prokopetz · 2 days
I understand why a lot of fantasy settings with Ambiguously Catholic organised religions go the old "the Church officially forbids magic while practising it in secret in order to monopolise its power" route, but it's almost a shame because the reality of the situation was much funnier.
Like, yes, a lot of Catholic clergy during the Middle Ages did practice magic in secret, but they weren't keeping it secret as some sort of sinister top-down conspiracy to deny magic to the Common People: they were mostly keeping it secret from their own superiors. It wasn't one of those "well, it's okay when we do it" deals: the Church very much did not want its local priests doing wizard shit. We have official records of local priests being disciplined for getting caught doing wizard shit. And the preponderance of evidence is that most of them would take their lumps, promise to stop doing wizard shit, then go right back to doing wizard shit.
It turns out that if you give a bunch of dudes education, literacy, and a lot of time on their hands, some non-zero percentage of them are going to decide to be wizards, no matter how hard you try to stop them from being wizards.
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bebx · 1 day
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Behold!! Moo Deng, the famous baby pygmy hippo from Khao Kheow zoo in Thailand
Sources: thecinesthetic & shirtsthtgohard on X/Twitter
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theaustinstollhaus · 2 days
I think we non-Catholics are really missing out on the idea of saints. What a galaxy-brain idea. Not gods, but little authorities to consult on even the most niche topics. Like a bureaucracy of faith. Praying to the almighty Creator feels overwhelming, but my favorite fifth-century Greek bachelor just gets me.
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candela888 · 3 days
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After much research I have decided that vampiric entities in the Americas come in three different types, based on region. If u have any questions feel free to ask.
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Vampiric entities of Mexico & Southwest USA:
Ojai vampire
Chupacabra (dog-like variety)
Vampiro de Belen
Witch-like or animalistic. Tend to feed on defenseless children or animals. Many can shapeshift, usually into animals like wolves or owls.
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Vampiric entities of South America:
Animalistic and monstrous, many of these are barely even humanoid, usually horiffic to look at. Tend to go after adults, and are usually malicious. Many have backwards feet.
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Vampiric entities of the Atlantic Coast:
New England Vampire panic
NYC vampire sightings
Hag, Ole-Higue, & Boo Hag
Chupacabra (alien variety)
Vampiro de Moca
New Orleans vampire sightings
Jacques St. Germain
Almost always humanoid, usually undead, sometimes witch-like, tend to attack people of all ages.
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soup-mother · 2 days
really past a certain point of queer theory and religious history you loop back around to "the bible doesn't say that" but like with an understanding of historical contexts and stuff.
being gay is fine regardless of what any religious text says, i understand the sentiment but past a point it's stupid and makes people really annoyingly wrong about bible translation because they saw one tumblr post and think "owning conservatives with their own logic" is more important than being right
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Be so confident in God's plan that you don't even get upset anymore when things don't seem to go your way. You KNOW God’s working it all out for your good.
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heresylog · 3 days
Hi, I just came across this post on this lovely app and shared it in a discord and we were wondering if it would qualify as false idolatry? Could we get your expert's point of view ?
Thank you
(love your blog)
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Without knowing the specifics I can only guess. However, AI generated content in general is not allowed because it removes one from the act of creation and the right to labor.
The better question to ask is what’s the point going to a church where the sermons and lessons are not written by anyone?
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xdextarx · 1 day
literally pagans 🌳are more open to identities, social aspect, diversity and genders than modern society 🔬
you are woman who want to live as man? sure! why not! women can be strong as men! it's not so often here but we have no problem with it!
Modern society:
b-but women have their own standards and men as well!! g-gender role!! it's our tradition that men do nothing and women do everything at home! cooking and cleaning is a woman's job because we said so to have less work!! women are weak child machines and men are strong hunters!!! women must be submissive to men!! it's a tradition!! 😩
you lived alone in the forest for a long time and now you became a shaman and can talk to spirits? that's so cool! let's go on an igloo and you will make an astral trip and then you will tell us what you saw and where all you were!!
Modern society:
what the hell? Impossible. you must be schizophrenic. it is not possible for you to have a sixth sense and be able to connect with things that we cannot see. surely it's just delusions in your head. there are no supernatural things and I don't care that science can't fully explore it yet and that we don't even know how we really got here!
pagans in general:
it's so cool you made your own mask! you are an animal, entity, devil, spirit or something else? let's celebrate us all!
you have wild spirit? that's so cool!
you were an animal in your last life? me too!
you can travel astrally? omg!
someone was born? let's celebrate!
someone died? let's celebrate they are in after life now and their soul is still with us in connection!
god's are our friends and not our masters! we all are just beings!
modern society:
therians, alterhumans no humans are sick! you cannot be anything else than human! you have human body so you're human!
you have woman body so you can't be man!
you have man body so you can't be woman!
there's no reincarnation or soul!
someone was born? oh no we have to pay bills for making one human in this capitalist society
someone died? damn it cost so much!
there's only one god and other religions are fake! you will burn in hell you atheist!
god is the creator and master!
landlord is owner and my master or I become homeless!
my boss is my master or I will starve!
we celebrate Christmas, valentine and Easter just because of having to feed markets and capitalist materialistic society!
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buddhaboymusic · 3 days
I am free. I am alive. I am a Soul who wants to see the world the way it is and not they want us to believe it is. I have the right to make my choice and I am making it. No trends, no fake ideals, no status. I am tired of playing those games and I am sorry to see how most of us are still sleeping. Social media... Who has the right to direct us, forcing us to live a life that is not ours? Why true artists who have what to say are left behind because they will never do things that are against their conscience and humanness? In this world of distorted mirrors, I refuse to believe that those are the norms of a modern illusion we all call... Life. Please wake me up. 🙏🏻✨🤌🏻🕉️
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elijahrl · 2 days
Worship With ADHD
So, I have ADHD and I forget to pray a lot of the time, including saying good morning/goodnight to my gods.
It makes me think that since I forget this stuff so much, my gods hate me, or think I'm a horrible worshipper.
But that's not the case.
I'm writing this for other polytheists/pagans, or even anyone of any religion who deals with ADHD, anything similar, or is just a forgetful person.
The gods won't hate you for skipping a day or two of worship.
In my case, I forgot to do my daily worship for an entire week straight and Lord Hermes happily sent signs and answered my questions during a tarot reading right afterward.
You're human. It's normal to forget things sometimes.
The gods won't hate you for it.
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atheostic · 2 days
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soup-mother · 2 days
saw "the bible supports trans people because eve was made from a male rib and "transitioned" into a woman" as an ~epic dunk on the conservatives~ and just sorta had to sit there trying not to yell at that person.
I'm being so mature and not bitching about exactly how stupid (and frankly transmisogynistic) that is but i will at least say that reinterpreting bible passages to be pro LGBT "to own conservatives" really is one of the most boring tired things ever
*yelling over the crowd* it's a historical text
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shiftythrifting · 4 hours
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Finds from @halerpal
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The Bible says that it’s like a prison when we fear what other people might think. Only God’s opinion truly matters. Remember that.
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luna-drinker · 22 hours
Assuming that Biblical figures were depicted as white because the artists were white supremacists reeks of bad faith. You think the average European knew what Middle Easterns looked like? They had to use real people to model for them because they didn't have the luxury of google images.
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