#reddit being reddit
lilyginnyblackv2 · 2 years
r/anime: A good chunk of users view Fruits Basket (reboot) as a reverse harem.
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Also r/anime: A good chunk of the users haven’t even fully watched the series (specifically the reboot series).
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(More people have heard the name of the anime, but don’t know anything about it or only know a bit about it). 
Anyway, these interesting results from an Anime Prominence Survey that was recently done over on r/anime by FetchFrosh (who also did the harem survey) explains so much about the harem results in regards to Furuba. I bet a lot of r/anime users either guessed that Furuba was a reverse harem based off the image alone or was under the impression it was because of what little they had heard about the series or the small amount of the series they had seen/based solely off of the 01 version.
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hiveswap · 11 months
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yardsards · 1 month
someone pointed out that milsiril sniffs the top of kabru's head like parents of newborns do with their babies, and i haven't been able to stop thinking abt it
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like. ma'am. that is a wholeass preteen.
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frownyalfred · 5 months
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that’s the pipeline. that’s how they get ya. every time.
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nightmare-chaser · 1 year
Ive seen multiple posts from reddit refuges that go like "im queer and its so welcoming here!" Or "im nonbinary and dont get quized on my gender here!" Or "im autistic and i can be weird here and yall like it!" And its so fuckin cute its like yes hi hello welcome this is the gay ass autistic website we love special interests we love weird genders we love just saying random shit and the just happy surprised tone of those posts is so wholesome to me like yes! hi! you are in fact the target audience! welcome home
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bloodysparklez · 3 months
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guys help the protagonist isn't supposed to like me, what did i do??!? ;-;
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utilitycaster · 1 year
There are actually only two genres of high fantasy:
Once there were more dragons and more magic in this land, but those days have passed; perhaps the dragons shall return some day and bring a new era.
How the FUCK do we get rid of these fucking dragons
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Things I wish women were learning from true crime podcasts: how to spot early warning signs of abusive relationships, how to escape abusive relationships, how easily domestic violence can escalate to murder, how incredibly unlikely it is to be the victim of a crime done by a complete random stranger as opposed to friends and family
What women are learning from true crime podcasts: I am in CONSTANT danger and every day I survive without being murdered by a serial killer is a miracle. I should react to everyone I meet with distrust and paranoia and live my life as if I am in mortal peril and if anyone suggests that might not be healthy then they just don't understand what it is to Be A Woman In Today's Society
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inspisart · 10 months
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dick took the news that a strange thirteen year old broke into his apartment while he was away at the circus pretty well, I gotta say
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 2 years
People on r/anime saying Japan doesn't have a Medieval Period and are being upvoted, while a person saying they did are being downvoted. 🤡
I *cannot* with anime fans anymore. They are talking straight out of their asses, saying stuff like, "it wasn't referred to as Medieval, so it wasn't a Medieval Period" or "their calendar was different, so the dates would be different." 🙃
Jisho.org showing that the idea and concept of the middle ages exists in Japan and is during roughly the same time as Europe:
(Jisho.org image below)
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The term is wide reaching and while the exact dates and lengths of time may differ here and there in comparison to Europe's Medieval Period, this era of time still existed in Japan. It is just referred to as Medieval Japan, just to clarify that the topic is specifically on Japan's middle ages.
That is something mentioned on the Japanese wiki page about the Middles Ages in general, where they note all the different Middle Ages (Europe, Japan, China, and Islam) and even note that Japan's Middle Ages period is often also referred to as "Feudal Japan."
(Wiki image below).
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And that is a key point. Feudalism is an aspect found in both Europe's Middle Ages and Japan's. That's like a key element, lmao. Are the details and the exact namings of things going to be different between the two? Of course, because they are two different countries, with different languages, customs, religions, etc., but that doesn't change the fact that Japan had a Middle Ages that had elements like:
- A huge wealth gap (peasants and nobility).
- Feudalism - Lords and Vassals, Indentured Servitude, etc.
- Superstition and the belief in other wordly things (youkai, demons, witches, magic, etc. etc.).
- Religion - New forms of Buddhism, like Zen Buddhism from China showed up. Buddhism was being mixed together with the government in a similar way as Christianity in Europe. Buddhist temples were becoming places of education, etc. Christianity was first brought over to Japan at this time.
Nowadays, Christianity doesn't have a strong hold over Japan, but that's only because it was eventually stamped out...*because* it was initially so popular. During Japan's Medieval Period, Christianity was introduced and started gaining popularity. This is all similar, though different, to how religion and Christianity held a large strong hold over people in Europe around the same time.
- A very unsettled time period due to constant wars and fighting.
- Increase in agriculture.
There are likely more similarities, but there you go. There are some key ones. So, it is just baffling to me that these guys over on r/anime are speaking so confidently about Japan not having a Medieval Period. 🙄
The fact that one of the people mentioned the Heian Period tells me that they have absolutely no idea what they are talking about and have never actually studied Japanese history.
Just sounds like more of the usual orientalism that expresses itself as Japanese exceptionalism, aka this idea that Japan did not have or experience a time period (Middle Ages) that was experienced around the world at roughly the same time because *Japan* and the fact that it was so unique and different.
Ugh. Okay, I'm done. There are tons of videos, books, websites, and the like about Japanese history and its Midieval Period.
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tiredcowboyy · 6 months
I hate when people (usually men on reddit) are like “if you met arthur back then he would murder you for breathing in his existence!” Oh would he? When? Before or after he’s finished doodling bunnies and flowers?
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theriverbeyond · 6 months
as much it is fun to be dramatic about alectopause i DO think that it is fine that Alecto the Ninth is taking a few years. this is an adult fantasy/SF series that is in all likelihood 700+++ pages, not a CW show, *and* it is the last book in a series which means it has a million things to tie up and resolve. idk it might also be because I autistically hate change and don't want it to End, but until we get into GRRM territory I'm like. she + the editing process can take all the time they need, I'd so much rather wait for a good book than rush it and have it be bad yknow?
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serrangelic-art · 1 month
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imagine getting kidnapped by a death machine and all he does is criticize your music taste
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odessastone · 1 month
Sometimes Reddit actually comes up with incredible things
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chill--cat · 2 months
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☕️🥞 🐹🎧
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coochiequeens · 7 months
2023 saw the birth of a new holiday legend
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