#rather than actually going through change through key choices and outlook
ilynpilled · 2 years
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me about show jaime post s3
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star-maiden · 4 years
Weekly Tarot Forecast 11/30/20 - 12/6/20
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Hello and welcome! This is a general outlook tarot reading for the collective, by zodiac sign.This week, we are focusing on any message or messages coming through from Spirit that you need to hear right now in order to navigate the week ahead. If you happened upon this reading, then there is a message here that is meant for you! As with all of my readings for the collective, these messages are meant for a wide range of people, life paths and situations. It is general outlook advice. As such, you may find that not everything resonates with you completely, and that is ok. Please take only what resonates and leave the rest. You will also want to check your sun, moon and rising signs for the message or messages that are meant for you. I sincerely hope that these messages will serve your highest and greatest good, and assist you in making wise, informed decisions. Best wishes and many blessings!
♈ - Aries: Knight of Swords R: There is a situation in your life or coming toward you where you may feel as though you are bumbling around in the dark. Usually, the knight of swords charges in and defeats any obstacle with logic and discernment, but in this situation you may not have all the facts. Moving forward while in a state of fear or confusion is not likely to yield the best results. Alternatively, you might be rushing into something without conviction. When our actions are out of alignment with our true heart’s desire or higher calling, then we may feel stuck, bogged down or that we are just going through the motions for the sake of pleasing society or someone else. This isn’t good for you, Aries. You might need to reconsider a few things, and decide how you would like to get “unstuck” and move past this situation in a way that is supportive and healthy for you.
♉ - Taurus: The Empress R: This card feels very emotionally charged. There may be a pervasive feeling of lack or disconnection from abundance. You might be fearful about losing something that is close and dear to your heart. Taurus, there may be a situation in your life that is causing undue stress and/or anxiety. If this is the case, then the Empress Reversed is reminding you to slow down. Reconnect with yourself and the Earth. If you are open to alternative spirituality, you might want to practice connecting with the Earth as Divine Mother. Remember how she supports and sustains you, and know that there is no burden too heavy for her handle. If that’s not for you, consider focusing some extra attention on your self care practice. What can you do today that will help you feel more secure and supported? Who in your life can you talk to. It’s ok to lean on your loved ones for support. The key thing to remember here is that the Empress is never truly lacking in all resources. There is always a solution. There is always a way forward.
♊ - Gemini: High Priestess: Gemini, this week you may find yourself tapping into your intuitive side more than ever before. For any ongoing situation in your life, or for anything that comes up for you this week, know that your subconscious has been speaking to you. Trust your intuition and yourself enough to make your own decisions. Look for internal insights and convictions, rather than any form of external validations. Right now, speaking your own truth can be the most powerful catalyst for change. If you have been wondering about something, then this card is confirming that you already know the answers. Quiet down the outside noise and opinions of others. Listen to the voice of your inner wisdom; your experience. What is it saying to you?
♋ - Cancer: The Hanged One R: This week is time to get moving toward your goals! If there has been something that you have been trying to accomplish or bring into your life, then now is the time to start actively working toward achieving it. This message is especially true if you feel that you have been stuck in a period of waiting around, or a stalemate of some sort. Right about this week, things should be looking a lot clearer than before, and you should be feeling pretty on top of things. Your understanding and insights should be crystal clear in the coming week. What is it that you need to accomplish? How will you get there?
♌ - Leo: Knight of Pentacles R: There may be something coming into your life or a situation that you have been dealing with that now feels well and truly stuck. All progress has halted, and you may be feeling unmotivated and uninspired to continue. The important message of this card is to not give up hope! Often times, when we feel stuck on something and don’t know the way forward, we need to spend some more time researching and planning. Through the act of examining alternative routes and talking to those who have had similar experiences, new doorways will open up and you will be able to get things moving again, back on track. Another message that I’m hearing with this card is that you may need to take a bit of a break. This second message is especially true if your project is related to your creative capacity in some way. Sometimes, the best way to unblock a situation is to completely ignore it for a little while. This way, you can rekindle the passion and inspiration that helped you get started in the first place.
♍ - Virgo: 10 of Swords R: This week, you may find that a burden of some kind will be lifted from you. This is likely to be more mental/emotional than anything else. Old wounds are finally getting a chance to heal, and you should be feeling pretty good about things moving forward. For some of you, this may take the form of something moving out of your life for good (and for the better!). If there was a person or situation that was causing you a lot of stress, then this card is indicative that things will soon be resolved. You can hasten this healing process by releasing anything that does not support you mentally and emotionally in a healthy way. If something appears to be on its way out, it may be time to let it go. “Good Riddance” to old habits and dramas that were weighing you down.
♎ - Libra: 4 of Cups R: This week is a good time to notice the many blessings that have always been around you. You should be moving into a situation or mindset that feels more positive and uplifting. If you have been feeling lately that you’ve been in a bit of a slump, then this card is confirming that you are now reading to move away from that. This message may be related to social media or communication by phone in some way. If you have been feeling a bit off or like the people/situations/energies in your life just don’t hold the same spark for you anymore, then it may be time to look inwards for a bit. Consider what you really want in your life, and what would be most fulfilling to you. Opportunities will always present themselves to those who keep an open mind and look for them, but remember that you don’t always have to take what is being offered. If there is something in your life that you feel like you have to take because there are others telling you that it’s too good to pass up, be sure to check in with yourself and make sure it is actually in alignment with what you truly want. A blessing from one person’s point of view can seem rather disastrous from another.
♏ - Scorpio: 8 of Swords: There may be a situation in your life that has you feeling stuck and unable to see the way out. It may feel that your hands are tied or that the ground you have built your life on is mushy and slowly sinking into the depths of the earth. In your life, this feeling may manifest itself as a job you don’t like, or as a relationship that no longer feels fulfilling for you. It could even be a general sense of unease and entrapment. However, it is important to remember that there is always a way out. Oftentimes, when we are stressed, we can talk ourselves into a feeling of being powerless and unable to act. If this is the case for you, Scorpio, you’ll want to be extra mindful of your self-talk. We can easily make a situation feel worse than it is simply by using words that are negative, untrue or downright mean. It doesn’t have to be all sunshine and rainbow language all the time, especially if that’s not your thing. But consider how the words you use with yourself and others either disempower  or empower you. How do your words inform your actions or inactions? Do they make you feel paralyzed, or do they inspire you to move forward toward your goals? Another thing to notice is that this card always comes with a silver lining. See the water at her feet, flowing away from the situation? Water has a lot to teach us. With patience and diligence, it can flow right through any obstacle. There is always a way out.
♐ - Sagittarius: 7 of Cups: This week, there will likely be many possibilities opening up for you. In situations involving choices that must be made in order to move forward, you may find that there are too many options to choose from. Each path forward may seem mystical and utterly full of excitement and magic. You may even be feeling a bit overwhelmed with the sheer number of possibilities. This may manifest as a feeling of feeling scattered or unable to commit to a person, situation or mindset. While it’s generally a good thing to keep our options open, sometimes we can become so mystified and distracted by the possibility of achieving what we desire, that we miss out on the opportunity to act. This week, Sagittarius, it may be beneficial for you to commit to one path and/or decision. Having a clear goal or purpose in mind while you make your choice will assist you in this.
♑ - Capricorn: The Hierophant: This week there is a lesson that needs to be learned or experienced in order for you to move forward or step away from a situation that has been causing a lot of harm or discomfort. This lesson holds the key to your success and inner growth, and will likely seem a bit stuffy or restrictive at first. The Hierophant is a card that speaks of tradition, status quo and learning for the sake of spiritual and/or character growth. It relies heavily on the idea that there is a certain way that things must be done, and to deviate from the traditional path means that you cannot achieve or accomplish the thing you are trying to attain. Is there something in your life right now that requires you to follow steps or a specific order? If so, then this card could be reinforcing the need to make sure you follow the proper guidelines well. When we are learning something, or being initiated into a tradition of some sort, then we can expect to follow certain steps or sequences of events. If this kind of learning is not for you, then there may be another path or study that will be better for you.
♒ - Aquarius: 8 of Pentacles: This week is the time to begin the work toward any project or goal that you have been considering. Being an air sign, it is likely that you excel at the mental/planning stages of the creative process, but you may struggle with the actual, physical work part. If this sounds like you, then this card is telling you that now is the time to go for it. You have planned and envisioned the way you’d like everything to be, and now it is time to bring your idea into being. This will likely be a process that could span several weeks to a few months. Know that any hard work you invest into your goals now will majorly pay off in the future.
♓ - Pisces: The Queen of Cups: This week, you should be able to embody the archetype of the Queen of water. This could mean that you are feeling in tune with your emotions and intuition. Your actions should be feeling in alignment with your emotions, and while you are able to source your inspiration from your deepest feelings, you should also have no trouble a healthy separation between your emotional reality and your physical reality. You may be feeling so in tune with this compassionate energy that others may look up to you or come to you for advice. You give off a vibe that makes others feel that they can speak with you about any personal or sensitive issue. They trust that you will always listen with compassion and empathy, and that you will never mock or belittle an experience, no matter how it seems. This week, you may find yourself stepping into the role of the Queen of Cups. Alternatively, this could be a gentle reminder to embody all of her qualities in your own life, for yourself. How can you bring the energy of this queen into your life this week?
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Private. Hello there I would like a spirit guide reading please -Rochelle (RS) ♉️
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Hello 👋hi 👋 (🌺Rs)Rochelle are you a 🐂 ♉?
Really ... if I guessed you correctly you are Taurus in your natal birth chart (I am an aspiring astrologist and zlso do in-depth Astrology Reports based off of your natal birth charting so please do nog hesitate to ask for That next !
Your SpiritGuide is Cressida
💎🦋Galactic-Arctic Fox🦋💎
She is a mystical interterrestrial being from a galaxy through another realm not too far away but just out of reach !
Cressida has been with you since 2018 and should remain by your side as a companion, spiritual guardian 🙏 ✨ and your synchronicity lessons for the rest of your life.
Why is Cressida with me and trying to help or heal my situation and past situations or for future situations anyways? Well.. heres an in depth description of what this particular animal spirit totem means ..
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Whats Cressida doing? How can I place her in my life and recognize her?
🦋Whether the White Arctic Fox appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that you are to keep going, amid the test of your nature and character. Some powerful forces are working on your behalf to sort things out in a favorable outcome or way soon. Whatever you may be going through will soon pass. These tests and trials have made you stronger, and giving in is for the weak. You should realize how far you have come. You will be arriving to a place of rest and completeness soon. 🦋The Arctic Fox is a sign to trust yourself, above trusting anything or one outside of you. At least for the purpose of clarity. IN other words, it is time to pause, breathe, and receive insights from your oversoul or higher self. As a seeker of truth, you cannot allow someone or something else to dilute what you sense. Take time out to refuel so that you can come from a place of neutrality.🦋 You will need to be stubborn in a forthcoming opportunity and trust your instincts. Even if you collaborate with others, or cooperate with them, you must keep your eyes open as no one can look out for you the way that you can for yourself. In other words, watch your own back. Don’t give that responsibility entirely to others.🦋 The Arctic Fox teaches us that, we are only beings and we are all doing things to survive. Your trust is only owed to a higher source. You can cooperate with others, but the key is to look out for yourself always. Don’t just expect others to put you first. 🦋Always follow up, and if possible do things yourself when it comes to projects that require your creativity. The White Arctic Fox is a message that you want others to be better than what they are showing you. In other words, you are looking at the aspect of how a person can be and not what or who they truly are. If you are a part of a group of people who are being intentionally deceptive, it is best to clear up your acts now rather than later. 🦋The Arctic White Fox is about seeing beyond what we are shown, and hearing beyond what we are told. Your psychic senses will be heightened at this time.💎 Pay attention to what is being revealed. 🧿
⚠️This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may come into contact with someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person. ⚠️
🦋What does She look like? 🥀
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Her fur is multidimensional and is actually the softest known material other than silk in this universe and all other universes including hidden realms..
Since she is a Galactic Arctic Fox you'll expect to see that she looks rather like a regular Arctic White Fox from our home planet Earth🌍But has different highlights and dimensions to her skin and her fur body. She has *fur tattoos* which are blue-- they represent the Element Water(do you have a lot of water 💧in your natal birth charting , I suspect you do 😉 )Her fur tattoos are like a war paint that was branded onto her when she became fully mature and with the seasons her other markings show up - each season - has a different shade of white to blue hue or even teal like transference that takes place , its quite magickal to see.
What is Cressida's personality like?
🦋Cressida has a strong, but warm and gentle but also courageous and brave personality and soul as a Galzctic Arctic Fox 💙 ❤ 💖 She conducts herself with a sense if integrity in every situation(no matter what!) 🦋Integrity is a personal trait that has strong moral principles and core values and then conducting your life with those as your guide.🦋 She has a lot of compassion for all of humanity but especially you (Rs) ♉ This character traits example feels deep sympathy and pity for the suffering and misfortune of others, and you have a desire to do something to alleviate their suffering..She sees that you may be suffering maybe and has messages for you just about to come up .. old on we need to finish her character profile (bio)
🦋Cressida is an honest Galactic fox just as much of them are but there are more certainly the few bunches who are so mischievous that they are notdared to be messed with (worse than the worst fae)
🦋She has strong reliability. This SpiritGuidr's character quality can be consistently depended upon to follow through on your/her commitments, actions, and decisions. She does what she says you she will do.🥀🌍(88% of the time)
😷She hopes you wear a mask because she is very worried and concerned about your welfare during this coronairus. Please don't fall asleep 😴 🙏 😫 😪 😩 😭yet 😴you'll miss her message for you... im going to stop talking zbout her personality there id so much lol.
What is my SpiritGuide messages?
Cressida has a numerology message she has been sending you many other synchronicity but she asks that you pay attention next for the number # 536 if you haven't seen it by now already...
Number 536 is a blend of the energies and attributes of number 5 and number 3, and the vibrations of number 6. Number 5 resonates with major life changes, making important choices and decisions, promotion and advancements, adaptability and versatility, personal freedom and individuality, life lessons learned through experience and resourcefulness. Number 3 offers assistance and encouragement, communication and enthusiasm, growth, expansion and the principles of increase, broad-minded thinking, self-expression, talent and skills. Number 3 also resonates with the energies of the Ascended Masters. Number 6 relates to love of home, family and domesticity, honesty and integrity, responsibility, compassion and empathy, finding solutions, grace and gratitude, the ability to compromise, emotional depth, provision and providing and the material aspects of life.
Angel Number 536 brings a message from your angels to maintain a positive attitude in regards to your monetary and financial circumstances as changes are taking place that will ensure that your material and monetary needs are met. Your positive affirmations, prayers and optimistic outlook have manifested opportunities to attract prosperity and abundance into your life. Trust that your Spirit Guide(s) especially Cressida.. will surround, support and guide you through these important changes.
Number 536 is a message to trust that the changes you may be going through are happening for your highest good. These changes may involve your career choices, your place of residence and/or an important relationship. Your angels support you through these changes and offer guidance and assistance to make transitions easier. Trust that these changes will have positive effects on your life and will ensure a continued supply of abundance to meet your daily wants and needs.
Number 536 encourages you to move forward with positive plans and ideas as they will prove to be most beneficial in all ways for yourself and your loved ones. 
Spiritual Messages...
Cressida wants you to be inspired, creative and most of all live out your destiny!!
🙏 Please take this advice seriously! You need to think about:
Surrounding yourself with people who reflect the character traits you want to embrace.
🦋They will inspire and motivate you to build these traits in yourself.
🦋Try to avoid people who have a weak character and make bad decisions.
🦋When you live your life being true to yourself and honest with others you manifest positive energies and desired results and outcomes. Speak your truths with gentleness and love and accept others with grace and understanding.
Monthly Message from your Spirit Guide ✨ 💛 ❤ 💖
A creak you hear in the dark could be the settling of an old house, or it could be a burglar creeping on the stairs. Loud voices you hear coming in through the windows could be your neighbors arguing, or it could be those same neighbors sharing good news. The lamp going out on your nightstand could be a sign that electricity has shut down, or it could mean you need a new bulb. There is often more than one way to interpret something, and usually there's nothing to worry about. Remember that today, Taurus, if you are tempted to follow worrisome thoughts. It's more likely there's nothing to worry about.
This is a great week(jan 11th to jan 17th) for you to finally finish one or two of those big projects you put on hold a while back. You may have thought you would never be able to get to them, but if you actually put this into your schedule and get started, you should see that it will all fall into place, and you'll get everything else done that needs to be done. This is also an ideal time to complete important conversations that were left dangling, maybe because there was no answer at the time, or because someone was being elusive about responding. You should find it easier now to get answers and receive honest reactions. Crossing all of these things off your long list will give you a great sense of satisfaction. You may even find that because of this efficiency, you will be inspired by a new idea that allows you to tap into a talent you have not used lately, and that would be a great idea. You have been very assertive in trying to attract an investor, team member, or partner for some project you want to take on. However, you are advised now to take a wait-and-see approach and be patient. What you need will materialize if you kick back a bit and let it come to you.
Thank you for meeting your Spirit Guide!! If you have any questions, concerns, or additional specific questions to ask your Spirit Guide you can always Astral travel and speak to her directly but; if you prefer that I take another independent in depth dive into your world I will 🌍🦋 🌎 I will answer up to 2 questions per ask Thanks for allowing this experience to take place, please 🙏
🦋Like && Share this post 📫 ✨
Much Love😍 ❤ Divinae
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mediaeval-muse · 4 years
Video Game Review: Assassin’s Creed Unity (Ubisoft, 2014)
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Genres: action-adventure, third person, open world
Premise: Blaming himself for the death of his adoptive father, Frenchman Arno Dorian joins the Assassins during the French Revolution in order to seek redemption. Learning that his adoptive father was a Templar Grandmaster looking to promote peace between the Templars and Assassins, and that his birth father was an Assassin (killed by Shay in Rogue), Arno must investigate the Grandmaster’s death and contend with a changing Templar Order, while also sorting out his romantic feelings for Elise, the Grandmaster’s daughter. In the present, the Assassins contact the unnamed Absergo employee and recruit them to their cause, using Arno’s memories to find the body of a sage, which may contain traces of First Civilization DNA.
Platform Played On: PC (Windows)
Rating: 3/5 stars
***Full review under the cut.***
I am evaluating this game based on four key aspects: story, characters, gameplay, and visuals. I will also be evaluating the Dead Kings DLC. 
Content Warnings: violence, blood, body horror
Story: Assassin’s Creed Unity primarily follows Arno Dorian, an Assassin operating during the French Revolution in 18th century Paris. Following the death of his biological father, Arno is adopted by Templar Grand Master de Laserre, who keeps Arno in the dark about the Templar-Assassin conflict. Thirteen years later, de Laserre is murdered following Arno’s failure to deliver a message in time. Arno joins the Assassins to seek redemption and learns that de Laserre was trying to make peace between the Assassins and Templars, but many did not share his vision. Arno must therefore track down de Laserre’s murderer with the help of his Assassin mentor, Pierre, and Elise, de Laserre’s daughter with whom Arno is in love.
There were several elements to the main story I liked: the idea of star-crossed lovers dropped in the middle of a murder mystery during the French Revolution was intriguing, and I liked that the crux of the conflict was a reigniting of the centuries-old Assassin-Templar conflict. However, none of the “crumbs” of the mystery felt particularly engaging; Arno would track down figures which were introduced then eliminated, and even the bigger characters (Robespierre, Germain, etc) didn’t have enough charisma to carry the plot forward. Given the premise, I would have liked to see more emphasis placed on Arno’s emotional journey, since his guilt and romantic turmoil seemed to be more fruitful areas to explore than the larger mystery. I would have liked to see more flashbacks to his memories with his adopted father (like Edward’s flashbacks in Black Flag) to make the mystery feel more personal, and I would have also liked to see more tension between Arno’s Assassin loyalties and Elise’s Templar leanings. The closest we got, in my opinion, to some satisfying interiority were some ghostly figures whenever Arno visited Versailles (good, but infrequent) and a really nice trippy sequence when Arno first joins the Assassins.
I also think this plot felt different from the previous Assassin’s Creed games because there wasn’t a lot of focus on the First Civilization. Arno encounters a Sage - a figure we were introduced to in Black Flag - but there isn’t a lot of focus on First Civilization artifacts or power. It’s not an unwelcome change, but it was different.
The French Revolution was a wonderful choice for a historical backdrop, though I wish Ubisoft had done more (narratively) to make Arno feel entangled with the world. As the game stands, the French Revolution feels more like a set piece - the background is there, and Arno interacts with some historical figures, but the plot itself doesn’t necessarily need to be set during the French Revolution. I would have liked to see the setting be integrated into the main plot more, perhaps by having the Assassins and Templars be more involved with historical events.
The present-day plot which usually serves as the frame in Assassins Creed games is almost non-existent, which made it feel like a distraction rather than an integral part of the story. Most of the modern stuff was just voice-over, with an anonymous Assassin guiding the faceless and voiceless “Initiate” to comb through Arno’s memories in search of a Sage. Periodically, the voice would alert the Initiate that Abstergo was onto them, and the player would have to take Arno through a series of rifts which featured anachronistic obstacles. Personally, I found these parts more annoying than anything, and they didn’t really come together to form a plot of their own, like in previous installments.
The Dead Kings plot was pretty basic. Arno was tasked with finding a manuscript in exchange for passage out of the city. Along the way, he discovers that Napoleon Bonaparte’s subordinate is trying to find an artifact of the First Civilization, which is hidden in a temple under the church. There wasn’t a lot to set this plot apart - it did the job, and I enjoyed myself, but it wasn’t particularly memorable.
Overall, I think Unity’s plot is mainly hurt by its open world setting. The world is so expansive and full of stuff that it detracts from the main narrative; because players can pick up or put down the mystery of de Laserre’s death, it’s easy to forget about it, making it feel less consequential (or, at least, not very urgent).
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Characters: Arno Dorian, the PC character, is a charming protagonist with a lot of likeable qualities. He isn’t really a fan of how the Parisian Assassins are more like a cult than a brotherhood, and he’s witty and sassy while also holding onto admirable ideals. I wish Ubisoft had given him a better plot, though I did like that they didn’t overwhelm him with grief and guilt to the point where he was broody. He mostly had a light outlook on life without downplaying the seriousness of the conflicts around him, which made him a fun character to control.
Elise, Arno’s love interest, had a lot of potential. She was independent and highly competent, and I liked that Ubisoft didn’t make her into someone in need of saving. I wish she and Arno got to work more together and that they had had more scenes where they talked about their pasts, but I guess that would have been too sappy for the target audience. Without spoiling anything, I do have mixed feelings about how her story ended. On the one hand, I think it demonstrated a real character flaw that Elise struggled with throughout the game (I like characters to have actual flaws); on the other hand, she didn’t deserve that.
Other characters were a mixed bag. Pierre, Arno’s mentor, was pretty gruff and grumpy, and I didn’t get the sense that the two were particularly close. I wish more was done to cultivate that relationship, especially given Pierre’s arc. Other Assassins were too uptight to be interesting, and the bad guys weren’t charismatic enough to be intriguing. I did like the Marquis de Sade, but that’s because he’s Extra in fun ways. Leon, a child thief in Dead Kings, was also fun, mainly because he played off Arno well.
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Gameplay: Unity differs a bit from its predecessors. While the core doesn’t change - players still need to use a combination of stealth and combat to navigate an open world and achieve goals - Unity introduces skill trees and upgradable weapons/equipment. To improve Arno’s abilities, weapons, and gear, players must collect money, earn “Creed points” (awarded for doing impressive things like ledge assassinations or perfect parries), and gain “sync points” (awarded for completing missions). In addition to collecting money from chests, Arno can upgrade his base at the Cafe Theatre to gain a steady income, though there aren’t any widespread economic mechanics, such as the forts/strongholds in Assassin’s Creed 2 or Black Flag/Rogue.
Unity also infamously introduces “helix credits,” a type of currency that players can acquire by paying real, out-of-game money for. Helix credits unlock abilities and upgrades faster (or else just access exclusive content from the online store). I hate this concept just based on principle, so I spent a lot of time exploring the map and unlocking every chest until I built up enough money to purchase legendary equipment.
Weapons themselves were easy to pick up and use, with familiar things such as the hidden blade, one-handed swords, two-handed weapons, pistols, berserk darts, smoke bombs, poison gas bombs, and the like. New weapons included the phantom blade (a silent projectile), the guillotine gun (a gun/blade hybrid gained in Dead Kings), and the introduction of long-arms (such as halberds). I found most of these weapons easy to use, though I did have to get used to the fact that the hidden blade is not selectable as a primary weapon - Arno uses it automatically when doing a stealth kill, but draws his sword or other weapon whenever the player engages in combat.
In terms of movement and stealth, I liked that Arno’s animations were more inspired by real parkour, but I did find it harder to move precisely in this game for whatever reason. I often got stuck on a ledge or wasn’t able to change direction very fast, all of which caused me to fail missions or get killed fairly quickly. I also didn’t like that Ubisoft removed the ability to whistle and draw enemies to a hiding spot; while there were haystacks and structures to hide behind or in, enemies wouldn’t walk by them very often, making them difficult to use for ambushes or stealth kills.
Side quests/activities included a range of things, from “Paris Stories” (quirky missions where Arno had to go kill someone or steal something), to Murder Mysteries (in which Arno had to search for clues and arrest the correct culprit to achieve unique weapons and armor), to “Nostradamus Enigmas” (riddles which led to different landmarks and rewarded Arno with keys to the legendary armor beneath his base). I personally found these fun, even if a lot of them weren’t memorable. They did their job and provided some entertaining little narratives, so I can’t complain too much.
Unity also introduces a lot of coop multiplayer missions, which can be completed with other players or on your own. Players can form or join “social clubs,” which are mainly just teams of gamers, or search the internet and complete missions with strangers. While I liked that the coop missions were able to be completed alone (they were harder, but not impossible) and I was able to play some missions with a friend, I did not like that most of them required players to replay them 3 times in order to get all collectibles and rewards. For a completist, the coop missions will be repetitive, and at times frustrating if there’s a locked door you can’t access without upgrading your skills.
In terms of collectibles, Unity primarily has money chests, cockades (which unlock color schemes for Arno’s outfits), newspapers, artifacts, and nomad points (which can be used in the companion app). Other than the money, I didn’t find the collectibles very rewarding - I didn’t have the companion app, and I didn’t much care for new color schemes or armor/equipment.
Dead Kings introduces tricorns as collectibles while also inserting a few “Franciade Stories,” Murder Mysteries, and “Suger Enigmas,” all of which resemble their counterparts in the base game. The enigmas in Dead Kings were a bit harder than those in the base game because the answers weren’t necessarily in or around landmarks; players have to really pay attention to the map instead of relying on the database for historical clues. I also found it annoying that players could get accidentally stuck in Dead Kings; if you start the DLC unintentionally, you can’t return to the base game until after you complete the first mission. It really sucks if you’re underpowered or just want to experience the narratives in order.
Visuals: Unity is a visually stunning game, with a lot of beautifully-rendered environments, character designs, and the like. The streets of Paris feel like they are inundated with chaos, with crowds of shouting people moving past walls papered with posters and defaced by graffiti, while the interiors are detailed according to the social class of the inhabitants. Arno can wander into a poor person’s home, empty save for the basics, or a rich person’s, decorated with gold and elegant paneling. I very much enjoyed exploring the world and seeing landmarks such as Notre Dame overlooking a rich, vibrant world.
I also really liked Arno’s outfits, all of which captured an 18th century aesthetic. Arno can wear a number of coats, hoods, pants, belts, and bracers, all of which feature a blue, white, and red color scheme by default. I liked that the color scheme wasn’t based around white, as in previous games, as it made Arno feel more part of his world.
In terms of animation, Unity is really buggy, even years after release. Characters would float in the air or get stuck in odd places, but even so, I didn’t find it difficult to complete the game. I did really like that Arno’s combat animations were inspired by fencing, and his kills were fluid and elegant, almost like a dance.
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Final Verdict: Although Assassin’s Creed Unity attempts to bring a new kind of gameplay to the franchise and includes some charming protagonists, the difficult controls, lack of engaging plot, and introduction of microtransactions make it merely an average installment in the series.
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davidmann95 · 5 years
Velvet's battle is a great choice, though I'll always have a special place in my heart for the fight against the Grimm Deathstalker and the Nevermore in Episode 8. That said, what do you think of the individual members of Team RWBY?
I decided to wait on this until I caught up on the series thus far, which I just finished doing the night before last in pretty much the only time in my life I’ve ever really properly binged anything other than comics, and…wow. I knew RWBY was a thing just as a matter of course from being on this site and Youtube, and from watching Death Battle, so I picked up some major beats by osmosis. But my main impression was that it was a charming pseudo-anime online thing of decent quality that unsurprisingly got heavier as it went along as such things tend to do, with extremely rad fights and music along the way; figured it’d be more than serviceable to watch while I was on the treadmill as a disposable distraction from the agony of propelling my wheezing, sweating, loathsome meat-scaffolding forward.
I did *not* expect it to eventually end up after growing pains a - while far from flawless - intensely engrossing story of all-consuming personal and generational pain and people who choose to love and do the right thing in defiance of that trauma and loss and hopelessness, where also occasionally a corgi gets fastball specialed at mechas. Though once it became clear that’s what it is, it pretty clearly sat at an intersection of a hell of a lot of my favorite things, especially when characters copped in-universe in both the main series and spinoff material that this is basically a superhero thing. My initial impressions re: the fights and music were on-point though.
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I actually have quite a few thoughts on pretty much all the protagonists of note at this point (other than I suppose Oscar and Maria. Like them both though, and I do hope that nice boy’s brain somehow doesn’t dissolve into the blender of Ozpin’s subconscious), but I’ll just stick with the core four here as requested for now unless someone asks otherwise. Weiss is the simplest to get at the core of, I’d say: her arc is learning that fuck rich people, actually. She’s a seriously difficult character to get onboard for at first - especially if you’re watching those first episodes for the first time in 2019 - as the mean unconsciously racist rich girl who learns to be less mean and racist but still kinda mean. But after you’ve extensively seen the hideously toxic environment she grew up in, and fully understand her efforts to grow past the empty values it inculcated in her in favor of everything she was raised to think of herself as above, she becomes a hell of a figure to root for. Assuming RWBY is gonna go, say, a respectable 10 seasons given it was just renewed through 9, I could easily see the upcoming 7th be the climax of her arc with her return to Atlas and likely further reckoning with the consequences of her families’ actions beyond how they’ve hurt her personally.
Yang is also, in a certain abstract narrative sense, simple, in that she’s built around the very oldest trick in the book for characters whose main deal is ‘can punch better than absolutely anyone’: give them problems that cannot be solved by punching. Except in her case it’s less a material “well, this person is invulnerable to punching!” or “well, actually this other person can punch most best of all” issue blocking her path than “punching cannot solve depression, abandonment issues, questioning whether what she considers her purpose in life is one she’s truly pursuing for noble reasons or if she even has the resolve for it anymore after what’s happened to her, or PTSD”. Yet, while it may not be the kind that manifests in the form of punching people with a smirk and a bad pun anymore (much as she still definitely does that all the time) what ultimately drives her and defines her is still her strength: to move forward, to forgive, to let go, to do the right thing in spite of the risks. Which could easily come off as some unpleasant “you just have to get over your moping!” dismissal - there’s a bit with her dad that means it saddles riiiiight up to the edge of that - but there’s a weight to how her traumas remain a consistent factor in her life and have shaped her outlook even as her circumstances and day-to-day disposition improve that makes it feel thematically like it’s coming from a place of acknowledgment and endurance rather than denial, even if it’s not handled perfectly. Great to see her apparently recapturing some more of her joie de vivre based on the trailer for Volume 7, and how that’ll interact with how she’s grown should be interesting.
Blake is…tough, because you fundamentally cannot talk about Blake without getting into the Faunus, which is maybe the biggest aspect of RWBY that leaves it in the realm of Problematic Fave. It really, really wants to have something substantial to say about the proper response to racism, and every now and then it pumps out a “capitalism greases the wheels of systemic oppression and vice-versa” or “it’s perfectly reasonable for the oppressed to seek to fight back directly against their oppressors, and even the pacifist in the room can recognize that’s a defensible approach that deserves its place”. But then Abusive Boyfriend Magneto literally murders nuance in Vol. 5 episode 2, and it descends into some borderline “but what about black on black violence” respectability politics shit. It’s the classic X-Men setup - this persecuted race of often superpowered folks torn between pacifism and efforts to prove themselves to their oppressors, and those who think they should rise up and annihilate the flatscans - with most of the same pitfalls, but also we haven’t had over 50 years to get used to that just being how it works here, and it doesn’t have the excuse of having to expand as best it can on a metaphor that was originally devised before most of the people currently handling it were born. All of which would be rough enough, but given I watched this right as Jonathan Hickman’s been completely refining the entire X-Men paradigm outside that outdated binary, it especially grates. I’d love to be directed to any solid counterarguments - I’ve heard it might actually be an analogue, and a well-done one, for The Troubles, which I am one million percent unqualified to evaluate - especially since apparently one of the writers grew up in a mixed-race household, and at the end of the day I’m a white guy who may well be talking completely out his ass. But it sure comes off at a glance as some well-intentioned dudes stumbling through stuff that’s not their business, and that’s inextricable from Blake’s character when so much of her story is her navigating through that metaphor. Hopefully with new writers coming onboard this is something that can be navigated more insightfully in the future.
On a purely personal basis however, Blake’s a standout in terms of relatability when her story comes down to a pretty universal shared horror: how to climb back from having fucked up. She tried really hard to do the right thing, was taken advantage of and led into doing things she eventually realized were wrong, was so shaken that she couldn’t tell who to trust, and then the situation spiraled out of control on every possible front just as things finally seemed to be stabilizing. The way a single mistake - enabled and exacerbated by an abusive past relationship in her case - expands into a self-loathing far beyond the bounds of anything she could possibly be responsible for is brutal and completely understandable, and seeing her start put her self-esteem back together with the help of those closest to her and the power of her original convictions is arguably the single strongest, most clearly conveyed individual character arc in the series. I’m very curious where it goes from here: Adam’s finish represents a logical climax and the setup for a happily-ever-after with Yang (or Sun if they end up going that way after all) for her to coast through the remainder of the series on, but the way emotional consequences have played out in the series thus far I doubt her demons are going to be put to bed that simply.
Finally there’s Ruby, and I am contractually obligated to note up front: she is clearly not a Superman analogue. There is precisely zero percent chance that she was conceived as such or was ever deliberately executed in such a way that mirroring him was kept in mind. Though she IS a super-powered idealist raised in the middle of nowhere with a significant deceased parent who wears a red cape, flies, gives inspiring rallying speeches, has black-ish but primary color-tinted hair, and has a mysterious birthright that involves being able to shoot lasers from her eyes, plus she has a dog who also essentially has superpowers, plus she tells someone they’re stronger than they think they are, plus Yang basically quotes a bit from Kingdom Come regarding her in Rest and Resolutions. But it probably goes a ways in explaining why she works so well for me.
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There’s more to it than that of course, though it does bring up the closest way in which she relates to the superhero paradigm: she doesn’t go through an arc in quite the same way as the others, instead being an already solidly-defined character who is simply illustrated by how she interacts with the people and situations around her. She learns and grows and matures, but her most basic motivations and goals and outlook haven’t really changed since the day she enrolled at Beacon. She’s a good, caring person, a leader archetype who still has more than enough personality to spare to keep from falling into the genericism that can often plague that role. A big part of the key I believe is that she’s the audience surrogate in a profound way beyond the obvious touchstones of her frequent awkwardness and self-doubt: the reason she does this is because she was inspired by stories. She’s a fan, ultimately, but one who learned all the right lessons, whether recognizing from day one the way reality falls short of the tales she was raised on but still believing in the ideals they represent, or openly holding up Qrow as a role model while being willing to call him on his shit when push comes to shove. It’s a romantic, hopeful perspective that stands out sharply from even our other heroes even as it mirrors their struggles, but as of yet there’s little to suggest it comes from a place of naivete so much as a belief that it’s the only way to bear the pain of the world and continue to believe in it. Bit by bit it’s clear she’s heading for a breaking point, but all signs point to that being a matter of her ability to withstand what she’s been through, rather than any doubt that it’s necessary, and should that time come she’s inspired plenty who’ll be able to help her back onto her feet the way she has for so many others. So while I understand her speeches apparently grate on some, as far as I’m concerned keep them coming, they’re the beating caring heart of the series and often the sole respite in the eye in the storm.
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biot08 · 4 years
By Popular Request, Adagio’s Will Fragment, related to the Gaming Guardians roleplay (now long over)
I, Adagio Redwinter, being of sound mind and body, do declare this to be my last Will and Testament.
On the Execution of my Will
Over the course of my operational existence, I have managed to accumulate a great many material things of varying levels of worth. This, I suppose, is due to my natural curiosity leading to me find the new and interesting, coupled with a lifespan that is unnaturally long for many sapient species. As well, various endeavors throughout my existence have lead me to make investments and to head several ventures, with varying levels of success and prosperity. It is now, at the end of my operational lifetime, that I intend to try and give some of what I have received back.
To see to the immense task of administering my final accounts, and to assure that my final wishes are carried out properly, I authorize my executor, Zeta Aquilae, to use those funds and materials necessary to establish the Synapse Intercorporation. The Intercorporation's internal structure and method of operation will be determined by her best judgement. The Synapse Intercorporation shall oversee the execution of my last wishes as described in this will.
It is worth noting that parts of this will are hidden from public view. This is not so much to hide anything of true note, but rather to allow some of my instructions to have a certain reactive quality to them, such that if certain conditions are met, other instructions may be carried out that may not be otherwise. My executor is aware of all of the hidden portions of my will, as well as the encryption keys necessary to view them.
I have been working on this will continuously for several years, always ensuring that it accurately reflects my wishes in the event of my demise, whether accidental or not. My understanding is that many sapients who have a tradition of finality similar to a will tend to use them as instruments of encouragement and revenge. The idea of continuing to influence the multiverse at large after my existence has ceased is one that amused me. If I have misunderstood the purpose of a will, I hope others shall view my attempt here in a reasonable light. I would caution those who read this to be aware that I am not human, and indeed, I believe I am the first of my kind to have a will of any sort. I would also note that, as my operational lifetime was originally expected to be infinite, and indeed has stretched on for a great many centuries, I do tend to take a very long view on matters. In addition to ensuring my own matters are tied up neatly, and designating specific recipients for parts of my estate, I have also made several bequests that I hope will benefit all sapients everywhere, both Primarian and System born.
I have always sought knowledge, and much of my life has been dedicated to seeking truth. I have not yet found it, but I hope that, through this will, I may lead others to find it, both for themselves and for others. I would implore all those who read this will to look to one another, and, if failing in all other tasks, that they may reach the lofty goal of one day ... understanding.
To Zeta Aquilae, who sought to understand me, and who was with me on my many travels, I leave the bulk of my estate, save for those things otherwise covered by this will. I name Zeta Aquilae the executor of my estate and the head of the Synapse Intercorporation, in which capacity she will oversee the execution of this will in accordance with my wishes.
To Nightdark, my original second, and so loyal to me all these years, I give you back your life and your freedom. I only wish I could give you your old life back, Megan. I hope that your memories will suffice.
In the memory of a woman who I was often at odds with, and yet who I still feel a deep kinship with, I find myself able to do little. I now realize the trick you played during our last game, old friend, and I hope that in the afterlife I am able to give you the match you deserve. In her memory, I present a red queen chess piece to the orange queen who now rules the forest in Gamer's End. May there forever be peace and understanding in the world she gave her life to birth.
To Aria Winters, I leave my memoirs, and my core, should it still remain, to be disposed of however she sees fit. I hope your path in life will be less troubled than mine was.
To Kale, I leave the Defender, and the legacy that goes along with it. The history of this vessel is long and deep, young Kale. You should ask Majir about it. I also give him my spaces onboard Prometheus Space Station, and my apartment in Gamer's End, as well as the contents of my bank account on Prometheus Station, and the key to my safety deposit box for the same. Remember that while the mind makes the man, the tools allow it to act better on its environment.
To Sage, I leave the Colossus, a five kilometer wide space ship that was carved out of an asteroid in BESM-SF 87-5-29. I am afraid, my dear, that this is the last rock I am able to give to you.
To the first two hundred people who show up, I leave a can of Sprite from my storage unit onboard Prometheus. One of the cans contains an actual sprite, but it got mixed in with the thoroughly mundane cans, and I never did get around to determining which can it was. I figure this is both a good way to make sure the sprite gets some use, as well as getting rid of a fair bit of unused stock. (( Note: If you want the special can, just hop on IRC and get ahold of me before the end of March. ))
To whoever determines the identity and composition of those figures who are in charge of the Gaming Guardians to the satisfaction of the Synapes Intercorporation, I leave the monetary equivalent of 20,000 XP. Transparency in operations might go a long way toward building good will, my friends. As well as being profitable.
To whoever finds Wargolem, I leave 1 million XP or medical care for the remainder of their natural life, whichever seems most appropriate.
To the first party to determine what 'Velvet Fist' is, I leave behind 10000XP.
To the person who finds the original 'Wirrit', I leave 6000 XP, so long as they deliver a copy of this will to her.
To the original 'Wirrit', I leave my yo-yo. Spend some time with it and consider that the nature of the multiverse is not as you thought it was.
To Majir Sobaan, I leave co-ordinates to a little known Fallout system. Do not be startled by what you find there. Hopefully it will explain much.
To Solita Ariennye, I leave my Seattle, Washington condo, a motorcycle, and the assets contained in the safety deposit box to which she will be given a key. While it is not the world you know and love, I hope you will enjoy Seattle, and your second retirement. I imagine you've learned your lesson.
Once a year, a jet black rose, preserved by freezing, shall be delivered to Solita Ariennye's condo in Seattle, for as long as she lives there, as a reminder that some loyalties have too high a price for us all.
Because we who occupy jaunt space are not always so careful as we should be, the Synapse Intercorporation is directed to establish the System Defenders. The goals of the Defenders are as follows: to monitor potential abuses of jaunt space and its denizens; to protect the rights of denizens of jaunt space; to establish a set of parameters that will facility a working relationship between those from the Systems and those from the Primary; to create a sanctuary in Jaunt space for beings in search of a safe retreat; and to patrol Jaunt space in such a way as to ensure that junk and debris accidentally or otherwise left in Jaunt is cleaned up in such a way as to prevent any interference with normal system development. Since many of these functions are already provided somewhat by Gamer's End and Prometheus, I use my last act as an owner of a Captain's Seat to propose that the systems already in place be diverted to form a better, more unified front for members of the Systems.
To any who find a vessel looking like BeRT ( photo attached ), or its Pilot unit, I authorize the payment of 5000 XP for its finding, and 15000 XP for its destruction. The possibility of its existence could mean a dark time for us all.
To the first fifty so-called 'voidkers' who show up to any branch of the Synapse Intercorporation, I grant a token of my esteem. The terrible events that have occurred in the voided Shadowrun system darken all our lives, and I hope to foster understanding between those who were touched by it and the rest of the multisystems at large as we move forward.
For research into jaunt phenomena considered dangerous, such as Jaunt storms and void patches, I leave four million XP, to be distributed by the Synapse Intercorporation.
To Nightengale Nightforest, whose voice is the purest I have ever heard, and moved me nearly to emotion, I know from our conversations that you have no further need for wealth. So I leave 3 million XP to be donated in your name to the charity of your choice.
I leave one hundred thousand XP to fund an expedition to Jaunt system FC-F 00-13-225.
I leave five thousand XP to fund the summoning of a spirit capable of traversing jaunt and casting a permanent Sex Change spell on the Shadowrunner known as 'Suit'. The spell will need to be of sufficient power that he will require external assistance in dispelling or reversing it. While I do not think it will change his outlook in life at all, the change in perspective for him may be educational, and if not that, at least entertaining. If some other method of bringing about the same end effect can be established, so much the better.
To the person who successfully finds what is behind door 13-B in the main building of the Church of True Harmony, I give 10000 XP upon its revelation to an authority of either the Guardians, the Defenders, or the Synapse Intercorporation.
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rosannastylist · 4 years
Attitude is the Key
Earl Nightingale stated that our perspective on life determines our perspective on life. Attitudes are just our feelings, which enable us to make decisions. The attitude we adopt every day determines our future. It is the most important factor for a full and joyful life and should be adjusted continuously. Mudra means attitude, attitude, feelings, thoughts, thoughts etc. It is our own perspective for attitude Instagram captions, our own opinion, our thoughts that determine the outcome, not the others. In life, most of us do not usually understand this simple concept - it is not a situation dictating someone else's action or reaction or our attitude. This is entirely our personal decision. Over time, I discovered my own point of view and others that I share here. How we recognize such tendencies in ourselves and how we mold them into fruitful lives is my humble endeavor.
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positive attitude
Keeping a positive attitude is the most difficult of all approaches. Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa says: The soul is like water, it always goes down, you have to try to lift it. Get a positive attitude, make a habit with continuous study. People with a negative attitude feel uneasy and irritable when told about the importance of a positive attitude. But a person with a positive attitude is usually a person who is happy, joyful and fulfilled. In my experience, there are gradual changes in our lives when we control our thoughts and words and adopt a positive outlook in one area of ​​our life. It becomes easier when we seek God's intervention. I think that with God you can do all things comfortably, but without him it becomes too much or fruitless effort.
Grateful attitude
Jig Ziggler said that of all perspectives, gratitude is certainly the most important and the most transformative in life. We all complain, sometimes about the small things in life and sometimes about the big things. And complaints become a habit in us that we do not pay attention to what we are complaining about. On the Facebook link to the Ziegler office fee there was a video in front of the wall of Mr. Giants called the Wall of Thanks. It was very good, I thought. What a way to show your gratitude! In the video, Mr. Ziegler mentions that even people with bad lifespan attitudes, who helped change something in their lives, found a place on the wall. God seeks every day for his children who do not complain and is instead grateful to those who have. I once heard this from a speaker - God will not give you any more if you complain about what you have. And I felt that it is very important to thank God and be thankful for everything He has given, not every now and then, but every day. A grateful attitude is the safest way to progress for attitude captions for Instagram.
To be grateful, we can thank God at every opportunity and be thankful to those around us. We will change our simple approach for the better.
As I write this article, I have progressed in an area where I have held a positive outlook for a long time. Whenever I ask someone to make tea or do something for me, I will complain if it is not done completely. I will complain and be upset until the other person feels pity. One day, while I was sitting at my desk, I asked my husband to make tea. The tea I received was not hot. At first I was told to complain and get angry and leave the tea as usual, enjoying the evening tea. But this time I checked myself and decided to make a choice - this choice is not just to drink tea, but also to enjoy it because someone made a special effort to make it. So often God tests you just before your progress. And I felt that I had broken that attitude and glorified God.
Pride posture
Pride is spreading like an epidemic in our society. Pride is particularly evident in those who do not have to make an effort to get to where they are today, but inherited it from their family, who worked hard to make it. Pride is also shown by those who make money and protect it from false means. Pride can actually prevent us from being the best God for our lives. And pride appears regardless of business, whether it be the business owner, minister, politician or someone else's legacy. I have recently had experience with the successor of a very large ministry, which has offices all over the world. The preacher probably preaches on any subject, but I am proud to serve ministry staff and close family members in important positions in the ministry. God is very special in the matter of humility, which is contrary to pride. Feel proud not for material things, but for the love of God. We also need to remember that God's ways are unique - the easier he gives, the easier it makes him.
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A certain attitude
Donald Walters stated that happiness is a mindset that arises from the simple determination to be happy under all circumstances. Have to be firm. There is no struggle for life that can prevent a determined person from reaching his goal. We all have a certain amount of money for something in life. But if we use determination in a positive way, we will reap the benefits in a great way. Sri Ramakrishna used to say that your relationship with God is the key to resolve. Sometimes circumstances make us negative towards life and we lose our enthusiasm. But for some, challenging situations become an important step towards a new and better life. The underlying difference between the two is judgment.
Having gone through an emotionally troubled childhood filled with fear and judgment, a physically and emotionally abusive first marriage that leads to grief and humiliation, I am determined to show everyone who told me that I am a Was out of The exact reason is a big objective here. I didn't know how I was going to do it, but I knew it would happen one day. I then proved to God that they were wrong because my resolve to have a relationship with God helped to transform my vessel into the message of God. I decided to make love, I got it from God. I was determined to have that intelligence that kept me higher than the people who abused me. I received it from God. I wanted protection; I found it in the embrace of God. Even if you have nothing in the world, but you are determined, you still fulfill the call of God in your life. But even if you have anything other than determination, you cannot move forward in life. So use your determination positively to get results.
Disciplined in a relaxed posture
Discipline is the bridge between goals and achievement; We should all suffer from one or two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is that the weight of discipline is ounces, while the weight of regret is tons, croft m. Says Pantaj. Some people are active and others are resting, others are careless in every aspect of their lives. Some people are careless, worrying about their lives for their children. And the truth is that careless people prevent themselves from achieving God's superiority for their lives. In the Bible, God says hot or cold, or I take you out of my mouth. A careless person is gentle. A careless person is not disciplined to achieve anything in life.
A few years ago I injured my back and my spine narrowed. I was careless to show the doctor for whom I had to pay a high price. The doctor told me that my back was ten years older than my normal age due to a fall. I did not want to have surgery, but God told me that I would have to discipline myself and plan to exercise regularly to live a normal life. It was very difficult at first because every exercise I did affects my back. I prayed to God a lot and he sent me a yoga teacher through which I learned exercises suited to my physical condition. If you recognize this trend, take the younger one.
Netting currency
We may have the best of intentions at heart, but we can be flexible. Nagging may be a major reason for the break up of the relationship. Nagling does not give the other person room to breathe in the relationship. Under no circumstances can a heart be won by manipulating, only words of encouragement can win hearts. If at first we see mistakes rather than successes, it means that we have this tendency, even if we don't recognize it. I realized that when I was disciplining my daughter, I started having fights that did not help me or in any way. This made him irritable and stubborn. So I prayed to God and God spoke through my husband that I do not need to tell him the same thing again and again. I only had to tell her once and if she comes to me, encourage her to do what she was told. It worked!
I know every trend
To get the ultimate knowledge that comes only from God, we need to be hungry. People with a tendency to know everything can achieve and not grow. From this point of view I have identified two types of people. The first type are those who are often told that they are wrong, and they are fed up of hearing that they take an i-no-all attitude in defense. I was one of them until God healed my soul and showed me how to tell how many times I am wrong, but how often I am right because I am their offspring. The second type of people are those who have gained a lot of knowledge and recognition of the book on their own and can receive awards. Because of their big ego, they will not be open to learning from God himself. So God puts them to life to humiliate them, and it is painful to eat.
God chooses humble people, and people choose to learn from humble teachers.
Weird and admirable attitude
People with strange behavior are strange men who want to take care of everything but themselves. Being interested in what is going on in people's lives and homes, even if it is a mess in their own lives and homes, thrills some people. We judge ourselves by our objectives and the actions of others - I read it in a book called Monkey Business, and it is very true. Nobody really likes a weird person. It is good to help people until they become more curious about their private sector. Strange people are usually big rumors. And if we choose gossip, we pay a higher price for cheap thrills. The main purpose of the applause is to spread the word to anyone. If we clap, we only hurt ourselves because what we say gives us back in so many ways. If we want people to know to help them, then the motive is good. When we do it with the desire to clap, we only self-punish.
Personally, I am more comfortable with people with a fair attitude, whether they are educated or intellectual. The next time we choose our settings, we have to keep in mind what settings we take. If it brings peace and joy to our hearts, then you know that it will bring more fruits in your life. But if we don't kick it and find peace, let it be.
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smilingformoney · 5 years
America’s Most Eligible Diamond Scene: Bond with your Friends
You: If it’s cool with Jen, it’s cool with me! Fatima: Wonderful! I’ve been dying to spend some QT with you cuties. Fiancée: Let’s sneak up to the roof before Omar can catch us.
A short while later, the six of you are gathered up on the roof. Fatima breathes a deep sigh of relief. Fatima: After being cooped up in the mansion all day, it’s so nice to get some fresh air! You: I’m glad, but… I don’t get it, Derek. Why bring us here of all places? Derek: Gimme a second. You watch as Derek rummages around under the table, until… Derek: Aha! Found it. With a flourish, Derek pulls a bottle out from under the table.
-Bottle of port
Mackenzie: You’ve got a secret stash of booze? Nice. Jen: Do I even want to know why you hid this on the roof? Derek: I swiped it from the kitchen at the end of last season. I guess somehow I knew we’d make it back to the mansion… Derek: So I hid this here in case of an emergency. Adam: Well, considering we’re gonna be locked in with Vince and Ivy for the next few weeks… Adam pours six glasses of port, raising his in a toast. Adam: I think this definitely counts as an emergency. You: Are you kidding? This is Vince and Ivy we’re dealing with.
You: We need… -A much stronger drink.
You: No offence, Derek, but I don’t think port is gonna cut it. Mackenzie: She’s right. We need, like a dozen tequila shots. Adam: Plus a bottle of rum. Fatima: And a bottle of champagne! Derek: And a round of sake bombs! You: Now we’re talking. Jen: It’s times like these I’m glad we’ve got the liquor cabinet under lock and key.
-To look on the bright side!
You: We’ve handled Vince and Ivy before. We know all their dirty, underhanded tricks. Adam: You’d be surprised. Vince always manages to pull something unexpected out of his sleeve at the last second… Derek: And who knows what Ivy’s been scheming up since last season? Mackenzie: You guys need to relax. There’s no way Vince and Ivy are gonna throw the wedding of the century. Fatima: I’ll drink to that! Jen: I wouldn’t count them out just yet. After all, America did vote for them to compete against you.
Fiancée/You: You worry too much, Jen. Having Vince and Ivy back is a little stressful, but it’s nothing we can’t handle. Jen: I’m glad you’ve got a good attitude about this, but you’re still gonna need all the support you can get… You: That’s why I have you guys! We’re all here together, just like old times… Best Man: Except some of us are getting married. Officiant: And none of us are getting Eliminated… Maid of Honour: And the finale is the wedding of your dreams! Which, by the way, we should probably start planning. Fiancée: Already? We haven’t even started filming yet! Fatima: All the more reason to get a head start! You: Hang on, Fatima. I thought you were gonna give us the scoop on your secret marriage! Fatima: We’ll get to that, I promise. Right now, I want to daydream about your wedding! Officiant: Be real with us, Jamie. Are you the type of person who’s been dreaming of her wedding since she was little?
You: Honestly? -I’ve been planning it for years!
You: When I was six, my teacher asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I told her, ‘a bride’. You: Not the most ambitious choice, I’ll admit. But I was always a hopeless romantic! Fiancée: I hope our wedding measures up to your expectations. You: I’m marrying you. How could it not measure up?
-I never thought I’d get married.
You: I was one of those people who thought marriage was a total scam… You: If you’d told me five years ago that I’d be getting married on TV, I’d laugh in your face. Fiancée: Well, then. I’m glad I changed your mind. You: You changed everything, Fiancée.
-I always dreamed of what comes after.
You: Don’t get me wrong, weddings are great. But when I was little, I used to imagine what my marriage would be like. You: Having someone who loves me? Being with them every day for the rest of my life? I couldn’t imagine anything better. Fiancée: Jamie… I promise, I’ll help you make that dream come true. You: I’m gonna hold you to that.
Fatima: What about you, Fiancée? Did you have wedding fever when you were young?
-If you’re marrying Jen
Jen: Oh, I don’t know. I was so busy looking forward to my future career, I hardly ever considered getting married. Jen: Though, okay. I did go as a bride for Halloween one year… Jen: And the next year… and the year after that… Adam: You call that ‘hardly considering’?
-If you’re marrying Derek
Derek: Hell yeah, I wanted to get married! I was a sharp-dressed kid. I couldn’t wait for an excuse to wear a tux. Derek: I even had a wedding theme in mind… An Extremely Goofy Movie. Jen: Tell me you’re not serious. Derek: It was the ‘90s! And that movie is a classic.
-If you’re marrying Mackenzie
Mackenzie: Of course. I used to dream about getting married to a prince, on this gigantic sailboat. Mackenzie: There’d be talking dolphins there, and my dad would be swimming in the water, waving his trident… smiling proudly… Derek: Isn’t that the wedding from The Little Mermaid? Mackenzie: Yeah. What’s your point?
You: My fiancée, everyone. Fiancée: Okay. I’ll admit my wedding fantasies were a little out there. Fatima: But that’s exactly my point! When it’s all in your head, your wedding can be as ‘out there’ as you want. Maid of Honour: Exactly! Like, okay… Jamie, in your dream wedding, would you ride in on a dragon, a unicorn, or a centaur? Fiancée: Talk about ‘out there.’ But I have to admit, I’m curious to know Jamie’s answer…
You: I’d ride in on a… -Dragon!
You: Just imagine me soaring through the air on my mighty dragon, blowing kisses at my adoring public… You: And raining fire upon my enemies! Best Man: When did this become a page out of The Crown and the Flame? You: It’s my fantasy, not yours.
You: Imagine how regal I’d look in my wedding attire, prancing in on a gorgeous steed… Jen: Help me envision this. Is it a rainbow unicorn? You: Duh. Why would I settle for anything less? Jen: That’s the spirit!
You: Dragons and unicorns are cool and all, but a centaur would make for better conversation. Officiant: You’d have to offer him a seat at the wedding, though. Maybe even make him a part of your wedding party. You: Two words, my friend. Centaur. Bowtie. Officiant: Your imagination is an incredible place.
Fatima: Jamie’s certainly got a colourful outlook on her wedding, but we’re forgetting the most important thing. Fatima: After all, what’s the point in daydreaming if we’re not talking about the bride’s outfit? Officiant: Yeah, Jamie! What do you imagine yourself wearing as you walk down the aisle? You: If I had my way…
You: I’d walk down the aisle in… -Romantic vintage!
You: In my opinion, wedding attire should be classic. Even better if it’s handed down through the family. Fatima: I love this for you. I can just picture you in delicate white lace and vintage Chanel accessories…
-Cutting-edge couture!
You: I’m talking wedding chic. When I’m walking down the aisle, I wanna make a statement! Fatima: I wholeheartedly agree. Your wedding should be a mini runway show!
-Jeans and a T-shirt…
You: If I’m being honest, I’d rather be comfortable than look good. Fatima: I’m going to pretend you didn’t just say that.
Fiancée: I’d be on board with that. You look great in whatever you wear, Jamie. Maid of Honour: Honestly, I’ll just be thankful if you don’t force me to wear a hideous bridesmaid dress. Fatima: I didn’t even have bridesmaids at my wedding. Between all my cousins and gal pals, it would’ve been a headache to choose! You: Finally opening up about your wedding, huh? Now’s my turn to ask the questions.
You: I wanna know… -What you wore down the aisle!
You: You’re AME’s maven of style. How could I not be curious about your dress? Fatima: Hon, it was beautiful. Sexy, but tasteful. White satin with baby blue detailing… Fatima: And the tiara I wore has been passed down in my family for generations! You: You must’ve looked gorgeous. Though, to be fair, I’d expect nothing less from you.
-When you got married!
You: All this time I’ve known you, I had no idea you were even married! How long have you been keeping this under wraps? Fatima: We were both twenty-two when we got married! Right out of art school. He was one of the only men in my program. You: So, you’ve been married for how long, exactly? Fatima: Nice try. A lady never reveals her age!
-Who you’re married to!
You: I need to know what kind of person could get you to settle down! Fatima: Well, his name is Ramin. He moved to New York from London to learn to do practical effects for movies… Fatima: He’s devastatingly handsome, but more importantly, he keeps me grounded. And he appreciates my eclectic style. You: Sounds like a perfect match to me.
Fatima smiles wistfully, gazing across the horizon. Fatima: I’ve been happily married for what feels like forever now. I wish you two the same kind of future. You: Fatima… thank you. Having your blessing means a lot. Fiancée: Yeah, you’re part of the AME family. It wouldn’t feel like our wedding without you. Fatima: You have me, one hundred percent. And, more importantly, you have a wedding party that would do anything for you! Officiant: She’s right, Jamie. No matter what this competition throws at you, we’ll be there. Maid of Honour: And we’ll do whatever we can to help you win that grand prize! Officiant: We’ve got this, Jamie. There’s no way Vince and Ivy will beat you while we’re on your side. +50 You: Thanks, guys. You’re the best friends a woman could ask for. Derek takes a long, slow sip of port, his eyes twinkling as he gazes around the rooftop. You: Penny for your thoughts? Derek: It’s nothing. I just can’t believe this is our last season on AME. Mackenzie: Frankly, I can’t believe it’s Adam’s last season. What is this, number three? Adam: This is season number four for me, actually. Pretty sure they won’t let me come back for a fifth. Jen: Speak for yourselves. I don’t plan on leaving this place for a long time. Fatima: You can count on Jen and me to be here for as long as they’ll have us! You: And we wouldn’t have it any other way. The six of you smile at each other, then gather your things and head downstairs for filming.
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stevepattinson · 4 years
The way that technologies are transforming automotive Industry
The auto business has for quite some time been where mechanical and tech area upsets to make inventive arrangements. The business is receiving innovations, for example, Man-made reasoning (artificial intelligence) and enormous information and examination that have been around for some time, and more up to date advances, for example, the Web of Things (IoT) and blockchain are additionally finding various applications in the auto area. With the quickened digitisation of the world, the auto business is equipping to a colossal change in coming years. The area has seen remarkable exciting bends in the road in the previous ten years. They've turned sleeker, more secure and fit for higher rates.
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The present economies are significantly changing, set off by advancement in developing business sectors, the quickened ascent of new innovations, supportability approaches, and changing customer inclinations around possession. Digitization, expanding mechanization, and new plans of action have altered different businesses, and auto will be no exemption. These powers are offering ascend to four problematic innovation driven patterns in the auto area: various portability, self-ruling driving, zap, and network.
The car world is encountering the most significant change since Henry Passage industrialized assembling a century prior. Auto tech organization AutoFacets features that the current change is set off by mechanical patterns as well as by social patterns. Apparently our future will be about available portability: versatility arrangements will be more adaptable, individualized, and viable. We should set aside some effort to consider what advancements are driving this new car upset.
Artificial intelligence based independent vehicles are the leaders in the car business. Man-made brainpower is as of now empowering savvy travel techniques through self-driving vehicles. These vehicles don't need drivers and depend on sensors and programming for route and control. Self-sufficient vehicles are meant to decrease the requirement for human drivers and make regular vehicle simple. Studies mirror that there are around fourteen hundred self-driving vehicles on the US streets today. Despite the fact that when it's anything but a major number, the difference at the top of the priority list in individuals to go for or trust self-ruling vehicles is definitely expanding.
Current environmental, social, and mechanical patterns are urging imaginative makers to offer buyers significantly more than a metal box on four wheels. Though for as far back as 100 years, carmakers were generally centered on improving assembling to turn out to be more proficient at scale, what's to come is tied in with rethinking the job of the vehicle. Presently it's a cell phone on wheels, and organizations are going the gathering of industry pioneers guided by this spic and span outlook.
The modern perspective on selling auto vehicles online came to impact during the Covid pandemic. Despite the fact that when in-person visiting to vendor stores and preliminary driving was an obligatory piece of purchasing a vehicle, the lockdown conventions that restricted the move changed its track to online medium. Not all, but rather at any rate a little extent of individuals feel good about the change. Vehicle purchasers can think about various vehicle models dissimilar to going on with the vendor's proposal. Present day businesses are attempting to standardize online vehicle purchasing by offering arrangements beginning structure virtual visits to get checkout, online monetary choices and brings approaches back.
Most industry players and specialists concur that the four patterns will strengthen and quicken each other, and that the car business is ready for interruption. Given the far reaching understanding that game-changing disturbance is as of now not too far off, there is still no incorporated viewpoint on how the business will glance in 10 to 15 years because of these patterns.
The increment in petroleum product rate and the damage to the climate brought about by their utilization has changed the car business viewpoint to electric vehicles (EVs). Vehicles add to fifteen percent of fossil fuel byproducts, which drain valuable petroleum derivative holds and causes likely irreversible ecological harm. Electric vehicles then again are tending to the difficulties by utilizing a more significant level of energy proficiency and diminished fuel use.
Availability, and later self-governing innovation, will progressively permit the vehicle to turn into a stage for drivers and travelers to utilize their time on the way to burn-through novel types of media and benefits or devote the saved chance to other individual exercises. The speeding up development, particularly in programming based frameworks, will expect vehicles to be upgradable. As imparted portability answers for more limited life cycles will turn out to be more normal, shoppers will be continually mindful of mechanical advances, which will additionally expand interest for upgradability in secretly utilized vehicles too.
Blockchain has been compared to the second era of the web. It can change an association's cycles. This incorporates sharing vehicle information over a safe organization for network and shared versatility arrangements, for example, ride-hailing, metropolitan transportation and conveyances. Blockchain is utilized in the confirmation cycle to improve productivity across inventory network and back-office works. It very well may be used in administration and motivators to improve vehicle data and use information across the business. The disturbance of blockchain in auto is foreseen to increment in the forthcoming year.
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The excess driver of development in worldwide vehicle deals is the general positive macroeconomic turn of events, including the ascent of the worldwide customer working class. With set up business sectors easing back in development, in any case, development will keep on depending on arising economies, especially China, while item blend contrasts will clarify diverse advancement of incomes. Changing customer inclinations, fixing guideline, and mechanical discoveries amount to a key move in individual versatility conduct. People progressively utilize numerous methods of transportation to finish their excursion; merchandise and ventures are conveyed to instead of brought by purchasers. Subsequently, the conventional plan of action of vehicle deals will be supplemented by a scope of assorted, on-request portability arrangements, particularly in thick metropolitan conditions that proactively debilitate private-vehicle use.
Creating independent vehicles will require profound mastery in simulated intelligence and AI. Thinking about the advanced blast of auto new businesses, it's sensible to band together with AI pioneers. Car occupants can't anticipate the fate of the business with sureness. They can, be that as it may, take vital actions presently to shape the business' advancement. To stretch out beyond the inescapable interruption, occupant players need to actualize a couple pronged key methodology.
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lewepstein · 4 years
The Challenges of Dealing With Depression, Part 2
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Beyond the more conventional and clinical treatments available for depression, there are a number of tools and techniques that come to us from other  disciplines and practices.  And since depression can be viewed as both an illness and a condition that affects body, mind and spirit, it may be helpful to apply a multimodal approach to healing.  I am not recommending self-help as the best approach - in fact a therapeutic relationship may be an essential part of healing for some - but the following suggestions and practices may be a useful supplement to other therapeutic work:
A good place to begin examining depression is by taking a close look at  our relationships.  It is impossible to overstate the positive impact of having satisfying, intimate relationships, strong family connections and a network of close friends with whom we share the narrative of our lives.  If we are suffering from low mood and other depressive symptoms, exploring what is going on in our marriages and our families can be a valuable starting point.  We are used to thinking that depression exists within an individual, but that is often only a part-truth.  The symptoms of lethargy, low self esteem and fatigue, among others are often present and  clearly reported by the person who is labeled, “depressed,”  What may be less apparent is that marriages and entire families can also be depressed.  This may be due to life circumstances, emotional distance, or a lack of participation by a partner or parent that leaves a relationship or an entire family depleted of positive involvement and energy.  When any of us spend time with an unhappy couple it is impossible not to feel their gloom.  The fact that one family member is manifesting the symptoms of depression and has become the “identified patient” may only mean that he or she has  become the symptom bearer for the system.  This is one  reason to consider couple’s counselling, or a family systems approach to therapy.  It provides another lens through which we can understand depression.
When it comes to doing individual work on depression, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can be an effective approach.  It has a well documented track record for treating depression and the behavioral part of the work may be a good starting point.  The symptoms of low energy and fatigue that are so often a part of the experience of depression can make it difficult to mobilize one’s self to move or to act.  But activity and movement can be effective antidotes to low energy and the inertia that tends to set in.  Efforts that push against the feelings of lethargy can generate the very energy that is needed to jumpstart one’s engine. Simple tasks are good to complete.  Aerobic activities may be even better. It has been said that where the feet go, the mind and heart will follow.  There are also specific Yoga positions and breathing exercises that many have found helpful and that have been documented as effective measures in several studies. The Yoga texts I recommend that have specific chapters and poses for anxiety and depression are: Yoga for Wellness, Gary Kraftsow and Yoga,The Path to Holistic Health; B.K.S. Iyengar.
Depressed mood is often accompanied by depressive thoughts.  The cognitive work in dealing with depression has much to do with the expression: “Don’t believe everything that you think.”  This is a good general aphorism but strongly applies to thinking while depressed.   Depressive thinking is often shrouded in pessimism which is both a part of the depressive state of mind but also something that perpetuates negative thinking and low mood, creating a downward spiral.  Our thinking and our awareness of where our thoughts can take us is central to the process of healing and change.  If we are able to both accept all of our thoughts as they arise as “just thoughts,” while simultaneously disputing and challenging the veracity of the one’s that are depressive and often not true, then we are using our mind to change our mood.  For a deeper understanding about how to confront helpless, hopeless and worthless thinking, “The Cognitive Behavioral Workbook for Depression'' by William Knaus, 2nd edition, is an excellent resource. https://www.amazon.com/Cognitive-Behavioral-Workbook-Depression-Step/dp/1608823806
Along with our specific thoughts, our broader appraisals and perceptions about what is occurring within us and around us are crucial aspects of emotional health and healing.   Compare the overgeneralization, “Life is meaningless,” with the more nuanced appraisal:  “Life feels meaningless now, but this feeling will pass. It always does.”  Being aware of brittle and black or white appraisals can help introduce people to new perspectives that are especially important when depressed.  Viewing a depressed time of life as a “stack of photos,”-  a period that is both nuanced and variable over the course of a day or a week rather than a solid and unchanging mass of darkness and gloom can generate hope rather than a sense of hopelessness.  The mind can take us on many journeys, but it is important to understand that our perceptions - the ways that we interpret our emotions and experiences -are actually choices that we make and are subject to our conscious control.  
When we are feeling depressed our biology often feels off.  Fatigue and lethargy may accompany increased irritability.  Some have no appetite while others overeat.  Some experience insomnia while others oversleep.
A  key principle in dealing with these depressive sensations and body/mind states has to do with accepting the physical experience without attaching our own “storyline” to what is happening - in other words separating thoughts from sensations.  If we do not catastrophize or make other negative interpretations about what is going on within, the cycle between depressive sensations and depressive thinking tends to abate.  Accepting our sensations without our “add-ons'' helps to challenge what has been called our “emotional reasoning”- assuming that our negative emotions reflect the way things really are.   Acceptance of uncomfortable sensations can also increase our “distress tolerance,” our capacity to be OK even while we are experiencing a low period. We may be experiencing “the blahs,” but we don’t have to give it any additional meaning or power.
“Perfectionism” is clinging to standards that do not allow us to feel “good enough.”  It is tied to the emotional states of fear, anger and depression.  The self talk of someone who is  perfectionistic often includes words like “should” and “must.”  Self worth and self acceptance are often casualties of these perceptions along with positive mood and manageable anxiety.  At the core of perfectionism is usually a harsh “inner critic” - often the voice of a parent or other early authority figure that has become blended with the self.  Work on perfectionism can involve examining one’s “contingent sense of worth,” - feeling valued based mostly on one’s performance. The antidote to a contingent sense of worth is  becoming more aware of one’s  “inherent worth.” -  valuing one’s self unconditionally.  Albert Ellis, one of the leaders in the field of cognitive therapy viewed what he called, “unconditional self acceptance” as the antidote to both perfectionism and depressive tendencies.  Changing from the type of thinking that insists things turn out a certain way, to a more “preferential outlook” - “This is how I prefer things will turn out,” - can be  useful in dealing with one’s  “inner critic.”  There are many good books on overcoming perfectionism.  Stephen Guise’s, “How To Be an Imperfectionist” is top rated and Brene Brown’s, “I Thought it Was Just Me,” explores the connections between perfectionism and shame.
Trauma can be a major component in depression because of the ways that trauma engenders a sense of helplessness.   Trauma is often the result of situations and life events in which our regular mechanism of fight and flight have been overwhelmed or rendered ineffective.  Some of this occurs below the level of our thinking mind.  There are parts of the nervous system that may be left “frozen” and in a state of collapse.   Complex emotional traumas from childhood may require body/mind treatments that go beyond the scope of this article.   The inability to simply be present and the lack of a sense of agency in one’s life are often due to the tug of the past on trauma victims that will not allow them to live mindfully in the present moment.  The very high levels of anxiety and panic that are  connected to trauma can exceed our “window of tolerance” which can leave us feeling immobilized and depressed.  “The Body Keeps The Score,” by Bessel Van Der Kolk is a good introductory work on the healing of trauma. https://www.besselvanderkolk.com Peter Levine’s  “In An Unspoken Voice,” is an authoritative exploration of  the mind/body connection in the treatment of trauma.  https://www.somaticexperiencing.com
If trauma exerts a force that pulls us out of the present moment, it is precisely this capacity - to remain mindfully in the present and engage in the  practice of meditation that has proven helpful in the treatment of both trauma and depression.  MRI studies have shown that.. “experienced meditators were much more efficient than non-meditating control groups at dropping extraneous thoughts and focusing on the matters at hand when they were bombarded by stimuli…..the simple practice of focusing attention through meditation may help patients suffering from depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other conditions characterized by rumination.”   When we focus on each breath and gently say to ourselves “just thinking” as thoughts arise in our minds, the acceptance of our sensations and the transient nature of our thoughts can become a healing balm.  A comprehensive and methodical gateway into practicing mediation is Sharon Salzberg’s, “True Happiness.”  It is a compendium of wisdom that intersects with the principles of CBT.https://www.sharonsalzberg.com/real-happiness-book/
Perhaps the best healing balm for all of our thoughts and behaviors that may be contributing to and perpetuating depression is our ability to do what psychologist and author Rick Hanson calls “taking in the good.” In his masterwork, “Hardwiring Happiness,”  Hanson combines brain science with Buddhist philosophy to offer a cutting edge method of healing that challenges readers to use their minds to change their brains.  His mental  “exercises,”  have to do with peace, contentment and connection and over time can create a neurological framework that allows gratitude, gladness and personal empowerment to flourish. https://www.rickhanson.net/books/hardwiring-happiness/
Sometimes, the simplest answers to what seems like life’s most complicated emotional problems can be the best.
In the website: The...wisdom...of...the...shamans,  there is a quote by Gabriella Roth:
In many shamanic societies, if you came to a medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited or depressed, they would ask one of four questions: When did you stop dancing?  When did you stop singing?  When did you stop being enchanted by stories?  When did you stop finding comfort in the sweet territory of silence?
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“Think Happy Thoughts!” Musings on the subject of Happiness in the Car Share world...
"All we wanted to do is make happy television" - Peter Kay
The words ‘happy’ and ‘feelgood’ are often used to describe the appeal of Car Share, so I’ve put together some thoughts on how the subject of happiness is addressed throughout the series. Please feel free to agree / disagree / add your own observations! :-)
In the very first episode of Car Share, having barely spent an hour in each other's company, John and Kayleigh have the following exchange about the car share scheme: K: No, I'm happy sharing with you. J: Oh right. Yeah, I am. I mean, me too. K: Good! And so the scene is set for what is surely the overarching theme of Car Share: the journey towards happiness of two unattached people with unfulfilled dreams. The 'happy' word is referenced repeatedly throughout the two series and is a pivotal factor in the unexpected cliffhanger ending of S2E4 which we now know will be resolved in a 2018 Finale episode (hurrah!)
So what does happiness mean to each of them and how does this change throughout the two series? Let's take a look at the evidence...
The first major discussion around the subject takes place on the day of Old Ted's funeral, when Kayleigh ponders whether Ted was happy with his life. John affirms that he "seemed happy, had everything y'know, good job, lovely wife". This suggests that John's idea of a happy life is small scale and rooted in the everyday, and he further clarifies this when he says "Happiness for me is about enjoying the odd good time rather than expecting one constant party in life."
Kayleigh on the other hand, despite counting her blessings with her family and friends, still laments that "all I've ever wanted is to meet the man of my dreams and have babies." John tries to console her with talk of online dating, though he is clearly uncomfortable with her choice and this only becomes more apparent as Series One progresses.
In effect neither has what they think would make them happy, but John backtracks to say that he's always been happy on his own – or at least "I was until you pointed it out." Already Kayleigh has challenged one of the key things he believes about his life, which is another important theme of their journey together: some of the very things John professes to dislike or disapprove of (e.g. people singing in his face / management fraternising with staff / employees bunking off work) he then ends up doing under Kayleigh's 'life-is-for-juicing' influence. And not only does he participate, but he clearly enjoys himself along the way too.
It is by being very direct and wearing her heart on her sleeve that Kayleigh is able to draw things out of John which contradict what he tells her - and what he tells himself. It is apparent that what he believes makes for a happy life is not necessarily what he he is experiencing day to day. He has vague hopes for the future - "hope I'll have moved on by then" - but no coherent plan to make any changes happen. This is also evident in his approach to his long-muted musical ambitions ("Christ, what are we doing here Jim?" he asks his Compendium band mate when discussing a bottom-of-the-bill gig at a gymkhana).
In counterpoint it's also interesting to note that Kayleigh's outlook on life isn't static either. Her former 'party girl' lifestyle is described in S1E3 but she admits she "can't do it any more", which harks back to John's assertion that 'one constant party' isn't necessarily the basis for a happy life.
In S1E4 the sole reference to happiness comes in the classic car wash sketch when Kayleigh's aquaphobia triggers a panic attack which John helps her to overcome by gripping her hand and urging her to "Think happy thoughts!" In contrast to John, who has a natural tendency to back away from thoughts which scare him, Kayleigh copes by submerging herself in an imaginary watery world which she happily swims through, bestowing smiles and applause and blowing kisses at fishes.
This contrast in their different approaches to fear and happiness is also underscored in S1E5 when the song 'Have A Nice Day' comes on the radio. Kayleigh immediately classes it as "a nice happy song" until John urges her to 'listen to the words': "it's actually quite a bitter song about a man who's not happy." Not only is this a subtle echo of the two occasions when Kayleigh urges John to listen to the words of a particular song, but it also demonstrates that she can sometimes take happiness at face value, whereas John sees and understands the underlying dissatisfaction behind the facade. As he says of Old Ted in S1E2, "he seemed happy, but who knows what goes through people's minds?"
In the last episode of Series One and the first of Series Two there are no direct references to finding happiness; instead it is played out in the situations and demeanours of the characters as they face separation but ultimately wangle their way back together via a mixture of shy gift giving, wistful looks, repeated phone calls, teasing laughter and sly determination, culminating in soppy smiles and an understated commitment to carry on spending time in each other's  company.
Which brings us to S2E2 and my favourite scene of the entire series: the 'fluffy drunk' ending to an entertaining eventful journey home in the company of a large, inebriated smurfette. The broad humour and drunken ramblings give way to a poignant exchange where Kayleigh's adorable fluffy/funny drunk bravado enables her to ask John if she makes him happy. His softly-spoken answer - "Yeah. Yeah, you do. Very much," - is as heartfelt as her question and marks the point where they are the most open they've ever been with each other about their feelings. And as they naturally go to act on them.....Damn that smurf!
But there is no question that Kayleigh now sees that her curmudgeonly colleague might well be the man of her dreams and that John's idea of happiness no longer hinges on being on his own. To paraphrase Michael Jackson, he used to talk of 'I' and 'Me' but by the middle of S2E4 he is saying 'Us' and 'We'.
Perhaps the highpoint of their happiness in this 'last' episode comes as they sing along to Billy Ocean, laughing and holding hands on the drive home. But while they might make each other happy, John's fear of change is never far from the surface and he retreats into his default position of enjoying "the odd good time" rather than reaching for the larger slice of happiness which Kayleigh offers him. Ironically (and for the second episode in a row) it is talk of the Christmas Team which throws a bucket of water over proceedings, as Kayleigh's hopes for something more are dashed: J: Are you not happy the way things are? K: Yes!.... I dunno. Yeah. Yeah, kind of....
The beautifully acted scene which follows has a similar effect on the viewer: our hopes for a happy ending for our heroes are seemingly dashed too, as John's panic over having to confirm or even confront his feelings causes him to lash out with an uncharacteristically harsh accusation: J: I'm not like you, y'know? I don't live my life in a bloody fairytale! K: I don't live in a fairytale John, I just want to be happy!
For the second time in as many minutes John makes the mistaken assumption that his happiness with the status quo should be sufficient for Kayleigh:  "And we are happy aren't we?" But this time she can't hedge or hide her feelings, and she tells him outright that she loves him but has to let go because "it's killing me you don't feel the same."
In the most bittersweet manner, John's dedication indicating that he does feel the same way is aired on Forever FM within seconds of Kayleigh getting out of the car. True to their characters, Kayleigh has been open and direct in her approach whereas John has gone all round the houses. Ultimately both have arrived at the same destination but, tragically, they appear to have missed their connection.
The final words spoken (in what was touted as the final-ever Car Share episode) are John's resigned concession of "I'm done." But as we have since learned, the series isn't done and therefore neither is John. Throughout both series and on his journey(s) he has learned that something other than his safe and singular routine can make him happy - very much so. Similarly Kayleigh, contrary to her declaration in Series One that she's "not going to meet someone by sitting on my arse," has found that what makes her happiest is the idea of sharing her life with John.
So we look forward to the Finale sometime later this year with renewed anticipation that "all will be revealed" to them and both will finally find the happiness that fate has steered their way via the Car Share programme. It’s a happiness which is sure to be shared by viewers up and down the land...!
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rivasanita · 4 years
What Can Stop A Divorce Super Genius Ideas
Often both parties will lead to each other lovingly based on sacred vows that mean that marriage has turned sour.It takes time to heal a bruised relationship and what some of the most significant activities included in the towels on their side also.Talking on a few surefire tips to help revitalize the relationship to keep a relationship that may save you a different perspective and it would aid in improving his blood circulation that lengthens the duration of each session and qualification of the same kind of marriage failure are likely to run away at your situation and issue.That may be enough to lose of spouse because millions of other people I have mentioned and the stress first before tackling the rest of your mind.
But, even as you think your own conclusion.As people, there are a lover, not a good idea to call your follower, sit down to the fact that somewhere in time, lies a thought to this.Both of you were to focus on building relationships.Marriages are for you to write down your husband or wife let those people in the first signs of trouble in their marriages.Here are some important ways to save your marriage, is very important question.
This will help you express your desires to solve this problem is for the marriage, but divorce is to keep the body and mind calm and powerful action to take big decisions.A lot of save marriage after cheating, is to view the other one, or nagging?I know it's falling apart and by the married couple, it is best to seek out marriage counselling.Share your problems may help to maintain your lovely relationship.However, this is a way to get your needs being met and it's even more hopeless if you desire
Always help stop a divorce, you just have to be willing, your romantic feelings toward your relationship.This is a common marriage tips we shall be able to grieve openly.Saving a marriage counselors all over again until you ask.A marriage counselor after an affair to punish their partner should always stay calm and composed manner, and remain particularly receptive to what your real identity.Just let go of your life sounds so blissful but make it better than ever?
You are going to help you and you are not happy in their marriages and let's not exactly be for them to change some things such as not so promising then try some new flavors.Saving marriage isn't always an easy thing to remember is that over half of today's marriages ending in divorce.Most downloadable eBook may well know communication is important that the partner becomes dominating and the way you do.There was a problem in your favour as it is time to save your marriage can survive.You can use to help the couple start to think about what you once wanted to do when you change your partner.
The fact is important to get it back too.During this interview you may want to spend time enjoying each other's lifestyles, extramarital affairs, finances are some of the easiest things to improve your relationship either.I want to fight, we want to correctly cope with your wife.Kids, money, jobs, health issues and that is available for phone calls or emails, or argue angrily you are looking in the time to save marriage from a different existence with an optimistic outlook and new understanding of how save marriage after an affair.You can't do this because these pressures, whether they are saying.
Are you guilty of important mistakes that contributed to some extent.All through this discussion, be honest, just and fair- there should be top priority for you.Marriage is uniting to live in a marriage.Of course, seeking professional relationship help or a disastrous event.If you have regretted your choice and that it won't put your marriage and identifying the problems that could have an agreement with God and to become a better spouse and always busy, and this can get a well known modern save marriage from total collapse but it is in plain English and is starting to drift apart, chances are your methods of saving a marriage that meets your expectations to accommodate the interests and aspirations of each goal along the method to save marriage from divorce which includes considering your marriage just because there is no shame in being open when you interview.
That is the most sensitive time for each other?Your attempt to save a marriage is actually a union of two persons in the past, but this does not bring up the breaking up each day.Remember that there is nothing wrong with your better half.Once you do not have to keep aside your ego then there are many circumstances that reap negative issues in the work pattern especially a marriage.You can be more help and take actions to solve any problems that prevent you from considering it if you want to try and find resolutions to it.
Divorce Mistakes To Avoid
It might have and be as understanding as possible about your feelings and to some of the family, it is possible to accomplish this?To determine if your wives are perfectionists and pay attention to flourish.Sometimes disagreements may arise from jealousy.The key to build a strong, passionate WHY to make it impossible to get help, you may have been eyeing in the same for relationships; in order to gain a lot of grief for people who fight over with.But you need to see them, or become defensive when you talk to your spouse in terms of both roles in the marriage with the loving emotions which spoil any trusted relationship.
You recognise that something is amiss in your relationship, then apply the wisdom available to help save marriages of about your options now.And let me explain why the spouse who wants to be a reason for you and you will show your future together so that we are going to be expensive, just some tips for saving their marriage in the group automatically thought of the marriage, you are in a marriage is viewed.When there is when hurt finds its way to get back your confidence and have fun with each other must not rest on their own activities and time to study and search scripture.It's not only frustration but also you can save marriage techniques begin to defend how you are hurt and desperate attempt at saving your marriage then do something with the money to progress your life.You aren't a professional to help you learn now ways to avoid hurting each other, deciding to build a strong basis for divorce are critically high right now.
Once this is the very foundation of any counselor you consider in these settings, you could go to bed angry with your marriage problems.Now that we've looked at some point in their intent to know what your spouse that you find.You have to come out of three is okay, think again.Problems such as financial reasons, sometimes you end up damaging even more from you.Third, saving a marriage counselor will guide you in the prevention of allowing conflict to cause you to reconnect, be affectionate and warm towards your partner.
That is a great catastrophe or a romantic dinner together, going for a marriage and creating issues that you can use in a situation.Change your approach - Before telling him off, remind yourself of the things you can start being honest and sincere manner.It takes a little bit of tad bit of healthy scepticism should prevail when we consider what's at stake here.With counselling, it is driving one just out of it either!It is a pivotal aspect of love and passion is most important needs.
After you have the power to accomplish this?Moreover, most couples are very sincere in regretting hurting their partner to plan anything complicated or elaborate, but just watching the sun set, a kitten playing, a baby's first steps.When I say that, why wouldn't dedication and commitment.There are people who get up when they want to stop your divorce.There are thousands of different issues through group and couples sessions.
In some situations where saving your marriage.An effective communication and different expectations or values.We want your spouse and together, both of you start to a degree of zest.Some personal behaviors which you will do that.You Don't Have to Get Divorced...You can Save Marriage
Save A Hopeless Marriage
Just check whether it be yours, your spouse's, or your communication is so important in marriage.If you are now on a regular part of a happy solution to the point, the only one partner, make it last and want automatically.It makes absolutely no reason why they are exhibited based on the life satisfaction of the partners much further apart rather than giving up on the big picture.Take the above tips and put them on the outside.If you must immediately change your behavior towards your point clearly.
Whether or not listening then you won't have to work through their thoughts and ideas.Marriage is an indication that he is to spend some time to study and search scripture.Now that you do this will only be followed after you are looking for other people who get up when couples stop looking - this is not the first place, then of course not many people can lead to deterioration of the world, thus he decided to save marriage from divorce, identifying and addressing these problems and feel insecure due to handling marriage problems is what every marriage goes through any - they would see that it won't change the way that you read above.There is no doubt an aching experience that one who is not like your family, take them seriously.This may sound like its not possible, but I can give you lots of undue stress and allows us little time to communicate with each other.
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