#reminds me of Death from Puss in Boots
Thanksgiving Thoughts
(Spoiler since this morning as I couldn’t stop thinking about it)
I don’t know why I’m so interested and curious about the movie called Thanksgiving that soon be out on cinema tomorrow when I’m just 24 years old who dislikes horror movies as they went over the top and makes it so real.
I’m not into horror movies and yet the trailer that I saw early in the morning is something that I’ve shockingly enjoyed this trailer.
Not sure if I want to watch it or not…
That guy named John Carver is just like Death for some reason since both of them are out to kill (well, except Death going after Puss and maybe after he failed he would most likely kill people who harmed everyone and John would likely kill everyone he wanted as he still haunts the town)
Here’s (gulps) two posters [too nervous for showing you all the trailer]
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I mean, once I saw it on instagram, I was this close to get jump scared by how this serial killer showed up and kill a victim!
Ingot of the movie: ‘After a Black Friday riot ends in tragedy, a mysterious serial killer, known only as "John Carver", comes to Plymouth, Massachusetts, with the intention of creating a Thanksgiving carving board out of the town's inhabitants.’
Now, I knew Black Friday had been hard to survive through so many people who want to get everything for free, but I wasn’t expecting it would end everyone to deaths! And thanksgiving showed to be far worse as you might be the victim once you are tagged to be the killer’s guest!
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strawglicks · 2 years
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thinking about these 3..
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a-passing-storm · 2 years
Those were the big things, but I--OH MY GOD WAIT! Also, the way The Last Wish very plainly but not obnoxiously talked about toxic masculinity and how it’s good and okay to be vulnerable with other people and ask for help and be scared. Like! Oh My God!
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raptorladylover6969 · 4 months
I’m probably gonna be chased around with pitchforks and torches when I say this but like…..hear me out on Raptor Lady….
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LEMME EXPLAIN LEMME EXPLAIN. Shes such a mysterious and interesting character. Like what is her deal? And why is she frolicking with atrociraptors anyways???? Speaking of her raptors, I LOVE how she actually cares abt them and doesnt force em to do stuff if they’re injured. Like you can tell she loves her raptors. That is totally my fav trope thingy abt villains; actually caring abt their henchmen/minions beiebwjenjejekejjc.
And strangely enough, I LOVEEEE her design. Her uncanniness had me discombobulated seeing her on screen for the first time. I was debating whether or not she was a robot, or a walking corpse, but NOPE. Shes a human. A creepy one to say the least. (She reminds me of Death from the second Puss in Boots movie, like they have the same uncanny vibe) Her bright blue eyes and her wack ass hair add to the creepiness BUT I LOVE ITTTT IT SUITS HER SO WELLLLL.
shes so bbg I love Raptor Lady dare I say she kinda fine
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The reason behind using Chloé early on is actually pretty simple. The writers for ML have never met a twist they didn't like. they seem obsessed with outsmarting their audience. ( target 6-10yr olds, go team) Everything is a red herring of some kind until it isn't bit it is but not and whoa did we blow your mind yet?
I'm reminded of an OSP quote along the lines of 'You can only surprise your audience on the first viewing, but a good narrative can be enjoyed any number of times.'
Exactly. Plot twists aren't just there to surprise the audience. They also give rewatch value to the work.
Take Puss in Boots: The Last Wish for example. The twist of the Wolf actually being the Grim Reaper is shocking, yes, but rewatching the movie gives new meaning to the things he does. Just rewatch his first scene and see what I mean. Not only does the Wolf appear from out of nowhere like a ghost, he also points to the word "Dead" in the "Dead or Alive" on Puss' wanted poster, and wields a pair of sickles as his weapons.
It also makes you rethink the things he says to Puss during their conversation.
"Been following you for a long time." - The Wolf has taken eight of Puss' nine lives, so he's more than familiar with him.
"Everyone thinks they'll be the one to defeat me. But no one's escaped me yet." - Being Death itself, the Wolf has been there for everyone's eventual passing.
"So I've heard..." - A direct response to Puss' claim that he laughs in the face of death, which the Wolf is naturally insulted by.
Plot twists and foreshadowing go together well, but you need to make sure the audience has enough hints to either figure it out themselves or to recognize the buildup to the twist on a second viewing. Miraculous Ladybug does neither of those. Things like Chloe's betrayal and the other rich kids being Sentimonsters just come out of nowhere and don't hold up when you rewatch earlier episodes and see no foreshadowing for those revelations.
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yanderes-galore · 6 months
Here's my first request. It's a normal request for a scenario with Death from Puss in Boots.
Some time ago, we talked about the idea of ​​a cat reader taking Puss in Boots' place after the former's death, so let me refresh your memory. This is a Puss in Boots AU that takes place after The Last Wish. Many years later, Puss finally passed away, but that doesn't mean the legend is over. After the burial, another cat, a big fan of the original Puss, picks a hat, a sword and a pair of boots for themselves and goes on adventures like the original. The reader soon becomes a hero who is not afraid to put their life in danger to save innocent people. What makes this cat different from the original is that the new puss doesn't waste their lives and acts arrogantly. But, unfortunately, they have already lost three or four lives while helping people (either because they were killed in fights or due to an accident). So, the cat's desire to follow the legacy of the previous PIB and their respect for their lives (unlike the original) ends up catching the attention of a certain white wolf.
To make things less confusing when mentioning the cats, i think it would be a good idea to use Puss in Boots (his name) for the original and puss in boots (which is now just a title) for the new one.
I'll see what I can do! Intentions are left ambiguous/can be seen as either romantic or platonic. This wasn't very intense for my plot... so my bad :( I hope you still liked it though!
Yandere! Death Oneshot
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Manipulation, Some sadism, Soft yandere Death, Kidnapping (Technically), Dubious companionship.
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Death never really liked cats. They always took life for granted in his eyes. All because they have nine lives they think they're untouchable.
Death has quickly proven such felines wrong... especially a certain orange cat. He was happy Puss in Boots finally learned to take care of himself near the end of his career. But eventually... the wolf claimed him too.
He thought that would be the last time he even heard the title of 'Puss in Boots'. The cat is dead and it's been years. His title is merely a legend.
But as Death watches the world of the living... he notices that name being thrown around again. The wolf had to make sure he was hearing things correctly when he picked up on the words. "Puss in Boots reborn" the people echo... so he checked things out.
Sure enough, another foolish feline has fallen for the legend. That's what Death sighed about as he watched you, a young cat, playing hero in a hat and boots, with a sword in your paws.
Deciding to keep a keen eye on you to see if you'd show arrogance... Death was surprised when you showed none of it. You treated every life you had with care... saving those around you and adventuring. It admittedly eased Death a little bit that he wouldn't have a repeat of your predecessor.
Soon Death realized he wouldn't just be watching you from a distance. Adventuring and saving others puts heroes in danger. Sometimes...
Sometimes heroes even meet a few close calls with Death himself.
Death recalls the first time he met you, the newest little Copycat. You looked so scared when he approached you, the wolf stalking over to you slowly. He really loved your fear... but now was not your time.
"Quite the little outfit you've got..." The wolf whispers. "You remind me of an old friend... but this is only your first life lost, cat."
It's then he releases you, allowing you to use your first life. You're down to eight and still doing your usual activities with care. Death admittedly found himself attached... often watching you as you save other souls.
Such a kind cat... much different from the usual troublesome felines.
Of course, as nature with your little job, you'd eventually meet Death again. Quite a few times, actually. Death liked every single one of your meetings.
He always said you lost your lives for a good cause. He appreciated that quality of yours. He only ever found himself looking forward to the day he eventually takes you for himself.
As for most, there was no way to keep Death away forever. Every meeting... every time he watched you live your life... he thought of the time he'd eventually take you away. You wouldn't like it... he knows it...
But he hopes to keep you as a companion... a reminder that cats can prove themselves.
Your lives tick down like the sand in an hourglass. Over time Death continues to meet you. His grin is wider the more accidents and lives pass.
Upon your last life you feel it is time to retire. While the wolf... Death... acted as an old friend... he would become an enemy soon. You didn't want to depart from your life quite yet...
But that wasn't your decision... it never truly was...
Death was always the one who let you live.
Even if you ran and tried to postpone meeting your maker, Death would always follow. You can hear him call out to you, a whistle accompanying him. The wolf always chuckled when he saw your fear.
Truthfully... you shouldn't be scared. The wolf would never hurt you unless you fought him. He can peacefully take you to the afterlife.
You just need to stop fighting him.
He guessed it was natural you fought him. Your predecessor fought with him too. Yet... he thought you were better than that.
Your fight to keep your remaining life would end soon. Your paranoia leads to another accident. Your lives going from one to zero in an instant.
Leading to Death standing over you, a grin on his face as piercing red eyes stare into you.
"You should really consider me a friend, cat..." He whispers, leaning down to look at you. "I've helped you this far... but you were going to come back with me eventually."
"I'm not ready yet..." You whispers, Death rolling his eyes.
"Trust me... you are. In the end... this is meant to be. You belong with me." The wolf scoops you up, a sadistic grin on his face. "The wait was worth it... the chase was fun..."
The wolf begins to walk away with you, the prize he's wanted all along. He feels you struggle but shakes his head. It was inevitable...
"But it's time to take you back where you belong, Copycat. I'll take good care of you in your new home."
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picturejasper20 · 2 years
What made Death become so popular?
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If you are a bit of a tumblr nerd like me, you probably have noticed that Puss In Boots: The Last Wish has been trending in 3-1# place the last few days. You probably have also noticed that there is quite a lot of fanart from the one of the main antagonists of the film: ¨Wolf¨ or Death.
But why is this character suddenly is getting so much attention? Why there are tons of people talking about him? Well, here are a few reasons i can think of why:
(Warning! Puss in Boots: The Last Wish spoilers)
First, Death is a antagonist that is terrifying in comparison to antagonists from other animated films. Yes, there has been villains with scary moments in the past. However, i think few can compare to how scary Death is in Puss in Boots: The Last Wish.
When we first are introduced to him, it is easy to think he is just a powerful bounty hunter who wants Puss’s head. Then, moments later, we see how quickly he takes control of the battle and beats up Puss, who was able to defeat a giant at the start of the film. He makes Puss feel what would be real terror for the first time in his life.
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In addition to this, he is capable of following the main characters everywhere and he is, as he put it, ¨always watching¨. This is why Puss is always on alert because he knows that somewhere Death is observing him and he doesn’t know when he will strike.
And the thing is that Wolf rarely acts aggressively or looses his cool throughout the film. He always looks sure about his actions. He knows that he can’t be defeated easily. He whistles in a slowy yet chilling way when he appears on screen.
Another reason that explains his popularity is that he doesn’t have your typical evil villain motive. He isn’t obsessed with world conquest, fame or having power. In fact, he already has all this being the death himself. He doesn’t need any special artifact when he is able to go anywhere he wants without any issue.
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He taunts and messes with Puss because he finds it fun. He finds it entertaining to play with someone who always laughed at the face of death because Puss had multiple lives. It could also be seen as him trying to give Puss a ¨lesson¨ for wasting his previous lives so recklessly.
Near the end of the film, when he notices that Puss isn’t any longer afraid of him the way he used to, he stops fighting since he doesn’t find fun in chasing someone who isn’t scared of him. Death calmly leaves the place, seeing that Puss finally appreciates the one life he has left.
What’s more, someone who worked in the film said that he likes the idea of Death being the one that saved Perrito from drowning when he was a puppy. While i’m not sure something like this was intended to be in story originally, this hints that Wolf wasn’t intended to be completely evil.
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On last point, having a character that represents death itself in a film about appreciating the life you have and the things you take for granted is simply genius. It fits very well with the rest of the story thematically.
I haven’t seen many animated films having death as the main antagonist. It gives Wolf a unique touch since there is always this reminder that he isn’t your average antagonist. He is the Grim Reaper. He is some kind of semi-god entity that has control whenever a person dies.
He serves as this force that is constantly challenging Puss and pushes him out of his comfort zone. It leads the protagonist to change and to revaluate what things truly make him happy. He also embodies the whole theme of the film.
Overall, he is an antagonist that feels fresh, unique, who is scary and his role in the film goes well with the themes. It isn’t surprising he gained so much popularity.
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khaire-traveler · 7 months
what are ways to connect with hermes as a psychopomp/chthonic deity? aside from like when an actual death occurs. im realizing i never really have, but id like to!
Hey, Nonny, great question! I don't often see interest in this topic.
A big part of honoring Hermes' Chthonic aspects, from what I have seen, has actually been honoring the dead themselves. During the celebration of the last day of Anthesteria, for example, offerings were given to both Hermes and the souls of the dead, honoring them alongside each other. A specific food offering, called koliva, was given on that day.
With this knowledge, a good way to honor Hermes Chthonios/Psychopompos would be honoring the dead. Doing such things as visiting a loved one's grave, leaving flowers at graves (with permission, of course), and even interacting with ancestors can be ways of connecting with him more. I think another great way of devoting to him is showing kindness and respect to your fellow human. While this can be for Ouranic Hermes as well, I think having compassion to others (not at the expense of yourself) is still a great devotional act to Chthonic Hermes. As a Psychopomp, I'd have to imagine he has to be pretty compassionate towards the souls of the dead to effectively do his job. I'm sure he's helped terrified souls, furious souls, and confused souls cross the threshold into the afterlife, so practicing that same kindness towards others in your life is a great devotional act. Help life be easier and more enjoyable for one another. :) Simply working to enjoy your life can also be good. Trying things you've always wanted to try, engaging in activities that make you happy, volunteering for causes you care about - such activities could all be dedicated to him. Enjoying the life you currently have is an underrated form of devotion, in my opinion, and it's something I've found Hermes likes a lot (he's even actively helping me with it).
Something I like to do to as well is engage with media that discusses death. Two movies I recommend watching with Hermes Chthonios would be Puss in Boots & The Last Wish and Coco (I know Coco is a different culture, but the way it approaches the topic of death is very nice, I think). Also, media like Ask A Mortician on YouTube works because it engages your curiosity - a trait Hermes seems to value - and helps resolve any fears you may have towards death/educates you on the topic.
As for offerings to give to that aspect of Hermes, I would say incense that reminds you of his specific energy is a good option. You can give him classic scents he normally likes as well, such as frankincense, lavender, and myrrh. Black gemstones or rocks make a good offering as well; I'm personally a big fan of black tourmaline to represent Chthonic deities. Dedicating the tarot card Death to him from one of your decks (if any) could be good. Speaking of, any art you make of him works perfectly. In ancient Greece, butterflies were thought to be the souls of the dead, so butterfly imagery would be great, too. Giving him drink offerings such as black coffee, warm milk with honey and cinnamon, and lavender tea would work. Maybe also dedicating water placed under a new moon (I would specifically give it to him at night). A reminder that these are mostly based on UPG (some are historical)!
If anyone else has more suggestions, please feel free to share!
I hope this helps a bit. I hope you enjoy connecting with Hermes on that Chthonic level. Good luck to you, and have a good day/night. <3
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grim-ghosty · 3 months
Your bounty hunter branch remind me so much of death from puss in boots 2, I can also imagine him whistle like him when he's near
I can definitely see it. But I always thought of Branch as a silent hunter in canon and, in my au. Though there is something that he does that is kinda like the whistle, everyone knows that the grey bounty hunter is nearby once you see the blue fog.
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dovewingkinnie · 1 year
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16 seconds into the springbonnie animation!!! a little over 3 minutes left... spring reminded me of death from puss in boots in this animation so i drew this
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swanpit · 1 year
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A simple commis
But not me thinking there could be a potential story going on here, this could be an au on its own, potentially an angsty one
here, puss is probably more like his deleted scene version
so he really did end up in the wishing star alone by himself, no kitty, no gatito blade, no perrito
Him and death, they still gonna fought a bit (maybe puss even made the wish or whatever, or postpone it but still planning to do it after battle or as last resort or something, and instead of sliding the sickle back to death he picks THAT THING up instead)
of course he's gonna be out of depth with it, it's not the kind of weapon he's used to and it's fucking heavy, heavier than he thought....(and is it just him or did it get heavier and heavier?)
maybe jack is back and in a pinch, puss finally make the wish to restore his nine lives back and used the destruction of the star to escape. jack didnt survive this, maybe goldi and the bears escaped in time, perrito is with kitty out there (in which kitty kinda got her wish but instead of puss it was perrito, platonically)
Potentially puss corruption era? he escaped with that stupid thing in tow,didnt have another weapon (when he tries to get rid of the sickle he remembers that he forgot the rapier again and he has no other weapon, DOH! Death still has it and no way he's risking it again, it's as good as gone now) increasingly become paranoid, and of course the story he told gonna make death's reputation even worse
puss in boots escapes death itself and even managed to get his weapons! But said weapon grows cold and heavy on his back, people think it was a well earned battle trophy but to him, it was a reminder of his mistake
There's also potentially other...people with ulterior motives who might as well wants to take that weapon from puss if they known..but alas, puss's heart, at its core is still too nice to let it fall into the wrong hands....
And death is still chasing
.....congrats, buddy you just put yourself in insanity difficulty mode
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deathisararemercy · 2 years
Hey so i was wondering if you could do a p2 to the kung fu panda au? Maybe with the second movie as the main recolved arc? If not thats fine i just really liked it lol ^^
Puss in Boots x Kung Fu Panda AU Part 2
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Death x Reader
A/N: Howdy anon! I had to brush up on KFP2 for this one, but I'm glad to continue this little AU! Though I did explore Death's relationship with the reader in the original post, I mainly did that with anticipating a part two. So for the sake of having a nice narrative, at the start of this little post, the reader and Death are just acquaintances. Thank you for sending in this request!
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You are living your best life as the Dragon Warrior. You're defending the valley, have five awesome new best friends, have one very cool kung fu master as your teacher (who was going to teach you all about inner peace!), and also your parent is still running the best noodle shop in the valley.
Also there's that one wolf guy: Death.
Sometimes he shows up when you're defending the valley, sometimes he doesn't. But whenever you see him, you're both glad to see each other. At least, you think he's glad to see you. Kind of hard to tell since you usually see him wearing his hood.
When you and the Five are sent to stop a gang of bandits, you're reminded that not all wolves are nice.
And you have a flashback of another panda, just like you.
Death appears (again). Normally, you'd be startled by his presence, but you're still reeling from the memory. He's Death, but he can't read minds, so you brush him off and gather the gang to head back home.
Sidenote: Yes, Death was there when your biological parent died. Yes, he could (and would) tell you more about them if you asked. But he hasn't put together the dots that you're remembering your past.
You ask your parent about your past, and now you're a bit shaken, having learned you're adopted and still having questions your parent can't give you answers to, but WHOOPSIES time for a quest.
(*Shrek the Musical Fiona voice*: Skip ahead, skip ahead, skip ahead-)
When you're out sitting on the boat to Gongmen City, you hear familiar whistling. It's Death. Initially, you freak out because now you're wondering if someone is going to die. But he clarifies that no one is dying. Yet. He confesses that he's been breaking a few rules recently, but he wants to check on you because you seem...troubled.
You talk about your nightmare.
For a minute, you're worried you've wasted his time. He's frowning and looking ahead on the river, thoughtful. "Sorry, that was a lot. I should let you get back to work doing your whole Death thing. I just...I don't really know where I belong. And it's not a great feeling. What did I do...for my parents to leave me?"
And the wolf stands up and shakes his head, quietly swearing under his breath. The things he does for love. "Mind if I tell you something?" You nod, curious. "I was there. When your parent left you in that crate." "Oh. Wait...does that mean..." "That doesn't matter right now." "Of course it matters! They could be-"' He grabs your shoulder. "Listen. They loved you very much. Both of your parents. They did what they needed to out of their love for you." "But why? And what happened to them?"
He is conveniently interrupted by the sight of Gongmen City and the Five waking up from sleep. He vanishes into the night.
You and the Five sneak into the city and see all the wolves. You're getting really sick of these guys. You try to get Rhino and Croc out, they can't leave because of the weapon, you run into the wolf boss again and you're all caught.
(Why can't these guys be more like Death? you think to yourself as you're climbing the many....many stairs in Shen's palace.)
And speak of the devil, you spot him in the shadows when you meet Shen for the first time. He looks more that displeased, paws firmly gripping his sickle handles. But he can't interfere in anything can he? Not after doing so much for you recently. You can't help but wonder if you're going to die right then and there in front of the canon. But Mantis saves you all and there goes the canon. Boom!
You try to get to Shen but you have another flashback. Shen escapes, and Death interferes again to get you and the Five out of the tower. You guys were having too many near death experiences for his taste. You all regroup together.
Once again, you are having an identity crisis, and Tigris tells you to stay behind, telling Death to keep an eye on you to make sure you don't do anything that'll get you killed.
Luckily for you, that's not in his job description.
"I don't take orders from anyone. Especially mortals." he sighs. The wolf nudges you with a wink. "Alright then, Dragon Warrior. Go. I won't tell."
Honestly, I think if I were going to give Death an arc this 'x reader' ver of KFP2, it would be the conflict between his duty to let the everything pan out and not interfere before he needs to take souls to the spirit world, and his own desire to engage in mortal life (ie. protect you) and talk to them and learn more about them (ie. you). He's already interfered so many times, and he can tell the cosmic balance was getting a little bit out of sorts. But...
Death decides to stay back during the fight, lurking in the shadows and doing his job properly. But he is shocked when Shen tells you that your parents didn't love you. And he loses it when you nearly die again to Shen.
He carries you out of the river and looks around desperately for help. He's Death. Death can't be afraid of anything or of anyone. Death shouldn't feel fear. But right now...he's terrified. He knows everyone dies at some point. It was inevitable. But was uncertain was whether or not him being there could actually lead to your death. If you died, would it have been because he interfered and got too close?
He follows the river away from Shen and the Five, and he makes it to the Soothsayer. The Soothsayer is vaguely aware that Death is someone from beyond the mortal world, but he rests you at her feet and tells her to help you.
When you recover, it takes both of them talking to you in order for you to recover your memories and achieve inner peace. When the Soothsayer tells you that your present actions define who you are, something resonates with Death.
He joins you, the Five, and the Masters in the final fight in Gongmen. Cosmic law be damned, Death says no to weapons of mass destruction. He's going to let his actions define him and how he approaches his relationships.
Yeah, no. Seeing you make the water droplet technique your own made him fall even harder for you.
And once again, I have a link to swanpit's art because 1. This art is hilarious and beautiful and 2. I think seeing Shen and Death interact like this would be lovely and fits this fic.
But yes. Our Dragon Warrior achieves inner peace and Death is becoming more and more of his own person aside from literally being Death.
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Also: on the trip back to the valley, Death tags along. And he may or may not try to indirectly ask you out to dinner. You say "Sure! Let's head to my parent's place!" and his tail is thumping on the boat's deck, causing it to tip a little. Needless to say, he's excited.
Changing timeline things from the first post so that they now occur after KFP2:
At this point, he starts showing up more frequently, during and outside of battles, and he seems more relaxed around you. And you come to learn that his presence doesn't always mean someone's going to die. He just wants to visit. (And after so long observing how people live and die, he has a chance to try living for himself.)
He starts dragging you away from training to get a meal together in town or to go on a nice walk in the mountains.
When Shifu complains, Death shrugs. "Alright then." He draws his weapons, snapping the sickles together and forming his staff. "Let's continue the Dragon Warrior's training then."
Plenty of sparring practice and playful banter between the two of you. It's so much fun for the both of you, and you start tag-teaming during battles. He joins you and the Five in your fights, always sure to use just a fraction of his strength as to not kill everyone in his path. But he reaps souls if need be.
And after all of this, in a shocking turn of events, you are the one to confess your love to Death.
And after all of this, he can confidently reciprocate that love.
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darklordofthesimp · 2 years
You know Death the Wolf from Puss in Boots, he reminds me of König right of the bat, like he is big and tall, and sounds like he was frothing at the mouth while he speak
I haven't seen it yet but I fucking love the comparison. This tik tok really gives me that same vibe
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yuliyaana · 2 years
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The amazing use of both 2D and 3D elements mixes perfectly with the animation and the art style and it really reminds me of the animation of Into the Spider-Verse. Everything’s an eye candy and wallpaper-worthy. The vibrant colors and the lighting?? The visuals and the background art, they're just so GORGEOUS! Like you can see those little paint brush strokes on some parts of the film. You know the movie’s gonna be good when they apply this kind of style. This movie is an absolute masterpiece. *chef’s kiss*
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OKAAAAY I WILL NEVER GET OVER WITH THE WORLD BUILDING ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY WENT TO THE DARK FOREST— it’s just so hilarious when Puss and Kitty got depressing and dangerous path/terrains while Perrito got the easiest path because he’s a carefree and cheerful pure-hearted therapy dog who sees the positivity in life (despite his sad “funny story” like he said) and it really shows that whoever possesses the Star Map judges the character of those who holds it.
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Can we talk about Goldilocks’ character design? I really, really love how they designed her— like every details of her design reflects the way she got raised by her bear family. You see those mismatched earrings? They resemble Mama Bears different earrings. Her necklaces? Baby Bear also got a chain necklace. And the faint scar she got on her left eyebrow later on? Now it resembles Papa Bear’s scar on his left eye. Okay I love this her golden blonde hair so much. It really fits her name ESPECIALLY her two huge buns resemble like bear ears! Her outfit got dirtied in the dark forest making it look brown, like her family's brown fur plus she got those little fangs omg. She's so cute but she can also kill you. TvT
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Jack Horner, okay this chaotic huge man got pink hair and chubby cheeks. He’s got the perks alright? Hear me out, his pink tie resembles an icing piping cream pastry and he got those small printed pies on his purple vest. He BIG.
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And finally, this big bad lobo himself and his name is DEATH, like literally. He’s the Grim Reaper of Shrek Universe. His design freaking SLAPS! Oh man, this brooding wolf deadass got the hardest drip for me ngl. The black poncho fits him perfectly for a grim reaper like him. The fact that his eyes always stand out making him look even more intimidating and menacing. We all know that the universal look of Grim Reaper is a skeleton in a long black cloak with his scythe while DreamWorks made Death as a wolf with his signature dual-sickles (likely as a reference for Grim Reaper’s Scythe), for me it’s an interesting detail because his main target was Puss in Boots coming to punish him for recklessly wasting away his past eight lives mainly because he’s a cat, and wolves are known for being a natural predator. Not to mention, he was always there whenever Puss dies. He was so patient enough to finally get to his prey. Another interesting detail of him is the dark part of his fur in his face, donning a skull-like shape because he’s literally the Grim Reaper. Overall, he’s 12/10 for me and my most favorite antagonist so far.
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Sometimes whenever we wish for something that we want, we didn’t realize that thing we were wishing for was already there all along.
Puss himself already learnt his lesson to value his remaining ninth life at the end of the movie because every ounce of moment in our lives are precious and we need to appreciate them fully. We will never know when our time comes. As Perrito said to Puss, having one life in enough.
Sacrificing your personal needs to save someone you truly love and care about. Like how Goldilocks ditched the Wishing Map when she was one way of granting her wish and instead, she helped saving Baby from disappearing to the Star Wall.
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...and they lived happily ever after.
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bestanimatedmovie · 1 year
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I'm back! Sorry for the wait, I had an unexpected visit.
Round 3 is over! It was a round full of opinions!
My absolute favorite movie, In This Corner of the World, lost so I'm heartbroken, but I'm honestly surprised it came this far, with so many good movies ❤️ From your comments I know I'm not the only one whose favorite movie lost this round. Let's all cry together.
The sweeps this round go to Puss in Boots (go watch One Stormy Night, people!), Princess Mononoke, Howl's Moving Castle (second sweep in a row!), The Iron Giant and Spirited Away!
No ties! And only one almost tie, Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron vs WALL·E! Wall-E put up a fight much fiercer than I expected! Another surprise for me was Barbie, who defeated award winning Rango! The Incredibles also took me a bit by surprise because last round it struggled to defeat Tangled (and also I love Totoro so much 😇)
I promised last time I'd watch some movies, here are my short impressions:
Hoodwinked!: As promised, the animation is atrocious, and I didn't feel the story was quite enough to ignore it. It was fun, I loved the format of everyone telling their story, but I feel it was a bit too simple. Not that there's anything wrong with a simple story, but if it's simple, you gotta shine in everything else, you know?
The Sea Beast: Red (and the babies) is so rubbery, and not in a fish sense as I suppose they wanted, but in a plastic alien sense, and Toothless' axolotl like design grows on you, but not everyone can pull it off, and I think Red didn't pull it off. The music was so fun, the story acceptable, the characters amazing. Death to the monarchy 🔪
Captain Underpants: It was fun and the kids are amazing. Certainly more than what you'd expect of a movie about two kids hypnotizing their principal alskjsdkljaskd. I want to watch it with my niece, I'm sure she'd have a blast. It's so ridiculous in the best way.
Round 4 will start tomorrow. Again, a reminder to be civil and don't attack other people, remember even your tags can be seen by everyone! See you all soon!
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faery-the-diamond · 2 years
Let me ask you something, how do make the fox so good? He sends unnerving chills to my spine, but still smooth and elegant. Reminds me of Death from Puss In Boots 2.
Glad to hear that the Fox came out great.
If I remember correctly, you were the one who was especially waiting for him :"D
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