room where he sets you down on the bed. "Calm down first, then tell me, okay?" He grabs a tissue from your desk and hands it to you, "Tell me when you're ready." It takes a bit until your crying calms down enough so you can speak properly, but Rin stays patient with you. "My classmates bully me because I don't play soccer like you and Sae do... They always say I'm the unnecessary sibling and stuff like that..." It takes a few moments until Rin processes this information and it takes him even longer to figure out what to answer. So for now, he just pulls you into another tight hug and rubs your back. "You're not 'the unnecessary sibling', you know that, right? I'll bring you to school tomorrow so I can make sure those classmates regret treating you like this..."
You didn't plan on telling Sae about getting bullied in school because he's so far away in Spain. Also, Rin already dealt with your bulloes for the most part. The majority of your classmates are intimidated by him so they leave you alone, but a few still won't back down. Because of timezones and Sae's busy schedule, you rarely get the time to get on phone calls with him, so most of your communication is over text. But today during your lunch break, Sae suddenly calls you so of course you pick up. He just missed hearing your voice so much and he always keeps track of at what times in his timezone you aren't in class. You talk to him for a bit until some classmates walk by and when they notice it's Sae who you're talking to, they start yelling insults at you again. You quickly end the call out of nowhere, hoping Sae didn't hear anything. But he did. He keeps calling you again and again until you finally pick up after you've found a spot where you're safe from those classmates. "What did they say to you? Did I hear that correctly? Did they-" Sae starts, but quickly gets interrupted by you. "You heard correctly..." You mumble, now feeling ashamed that you didn't tell your brother about this earlier. "(Y/N), are you getting bullied in school? Why didn't you tell meM" Sae's akds in a very concerned tone. "I'm sorry..." - "No need to apologize. Just... tell me why you didn't let me know sooner." You collect some strength and take a deep breath before you continue speaking. "You're so far away and... I don't know, I just thought you were too busy to care about my problems..." - "Please, never think that," Your brother sounds both hurt and worried at the same time, "No matter how far away I am, I'm your big brother. I'll always care about you, alright? Please remember that. Always."
Taglist (sign-up link): @astruosie @zyuuuu @yerinsshi @gojosorrygeto @luvcalico @punkhazardlaw @truegoist @st4rcheese @rienniey @kalinkavx @keiidaydreams @weichspuelertrinker @futuristicxie @bluelock4life @blueberrryui @takorirei @https-archangel @ririgards @kaiserkisser @userwithlotsoftime @nikokii @theskyisporpol @chaosinanutshell @mang05 @wheresmysoulidk 
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magz · 6 months
Palestine summary for March 16 to March 28, 2024. (From "Lets Talk Palestine" broadcast channel). Quote.
March 16, 2024.
Day 162
• 1st aid shipment departing Cyprus arrived in Gaza yesterday carrying 200 tons of food, marking 1st Gaza sea shipment since 2005 + planned 2nd ship coordinated by US, UAE, Spain & Japan; but unclear on distribution of aid across Gaza
• Massacre in central Gaza as Israel destroys home, killing 36 Palestinians, incl. kids & pregnant women
🔻 Senior Hamas & Houthi officials hold rare meeting to discuss coordinated action against an Israeli Rafah ground invasion
• Israeli settlers attack homes in Nablus (West Bank), throwing stones & shooting the air + 20 Palestinians abducted in West Bank, incl. some released in Nov. hostage exchange deal
•⁠ ⁠Palestinian Authority (PA) president Abbas accuses Hamas of causing “return of Israeli occupation of Gaza”, essentially blaming Hamas for the ongoing genocide. Was prompted by Hamas criticism of ‘unilateral’ appointment of new PM of the PA (see our last broadcast)
• 63 Palestinians killed, 112 injured in Gaza in past 24 hours
March 17, 2024.
Day 163
🇺🇸⁠ NBC: Biden frustrated over drop in poll numbers in swing states Michigan & Georgia due to his handling of Gaza genocide. Shouting and swearing in a White House meeting, saying he’s doing what is right
•⁠ 19 aid trucks arrive in north Gaza — first convoys to reach the north without incident in 4 months. But aid remains scarce as Israel keeps blocking entry of aid as trucks pile outside Rafah crossing + rate of malnutrition among children under 2 in north doubles in past month
•⁠ 14th Palestinian dies since Oct 7 in Israeli prison following multiple allegations of extreme abusive conditions for Palestinian hostages
🇪🇺⁠ ⁠EU President condemns an Israeli Rafah invasion, joining countless nations to do so like the US & Arab countries
•⁠ Israeli forces abduct 25 Palestinians, incl. a woman with cancer from Gaza & a child in overnight raids in West Bank
•⁠ ⁠92 Palestinians killed, 130 injured in Gaza in past 24 hours
(No specific summary for March 18)
March 19, 2024.
Day 165
🇨🇦⁠ Canada to halt all further arms exports to Israel in support of ceasefire and 2-state “solution”, recognizing ICJ ruling. This came after a non-binding parliamentary resolution which called for ending arms sales. But resolution’s language was watered down during amendment, denoting Hamas as a “terror organization” + removing call to sanction Israeli officials
• 93 Palestinians killed, 142 injured in Gaza in past 24 hours
• Israel escalates attacks across Gaza with 1 attack on Rafah killing 14 Palestinians + ongoing raid of al-Shifa hospital killed & injured dozens
• Israel issued 100,000 new gun licenses to Israeli’s since Oct 7 out of the 299,354 applications
• Israel massacred aid distribution committee at Kuwaiti roundabout (north Gaza), killing at least 23 people
•⁠ ⁠Israeli settlers, w/ ongoing genocide as a distraction, accelerated building of 18 new illegal roads + 15 outposts (unauthorized settlement illegal under Israeli law) in West Bank since Oct
March 20, 2024.
Day 166
•⁠ 104 Palestinians killed, 162 injured in Gaza in past 24 hours
🇺🇸 Reuters:⁠ US Congress & White House reach deal on funding bill that includes blocking UNRWA donations until March 2025, based on Israel’s unverified allegations
🏥 IOF siege on al-Shifa hospital enters 3rd day, as forces surround the complex trapping hundreds inside & block rescue efforts
•⁠ 8 Israeli attacks kill 100+ aid workers in 1 week + IOF massacred 23 aid seekers in north Gaza
🚢 Israel Hayom: Israel plans to buy port in Cyprus amid fears of Haifa port closure from Hezbollah strikes, hindering military & commercial imports
⚓️ ⁠Israel’s Eilat port will fire half its employees due to Red Sea blockade
•⁠ Israeli High Court approves demolition of a Palestinian’s home for carrying out a non-lethal resistance operation in West Bank; marking first authorized home demolition by court for an operation without fatalities — an escalation in Israeli repression
🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia pledges $40m to UNRWA
March 21, 2024.
Day 167
• As Arabs celebrate Mother's Day today, we remember that on average 37 mothers are exterminated everyday in Gaza, meanwhile mothers from Gaza make up 28 of the 67 female detainees in Israeli prisons
• 65 Palestinians killed, 92 injured in Gaza in past 24 hours
🏥 Israel continues 4th day siege on al-Shifa Hospital, killing 140+ Palestinians & abducted 600 people, incl. medical staff. 13 patients killed as Israel cut off electricity, depriving oxygen, medicine & food
• 18-year-old Ubai Abu Maria abducted by Israeli forces in West Bank for 7th time, impeding treatment for bullet wound requiring surgery
•⁠ Poll finds 71% of Palestinians in Gaza & West Bank support Hamas's Oct 7 resistance operation; compared to poll 3 months ago, support among West Bank residents dropped by 11% but amongst Gazans rose by 14%
• Israel ordered 25 patients receiving care in West Bank to return to Gaza. They're among the 400 patients from Gaza who were left stranded in West Bank after Oct 7
March 22, 2024.
🚨Russia & China veto US UN Security Council ceasefire resolution
The resolution showed a shift: US had vetoed every ceasefire proposal, most recently Algeria’s as the US opposed language of “immediate” ceasefire, preferring “humanitarian pause”. But now the US draft states “the imperative of an immediate and sustained ceasefire”.
The problem? It’d last only 6 weeks, is conditional on release of Israeli hostages, and condemns both Hamas’ op & the Houthi naval blockade. The wording of “determines the imperative” is also weak, implying the importance of a ceasefire, not demanding one.
The result? It wouldn’t obligate Israel to end the genocide + let it continue on the pretext that there’s no “acceptable” hostage deal.
It was vetoed by 🇷🇺 & 🇨🇳 who said it’d let Israel continue attacks & invade Rafah. Algeria also voted against it.
10 states are planning alternative resolution calling for Ramadan ceasefire, including but not conditioned on release of Israeli hostages. US likely to veto.
•⁠ Gaza death toll surpasses 32,000 not including the thousands buried under rubble
‼️ Israel seized 1,977 acres of West Bank land for settlements, the largest land theft since 1993
🇺🇸 Congress passes bill that bans funding to UNRWA until 2025; expected for Senate to pass before midnight deadline
🏥 Israel’s siege on Shifa Hospital enters 5th day as they bomb & demolish buildings with bulldozers; abducting 240+ patients & 10 medical staff from radiology unit. IOF forces ordered trapped patients to surrender despite continuous heavy gunfire
•⁠ 50 Palestinians abducted incl. 4 kids during 60+ Israeli military raids across West Bank in 2 days. Marking March 20 “one of the deadliest nights recorded to date” in 2024 in West Bank w/ 7+ Palestinians killed. Israeli settlers also took over 20+ Palestinian residential structures
•⁠ UN aid mission to north Gaza for 7,500 people was denied by Israel
🇫🇮 Finland to resume UNRWA funding
March 24, 2024.
Day 170
🚨 Israeli forces lay siege to 3 hospitals, surrounding al-Amal Hospital forcing Palestinians to strip naked & leave; currently carpet bombing near Nasser Hospital & sniping anyone moving, while continuing aggressive 7-day seige on al-Shifa
• 84 Palestinians killed, 106 injured in Gaza in past 24 hours
• Israel denied thousands of Christians from West Bank entry to Jerusalem on Psalm Sunday, heightening military checkpoints. Israel’s apartheid system discriminates Palestinians’ freedom of movement, requiring permits for West Bank residents to enter, which is rarely granted. More info on Israeli apartheid: https://rb.gy/vjocrd + checkpoints: https://rb.gy/rabxt6;
• Israel to deny all UNRWA aid convoys to north Gaza, despite 70% of population subject to “catastrophic starvation”
• BDS launches boycott of tech company Intel due to its $25bn investment in new factory in Israel, the “largest investment ever”; on top of Intel’s $50bn+ investments in Israel in past 50 years
March 25, 2024.
For the 1st time the Security Council managed to pass a ceasefire resolution. The US abstained while all 14 others voted yes
The US planned to veto if it didn’t mention the hostages so it “demands an immediate ceasefire for the month of Ramadan respected by all parties leading to a permanent sustainable ceasefire, and also demands the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages.”
But it doesn’t condition the ceasefire on a hostage swap the way done by the US draft that got vetoed by 🇷🇺 & 🇨🇳
It doesn’t condemn Hamas explicitly as the US wanted but it “deplores” all attacks against civilians & “all acts of terrorism” noting that it’s illegal to take hostages under int’l law. So it’s indirect condemnation
It expresses deep concern “about the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip,” calling for more efforts for more aid & to protect civilians. This is weak language
Better than nothing but not enough as people are slaughtered & raped.
Day 171 — Attacks on 3 hospitals
🚨 Israel escalates attacks on “safe zone” Rafah killing 30+, including women and children amid threats of looming ground invasion
• 107 Palestinians killed, 176 injured in past 24 hours
🏥 22,000 displaced Palestinians face worsening conditions in the European Hospital, one of the last functioning in Gaza, overcrowded with patients awaiting critical care
🏥 Israeli forces lay siege to further hospitals in Khan Younis forcing critically ill patients to evacuate the premises surrounded by complete destruction
🏥 Israeli forces open fire on medical staff forced to evacuate al-Amal Hospital amid continuous attacks on the premise leaving patients in critical condition, deprived of medical supervision
• Netanyahu cancels Israeli delegation trip to US over its abstention in today’s UNSC vote, calling it a departure from their long-standing support of Israel. Biden called the move “disappointing”
• Israeli assaults targeting homes in central Gaza kill 18
(No march 26 summary)
March 27, 2024
Day 172
🚨 Gaza Gov’t Media Office demands end to aerial aid drops after one today killed 6 & caused 12 to drown in north Gaza
• 81 Palestinians killed, 93 injured in the last 24 hours
🇯🇴 100+ protesters arrested & teargassed outside Jordan’s Israeli embassy amid demands to end Jordan’s military & economic ties with Israel
🇧🇪 Brussels City Council passes motion to ban council purchases of products from Israeli settlements in the West Bank on the basis of international law violations
• Israel bombs residential building in Rafah, killing 15+ displaced Palestinians incl. 4 kids. Analysts say the Rafah bombings mark the start of a “silent” invasion
🏥 Ongoing Israeli attacks on Shifa Hospital kill 30+ people incl. a family living in a residential building near the besieged complex
• IOF abducts 30 Palestinians in overnight raids in West Bank cities
🇱🇧 Israeli airstrike in eastern Lebanon kills 2 people, an escalation as the bombing was far from south Lebanon, the usual battleground
March 28, 2024.
Day 173
🇮🇪 Ireland to follow Nicaragua and join South Africa’s ICJ case against Israel
•⁠ ⁠Israeli attacks on residential homes in Rafah kill 25 displaced Palestinians, incl. multiple children
•⁠ ⁠76 Palestinians killed, 102 injured in the last 24 hours
•⁠ ⁠IOF kills 4 in central Gaza, forcefully burying them by bulldozers
🇺🇸 ⁠US state department report claims Israel is complying with international law, as US reviewed Israeli usage of US weapons in order to validate future arms exports
🇱🇧 Israeli attacks on southern Lebanon residencies kill 12 in past 24 hours with many still trapped under the rubble
•⁠ ⁠Two aid seekers remain in critical condition as Israeli snipers target the Kuwait Roundabout aid distribution point
🇺🇸 Poll: 55% of Americans disapprove of Israel’s actions in Gaza — a 10% increase from November’s poll
•⁠ ⁠Israeli drone attack kills 8 in West Bank; IOF abducts 20 Palestinians in overnight raids
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warcrimesimulator · 2 months
I think all busineses (except actually essential ones) should be closed on Sunday. Not just to give workers a break but everyone in general. Normalize relaxing at home at least one day of the week. At least.
When my grandmother lived in Spain she said most businesses were closed on Sunday. Idk if it's still like thay there (this was under fascism but nonetheless a rare W)
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rgr-pop · 9 months
My goal for the year was to watch & log 100 movies. Shorts count, didn't matter whether I had seen them before, but they can only count once for the year. I logged 117!
First & last watched: Ken Russell's Women in Love (1969)--the reason I cared about movies so much this year, just an obvious life-changer for me--and Ken Russell's The Rainbow (1989)--Westlin's suggestion for the perfect round out. Surprised to be surprised by how good it was. Great films! Totally on the program! Questions to this day unanswered! Let's go!
Shorts (everything short of Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story) watched: 16
Favorite shorts: Nuit et Brouillard (Alain Resnais, 1956) (decided this year one of my all-time favorite films); Un Chant d'Amour (Jean Genet, 1950); Fireworks (Kenneth Anger, 1947)
Next year my shorts watching will be more programmatic
Films I watched twice in 2023: Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story (Todd Haynes, 1987) (another film I realized this year obviously belongs in my top ten--more specifically I decided finally that this is my favorite non-Texas Chain Saw film); Beau is Afraid (Ari Aster, 2023); The Nightmare Before Christmas (Henry Selick, 1993)
By decade: Before 1900: 0 1900 - 1910: 1 1910 - 1919: 1 1920 - 1929: 1 bro come ON what the FUCK 1930 - 1939: 1 im literally evil 1940 - 1949: 7 1950 - 1959: 3 1960 - 1969: 24 1970 - 1979: 14 1980 - 1989: 16 1990 - 1999: 17 2000 - 2009: 13 2010 - 2019: 9 2020 - 2023: 10
By nation/language roughly: uk/english: 6 us/english: 66 canada/english: 6 france/french: 10 italy/italian: 4 italy/france/french: 1 italy/english: 1 czechoslovakia/czech: 5 palestine/arabic: 3 soviet/russian: 2 russia/russian: 1 austria/german: 1 austria/french: 1 spain/spanish: 1 japan/japanese: 1 poland/yiddish: 1 poland/polish: 1 senegal/wolof: 1 brazil/portuguese: 1 sweden/swedish: 1 eur/farsi: 1 south africa/afrikaans: 1
numbers not adding up there but w/e
By director: Not sure if this is surprising or totally unsurprising, but in spite of my auteurial talk (and all the thematic/completionist plans I like to make), I very rarely watched more than two movies by the same director. I can't decide how I feel about this, nor do I know how to proceed this year given that my goal is to discover who my top five directors might actually be. How do you go about investigating that?
Overwhelmingly the director I watched the most was Adrian Lyne, with five films. I have a few more things to work on but I'm close to done with my shakedown/theory. Neither my favorite director nor favorite guy, I would say I probably 'enjoy' and 'personally get more out of watching' his films more than most. In second place, I watched three Kenneth Anger films--all shorts of course. I watched two films each by the following directors: Ken Russell, David Cronenberg, Stanley Kubrick, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Paul Schrader, Bernardo Bertolucci, Ti West, Todd Haynes, Michael Haneke, Jan Švankmajer (both shorts), and Billy Wilder (one of which being a war department documentary short).
I have mixed feelings about this approach (let me watch man movies if i I want to!) but a quick skim suggests I watched about 15 films directed by women (12%)--lower than expected and probably low for me typically. I always have a romance habit on the backburner so it's never hard for me to watch a lot of movies by women, but obviously my focus on revered directors I never previously wanted to spend time on has had an impact here, meaning I should make an effort with Great women directors in 2024 to keep that in check. I will also say that I specifically recall having a hard time getting my hands on things I wanted to watch by women in a few different cases, including by Great women directors (Barbara Hammer and Akerman), and especially also soviet women directors. There's an overlap here with difficulty accessing short films!
I'm not an active or thoughtful starrer, but these are the films I watched in 2023 that I've given five stars to:
Women in Love (Ken Russell, 1969) (upgraded from four after the year of appreciating it) Mandabi (Ousmane Sembène, 1968) Crash (David Cronenberg, 1996) Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story (Todd Haynes, 1987) The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (Tobe Hooper, 1974) Night and Fog (Alain Resnais, 1956) Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom (Pier Paolo Pasolini, 1975) (demoted Teorema [1968] to four stars to prevent Salo is A Perfect Film deflation) Un Chant d'Amour (Jean Genet, 1950)
Least favorite films watched in 2023: Jojo Rabbit (Taika Waititi, 2019), Barbie (Greta Gerwig, 2023), All My Good Countrymen (Vojtěch Jasný, 1968), Zahrada (Jan Švankmajer, 1968), the one streaming true crime doc I watched that I then had to log (will not repeat in 2024)
Loved/treats for me: Barry Lyndon, Crossing Delancey, Unfaithful, The Cremator, The Night Porter, Cabaret, talking to people about Funny Games and realizing I love it more than I think I do
Recommended for the romance girls as a thank you for the good romance you have recommended me: Habibi (Susan Youssef, 2011)
Most incredible movie experience of the year by miles and I can only hope 2024 has something this good to offer: House of 1000 Corpses (Rob Zombie, 2003) anniversary screening my birthweek
The otherwise defining film of 2023 for me: Hostel (Eli Roth, 2005)
Onward! Back to work! On the Terror and Violence line! The Family is out there, comfortable, in relative peace…
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petervintonjr · 1 year
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"The American Negro must remake his past in order to make his future."
This summer, let us browse the stacks of the remarkable life and career of archivist, collector, and curator Arturo Alfonso Schomburg (the "Father Of Black History"), without whom there almost certainly would not have been a Harlem Renaissance. Born in 1874 Puerto Rico to a black mother (from the Virgin Islands) and a Puerto Rican father of German ancestry (hence his distinctive surname), Schomburg recounted a childhood tale of a bigoted grade school teacher in San Juan, who asserted that black people had "no history, art or culture." He moved to New York City in his teens but he never forgot this racist sentiment, and he remained fiercely connected to his Puerto Rican heritage. Activism called to Arturo early; in 1892 he was deeply involved with Las Dos Antillas, an advocacy group that pushed for Puerto Rican independence from Spain --a mission which of course sputtered to a disillusioning end after Spain ceded Puerto Rico to the United States.
Schomburg pivoted to academic life and embarked on a study of the African Diaspora. In 1911 he co-founded the Negro Society for Historical Research, a long-term reclamation project in which materials on Africa and its Diaspora were collected. Schomburg would devote the next 20 years of his life to this project --travelling throughout the United States, Europe, and Latin America to rare book stores, antique dealers, and even used furniture stores (one from which he apocryphally claimed to have recovered a handwritten essay by Frederick Douglass). Over time he and his team of African, Caribbean, and African American scholars would amass a collection of over 10,000 books, manuscripts, artwork, photographs, newspapers, periodicals, pamphlets, and even sheet music. One of his proudest finds was a long-forgotten series of poems by Phillis Wheatley.
Of course as any curator will tell you, acquiring unique pieces is nothing without a means to share the knowledge and the history that comes with them --by 1930 (the year of his eventual retirement), Schomberg would have lent numerous items to schools, libraries, and conferences and organized exhibitions. In the midst of all this he wrote articles for a wide range of publications, to include Marcus Garvey's Negro World; the NAACP's The Crisis (edited by W. E. B. Du Bois), and A. Philip Randolph and Chandler Owen's The Messenger; as well as essays for the National Urban League and The Amsterdam News (Harlem's newspaper).
Significantly in 1926 the Carnegie Corporation bought Schomburg's collection for $10,000 (about $125,000 in today's currency), on behalf of The New York Public Library. The collection was added to the Division of Negro Literature, History and Prints of the Harlem Branch on 135th Street, of which Schomburg would later be appointed curator (following a stint as curator of the Negro Collection at Fisk University). The Division became the "go-to" centerpiece of many a Black artist, writer, and scholar; to include Arna Wendell Bontemps and Zora Neale Huston. After his death in 1938, the Division was renamed the Schomburg Collection of Negro Literature, History and Prints. Schomberg's protégé, an up-and-coming author and poet named Langston Hughes, assumed responsibility for the collection.
Today the collection is known as the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture (still under the auspices of The New York Public Library) --now topping out at more than 11 million indexed items, and considered to be one of the world's foremost research centers on Africa and the African Diaspora.
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saenora · 11 months
KITKITKITKIT!! IT WASS ACTUALLY VERY LONG TIME BACK... we met as kids!! i ised to be that kid if i liked the vibes of someone i'd approach em! and same tging happened w sae.. 7 year old being SUCH A GOOD PLAYER! and my SPORTLESS ASS ALWAYS ENDED UP ON HIS TEAM in PE! we ended up winning each time. he was the pride of the class... and as kids you dont really have apprehensions in picking friends so i guess we just started being friends... and it kinda stregthened over the years bec i started helping him in studies.. he used to copy my hw >.> bro couldnt write his own essays had to dictate him so that it wasnt the same as mine. we used to do landline calls >.<
FEEELINGS FOR DHDH HIM!! okayy okayy the innocnet liking started when we hit 11-12... he was so cool!!! and he was like air.. being w himwas effortless... it felt he had my back just like he knew i did?!? lmao 12 years olds are starnge okay... so when he went to spain i wrote him letters and that kinda just strengthened feelings?!? but the silnece lwkey made me move on.. but when he came back and we started sleeping togther... feelings resurfaced... the moments he'd hold our gaze more than a second or two i felt i was gonnaa burst rite there... >.<
we both hate doing laundary.. washing machines are scary... so we both wash dishes usually togther... or in turns depending who is free and who is busy!! and YES WE HATE FOLDING LAUNDARY SO I MAKE SURE SAE FOLDSS LAUNDARYY >.< he is so annoyed at it so keep scores on silly bets and just rock paper scissor our way through it! but since we sually are not togther .. if the timezone allow (very rare) we vc and do house chores together...
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eptodaytommorowforever · 11 months
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Rare B/W 20th Century Fox Promo Photo Of Elvis Presley Who Was Filming King Creole Here In 1958 in Hollywood When Is Dear Friend Mae Boren Axton Who Composed With Him is RCA 1956 Heartbreak Hotel.paid him a visit on the Production Movie Set
True Fact; Mae Boren Axton Is Hoyt Axtons Actor Singer Composers Mother. Who Wrote Never Been To Spain That Elvis Presley Recorded First Time At The Hilton Hotel In Vegas in 1971 After He Heard The Bands Three Dog Nights Version.
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diabunnies · 2 years
u can rlly tell how a person is based on how they perceive the itoshis' relationship. like this has been simmering in my head for the longest time now bc ive been trying to find exactly why i agree w sae so much despite having been in rin's position time n time again.
bllk manga spoilers under the cut!
ok so i gotta scribble this rq lest i lose my train of thought hence why there are zero manga panels attached. most of this basically refers to the u20 arc anyway so if u've read that i hope that u get what i mean ! a lot of this is rambling n very common shit but whatever!!!
we know that rin has p much worked his ass off for a good decade to get to the level that sae is on. that's his entire appeal: hopeful younger brother who tries so hard to be like the best person he has in his life. n so when sae comes back from spain all cold n stone-like, spewing shit abt how he doesn't wanna be the #1 striker anymore, rin saw his entire life fracture into unrecognisable pieces. but he still hopes! he still thinks that he can get sae to pick up his dream again, get sae to turn back into the kid he was before spain. even after losing that 1v1 when sae came back, rin never fully left behind the possibility that sae could just take back his words; the u20 match was one of - if not The last - opportunity for rin to prove to sae that he can still afford to dream that dream. to play soccer together, be number 1 n number 2 in the world. i mean the look on his face when sae spoke to him after the match looked like that of a child who retained such naiveness, like he was 7 again and not 16 fucked over by everyone. but the world he was slowly rebuilding shattered again when sae spat out isagi's name n not his, n u can see how much of an impact this had on rin ever since then (in the rare instances he shows up).
he's become more selfish, thought more for himself than anyone else (if this was even possible), gained even more of an ego. for once this ego is his n no one else's. it's not tied to some dream he had with his brother, it is his and that's why i think pxg matches will probably show rin at such a heightened state that his evolution from u20 will tower over everyone else's (bar isagi bc bro is blanketed by mc privileges). think abt it, sae improved so much during his time in spain bc he learnt to detach himself from everyone. he learnt to fall and grow by himself. rin was still tethered to him until their confrontation after the match. it wasn't until then that rin can also fall and grow by himself, for himself.
yea sae may be cruel but what he did, at least how i see it, was necessary bc rin would never grow to be the player he wants to be if he keeps tying himself to the idea that he needs his brother's approval. no, it's apparent that rin needed sae's cruelty to grow as a player. it's time for lil emo guy to own his dream as his n not some shared fantasy with sae. n idk fs if sae is cruel to him for this very reason but i am glad bc it got rin off his moping pity party ass. blue lock needs u to become the worst person imaginable before becoming the best, that is ego's entire mantra (as we are all v familiar w). sae was the last piece in rin's puzzle to become the best he's always wanted to be. n for that i do not and cannot look at him as a "horrible" person. everyone in this manga sucks in one way or another, that's what happens when too many people try to be the best! hurt people hurt people! sae and rin being the loudest example of this does not necessarily make one of them horrible.
yea it sucks n it hurts to read but it is one of my favourite relationships in media ever bc it is realistic. i believe that one of the hardest lessons u gotta learn is knowing when to detach urself from ppl and/or dreams that will limit from becoming the person you've wanted to be. to be able to listen to hurtful things from ppl u've always loved n turn them into reasons to become the best u've ever been even if it means leaving them behind. i love it (◞‸◟;)
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bekkathyst · 8 months
Clearance Sale January 19th, 2024 List
To claim an item, please comment on the individual post. The complete rules can be found here. Please be sure to read the rules before claiming :)
Alpine Quartz with Chlorite from Mt Blanc, France
Sterling Silver Garnet Raven Pendants
Calcite Crystals with Internal Rainbows
Pink Fluorite Cluster - Sold Out!
Moonstone Rosewood Wands - Sold Out!
Amethyst Clear Quartz Sterling Silver Wands - Sold Out!
Garnet Clear Quartz Sterling Silver Wands - Sold Out!
Labradorite Cobra Carving
Amethyst Geode Spheres
Large Smoky Quartz Clusters
Barite on Galena w Pyrite from Bulgaria
Pyrite on Quartz from Bulgaria
Garnet on Smoky Quartz - Sold Out!
Rare Crystallized Rhodochrosite
Rare Natural Iridescent Bornite on Quartz
Chalcopyrite on Calcite
Sparkly Chalcopyrite on Quartz
Large Candle Quartz Crystals
Sparkly Druzy Chalcedony w Galena from Bulgaria
Rainbow Druzy from Uruguay
Color-Changing Fluorite from England
Blue Fluorite from Spain
Phosphosiderite from Portugal
Amethyst Crystals from Veracruz, Mexico
XL Rose Quartz Spheres
Big Dragon Carving - Sold Out!
Polished Agate Geode Tower
Rare, High Grade Rutilated Citrine from Brazil
Polished Amethyst on Stands - Sold Out!
AAA Grade Natural Citrine from Brazil
Rough Ethiopian Water Opals
Polished Scenic Quartz
Star Rutile in Quartz - Sold Out!
Thank you so much! I will periodically update the list with sold out items.
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captainofthefallen · 11 months
tagged by @queen-scribbles, I'll tag @haledamage and @rannadylin and anyone else who may be feeling like it!
Three Ships:
All up in my bg3 nonsense w/ Dark Urge/Astarion
Limiting myself to one bg3 ship so let's sayyyyy Phryne/Jack from mfmm
And I'll second your Revanasi motion bc they are always in my heart and I'm reminded every time I hear Inkpot Gods
First Ever Ship: First ship that I properly realized was a ship was Sam/Jack from Stargate SG-1 (they're how I discovered fanfic lol). Though Revanasi might've technically been before that
Last Song: New York Torch Song by The Amazing Devil
Last Movie: Um? That's a great question. Would've been on the plane to or from Spain probably... D&D movie? I think it was the D&D movie
Currently Reading: Dracula Daily and still slowly working my way through Silmarillion (I'm loving it I just rarely actually get myself to sit down and read)
Currently Watching: Psych. Binged almost all of the first season on a transatlantic flight and now I'm slowly watching the rest (whenever I'm not playing bg3 lol)
Currently Consuming: mac n cheese
Currently Craving: the mental fortitude required to complete the rest of the semester's worth of running after school programs
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Song Recs! Vgm Ost! (Part 1)
Have you heard of Elebits? (Eledees for all the PALs out there)
It's a cool game about capturing little light creatures because you're playing as a kid with mostly absent parents (because they spend so much time at their jobs working with the light creatures).
It has a soundtrack that I really like, that kinda comes in 2 flavors
Vibey Synth Stuff and Darker Bluesy Stuff
And I very much enjoy these two flavors, so I'll be listing some of my favorite songs (or maybe all of them) from this soundtrack (composed by Naoyuki Sato and Michiru Yamane)
As usual, songs names are linked, followed by things I like about the song.
Vibey Stuff
Story Mode Menu
Very sparse synth chords, cool distorted violin sound
Pretty piano, awesome breakbeat-ish drums (plus a solo), very washy compressed sound (especially the ride)
Editing mode
Cool marimba-ish sound, piano pad, kinda got a samba feel tbh
Extras menu
My favorite on the soundtrack
6/8, compressed-ass drums, cool pad on the 1 during first section
Sparse second section with interesting chords, cool as hell drum fills leading back into first section
Multiplayer mode
Kinda radio-ish at the start, quick EP flutters, mellotron-ish violin, synth in right ear
Options menu
Very soft and calming, piano w/delay in right ear, CAJON
Mission results and Final results
Love the bouncy feel in the first one, love the sleigh bells in the second, love the sub bass in both
Mom & Dad's room
Kinda between both styles. Cool horns and ambient EP. Feels kinda shiny
The silent kitchen
Plucky bass, has a background pad that seems a bit off tune but in a good way
Quiet in the living room
Very plucky EP, same pad as previous I think, the ep with a delay effect near the end reminds me of Minecraft
Shadow in the garage and My town
Intro kinda makes you think it's the other genre haha, cool organ, cool groove, cool marimba in the second one, the speed of the second one makes me think of Spain by Chick Corea
World without weight and The secret room
The synth pad makes me think of the soundtrack of the game Monolith, kinda odd chords sometimes
Totally topsy-turvy and Big to-do in town
First one is simple and calm, love the delay synth/EP near the end, second one is more energetic and groovy and has a marimba solo (kinda)
To the amusement park! and An Elebit state of mind?!
First one hits hard, cool lead synth, reminds me of DSCO by Sweet Trip, second one is more subdued + cajon again
Fancy some candy? and Puzzle panic
Rare instance where the first song is the slower one
Has my favorite chord change in it, first has weird-ass funky bassline, second has less-weird-but-still-funky bassline
A spaceship fantasy
Ambient dnb shit pretty cool
Shopping in style and My favorite hero show
Kinda evil and funky but the second one is more triumphant in the main section
Me and my little war and Me, Elebits, and fate
Zora's domain called
Cool and sparkly and then a waltzy thing
Sky, sea, and land (bosses)
Takes the melody from the trailer video
Vs the zero Elebit
Cool bass. can't figure out what it reminds me of (Black Sunshine by White Zombie? TF2?)
In the next post I'll cover the other half of the soundtrack plus any stragglers that don't fit either bill.
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2, 5, 10 from this ask game
ty for the ask!! also ty for linking it :D
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
if you look closely at my art youll notie i dra w a lot of characters facing left at a 3/4 angle that is my default </3 but also whenever i do draw looking forward which is like. second most ocmmon i always havie it angled slightly to the left but the eyes are never looking straight at you because i cannot draw that and make it look good and it annoys me so eyes are usually just looking off to the side. frnt and right angles my nememsis
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
oh this is like. 90% lmaoo. most of my art is jjust sketches and of the pieces i do finish like. a decent chunk are ocs which i never talk about and then on the rare occasion its a finished toh piece it gets posted but. yeah i try to post sketcehes more often since thats what i draw 90% of the time but yeah. i should post more sigh
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw
skirts!! skirts are so fun and flowy and theres so many different variations, i find them easierst to draw since theyre usually just a cylinder/cone shape and also i own many different skirts i can use as references :} (actually spained my ankle once getting a reference photo but it was worth it so)
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