#why homeschool
hmdavis02 · 5 months
4 More Reasons to Homeschool
Merely having an open mind is nothing. The object of opening the mind, as of opening the mouth, is to shut it again on something solid. G. K. Chesterton In the previous homeschool post, I discussed the #1 reason to go for it if you sense the Lord leading you to educate your own children. Today I want to look at four more solid reasons to homeschool. After this post, I’ll begin diving into more…
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kewpiekills · 1 year
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some fish women i drew during college orientation
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sentient-stove · 9 months
“Clockwork, give me strength to break up with my boyfriend.”
“Daniel, that’s not in my wheelhouse.”
Danny shrieked at the response, clearly not expecting an answer considering he’d been standing alone in the room moments earlier. He wrenched back, door handle snapping off into his palm and then his legs caught the abandoned backpack on the floor, sending him to the ground with a thump.
Turns out, landing on a weeks worth of abandoned homework and textbooks in a cramped dorm room genuinely hurt. Danny lay there for a moment, staring at the glo in the dark stars stuck to the ceiling and wondered if he should maybe just give up for the day and crawl back into bed.
“Clockwork! Warn a dude next time!”
“Are you alright?”
“Yes! No! Yea— Can I be honest? I’m gonna be honest- I wasn’t expecting you to show up.”
“You specifically requested my help. Why are you breaking up with the Drake boy, the timelines are still intact.”
“I can’t do class, vigilante-around and date my hyperaware and paranoid boyfriend at the same time. Dating happens to be the one I can cut out. I already held a funeral for my social life.”
“A funeral for— I’m sure that there’s other solutions here.” For as confused as the ghost sounded, he sure was taking it in stride. Danny liked that about Clockwork, guy really just went with the flow and nodded along to any gossip Danny brought over. Or summoned in in this case apparently.
“Will the space time continuum collapse if I break up with Tim?”
“Cool, then I’m doing it. I might not even cry a little.”
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 211
The figure looked down at Billy. Billy looked up at the figure awkwardly from where he was digging through a trash can. 
“Um… I can explain!” 
Okay he honestly couldn’t, and instead threw a bag at them and booked it like his life depended on it. Which it might! Living in Fawcett meant that there were magical entities everywhere, even if they looked human, and he wasn’t going to get stolen by some fae! 
And they caught him. Great. He’s going to die now or get thrown back into foster care- huh? Food? They’re offering- no no, this is some fae bullshit, isn’t it! … But he’s also hungry, so maybe it’ll be worth it…
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corseque · 5 months
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The coolest part of the DAO Toolkit are these comments that the writers made for how the lines should be delivered. This is about Morrigan reacting to Alistair hearing all the people died. He apparently cried like a baby... ;o; ;o; ;o;
there are so many notes like this. I don't remember the same kind of notes for lines in the Inquisition files, but those were so hard to look at in comparison that maybe I just wasn't looking hard enough?
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mercutiotakethewheel · 4 months
ok so realistically i know theres important character reasons Kendra (and Seth and Warren by extension) never suspect Gavarog. It’s the old society trick to set up threats as team bonding exercises, etc, etc. plus this is a new and unfamiliar world thats rapidly overtaking her real world and replacing all her existing relationships, and right now Gavarog’s like the only member of her magical-worl peer group, so she doesnt want him to be a traitor, just like she didnt want Vanessa, her only female mentor to be a traitor, etc , etc.
but also i wholeheartedly 100% believe that every time Gavin did some truly bizarre, weird ass shit Kendra was just like. damnnnn…. average home school kid behavior.
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Sketch request!
Chris and/or Claire sleeping at their desk in school.
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I think people should really remember that beyond all the angst and the trauma and the mental illness.... Sunny is an inherently goofy, incredibly silly guy who loves his friends more than life itself. EVERYTHING in headspace was made from his imagination. That doesn't just mean the scary parts or the super cool symbolic parts. It also means the shenanigans in sprout mole village and the elaborate sweetheart shipfics and pluto and whatever the hell is up with rain town and the Hector saga. This guy is basically making a fucked up earthbound mod and it's awesome. Strange little art kid.
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moonsstan · 5 months
ballad of a homeschooled girl by olivia rodrigo (she’s our princess ofccc 💗) but it’s remus or reg internally screaming 🤌🤌🤌
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goldeneyedgirl · 2 months
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Sonya! (Imagine, for a moment, that Tumblr Staff actually fixed the bug that means I have to screenshot and tag you @sonyawix for replies.) I missed you!
Jasper's just there realising that a couple of decades of training and practice with the Cullens was no match for a tiny teenage girl who looks at him like he's the second coming. She did more for his self-esteem in one night than anyone has done for him since he was human.
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Jasper's softer in STL and his trauma has already been sorted, organised, and filed in his mental storage unit so he just has to simp over worry about Mary-Alice. Mary-Alice has the trauma conga-line but it gets pretty soft for both of them starting next chapter.
But it's why Jasper chapters are usually easier to write.
And listen, we all switch hyperfixations. I read a whole bunch of MCU fics that had Correct Vibes but Incorrect Takes, and beautililies had to stop me from writing MCU fic before I worked on Jalice fics. Also the idea I am carrying 70% of your Jalice experience is fucking wild. What do you want? I feel like I need to give you something because 2024 was not my most active year ever.
My little Mabel has recovered from the infections she had well, but decided to keep things interesting and acquired an ear infection which has since been upgraded to a double ear infection because what's more fun than a lot of credit card debt? Even more credit card debt! She is why I can only stare longing at Coach bags and not own fun stuff like that.
And honestly, I join you in solidarity that my sister and father are also Shitty Fucking People. Sometimes, people are rancid, and we just need to salute their bullshit and carry on our merry way.
It is law that if you bring up Anathema, I post something. I picked this scene WIP because Alice being a dramatic teenage girl is somehow so funny in my head? I can't wait to get to a scene where she's dramatic in front of Jasper and he's just "...you're adorable, you know that right?" And she's like, "absolutely not."
But for now, Alice makes a small scene.
“This is to never get back to the Clearwaters,” I could hear Freddie saying to Charlie Swan in a low voice. “Any of them. I trust you, Charlie.”
Charlie sighed. “Fred, I’ve known you a long time, and I don’t like this at all. What is so important you have to meet with them alone, without Sue and Billy knowing?"
Silence, and I was tempted to creep up the hallway to be able to hear better.
“… This is about Alice and her well-being. If… I have reason to believe that if Sue, Harry, and Billy knew more about Alice’s … health and genetic make-up, they would be deeply unhappy."
That was most likely an understatement. I had a feeling that if Sue found out that I was biologically half-vampire, I would be persona-non-grata in the Clearwater household. There was a fifty-percent chance that Harry would hunt me for sport, honestly. His aim with a shotgun was second-to-none.
Dr Cullen had brought his wife, and there was something almost funny seeing them in our home - they were both dressed in very stiff, fancy clothing, standing in the entrance looking awkward. I was in the kitchen finishing the washing up in pyjama bottoms and a t-shirt; both Freddie and Charlie were still wearing work clothing.
The apartment was still mostly in the late 60s style from when it was built. Lots of brown and yellow. Freddie always intended to renovate, but we never seemed to get around to it - moving all the books would take us days, and we’d have to stay downstairs. It was cozy up here, and if we made any changes, it would be to clean out the third floor.
“Hello Alice.” Mrs Cullen smiled so warmly at me, but I felt oddly shy, offering a little wave as I put plates back into the cupboard.
“Turn on the coffee maker, love, before you go,” Freddie said, and I got the message that this wasn’t going to be a meeting I was included in. I wasn’t upset about that; somehow Dr and Mrs Cullen were far and away more intimidating than Jasper was. Somehow the golden eyes and the pale skin that looked so right on him made me nervous around them.
Thankfully, Dulcie was having dinner with her brother’s family tonight. It meant we could have this meeting at home and she’d probably bring home left-over dessert. Hopefully that really good blueberry donut thing that Mrs Stanley usually made for Dulcie’s birthday.
It also meant that whilst I had been told I wouldn’t be joining in on the meeting today, there was no one in the house that would check to make sure I was wearing headphones and watching movies on my laptop instead of eavesdropping for all I was worth. And in my defence, I had to know what Freddie was telling everyone so I didn’t mess up the story later on. It was just planning ahead.
“He can read minds?” I shrieked, giving myself away instantly.
Charlie Swan swore, sloshing his coffee in surprise, as the rest of them spun around to look at me in the hallway.
“Alice,” Freddie groaned but I didn’t care that I would be doing extra cleaning this week or whatever as punishment.
A girl’s mind is private. There are things happening up there that die with me, okay?
Things like me contemplating the logistics of having sex on a gurney now that I’d met Jasper and realised he was a foot and a half taller than me, and probably 100lb heavier.
Or the fact that whilst my visions hadn’t been instructional, so to speak, they had given me a certain amount of reference material to reflect on. I might never have been a Girl Scout, but I do like to be prepared.
And the idea that one of the Cullens could mind-read and had probably told the entire family that a good fifty-percent of my brain power was solely dedicated to what I had seen of Jasper’s body in my vision at any time was… not ideal. Not at all how I planned to integrate myself into their lives. I was aiming for lovable future daughter-in-law, not mouth-breathing creeper.
“Edward considers the contents of everyone’s mind private, unless harm would result in keeping it secret,” Mrs Cullen quickly reassured me. Please. I had seen Leah and Seth together; I knew what siblings were like. There was no way in hell that Jasper hadn't been informed that I had absolutely noticed he was ripped when he helped me up.
“I’m taking a lot of emotional damage learning this,” I said slightly hysterically. “Can he hear everything?”
“Only when he’s present.” Was Dr Cullen laughing at me? He looked amused.
“Alice,” Freddie sounded tired. “There are brownies in the downstairs freezer if you want some dessert.”
Huh. It was bad if Freddie was bribing me with the catering supplies.
“That would help,” I said, trying to walk through the kitchen to get a knife with some kind of dignity. “You understand why I would be uncomfortable with a teenage boy reading my mind, right?”
“I think we’re all on the same page about that,” Charlie said. He didn’t look amused.
"Alice, I really don't think there's anything in your head that Edward Cullen would worry about," Freddie said, obviously trying to sound comforting and mostly made me want to slam my head against a wall.
"I've had unmonitored access to the internet since I was eleven and no boyfriend! Or girlfriend! There's plenty up there I don't want Jasper's brother knowing!" I snatched up the cake knife and looked over to see Freddie looking like he needed a drink, Charlie Swan looking the most uncomfortable I had ever seen him - and that included the ass-injury incident - and Mrs Cullen trying very unsuccessfully not to laugh at me.
"And now I've made it worse. I'm calling Cynthia!"
It's not the fact that my father was a vampire that makes me a freak. I manage to do that all by myself.
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triple-starsss · 6 months
(barring the details lol,) i really like that shadow was adopted and "normal" actually! it really gives us the non-fantasy perspective of being able to focus on the ethics of his childhood ^-^
cus like. can you imagine the f*cking headlines and shit if any of that stuff is publicized (since he's an idol now)?
"Gerald adopted an orphan to run crazy tests on him!!!" "how could anyone do that to him? ;;;;;" "(insert smth about doxing Gerald) (scandal)"
people would go wild, i think! in both good and bad ways lol (the fun part)! :D
but yeah!! when you take out all the 'ultimate lifeform' stuff and see what Shadow went through on a more grounded level - its insanely fucked up!! I felt as though without those experiences, i'd be writing an entirely different character so i wanted to incorporate them in a way that felt believable in this universe absdjf
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Soap: We need you to translate this document that’s in Spanish
Sweetie: I can’t read this
Soap: ???? You speak Spanish with your mom on the phone all the time
Sweetie: First of all, that’s my grandma. Second of all, I am HORRIBLE at speaking Spanish and have no idea how to read or write it.
Soap: Are you fucking serious?
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carnagechicken · 14 hours
Sometimes I wonder why I'm such a weird person and then I remember that my dad's a goalie
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Homeschool is insane. My first assignment of the year is to make a gay mpreg cartoon of trump and biden. I will be posting it on here once it’s finished and graded, don’t worry.
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smoozie · 2 months
Craziest shit about fnaf is that William Afton was most likely mormon, but no one talks abt it
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hazelelel · 10 months
I can't stop thinking about the first college course I ever attended and how I acted like a psychopath the whole semester because I was unsocialized. we had 6 students so the only time I spoke was answering questions because no one else would and I knew the material.
so when my professor at the time came up to me personally and asked if I wanted to do an optional lab activity, I looked him dead in the eye under my brows and said with such conviction "I would rather eat glass" and left. The expression on his face. I tell myself he was just in awe of my 'tism but in reality I just panicked. I don't know what goes on in my head.
Do other people do stuff like this when they get nervous or am I just a bafoon?
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