#really want to rewatch the whole thing again but i can’t when it’s finals LOL so i guess this means dec will be another ritsumas for me !
asakamasanobu · 2 years
i should honestly start paying some kind of therapist royalties to nakamura for all she has unwittingly done for my mental health omfg ….. i don’t think i could’ve made it through this week without her (and . and many similar weeks)
#this is so facking embarrassing after i just wrote in my asaka post that i haven’t had a mental breakdown this year#like famous last words! boom! you’re gonna get mildly traumatised by someone’s actions in the middle of finals!#which is fun and all bc now i have another ricchan-esque experience under my belt even tho i did not WANT#ANY MORE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT FOR ME WHATTHDKDHDJ THE FUCK#but i am doing kinda better now! still having mental illness tummy problems and loss of appetite but at least i’m not doing a voms#what have i been doing to therapise myself ….. i binged a bunch of old ricchan chapters <3 and then also watched 3 episodes of the anime <3#really want to rewatch the whole thing again but i can’t when it’s finals LOL so i guess this means dec will be another ritsumas for me !#somehow i always fall back into my ritsu habits when it’s nov/dec wghsjdhsj wtf is up with me in the holidays#and i’ve also been rereading the whole of yokozawa no baai ……. those novels actually come with like#therapist certificates i swear like they are the best pieces of literature ever#i have so many thoughts about them again i should dump them out here soon after finals! ehe!#plus my heart attack when they went poof but all is well again ….. would not have made it to today without them omfg#ok but yes that is all that is going on in my life …… many many things! and i will inevitably pop back here again soon i guess#i still need to read like two ritsu chapters in chinese that i’m behind on bc i’m a monolingual hater#bwehhhHh bweh
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yeetlegay · 2 years
Grandma watches Kinnporsche ep 5
It’s been about 5,000 years but Grandma and I are finally back on our Kinnporsche bullshit after I showed her the first 4 eps back in…idk, May? June? They’re all tagged “grandma watches kinnporsche” if you want to find them on my blog, I’m too lazy to hunt them down rn lol.
THE POINT BEING: Grandma was totally into the show, but Covid, vacations, work schedules, family happenings, etc. meant we didn’t get as much time to hang out with just the two of us over the summer. But last night we had the whole evening together and she was down for more KP so I fired up the TV while we ate dinner. We rewatched ep 4 bc it’s been so long, so we only had time for ep 5 after that, which sucked bc it ends on a cliffhanger oops lol
Here’s a collection of her ep 5 reactions:
She was really impressed by that scene where Porsche breaks down in the bathroom, I thought she was gonna cry. She said it reminded her of a thriller movie (she loves those lol).
This specific shot made her gasp out loud. Porsche visuals winning again 😌
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We get to the super dramatic, devastating scene where Kinn and Porsche try boning other people. I’m in my feelings, heart full of the Cinema™️, and then there’s that moment where Kinn rips his slutty red robe off and I look over just in time to see MY 85-YEAR-OLD GRANDMA go “MMhmMm” in the most salacious way possible. I had to pause the tv I was laughing so hard.
In the same scene, Grandma starts shaking her head and laughing when Kinn drags that guy off the bed all the way over to the window for no reason. I ask her what’s funny and she says “I don’t think he knows what windows are for” 💀
The Vegas/Porsche friendship montage got her GOING. She thought Vegas was gonna kidnap Porsche or something, and then it’s just Vegas wooing him instead which was apparently worse lol. “He shouldn’t hug men like this, it never ends well.” I was like “Grandma he hugged Kinn like that too” and she said “exactly!”
In that scene with Porsche waking Kinn up, when Kinn leaned in like he was gonna kiss Porsche Grandma’s eyes went SO BIG, she totally thought he was gonna go for it. I asked her if she thought they should’ve kissed and she said “well it couldn’t make things worse could it?” Which, okay, point lol
She loved the little scenes with Porsche and Chay together, she said it reminded her of her and her older sisters (they both died before I was born, but I’ve heard a ton of stories about them from her).
Y’all I think she’s a Kinn anti 😂 she can’t stand him right now, he’s gonna have to really redeem himself for letting Porsche get beat up. I asked her who she wanted Porsche to end up with and she said Pete seems nice (“after he wipes that baby powder off”) so congrats PetePorsche lovers you got another one
Next up, Grandma watches Kinn and Porsche go fishing and try bondage 🤙🏻
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lovesick-boyz · 9 months
well… after being stalked and harassed for the past couple of months, i am finally back!! stay tuned lol i got some fics lined up for y’all 😁
anyway if you read that first line and thought to yourself “WTF?!?”, here is the full story for my curious readers (just a warning, it’s long and i rant a lot):
a couple of months ago, i started getting tagged by random accs on tiktok and insta that posted vids accusing me of the most random and heinous shit. honestly, it just baffled me the first time i saw them bc they made absolutely no sense whatsoever.
when the first ones popped up, i just blocked them thinking it was a random troll and went on with my life.
but then i kept getting spammed by other accs with new posts where they not only involved me but also my friends, and accused us as a friend group of being horrible ppl.
i had enough (i can’t even remember how many accs i blocked) and deleted ALL my social media apps for a while (i.e. more than a couple of months, oops) and basically isolated myself from ppl so that i could focus on other things to distract me (i ended up making daily exercise a habit so ig that’s one good thing that’s come out of this lol, i also rewatched all the marvel movies in timeline order hehe). i wish i continued writing so i could’ve at least had more content to share by now, but i was feeling so negative and pissed that i couldn’t even bring myself to write anything (i even uninstalled notion from my phone and that’s where i keep all my drafts and fic ideas)
i only found out the full situation less than a week ago when i reinstalled tiktok bc i missed it, only to find more burner accs harassing me. i finally had enough so i reinstalled insta to rant about it on my spam acc for my friends to see and to my surprise a couple of them knew who it was and explained the whole situation to me.
it was my first time interacting with ppl outside of my family in months lol, when i tell y’all i isolated myself i really did mean it 🙃 my irl friends didn’t even know anything out of the ordinary was happening bc i’m notorious in my friend group for going off the grid for months at a time bc of how bad my mental health gets sometimes, they know to just let me be and let me deal with it alone bc they understand that’s how i work best. (they won’t see this bc they don’t know this tumblr exists but i wanna apologise to my dear friends for my disappearing acts, my bad, i love y’all for being so understanding and still being my friend after all this time 🫶🏼)
anyway, it turns out the culprit was this guy that my friend had rejected previously and he’s so bitter and hateful that he decided to harass me bc he knew i was one of her bffs (the ppl he targeted were the ones in her closest friend group which included me)
when my friend found out she was so surprised and appalled that he was harassing me too, bc him, my friend, and the other ppl he targeted all go to the same college together (and i’m the only one in the friend group that goes to a different college, so to reiterate once again: this guy barely knows me! the last time we spoke was at my friends bday party 3 years ago!! he’s literally insane!)
she knew he was harassing my other friends since they’re all in the same school and know him in person, she didn’t think i would be involved too and i couldn’t believe i was.
anyway, i just wanted to rant about this whole thing bc i’m having a hard time processing it tbh. i hope that guy rots in hell and also finds a job there bc he was acting hella unemployed like who has time for this? he made me feel so confused and paranoid for weeks and i hope he gets all the karma he deserves in the universe.
y’all wanna know something funny tho? i started writing a changmin stalker fic in june, way before this whole situation happened. life imitates art ig 🤪 anyway i finally finished it and i’m gonna release that fic next after i fine tune it, at least now it’ll be somewhat realistic lmaoooo
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diamondzart · 2 years
I just finished rewatching Despicable Me 2 and I got a bunch of screenshots here yeah lets gooooo! You already know which character is the main focus for me here ;)
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Okay I just wanted to try and clarify the whole “they worked together for 40 years and then Nefario just straight up abandoned Gru at first opportunity”. I’m here to say that he probably never planned to leave forever. More like he wanted to lure Gru back into being evil. And this leaving was just a step that he needed to make for this plan to work out properly.
As we know from Minions 2, in his early 30s Nefario was about to start living honest life without any crimes and other stuff like that, but Gru just came and dragged him back, this time for the rest of his life. And now he is in mid 70s, there is already no time for him to change the lifestyle again, he is already fully devoted to villainy and can’t imagine his existence without it. And then Gru goes “oops yeah I wanna live an honest life”, and Nefario is like “…….man what the f**k did I tell you like 40 years ago???”
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He just can’t change himself anymore, he feels out of place, but he doesn’t want to grow apart with Gru since he is probably the only one who he can truly call his family. So he tries to do the same thing that Gru did to him all those years ago - drag him back into being villain.
He goes to work for El Macho and slowly takes the minions after him, and basically this whole purple army thing is just a big bait for Gru. I’m almost certain that he convinced El Macho that they need to invite Gru into this plan, since he was really happy to finally see him in El Macho’s lair and even brought the confetti to celebrate their reunion as a team. He was hoping that Gru will get inspired, that they will be back to being villains and will take over the world together with their new forces.
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I’m pretty sure that at some point Nefario would just quietly get rid of El Macho and go “oops, looks like there are two of us again, cool right?”
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He looks quite disappointed when Gru doesn’t show any enthusiasm for the idea. He doesn’t want to take over the world without him. All of this was just to bring his evil boi back into the business. Aw.
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And he definitely didn’t expect El Macho to sic the purple minion on Gru. That was the moment that he realised that the situation went out of control. “Destroying the family in case Gru doesn’t join us” clearly wasn’t on his to-do list.
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So almost immediately after that Nefario goes back to Gru’s side and sabotages El Macho’s plans. Because the whole plan of luring Gru into the villainy transformed into a big life threat for everyone too fast. Not only for Gru, but for the girls and Lucy as well.
Does Nefario treat the girls like granddaughters? I think yeah, kind of. His attitude to them evolved from DM 1 a lot. I think he even started seeing in them the echoes of his past with 11 yr old Gru. Just look how happy he is about bringing them with him into the battle and giving them guns and stuff, he forgets for a minute that Gru is much more protective about children then Marlena was.
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There is a sparkle in him that reminded him of the younger days when he and small Gru were just having genuine fun. Maybe he even felt for a few moments that he went back in time, he wasn’t as excited about anything through the whole movie as much as he was about giving the gOrls the guns and letting them have pure fun without consequences. He is clearly having the time of his life during the whole final battle scene.
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Oh my GOD that was a lot. I hope you like the whole thing, I spent like 50 minutes on making this post, lol :D
Any thoughts, maybe? I’d be very happy to hear from you, thank you for reading! <3
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desib717 · 1 month
After V9 ended I kinda semi-left the fandom as I got into other shows and whatever, but recently the rwby/nnd brainrot (affectionately) has returned, and as I rewatched v8/9 and then watched the post-v9 shorts I was just hit with this wave of confusion once again
Like, the scene with Penny and Winter seems quite Definite in terms of it seeming like the end of her run as a character, but then v9 just kinda shoved that off the table? And like what do you mean the last time we’ll see Penny is when “she” talks to Ruby in Neo’s house (which is just obviously such a significant scene because it’s the first time we’ve seen that kind of distress on Ruby, literally I can’t get that expression out of my head)?? And there hasn’t been a single mention of Penny afterwards, other than Winter showing regret in the V9-epilogue
I feel like CRWBY had the perfect opportunity to tie up the loose ends with V8/9. It would’ve probably been at least partially unsatisfying anyways cuz of that whole turn-human-and-die-20-minutes-later-thing (with emphasis on the turn-human part which I have Very strong opinions about), but instead they go out of their way to have Penny be referenced several times in V9 with no explanation??
I can get Jaune seeing Penny in the punderstorm, but what about her swords?? What about Penny’s reflection in the blacksmith scene?? What about Weiss’ “I know that Penny…” in V9E2??
We still haven’t gotten an answer to where Penny’s body even ended up! (Or where Pietro is.) And at the end of the day, the “conclusion” of Penny’s arc had ended up being the opposite of what her character development was pointing towards (self-acceptance/self-realization/putting yourself first more), and that last point in particular is just so unsatisfying that it makes me think “Is this really what CRWBY had in store for her? Or is there more to her story that we’ve not yet seen?”
I definitely feel like there are ways Penny can be brought back in a meaningful matter, especially since the “it cheapens her death!”-argument is no longer relevant due to the revelations about death/reincarnation in V9 (even though it was a weak argument in the first place). And there are for sure ways to utilize her character in the future, especially as a foil (or rather, a two-peas-in-a-pod-situation?) to Ruby in regards to them both being selfless to a fault.
Penny might be the only character (that comes to mind) whose death/conclusion to arc is so off-putting (in the sense that it makes little sense writing-wise, if you get what I mean?). I might even say that her death in V3 was more of a clear “conclusion” to her story than her death in V8.
So idk if it’s just delusion on my side or CRWBY actually has more in store for her, but I just have this feeling that this isn’t the last we’ve seen of Penny, which is very very scary cuz I don’t want to get my hopes up for nothing
Sorry for the long rant. I’ve read a lot of your posts on this matter and it’s been occupying my thoughts an unhealthy amount lol
I mean, you're preaching to the choir here lmao, most of this is my exact thoughts on the matter.
For the part about the Maiden transfer scene seeming so final, my best guess is that it was 1) meant to throw us off a bit, make sure we had to dig a little before coming to the conclusion that her story isn't over, and 2) make sure that they were still applying the emotional weight necessary for the death of such a beloved character (even if they knew it wasn't actually the end).
The fact that Ruby's story wrt her mourning of Penny is currently left off with the Neo scene definitely tells me there's more coming there, there's no way you can spin that scene as satisfying/emotionally resonant closure for her or the audience. And I think that makes sense since, even revival theories aside, we still need to see Pietro's side of that story, and it makes sense to have the two of them overlap/interact some.
The amount of times Penny indirectly showed up in V9 is definitely suspicious, the voice, the sword, the reflection. There's something going on there for sure.
And yeah, don't even get me started on how little sense the end of V8 makes if it's truly meant to be the end of her story. Just takes all the themes of her character arc, rips them apart and stomps on the pieces lmao. But, that is also a part of why I'm confident she's not done, since I have enough faith in this writing team to believe they wouldn't leave it there.
I definitely feel you on the fear of getting your hopes up, I've definitely been there on-and-off over the last few years. With how much V9 gave us in terms of evidence and hints though, I've been less worried about it for a while now
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quinn-the-brain · 3 months
I have issues:
So I have been having some difficult thoughts but I’m not with my journal (it’s at my apartment and I’m at my parents home) and I need to get thoughts out. I also felt like the possibility of people seeing this and maybe giving their thoughts would be helpful so here we are.
So first for some context when I was younger I was quite boy crazy and would get “crushes” on random guys I would see in public. I also knew I liked girls but I would go back and forth thinking I didn’t actually like them. I finally felt that I was bisexual but over that past maybe 2 years I’ve had almost no interest in guys at all. Even my celebrity crushes weren’t really of interest to me. I thought I could have dealt with comp het but I still wasn’t sure and still found certain guys semi attractive so I just used queer or sapphic as a label.
My disinterest in men ended recently when I started rewatching a show and very randomly honestly was like oh that guys kinda hot and now I’m in a full blown obsession. I have never really had sexual thoughts about guys and now I’m having them about him which is so weird for me. Not only does this crush confuse me more about my sexuality but it’s making me feel crazy.
The thing that’s really making me struggle is the fact I can’t seem to just have a celeb crush haha. I want the person so bad it’s embarrassing. As well, we have a super big age difference which makes me feel depressed (again so embarrassing) because I can probably never have him because of the age difference.
I just keep feeling so depressed and sad about the whole thing which makes me feel insane because it’s a random actor why are you so weird??? Like I seriously don’t know what’s wrong with me..
On top of that I’ve been feeling like I’ll be forever alone. I haven’t done anything and I’m almost 21. I haven’t been on dates, kissed anyone and so on. I feel like I’ll never experience love which makes this situation feel worse to me. I know I’m technically young but I feel at such a lost.
So yeah if anyone actually reads this and has anything to say I’d be very appreciative lol
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spinsterennui · 1 year
I was tagged by the lovely @archetypewriter ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you so much for thinking of me darling!!! Fair warning, though: you’ve asked *an English lit grad student* to answer questions in a written format. I hope you’ve learned your lesson lol. In my defense, I can’t help being verbose; it’s my nature!!! 😂😭
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better!!!
Last song: XTC “Respectable Street”
Last show: Burn Notice
Currently watching: I always have the tv on in the background bc it reduces anxiety for me, but I’m not necessarily watching; it’s like white noise. The shows I’m actually watching are: Burn Notice, trying to finally finish Lucifer (the second half of season 6), and I’m going to try to get to Lucky Hank either today or tomorrow, despite my having a severe issue with large beards due to traumatic childhood parent issues. I honestly can’t decide if it’s a good thing that Bob has such a terrible beard in this show or not 😭 Like the fact that he’s playing an English professor might have been too indulgent for me without the off-putting facial hair lol.
Currently reading: Unfortunately I don’t read much for pleasure at the moment. A lot of this has to do with being so behind in my dissertation, which causes me to feel like I shouldn’t/can’t read anything that isn’t research; consequently, I end up just not reading. That said, I have been reading bits of Bob’s book A Load of Hooey, which is hilarious and ridiculous but is also easy to pick up and put down because it has a lot of very short parts. Books closer to my research: Killer Apes, Naked Apes & Just Plain Nasty People: The Misuse and Abuse of Science in Political Discourse by professor emeritus of anthropology at St. Lawrence University Richard J. Perry (a history and critique of biological determinism that is written for a non-academic audience — I highly recommend it) and, a more theory-based text, The Age of Scientific Sexism: How Evolutionary Psychology Promotes Gender Profiling and Fans the Battle of the Sexes by feminist/queer theorist and Distinguished Professor of critical theory and gender/sexuality studies at University of Toronto Mari Ruti (also fantastic albeit a bit dated as it’s from 2015 — Ruti has a very interesting writing style, but this book can be challenging for someone unfamiliar with theory and/or reading heavily academic texts).
Current obsession: I mean all apologies for being interminably repetitious, but Burn Notice (as well as Jeffrey Donovan in Burn Notice because a) he’s an incredible actor and b) he is seriously fucking hot in this role). I’m actually rewatching (yes AGAIN), but mainly because I realized that I hadn’t really been paying attention to seasons 1-2 during the rewatch.
When Better Call Saul ended I wasn’t really ready to invest in a totally new show (except for a couple of shorter ones), because it left me a tad despondent I suppose. I’d watched it from day one, back in 2015, after we’d binged Breaking Bad. So I saw that Burn Notice was streaming and thought “low stakes rewatch” because even though I watched the whole series when it originally aired, it ended back in like 2013 I think, and I’d honestly forgotten how good it is. Despite its flaws, it is such an entertaining and satisfying show. It has an incredibly strong and unique female character, and the way Michael and Fiona’s relationship develops (or re-develops) is fun and frustrating and emotionally rewarding at once. They’re both deeply flawed, deeply traumatized characters who love each other more than they love themselves, and slowly they both grow to realize that they can bring out the good in each other while helping to mitigate the bad. They save other people, that’s the sort of formula of the show beyond the burned spy part, but they also save each other, in more ways than one.
I really love shows that, at their core, turn out to be about something more substantial than what appears on the surface, particularly if that something is love in some form. When a show surreptitiously sneaks in a message about love, that show tends to stick with me so much longer and affect me so much more deeply. Better Call Saul, The X-Files, The Americans (admittedly in a fucked up way), The Glory, Lucifer, Leverage (which reminds me that I still need to watch the new one), or even Bates Motel (or ​Buffy/Angel in some ways) all, to one extent or another, have an underlying narrative of love (not just romantic, although that’s a fave for me), as well as related themes of identity (and what it means — like both what you choose and what others assign to you and how that affects your ability to be a fulfilled human), trauma and the aftermath, and family (both blood and found). These themes are quite overt in some of the shows I mentioned and less so in others, but in my opinion the threads run through them all. However, in Burn Notice they each are incorporated into the story incredibly well, which is a big part of what makes the show so compelling for me.
Okay, essay over!!!!! All apologies 😫 Anyway here’s a photo of a special birdie friend on my mantle (the spots are blacked out for privacy bc they are photos of my nephews) ❤️
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I’m not going to tag nine people but I am tagging @veyzus @yellowginghamdream @tahiri-veyla @darkskywishes (though I haven’t seen them in a while so I hope all is well) and @nissameta1782 (I always feel weird tagging unless I know someone pretty well, which is weird bc I love being tagged by people I’ve never talked to before lol . . . go figure). Please don’t feel pressured!!! Ignore if you want ❤️
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homemade-ghosts · 2 years
I feel so bad that I wasn't investigating on how hsmtmts was trying to tell me. I shipped Rina in s1 when they were hanging out and getting closer and I was really rooting for them so hard and wanted them to be together so badly, then s1 finale happened and that shocked me to my core and I was heartbroken then there went s2 with few scenes that gave me hopes about them like VDay when she visited his apartment and then all of sudden they got angsty and stopped hanging out and weren't friends so again, my heart was broken. I wanted Gina to be happy as she is my fav so I was fine with Gina dating EJ because I wanted her to move on and be happy even for a while but I KNEW that EJ wasn't the first choice and that Gina still wasn't over Ricky. And I was happy when Rini broke up then Lily shit happened so I was like ugh, why this show kept throwing wedge between them? I thought Ricky would be showing interest in her after his broken up with Nini like fighting for Gina but nope, the show had to do Lily bs. So now Rina are together and I am just speechless that this is happening. The whole time I was heartbroken and rooting for them to be together but had no idea that the show was already planning with Rina from the very season one and that they are indeed endgame. If only, IF ONLY, I would come here and investigate all of your analysis, all of that would make a difference. Sorry for long post, lol.
Although my opinion is by no means gospel, I’m happy that I could help shed some light on a few of the show’s narrative choices with my ask responses — but please don’t feel bad! Even if you didn’t realize it at the time, maybe, now that Ricky & Gina are together, you can go back and pick up on some hints that you may have missed the first time around.
In regards to the whole “Lily” mess though, I will say that I think the intention behind her character was to create a sort of Walmart brand/bargain bin Gina, circa early s1. At one point in s2, she tells Ricky that her mom says, “if [she’s] not adding followers, [she’s] not adding value.” (Quoting that from memory because I don’t want to willingly subject myself to rewatching any of Lily’s scenes lol, so that might not be word-for-word). Just like how, in s1, Gina mentions that her mom tells her, “if you can’t be number one at something, it isn’t worth doing.” & then, just like how Gina opened up to Ricky about her family situation in s1, Lily tells Ricky about her dad getting remarried in s2. The most obvious comparision, though, is the fact that the both say, “get’cha head in the game” to Ricky, both on opening night, both right before he had to get into a harness for his next scene as the lead (in s1, he needed it for floating above the audience during “Get’cha Head in the Game” and, in s2, he needed it for the Beast’s transformation).
At the time, Ricky was respecting Gina’s boundaries, but giving her the space she needed meant that there was a kind of Gina-shaped hole in his life that made him reach for Lily, who, how ever unconsciously, reminded him of what Gina was like when they first met — a competitive, misunderstood “mean girl” with a complicated home life. He couldn’t spend time with Gina, so he looked for her in someone else. 
I think he thought that, if he took a chance on Lily, he could unlock another side to her, — sweeter, kinder, softer, vulnerable — that she just needed someone she felt comfortable enough with to let her guard down, like Gina did — but Lily isn’t Gina. Where Gina regretted manipulating Ricky and swore off all scheming with EJ after they connected on Homecoming night, Lily had no problem exploiting Ricky’s good nature if it meant she could steal that harness on Opening Night of BATB and sabotage their production. Where Ricky & Gina got each other on a level neither of them had ever experienced before, Ricky said himself that he couldn’t think of a single thing he & Lily had in common. 
Ricky sought out Lily because he wanted to recreate what he had with Gina, but, in the end, his connection with Gina couldn’t be replicated — it was their’s and their’s alone.
I wish the show had directly addressed that in some way in s3, it would’ve made Lily slightly less pointless of a character lol
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kulaiyin · 1 year
(content: xenohydro side quest, world 1 finale, world 2 beginning, simulated universe world 3)
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(picture unrelated) wrapping up world 1 and heading towards world 2! 
excited to jump into a new world! ╰(*°▽°*)╯
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XENOHYDRO REAL?! this quest chain (?) was fun... i ended up letting both lamina and the xenohydro go, because i can understand the urge of a living curio to be free... lamina’s story also made me emo. i didn’t manage to find her again after this quest, but i hope she’s living her best life! 
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after the quest, i smugly ran straight for where capote and lamina used to stand around and found capote in one of those coffee rooms
to my surprise, he was very humbled by the experience?! i’m glad that he’s reflecting on himself! usually i kinda feel bad for my choice in these side quests, but i like this ending! 👍 
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i took these screenshots weeks ago but... happy pride (❤´艸`❤)
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THEM... this whole sequence was so menacing...
i honestly didn’t expect blade to be “evil,” i thought he was just an edgy emo guy... wait, no, i guess the thing that surprised me the most was the fact that he could smile like that 😱
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not the coffee cups 
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my phone graphics are CRYONG
during the dan heng nightmare cutscene, i also got a texture error with the sword. after rewatching it online, i realized it was supposed to have a shattered effect, but for me it had some pink stripes just like above! ∑( 口 || 
h-hang in there, phone...
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WELT IS COMING ?!!?!?!?!?!? 😳😳😳
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the moms are FIGHTING
i'm so curious to see what our destination would have been... but it’s ok, the docking location for xianzhou luofu looks REALLY COOL! 
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march 7th’s Droppings
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at this point, i hit trailblazer level 35 and got my 10 standard warp passes! (bites nails) WE’RE HITTING PITY, LET’S SEE THE GOODS...!
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sampo goes for a 散步
HAPPY TO HAVE HIM! regrettably i haven’t had much opportunity to build/use him since i got him, but it’s nice to fill out the 4-star roster! 💪 only missing sushang and tingyun!
(definitely thinking of throwing pulls on the luocha banner... WANT SUSHANG)
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after reviewing what it does, it seems really good?! now using her skill doesn’t hurt that much anymore! 👀
... REALLY WANT TO GET SEELE TO MATCH WITH HER GF but maybe i will get her on a rerun _(:з)∠)_ i have guaranteed after losing 50/50 to E0 bronya, but i don’t have enough to hit pity... 
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march u are so funny (genuine)
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XIANZHOU LUOFU IS SOOOOO BEAUTIFUL i love how distinct the architecture is and how there are colorful ribbons in the sky as clouds... ✨ 
(but also please excuse my poop graphics...)
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bro has two tails
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the holograms and screens glitch like crazy so i regrettably was a bit distracted during this scene... later on i found out that it’s purposefully like that o( ̄┰ ̄*)ゞ
i didn’t expect yukong to have such a high position! ... and to outright reject us akjdlawjl luckily jing yuan is here to our rescue...
(by the way, i genuinely thought yukong was tingyun’s mom or something when i saw the initial character lineup... maybe i’m a fool... THERE ARE A LOT OF FOXIANS HERE) 
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oh she lesbiab... i appreciate this npc... 🙏🥺
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SIMULATED UNIVERSE WORLD 3... DEFEATED!!!!! i was using preservation buffs and basically it was a cockroach fight with gepard ALKJDALW i can’t even tell you how long it the boss battle took...
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i don’t think this is my first time i attempted SU3 (i’m pretty sure nanook sabatoged my first run lol) but i love the fact that we get to use CURIOS...! with curios and blessings, there’s a lot of potential for silly builds...
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ashtraythief · 1 year
I love when you talk about Sam and Dean! Your thoughts on them are so interesting, and you really get the characters. I haven’t watched the season post 11 because I couldn’t take all the manufactured drama between the two boys, so I’m guessing I need to pick it up? You talking about them being settled and domestic and choosing each other over and over again is SO sweet. I’ve always been curious to see how their dynamic would change in later seasons, but I was worried there would be more manufactured drama. Like the writers kept making them fight and it felt so forced (can’t even think of what season I’m talking about right now..). Does that stop? Do you even know what I’m talking about? I can’t take the manufactured drama to make a more interesting show, I just want those babies to be happy and loving and catch bad guys together
Oh, thank you nonnie! That’s so kind of you to say <3 I know I'm not usually part of the tumblr meta crowd, so this makes me go all mushy inside ;)
Yeah, I think I know what you mean. Seasons 6-11 have their good stuff, but the soulless split, the Amy thing, the Gadreel thing, the Amelia thing, the darkness thing, the MoC thing, there’s just lots of drama and conflict. That definitely dies down later. Which I guess makes things better, but I am personally not a big fan of the later seasons, despite brother domesticity. (For reference, I love seasons one to five, I do enjoy six and seven, I find the Amelia thing atrocious, but I like the back half of season eight. Nine and ten are ups and down and mostly wasted potential. Eleven is both better and worse. I think it has many good motw and some outstanding brother eps like Red Meat and Safe House, but I absolutely loathe that they brought Lucifer back for many reasons and I’m not a fan of how they did the Darkness. Season twelve could have been good, but too many things rubbed me the wrong way. I really dislike thirteen and fourteen. Fifteen is probably the worst, Carry On excluded, even though I think is isn’t a good episode as a whole, it just has outstanding scenes.) For your question of whether you should pick it up: there are people who enjoy the later seasons for precisely the brother harmony reasons. I’m not one of them. For me the bad outweighs the good and I only rewatch very few episodes. I’ll put the rest under the cut because it’s basically late season negativity though I will try to point out things that I think worked.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the domestic moments, I love SamandDean being a unit and together and killing bad guys, but the bad myth arcs, the inconsistent characters, the endless angel mess, the endless regurgitation of Lucifer and the frankly lazy writing and incompetent show running make most of it unwatchable for me. Initially, I quit the show halfway through season 12, because a lot of the motw eps were just not great (a lot of the lazy writing included dumbing down Sam and Dean for danger and peril, when you know they’ll survive anyway and you know they’re competent hunters, but the writers weren’t smart enough to pull off good suspenseful plots most of the time), and I found the return of Mary both utterly unnecessary and I also didn’t think her character was written well. I have very petty reasons for disliking some elements of the Men of Letters strongly, so yeah. And then I was staying with a friend when the wire fight finale aired and that sealed the deal for me for a while lol.
Eventually, when they announced the last season, I went back and forced myself through an entire rewatch and it was painful. I really don’t care at all about 13 and 14. I stopped giving any fucks about the angels after season 7 tbh. I really liked Cas and to some degree the angels until season 7, after that Cas’s characterization and powers were inconsistent and all over the place and no other angel stuck around long enough that you’d care about them and their power struggle (Hannah being the only exception). I know they needed to give J2 more time off and needed to give other characters more screen time, but that wasn’t it. I also didn’t care about the apocalypse hunters and the whole AU Michael thing. Never mind Lucifer. The addition of Jack could have been really good (though why they had to cast another white boy at that point in the show really is beyond me. No shade on Alex C, I think he did a decent job for the character and was downright delightful when possessed by a demon, but like, my dudes, at least try with the diversity when it comes to your most recurring regulars), and they actually could have used his struggle with his identity and his parentage and his relationship with Cas as a counterweight to Sam and Dean and give J2 time off. Instead the writers couldn’t decide whether Jack should be Cas or Sam and Dean’s foster son, and developed neither of these relationships as fully as they could have. There were great moments with all three of them and Jack, how their own history made them related to or raise the boy, but they couldn’t do it all in the time they had, so a more focused storytelling with Cas and Jack would have done wonders I think both for Cas as a character and a compelling side-plot to Sam and Dean’s adventures when J2 needed time off. Rowena and Charlie are bright spots in the later seasons, but Charlie was criminally killed off and Rowena could have gotten a little more screen time I think. 
What I like about the brothers and their conflict is that they both back each other’s plays, but also listen to each other. Their reunion after Dean’s Michael possession is beautiful, there are lovely brother bond moments (we see Poughkeepsie in action!), and there’s heart wrenching grief when Dean thinks Sam has died. Good stuff, really. There are occasionally decent motw eps, but overall to me 13 and 14 were a real chore, mostly because of the AU hunters I couldn’t really care about, but the show also didn’t make a good effort to make us care about them, and the whole Michael thing was just… like, Jensen tried, and later did a decent job, but also like…. why? Why the endless angel parade? There are good brother moments due to the whole Michael possession and there’s a mideason arc that has good moments and works, but again, I think there were better choices to move the plot forward than to recycle the angel idea over and over again. And of course Lucifer and Chuck and just… no. BuckLemming’s hard on for Mark P became increasingly unbearable and the return of Gabriel and the whole Princes of hell was also… idk. Cheap. Uninspired. Crowley’s reform of hell into a bureaucratic hellscape in season 6 was great, later on it became a boring corporate demon in suits kind of thing that lacked any kind of horror factor. I never was in the show for the horror aspect, but they watered down the concepts so much, took away any previous stakes and consequences that it all felt meaningless and inconsequential. Hell used to be scary. Going to hell used to be scary and this huge thing. Breaking out of hell used to be a huge thing that needed devil’s gates or heavenly armies. And later it’s just medieval-esque dungeons with stunt demons fifty to fifty-six standing around and everyone coming and going as they please. Hell turned into a joke, honestly and since it was seen so often in the later seasons it really grated on me.
Season 15 is an absolute dumpster fire with only very few good moments. Cannot recommend. Like they had one job of wrapping up the show, instead they managed to put out some of the most cringey visuals (ghosts running in daylight. Ghosts. Running. In Daylight. Running! In daylight!), ruin OG evil guys (see season one ghosts running in daylight), ruin canon in staggering uncaring ways, bring back other old characters with no real impact, have “fun episodes” that aren’t really funny. There are fun moments, like the fancy!chesters, and of course the three different AU glimpses with Samifer, BoyKing!Sam and demon!Dean, but you can just watch those snippets on youtube. And then they wrap up the big bad of the last few seasons without Sam and Dean actually doing much to contribute to that and only manage to go out on a high because covid impacted the filming of the last ep and Dabb’s kind of mediocre and weirdly paced script with an unfinished case that leaves more questions than closure is only saved by Jared and Jensen putting everything they had into the barn scene, the montages and the bridge scene, which are absolute shining beacons of two actors caring about their characters and saving the legacy of a show in the process. Like, no matter what happened post spn, they gave their all for Carry On, put so much thought in the dialogue, the costumes and the accessories, and they made it their own in a way that made it work. And I will be forever grateful for that.
I would apologize for this dump of negativity, but you asked 😅
So, I guess, if you want, you can do a selective rewatch and get the highlights and avoid the pitfalls? It’s what I do nowadays when I rewatch. I watch 1-5 mostly completely, and then every season, the number of eps I watch decreases. So I personally cannot recommend watching it all even though I know opinions differ wildly and you might miss out on cute brother moments if you skip some of the worse eps. I guess the development of the domesticity, of the security in each other is also something you miss out on if you only rewatch electively. So I guess if you can stomach the rest of it, it might be worth it. There are some people here on tumblr who draw out excellent meta of the later seasons and write excellent fic about it. I can’t remember specifics, but zmediaoutlet has really good thoughts on late season Sam and Dean. So if you want the brothers, try it, I think you’ll realize quickly if you can stomach the quality of the eps. Hope that helps 💜
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winterlovesong1 · 2 years
Winter Rewatched Nancy Drew
Welcome to my first rewatch of my current favorite comfort show ❤️ Under the cut are my thoughts and a few insights I hope you enjoy - I’ll be going through each episode and posting these periodically with the tag winter rewatched Nancy Drew.
2x18 - The Echo of Lost Tears
So episode title - reference to the “lost tears” of Nancy’s past, her trauma she’s pushed down so she can try and outrun it, so she can attempt to live, but it’s caught up to her - the echo of it unescapable as the wraith feeds and has fed on her doubt and her insecurities this whole time. But also dare I say, the title also has Nace implications, the “lost tears” being those fragments throughout the season, those moments when they “couldn’t lose” the other now blaring their echo in this season finale - because those moments can’t be ignored and they will have to be examined in the coming season.
Overall MVP
Nancy is truly the MVP this episode - I mean she basically went through a mental supernatural therapy session and came out the other side with some tools and strategies to move forward and actually live I love that for her.
Most Heartfelt Moment
The Ryan/Carson/Nancy scene at the end of the episode wins for me - it’s the definition of heartfelt and just - the arc of it all from season one to now and how this unconventional family - with two people who didn’t talk because they were grieving, healing, avoiding in their own way, who now are working through their relationship and realizing they all have flaws and no one is perfect and Carson was just trying to do the best for his daughter, for his family, who now have this other person, Nancy’s other dad in the picture because he’s grown too, he’s learning and maturing and redeeming himself, and everyone is accepting of one another and I just - this family means so much to me.
Also shout out to the Fanson (first) proposal because they are literally the cutest and I miss them so much...
Best Overall Line
“All this time the wraith made you think there was no separating you from it - you just proved it wrong.”
Such important words to hear from anyone who cares about you, the implication that “you were always strong enough” - something Ace reiterates later to Nancy - let alone someone who is in line to be your future husband.
And tying with that is -
“You weren’t born broken. Your hurt maybe. But in the end, The only way to heal is to let that pain become love”
Gosh I LOVE that line still - again, it’s accepting her past, it’s letting that become a part of her and then in healing, in growing, in the accepting of it all, letting her past become something brighter - something less dark and brutal - something beautiful - something to be cherished - because the future shouldn’t be feared - it should be embraced - just like her.
Best Comedic Moment
“I want to have a talk about impulse control on the other side of this.”
 I love concerned Carson taking a moment in the chaos to have a brief parenting lesson lol
Special mention to the “you drew a fish” and “show off” of it all at the kitchen table - I love them.
Scare Rating
The scare rating is really beyond a ten - I just am super squeamish when it comes to grotesque looking things like the Wraith or Baby Wraith and so all that is 200/10 for me lol
Nace Slow Burn Rating
First thing I noted was that Ace was the first character we saw on camera this episode and Nancy was the last character we saw. Now, I know that is probably coincidence and just editing or whatever, the first and last character seen in an episode. But it’s also a season finale and I’m just saying as I was taking notes “look, the episode opening with Ace being worried on the phone, texting with Hannah to save Nancy’s life and then ending with Nancy being saved...” I'm just saying, there’s signs and then there’s signs...
I also love how since the first image of the episode is Worried!Ace we are immediately caught up in the Save Nancy Agenda, into the crew, and both dads, working together to help their friend, their daughter, their arguably something more, and it’s just a beautiful imagery since for the most part throughout the season, we’ve seen Nancy isolate herself, except for those few episodes at the beginning when they were still wrapping up the Agleaca of it all, Nancy’s been on her own journey and so to see everyone come together for her is really heartwarming because it shows that Horseshoe Bay Friend’s mentality in action, in shows that these people are there for their “hero” no matter what.
Side Note: I’m going to need George to bring that “till we get it right” energy into season four please with another potential life threatening situation we have in our midst...
Then Gil enters the scene and it’s constant accusations, like the first thing he says is something to the effect of why haven’t you returned my texts...no how are you? no concern for Nancy’s well being? Just selfishly thinking of his needs and wants - and then it just compounds from there and Ace is at the ready the WHOLE time - I a) can’t believe we got to see it and that it was b) FOCUSED on - I mean our eagle eyes probably could have caught his ready to get in the middle of it stance but then the camera focuses in on him and there’s no doubt that it’s trying to tell us that a) still worried and b) even more worried now that Gil is here. And that’s not to say he doesn’t think Nancy can’t handle herself, I don’t think that’s the message here - it’s to say that he cares for her and her well being and clearly this guy just came whirling into the room to harass her - and he knows she’s tired, knows she’s dying, so he���s just trying to protect her in his own kind of way - again, not in a nobility sense, but in a “I will be there for you if you need it” way.
Which is why I think it’s SO IMPORTANT he enters the room post break up, post Gil leaving, and he does it in such a quiet way - like all his entering of the rooms throughout this season - from the “I’m going to skip the part where I was eavesdropping” scene in 2x15 and the “I didn’t mean to scare you” of 2x13 and this just continuing in that line of quiet, calm, and concern.
And the way the scene plays out with Nancy brushing back a strand of her hair, as if she’s trying to put up a front, but realizing quickly it won’t work, not that she was trying to do it to hide, but she just doesn’t want him to see her in such pain, broken as she later refers to herself in the episode. But the truth is, she’s the only one she trusts with those vulnerable pieces of herself and so she lets the tears well and his eyes gather tears in them as well as he annunciates every words in his speech <3  And then he basically illustrates that even though she’s strong enough  (something he echoes later in the episode) to hold all her trauma, he continually physically holds her up this episode - he helps her hold her back in the woods, he helps her out the car, he assists in her walking, he holds her hand and her arm when they are starting the ritual int he living room - he’s at her side and being her support system until he can say in so many words, “yes, I know I’ve helped you up, but you can do that on your own - you always could - I was just showing you, I was helping you see that.”
And then the dreamscape of it all - how poetic that Ace is there at the beginning - that the scene he’s chosen to enter is at Nancy’s start - that even though he physically hasn’t been there for all of Nancy’s literal life, he’s been there from the beginning in this journey she’s been on - he’s been there the whole time. 
And that tension when they hold the baby - when he holds her - and are inches, if that, away from each other, still takes my breath away.
And lastly the cookie metaphor of it all, the missing of each other at the end when Nancy is prepared to reveal, or at least unpack partially, what she saw in her dreamscape, and Ace leaving for his road trip with Amanda, only for Ace’s mom to come in and say take some cookies “you can freeze them, they keep forever” - I mean bravo writers - it’s they said “this looks sad and disappointing, but guess what, we have it all planned...”
Favorite Fashion Moment
This wasn’t one of those - look at the fashion in this episode - it was more go on this emotional rollercoaster with me - so nothing really stood out - especially since a lot of the clothing was utilized as callbacks to certain moments in Nancy’s life or in some cases other versions of Nancy. But I do appreciate how the show uses fashion to tell its story - it’s not just “let’s have them wear this” - clothing is used purposefully and I LOVE that.
Missing Drabble Moment
Ok slightly cheating again and rec’ing some of my fics in which I’ve already alluded to moments from this episode because why not -
Stay with Me (my first Nace fic <3 )
All This Time (my first Nace multi chapter fic <3 )
let me borrow this (wear your heart till it’s worn) (a clothes sharing fic that alludes to the drive in 2x18 )
between the midnights and the daylights (meet me there) (a nace fic about some 3 a.m conversations - this includes one on a certain drive in 2x18)
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catboyclarity · 2 years
The Good Place and The Owl House for the TV show ask
Please keep in mind I haven’t watched it in a bit and haven’t finished it yet bc I know the ending will make me feel a lot of things and im being a weenie.
Favorite male character:
Michael’s technically not a guy but Michael. I like him so much. I have gender envy for him. I wish I looked like Ted Danson.
Favorite female character:
Eleanor no contest she is such a good protagonist. I love women who r mean and stupid.
Least favorite character:
I don’t really dislike any of em they all serve their purpose even the nasty ones.
Prettiest character:
Tahani. Every time she is on screen my brain becomes cartoon wolf going awooga. What else is there to say.
Funniest character:
Jason. That’s all.
Favorite season:
I would have to rewatch but I think season 2.
Favorite episode:
Again I would have to rewatch but I think the trolley problem one.
Favorite romantic ship:
Chidi/Eleanor is one of my all time favorites they make me weak.
Favorite family relationship:
Don’t have one really!
Favorite friendship:
Eleanor and Tahani have a really fantastic dynamic and I like seeing them interact.
Least favorite ship:
I don’t hate it or nothing but one time when I was trying to scope out the fanfics for the show I found a LOT of Eleanor/Michael. What’s up with that.
Unfortunately my boyfriend and I are mutually autistic about this Disney show and making it everyone’s problem.
Favorite male character:
Hunter and Belos if you can’t tell from my reblogged lol. Can’t pick one bc what makes me so interested in both has a lot to do with the dynamic they have and I don’t think I’d care as much about either if like Hunter was just a generic sad boy without all of that abuse trauma and Belos was just a regular evil emperor without the really insane implications making all those grimwalkers has about his psyche.
Favorite female character:
For a really long time it was Eda but the more I think, it’s kinda Willow now? I wish she had gotten more focus in season 2 lol I miss her.
Least favorite character:
Jacob Hopkins I guess? He’s pretty minor but I don’t. Like him he kinda wigs me out.
Prettiest character:
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Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry.
Funniest character:
KIKIMORA. I just ohhh she’s sooo oh my god girlllllll she’s so pathetic I love her she’s bewitched me.
Favorite season:
Season 2b
Favorite episode:
Hollow Mind. It is just good and it took Hunter from “funnie little guy I like a lot” to “you could project your trauma on this thing!”
Favorite romantic ship:
The ideal for me is that Luz, Amity, Hunter and Willow are in a polycule where everyone except Amity and Hunter are dating. You may not like it but that is peak efficiency.
I do also like all of the canon ships in the show. Raeda is fantastic on all levels, Huntlow is just really cute, and Lumity is special to me bc it’s the type of ship (sapphic rivals to lovers) I was really into as a baby gay who was JUST figuring out I was queer. Idk 14 year old me would have finally gotten what it wanted if the Owl House was around a decade ago ya know? That means something.
Favorite family relationship:
I like Luz and King’s whole siblings thing they make me emo!!!
Favorite friendship:
Hooty and Lilith are REALLY FUNNY, but emotionally I like Gus, Willow, and Hunter being a squad. It’s sweet.
Least favorite ship:
Alec said this but Hunter/Edric is just like. There is nothing there except they are both skinny teenage white boys. They have not even met. Get your fix how you want I’m not mad that people ship it at all but this is a show full of interesting and well developed relationships already you know?
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firebirdsdaughter · 2 years
… I think part of Neal’s problem is that even when he’s not on a con, he acts like he is.
For ex. rewatching Honour Among Thieves and I genuinely don’t think he planned it—or if he was supposed to have planned it, no one told Matt Bomer, which would kinda defeat the purpose. My rationale being that even though no one is watching him, he reacts in genuine surprise to how fast the FBI shows up at the end. Also he had no reason to hide the plan from Mozzie, who would support it, and instead we only see him brooding about the theft—although one could argue that that’s bc of the show’s habit of only showing selective scenes to hide the whole plan, yaddyada…
But I just don’t think he was planning that far ahead. I think he was genuinely upset and stressed about the blackmail and upset at the idea of going behind Peter’s back that he didn’t think that far ahead.
But I also can’t blame Peter for thinking he might have—bc honestly what he should have done, even after she framed him, was just tell Peter. Explain that Abigail was blackmailing him into the job, and hell, they might’ve even helped and made it a bonafide sting. But he doesn’t. Bc Neal doesn’t tell people things outside of emergency circumstances, and it seems to be a habit he can’t break. The fact that he kept this from Peter obviously makes Peter suspicious, bc it makes it seem like Neal planned it. But he didn’t. He defaulted to ‘fixing’ it himself, yet another habit he can’t seem to kick, the not relying on people.
I love the show, and this ep was actually well done on both sides, but at times I do agree that they try to force drama between Neal and Peter a little. I appreciated reading an interview by one of the show runners noting that they were struggling w/ that, which I think become visible a few times bc, to paraphrase ‘why are you still being a jerk to this guy who has done so much for you?’ Matt Bomer makes Neal likeable even in some of his more obnoxious moments (usually when they start going on about how wonderful being a thief is and I’m like… kinda sucks from here, but okay?), but there are occasions were I feel like Neal behaves suspiciously and then gets upset that Peter suspects him of something (not you s3, you and your character development are wonderful and I’m glad you’re here), or Peter gets made to be a bit overly nasty just to cause drama.
Honestly, my memories of the later seasons are kinda blurry, esp towards the end, but from what I’ve seen from other people, they are on good terms at the end, and the whole finale actually isn’t Neal running away to ‘live the high crime life’ again (like I originally thought, hence why I hadn’t really watched it) and is more along the lines of guerrilla witness protection? Bc faking your death and fleeing the city bc you’re trying to protect the people you love from a violent gang is one thing, but ‘waaaaahhh I wanna go back to stealing and using people and only caring about money’ is… Another. If it’s the former, I actually love that, bc it’d show how he’d changed from the start of the show to really start valuing people, whereas the second one just feels like ‘lol conman cool guys.’ Also makes the whole storage container thing (which I do know about) more of a promise of return than a farewell, bc I really dislike the latter.
I don’t care about Neal who only wants adrenaline rushes and money and lying to people bc it’s fun. I care about Neal who is intelligent and maybe a bit vain, impulsive and well meaning, faster talker, quirky, loves his adoptive parents and really needs to meet his new baby brother.
Like if you’re never gonna show me big Neal holding baby Neal, at least let me pretend it could happen eventually.
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marc-spectorr · 2 years
Hi Callie! 🦜
Omgosh I’ve been meaning to type out a response while at work but it’s been really busy.
I watched Inside Llewyn Davis and I feel like the fandom pariah….I mean I didn’t NOT like it but I didn’t like it as much as I thought I would. Honestly, Oscar really carried that film. I feel like everyone else was a little static. But Omgosh I think it hit a little too close to home for me?? Him just spending the whole movie trying so hard and people just being so freakin mean to him just reminded me of myself and the constant hope of “maybe it’ll be different this time” only to have my hope drop at the next scene was heavy for me. Maybe one day I’ll rewatch it again when I’m a little less sad and it’ll watch differently? Also watched it with my mom and it wasn’t her type of movie so maybe if I watched it by myself I would pick up on more? Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️
BUT I heard you watched the Force Awakens?? What did you think?? I’ve rewatched the scene where Finn and Poe escape in the tie fighter like SO MANY TIMES. I just love Poe so damn much 🥹💕
And yes definitely watch At Eternity’s gate. I have a feeling you’ll love it 🥰
And to the other anon who was talking about The Promise (I meant to look before I started typing…I think it was 🦋?? Sorry! 🤦🏻‍♀️) I didn’t realize how deep the history went….dude just finally finding a trailer of it on YouTube where the comments WERENT disabled?? Whoa…..I feel like watching it is sticking it to the people who even denied it happened and that’s more than enough reason for me.
Callie, how’s your week been?? I hope it treated you well! 💕 💐
Oh and I’m eastern standard time. I’ve been keeping up with your posts even though I haven’t been able to respond. Lol I do have a bit of insomnia so sometimes it doesn’t matter when I see your posts. It could be the afternoon, it could be 2 in the morning 😂
Random question, besides writing, what else do you like to do? Do you have any hobbies?
Cheers! -🦜Birdy 💖
heeeeey birdyyy 🦜💚 (also love the nickname btw haha i wanted to come up with a good one for you too like the others)
:o oOo thanks for sharing what you thought about it! honestly i know these movies are going to be a hit or miss. you’re bound to watch something that’s a big ehh while binging on your fave actor’s entire filmography LOL (the things we do for oscar). i’ll give each one a fair shot tho. but anyway back to llewyn,,, :((( people are mean to him?? gosh my heart can’t cope. who would ever want to be mean to someone with a sweet face like his 🥺 if you decide to rewatch it, let me know if your feelings are any different! i think i have this one scheduled for the week after hehe. it got pushed back since i binged on star wars this week.
speaking of star wars.,,, yEP I SAW THE FORCE AWAKENS. AND THE LAST JEDI AND RISE OF SKYWALKER. all i can think of right now is POE POE POE. especially his scenes in the last film??? i think ima need to watch it again tonight just bc 🥲 uGHH but i cant wait to write for him soon skksksk.
my week has been good! busy as always but what’s new lmaoao. ive been super tired too so that’s why ive been slacking on writing recently /: it’s not that i don’t want to write, i just don’t have the energy to do it which makes me madddd. and omggg!! fellow EST here too haha! so cool knowing we live in the same side of the world haha.
as for other hobbies, i love cooking!!! i also love playing video games, traveling and exploring new places. tbh i haven’t done much of those tho since i’m always at work but i’m hoping to find time soon 🥺 what about you birdy? what are your hobbies :))
thanks for stopping by sweetie. ttyl ilyyyy 💗
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glamaphonic · 2 years
OFMD Ask Game
Did Ed really plan to murder Stede when he told Izzy the plan?
Absolutely, imo! I frankly never even considered otherwise until after my mumblemumble rewatch when I came on Tumblr and saw discussion of it. I got the sense that some of the question arises from the idea of Ed and Stede’s whole (canonical wtf!) Love At First Sight thing. But that doesn’t preclude that Ed’s plan started out real. (Also, 'falling for the mark' just! hits! different!)
Like, Ed and Stede are very clearly, very instantly into each other. And Ed’s fascination with Stede, his being charmed by him, his being drawn to him, that’s all absolutely genuine. 
In fact, Ed is even more aware of what’s going on between them since he’s more experienced than Stede. Not in terms of being in love, neither of them has ever experienced that before, but in that Ed a) knows and is to some degree comfortable with the fact that he’s gay (I almost typed “Ed is a practicing gay” lol), and b) understands and has acted upon desire for men. So even beyond the visceral BEFORE YOU CAME INTO MY LIFE I MISSED YOU SO BAD, I also think Ed is fully AWARE that he has, at the very least, a crush on Stede.
BUT Ed’s a pirate and Stede is, nominally, a pirate. And pirates are all just in various stages of fucking each other over!
I think that when Ed goes and catches Izzy and tells him, hey I have a plan that’s going to solve things for both of us, stick around to run this con with me and you’ll get to be a captain and I’ll get to retire, he absolutely means it. He wouldn’t have been able to be so easily convinced into attempting it in The Art of Fuckery or been so guilty about it if he’d never intended to do it! He’s not lying about his intentions. He has no real compelling reason TO lie about his intentions in that moment.
I think the only lie is that at no point is he as CAVALIER about doing it as he presents to Izzy. Thus the whole smug Yes I Know I Still Got It grin and bow and then immediate MY HEART IS EMPTY MY SOUL IS EMPTY when he turns away.
Ed PLANS to do it, but he doesn’t especially WANT to do it. Not only because he knows that he does really like this fancy man Stede character already, but because he’s just tired of this shit! But he also, at that point, doesn’t see another option. He thinks that this is his only way out of the empty, depressing, lonely cage of boredom his life has become.
The point where he begins to more actively mislead both his crew and, imo HIMSELF, about the plan is after “You wear fine things well.” Which is when Ed realizes, Oh, I don’t just think this guy is cute and fun to be around and want to bone him. I’m catching real ass feelings for him.
And then he just spends weeks, imo, stalling and deliberately NOT thinking about it! Because it’s moved beyond something he doesn’t really want to do but feels is necessary to something that is actively awful for him to consider doing and is a betrayal of a relationship that he’s come to value! And even more, the entire reason for doing it has become murkier because he’s already enjoying life so much more with Stede. Why does he even need to retire and run away when he’s actually alive and having fun again, possibly more than he ever has in his life, right here, right now, on this ship, being a pirate with this insane, weird, wonderful man?
That’s why after Fang and Ivan and Izzy confront him, he refers to it as “his mess” that he’ll deal with. Because they’ve brought him back to reality (at least, their understanding of it) and he’s forced to confront the fact that he’s in way too deep and he’s fucked up the plan because of it.
It’s not until Ed finds he can’t do it and admits it to Stede and Stede instantly forgives him that the plan genuinely dies its final death. Which is, of course, what he articulates when Izzy forces the issue.
When he tells Izzy, “We’re not doing this,” it’s not something he was holding back or or always thinking. He would’ve had no real reason not to admit that before, especially when directly confronted. The fact that he’s not going to do this, that he’s never going to intentionally hurt Stede, his friend, is something he’s just realized and accepted for himself.
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my-one-true-l · 2 years
So I finished the Evangelion anime.
No I did not abandon studying for finals for this, I am being reasonable, I just got really into it lmao.
Spoilers for Neon Genesis Evangelion
I loved it. Genuinely it definitely picked up my interest after episode 4 and i’m glad I kept up with it.
The whole thing with Gendo and Rei, what in the hell! Okay I saw that coming from a mile off but that doesn’t mean I didn’t go “i’m sorry what” and pause for a good minute afterwards. I’m glad it wasn’t as weird as I initially thought it was gonna be, but still.
Kaworu, I got such fishy vibes from him from the moment he showed up. I kinda miss him though I can’t lie.
Kaiji. What can I say about Kaiji. He was so sus in the start, but I feel like he sort of redeemed himself later.
Asuka i’m very conflicted over. Her attitude towards Shinji and the others does annoy me quite a lot but I can’t bring myself to hate her. It’s frustrating, yes, but I understand why she is the way she is.
Tohji is probably one of my favourites. I don’t know why, I just attached myself to him so quickly.
Now, what’s all this about a rare pair with Misato that you mention earlier? I’m curious to know~
Overall, I’m glad I kept at it. It was a little awkward at times, but the 90s aesthetic and the amazing music and cool opera that randomly showed up was entertaining and kind of nostalgic. I got my start on some old animes like Sailor moon and stuff so it really is quite reminiscent.
Hahaha, Yeah Gendo is definitely messed up. I have so many feelings about him and way too many to put here (plus I don't want to spoil anything for anyone who sees this and hasn't watched it and plans to).
I loved Kaji. I can see where there are times when it's easy to question what his deal is. Asuka...I was never fond of her. With any show I'm super into, I know I've had my feelings on some characters soften with every rewatch, but she's never been one of them. I understand why she's like that and I feel for her, but...idk. There is just something that doesn't hit with me for some reason. I rewatch Evangelion every June (It's a tradition I've had for almost 2 decades lol) maybe this time will be different lol. I adore Toji! He is one of my favorites! Such a bright force in the story!
Misato is one of my favorite all time characters and I run into so many people that that hate her (which is another reason I bounced from the Evangelion fandom fast, though I blame the hate towards her in part on the Netflix dub, which I found horrendous, so if that is the one you watched and still enjoyed it, I applaud you so hard right now lol! The first time I watched it was a bootleg straight out of Japan and I feel like the sub translation was just way more accurate to the intention of the show and had a different feel for the characters than the new Netflix dub. Idk, that may just be me.)
The rare pair was for Rei! :-) I ship her with Kaworu so bad! lol. I call them my moon children. I just....AHKDGSLGHLDSKDK! There are reasons for that...but again...spoilers. lol. I ship Misato (tragically) with Kaji. For someone who doesn't ship much, I have a decent amount for Evangelion lol!
I feel like, to me anyway, a major theme of Evangelion is you can't expect everyone and everything to be black and white. People are complicated and with that, their feelings and reasonings for doing things are as well. Maybe that's why I like the characters that I've seen hated on so much. People want them to be good or a specific kind of "bad" (everyone loves a sexy villain, but that isn't there in Evangelion) and I don't feel that any of the characters fit into those tropes easily.
Ok I have to scream to you about the moment I was hooked and I'm going to put it under a cut because spoilers...
In episode one, When Unit-01 moves one her own to protect Shinji, I was done for. I was like...holy shit his mother's soul is in there, isn't it? The person I was watching it with was like "How the Hell did you...???" That's why I always say the EVA Units are characters. It's not that I'm a mecha fan (I don't hate them, they just usually aren't my jam is all), It was the moment that these EVA's were so much more than just an innovation to fight the Angels. Like...they were sentient. She recognized her baby and wanted to protect him. It was so viscerally moving for me. An artificial construct...with a mother's soul trapped inside it...Hell yes, give it to me. I have literally had people tell me that Yui's soul isn't inside her, and like...Did you guys even watch the anime? Like...that's the whole point and...just wow. The concept of what is it to have a soul is such a central theme in Evangelion (don't get me started on our Rei and that...We'll be here all day lol!)
Ok I will shut it now. Thank you for letting me ramble about this. I have no one to talk about this amazing anime with and I just want to explode sometimes lol. It was the first anime I watched that I fell in love with and it's so special to me. Arguably my favorite of all time, the only reason I put arguably is because L is my all time favorite character, so I feel like I have to put Death Note right up there next to it, even though if it wasn't for him, it wouldn't be as high as it is on the list lol. That sounds terrible but it's the truth lol. I once told someone that Evangelion was my favorite, I just had to make a little room in my heart for Death Note as well. I can't think of another way to put it into words lol.
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