#read the room my friends she is out of our league
dailykafka · 2 years
Not to start some drama but Mary Shelly is not the ultimate historical figure of tumblr for the very simple reason - she is cool. And we are on a site where a bug's race was the hot topic of the town for weeks…
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see-arcane · 5 months
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Our good friend Jonathan Harker is getting ready to leave for his business trip, Mina Murray is picking out a new journal, Lucy Westenra is charming a gaggle of smitten suitors, Abraham van Helsing is wrapping up his lectures, and Castle Dracula is prepping the guest room for a very long stay.
Which must mean that Dracula Season is here again!
 ‘Dracula Season’ being a catchall term for the voracious reading, memeing, writing, illustrating, analyzing, and general fun-having that’s ensued since Matt Kirkland’s project, Dracula Daily, caught on with us back in 2022. The Substack had already been running before then, but it sparked a conflagration as time went on and readers old and new to Bram Stoker’s Dracula—the actual novel, not Coppola’s fanfiction—devoured it in a way that scratched an itch none of us knew we had. Stoker wrote the book in epistolary fashion, clumping sections together as needed for the pacing without perfect adherence to chronological order. Matt went ahead and put all the events in order and proceeded to set up a lovely chain of emails that delivered entries on those correlating dates.
This style of organization and pacing turned out to not only make the virtual book club that much easier to engage with, but left space in-between to stew on the story and relate with the characters themselves. Every day of waiting in the book feels weightier when you have to pace and sweat and worry in tandem with poor Jonathan trapped in the castle or Lucy wasting away or Mina running out the clock before she loses the fight for her own humanity. And while we sat with the story or the lulls between Dracula Seasons, some of us found ourselves craving more of that ghastly gothic horror goodness to the point that we figured:
“Well. Why don’t I make something?”
And then we did! Tons of creative works have been churned out in the wake of Dracula Daily’s high. I figured that while we’ve still got a bit of time to wait for May 3rd, we should check out all this new stuff in the meantime. (Plus a handful of neat stuff that just clicks with the Dracula itch overall.)
So, in the interest of Dracula Season pregaming, let’s take a look at…
Blood of My Blood – A recent addition to the Dracula Bad Ending AU pile, and definitely one of the most harrowing and addictive group-produced narratives I’ve ever come across, Blood of My Blood is the dramatically gothic currently-WIP work of @ibrithir-was-here and @animate-mush’s devious design. Give or take a heap of other fascinated folks (hello!) adding ideas to put more Horror into the Horrors that our cast has to face. The premise:
The Transylvanian climax went fatally sour and the Harkers were forced to shelter with Dracula himself, including their half-vampire son, Quincey. Cut to two decades later, and Quincey finds himself out in modern London, smitten with Lu, adopted daughter of Arthur and Jack, and diving into certain bloodstained old documents that detail the real history of how his parents came to live in the castle. Said revelations coming not a moment too soon, as a storm is coming for him straight from the Carpathians…
Dracula Daily Sketch Collection – An array of illustrations that captures every entry beat by beat, the Dracula Daily Sketch Collection by Georgia Cook, alias @georgiacooked was dished out over the course of the last Dracula Season. Some of the most fun character designs out there.
Fanfiction Spotlight: BlueCatWriter – With a whopping 99 works devoted to the novel Dracula (so far, the number may have gone up since I blinked), @bluecatwriter is one of the most prolific and talented fanfiction scribblers out there. Romances, nightmares, and overlaps between the two seem to crop up the most, give or take a crossover. Seems fitting that those blue paw prints have contributed to BoMB too.
The League of Extraordinary Gentlefolk – An ongoing comic in which all your favorite characters from the Classics section get together and tackle some perils ranging from the mundane to the monstrous. Started by the amazing @mayhemchicken and posted on @lxgentlefolkcomic, this series is a love letter to beloved Victorian era lit, with a spotlight on the two couples leading the League. Namely, the Harkers, ala Dracula, and the Nortons, ala Sherlock Holmes,’ “A Scandal in Bohemia.” Mina and Irene are the driving investigative and steering forces here, and still deeply in love with their likewise-infatuated husbands, just like in their canons! What a concept! Alan.
Without spoiling the full character list, just know there are going to be a ton of familiar faces roaming around before you finish reading the first arc. Said arc having conveniently wrapped up just a few days ago! Give the comic and its bonus silliness a look if you’re in the mood for a new comfort-adventure epic.
Re: Dracula – Probably the most well-known and incredible thing to come out of the initial Dracula Daily wave. This podcast is a full audio drama that follows the same format as the Substack, with episodes coming out in time with the entries themselves. And it has an unfairly cool soundtrack. They have a Tumblr with @re-dracula, a site and a Patreon to check out before the series kicks up again on May 3rd. (Also, keep an eye out for their next work, an audio drama in the same style with Carmilla.)
The Soldier and the Solicitor – Another treat from @ibrithir-was-here, this one involves a bit of time travel trouble. Quincey Harker has stumbled out of World War I and into the same dark forest where his father once fled for his life…then runs into the man himself, on that same night. Jonathan Harker, young and starved and lost, who has no choice but to trust this stranger while the Weird Sisters are at his heels…despite said stranger having no shadow. It’s a tasty emotional trek, already complete on Tumblr, but now it’s turning into a Webtoon. While Ibrithir is juggling a number of other stories, she’ll be redrawing spruced up versions of the comic and adding a few new scenes as things unfold.
Substack Stack – You know what’s better than one emailed-out public domain book club? A mountain of them. Just. So, so many of them. You’ll see that a lot of these are finished, but some are still ticking along. Either way, they’re all great picks if you’re craving some more old school lit to fill the void between undead emails.
Frankenstein Weekly – Frankenstein
Jekyll and Hyde Weekly – The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Voyage of the Nautilus – Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
Letters from Watson – Sherlock Holmes
The Invisible Mail – The Invisible Man
Letters from Bunny – E.W. Hornung’s short stories of the eponymous Bunny and Raffles
Letters Regarding Jeeves - P. G. Wodehouse’s Bertie Wooster short stories, including the novel, Right Ho, Jeeves
…The Beetle Weekly – The Beetle (NOTE: Do Not Read This.)
The Vampyres – A novella I finally wrenched through the gears of self-publication as of March this year. Starring a petite but powerful paranormal cast, The Vampyres, centers on an unscrupulous undead fellow who finds that the revenants of the world are being mowed down by an entity known only as ‘Quinn Morse.’ Between trying to save his neck and figure out where the shadowy bastard came from, the Vampyre in question crosses paths with a new paramour and handy human shield in the form of a grieving Good Samaritan. He’s even polite enough to invite the Vampyre into his home while he’s in dire straits! Surely this will end well. All the info is available here and a little author site is over here.
What Manner of Man – This is the one made for everyone who started out hoping there’d be a real love story with our good friend Jonathan Harker and the Count when he was at his most charismatic. Where that sea of wonders dried up into a mire of horror, What Manner of Man by @stjohnstarling keeps things firmly on the romantic tracks. This Substack stars the letter-writing priest Father Victor E. Ardelian as he finds himself meeting with one enigmatic Lord Alistair Vane. It isn’t long before interest turns into intrigue and intrigue into undead intimacies.
The entire novel has been completed—along with multiple epilogues in the author’s Patreon, allowing readers to choose for themselves just how the uncanny romance plays out in the end—and the Substack now has a number of other gothic goodies piling up in the meantime.  
Dracula Daily: A Unique Reading Experience: This one comes courtesy of @realwomenofgaming. It’s a short and sweet piece that amounts to a fun snapshot of the entire Dracula Daily ride. A cozy couple-minute read.
‘Dracula Daily’ is the One Substack You Need a Subscription To: Features my favorite Matt Kirkland interview. @mattkirkland, if you’re still floating around on here, thank you for dispatching our vampire newsletter again this year.
Dracula Daily is Tumblr’s hottest new book club: Alright, the ‘new’ part is worn out by now, but this one is still a delightful article to swing back around to. Two years on, this Polygon piece is a time capsule of those early months when people outside our bookworm bubble realized we were all happily receiving letters from our favorite classic gothic horror blorbos.  
“How Mina Murray Became Dracula’s Girlfriend” – Princess Weekes, if you ever read this, thank you, thank you, thank you. I am sending oceans of love and millions of rewatches to your video essay. If you haven’t seen it yet, “How Mina Murray Became Dracula’s Girlfriend” is one of the most refreshing and well-made breakdowns of both the title subject and numerous other issues that have proliferated in the public view of Dracula’s cast and plot as adaptations endlessly warp or outright bastardize the actual novel. An incredibly cathartic watch.  
Literary play gone viral: delight, intertextuality, and challenges to normative interpretations through the digital serialization of Dracula: A mouthful of a title for an even more elaborate article about the Dracula Daily phenomenon. This one is a full-on study that analyzes just what happened within the big bloodsucker book club surge and how its ‘wandering reading practices’ enriched the experience for participants.
 “The Undying Undead: An analysis of the Dracula Daily community for a theory of online community formation and interaction” – We have a thesis on here! Look at that! @sirangelothebestest’s MA thesis used our vampiric book club as the bones for a massive brick of an academic piece that definitely deserves a look.
…And I think I’ll go ahead and cap things here.
This isn’t everything I got recommended, but if I had squashed all of it in here, I think folks’ eyes would start to fall out of their head. I hope you can find something cool to comb through here. Or, if there’s something great I overlooked, tack it onto the list! We’ve got just two weeks to go until we’re off with Mr. Harker. Let’s enjoy our respite before those castle doors close behind us.
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2tcs · 3 months
I love your content so far from what I read and I had a crack I did just hit me
After a while the bat family finally decides to get rid of Ra al Ghul like take him down and take his position from him as the leader of the League of assassins to dismantle it
Ra al Ghul never warned anyone if they want to actually become like the main watcher over the Lazarus pits but they have to go to a 2000 door haunted house run by the ghost King who is 15 years old
So I'll be entire bat family is practically being put through spooky's haunted house 1000 doors except it's Phantom haunted house 2000 doors
Danny believes that anyone that wants the Lazarus pits is undirectly like a bad person so he kind of uses it to a trauma dump on people and be mentally tortured these people so they drop out of taking it
He's getting help from Ghost like Ember Techn, Poindexter, Wulf even cujo
Like they put Ra al Ghul through hell and now they're going to put the bat family to that because they have no idea or not if they're good people
So it's just Danny traumatizing them by making with the horrors and some of the deaths of the ghost the last shocker is at the last door they have to relive Danny's death then Danny will come out and hand them a key and then proceed to give them the whole feel about being the new owners of Lazarus pits
I just enjoy the idea of Danny and the ghost being terrifying
I don't think Danny knows enough ghosts to pull off 2000 doors but he does know Ghost Writer. As well as several ghosts who could make them relive each other's worst/most traumatic moments. Ras probably went alone when he did his trial. But if the whole batfam is going in? So much ammo.
It could start out simple. Lure them into a sense of ease.
"Huh. When the scary voice said we would be facing trials to prove our worth. I didn't expect sentient, cuddly blobs." Duke said petting one of the blobs that was chirping happily. Not noticing as his fellow vigilantes and friends also began to cuddle the blobs.
It takes them three hours before they realize that they've lost time and begin to fight the calming effect that the blobs exude and head towards the door on the other side of the room.
And maybe embarrassing.
"Once upon a time."
"I don't know. I think they look good."
"Shut up dickface."
Even a bit annoying at times.
"WTF! This guy is more annoying than Condiment King!"
"At least he isn't dumping ketchup on us!"
The first few hundred doors could even be called easy for people like the bats.
"Quit hitting yourself. Quit hitting yourself." Jason said after he ripped off the robot's arm and started to use it to beat the robot.
"Hay. Don't you think you're going too far Hood?"
"Stop your incelence! For I. Skulker. The greatest hunter ever. Shall be the one to skin you alive and use your pelts as a rug in my den!"
"You were saying Dickolase?"
"Give me the other arm. I want to break this pinata open."
But that ease does not last long. Soon they are faced with the suffering of others.
"What was that. What was that!" Steph shouted as she clung to Tim. Trembling from the adrenalin rush.
"I think. I think we just died? In a motorcycle crash? Did we just get hit by a CAR while on a MOTORCYCLE?!"
"That motorcycle crash was quick compared to how I died! So shut the fuck up!" Jason yelled before stomping toward the next door. And if his hand was shaking as he reached for the doorknob? No, they weren't
And even faced with the consequences of their failures. Failures that nearly tore them apart. Failures that could still tear them apart.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't know."
"Shut up old man! You never asked! You weren't there! You're Never There!"
And temptations.
Dick looked around as his family piled into the living room of the manor. Everyone was laughing at something Duke said. Jason laughed the loudest as he slung his arm over Tim's shoulder for support. (Wrong, this is wrong, why is this wrong?)
And nightmares.
"Give them back! GIVE THEM BACK!" Bruce screamed to the sky as he clutched his kids as close to him as he could. Falling into despair as their bodies, their corpses, grew colder. The echos of their own cries of pain and anguish ringing in his ears.
They still manage to fight through the physical and psychological horror. Even when they are pushed to experience torture that not even their most vial villain would do to them.
"I'm alive! I'm me! Mom! Dad! Please! Please!" "Shut up you freak! Honey, get the muzzle. I don't want to hear its lies anymore." The woman, the monster, in the teal hazmat suit said as she pulled out their intestine and hung it on a rack for further examination.
They persevered. And when they leave the last door behind? And are faced with a young boy, no older than 14, who looks like an amalgamation of all of the Robins when they were that age?
Danny watched as the would-be-owner of the Lazarus Pits stumbled through the door. Only for an entire group of Kevlar waring fruitloops to fall out of the door.
"So you are the fools who think to control the blood of King Lazarus. So far you have seen many facets of the horrors that can come from..." Danny started his monologue before he was interrupted by the one wearing a cloak reminiscent of a bat falling to his knees.
"Please. Please say we don't have to fight you. I can't. I can't." He said before breaking down in tears as several others joined him in his cry fest.
"Shit." Danny said as he looked at the people before him. Panicking over what he was supposed to do.
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sunshine-theseus · 11 months
Pequeña | Kyra Cooney-Cross x Reader
Word count: 1.8k
Summary: you make stupid decisions but you got your girl in the end.
Warning: fluff, horrible self-care, fainting
My parents and I moved from Spain to England when I was 5.
I was a quiet kid with no friends, who spent most of her time reading or listening to music. At seven years old my parents decided to sign me up for my local football kids club to try and get me to ‘open my wings’, their code for ‘stop being a fucking loner we value popularity over smarts’. I haven’t seen them in 8 years.
Turns out I was fucking great at football and by 12 I was in the Arsenal Football Academy. At 15 I was playing for their Women’s team in the WSL and was debuting for England’s national team. I spent most of that time on the bench of course, but by 17 I had a large ‘1’ on my back and was starting 90% of games at Arsenal. I didn’t have many friends though, especially when I knew most would either leave to bigger leagues or transfer teams. I preferred it though because that meant I had plenty of time between training and games to study and read and play music.
Another 6 years later and I’m playing for England in the Semi-finals of the 2023 World Cup against Australia. I wasn’t our main goalie, but Mary had gotten a concussion so that left me and like hell I would let us lose this close to the finals. I’d nearly managed to keep a clean sheet until Sam Kerr came running up from halfway, past Millie and chipped it behind me into the goal. Despite the goal, we won.
As I’m walking toward the girls, I tripped over something, or someone, sitting on the sidelines near the tunnel. One of the Aussie girls, clearly tired and upset, curled up to their goalkeeper. If there was one thing I could do, it was recognise a phenomenal goalkeeper when I see one, and Mackenzie Arnold was just that.
“I’m sorry.” I whisper to her as I pat her shoulder and copy the gesture for the girl next to her.
I didn’t know much about her, but I’d seen her play. Her footwork was incredible, and she was clearly underrated and underestimated, something Arsenal could benefit from.
“Wanna swap jerseys?” it comes out soft, I almost miss it as I turn away. When I turn back around, I expect to see Mac offering her’s, but instead I see the younger girl looking up at me questioningly and I smile. I’d already swapped with Mac in a friendly earlier this year, and I love collecting jerseys from different players.
“Fuck yeah.” and within seconds she has my jersey pulled over her head, and it hangs loosely, clearly a few too many sizes too big for her.
I then pull on her’s, for a moment fearful it would be too small, but I’m thankful for her clear preference for baggy clothes as it slips over my torso. Mackenzie beckons over their photographer, and I pose with the still nameless girl. She’s small in comparison to my 5’11 stature and I giggle at the difference before offering her a piggyback for a silly photo.
As she jumps up, I notice shocked stares of my teammates from the corner of my eye but shake it off as she wraps her arm around my neck as if to choke me.
“Has anyone told you how small you are?” I ask her as I drop her back to the ground.
“They don’t shut up about it.”
“I think I’ll call you Pequeña.” I chuckle at her confused look.
“It means small in Spanish.”
“What the fuck!? Fine I’m calling you fucking Giant or something.”
I don’t get her actual name that night, but I look it up when I get back to my hotel room, Lotte missing from the space.
Kyra Cooney-Cross. An unexpected star.
I watch one of her games instead of doing my uni work and fall asleep to one her interviews playing.
I don’t expect to see Kyra until whatever friendly we have with Australia before the Olympics. In the time after the World Cup and before pre-season, I’ve hung her jersey in my hallway, along with all the others. I put her’s at the entrance with others like Mapi León and Christine Sinclair, people I consider special.
We also begin talking. A lot. I spend most of my spare time calling or texting her, but I don’t tell anyone.
The shock I get when the final minute of the pre-season transfer window approaches, and I get a notification from the Arsenal Women twitter account.
We’d been knocked out of the qualifiers for the Championship League and yet I walk into training on Monday with a slight spring in my step and excitement buzzing through me. I wave to all the staff and greet everyone, asking how the girls are when I walk into the locker room.
It’s Katie who asks.
“What the fuck is up with you Ms Dark and Broody?”
“Whatever do you mean?” I giggle.
She gives me and incredulous look before turning to the rest of the locker room who share similar expressions.
“W- wh- wh-” she continues to babble as Steph pulls her back to her cubby and pats her shoulder as a way of reassurance.
“You just… you’re never so smiley or talkative. At all. Like ever. Like in the past 8 years you’ve said maybe 100 words per season to me.” Lotte speaks up.
“Not true!”
“I’ve only seen you without a book off the pitch 13 times. I started counting after the 1st.” My jaw drops.
“She’s not wrong Y/n. You’re pretty reserved and stoic. Which there’s nothing wrong with! But it’s just odd to see you, well like this.” Manu points at me as if that’s explanation enough.
“Wow thanks gu-” I’m cut off by someone jumping on my back and screaming.
“BEANSTALK!” and I’m smiling all over again as I turn my head to see the young Australian I’ve been missing.
“I can’t believe I had to put up with your nerdy shit in person every day now.” She jumps off my back and moves to greet the other girls except for Steph and Caitlin who she obviously knows.
We don’t get much time to talk before Jonas calls us into the meeting room. He introduces all our new players like Kyra and Lessi and announces the return of Vivianne and Beth to our playing squad, before going over how we need to improve after our defeat in the Champions League.
“L/n, I know you just came 2nd in the World Cup but you cannot be slacking like you did in the game against Pairs. You’ve got to be doing more.” I don’t get to reply before he’s ushering us out onto the pitch.
I’m left in a sour mood the rest of training, once again avoiding everyone, including Kyra who seemingly found a close friend in Alessia. I had given my all in that game against Paris, but they were good, and I’d stayed up until 2am the night before completing one of my assignments for my uni degree, something Jonas had encouraged me to do.
I was more mad that he didn’t allow me to tell him why but either way, I’d decided I would be staying after training to practice until I couldn’t any longer. So I did. And I came in an hour early the next morning to get more training in. I continued to do this for a while, studying once I got home until I couldn’t keep my eyes open now that my usual study time was booked. Eventually the girls stopped inviting me for coffee or team bonding and Kyra stopped trying to talk.
We were playing against Man United when I began to sway side to side, and my eyes began to droop. I think Kyra noticed first while on the sideline, and whispered something to Katie as she passed by the bench, but nothing came of it until United got a corner. They didn’t even get to kick the ball before I crumpled to the ground beside a clueless Lotte and Katie Zelem.
I don’t feel myself get carried off the pitch or get transferred to an ambulance. I don’t think I recognise anything happening around me until hours later. The clock on the wall says 9:21 and I think I’ve only slept for a few hours, but then I notice the sun streaming through the curtains and realise the few might actually be a lot.
I then recognise the limp bodies spread across the room. The awfully sterile white room which is nothing like the warmth of my olive-green bedroom. I don’t think I’d been so slow to figure out what was going on in my life.
“Beanstalk! You’re awake!” I look to the small brunette who has been hunched over asleep next to me for god knows how long and smile.
“Hey pequeña.”
“You are so stupid!” Kyra slaps my arm and sends me a sharp glare.
“What the fuck is going on. You’ve been exhausted 24/7 and no one sees you outside of training.” I then decide to explain my rather stupid schedule and reasoning to her.
She stares blankly at me for a while.
“You are genuinely so fucking dumb. I was so worried about you.” She whispers.
“Because I love you.” Her eyes drop to her lap.
“Te amo.” I’m not sure she understands it but she smiles either way and leans in.
Just as our lips meet, Katie abruptly wakes up in her corner of the room and shrieks.
“What the fuck!” and we’re left to quickly pull away as she tries to wake everyone else up to tell them what she saw.
“Katie don’t be fucking ridiculous! They’re both sound asleep.” I hear Kim whisper shout, followed by more of Katie’s babbling about how we’re just pretending as they trail out of the room, assumedly getting coffee.
As the door clicks shut, I open one eye to glance around the now empty room. It seems everyone needed some coffee. Except a certain Australian, whose eyes also peak open.
“Kiss me.” And then her lips are on mine again.
I don’t play again until our game against Bristol for the Conti Cup. Jonas apologised for pushing me too hard but made it clear I was to properly rest before I get to do anything and makes Sarina Weigman promise not to play me during our international break.
Kyra also gets her first starting debut.
It’s a tough game, and in the 84th minute, Kyra drops to the ground. I nearly run to check on her, but she gets back up, and within another minute she gets subbed off for Vic.
The whistle blows, signalling the end of the game, we win 3-1.
I meet Kyra in the middle of the field, pick her up and swing her around. Our first proper game playing together seems like an obvious thing to celebrate. And before I can think, I’m leaning down and kissing her, something I’m not sure if I’ll regret later.
She smiles that smile, brighter than the sun, and I melt.
“Te amo pequeña.”
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blouisparadise · 3 months
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Today we have a rec list of bottom Louis fics where Louis and/or Harry have popular jobs such as firefighter, flight attendance, florist, and mechanic. Since we get requests for rec lists with these particular jobs often, we decided to compile them into one list. We're marked each fic according to which job it features. If you enjoy our rec lists, please be sure to like and reblog the post to help spread the word. Happy reading!
1) December | Not Rated | 1,924 words | 💐
Magic happens here, in December.
2) Pilot | Teen & Up | 5,279 words | ✈️
“We have fifteen minutes.” Harry glanced down at the watch on his wrist. “How fast do you think my tongue can make you come?” Still against the wall, Louis felt a shiver run from the back of his neck down his spine. In three years walking on moving planes, he’d never had such zero control over his legs. At least not until now.
3) Your Apathy’s Like A Wound In Salt | Explicit | 5,312 words | 🛠️
“What a fucking ass!” Louis shifts his body so he’s completely facing away from the scene. “I asked him last night to fix my car and he said he would accept a payment in the form of me sucking his dick. I guess he’s really desperate, I can’t believe him.” Louis rolls his eyes, finishing off his drink in one go. Niall shakes his head and shrugs, “I told you to ask any other mechanic in town but you didn’t listen to me.” “Well, I didn’t think he would fucking say that now did I, Niall?” “Louis,” Paige rests a manicured hand on his shoulder, “So, you’re saying you still wouldn’t hit it?” “My ex?” She nods. “Yeah, I’d still hit that. Except this time it would be with a car or a baseball bat.” Suddenly, Niall spits out his beer all over the table as Paige bursts out laughing. “Fucking ruthless, you are.” Niall runs a hand through his styled hair.
4) Oil and Lube | Explicit | 5,552 words | 🛠️
The one where Harry's a car mechanic and Louis' engine can't seem to stop revving around him.
5) A Place To Call Home | Mature | 8,113 words | 💐
The thing is, he’s pretty sure he’s found home in a person in his life, someone who’s been essential in everything he’s done since he was seven years old. Through every broken bone, through every breakup, through every failure; through every triumph, personal and professional, and every goal he has scored in his time in Man U, there’s been someone there for it all.  That’s his best mate. Harry. A twenty-two year old with the kindest heart known to man, a slow drawl that is entirely too endearing, with the dreams to open up his own flower shop. A quiet and earnest boy with those he doesn’t know, and open and honest and absolutely lovely with those he loves.  It all hits him, really, the night of their final game of the Premier League. Again, timing is not his forté. They’re gearing up, ready to hit the field for the second half against Liverpool that determines their ranking in the League, when his brain decides to come online (after seventeen years, apparently), and conveniently supply him with the revelation that oh yeah, you’re kind of in love with your best friend.
6) If This Room Was Burning | Explicit | 8,629 words | 🔥
Where Louis’ cat gets stuck on the roof and Harry is the firefighter who ends up saving her.
7) Decorated Emergency | Not Rated | 10,359 words | 🔥
So what if they kissed once. It was the end of a shift that had seemed to drag on for twelve days instead of twelve hours. Their doctor was slow and felt the need to transfer every single patient, putting more work on every member of staff. Harry was stressed. Louis was the one who crowded him up against the door in the break room. It was Louis' fault, he was always pulling shit.
8) Taking The Long Way Home | Mature | 12,499 words | 🛠️
Coming home from the beach, Louis' car breaks down and he has to call mechanic Harry.
9) Bloom | Explicit | 24,887 words | 💐
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Harry tucks the flower into the top pocket of Louis’ jacket, patting over his heart just once. “What is it?” Louis asks, eyeing the sunny little yellow flower, a bit like a buttercup, “It’s lovely.” Harry pushes a piece of hair behind his ear and smiles, “It’s a primrose. I got them in this morning, reminded me of you.”
10) A Trail Of Honey Through It All | Explicit | 27,083 words | 🛠️
The boy in front of him, well really, the man in front of him, was like something out of a confusing wet dream. Built, tall, tan and muscular, his skin glistened with sweat after a long day of working outdoors with his hands. He was wearing a cut up old American football shirt, the bottom hem was torn and the sleeves were cut off to the point where the t-shirt was really just a loose tank top. The shorts he had on had clearly been full length jeans at one point, and were now just crudely cut off above the knee. His white socks were pulled up too high on his calves, and the brown work boots he had on were old as fuck, the leather peeling along the edges of the soles. Curly brown hair stuck out from the edges of his backwards snapback, and there was a smudge of grease wiped along his brow bone. The smattering of hair along his jaw proved that he hadn’t shaved in a week or two, the hair growing in thicker across his upper lip and around his chin. His sinfully bowed mouth was pink and plump, and Louis was suddenly hyper-focused on the way that he chewed at the toothpick stuck between his lips. He looked like he needed a shower. Louis wanted to lick him.
11) A Hungry Heart | Explicit | 27,601 words | 💐
Harry Styles, florist and Great British Bake Off contestant, loves many things. He loves his flower shop, he loves baking, and there’s also that little crush he has on pop star Louis Tomlinson. But when Louis arrives on set as the surprise guest judge, Harry’s worlds collide. Throw in a cup of cuteness, a teaspoon of teasing, and a pinch of pining, and there’s all the ingredients for an epic love story, or absolute chaos.
12) Tangled Up And Blue | Explicit | 30,159 words | 🛠️
Kai just shakes his head, making his way down the small batch of stairs with a hop in his step. “Have fun on your weird adult date.” Harry sighs. “It’s not a date.” “Dad, you already have him in your bed most nights,” Kai sings, walking backwards towards Louis’ car with an insufferable smirk on his face. “It’s not looking too good for you,” he shrugs, hands curled around the straps of his backpack.
13) You Wish I Was Yours And I Hope That You’re Mine | Not Rated | 31,259 words | 💐
“What did you wish for?” Harry blushes, “If I tell you it won’t come true…” Louis sits straight again, a cute little determined look forming on his face, “I wished that a certain curly ‘aired boy would take me on more dates because I ‘ad such a good time on this one. And that’s going to come true, isn’t it?” “Of course,” Harry nearly splutters. “Yeah, yeah definitely.” “See?” Louis grins smugly. “Now I told you mine and it’s still going to come true, so will you tell me yours?” Their wishes were different though, because whereas Louis’ wish was cute and endearing, Harry found his own wish rather embarrassing. But he can’t lie to Louis, nor can he say no to Louis, so he sucks in a shaky breath of air before he speaks softly, “I wished that I was brave enough to kiss you…”
14) Stay Until Tomorrow | Explicit | 36,766 words | 🛠️
There’s a dull ache seeping through Louis’ body as he wakes up; a mild headache from last night’s alcohol intake, a cramp in his right arm from sleeping on it weird and a familiar soreness between his arse cheeks that Louis fully blames on his lousy one night stand.
15) One Heart Broke, Four Hands Bloody | Explicit | 47,429 words | 💐
Louis’ life is really fucking dull until one day he happens upon the scene of a crime, as said crime is happening. A murderer with big hands and a charming smile somehow manages to change his life for the better.
16) Once Burnt, Twice Shy | Explicit | 52,644 words | 🔥
Louis and Harry are polar opposites in every way. Where Louis is a bestselling author from the city, Harry is a small-town firefighter who’s never left his home. Where Louis is spontaneous and spirited, Harry is introverted and calm, never straying from routine. When an ill-fated accident and an exceptionally intelligent tabby bring them together, they are forced to confront their pasts and forge a better beginning for themselves. Will sparks fly, or will it all go up in flames?
17) No Going Back | Explicit | 56,102 words | 🛠️
Sales reps Harry and Louis are bored with their jobs and their lives. After meeting at a conference in Cardiff they hook up, have a few too many drinks, and jokingly apply to become remote lighthouse keepers. Six months, just the two of them, looking after the southernmost lighthouse off the bottom of Australia. It’s not like their applications will be accepted. Right? This is the story of how one choice - a left instead of a right, a go instead of a stop, a yes instead of a no - can change the future forever and that sometimes, taking that leap of faith, is worth the risk.
18) Between The Sand and Stars | Explicit | 63,128 words | ✈️
When an earthquake strands flight attendant Louis Tomlinson on a tropical island, he’s got paradise at his fingertips - miles of sunny beaches, immersion in vibrant culture, and a beautiful seaside mansion to enjoy. Unfortunately, it belongs to the egotistical musician Harry Styles, whose incorrigible management can do little to hinder his playboy complex. Despite Louis and Harry’s abhorrent first impression, contrasting backgrounds, and tendency to bicker every time they speak, who says opposites can’t attract? Them, of course, because they hate each other … right?
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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headcanons: Spider-Man characters as your best friends
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(summary) Spider-Man: Across the Spider-verse characters as your best friends (headcanons)
(pairings) Miles Morales x reader, Gwen Stacy x reader, Hobie Brown x reader, Miguel O’Hara x reader, Peter B. Parker x reader, Jessica Drew x reader, Pavitr Prabhakar x reader, Earth-42!Miles Morales x reader
(genre) platonic friendship head canons
(also) this is all highly platonic as I am also including the kids and I don’t feel comfortable writing anything romantic for Gwen, Pav, Miles and Prowler!Miles
Peter B. Parker
always taking his wife’s side even if she’s wrong just to piss him off
- But she told me that it doesn’t count as babysitting if I’m saving the city at the same time! – Peter was walking back and forth around your small apartment after a small spat with Mary.
- And she’s absolutely right, - you agreed while keeping an eye on Mayday who was hanging from your ceiling in one of her webs. – If the mask is on, babysitting duties are off...
getting blamed for teaching Mayday swear words, even though it was Hobie who taught her to say “fuck”
always being that friend that reminds him that his wife is way out of his league (even though you don’t actually think that and you do it just to tease him...)
constantly flirting with his wife just to annoy him
- I’m so sorry, babe, - Peter kissed Mary’s cheek. – I’ll make it for that date night. I promise.
- How about I take you out, Mary? I think you deserv-
- Y/N!! – you heard Peter yell from the other room. – STOP FLIRTING WITH MY WIFE!
You leaned closer to her and lowered your voice.
- I saw this cool new restaurant downtown-
Mary smiled at you, playfully shook her head and laughed.
- I’m married, - she flashed her ring.
You didn’t blink for a hot second before asking:
- Happily?
- Y/N!!! – you leaned back in your chair just in time to avoid a pillow that flew straight past your face.
regularly being woken up by Peter calling you up at night to pick him up from the other side of town because he didn’t feel like waking Mary up and had no problem ruining your sleep
his love language with you as his friend being quality time – after not spending a longer period of time with you because of his duties as Spider-Man or because he had only spent time with Mayday and his wife, he would randomly show up at your apartment and tag along while you were running errands (eating in your car with his feet on the dashboard, getting crumbs all over the seat while he’s telling you every little detail about the latest news in his life) – never ever forgetting that you’re his best friend
when Mayday’s old enough to go to school and she needs help with homework – both you and Peter constantly arguing about which answers are the correct ones and Mary ending up having to take Mayday to the other room because it devolves into an actual fight
Miguel O’Hara
him obviously having a soft spot for you that allowed you to get away with pretty much anything
- It was irresponsible, highly dangerous, reckless behavior that I cannot-
- It wasn’t us! – Gwen stepped in to defend her and Miles. – It was Y/N’s mission! We weren’t even there!
Miguel was silent for a second. Then he turned around to where you were sitting in his chair, calmly eating popcorn and enjoying the show. He brushed his palm over his face, as you watched in satisfaction him having an inner battle with himself.
- Anything to add? – you asked, smirking.
He shook his head in disappointment with one hand still on his hip as he pinched the bridge of his nose in between his fingers.
- Just... – he sighed, walked over and pushed your crossed ankles off his desk. – Just don’t do it again...
taking his clothes, especially because you know it annoys him
- So, I have this new hoodie-
- That’s MY hoodie.
- It WAS your hoodie. Any piece of clothing you haven’t worn for more than two months is officially up for grabs by your best friend. Best I can do now is name it “our” hoodie.
always using the best friend card in the workplace and getting away with essentially everything because you’re best friends with the boss
his love language being acts of service – mostly because he’s awkward with any words of affirmation so he would usually change a light bulb if he saw that one of yours was burnt out or change your tire when he saw that one was flat – and when you noticed it, he would just brush it off as if it was nothing, saying “that’s what friends are for”
you being kinda the only reason Miguel hasn’t died from overworking himself – you usually would force him to go home, take a shower and sleep at least eight hours – which he would object but then you would take his office key, lock him out and leave no room for arguments
having Lyla as your partner-in-crime – her giving you a lot of embarrassing material on Miguel and constantly snitching on where he is and what is he doing...
no man or woman that you’re dating is ever good enough for you – and ever if you end up in a serious relationship, Miguel’s loyalty always lies with you – his first priority is making sure that you’re safe and comfortable in any relationship
being drunk and calling Miguel up in the middle of the night (in one of the rare times he’s actually sleeping and not working himself into the ground)
- Hi? – he would sit up in his bed and stare at the phone where you were Face-timing him.
- Hi, - you said in all seriousness. – Ok. Bye.
Hobie Brown
accidentally developing a habit of not bringing your wallet with you when both of you went out to eat that resulted in him always paying for you
- I’ll get you next time, - you promised, still chewing on your burger.
- Uh-huh, - was all you heard before he pulled the check closer to his side of the table. – Just so you know – you’ll have to take out a loan to repay me for all this stuff, - he gestured towards the food with one of his fries.
- Well, who’s keeping count anyway-
- One thousand and fifteen dollars.
You had been friends for two years at that point so it wasn’t unbelievable or anything...
his love language being physical touch – Hobie wouldn’t be embarrassed or ashamed to hug you whenever you or him needed a hug...
making a habit of stealing his food which initially annoyed him but then he compromised by making his orders larger to accommodate you
having quite romantic nicknames for each other, even though you’re just friends (names like “love”, “darling” and “babe”) but also randomly calling each other “bro” and “dude”
Hobie’s an excellent long-distance friend if one of you is out of town – calling you every day to make sure you’re safe and sound
if you have a pet, Hobie would have the biggest annoyed-dad energy – meaning, he would constantly complain about how clingy your pet/ pets are to him but occasionally you would catch him snuggling with the animal as if it was his own pet
if you don’t like some of your own family members, he hates them too, and if you have great relationship with your family – he loves them, no questions asked
Miles Morales
constantly cock-blocking him with Gwen like the annoying sibling you were
You watched your best friend and his crush sit on the balcony of the apartment building. At that point, Gwen had lightly touched his shoulder and you could’ve sworn you saw Miles melt into a puddle.
- HI! – you leaned out of your window that was right next to your best friend’s balcony. – HAVE WE MET? YOU’RE GWEN, RIGHT?
You saw Miles shake his head at you to go back inside your apartment. That only gave you more courage.
- Oh my god! – you grinned and reached out your hand over the space between your window and Miles’ balcony for Gwen to shake. – I’m Miles’ friend, Y/N. It’s such an honor to finally put a face to a name so talked about!
Gwen reached over to shake your hand.
- Really? – she looked unconvinced. – You’re talking about me to your friends, Miles?
He needed some time to find words, so instead your smile widened and you faked surprise:
- Is she the same girl whose hair you ripped out?
Gwen threw annoyed look at Miles who looked just as guilty as when it first happened.
- I have to say though, you can’t even see any difference, - you said when it was very clear that you could definitely see the shaved side of her head.
his love language being words of affirmation – especially after you found out he was Spider-Man and supported him no questions asked, he always let you know how much he appreciated you as his friend
when you first found out he’s Spider-Man, you got him a Spider-Man Halloween costume for his birthday and gifted it to him in front of his parents with a note attached just for him (and watched with satisfaction as Miles read “in case you ever need a backup” written on the paper)
if you’re taller than him – constantly testing his patience by reminding him by how much exactly he’s shorter than you – even though he’s a superhero and all that...
getting a driver’s licence before Miles – him being a very nervous driver so you take it upon yourself to teach him (and his dad being impressed by how much better he seems to get every time he’s driving with his son)
at one point, Miles’ dad to would catch you after you had thrown up some graffiti of your own but since you refused to call your folks because you knew they would be very, very mad, he would just sigh in annoyance and let you go with a warning
- If I catch you bragging about this to Miles, you’ll be right back here!
you making and selling Spider-Man merch but putting the most embarrassing photos of Miles on it just to annoy him
- Is that... Is that a photo of me with two birds glued to my hands?
- I believe that real life situations create the most amazing art, dude!
Jessica Drew
being constantly worried for her safety when she’s both pregnant and saving the city every day
You had developed a habit of becoming her designated driver so she wouldn’t swing back home on her webs.
- Hey, - you called out to your friend as soon as she had given her statement about the robbery to the police. – Get in!
You opened the passenger side door of your car.
Jessica had to take a double look when she saw you just casually waiting to pick her up after a fight.
- Y/N? – she looked around surprised. – What are you doing here?
- Apparently, I’m giving a ride home to a reckless pregnant lady, - you yawned and pointed to the passenger seat. – In.
She walked around and got in – really no point in refusing a free ride home when you’re already here.
- Are you in your pajamas? – she looked you over when you started the car.
- It’s one in the morning, - you pulled out of the parking lot. – Of course, I’m wearing pajamas.
- How did you even know where I was?
- I have a Spidey-sense of my own that’s called “my best friend is back on some bullshit that police could’ve sorted out themselves”, - you yawned again and then pointed towards her. – I have tracker in your boot’s heel.
Jessica’s love language being acts of service – which was matching to yours; essentially both of you doing little things for one another (you always dropping her off and picking her back up for any and all pregnancy-related appointments, her making more food so it’s enough for you too, her texting you where there’s less traffic while going about her day as Spider-Woman so you can get to work easier, you later on becoming a godmother/ godfather for her baby and spoiling that child to no end)
saying goodbye to each other like a married couple
- Drive safe, honey! Text me when you’re home!
- I will, darling! Love ya!
Earth-42!Miles Morales
becoming friends after you accidentally caught him in one of your security system traps that you had been developing
- Oh so it works, - you muttered under your breath, as Miles watched you press some buttons on your tablet. – This prototype alone, if sold, could get me a nice apart-
- Hey! – you turned towards where the intruder was trapped in your artificial web trap. – I really don’t have time for this bullshi-
You knew the Prowler. Or, more specifically, you had heard of him. At that point, you had never actually seen him in person. And you weren’t actually seeing him now – he was still in his suit.
- You broke into my lab, - you clarified. – Do you think I have time for your bullshit?
Instead of panicking, calling the security or the police, you simply put down the tablet, kicked your feet up on the table in front of you and opened a juice box.
For a small moment, the intruder stopped struggling, as if too bewildered by your reaction.
You raised your eyebrows, awaiting some sort of a threat or question...
- How are you even here? – a low voice – no doubt changed by a voice modulator – asked. – It’s a national holiday. No one was supposed to be here!
- Oh yeah, - you threw your empty juice box over the lab, straight into trash. – My boss made me stay overnight. Apparently, the security system prototype was supposed to be ready yesterday but I had taken a sick day so...
- What an asshole, - your captive murmured under his breath.
- Ain’t that the truth, - you agreed. – So, what are you after, - you looked into your tablet one more time before adding, - Miles Morales.
He was definitely surprised. After the initial shock, he took off his mask.
- How did you know who I am?
- I didn’t, - you turned your tablet towards him. – Well, not until my webs touched you and pulled any and all DNA data they could from you. Then, the program ran diagnostics through all collected DNA data from all over the world and – boom – a genetics match found identical to Miles Morales!
getting along very well with his uncle – something that Miles says annoys him but secretly he enjoys having more people that resemble a family to him, especially since his dad is gone
his love language being gift giving – Earth-42!Miles getting you a particular part for your tech that you’ve been looking for all over the city but instead of saying something – anything – he would just awkwardly thrust it into your hands, murmur something along the lines of “I got this for you” and immediately leave
if you’re single on Valentine’s day, you would order a pizza and hang around with Miles – he would say it’s sad that you have to hang out with your best friend but would actually appreciate the company
Gwen Stacy
taking dozens of photos of Gwen’s hair after the-Miles-incident where she had some of her hair ripped out
- No, stop! – Gwen tried to slap your phone out of your hand. – This is humiliating enough without lasting evidence!
- This is gonna be my Christmas card this year!
to outsiders it looks like you don’t like each other at all – both of you constantly bickering like siblings and yelling like a married couple; and both of you being surprised and taken aback when somebody genuinely points out that you should be nicer to one another (and immediately laughing when anyone assumes you hate each other...)
·       you always rely on Gwen to tell you the truth – no matter how harsh it is
- I think it went over well, - you said, as soon as your crush had left your lunch table.
When she hadn’t said anything, you turned to see her watching you with a blank look on her face.
- Your kidding, right? – she raised an eyebrow. – It was so awkward to watch I would’ve chosen to watch paint dry! That guy’s a dick! How can you even like that moron?
essentially having lots of your stuff over at her place and lots of her things at yours – and it’s gotten to a point where both of you have freed some space up in your desks, closets and dressers for your friend to comfortably leave their things in
constantly staying over at the other’s place – both your and her parents no longer surprised when one of you emerge to eat breakfast with everybody else there
Gwen’s love language being physical touch – especially if she’s nervous or anxious, she would wrap her pinky finger around yours just to know that you’re there
Pavitr Prabhakar
forever and always saying “Chai tea” just to piss him off
- Let’s get some Chai tea!
- Say it right and we might.
- I got you some Chai tea!
- I’m not drinking it if you keep saying it wrong!
- You know what I’m craving? Ch-
- I swear to god-
one of you constantly finding and perfecting some sort of a “talent” or “skill” – like juggling or doing a headstand – and the other one always trying to ruin the performance by knocking out one of the balls while juggling or making the other fall while doing a headstand
Pav’s love language being giving gifts – especially food; with him being Spider-Man, you would often text him while he was running errands and keeping peace all over the city to ask him to get you a particular snack (at some point, he had memorized your favorite places and would just get you something even before you asked – especially if he needed a favour from you and wanted to butter you up before asking...)
fighting for the sake of fighting
him accidentally pushing you out of the first story window when his crush unexpectedly came over and you were asleep on his couch (insert: Cameron Diaz’s character in The Other Woman being pushed out of the window) and you bringing it up any time you need a favor from him
- I can’t just do that! That’s borderline a crime!
- So is throwing your friend out of a window, Pav!
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⤹ 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲
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(( what the summer has looked like in my recent shifts! ))
(( this is a long post I'M SORRY I RAMBLE A TON))
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✯ Ginny and I always read the new editions of Seeker Weekly when they are delivered on sunday mornings. this usually consists of her running into my room and flopping onto my bed, teasing me with the magazine if I am not awake already. otherwise, we read it together at the kitchen table while keeping it away from the boys until we are done reading!
✯ in the first two weeks of summer, Bill was staying at the Burrow and telling us all about his adventures in Egypt. let's just say that every single breakfast with him ended on a super mysterious note or with Molly (mum) passing him more food and giving him a look of "motherly protection"
✯ with Arthur's (dad's) help, I have been building my own broom over the summer. I have always had the idea in mind, and with the collaboration of many different wizarding families, it is turning out really well!! I still have no idea if anyone will actually allow it in quidditch games though :')
✯ this might be very mundane, but I always help with the farm chores every morning. we have lots of chickens (and we have had pigs in the past), and it is so refreshing to use grounding techniques while listening to the radio through the open window
✯ speaking of radio... that is one thing that is always going in the Burrow. I look forward to walking downstairs in the morning and hearing the latest hits or listening to the WWN news broadcast.
✯ also, mum always has the Witching Hour (with Glenda Chittock) going in the mornings. in the wizarding world, there is kind of a love-hate with that talk show, as many younger people see it as something that only older women listen to.
✯ however, the Witching Hour was one of the first things I listened to in my first shift, so the memories are all positive and I find myself listening most mornings (despite the incessant teasing from the boys)
✯ in my first shift, I found out that the Holyhead Harpies made it to the League Cup against the Kenmare Kestrels. Ginny and I are obsessed with the Harpies' new seeker (grace belling my lovee <3) so you know I had to script that we would go to the game!!
✯ because this is the first summer where Fred, George and I can do magic outside of school, they have been tinkering away at new joke projects while I work on magically designing the labels and packaging! many late nights with that one!!
✯ my best friend Iris has visited many many times, and sometimes we invite Angelina too and we all bunker down in my room reading our silly witch magazines and looking at photos until the late hours. usually this ends with Ginny knocking on my door and she too curls up on the floor to talk <3
✯ Ginny also found this antique book of muggle victorian slang in the work shed, and she has been saying extremely ridiculous things in random conversation and it has honestly become a bit at this point. we are all on the edge of our seats wondering what that girl is going to say next, especially during meals!
✯ Hermione and Harry visited once, but Ron has such a sporadic schedule and he ended up doing the most random things and dragging them with him. I kid you not, they went and looked at the garden? for no reason??
✯ between Ron and Fred, those two would sleep past noon if we let them. mum will absolutely not have that though, so after she has called them down for breakfast multiple times, she tasks George and I with waking them up. some days we are kind and we gently shove them awake, but those are becoming very rare and I find absolute joy in being a morning menace <3
✯ when Bill was over, we had these fake broom races at dusk in the back field, but they were mostly so we could see the sunset on the horizon and that was a moment when I felt the most alive.
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talking about the burrow is my favorite and my mum is tired of hearing about it every time i shift back! so, i guess you all will be graced with my rants AND I HAVE A LOT OF THEM
thank you for reading if you have made it this far!
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nhl-stories · 3 months
I'm Back- Jack Hughes feat. Nico Hischier
Summary: Lux stays with Jack in New Jersey, things aren't going as she expected.
Author’s Note: This is sequel of sorts to this previous work you don't need to read it to get this, but it's a good read if I say so myself. This is a bit of a romance story, but mostly it's an ode to platonic soulmates.
Also fudging the timeline of medical school interviews because this is my world and I can do what I want to fit my needs
Word Count: 5.3k
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“Hey loser!”
Lux looks up to see Jack sticking his head out of the passenger window like a dog.
“Hey moron,” she shoves his head back into the car and drags her suitcase to the trunk.
Jack is out of the car and lifting it into the trunk before she has a chance.
“What a gentleman.”
Jack’s bright smile never fails to make her grin back, but she isn’t expecting the almost-tender hug that follows.
“Hi Luxy,” he mumbles into her hair, he sounds so tired, she squeezes a little tighter.
A honk jolts them apart.
“Our driver is a little impatient.”
Lux climbs in the back and wraps her arms around the seat and Luke’s shoulders before kissing his cheek.
“Aww look at my little Lukey all grown up.”
He shoves her back towards her seat.
“I could drive before,” he says petulantly before pulling away from the curb.
“Yeah, but now it’s in a car you bought on your own, because you have a job. Let me be proud I don’t have a little brother of my own,” she giggles as she sees Luke turn pink.
She lets him off the hook, and turns her attention to Jack, “Am I going to meet this new girlfriend while I’m here?”
Lux lifts a leg to kick Jack in the arm, “I should still be mad at you, I can’t believe I had to find out you have a serious girlfriend with the rest of gen pop on a fucking TikTok.”
“Sorry, she’s out of town.”
“How convenient,” Lux rolls her eyes, “now I won’t be able to prove I’m not a threat.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I’ve spent our whole friendship proving to girls that we are strictly platonic and there’s nothing to be jealous of.”
“What would they have to be jealous about?”
If it were anyone but Jack the comment might hurt.
“Lots of men actually find me desirable, so a lot of women don’t understand how you don’t see me like that at all. And women can be just as territorial as men.”
“Remember Sam thought you two were dating just because you don’t fucking shut up about Lux.”
“Thank you, Luke, excellent point. And then people see us together and realize that is not the kind of chemistry we share. But without the live experience it’s hard to prove.”
“She’s kind of in a different league than you, she’s definitely not gonna be jealous.”
Lux kicks him a little harder than before.
When they arrive at the apartment, Lux immediately drops her bags and flops on the couch, “This’ll do.”
“You don’t have to sleep on the couch.”
“What are we gonna share? First, we have never been two friends-one bed type of friends, second, we just had the jealous girlfriend talk.”
“Then take Luke’s room,” Jack shrugs.
“Hey!” Luke looks up from his phone to protest.
“I’m not gonna take your room. You’re saving me so much money on hotels, I’m more than okay with the couch.”
“Now that it’s settled, get up, we’re going to dinner.”
Jack grabs her hands and tries to pull her up, Lux goes full limp body.
“Do we have to leave?”
“We just planned to meet up with some guys for dinner, we don’t have any food here” Luke adds, already looking antsy to go, probably more than ready for his next meal.
“Fine, can’t let you waste away,” she dramatically gets off the couch.
“Is that what you’re going to wear?” Jack gives her a once over.
“Do your teammates have some kind of dress code?”
She eyes the boys and their casual outfits that wouldn’t be considered much nicer than her travel clothes.
“No, you just look a little… like you were on a plane,” Jack says like it’s diplomatic, not rude.
“Are you worried I’ll embarrass you in front of your teammates? Cause I can do that with or without changing.”
“Whatever, just– I don’t know fix your ponytail!”
Lux rolls her eyes but takes down her hair and shakes it out, before grabbing a change of clothes just to stop the whining.
“Oh my god guys, I was pretty the whole time! I might be too hot and irresistible for your teammates.” She comes back in tossing her fixed hair over her shoulder.
“And obviously you’d act on that,” Jack tosses her jacket at her.
“What makes you think I wouldn’t fuck one of your teammates? I used to fuck your brother!” Lux shoots Jack incredulous look.
“In fact, I could do both right now, what do you say Lukey?” She winks over at the younger brother.
“Please leave me out of this.”
“Okay, let’s not starve the baby any longer. But reminder, I’m a former WAG, it’s not like I couldn’t get an NHLer if I tried.”
“I’ll start matchmaking then,” Jack wraps an arm around her shoulder and leads her out of the apartment.
The restaurant is a lowkey sushi place. There are only about five Devil’s players, and Lux quickly realizes no other women are gonna be here. She has war flashbacks to the lake house in the summer. 
Lux squeezes herself between Jack and Luke at the table, she wants to have an easy conversation to fall back on.
“So, you’re the famous Lux,” a man with a toothless grin, who Lux learns is Dawson, says from across the table.
“Famous? What have you heard about me?” her stomach twists, probably good things, but Hughes brothers might not be the only ones talking about her.
“With the way he talks about you, I thought Jack was dating you for a while until I learned you were dating Quinn.”
There’s a scuffle under the table, “Oh right, sorry about the break up.”
Lux flushes, “Um- it’s been a while don’t worry about it, I’m not still heartbroken.”
“Well, the other two Hughes brothers love you a lot, always telling stories about you. And Nico said you were really nice.”
“Oh yeah, when you had to introduce your girl best friend to your new best friend,” she pinches Jack’s cheek.
“I took you guys to that place in Greektown,” she perks up a bit, “Is Nico coming tonight?”
Jack eyes her for a second before John Marino butts in, “he bailed, said he was feeling tired.”
The rest of dinner is good, but Lux can feel herself fading fast. And while she’s starting to lean heavily into Jack’s side, he doesn’t seem to get the message.
“You guys want to hear about the time Jack tried to ask out a girl in our chemistry class?”
“Right, you have to get up early, we should go,” Jack is quick to stand.
Luke snickers and doesn’t get to his feet, wants to see where this goes in front of their intrigued teammates.
“After I can talk about when Luke was like 14 or 15 and–“ Luke shoots up and drags Lux up with him.
“Nice to meet you guys, see you later,” Lux calls as they push her out of the restaurant.
She’s hit with the scent of cooking as she comes in the apartment, and takes off her shoes.
“I can finally take this bra off, it’s so uncomfortable but it’s the only one that works with this­– oh. There’s company.”
Lux freezes, one cup of her bra sticking out of her sleeve. Jack is facing the stove, not paying attention.
“Nico’s staying for dinner.”
Nico gives an awkward wave from his spot at the kitchen island with a glass of wine.
“Hi Nico,” she pulls the bra out the rest of the way, “Would have loved a little warning about the company,” then she whips Jack with her bra on her way out, ignoring his protest as she leaves.
She comes back into the kitchen and suddenly feels very exposed in her baggy Lions shirt and old, worn-out short shorts. Her packing hadn’t included thoughts of what to wear in front of men who are basically strangers while hanging around the apartment.
She tries to ignore the heat in her face and confidently take the seat next to Nico, where a new glass of wine is waiting for her.
“Hi Lux, nice to see you again,” he swivels in the barstool, bumping her knee with his.
“You too, even if it didn’t seem like I was before,” she takes a nervous sip of wine.
“Just with the whole bra thing, I try to keep the number of NHLers who’ve seen my nipples to a minimum, it’s probably already too high.”
Nico let’s out a laugh so delightful Lux feels her heart flip. She always thought Nico was cute, but up close and laughing at her jokes, she thinks it’s a bona fide crush now.
Jack scoffs, “You were dared to flash me, so I don’t really count.”
“Okay, so minus Jack, the three is probably enough.”
“Wait, who else saw your nipples?” Jack is less interested in what’s cooking now.
“Quinn, obviously. And Cole at prom; remember the strap on my dress broke, he got and eyeful before he helped cover me up.”
She takes another sip, let Jack’s mind run a bit wild.
“And Lukey walked in on me changing into my swimsuit once.”
The knife Luke is using to chop vegetables clatters onto the cutting board, “You said you’d never tell anyone that!”
“No, I said I wouldn’t tell Quinn that,” and she pretends to look around the room, “and there’s Jack and Nico… no Quinn.”
Luke’s cheeks are burning red and Jack looks like he’s torn between laughing and fuming, which ultimately makes him look a bit constipated.
“You were like 15 and had access to the internet, I doubt my tits were that impactful.”
“Can I throw myself out of a window now?” He looks like he’d prefer to melt into the floor.
Lux stands up and hugs Luke, pinning his arms to his sides, “Don’t worry I won’t let your older brother beat you up over it, though I think you’ve literally grown out of that phase now that you’re taller than him.”
“Now that we know that everyone here but Nico has seen your boobs.”
“We could change that…” Lux chirps at Jack and gets a shove from Luke.
“How was your interview?”
Lux shrugs, “Good, I think… I could not read the interviewer at all.”
“I’m sure you crushed it,” Jack gives her a noogie.
“Thank you for the vote of confidence, but it’s one of the most competitive med schools in America, so I’m not keeping my hopes up too much.”
Before the pair can continue arguing about how smart or not smart Lux is, Nico butts in.
“You’re interviewing for medical schools, right? Where at?
“Today was Columbia, I have Cornell tomorrow, and NYU Friday.”
“All just a train ride away,” Jack says as he starts to move them towards the dining table.
“And I haven’t decided if that’s a pro or con yet,” Lux smirks, before taking a seat.
“So, are you coming to both games?” Nico starts, clearly a ploy to stop the bickering before it really starts, already reading the duo’s antics.
“Of course, she’s coming,” Jack jumps in continues to cut off any protest, “you’ve never seen me play a home game and you’ve never even seen Luke play in the big leagues live!”
“But we agreed one game, two in one week will ruin my whole yearly quota.”
“You’re not a hockey fan?”
“That’s an understatement,” Luke laughs.
“Years with the Hughes family, then becoming a WAG, and we still couldn’t convert her,” Jack says wistfully.
“Maybe The Rock will change your mind,” Nico says thoughtfully.
Lux shrugs, she doesn’t want to rain on his parade, “Who are you playing? Just so I can make sure I don’t get a Zegras jumpscare.”
“He has a girlfriend.”
“I don’t think his relationship status would change how much he enjoys annoying me.”
“We’re not playing the Ducks, plus he’s out with a broken ankle anyway, I don’t think he’s traveling,” Jack adds, his tone hinting that there’s more on that subject he wants to discuss.
“Okay I can tell you’re dying to talk shop, so go ahead,” she’s surprised they let it go on this long.
“We were actually going to talk about the Canucks right before you got here,” Luke say with a little apprehension, always thinking of Lux’s feelings.
“How is Captain Q doing? They’re playing shockingly well, right?”
“I thought you didn’t like hockey?” Jack mocks.
“Our moms talk, I follow hockey players on socials, information gets disseminated.”
Jack makes a face, clearly unsure if that last word means what he thinks it does.
“The Canucks pretty much guaranteed to make it to the playoffs,” Luke probably knows disseminated doesn’t have anything to do with semen.
“Damn, I missed my chance to get a WAG jacket.”
Then the boys are off on tangents about trades and special teams and injuries. Lux silently enjoys the familiar chatter, letting it wash over her like a warm hug. Though she isn’t absorbing any of the information.
 She barely notices when the conversation turns to her while they start to clear the table.
“If you don’t want to sleep on the couch again, Nico has a spare bedroom.” Jack says as if he’s had to repeat himself.
“Excuse me?”
“He lives just upstairs, and has a guest room.”
“I’m staying here to spend time with you, why would I want to stay at some strange guy’s apartment? No offense, Nico.”
“No pressure, if you change your mind the offer is open,” Nico has such a kind smile Lux almost ask if she can stay in his bed.
“Thank you, that’s very nice of you, but I think I’ll stay here.”
Nico nods and says good night before leaving. Lux counts to five after the door shuts behind him.
“What the fuck was that?” Lux glares at Jack.
Jack isn’t quite sure how to respond.
“Why are you trying to pawn me off?”
He shrugs, “I’m not, but he does have a spare room. And it’s nicer to sleep on a bed. And if you happen to hit it off, that’s cool you’ll have another friend when you move here.”
Luke scoffs and retreats to his room, not wanting to get implicated in any scheme.
“So, you have ulterior motives?”
“That makes it sound like my motives are bad, friends are a bad thing now?”
“Friendship isn’t bad, but this feels like you know something I don’t and that makes me very uneasy.”
“I’ve never known something you don’t,” he gives a cheeky smile and Lux rolls her eyes.
He puts the last of the plates in the dishwasher.
“I’m gonna take a shower and go to bed, night Luxxy,” he ruffles her hair as he walks by.
Then she’s alone.
At 9 PM.
Not shooting the shit with her bestie.
Maybe she should have stayed with Nico.
The Cornell interview is a dream. Lux had gone to other interviews and liked a few, but this was different. She was vibing with the interviewer. Everything she learned about the school she loved.
Everything just felt right. 
She was floating on air as she walked the streets toward Central Park. The pizza she stopped for tasted better… although that might have been a New York thing and not a feeling good in the moment thing.
She texts Jack a good luck for the game but doesn’t get a response, she assumes he’s napping or in the zone or something. It’s not a part of their usual texting unless she somehow knows there’s a specifically important game; like when he plays Quinn or the stadium series a few weeks ago.
Lux meets up with a friend from college, who takes her out for drinks then dinner then more drinks. She’s a little tipsy when she gets on the train to Jack’s apartment, insisting to her friend that she doesn’t want to sleep on a futon in her studio apartment.
Halfway there she realizes she should check the score before she gets back. She may not care about hockey but she cares about her friend’s feelings and knowing what kind of mood he’ll be in can only help.
They lost.
Quinn would get quiet and introspective when he lost a game, so it was always easy for Lux. Not only were they not in the same city, but usually he didn’t want to talk. Jack usually got grumpy and wanted to complain. So not the exact environment she was used to or really wanted to be in.
She gets back before the boys somehow. She’s not exactly sure how.
So, she gets ready for bed and turns on the TV, of course it’s already on some channel playing sports highlights. Lux flips around to find something more mindless when they boys come home.
Luke plops down on the couch, suit jacket discarded immediately. Jack sort of awkwardly stands behind the couch, staring at the TV where Lux stopped on a game show.
When neither of them speaks up, Lux fills in the silence.
“Sorry about the loss, but a goal and an assist, that’s pretty cool,” she looks up to Jack with a sad smile, hoping she’s at least a little comforting.
“Mmmhmm,” Jack hums.
She tries a new tactic, “Cornell went well.”
“I liked it, a lot.” She emphasizes.
“How about we order pizza, watch bad TV, and not talk then?”
“I’ll pass,” Jack finally moves, heading to his room and shutting the door behind him.
She looks over to Luke, “He’s being weird with me, right?”
“Kind of,” Luke avoids eye contact, his tell when he’s trying protect his brothers in some way.
“We haven’t hung out, just the two of us since I got here. Hell, we haven’t even done a Lux and the Hughes bros night. I want to know if I did something wrong.”
“It’s not you, he was really excited you were coming. Wouldn’t shut up about everything he wanted to show so you’d fall in love with here like he has.”
Lux smirks at that.
“I think the season has been rough for him, he’s been taking it out on himself a little.”
She scoots down the couch and pulls Luke into her side with a hug.
“And how are you doing?” She gives him a squeeze, her instinct to big sister Luke coming out.
“It’s my first full season, I’m just happy to be playing. And Jack’s been taking good care of me.”
“What an insane sentence, but glad you have each other here.”
“And I heard talk of pizza,” he hugs Lux back.
“You’re the local, tell me where to order from,” she ruffles his hair.
Lux wakes up early despite her late night of TV and pizza. She clears off the table before heading towards Jack’s room.
She knocks gently, before just walking in. Though she hovers near the entryway.
“What’s wrong with us?”
Jack’s lying in bed looking at his phone, double chin on full display. Lux would normally make fun of him, or take a picture for her own blackmailing purposes, but now’s not the time.
“What do you mean?” He doesn’t look away from his texting or whatever he’s doing.
Lux crawls into the bed and lays on her side facing him.
“I thought we weren’t ‘share a bed’ friends?”
She rolls her eyes, snatches his phone and throws it to the foot of the bed. It gets lost somewhere in the crumpled duvet.
“When you’ve been using your brother and teammates as a buffer to not be alone with me, I’ll bend our friendship rules.”
“Okay we’re alone, what’s wrong with me?”
“It’s not just a you thing… it’s an us thing.”
Jack finally turns his head to really look at Lux.
“We haven’t talked at all since Christmas, and even then, it was like for 15 minutes between family obligations. And we’re barely texting.”
Lux hates her body for betraying her, tears starting to well up even if she’s more frustrated than sad.
“It feels like right before Quinn broke up with me.”
That gets Jack to sit up, confused, a little angry.
“I’m not fucking breaking up with you.”
“Good, I don’t think I could survive a second Hughes break up.”
Jack sighs, “Just this year has fucking sucked for me, we’re not doing as well– I’m not doing as well as I thought. And you’re in your senior year and applying to med schools, I didn’t want to add my own stress to you.”
“Are you still hurt?”
“Kind of, but we’re like still sort of in the race for a playoff spot and if I can just get us in…”
Lux knows to bite her tongue when it comes to injury management. They’ll play through the pain even if it’s not necessarily the best for themselves, if there’s a chance it’s best for the team.
“And on top of that you get a girlfriend, a meet your parents kind of girlfriend.”
“I guess I’m not over you and Quinn breaking up!”
Lux swallows, tries to put together a coherent thought.
“I know you had a crush on Quinn forever, and I was happy for you guys, but you were my friend first and he kind of ruined that. And now I feel like I have to be careful when it comes to talking about him, or relationships, or even just making fun of you.”
He finally turns onto his side.
“And most importantly I want to talk to you about how Quinn’s girlfriend is so nice it’s kind of annoying.”
“Oh my god, she’s too nice! Do you know she follows me on Instagram? We met like that one time at the lake and she comments on all my pictures about how pretty I am. She knows I’m his ex, right?”
“Oh yeah, it was a whole weird thing when we all played each other the first time. Quinn apparently hadn’t told her explicitly and we made some joke or something and then she just was like ‘oh she’s so nice and pretty, no wonder you liked her.’”
Lux can’t help but laugh.
“I mean maybe I couldn’t handle that like right after the break up, but I was so lost after. I didn’t know how to be a college student without a long-distance boyfriend and still be a good student or friend and whatever, and I was such a bitch at the end of our relationship I thought you wouldn’t be on my side, which you shouldn’t”
“We were already having problems, but I purposely made them worse. Like, while I was dodging all his calls, you came to play in Chicago and I made sure that we took a picture together because I knew you’d send it to the family group chat and he’d see I was just living my life.”
“That’s fucked up.”
“I know! I can’t believe he never told you that. He really is like the best brother.”
“Why did you do that?”
“I don’t know, I think I wanted a break but I didn’t know how to ask for one, so I ruined it. And sometimes I think if we took a break maybe we’d get back together again, but also, I just don’t think we were meant for long term.”
She reaches across to grab Jack’s hand, “But us… this shit is forever. We have almost nothing in common and you’re still the first person I want to call with big news or if I need advice, which is crazy cause you’re one of the dumbest people I know.”
Jack laughs, it’s a little wet. They have to ignore it because they love each other but it’s not emotional like this.
“Okay, so I’ll still be your future kids cool Uncle Jack? Even if we’re not blood related?”
“Of course.”
“Okay enough of this emotional stuff, it’s very gross.”
“But what if we kissed right now,” Lux wiggles her eyebrows while trying to keep a straight face.
Jack shoves her hard enough she teeters dangerously on the edge of the bed, as she howls with laughter.
“Oka, now tell me why you’re trying to set me up with Nico?”
“He’s brunette with a lot body hair but almost none on his chest, that’s your type.”
“Oh my god! Shut up, that is not my type,” Lux covers her face, masking her laughs and her embarrassment.
“Palmer from high school was a fucking wolf man.”
“Okay, well recent studies show that’s not my type.”
Jack gags.
“Nico may also sort of be seeing this woman who’s massive bitch to him. And I like him and I like you, so maybe if you hit it off… it would be good for everyone. And make you want to move here.”
“I’m not making life altering decisions based on boys… even for cute Swiss boys or platonic soulmates.”
The door opens suddenly, “We’re gonna be late for morning skate, dude.”
“What if we had been having sex, dude?” Lux says while stretching out on the bed.
“Then the world would be ending, so it wouldn’t really matter,” he rolls his eyes, “I’m pulling out of the garage in 10 minutes with or without you.
“Want to go shopping later?” Jack asks Lux as he gets out of bed
“Are you paying?”
He scoffs, “Sure.”
“Then I’m in. Have fun at morning skate, I’m gonna nap in your bed.”
Things snap back into place almost immediately, like it was more effort pushing each other away than just letting themselves get pulled into each other’s orbit.
And all feels right in the world again.
Thursday is another game day; Lux is reading on the boys’ balcony while they nap. She jolts when the sliding door opens.
“Sorry to scare you,” Nico in a suit sits down across from her, “they still napping?”
“Yes? I don’t know their routines. Why are you here?”
“We’re carpooling.”
They sit quietly for a bit, before Lux finally puts her book down.
“It’s been a while since I’ve been to a game, is this appropriate attire?” She stands up and does a goofy little spin.
“What are you doing?” Jack asks from the doorway, a playful smirk on his face like he’s getting away with something.
“I’m asking if I’m dressed alright, since I’m sitting in your girlfriend’s spot with all the WAGs.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t force her to wear your jersey,” Nico laughs, “but you look nice, won’t even have to change when we go out after the win.”
“Oooh you’re ready to put on a show for me?”
“You could use some make up though,” Jack adds.
Lux just flips him off.
A sleepy looking Luke comes to the door, “Don’t let Lukey drive, he looks like an accident ready to happen.”
“Try to have fun tonight,” Jack hugs Lux.
Normally she’d say something snarky, like ‘try to win then.’ But after their heart to heart, that feels like a twist of the knife.
“I’ll try to be the best good luck charm.”
Lux gets to her seat five minutes into the first period in an attempt to avoid any awkward introductions. Not that she’s against meeting new people, but without social butterfly Jack by her side, she relapses into her shyer ways.
Still, the group tries to include her, shocked she hasn’t seen Jack play in Jersey and forcing her to take a picture where the mascot is holding her bridal style.
She has a couple drinks, cheers when Jack gets an assist, and pretends she doesn’t cheer louder when Nico gets an assist on the game winning goal.
She won’t admit it, but it’s the most fun she’s had at a hockey game, maybe ever.
The women lead her down to the family room while they discuss where they want to go out. Lux is buzzing with adrenaline she was not expecting, ready to follow everyone for a night out with no complaint.
Luke and Jack come out of the locker room simultaneously. Lux is about to jump on Jack when she remembers what he said about his shoulder, so she jumps on Luke’s back instead.
“Lukey, you were so good out there,” she squeezes him tight and ruffles Jack’s hair while she has the height advantage.
“I was -1,” he starts to let her go so she slides off his back.
“I don’t know what that means, so it can’t be that important.”
She gives Luke another hug then turns her attention to Jack, who wraps an arm around her shoulder.
“Guess you were a good luck charm.”
“And yet, you couldn’t score a goal for me.”
“Gotta keep you wanting more.”
She sticks her tongue out at him.
“I heard there were talks of going out? I have an interview tomorrow so the sooner that starts the better.”
They end up at a trendy bar on the other side of the river with about half the team and their significant others. She lets Jack talk her into taking a shot about two steps into the establishment.
She laughs, she dances, she drinks a bit too much. Her head starts to spin and she makes her way to the patio, the chilled air feels good and clears her vision.
A cold glass of water brushes against her arm.
“You probably should hydrate.”
“Thanks,” she smiles up at Nico.
“Did you have fun tonight? At the game?”
“Yeah, but don’t tell Jack it’ll go to his head.”
“Might be a con if you end up picking Cornell, he’ll make you come watch all the time.”
“I think med school is a good excuse to miss out.”
Nico shrugs, “I’d miss my good luck charm.”
The early spring air is chilly, but a gust of warm air comes over Lux. ‘This is flirting. Nico is flirting with me,’ rings in her head while she struggles to be charming, or smooth in response.
Of course, that’s when the clock strikes midnight and she turns back into a pumpkin, or really Jack interrupts the moment.
“Luxxy, time to leave! I won’t be the reason you’re late or hungover for your interview.” He yells from the doorway of the bar, for maximum embarrassment.
Lux close her eyes and lets out a sigh. Then lets a final burst of liquid confidence bubble up to the surface.
“I might not see you before I leave, so let me give you my phone number,” she holds out her hand for his phone, which he unlocks and hands over.
“Partially, because seeing this happen will make Jack lose his mind. And it would be nice to have another friend if I move out here.”
Nico is kind of dumbstruck as he nods along, “Friends are nice.”
“Especially cute friends,” she holds back a grin and gives him a kiss on the corner of his mouth.
He turns an adorable shade of pink.
“What was that?” Jack says as she walks by taking him in tow.
“What? Isn’t that what you wanted?”
The last interview goes fine. Not great, but at least she isn’t hungover for it.
Her flight out is at an ungodly time the next morning, so she insists on an early bedtime from her chauffeurs.
Which is how she ends up sitting alongside the river, brown bagging beers with the Hughes brothers, watching the sun set.
“So, am I going to meet the new girlfriend at the lake this summer?”
“You’re actually coming to the lake house this summer?”
“If I can embarrass you in front of your new girlfriend? Absolutely.”
“I’m giving your room to Trevor,” beer sloshes out of his can when he elbows her.
“C’mon, this might actually be my last summer at the lake. I’m becoming a doctor; I think I’ll be busy. Or maybe I’ll meet someone.”
“Someone who will whisk you off to Switzerland?” Jack wiggles his eyebrows and Luke make smooching sounds.
“Anything is possible,” she raises her beer and drinks to that.
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cozage · 1 year
The Daughter's Return: Month 5
The Road to Love
Part One | Next Chapter | Table of Contents | Read on AO3
This idea was sent to me by Anonymous! CW: kinda long but it's from Ace's perspective! Characters: female reader x Portgas D. Ace Word Count: 5.2k
From the moment Ace heard your name, he was intrigued. 
“It’s a crazy story,” Thatch said as everyone sat down around him. “The Clandine Incident was one of the main reasons Y/N’s bounty skyrocketed. She’s got one of the highest bounties on the ship, especially for her age.”
Blamenco chortled. “She’s only got a big bounty cuz-”
“Though she’s always been a legend,” Marco said, cutting off Blamenco and ignoring his words. “The Navy has been trying to figure out who keeps ruining their plans for years. They just never expect it to be a teenage girl. It’d be higher if they knew everything she actually did.”
“Right,” Kingdew laughed. “They underestimate her because of her reckless appearance to them. They think she improvises everything she does.”
Ace raised his eyebrow. “How so?”
Izou hummed, knowing that the crew’s praise for you would have repercussions. This new crewmember seemed a little too interested in you. Still, Izou decided to indulge him. It’d be interesting to see where this all went. 
“The Clandine Incident is the best example,” Izou said. “The Navy had captured about forty of our men. It was looking bad. However, they had captured non-devil fruit users, so they were all in metal cages for transport.”
Marco interrupted and took over the story. “Because so many of Whitebeard’s men had been captured, almost all of the Navy’s forces had been called back to escort the prisoners to ships to be hauled off to Impel Down. Which left their defenses low, and we could launch an assault on our actual target and free a royal member of an island we watched over. They didn’t even have time to call reinforcements before the prince was released.”
“She and Marco led the operation to free the prisoners.” Thatch grinned ear to ear, staring at the first division commander. “I heard things got quite messy, but they got in and out without any fatalities.”
“Messy?” Ace inquired, nudging his friend to tell him more. “How so?”
“Don’t worry about it,” Marco grumbled. “Just a few messes I had to clean up.”
Thatch cackled. “If I recall, it was Y/N who did the cleaning up, not the other way around!”
Marco rolled his eyes. “She’s always the one to make the sacrifice play, and she got mad when I wouldn’t let her do it. I swear she’s careful with everyone’s life but her own. ”
Ace could relate, which only made him even more interested in meeting you. “When’s she get back?” he asked, unable to hide the enthusiasm in his voice. 
The whole table erupted into laughter at his question. 
“She’s off limits, dude,” Vista said, giving Ace an empathetic pat on the shoulder. “If you try anything, Pops will kill you.”
“Pops wouldn’t get the chance,” Thatch said. “Marco would get you first.”
“Sorry man, they’re right. I know you’re my brother-” Marco smiled and shook his head. “But she’s outta your league anyway. Don’t even try it.”
“Look at him getting all protective!” Fossa bellowed, and the table erupted in laughter again. 
Ace gave a confused smile, looking around the table. It was clear he was missing something. Something obvious that everyone else seemed to be aware of.
“Go check the bounty poster room,” Curiel whispered, giving him a little nudge. “You’ll figure it out.”
Newgate. You were a Newgate. There was no chance in hell you’d ever even look his way. And if you knew who his father was…No, Whitebeard would never allow the son of his rival to date his only daughter. 
And yet, as he stared at your old bounty poster, he couldn’t help but think there was so much more to you than a name. 
Months later, Whitebeard stood towering over Ace. He had been called in for a meeting with his captain, and Ace was worried that he had screwed up big this time. 
“There’s something I should probably tell you, Ace.”
His voice didn’t sound upset, and Ace relaxed a bit. “What’s up Pops?”
“My daughter is returning home soon, which is quite a joyous occasion-”
Ace nodded. “I’m excited to meet her.”
Whitebeard watched the second division commander carefully. “There’s something I should warn you about.”
“Oh, Pops, don't even worry about that.” Ace’s cheeks were hot, embarrassed where this was going. Of course he knew about Ace’s flings and flirtations on the ship. Of course Whitebeard didn’t want him anywhere near you. “I’m not like that anymore. Besides, everyone has already told me.”
Whitebeard’s eyebrows knitted in confusion. “Told you what?”
“That Y/N is off limits. I shouldn’t interact with her or-”
Whitebeard laughed, his jolly expression returning at the absurdity of Ace’s comment. “Ace, son. I don’t care what you do in your free time. I don’t care what she does in her free time. My daughter is an adult. She can make her own decisions. I trust her with that ability. If I didn’t, she wouldn’t be my most valuable strategist.”
“Oh.” Ace suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable. He had never read a situation more incorrectly than he had in this moment. “Then what did you want to talk about?”
“My daughter,” Whitebeard said, still chuckling. “She can be…intense. And unfortunately, I believe she may take out some of that intensity on you.”
It was Ace’s turn to be confused. “Why?”
“Well…” Whitebeard’s eyes flicked towards the door nervously. “I promised her the second division commander spot before she left. But clearly, that’s been filled since she’s been gone.”
“Oh!” Ace said. “I can step do-”
“No.” Whitebeard's voice was firm and final. “You are the second division commander. But I am placing her under your command.”
Ace’s mouth dropped open. He hadn’t been expecting that. He had expected Whitebeard to keep you as far away from him as possible. “Are you sure?”
“I believe you are most equipped to handle her.”
Ace laughed nervously. “Surely Marco. Or Thatch. Or Izou-”
“Are you not comfortable with it? I’d prefer she stay in division two for a few days to try it out. Would you like me to move her now instead?”
“No!” Ace rushed to say. “I’m honored to take her in my division. She’ll be a major asset.”
Whitebeard chuckled. “And a major pain in the ass at first. Give her some time, as a favor to me.”
Ace gave a nervous smile, unsure what exactly he was signing up for. “Sure, Pops. Anything-”
Suddenly a young woman burst through the door, storming up to his captain. Ace tensed, unsure of who you were or what was about to go down. 
“Y/N,” Whitebeard smiled, and Ace could feel himself start to sweat. He hadn’t expected this to all happen so soon. “You’re-”
“You bastard!” You screamed, pulling out a kunai. “You promised!”
Ace could hear the hurt in your voice, and he felt sorry for you. And then he started to feel sorry for himself. You couldn’t be the girl Marco had raved about, the cute girl in pigtails, who would do anything for a piece of chocolate. You couldn’t be the girl who had the skill set of a thousand men. 
You were far too rude to be the girl he imagined. Nobody talked to his father like that, especially not some entitled girl who thought it was her birthright. 
He threw a knife at your kunai, knocking it out of your hand. When you shot him a glare, he returned one back. He wasn’t going to let you intimidate him so easily. 
“Stay out of this, newbie,” you snapped at him. If this was how mad you were about a kunai, he didn’t want to imagine how mad you’d be when you found out about the position. 
You reached into your pouch and he lunged at you, grappling your wrists. He wouldn’t let you hurt or even attempt to intimidate his father, the person who saved him and called him his own. You had no idea how selfish you were being or how good you had it, and it made Ace’s blood boil. 
“I don’t know who you are,” Ace said, trying his best to sound intimidating. “But you have no right attacking Pops the moment you get on our ship.”
“Stay out of my affairs,” you snarled back. 
His grip on you started to feel hot, and for a moment he was afraid he had let his anger get the best of him. And then it began to heat up so much that he had to pull away. You were simply too hot to hold onto. 
You gave him a wicked grin of satisfaction, as if you were boasting about your victory in the small battle you momentarily had. But Ace was confused. How had you burned him? Nobody had managed to do that in a long time. Marco and the other commanders had talked about your ability before, but he had assumed it was just another type of fire or heat ability. 
And then he remembered something Marco had said. How you had gone up against the lava vice admiral once, and you burned hotter than even him. A volcano fruit, Ace remembered. Your heat far surpassed him. 
Oh, the two of you would make an interesting dynamic indeed. He was beginning to see why Pops had placed you under his command now. Ace wanted to know everything about you, and wanted to use you and your ability to his full advantage. He couldn’t wait to see what you could do, and what he could learn from you. He just had to get you on his side. 
Which was easier said than done. You weren’t exactly thrilled to meet him.
And then the welcome party happened, and you all were stargazing when you had fallen asleep. He wanted to lay there forever, but Marco had eventually found you all. The first division commander picked you up and began to walk away before he turned back for just a moment.
“You’re going to fall in love with her, aren’t you?” Marco asked. 
Ace scoffed in return. “I don’t fall in love.”
“Good,” Marco said. “Because she’ll break your heart.”
“Who’s to say I wouldn’t break hers?”
Marco glared at him, clutching you tighter to his chest. “If you even think about it, I’ll carry you out to sea and drop you in the ocean.”
Ace gave a light laugh, but quickly realized Marco was very serious in his threat. “Noted.”
“I’m serious, Ace,” Marco whispered. “Leave her alone. It won’t end well.”
Of course, he hadn’t listened, he was too captivated by you. After the election of new subordinate captains were solidified, Marco began switching his tune from warnings to encouragement, and Ace grew hopeful that you were interested in him. Marco even encouraged Ace to invite you to a party. But Marco was still clear: just because you needed friends didn’t mean you needed Ace.  
And then Ace understood. You were about to lose most of your childhood friends, and you would need a new support system. Still, Ace got his hopes up that maybe you would feel something eventually. But for now, Ace would be okay with friends, as long as you stuck around. 
A few nights later, he had really fucked up. He had taken Marco's advice, invited you to the party, and even made a bet with you about going drink for drink. And now, you were curled up against his chest, your skin warm against his. Every time you shifted or stretched, he found himself alert. He couldn’t sleep with you so close to him, his mind racing at one hundred miles per hour. You had wanted to sleep with him. Even if you hadn’t actually wanted to sleep with him, you did feel comfortable enough to fall asleep with him next to you. He didn’t know what to do. 
He wanted you. He wanted to be with you. He wanted to only belong to you. He had never felt this way about another person before, but he knew it was good and true and that he was yours. He would find a way to tell you and hope you felt the same way. You had fallen asleep in his arms, after all. That had to count for something. 
But the next morning you woke up in an unfamiliar place, and you had made it clear that while you appreciated his gentlemanly actions, you wanted nothing more. And so he held his tongue and went to the meeting he was summoned for, sleeping through the entire thing, wishing he was still in bed. Wishing you were still in his arms. 
And then you had been offered a job by your father, one that would take you away from division two. Take you away from him. It took Ace every ounce of self-restraint not to question his captain. Why would he hurt him like this? Why would he let you and Ace get so close, just to take you away?
Instead, he went to you, begging for you to stay in the most vulnerable way he knew how. He would’ve done anything, answered any question if it meant you would stay with him just a little bit longer. The two of you had become friends. That’s how he felt, at least. He wasn’t sure how you felt, but he had to hope. And you stayed. You chose him, and his heart continued to burn only for you.
The subordinate captains’ goodbye party was a testament to your planning skills. It had mostly been for Whitey, but it wouldn’t have been obvious if he didn’t know you. And maybe he didn’t. After all, he didn’t pin you as the kind of girl to make out with just anyone after a game of shots. Not that he cared anyway. You had made it clear you didn’t want more than a professional relationship with him. 
And yet, he still felt rather irritated by it all. He found himself receding from the party, deciding to find a quiet place to lean against the railing and stare out to sea in thought. He tried not to think about you, but all he could see was that red-haired boy and your lips smashed together. It should’ve been him there doing 5 shots with you. It should’ve been him getting a victory kiss. Not that little red-haired punk. 
“Berry for your thoughts?” Whitey said, leaning on the railing next to Ace. 
Ace looked over at her, startled. Whitey hadn’t talked to him since their fallout. She hadn’t even acknowledged his presence. And yet here she was, talking to him. She had to be drunk. It was the only explanation. 
“Don’t look at me like that,” Whitey griped, though she wasn’t looking at him. “I know I’ve been shitty. But I’m not here to talk about us. I’m here to talk about you.”
“I actually wanted to find you,” Ace admitted. “I’m sorry about everything I put you through. That wasn’t fair and-”
“I don’t want to hear it.” Whitey let out a deep sigh and then continued. “You’re only apologizing because you know you might never see me again. And while I appreciate the sentiment, I don’t want it.”
“It’s not because you’re leaving,” Ace corrected. “It’s because-”
Ace hesitated. He wasn’t sure he wanted to be this vulnerable with Whitey for multiple reasons. He didn’t want to open old wounds. He didn’t want her passing it on to you. He didn’t want her to laugh.
“Go on,” Whitey said, finally turning at looking at Ace. She didn’t look upset or angry. In fact, she looked like she knew exactly what he was going to say. 
“It’s because I know how you feel now,” he confessed. “And it feels really shitty. And I’m sorry.”
“We both wanted different things in that moment,” Whitey said. “I’m sorry for the part I played too.”
Ace shook his head. “You don’t have to apologize.”
“Yeah, I do.” Whitey laughed and took a long drink of her ale. “Hold on to that person that’s making you feel that way, though. She’s really special.”
Ace froze, worried she was going to tease him. But Whitey just gave him a friendly wink and left him alone.
Marco found him a few minutes later. “Commanders and Strategists. Let’s roll.”
Ace frowned. He wasn’t ready to see you again. He was still upset about your public flirtation with someone else. Maybe you were his karma, but he still hated it. 
“Come on, lover boy. It’ll be fine.” Marco chuckled, pulling Ace back to the party. He was going to have to face you sooner or later, he knew that. 
Luckily, the evening only went up from there. 
Less than 24 hours later, the two of you were off on an impromptu mission. It was just the two of you, really. Kala and Mihal were coming too, but you all wouldn’t be together for long. 
He would get you all to himself. Away from your father’s watchful gaze, Marco’s interference, and any boy who might have a crush on you. It would just be the two of you. 
It had been fun, until women began crowding him, asking for dances. His heart broke a little bit when you told him to dance with them, but he listened. He had come here to spend the night with you, not with these snobby women who were dressed in gowns that were worth more than all the money he ever had as a child. But every time he looked for you, you were there, looking as beautiful and radiant as he had ever seen you.
Then you disappeared, and his heart beat out of his chest as he broke off a dance to search for you. He found you being led away by some pompous asshole who had been staring at you all night, and his stomach churned at the thought of what that man would try to pull once you were alone with him. 
He hadn’t meant to make a scene. He was just so upset. He should’ve never left you sitting alone at that table. To hell with all of those women. To hell with everyone here. You were the only one who mattered to him. 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, and the hairs on Ace’s neck stood up. 
And then you slapped him. Hard. Like you really, truly meant it. And as you began screaming at him, he slowly realized he would now have to be the decoy. 
Some Marines grabbed his arms and hauled him away, but he couldn’t take his eyes from you, burying your face in that horrible man’s coat as you sobbed fake tears. 
They set him in a chair and an official sat across from him. Ace had no idea who it was. If you were here, you would’ve been able to tell him his rank, name, weakness, and everything else he needed to know. But you were tucked away somewhere upstairs. Safe, hopefully. 
“Listen son,” the man said, and Ace gritted his teeth. The only person who could call him son was Whitebeard, but he kept his mouth shut. The man didn’t seem to notice Ace’s seething rage, thankfully, and he continued. “I’m sure there was just a miscommunication. Why don’t you give me your commanding officer and we’ll get it all sorted out.”
“Commanding officer?” Ace questioned. He didn’t know any names. How could he have forgotten to do this? He should’ve paid more attention as you were pointing people out. 
“And your name and rank.”
Ace hadn’t thought of any of those things. He hadn’t expected you all to get caught. Or at least, he had expected you to do all the lying for him. 
“Kaclin McGrought, Captain,” Ace said. It was the first thing that came to his mind. “My Commanding officer is…”
Shit. Why could he only think of Garp? That would give him away immediately. Plus, Garp was here. They could just go ask him, and his cover would immediately be blown.
“My commanding officer is Clemence,” Ace tried to sound confident, like he knew exactly what he was talking about. 
“From the East Blue?” Ace asked, raising his eyebrow. “Sir Clemence the Second? Surely you know him?”
The man nodded at a pair of lieutenants by the door, and they swiftly exited the room. Ace didn’t have a good feeling about any of this. He could only hope they weren’t heading to find and capture you. He could only hope you had come up with a better cover story. 
A few minutes later, one of the lieutenants came back and bent down to whisper something in his interrogator's ear. 
“So McGrought…” The man stared at Ace long and hard, and he knew he had been caught. “You and your commander don’t seem to exist. Why don’t you tell us who you really are?”
Ace swallowed, trying to clear the lump in his throat. He wasn’t so nervous for himself, but he hated not knowing about your status. “Who I really am?”
One good thing would come out of this, at least. The Navy would know his name now. At least they would know his power, and his position. He wouldn’t be some “failed rookie” amongst their conversations. 
“Portgas D. Ace, Second Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates.” Ace erupted into flames, and most of the people took a few steps back from the heat. “And don't call me son.”
With that, he threw off his shirt, turned, and jumped out the stained glass window. He wanted the last thing they saw to be his father’s symbol.
As he burst through the window, he only had one thought on his mind: he had to get to you. He had to make sure you were okay. 
That was the first and last time Ace underestimated your strategy ability. Even as you all spoke to his grandfather, even as you raced through the woods and spent the night in a borrowed house, he couldn’t help but admire just how brilliant you were. 
As the two of you walked through the town and snuck onto the beach, as you changed your plan on a dime and found a way to make it work, as you taunted a Vice Admiral, he couldn’t help but smile giddily, knowing you were his. And he was yours. 
He would have to tell Whitebeard, of course. He should’ve been more concerned about his fate, but he felt invincible, watching you as you slept on the boat ride back to the ship. You were together. Nothing could stop him now. 
Standing in front of Whitebeard was a much different feeling. But he needed to tell him. Not just because it was protocol, but because Whitebeard was one of the few men Ace respected in this world. He deserved to know.
“We’re dating.” He couldn’t bring himself to look at either of your faces when he spoke the words. He didn’t want to see his initial reaction, and he didn’t want to see your wrath. 
Whitebeard sent you out immediately, which was probably the best outcome. Ace could probably handle one angry Newgate. But there was no way he’d survive two of you angry at him. 
Ace could feel Whitebeard’s eyes on him, but he refused to look back. He was afraid of the disappointment he’d see if he looked. 
He stared at his feet instead. “I like her quite a lot, Pops. I’ve never felt like this before.”
“Ace. Son. Look at me.” 
Ace looked up, and was shocked to find Whitebeard staring at him with a glimmer in his eye. He looked…proud? No, that couldn’t be. Ace was so certain that he would only be met with pushback and disgrace. 
“I told you when she first got here,” Whitebeard smiled. “My daughter makes her own decisions. She’s old enough to do that, and I’ll respect whatever decisions she makes.”
Ace couldn’t find the words he wanted to express. A part of him wanted to cry. A part of him wanted to ask a hundred questions. 
“I’ll never hurt her,” Ace swore. “I’ll always protect her, I swear.”
Whitebeard chuckled. “You can’t promise both of those things in the same breath, son. So be careful with your words. Because she will hold you to them. She never forgets a promise. So don’t go making promises you can’t keep.”
“Yes sir,” Ace said, silently cursing himself for promising such grandiose things. “I will keep that in mind.”
“There’s one thing I’d like you to avoid mentioning to her, though. Just for the time being.”
“Of course, Pops! Anything!”
Whitebeard hummed and scratched at his mustache. It was clear he didn’t like what he was about to request, but it had to be done. 
“Don’t tell her about the circumstances around your birth.”
Ace blinked. He was about to respond, but Whitebeard continued. “If it comes up naturally, you can tell her about it. But don’t tell her unless she asks.”
“Sure, Pops,” Ace said. A piece of him was relieved he had a reason to keep that information from you. He knew you didn’t like Roger much, and he didn’t want your opinion of him scarred by his father’s legacy. “Can I ask why?”
“It’s dangerous for anyone who knows of your heritage. And the more people who know, the more likely it is to get to the Navy. I trust my daughter of course, but I’d rather not put her at an unnecessary risk.”
“Of course,” Ace agreed. “That’s the last thing I want. I just want her safe. And I promise to do everything in my power to keep her from harm."
Whitebeard nodded. “Very well. Now, if we could go over the mission, I’d like a full report of last night.”
Ace’s brow knitted in confusion, and he glanced back at the door. “Is that really all? You don’t want to-”
“I told you, son. I trust my daughter. Whatever decisions she’s making, she’s thought of every possibility and every outcome. I’m not going to question my best strategist about her personal life.” Whitebeard let out a laugh. “But she does tend to fabricate awkward events, and she does it very well. Which is why she’s waiting on the deck and you’re in here. So, a full report of last night.”
Ace suddenly realized what a full report would mean. His cheeks began to burn, and Whitebeard let out a roaring laugh. “See, Ace? I knew you were the right man for the job. Let’s hear it.”
The only thing that got Ace through that report was the thought of you on the other side of the door, and the embrace he could finally give you once he got out. 
Months went by, and you and Ace got closer every second you were together. You moved in with him in less than a month, having your own dresser and your own decorations sprinkled throughout the room soon after. He helped you hang up the flowers he had handcrafted for you, which felt like a lifetime ago, and he cleared off his desk so you had a place to work. 
The two of you got a cat, and though Jinx didn’t take much of a liking to you, the three of you were your own little strange form of a family. The Whitebeard Pirates were still his family of course, but you and Jinx were the family he had chosen to be his. The family he cared for so deeply, the people he could never bear to lose. He hated being away from you, and he never got tired of you being around. Where others found you brash and intense, he found you endearing and confident. 
You were in the crow’s nest, staring at the night sky when he realized it. 
“I love you.”
You blinked, unsure if you had heard him correctly. You turned your head to face him, but he was still staring at the stars. 
Ace gave a soft chuckle and then turned his head to look at you. His dark eyes reflected the stars shining above you, and you swore you could see the universe in his eyes.
“Who else would I be talking to?”
“You love me?”
A smile danced across his lips. “I love you.”
You scowled at him. “No you don’t.”
“I do.”
“I know it’s love because I think about you all the time. Every time I see you, I smile and I swear my heart feels like it’s going to burst. The moment you leave I already start to miss you. When you wake up before me and slip out of bed to get coffee, I wake up in a panic, thinking you were just a dream. Because I swear you’re too good to be real. I love you because you’re the one person who I know I can always go to, no matter what, and I know you’ll help me in the way I need. Even if I don’t know how to help myself, you know how to because you know me.”
“Oh.” He had given a pretty solid argument, but you had felt all those things too. You had never felt them with anyone else, though. Just Ace. 
Sometimes, you missed him so much your chest hurt. He was always the first person you searched for in a room. He was the person you looked to when you laughed, the person you wanted to always be near. 
“I love you too, I think.” 
Ace laughed. “You think?”
“I don’t know. I’ve never been in love before.” His confession had been so poetic. Yours felt embarrassingly weak as a follow-up. 
“Me neither,” Ace admitted. “That’s how I know.”
If that was the case, his words made you certain now. Your heart quickened at the thought of confessing. You had already done it once, but the words held more weight now that you knew. 
Your fingers found his, quickly interlacing with one another. You took a deep breath, still staring into his starry eyes. 
“Then yeah, I love you. Because nobody has ever made me feel quite so happy with life as you do, Portgas D. Ace. Nobody has ever made me smile so early in the morning, or made me excited to go to bed. Nobody has ever made my life so infinitely better that I think I would probably die without them. Nobody has ever made me feel this way. Nobody but you.”
You would die for him. And you knew he would do the same. It wasn’t fair, but it was the way you were now. Every decision you made was to keep him alive. And every decision he made was to do the same for you. 
But in a pirate world, death was always around the corner. It wasn’t a matter of if, but when. And every time you thought about the possibility of him being caught or killed, it made you physically nauseous. 
Little did you know, that possibility would become a reality much sooner than either of you could have ever expected. 
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elliezlils11utt · 10 months
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Mean/Volleyball player!ellie x soft!volleyball player!reader
Summary: you make it to the finals and hear rumors about a girl on the team your playing. Before your game against her you meet the mystery girl in the bathroom~ (pt: 1/?)
An: I really hope this kinda gets a little bit of attraction! My first time posting a actual fic on here!! Feedback would be highly appreciated🫶🏽🫶🏽
The scoreboard reads “10 | 24” second game. This could be the winning point. The ball flies into your hands as the players on the court shift into their new positions. The air in the room is thick and filled with anticipation. You smack the ball to the floor, slamming your hand in the middle of it. It jumps back into your grasp and you take a deep breath. You toss the ball above your head, throwing your arm back, readying your palm. You slap the ball forward, and is flys over the net. Quickly, you fall into line with the rest of your team.
“Got it!” you could hear one of the players from across the net call out to the rest of her team. She slides over to the ball and bumps back to your side of the court.
“Mine!” you claim the ball and throw yourself at it, passing it to your setter, Abby Anderson. Her finger tips graze the ball and it floats through the air. You watch as your teammate catches the ball mid air with her palm. She slams it on the floor of the opposing side and the crowd goes wild. Everyone rushes over into a huddle congratulating each other.
“Fuck yeah! Good game yall!” you shout over the crowds applauds.
After finishing up with the game you were taking a drink from your water bottle when your friend Dina appeared in front of you. She squealed a little before grabbing your hands.
“Oh my god! y/n you were so good out there!”
“Heh- thanks de!” you giggled.
“Looks like we're going to the finals. Do you know who we're up against?”
“Yeah actually. I heard you're going against jackson.” That name seemed so familiar..
“Jackson?” Abby cuts into your conversation. Dina nods eagerly. Confirming they were our new rivals.
“Oh shit. That's the team Ellies on right..?” abby asks
“You know Ellie..?” Dina tilted her head a bit in confusion.
“Um yes? She's all anyone in the league talks about. Supposedly she's really good on the court. And I've heard she's slept with a girl from every team she's defeated.”
“Oh um this is awkward…” dina states
“Ellie’s one of my best friends..”
You stand there a bit in shock. Your eyes widen and you giggle a little at the situation.
“Oh fuck, I- uh- sorry.” Abby stamers clearly embarrassed she was shit talking Dinas good friend.
You punch Abby in the arm playfully. You finish packing up your stuff and set off.
“Cya tomorrow so we can kick some jackson ass!” you call back to your remaining teammates as you leave the doors to the auditorium.
(Time skip bc I’m lazy☺️)
You stand in the mirror, fixing your hair into a high ponytail. You tie a dainty pink bow into your hair and pull the two front strands out. You grab your bag before heading off.
You arrive at the tournament center 30 minutes early to get some practice in. To your surprise a couple of your teammates had the same idea. As well as a couple people from the other team. So much for not getting distracted. You rush over to to teammates who are all huddling together giggling and whispering to each other staring across the net,
“Hey guys! What's up?” You turn to see what they are looking at but can't seem to find the source of their destruction.
“Williams.” One of them whispers and points to a short girl with short brown hair who was bumping a ball to herself. Her jersey is way too big for her and she wore tight black shorts. You look a little confused on why they were all gushing over her.
“Uh, so what..?” You ask, turning back to the group.
“So? She's so pretty! Don't you think so?”
“I guess? But shouldn't we be focusing on practicing? Common guys, we are so close to winning the tournament. Keep ur heads in the game.” you try to motivate them but their eyes stay glued to the girl. You mumble something under your breath and turn to head to the bathroom. They were being so immature. And during the finals?
You push the door open to the women's restroom and stare at yourself in the mirror. Your hands lay on either side of the sink. You bring the cold water up to your face and it splashes over your features. The door flies open and the same girl from earlier stomps in. She stops when she sees you and looks down at your jersey. Her eyes roll and she walks to the sink next to you. What was her problem? Your eyebrows knit themselves together and glance at her.
“Do you need something..?” She says in a blunt tone as she ties her hair into a bun that sits right above her neck.
“Oh- uh no.” you mutter as you turn around and lean on the counter. Silence falls between you for a second.
“I look forward to playing you! I heard you have a mean serve.” You compliment. Trying desperately to lighten the mood. The corners of her mouth curve into a sly smile.
“Yeah, jus don't get your sights set on winning, sweetheart.” Ellie hissed back, stepping in front of you. She winked at you as she walked out. Your mouth falls a little. You stand there in shock.
“What. the. Actual fuck” you mumble to youself. She may be pretty but god was she an asshole. You shake your head trying to get her out of it.
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agaypanic · 1 year
imagine hockey player benny having a crush on reader who figure skates at the same stadium he practices at but being too nervous to ask her out, little does he know reader feels the same way about him (this can be about Ethan or Benny btw since they were both on the hockey team and you might want a break from all the benny requests) love your work hope you enjoy your vacation!! 🩷
Skating Around (Hockey Player!Benny Weir X Figure Skater!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Being a small town, the Whitechapel high school hockey team and competitive figure skaters often run into each other at the local stadium. Benny has been admiring you from afar, unaware that you’ve been doing the same.
A/N: HOCKEY BENNY HOCKEY BENNY HOCKEY BENNY RAHHHHHHH i know nothing about anything ice skating related but ive read icebreaker so that’s gotta count for something lmao
Joining his school’s hockey team was probably the best thing Benny had ever done. He didn’t care much for the sport itself, but he looked forward to every practice. Not to get better at hockey or because he liked being in a freezing skating rink for two hours three times a week.
It was because he got to see you practice your routine.
The Whitechapel hockey team and figure skaters had to share a rink, and for some reason, their practices were on the same days. The figure skating team was always first, and then the hockey team would practice right after. When he and Ethan first made the hockey team, they decided to get to practice early to have a good layout of what would be happening.
That’s when he saw you. Lacing your skates while your partner yelled for you, the impatient beckoning voice echoing through the stadium. You rolled your eyes and went onto the ice, making a comment to your partner that only he could hear before music started playing from the speakers.
Benny was immediately entranced by everything about you. It wasn’t just your beauty, but the fluidity of your movements and radiating confidence as you and your partner went through your routine. He fixated on every turn, every jump. It was all just so fascinating. 
“You know, you can talk to her when she’s done.” Ethan sighed as he sat beside Benny, who focused on your movements. “She won’t bite, I think.”
“Are you kidding me?” Benny almost laughed, tearing his eyes away from you on the rink to look at his best friend. “She’s so out of my league, E. She wouldn’t give me the time of day.” It was probably untrue; you seemed really nice. Benny just said that because he didn’t want to face rejection from you. Which is why he decided very early on that it was better to admire from afar.
“Sarah has a class with Y/n, says she’s really nice.” Ethan shrugged before bending over to tug on his skates. “Just saying.”
Benny ignored Ethan, opting to see the end of your routine, which finished off with a lift. As the music cut off, he clapped quietly to not draw attention to himself but still show support.
“Isn’t she amazing?” He asked while you skated off the rink.
“Yeah, she’s great. Now, come on, let’s get on the ice.” Ethan left without an answer, leaving Benny to scramble to get his equipment on and ready while the rest of the hockey team came into the stadium.
On the other side of the ice, you were unlacing your skates, glancing up every few seconds to see Benny warm up and talk to Ethan. You smiled softly when Ethan said something that made him laugh, the sound echoing through the giant room.
“All that staring isn’t gonna do anything. You know that, right?” James, your skating partner, said, smirking down at you with his gym bag tossed over his shoulder.
“I’m not staring.” You muttered, looking down to pull off your skates.
“Just talk to him! I heard he’s nice.”
“I can’t talk to Benny, and you know it.” You huff, looking up at James. “I have too much on my mind. Our competition is in a month, and we need our routine nailed down.”
“You need our routine nailed down.”
“Besides, I don’t even know what I would say to him. ‘Hi, Benny. We’ve never talked before, but I always see you during our practices, and I think you’re really cute. By the way, my name’s Y/n. Wanna go out sometime?’”
“Dude, that’s great, just say that.” You groaned, tired of this conversation that the two of you have had probably a million times. Gathering your things, you took one last look at Benny before getting up to leave. “Y/n, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think you can spare one day to talk to Benny and ignore everything else.”
You brushed past James, choosing to ignore his words. You were fine with looking at Benny rather than talking to him. James watched you leave the stadium before trying to find Benny on the ice. The boy had done the same, watching your movements until you went through the door and out of sight.
“What do you mean our practices are overlapped?” You asked your coach, trying to contain your anger.
“It means exactly what it means, Y/n.” Your coach sighed, clearly just as frustrated with the situation as you were. “The stadium is doing some kind of skating program, so a lot of the time is being taken up by lessons and group skating. Our options were either doing practice with the hockey team simultaneously or alternating days. And the boys’ coach was very vocal about his opinion.”
“You should see this as a blessing in disguise, N/n,” James said, pulling you into the stadium and to your usual bench to get ready.
“How exactly is this a blessing, James? We have half an ice rink.”
“Guess who’ll be on the other half, smarty.” He pointed to the other side of the ice, and you followed his finger to see Benny laughing and smiling with his friend. You slapped his hand down immediately, looking away before either of the boys could notice.
“Don’t point at him!” You hissed.
“I’ll stop pointing when you start talking to him.”
“Oh my god, just get your skates on.”
Practicing a competitive skating routine in the same space as armored jocks that liked to bodyslam and wave their hockey sticks around was a lot harder than you realized. Every few seconds, you had to stop your run-through to speed out of the way of a runaway puck or some guy that was chasing after it. And this was in no way a blessing in disguise like James had suggested because although you knew Benny’s jersey number, you could never catch him with all the fast movements. And on the rare occasion you did, he was as far away from you as possible.
“I’m getting sick of this.” You muttered, getting back to your starting position. “One more time, and then I’m out of here.”
“Agreed.” James groaned, rubbing his shoulder from where a hockey player had just checked him. You knew it was an accident, but the lack of a proper apology made you decide differently. He settled into his position next to you, looking at your coach, who was waiting to start your music.
You tried to ignore all the grunting and shoving to the best of your ability, letting muscle memory guide you through the music. So far, it was going smoothly. The part you were worried most about because of your spatial situation was a lift halfway through your song.
Taking a deep breath, you grabbed James’ hand and tried to stand as lightly on his thigh as possible while he stayed kneeling on one knee on the ice. Quickly, James placed his free hand on your stomach and stood, twirling you around as you tried staying horizontal. After a few spins, James set you down, and your intertwined hands separated and pushed you away from each other. Trying to keep an equal distance, you both skated backward around your half of the rink, maintaining eye contact.
“Y/n, look out!” James suddenly shouted, pointing to something behind you. Before you could look to what you should look out for, you were grabbed and whisked away to the side, face smooshed into a chest of hockey armor. You heard the music shut off, and everything seemed to calm down. But you didn’t want to pull away from whoever you were pressed up against.
“You okay?” The voice was a bit familiar, but you know you’ve never heard it from talking to this person directly. Lifting your head away from the safety of his chest, you saw Benny looking down at you. His eyes skated over your face, probably trying to ensure there wasn’t any injury. But he had also never seen you this up close before, and wanted to save the moment.
“Yeah.” You answered, albeit a bit softly. You hoped that your reddening cheeks could be written off as being in a cold environment and not trying to contain the excitement of being so close to someone you’ve secretly had your eyes on for a while. “What happened?”
“Hockey puck went rogue.” Benny gave you a cute, lopsided smile. “Figured that based on my playing ability, it was better to get you out of the way instead of going after the puck.”
“I’ve seen you at your practices. I bet you play just fine.” You responded with a sheepish shrug before slapping a hand over your mouth. “I mean, not that I watch you all the time. I just see you every now and then, you know? It’s not like I spend all my time-”
“I watch you at your practices, too.” Benny cut you off, smile becoming more shy at your confessions. “You’re really good, by the way. Like, really awesome.”
“Weir!” One of his teammates yelled to him from the hockey team’s side of the rink. He looked over his shoulder to see the kid beckoning him over. “Get over here!” 
Benny groaned, turning back to you. 
“I gotta go, but do you maybe wanna get some food sometime? I know a really good spot that I go to after practices sometimes.”
“I’d love that.” You didn’t bother to try to tone down your growing grin. You caught Benny’s teammates looking at the two of you, probably grumbling about him not practicing. “You should probably go. Don’t want the team getting mad at you.”
Benny let you go, although you could sense he didn’t want to. With a small wave and a big smile, he skated back to his team.
“Told you it was a blessing in disguise.” James startled you with his sudden presence, voice practically in your ear. You smacked his chest and laughed, going to make your way off the rink to let one of the other figure skating partners practice.
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writingonleaves · 11 months
and what if i really thought some miracle would see us through?
universe: nico hischier (though he doesn't appear in this part) x clementine sandoval x hughes brothers
warnings: cancer, grief, sadness, spoilers to first part (linked below), not proofread
title: "ronan" by taylor swift
word count: 1k
author's note: uhhh surprise?? reached 50 followers today (which, by the way, thank you SO much you're all so wonderful) and had a burst of inspiration and wanted to get out of my writer's block. tried something a bit different and put my journalism degree to use. if you haven't read the first edition of this au yet, please do!! hope you enjoy and lmk what you think!
Hockey Fights Cancer: Hughes Brothers Edition 
From The Athletic
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L - R: Miguel Sandoval with baby Quinn Hughes, 1999, Miguel with Clementine Sandoval, Jack Hughes and Luke Hughes, 2005, Jack Hughes with his mother Ellen Weinberg-Hughes and Maeve Sandoval, 2019, Clementine, Quinn, Jack and Luke, 2020. All photos courtesy of Clementine Sandoval
Family values have always been ingrained in the Hughes family. 
With Quinn, Jack and Luke drafted in the top 10 during their respective draft years, they’ve always acknowledged that it takes a village to get where they are. Talent is the obvious driver, but it’s also about the support to elevate that talent. 
But it hasn't necessarily always been family with the Hughes surname that has influenced them. According to Jack, there’s another surname that “should be added onto the back of my jersey.”
The Sandovals consist of Maeve Sandoval nee Brennan, Miguel Sandoval and Clementine Sandoval. Miguel died in 2015 from pancreatic cancer, and he is who all Hughes brothers are playing for as teams across the league celebrates Hockey Fights Cancer nights starting this week.
“Growing up three streets over from the Sandovals in Toronto was such a prominent childhood memory,” Quinn said. “Every memory I have from that time has them in it.”
Ellen Weinberg-Hughes, the Hughes brothers’ mother, and Maeve played collegiate soccer together at the University of New Hampshire. Maeve met Miguel at UNH, Ellen met Jim Hughes post-grad and the four of them became a unit. 
“I still remember meeting Maeve when she was a junior and I was a freshman,” Ellen says. “So outgoing and so skilled. She may have been the first upperclassman to make me feel really welcome.”
Though both couples would have lives that took them to separate places — Ellen and Jim to Florida and New Hampshire and Maeve and Miguel to Massachusetts — they would eventually all meet back in Toronto. 
Clementine was the first child born in 1997, followed by Quinn two years later, then Jack and then Luke. As the only girl in the mix, she naturally fell into the older sister role. 
“I always forget that I don’t technically have any siblings,” Clementine said. “But these days, whenever people ask, I just say I have three younger brothers. Because it’s true.”
Clementine is currently a second-year resident at New York University Langone Health, focusing on a combined emergency room and pediatric residency. After spending her undergrad and medical school years in California, when she was notified of her placement in March 2023, Jack and Luke immediately asked her to move in with them in Hoboken. 
“It was a no brainer,” Jack said. “After being in different states for so long, it felt like it was meant to be. Who gets the chance to live with one of their best friends?”
When Miguel was going through treatment, Clementine had just finished her junior year of high school. Quinn was 15, Jack was 13 and Luke was 11. He died days after Quinn verbally committed to the University of Michigan.
“I was young, but I still remember how positive Miguel was when he must’ve been in so much pain,” Luke said. “He always had a smile on his face and made it to every game of ours he could. I got a hattrick in the last game of mine he came to. I’ll never forget that.”
Miguel couldn’t skate for his life, according to Jim. But that didn’t matter. If he wasn’t at his daughter’s soccer games, he was going to the rink to watch the boys. 
“Miguel was known to be vocal in the stands,” Jim said. “Any bad call and he was immediately on his feet. I know he’s upstairs watching every Canucks and Devils game as passionate as ever.”
Last season, Jack and Luke revealed to Amanda Smith, the New Jersey Devils Team Reporter the reason why they chose 43 and 86. April 3 was Miguel’s birthday, and Miguel always said that Jack’s “bright and bold” personality was as loud as both of his brothers combined. 
“I often think about how [Miguel] never got to see us play in the NHL or for our country,” Quinn said. “Which is so unfair in so many ways, because he always believed in us and was such a loud cheerleader. There are days when I just get sad and I wish he was still here, but then I give Maeve or Clem a call and then it’s usually okay.”
Jack said that Clementine has always been the bright spot amongst the emptiness left by Miguel’s death.
“It puts things into perspective, the way Clee has lived her life beautifully and the way she thinks so positively,” Jack said. “I’ve always seen her as an older sister, but she’s also just one of the best people in the world. Miguel’s energy lives through her.”
“Having Clemmy in our life has been such a blessing,” Luke added. “She’s taught me so much and always looked out for me. I know the three of us try our best to look after her as well.”
Luke still remembers one specific moment during his draft — Clementine and Maeve made it to all three boys’ big days. The morning of, Clementine pulled him aside and gave him an envelope. Immediately, Luke knew what was inside. Quinn and Jack had gotten theirs during their drafts. 
A letter addressed to Luke from Miguel. Written two months before he died. 
“Dad gave those letters to me to give to them and was very specific about his instructions,” Clementine added. “‘Honey, pull them aside on their draft day, and just give it to them without any context. Only for their own eyes to read.’ I remember being like, how do you know they’re gonna get drafted? And he was like, ‘I just know.’”
All three of them still have their respective letters. Ellen and Jim have theirs as well — Maeve gave them theirs on Quinn’s draft day. Letters were a Miguel staple, according to Clementine. She herself got one when she graduated college and probably will get one when she gets married.
“I can’t imagine the amount of courage and strength that took him,” Quinn said. “Knowing that he wasn’t going to be there for such big moments and writing something anyways. I carry mine with me on every road trip.”
Next week, when the Devils host their Hockey Fights Cancer Night during their home game against the Canucks, the Hughes brothers will be playing for Miguel. Clementine, Ellen and Jim will be in the stands while Maeve — an elementary school teacher — will be watching from Boston. 
“We’ll for sure be thinking of him that night, but whenever we step onto the ice, 43 or 86 on our back, we always think of him,” Jack said. “I hope we’re making him proud.”
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incorrectsibunaquotes · 10 months
I have a theory that the reason we as an audience feel like Sibuna in Season 3b are making monumentally stupid choices is because the show doesn’t actually spell out for us that the kids don’t have all the information we have. In fact, they are operating with less than half of our knowledge. (This is gonna be a longgggg post, so read under the cut if you dare)
On my latest rewatch of S3 for fanfic purposes, i found myself really struggling to justify why the hell Eddie couldn’t put two and two together with his vision of Patricia and the “traitor” in Sibuna. I was frustrated with him because to me it was incredibly obvious! Like who else could it possibly be?? But then, I rewatched it again with a closer eye and everything suddenly clicked:
We, the audience, are watching the action from a completely zoomed out angle. We’re not just following Sibuna, but we’re also following Team Evil. We know Robert is capturing Sinners and what a Sinner actually is, before Sibuna is even fully aware that they failed to stop the eclipse ceremony. The kids metaphorically tripped at the starting line.
Furthermore, this is the first time in the show that the Sibunas have not had either the upper hand or were even on equal playing field with the adults. In Season 1, the Society was wholly unprepared for a bunch of adolescents to start foiling in their plans (bc why would they be prepared for that??), and Sibuna basically destroyed them due to adults underestimating their willingness to fuck around and find out. In Season 2, Victor/Vera and Sibuna were on equal ground; no one knew how to solve the tasks and it was a matter of a bunch of separate parties trying to figure it out before each other. They were all just throwing shit at the wall and hoping it stuck.
At the top of Season 3, we play a lot with both the S1 and S2 dynamics. At first, Sibuna is leagues and bounds ahead of the adults, and then they pretty quickly end up on the same footing. Then, in the second half of the season, that entire dynamic is flipped on its head, and it’s Sibuna who are wholly unprepared for the adults. I’ve talked about how the kids, especially our Sibuna veterans, got a little too comfortable with Victor and co’s ineptitude and cocky with their own intelligence… but that’s not even why they were so slow on the uptake.
None of the Sibunas even hear the word “Sinner” until they find that book in the secret room and read it while sitting on the stage. And the book does not explain at all what a Sinner actually is. It tells them that Ammut needs “the souls of five human sinners who embody the greatest flaws of mankind” and once she has five of them she can enter the human realm and cause lots of problems. Absolutely nowhere in the book does it ever say “Also, much like Robert, the soulless body of the Sinner is reawakened in service to the underworld.” The only other hint that could have possibly clued anyone in is “when your friends are not your friends”. But like, that clue was ages ago! Why would they even be thinking about that, when it had absolutely no bearing on their hunt for the secret room/answers up to that point? I cannot stress this enough, THEY HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE WHAT A SINNER IS! (I’m gonna repeat this sentence about 400 times in case you don’t get it now lol) Mind you, that atp in the timeline, this is approximately fifteen or so minutes before Denby captures Patricia.
But let’s rewind all the way back to when Team Evil devises a plan to kidnap Eddie. He’s in the crypt, right? It’s pretty evident to him that it was probably Denby, Victor, and/or Robert who trapped him here, but he’s got no real clue as to why. Of course, we all know that they’re planning on turning him into a Sinner, because we saw Victor get turned. But as far as Sibuna knows, Victor has never really been on their side, so all they think is that he’s being meaner than usual but of course he’s opposing them. That’s not strange.
Okay, so Eddie is stuck and distressed, but he’s not as panicked as he needs to be because nowhere in his mind does he think this could potentially end in what is essentially his death. Now, throw in the horrifying vision he has of Patricia getting dragged into a glowing sarcophagus. He still doesn’t know what a Sinner is, but he knows that whatever he just saw was really bad; it’s an incentive from the Osirian spirit (or the house, or the gods, or literally whatever) to actually try to get the hell out of there.
So we’re all sitting here watching going “Oh my god they’re gonna nab Patricia and make her evil! 😰” because we have context; Eddie has absolutely none. It’s also really important for later on that his vision ends when the sarcophagus door shuts. It’s framed as incredibly final, and for all Eddie knows, they’ve just stuffed Patricia in what he knows is a tiny cramped space and locked the door behind her. He thinks that at best they are going to kidnap her or, at worst, straight up kill her. Nothing in that vision indicates she’s walking out of there at all.
When Patricia ran off after the fake messages, Eddie is concerned for a lot of different reasons, but the two primary ones are the obvious “oh my god my girlfriend thinks I cheated on her what do I do???” and the other is “if she’s run off on her own, the adults could fulfill my vision!” But then she turns back up, which should be clear to us by now means that he thinks she’s safe. He’s waiting for her (for any of them) to disappear. But when none of them do, they think it’s fine. It’s not that Eddie doesn’t think Patricia is in danger of becoming a Sinner, he just doesn’t realize what that would actually look like.
Even when they’re all in the hallway morbidly joking about having to give up sinning, the language KT uses is telling of what they think being a Sinner means: “We don’t want to accidentally help out Team Evil [by sinning].” Of course, this statement works with the knowledge the audience has of everything, but if Sibuna actually knew what they were dealing with, KT would have said something more like “We don’t want to get captured/turned by Team Evil.” The jokes they’re making are still morbid, but because they think you just get put in the sarcophagus and that’s the end of it.
Let’s flash forward again to the phonograph getting smashed and Eddie’s second vision that prompts the witch hunt panic in the first place. The vision can be separated into three parts: 1) Eddie sees a hooded figure smash the phonograph (okay Sibuna already knows someone did it on purpose, not too crazy); 2) Robert approaches him creepily and has the mic-drop moment of “it was one of your little friends; you have a viper in your nest” (seriously what a raw line of dialogue… but also now Eddie is being told that there is a traitor. Pretty cut and dry); 3) he turns around and sees every other member of Sibuna mockingly throw up the Sibuna sign (uh oh!)
So here is where people (including me!) always got a little annoyed with Eddie for not doing the math. But upon several rewatches and actually listening to what everyone was saying, never once do any of the kids ever bring up the word “Sinner” during the entirety of this whodunnit arc. And that’s simply because it’s not even a thought that crosses their minds. The language they use is very telling: “traitor” and “betrayal” being the heavy hitters. If any of them actually had context for what was actually going on, the language they would be using would be more like “victim” or literally just “Sinner” as a noun. But they don’t, which is why they’re so hostile toward one another… and why KT was screwed from the moment Eddie had that vision.
Because the fact that they don’t know that a Sinner is an evil version of themselves (not just someone whose soul is being used as a power generator), means that on a subconscious level Fabian, Alfie, and even Eddie already assumed KT was guilty. And Sinner!Patricia knew that, and that’s why she was so easily able to pivot and pin it on her. KT was directly linked to Frobisher, and Fabian and Alfie had already been suspicious of her at the start of the season for other reasons. It’s why Fabian let Patricia help him with the finger printing in the first place: because he doesn’t believe it’s her. And Eddie would have no real reason to suspect Patricia for three reasons: 1) Because he’s in love with her; 2) Because he knows just how long Patricia (and Fabian, and Alfie) have been loyal to Sibuna and to each other; 3) Because he, like everyone else, was looking at this betrayal as a willing capitulation to the Team Evil.
The first time Sibuna becomes aware that a Sinner is an entity that they have to actually watch out for walking about (as opposed to just having to watch out becoming), is after KT and Harriet manage to escape Patricia in the Gatehouse. Harriet clearly knows what a Sinner is bc she has the presence of mind to actually explain (vaguely, of course, because she’s drugged to kingdom come) to KT what she’d just narrowly escaped.
And then when she confronts Sibuna and Patricia in the hallway after Miss Crocodile Tears is telling tales about KT trying to kidnap her, KT drops the bomb on the boys: “She was trying to make me a Sinner just like her!” Pause. Record scratch. Okay. Now everything they thought they knew about the situation is completely recontextualized as something much more sinister than what they initially thought. Because I’d always struggled with how cruel they were being to KT, especially if they thought it wasn’t her fault. But everything up until this point deeply suggests or rather expects us to understand that Sibuna only had two pieces of an 100 piece puzzle, and that them being mean to KT was because they thought she actually betrayed them.
With all of this in mind, Eddie is not stupid for not figuring it out right away. In fact, without knowing what a Sinner actually is, it would be an insane leap to assume Patricia had anything to do with the phonograph.
I’ve basically talked myself and all of you in several circles, but the bottom line is the show didn’t do a fabulous job of telling us that Sibuna had no clue what they were up against. It’s easy for us to sit back and go “what the hell is wrong with them are they stupid?” because we have all the knowledge of what’s going on eons before they do. This is a far more charitable read of the characters’ choices and thought process, and the only way any of their actions make any sense. In fact, this is less of a theory and more of what is… literally canon, I guess
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carcarcraziiv2 · 10 months
Dis for daddy Yone and my love Aphelios. 💗
~*-If you enjoyed, feel free to send me asks (however that works) with prompts. I also enjoy writing about other league characters as well if you're into that!-*~
Art classes were never really your thing. You were more into writing, and when your best friend invited you to a creative writing workshop you couldn't help but take the opportunity.
You two got to the class early and were shocked to find out that it was being sponsored by one of your favorite band's lyricists, Aphelios from Heartsteel. The excitement you felt at being able to spend your time at a place that someone in the band even thought about had you more inspired than you were previously.
During the workshop, you wrote a nice little series of poems while you daydreamed about the band. The entire time you kept getting nudges from your best friend because you found yourself mindlessly humming their songs.
At the end, you were surprised to find out that they were hosting a contest to meet the band based on the works submitted if you so wished at the end of the night. You did, and you were even more shocked when a few weeks later you got an email stating that you had won!
The email read as follows-
Dear Y/N,
We would like to begin by thanking you for your submission to the Heartsteel: Meet the Band! competition hosted by Aphelios. Based on the band's review of your work, they would like to designate you as the winner! With our sincerest congratulations, please see the information below with the destination, date, and time!
The rest of the letter contained as it stated, and you were ecstatic. The days passed quickly and before you knew it, you were driving to the location of the meet and greet.
Walking into the small very secure building, you were greeted by a pleasant young woman who led you to a small room with a couch and a few plush chairs. You took a seat, and she left letting you know it would be a few minutes.
You were antsy as you sat there but giddy none the less. Soon enough, the door opened, and you stood in excitement as the members of Heartsteel walked in. Sett, Kayn, Ezreal, Yone, K'Sante, and finally Aphelios.
They all greeted you happily, and finally Aphelios gave you his hand in greeting, a sweet smiling gracing his face. You all discussed things, you got photos, and by the end you were feeling so happy that they were all as cool and nice (Kayn was kinda sus but...) as you had hoped!
It seemed like during the whole time, Aphelios kept writing to you that you had genuinely impressed him.
I really liked your work. It spoke to me. Did you write them based on each of us?
"I did! I thought since you were sponsoring the event I may as well make it Heartsteel inspired," you laugh nervously, running a hand over your head. "I'm glad you like it."
I was wondering if you would like to get together for some writing sessions? I know it's kind of off the wall here but... I wouldn't mind learning more about the way you think.
"I would love to!" You smile, and he gives you his phone to type your number into, and you couldn't help but add a cheeky smiley face next to your name.
I look forward to seeing you again soon! He wrote, and you all said your goodbyes.
You were smiling your whole drive home, and as you got ready to go to bed you heard your phone vibrate on your side table.
Your heart fluttered as you read the message:
Hey, it's Aphelios. Is this Y/N?
You always liked going out to a coffee shop to do your work in the mornings. It made you feel more businesslike, for some reason, when you got to go work in a place where everyone is in suits and also on laptops.
The day started like any other. Gathering your things, you headed to a new-to-you coffee shop downtown. When you arrived, you headed inside and sat down after you ordered your drink and a little breakfast sandwich.
Opening your laptop, you got right to work moving files and typing away at emails. You had your headphones in listening to some soft indie pop and you bobbed your head along to it as you wrote.
After about thirty minutes, you took a little break to stretch your fingers and glance around at the other people sitting at tables around you. Turning your attention toward the window, you saw him.
A tall looking man with long white hair with red streaks in a ponytail sat with his head face first into a little MacBook. You couldn't help but gawk at his overall attractive features, as he has focused green eyes and neat but chiseled features. You wondered what his voice sounded like.
You nearly fall out of your seat the way you turn away when his gaze shifts to look at you. He must have felt someone staring at him, and you could feel the heat rising in your cheeks. Okay, that's awkward.
Trying to quickly forget that you just got caught staring, you get back to work. You had only planned on staying at the coffee shop for a few hours while you got through your morning emails, but this man was a revelation you weren't willing to leave just yet.
Over the next few minutes, you kept stealing peaks at him, and to your surprise he kept looking back at you. At one point, he smiled politely at you as if to say, "Need something?"
Finally, after getting multiple messages from your boss that you hadn't noticed due to your wandering thoughts you decided to brush it all off and dive back into your work. Before you knew it, an hour had gone by and you looked quickly toward the direction of where the man had been sitting. Disappointed, you realize that he was no longer there. You shrug to yourself and start packing up your things, pulling out your headphones and shoving them in your bag.
Just as you are about to stand up, you feel a tap on your shoulder that causes you to jump slightly.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," You hear as you turn to face the person who tapped you. To your dismay, it was the man who you had been caught staring at.
"It's okay!" you laugh nervously. "Um... What's up?"
"I just noticed you kept looking at me and well, I couldn't help but keep looking at you... and I was wondering if you would like to meet here again for coffee in the morning while you do whatever it is you're doing?" You can see the man blushing, and you wonder inwardly if he was as nervous talking to you as you were about talking with him. "Oh, and I'm Yone. Sorry, I forgot to mention that."
"I'm Y/N," You say in response. "And that would be cool, I usually go get coffee in the morning anyway. Sorry for staring at you earlier, I got kind of carried away I guess." Oh. My. God. Why am I word vomiting on this poor man?
"Don't worry, I kind of liked catching you off guard a few times. It was cute." He says, and you can't help but to blush again. "I'll see you in the morning then, Y/N." He smiles, turns away and leaves you flabbergasted and blushing in the coffee shop.
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Raz Reads Les Mis (II)
Fantine - The Fall
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We have met Jean Valjean
And we learn so much about him and I have so many thoughts, I'll do my best to keep this chronological
Of course, when Valjean is first introduced, we don't know it is him. There is a brooding man with an angry countenance who is wandering around looking for shelter for the night
He's been walking for 12 leagues (someone tell me what a 'league' is) and he's tired and hungry and has only been drinking water from fountains
But, because of his yellow passport - and the fact that somehow he is detestable enough a prisoner that everyone knows him - he can't find shelter
Not at any inn, tavern or dog kennel (guilty for laughing at the dog kennel scene)
Eventually some old woman points him to a warm house that she is sure will take him
It's our old friend bishop Charlie!
And he feeds Valjean off the best silver in the house and gives him a room just off the bishop's own
So obviously Valjean takes advantage of this and steals the bishop's silver plates when he's asleep and runs away
But Valjean gets caught (because he chose escaping but escaping did not choose him) and taken back to bishop Charlie
And what does our kind and lovely bishop Charlie do? "Bro, you forgot the silver candle holders I gave you too"
And he makes Valjean promise to be good
Valjean steals money from a child with a marmot and that's his breaking point
All horror is put behind him and he endeavors to be better than his past
What is his past you may ask?
I know this is all explained during the events but I like the logic of my timeline
Valjean is named after his dad, Jean Valjean, and let me tell you his childhood backstory confused me for a moment after reading that
But he grows up poor and he's a bit withdrawn, but he's kind enough - he pays for milk his nephews and nieces steal on a regular basis
But when Valjean gets hungry and steals bread, that's a crime worth five years in prison
Five years! For bread! That he didn't even get to eat! Dude I'd be pissed and full of vengeance at the system too
So he goes to prison and keeps trying to escape, and fails, and is now stuck there for 19 years
Hugo lets us know that Valjean is the strongest prisoner of all. Also he can climb horizontal walls like Spider-Man (or Dracula) which - Valjean, you have to be the absolute worse at escaping if nature gave you everything and you're still getting caught
Finally though after 19 years he gets out and rages against The System
Me too dude, I genuinely don't blame you
I do question the stealing silver plates from the one man to show you kindess
I do also question you stealing money from a child with a marmot
But his soul gets a whole cleansing thing when he realizes what he's done and bishop Charlie's words come back to him in a flood of remorse
Bishop Charlie really did look at this angry, sullen, vengeful criminal and go "I can fix him"
I have so many unanswered questions. I have no idea if I'm pro-Valjean or not. Hugo also does a really good job showing both sides of his predicament, how he is both "the man and the beast" and it's a battle for him to see which one wins, and how the prison system has exacerbated the problem it proclaims to fix. I don't think Hugo is a prison abolitionist, because at the end of the day he does blame how Valjean reacts and not the structure itself, but seeing some level of critical dissection of the whole thing was unexpected, but not unwelcome.
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fertilize-my-eggs · 19 days
My online friend. Part 1
A/n: this story will be up to 40 ch, I couldn't resist making this story, I'll get back into writing again, I've been dealing with my mental health so don't worry!! I'll get back into writing my fanfic very soon!!
I sigh heavily from my work, it is exhausting working as a business woman. My coworker has given me hell since day one except for one coworker… his name is Elliot. He is a sweet and helpful man but he is also a huge nerd. He recommended that I play league of legends.
At first, I didn't know how to play the game and I wasn't really into video games as much but he insisted that I would enjoy it.
I head into my room to get clean clothes to shower and then go to my desk to play the game.
I stretch a bit as I grab the clothes, I head to my pc to start it, I watch the screen turn bright as I click the download button for the game.
While it's downloading, it was time for me to get into the shower. I pull my phone out of my pocket to message Elliot.
(Me:) How do you play League of legends??
I click send to him as I walk into the bathroom, I put my favorite music to listen to as I begin to take my clothes off.
The shower will definitely help me from the stress, I hear a bing coming from my phone.
(Elliot:) It's pretty easy. All you gotta do is pick a character and it's a clicking type of game.
I narrowed my eyes as I huffed out, I began to type back.
(Me:) Easier for you .. I have no clue what to do.
(Elliot:) You'll be fine just watch some YouTube video of the game, I gotta get going. my wife will be upset at me for our date.
I sigh softly as I turn the water on, step inside the warm water hit my skin as I sigh in relief, ahh it feels so nice.
Watch a video of the game but it wouldn't be fun…. But then again, it's easier to know what you're doing.
I put my head on the wall as I sigh heavily, this is stupid… I shouldn't be overthinking this, it's a game, it's supposed to be fun.
I scrubbed my hair with soap, I hum quietly to the music, dancing as I shake my hips to the song.
Once I finish my hair, I begin to clean my body with soapy sponge. I scrubbed every inch until I finished with the shower.
I get out to dry myself and put a towel over my head, I dress in my comfy outfit, I put my dirty work clothes into the basket, I need to do laundry but that's another time when I have my day off.
I removed the towel as I threw it into the basket as well.
I head into my room as I sit down on my desk to see the game playing.
I smile, it looks cool.
It's telling me to start the username…. Create a username like.. I'm not great with names.
I pout as I think of names, maybe something simple and funny.
Maybe… I don't know. I typed a few names, none of them were available, I sighed heavily.
I type it pinkcloudkitty, it was available, my smile wide in joy. This is gonna be amazing, the characters show up on my screen as I feel clueless on who to pick, I pick random girl characters.
It was loading as I clapped my hands together, this is exciting.
I noticed it was online multiplayer, getting curious about who will play with me, I saw the chatroom typing away.
My character was in the middle, me being dumbfounded by this game, I started to click random things.
I saw the chat going crazy.
(Magiklord:) U suck at this game
(Mrstealurkill:) R u a girl?!?
(Kingslayer:) Shut up, play the game.
I narrowed my eyes as I continued to play, I tried my best to continue but I saw the text flying in.
(Magiklord:) Ofc it a girl, she's suck at this game lol.
I want to scream at this person, I begin to type feelings a bit hurt by this.
(Pinkcloudkitty:) Screw you magiklord, I'm new to the game jerk.
I got killed by a character as I sighed, this is ass.
Until I read the chat.
(Magiklord:) You're only good at being in the kitchen and being a wife.
Oh he is one of those…. I bite my lips, feeling angry boiling my skin, I begin to type but I pause to read the message.
(Kingslayer:) Dude, that is not cool of u. piss off with that.
(Magiklord:) Oh you're gonna be her white knight, you want her? Don't u king slayer?
Who is this king slayer, I feel flattered that this person is helping me.
(Kingslayer:) Why does it matter, u shouldn't treat others like that.
(Kingslayer:) If you keep this up, u will get blocked.
My character responds as I continue to play the game, I see king slayer’s character coming near me.
(Kingslayer:) I can help u if u want, pinkcloudkitty.
I smile at this, this is helpful then I see the asshole comment.
(Magiklord:) R u trying to get her as your gf lol.
(Kingslayer:) Shut up, you're getting a warning.
(Pinkcloudkitty:) You're annoying magiklord, had your mom taught you manners??
(Magiklord:) No, I'm not a sensitive woman like u lol u should quit the game.
(Magiklord:) Get back into the kitchen n make me sandwich lmao.
I slam my fist on the desk, feeling pretty irritated by this username, I started to type back only for them to disappear, huh what happened? The match already ended as I saw the menu as if it was just me and kingslayer.
He messaged me.
(Kingslayer:) Hey u alright over here? He's not gonna bother us anymore, he got banned lol.
I smile at this, this is great good riddance, I type back.
(Pinkcloudkitty:) Yeah I'm fine, thank u for the help, I appreciate it.
(Kingslayer:) Yeah no prob. u can ask me anything, I'll help u out :)
Is this a new friend? I'm getting excited but I check the time to see it is getting late, so I type back.
(Pinkcloudkitty:) Hey it's getting pretty late for me, do you want to play games together?
(Kingslayer:) Yeah sure.
I smile as I giggle with joy, I type back.
(Pinkcloudkitty:) Great!! I'm _____ !! It's nice meeting you friend! ^.^
I see him pausing for a moment as he types back.
(Kingslayer:) Oh.. you're not Japanese?? 
(Pinkcloudkitty:) Huh? No, I'm from the usa.
(Kingslayer:) Ohhh ok. That's pretty cool.. I'm Tomura, I'll teach you how to play the game.
Tomura… it's a nice name, I begin to blush as I type back.
(Pinkcloudkitty:) You have a pretty name, we'll continue this tomorrow goodnight tomura~!!!
I smile grow big as I lean back to see him typing…. Pausing, then typing again.
(Kingslayer:).... Thank you, sleep well _____ goodnight.
I quickly added him as a friend, and I turned off the laptop.
Make a new friend.
My online friend tomura.
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