#ratched theories
irimarzz · 7 months
long post abt some chief thoughts/headcanons, small tw for suicide mention
firm believer in the theory they chief was relatively normal when he came to the hospital, he was sick but not to the degree he is when the book begins, but they put him through so much electroshock therapy that it fried his brain. when he showed no improvement after a year of continuous treatment they gave up and just slapped the label of chronic on him.
ofc some of his paranoia and delusions he has had always been there even before the hospital, he was involuntarily committed so he was mentally ill before hand, but the electro therapy just made it worse and worse.
in my mind, he wound up in the hospital after being honorably discharged from the military. he was discharged due to his hallucinations getting in the way of being a soldier and shipped back home to oregon where he lived with his mother for about a month before he attempted suicide and she sent him to the hospital. because of his deaf act, ratched quickly resorted to electroshock therapy to treat him, but he never got better. he's considered one of the failures.
but the patients know that he's really not as bad as he seems, and they know he's not deaf. he's the only one of the chronics who is often up and walking around, even the other walkers just sit on the chronic side of the day room, chief is the only one who does stuff. he sweeps and cleans and sometimes, only occasionally, he'll sit and read an old magazine or book that's floated over from the chronic side. he mumbles to himself often, too, and a lot of the acutes ignored it for a while until they realized it wasn't just random ramblings, it was stuff chief could only know if he wasn't deaf. mumbling peoples names, quietly commenting on conversations, etc etc. so no one is really shocked when mcmurphy comes on the ward and gets chief to open up.
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ms-byde · 9 months
I prefer to ship Ratched with friend's OC, but if I were to ship him with any canon character, it would probably be Outis.
Similar age aside, I think he would actually like the way she displays her loyalty towards Dante and would secretly wish he could have the same with someone. (I've seen theories about this loyalty being just a cover up for some wild plot twist involving betrayal, but that doesn't matter here)
Also, his type is a strong and confident woman, so it would only add to this image. She's also good at making and following a plan, which is the key quality for him.
Not sure how the chemistry would play out though, never actually thought deeper about it, anyway just regular random rambles haha-
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nevis-the-skeleton · 2 years
One Shot 4, from my story "The Polar Star" TFP
Kaon's Arena… It was usually something Orion Pax avoided as much as possible. He didn't like to see people fight, especially to the death. The truck saw absolutely no entertainment in it.
However, he ends up going. Maybe a bit out of curiosity, but also mainly because Pharma had insisted on going. Ratchet too had been reluctant at first, but the rescue jet had finally convinced him.
"Come on, Ratch', it will help us with our medical studies! exclaimed the red and white robot.
- … I don't see why… replied the ambulance.
- The injuries that we will see, we can think about the most effective way to repair them! We only see theory in our studies, but we need visuals!
- So, you want visual seeing robots killing each other? That's not quite right...
- Gladiators are criminals, they deserve what is happening to them!
- It's just a rumor. refuted Orion.
- *Sigh*…! Well, I'm going alone in this case!
- Pharma…! Ratchet exclaimed.
- I'm going alone! To Kaon! You know ?! This suuuuper safe City-State!
- Ah! Fine! OK! I come!!
- Me too. nodded the truck.
- Orion, you don't have to…
- … I… I know… But…
- You want to see, right?
- It's bad?
- I don't really know… It seems that for the standards of society it's normal…
- Hm…"
The trio arrived in Kaon easily, thanks to a train, and went to buy their tickets. They quickly settled into the stands, and while Pharma seemed rather excited, Ratchet was not very comfortable.
Orion Pax, on his side, didn't really know what to think of all this… He felt anxious, but he didn't know if it was the apprehension of what he was going to see. Or the fact of finding himself in a new place, which was going to present him with something new.
The loudspeakers around him began to chirp, and it took the truck some time to realize it was someone talking.
“Well hello! Dear spectators!"
The young archivist finally noticed that the voice came from a robot on a flying platform, with extravagant colors.
“You came here to see fights?! To see some action?! To see suspense?! If so, then you are at right place! If not, in this case, no one is holding you back, bunch of fainters! Ha! ha! ha!"
The crowd laughed along with the announcer, and Orion couldn't see how it was being weak not to like seeing people fight...
Two gladiators walked into the Arena, the one on the right was black and red, while the one on the left was silver with shades of purple. The truck looked with great interest at the robot on the left, while the young archivist could not help but find him very handsome.
Orion Pax felt his cheeks heat up as he realized his thought, and he shook his head sharply. He finally heard the presenter continue his show, as he exclaimed:
“To our right we have: Destroyer! And, to our left, we have the one you've all been waiting for! Our illustrious champion! Megatronus!"
The crowd cheered loudly, clapping and clapping their hands. The robot on the platform smiled, and exclaimed:
"Let the show begin!"
Destroyer was the first to attack, and charge towards Megatronus! But the silver gladiator did not allow himself to be destabilized, and easily dodged him, before putting a big punch in his face!
Orion Pax didn't really know what happened next, as he had his hands over his eyes for the rest of the fight. All he could hear were the cheers of the crowd, and the clashing sounds of battle.
The truck really regretted coming now, his bad curiosity was going to force him to see a dead robot at the end of this fight, and he really didn't like the idea.
"Do you like what you see?"
The crowd had fallen silent, and the young archivist removed his hands from his eyes, before looking towards the source of the voice. It was downstairs in the Arena. It was Megatronus who had just spoken.
Destroyer was on the ground, wounded, but still alive. The large silver robot was turned towards the spectators, and Orion Pax had this strange feeling that he was looking at everyone, and no one at the same time.
As if the gaze of this gladiator was turned towards something greater, higher.
"Well then? I ask you a question." Megatronus smiled mischievously.
The crowd said nothing, and the presenter did not intervene, even if it was a clear insolence on the part of this large robot. But, the truck wanted to hear the rest.
“It's funny, as long as we're fighting for our lives, you are there to cheer us on. continued the silver gladiator. On the other hand, as soon as one of us speaks, you become strangely silent. Is it the surprise of seeing that we are able to speak that takes away your voice, which is nevertheless so strong? I know you forget who we really are. But I'm here to remind you that those down there in this Arena are robots too. We are robots. Before being pushed to be entertainment, we were Sparklings discovering the world, Youglings with dreams, Adults with aspirations. And not criminals, as some like to share the rumour. But, at the same time, thinking like this makes you feel less guilty. After all, if they are criminals, they deserve what is happening to them. Isn't it?"
There was a silence, then Megatronus continued:
“No need to think about your answer, I will give it to you: No! No one deserves to be where we are! Nobody deserves to have to fight every day for their life, to satisfy the perverse pleasure of others who look down on them! And, what I say, it counts for all other Slave classes, Techno-organics, Cold Constructs, all robots! No one has the right to look down on another! »
Orion Pax simply couldn't take his eyes off the gladiator, as the latter stood before that crowd with a assurance and grandeur the young archivist didn't even think possible.
“Now that you know all that. Now that you know what we are. Who we are. I ask you the question again. Do you like what you see?"
At the end of this, the silver gladiator left the Arena, helping his opponent to his feet. The truck didn't take his eyes off the big robot once, and honestly didn't know how he must be feeling.
On the one hand, he admired Megatronus' audacity, but on the other, it seemed that this gladiator lumped all privileged robots together. And the young archivist didn't appreciate that.
“But who does he think he is?! Pharma got angry, getting up.
- For someone who scores certain points. Ratchet answered.
Orion Pax decided not to join in the conversation. Honestly, actualy he had other things in mind. The truck got up and said:
"I go.
- Eh?! Why ?! The rescue jet wondered.
- It's too violent… I don't like it…”
The young archivist gave no further explanation, but added:
“You can stay, I'll be careful."
Orion Pax left the Arena, not really sure if it was a stupid idea, or the boldness he didn't think he had in him that was beginning to appear. The truck ended up on the other side of the Arena, where the Gladiators could rest.
He fell in front of a very tall robot, and backed up slightly, as the latter gave him a cold look.
“Well then, little transporter, are you lost? sneered the tall gladiator.
- Uh… I… I… I came to see Megatronus!
The big robot raised an eyebrow, and turned to the other gladiators, before exclaiming:
“Hey! Megatronus! There's someone who wants to talk to you!"
Finaly, Orion Pax saw the one named Megatronus again, and he felt his courage sink more and more, as he realized he looked even taller and more imposing at close range.
The silver gladiator tilted his head with slight curiosity, and he had no time to ask a single question, when the truck cut him off right away, exclaiming:
“I take no pleasure in it! I don't like what I see!"
The tall robot had a moment of surprise, and honestly didn't know what to say at the time. Then, finally, he replied, a little curtly:
“Yet you were in the stands. You didn't like it, but you still had this little morbid curiosity in your Spark."
Megatronus leaned slightly towards the young archivist, and the latter backed up a little, but did not flinch. Orion couldn't deny what the other robot in front of him had said, but replied:
“I didn't see anything anyway… I kept my eyes closed the whole time. I don't like to see robots fighting…”
The truck then noticed that the gladiator seemed less hostile towards him, then he smiled:
“So you see us as robots.
- Of course! That's what I came to tell you! Some of what you call "you", so my "we"! Some of us see you as robots! So don't generalize our "we"!
- Is that all you wanted to say?
- … Yes…
- Basically, even if you embellish it a bit, you're just telling me that you didn't appreciate my speech.
- … Basically… "
The tall silver robot made a curt laugh, but the young archivist continued:
“I didn't like it, but, I can't deny it was true."
Megatronus looked at Orion Pax in surprise, as the truck said:
“Your speech is true, but it needs more nuance."
The gladiator smiled a little, before answering:
"I see."
He walked away, deciding for the two of them to end the conversation, and he said:
"Since you're not likely to come back to see something you don't like, I guess it's a farewell.
- I'll be back!" exclaimed the truck.
The tall silver robot looked at the young archivist in surprise, and the latter continued:
"I'll close my optics, and I won't open them until you speak. I will come, to listen to you. Because deep down I have hope that your words can one day change Cybertron."
Megatronus smiled, then asked:
"What's your name ?
- …Orion Pax…! answered the latter.
- In that case, see you again, Orion Pax."
Finally, the two parted ways, one towards the Arena and the other towards Iacon.
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strafethesesinners · 1 year
Your OC as other characters take 2
I did the quiz again and this time only included the characters I’m actually familiar with lol AND did Valor and Ward
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1. Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto)
2. Simba (the Lion King)
3. Thor (Marvel Cinematic Universe):
4. Penny (The Big Bang Theory)
5. Jack Twist (Brokeback Mountain)
6.   James P. Sullivan (Monsters, Inc.)
7. Peter Jason Quill (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
8. Merry Brandybuck (Lord of the Rings)
9. Romeo Montague (Romeo and Juliet)
10. Jack Dawson (Titanic) Valor and Ward under the cut
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1. Dr. Ian Malcolm (Jurassic Park) 
2. Abby Sciuto (NCIS) 
3. Genie (Aladdin) 
4. Shawn Spencer (Psych) 
5. Poe Dameron (Star Wars: The Last Jedi) 
6. Tony Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) 
7. Robin Hood (Robin Hood) 
8. Jake Peralta (Brooklyn Nine-Nine) 
9. Robin Buckley (Stranger Things) 
10. Jim Halpert (The Office)
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1. Sarah O'Brien (Downton Abbey) 
2. Sandor Clegane (Game of Thrones) 
3. Angel Eyes (The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly) 
4. Nurse Mildred Ratched (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 
5. Dwight Schrute (The Office) 
6. Stanley Hudson (The Office) 
7. Walter White (Breaking Bad) 
8. Ron Swanson (Parks and Recreation) 
9. Scar (The Lion King) 
10. Shrek (Shrek
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l-ours · 2 years
Top Séries
Gomorra ¤¤¤¤ Breaking Bad ¤¤¤¤ Treme ¤¤¤¤ Utopia ¤¤¤ Black Mirror ¤¤¤ Game of thrones ¤¤¤ Mr Robot ¤¤¤ Mare of Easttown ¤¤¤ Fargo ¤¤¤ Orphan Black ¤¤¤ True Detective s1 s3 ¤¤¤ Patria ¤¤¤ Atlanta ¤¤¤ The Handmaid's Tale ¤¤¤ Borgia ¤¤¤ Big Little Lies ¤¤¤ The Young Pope ¤¤¤ Chernobyl ¤¤ Homeland ¤¤ s1-3 Viking ¤¤ s1-4 Broadchurch ¤¤ The Serpent ¤¤ Ozark ¤¤ Narcos ¤¤ Sherlock ¤¤ House of Cards ¤¤ Mindhunter ¤¤ Snowfall ¤¤ Dark ¤¤ 1 Russian Doll ¤¤ Westworld ¤¤ Better Call Saul ¤¤ High maintenance ¤¤ The End of the Fucking World ¤¤ Merli ¤¤¤ Dérapages ¤¤ Click Bait ¤¤ Sharp Objects ¤¤ The Walking Dead ¤¤ The man in the high castle ¤¤ s1 Andor ¤¤ The Terror ¤¤ Wayne ¤¤ The Big Bang Theory ¤¤ Vinyl ¤¤ Rectify ¤¤ The Deuce ¤¤ Stranger Things ¤¤ Baron noir ¤¤ Téhéran ¤¤ Le Bureau des légendes ¤¤ The billion dollar code ¤¤ Validé ¤¤ The Tourist ¤¤ Jack Ryan ¤¤ The Queen’s Gambit ¤¤ Upload ¤¤ Kin ¤¤ The White Lotus ¤¤ Hinterland ¤¤ The Billion Dollar Code ¤¤ Snowfall ¤¤ Peky Blinders ¤¤ The Hot Zone ¤¤ L'effondrement ¤ Braqueurs ¤ Fariña ¤ Unreal ¤ Fleabag ¤ White lines ¤ Foundation ¤ Marvel's Daredevil ¤ Family Business ¤ The Mandalorian ¤ El Cid ¤ 30 Monedas ¤ Ratched ¤ Lupin ¤ Dr Brain ¤ Rised by Wolves ¤ The Punisher ¤ The Alienist ¤ La casa de papel ¤ s1-2 Le Visiteur ¤ s1 La Flamme ¤ Mocro Mafia ¤ Staged ¤ The Spy ¤ 50 m²
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dream-girls-evil · 4 years
Ratched: Episode 1 Reactions
So, the show is set roughly 13 years before Cuckoo’s Nest (written in 1959, published in 1962)
Oh look, a church. Nothing good ever happens in a church. Not on Murphy’s shows, at least. One of these priests is for sure gonna die.
Oh yep, Finn watching from the shadows. Hi Finn! I don’t know your character’s name.
Oh, of course, all of them are gonna leave and this one guy will be left alone, easy target.
“I don’t want to bother you, but I’m hurt and needing some help” --wait, wrong show. #murderhouse
Finn looks so weirdly normal here compared to Freakshow lol
Aaand the rest of the priests are back. Whatever will they find.
Oh no, mysterious dripping from the shower is always a body.
Yep, a body.
Ooh that was a lot of force.
Finn is very stab-happy.
Ohhhh fuck, Finn has an agenda! Good old Murphy and his weird “conception doomed me” trope.
Mildred!!! Oh no her voice is gonna kill me
*newspaper with an article on Finn’s killings* “Hey that’s where you’re headed! You’re not some kinda journalist, are you?” OH THE ASYLUM PARALLELS!!! And the brooch with her initial is just the cherry on top
This scenery is gorgeous. So bright and vivid.
Ah, the “Clergy Killer” is what they’re calling him. Also I guess his name is Edmund.
Omg she stole her yellow suit!!! Oh no, she’s so cute trying to copy the magazine and pin her hat just right.
Okay half of this show is just going to be me gushing about 40s fashion. Bring back hats and fitted blazers and flowy skirts!!!
Enter: Nurse Bucket. Oh, she’s definitely going to be a problem.
So no one sent Mildred this letter. I had kinda guessed already, but that means she’s here because she needs to get a job here, and it probably has something to do with Edmund. Not @ Lana Winters talking her way into Briarcliff to get an interview with Bloodyface.
Legit can’t decide if Dr. Hanover just happened to go to the same bar as the governor or if it was planned, but yay here’s Gwendolyn! Looks like she’s the governor’s PR person kinda?
Mildred checking out the nurse trainee lol
Who’s in the Vine Room--oh yikes, lol
Suddenly, green mood lighting?? Weird.
Ope Dr. Hanover got some anger issues, and is probably alcoholic
Okay, I love her. She clearly forged the interview letter but she just plowed ahead with confidence and made him feel like a fool for “forgetting” it. 10/10 grifting skills.
All she wants is to see the human mind cured, huh? I still think this is gonna turn into a repressed lesbian thing and hope I’m wrong.
Was she about to kiss the babydoll on the forehead? :(
Oh NO this nightgown she’s so pretty
I can’t quite figure out her game here...Does she even actually want to sleep with this guy? Is this some weird foreplay fantasy or reenacting a trauma? I’m thinking trauma. Yeah, that sounded like a personal story. And with the babydoll...did she have a husband and kid at one point? Or was she the baby left on the doorstep?
Yay blackmail :D and yeah she just like, has this babydoll
The green lighting is a metaphor for the unattainable American Dream
Mmm day one and she’s messing with meds? Sketchy, Mildred.
Ah, I get it, making herself a savior.
Ope. Gwen is interested. That look she gave Mildred when she told the governor not to put his hand on her like that. She knows.
Oh no, she’s crying. Her family never came for her. The brother thing is interesting, though. I almost want to say it’s Edmund.
Aaand here we go: her idea of mercy is taking away this dude’s hope. Which like...I get it, but with the talk of freeing him from pain, I can see where this is gonna go. And yeah, there it is, she’s gonna let him kill himself. She’s an angel of mercy.
Ooh Hanover’s on to her, but she’s smart enough she’s gonna throw him off. Now he’s panicking and she’s calm--she’s just made herself indispensable.
Body in the laundry bin. Classic.
Aaand Edmund arrives at Lucia Hospital! That’s a damn fancy wine cellar/solitary confinement cell!
Definitely her brother.
Thoughts and Theories
Oh this post is getting so long, sorry XD
So, Mildred is possibly an Angel of Death/Angel of Mercy: a serial killer who often works in the medical field and kills or injures the people under their care. She actually exhibits signs of two of the subtypes: 1) the mercy killer who believes their victims are suffering or beyond help and wants to free them, and 2) the malignant hero who intentionally endangers the victim’s life in order to save them. In this case, the latter seems just for necessity, so I’d characterize her as a mercy killer. The third subtype is the sadistic killer who enjoys using their position to exert power and control over victims, which...could definitely characterize the Nurse Ratched from Cuckoo’s Nest.
There are some interesting backstories developing regarding Edmund and Mildred’s families! I think Edmund is the brother Mildred talked about. It would explain her reason for following him to Lucia Hospital. I don’t think they’re blood relatives, though. They both talk about being separated from their parents, and Mildred says that she remembers her brother but not her parents, implying that she was with her brother longer or later in life. She was also taken away from him, too, which would make sense if they were in an orphanage together and then MIldred was adopted, leaving Edmund there without protection. This also means that Mildred’s fantasy about the fighting couple would be about her own relationship, not her parents’, so if it’s true, then she was married once and even has a daughter out there somewhere, which fits with the babydolls that keep popping up around her.
The green light also definitely has major significance, and I’ve heard there are other fun light flashes in the next few episodes, but I’m still thinking on what they all mean.
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rohver · 4 years
I loved Ratched and hope there’s more, because I want to see how Mildred becomes THE Nurse Ratched that we know from “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest.”
My theory is Edmund will kill Gwendolyn and any hopes of Mildred having a future with her, he’s going to do something that will make her have disdain for people who are mentally ill. Any compassion she had will be gone and it will be heartbreaking.
While I would love for Ratched to have a good ending where Mildred and Edmund get closure from each other, Edmund dies but not by torture and Mildred lives out her days with Gwendolyn — I know this isn’t what is going to happen and part of me also hopes it doesn’t happen.
Because after watching “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest”, I wanted to strangle and kill Nurse Ratched myself. She was the definition of evil, and someone who deserved no redemption of any sort.
And I want to see how Mildred becomes that, I want the series to end where “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest” starts.
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jonroxton · 4 years
I THIIIIIIINK the flight attendant is going for something between noir and satire but the problem is the same problem the Rebecca remake had. it’s so lush and careless about its color and technique. you can use all the Brian de Palma split screens you want but ATMOSPHERE is important. 85% of noir is atmosphere. bright lights and lush color (without intentionality other than the costumes and the distinguishing between POV) underscores the dark humor and tension. ratched I think is the only one that’s gotten it right so far in this next stage of Neo noir, its overtly lush but its color theory is so spot on and intentional and stylized. John wick is the next best example (esp as the series goes along). edited to add: dark is another example of great use of noir technique and color theory.. 
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tearsofafallenangel · 4 years
Netflix's Ratched Was Doomed From The Start
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maxivermismind · 5 years
sociallyunacceptableorb replied to your post “Hey, glad you like my take on the end of the series! AAAA of course!!...”
Prowl, Ratch, and Yoketron are some of my absolute top fav characters so I’m just. (: Please Stop Making Me See This Awful Evil Man Everywhere!
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ralith · 2 years
Never understood the hate on TLK, why do people hate it again?
TLK had some interesting ideas. I'll give it that. The historical AU opportunities alone are fun to explore. But.
There are a lot of problems with the film, to put it simply.
From the confusing and rushed pace of the film that seemed they were trying to fit 3 films into one (the writer's room was a problem and I think there was a lot of turnover in that room), to them obliterating the pre-established canon timeline. The Tyran timeline is not perfect by any stretch and has alternate branches, but TLK smashed all of that. Sometimes it's easier to think of TLK as it's own timeline as opposed to existing as a sequel to the original films.
Plus there's wasting decepticon designs that were hyped, Grimlock essentially being turned into a dog, evil Optimus for like 5 minutes.
And then cut content in general and regional film differences. From rumors and theory videos I've watched in passing, there's enough cut content from this film alone to make several films.
I also can't get over the fact we almost saw WW2 Ratch engaged in fighting and that there may exist footage of it somewhere that will never see the light of day. Shit we got WW1 Ironhide and Starscream for mere seconds in still photos.
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renovador · 2 years
melhores series
vikings valhalla
the rain
a roda do tempo
under the dome
doctor who
carbono alterado
two and a half men
game of thrones
breaking bad
raised by wolves
the big bang theory
stranger things
american horror story
the last kingdom
pretty little liars
the vampire diaries
já anotei todas, obbbggg
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petitelepus · 4 years
Hi how are you, I don’t know how your tfa thing works but could I put in a request for ratchet with the numbers 37 and 48?
Thank you for requesting Anon, here is Ratchet and Reader!
“I don’t know how you do it Ratch.” You said as you rolled the wrench in your hands. The red and white ambulance glanced at you and raised his optic bridge. “Do what exactly?”
“Surgeries and whole saving Bots’ lives. Oh, and robot blood. How can you handle that? The sight of blood makes me pass out.” You asked and looked at Ratchet for a reply. The medic scoffed and returned back to the project in his servos.
“There ain’t a thing like a robot blood. We Cybertronians bleed oil that we consume.”
“Yack. You sound like vampires.” You joked and Ratchet turned to glare at you. “A what thing now, again?”
“Vampires look like humans, but they are immortal and drink human blood to survive.” You grinned, “I could recommend you a couple of good books about them.”
“What makes you think I want to read any of that scrap?”
“Ouch, if you want shit just check Twilight. I prefer this one book with sex in each chapter with different vampires. It’s called ‘The Sweetest Kiss’. I loved that book when I was younger.”
“You aren’t exactly old yet.” He grumbled, “And who on Earth believes in such thing as vampires anyway?!”
“No one... Okay no, some people believe, but I just like the erotics. Some people actually drink blood from another because they keep themselves as vampires.” You said and frowned as you thought harder. “It’s actually the pretty normal custom to eat products made from blood.”
“Now that sounds more like what we would do!” Ratchet shouted with the smallest smile you had seen, “Oil cake for example.”
“Oh yeah, like we have Finnish blood sausage and blood pancakes and much more!” You shuddered. “I know I once promised myself to try anything at least once but like I said before, seeing blood and even smelling its irony scent makes me pass out.”
“Is it human blood that is used on those... cuisines?” Ratchet asked and you shook your head. “Thank God no. We use various animals like cows and pigs.”
“Huh. What else you know about these vampires?"
"Oh, well, I have this theory that vampires lack iron and are anemic and that is why they attach their fangs to humans to suck their blood."
"Go on?"
"But, I believe that they could substitute blood with food that is rich with iron."
"And that would be?"
"Liver and other organs, for example, spinach, kale, shellfish, and turkey." You shuddered. "Thank God I have my own Robocook I got from Sumdac's company. It cooks all my meals the way I like them and the best thing is that I can program new recipes to it by simply adding the ingredients and choosing my preferred way of cooking them."
"Nice to know that our age-old Cybertronian technology is used to cook your food." Ratchet grumbled and you laughed lightly. "It's a lifesaver. Now that I have been living on my own for some time I sometimes miss my family's cooking. Though I was the pickiest eater there was in our little family so my parents had to force-feed me sometimes by saying how I couldn't leave the table before I eat my plate empty."
"That sounds like rough parenting." Ratchet noted and you smiled. "They meant well and I have no ill feelings towards them."
All this talking was making you thirsty and hungry, so you reached into your bag and pulled out your tumbler, snapped the cork open, and took a swing of your drink. The Autobot turned to look at you and his blue optics fell on your tumbler.
"What's that you're drinking?" The old mech asked and you held up your finger as a sign for him to wait for you to take your gulp. When you were done, you had some stuff over your lip that you quickly licked off.
"Spinach and banana smoothie." You confessed and Ratchet whipped his helm at your direction quicker than you had ever seen old mech do and you grinned mischievously.
Got him.
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karlyanalora · 4 years
(This is from my ultimate universe au, which you can find more on under the ultimate universe tag.)
Cybertronians don’t age like humans do.
They do experience the slow wear and tear of time, but unlike humans, almost everything can be replaced. Even a CPU can be completely replaced as long as the memory core is backed up before the procedure. In theory, a mech could live forever with access to proper medical care.
The only things that can’t be replaced is the spark of a mech. It is only diseases that affect the spark that are truly terminal. But the spark and the body are connected, and that is why Ratchet has lost so many patients in war.
It is the spark that affects how a mech ages.
When Ratchet was young, he knew a mech who looked to be his own age. But when you looked into his optics, you could see an old spark reflected in them. That bot was Ratchet’s mentor. That mech taught Ratchet how dying should look.
The day Ratchet completed his medical training, his mentor pulled him aside.
“Look here, Ratchet, you still have one thing to learn before your training with me is complete. It’s the most precious gift Primus gave to medics so we wouldn’t beat ourselves up so hard.”
His mentor opened his spark chamber, revealing his spark. “This, my apprentice, is what a spark looks like when it’s ready to return to the Well. Sometimes the spark is old, like mine. Sometimes it’s a young one, fresh from a hot spot. Sometimes the patient is healthy, sometimes they’re bleeding out on your table. But you see this and you stop fighting death. Because it’s time.
“Other mechs will fight and scream as they try to stave off the death of a loved one. They laugh off the words of a mech who says he’s ready and wail in the morning when they find a gray frame. You won’t. Because you can see the beauty of a life that completed what it needed to.”
Ratchet could see it. He couldn’t tell you what it was, but he could see it.
“You’re going.” Ratchet said, voice husky with emotion.
His mentor closed his spark chamber. “I am. My creations won’t believe me, but my Conjunx knows. She’s at peace with it. And so are you.” His mentor’s gaze grew distant. “Sometimes I wish we aged like organics, that way our family might have some warning. But perhaps organics age the way they do because they have such a short lifespan, they need that warning so others can be reminded of what is important.”
Ratchet’s mentor died that night in the arms of his sparkmate, at an average 42 million Earth years. He didn’t look a day over 25, as the humans might have said.
Ratchet figured Jazz would be like that. The mech hadn’t aged a day since Ratchet had first met him. Even now, when the young bots weren’t around, they would laugh about the good times on the Ark and Jazz could grouse about being undercover so he could keep an eye on Sentinel. Ratchet didn’t even know how old Jazz was.
Ironhide, the one from the Ark and not the kid serving under Rodimus Prime, had looked old when Ratchet met him. But he was a few vorns the medic’s younger. He hadn’t aged since then though, and was, after thousands of vorns of trying, a proud father.
Ratchet hadn’t started aging until after the war ended. When he looked around and realized how many were dead. After...loosing some young upstart of a librarian who took the Matrix with him. Scrap, it felt good to say Optimus Prime again, even if it wasn’t the same kid.
So what did living do that made you old?
“I don’t know, Ratchet.” Sparkplug Witwicky said with a shrug. “I guess it’s whether you feel old or not.”
Ratchet had been surprised the human wasn’t dead yet. He’d run a diagnostic when the man showed up in Detroit.
“What do you mean, Sparkplug?”
“Well, Ratch, humans get old no matter what. But in here” the human put a hand over his spark “I don’t feel it. Maybe that’s how it works for you mechs.”
It made sense. Humans called it psychosomatic, when you had the symptoms of an injury that wasn’t there. It happened a lot in Cybertronians; limping after a leg had been replaced vorns after everything was fixed, wrinkles in your faceplate or dull armor that would not be fixed no matter how much shanix you threw at it. Maybe that was all aging was for his species, except once it happened it woild never quite go away.
“For a species with such a short lifespan, your species has a lot of wisdom.” Ratchet concluded.
“Same to you, old timer. Each of us age and pass in our own way for a reason. I like to think that sometimes it’s to teach everyone a lesson we old folks can no longer remember.” He raised a glass, “To greeting Death like an old friend when the time comes.”
“For he brings us to Primus, to wait for a resurrection and a life that will never end.” Ratchet, the words of a wise friend rolling of his glossa. And this time, he believed it.
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I have a theory that the woman following the red string in the opening credits of Ratched isn’t Mildred, it’s Gwendolyn. As she gets closer and closer, more destruction follows her and when the woman finally reaches Mildred, she cuts the thread with scissors. I believe this is foreshadowing - that for Mildred to fully embrace her Nurse Ratched persona, as we know she inevitably will, she cannot afford any attachments of a person who knew her before then. Her cutting the red string is symbolic of her severing the relationship (possibly her own red string of fate), and her cold look at the camera after she does this implies it was a willing choice. I’m convinced that the series will end with Mildred killing Gwendolyn - her final kill before she fully becomes Nurse Ratched.
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lily-of-elysium · 4 years
I was tagged by the amazing @mlle-julies-letter-opener! Thank you so much lovely! 🖤
Name/nickname: Manda but I’m totally open to other nicknames if you want to give me one!
Gender: Female
Star sign: Taurus
Height: About 5’4”
Time: 10:40 p.m.
Birthday: April 25th 
Favorite bands: Eisley, The Decemberists, Tegan and Sara, Metric, Young the Giant, Cold War Kids, Delta Rae, Saint Motel, flora cash, The National, Coco Rosie, Arctic Monkeys, Chvrches, Fleetwood Mac, My Brightest Diamond, Emily Wells, Stars, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Kills, Silversun Pickups, Night Terrors of 1927, Daughter, Dry the River, The Bird and the Bee, others 
Favorite artists: Lana Del Rey, Lorde, Gin Wigmore, Ivy Levan (her older work), Lola Blanc, Alex Winston, Halsey, Lia Ices, St. Vincent, Banks, Michl, Iron and Wine, Kate Bush, Loboda, Simon Wilcox, Regina Spektor, Zella Day, Melissa McClelland, Marina, City and Colour, Damien Rice, others     
I also want to list some pop surrealist artists I love in case you want to check them out: Mark Ryden, Brandi Milne, Camille Rose Garcia, Tara Mcpherson, Camilla d’Errico, Gustavo Rimada, Jennybird Alcantara, Amy Sol, Audrey Kawasaki, Mab Graves, Lori Earley 
Last movie: I haven’t watched one in the past few days 
Last show: Ratched 
When did I create this blog: In February of 2019 
What do I post: Whatever resonates with me! Art, music, fashion, the mystical,  words and my own work as well. 
Last thing you googled: A question about music theory 
Other blogs: I post my poetry and the words of others to @blackmoonmusings, I post my music to @amandasheehansinger, I post my photography to @aphelion333photography and I post my drawings to @amandasheehanart. The most active of the blogs is Blackmoonmusings. I have two other blogs that I won’t name as they are very inactive right now. 
Why I chose my url: It’s my stage name for my music (my real name is Amanda Sheehan) 
Average hours of sleep: 7 or 8 
Lucky number: I don’t think I have one but my favorite number is 777
What am I wearing: Warm black pajamas 
Dream job: In the arts 
Dream trip: Going back to Iceland and seeing the central part of it that I missed seeing during my previous trips there. 
Favourite food: BREAD 
Nationality: American 
Favourite song: Born to Die by Lana Del Rey 
Last book read: The Selected Poems of Marina Tsvetaeva 
Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in: A Haruki Murakami universe, and  I just really wish I’d lived during the golden age of Hollywood 
I shall tag: Whoever feels like doing this! I’d love to read your answers! 
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