#reading wrap-up: january 2020
chimivx · 4 months
ghosting ↠ txt
now playing ↠ your needs, my needs • noah kahan
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He left you with letters. Envelopes that took you five years to finally read, acknowledge. They take you back through your past, forcing you to make moves not only for yourself, but for your family, for your children… His children.
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part two of six ~ masterlist
word count ↠ 1396 warnings ↠ (same for all parts) 18+. mentions of drugs, alcohol, smoking. swearing. explicit sexual content. these people have kids, there’s family talk, pregnancy talk. absent dad, messy family ties. stepsib shit, stepcest. infidelity. if any of these things bother you, please keep scrolling. if i missed anything PLEASE let me know!! a/n ↠ if you are new to this story, don't start here! please go to the masterlist! major thank you to everyone who's read this story. <3 xo posted ↠ 6/9/24 ~ 12:50 p.m. est
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~ january 2020 ~
A melody of Christmas music played from the tv, a soft joyful sound in the background to fill the noise between the babies babbles. The holiday was just over a week ago, the movies should be retired, but your boys couldn’t get enough. They bounced on their bottoms and giggled whenever the music would start all over again.
“Think I’m going to be singing Jingle Bells for the rest of my life,” Soobin said, his warm voice comforting you just as his arms around your shoulders as he settled on the couch behind you. 
Cross legged you sat on the floor, keeping a watchful eye over your twins, Chan biting on the colorful blocks sprawled everywhere while Sunoo crawled around on the carpet exploring his favorite space in the house. 
They were a year and almost three months old, having celebrated their birthdays back in October right here in their home. Your entire family showed up, Joy and Jin popping in an hour earlier than expected with piles of wrapped boxes in their arms for your boys to open later. Later finding out they were boxes of clothes and shoes, specially ordered from a designer Joy was currently hyper fixated on, along with a check in the card for an amount of money you and Soobin positively could not accept, and a promise to redo the boys bedrooms as they grew older.
The clothes were nice, as were the shoes. You’re sure Sana accepted these kinds of gifts when her baby’s were turning a year old, but your boys simply wouldn’t last. They’d get all but one use out of each outfit with how careful one needed to be with the fabrics. You were raising twin boys, twin boys that were just learning to stand and still needed assistance with eating. Blow outs were still a common occurrence, both you and Soobin were tossing out multiple onesies weekly.
Both Chan and Sunoo hated shoes. Hated them. Once they were slipped on, they were kicked off. Soobin began keeping track of when the boys did it, when they were frustrated by sensory things, even though they were only a year old. Both of them, to a certain degree, were already showing signs of sensory distress.
Important things to pay attention to, Soobin had told you one night after a day of fighting with the little ones to put any kinds of clothes on.
He reminded you that they were still babies on top of everything else that flooded your brain, leaving you in equal distress. Somehow his words relieved you for the time being.
About a week ago, Christmas Day, your mother and step father insisted on the stacks of presents you and Soobin’s disapproving eyes fell upon. Many of the gifts weren’t even for your twins, but for the two of you, and they were unseriously backhanded.
A brand new toaster the two of you couldn’t even begin to afford, to replace that old thing you’ve had since college, Soobin! A blender, an ice maker, an air fryer, a whole new set of silverware… All things you and your husband didn’t want. Things you didn’t need.
Things you accepted with grace, and gratitude. Though you joked a few times about selling them online to add to the boys bank accounts. As much as you appreciated the gifts, helping with the boys' futures was ideal, and something you’ve mentioned. Many times. Soobins mother was the only one to listen, and she could barely afford to do so herself.
Taehyun and Sana didn’t come around for Christmas, they spent it down at their home in Avida. Sana’s parents and apparently many members of her family spent it there with the family of four, or so as Joy informed you while the two of you each cradled a twin as your husbands cooked dinner. It didn’t surprise you to learn her family stayed there, their house could fit a plethora of couples within it, the thing was giant, nearly bigger than the one you were raised in. 
You hadn’t seen Taehyun since the twins' birthday party, only him and his son, Minho, who was five years old making an appearance for a couple of hours before Sana called him home. They mostly stuck to themselves, Minho exploring around the twins' toys for a bit, or snuggling on his grandfather's lap.
Few words were exchanged between you and your step-brother, who was surprisingly sober. 
Hopefully for the sake of his son, Soobin had mumbled, having exchanged no words with the man dressed in black. Those two had it out for one another, whether your intuition over Taehyun’s aversion to Soobin was true or not.
Taehyun watched the boys crawl around, watched them interact with Soobin’s family, and kept his eye on them all while hugging the walls, like he was collecting recon. From time to time he’d send messages on his phone, and you wondered if it was to his wife, or to one guest invited not in attendance.
A boy you hadn’t spoken to in almost two years.
Behind you, Soobin pulled you closer between his legs, either one settling by your sides. You slotted in perfectly between his knees and allowed your head to lull backward onto him. Looking up at him from where you sat on the floor, you gave him the smallest of smiles, one he returned. Leaning over you, he pressed an upside down kiss to your lips, staying there for a few seconds before he pulled away and pressed one to your forehead.
“I’m glad you’re here,” he whispered against your skin. A slight pain speared through your heart, one that made an appearance on your brows. Soobin clicked his tongue and kissed you in the same spot, willing the discomfort away. “None of that. Look at our boys.”
Our boys.
Lifting your head, Soobin wrapped his arms around your chest and rested his chin over your hair. You both let out a laugh at once as the twins suddenly became aware of one another occupying the same space. Sunoo had crawled in front of Chan, the two sitting on their bottoms smiling at each other. They babbled incoherently at the same time, making the other laugh. Then, Sunoo lifted a hand and attempted to grab onto Chan’s foot, making his brother squeal and kick his legs like crazy. The oldest of the two watched his twin make a scene, then copied him.
“They’re best friends,” Soobin said quietly to not distract the boys. “Two happy little best friends, how lucky are they?”
“So lucky,” you whispered, holding onto his wrists with a grip that had potential to leave a mark behind. The little ones wouldn’t be here smiling at one another if it weren’t for the man wrapped around you.
The pain within was too much to bear. The dizzying nausea, the crippling, stay in bed type of sadness that infected your limbs every single day. The heartbreak that came in waves, typically crashing whenever Soobin held one of the boys, or both, rocking them to sleep, or soothing their cries. An emptiness, a disconnect that kept you so far away from accepting his love no matter how hard you tried, making you wonder if the guilt was ever going to leave, or, if you’d be forced to live your life stuck this way, in a push and pull of loss, shame, and gut wrenching heartbreak.
…You’re getting so big, you’re walking already, that means you guys are smart. That means you guys are taking after your mom because no way in hell will you be getting any smarts from me. Part of me feels guilty writing this all down on paper instead of saying it to you, when I could be saying it to you, but I know one day you’ll understand why. I have no clue what comes of these letters, these pieces of me to you, so I have no idea when you’ll ever read this, so I’ll spare you your dads complaints. It makes me so happy to see your mom smile. Last time I saw her she was smiling, she was happy. You make her happy. Soobin makes her happy. You’re living a beautiful life, and that makes me happy. You’re safe, taken care of. You deserve that. Don’t forget to love her…
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thank you so much for reading. <3
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nicksbestie · 1 year
can you write where you secretly adopt duke for cal’s birthday? please 🥹🫶
(okay so for the sake of this fic Covid-19 started in January of 2020 not March)
word count : 1260
warnings : none!
Calum’s birthday was coming up and you desperately wanted to surprise him with something big, but you had to try and figure out what.
He deserved something huge, and while money wasn’t an issue for the two of you, you still had to pick a reasonable thing to get for a gift. It took you a few hours to come up with something, but eventually you picked one. Calum had been desperate for a dog since you two had moved in together, but since he was always running around and on tour, and you had a busy job as well, having a puppy just wasn’t going to work.
The dog wouldn’t get the attention and care it truly needed, despite whether or not you cared for the dog. But now, you were both at home, due to Covid-19, and nobody was really going anywhere. It was a perfect time to get a new animal, and you weren't the only one who thought so. You had seen Calum’s camera roll, and it was filled with dogs and puppies of all breeds. So, you decided, you were going to get him a puppy. 
It wasn’t going to be easy to keep it a secret from him, but you went to an animal shelter the day before his birthday, and spent so much time with all of the dogs. It wasn’t until you got to the very last one that you felt a strong connection to him. He had been there for five months, and his age was estimated to be about one year old. His name tag on his cage read “Duke”, and when you read his estimated age, you were happy to see that he was a younger dog, which was what you were looking for. 
He was black and white, and very fluffy, and you knew Calum would fall in love with him instantly. So, you went up to the desk to start filling out the adoption papers. When you were talking about which dog you wanted, you learnt that he was already house trained, which was a wonderful thing to hear, because as much as you wanted a dog, you were dreading cleaning up poop from around the house until he was trained. You paid his adoption fee, they put a travel leash on him, and now, you and Calum had a dog. But where was he going to go for the night? You smirked, calling up Ashton, knowing he had a soft spot for Calum. 
“Hey, Ash! Can I ask you a favor? But you have to keep it a secret.” 
You could pretty much hear him raise an eyebrow before he agreed, humming an affirmative. 
“I got Calum a gift, but I need you to keep it at your place overnight because he can’t see it until tomorrow.” 
Ashton sounded a little hesitant, mostly confused. 
“You can’t wrap it?” 
You laughed, trying to cover it with a cough but miserably failing. 
“No, I can’t.” 
Duke chose this moment to see a squirrel on the side of the road, losing his absolute mind barking, and of course, Ashton heard. 
“Did you get him a dog?!”
You smiled, petting Duke on the head and getting him to hop down from the window. 
“I did. So, can you keep him for the night? He’s already house trained.”
Ashton sighed, but you could hear the smile and knew he was relenting. 
“Yes, bring him over.” 
“Okay, thanks! See you soon.” 
Before getting to Ashton’s house, you stopped to get him a water and food bowl, as well as some dog food. The shelter had given you the brand that they used to feed the dogs, so you picked up a bulk bag of that, making sure he had everything he needed. You also got him a bed, a soft fluffy one. Arriving at Ashton’s, you walked up to the door with Duke, and he sat right outside with his tongue hanging lopsided out of his mouth. As Ashton opened the door, you could see the last of his resolve fade away as he immediately crouched down to pet him, picking him up in his arms and cooing at him. 
You unloaded the things, helping Ashton set it up for the one night, and laughing when Ashton just waved you off, promising you he could handle it. After about an hour, you left, feeling that Duke would be safe and loved for the one night before you brought him home the next morning. 
The next morning, you had woken up before Calum, and had gone to pick up Duke. Ashton was quite reluctant to let him go, but you promised he could come over later to celebrate. He was currently outside, and you were setting up Duke’s things in the living room. His bowls were in the kitchen, but his bed was right next to the couch. You went to wake up Calum, smiling as his eyes opened and he sat up, yawning. 
“Happy birthday!!! I hate to wake you, but I need a little bit of help this morning.” 
You didn’t need any help, you just were incapable of keeping the secret any longer. Calum smiled, even wider when you pressed a soft kiss to his lips, laughing when he tried to pull you back into bed with him. 
“Aww, come on. It’s my birthday, you’re not going to cuddle with me?” 
You grinned, pulling yourself free. 
“Trust me, you’d rather get up.” 
This piqued his curiosity, and he got out of bed, sleepily following you to the kitchen. You acted like you had no idea what was about to happen, smiling as he just followed you around like a lost puppy, pun intended. You had a few gifts wrapped on the table, noticing him eyeing them like a small child. You pressed a kiss to his cheek, moving behind him to fill Duke’s water bowl. Calum hadn’t realized it yet.
“Before you open anything, can you let the dog back inside? I forgot to do it before I came and woke you.” 
Calum was used to dog-sitting for his friends, this phrase being not completely unfamiliar to him, and so it took him about thirty seconds to realize what you just said.
“Yeah- wait. What?!” 
You smiled as he basically sprinted to his sliding porch door, his hands clapping over his mouth when Duke sprinted over to the new human being, his new owner. Calum immediately dropped to the ground to pet him, laughing and smiling as Duke licked all over his face, spinning in excited circles as Calum petted him. Calum picked him up and walked back inside, disregarding the open door as he looked at you in shock. 
“You- you got me a dog?! You got us a dog?!” 
You smiled, pulling out your phone and taking a photo as Calum held the dog up to eye level, setting him on his head and posing in the kitchen, smiling like an absolute fool. You picked Duke up off of Cal’s head, holding him for a selfie with the three of you. 
“He’s ours? Like, forever?” 
You nodded, handing him back to Calum as he set him down and watched him spin from excitement.
“What’s his name?” 
“I got him from the shelter, his name is Duke.” 
If Calum smiled any harder, his jaw might’ve broken. 
“I love him. Best birthday ever.” 
Calum spent the next three hours teaching him tricks, and if Duke ate his body weight in treats, all it showed was that he was loved.
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solar-net · 5 months
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My yearly redraw!! I love this ship so much, they mean everything to me!! This is also post-canon and Iris loves watching her girlfriend preform <3
[Start ID: A two drawings of Iris and Serena from the pokemon anime. Iris is in her champion outfit and Serena is in her Journey's preforming outfit which is white, yellow, orange and red. The first drawing is a simple flat doodle at the top left corner, Iris is looking excited and saying "Don't forget your good luck kiss!" Serena is looking at Iris a little shocked. The second drawing is shaded and has lighting, Iris is holding Serena's face and smiling as she kisses Serena, who also looks happy while she holds Iris's wrist. There are glowing read hearts around the two. End ID.]
The three other redraws are under read more!! Also I changed accounts frequently so that's why the usernames don't line up-
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December 25th, 2020 | May 7th, 2021 | January 24, 2022
[Start ID: A shaded and light drawing of Serena and Iris from the pokemon anime. Iris has her arms wrapped around Serena's shoulders while Serena is holding Iris's back while Iris kisses her cheek. Serena has long hair that's put into a ponytail and Iris has her hair tied into a thick braid Both appear to be in a school uniform. End ID.]
[Start ID: A shaded and light drawing of Iris and Serena from the pokemon anime. Iris has her arms around Serena's shoulders kissing her cheek, Iris's hair is pulled into a ponytail. Serena is smiling and has long hair that's pulled into a ponytail, they seem to be in school uniforms. End ID.]
[Start ID: A shaded and lightened drawing of Iris and Serena from the pokemon anime, Iris has her hand on Serena's shoulder and bringing her down to kiss her cheek. Iris's hair ia pulled into half a bun, she has blunt bangs and a yellow headband, Iris is wearing a pink shirt without a back and simple black pants. Serena's hair is long and pulled into a ponytail, one of her hands is on Iris's back while the other holds Iris's elbow. She's wearing a plain white dress-shirt with a pink vest. End ID.]
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raayllum · 10 months
me reading seven (7) fics i wrote pre-s5 where callum says he would do anything for rayla
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and by he i mean me
"I’ll always do everything I can to keep you safe. Everything.” She caught his steady gaze, and frowned. “You can’t dabble in Dark Magic again.” “I will if I have to.” She grabbed his sleeve in her other hand, twisting her fingers around the fabric. “Callum, no, it’s not right—” “It doesn’t matter,” Callum said fiercely. “If it’s to save your life, then I’ll do it. Every time.” [...]
“Rayla told me you used Dark Magic,” Tinker said, more stiff and cold. Callum shrank a bit, but his eyes hardened. “I couldn’t just let her die.” “You’d do it again,” Tinker translated. The prince scowled. “I’m not like Aaravos. He twisted the primal to be like Dark Magic. I would never do that.” “Unless you felt like you had to,” Tinker reiterated. “To save Rayla.” “Wouldn’t you do anything to save the person you love?”
—chapter 5 and chapter 13 of in search of silver linings (we discovered gold), from march 2019 and july 2019, respectively
“I love you too.” He wrapped his arms around her. “Thank you. You know that right?” “I do,” Rayla assured him. “You know I’d do anything for you?” She smiled a little. “You already have.” 
—chapter 2 of if time is money, i'll spend it all for you dec 2019 / january 2020
He squeezed her hand and then let go. “Of course,” he said, standing up and turning away so he wouldn’t have to look at her face. “I’d do anything for you, too.”
—chapter 6 of looking for a way to break in, april 2020
“Think we can snag a horse to ride tomorrow so we can sleep in shifts?” he asked. Ezran and Soren were sharing a horse, befitting of a king and his crownguard. “Maybe if you use your princely powers,” she said with something akin to a smirk, even if she knew he didn’t really like (read: feel too confident) pulling rank. But he would, for her. Of course he would. Callum laced their fingers together and raised her hand to kiss the back of it. “For you? Anything.” 
—your love is like a river that i am floating down, july 2020
“Mmhm.” She rolls her eyes, still with that sweet amused little smile on her face, like she’s chalked this up to him just being his usual weird self. “Can you light the fire with a fulminus after I set it up?” He’d do anything if she just asked, he thinks. Callum smiles and lets his elbow brush hers while she assembles the fire. “Of course.” 
—i don't believe that anybody feels the way i do about you now, december 2021
Rayla quiets, her smile faltering. “Um, anyway, I’ll let you get some rest.” She hovers for just a second, meeting his eye. “Thank you, again, for helping me with [the coins], I...”  He nods, because what else is there to say? No matter what they’ve been through, or where life takes them, they saved the world together. She still knows him better than anyone. They’ll always look out for each other. He’d still do anything for her, as she walks away.
—older, but just never wiser, january 2023
“Y’know, I think I might know a guy.” “Oh we couldn’t get him,” she puttered. “Too busy and in-demand.” “I dunno, I’m pretty good at drawing on connections.” She arched an eyebrow. “Are you now?” “Well yeah.” His big goofy grin softened, his fingers entwining themselves with hers. “Word is there’s this elf girl he’s got a big soft spot for—would do anything for her.”
—say the wind won't change on us, may 2023
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galvanizedfriend · 2 years
2023 WIP List
I saw a writer I really love doing this here and decided to respectfully borrow the idea.
I'm feeling really bummed about writing lately, can't seem to find the least bit of motivation and have jumped from story to story without adding anything of substance over the last month or so. Nothing seems to spark joy. And yet I have thousands of words in half-written stories I'm not sure what to do with. Ideally, I'd like to finish them, but at this point, who knows 🤷‍ So this is a way for me to take stock, do some soul-searching, try to find where my heart is writing-wise at the moment and see if I can manifest some inspo.✨
These are not even all my WIPs, just the ones I have opened at least once in the last year.
▪ Speed Dating 3/3 Klaroline, friends/roommates-to-lovers
Started in June 2022
The final part to my Speed Dating sequel, which is much longer than the original story because I have no self-respect. Klaus and Caroline are roommates and idiots. The OG one-shot had them going on a round of speed dating and failing to connect the dots and realizing that what they really should be doing is sucking face with each other. The sequel is kind of an expanded universe situation, where I wanted to show a little more of their roommie chemistry and push them into situations where they are finally confronted with the reality of their feelings. But that only happens once they start seeing other people because of course.
I have maybe 60% of the final part written but for some reason, after word-vomiting non-stop for a while, I got stuck on a kind of major point in the story. I've tried to start it soooo many times and it just won't go. 🙃 I think I'm looking at a good 6 to 8k words more before it's finished.
▪ Random Fic (not the real title) Klaroline (duh), sorta exes-to-enemies-to-lovers I guess
Started in May 2020
The start of my romantic comedy phase. This predates even my coffee shop AU. It's Caroline and Klaus having a fling that ends very, very badly, but then having to come together again a year later to marry their common friend (and Caroline's ex), Tyler. I wanted it to be quick, witty and light-hearted and then at some point it got some very emotional bits in the middle and turned into something else completely. I guess it's still mostly light-hearted, but it has some ~~substance, whatever that means. I think it's an okay fic, and it's 55k words, which is not too bad, but then does anyone still read 55k all at once these days? lol
The fic is finished. I think I wrapped it up in April last year, so a year ago. But I haven't been able to go back and read it again. I've tried, and I've started it so many times, but then I always stop and never pick it back up. But like. 55k words of finished fic here. 🤷‍
▪ Pendulum Klaroline, soulmates!AU but make it sad
Originally in January 2019, started rewriting in July 2020 (lol)
I have issues with this story. It's the saddest damn thing I've ever written, but it's also my favorite storyline I've ever come up with. It got some hate at the time, I don't know why, but also some of the most heartfelt comments/responses I've ever received on any story (and I still keep them all!), so I think this is one where you either love it or hate it. But because I feel so protective of it, I have problems (of the personal brand) leaving it out in the open, and I don't want to repost it until I'm absolutely sure it's ok. As you can see, it was one of my first ever fics, so the writing wasn't the best. But I still love it, I don't care. I keep wanting to make the writing match how much I love the idea, and I don't know if that's possible. 🙃
It's the rare AU I write entirely from Klaus' POV, which is something else. I'm not sure I'm that good with Klaus. It's also an AH, but it has a little magic twist. Every time Klaus dies, his life just restarts from the exact same point. He's born on the same year, at the same place, to the same parents. Except he remembers his previous lives, and so he accumulates the knowledge of hundreds and hundreds of previously lived years each time he's reborn. And then shit happens.
First time I posted this, it was 57k words long. I have successfully finished rewriting the first of three parts, which is around 14k words, but as you can see, I have been in this process since 2020 (!!!), so I need to go back and tinker with that as well. May God have mercy on my soul.
▪ Mystic Tours (not the real title) Klaroline, friends-to-lovers but also fake dating
Started in January 2023
This was inspired by Lovelight Farms by B.K. Borison, except it's not a Christmas story, and it doesn't actually have any farms. It has Klaroline fake dating to try and win a contest that can potentially save Caroline's failing business, and also loads of side-characters Sound of Settling style (including a horde of Mikaelsons and Bonnie and Enzo as Caroline's co-workers). I really like writing stories where I can fit a bunch of side characters and make the whole thing sorta absurd. But I also wanted to try to make something quicker, more dialogue-oriented and with shorter scenes. AND YET. I just can't seem to make it work, the writing kinda sucks.
I have some 6k words of this, but can't tell you how much of that is actually usable. And it's maybe 10% of the story. 🙃
▪ Friends that Ruin Your Life (may or may not be the title, undecided) Klaroline, Klefan (!!), affairs, fucked up people, angst
Started in March 2023
The five minutes during which I decided I wanted to go back to my origins and write something angsty and filled with complicated situations, a bit like Gasoline. It features Klaus and Stefan as a couple, and Caroline getting sucked into their messy marriage. So yes, Klaus is having an affair. In his defense, so is Stefan. Caroline's moral compass gets all out of sorts and she realizes the world is a lot less black-and-white than she'd previously assumed and sometimes you do get judged by your one-offs, even if your heart is in the right place.
I got super excited about this one and churned out the entire plan for the whole story, with all the scenes and most of the dialogues and the document alone is like 60k words long. I wrote that in like three days. 🥲 I don't think I could make it a one-shot, and I think that left me bummed because I didn't want it to be a multi-chapter. And then I'm not sure the writing was coming along fine enough, it wasn't flowing, and I started to question whether it was actually good or if I was totally tripping when I had this idea and this was actually insanely shitty. lol Leaning more towards the second right now.
▪ King Arthur AU (not the actual title) Klaroline, magic, fantasy, King Arthur
Started in March 2021
This is very high fantasy, and very intricate. It would be a multi-chapter, but I have no idea how long. I think I was leaning towards 10 chapters. I have four written. And the writing is fairly decent, if I may say so myself. But as it usually happens with me, I get to a point where I start wondering why am I even writing this, and then I stop. 🥲🥲 I also think I was having some doubts about how to wrap it up. It had maybe more plots than I wanted to work with. King Arthur was actually Elijah, and Klaus was Mordred, and Caroline was Guinevere-ish, a witch undercover in "Orleans" (I'm so creative!!).
Only reason this is even on the list is because I recently read the four chapters I have and thought they were pretty decent, but I haven't written anything in almost two years, so maybe I've swiped up on this one already.
▪ The Wolf III and IV 🤡
Started in October 2020 (!! when I tell you guys I've had this written for years lol)
I have technically written The Wolf 3. It's in my "headcanons" format, which is honestly a joke, because clearly I don't know how to write headcanons. 🤡 But as you can see by the starting date, it's very, very old, and it requires full rewriting and lots of editing. Chapters are 15 to 20k words long (some are longer). TW4 is a different story. I never actually wrote it down, all I have is a full, detailed plan of all the scenes and shit. My idea was to not split the two stories into two different fics, but rather continue on with TW4 in the same AO3 "document" (???) as TW3 and make it 34 chapters long instead of 21. It doesn't make a lot of sense, but also I don't have it in me to start another separate story.
But here we are, stuck on S03E17. 🤡 Gonna be honest with you, my dudes, it's been rough to find the motivation to open that document. I think I have half of 17, maybe, but I haven't touched that in over a month. Laely, I have been often sent into thinky thoughts that you really shouldn't have when you're writing fic just for the hell of it, you know. Like, this is in no way meant to be a great piece of writing, I shouldn't be worried about that. It's the fan service of the fan service. But I start to think about the real quality of it and whether it even makes sense to be writing it, I realize I wrote one fic that was good, a second one which I personally think was even better, and then I made the classic mistake of having one too many sequels. This is Jurassic Park III. It's not as crappy as Jurassic World, you have Sam Neill, but should it exist? I just want Klaus and Caroline to be together for a change, and I love adding random final scenes in every chapter where it's just the two of them being married, but - should this be written? Or rather, should this have been posted in the first place? Do we really wanna see them being domestic? Doesn't that kind of kill the vibe? I don't know, man. I don't know. Chapter one was a blast, people seemed so into it and I wrote five chapters at once and got maybe a little over-excited, and then which each update I feel like there's less and less readers and it really gets me thinking. These thoughts are sabotaging my will to write. I need to get back on my fuck it horse.
It will come to me at some point, though. I'm sure it will.
Anyway, these are all my current WIPs! Comments, ideas and positive energies are all welcome! ✨ Let's return to this in december and weep at how little progress I've made 🥲
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tessabennet · 4 months
Hiii, first of all I'd like to thank you for sharing your work with us! Your series "What I'm looking for" is honestly one of the best series I've read on Ao3 and I'm always happy when you update 😊
So, I'm especially interested to hear the answers to these questions:
1. How long did it take you to write this fic?
6. What do you need to write? Is there anything special you need to do/have to help your creative flow?
16. What was the easiest scene to write?
17. What was the hardest scene to write?
Thank you so much! 😊
Thank you!! It really is my pleasure, I'm glad you like the series 🤗
Okay, here goes:
1. How long did it take you to write this fic?
I think I first started brainstorming the series in late 2019, though I don't remember exactly when. But I finished TCW in June 2020, and then last January I wrapped up part 10, so I'd say the whole series took me about 4 years
6. What do you need to write? Is there anything special you need to do/have to help your creative flow?
I definitely need time, quiet, meticulous planning, and self-discipline. It's always best when I can tell myself something like "tomorrow/on wednesday/next weekend I'll sit down and write a chapter". Doesn't always work of course, but it's like a deadline I set myself to come up with ideas for the chapter I'll write, if that makes sense
16. What was the easiest scene to write?
This is gonna sound terrible but the very painful canon scenes (ie the stuff right after Bucky dies and/or comes back) came pretty easily. The chapter that takes place right after the snap was disturblingly easy to write
17. What was the hardest scene to write?
It's equally messed up, but I feel like I really suck at fluff, it's just not in my comfort zone. The scene I have in mind isn't published yet, so I'll avoid spoilers, but I can tell you that I felt pretty out of my depth when I first got to part 10 😄
🎬 Please send me more behind the scenes fanfic asks 🎬
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theinquisitxor · 7 months
February 2024 Reading Wrap Up
I read 8 books in February, and overall had a great reading month. I had three five-star books, which is a lot for me in one month. I read 2 audiobooks and 6 physical books. I read 5 fantasy, 2 nonfiction, and 1 historical/literary fiction.
1.The Throne of the Five Winds (Hostage of Empire 1) by SC Emmet 5/5 stars. This was my Random TBR pick from January, which I finished up in Feb. This book had been on my tbr since 2019, and it was a fantastic courtly political fantasy. This is set in an ancient China inspired setting, with several different countries and cultures. The story follows two young women (one, a princess in an arranged marriage) as they travel to a neighboring empire to become integral in the court life there. I was surprised by how much I loved this book, and it's become a new favorite.
2.House of Flame and Shadow (Crescent City 3) by SJM, 4/5 stars. The Crescent City books have been favorites for several years now, and I was very interested to see how this book (and the series) would develop as a crossover. I enjoyed this quite a lot, and it is very stereotypical SJM writing and plot. I love any sort of crossovers, portals, and traveling between worlds, so this book was a treat to me. However,  it felt like things came together too quickly and easily at the end, and it rushed towards a conclusion, and I wasn't as impressed with this book as much as I wanted to be.
3.The Bookseller of Florence: The Story of the Manuscripts that Illuminated the Renaissance by Ross King. I read this on audio and this was a huge deep dive into the world of the bookmarkets and booksellers in Florence. If you want a big dose of book history, this one is it. I didn't really enjoy the audiobook narrator unfortunately.
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4.Blade Breaker (Realm Breaker 2) by Victoria Aveyeard 3/5 stars. I enjoyed this a little bit more than book 1, and this series has captured my attention so I want to see how it ends. I think I would be enjoying these books more if I were 16 or 17, but reading these in my mid-twenties is maybe not the target age range for this series. I enjoy the worldbuilding and characters the most.
5. A God In Every Stone by Kamila Shamsie 3/5 stars. This was every type of historical fiction that I enjoy: Early 20th cen. setting, Archeologists searching for an ancient artifact, WW1 book, Ancient and classical texts, Non-Western setting and examination of British Empire and colonialism. This was my Random TBR pick for the month of Feb, and this book has been on my tbr since 2020. I was glad to read it, and I tend to enjoy these types of novels. This feels like half literary fiction, half historical fiction.
6. The Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden, 5/5 stars. This was as hauntingly horrific and beautiful as I hoped it would be. I had been waiting as patiently as I could for a new Katherine Arden adult novel, and this was well worth the wait. This book encapsulated WWI and the horrors well, with good characters, and a speculative/fantasy twist that I enjoyed.
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7. What Feasts at Night (Sworn Soldier 2) by T Kingfisher, 4/5 stars. This is a followup horror novella to What Moves the Dead. This had more of a woodsy, folkloric horror than book 1. I think it was a little stronger than the first novella, since it wasn’t a retelling. I look forward to whatever else T Kingfisher writes, and I would enjoy more of these novellas!
8. Say Nothing: A True Story of Murder and Memory in Northern Ireland by Patrick Radden Keefe, 5/5 stars. This was my second audiobook for the month, and I was very impressed by this. I only knew a summery-level about The Troubles, but this was a great introduction for me.
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That's it for February! I started (but did not finish) Us Against You by Frederick Backman, so I will finish that up in March.
My March TBR
Us Against You by Frederick Backman (Beartown 2)
The Poison Prince (Hostage of Empire 2) by SC Emmet
The Prisoner's Throne by Holly Black (releases March 5th)
Random TBR pick: An Alchemy of Masques and Mirrors by Curtis Craddock
Knowing What We Know by Simon Winchester
Song of the Huntress by Lucy Holland (Releases March 21st)
The Hedgewitch of Foxhall by Ana Bright (Releases March 24th)
North Woods by Daniel Mason
The Book of Doors by Gareth Brown
I'm definitely not going to get to all of these, but this is the list I'm going to be reading from!
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Time spent on languages in 2023
Time for my classic summary of the previous year.
In 2023 I spent the first 5 months working on my thesis, which luckily included reading Swedish texts sometimes. After finishing my degree I felt a bit burned out and a couple of months passed before I felt like studying languages more actively again.
Compared to other years, I didn't do bad – I spent roughly the same amount on languages as I did in 2019 and more than I did last year.
In 2023 I spent (around):
158 hours on Swedish
50 hours on Spanish
118 hours on German
326 hours in total.
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This graph shows how much hours I spent on each language during the year. At the beginning of the year I was reading German books during my lunch break and commute to/from work. The insane increase in Swedish in December is me trying to finish reading my Swedish books.
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My most productive month was December (35 hours) and the least productive was January (with less than 18 hours).
In Swedish I watched Julkalender, the movie One More and a couple of episodes of Historien om Sverige. In Spanish I watched maybe a season and a half of Gran hotel, the series Valeria and the movie Hasa que nos volvamos a encontrar. And in German I watched the series Liebes Kind and Kitz. I think I didn't spend as much time watching/listening than I used to.
I managed to read 5 Swedish books (Stadserien) and 3 German books (Liebe geht durch alle Zeiten), which feels like a miracle to me since I've always hated reading in German.
As said, I didn't listen to my languages a lot – except for German! I've been listening to Easy German Podcast almost daily, only about 10 minutes a day, and my Spotify Wrapped tells me I spent around 37 hours listening to it. I almost didn't speak in my languages. I didn't spend time recording myself and I spoke only a couple of times to other people (in Swedish and German), but only briefly.
For a couple of years now I've been wanting to spend more time on German, which I've been spending the least amount of time on. This year I managed to reach that goal and ended up with more then double of last years time.
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This is time spent on individual languages compared to other years. I didn't do a lot for Spanish this year and it shows. I also feel like the covid years 2020-2021 were an anomaly where I had a lot of time to spend on languages and now every year will feel like not enough, compared to them. But I'm stil very satisfied with the time I was able to put in this year, since I had so much going on – uni-wise and energy–wise.
Time spent on languages in 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022.
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growingingreenwood · 8 months
Hey Mama, are you doing okay????? In class today we were looking at polar vortex in North America rn and one of the places my teacher talked about was the province i think you live in (you're Canadian, right???) and he said it was like -40 Degrees Celsius there!!!!! I don't even know how to comprehend those temperatures!!!! Like, are you still alive out there???
Hello my sweet summer child! <3 You're right, I am Canadian! And im not going to lie to you, its been rough out here. And more importantly, its been CONSISENTLY COLDER THAN THE SURFACE OF MARS HERE.
My area of the province has set several temperature records in the past few days:
January 14, 2024: New record of -45.1, Old record of -41.6 set in 2020
January 13, 2024: New record of -45.3, Old record of -41.7 set in 1972
January 12, 2024: New record of -45.9, Old record of -39.4 set in 1969
This doesn't account for the Windchill factor which effectively made the temperatures closer to -55 degrees or colder. To put it into context the only way I can think to, According to Environment Canada at:
-28 to -39 degrees Celsius exposed skin can freeze in 10-30 minutes.
-40 to -47 degrees Celsius exposed skin can freeze in 5-10 minutes.
-48 to -54 degrees Celsius exposed skin can freeze in 2-5 minutes.
Literally not a single car in my family's worked, no matter what we did. This is including extended family, so like, 13 cars. Its just too damn cold for them. Hospitals were literally wrapping their ambulances with heated blankets in between calls so that the entire engine wouldn't freeze. In their heated garage.
Its about an eight day wait for any kind of towing or boosting services. From any provider.
We out here, we cant see anything through the ice fog because the air itself is frozen, but we out here.
Also, I feel like this is the perfect opportunity to give the rest of you much farther south than me tips for surviving other wandering polar vortex's in the future, because at least we're prepared up here:
YOU NEED SURVIVAL EQUPMENT IN YOUR CAR!!! I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH!!!! I'm talking heavy duty gloves, hats, socks, blankets, those heat reflective thermal blankets. If possible, have enough for at least two people but if you're a family ensure there's clothes for every member of your family. I also highly recommend that you get hand and feet warmers to put into your boots and gloves to prevent frostbite
Here is a good checklist to keep, and is very similar to what I have in my car:
On that note, dressing for seriously cold weather is no fucking joke either, okay? There's an art to it, and that art is L A Y E R S . More layers than you think you need, and then one more. If you can bend your arms or legs without struggling at least a little bit, put another sweater on, underneath your windproof thick outer layer. And another pair of socks. Never leave the house without a hat and your ears covered.
Here's a good guide, which includes the warning signs, symptoms, and suggested actions for each stage of frostbite and hypothermia. Which, in case you didn't know happen in three stages of severity similar to burns but on the opposite side of the temperature scale.
Sorry to turn this into a Winter Weather Safety PSA but I genuinely cannot stress enough how important it is to be prepared in extreme cold. And please, for the love of everything good on this earth, do not and do not let your friends or anyone else walk anywhere when they've been drinking. Do. Not.
Every year in my city at LEAST several collage kids freeze to death because "their place isn't that far" "I have a good jacket." "Ive done it before."
People have frozen to death outside bars because they fell in a snowbank and were too drunk to get out and nobody saw them, because they tried to walk home.
Anyways, stay safe (and warm) out there everyone!!!!
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Sussex Divorce Rumors
Well, we seem to be on #divorcewatch with Radar Online’s scoop that Harry and Meghan are “taking a break.” (Y’all remember who else said they were “on a break” before they broke up? Harry’s favorite TV show, and I’m pretty sure Meghan enjoys it too because I feel like we’ve read about it in her PR. I bet we can look forward to similar shenanigans in the PR war.)
(If you’re not familiar, on FRIENDS, Ross and Rachel decided to “take a break.” Rachel thought that to mean they were together but not going out. Ross thought it meant they had broken up so Ross dated someone else. Rachel found out Ross was dating and she flipped out, there was a big fight and it was a recurring theme throughout the rest of the series. I bet we’ll see similar accusations in War of the Sussexes.)
Anyway, I thought I would repost a wrap-up I did a few months ago of all the divorce rumors I’ve been tracking. See the original post here. (The original post also included divorce rumors about all the royals.) These rumors are through February 2023. I’ll update with rumors from March to the present soon.
The list is below the jump.
Sussexes to divorce before first anniversary. (Betting odds, May 2018)
Sussexes to divorce before third anniversary. (Betting odds, May 2018)
Sussexes to divorce before fifth anniversary. (Betting odds, May 2018)
The Sussex divorce will take place in wintertime, when it is snowing outside. Meghan will shock everyone with the announcement. Harry will be caught totally off-guard. (2019)
Megxit because Meghan threatened to leave and divorce Harry if he didn’t support her. (January 2020)
Harry’s diplomatic immunity as a Counselor of State will force California to send their divorce proceedings to London. Any of California’s laws dictating divorce proceedings or custody will not be applicable. (April 2021)
Harry to file for divorce or leave Meghan if his Counselor of State status is revoked because it conveys a certain diplomatic immunity that would invoke the State Department to move divorce proceedings to London. (April 2021)
Lili is a save-the-marriage baby. (June 2021)
Sussexes are secretly divorced. (November 2021)
Harry will return to the UK/BRF on the original half-in/half-out scheme after the divorce. (March 2022)
Harry left Meghan and bought an apartment in Turtle Bay, NYC, near the UN. He lives there full-time. (March 2022)
Secret Sussex visit to Windsor to initiate divorce proceedings. (April 2022)
Harry and/or the BRF to get full custody of the children after the divorce. (May 2022)
Harry will remarry and adopt more children after leaving Meghan. (May 2022)
Meghan to have a third marriage to a Saudi/Middle Eastern businessman and live quietly in the UK with shared custody of Archie and Lili after the divorce. No more children for her. (May 2022)
Harry and Meghan to divorce in 2025. (May 2022)
If Meghan leaves Harry and initiates the divorce, she will use Diana’s divorce timeline. (June 2022)
Harry will give up titles received for the wedding before the divorce so Meghan cannot use the titles post-divorce. (June 2022)
Harry will leave Meghan and blame it on a mental health crisis. (June 2022)
Meghan will leave Harry and blame it on his insulting/attacking the US Constitution. She will use the divorce announcement/timing to announce political candidacy or other political aspirations. (July 2022)
Meghan to appear on the cover of US Vogue as a condition of the divorce settlement. (August 2022)
Meghan will sell her private journals from royal days for profit after the divorce. (August 2022)
Meghan has moved out of Montecito and into the Beverly Hills Hotel to be with her new boyfriend. (August 2022)
Meghan’s new boyfriend is wealthy, connected, and white. (August 2022)
Meghan does not want custody of the children but will fight for it in the divorce. (August 2022)
Meghan moved back into the Montecito Mansion to create the illusion of a single mom with a playboy husband, who only has her mother for support, for her divorce narrative. (August 2022)
Meghan will work with Sunshine Sachs to tear Harry down the moment the Sussex divorce is public. (August 2022)
Meghan and Harry separated, on the way to a 2023 divorce. Harry travels frequently to the UK when it’s not his time with the children to re-establish domicile for custody fight. (August 2022)
Charles to accept Harry back into the firm as a full-time working royal after the divorce. (September 2022)
Meghan threatened to leave Harry if she was uninvited or sidelined during the Queen’s funeral. That’s why he was demanding she travel to Balmoral with him. (September 2022)
Sussex divorce to be handled in England. Meghan will be represented by a bulldog American lawyer. It will be similar to the Paul McCartney/Heather Mills divorce - as acrimoniously and with Meghan doing some kind of stunt that backfires. (September 2022)
Harry to leave Meghan by the end of 2022 in response to his stripped status at The Queen’s funeral. (September 2022)
Harry to get full physical and legal custody of the children in the divorce and live in Frogmore Cottage with them. (September 2022)
Harry to leave Meghan between October 15, 2022, - November 14, 2022. (September 2022)
Meghan’s threat in The Cut about not signing NDAs and having journals was a threat to Harry to stop him from leaving her, not the BRF. (September 2022)
Meghan to publish her own memoir about Harry post-divorce. (September 2022)
Sussexes had a private meeting with Charles while in London for Queen’s funeral to negotiate terms of the divorce, including timing and announcement. (September 2022)
Harry to physically, mentally, and publicly leave Meghan to return to the BRF by October 31, 2022. (September 2022)
Meghan will give an exclusive Oprah-like interview but not to Oprah, in which she pops off about “her truth” and how the BRF mistreated her during the jubilee, The Queen’s funeral, and Charles’s coronation. This will cause Harry to leave her. (September 2022)
Charles will not accept Harry back into the firm at all after a divorce. (September 2022)
Sussexes to divorce after Netflix and PRH book obligations end. (September 2022)
Meghan is cheating with a married man and wants to leave Harry for him but the new partner has said he doesn’t want a future with Meghan and it’s just a fun affair for him. (October 2022)
Sussexes to divorce by March 2023. (October 2022)
Sussexes have begun divorce proceedings and have formally separated. (October 2022)
If Harry returns to the UK without Meghan and divorces her, then Charles will pay back the remainder of the PRH book advances and sort out financial/legal troubles with Netflix. (October 2022)
A Sussex scandal will precede Harry’s divorce announcement. Both the scandal and the announcement will catch Meghan off-guard. (October 2022)
Harry and Meghan are separated. Harry will spend Christmas at Sandringham with the BRF. (October 2022)
Meghan to launch a PR war against Harry for leaving her at Christmastime. (October 2022)
Meghan and Harry have been separated since August 2021; Harry lives in San Francisco. (October 2022)
Harry left Meghan and lives with Eugenie in Portugal. (November 2022)
Harry went into involuntary rehab after a drug- and alcohol-fueled fight with Meghan following The Queen’s funeral and his public “demotion.” Courts forced them to separate and they are not allowed to live together. Charles will pay Meghan a huge settlement when they finally divorce to keep the court details sealed/private. (November 2022)
Sussex divorce announcement on or by December 17, 2022.
Sussex divorce announcement on or by January 23, 2023.
Charles/the BRF will influence Harry’s terms of the divorce settlement: they will allow Harry to return and have his IPP/security detail back, but he will not be a working royal and kept out of the public eye under very strict parameters. Meghan’s access to the BRF will be cut off and any attempt at a compromise that sees her coming back to London or attending royal events will kick Harry out of both the firm and Britain, and the BRF will take custody of the children. (November 2022)
Sussex divorce by March 2023. (November 2022)
Divorce/separation negotiations are going poorly and Meghan is lashing out via Kerry Kennedy’s criticism and the Kennedy Do-Good award. (November 2022)
Pictures of Archie on a Zoom call were leaked with Meghan’s authorization and indicate that she and Harry are separated, because Harry is the only one who demands and expects the children’s privacy. (November 2022)
Meghan has tapes, audio and video, of Harry being wildly drunk and/or abusive, which will come out in the divorce. Divorce will be acrimonious and messy like the Heard/Depp divorce. (December 2022)
Harry suspending his press lawsuits signals that the divorce is imminent and he is moving back to London. (December 2022)
Harry and Meghan to divorce when the money runs out and they cannot make profitable multi-million dollar deals anymore. (December 2022)
Meghan to leave and divorce Harry when America turns on her. (December 2022)
Sussex divorce announcement to come on the eve of Charles’s coronation, overshadowing the weekend. (December 2022)
The BRF intends to prove/accuse Harry and Meghan as unfit parents to take custody of the children during divorce proceedings. (December 2022)
Doria will testify on Meghan’s behalf about the children’s custody during divorce proceedings to help Meghan win custody; however, the court will question Doria’s absence from Meghan’s childhood and uncover something that will undermine her credibility, which tanks Meghan’s case for custody. (December 2022)
Meghan to leave Harry and use Spare as evidence/justification. (January 2023)
Meghan to file for divorce citing irreconcilable differences. (January 2023)
Sussex divorce to be epic, on par with War of the Wales. (January 2023)
Sussex divorce to begin after Harry’s book tour obligations end. (January 2023)
Harry has a pre-separation agreement in place with Meghan that protects him from all business arrangements and debts made during the marriage in return for silence on certain topics. (January 2023)
Meghan to announce the divorce after William and Kate announce a fourth pregnancy or birth of a fourth child. (January 2023)
Sussex divorce announcement between February 19, 2023, - March 21, 2023. (January 2023)
Sussex divorce to take place in California so Meghan can keep primary custody of the children and earn monthly alimony/child support from the BRF. (January 2023)
Meghan has created an extravagant life in Montecito so when she divorces Harry, she can argue to the court that the children have an exceptional standard of living, which the court will require Harry/the BRF to maintain with alimony/child support payments equivalent to current standard. (January 2023)
Meghan and/or the BRF to use Harry’s admissions of drug and alcohol abuse in Spare and the promo tour against him during the divorce and custody proceedings. (January 2023)
Harry to be placed under a 5150/conservatorship due to his addiction and other issues by the BRF or Meghan in divorce proceedings to show he is unfit for custody. (January 2023)
Sussex terms of divorce to include an agreement that anything of Diana’s (including trust money and jewelry) will automatically go towards the children and cannot be used or accessed by Meghan. (January 2023)
Harry’s dirt from California will start leaking in March as a precursor to the divorce. Meghan will be the one leaking and use it as threats to get what she wants. (January 2023)
Harry to have a catfish scandal on Instagram after divorcing Meghan. (January 2023)
Charles will give Meghan $50 million and generous child support to divorce Harry and return him to London. (January 2023)
Dirt on Meghan’s use of surrogates will be revealed during divorce proceedings. (January 2023)
Charles to be implicated in the cover-up of the Sussexes’ use of a surrogate and he will abdicate or be forced to step back in the fallout. (January 2023)
Sussex divorce in November 2023 (January 2023)
Meghan’s “revenge dress” moment will be related to the Hollywood awards season. (January 2023)
Meghan has a sex tape on the dark web, which will be published/leaked to the “regular” web during the divorce. (January 2023)
Harry will remarry in 2030 - 2031. Meghan will be a non-issue and won’t bother with his new wife. (January 2023)
Security camera footage of Meghan mistreating Charlotte exists and will be leaked during divorce proceedings, causing her to lose custody. (January 2023)
Meghan and Harry have been separated since late 2022. (January 2023)
Sussex divorce between June 2023 and September 2023. (February 2023)
Meghan and Harry are currently legally separated and “will they/won’t they” about the coronation is to keep news of the separation from going public. (February 2023)
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galaxyostars · 10 months
My Archive Of Our Own Wrap-up
I wanted to put together a thank you to all the fanfic writers who have gotten me through this year.
This wrap-up is me going through my history month by month to see which fics I'd visited the most (because you can be damn sure I read through them over several days).
So this is a celebration of the wide variety of fics I've read and/or bookmarked and/or subscribed to. Thank you to every writer on this list for keeping me entertained.
My first fic of 2023: Finding the Balance, by Amberlioness
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Events following ‘Bound’, leading up to ‘Demons’. Trip and T’Pol begin to explore what their bond means and how it affects them. Follows “Beginning in Earnest”. I’ve tried to keep as close to canon as possible, while filling in events and back story as the muse commands.
2023 in fics I kept returning to by month
Brand New Day, by cecilyjones
Star Wars Rebels, rated T. Completed 2023-03-29.
The Force wasn’t the only great power in the Galaxy. There were also the laws of physics. Kanan was strong in the Force, but the bind he had gotten himself into had to do with physics. (My inevitable “Kanan lives” story. He survives, and the story unfolds from there. Some of it resembles the story we already know, and some of it doesn’t. The ripples travel out.) Update: Chapter 1-8 is a complete story, you can stop reading there and get some nice closure. After that, I’m just kind of adding as I get ideas. Mostly I just like seeing Kanan get to be a dad so that’s what I’m doing. Thanks!
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Synced To You, by TuppingLiberty
Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, rated E. Completed 2017-04-09.
Canonverse but Omegaverse: Though everyone can choose whomever they want as mate, your one true mate, the mate with which you 'sync', is your one best match in the entire galaxy. Poe recognizes Finn as his sync-mate immediately, but Finn is reluctant - extremely. Chapter 3 and various chapters thereon are explicit. This fic is now in epilogue-mode. Everything after Chapter 13 is epilogue. I will come back to it as it pleases me, which, right now, is often. :D
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Poor Wayfaring Stranger, by lithos_saeculum
Final Fantasy XV, rated T. Last updated 2022-08-04.
Out on a mission, Cor Leonis finds a teenager, lost and sick and partway to becoming an MT. Against the advice of all and sundry, he brings him back to Insomnia. There's not a lot of love lost for MTs in the Citadel, but some of its inhabitants may still be young enough to put aside their prejudices.
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Three Bullets, by The_Midget
Grand Theft Auto V, rated M. Completed 2021-01-27.
After Michael is shot in the street, his friends and family can all agree that it was an act of retaliation. However, none of them can agree on who pulled the trigger.
Bookmark note: The one where Jerry White is a piece of shit and also Trevor, Michael and Franklin have to deal with white supremesists. I don't think that's how supremesists is spelled. Lemme look into that.
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Over And Over, by Nightwinging_it
Borderlands, rated M. Completed 2020-12-17.
Timothy Lawrence has resigned himself to his fate as Handsome Jack's property, even if it means losing himself. When an attempt by a friend to rescue him lands him in trouble with Jack, Timothy is banished to the casino as punishment. Angry and betrayed, Timothy is all too eager to seize the chance to escape, even if it comes in the form of a brash Operative. When Zane Flynt is hired to steal weapon schematics from Hyperion, he finds himself needing the help of Handsome Jack's Eridium addicted doppelganger. It's supposed to be a simple job, and he and the doppelganger will part ways the moment it's over. Only Zane didn't expect to get so damn attached to Timothy. (OR: Zane accidentally adopts Timothy, and chaos ensues)
Bookmark note: The one where Timothy's made to be hooked on eridium and Zane basically nurses him back to life.
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Finding Home, by Iha_1419
9-1-1 Lone Star, rated E. Last updated 2022-08-08.
TK Strand’s life has been filled with pain and rejection. His parents, extreme traditionalists, hate him for being a male omega and have kept him isolated for most of his life. When he finds out that he is going to be bonded to an alpha named Carlos in his Uncle Owen’s pack, he doesn’t know what to expect. Years of enduring verbal and physical abuse from his parents have left him withdrawn and wary of his new mate. Carlos is determined to get the omega to trust him, but TK’s scars run deep and old habits are hard to break. Can Carlos and the 126 help TK overcome his past and embrace his future?
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Ultraviolet, by @five-7
Borderlands, rated E. Completed 2021-11-11.
After all the shite they'd been through together, Zane doesn't quite know what to think of them. Amara might have an idea. [Shameless and massive Zane-centric fic]
Bookmark note: The one where Amara and Zane have a friends with benefits thing that accidentally falls into something more serious but then shit goes a little wrong and there's a few chapters where they're fucking dumb but it's okay because they eventually work it out.
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Bless Those Tired Eyes, by thenewradical
The Martian, rated T. Completed 2015-12-20.
Johanssen suggests that Beck sleep in her bunk since it's closest to the med bay and Watney. This goes exactly as well as you would expect.
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Sick Days Not Needed, by Jillie_chan
Star Wars Rebels, rated G. Completed 2015-02-21.
“You’re sick.” Kanan said, resting his hand on the back of the seat. “So?” Ezra asked, resting his head on his fist. “I’m not holding you back.” “Not holding us back?” Kanan echoed. “On missions,” Ezra clarified, “It’ll pass in a few days.”
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True Colors, by Cinderpaw1, dancer4813
Critical Role (Vox Machina), rated E. Completed 2017-08-26.
Vex knew her father hated them. It had been obvious when he left their mother alone to raise a pair of twins by herself. But she had never imagined he would hate them enough to stick them in foster care only a few months after losing her. Now Vex is scraping by on the streets, using her artistic talent to make enough for her and her dog to eat, searching for the twin brother who had been taken away from her because of the system. She didn't realize that when her search took her to Emon, the bustling city held both promises for the future and ghosts from the past.
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Struggle, by ela11
Mass Effect, rated M. Completed 2014-12-06.
Two people would have no idea of the struggle ahead of them… For their existence. For their love. (Femshep/Kaidan from Mass Effect 1 to 3 and a little beyond.) Contains canon, altered events, and new events. Alternative ending.
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Fics saved in 2023 (My notes in bookmarks)
Two for the Road by Spacewidget - The one where Daryl and Connie pose as a married couple to gain access to a group. [The Walking Dead]
Run by justtakemehome - The one where Michael and Amanda De Santa get a bounty attached to their head and they basically have to Mr & Mrs Smith their way out of trouble. [Grand Theft Auto V]
Witch Ways by @aliquistis - The one where a druid learns to put up, like, and maybe even love Gale. [Baldur's Gate]
you can fake it for a while by nighimpossible - The one where Percy creates Vex's titles and a fake marriage, and they fall into a legitimate relationship. [Critical Role (Vox Machina)]
And They Lived Happily Ever After by @ginger-floor-goblin - The one where Keyleth and Vax get their happy ending. But also consequences to deals made. [Critical Role (Vox Machina) / The Legend of Vox Machina]
Pieces Still Stuck In Your Teeth by @howlsmovinglibrary - The one where Astarion lost all the kids in the divorce. [Baldur's Gate]
We Circle by Night by @insanitysilver - The one where Caleb goes back in time to fix his past, only to accidentally save Mollymauk from his demise. [Critical Role (Mighty Nein)]
I'm finishing 2023 with...
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Ship to Wreck by Snailsol
Witch Ways by Aliquistis
Pieces Still Stuck In Your Teeth by howlsmovinglibrary
Resistance by ela11
Thank you to every fanfic writer whose work I've had the pleasure of reading this year. <3
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dreamings-free · 8 months
By Alex Gallagher | 18th January 2024
From debut headline shows for breakout artists to bustling festival sideshow programs, there’s something for everyone to enjoy as a stellar batch of musicians make their way Down Under in 2024. Read on for NME’s roundup of all the biggest concerts and tours coming to Australia this year.
Louis Tomlinson When: January 28 – February 2 Find tickets and more info
Louis Tomlinson shot to fame with One Direction, who formed on The X Factor in 2010. Since the group parted ways in 2016, Tomlinson released his 2020 solo debut album ‘Walls’; followed by last year’s chart-topping ‘Faith In The Future’, which scored a four-star review from NME‘s Rhian Daly.
On January 28, Tomlinson will perform at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl, before performing at the Riverstage in Brisbane on January 30. Tomlinson will wrap up his Australian leg of the Faith in the Future world tour at the Qudos Bank Arena in Sydney on February 2.
11 notes · View notes
dcbbw · 2 years
Hazy Shades of Winter
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Happy 2023, tumblrs! Or as I like to say, “Welcome to 2020-3,” which means Year 3 of the Year 2020. The FIRST DAY of the NEW YEAR, I tested positive for Covid. For the second time within a year. I’m grateful both cases have been relatively mild, and I remain (somewhat) functional.
My first fic for 2020-3 is a collection of drabbles comprised of the many Winter OTP asks sent to me by the lovely @neotericthemis​. I could’ve made it easy on myself and simply answered Person A/Person B, but I’m extra and frankly, I wondered if I could make coherent, cohesive stories from the asks … and here we are.
Not beta’d, and it’s mostly written, proofed and edited by Covid. You’ve been warned. MS Editor rates this story 99% error-free. Please excuse any and all typos, missing/extraneous words, and/or grammatical errors.
I hope all who read this enjoy it. THANK YOU to those who comment, like, and/or reblog; it is appreciated more than you will ever know.
Pairings in this story (these stories): Liam x Riley; Liam x Maxwell
Rating is M for Mature (it’s me, and better to err on the side of caution)
All characters (except Fric and Frac) belong to Pixelberry
Song Inspo: Silent Night, DRM
Word Count:4,779 
Discontent Liam x Riley
Who wants to cosy up to the fire?
Who wants a kiss under the mistletoe?
Who is bad at ice skating and keeps falling on their butt?
The doors to the monarchs’ private suite quietly shut behind the King as he entered the darkened quarters. A fire burned in the hearth, embers popping and hissing as the blaze consumed the logs. The heat warded off the chill from the snow and ice outside.
It was a centuries-old palace; windows were drafty despite upgrades to the heating units.
His eyes adjusted to the dimness, and his gaze found Mara dozing fitfully in a wingback armchair. As he silently padded across the carpet, he saw his wife’s prone form on the settee in his peripheral vision.
Her white satin sleeping gown was yellowed by the firelight; a blanket was bunched at her feet. Her soft snores reminded him of a kitten purring.
Mara started at feeling the gentle shove upon her shoulder; her eyes blinked open, and she looked sheepishly at her employer. Liam reassured her with a small smile.
“You’re fine,” he whispered. He tilted his head in his wife’s direction. “Did Riley eat tonight?”
The sentry nodded affirmatively. When she spoke, her tone was hushed. “Pasta. She made sure a plate was put aside for you. It’s in the refrigerator.”
“What did she … drink?” His voice tripped over the last word.
“Wine. Just one bottle tonight.”
Liam nodded slowly, staring at a sleeping Riley before speaking. “You go get some sleep, Mara. I’m here now.”
Mara stiffly rose from her seat. “I’ll put the alarm on my way out.”
“Thank you,” the King replied as he made his way to the sofa, removing shoes and jacket along the way.
He paused to pull the throw up over Riley’s body before settling into a corner of the divan, gently lifting his Queen’s head so it now rested in his lap. January moonlight eked through partially closed curtains as his gaze trained on the fire.
There was a time when Riley would be the first one awake, dressed, and ready to indulge in outdoor winter sports, particularly ice skating despite the fact she was terrible at it. She would hit Liam over his head with pillows until he grudgingly woke up and joined her and their friends at the pond on the North Lawn.
Her eyes would widen with fright as she wobbled and stumbled onto the ice; they would fill with rueful acceptance and laughter when she inevitably fell. But they would close in blessed relief when Liam’s strong arms wrapped around her, steadying her balance as he guided them around the lake.
Now, she fretted that all the falls contributed to her infertility, despite assurances from doctors and her husband that it wasn’t true.
Christmas was their favorite holiday. Riley liked to say winter was a time of rest and rejuvenation; that the world slowed down and people were kinder, gentler when the nights were the longest. Of all her duties as Queen, her favorite project was the annual holiday decorating of the Grand Foyers at both the Palace and Valtoria. She hung mistletoe beneath every doorway, and over their bed as not-so-subtle hints to her husband to kiss her.
As if he needed reminders.
On Christmas Eve, she would enter their bedchambers naked and covered in faux mistletoe; the sun would be rising before Liam removed all the green leaves from her body.
His fingers idly combed through her hair as he recalled that his Queen had not hung one mistletoe over the holiday season. Liam could not remember the last time he and his wife had touched each other intimately.
God, he missed her.
He sighed as his gaze shifted from the fire to Riley’s profile. She looked … peaceful in repose. There was no worry, no stress, no tension in sleep. He removed his fingers from her hair, pressed a kiss to the index and middle fingers, and lay the digits against her cheek.
At least she still enjoyed sitting by a fire. They could continue to share that, at least.
“Liam?” Riley stirred slightly.
“I’m here, love,” he answered quietly.
He expected her to leave; rise up, grab a bottle of gin, and sweep into her chambers in an effort to avoid the fact she had a husband, that they had a marriage.
But she didn’t.
“The fire’s lovely, isn’t it?” she murmured sleepily as she continued to lay her head in his lap.
“It is. Do you need another blanket?” he asked, the back of his fingers idly stroking her cheek.
She shook her head slightly. “No.”
“Do you wish to retire to your quarters?”
A pause. “Can we just stay here?”
Liam released a silent sigh of relief. “Of course, love.”
 Object of Affection Liam x Riley (Mermaids)
Who still believes in Santa?
Who is the best gift giver?
Who wants to go caroling?
“Lady Riley, why aren’t you ready?” Liam demanded indignantly.
He stood in her common area, wearing a tuxedo and a top hat. His hands were on his hips, and a frown downturned his lips.
“Ready for what? And why are you dressed that way?” Riley questioned as she rummaged in her refrigerator. She let out a triumphant cry as she pulled out a carton of Lythikos nog.
“Caroling! Every year, the reigning monarch, along with their family and closest friends, go caroling the week before Christmas along the Stormholt Historic District. I put it on your calendar!”
Riley drank her nog directly from the carton, wiping away the left-behind creamy mustache from her upper lip with the back of her hand. Her eyes went between Liam and looking down at her outfit: blue yoga pants, a sleeveless white tee shirt that read: Peace. Love. Bubblegum.; fuzzy pink slipper socks were on her feet. Her hair was a frizzy afro.
“I never got the calendar invite. You can check for yourself,” she shrugged.
Liam began to pace the rooms, clearly agitated. “This is TRADITION, and you are treating it so … so nonchalantly! As Queen, you will be expected to …”
“You forget, me marrying you was MY idea! NOT yours. I realize the expectations. I am telling you, I received nada from you or your people,” Riley retorted as she disappeared into her bedroom.
“Where are you going now?” Liam demanded angrily.
“To get ready!” Riley snapped.
Liam tossed his hat onto a nearby chair before picking up his betrothed’s phone. “May I check your calendar?” he called out.
“I don’t care,” Riley replied before the sound of the shower turning on filled the space.
Liam’s brow furrowed as he pulled up Riley’s outlook. Obviously, she stayed logged in as it opened immediately. His eyes quickly scanned the list of correspondence: Regina, Madeleine, himself, her assistant. He tapped the calendar icon; December 18 was empty.
The frown between his brows deepened. Liam had personally sent the invitation on December 1; he hadn’t had time to follow-up with Riley on her confirmation. End-of-year was a busy time for governance, and he had been busy meeting with duchy leaders regarding finances, trade agreements, and a military alliance amongst many pressing issues.
Did he somehow overlook her invitation?
“Do I need to carry a candle and a book, like Charles Dickens?” Riley’s question interrupted his wonderings.
He looked up, and his eyes widened in wonder and delight. His fiancée stood before him in a high-necked, green velvet maxi dress adorned with white sequined snowflakes. Her hair was an upsweep of glossy brown curls. Sensibly heeled dark brown boots adorned her feet and disappeared beneath the skirt of her frock.
“You look utterly gorgeous,” Liam praised as he bowed to kiss the back of her hand.
“Thank you,” Riley blushed.
“Is the car waiting downstairs?” Riley asked as Liam helped wrap a white, woolen cloak about her body.
“We’ll be arriving by horse-drawn carriage,” Liam corrected.
“You know what would be a better tradition? A live Christmas Eve concert at Bossina Cathedral broadcast to all Cordonia so no citizen is or feels left out.”
Liam paused to stare thoughtfully at Riley. “That is definitely something to consider.”
“I’m on the Holiday Planning Committee. I’ll bring it up at the next meeting.”
In the carriage, the couple made small talk.
“What were your plans this evening if not for caroling?” Liam inquired as he held Riley’s gloved hand in his.
“Hanging Christmas lights inside my rooms. Santa has to know where to find me now since I didn’t leave a forwarding address.”
“I believe Santa knows where to find all the good boys and girls.”
“And we’re back to: I need him to know where to find me!” Riley chuckled.
“I’m happy to help you with the Christmas lights if you’d like,” Liam offered, his eyes glued on her profile.
Riley looked at him skeptically. “My people will call your people.”
They settled into comfortable silence, relishing in the scenery and each other’s company. Liam’s thoughts were focused on his Christmas present to Riley.
Her engagement ring. Her new one. One given out of want and respect, not duty and obligation.
The carriage slowed as they reached their destination, Stormholt Square.
“Will there be bathroom breaks?”
“Shopkeepers provide us with refreshments such as hot cider, hot cocoa, fudge, treats. We are also welcome to utilize their facilities.”
“Thank God,” Riley muttered as she prepared to open her door.
Before she could pull the handle, the door was swung open; before her was the Duchess of Lythikos, her red hair hidden beneath a black Russian fur hat, and her svelte figure encased in a chic red coat.  Her Grace’s expression swiftly changed from delight to one of bewildered confusion; Riley saw thinly veiled consternation creep into Olivia’s green eyes.
And in that moment, Riley knew exactly what had happened to her calendar invite.
SGL x Riley B. (DC AU)
Who makes the other hot chocolate?
Who listens to Christmas music way too early?
Who puts up the Christmas lights?
“Voila! Chocolate chip Belgian waffles and caramel hot chocolate!” Liam announced with a wink as he placed a plate and mug before Riley.
Riley’s brown eyes rolled as she took in Liam wearing a snowman onesie, complete with a jaunty red scarf around his neck and a black top hat on the hood, but grew appreciative when she saw the food.
“Why are we dressed this way for breakfast?” she questioned as she pushed the sleeves of her Grinch onesie further up her arms. Riley was messy with syrup, and she liked her waffles with lots of butter and syrup.
“Tis the SEASON!” Liam explained as if it were obvious, before blowing on his cup of cocoa.
Riley looked around as she chewed her waffle; it was delicious. Liam had made them with buttermilk and vanilla.
The sounds of Ella Fitzgerald singing Christmas carols filled the apartment. A six-foot-tall tree stood in a corner of the dining area, decorated with garland, balls, and various ornaments collected over the years. Every window in Liam’s apartment was framed with twinkling Christmas lights. An inflatable reindeer stood watch on the fire escape.
“Liam, you’ve done a great job decorating, but don’t you think it’s a little … much?” she asked.
Liam looked at Riley as if she had slapped him. “THAT right there is why you’re the Grinch, Riley B.! I never figured you to be a Scrooge!”
“And I never thought you were a psycho!”
“I like Christmas, okay?”
“IT’S VETERAN’S DAY! I get it … Christmas is special, for good reason. But celebrating early detracts from the holidays that precede it and makes Christmas less special when it arrives!”
Liam shoved a forkful of waffles into his mouth. “What’s wrong with invoking the spirit that Christmas brings a little earlier? People are kinder, more generous, and just BETTER human beings at Christmas!”
“Then become a Catholic and celebrate December 25 through January 6!”
Riley held out her empty plate. “More, please.”
Liam’s eyes widened in an almost comical manner. “You just called me a psycho and told me to join an organized religion simply because I LIKE CHRISTMAS!” He shook his head resolutely. “No more waffles for YOU!”
Riley set her empty plate down slowly. “I … I didn’t say THAT!”
“But you did!” Liam argued.
“Not LIKE THAT!” Riley protested.
“YES, like that! Those words were said with intent, Riley B. Whether it was specific or general can be debated. But you spoke them with a clear intent.”
He sliced more waffle, then glanced over at her mug. “Drink your cocoa before it gets cold.”
He watched Riley lift her cup before resuming the conversation.
“My wishing to celebrate Christmas earlier is no different than a person celebrating their birthday the entire birth month. Does that somehow lessen the significance of the actual birth date?”
Riley shook her head. “It isn’t the same!”
“Why isn’t it? Tell me HOW, using your own argument, that the person celebrating their birthday all month doesn’t detract from another’s actual birthday in the same month?”
“YOU are celebrating Christmas SIX WEEKS early! You aren’t even in the birthday month!”
Liam smirked. “Christmas is a SEASON, in addition to a day. Can you tell me when the season starts?”
Riley was nonplussed. She bit her lip as she thought.
“Christmas SEASON officially begins the day after Thanksgiving and ends January 2; therefore, I’m only two weeks early, not six. Even with that, I’m still a week behind the big-box retailers.”
“Did you … did you just go Lawyer Liam on me to defend decorating early for Christmas?” Riley asked as she sipped more hot chocolate. “While dressed as a snowman?”
Liam slid from his stool to turn the waffle maker on. He tossed the red scarf over his shoulder before looking back at Riley and giving her a big wink.
UnRomance Liam x Riley (The 9 ½ Weeks AU)
Who is excited for trimming the Christmas Tree?
Who wraps the presents?
Who wants to build a snowman?
I stand naked before the plate glass window wall in my dining room, watching snow fall into the East River.
“Liam, wake up!” my mother excitedly shakes me awake.
I rub my eyes and scrunch my nose, trying to wake up. It’s Christmas morning, which normally means I would already be awake, but I had stayed up late wrapping mom’s presents.
“It’s snowing! On Christmas Day!” she exclaims in a hushed whisper.
My eyes fly open; my bare feet thump heavily across the wooden floor as I race to the window. My nose presses against cold glass as I watch thick, white flakes fall to join the inches already accumulated on the ground. Our neighborhood is a quiet sea of untouched white crystals.
I turn to look at her, happiness and excitement both in my face and voice. “Mama, can we go out in it?”
She giggles as she rakes her fingers through my sleep-tousled hair. “Of course! Why do you think I woke you up?”
“YAY!” I jump up and down. “We’ll build a snowman?”
She nods in agreement. “Get showered and dressed. Breakfast soon.”
I sip cautiously at the hot black coffee in my mug as I turn from the window and walk through the living room. There is a short Christmas tree standing in one of the corners, no more than four feet tall. Riley put it there. I don’t celebrate the holidays.
“There will be NO TREE, Riley! I have told you REPEATEDLY I DO.NOT.CELEBRATE. ANY. HOLIDAY! You are free to go home to decorate and celebrate as you see fit!”
“You put up that ceramic tabletop tree! A TREE IS A TREE!”
“You need to go home,” I respond quietly. “You have no idea how to respect wishes or boundaries.”
Fear leaps in her eyes at being told to go home. “It’s just a tree. I’ll make sure it’s a small one. PLEASE??”
“I will have nothing to do with it OR this Christmas bullshit you INSIST on bringing to MY house!
She nods sadly. “It’s just a tree,” she whispers.
It’s an artificial one, pre-lit. Lights of red, green, and white twinkle against silver tinsel and golden-colored balls. There are three gifts beneath it: two are in gift bags. They are to me from Riley.
The third is wrapped in comic paper. It’s my mother’s favorite perfume. I bought it for her every year when she was alive. I have brought it for her every year since.
I climb the stairs that lead to the upper floor; I enter the dark, quiet study and sit behind my desk, contemplating what I’m about to do. I don’t turn on the computer or the television. Instead, I place my mug on the desk and rise, making my way towards the closet.
I thrust my arm inside to pull out a shopping bag; it’s filled with wrapping paper and Riley’s gifts. They’re not Christmas gifts; I don’t celebrate the holiday. She’ll merely receive them on Christmas Day.
I carry it all to the desk and begin neatly cover the purchases with silver wrapping, carefully cutting paper, and folding and tucking in corners. The sky lightens as I work; the snow continues to fall. I place the boxes into the bag and return to the closet.
I rummage on the upper shelf, my hand finding what I seek: a newspaper-wrapped ceramic angel holding a sparkly star. I place her atop the gifts and carry bag and mug back downstairs with me. The bag goes beneath the tree, and I carefully unwrap and place my mother’s angel atop it.
I walk into the kitchen, pour the dregs of my coffee down the drain, and check the refrigerator for breakfast ingredients. I slowly head for my bedroom, enjoying the dimness and silence. When I enter, I see a robed Riley clutching a panel of blackout curtain in one hand, her face so close to the glass I’d wager her nose is pressed against it. She turns when she hears me, her face alight with a joyous smile.
“Liam! It’s snowing! On Christmas Day!” she gushes happily.
I stare at her, wanting to tell her to stop being such a child, and to get back in bed.
But I don’t.
She doesn’t know that there is a present for her beneath the Christmas tree. She doesn’t know that I am preparing one of her favorite breakfasts this morning: French crepes, bacon, and matcha latte.
All she knows is that it’s snowing on Christmas morning, and that she’s with me.
I allow her to be happy and enjoy this moment.
I see myself in her.
“Breakfast soon,” I promise as I climb beneath the covers, turning my back to her and the window.
Who puts up the Christmas lights?
Who hits up Black Friday sales?
Who starts a snowball fight?
“Get back here, you little heathen!” Riley ordered, just before tripping over one of her sons’ toys and faceplanting into the plush carpeting of the boys’ nursery.
Her firstborn, Frac, stopped running when he heard her fall; he stopped and turned, then burst into laughter at seeing his mother felled like a tree.
He pointed a chubby finger at Riley, chanting, “Heevin”.
His mother closed her eyes and slowly counted to 10. It was too early for the emotional damage being inflicted upon her by the tiny humans she helped create.
“You cannot say ‘heathen’ around dada, do you understand?”
“Dada heevin! Dada heevin!” Frac laughed.
Fric, his identical twin and the youngest by three minutes, toddled around Riley and was repeatedly poking his finger into one of her butt cheeks, prominently outlined through her flannel nightgown due to a gigantic wedgie.
“Mama butt!”
“Oh, dear LORD! Stop touching it, little boy!” Riley huffed as she gently smacked Fric’s hand off her.
Frac hurriedly joined his brother, and the boys clambered onto Riley’s back, knocking her back to the floor before she could fully stand; the pair rocked back and forth and bounced up and down on their mother, tiny fingers gripping her gown while shrieking with laughter as they alternated between saying, “Horthee” and “Heevin butt.”
A brisk knock on the door preceded a freshly dressed Liam’s entry; his greeting died on his lips as he took in the scene before him:
His wife face down on the floor, flailing her legs and pounding her fists against the floor, yelling, “STOP THAT!”; a section of her nightgown was bunched between her butt cheeks.
His sons, naked except for diapers, using Riley for horseback rides, while yelling something that sounded suspiciously like horse’s heathen butt.
“Francis! Jonathan!” Liam addressed his sons by their Christian names in a firm tone as he strode towards his family.
The boys abruptly halted their movements, turning their heads almost guiltily. Bright, guileless smiles wreathed their faces when they saw their father.
“DADA!” They scrambled off their mother and ran to Liam.
The King squatted so he was eye-level with his sons. “What were you doing to your mother?” he demanded.
“Mama heevin,” Frac stated as if that explained everything.
“They tried to KILL ME, Liam.” Riley moaned dramatically as she rolled over onto her back. “They are implementing their plan of world domination, and I’m the test subject!”
Liam wagged an index finger before the twins’ faces. “Your mother is NOT a heathen, and we will continue this discussion,” he promised.
The twins looked at each other with startled eyes. “Oh, oh!” they said in unison before scampering off to their bedroom.
Liam chuckled as he stretched out beside his wife. “What did we do before those two came along?”
“Have peace, quiet, allll the food, and not live in fear for our lives.” Riley threw her forearm across her brow.
Liam turned his head so his eyes could take in Riley’s profile. “Do you want to try for another one?”
Riley turned her head, meeting his gaze. “Yes,” she answered softly.
Their hands reached for the other’s, and they lay in relative quiet for a few moments.
“We need to head to Valtoria before the storm comes,” Liam stated.
The royal family would be spending the Christmas/New Year holiday season at the Queen’s duchy as they did every year. This winter season, Valtoria was experiencing significant snowfall and with more accumulation expected all week, it appeared there would be a white Christmas.
“Gladys informed me yesterday that all the orphanages received their packages from “Santa”, so that’s good. And multiple deliveries were made to the Great House from online shippers, so guessing my Black Friday purchases arrived as well.”
“You weren’t the only one to take advantage of lower prices and free shipping, love,” Liam reminded her.
“Did you use my Prime account?” Riley demanded.
“Did you use my credit card?” her husband countered.
Silence. “Maybe.”
Liam laughed quietly as he moved closer to Riley. “Then we’re even.”
“We need to leave within the next hour if we’re going to arrive before more precipitation. Maybe we can take the boys out in the snow before it gets too heavy.”
“Judging by what I walked in on, it’s going to take you that long to get them clothed.”
“You dress them, I’ll order breakfast to go and get ready. Make sure to put them in their reindeer snowsuits.”
Liam’s brow knit. “Love, where did our children learn words like heathen and butt?”
Riley shook her head. “No idea. Maybe those Mickey Mouse cartoons they watch.”
Liam’s eyes narrowed. “I think you do know.”
“You can’t prove that!”
“But I can settle it. Snowball fight in Valtoria.”
“Heathens versus Butts? You’re on!” Riley accepted the challenge as Liam helped her from the floor. “Just so you know, I’m the heathen.”
Liam eyed her posterior admiringly as she made her way to the door. “It’s looking like a butt from here.”
The Queen stuck out her tongue before disappearing through the doorway.
Writer’s Choice (Laxwell)
Who wants to see the Christmas parade?
Who throws the Christmas party?
Who makes homemade gifts?
“This is going to be the BEST Christmas EVER!” Maxwell announced delightedly as he tucked into his lunch.
The Duke of Valtoria, Liam Rys, stared dubiously across the table at his lover before reaching for dressing to pour over his salad. “It’s going to be such a whirlwind! I much prefer a slower-paced, quieter holiday.”
“New Year’s will be quiet. Just us,” Maxwell promised.
“Thank goodness. I don’t want any wild parties, Max!”
“We got the Beaumont Bash, Holiday Edition scheduled on the 23rd. No one will have recuperated enough for another one so soon.”
“Then on Christmas Day, I’m Grand Marshal of the Valtorian Christmas Parade,” Liam added.
“I’ll be front row, and I’ll walk the entire parade route with you. You won’t be alone.”
Liam chuckled as he sliced into his grilled chicken. “With rumors of the entire duchy attending, I would hope not!”
“Your constituents love you.”
Liam shook his head. “They didn’t when I raised the tax rate.”
“Sales tax! By only 3%, and it’s still the lowest in all of Cordonia. Besides, if they don’t, I do,” Maxwell looked up from his plate to bat his eyes at Liam.
“And I love you more,” Liam smiled fondly at the young Lord.
“Y’know, I was thinking … since Christmas Day is going to be jam-packed with the Parade and family dinners, maybe we could exchange gifts Christmas Eve,” Maxwell suggested as he ladled gravy onto his mashed potatoes.
Liam’s eyes widened appreciatively over the rim of his wineglass. “Excellent idea, love!”
“I can’t wait for you to see your present!”
Liam’s eyes narrowed suspiciously. “Is it a peacock?”
Maxwell raised an eyebrow, his expression giving away nothing. “I’m not telling.”
“Max, if you got me a PEACOCK … you KNOW I’m allergic!”
“Is that what you’re calling being a scaredy-cat nowadays?” Maxwell teased.
Liam bunched up his cloth napkin and lobbed it at his boyfriend. It harmlessly bounced off Maxwell’s hair and onto the carpet. “No peacocks!” Liam warned.
Maxwell grinned to himself. He most definitely had not gotten Liam a peacock, but there was a puppy. A Corgi, rescued from the local animal shelter. That was gift number one.
Gift number two spoke to Liam’s sentiment; it was a pinboard, handcrafted by Maxwell himself. With the help of the Great House’s staff.
It was made of cork, wood that had been painted in Cordonian blue, and macrame rope. Maxwell put a lot of thought into what would go onto the board: peacock feathers; a photo of Queen Eleanor and baby Liam; the ticket stubs from their first U2 concert; a copy of his letter to Liam on their second anniversary; glitter; a picture of Liam the day of his coronation as Duke of Valtoria, wearing his coronet and carrying a shield decorated with the Valtorian coat of arms; a stock photo of two clinking beer bottles, and a photo of their mothers at a tea party, grinning conspiratorially at each other over tea cups.
He hoped Liam liked it.
Liam, across the table, was finishing his meal debating if he should get a refund on Maxwell’s gift. The second-born to the throne was now absolutely convinced that he was getting a peacock for Christmas.
His gift to Maxwell was a two-week trip to France next summer. They would be attending the Peacock Society’s annual electronic dance music festival in Paris. Max would be upset that the Peacock Society had nothing to do with actual peafowl, but in-person attendance at an actual festival would make up for that.
After the three-day festival, the pair would be off to hike the Pyrenees Mountains.
The trip they never got to take.
“WHAT?” Maxwell exclaimed as he reached for more chicken and potatoes. “I feel you watching me!”
“Good! Because I am going to KEEP watching you, every day until Christmas Eve.”
“Well, let me make it worth your while, …” Maxwell pulled his sweater over his head, exposing his muscled bare chest, hippo tattoo, and rippled abs.
He winked at Liam before eating a forkful of chicken and salad.
The Duke audibly gulped before licking his suddenly dry lips. “Please, continue,” he urged.
“If I do that, I’m giving you your present early,” Maxwell protested with a sly grin.
Liam had risen from his seat and was pulling Maxwell from his. “I’ll still want it on Christmas Eve.”
“But the surprise!” Maxwell mock protested as he willingly let Liam lead him towards their bedroom.
“You’ll think of something between now and then.”
Tagging:  @jared2612​ @ao719​  @marietrinmimi​ @merridithsmiscellany-blog​ @queenjilian​ @indiacater​ @kingliam2019​ @bebepac​ @liamxs-world​ @mom2000aggie​ @liamrhysstalker2020​  @neotericthemis​ @twinkleallnight​ @umccall71​ @superharriet​  @busywoman​ @gabesmommie1130​ @tessa-liam​ @phoenixrising0308​ @beezm​ @gardeningourmet​ @lovingchoices14​ @foreverethereal123​ @mainstreetreader​ @angelasscribbles​ @lady-calypso​ @emkay512​ @jovialyouthmusic​ @princessleac1​ @charlotteg234​ @queenrileyrose​ @alj4890​ @yourfavaquarius111​ @motorcitymademadame​ @queenmiarys​  @choicesficwriterscreations​ @burnsoslow​
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hislittleraincloud · 5 months
I had to explain why Afterburn hasn't been finished yet, so I'll repeat part of how I responded to this really awesome (I mean that...I love all my fans 😭) fan, but here with harsher lang because I have hate for this fucking bitch who hasn't even given me a "Thank you" for anything and has just fucking ghosted me after she got out the last time:
1. The Junkie Neighbor and The Cat. Her fucking going in and out of rehab fucked up my creative process because I had to take care of the cat and her apartment every night for long stretches at a time. I've posted pics of kitty, and will post the last one I think I'll ever take with him (😭😭😭😭😭 I raised him from a kitten) under the cut. This bitch was supposed to be my friend, but she has fucking...problems with herself and her personality disorder. I have zero idea why she hasn't responded and I don't even know where the fuck she is. So if she's reading (I think she knows of this blog), the YOU'RE FUCKING WELCOME, BITCH. And what you're doing right now is fucked up.
2. My 17yo dog is on his last legs. I've written how he's had seizures, but I haven't written how his barking after a seizure can get me a noise complaint from my shitty building manager, so that shit makes me anxious. I hand feed him, I help him get water the same way Peter Griffin helped Old Brian in that cutaway:
I wrap my boy's pills in gummies, not PB and beef 💀
LOL Except I don't have to push his tongue into the water like that. And I have to do it every...day...when he's awake. This is a disruption in my creative process too, because I REALLY wanted to pass out around 4PM today to be able to map and write all night but couldn't because he just would not settle. Dogs with dementia are like people with dementia, but less propensity towards violence when you try to help them (at least my old dogs are...they're small dogs and don't have any teeth left).
I didn't even mention my own health problems, in my explanation about how Afterburn's creation got messed. I've got Stage 4 CKD (kidney disease) and only 1 working kidney (lost the other to cancer in 2016). My kidney issues began when I was in France in 1986 and they failed on me because I ended up having HSP (and the strange nature of HSP and the possibility of certain vaccinations bringing on HSP in a few people has left me practically defenseless against COVID). Another HSP flare up would literally kill me (because there would likely be kidney involvement, and since I only have one left...the first time was Hell on Earth, I was pissing and shitting blood — stool is black when that happens...and my urine was bright red — and my parents thought I was gonna die), but I've been masking since January 2020 and have no intention of unmasking.
Having one kidney leaves me utterly exhausted to do any simple thing, so most of my energy goes to taking care of my boy/my girls. I'm on BP meds, PTSD meds, and pain meds (for chronic pain; I suffered through childhood arthritis that just ended up continuing into my adulthood), and when the Big Pharma pain meds don't work, I use cannabis. I don't really talk about or complain about it as explicitly as I am now bc it's tiring to explain over and over again why I'm a useless sack of 💩. I worked a "normal job" until I couldn't anymore; I am physically disabled.
Besides my seniors, the one other bright spot in my life is the baby. I have an Ask that wants more pics of her (I got it shortly after I posted her "Lookit me, I'm Jenna Ortega 🤓🤓🤓" glasses pic LOL), and I was going to do a whole post on her but I'll just slip a pic or two under the cut with the others.
I'll stop yapping and do that. Dogs under the cut.
This is my life now:
And before anyone gets on me about "HE NEEDS WET FOOD!", he gets wet food, but he likes his dry food. I try to spray it with water for a bit of moisture, but if I spray it too much, he won't eat it.
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The orange on his face is pasta sauce (he likes licking cans...and he gets what he wants).🫠 It's sometimes hard to clean. He is always wearing pajamas (he has 6 different ones) and his elephant hoodie (he's got 3 of the same, so I can switch them out). Weird story but...one time several years ago I got him a simple elephant costume (the hood had the trunk, the body was thin jersey material but it also had 4 plush legs and a tail 🤣) and he LOVED it so much that he basically wore it out. He would get sad when it wasn't on him and excited when I would hold it up after it dried/after washing. He's fkn weird, okay? So I looked online to see if I could find another one but instead found the elephant hoodie. It doesn't have legs or a tail, but it has the trunk and it's soft and he likes it as well. Having him clothed really helps when I need to hoist him up onto the couch or help him drink. He doesn't have loose skin and even if he did, I wouldn't want to grab onto skin. It's my job to make him as comfortable as possible, not to hurt him.
Now this little (17yo as well) old lady here:
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I inherited her from a nasty (racist) old bat who died right before the pandemic. Bat had CKD as well, but she went into kidney failure at some point after she wouldn't listen to me about fixing her diet (she had uncontrolled diabetes too...her blood sugar was over 400 at one point when I was visiting her at her physical rehab with the dog 😨).
She is blind, but even before she went blind, she was freaky about being handled when she didn't used to be. She can't walk outside because she gets disoriented, so she uses the pee pad set up I have for the seniors. I do love her like my own, as she is my own now (my last screenplay actually features a dog just like her). She was part of the same dog group as my boy in the rescue that I worked at...my other boy from the same rescue passed in 2021 and devastated me. His passing led me to find this little baby here:
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She only wears jammies when it's cold in here.
I had never gotten a puppy before, but I was in a really dark place when my other boy died. I was seriously contemplating taking myself out too (God knows I have enough drugs here to do so). But I channeled my grief into cleaning up this place and finding another pomchi/chion (we were never sure what he was, but I think he might've been part Papillon because of his ears/fur/tail)...and I found one, albeit chocolate instead of white. I've had her since she was 8 weeks and a day, and thank the gods that she's the sweetest and pretty low maintenance. I raised her on Harry Potter 1 and 2 and Victoria Stilwell videos, and she somehow picked up what good behavior is vs. bad behavior from the Stilwell videos 😶. She used to howl at Harry Potter during the Neville scenes and the Quidditch matches (and the Mandrakes scene). I didn't want to raise her on Potter, but I chose it because it was kid's thing and as soon as I put it on her eyes were glued to the TV. She also likes Stranger Things and is okay with Wednesday. She's spoiled af, so she's got toys from all of those (she ate off the legs of her fave Harry Potter plush, adores her Eleven squeaky toy, and loves her Enid plush...yes, the Kid Robot one that came in a set with Wednesday and Bianca, the latter of which I kept for myself because it's fkn Bianca).
Anyway. That's what's up with me. I have no one here to help me anymore, so it's just me and the dogs. If I fkn die, no one will find my body for days unless one of the dogs starts barking, and the baby doesn't normally bark (she wheeks like a guinea pig). I will likely ask one of the ficwives if they would be willing to at least know my notes for Afterburn in case something does happen to me. They know the general trajectory of the story for Afterburn 2, so they already know what happens with Wenovan, but they don't know the details of the whole (the Goodmen, Joseph Crackstone & Goody, OG Nightshades (Morticia, Gomez, Larissa, Chancellor, Vincent, Mina (the Twins' mother), Francoise, Osamu (Yoko's father), the Petropoluses, and Grandmama Addams (the oldest living "local" Nightshade)) story. I've yet to decide on a few other Elder Nightshades, but I've got ideas. The Nightshades and Wednesday's power as one are a BIG focus of Afterburn 2, so maybe now you get my irritance at the fkn show deleting 2/3 of them.
My boy's sleeping now so I guess I ought to sleep too, otherwise he'll wake up when I'm about to sleep and THAT fucks me up even more.
ETA: Forgot the pic of the cat.
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My buddy, Prince (the name he was given when he was born, so ✨I✨ kept it, but his weirdo mom named him "Tennessee Tuxedo"). Wow, Tennessee... I just now realized that.... To me he will always be Prince Ovaltine of Meowcatsia, a cat who adored playing tag with me. 💔💔💔💔💔
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mimiwrites2000 · 1 year
For the AruAni writers questions:
1, 3, 4, 14!
Ok let’s start
1- share your favorite part of your latest fic
Well, my latest fic is Legends, and its latest chapter is 22
Here’s my favorite part of this chapter:
The chandelier’s crystals meandered between stairs’ white stonted rails, threateningly pointing down, accompanied with translucent, thin selenders of glass that softly clacked against each other with the softest breeze, playing a soft melody of charms, harmonizing with the contrasted fireworks going off in the distance. The fireworks exploded in the sky, their light reflected wobbling charades on the carpet, sparks of silver and gold emitting from the chandelier in various, spontaneous directions, like fairies in the books Armin’s grandfather used to read for him.
Armin watched it all.
“Can you walk?” He asked Annie, in a soft voice, careful to not disturb the lights.
“I can walk, I am walking,” She answered him, judging him with half lidded eyes. Her arm around Armin’s shoulders and her knees bent with drunkenness as she dragged herself beside Armin, or more like Armin dragging her beside himself.
He eyed the stairs, and then eyed Annie.
“I’m sorry,” he said as he bent, putting his arm behind her knees, lifting her up. She gasped, her arm around his shoulders tightened, the other arm wrapping around his neck. “I am really sorry,” he apologized again, because he held her without her permission, even though that was the only solution at that time. He made sure his hand didn’t touch her, her dress a barrier between his fingers and her skin.
He ascended the stairs, one step at a time. He held her close to his chest, making sure her weight was secured in his arms, and a spark of happiness filled his heart as her body felt healthier, remembering the first time he ever held her, at the harbor, exactly three years prior, after years of being suspended in air, engulfed within a cold crystal.
That day at the harbor he lost her but a miracle, a Legend, paved his way to her and he found her, that day they were given a second, wasted chance.
That day, he held her out of the war's rubble, in the middle of fire and thunder, her body limping against him as he carried her to safety.
That day, he learnt about a Legend, and today, another Legend unfolded itself.
None of these Legends would have happened without them, without him, without her ; she was behind it all, an irreplaceable component in that concoction.
Because they were those Legends, and those Legends were them.
They were created to be a Legend.
The striking memory made reminiscing feelings crawl on his back with hundreds of pointy, sharp edges, reaching his fingers and numbing them, so he held her even closer to his chest. He miraculously saved her that day, maybe that wouldn’t happen today, maybe it would never ever happen, but for that moment, while the world outside was launching celebratory colorful fires in the midnight sky, celebrating their deaths, he chose this moment of peace, on carpeted stairs, at a foreign hotel.
3- If you look back at your first fic compared to your last, what’s changed?
MANY THINGS, my writing style changed so much, my English got stronger as well (it’s my second language) and overall the way I write Armin and Annie changed, I feel like I never really wrote Annie correctly until recently, I don’t think I understood her enough.
4-Fanfic authors can be harsh on themselves, espically with older works, share three things you like about your first fic.
So my first fic is called Blue, but on Ao3 it’s called Kiss, (don’t ask, I have no idea how that happened either)
I wrote it in 2019, and posted it during Armin week in January 2020
This is the first time I even look back at it during these three years, and honestly it’s so hard to read something I’ve written so long ago.
I like how excited I was about it, how excited I was to share a story I wrote with people, I like how I wrote it with excitement about these characters, and I like how I always had my own way of describing feelings, which I still do until this day.
You can find it here on AO3, and here on TUMBLR
13- Do you use symbolism when writing fics? Tell us about it!
OH YEAH I DO, I add so much symbolism and descriptions and everything, especially with Legends, I basically poured every symbolism I have into this one story
I just enjoy it, SO MUCH
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nocturnalazure · 2 years
11 January 2013
That was the date on which I made my very first AFAWTG WordPress post in French. I had already written a big part of it in Word documents, but that day, I don’t know... I had decided to create a blog and share my story.
I remember how intimidated I was: it seemed like a huge deal, allowing other people to read my writing. As it turned out, I shouldn’t have worried so much because no one found my stuff in that sea of content. :D Nevertheless, since I had everything written already, I started posting one “chapter” a day!
It felt nice. Having all my “chapters” neatly sorted out on my little nook of the Internet.
In May that same year, I would brutally switch to English.
And then on 21 July 2013, I came to Tumblr trying to advertise my story. ALMOST TEN YEARS AGO.
 Between January 2013 and August 2014, I posted 596 updates (I divided scenes into individual updates at the time, that’s why there were so many) and used 10,242 screenshots.
2014: started making friends - story still all over the place.
2015: switched to graphic novel format.
2016: wrapping up of most storylines.
2017: time jump - focusing on Sam and Ash.
2018: sequel To the Edge of Time - Sam and Ash to the future.
2019: writing slump. I redo some updates from 2014 in graphic format.
2020: executive decision to focus solely on Laurie.
2021: super thrilled about Laurie’s arc.
2022: super thrilled about Laurik.
2023: you still with me?
As from August 2014 and until now... I have posted 203 additional updates using 16,781 more screenshots.
The next update will be #800.
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