#ren watches acs
twinklnyan4life · 5 months
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I started playing Persona 5 Royal in 2024. well in the start of January and I enjoyed it and want to play it again for great content but it will kinda wait because of College Semester returns and got stronger. I made two new characters during the between winter break and near end of it. One of them will be in the next main story after Disney Yokaisona Club story but next one here, is coming in Yokaisona Guardians 101 if I have free time break for the main story. Who knows. I’m taking a day of a time.
Anyway introducing the new character. By the way some spoilers from Persona 5.
Ace- He came from the Velvet Room, not knowing where he came from and what his real name. The only thing he remembered is his permanent scar on his face and Igor and the resident members practically raised him until Joker visited there and Igor gives Ace to him (also not knowing is a Yokai) and Joker give him his name right after playing cards. (Not knowing Ace is at home the whole time and to think Joker dreaming all this). Ace can be impressionable as he around Joker, acting like him and but bit clumsy. He even has to steal things as his practice which annoys everyone but at the end, he return them. Ace can be a charmer but end up as a fail (especially flirting with the girls in his age group). He also dress in his phantom thief but didn’t earn his persona but he learn to be sneaky at times. He also a bit clueless to think Joker and Ren is the same guy because of mask.
I hope you enjoy him and more of him can be on the way. Hope I have free time to write him as something good in YG101.
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butchdykekondraki · 6 months
just kind of obsessed w dr rights lately . i wanna watch her do yard work
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hexados-on-a-string · 10 months
her: they're probably thinking abt other women
me: at the end of episode 52 of nv when everyone's saying goodbye, helios and drago talk abt hopefully the next time they meet they'll still be friends and be on the same side. when spectra shows up again in ms he tells them that yes they're still friends and on the same side, however when he comes back the brawlers are falling apart and dan has a link to magmel and is also generally being a Huge Jerk™, which might be an understatement. bringing back spectra during this arc was a brilliant idea bc other than being the writers' clear favourite, nv already set up parallels between dan and spectra and the contrast between how dan's acting and how even spectra of all people is actually disturbed and concerned by it shows how bad the situation has actually gotten.
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scp-10000 · 1 year
I’m bored and imagining AMVs cause I can’t draw.  Current victim, EMERGENCY MEETING: An Among Us song
The Red crewmate is Ace
Orange is Baron
Blue is Mira
Pink is Fabia
Tan is Ren
Grey(or lightblue, I can’t tell the color, but they have a large stain on their shirt) is Jake
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ac-liveblogs · 2 years
"Jaune gets an appropriate amount of screentime for once" He's always had an appropriate amount of screen time for a major support character. Grow up.
You really wanna do this? You really wanna look me dead in the eye and pretend that Jaune's 4 focus episodes in Volume 1 - where Yang got 0, Blake got 2 and Weiss got her two major character flaws resolved with a snap of the fingers - was an appropriate amount of screentime for a supporting character in a show that was called RWBY because it was meant to be about 4 main characters, none of whom were Jaune?
Bearing in mind, that in Queendom, he still gets quite a large amount of screentime? It's just not to the extent of being the main character for one quarter of the entire first volume's episodes?
Beyond that, though? I would say that Jaune got an appropriate amount of screentime for a major support character if he actually did anything that necessitated the amount he gets. This is an issue he shares with Ren and Nora, who have it much worse - what do they actually add to the show - especially after RWBY reunites - beyond extra bodies in a fight scene? In Vol 1, Jaune chewed screentime like no tomorrow, but - charitably - he was at least an audience avatar that could be used as a vehicle to explain worldbuilding elements.
I think Jaune was at his strongest between vols 4 and 5, but after that? The most stand-out events involving Jaune are him healing Weiss in vol 5, him trying to avenge Pyrrha (also vol 5), he amplified Ren's aura so Ren could hide a train in vol 6 and mercy-killed Penny in vol 8. Ren and Nora... I mean, besides the train, they killed a big Grimm in vol 4 and... Ren had a Semblance evolution in I think Vol 7 or 8, and Nora almost died fighting a door. That's seriously all I got. Jaune got the group a place to stay in vol 6?
But would it really matter if JNR weren't around for those things? How much would change? Were most of these things impossible to accomplish without them? What else were they doing during that time? Ren and Nora became canon? Ren played skeptic for a bit? Jaune got over Pyrrha's death before his revenge arc got interesting? Some comedy bits?
That's a lot of time he spends on-screen doing very little. Which isn't to say that all the time he does have is worthless or not fun, but he just doesn't do much that's unique or necessary in the time he does get. And I think it should be pretty telling that JNR aren't especially important given how easy it is for RT to remove them from the main party.
This isn't an issue that's actually unique to Jaune - I think RWBY tries to balance too many characters that have too little do to and they all suffer for it - but it's especially notable when it comes to JNR and Maria, and especially lately. So, yeah. In Queendom, Jaune gets an appropriate amount of screentime for vol 1 - less than 1/4 of the runtime - and for what he actually contributes to the plot - establishing the threat posed by the Nightmare Grimm.
However, I can only hope that Jaune was dropped into WonderOzLand because RT actually has a plan for his character instead of him just hanging around.
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mothwingwritings · 2 months
Boyfriend To Death/The Price Of Flesh Sleeping Headcanons 🌙💤🛌
Hello everyone! In between fics I have been working on some headcanons, like this one, for your reading pleasure. :) It's some bedtime/sleeping arrangement scenarios feat. you and our favorite murderous companions. <3 It’s dedicated to all the sleepy individuals out there that just want to hit the hay and snooze the day away-I feel you and you are valid. Also there is a bonus plushie headcanon for each character because why not! If you don’t have at least stuffed creature on your bed, this is your sign to love yourself. Go acquire a friend and snuggle up with him, I demand it. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Warnings: abuse/abusive relationships, noncon/dubcon, forced cuddling, forced interaction, forced relationships, implied kidnapping, being held against your will, reader is threatened and hurt, mentions of/implied sex, very lightly edited.
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·         Exceptionally clingy when he sleeps. Honestly like a suction cup. Regardless of if he’s the little or big spoon, he’ll be latched to you the whole night. Wiggle and complain as much as you like, he’s not relinquishing his hold.
·         Even if you two are just taking a little nap together, he always has to have some kind of skin contact with you. Holding hands, cuddling, a limb draped over you, something.  He needs the reminder that you are there and that you aren’t going anywhere, he can’t sleep peacefully without it.
·         He’s warm. Too warm, really. Uncomfortably warm. In winter this poses no problem, but during the summer it’s nearly unbearable. You need to crank the AC to keep yourself from melting into a puddle of sweat, but the added cold only makes him cling to you tighter, increasing the heat. He doesn’t seem to mind the warmth at all and takes offense if you try and voice your irritation, giving you an earful (if not worse) over how you need to be more grateful for the affection he douses you with, warning that if you don’t watch yourself, next time it snows you’ll be camping outside with nothing but the clothes on your back. We’ll see how much you miss his warmth then.
·         He’s a night owl, but he also somehow always wakes up before you do. It’s not uncommon for you to be awoken by an eager beastkin shoving a homemade breakfast in your face, excited to start his day with his love by sharing breakfast in bed with you and watching anime. <3
·         Though sometimes he gets a little too excited in the morning, and if that’s the case you’ll be waking up to a very handsy man pawing at you, kissing any and every place his lips can reach, pressing himself against you so you can feel just how excited he is. It’s a good thing you are in bed because by the time he’s done you’ll be so worn out you’ll need some more rest. ^^;
·         Also, he is an avid fan of plushies. If you also collect them your bed is going to be 90% plushies and he is 100% going to use that as an excuse to be squeezed on the bed with you as close as physically possible so as you all can have room. None of them are allowed on the floor, no man is left behind, and he’ll make sure you all fit whether it is comfortable or not.
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·         Lawrence is the exact opposite of Ren when it comes to contact. Though he may fall asleep with you in his arms (or vice versa), he very quickly grows uncomfortable with the prolonged contact, his body used to being the sole person in his bed. Very shortly after he falls asleep, he will unconsciously push you away to try and create distance. No matter how much he may yearn for your contact in his waking hours, he has no control over his subconscious actions. Often times the shoving is much rougher than it needs to be, abruptly (and painfully) waking you up in the process.
·         However, this does not deter him from making you sleep with him. Even if he ends up damn near shoving you off the bed, he wants you to be close to him for as long as and as much as possible.
·         Lawrence is basically nocturnal, and even if you are also a night owl there are bound to be some times when your sleep schedules don’t fall in line with each other. He gets a little excited when you fall asleep when he is awake, taking pleasure in watching you as you slumber. The way you lay near him, completely unguarded and quiet, only the slow rise and fall of your chest denoting that you are alive at all… It does something for him. More than once you’ve woken up to him standing over you, face flushed and tears in his eyes as he’s pumping his dick to the sight of your passed out form. If you wake before he can finish himself, he’s gonna use you to complete the job.
·         In fact, he just likes to stare at you while you sleep in general. He doesn’t have to feel anxious or worried of how you may perceive his gawking if you aren’t aware it’s happening to begin with. It’s a nice chance to really take in and appreciate your beauty without facing any backlash, and it comforts him to know you trust him enough to fall that deeply into slumber in his presence.
·         Doesn’t really get the point of plushies and never really had a strong attachment to stuffed animals as a child, so he doesn’t have any of his own and has no desire to own any. He thinks it’s cute that you like them though, and won’t deny you if you want to take one or two to bed with you. If you gift him one, he’ll be flustered but thankful, hugging it when he is unable to hug you. The little friend is a perfect cuddle buddy for when your sleep schedules don’t align and he doesn’t want to disturb you once you have fallen asleep.
·         Just be mindful that if he gets agitated or you piss him off, he’ll definitely destroy your beloved stuffies, tearing them to shreds with either his bare hands or any of the gardening  tools he has lying around. He’ll instantly feel bad if you begin to cry over it, but at that point it’s too late. It’s best to stop the tears before he turns the assault towards you.
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·         Strade is all over the place when he sleeps. It doesn’t matter how big the bed is or how little space you take up in it, his presence is unavoidable. You can try and create as much distance as physically possible, scrunching yourself up in a corner in hopes that he doesn’t come in contact with you, and you’ll still end up with him sprawled all over you come morning.
·         He’s also loud. Snoring, grunting, talking in his sleep, he’s so noisy it’s a wonder you can get any sleep at all. You get used to it after a while (you don’t have a choice), but each time he nudges you in his sleep or wakes you up with a particularly loud snore, it’s all just another unpleasant reminder you are stuck with him, unable to find tranquility even in your dreams.
·         He has a tendency to latch on to and keep a close hold of whatever is closest to him while he sleeps. The moment he looks even slightly drowsy you try and stay away from him, not thrilled with the prospect of being smashed up against him for hours on end while he’s pleasantly off in dreamland. Were it anyone else or any other situation, you may find the clinginess endearing, but with Strade it’s just extremely uncomfortable and confusing. You spend the whole time unsure if you want him to wake up and let you go (and thus have to deal with an alert and active monster) or if you want to remain silent and just put up with it, thankful for the rare moment of peace.
·         He sleeps the best after successfully finding and securing a new victim, the gusto and energy that he puts towards spending time with his new ‘friend’ leaves him completely spent by the end of the day. A tired Strade is usually a good thing for you-if he’s worn out, he’s less likely to bother or hurt you. However the opposite is also true, if he hasn’t been able to blow off steam in a while he’ll grow antsy and restless, and he’s bound to make his lack of sleep and overall disgruntlement your problem. Regardless, you won’t get much sleep either way, as you find no contentment in either situation.
·         Though they aren’t really his thing, he is amused by your plushies. While he can see the appeal of them, the only real interest he takes in them is how you react to them. Which ones are your favorite, do you favor one character or animal over another, do you prefer the big and fluffy or small and squishy? Most importantly though, he wants to know how deeply your fondness for them extends and how/if he can use that as a persuasive tool against you in the future. Should they prove to be a promising means of coercion, prepare for quite a few new plush friends to keep you company in the future. :)
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·         She’s an early riser. Not necessarily because she wants to so much as it’s engrained in her from years of putting in overtime at her corporate job. If you try and pull her back into bed she’ll gripe at you, but is secretly happy that you are willingly making yourself a scapegoat for her laziness. Though on days she absolutely has to get up early, you best be getting up right alongside her to help her get ready for the day or you will be deeply regretting it. She always takes precedence, you can sleep more when she leaves.
·         She’s on edge most of the time and is overall a very light sleeper. If you snore or toss and turn too much, she’ll get pissed off and roughly shove you awake, grumbling obscenities while complaining about how annoying you are being. If she can’t sleep, she certainly isn’t going to let you sleep either.
·         Even if you aren’t a noisy or restless sleeper, she’ll still find constant things to gripe about regarding your sleeping arrangement. Either you take up too much room, or you are encroaching on her personal space, or you have some other sleeping habit she finds grating that you have no control over because you are unconscious when you do it. She doesn’t ever seem overly pleased to share sleeping space with you, and you often wonder why she doesn’t just banish you to the couch or some other place to get your rest.
·         And yet, she never does make you sleep elsewhere.  In fact, it only makes her MORE pissed off if you suggest it, taking it as a personal offense that you don’t want to spend time with her. She won’t admit it to you, but the act of sleeping near someone she doesn’t positively loathe or who isn’t trying to use her in some way is one of the few things that really brings her peace. Even if it’s against your will, having you in bed with her soothes her. It’s honestly the best sleep she has had in ages.
·         She’s not a huge cuddler, but she does like physical confirmation that you are near. Often times she’ll reach out in the night to grab your hand or drape her arm across your body, never smothering, but just enough contact to assure that you are still by her side.
·         She staunchly refuses to have any stuffed animals in her bed, telling you she finds them childish and stupid (whether she actually feels this way or is just pissed you are trying to bring things into her bed that take up even more space is debatable). If she finds any plushies you are hiding she will most likely throw them away on sight. You may be able to get away with a little one, but that’s only if she doesn’t find it or is feeling extremely benevolent.
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·         The only time Derek shows any kind of ‘affection’ is when he sleeps. Like Strade, he likes to secure himself to things while he slumbers, and if he doesn’t fall asleep with an item (you) already in his arms at some point in the night, he will subconsciously grab onto something (also you) and not relent until he wakes the next morning.
·         The way he clings to you can almost be considered sweet. Wrapping his arms around you securely, burying his face into your chest or the crux of your neck as he snuggles up against you as close as physically possible, it makes you momentarily forget what a monster the man beside you actually is. It’s almost as if he’s a child huddled up close to a parent, seeking comfort from the things that go bump in the night.  The spell is broken if he happens to be awoken during one of these cuddle sessions, and he’ll take out his embarrassment over the situation by treating you even crueler than he typically does.
·         One of the few niceties he allows you is sleeping in his bed as opposed to the floor-but it comes at a price.  It’s an honor to be able to sleep next to him nightly in his huge, plush, expensive bed, an honor far too good for the likes of you. He expects to be compensated for his generosity, so you’d best be ready to do any and everything he asks or desires at the drop of a hat, no matter how degrading or agonizing it may be. If you want to keep this privilege while preventing as much suffering as possible, you’ll do as he says. (Then again, it’s not like he really needs your active participation to force what he wants out of you, but he does like when you obey him ‘willingly’ and has a tendency to be a smidge less cruel when you follow his instruction).
·         He usually forces you to either sleep nude or in some very compromising/uncomfortable/embarrassing negligee that covers so little you mine as well BE naked. He’s a blanket hog too, and has a penchant for cranking up the AC at night, leaving your only source of warmth to be curling up beside him. You try and fight it at first, but you inevitably give in when the chill gets to be too much (also you aren’t too keen on getting ill in his presence, swallowing your pride is worth it if you can avoid more suffering).
·         He will mercilessly make fun of and belittle you for any stuffed animals you may have or try to sleep with. He’ll infantilize you, asking if you need a binky to go with your stuffy, or tease that he’ll need to put you in diapers so you don’t accidentally shit the bed. However, even with all the constant mocking, he does find it kinda hot when you try and use the plushies as a shield, doing your best to conceal your sniveling face and exposed body behind the fluffy creature as he plows into you ruthlessly. The toy does a shit job shielding you, but it is hilarious to watch you try and hide yourself behind them.
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·         Despite everything, he’s actually probably the nicest of the lot to sleep with. He’s warm and soft, and when he holds you it’s comforting and shockingly soothing. It’s disconcerting how easily you melt into the same person that caused you so much trauma and torment, haunted by the fact that the arms that now wrap snuggly around you were not so long ago the greatest threat to your life. You don’t know whether you should be more disgusted with him for holding you with such familiarity or yourself for enjoying it as much as you do.
·         The man can sleep almost anywhere. After years of surviving out in the wilderness he has honed his body to handle tough climates and all manner of conditions, granting him the ability to thrive in less than favorable environments. The man could probably fall asleep in the middle of a torrential downpour with nothing but a rock bed beneath him and come out of it completely rested.
·         You aren’t expected to immediately be able to rough it. He realizes this way of life is all fairly new to you and that getting used to nights out in the wilderness has its own learning curve. Because of this, he’s actually surprisingly accommodating about the whole thing. When you camp, he makes sure to bring his best tent and sleeping bag for you to use, even though it’s a hassle to drag around and he himself has long since forgone the need for it. Though it’s nearly impossible to find comfort enough to sleep while stranded deep out in an unfamiliar forest, surrounded by nothing but the pitch black of night, all manner of voracious wild animals, and a serial killer, he does his best to make sure you are adequately cared for and as content as you can possibly be.
·         However you best not slack with your survival instincts, this coddling is only a limited time deal. You proved yourself to him once by pulling through his trial, but that doesn’t mean you have a free ride forever. He’ll pamper you a bit in the ‘honeymoon’ phase, but if you grow complacent and begin to let him down… It isn’t going to be a smooth or happy time for either of you. Its best not to betray his expectations, if you do something overly stupid or otherwise show your survival was just a fluke… your sleeping arrangement is going to be the least of your concern.
·         He finds your affinity for stuffed animals a bit juvenile, but also slightly endearing. He can’t deny how cute you look when you are curled up in his bed, nestled amongst various furs and blankets, clutching tight to your favorite plushie while you rest. He enjoys that sight so much that he decides to make you his own plushie for you one day as a gift.
·         It was a strange little lumpy creature he cobbled together from various fabric scraps and other soft, but unidentified, material, all sloppily hand sewn with little black buttons for eyes. It was a true amalgamation of mismatched cloth and stuffing, and to be honest… You weren’t really sure what it was supposed to be. A bear, maybe? Or a raccoon? Regardless, you take it without question, and once he sees it’s been accepted he’s quick to discard your previous plush. He’s accepting of this hobby to a degree-you can have ONE. And since you were smart and picked the better of the two, you don’t need the ratty old one to cling to for company anymore. You have him and you have his gift, everything else is frivolous.
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snvffsoda · 2 months
headcanons for Ren, Strade, and Lawrence for how they are when driving! //bonus Celia!!
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certified passenger princess if not the one driving
confirmed by Gato he's an average driver, but has gotten a ticket for running a red light before (he was trying to get to an anime merch shop to buy a rare figure before it was sold out)
turns his AC up all the way, but will turn it down if asked nicely
drives Strade’s old car, it has a citrusy fresh smell, with a hint of Strade's cheap cologne forever permeated into the vehicle itself
cleans his car every couple of months or so, but does tend to throw and leave his trash in the back seat, usually consisting of old Monster Energy cans and fast food bags
sings loudly to the music he listens to when driving but does get self-conscious and stop when in traffic or is being watched by other drivers
tends to speed when driving, and doesn't notice when he does, like he's always in a hurry when he is at the wheel
has anime stickers on his car window consisting of his favorite anime girls he knows its a bit corny, but he’ll defend that decision with his life if told by someone it is
forgets to use his turn singles sometimes
hates the sound of cars honking or blaring during busy traffic, it irritates his sensitive ears to no need
wanta a motorcycle, but can't afford one
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better than Ren, but is still kind of reckless when he does drive
can and will drive over curbs and sidewalks when needing to make a tight turn
contradictory king, it comes to calling out other drivers mistakes on the wheel
listens to music extremely loud when he drives and doesn't turn it down when you're trying to talk with him
surprisingly takes very good care of his car, mostly to hold up a nice appearance to his neighbors, or to his unassuming victims who follow him into it
don’t touch his radio, he can and will get pissed.
acts like a dad when you turn on the indoor car light and freaks out about it
speeds when driving, notices, but doesn't really care
car sex, that is all.
named his car and speaks to it like it can hear and understand him
always knows some sort of back alley or sketchy shortcut to get out of traffic every time he's in it
will curse under his breath and sometimes go on mini rants about bad drivers when seeing them on the road or driving near them
can name almost every brand or type of car he sees when driving, definitely a bit of a car nerd deep down, but will never admit to it
has been caught drunk driving, but talked his way out of getting arrested by the cops and was let go scott-free
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doesn't even enjoy driving in general, it gives him anxiety, and would prefer to walk if given the option
keeps a blanket and pillow in his car for when he drives out into the woods at night he’ll tend to sleep in his car when he does
has one of those mini solar dancing flowers on his dashboard
the safest driver out of them all, though he does drive a little too slow sometimes
when alone, he’ll punch at slam at his steering wheel when overwhelmed or extremely angry
keeps a plant in his cup holder and waters it regularly
doesn't listen to music when he drives, but will get nervous when driving with someone else and turn on the radio instinctively, so as to not sit in awkward silence
has hot-boxed in his car before
keeps a can of mace in his glovebox, but has never had to use it
loves the sound of rain hitting his car window when driving, and loves to fall asleep in his car when it rains outside because of it
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passenger princess 2.0
Driving? you mean a limo?
jokes aside she's a decent driver, but doesn't like to drive herself places, but when she does, she usually gets where she needs to go without any trouble, that being said,
she's been pulled over for drunk driving many times, and has always paid off her tickets or bought a fancy lawyer to make all her DUI charges go away
never drives the same car twice
has argued and yelled with her husband Harold over the phone or with him in the car while driving and has received stares from passers-by before, she doesn't care though
does her makeup while driving when she's in a hurry or on a tight schedule, and is very good at it
honks her horn at bad drivers and flips them off when they pass, definitely the most outwardly aggressive, when driving out of them all
her cars are ALWAYS clean, almost unnaturally so
keeps a gun in her glove compartment and has never had to use it though stands by it that she does need it
has scratched her business enemies cars up, and threatened to run over her husband and the business associates she despises with her car multiple times
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issacballsac · 11 months
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“Being a Member of BLAST”
Life is short why not take a chance and join a band? Masc!reader intended
Minor spoilers for NANA
Joining | Nana
Actually joining the band wasn’t hard especially because when you met Nana there was no band💀
You guys met at the train station when she first moved to Tokyo
You already lived in Tokyo and were just returning from a trip when you saw her
It was like an instant click she caught your eye
“Hey, do you happen to sing by any chance?”
“Who are you?”
“Don’t worry about that just know I can play guitar pretty damn good if I do say so myself!”
She was tired from the long ass ride and didn’t know anyone in Tokyo aside from Ren
Went back to your place and played for her
“I’ll think about it.”
Nana isn’t a very emotional or open person so she tends to keep secrets but over time if you guys get that close she’ll vent to you
If you smoke she’ll always ask you for your lighter
Older sister younger brother energy
Opposites | Hachi
Nana paid you an abrupt visit to tell you about her new place and totally not just for you to fix the AC
Checking the place out you laid eyes on an inverted version of Nana
“Hi, I’m Nana Komatsu!”
“Just call her Hachi.”
“Nice to meet you, Hachi?”
She’s had a crush on just about every BLAST member , so, of course she has had a crush on you before
If you wear makeup or paint your nails she would love to do it for you
Amazing cook and if you ever wanted anything she’d happily make it for you
She rlly just wants to be needed
Definitely went to you for relationship advice with Nobu
You tend to just appear places so you were one of the first people to know about her pregnancy and went to the hospital with her
You stayed outside though to avoid ppl thinking you were the father 💀
You def don’t help with her shopping addiction
Shopping sprees constantly that’s why your broke as shit
“Should I get the soft blue or purple skirt?”
After the Takumi drama you guys would stay in contact and when Nobu wasn’t at your place she’d come to watch you practice alone
You’d support her decision because it’s her life in the end
Formation | Nobuō
The unforgiving aggression spewing from your ringing phone at the dead of night
Some random number was calling you and for whatever reason you answered, confident that it wasn’t a scam caller
“It’s Nana, come over.”
“I’m not into late night favours if you get what I mean.”
“That’s not what I’m calling for, just get over here!”
Reluctantly wandering the dark streets of Tokyo you made your way over to Nana’s apartment, you’d only been there once to help with the AC where you learned of the other Nana or Hachi
Opening the door to reveal the two residents and a blonde man standing with his guitar in hand
“Took you long enough. Anyways, like I said Nobuo I already have a guitarist so go home.”
“Well we could always play together I have nothing against dual guitars!”
“You aren’t helping.”
You and Nobu got along great your guitars and personalities blending perfectly
He talks with you about everything especially when he and Hachi get together
If you’re shorter than/same height him he’d be happy to have another short guy in the band
If you’re taller he’d be happy if you didn’t make fun of his height though he does tend to light heartedly joke abt it
He likes to go to you for fashion inspiration and vice versa
Drunk karaoke
You would help him with song writing
You guys would be around the same age too so besties
You guys get along the best in the band
The bass | Shin
After the whole Nobu moving to Tokyo fiasco all you guys need is a bassist and drummer
Nobu sending you a picture of Hachi’s little drawing of the 3 of you on the band poster
You met up with them at the studio to practice with Shinichi on bass
For such a young kid he was pretty good player (granted your only like 6-7 years older)
Being confused right alongside him when everyone stopped playing
You, Shin, and Nobu are like the 3 musketeers
You- Oldest, Nobuo - Middle, Shin - Youngest
Shin snatched your clothes on a daily basis much like he does with Nobu
Unlike Nobu, you don’t care
He stays over at your place more than you’d like to admit
He basically lives there
He would definitely go to you about the Reira/Layla situation
Has mini fashion shows in your room with a fake runway and everything
You guys play games together on your console
He relaxes and is actually a kid when he hangs out with you
Has you paint his nails
He has moments when he storms off if you bring up a certain subject but he never stays mad for long and shows up at your door
Likes to go eat at new places with you especially if you’re paying for it
“I’m gonna get the chocolate croissants, one of those fancy hot chocolates, and..oh! You’re paying for this right?”
Bit a of spoiler kinda but later in the manga when he got arrested you’d be the only one to visit him
Completion | Yasu
You definitely shat yourself when you first met Yasu
He’s the responsible one in the band so he’s like a father figure to you especially if you didn’t have one
You two probably get to the studio first before anyone else
He’d always let you talk/rant to him if you ever needed to
Would be surprised if you remembered his birthday and got him a gift
If you smoke he’d go on smoke breaks with you
If you don’t smoke he’d make sure to hold his cigarette away from you/out of your face
Would teach you various card games
If you didn’t want to watch a movie alone he’d watch it with you
Any legal troubles go to him
Scratch that ANY troubles go to him
“Man you’re like a wise monk.”
“..because I’m bald?”
“No, because you’re wise..and because you’re bald.”
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304 notes · View notes
rachetmath · 9 months
Jaune was working as usual until he heard his scroll. He looks to see Blake calling him. He answers.
Blake: Jaune we need to talk.
Jaune: *putting a baby to sleep while controlling kids* Blake I am a little busy at the moment.
Blake: Jaune we need to discuss why you quit your position.
Jaune: I don’t know maybe because I’m not needed and might as well use my time to get stronger and probably be more useful.
Yang: Jaune come on you were plenty useful in the nursing.
Jaune: Yang they have medical professionals. They were fine without me. Plus I go back there every morning. I never left. I even have them on my scroll. They call me too. So what’s the problem?
Robyn: Look we just need you to start pulling your weight and do your job.
Jaune: *triggered*
Kid #1: Ooo you messed up lady.
Jaune”s teacher 1: Honey you felt that, right?
Jaune’s teacher 2: Mm-hm someone about to get their ass beat. And my son is about to do it.
Jaune’s teacher 1: Honey we already got ten kids.
Jaune’s teacher 2: And I love them but their still children. They don’t know how bad adulthood is yet.
Jaune: Little bi- *remembers the children* You know what how about we have a meeting about this okay?
Robyn: Fine.
The next day everyone gathered around for the meeting with Jaune being in the room first. After everyone finished what they had to say, Jaune presented himself and replied.
Jaune: So, everyone good? Okay, I’ll make this quick. I have been doing my job better than almost all of you. Almost.
Qrow: Jaune what do you mean you have been messing up-
Jaune: I know the man who can change into a bird and is a legend yet still can’t watch over a maiden and his nieces for shit is talking to me.
Qrow: Now hold up son I’ll beat-
Jaune: Bro you are the reason Clover is dead. And the reason Tyrian escaped along with Robinhood over there.
Robyn: Hey.
Jaune: And speaking of you, Ms. Hill, how the hell was Penny defending your city better than you or any of your Happy Huntresses considering the amount of citizens who got hurt? 
May: Hey we had to evacuate our citizens cause your team deserted us. 
Jaune: Well sorry, it is not like one of my friends wasn’t kidnapped and was about to die at any given moment. 
Yang: You could have helped.
Jaune: Bitch you told me not to fight. Hell we almost got him back too. Oh. And we were planning to come back. However, we were captured because I was trying to warn someone of an upcoming attack. Which happened and yet some stubborn mother fuckers wouldn’t listen. Cause they were fixated on looking for Penny. 
Winter: Mm he did. But you
Jaune: Yeah-yeah I know, the Ironwood and Ruby bs. And speaking of that wouldn’t James have killed everyone anyway if we hadn’t stopped him?
Qrow: Not to mention Harriet almost dropped a whole bomb on Mantle to kill everyone.
Harriet: Okay rude.
Yang: Okay Jaune-
Jaune: Bitch don’t get me- don’t get me started on you. You have been getting your ass beat as of late. Like in Atlas and Mantle, I don't know how that’s possible, but me and my men, have been carrying you throughout the whole ordeal. All you have been doing was not knowing how to shut the hell up.  
Yang: um…
Jaune: Like you was talking about the Ace-ops and Winter following orders yet you were following Ozpin’s,Ruby’s, Ironwood's and better yet, you were following my orders. At least I was coming up with a plan. I was helping Ren. Being a leader. What were you doing other than Blake?
Blake: Alright Jaune, calm down, You have made your point.
Jaune: Oh no the fuck I haven't. Are you Ruby's sister?
Blake: No.
Jaune: Mm I wonder what drew me to that conclusion considering you have been acting like her sister more than a blond brawler over here? Both moms left her too, yet she looked for the one who never raised her.  
Yang: *tears dropping from her eyes*
Nora: Wow Jaune, that's cold.
Jaune: Nora. Ren. My supposedly two remaining teammates. 
Ren: Come on not again. Jaune, Ruby already told us everything. What can you possibly say that she hasn't told us yet?
Jaune: For someone who was on James's dick you never once tried to snitch on us. In fact you been kinda rude half the time.Then you decided to speak out against Harriet like you and Yang didn't argue before we got caught.
Ren: That was because she was insulting Pyrrha.
Jaune: Which I understand but I thought we were past that already.
Ren: Well I was the reason Winter agreed to your plan. And I was the reason we survived the whale to find Oscar.
Jaune: Emerald and Hazel saved Oscar before we had a chance. We basically went in there for nothing. And you almost started a fight with Harriet. 
Winter: Also I was a little hesitant but I agreed to the plan. Mainly more hostages. You wouldn’t be alive if I hadn’t jumped in.
Jaune: More importantly if I were to have thrown the relic into the mix, which had one question left by the way,  you're telling me Harriet wouldn't agree to let us go. Mainly because they were looking for Penny regardless.
Nora: Wow Jaune you would thrown Penny under the bus that easily?
Jaune: If it meant a negotiation with James, probably, yes. And Nora, weren't you unconscious throughout half that experience? 
Nora: I saved team RWBY.
Jaune: Who hasn't? Cause I recall, Qrow, Oobleck, Gylanda, us, CVFY, Ace-ops, James, and Ozpin. You ain’t special.
Oscar: Damn.
Jaune: Oscar you decided to meet James and try to talk. After he made us wanted criminals. What were you thinking?
Oscar: At least I tried to reassure him. 
Jaune: And you got shot. Mother fucker you were wasting time and our efforts. Next time no one might not be able to help you. And Ozpin? It took a whole pile of shit to happen for you to finally came out and help? 
Oscar(Ozpin): Mr. Arc it was not that bad.
Jaune: He got shot. Manhandled by a Grimm. And beat up by an old man. Come on.
Ozpin: … …
Jaune: Don’t get me started on how you fucked up years before.
Pietro: Jaune. You killed my-
Jaune: I killed Penny and saved Winter. Winter was Ironwood's second in command and was in charge of a whole army during a full-scale invasion. The fact Penny had Weiss, Ruby, Blake, Yang, and Nora to choose from proves she knew all of them weren't up to the task. Plus I was trying to help her but my options were limited. I did what I had to. I’m sorry.
Pietro: You could have-
Jaune: Healed her? I TRIED!!! However let's discuss how I have been carrying every damn body on my back. I had to help Ren multiple times when using his semblance. I had to heal Oscar. Heal Nora. Amplify Weiss and Penny when it came to her virus. Hell fourth wall breaking did anyone think for a second I amplified Ren ahead of time so he can mask those same thousands of people.
RWBY fan: …. ….
Jaune: All that while running, fighting and surviving while having barely enough sleep or energy. Hell, my aura kept breaking multiple times. I am surprised I haven't passed out yet.
Winter: Mm he made his point.
Weiss: Winter, why are you siding with him so quickly?
Winter: First off I am alive because of him. Second, Weiss, you lied to my face. Like I was open with you and you never once came to me with the truth. I'm your sister. You're lucky I was willing to side with you at all.
Jaune: Facts. And for someone who lived in Atlas, you barely did shit to save it. 
Weiss: I sent ships to help Mantle.
Winter: That's the thing though Mantle. You did nothing for Atlas at all. And how did you send those ships?
Weiss: Well it was mainly Whitley.
Winter: I rest my case.
Jaune: Also aren't you Ruby’s partner? Why are Oscar, Blake, and myself filling in those shoes more than you? 
Yang: Well in the Ever After you-
Jaune: I was trying to find a way home by learning the story. But as the saying goes, “Don’t trust everything you read.”  And sorry for protecting a civilization from killing itself even though that was the only thing keeping me sane.
Yang: *silent*  
Blake: They came back though.
Jaune: They don’t remember me or their past lives. They died and came back only to die again. Not to mention I had to leave my second and long-time companion and place her in the care of a rat. Not only that I had a whole map of the Ever After. I wasn't playing around. I was seriously trying to find a way home. Yet you called me crazy.
Blake: *silent* 
Jaune: Here is what I am saying, true enough I can't fight for anything but I at least help in areas none of you can seem to grasp. I have to sacrifice my mental and physical well-being to support ya’ll. I have been doing my job as a huntsman, teammate and a friend than almost any of you. 
Nora: But Jaune you’re our leader we need you.
Jaune: I recall the majority of times you two barely follow my orders. Ruby is your leader. I don’t recall having a team move with either of you. Not just that you have Oscar and Emerald so fuck both of you. 
Ren: Are we that bad of a team?
Jaune: Yeah, and what’s crazier is I have a family I haven’t seen in years yet I’m still prioritizing a city full of savages, and you all as my friends when I can just pull a Raven and leave you be.
Yang: DUDE!!
Jaune: I’m just saying I could leave and nothing would change. Now I’m leaving cause I got a job to do!*leave*
Qrow: Well damn.
Nora: I guess we all made mistakes.
Ren: Yes.
Weiss: I’m going to call Ruby and see if we can hang out.
Yang: Can we make that a double?
Oscar: Um Nora do you think-
Nora: Calm down Oscar. Jaune may be upset but he’ll be fine. He wouldn’t leave us like that.
A few weeks later.
Ruby: Hey everyone we’re back.
Team RWBY saw a crying Nora in Ren’s arms and defeated Qrow comforted by Oscar. Ruby looks to see a letter and picks it up. Ruby and her team read the letter. Afterward, Yang is shocked, and Weiss is sad as Blake comforts them. Ruby on the other hand steps out and then stares at the sky. A tear flows down her eye.
Ruby:  Well, at least you have the common decency to tell me what you’re up to. But still…*sigh* Hope you find what you're looking for my friend. And… … Please… come back safely.
Jaune was flying on a Nevermore along with Emerald who snuck aboard to his surprise. Jaune, though irritated, continued flying as she held onto him.
Emerald: I can’t believe you tamed a Nevermore. 
Jaune: Yeah-yeah anyways why did you follow me here?
Emerald: Hey someone has to watch your back.
Jaune: You are the last person I want to cover my back.
Emerald: Well don’t be rude. But also…
Jaune: What?
Emerald: Jaune… Salem is after you.
Jaune: Really? Why? I don’t recall being a silver-eyed warrior or Ozpin’s vessel. So why me? Also, how do you know?
Emerald: Mercury told me and even he doesn’t know. He just overheard Tyrian about you.
Jaune: I fought with him a week ago. (Should’ve killed him too.) Still doesn’t make sense though. Did he hear anything from Cinder?
Emerald: No. 
Jaune: Look I already left the kingdom. Cinder mainly wants Ruby dead. And Salem will be too preoccupied to do anything about me. We’re under clear.  
Somewhere in Vacuo, Tyrian and Mercury were speaking to Salem and Cinder through one of her sphere Grimm. Salem hears Jaune has left the kingdom of Vacuo and is enraged.
Salem: WHAT?!
Tyrian: I’m sorry mistress. Please calm down.
Salem: *breaths* Very well. Cinder will meet you both in Vacuo. Therefore we will split our efforts into two. You three along with our allies will search and kill the Summer Maiden along with team RWBY and their annoying friends. I will send a request to half of them to assist me in finding him. I may even need them.
Tyrian: Them ma’am?
Salem: Yes, them.
Tyrian: Very well my queen. We will not fail you.
Salem ends the call while Cinder stands before her with an angered look in her eye.
Salem: What is it, my dear?
Cinder: Why are you after Jaune?
Salem: Why do you ask?
Cinder Ma’am, I don’t mean to be rude but that boy isn’t worth our efforts at all.
Salem: Hm… really? So how come he’s alive?
Cinder: By sheer luck of course.
Salem: True. However, there is no doubt he has gotten in the way of our plans. Like with killing the Schnee girl. Or getting the winter maiden’s power. 
Cinder: *nervous* Those were my failures, ma’am.
Salem: Regardless I need him alive.
Cinder: But why though.
Salem: His semblance and aura. With his semblance along with Gillian's, I might be able to push our army further to evolution. But I need his power to do it. 
Cinder: Then allow me to-
Salem: *snaps* 
Cinder was shut off as she could feel pain from her Grimm arm. Salem turns around and looks to Cinder and say as she closes in on her.
Salem: I recall sending you to handle said children and what happened? Oh. You costed me knowledge. You lost the maiden powers to another huntress. Hazel and Emerald betrayed us. And worse of all you lost two useful people. 
Cinder: But I gave you creation. Surly that makes up- *feels greater pain*
Salem; Ever since you came back you have been getting cocky and more foolish by the day. Draining my resources. Right now, all I want from you to do is simply play nice and follow orders. Like a good little doll. 
Cinder was terrified as she stared at Salem’s as she leaned down to look closer at Cinder’s frightened gaze.
Salem: Understand this Cinder. I was the reason you managed to obtain and control that power you have in your possession. However, you so far have continued to prove how undeserving you are of said power and responsibility that comes with it. So let me break this down for you. If you so much as make a mistake, further disrupt my plans, or worse fail me…
Cinder: … …. 
Salem: I will take everything from you. Do you understand child?
Cinder: Yes m- *screams* Yes… my queen.
Salem: Good. Now leave. 
Cinder gets up and leaves for Vacuo. Salem on the other hand walks around her castle until she reaches her destination. There she opens a huge door. She walks through the door only to be greeted by multiple eyes.
Salem: Hello my children.
???: Greetings Mother.
Salem: Mother is sorry. I wish I didn’t have to send you to do this. But there is no one but you that I trust to do this task
???: Anything Mother.
Salem uses her Grimm to present an image of the target.
Salem: Find this boy. Do however you feel it takes to bring him back alive. 
???: May we have fun hunting him Mother.
Salem: *smile* Of course, my children. You may torture him and do as you see fit.
???: Yes mother. It shall be done.
Salem: Then go. 
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sintiva · 2 years
⋆ฺ。*:・ ༉‧₊˚✧ play
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◌༉‧ —— cw: established relationship, eren watches you masturbate cause it makes him uber hard, reader uses their sex tapes to masturbate, female masturbation, slut used a little bit dry humping (not really though cause reader’s def wet), implied praise kink & voice kink, implied that reader can’t please themselves all that good, clit slapping ( a lil bit), dirty talk cause 🥴
◌༉‧ ——— notes: ac: @/sofiamins_art on twt
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eren can’t believe what he’s seeing right now. well he can, but it has his dick aching. he��s watching you drip around your fingers. he’s enjoying himself as as he stares at your form. a perverted gaze. lust blown eyes, and a firm bulge making his shorts feel somewhat constraining. you’re a needy girl you know that? you look so good, bent over like that, like a slut. your pussy looks delicious in this angle. he loves to see you on your knees, legs spread, with your body fucking back on something. and it just so happens that, that something is your fingers. you’ve got two fingers deep in your pussy while your index and pinky finger massage your fat folds. you’re dripping onto the sheets. you’re moaning and purring like a cat in fucking heat. ass tooted up just waiting for some attention. but the person you want it from wasn’t there, or so you thought. you’re moaning for your boyfriend, your pussy gets louder for your boyfriend. “i’m your good girl, ‘ren.” he watches your little white painted toes curl. he can see your fingers speeding up, he can hear ‘em. all that squelching cause your pussy gets so wet just how he likes it. sloppy.
eren wants to know whats got you worked up. there’s gotta be a reason why your knuckles deep. you don’t even play with yourself often, cause all you have to do is bat your eyes a couple times for eren and he’ll have you in between his legs, making your pussy numb. he can’t see it and it’s driving him up a wall. it’s a need now. what are you looking at that’s got you so worked up and wet. what’s got you grinding down so hard on those little fingers that can’t please you like he can. what’s got you moaning his name like that? what’s got you whining and whimpering like that? he wonders. so he takes his hands out of his pants. his brain was so foggy he didn’t even realize it was in there. stroking something warm, biting on his lip. looking at his pretty little bitch, play with her needy little pussy. his hand was smeared in precum, so he wiped it on his shorts, and made his way into the room. he had enough of you having “fun” on your own.
you nearly cry out in shock when eren walks into the bedroom. and it’s only so shocking because he walks in on you when you happen to be knuckles deep in your pussy. back in a pretty arch, with your ass popping up each time you sink your fingers deeper. the lewd and pornographic sounds of you moaning — screaming, and crying on your boyfriends dick, plays in your ear. events from previous nights play on your phone, and you have only one airpod in. in your ear all you hear is eren’s voice, deep and raspy, gifting you with so much praise just so he could get you to come on his dick one more time. things like, ‘you’ve got the perfect pussy, baby’ and ‘you deserve all my cum, squeezin’ ‘round me so good.’ you didn’t hear him come in, you had the volume all the way up so you wouldn’t miss any sound from the video. you didn’t want to get interrupted as you mimicked the strokes of eren’s dick going in and out of your pussy with your fingers. and just to think, moments before he was standing outside of the bedroom door palming his painful erection. wondering what you were looking at. him — the culprit, right outside the door. his dick drooled even more at the perfect position you were in. he could see the way your pussy sucked your fingers in, and your arousal was sticky. nasty and sticking all through your folds and between your ass cheeks. he didn’t wanna go in an interrupt your nut, but he hates seeing you fuck yourself alone. you’ll always need his dick to make that pussy really fucking gush.
“e-eren, i missed you-” your eyes tear up, but your fingers don’t stop. “-got so wet thinking about you i couldn’t help myself.” you’re still slipping your fingers in and out of your hole. eren’s estatic. he thinks you’re a fucking sex demon with how horny you’ve been. with how many times he’s caught you stuffing your sweet cunny with your fingers it makes him want to stay home and fuck you all day. till your sore. till you can’t walk and have to ask him to carry you. “thinkin’ bout me, princess?” he gets closer to the bed and reaches for you. his gaze drops to the discarded phone. it plays at the perfect time, him nutting all over your pussy. smearing all over your folds with his tip and stuffing it in. naughty girl just wants some cum, he’s enthused. he then reaches across your body to the night stand to get a hair tie and tie his hair back in a sloppy bun. in the process his dick rubbed against your thigh. he had on basketball shorts and no underwear. slut! it made you melt, made you get on your back immediately and spread your legs showcasing all that arousal. your slick ran all down your inner thighs, all on your fingers, and eren greedily licked his lips. the fact that you could see his print made you even wetter. his eyes were focusing on your pussy, watching as you clenched around your fingers. “baby, wants some dick?” his fingers smooth over the skin of your calves and he spreads your legs even wider, to get a better look. he then grabs you by the crease of your hips and pulls your naked body flush to his.
your tits bounce and at the same time his dick pushes up against your pussy. now you’ve got his shorts all wet :( but he doesn’t care. he’s pushing the tip of his cock against you. his mushroom tip’s so fat and bulbous. he’s hooking it against your clit, making you twitch. humping you till you nut. dragging his dick against that needy little pussy, till you cum. it’s the least you can do for pleasuring yourself without him. he gets jealous of your stupid little fingers when they make you cum cause he knows he can do so much better. those fingers can’t possibly reach as far back as they need to. and to be completely honest you don’t know how to play with yourself all that good cause eren always does it for you; that’s why you were tearing up when he caught ya. he just does it so much better than you ever could, and you missed him. you should’ve known nothing would amount to the lovely feeling of him splitting your poor pussy open, absolutely nothing could compare. so he makes sure you know, “you know your fingers can’t get as deep as mine can.”
“but i wanted to cum ‘n you weren’t here.” you whine and wrap your legs around his torso. his dick feels so hot and heavy against your clit, it’s making you twitch in satisfaction. it keeps knocking against your pearly bud. “couldn’t wait for me? pussy needed attention that bad?” you cup his bulge in your hands and squeeze it, “i always want this. it makes me feels so good.” his humping gets heavier. it gets more sensual. the weight of his cock stays on your clit and he’s doing shallow thrust to keep himself attached. it’s like he’s tryna slip himself inside but he’s fighting back the urge to rip his shorts off and fuck you silly. “and you’ll always get it. just gotta ask me for it.” such a simple and easy rule to follow, for a cock drunken whore at-least. “can i get it now?” you’re pushing him off you, pulling his shorts down and slapping his dick against your clit. it’s heavy and causes a giant thud when it smacks against your slicked up folds. “gonna put it in for me?” nodding your head, your middle and index finger wrap around his cock with some difficulty. he’s got a thick one on him, but you manage. it’s thick splits your folds open as soon as you push the tip in. it’s got him breaking into a fucking sweat already, but his eyes don’t linger — they don’t move. he’s focused on you and that screwed up face; watching in pleasure as you begin to tremble on his dick. “you got it, just need to breathe.” he has to remind you because you truly forget to breathe when he’s in it. you can’t function properly when he’s inching his way in. but you always feel the best when he’s in it.
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◌༉‧ —— tagging: @venusflytrapstar @si00p @sexlapis @atesumu @getosbunny @jellymantra33 @hneycxmb @monirei @bleubrri @figlia--della--luna @bear4times @okhotel @tenyaiidasslut
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howlingday · 2 months
Lord Taurus
Adam: Hello, ningen~!
Adam: Ha ha... Your threats are as empty as your title.
Adam: All hail Weiss Schnee, heiress to nothing!
Adam: Well, well, this could be quite salubrious for me.
Corsac: I'm not sure I...
Fennec: ...know what that means.
Adam: It means "beneficial to one's health and well-being," you dolts!
Yang: Thanks for the assist, Ozp-AGH!
Adam: ...Oops! How rude of me. The pommel of my sword has slipped into your chest~.
Yang: Heh heh... No problem.
Adam: HURGH!
Yang: Sorry 'bout that. My fist just happened to punch your chest "on accident," too.
Harriet: It's a simple fact; I'm the fastest member of the Ace Operatives!
Adam: So you're a master of retreat, eh? You must be so proud.
Harriet: (Activates Super-Speed) Get ready for a surprise!
Adam: ...
Harriet: (Running in place) My semblance will allow me to dodge your sinister and nefarious attacks with the greatest of ease! JUST TRY AND HIT ME! (Blinks out)
Adam: ...I'm just going to let that play out.
Harriet: (Attacking Adam, Missing)
Adam: (Backhands Harriet)
Harriet: Rgh! B-But how?!
Adam: That's funny, because I was about to ask the same to you. As in, "But how do you expect such pitiful attacks could do any damage to topple a top tier titan like me?"
Adam: (Grips sword) A grievous insult I intend to pay back tenfold.
Adam: Is Yang not here yet?
Penny: No, but she's on her way!
Adam: Oh, look at that; the toy robot from Atlas. I remember watching you die on-screen before Cinder took over. I guess the Maiden's powers can bring back both the powerful AND the pathetic!
Adam: Heh heh heh... There's nothing for you to be scared of Schnee. I won't bite.
Adam: Well, well, it seems the woman of the hour has finally arrived! I've been waiting a long time for you! And I see your Schnee friend is with you, too. I would be surprised, but ningen never were good at fighting alone, were they?
Ruby: Huh? It's you...
Adam: Salutations, ningen~!
Adam: I remember when Nikos' partner was just a shrimpy, little thing. It's so touching to see boys becoming men.
Jaune: Adrian, stay back!
Adrian: But Uncle Jaune-
Jaune: You don't stand a chance against him, so just leave him to me!
Adrian: (Pouts)
Adam: What tender love~! I can barely stomach it. When I'm done with him, I'll kill the brat, too, so you can hold hands together in Hell. (Blinks out)
Jaune: Huh?!
Adam: (Behind him) NOTHING PERSONAL, KID.
Nora/Ren: JAUNE!
Jaune: AUGH! (Falls to the ground)
Adam: ...I'm sorry, but I don't think you understand how this works. Once you're on the ground and can't move, you're supposed to beg me for mercy! Say you'll do anything to spare your nephew's life!
Jaune: Ngh!
Adam: Come on! Let's hear it, boy! Cry for me! Scream! SOAK YOUR FACE IN TEARS AND TEAR OFF YOUR ARMOR IN FRUSTRATION! AHAHAHAHAHA! Not that I would let you live, but it's all part of the fun for me!
Pyrrha: (Struggling)
Adam: Oh, I do respect powerful fighters. But there's one other facet to my character, which is...
Adam: That's it, Xiao Long! Keep getting stronger! Be your best lizard!
Adam: Care to put her to the test?
Adam: (Draws blade)
Willow: (Shakes head)
Adam: (Sheathes, Ahem)
Winter: Huh?!
Ozpin: There must be something you care about! The White Fang?! Loved ones?! Memories?! Everyone has SOMETHING they want to protect-
Adam: You're pissing me off! I don't care about anything or anyone. Hm... Except for myself, of course.
Adam: I can't stand the sight of your pitiful, broken faces wearing MY masks...
Adam: (Grips handle)
Blake: (Eyes widen) EVERYONE RUN, NOW!
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Yang: You're definitely not a pushover, that's for sure. If you weren't so evil, you'd actually be a fun sparring partner. What a waste of talent.
Adam: It's exactly that kind of small-minded drivel that makes ningen like you so especially intolerable.
Adam: WAKE UP! Torture isn't any fun if I can't hear you scream! (Stabs Yang's prone body)
Adam: Attention, brothers and sisters of the White Fang...
Adam: (Points)
Penny: Huh?!
Adam: I will grant ownership of any human settlement to any one of you who can slice that Atlas toy in half!
Penny: What?!
Adam: Ha ha ha! History repeats, with only certain details that change. And when Xiao Long shows up, she'll give in to her rage again, leaving her wide-open for me cut not just her arm, but her head off, too!
61 notes · View notes
fang-revives · 3 months
Syb's Shibata Match Recs
Since there's renewed interest in The Wrestler because of his amazing match with Bryan Danielson, I thought now might be a great time to drop some match recs for him! All of these have links you can watch right now. I also recommend this article about his time on the Japanese Indies/MMA, this summary video of his return arc to NJPW, and this fanvid, which captures his vibe so well (cw: it includes the headbutt spots from Shibata vs. Okada).
Katsuyori Shibata & KENTA vs. Mitsuharu Misawa & Go Shiozaki Of the "Takeover" matches where Shibata and KENTA tagged, this is the one I recommend most often! It's a gritty, hard hitting slugfest, with lots of crazy spots. And as a benefit you get to see two of the all-time greats, Misawa in his late prime and Shiozaki as he's starting to rise as NOAH's future ace. Both Shibata and KENTA are in peak form here.
Katsuyori Shibata & Kazushi Sakuraba vs. Atsushi Sawada & Shinichi Suzukawa I feel like it's only fair to give some context on Shibata's MMA period. Here he is tagging in a "shoot style" wrestling match with one of the all time MMA greats, Sakuraba. I love this match because it feels like it encapsulates 2 things about Shibata: 1. he's a much better pro wrestler than he his MMA fighter. 2. he's (especially in this period) a loaded canon ready to fight at the drop of a hat. I love how excited he is in this. I hate that he jumps so hard he bonks himself immediately on the head. Dumbass (affectionate).
Katsuyori Shibata vs. Shinsuke Nakamura I watched quite a few matches from Shibata's "prodigal son returns" arc in NJPW, and this one was the standout to me. Maybe some of the Tanahashi matches are more narratively punchy, but this was my first exposure to Nakamura in peak form, and boy is that a powerful thing.
Katsuyori Shibata vs. Kazuchika Okada (! INJURY WARNING !) The fact that I'm recommending this match knowing what happened to Shibata after... okay, seriously, this is one of the greatest wrestling matches I have ever seen in my life. The intensity and the way the story builds up to it. God. It's tragic to a high degree that Shibata's best work ended up so fraught like this. I wish there were 0 unprotected headbutts in this match, because it would still be one of the best matches I've ever seen. If you can stomach the implications of this being the match that almost killed him (it took me a long time to watch it) -- it really is That Good.
Katsuyori Shibata vs. Ren Narita Shibata's comeback story really ended here, it feels like. After years of gruelling recovery while he trained the next generation at the LA Dojo, he was finally able to go in the ring at Wrestle Kingdom, against his protege Ren Narita (in identical dress!). Rumor has it that Shibata went off-script and personally pissed off NJPW by changing this from a grappling rules match to a regular wrestling match -- I dunno if that's true, but for sure The Wrestler was back after this match :)
There are other Shibata matches and moments I've known and loved, but this is a good summary of his back-catalogue. Thanks for reading and enjoy!
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riacte · 2 months
i ve seen some people say that the games in this mcc will probablby be very team focused, so like buld mart, sot, grid runners, bingo will all be in, and the more difficult games for newcomers like rsr will be benched. and like, with this many newcomers, i guess that makes sense? but 1 i feel like they are kinda fitting the hermits into a box in regards of their capabilities 2 watching newcomers struggle in rsr will never not make me laugh :3. also i don t watch him, but from what i ve heard xisuma will absolutely panic in grid runners and i really want to see that
They are absolutely seeing the hermits as a monolith and this may be the case in terms of sportsmanship, being chill laidback adults, and the hermity “herding them is like herding cats” vibes, but skill wise? Nah. Let’s stop assuming.
It’s perfectly fine to not know everyone but the general assumption of their skills because of their identity as a “hermit” is just straight up inaccurate. Like I don’t know how to appraise the skills of everyone and I watch the hermits, because I know some hermits better than others. It’s fine to admit it. It’s fine to suck at predicting things. It’s fine to not know everything.
Just because Grian is good at BM doesn’t mean everyone is good at BM. Just because False scored an ace in DB doesn’t mean everyone will do it. Just because Cub is a parkour champ (relative) doesn’t mean everyone is. Just because Ren is a good sandkeeper doesn’t mean everyone else is (flashbacks to Bdubs).
In the nicest way possible Xisuma in Grid Runners / SoT is a fate I do not wish upon False. I remember the Twitch Rivals. I do not trust this man with sandkeeping. He needs to run around and cry a bit or something.
I appreciate the enthusiasm of trying to type the newcomers and integrate them into predictions team discussions chemistry analysis whatever, but also… it is simply not interesting and almost disrespectful to fit them into a hermity box.
All of this skill talk and barely any talk about the true thing that defines the hermits which they have spoken about— they follow gentlemen’s rules and aren’t sore losers. Does this mean they can’t be competitive? No! Cub’s style is different from let’s say, Scar. But they are all friendly and respectful. They practice gentlemen’s rules always and they emphasise their games are for fun. Now this is the “monolith” people should be seeing the hermits in. Not skills, not styles, but their general attitude towards playing games, their teammates, and fellow competitors.
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sitp-recs · 5 months
Anime Recs Pt 2
Any BL fan knows that sports anime is all about the homoerotic tension between the MC, his team players and his rivals 🤌🏼 trust this genre to serve in both aesthetics and feels - which means it deserves its own list! I tried to include a little bit of everything from hidden gems like Ryman’s Club to big hits like Haikyu. Most of these have 🌈 vibes if you squint (sometimes not that hard) with YoI being more intentional about it. And for those who love found family like me, you can’t go wrong with 1, 2 or 6. I hope everyone can get something for their tastes and find catharsis as they cheer for these pretty boys. This is the second part of my anime rec series, you can find the first list here. Enjoy!
1. Backflip!! 🤸🏻‍♂️
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Summary: Shotaro Futaba loved sports, but was never good enough. But watching a group of gymnasts in the park and seeing them in a gymnastics tournament, he decides to join their school and become part of the gymnastic team. With new members, Shotaro and Ryoya Misato, the team aims for the upcoming Inter-High tournament.
2. Big Windup! ⚾️
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Summary: The story follows the story of Ren Mihashi, a pitcher who was blamed by his middle school team for their string of losses, and as a result suffers from low self-esteem and transfers to a different high school. There, the school's first baseball team is being formed and Mihashi reluctantly joins as their Ace Pitcher.
3. Free! 🏊‍♂️
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Summary: Free is set in the town of Iwatobi, Japan, which is based on Iwami, Tottori. The story is centered on high school student Haruka Nanase, a gifted swimmer. After encountering his childhood rival, Rin Matsuoka from Samezuka Academy, he and his friends revitalize Iwatobi High School's swim team.
4. Haikyu!! 🏐
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Summary: Junior high school student, Shoyo Hinata, becomes obsessed with volleyball after catching a glimpse of Karasuno High School playing in the Nationals on TV. Of short stature himself, Hinata is inspired by a player the commentators nickname 'The Little Giant', Karasuno's short but talented wing spiker.
5. Kuroko no Basket 🏀
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Summary: The story follows Kuroko's journey to success with his team, with most of the episodes being based around one or part of one challenging game, in which Kuroko and his teammates, most notably Taiga Kagami, perform plays and have short conversations with opposing players in the heat of the match.
6. Run with the Wind 🏃‍♂️
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Summary: After abandoning competitive running back in high school, Kakeru Kurahara has no desire to return to the sport during his college years. But when an impromptu shoplifting-related sprint brings his talent to the attention of Haiji Kiyose, he soon finds himself wrapped up in an adventure he never imagined.
7. Salaryman’s Club 🏸
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Summary: The story follows Mikoto Shiratori, a recently unemployed badminton prodigy who has the ability of foresight. After getting fired from Mitsuhoshi Banking for losing a match for their company sports badminton team, he gets recruited by Sunlight Beverage to play for their team and become a sales rep.
8. SK8 the Infinity 🛹
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Summary: In Okinawa, a group of hardcore skaters participate in a secret, no-holds-barred competition after midnight known as "S", racing each other on skateboards down a winding road carved out of an abandoned mine. Reki, a high school sophomore and hardcore skater, takes new transfer student Langa to S one night, and ends up pulling him into the world of skateboarding.
9. Tsurune 🏹
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Summary: Minato joins the Kazemai High School Archery Club and along with his old friends and new teammates, Nanao Kisaragi and Kaito Onogi, they aim for winning the prefectural tournament while trying to overcome their doubts and shortcomings.
10. Yuri!!! On ICE ⛸️
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Summary: Japanese figure skater Yuri Katsuki faces a crushing defeat during the Grand Prix finals and heads home, unsure of whether or not he wishes to continue his skating career. After a video of Yuri mimicking Russian figure skater Victor Nikiforov's routine goes viral, Victor decided to become Yuri's coach, much to the dismay of his coach, his fans, and his fellow Russian skater Yuri Plisetsky.
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kitkatopinions · 7 months
It's the last day of Nitpick November and I wanna talk about the 'canon compliant' additional content for RWBY.
First of all, it's incredibly annoying to hear that it's 'canon compliant' that Team RWBY worked with fucking Batman in another dimension and that's never once come up somehow in the main series, and it's impossible to hear 'Amity Arena is a game that exists in Remnant-' Like WHAT?!
But on top of that, I think media in general but RWBY especially would benefit from non-canon alternate universe content that experiments with fun concepts without having to worry about canon.
"This series of short animated episodes focuses on every day events and conflicts in a world where the war never happens." That would be great.
"In this manga, we see what would happen if the teams we all know and love never got together. Yang is partnered with Pyrrha, Ruby got saddled with Cardin, Jaune is partners with Blake, Nora is partners with Weiss, Ren is partners with a new character introduced for it that seemingly existed in the backgrounds as one of the shadow people." Awesome, sign me up.
"This special released web cartoon is a coffee shop AU where Ruby and Yang are both working at Ozpin's Coffeehouse in Vale and they keep meeting people from the show and it's all comedy driven and fun and cute and quirky." Sounds like a dream.
"Roleswap AU where the main hero characters are Emerald and Mercury and Ruby and her team are evil followers of Salem who need to get redeemed." YES PLEASE.
"Comic where Team RWBY actually suggested the 'use the staff to create bridges to get to Vacuo' plan when they first realized Salem was on her way, but because Cinder still showed up to try to wreck everything, tons more people fell into the Ever After and now we're going to follow the wacky shenanigans of Ruby attempting to get together all the Atlas people including still good!Ironwood, Whitley, the Happy Huntresses, the Ace Ops, Team FNKI, etcetera and get them all back home." I would definitely read that.
Instead they're like "Do you want to see Team RWBY go on some missions in Atlas set during a montage in season seven while they fight a union leader?" "How would you feel about watching VTuber RWBY talk about making microaggressions against Velvet?" "This arc set in-between V1 and V2 is about Weiss being anti-faunus in a dream where she has to be rescued and it will never come up in the main show.'
Talk about missed opportunities. I may not like additional fan content very much, but I'd like it a whole lot better if it was experimental fun concepts and less 'no see, this actually could've happened off screen.' Enough of Ruby already happened off screen, I don't need to add Batman into that list, thank you.
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lolia21 · 6 months
I just want to state I don't mean this as a miyuki hate post. Buuutttt..
Whenever I watch Ace of diamond I can't help but imagine what it would be like if Eijun participated in a team swap and ended up with the nishiura nine. Like could you imagine the amount of HEALING that would happen. Like the sheer lack of toxicity, neglect and constant threats from the coach. Nishiura has at least three different therapist that come by at this point. They meditate before and after games and practices. They have regular fucking vibe checks and are constantly trying striving to be more open and vulnerable with one another. He would tell them about the yips and momo would make that into an entire hour and a half with a guest lecturer who talks to them about different types of trauma and how to respond.
Eijun would explain how miyuki ignores him for furuya and Abe would go insane. He micromanages so much of Mihashis life, he would NEVER!
His third day would end with them eating at Tajimas house. While tajima graps his faces and makes Eijun yell " I'm a bad bitch!" Over and over.
Ren would meet up with Haruna and they would install such a deep sense of greed and pride in him. Like bitch you're a pitcher you're meant to be prideful, a little selfish and more than a little spoiled. Who's says you're not the ace? Fuck those guys they're not you. You decied whose the ace. You'll leave that mound when you're dead!
Eijun would come back happily pitching by himself because he knows that miyuki should be thankful to catch his pitches not the other way around. He would serve so much cunt while also being able to clearly and honestly explain how and why people's (miyukis) actions affect him.
Man I need that cross over
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