ironic--maiden · 2 years
hope no one has done it yet
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I also made a Polish version because why not
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Can I get modern Agni with his so who gets sick with like covid or something and she almost dies. Just him being devastated from not being able to help her or be with her with a fluffy ending cause I can't handle angst without happy endings.
I didn't make this specifically COVID, because I don't really like using current events in my writing
but most of it is just a general unspecified serious and nearly deadly illness, so!! poor Agni, poor S/O, poor everyone :c
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He just has to keep trying, and eventually the gods will answer his prayers, right? Because he’s been praying nonstop ever since she got sick. It’s as if it physically pains him to see her hurting, and to think about losing her. He doesn’t know if he could live in a world without her, now that he found her. It’s bad enough that as long as he has proper protection (if the illness is such that he needs to be wearing it), the hospital staff let him stay in her room as long as he wants. Visiting hours are practically not a thing for patients who might die, no rules regarding that for critically ill patients because their loved ones deserve to be with them every moment if there’s a significant chance of death, so… he gets to be by (Name)’s side every minute. Even though he cries a lot, he’s still there. He doesn’t leave unless he absolutely needs to, and even if he does leave, Soma stays there in case something happens that Agni needs to come back in the room. (Because, yes, as much as he loves her, he needs a break once in a while, but he also needs someone he trusts to be there just in case.) He cries even harder when he’s able to bring her home again. This was such a long journey, and even though it still isn’t quite over, the worst of it is. She’s alive and he won’t have to figure out how to go on without her and everything is going to be okay. It was difficult to hold her and kiss her while she was in hospital, so the minute she gets home, he’s treating her to all the cuddles and kisses she could ever want. Even though it was rough… they’ve come out on the other side. It can only go up from here.
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sadlittleratboy · 2 months
So I actually enjoy the AFO gave Tomura his quirk plot, mainly because I foresaw it ages ago and felt like the story built up to it fairly well, but I wanted it to be handled like the ending of Mama. I don't know how well known this 2013 (seemingly) forgotten horror film is, but I LOVED how they handled the ending.
The plot is basically the ghost, Mama, raised two little girls whose father brought them to her cabin to kill after killing her mother. She disposes of the dad and takes care of the girls for years until the dad's brother finds them and brings them back to his home to take care of alongside his girlfriend. Mama haunts them, etc.
Near the end of the movie they reunite Mama with her baby, who she lost when she fell to her death, in an attempt to get her to leave the girls alone. Mama cradles the body for a moment, looking lovingly down at what is left of her baby, and then suddenly tosses the remains of her child behind her to keep coming after the children she adopted. Mama chose to keep coming for her living daughters. In the end, one daughter chooses to stay with the brother and his gf, and the other chooses to leave with mama. It made me cry.
I wanted Shigaraki to feel his loss, to hate AFO and honestly? To wreck his ass because he deserves it. Then I wanted his tossing the baby behind him moment. The moment when he realizes that yeah, he didn't have to become this, but the pain he felt was real, and his points still stand. He still needs to be a hero for the villains. I want him to turn to Izuku and say "this changes nothing". Maybe he even thanks Deku for helping to free him of AFOs shackles before going back to their fight. I want Deku to have to address his points, to see that this is more than AFO (who is a prima donna honestly, like everything is NOT about you).
Honestly I think there's a chance we'll still get this, but I'm worried I'll be disappointed 😅
Anyway, my thoughts at AFO coming back are literally just:
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bragganhyl · 3 months
tbh my fave stupid death in deadfire (not counting getting Rymrganded) was still when Gaura cast that bouncy hurricane chant and she got hit with confusion a milisecond before
so yeah full party kill ✌️full everyone kill, she's got strong lungs ig
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finniestoncrane · 7 months
did you all know that it's @riddle-me-ri's birthday and also that i love her and also that you should go wish her a very happy birthday because she deserves all the kindness and love in the world? now you do! 💚
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svetavorshevsky · 3 months
texting 📱 vika
Svetlana: I guess it's now known to the world that I can tolerate you, Vika. Svetlana: Basement or drinks? Svetlana: I think celebration is required. Svetlana: Although I'll let you decide on the activities while we're at it.
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dreamingsushi · 11 months
See You in my 19th Life - Episode 9
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Last episode ended on a major revelation, which is Ji-eum telling Seoha that she used to be Juwon in her past life, in hopes that she can comfort him after he’s in disarray from learning that the person trying to kill him was no one but his favourite uncle. Madam Jang is also starting to become a problem and I sense a lot of drama to come in the last four episodes. Wish us good luck!
So obviously, Seoha doesn’t believe it. So Ji-eum tells him about Juwon’s favourite book as a 12 years old. She tells him that the key to the box she gifted him for his birthday is in that book. And once he finds the key and opened the box, to read the note she just gave him before leaving. Do it in the right order. He almost opens the note right away, but refrain from it. Good boy Seoha.
Mrs Jang is planning something bad. She met with the chairman. She didn’t reveal much. But I know she’s up to no good.
When Ji-eum goes back to her room, the shaman bells are hanging in there. She doesn’t want to touch it anymore, because she has more important stuff to do. Also, her first life isn’t that important anymore to her. She gives the bells back to Mingki. He doesn’t seem to be happy about her decision. But it’s not for you to decide sir.
When Seoha goes to his house to find the key to the box (which he does), he bumps into his uncle. He can’t be warm towards him, knowing he tried to kill him, obviously. His father impedes any revelations to be made. Because it seems Seoha’s uncle feels bad. Anyways.
I don’t like those heels for Ji-eum. It makes her feet look like horse’s hoofs. It’s really unflattering. But that’s my opinion. That’s irrelevant to the story, but I had to say it.
Doyun’s brother is throwing a fit about ice cream since he’s drunk. Chowon sees him grabbing Doyun and she rushes to rescue him. Then she apologizes when she understands she was mistaken. She tells Doyun she thinks they can overcome what he’s afraid of. Together. But he once again rejects her and apologizes for giving mixed signals. Those two make my heart break, seriously. It’s so sad.
Seoha finally opens the box. Inside, there’s a storybook about Juwon’s life. JI-eum’s note is the last page to that story, where she gives a rendez-vous to the amusement park to Seoha. He finds her at the merry go round and he believes her when she says she was Juwon. Mingki and Hanna are worried about Seoha and Ji-eum getting closer. To avoid him hurting, the pain will only stop when they become normal. Ugh... That’s so unnecessary. That wasn’t in the original story. Why adding all this drama? Wasn’t it enough that Seoha’s uncle is his attempted murderer? I mean... that’s plenty dramatic. His first love died violently in a car accident for being with him at the wrong moment. She comes back reincarnated? Isn’t that dramatic enough? His mom died when he was kid. The sister can’t be with the one she loves even though he loves her back. THERE WAS ENOUGH DRAMA AND PAIN AS IS, WHY ADD MORE??
Hanna asks Ji-eum to play a prank on miss Jang. She pretends to have talked to Seoha’s mom ghost and being relaying her message. She seems really scared. Hanna tells something that sounds a little mysterious to Ji-eum, that she should make new connections when she’s reborn. She won’t be able to pick up her calls anymore.
Seoha confronts his uncle about the accident. Apparently is intent wasn’t to injure Seoha, but his dad. He was mad about him not taking care of his wife and that Mrs Jang would still stick to his side. I’m starting to wonder if that lady even existed in the Webtoon. I don’t remember this... Anyways. Seoha forces him to turn himself in before he reveals everything. So the uncle does.
Ji-eum takes Seoha to a place related to her first life. Doyun sees a picture of that place and seems troubled. Mingki is looking even more creepy than before. He’s shaking those bells. Ji-eum remembers a memory of her past life. In which she stabbed the man that looks like Seoha. And she gets shot by an arrow. And obviously, we need to wait for the next episode to get to know more about the meaning of this.
I’m actually pretty upset at the modifications about her first life. They changed something great, for something cliché. I mean, I still don’t know everything, but it looks like something very cliché, maybe star crossed lovers or something like that. It bothers me so so so so so much. Why change something that was already great and close to perfection. Unique. For something we’ve seen over and over and over and over again. Please writers, surprise me properly with the last three episodes. I was so hyped for this series.
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rubenesque-as-fuck · 1 year
"Anonymously tell me what you think about me"
I really wish I could afford to hire you as a model. You've got so much vivacity and personality in your pictures, not to mention an incredible body.
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Doctor Who | 1X03 / 14x03 | Boom | REACTION
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kasarian · 1 month
not gonna lie i really am uncomfortable of how the whole odysseus thing in hades 2 so far seems to be getting (re?)written...
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buppypuppy · 1 year
google how to stop having hyperempathy now
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llitchilitchi · 2 years
Hi :DDD can I just come in here and say- uh-
so um you’re a really cool artist and I love your stuff and your aus and your art basically all of your posts tysm for just being here litchi I appreciate you very much <3
I don't know if I should say thank you or I'm sorry given that 50% of my content is about copacetic au
but I appreciate this very much
thank you anonnie<3
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beetlewine-art · 5 months
Sometimes i forget that HB and HH share the same universe... can you imagine how the Hazbin hotels season 1 finale looked like from the perspective of the characters of Helluva Boss? Are you really telling me that while those funky little red demons were dealing with their drama and angst there was a damn battle between Heaven and Hell? AND NONE OF THE OTHER SEVEN DEADLY SINS SHOWED UP TO FIGHT? Like, okay i get why they didn't, but seen Ozzie and Bee kill some angels could have been really cool.
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(half of me in tempted to believe that The Sins have never seen Lucifer, their sweet dork of a boss, get angry or lose his cool and watching him beat up Adam terrified them. But the other half of me also believes that he has beaten the shit out of Mammon at least once, while Satan and Ozzie cheered for him).
I NEED to see Blitzo's reacion to all this mess, i bet it was hilarious.
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cephalopolis-life · 1 year
I think one thing worth mentioning is that Suletta and Miorine's CLEAR and EXPLICIT marriage is actually a big deal. Do you want a yuri kiss? Thats not as rare asyou would think, but a Gundam show with a happy ending, an explicit romance, and a marriage?! have you tried to look for Yuri where they get married?
The representation we want in the west might not be the representation needd everywhere.
They get MARRIED, they got the Gunadam Kiss™, they got to be into each other, supporitng each other, and caring for each other the WHOLE TIME. Their relationship was certral to all the political intrigue that the show was based around. This wasnt a romance show, this was a giant robot action anime and their relationship HAPPENED to be queer. If we saw this with a straight couple we would have seen a different reacion, but it would bee seen as valid.
I think this ending had so much to give- it seems like a shame people are discarding it because it wasn't what they thought would be ideal….
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fandomlove-07 · 1 year
Me on April fools:
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My friends reacion:
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just fucking finished ep 12 of begins youth, first off im emotionally unavailable for however long til ss2, second every mf on here thats saying but what if theres no ss2 needs to rewatch it cuz bro they CLEARLY indicated a ss2 they didnt leave an open ending NOR a closed ending they abssolutly left so many questions open and casually created so much more depth in the last few minutes so like YES ss2.
i also want to shout out to every hyyh yoonkook ( jeha and cein) lover cuz WERE SO FUCKING DEPRESSED RN, LIKE IF U KNOW A HYYH YOONKOOK LOVER GO HUG THEM RN, srsly do it.
also last thing on this smaller rant since i wil post full post reacions of it aswel, they did not rly have the fucking audacity to legit put the amygdala incident in this series?????!!!!! like why is no one talking about this? like i dont mean this in a how dear they but like in an omg did they just- if u dont know what i mean im talking about min yoongis shoulder incident wich happend long long ago when he was doing a delivery job on a motor cycle in the rain and got into an accident with a car and didnt tell annyone for like YEARS like im talking 8+ years if im correct, he had shoulder pain the intire time but like they made this EXACT scenario happen to dogeon in the last ep!!!!!
like what??????
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