#read dni before interacting
reesethewolf · 5 months
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Some clay creations I got done with
They’re just lil guys :>
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if a character cant exist on their own without their most popular shipping partner then its a bad character. i would love to be a fan of a character without having to see the other character y'know?
Error sans should be able to exist on his own without Ink sans.
Madeleine cookie should be able to exist without espresso cookie.
it gets so annoying and repetitive and its not just a shipping thing btw, like you cant look any of these characters up without seeing the other one there.
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silentlolita · 2 years
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୨⎯ lilia/ruru | self indulgent edit blog ⎯୧
୨— dni || about
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crayon-puppie · 5 months
Baps you with my paws baps you with my paws baps you with my paws baps you with my pa
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Just because a trans man, transmasc person or a masculine enby discusses their experiences with transmisia, that doesn't mean they don't care about transmisogyny. Just because a physically disabled person discusses their experiences with ableism, that doesn't mean they don't care about about the ableism neurodivergent or mentally ill people face. Talking about one issue doesn't equate to ignoring another issue. Stop speaking over other people's experiences.
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jaimeski · 7 months
curse of being c! sam artist is that dream fans will be in my notifications
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arienshifts · 15 days
Im actually really happy that I went from having "dangerous" drs to many relaxed ones over the past two years, even if it makes me realize that I long for a life that's not overly capitalistic and more... simple.
Being a farmer in a small town.
An island resident.
A sky kid who's cape allows them to fly.
A builder in a decent-sized minecraft village.
A shop owner that had it passed down through the family.
The list goes on.
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crzyimp · 7 months
The Puppet
Cw: Cannibalism, gore, body horror, non consent touches, Dehumanizing
There is no comfort in this fic and dead dove do not eat. This is horror and dark.
Author note: I was inspired by @digitaldoeslmk au and their Macaque. And thank you Pardal for encouraging me to keep writing. There will be more stories to come with this character and their role in Pardal's au. Oh, and minors please don't read this, its not safe. Enjoy :3
The shadows wrapped around their joints, forcing them to move like a puppet on strings. They wince as they struggle against tendrils. Laughter erupts as the puppet master and spectators watch on, the shadowy tendrils coiling tighter and tighter. “What was your name again?” the puppeteer, the one controlling the shadows, and the one and only six ear Macaque ask. “Actually, it doesn’t matter now. Your new name is Puppet. An object for my enjoyment and whatever role I see fit for my shows.” He smiles as they helplessly struggle against his hold. Bending a finger, he watches as they bend backwards with a groan.  Just enough pain to course through without breaking.
The person now dubbed Puppet is watched by his spectators in awe, some with glee, but most with fear as they collapse onto the floor like their namesake when the strings are cut off. Macaque steps forward at Puppet’s feet, crouching and resting his head in one hand. “Shame you’re just average, but eh, you’ll make an okay vessel for one of these spirits.” Cocking a thumb behind his shoulder, he gives one look over at the human before standing back up.
The shadows swirl around him as the room darkens, the spectators, his followers, back away in fear. His once bandaged and mangle form twist into some large. Large enough to the point, he’s crouching with one hand on the ceiling and the other reaching forward at the body as a dark mass. The shadows reaching out to sap any life in reach. Those some of his follows avoid them as the ritual starts while others were, less unfortunate.
 The spirits, the demons without bodies, inch closer, each one ready to jump into the puppet’s body. They watch as his hand finally laid on top of puppet, pressing down on it and leaning forward. Macaque and the shadows diving into the its body through it, the opening the spirits were waiting for. All rush to be the first one to possess the body.
He ascend from the floor to stand once more at the puppet’s feet.  Its spirit weaken enough for one demon of his horde to take control. However, he stands there waiting. Waiting long enough with one foot tapping. He doesn’t need a repeat of a White Bone Demon incident happening again. He doesn’t have time or patience for that. Finally the body stirring and twitching to life. Subtle relief washes over him and his creaky body relaxes.
“Finally awake, now bow and state your name and allegiance to me.” Waving one hand at them while the other cover his yawn. Along with his half expose mouth, a bit of drool dripping on whoever inhabiting this body. The person in the puppet’s body looks up at him, eye widening and scuttling away from him. That wasn’t right, so it is another incident again. He sighs. “Come on,” he walks over and grabs the puppet’s ankle from moving any further. “I don’t have all day for this. Now give up and let one of these fellas take your body.” 
Macaque doesn’t wait for a response nor was he asking, instead he repeats the ritual again. Again and again and again, no one looking back at him, but the human. Only this average, weakling of a human. The sheer audacity of it to make him work for what he wants. How on earth haven’t any of the demons taken over?  He swore they were fighting to gain dominance. Either the demons are weaker than he thought or-
Oh, that’s the reason he realizes. He should have noticed it for the first time. Feeling his magic less strain and this rotting corpse of a body faring better than he had in weeks. This human life force is vast compared to all the others he fed on. If he had to compare it, it was like drinking water; a normal human’s was just a cup, but this one? It was like trying to drink the ocean through a straw. A toothy smile spreads wide on his mouth, oh he can’t believe how lucky he is. To find such a goldmine!
However, as his purple eyes rake at their form. Soft body and weak, it’s going to be work to mold them into his image.
Grabbing their head, Macaque digs his nails enough to draw blood. His teeth and fangs were on full display and in their face. Bits of his flesh and blood splatter on it cheeks. The revolting smell of meat left in the sun overwhelming enough to make it gag. “Congratulations Puppet! You get to live and keep this pathetic excuse of a body!”  
Their hands, so warm and soft, holding his wrist either to escape his hold or to give their head alleviated relief from the throbbing the pain. His new toy, his puppet breathing rapidly; its fingers digging into him and his digging further into it. Its body jolting at his voice and rotting breath fanning across its face. “We’re going to have so much fun together, you and I.” He hums with a closed smile, moving away from Puppet’s face. 
They hope that death comes quick and end this nightmare before whatever ‘fun’ Macaque has in mind.
It never did, or that death forgot them somehow. One of the first of many things Macaque does once he squirrels them away was to shave their hair. Their once beauty brown curls, shaved as they stare at their reflection in the mirror. Stating that objects like them don’t need hair like him. With a sickening sweet tone. Then it was the way he refers to them. No, he didn’t refer to them as they, or she, or even he, but it; Macaque would even go further and make everyone refer to Puppet as it. Drilling in that they are just a puppet. Puppet, a name force on them and everyone around the mansion is content with that. He would never use their real name, even when they lashed out and scream it at the top of their lungs. That always results in punishments or training.
They despise the punishments and the training, but in their eye; it was the same. The only actual difference is that there is an audience. He always uses them as examples to keep everyone else in place, whatever mistake they made. He loves making a show how far he’ll push their body. Limbs torn off through brute force or slice. The training halls forever stained with their blood and the healers always on standby. At least they learned how to hold a sword properly during those times. Puppet gently brushes their bandaged up arm, feeling the indent as fingers brush by. Alone in their room and their thoughts.
 They recall the events that lead to that; them laying on the floor in a pool of their blood and him standing over them, bored after hours’ worth of sparring. They remember how he then smiled with his teeth, teeth that had previously bitten into their arm. Their own flesh torn off and now in his stomach. His tongue cleaning his partial lips and drool. “I think it’s time to give yo-“
The door slams open, ripping them away from memory lane. They hastily pull themselves off of the ground, leaning on the wall for support. Watching Macaque walk into the room with a plate of cooked meat. He stands in the middle of the room and holds out the plate to them. “Got you a little something.” They eye the plate suspiciously. “It’s not poisoned this time, I promised. This is actually going to help you, maybe make you brand new.” He gestures to their, broken, improperly healed body. “Now come on, eat it.” He takes a step forward and they press themselves against the wall.
“Puppet…” Golden eyes with a glint of purple narrowing at them, they quietly shake their head at him. Shame for Macaque after all these years that some part of Puppet is still defiant. He watches them huddle in their corner, watching him and the plate warily. He sighs and waves his free hand for a shadowy pedestal rise beside him and gently place the plate down on it. “Alright, open your mouth.” He breathes through his nose, a horrible whistling sound, and steps in to invade their space.
Their head slamming Into the wall, feeling warm and wet blood trickling down their neck before he leans into the kiss. Daze and reeling with fear, their mouth stays tightly shut. It didn’t stop him when their lips connect, or when his teeth grazed against them before holding their head and taking a bite. Searing pain as they struggle to push and claw him away. His cold body stealing their warmth and flesh. Macaque chewing audibly loud, pieces of what it once was, their lips with blood smeared over his mouth. “Better open that mouth unless you want to lose your teeth and tongue too.” The pedestal moves towards the two mingled bodies. He takes the meat calmly and chews it.
They thrash against him like a cornered animal, but it does nothing as the familiar tendrils hold their arms in place. Still the lash out of what’s to come, tears streaming down their face. Macaque, chewing carefully and purple hues glaring at them, his fingers digs into the gap of their mouth. Ignoring their screams and their teeth biting down on him; a warm tongue pushing against his fingers. Slowly, his fingers pry their mouth  open to him. 
Filling the whatever gap between them, Macaque presses his body against them  with a thud as their open mouth kiss again. One hand to keep them in place and the other to keep their jaw from biting down. They grunt and jerk as he uses his tongue to shove the meat into their mouth. The surprise giving him ample time to push it further in. He watches as they close their eyes and their body involuntarily swallow the meat down. 
He ends the kiss and leans his head away. “There! See, not poisoned like I said.” Moving the hand from their jaw to rest on their neck, now smeared with blood. “So, what do you think of the taste? Kinda like pork, right?” He waits patiently now, watching Puppet’s face form of surprise, to shock, and finally to horror. He couldn’t help but smile at them. “How’s the taste of Sun Wukong’s successor? Flavorful right? Come on Puppet, don’t disassociate on me. I wanna know what you think!”
They should be used to knowing the meat is coming from humans. They been forced and starved enough to eat it. But this, this was Sun Wukong’s successor. Whatever hope or redemption they thought they had was gone. There is no way they can be worth saving or asking for forgiveness. Not from this, not from eating a *Bodhisattva’s heir. The great sage’s next in line sucessor and reading the books already shows what happens when someone pisses that guy off. A limb shifts, reminding them that their and Macaque’s bodies are pressing uncomfortably together. He wanted an answer, they need to say something before they make things worse. Again. “I-“
They never got to finish their word, as Macaque uses both his mouth and hands to keep his promise. Ripping their tongue out with his mouth and yanking their teeth one by one. Pausing between each pull and making sure Puppet was conscious for each and every one.
He steps back, his hands on their shoulders as he admires his handy work. Mouth expose with missing lips, teeth, and tongue possibly choking on their own blood. He smiles and nod to himself. “Ah, if only you listened to me. None of this would have happen, but I am a man who keeps his word.” He watches as they struggle to breathe through the pain, eyes glazing and unfocused, but just to stop themselves from blacking out. For only a moment.
Then, finally, their body slumps and fall into his chest. Macaque sighs irritability, feeling his clothes soaking up the blood. Strong arms scooping his puppet’s body up and half drags them to the bed. Purple eyes boring into the body before ordering, “I expect you to be present once you wake up.” Wiping some of the blood off his mouth and clothes with his hands; and then wiping his hands clean via through Puppet’s clothes. He leaves them without a second glance with a satisfied smile.
Soreness woke Puppet up, their back and neck stiff from the same position for who knows how long. Slowly using their arms to lifts them off the bed. A hand running over their face absentmindedly, fingers brushing over their dry crack lips. Their tongue moving past the teeth to wet their lips. Something doesn’t feel right, but can’t pinpoint it. It feels less cold in here too. They look about the room as they lay there.
Everything looks the same, besides the blood on the walls and floor in the corner. That wasn’t always there was it? Puppet jerks themselves to sit, muscles burning and pain waking them up faster. They stare at that spot, trying and willing to bring the memories to the forefront, but nothing. Blank. Nothing. Deep breath and exhaling through the nostrils, Puppet push themselves off the bed. Marching towards the door and grabbing their curved blade along the way. Their body felt wrong, they know it and the only one who’ll know what happened will be the one person they never want to ask. The halls echo when the door slammed against the walls and Puppet moving with intent, searching for Macaque.
Not in his usual spots in the vast manor and no one in sight to give his whereabouts, either. Their lips curl and their eyes narrow as they continue the search. Passing rooms and closed doors. Hand twitching and resting on the hilt, their mind trying and failing to recall what transpires. “Hey you! Yea, you new guy! Get over here!” Footsteps approaching from behind them. Though they kept moving, most avoid them and for good reason. The voice didn’t belong to anyone they know. It must be another recruit Macaque gets monthly. A hand grabs their shoulder and spins them around to face whoever.
A tiger demon tower over them wearing the same standard uniform as them. “I can’t believe you missed orientation! Come here, you’re going to the discipline room with me.” Puppet’s bare feet press firmly on to the ground when claws dig into their shoulders and try to drag them away. They don’t have time for this, especially with some newbie trying to act like their senior.  Either this tiger didn’t get the memo of what their capable of or really wanting to be a set of new clothes.
“Do you know who I am?” Puppet spoke lowly, their eyes staring up at the towering figure. Fingers flexing over the hilt it’s resting on. If it was when Puppet first arrived, they would’ve been terrified at the sight before them. Now though? This wasn’t even close compare to what Macaque puts them through daily over the years they spent with him.
The tiger snarl and bare his fangs at them before speaking, “Cocky shit, just cause you’re a monkey like the boss and that brat doesn’t mean shit. Stupid bastards like you need to learn your place here.” Puppet’s tense at that. Did he just refer them as a monkey?! That can’t be right, they’re human how-wait.
Now they remember. 
“Ah, there you are, puppet. I thought you were awake when I heard you.” Another voice spoke, one that cause both Puppet and the tiger to tense. The hall darkens and the tiger quickly kneels and his eyes on the ground. Shaking. A hand  extends cupping their face from behind, they see the tiger quivering in his spot. “Come on, Puppet, turn around and let me see you.” The tips of skeletal fingers pressing into their skin. A shiver runs down their spine. They obey obediently, feeling glowing eyes drinking in their discomfort as they turn. Macaque smiles at them admiringly.
Macaque whistles and says, “My, my, my, you look just like *him. I guess I’ll it slide you were out for an entire month.” Wait, they’ve been sleeping for an entire month?! “And look! Your brand new like I said. A brand new huma-ahem sorry, a brand new monkey. Oh puppet, you don’t know how happy I am. How many steps I can skip now for your opening act!” Puppet stood there frozen, their heartbeat drowning out his rambling. Feeling their hair, no, their fur standing on ends and everything is spinning. They hope this is all a nightmare and they’ll wake up; alone in their room with missing lips, tongue, and teeth. It would be better than this reality.
A squeeze on their shoulder reminds them that this is real. Oh, gods, it’s real and- “Puppet.”-what have they done in their past life to deserve this- “PUP-pet.”-oh Buddha plea- “Puppet.” Macaque is in their face with delight. Their eyes staring back at his and gasp at his eyes reflection.
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lunerabo · 8 months
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This is an 18+ blog. Most, if not all, of my content will be unsuitable for minors. Underage and ageless blogs will be blocked on sight. You do not get a second warning.
↳ Call me Lune! ✧ 18 ✧ 🇲🇽/🇺🇸 ✧ ENTP ✧ I draw sometimes
↳ Side blog: @birdsbladesnbegonias
↳ I write a little of a few different things. I make a lot of shitposts, informational posts, and bird posts.
↳ I write a little for:
Genshin Impact
My own OCs, which I'll draw every once in a while
Masterlist ✧ Rules ✧ About me ✧ Instagram ✧ Patreon
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reesethewolf · 27 days
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Drew myself enjoying my star projecter!!🌟🌈
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omegathetaone · 10 months
Having an introject from a piece of media that hardly anyone knows about/is aware of is so funny. "Hey, do you know of this one book/game/movie/show from a few years ago about [insert thing here] called [insert name]? No? Alright, well-" [proceeds to ramble about said media because you have almost nobody else to talk to about it]
True story
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sweetiescake · 4 months
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-kawaii g*re/anything with g*re
-blogs with no setup
-ed blogs
-D/DLG (especially)
You will be BLOCK ASAP
Quick warning: some post slightly suggestive but not straight up or really N/SFW
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update-blog-bp9 · 3 months
How would this sound to you ? (ONE DAY GUYS ! YOU DECIDE !!)
I was sitting here and thinking...I never did a 1k Follower special, I just never had the time for it and now I am almost to 1k and 150 Followers. Only 20 missing at this point and I never even thought I would get this many.
What if I remedy that whole 1k special, i missed to make ?
Now WHAT would that include ? MINORS DO NOT INTERACT FROM HERE !!!
I will open requests and you can request what you want. Smut chapters will take me legit forever, but I am not going to say that I won't do any. Just...go easy on me. I am mentally not all that great to do the whole brutal, very perverted stuff at the moment.
I gladly do BDSM, Roleplay kinda smut chapters, some kinky stuff and soft smut though !
You can ask for (Fandoms):
MARVEL HAZBIN HOTEL (I mostly do Alastor there, but you can also request other Characters there !) FNAF (Game and Movie Universe) SCREAM (I only watched 1, 5 and 6, so please have mercy on me) SP AND DR is also allowed.
And anything else that I ever wrote about, all masterlists are on the main one and it is pinned at the top of my blog and linked in my BIO, so take your pick ! You can also ask if I know any other Fandom and if yes, if I could write for them. I don't bite.
What I will write:
What I allow to write as Relationship stuff:
PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS (Friends, friends turning to Family, like Siblings and stuff...Surrogate Brother/Sister if I am not mistaken we call such, tight ?) ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS (Nothing perverted ! Just you know Father - Son ralationship, Brother x Brother Relationship and all that stuff, Family relationships are NOT allowed to be SMUT !!!)
What I will NOT write:
INCEST STEPCEST PEDOPHILIA EXTREME, DARK SMUT (Light dark is okay, but not extreme. I'm just not ready to step back into it yet.)
What I MIGHT not write:
There are some kinks that I am not familiar or comfortable with, but I will let you know when I have a problem with them. I just know that I won't write a feet fetish as an example. I don't feel comfortable to write that.
What you CAN request (Gender like):
HETERO (Man x Woman) GAY (Man x Man) OR (Woman x Woman) INTERSEXUAL (People with BOTH genders) GENDERFLUID (Might be horribly explained, I ain't Genderfluid, but practically that is when you feel like a man one day and in five weeks you feel like a woman and dress and behave as such how you feel) TRANSGENDER (Man in a Woman's body or the other way around, Don't hate me I try to keep this short and simple here !!) ASEXUAL (Repulsed by the bare mention of the S word OR isn't repulsed by it, but isn't really intesrested in it (I think it is called Gray Ace...?) GENDERNEUTRAL (Which mostly means no Gender so They/Them I CAN'T USE THAT IN SMUT THOUGH IF YOU DON'T GIVE ME A SEX ON THE BODY !!! So tell me which they have !)
Character ships I will write for:
Any Character x Reader (Name a Gender though !) Also write Character x Character ( Like...Alastor x Rosie where they just gossip or Charlie and Vaggie with romance or smut)
(I also don't mind to Genderswap. So instead of Charlie being a Female, she is a Male or a different gender. You give me your thoughts and I will try to turn it into a Oneshot !)
Characters I will NOT write for:
The Vees (Hazbin Hotel) Adam (Hazbin Hotel) Lute (Hazbin Hotel) Sera (Hazbin Hotel) They can be mentioned or play a role but I don't do ANY ships with them and the Reader. They can be shipped with each other though, I suppose. And Vox can be friends with Reader, but no romantic shtick.
I am not up to date with Marvel, so I might have to reject some requests, if I get a Character I don't know, so please forgive me, but doing hours of research on any Character just to get a bare grasp on them, could take forever. TvT
The whole Request thing would be OPEN for TWO WEEKS !!! You can ask as ANON too then.
PLEASE GUYS !: Don't just send me smut, because I allowed it. I also wanna see some fluff and other requests. I will let ya'll know how many I would get from each category too, so you can be prepared.
With all of that out of the way....
Be honest with this, because I will only offer it ONCE. ....At least until I have like...2k Followers or something, so...Be bloody honest guys.
(I might repost this list and make it a seperate thing, so innocent eyes can ask for innocent stuff and look everything up, while the dirty dogs *Jokes* get the dirty rules page.)
I'm rambling again !! AAAAGGGHHH !!! Sorry !!!
@innerpiratefun @gayhopefullove @natashaxmarvelmen @buffymore @lovefanfiction01
I thought you might wanna know this and spread the word. ^^
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crayon-puppie · 3 months
Welcome to the circus🎪!
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..play your cards right here🃏
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thefreckledgymrat · 3 months
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strawberrybabydog · 9 months
"go to my main blog to read my pinned poat before interacting" nevermind its actually not worth following anymore
why am i being asked to go out of my way to give you support? just copy/paste the same pinned or put the link on the side blog too? its so much less work than asking every single new follower to leave your sideblog to search for your main blog to click on 1 link just to go all the way back? just put your link on the side blog?????
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