#redeemed darth vader
strawberryreddy · 1 year
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jedislight · 4 months
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"I can feel the conflict within you, let go of your hate"
nova's 50 follower celebration
a scene that made you feel hopeful from any movie or show
for @chaoticroad
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sea-owl · 6 months
This might be an unpopular opinion, but if they are redeeming Tai lung in the 4th movie, then I need to see some regret from him for his actions and need him to put in some work for it.
In my opinion, at this point in time, he doesn't deserve a redemption. Yes, Shifu pushed him his whole life to be the best and become the dragon warrior, but he was still grown when he got told no. Then instead of accepting his disapoimtment and moving forward with his life, he proceeded to throw a tantrum that hurt the village and put innocent lives in danger. In that whole first movie, he never once took responsibility for his actions and chose to lay the blame on Shifu. If that's his attitude in the 4th movie he can go back to the spirit world at the end for all I care.
Actually, please let someone call him out on his shit. My top picks would be Tigress, Po, or even Shifu himself. If they redeem him, so be it, but I need him to show some actual regret, a want to change, and put in the work for it.
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antianakin · 2 years
I think what I'm starting to realize is that Darth Vader is redeemable.
Anakin Skywalker is not.
Darth Vader, the guy we're introduced to in the Original Trilogy, who we don't really know anything about, who Obi-Wan remembers fondly even as we know he's gone bad, who ISN'T associated with the end of the Jedi. Erase all the context of what we now know about Anakin Skywalker, his relationships with the Jedi, his actions on Tatooine, the way he treats Padme, his relationships with the clones, his relationship with Ahsoka, all of that. Erase it all.
All we have is Darth Vader. A guy whose worst acts are honestly relatively small and who is almost always up against a bigger villain. It's Tarkin who technically orders the destruction of Alderaan. And Tarkin dies at the end. By ESB, we start seeing the Empire and Vader's relationship to Luke is revealed, someone we love, someone we want the best for. So when you get to ROTJ and Luke says he might still have good in him, minutes before we meet the Emperor himself in person, it's not that hard to believe him. It's not that hard to believe that one last act of kindness is all it takes to absolve him.
Put everything else aside, JUST looking at the Original Trilogy, Vader's.... not THAT bad. His redemption works fine.
But Anakin Skywalker? Anakin Skywalker's been killing babies since he was 19 years old and never stopped. Anakin Skywalker betrayed 10,000 people who considered him family overnight. Anakin Skywalker betrayed several million good men into being brainwashed and turned into betrayers themselves. Anakin Skywalker betrayed the Republic he served, and the wife he did it all for.
You don't come back from that. You just don't.
Darth Vader without Anakin Skywalker's story was redeemable.
NOTHING Darth Vader ever does in the original trilogy is at the level of what we see Anakin Skywalker do over the course of the prequel trilogy and The Clone Wars show. Nothing. Nothing comes close except Alderaan and that's nowhere near as personal or direct as what he does to the Jedi and the Clones. It's also not a betrayal of any kind.
Anakin Skywalker's not redeemable. What he did can't be undone or fixed. There's no amends he can make because the people he'd need to make amends TO are all dead. Because of him. There's nothing left to BE redeemed.
And most of us CAN'T divorce Darth Vader from Anakin Skywalker anymore, you're not really meant to. They usually WANT you to remember Anakin Skywalker when they bring in Darth Vader to stories these days. Which makes that last moment of ROTJ just feel... so unearned now. So frustrating. Because the more we get to see, the more we're forced to remember everything Anakin Skywalker's done over the course of his life, the less his redemption works. Because the more we see, the more atrocities are revealed. More massacres, more murders, more planets and people eradicated from the galaxy forever. At what point does it become impossible to truly be redeemed for everything you've done? At what point is it impossible to ACTUALLY go back?
And it doesn't matter which version of the force ghost you get, either. If it's the older version, then Anakin gets to present himself as if he'd never done those things. If it's the younger version, then Anakin gets to present himself ONLY before he did some of his worst acts (although he's still a baby killer, let's not forget, so that's... suspect). Either way, the things he's done get to be forgotten. They no longer matter. Those people he killed, the people he betrayed, who will never be the same as they were. The galaxy he helped bring to its knees over and over again, that will take decades AT LEAST to recover from what he did to it, can't forget. But he gets to. He gets to forget.
And I don't find that very satisfying anymore.
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keishara-korianthil · 5 months
Multifandom Villains #2
I know my obsession with villains isn't healthy, but I can't force myself not to like them.
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izunias-meme-hole · 2 months
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Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader Appreciation Post
May The 4th Be With Ya'll
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disastertriowriting · 8 months
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"It's not death or revenge that you seek. You seek love. Because it's all any of us want." ~ Thor in Love and Thunder
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thetwofaced · 9 months
And on today's fandom petpeeves
God fucking redeeming Vader. Like, I'm sorry but Darth Vader IS NOT REDEEMABLE.
Is Vader am interesting character ? Yes.
Is he somewhat tragic? Kinda.
And Vader is 100% aware of his choices. He KNOWS what he did. He's a monster and that's just what it is. Anakin? Sure he is redeemable- he can still be brought around. But Vader? Absolutely the fuck not
Since I apparently need to make this clear. This is in context to Vader lives fanfics specifically
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threebea · 2 years
So as odd a move as it was, I’m weirdly satisfied with Obi-Wan walking away from Vader screaming his name after him as he flippantly refers to him as Darth, showing Vader that he no longer had any power over him anymore.
Vader tells him that he killed Anakin Skywalker.
And Obi-Wan’s response is: if you’re not him, then why should I care about you? 
Which sends Vader into a rage because of course Obi-Wan is supposed to care about him. He’s supposed to be as obsessed over him as he is of Obi-Wan. 
But Obi-Wan cares about Anakin Skywalker, not Darth Vader. 
Like it was a strange move that Obi-Wan doesn’t kill Vader when Vader is obviously at a point of weakness, but I think it’s because he’s seen who Vader is. Vader hates himself. There is nothing good in him. His single minded obsession meant that he let a whole ship of rebels get away.  
Vader is powerful and terrifying, but he’s a shell, a tool. You have to point him at something to be effective, and even then if it doesn’t catch his attention he won’t put his all into it. 
He has Tarkin in charge of him later because he’s not good at command anymore. He’s too selfish for it. He needs someone watching him. He’s known as the Emperor’s fist, but he’s not his right hand man, not really, not for important things. he’s all power and no purpose. 
He’s Palpatine’s puppet and he can stew in his self destruction. Leia and Luke are the future, maybe they can show him some mercy and put him out of his misery, but Obi-Wan won’t. 
He walked away from Anakin, burning on Mustafar and grieved unable to strike a finishing blow.  
But walking away from Vader was probably the least merciful act he’s ever committed for staying his blade. 
Vader wanted him dead, or wanted Obi-Wan to kill him, and Obi-Wan didn’t give him either. 
But it was a mercy to Obi-Wan himself to be able to walk away.
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Rigged from the Start
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I'm Ryn, and I've been working on a fanfic surrounding an AU for weeks now, and it's all coming together!
This AU is based off of @oifaa's Rebel's AU and RPs from @thistechnologicalterror, @passcode-8-1-0-8, @captain-tyrannosaurus, @there-is-another-skywalker, @zia-zia-bo-bia, @ginger-jedi-twink, @104th-plo-koon, @oona-the-trash-can-not-cannot, @little-wolffepup, @104commanderwolffe, @kaos-and-order, as well as art from @shyranno. I've gotten permission from all of them, and I'm excited to share this!
I will start posting when I have fifteen or so chapters already written, and go from there.
If you want more info regarding this AU, please check out the blogs up above. They'll give you an idea of what to expect.
If you want to be tagged, please send me a message using the ask box!
If you have any questions, please use my main (@jiabeewrites) to ask them!
The preview is under the cut!
UPDATE: THIS WILL BE POSTED ON AO3! You can find it here! You can find the wattpad version here!
Anakin Skywalker has fucked up.
Wait. Kriff. That's not right.
Because it's not his fault.
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Anakin Skywalker tried to warn them.
Do or do not. There is no try.
But they didn't listen. They never did.
Listen, because some wars are silent.
And because of their ignorance, the Republic, the GAR, the Jedi Council, all of it is gone.
The path of ignorance is guided by fear.
Now, there's just a handful of battered Jedi, Clone Troopers, and freedom fighters left. The rest have gone into hiding, fearful for their lives.
The fight is done. We lost.
And for a while, Anakin has given up all hope. That is, until he hears a voice.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi is tired.
The costs of war can never be truly accounted for.
He doesn't want to fight anymore. He's had enough.
Survival is one step on the path to living.
There's nothing left for him now. Everything he knew turned out to be a lie.
Truth was the first casualty.
Obi-Wan needs help. More than that, he needs closure.
Sometimes, accepting help is harder than offering it.
But that may have to wait until he hears what his former Padawan has to say.
A wise leader knows when to follow.
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Zia Ma'a needs to run.
You can change who you are, but you cannot run from yourself.
She's parenting a child she didn't even create, and her girlfriend has been reported dead.
But what is grief if not love persevering?
Zia vowed to leave her past behind her, looking to a new future after the war.
Only the dead have seen the end of the war.
But with the dawn of the Empire on the rise, she can't just sit there while people are suffering.
Freedom is never free.
Which is why she doesn't think twice when accepting Ahsoka's offer.
One must let go of the past to hold on to the future.
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Theodosia Skywalker feels helpless.
Facing all that you fear will free you from yourself.
The galaxy thinks she's dead. Her brother and niece have gone missing.
Have you ever felt forgotten in the middle of nowhere?
Everything in her life just seems to be crashing down around her.
Grief is a recurring battle. Heartbreak is an frequent enemy.
Evil has corrupted the path she was on, and now, she has no choice but to forge a new one.
If there is no path before you, create your own.
But Theo soon realizes that the Empire doesn't have as tight of a grip on the galaxy as it thinks it does.
There is no such thing as Greater Good, but there is such a thing as Great Evil, and it will win if you don’t stop to Think.
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secondstar-acorn · 1 year
hey besties we aren’t talking about Luke’s pain and trauma enough
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13ag21k · 11 months
I feel like at this point every single fictional character imaginable has fucked Harry Potter at least once.
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benevolentslut · 1 year
there's that specific brand of villain that's like - you're only a villain because you gave into your deepest fears and allowed them to control you, and now you've gone way too far to ever be truly redeemed.
like, they are beyond a shadow of a doubt a villain and should be seen as such, but there's still a certain tragedy to it, y'know? that tragedy of like "damn, you would've been a decent person if you'd just had some therapy, but now look at you"
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sinvulkt · 2 years
Choices by cringewerewolf ( @usamitokishige )
Ahsoka Tano, padawan to the legendary Anakin Skywalker, does not give up easily.
Even after death, she continues to watch over her old master.
Or - Darth Vader really wishes his old dead apprentice would stop making fun of the fact that he eats out of a tube. Ongoing, 24k words.
*** ** * ** ***
Chapter 11
"I told you to tell the truth," Ahsoka griped.
"I did... from a certain point of view." Anakin grinned.
Somewhere far away, Obi-Wan Kenobi's ghost sneezed.
Less than two weeks after Cin joined the Rebellion, there were about ten different ex-Imperial agents that were waiting for an acceptance into the ranks. Most of their reasoning behind defecting was "I don't want to be on the side against Darth Vader."
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mordicaifeed · 2 years
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“Darth Vader as Christ the Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro” by Dalle2.
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karmaphone · 2 years
perhaps using one of the most well known nazi allegorical character as the most common understanding of BPD is... cómo se dice... not good for the stigma of BPD
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