#ray & reggie
onscreenkisses · 6 months
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How often, Betty, would you say you think about sex?
RIVERDALE: 7x09 - "Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Six: Betty & Veronica Double Digest"
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legolasghosty · 6 months
Best wishes during this tax season to Ray Molina, who is staring at his computer and trying to figure out if there's a way he can claim all 6 of his kids as dependents, even though 4 of them aren't alive.
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jatp-scrapbook · 7 months
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luke & alex messing around at a celebration of the first album; cupcakes baked by tia victoria and photo taken by ray
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I miss you Sunset Curve.
I miss you Dirty Candi.
I miss you Julie and the Phantoms.
I miss you Juke.
I miss you Willex.
I miss you Carrie Wilson.
I miss you Carlos Molina.
I miss you Ray Molina.
I miss you Flynn Taylor.
I miss you Reggie Peters.
I miss you Willie.
I miss you Alex Mercer.
I miss you Luke Patterson.
I miss you Julie Molina.
Happy Three Year Anniversary Everyone!
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abloodycrow · 1 year
After Julie visits the Pattersons a second time she mentions that they should stop by to look at the studio where Sunset Curve practiced, it was a great idea at the time.
Julie, Alex and Luke are mentally preparing for Luke's parents to show up. When Reggie suddenly poofs in, looking far more panicked than ever before.
"Luke's parents are here, Ray made them drinks, he's such a gentleman. Oh, right, they were talking about Sunset Curve - very cool to hear them talking about us by the way. That's not why I'm here though, why am I here? OH RIGHT! Ray is kind of talking to them about Julie and The Phantoms and he said he's going to show them a video..."
So, whilst Julie makes a run for the house, the boys get a headstart just as Ray has loaded a video of their Edge of Great performance. Alex keeps hitting the space bar to pause the video, battling with Ray who keeps trying to get the video to play. Luke is pacing the room, a little bit panicked that his parents might find out about his presence. Meanwhile, Reggie is having a one-sided conversation with Ray about how he's a better person than this.
Julie gets in and lies about the internet being down, but Ray just says "no worries, I have the video saved" Julie just closes the laptop and laughs nervously about how they don't need to see it, they're here to see their son's old studio after all. Luckily it works, and as she leads the Pattersons away, Ray is just left a little bit dumbfounded about it all.
Later, they realise that they have no way of stopping the Pattersons searching Julie and The Phantoms on their own accord, they just have to hope they won't.
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ginervacade · 1 year
Did I ever say on here that I have a plot for a whole second season of JatP? ( I know we all do but I actually wrote mine out)
If this gets like 4 notes I’ll break down the episodes
Update: THIS IS UP
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bogslob · 1 month
I went in to this season expecting it to be a bittersweet ending.
I expected them to end up dead in the original apocalypse.
I had hoped we would see five become the old five that created the commission. I was expecting them to realise that in all timelines an apocalypse takes place but the original was the best for what ever reason. Or maybe the original time line wasn’t the best but five got twisted in some way in to believing it was.
I expected the new time line to be much faker. Maybe the people would be oddly robotic. The whole world would revolve around Reggie but none of it would be real. Or maybe it would be real but people were not allowed to do anything he would not want, 1984 style. After seeing how he monopolised this world in s3 I had hoped that would have been explored.
I thought we might see Alison slowly coming to terms with the fact that Ray and Claire weren’t really her Ray and Claire. They were created to be hers. They would be exactly how she wanted. They would never disagree with her, they would do exactly what she wanted without her having to ask. But it wouldn’t be real. And Alison would notice. They wouldn’t have the autonomy to do anything but serve her so how could they be hers. She would still love them but hate herself for turning them in to this.
Maybe the only way for anything to be real, for anyone in this world to have the autonomy to do as they please, they would have to restore the original timeline.
I don’t know, I just think I would have preferred any other ending to the one we got.
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yea yeah Netflix canceled Julie and The Phantoms after their first season i kno i kno
But imagine this. season 2 comes out and it opens with a scene of Carlos recording for his vlog, that it no longer a ghost hunting vlog but a ghost awareness vlog, where Carlos talks about living with Ghosts.
He introduces Luke, who's sitting on the stairs, does a minor interview asking how they came back to the studio, how they became visible and when he died, also makes a joke about how Luke really smells like he hasn't showered since 1995. Cut. Introduces, Reggie, who's on the kitchen with Ray preparing their lunch, he says Reggie likes to hang out w his dad, eats 8 meals everyday, and likes to watch star wars w ghost hunting tv shows w Carlos, and is trying to get him to play DnD. He means to introduce Alex, but Julie appears on the background saying he is not in the house, Carlos turn back to his camera and says Alex spents lots of time hanging out with his ghost friend. Ray, outside of view, asks Carlos to turn off the camera and set the table w Julie, Carlos says "well, someone else could help if he didn't dropped all the plates with his ghosts hamds" and we can hear Luke on the background yelling "i already said I'm sorry!!!". camera is off.
People would watch his videos and think this is some promotion to Julie's band, by taking the name way too literally and having the boys pretend they're ghosts. but they are.
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darkphoenix180 · 4 months
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mahuhumaling · 5 months
JATP Season 2 Wishlist
that i wrote in my notes app back in:
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and realized i never posted it here? tbf i'm rarely on tumblr. but because i really miss them rn i want to share my ✨ brainrot ✨ that i had back when i thought they were getting a renewal.
Carrie Wilson
she was my biggest flaw in Season 1. I wish her "redemption arc" is fleshed out more in Season 2; give her either more context & backstory to validate her reason for unnecessarily antagonizing Julie, or screentime to properly address how she's just projecting an emotion completely different into bitterness and anger into Julie's recovery
show particularly her earlier dynamic w/ Flynn and Julie? Maybe as Flynn calls her out, we'd get flashback glimpses prior to Rose's death (maybe even Double Trouble temporarily being Triple Threat 👉🏽👈🏽)
for some reason i'm picturing a scene where she's in her dance studio (she has one in their mansion, of course) practicing some of her Dirty Candy routine when she keeps messing up and not in the right mindset to keep dancing. i feel like the best (maybe easiest but whatever) way to guide the audience into her artist mind is to make her be a perfectionist. in frustration, she blows up for a minute before slumping onto the ground and reminisces her fun times with Julie & Flynn
also when you have her develop, please don't make her lose her femininity and the bubblegum pop music, it's great
Old Songs Resurfacing
it'll prove how detailed & thorough you are as a screenwriter if you pay off the songs mentioned in Season 1 in passing to be actual songs in Season 2
Unreleased: Get Lost, Long Weekend, Crooked Teeth, My Name is Luke, and if that riff from the scene in EP. 5 that spurred on the Bobby reveal isn't from one of these songs, add that too
Demo Album: Late Last Night, Lakeside Reflection, In Your Starlight
imagine your queer couple gets to have their first kiss first than your het main couple, not only will that settle Madi & Charlie's statements about being uncomfortable in doing a kissing scene and maintaining the priority of Juke's emotional over physical relationship, it would also make an powerful statement
Reggie's Character Arc
i know that he initially had an arc that involved a romance with Flynn but because of the ages of who they casted, they scrapped it and didn't have time to rewrite the scripts for him as filming neared, so they have time to adapt to how jeremy portrayed him for season 2: a lovable dork who craves familial love
since there's a possibility that lifers can now see the boys, maybe some found family trope for Reggie and Ray Molina?
he has pretty much formed a parasocial relationship with him at this point
so why not instead of a love interest, Reggie can have his character arc develop & we see his family before thru flashbacks and paralleling those in the current times because he sees Ray as a father figure
picture this: it's raining, Bobby opens the garage door to the sound of knocking, the boys find Reggie soaking wet and out of breath when he tries to say he doesn't know where else to go then the boys immediately figure out another fight in the Peters household happened. Reggie tries to talk again when Alex (because even though they're the airhead-sarcastic duo, they know they love each other) runs up to hug him and tells the other he doesn't have to say anything
cut to a freshly showered Reggie, quietly watching tv with Bobby, Luke, and Alex in the garage, eating whatever
also a solo acoustic country song, pls. just to make him happy
The Aftermath of the Deaths
for both the boys and Rose
we get parallels about how Bobby dealt with trauma and grief to Julie
like, the reason why the clothes are still in there (are to have costume changes for the boys) is because Bobby immediately moved out of the house (therefore also the garage) and left the clothes there because he couldn't bear to burn it, or visit the boys' houses to break the news to their families and return the clothes, or donate it somewhere so he just...left it. it would make for a more solid reason (for costume changes) and an emotional context as to how Bobby really tried to forget them because it was "easier."
it would also make sense why Carrie and Julie ended up friends. Rose probably was there for Bobby when they discovered what happened at the alleyway, so they stayed friends over the years and had their respective families but still kept in touch, (bonus points if absolutely nothing romantic happened between them! yay to normalizing platonic male-female relationships) and why Rose would immediately think of Bobby's three late bandmates to send for Julie when she was on her deathbed
Bobby never really "moved on" (because grief is a really complex thing). it's showed that he has a therapist and everything, and this could definitely have some aftereffects on his daughter. Carrie growing up seeing her father be this amazing rockstar but a negligent father and only showing love in ways she doesn't need (like riches and fame and connections to the music industry) because he's actually a really lonely man on the inside and no one can see that except for Bobby's spouse and Carrie. it'd explain why Carrie is spoiled, and other negative character traits that Carrie has on the surface
it's even why Bobby changed his name to Trevor: 1) Bobby is so closely associated to Sunset Curve and it's an absolute pain to be reminded of that every day, 2) it's a stage name and artists really do get that
More Worldbuilding
they already had some pretty creative concepts/ideas in the first season, so why not expand/expound on them a bit more
the instruments are attached to their souls that's why the boys at first can only touch them, like how Willie's skateboard and helmet are attached to him
which is why when they attach themselves to the world of the present, they gather up energy and focus on touching tangible things like the picture frame
this may follow the logic toward the end where they are finally able to touch Julie because she has become attached to their souls. emotionally.
More Creative Collaboration
i believe in the principle that when a story is finally released/published/told to the world, the world shares it. this is also visible in film/tv where when the scripts are finished and actors receive them, the story becomes part of theirs to work on. which means that they have some sort of autonomy over their characters' motivations, a chance to be heard of their ideas and pitches, and why some certain scenes wouldn't work, etc etc. it doesn't just become the director's story nor the screenwriters'.
the actors' ideas such as Perfect Harmony and their solos from Nothing to Lose are great because they let them in. they took risks, and it paid off incredibly well. more of that please. have them be a part of the writing process, (also the story), but never forget what made the music production great in the first place. be coherent and don't be like others that let too many hands work on one piece—it will lose its sound, its identity.
Julie Knowing
that Nick is possessed by Caleb. ohmygOD. hear me out.
the same S1 ending will play somewhere in 2x01, but it will be revealed that Julie was watching through the window the entire time and when she opens the door to receive the flowers, that last look she gives him is actually her scheming.
determined to get Nick back, imagine The Promised Neverland's level of mindgames Julie could play with Caleb because we already know our girl's smart
Free Willie Willie's Freedom
since the boys feel indebted to Willie's help, they insist on helping him too with getting rid of Caleb's stamp
maybe through his connection with Alex? or maybe Willie's family or friends who are still lifers (which is unlikely but either way). he needs to be saved !!
Song Sequences Ideas
juke counter melody duet like Rini's "Even When/The Best Part," Shane & Mitchie's "Wouldn't Change a Thing," or dodie & Jon Cozart's "a love song/a non love song"
emotional carrie ballad paired with lyrical hiphop choreo
willex song - i absolutely have no idea where this could go directionally but maybe alex on an acoustic guitar with a really soft sweet tune
reprises of S1 songs but in the complete opposite of their original style (the fandom's lonelier All Eyes on Me version, i see u)
nick guitar solo - just because Sacha actually plays, idk how it'd fit in to the plot yet but hey
Nothing to Lose (Reprise) - back in the '90s, a producer manipulates Bobby to sign a record deal to become a star but on one condition: disassociate himself with Sunset Curve, to which he first declines until he slowly gets persuaded. (sort of like Todrick Hall's So Lucky to Be You meets Lyn Lapid's Producer Man)
"So how about it, Bobby Shaw? Do we have a deal?"
"I'm sorry?"
"Call me Trevor Wilson."
i'm pretty sure someone made an animatic with this idea too but i cannot for the life of me find it !!
7. Season 2 starts the same way as Season 1 does before the opening song plays
Black screen that reads a text "Hollywood 1995"
a pan down to the Orpheum's overhead sign that reads "SUNSET CURVE SOLD OUT"
cut to the interior with Rose finishing up her cleaning when a stage manager calls out: "Sunset Curve!" to which Bobby abruptly stops his pacing back and forth to look up. he and Rose look at each other. music swells until...
cut to him running onto the alleyway, "are they still not finished eating? those gluttons are dead to me i swear—" he cuts off his own words when he sees the boys getting dragged onto stretchers. but we, the audience, don't see it. just a close up of bobby as the ambulance lights reflects his face. rose comes up behind him, still clutching their t-shirt.
[i honestly have no idea if Bobby should get on stage because it just proves Luke's theory of The Orpheum's opening bands eventually becoming big & successful so it'll explain the Trevor Wilson fame even though at first he only did it for the boys, or if he shouldn't because according to the article Julie googled he ran away immediately after they were pronounced in the scene] but either way, this is how the opening starts.
then it progresses to Rose and Bobby respectively having children so they could parallel each other blah blah
8. Julie plays a simple song on the piano while the guys watch her in awe
Storytelling through Props
let's dive deep into Rose's luggage/suitcase and use the props to head for Julie's emotional attachment with them
they already did it with the wardrobe: Rose wears the black leather vest in the pilot while Julie wears the same thing in EP 6
add depth to the characters' relationships like us finding out Julie's multilayered necklace is actually a gift from Carrie or something
SOYON ANN YOU'RE A GIFT FROM GOD. Bobby's necklace is present in both young and old!him
**Rose in flashback scenes should be wearing clothes we've already seen Julie in Season 1 just for greater effect.
The Bobby Conflict
definitely needs to be brought up again by Season 2; they only discarded somewhere in the middle because more pressing matters like the boys' existence blipping away was pushed to the forefront of the story
however, The Bobby Conflict changes. it'll be cleared up that he was offered a record deal as a solo artist by a manipulative producer. and given that the poor boy is only 17 (too, maybe), he agrees. what he doesn't know is the contract's fine print: giving up Sunset Curve's royalties
that information clears it up to the audience and the band, so the conflict becomes this: Bobby's Survivor's Guilt. god wouldn't that be so good tackling that in a kids'/family show.
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baixueagain · 11 months
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am I doing this right
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flowersforfrancis · 1 year
The characters from all those dark academia classics would for sure listen to Lana del rey if they hadn’t all been murdered by their best friends.
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jatp-scrapbook · 1 year
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the boys having their photo taken by ray at the orpheum, bobby snuck a photo from the side
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innytoes · 4 months
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Alex, Luke, and Reggie all have a way of latching onto things. Julie’s known this since day one, when they first dropped into her life and started incessantly following her around. Not that they can help it. It’s part of who they are. Built into their physiology.  
Something they have continuously tried to explain to her, despite how much she refuses to listen or believe it. Isn’t like they look all that inhuman. Even after the worldwide reveal and attempts of intergalactic peace talks a part of her still doesn’t want to believe their extraterrestrial nature.
Regardless, there is absolutely no denying how quickly and devotedly they form attachments. With each other. With her family. With her.  Even with the various hobbies they’ve each picked up.
Julie has known all of this. Was there to witness most of these attachments form and develop. Still…
Knowing doesn’t stop her automatic smile every time she gets the chance to perform with them and sees how excited they look to be performing with her. Knowing doesn’t stop the weird internal acrobatics her insides fly into whenever she sees Reggie’s developed another batch of pictures, over half of which are of her. Knowing doesn’t stop the way her heart flutters and her face heats up when Luke eagerly wants to show her the latest song he’s written, insisting it’s perfectly written with her in mind.
It’s just how they are, she continuously reminds herself. An effort aided in the way Reggie follows her dad around almost as much as her. By how much time Luke spends, perfectly content just reading and listening and learning about music.
And now, listening to Alex ceaselessly gush about Willie. It nearly cements every doubt she’s ever had. Afterall, she’s never heard any of them gush about her like that. Even tries to use it as teasing fodder.
“Wow, Alex.” She laughs, still unable to contain that fondness they manage to bring out of her. “You must really be crushing on this guy. Don’t think I’ve ever heard any of you talk about anyone this much.”
“Really?” Alex’s brows furrow in confusion. And she’s really hoping that she’s not going to have to explain the concepts of the different types of attraction with them right now. Knowing the conversation would somehow turn back to her. Which just makes Alex’s next words all the more disarming.
“Luke and Reggie constantly talk like this about you.”
(Happy Birthday! Hope you enjoy a little slice of Alien Imprinting AU)
Me accepting this fic:
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daintyduck99 · 4 months
Ray Molina + couches (sorry not sorry)
“So, what's up with all of the couches?”
Ray doesn't startle; it's taken practice. He smiles at the plucky ghost boy who's now lounging on the couch opposite of Ray's.
“Rose always liked to have a full house.”
Reggie goes from looking sunny to sorry that he'd asked, but Ray's smile never falters, and he leans forward as he adds,
“She'd be glad you boys are using them.”
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invisibleraven · 4 months
"did you eat today?" for Ray & anyone?
Ray found himself with more time to himself than he wanted now a days. Sure he had his work to keep him busy, but he wasn't made to sit at a chair editing between shoots, and he was comfortable enough that he could be picky about those.
He also had his family, but Julie was more out of the house than in it between school, her band, and her part time job at the local library. Carlos had his baseball and his own teen dramas to deal with, no time for his old dad anymore.
Tori had tried to set him up a few dates, but he didn't feel ready to move on from Rose. Even if she had been gone several years now, it felt like a betrayal to see other women. He was sure Rose herself would be encouraging him to get out there, but he was content enough alone.
So he decided to take up gardening.
He had always had a bit of a green thumb, helping the various plants Rose insisted on filling the house with thrive and flourish. After she passed he moved them out to her studio-more light and a chance for quiet solitude when he watered them.
Today though, when he went out to grab his pruning shears and give the ferns a good going over, he found someone there. A boy, probably around Julie's age sleeping on the worn leather couch there.
He looked rather rough, in ripped jeans and a flannel that had seen better days. Dirt smeared his face and there was a scent that spoke of a lack of access to soap. Probably a runaway who had stumbled upon the unlocked garage and figures it was better than sleeping rough.
Ray shook the boy gently who startled, shrinking into himself, holding up his arms as if expecting an attack.
"I'm sorry! I just needed somewhere to stay and the nice girl at the library said I could come here and I didn't take anything I swear!"
Ray softened, though he was definitely going to talk to Julie about offering up their property to strays after she asked him first.
"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you or call the cops," Ray assured him. "I just wanted to figure out what was going on. Julie-the girl who sent you here is my daughter. I'm Ray."
"Reggie," the boy whimpered, oh so slowly lowering his arms and Ray inwardly hissed at the black eye and obvious bruising covering the boy's face. God who would-or even could do that to a child?
"Well Reggie it's nice to meet you," Ray said, sitting in the chair opposite him. "Do you have someone you want me to call for you?"
Reggie shook his head. "Ain't got nobody."
Ray very much doubted that, but didn't push the issue. "Well how about you come in and use the facilities? I can toss your stuff in the wash, get you something new to wear in the meantime. Did you eat today?"
Reggie's stomach grumbled, almost as if in response. "What day is it?' he asked sheepishly.
"Then no."
"Well we can fix that," Ray surmised. "How do you feel about spicy food?"
Later, when Julie got home, she found her dad and Reggie getting on like the best of friends, and she sighed in relief. She was sure that she was in for a lecture, but she couldn't just let Reggie try to catch a nap in the study corrals when she had a plethora of couches for him.
Plus she knew that her dad was secretly a little lonely, and figured this would help. He did always have a thing for strays.
It wasn't long before Reggie was all but a member of the family. And a few years later, when she, Luke, and Reggie decided to marry? He became one in every other way that mattered-right down to his name.
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