#ready to spot my typos in 3....2....1....
shoshiwrites · 6 months
Hi!! I would like to request the print “not realizing they are holding hands until someone points it out to them” OR “holding hands to pull someone away from something” from your prompt lists for Bucky and Jo. There were so many good ones I could not choose 😅 I hope I did this right. I love them together and your writing!!
Thank you so much, sweet anon! 🥺 That means so much. You absolutely did this right! I've actually got your first prompt in my inbox already, so keep an eye out for that at a later date! <3 Bucky Egan/War correspondent OC — more here, including prompt lists. From this list, "grabbing the other’s hand to pull them back from something."
“Coffee, Miss Jo?”
Lemmons makes his coffee on a little gas burner out on the strip, the kind you can stand a spoon straight up in for the grounds. The two guys working beside him wrinkle their noses. She’s heard Cleven refer to it as motor oil, to which Egan had made some crack about how Buck would take all the sugar in a fifty mile radius for his, if he could. 
The village kids at Lemmons’ elbow had looked to him in confusion. “There’s something wrong if your motor oil looks like this,” she recalls him saying, pointing to the color and slurping it down with satisfaction.
It smells a little like gasoline, and looks like the coffee her friend Vicky’s family serves after meals, in prettier cups. Brewed with sugar and a little cardamom, Jo figures it won’t be brought to mind tonight.
“Thanks, Ken, I’m alright.”
Miss Jo, Ken. They’re casual out here in the flatlands. 
She watches through the open door as the midsummer day fades out of the sky. That must mean it’s late. The door gets closed. She checks her watch, the olive canvas against her wrist. Late. 
She’s expecting a call from Kay, later, about Kay’s reporting trip to Ireland.
There’s plenty to write about out here — too much, maybe, the flak holes and the cans of paint, the bloodstains, the dirtied hands. Nineteen years old. Ken wears a little puffed heart on a chain, the silver tone catching the light. From his wife, the girl in the snapshot tacked to the board on the wall. 
She wonders if profiles like the ones she writes make it better or worse.
She wonders if she could sneak into the mess, sweet-talk herself into a better cup of coffee and betray the one she was just offered. Her hair smells a little like grease.
Maybe she ought to be gracious. She’s got plenty to do tonight, anyway. Sleep has been scarce, why not let it stay away a little longer?
“If you can spare any, actually-”
He looks up from the little operation, his face brightened, a curl loosed above his brow. “Sure thing.”
“‘M not driving you over to Redgrave,” says a voice from behind her. “When you start seein’ stars.”
Egan’s swinging the neck of a beer bottle between his knuckles, the liquid sloshing as he gestures. 
Ken hands her the little steel cup, the walls dotted with grounds. “Evening, Major.”
“Good evening, Kenny.” 
She peers behind him, but doesn’t see a jeep. They hadn’t heard one pull up, either.
“Just makin’ the rounds,” he says, when he notices her looking at him. She makes a noncommittal expression. “Nice night.”
It is, still pleasantly warm, with that little bit of coolness to the air. If there were any fairness in the universe a slow band would be playing, and the shelters dismantled brick by brick. Rendered useless.
“I should stop bothering the corporal here,” Jo says. 
“Hey, now, you’re not bothering anyone.” Kenny smiles patiently, and she knows he’s lying. 
“You’re very nice to humor me.” Beside her, the major nods.
She takes a sip. Very strong. Her mouth twitches, just a little. 
“I told you!” he says. 
She swallows. “My friends always tell me I’ve got a shitty poker face.”
Egan laughs, the kind of laugh that comes from hearing her curse, still. “They may be right about that.” 
She sets down the cup with something of an apology, sure that someone else will drink it to get through the next few hours. “Thank you, Ken, but I think if I finish that I might start tasting radio waves.”
He cracks a smile, and the light makes shadow, makes the dark circles under his eyes even darker. “Alright.”
“C’mon, Captain. Let’s let ‘im get back to work.”
She starts to turn. “Ken, get me her parent’s address and I’ll make sure they get a copy of anything that runs,” she says. “Fonda’s.”
He nods, wiping his hands. “Yes, ma’am.”
To Bucky, as they walk out, she says, “that’s my line.”
The sky outside is a dark, dark blue, like glazed tile, the trees cut-paper silhouettes. 
They’d trapped the light behind them with Kenny, in the outbuilding, behind the black paint on the windows. “You cold?” She shakes her head.
“You see that?” he asks, pointing. “Venus.”
“Awful bright.” She hopes she sounds appreciative. The moon shines on the horizon. 
They walk, until they sit, near the line of trees. 
“Pittsburgh, right?” he says. “Smoky City? You see many stars there?”
“Didn’t even know ‘em, ‘til I moved east. And even then. Had to drive out to see them.”
“How’s all this, then?” He gestures  — the clear sky, the low buildings. Norwich in the distance is dark. She wonders where they run, if a raid starts.
She inhales, knows he can hear the sound of it. “It’s beautiful.”
He tips the bottle towards her, the last few glugs. “Sorry, don’t know why I didn’t bring two.”
“Don’t waste it on me,” she says. That relentless demand. The churn of it. She can’t think about it too long.
He holds it out to her still. “Don’t hurt my feelings, Josephine.” 
It’s better than Lemmons’ rocket fuel, at least. His fingers brush her palm. The lip of the bottle is wet from his mouth, from the beer. She takes a sip, meets his eyes. “Thanks.” 
“Always liked the stars,” he says. Like he knows it’s a silly thing, like saying you like the sun, or the moon. But there’s something quiet in it too. “Had a chart, as a kid.”
“With the constellations?”
“Yeah. Orion’s Belt. Ursa Minor. Andromeda.” It’s like he’s dusting them off, the names on his tongue. Like digging out a star-map from the back of the closet. “Cygnus. Cepheus.” 
“What are we looking at now?”
“Hell,” he smiles, big and wide at the sky. “I’d need the map.” 
He must not be flying tomorrow, she thinks.
Can you see them that much closer? she wants to ask. Up there? But they don’t fly at night.
“‘S a nice excuse though,” he says. 
“For what?”
“Putting my arm around a pretty girl.” She wants to tell him that they’ve started writing her at the paper. Families. They don’t even know where she is, just England. That they think she knows something.
She tries to laugh. “Only if you know what you’re looking at.” 
“Small detail. Unimportant.”
If the universe were fair he’d be on the lake shoreline, with a fire, or buying ice cream, or taking a pretty girl on a date. 
She brushes off her trousers even though they’ve only been sitting in the grass, making to stand. The call from Kay. 
“Hey,” he says, and it sounds so tired against the night sky. Tired, tender, reaching for her. His hand around hers, and she stumbles back to the ground, his legs, his lap. 
“Oh!” She’s braced herself with her palms, either side of him. A quiet huff, a laugh. “You could’ve just asked me to stay.”
“Thought I was-” he starts. “Sorry about that.”
The breath in her chest feels shaky. She can smell the hops on his breath, and the remnants of Barbasol, geranium and moss. “You’ll need more than that to convince a girl.”
The kiss he plants on her lips might be a start. 
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sugar-glaze-donut · 2 months
Once again - Berrien x Aruji-sama (you!)
☆Gender is not specified ☆Slight spoilers from chapter 4 of aknk ☆Angst then Comfort :3 ☆My headcanon of how Aruji-sama comes to the aknk world (at the end) ☆Time skips for every section. (section 1 - 30 years ago, section 2 - A few minutes ago, section 3 - N O W)
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Faint light trickles from the curtains as a choir of birds chirp outside.
The monochrome man’s eyes flutter open, his eyes squinting at the light as he yawns.
Rubbing his eyes and forcing himself to wake up, he stumbles towards the curtains and opens them.
Morning has come. And like always, another day has begun.
The monochrome man wakes up his two co-workers and prepares for the day.
Comb his hair, fix his tie, and tidy up his side of the room.
He is now ready to start his day.
He greets everyone he meets in the halls, some already competing their duties, some half asleep, and a few… quite literally sleepwalking.
Everything seems to be in order.
Yes… “Order”. The constant loops they all live in.
Repeated routines, same pairs of clothes, tedious chores… this is the constant loop they go through every day.
Living a somewhat immortal life may sound exciting, but it is a tiring and torturous experience.
The time era you lived in… the memories of the past… the people you once knew, all pass away in a blink of an eye. But that’s only how story authors describe it.
They’re not completely wrong, though. Time does move fast.
But his first XXX years of solitary went by too slowly. As if life was mocking him for his existence.
Although it happened centuries ago… it still shakes his soul.
Even if his memory is quite damaged, the mere thought of having to experience that again gives him a feeling of…
What do you call this feeling?
Sorrow? Hopelessness? Despair?
Whatever it is. He hates it. He never wants to experience it again.
No matter how many times he wants to scream, he cannot. No matter how many times he wants to run away, he cannot. No matter how many times he wants to DIE… he doesn’t want to.
Not now. He must stay strong for all of them.
and for his father and brother…
Another few decades have passed.
Faint light trickles from the curtains as a choir of birds chirps outside.
The monochrome man walks through the halls and enters a room, with a pair of teacups and a teapot in each of his hands.
He sets down the fragile objects down on a nearby table, and opens the curtains.
Sunlight beams into the room and on his pale skin.
Today is yet another beautiful day.
The man returns to his usual standing spot and fixes his tie. He fiddled with his gloves and he patiently waited.
Who is he waiting for you may ask?
It’s Y O U of course!
Come on, don’t keep him waiting!
Put on the ring! Come and say hi to him!
A twirl of light appears in front of the monochrome man. He gasps in delight.
You’re finally here!
Small golden butterflies fly out of the light and form into a person.
Your vision slowly returns as you turn your head towards the man.
His pink eyes, filled with adoration are focused onto you.
A soft giggle escapes your mouth. “I’m back, Berrien”
The man, now identified as Berrien, responds to you with a huge smile adorning his gorgeous face.
“Welcome back, Aruji-sama”
He would gladly go through all of those years of solitary again if it meant that he could see you again
Thank you for breaking this cycle, Y O U .
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[—🎀—🍩—🎀—] 🍩Glaze's Notes: *comes back from a burnout cutely* hii :3 this shot idea just came into my mind just when I was trying to sleep. I decided to make this into my comeback post for my burnout -3-
Last edited - July 26th 2024 {Please let me know if there are any typos in this post, and I will fix them right away!}
✦ Want to read more of my works? Come and take a look at my Masterlist! Have a nice day, toodles! ✦
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nanowrimo · 2 years
5 Steps to Get Your Novel Ready to Self-Publish
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Every year, we’re lucky to have great sponsors for our nonprofit events. Kindle Direct Publishing, a 2022 NaNo sponsor, helps you self-publish eBooks and paperbacks for free. Today, author Denise Grover Swank shares some tips to help you get your novel ready to publish:
Congrats on completing NaNoWriMo! I completed my first book with NaNoWriMo in 2009, and was thrilled when I’d finished, but I wasn’t ready to hit publish just yet!
1. Have someone else read your novel.
Every book needs revising and editing. Trust me, I’ve written over seventy books at this point and still need to revise books. 
You’ll either need to find a developmental editor or alpha readers. Alpha readers—well-read readers and/or other authors—are great for writers on a budget and are usually free. You can find them in writers’ groups or your friends who are readers. Just be careful if you’re using friends and family: they’re going to be biased. (Unless they’re my aunt who read my paranormal thriller and told me I should write children’s books.) 
2. Invest in copy editing.
You’ve revised and edited your book, now what? Copy editing is where you may want to invest if you can. Copy editors look at your book line by line and correct grammatical mistakes. Please, please, please don’t try to do this yourself. You’ve read you book countless times and will miss things. Trust me. I know. (If you need a proofreader, here’s where your friends who can spot a typo a mile away come in handy.)
3. Get a good cover.
Let’s talk covers! Study the market and find out what’s selling in your genre, then find a cover designer who fits the trends. You can spend anywhere from $100 to $1000 or more, but you can get by on the lower end. Just don’t try to make one yourself unless you’re really good at graphic design. 
4. Get the formatting right.
You’re almost ready to publish, but first you need to format your eBook and print book—You can do this by using the free templates available on Kindle Direct Publishing, you can pay someone to do it, or there are several programs less than $200 that will do this for you. 
5. Now you’re ready! 
There are multiple places to publish, but KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) is super easy to use! Be sure to claim your books on Amazon Author Central, create an author page, then ask readers to follow you. Amazon will let your readers know about preorders and releases. Kindle Unlimited is great for newer authors who are still finding an audience, and readers in KU are more willing to take a chance on new-to-them authors. And finally, use the gifting option on your product page for giveaways on social media. Readers who love your book will tell their friends—never underestimate word of mouth marketing!
New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author Denise Grover Swank lives in Kansas City, Missouri. You can find out more about Denise at www.denisegroverswank.com.
Top photo by Nong V on Unsplash. 
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monstergoblin · 1 year
The Owl Pirates
Posted First On A03 Here It’ll be updated there first and might take me a bit to get to updating it here as I always seem to forget about my tumblr. <3 
       Eda and Lilith were helping Willow back on board as she was the one who jumped in to save the person. The boy with blonde hair wasn’t anyone Luz knew, and she hadn’t spotted anything nearby of a shipwreck or an island. Was the boy even alive?
      Luz darted towards Willow quickly offering a hand, even though Eda and Lilith had had it.
     “Who is he?” Luz asked dumbly as she stared at the unconscious boy. She knew no one should know the answer, but someone did.
      “He’s with the navy.” Lilith pointed out as she backed off from the boy now that WIllow and Luz were carrying him.
       “Aw he’s just a little scamp though.” Eda shrugged. “I’m sure we can bring him around.”
        “He may be missing his badge, Edalyn.” Lilith's voice was quiet and calm. “But this is Belos nephew.”
An owl house pirate au because that's my favorite type of trope.
Trigger warnings Always read safe: Depression, Suicidal thoughts, Pushing down feelings, Overworking self to ignore feelings, Child Abuse (Belos is a bitch okay), Gaslighting, Self Gaslighting, Manipulation, Injuries
Notes: I’ll try my best to updated the trigger warnings as this goes on. Once again its more up to date on A03, Also Tumblr killed my formatting so there might be differences in that or mistakes.
Disclaimer: There's a high probability of plot holes. Some characters may be ooc as 1 im not the best writer, 2 Im not editing 3 In my head in this au lots of different events have happened so characters are meeting at different points in their arcs. I also don’t know shit about boats man I only know one or two things from reading other pirate fics but im going off small google searches.
One more thing most of this is written when I am very sleep deprived enjoy the typos! 
                Chapter 1: It's bad luck to find a navy boy in the water
    She was almost to the top, where she could perch and no one would notice her unless they looked straight up. If she pushed forward she’d make it.
She climbed higher up the ships ropes - daring to see if she could make it to the very top. She had many times before but doing so without being caught was the trick. Sure, the crows nest was a perfect place to see everything but where was the fun in that. Luz wanted to chase this exciting feeling everytime she climbed. Just to see above it all.
    “Man overboard!” one of the crewmates' voices hollered from below causing Luz to forget her little adventure entirely.
     Someone overboard was much more exciting. She slid her way down the ropes and swung until she landed down close enough to see what was happening or if she was needed. She was so ready to see who fell off the ship and how, but it wasn’t quite what she thought it would be.
    Wind rushed around Luzs head making her short hair fluff up in the most comforting - yet messy way. From up here the ocean waves blocked out the noises of the crew. Not that Luz didn’t love her crewmates- it was just nice to have a place so out of reach to escape to.
    Eda and Lilith were helping Willow back on board as she was the one who jumped in to save the person. The boy with blonde hair wasn’t anyone Luz knew, and she hadn’t spotted anything nearby of a shipwreck or an island.
 Was the boy even alive?
    Luz darted towards Willow quickly offering a hand, even though Eda and Lilith had had it.
   “Who is he?” Luz asked dumbly as she stared at the unconscious boy. She knew no one should know the answer, but someone did.
   “He’s with the navy.” Lilith pointed out as she backed off from the boy now that WIllow and Luz were carrying him.
    “Aw he’s just a little scamp though.” Eda shrugged. “I’m sure we can bring him around.”
   “He may be missing his badge, Edalyn.” Lilith's voice was quiet and calm. “But this is Belos nephew.” 
   Overtime one learns to accept defeat.
   Knowing death is coming for you and there is nothing you can do to stop it.
  His limbs were tired, his chest hurt and he just couldn’t will his body to obey.
  Though even if he could move, he probably wouldn’t.
  It was a cruel joke that fate would not even allow him death.
   Someone was carrying him, or holding him? His senses weren’t working right but something was wrong he just knew. He wasn’t where he was supposed to be, he was supposed to be dead.
   “He’s got scars on his face.” A loud voice remarked, he could almost make out the feeling of someone holding his chin, moving his head. Though that could just be the swaying of the world.
   “He was the youngest navy officer, of course he’s going to have scars.” Another voice responded, this one older, female, more mature. Somehow it was familiar but Hunter couldn’t place where.
   “He looks kinda funny.” A young male voice chirped but then let out a little squeak of surprise.
       “Be a little nicer.” This voice is an older male, friendly, soft. “Lay him on the bed girls.”
   There was a response from the loud one, but he couldn’t make it out as the voices all started to collide with each other. Then it was silent.
   It was too hot. The heaviness of whatever thing was on him was too hot. Despite his body's protests Hunter tried to force the heavy thing off of him, but it wouldn’t budge. The heat of it was going to kill him, he needed to breathe.
   A large hand found his arm and Hunter froze. The soft male voice said something but Hunter couldn’t make it out. The arm was holding him but it wasn’t in a hard cruel way so he must not have done something wrong.
   “Ha-ha-hot” His mouth wasn’t working properly neither were his eyes. He didn’t know when he’d open them but everything was so dark, and wobbly.
   “You need to keep it on.” The voice responded and Hunter knew better than to disobey. Knew that he was entirely too tired to fight back anyway. So he nodded his head which came out as more of his head was just turning slightly.
   “Shouldn’t he feel cold?” The chirping young voice asked.
    The soft voice explained to the younger one something, but Hunter had closed his eyes, and they were too heavy to open now.
   His body was heavier than ever. He just wanted to stay in the soft blanket that engulfed him, and sleep forever. Even if he wanted that his morning routine wouldn’t allow it. As he was about to wake his eyes to open, the events of the last few days replayed in his head.
   He didn’t have morning duties to attend to anymore.
   Hunter sat up pushing the blanket off of him with ease and took in the sight of his surroundings. The cabin had a set of bunks, a table covered in supplies and cabinets. It was a poor excuse for a medical cabin. From the lack of navy banners in the room, Hunter could guess this would not be a navy ship.
   A navy ship would’ve left him to die after all. Like he should’ve.
    The door of the cabin swung open and a short boy wearing a yellow bandana around his head came stumbling in carrying far too many towels and bottles in his arms. The boy didn’t notice Hunter sitting up as he came in. He was too busy putting the items down on the desk to even turn his direction. He was muttering something about a stupid Gus under his breath as he sorted out the towels from the bottles.
    Only then did he seem to notice Hunter's presence. He stared wildly at the other boy for a few moments before darting out in a panic.
    “Steve!” He screamed as he pounded away.
   Hunter didn’t know why he stayed in the bed. He should get up, he should walk out the open cabin door, he should fight for his life and escape. So why didn’t he want to.
   It wasn’t very long before the scrawny boy returned with a man. The man was a lot less distressed by Hunters awakening than the boy. He closed the door and gently approached the bed taking a seat.
   “Are you feeling better?” He asked simply, holding his hand up to Hunters head.
   Hunter reflexively flinched back from the hand, but the man didn’t comment, only gave a soft smile.
   “When you feel like talking Ill bring Eda in.” The man explained. “Just let me know.”
   Why wait? Why not bring her in now?
   Get his death over with.
   “Shouldn’t we tell Eda now?” The boy asked.
    Well technically yes,” The man shrugged and patted the boy's head. “But with near death experiences, his mental state might need that few extra minutes.”
   “She’ll be mad if we don’t tell her.” The boy argued.
   “We’ll still tell her, just in a few minutes.” The man smiled. “She doesn’t need to know we took our time.” he got off the bed giving Hunter some space and took a chair near the desk instead.
    “You know Luz probably heard me already.” The boy turned to the door, which had been closed before but was now open with just a crack. As if the door knew it was being stared at the crack closed.
   The man clicked his tongue. “Okay so you wont be getting those few extra minutes then. Matt, can you buy him some time at least.” 
  “What do I get out of it?” The boy held his head high with a smirk.
   The man sighed. “We can figure that out later, just stall her please.”
   “I’m holding this favor over your head!” Matt sang as he darted out the door.
   Silence overcame the room as the boy ran out. Hunter simply watched it happen.
 Buying him time? That seemed stupid. He didn’t need time. He was already far out of time. Why wasn’t he dead? Why didn’t they just leave him?
   The burning feeling of being watched made Hunter stop staring at the door. Blue eyes were staring at him, not in the harsh judgemental way, but in a soft curious way. What was he supposed to do? With Judgemental eyes he at least knew how to act. This kindness was unusual for a stranger.
   The man didn’t say anything, only watched. He had fluffy hair that was tied up into a ponytail. His cream shirt was barely visible underneath the black coat and many bottles and pouches across he wore, with black pants and boots. It was obvious what this man was, a pirate.
   So why did he look vaguely familiar? As if Hunter should know who he’s looking at.
   “Do you remember what happened?” The man asked after a long while of staring.
   That’s when Hunter looked away, instead choosing to stare back at the door.
    “Eda’s gonna demand answers.” The man sighed out. “Just be ready for some yelling.”
   Hunter kept his gaze on the door. When he was younger the thought of being stuck on a pirate ship was terrifying. Now he didn’t really feel anything waiting for his impending doom.
   “I won’t let her do anything stupid, so don’t be scared.” The man was attempting to comfort but Hunter didn’t need that. “You’re not in danger here.”
   Not in danger? That’s a silly thought. Hunter spent his whole life in danger. Empty words weren’t going to change that.
    “You’re not gonna talk to me are ya.” The man leaned back in his chair. “Good luck kiddo.”
   Good luck?
   Hunter never had good luck.
   He didn’t want luck.
   The silence wasn’t unbearable, just long. Time was passing dreadfully slow and the man didn’t seem to be in a talking mood anymore.
    Or maybe just gave up on talking to Hunter.
    The door opened with a loud thud and an older woman stormed in. She stopped in front of the bed and stared down at Hunter. Edalyn Clawthorn the owl lady. Captain of the Talon.
  The pirate who haunted Hunters dreams not but a week ago. Who if Hunter had met before, he would’ve trembled.
    Instead he could only stare at her. Couldn’t bring his mouth to move to form the words that were caught in his throat.
   She looked just like her posters, dressed head to toe in red. Boots decorated in golden buttons, long overcoat embroidered an owl design, her hat sitting upon her mess of gray hair. With yellow eyes glaring down at him.
   “I know who you are, Hunter.” She started with a bite to her voice. “You’re Belos’ dog, and you were assigned the IvyThorn  under the captain Terra.”
   None of that mattered anymore. Just get it over with.
   “There was a prisoner aboard that ship.” Eda snapped. “Raine Whispers, heading to their execution. Where are they?”
   Hunter couldn’t bring himself to care about any of that anymore.
    Eda grabbed Hunters shirt collar and pulled him up off the bed. It should’ve hurt, it should’ve been scary.
    “Where is Raine?” Eda demanded, but when Hunter only met her angry eyes instead of responding she tossed him back down on the bed pulling her blade from her belt. “You better talk boy! Unless you want me to kill you here and now!”
   “Eda-” The man at the desk started- like he promised he would.
   “Just do it.” Hunter interrupted, his voice sounding much weaker than he intended.
    That caused Eda to pause, her temper fading for a moment as she looked down at Hunter. He did not meet her gaze, only stared at a wall.
    “You want me to kill you?” Eda repeated in a quiet disbelief.
   “Yes,” Hunters voice broke and his gaze started to get hazy. “Kill me.” His eyes meet Edas now, “I should be dead already, so just kill me.”
    “You want to die?”
    It was heartbreaking to hear such a small thing say something like that. To long for death over talking to a pirate. It wasn’t an honorable death as the navy had taught them, it wasn’t right.
   Though as Eda stared down at the child facing her with such a broken expression asking for death. She could tell this wasn't what the child thought dying was. He didn’t view it as an honor. If he did he wouldn’t be crying.
   This kid was so young, just like most of her crew. He was older than most of her kids but still, he was just a child. A broken child, who should be grateful his life was saved, but instead claimed he should be dead.
   He wasn’t in an accident. Someone tossed him overboard.
   Eda put her blade away with a sigh. This is why everyone started calling her soft. She’d be wrong to deny it at this point. At least she wasn’t a cold blooded monster.
   “Look kid.” She put her hands on her hips looking down at the boy who was still silently crying. She didn’t like the miserable nature of him. “What happened?”
   The boy only stared up at her waiting. As if his mind was elsewhere. Eda put a hand on his shoulder and he winced.
    This was not the arrogant spoiled brat Lilith had thought it was. She had to have been mistaken. Though Lilith was rarely wrong as much as Eda hated to admit. It was annoying at times but he did have too many identifiable features for Lilith to mistake. Scars practically covered him, his face having one on his cheek and on across his nose, his neck had plenty too but the rest was hidden by his clothes.
   A child shouldn’t have this many scars.
   “Alright.” Eda sighed out. “I need you to talk.”
   Hunter didn’t respond, as Eda expected. She picked him back up from the ground and placed him on the bed, and he just let her. Only winced or flinched when she went to grab him, but other than that allowed it.
    “Steve.” Eda turned to the ‘doctor’ of the ship. “Has he said anything to you?”
   “Not before you entered.” Steve stood now with his hands in his coat pockets.
    “Keep an eye on him.” Eda ordered marching out of the room.
    “Course captain.”
    Eda had told her not to talk to the newcomer. Camila had told her to listen to Eda. It wasn’t a hard thing to do. One easy little job to avoid the newcomer. Yet Luz wasn’t told not to spy on him. She had done that when Matt went screaming for Steve earlier. She saw them talking to the boy, but he never said anything back. She was the one who told Eda he woke up.
    She knew better than to spy on Eda when she’s mad, if Luz got caught when Eda was in a bad mood, well it wasn’t fun. Though Eda would never hurt any of them, she was too nice for that. It was just Eda was very stressed sometimes, everyone was. Eda wanted to find Raine again, hopefully the ship Hunter was on didn’t sink. Raine would’ve been a prisoner and Luz doubted the navy would’ve allowed Raine to not have their hands bound.
   “What is she gonna do with him?” Luz asked allowed as she leaned against the railing of the ship. 
   “Probably kill him.” Gus shrugged as he sat on the wooden deck of this ship.
    “Then Steve would’ve wasted all that time fixing him.” Matt argued sitting on top of a barrel. “He’s been working so hard to help this guy for days, If Eda just kills him it's pointless.”
   “Come on guys, this is Eda.” Luz laughed. “She may seem all big and scary but we all know she’s a sweetheart.”
   Said sweetheart marched past the trio and towards Lilith. Not acknowledging anyone else as she passed. She didn’t seem angry from what Luz could tell- and Luz was getting pretty good at reading her. She was just trying to figure out what she was going to do.
   Which meant it wouldn’t be a big deal if Luz broke the rules right now.
    “Let’s go check on him.” Luz jumped from the railing and darted towards the medbay before the others could come up with a reasonable argument not to.
    “Luz.” Matt whined but followed Gus- who did not protest- and Luz anyway. “Edas gonna be mad.” he whispered out.
   “I wont tell her if you don’t” Gus chuckled.
   The door was one of the few that didn’t squeak open- yet- on the ship. Those doors were always the best for listening in on conversations she wasn’t meant to be a part of. Through the crack Luz could make out the blonde boy- Hunter- sitting on the bed. He was crossing his arms, not in a casual way, but in a stiff way. He starred ahead blankley as tears were streaming down his cheeks.
   Did Eda yell at him?
    “Actually, let’s give him privacy.” Gus whispered, being the first to back away. Luz nodded in agreement. This had seemed a lot more fun if the newcomer had been rude or snarky.
    He didn’t seem like a navy boy.
   “I told you it was a bad idea.” Matt whined as the three made their way back to the main part of the deck. “No one listens to Matt.”
   “Matt, if we listened to you, we wouldn’t have fun.” Gus argued with a smile.
   “I am plenty of fun!” Matt defended.
   “Yeah?” Gus questioned. “prove-”
   “Luz!” Edas voice interrupted their conversation. She was standing near the door of the captains quarters crossing her arms waiting. There wasn’t any way Eda actually saw them sneaking over to the medbay. Right?
   “Yeah?” Luz hopped her way over to Eda trying her best to look innocent.
    “Come in, I have an idea.” Eda held the door open for Luz.
    They wanted information. Information Hunter did not have. Either way they would kill him, they’re pirates. If he gave them information they’d kill him after, or if he didn’t they’d do it as punishment. It’s what the navy told him.
   So why weren’t they killing him now?
   Hunter hadn’t stopped crying since he started. He tried but his tears didn’t like to listen. He wasn’t even upset, he’d cried enough already why was he still crying? That man just kept looking over at him too. As if concerned.
   As if pirates could be concerned.
   He didn’t dare move, or more- he didn’t want to move. He only sat on the bed holding himself, waiting and crying. He wished the owl captain would get back soon so she could end him and the haunting memories would just stop.
    The door swung open as if fate was finally hearing his cries.
   In the doorway walked a young girl. She wore a purple bandana around her head that covered most of her hair, but little brown fluffs escaped. She had a cream shirt underneath a purple vest and brown pants that flooded around the top of her boots. She had a bright smile on her face.
   Behind her walked Eda with a smirk on her face as well.
    “Hunter, you aren’t going to die by my hand.” Eda declared- as if it were some amazing announcement. He didn’t care how he died, just knew it was coming. “Instead you’re going to be helping us out, little owl.”
   He looked over to Eda now. Unsure what to think about her decision.
    “This is Luz.” Eda introduced the little girl. “I'm placing you under her watch, in case you get any ideas. Do you understand Hunter?”
   He didn’t know why he nodded. 
  “Now, If you have any information regarding Raine, I would appreciate it, but I doubt you do.” Eda added. “Luz, remember what we talked about.” 
   Luz gave a quick nod, smiling all too brightly.
   Edalyn Clawthorn was forcing a navy boy to join her ship? What help would that be? What kind of captain instantly turns an enemy into a crewmember? How had she not been betrayed yet?
   As Eda left the room Luz came closer to the bed.
   “Hi, I’m Luz Noceda.” She held out her hand, but when Hunter did not take it she put it back down with an awkward little shuffle. “Well, I guess that's not your style. Would you like a tour of the ship?”
   Hunter chose a random wall to stare at, between Steve-who was still watching Hunter- and Luz. As to keep them in his sight but not actually have to look at them. He was too tired to look at them.
   “Well that’s okay, it’s been a long week for you.” Luz took a seat next to Hunter, she was too close. “I’m just glad to see you’re not crying anymore.”
   He hadn’t realized he’d stopped.
2ND Chapter Tumblr Link
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laissez-fire-oh · 3 years
PAC #11 - Your first date/kiss with your next lover
Hello and welcome to my #11 PAC. Who would have thought I would have made this many? Well, anyway, here we are.
Take a deep breath and relax. Take your time to ground yourself and connect with your insight. Once you feel ready, choose the picture or number that calls you the most and check the description. If you feel called by more than one, there might be more messages for you. Being a general reading, take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. This is only made for fun and entertainment.
Every pile is written by using only my intuition this time. I thought I would have channeled 4 piles but I got a nope. Next time I will try to come back on other aspects of this date or following ones - let me know if you might be interested in that!
Sorry for any typo or grammar mistake!
All the photos belong to me and you have no permission to use them.
Piles go from left to right
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Your date might take place in late afternoon/early evening (I’m seing dusk/dark sky). Could be in spring or autumn as the people I’m seeing are wearing leather jackets/light windbreakers. Weather is gonna be chill but not cold. I feel like your person might have invited you out for a walk together, maybe you went to drink something in a café/bar and might have visited the arcade or another place where you can play (and show off -especially your person... but I feel like you’re kinda competitive too and they’ll like that side of you).
You’ll start walking and talking about yourself, things will feel smooth and okay, you’ll feel at ease with them and you might even talk a little about your childhoods and share some personal feelings/experiences you had, but these won’t feel heavy, it’s all gonna be pretty light hearted and the energy will be very cozy and comfy, as if you already knew each other and were just updating each other about what you missed from each other’s lives. There’s gonna be also some light jokes, as if you were close friends/bros.
You’ll walk near a body of water, among some other people and I’m seeing also a ferris wheel and some food trucks, so you may be in a playground/amusement park/fair. I see that you’ll reach a more private spot and at the right moment you might find each other a bit too close to each other and a sweet kiss may happen. For some it will be just a peck or something not too heavy. It’ll feel very sweet and caring, both of you will part slowly and might be a little embarassed but it’s gonna be good, you’ll talk it out and start joking with each other as before this "interruption" - you’re both so sweet oml
I’m seeing someone out at dark, maybe outside a club or near a park waiting for something (may be a concert). But they’re waiting for you as well. They’re sitting near a statue, they seem a statue (they are very good looking too).
As soon as they see you approaching, they’ll stand up and reach for you, greeting you with a warm smile. They’ll try to fake it but they’re very embarassed I swear I can feel their nerves... but they’ll pretend they are fine. Sparks are flying though, they do like you a lot and ig this nervous feeling I’m getting is also because they want the date to go well so that they can see you again and talk with you more and know you better. They’re really fascinated. Don’t worry though this nervousness will fade away during the night, as you’ll grow a little more comfortable with each other.
Your person is a sweetheart though they’ll often ask you if you’re okay, want to drink, or if you’re cold (I do think you’re in a park attending at a festival or something, and they’ll offer you a drink as I’m seeing you holding a cup). You’re gonna chat and talk about music or other events you have been too in the past, favorite artists, your passions... I see also you two kinda singing and dancing to the songs someone is playing (not getting anything specific though, so ig it’ll be very different for many of you -- may also be not about songs but another kind of performance like theater or sth but you’ll talk about it btw).
I think at the end of the evening they’ll want be sure you’ll reach your place safely so they may offer to take you home or call a taxi and come with you. You’ll just say bye and goodnight in front of your door. For some of you, a small kiss might happen, but for the most of you I think you’ll leave a smooch on their cheek that will leave them speechless (so cute!). A real kiss might happen a few days later during another date, aww!
I’m seeing a very nice environment with lot of plants and flowers. Might even be a natural garden (for some, it could be on an island as well - they might have taken you there through a boat trip: it might be a tour on that isle, in which you may see both historical architectures/mansions and natural stuff). But it could also be a trip in a natural place like countryside or mountains (I feel like you won’t be really alone though, even though those other people are not really your friends, there’s gonna be someone else around you).
I see both of you taking lot of pictures and enjoying the tour, but also the nature around you. I feel like this could be something you said you’d like to do and they just decided to surprise you and settled the date on a weekend just to make you happy.
They like these things too btw, but even more to make you happy? It’s like they feel you two have a bond and need to understand a little more about it, so they’re using this date to see how you react and occasionaly talk about things you like. They want to find out more about you... I feel like you aren’t opening up very easily and they see you as a mysterious person but they’r enot scared, just very curioius about you. I feel like they’re going to take photos of you while you’re not paying attention, and really love the results cause “you look even more beautiful when you’re focused on something you like” (be it taking photos or listening to the guide or whatever else). You might catch them taking a pic after a while, and then look at them laughing “you look cute” while you’re being a bit upset. But they’ll show you the pic and say it again “you look cute”.
I see you both have a lot of fun and enjoy maybe a cup of tea somewhere to end the day. I’m seeing you two bickering a little, maybe light touches on your arms, or random hugs (but they’re not really hugs, like for the pic: they may not want you to look at your pic at first and try to hide the camera or viceversa, and someone will happen to hug the other just to catch the camera and take a look... I feel a siblings-vibe in this situation, but pretty cute tbh).
Not seeing a kiss here though, your person is very respectful of your boundaries and doesn’t want to rush you into anything (they want to be sure you want that too before doing anything).
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mercurygguk · 3 years
the first year | jjk (m)
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genre; parents au + established relationship au
pairing; dad!jungkook x fem reader
✎ summary; in which jungkook learns that his new life as a parent can be difficult at times and that it takes a great amount of patience, but even with all that, jungkook wouldn’t trade it for anything.
warnings; my weak attempt at being funny, jungkook as a dad, SMUT; sexual activities, fingering, swearing, light dirty talk, actual sex, jungkook being a simp for his baby mama
word count; 4,121
a/n; here’s a part 2 of my dad!jungkook fic - hope you like it, enjoy!! also, please feel free to give some feedback <3 didn’t proof read at all, ignore any possible typos thx
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Parenting is anything but easy.
That is something Jungkook has learned after the first few months of being a dad. His daughter is usually very easy to handle, very peaceful at most times and over all a very happy baby. However, she likes to wake him up in the middle of the night with loud cries. At this point Jungkook can’t even remember what it feels like to get 8 hours of sleep at night.
Tonight seems to be another one of those nights. Her cries are nothing but irritation, not satisfied with the lack of attention. Jungkook has learned the differences in her cries from the way they sound and whether there are tears or not. Sometimes she’s only doing it just to get some attention when all she really has to do is sleep. She must have inherited her mother’s temper and need for attention.
A heavy sigh falls from Jungkook’s lips, eyes still closed as he waits a few moments, hoping she’ll fall back to sleep without him having to get up and go to her room. Beside him, his girlfriend and the mother of his daughter is stirring, turning over to face Jungkook’s back. Scooting closer, you reach out to touch his back, your palm running up and down.
“I’ll get her,” you softly tell him, speaking into the darkness before blindlessly pressing a kiss to the skin of his back. Before you can get out of bed, Jungkook is getting up. You watch as he drags his feet out of the bedroom and down the small hallway to where his daughter is currently having a midnight crying fit. A small smile sneaks its way onto your lips, knowing he doesn’t mind getting her in the middle of the night despite how tired he sounds and looks. 
There’s nothing in the world he wouldn’t do for her.
Jungkook carefully opens the door, peeking his head inside to see his 7-month-old daughter standing up in her crib, her hands tightly gripping the edge to hold herself up. He switches on the night lamp on her dresser, lighting up the room in a warm glow. Her big brown eyes with long lashes looks at him, no tears in sight, just a small mischievous grin on her face because he’s there to check on her again. The way she has him wrapped around her tiny pinky finger is beyond him. 
“You little tease,” he coos with a smile as he steps closer to the crib, immediately picking her up when she reaches for him. Once she’s in his arms, she cuddles closer to him, head neatly tucked into the crook of his neck. Jungkook sighs deeply in content, running his hand up and down her back as he makes his way out of her room and back to you in the bedroom. You’re still awake when he appears in the doorway, a knowing smirk on your face as he moves closer to the bed. You reach out while pouting, wanting your baby girl in your arms. She’s already half asleep again as Jungkook hands her over before climbing into bed.
Jungkook watches with pure adoration in his eyes as the two most important girls in his life are cuddling up against him. You glance up at him, noticing the small smile he always seems to sport whenever you catch him looking at you and your daughter. She’s fully asleep now, completely unaware of the way her parents are watching her with proudness in their eyes and hearts.
“We got lucky, huh?” You softly say.
Nodding, Jungkook intertwines your free hand with his.
“We really did.”
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“You know what we should?” 
You turn to look at Jungkook, eyebrows raised in question. He looks out of the window in the living room, watching the skyline and tapping his chin as if he’s in deep thought. You wait patiently until he looks your way.
“We should throw a party for Areum’s 1st birthday,” he says. You give him a look only to receive one back.
You scoff lightly, “you don’t think I haven’t thought of that?”
Jungkook shrugs. “Well, you never mentioned it, so how should I know?”
Pretending to be offended, you place a hand on your chest and let out another scoff. Jungkook chuckles at your silliness, scooting closer before pulling you onto his lap. You smile at him, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Of course, we’re throwing her a party. It’s her first one after all.”
Smiling, Jungkook rubs his palms up and down your thighs. Soon the smile falls from his lips. You frown as you watch it happen, his eyes falling to look at anything but your face. You know what he’s thinking, he’s mentioned it before.
“I can’t believe she’s already a year old soon,” he mumbled. You smile softly, reaching up to run a hand through his hair to remove it from his face. He looks at you again, a sad smile on his face now. “She’s growing so fast, it terrifies me.”
“Oh, I know, baby,” you coo, “but she can’t stay tiny forever, you know that.”
He sighs deeply. “Yeah, I know. I just wish I could slow down time sometimes.”
Your heart aches watching him being this sad over something so inevitable. He loves her so much and he’ll do anything to protect her, go to great lengths to get her whatever she needs. It warms your heart, makes you wonder if you ever could’ve found someone more perfect than him if you didn’t have him?
“She’ll always need you, Jungkook. Even when she’ll say she doesn’t.”
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“Areum, sweetheart, no- watch out!”
You watch with wide, horrified eyes as your daughter climbs onto the couch and stands up, wobbling on her very unstable legs. You’re not quick enough to get up and catch her before she tumbles to the ground, her head thankfully not hitting the floor as hard as it could’ve. A loud cry sounds throughout the living room, tears welling up in her eyes as you pick her up.
You examine her for any injuries while cradling her to you. When you don’t see any, you press a kiss on the top of her head. “Oh sweetie, I’m sorry, it’s okay,” you coo, holding her close as she cries it out.
As she sniffles against your shirt, a thousand thoughts run through your mind. Firstly, Jungkook must never know this happened. Secondly, you feel like the worst mother ever, the way you just let her climb up there without support and basically just watching her fall down and almost hit her head very badly.
“Oh, God,” you breathe out, letting out a quiet cry of panic.
The front door opens, your boyfriend’s humming sounding throughout the apartment. You listen as he kicks off his shoes and unzips his jacket. You quickly check Areum’s face for visible tears, hurriedly drying off the remnants with your sleeve. You press a quick kiss to the tip of her nose, flashing her a smile before picking up a toy, handing it to her and pretending her fall didn’t just happen minutes ago.
“Hey babe,” Jungkook appears in the living room, smiling widely at the two of you. He’s quick to come closer, reaching out for Areum and picking her up. He smooches her cheeks with a smile, but it’s without her usual reaction of laughter. You watch, waiting until it hits him. His smile falters, glancing at you whose face is grimacing in apology already. 
The red spots from tears on her small, soft cheeks is what gives it away. That and how quiet she is when usually she’s laughing hysterically when Jungkook smooches her.
“Has she been crying? And is that a bump on her forehead?” He asks, turning to look at you.
“Yeah...” you trail off, wincing as your boyfriend stares you down in suspicion, “we might’ve had a small accident-”
“____!” Jungkook exclaims, horrified as he sits down on the couch with Areum in his lap. He examines her like you did when the fall happened, worry written all over his face. You sigh deeply, getting up from the floor to take a seat beside him. “How did this happen? Did you not watch her?”
“I did!” You quickly defend yourself, “she was crawling onto the couch and before I knew it she was falling down head first into the rug!”
Jungkook exhales, looking back at Areum who’s playing with the thin silver chain around his neck. The bump on her forehead doesn’t look too bad. “I guess the rug took most of the fall, the bump isn’t that big.”
“Oh God, I’m the worst mom ever!” You cry out at the sight of the small bump on your daughter’s head, wrapping yourself around Jungkook’s arm, your face hidden in his shoulder. Jungkook can’t help but roll his eyes. You always have to be so dramatic, thinking the worst about yourself when this could’ve happened to any parent.
“____,” he calls out, catching your attention. You sniffle lightly, lifting your head to look up at him. He smiles at you. “You’re not the worst mom ever, okay? You’re the best and this minor accident doesn’t define your entire role as a mother. She’s okay, look.”
You look at your daughter, her attention still focused on the silver chain, although now her small mouth is curved into a small smile. You smile at her, Jungkook does too. “It’s just a tiny bump,” he tells you, pausing before saying: “there will probably be much worse in the future.”
Gasping, you slap his upper arm causing Areum to let out that precious baby laugh. “Don’t jinx it!”
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Jungkook is in a good mood, a pep in his step as he makes his way up to yours and his apartment, fully aware that you’re probably already cooking a delicious meal and making everything ready for your ‘date night’. The drive back from his parents’ place, where he just dropped off Areum, was filled with loud music that made him even more excited for finally having some time with you alone after God knows how long.
Once he steps through the front door, a delicious aroma of his favorite dish hits his nostrils causing him to let out a deep sigh of content. He quickly slips off his shoes and jacket before making his way to the kitchen. Feel-good songs are playing on the speaker and you’re moving around while preparing the food, singing along and just enjoying yourself. You’re not aware of Jungkook standing behind you, a big grin on his face.
Deciding to surprise you, he sneaks up behind you and snakes his arms around your waist, chin resting on your shoulder. You jump lightly in his embrace, turning your head slightly to see that it is in fact the love of your life who’s hugging you.
“Hi,” you softly say, smiling when he presses his lips to your cheek in a soft kiss.
“Mhm,” he hums in response, “it smells delicious, baby.”
“Good for you that your favorite dish is the one I make the best,” you smirk, flipping the steaks on the pan. Jungkook chuckles before agreeing with you. You turn the heat down before turning around in his arms, coming face to face with him. Without another thought he leans in and steals a quick peck. He grins at you when he pulls back to look at you again. “Go get cleaned up,” you tell him, pushing him away from you.
“I love you,” he smiles sweetly as he backs away and heads towards the bedroom. You watch with a lovesick smile, your eyes automatically landing on his butt because it’s right there and you can’t help yourself. Something tells you, you won't finish dinner at the table, but in bed instead.
Sure enough, you stayed at the table until you finished the main dish. You had prepared dessert as well but Jungkook is in the mood for another kind of dessert – that’s what he had said when he got up from his seat before pulling you from yours and tugging you towards the bedroom. Screw the ice cream, you thought to yourself and allowed Jungkook to guide you to the bed.
Ever since Areum was born you’ve had few chances of being alone with Jungkook, enjoying his company and the love he always stores deep inside of him until he feels like showering you in it. 
It’s slow but hurried, it’s passionate and yet filled with desperation, it’s you and him together in your own bubble. Your eyes close shut as Jungkook traces your skin with his lips, his hands running over and feeling your curves and every dip in your body. His lips brush across the faint stretch marks on your stomach, his hands cupping your breasts softly yet firmly.
“God, you’re the most beautiful mama to ever exist,” Jungkook groans as he hovers over you, looking you up and down, noticing every single detail of your body and skin. You smile, a faint blush covering your cheeks as he dips down to kiss you softly. His tongue meets yours halfway, a soft moan falling from your mouth and into his. He swallows the whimpers you let out as he reaches down, fingers running between your lower lips, the wetness there evident to him.
“Jungkook,” you sigh in pleasure against his lips as he rolls your clit with his thumb, “more, please.”
He smirks softly, lips moving from your lips to your cheeks and further down to the top of your breasts, peppering kisses all over you. All your senses are on fire, the feeling of his lips, his fingers, his body against yours, the growing erection against your leg. Your hand reaches down to rub against it through his boxers, the only piece of clothing separating his cock from your clenching hole. You’re whimpering against him as the pressure from his thumb on your clit is edging you closer to your release.
“J-jungkook, please, I need you,” you gasp, you're moving automatically against his fingers causing more friction, “n-need you so bad.”
“That desperate for my cock, huh baby?” He teases, smoothly sinking his fingers inside of you, “you want me to finish you off now or would you like to cum all over my cock?”
You moan at his words, back arching up against him. “Your cock, please, wanna cum all over it.”
A grunt leaves Jungkook as he imagines it before him. It doesn’t take long for him to strip off his boxers, throwing them onto the floor beside the bed. You anticipate the stretch, already clenching around nothing as Jungkook lines himself up with your entrance. You reach for his hand just as he starts pushing past your walls, stretching you open so deliciously in a way you’ll never be able to handle without gasping in pure pleasure. Jungkook intertwines his hand with yours as he keeps it pressed against the mattress right beside your head.
He bottoms out, filling you to the brim. He breathes out heavily, his breathing ragged as he  lets you adjust to his impressive width and length. “Fuck, I’ll never get tired of seeing you like this,” he rasps out as he pulls out and pushes back in, watching the way your eyes roll back in pleasure, “my pretty baby all fucked out.”
It blows your mind how he always manages to make it so dirty yet soft. You’re already a mess beneath him and he’s barely begun. “Oh god, Jungkook-”
A forceful push of his hips has you gasping, a high pitched moan tumbling from your lips. His hips connect with yours in a rhythm, skin against skin, the lewd sounds of your wetness and the feeling of Jungkook thrusting and grinding into you. His lips are back against your skin, your collarbones earning kisses and small bites, your free hand running from his lower back and up his spine to the hair in his neck. You tug at it, earning a grunt from Jungkook. Lifting his head, he looks you in the eye, his lips slightly parted as he works you both to your highs.
His eyes are soft while his actions are far from it, the look he’s giving you tells you everything he doesn’t say out loud. “Oh my god, I’m gonna- fuck,” you gasp, tightening your hold on his hand, giving his hand a squeeze.
“Me too, baby, me too,” Jungkook moans, leaning down to press his lips to yours, kissing you like it would be the last. He swallows your whimpers, your moans and gasps as your orgasm hits you hard. Jungkook follows you, his orgasm hitting him as you clench around him. He stills inside of you, moaning deeply at the feeling of you clenching and milking him for every drip of cum. He’s panting as he comes down, his face hidden in the crook of your neck. Yours and his breathing is the only thing you can hear in the room as you both try to collect yourselves. Your fingers are caressing his scalp as he stays in your arms, letting his weight rest upon you. Silence engulfs you and him, Jungkook’s breathing clashing against your neck, your fingers dancing across the skin on his back. You can feel his cum trickling out of you, but you don’t really care at this point, just enjoying the moment and worrying later about the mess that is the sheets.
Jungkook’s thoughts are running a hundred miles per hour as he lays in silence with you close against him. His thoughts shift from the first time he met you to when he first kissed you to the way you told him you loved him before he told you. Then his thoughts wander on to his daughter, the tiny person he created with you just from the love between the two of you. There are so many memories with you, moments and life events he shares with you. An idea pops into his mind, it’s something he has been thinking about for a long time, he just didn’t find the right time yet. He wants to add another meaningful celebration of life and love to the memories he shares with you.
He wants to marry you.
Jungkook already asked for your parents’ approval. They told him yes in an instant, reminding him that he has a child with you and that the two of you are already past asking for approval. That thought alone makes Jungkook chuckle softly. He really did things with you in a messy order. First he slept with you then he dated you. Then he asked you to be his girlfriend and then after a few years he accidentally got you pregnant and now he’s thinking about proposing to you.
“What?” You ask, smiling softly as you hear Jungkook chuckle.
He rolls over, his back hitting the mattress and pulling you with him to lay halfway on top of him. He smiles at you, his fingers reaching out to tuck strands of your hair behind your ears.
“It just hit me how we’ve done things in a really random order,” he tells you. Your eyebrows pull together in confusion at his words. “First we slept together and then we started dating after that, then I asked you to be my girlfriend,” he’s grinning from ear to ear as you listen and he’s talking, reminiscing the years he’s spent with you. “I got you pregnant by accident and now we’re parents and I just…”
He falls silent, his smile faltering as he looks you in the eyes. You’re looking at him with those eyes that always hold so much love for him and Areum too. Beautiful eyes that can calm him at any given time, tell him everything’s gonna be alright without you saying anything. Jungkook would do anything to look into those eyes for the rest of his life. He could just ask you, right now in this very moment. It doesn’t have to be a candlelit dinner or with rose petals. What matters is you and him together in an intimate moment where all feelings lay in front of you, bared for the both of you to see.
“Marry me.”
You freeze, your fingertips that had returned to running over his skin freeze in their movement. Jungkook can tell your eyes are watering. You open your mouth to speak, a small voice coming out as you say: “w-what?”
Jungkook nods, “you heard me, baby,” he softly says.
“I’m-” You begin but cut yourself off. Jungkook watches as a wide smile spreads across your face, the first few tears falling from your eyes and running down your cheeks. He reaches out to wipe them away, smiling softly himself. “Oh my god,” you cry.
“So, is that a yes?”
Nodding, you crawl up to wrap your arms around him in a tight hug, pressing your lips to his in a kiss. “Of course, it is! It’s a million times yes!” You say against his lips, pulling away slightly to rest your forehead against his. “I love you so much, Jungkook.”
“I love you the most, baby.”
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Areum is 1 year old today.
She’s 1 year old and Jungkook isn’t sure how to handle it. His baby girl is growing up so fast and it both terrifies and amazes him. You seem to handle it pretty well, but Jungkook has a feeling you’re just very good at hiding it. There’s no way you’re not emotional about the fact that the baby you carried around for 9 months is already 1 year old.
“How’s my favorite granddaughter?” Jungkook’s mother coos as she walks right past her son and towards Areum who’s sitting on the rug in the living room, surrounded by her toys. Jungkook watches in disbelief how his mother doesn’t even give him a moment of attention, clearly only here to visit her grandchild.
“Mom, she’s your only granddaughter,” Jungkook deadpans before turning back to greet his father, “hey dad.”
Jungkook’s father gives him a tight hug before moving on to give you an even tighter hug. “How are you, ____?” He asks, smiling as he pulls away to look at you.
You smile in return. “I’m good! And you?”
“Same as always,” he shrugs, “not much happens when you reach a certain age.”
You chuckle at that, telling him to go say hi to his granddaughter. You watch as Areum greets his grandfather with a big grin, reaching out for him like she does with everyone she loves. You smile at the scenario in front of you, how Areum is the center of attention for all of her four grandparents. Your parents had arrived earlier than Jungkook’s, having kept Areum entertained for the past hour or so.
“Should we tell them today?” Jungkook asks as you join him in the kitchen, his voice low in case his mom should suddenly appear behind him. “You know, about that,” he points to the ring on your finger.
Smiling at him, you lean up and kiss him quickly on the lips. “Sure,” you agree with him, making him smile, “but remember it’s Areum’s day today. So we’ll just mention it and then move on with her birthday party.”
Jungkook nods at that. “Of course. Nothing is bigger than her 1st birthday-” he pauses at that, the fact hitting him once again. He then turns to you, giving you a confused look, “how are you not emotional about it at all? I literally cried when I gave her a bath last night.”
A laugh emits from your lips. “You cried? Because it’s your daughter's 1st birthday?”
Offended by how you’re finding his devastation humorous, Jungkook scoffs. “Yeah, as a matter of fact, I did.”
You’re smiling at him in adoration as you wrap your arms around his waist, hugging him tightly. Jungkook hugs you back, pressing his lips to your temple. Areum’s laughter flows through the apartment causing the two of you to laugh yourselves. It’s like sweet music to your ears when Areum has a fit of giggles.
“I adore her so much, ____,” Jungkook suddenly says as he watches from the kitchen, watching how Areum is surrounded by her grandparents, having the best 1st birthday. You’re constantly smiling, you have been ever since Areum was born. The joy she brought with her when she came into the world is unlimited and you feel like you’re on top of the world for creating such a happy, lively small human being.
“I know, baby,” you tighten your arms around him, giving him a squeeze, “she’s the best thing that’s happened to us.”
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jahayla-parker · 2 years
Golden Arrows Part 2: Nathan Drake x Reader
Part 2 to Golden Arrows
Warnings: cursing, mentions of sex and alcohol, flirting, etc.
Note: part 1 was probably longer than each other part will be because I wasn’t planning on doing a pt 2 let alone a series.
This did not get enough response to generate a part 3 so ignore the above remark.
P.s. sorry for any typos! Autocorrect sometimes gets the best of me even after proofreading and editing.
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I wake up to warm sunlight hitting my bare shoulders. I slowly open my eyes and lazily look around at my surroundings.
I’m in a ridiculously puffy bed in the hotel portion of the wedding reception venue and Nate is lying next to me.
His chest is naked and the blanket over us covers his lower half as if it makes last night disappear.
I smile to myself softly as I trace the areas I know I’ll be bruised or otherwise have marks from last night’s activities with Nate.
I wince as I brush my fingers over a tender spot on my neck but freeze upon realizing im not wearing my necklace.
I sigh in relief when I recall taking it off last night before going to bed so as to not have it get damaged.
Nate shifts a bit and looks up at me in a daze, “good morning beautiful”. God his groggy morning voice is so heavenly.
I smile at him and adjust how I'm sitting on the bed to give him a soft kiss.
He smiles and kisses me back and runs his fingers through my hair. Well, attempts to, but is stopped upon reaching a knot.
He pulls back and bites his lip before giving me a shit-eating grin knowing he’s the cause of the mess of knots in my hair.
I shake my head and turn around to get up and ready for the day.
“Where are you going?” He whines, voice barely above a whisper.
“To get ready lazy. Some people actually have to work for a living not steal” I smirk.
“Hey! I work too, I just happen to do both” he laughs.
I roll my eyes and reach for my phone only to see my nightstand does not hold my necklace.
I swear I placed it there last night.
“Nate?” I ask in a hushed tone, not liking the thought crossing my mind but there was no one else in this room.
“Mmm” he mumbles still half asleep.
“Ummm… have you seen my necklace?” I ask, wanting to give him benefit of the doubt.
“It was on the night stand” he says, sitting up.
“It’s not now” I sigh, wrapping the bedsheet around me as I stand up to look behind and next to it. Nothing.
“You know if you were going to just steal the necklace you didn’t need to give it back in the first place. Then you wouldn’t have had to sleep with me to get it back. Do you just like the chase or something?” I remark, unsure if I’m joking or not.
“Y/N, I didn’t steal it again. Come on! I know I messed up but I’m not that kind of person. Plus I so didn’t sleep with you over a necklace!” Nate argues and I can hear him getting out of the bed even with my back to him.
“Let me look” he says, walking over.
“Nate! Cover up” I yell, tossing a pillow to him.
He chuckles, “beautiful you know you’ve already seen everything”.
I groan, “shut up! I’m not pleased with you right now”.
“Wait, do you actually think I would do this?” He asks.
“I don’t know Nate! I don’t want to but I barely even know you!” I defend, sitting down on the bed, the wrinkled bedsheet still clinging to me.
Nate sighs and walks to where his clothes are.
A few moments of silence later, he sits next to me, in his boxers this time.
“I’m not that kind of person, especially not one who would seduce you just to get the necklace” he claims.
“Yeah well, I’m not the kind of person who normally has a one-night stand with a guy she just met but here we are” I argue, getting up and gathering my clothes.
“Seriously? That’s all this was to you was a one-night stand with a stranger?” Nate says, getting up as well.
“Nate, don’t do this. I don’t need you to pretend this was something more than it was. You clearly just wanted the damn necklace but found a way to get something extra” I yell, aggressively grabbing my dress off the floor.
“I didn’t take your necklace! I mean, I can see why you’d think that” he sighs and follows behind me as I slam the bathroom door shut between us.
I stare at myself in the mirror and want to lay on the floor and cry.
Last night I not only slept with Nate, a stranger I just met that night who was attempting to steal my mother’s necklace.
No, that wouldn’t be enough of a middle finger from the universe.
Instead, said necklace is now gone and the only people in the room last night were Nate and I.
On top of that, my only friend stabbed me in the back.
All over this necklace to some treasure.
I don’t care about the damn treasure, the necklace was my late mom’s that’s all I care about.
I can’t have her back and I almost gave up this necklace last night out of anger and just when I thought the universe was giving me a break by Nate bringing it back to me, this happens.
I begrudgingly wet my hair enough to comb through the knots as quickly as I can.
I probably pulled more hair out than I needed to due to rushing but I don’t care.
I can’t be around Nate anymore.
I sound like a naive middle schooler when thinking this, but he made me believe he actually liked me and cared about me when he was just using me.
I place my palms on the counter and stare at myself in the mirror, not recognizing my reflection.
It’s like I walked into the wedding as myself and left as someone else entirely.
I clean my face as best as I can with the free hotel soaps hoping to get the makeup off.
Once my hair is better and my makeup off, I feel slightly more myself.
I take a deep breath and walk out of the bathroom and into the hotel room Nate and I shared last night.
“Hey… So I do know where your necklace is after all” Nate says tentatively.
I roll my eyes, “great, enjoy it”.
I shake my head as I walk past him over to my phone and shoes.
“Stop being a pain in the ass for one moment please” Nate complains.
“Excuse me? You do recall you attempted to steal from me to start with right?” I ask, my hands on my hips.
Nate looks at me and takes in my cleaned-up self, causing me to blush knowing I don’t have makeup on.
He smiles softly and nods, “I know and I’m sorry. You can steal something from me if you want. But, what I’m trying to say is I’m just as mad as you are about this.”
I turn to him with my eyebrows raise in silent question.
“Okay, probably not quite as mad as you are. But! I’m still really mad because I don’t fault you for thinking I took it given how it looks. But I didn’t touch it I swear and so knowing that someone else has it and made it seem like me sucks because I really do like you” Nate rambles.
I let out a deflated sigh, “alright. I believe you. I’m not sure why I believe you, but I do. If you didn’t take it, who has it?”
“Ummm… about that…” he mumbles, looking away.
“Nate. Is it that Sully asshole?” I ask.
He laughs a bit at the nickname but nods.
I sigh and sit down on the bed to put on my shoes.
“I promise I’ll get it back” he says as he grabs my hand, “again”.
I smile softly and kiss his cheek, “thank you. I’m sorry for assuming.. I didn’t want to but it was only us in here”.
My eyes go wide as I realize that means Sully was in here, while…
“no it’s fine, I would’ve too had the roles been flipped” Nate laughs but stops upon seeing my reaction.
“Y/n/n, what is it?” He asks, trying to get me to look at him by moving his head in front of my dazed eyes.
“He… he was in here while we were…” I trail off, anger flowing through me coated with my embarrassment.
Nate’s eyes widen as well and he drags his hand down his face in frustration.
He stands up and kisses the top of my head before walking towards the door.
“What are you doing?” I ask, snickering as he’s still in just his boxers.
“Going to deal with Sully” He gripes, hand on the doorknob.
Nate turns to stare at me when he hears me laughing, “what so funny? He can’t just come in here while we were sleeping! Especially not when you aren’t dressed!”.
I blush slightly at how cute he is when he’s protecting me.
“I mean if that’s how you two greet each other, go ahead” I laugh, pointing to Nate’s half-naked body, “explains the tension between you two I suppose”.
Nate’s face flushes bright red as he stalks over to his clothes.
“There’s no tension between me and Sully” he glares playfully.
I pat his shoulder mockingly as he pulls his pants on, “I’m not jealous, it’s okay if there is”.
Nate scoffs and rolls his eyes, “right now there’s tension but that has to do with his lack of boundaries and sneaking around to get your necklace. There’s no sexual tension, you do realize he’s like way older than us right?”.
“Mmm, maybe but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s hot” I joke, walking back to the bed.
Nate’s head snaps upwards as he freezes his attempts to get dressed.
I pretend I don’t notice this from the corner of my eye and bite my inner lip to not laugh.
“You’re joking. You are joking right?” Nate asks, hopping over to me as he resumes pulling his pants on.
I shrug and continue looking at my hands instead of him.
“Come on! He’s old and he stole from you!” Nate whines, standing in front of me hoping it’ll make me look up.
I roll my eyes playfully and look up at him, a small smile on my face, “perhaps but so did you, maybe I have a thing for bad boys?”.
Nate’s eyes widen as he groans, “God I really hope you’re joking”.
“Nate” I laugh, deciding to let up.
“No I’m serious, like I may seem like the guy who has one-night stands but I’m usually not and this meant something to me. You mean something to me” He sighs, rubbing his hand through his hair.
I smile widely and drag his hand away, causing him to look at me.
I stand and wrap my arms around his neck and give him a kiss, “Of course I’m kidding. Do you not recall me just having called him an asshole?”.
Nate hums and kisses me back, his fingers slipping around my waist and resting on my zipper.
“Ahhh ahh, not so fast. Not until we deal with Sully and my necklace” I laugh, pushing him back softly.
Nate blushes, embarrassed to have gotten caught up in the moment.
“Right, and then I want to actually take you on a date.. if you’ll let me that is” Nate says, slipping his hands into his pants pockets timidly.
I smile and nod, “I’d love that Nate. Why don’t you put on a shirt and we will go deal with him and then go home to change for a date”.
Nate grins and takes my hand as he nods and leads us toward his shirt.
“Wait” he says, spinning around suddenly.
I flinch in shock but don’t back away from him.
“Did you say we?” He asks, confusion clear in his voice.
“Yeah Nate, that’s usually the word one uses when describing themselves and the person they’re talking to” I smirk.
Nate rolls his eyes but laughs, “that’s not why I was asking; I know that. I ask because I’m thinking it might be best if I handled this alone”.
I step back and cross my arms over my chest and give him a look that causes him to visibly swallow.
“It’s just that, he’s, like you said, an ass. And, well I don’t know what he saw last night while we were asleep” he mumbles.
“I don’t care if he’s an ass, I can handle myself. And did you say when we were asleep?” I clarify.
“I know you can, I’m not saying you can’t. But yeah, I assume that’s when he came in” Nate says, confused as to why I asked.
“How do you know that’s when he came in?” I say, rewording my question.
“We would’ve seen him otherwise” Nate shrugs.
“I don’t know, you were… pretty focused” I laugh.
Nate laughs quietly and shakes his head, “yeah well fine, then you would’ve seen him unless you’re admitting you were as equally distracted by me as I was by you”.
“Hmm you’re right, I would’ve seen him” I smirk and walk to the door.
“Rude” Nate sighs but I can hear his smile in his tone.
“Coming?” I ask, opening the door.
“At the moment, no” Nate remarks with a laugh.
I turn around and smack his arm, “shut up, let’s go”.
I pause mid-stride and look at him hesitantly.
He tilts his head to the side, almost like a puppy.
God, he’s adorable.
But I still have to know.
“Nate, I have to ask… you didn’t umm let him in did you?” I mumble, feeling guilty for asking.
Nate shakes his head no, “absolutely not, I promise. I had no idea I only knew he had it because he was my first suspect and he does things like this all the time.”
I nod, “okay, sorry.. I wasn’t implying you did I just had to ask. After everything lately with everyone I don’t know who to trust. I’ve known y/f/n for years, and now this”.
Nate turns us so he is standing in front of me, “you don’t need to apologize. I know it’ll take you time to trust anyone, especially me when we didn’t start off right. I promise you though that I’ll earn it and make sure no one else betrays it without consequence”.
I smile kindly and nod in appreciation, still feeling timid.
He kisses my nose and pulls me into the hall.
“Ahhh well if it isn’t the two-” Sully begins as he opens the door.
I ignore the fact that he’s mid-sentence and direct him backwards by placing my hand on his chest and pushing him away from the door.
I see Nate smirk out of my peripheral vision before he closed the door behind us.
“Well that wasn’t very nice” Sully feigns offense.
“You came into our room last night!” Nate yells, walking over to us.
“I did no such thing. I came into your room” he argues, pointing at Nate.
I roll my eyes in irritation.
“You know what I mean” Nate says, irritated as well.
“I just needed to-“ Sully laughs, but this time it is Nate who cuts him off.
“I don’t care man. You can’t do things like that, especially not when other people are impacted too” Nate interrupts.
I smile softly even though Nate probably cannot tell.
“Kid relax, no need to act tough in front of your girlfriend” Sully jokes.
Nate glares at him as he starts tripping over his words, “she’s not, well- we haven’t, err... or I haven’t ...”.
I sigh and glare at Sully as well, “knock it off. Leave him alone and give me my necklace”.
“Ahhhh coming to his rescue hmm? Nate, you really going to let the girl you’re sleeping with speak for you?” Sully laughs and as he does I finally notice the scent of beer, and lots of it.
“What did you say about her?!” Nate yells and his features tighten as he gets ready to likely yell at Sully again but I step between them before he can.
“The girl he’s sleeping with? Really?” I defend looking up at Sully.
“Y/n/n, please let me deal with him, he’s clearly wasted, I don’t know what he’s going to do next” Nate says, his fingertips grazing my wrist as he reaches for my hand.
“Oh, I’m well aware he’s hammered” I laugh, looking Sully up and down.
“But he’s still giving me my mother’s necklace and he’s going to either address me directly, or stop referring to me at all” I assert.
Sully shakes his head, almost falling over in the process, “I can’t”.
“I swear” I grumble, fully prepared to shove him onto the bed so he can’t fall over and so he has to listen to me.
Before I can decide if it is a good plan or just aggression, Nate interferes, “Sully damn it, give her the necklace”.
“I caaann’t” Sully whines, his words are clumbed into one syllable but given the context, I can make it out.
Nate huffs and begins to start digging through drawers and looking for it.
“Why are you such an ass?” I ask Sully as he stumbles to the foot of the bed.
“Mayybbee beausssse Nathaniel heeere” he says, pointing to Nate.
“It’s Nate or Nathan, idiot” Nate scoffs as he tosses yet another drawer onto the floor to look through, “and how do you have this much crap in your hotel room?”.
Sully either doesn’t hear or care to respond and instead continues his discussion with me, “got dissstraccteed by yooou. If got” he begins, stopping to burp.
I roll my eyes and cross my arms as I wait.
What he says next is probably collier reine des flèches, or the supposed name of the necklace but if he was ever decent at speaking French, he sure isn’t when he’s drunk.
“We would be gone buuut noooo, he got sssoooffftt and nowww it isss gonee “ he sighs.
“I didn’t go soft, I’m just not as big of an asshole as you are” Nate defends.
I roll my eyes, “now is not the time to worry about your egos. Sully, you said gone, what do you mean it’s gone?”
He rolls over and falls off the bed in a slump.
I groan and look over at Nate who just sighs and nods.
Nate comes over and grabs Sully, using all of his body weight to flop him back on the bed, “answer her question”.
“Gooonnee as in foooorever. Ssshhee took it” he says, rubbing his head.
My eyes widen as I look up at Nate in hopes he has a secret person who is also involved or knows who he’s talking about.
However, Nate’s eyes are wide too as he asks Sully who he is talking about.
Sully mumbles something incoherent but it doesn’t matter because I spot something in the bathroom on the floor.
I hold up a finger telling Nate to wait a moment as I walk over to see if it is what I think it is.
“You didn’t let me kill her last time, I’m going to now” I complain, unsure if I’m even joking at this point.
I hadn’t planned on actually killing her last time, but as I hold her bright pink bobby pin in my hand, the temptation is there.
“What is it?” Nate asks, approaching me.
I hold it up to show him, “it’s y/f/n’s “.
“Are you sure? I’m sure lots of people have…. Bright pink hair things…” Nate says, clearly trying to help me feel better but knowing the chances are low.
“I’m sure, that mark there” I say, grabbing his hand and placing his finger over the area where there’s a scuff in the paint and a minor indent in the metal.
“That was from using it to enter-“ I begin but catch that I’m about to admit to breaking and entering.
Nate smirks and raises his eyebrows at me teasingly. I flush and look away, “doesn’t matter. The point is it’s y/f/n”.
Nate sighs, “so what do we do?”.
I look over at Sully who is passed out on the bed now.
“You guys wanted to look for treasure? Well, you’ll need the necklace so if you help me, I’ll help you” I inform him.
“Y/n/n” Nate says, holding my hand, “you don’t need to let me or Sully use the necklace to find any treasure. I’ll help you regardless”.
I smile minimally and nod, “thanks Nate. But you and I already discussed this, you said we could find it together”.
He smiles and presses a faint kiss on my cheek, “and I meant that. I just don’t trust Sully”.
I laugh and nod, “yeah, well it looks like he got burned by y/f/n too. So, I think he may come around to helping us out”.
Nate smirks and laughs, “alright, I’ll get him sobered up”.
I nod, “I’m going to go home and grab some clothes and maybe my passport?”
Nate nods, “passport is a good idea. We’ll need Sully to use his connections for the flight or else we’ll need to figure something out. Can you stop by my apartment and grab some clothes for me too? I don’t feel like wearing this all the time”.
I laugh, “if you text me the address and give me your key I suppose I could do that. But don’t blame me if you don’t find any shirts in your suitcase”.
Nate blushes and smirks, “I hear you don’t need the key to get into a locked building”.
I bite my lip and shrug.
Nate laughs and fishes a key out of his pocket and hands it to me, “I do need some shirts though”.
I hum, “we’ll see. Our deal was you’d show me why I should go with you to find this treasure. Who says that means that ends now?” I tease.
“Oh beautiful, I assure you” he wraps his arms around my waist, “it won’t be ending there”.
I smirk and lean forward to kiss him, “we’ll see what I decide on the shirts”.
He rolls his eyes but smiles, “I’ll compromise on that topic if I must but after your jokes earlier I’m really not letting Sully join on that aspect of the adventure”.
“Nate!” I laugh, repeating my remark the last time he said that.
He smirks and laughs as he drops his hold on me so I can leave to pack.
I smile and ensure I have my phone before heading to the door.
“Oh” I pause and look over my shoulder, “we’re probably headed to France right?”.
Nate nods slowly as he waits for an explanation.
I hum and smile before facing forward, “sweet. French boys are hot”.
I hear Nate gasp as I shut the door behind me.
I smirk and laugh quietly to myself as I walk down the hallway.
Between getting my necklace back, learning more about my mom, possibly finding some treasure, and now Nate, this next adventure should be fun.
Part 3?
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jkstompers · 4 years
don’t go | jjk
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pairing: jeon jungkook x female reader
summary: you and jungkook were simply roommates, nothing more than that. no matter how much you wanted to get to know him, jungkook always left before you were able to get any deeper than two weeks into his past. 
word count: 3.3K 
genre: roommates, established friendship, hidden feelings, angst, slight fluff
warnings: none! :) (except maybe some typos...ignore that...haha...)
author’s note: yes hi hello! i’m so sorry i haven’t posted in so long AND I WAS SUPPOSED TO POST THIS FIC THE DAY AFTER VALENTINES UGH!! I’M SLACKING, I’M SORRY!! i’ve been writing but i don’t have the motivation to finish and ugh it’s a mess in my brain right now. this fic i was able to finish though! hopefully u enjoy it ♡(ŐωŐ人) please let me know what u think! sorry again for being so inactive T口T. 
side note: this is how i imagined jungkook in this fic! his pink sweater and long hair (╯°▽°)╯ ┻━┻ .crying. 
also banner picture cred: here <3
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“welcome home roomie! how was your month long vacation from me this time?” you greet jungkook when he walks into the kitchen for breakfast. he just came back last night from one of his month long rendezvous that occur way too often in your opinion. jungkook would disappear and reappear every other week or so. he never told you where he went and you never really found yourself dedicated enough to find out. 
“fun,” he answers flatly, “and to be specific, it was only two weeks.” he clarifies the time he spent away, sitting down at the island and surveying the food you laid out. you outdid yourself this morning, an array of different breakfast foods. “you made all of this?” 
you nod, “they were about to go bad, so you better finish all of it.” 
he sends you a half smile, teetering on a smirk as he takes the plate you hand him. “you doing anything today?” he asks. his fork stabs through two pancakes and moves them to his plate, shoveling bacon and eggs onto there as well. 
“on this fine sunday? sadly, no, just some homework i need to finish.” you sigh, taking a sip from your glass of water. your seat is to the right of jungkook, at the head of the island. it’s now that you really take your time to look at him. his morning look in all it’s glory. a face swollen and hair messy in the cutest way. it wasn’t fair that he was attractive during times when you’re supposed to look unattractive. his hair has grown a little longer since you last saw him, the ends of his hair touching the apples of his cheeks now. speaking of his cheeks, he stuffs them full of food and chews, his eyes wandering around the apartment until he makes contact with yours. catching you staring. 
he swallows, bringing his glass of water to his lips before speaking again, “my face that interesting to you?” the question comes with a piece of pancake on his fork, offering it to you.  
like a reflex, you open your mouth to accept the pancake. but you scrunch your nose at the remark he made, “you look different.” 
the statement is meant to be innocent, speaking of the way his hair is a little longer and how you notice a new tattoo gracing his arm. but jungkook seems to take it a little deeper, your words ringing in his head. different? does that mean you look at him different? is he prettier now? uglier? what do you mean by that? 
“do you want to go grocery shopping later?” he asks. hoping you didn’t notice the long pause he took to overthink. 
“sure,” you shrugged. a small bubble of excitement forming in your stomach. “we’re out of ice cream anyway.” you try to carry a nonchalant reaction when nods. 
when the two of you finished filling your bellies, jungkook helped you wash the dishes and clean everything up. the feeling of having him around makes you feel at ease. you wish it was like this more often. for the past two years jungkook had been your roommate, he paid his dues, cleaned his messes, and kept you company from time to time. when he wasn’t there (which was ⅔ of the time) it didn’t feel right. it would feel colder in the apartment, even if the heater was turned up. just...empty. sometimes you wished his socks or hoodies were left lying around the apartment for you to pick up and bicker with him about. rather, he cleaned every spot, no laundry to pick up, no spills to wipe, nothing. leaving no signs that he lived here at all. 
“nap for a little bit and then we’ll go?” jungkook asks, snapping you out of your thoughts. you nod, telling him to wake you up when it was time to go. 
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you felt a warm hand on your shoulder, gently shaking you awake. your eyes open to see jungkook in front of you, pink sweater and black hair, contrasting perfectly in the sun that’s shining through your window. “let’s go now,” he says. 
you nod, getting up from your bed and stretching as you walk over to your closet, grabbing a sweater to wear. jungkook offers to drive, you sit in the passenger seat, mind focused on what you had to buy for the house. you make it to the store and grab a cart, jungkook following behind you, “do you need anything?” you ask. 
“some shampoo and conditioner,” he answers. you nod, moving to the bath section and waiting as jungkook chooses his items. the rest of the trip consists of you and jungkook asking each other if you needed said thing for the apartment. “we have to get more blankets,” he declares as you pass the home goods section, grabbing a fluffy blanket.
you scold him, “we have too many blankets, put it back.” he presses his lips into a tight line, showing his dissatisfaction. you both continue to walk around a little longer, moving to the food section. “see, this is what we need!” you pull out the cookie dough tub. 
“dough?” he snorts, taking a look at the bucket as you hold it. 
“it’s ready to eat cookie dough! no salmonella for us!” you smile, dropping it into your cart. jungkook doesn’t say anything after that, you knew he wanted the cookie dough too, you were just taking one for the team. 
walking a little further into the food section, jungkook taps your shoulder, pointing to the other side of the freezers. “ice cream?” 
“oh, yeah,” you nod, pushing the cart that way. you pull the vanilla ice cream out and place it in the cart, jungkook furrows his eyebrows. 
“vanilla? out of all the flavors here? really?” he stares at you, a serious look on his face. you can’t help but start laughing, his face breaks, a small smile appearing on his face but he tries to get back to a serious expression. 
“it’s good! and you can eat it with the cookie dough,” you reason. jungkook rolls his eyes, you always seem to find a way to stump him, he can never argue with you for too long, you’re just too good of a talker. he takes out a mint chocolate tub from the freezer. you don’t say anything but your face scrunches, visibly disapproving.
“don’t start, i will argue for mint chocolate until the store closes.” he warns. you decide to stay quiet, a smile cemented on your face as you make it to check out. the rest of the trip goes smoothly from there, picking up some food on the way home and then making it back to the apartment. 
the two of you decide to do some things on your own when you got home. jungkook had to clean his room and do some laundry while you had to finish your homework. a period of comfortable silence fills the apartment, unlike the cold silence that you were terribly used to. you couldn’t have felt any more content than how you feel now. 
a few hours pass before jungkook finishes his chores, you were finished with your work and were now scheduling your next week. he peeks his head into your room, coughing to get your attention. your head turns at the sound, “movie?” he suggests. 
you smile, standing from your desk. the two of you travel to the couch and plop down on the seats, your hand reaching out to the coffee table for the remote. “which one?” you ask, turning the tv on and clicking random buttons that bring you to netflix. 
“that blue one, with the blonde.” he points as you scroll through the selections. 
“mamma mia?” you snort. 
“looks interesting,” he shrugs. unfolding the blanket and splaying it over the both of you. the first fifteen minutes of the movie plays before both you and jungkook start getting hungry. a rock, paper, scissors game ensues to figure out who’s gonna get up to get the snacks. you lose, 2 to 1. 
you grumble, pulling the warm blanket off of you and moving to the kitchen. taking a bag of chips out, some candy that you had in the pantry, and then the tub of ready to eat cookie dough out of the fridge. the weight of it proving you to be one of the weakest human beings. the tub practically slams onto the counter. the lid once again proving that your strength was not that of thor’s. “jungkook!” you shout from the kitchen. 
“what?” he yells back. 
you try once more to pry the lid open, but to no avail. so you shout once again, “help me open the cookie dough!” 
you hear jungkook groan, but nevertheless he comes into the kitchen, his face silently asking what you need him to do. you show him that the lid is basically stuck and he takes it from you, trying to take the top off but he seems to struggle as well. “here, you hold and i pull,” he suggests, holding onto the lid as you hold onto the bucket part. something told you this wasn’t going to work, maybe you should have left it out to thaw first before you tried to open it. 
if someone were to walk in, the two of you would look ridiculous, but the cookie dough gives after a minute or so of pulling. the effort makes both you and jungkook stumble onto the kitchen floor. both of your laughs overlapping each other. you hold the cookie dough, “let’s stay here first, i’m tired.” your breathing is exaggerated to add effect. 
he grins, moving to grab two spoons before sitting down next to you, against the cabinets on the floor. he sticks the two spoons into the cookie dough, the two of you start digging in. “you know what would be perfect with this right now?” jungkook sits up, standing again and moving to the freezer. you raise an eyebrow, wondering what he’s got in mind. “your vanilla ice cream,” he pulls the tub out. 
“and to think you were making fun of me in the store for it,” you narrow your eyes, taking the ice cream from him. jungkook stands above you, smiling at the way you remain on the ground instead of going back to the couch in the living room. nevertheless, he joins you with his spoon in hand. 
he watches as you scoop from the container, over exaggerating a shiver when you put it in your mouth. “cold?” he asks, but you shake your head. he looks over to your arm, your goosebumps raising. “liar,” he snorts, taking off his hoodie and handing it to you. 
you give him a puzzled look, “i can just get my own—” 
“just take it,” he cuts you off, throwing the jacket into your arms. secretly, you smile to yourself, throwing the hoodie over your head and sliding it on. it smells just like him, an overbearing scent that you’ve found comforting these days. a sudden warmth rushes over you. 
the sound of the tv is in the background of your conversation, but you only pay attention to jungkook, the man who’s digging into your vanilla ice cream and feeding it to you. “you like feeding your roommates or something?” you mumble as you eat the cold cream. 
he shakes his head, a smile on his face. “you’re the first roommate i’ve had.” 
you raise your eyebrows, “like ever?” he nods. “makes sense, you don’t know proper roommate etiquette, because you’re never here,” you snort. it was a joke, but it was true. you were projecting your upset through the statement. he is never here, and you just wanted to know why. did he not like being around you? is he just using this place to shower and store his things? was that it? 
jungkook doesn’t reply to your remark. completely disregarding it when he speaks again, “yeah, i’ve lived on my own before i moved in here, i moved around a lot.” 
“why?” you ask. jungkook never answered ‘why’ questions. always said that it was never your business, that you were always so nosy. 
but this time he sighs, “not really sure.” his spoon stabbing into the cookie dough, scraping the sides for the softer dough. “never really had a reason to stay.” 
that was the most you’ve ever heard from him. no matter how much you wanted to ask why he stayed here, why he stayed with you. you knew that maybe it was pushing a little too far. one question at a time, baby steps, you tell yourself. 
but you couldn’t help but think— wish that you could be a reason to make him stay. 
“must be tiring,” you comment, taking a scoop of dough for yourself. he doesn’t reply after that, instead just smearing some of the dough on your cheek and nose. a gasp leaves your throat, wiping the stickiness from your face and transferring it to his. “you’re gonna give me acne,” you groan. 
“oh relax, i’ll help you wash it off.” he smiles as he stands up, holding his hand out for you to take. he sets the ice cream on the counter, you copy with the cookie dough. both of you travelling to the sink to wash your hands and your faces. jungkook dries his face off and stands by, watching as you splash water on your face. you miss a spot on your cheek, which he helps you wipe off. his thumb coming up and swiping against the dough. his hand is warm, if it were there any longer, you would have leaned into his touch. 
after you both dried your faces off, you both agreed that you’ve consumed enough cookie dough and ice cream for the night. after returning them to the fridge, you make your way back to the couch. the movie almost over, nearing the ending scenes when you sit down. jungkook chooses another movie, legally blonde. “lots of blonde today, thinking of bleaching your hair?” you joke, throwing a blanket on the both of you. 
“you read my mind.” he gasps sarcastically. 
another comfortable silence falls in between you both, the sound of elle woods speaking replaces your conversation with each other. you turn and watch as jungkook’s focus remains solely on the tv. you lean back into the couch, smiling to yourself. there was a bittersweet feeling to this moment. you were happy that jungkook was here, but something felt off. you felt yourself getting lonely. you feel this way every time jungkook is about to leave, it’s like you have a warning signal. like that one time last year where jungkook left for two months, december and january, the two most festive months of the year. you were out buying christmas decorations when you felt something inside of you grow cold. it’s when you got in your car that you saw his text. 
[7:58 pm] jungkook: *jeon jungkook has sent you $1,000* 
[7:58 pm] jungkook: ^^ for rent
[8:21 pm] you: leaving again? 
[8:23 pm] jungkook: yeah
[8:24 pm] you: when r u coming back 
[8:24 pm] you: i just bought christmas decor :( 
[8:25 pm] jungkook: :( sorry 
[8:26 pm] jungkook: also not sure
[8:26 pm] jungkook: i’ll be back to see them though! promise. i’ll help you take them down too 
with that, you went home and decorated the apartment with a christmas tree, a snowman, and stockings with yours and jungkook’s initials hanging below the tv on the wall. waiting patiently all december and the first two weeks of january to see if jungkook would ever come back to see how cute you made the apartment. 
he never did. 
rather, he came back the end of january, when all the festivities were done and the decorations were down. 
“where are the decorations?” he asks, shrugging off his jacket and walking into the kitchen. 
you rolled your eyes, picking up your mug of hot tea. “took them down myself, didn’t think you were coming back.” after that you moved into your room, watching tv and sulking to yourself. sure, you were upset but you shouldn’t have expected anything more from him. it’s become one of the only personality traits that you see in him: ghosting you and coming back like nothing happened. plus, it’s not like he owed you an explanation. you and jungkook were simply roommates, nothing more than that. no matter how much you wanted to get to know him, jungkook always left before you were able to get any deeper than two weeks into his past. 
you close your eyes and shake off the memory. breaking the silence when you speak, “you’re leaving soon, aren’t you?” 
his gaze moves away from the tv. his eyes meeting yours, “why do you say that?” 
you break eye contact before you shrug, “i can always feel it.” 
he doesn’t say anything after, letting you wallow in the feeling washing over you once again. jungkook was leaving again and he knew you knew. there was nothing he could say, because what did you want to hear? that he’ll stay? maybe it was because it’s only been a day, and he’s already leaving. the whole thing makes your head ache. the both of you continue to watch the movie until the end, the clock striking four in the morning. jungkook turns the tv off when you yawn. 
“tired?” he asks. you nod, standing from the couch and turning off the lights. he follows suit, stretching and trailing you down the hall. you walk into your room and lay on your bed, jungkook stays at your door, turning your light off before softly saying, “goodnight.” and then closing your door. 
sometime in the morning, around seven or eight, you feel your bed dip beside you. it’s jungkook, you can tell by the smell of his body wash. a strong fruit smell that always feels like it burns your nose. you’re barely awake, your head still lightly aching. your droopy eyelids beckon you to sleep. jungkook doesn’t say anything, instead just sitting there. 
in his head he’s saying something, apologizing to you for all the times he left you alone in this big apartment. you must have felt so alone, probably scared too. he’s too much of a coward to say it out loud. so for now, in his head, he repeats the apologies over and over again. 
“sweet dreams,” jungkook says. rising from your bed. you can feel it, the comforting weight next to you as you fall back asleep disappears. 
you blame your drowsiness for the way you reach out for his arm, gently holding his hand. he stutters in his step, looking back to you and your connected hands. “don’t go,” you mumble, eyes still closed. 
and for once. jungkook hesitates. for a split second, he wonders how it’ll feel to stay with you. 
but he doesn’t know. and he’ll never know. because in the next minute, he’s slipping his hand away from yours and grabbing his bag. walking out the door. again. 
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in the morning you wake to an empty apartment. jungkook’s door is closed and it’s just you again. your feet pad against the cold floor into the kitchen, a paper on the island catching your attention. 
jungkook’s handwriting is specific, you could tell the marks apart from someone else’s. a smile spreads across your face when you read the note. terribly, your heart pounds and your cheeks flush. 
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be back in two weeks. 
was supposed to be gone the entire month, but i wanted to stop by and see you. 
sorry i only stayed for a day. 
didn’t say it yesterday, but happy valentine’s day. there’s something in the fridge for you. 
take care. 
Xx, J. 
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dumpsiteforfics · 3 years
Las Vegas, Baby!
Rating: PG-13 for this chapter.
Genre: Fluff, romance
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Spencer Reid
Warnings: slight mention of rape and murder! Only once, no graphical description!
Summary: This is from my Model au! This is two part story. Wait for part 2. ☺️ It's just something fluffy and cute. Just a reason to write these two together!
If you have a background idea about this au, you might be aware that I have used Spencer as model instead of Lila archer and Aaron is the agent who is gone on Spencer! Team comprised of Gideon, rossi, Hotch, Morgan and Garcia at that time!
You can check all my model au musings for more information -> 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 . Please ignore the typos and grammatical mistakes, English is difficult lmao!! Hope you enjoy! ❤️
"Okay everyone, we have a few hours till we reach Vegas, so get some shut eye if you need because we will start working until we find this unsub once we touch down!" Aaron ordered the team. Everyone agreed quickly as Aaron stood up to take his corner seat where he could spread out the files again. As he started looking into the files, making notes of some of the points they had already discussed, the team including Garcia who was still on the video call were talking quietly about lighter things before parting.
"So chocolate thunder, I hope you won't have too much fun without me over there. I'm so jealous that you are in Vegas after so long and I'm not even there!"
Morgan chuckled at Garcia's frustration, "I know baby girl! It's not everyday that we get a case in a city like Vegas! When was the last time we came for a case? Do you remember?" He mused out loud.
Rossi who was just listening to their talk quietly answered, "I think it was when we were helping with that stalker case of that gorgeous kid! What was his name again, Aaron?"
Morgan bit his lips to stop a chuckle passing through as they all watched minute change in their boss's posture. His back stiffened lightly and he frowned deeply before shooting a glare to Rossi as he replied, "Spencer Reid I believe."
Before Rossi could ask something more, Garcia gushed, "Oh God yes!! How did I forget!!! He was so gorgeous and sexy and he was such a cute little rabbit!! I wish I could have had a chance to meet him, you guys were so lucky to have met him!"
Emily and JJ were the only ones at this point who seemed to be out of loop and after watching Garcia's reaction they couldn't ignore asking anymore.
"Okay, holdup Penelope, what's going on? " It was Emily who finally asked her.
"Ohhh he is this gorgeous baby model! He is pretty much famous now but at that time he was being stalked by his obsessed best friend. And BAU was involved. This was back when Gideon was still on team and our fearless leader here was Spencer's security detail! " And then Garcia's voice turned into a hushed (still a bit loud) whisper as she continued, "Bossman's photo with the model was on the front page of all fashion magazines. They created quite a buzz around as well!"
"Okay that's enough!! Everybody go to sleep or I can give you work to do right now, choose wisely!" Hotch ordered, looking pointedly at every single one of them and within a second Garcia bid goodbye, disconnecting the call quickly!
Everyone else just shared a knowing glance with each other before dispersing to their preferred seats all over the plane!
It was going to be a long case, Aaron thought!!
The team soon forgot all about this supposed model who seemed to be a somewhat touchy subject for their boss. As they reached the LVPD, they were quickly immersed in the work, giving all of their focus to the case as it should be!
It was a bad case, of course all the cases are bad, but there are always some cases who suck everything good out of them, and this was one of those! Closeted teenagers being raped and murdered and the only good thing about it all was that the LEOs were helpful instead of hindering the investigation, without their full support the case would've taken a lot longer.
They were supposed to be flying out that night but the Jet was not in a good condition and their pilot told them that they will most likely be able to fly the next night! Though they would've loved going home as soon as they can, spending a night in Vegas didn't seem like such a bad option.
The team was talking about where they should have dinner and how they should spend the night, considering they didn't have any work and it was as good as vacation! Aaron was in a separate corner talking to someone on the phone and they all just thought he was talking to Strauss, giving her idea about the case and the delay!
As he came back, the team had already decided on a few options, so Rossi put a hand on Aaron's shoulder before saying, "Aaron, we are thinking of hitting this really nice restaurant for dinner, my treat, we deserve it after this long case!"
Surprisingly Aaron shook his head, he waited for a second to choose his words carefully before explaining the reason. "I'm sorry I won't be joining you all tonight! I have dinner plans already with someone else, we will meet tomorrow at the airport when the plane is ready to takeoff! "
Everyone was quite! This was probably the first time they have heard Aaron Hotchner having plans other than work and spending time with the team! He looked cute trying to look stern so no one would ask him questions, but well Rossi was never the one to shut his mouth when Hotch needed it.
"Does it involve certain model with curly hair, bambi eyes and smile to die for?" He asked, like a little shit he was!
But tonight seemed to be a night of surprises because instead of receiving a well placed glare, all they received was a rare dimpled smile which made almost everyone pause their breathing for a second, because yeah it was that gorgeous!
"Well that's for me to know and you to never find out!" Aaron replied, still smiling, before he left them.
They just looked at each other, not really sure if that really happened, but then Morgan whistled, "He is so fucking meeting that boy!!! I knew it! Penelope is going to love this gossip!"
There was still so much about their boss that they weren't aware of!!
As soon as Aaron rang the bell, Spencer was there opening the door with huge smile! Before Aaron could even place his bags down, he was enveloped in a bear hug by none other than The Spencer Reid, model, actor and his boyfriend!
"I didn't think you'd really come! God!! You are here, you are really here!! Shit, let me see you!" Spencer pulled away, his hands immediately cupping Aaron's face, those eyes almost a bit teary and Aaron felt his heart breaking a little bit! Both of their jobs required a lot of their time and they had to travel constantly. And with the amount of work they both had, they weren't able to spend a lot of time together at all! They both travelled back and forth whenever they got the free time in their schedule, but currently Spencer was working in a movie and he had been so busy with the work that they were not able to meet for more than six months.
Spencer pulled away before taking him inside the house, inside his bedroom. And Aaron kept his bags in their designated place before going to take shower. He would have really liked to have Spencer with him in there but from the looks of it, he had already showered.
So he focused on taking a quick shower, feeling better already in the close existence of his love as the hot water started to relax his tired and aching muscles. He dried his body quickly, snapping one towel around his waist as he came out of the bathroom, drying his head with other towel.
But then it was snatched away by clever fingers and he was pushed on the bed, sitting at the end of it before that lithe body he loved so much was sitting across his lap! Spencer straddled him, before starting to dry his head with the towel he snatched earlier. Aaron hummed as he felt Spencer throwing away the towel after a few minutes before raking his long fingers through his locks. He knew how soothing it was for Aaron, and it helped in melting away those last few evidences of the tension he still had.
He wanted to kiss his boyfriend, preferably 10 minutes ago, but they had a silent agreement. If he kisses now, they won't have a dinner, and he very much wanted to have that dinner with his boyfriend, he wanted to listen to his rants, he wanted to feed him few bites, play a little game of footsie just to make his boyfriend giggle childishly and then when they are full, then he will kiss him! Small, butterfly kisses at first and then they will get heavier and then they will start touching each other and that time they won't have to stop in the middle of it for anything. Because then they'll have only one purpose, to feed the hunger their bodies felt these past few months, and relearn each other's bodies, love those spots and crooks and valleys all over again, and intertwine as one to not part again for little while.
They'll do all of that, soon, but first dinner!!
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loversamongus · 4 years
In the Dark | Zuko x reader
summary: just a modern!gaang trying to make the best of a rainy day and you ending up in the same hiding spot as Zuko, what could be better?
a/n: this is so long for no reason and was written for no reason but I like it and I hope you do too. Also I didn’t proofread this well so please forgive any typos.
words: 2.5k
fic taglist: @spiritvines @protect-remus @emeraldpotato
The middle of August was supposed to be devoted to making happy memories before classes started again. The middle of August was supposed to be about steamy hot beach days at Ember Island, jumping over waves and burying Sokka in the sand. The middle of August was supposed to have all-nighters just playing video games or staying up with the girls talking about everything and nothing at the same time. The middle of August was supposed to be fucking awesome. But instead, it’s thunderstorm after thunderstorm after hurricane after thunderstorm. 
The six of you were in various corners of the living room. Sokka and Suki sat around the coffee table, taking turns nibbling on a plate of nachos. Toph was perched sideways on the old, barely-holding-up armchair so that her head rested on one armrest while her feet hung off the other. Aang’s face was scrunched up in concentration as he braided Katara’s hair, who kneeled in front of the tv. You and Zuko took opposite ends on the couch, your legs sprawled on Zuko’s lap as he mindlessly flipped through the channels.
“Wait, no go back,” you nudged Zuko with your foot.
“No, I’m not watching Dance Moms.”
“Yeah,” Sokka chimed in with a stuffed mouth. “It makes him mad that Maddie can dance better than him.”
A pillow flew across the room until it collided with Sokka’s head. Before you could so much as let out a snort at your friend’s misfortune, thunder crashed outside and the windows rattled as wind and rain pelted against the glass. And the lamp in the corner of the living room flickered. And the tv froze.
“Oh no,” Katara whined.
“If we lose power again, I’ll scream,” you threatened. Sadly, the universe doesn’t bow down to the threats of a poor college student and soon the unmistakable pop of electricity shutting off was heard by all. The room was suddenly shrouded in darkness for the third time in ten days.
“GIVE ME THAT PILLOW” you yelled as, in the dark, Sokka and Suki both scrambled on the floor to fulfill your request.
“Huh, can’t say I notice a difference,” Toph smirked.
You felt a pillow being shoved in your direction and, snatching it gratefully, you shoved it in your face to release all your frustration with a single, drawn out, muffled screech.
“Now what are we gonna do?” you heard Aang say glumly. 
You felt Zuko shift underneath your legs and you quickly adjusted yourself into an upright position. “If you even THINK about suggesting to think about our place in the universe, I will lock you outside for you scream at the skies, I don’t care.”
Suddenly, you felt a pair of hands patting around the couch and as they got closer to your legs, you reached out to grab them. “What are you doing?” you asked.
Suki’s voice answered. “I’m sensing some hostility.” Rolling your eyes, you hoisted Suki up so that she could sit in between you and Zuko on the couch. Overcome with annoyance and misery over the present situation, you laid your head on her shoulder and her fingers began to soothingly weave through your hair. “Anyone got any ideas?” she asked.
“I know!” Aang exclaimed rather too cheerfully for your taste. “We could play hide and go seek in the dark!”
Zuko scoffed. Everyone else seemed to weigh the option out in their minds. And that was the thing. It was the only option at the moment. They could join in on a seemingly juvenile game. Or sit in the living room and stare at each other until they were so bored that the only thing left to do was to go to sleep. Already you began warming up to the idea. And if worse comes to worst, at least you could scare Sokka a few times for shits and giggles.
“All right. Let’s do it!” You and Suki stood up from the couch as your mind began listing off all the places you could possibly hide. Behind the tv, under the bed, in the linen closet, the cabinet under the sink, in the dryer...
“No, I’m not playing a dumb preschool game,” Zuko interrupted your list. 
“Yeah... I dunno,” added Sokka.
“Why is it called hide and go seek ‘in the dark’? What difference does it make? Hide and seek is hide and seek,” Toph asked.
You chose to ignore the other two downers and exclaimed, “Because it’s spookier! And harder to find people! You know, because you can’t see them as well!”
“Yeah, can’t imagine what that must be like.”
“I think it’ll be fun!” Katara laughed.
Zuko stood up from the couch and you couldn’t tell for certain but you felt his presence draw further away from the group. “You guys go ahead. I’ll be in my room.”
“No!” you cried as you stuck out your arms in an attempt to find him, your eyes still not having adjusted to the dark room. “We’re all playing. We’re all going to HAVE FUN.”
“If I play, will you stop quoting Dance Moms?”
Your hands finally found his in the dark and you gave them a squeeze. “Yes, I promise.”
His hands relaxed in yours and then with a sigh, he spoke again. “All right. Sokka’s it first.”
And then the mad dash for hiding spots began. As you ran away from the living room, you heard Sokka miserably plop down on the couch, no doubt complaining that he had to be the seeker first before beginning the countdown from 30.
Your first thought was laying in the bathtub with the curtains drawn so you felt along the wall to find the bathroom door. But as soon as your hand grabbed hold of the doorknob, you felt someone else smack into you.
“Sorry!” Katara whispered, moving past you into the bathroom. You couldn’t even argue over the hiding spot because you were too busy rubbing the back of your head. You were sure it was Katara’s chin that slammed into it. Retreating from the bathroom, you struggled through the throbbing of your head to think of another hiding spot.
“Shit,” you muttered. With Sokka almost done counting, you knew you weren’t going to make it to the laundry room to hide in the dryer in time. As you heard him near the ten second mark, you finally decided the best possible hiding spot was the closest room to the bathroom: Zuko’s room.
Tiptoeing as fast as you could, you scuttled into Zuko’s room. Your eyes were able to make out the door of his closet that was left slightly ajar. With Sokka’s countdown almost complete, you knew it would have to do. You took one step over the threshold of the closet before dropping your knees to the ground. Only your knees didn’t hit the hardwood floor like you had expected.
“WATCH IT,” someone whisper-yelled as they freed their hand from under the weight of your knees. It was somehow even darker so you reached out your hands again to act as your eyes. A rough patch of skin and a mop of hair brushed your fingertips.
“Get out of here! This is my hiding spot!”
“You were just complaining about playing this game and now you have dibs on hiding spots like a toddler?!”
“I was here first!”
“Oh my god, you are a toddler!”
“4....3....2....1..... READY OR NOT HERE I COME.”
Suddenly, you felt arms stretch out to reach behind you and you heard to click of the closet door being closed. Those arms wrapped around your waist next and pulled you down into a corner on the floor. Now leaning against his chest, you heart raced, and your head throbbed a bit harder from the sudden movement, but Zuko sat completely still. You could barely hear him breathe.
You heard Sokka’s footsteps come down the hallway and you tried to calm your breathing so he wouldn’t hear. The footsteps paused for a moment outside of Zuko’s room but then picked up again and continued into the house. You felt it safe to move the few inches of space the closet allowed away from Zuko’s chest.
“You didn’t have to pull me down so hard,” you whispered, your hands moving to your temples to massage the headache.
“Sorry,” he said. “I didn’t want you to get caught.”
“Me? What about you? We’re in this together now.”
“Yeah, but you’re the one who actually wanted to play this game. Couldn’t let you get caught first.”
“Don’t act like you’re not enjoying this.”
“Anything is better than the fit you’d throw if you lost to Sokka in the first round.”
The both of you tried to stifle your laughter as best you could in order to not make too much noise. In the distance you could hear Sokka complaining about not liking this game anymore because the dark house is spooky. It only made you want to laugh harder but keeping down the giggles only managed to make your head pound more.
“What’s the matter?” Zuko questioned.
“Katara and I collided heads. Now I have a headache.”
Zuko was silent for a moment but you heard him shift besides you. Something fell off a hanger and landed in you lap. “What are you doing?”
“Wait here,” he said as a teeny bit of light came into the closet. Zuko had opened the door. Zuko was leaving the hiding spot.
“Where are you going?!”
He shushed you harshly in response and then he was gone. You knew he wouldn’t hear it but you let out an annoyed scoffed anyways. Really. To be shushed like that. How rude.
A couple of minutes go by and the boredom starts to set in. Who knew Sokka would be such a terrible seeker. In the darkness, you start feeling around Zuko’s closet for anything interesting— anything the slightest bit amusing to keep you occupied. A thought popped up that this scenario wouldn’t be half as boring if Zuko just stayed where he was, but no, he just had to leave. And after manhandling you and shushing you! Definitely rude. Your hand fished in one of the pockets of his coats and you heard the crinkle of a wrapper.
“Aha!” you quietly exclaimed as you pulled out a small wrapped Jolly Rancher. “He is a toddler!”
Just then, the closet door swung back open, nealy making you jump out of your skin, and a tall silhouette stepped inside.
“It’s just me!” Zuko whispered, and crouching down, he resumed his place beside you. “I went to the kitchen and got you some aspirin for your head. And some water.”
“You did that without getting caught?” you asked while taking the aspirin and glass of water gratefully. Sokka really is a terrible seeker, you confirmed in your thoughts. You popped the two pills in your mouth and followed that up with a chug of water. While doing so, you heard something hit the floor.
“What was that?” It definitely wasn’t Sokka or anyone else because it sounded like it came from inside the closet.
“I got tired of sitting in the dark,” Zuko quietly explained. “So I grabbed one of the candles from your room, too.” Suddenly, a small flame erupted and lit the candle placed in the middle of the closet floor. “And the lighter from the kitchen.”
“Well, that’s probably a fire hazard.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Did you want to sit in the dark for the third time this week?”
“Zuko, we’re playing hide and seek!”
“Okay, fine. I’ll blow it out!”
“No, wait!” You grabbed onto his shoulder before he could bend down to blow out the candle. You considered just how miserable the past couple days have been with the constant downpours and losing electricity, events preventing you and your friends from having any kind of fun before the summer ended. The days have been so dark and gray lately that you had almost forgotten what light even looked like. What’s a small candle flame? You’ll just make sure no more of Zuko’s shirts fall off the hanger and onto the candle.
“If you were able to do all that without Sokka finding you, he probably wouldn’t notice light from coming under the door, right?” you asked, and Zuko settled back against the wall beside you again. You didn’t know how long you’d be stuck in this hiding spot so, deciding to make yourself comfortable, you rested your head on Zuko’s shoulder. 
“This summer was supposed to be fun,” you said quietly. “Having bonfires on Ember Island. But we’re sitting on the floor of your closet with an evergreen scented candle.”
“Could be worse,” he answered. “You could be stuck in here with Sokka.”
“And you could be stuck in here with Azula... or Jet!”
“You could be stuck with Momo.”
“But I love Momo.”
“Yeah, but would you want to be stuck inside a closet with Momo?”
You giggled a little before settling down again. Zuko wrapped one arm around you. With all the frustration the weather of the past week has wrought, the flickering evergreen candle and Zuko’s light embrace was enough to comfort you just a bit. It does not, however, help take away the fact that this is not at all how you expected the summer to go.
“I just wanted us to have a really memorable summer before you graduated. You know, spend time together,” you said. “This weather ruined it.”
Zuko hummed and reached with his free hand to grab hold of yours. His thumb gently ran back and forth over your knuckles. “I wouldn’t say it ruined it.”
“You wouldn’t rather be sitting in the sun on Ember Island?”
“I’m happy just being here with you.”
“Says the guy that tried to kick me out of this hiding spot at first.”
“Hey, I pulled you down here, didn’t I?”
You smiled again and nestled further into his shoulder. In the back of your mind, you wondered why it’s taking Sokka so long to find everyone. After all, hiding in a bedroom closet isn’t one of the most unique spots. And with the light of the candle, it’s sure to be a dead giveaway. Nonetheless, you let yourself relax. You felt Zuko kiss the top of your head, making you remember that your headache had finally subsided.
Just as your eyes were about to close, you heard the door fly open again.
“GOTCHA!” Sokka yelled seemingly at the tops of his lungs. You sat up quickly and threw the Jolly Rancher you had found earlier at his head.
“GO AWAY,” you yelled. You felt Zuko chuckled as you leaned back against him.
“I’m never playing hide and seek with you people again,” Sokka muttered as he ambled away and out of the room. Back and resting comfortably with Zuko, you thought to yourself that maybe losing power and staying in isn’t so bad after all.
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Tearing down the Tomdaya timeline, created by "Spidermaninlove" - Part 1 (2016)
I am not using evidence or "proof", which is OUT THERE, to show that this timeline is only based on the emotions/opinions of its creator and is therefore falsely claimed as a fact. I am using common sense to explain the dynamic between the two co-workers/friends that are Tom Holland and Zendaya.
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
May 29, 2016
Tom leaves London to begin filming Spider-man Homecoming.
June 2016
On June 9, 2016, Zendaya arrived in Atlanta. 
Spider-man Homecoming cast begin bonding and filming.  Bonding activities included, a “romantic picnic”, pool parties, sleepovers, watching movies, singing, dancing, outings to the aquarium and Waffle House, etc. -> Those are normal activities between people of the same age who start to bond as future co-workers. “Romantic“ as an attribute is an INTERPRETATION.
July 4, 2016
Z and Spider-man cast at Tom’s house for Haz’s birthday/July 4th celebration. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
July 23, 2016
Tom, Z, and other Spider-man Homecoming cast members attend the San Diego Comic Con.  Z calls Tom “the bomb” during one of the interviews there.  Z and Tom pose for a couple cute photographs during the interviews at Comic Con.  Z snaps what appears to be the cast at a Comic Con after party. -> Co-workers promoting a movie together. „cute“ is an INTERPRETATION.
July 25, 2016
Tom, Haz, and Z in LA.  Z with Tom and Haz at an arcade (via Snapchat). -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
August 14, 2016
Tom and Z, along with Deja Carter, Z’s friend, dance (Typo Challenge, etc.) at Tom’s house in Atlanta. 
Tom and Z, along with Deja, are video recorded at Starbucks together. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
August 16, 2016
Z wraps filming Spider-man Homecoming.  Z flies back to LA with Deja.  While leaving Atlanta, Z snaps what I believe is the first Tomdaya pout. -> The term „Tomdaya pout“ is made up by the creator and an INTERPRETATION.
September 2, 2016
After over a three-month hiatus, Tom returns to Twitter, and simply tweets “tweet”.  Fans noticed he immediately followed Z.  Doesn’t tweet again until October 6, 2016, about his return to London.  He then apparently forgets his password and with Sony’s help is back on Twitter January 5, 2017.
Analysis:  On 9/2/2016, Tom accessed “Twittah” (Twitter) only to follow Z. -> Co-workers/friends promoting a movie together. IRRELEVANT INFO.
September 19, 2016
Z in NY to film The Greatest Showman. -> IRRELEVANT INFO.
September 23, 2016
Spider-man Homecoming wraps principal filming in Atlanta.  Tom resumes filming in New York. -> IRRELEVANT INFO.
September 28, 2016
Spider-man cast, including Tom and Z, reunite at restaurant in NY. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
September 29, 2016
Tom and Z attend opening night, Cirque Du Soleil, Kurios, in New York, along with Spider-man cast and members of Tom’s family.  Tom is wearing a Kizzmet necklace from Z’s Mom’s jewelry line
Update:  On September 21, 2018, Claire confirmed on her kizzmetjewelry Instagram story that she made ”Spider-man” a bloodstone necklace two years ago. -> Co-workers promoting a movie together.
October 3, 2016
Spider-man Homecoming filming wraps in Berlin. -> IRRELEVANT INFO.
October 4-5, 2016
Tom in NY for The Hollywood Reporter (THR) interview/photo shoot with Z.    
During the THR interview, Tom states that meeting Zendaya for the first time was very embarrassing for him.  He also said it wasn’t one of his smoothest moments. 
According to Seventeen reporter, Noelle Devoe "... she (Zendaya) and her co-worker (Tom) -- Tomdaya, as I've dubbed this duo -- have insane chemistry." -> Interpretation/opinion.
October 6, 2016
Tom returns to London -> IRRELEVANT INFO.
October 14, 2016
Tom returns to NY for Lost City of Z, New York Film Festival. -> IRRELEVANT INFO.
October 17, 2016
Tom, Z, and Jacob attend Z’s co-star, Veronica Dunne’s, Broadway premiere in the play Chicago. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
October 18, 2016
Fan tweeted Tom Holland and Zendaya are in my work hallway. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together if truly happened.
October 29, 2016
Tomdaya sighting at restaurant. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
November 9, 2016
Tom and Z grace the cover of The Hollywood Reporter (THR).  Z’s stylist, Law Roach, styled both Z and Tom for this photo shoot.  Z also filmed the photo shoot for her App. 
@tomholland2013, IG:  Over the moon with my first cover. So grateful that I got to share it with the one and only @zendaya. Thanks mate for helping me out 👊🏻
@zendaya, IG:  Amidst all the chaos and sadness…this one good thing did happen to me today. Honored to share it with the very best…Spider-Man himself @tomholland2013🙏🏽 Thank you for this beautiful cover @THR -> All 3 paragraph: Co-workers/friends promoting a movie together.
Note:  On January 25, 2018, over one year later, Z’s interior designer posts a photo of Z’s coffee table with a copy of this edition of THR magazine on it.  Z’s Vogue cover issue was not on said coffee table. -> IRRELEVANT INFO.
November 22, 2016
Tom, Z, and Jacob visit hospital in NY, and then all three go to the circus.  Tom is wearing the red and black Tomdaya shoes. -> Co-workers promoting a movie. „Tomdaya shoes“ is an ASSUMPTION/INTERPRETATION.
Z tweeted:  I think we have worlds best real life Spider-Man… today @nyphospital with my favs @tomholland2013 @lifeisaloha -> Co-workers promoting movie together.
November 23, 2016
Tom and Z spotted coming out of her apartment building and arriving at Bang Bang Tattoo in NY.  Z is seen talking to a tattoo artist who also does Z’s mom’s tattoos.  We later learn Tom got a spider tattoo on the bottom of his foot.  Z snaps paparazzi who followed and photographed them at Bang Bang.  
Note:  Z doing her thing (damage control) with the paps. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together. Pretending to know what Zendaya considers “damage control“ is an ASSUMPTION/INTERPRETATION.
November 24, 2016
It appears Tom was inside the private jet Z took home to LA for Thanksgiving. -> Assumption.
Tom in at least three videos at Z’s Thanksgiving bash, including a video on her App.  Tom and Z are very cozy on her sofa. -> Co-workers/friends spending time together. „Cozy on her sofa“ is an INTERPRETATION.
November 28, 2016
Tom posted on IG that he was landing in the San Francisco airport for the first time (Bay area – Z’s from Oakland).  -> IRRELEVANT INFO.
November 29, 2016
Z spotted with her mom at basketball game in NY.  Tom’s not present, but Odell is.  Z snaps meeting Odell at the game was not planned. -> IRRELEVANT INFO.
December 4, 2016
Z attends premiere of Dear Evan Hansen.  She appears to be there with The Greatest Showman co-stars.  On January 18, 2017, Z posts (IG) she is attending Dear Evan Hansen for the third time. -> IRRELEVANT INFO.
On July 6, 2017, right before Spider-man Homecoming opened in U.S. theaters, Bruce Glikas, of Dear Evan Hansen, posts a photo with Tom Holland thanking Zendaya for the nice surprise and stated he’s looking forward to watching the Spider-man movie.
Analysis:  Z took Tom to one of the Dear Evan Hansen performances she attended. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
December 6, 2016
Fan tweeted she saw Tom and Z together in a room on Broadway in NY. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together if truly happened.
December 9, 2016
Skai Jackson posted a photo with Tom on Instagram.
Caption:  Who’s ready for #spidermanhomecoming ? -> IRRELEVANT INFO.
There is absolutely nothing that links these two together besides the fact that they are co-workers and hanging out like good friends do. It's all in this person's head!
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7wanderingpaws · 4 years
Simply, yours (8) (M)
Tumblr media
Pairing: Baekhyun x reader
Genre:  family AU, hapkido teacher AU, PhD AU
Word count: 3.8K
Warnings: cursing, mature content, angst
A/N: This one was so easy and fun to write frankly! Thank you so much for letting me know your opinions for the last chap, it motivates me like 1000x more! If you could tell me what you thought about this one as well, it would be nice! Thank you 🎉 And sorry I edited this one, but Im sure there will be typos and sentences that made sense in my head while I edited but they actually dont, apologies! 
Tags:  @milky-baek @itsbaekhyunsbutt  @luvhtears @ shesdreaminginoverdose (if you want to be tagged/untagged let me know! Im always open^^)
1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8
Once again, you entered your apartment in silence, except the few times Baekhyun let out a tired, exasperated sigh. Your phone was blowing up with messages from your boss; honestly, you didn't understand why was he even trying to contact you after everything that happened. By now you knew you wouldn't be able to save your work spot. Not after what Baekhyun did. And here you were, worrying about not telling your darn boss about your pregnancy.
In the safety of your apartment full of love, you were able to feel. The hotness of emotions was coming back to your bloodstream, the numbness from throwing up and the adrenaline of the fight -it was all palpable in fading touches.
This time, it was you who let out a tired sigh, but you felt the burn behind your eyes yet again as you made your way to the bedroom to collect some clean clothes before making a beeline for the bathroom, ignoring Baekhyun's angry expression as you passed by him.
Before you could close the door, he murmured your name in a warning.
“You know we need to talk, right?” he snapped, turning to you. He spotted your bloodshot eyes, full of unshed tears and he assumed you weren't seeing him properly. He was right.
You saw him blurry like a modern art painting. Pretty, yet so… unreadable, almost worrying at how you couldn't see to the depths of it. “I know.”
At your terse answer, he clenched his jaw and you blinked, letting the tears roll down your cheeks just to see the tick in his jaw, the set of his chin almost scary. “Go,” he sighed, pushing his hands into the pockets of his dress trousers. “We will talk once you're out of there.”
Without waiting for your response, he turned abruptly but to your surprise, he reached for the front door, swinging it open. You closed your eyes just in time for it to slam shut. And he was gone.
Quietly, you took a long shower, thinking he wouldn't be back until… well, until he deemed good to be back. Which could be whenever.
Honestly speaking, you never had such a big, troubling fight before. Never. Yes, you did fight, but he never left you. Not at that hour, anyway. And you were also never pregnant. So this was one of a kind problem you found yourself in, and as you tried not to sob through your entire shower, your mind instead stormed through options you had with what happened.
Except, you had none.
You were out of job.
Your boyfriend, a hapkido master, used violence on your boss.
Your boyfriend could be reported.
You lied to your boyfriend.
Your boyfriend… was mad at you. Livid.
Was this the end of your relationship?
He wouldn't let go of you that easily, and the realisation of that made you sob right then and there. The relationship you two shared was stronger than any of your doubts that were scaring you; it was stronger than any bad word, any bad action, because you two were more than that and your connection was stronger than that. As much as it hurt you that he left without telling you, you knew him well enough to know he would be coming back to you. You knew he would forgive you and he wouldn't break up with you. Not when you were carrying his children. Baekhyun was much, much more than an angry emotion and a protective action.
And you were pregnant with him.
Three kids. Three.
“Fuck,” you sighed as you closed your eyes under the hot water, wanting it to drown out all of  your intruding thoughts. 
If there was an issue you two genuinely had to worry about, it was how you would feed them and yourselves. Would you even survive bearing three children till the end? Would you survive giving birth? You were way past the first trimester which meant you were over the dangerous period, but you knew better than that. Bearing one child was a constant risk. Three? Definitely playing with fire.
Not wanting to create a huge water bill, you reluctantly turned off the shower even though your body screamed for more. Tired and aching, you dried yourself up, not bothering to put on a lotion; smells had been playing with your stomach too much and you literally despised and hated the constant throwing up game.
It was just ten minutes after your shower; you were lying in the bed, tucked in and ready to call it a day, when Baekhyun came back. His timing was perfect and it meant he didn't wander off in the dark streets to let his frustrations out. He probably went for a short walk.
Some shuffling later, he appeared in the doorway, the small lamp next to the mattress you were lying on gently illuminating your tired self. You didn't dare to look at your boyfriend, but you knew you had to do it. He was expecting you to. He was not in the place to beg for forgiveness now. If it was anyone, it was you.
Sighing, you pressed your lips together as you sat up slowly, looking him dead in the eyes; those dark eyes that had still some leftover heavy showers in them.
“Baekhyun,” you started and he kept your gaze daringly, leaning against the doorframe. When he didn't speak, you pursed your lips. “I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I should have told you.”
“I will need more than that.” Was his cold answer.
“Don't you want to sit down?”
He was quiet for a moment, but then he crossed his arms. You knew better than to test him. When it came to irrational stuff you did, he was using the “I'm older” type of power against you, and you couldn't argue with that. “What did he make you sign?”
Once again, it was quiet. He was burning you with his scorching gaze, and you felt your cheeks heat up in complete embarrassment and self-loathing. But you needed to be honest. “I-I'm not sure if it was in the contract,” you started, trying not to stutter, “but he made me… Ehm, I was not supposed to fall pregnant. In exchange of him promoting me at work.”
As expected, Baekhyun let nothing to be read from his face. “Did you sign the contract and not read what it said?”
Please, make this stop. “Yes. But I really didn't think that-t-that-”
He spoke your name, cold and harsh, obviously upset. “You didn't think what?! Just how irresponsible it is not to read the conditions of a piece of fucking paper that can be used against you, huh?!”
Slowly, you tried to breathe. This was necessary. He had to let it out.
“You could have signed him owning you for all I know! Fucking hell,” he sighed, now running his hand through his hair wildly, turning away from you for a moment before sharply turning back, startling you. “And you just wanted to do it because what- you wanted more money? Is it all about money for you?! Since when did you become so fucking materialistic that you would stand in your own damn dreams!!!”
Tears, tears, tears, and he was completely right. Opening your mouth, he snapped.
“No, don't speak! I don't want to hear it right now! Fuck,” he murmured, and paced in front of you, his jaw set strong. “You weren't even pregnant when it all happened, why would you want to get to more money so badly?!”
“I wanted to provide for us as well!” you shouted back now, but your voice was so shaky you felt like you sounded pathetic. He had to know, though. “We are coming from a low-class background, Baekhyun! Why is it so bad for me to want to do more when I am perfectly able to do so?”
“Because you would have ruined your own dreams while chasing something so artificial!” he shouted back, stepping closer to where you were sitting, but you didn't budge from the sudden movement. “Money was, and money will be! But us creating a family together won't be a forever opportunity! And you were willing to just hang it up for, what, 300.000 won more? Don't be ridiculous! Plus! He is a fucking arsehole! If he isn't touching you up, he is treating you like complete shit; you deserve better than any of this! And if I could have, I would have beaten him up long ago.”
You averted his gaze. His words were driven by his love for you, you knew that much. So as much as you wanted to be offended and hurt, he was hundred percent right. Everything he just threw into your face was correct and you couldn't defend yourself, because he would come at you right away.
“Is this really everything our relationship means to you?” he asked, a bit more quietly, but his tired tone was scarring your heart. You dared to look back at him, to see him staring on the ground, one hand on his hip.
“No,” you said and you cried again, “it isn't and you know it, too.”
“Do you think I am incapable of taking care of us? Of the kids?” he looked at you, huge puppy eyes on full display as he slowly let his guard down. “Because all of this just proves you don't trust me as the breadwinner of this household.”
You bit your lip, trying to suppress your arguments, but ended up going against it. “Baekhyun, we aren't in a situation where I need to stay home, clean and do nothing while you get to earn money as if it was some easy thing to do. I am, and I will continue to work,” you replied resolutely despised tears rolling down your cheeks, “and it isn't you as a breadwinner, but us.”
The society surely was patriarchal, so if you dared to talk to your father in this manner, he would have slapped you. There was no such thing as a woman who got to go against her husband or brother.
Baekhyun, however, wasn't your father or your brother. He wasn't even your husband, and when you saw his troubled look, he finally let himself sink down on the mattress. He was your kind, loving boyfriend. “I already said this,” he started, “but I am not, and I won't keep you inside the house, locked up, while waiting for me to return to you after work. I won't tell you what to do, you know I never did,” he said in a more friendly manner, but it still beared authority. “I respect you as a woman,” he said, speaking your name softly, “and you are my everything.” His hand reached out to caress your cheek that was still wet from your tears. “I need to see you only smiling, happily, but I cannot accept you lying to me like this again. I thought we had been together long enough for us to earn each other's trust, and you going like that behind my back and signing bullshit was nothing but stupid and irresponsible. Especially because your pregnancy was jeopardized like that. You can't be under stress like that, sweetie.”
Hearing him calling you a pet name, you knew the war was over and he finally was on the positive side. His authoritative voice still kept you on edge, so you didn't throw yourself at him just yet.
“If he kicked you out, which I'm pretty much convinced he did, I wouldn't be against you not working until you give birth.”
“Shh, let me speak, honey,” he said quietly and shuffled himself closer, sitting right opposite you cross-legged  as he took your hands in his. “Listen. I know you know it, but having three babies under your heart is a dangerous situation,” he whispered loudly, bringing your intertwined hands to his lips. “It's dangerous especially for you. You are very tired after work, and you come home late and don't get enough rest. Sukyeong even told me you don't always keep up with your meals, and I don't like it one bit.” The way his lips moved against the skin of your hand was soothing you. “Accept that he threw you out, before I file a lawsuit against him for harassing you and making you sign nonsense contracts, and stay home. Find a part-time job instead, but you need to rest, darling.”
“Baekhyun,” you finally spoke and he hummed, as he let your hands fall to his lap. His eyes were now so gentle and full of worry. “I am so sorry. For everything. I shouldn't have done any of that, but please know I did it with good intentions.”
Baekhyun went silent for a bit, analysing your face, your tired features and pale skin, which only reminded him you had been throwing up today and dealing with the situation in the restaurant. Suddenly, he felt so guilty for making you go through all of it in just one evening, (although you were responsible for it, too). Let alone he just shouted at you for good ten minutes. He couldn't even imagine what other things you must have been feeling the past weeks, given how your body was changing day by day. “It's alright, babe, it's alright. I understand. C'mere,” he whispered, opening his arms and you threw yourself at him, making him almost fall back on his back. You snuggled your face into his neck, and he let out a satisfied breath, caressing your back gently. “I'm sorry for shouting at you. But I'm not sorry for punching that idiot. He deserved it.”
You were looking at the skin on his neck and how it disappeared under his shirt that had the first two buttons undone. “Thank you for standing up for me, honey.”
“My baby,” he murmured lovingly into your hair before he gave it a kiss. “My only baby.”
You woke up to slow, gentle caresses on your small belly as your shirt was ridden up just a tiny bit, Baekhyun not wanting to wake you just yet. He was behind you, wanting to spoon you as soon as he washed up and fell in bed next to you last night. It didn't take long for both of you to fall asleep, as surprising as that was. The events tired you out, and he wanted you to sleep as much as you could.
He kissed your clothed shoulder before he nosed your neck and buried his face in your hair, while his caresses didn't stop. Letting his eyes close for a moment, he brought his front just a little closer to you, his leg wrapping around yours that were politely connected. His hand absentmindedly wandered further up before going dangerously low, sending shots of pleasure down your core without even paying attention. You knew he would soon realize his effect on you, because you definitely felt like squirming in his hold.
His hand lazily dragged upwards almost touching the underside of your breast when you couldn't keep it in anymore, breathing in sharply just for his hand to stop right under the-
“Oh, I finally have you awake,” he murmured, his husky voice sending another set of chills down your spine.
You couldn't help but smile, happy you woke up to this. The fluid down there was saying something else, though.
“Slept well?” he murmured into your ear, as he continued dragging his hand up. You groaned softly when he groped your breast as he pushed himself even more into you, and you felt it. He was so ready for you.
“Mhm,” you hummed in agreement, enjoying the massage as he proceeded to nibble on your ear from behind, your eyes closed in pleasure. “You?”
“I realised we didn't keep our promise, babygirl.”
Your breath hitched in your throat when your realised what he was implying.
“So, is my beautiful lady still horny enough to go the remaining two rounds?” His voice was so deep, you felt yourself scrunching your eyes shut, the adrenaline quickly making its way into your bloodstream. “We will take it,” he murmured and this time his hand was going down, down, down, the panties the only barrier from his wandering hand as he lifted the hem of them teasingly, testing just how ready you were for him, “very slowly, my dear.”
His fingers played with you just for few seconds before he pushed his middle finger inside, your mouth opening in a silent moan as you leaned back into him.
“It's so early, but you are already like this,” he continued while your head was swimming, his ministrations nothing short of slow, yet so pleasurable, “all for me.”
Your insides were squeezing painfully, and he wasn't moving faster, nor did he have the intentions. “Baekhyun,” you said, trying not to pant too loudly, “I just want you.”
“Hmm? Speak louder, I'm still sleepy.”
“You're such a tease,” you whispered in disbelief before surprising him by reaching behind you to touch him exactly where he needed you. He hissed, his eyes looking at your profile to see the smirk you had on your face.
“I wanted it to be slow, romantic and all of that,” he mumbled before pushing your hand away while he sat up, causing you to fall on your back. As soon as his hand was out of your panties, you felt a pang of frustration before he covered your body with his, his face close to yours as you tried to calm down from him fingering you so sensually.
“I want none of that,” you replied as you grabbed his face for a heated kiss, “I want you inside me, just about now.”
“Needy, naughty…” he muttered with a flirty smirk as he teased you at your opening, causing both of you to groan. “Are you ready, sweetie?” And he still made sure you were okay with him.
“I'm always ready for you,” you whispered, spreading your legs even more for him, as he pushed himself in, your eyes instantly closing in wonderful pleasure only he was able to give you.
He stayed inside, buried and panting into your hot mouth as he rested his forehead on yours. “Sweetheart, open your eyes for me, hm? I love you, you know that?”
“I know that. And I love you, do you know that?” you reciprocated, smiling up at him only to be rewarded with his smiley eyes as he pushed back before diving right in few more times, where he hit your sweet spot. Moaning loudly, he dragged his face to suck on your neck before he took one of your hands, intertwining them with his as he pushed it up above your head.
“I know that. You are my angel,” he said, finishing it with a guttural groan as he felt you pulsing around him, knowing you were about to cross the edge and he was not far behind you.  “Come for me. We have another round,” he breathed before kissing you passionately, messily, moanily.
You mentioned you wanted none of slow. And in the second round, he gave you just that. Baekhyun became ruthless, just before whispering: “Are you riding?” And he was fast to change positions. He helped you straddle him although you definitely had the energy to move and climb by yourself, given your crazy hormonal drive.
“That was just a warm-up session.” He warned, not waiting for you. Your screams, his groans, the heat, it was all so fucking amazing you were left in a complete bliss. You were fast to catch up to him, moving your hips while he was watching from beneath you, eyes dark, glazed over and completely smitten by you.
“You're the best,” you breathed out as you dragged your hands to you breasts, but Baekhyun wanted none of that. He swiftly sat up, his chest almost pressed to yours while you continuously rode him, up and down,  your hands being pushed aside just to be switched with his as he added his sinful lips to the swell of your breasts.
“You're a goddess, mummy,” he muttered, leaving a wet trail on your chest while his hands squeezed and massaged your mounds.
“Baekhyun!” you scolded, and despite the sweat and the delightful pull in your belly approaching yet again, you blushed; the blush definitely caused by his choice of words.
He looked into your eyes, his ones proud and lustful. “It's true,” he muttered, groaning as you sank down exceptionally hard, almost falling onto his sturdy chest. His hands were now squeezing your sides, helping you out, unable to keep the needy touches to himself when you looked so gorgeous like that. He squeezed your arching body to his sweaty chest.
A quick glance at your swollen belly that he made sure you noticed, his hand came to touch against it and you were gone. He caressed you there gently while swallowing your moans as you grabbed his face, kissing him, your hair falling, creating an intimate curtain just around where your mouths were connected. You still had an unearthly energy to help your boyfriend out to his orgasm, not wanting to be in the ecstasy alone, and as much as Baekhyun needed the release, his hands slid across your sides, holding your hips to stop their movement.
“Enough, baby girl,” he whispered into your mouth, leaning back ever so slightly to see your flushed cheeks, sweaty forehead. “I don't want you to hurt yourself.” He was still panting and you swore to god he looked so handsome with his hair glued to his forehead, puffy cheeks. You might have gotten horny again.
“Come with me,” you insisted, attempting to to move again but he bit his lip, a cheeky glint in his eyes, and he held your back tenderly, moving you to lie on your back, while slipping out of you. Hissing, he stood up quickly.
“I'll be right back.”
Trying to calm your breath, you closed your eyes, enjoying the feeling in your aching body. A knowing smile played on your lips; Baekhyun would rather get a cold shower then another orgasm from you, just because he was worried about you. If that wasn't some darn good self-control, you didn't know what it could be.
Just as he promised, he was back soon, a towel in his hands to help you clean up. Once done, he lied back down next to you and you immediately curled up by his chest. “That was amazing.”
“Hmm, you are amazing,” he said. After a little pause, he asked: “You feeling alright?”
“Perfect. But I could go again, you know? You don't have to be so careful with me.”
He snorted as he played with the ends of your hair. “Jeez, you already have my baby! Actually three of them! Slow down, woman.”
You both laughed heartily, and he loved the sound.
“But I want to have youuu, my love,” you whined.
“You have me. You always have me. I'm yours. I'm just simply yours.”
A/N: just to clarify, this isnt the end, we still have quite some things to get through actually - more drama ㅠㅠ! Just didnt want to leave you on a cliffhanger. Hope you liked this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! Any feedback is very much appreciated  🥺 🥺
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ruthoakenshield · 4 years
Very Good Friends (Chapter 15)
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Catch up here: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7] [Chapter 8]  [Chapter 9]  [Chapter 10]  [Chapter 11]  [Chapter 12]  [Chapter 13]  [Chapter 14]
Reader x Henry Cavill, Reader x co-star named Dan
Warning: This tale is for 18+ readers ONLY!!!   Mentions of flashbacks: (rape, anal sex, non-con sex, abuse), severe bruising and injury, mentions of suicidal thoughts, depression,  humiliation, and some of the good kind of fluff to make us feel better. Smut (the happy good kind) comes later on in the story… Several chapters down the road… I promise!!!
If  ANY of the warnings upset you or make you uncomfortable, DO NOT read  below  the cut! go find something else to read in this case and if you want to be removed from the taglist for this story, let me know. I won’t be upset, I promise!
If you are okay with reading those things then enjoy the tale below the cut.
Feedback  and reblogs are appreciated. I do not own Henry nor do I have any   personal knowledge of him besides what is common knowledge amongst the   Cavillary. Any mistakes and typos are mine, story is not beta-tested.   GIF I got from the tumbler search thingy.
You wake the next morning to a pair of bloodshot blue eyes peering down at you. Henry is gently shaking you, telling you it's time to get up. He asks why you're snuggling your pillow with his shirt on it. You giggle, “Cuz you were plastered last night Hen and I knew if I climbed in bed with you, we’d end up doing just what we said we shouldn’t.” you tell him. You also decide not to tell him that he told you he loved you and that he tried to kiss you last night, knowing it would make him upset and feel awkward.
His eyes widen and he says, “Oh God. Fuck! Glad one of us was sober then.” as he rubs his face. “Headache?” you ask. He nods.
You watch as he sighs and meanders over to the kitchen. He picks up his cell and sees all the missed calls and texts. His eyes open wide when he listens to the messages and sees the texts. He looks up at you and you wave your phone at him. “She called me last night after you were asleep. We talked and I explained what really happened. She said she’d take care of it.” you explain. He rubs his face and growls. “Can’t even go have fun without some shithead taking pics and lying about us!” he rumbles.
“I know, Hen, I know.” You say as you stand and walk over to him after you unwrap from your burrito. He watches you and chuckles. “Why do you wrap up like that?” he asks.
You shrug. “It makes me feel like I’m in a cocoon. Safe and warm.” you tell him as you approach. He is leaning against the counter waiting for the coffeemaker to do it’s thing. You lean against him and wrap your arms around his waist. He puts his chin on your head and sighs.
“How did they find us? How did they know where we were at?” he asks.
You tell him that his Agent and Publicist thinks someone attached a GPS tracker to his car somewhere. You tell him they are tiny, only a half inch in length and are hard to spot. You explain to him the plan you and the Publicist worked out to try to catch who the leaker is. He nods and agrees to go along with the plan. You inform him his car is still at the bowling alley and that his publicist was going to have the police check it for the tracker, then return it to the parking lot here for him. He nods, grabs his coffee and thanks you for taking care of him last night. “Sorry, I got carried away with the beers.” He apologizes. “It’s okay, Bear. You needed to relax too. You’ve been under just as much stress as I have and needed an outlet too.” You re-assure him.
The two of you get dressed and head to filming. You both are quiet today, and everyone notices the shift in mood. A few ask Henry if the two of you are ok. He nods. “Just tired of all the bullshit and drama someone keeps trying to cause.” he says quietly.
The two of you make it through the next few days, focusing on work and getting enough sleep. Henry is happy to see you snuggling with him in your comforter burrito the next few mornings. He grins and kisses your face all over till you are giggling and laughing as you try to pull your arms out of the burrito to push him away. He is laughing this morning, and gives you one more peck on the nose for good measure.
“Ready to catch us a leaker?” he asks with a mischievous grin. As the two of you are walking out of the studio building after a grueling morning of meetings with the studio regarding your rape case. The two of you and a few members of the crew have to testify in two weeks which put a kink in filming. You both agreed to give up some of your free days to make up for the loss of filming for the two days of hearings. So, the film could still be released on time. You both knew you’d be exhausted by the end of it, but you both agreed it was the right thing to do since the studio was being so cooperative with the case.
You walked arm in arm to the car happy you could use it now that the police had found the GPS tracker someone had stuck to the back side of the license plate. Henry helped you into your seat and closed the door. He noticed your assistant slip into her car and then take off. He made a note of her car and the color and model as he watched her leave. He got in and you saw the frown on his face. “What’s the matter, Bear?” you ask.
He tells you he saw your assistant heading out and just left it at that. He was worried she may have attached another tracker to his car. The two of you head to the restaurant and Henry’s frown deepens when he sees your assistant’s car parked a block away with a person in the passenger side, but not the driver’s side. He says nothing to you about it and screws on his happy face. He gets out of the car and helps you out of the passenger side. He tosses the keys to the valet, who takes it and parks it in the lot for the restaurant.
Henry ushers you inside and the two of you enjoy a nice lunch. You both make sure to discuss work and the press junkets. Henry tells you about past ones he has been on and gives you an idea of the kinds of questions they ask. The two of you are enjoying yourselves when the manager comes over to quietly warn Henry of the paparazzi gathering outside. He offers to let you out the back and can have Henry’s car brought back there if he likes.
Henry thanks him and whispers to him that the two of you are trying to catch the person responsible for leaking info to the press so you two need to head out the front. To let the press gather and he’ll deal with it. The manager nods and pats Henry’s back. “Good luck then, Mr. Cavill.” he says. Henry thanks him again for his help and discretion. The manager nods, “Any time, Sir. You are one of our favourite patrons.” he says with a smile and a nod before heading back to his office.
“Ready to face the madness?” Henry quietly asks you as he moves behind you to help you with your chair as you stand to leave. “As long as you’re with me, I am.” you tell him, and he offers you his arm. The two of you stop at the counter and he pays for the meal. His car is waiting for him when you both exit the restaurant and the paparazzi goes wild, hollering and snapping pictures.
Henry growls quietly and tries to push through them, but they are being more zealous this time. “Get out of my way!” he bellows and shoves some of the photographers to the side when they refuse to move. His grip on your wrist is tight, almost to the point of hurting. But you keep your face screwed in a neutral expression.
Just as you get to the car the police arrive and one particular photographer just won’t let up and keeps getting in Henry’s face. Henry gets you in the car and shuts the door. The valet hands you the keys and backs away. You can tell Henry is quickly losing his cool and one final look from him sends the photographer running. Henry sees he is headed in the direction of the car he saw earlier, and he mouths to you, “Stay here!” and bolts after the photographer.
The cops come up to you after shooing away the paparazzi and ask if you’re ok. You say you are, but he had better go follow Henry, you point to where he’s chasing after the photographer. The officer nods and runs after them. The cop catches up to Henry just as he catches the photographer. Henry grabs the photographer as he opens the car door and slams the guy against it. “Who tipped you off to us being there?!?” Henry growls at the man angrily.
“Nnnn-no one!” the photographer stammers.
“Bullshit!” Henry says furious. “Someone told you that we’d be there! NO one knew about those reservations outside of my publicist and the restaurant and my friend’s assistant!” he fumes. “Now WHO INFORMED YOU!” he bellows again. Seething with anger.
“H-h-her!” the photographer points to a woman approaching the car, who stops, takes one look at them and bolts. “Get her!” Henry yells at the cop. “She’s the leaker!” he bellows.
The cop chases her down and the two are arrested. Henry is still fuming when he gets back to you. He climbs into the car and just sits there for a moment trying to calm down. “How bout we go for a walk.” you suggest quietly as you put your hand on his that was resting on the stick shift.
He nods and you give him the keys. He starts the car and peals out of the parking spot heading for a nearby lake. He pulls up in an empty lot and parks off to the side. He lays his head back and heaves a huge sigh. “It was her.” is all he says.
You look down and sigh. Not knowing what to say. He takes your hand and kisses it. “Come on.” he says and gets out of the car. He helps you out and the two of you walk arm in arm to the lake shore. You both take off your shoes and socks and leave them by a bench. Henry rolls up his pant legs and you both walk for a while in the water along the lake shore; Henry finally cools off and calms down. “I still don’t understand why she did it?” you finally say. “Did I do something to piss her off?” you ask.
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Henry shrugs. “I don’t know, Kitten.” he says as he stands behind you, his chin on your head and his arms wrapped around yours as you two watch the sun set. The waves of the lake lapping against your ankles. You sigh. “I can’t wait till we are done with all this rat race and can be a couple.” you say quietly.
Henry moves his head to your shoulder. “You sure that’s what you want, Kitten?” he asks. You nod. “I know we both want the same thing, Hen. I’m ready for it whenever you decide you’re ready to take a break and step back from acting for a while. Until then, I just want to be with you. I’m willing to travel with you and take care of Kal so you don’t have to hire a dog sitter all the time. I know you’ve missed him. That way he can be with you as you travel.” you say.
He looks at you in amazement. “You sure about this, Kitten?” He asks again. You chuckle. “What are you, a broken record stuck on skip?” you tease. He hugs you. “I just want to make sure you won’t regret this. It’s a big step going from friends to a legit couple. And there’s no knowing if your acting career might take off after this film is released.” he says.
You nod. “I know. Hen. But you’ve stuck with me through all this bullshit, when you didn’t have to. You risked your reputation to be seen with me after the news broke of the rape.” you say. “I love you, Henry Cavill, and I will always be grateful for the way you supported and encouraged me and how you treated me during all this. You’re a wonderful man and I couldn’t ask for or find anyone better suited to be mine.” you tell him. He grins and gives you a hug. “A few more months.” he says quietly, “Then I’m officially all yours.” he says. “I love you, Kitten.” He tells you and give you a peck on the nose with his lips. You giggle and squeeze his arm.
You both sigh, and walk back to the bench. The cool grass drying your feet and removing most of the sand.
You both head back to the car after putting socks and shoes back on. Henry drives the two of you back to the trailers, he calls his agent and publicist letting them know the plan worked and it was your PA who was the leak. He hangs up and the two of you are emotionally exhausted and climb into your respective beds after goodnight hugs are exchanged.
More chapters to come…
Please reblog and share if you like this story so far! Please and thank you!!!
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kk095 · 4 years
*I'm sorry I haven't posted in awhile. This story may have some typos, but I hope everyone enjoys!*
Tara Thompson was a pop/country singer who recently achieved stardom. Her debut album sold millions of copies, had ample amounts of radio/streaming airplay, and even won her a Grammy award. She recently purchased a beautiful and expensive house in Los Angeles, and was getting acclimated to the celebrity lifestyle. Tara seemed to have it all: talent, money, newfound fame, and of course, looks.
She was a 27 year old blonde, standing at 5'5 with beautiful blue eyes, a nice California tan, and a toned but petite body. She carried herself confidently (some would say borderline cocky) and had a good sense of humor, which made her a favorite amongst talk show hosts and fans alike.
Yesterday, fate had other plans for Tara. She was a trauma patient at our emergency department after being involved in a high speed MVC. At first, we didn’t realize it was her. When the call from dispatch came in, all we heard was “27 year old female, high speed MVC. Blunt chest trauma from steering wheel injury, tachy and hypotensive, ETA 6 minutes.”
I ordered the nurses to prep trauma room 1. “Let’s make sure we have the room set up. Get an intubation tray, a chest tube tray, and a thoracotomy tray just in case. Let’s make sure we have some meds around, go to the blood bank and 4 units o-neg, 2 of platelets, and 2 of FFP. Page cardio and trauma surgery, and let’s keep radiology on standby in case she’s stable enough for a scan.” I tell my subordinates as I pop on a yellow trauma gown and a fresh pair of gloves.
Before we knew it, the ambulance's sirens could be heard as it arrived at our emergency department. Moments later, the medics wheeled the patient into our trauma room. “oh my… that’s Tara Thompson…” I realized immediately. She didn’t look like her typical self. She was on a backboard and c-collar, stripped down to just her black bra and matching underwear. She had cuts, bruises, and abrasions scattered across her body, and she was in and out of consciousness.
The medics told us that the set up 2 large bore IVs and started her on ringer’s lactate for fluid resuscitation, and pushed a round of codeine for pain management.
Upon arrival at our emergency department, Tara’s vital signs were: BP 79/42, pulse 129bpm, and her oxygen saturation was down to 94%. We immediately started her on blood transfusions and drew trauma labs (CBC, BMP, toxicology screen). Since a chest injury was suspected, I ordered a chest x ray. The chest x-ray showed a sternal fracture with 2 broken ribs on the left side, a left sided hemothorax, and herniation of the heart into the right chest. I decided to follow that up with a FAST scan, which is just an ultrasound of the chest, belly, and pelvis. The chest portion of this test further confirmed the herniation of her heart, but to my surprise, there was no evidence of pericardial effusion or tamponade. The abdominal portion of the test showed some minor bleeding in the ULQ, which is typically indicative of a spleen injury. Since the bleeding didn’t appear to be major, that injury was to be monitored conservatively. Finally, the pelvic portion of the exam came back clean.
With all that information in mind, it appeared Tara had a chest injury that was explaining her hemodynamic instability. Even though she didn’t have tamponade, cardiac herniations are associated with great vessel injuries, particularly the pulmonary arteries or veins (the princess Diana case is a prime example of this injury process).
Since she had a hemothorax on the left side, we decided to place a chest tube. Tara’s left ribcage was sterilized and I made a 1 inch incision in between her ribs. Tara moaned loudly, feeling the scalpel’s every move since she wasn’t stable enough for me to anesthetize. She yelped loudly with tears running down her face while the tube was placed into her pleural space. Blood shot from the tube and onto my yellow trauma gown.
Outside of the trauma room, you could hear media personnel and paparazzi start to swarm the hospital’s entrance, waiting room, and ER nurses station. “How’s Tara?!” “Any updates?!” “can we get a word with Tara?!” were some of the things being asked. Hospital security was completely overwhelmed by the sudden mob of people, but were able to move everyone out to the hospital’s main entrance. “you can’t just stand around in the waiting room, that’s for patients only.” One of the security guards told the nosey crowd. Hospital administration decided to make a statement to the media and paparazzi to at least appease them for a little while. “Tara Thompson was brought to our emergency department after being involved in a high speed motor vehicle accident. Her exact condition is unknown to hospital administration, but our emergency department and other coordinating departments are working diligently to stabilize her injuries. We will present another update when more information is available, thank you.” Was the statement given to news media outlets.
Back in the trauma room, Tara’s condition began to decline. Her blood pressure was plummeting and she was groaning while drifting in and out of consciousness. With her deteriorating condition in mind, we decided to intubate her. “Push succs and etomidate and get me a 7.0 ET.” I called out as I placed the laryngoscope into Tara’s open mouth. “meds in" a nurse said as another nurse handed me the ET tube. I then began the intubation process. I navigated the tube through the right side of the mouth so my view wouldn’t be obstructed. I identified the epiglottis and then placed the tube into the upper portion of the trachea. I continued lowering the tube until it was about 2cm past the vocal cords. While I held the tube in place at that level, 1 nurse removed the stylet and the other inflated the cuff with an empty syringe. While still holding the tube in place, a nurse began to place a blue tube holder. After that, we confirmed tube placement and attached an ambu bag.
After intubation, we decided that Tara needed to be taken up to the OR for emergency surgery to treat her herniated heart and associated vessel injuries. We covered up her torso with a blanket and wheeled her out of the trauma room. We headed down the hall towards the elevator which led directly to the OR floor. “BP's still dropping, doctor" a nurse called out. “let’s push vasopressors and hang another unit of blood products from the rapid infuser. Let’s try to buy her a few minutes.” I replied.
During the elevator ride up, Tara became pulseless. “no pulse, but we have activity on the monitor.” A nurse called out, shaking her head. “she’s in PEA. Someone start compressions!” I replied urgently. A nurse pulled down the blanket and began deep, harsh chest compressions on the young celebrity. There was a popping sound during CPR from the sternum and rub fractures. “let’s get epi and atropine in. I wanna do a pulse check in 1 minute.” I barked to the trauma team.
Once the meds were in, resuscitation efforts went on. Tara’s chest caved in, causing her perky B cup breasts to jiggle in sync with the chest compressions. Her belly bounced outwards and her head bobbed from the residual force of the life saving efforts. When the 1 minute mark of the code was reached, we did a pulse check in the elevator. “still no pulse. PEA still on the monitors.” A nurse said anxiously. “resume CPR. Push meds at 4 minute mark.” I replied.
We reached the surgical floor a second or two after we resumed CPR. The elevator doors opened up and we were greeted by a few surgical nurses and a surgical resident. “she coded on the way up here. Down for a little over a minute. Pushed 1 of epi and atropine, no shocks. Still in PEA.” I told the surgical resident. “ok doc. Follow us, OR 3 is prepped and ready for her.” The resident replied to me. Deep, harsh chest compressions continued on the singer while she was wheeled through the corridors of the OR floor. “wait a minute. Is that…?” The resident asked before I cut her off. “yep, it’s our VIP patient.”
Tara’s complexion was fading just as fast as she was. Her fresh, tan complexion was now a ghastly, pale that had a grayish tinge. Her lips could be seen through the blue tube holder, and they were now a reddish purple color. Her eyes were half open, staring blankly off into space, devoid of any life or emotion.
Just a minute or so later, we were in OR 3. We were greeted by the surgical attending and the OR staff who were waiting by the OR table. “oh boy, what happened to her?” the surgical attending asked me, surprised to see is bring in an active code. “she coded on the way up. Pushed 1 of epi and atropine, 0 shocks, down for 1:45 and counting. PEA present on last pulse check.” I replied to the surgical attending. The surgeon continued “ok. Let’s get her on the table on my count. One… two… THREE!”
The monitors chirped loudly during the transfer. Tara’s body moved limply while she was moved over to the OR table, still showing no signs of life. “resume compressions! Let’s get a repeat echo and an abdominal ultrasound.” With CPR ongoing, the nurses and surgical techs got the ultrasound machine set up and squirted the cold, gooey gel onto her chest and belly. The surgeon took the wand and moved it onto the gel spot on the belly. “splenic lac, but I don’t think it explains this.” The attending thought out loud, referencing the code blue. They then did a repeat echo: “ok, here’s our problem.” The surgeon said within milliseconds of the ultrasound being done. “cardiac herniation. No tamponade, but she’s bleeding into her chest. I think it might be the pulmonary veins. If it were the pulmonary artery, she would’ve died at the scene.” The surgeon continued.
We did a pulse check at the 4 minute mark, and she was still in PEA. The surgical team pushed the next round of epi and atropine, and they started the first dose of bicarb. Since Tara was in rough shape, the surgeon decided the next course of action is to open her chest via a clamshell thoracotomy in order to make structures in both halves of the thorax visible, especially because of the cardiac herniation into the right chest.
Betadine was splashed across the singer’s bare chest. The surgeon made an incision in the 5th intercostal space, which extended across the entire anterior chest. With the first cut out of the way, a 2nd cut had to be made to incise the subcutaneous tissue in order to expose the sternum, intercostal muscles, and costal cartilage. Now that the intercostal muscles were exposed, heavy scissors were used to snip through the muscle on both sides of the chest in order to create space for the rib spreader, which goes in a few steps later. The next aspect of the clamshell thoracotomy is to divide the sternum in half horizontally. This is somewhat of a challenge since it’s the 2nd hardest bone in the body (the orbital bones, a.k.a. eye sockets are #1), and because Tara sustained a sternal fracture. The sternal fracture was stable and a little above the halfway mark of the sternum, so the usual spot could be cut through. An electric sternal saw was then passed over to the surgeon so the sternum could be divided. The saw made a high pitched grinding sound as the drill cut through the dense bone effortlessly. There was some blood leakage after the drilling was done. The cause of the blood was from the inferior mammary artery being cut from the drill. This is a common complication during clamshell thoracotomies, but it’s easily treatable and isn’t an immediate concern since her heart isn’t pumping blood effectively. The next step was to place the rib spreader, which was put in the center of the chest over where the divided sternum is. With external CPR halted, the knobs on the rib spreader were turned so the chest could be opened up. The OR became filled with a popping and cracking sound from Tara’s ribs breaking.
There was an immediate rush of blood upon entry to the chest. Suction was applied to the area and clamps were placed on the inferior mammary artery since it was injured, and the descending aorta down by the diaphragm. With additional blood accumulation in the chest cavity, the OR team decided to place a 2nd chest tube, which would go on the right side. While the 2nd chest tune was being placed, the pericardium was cut and the heart was delivered so effective internal resus could take place. The 2nd chest tube drained a decent amount of blood, which pooled on the OR floor. Once proper chest tube placement was confirmed, internal massage started.
The surgeon wrapped her hands around Tara’s weakly moving heart and placed her thumbs on the left ventricle. She pushed in a hard, upwards motion on the left ventricle to pump blood outwards. The surgeon’s internal compressions made a wet, rhythmic squishing sound while she tried to force Tara’s heart to do its job. After a cycle or two of internal massage, the surgical resident took over internal resus while the surgical attending dug around in the celebrity’s chest cavity trying to control the hemorrhaging.
While the surgeon was probing around in the woman’s chest, her ET tube became clogged up with blood. In order to keep her airway intact, the ambu bag had to be disconnected and the tube had to be suctioned out. The suction made a wet, soggy slurping sound during this quick process. With the airway restored, the ambu bag was attached and oxygenation was able to continue.
Tara reached the 7 minute mark of the code with no improvement. Another bag of blood products were hung, making this her 8th transfusion (her entire blood volume), and the next doses of epinephrine, atropine, and sodium bicarbonate were injected intravenously. One of the pulmonary veins were stretched out while the other was absolutely shredded. The surgeon was having a difficult time with the shredded vessel. They clamped off the severed end and tried to staple it to the left atrium after the heart was repositioned. However, the staples didn’t hold so the vessel and left atrium continued to leak blood into the chest cavity.
The surgeon restarted their efforts to control the hemorrhage, but the medications were able to convert Tara to a shockable rhythm. The attending surgeon then ordered the team to charge the internal paddles to 20 joules. An electrical whirring was heard during the charging process before the large, spoon shaped paddles were handed off to the doctor. The paddles were lowered into the chest and placed around each side of Tara’s fidgeting heart. Once everyone backed away, shock #1 was delivered. A dull thump was heard, and Tara’s torso flopped slightly in response to the quick jolt of electricity. “still in v-fib.” A nurse called out, shaking her head. The surgical resident resumed internal massage for a moment while the paddles were recharged to a slightly stronger setting of 30 joules.
When the paddles were recharged, they were lowered back into Tara’s chest and the next shock was delivered. The singer’s torso jerked again and her toes curled, showing off a few sharp wrinkles in her soft, size 7 soles. Shock #2 failed to ameliorate the situation since v-fib was still present on the monitors. A cycle of internal massage was performed while the internal paddles were readied for the next shock. Her ET tube became clogged with blood once again, so suction was required to restore her airway. Once her airway was cleared, the next shock was delivered. A dull, wet thump was heard in the OR, and Tara’s upper body flopped limply on the OR table. This shock sent her back into PEA, so internal massage had to be restarted.
Tara’s skin was freezing cold and had a pale, grayish tinge that was becoming more and more noticeable by the second. Her heart felt warm and firm, twitching weakly but frantically. Multiple cycles of internal massage failed to convert her or achieve ROSC, so another dose of cardiac stimulating drugs were pushed at the 11 minute mark of the code. At that point, things started to become repetitive in the code. Cycle after cycle of internal massage failed to produce any change, and the room grew increasingly quiet.
Medications were pushed at the 14 and 17 minute mark of the code, respectively, and the 10th round of blood products were hung from the infuser. These 2 doses of meds failed to produce a shockable rhythm. Tara spiraled further downhill, with an agonal rhythm displaying on the heart monitors. Tara was also maxed out on meds at 17 minutes, so if she were to come back, it would either be now or never.
The surgical team performed internal massage for another 3 and a half minutes, but Tara was asystolic, had no respirations, and her pupils were fixed and dilated. Despite everyone’s best efforts, Tara Thompson was pronounced dead at 10:26am.
The flatlined monitors were switched off and the ambu bag was detached from the ET tube. A nurse began pulling off the EKG electrodes from Tara’s lifeless body while another nurse removed the IVs. The chest tubes, clamps, and rib spreaders were all removed. Tara’s eyes remained half open, almost appearing as if she was watching the nurses perform postmortem care. The nurses then shut her eyes and covered up the young woman’s battered body. Lastly, a toe tag was placed on the big toe of her left foot. The tag dangled in front of Tara’s cute, wrinkly soles as she was wheeled off to the hospital morgue.
Now that Tara was dead, the doctors and hospital administration met in order to figure out how to address the media since this was a high profile case, and her death at their facility may be bad for the hospital’s public image.
At 11am, the hospital administrator and board of directors decided to meet with the press and paparazzi, sparing the doctors of the media circus. The statement was the following:
“We thank you all for your patience this morning. As many of you know, singer-songwriter Tara Thompson was brought to our emergency department after being involved in a high speed motor vehicle accident. She arrived in unstable condition and our emergency department and required emergency surgery. During this surgery, her condition deteriorated further. Despite our staff’s best efforts, Ms Thompson passed away at 10:26am. We’re all very saddened by her untimely passing, and we request that you give her family, friends, and our staff time and space to grieve this loss properly. Thank you.”
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𝕆𝕦𝕥 𝕆𝕗 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣 ℚ𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥��𝕠𝕟𝕤
Alright TDC Community It’s time for a task, 
and this time we’re all going to get to know each other a little better. 
Under the cut, you’ll find forty out of character questions split into two parts: OOC about your muses, and OOC about yourself! Answer what you’d like, add more if you’d like.
When you’re done TAG some of your writing partners and keep FUN going. 
-there is no pressure to participate
-IF You Are Reading This And You’d Like To Participate Consider Yourself Tagged My Friend! 
Much Love,
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I tag @lyr-taxidermist  @theghostofharar  @hurdygurdyskeksis  @urskekyagvi  @skekmal-the-hunter  @skekso-the-emperor  @gourdplayer   @hedonistschambers  @ulvanmaudra  @littlebluezoologist @the-wandering-urru  @queenofthetides  @juliejewel24 @thecastleurru
OOC About  Your Character(s)
1.     What do you want to get out of playing this character(s)?
The reason I wanted to write for Gra was to meet fellow fans that loved the world of TDC as much as I do, I wanted to find fellow writers. I wanted to steep myself in the fandom. You can easily consider me skeKSis obsessed but I am growing a fondness for their counterparts -slowly ❤
2.     Describe your character(s) with three words.
Passionate | Erratic | Trustworthy
3.     What made you decide to write this muse?
Originally I was going to pick up The Ritual Master, he’d been my OG fav from the movie BUT Gra kept ... poking me with his scepter? Like; I live in the desert, you live in the desert, Ima recluse, you’re a recluse =we are simpatico. I think The Heretic picked me because he simply would not leave my mind when I considered him as a possibility. 
4.     If you could change one event in your muse’s life (in their main or canon verse), what would you change?
Canon. I mean they left us kinda hanging there. We really do not know what happened do we? They are simply, just not there anymore. I do not want them to perish, I want them to make it to the finish line and become urSkek. It breaks my heart to think they did not make it.
5.     If you could tell your muse one thing, what would you tell them?
I would not say anything, just hug him REALLY tightly and probably not let go until he gives me a chitter-laugh.
6.     If you could give your muse one gift, what would you give them?
I would like to give them...ME. 
7.     If you had to take one positive thing away from your muse, what would you take away?
I do not want to take a positive thing from the fibers that make up Gra. I feel they are very interwoven in his tale. Removing one would make another untether. If I could take away or diminish a bad trait Id have him not be so stubborn and or impatient but then again he would not be Gra now would he?  
8.     If you could “borrow” one aspect of your muse and apply it to yourself or your own life, what would you borrow?
His determination, passion. Damn son. You get things done. 
9.     Do you genuinely want your muse to be happy? What do you think would make them most happy in life?
Yes. He’s gotten his ass handed to him, I think he might be owed a slice of peace and happiness.  What makes him most happy? He’s already showed me; his relationships whether its friendship, extended family or a lover those are treasures he holds near and dear to his heart.  
10. Do you enjoy putting your muse through angst? What do you think would break their heart the most?
Usually I prefer to plot out angst rather then let it completely run a-muck because you never know what your partner is comfortable with, what might trigger them in a detrimental way and simply set fire to a plot unintentionally. 
I already know; it literally is ... break his heart. 
11. What do you love about your muse?
His dynamic energy, the wild fire, the mystical chaos, the creativity is off the charts. His sharp distinguished features, the way he looks shamanistically feral as compared to his brethren and their Garthic garb. His use of the color red. His scratchy rasp of a voice. His laugh. 
12. What do you hate about your muse?
He is a high maintenance muse, he is demanding and screeches loudly for what he wants. 
13. What about your muse amuses you?
The fact that he is a skeKSis. This brings a whole slew of challenges to the table for a writer. Case in point, I was writing a reply one day and I went to put something in along the lines of ‘he arched his brow and blah blah’ THEN he hit me! He has no eyebrows to arch, ahhh! I have to stop and think about how to write out expressive traits or reactions that are not of the usual human reaction tone.
14. What about your muse makes you sad? 
How fragile his heart really is after all the shit he’s endeared. 
15. How would you describe your muse to someone about to meet them, in person, for the first time?
Get Ready For A Wild SURPRISE!
16. Would you like your muse as a person if you met them in real life?
Yes, I like creative souls. I cherish them. 
17. In what ways are you better than your muse? In what ways are they better than you?
I do not think I am or he is better than the other. 
But I will say he is a handsome devil, for a skeKSis. 
18. Why do you think you connect to your muse?
Creative. Outcast. 
19. What aspect of your muse’s personality is most important to you? What aspect of your muse’s personality do you think is most important to them? Is it the same? Why or why not?
His passion and drive. I’d say its the same answer for us both. All of the accomplishments he tackled probably had their stacks of obstacles with each to-do. You’d have to have an unending supply of passion and drive to keep going, to complete all. He really is a work-a-holic and a busy body skek.
20. Has your character(s) changed over the time that you have been playing them? How have they changed?
Not yet but I am sure he will, creative liberties will be taken since I only have a a episode or two to work with -am I right? 
About You!
1.     What is your name? 
2.     What is your profession?
secret shit. 
3.     What do you do to relax?
I write. Play video games. Naps are divine. Hot coffee and watch YT videos. DOodle. Desert combing walks. Long hot baths. Organize things xD
4.     What is your favorite treat (desert)?
All kinds, I’m not picky. I love me some chocolate lately. 
5.     Favorite movie
Too many to list. Its October right now. All I want is Hocus Pocus, some Harry Potter and Practical Magick at the moment. Tis the season. 
6.     Favorite book
I do not think I have a favorite. BUT I will admit that I have a copy of The Dark Crystal that I STOLE FROM A LIBRARY YEARS AGO! I have kept it all this time, its falling apart and its aged with beauty and I adore it  ❤ I also have a Jim Henson book about puppetry and his works, there is a page from TDC and if my memory serves me right it has the concept art of skekGra in it sooo sooo I was looking at skekGra YEARS AGO AND HAD NO CLUE the conjunction that would line up in the future! I really neeed to go find this book but its in a storage shed that will be a fresh hell to get to =[ *
7.     Favorite vacation spot
Anywhere where its either very green and or by some body of water. Ocean, river, lake. Yes, good. -not very many humans around save for present company reading thiiiis. 
8.     Favorite Disney movie
Are you kidding me? Too many to list, although I will say The Sword In The Stone did play a part in Gra’s Crystal Skimmer named Archimedes after the grouchy old owl. 
9.     How did you first get into role playing?
Years ago. I started writing on face book. I wrote for a pirate believe it or not, he was my first muse and he holds special place in my black heart and probably always will. But I am disinclined to acquiesce the gift of further details about this scurvy cursed muse, Ha!
10. What was your first platform? If it was something other than Tumblr, what made you get into Tumblr?
It was face book, before they got all crazy about accounts and security. I moved over to tumblr because writers were incredibly rude and rapid fire RP-ers. One liner sentences and I’m like NOPE I need a novel length. 
11. What’s a grammar rule you find yourself breaking or ignoring a lot?
Sometimes I have a touch of dyslexia, sometimes I typo, sometimes I am too tired to proof read, sometimes I make blunders. But I tend to focus on my mistakes rather then other peoples. I just go with the flow, I just write no matter what their level of ‘proper grammar’ IS because I’d like to think that maybe they are just starting out, maybe they will fall in love with writing and maybe they will be the next author who creates a world we all fall in love with and want to immerse ourselves in.  
12. Are there any languages besides English in which you think you could comfortably roleplay?
I do not RP in other languages. However I did have a muse at one time who was French, I would throw in little phrases but it was never entirely done in French and I do have a British muse at the moment, so again I will use slang and little sayings to make them well rounded as best as I can. Those are just little details I like to include that many others might skip on but I thrive for deets. 
I do however have role play writing partners that are from ALL over the world which is amazing to me. 
13. Do you listen to music while your write?
ALOT. I have tracks specifically for skekGra, that take me to his frame of mind. Even TDC soundtrack at times, the puppet show song and the blue flame part 2 are on replay a lot. 
14. Are you a morning, day, evening, or night writer?
I am all over the place. My life is very hectic. I’d like to say its usually in the afternoon of evening for me, the house is settled down and things are silent but thats not always how it works out. Oftentimes I will sit down and write a reply or two, then dip to do mundane human things that adults do, then return back for a few more replies. 
15. How does tiredness affect your writing?
Kills it. The weekends I work long hours therefor my brain is like WHAAAT. 
16. What is your biggest obstacle to writing every day, if time doesn’t count?
It is always TIME. Sometimes stress levels can be an obstacle too, no lie. If something major is going on, I just throw my hands up like ‘I got nothin’’ and thats that.
17. How many drafts is a paralyzing amount?
Oh damn. Been there done that. I am much more picky about it nowadays. I try to limit skekGra to a certain number of replies because he also has to allow room for other muses. 
Currently: Gra has ten replies on tumblr -no actually 11 &&& 4 on discord. I am two shakes away from cutting HIM OFF! lol. 
18. Is there anything character-wise or writing style-wise that you can’t stand?
I’m open to different characters, I have written with a lot. I love a writer who has style, I appreciate the effort.  
Etiquette, manners and consideration are oftentimes LACKING as of late. 
19. What kind of anonymous questions are your favorite?
ANYTHING as long as it is not anon HATE. 
20. What is your weakest point in writing? Angst, fluff, dialogue, etc.?
T I M E not having enough time to write the angst fluff and dialogue, smut too lets be real. It really is a bummer to me when I  do not have the time, I work, I have a a lotta responsibilities, my life is like a hurricane a lot of the time so TIME is my weakness, oftentimes I am super J E L L O of people who are online all day, every day, always there I’m envious and I get writers FOMO which makes me laugh but its so damn true I could ugly laugh cry about it. 
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imma-lil-teapot · 5 years
Which Turtle I’d Get Along Best With :)
This is actually in response to @aurora-the-kunoichi ‘s  post = 
Ignoring the facts on why they are your favorite turtle based on looks and character traits. Based on your personality alone who do you think you would get alone with the best and give me reasons.
I was going to respond to it in the comments, but found the more I thought about it, the more indepth I wanted to actually go into the subject, and it’s been a while since I posted something of my own (sorta) so here we go~
Also, please beware the typos and errors. They bite.
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A few things before we start... (Feel free to skip if you’re really not interested, it’s cool) ;)
-- Since a Bay!verse gif was used in the original post (points up), those are the Turts I’m going with in response to the post. :)
-- I have a handful of personal issues that I’m going to take into account when considering which guy I’d get along with best, namely: social anxiety and awkwardness, depression, panic attacks and low self esteem.
-- The general comfort setting I assume is during after the initial reaction of meeting them. So the friendship is still in its early stages but past the ‘OMGOSH, GIANT, TALKING, EXTREMELY BUFF, TURTLES WITH WEAPONS’ phase.
-- I really wanted to talk a bit about each one and how I’d feel around them, so how this is gonna work is basically least comfortable (first) to most comfortable (last) and of course as to why. :)
-- Please don’t think for a second that I dislike any of them based on this! I ADORE all of these boys (even though I do have a fav) and I fully believe that just about anyone (with good intentions) can get along with all of them and vice versa, even if it were to take a while (I’m looking at you, Raph ;P). I don’t see these boys being especially hostile to anyone without good reasoning, but like with all friendships, it takes time. 
And with that outta the way~ (Drum roll)
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Aww, Mr. Big Cuddly Teddy Bear himself? Why would I be the least comfortable around ol’ Red? Perhaps because, first of all, his SIZE!! :O Yeah, technically, Donnie’s slightly taller, and granted, they’re all pretty gigantic, but Raph’s on a whole other level! Skip shoulder day? I think not! And here I am, 5′1′’ and have to look to the sky to see this hulking mass staring down at me with such a piercing gaze and a toothpick poking out of his lips... Yeah, that social anxiety and shyness I spoke of earlier would be busy wetting itself whenever I’d be in the general vicinity of Raphie-Boy. Now let’s get real for a sec, it’s not like Raph’s gonna have a Leatherhead moment and turn savage at the sight of me, but in my irrational mindset, from his displayed temper and the way he goes at that punching bag, he could at any time... Not to mention how he often butts heads with Leo. It would take quite a while to completely dispel the tension and discomfort I’d be in whenever I’m around him. Maybe even a few years since I get really nervous around others that show a lot of anger and physical irritation. I’d definitely feel like he’d find me a bother, irritating or in the way a lot, even though he probably wouldn’t really since he tolerates a lot from others, but that’s just how I’d interpret his actions from my own point of view and I’d always try to stay a little clear of him for the most part. Seriously, I adore you, Raph, but you’d scare the cr@p outta me. :O
On a brighter note, I would admire his dedication to his family, his heroic actions and just the way he works out all the time. But you know, just from... afar. :) At least for a while until I got use to him more, then we might even hit it off after that!
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Sorry Boi Blue. :’( You may be my fav, but I’d be an awkward mess around you. Now I dunno if the favoritism would hold true if I were to meet them in reality (there’s still a good chance it would), but like with Raph, Leo’s someone I’d admire from afar, though the nervousness wouldn’t be as hectic as with his younger brother in red since Leo doesn’t tend to display it as much and not in the same fashion. I tend to have a good amount of respect for authoritative figures (or at least I try to) and he’d be no exception to that rule, but because of this, I’d both enjoy and dread our little interactions for the fear of saying something stupid or to annoy him in anyway, even though I’d probably enjoy his presence since he’s someone to look up to (and no, that wasn’t a short joke ;P ) and to feel protected by. Again, I’d feel like a burden and an annoyance to him but unlike with Raph, I would have to at least open my mouth first to get that same amount of discomfort with him as opposed to Raph... That last sentence wasn’t meant to sound NSFW, just FYI. ;P But with Leo, I think I’d actually try and work around that amount of nerves to get into his good books since he’s proven he can be a bit more on the gentlemanly side so I feel I’d stand a better chance with him... But still pretty nervy and that is why he’s in the no.3 spot. Sorry, Leader Boy. :’(
Up side, the admiration is strong. Leaders have a lot upon their shoulders to bear so that alone puts him in high respects in my eyes. Not mention I’d be in complete awe whenever watching him practicing with his katanas and performing katas... I promised myself I wouldn’t fangirl, but DAYUM, BOI! It’s getting awful warm in the sewer~ Expect applause and compliments after practice! ;P
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Despite us talking about the smartest Turtle, this one’s a no-brainer, really. :) Don’s a sweetheart so I think someone would really have to try their best to get this pacifist to at least not tolerate them. That’s not to say he doesn’t have enemies - like Shredder and Krang of course - but as long you’re not posing a threat to his family, friends, the innocent or the earth, I think you’re pretty much A-okay to him. He’d without a doubt be the brother I’d feel most comfortable around after the first as he seems to take into consideration the feelings and reactions of others and is just pretty laid back in general, not really loud and ranty and for that, I’d definitely feel more at ease around. Plus, he has a bit of a fun and quirky side that comes out every now and then. Heck, even a little bit of a potty mouth. X’D Don is definitely the one I’d go to for advice on just about anything, or just to share random information and trivia with. I feel he’d be a great listener, share his own opinions in a gentle fashion, provide heartfelt solutions and just genuinely be ready to help where he’s needed. Heck, he may even try to engage me in some simple tasks like helping him with a gadget he’s busy whipping up... This is however where the comfort will start to wobble: Don-Bon’s a genius, and I’m intimidated by brilliance of the mind. :( I’d start to feel compelled to stop talking to him after a while for the sheer sake of seeming too dense to be in his presence, especially if he were to start explaining equations and science related topics. His brilliant mindset would be too much for me to bear so I think I’d probably not spend too much time around him. That’s not to say the others aren’t smart, heck, but Don’s on a whole other playing field!
Other than that, I definitely would feel comfortable around this sweetie nerd. He’s adorable! Even though the brilliance is what scares me, I would in turn be in awe of it. :) He’s a regular Einstein and then some with a lovely personality to boot! 
When there’s something strange, 
with your home wi-fi,
Who ya gonna call?
*Is boo’d off the stage* X’D
And finally~
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*Lets off balloons and streamers* Well, what a surprise, am I right? ;P Raise your hand if you saw it coming! :)
But seriously though, there wasn’t much to question; Mikey’s easily the one I’d gravitate towards first and feel most at ease around. :) He’s so laid back, fun, non-judgmental, accommodating, sweet, hilarious and charming, just to name a few things! What can I say, the youngest brother of the Turts is adorable and I genuinely feel I’d get along quite well with him. <3 With all my own personal baggage, he seems like the one that would be most patient and understanding with me if anything was to surface, and he’d be so chilled about it or even joke around in a non-offensive manner to help ease the tension. That’s something I’d really appreciate with him, especially in certain situations. His goofiness could quell any nerves, that’s for sure. Even though I’m no prankster of any note whatsoever, if he were to rope me into a very harmless and innocent one here and there, I’d probably be game for it, so the two of us would probably have quite a bit of fun together. Watching movies together too, with pizza, of course! Even laughing at him showing/goofing-off during training. 
So yeah, Mikey’s hands down my go-to Turtle boy in terms of comfort level, emotional support and just about everything in that relation. I see no reason as to why I’d not get along with him. He’s just a really great guy whom I feel would really go out of his way to make any human with good intentions feel welcome in his family. Someone who’s really in tune with others’ feelings and emotions and would try to help them when needed in the best way he could think of. A real cutie-pie with a heart of gold who just wants to fit in with the rest of the world. Someone who wouldn’t really care what the person looked like as long as they meant well. That’s Mikey for you, and the one I’d probably be most comfortable around! :D 
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And there we have it! :) Definitely a fun and enjoyable post to type up! Although the ‘winner’ was a clear cut choice, it really got me thinking how I’d feel around the other three so am really glad I got around to doing this. :) Also, I’m sure @aurora-the-kunoichi​ would love to see more people respond to the question so if you’re interested, feel free to respond to it. ;) 
Thanks for reading~
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