#ren meteor
starneko123 · 1 year
When Moonlight Reveals
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Tethys belongs to @ren-meteor
Selene belongs to @starneko123 (me)
Selene made circular motions in front of her, opening a portal with no destination that Tethys could see but with the sun currently being blocked out by something mythical, she deemed it better to be on the other side. After Selene calmly made her way through the portal Tethys rushed out behind her, nearly falling to her knees.
Tethys moved her head to look every which way so she could take in her surroundings before her eyes landed on Selene's stoic face and emotions started to pour. " Where are we? Where did you take me?!" Tethys charged toward Selene who dodged her but Tethys quickly recovered, striking Selene twice in her stomach before she flipped her on her back holding her in place with her hands.
"Last time you were much nicer. The first time we met you were meant to be my protege in a way, in another timeline we are goddesses fighting against each other in another we fight with each other. There's one where you marry a wind god named Fujin and you have a child with him." As Selene drones on Tethys finds herself listening and questioning her sanity at the same time.
"There is a timeline where we are lovers but I won't delve into that." Selene cautiously released Tethys and stood from her kneeling position. She held her hand out for Tethys to take and after the water-wielding woman examined it enough she grabbed it and rose to her feet. "I will welcome hostility but I would like it if you would care to hear my words first. " Selene spoke as she began her walk towards the white temple in the distance but in her peripheral, she caught Tethys' nod and took a deep breath.
"Lovely. Now this new era has been made to...," Selene paused as she looked towards the sky then glanced back at Tethys who raised a brow. "We might be greeting another guest." Tethys didn't like the sound of that and yet she still followed the woman to the temple. When they arrived at the temple Selene waved her hand at the door and once they entered, with a snap of Selene's fingers light blue fire lit the area and Tethys was aesthetically pleased.
"Besides that fruit have you eaten anything else today?" Tethys narrowed her eyes and let a slight sneer spread on her lips. Selen returned it, "Whatever you may be thinking of me you get the thought out of your head if you think I am a bad hostess." Tethys thought nothing of the white-haired woman yet. That was a lie Tethys was currently thinking that she may be insane or very well at making one think she is insane.
As Tethys laid her bag down and sat down in a chair she watched Selene as she lit white candles in front of two paintings both containing three women. In the first painting; she saw Selene who was in the middle and noticeably shorter than the other two women, Speaking of the other two the one to her left had beautiful brown asking with golden eyes resembling the sun and her skin was shining as if she had crystals embedded in her skin. The woman to her right looked like someone she had heard of in scary stories when she was a little girl. Pale skin, red lips, red eyes, and long black hair with a single white streak going down the side of her head.
She was staring at the painting now and she felt like the woman with the red eyes was staring back. Tethys shifted her gaze to the next painting and saw another trio of women. A brown-skinned woman in the middle with platinum hair like Selene but much shorter she shared the same blue of Selene as well. The woman to her left who had her arms crossed in front of her wore an obsidian color on her lips and her hairstyle resembled the devil, Tethys felt a chill crawl up her spine but before she could focus on the other woman she took silent note of those pink eyes. The woman on the right looked genuinely happy with her hands on her hips and wearing gold jewelry on her arms and around her waist even in her locs her brown skin was shining as well similar to the woman in the other painting.
'Are these women she has known throughout all the timelines she speaks of?ʼ Tethysʼ toes started to curl just thinking about it but she relented as Selene sat down a plate of food and a cup of tea in front of her.
"This timeline was made for everyone to have a sense of starting over. There have been so many trials and errors in former timelines that I commend him for not giving up." Selene shook her head as a frown slipped onto her face. Tethys swallowed her food and held the teacup to her lips warily, "Him?" Selene looked at Tethys and then back to the woman in the paintings. "Lord Liu Kang, God of Fire and Protector of Earthrealm." As Selene finished her sentence Tethys heard shuffling in the corner which made her slam her tea down on the table and get into a fighting position but when she saw Seleneʼs relaxed form leaning on the wall, she scowled.
"Another trick?" Tethys growled. "Not by me," Selene announced and a man appeared from the shadows. "No one in these walls mean to trick you, Tethys." A warm deep voice greeted the room and Tethys slowly dropped her offensive stance. The man dropped his hood to reveal long black that half into a bun and the rest flowing over his shoulders, his eyes showed small swirls of fire that never stopped moving. The man nodded at Tethys then to Selene and Selene returned it with a kindness but it felt forced.
"Tea?" Selene offered. "That would be nice thank you, Selene." All he got was a hum in response and her retreating figure. The man then focused his attention on Tethys as he began to walk towards the table. "Formalities are not forgotten but time as is has been cut short. I am forming a team of Earthrealm heroes that seek peace among the realms to vanish the bane of all that threatens my peace. Do you?" Tethys tilted her head confusion.
"Do I what?" Tethys got nervous everything felt so serious and he was so serious. You never truly know what's going on around you until you're told or you a stuck in a certain situation. Tethys was a mix of both.
"Do you seek peace or do you wish to become an enemy that revels in chaos?"
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ren-meteor · 1 year
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Commission done for @black-dragon-posting of their oc Kate!
Thank you so much for commissioning me 🥰
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crazycatfics · 10 months
Dog Days
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allthecastlesonclouds · 10 months
#1 and #27 for wrapped!!
1: Meteor Shower by Cavetown
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27: Under My Skin by Jukebox the Ghost
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ooh fun fact both of these songs are on the same playlists for my ocs :D
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kowaiitenshii · 1 year
[Wish We Never Met]
Pairing: Kylo Ren x Reader 
Plot Summary: You haven’t seen Kylo Ren since he destroyed the Jedi academy you both called home in your youth, and you want nothing more than to forget about him. That doesn’t stop him from reaching out. 
Warnings: Kidnapping. Kylo is his own warning. Angst? 
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: Hello again everyone! This oneshot is the product of a betrayal prompt from a good friend of mine! If this does well and people enjoy it, I will be open to prompts and requests and if the demand is high enough, I may even write a part 2 for this. Thank you so much for all the love on Sunkiller Lullaby again as well!! Please enjoy! 
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A perfectly clear night on Ossus, a rare meteor shower had been forecasted that night, and you didn’t dare to miss it.
You and your best friend, Ben Solo, had snuck out against your Master’s wishes to watch the shower together. 
It was once in a lifetime, after all. 
You couldn’t have thought of a better person to sneak out with, you’d known him since you were just ten years old; not that you had many other friends in the academy regardless. 
The two of you never quite fit in with the other padawan learners, having earned reputations for being too reckless, too quick to anger, too ready for a fight. But you found solace in one another, always sparring, studying, or shirking off your responsibilities to go on some ill-advised adventure together. 
As the two of you grew, as did your fondness for one another. Master Luke began separating you more and more, fearing that you would build ties too strong to sever. 
Attachment, of course, was strictly forbidden. 
But that did little to stop you from stealing away to see the person whom you were closest with in the entire world whenever you could.
The two of you laughed like the foolish teenagers you were as you ran through the lush green field littered with wildflowers together hand-in-hand, searching for the perfect spot to watch the show.
Cresting the top of the hill, Ben suddenly dropped  to the ground, pulling you along with him as you tumbled down through the long grass. As you came to a stop, landing on top of him at the bottom of the hill, you playfully punched him in the arm. 
“You really ought to be more careful Ben! We could have gotten hurt!” you scolded him, still laughing like mad. 
“You know I wouldn’t let that happen!” he reassures you, laughing back at you as you shift off of him and take a seat next to him in the tall grass. 
The two of you spent a long time in comfortable silence, watching the meteors shoot over your heads. It was an awe-inspiring sight, countless comets of every colour followed by their glowing tails lighting up the entire sky above. It truly was beautiful, and you were still unsure if you’ve seen such beauty since. 
You spent hours just watching, enchanted by the ethereal lightshow. 
That is, until you looked towards Ben, and instead of watching the beauty of the stars, he was watching you. 
Your breath caught in your throat, and your heart swelled in an unfamiliar way as you looked at him, realising in that moment that he had grown up, no longer the awkward, lanky boy you knew as a child. 
His eyes sparkled innocently in the dim light, reflecting the colours of the stars. His lips were pink and parted, as if to ask something that was caught just on the tip of his tongue. His long raven hair blew in the gentle breeze, tousled by your tumble down the hill. 
For a split second, you envisioned running your fingers carefully through his soft locks to fix it for him before forcing yourself to look away. 
Cheeks hot and heart thumping in your chest, you tried to remind yourself of the rules of the Jedi you so desperately tried to uphold. You knew attachment was wrong, and love could only serve to destroy you. And yet, the idea of a life lived without ever knowing love, that kind of love, left a hole in your heart that ached for it. 
Clenching your fists so tightly your nails dug into the palms of your hands and closing your eyes, you tried your hardest to push your feelings down, to bottle them up and seal them away. 
The gentle feeling of Ben carefully, almost sheepishly placing a large hand to your left cheek and turning you to face him snapped you out of your quiet rumination. The sensation of his touch was warm and tingling, spreading goosebumps across your skin like wildfire. 
Your eyes met again, Ben measuring your reaction, looking hesitantly from your eyes to your lips and back again, as if he too could sense what you were feeling. 
Given the tender, vulnerable expression that spread across his countenance, you knew that he could. The rough pad of his thumb ghosted over your cheekbone, your skin feeling electrified as he touched it, the energies between you rich and palpable. 
“(Y/N)...” He whispered your name like a prayer. 
Before he could speak again, you would take his face between your hands, crashing your lips into his in a moment of reckless abandon. 
They’re soft and wet, the feeling of the kiss itself and the mixing of energies setting you both on fire. 
You lose yourself in it, all teeth and tongue and burning desire, kissing him over and over again. 
Ben is just about to lay you down right there, in the soft grass beneath the stars, before you force yourself to pull away. Sitting up pin straight and wiping the spit away from your lips, you were too ashamed to even look back at him. 
The world goes black. 
The next scene that plays is the one that has torn you apart for years. 
Standing before the devastated Jedi academy you called home for nearly your entire life, you watched as it burned to ash. Tears flowed in rivers down your cheeks as you sobbed in agony of all that was lost, all because of the boy you loved. 
Falling to your knees, Ben’s name tore its way out of your throat in a grief-stricken scream.
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Eyes flying open, you jolt upright in bed. 
You’re then hit by the same cold realisation that it was all a dream, as you are every time you have that dream. Although, you suppose it's more of a recollection than a dream. 
Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you groan groggily as you spot the familiar silhouette of a man’s astral body across the room. 
“Ugh… Go away Kylo.” you moan, already becoming annoyed. 
Even if he wasn’t there physically, seeing him through the force hurt all the same. 
“You know I can’t, even if I wanted to.” he replies matter-of-factly, and you know it to be true. Whatever unseen force it is that binds you to each other, neither of you could control it. 
He haunts you like a ghost, torturing your very soul every time you would connect unannounced. His presence tonight is especially wounding, having been freshly reminded of the feelings you held for him despite everything. 
Throwing your covers off, you annoyedly begin to stoke the small fire pit in the centre of your hut, doing your best to ignore Kylo’s dark and magnetic presence looming in the shadows. 
“Where are you?” he asks abruptly, looking around the room and searching for any indicators of your location. 
You roll your eyes, finally looking in his face. His eyes are locked on you as he stands in the darkness of the room, the light of the flames illuminating his features. 
He’s every bit as handsome as you remember, all doe eyes and plump lips and strong nose. 
He’s gotten taller, and bulkier in terms of muscle than you remember, no doubt enhanced by his new training. Your heart strings tug painfully in your chest, and you remember why you avoid looking at him when this happens. 
“You know I can’t answer that.” you whisper solemnly in reply. 
“Why not?” he snaps back instantly.
“You know exactly why, Kylo Ren.” you sigh in irritation, spitting his name at him as if it tastes foul. You throw another log into the fire before standing and turning around, crossing your arms and doing your best to shut him out as your anger and frustrations build. 
“It would be so much easier if you would stop hiding, if you would just join me.” He continues, ignoring the vitriol in your tone and trying to coax the answer out of you. 
“I’m not hiding, Kylo. You just can’t find me. There’s a difference.” you scoff back at him, vaguely pleased when you hear him let out his own irritated sigh. 
You’ve been through this hundreds of times, your answers and his questions never changing. Everytime you speak to him, everytime you look at him, the void in your chest that calls to him grows wider. And with great pain every time, you deny him.
It’s torture, the purest form you could imagine. 
“You called to me. In your dream. I heard it.” he asserts in a gentler tone, as if it would change anything. You dig your nails into the skin of your arms in an attempt to temper the rage bubbling up inside of you. 
“I’m tired of fighting Kylo.” you sigh. “Can’t you see that? That’s why I’m here, in a hut in the fucking jungle.” you spit, an edge of hurt in your tone that you pray he doesn’t hear.
“Then why won’t you just come to me?” He tries desperately to persuade you. “I will take care of anything, everything you need. It could be so simple if you would just-” he starts on the same tirade that he starts every time you see each other. 
The fresh pain of the memories, the aching of your heart at seeing him, listening to the same argument; it’s finally all too much. The dam you’ve built to withhold your emotions finally breaks, your hurt finally overflowing as you spin on your heel to face him, screaming out the truth as you cut him off. 
“Because I love you, Ben! Because I love you, and you’ve destroyed everything else I’ve ever cared about! And I hate myself for it!” you bark at him through gritted teeth, hot tears welling up in your eyes and threatening to spill over.  
His brow furrows in frustration and shock as he yells back at you.
 “You know that isn’t the truth! I didn’t-” 
Clutching the sides of your head in frustration, you continue screaming, cutting him off once more. 
“Everyday I wake up and I’m forced back into the hell that is the realisation that this is my reality!” you gesture feverishly around the humble, run down hut in which you both stand, then between the two of you. “This is my reality, and I will never forgive you for it Ben.” your voice breaks, your anger spent and only leaving you with aching despair as the tears finally begin to fall. 
“I loved you, I really loved you.” you choke out between cries, the growing lump in your throat making it hard to speak. 
For once he’s silent, saying nothing as he looks upon you with widened eyes. 
He’s visibly taken aback, and the realisation finally hits you that you just admitted your love to him, and that you hadn’t called him by his name, his true name, since the incident that ripped you away from each other. 
He turns away from you, hiding the tears welling in his own eyes. 
“I don’t need your forgiveness.” he whispers, and you take one last look at him before he promptly vanishes. 
Left alone in the crippling emptiness of the hut you call home, you fall to your knees under the crippling weight of your sorrow, wracked with anguished sobs. 
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Elsewhere in the galaxy, Kylo Ren wipes the stray tears from his face and steels his nerves, before throwing on his cloak and helmet. 
He could feel your presence even more acutely in the force now, the bond strengthened by your heated confession. It was certainly not one he had expected, but he had no doubt now that he would track you down.
All he would have to do is follow your signature. 
Your words were all the confirmation he needed as he stormed out of his personal quarters to gather a fleet, barking the orders to gather his knights at a commanding officer. 
If you refused to give yourself willingly to him, he would just have to take you. 
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The next morning, you awaken suddenly to the sound of Stormtroopers blowing the door clean off of your hut. 
In an instant you leap to your feet, ready to defend yourself from any danger. Time moves in slow motion as you look out the door, the mass of troopers, fronted by the Knights of Ren  parting like the fabled red sea. 
Blood running cold, your heart drops to your feet as you lay eyes upon their leader who moves to the forefront, Kylo Ren.
You’re stricken with the awful, ice-cold revelation that he had used your bond in the force against you. 
It lead him right to you. 
Frantically turning to reach for a weapon, you’re cut short as a blaster hits you with a stun ray, rendering you unconscious. 
Your body falling to the floor with a soft thud, Kylo Ren strides over to where your body lay crumpled, just within the doorway, sighing regretfully. Crouching over you, he frowns as he softly brushes a lock of hair out of your face.
“It could have been so much easier.” he whispers like an apology, before carefully scooping you into his arms.
He takes a moment to look at you, admiring the beauty of his prize before carrying you onto his ship.
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lilaxfire · 9 months
Grian: Sun
Pearl: Moon
Martyn: Mars
Scar: Comet
Gem: Jupiter
Jimmy: Pluto
Mumbo: Earth
Cleo: Black hole
Etho: Ether
Joel: Asteroid belt
Lizzie: Saturn
Bdubs: Blanet
Tango: Venus
Impulse: Pulsar
BigB: Event horizon
Skizz: Meteor
Ren: Dark matter
Me and a group of people in the hermitcraft discord server worked on who would be what when they won the life series!
(Photo below incase you want it)
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meowmuncher · 4 months
Task Force 141 x GoGo Yubari!f!reader
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。・::・゚★,。・::・゚☆ 。・::・゚★,。・::・゚☆ 。・:*:
✧.* admires your skill in martial arts, he thinks it's extremely impressive
✧.* he gets along with you surprisingly well, your intensity and insanity amuse him and are something he can relate to as well as your devotion to your job
✧.* at times it can scare him tho (just imagine a 6'4, 250lbs military man intimidated by a 5" nothing girl in a school uniform 😭)
✧.* he is very impressed by your devotion to O-Ren and protecting her, he admires that no matter what you are willing to risk your life for her
✧.* makes sure that nobody dares to look up your skirt during missions
✧.* your tanto amuses him, its so perfectly suited for you the way its adorned in bright coloured and beads
✧.* laughs at the guys who try to flirt with you because he knows what might be coming for them
✧.* your reaction time is insane and he's kinda jealous of it
✧.* he's used to seeing you climb and run on walls now, but when he wasn't it used to scare the shit out of him
✧.* he also admires your dedication and devotion, he sees you as a professional despite how young you are, which is a nice change
✧.* had to learn the hard way that what you lack in age you make up in madness. (low-key scared the shit out of him seeing you stab someone so suddenly with a grin on your face)
✧.* wishes TSF141 where as obedient as you are to O-Ren
✧.* thinks your meteor hammer skills are very impressive and is amazed by how you are so in sync with it
✧.*admires how you can just get up as soon as your knocked down
✧.* he asks you to teach him Japanese, he's actually a very good learner
✧.* he thinks it's so impressive that you are the personal body guard of someone so high up at such a young age
✧.* low-key intimidated by you (they all are LMAO)
✧.* makes dirty jokes with you when you're training to try and mess up your focus
✧.* I can imagine you doing some insane taekwondo move and him making his THAT face (iykyk)
✧.* sees you as a little sister
✧.* he spars with you the most, but you often humble him when doing so
✧.* like price, he also had to find out you make up for your lack of age in madness the hard way.
✧.* he thought he could use your meteor hammer as well as you, despite no training at all. He was humbled QUICKLY.
✧.* ended up in med bay for cutting his arm and needed 12 stitches😭
✧.* he gets you to teach him some martial arts skills, which he is actually very good at
✧.* like Gaz, he also participates in the dirty jokes and starts hysterically laughing when you crack a grin
✧.* wants to have something as cool as your signature smile when you're about to cause some shit, he thinks its the coolest thing ever
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A.N: This is the first thing I'm writing, ever!! I hope you guys like it :3, feel free to request anything!
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galoogamelady · 2 years
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First commission of the new batch! Athena and Carter for @ren-meteor
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spahhzy · 1 year
*In a different dimension*
Salem: Alright, Arc. I literally have you in a different dimension their is no one to save you now from the torment I will instill on you!
Jaune: Oh no please have mercy!
Salem: Yes, where Cinder failed, I have succeeded! Prepare yourself it's going to hurt...a lot.
Jaune: Please, before you torment me, take out my scroll and let me show you something.
Salem: Ha, it doesn't matter, I have full command of this dimension, so I'll humor you.
Salem reaches into Jaune's pocket and pulls out his scroll, she puts said scroll in front of him, and using his nose, he opens up his photo gallery and clicks on a picture before pulling back as Salem looks at the photo.
Salem: What am I looking at Arc?
It was a photo of some ducks in the back of a police car that Nora and Ren were driving.
Salem: Why do you have ducks in the back of a cop car!? Is this some kind of game!?
Jaune: no ma'am we don't take selling drugs on our streets lightly.
Salem: Drugs? What drugs their ducks!
Jaune: They were selling Quack!
Salem: ...
Jaune: ...
Salem: You're so going to -
Suddenly, the ground started to shake and quake as the sky began to grow dark before suddenly
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Salem: What the hell is going on!
Jaune just smiled.
???: Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!
Salem: Who is that! Who could possibly be that STRONG!?
Like a comet or meteor, one Yang Xiao Long crash landed successfully in front of Salem.
Giving a thumbs up after eating rocks, Yang stood up at the gawking Salem before going to reclaim her boyfriend but not before giving her the finger before shooting off back to home with her Jaune in a bridal carry.
Salem: I-i-wh-what?
Back in Remnant.
Weiss: SHE TORE OPEN A WHAT!?!?!?!?!
Nora: Tore open the fabric of our dimension, no biggie.
Blake: I'm surprised you didn't go after her Ruby.
Ruby: I'll let Yang win this round...
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starneko123 · 1 year
Moon Bringer
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OC Characters Involved
Selene ♔ Tethys
(Tethys belongs to @ren-meteor! Selene belongs to me)
Something was wrong.
Tethys wouldn't be able to describe it even if you asked her. But she could say one thing everything felt new. She can't remember much of her childhood if she thought about it for too long things became more blurry.
She tried to focus on the things she knew. The things she was well aware of. Tethys huffed as she walked the streets of her village everything had gotten boring lately. She felt antsy. She wasn't meant to be in one place for too long or her whole life for that matter.
If she started her journey now in the early morning she would arrive in Outworld at least by midday. She knew she would have to stop at the neighboring villages for supplies and she didn't mind that. She was counting on it actually.
She had heard many rumors lately such as the princesses of Outworld were soon to be crowned and betrothed, and there were gods roaming around some seeking vengeance and others seeking solace. One rumor that stuck out to her was that there was a woman roaming from village to village wandering around looking for something.
They described her as having platinum blonde hair in a bun wrapped with intricate braids as if to protect something within it. She wore robes of deep colors such as blue and purple and she wore them short to fit the blistering sun of Outworld. Everyone never failed to mention how she had to be blessed by the elder gods for her eyes represent the heavens. Galaxies upon Galaxies some would say.
As Tethys rearranged her sling she realized she was reaching the edges of the village because everything had begun to look sparse. Except for grass, there were miles and miles of field to walk through Tethys sighed and began her so-called journey.
She commended her earlier thoughts on wearing something lighter. Her robes were a cream white overlapping with brown and ropes of gold on each side of her. Even though she was kicking dirt and sand out of her sandals earlier they were a good decision as well but she was still considering stopping and slipping on her signature boots. The only jewelry she sported at the moment was a black rope necklace with a sapphire gem in the middle.
As she started passing through the last patch of fields she entered another village and she was greeted with people dancing up and down the dirt roads and music making its own melodies and singing accompanying said melodies with their sonatas.
She went to a fruit stand and purchased a purple fruit with a green leaf on top and it fit well into her hand it also had a bit of weight to it. The seller said it was packed with juices and quite sweet so she was anticipating it as she perched herself on a rock. There were people everywhere it was quite crowded honestly but it didn't bother her.
As she began to peel the fruit back she didn't notice immediately that someone sat a few bodies from her which again wasn't a problem. Out of her peripheral she watched as the woman took her hood off and waves of pearls flowed down her back. She watched her bathe in the sun, her hands folded in her lap and legs crossed.
Now Tethys was staring taking in her appearance and her outfit. A mix of black and blue her heels were knee-high with a silver crescent design on top with a matching crescent necklace. She had on a blue corset with a short black overcoat that was connected to her hood.
Then her head snapped in her direction to meet Tethys and like the timid person she never was, she focused back on her fruit, stuffing piece to piece in her mouth with purple juices drizzling from her lips.
A smile now graced the woman's lips and she couldn't stifle the giggle that came out if she tried.
A greeting and an apology met each other. Tethys looked at the woman and kept her mouth a bit embarrassed to open it once again and get bumbled with words she shouldn't.
The woman then held out her gloved hand, "Hello, I'm Selene."
Tethys found her smile warm and comforting but also familiar. Tethys looked at her and then at hers and her mind stuttered a bit. "I'm sorry I would love to greet you but I wouldn't want to ruin your gloves with nectar. I heard it gets sticky when dried." Tethys rushed and then Selene handed her a white cloth. "Best not to let it settle."
"Thank you." She stuffed the last bit of fruit in her mouth and plucked the cloth from Selene's fingers. "I am Tethys." Selene nodded her smile never leaving.
"Who are you?"
"A friend if you accept me as one."
Well, this would have to be the fastest friend she has ever made. The village elders would be impressed not really though. Selene sat closer to Tethys and their faces were awfully close. Tethys had to be sweating Outworld weather was something no one could be prepared.
"You seem awfully familiar have we met before?" Selene's voice was soft with a deep tilt. "If we have I don't remember but I feel like...I would remember someone like you. You look hard to forget." Selene placed a hand on her thigh and patted it.
"That's quite the compliment."
"Yes well, I don't know where-" Tethys next set of words died on her tongue as both Selene and Tethys looked towards to sky to see it consumed with red and splattered with orange. "What's happening?!" Tethys looked towards Selene and she meets and mirrors her look. Tethys eyes travel down to Selene's necklace. Selene's glowing necklace. Before Tethys could back away Selene grabbed her wrist and started dragging her through the crowd that was going half frantic.
"It's not what you think I swear it." Selene's voice cracked and Tethys could see whatever facade she had earlier was slowly crumbling down.
"Nothing is anything...nothing is what we think. Nothing is no longer accurate. You will help me make it better."
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sailorgokaidecade · 9 months
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All Secondary Kamen Riders:
Kaoru Ichijo ("Honorable Mention"/Kamen Rider G3)
Makoto Hikawa (Kamen Rider G3)
Ren Akiyama (Kamen Rider Knight)
Masato Kusaka (Kamen Rider Kaixa)
Sakuya Tachibana (Kamen Rider Garren)
Iori Izumi (Kamen Rider Ibuki)
Arata Kagami (Kamen Rider Gatack)
Yuto Sakurai (Kamen Rider Zeronos)
Keisuke Nago (Kamen Rider Ixa)
Daiki Kaito (Kamen Rider Diend)
Ryu Terui (Kamen Rider Accel)
Akira Date & Shintaro Goto (Kamen Rider Birth)
Ryusei Sakuta (Kamen Rider Meteor)
Kosuke Nito (Kamen Rider Beast)
Kaito Kumon (Kamen Rider Baron)
Go Shijima (Kamen Rider Mach)
Makoto "Rion" Fukami (Kamen Rider Specter)
Hiiro Kagami (Kamen Rider Brave)
Ryuga Banjo (Kamen Rider Cross-Z)
Geiz Myokoin (Kamen Rider Geiz)
Isamu Fuwa (Kamen Rider Vulcan)
Rintaro Shindo (Kamen Rider Blades)
Daiji Igarashi (Kamen Rider Live) & Kagero (Kamen Rider Evil)
Keiwa Sakurai (Kamen Rider Tycoon)
Rinne Kudo (Kamen Rider Majade)
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hux-and-gay · 2 months
Kylux Short Shorts Fest 2024: Day 3: Fear
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Always Love You
Pls reblog I don’t have A03 yet.
Part 2 of 2
Part 1
Warning: Rey is dead, Canon divergence, Major character death (Temporary), graphic depictions of gore
I cried while writing this 😁
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Kylo stumbled up from the cold floor. Palpatine, or rather his clone, was dead, but his darkness still hung over exegol and was like a heavy weight pressing against his chest. He took a moment to get his bearings. His injuries from the previous fight were healed, but he still felt disoriented. As if waking up from a deep sleep. He looked back at Rey’s body, glassy eyes staring up at the sky above her. He couldn’t bring himself to touch her. Part of himself felt guilty, she was dead because she saved him. He hadn’t asked for that. Though he hadn’t really had the ability to turn down the offer, so it wasn’t really his fault if she died in the process. She had kissed him, it felt wrong, like betrayal. He tried to shake away the dilemma, honestly it wasn’t surprising. She had always been bent on saving him, or what she assumed saving him was. Apparently more so than preserving her own life. That didn’t make sense to him, but not much made sense to him at the moment. 
He realized he hadn’t contacted the order in a while. He had silenced his comelink on his way to exegol, and he now realized he had no clue what was happening. He pulled out the com from his tunic, luckily it wasn’t busted, but as soon as he switched it on, he was bombarded with messages. Reports of casualties, ship losses. Everything had gone to hell. Then finally he got to the oldest sent message, from allegiant general Pryde. 
“Supreme Leader Ren, our mission to locate the resistance spy has proved most fruitful. The traitor was none other than General Hux. I am pleased  to inform you that he has been dealt with and has been brought to the brig for termination. I will handle it personally and see to it that any information he has shared with the resistance will be brought to your attention.”
Kylo froze, his heart skipped a beat. Hux was the spy? Hux was being terminated?! He wasn’t sure which one he should care about more, but he was instantly filled with dread. He’s mind ran back to the last moment they shared with one another. They had argued. Hux had thrown the engagement ring to the floor. The last words Kylo had said to Hux played back over and over again and his mind. “I will never love you again.” He couldn’t believe it. How could he have said something so stupid? So false? Could he have pushed him to betray the order? No, the order was Hux’s life, more so than it was Ren’s. there must have been an explanation. He needed to find him, he needed him to be okay. But the message had been sent hours ago, and even if Pryde hadn't killed him, the messages of countless casualties didn’t seem very promising. He reached out through, sensing for any form of life form , but Palpatine's darkness clouded everything and his senses were still foggy. He retracted his footsteps. Rushing back through the temple. Once he exited, he saw the rubble of 1000 ships littering the surface of the planet, some debris still crashing through the atmosphere like hundreds of tiny meteors. 
The order had lost. Everything and everyone was gone. Kylo didn’t feel any particular regret about it. Towards the end of the war, he had forgotten exactly what he had been fighting for. He had always planned to create a new order, something better, something that would protect every citizen, something that he and Hux could rule together side-by-side. He tried to bury the fantasies in the back of his mind. He needed to focus on the present right now. dwelling on what could’ve been or could be, wasn’t going to help anything. He tried reaching out again. His senses still felt dampened but now he was out of the temple he could push past the murky darkness just a little. But a little wasn’t enough, all he sensed was death and hopelessness. 
Then it hit him. Hux had been right. If he hadn’t gone chasing the sith way finder, if he hadn’t made the deal with Palpatine, none of this would have happened. It had been for himself. He had abandoned the order. But he couldn’t abandon Hux. He pulled out his comlink again searching for any record of prisoner termination. There was nothing. He skimmed through messages searching through ship records. He found what he was looking for. The Supremacy was amongst the lost ships, it was somewhere crashed on the surface, he just had to find it, and hope that the impact hadn’t destroyed it and everyone inside. He ran frantically around the surface of the planet. Telling himself that the force would guide him, but he knew he was just thrashing around in the dark like a mad man. He didn’t know how much time he had, or if he even had any time at all. 
Finally after what seemed like an eternity of searching he came across the Supremacy, or what was left of it. It had been split down the middle and was slowly sinking into the planet's surface. It was so crushed and mangled he couldn’t tell which half was which. He chose one stumbling through the dark hallways, tripping over lose wires dodging dislodged beams, trying not to look at the bodies of the troopers that lay on the floors. He ducked through a doenwed cealing squeezing his way through a small passageway, and he found himself on the bridge. It had collapsed into a lower hallway. He’d gone the wrong way. He went to turn around and go back but he hesitated taking in the destruction. Burnt, charred bodies laid out on warped transpresteel, one decapitated. Because the bridge had collapsed the floor was at an angle, all of the debris both organic and inorganic, had piled into one mangled mess by the door. Strewn atop the viscus pile, was a body so ruined Kylo couldn’t discern who it was aside from the uniform. A charcoal gray, much darker than that of a typical officer. Only Two people on the bridge would have worn such a color and style, and he knew it was not Hux. Which only meant one thing. It was Enric Pryde. 
Rage filled his body. He picked of Pryde’s corpse with the force. “You monster! You’ll pay!” He screamed into the silence, knowing no one could hear him, and there was nothing he could do to Pryde anymore. He squeezed his hand into a fist anger coursing through his veins filling every inch of his body. The copse compressed with his fist. He squeezed Pryde’s head so tightly with his force grip it exploded, flesh and bile flying outward with a dissatisfying squelching sound. He dropped the body and it crumpled to the floor, Pryde’s mangled skull staring back at him. Kylo was seething, he no longer had his lightsaber so he pulled a piece of metal from the wall and bashed the body so many times it was no more than a pile of mush. Then he dropped to his knees holding his head. Pryde was the one person he knew for sure would know what had become of Hux and he was dead.
He had left to chase silly nightmares, left Hux. Hadn’t been there to protect him. And if all these people were dead, surely there was no way Hux could have survived. 
“Ren, all I ever asked you to do was stay!”
Hux’s words echoed through his mind, a cruel reminder. He had been so blind, and now he was being punished for it. Then something caught his eye. A shiny object lay on the floor beside Pryde’s body. Dog tags. Probably Pryde’s. He got closer to them, they were slightly scorched, but still readable. They read “Armitage Hux.” He snatched them up frantically, examining them. The chain was broken, Pryde had pulled them off Hux’s neck, the Kriffing bastard! He shook his head, mentally scolding himself. He had trained himself to stop using that word, even when describing people like Pryde, since Hux hated it so much. He held the dog tags gently in his hands. Remembering how pretty they looked laid out on Hux’s chest. There had to be something more here, this had to be a sign. He had gotten visions from touching his grandfather’s helmet before, he had to try. 
He closed his eyes, squeezing the dog tags so tight he knew they’d leave an imprint on his hand. He reached out with the force. At first all he got was silence, but then there was something, something so faint he couldn’t quite make out what it was. It was like a small faint light, blinking slowly, like a pulse or heartbeat slowly beating in his mind. He stood up, all dizziness was gone. He wasn’t sure what he was running towards but he was sure that he needed to follow it and he didn’t have much time. He ran through the remnants of the Supremacy, further and further into the belly of the crashed ship. 
He wasn’t sure how much time had passed, everything was a blur, but he arrived at the brig. The brig was made of some of the strongest metal, and in the center of the ship, to make it more difficult for prisoners to escape, but it also meant it wasn’t as damaged as the rest of the ship. A slight sense of hope filled his heart as he saw it was mostly intact. As much as he hated the thought of Pryde dragging him away, if Hux hadn’t been arrested, he would have died with everyone else. 
He rushed through the halls, most of the cells blown open, crushed like aluminum cans. Then he found it. The door bent open at a jagged angle, the ceiling slightly caved in. It was an interrogation room, or glorified torture chamber. Kylo could sense Hux’s force signature, it was so faint, so weak. He rushed forward and panicked searching frantically. He saw his foot from under the collapsed ceiling. “HUX?!” He yelled, scrambling forward and pushing the twisted metal away. 
There was his foot, but to his horror there was no body. He stared at the severed leg in horror, a jagged cut right through the shin bone dry blood streaked across the floor from where it had slid as the ship crashed. He screamed in a way he didn’t know he was capable of screaming and let go of the ceiling panel he was holding back. He looked away and squeezed his eyes shut as the metal swung back crashing down onto the severed limb with a terrifying crunch. Then he felt the metal of the dog tags still digging into the skin of his palm, and that light in his mind's eye slowly getting dimmer. He jerked his head around seeing the silhouette of a crumpled body on the opposite side of the room, shrouded in darkness. He rushed forward hoping he was not too late. 
Hux’s body was mutilated and mangled. His skin was a painting of violence inflicted on him by Pryde’s torture. His body was bare and paler than normal Gashes, burns, angry bruises littered his gaunt frame. There was a blaster wound on his left thigh and a bloody bandage wrapped around his chest. But perhaps most unsettling was his eyes, open, staring blankly back at him, the green-blue hues dulled and glassy. He ran to him collapsing to his knees holding his head in his hands. His body was limp. His skin was cold. His pulse fading. 
He wasn’t breathing. 
“Hux please no, don't do This to me. You can’t leave me alone like this!” It was futile. His body was too far gone, there was no way he could save him. “Please Armitage” He said through tears, “I need you.” It was deafeningly quiet.
He was dead. 
Kylo held Hux’s lifeless body in his arms. All sense of warmth and life was gone from his body. He looked so small, so broken. And It was Kylo’s fault. Never again would he hear his voice, smell his hair, see the fire in his eyes, or that rare smile he remembered so fondly. His body felt like jello, he didn’t know what to do. Hux’s dead eyes stared back at him, but he couldn’t bring himself to close them. Hoping maybe he’d blink himself back to life and everything would be fine. But everything wasn’t fine. Ren’s perfect future lay in flames, the engagement ring still left on the floor of his quarters, lost forever. “I will never love you again” played over and over in his mind. That was the last thing he’d said. He sobbed, burrying his face in Hux’s chest, holding him tightly like he would never let go.
“I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.” He repeated over and over again knowing he could never be forgiven. There was no going back, he had thought during their last argument. There was no fixing it. How could he have been so foolish? If he had only gone after Hux then maybe things would be different. He looked down at the lifeless body in his hands, he looked so dull, all the color drained from his skin and hair. His pale lips parted slightly, leaving behind an expression of indifference. Not peace, not discomfort, just nothing at all. Blank, emotionless. He leaned down and kissed them one last time. His lips were cold. It wasn’t the same. 
He cried until he was numb, shaking with the effort. He didn’t know what to do or wear to go. He found himself wishing Rey had let him die. But Rey hadn’t, she had… she had brought him back to life. What if he brought Hux back to life? Just enough to keep him alive, get him medical attention, and everything would be fine. 
He had to try. He reached out and poured all his energy into the man before him, struggling to keep his mind focused, even though his body was screaming at him, telling him “no!”. “PLEASE!” He yelled, and then suddenly a surge of energy flowed through him, the force enveloped his body surrounding him. His life force poured out like a flood and he tried not to worry if he could stop it. Just a little more, he just needed a little more. He could sense everything, feel everything, see everything, but then the energy began to fade. As he put all his power into saving Hux, he himself began to slip. He had to hold on, just a little longer. If he lost consciousness neither of them would get off of this planet alive and it would all be for not. 
Then he heard it, the faint sound of breathing. At first he thought it was his own, but then he saw the steady rise and fall of Hux’s chest, and his eyes slid closed. 
“Hux?!” He pulled him into his arms gently, fighting off fatigue as tears welled in his eyes once more. “Oh Armie.” He held him close savoring every moment, giving them both a chance to rest. Then with Hux gingerly cradled in his arms he stood and made his way out of the Supremacy, making his way back to his TIE as fast as his tired legs could carry him. “Don’t worry love, everything’s going to be okay, I’ll make sure everything’s okay. I’ll make sure you’re okay… I’ll… I-”
“I will Always Love you”
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Originally I was going to make this even more sad. But maybe I’ll save that for a part three, spoiler alert Hux is not as okay as you think he is 😀
Anyway here was the song that came on WHILE I was writing the death scene (thank you so much Spotify) 
@lessdenied @fives-ren @jaynesilver @thegeneralorder @diabollicallyangelic
@dragonflies-draw-flame @hpdmism @fridayincarnate @tomatette
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howlingday · 11 months
Nora summons Reinhardt from Overwatch as her mentor
"Now raise your hammer like this!" Nora followed the massive knight's instructions as he raised his weapon into the air. Compared to Magnhild, one could almost say the two were siblings, if not related by some other measure. "And HAMMER DOWN!"
Nora smashed her hammer to the dirt, kicking up dust as it became embedded in the soil. She pulled it out, smiling at her mentor. He gave a toothy grin.
"Sehr gut, kinder!" He chuckled. "My turn!"
Like a cataclysmic meteor, the larger hammer smashed into the ground, instantly cratering beneath it with fissures splitting outward by a few yards. Stars in her eyes, Nora squealed excitedly.
"Hey, watch it, old man!" A voice called. "Me and the kid finally got his swinging right!"
"Es tut mir leid, Kenpachi!" Reinhardt waved at the two. Nora waved at Ren, who was practicing swinging his sword. It was so much taller than him, but Ren swore it would be fine when he's older.
She trusted him, just like she trusted Mr. Reinhardt.
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Nijisanji EN Masterlist
Reminder: I only write for the character, not the person behind the scenes. I also do not support Nijisanji as a company but do support the livers whose lives are affected.
Fluff- (F) Angst- (A) Crack- (C) Smut/18+ (S)
Luca Kaneshiro:
Missing Your Scent (F)
We Were Timeless... (A)
In Your Embrace (F)
Dating HC (F)
Beyond Control (A/F)
You Don’t Mean That... (A/F)
Ike Eveland
Missing Your Scent (F)
In Your Embrace (F)
Dating HC (F)
You Don’t Mean That... (A/F)
Mysta Rias
Missing Your Scent (F)
Dating HC (F)
Hello, Stranger (F, A)
Vox Akuma
Missing Your Scent (F)
Dating HC (F)
My New Cydonia (A) (F?)
Shu Yamino
Missing Your Scent (F)
Dating HC (F)
Beyond Control (A/F)
Hello, Stranger (F, A)
Kyo Kaneko:
Missing Your Scent (F)
Hello, Stranger (F, A)
Aster Arcadia
Missing Your Scent (F)
Such a Good Girl~ (C?)(18+?) (Meteor Takeover)
Ren Zotto
Missing Your Scent (F)
Doppio Dropscythe
Dating HC (F)
Everywhere You Go (F)(A?)
Hex Haywire
Dating HC (F)
Ver Vermillion
Dating HC (F)
BONUS: Noctyx
Yugo Asuma:
We Were Timeless... (A)
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loverofthewindgod · 1 year
Tis I, Lady Sienna! I have the upmost honor to invite my lovely moots:
@bisexualjohnnycage, @ninibear3000, @roofgeese, @theelderhazelnut, @scentedcandleibex, @zoetheneko, @darialovesstuff, @krysta-cross, @aliyaaaepel3, @ren-meteor, @stillfuckinbetterthanyou, @starneko123, @spacestephh, @ghastlyrider , @huepazu, @suga-catt, @whatamidoingwithmylifeman, @middlechildwhoescapedthebasement, @subzero-simp, and @harissa-hoe
For a lovely OC'S potluck at the humble abode of yours truly! ^_^
In the tags, comment what kind dish(es) your oc(s) would bring!
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crazycatfics · 1 year
The last meteor one shot has been posted.
Now it’s time for the rewrite.
This chapter is a part of the 2023 NHH Promptober.
Prompt 6: Birds
Flapping his wings Grian coasts down until he can clearly see the inside of the building.
Ren wanted to talk to him, the season’s starting to wrap up and there’s a lot of little get-togethers to plan on how to get things settled.
Tucking in his wings Grian prepares to land in the tall building in aqua town.
Grian Experienced Kinetic Energy
RenDog: rip
RenDog: did you not see the glass?
Grian: there was glass??!??
RenDog: I put it in the other day.
Xisuma: Can you see the glass now?
Grian: hang on. Let me find some
Grian: yeah I can see it.
Grian: maybe if I’m not expecting it it just poofs out of me head
Xisuma: hmm. Let us know if it happens again
Rain slowly starts falling from the sky. Drop by drop.
Looking up Grian decides that he should probably land before it starts to pour.
Doc’s goat head is nearby, so he coasts over landing neatly on the cracked stones. Talons grip into the cobbled surface just in time as the clouds give out and in moments soaks Grian to the bone.
Shuffling Grian slowly picks his way down. The side of the mountain.
Not noticing the subtle change in gravity.
Eyes closed Grian sighs. He’ll be stuck in this crevice until it stops raining. The. It’s an uncomfortable and difficult walk back to his base though the nether.
A startled hisss echoes from below.
Grian looks up. And in his surprise drops from the underside of the Goat.
“What were you doing?”
“Hiding from the rain.” He groans. Rubbing his arm.
“By hanging upside down? And almost falling on me.”
Grian shrugs, “If you hadn’t startled me I wouldn't have fallen.”
Wings beat as rockets wizz past his head.
It’s a fairly common competition, who can fly the highest, who can get up the fastest.
He’s about halfway through the time when Mumbo passes him. Wings faltering Grian pushes himself to keep going. Out of breath, Grian struggles to flap his wings.
Sulfur and gunpowder from Mumbo’s rocket drifts into his face and he falters.
Dropping as he desperately tries to fall into a glide. He can see the ground now. Wings flared wide he-
Grian Fell From A High Place
Grian: Ow.
Cleo stretches, It’s been a long day, they had been working on the zoo’s armor stands. It should only be a few more days of completing armor stands.
As she stands stretching out her arm a flurry of wings draws her attention.
Grian swoops down and clips his wing on a tree.
Bursting into laughter Cleo walks over. “You alright?”
Groaning, he nods, “I’m fine… just my pride.”
“What were you trying to do?”
“Land.” he says as he shakes his wings out. “The wings are not as durable as elytra…”
“You need to take breaks.” Cleo nods.
“Come on Grian” Stress calls. “I can take it.”
Flapping his wings Grian nods, as he slowly circles above his neighbor.
Stress holds her arm out and Grian drops. Landing neatly on her outstretched arm.
“Woo!” He grins.
Stress laughs, “You just needed someone stronger.”
“Yeah, I keep knocking everyone over.” Grian says as he flutters to the ground. “Thanks.”
“Of course love.”
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