blood-falling · 2 months
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I finished my new wig and wanted to get done up, albeit a lighter makeup look than normal. The choker was gifted to me by Marcus, which I am grateful for .
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buboplague · 2 months
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a journey of pain, growth and persistence
(prints available here)
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selfhealingmoments · 4 months
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nmzuka · 11 months
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whatever I'll post my addendum to it anyway
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charliebugz · 8 months
When Izzy first walked out I was worried that he would be made into a joke that the crew would laugh at
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but then he started singing and the dancing began and I realized that he wasn’t meant to be a joke at all. This is the most open and happy we’ve ever seen Izzy and the show treated it that way. Not mocking him but instead celebrating this moment.
When we talk about queer representation it’s usually just focused on queer relationships, but what I love about this episode is it shows other sides of being queer. That moment where Izzy saw Wee John doing his makeup and had a realization that he wanted that too? That is what being queer means to me. The crew singing along and cheering for him? That is what being apart of the queer community means to me.
What i love about this show is that it shows queer joy, not in a sanitized way, but in away that is messy, beautiful, and without any mockery or shame.
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collymore · 1 month
Arbitrary Regrets!
By Stanley Collymore   It's quite ridiculous, futile and likewise counterproductive to basically spend one's time simply regretting something which didn't happen; more than likely, actually never would have realistically occurred and in the basically, very unlikely event that it did happen, would actually have in all probability been, unquestionably, a consummate disaster; and, crucially whose actual appeal to you long after this non-achievable event, is naturally your quite fanciful or even delusional assumption of what might, or clearly could simply, maybe have happened Things which don't occur in our lives often, effectively do so for a number of valid reasons which, undoubtedly, at the time, we were specifically not the least cognizant of; and, actually equally as well invariably beneficial to us; since, had they happened we would, in effect, be now essentially utilizing a great deal of our literally obviously precious and discernibly limited time, on Earth, distinctively generally and also unquestionably too evidently absurdly retributively castigating yourselves for actually really permitting them, to happen!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore 17 April 2024.
Author's Remarks: One should sensibly and quite distinctly unquestionably realistically actually look to the future and the undeniably several positive possibilities that it has to offer; not stay obviously moribund in the past literally speculating over, or even clearly simply reinventing, often exaggeratedly and distinctly vaingloriously, situations which evidently in undoubtedly trying to placate our egos, we simply discernibly often quite pathetically, and specifically literally one-sidedly, try to kid ourselves and clearly stupidly make out, that they were obviously essentially much better than what they actually were!
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soaked-doors · 1 month
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when it rains, it pours
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pokimoko · 11 months
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I can't keep being fundamentally changed as a person by animated movies, it's just not sustainable.
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pimsri · 3 months
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Baby albino changyuraptor spooked by her own reflection, realizing that she's not like her other siblings.
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stuckinapril · 6 months
lived my whole life in guilt bc i thought i was responsible for people's feelings. newly realizing that other people are responsible for their feelings and reactions, even if they make it seem like i'm the problem. a lot of the time it really has to do w them and their own emotional regulation. i can't keep thinking i'm not allowed to have space bc of other people's insecurities. like i literally refuse to dim myself. other people are responsible for their feelings just as i'm responsible for mine.
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blood-falling · 24 days
So, I suppose I should say something, right? Feel free to send asks still. I wouldn't mind.
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astenik · 4 months
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mumblesplash · 5 months
i know it’s like years old at this point but i love that one collab mumbo and grian did with tommyinnit bc it’s like the single most concentrated example i’ve seen of mumbo’s Chaos Nullification Powers
you get to see a bit of it on hermitcraft, mostly via his interactions with grian, but until seeing that collab it didn’t really hit me just how completely mumbo can no-sell other people’s attempts to control a situation. tommyinnit is possibly the single shoutiest, most chaotic minecraft youtuber out there, and in most videos i’ve seen he pretty much overwhelms everyone else and sets the tone for interactions because of this. but mumbo just. doesn’t let him. no matter how much tommy escalates in intensity, mumbo reacts with *exactly* the same energy he always does. grian largely comes across in the whole video as annoyed and reluctant to engage with the whole thing, but mumbo’s not even affected. he just rolls with anything he finds funny and basically ignores anything he disapproves of, only seeming more and more unflappable the harder anyone tries to get a rise out of him.
AND imo, this is the key to my favorite interpretation of him as a character
see, when the people around him are being more reasonable/calm, i think mumbo often comes across as anxious and a bit easily overwhelmed. the thing is, his nervous wet cat vibes do not scale. he has one setting. his responses to the last life ‘ah-ha!’ jokes and to hermitcraft 8 starting to crumble to pieces under a falling moon are almost identical.
mumbo jumbo is inexorably and eternally Just Some Guy, but that gets stranger and stranger the weirder his surroundings become. the giggly incredulousness that makes him an easy target for goofy puns looks Very different when it’s also his reaction to the impending end of the world.
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selfhealingmoments · 10 months
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garnet-xx-rose · 1 year
Yes, I’ve done the work analyzing this relationship’s problematic traits and I’ve come to the educated conclusion that I still want them to fuck
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aimeekb · 5 months
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Yosemite comes to life at sunrise
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