#red hair....i love you so much baby come back from war its so so so cute on him UGH
U My Everything - p.b
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‣ paige x grumpy reader: part two here!
‣ wc: 3178
‣‣ synopsis: paige's harmless joke is taken a little too personally by her sensitive and grumpy girlfriend; slight angst? but very fluffy by the end! (the song is most relevant for the end part of the fic as it's inspired by KK's 05/31/24 live, can u tell I live for uconn lives?)
‣‣‣ a/n: I'M SORRY, i know y'all chose emily in the poll but I alr finished this one and I've promised myself I would try to release at least one fic a day; emily's will be out very very soon, writing smut for the first time is just very nerve wracking lmao. this is lightly based off the, good morning gorgeous, tiktok trend going around rn; Also, I'm so sorry for the amount of times I use y'all, like, literally, and really because I try to make my dialogue and what not as realistic as possible, but as a Southern Californian they're literally engraved into my vocabulary 😭😭.
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Rolling over in bed half-conscious, your arms reach out, patting around the bed in an attempt to locate your girlfriend's warmth without having to open your eyes. However, to your sheer disappointment, your fingers are met with cold, rumpled sheets on Paige's side of the bed.
Now fully conscious with confusion as to how your girlfriend managed to slip from bed without you realizing, the pounding in your head became all the more severe as you sat up in bed, frustrated that the one person who could comfort you simply with their presence was nowhere to be found.
With your right hand massaging the temple, attempting to soothe the deep ache that had settled into the front portion of your head, your left hand blindly felt around your nightstand for your phone, knowing Paige wouldn't have left you alone in bed without so much as a simple text message. But to your surprise, her name was absent from your list of notifications.
Even more annoyed than before, you forced yourself out of her bed, stumbling your way to her adjacent bathroom, wincing at the sudden intrusion that was fluorescent lighting. By the time you began brushing your teeth, you heard the front door open, hearing Paige call your name as she entered the dorm.
"Bathroom," you yelled out to her, despite your head screaming at you to shut up and crawl back under the safety of Paige's comforter.
"Hey baby," Paige greeted as she entered the bathroom while you spit toothpaste into the sink, coming up behind you to hug your waist, resting her head on your shoulder. As you stood back up to meet her gaze in the mirror's reflection, you saw her tuck her bottom lip into her mouth, clearly trying to hide her shit-eating grin.
"Well don't you look... interesting this morning," she teased, the sarcasm apparent in her low voice. You knew her mocking was all in good fun, the two of you often poking fun at each other for little things. But perhaps it was the headache still waging war in your skull, or the final three midterms you had to take later today, or your remanent annoyance at having to wake up alone, despite her knowing your favorite part of the day was waking up, warm and all loved up in her arms, or perhaps it was the fact that looking in the mirror, you genuinely looked wrecked this morning.
Your curly hair was reduced to nothing but a puff of frizz overnight, sticking out in all directions, your eyebags particularly prominent this morning, combined with the pesky anxiety breakout that had settled into your forehead a few days prior, you just couldn't handle her jokes today.
"Yes, thank you for pointing that out Paige," you shot back, setting your toothbrush back in its cup holder, exiting her hold to wipe your hands on the small towel before pushing past her to get dressed in her room.
Paige followed close behind you, curious as to why you were giving her so much attitude so early in the day, especially over such a harmless statement.
"What's up with you, this is the first time I've even seen you this morning," She questioned from her seat on the unmade bed as you began changing your clothes with your back facing her, which was another thing that struck out to her as odd. After dating for over a year now, the two of you were incredibly comfortable with each other, and it was rare for you to completely turn your back on her, even when changing.
"Nothing, I'm just not in the mood today," you grumbled, tugging your, her, sweatshirt over your head. Heading over to her floor length mirror with your makeup bag and necessary hair products in hand, you settle down on the floor in front of it, convinced to improve your appearance a bit before you head off to your exams today. Still ignoring Paige's presence in the room, you began getting ready.
Hearing her scoff as you started applying your makeup, she got up and began making the bed, intent on ignoring your bratty mood until you fixed it. You knew you were being petty and acting bitchy to your girlfriend, who had technically done nothing wrong, you just couldn't force yourself to drop the attitude. By the time you finished your makeup and smoothed out your slickback, you managed to go the entire twenty minutes without so much as looking at your girlfriend through the mirror, who had now perched herself on her side of the bed, scrolling mindlessly on her phone.
Your headache hadn't subsided yet, but now that you were more awake, you had gotten used to the throbbing sensation. Making your way over to your side of her bed, you collected your phone, headphones, watch, school bag, and other items from your nightstand and around the area to get ready to leave.
"Your heading out already? You still have over an hour before your first class," Paige finally addressed you, putting her phone in her lap to look at you as you packed your things.
"Yeah I'm gonna head to the library early so I can review before my first midterm," You answered, speaking to her normally for the first time in the last hour she had returned.
"But what about breakfast, you're not gonna be able to concentrate and stuff when you're all hangry," she said, only slightly teasing you with her statement.
"I'll just grab something to eat from the coffee shop next to the library, I was gonna stop by and get matcha from there anyways," you responded, a small part inside of you glad that despite your attitude, Paige made sure that you were well taken care of.
"Dude I still don't understand how you drink that stuff, tastes like straight grass," she had dropped her concern and switched back to joking, her automatic setting. "But I guess it's fitting," she continued, "cause yk, cows just love their grass," she sighed, holding back her laughter at what she thought was a brilliant joke.
In her defense, if it was any other morning, you would've joined in on her teasing, either mooing at her in response or poking fun at her in return.
But today, it just ticked you off even further. I mean, you were clearly already in a bad mood, stressed the fuck out, hangry (but Paige didn't need to know she was right), and the sharp pressure in your head was only getting worse. Plus, Paige had already easily finished off her midterm exams two days prior, which meant she didn't truly understand why you were so worked up over your exams. And the worst part, your bloating and exhaustion really did make you feel a little bit like a cow.
“P I'm just not in the mood to deal with you right now," you sighed, exasperation laced in your tone. "I already feel bad enough this morning, I can't handle you piling more onto my plate, I'll see you later," you barely even said goodbye to her properly as you gathered your stuff, put on your shoes, and left her dorm.
The second you closed her door behind you, you could feel the pit forming in your stomach, full of regret and shame. You knew it was unfair to be so rude to Paige when she was just trying to lighten your mood, but your anxiety always caused you to last out at anyone who tried to help you. You made a mental note while walking to your favorite coffee shop to apologize and make it up to her when you saw her in the evening, after the stress from midterm week had diffused and your raging headache calmed down.
You were flipping through your study notes and flashcards while listening to one of Paige's playlist on the lowest volume possible when you saw your phone screen light up from next to you. Deciding it would be good to take a quick thirty second break, you reach for your phone and matcha latte at the same time, clicking on the text message you received from Paige.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
From P 💜:
I'm so sorry for making fun of you this morning baby, I know you're stressed about your tests today and I had no intentions of making you feel worse with my jokes, I just wanted to cheer you up a bit because I know how bad your anxiety can get. Good luck on your test today killer, i love you 🤍.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Shit, now you really felt bad for snapping at her earlier today. All remnants of your misplaced anger had long since disappeared, now replaced with embarrassment. She was right, your anxiety was hitting you hard today, but that was no excuse for bitching out your girlfriend just for trying to improve your mood. You quickly hearted her message and began typing out a short response, as you knew you needed to apologize in-person for your behaviour.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To P 💜:
Thank you so much P, I'll see you later tonight baby. I love you too 🤍
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You breathed a sigh of relief as you finally reached the floor of Paige's dorm room, exhausted from your long and mentally tiring day of midterms, but you were finally done, your headache was finally gone, and you now had the weekend to relax and spend time with your girlfriend.
As you reached for your keys in your pocket, you heard the loud commotion of voices that you recognized to be KK, Aubrey, Sarah, Allie, and Paige in the living room. It wasn't uncommon for the girls to be over, as the team always spent hung out together outside of practice, and since you started spending more time at Paige's dorm, you had quickly stocked her near bare kitchen full of snacks, baked goods, and home-cooked meals the girls loved to steal.
You entered the living room greeting everyone as you took off your shoes, making a beeline straight to where Paige was sitting on the couch. You stood in between the space of her legs, wrapping your free arm around her shoulders to lean down and plant a kiss on the top of her head.
"Hey P," you spoke softly, looking down at the small smile that had settled on her face.
"Hey yourself, how were you midterms? Today was your last day right?" She questioned as her fingertips began running up and down the back of your legging covered thigh.
"They were fine, I think I did good on majority of them. My math midterm was a little shaky, but not too bad yk?" You answered her quietly, afraid to pop the little bubble of peace you two had created around yourselves among the chaos of the living room's occupants.
"I," you began, as your hand had made its way to the front of her face as you pushed back a small piece of hair that had escaped out of her bun. "Will you come in the room with me real quick?" You asked her, practically whispering at this point.
"Yeah of course baby," she answered quickly, letting her hand travel up your body to rest at the small of your back as she stood up, leading you past everyone to her bedroom.
"We'll be right back," she announced to the group as the two of walked by. "Oooo, Paige is in trouble," KK sang out as the two of you reached her closed room door, Paige still standing behind you. She turned the knob quickly, gently pushing you into the room first as she turned around to stick her tongue out at KK before she closed the door.
By the time she turned around from the door to face you, she barely had a moment to adjust to your body barreling into her, as you had already dropped your bag off next to her desk. She quickly wrapped her arms around you, being able to sense that you just needed to be held for a minute before speaking.
She lightly rubbed your back and shoulders with her hands, knowing exactly what it was that immediately calmed you down. You stayed silent in her comforting embrace for a few more minutes, having craved her touch all day when you were around campus.
"I'm sorry," you finally spoke up, unburying your head from her chest to look her in the eyes. "I was really rude to you for no reason this morning. My headache when I woke up and all the stress I had was completely unrelated to you, but I still ended up taking it out on you," you sighed before continuing, "I really appreciate the fact that you were trying to cheer me up this morning, even though I was being a total bitch. And you are never a burden or someone who adds more onto my plate, I love you and I'm so sorry I said that to you, I would never want you to feel that way and-" as your eyes began to well up with tears, the last of your apology was cut off by Paige.
"Hey hey it's okay baby," she pulled you slightly away from her as the tears began flowing from your eyes. "I know you," she maintained eye contact as she reassured you, "And I know you would never act like that normally, you are not a bitch. You were just stressed out and not feeling well. I understand, and I promise I'm not mad at you at all," her right hand moved up from your back to your face, wiping the tears streaming down your face.
"Thank you P, I have no idea what I would do without you," you sniffled lightly, your hand coming up to wipe your face as well. "I love you so much, you have no idea," you professed.
"I love you too y/n/n," she whispered as her hands wrapping around your waist as she pulled you into her, leaning down slightly to kiss you. Your hands flew up the moment your lips connected, one cradling her jaw while the other rested on the base of her neck. The kiss was slow and languid, an apology met with forgiveness as your lips moved together.
The loud rumbling of your stomach, interrupted your sweet moment with Paige, forcing the two of you to separate as a giggle slipped out of her.
"Didn't realize a small kiss made you that hungry for me," she smiled, now at peace knowing that you were no longer upset. "Shut up," you smiled back, lightly hitting her chest as you broke away from her. "I am for real hungry though, but I need to shower first," you told her as you moved around the room, grabbing your towel and a fresh pair of pajamas to change into.
"I'm pretty sure Aubrey is ordering Domino's so I'll tell her to add in something for you, and it'll probably be here by the time you get out," she kissed your cheek as you went to exit the room, heading for a quick shower as she remained in her room.
As you entered the living room, curls freshly washed, a soft pair of Paige's sweatpants resting low on your hips, and a small off the shoulder sweatshirt over your sleep tank top, you witness KK showing her tik tok live her "hips dance", if it could even be referred to as that.
"Oh wow," Paige commented dryly at the sight while getting up from the couch so she could grab her laptop from the kitchen counter. You moved past her to Aubrey's desk, grabbing a piece of garlic knots from the Domino's box she left partially open (i don't think she actually bought any but I'm craving them so i added it in here). You rested your hip against the table, waving at the live while KK queued up Sexyy Red on her Siri.
Everyone knew you and Paige were a couple, when Paige accidentally hard-launched you by posting a cute couples pic on her main instagram story instead of her close friends. But since then, the two of you kept a private but not secret relationship, very occasionally posting together, but fans often saw candids of the two of you on dates or together in the team's lives or other events.
You licked the remaining cheese and butter off your fingers as you watched Paige, KK, and Aubrey dance in front of the camera to "U My Everything", smiling at their so-called dance moves, especially Paige's.
"Man we go together tell them hoes we go together," Paige sang, before doing her little "attitude now walk" move, making you double over with laughter at her with the other two girls.
You scratched the back of your neck as you continued to watch the girls mess around, too tired from your day to join them, but content just from watching them. As the second chorus approached, Paige walked up to your leaned figure on the desk, grabbing your bare waist and pulling you into her as she sang.
"Bae, I love you, you my everything, I'm your main bitch, fuck a wedding ring," you laughed at her awful singing, but you couldn't deny the blush that rose to your cheeks at the thought of her singing you the lyrics while very clearly in the live's frame. "We both in fast cars and we switchin' lanes, when I'm away from you, you always on my brain," she continued, adding in her sassy facial expressions with the corresponding lyrics.
You couldn't help but laugh at her actions, the pure giddiness coursing through your veins was a complete 180 from your mood this morning, and you couldn't help but think there was nowhere that would make you happier than in her arms.
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Thank you for reading all the way through! The recent support has been crazy and I appreciate all of you! Should I make a part two to this with smut so r can properly apologize to p.... 😏😏😏
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ofstarsandvibranium · 1 month
Light the Fire
Fandom: Star Wars - The Acolyte
Pairing: Qimir x F!Reader
As requested by anonymous: Hi love! I am obsessed with your Qimir fics 💕 the way you write him is just so good! May I request something with him where he gets jealous seeing reader interact with someone else and it leads to a confession ??? Maybe like a friends to lovers ? Thank you so much!
A/N: if you're wondering how im coping with the acolyte news, im in denial and pretending its not real. :D
Qimir Masterlist
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(this is how i imagine Qimir to look when he's jealous)
Qimir watched you with careful eyes across the cantina. You were speaking with your bounty. You requested the aid of your old friend just in case. This bounty was high profile and worth a lot of credits. Although you are very capable, you wanted to have some back up just in case. Hence why Qimir was keeping an eye out from across the bar.
He couldn't help the stirring in his stomach as he watches you pretend to be interested in your mark. How you laugh, how you touch him, how you press your body against his. Qimir knows it's not real, he knows you're only doing it to get close to your mark, but damn did it not stop him from feeling jealous.
The mark excuses himself to go to the refresher and you lock eyes with Qimir across the way.
You whisper into the hidden comm in your dress, "When he comes back, I'm taking him to the room. You go first. I'll be there in ten minutes."
Qimir nods his head and gulps the rest of his drink down. Setting some credits onto the counter and leaves the bar area and head upstairs to the rooms offered to bar patrons.
With the extra keycard you got him, Qimir enters the room and hides in the shadows waiting for your arrival.
Your mark comes back from the refresher and sighs, "Well, ready, baby?"
You give the older man a sultry smile, "You tell me," you trace your finger along the color of his shirt. He gives you a drunken grin that makes your skin crawl, "Lead the way, sweetheart," he gives you a pat on the ass and you giggle, despite wanting to punch the guy in the throat.
You slip your hand into his clammy one and guide him away from the bar and up the stairs towards the rooms. With your keycard, you door to your room slides open. You continue to pull your mark into the room and towards the bed.
You push him onto the bed and straddle his lap. He gets giddy, his disgusting hands running up your thighs to grip your ass.
You give a fake moan, grinding against the man and the act excites him.
You suddenly hear the buzz of a lightsaber and the room illuminating in a red hue. Your mark looks over your shoulder, eyes wide and full of fear.
"Wha-What is this?! What's going on?!"
You roll your eyes and punching the guy in the throat, causing him to gasp for hair. You immediately climb off him and turn to Qimir. He's donning his cortosis helmet, one hand gripping his saber, while the other is clenched in a tight fist.
"I didn't give the signal."
"Didn't need to. I could tell you were uncomfortable," he replies, his voice hidden by the modulator.
Your mark sits up and crawls back towards the head of the bed, "Wait, I have a credits! I'll give you everything I have, just don't kill me!"
You pull out the hidden syringe needle you kept in your thigh holster, "See, that's the thing, Marek. Those credits that you have, they don't belong to you. You stole them and Darius Nox wants them back, as well as to punish you for your insolence."
You also take out the puck you were given, the holo displaying Marek's face.
The older man gulped, "N-Nox sent you."
You pocket the puck and nod, "Yup. And I'm going to bring you to him."
You take a step towards him and he immediately scrambles off the bed and towards the door.
Qimir shoots his hand out, using the force to stop Marek in his place. You shake your head, "They never learn."
You go over to Marek's frozen figure. His eyes are wide. He's helpless and, boy, do you love that look of helplessness and fear in your targets.
You immediately punch Marek in the gut and give him an upper cut punch to his chin. He lets out groans of pain and you smile, "You disgust me." You then jab the syringe into his neck, the poison entering his system. You watch as he tries to fight it, but eventually his eyes flutter close and his head drops to his chest.
Qimir isn't careful at all when he helps you bring Marek to your ship. He practically throws him in the little cell that you have for your marks. After ensuring that he's well locked up, you excuse yourself, "I need to wash all that guy's sweat off me. So fucking handsy, that one," you shudder as you pass Qimir, missing his clenched jaw and pissed off look on his face.
Fifteen minutes later, you're scrubbed clean and wearing more comfortable clothing.
You go to the cockpit to see Qimir sitting in the co-pilot's spot, staring out into hyperspace.
"What's with the face?" you ask as you kick your feet up onto the console.
"I really want to kill him."
"Well you can't or else I won't get the full payment. Anyway, why do you want to kill him?"
He doesn't look at you as he speaks, "I didn't like the way he was touching you or how he looked at you when you were talking to him. You thoroughly convinced him that he stood a chance, with your smiling and touching." His hands roll into tight fists as he recalls your actions and behavior tonight, "I know it was all an act, that you didn't mean any of it...but at some point, I started wishing I was Marek. Then I wanted to rip the guy's head off."
You lean in closer to him, a smirk on your face, "Jealous?"
He side eyes you, clenches his jaw and murmurs, "No."
"Sounds like you are."
"I am not."
You stand from your seat and go over to Qimir's. You plop yourself right onto his lap, causing him to widen his eyes in surprise, "Just admit it. You were jealous," you hook your arms around his neck, face an inch away from his
He glances down at your lips then back at your eyes, "What do I get if I admit it?" he murmurs.
"Anything you want."
"Fine. I was jealous."
You grin widely, "Nice to know. Now, what do you want?"
His hands go to your waist and he holds you still, "For you to tell me how you feel about me."
"I feel safe when I'm with you. I feel free, accepted. I feel...loved."
Qimir leans closer, his forehead resting against yours, "I do love you. Sometimes I wish I didn't, especially when you pull the shit you did tonight. I sometimes wish you didn't light a fire inside me every time I'm with you."
"Kiss me."
And without a second thought, he does.
That's when you really feel the emotions within him, the passion and desire he holds for you. It's a flame now growing into a roaring fire. All because of you.
And you feel the same. Two flames fanned, growing bigger, brighter, and stronger. Together.
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xzaddyzanakinx · 10 months
Just Like You Wanted
18+ MDNI
Warnings: soft dom Ani, sweet love making ❤️ alittle condescending, cum/breeding kink, orgasm denial
Info: Clone Wars Ani, he loves you so much that he’s will to torture himself for you NOT PROOFREAD
Also hehe I love cartoon Ani
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“Are you sure?” Anakin whispered into your ear, brushing a lock of hair out of his way.
Gasping quietly you clutched onto his bare shoulders as his plush lips suctioned to the thin skin behind your ear. You nodded eagerly, too spaced out to answer. He had been fingering you for over an hour now, alternating between one, two, three digits and refusing to let you cum.
“Say it f’me love.” His voice low and gravely, “you know I like to hear you.”
“Y-yes, yes Ani.” You whimpered, voice barely escaping your lips.
“There we go!” He smiled softly, cradling your head in his hands, gently removing his slick covered hand from between your legs.
After being full of his digits for so long you felt empty, your cunt almost lonely without them. You whined grinding yourself against his thigh when he tried to shift you onto his lap, earning a chuckle from him.
“Hold on babydoll, I’ll let you have it.” He cooed, his flesh hand coming up to run his fingers over your thigh.
Your mind was spinning, your brain fuzzy and your vision failing you. You could hardly hold yourself up, the need for release wound so tightly in your core that you were virtually incapacitated.
He helped guide you to straddle his thighs just above his weeping cock, waiting patiently despite its angry red head. The heat radiating from him made your mouth water, instinctively trying to sink down onto him.
He laughed, moving his flesh hand to the small of your back. His mechna-hand firmly gripping your hip.
“Shh, take your time baby.” He sighed, slowly lowering you down his cock, your hungry cunt swallowing him greedily.
You could’ve screamed, cried, and laughed all at once when you finally felt him settle deeply into you. His flesh hand caressing your back lovingly while his other rocked your hips back and forth for you. Your poor neglected clit swollen and brushing in delicious pain against his curly hairs.
“Feel better?” He mumbled into your shoulder, delicate kisses trailing along the flushed skin.
“Uh huh.” You whimpered, your arms thrown around his shoulders, keeping his head in the crook of your neck. “Much better.”
“You sound tired.” He teased.
“Your fault,” you gasped, grinding down onto him. “Making me wait.”
“Want some help?” He asked, nipping your earlobe.
“Mhm, please.” You whined.
“Alright.” He chuckled, “go ahead, play with your clit for me baby”
You complied, sliding your hand between your sweating bodies and putting much needed pressure on your puffy red clit. Both his hands gripped tightly to your hips, sliding you up and down his rock with ease, rocking you forward and back everytime he was sheathed to the hilt. Your moans flowed freely, low and breathy, Anakin catching them with his lips.
“See? So much better isn’t it.” He smiled against your open mouth, “feels good when you listen, not like last time huh?”
You wanted to roll your eyes, you wanted to protest but you were too caught up in chasing your orgasm, so you just let out a high pitched whine, unable to form words.
“I know sweet girl,” he placed sweet kisses to the corners of your lips, “let it out, be loud as you want. I know it feels good, can feel you fucking squeezing me.”
He panted, desperately trying to keep a steady pace when he so badly wanted to move you faster. Instead he dug his fingers into your hips, marking you with unique bruises just for his eyes. You could feel yourself gushing, hear the squelching of your cunt.
“So much easier to take daddy’s cock when you let me stretch you out first isn’t it?” He chuckled.
He removed one hand to tilt your head back, needing to see your face for his next move. The guttural moan that rattled his chest as you made an attempt to lock eyes with him filled you with white hot need, he loved the way you looked, messy, wet, needy, greedy, and most importantly full of his cock.
“Isn’t it baby?” He asked again, a bit sterner, grabbing a big handful of ass.
“Y-yea.” You stuttered, eyelids snapping shut.
“No, my pretty girl, keep those eyes open.” He tapped your other ass cheek playful.
“Good job,” he sighed, “now I’m gonna make you cum okay?”
“Please.” You whined, reedy and drawn out.
An invisible grip wrapped around your calves, pinning you into place on his cock, rapidly grinding your pussy down onto him. He gently removed your hand from your clit, kissing away your pout at the loss.
“Shh, s’alright. I’m gonna fix it.” He cooed, holding you to his chest and laying your head on his shoulder.
He held your limp body in place, fucking up into you and grinding you against him, groaning as he felt your juices soaking the sheets under him. The way your slick dripped from his balls was otherworldly, a sensation that could never be replicated.
A pinching pressure found it’s way to your clit, pulling, rolling and somehow managing to feel like a strange suctioning. The movement was all it took for you to shatter in his hands, you sobbed into his shoulder, biting down to release some pressure. Your brain felt constricted like your skull was shrinking, your body practically putty in his hands.
He kept bucking up into you, soothing you with soft hands and whispered words while he chased his own release.
“Just alittle more baby, m’sorry.” He whimpered, the coil threatening to snap any second.
“Gonna fill you up just like I promised.” He panted, crushing you in his strong arms as he groaned, hissing through his clenched teeth.
“Atta girl, just like that.” He whined, hot ropes of cum coating your slick walls. “There you go, there it is baby. Just like you wanted.”
His voice low and gravely while he made sure to keep rocking into you, savoring the feeling of your juices mixing with his own salty cum.
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@wickedtactics @tsugumiholic @kingdomhate @burnthecheshirewitch @cherrylooney @star611 @tahliac11 @exquisit3corpse @jeldog @arzua10 @bby-imasociopath @depressed-kay @aliciaasky @naty-1001 @mrsmikaelsxn @lilliethefairy @slut-4-ani @offthethirlwall @slutforhayden @ausskywalker @angelsadmired @slut4starwarssmut @chocolatepalacecloudhoagie @starkiller419 @hearts4mitski4 @no1klet @lethargic @allhailbuckybarnes @shadowhuntyi @bobthe-turmpetman29 @mortalheartache
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storiesfromafan · 24 days
Warm Lazy Summer Day's - Benny x Reader
A/N: this was just a small one-shot, if it can be called a one-shot at 843 words haha. This was something I wrote at work, wishing I was anywhere but there lol.
Warning: fluff
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Warm lazy summer days, those days at the start and end of summer, were its not too hot. Those were the days you loved for the Vandals to host their picnics. It meant enjoying the ride to and from the picnic spot, the wind cool, but not yet chilling. How the children ran around without having to worry about the heat, maybe a cheeky water fight. And best of all was sitting under a large shady tree, the occasional cool breeze caressing your skin. Warm lazy summer days were the best.
Being the afternoon, were everyone was more chilled and relaxed, you gravitated to a big shady tree. Planting yourself at its base, you leaned back against the cool bark, savouring the soothing contact to your sundress and skin. Your shoulders had a slight tinge of pink from the bright sun of the day. You sighed, body relaxing in content. As the day had been fun and sociable.
The day began before midday for you and Benny, showing up on the back of his bike. Passing Vandals, their partners and children, that were running around playing. You spent time with the women, talking and sharing war stories. Before feeding the masses with those women. There was some time spent with Benny, watching those that raced. You joined him and other Vandals in conversation from time to time. You enjoyed being close to your man, how he would wrap an arm around you while holding a beer in his other hand. His head leaning against your own as he listened to Cal tell one of his stories.
When you had had enough of the men talk, you kissed Benny on the cheek and told him you were going to sit down. He nodded his head, removing his arm but his hand running down your arm, fingers caressing your own before leaving you completely. You gave him a bright smile before walking off.
Which brings us back to you currently. Sitting under a shady tree, enjoying the soft breeze, eyes closed. Your Cherry red transistor radio by your side, playing a popular song. Accompanied by the sound of moving leaves and near by laughs of children. You stretched, enjoying how the mixture of noises were so calming. Closing your eyes, you sighed, letting the troubles of life go. The weekend was you time, time to just let the day go by without a care in the world. And that was what you were doing, enjoying the warm summer weather and being at peace. No stress of work, or life or anything. That’s a Monday problem.
Then you felt it, a pair of lips planting a soft, gentle kiss upon your forehead. The all to familiar smell of your favourite male cologne and smoke told you it was just one person: Benny. You smiled at this. Hearing him shuffle around before he sat beside you, but then you felt pressure on your upper thighs. You opened your eyes and saw Benny had stretched out with his head on your lap. You giggled as he laid there, eyes closed and tranquil. His denim vest that sported his colours, removed and laid on the ground beside him. The sleeves of his white t-shirt rolled up.
“Comfy?” You asked him sweetly.
“Mhmm, very much baby" Benny replied with a pleased sigh, tension easing from just laying down by you.
You watched this beautiful man with a soft, euphoric smile. How could one man make you so damn happy? You didn't know, but you weren't complaining. It was these simple moments you look forward too, savour with your very core. Its moments like this, when Benny was relaxed and content, you were able to see another side to him. A side that was vulnerable, tender and unlike the laid back tough guy everyone thought him to be.
Moving your hand, you slowly began to run your fingers threw Benny’s messy golden locks. A noise of approval coming from him, telling you to keep doing that. You continued to play with Benny's hair while leaning your head back against the tree, closing your eyes once more as you went back to listening to the sounds around you.
You felt and heard Benny move around, before the sound of his lighter. He took a drag of his cigarette, blowing out the smoke. Before feeling the same cigarette pressed to your lips, opening your eyes you saw Benny still laying down but holding his smoke up to you. You took it from him, taking a drag. Letting it sit for a moment before releasing it. Returning the smoke to his lips, you went back to playing with his hair. Yes, warm lazy summer days were the best.
Because of the moments you share with the one person you love. Sharing tender moments like this together. Being real and never faking it. Letting the little things shine through, and not having to say many words. Knowing you were each other's person, through and through. This was what you loved about warm lazy summer days.
Taglist: @strayrockette (forgot to tag you haha, but fixed that)
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asumofwords · 1 year
Smoke, Fire and Ash
Warnings: This fic includes noncon, dubcon, manipulation, violence, death, forced marriage, and inc3st. Tags will be added as the fic goes on.
This is a dark!fic. 18+ only. Read at your own discretion. Please read the warnings before continuing.
Summary: You are the eldest daughter of Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen. You are forced to navigate the difficult surroundings of your upbringing and the eventual disintegration between your family and the Hightower's relationship. What will happen when your older and estranged uncle suddenly takes a more sinister interest in you? (Dark!Aemond x Reader)
Characters: Aemond Targaryen X Reader, HOTD characters.
Note: When I say I have loved every single one of your theories, I mean it. Its actually so amazing how much you guys like this and honestly never thought I would get this much love?? CRAZY! Anyway, now we have 7 to go.... Good lord, here we go my babies! Enjoy! <3
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Chapter 103: Without Reason 
The sun had begun to fall beyond the horizon; a low and crawling pace it took as the realm was cast in an orange hue, the warmth of its rays bleeding from the air, and an icy chill settling across the land and into your bones. 
Aemond sat at the end of the council table, both hands on the surface of the wood, clenching and unclenching intermittently. His sharp jaw was set in a firm line, clenched as he looked at his council men, singular eye flicking to the chamber doors and then back again.
“They should have returned by now.” Aemond said quietly, brows furrowed in a way that seemed to be almost permanent.
“The tides pull away from shore, Your Grace.” Larys Strong informed the King, “And a storm seems to be making its way to Kings Landing.”
A storm indeed. 
The envoys of the King, Ser Otto Hightower and Ser Criston Cole had not returned with their men from their voyage to Dragonstone, nor had a raven been sent to inform them of a possible danger, or their incoming arrival/agreeance. 
“We must be ready for anything.” Lord Jasper Wylde began, “Daemon could be out for blood and on his way to Kings Landing as we speak. We must be ready for their arrival from both the skies and sea.” He spoke with urgency.
You sat forward, hand on your stone, “We have not heard word from them yet. My father would not attack the Keep blindly with me inside. I asked them to see reason and told them to bend the knee.” You argued, turning to Jasper to scowl at him.
“Your father is rogue. Not even your mother could keep him in line.”
You bit down on your cheeks as you stared daggers at the man, “He would not put me in harms way. And I asked them, if they are to declare war, that they need tell us first, give warning. They would not risk my life on the gamble of coming here in secrecy.” You sneered.
Maester Orwyle scoffed, “Your parents have not set foot in the Keep to see you since your coming here.”
“Not for a lack of trying, Maester Orwyle.” You snapped, “I have faith that we will receive word shortly, and Ser Otto and Ser Cole will return to us with said word from my mother.”
“You are blinded by your love-“
“-I am blinded by nothing." You snapped, "I speak only of what I know. And I know that we shall receive word for if they will bend the knee, or if they have declared war.”
Alicent picked at her fingers atop the table, her auburn hair pulled back against her head in a large and tight braid, “Rhaenyra would not harm her only daughter. Not even her thirst for the Iron Throne would push her to do that. I believe we should receive word on the morrow.”
Alicent had agreed.
You blinked in surprise, but nodded, inhaling deeply.
Aemond hummed, “My uncle is to be feared, yes, but I have faith in what my Lady wife says. We shall wait for word on the morrow. If we have not received it by the suns peak, we send twenty of our fleet to Dragonstone, ten to Driftmark, and send fifteen battalions to the Red Fork to be readied for any retaliation. Have these ships and men be readied tonight.”
The Lords nodded in agreement, though anxiety filled the chamber rooms.
Your own was stifling.
“And then I shall fly to meet with my half-sister myself.”
Your head snapped to Aemond, and his eye was already on you.
Dread trickled down your spine.
“I shall go with you.” You insisted, fingers rolling your sphere atop the table, “That way-“
Your brows furrowed, and you felt a simmering sense of urgency curl inside your gut.
“If you fly to Dragonstone atop Vhagar, they will see it as a threat, especially now. They will meet you in the skies. You’ll be outnumbered.”
King Aemond’s lips pursed as he looked at you, “Vhagar is larger than any of their dragons combined. She has seen war, and won it. And she will win it again.”
Your breath rattled in your chest, fingers going numb. It was as though your mind had been dunked into fog. Everything around you felt slow, sluggish, unclear. Your throat felt tight, and no matter how many times you swallowed, the lump would not move. 
The muffled sound of voices moved around you as you stared at your husband. 
Your uncle.
Your lover.
The father of your child.
He was going to kill them all.
Your ears rang, and the walls closed in on you.
All this time. 
All this time you had to prepare for this moment.
All this time you had been waiting for it.
And now that it was finally here, you were terrified. 
You blinked, coming back to the room to find it empty, Aemond standing before you, looking down at you in concern. Your mouth opened and closed, and yet no words came out, not even a breath.
“Paghagon.” Breathe, He whispered, a hand cupping your cheek.
You sucked in a large breath as you looked up at him, head spinning. Another shaky inhale rattled in your chest, his thumb swiping against the edge of your lips.
"Iksā ȳgha kesīr.” You are safe here, He cooed.
“Yn skoros nūmāzma ao?” But what about you? Your voice came out so quiet it was like a breeze.
Aemond helped you to stand, and guided you back to the chamber, not answering your question, holding one of your hands in both of his in front of his chest, as though he was keeping you from running, or that he had a fear that you would slip away.
There was a small scratching in the back of your mind as you walked. A tingling that clawed in the back of your skull, inching closer with every step you took. A continual and irksome thing, like a buzzing of a fly, or the hum of a mosquito in the summer. And it was most difficult to ignore. 
For every step you took closer, the more familiar that scratching became. Like fingers that clawed against the bone, it’s scratching becoming louder and louder, until it wasn’t just a hum or clawing noise, and soon it was a whisper.
A familiar whisper, of an all too familiar word, from an all too familiar voice. 
And it grew louder, and louder, and louder.
Aemond had sat you down gently before the fire, a subtle glance thrown back at you as he moved across the chambers to fill a goblet of wine for you to help settle your nerves. But there was no settling them, not when a small and wet, brunette boy stood in front of the fire, dripping atop the hearth.
Not when he kept whispering over, and over, and over again. 
Not when the distant rumbling of a storm began to roll in from the sea. Not when the breeze began to pick up outside, and the temperature within your chambers dropped. Not when you finished your goblet, and then another, and the maids had rushed into the room to close all the windows and balconies as a downpour of rain descended upon Kings Landing. 
Not even then, when you sat opposite Aemond, merely picking at your food could you settle your own storm that raged within you. 
The anxiety.
The terror.
The anger.
The sorrow.
The grief.
And that all too familiar tide of rage.
“I fear war is coming for us after all.” You whispered to Aemond across the table, voice almost drowned out by the rain outside.
The King placed his cutlery down upon the table as he looked at you, “If it is to come to that, then it is by your mothers doing.”
You shook your head, the tide rising within. 
Why couldn’t he see?
Why couldn’t he see what you saw?
“It is your doing. You will not see reason. You would not even give the treaty a chance. Could we have not asked for me to be the next in line for succession? You be my King Consort after my mother has ruled? There must be some other way.”
Aemond sighed, “There is no other way. They either bend, or we war.”
A pit settled into the bottom of your stomach sharply, “And what of me? What will happen to me?”
Aemond reached forward to grasp his goblet, sipping it softly.
“What will happen when we war, Aemond? Will you keep me locked away in this castle like the prisoner I am?”
The King placed the goblet upon the table with more force than was needed, “You are not a prisoner here.”
You scoffed loudly, “I have not been permitted to leave this damned Keep in months! I have not even been permitted to see my dragon. I have been kept here like a brood mare for you to fuck your seed into.”
The silver haired man breathed heavily through his nose, jaw ticking, “You may leave after the war is won.”
Aemond did not respond.
“So you expect me to sit here on my thumbs whilst you wage a war against my family?”
“I expect you to keep yourself and the babe safe.”
“Keeping me trapped in this Keep is no safer than letting me be out there! I will not lose you, Aemond, and I will not lose my family either. I have lost too much already!”
A fist beat against the table, the cutlery and china clinking loudly against each other, “And I will not lose you! Not again.” Aemond growled, his eye dark in the chambers, “I will not have you risk the life of our child. Our heir.”
You frowned, hands flat on the table as you leant forward and sneered, “You already put us at risk by declaring war and not seeing reason!”
Aemond shot up from his chair, fingers stretched across the wood of the table as he looked down at you, his chest heaving, “I have declared nothing! This is war! The very moment you agreed to step into this Keep; they declared war! The very moment they took my eye; they declared war against me and against you! For too long have they kept us apart. Do you think that if Rhaenyra takes the throne that they for one second will allow us to stay wed? Have you thought again on this question, I ponder. Do you think that your father will not cast the first stone to condemn me?”
Aemond’s large hands curled into fists, stepping away from the table, “I will not have you taken from me again, Y/n/n. I will kill anyone that attempts to do so. I will raze the Keep to the ground if I must. The realm, if I must. There is nothing in this world that will keep you from me. Not anymore.”
Your husband turned to face you, his eye crazed and lips pulled downwards into an angry scowl. His posture was stiff, readied, prepped to fight, to lurch forward, jaw tensed and and arms locked.
But it was the look in his eye that scared you most.
And then, his words finally sunk in, like claws in your flesh, tearing at your chest painfully as blood rushed to the surface. As though he had struck you with a thousand blades.
It was painful.
But he was right. 
They would never let you stay wed to him. Your mother would be swift to put him to death for the killing of Lucerys, and no doubt the crimes he committed against you if they knew the truth of it. But they didn’t know him now. 
They didn’t know him as he was the man today. 
Who had helped you. Who had saved you.
Who loved you.
Who you loved.
“I can’t lose you, Aem. I will break.” Your voice crackled, and Aemond came towards you, pulling you up from the table as he looked at you intently, his eye roving over your face. He cupped your cheeks in his hands, fingers stroking the skin. 
“I will kill them all if I must. For you.” He whispered.
The pit in your stomach grew larger, and the lump in your throat, calcified. You opened your mouth to argue, to beg, to plead, but Aemond pulled you forward and crashed his lips to yours, silencing you.
At first, you were shocked, gasping into his mouth, but Aemond’s touch was familiar, calming, and it distracted you from the constant whispers of Lucerys in the background and the thundering rain outside. And so you kissed him back, trying to push down the grief, and fear, and horror that had begun to swallow you whole. 
He was going to kill them all.
You wanted to feel anything but that pain. 
You wanted to feel loved. Feel safe. Feel sure and secure and cherished and above all, you. And Aemond gave that to you. He held you. He made you feel safe. He loved you. And he would protect you from the war that was to come if your mother did not bend the knee.
Aemond pulled apart from you, breathing heavily, his eye still on your lips as his pupil was blown wide with lust, the violet of his eye swallowed into the black abyss. His hand slid from your cheek, down over your chest, cupping one breast through the silk of your gown, a soft moan falling from your lips as he squeezed. 
And then it carried on, making its descent to press against the front of your stomach, holding his palm hotly atop where your womb was, the heat of his hand radiating through the dress and into your skin.
Aemond pressed promises into you with his hand, of reassurance, his love, adoration, and that warmth creeped across your chest and up your throat. 
You smiled warmly at him, holding his hand against you with your own, beneath it, something you had both created. Something the Gods had given to you.
A child.
His child.
And this time, you would not lose it. 
This time, it would be perfect. 
And then there was the other warmth, another one that was all too familiar that had begun to settle into your core as he held his hand there, while his other held your cheek as though you were made of glass. And so you dragged his hand down further from your womb, gathering the skirts of your gown with it, his large fingers slowly making their way under your dress as he kept his eye on you.
His fingers grazed the hair atop your mound, and you thrust your hips forward, a soft sigh falling from your lips.
“Please, show me you love me.” You whispered to him.
His eye was hooded as he looked at you lustfully, fingers diving between your thighs to part your folds, finding you already slick with want. 
Aemond’s plump lips parted, inhaling deeply as he gathered your arousal to drag it back towards your bud, rubbing small circles over the sensitive bundle of nerves, dragging mewl after mewl from you.
It was a heat that spread through your entire body, not just the pleasure, but the love and care he was giving you, the proof of his love, the promise of his violence, and although the latter frightened you, you pushed away the thought to give in to the simple pleasures of flesh.
A singular moment for you to escape the whispers and presence of your brother, to escape the anguish that pulled at your veins, or the sorrow that had begun to burrow its way into your chest. 
For now, you just wanted to feel him. 
Two large fingers pushed into your heat and you moaned, pulling Aemond into a searing kiss where you nipped and sucked at his lips, tasting the wine on his tongue, and feeling the softness of his kiss. He curled his fingers inside you, teasingly rubbing the sensitive patch within you before he pulled back to look at your face. 
“Sīr gevie.” So beautiful, He uttered.
Aemond pulled his fingers from your core, a soft whine falling from your lips as you chased his mouth, the King moving back to escape it, before leading you towards the bed. 
It was a race to undress each other, the seams at the back of your dress ripping as Aemond tore at the ties until the gown fell heavily at your feet.
Then it was his boots, your own, his tunic, your chemise, his breeches, and soon enough, you fell against the bed, pushed down by his two large hands before he pulled you down the edge of the bed by your ankles, a short squeal of delight falling from your lips as he knelt on the stone floor before you. 
You leant up on your elbows looking down at him as he watched you with a hooded eye, tongue darting out to wet his lips before a cheeky smirk lifted upon his face. His hand brushed up your thigh, parting your legs before it continued to travel up, hand spread across your stomach. 
“Ñuha Dāria.” My Queen, Aemond purred, before nipping sharply at your inner thighs with his teeth. 
You gasped as you continued to watch him slowly make his way to where you needed him most. He nipped and kissed at your flesh, soothing the bites with his tongue, lathing at it hotly before he pressed a barely there kiss atop your pearl. 
Your hips thrust up towards him, another gasp falling from your lips as you tried to seek out his mouth again. To seek out the pleasure he always brought you.
The joy and love he showered you with.
Aemond chuckled from where he knelt at the foot of the bed before he placed another kiss there with more pressure, lingering until he opened his mouth and his tongue swiped through your folds hotly. 
You cried out, elbows giving under you as you fell back onto the mattress, hands gripping the sheets as your uncle suckled at your pearl and swirled his tongue around it expertly in the way that you liked it best. 
“Fuck.” You moaned, back arching as sparks of pleasure shot through your core. 
The King hummed into your folds, lapping at it loudly and wetly, messily as he always did in a way that would surely bring you to your peak shortly. His fingers met your core again, swiping between your folds as he continued to focus on your bud, until he pressed them inside of you, immediately curling them upwards.
Aemond fucked you with his hand and tongue, bringing you to your peak with a cry, pleasure coursing through your veins like molten lava. You writhed on the bed below him as he crawled up towards you, kissing a wet and sticky trail from your cunt, all the way up to your breasts.
He kneaded them roughly, sucking a nipple into his mouth greedily which he lapped at with his tongue, teeth grazing the stiffened peak as pleasure rippled across your chest.
“Kesā hōzigon aderī, se kessi nehugon.” You will swell soon, and they will leak, He groaned, swapping to the other breast, showing it the same amount of attention as the other. 
You moaned loudly, pulling him closer to your chest, hand gripping his hair tightly.
“Fuck.” You whined, hips rolling up against him, feeling his heavy length rest against your thigh, a drop of his arousal sticking to your skin. 
Aemond groaned, nipping the flesh of your breast sharply before capturing your lips in a passionate kiss.
"Going to watch you swell with my child. Then I’ll fuck another into you. Going to keep you full of my seed.”
Your heart soared at the thought of having many children with him, adding to your lust. The image of you and your husband surrounded by small little heads of silver.
You lifted your hips, wrapping a leg around him as you tried to pull him closer to you, “Please, Aemond.”
Grasping his length in his hand, he rubbed it through your folds, coating himself in your slick before lining himself up. With one long thrust, Aemond seated himself fully within you, stretching you apart on his cock as your walls gripped him tightly.
“Fuck. Such a perfect cunny.” The King hissed, pulling out of your warmth before thrusting back inside. 
You bit your lip, pleasure blooming within your walls, “Yes. Please. Fuck, Aemond.”
His hips snapped against yours, cock drilling into your cunt sharply as the tip of his length brushed over your spongey spot within, the coil within you beginning to tighten. The sound of your arousal filled the air around you as he plunged inside.
“Sīr qogralbar lōz syt nyke. Va moriot sīr lōz.” So fuck wet for me. Always so wet, He grunted, and you could feel the sheets below you soaked and clinging to the skin of your ass.
“Īlē vēttan syt nyke. Īlen vēttan syt ao. Jaes' nyke jorrāelagon bisa orvorta.” You were made for me. I was made for you. Gods I love this cunt.
You nodded as you whined, wrapping both legs around his hips, allowing for him to reach deeper within you, “Yes, Aemond, only for you. ‘m yours.” The angle brought you closer to your peak, your walls clenched around him in a vice grip.
Aemond hissed, feeling you begin to near your second release, and dragged a hand down your body, pulling back to spit wetly atop your core. 
You felt his spit land atop your pearl and dribble down and around his shaft, where it was fucked back inside of you. His fingers moved to your pearl, sitting back on his haunches to rut into you at sharper angle so he could watch you come undone from above. 
Aemond’s fingers swirled around your bud, drawing the coil within you tighter, and tighter.
“So close. Fuck, so good Aemond. Always so good. Fuck. I love you.” You whimpered, keeping your eyes locked on your husbands face, who looked down at you with determination.
“Want you to spill on my cock. Come on, give it to me.”
You bit down on your lip hard as the shifting of his hips brought a deeper pleasure, something that settled much deeper in your gut than before. It built rapidly, and hotly and Aemond continued to swirl his hand in the tempo of his hips which he thrust upwards into your core. 
It washed over you in an instant, no warning of its arrival nor telling of its destination. But it filled your limbs with flames, your entire body clenching as it crashed over your head. Your eyes were scrunched shut as you threw your head back, a long whimpering whine pealing from your lips as you reached your peak. 
Wet coated Aemond’s cock and thighs, dripping down onto the bed below as he cooed and praised you.
“Konīr jā. Konīr iksi. Sȳz riña. Ao gōntan sīr sȳz syt nyke. Sȳz riña.” There you go. There we are. Good girl. You did so good for me. Good girl.
You whimpered beneath him, almost in a daze as your core continued to spasm around him, Aemond not once letting up. His hand left your pearl to give you some reprieve, but his thrusts sped up, hips clapping against yours wetly as you were jolted up the bed. 
Aemond chased his release, hands gripping your hips tightly as he pulled you back down onto his length, using your body to fuck him like a limp doll. His thrusts became erratic, and he jerked one final time inside of you as deep as he could go, the warmth of his seed filling your walls with each erratic spurt. 
He moaned lowly, followed by a small whine.
You watched him from below, his chest rising and falling, a sheen of sweat over his body, head thrown back with his eye shut, plump mouth hung open inhaling deeply.
The low light of the chambers shone on his body and accentuated the muscles of his form. Your eyes roamed his pale skin, from the scar atop his shoulder where you had plunged the shard of mirror into the flesh, to the countless others that littered his body.
His hair seemed to glow in the moonlight and light of the candles, long and straight down his back, two smaller braids which had come undone from your hands, pulled apart strand by strand with the desire to devour each other in your matrimonial bed.
His jaw was so much sharper than what it used to be, so harsh and angled. Strengthened by the constant clenching of his teeth, the biting of his tongue, grown handsome by time. His nose, much the same, sharp and long to match the rest, but his lips were different. They were soft, and plump, and alluring if you were given the opportunity to get close enough, but even they could be sharp with his sneers or scowls, or the words that he hissed through clenched teeth. 
Aemond puffed out another breath of air, his chest slowly evening, thumbs rubbing soothing circles against your hips as he kept himself deep inside. His head dropped to look down at you, and you were met with the whole of his face, much softer now at this angle, but still razor sharp. 
But it was his eye that was the softest of all.
Not the one scarred by loss, its cruel jagged line that cut through his cheek and brow, causing pain still to this day from an injury that happened many years before. Not the darkened skin and empty socket which he filled with a large sapphire in its stead. 
His seeing eye.
Violet like lavender, lilac, or petunias in spring. Violet like the skies in summer when the sun had begun to set, and night began to creep across the realm, casting a blanket of darkness over all, until the sun would rise to meet it once again. 
Not like Helaena, or Aegon’s eyes. 
Not like your mother or fathers. 
But his. 
Just his.
Just him.
Your Aemond.
His own unique colour that you had grown more, and more fond of. A colour you had adored and loved as a child. A colour which you had looked forward to gazing into as you hid amongst the shadows, or played amongst the flowers of the Gardens. 
Your heart raced in your chest as you looked at him, watching as a small smile pulled onto his lips, a rarest of sights, as he dipped down, pressing the softest of kisses, a kiss to match the way his eye had looked into yours, upon your lips with ease.
It was love.
When you were both settled into the sheets once more, pressed and curled against his chest, feeling the glow of your peak slowly seep away from your body, you felt him drift to sleep beside you, leaving you awake in his arms.
And as you lay in bed with him, dread settled into your chest.
Hope was a fools ally, and you found that you had none left.
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Thanks so much for reading along with me, if you wish to be added to the tag list please let me know :) Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated ! Enjoy <3
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Bold is who I cannot tag!
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I have an alternate universe Buggy that's been ratallng around in my head. A female Buggy that's like Taylor Swift, so she got into music and wants to be a singer. She spent most of her time on the Oro building up her guitar and piano skills. She stole the guitar from the musician(was aware but let it happen) and begged Roger to get a piano. She didn't inherently have the greatest vocals and got teased, specifically by Shanks. Dreams of being in front of a crowd cheering her on and singing her songs. Those dreams are what drive her. It goes hand in hand with canon Buggy’s inferiority complex and constantly seeking attention to be a star.
The reason I can imagine it is because Buggy would be the kind to right the most unhinged lyrics that TS is known for. Also a lot of her lyrics reflect Buggy.
Mirrorball - And they called off the circus Burned the disco down When they sent home the horses And the rodeo clowns I'm still on that tightrope I'm still trying everything to get you laughing at me I'm still a believer but I don't know why I've never been a natural All I do is try, try, try I'm still on that trapeze I'm still trying everything To keep you looking at me
Me! - I know that I'm a handful, baby, uh I know I never think before I jump And you're the kind of guy the ladies want (And there's a lot of cool chicks out there) I know that I went psycho on the phone I never leave well enough alone And trouble's gonna follow where I go (And there's a lot of cool chicks out there)
Karma - ‘Cause karma is my boyfriend Karma is a god Karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend Karma's a relaxing thought Aren't you envious that for you it's not? Sweet like honey, karma is a cat Purring in my lap 'cause it loves me Flexing like a goddamn acrobat Me and karma vibe like that Ask me what I learned from all those years Ask me what I earned from all those tears Ask me why so many fade, but I'm still here (I'm still, I'm still here)
peace - Our coming-of-age has come and gone Suddenly the summer, it's clear I never had the courage of my convictions As long as danger is near And it's just around the corner, darling ‘Cause it lives in me No, I could never give you peace
long story short - Fatefully I tried to pick my battles 'til the battle picked me Misery Like the war of words I shouted in my sleep And you passed right by I was in the alley, surrounded on all sides The knife cuts both ways If the shoe fits, walk in it 'til your high heels break
Never Grow Up - And no one's ever burned you Nothing's ever left you scarred And even though you want to Just try to never grow up
So here I am in my new apartment In a big city, they just dropped me off It's so much colder than I thought it would be So I tuck myself in and turn my nightlight on Wish I'd never grown up I wish I'd never grown up
Endgame - I hit you like, "Bang" We tried to forget it, but we just couldn't And I bury hatchets but I keep maps of where I put 'em Reputation precedes me, they told you I'm crazy I swear I don't love the drama, it loves me
The whole of Dear Reader and most of Anti Hero. New Romantics just sounds like a pirate anthem. So definitely something Buggy would write.
Here are the albums that would be about different exes. The exes that had a lasting impact on her.
Red Hair Shanks - Debut, Fearless, and Red
Donquixate Doflamongo - Speak Now, a little of Fearless and Red.
Charlotte Katakuri - Speak Now
Sir Crocodile - 1989
Sakazuki/Akainu -folklore, evermore
Dracula Mihawk - reputation, Lover, folklore, evermore
Midnights is a mix of them. Also she falls back in love with Mihawk and Crocodile after they form the Cross Guild.
Her exes have a hard time forgetting her and its made even worse by their enemies using the songs about them to torment them. It also doesn't help that their subordinates and families listen to her songs too. I'm still figuring out the timeline. Akainu happens before Mihawk but she is so hurt by him that she wasn't able to write any songs about him until much later.
None of this is a commentary on Taylor Swift or her personal life. Just my interpretations and how they'd fit.
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
Head Filled With Demons Part 3 (Steddie X You)
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A/N with Warnings: Demon Steddie and Human Fem Reader.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Read my warning and heed what I'm telling you. This chapter (kind of like the others) deals a lot with grief. With Eddie in part 2 it was grief of a partner and in this one its the grief of a parent. The guys do give her memories of her and her parents and reader does talk about her pain of losing her father. Yes he dad passes. I dont want you going in blind to that.
A lot of her feelings in the beginning are based off of my own when my dad passed away.
If this triggers you (which I completely understand) DO NOT read further. It is only in the beginning but still.
SMUT (DP, Steddie gets intimate, dom qualities seep through especially between them, choking, scolding, I think that's it), Angst, I am me so there is all the angst, Besides the mentions above there is talk about the grief of losing their realm (their home) , Steve talks a lot about feeling lonely and his guilt over not being able to protect his friends, Eddie talks about feeling their predicament is his fault. A war from their world is talked about and a vision is shown about how Steve saved Eddie <3, there is a cliffhanger ending so enjoy that :)
Fluff of course, they care about her and vise versa. There is also a lot of love mentioned and expanding on between these two demons.
Word Count: 7976
“Y/N. Y/N, sweetie. Wake up.”
You grumble at the sound of your father’s voice before fully sitting up. “Dad. Oh my goodness. Are you ok?”
“Yes, baby. I’m fine. I haven’t felt this good in a long time actually.”, he chuckles as his finger brushes your hair behind your ear like he always did when you were little. “Come here. I want to show you something.”
Without waiting, he exits your room as you throw off your blankets. Suddenly remembering where you were the night prior, your hands flew down expecting to feel the silky red fabric but you breathed a sigh of relief when you saw your pajama shorts and tank top.
When you entered the living room, you found your dad staring out the front window. Once again, Hawkins was engulfed in flames but this time it didn’t frighten you. You had come to see this sight so many times that you were beginning to feel numb to it. 
“I asked them to look after you for me; your friends.”
“Dad, they aren’t going to be here for too long.”
He smiles as he turns away from the glass and takes your hand in his. “Your mom used to say that about you. ‘Honey, you have to enjoy the kid years because they aren’t here for too long. Soon she’ll be off to college and married.’” 
When his gaze shifted, you reached to bring it back to yours. 
“Dad, I don’t blame you for how my life is. This isn’t your fault. I love seeing you every day and spending time with you.”
He nods, grasping your other hand. “I guess this task you have to complete is the last time you’ll be taking care of someone. Funny it would be the whole world.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Promise me, Y/N, when this is over that you’ll finally live your life for you and be happy.”
“When what is over? Dad? Wait…”
After kissing your forehead, he released you from his hold and started heading for the kitchen where your mother was waiting with a smile of her own. 
“Don’t be too hard on them, Y/N. This isn’t their fault.”
“What isn’t?! No! Come back! Don’t leave me here alone!”
As they walk down the hallway, sunlight blinds you as you fall to your knees.”
Your eyes shoot open and you promptly jump out of bed to run to your father’s room. 
“Honey, hang on a minute—” Steve tries to stop you as you push him out of the way. His head hangs as Eddie glares towards the opposite end of the house. He closes his eyes as they hear you scream and listen to you sob.
“Miss Y/L/N?”, Detective Hopper said your name with so much delicacy as he kneeled in front of you from your place on the couch. “I…I know how hard this is for you right now but I want you to know if you need anything, of course, feel free to come by the station. We have, uh, services that can help you and you’re not alone.”
You nodded without saying a word causing him to sigh as he stood up and headed out the door. Once everyone was gone, you headed for your father’s bedroom and laid down on his mattress, inhaling his smell. Steve’s hand caressed your leg but you barely felt it; you couldn’t feel anything.
Eddie sits in front of you and music suddenly fills the area. Glancing his way, you notice a guitar in his hands as he gently began plucking the strings. His soothing voice began to sing and you feel your body practically melt into the mattress as your soul calmed and your eyes closed. 
“You're just too good to be true Can't take my eyes off of you You'd be like Heaven to touch I wanna hold you so much.”
Your mother gathers her things and jacket as she heads out of the dressing room door.
“Um excuse me. I…”, your fathers words trailed off as she stopped to face him. “I just, um, I… oh shit!”, the man cursed as he tripped over his feet and fell onto the ground right in front of the beautiful ballerina. 
“Oh no. Are you alright?”, she giggles as she helps him up.
“Yeah, um, I guess I’m not as graceful as you are with your feet.” Her grin grows as a happy sigh leaves his lips at the sight. “I just wanted to tell you that I think you did great out there. You dance very, uh, very well.”
“Thank you.” Her eyes scan his as he nervously nods, scolding himself as he turns to walk the other way and leave her alone to hide from the shame. “Hey, I was going to grab some food. Would you like to join me?”
“At long last, love has arrived And I thank God I'm alive You're just too good to be true Can't take my eyes off of you.”
Your father sings those lyrics to your mother as they dance together in their wedding wardrobe. 
“You’re such a goofball.”
“Yeah, but I’m YOUR goofball.”, he smiles wide as he spins her and her dress twirls. 
“Till death do us part.” She leans forward to kiss him, giggling when he lifts her off the ground.
Guests clap as they join them on the dance floor and begin swaying to the music. 
“When do you think we should spring the news on them about the baby?”
“I love you, baby And if it's quite alright I need you, baby To warm the lonely night I love you, baby Trust in me when I say.”
“Daddy!”, six-year-old you cries as you run into the house. 
“Oh no, sweetheart. What happened?” Your father meets you halfway lifting you up onto the counter. 
“I fell.” He makes a small hm noise as he inspects your bloody knee. 
“That’s ok, my love. We can make it all better.” Reaching above you, your dad grabs the band aids and rag that he quickly wets before coming back to you to clean you up. 
“You know, mommy falls all the time when she’s practicing.” He poses like a ballerina, making you giggle. “But she gets right back up and keeps dancing.” After placing the bandage over your cut, he leans in to kiss the top before kissing your forehead. “Alright, go get back out there and keep playing!”
“Oh, pretty baby Don't bring me down, I pray Oh, pretty baby Now that I've found you, stay And let me love you, baby Let me love you.”
“My daughter; the high school graduate. I’m so proud!” 
You roll your eyes playfully as your dad snaps another picture.  
“Dad, it’s not a big deal.”
“It is! You worked hard to get here and I know your mom is smiling down from heaven agreeing with me. I heard our song on the radio this morning so I know. ‘I love you, baby. Trust in me when I say.’” You grin as he sings and tries to dance with you before he begins to cough. “No, no. I’m fine. It’s fine.”, he shoos as you rub his back.
“This is your day, honey. Come on. Let this old man take you to dinner and then I’ll set you free to hang out with your friends.”
The music stopped as your eyes opened to both demon’s looking down at you tenderly. Eddie’s hand reached out to touch your cheek and you immediately broke as you sobbed. Falling to his back, he pulled you to his side and held you tightly to him as Steve laid behind you, wrapping his arms around you to do the same.
“Y/N, sweetheart.” Eddie tries to pet your head but you shuffle away from him as you roll over in bed. 
“Honey, we don’t want to push you but we’re on week two here. You have to kill another person.” 
They both sigh aggressively as you pull the blankets over your head. Abruptly the covers disappear and you find yourself standing in the bathroom in front of the mirror with them on either side of you. 
“Maybe we can go for a walk outside, get some sun, find a victim. You know, fun stuff.”
“Stop it.”, you scold Steve as you try and leave but he blocks you with his body. 
“Y/N, you have to do this.”
“Fuck off, Steven.”, you sneered. It took all of his energy to hold down his temper as his eyes met your own. 
“I know you’re in an immense amount of pain, Y/N. I’m really fucking sorry about that. If there was anything we could have done, I swear we would have. That being said, you still have a responsibility to save the world.”
“Why?” His eyebrows furrowed together at your question. “My world is gone. Why should I help all these fucking assholes especially the assholes in this stupid, greedy fucking town! Fuck them! Let them suffer.”
“That’s not what your parents would have wanted.”
“Oh, fuck you, Eddie! You both didn’t know my mom and you met my dad once! You have no idea what the fuck they wanted!”
“How quick you forget, little one. We can see into your soul. We may not have been there but we saw and felt everything because you did.” His ring lace palm lands on your chest. “They were both good people like you and wanted what’s best for you. They would not have wanted you to die burning with the world.”
You exhale heavily as you push down the urge to cry again. “Fine. I’ll go for a fucking walk.”
You stroll with your head down in no particular direction and since they succeeded in at least getting you out of the house your demons don’t pester you but remain close behind. It isn’t until you hear the gravel under your feet that one of them finally speaks. 
“What is the point of a high school?” Pausing you turn to glance at them, finding their eyes looking at the building behind you as Steve continues. “I mean, you guys have the little kid school and a middle one but then you have a high one? It feels excessive.” 
“Demons don’t have schools?”
“Uh, not exactly. I mean, we have training or Steve and I did rather. It kind of depends on what you plan to do.”
“So you’re telling me you two planned to be killers?”
They blinked as their gaze shifted back to you. “Again…not exactly.”
You walked over to one of the side doors, huffing when you find it locked. With a quick snap, they open and the three of you wonder inside. 
“My father wasn’t royalty like the king but he was respected. He was kind of like humans version of a general or captain. The princess’s father told him where he wanted us and he made sure things got done. He wanted me to be just like him.”
“Which is ironic because I don’t think your dad ever killed one thing a day in his long miserable life.”, Eddie muses as he touches some of the assignments hanging along the school walls. “Who needs this stuff? Fucking quadratic formula?” He grins when he notices you smile. 
“You didn’t want that, Steve?”
“I don’t know what I wanted. Honestly, I don’t really think I had a choice.”
“What about you, Eddie?”
“I like singing and playing my instrument. That’s what I wanted to do with my existence but… I mean you do what you have to do.”
“Why did you have to hurt people?”
“Demons and creatures. Not people, sweetheart. We don’t usually play here in this realm, not our kind anyway. Um, so my father was I guess what you would call a deserter. There was a big war in our realm a LONG time ago and he, uh, he ran. Demons like Steve found him and brought him back. He, as far as I know, is still being tortured in a king’s cell. I offered to take his place in the army; youngest demon to do so.”
“That must have been hard. Your mom didn’t protest?”
“Kind of like yours, princess, mine died awhile back.”
You turn to Steve who softly smiles. “Mine did everything and anything my dad wanted so what I did or wanted didn’t really matter.”
You guys enter the cafeteria and they marvel at the simplicity of it.
“When did you two meet?”
“When he volunteered, I kept an eye on him. No offense, buddy, but in the beginning, you weren’t the fighter type.”
“That’s fair.”, Eddie giggles as he hops onto a table and walks along it. 
“Out on the field he sacrificed himself to protect one of the younger ones and was about to die before I saved him.”
The metalhead looking demon clasped his hands together dramatically. “My hero.”
Steve playfully scrunches his nose at him as they both grin.
“Can I see it?”
“Are you sure you want to? There’s some violence. You hated that last time.”
“It’s ok. I want to see.”
He nods at your request and as soon as he snaps his fingers you find yourself on a red stained battlefield. Something screeched above your head and you ducked down nearly missing the winged creature that soared by. Off in the distance, you saw a young boy with a sword fighting a demon twice his size. He was doing alright until you noticed someone sneaking up behind him. 
“Kid, look out!”, you screamed but you voice had an echo. Someone else had shouted the same thing at the same time. Before you could fully register what was happening Eddie swished past you and his sword blocked the other demon’s from hurting the young boy. 
The kid continued to fight the being in front of him as Eddie fell backwards, his weapon keeping the other from penetrating his body. 
“Eddie! Hang on, man. I’m coming.”
“No…rush…Dustin. Take your time.”, he hissed through gritted teeth. Suddenly, the demon above him grunted before collapsing to the side. Steve spit on the ground beside him before tugging his weapon out of the thing’s skull and extending his hand to his new friend. 
“That was brave. Stupid but brave.”
“Thank you? You always have a way with words, Steven.” Eddie points towards the boy who finally slays his monster and beams over at them with pride. “Aren’t you their protector?”
“Yes, but this one keeps ignoring my advice.”
“Oh, come on. You’re not that mad at me.”
“I miss that little fucker.”, Eddie sighs as you guys head towards the hallway.
“What happened to him?”
“He’s still there in our realm. When we left, he was just starting a little family of his own.”, Steve smiled but you could see the pain behind it.
“So, it really has just been you two for all this time.” They nod but notice you make a thinking face as you enter the front office.
“What was that there? What are you thinking about, sweetheart?” 
“I’ve been meaning to ask you guys something but I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
Their eyes narrow in your direction as they take a seat in the chairs in front of the principal’s desk and cross their legs. 
“Well, have at it, little one.”
“You won’t disappear?”
“Scouts honor.”, Steve chuckles as he crosses his heart. 
You grin as you sit in the comfy chair across from them. “When we were together last time, I, um, I thought I saw you two kissing and touching each other.”
Neither moves nor do they take their eyes off you.
“What’s your question, honey?”
“Is what I saw…real?”
Their heads tilt at the same time and you cross your own legs to suffocate the ache the sight gives you. 
“When you spend…a millennia alone with one other being…things happen.” You can tell Eddie is choosing his words carefully but so were you so you couldn’t be annoyed about it. This past week had been one of the worst weeks of your life. You felt so numb and was desperate to feel something, anything. Even if that was them getting angry with you.
“Do you two fuck each other?”, you ask bluntly. 
“Yes.” You’d be lying if you said you weren’t surprised by Steve’s equally blunt honesty. 
“Do you enjoy it?”
“Yes.”, Eddie answers. 
“Were you always intimate? Even in your realm.”
“Answer me.”
“We did.”, Steve growls but it wasn’t exactly an angry growl. You had heard that before from them. This was protective; like with Eddie’s memories of his princess, for them this was personal. 
“Do you trust me?”, you ask and they shift their gaze to each other. 
“You don’t understand, Y/N.”
“Help me to, Ed.” 
“Honey, do you know the last time we were out like this? 1932. Before that? 1885.”
“Maybe you can use some of that math you learned from high school to find out how much time Steve and I spend alone.”
“Even then, we meet you people and it’s never for long. Eddie and I are each other’s constant. We understand each other and what we’ve been through…what we are STILL going through.”
“What can you show me?”
Steve snickers at your question. “Nothing because it’s none of your damn business, little girl.”
“Why?”, Eddie asks causing his friend to whip his head in his direction. “Why do you want to see it? To get off?”
Without hesitation you shake your head. “I want to understand. I want to help if I can.”
Both their eyes soften at your confession. “We’re here for you, sweetheart, you don’t need to help us.”
“Ok. No, I understand. I just want you to know that if…if you two want to be together when you…when we…I don’t mind.” You smile at them as you stand up and exit the principal’s office. As soon as you walk through the doorway, however, you look around to realize you’re in the hall of your home. 
Two hands grip your shoulders as fingers snap and images flash in front of your eyes. Since they can’t show you within the stone and where they stay, all you are able to see are flashes of small intimate moments like the one you experienced with them but with other beings who had summoned them. 
“Fuck…” This was different than the other visions they gave you. This was like when they fucked you and you felt your soul leave your body before your climax brought you back to earth. “Why…oh… oh my…feel…”
You felt the feelings heighten as your core warmed between your legs. Steve’s voice cut through your euphoria but he sounded so far away. 
“Because this is us. The way we feel about each other…is the way we feel about you, baby. Can you see it? The love we have for each other?”
A woman in a long fancy thirties style gown drops to her knees, taking his cock into her mouth. Eddie removes the demon’s jacket, throwing it to the side before leaning his forehead on Steve’s back and wraps his arms around to his chest. 
“Fuck, yes, honey.”, he groans as the demon places tender kisses along his back. 
Eddie pushes the man over the end of the bed and roughly thrusts into him. As his eyes close, Steve turns his friend’s head and kisses his lips as their tongues mingle together. Their hands caress each other’s face before pulling away as he pumps into him harder.
The pressure builds in your stomach as you feel the coil beginning to wind. 
As you sleep, they lay on either side of you, gently caressing you before Steve reaches out to touch Eddie’s cheek. 
“Are you ok? I know it’s been a while since you’ve talked about her.”
“Yeah, I’m okay. I’m just thinking about Y/N. I don’t want to leave her, Steve. She actually fucking cares about us. It’s been so long since I felt that.”
The demon leans over and places a kiss on his lips. 
“I know. I don’t want to either but…no matter what happens…you’ll have me.”
The ball in your belly explodes as you begin to scream but it’s muffled by a palm as you blink back into reality. They were both standing in front of you with Steve’s hand in your jeans as his fingers continued to thrust you through your climax. 
“Atta girl. Come back, sweetheart. Come back to us.”, Eddie cooed as he removed his own hand from your mouth. 
Your panicked eyes began to look around as you pushed them both out of the way and ran to the living room. The metalhead looking demon appeared suddenly in front of you and captured you in his arms. 
“Y/N, it’s ok, baby. You’re ok. Calm down.”
You turned around and smacked him, startling him as he dropped you to the ground. Your hair blocked your face as you pushed up on your hands and knees, heaving as you tried to catch your breath. 
“Y/N, baby girl. Breathe. Talk to me. What’s happening?”, Steve asked in a stern protector filled voice. “I know this may be a bit of a shock but you’re scaring us.”
The room suddenly goes silent before your exasperated laugh fills the area. Falling to your side, he pushed your hair out of the way. 
“Yeah? That’s funny?”, the demon smiles. “We’ve never shown anyone that before. What happened? Was it too much?”
“Do you two…recognize that it’s more…than love?”
Eddie slides down the to the floor, handing you a glass of water that you thanked him for. 
“What do you mean, princess?”
You shakily sat up, their hands shooting out to help you. “I didn’t just feel the affection. I felt…the pain of being lonely…missing home. Of no one understanding you and what you went through. As…as I saw the later years, I felt the need and wanting to be left alone. I felt Steve’s anger at feeling out of control and your guilt, Eddie, over feeling like him being here was your fault.”
You started to cry again as you continued. “Then I felt how you feel about me. Please…please don’t love me. I don’t want you to hurt like that again.”
Steve almost aggressively pulled you into his arms, holding you tightly to his chest. All Eddie could do was stare as he watched you shake in his friend’s embrace. A week ago, you had just lost someone who meant the world to you. Someone you had cared for most of your adult life. Within under 2 weeks, you needed to kill two more people, something you never meant to do or become to save humanity. You had been used for your kindness by so many people, yet you were still so empathetic and willing to help. 
You had every reason to become bitter and angry, yet even now you weren’t thinking about how after the timer ends, they would disappear from your life to. You were worried about how that was going to destroy them. They had never met demons or creatures from what you humans referred to as hell but looking at you now he was pretty sure he was in love with an angel from heaven. 
“Thank you.”
Both their eyes shifted up to from their place at the dining room table to look at you. After they calmed you down, they were finally able to get you to sit and eat something even though you protested the entire time insisting you weren’t hungry. 
“Thank you for trusting me enough to show me that. Like I said, I don’t mind if you two—”
“You’re welcome.”, Steve cut you off with a tight smile.
You understood without him needing to explain. You felt how important that bond with his friend was. Their current lives revolved around serving people and this was something that was theirs; something no one could take from them. 
“Can I ask you one more question and I promise to leave you alone for tonight?”
They nod, preparing themselves for whatever was about to come. 
“Did my dad ask you to watch over me?” Eddie heavily sighed as Steve nodded again. “C-can I…?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. You’ve been through so much tonight already.”
“Please, Edward. Please.”, you beg. His eyes lock with yours at the sound of his name. He blinks as a tear escapes them and you notice his irises are no longer brown but his red demon eyes. “I’m sorry. Are you…are you angry?”
He adamantly shakes his head. “No, baby, I’m not angry. I just don’t want to see you hurt anymore.” 
You rise from your seat and find home in his lap as you keen into his neck, wrapping your arms around him. 
His hand tenderly pets your head, running his fingers through your hair as he holds you close. 
The sound of him snapping echoes from behind you and as you look up towards the other end of the table, you see your father coughing as you run towards the bedroom to get his medicine. 
His palm reaches out to grip Steve’s arm and the demon covers it with his own hand comfortingly. 
“My daughter must…like you two if she…brought you home. Since I got sick, people stopped… coming by.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. You two are amazing people.”
He grins at Eddie’s compliment. “Look after her for me…please. She deserves to be loved and cared for the way she does with everyone else.”
Steve nods as he leans closer to him. “Everything’s going to be alright, sir. I promise.”
Your father starts to cough again as you reappear with his medication. 
“Ok, let’s get you to bed and then tomorrow we can go back out to look for lucky person number 2.”
“I have to go back to work tomorrow.”
“Even better. Definitely likely to find someone in that shitty environment.”, Eddie softly smiles down at you as he lifts you up and brings you to your bedroom.
“Can we—”
“No. Not tonight.”, Steve cuts you off again, this time with a bit more anger.
“I don’t care if it’s my way or the demon way. I just want you both. Please Steven. Please…”
An aggressively angry growl came up from his stomach making you jump as you hid behind Eddie’s shoulder. They both exchanged a look that seemed to make the other demon angrier. 
“No, Eddie.”
“Steve, it’s ok.”
“It’s not fucking ok!” He abruptly disappeared until you heard frustrated grunts in the kitchen. “Goddamn it, Edward! Fucking stop!”
Eddie sighed as he calmly grabbed your hand and walked with you back out towards the area.
“She’s not even asking for that! Didn’t we show her enough?!” Steve tries to leave again and you watch as he blips from the kitchen into the living room. The demon turns around to face his friend, stalking towards him, and grabbing his throat as he shoves him against the nearby wall. 
“Steve, Eddie stop! It’s ok.”
Eddie raises his palm in your direction, silencing you as he stares at the other demon. 
“What are afraid of, Steve? Hm?” His nose brushes against the tip of his. “Come on, baby, tell me.”
“Y/N…you felt it…you’ve seen it. EVERYTHING we’ve been through.”, he shakily exhales. “What you didn’t see were the angry nights when the cabin fever sets in. The nightmares of home and memories of things we no longer have. Those nights where I just feel so out of fucking control. This demon, my friend, he keeps me sane. He holds me on those days I can’t stop shaking from just wanting to tear our fucking environment to the ground. The first time we were together…it was the first time in a long while I felt safe.” Steve chuckles as he leans back and lets Eddie go. 
“It’s kind of funny, huh? A demon being scared and lonely.” He glances your way before shifting to his feet. “I’m afraid of that changing. I don’t want that safe feeling he gives me to go away.”
You tackle him into your arms, squeezing him tightly to you. “I would never do that. I would never change what you two have. You’re safe with me to, Steven. I promise.” 
The two demon’s eyes meet, continuing to stare at each other as Eddie takes your hand and places it on his groin. 
“Go ahead, sweetheart. Get us started and we’ll do the rest.”
As you sink to your knees, their clothes disappear as their cocks come into view in front of your face. 
“Y/N.”, Eddie says your name sternly as he quickly grips your wrist. “We may lose control here in the sense of keeping up our appearances. If you get scared or you feel unsafe, I want you to say ‘red’, okay?” Their eyes remain focused on one another but you notice Steve’s chest deflate as he exhales. 
“Yes, sir. Say red if I get scared or feel unsafe.”
“Good girl, princess.” With that the demon releases his hold on you, capturing his friend’s cheeks and bringing his lips to his own. 
Gripping both of them you stroke and suck their lengths as they groan above you. When your eyes glance at them, their tongues mingle together as Eddie takes hold of the other demon’s throat. Their cocks get harder in your hands at the action.
“Since when do you shove me against a wall and tell me what to do? Huh, little boy?”, Eddie murmurs roughly against his lips. “I may have given you too much control up here.”
“Fuck-- I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.”
Eddie whispered something in his ear that you couldn’t hear but whatever it was made Steve growl like he did before in the forest. He nodded before abruptly leaning down to lift you into his arms and carry you to the couch. After tearing off your clothes, he places you vertically before sinking down on his knees and pushing your legs wide open as his tongue licked a few stripes between your folds. 
“Oh, Steve!”
The demon promptly sat up straight as his palm shot out to slap you before roughly grabbing your cheeks. 
“You’ve been saying my name properly all fucking day with an attitude or with that pathetic little pout. Now when I’m between your legs making you feel good you suddenly don’t feel the need?!”
“I’m sorry, Steven. I won’t do it again. Please, don’t stop.”
Without a word, his lips wrap around your clit as he sucks and flicks at the little bud. Eddie lowers himself behind him, pulling his hips flush with his own as he kisses up Steve’s back. His arms wrap around to his chest as he trusts forward making the other demon moan loudly into your cunt. 
You tried to keep your eyes open as you watched Eddie pump into him, your fingers threading through his hair as his head pushed up into the feeling. 
“Come on, Steven. Make our pretty girl—mmm—make her cum. Make her cum and I’ll allow you to, my good boy.”
Steve pushed his mouth deeper into you like a man possessed. With every grunt and flick, he had you coming undone. 
“Yes, Steven! I’m gonna…” Your body trembled as you came. As the aftershocks coursed through you, you opened your eyes noticing his head was hung as Eddie thrust into him harder. Sliding to the floor between his arms, you placed his head in the nook of your neck as you ran your fingers through his hair. 
You felt it as soon as his forehead touched your flesh, his demon skin mixed with sweat. Your nails ran down his back as the other demon leaned back on his knees, holding his waist as he groaned. His eyes locked with yours as he felt Steve tighten around him as he came, you pressing his face into your throat as he panted.
Eddie carefully pulled out and collapsed on top of him as he reached beneath him to massage his chest. 
“Good boy, Steven. Very good. You feel so fucking good when you cum. Come on. We aren’t done yet.”
Without looking at you, Steve got up to sit on the couch beside you and lift you onto his lap. “Hold-hold open your ass for me, honey, and lean forward a bit.”
“You promise you’ll go slow?”
One of his palms lightly wrap around your throat as he tugs you against him where his lips are waiting. “I promise.”, he whispers and you nod before doing what he asked.
Gripping the base of his cock, he gradually pushes the tip into you causing you both to hiss; him more than you.
“It’s ok, Y/N. You’re doing good, sweetheart. Look at me.” A loud, deep snarl from behind startles you and on instinct you try to turn around but Eddie quickly cups your face in his hands. “No, no. I said look at me not him.”
“Fuck. Is he ok?”
“Yeah, baby girl. He’s fine. Maybe a little overstimulated but…”, he grins. “How does he feel?”
“You’re not wrong.”, Eddie chuckles as he caresses your face, watching you carefully as his friend finally bottoms out. You whine at the fullness as he bends towards you to kiss your lips. “I know, princess. I know. Let me know when you’re ready for me, okay?”
“Don’t move her to much, Eddie. She’s—mmm—she’s so fucking tight.”
“Lean back, little one, but keep your eyes on me.”, he murmurs in a gentle tone as you do what he says. His arm forcefully shoots out to grab the boys face. “What’s my name, Steven?”
“And who’s in charge right now, little boy?”
Eddie had leaned past you to scold the other demon but you kept your eyes in front of you for fear of that wrath being turned on you. At that moment, his palm was holding your head as you keened into his touch. You wanted him to keep gently praising you whether it be with his words or his hands. 
“You are, Edward.”, he responded through clenched teeth. 
When he came back to face you, his eyes were that red color you were beginning to get used to. Being in control again, having you both submit and beg reminded him of the glory days back home. Ironically, however, having this kind of control was making him lose control of his mask as the demon side of him was pushing through. It was the same for Steve. He may be vulnerable for Eddie but in moments like this it reminded him he was safe. 
The protector just needed someone to take care of him for once and he found that in moments like this. 
Your thumb ran under his eyes, giving him pause. 
“Is this okay? It’s not frightening you, is it?” When you shook your head, he softly smiled. “Good. Full disclosure, Steve’s having a harder time than me so just keep those beautiful eyes on me.”
“Yes, sir.”
Eddie’s palm took hold of your thigh as he scooted closer to you both between your legs. Even with just his tip, you felt full of them both. The demon’s fingers continued to caress your cheek and lips as he slowly pushed forward. 
“Good girl, sweetheart. Fuck, you feel so fucking good.”
His last couple of words came out deeper than what you were used to causing your pussy to flutter around him. His growl was low at the feeling, almost like a warning that just turned you on more. Steve’s palms looped around to firmly knead your tits as his fingers played with your nipples. 
“Steven, ca-can I—mmm—can I kiss you?”
Tenderly, he tilted your head and placed his lips on yours. When his tongue slid into your mouth, a tiny gasp escapes you at how different it felt. The many times he had kissed you previously, he had a normal tongue, a human tongue. This time it felt longer, thicker, and tasted different…better. It tasted like Steve. When he tried to pull away, your hand shot out to the back of his neck holding him where he was.
The grunt that left him was guttural, coming straight from his stomach making you whimper at the sound. Fingers roughly grabbed your cheek and forced you to face forward. 
“Y/N…”, Eddie warned. “You’re playing with fire, little one.”
With him being fully sheathed inside of you now, he was a lot closer to your face than he was previously. 
“Can I taste you to?” He started to bring his lips to your own but you pulled back slightly before he could reach you. “I want to taste you, Edward.”
Slowly, he tilted his head to kiss you and you willingly opened your mouth to invite him in. When his tongue caressed your own, your whole body came alive and you relished the feeling. Sensing the change, he began to lean away but you hastily grabbed his chin.
“No, no, please. It’s not you. I just…all week I’ve been…having trouble feeling anything. It’s nice feeling this.”
Eddie heavily sighed, his breath warming your face as his forehead landed on your own. Hesitantly, you tried kissing him again and he allow it, tangling his fingers in your hair as they both thrust their hips. You mewled as he held your head to his, Steve groaning and whimpering behind you.
Guiding you back, Eddie laid your head on his friend’s shoulder as they both gripped your hips and slammed into you. You wanted to keep your eyes open but the euphoria of them working together this way was too much. You felt the sudden shifts against your skin as they struggled to keep up their appearances. Rough material grazed you every now and then and the sounds they made were deep like a predator asserting dominance.
You wanted to become accustomed to them…who they really were underneath the illusion they displayed for you. You tried your best to cling to the demon skin but it was too harsh on your sensitive human tissue. A ringed palm grabbed your throat as another came from behind to circle your clit.
“F-fuck… cum, pretty girl. You deserve it. Come on, baby.”, Eddie chanted as they both thrust into you harder. 
In that moment, you opened your eyes to find his red ones watching you intently.
“You’re both…both so beautiful.”
He chuckled as he leaned closer to you. “Not as beautiful as you, princess.”
“Don’t take…your eyes…off me.” The demon nodded and your eyes remained locked with his as your body shook, screaming as you came.
The sight was almost too much for Eddie as his hips pounded into your own, growling as he released his seed inside of your cunt. 
“I know. I know. It feels so fucking good. Thank you. Thank you.”, you cooed as your thumb ran along his bottom lip. Leaning back, you met Steve’s own red eyes as your arm circle around his neck to run your fingers through his hair. “Cum Steven. Fill me up to. Please. I need it.”
His limbs wrapped around you tightly and he thrust up into you roughly a few more times before you felt his seed warm your insides. Nobody moved as they panted against you. 
“Eddie. Steve. Something is hurting me.”
Your protector’s head immediately comes to attention as he quickly scans you over. “Shit. Shit, shit, shit, honey. I’m sorry.” Both demons carefully pull out of you and you wince as Eddie lifts you his arms as they head for the bathroom. 
Looking into the mirror, you notice some cuts along your back that were bleeding.
After turning on your shower, they guide you in as Steve begins to take care of you. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t think when I held you to me. My skin is a lot tougher than yours.”
“Why is that?”, you ask trying to distract yourself from the slight pain.
“I mean…different realm, different environment and climate, constant fighting and war…take your pick.”, Eddie laughs. “Your skin protects you against the sun and your earths elements, right? Same thing essentially.”
“Thank you…for this past week…for being there.” You don’t see but they both exchange a look. 
“I wish we could do more.”, Steve sighs as he turns off the water and they dry you off before leading you back to your bedroom. “These aren’t deep. They should heal in a few days.”
As you wonder around your room getting ready for bed, you notice they are both now fully clothed again as they sit on your mattress waiting for you. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Eddie rub his back before he tenderly kisses his shoulder. 
“I wish I could do more for you.” They blink in confusion as their gaze shifts to you. “I know you said it’s not a prison but you both don’t seem happy. I wish I could set you free or something.”
They both look away as you turn off the light and crawl into bed between them, resting your head on your pillow. Eddie’s fingers play with your hair as they watch you close your eyes and scoot as close to them as possible. 
“Princess, can we ask you something?” You responded with a small hm as you waited. “You said you felt the love we have for you?”
“Did you feel that it’s real? How much we genuinely care about you?”
“Hmm…mhmm…”, you respond sleepily.
Steve laid flat on his side as his eyes scanned your face before reaching over to hold your hand which you immediately snuggled to your chest.
“I love you, Y/N.”, he whispered.
Eddie’s arm reached out to lay across both your hips as he kissed the back of your head. 
“I love you to, sweetheart.”
Assuming you had fallen asleep, they laid silently thinking about everything that had transpired. They had tried so many times before to stay in this realm but everything they did failed. As soon as the task was completed, no matter where they were or what they did they were put back into their area until the stone summoned them again. 
The worst part about going back was the silence which was ironically deafening. Coming from a loud world full of energy to nothing but them was its own kind of torture. There were so many times they considered running to Oblivion thinking it couldn’t be much worse. When they were alone, like you had mentioned, Eddie did constantly blame himself. Even though he didn’t kill Chrissy, he had still been on the run and it was Steve’s job to find him. If he had stayed where he was and took the punishment at least his friend would still be in their realm and happy.
What he didn’t know was that Steve wouldn’t have been happy. The princess was his friend to and if he had gotten taken in Steve would have no one he felt close to. Once again, he would be alone to fight endless battles day in and day out until really did become like his father. Running with Eddie was a no brainer for him but what he hated was that they had to run at all. He couldn’t convince the king to hear his friend out and just like Eddie felt that he failed to protect them both. He couldn’t even convince the other solider not to kill him, having to murder him so they could get away. 
Steve desperately wanted them to have a new home but every place they settled into they ended up running again, hiding in a new realm to start over. When they found that stone and spoke to the woman that put them there, he begged her to take him instead of them both but she refused. 
One night, Eddie watched as his once strong friend broke screaming and breakdown as he broke things in their makeshift house. That was the night he kissed him, passionately pushing him against the wall and giving Steve everything he had.
“I’m sorry, Edward. I keep failing you.”, he cried as he fell to his knees and wrapped his arms around his waist. 
Eddie sighed, trying to keep his own emotions in check as he lightly tugged on Steve’s hair, forcing him to look up at him. 
“Listen to me. You didn’t fail me, okay? If anything, this is my fault. No. Don’t talk.”, he shooshed the demon as he began to open his mouth to fight back. “At least here we’re safe and I know no one is going to take you away from me. It’s just us now.”
“I love you to.”, you mumble causing their heads to snap in your direction. Their hopeful eyes glance at each other as they pull you in closer, clinging to you and the moment. 
“I still think you should kill Carol.”  You smirk to yourself at Eddie’s comment as you continue to fold the inventory in front of you at work. 
“Or Dick, your boss. Just a lovely man that one.”, Steve follows grinning at you from his spot on the counter. 
Off to the side you notice a tall, blond-haired gentleman glancing at things against the wall as if they were amusing. Disconnecting from your pestering defenders, you head towards the man and flash him your best customer service smile. 
“Do you think if I steal these rings, the stone will let me keep them?”, the demon inquires to his friend as they wait for you to come back. 
“Something’s wrong.” Eddie’s head turns to look at Steve who is now fully alert. “Something’s wrong. Something’s off.”
“What is?”
“Someone doesn’t belong here.”
“Can I help you find something, sir?”
When his piercing blue eyes meet yours, it takes your breath away as he grins back. 
“What are these things for?”, he picks up a hat and places it on his head. “Are they just for style or do they serve a purpose?”
“A little bit of both, I think. It doesn’t hurt to look good while doing your day to day.”
The man’s head tilts as he chuckles, placing it back on the rack in front of him. “I swear, humans are so creative especially when they are trying to hide how miserable they actually are under falsities like a new hat.”
Your eyes widen at the word “human” as you slowly back away.
His grin grows as he extends his hand for you to shake. “Where are my manners? I’m Henry.”
You know that name. Where do you know that name?
Strong hands tug you back as both your demons place themselves protectively in front of you. 
“How did you get here, Henry?”
The demon cackled as he leaned against the wall behind him. 
“You weren’t the only one who knew how to hop realms, Steven. Truth be told I’ve been doing it for a while. I got myself a gig of my own that just so happened to lead me here.”
“Hm. Prince like you doesn’t have anything better to do?”
“Not after my princess was murdered.”
Eddie didn’t even try to hide his anger as his eyes glowed and he stepped forward before being stopped by his friend. 
“Y/N?” You quickly turned your head, meeting your co workers concerned gaze. “Are you alright? You look…scared.”
The observation made Henry smile wider. 
“Um, no. I’m alright…just not feeling well. I’ll be ok. Thank you.”
She hesitates for a moment before nodding and heading back to her section. 
“Let’s go somewhere we can all talk without being interrupted.” The evil demon snapped his fingers as the four of you disappeared. 
@tlclick73 @iaminlovewithdilfs @tiannamortis @steeldaisies
@goodhappyfriday @paleidiot @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes
@strangerthings64 @howlingco @hellfire--cult @unfocused81
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stadiumbleachers · 2 years
Shuri x black!fem!reader
Summary: before the fight with namor, shuri comes to see you.
Content Warning: brief mentions of grief, fingering(reader giving), oral sex(reader giving), unrequited love
Word Count: 2.2k
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Know you ride it right I might just die tonight But you know I'm still coming through baby (through baby) I know it's bad for me And you know it tastes so sweet I think I need your abuse baby
Bathed in calming hues of pink, orange and red, the sky above the city glowed down at you while you lounged on a swinging chair on your balcony. You had your nose in a book, like you did every Friday night. After a week of nurturing the young minds of Wakanda, you deserved the break. Reading offered you an escape, something you found yourself needing now more than ever since Namor declared war on Wakanda. Having to explain to children why their beautiful country was in danger had taken its toll. 
A breeze passed by and you shivered, pulling up the fleece blanket tighter around yourself. You took another sip of tea to warm you up, without taking your eyes from the page. The story was just getting good when you felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Someone was watching you. 
“Good read?” The black panther stood across from you, leaning precariously on the glass railing with her arms folded
“Good enough” you shrugged and tucked your bookmark between the pages then set it aside, 
“Shuri, I-” 
“We don’t have to talk about my mother” she pressed a button and the suit was gone, revealing her face to you. Her eyes were heavy with fatigue. 
Shuri came to you to unload the weight of Wakanda. When she was with you she wasn’t a Queen or the Black Panther or a genius. Being with you was a respite from a world that took so much from her. 
“Ofcourse, whatever you need”, you couldn’t deny her what she wanted when she wanted so little.
Shuri crossed the small balcony, took up your teacup and sipped. Your eyes followed the tattoo on her hand. 
“Lemongrass? Your tastes have matured” she teased you then plopped down on your lap with an exaggerated sigh
“Shuri, get off!” you giggled, wriggling helplessly under her. The chair rocked under the weight of you both. She had the strength of the heart shaped herb so there was no budging her.
“What is that sound? Is that a mosquito?” 
She pretended she couldn’t hear you, so you took your middle finger and jammed it in her ear, just hard enough to make her yelp and jump off you
You were too busy cackling to retaliate when Shuri grabbed your arm, pulled you up and flush against her lean body. Before you realised what was happening Shuri held the upper half of your body dangling over the balcony railing.
Your ears pounded as blood rushed to your head
“Shuri ,I’ll scream if you don’t take me up right now!” 
Terrified at the thought of someone finding out her location, Shuri quickly pulled you upright.
She had the audacity to snicker at you while you patted down your shirt and situated your braids to look less dishevelled.
“Now if you’re done being childish, let’s go inside. It’s getting cold and I have dinner in the oven”
Shuri grabbed her stomach and widened her eyes, “You know what I think I’m full”
You slid open the door that led from the balcony into the living room and shoved Shuri inside. You both knew she loved your cooking, she just wanted to be a pain the ass
This little dance between you two was practised, you knew it well. Shuri wouldn’t rush. She liked the build up, liked to spend time with you and unfold you slowly, then take what she needed. 
So you took your sweet time moving around the kitchen, while you waited for the salmon to fully cook. You stirred the pasta on the stovetop, the rich creamy texture made a rather suggestive sound
“That sounds familiar” Shuri spoke up from where she was exploring your newest buy. A vintage record player you bought with the money Shuri sent you monthly
“Perv” you rolled your eyes playfully
It had taken you months to accept her money, and even longer to start spending it. It felt wrong at first. You and Shuri were not girlfriends. You were friends who slept together. How could you just take her money like that? Eventually Shuri convinced you that you deserved it and you believed her
You turned off the stove, satisfied with the pasta, then took the salmon from the oven. The delicious smell floated through the apartment and suddenly you remember just how hungry you really were. 
While you plated the food, Shuri came up behind you and wrapped her arms around you. She’d done it a million times before but you felt butterflies every time
“You take such good care of me, love” she pulled your braids to the side and nuzzled her nose on the side of your sensitive neck
You giggled, “It’s the least I could do,really” 
Shuri finally lets you go so you could both sit at the island and enjoy your meals in comfortable silence. When you were full, Shuri took both your dishes and washed them, like she did every other time she came over. 
“I’ll go get the shower going” your feet patter on the hardwood floor of your apartment, as you make your way to your bathroom. You flicked on the light, bathing the room in brilliant white. The bathroom was one of your favourite places in the luxurious apartment that Shuri funded. You could unwind and wash away the troubles of the day, something you looked forward to doing for Shuri. 
You took your time to pick out a lavender scented candle and lit it, resting it on the counter. Then you turned on the stream from the massive shower head so it had time to heat up while you picked out a body wash and body scrub that you knew Shuri would like.
As you started to undress from your button down shirt and pencil skirt you wore to work, Shuri joined you in the bathroom, her footstep almost undetectably light
But you had learnt her patterns well enough to sense when she entered the room, watching you
“You know it’s impolite to stare?” you tease her, turning around while you shimmied out of your panties, leaving yourself bare to her tired gaze
“My apologies,” Shuri took slow steps towards you, a mischievous lift to her lips, “may I please gaze upon your beauty?”
Shuri reached out, took your hand and kissed the back of it, your stomach swooped.
“Shut up and get undressed” you slipped from her grasp behind the glass walls of the shower, sighing happily when the hot water caressed your brown skin
You poured a generous amount of body wash onto your wash cloth and started to lather from your neck down to your toes. 
Shuri stepped into the shower and grabbed her washcloth she kept at your apartment. You took it from her hand and started washing her body. Carefully cleaning her beautiful skin while you watched you with rapt attention.
“Shuri…” you went down on your knees and washed her feet, “you’re so pretty”
She was speechless at your honest adoration. She pulled you back up to her and walked you both under the stream to rinse the suds off. With the water running down your face, Shuri cupped your jaw, titled your face towards her and molded her lips to yours. The warm water only served to make the kiss wetter. You opened your mouth eagerly when her tongue lapped lazily on your lips. When Shuri pulled back, panting, you took her bottom lip into your mouth and sucked it hungrily, locking your eyes with her. 
Your core ached, begging for more, but you had all night. She could wait. 
You released her lips to grab the body scrub from the nook in the shower wall
“You bought a new scrub?”
“Yeah it’s mango scented, smell it” you held up the jar to Shuri’s face
She obliged and took a sniff 
You rolled your eyes at her remark and took the jar from her hand to exfoliate yourself and then her. She tried to push your hand away, insisting she could do it herself but you did it for her. 
Deep down you knew you would do anything for her, and that was a terrifying thought.
After doing your skincare routines in silence, you and Shuri blew out the candle then made your way to your bedroom, kissing and groping each other along the way . The unspoken words were thick between you both. Tonight they would remain unaddressed yet again. You knew what you were getting yourself into months ago. 
Shuri walked you backwards into your bed and lay you down on the silk sheets, the cool sensation errotic beneath your body
She sat back and took you in, face betraying her longing to lay with you. But tonight you would please her. It’s what she deserved
You sat up and crawled toward her, swaying your hips as you moved like a predator hunting their prey. You grabbed hold of her hips to keep her there, then latched onto her collarbone.
Shuri groaned under your affections.
You released her, licking down her chest. One of your nimble hands massaged her right breast, rolling and pinching the sensitive nipple between your fingers.
She hissed and sighed gloriously above you.
You took her other nipple into your warm mouth, swirling around the nipple, avoiding it for a while to get her on edge.
It wasn’t until she whined, high in her throat for you, “Baby, please”, that you took hold of her nipple between your lips, sucking and sending hot bursts of pleasure through her chest. You switched between her nipples, slowly wringing out cries from her lips, until they were puffy. Her knees buckled but your hand on her hip kept her steady. 
When you were satisfied that she was thoroughly worked up, you skated a hand between her thighs, not quite where she wanted you but close enough to feel how wet and hot she was for you. The muscles in her thighs quivered in anticipation. You drew one finger back and forth along her slit and she instantly started rocking up into your touch, needing more
You pressed the two digits further between her lips, gently caressing on either side of her little bundle of nerves. The sensation shot through her body and grabbed unto your wrist, thighs clamping shut 
“Fuck yes" she gasped
“I can’t make you feel good if you lock me out, Shuri” you slapped lightly twice on the side of their thigh and she relaxed her legs, giving you room. 
“Good girl”, she was always good for you
You didn’t miss how her most delicate part jumped on your fingers at your words. 
You removed your hand and held it up to her face, pulling down her bottom lip to expose her pretty white teeth
“Suck” you instructed her
Shuri cocked an eyebrow, “Ask nicely” her breath was ragged but her tone carried the signature fire you admired in her
“Suck, please” you humoured her, smiling 
She obediently took your fingers into her mouth, lathering them methodically with her saliva. When you pulled out your fingers, a trail followed to her lips, she licked it off. 
You returned your now wet fingers to the apex of her legs, teasing her with one finger circling her tight quivering hole
“Just put it in already”
You didn’t ask her to say please. She didn’t need to be polite, her wish would always be your command. You plunged both fingers in at once, drawing a filthy desperate mewl from her throat. You grabbed one of her knees and bent her leg for her, placing her foot on the bed so her pussy was open to you. 
Impaled by your two middle digits, Shuri rode you, angling her hips to find that spot. You crooked your fingers to help her and soon enough  you were rubbing against the bumpy surface deep inside her that you knew so well. Shuri bounced faster and harder, her breasts jiggling with the effort. You were pulsing between your legs, mesmerised at the scene before you. 
The Black Panther, at your mercy.
You broke from your reverie and brought down your other hand rub punishingly at her clit, matching the pace with the rough, insistent pounding of your fingertips on her g-spot
Shuri bucked and jerked wildly as her climax washed over her in waves. She clamped down on your fingers, keeping you inside. She was barely through her release when you pulled your fingers out and repositioned yourself. You lay on your back with your head at the end of the bed and held your tongue out for her. 
“Come let me taste what’s mine, love” you told her
She got the hint.
Shuri climbed onto the bed on shaky knees, opening up her still fluttering cunt over your face
“You want me to ride your face, yeah?” Shuri asked, cheeky
You didn’t bother to respond, you simply stuck out your tongue again, making it wide and flat for Shuri to mount, to taint with her pleasure. You grabbed handfuls of her ass and pulled her down to sit where you wanted her
This is what she gave to you, her poison, and you gladly took it. 
Shuri spoke your name into the dark room
“Hmmm?” your eyes remained closed
“I have something to tell you…”
“...Me too, but you go first”
“I never told you who I saw in the ancestral plane…”
“Who?” you whispered
“What did you want to say?”
I love you, the words pounded against your throat, begging to come out
“Good luck tomorrow”
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[skitters in] the entire emoji themed ask game for Eleazar and Lazarus please and thank you ::3
waaaah. utc its SO long.
Ask Game!
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🍼 [BABY BOTTLE] What's your OC's first memory?
Lazarus: Waking up in the burnt down ruins of its home, completely detached from life.
Eleazar: A birthday party when he was five.
🥛 [MILK] What is your OC's relationship with their biological parents like? What about their relationship with any non-biological parental figures?
Lazarus: Strained.
Eleazar: Really good! He relies on them a lot.
🍨 [ICE CREAM] How does your OC compose themselves in stressful situations?
Lazarus: Disappears lol.. It's abilities are very much ghostlike, so it tends to just disappear. It will come back when its calmed down, yk?
Eleazar: Nervously plays with his hair. He'll twist the strands.
🍦 [SOFT CONE] Where does your OC work? How much are they paid, and would they prefer a different job? Why?
Lazarus: "Lazarus Fletcher, Reaper of Phantom Fade." It is death. One of 'em at least. It doesn't get paid anything, thankless job really. It would prefer being a historian, they both wanted to be historians.
Eleazar: He has a part time job at the college library (,: it doesn't pay that much but it helps with his education. One day he'll be a Preservationist! He wants to work with the HEA to preserve sorcerer society and finalism. Especially after WW2 wiped so much out.
🍬 [LOLLY/CANDY] What would your OC like to receive for Valentine's Day/as a token of love?
Lazarus: Nothing? It doesn't really care.
Eleazar: Cupcakes! Strawberry ones.
🥤 [PARTY CUP] How does your OC feel about drama? Do they start any themselves?
Lazarus: It won't start any but it WILL listen. :eyes: and all
Eleazar: He says he won't get involved in drama but he's so gossipy lol
🍷 [WINE] Where on the 'wine aunt scale' is your OC?
Lazarus: Gags trying to drink wine.
Eleazar: Also.. gags trying to drink wine.. But he's cool
🥀 [WILTED ROSE] How good is your OC at meeting deadlines? What motivates them?
Lazarus: It literally has an easier time dispatching of lost souls than traditionally reaping a soul. It will fuck up ON PURPOSE. So BAD. AWFUL. LMAO??
Eleazar: Really good!! He's gotta be for that degree :triumph:
🌹 [ROSE] Does your OC believe in true love? Why?
Lazarus: It hopes so.
Eleazar: YES.
🍄 [MUSHROOM] How likely is your OC to eat random berries/mushrooms they find?
Lazarus: Very likely, it gets bored.
Eleazar: Well wars are super cool for making food scarce. He's quite good at identifying random berries and mushrooms.
🍁 [MAPLE LEAF] What is your OC's favourite season? Why and what do they do during it?
Lazarus: Summer. Nice, warm. Sunbathe...
Eleazar: Winter. Its the season opposite to the one he lost his twin in. Skiing!
🍎 [RED APPLE] Who does your OC value above all else?
Lazarus: It's twin.
Eleazar: His twin.
🍒 [CHERRY] Who is your OC's perfect companion?
Lazarus: A bird, perhaps a little mouse.
Eleazar: Doggy!! Probably a big fluffy one.
🍓 [STRAWBERRY] How do they feel about 'cute' things?
Lazarus: Doesn't pay attention.
Eleazar: Coo
🍅 [TOMATO] How misunderstood is your OC? In-universe or IRL.
Lazarus: Especially at the time period it's in, probably pretty misunderstood? IRL I think people would be down bad for it.
Eleazar: Same situation as Laz.
🌶️ [HOT PEPPER] Who would your OC declare their sworn enemy if they could meet them?
Uhm well Laz died as a result of WW2 and Eleazar lost his twin as a result of WW2 so. Hitler????
🍉 [WATERMELON] What will your OC take to the grave?
Lazarus: WELL YOU SEE.
Eleazar: That he's partially to blame for his twin dying.
🍟 [CHIPS/FRIES] How much junk food/sometimes food does your OC eat? Has it affected their health?
Lazarus: It has no need to eat, so most of the food it consumes is junkfood lol. It doesn't have an affect, yk, death.
Eleazar: He eats as healthy as possible but he loves sweets...
🍂 [AUTUMN LEAVES] Does your OC view piles of dead leaves as a mess or as fun?
Both: Fun!!
🥕 [CARROT] How tough is your OC against certain situations? How weak are they against others?
Lazarus: Literally invincible. ONE GUY can kill it and that guy has not yet been born. Well and the Fates can erase it, but they have no reason to.
Eleazar: Anything that counters his umbramancy. Too bright an area can absolutely fuck him over because he won't be able to use his magic properly. That being said, he's pretty good in most situations thanks to the abundance of shadows.
🍊 [ORANGE] Does your OC have a prophecy surrounding them? If they don't, what would it be?
Lazarus: Nope! If they did it'd be the "died for another to prevail" type prophecy.
Eleazar: Also no. But one could argue he is the other half of the "lost someone important in order to prevail" trope. And his twin's death did directly lead to him insisting on the preservation of magical society so as to prevent a future erasure. But it isn't a prophecy because he alone wasn't enough for that. I think Rowan said the last one was the 60s?
🥭 [MANGO] What colours best represent them and why? Does this differ from their favourites?
Lazarus: Blue and silver. I don't have a why, it just does. Anyways it's favourite colour is orange.
Eleazar: White and black. His favourite colour is red.
🌰 [CHESTNUT] What food group does your OC mostly eat (e.g., grains, fruits)?
Lazarus: Candy.
Eleazar: Vegetables.
🍑 [PEACH] How do they show their kindness? How kind are they truly?
Lazarus: It isn't very kind because it doesn't have much opportunity to be. It doesn't even really grant the souls it reaps any sort of kindness. Watching them become monster in order to hunt them down.
Eleazar: He always remembers people's interests or things they point out. He likes to think he's pretty kind.
🧅 [ONION] What is surefire to make your OC cry? Who knows of this information?
Lazarus: Hurt its brother.
Eleazar: Remind him of his childhood.
🍍 [PINEAPPLE] Pineapple on pizza or not?
Pineapple on pizza doesn't exist in their time rn LOL. Neither will care in the future though.
🍋 [LEMON] What is their kryptonite/ultimate weakness?
Lazarus: Boredom..
Eleazar: Honestly too many things. He's a soft guy.
🌽 [CORN] How good are they at hiding and finding their way?
Lazarus: It IS its whole thing..
Eleazar: VERY GOOD.
🍕 [PIZZA SLICE] How good is your OC at sharing? How do they share something if there's not enough supply?
Lazarus: It won't want to, but it will. Because there's very little it needs to sustain itself.
Eleazar: Will make sure everyone else has their share before him.
🧈 [BUTTER] How soft is your OC? In what sense are they soft?
Lazarus: Has really soft hair, thats about it.
Eleazar: He's very soft. He refuses to let the horrors he's experienced turn him to stone.
🍌 [BANANA] Have parts of your OC been lost to time (in-universe)? What do they wish they could lose from themselves?
In the future, yes. Eleazar's efforts will be forgotten and those who knew sans it's family will know Laz.
🏵️ [ROSETTE] What flower symbolises your OC best and why? What does the flower mean in floriography?
Lazarus: Forget-Me-Not. I mean. Lol.
Eleazar: Purple hydrangea. A deep desire to understand.
🍪 [BUSCUIT/COOKIE] Does your OC prefer things simple or extravagant?
Both: Simple.
🍻 [BEER CHEERS] Is your OC typically on the louder or quieter side?
Lazarus: Quiet.
Eleazar: Loud.
🥂 [GLASS CHEERS] What is your OC's 'aesthetic?'
Lazarus: doesn't really have one?
🥃 [MATE] What does your OC look for in a friend? What do they find is a turn-off?
Lazarus: Would run screaming if forced to make a friend.
Eleazar: Kindness to animals is a must! If you don't like animals, he won't like you lol
🍯 [HONEY] At what point does someone seem sickly sweet to your OC?
Lazarus: It is really good at reading people. As if it can tell if someone is lying. Using kindness as a front, even slightly, it will know.
Eleazar: Too many compliments...
🍞 [BREAD] Does your OC have any allergies? How severe are they? Do they require equipment to help them?
Lazarus: Not anymore.
Eleazar: He's allergic to bees..
🥐 [CROISSANT] Where is your OC from? How do they feel about their homeland? Where are they now?
Their family is originally from England, however both of them were born in Germany in the 1930s. Their family is now back in England. Lazarus, drifts..
🥖 [BAGUETTE BREAD] Where is your OC's favourite food from? Is it a variety of places?
(sounds of lane googling where cake was invented)
"The first documented strawberry shortcake recipe appeared in a 1588 British cookbook." there.
🥨 [PRETZEL] How complicated is your OC's backstory? Who does it entwine with?
See it isn't necessarily complicated, but it is HEAVILY related to /actual world history/ which makes it just really fucking grim. Its accepted Ad Vitam canon that there were genocides of sorcerer children before they came into their powers, and complete wipes of their religion from history.
Lazarus and Eleazar's stories heavily have to do with these genocides and that comes in combination with WW2 being a big part of their lives. Not complicated at all. Just sad.
🥯 [BAGEL] What does/has your OC have/had an unhealthy obsession over? What caused this obsession? How do they deal with it? Do they seek help?
Lazarus: It thinks its normal (You couldn't face your family for years because you couldn't stand the fact you wear your brother's face.)
Eleazar: Food hoarding... He can't help it..
🥞 [PANCAKES] What's the most your OC can eat in one sitting? At what point do they get sick?
Lazarus: Like a normal plate?
Eleazar: He has a bottomless stomach...
🧇 [WAFFLE] Using shape language, how would you redesign your OC?
fuck if I know.
🧀 [CHEESE WEDGE] How often does your OC get into situations that rely on pure luck/miracles happening?
Lazarus: Way too often..
🍹 [TROPICAL BEVERAGE] If your OC could go anywhere, where would it be?
Lazarus: Ancient Greece!
Eleazar: Ancient Greece. (for his twin)
🍔 [BURGER] What would your OC put on their burger?
Lazarus: so many pickles...
Eleazar: Whatever you are offering, he will put on it.
🍰 [CAKE SLICE] How does your OC change as you get to know them?
Lazarus: A little less awkward, more open. Softer than it seems.
Eleazar: He has more anxiety than you'd originally think...
🥧 [PIE] What's the longest journey your OC has gone on? What was it for? Did they succeed?
Lazarus: It went to Denmark one time that was neat.
Eleazar: IRELAND. For survival, and he survived so I'd say he succeeded.
🌻 [SUNFLOWER] Where would your OC get lost in the moment/beauty of the place?
Botanical garden, both of em.
💐 [BOUQUET] If you could send your OC a bouquet, what flowers would make it up and what is the overall message
I would send Eleazar a bouquet that represents forgiveness and new beginnings and I would send Lazarus all the pink flowers in the world cause it needs some colour in its life.
🌾 [RICE SHEAF] How picky is your OC with food? What will and won't they eat?
Neither are picky.
🍈 [MELON] If they had to be put into a box, what box would it be and why?
Lazarus: Resurrection.
Eleazar: Like a nice soft velvet box maybe..
🍏 [GREEN APPLE] How do they differ from the norm and how are they punished for it?
Lazarus literally died on account of being magical. Eleazar has to hide and suppress his magic and religion even now that he IS immortal just because its safer.
🍐 [PEAR] What is their current social standing? If they could change it, would they, and to what?
Lazarus: ????
Eleazar: Poor but he's managing. He'd like to be a nice middle upperclass but alas.
🥒 [CUCUMBER] How innocent are they (unaware to the bad happenings around them)?
LOL. They are not. They're both VERY aware. Lazarus is only innocent in the sex sense.
🥬 [LEAFY GREEN] How mundane are they? Do they like it that way?
Lazarus: Not very, but kind of hard to be when you're blue.
Eleazar: He tries to come off as mundane but he definitely isn't lol
🥦 [BROCCOLI] What do they hate about humanity/their species?
Lazarus: Humanity's inability to understand those unlike them + it has met some egotistical reapers. SHUT UP about being better than others.
Eleazar: Humanity's greed.
🥑 [AVOCADO] What will they never back down about, even if it makes them seem bad?
Lazarus: It doesn't care man I'm ngl.
Eleazar: That reapers and fate know nothing of the woes of the people who Actually contribute to the universe.
🥝 [KIWI FRUIT] How does their outside appearance differ from who they are?
Lazarus: It looks unapproachable, it is.
Eleazar: He looks very nice and calm, he is very nice and calm (lying)
🌿 [HERB] Is your OC religious? What do they believe in?
Yes, Finalism.
☘️ [SHAMROCK] How passionate is your OC about things they love/hate?
Lazarus: Not Very.
Eleazar: TOO MUCH.
🍀 [FOUR LEAF CLOVER] Would your OC spend hours looking for a four leaf clover?
🌲 [EVERGREEN] What does your OC's dream treehouse look like? What tree is it built upon?
They have the same dream treehouse: One of those really old really tall oak trees and the treehouse would have a bunk bed for them to share and a nice window view.
🌳 [DECIDUOUS] What's your OC's favourite thing to do at the park?
Lazarus: Nap
Eleazar: Feed the ducks!
🍾 [POPPING CORK] How does your OC celebrate special occasions? With whom?
Lazarus: Eh.
Eleazar: Family and with lots of food!
🍃 [FALLEN LEAF] What's the darkest period of time your OC has been through?
Lmaooo I feel like I'm a broken record atp.
🌵 [CACTUS] How physically resilient is your OC?
Lazarus: Very!
Eleazar: Immortal yes, but still kinda weak
🍵 [GREEN TEA] What's your OC's preferred flavour of tea, if they even drink it?
Lazarus: As sweet as possible.
Eleazar: Fruit teas.
🍸 [COCKTAIL] When was the first time your OC had an alcoholic beverage? What did they think of it?
Lazarus: Recently, it was fine.. It didn't like it that much.
Eleazar: For his fifteenth birthday and he had rum and it was so gross.
🌱 [SEEDLING] What new passions/hates is your OC discovering?
Lazarus: It hates woodworking, don't ask.
Eleazar: Religious history.. And sewing.
🌴 [PALM TREE] What are the stops on your OC's dream cruise? What boat are they on?
They have never thought about this whatsoever.
🌸 [CHERRY BLOSSOM] Does your OC believe in legends/myths?
Lazarus: Only the ones that are actually real. But it used to love the Greek myths..
Eleazar: Some!
💮 [WHITE FLOWER] Has your OC ever kissed someone? Who, when, and where?
Lazarus: Nope.
Eleazar: A few times! Cheek, nose, lips, collarbone.
🌺 [HIBISCUS] What does your OC think is the prettiest name?
Lazarus: Annabella.
Eleazar: Amelia
🌷 [TULIP] What is your OC's favourite flower and colour?
Lazarus: Orange tulips.
Eleazar: red amaryllis
🍧 [SHAVED ICE] What's your OC's favourite flavour of edible thing (e.g., strawberry)?
Both is strawberry LOL
🧁 [CUPCAKE] If you had to describe your OC using flavours, how would you (e.g., 'they're very sweet')?
Lazarus: Bitter with a sweet inside.
Eleazar: Cotton candy..
🍭 [LOLLIPOP] Would your OC ever share food with someone?
🍆 [EGGPLANT] How are they used by others? How easily are they tricked into this?
Lazarus: It is not tricked into this at all anymore.
Eleazar: A little easily.. He tries to keep an eye out but he just wants to help people.
🍇 [GRAPES] What's their circle of people/their species like? What dynamic would they be called?
Lazarus: Does not have one.
Eleazar: He keeps a close group of friends and he's very close to his family. But he bounces around groups and talks to lots of people.
🍩 [DONUT] What is your OC's biggest flaw? How do they deal with it? Do they deal with it?
Lazarus: It's apathy. It doesn't care.
Eleazar: The fact he holds grudges easily.. And he tries to deal with it! Its just really hard.
🍮 [CUSTARD] Expensive restaurants or cheap store-brand microwave meals?
Cheaper better.
🎂 [BIRTHDAY CAKE] How does your OC celebrate their birthday? With who, and where?
Lazarus: Every year, it would celebrate its birthday by changing its face to reflect its twin's growing up. So that they'd always match, looks the same in age.
Eleazar: He spends it with his parents usually, sometimes a few friends.
🥔 [POTATO] What do they have that others see as a flaw, but they don't care about?
Lazarus: Also its apathy.
Eleazar: I think he would have a panic attack if someone pointed out his flaws.
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valstarsandgalaxies · 4 months
My masterlist ❀❁❀❁
Hi! I'm Val and welcome to my blog :)
My ao3
My mota drabbles
My edits
Fics info below ↓
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── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
As long as it's with you, it's worth it
G, wc: 1 151
"Do you think that somewhere else we haven't gone to war?"
John asks curiously.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Read on tumblr
Guardian angel
M, wc: 1 213
Gale's most likely to never come near him again. And John's not surprised, because as much as he might have hoped that his relationship with Gale will be different, he knew that it won't be, from the very start.
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── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Red water
T, wc: 2 275
“Bucky, do you feel the same or not? Because I'll go and never come back if you say no, but you need to say it. You need to say, you don't love me.“ Or John doesn't think he's worthy of Gale's love.
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── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Lover, you should've come over
G, wc: 811
In his most desperate moment, he said: "I even thought you could be my best man." ... "I'll be your best man." John said and hadn't really realised what that actually meant.
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── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Breathe, baby
G, wc: 1 532
"Buck, darling, you need to breathe, okay? You need to breathe for me, could you do that?" Or Buck gets overwhelmed which translates into him having a panic attack and while he's trying to deal with it alone, his Bucky comes to rescue him (like always).
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Messy hair
G, wc: 386
Buck and Bucky overslept and now they have to deal with the aftermath. (Actually, it was John's fault.)
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── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
T, wc: 2 350
“Tell me more about how the night sky and stars make you feel... Please.“ “You wanna hear more?“ John asked carefully, slowly, speaking the words clearly to the night. “Yeah.“ Gale breathed out. And so he did. Or John plans to confess his feelings to Gale. What he didn't quite plan was that Gale had something to say too.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
I know it's over and it never really began
T, wc: 2 964
“I love you, Buck.“ “It'll pass.“ Or Buck and Bucky talk about their love, but everything from Gale's mouth comes out wrong and cold. Buck also recollects the nature of their relationship and thinks back on how things used to be.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Black hole that fell in love with the Sun
T, wc: 2 946, 2/? (not finished)
Black hole sees the sun and its desire is set. Ever so longing for its attention, he would do anything for the sun to notice him. He doesn't even mind getting burnt. But is there a way for the black hole to not destroy the sun by getting close to it? Or John becomes self-destructive at the camp. He doesn't wanna live, but in a way he doesn't wanna die either. He wants to feel something though.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Once more to see you
T, wc: 2 527
“There's only life before you and after you. I'm not ready to let you go, so there's not really any after for me yet. Because you will come back to me.“ Or John goes down in the mission to Bremen and Buck is the one left standing, safe in London, while John is probably being captured in some German camp or worse... He's dead.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
My one piece fics
My hunger games (the ballad of the songbirds and snakes) fic
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unohanabbygirl · 1 year
Thread on the hairstyles of everyone in FMN because why not?
Starting off strong (get it?) we have Jace who’ve I’ve granted grace and given a nice standard haircut. Anything too short is a no for him and mullets give the guy war flashbacks so this is his comfort look.
Out of all the Stark men his hair is the least curly, more wavy than anything but if he grew it out there would be a lot more bounce to it. Thankfully he’s kept up with the family tradition and decided to retain some nice length. Whenever Baela’s board she cornrows it just to see how red his scalp will turn from irritation.
One time she posted her work to twitter but made sure to let everyone know he’s legally biracial so it’s fine.
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Next in we have baby Joffrey who’s hair is the curliest out of both his brothers plus Harwin. Its got some natural highlights and is very bouncy. The kid loves his hair even though he likes to act as if it’s whatever and hides the dozens of haircare products beneath the bathroom sink. He’s a shea-moister and curling cream junkie but don’t let him hear you say it because he’ll deny, deny, deny and insist his hair just looks like that fresh out of bed. Not his fault he’s gods favorite.
One time he posted a thirst trap to his story while his hair was wet as he was straight out of the shower because he finally added a girl he’d been crushing on to his close friends. Sadly, he forgot his sister’s were in his close friends as well which led to him getting screen shotted and made fun of 😔
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Mama Rhaenyra! Ugh, her hair is everything, very reminiscent of the stereotypical 90’s bombshell. Think Anna Nicole Smith but Pamala Anderson whenever she goes for an updo.
Nyra keeps her hair around shoulder length but will grow it out a few inches in the winter/fall before going back to the salon to get some length cut off because she misses the bob. Loves hairspray like its her best friend and thinks dry shampoo is the holy grail of all hair products. The love this woman has for her hair was passed on through Joffrey and everyone knows it.
She’ll cry and be down in the dumps for the rest of the day if her salon trip leaves her with harsher layers than she wanted (me too babes, me too)
Rhaena said she was serving cunt once after getting some minor highlights + a blowout and hasn’t stopped smiling since.
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Laena! What can I say? She’s a simple woman.
Her hair is always giving effortless but takes a bunch of time and heavy maintenance. Its the perfect combo between that messy running across the beach look while still very glamorous. She isn’t big on big brands or factory made products like some people… so her main hair care items are water based, all natural things like olive oil and rice water, and only applies heat every once in a blue moon. The last time an actual hair dryer ever touched her hair was when the twins were still in middle school.
Very simple woman when it comes to styles, likes a pretty low bun with a few strands pulled in front of her face and if she’s feeling adventurous will clip on a faux bang that she styled to match her hair since she’s too afraid to commit to cutting real ones. (Again, me too.)
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Baela is my favorite because I’m a sucker for women with short hair. No woman has ever looked ugly with short hair and thats that.
Baela has never cared for long hair mainly because she’s a sports girl so its very hot. Plus she can’t keep a hair tie for shit, you could buy her a pack of 100 elastic hair ties and they’d all go missing in a month tops. Another reason she rather keep it shaved down is because its not as much hassle, however she’ll have her moments where she chooses to grow it out because she loves the 90’s Halle Berry and Nia Long vibe that comes with short hair on the longer side when its all styled up.
Currently her hair looks closer to the style on the left but will prob go back to something similar to the cut on the right soon.
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Gonna make a part two and three because I can’t add more pictures 😭
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saltwaterbells · 2 years
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Chandra Dayal and Mariel Blackwater return for the ninth season of Dayal Legacy, revisiting old missions and hauntings, joined by Ille Raefa and newcomer Elaine Richards.
All across the galaxy, television screens beam their faces. Mariel Blackwater: bloody, breathing, living weapon and vessel to the searing light of stars. Chandra Dayal: the glittering heir, muse and musician, a face that could launch an thousand ships, and burn them all too. Barely a hair apart from being two sides of the same coin, and the two that have managed to survive this long.
With magic like theirs, the frothing gunfire fades to the public’s ears, their crimes made glossy through editing and military backing. But when old memories come calling, the blood on their hands not quite scrubbed off yet, a question emerges: how far have they gone to survive? What will the breaking point be?
Aesthetic: the cold void of space, freckles as constellations, fingers clenching in sheets, the sound of hundreds of boots marching in unison, sleek metal revolvers, silhouettes backlit by stars, blinding spotlights, the prickle in the back of your neck that you’re being watched, cigarettes on an empty stomach, copious amounts of black eyeliner and blood red lipstick, white-knuckled clenching of rosaries, the scent of oranges and clove, the scent of ozone and woodsmoke, foam-capped waves, the thick cloth of a uniform being rolled up to the elbow, dog tags burning around your neck, iron-tipped boots, a target with the bullseye blown out, the gleam of too sharp teeth
Themes: how do you define your humanity, what is the cost of a human life, how does the spotlight shape you, religion, humanity versus monstrosity, how can you understand gentleness when all you have known is war, healing, the cyclical nature of violence, (there are probably more but like, these are the vibes)
Jude Rambles: so this is the wip that has gripped me and is shaking me around like a dog with a chew toy. this project showed up in my head around december ish, even though the idea sort of had been floating around for a good while, and then i decided to expand it and now i am being eaten alive. it’s so easy to write?? i am attempting a new drafting technique, which is certainly helping and i need to try more often, but after working on bathtub gods for so long, this project is startlingly easy. and it’s so much fun too, i am having the time of my life! anyways, this is one of the more genre projects that has shown up in my brain and maybe i do need to write more science fiction and fantasy, or science fantasy like in this case.
Characters: Mariel Blackwater: 18 | It/Its | Space Irish Catholic, autistic, immensely religious, chronically guilty and hyper repressed, mildly an alcoholic, more weapon than human, avatar for the space catholic church. It’s a constellation witch, which means it can bring constellations to life and also, draw from their energy and create space storms and star lightening
Chandra Dayal: 19 | They/Them | Space Indian, bisexual & nonbinary the child of a legendary tragic love story between the heir to a media conglomerate and a general, who died when they were a baby, deeply burdened by their legacy (both the show and their actual legacy). Their magic is the harnessing of sound waves, to manipulate people’s emotion and also shatter things with sound waves.
Ille Raefa: 18 | Ve/Vim | Prophet, burdened by seeing all that will happen but in no particular order and without any particular logic, eldest sibling trauma, by far the most genre-aware and apathetic from the start, Ve is just waiting to die. Vis magic is visions, in vis dreams and sprinkled throughout vis day. Ve also is the most genre-aware character: ve knows the tropes, ve is just not entirely aware what type of book ve is in.
Elaine Richards: 18 | He/Him | Ultimate simp, from space kansas middle of nowhere who is so excited to be here and among his idols, desperately trying to fit in and make sure he doesn’t die or get kicked off of the show. Also eldest sibling trauma, except he’s not going to think about his siblings ever < 3. His magic is essentially magic metal bending
Taglist: (ask to be added/removed) @cordy-muses @cream-and-tea
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voidselfshipp · 6 months
Too Sweet
Cw:mentions of blood,implications of Gore,slaughter, war, mania attacks + ptsd flashbacks.
Summary: during one of their sieges, The Mechanisms split off to take care of the occupying forces of King Cole's army. One of them gets too close to Jerico and Tim sees red.
>no rbs, please.
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Adrenaline surged through tims body as he laid there hands dripping with blood, a soldier dead before him.
His body shakes a manic grin on his face as he looks at the bloody corpse, laugh starting to echo from his throat. The world around him is a blurr,his eyes are wide and his pupils are small dots in his gorgeous brown iris.
With shaking hands, he lets go of his victims throat-- I told you not to touch her--He muttered with a shaky unstable voice,laughter soon leaves him.
"Thats- thats what he gets- thats what they get for- for touching her! Haha! Nobody touches my- My girlf- my friend" he thinks, slowly straightening up from his half bowed position.
--Hah-- He scoffs, smoothing his beautiful brown curly hair with his bloodstained hand-- hah, wanker...you really thought...you could hurt her
Around him the world is Fire,burning and crumbling buildings, dead bodies all around, vehicles no more than scrap and black smoke clouds rising from the pyres up to the Sky
The Mechanisms had come here to fight against an occupying force, one of the soldiers tried to stab Jerico in the neck...and Tim saw red and ripped the soldier appart with hands and teeth.
--Tim...--calls out jerico,lowering her sniper rifle. She grabs one of his hands Gently,it smothers with blood-- Tim im okay
He turns to her,eyes still wide and fingers twitching-- Doll....doll-- he throws himself at her,cupping her cheeks and looking for any scratches--Are you okay? Are you hurt? Do- do I need to call Marius?! Please tell me youre okay- i cant- I cant lose you,I cant lose you like bertie...!
She takes his wrists and says--Tim, Tim its okay im okay,im safe
Tims eyes look around her face and body,his hands pressing against her waist,her shoulders and her hips,staining her clothes with crimson sploches.
--Its okay,im not hurt,you saved me--She cooed, bringing Him in for a tight hug. His forehead falls limply on her shoulder as she strokes up and down his spine.
A shaky breath leaves him, his twitching hands unsure where to rest. Even when he tries he accidentally tugs at her clothes,gasping for air.
--I cant lose you,I cant lose you-- He whispers,tears threatening to spill-- dont die- please dont die...dont die on me I cant-- with a quivering Lower lip-- I cant- I love you so much, please dont leave me...dont leave me forever
His words take her by surprise,she squeezes him into a tight hug and his hands finally settle on her Lower back--I cant live without you--He mutters, hot tears falling down his face and onto the exposed shoulder of his companion.
--Easy,Tim. You saved me, see? 'M okay-- she promised-- see? Im alright --He nodds weakly-- c'mon lets go back to the ship
Trying to tug him along, he stops her by not moving and squeezing her. Shes quick go get the memo and nodds.
--Oooooor we can stay a little longer, thats alright too--She added, understanding he needs more time.
Both stand there among the rubble of the crumbling,blazen And charcoal blackened city. Civilian,soldier and resistance laid dead across the floor with blood and ash mixed into a paste of death, they only Hear the distant Shouts of the ongoing battle,the crackling of the pyres anf the ocassional crumble of debries.
Tim can only concentrate on that orchestra of destruction and Demise,the images of Berties death passing through his head over and over again. Its vivid,its Like hes there again holding his best friend in his arms.
--It can't be said I'm an early bird--She sings softly--It's ten o'clock before I say a word
Baby, I can never tell
How do you sleep so well
It catches tims attention, slowly bringing him back to earth,to present time,to safety.
--You keep tellin' me to live right
To go to bed before the daylight
But then you wake up for the sunrise
You know you don't gotta pretend
Baby, now and then-- jerico puts her hands on his biceps and rocks Him side to side softly.
Silken voice fills his ears and eases his heart and mind,it wraps around his soul like a blanket.
--Don't you just wanna wake up, dark as a lake
Smellin' like a bonfire, lost in a haze?-- she continues and he slowly humms along--
If you're drunk on life, babe, I think it's great
But while in this world
A shaky sigh leaves him,his body relaxing and laying on her for support-- I think I'll take my whiskey neat
My coffee black and my bed at three-- both entone,tims voice slowly gaining more strength---
You're too sweet for me
You're too sweet for me
I take my whiskey neat
My coffee black and my bed at three
She smiles and he joins In with those side to side movements. One hand on her waist and the other holding hers,fingers entwined as if both were dancing.
--You're too sweet for me
You're too sweet for me-- He sings at her, as if he didnt deserve this softness.
He pulls her to waltz,turning slowly. Tim hasnt moved his head and he'd rather not, he feels safe in her embrace.
The world still burns around them with the ash falling like a tragic snowfall, the air smells of smoke and gunpowder.
--I aim low
I aim true and the ground is where I go --He takes the lead,singing to her,meaning the words--
I work late where I'm free from the phone
And the job gets done
But you worry some, I know
But who wants to live forever, babe?
You treat your mouth as if it's heaven's gate
The rest of you like you're the TSA
I wish I could go along
Babe, don't get me wrong
His voice gets flirty again as it usually is, she feels him smile against her skin and his head rises just enough so their eyes meet.
They spend a few more minutes dancing and singing softly. When he feels better and back with his boots on the ground, he looks at her and says--C'mon,lets go back before the guys freak out
And leading her by the hand they return to the Aurora. The Group asked if everything is okay and why they took so long to get back, and jer just dismisses it.
Nobody questions why Tim leads jeri to the showers, or why they spend so much time in there.
She scrubbs off the blood from his fingers,the same song they were singing now playing from a radio she took into the room.
《You know you're bright as the morning, as soft as the rain
Pretty as a vine, as sweet as a grape
If you can sit in a barrel, maybe I'll wait
Until that day》
He watches her with tired eyes--I- you dont gotta do it...
--Its okay,I want to take care of you--She answers, taking his still bloody hands and kissing his knuckles.
Tim sighs under his breath and softly says--I dont...I dont deserve it
--Yes you do,dont say that.
In silence he lets her scrub off the blood from his hands and his mouth,then comb the hair products on his brown locks that now stick to his face
《I'd rather take my whiskey neat
My coffee black and my bed at three
You're too sweet for me
You're too sweet for me
I take my whiskey neat
My coffee black and my bed at three
You're too sweet for me
You're too sweet for me》
His hands rest on her waist and he helps her out a little,as much as his shaken up nervous system could allow.
--Sorry...sorry I cant be of no more help-- He mutters,voice weak and tired.
Jeri shakes her head-- Dont be,its okay
After the shower they change into something more comfortable, casual "at home" clothes to unwind. Then,they go to the 'livingroom' of the ship where everyone was.
Its not only so everyone could take stock of one another to make sure nobody was missing so it calmed their anxiety, but also a way to make everyone unwind and feel safe.
Merchant has Tim leaning on her shoulder,drifting off to sleep while she crochets Him a small headband with a sprout growing out of It
Nastya is playing her violin, the toy soldier and Ivy play checkers. Raphaella and Ashes are leaning on one another on another couch,asleep. Meanwhile,Marius, brian and Jhonny are playing poker.
Its good to see Tim resting up and feeling better, he was a very light sleeper and the few things that couldnt wake him up was Nastya's violin,quiet chatter and the purr of the octokittens.
Like that,the crew settles down and relaxes after a long day of slaughter.
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marvel-trash-bin · 3 years
Taking Risks.
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(Not my Gif.)
Summary: Zemo gives you what he thinks you deserve. *Some TFATWS Ep. 3 Spoilers.*
Pairing: Zemo x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Smut for days baby. Dirty Talking, Possession, marking, Soft!Dom Zemo. 18+ Only.
Word Count: 4.2K
Tags: @greeneyedblondie44
A/N: Look we all know we're walking dangerous territory, simping for a war criminal. But Sugar Daddy Zemo got me feeling some type of way and also, Daniel Brüle is hot asf. Also, I don't actually know german so pls if it's off just blame google translate, I just have an insatiable language kink and I needed the pet names more than air itself. I thought about making this a chaptered fic, but I barely had the time to write this, never mind chapters of it before he likely fucks over Sam and Bucky next episode. Anyways, enjoy!
Here’s the thing.
You knew he was dangerous. You knew his past, the EKO Scorpion kill squad and everything with the Avengers, manipulating them and breaking them up from the inside. He was smart, unpredictable. You knew there was a very real potential that you could be hurt - or worse - if you went down the road.
And maybe, in a past life that would’ve been enough to stop you. But you weren’t who you used to be. You liked playing with fire now, inviting danger and chaos rather than straying from it. You had lived in - hid in, was more accurate - Madripoor for a handful of years now. You laid low, kept yourself under the radar of the Power Broker and those who worked for him. This way, no one bothered you and you could live fragments of a normal life, Trading and bartering to make a living. But living this way, like forgotten trash on a sidewalk, got old.
Maybe that’s why when you caught his attention, you didn’t shy away from it.
It had happened so fast. You were dancing, just intoxicated enough that the rubbing of strangers' bodies against yours was not just welcomed, but encouraged. So encouraged that when a new body, tall and firm behind you, took the place of another, you didn’t hesitate to back up into the warmth. His hands gripped your hips tightly, not stopping or guiding you, just resting. Turning your head slightly to see what your new dance partner looked like, you startled a little seeing the Baron.
Helmut chuckled, a low sound you felt rather than heard, and ducked his head down to speak into your ear, “You know who I am.”
You let your body relax back into his, feeling reckless enough to bless the menacing man with your flirtations, your head falling back onto his, “I’ve heard a thing or two.”
“And yet you trust me to hold you like this,” his hands flex on your hips, just hard enough to show the strength they hold, “Like a lover.”
You grab one of his hands, leading it down to your upper thigh where your knife holster sits, never once letting his hand leave your body.
“If I didn’t want you touching me, you’d know it, Baron.”
The gust of breath you felt against the side of your neck and the large hand gripping your thigh had shivers rolling pleasantly down your spine.
“You are far too beautiful to reside in these undergrounds,” he spun you around in his grasp, allowing you to get a good look at his face, “A woman like yourself should be treated with the most expensive riches, the finest wines. She should drain a man of his earnings.”
You laughed, not expecting the words that came from his mouth nor how handsome he was, even this close, “Point me to the man who’s willing.”
He smirked at you, but there was a smugness to it. A glimmer in his eye that suggested he had the riches and the desire to give you anything you wanted. You felt like you were drowning in his gaze, lost as you were under the heat of it. He looked somewhere behind you, pulling his eyes from you to nod once at whatever, or whoever, had stolen his attention from you. When they returned to you, the heat and desire were replaced with determination.
“It is with great regret that I must leave you, for now,” He captured your hand, bringing it up to his lips, the softness of them brushing lightly against your knuckles, “I can get you out of Madripoor, give you a life you deserve. If you meet me tomorrow morning, the airstrip.”
The world felt like it froze around you. The rational part of your brain was screaming at you. You couldn’t trust him. You Shouldn’t trust him. But as you stared into his eyes you saw nothing but honesty.
“And if I don’t?” You ask, just to buy yourself some time.
His hand travels up your arm, taking your chin between his thumb and pointer finger securely, “I will not pressure you. I’d leave you be, but the ghost of you would haunt me, schatzi.”
And with that, he was gone. Leaving you with nothing more than your thoughts, mentally preparing how quickly you could pack your things and leaving Madripoor behind. After all, you’ve always loved taking risks.
The next few weeks were a blur. Zemo was laying low, but his form of laying low was still luxury to you. It was private jets and upscale accommodations, not to mention that he was a man of his word. He spoiled you. Within three days of being in his presence, you had acquired a whole new wardrobe. Your suitcases - also new - were filled to the brim with the fanciest and latest fashion. You had rare jewels on nearly every piece of jewelry you owned. Maybe spoiled was an understatement. You’ve only dreamed of owning riches like these.
He had picked something particular for you to wear tonight, both of you making an appearance at some sort of party with some higher-ups. It was all laid out on the king-sized bed, a little black dress of sorts. It was short and sheer in its long sleeves, the sparkles in the fabric ensured that you would shimmer under any lighting. With a simple clutch, matching jewelry and a cropped, white fur jacket to keep you warm until you got to your destination. You looked good. You felt good.
He looked just as good. Sporting an outfit similar to the one you had met him in, instead choosing a dark red turtleneck to create a stunning relation between both your outfits. Nothing had happened between the two of you yet. Aside from lingering glances and innocent touches, he had been a gentleman. The chemistry was there, for sure. You were able to joke and talk with the man, matching his wit and charm every step of the way. And he loved it.
“Best behaviour tonight, schatzi.” He had said, low in your ear as you walked towards the venue.
You had smiled back at him, the perfect picture of innocence, “Always, Baron.”
And at the time, you had fully meant it. But you found yourself craving him. He looked too good, it honestly wasn’t fair. The way that ridiculous fur jacket draped over his shoulders, fostering a powerful ambience. And you knew he was faring no better himself if by the way his eyes were glued to your curves was anything to go by.
So, you decided, maybe you shouldn’t be on your best behaviour tonight. It’s not like you were making a scene or anything that would call too much attention. You were simply letting the alcohol take over your body. Whether that meant a hand on his thigh as you listened to the conversations around you, your fingers playing with the short hairs at the back of his neck or dancing a little too scandalously when you knew he was watching. You felt confident. And when you felt confident, you felt dangerous.
By the end of the night, you were teasing yourself just as much as you were him. You were pushing your luck, hands trailing a little too close to the bulge in his slacks, enjoying the way his facial features changed briefly in shock before settling back into that infuriating unmovable stoic impression. The last straw was you bending in front of him, having ‘dropped’ something from your purse. You only had to bend so much before the dress, as short as it was, had ridden up just enough for him to catch a glimpse of your panties.
In an instant, he had you standing upright, thanking whoever he had been talking to for a wonderful night, tugging your dress back down to a respectable length and steering you towards the door by the back of your neck.
“That was not best behaviour,” he growled into your ear.
You giggled, despite the tight grip on your neck, “I was just having fun.”
He had done nothing but stare at you, eyes hard with a warning that had you rethinking your actions. You had forgotten, for a moment, that this man was not just someone to give you all the pretty trinkets you wore. He was a mastermind, a criminal mastermind at that. A man most deemed dangerous enough to be locked away.
“You have been bad tonight, kleine Schlampe.” He said once he had gotten you back to his car, away from the prying eyes and ears of the party guests, “You will spend the trip back thinking of ways to make it up to me.”
The words sent heat through your core, and you did exactly as he said.
By the time he had gotten you up to your accommodations, you had thought of thousands of different scenarios that could earn you forgiveness for your recklessness. You were uncertain if his words earlier had implied sexual favours, or if a simple, genuine apology was all he was looking for. However, once he had turned to you, the room door closing behind him and his eyebrows raised expectantly, you fell to your knees in front of him like it was second nature.
He chuckles darkly at you as he peels his gloves off, tossing them gently onto a side table nearby before letting one hand brush away the hair that had fallen in your face.
“Seems you are meine kleine schlampe indeed,” You had no idea what it meant, but fuck it sounded good coming from him. His eyes were hard and dark as he stared down at you, “If this is the path you’ve chosen to apologize, so be it. But not here, you are meine schlampe not a common whore. Get up. Go to the bedroom.”
You did as he said, quickly pulling yourself up to a standing position and walking to the designated room. The bed, so far, had only been used by you. He hadn’t wanted to push or pressure you into sharing a space with him. He understood that just because you decided to join him, didn’t mean you wanted to be with him. But tonight, you had decided, you wanted to give him your everything. You wanted to show him how grateful you were for all the gifts he’d given you so far. And if you couldn’t give him luxuries, you would give him your desire.
“So,” he began, nodding in approval at the way you resume your position on the floor in front of him, “Let’s begin with the basics.” As he talked, he rolled up his sleeves, doing so with precision, “Tell me, what exactly are you apologizing for?”
He commands every drop of your attention. There’s an aura to him that you had only previously caught a glimpse of. His eyes dark and locked onto yours, never once wavering. Waiting. Calculating.
“For teasing you.”
You take a breath, shame flooding your core at the answer that sits on your tongue.
“For embarrassing you.”
There’s a pause. He cocks his head, gaze softening just a tad. He's quiet for several moments, analyzing your words. Your heart starts to beat a little faster at the extended silence, thinking you’ve done something wrong and you can’t keep up the eye contact. You duck your head, averting your gaze to his feet.
“Look at me, schatzi.” His voice is soft, but still with enough edge to make you listen.
Only once your eyes meet his again does he continue.
“That’s very sweet of you, to be concerned about my image. But make no mistake,” He steps closer to you, letting one hand cup your jaw, tilting it upwards. His thumb brushes against your bottom lip, “You could never embarrass me,”
You dip your head, nipping softly at his thumb. He smiles softly at you, something glimmering in his eye, “I simply just don’t like to share what’s mine.”
Your breath leaves your body at his words and suddenly the need for him to claim you had you nearly vibrating in your skin. You watch, every muscle in your body clenched tightly, as he walks slowly over to the armchair in the corner, never once taking his eyes off you. He sits, legs parted, one arm draped off the side, the other rested so he could prop his head up.
Instantly, you make your way over to him. Once in front of him, you stand up on your knees, placing your hands on his knees and slowly sliding them up his thighs. They continue its upward motion, skimming lighting over the hardness in his pants and reaching to start on his belt. You make quick work of his belt and buttons, eagerly working his pants and briefs down. He chuckles above you.
“Mein Schatz, so eager to apologize.” He purrs, almost mockingly, hand coming down to brush the fallen hair away from your face.
Once you had him free, you took a second to admire him. Your legs clenched at the size of him. Not terribly big, but big enough to anticipate the stretch, the fullness. Your eyes flicked back up, looking up at his through your lashes, leaning in but stopping just before you could actually get your mouth on him. The hand that was previously fixing your hair was now clenched in it, messing it up again and forcing your head back suddenly to look at him properly.
“It would not be wise to tease me more than you have,” he warned.
A smirk spread across your features and you quickly realized how much you liked him like this.
However, you knew you were on thin ice already. With that in mind, as soon as his grip loosened you licked a wide stripe up his length, swirling your tongue around the tip before taking him fully into your mouth. The tension his body held melted the second your tongue touched him. His mouth dropping on a soft groan. His hand stroked your hair as you sucked, encouraging the bobs of your head, not forcing but guiding. You keep your eyes trained on his face, not wanting to miss a second of experiencing him like this.
He glows in the low lamplight of the room, the shadows playing across his features delicately. You like him like this too. Reduced to a heap of gasps and moans beneath the heat of your mouth. As you suck, your hands wander, up under the fabric of his shirt, nails dragging down his sides. He hisses at the pain, but doesn’t tell you to stop.
After a few minutes of your slow torture, he decides he’s had enough. His hand tightens in your hair, his movements becoming less gentle and more demanding.
“That’s a good girl, take it all for me.”
You do as he asks, taking a breath before taking him as deep as you can. He groans at the feeling, hips shifting a few times to test you before beginning to thrust in and out of your mouth. Your jaw aches, but his eyes are on you and his thumb is tracing your bottom lip that’s stretched wide around his cock and you think for a second that you could spend eternity like this.
It’s not much longer before he pulls you off his cock, hand wrapping around his base tightly, “Apologies, schatzi. I am out of practice, and I fear I'm not quite finished with you yet.”
You laugh softly, voice rough due to your previous activity, “That’s okay, I don’t mind.” You insist, more than happy to let him finish like this. Whatever he wants.
He stops you before you can dip down again, standing up and taking you with him. For the first time, his lips are on yours. He overwhelms all your senses. His breath loud in your ears, his hands on your waist, his scent. His tongue slides against yours as he walks you forward, shedding his lower clothing as he goes. He only parts to give you an order.
“Turn around.”
As you do, he finishes undressing and it kills you that can’t see him. Just as quickly as the thought crosses your mind, it’s gone as you feel his hands at the top of your dress. He slides the zipper down, letting the fabric fall off your shoulders. You take the liberty of helping the sleeves the rest of the way down, the fabric falling down around your heels once you’ve done so. He hums behind you.
“Such beauty,” he whispers against your shoulder. His hands begin to wander, around your waist, up underneath the fabric of your bra, down to your thighs and ass. He chuckles, dragging your panties down enough that they too fall, forgotten at your feet, “I can hardly stay mad at you, liebling.”
Your head falls back onto his shoulders as he works your bra off next. You shiver, feeling bare and exposed before him. You want him more than you can express and you let your whole body fall back into his embrace, whimpering at the feeling of him, hard against the swell of your ass.
“Helmut,” you moan, one of your hands finding purchase in his hair as the other rests on one of his forearms.
“Tell me you’re mine, Schatzi. And I’ll give you anything you want.”
“I’m yours,” you say without hesitation, breathless as his hand dips between your legs, finding your clit. He hums, pleased at the arousal he finds there, “I’m yours. Only yours.”
He growls pulling his hand away from, “Lay back on the bed. I’ll be right back.”
You do as he says, positioning yourself in the middle of the bed. While you wait, you let your mind wander, listening to his rummaging somewhere in another room while your mind runs through everything you want him to do to you. At some point, your eyes must close because when you feel the bed dip, they open to see him crawling between your legs.
He’s done messing around, wasting no time before his face is buried between your thighs, hands maneuvering your legs so that they’re thrown over his shoulders, your heels crossing sweetly behind his head, no doubt scratching at his shoulders. Your breath leaves your body at the feeling of his tongue, warm and wet and fan-fucking-tastic. He alternates between dipping it in and out of your heat and flicking it against your clit. Your hand finds his hair, gripping it between your fingers and guiding his movements ever so slightly. His eyes don’t leave yours, spare for the few times he closes them to moan against you.
One of his hands move, leaving its place at your hip to sink two fingers into you. Your head falls back on a moan, back arching up when he crooks his fingers and finds your g-spot.
“Fuck,” you gasp, one hand gripping the pillow behind your head as you feel your orgasm rush towards you, “Fuck- Wait, I-”
You can’t even feel embarrassed about how easily your body has reacted to him. Before you can warn him much more, you're falling over the edge. Your thighs tensing around his head, back arching in pleasure as you ride out your high. In this moment you belong completely to him, unable to think of anything else.
“So sweet for me, liebling.” He comments, hands rubbing up and down your calves as you come down, taking a moment to unfasten your heels, letting the shoes drop to the floor before leaning back in. His lips brush against your inner thigh.
Then a bite.
“Such pretty sounds you make for me.”
And then he’s sucking harshly at the skin there, watching the shudder that rips through your sensitive body at the sensation. He doesn’t pull away until the mark is dark and flush against your skin. He continues this on the other thigh, on your ribs, your breasts and finally your neck, marking you thoroughly.
“Mine.” He growls, hot against your ear, “Mein schatz, will you let me have you?” he asks, and it’s literally all you can think about so you don’t even bother hiding the truth, the confession tumbling from your lips breathlessly.
“I’d let you do anything to me.”
He groans, capturing your lips in a deep kiss as he does so. He pulls away to grab the condom that he had put next to him on the bed and leaning back on his haunches to roll it on. You’re so impatient, nails digging into his thighs and arms, whining as you watch his hands work.
“So needy,” He comments, swallowing your moan as he finally, finally, sinks into you.
The stretch as he enters you has your head rolling back on a moan, your legs wrapping around his waist the bring him the rest of the way in. He buries his head in the crook of your neck, growling against the skin there.
“Fuck,” he groans through gritted teeth, his resolve quickly slipping at the feeling of you around his cock. And to his credit, he really tries to wait, to be good. But not seconds later he’s adjusting his grip on your hips and he’s thrusting into you with a force that makes the whole bed shake.
It’s barely been 30 seconds, but the build-up that had occurred throughout the entirety of the night had you right back on the edge, your nails clawing at his shoulders, his back, his thighs. Any purchase you could get on him, you were begging for more. You’d take anything he gave you without so much as batting an eyelash. His grip on your hips is tight and bruising, but the pain twists into a delicious pleasure that only spurs you on.
You must be speaking, babbling something back to him about how good it feels, how much you love being fucked by him because he’s laughing through a moan against your neck. He pauses for just a second, straightening up and throwing one of your legs over his shoulder before continuing to fuck you.
“That’s it Kätzchen.” He purrs, eyes moving down your body to where he enters your body, “Taking my cock so well.”
You mewl at the praise, your body arching in response to his words. Your second orgasm takes you both by surprise, having hit you like a fucking freight train when he thrusts particularly deep, hitting one of your sweet spots. You scramble for purchase on him, mouth dropped open in a near-pornographic moan that you’ll surely be embarrassed about later. But for now, all you know is pleasure.
His hips falter, stuttering as your walls tighten around him. His head falls back on a low moan, fucking you hard and slow through your release.
“Such a sweet cunt,” he gasps, “Mein Gott..”
And then he’s tangling your hands together, holding it high above your head as he pushes your thighs back, flush against your chest. He’s the one babbling now, words from God only knows what language, whispered against your skin as he chases his own release. He gives one last hard thrust and he’s done, his teeth dragging against the skin on your shoulder, moaning against you as he rides out his orgasm.
As you both come down, you stroke the back of his neck, playing with the hairs there, trying to catch your breath. After a few moments, he pulls away just enough to kiss you. There’s a lingering heat and it’s a little messy due to your shared exhaustion but it’s good.
Once you’ve both caught your breath, he removes himself from your body, taking the necessary time to deal with the condom. You watch him lazily, unable to do much other than that. You’re so tired. But there’s that ache between your legs that you love so much and you think briefly that you could go another round, if he wanted to.
He must see something in your eyes when he returns because he laughs softly, “I feel I may have my hands full with you, schatzi.” he says as he crawls back into the bed with you, covering the both of you with a blanket, the cold now biting at your skin. You know you have to get up soon enough to sort yourself out before bed, but for a moment you stay with him.
His fingers brush over your face softly, following the slope of your nose and the angle of your cheeks. There’s no real purpose to his movements, just... touching. As if convincing himself that you’re real.
“You are special, schatzi.” he says softly, “I don’t know what your plans are, but I can only hope that you choose to continue to bless me with your presence.”
This man is such an enigma to you. He carries such confidence in every aspect of his life and yet he still doubts your loyalties. There’s anxiety and pain hidden within him, you can see it in his eyes as he continues to look at you. You wonder, how much of his past weighs on his shoulders. How long before he deems himself worthy of your affection? You lean in to kiss him softly, your lips dragging slowly against him. When you pull away you keep him close, brushing your noses together.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
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tteokdoroki · 3 years
an ode to winter | dabi.
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♡ pairing: dabi/touya todoroki x fem!reader.
♡ word count: 14.1K
♡ rating: mature, 18+, mdni.
♡ genre: manga war arc!au, single-parent!au, unplanned pregnancy!au,  angst, fluff, smut.
♡ summary: touya todoroki had broken a lot of things, your heart, promises, your window a few times, but you swore he'd never leave your child feeling that way. but when he wants back into your life, will he take no for an answer? And do you even want to say it?
♡ warning(s): please read ! heavy smut, ( literally 5k of it ), MANGA SPOILERS IN THE EXTENDED ENDING,  mentions of pregnancy, mentions of semi-toxic!relationships, struggling with parenting, blackmail ??,   unprotected sex ( wrap it before you tap it, losers ), handjobs, oral sex ( female receiving ), fingering ( female receiving ),  choking, branding, squirting, spit!kink, needy touya lol <3
♡ author’s note(s): OK so this started out as a fic for my bestie @ozzy-bozzy​ but then turned into this long ass vent fic bc i do be struggling!! i’ve barely written for touya so apologies if his character is off. special thanks to @bakugous-trauma for beta reading n @doinmybesthere for the summary and beta reading and thanks for 4.7K MWAH <3
♡ masterlist | requests
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the snow had fallen heavy that day, its flakes dancing along the window panes while you’d brought her into the world. you hated the cold, the way it nipped at your nose and stung at your cheeks, how it could freeze over a heart so badly that it would take years to thaw it out. you’d complained about the ice sheets that frosted your windows to the doctors, the ones on the roads too, but they’d simply wrote it off as your anxieties related to bringing kori home for the first time in such weather.
funnily enough, your daughter much resembled the cold in many ways. you’d named her ‘kori’; meaning ice, since her hair was white as the crisp blanket of winter outside and her eyes a piercing shade of aqua marine, that for a while, had no meaning written behind them except for a cool curiosity that you knew didn’t come from your side of the family. she wasn’t warm either, the first time you held her, her flesh against yours was almost a painful spark of frostbite— you expected that it was related to the lineage she came from too.
you thought that you’d resent kori when she was born; for the struggles that her new life had brought to you. you’d given birth alone and afraid, having lost friends and contact with your family due to keeping your pregnancy a secret. if they had known who caused you to end up in this situation in the first place, you were sure you’d have lost them all anyways. you hadn’t a chance to attend maternity classes due to the hours you worked in order to ensure yourself and your child’s financial security. although, prior to her arrival, dabi had told you that if you chose to give your daughter the todoroki name; you both would be looked after when the right time came.
and like a fool in love, you’d believed him, avoiding the apologetic gazes of the doctors and midwives who’d delivered your baby as you filled out her paperwork and birth certificate. one nurse even asked you if you wanted to contact endeavour for support, and you couldn’t blame her— the rumours of your child potentially being that of natsuo todoroki’s had spread fast through the hospital and it was a given, figuring his bad boy college reputation. natsuo and his ventures into the college life were no stranger to the media, so it didn’t surprise you nor the doctors to believe that this wasn’t the first time a girl had given birth alone to a todoroki child. you suspected that if there were any, enji todoroki would have paid them off.
so you let them believe what ever false truth that might have plagued the hospital walls about yourself and your daughter— not having the heart to tell them that you’d probably receive a much larger sum of money to keep hush about the child that you mothered and the child who’s father belonged to endeavour’s deceased, eldest son.
so you realised, thumb held by the chubby hand of your sweet infant girl; that you couldn’t hate her for the mistakes you’d made and the mess you’d become tangled up in— you could only promise to do your best in raising her despite the odds and difficult circumstances, you could give her the life and childhood that her father never had but most certainly deserved.
“miss yn...”
your midwife; himari enters the room, calling for you— tearing your gaze away from the hypnotising sea-foam eyes belonging to your daughter, the way she looked at you only reminding you of dabi. you’d told him once that his eyes always took you to the mediterranean sea, to which he’d laughed and mentioned you’d never seen it before. when the pair of you realised that this was true, the boy with the black hair and intoxicating stare made an oath to you, that he would take you there someday so you could bask in the warm sun and dip your toes into the clear oceans. you only hoped that this oath still remained true.
“miss yn...” himari tries again, this time stepping further into your hospital room. your thoughts had carried you so far away that you hadn’t realised how close she’d gotten as she lingered by your cot. her hands lay flat against her pale blue uniform, nails you note—neatly trimmed— and a smile that would have made you feel comfortable had you not known she’d volunteered to care for you because she too believed she’d be paid off by endeavour. you almost felt bad that she thought the silly lie was true and that she had a shot at a big time bonus but it was funny to think that no one would believe her when she eventually took to the news to claim that she cared for the next heir of the todoroki empire. “it’s says here, that kori is scheduled for feeding— i was wondering if you wanted to continue breast feeding or try pumping a bottle or two today?”
chewing on the inside of your cheek, you hum with hesitance. feeding kori was something you’d never discussed with dabi, some of the nurses had assured you that it was possible for you to do both— so that you could grow closer to your daughter and form a tight bond whilst also giving the opportunity to others to feed her when need be. there weren’t many others, but you figured that dabi might want to give bottle feeding a whirl when he finally returned from the league business. the business that had made him miss his little girl’s birth.
kori gargles from hunger in your arms, drawing your attention back to her tiny form. a stray strand of hair curls against her forehead from underneath her blankets and swaddling— the end you notice has a slight tint of red to it. the icy shell around your heart thaws. glancing back up to himari; you grin with a decision in mind. “i’d like to try breast feeding again, we can use the pump tomorrow.” you say, voice quiet.
“do you need any help getting her to latch?” your midwife asks, aiding you into a comfortable position to feed kori.
“no,” you smile after getting settled, pushing down your gown to expose your breast to your little girl. “i’ve got her, i can take care of her.”
you say the words more so to yourself than to himari, a hidden reassurance that you’re more than capable of raising your daughter on your own.
for now at least.
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that winter, dabi never came home.
the snow melts, the flowers bloom and the seasons change. your daughter grows with the swift transition of the weathers too, her hair is a little longer now but the small curl of red against her forehead remains hidden and the same. her eyes open wider, still that deep shade of ocean blue, she can sit up on her own, throws toys out of her crib  and her favourite movies are bambi and bambi two. they’re the only things that she watches, which you hate, because they remind you of her. an innocent child who loses one parent and is left in the care of the emotionally closed off other.
you hadn’t realised how much you would need dabi, but still he is nowhere to be seen.
raising kori on your own proves a challenge, especially now that she’s a little bigger— it was easy after she was born; she was quiet and only made a fuss when she was hungry or needed to be changed. went down easy too, that was until her wails reared their ugly head as soon as the colder parts of winter hit. no matter what you did, the girl would cry for hours on end until her face would hurt from how scrunched it was and her fingers would turn red from the grip she had on your hands.
since her birth, you and kori had to move three times due to the noise complaints about her consistent crying throughout the day, evening and night. by the time february rolled around, you’d ended up in an apartment not so far from dabi’s old neighbourhood— it was a shitty area with high crime rates and an eerie feel to it that made you clutch your purse tighter when you walked home from the late night shifts— you had never had any intentions to raise kori in a dump like this, you wanted a better life for her than what dabi had, but your shabby two bedroom apartment in the dark side of town would be enough for now.
the rent was cheap since your current boss at the local grocers market was close friends with the building manager, but your boss was also a sleaze who thought offering you an extra 10% off of your weekly shop and an expired coupon for the coffee joint down the street would be enough to get into your pants. he was just another thing on your list that you hated about the world, about the current life you lead but you needed to keep him close to keep your rent low and a roof over your head.
besides, it had been a few days since you last saw him at work— the asshole was probably taking a few days to himself while you and your colleagues practically ran the store.
you can’t leave kori with a sitter; they never worked with her. your daughter was far too temperamental for the average person and would spend one night with her before taking their pay and quitting. the only person able to handle your beloved little girl was the old lady who lived two floors above yours, mrs. yamamoto. she was a sweet woman, widowed by fifteen years and had taken a liking to kori that one time you’d helped with her groceries when she couldn’t make it out in the february winter after your little girl was born.
it seemed kori liked mrs yamamoto as well, she was only ever quiet in the woman’s presence and you put it down to how high she had the heat up in her apartment. one time, it was up so high the power in the building went out for an entire night— which was hell for you since kori wouldn’t stop bawling. however; you appreciated the help, you’re sure that without the help of the elder woman you would have been far under the surface— drowning in regret.
but sometimes, it’s easy for the darker emotions to slip through the cracks— take a choke hold over your sanity. there would be nights where guilt would consume you and tears would flow heavily down your cheeks while your daughter slept. it was hard being alone, no one to confide in about the troubles of parenting or to reassure you that you were doing a good job at taking care of your child.
it didn’t help that winter was coming up again, kori’s first birthday fast approaching. the sudden milestone only made you wish that dabi was around more — it hurt you to know that there was possibility he’d run out on you and his responsibilities as a father but part of you believed that your lover was better. the eldest todoroki son appeared way too excited throughout your pregnancy to leave you with nothing.
despite not being able to make it to appointments due to his criminal nature, dabi had somehow manged to find the money to get you a 4D ultra sound of your baby, telling you a few odd jobs here and there allowed him to scrape the cash together. you never asked what it was that he did, afraid of what you might find in the eyes of the man that you loved so much.
why did you allow yourself to love a man who wouldn’t have given you the time of day if he hadn’t broken into your home? his seafoam eyes a glowing shade as he threatened your life through shards of broken glass and then wails of cop sirens outside. were you just as broken as he? had you not realised it yet? you could blame this whole mess on the fact that he kept coming back, but you always let him back in. dabi was a broken man who only knew blood and grit and grime and you were the girl with a chance to lead a normal life— yet you poured all of your heart and all of your soul into loving him because you were so sure that you could fix him.
and every single time you’d convinced him, convinced yourself that what you had could be normal and domestic— dabi would slip between your sheets, pinning you to your bed with your name heavy on your lips and the emotion of love painted into the turquoise flecks in his eyes. they burned with passion while his heated cock sunk between your plush thighs and welcomed him into your warmth. the moans you’d share while your skin slapped together, creating a bubble of safety where you were the only two people on the world.
dabi made promises against your swollen lips as his fingers swirled hidden messages of desire into your slick, puffy clit. he couldn’t give you the ring, the wedding or the house with the white picket fence and dog barking at the post man in the front yard— but he could give you every part of him from the good to the bad, the beautiful to the ugly and he would seal that promise with a throaty groan of ‘you are mine and i am yours...’ into your ear as you came together.
but it seemed that like all things, dabi’s promises were broken like shattered glass— never meant to be kept or eternalised. the shards cut your delicate fingers, the pain numbed as you were left to pick up the pieces and be strong for the small life you were now responsible for.
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you were careful to not let the door fly in and hit the wall opposite as you unlocked it, stumbling into your two bedroom with kori’s chubby legs locked around your hips and bag full of groceries in your other hand. “look princess,” you coo down at your daughter sweetly, watching as she drools all over your staff lanyard from work. “we’re home!” bending down, you dropped the produce off by the door before heading off to your living room area, propping kori in front of her toy mat.
smiling down at her, you brush the pure white hair that curls over her cobalt eyes and kiss her freckled cheeks— heart swooning at the way kori giggles in your arms. she’d been on her best behaviour the entire week, keeping out of trouble with the staff at her daycare and mrs yamamoto in the place upstairs, so it was only right that you treat her.
“you hungry babygirl? want mommy to make your favourite, hm?” kori is barely old enough to talk aside from a few babbles and repeats of mama but that doesn’t stop you from asking.
you press another kiss to her baby fat cheeks before heading to the kitchen to prepare her favourite dinner— spaghetti. ever since kori started eating her solids, she hadn’t been a picky eater and you noticed that her appetite much resembled dabi’s, who couldn’t afford to be fussy about any of the meals you’d made for him before he disappeared.
making the sauce is easy, a dish you’d prepared from when you were a child and used to cook with your parents— you retrieve the ingredients from the groceries and pull out the stuff you’ll need to cook them. you mince the vegetables easily like you’d been taught as your mind gets away from you.
you wish that dabi was here to enjoy the domesticity of your current life— maybe him being around would lift the dark cloud over your life. sometimes it hurt to know that he would be missing out on moments like this and you could imagine him sitting by the couch while kori played with her toys and you cooked for them both. in this world, he’d laugh at her fascination with colder toys and magnets— make a joke about how much your little girl resembles him and kiss your cheek when you served them both up their favourite meals.
tears pool in your eyes at the thought of your wish never being granted and that’s all it takes for you to slip and cut your finger while chopping up the garlic. “fuck!” you boss, dropping the knife and squeezing your hand around the wounded digit. you know that the clattering of the knife has scared kori, and from the way she looks at you, you can already tell that she’s seen you injure yourself. “god, fuck...that hurt.”
there’s a pause in time, while you rinse your cut under the tap, cold water soothing the sting before kori starts to wail like her life depends on it. in a rush, you grab a tea towel in hopes that it’ll stop the bleeding and head straight for your baby, hoping that you’ll be able to soothe her. by the time you reach kori, her eyes are red with tears and snot dribbles from her nose down to her chin while she babbles loosely all the new words she’s learned— in a whiny tone.  
“baby, don’t cry mommy’s got you,” you murmur to her, reaching out to the little girl with open arms. your heart breaks at the way her bottom lip wobbles in a watery pout. kori crawls into your arms, white mop of soft baby hair buried into the junction between your shoulder and your neck— her tiny body shakes with awful heaves and cries while her tears dampen the old hoodie of her father’s that you wear, effectively ruining the fabric. “come on honey, it’s okay! momma didn’t mean to scare you...”
she snivels in your arms, quiet for only a second while you walk around the apartment bouncing her. walking kori up and down seems to soothe her for the most part, a trick that worked when she was first born and had her horrible crying fits. “good girl, mama’s got you...” you continue to soothe her, brushing a finger under her white lashes to remove her tears. all is well for a second and it seems her tantrum has calmed, until she grabs onto your wounded finger and makes you curse in pain again.
“m-momma-!” kori whimpers, face creasing in pain as her cheeks start to heat up again. you fear that if you don’t do something soon she’ll bust a lung from crying.
you shake your head in an attempt to calm her down, baby sobs striking right through your body and resume bouncing her, hoping that it’ll work. “shhh kori, honey, it’s okay— mommy’s okay and so are you...” in the process of comforting her, you somehow trip over the discarded knife, sending it flying into the cabinets across from the island and making another loud noise that further spooks kori.
at this she screams bloody murder, the sound of her little chest heaving giving you a splitting headache. you were tired, tired of your daughter’s crying , working long hours with no help and raising a child all on your own. you were tired of the pain spreading through your head and your body and your heart. you needed an out or break at the very least.
you should feel guilty for what you’re about to do, heading for the nursery with a heaving baby in your grip. you can’t think of anything better to do than put kori down for a nap and hope that her crying tires her out— you do your best to pry the little girl from clinging onto your clothes and tuck her into her crib as she sniffles, quickly backing out of her room before she can call for you and make you feel even worse than you already do.
you close the door quietly behind you, somewhat sliding down it while your own sobs take over your body— shaking you violently as you hug your knees to your chest. you don’t know how long you sit there, biting your lips and holding onto in your whimpers while tears stream down the apples of your cheeks, but eventually
you find yourself drifting off with dreams of your happy family.
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you jump awake a few hours later, surrounded by a thick darkness from the sky outside. the hum of the city streets helps to bring you back down to earth as you rub the sleep from your puffy eyes and blink away the exhaustion. you don’t quite remember when you’d fallen into a slumber but you figure that kori must have eventually, judging by the quietness that surrounds your apartment.
the blanket of the night allows your guilt to burn brightly in your chest— you shouldn’t have left her alone. scrambling to your feet, you stumble over to the kitchen counter and grab your phone to read the time. 11:06pm. it’s just about time that you check on your daughter, but with two steps of heading to the nursery and you’re met with foreign sound that doesn’t quite fit in with the usual creaks and squeaks of your apparent.
happy gurgles belonging to your baby creep out from underneath her bedroom door, low humming or singing to accompany her sweet sound. humming that you don’t recognise. with a pang of fear to your heart, you reach for the knife on your kitchen floor as a weapon of defence— this would go down nicely with the police. a single mother on self defence...yeah, that could work out.
the knife shakes in your hand as you approach kori’s nursery, barely steady even when you push open the door.
nothing could prepare you for what you’d see after walking into that room but when your eyes fall witness to your love standing in the centre of the room with a little tuft of white hair cradled to his bare chest. the air around you tingles with warmth as if dabi has heated the place up with his quirk and your little girl curls into him as if she’s known him all her life. but she hadn’t, he hadn’t.
all at once, your heart heals just as it breaks— it’s been so long since you’ve seen the villain that you can’t help but notice all the changes in him, the way his eyes droop a little more with exhaustion and his hair dusted with a the slightest bit of white. he was noticeably thinner too, maybe from being away from a warm bed and good food for too long...so a half of you was relieved that he was home, the other— hurt and betrayed.
“hey beautiful,” dabi’s timbre voice fills your entire being, stimulating your senses into a dull tingle. his lips a drawn into soft smirk as he rocks kori back and forth, your  baby’s eyes flutter with the gentle indication of sleep. “how’ya been?”
if you weren’t frozen in shock, you would have given the villain a piece of your mind. how dare he...after all this time apart from you, from his daughter...ask how you were doing? your eyes flutter to the open window behind the oldest todoroki son, as if you need to look away from him to convince yourself he’s real and he won’t disappear when you look back.
proven right by meeting the cool, chartreuse sea of his eyes— your throat runs dry as all you’d ever dreamed of saying in this moment, flees from your mind. “what are you doing here?” you say, trying to sound firm even though your voice falls through.
touya stays quiet, twirling a long finger through the small curls on his—your daughter’s head. “i was in the neighbourhood.” he mumbles, gaze tearing away from you to focus on the content infant he has in his arms.
you should feel angry, you should be screaming and kicking at dabi— forcing him out of your home with your child safe in your own arms but your body doesn’t will you to. hurt seeps through your veins at the casual aura in his tone. of course dabi would treat the situation as if it never existed and that he’d been with you the whole time. the pain of seeing him with her as if he’d been in kori’s life from the very start wraps around your heart in a poisonous grip and squeezes hard until you’re choking back a sob, letting it sit in the base of your throat.
you refuse to break in front of him.
“you need to go. you need to put her down and you need to leave.” you attempt to assert yourself in a harsh bark, almost making dabi jump. he’d never seen you like this before, but then again he hadn’t seen you in a year. he could only imagine what motherhood had done to you, especially facing it on your own. touya hesitates, kori shifting in his soft grip— one he didn’t even know that he had as a villain but you steady yourself and repeat your words. “touya, i said you need to leave.”
“why? so you can fall asleep and leave her crying on her own again?” the villain spits out, harsher than he intended. he watches your face fall and your body curl in on itself and he feels bad. dabi had promised you a lot of things since realising he loved you, and not hurting you like his father hurt his mother was one that he’d just broken. relenting, the dark haired villain eases kori from his pec and tucks her into her crib.
there’s a beat of silence and then. “i’m sorry.”
“you should be.”
“yn,” he sighs, running a hand through the light roots of his hair as he leans over his child’s crib. the young father tilts his head, scanning kori’s face while he identifies every characteristic she has from the family he’d done his best to free himself of.   “i’m sorry, it’s just— just that she was cold and crying, so i took off my shirt and held her and she warmed up and—“ dabi pauses his quiet rambling, finally looking up from the slumbering baby tucked away into powder blue silk and locks eyes with you. “and she probably has my mom’s shitty quirk. and i can’t get over how much she looks like them, how big she’s gotten.”
touya finds his shirt after admitting that, throwing on the thin white material before closing the window he came through. he moves with the swiftness that comes with his job, and it’s almost peaceful to watch. you stay plastered by the door, torn between falling right into the palm of his hand and demanding the answers that you and your daughter deserve.
it makes you feel a little sick when he gazes down at kori with pride, it makes you queasy at how easy she was to handle to him. touya todoroki doesn’t know half of what it was to raise his child...but did that make you a bad mother? was there something he shared with kori that you didn’t? dabi hadn’t known what it was to love someone other than himself until he’d met you, but you’d spent your entire life around family and friends who took care of you and made you feel cherished every day. you had all of that before you had dabi, and you’d given it all up for him.
shouldn’t you be the one to easily put your daughter down for a nap? to soothe her tears? and for him to come so briskly into your lives and take care of it all when he doesn’t even know what you’d been through, hurts most of all.
“you don’t even know her,” you start, tremble to your bottom lip as the sob in your throat builds up and threatens to burst. “you never saw her after she was born, never cut the cord, never knew her weight. you don’t know how tiny she was when she came into the world, you don’t know because you didn’t come!” with each word, stray tears manage to escape from your tired eyes, but you’re too fixated on dabi to bother to wipe them. it hurts to cry, it stings even as they stream down the apples of youth cheeks but you don’t move.
“yn, sweetness, i—“
“i know how much she weighed when she was born, four pounds and thirteen ounces. she was so tiny i was scared that she would break—“ you’re gasping now, almost choking yourself out on the pain that burns brightly in your lungs and claws its way up your throat. “i know her favourite foods, what fabrics irritate her skin, her favourite stuffed toys, how she likes to be swaddled in her blankets at night or that her curls make her face itch but they’re practically untameable.”
you start to heave, losing breath with every word and dabi does nothing but watch, keeping an eye on kori to make sure she stays sleeping as he steps towards you. “i know that i love her more than i’ve loved anything in my entire life, despite how much i suffered alone bringing her into this world. and i know that i named her kori after the ice that frosted the windows of my hospital room while i waited for... you.”
touya remains emotionless while you descend into madness, letting you cry it out. “i’ve been watching...”
you want to scream, beat his chest and blame him for how insane you’ve become. “watching isn’t enough touya, she needed you. i-i needed you.” you whimper, falling limp against the door frame as your hands move threateningly towards your hair as if you’re going to rip it out from the root. “...you couldn’t come and visit? not once i-in the eleven months that she’s been alive? not once while she’s been breaking me down and giving—“
“giving you a hard time? i tried, i took care of you from afar...i’m the one who made your boss disappear. the one who put his hands on you.” dabi sneers towards the end of his once gentle words, standing a breaths width away from you. you hate that you crave the same touch from him as he gave to kori, but you’re still so mad at him.
eventually, it all becomes too much and you succumb to the tears that wrack your exhausted body. you sway with each choked wail that tumbles from between your chapped lips and dabi surges forward to catch you after kicking the knife from earlier away, letting you sink into the warmth of his embrace. he feels like home, smells like safety and not a word is uttered as he brings you to the floor and cradles you like he did with his daughter.
dabi doesn’t need to say sorry when he shows you through how close he holds you to his heart.
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when you finally calm down, dabi lifts you bridal style to your bathroom and draws you a bath with the salts and lavender extract from the cupboard above the sink. neither of you speak except for when he softly offers to help you undress— to which you decline— and when he tells you he’s going to fix something to eat.
you knew damn well that the villain could not cook, he hadn’t been when he was little since endeavour took away the entirety of his childhood and you’d only taught him the basics when he was still on the run and stopped by your place from time to time. his favourite thing back then had been to watch you cook to the weird music you kept playing, hips swaying to the beat and a sparkle in your eyes— but you didn’t do that anymore, he could tell those days were long gone.
dabi orders in takeout in the end and you have half a mind to curse him out for using your money— but the day’s events have exhausted you beyond your wits end, so you eat with him in silence atop your double bed after dressing in an old shirt of his. “stay the night.” is what you tell him, scared that he’ll leave. he puts his cigarette out on your balcony. the doors usually stayed locked so kori couldn’t crawl out on her own but you opened it for him since dabi liked to smoke and you hated the ash.
he promised to quit back then, and he hadn’t now.
“i’ll stay.” dabi says, throwing the butt over the ledge and stripping his clothes as he follows you to bed. he decides not to mention he wanted to stay anyway. you peel back the covers enough for him to slip in behind you, heated arms wrapping around your waist and settling on your tummy, where he rubs small patterns into your skin. the villain’s chest is  overwhelmingly warm against your back— reminding you of the days where you would spoon and he’d wait with baited breath for kori to kick.
both of you lay together, wide awake in the dark for goodness knows how long. touya’s breath balmy against the nape of your neck and if you focused hard enough, you could feel his eyelashes fluttering against your skin. he pretends to sleep, refusing to acknowledge that his proximity to you affects him in the worst of ways— evident in how his prominent hard on presses against the swell of your ass.
rolling over, your heart skips a beat at the way your love’s eyes still manage to glow brightly in the dark— ignited by the flames of his quirk and emotions of angst from the past.
they flicker as he looks to you, pale skin illuminated by the silver moon slipping in from your balconies, scars as enticing as ever. tentatively, you reach a hand out to cup his face, not kidding the apprehension that paint his matured features even as you run your fingers down the scars on his jaw. “been a while since we’ve been like this,” is all you can muster up, leaning forward to press a kiss to his cheek while your free hand snakes between your bodies in an attempt to pleasure the man.
fear strikes you right in the chest, leaving you panting as dabi flips you onto your back quickly, pinning your wrists against the bed. “don’t,” he growls, almost feral in tone and in his eyes. “don’t do something you might regret in the morning.”
you lay still, staring at the man above you in an attempt to read him. doing so had always been hard, but tonight you can see every detail of his life and every part of him.  the fear of being his father and disappointing another group of people, a broken man torn between the people he loved and the life he led— you could finally see him. you wondered if it hurt him to be away from you and his child, if he ever thought of you.
you take a deep breath, fabric of the sheets fuzzy in your ears as you shake your head up at him. “i could never regret being with you,” you sigh, dabi’s gaze lowering. “i just need you...”
your proclamation is all the permission dabi needs before he ascends on your neck, almost whimpering at the taste of your skin against his tongue. you know that he’s avoiding your lips, scared that things may not feel the same if he kisses you there— as if your love might have fizzled out from the months that you’ve been apart. the villain’s mouth is hot against your skin, sharp teeth sinking into the column of your throat— it’s not hard for him to find the spots that make your back arch and body tingle, the dark haired man  would be embarrassed to admit that he had your body mapped out in his brain. you were all that he thought about in the months between then and now.
you miss his lips, but you fear that if you push your love to far he’ll clam up and withdraw from you completely. you can’t lose him while you have him now. in the meantime, your bodies press against one another hotly, burning while dabi paints shades of blue and purple deeper than his eyes against your flesh before lapping at each love bite with an odd tenderness people wouldn’t think he possessed at first glance. as he works, touya loses grip on your wrists, allowing them free roam across the expanse of his back.
your nails leave light tracks across his back, trailing up from his muscled back to the nape of his neck— curling in the white roots of his hair in an attempt to tug him up to your lips. “baby,” the old pet name tumbles from between them before you can catch yourself, laboured from where you’re short of breath. “please kiss me, please..”
with newly mussed hair, dabi is still for a moment before leaving one last mark at where your jaw meets your neck— wet tongue lolling over the fresh bruise while his large palm move back to cup your head. a thumb belonging to a scared hand runs over your bottom lip, pulling the plump flesh down while he watches your face for a reaction. “are you sure that’s what you want, beautiful?” the villain chuckles into the dark of the night, pink muscle running over his own lips to wet them in anticipation. “you want your man to kiss you?”
your senses go into overdrive, desperate for any kind of contact from the man above you— he feels so close and yet, a million miles away, even with his body making its way between your thighs and your chests pressing together eagerly.
“touya—“ you breathe, barely able to finish your sentence before the man himself delves deep into your mouth. his lips move with hesitance at first, sucking on yours slightly and parting for air more often than he should but you grip him by the whites of his hair firmly and tug him further into the kiss. your tongue dances along the seam of his lips, prying them open as you seek permission for entrance— dabi groans lowly as you tug on his roots and force your way into his mouth, tasting him as if it were your last time.
you swallow each of his moans that mingle softly with your own, while your tongues dance together messily— the kiss were and sloppy as if the two of you were out of practice. your worries fly out of the window from there, it’s good to know that neither of you had been with others during your time apart instead you feel like a teenager making out with their highschool crush for the very first time. dabi’s hips rut into the plush bed beneath you both and you can tell that even the slightest touches are riling him up beyond belief— it’d been almost a year since he’d felt you against him in any way and it didn’t help that you were so ready to accept him.
that you still wanted him.
whimpering at the thought, the villain pauses against your lips to catch his breath— panting softly. you can feel him pulling away, questioning if he deserves to be with you after everything he’d put you through. so, cupping dabi’s jaw, you let your free hand slip between your heated bodies and glide your fingertips along the waist band of his sweats.
“yn, i ain’t so sure about this,” dabi sighs, body twitching at the proximity of your hands to his hardness, his eyelids flutter shut and lock away his beautiful blue eyes— holding fear, insecurity and desire. “what if ya’still regret this later on?”
smiling up at him, you thumb at his cheek and work your hand deeper into his pants, past his underwear. “you’ve been away too long baby, i would regret not being with you more,” you coo up at him just as you grasp at his hardened length, watching as dabi shudders in your grip. his cock leaks hotly against your soft palm from going untouched for so long, your fingers explore him— tracing down the thick veins on the underside of his length. “let me make you feel good tonight.”
“fuck, sweetness. talk pretty with that filthy fuckin’ mouth of yours.” touya breathes heavily against your mouth, both of yours falling open in hot moans. cheekily, you run a thumb over his tip, circling the slit at the top. dabi collapses on top of you, burying his mop of salt and pepper hair into your neck as he drives his hips into your hand at his own leisurely pace. “y’better live up to those words—shit, don’t go letting me down, princess.” jade orbs finally open, heavy with lust and desire as the air around you tingles with a newfound desire to make each other feel good, settling on the planes of your marked and scratched skin.
your grip around dabi tightens while he fucks into your closed fist, wet sounds filling the room from where he leaks at his bright red tip— almost hot as his hands that dance up your sides and tenderly touch at your hips. so unsure, yet so needy. clear, thick precum guides the movement of your hand as it slides up and down your lover’s girth— he’s much bigger than you remember, swollen with an impending orgasm and dabi stutters when you reach further down his boxers to grip at weighty balls full of his seed, just about ready to burst.
he howls from deep within his chest, the noise only muffled from the drool that glides across his tongue before the villain’s wandering and scarred palms stop at your rib cage, settling just under your breasts. you don’t bother to stop pleasuring him even as his quirk ignites, blue flames burning right through your night shirt to expose your skin to the cool night air.  without even a second thought, dabi’s mouth ascends on your tits, taking one into the hot cavern while his free hand seers marks over the other.
the thought have being branded by your man makes your hips jump and your hand squeeze his cock in your grip— a reminder of what’s to come later on. his strawberry tongue rolls across your hardened nipple and you yelp in surprise with the sudden feeling of cool metal across the exposed flesh. “y-you have your tongue pierced?” you squeal as dabi repeats his actions, loving the way you arch your back into his mouth and your heart rate speeds up.
“never know when a bit of metal’s gonna come in handy, sugar tits.”
you barely have time to formulate a response before your boyfriend’s mouth is back on you, biting and sucking and marking your raw flesh like a man starved of his last meal— you don’t let up either, quickly pumping his cock as he continues to leak, painting your hand with teases of his incoming release. you’re sure that his sweatpants and the sheets below you will be stained with his arousal from how much precum oozes from his dick, slicking up your hands and creating the perfect flashlight but you don’t dare to think of anything else but the way dabi’s face twists with pleasure as he desperately thrusts himself into the softness of your palm.
his cheeks flush red, globs of drool connecting the roof of his mouth to his tongue while his eyes grow fuzzy at each step he takes closer to orgasm, the very drool from his mouth covers each of your breasts as dabi switches between them— creating a layer of wet against your supple skin that shines under the moon. you flick your wrist around him, faster, harder— giving the villain everything you’ve got to make him feel good.
“shit pretty girl, y’gonna make me...cum,” touya shakes in your grip, eyes crossing and tongue becoming lazy against your marked up chest. his salvia pools against your skin while he pants and fucks your wet hand as if it were your pretty little cunt clamping down on him. “fuck, fuck, fuck. don’t you fuckin’ stop, don’t you dare fuckin’ stop...”
he barks out the demands, but there’s a neediness to his tone and whine to his voice that makes you grin with pride, even if you’re barely there from having your nipples stimulated beyond belief. “cum for me touya, please, wanna feel you come undone for me.” you beg him, ever so slightly and it’s just enough to push the villain over the edge, sending him into an earth shattering orgasm. you don’t dare to stop as you jerk him off, guiding down from his high as his cock twitches from release and paints your knuckles with the thick white of his seed. he mewls contendly into your breasts, slowing his hips while the world of colours dance behind his cerulean eyes.
“here with me yet?” you murmur to him, grasping his wild locks to tilt his head up towards your face— dabi looks so blissed out but the smirk on his raw and bitten lips tells you the night is far from over.
pressing a searing kiss to your sternum, your boyfriend’s pierced tongue makes yet another appearance as he trails the muscle down your soft tummy— biting your navel as he goes. “never left gorgeous, but don’t you fucking dare think for a second that this is over, y’got that?” he sits up quickly, grabbing hold of your doughy thighs and using them to pull you down the bed. the pads of his fingers start to burn marks into your skin, dancing along your legs and stopping just above the waistband of your underwear. “gotta stretch this cunt open before i give you my cock, remind you of who the fuck you belong to.”
spreading your thighs nice and wide, you release a breath you hadn’t realised you’d been holding as dabi’s hands finally come into contact with your slit, prodding at your slick folds from over your panties. lowering his face between your open legs, your boyfriend hums in satisfaction as he peels your sticky panties away from your pussy. “why, babydoll, you’re so fucking wet down here. this can’t all be for me, can it?” touya teases you, hot breath fanning against your unused sex while his fingers play with the string of your slick that coats them. “y’must’ve missed your man badly for your lil cunt to look this fucked up, s’pecially when i haven’t even touched’ya yet.”
you shiver and nod weakly, willing to say or do anything to feel more of your boyfriend against you. “s’all for you dabi, o-only you could get me this wet, n-no one else could take your place...” you mewl, hips bucking into the air while the man himself watches you grow needier and needier, hormones expelled into the air. dabi grins, leaning into your core once more to press his nose into your wetness, sniffing your spiked panties like the dirty man he is— only to then lay his pierced tongue flat against your folds, tracing your hole with the muscle while his nose bumps at your clothed clit.
“saved this all for me, huh? you’re so loyal, sweetness. waiting for me all this time…” he kitten licks at your cunt until you’re writhing amongst the already solid sheets, forcing his spit into your hole from over the thin fabric of your panties, creating a more prominent outline of your puffy lower lips as your thighs quieter around his head. they threaten to close as he works on you through your underwear— teasing and prodding at your sex to see if you respond the same way to his touches as you used to.
you force your shaking through his black and white locks, grabbing hold of his roots in an attempt to pull dabi back to your heat when he lifts his head from between your thighs— pushing your lips into a pout. “no, no no, baby, please— need you to eat my cunt, want your mouth on me, please!” you cry out, but you’re quickly pacified by his scarred hand which cups your pussy— seat of his hand grinding into your clit.
“god, if i had known you were still this eager to fuck me i woulda come home a long time ago, babydoll.” he chuckles, licking up your inner thigh and biting down on the plush flesh. “need’ta get rid of these though, they’re getting in my way.” the villain gestures to your panties, making you watch as his quirk burns it’s way through the silky material until it’s nothing but ash against your sheets. you gasp as soon as your cute little pussy is exposed to the cool air, missing the warmth of touya’s pink tongue against it. “better.” he sneers, eyes bright and glowing in the dark with a new sense of feral desire.
thick digits press into your tight hole at the same time touya takes to sucking on your swollen clit, forcing their way up your velvet walls in search for your pleasure spot. dabi chuckles against your sticky folds as you begin to whine, hips rolling up into your lover’s face while his tongue draws rough patterns onto your bud. you’ve missed him, missed this. the nights where the villain dabi would sneak into your home, becoming your touya todoroki between the four walls that you shared— where you would spend nights seeing stars by his hand or his cock and he would make you his over and over again. the memories have you clamping down on his digits like there’s no tomorrow, greedily sucking them in as he strokes at the walls of your sex and makes your whole body shake.
touya works hard at pleasuring you, apologising for his absence through slurping the juices from your folds only for you to gush and paint his scarred chin with more of your nectar. the way you taste makes him dizzy, he could spend the rest of his life between your thighs and never miss the outside world like he did before tonight. he wants to be good for you, make you feel good too and it’s not enough to feel the ecstasy roll off of your heavenly body in waves— he wants all of you, mind, body and soul to belong to him.
you can barely breathe, leaking with every swipe of his tongue against you and every twist of his fingers inside of you. you can feel everything at once, the euphoria crackling across your brain, high on the way touya makes you feel. “god, t-touya, don’ stop...feel so fucking good…” you heave in a drawn out moan, barely able to tell what’s up and what’s down as the villain pulls his fingers from your slick hole and replaces them with his tongue ( only after they’ve pushed down on your g-spot over and over again ).
“you’re not the one giving orders, sweet stuff, oh no.” dabi reminds you sloppily, looking like a child with no table manners as your nectar smears across his face. for his own satisfaction, he delivers a harsh smack to your pussy, watching as your entire body jolts and jumps up the bed. “your cunt is mine and i’ll do what i want with it, show you how much i missed it.”
his possessive words almost set you off, the knot in your stomach growing tighter with every pinch of your nub and every swirl on his tongue inside your walls, committing every ridge to memory. your body burns and you’re not sure if it’s from dabi pressing against you so hotly or because of the desire that fuels the fire inside you.
“yours, yours, yours!” you chant like a mantra, high pitched and whiny— your voice mixing with the crude sounds of your own pathetic cunt, that grows louder when dabi spits on your clit to add to your wetness. he lets it drip between your folds, fingers to busy with stimulating you to catch it before it slides between your lower cheeks, opting to use his tongue on you instead.
“ya’like that don’t you? missed your whinin’ pretty girl, fuck, even missed making you a fucking mess.” you keen into his touch, babbling incoherent praises to the man between your legs as he spreads you wider by the ass with one hand and forces his fingers back into your cunt with the other. his fingers curl into a come hither motion, repeatedly pressing down on your spongy spot as he sloppily makes out with your puffy nub— taking only one, two, three strokes to make your eyes roll into the back of your skull and your orgasm to wash over you.
your body convulses, shaking as you’re hit hard by your release— juices gushing all over your lover’s face even as he refuses to let up. “t-touya no...no no...can-can’t,” you whinge, tears clumping in your lashes. dabi spreads your lips again, using three digits instead of two to continue stimulating your clit until another release builds up inside your lower belly— clear liquid gushing out of your abused pussy and staining the sheets below.
he hums proudly, pressing a lasting kiss to your fluttering hole before reaching up to your lips to do the same, barely allowing you the time to catch your breath— chest heaving while you come down from your high. “so pretty when you squirt for me like that, sweetness,” dabi moans into your mouth, allowing you to taste yourself on him. but as soon as he comes, he’s gone— rolling you onto your stomach and lifting your hips so your ass sits in the air for him. “gonna take my cock now, kay?”
“kay,” you mumble into the sheets, brain too  fuzzy to resist as the villain manhandles you the way he wants.
after shoving down his sweatpants, the eldest todoroki grips the peachy soft flesh of your ass— smacking it a few times with his heat activated palms to watch the flesh jiggle and his handprint sink into the skin. you lean back, watching over your shoulder as his cock stands at full attention, hard from seeing you come undone on his fingers and tongue. it burns bright red at the tip, another fat glob of precum making it shine and making you dribble with anticipation. “y’such a fuckin’ slut, my beautiful slut… hungry for my cock even after i’ve wrecked your lil pussy so bad,” dabi says with a cocky lilt to his voice, the very tone making your hole clench around nothing. he taps his sticky cockhead against your slit, running it up and down your cunt three or four times— groaning as it slides between your cheeks. the sensation causes your back to arch as you wail, fingers gripping the bed covers so tight that you almost cause them to tear. “don’t you worry baby, ‘m gonna make up for lost time, you don’t have to miss me anymore.”
there’s a double meaning to his words that you don’t ask him to elaborate on, too caught up in the way he teases your hole as he dips his length in— only to pull it right back out. “don’t tease, need you badly,” you plead, earning yourself another harsh spank to your raw ass cheeks.
“shut the fuck up and let me fuck you,” the words are harsh against his tongue, but dabi utters them softly as he relents to his wishes. his cerulean gaze flutters down to where your bodies begin to join, his large hand gripping his length before he starts to push into your dribbling entrance. “god, you’re s’fuckin’ tight, you might as well be a virgin.” pussy spasming at his words, you leak against touya’s cock, creating a lewd squelching sound as he pushes more of himself into you. the weight of dabi’s thick girth causes painful, yet delicious burn which he eases by rubbing soothing circles into your clit once more. “been s’long, i outta fuck you open again, huh?”
“uhuh, take me again touya. make me yours, all over again.” you slur over the spit drowning your tongue, eyes fluttering shut when the villain’s hips surge forward his dick brushes against your cervix. his rough, calloused palm grabs your neck from behind, forcing you down into the sheets while he bottoms out inside of you and pushes the last of his cock past your entrance. the two of you groan in unison, touya sitting heavy inside of your walls before you muster up the energy to say. “move.”
he doesn’t need to be told twice, whilst dabi was enjoying the feeling of being engulfed by your soft, warm insides— cock twitching in relief from time to time— he finds it within him to pull back from your selfish cunt to thrust into you with all his might. the force pulls a broken squeal from between your bitten and bruised lips, your hips pushing back against dabi to keep him inside of you. the pair of you move in sync, bodies dancing in a sensual grind between lovers that moulds your cunt into the shape of your boyfriend once more. “oh fuck yeah baby, oooh, missed your cunny s’bad…” dabi yowls loudly, listening for the squashy sounds of your sexes moving against one another. “christ, you like when i talk about your pathetic little pussy like this?”
you bite down on your lower lip, embarrassed by your own bleats of pleasure when he degrades you like this. annoyed by your lack of answer, touya grabs onto your hips and pulls you off of his cock, only to slam them back into you seconds later. his pace is unforgiving and relentless from there, forcing your body up the bed with every thrust into your core. “yes! like it, love it, missed your cock so bad touya!” you cry, holding onto the sheets for dear life as his dick drags along your pleasure spots and his hands burn marks into your ass and hips.
weakly, you attempt to match his thrusts. circling the meat of your ass back onto dabi and squeezing around the head of his girth every time it plunges into your sopping pussy. your arousals mix as he pounds away at your hole, a thick string hanging between your bodies and dribbling down your inner thighs, tainting innocent skin. the wet noise reverberates across the room, creating a passionate symphony with dabi’s deep, pitiful moans.
even though it had been a while since the two of you had been intimate like this, dabi still knew all the ways to get your body going. he took you from behind but still let his marred hands wonder and explore the planes of your skin, pinching here and there, marking your body as his to use and his alone. there’s love hidden beneath his rough touches, little signs that he missed having you so close to him— having you split open on his cock while you dripped on his pelvis and ruined your bedsheets, was his own way of unleashing his pent up emotions of love, anger and despair onto you and you wanted it. you wanted his good and his bad while he fucked you like his life depended on it, balls deep inside the pussy of the woman he loved was where he was most vulnerable with you.
“s-shit, sweetness, you’re such a pretty mess, so fucked up on my cock, can feel you clamping around me like my greedy bitch should.” you’re stuffed so full, clenching every time touya drives his cock deeper into your gummy cunt, head prodding at the sensitive bundle of nerves inside of you. he’s losing his mind at how you choke out his iron hot girth, clear liquid seeping down your thighs at every thrust. “you’re my beautiful brain dead baby, letting me fuck you like this, yeah? missed you baby, missed this,” despite his words, touya is no better than you, mind hazy with thoughts of you creaming around him because of how good he’s made you feel. him, and no one else. you saved yourself for him after all these months, the least he could do was bring you to cloud nine.
he does so by angling his thrusts up to meet your pleasure spot every time, howling your name in the way he knows you like just to feel your hot cunny spew more of your juices out against his tummy. “missed you, thought about this for months,” you lament, elbows that kept you up finally giving out as your body tiredly collapses into the sheets— dabi’s balls still clapping against your ass. he follows you down into bed covers, chest pressing hotly against your back as the jackhammers into you from behind. “thought about your fat cock in my tight pussy, t-touched myself to you...made being alone worth it, made waiting for you to come home worth it. ‘cause i get to see your beautiful face when you fuck me…” you barely register what you’re saying, babbling incorrectly while the temperature of your body rises with your level of arousal.
behind you, touya’s cheeks burn with a new feeling. deep down, all he wanted was to be validated as a lover to you, he’d always been deemed as the bad guy incapable of feeling anything for anyone other than himself. but you, you had proved him wrong so many times and he still found your words hard to believe. yet, it felt good to know how much you loved him. snaking a hand down to your face, the villain squishes your cheeks together and brings you up to his own face despite the arch to your back— he keeps up his sinful pace, your lower cheeks bouncing with every push and pull of his length while he drips a globule of his saliva into your pouting mouth. “shut up,” he grunts harshly, although love is written across his cobalt eyes.
you smile up at him dopily, keeping eye contact with him as you swallow gratefully. “anything for you,” his hands slip from your squashed cheeks to your throat, cupping it as he holds you against him. more arousal pools in your lower stomach, turned on by the thrill of him being able to end your life right then and there, all it would take would be one flame but you know more than anything that dabi loves you and would never hurt you. “i love you, touya todoroki. i a-always will.”
your admission makes dabi’s heart stop in his chest, heated pants tickling your ear as he continues to take you and claim your body as his. with newfound vigor, he links his free hand with yours that lays against the bed and rams his cock into your core as hard and as fast as he can, determined to make you cum. “i—oh fuck, i love you too, sweetness…” the arsonist can feel the way your cunt flutters around his girth at his confession, tears building up in your eyes once more. god, you were so pretty like this, arched for him perfectly in the moon, stars illuminating every curve and dip on your body— showing off the stretch marks from where you’d carried his child. everything about you turned him on in the best possible ways and everything about you that turned him on, also turned out to be everything he loved about you.
your stupid big heart, your stupid big eyes when you say that you love him, your stupid smile when he used to kiss you and hold you and even now when he fucked you. touya todoroki was in love and in the worst possible way but he couldn’t say he regretted a single moment of it, not when you stayed true to him after all these months of being apart. you raised his child and you loved him all the same and a part of him is grateful that you never turned your back on him like everyone else he’s ever loved.
so the least he could do is make love to you, push his creamy cock into the depth of your core while kissing down your spine to watch you shudder oh so cutely. it’s messy and sloppy and the pair of you should feel nasty for the stench of sex in the air, lingering against your skin. but you don’t, how could you? not when love and adoration tingles in the air as well, it’s messy because of the unadulterated emotions you feel for one another— deep in vulnerability is where dabi grinds his cock slowly into you, hitting all the right places that make you scream his name into the night. makes him mumble incoherent praises against your bruised neck and squished cheeks as he lewdly licks a stripe up the column of your neck to behind your ear.
you gush around him and he grunts with ecstasy into your ear, tightening that knot in your stomach as you both step closer to your highs. “you like the way i fill this cunt up, huh? yeah? when i hold you like this, when i fuck you like this?” dabi mutters to you lewdly, holding onto his sanity by a thin thread as his own release sneaks up on him. “tell me you like it...fuck sweetness, please.”
“i love the way you fuck me touya, fuck! only you can make me feel this good,” you moan to appease him, bouncing back against his cock while his hips begin to stutter and your eyes begin to cross. it’s true, you love belonging to him, being able to bring him such pleasure and you know he feels the same way. the villain prods at your g-spot over and over again, stealing your breath away as he pulls you up and into your chest, changing the angle of his hips to bring you to the last hurdle. “baby—ohmygod—-touya! ‘m sososo close, don’t stop...don’t stop, gonna cum, give it to me, give it to me please!” you chant, eyes fluttering shut as you lean your head back against his shoulder and search for his hand, voice rising with every octave as you get closer and closer.
“fucking cum for me sweet girl, shit, cum all over this fucking cock.” dabi manages through gritted teeth, grasping your hand while the pace of his thrusts grow inconsistent.
that’s all that you need to hear before the damn breaks and arousal floods through your entire body courses through your veins. white dances behind your eyes in flashes as your release flushes out of your pussy and drips between touya’s balls, coating them in a layer your honeyed slick. you slump against your boyfriend, not able to mutter a word as you convulse in a silent scream and squeeze both his hand and cock alike.
gently, he pushes you down to the bed and pulls his cock from your intoxicating heat— his free hand clasps around his cock, palming himself towards a swift release. “yeah, oh fuck yeah, fuckin’ love you baby,” he cums on your back and your ass, thick, potent and milky seed landing on your flushed skin before he collapses beside you and exhaustion settles in his bones.
you black out for a few minutes after, fingers still intertwined but dabi manages to slip out long enough to retrieve a washcloth that's damp and warm to clean you both up with. you wake up just as he crawls back into bed with you, kissing your hairline while he makes himself comfortable. “almost thought i’d killed you for a second,” the villain jokes, slinging a loose arm over your bare waist and pulling you to lay on his chest.
“you couldn’t, even if you tried.” you counter sleepily, drawing star shapes on your boyfriend’s naked stomach. a comfortable silence sweeps over the room, despite the thoughts that linger on your mind. looking up at dabi, you notice him drifting off but still can’t help the words that slip from your lips. “why didn’t you ever come back?”
you feel dabi’s chest rise and fall with a deep sigh, fingers coming up to scratch at your scalp— something that used to help you to sleep when you were together before. “i was figuring out a way to get out of the league, to be with you and kori.” he says after some time, catching your eye as you give him a confused look. “shigaraki doesn’t know about her, i never told him. but i knew from the moment we found out about her, i didn’t want her to be a part of the life i’m involved in and knowing how the league works, they’d find a way to make use of her.”
you stay quiet, not knowing what to do with the new information and dabi’s reasoning for staying away for so long. on one hand you were grateful to him for keeping your daughter quiet and safe but part of you still wished he’d given you a sign to let you know it’d all be okay. grabbing your chin, he forces you to look up at him—passionate flames burning in his eyes. “i need you to trust me on this one sweetness, i promise nothin’ will happen to you nor kori. so long as i’m around.”
“pinky promise?” you ask him sweetly, feeling the truth to his words.
you hold up your pinky to the villain’s face, smiling through exhaustion as he rolls his eyes down at you. “pinky promise, babydoll. now get some shut eye, kay?” touya links your pinky with his, scoffing when you make him kiss them.
“g’night, touya.”
“sleep well, babydoll.”
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the bed is cold when you wake up the next morning.
the panic sets in quickly, speeding up with the chirping of birds from your balcony outside. you shouldn’t be tearing up over the childishness of a pinky promise. he always made you promises but never actually kept the and as quickly as dabi had waltzed back into your life, he had left you alone and in the cold once more.
gathering yourself together, you stumble out of your bed— avoiding any mirrors that may show the cascade of marks dabi had left against your skin from the previous night. you feel embarrassed and ashamed that you let him back into your life so easily, especially now that you had kori to think about. tears start to well in your tired and puffy eyes as you head to the kitchen, thinking that a mug of coffee will calm you down before you prep your daughter for the day.
but as you wander out of your room, the familiar sound of your baby girl’s laugher drifts through the air— seemingly coming from the kitchen.  the sweet melody calls out to you and suddenly your casual stride to the kitchen becomes a brisk walk so you can reach her faster. “kori? baby? did you climb out of your crib again—?” you call out to her, stopping in your tracks when you round the corner.
dabi stands in the middle of your kitchen, still shirtless, with kori balanced on his hip— in one hand he holds a small blue flame, which you’re sure he believes is safe enough for kori to play with while the other steadies your baby girl while she claps and squeals. a first. you’re not too sure when the last time you’d seen her happy was, but you figure her father’s presence had something to do with it.
“i was going to make you breakfast, but the little shit woke up and i didn’t have enough free hands to make you a grilled cheese.” touya smirks over at you, diminishing his flame to grasp kori’s hand and use it to wave at you. she squeals happily, curls bouncing and eyes lighting up in a similar way to her father’s. your heart melts at the sight of them being together, seeing the mannerisms that they share and how joyous they seem. they both grinned the same way, shared the little twitch in their noses and even their sneezes. kori todoroki was an exact replica of touya todoroki, right down to the tiny red curl she had lost in her white locks.
“you know, i thought you’d left,” you make your way across to the island where dabi sets his daughter down and check her temperature— just in case her sudden change in mood is down to any sickness. “the bed was cold when i woke up.”
“didn’t i make you a promise last night, sweetness? i’m not going anywhere,” the arsonist reminds you, wrapping his arms around you from behind while you wipe at kori’s pudgy baby cheeks and give her the once over again. “if you’re checking the kid’s temperature, she's usually pretty cold because of my mom’s quirk. something ice related will be coming through, but she must’ve inherited your strong constitution. guess she has a normal body temp when i’m around ‘cause it balances her out.” while dabi explains the inner workings of kori’s incoming quirk, she claps and babbles excitedly from her place on the island— making a game out of throwing her toys off of it. all of dabi’s logic makes sense and you seem a little more relieved knowing how to take care of her from here.
picking her up, along with her stray toys, you set your baby down by her playmat again and switch on some baby-safe cartoons while you fix yourself and dabi some coffee, kissing all over kori’s face beforehand. he had whined when you pulled away the first time to give your daughter some attention, it was almost comical how the big bad villain had pouted then. “i wonder if there’s anything of mine she inherited or if it’s all you and todoroki genetics.”
“well, her pretty smile certainly didn’t come from me, babydoll.” dabi muses with a light chuckle, arms trapping you against his chest once more as you continue to make you both some much needed caffeine. the coffee machine whirrs as you sway together in the early morning sunshine, warmth from the sun brushing against your skin and touya’s hair tickling your neck before he presses kisses over your fading love bites while kori’s annoying shows play in the background. everything feels complete and at peace. you feel like a real family. “i could get used to this, this life with you.”
you spin in dabi’s arms, cupping his cheeks and taking in his face for the millionth time in the last twelve hours. “then stay, or at least visit some more now that you’re back. you may not feel it, but kori and i need you. everything has always been better when you’ve been around touya… and i mean that. stay.” you stare at him with pleading eyes, standing on your tiptoes to stare him down and communicate just how much you needed him here with you both.
and for once in his life, touya todoroki feels the most loved he’s ever really felt. here in this shitty two bedroom apartment with his angelic little girl and his beautiful girlfriend during the winter season— touya knows this is right where he needs to be. “i’ll stay, for as long as you’ll fuckin’ have me.”
“forever, then?” you ask, eyes lowering to your boyfriend’s lips.
“forever it is, babydoll.” the villain nods, following your gaze before leaning down to capture your lips with a promise written into your sweet kiss.
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extended ending
you thought that the best kind of weather was when the sun peeked out from behind the clouds but the air around you was still as cold as a december’s day. the breeze is enough to make your nose run just a little, but occasionally the warmth of the sun’s rays radiates across your skin like a warm blanket, balancing it out.
it was the kind of weather where people didn’t know how to dress, some wore mismatched shorts and jerseys whilst others were decked out in scarves up to their cheeks and sandals where their toes flopped out. it was the kind of weather that reminded you of dabi and kori, they were your warmth and your cold, they balanced each other out and made your family whole.
kori sits on your right hip as you push the car door closed and wave goodbye to an accomplice of your boyfriend’s— your driver for the evening. your little girl’s curls are combed back into two even pigtails, dark blue bows in each one while the red lock of her hair ( now, much longer ) curls against her forehead stubbornly. she looks so pretty, all fancied up a dress that dabi had chosen for her on this particular occasion, the lace irritated her only slightly but the decapitated endeavour plushie her father had gifted her served nicely as a distraction.
you bounce her once, cooing down at your baby before you look to the hospital in front of you— a look of determination in your eye. ever since the night touya had visited you and swore to stay, he’d kept his word to the best of his abilities. being a villain was still a major factor in your relationship, he came when he could stayed if his job permitted it— taking care of your daughter when your shifts were long and even going as far as to learn his and kori’s favourite recipes to cook on the nights where you couldn’t or you didn’t fancy take out.
in the last few weeks his visits had become slightly more scarce with shigaraki becoming more and more demanding, but touya’s plan to leave the league was slowly coming to fruition along with endeavour and the hero society which had both carved a life of struggle for the three of you.
your boyfriend being busy had given you more time to reconnect with the friends you had lost over the last year, meeting up with those from college, mina and tsuyu ( who’d simply thought you’d gone off the radar ) for kori’s first birthday. they absolutely loved her and your sweet girl loved all the attention she was getting. you even had the chance to reunite with your parents, who were more remorseful that you felt you couldn’t come to them for help than the fact that you’d gotten pregnant during college.
of course, they all asked who the father was and you simply told them that he had died ( which was half true ), using the excuse that you were embarrassed to be widowed and with a child at your young age.
shaking your head, you enter the hospital and recite the words that touya had made you practice the night before. you were here by endeavours orders and needed to see mrs.todoroki. your lover had used some sort of hack to put you on the list of visitors for his mother but one look at kori was all the guards and staff needed to let you through. a few nights prior to today, dabi had asked you to do one thing for him before it all went down, kissing your knuckles over some sushi take out.
so despite your nerves, you would go through with this for him, especially if it meant your family could be together. some guards escort yourself and kori to rei todoroki’s room, leaving you with a curt nod and slightly more polite wave to your daughter. the room itself is slightly bleak, a chair and some blue cushioned sofas positioned in an L-shape parallel to the blanketed bed. there’s a tv in the top left corner which and a set of draws underneath where a clear vase sits— containing blooming blue flowers.
rei looks up when you enter, grey eyes flashing with confusion despite the blank look on her face as kori babbles happily in your arms. “who are you?” she whispers, hands retreating from her flowers and  folding neatly in her lap.
“oh! i’m yn, your son’s fiancé and this,” you beam kindly, further entering the room and being sure to lock the doors behind you. you nod your head down to your daughter who waves around her endeavour plushy— paying no mind to the situation unfolding. “this is our daughter, your granddaughter...kori todoroki! she’s just turned one and daddy thought it was about time she met you, isn’t that right pretty girl?”
rei blinks and you smile again. “she’s a daddy’s girl,” you explain and lift your hand to snow the small sapphire engagement ring on your ring finger. touya had proposed last night as well, certain your plan would work out. “and quite frankly, so am i! how can i not be when your son treats me so well.”
nodding slowly, the wife of endeavour looks down at her hands which you note, nervously fiddle with a stray petal. “so, natsu and you—?” you can see her trying to work it out, curiosity written across her features. you could see why the woman might think kori was natuso’s child— they looked a lot like each other just by first glance but rei was missing an important feature. the colour of kori’s eyes.
“oh no, your other son. the eldest one.” you correct her with a sinister shake of your head. swiftly crossing the room to set your daughter down in rei’s lap. you watch with an evil air of satisfaction as rei todoroki freezes with fear, as the mistakes her family paid out to touya suddenly come to the forefront of her mind. she wobbles with kori still in her grip and you shoot her a dark glare— reaching over to fix her flowers in their vase. “touya picked these out, always said that you loved them. such a pretty shade of blue, no wonder why they’re your favourites, right?”
“please leave.” she looks up at you pleadingly, shaking like a leaf in the breeze outside. oh how you wish your fiancé was here to see this but he had more important things to do.
rolling your eyes, you grab the remote to switch on the tv— pinching kori’s nose affectionately to make her laugh again. “come sit with me rei, let’s watch some tv to help you calm down.”
the woman nods weakly, barely moving an inch as you take a seat beside her with a smile. you skip channels a few times, pride swelling up in your chest when you finally land on the right one, touya’s broadcast flashing across the screen. he sits leisurely in a chair, shirtless with all of his beautiful scars on display— a painful reminder of his childhood and what he’d become. “i, touya  todoroki, was born as the eldest son of endeavour. today i’ve killed over 30 innocent people until now, some to protect my family. my daughter, who i have not been able to see due to my father. i would like to let everyone know why i’d end up committing such a hideous act.” he speaks such calmness and clarity, and you can’t help but feel emotional at how he stands in front of the world.
kori grins, leaping up at the sight of her father on the screen and claps her hands. “dada!! dada!! lookie s’daddy!!” she squeals while rei struggles to breathe, panic set in her eyes.
you put a hand on the woman’s shoulder, offering her a sweet grin in an attempt to calm her before the oncoming storm. “keep watching, mrs.todoroki, touya said we’d be one big, happy family after this.” the words are sugar coated and sickly sweet, carrying the dark meaning across to your fiancé’s mother.
looking away, your heart swells while touya tears down the hero society and spills the truth for all of japan to see. you were grateful to the man he’d become— loyal to you, to your daughter and the dreams that you had. the satisfaction of seeing the real villains of the world fall was much greater than any hush money enji todoroki could ever offer.
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@husband-to-tomura-shigaraki @grace-todoroki @toshiuwu  @whet-ones-write​
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falcqns · 3 years
You’re Worth It
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x College Student!Reader
Summary: You visit Bucky’s apartment for the first time, and assure him that he's worth so much more than he thinks. 
Warnings: SMUT! age gap but its legal, very insecure Bucky, oral (f receiving).
A/N: Hope you enjoy!
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You stood outside Bucky’s apartment door, watching your boyfriend dig his keys out of his skinny jeans, his other hand on a bag of groceries that contained your soon-to-be dinner. He pulled them out and located the door key, before turning to you. “Are you sure you want to stay here tonight, doll? I’m more than okay staying at your apartment.” He said, his eyes not leaving the ground in front of him.
You smiled, and placed your backpack on the ground beside you before turning and grabbing his stubbly face in your hands. “Baby. I want to stay here with you. I don’t care what it looks like. Whether it’s dirty or clean, the cutest apartment in the world, or the ugliest. It’s yours, and I want to see it.” You said, and he smiled before nodding. “Okay.” He said. He put the key in the door, and unlocked it. You followed him into the small apartment, and was immediately surrounded by the smell that was undeniably Bucky. 
You loved the way he smelled, you always had. He smelled like a field of lavender flowers on a beach, with a hint of salt water. He dropped his keys on the table, and turned around to face you. You placed your backpack on the floor again, this time by the table and looked around. There wasn't much, but he had a small chair and a side table, and a small tv stand where his tv sat. There was a chair in the corner by the kitchen island, and that was it. Your eyes ran over the pile of blankets on the floor, and you could feel your heart break.
He slept on the floor. 
He chuckled as you looked around. “Sad, huh?” He said, walking into the kitchen with the food in hand. “No.” You said, and followed him to the kitchen. “Like I said outside. It's you. You are building a life after a lot of suffering. Nothing about this is sad.” He shook his head as he took out the carrots and potatoes from the bag. 
“I couldn't even afford a full couch.” He said. You dropped your phone on the counter gently, and wrapped your arms around his waist. You rested your head in between his shoulder blades, and inhaled his smell. 
“Baby, it’s okay. You were gone for 5 years. So was half the world. Before that, you were living in Wakanda, where you didn't have to deal with the stresses of regular life. And, before that, you were trapped within someone who wasn't you. Don’t blame yourself for any of this. I love you for who you are.” You said, and Bucky turned around, his arms circling your waist. 
“How did I get so lucky?” he mumbled into your hair. You giggled, and lifted your head. “By saving my life,” You said, before pressing a kiss to his lips. He kissed back immediately, and pulled you closer. 
You pulled away when the need for oxygen became dire, and you smiled at them again. “All I did was pull you out of the way of a car that was out of control, doll.” He said, and ran his hand down your arm as you pulled out of the hug. “I would’ve gotten hit if you didn't. I’m not a super soldier like you are, its highly unlikely I would have survived if it weren't for my hero,” You mentioned, as you walked over to your backpack and pulling out your laptop.
Bucky chuckled, and watched as you sat down in the chair across from the tv. You tucked your feet under yourself, and sat your laptop on the arm before powering it on.
Bucky began to move about the kitchen and make the two of you dinner. No matter what you said, he couldn't stop feeling guilty about the state of his apartment. He could have at least bought a blow up mattress for you to sleep on, so you wouldn't be stuck sleeping on the hard wood floor with him. Better yet, he could have bought a bed. He had a bedroom, but he didn't feel comfortable in there. He glanced over at you while he washed the carrots in the sink and saw how you stretched your back before returning to your homework.
It wasn't an unusual occurrence for him to hang out with you while you do homework. He actually enjoyed watching you do school work. he could barely remember school, and he never got to go to college. Between working and taking care of Steve, he both didn't have time and couldn't afford it. Then the war started, and he thought about going after, but his capture by HYDRA kinda ruined that one. During his time in Wakanda, he had thought about going to college, but at that point he was still a wanted criminal and that was out of the question. He had been thinking about it more recently, and had decided to wait until he was finished making his amends to enrol somewhere. 
Mainly, he was just happy that you were getting an education. He planned on staying with you forever, marrying you, having kids with you, and growing old(er) with you, and he knew your future children would benefit from at least one of their parents having up-to-date school education. And, by up to date school education, he meant a curriculum that was developed this century.
He stirred the potatoes in the pot and smiled as he heard your fingers tapping on the keyboard. God, he loved you. You loved him for who he was, you didn't judge him, and most importantly, you didn't blame him for anything that happened. He hadn't been expecting to be so open with you about his past when he asked you out on a date, but you knew who he was instantly, and thanked him for saving your life. He may have physically saved your life that day, but he felt that you saved his life in every other way by just being yourself. 
He continued to listen to you tapping on the keyboard, the clicking of your knuckles as you cracked them, and the slow but rhythmic breathing as you focused on your work. 
Dinner was finished a few minutes later, and you closed your laptop just as Bucky was plating the veggies. You placed your laptop back in the bag, and joined Bucky on the ground to eat. 
“Did you finish your homework?” He asked, and you nodded. You swallowed before speaking. “Yeah. I can't submit it yet, but it’s finished and ready to go,” You said. 
The two of you continued making small talk throughout the night, and Bucky tried to find a way to convince you that the two of you should sleep at your apartment instead, but he knew that it wouldn't work. He tried to bite back the tears while you were in the showers and he laid out the blankets and pillows on the floor for the night. They almost fell again when he walked out of the bathroom from having his shower and saw you snuggled up on the ground, scrolling on TikTok. He swallowed the lump in his throat as he got a cup of water for himself and for you. He thought he had a handle on his emotions by the time he had settled next to you, but the dam broke when he laid down and your had found its way to your chest as it usually did. 
Your head shot up when you heard his shaky breathing and his sniffling, and you immediately wrapped your arms around his neck. “What’s wrong, Buck?” you whispered, and his arms wrapped themselves around your waist before he answered. 
“You deserve to be sleeping on a bed.” he whispered, and you shook your head. 
“No. Don’t do that to yourself. I know how weird it is for you to sleep in a bed, and that's okay. I’ve been camping before, and I’m perfectly fine with sleeping on the ground. I’m fine, baby.” You whispered, but Bucky still shook his head. 
“I should be able to afford a bed,” He said, and you sat up. “Stop. Don’t think that. You’re doing the best you can with what you have. You can barely afford the bills you have already because of what the government is paying you, which is way less than you should be. You’re doing great with what you have.” You reminded him, and he nodded.
“I know. But, I probably should have spent the little money I did have on a bed rather than a TV, but if I don't have the TV on, my mind runs to places I don't want it to. I know that’s not healthy, but neither is reliving everything I did for those years. I wasn't really thinking about having anyone to share my nights with during that time, so a bed didn't seem important. But, I should have bought a mattress when we started dating. Everything is just way too expensive compared to when I was growing up.” He said, a slight chuckle in his voice. You smiled, and pushed him back by the chest. 
He smiled suggestively when you straddled his waist, his hands coming to rest on your hips. “Lets not talk about it anymore, okay? Maybe me riding you will help you forget it.” You said, leaning down to press a kiss to his lips that were red and slightly swollen from his tears. He didn't say anything in return, but kissed you back while running your hands up your back and under your sleep shirt. He moaned when he felt that you weren't wearing a bra. 
“Naughty girl, not wearing a bra,” He whispered, as you kissed down his neck. He grabbed the hem of the shirt and pulled it up, leaving you in only your underwear. You moaned at his husky voice and ground your hips down on him. He moaned, and grasped your hips in his hands. 
He let you grind on him a little more, thoroughly enjoying it, before flipping you over. He trailed his hands down to your underwear, hooking his thumbs into the straps, before pulling them down your legs. 
He moaned when you were completely exposed to him. You looked at him with lust filled eyes, as he spread your legs, and settled himself on his stomach in between them.
He lifted your legs over his shoulders, and pressed kisses up your slit, making eye contact with you. “Fuckin’ beautiful.” he said, before diving into you. 
He swiped his tongue over your clit a few times, before attaching his mouth to it and sucking. You jolted slightly when you felt the cold metal of his pointer finger slowly push inside of you. He pushed it to the hilt, and then arched up to rub up against your g spot. 
You cried out suddenly and tangled your hands in his hair when his finger started vibrating right up against your g spot, causing you to fall over the edge into orgasm almost instantly. 
Bucky pulled off of you with a pop, and grinned, still moving his finger in and out while you rode out your orgasm. Once your breathing slowed, he pulled his finger out, and put it into his mouth, sucking your juices off of it. He laid on his back, and guided you with his hands until you were on top again. 
You began to shimmy down his body, but Bucky shook his head, and pulled you back up. “No. If you do that, I won't last, and I want to cum in your pussy not your mouth,” He said, and you bit your lip, and nodded.
His hands gripped your hips while you reached down for his now leaking cock, and gave it a few firm strokes, before lining it up at your entrance. You leaned forward and gripped your hands on his shoulder, before sliding down on him slowly.
“Fuck, doll. Always feels so damn good,” Bucky moaned, his hands tightening on your hips. You threw your head back and moaned as you began to move your hips, with Bucky’s help.
“Love seein’ you like this, babydoll.” Bucky rasped out, hit hips thrusting up to meet your movements. “Love how needy you get when you’re on top.” His words made you clench around him, and Bucky grasped your hips tighter to pull you down on his cock harder and faster each time. 
You could feel the pressure building in your abdomen, and you knew Bucky was close as well based on the movements of his hips. You ground your hips into his before continuing to bounce on him.
“F-fuck,” Bucky grunted as he was used over the edge, and released inside of you. You threw your head back as you felt Bucky’s cum smash against your walls, which sent you over the edge, and you shook as you came. 
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A few minutes later, Bucky has cleaned both you and him up, and was coming back from tossing the wash cloth in the laundry hamper when he saw you sound asleep on the ground where he left you. He smiled slightly and carried you into the bedroom, along with the blankets and pillows. 
He laid you down and straightened out the blankets, and put your pillow under your head, before laying down next to you, and pulling you into his arms. He drifted off to sleep seconds later with the plan on looking for a second hand bed in the morning. You deserved to sleep on a bed, and so did he, he realized. 
At least the plush carpeting is softer than the hard wood. 
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