#reaper doggy dog
drakyun · 11 months
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Good boy reaper
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riacte · 4 months
ren's perception of himself and false: world's most useless pathetic cringefail reaper (but still handsome 😎 and trustworthy!) + his beloved homie that has to win
false's perception of ren and herself: dubiously trustworthy red name who isn't doing the best job at guarding but that's okay because she will explode into millions of pieces if her guard doggy ignores her + terrified and paranoid wet cat crouching between blocks screaming crying sobbing shaking
everyone's else's perception of ren and false: incompetent useless reaper who's going to betray false + scary and slippery woman who just will NOT die
fandom perception: wettest dog + wettest cat
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infoglitch · 10 months
The rose reaper and her shining dork knight: FUTURE!
(doesn't exactly have to be counted as part of the main fic collection I just wanted to add a post where I get to introduce some potential children for my second favorite jaune ship. I will always be a white knight shipper at heart)
We begin at a very familiar grave site. As we see the gravestone of one "summer rose" as we see a black haired figure with azure eyes. He wore a deep red jacket that had the emblem of a burning Rose surrounded by the emblem of a crescent moon.
???: Hey grams.. decided to let you know how Mom's doing after last check in.
The figure sat down in front of the grave as he placed a familiar sword .
???: So far mom's been good. Now that her and my old man retired they got to spend a lot more time. To the point of where now I have a baby sister on the way... Life's been great, even gramps decided to visit. Same with Aunt Yang and Blake. Though sometimes mom and Gramps do wish you were here to celebrate with us. But overall it's been golden.
Suddenly we hear the stomping of footsteps as the figure soon stood revealing himself to be a rather young man. He turned to see a large black wolf with bones covering it as It growled at him. The boy just chuckled as he grabbed the sword as it's sheath had what appeared to be an exhaust attached to the end. Before we see grab the handle as he tossed a red crystal into a compartment in the sheath as his revved up the blade as fire shot out of the exhaust.
Rouge: Here doggy. Come let papa rouge put you six feet under.
The dog tarted towards him as the boy knelt down before slicing through air as a blast fire shot from the exhaust as we a flaming bunny fallowing the blade as we see a sea of flames consume the beast. As we are left with the last thing we see before the boy surrounded by flaming roses.
Suddenly our vision changes to ruby standing on the porch holding some binoculars as she watched the inferno.
Ruby: hehe that's my son. Scorch the doggy!
Jaune: ruby come on dinners almost ready!
Ruby: one second vomit man, I'm getting to be a proud momma!
Jaune just sighed as he chuckled softly. This was the lives they finally got to live. Quiet, peaceful, and sometimes full of scorched grimm carcasses.
(obviously this is very short because I have been kind of running empty due to burnout. But on the way I hope you all got to enjoy this somewhat Lancaster fanfic. Don't truth this is more just an excuse to write their kid.)
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broiderie · 1 year
Lost Princessa: Meet the Reaper 18
Phew... this one is a doozy. I typed too much at once. Guess you'll just get to see a little more than planned in this chapter. Oops... not really. Enjoy!
Warnings: cussing, talk of gun running, talk of weapons, talk of illegal transport of goods, some mild make-out session... Let me know if I missed anything. I'm too tired to think about what I typed lol.
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After a quick pit stop to buy burritos from Mama’s favorite food truck, they pulled in to the driveway at her house. She was waiting for them on the front porch swing.
Hank got out and came to let Megan out too, taking the paper bag of food from her. Then he sat her seat forward to let Rex out. Megan had put his new harness and leash on him before they left the house, and she led him up the steps to meet Mama.
“Hi Mama,” Megan greeted with a smile. “Meet Rex.” She knelt to introduce Mama to the big dog who watched her with a doggy grin.
“Oh Cariño, you look so much happier. I’m glad the trip was good for you.” The older woman smiled and offered her hand to the big dog. “And this fine boy- Rex did you say? He’s beautiful, mija.”
Rex sniffed Mama’s hand politely, but his cropped tail never stopped wagging so hard his hind end moved.
“And so polite! Where’d he come from?” Mama stepped up to hug Megan.
A friend of Hank’s up north rescued him. He thought he’d suit me and he was right.” Megan giggled and accepted the hug
Hank came up the stairs shaking his head and laughing. “No welcome home for your own son, Mama? I even brought food.”
“Oh- you! Don’t tease your Mama!” She kissed his cheek when he bent to offer it.
Hank smiled and kissed her hair. “Te amo, Mama. I’m just joking.”
“Let’s go inside to eat,” Mama suggested. “I made some lemonade and tea. We can introduce your big baby to Chi-Chi.”
Inside, Megan warily introduced Rex to Chi-Chi. She wasn’t sure how he’d do with the small dog. She shouldn’t have been worried. Rex was terrified of the chihuahua. He hid behind Megan’s legs until Chi-Chi laid down. 
After they caught up over lunch, Mama smiled. “I’m so glad you’re better out of that cast, Cariño. And your color is better too. Are you staying ahead of the pain with your medicine?
“Yes, ma’am. Hank makes sure of it.” Megan smiled at Hank who was sitting back in his chair just listening with a grin as the two most important people in his life chatted.
“Good. Now - I know you didn’t want a big deal for your birthday. I also know that Che and Hank didn’t exactly go along with that idea.” Mama winked at Hank. “But I have something for you too.”
“You didn’t have to do that Mama…” Megan started.
“Maybe not, but I did.” She reached behind her and retrieved a leather bound book. She handed it to Megan with a smile. “Feliz Cumpleaños, hija.”
Megan took the book carefully and opened it. It was very old. It was a recipe book. A handwritten one. Megan ran gentle fingers over the pages. “Is this…”
“My copy of the family recipe book. You love learning to cook new things - and you’ve shared recipes with me. Now it’s my turn.” Mama smiled gently at her and patted her hand. “Besides - there are tricks in there. Ones that will help you as you learn your culture from the ground up.” Mama flipped to the back to show her blank pages. “And this is where you add your own.”
Megan’s eyes teared as she saw where Mama had penned her name at the top of the page. “Are you sure?” she sniffed.
“Very. And that ring on your finger says my Hank is sure too.” Mama stood to kiss Megan on the forehead. “Eres familia. Always.”
Megan leaned into the affection from the older woman and closed her eyes. “Thank you, Mama.”
“De nada.”
Hank smiled gratefully at his mother as she cuddled the love of his life. He petted Rex and let them have their moment.
Soon, Mama patted Megan’s hair and went to take her seat again. “Now - what did Hank get you, Hija? It better have been good.”
Megan giggled and wiped her eyes before she began listing things she’d received as gifts. Mama admired her earrings and her charm bracelet.
“St. Agnes was also my patron saint as a young woman,” Mama explained. “I have her story somewhere around here. I’ll find it for you. I think I still have a rosary and some jewelry too…”
Hank’s phone buzzed and he checked it. “Alright, mi reina. That was your papa. Your guests should begin arriving in the next half-hour or so. We should get to the clubhouse.”
“Yes. Don’t be late for your own party, Cariño. I’ll see you in a few days.” Mama kissed her cheek. “Go. Have fun.”
“Thank you, Mama.” Megan stood and Rex came to heel. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”
“Te amo, Cariño.” Mama kissed Hank as well. “Te amo, hijo. Take care of her.”
“I will, Mama. Te amo. Call if you need us.”
Megan carefully placed her recipe book in the glove box to keep it clean.
“Are you happy, mi amore?” Hank asked as he helped to buckle her seatbelt.
Megan smiled brilliantly at him. “Very. I got a Mom for my birthday.”
Hank chuckled. “I don’t know how I’ll top that next year.”
Megan kissed him softly. “Me either.”
They pulled up to the clubhouse and found Taza waiting for them outside. They could see a lot of movement through the windows, but other than that, the yard was very quiet.
Megan left Rex’s harness on and stuck his leash in her thigh bag before they got out.
“Ah. There you are, Chica. The Reaper should be here any minute with Oakland right behind them,” Taza said as he opened her car door. “Did you enjoy your visit with Mama?”
Megan hugged him tightly. “It was great. She gave me the Loza family recipe book.”
Taza eyebrows hit his hairline and he looked to Hank with a grin. “Really now. That is great.” He kissed her forehead. Rex bounded up to greet Taza too, so Taza scratched his ears for him.
“So - is the plan the same as it was last night? Templo and then party?” Megan asked him.
“Yeah. The same. There will be so many people there for Templo that it’ll probably be senior officers only at the table.” Taza explained, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and guiding her towards the stairs.
“Oh. Guess I’ll stand with Coco or Creeper,” Megan said with a little shrug.
Hank chuckled. “You are a senior officer, Princessa. Especially when it comes to the guns. They’re going to be YOUR specialty.”
Megan paused and looked to her father. “Really?”
Inside was swarming with activity as finishing touches were put on the food and decor. Vickie paused on the way through to the bar to tell Megan happy birthday. Gilly was holding the ladder for Coco who was hanging what looked like a giant banner. EZ was stocking the reserve coolers behind the bar and Angel - well he seemed to be flirting hard with a pretty blonde who was wearing way less than the weather called for.
“Really, Chica. Santo Padre Armorer. That puts you at the table.” He paused and opened the door to the clubhouse.
“Where are the tíos?” Megan asked Taza as Rex went to investigate his new dog bed in the corner.
“Templo. I think they’re hiding so Vickie doesn’t make them clean something.”
Megan giggled at the thought. “Alright. I’m going to go say hello.” She kissed Taza’s cheek and then gave Hank a kiss as well before turning to go to the sliding glass door. She knocked as was granted entry - sliding the door closed behind her.
Taza smirked at Hank. “So the family recipe book already?”
Hank smiled and stuffed his hands in his jeans pockets. “Yep. She didn’t even scold me over Megan’s ring.”
Taza laughed. “Why would she? It’s a promise ring, not an engagement ring.”
Hank chuckled. “Same thing to Mama. Though I’m sure she’ll have plenty to say if I don’t replace it with something larger eventually.” He shrugged a little. “What can I say, Taza? Mama knows when my mind’s made up.”
That made Taza nod and smile. “Good. She needs that stability. Just don’t fuck it up and make me shoot you, Hermano.”
“I won’t.”
There was a rumble of bikers in the distance that made everyone pause. The temple door slid open, and BIshop walked out with an arm around Megan’s shoulders followed by Marcus. Megan was much more relaxed on her home turf. 
They all headed outside to greet their visitors. Megan slipped over to stand between Hank and Taza as the gate opened.
Five bikes rolled through the gate that was manned by Creeper at the moment. None of the bikes had the signature look of Mayan bikes. They were all Dynas and one of them carried double. The Reaper had landed.
The dust cleared as the riders dismounted and started stripping off helmets and riding gloves. Megan recognized Chibs, Tig, Venus and the big guy that they called Quinn, but the other two riders were only vague memories. She hadn’t actually met them, but she’d seen them at the lodge. One of them had a prospect patch. The other, she thought, was T.O. He was the only black man she knew of who wore the reaper patch. 
The Samcro delegation came forward to greet everyone. Marcus - as ranking member greeted Chibs first. By the time the greetings got to Megan, she’d already accepted a big hug from Venus.
“There’s tha’ lass! How’s ya arm?” Chibs asked, hugging Megan gently.
“Better now that the cast is off. It was causing most of my issues.” Megan said as she hugged the tall Scotsman back. “Still in the soft cast and sling, but not for as long as before.”
“Good ta hear. And… what’s this?” He took Megan’s good hand and spun her slowly so he could see her kutte. “Bylaws changed?”
Bishop laughed. “Nah. Loophole.”
Marcus nodded. “She’s a non-voting officer for the SanPad charter.”
Tig whistled, impressed. “Armorer, huh? Can you handle a weapon, Little Bit? More than your pistol, I mean.”
Megan grinned a little wolfishly. “More than you’ll ever find out.”
“At least you better hope so,” Taza said with a chuckle.
The thunder of more bikes interrupted their conversation. Bikes poured in through the gate, followed by Diana’s Escalade, and then a few more bikes.
Marcus chuckled. “Gentlemen, Poquito, Venus - excuse me. Mi Reina and mi princessa have arrived.” He patted Tig’s shoulder and started towards the large car, only to have the back door fly open. Two steps later, he grunted as a small purple blur collided with him chattering a mile a minute. Megan giggled as Diana got out at a much more sedate pace.
Marco and José went to greet their brothers.
After all parties had refreshment and Tessa had a chance to talk to her prima and tíos, Marcus nodded at Bishop. Even though Marcus technically out ranked Bishop - they were on Santo Padre turf, so Bishop would lead this odd version of Grand Templo.
A shrill whistle cut through the air, and all the members of all three charters filed into the temple. A second chair was at the head of the table and similar on was at the foot. Marcus and Bishop took their positions and Chibs took his place at the foot of the table. The current president of the Oakland Charted and his officers - as well as Marcus and José took seats on the side of the table where Marcus sat. Taza took his place beside Bishop, then turned to smile at Megan. There were curious whispers throughout the room when they realized Megan was in the temple. Hank ignored them and escorted her to the chair next to her father before taking his own between her and Riz. Everyone settled quickly when the gavel fell, and all eyes turned to Bishop.
“Alright. Now that we’re all here, let’s get started. There’s one hell of a party waiting on us out there.” Bishop sat forward with a grin. “Now, some of you have noticed the addition to our table. La Princessa de los Mayas has taken her place as a non-voting officer of the Mayans Motorcycle Club, Santo Padre Charter. Megan will be our Armorer and be responsible for all weaponry that passes through SanPad. She’ll work closely with the officers to assure inventory is kept.”
He paused to glance around the table. “Megan has unique training in multiple weapons and their maintenance. Training we’re going to need as we take on the True IRA contracts.”
Chibs looked to Tig and grinned before he returned his gaze to Bishop. “Found a port, have ya?”
Bishop nodded. “We have. At least if the vote tonight goes the way we hope.” He chuckled again and gestured to Megan. “Alright, Poquito. It’s your action. Bring it to the table.”
Megan swallowed hard, but nodded as she adjusted in her chair to hide her shaking hand. Hank laid a gentle hand on her knee under the table in support. “Santo Padre recently had a meeting with the head of the Galindo cartel. Long story short - to combat the DEA, he has found himself in alliance with Los Olvidados.”
One of the Oakland Mayans standing against the wall interrupted - “But isn’t the LO who you’ve been hunting for months? The same people who took his kid?”
Megan nodded. “Exactly. They decided they needed a third party to mediate and keep everyone honest. That third party is us. It comes with many advantages. One of which was an introduction to Adelita, herself.” She paused to take a sip of water. “At that meeting it occurred to us that an alliance on our own with Adelita comes with even more advantages. Los Olvidados is a vast organization. They control large amounts of government officials on the other side of the border. They are also two thousand soldiers who are used to storing and protecting supplies and weapons at all times.”
Bishop grinned. “And an alliance with the LO protects the M.C. from even more issues when we have to cross over.”
There were nods around the table.
Megan took a deep breath. “So - we met with Adelita - alone, away from Galind. She has agreed to supply the port of entry for the Irish guns, assemble them, and store them on their side of the border. The M.C. handles the buyer and transports. And - she agreed to do it for the twenty percent we had already factored in for the Vatos in the original deal as well as first option to buy when they have a large operation in the works.” Megan smiled and looked around the table.
“At how steep of a discount?” asked the Oakland President.
Marcus chuckled. “That’s the best part… at full price.”
There were surprised mumbles around the table. Men talked quietly among themselves until Bishop sat forward again. “So - any questions?”
“What’s to stop the LO from just taking what they want?” one of the Oakland members asked.
Chibs answered. “Same thing that stopped us - havin’ a club member at tha’ exchange to inventory at the drop to the LO. This does solve things nicely, I will admit. Do we know what port?”
Megan shook her head. “Not yet. We will by the end of the week…”
“If we vote it tonight,” Riz added. “The longer we seesaw - the more likely they are to decide we aren’t worth it.”
Marcus cleared his throat. “It’s a good plan. Solid. It gives us the gun deal with the True IRA and fulfills Jax Teller’s final wishes. It puts Mayans M.C. at the forefront of the two biggest money making trades in the M.C. world. I say we vote it. Now.”
“Seconded,” said the Oakland VP.
“Third,” came from Riz.
“Alright. Every man votes. Oakland or Santo Padre. Do we take on the True IRA gun deal with Los Olvidados as our ally?” Bishop said, looking around the room. “All in favor…” 
Hands went up. Some were slower than others, but they went up. Bishop looked around. He couldn’t see any man with his hand still down. 
“All opposed?” he asked. Again he scanned the room. He didn’t see any hands. That was really to be expected. Every Mayan had known and planned for the day SoA would hand over the gun trade. Bishop looked to Marcus.
“Unanimous decision. Vote carries,” Marcus stated. Bishop banged the gavel and Megan slumped in relief. Cheers and whoops broke out throughout the temple. 
“Good. Now - let’s party!” Bishop stood with a grin.
The celebrating Mayans scattered out the door to claim fresh beers or food leaving only Taza, Bishop, Marcus, and Hank at the table along with Megan. Megan laid her head down on the table and focused on her breathing for a moment.
“Beautiful work, Chica. Beautifully done. A unanimous vote from two charters on your first club action!” Taza laughed gently, patting her back. “Proud of you.”
Hank rubbed her leg under the table letting her calm down.
Marcus and Bishop just laughed with Taza.
Megan finally lifted her head from the table to meet the eyes of the four men who loved her more than life itself. “I really did that, didn’t I?”
“Yes, Poquito. You really did. And I’m just as proud of you now as when you took on Adelita yourself in that meeting,” Bishop assured her.
“Me too, Poquito. You really are proving just how much you love this club,” Marcus said.
The three elder men each stood. “We’re going to go make sure they don’t bring the clubhouse down on top of us. You - take your time. Decompress. Then come join the party,” Bishop said smiling. He dropped a kiss to Megan’s hair. “Proud of you, Poquito.”
Marcus followed his example with a kiss to her forehead. “You deserve that kutte, Bebita. Now come show it off.”
Taza pressed his own kiss to Megan’s temple. “Whenever you’re ready, Chica. See you in a minute.”
They left the room and slid the sliding, stained glass door closed, cutting out some of the noise in the process. Megan breathed a sigh of relief. 
Hank chuckled. “They’re right, you know. You were perfect.” He lifted her hand to kiss her ring.
Megan shrugged. “Maybe, but if it all falls apart, they don’t need to look far for who to blame either.”
Hank tugged ehr to her feet as he scooted back from the table. He guided her to stand between his knees so he was looking up into her face. “Mi princessa - if it falls apart, it won’t be for anything you did.” He slipped his hands down to rest on her hips and smiled. “I love you.”
That made her smile. “I love you too.” She leaned down to press a kiss to his lips. 
He kissed her back with a chuckle. “Mm. We should probably get out there soon.”
“Yeah. But I think the only ones waiting on us are probably Tessa and maybe Venus.”
Hank laughed again and pressed another kiss to her lips before pulling back. “Maybe so - but if we don’t get out there soon, I might forget that I’m supposed to share you tonight.” He grinned up at her. “You have no idea how sexy it was watching all my brothers realize why you are la princessa.”
Megan rolled her eyes. “I’m le princessa because Taza’s my dad and because of who my tíos are. I had nothing to do with it.”
Hank squeezed her waist gently. “Bullshit. You are A princessa because of your papa and tíos. You are THE princessa because you make this club better. Because you see what we don’t. And because you can use your brain and hold a room full of bikers in awe of you, mi amore.” He nudged her chin with his nose. “Straighten that crown, Princessa and own it. You just saved a lot of lives today. You deserve to be la Princessa de los Mayas.”
She smiled a little. “We’ll see.”
He shook his head. “Alright. You ready?”
“I’d be much more comfortable behind the bar. I’ve never really been to a party before…”
Hank chuckled. “You’ll be alright. He stood and took her hand in his. “Let’s go.”
Out in the bar, Megan laughed as she realized that Tessa had been waiting patiently for her to exit the temple. The little girl immediately attached to Megan’s side. “You okay, Prima?” she asked.
“I’m alright. Just nervous about my first party,” Megan explained to her. “I’m glad you like your jacket though.”
Tessa did a little spin to show off the purple leather jacket Megan had chosen for her on her birthday shopping spree. “I love it!” She showed Megan her little purple Doc Martens. “And Papa bought me boots to match!”
Hank laughed. “Now your prima needs to have matching Docs, huh?”
Tessa squealed and clapped. “Yes! They have SPARKLE ones too! Papa said I could have them if I scored an A on my science test and I know I aced it. Maybe he’ll buy us both a pair!” 
Megan laughed at the excited little girl. “I’m not sure sparkle docs will stay very sparkly if I wear them on the bike, Tessa.”
Tessa paused in thought, “So… don’t wear them on the bike…” she stated with a shrug.
Venus overheard her and laughed. “The little princess is right, honey. Some shoes are just for show.” She winked at Tessa. “And I agree with your little cousin - sparkle docs sound perfect for you.”
Tessa nodded decisively. “I’m gonna ask Papa. Be right back!” She scurried off.
“Wait!” Megan tried, but Tessa was already across the room. She groaned and narrowed her eyes at the innocently smiling Venus. “You did that on purpose, didn’t you?”
Venus put on her shocked face and pressed a hand to her chest as if offended. “Bless your heart - I never!”
Hank grinned and sipped his beer with an arm around Megan’s waist. He’d just taken a drink when Megan rolled her eyes again at Venus. “You know - I recognize a Southern ‘fuck you’ when I hear it, right?” she said.
“That’s what makes it so much fun,” Venus said with a wicked grin.
Hank snorted in laughter and choked on his beer.
Tig wandered up with a grin. “Are you ladies trying to choke Hank to death or is that just a kinky thing?”
Hank sputtered and coughed until his airway was clear enough to laugh.
Megan giggled and Venus grinned. “Now Alexander - we would never…”
EZ wandered by with a coke for Megan, which she gladly accepted. Tig noticed. “Little Bit, you okay or just pacing yourself?” he asked, indicating her bottle.
Megan sipped and nodded. “I’m fine. Just not a big drinker.”
Hank guided her back so she could lean against him.
“Fair enough.” Tig smiled.
Megan mingled with Hank, smiling her company smile and accepting happy birthday wishes until Creeper came to her side. Rex had stuck to her like glue and was currently sitting across her feet accepting idle ear scratches, but he perked up as the bald biker approached. “Hey Little Princess, you eaten yet?”
Megan shook her head lightly. “Nah. Been busy being hostess.”
Creeper scoffed. “Girl. You’re supposed to be enjoying your party - not playing nothin’.”
“I’m alright, Creep. I promise,” Megan said quietly, but the strain around her eyes was visible.
Creeper nudged Hank, who had been in a conversation with Marco. “You better get your girl, man. She ain’t eat yet.”
Hank glanced at his watch. “Shit. And she’s over an hour past due for her pain meds,” He looked at Megan. “Mi Reina, I’m sorry. You’ve got to be hurtin’.”
Megan smiled up at him a little shakily. “I’m okay.”
“Brother…” Creeper warned.
“Yeah, I hear her.” Hank said. He excused them from the group they’d been with for a while and led her to a couch in the corner with Creeper following. Hank guided Megan to sit and slid a pillow under her arm. “Now, I know you’re hurting, mi amore. I wish you had said something.” He handed her two pills which she obediently swallowed. “Now - do you want me to make you plate while Creep stays with you or do you want him to do it?”
Megan sighed. “I promise, I’m okay. We can go back to the party.”
Creeper nodded. “Alright. I’ll go get her a plate.” He slipped off, stopping to have a word with Taza on the way by.
Taza turned so that Megan was in his sight as he talked, just in case she needed him, but kept his distance. He didn’t want anyone to see her as weak because he babied her.
Hank squatted in front of Megan and slid one of his hands up to cup the side of her neck gently, guiding her chin up to make her look at him as Rex laid himself across her feet holding her down. “Princessa, you’re shaking and your breath is hitching like before you have a panic attack. What is it?”
Megan leaned into his hand a little and closed her eyes. “We should get back. That’s all.”
Hank leaned forward to press his forehead to hers. “Do you want to go home? If you’re unhappy, we don’t have to stay.”
Megan gave a watery chuckle. “Leave my own birthday party? No. I’m okay.”
“You need to eat, mi amore. Creeper will bring you a plate. We can eat it here, or we can go outside to the picnic table if you’d rather.” He kissed her gently. “Either way.”
“But - I haven’t talked to everyone. I haven’t been a good hostess. I need to be…”
“You need to be sitting your ass down and letting them come to you like the princessa you are, Poquito,” Bishop said, coming up behind Hank. “They come to you. You aren’t the bartender here tonight.” He sat in the armchair nearest her.
“No fucking ‘but’.” He lit a cigarette.
Creeper showed up with two plates loaded with food. “Here, Little Princessa. Eat somethin’ Then decide how you wanna spend the rest of your night.” He sat them on the coffee table as Hank moved to sit next to her and pull it closer to her.
Megan hesitantly reached for the fork he’d laid next to the plate. Hank pressed a kiss to her temple. “That’s my girl,” he muttered as she started to nibble.
Bishop stayed planted and people filtered through to talk to him and to those around him as a consequence. Soon, Megan realized her tío was right. If she stayed put, people came to her.
Tessa flitted back and forth from their group and wherever her papa and mama were. Letty came and sat awhile, but she eventually got up to go dance with a few of the younger girls from Vickie’s.
About an hour later, Taza walked over smiling. “Are you ready for cake, Chica?”
Megan smiled up at him, more relaxed. “I guess so.”
“Good. Your tía wants to take Tessa home and put her to bed, but the little demon refuses to leave until after cake,” Taza laughed. 
That made Megan giggle. “Should have just cut it, Papa. She’ll be even worse after sugar.”
“Can’t cut the birthday cake without the birthday girl, Sweetheart.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I’ll get them to bring it over here. After cake - I think you have a few more gifts to unwrap.”
“But I already opened my gifts!” Megan protested as Taza walked away.
Hank chuckled. “That was before you made your birthday a diplomatic event, mi amore.”
Bishop grinned. “More gifts, Poquito, from new friends.” He sipped his whiskey with a chuckle.
Taza returned to perch on the arm for the couch next to her as Creeper carried the cake towards her with candles lit. A toy motorcycle stood in the center. Megan giggled as she saw the Mayans patch and rocker decorating the icing. Tessa started singing happy birthday and Vickie’s girls picked it up. Before the end of the song, Megan’s face felt like it was on fire.
Marcus smiled at her from the crowd with one arm around Diana and one around Tessa. “Blow out your candles, Poquito. Make a wish.”
Megan smiled and leaned forward before blowing out the candles to the applause of those watching. Taza pressed a kiss to her hair as Hank gave her hand an encouraging squeeze.
Vickie took the cake from Creeper so that the girls and EZ could serve it. 
“Well, now that the cake is being cut - Present time!” Venus announced. She bustled forward with a large box wrapped in blue paper. “Here, sweetheart. This one’s from me,” she said with a wink.
Megan laughed and took the box. “Thank you.” She opened it with a smile to find something that she didn’t expect from the first lady of Samcro. Inside were two pairs of cowboy boots, a brown pair and a black pair, along with an off white wool cowboy hat. Megan’s jaw dropped. “Venus - “
The dark haired woman smiled softly. “That night at the party, you mentioned that you rode in rodeos. I looked you up. Then I realized that you would have had to leave all your gear behind…”
Megan stood quickly to wrap her in a tight hug. “Thank you so much.”
Venus sniffed a little and smoothed Megan’s hair. “Southern Belles stick together.”
That made Megan giggle and pull back. She went back to her spot on the couch with a little smile before putting on the hat. Hank beamed and straightened it for her.
“Alright. Now that the missus has given her gift -” Tig presented Megan with a small, but heavy box. “In light of your new position, I probably should have gone bigger.”
Megan unwrapped it to find a handgun cleaning kit with a built in field kit to go in her saddle bags. “Thank you!”
Tig chuckled. “You impressed the hell out of me at that meeting, Little Bit. Never seen a chick - well a youngster anyway - so prepared to defend yourself. Thought I’d help you do that.” He shrugged awkwardly. “And Venus wouldn’t let me buy you another gun.”
Venus huffed out a “I swear, Alexander…” as Megan giggled.
Chibs smiled a little. “Aye. My turn.” He sat down his whiskey and smiled. “‘Ve got two. One frum me - and one frum Samcro.” He laid a small box on the table - about as long as his hand. Then, he waved T.O. forward. T.O. also laid a box down - this one much larger.
Megan opened the larger box, which was from Samcro, to find a custom stitched seat for her bike. The beautiful stitching in the black leather picked out the design of a crown. “Oh! It’s beautiful. Thank you!”
T.O. grinned. “It’ll fit. We called your uncle to make sure of it.”
“Thank you. And thank your club for me.”
Chibs smirked. “Little un is frum me.”
Megan opened the box to find knives. Three of them. They were made to be worn on the inside of her belt or inside her kutte the way Chibs wore his. He’d provided sheaths for them as well. The short blades were made for street fighting and the green composite handles fit in her smaller hands nicely. “Oh they’re beautiful. I love them! Thank you.”
“Aye. MY Kerrianne overnighted them to me from the same shop in Ireland where I got mine after I met you at the party. They’ll serve you well, lass.” He smiled as Megan immediately tucked on into one of the straps of her thigh bag which held it perfectly. “Your tío can find you someone to teach you to use ‘em. I’d do it, but ‘m too far away.”
Megan stood and hugged the gruff biker. “Thank you.” 
He patted her back awkwardly. “Welcome, lass.”
She sniffed a little and smiled as she sat back down. Hank grinned as she turned to show him her new blades. He examined them carefully and then showed her how to fasten them inside her kutte to conceal them.
Marcus offered Chibs a handshake. “Beautiful blades, my friend. I’ll find her a teacher when she’s ready.” 
Chibs chuckled. “Got a boot knife back ordered fur ‘er too. Should be here by ‘er big party.”
Coco was passing by and snorted a laugh. “La princessa’s gunna be armed to the teeth.”
Marcus laughed. “All the better.” He waved the president of the Oakland charter forward to present the gift from the other charter.
A leather binder with the Mayans patch embossed on the cover was laid on the table in front of her. Megan ran her fingers over the cover before glancing up at the Oakland officers. At their smiles, she flipped it open to find a copy of the charter and bylaws of the Mayans Motorcycle Club. “Oh! Is this…” 
“A copy for you to keep and study as la Princessa de los Mayas, Princessa. All the bylaws, from every charter. All the history of this club.”
Megan’s smile was blinding. “For me?”
“For you, Princessa. Happy Birthday.” He smiled and gave a little bow before going back to the party.
Megan ran her fingers over the binder again and smiled before looking up to meet the eyes of both Marcus and Bishop.
Marcus smiled. “Now you’ll get to read our story, Poquito. The history of tu familia.”
“Thank you.”
Diana came over after a few minutes to say goodnight. She was taking Tessa home to bed. Apparently, the energetic little girl had finally run out of steam. Marco had found her nodding off at one of the table and was carrying her to the car after bringing her to Marcus for a goodnight cuddle. The Queen of the Mayans pressed a gentle kiss to Megan’s forehead. “Sleep well, Princessa. We’ll see you in the morning.”
Things got a little wilder as it got later, but not much. A few guys got in the ring for fun and Bishop went to watch. Soon, Megan and Hank were left mostly on their own in that little corner of the clubhouse. Even Rex was asleep in his dog bed nearby. Megan was curled into Hank’s side, resting comfortably.
Hank smiled down at her. “Have you enjoyed your birthday party, mi amore?”
Megan tilted her face up towards him. “I actually have. At least once we moved over here.”
He shifted so he could reach to kiss her. “Good. We just need to remember to put you in a corner. I’ll try to remember, mi reina.” He pressed a soft kiss to her lips.
“Sorry I freaked out,” she whispered.
Hank shifted her carefully to his lap before guiding her to straddle him. “Mi princessa, you absolutely did not freak out. You were so anxious you were shaking, but you kept going. You didn’t freese. You kept your panic in your control. You were so brave and so  strong. You amaze me, Megan.” He cupped her face in both hands and pressed his forehead to hers. “No apologies, mi amore.”
Megan smiled and nodded a little. “Okay.”
“Good girl.” He grinned and kissed her again.
Megan kissed him back and shifted closer to his body. His hands rubbed gently down her back until they came to her hips. He slid them under her tunic so he could feel her skin. Megan wrapped the fingers of her good hand in his shirt to pull herself closer, pressing her hips into him. 
Hank groaned and broke the kiss, dropping his head to rest on her good shoulder. “Not fair, mi reina. You know what the doctor said.” He pressed kisses to the skin of her throat and chest where he could reach.
Megan whined until Hank lifted his head to kiss her again. “I’m sorry, mi reina. No strenuous activities of you could end up back in a cast. A week, mi amore. At least a week.”
Megan collapsed against his chest growling and frustrated. Hank kissed her hair. “Please, Hank?”
He closed his eyes and winced. “I don’t want to hurt you, Megan. Please…”
She sighed. “I know.” She lifted her head to kiss him softly. “I’m sorry. I know.”
Hank smiled softly and returned her kiss. “Just… be patient a little longer, mi reina.” 
Megan nodded and cuddled close. “I’ll try.”
“That’s all I ask.” He kissed her again.
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achickennamedcheese · 5 months
A video game idea but idk how to code (but I can draw pixel art)
In a world (Earth) where people and animals die everyday, there are an equal amount of Reapers to deal with them. Some of these Reapers are called Last Life Reapers, signified by the heart on their chest. Their job is to give a dying person one last good memory before they die. That's you!
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The Last Life Reaper goes to the mark (person about to die) a day before their death, and they disguise themselves as a human. This way they can give that person a good memory to take into the afterlife.
The game will take you through three stages with three different marks that you are scheduled to take care of. The first is a grumpy old lady, the second is a dog, and the third is a teenager. In order to give these marks their happy memory, you have to complete the tasks given to you by the marks. All three marks will have five tasks and an additional 6th.
To take care of the grumpy old lady, you transform into a caretaker. She gives you five tasks to do around her house, all seemingly meaningless. 1. Decorate a lamp, 2. Clean up and dress a plastic doll, 3. Find three specific books around the house, 4. Take out the red polka-dot dress in her dresser, and 5. Give the lady her phone.
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After you complete all these tasks, the lady thanks you (after a barrage of sarcastic remarks). The old lady then reveals that what you've been doing around the house was preparing gifts for the old lady's two children and three grand children. The two children are grown and never come visit anymore, and the three grandchildren are caught up in their social and school lives. The old lady knows that she's going to die soon, she can feel it. So, in a final task from the old lady, she asks you if you can tell her family she loves them. The old lady will be calling her family today, and if they don't answer, she at least wants someone to pass it on.
You can choose between the options "Yes" and "..."
after the section with the old lady, you are then brought to the section with the dog. The dog doesn't speak to you, of course, so your intuition (the game) tells you what it's thinking.
You transform as a friend of the dog's owner, and from there you do what your intuition tells you to. 1. Find a Frisbee and play with the dog in the backyard, 2. Pet the dog and give it ear scratches, 3. Find dog treats and give them to the dog, 4. Hug the dog, and 5. Take off the dog's collar. Note that the places you had to find the treats and the Frisbee wasn't at the dog's owner's house, you had to find them somewhere else (at the store), and there was a lock to the backyard door.
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After you complete all these tasks, the dog licks your face (affectionately). It is then revealed by your intuition (and mark file for the dog) that the dog was heavily neglected, even abused by its owner. That's why it has no treats, no frisbees, no unlocked doggy door. The dog had never had a single happy memory existing in that house. And so, using your intuition, the dog asks one last thing of you. They ask you to make sure no dog will ever be "taken care of" by his owner ever again.
Once again, you can choose "Yes" or "..."
And now finally, we're onto the teenager. This one is different, because with the teenager, today is his death day. You had already spent the day with him yesterday, and now today is his time to die. So your five tasks in this segment of the game is to try and find the teenager and reap his soul.
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When you complete the five tasks, you're brought to the teenager, about to cross the road, not paying attention. At this time, your scythe goes to reap the teenagers soul... only for it to go right through them. And the teenager lived, getting across the street in time, even though they were definitely supposed to die. And what's even stranger? Now the teenager can see you!!!
And that's where the game ends (Aka the game ends when I have no idea how to end it)
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stargazer-dreamer · 7 months
🌟Stargazer-Dreamer Masterlist🌟
those with ✨ indicate my personal favorites
those with ⚪ indicate that it is NOT a reader insert
🚀Cowboy Bebop🚀
Spike Spiegel
Types of Kisses Gift Giving ✨Sterile ✨Lighthouse ✨/r/SpikeSpiegel A Trip to the Cinema ✨Sleeping Doggy Dog Love Me Not [ao3 link] ✨Cheesy Come, Cheesy Go Shark Week ⚪Spike, in the Mornings Kiss the Cook(s) Cowboy Caregiver ✨Erratum Discussions [ao3 link] Interlining Dilemmas Bedroom Funk Vicinity The Most Magical Place on Mars ✨In Comfort; Let Me Rest My Eyes Closed [ao3 link] ✨Futile [ao3 link]
Jet Black
Love A Bit Rough In Which You Haven't Kissed the Cook (Yet) Kiss the Cook(s)
Vampire Money (Vampire Spike AU)
What's Life Like, Bleeding on the Floor? [ao3 link] ⚪✨I've Really Been on a Bender and It Shows [ao3 only] These Eyes Have Had Too Much to Drink Again Tonight [ao3 link]
Cotard and I Alone (Spike Spiegel/Grim Reaper Reader AU)
✨Dedicated Life [ao3 link] Cracking Visions [ao3 link] Attuned Inside [ao3 link]
🏴‍☠️One Piece🏴‍☠️
Trafalgar Law
Heart in Time
Roronoa Zoro
Swordplay Lost Little Marimo
🔮Black Clover🔮
StopRewind (Yami Sukehiro/Rookie Magic Knight Reader)
✨I've Been Told So Many Stories of Adventure, Power, and Glory [ao3 link] It's on the Tip of My Tongue [ao3 link]
💯Mob Psycho 100💯
Misapprehension (Meeting Reigen on a Dating App)
✨Ghostbox [ao3 link] Spiritbox [ao3 link]
🥊Boku no Hero Academia🥊
With Hawks ✨Frivolities [ao3 link]
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victorluvsalice · 1 year
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And then, in the middle of all this, the Grim Reaper showed up. Not for any of my Sims or their pets, though -- for the chickens. You see, the original set that the gang purchased had all gotten on in years, and while I’d turned aging off for the regular Sims, apparently that didn’t apply to the farm animals. So Grim kept appearing throughout the day to collect the elderly chickens, starting with the original brown hen and white hen. He was very nice about it, at least, giving them some final scritches and hugging before disappearing them to the barnyard in the sky.
Anyway, while all that was going on, we had more pet shenanigans! Kelly took her turn sleeping very cutely in the kitchen, while Shadow started sampling the puddle that Alice had left behind before her zoomies. Smiler, fortunately, came in to stop and distract her, and they became friends through some playtime. :) Though Shadow did get dragged upstairs for another bath afterward, as she’d also rolled in said puddle. . . Shadow then comforted a blue-feeling Victor (gotta love doggy hugs), before being directed down to the front to start learning how to go outside!
Unfortunately, she chose right in the middle of the front walk to do her business, and when Alice returned to normal and started trying to get to know the dog better. . .yeah. *wince* Sorry, Alice -- I should have picked up that poop earlier! Fortunately, she didn’t hold it against the dog, and she and Victor both got in some good bonding time with Shadow and Kelly respectively before she had to head to work. I want everyone to be proper friends with all the pets, after all! No “cat person”/“dog person” snobbery here!
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vilecovet · 2 years
@hhemeraa​  ;  What are your muses wearing for Halloween (if they celebrate)
Ooh. I feel like Beck would definitely dress up for Halloween, but it’d be something basic because that’s so him. He’d make a cute vampire. Cape, plastic fangs, might dress up in a (rented) suit to make it fancy. Take him to a Halloween party and dance with him. 
Kagura would dress up as a dominatrix. I mean, she’s halfway there walking around in a leotard and fishnets all the time. All she needs is a whip. But let’s spice it up and give her a leather bunny mask. 
Sam would dress up as the grim reaper with the cloak and scythe because he’d find that hilarious. It’d be the best inside joke ever. Plot twist, he uses his real scythe, so no touchy. I also feel like he’d give out apples coated with a light toxin, just to fuck with people. And then he would save them before they died. 
Yaketsu would absolutely wear nothing but his loincloth, use his sword as a club and play up being an oni. He would for sure chase people around and scare them. But I feel like some would enjoy seeing a half-naked hot guy swinging a giant sword around. 
You’d have to drag Nol out the house to celebrate Halloween, lmao. Put him in a dog onesie, get some makeup on his face, give him little doggy ears and he’ll carry on like he’s wearing normal clothes. Sooo cute.  
I don’t think Tsurya celebrates Halloween? I feel like he would watch from the window very confused, especially seeing children dress up as oni. He’d be like the purpose of Halloween is to disguise yourself from monsters?? But I can still tell you’re human?? Extremely confused. He’s too much of a literal thinker.
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leedongwook · 11 months
Hope you're holding on well with all obligations 🩷 I'm good, thank you. Hot weather is a bit challenging though, I usually spend as much time as possible outdoors with my dog (she's my one and only child🙈) and summer is not going easy on either of us 😅
You are sooo real for screaming at LDW gif hahah Reminds me of me screaming and kicking air every time he'd be on screen (in Goblin, that's the first time I watched him in a drama). He changed my view on grim reaper in ways I never thought were possible 😂
Yay I love that we both love Bloodhounds so much! 🥰Girl, I'm going insane. Like, I started watching this for the boxing duo but now I have scenes with Lee Hae-young playing on repeat like he's gonna solve all of my problems and ... how did this even happen to me????😂😭
Aww thank you so much, have a lovely rest of the week too, and lots of strength for finishing the work week 😘
Thank you! Oh and I feel you on the hot weather, I'm dizzy all the time when it gets hot and sticky like that. Awww you have a doggy, what kind of dog do you have, if you don't mind me asking? I am sorry the hot weather is tough for you both, please be careful!
AHHH he's such a cute reaper in goblin hihi :)
Have you watched Lee Hae Youn in Kill boksoon?
thank youuuu and same ❤
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poorly-drawn-akira · 2 years
So with the nice new additons of supervillains in Morioh, what would a supervillain Eijiro look like? A grim reaper with doggy ears?
"gruh-grim reaper with dog ears? whuh-what on earth are yuh-you insinuating?!
buh-besides... thuh-there is no such thing as suh-supervillains," Eijiro's mind started going somewhere else as he thought about it, "ih-its banal. huh-human. grown behind locked doors."
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riacte · 4 months
From False’s pov, it looks she sent Ren and co off to battle and she’s waiting for him to return in her house 🥺 like when she said she didn’t a 100% think Ren’s trap would work but had faith when he had two people with him. She’s pondering her reaper like hmmm I hope he’s okay… maybe should’ve packed him some biscuits on the way there it’s a long journey.
And she was looking outside the window and waiting for him to come back 🥺 why is this suddenly a whole trope. Doggy goes off into the treacherous wilderness for a mission. Happily comes back safe and sound and with a prize in the toilet. False looking outside like 🥺 when will my guard dog return from the war 🥺
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infoglitch · 11 months
Fighting game au: XROS (part 2)
(Fuck it I'm making this a series. Who asked? Nobody!)
(interaction 1: reds older siblings)
We see a man in a black suit adjusting a blue tie also having black hair walk on stage as two dogs walked beside him one with completely black shaggy fur with a white fire hovering above it's tail almost as if part of its body. The other has completely white smooth fur with black wings.
Lance: skol, hati, try not to rough up our opponent too much. I don't feel like cleaning your fur AGAIN.
Then the sound of boots hit the ground with thunderous vigor as yang walking on stage with a friendly grin.
Yang: ah don't worry. Your dog ain't gonna hurt me. I'm way stronger than you think.
Lance finished adjusting his tie as he stuck out his hand before blue flames surrounded it before the flames merged into a scythe.
Lance:.... You know what... Let's test this. Skol, hati, get her.
Yang was soaring through the air firing of shotgun rounds from ember Celica before she landed on stage with Lance petting skol.
Lance: who's a good boy? Your a good boy! Your such a good little doggy-
Yang Snickered at the sight before Lance shot up and adjusting his tie before turning to yang.
Lance: apologies, didn't think you show up to training early.
Yang: heh didn't take ya for a dog person lance-a-lot.
Lance groaned as yang laughed.
Yang: aw don't get yang-gry with me.
(interaction 2: Lancaster vs froson)
(I am very sorry I haven't been feeding y'all lancaster shippers but you can check out my other Lancaster works to hold ya over)
Ruby leaned on a wall as jaune was wiping down the sword of crocea mors as Ruby just watched him a smile on her face.
Ruby: you sure you need to wipe down your sword that much?
Jaune: how else can I make sure I'm battle ready?
Ruby: well maybe you let me wipe down your "sword"
Jaune: ruby!
We hear a chuckle as our view changes as we see Johnson standing beside a brunette wearing a white beret as she took a loli pop and held between her middle and index finger.
Johnson: ready Mrs. Snowman?
Frost: ready when you are chili pepper. If we win I want snow cones.
Johnson: snow cones it is frost.
Johnson is walk on stage with a flaming dragon floating behind him as frost walked next him.
Frost: so where's that red reaper you met chili pepper?
Johnson: just give her a minute Mrs. snowman.
Salamandra: I doubt she's that special.
Johnson: in 3.... 2.... 1!
Suddenly a Burst of rose pedals arrive as Ruby and jaune emerged as jaunes face was green before running to a trash can and barfing.
Ruby: uh jaune you ok?
Jaune raised his hand giving a thumbs up as he spoke weakly.
Jaune: yeah... I'm good just fight without me for a few... Hours...
Ruby: huh I thought jaune wouldn't be affected but I guess I was wrong.
Frost just stared wide eyed as salamandras jaw drop as Johnson had a shit eating grin.
Johnson: told ya that kid was something.
Frost: and she can just do THAT?!
Salamandra: it's like a flower version of godspeed.
(once again all done out of my dumb fanfic writing brain. Because I have too much free time)
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broiderie · 1 year
Lost Princessa: Meet the Reaper 14
Here's 14. It's a filler and you can probably tell it, but I have edited it too many times. It's just going to have to be good enough y'all.
Warnings: cursing, mentions of weapons. I can't think of anything else. Let me know if I missed anything.
Don't steal my shit.
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The bike shop was only fifteen minutes away, so Creeper rode with Megan and Hank. He threw a fit when Megan started to get in the back though. “Nah, Little Princess. You ain’t taking the back seat in your own car. I’ll ride with the pooch,” he said.
Hank had let the top back down so that they could feel the morning sun, so the ride was more than pleasant. Bishop, Taza, and Marcus led the way and Megan grinned. She was slightly windswept when they got there, but she was smiling happily. None of the men who’d been with her the first day missed the contrast.
Hank came around to open her door aws Creeper got out on his side with Rex following him. “Alright, mi princessa. Think you’ll be alright this time?” he asked.
Megan smiled. “Yeah. I think so. Just don’t look at the prices, right?” She handed him her kutte.
“Right, Chica,” Taza said from beside them. He took her kutte from Hank.
Inside they all scattered. Taza went to the counter with Bishop to collect her patches and get them sewed on for her. Usually, she’d sew them on herself after being awarded them, but that wasn’t an option with her arm right now.
Marcus drew Megan over to the side where there were Harley accessories for dogs. Hank smiled and followed her, putting his hands in his pockets.
Creeper glanced around and headed for the electronics section. He was determined that Megan’s bike needed a better stereo - especially since he’d have to wire the new intercom system anyway.
Megan immediately noticed a leather leash when Marcus showed her the dog section. The leash that Happy had given her was nylon and a little rough in her fingers. She absently picked it up to look at it. She showed it to Hank. “What do you think?”
“I think it matches your gear better than the nylon one, and it never hurts to have multiple leashes, mi amore.” Hank smiled.
Megan bit her lip. “True. We should probably get an extra harness at some point too…”
Marcus picked up a set of food and water bowls. They were stainless steel with Harley logos around the outside. “Here we go. Rex needs food and water bowls still, right? You can keep the temporary one in your car for when you need it.”
Megan nodded, “Alright.”
“What about for at the clubhouse?” Taza asked as he joined them. “Get a second set that can just stay there too.”
Marcus added a second set.
Hank chuckled as he realized that Megan wasn’t freaking out about price when it came to her precious pup. He picked up a couple of chew toys shaped like motorcycle tires, holding one down for Rex to take immediately. “Gotta get him some toys too.”
“Yeah, but there aren’t a lot here. We’ll have to go to the pet store when we get home,” Megan said absently as she looked at the shelves.
Taza smiled. “We could order them online and have it all waiting at the ranch when we get home…”
Megan perked up. “Really?”
The men chuckled. “Really.” Taza answered her. “We’ll get you set up on Amazon on your phone when we get back to the casino, Chica. Then you can order away.”
“A doggy door would be nice for the back door…” Megan said.
“Whatever you want, Sweetheart. Doggy doors for every door in the house and clubhouse. The prospect can put them in,” Taza promised.
Megan laughed. “Thank you, Papa.”
“Of course. Now, we’ve got about a half hour to kill while they finish with your kutte. Let’s go look at human accessories,” he said with a smile. He drew her gently over to the women’s section. “Look. These are hair wraps. They help keep your hair from snarling on long runs.” He pointed to the long pieces of laced leather. “We need to get you some for your braids.”
Megan bit her lip. “Well… it would be nice not to have so much brushing to do after riding…”
Taza grabbed two in every color there. He also grabbed two more of the scarfs that Coco had taught Megan to use as dust masks. “One for each bike…” he explained.
Bishop called her over. “Hey Poquito - come pick out some more sunglasses.”
“But Tío- I already have a pair…”
Yeah, well, a girl deserves options and these are safety glasses too. They won’t shatter like regular ones do if you wreck,” Bishop pointed out. “You need some to keep in your car too. I”d rather it be these than some cheapos that’ll hurt you if they break.”
In the end, Megan chose three new pairs of sunglasses before Bishop was satisfied. Hank smiled as he watched Megan try to argue the other men in her life out of buying her more things.
Creeper came to her rescue. “Hey, Little Princess, come look over here. There might be some things you want for your bike.”
Megan glanced at Hank who nodded that he’d follow and went to look with Rex.
Creeper had already chosen a stereo system for her bike that would fit with the new intercom Bishop had bought her. But there were many other options to customize her bike. “I don’t even know what I’ll need though,” Megan protested.
“Think about being on your Pop’s bike. Anything you’d change if you were in the driver’s seat?” Creeper asked.
Megan thought. “Papa has to sit forward a lot on his bike - and it’s too tall for me. Even the footpegs in the back are a stretch from the bitch seat.”
“Alright. So your handlebars are closer to the rider and the bike is shorter. That takes care of most of that. That’s why they got you the Slim. It’s got a better seat height for a smaller rider,” Creeper explained. “The tank is painted to match your helmet, but it’s got a standard seat on it still.” He pulled up pictures on his phone to show her. “I’ll add the intercom and stereo when we get home.”
“It’s such a pretty green,” she said with a smile.
Creeper chuckled. “All I did was match Hank’s paint job. He chose the color.” He pointed to a phone holder and a GPS. “I’d suggest one of these, or preferably both. You’ll be a new rider - AND new to the area. This would mean your less likely to get lost if you ride alone.”
Megan nodded. “Probably a good idea then.”
Creeper picked them up with a smile. “Not that I think it’ll be a problem much, but I’d rather you have them if you need them.”
Hank smiled softly as Creeper walked Megan through his reasoning behind buying different electronics for her. She even allowed him to pick up another cell phone holder and GPS for her car. The bald man was patient and explained things carefully enough that Megan never questioned how much he was buying. By the end of it, her bike would be the most tricked out bike in the club, and he loved that Creep managed to do it without setting off her panic. He used logic and reason to keep her calm and convince her that she needed things.
Marcus caught his eye and lifted the finished kutte to show him. Hank grinned. It was perfect. “Alright, mi amore. Your kutte is ready. Ready to go?” Hank asked as she and Creeper paused.
Megan grinned. “Sure. Are the others done shopping?”
“Looks like it,” Creep said, pointing to the door where Taza a Bishop sat with bags. “Go on, Little Princess. I’ll meet you guys over there. I’m gonna have them ship the parts to the yard for me.”
Megan squeezed his arm gratefully. “Thanks, Creeper.”
“You’re welcome. Be there in a minute.”
Megan and Hank made their way to the others to meet up with Rex trailing along faithfully. On the way there, a jewelry counter caught Hank’s eye. “Just a minute, mi amore.” He tugged her over to the counter where there were various forms of Harley themed jewelry. This spot had everything from cheap children’s necklaces to a few high dollar pieces. He pointed at a small case of charms for charm bracelets. “I think earning your patch deserves a charm, Princessa.”
Megan smiled a little. “You might be right…”
The clerk behind the counter came over. “Looking for anything in particular, ma’am?”
Megan held up her left wrist to display her charm bracelet. “Just a charm to remember today.”
“Are you the one patching, honey?” the older lady asked.
Megan nodded. “Yeah… I am.”
“Well, I’ve got a few here that might work-” the clerk pulled the case out and shifted through them before laying out a charm that looked like a kutte, one that looked like a top rocker, and one that matched the crossed pistols on her new patch. “Any of these feel right?”
Megan touched the rocker with a tiny smile. “Is it engravable?”
“Sure is.”
“Would you put ‘Mayans M.C.’ on it, please?” Megan asked.
“Of course. Be right back.”
Megan smiled up at Hank, who kissed her gently. “Look at you. Picked it out all on your own too. I was expecting a fight.”
Megan shook her head with a small smile up at him. “No. You’re right. This one deserves a charm.”
“Good.” He kissed her again and squeezed her waist, before pulling out his wallet to pay for the charm before the price was announced. Luckily the nice lady either seemed to understand or she remembered Megan’s breakdown last time. She rang him up without question.
“Have a nice day, you two. See you next time.” He handed Hank the little organza bag with the charm in it.
“You too!” Megan said as they went to meet everyone else.
They all loaded back up and headed back for the casino. Creeper was fast becoming good friends with Rex. The big dog was perfectly content having his ears rubbed by the bald biker in the back seat.
“So… what exactly is the procedure here?” Megan asked. “I assume it’s more than just handing me the kutte, or Tío would have done that at the store.”
Hank chuckled. “I’m not actually sure either since the vote already happened. Usually, you’d wait outside Templo while we vote, we’d most likely scared the shit out of you making you think we’d voted no before Taza would hand you your new patched to sew on before the party. At least that’s what we do to prospects.”
Creep laughed. “Yeah - that ain’t gonna work this time. He’s probably just going to present it to you when we all meet for lunch before the Galindo meeting, Little Princess. We’ll combine your patch party with your birthday party when we get you home.”
Megan shook her head with a smile. “Y’all are determined with this party thing, aren’t you?”
Hank kissed her knuckles with a smirk. “You’ll enjoy it. Promise.”
Creeper half-grinned. “Damn right you will. We’ll make sure of it.”
“Maybe we should see if Venus and maybe Tig, Happy, and Chibs want to come down for it. Maybe we’ll have good news for them by then,” Megan suggested.
“Your party, mi amore. You invite whoever you want,” Hank assured her, pulling into a parking space.
Taza came to help her with her door as Hank, Creeper and Rex got out on the driver’s side. “Well Chica - what would you like for lunch? We’re ordering up to the suite,” he asked.
“I’m really not hungry, Papa - “ she said, looking up at him.
“Just something light then? You should eat before the meeting. We’re not sure how long Galindo will need us,” Taza explained.
Megan shrugged a little. “If you say so…”
“What about a salad or something, Princessa? Or a sandwich?” Hank suggested.
“Actually - a salad does sound good,” Megan admitted.
Creeper brought her Rex’s leash from where he’d taken him to do his business. “Yeah. I think so too.”
Taza chuckled. “Alright. Is chicken okay? Get a little protein in there.”
Megan laughed. “Sure, Papa.”
He kissed her head. “Alright. Your padrinos and I will order lunch and round up the others for Templo. You go rest a bit. Take your medicine. You should be overdue for it.”
“She is,” Hank said. “C’mon, mi reina. Let’s go decompress for a bit.”
Megan took Rex’s leash from Creeper with a smile and leaned in to the arm Hank slid around her waist as they headed for the elevators.
In the room, Hank encouraged Megan to lay down for a while after he got ehr to take her medicine. She protested, but he promised her that her papa had plans for them this evening and she’d enjoy them more if she wasn’t too tired.
“Will you stay with me?” she finally asked.
“Of course, mi amore.” He grabbed his book from his bag and sat himself against the headboard so she could snuggle down with her head in his lap. Once she was situated, he stroked her hair and neck gently. “Rest, mi princessa.”
An hour or so later, Taza poked his head in with a smile. “Lunch is ready, hermano,” he called softly. “Galindo will be here in about two hours.”
Hank sat aside his book. “Alright. I’ll wake her up.”
“Good. Her padrinos want her to have her kutte before lunch. They’ll be ready when you bring her out.” Taza patted the doorway and looked at Rex. “Rex, come.”
The dog looked to Hank.
“Go on Rex. Go eat,” Hank encouraged.
The big dog stood from where he was laying at the foot of the bed, shook himself, and followed Taza from the room.
Hank smiled down at Megan sleeping peacefully in his lap. He smoothed some stray hair back into her braid. “Time to wake up, mi amore. Your papa and tíos are ready with lunch.” He gently traced her cheekbone with the back of his fingers.
Megan’s eyelashes fluttered open with her little wake up squeak. “Mm?”
“Are you awake, baby?” he asked with a smile.
“Mmhmm,” she smiled and nuzzled against his thigh through his jeans.
He chuckled and shifted a little. He could feel the heat of her breath through his pants. “Are you comfy?”
“Good, but we still need to get up so we can get lunch in you before we need to meet with Galindo.” He rubbed his thumb gently along her jaw.
“Okay.” She stretched where she could before sitting up slowly.
Hank guided her up before pressing a kiss to the back of her neck. He pulled his own boots back on, before going to help Megan with hers only to realize that her new ones had zippers on the sides. She slid her guns back into the holster she still wore and the knife back into its sheath. Sleeping had loosened her hair enough that she simply untied it and brushed it down with the fingers of her good hand.
“My kutte should conceal the weapons, right?” she asked, eyeing the discarded flannel.
“Should, mi amore. If we meet on the casino floor, we’ll have to check them anyway. Tribal law says no firearms on the casino level,” Hank assured her.
Megan nodded. “But my knife…”
“Can stay with you, as can Rex. Law only covers guns,” he said with a smile.
“Alright then. Let’s go eat.”
Hank shrugged into his kutte from where it was hanging on the chair in the room. “Alright, mi princessa.” He followed her out to the common room.
The entire Santo Padre chapter was waiting for them. Bishop stood front and center flanked by Taza and Riz with the other men behind them. Megan stopped in front of her tío. Bishop smiled down at her. “Last night, we voted to appoint you our armorer for the Santo Padre charter of the Mayans Motorcycle Club, Megan. Today, you get your kutte. This kutte is the symbol of your connection with our M.C. It’s as sacred as anything can be in this life and the true symbol of the brotherhood we all share. Always remember that.”
Megan nodded solemnly. “Yes sir.” She swallowed hard.
Bishop turned to Marcus who was standing back, holding Megan’s kutte folded over his arm, and reached for it. Marcus handed it over. Then he turned back to Megan, but he looked at Hank. “Tranq, we couldn’t decide who would patch her in. Marcus can’t - he’s not SanPad. Taza is her blood. Bylaws say blood sponsoring blood isn’t recommended. I didn’t feel right doing it when Marcus and Taza can’t. So… it falls to you, hermano.” He held the new kutte out to Hank. “Patch in our Armorer.”
Hank smiled and took the kutte from Bishop before going to help Megan put it on by easing her sling and slipping it over her casted arm before supporting that arm for her so she could slip her good arm in the kutte. He quickly redid her sling before smiling at her. “Megan Morales - Welcome to the tribe.”
Megan smiled back up at him as the men whooped and cheered.
Megan got hugs from everyone as Rex bounced excitedly around the room.
They sat down to lunch where Megan got her salad, but she barely ate any of it between talking to everyone. The men debated whether they should head directly back to Santo Padre to start planning her patch party after the Galindo meeting. Megan continued to insist that she wasn’t a patch and therefore there shouldn’t be a patch party.
“Fine then - your birthday party slash ‘appointment’ party then,” said Gilly.
“We need to give people time to come, man,” Coco said. “Bet the Reapers would come if we called. Oakland will probably want to represent too.” He glanced at Marco and José. “Right?”
Marco laughed. “Oh yeah. I’ll make the calls if you want. Give us time to get here.”
José nodded seriously.
There was a knock on the suite door and Bishop nodded for EZ to answer it. Adam stood there. “Mr. Galindo has arrived. We put him in the big conference room.”
Taza nodded. “Thank you, Adam. We’re on our way down.”
Adam nodded. “Don’t forget to check your weapons at the desk, please.”
Bishop nodded.
Megan took a deep breath and called Rex. She put his new leash on his collar, before looking to her father and Bishop. They both nodded in satisfaction. Hank pressed a hand to her lower back and she relaxed a little.
After checking all guns at the front desk, the club made their way to the large, comfortable conference room. It made Megan smile a bit as they passed the room where she’d waited so nervously to meet Taza.
Inside the room, Miguel Galindo waited with the older man Megan had met with Marcus - Devante. A blonde woman was there too, dressed professionally but obviously on Galindo’s arm. The men all greeted each other with handshakes.
“My wife, Emily,” Galindo said, “will be joining us.”
“Of course,” Marcus said with a smile. “Mrs. Galindo,” he greeted her. Then he waved Megan forward. “We’ve made some additions to our club as well.” Megan stepped up, keeping her head high. “You remember my god daughter, Megan. She’s also Bishop’s god daughter and blood daughter to Taza. She’s going to be handling our armory from now on. Princessa, this is Miguel Galindo.”
Megan held Rex’s leash tight and nodded to the cartel boss and his wife. “Mr. and Mrs. Galindo.”
“Ah yes. The little princess from Tennessee. Good to see you’re relatively unharmed from your run in with your… brother, was it?” Galindo asked.
“Foster brother. But yes, sir.”
“Good. I’ll have to make formal introductions to my head of security later, I’m afraid. He’s currently handling another situation, but you remember Devante,”  Galindo said with a smile.
“Of course,” Megan gave a brief and business-like nod.
“We should get to business then,” Bishop said. “Megan…”
Megan stepped back to stand beside Hank as Marcus, Bishop, and TAza took seats with the head of the cartel and his advisors.
Miguel Galindo outlined the deal that he was forced to sign with the feds calmly and deliberately despite Devante protesting. When he was done, all the Mayans were tense. Then Miguel explained that he had an ace up his sleeve. His security detail escorted a young woman that they all recognized into the room. Adelita, the female rebel leader of Los Olvidados. The woman that the M.C. had been trying to track down for months.
Megan sucked in her breath and glanced at the rest of the M.C. for their reactions. Strangely - Angel, Gilly, Coco, and EZ looked the least surprised. She had expected Angel, at least, to blow his top.
“My organization is no longer at odds with Los Olvidados,” Miguel stated. He went on to explain that they wanted the Santo Padre Mayans to be the third party that they used to keep each other honest. 
The arrangement was discussed in detail, with all parties agreeing. Megan stood back with her mind racing. The LO were huge. They had so much control over different parts of Mexico all along the border. It’s what made them hell to try to track. Did they have access to a port?
Hank leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Are you okay, mi princessa? Need a breather?”
Megan shook her head subtly, and stood on her toes to whisper back, “We need to meet with Adelita without Galindo.”
Hank frowned a little and ducked his head so he could hear her better. “Why?” he asked simply. He knew that her mind had seen something that the rest of them had missed.
“The LO,” Megan explained. “They could be our answer to our port problem. They’re huge. You can’t tell me they don’t have access to a port in Mexico,” she whispered quickly.
Hank’s eyebrows hit his hairline.
“And for the twenty percent we were going to offer the Vatos - that’s a lot of supplies for Adelita’s orphans…” Megan explained with a small smile.
Hank grinned and couldn’t help but kiss her, hard. “Damn, Princessa. I love you and the way your brain works.” He glanced at Taza who was looking their way curiously. “Let’s run it by your papa.” He beckoned to Taza.
Megan’s father excused himself from the main group for a moment and came to meet them against the back wall. “Everything alright?”
Megan grinned at him as Hank answered. “Just La Princessa proving we were right to give her that damn kutte. She may have a solution to our Irish problem.”
Taza’s face went from shocked to absolutely proud as hell. “Alright. I’m listening.”
Megan outlined what she’d told Hank about the LO. She’d been listening more than they knew when they discussed the hunt for Adelita. “And,” she said, “it tied the LO to us as much as to the cartel, lessening the chance of a double cross even more,” she finished.
Taza smiled from ear to ear. He pressed a kiss to Megan’s forehead proudly. “Chica, you’re fucking brilliant. We’ll talk to Bish and El Padrino as soon as this breaks up. We’ll make sure to have contact with Adelita.” He nudged her chin with his finger. “Proud of you, Chica.”
Megan smiled some more. “Thanks, Papa.” 
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mudaxolotl · 3 years
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the bottle looks like it has a dog on it :)
0 notes
blacknight1230 · 4 years
Halloween Treat
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Jim Hopkins Imagine (Bully: Scholarship Edition)
You switch costumes with Pete, resulting in Jimmy enjoying your Halloween costume. 
Twas the night before Halloween. Your most favorite holiday spent at Bullworth Academy. The campus was decorating with glowing jack-o-lanterns, spooky ghosts and bats, and toilet paper hauntingly hanging from the tree branches. And best of all, the student body had free reign to wreak havoc this autumn night. Of course, no one was in there costumes now, a full twenty-four hours until you could do so. 
So, you were walking back to your dorms from the mess hall, when you saw a disgruntled Pete on the steps to the main school building. “Hey, Petey, what’s wrong?” you asked the small boy. “Oh, (Y/n), hey” he greeted, hurriedly getting to his feet. “Is everything okay? Is Gary picking on you again?” you questioned, worried about your friend. Pete just nervously shifted from foot to foot, not saying anything. “Petey, come on, talk to me. You’re worrying me,” you begged. “It's stupid, really. It’s not even a big deal,” Petey whined, avoiding eye contact with you. “Well, it obviously is if your this uptight about it. Come on, Pete o’boy, tell Momma (Y/n) all about your troubles. I promise I won’t laugh,” you pestered, poking the young boy repeatedly in the arm. “Ok, fine. It's about my costume,” Pete admitted, finally giving up. “Your costume?” You were confused now; how could Halloween get-up make his this miserable. “You see, I already picked out my costume for tomorrow night. I was really excited about it, but now I’m afraid to be seen in it!” Petey explained, pacing around as he stressed over the situation. “Why? Your costume can’t be that bad,” you tried to reassure Pete. “Ha-ha, well, it's not exactly something Gary or Jimmy would where that’s for sure,” he said, voice shaking. “Then what is it?” Petey sighed and glumly ushered you to follow him.
He led you over to the boys’ dorms and inside the building. You ignored the dilapidated surroundings and B.O. smell as Petey brought you to his room. It really shocked you how Bullworth treated the boys living conditions compared to the girls. Anyway, Petey brought you into his small room and closed the door, before turning to his wardrobe. He opened it up, showing you his costume hanging on the inside of wardrobe door. You didn’t say anything when you saw the bright pink, furry bunny suit. It even had a puffy tail and ears attached to it. 
Pete noticed your silence, frowning even more. “Now you see what the problem is. I can’t go out in that! I’ll be the laughing stock of the school and a prime target for the bullies!” he freaked out. “I don’t know what to say, Petey. Do you have another costume to go out in?” you questioned. “Nope. And I have to wear a costume tomorrow. Gary will notice and make fun of me for it.” You took a seat on Pete’s bed, the springs of the mattress squeaking as you put your weight on it. “Well, you’re definitely in a pickle.” “Hey, tell me about it.” 
Petey sat next to you, head in his hands. You lightly patted him on the back, “There there. You’ll get through this.” “If only I could switch my costume out with someone else,” Petey mumbled into his hands. A light bulb went off over you head, an idea popping your brain. “Petey, I think I might have an idea,” you excitedly told him. “Wha-, how?” “Just trust me, Petey. Give me your costume and I’ll have another one for you by tomorrow,” you explained. The young boy was hesitate for moment, but he eventually got up and grabbed the accursed bunny suit, handing it to you without a word. “Thanks, Petey, I swear, I won’t let you down!” YOu rushed out his room and towards the dorm hall’s exit, Petey wishing you a disgruntled good luck. Looks like I have a night of work to do, you thought. 
~ Time skip ~
It was officially Halloween. And everyone was celebrating like crazy. Pranks ensued as the prefects partied away and the teachers stayed in their lounge. You were walking the school grounds in the costume you spent all night sewing and hemming. A couple of guys ogled your form as you walked past, while the girls complimented you on the costume. You could only smirk as you sucked on a lolly-pop, making your way over to the front of the boy’s dorms. When you got there, you saw Gary, Jimmy, and Petey gathered on the steps to the dorms’ entrance dressed in their costumes. 
Garry was dressed up as a Nazi SS soldier, without the symbols and armband. I got to remember to scold him later, you thought, frowning at Garry’s choice of dress up. Meanwhile, Jimmy was dressed up as a skeleton, with black and white face paint, and Petey was dressed up in the Grim Reaper costume you gave him. It was actually the costume you planned on wearing and as it wasn’t gender specific, Petey could wear it without being worried about Gary making fun of him. But Gary being Gary was still pestering poor innocent Petey. 
“Come on, Femboy, where’s the bunny costume I got you? Don’t tell me you go rid of it,” Gary threatened. “No, Gary, I traded it with someone and they gave me this,” Petey protested, his voice muffled from behind his skeleton mask. “Don’t lie to me, Petey. You know I don’t like liars. No one would take that damn bunny costume,” Gary said while rolled his eyes. You decided it was time to make your presence known. 
“Hello boys,” you called out to them. All three of them turned to look at you, eyes widening at the sight of you. You stood before them in the tailored bunny suit, having cut off the legs and sleeves of the one piece. It was now a sleeveless, booty short one piece with a cinched waist and a lowered neckline. You accessorized the look with hot pink fishnet thigh high stockings and fingerless pink fishnet gloves that end below the elbows. To complete the look, you wore white combat boots and sexy bunny makeup. All three of the boys just stared at you, mouths wide open. Gary was the first to snap out of it, a wolf whistle coming out of his smirking mouth. “Look at you, (y/n). Say, are you going to be our little Playboy bunny for the night?” he teased. “Knock it off, Gary,” Jimmy snapped suddenly. Gary, for once, backed off. 
Instead his attention was focussed back onto his Big Prank, as he liked to call it. He forced all four of you to follow him to the side yard of Harrington House, where Chad and the other Preppies lived. It was only then did he explained his twisted little plan. “Ok, here’s the deal. We’re going to feed Chads dog a bunch of this rancid meat then wait for him to take a dump then -” Gary started, a sick smile on his face as he explained the prank formed in his evil little mind. “Man, what the hell. I’m out of here,” Petey cried in disgust, interrupting Gary. He ran away disgusted, Gary just shouting, “Whatever, Pete.” “This prank is nasty, even for you,” you sneered. “Let’s just do this, guys. I’ll explain everything later,” Gary huffed. 
You all turned to look around the corner of the archway leading into the side yard, where Chester, the aforementioned dog, was running around. But there was little problem in this ‘brilliant’ plan of Gary’s. Chad was in the yard, playing with the Staffordshire Bull Terrier via frisbee. “Shit, now what do we do,” Jimmy questioned. “What do you mean ‘what do we do’? We fight him, of course. Geez, Jimmy, are you really that much of a pea brain?” Gary snapped. Jimmy opened his mouth to retort back but you stopped him before he could. “Pipe it down, you two. Let me handle this,” you hissed. Without another word, you sauntered up to Chad, seductively swinging your hips. 
“Hey, Chad,” you greeted in a sing-song voice. “Oh, ah, hey there darling,” Chad replied once he saw you. You could already tell he was in the palm of your hand as he looked at you with love struck eyes. You were pretty sure it was because of your costume, for without it Chad and all the other boys never would have spared you a second glance. Using your sex-appeal to your advantage, you continued entrapping him in your web. “Oh, nothing. I’m just so bored and lonely tonight. Will a nice strong gentleman like you help me?” you drawled, trailing a gloved hand down Chad’s chest. Sweat started to accumulate around the prep’s hairline and he struggled with his next words. “I would love to, darling. What you wanna do?” “Oh I think I have an idea. You just have to follow me to somewhere a little more private,” you practically whispered into his ear. Chad tensed up and swallowed a lump in his throat, but he allowed you to take his hand and pulled him away from the side yard. 
You were just about lead into the space between the left side of the preppies’ dorms and the fence when Jimmy came up behind Chad hit him on the back of the head. The force of the blow caused Chad to fall to the pavement, knocked out cold. “Jimmy! What was that for?” you hissed. “I thought that was your plan. To lure him away and knock him out,” Jimmy said, a faint blush on his cheeks. Before you could figure out why the teen was blushing, Gary hurried past the both of you to Chester. “Who cares what the chick was going to do? We got what we needed,” he voiced over his shoulder as he kneeled down to the dog. “Here you go boy. Have a little trick for a treat. Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum,” he said to Chester as the staffy ate the meat. Immediately after finishing, Chester started whining as he squatted over the grass. “That’s gross!” Jimmy exclaimed as he crossed his arms in disgust. “Poor little guy,” you worried, holding your nose as the barely digested meat exited the poor pooches rear end. As soon as Chester finished with his business, Gary gathered the fecal matter into a brown paper back. 
“Score! Alright let’s go to the teacher’s lounge,” Gary ordered. The three of you ran towards the main school building, entering by one its back exits onto the main floor. Jimmy placed the bag of doggy doo in front of the door of the teacher’s lounge. As soon as he set it down, Gary lit a match and brought it close to the paper back. “Are you sure this is a good idea, Gary?” you distressed. All you could think of was possible setting the building on fire. “Don’t worry. It will be funny,” Gary threw off your worries. “Just pulled the fire alarm, Jimmy, and watch fun begin.” Jimmy did as Gary said, striding up to the nearby fire alarm on the opposite wall. He looked around before grabbed the handle and pulling it down. 
The air filled the sounds of alarms as Gary, Jimmy, and you hid around the corner. “What the hell is going on?” you heard one of the teachers shout from within the teacher’s lounge. The door opened to reveal Mr. Burton, who once he saw the paper back on fire, tried to put it out by stomping on it. He successfully put out the small fire but now the bottom of shoes where covered in disgusting, half-digested, port-a-potty smelling dog shit. Mr. Burton screamed and gagged as he tried to get the animal turds off his sneakers. You all couldn’t help but laugh as you all ran away and out the side exit, rushing away from the scene of the crime. Next thing you knew, you all were by the front of the academy’s gates, near the dorms. 
All of you struggled to breath, hands on your knees as you hunched over from both laughter and the sprinting. “That ... was the most brilliant ... and hilarious ... prank I’ve ever seen!” you complimented Gary. “Even I have to admit, that was a great prank, Gary,” Jimmy confirmed.  Gary got a wicked smile on his face, immensely enjoying being complimented on his ‘superior’ brain. “Thank you, thank you, hold your applause, please. I know you all love me,” he boasted, mock bowing to you guys. “Ok, don’t get so full of yourself,” Jimmy sassed. “Whatever, man. You two have fun jacking each other off. I’m going to steal some candy from the nerds,” Gary answered back. He ran off before you and Jimmy could yell at him. 
“Well, tonight was surprisingly fun,” you turned to Jimmy. “Looks like my first Halloween in Bullsworth is a success. It's a bummer that its ending already,” Jimmy replied. A light bulb went off over the top of your head, an idea forming in your mind. “Who said it was over? Follow me,” you announced. You sprinted towards the girl’s dorms, motioning Jimmy to follow you. You heard the sound of Jimmy’s footsteps following you as ran to the right side of the building. Quickly and efficiently, you climbed up the lattice bolted to the brick wall and up to the open window on the third floor. Once you stepped foot in the large attic space, you helped Jimmy climb in behind you. 
“Whew, you are surprisingly fast,” Jimmy huffed out, struggling to catch his breath after the sprinting and high climb. “Thanks, Jim. Come have a seat,” you acknowledged his compliment. You led Jimmy over to a small area of the attic where you had a pile of comfy pillows and blankets, a tiny tv with a built in VCR situated next to the wall. Fairy lights were struck through the rafters above it, barely lighting up the windowless area. You sat on the pile of pillows and turned on a battery operated camping lantern, finally allowing the both of you to see clearly what you were doing. As Jimmy took a seat next to you, you pulled out a bowl filled with candy. “Want some?” you offered the teen. “Where did you get these?” he questioned, grabbing a handful of assorted candy. “My parents sent me a care package of sorts. They know how much I love Halloween,” you explained, picking out a single piece of (favorite candy). “Wish my mom did something like that. She’s too busy hanging out with her 5th husband on their honeymoon to even think about me,” Jimmy complained. You could see thinking of his absent mother really upset hi, their relationship not on the best of terms. You nudged Jimmy on his costumed shoulder, trying to get him out of this little funk. “Come on, let’s pick out a movie to watch. I have a couple to choose from,” you said. Jimmy gave you a warm smile as you pulled a small pile of VCRs. 
The night continued with you and Jimmy stuffing your faces on candy and popcorn as you watched movies from within your secret chilling out spot. You were in the middle of the first movie, a classic slasher film, when Jimmy said something. “Hey, (y/n), back when you were distracting Chad, were you really going to ...” he trailed off. You pulled your eyes away from the TV screen, studying Jimmy. He was sitting on a couple of different colored pillows, leaning back on one of his outstretched arms and feet kicked out in front of him. He was refusing to look you in the eye, signaling that something was up. “What? Oh, that!” you realized what he was talking about. “No! Absolutely not! I was just trying to lead Chad away so we could get what we needed for the prank.” 
Jimmy looked relieved, the tension in his shoulders releasing as he let out a sigh. “Ok. Good. I just thought maybe you had a thing for him or something,” he explained. “Jimmy, do think I really would let anyone get with me like that?” you sassed. “Pff, well you are dress up as a more modest Playboy bunny. Any boy would fall for you dressed like that?” he replied, rolling his eyes. It seemed he was trying to change the subject. “Oh, so does that mean you like my costume, Jimmy? Has this little bunny gotten to ya?” you teased. Jimmy’s cheeks got red, as he no longer had his skull face makeup on. He started to stutter out half formed words, his tongue all twisted. You liked seeing so flustered like this. Seeing how you made him this way was kind of cute. 
Since meeting Jimmy that faithful school day you started to grow some feelings for the short stocky teen. Seeing how he stood up to bullies, student and faculty alike, and how determined he was to rise to the top in order to survive the hellhole that is Bullsworth was most likely the cause. As well as the way he was so kind to you despite not really fitting in with the cliques of the student body. Heck, you weren’t even that close to Petey and Gary before Jimmy came along. Jimmy brought out the best in you and you loyally followed him on his chaotic adventures, even if they weren’t something you could see yourself doing. 
So, your heart fluttered in your chest as you watched Jimmy struggle to find words to talk to you. “I - I actually do like your costume,” he finally admitted. Your heart soared and you tried to hide the impact his compliments had on you. “Really? What do you like about it? It’s nothing specially,” you bashfully replied. “Well, first it brings out your figure without revealing too much. It’s eye catching,” he revealed sheepishly. You could feel yourself blushing under your halloween makeup, it badly hiding your pink cheeks. “Thank you ...that means a lot coming from you,” you replied, flushed. 
A stiff awkward silence followed, both of you trying to focus on the slasher film on the tiny TV. You reached over to grab a handful of popcorn without looking, but instead of grabbing the buttery treat, you ended up grabbing Jim’s hand as he also reached for the popcorn without looking. Your breath hitched at the feeling of his warm rough hand in yours, secretly reveling in the sensation. Your eyes trailed down to your conjoined hands, up his arm, and to his face. You were meet with dazzling brown eyes staring into your own. The world seemed to stop as you gazed at Jimmy’s freckled filled face, traces of his face paint still lingering on his skin from where he failed to wipe it off. You noticed the distance between you two was slowly disappearing as subconsciously leaned into each other. “Aw, fuck it,” you heard Jimmy mumble before closing the little distance between you two. 
Jimmy’s lips met yours roughly, a little ‘Mmm!’ escaping from you. You couldn’t help but grab onto his stocky shoulders and melt into the kiss, quietly sighing as you did so. You could feel Jimmy’s hands move to grip your waist, everything feeling hot as stereotypical kissing noises filled the attic as you two moved your lips against each other. He taste like candy, you thought to yourself as a hand threaded through his short orange hair. 
You could have gone on forever connected this way, but you were both human beings who need air to survive. So you unhappily had to separate from each other, gasping for air as you did so. You trailed a hand gently down Jimmy’s freckled cheek as he looked at you with hooded eyes. You could see the longing within them, one of his hands slowly moving off of your hip, it leaving a lingering touch. “J-Jimmy ...” you stuttered out, not knowing what to say. “That was great. God, how could I not have done that sooner?” Jimmy wondered out loud. “Done it sooner?” you pondered, brain all fuzzy from the kiss. “(Y/n), I like you, a lot. And after seeing Chad’s hands all over you ... I couldn’t handle it,” Jimmy confessed. You thought you died and went straight to heaven. No way your crush was confessing to you. “So, I what I’m basically trying to say is ... will be my girlfriend?” Jimmy finally asked. 
You couldn’t stop yourself, planting a kiss right on Jimmy’s reddened lips. You felt Jimmy freeze up from the unexpected action, pulling away from the stiff boy to give him your answer. “Of course, Jimmy. I would be stupid not to,” you said, smiling from ear to ear. A similar smile broke out on Jimmy’s face, reaching out to you to pull you into another kiss. You happily let him, the smile still on your lips as were locked in a passionate embrace. Jimmy pulled you closer as you practically sat on his lap, his hands firmly holding you in his arms. “Best Halloween treat ever,” he chuckled, before proceeding to a makeout session. Best Halloween treat, indeed. 
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mlek13 · 2 years
Fall, Year 7: Fancey
Oh no!  What went down between Chloe and Marlin when I wasn’t looking?  Is the honeymoon over already?
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I load the lot and it looks like everything is fine here.  They don’t have crushes in their relationship panel, but they act like a couple in love in every other way.  (I think they did develop crush/love hearts some time after this.)
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Allyn has been fighting off the Grim Reaper for so long, I stopped paying attention to his visits.
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But it’s a good thing I paid attention this time, because this time she lost.  :(  R.I.P. Allyn.  You put up a good fight.
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The family welcomed a litter of four puppies last season and the food bowl has to be refilled constantly.  They’re small, but they eat a lot.  I would send some of them to the adoption pool, but instead I think I’ll let the kids take their favorite dogs with them when they move out.
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Chloe reaches elderhood this season.  I guess she’s the official matriarch of the family now.
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Her daughter Cleo reaches adulthood.
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Baby of the family, Alana, is a child now.
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Kristina becomes a teenager.  (With such a big family there is bound to be a lot of birthdays.)
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Marlene is anxiously awaiting her birthday, so she and Roscoe can be at the same life stage again.
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She doesn’t have long to wait.  She reaches adulthood the day after Cleo.
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She and Roscoe go out on a date.
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I accidentally sent the dog, Princess, with them, who made a doggy friend while they were out.  Marlene and Roscoe never made it out of the street on their date.  Who needs to take advantage of a community lot when you can focus your attention on each other.
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More happened with this family that I will include in another post, but I decided to skip over to the Hanby household to catch Pierce’s age up to Cleo’s.  (A lot went down in that household too, that I will post about in my next post.)
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Pierce doesn’t think about his appearance much.  It’s not like he spent the last hours of his teen years primping in the mirror and then immediately checks out how he looks as an adult.
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Not that his pride in appearance isn’t warranted, but it’s a bit much.
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One member of each couple wanted marriage (I forget which ones now.  It was one of the girls and one of the guys.  It was probably the ones doing the proposing in the picture below, so Roscoe and Cleo.) but I decided that was enough.  At the end of the season the Fancey household celebrated a double proposal. 
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Both proposals were accepted!  Cleo is the family heir, so she and Pierce will stay on the Fancey lot.  I was going to have a double wedding, but the lot is really crowded.  There are ten sims here and only six beds (since I sold one of the double beds to make room for a dining room table.)  I had Marlene and Roscoe move out and will find a new lot for them for next season.  They could be neighbors to Pierce’s family, but I wouldn’t wish the drama of that apartment complex on such a happy young couple.
Two of the dogs, Princess and her daughter Duchess like Marlene best, so I had them take the pair of dogs with them to their new life.
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This didn’t fit in anywhere else, but a visiting Leonardo Burgos formed such a strong friendship with one of the puppies, River, that I had Marlene give River to him.  I go by the dog’s relationship panel and River liked Leonardo better than any of the sims living in the household.  I think Leonardo still lives on the university lot, so I guess that’s where we’ll see River next.  The family still has two dogs left, Earl and Fern.
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