#reconnecting with Allah
k1dkh1dr · 1 year
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taqwatawheedtales · 1 month
If someone’s meant to be in your life, if you’re meant to find your way to each other, it will happen regardless. It doesn’t matter what you’ve been through together. It could have been the stupidest things, it could be pain related, it could be the most complicated and most difficult things. But, if you’re meant to work things out, then you will. If you’re meant to reunite and reconnect then you will. Allah swt has a plan for each and every one of us. He doesn’t make mistakes. It all comes down to your faith and your trust in him. Do you believe he can suffice you? Do you trust he’s the only one who can truly help you? Because he is. God is the only one that can heal your heart and make things better. He’s the only one who has the power to make all these impossibilities, possible. Remember, it’s never hard for him to make your dreams & dua’s come true. 🕊️
~ credited to the original author.
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mysticheathenn · 4 months
What Is Your Intuition Trying To Tell You?
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Hi, Hexlings!
This pick-a-card reading is about what have you been ignoring when it comes to your intuition. Some of you don't trust your intuition completely and those of you that do have been ignoring it for x reason. Let's dive in shall we.
This is a general reading, remember to take what resonates and leave what does not. This reading does not supplement your need to seek professional help. Tarot should be used as entertainment and not a for sure answer to your problems but as a guide, a sense of hope, and amusement.
Take your time when choosing your pile. Ask yourself the question and choose the picture that you can’t stop looking at. Listen to your intuition.
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Pile l:
What is your intuition telling you? (Tarot: 4 of Swords (reversed), Knight of Swords, Death, 9 of Swords, 7 of Wands)
It's time for a change in pace, place, and environment in general pile 1. Some of you are prolonging the inevitable of your life trying to change for the better. This could be you possibly slightly self-sabotaging yourself by procrastinating on things that could help better your life, circumstances, etc all because you are listening to the negativity of your mind. This could be anxiety, depression, or imposter syndrome, either way, there is something in your life that you need to act on but you are taking your slow sweet time. You may even entertain the idea that every time you do something as small as touch your project or whatever it is that you need to be doing you treat yourself with rest, and playtime, when in reality this is a form of procrastination. It's time to get yourself together and do the thing, whatever it is for you. For some of you, you're asking for a change in your life but refuse to act on the things that will give you the changes because of fear. Sit down with yourself and ask yourself is this really what I really want and if so figure out ways to get the job done and bypass your anxiety and perfectionism. If it is not what you want have a chat with your spirit team that you no longer want what it is that they are offering. For very few of you, this change that is happening in your life is what you want but the way you have to go about getting it is not the route you want to take. Again talk to your spirit team about this.
Extra Messages: Spellcasting Oracle Deck: Love, New Beginnings, Family, Peace, & Freedom.
Whatever this is that you have been ignoring is trying to bring in the things that you complain about of have been trying to manifest. For some of you, this is love but you refuse to take your inspired action in going out to meet people, the same thing goes for making friends. I am also hearing that some of you want to reconnect with family but are afraid it might be a bad decision, but overall this thing you need to act on is bringing in freedom and peace.
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Pile ll:
What is your intuition telling you? (Tarot: 5 of Pentacles (reversed), Knight of Wands & Swords, King of Cups, Strength, & 7 of Swords.
Pile ll I feel as soon as you began to choose your pile you already knew what you have been ignoring with your intuition. I am just here to confirm it for you that...yes...yes you do need to leave whomever it is around you that is on your mind alone. Some of you have been thinking about leaving a specific group, job, or person alone for a while now but lack the strength to leave because either fear of FOMO, you fear change, or because you fear what comes after the change. Similar to how some people don't fear death just what happens after it. You fear what may come after leaving whatever this is alone. Will you feel lonely? Will this person or place retaliate? Will you need them later on in life and regret losing them? These are the questions that plague your mind pile ll. You have to trust the universe (God, Allah, Source, etc) that whatever is being taken away from you, will be replaced with something even better. There is a quote that says "I would rather adjust my life to your absence than adjust my boundaries for your disrespect" and this is what you have to do. Stop allowing others to play in your face. You deserve better than that and you know this...have more self-love and respect for yourself. Love yourself more than you do whatever is it that is causing discourse in your life. You are the most important thing in your life, not a job, friends, etc but yourself. No one is going to treat you better than you can yourself. I need you to know this and to demand better and not let others shame you into wanting more. You might be the type to also eat whatever the waiter brings to the table when it's not what you ordered (some not all of you).
Extra Messages: Tea Tree Leaf Oracle Deck: Parting of the ways in either romance, friendship, or business, You will receive a gift, Strong emotions passionate love or hate, Happiness and well-being, Wish will not be granted, Dealing with a younger man, feeling tied down or frustrated.
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Pile lll:
What is your intuition telling you? (Tarot: The Hierophant (reversed), Ace of Pentacles (reversed), 7 of Swords, 10 of Swords, and 8 of Pentacles.
I feel you are our own enemy pile lll. What you are ignoring with your intuition seems to be a mindset that you can't let go of. Maybe you are used to having to work hard for everything you have or have been taught that being a doctor, lawyer, etc is the only way you can be something in this lifetime and you are starting to finally see that they might not be true. OR at least you are kind of entertaining the idea but not tall the way fully. The abundance that you see is on the other side of the ways you have been telling or letting others tell you is the way it needs to be done. For some of you, you may have found teachings by Neville Goddard, The Secret, Joseph Murrey, etc, and have this aching feeling in your body to test out some of these theories for you to make more money because you are starting to believe that there is no way you have been placed on this earth to just work, sleep, pay bills, and die. You want to do more with your life and that includes traveling for some of you or even saving for retirement because you are seeing so many of the older generations having to go back to work because they didn't predict the inflation that is happening in today's society. You want financial freedom and stability. You want to be comfortable with your finances to where you only need to check it once a month or two to make sure you aren't overspending. Some of you also I am hearing need to learn more about about budgeting and not be triggered by the word budget. Purchase a spreadsheet from Etsy where you can track your expenses to see what you spend every month. I say give this new mindset a try. I can honestly speak for myself that it does work when ou change your mindset to a more abundant one and go about bringing in money the non-traditional way. Follow this lead. You won't know unless you try and when I mean try I mean keep going even when you don't see results. Give yourself a few months of trying something new. It doesn't hurt.
Extra Messages: Spellcasting Oracle Deck: Trust, Forgiveness, Financial Health, Life Purpose, & Clarity
Trust that whatever your intuition is leading you is the way to go. Some of you may be from a religious background and stepping into the world of manifesting, LOA, etc might give you some anxiety. Trust and embrace the new path you are walking on. Trust that the traditional way to have financial stability is not the only way. This path may even lead you to your life purpose, following non-traditional ways of making money whether it's being an artist, manifesting money, or whatever it is that has been speaking to your intuition that you have been ignoring.
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Pile lV:
What is your intuition telling you? (Tarot: Justice, The Wheel, 6 of Cups, 7 of Cups, and 8 of Wands
Therapy is what your intuition has been calling for you to seek but you keep ignoring. If not therapy your inner child is seeking for you to heal whatever it is that happened in the past to help break the cycles of your future. You have probably made excuses for the behaviors of others in your past and something maybe a lightbulb moment hit you to where you finally said no..the things that happened in the past are not okay and you aren't sure how to go about processing your emotions. It reminds me of a video I once saw about how your inner child wants love but your inner teenager wants revenge. You probably rage with your emotions from depression, and rage, to just everything and anything within the spectrum of feeling sorry for yourself to wanting to watch the world of others burn and you need someone whether a therapist, a shadow work journal, or even a trusted LEVEL HEADED friend...you see what I put in all caps..please choose a level headed friend who won't encourage you to go to jail because you want to slash your exes tires and bust the windows of his car. Either way, you can't avoid this healing pile lv, it's time you forgive yourself for the past and stop letting it have a hold on you and dictate your future. You are not the reason or cause for the way people have disrespected you, made you feel unsafe, etc. Some of you may be waking up that the way you were raised was not okay and you don't want to repeat that on to your future kids or others in your life.
Extra Messages: Spellcasting Oracle Deck: Empowerment, Financial Health, Life Purpose, Fertility, Commitment, & Blessings.
You are on the verge of birthing a whole new you pile lV. As you begin to heal old wounds of the past and forgive yourself you will be releasing soul and karmic ties, bringing in blessings, a healthier relationship with money, finding your life purpose, and feeling empowered that you are taking back your life and not allowing the past to make you feel the way you have been feeling any longer.
Thank you for liking and reblogging my readings. I always appreciate you guys on here and on Patreon.
Stay safe and be blessed
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radfemsiren · 3 months
I'm a radfem, born and raised in a Muslim country. I always had my own definition of religion, a feminist one, to cope. But when I grew up and did the research, the results were clear, I couldn't deny the misogyny in Islam. I now reject it, since I know all of it is made to accommodate men, and exploit us. But I still believe in Allah's existence nevertheless. It's really hard to imagine no almighty existence. I think it's my wish for an afterworld where all injustices are punished that makes me cling to the idea. I think it makes me agnostic. How did you become an atheist?
Hello thank you for the ask! I understand this mindset, it’s hard to let go of the belief in a God when it was taught to you your entire life, and when the idea of nothingness is downright frightening. The idea of nothing being after death, of no justice for victims happening, no reconnecting with loved ones… it’s a scary thought.
To answer your question, my interest in atheism was peaked from the YouTube atheist community in the early 2010s… it definitely wasn’t a feminist community, but all of the logical arguments made by prominent atheist speakers were so much more developed and logical than even the best Muslim speakers…. Even as a teenager I’d look at the responses by Muslim clerics and realize how stupid, childish, and illogical they were.
I know atheism from the outside can seem like a scary concept, but there are a lot of freeing and comforting aspects about it. Number 1 is, as a woman, you would have never gotten justice if a male supremacist religion was true anyway.
For example, when the day of judgement comes and Mohamed is supposed to speak on each of every persons behalf in front of god, what is the one sin that he can’t advocate for forgiveness for you? Is it child rape? Is it’s having sex slaves? Is it torture or murder? No all these heinous acts can be forgiven, but not believing in Allah is the one unforgivable sin. This idea of justice was never for us women anyway, so don’t think of it as a loss.
Another comforting thing is that this Dunya is all we have, and we should enjoy it! Learn, grow, find love and happiness… no more working endlessly for an akhira that doesn’t exist. No more wasting time praying and worrying over stupid things like if you did wudu properly or made up your fasting days you missed because of your period (the game is really rigged against us isn’t it?) … you have full freedom to do as you please in this life! There are no angels on your shoulders recording your deeds, there’s just you and what you want. Do you want to be free and happy, or live in a constant state of being watched and acting without free will.
Atheists believe in being good and kind without the threat of hell lurking over us.
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fluffy-appa · 6 months
Disconnect from the Dunya to reconnect with ALLAH.
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musk7 · 1 year
I'd like to share something with a more emotional and loving perspective, especially for everyone here 🩷. As women, we're blessed with the relief from the obligations of prayer and fasting during our menstrual periods. We all know that menstruation isn't a joyful experience. In Islam, there's a beautiful concept: "difficulty brings ease," which means that when life gets tough, Islam offers some flexibility to make things easier.
So, it's not about women being "not allowed to" pray and fast; rather, we're granted a break from these responsibilities during our periods because both can be quite physically and emotionally demanding.
But what's truly remarkable is the deep yearning many women feel during the last days of their period to reconnect with our faith, to pray, and to talk to Allah.. It's a testament to the special bond we share with our Creator and the love that we hold in our hearts 🩷..
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1nayaa · 7 months
your heart deserves peace, reconnect with Allah
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muslimah-veronica · 1 year
I am a trans muslimah who lost her way and trying to reconnect with Allah again. I am trying to become a good muslimah. I am always open to talk with all my muslimah sisters and people who are curious. I use she/her pronouns and i am pan. Nothing i post here is intended to be for any racist or disrespectful reason. Everyone should have their religous freedom and their choices always should be respected
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ysr219 · 1 year
Sometimes, our hearts are hardened and souls are weakened by sins. Repentance provides chances to soften hearts and reconnect with Allah.
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Let's find out.
Almost every youth these days will swear and tell "I would do anything for my mum" - and they do this a lot that the phrase itself lost its value.
However, the question lingers - would you? It's easy to say things but when you are put in such a situation - that's when reality hits you. The story you are about to read is one of the most inspiring stories I have come across while studying and learning about the Sahabah Radiyallahu Anhum.
I pray this story would encourage you to reconnect with your mother. Please do realize, there are a lot like us out there who will never have that opportunity again. So don't take this opportunity you have for granted. _____
This is a story about Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu Anhu and his mother (Umayma Bint Safeh) Radiyallahu Anha.
It is said that after Abu Huraira's mother entered Islam, whenever he would want to leave his house, he used to stand at the door of his mother's door and say: "Peace be upon you, O mother, and the mercy of Allah and His blessings. "
His mother would then say: "And peace be upon you, and His Mercy and His Blessings,"
Abu Huraira would reply: "May Allah have mercy upon you as you brought me up when I was small."
She would reply: "May Allah have mercy upon you as you are dutiful to me as I am old." _____
Let that sink in.
Imagine, every day of your life when you are about to go out of the house - your mother will be there at your back either to just see you go safely, remind you of something or ask you for something - whatever it is, we will find them there.
And sadly, most of the time - a lot of us find this irritating especially when we are at that age where we would rather hang out with friends than with our own family.
But, look at our the sahabah were, and just see how Abu Huraira manifested this way of respect and love a child should show towards his or her mother.
Would you do this?
Would you say this beautiful prayer before leaving your mother or just stomp your feet because she nagged you as you went out?
My dear brother and sister in Islam, no one can ever replace your mother in your life. No one can sacrifice the way they do and do for you. No one can truly love you unconditionally the way they do.
Make du'a for your mother. Make du'a for your mother. Make du'a for your mother. There's no weakness in showing affection towards your mother rather only a great reward from Allah.
Cherish every minute you have with your mother as much as you can, do not wait until they return to Allah and regret every wasted moment and missed opportunity with her.
You can also try this beautiful way of Abu Huraira Radiyallahu Anhu. Believe me, the way your mother's face will light up as soon as she sees you smile at her - that itself is a great blessing and all worth it. - Umm Umar Khaled _____
May Allah beautify our relationship with our mothers and grant all the mothers of the Muslims the highest ranks of Jannah.
The story was taken from Al-Adab al-Mufrad, Hadith 12
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islamic-education · 18 days
The Month of Rabi' Al-Awwal: A Time for Reflection and Celebration
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Rabi' Al-Awwal, the third month of the Islamic calendar, holds special significance for Muslims around the world. It is a time of reflection, devotion, and celebration, as it marks the birth of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), an event known as Mawlid al-Nabi. This month offers an opportunity for Muslims to deepen their connection with the Prophet’s life, his teachings, and the message of Islam.
1. Understanding the Importance of Rabi' al-Awwal
Rabi' Al-Awwal is not just the month of the Prophet Muhammad’s birth, but also the month of his passing. This dual significance makes it a time for both joy and reflection. The birth of the Prophet is celebrated with great enthusiasm in many parts of the Muslim world, as he is regarded as the best example of how to live a life in accordance with Allah's will. At the same time, his passing is a reminder of the mortality of life and the importance of preparing for the hereafter.
2. How to Commemorate Rabi' Al-Awwal
Engage in Extra Worship: Increase your acts of worship, such as praying, fasting, and reciting the Quran. Reflecting on the life of the Prophet and how his teachings can be applied today is a powerful way to honor his memory
Study the Seerah: Delve into the biography (Seerah) of the Prophet Muhammad. Understanding his life and the context of his teachings can provide valuable insights into living a more spiritually fulfilling life.
Spread Kindness: Emulate the Prophet’s compassion and generosity by engaging in acts of kindness. Whether it’s helping a neighbor or donating to charity, these actions reflect the Prophet’s teachings.
Participate in Community Events: Many communities hold events to celebrate Mawlid. Participating in these can strengthen communal bonds and provide a sense of shared purpose.
In conclusion, Rabi' Al-Awwal is a month that encourages both celebration and introspection. It is a time to reconnect with the life of the Prophet Muhammad, strive to embody his teachings, and draw closer to Allah.
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chocobanuuna · 2 months
Don't just submit yourself to Allah's plan. Submit yourself to Allah's timing
Submit yourself to His schedule. And stop seeing the delay as deprivation. It's not deprivation. Stop seeing the delay as denial. It's not Allah telling you no. Many times it's Allah telling you not yet. And it's for your own good.
And by the time you come around to realize that if you were not observing the lessons of that delay, then the delay would have gone to waste. I'm sure Zakariya at some point asked, well, when? Right? But no, there was a submission. I'm sure at some point Yusuf wondered, but when? How much longer? There's a submission to that schedule, a submission to that time slot to say that every single delay that Allah is giving to me is a not yet, not a no. And that not yet could mean after this life is already over. But it's there. It's there. Allah will not let you ask without giving you. It's there. But you have to wait. And submitting yourself to that time.
The blessing of that pause is your reconnection with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Because there are very few people that will call upon Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala with more sincerity and more connection and more devotion and more love in their times of comfort as they will in their times of desperation.
And the thing that you asked for, should it be halal and in proper means, will surely be given to you in a way that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows is even better for you. But slow down. Don't just submit yourself to Allah's plan. Submit yourself to Allah's timing. Don't just say, I know Allah is able. Say, I know Allah knows when. When it's better for me.
May Allah make us amongst those that are pleased with His planning, that are pleased with His timing, that see the blessings that are around them when they are obvious and when they are hidden. May Allah grant us fresh hearts and fresh lenses that are always able to appreciate the present.
— Dr. Omar Suleiman
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theveiledrose · 4 months
I reconnected with my best friend.
It feels amazing, like Allah brought us together.
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aisndry · 4 months
Rekomendasi Channel YouTube untuk Belajar Agama Islam
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Ustadz Adi Hidayat Official
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Pada penjelasan Ustadz Adi yang jelas, terang dan detail membuat siapa saja yang belajar dapat meningkatkan kapasitas ilmunya. Pada channel youtube tersebut memberikan penjelasan terkait Hukum Fikih, Kajian, sejarah, diskusi, dan murottal Al-Qur'an. Ustadz Adi juga menerangkan di papan tulis sehingga penjelasannya juga detail dan mudah dipahami.
2. Yuk Ngaji
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Pada channel youtube ini terdapat beragam konten dakwah yang disajikan seperti Diskusi Islam, Sejarah, "main yuk" dengan diundang para bintang kamu dan releatable dengan Islam, "YN Band" Live band, belajar fikih dan juga pada bulan Ramadhan terdapat program "Reconnecting With Qur'an". Di dalam channel tersebut terdapat beragam asatidz yang memiliki warna berbeda-beda dengan cita rasa dakwah lebih mudah sasaran untuk anak muda seperti Ustadzah Felix, Ustadz Weemar, Fuadh Naim, Hawariyyun, Ustadz Hussain, Ustadz Hidayat, Ustadz Cahyo, dan Risco Aditama
3. Nouman Ali Khan-Official-Bayyinah
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Pembawaan dakwah yang santai dan jelas dari Ustadz Nouman sangat cocok bagi semua kalangan. Pada channelnya Ustadz sangat jelas menerangkan studi bahasa arab, ilmu fikih, Al-Qur'an, Ilmu Tafsir serta motivasi refleksi kehidupan. Ustadz Nouman juga menjelaskan dengan sedehana dan mudah dipahami.
4. Dr. Zakir Naik
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Ustadz sekaligus Dokter yang telah menghafal beberapa kitab seperti Al-Qur'an, berbagai macam hadits, bibel dengan beberapa versi, taurat, Weda, Tripitaka, dan Bhagavad Gita. Ia memperoleh gelar Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBBS) dari Maharashtra, tapi sejak 1991 ia telah menjadi seorang ulama yang terlibat dalam dakwah Islam dan perbandingan agama. Zakir Naik adalah pendiri dan presiden Islamic Research Foundation (IRF), sebuah organisasi nirlaba yang memiliki dan menyiarkan jaringan saluran TV gratis Peace TV dari Mumbai, India. Ia adalah Ustadz pembanding agama yang terinspirasi dari Ahmad Deedat. Gaya pembawaannya yg sangat ciamik dan gaya debatnya yg jelas dan detail pada setiap ayat, nomornya serta surahnya disebutkan agar tidak menimbulkan kekeliruan dan telah menghasilkan banyak masyarakat yg sebelumnya tidak memeluk agama Islam sehingga mengucapkan kalimat 2 syahadat untuk masuk Islam.
5. Yaqeen Institute
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Ustadz Omar Sulaiman sangat meneduhkan hati kepada siapapun yang mendengarkan kajian dakwahnya. Ustadz sangat terperinci, detail dan mudah dipahami. Ustadz banyak menjelaskan tentang Hukum Fiqih, pernikahan, Al-Qur'an, Reflection Life or anything else. Ketenangan dalam pembawaannya dan kharismatik yang Ia punya dapat semakin menularkan kecintaan kita terhadap Allah dan Rasul-Nya.
Semoga Allah memberikan hidayah-Nya kepada siapapun bagi kita yang ingin terus belajar untuk mendekatkan diri kepada-Nya, Aamiin Allahumma Aamiin Ya Rabbal 'alamin.
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fluffy-appa · 1 year
🌙✨ Seek His Nearness ✨🌙
‎"‎Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said:
‎"If the human knew the pleasure of meeting Allah and being near Him, he would feel grief for being distant from Him.”
‎[al-Fawa'id | Pg. 119]
In the hustle and bustle of life, it's easy to get caught up in worldly pursuits, losing sight of the ultimate goal—the closeness to our Creator. Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله beautifully reminds us that if we truly understood the bliss of meeting Allah and being in His presence, we would yearn for it with every fiber of our being.
Let this poignant realization serve as a wake-up call, igniting a yearning deep within our hearts. Let it be the driving force that propels us towards a life dedicated to seeking His pleasure, to reconnecting with Him and finding solace in His love.
Take a moment to reflect on the distance that separates you from the Divine, and let it stir a sense of longing within you. Embrace the path of righteousness, seeking His forgiveness, mercy, and guidance. For it is through our sincere efforts and striving that we can bridge the gap and draw closer to our Creator.
May we all experience the sweetness of being close to Allah.
Ameen. 🤲
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yandere-wishes · 1 year
HII I hope you’re doing well! I’m curious to know, are you Muslim?
Yup!! Shia Muslim and proud!! I've been trying to reconnect with my faith recently, and that's why you guys may see me reposting islamic quotes or referring to Allah a lot.
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