#read you like a book 📓
beepbeepdespair · 2 months
no you don't understand. i need to kiss alice on the cheek and make her smile so wide her face hurts. i need to hold gwen in my arms and play with her hair until she gets fake mad at me for messing it up. i need to hug gerry from behind while he's painting
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aphroditelovesu · 6 months
Yandere L Lawliet Headcanons (General)
"I'm always two steps ahead of you, if not more, my sweetie." — L Lawliet.
❝ 📓 — lady l: watching Death Note again and commenting with a friend, I ended up thinking about it and decided to do some L headcanons, because I love him! 🖤 ​​Hope you like it :) 🤍
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, stalking, unhealthy relationships, mention of kidnapping.
❝📓pairing: yandere!l lawliet x gender neutral!reader.
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L Lawliet is very scary because he is very smart. A detective, the best detective. He is very good at reading people, at his deductions. There is no running away from him, he will always find you.
He was already stalking you before you even knew it. Before you even knew about his existence, L was already after you. Always behind you, watching you and gathering as much information about you as possible.
L knew about everything you. What was your childhood like, your fears, your desires, your dreams, everything. There is no privacy at all with him, he wants to be able to read you like a book and he does. There's nothing he can't figure out eventually.
He began to appear in your life slowly and normally, for you at least. He just seemed like an ordinary guy who needed some sleep and straightened out his back, but that was it. You had no idea who he really was, how obsessed he was with you.
L has morals that can be easily corrupted when he becomes obsessed. He believes that he is justice and he does in his way, which is not always the right way to do it. He firmly believes in justice above all else, his justice.
He doesn't believe that what he feels, that the things he did for you are considered wrong. L is delusional enough to believe he is right, but he will never do anything against your will. He respects you enough for that.
L is a natural stalker, it's one of his hobbies as a detective. Although he doesn't persecute you in the literal sense of the word, he usually sends Watari to watch you and accompany you somewhere. Whether it's going to school or work, he'll have his butler protecting you.
He won't risk your safety, especially with Kira on the loose. You're not a criminal, but L won't take any risks. He's never made a mistake before and it won't be you he makes a mistake with. Not when one mistake could cause your death.
Always very careful, L would only reveal himself to you when he was sure he would have your trust. He is very, very manipulative and will make you trust no one else but him. Not even your family could be as trustworthy as L. He would definitely lock you up at home if he could.
L has cameras in your house, all aimed at crucial points in your house. In your bedroom, in your living room, in your kitchen, everywhere there is a camera watching you. It had become a habit for him to spend hours a day looking at the images, waiting for you.
He's not the possessive type, but L has his limits and won't tolerate someone approaching you with ulterior motives. He is very quick to think, to deduce that there is someone interested in you and he will quickly push them away from you. He usually uses his manipulation for this. L is not in the habit of killing and will never do so unless it is really necessary.
Once his obsession consumed him for good, L could no longer remain but shadows. He could no longer remain in the background, watching you take risks every day, he needed to do something. And he did, during one night, you woke up in an unfamiliar room and with a pale guy, sitting in a strange way, staring at you intensely. You were finally with him.
You may think you're smarter than him, that you can get away from L, but he'll always be two steps ahead of you. You have nowhere to run. L would finally have you and he wouldn't let you go.
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alottiegoingon · 1 month
like in the movies
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van palmer x fem!reader
summary: friends to lovers with van.
warnings: van uses they/them pronouns, yellowjackets brief mention, reader uses reading glasses cause its cute, no crash, jackieshauna and lottienat mentioned, no smut but characters aged up anyway, just lots of fluff, not proofread
the memory of you as a middle schooler sneaking into the living room past midnight was still fresh inside your mind. with droopy eyes and your favorite blanket glued to your hand, you would tiptoe to the comfort of the warm armchair just so you could watch the creepiest horror movies that would definitely traumatize you. they were only exhibited late at night for a reason, you were aware of that. but you didn’t mind the nightmares and the terrifying feeling of being chased by an invisible monster every time you turned the lights off.
however, horror wasn’t the only thing you were obsessed with. you've always imagined how it would feel like to love someone like they showed in those stupid romance movies, daydreaming about finding the right person that would share the same interests as you. so romantic. in high school, it got even worse thanks to the teeth rotting sweet romcoms you desperately devoured and the immesurable hours you spent in the book store trying to find new romantic novels.
lucky for you, amid all your friends that were actually living in the real world instead of creating perfect scenarios inside their heads, you weren't alone.
you met van palmer in literature class. you used to sit right by their side and, despite your love for books, you wouldn't ever dare to say a word. van was the complete opposit, they weren't scared of sharing their opinions. many of your classmates would prepare themselves to hear the countless words of van palmer, slumping onto their desks, but you were always excited.
you instantly became friends when they first defended you in class when the teacher suggested a polarizing topic; comic books. unlike a few of your classmates, one of your favorite ways to spend the weekend was to read a bunch of comics. spider-man was your favorite. he had a pretty fun costume and could fly, hanging to spider webs. so nice!
"everyone knows that comics aren't as good as books. they are made for lazy people who can't read anything longer than ten pages." the guy sitting in front of you made sure to look back as he whispered, lips twisting into an arrogant grin.
"i don't think she cares about the opinion of someone who did an entire essay of arthur conan doyle thinking that sherlock holmes was a real person." van intervened, leaning closer to you but staring at him, before you could have a say. you shift your attention to the redhead with their head slightly bent to the right, raised chin and brows and firm jaw.
"i just got confused!" he defended himself using an irritated tone, surprised by van being able to hear him, not waiting any longer to look back at the teacher and leave you alone.
"don't listen to him. that guy is a knob." their quiet voice is followed by a change in their expression, face softening along with relaxed muscles.
you were surprised that someone as cool and as smart as them would defend you so quickly.
"thank you." you murmur timidly as your mind desperately tried to find something cooler to say than just a simple thank you.
"sure. i'm van, by the way." you watch van extending their hand in your direction and you don't think twice before greeting them.
"hi." you whisper, trying to stay away from your teacher's aim and not interrupt her. "i know. i like how you always talk in class. it's so cool."
for you, that was the second you made a friend. for van, it was the second they fell in love with someone who didn't think their opinions were annoying.
things happened pretty quickly after that. you created the perfect excuse to talk to them again, scared that you weren't nearly as rad as they were; a book club. except for the tiny detail that it wasn't exactly a club, just the two of you reunited in the small office in your house with cookies and tea.
"gosh, you look like an old lady." was what van always said to tease you. sitting just a few inches away, they would cautiously look at you with reading glasses and emma by jane austen in hands.
"this old lady here is getting to page 221 so you should hurry up!"
once or twice, you would look up to take a quick break from reading just to discreetly glance at van. it wasn't rare the times that they would catch your stare. sometimes it was the other way around and you could swear that van had their eyes on you the entire time.
from books and comics to movies, you shared a lot of similar interests. you were completely obsessed with the book and movie misery from 1990 and you often forced van to watch it with you. you knew all the details and fun facts from the movie and, of course, loved kathy bates.
"we've seen this so many times that i think kathy bates is actually visiting me in my dreams!" van complained over and over about the tedious movie choice with their mouth full of popcorn.
van would see the effort behind every movie and fall in love with the story of every character. watching misery, on the other hand, was such a common occurrence that they could spot the colors of the movie already stained on the insides of the tv.
"it wasn't that much!" you rolled your eyes at them but felt your lips involuntarily curling up. you would always laugh at the silly things van used to say.
"okay, fine." you give in after half a second, getting up from the couch. you didn't want to torture them that badly.
you got closer to the tv, removing the vhs tape of one of your favorite movies and securing them inside the small box. you were ready to let van decide, maybe even excited to watch something new.
"wait, van, where are the others?" you feel a whiff of desperation as you notice the absent tapes. van was in charge of renting them every friday. the feeling you had when getting lost in a bookstore or a library was van's feeling when they were surrounded by some old classic vhs tapes and a world of movies that you two would probably never get to see.
"oh, crap! i think i forgot all of them at home. sorry, i was in a rush." you sigh in relief, soothed by not being the responsible for losing them.
"then it looks like kathy bates will be visiting you again tonight." you tease van, looking at them sinking into your couch with a mischievous grin. you were going to give van a chance to choose movies, you really were. but it wasn't your fault if they forgot to bring the other vhs tapes.
"lord help me..." they whispered, dramatically covering their ears when the intro song started, making you giggle. too excited with your favorite movie and too focused on it, you didn't even caught van's eyes on you, watching you completely fascinated by the small screen.
little did you know that the tapes were buried on van's backpack, hidden under books, pens and the soccer uniform.
van was just as cool as you thought. maybe even more. much more. they would help you study after class, follow you to parties even though they hated it just to make sure you were safe (and to judge people with you right after), walk you home and read comics with you.
after your first kiss, that happened during a date in the movie theater as you were watching the craft in 96, van knew that they had to make something special to ask you to be their girlfriend immediately.
they spoke to shauna, asking for ideas. they knew that shauna was the best with words and romantic letters, always gifting her girlfriend jackie with those. they were dating for three years now, shauna had to have gome good tips. it took van two days to realize that writing pretty words on a paper wasn't exactly their talent after not being able to write anything except "hi, it's van".
that would be an awful letter.
then, van asked lottie; their best friend. lottie was dating natalie for almost a year now.
"i don't know, lot. this looks hard..." van was careful when questioning their friend, not wanting to hurt her feelings.
"it's not, really! and she's gonna love it, it's so cute." lottie reassured van while shoving lots of colored paper sheets into their hands.
"nat loves when i make her those cute paper rings when im bored during french class. she even wears them all the time!" lottie pointed to natalie in the back with at least four paper rings in their fingers. lottie sucked at french and she was always bored. evidently, natalie had a long collection of paper rings at this point.
the blondie was definitely threatening van with her eyes while they were trying so hard to not laugh at the situation.
van got home and the first thing they did was practice for hours, folding the paper multiple times and hoping that that mess would eventually turn into a paper ring. and, damn, they were wrong, again.
neither of those things worked for van and they wanted to do something special and good enough to make you happy. something important that would make your heart beat faster. something that matched your personality.
the hardest part was to keep it a secret, van was a huge blabbermouth. always enthusiastic and determined to make you laugh, it was tough to create excuses for not showing up to your typical movie nights. they were just too tired in the aftermath of spending days and nights creating you something.
"are you mad?" you suddenly ask them, impatiently untangling yourself from them. van, who had their arm around your shoulder as you were cuddling in the couch, gave you a baffled look. "you didn't show up last friday, i thought you were going to choose the movie this time."
"i'm not mad, i promise. i'm doing something important and i didn't have time to rent anything." van was a complete softie, almost pouting like a baby.
"more important than me?"
and that was what van needed to spill everything. it wasn't their fault, they just couldn't handle seeing you upset!
"of course not! look!" van left the couch in a blink of an eye, anxiously digging into their backpack for what they were working on.
"i was making you something. i was waiting for a better moment but i guess the moment is now." they chuckled awkwardly. you notice their shaky and sweaty hands clumsily holding at least three vhs tapes and a comic book.
"i wanted to give you something special to ask you something and i tried writing something or those stupid hard paper rings that lottie gives natalie but it didn't fit us. so i spoke to the lady that runs the video store and i actually bought your favorite movies so we can watch it together and, huh..." they look at their own hands, realizing that they forgot to mention the comics. "oh, and the new spider-man comic book cause i know you like it."
"are you serious?" it was your turn to frown your lips, eyes brimming with tears. while you were melting, van was terrified and inspecting your face for any signs that could tell them that you had liked it.
"thank you, van. i love this. i love spider-man, i love watching movies with you. i can't believe you bought those, it must have cost a fortune." you approach van and help their nervous self to handle you the movies and the brand new shiny comic. you smile tenderly at van, using your free hand to gently stroke their cheek.
"i wanted you to feel special." van says in a barely audible and still overwhelmed tone. "and i was wondering that maybe, if you aren't too busy with books and kathy bates, you would like to be my girlfriend?" their cheeks were matching the tone of their hair now.
"i think i can break up with kathy bates and give you a chance." you laugh, laying your presents on the coffee table. in a second, you wrap your arms around van's neck to bring them closer and press your lips against theirs.
"that's so unfair! why can't i be spider-man?" you whine, following van around your bedroom as they were holding your costume for halloween.
"because i wanna be your favorite, obviously." van place the costumes on your bed to give you full atention. your effort to look sad in order to convice them went down the drain when their arms held your waist, fingers carefully squeezing your skin.
"and because spider-man is the lucky guy who gets to kiss the pretty and smart girl." they murmur proudly, knowing that they had won.
"i hate you." you feel your cheeks getting warm as you fight against a beaming smile, leaning in for a kiss.
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starfxkr · 3 months
reader x jj x pope and they're both trying to tutor jj but he keeps getting distracted🤭
there was no way anything jj read was sinking into his brain, you and pope had the bright idea to help the blonde boy study for an upcoming test, but it was fucking impossible. your room was too welcoming, your bed too comfortable, and he couldn't help but feel like you were pressing your tits against him on purpose--laying partially in his lap where he stubbornly lays the book against your head. and the sound of pope's soft breathing didn't make it any better. jj was at a point he was trying to cop a feel anyway he could.
“nuh uh jayj, hands off you gotta finish.” you reach up and lightly smack his face when he unsubtly slides a hand down to grab your ass. perhaps you coulda gone easier on him—maybe your usual hoodie + shorts combo wouldn’t distract him so much but you finally got new clothes after months and you wanted to look nice for once even if just to study.
"you only got what--2 questions left? cmon bro get it done." pope lightly bounced a pen cap off his friends cheek, making you giggle at his resulting dramatic groan.
" I can't fuckin get it done pope! you smell good, she looks good, my dick's hard and I'm fuckin dizzy." the blonde presses his palms to his eyes in frustration and you catch pope's brown eyes from where he's sitting next to jj.
the two of you share a knowing smile, "I think jj's deserves a little break don't you sweetheart?" the dark skinned boy grips jj's thigh right next to your cheek and you giggle, ghosting your lips over his growing erection.
"I think that's a wonderful idea pope."
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safetycar-restart · 9 months
mommy taking charles to a beautiful and isolated garden to chat, laugh, eat and kiss 🥹🥹 then undress him and make him lay comfortably on the fresh grass while his mommy massages and squeezes his relaxed muscles.
should you tease him by groping him for several minutes too? yes, you probably should.
and what’s a romantic picnic if you don’t make him melt by the touch of his desperate hands?
📓 ANON!! I HAVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!! I love this idea so much. Perfect and soft.
My immediate thought about this was taking Charles for a little weekend getaway? You love to just take charles away from everything, and he never knows where he’s going or what he’ll be doing. You plan everything. All he gets to know are the days and times he’ll be away, but nothing else.
And he loves it!! Loves that his mommy plans entire weekends for him.
And he LOVES to do little activities together? Cause yeah he’d be more than happy to simply get fucked silly that entire weekend, but you don’t need to go away for that.
But when you are away somewhere, he gets all ready whenever he finds out you’ve planned things. Cause yes! He loves little activities and dates with his mommy!! Take him to the beach for the afternoon or book some wine tasting or an art class or whatever. Just whatever activities are on offer whenever you two are. He’ll just love is so so much.
This time, the little chalet you’ve rented comes with it’s own beautiful private garden, and well, that just means you HAVE to have a little picnic with your good boy.
You send him to go do his workout on his own, having gotten instructions from Andrea. He’s a little pouty when he hears that, because why aren’t you coming with!!! You must come with and read the instructions and kiss his forehead!!
But then you tell him that you need to prep for a little surprise you have planned for lunch, and then Charles is more than happy to go do his workout on his own because he’d never want to ruin his mommy’s plans. He doesn’t even ask what the surprise is! Cause he’s a good boy!! So he goes through his workout, feeling all light and giggly the entire time cause his mommy has a surprise for him!!!
Meanwhile, you get a little picnic ready. You have his favourite snacks and fruits and of course some sweet treats too. You pack them nicely in a little picnic basket and take the basket outside, setting it under the tree in the garden. Then you fetch some pillows and blankets to make a nice little area for the picnic.
You find Charles in the shower after his workout when you finish, so of course you wait for him with a nice fluffy towel, wrapping him in it and then taking him to the bedroom to change.
He’s so excited as you walk him through the house, excited to see what his mommy has planned.
And oh it’s a picnic!!!
He’s so happy!! A nice picnic with his mommy!!!
You hand feed him his snacks, chatting to him about his plans and whatever else comes to mind. He just babbles away, so happy with his mommy and the cute picnic. It’s the perfect way to spend the afternoon.
Once all the food has been eaten, Charles ends up with his head on your lap, getting his hair played with and humming happily. You ask him how his workout went, and because he’s a needy little thing who likes to be dramatic, he goes on about how hard it was and how sore he is.
So obviously you just have to offer to give him a massage, and which of course he’s gonna agree to.
So that’s how he ends up laying shirtless on the grass, getting a nice massage from his mommy. You grope him more than massage him to be honest, but he’s clearly enjoying it.
When you turn him over to massage his front, there’s a tent in his pants and he’s whining, looking up at you with tears in his eyes cause he’s horny!! Mommy must help!!!
And well…. It’s a private garden. No reason why a handjob can’t happen.
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itscherrylipsforme · 4 months
Heyyy, new to Tumblr so please let me know if I did this wrong 🥺
📓 (I genuinely hope this is the right emoji) a fic with Jason Todd where reader is a vigilante and they don't know each other's identities but reader is a HUGE literature nerd and makes a bunch of classical literature puns and stuff and Jason is internally freaking out like “This is the love of my life! I must know who they are!” and he eventually track her down as a civilian and she's a theater kid who now owns a bookstore or something? Something cute with an identity revel with a lot of book puns? I'm a hug book worm so I would adore any fic with that in mind.
Anyways, I hope I did this right, thanks for taking time to read it!
Aww darling this request is amazing! As a bookworm/theatre kid myself I will be more than happy to write it down. Thank you so much and don't worry the ask is more than right, it's perfect 🫶🏼
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dia-souls · 1 year
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TW : ⚠️ NSFW, Teasing, blood mentioned ⚠️
🩸 Diaboys and Yui during her monthly cycle 🩸
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
📓 Ruki Mukami 📓
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" Good grief . What happened to you? Why are you so sensitive? The smell of your blood is strangely stronger than ever. Oh, don't tell me you're on your period. This is not good, but don't worry, I will help you not to suffer too much, Yui. Better take care of yourself, my angel. "
Ruki is one of those boys who knows about Yui's period and knows that girls become more sensitive during this period.
Taking care of Yui becomes very important for Ruki during this period.
He doesn't want Yui to suffer during her period, so he makes her a hot water bag and forces her to rest in her room.
Since Ruki knows that girls are very sensitive in their period, he tries to pay more attention to Yui.
He sleeps next to Yui at night and caresses her stomach.
Ruki brings her a lot of books and they read together.
While reading a book, Ruki holds Yui in his arms and pulls the blanket over her.
While reading a book, Ruki buries his head in Yui's soft and fluffy hair and smells her scent.
The smell of Yui's blood is insanely strong and irritating, so Ruki tries to control himself to taste her blood.
He strokes Yui's hair and kisses her forehead and whispers sweet words in her ear.
Yui, who realizes that Ruki is thirsty for her blood, offers her blood to Ruki.
But Ruki won't accept Yui's blood because he knows that this period is painful enough for Yui.
At night, Ruki puts Yui in his arms and sticks her head to his chest and they sleep together.
Ruki gently strokes Yui's stomach to relieve her pain.
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
🎤 Kou Mukami 🎤
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" Oh, M-Neko-Chan, is there something wrong with you? You have become strangely sensitive and it seems that the smell of your blood has become much stronger than ever. Fufu.... somehow, this smell makes me want to tease you. What do you think, would you like your beloved Kou-kun to suck your blood? "
The smell of Yui's blood irritates Kou and he tries to suck Yui's blood.
But before he even gets a chance to bite Yui, Yui starts crying.
Yui's reaction makes Kou shocked. He knew that Yui might resist, but he never thought that she would start crying.
Seeing that Yui is so sensitive worries Kou.
He hugs Yui like a little cat and pats her head and tells her that it's just a small bite and it will be over soon.
Yui is embarrassed when she realizes that Kou is treating her like a child.
Yui decides to explain her problem to Kou.
Upon understanding the matter, Kou becomes very serious and hugs Yui and takes her to her room.
He wants Yui to rest in bed all the time.
Yui doesn't like Kou's suggestion and wants to get out of bed.
But Kou threatens Yui that if she gets out of her bed, he will forcefully tie her hands and feet to the bed and force her to rest.
Kou asks Ruki for help to make herbal tea for Yui so that Yui will feel less pain.
At night, he sleeps next to Yui and caresses her stomach and sometimes tickles her.
Kou will take care of Yui a lot during this time.
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
🍅 Yuma Mukami 🍅
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" Hey what's your problem Why are you so lazy and slow to work today? You said you would help me in the garden today, but you didn't even fill a basket. Mmmm, it seems that the smell of your blood is stronger than ever and ..... haaaaa ?????? Are you crying What the hell happened to you? "
Yui had promised Yuma that she would help him in the garden, but she was working very slowly because of her pain.
Yuma's words made Yui cry and Yuma was shocked.
Yuma doesn't know anything about girls and doesn't even know what Yui's problem is.
Seeing Yui crying torments him, even though he has no idea what Yui's problem is, Yuma slowly walks towards her and hugs her.
Yuma had never seen Yui so sensitive, so he was sure there was something wrong with her.
While he was unaware of Yui's problem, he was hugging and caressing her.
After Yui calms down in Yuma's arms, Yuma asks her about her problem.
Yui explains to Yuma and Yuma is even more shocked than before.
He can't believe that a small and weak girl like Yui would bleed for so long but not die.
However, Yuma gets worried and puts Yui on his shoulders and takes her to her room and tells her that she has enough work for today and she should rest.
Because Yuma has no information about Yui's problem, he asks Ruki for help.
At night, Yuma lays next to Yui and hugs her.
Since Yuma is much bigger than Yui, Yui easily falls asleep in Yuma's warm embrace.
Yuma kisses Yui's forehead and caresses her back while Yui sleeps looking at her small size.
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
🗡 Azusa Mukami 🗡
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" Yui-san..... what's..... your problem ? Oh, you look..... so upset. I don't like...... to see you.... sad. Do you ........ feel pain? Did you get ......hurt Because the smell........ of your blood is .......stronger than ever. Tell me, I want..... to help you, Eve."
Azusa is one of those boys who if he sees Yui upset, he will do his best to solve Yui's problem and make Yui happy.
Seeing that Yui has become so sensitive or that she seems to be in pain torments Azusa.
Azusa tries his best to find Yui's problem, but Yui doesn't say anything to him because she doesn't want to worry Azusa.
Azusa, disappointed by Yui, goes to Ruki to ask his questions and Ruki explains everything to him.
Although Azusa is shocked, he tries to come to his senses and help Yui.
He takes Yui to her room and forces her to rest.
With Ruki's help, he prepares herbal tea and hot water bags for Yui.
At night, he sleeps next to Yui and hugs her.
Azusa keeps asking Yui if she is in pain or not.
Azusa is a cute and sweet boyfriend.
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
Sakamaki version
Tsukinsmi + Kino version
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
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beepbeepdespair · 2 years
this has probably been done a million times but. tma musical ideas courtesy of @emiwith2braincells and i
the lonelyeyes tango. peter cant dance, like at all, but hes trying his best. elias is annoyingly good at it (as always) and gets way too into it
either michael or helen gets to chase jon to california gurls. its horribly distorted though. bonus points if jon is screaming the entire time
annabelle and elias are the narrators and get to break the fourth wall to question the songs they've been given or shit that doesn't make sense, which confuses the fuck out of everyone around them. especially peter. he just watches his husband start talking in a random direction and refuses to acknowledge it. also elias and annabelle fight over who gets to narrate the best/most fun parts
whenever gerry comes on stage (which is often because i say so), mcr starts playing and he has to tell it to stop and wonders where it keeps coming from. hes involved with the eye enough to hear it but not enough to fully break the fourth wall. when he appears as a book dead! plays extremely loudly and he and jon have to yell their dialogue over it
in the later section of the musical whenever jonmartin does anything cute and the whole audience goes "awwwww" jon just turns to face us and says "could you not? we're trying to have a moment here" "jon who are you talking to" "don't worry"
someone gets trapped in the hallways and has a breakdown to fancy by twice
jane has a bag or something full of worms that she chucks into the audience sometimes so if youre unlucky youll get a faceful of worm
theres a big group number that almost all of the cast join in with... but its the jurgen leitner rant put to music. gerry gets to lead it
agnes shows up a few times and keeps opening her mouth to sing but is interrupted by various other people/things. in the end she never gets to say a word
elias has at least one ott costume change. theres definitely high heels or platform shoes at some point. when jon sees them he visibly dies inside
at one point nikola's skin is just a piece of ham stapled to her face. no explanation is given for this
leitner gets a huge buildup to his song, prepares to sing and then is immediately bpmed
somehow trexel breaks in at some point and either michael or helen has to get rid of him (i hc him as a spiral avatar). theyre like "this isnt your show fuck off" and just punt him offstage like a football
feel free to add onto this if you like lmao
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lucyfrostblade · 5 days
🪢 A headcanon about their family, 📓 A headcanon about their hobbies, 👗 A headcanon about their clothes, 🔪 A headcanon relating to fighting/violence (for both ivy and lucy please i love your takes)
headcanon ask game !!
🪢 A headcanon about their family
one of lucy's parents (i say she has two moms but that's unrelated to the current headcanon) was born in the mountains of chaos and moved to elmville with her own parents when she was an older teen, around 16 or 17. the official reasoning was that it was safer to raise a family in elmville and a desire to live a life less rooted in survival and more in living, but the real reason but that lucy's grandparents had gotten some vague communications from ruvina that some time in the coming decades that a frostblade would be needed in elmville.
📓 A headcanon about their hobbies
credit to @vortahoney for starting this conversation with the other day !! lucy reads sad girl books, be it weird sad girl or hot sad girl. an absolutely remarkable thing by hank green, severence by ling ma, our wives under the sea by julia armfield, my heart is a chainsaw by stephen graham jones, olga dies dreaming by xochitl gonzalez, gods of want by k-ming chang, bad cree by jessica johns, the secret lives of church ladies by deesha philyaw.
i think i said to spence that i don't think she would read horror or the weirder books yesterday but i have changed my mind. she doesn't read the goreriest stuff or even truly weird stuff, but she doesn't shy away from it either.
👗 A headcanon about their clothes
lucy dresses like it's winter every single day. every since she became a frost gensasi, it's been hard for her to stay warm. it doesn't exactly bother her, it's comfortable, but she misses it, you know? so she's always wearing sweaters even on the hottest summer day, trying to chase the warmth she remembers from early childhood.
🔪 A headcanon relating to fighting/violence (for both ivy and lucy please i love your takes)
she's depicted in the official art as having a morning star and i am a little bit obsessed with that. it implies either a strength that isn't necessarily evident in her character design, or that she's just carrying around a weapon that she can't really use. i lean more towards the former, and that she has a tendency to be more involved in combat than any of the other rat grinders are completely comfortable with. she'll always try and keep combat from breaking out but once it does she can wack people with her morning star and then cast healing word as a bonus action. it's fine guys, she promises. of course if someone gets badly hurt she'll focus on that but let my girl hit people in between. especially post-resurrection it's one of the only ways she feels comfortable expressing anger.
🪢 A headcanon about their family
ivy moved to elmville shortly before freshman year with her mom. her parents divorced during the last year of middle school. it was messy, and they absolutely had the worst fights right in front of ivy for most of her childhood. in the end, ivy was made to chose between staying in fallinel with her dad or moving to elmville with her mom, and she chose the latter. she sees her dad a couple times a year now, but her mom isn't much more present despite the fact that they live under the same roof.
📓 A headcanon about their hobbies & 👗 A headcanon about their clothes
archery itself could be considered a hobby, i don't know if you have any experience with it. personally i am pretty shit at it but i am getting back into it anyway. back to ivy though, i imagine it started out as a hobby before it became who she was. summers spent shooting at targets instead of playing with the other kids, and after school time was spent more on practice than her homework.
i imagine that once she starts aguefort she's similarly intense about it but picks up an actual hobby or two now that she has time in school to be intense about it. something tactile, maybe knitting or crochet? i lean knitting for ivy bc it's simpler and more practical but she could still use it to make crop tops and tank tops. i think she'd have fun with it. and she makes oisin count her rounds for her. it's hard, okay?
🔪 A headcanon relating to fighting/violence
ivy's an archer which creates a certain distance from the violence she enacts. the first thing she kills is a deer while on a hunting trip with her parents. for a while it's just game, then when she starts aguefort it's rats and monsters. even in battle against other people (against lucy) it's easy enough for her to keep her distance from the reality of violence against another person. she didn't touch lucy when they killed her, just stood by the treeline and aimed. the distance doesn't help with the guilt, doesn't stop the nightmares.
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windsweptinred · 9 months
Your headcanons about Destiny? 👻 📓 😺
@mashumaru so much headcanony goodness! Thank you! These were just too fun! So I've decided to do a serious and fun headcannon for both. 😁
📓 A headcanon about their hobbies
I like to think when they were younger, Destiny and Dream would sit together in the Garden and enjoy one of the pastimes they could both share and appreciate....Sitting quietly with their nose in a good book. 😅 Maybe he'd read aloud to his little brother from his book. Maybe he was a little more indulgent back then and listened to Dream weave tales of fantasy. In a way, both siblings share a role of being keepers of stories. Just one brother got non fiction and the other fiction.
I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times... Destiny is a cottage core icon. 😆 Oldy worldly, rustic, flowing clothes ✔️ Simple, secluded rural life ✔️Hobbies: gardening, being outdoors, walking barefoot, reading, journaling, sculpting... Preferably outdoors ✔️ I bet he's got a blog...
👻 A headcanon about what scares them.
I'm not the first to say this by any means, but the notion of anything existing outside of his book. Of paths of fate to be found beyond the boundaries of his Garden. The prospect of fantasy becoming reality. Because that means his entire way of existence, which he clings so emphatically to, is wrong.
Desire and the words 'make over'. No one wants a repeat of Destiny attempting to deliver portents of doom a in 'seafoam' coloured, short chiron. Twas a dark day indeed when he was forced to bare his naked knees and elbows to all and sundry!
😺 An animal related headcanon
I've always thought the zodiac would fall under Destiny's dominion, like him they're a prefect unification of space and time. Constellations and also used to mark the passage of the earths rotation round the sun. And also... Astrology obviously. Dream has his ravens, Despair had her rats... Destiny has a gargantuan cosmic lion/ goat/ bull, just meandering round the Garden of Forking Ways. 😅
I am utterly convinced the dude has a pet snail and it's called something like Bob or Jeff because Destiny has all the imagination of mashed potato. I love you Destiny... But it's true. 🤣 Why a snail? Well they're both observers to the fast pace life around them. They both like to hide themselves away in their cloaks/shells. They both like being in gardens... 😅 But yes, Destiny's little friend Jeff the snail. I don't know why it's stuck in my head... But there is stays. 😆
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aphroditelovesu · 8 months
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✿.。Welcome to my blog! My name is Larissa, but feel free to call me Lari or Lady L, which is how you know me. I'm Brazilian 🇧🇷 and I was born on October 15th. English is not my first language. My pronouns are she/her and I am bisexual 💖💜💙. I am Libra ♎️ and INTP.
⤷♡. If you want to support my work or to just tip me, can you buy me a coffee? ☕️
⤷✿.Here I've gathered all my series, masterlists and some additional things to make them easier to find. Enjoy my blog, dear reader.
© aphroditelovesu, 2022. all rights reserved. do not translate or repost my work without my permission. you are free to use my edits, but I only ask that you credit me.
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⤷♡.+ disclaimer: some of my works may have nsfw content in addition to the yandere genre. if you are sensitive to these topics, I recommend not reading.
⤷♡.+ genre: yandere/dark!au.
⤷♡.+ Requests are OPEN. Asks and concepts are open.
⤷♡.+ character ai: aphroditelovesu.
⤷♡.+ Rules and Fandoms List;
⤷♡.+ Emoji Prompt List + Prompts List;
⤷♡.+ Wips; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; 7; 8;
⤷♡.+ Commissions;
‘‘Love you so bad, love you so bad, mold a pretty lie for you.’‘ ˚˖੭ Fake Love, BTS.
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⤷♡.+ BTS; 💜
⤷♡.+ ITZY; 🧡
⤷♡.+ Stray Kids; 💙
➷ EXO: Yandere Baekhyun (Romantic), Yandere Suho (Romantic).
➷ TWICE: Imagine as Classmates.
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⤷♡.+ Greek Mythology; ⚡
⤷♡.+ Egyptian Mythology; 𓂀
⤷♡.+ Historical Characters; 📜
➷ The Lost Queen | Yandere!Alexander the Great ❝You woke up near a military camp without remembering how and why you got there, you didn't understand why they were dressed like ancient Greeks, all you knew was that you weren't safe and you needed to get out of that place as soon as possible. Too bad for you that you found yourself attracting unwanted attention from the Macedonian King and he won't let you go so easily.❞ The Lost Queen Series Masterlist
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⤷♡.+ The Vampire Diaries + The Originals; 🧛
⤷♡.+ House of the Dragon; 🐉
⤷♡.+ Game of Thrones; ❄️
⤷♡.+ The Sandman; ⌛
⤷♡.+ Outlander; 🗿
⤷♡.+ Wednesday; 🎻
⤷♡.+ Brooklyn Nine-Nine; 👮‍♂️
⤷♡.+ Bridgerton; 🐝
⤷♡.+ Shadow and Bone; ☠️
⤷♡.+ Outer Banks; 💰
⤷♡.+ K-Dramas; ❤️
⤷♡.+ Reign; 👑
⤷♡.+ The Tudors; 🗡️
⤷♡.+ Hannibal; 🍽
➷ The Bloody Viscount | Yandere!Anthony Bridgerton ❝You had fallen in love with Viscount Bridgerton and he had fallen in love with you. The marriage seemed perfect, but then why did Anthony Bridgerton always come home late and bloodstained?❞ Prologue; Chapter 1; Chapter 2; ➷ The Shadow of the Golden Dragon | Yandere!ASOIAF/HOTD/GOT ❝You have always been an avid reader and your greatest passion was delving into the pages of "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin. You knew every character, every twist and every detail of the Seven Kingdoms as if they were part of your own life. But what you never imagined is that an unexpected encounter with a mysterious antique book seller would change your life forever.❞ The Shadow of the Golden Dragon Masterlist
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⤷♡.+ Percy Jackson; 🌊
⤷♡.+ Harry Potter; 🔮
⤷♡.+ A Court of Thorns and Roses; 🌹
⤷♡.+ A Song of Ice and Fire; 🔥
‘‘We were born to be alone but why we still looking for love?’‘ ˚˖੭ Lovesick Girls, BLACKPINK.
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⤷♡.+ Attack on Titan; ⚔️
⤷♡.+ Naruto; 🍥
⤷♡.+ Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir; 🐞
⤷♡.+ One Piece; 👒
⤷♡.+ How To Train Your Dragon; 🐲
⤷♡.+ Death Note; 📓
‘‘Don’t you know that you’re toxic?’’ ˚˖੭ Toxic, Britney Spears.
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⤷♡.+ Marvel; ۞
‘‘I wish you would love me again, no, I don't want nobody else.’’ ˚˖੭ Love Me Again, V.
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⤷♡.+ Love Letters; 💕
⤷♡.+ Love Letters II; 💕
⤷♡.+ Kinktober 2023; 🎃
➷ A Black Rose | Yandere!Ian Daerier ❝A cruel and narcissistic reaper falls in love with the woman he was supposed to take the life of.❞ Oneshot;
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skywqlkergf · 5 days
i am back… 🤗
📓 ‘m a capricorn. infp. i ♡︎ cats, doing my nails, all genres of music, nature walks, motorcycles, lana del rey, the vintage americana & coquette aesthetic. hmmm i also really like to yap and i’m a poet so i love to write!! i do not like loud noises (barking, sirens, screaming, alarms), improper & rude manners, super humid weather, tomatoes, and fighting/arguing. definitely more but it’s almost midnight…
my hobbies are writing, taking the train (IT IS A HOBBY PLEASE TRUST), looking at apartments & houses i can’t afford and daydreaming, reading, taking pictures of pretty things, seeing my friends as much as humanly possible, and researching about whatever my little brain latches onto as my favorite thing (i once stayed up until nearly 3am one time to research things about i have no mouth and i must scream after i read the book)
100 followers celly
i really can't decide whether to ship you with kurt or james. I'm leaning more towards jamie though. i think he would just adore you and your aesthetic. i think he'd love to hear about the random things you research and everything about you tbh.
p.s i also read i have no mouth and i must scream 🤭
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totaleclipse573 · 4 months
🎶 📓💄 For Terios, Shadow & Eclipse
🎶- With Terios, the music he listens to is very much a case of "don't judge a book by its cover." That's all I'm gonna say. (But he still has very sensitive hearing, low volume and headphones for him.)
Shadow, too, is such a case sometimes. But then again, I don't see his preferred genres of music being all that narrowed down to a few. He just likes what he likes and those same songs will be repeated for as long as he wants to hear them.
Eclipse? He has no idea what music is until someone shows him. Is it so wrong that I could see him jamming to rock songs with crazy guitar solos and drums that might as well be on fire. Is it really. It hypes up his adrenaline.
📓- Terios likes to draw! And he happens to be quite talented and proud of that. But he also does enjoy being around and caring for wisp, along with stargazing and exploring his surroundings.
Shadow is another character I headcanon to like drawing. He's not the best at it, but it does help as a sort of venting method for himself. He prefers not to talk about those kinds of things, so instead, he draws. He also likes reading, caring for chao, and gardening (no one needs to know that..............) HE ALSO LOVES BUGS
Eclipse still has a bit to learn about this planet, but he has found some things to be...enjoyable enough. Aside from annoying Shadow, of course. He likes running around, sometimes he'll even race against Sonic, or one of his brothers. He also likes engaging in any form of combat, be it for practice with Shadow, for fun with Tangle, or ACTUAL COMBAT. And of course, just being around the Dark Arms makes him happy. He'll take them to be with Froggy or Whisper's wisp some days.
💄- The fur on Terios' chest is a bit fluffier and less tidy than Shadow's, but only because he prefers it that way. Not by TOO much, though, like in the past.
Shadow, on the other hand, takes a great amount of importance with his outer appearance. His floof, his quills, his air shoes, his gloves, his inhibitors, all must be tidy, neat and clean at ALL times. It tends to bother him if its not all the way he prefers or is comfortable with.
And Eclipse? He just. Doesn't care to be tidy lmao. He's the type who would just squirm away if you tried to get all the mud off him fancy him up in the slightest. He was BORN to be WILD and FREE!! NEVER ABIDING BY THE NORMS OF HUMAN SOCIETY!! He still needs a bath though.
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willowmckinley · 5 months
rAyLAn giVEnS (in dickie bennett voice) 👽📓🍫
Haha, thank you!
👽 A headcanon about a weird quirk of there
Let's be real, Raylan is all weird quirk. But more specifically, I occasionally headcanon him with the trait of sniffing everything he touches. You know? Pick something up, sniff it, move on. It probably drives Tim insane, which is *very* funny to me. Tim: what information do you think you're getting from doing this? Raylan: *shrugs* sometimes it's worth it
📓 A headcanon about their hobbies
I think Raylan would be more well-adjusted if he had more hobbies, to be honest. Hobbies are a sort of thing that allow you to spend time with yourself, and in my mind, Raylan has trouble with that. I think he does enjoy reading, but doesn't necessarily search out books--doesn't go to the library often or to book stores. He almost seems like the kind of guy who finds books, picks 'em up as they come to him. If he liked other people more, he might enjoy a book club for that reason. He probably rereads the same beaten copies he has acquired over and over.
🍫 A headcanon about food
Oh, I kind of love that you sent me this one, since I just updated my lemon cake au. Raylan who does not have magical realism food powers have a different relationship with food! Personally, I think he's the kind of guy to order a steak at a restaurant, no matter where he's at. He probably has real strong opinions on barbecue and fried chicken, so he doesn't like eating it when he's out-- it is NOT like home. He is standard husband at a grill-- he can flip burgers or maybe throw a stake on. I also think he really does enjoy salad, which is a fun little thing, because some folks probably assume he should be calling it "rabbit food." Which is also like how people might now expect how he loves vanilla ice cream/sweet things.
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dokuixote · 2 years
[12:29] | 📓 librarian!wonwoo
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“Hey, thought you might like this too. :)”
a boyish handwriting scribbled in a yellow sticky note is taped at a book placed on your favorite spot at the library. again.
it’s the fourth time this month, you recall as you carefully fold the note and store it safely on your pocket. “I think you’ll have fun reading this. :)” “Try this. :)” “This is my favorite author. I think this book is up your alley. :)” you now have a growing collection of book recommendations lacking a name of the sender but always with a signatory in a form of a smiley face.
‘The Miracles of the Namiya General Store’ the cover reads. you scan the room for any sign of the mysterious sender, but to no surprise, everyone within your eyesight is too occupied to care hunched over their papers, books, and laptops. you also flip through the last page and scan the borrower history of the book only to find it empty.
you sadly sigh, wondering when you can meet this person to talk about the story and personally thank them for recommending books you have been genuinely enjoying reading for the past weeks. nameless and faceless, how are you supposed to say that you kept all the sticky notes of annotations in a clear jar at your desk back at home because it makes you smile when you catch a glimpse of it?
defeated albeit eager for a new read, you walk back to the librarian’s desk to officially borrow the book and consume it in the comforts of your own home.
“you again? i’m surprised there are still books here left for you to borrow.” wonwoo teasingly chuckles when he sees you approach with a book and your worn library card at hand.
“oh don’t you worry, i won’t steal your biggest geek world-title.” you roll your eyes at the librarian-turned-friend which earned a laugh from him. from the numerous small talks you had with wonwoo, you discovered he’s few years your senior, likes (and is alike) a cat, prefers mystery over coming-of-age, and he’s on duty during tuesdays, thursdays, and saturdays because he attends classes during the rest of the week and sundays are reserved for campaign mode in his newly-installed RPG.
“hmm, interesting choice.” wonwoo comments while he flips through the book for information.
“you read it? is it good? oh and have you noticed anyone hanging out at my spot recently?” you fire away questions, subtly keen on discovering any clue on who’s been leaving books for you.
wonwoo looks up at you and raises his brows at your flushing cheeks and almost sparkling eyes. he puts his fingers up, “1, yes, i have read it. 2, yes it is good. i liked it. and 3, no, i haven’t seen anyone in your so-called spot which, by the way, isn’t just reserved for you even though you’re our secret-favorite customer. why are you asking?”
“nothing, just curious is all.” you clear your throat and pretentiously say with nonchalance, hiding the disappointment from thinking this is the day you finally have somewhere to start on finding your incognito friend.
wonwoo, knowing better, only gives you a pointed look.
“okay fine, it’s just someone’s been leaving all these books for me and i love every single one of it and i appreciate it and i just,” you explain and mumble, “i want to at least take them out for a coffee or something.”
“oh, then i’ll let you know if i notice something.” wonwoo bites back a smile and hands you the book now permitted to leave the premises of the local library. “hope you’ll like it as much as i did.”
you nod and thank him. “alright, i’ll get going now and trust your word. see you in 3 days! don’t miss me too much, wonwoo!” you jest as you exit.
wonwoo quietly laughs and shakes his head at how goofy you looked while giving him a salute through the glass door. once you were beyond his sight, he goes back to his desk and gets ‘Dollar Good Dream Department Store’. he reaches for a nearby yellow sticky note and writes, “Give this a try. :) <3”
maybe he’d give this book in a coffee shop soon.
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valeffelees · 9 months
HI HELLOO 📓 !!!!
okkk, lemme think... OH, ok. i've got one, and i think i'm just going to have to accept the reality that i have no true "unwritten" AUs 'cause i do have a couple thousand (yes, thousand) words of this fic in a docu somewhere, but i can't even remember what the working title for it is at this point.
i think it might be "There's a Werewolve in London" or something? but really, who knows. LOL and so, yeah, the plot is about werewolves.
i'm gonna hide the rest of this under a cut tho bc turns out i don't know how to be normal about my fic ideas??? and this is just, so fucking long. like, i-would-not-blame-you-if-you-didn't-read-it fucking long.
but hey, at least i had fun! 😂
i dunno if i've already talked about this fic before? i'm nervous i have just on account of how OLD this idea is, it's one of my early early early snowbaz fic ideas bc i went through a phase where i was just, desperate for werewolf!Simon content??? but n e way, the tune of the plot goes: at the beginning of seventh year, Simon goes out on a mission and disappears without a trace, so of course the WoM has to assume the worst bc there's just no way for a magician with that much magic to blink off the map unless he's... well, yeah.
but life goes on. the Insidious Humdrum stops attacking Watford, the holes in the magickal atmosphere stop spreading, so really, what else is there to do?
Baz plays football. he studies in the library. he turns nineteen. he finishes at the top of his graduating class, wins a half-dozen academic awards, and skips the Leaver's Ball. he moves to London by himself and adopts a cat. what he doesn't do is think about Simon Snow, because he's twenty-three, and in university, and life goes on.
and then one day Baz is on his way to class and he sees a familiar mop of bronze curls and okay, fuck, sure life goes on, yadda-yadda, whatever, he knows those curls. he knows those shoulders, those freckles. he knows—
Simon Snow. older and healthier and standing there in the middle of the library, browsing fucking books. after a moment, Simon's nose flares and his head snaps up. "... Baz?"
and Baz thinks that, really, it's a bit cruel of the universe for him to still be in love with Simon Snow, even after all these years. (he thought, at least for a while, that he wasn't anymore, bc it didn't ache so deep when he thought about him) (but that was when Baz thought he was dead and Simon wasn't in front of him with his eyes and his mouth and that little pinch between his eyebrows, alive alive alive.)
Simon asks how Baz found him, and Baz says, "found implies i've been looking for you," and Simon replies, "right," and is clearly just, so fucking uncomfortable, like this boy wants to get the fuck out of there, but Baz knows that if Simon leaves now he'll never see him again, he's so fucking sure of it, so as Simon is bumbling his way through something to the tune of, "haha well funny catching up, see you around, mate—" Baz blurts out, "do you want to get coffee?"
and Simon stops, and stares at him for a minute, and looks down at the takeaway coffee cup Baz is clearly already holding, and then shoves his hands in the pouch of his hoodie and is like, "yeah, okay."
so they go for coffee, right, and Simon of course eats his body weight in pastries (but he's funny about it) (Baz doesn't comment, but he won't touch things with chocolate, with raisins, with nuts or seeds, and he doesn't actually order a coffee, or even a tea) while Baz sits across from him trying to figure out what to say, but Simon has always been the brave one and starts up with some small talk, polite things, like they're old friends or something, asking what Baz is studying, if he still plays the violin, and then strangely, "do you have a cat?" and Baz is like, "... i do. Olivia. she's orange." and Simon just nods, and keeps eating, and Baz realises Simon isn't going to be the one to bring it up so he finally asks, "Snow, where the fuck have you been?"
but Simon like, dodges the fuck out of that question, he doesn't even acknowledge it, he replies with something like, "i like these," about whatever baked good he's shoving in his face.
Baz: "Snow."
Simon: "i love pumpkin, i make a thing sometimes, like a butter. pumpkin, brown sugar, maple syrup. s' good."
Baz: "Snow."
Simon: "this has been nice," and then he's pushing back his chair and brushing the crumps off his lap and shrugging into his coat and he drops two ten-pound notes on the table and then he's turning to leave, he's leaving, so Baz lurches forward and grabs his sleeve and says, "Simon," and Simon stops, and takes a breath, and mumbles, "please don't ask me again. i can't say no to you, Baz. so please, don't. because i'll tell you. and i can't."
and Baz doesn't ask again. but he tells him, "the whole World of Mages thinks you're dead," and Simon replies, "i know," and looks back at him over his shoulder, "do me a favour and keep it that way."
Baz: "then let me see you again. i don't want this to be the last time."
so Simon agrees and they start meeting there, at that coffee shop, every day, the hour between Baz's morning and afternoon classes, and he doesn't ask about it again bc Simon is here, showing up, and that's fine, that's enough, he doesn't need to know, and if Simon is a little different, well, that's fine, too. and they carry on like that for a whole month, or just about, and one day they're wrapping things up and like usual Baz says, "tomorrow?" and Simon's face falls a bit as he replies, "i—can't, tomorrow. or the day after, i'm, well, i have a thing but, Tuesday?" and Baz wants to ask, but he doesn't.
"Tuesday, then."
and so—holy shit, am i still talking? i'm gonna have to add a cut to this at the top, i'm sorry. but n e way, it is by the pure chance power known as 'this is a fanfiction' that that night Baz goes out hunting later than usual. had a friend-date with a girl in one of his classes and had to stay up later than he thought to catch up on studying, so he goes out and instead of going poking through catwalks for rats and shit, he decides to take a drive so he can get his hands on something more substantial and maybe go on a bit of a walk, so now Baz is in an ambiguous Forest location and it is the middle of the night, and the weather fine, and the moon is full, and... it's very quiet.
nature is never this quiet, even around him. and that's when Baz hears it. a low, thick growl that makes every hair on his body stand, and before he can think better of it, fight or flight has him sprinting, and something is giving chase, something fast enough to keep up with a vampire, snapping at his heels, and Baz isn't stupid, but Crowley, that's just his luck, isn't it? the one time he decides to hunt in the forest at night on a full moon, there's a fucking werewolf in London. teeth catch the ankle of his jeans and Baz goes down, and instantly rolls himself onto his back and hikes his legs up to catch the wolf on the chest and hold it back from his throat, his back drags and drags and drags into the ground until he slams into a tree, and there are teeth snapping for his face, and through the dark, its eyes are sharp and bright as moonlight and narrowed to a point and blue blue blue—
and he knows that blue, like he knows the toffee-brown of its fur, the dappled pattern of spots in its coat—
and it, he, stops. Simon is panting, and staring at him, and still baring those huge (fucking huge) teeth at him, and so Baz says his name again, and he blinks. and blinks again, his eyes blowing in the dark, softening, recognising him, just for a moment. and then he's gone, disappearing into the trees, the sound of his paws pounding the ground echoing in Baz's head long after he's stopped hearing them. or maybe that's his heartbeat.
Baz gets the fuck out of there as fast as he can, but he doesn't sleep that night. he stays awake until dawn, and then he's back in his car, back out at the forest, waiting. the sun comes up, and Baz almost thinks he has it wrong, but then the trees shift and Simon Snow comes stumbling out looking like he's been run over by a fucking train, he's in joggers and a zip-up hoodie, his chest is bare and so are his feet, and he doesn't notice Baz at first but when he does, he stops walking and glances behind him like he's thinking about running back into the trees (LOL), so Baz is like, "come on, Snow, i don't have all morning," and Simon does the world's most awkward monster-walk-of-shame in history, toddles the fuck up to Baz's car and gets into the passenger's seat without a word.
in the car Baz asks Simon if he remembers what happened. Simon says, "a little. m' sorry for, um—" and Baz tells him it's okay, and they don't speak again until they're pulling up outside Simon's flat where Simon opens the door, and gets out, and then stands there for a second before ducking his head back in and asking if Baz wants to come up for breakfast. "i won't be awake very long," Simon says, "but we can eat. and you can stay, if you want."
Baz, of course, does, so he follows Simon up, and this is kind of where the idea starts to fall apart and the details turn to mush, but i know Simon makes breakfast and Baz sits on the kitchen counter and lets him talk about things at his own pace, and that Simon has a roommate, an older werewolf from his pack named Drew who comes in while Simon is in the shower and tries to tear Baz in half, and prolly would've succeeded if Baz wasn't a magician, and the gist of the story from there is mostly about Simon and his pack, who've come to England from Wales to help a local pack whose youngest wolves have been going missing during the full moon, and Simon and Baz running into each other and doing their whole... thing, has really just been a chance encounter in the middle of something much bigger, and of course, now that Baz knows about it, he's hell-bent on helping.
there's also a neat scene (and actually, this is the scene that inspired the entire idea of this fic) where Simon and Baz go to the Bunces at some point and Penny is going on and on about how, "this doesn't make sense, there haven't been werewolf packs in England since the 1750s," and Simon laughs and opens her kitchen window and leans way out and cups his mouth and howls... and a minute later, a dozen voices howl back, and then he rests his elbows on the windowsill and grins over his shoulder at her and Baz and says, "turns out magicians don't know everything."
and yeah, i think i should stop talking now, but that is my werewolf!Simon fic. 😄
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