#reasons to homeschool
hmdavis02 · 5 months
4 More Reasons to Homeschool
Merely having an open mind is nothing. The object of opening the mind, as of opening the mouth, is to shut it again on something solid. G. K. Chesterton In the previous homeschool post, I discussed the #1 reason to go for it if you sense the Lord leading you to educate your own children. Today I want to look at four more solid reasons to homeschool. After this post, I’ll begin diving into more…
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aptericia · 12 days
speaking as a textbook atheist who has never believed in a higher power of any sort, some of you really need to be normal about religious people.
Taking "religion" to mean Christianity and "Christianity" to mean whatever specific branch and church where you were traumatized by old White people as a child is inaccurate and self-centered. I firmly believe that religious trauma is real and serious and that no one who suffers from it should have to engage in triggering discussions of religion, but that is a personal right and has nothing to do with the morality of religion as a concept. Yes, people do horrible things in the name of religion, just like they do in the name of science and patriotism and many other ideals. Yes, religion (especially institutionalized religion) deserves a lot of criticism, but it deserves criticism based on the real-world harm it causes and not gut reactions of disgust.
For instance, I know plenty of scummy Christians who use their beliefs to justify terrible actions, but I know far more Christians who are vehemently feminist and anti-racist and supportive of LGBTQ+ rights, who respect both modern science and the natural world, and who I know have my back whenever I need help. It's important to criticize institutions of power, but please don't fall back on the same kind of awful, sweeping generalizations about religious people that like, TERFs make about men and masculinity, for example. You don't have to follow it or even like it, but you do have to treat your fellow humans as the infinitely complex and inherently worthy beings they are, no matter what labels they choose to use.
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martyrbat · 2 months
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youre-only-gay-once · 4 months
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smoozie · 2 months
Craziest shit about fnaf is that William Afton was most likely mormon, but no one talks abt it
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vicontheinternet · 18 days
As someone who was homeschooled with a structured curriculum unschooling sounds horrifying
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californiaquail · 1 month
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insane take to read as a real life former homeschooler who was socially isolated and basically in a cult and was never taught science because jesus said no
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chalkodareal · 1 year
draw homeschool winner eating an entire bag of doritos
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it is a bit unclear how many doritoes he ate as of the taking of this picture but first-hand accounts say it was "a whole fweakin lotta dem!"
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sadsongsandwaltzes · 1 year
I’m not even anti vaxx. But a really easy way to push people that direction is 1. Forcing them to and restricting them of their medical freedom and parental rights 2. Pushing vaccines that do not yet have a clear risk/benefit analysis that proves them beneficial to overall health
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dateamonster · 5 months
i want to put more monster hunters in other school verse.. for Flavor
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fundielicious-simblr · 4 months
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Our Cel is getting married! Had a blast this weekend celebrating our blushing bride [c_paulson] as she prepares to marry the love of her life! It's always great when we get to see family. [amira_c_e][itsannette_]
#bachelorette #weekendaway #family #letsgethermarried #cousingang
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My mom is homeschooling my baby sisters and whenever she goes "i wish i did this to you when you were their age" i feel sick. They're 11 and 10 and don't know basic algebra or what the fucking water cycle is.
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didderd · 1 year
anyone who sticks around long enough will eventually learn that my sleep schedule is non-existent. unpredictable. all over the place.
i may be nocturnal one week. an early bird the next.
now with that said, it's almost 10am and i'm going to bed
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dragonomatopoeia · 1 year
not from the us but you viscerally reminded me of the time we had a discussion in english class on how to improve the learnig process and i, the best in class, who learned much better from games/music/etc, suggested to make the lessons a bit more fun. the teacher and all the other students scoffed and laughed at me like i said we should abolish education entirely. still vividly remember how i sat there for the rest of the class completely and utterly baffled. schools am i right.
the idea that education and pedagogy have to necessarily follow extremely rigid and stressful models without any room for play is routinely damaging. we have years of evidence that current academic models have negatively impacted students, with increased depression, anxiety, and instances of literal traumatic stress disorders developing among students.
not to mention lack of respect and opportunities for self-direction have well-documented effects on the human psyche, and when you have students subjected to constant scrutiny from both authority figures and their peers, in addition to the impact of disrupted sleep patterns, you have the perfect formula for fucking up a kid's emotional regulation and willingness to learn
like. humans have literal neurochemical mechanisms that inhibit our ability to learn effectively if we're in stressful situations. ask any adult who loudly hates math why they dislike it so much, and the answer will, nine times out of ten, be The Way It Was Taught. and yet, because This is The Way Things Are, any challenge or attempts to improve things somewhat are met with scorn
but yeah you'd expect it to be common sense that people like when things are enjoyable and do not like being made to feel disrespected and stupid. and therefore education would be more effective if it empowered students and wasn't, y'know, a nightmarish pedagogical panopticon designed for maximum efficiency at a sizable human cost. but for some reason that's a really hard sell
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reddeath · 1 year
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how seeing the rise of homeschooling among right wingers and tradbitches and religious people in the usa makes me feel
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conceptofjoy · 8 months
Same person from earlier since u didn’t think I was totally insane here’s another fun anecdote about my childhood - I used to make my mom take me to the butcher and then look at the butcher with the plaintive eyes of a child and say can I have some organs please (I wanted to look at them and investigate their inner workings) whenever we had dinner I would give fun facts about the biology of the animals we were eating. Everyone hated that. One time my mother also found me trying to kidnap a chicken from the park so that I could feed it to a tiger at the zoo later that day (my zoo obsession). I was also extremely popular at the hospital for my odd demeanor I was there a lot because my dad was sick (he’s good, don’t worry) and they would let me pretend medical malpractice with them (they let me take people’s stitches out and would come to my dad’s room and pull out tumors and be like look what I look out of someone. do you want to see surgery photos?). Tbh adults kind of loved my off putting and strange demeanor once I convinced the sea world staff to let me go in the shark tank even though that was extremely illegal and for adults only but I guess I just had such a powerful all consuming love for anything scary and violent that were like surely if a seven year old can handle the shark tank its this one. There’s a photo of me gleefully putting fish in a crocodiles mouth just covered in blood my parents were pretty supportive of my “interests.” Do u think the harleyberts let seb live out his warrior heart. Do you think they took his little katana and replaced it with an age appropriate wooden sword. Do you think they let him kill his own food. That’s another thing I always wanted to do so I could become one with nature but for some reason my parents wouldn’t let me idk why :/ do you think seb tries to do wilderness survival training and shows up with roasted bugs and a DIY water purifier that’s also what I did (my parents confiscated my bugs)
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DUDE IM SO GLAD YOUR PARENTS WERE MOSTLY SUPPORTIVE LMFAOOOO parents confescated ur bugs... im sso sorry hhhoooughmy god.
the crockerberts are also odd individuals. NANNA. there r two matriarchs of the household and they are both chaos demons (angels) while seb cant do all his heart desires out in the wilderness, i think he can make do with the tools and alternatives she (plural) delivers to him.
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