#red cards
mask131 · 1 year
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Magic the Gathering: Innistrad (Innistrad block)
My favorite Red cards
The Vampires of Innistrad are split between Black and Red. Black vampires are those that appear in their noble, aristocratic, elegant self, as dark, creepy, seducing clans and families ruling over their domains... Red vampires are the vampires that give in to their bloodlust and base desires: violent brute, human-shaped beasts, hedonists of pure debauchery...
The "Planeswalker's Guide to Innistrad" gives numerous information about vampires in Innistrad:
Vampirism is not a virus or a curse. Vampires themselves call it a "condition of the blood": it is an "anointing" that is entirely and purely magic, and that very few among those that receive it consider as a curse. Vampires like to call it poetically "an ablution" or "a washing of the self in blood".
Vampires are not undead, though they have traits that can make one believe so (vampires do not age, their skin is cold to the touch...)
The vampire traits include: A skin pale and cool to the touch. Dark hair - usually it is black, but colors such as deep purple, dark magenta, burgundy and dark blue-green were also seen. (Some vampires like to wear wigs, either for fashion, either to disguise themselves among humans). Vampire's eyes have a black sclera, and irises of various colors, but usually gold or silver. The canines of a vampire are always more developed than the rest of their teeth, and when they bite someone they extend "about a quarter inch". They also have long and slightly curved fingernails.
Innistrad is a place of superstitions and folklore - as a result there are many tall tales and frightening stories about everything vampires can do. But in truth, Innistrad vampires only have THREE powers in total. One, they do not age and stay young forever. Two, their strength is the double of a normal human's (but not greater). Three, a "two-foot-wide aura of silence" emanates from them at will, meaning they can muffle all noises around them (including their victim's screams)...
However, beyond those three abilities, vampires can learn a form of magic unique to vampires. Called the "glamer" (a quasi-illusion magic, and thus a deformation of the "glamor"), it is a series of "mind-affecting spells" that only touch humans. A true illusion magic will change the subject's appearance as a whole and for all eyes - but the vampires' imperfect "glamer" can only affect the perception of humans and make them think they see something else. Any strong-willed human can easily break a vampire's glamer. However, beware! The older a vampire grows, the more powerful they get, and the "elders" have learned all sorts of other magic and spells - including the ability to fly into the sky, the ability to hypnotize people with their eyes, and the ability to turn into a bat or mist.
Innistrad vampires have numerous vulnerabilities: they are harmed or killed by any weapons of "living wood" (dead wood won't affect a vampire more than stone or steel) ; they cannot cross running water in which the moon is reflected ; water enchanted by Avacyn herself will burn them like acid ; Avacynian holy symbols paralyze vampires or make them flee... An interesting note about silver: I said before it harmed vampires. My bad, I made a mistake. Silver blades are not particularly more harmful to vampires (even though the blessing of Avacyn makes them a powerful weapon against them). Silver truly is the bane of werewolves. BUT vampires are still disturbed and unsettled by the presence of silver: silver makes vampires perceive, realize and consider what their life would have been as regular mortal beings. They cannot fight it, the silver forces this vision upon them - and this is why vampires flee mirrors (which are coated in silver). They have a reflection in them... but it is the reflection of the person they could have been, rather than the monster they are now.
A vampire, to survive, must drink a human's full contenance of blood by moon cycle (so roughly five liters of blood across one moon's cycle). But vampires rarely stick to the "bare minimum": vampires always drink more than just the obliged five liters. Vampires treat blood like wine, and even have a full blood commerce among each other (though a blood can only stay potent for three days or so, roughly the same time a plant stays alive once cut). The only way to preserve blood is to have a mage or wiard preserve it by magic - freezing the blood won't work. Vampires cannot drink the blood of a dead human (if the blood of a living human is like wine, "dead blood" is like vinegar) ; and they cannot drink the blood of animals (vampire-alchemists tried to convert animal blood into human blood, but all transmutations failed). Without human blood, the vampires will literaly "dry up" across a few days until their bodies turn to dust. Usually a vampire, when starting to "feed" off a victim, will "empty" the whole body ; only a vampire interrupted during their meal will leave a victim alive.
Merely being bitten by a vampire isn't enough to become one. To become a vampire, one must be emptied of their human blood AND receive the vampire's own blood. To do so, a vampire will cut their cheek or tongue so that, while they bite, their blood mingles with the human's. Across the three days that follow this exchange, the human will disdain food and crave blood - but not just any blood. Their "sire" blood, the blood of the vampire that began the transformation. If a human doesn't drink the sire's blood in those three days, they'll die ; if they do, they'll become vampires. Due to the vampires' hedonism, decadence and hubris (they believe themselves the "saviors" of humanity), they only select the "best" humans to become vampires: the most intelligent, the most talented, the most beautiful... And given vampires are very vain, a bite meant to create a new vampire will always be done in a very careful and hidden place. Unlike normal victims which are bitten in obvious organs (the neck, the arms, the cheeks), transformation bites will occur at the top of the thigh, on the torso right under the arm, or on the sole of the feet (though the Guide notes that the latter case only happens if the person is SPECIAL, because a vampire's ego is deeply humiliated by having to "kiss the feet" of a vulgar human).
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fa14-eb23 · 6 months
You just made a foul to him and put him down, but then you see him getting up, very angry, looking at you and coming to you, just his look scares the shit out of you, so you start running away very scared to be ass kicked by him, even if this means that he could get a red but you just want to stay alive and safe 🥹
Or, almost the same situation but instead you're the referee and you have to give him a yeow/red card, but you're so scared of him that you think if it's a bad idea to not giving him any card and just forgiving him
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morggo · 3 months
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5 of Swords.
[Prints available here.]
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hanavbara · 10 months
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cardcaptor sakura 🌸✨ #カードキャプターさくら
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celesse · 9 months
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Merry Christmas! 🎀🦌🔔
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retrogamingblog2 · 8 months
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Kanto Pokemon Battles by LeapHere
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trainerjoshie · 6 months
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Pokémon TCG Team Rocket (2000) Evolutionary Set illustrated by Mitsuhiro Arita 💧🔥⚡️
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xinyuehui · 3 months
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Qin Che ⸺ Sylus Reveal ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
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mask131 · 1 year
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Magic the Gathering: Tales of Middle-earth (Commander)
Red and Multicolor reprints
Since we have reached such a far-away point, maybe it is time to talk about how the Five Colors system was included into the world of Tolkien. I know, I know, it is quite late after several dozen posts to get into the subject, but hey, if you went this far you must be rewarded.
As usual, the designers of MtG decided beforehand what would be the "color rules" for the world, before looking at each character and element individually. As a result, in the MtG color wheel, dwarfs and goblins alike are of the Red color, and the Rohirrim are too, to show that they are driven by things such as desires, passions, revenge or brutality. The forces of Sauron and Mordor oscillate between Black and Red, the corrupting evil and the bloody violence - the Orcs are notably divided in black and red. Elves on the contrary are halfway in Blue and halfway in Green - creatures of knowledge, intellect, wisdom, superior minds and grace, but also beings deeply tied to nature, living deep within the woods, and prone to an ambiguous, mischievious, some woul say alien mindset. Blue is also the color of all things watery, from ships to the "Watcher in the Water". The Ents are of course all Green, being living trees, and the Nazgûl all Black - alongside other vicious species serving evil (Fell Beasts, Shelob, the Crebains...). The Easterlings and Haradrim oscillate between Black and Red, opposing the men of Gondor and Minas Tirith who are full White. The Giant Eagles are also full white, and so are all the things related to the "happy endings" of the Lord of the Rings (the White Tree, the Crowning of the King, the weddings, etc...). Interestingly, the ghosts of the Oathbreakers/Grey Host are also included in the White - to separate them from the other undead spirits that are more malevolent in nature, such as the Ringwraiths or the Dead Marshes, all Black.
As for the Hobbits, they are halfway in White and halfway in Green - White for being purer beings, filled with goodness, kindness and qualities (and becoming heroes in time of needs), Green because they are simple countryfolks living as farmers, gardeners and the like. Though some Hobbits are shown to become Black when their greed or gluttony takes over them - they are rare, but they still exist.
This choice of colors reflect itself in the evolution of the main characters of the novel. Gollum, as an antagonistic corrupted monster, is Black, but when his Sméagol side takes over, what is left of his old Hobbit goodness, he becomes a mix of Black and Green. Aragorn, as "Strider" starts out as a mix of Red and Green, but as the leader of the Fellowship becomes Green/White, and finally as the returning King is all White. The Balrog is the perfect mix of Black and Red. Galadriel oscillates between the Green and the White. Frodo begins Green/White as a simple Hobbit of the Shire, but as the hero of the tale turns full White. Merry and Pippin both start out full Green and through their adventures become half-White (Pippin's other half is Blue while Merry's is Red).
And both of the Wizards of the story are strongly associated with the color Blue, due to being magical entities of wisdom and knowledge. Gandalf the Grey is full Blue (with a bit of Red from time to time, to show his fiery powers and fierce fighting skills), and then as Gandalf the White becomes... Well, all White. On the other side, Saruman also starts out as all Blue, but he is the "bad" side of Blue, manipulating, lying, scheming - and then he devolves, as Saruman of the Many Colors, into a convoluted mess of Blue (manipulating cunning schemer), Black (ambitious, petty, jealous and vicious antagonist) and White (he is the dark side of order, wanting to impose control and tyranny over all things). The only other Istari we get to meet is not Blue at all - but it is Radagast, who is full Green, for understandable reasons.
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egophiliac · 10 months
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messing around with techniques! I...like the foxman and the catboy a lot okay
also, a couple of quickies that honestly don't deserve any more effort than I've already given them:
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mostynsworld · 1 year
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Red cards are aggressive, following the simple playstyle of "kill your enemy as fast as possible" basically. Red cards use pyromancy, berserker battle techniques, and ancient martial arts.
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ndostairlyrium · 1 month
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I think it would be rad if they met again under better circumstances <3 but I'm sure they have reunions yearly somewhere different every time to play canasta and gossip
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manofbeskar · 8 months
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HEARTBREAKING: i shared a drink with my ex, fucked him, now i'm in love with him again, and the worse thing is he knows it too
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morggo · 2 months
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4 of Swords
[Prints available here.]
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panakina · 5 months
I find it really funny when any fic has Cass convince Jason that killing is wrong. Her whole stance is based on not wanting to see anyone else experience what she saw when she killed a man. Jason experienced it himself. He's decided its okay actually.
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puppyeared · 10 months
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wanna see a magic trick? 🪄🎩
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