#renees writing masterlist
elordilover · 7 months
reneé rapp masterlist!!
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allsassnoclass · 4 months
HELL YEAH!!! can i get uhhhh #9, an I'm so proud of you kiss? pairing, fandom, etc is all up to you :) ill read it even if im not in the fandom go fkn crazy ily xoxo
hi @clumsyclifford!!! alrighty let's throw some fake college sports players in here.
jerejean: I'm so proud of you kiss
Jeremy goes to find Jean after a few minutes, weaving through the crowd of his teammates and the Foxes until he reaches the edge of their party's sphere, out in the sand where the light from the bonfire has no hope of reaching. He stumbles over Neil and Andrew, drawn hypnotically to the bright cherry of the cigarette they're sharing, but neither of them question where he's going or make any attempt at conversation. Neil simply tilts his head to the left with a knowing look, and Jeremy nods in thanks once he spots the shadowy figure sitting yards away in the darkness, looking out at the waves.
Jean doesn't look up as Jeremy approaches, chin resting on his knees as he looks distantly out at the ocean, where the horizon line blends too deep in the darkness to discern what is sea and what is sky anymore. Jeremy flops gracelessly down next to him, kicking up sand and checking to be sure Jean isn't shying away. He relaxes when he doesn't. Jean still doesn't do well with isolation, but he's an introvert at heart and needs his space. After the events of today, Jeremy isn't surprised that he retreated down the beach to be alone, but he also knows that it's the kind of alone that Jeremy is welcome to interrupt.
It makes his chest fill with warmth, being one of the people that Jean doesn't need energy to be around. It's a privilege that he doesn't take lightly, especially when so few people in Jean's life have been safe. For him to have found a group of people to love and be loved by in return is no small feat, and it's something that they've gradually cultivated together in the past year.
For a moment, Jeremy thinks about the first time he saw Jean in person outside of a court, watching the shell of a man cautiously approach him at LAX with only a few t-shirts, a tattoo, and years of abuse to his name. He would never have predicted that they'd be here now, only a few weeks shy of a year later. Jean has grown in ways too numerous to list, but Jeremy has changed, too. It's a mutual metamorphosis, made more important for the way that they've grown in harmony with each other, filling in each other's gaps while leaving room for the other person to stretch and flourish.
Of course, one other difference is that they're NCAA champions now. It isn't a new title for Jean, but Jeremy suspects that this one feels sweeter, more earned.
This is a win that Jean should feel proud of, one untainted by the shadow of black wings and bruises. A championship that has nothing to do with the number that used to be tattooed on his face and everything to do with the person he has decided to become.
"What are you thinking about?"
Jeremy tilts his head towards the quiet, lilting sound of Jean's words. His accent has lessened slightly over the year, either due to less necessity to use his French without Kevin around or being surrounded by people who never stop talking in loud California drawls, but it still colors his words like a swash of blue in a sunrise.
Jean never wants to return to France, but sometimes Jeremy wonders if he would enjoy visiting Canada or Haiti, somewhere that he could use a version of his native language without ghosts following him.
Jeremy blinks, bringing himself back to the present rather than some unnamed future with the two of them wandering around Montreal.
"I was thinking about our win," he says when he can remember what Jean's original question was. Jean huffs, but the sound is fond. Jeremy can't see much in the darkness, but he can picture Jean's expression perfectly. He's not smiling, but he's softer, relaxed and open enough that Jeremy can read his intention.
"How does it feel to be a champion?" Jean asks.
"Amazing," Jeremy sighs, tipping his head back and remembering every hour of practice and hard-fought game that brought them here. Despite the backlash from his decision to cut down the line last year and all of the negative press surrounding Jean's transfer, they made it all the way to the championships and came out on top. It was a battle in more ways than one, but it was absolutely worth it for the look on Kevin Day's face when Cat stole the ball from him using a technique that Jean taught her, then slammed the ball down the court for Jeremy to catch and score.
The team as a whole has grown exponentially. Jeremy has never pushed himself harder, and it wasn't all sunshine and smiles on the court this year. Still, they held it together, and as turbulent throwing a former Raven into their midst was, Jeremy has never regretted the decision to bring Jean to them.
"It's sweeter because I could do it with you," Jeremy says.
He glances at Jean out of the corner of his eye. He doesn't duck his head bashfully, and he doesn't freeze awkwardly the way he used to when Jeremy would drop a sappy but sincere compliment months ago. He simply lets the sentiment wash over him, keeping his focus on Jeremy.
"I'm glad you are happy," he says. Jeremy reaches for his hand, fingertips dragging along his forearm and wrist until Jean turns to thread their fingers together.
"What about you?" Jeremy asks. "How does it feel to be a champion this time?"
Jean takes time to consider his answer. Jeremy listens to the distant sounds of their teammates and friends over by the fire and the gentle sounds of waves hitting the shore while he waits. A breeze gently shifts his hair, light and crisp enough that he nearly shivers.
"I didn't think it would mean this much to me," Jean says quietly. Jeremy squeezes his hand once, then relaxes, giving Jean the space he needs. "I knew that winning with the Trojans would feel different, but the Ravens won because we were expected to. You and I won because we deserved to this time. Because we fought harder and wanted it more."
"And you did it all without a red card, even though Neil was being annoying," Jeremy says.
"It felt good to beat him," Jean grins. "That was very satisfying."
No one felt like it would be a good idea to make Jean block Kevin, not with everything he's told them about scrimmages in the Nest. While he played with Neil at Evermore as well, it was never while Neil was playing striker, and Neil only features in a fraction of the traumatic memories that Jean has recounted. Jean has been doing great in his sessions with Betsy and has grown a lot in his recovery over the past year, but no one wanted to risk prompting a flashback during the championship game, when the eyes of the entire public and Ichirou Moriyama would be on him.
Jean seemed to enjoy playing against Neil, anyway. Jeremy still doesn't understand their relationship and probably never will, but it was one of Jean's best games. Neil ran him ragged, but both of them seemed satisfied with their individual performances, and Jeremy overheard Jean tell him to have a winning day while stealing the ball at one point.
It's taken a long time for Jean to be able to have fun on the court. Healing is slow and non-linear, Jeremy knows that better than most. The progress that is visible, though, is much more gratifying because of it.
Jeremy looks at Jean, tracing his outline in the blue shadows. He takes in the relaxed slope of his shoulders, the enticing tilt of his head, the self-satisfied smile that Jeremy can barely see gracing his lips in this light. He looks like he belongs on this beach, relishing in his win with dozens of people who love him only a few yards away, holding hands with someone who adores him.
It's amazing, what a difference one year can make. Jeremy's chest feels warm and full, ready to burst.
"Hey," he says, squeezing Jean's hand. Jean turns towards him with a questioning noise. Jeremy tugs on his t-shirt, coaxing him forward until he can lean up to press their lips together. Jean responds once he catches on to Jeremy's intention, relaxing against him and sliding his free hand around Jeremy's waist. Jeremy presses forward, trying to transfer as much of the feeling in his chest to Jean as he can. He curls his hand around Jean's shoulder, partially to draw him closer and partially for his own stability. Jean sighs against him, and Jeremy can't help but smile into the kiss.
When they part a few moments later, Jeremy watches the way that Jean's eyes take a moment to flutter open.
"What was that for?" Jean asks. Jeremy smiles and brushes his thumb against Jean's cheek, right over the small heart tattooed there.
"I'm really proud of you," he smiles. Jean ducks his head, leaning into Jeremy's palm. "You've come a long way."
Jean wraps his hand around Jeremy's, pressing it against his chest.
"I couldn't have done it without you, Jeremy."
Jeremy doesn't think he'll ever get used to the way his name sounds in Jean's mouth, his accent curving around it and voice soft as music.
"Still," Jeremy says. "I'm really proud of you, Jean-Yves."
Jean ducks his head again, but Jeremy can't have that. He reaches for Jean's jaw again. Jean knows him well enough to evade and kiss him instead, the perfect distraction. Jeremy is happy to let him get away with it, because that was his end goal anyway.
They stay on the beach together for a long time. When their friends eventually find them, Jeremy watches the way that Jean lights up as Cat tackles him in a hug and he playfully banters with Kevin, two things that would've been impossible a year ago. Jeremy keeps hold of his hand, both of them on top of the world with no plans on coming down.
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sapphic-sasquatch · 5 months
Mean Girls masterlist
Nothing yet!
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agaypanic · 7 months
Could you write a fic where Regina and the reader hate each other and they always flirt really aggressively and one day they can’t take it anymore and hook up?
The Angel and the Devil (Regina George X Reader Smut)
Request Something!
Summary: You and Regina fight with aggressive flirting and hungry looks, always making tensions unbearably thick. When Regina invites you to her halloween party, the two of you finally decide to do something about this tension.
A/N: au where the halloween party is at regina’s instead of aaron’s. havent seen the musical movie yet but it looks like renee’s regina’s wearing an angel costume, so whichever regina you’re picturing (renee or rachel) is wearing an angel costume. feel like there’s not much hate in this hate fuck fic but oh well
C/W: mean!dom!regina a bit lol, fingering (reader receiving), pussy slapping (just like once), degrading, hate fucking ig, finger sucking, cum eating ig idk man
You had no idea why you were here right now. You could’ve been home or at another party. Hell, you could’ve gone trick or treating even though you were eighteen and didn’t have a little brother or sister to use as an excuse to go door to door for candy.
But instead, you were standing in Regina George’s massive living room, wondering why she invited you to her party, why you came, and how long it would take before you were drunk out of your mind.
You barely recognized anyone here; you and Regina didn’t exactly run in the same crowds. You were able to name a passing face every now and then, but that was about it.
“Well, well.” You could hear the smirk on Regina’s lips before you saw it, whipping around to see her standing behind you. “I’m surprised you actually came. Thought you’d be too busy doing… well, whatever it is losers do.”
“If you didn’t think I’d come, why bother inviting me?” You asked with a sneer. She shrugged, hands planted on her hips as she leaned in close to you.
“Just curious.” You stared at each other for a minute, and you gulped at the close proximity. “Nice costume,” Regina said before walking off, wings almost hitting you as she turned around. It was then that you realized that, in a way, you and Regina were matching this Halloween. While she was dressed as an angel with somewhat extravagant wings, you were decked in red and devil horns.
It was funny, considering that half the time, you thought of Regina as the devil.
A few hours later, and you couldn’t help but notice that Regina was always nearby. It made sense, considering this was her house and her party. But you couldn’t find an explanation for why every time you’d accidentally glance at her, you’d find that she was already looking at you.
Feeling small under Regina’s gaze, you felt the need to hide. Your best bet was finding a bathroom, but you didn’t know where one was. You weren’t about to ask Regina, but you also didn’t want to be caught cluelessly snooping around.
“Hey!” You almost had to shout over the music, getting the attention of some girl you knew from one of your classes. “Do you know where the bathroom is?”
“No, sorry.” She said with a lopsided frown and a shrug.
“I’ll take you.” You almost jumped in surprise at the sudden voice, looking over your shoulder to see the one person you were trying to get away from. Regina stared down at you, jerking her head toward the bathroom as she bit her lip. “Follow me.” She said, turning around without giving you a chance to decline.
You followed the blonde up the stairs, going down one of the many hallways in the house. As you walked, crowds of people turned into stragglers until you and Regina were the only ones there. 
She opened a door and stepped to the side, waiting for you to walk in. You did so nervously, becoming confused when you entered the room. It wasn’t a bathroom; it was a massive bedroom. If you had to guess, it was Regina’s.
“Bathroom’s on the left.” Regina’s voice was close, and you wouldn’t be surprised if she was standing directly behind you. She shut the door, making you shiver, and you quickly scurried off to the bathroom, not missing Regina’s small huff of laughter.
You locked the door behind you, marveling at the interior. Whoever designed this bathroom certainly had taste. The bathtub had jets, the shower had two different showerheads, and the mirror above the sink was lit from behind. And even though it was dark outside, you could see a skylight in the middle of the ceiling.
You surveyed yourself in the mirror, seeing that the heat in your cheeks from Regina’s close proximity was evident on your face. You splashed some cold water on your face, doing your best not to mess up your eye makeup or lipstick. Regina was probably still out there, not trusting you to be alone in her room.
After a few minutes of just standing in front of the sink, you took a deep breath and left the bathroom. It was no surprise to you to see Regina waiting for you.
“Thanks.” You muttered, ready to go back downstairs to the party.
But it seemed that Regina had other plans. She grabbed your elbow to pull you away from the bedroom door before pushing you against the wall.
“And where do you think you’re going?” She asked in a sultry voice, tilting her head to the side.
“Downstairs.” You responded meekly, unable to keep your eyes from trailing down her body. For a lot of girls, Halloween was a time of year to dress slutty without being judged for it. You and Regina were two of those girls, and you certainly weren’t judging.
Based on the hungry look in her eyes, lip pulled between her teeth, you were guessing that she wasn’t judging you either. 
There was a wordless exchange between the two of you. After all the staring and insults, you might as well let some steam out of the pot. You were alone; it would be your little secret.
One second, you and Regina were staring at each other with desire, and the next, you were pinned to the wall, making out with the blonde girl that you loathe so much.
As much as you hated to admit it, you were like putty in her hands. Regina’s hands wandered over every square inch of your body that she could reach. One decided to settle on your left tit, squeezing and pawing at you through your satin dress while the other gripped your hip to keep you in place. You moaned into her mouth, body squirming and begging for more.
“Needy, needy girl.” Regina’s tone was condescending, making you whine. You simultaneously hated and loved the effect that she was having on you.
As if reading your mind, Regina’s hand that lay on your boob trailed down your tummy and to the hem of your dress. She bunched the fabric up around your hips, a smirk growing on her lips that were messily smeared with lip gloss.
“Aw, it matches your dress.” She cooed, playing with the lace of your red panties. She looked up, reveling in the shy expression on your face. “I bet your bra’s red too.”
You didn’t bother to answer. Regina’s attention returned to what was between your quivering thighs. A finger landed on your clothed clit, rubbing in slow circles and making you shiver.
“More.” You whimpered. “Please, Regina.”
“Look at you.” She responded, hooking her finger on the seat of your panties to pull them to the side. “Being so polite for me. So wet, too.”
Her hand cupped your pussy, a finger teasing your entrance as she gaged your reaction. You sighed in content, screwing your eyes shut and throwing your head back. But your eyes snapped open, a sharp gasp escaping your lips when Regina slapped your aching cunt. The hand on your hip gripped your chin, forcing you to look at her.
“Eyes on me.” She demanded, finger gently trailing back to your hole. “Gonna be a good girl for me?”
You nodded embarrassingly quickly, and she grinned. Satisfied with your answer, Regina decided to finally give you what you were craving and plunged a finger into you. Her strokes were slow, making you whine and buck your hips for more. She decided to be merciful, giving you another finger and pressing your G-spot with every thrust of her hand.
As Regina fingerfucked you, the heel of her palm rubbed your clit furiously. You were having a bit of a hard time keeping your eyes on the blonde, getting too wrapped up in the pleasure she was giving you. Worried your shaky legs might give out, you wrapped an arm around Regina’s shoulders, almost knocking your hand into her giant feathered wings. In response, Regina let go of your face and helped you lift one of your legs to hook around her hip, leaning you more against the wall to keep you upright.
The new angle made you shudder in pleasure, and you knew you wouldn’t last much longer. Regina knew, too, because she somehow picked up the already fast pace at which she was thrusting into you.
“Gonna come, sweetheart?” She laughed lightly. “About to come from me playing with your pussy like it’s my little toy? Fucking pathetic.”
“Uh-huh.” You let out a choked moan, hand gripping Regina’s shoulder to try to ground yourself.
“Let go, baby.” Regina cooed. “Come all over my fingers like the desperate little girl you are. You can do it.”
As if your body was waiting for Regina’s permission, the coil inside you snapped, and you came with a breathless moan, your body shaking as you latched onto her for support. She continued her assault on your cunt, fingers pistoning in and out of you and helping your ride out your climax.
When you came down from your high, Regina’s hand left your wet cunt, raising it to your mouth.
“Open.” She softly demanded, watching you eagerly wrap your lips around her fingers that were coated with your arousal. You groaned at the taste, cleaning off her digits with your tongue. 
Regina’s fingers left your mouth with a small ‘pop,’ and her thumb swiped against your lip to clean up some smudged lipstick. She fixed the seat of your panties, giving your sensitive cunt a pat before pulling your dress back down into place.
“For the devil, you’re such a good girl for me, L/n.” Regina teased, giving you another hungry look before stepping away.
You watched her open the door, waiting for you to leave first. You were convinced that your legs wouldn’t work, but you were able to stumble out, Regina close behind you.
At least now you know why she invited you.
Regina George Taglist: @wedfan2 @pyro-les @natashamaximoff-69
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kadwrites · 1 year
an introduction | T.S
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summary ; you meet your husband to be for the first time.
warnings ; angst, dysfunctional family ig? , arranged marriage trope. bad writing?
a/n ; is it good? is it bad? is it too long? who knows. thank you for the support <3 please let me know what you think!
you hadn't left your room for the past three days. celest would be there , feeding you, holding you as you cried.
tonight though, you couldn't sleep because the sounds of your siblings yelling is keeping you away from the slumber you very much needed.
"you did what?"
oliver's brows furrow, his very pregnant wife , renee , sits beside him, her eyes open wide and a hand on her belly.
his mother tries to act like she didn't feel the guilt clawing at her heart , she sips her tea, "it's about time she got a husband."
"mum , what were you thinking? what has gotten into you?" his voice isn't loud, it isn't his usual roar, which is what concerned his wife. she puts a hand on his shoulder "you're forcing 'er to marry thomas shelby? are you fucking insane? have you lost your bloody mind?"
"im not forcing her to do anything, she agreed."
"after ya slapped 'er."
celest lets out a chocked sob at the mention of that
his mother's eyes are stern when they look up at him, resenting the fact that he brought it up
"she's a wild girl, she raised her voice at me"
"what did you expect 'er to do?" he got up, and his wife desperately tries to calm him down "lay on 'er back and open 'er legs?"
"to obey her mother."
"the mother that treated 'er own daughter like a piece of meat?" his jaw clenched, his hands shake "how could you do that? you didn't even tell us anything."
abraham is pacing around. his girlfriend ,anna stands in the doorway, watching this unfold. what else was she supposed to do?, its not like she can do anything. celest is sitting on a chair, her face buried in her hands as she cries. their father wasn't at home, he was out visiting his brother.
he's been avoiding this very incident like the plaque.
"when did this even 'appen?" abraham walks and stands next to oliver, both of them staring at their mother, his voice trembles as he tries to hold back whatever he had to say.
"why does it matter?" their mother slams the teacup on the table "it's already happened. what good is it going to do if we keep talking about it?"
"how long 'ave you been plottin' at this?" oliver's voice gets louder, his wife tries to get up but cant, abraham grabs his shoulder instead. "are you that desperate for money?"
"i did it-"
"for 'er ? securing 'er a future, yeah? is that what you tell yourself?" celest finally speaks, her face glistening with tears as she stands up
celest was always her mother's daughter. being the eldest, she always aimed to please her but when this happened, she couldn't even stand to look at her mother. she knew their mother was looking for a suitor ,she tried to reason with her, telling her how her younger sister would never agree, that she'll just yell and maybe even try to run away. celest never knew that the suitor her mother had in mind was thomas shelby, she never knew that he'd already agreed to all of this.
their mother's eyes move to celest, renee and anna share a look , and anna stands with her mouth covered. "this is not going to end well." ,they both think.
"i said is that what you think you're doing? that you're doing whats best for 'er?" celest repeats "when you and i and everyone in this room knows who thomas shelby is, we know what he does, we know how he lives"
"he will take care of her." she raises her voice as well
"mother...." abraham warns, with his eyes closed. he knows the words she will say next would just anger everyone further
"i dont want her to end up like you! with a man that has you living in a piss poor excuse of a house, running after his spawn." her mother spits those words out like venom.
"i love 'im, i chose 'im, and i never ever regretted that decision, i never once complained,i never doubted his love or loyalty" celest walks closer "i will live a good life with a man who is good to me, an honest man. would she say the same about the husband you chose for 'er?"
"she will love him! she will grow to love him" she yells those words, as if she desperately wants them to be true.
celest lets out a chuckle , looking at her mother as if she was insane "do you not hear yourself? do you not hear how you sound?" then she moves even closer,"you're ruining 'er life!" celest cried, her screams sound through the whole house, abraham is now holding her back, as she squirms and thrashes "is this what you fucking want ? for your own child to live a miserable life?"
oliver left the living room at some point and he was inside your room now, somehow.
he crouched at the side of the bed, where you're laying on your stomach, cheek against the pillow and covers tucked up to your neck.
"i..." he tries to speak, he lets out a breath "i didn't know" he felt guilty for some reason, as if he could've stopped this.
"i know"
"you don't 'ave to say yes" he puts a hand on your head smoothing down your hair. oliver was never the one for affection, always awkward with it. "you don't. you can say no"
"i cant" you whisper back to him, your eyes look at him and they are once again filled with tears, your lips quiver
"yes you can"
"no i can't" you let out a sob "and you know that."
he just looks back at you, keeps on smoothing down your hair
"its not your responsibility to save them."
"it is now"
and he knew he couldn't change your mind, "she says he's comin' by tomorrow ,to see you."
silence ensues. you two just stare at each-other not knowing what to say
for the first time in his life, oliver the man with the biggest mouth, the loudest voice, the one who always fought you over that one spot on the table, doesn't know what to say. he has nothing to say.
he slowly gets up, and leaves the room, closing the door behind him gently.
and when that dreaded morning comes, you find yourself on your vanity chair, looking at your reflection in the mirror, your face still almost emotionless
celest stands behind you, brushing your hair,she's crying silently, and you just stare at the mirror
you knew that those steps belonged to your mother, you'd memorized how they sounded when you were a child , when you pretended to be asleep so she wouldn't know you'd stayed awake past your bedtime. she walks and stands next to celest, you don't look at her, you just stare at yourself.
celest puts the brush on the table and she walks away, she walks to the window, trying to calm down. your mother picks up the brush.
"i know you think im cruel, and that i'm selfish. but i did it for your sake." she speaks
this is the first time you'd even seen her since it all happened
your eyes dart up to her, she doesn't look at you, she just looks down at your hair as she brushes it.
"when your father got sick, i never thought we'd lose the farm too, we lost the very thing that gave us most of our money." she pauses for a second "i know this isnt how you wanted to get married, it was not an easy decision for me either"
"i don't love 'im" your voice is soft, its not angry
"love isn't everything, you don't need it to be content" she continues "i didn't love your father when i married him , but love follows"
"he is nothing like my dad"
your mother stops again "he's a hardworking man, he was in the war , wasn't he? just like yer father."
"my father was a farmer," she muttered "that's what you loved about 'im, what you've come to love. that he is a good man but the man you're marrying me off to isn't"
you sound like celest.
your words cut deeper than you thought they would, your mothers eyes close, she sighs "you're my youngest child and i want you to live a good life when me and your father are no longer here .a safe life. i dont want you to need a roof over your head or worry about money or food"
you don't want to argue , so you don't. you just let her brush your hair and neatly style it. she brings a box and opens it, inside it a golden necklace with a ruby as a pendant, she puts it on you, she smiles at your reflection
"i wore it when i married your father", maybe it will bless your marriage too, your mother thinks to herself.
you don't say anything, you just do what you're told. you were too tired to fight this anyways. you just wanted this day to pass
and then you hear it, your brother's voice as he greets him, despite his anger your oliver sounds polite. their voices are muffled but you hear them.
you mother walks you down the stairs and when you descend you see him, on the green sofa , talking to your father and your brothers and as if he could sense your presence his eyes dart up the stairs and he sees you.
you feel as if the whole house ran out of air, and as if your lung collapsed. you look back at him nonetheless as you walk down the stairs.
it feels as if their voices are distant as your family greets him, very welcoming and warm they sound but you can't process a word. you just look at him. you think you mumbled a greeting too, you're not sure.
he got up when you entered the living room, he looks you up and down but only for an instant and then his eyes go back to yours. you cannot see any emotion on his face.
you sister stands at your side, renee on the other, they sit with you between them on the couch facing him, the rest of your family scattered around the room but you didn't look at them, too busy looking at the man you'll marry. it's almost as if you can visibly see the blood on his hands.
but when he speaks , you snap back into reality out of your trance
"its a pleasure to finally meet you."
his voice is deep, calm and collected. for some reason it sends a chill down your spine
"the pleasure is mine" you say back, as politely as you could.
slowly, person by person, your family leaves the room
you glance at the window, your brothers and father are outside smoking, pretending to not watch. celest, renee and anna are under the foyer.
your mother and mrs gray are in the kitchen, having tea, when did she come in here?, you didn't even notice her.
you lean back against the sofa, you stare at him just like he stares at you
"mind if i smoke?" he already has his cigarette between his lips , he pulls out his lighter
"no" you say curtly , you sit on the sofa in the most expensive dress you own, your newest heels,
he offers you a cigarette, you eye it. you hadn't smoked since your parents caught you smoking on the roof but they've disappointed you, so what if you disappoint them one more time
you pull a cigarette out, he passes you the light and you light it, then putting it out
he leans back as well, crossing his legs
"are you good with children? can you care for them?"
you nod, your cigarette hangs between your fingers"i 'ave one nephew and 4 nieces, one on the way too"
"i 'ave a boy"
his eyes give nothing away no matter how long you stared at him , looking for a crack in the mask
"what's his name?" you ask softly
"how old is he?"
"four, he's turning five soon"
"is that why you're looking for a wife? to look after your son?"
"thats a part of it, yes" he exhales the smoke, he throws an arm around the back of the sofa
"what's the other part?"
"i need a wife and i want someone i can trust around my boy when im not around"
you nod , your eyes look away for the first time.
"do you feel like you can do that?"
you turn back to look at him
"i believe so , yes"
he nods, "are you being forced into this?" he's blunt. it doesn't take a genius to know that you're not happy, that you're reluctant.
"no, i'm not"
"i don't want to marry you if you're unwilling"
"i said i'm not ,didn't i?" you tried to hold back your tongue, but you couldn't
his brow raises at this ,"you don't exactly look like you're content with your decision"
"is this an interrogation?" you ask, stubbing the cigarette on the ashtray that sits on the table. partly because the taste of it made you nauseous, having not had one in years. the other part annoyed and defensive
"i believe its called an introduction" a his face is still stoic, but his voice is betraying him, it's sounds as though he's amused.
you look up, you hate to admit it but you can't deny it. he looks handsome, in his expensive suit, his glasses, his cheek bones. celest was right, at least he is easy on the eyes
"an introduction, aye?"
you just look at eachother, you blink a couple of times, then lean back again.
"its my decision, mr shelby." you try to compose yourself, "it wasn't forced on me,"
he nods again,
"do you 'ave any conditions?"
"i do..." you lick your lips nervously "my father, he's sick"
"i will take care of his medical expenses" he nods before you could finish that sentence
"it would be nice if i could finish my own fucking sentences"
he lets out a dry chuckle, and you take it as a sign to continue
"he's never been properly checked , we don't know what exactly is wrong with 'im" you sigh "my only condition is that 'im and my mother would be looked after, financially and medically."
"they will be"
"i want it in writing" you hesitate but then say it anyways , you don't know if you can trust him, you don't care if you offend him.
he looks at you, his eye travel between yours "alright"
you let out a breath you didn't know you've been holding
@tardisloverz , @optimisticsandwichgladiator
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vivwritesfics · 6 months
Hungry Like The Wolf
Chapter Three
She hadn't seen her best friend, Lando, in years. She didn't run into him the last time she was visiting her father and she doubted she'd see him this time. Things were different now. She wasn't aware of his furry little problem. Just like she wasn't aware of the vampires plaguing the town.
Vampire!Oscar x Reader x Werewolf!Lando
Series Masterlist
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She spent more time in Renee's than she had expected. But she got no work done in her fathers house. Jack was warming up to her, curious as to what she was doing, and Toto and Susie asked her a million questions each.
Renee's cafe was the only place she could get any work done. Her laptop was open as she sipped her coffee, typing away at her computer.
She didn't know that Oscar had been in there every day since they first met, waiting for her to return. This time, when he walked in and spotted her, he ignored her, walking straight to the counter instead.
He didn't eat, he didn't drink, but he ordered a coffee anyway. As soon as it was in his icy cold hands, he turned and walked past her table. Nonchalant, like he didn't know she was there. And then, at the very last second, he turned to her. "Hey, Y/N, right?" He asked leaning against the empty chair opposite her own. "Jack's sister."
She stopped her typing and smiled up at him. "Oscar, right?" She asked and gestured to the seat across from her.
Oscar took it. He pulled out the seat and sat himself down with his coffee. "That's me," he answered with a smile, showing off his teeth and the smile lines around his mouth.
He was incredibly cute, that was undeniable. "What're you working on?" He asked, tapping the top of her laptop.
She shrugged her shoulders. "Just a gossip column," she answered. "I write for several different magazines." It barely made her enough to get by, but, until she could start making real money from her writing, it would do.
"Any magazine I'd have heard of?" Oscar hadn't yet taken a sip of his coffee, but she didn't notice.
"Not unless you read Teen Girl Pop Pink Bullshit," she muttered.
Oscar let out a laugh. "I can't say I've heard of that one," he said through his laugh. He lifted his now cold coffee to his lips and pretended to take a sip.
They talked and talked and, soon, she realised she wasn't going to get anything done at Renee's Cafe either. But she didn't mind, not when Oscar was the one distracting her. At one point she closed her laptop to laugh with Oscar. She didn't what he had said, but she still laughed.
They were in Renee's long enough that Oscar had to buy her another coffee and a pastry. "Do you want some?" She asked, tearing the pastry in half. She'd tried to buy it herself, but Oscar had insisted.
When Renee's closed up (had it really gotten that late?), Oscar walked with her through the car park. "Let me drive you home," he said, his hand on her back as he led her to his car.
His hand on her back wasn't pushing. No, it was somehow comforting, a guiding light in this now unfamiliar town.
She willingly climbed into his car. Oscar slid into the drivers seat, turned on the radio, and began driving her home. She tried her best to give directions, but she didn't know the roads well enough yet.
Oscar wasn't angry that it was taking so long to get her home. He didn't mind in the slightest.
It was dark by the time they finally found her house. "Sorry about that," she said through a laugh as she opened the door.
Wearing a grin, that same grin that showed his teeth and smile lines, Oscar shook his head. "Don't worry about it," he said as she picked up her bag. "Maybe I could take you out for dinner next time. Now that I know where to bring you home to."
She smiled at him, trying to match his grin. "I'd like that," she replied. She held out her hand for his phone and Oscar was more than happy to pass it over. She punched in her number, sent herself a text from his phone, and gave it back to him. She kissed his cheek and left him to it, walking into the house.
Oscar couldn't hide his smile. He pulled out of the driveway and drove through town, the werewolf side of town.
There were eyes on him. One quick look to his left and he could see the two wolves, following his car. When one of them jumped in front of his car, transforming back into a human.
Oscar slammed his foot into the breaks. The car quickly stopped and Oscar climbed out, staring at the wolf in front of his car. "Carlos."
Carlos. No wolf hated vampires more than Carlos Sainz. He couldn't stop himself from growling as Oscar climbed out of the car to face him. The other wolves, far enough back that Oscar had no reason to worry, watched on.
"You're on our side of town," Carlos spat.
Oscar let out a laugh. "You're joking. I had a reason to be."
"The Wolff girl," said Carlos. He hadn't stopped growling, not even to talk. "Stay away from her. The Wolff family are on our territory, they're under our protection. You have no reason to be here."
Still Oscar stared at him. "Who has a protection order on them?" He asked calmly. It was one thing he had over the wolves, his ability to control his temper. He looked from side to side, at the wolves that hadn't approached, wouldn't approach.
"Lando," said Carlos. Lando was known to the vampires, known to be rather out of control. As a teenager he'd killed two vampires that weren't part of Oscar's family, that were preying on the humans in town.
If Carlos thought mentioning Lando's name was going to be enough to scare Oscar off, he was wrong. Very wrong.
Oscar knew of Lando. They'd met for the first time when Lando had killed those two vampires. It was the only time they had worked together. Oscar had found him cute, especially when he was angry.
He didn't know when it had been a game of trying to provoke him, to get the biggest reaction out of him. If she was helping to get this reaction out of him, Oscar wasn't going to stop.
Oscar let out a sigh. "Let me go, Carlos. I'm not breaking any rules by being here," he said and climbed into his car.
An angered growl left Carlos's lips, but he got out of the way. He knew Oscar was right. By taking her home, making sure she was safe, Oscar wasn't breaking the treaty. Carlos couldn't touch him.
As Oscar drove off, he watched in his rear view mirror as Carlos transformed back and ran into the woods, the other wolves following him.
Carlos was streaming when he returned to the pack house. He, Alex, Valtteri, and Lance transformed back. The other three wandered off to the pack house, but Carlos stayed outside and punched a tree.
Carlos hated vampires. More than anybody else he hated them. He let out a howling roar and punched the tree beside him. If anybody was going to rid the town of vampires, it was going to be him.
we have an update! i promise these chapters are going to get longer, things are short and slow at the moment for a reason i swear
Permanent Taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool @rewmuslupin @prettiest-at-the-party @hellowgoodbye @minseok-smaus @formulaal @darleneslane @hiireadstuff @urfavnoirette @goldenharrysworld @andydrysdalerogers @hrts4scarr @llando4norris @evlkking @lilymurphy03 @hollie911 @customsbyjcg-blog @honethatty12 @nikfigueiredo @not-nyasa
Series Taglist (OPEN): @cmleitora @booksandflowrs @evie-119 @annispamz @neilakk @ln4norizz @rayaharper @ginsengi @lighttsoutlewis @charlesleclerx @eviethetheatrefreak @rbv3rstappen @vicurious28 @val-writes
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xtra7s · 8 months
After reading and gay panicking over "Something Special" I wanna see them doing some interviews together and just flirting. Wonder how the gays/fans might think about them and some of them were just "kiss already!"
𝗦𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹: 𝗜𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗶𝗲𝘄𝘀 ──── 𝘙𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘦 𝘙𝘢𝘱𝘱 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
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Synopsis: Renee and Y/N go on a few interviews for their new show, "Unveiling Hearts."
Content: Renee Rapp x Fem!Reader, fluff, some angst, jealous!Renee, shitty interviewer
Word Count: 1.7k
a/n: I love this request so much it was so fun to write. I hope you enjoy it!!
masterlist | previous part | next part
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The soft hum of the studio lights filled the room as Renee Rapp and Y/N settled into their seats, ready for another interview about their hit show "Unveiling Hearts." The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement, and the chemistry between the two leading ladies was undeniable. The host, an enthusiastic journalist named Alex, couldn't help but notice the playful glances and subtle smiles exchanged between Renee and Y/N.
"Well, well, well, look at the dynamic duo gracing our studio today! Renee, Y/N, welcome back to the show!" Alex speaks loudly while grinning.
Renee smirks back at him, holding her hands out, opening and closing her fingers at him. "Thanks for having us, baby it's always a pleasure."
"Absolutely, we're thrilled to be here," Y/N responds, her thigh bumping against Renees.
The interview kicked off with questions about the latest season of "Unveiling Hearts," but the underlying tension between Renee and Y/N quickly surfaced. It wasn't long before the conversation took a turn, becoming a delightful dance of playful banter and teasing.
"Fans are loving the on-screen chemistry between your characters. How do you manage to make it look so effortless?" Alex asks, reading off of his cards as he tilts his head at them.
Renee grins at Y/N, turning her head back to Alex. "Well, when you're working with someone as talented and stunning as Y/N, it's hard not to have chemistry, on and off screen."
"Aw, thanks, Renee. You're not too bad yourself." Y/N returns the smile, squinting her eyes at Renee subtly.
The interview continued, with each question providing an opportunity for more flirting. Renee's fingers grazed Y/N's arm as they laughed at a shared inside joke, and Y/N playfully bit her lip when complimenting Renee's acting skills. The subtle touches and lingering glances were enough to leave the audience swooning.
Alex raised an eyebrow, asking a question curiously. "Alright, spill the beans! Are there any real-life romances blossoming behind the scenes?"
Renee and Y/N exchanged a knowing look before bursting into laughter.
Renee shakes her head softly, with a knowing grin. "Well, Alex, I think Y/N and I have a special connection, she's really my little baby, but it's all in good fun."
As the interview wrapped up, the air in the room was charged with anticipation. The chemistry between Renee Rapp and Y/N was undeniable, leaving fans eagerly awaiting the next episode of "Unveiling Hearts" and secretly hoping that the sparks flying off-screen might someday ignite into something more.
After the lively interview, Renee and Y/N found themselves in the hallway, heading toward the shared bathroom. The air was filled with light energy, a residue of the playful banter they had just shared on camera. Their laughter echoed through the hallway, a melody of shared secrets and inside jokes.
Renee smiled softly at Y/N as they walked through the halls of the building, "Well, that was certainly something."
"Definitely. I think we've mastered the art of subtle flirting during interviews." Y/N matched the expression on her face, their hands hitting against each other as they walked.
As they entered the bathroom, the door swung shut behind them. The atmosphere shifted, and the playful glances they exchanged during the interview now turned into something more intense. The muted lighting of the bathroom cast a warm glow over the scene.
Renee, unable to resist the magnetic pull, closed the distance between them. Y/N's eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint as Renee cupped her cheek gently. They shared a knowing smile before their lips met in a soft, lingering kiss.
The taste of shared laughter lingered as their lips danced together, a delightful extension of the chemistry that had filled the interview room. The giggles bubbled up between kisses, and the two women found themselves lost in the moment, their connection deepening with each stolen breath.
Renee pulled back with a shy smile, her breath hitting Y/N's face from the height difference. "Who knew an interview could be so… electrifying?"
"Maybe we should consider adding some behind-the-scenes footage for our fans." Y/N murmured, joking quietly with Renee as she held her waist gently.
Their laughter echoed off the bathroom walls, a symphony of joy and shared affection. The kiss was sweet yet passionate, a secret celebration of their connection. Eventually, they pulled away, foreheads resting against each other, breaths mingling in the quiet intimacy. Renee spoke softly, "I guess our characters aren't the only ones with chemistry."
With one last shared laugh, they exited the bathroom, ready to face another interview for their show. The interview had been a playful dance, and the stolen kisses in the bathroom were the encore, leaving fans to speculate and daydream about the real-life love story unfolding behind the scenes of "Unveiling Hearts."
The studio lights illuminated the set as Y/N and Renee settled into their chairs for another interview. This time, the atmosphere was charged with a subtle tension. The host, a charismatic interviewer named Jordan, couldn't help but be captivated by Y/N's charm, and it didn't go unnoticed by Renee, who sat beside Y/N, casting occasional glances at Jordan.
Jordan smirked as he looked solely at Y/N, almost ignoring Renee's presence altogether. "Y/N, welcome back! It's always a pleasure to have you on the show."
"Thanks, Jordan. We're excited to be here." Y/N smiled with a nod, looking towards Renee with a supportive smile.
The questions started innocently enough, but as the interview progressed, Jordan's tone took on a more flirtatious edge. Y/N, being the charismatic (and nervous) individual she was, played along, exchanging smiles and witty banter. Renee, however, began to sense a shift in the dynamic and couldn't help but feel a twinge of protectiveness.
Jordan leaned in towards Y/N, an smile on his face making Y/N uneasy. "Y/N, your character on 'Unveiling Hearts' is just so captivating. How do you manage to bring such intensity to the screen?"
"Well, Jordan, it helps to have an amazing co-star like Renee. Our on-screen chemistry is something special." Y/N responded quickly, placing a hand on Renee's knee and squeezing it supportively as a way to calm her down.
Jordan raised an eyebrow, winking at Y/N. "I can imagine. But I must say, Y/N, your personal charm is equally captivating. How do you keep that magnetic energy off-screen?"
Renee's grip on the armrest tightened, and she shot a subtle glance at Y/N, who maintained her composed demeanor. The flirtatious undertones were growing more apparent, and Renee felt a rising urge to assert herself.
"Well, Jordan, Y/N is just naturally magnetic. It's hard not to be drawn to her, on and off the set." Renee responds, clenching her jaw as she smiles widely at him.
Jordan leans even closer, smiling at Renee but focusing on Y/N. "I couldn't agree more. And speaking of off-screen, are there any real-life romances going on with you beyond the screen, Y/N?"
Y/N held a wide smile, her eyes flickering down to Renee's clenched hands. "there is, actually. She's pretty great."
Renee snapped her head toward Y/N, a smile growing on her face softly, though her eyes revealed a subtle tension. She couldn't openly express her protective instincts, knowing their relationship needed to remain a secret. The interview continued with Jordan's flirty remarks, leaving Renee to navigate the delicate balance of maintaining composure while silently reassuring herself.
As the interview concluded, Y/N and Renee exchanged a look, a silent acknowledgment of the unique challenges they faced in the world of fame. Once off-camera, Y/N couldn't help but address the situation.
Once in the car, Y/N turned to Renee in the driver's seat, grabbing her hand softly. "Are you okay? That got a bit intense."
Renee smiled softly at Y/N as she examined Renee's palms, running her fingers over the fingernail marks dug into them. "I'm fine, Y/N. Just part of the job. Besides, I know you're mine, baby."
Y/N nodded, managing a smile, as she leaned down and kissed Renee's palms softly, the protective instinct lingering in Renee's eyes as they navigated the intricacies of fame and secrecy.
A few days had passed since the interview, and Y/N and Renee found themselves at home, seeking comfort in each other's company. The soft glow of the evening sun filled their living room as they nestled into the cushions of the sofa. With their favorite blanket draped over them, they scrolled through TikTok, creative edits and reactions the fans had come up with in response to the recent interview popping up on Renee's feed.
Y/N giggled, pointing cutely at the screen. "Look at this one, Renee! It's you being pissed as hell at that one interviewer "
Renee wrapped her arm around Y/N protectively, drawing her in closer, their bodies fitting perfectly together. As they watched the tiktoks, snippets of their playful banter during the interview were mixed with behind-the-scenes clips of them laughing and enjoying each other's company.
"Well, they certainly know how to capture our chemistry, on and off-screen." Renee grinned, grasping Y/N tightly as she kissed her gently.
Y/N kissed her back lightly, "It's amazing how creative the fans are. I love how they pick up on the smallest details."
They continued scrolling, finding edits that ranged from heartwarming to downright hilarious. The comments section was filled with fans expressing their love for the on-screen couple and speculating about the hidden dynamics behind the scenes.
Renee shook her head with an eye roll at the edit of Renee increasingly upset during Jordan's interview, "Fuck that asshole. Seriously."
Y/N chuckled, pressing a gentle kiss to Renee's forehead. The weight of the secret they were keeping from the public faded away in the warmth of their shared laughter and affection.
They continued their TikTok journey, immersing themselves in the fan-created content that showcased their on-screen chemistry and the subtle hints of their off-screen connection. The living room echoed with laughter and the occasional gasp at the creativity of their dedicated fans.
Renee kissed her cheek, grinning at her. "We might need to step up our game if they're catching on this quickly."
"Game on, Rapp."
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lenybunny · 5 months
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—things i write:
mostly smut, some occasional fluff, angst, etc…
mostly oneshots, but i’ll do multiple parts of things if requested!
i only write fem!celeb x fem!reader (i write poly situations as long as reader is involved)
non-celeb AU
—things i don’t write:
anything smutty involving minors
noncon, yandere, ageplay, anything with animals, any other things of that sort
stories with JUST celeb x celeb
male readers or male celebs
butt stuff
fetishes (NONE, absolutely NONE)
i can’t do every single request i receive, but if your req helps me write anything, i will mention it in the a/n
if you are putting prompts along with a req, please don’t put too many
don’t hesitate to tell me if you think anything is wrong with a story or tags!
please let me know about grammatical/spelling mistakes in the fics so i can fix them. i try my best to catch them all, but sometimes i just don’t notice
—all of these were originally written for my kpop blog, please disregard the ones that mentions idols/maknae/etc
bratty/degrading/etc smut
first time/inexperienced smut
praise/soft/etc smut
misc smut
threesome smut
renee rapp
chappell roan
margot robbie
sabrina carpenter
taylor swift
anne hathaway
dakota johnson
sydney sweeney
regina x reader - “eclipse” (smut)
fics on my alts (@airaibunny + @tcubunny)
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charlesslut16 · 1 year
Hi, i love your writing, could you write something about jealous and angry sex with Charles? 💋
-new guy friend-
summary : you and charles were at a beach party and a guy flirted with you...
PAIRING : charles leclerc x fem!reader
WARNINGS : +18, smut, NSFW, dirty talk, fingering, p in v, badly translated french, curse words, public sex, jealous!charles, unprotected sex (be safe!)
note : i hope you like it! I'm watching f1 so i hope there will be no mistakes. Love you.
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You and charles were at a beach party, as he had some time of Formula One. Your friends were inside, while you were outside on the beach, enjoying your time alone together.
Before you went outside, charles played beer pong with his friends, while you were with Pierre, who introduced you to your new friend, René. You talked until charles came to you and you went outside.
The night air was cold and breezed through your whole body, you felt so relaxed as you sat between charles legs in the sandy wind, enjoying yourselves. He stroked your skin with his long fingers, the chill causing undeniable goosebumps.
You tried to ignore them as you nodded your head along encouragingly to your new friend's words, René's big hand came to your forearm as he spoke excitedly.
Usually this wouldn't have bothered charles, being more chill himself. But it was clear that this 'new friend of you' didn't give a single shit about your boundaries.
This new guy's hand kept finding you, grabbing you, tugging at you or making you laugh. And it drove charles mad. You were his girlfriend, you were here with him, and you would go home with him.
Charles couldn't help but glare at him. René didn't even notice, though. He only kept his eyes on you, which pushed Charles to being even more fucking bothered.
Charles' fingers grabbed at your thighs, and you brushed him off with a yelp. Your beautiful voice echoed in his mind. But you continued to give all your attention to whatever the jerk was saying.
"Ma cherie" Charles said in your ear. You knew that tone. He was warning you.  But you continued trying to give your attention to René, and Charles squeezed you tight to make his warning clear.
"Ne devrions-nous pas y aller maintenant?" Shouldn't we go now?
You and charles had rented a beach house just blocks away from the beach, the place comfortable and cozy. You wondered if he wanted to head home already because of the cold, breezy beach air.
"Already?" you asked, voice smooth. "Aren't you having fun? Rene was just telling us- "
"Yes already." He said annoyed, his voice husky. 
"Venir." He commanded softly, standing up. Come
"Sorry, mate, but me and y/n are heading home now." He simply stated towards the man in front of him, Rene's lip pulled down into a frown as he nodded his head. 
"Okay." He cleared his throat and added. "Nice meeting you guys."
Charles guided you upwards, his hand in yours as you rose to your feet. He finally met your eyes and didn't look all too pleased. You two walk hand in hand in silence towards the beach house, the only sound that filled your ears was the crash of waves.
"Don't" Charles cut in. He didn't say it harshly, though, but there was a slight bite in his tone. Implying that he wasn't all too happy. He took a deep breath before glancing over at you.
"What am I going to do with you?"
"What do you mean, baby?" The innocence in our eyes made charles scoff, he squeezed your hand in his and pulled you up to the porch of your rented beach house.
"Don't play dumb with me." He led you towards the front door, but didn't stop to get his keys out of his jeans pocket. Instead, he backed you into the wall, his hands going to your hips.
"I don't usually get..." he sighed out, "Jealous." He lowered his eyes, he didn't want you to see the anger and disappointment in them.
"What? You had absolutely nothing to worry about."
"Oh?" Charles eyes twinkled with amusement, "You think I was worried? No. I didn't like him touching you. It fucking pisses me off. " He admitted, his voice raspy.
"Mais je n’étais pas inquiet. Il ne pourrait jamais te toucher comme je le fais. Le seul homme qui peut te toucher, c’est moi. Droite?" He squeezed your hips. But I wasn't worried. He could never touch you the way I do. The only man who can touch you is me. Right?
"Charles..." You breathed out, his name tasted so good on your tongue. "Montre-moi comment tu me touches alors." Show me how you touch me then.
Charles's head fell down to your shoulders as he chuckled, his hands brought your hips in closer to his. You could still hear the waves in the background along with his breathing.
"Vous toucher?" charles asked, one of his fingers slid down to the waistband of your red mini skirt, he peeled is back and then let go, slapped the material against your skin.  Touch you?
"Et comment devrais-je vous toucher?" He didn't lift his head, his words fell against the skin of your shoulder. "Si vous méritez même d'être touchée." And how should I touch you?  If you even deserve to be touched.
You slowly closed your eyes and tilted your head back as you felt Charles's big hand dip beneath your red mini skirt, his long fingers brushed against you so lightly.
"Baby..." you breathed out, "Only you can touch me like this."
"That's right." Charles said, lifted his head to take a look at you. Your head leaned against the wall, exposing your neck to him. He surged forward and kissed the expanse of your throat, you moaned, as you felt his lips suck on you.
"Tous les miens" He said quietly. "This is mine too." His fingers slide between your wet folds. "D’accord, princesse?" All mine.  Right, princess?
"Yes, Charles." you choked on your own words, as you felt his index finger play at your hole, teasing you so suddenly.
"Je détestais qu’il te touche. Je détestais la façon dont vous riez de ses blagues stupides. Et je détestais la façon dont il touchait ce qui m’appartenait." Charles's lip traveled all across your neck and collarbone.  I hated that he touched you. I hated how you laughed at his stupid jokes. And I hated how he touched what is mine.
"Dis-moi que tu n’appartiens qu’à moi. Dites-moi que vous ne répondez qu’à mon contact. Et dis-moi que tu ne seras jamais que mien." He suddenly demanded.  Tell me you only belong to me. Tell me that you only respond to my touch. And tell me that you will only ever be mine.
"Oh baby." You opened your eyes, but they rolled back, as he started pushing his fingers inside. "Oui...", you moan. "Qui." I do...  I do.
"You will only cum around my fingers, won't you? You will only ever cum on my cock, won't you?" He said, his tongue licked a strip up to your ear. 
"You'd only moan for me?"
"Qui, charles." You clenched hard around his fingers, as he started thrusting them deep into you, his long fingers, brushed against your special spot, that always got you to cum.
"Dis que tu es tout à moi, princesse." Say you're all mine, princess.
You bit back a loud moan, realized that you were outside and people were still walking around. "Je suis tout à toi."  You tried to whisper. "All yours." I'm all yours.  Bien à vous
"No." Charles halted his fingers, which made you groan out loudly. "Say it loudly."
You gulped, when your eyes met his, his gaze intensified, as he stared at you harshly. You moved your hips forward for some friction, but he stopped you from moving.
"Say you're mine." He repeated. You could hear the slight anger in his voice, you felt your heart skip a beat.
"Je suis tout à toi." You said with a grin. "Tous les vôtres alors s’il vous plaît"  You moved your hips desperately. All yours, so please...
"Brave fille" He managed to say between a few rough breaths. A third finger got added, as he began fucking you with them again. Your knees giving out on you, as you started to feel your orgasm approaching again.  Good girl.
You started to whimper, when he leaned forward and nibbled on your neck, his hands never quit. You felt the intense, wild, euphoric feeling of coming all around your jealous boyfriend's fingers.
"Only I can do this for you. I'm the only one who can make you come like this."
Then you fell into his arms, breathed out roughly, when he stroked your hair back. He then picked you up bridal style, took his keys out of his pockets, opened the door and walked into the beach house.
He then went into your shared bedroom, laid you on the bed and took off your shoes. You sat up straight, lust still in your eyes, as you waited for charles to come back, as he went out of the room.
"Ready for your second orgasm tonight?"
You only nodded as an answer, Charles came to the bed, while taking off his clothes until he stood in front of you, naked. He crawled on the bed and started taking your clothes off too.
In order not to talk about it, Charles pulled you down a little and pushed his cock in your pussy. You let out a loud moan, as you felt his big cock deep inside your pussy.
He started to ram his cock into you with a hard and steady pace. He was furious, but now he could release all his pent-up anger on you. 
"Rappelez-vous que je suis la seule à pouvoir vous baiser et vous faire jouir." Charles said, with a look that told you, that he fully meant it.  Remember, that I'm the only one who can fuck you and make you cum. 
As you felt your orgasm approaching, you signaled it to charles, who increased his pace in fucking you. And a minute later, you came with a loud moan. Soon after, Charles came deep inside your pussy.
"This is how it is supposed to be you are under me, me fucking you. You understand? You're all mine, and if I ever see you talk to this guy, you will face the consequences."
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doctorbitchcrxft · 3 months
Emotions | Sam Winchester x Angel!Fem!Reader
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Angel!Fem!Reader
Word Count: 5521
Warnings: mentions of drug addiction, mentions of smut (MDNI this is an 18+ blog), mentions of iffy family dynamics
A/N: For this nonnie! I have a very deep love of music and a special connection with it, and pretty much all of my one-shot fics are gonna be titled after songs. If you'd like to connect with the music as well, here's a few songs I recommend reading while you listen to the chapter!
Emotions by Brenda Lee
In the Still of the Night by the Five Satins
Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene by Hozier
Snow Angel by Renee Rapp
Queue up on Spotify or your preferred streaming service, and happy reading!
General Writings Masterlist
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Humans were curious. The more time you spent with them, the more you couldn’t understand why your father loved them so much. However, one human was beginning to pique your interest. His name was Sam Winchester. 
Your brother Castiel had been charged with rescuing Sam’s brother, Dean, from Hell. However, Zachariah had not given the word to begin the mission just yet. You, though, were charged with the care of Sam Winchester. 
He became interesting for a number of reasons. The Winchester boys had been of special interest to all of Heaven since their mother died in Azazel’s attack. You’d known of his existence and watched from afar as the sweet, intelligent young man became a cold shell of who he once was while his brother suffered in Hell. The demon Ruby— who you would be sure to kill as soon as you could get your hands on her— had been getting Sam addicted to the potent substance that was demon’s blood. If you had to compare it to a human drug, you’d heard many angels say it felt like a heroin addiction. 
Despite your disinterest in most of humanity, you were more compassionate toward them than most of your brothers and sisters. While some, like Uriel, were ruthless in their method to get humans on their side, you always took a more “humane” approach. No matter how many times humanity had broken your heart through their horrible mistakes leading to death and destruction, you still tried to show each human compassion. 
You watched from afar as Sam began to learn to exorcize demons with his mind. The experience was undoubtedly painful, and your anger with Ruby grew with each passing day. Always keeping your distance, though, because you knew now was not the right time to step in. Zachariah would give you the word when it was. 
You followed Sam down a darkened, busy street, keeping just far enough back that he wouldn’t be able to see you. He turned the corner onto what you assumed was another street, and you foolishly followed. Suddenly, you were pinned to the wall with a demon’s knife at your throat and an angry Sam staring down at you. 
“Who the hell are you?” the man spat, pressing the tip of the weapon into your throat forcefully. “Why are you following me?”
“Hello, Sam,” you said calmly. “My name is (Y/N). I’m here to help you.”
He scoffed. “What? Another demon coming to peddle your wares? I don’t think so.” The brunet stepped away from you and tried to exorcize you with his powers. 
You just remained still, large doe-eyes looking at him with a small smile playing on your lips. 
Sam then appeared scared. “What— What are you?”
“I’m an angel,” you replied evenly.
He laughed. “Right. C’mon, what are you really?”
You unfurled your large, beautiful wings and called upon a clap of thunder to ensure the shadow would be cast on the wall behind you. “I told you. I’m an angel.”
Sam shook his head. “I don’t believe this.”
“What’s wrong?” you asked. “Why are you angry?”
He spun around to face you. “Why am I angry? My brother’s been dragged to Hell, and you’re asking me why I’m angry?”
You continued to look at him in confusion. 
“I prayed. Every day for the last year Dean was alive. Why didn’t one of you answer?” he finished.
“It wasn’t the right time,” you explained. “Father wouldn’t allow us.”
“Well, fuck all of you guys, then,” Sam spat.
You were intrigued and confused by his intense anger. “Your prayers are being answered now. Isn’t that all that matters?”
“Too little, too late,” he replied. “Now, leave me alone.”
You stared after him as he walked away. Didn’t he want your help? Why was he angry at you when you were simply obeying your father? His prayers were being answered, and he was cruel to you.
That should have enraged you. However, it only intrigued you even more.
You knew Sam had not told Ruby he’d seen you, which surprised you. Everything about this man was surprising you.
While his addiction to demon blood was horrific and disgusting to you, you were surprised how much… empathy, you believed the feeling was— you were starting to feel for him. He’d undoubtedly been manipulated by the demon into that state of being.
His incredible strength both physically and mentally was impressive. While he wouldn’t last a moment in a fight with you or any of your brothers and sisters, he was skilled in many different athletic pursuits. His interest in different philosophies was curious to you as well; most humans you'd come across were set in their ways with no interest in different points of view.
After your last conversation with him, you decided not to intervene unless he desperately needed you. And now, he desperately needed you.
Ruby had either knowingly or unknowingly sent him into a death trap. While Ruby conveyed she believed only two demons to be hiding in a warehouse, an entire lair of at least thirty laid in wait for the young man. You knew you’d have to get involved this time, no matter if Zachariah approved or not.
You watched from the skylights of the darkened warehouse as Sam crept around with Ruby following closely behind. Your father willing, you’d slit her throat with her own knife.
You could see the other demons beginning to creep in around Ruby and Sam. Sam was the first to notice something was wrong and spun around to face the demons behind Ruby.
You used your powers to appear behind a wire rack covered with boxes to have the element of surprise with the demons.
“Hey there, handsome,” one of the demons was telling Sam.
Another snarled, “And Ruby. I thought Lilith got rid of you.”
“Apparently, she didn’t do a very good job,” replied Ruby.
The demons had Sam and Ruby back to back as they closed in their circle around the two.
Taking out your blade, you stepped out into the dim light, heels clicking across the floor. All of the demons turned around to face you, as did Sam and Ruby.
“Wow, Ruby. Seriously? You’re working with an angel?” a demon snickered.
You didn’t allow any of the demons a chance to get another word in. You appeared behind the demon who had the nerve to speak up and plunged your blade through its vessel’s back.
A few of the demons tried to escape by fleeing their bodies, but you forced them back in. While you were compassionate, merciful would not be a word used to describe you. When you were crossed, you didn’t play nicely. 
A few demons tried to charge you, and you immediately reached out to two, grabbed their hands, and killed them while you used your free arm to plunge your blade through the other’s chest. With, in all honesty, very little effort, you managed to make your way through most of the demons. With the mess of dead bodies sprawled across the concrete floor, it made it easier to see what was left for you to deal with. That was when you noticed Ruby was gone, but Sam was still there, fighting demons with his demon knife. 
A demon behind Sam was preparing to stab him in the back, but you threw your angel blade through the demon’s throat just in time to save Sam. 
Slowly but surely, you made your way through the remaining demons. Sam panted from exhaustion and the few wounds he’d sustained but still stood with his shoulders squared. “I didn’t need saving,” he huffed.
“I don’t mean to offend you, but yes, you did,” you replied evenly. “I will admit, I’m disappointed your demon friend left so soon. I was looking forward to formally introducing myself.” 
Sam laughed, somewhere between mocking and a genuine laugh. “You were gonna kill her, weren’t you?”
“Without hesitation,” you nodded. “I know what she’s been doing, Sam. I know what you’ve been doing.” 
“I really don’t think that’s any of your business,” he said, his voice cold. 
“It is my business.”
“Angels are only sent to earth for their missions; unless they’ve fallen,” you explained. “Like I told you before, you’re my mission.”
“And like I told you,” he sneered, “not interested.”
“I don’t understand,” you stated. “Isn’t this what you wanted? I’m answering your prayer. I thought you’d be happy.” 
“I told you; too little, too late—!”
“I’m not talking about the prayers for your brother anymore, Sam,” you cut him off. “I’m talking about your prayers for yourself.”
That seemed to quiet him down.
“I heard you. The first night you drank demon’s blood, you prayed. That was when I was assigned to you,” you told him. “Some of the angels believed you were too far gone. I, however, was the one to ask my superior if I could help you.” 
Tears welled in Sam’s eyes. “Why would you do that? Why wouldn’t you save Dean?” 
“I wanted to,” you admitted, not quite understanding why you were spilling your secrets to a human.
He got angry again. “Why didn't you?!”
You tilted your head, eyebrows furrowing. “It is not my place to question my superiors. I serve Heaven first; not you.”
“Well, find some other way to serve Heaven. I’m not interested,” he grumbled, turning away. You noticed how painfully he rolled his shoulder.
“I can fix that for you,” you said, stopping him in his tracks. 
“What?” Sam turned back around.
“Your arm.” You nodded in its direction. “And those gashes. They look like they’ll get infected if you don’t let me help you.” You stepped toward him, and he remained still.
His impressive stature was incredibly intimidating to you despite your angelic status. You had never felt such a feeling; only when you were in the presence of the archangels. Whatever this feeling was, you didn’t think you liked it.
“May I?” you asked, hesitantly reaching your fingers out toward his arm. 
Sam nodded, face drawn into hard lines.
You closed your eyes as you touched his shoulder to concentrate on sending your healing powers through his body. You didn’t miss the way his muscles tensed momentarily before relaxing under your touch. 
“Thank you,” he said. 
You nodded. 
Sam hesitated for a moment before asking, “ What’d you say your name was?”
“(Y/N),” you responded.
You watched through the window of the cabin he was hiding in as Sam fought with Ruby over you. You expected Ruby to be angry, but you didn’t expect Sam to defend you. 
“She’s an angel, Ruby, she’s not here to hurt me,” Sam said, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“You don’t know angels, Sam. I do. They’re not the peaceful hippies the Bible makes them out to be,” Ruby snapped. “If she knew I was helping you, she’d probably smite me.”
“She does know,” Sam replied, almost too quietly for even your enhanced hearing. 
“What?! You told her?!”
“No, I didn’t, I—” Sam cut himself off, running a hand through his hair in frustration. “She just knew, somehow.” 
Ruby clearly didn’t believe him. “Somehow,” she scoffed. “And somehow, I don’t believe you.”
“Whatever,” Sam huffed. He suddenly caught your eye in the window but covered it up by quickly looking back to Ruby. “I think you should go.”
She crossed her arms. “Seriously?” The demon rolled her eyes and began to walk toward the door. “Goodbye, Sam.”
You invited yourself into the room. “Is she gone?” you asked Sam, appearing in front of him.
“Yeah,” he said. “Yeah, she’s gone.”
“Your motivations confuse me, Sam Winchester,” you stated bluntly.
He seemed to chuckle genuinely. “Why?”
“Do you not believe Ruby to be helping you? It seemed you couldn’t stand the sight of me less than twenty-four hours ago. Why would you kick her out after all that and cover for me?” you asked, head tilting in confusion.
You knew you weren’t supposed to question. You knew Sam was simply an assignment; there should be no desire for further questions exchanged. However, a nagging force in the back of your mind refused to let those questions remain internal.
“I don’t know,” he responded, seemingly earnest. 
Suddenly, a song began to play in the background. Your head turned to the source of the sound; a peculiar little box with a spinning disc on top of it. You swayed to the soft music emanating from it. “What is this?” you asked.
“Music,” Sam replied from behind you.
You turned to face him. “I know what music is, Sam. What is the little box?”
“A record player,” he replied, much closer to you than he had been when you first turned to the sound of the music.
“And what is this song?” you asked, dewey eyes shining in the dim light.
“Uh, one of the records they had in this old cabin. I think the band’s The Five Satins. ‘In the Still of the Night’,” he explained.
“I think I like this song,” you said, your voice taking on a peculiar lilt you’d never heard yourself speak with before. You suddenly realized how close Sam was to you and backed away. “Well, if you need anything,” you began, “I am never far from you.” And with that, you were gone.
“(Y/N)?” you heard Sam praying. “(Y/N), uh, I don’t know if you’re listening—”
With a quick flap of your wings, you appeared in front of Sam in his cabin. “I am,” you replied. 
“Oh, hey,” he snorted. He sat on the edge of his bed, rubbing his hands together and staring at the floor.
“What’s wrong?” you asked. 
“I don’t know what the right thing to do anymore is,” he admitted. Sam was suddenly embarrassed by what he’d said. “Uh, I don’t know why I said that…”
“Do not be embarrassed. I do not pass judgment on humans for their feelings,” you replied. 
That pulled a small smile from him. “Do you guys… not have feelings?”
“No,” you replied. “At least, I don’t think we do. Or, perhaps, what we experience as angels is too complex to be simplified into human emotion.”
“What do you mean?” he asked. 
“I believe I may experience compassion, but I am not merciful. Those two traits I have seen go together in human manifestations. My loyalty to my father is incomparable to any human form of loyalty. Most humans I have come across sacrifice their loyalties quite easily,” you explained thoughtfully. 
“And by your father, you mean, God?” he asked. 
You nodded. 
Sam hesitated before asking his next question. “What’s he like?”
His question caught you off-guard; it wasn’t something you’d thought about before. “Well, humans describe him as—”
Sam shook his head. “I know what people make him out to be. What do you say?”
That question startled you even more, and all you could answer with was the truth. “I haven’t met him.”
Now, it was Sam’s turn to be caught off-guard. “Really?”
You nodded. “I’ve been around just about as long as the planet, and I’ve never met him once.”
Sam considered for a moment. “And you’re still loyal to him?”
“Well, I don’t necessarily have a choice in that matter,” you replied. “I am an angel. I was created for the purpose of my loyalty to my father and carrying out his missions.” His questions were beginning to get under your skin, and you’d never thought so long about those things before. 
“Well, how do you know your orders come from him if you’ve never met the guy?” Sam continued to press. “How do you know somebody’s not lying to—”
“My brothers and sisters would never lie to me,” you cut him off. Perhaps this is what “offense” felt like? “I don’t believe lying to be something we are capable of.”
Sam took a deep breath and flexed his eyebrows. “Whoa, didn’t mean to strike a nerve, there.”
He did. “You didn’t,” you responded. 
A spell of silence was cast over you. 
“What’s it like?” Sam asked. 
You tilted your head in confusion. 
“That blind faith,” he embellished. “How do you do it?”
You shook your head. “I don’t know. I just always have. I am a Seraph; I believe ‘blind faith’ is my purpose.”
“Oh, seraphim’s a real thing? Are you guys the, uh, high-rankers?”
You nodded. “I don’t think of myself in terms of my rank, but I am superior to those in my garrison. My superior is Zachariah; the only one of us in direct communication with the archangels.” You felt yourself snap out of it. “I… don’t know why I told you that.”
“Well, I guess we’re even then,” Sam smiled. 
You began to see less and less of Ruby as days went by, and for that, you were grateful. It seemed she was only around for Sam to feed from her.
“What does she say the demon blood will do for you?” you asked Sam, sitting beside him on the edge of the cabin’s roof.
Sam gave you a curious look but answered your question anyway. “It’ll make me strong enough to kill Lilith.”
“And… why do you want to do that?” you asked trepidatiously. 
He answered your question quite blankly, staring ahead. “Revenge. For my brother.”
You nodded. “And what do you believe getting revenge will do for you?”
That seemed to challenge him. “I don’t know.”
“I have been with you since you were young, Sam. I watched you go off to college, I watched Azazel kill Jessica, and I watched every fight between you and your father.”
Sam turned his head toward you as you talked, a pensive look on his face. 
“And I think I decided that all of those fights between you two happened because of how similar the two of you are.” You turned your head toward him, the sunset casting a heavenly glow across Sam’s face. “This is one of those things you two have in common; vengeance. I cannot decide if that’s a good or a bad quality, if I’m honest.”
Sam huffed out a small laugh. “That’s fair.” His hair fell in front of his eyes as he looked down at his hands folded in his lap. His eyebrows drew together, and you just watched him carefully. “You’ve never wanted payback? Not even once?”
You shook your head. “That’s not part of my job. I am a warrior, but I don’t feel emotional attachment to my fights. And, rationally, I know revenge is pointless. It doesn’t change the past. It can only make for a worse future.”
Sam was silent for a moment. “Wow. For a… shiny, hard, plastic, emotionless angel, that’s pretty profound.”
You tilted your head in confusion. “I am not plastic or shiny.”
He laughed. “No, you’re not. Just an analogy.”
“You humans and your words,” you sighed. “The English language is by far the most confusing.”
“Why do you say that?” Sam chuckled. 
“I speak every language ever created, Sam,” you explained. “Even Enochian is simpler than English.”
The young man laughed. “For an angel, you’ve got a good sense of humor.”
You tilted your head. “I didn’t know I did, but thank you.”
It had been about three months since Dean’s sentencing. The angels began to talk about how he’d said “yes” to Alistair and was beginning to torture other souls in the pit. However, you knew it was best not to bring that fact up to Sam. 
The brother in your care was still not doing very well. His addiction was getting worse, and his anger at himself for not being strong enough to take care of his most recent demon hunt. You watched through the window as Sam and Ruby shouted at each other, and their anger eventually devolved into Ruby kissing Sam. 
You were stunned, and something you’d never felt before flooded your chest. Whatever this feeling was, you hated it. You backed away from the window you’d become accustomed to staring through and walked off. You felt your vessel stumbling rather than walking, and you were unsure why your chest hurt. You stumbled through the night forward against a tree and held yourself there. 
Whatever was happening to you, one thing was for sure that you could no longer deny: you were beginning to feel.
A few days went by, and you hadn’t seen Sam. In fact, you refused to answer his many prayers. He begged you to come to him and told you he didn’t know what he’d done wrong. Eventually, your resolve broke. 
“Hey,” he said, standing from his chair and seeming startled by your appearance. “Wh— Where’d you go? Why didn’t you answer?”
“Why did you have sex with Ruby? Didn’t you know I was watching?” you asked, large eyes holding a pleading innocence. 
Sam seemed caught off-guard. “(Y/N), I haven’t had sex with her in weeks. Wh— Why do you care about that, anyway?”
“I saw you two. She kissed you. I know what comes after that, Sam, I’ve been around for thousands of years,” you continued. 
Sam shook his head. “She kissed me. And then, I pushed her off. I haven’t seen her since.”
You tilted your head. “Why did you do that?”
“ ‘Cause. I couldn’t do it,” he shrugged. 
“ I’m not into voyeurism,” he smirked. “I knew you were watching. I haven’t had sex with her since you showed up.”
You thought for a moment, realizing he was telling the truth. “Oh.” Was this feeling… relief?
Sam gave you a curious look, and you averted his gaze. “Why’d you wanna know?”
You shook your head. “Not important. How have you been these last few days?”
“Honestly?” He scratched the back of his neck. “Not good. The addiction… it’s, uh—”
“Bad?” you asked. 
“That’s putting it lightly.”
“I’m sorry,” you told him. 
“ ‘S not your fault,” Sam shrugged. 
“That is much different from what you told me when we first met,” you said. 
Sam snorted. “Yeah, I was angry then. Now, I know you.”
Your heart fluttered in your chest, and you were surprised at the feeling. 
You hummed the tune of “In the Still of the Night” by the Five Satins, a song that Sam had introduced to you. 
The man in question sat at the cabin’s kitchen table hunched over his laptop. Sam had suggested you come inside with him since you’d be keeping an eye on him anyway. You told him if Ruby came, you’d kill her, but he just shook his head. “If she knows you’re here, she’s not coming,” he’d told you. 
“You’ve got a pretty voice,” Sam commented. 
You stopped humming. “Thank you. When the cherubs in my garrison were young, they liked when I’d sing to them.” You resumed your song. 
A few minutes went by before Sam spoke up. “Can I ask you something?” 
You stopped humming again and nodded. 
“Why haven’t you gone after Ruby yet?”
Before you could think, you answered, “Because I knew it would upset you.”
A small smile tugged at the corners of Sam’s lips. “I appreciate that.”
You smiled in response. 
“That’s the first time I’ve seen you smile,” Sam told you. 
You continued to stare at him with your dewey doe eyes. 
“Can I ask you something else?” 
You nodded again.
“Whose body are you in?” he asked. 
You hummed as you thought. “I’ve been with her for centuries. She was being abused by her husband and begging for a way out. You see, angels have to get consent from their vessels. She wanted me to use her body to carry out my father’s mission.”
Sam nodded. 
“I quite enjoyed her company,” you continued. “I’ve never told any of my brothers or sister about this, but the day her soul moved on was the first time I ever felt something like… sadness.”
“So, angels, is it like demons where the vessel’s soul takes a back seat?” Sam questioned, his interest seeming very genuine. 
You shook your head. “Not with her, it wasn’t. She could force me out whenever she wanted, but she told me she preferred my company to that of her husband’s.”
Sam nodded but seemed pensive. 
“What’s wrong?” you asked.
“Nothing,” he replied. “It’s just… It’s a lot to take in.”
“I can understand that.” You paused for a moment. “I don’t think I’ve ever spent this long in the company of a human; aside from my vessel.”
“Really?” Sam asked.
You nodded. “I was taught not to spend time with the humans I was charged with. We were always told that the more time you spend with them, the more you become like them. And if you’re a human, you are flawed. You can’t  truly live in service of my father while human.” 
“That sounds kinda fucked up though, (Y/N),” Sam told you. “I mean, don’t you think it’s… restrictive? Limiting?”
You considered. “I guess so. But… I’m sure my father had good reason. He wouldn’t try to hurt us.” 
“I don’t think he would, either,” Sam told you. “But I do think he did that for self-serving reasons.”
You stared at him, waiting for him to elaborate. 
“He creates these… beings— you and the other angels— to bend to his every whim. Think about it. He makes you emotionless, so you don’t question his ‘will’ or… rebel,” Sam explained. “He needs you to be perfectly loyal.”
Sam’s words swirled around in your head. “You’re confusing me,” you said, breath quickening.
Sam shook his head. “I’m not trying to. But you’re smart. I’m just trying to make you think.”
“No human has ever challenged me the way you have,” you responded. “I appreciate it.”
“You do?” He seemed genuinely surprised.
You nodded. “I’ve been around a very long time. Things can get monotonous. It is… refreshing to meet someone like you.”
The corners of Sam’s lips turned upward.
The two of you went back to silence, and suddenly, Sam was up and running to the bathroom.
“Sam?” you asked, running after him.
When you got to him, he was hunched over the toilet bowl vomiting. 
Hesitantly, you reached toward him and began to rub small circles over his back. You remembered your vessel telling you that’s what she’d do to her children when they were sick. 
“It’s okay,” you said softly. “I’m here.”
When Sam was done, he slumped to the floor, curling up into a ball. Sweat covered every inch of his body, and he began to shake feverishly.
You knew it was the withdrawals from the blood after not seeing Ruby for days. You wanted nothing more than to help him through it, but your healing powers couldn’t assist with demonic workings of any kind. What you could do, though, is put him to sleep. You ran your hand over his hair and got up from the floor.
After grabbing a blanket off his bed, you brought it back to the bathroom and sat back down beside him. When you’d tossed the blanket over him, you helped Sam rest his head on your lap. Then, you went back to running your hand over the brunet’s hair and used your powers to put him to sleep. His shaking subsided, and his breathing relaxed. You stayed with him through the rest of the night.
When Sam woke up laying against you, he immediately seemed embarrassed. He jerked back from you. “Oh, uh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—”
“It’s okay,” you said. “It’s what I’m here for.”
Sam leaned forward hesitantly. He kept pausing as his face got closer to yours, seemingly to ensure you weren’t uncomfortable.
Uncomfortable wasn’t quite the word you’d use; there were a million thoughts running through your mind. And yet, you couldn’t string one coherent sentence together. 
You tilted your chin up, and it was all the confirmation Sam needed. His kiss was gentle when he first connected your lips. You responded, almost completely frozen, but still moving your lips in time with his.
Sam’s kiss got more desperate, and he pulled you across his lap, wrapping his large hands around your hips and back. 
And then, he was gone. You were confused only momentarily as you became aware of Zachariah’s presence in front of you.
“I know what you’ve been doing, (Y/N),” Zachariah chastised. 
You hung your head in shame. “I’m sorry, Zachariah. I let myself get too close to Sam Winchester, and—”
Zachariah cut you off. “Yes. You did. I’m disappointed in you.” He stalked around you, his multiple sets of wings encircling and taunting you. “You were one of my best, (Y/N). And now, I’m going to have to let you go.”
Your eyes widened, and you looked up at your superior. “Wait, please! I’m sorry!”
He patted your cheek. “I know you are. But you turned your back on us, (Y/N). You turned your back on our father.”
Tears welled in your eyes. 
“Ah! That. That, right there.” He caught the tear on his first finger as it slipped down your cheek. “Feeling. Feelings are human. You’ve changed, my dear sister.” 
“I’m sorry,” you cried softly. 
“I told you that Sam Winchester is a lost cause. I knew something like this would happen, but you? You didn’t listen. Goodbye, sister.”
And with that, you were sent barreling down to earth. The fall was incredibly painful; your wings feeling like they were being burnt off your body, each feather leaving ripples of searing heat in its wake. 
Nothing could stop you barreling toward the earth. The speed of your fall began to take a toll on you, and your vision faded to black. 
You woke up flat on your back in the middle of nowhere. Your limbs ached, and your vessel’s body was undoubtedly broken. Using your weakened powers, you healed your body enough to be able to stand. When you’d gotten your wits about you, you would heal yourself completely. 
You walked through the woods you’d landed in the middle of. The morning sun was still rising, the birds chirped, and light streamed through the trees. All at once, the reality of your situation hit you, and you cried.
You cried for your brothers and sisters you’d never see again; very few ever came to earth. You weren’t sure how you’d get to Sam without your wings, but you needed to see him. This feeling of need was still foreign to you, and you couldn’t decide if you liked how it felt.
All that time you’d spent in service of Heaven and of your father, and you were cast out as if you didn’t matter at all. You knew getting so close was wrong, but you hadn’t expected such harsh treatment. In all your years of being alive, you had never made a mistake. And after just one, you were kicked out? 
On the other hand, though, crying was freeing. Maybe Sam was right. Why would your father restrict you from feeling?
For a moment, the world was quiet. All you could hear was your soft sniffles, the birds chirping, and the wind rustling the leaves of the trees. You took a deep breath, and for the first time, life felt beautiful.
Sam was praying to you, and you had no way of responding to him. Slowly but surely, you were making your way back to him. You could feel his soul calling to you, and it only spurred you on to continue walking. As an angel, you had no need for sleep or eating. And so, you walked continuously for five days; each step making Sam’s essence grow stronger. You could feel yourself getting closer to him.
“Hey, (Y/N)?” you heard Sam calling to you. “I don’t know if you’re even still listening to me, but I’m sorry for scaring you off. I— I shouldn’t have done what I did. Just… come back. Please.”
It broke your heart that you couldn’t get to him sooner, and you mentally begged him to wait for you. 
And finally, on the sixth day, you found Sam’s cabin. Joy and relief flooded your chest, and you smiled widely. You ran through the front door, and Sam jerked out of his chair with his gun in hand. When he realized who you were, he dropped his gun to the floor in surprise. “(Y/N)?”
“Hello, Sam,” you smiled, tears rimming your eyes.
“Wh— What happened? Why’d you leave?” he asked.
“I didn’t. Zachariah brought me back to Heaven, and… he took my wings,” you explained, looking down at your shoes. 
Sam’s confused and angry stare turned to his familiar puppy-dog-eyed stare. “What, why?” 
“I’m a fallen angel now. I betrayed Heaven,” you responded.
“By doing what?” he asked. “I kissed you, you didn’t do anything.”
“Yes, I did,” you assured him, stepping closer to him. “I started to feel. And… feel for you.”
Sam’s soft gaze flooded your chest with warmth. He used his first two fingers to tilt your chin up toward his and closed the space between your lips. 
You and Sam weren’t perfect in any sense. But you would take whatever you two were over your shiny, hard, plastic, emotionless past. 
Forever taglist is open; series rewrite taglist is closed!
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Masterlist... //
Personal Introduction
Rules for Requests (must read before making requests)
Wip Masterlist
Ultimate Ask Game
Hi!! This is my master-list blog, including any and all info you'll need before making a request. Tells you who I am, who I write for, submission rules, and works I've already done! I'll try to keep this as updated as possible; if I somehow miss something don't hesitate to tell me! || Requests open!
Meangirls (2024)
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Regina George
Janis Imi'ike
Gretchen Wieners
Legend of Korra
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Avatar Korra
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Caitlyn Kiramman
Hazbin Hotel
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Carmilla x Velvette x Reader
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Heather Chandler
Totally Killer
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Pam Miller
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Wednesday Addams
Reneé Rapp
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Renee Rapp
Brooklyn 99
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Amy Santiago
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mattslolita · 6 months
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"𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒏' 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒚, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊'𝒎 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒊𝒏' 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒂 𝒔𝒏𝒂𝒄𝒌,
💌 hi angels, i'm kiwi ! i'm eighteen, bisexual, and i'm a black writer.
💌 i'm a certified chris girl, drew starkey's wife, i also write on wattpad sometimes ( link at the bottom! ), and i love music with my entire being. i'm a west coast girly from cali, but i wanna go to different countries so bad.
my best friends 💌 : @luverboychris @muwapsturniolo @guccifrog @thenickgirl @bernardsbendystraws !
music 💌 : michael jackson, sza, dominic fike, latto ( if u can't tell ), the neighborhood, billie eilish, nessa barrett, lana del rey, mitski, bikini kill, halsey, marina, megan thee stallion, city girls, rihanna, migos, eminem, doja cat, fleetwood mac, taylor swift & more !
movies 💌 : the fault in our stars, scream franchise, the perks of being a wallflower, love simon, friday the 13th, carrie, halloween, the craft, it 2017, jeepers creepers, 13 going on 30, fast & furious, freddy vs. jason, mean girls, harry potter franchise, the maze runner & more !
tv shows 💌 : cobra kai, outer banks, heartbreak high, sex education, stranger things, never have i ever, on my block, ginny & georgia, heartstopper, the vampire diaries, & more !
celebs / influencers 💌 : sturniolo triplets, vereena sayed, deb smikle, quenlin blackwell, benoftheweek, johnnie guilbert, jake webber, vinnie hacker, drew starkey, why don't we, chase keith, ariana greenblatt, fannita, xochitl gomez, larray, renee rapp, sam & colby, beabadobee, nailea devora, & more !
racism, rude behavior, kink shaming ( unless its shit or piss ), unfriendly remarks or comments. & IF YOU DO GOT SHIT TO SAY HOP OFF ANON & SAY IT WITH YO CHEST !
will 💌 : fluff, angst, smut !
won't 💌 : piss kinks, shit kinks, incest, eating somebody ass, anal cause it freaks me out ( if you like it, you do you, but i'm not gon write it ! ), threesomes UNLESS you're requesting where they strictly interact with the reader ( y/n ).
always remember you're so loved & important, & you matter my loves. i hope we can be friends & you enjoy my shit !💌
masterlist 💌!
taglist 💌!
fav fics 💌!
wattpad 💌!
face reveal 💌 !
my socials 💌 !
emoji anon list 💌 !
c.ai 💌 !
mattslolita on ig 💌 !
40-𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒉 𝒃𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒏, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒃𝒊𝒕𝒄𝒉 𝒃𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌."
233 notes · View notes
Unpredictable Part 3-Limoreau x black!fem!reader fic
A/N: AAAH, thank you for all the support on this. I didn't think it'd be a series but I can't stop writing.
Warnings: toxic parents, body shaming, eating disorders, alcohol abuse, and swearing
Words: 7.7k
Series Masterlist
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 “…and that’s how I knew that I was meant to do charity work,” the nasal redhead concluded.
That afternoon, the Si Chi house was packed with pledges in floral or puffy Selkie and Miss Selfridge sun dresses. A handful of servers circulated the foyer with trays of orange juice and mimosas. The combination of Prada Candy and Viktor Rolfe Flowerbomb made my head spin but I smiled through it as I nodded at different pledges’ stories. All of them were desperately trying to toe the line between interesting and bragging because one could never act too important for a potential house.
“That’s great news,” I glanced at her name tag, “Brenda since Si Chi regularly engages in philanthropic work.”
 Brenda smiled widely, making the hot pink blush on her cheeks even more prominent. “I know, that’s why I’m so interested in joining this---your house.”
“Well, we are glad that you took the time to visit us. Would you excuse me?”
As I weaved my way through the foyer, I plucked a mimosa from a passing server and started sipping. Exactly five seconds passed until I was surrounded by a new crop of bright-eyed freshmen.
“Oh my gosh, are you Y/N Y/L/N?” a willowy brunette asked.
“Guilty, and you are?”
“She’s Justine,” a shorter brunette interrupted.
Justine narrowed her eyes and thinly covered the glare with a smile. “I can introduce myself, thanks, Renee.”
Renee shrunk a little in her oversized light blue sundress and I glanced at Justine.
“So, why are you interested in our house?” I asked.
Justine straightened up and smiled like a pageant girl. “Well, I’m perfectly aligned with all the values of Si Chi: Sisterhood, respect, and intelligence. I am all about women empowerment and I respect people from all backgrounds----I’m exposed to a bunch of different people as an actress, anyway.”
“What about intelligence?”
“Well, I think there’s many different kinds of intelligence and, as an actress, I’m emotionally intelligent to the point where I’m exhausted by everyone else’s energy.”
“She really has to prioritize self-care,” Renee added.
“It’s great that you’re aware of that for yourself.”
She had to be one of the least self-aware people I ever encountered and that was a difficult fete. However, her socials had decent numbers and she had been in a few Vought Plus movies, which would help her win Sydney and Lydia, the vice president, over. The next two years with her and her friend would be irritating.
A softer expression slipped across Justine’s face, and she took a step towards me. “I just want to say that I think it’s so brave that you’ve been participating in all the rush events despite your traumatic experience. I can’t imagine what it must have been like to see Luke,” she paused and placed a hand on her chest, “kill himself.”
Though it had been a week since, it still felt like a bomb rolled off Justine’s tongue when she said it. The wave of emotions that I experienced in that time was hard to describe; Shetty said that grief was a rollercoaster, and the influx of emotions was normal.
“As impossible as it may seem, one day you will come to accept what happened,” she’d advised. “You may experience more anxiety but, with your network, I am sure you will be able to cope.”
The network she referred to was strained at best and destroyed at worst. My “sisters” were as supportive as they could be: Alina gave me a Lush self-care kit, Sasha was not nearly as antagonizing as usual, Lydia gave me grief book recommendations, and Sydney let me pick what workout classes we attended. Emma and Cate were the only non-Si Chi people I spoke to since it was way too difficult to speak to the others.
Justine placed her hand on my shoulder. “If you ever need someone to talk to, you can count on me.”
“Thank you for the thought,” I replied, smiling tightly.
“You must be so grateful that Marie was there to stop him,” Renee quipped.
I sipped some more juice to keep the confusing feelings from bubbling up. Nothing could have prepared me for Marie and Andre being propped as the Guardians of Godolkin, which was arguably the dumbest name Vought could give them. The less I wanted to see them, the more I saw their promos and videos. It was horrible that the last time we spoke we had a fight but every time I saw her, I felt a weird wrench in my chest.
At the very least, Emma seemed happy for her.
Then, Coco Allen, a Si Chi junior, appeared from the crowd and squeezed between the freshmen. “There you are, Y/N, I have a crim freshman with a water manipulation ability who wants to pick your brain.”
“Sure. Will you excuse me?”
“Bye!” Renee called as Coco pulled me through the crowd.
When we got to the less populated living room, I exhaled a breath I did not know I was holding. Then, I turned to the beaming Coco.
“Thank you,” I said.
“You’re welcome. You know I hate entitled freshmen,” Coco mused.
Coco was the only other black girl in Si Chi and happened to be the first one to talk to me when I visited the house last year. She was a little shorter than me with deep mahogany skin that always glowed. She always wore her waist-length jet-black hair in tight curls and accessorized solely with gold jewelry. That day, she wore a fitted white sundress with espadrilles.
“Were there this many last year?” I asked.
Coco shook her head. “But there are a few more black girls so it’s promising.”
“That’s great! I hope I can find them before the event’s over.”
“That would be great.” Coco eyed me. “So, how are you holding up?”
“I’m okay, the mimosas don’t hurt though.”
“They never do. You didn’t have to come today, you know, you could have taken more time, get out of here for a minute.”
I shook my head. “I needed this, it’s a nice distraction or, it has been. Besides, what would it look like if the secretary didn’t attend?”
Coco nodded slowly but I could tell that the gears in her head were turning too much for her to be convinced. “You’re already Sydney and Lydia’s favorite and they might have let it slide.”
I cocked my head at her and she immediately started chuckling half-heartedly.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. The hoops they make us jump through are ridiculous,” Coco reflected.
“It makes sense why you didn’t want to be an officer even though you’re poli sci,” I commented.
Coco grinned. “Hey, I’m making decent connections just by being in this house. This is just a steppingstone on my path to become the first black woman supe president.”
Even though the title was long, if anyone could do it, it was Coco. One time last year I sat in on one of her debates in class and she had a senior in tears and their debate partner ready to put their laser eyes to good use.
“Well, don’t forget little ole me when you’re a big shot,” I teased.
Coco frowned. “What do you mean ‘little’? You have done too much to talk like that.”
I shrugged. “Not that they’re not as important but my four-year plan is less impressive than yours.”
“Oh yeah, the plan where you basically end up a trophy wife? No shade but, I think you’d be way too bored in that role.”
“Hey, I would have a city contract too. Plus, it’s what I want and what I see for myself every time I look into the future. Every step I have taken up until this point puts me closer to that.”
My voice was much stronger than I thought it would be but Coco was always pushing me. Some days it was motivating and on others, it was infuriating.
“Like I said, I’m not trying to crush your dreams or your plan but is that really all you want for yourself? Especially thinking about all the good you’re already doing with your powers?” Coco questioned.
Her words plagued me for the rest of the event and bugged me when we gave our ratings of the pledges to Sydney and Lydia.
“Oh, and Y/N, don’t forget to send me that compilation with all the pledges’ socials,” Sydney requested as I was on my way out of the foyer.
“Of course, you’ll have it by the end of the day.”
Everything was much quieter underwater, except for my thoughts, but those were much clearer. Every time I thought about where I would be in five years, it was the same: smiling at a city event on the arm of some suit. I never saw the man’s face but I knew he had to be somewhat attractive. My eyes fluttered closed at the bottom of the pool and I focused on my future.
It was the same image, complete with flashing cameras and I was wearing a gorgeous rose pink Oscar de la Renta gown. My hair was piled on top of my head in Senegalese twists, and I was smiling widely. However, when I tried to look at whose arm I was on, it was like I could not turn my head. The harder I tried, the sorer the side of my neck got.
After a few more seconds of trying, I pushed myself up to the surface and sucked in the air. The sky was a mix of orange, purple, and blue. Sydney was blasting “My Head, My Heart”, which signaled that she was getting ready to go out with Eric Landon, the president of Sigma Kappa. It would be nice to be asked on a date, a proper one without the expectations of sex later.
My face warmed at the fact that I had never actually been asked out. People constantly told me how good looking I was but that did not translate into boys falling all over themselves for me. There were the occasional fun nights out but it would always end in that same venue. I didn’t think I asked for too much: flowers, good morning and good night texts, respect, intelligence, and ambition. Emma told me I watched too many movies once and while that could have been true, I also thought that it wasn’t too much to ask a guy to hold a door open.
It also did not help that Jordan was the last person I ever got close to being intimate with. I groaned at the thought and dove underwater, making my way to the other side of the pool.
An almost-kiss should mean absolutely nothing but I could not stop thinking about it, just like I could not stop thinking about how Jordan would throw me under the bus to save themselves. I would never do that to anyone, especially not someone I cared about.
But you already did, the voice in my head hissed.
Marie didn’t count, I didn’t mean to do that; Andre, Luke, Cate, and Jordan decided for me. I would have stayed if it was my choice but that didn’t matter to Marie or any of them.
I pushed myself from the side of the pool and butterfly stroked my way to the other side. Thankfully, the water was heated and soothed my aching muscles. As I was about to resurface, I noted a blurry tall blonde figure standing above me. When I pushed up, Cate stood over me, her eyes worried.
“Hey,” I greeted.
“Hi, can we talk?”
A few seconds later, I was wrapped in a fluffy towel and standing across from Cate. Her eyes shifted around for a moment before she suggested we headed inside. When we got to my room, she immediately closed the door behind us.
“Is there any way someone would have listening devices in here?” Cate asked.
“No,” I said slowly.
“Are you sure? There’s shit out now where they put it in the tiniest crevices and you would never know,” Cate argued.
“I would have seen it or had a hint about it. What’s going on?”
Cate finally sat on my bed, and I opted to stand across from her. “Andre and I found some stuff that makes Luke and Brink’s deaths way more complicated.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, for one thing, they totally cleared out his room the day after he died and I mean everything.”
My eyes widened. “Even the…special drawer?”
“Yes, and at first, I thought it was protocol but what would they do with all those----”
“I get it, Cate, what else did you and Andre find?”
As Cate continued to speak, I could feel my stomach sink further and further, until I was sure it was somewhere in the house basement. Nothing Cate said meant anything positive for anyone. If there was some kind of lab under us, that meant anyone could become a part of it.
“Have you told anyone else?” I asked.
Cate huffed and leaned back on my bed. “Well, Jordan’s been spiraling about Marie and the rankings, so I can’t get a word in about anything else.”
“They’re spiraling?” I asked.
“You haven’t talked to them since Luke died?” Cate asked.
When she said it like that, it sounded like I committed a cardinal sin. After that day, there was nothing else for me to say to them. Even though I saw them in class occasionally, I never spoke to them and desperately tried to avoid eye contact.
“They could have reached out too,” I muttered.
“You’re such a younger sibling,” Cate commented.
“It’s true!” I whined.
“Well, they’ve been freaking out about the rankings since they fell down to number five and Andre’s number one.”
Being in the Top Five was like Jordan’s lifeline. They’d always shared a friendly rivalry with Luke but I knew they wanted to be number one eventually. They spent almost all their time making sure they stayed in a high position and to drop to bottom of the Top Five must have been devastating.
“Oh no,” I whispered.
“Yeah, and your new best friend cracked the Top 100 and is Jordan’s new nemesis,” Cate added.
 I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a chocolate brown loungewear set. “Neither of them are my friends.”
Cate frowned. “Seriously, what is going on with you? The other night, you and Marie were inseparable, and you and Jordan were bantering. What happened?”
It must have been the fact that I was holding all my thoughts and feelings in because I burst.
“Marie and I can’t be friends since she thinks I’m a shallow bitch who would sacrifice her to save myself because I hang out with people who do. The funny part is that Jordan admitted they would backstab me if they could get ahead, which is definitely not something I would do to a friend or anyone I almost kissed!”
I was panting by the end and my chest felt a lot lighter. However, my nerves began to build when I noticed Cate’s mischievous grin.
“Who did you almost kiss?” Cate asked.
“That’s not the point,” I mumbled.
Cate stared at me for a second before lighting up. “It was Jordan, wasn’t it?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“You hesitated which means I’m right. It could have easily been Marie though since you were all over her.”
“Why do people keep saying that? I was being nice!”
Cate held up her hands in a relaxed defense. “Chill, Y/N, it’s okay to like more than one person at once.”
“I don’t like either of them.”
“At all?” Cate quirked an eyebrow.
“No,” I pouted.
Cate looked unimpressed and I felt even more unimpressed since I knew that I liked Marie and Jordan platonically.
“Okay, we’ll save that for later but, I don’t think Jordan would tell you that they would backstab you and they would not think about it. They would do it to other people, but not you.”
“You’re just saying that because they’re your friend and you weren’t there.”
Cate cocked her head to the side. “Think, Y/N, did Jordan really say, ‘I would backstab you if it would save my ass’?”
As I recalled the memory, I slowly rocked back and forth on my heels. “They didn’t say that but, they didn’t answer me when I asked if they would.” “You probably caught them off guard,” Cate reasoned. “I’m sure if you talked to them, things would go okay.”
I hesitated and set my clothes on my bed. “Let’s say that I decided to speak to them, I don’t know what to say. Even if I did, my class tomorrow isn’t with them.
“You’re not going to the Think Brink gala tomorrow night?” Cate asked.
Earlier that day, Mom mentioned something about a gala on the phone but I was only half-listening. In my defense, there was only so much complaining about her clients and Dad that I could stand. I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and “Go to Brink gala” was in bright letters on my calendar.
“I guess I am,” I concluded.
“Then, you have some time to figure it out. You might get lucky and not even have to say anything.” I nodded and messed with the charm on my phone. “But what about Marie?”
“You’ll figure that out too. Indira’s taking her to the gala so, you can get both your ‘friends’ back,” Cate said, putting “friends” in air quotes.
“Why did you do it like that? Don’t say it like that.”
“Just because you’re in denial doesn’t mean I am. Think about it, would you be this freaked out if we had a fight?”
The “yes” should have come immediately but it didn’t; it died in my throat, and I couldn’t look at Cate. Why were things different with Marie and Jordan? Why did I stress out about them when I tried to stop thinking about them?
“Can you just make me say the right thing?” I asked.
Cate mulled it over for a moment. “I think it’s best if you do it yourself. If you don’t have a vision about it, something will come to you.”
“Thanks, Cate. If you and Andre need any help snooping----”
“You will be the first person I text,” Cate assured.
“I was going to say that I’ll probably know before you.”
I narrowly avoided the pillow Cate tossed at me and laughed at her effort.
“Maybe you are getting a little too cocky, Y/N.” She stood and walked over to me. “And for the record, I would never betray you in any way, neither would Andre or Jordan. If either of them did, they would have to deal with me.”
“Thanks, I would hug you but I’m still soaking wet.”
“Yeah, that’s smart. I know this might be useless but try not to worry about everything.”
I shrugged. “It doesn’t hurt to try.”
“You’re taking the meds from Indira?”
“Yes, Mom,” I teased.
“Just trying to help.”
Strangely, that was the first night since Luke’s death that I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. The trend was that I would strain myself to have premonitions until I was exhausted and tried again in the morning. For once, sleep found me quickly.
After sitting through a two-hour lecture on trauma’s impact on villains and heroes, I was more than happy to wander back to the Si Chi house and decompress. In a few hours, Talia, Mom’s assistant, would arrive with options for the gala. Then, the glam team would arrive and do their best to ignore Mom while they did their jobs.
I needed all the relaxation I could get.
 As I was mentally reviewing which movies I could watch, my phone kept buzzing in my back pocket. I thought it was another flurry of comments on the TikTok Coco and I made yesterday but it was from a strange number.
XXX-XXX-XXXX: Y/N, pls come 2 my dorm, it’s an emergency.
XXX-XXX-XXXX: Im srry we haven’t talked in a while but it’s important.
I frowned and typed back, ????
XXX-XXX-XXXX: It’s Marie. Emma’s in trouble.
My stomach dropped and I replied, B there soon.
As I raced around other people on campus, my thoughts moved faster at the possibility of what could have been going on with Emma. The last time I had spoken to her was two days ago and she was okay then. If anything, she may have been tense because Marie and I were not speaking but she had not said anything else.
I was halfway to their dorm when I ran into something solid.
“Watch where you’re going, Y/N,” Maverick sneered.
“If you put on some clothes, maybe I’d see you,” I shot back as I continued down the hall.
When I finally got to their dorm, I was panting and could barely knock. Marie pulled the door open, pulled me in, and closed the door behind me.
“Did you sprint here?” she asked.
I nodded. “You said…it was…an….emergency…Emma.”
In the middle of me grabbing my bearings, I noticed something tiny next to one of the supports on Emma’s bed. Slowly, I slid to my knees and crawled over to it. When I realized who it was, a choked gasp escaped my mouth.
“What happened?” I whispered.
“I don’t know. She was like that when I got here and I didn’t know what to do so I called you since you’ve known her the longest,” Marie rambled.
Her words barely registered in my brain as I went to one of Emma’s drawers, grabbed a small set of clothes, wrapped her in it, and carefully set her on her bed. Emma was barely breathing and was ghostly pale.
“Emma, I know you’re probably not going to like this but, you’re going to need to eat something.”
She didn’t reply and for a second, I wondered if she could.
I started rifling through all her stuff until I found a box of crackers. My hands trembled as I broke them into small pieces and kneeled in front of Emma. She never looked at me as she nibbled on each crumb I fed her.
Eventually, she grew back to her normal size. As soon as she was, she pulled her knees to her chest.
“I’m sorry you saw me like that,” she muttered.
Slowly, I sat next to her and it was almost the same way zookeepers treated wild animals. If one moved calmly enough, they would not get attacked. Marie sat on her bed.
“It’s okay, I’m glad we were able to help,” I replied. “What happened?”
Emma sniffed. “I opened up to this girl in my class. We’re scene partners for a project and we were talking, and I guess I felt comfortable enough to tell her about how I get small. I thought it was just between us, but she posted this…this video on YouTube telling the whole world about it.”
“Who’s the girl?” Marie asked.
“How do you get small?” I uttered at the same time.
Emma froze for a moment and looked away from me. “I make myself…sick.”
When she said it, I suddenly remembered all those times she would go to the bathroom and then come out a miniature version of herself. However, all those times, it was for different commercials or other work-related events. Then again, there had to be times when she did it at home or at my house.
How did I never notice? “Emma, I’m so sorry. I wish you would’ve told me sooner,” I said.
Emma turned to me with a glare in her eyes. “Really? How would I work that into a conversation? ‘Hey, Y/N, I’m sorry to interrupt but, I make myself throw up to get small’?”.
“We’re friends, friends tell each other this kind of thing,” I insisted.
Emma scoffed. “Please, like you would get it if I told you. You’re perfect, you always have been. Your face, your hair, your body, your eyes, your life!”
“That’s not fair.”
“Emma, I think you need to get help,” Marie interrupted.
Emma’s gaze flickered to hers and I thought she might set Marie on fire. “I need to get help, that’s rich coming from you. You act like no one can see your scars.”
Marie flinched and her eyes narrowed slightly. “I do that for my powers, that’s different.”
Emma laughed callously. “Please, at least be honest. How about this: I’ll go to therapy when you admit to cutting.”
Emma’s voice had no tone and every word she said was like a hammer slamming into my chest. She wasn’t in the right headspace for any conversation and I kept reminding myself as I stood.
“We should talk later when we’ve all calmed down,” I suggested.
“I don’t want to speak to either of you again,” she hissed.
It took more effort than usual to swallow the lump in my throat as I let myself out of their dorm. Just as I was about to lean against the door and wallow, Marie slipped out behind me and shut the door. I took a step back, barely avoiding a pair of girls rushing past.
“Sorry,” she apologized.
“It’s fine.”
Silence filled the space for a moment, and I had no idea how to fill it. Cate said I would know what to say but I was at a loss.
“I’m sorry about what I said…that day,” Marie delivered gently.
My eyes snapped up at her. “Oh.”
She sighed. “I was just angry, and I thought you were a part of it but, Emma kept saying that you would never do something like that. I just didn’t know how to reach out or say anything.”
I know the feeling.
“I accept your apology but I’m also sorry that no one came back for you. I guess it worked out, though?”
Marie sighed and leaned against her door. “Sort of. The perks are nice and I’m in crim now but I feel like everyone’s looking at me and expects something from me; almost like they’re waiting for me to fail.”
“Really? They had me convinced you’d be the black Starlight,” I teased.
Marie laughed half-heartedly. “I still want to be a hero, though, someone like her people can look up to.”
“Anyone in particular?”
Marie hesitated. “My little sister. We were both obsessed with heroes when we were younger, but I was the one who got Compound V. She always looked up to me and I want to be someone who would make her proud.”
“That’s a really admirable goal,” I complimented.
She smiled softly. “What about you? Shouldn’t you be my competition to be the black Starlight?”
My expression faltered and I looked down at my French acrylics. “No, I don’t think I have the showmanship you do. Besides, my goal isn’t to be in the Seven.”
“Really? What do you want to do?” Marie asked.
“So, I have this four year plan and if I follow the steps I am on to a T, I will graduate with a city contract and be engaged to an eligible supe.”
Usually, when I told someone my four year plan, my chest swelled and my shoulders rolled back unconsciously. This time, it felt like I was a toddler showing my mom a drawing I made in school.
“Is that it?” Marie asked.
“I know it’s more traditional and maybe even a little lame but, it’s what I want,” I maintained.
Marie nodded slowly.
“What is it?”
“Nothing, I just imagined you doing something in, like, criminal AI or stopping criminals from re-offending.”
“Both are great, they’re just not me.”
“Which is fine,” Marie insisted.
She sounded a little too eager but I let it go as we started walking down the hallway.
“What should we do about Emma?” Marie asked.
“I’ve never seen her like that before but she’ll need time to cool off.”
“Sounds good, I just have nowhere to go until the gala tonight.”
“You could come to Si Chi for a bit. I can’t promise they won’t try to initiate you, though.”
Marie laughed. “Me, in a sorority?”
“Hey, we’re getting more black girls this year so you never know!”
“Whatever but, yeah, I’d like to hang out with you…at your house.”
Even though Marie rushed the last part, a smile quirked on the corners of my mouth. It would be nice to have a new friend over and it was even nicer that there was no more tension between us.
“You know, Emma never told us the name of that girl,” Marie pondered once we got outside.
“Oh, that’s easy.” I grabbed my phone and scrolled through my contacts until I reached the right one.
Shelby answered on the first ring. “Y/N, hi!” “Hey, are you on your way to class?” I asked.
“Yeah, if I’m late one more time, Professor Elix is going to make me do an improv one-woman show!” she panted.
“Well, I don’t want to slow you down but, you have class with Emma Meyer, right?”
“Oh yeah, Intro to Stage, why?”
“Cool. She told me her stage partner has an incredible Insta aesthetic, but she never told me her name and I need new inspo.”
“Oh, that’s Justine. I don’t know her last name but I’m sure you��ll find her.”
“Thanks, Shelby. Have fun in class.”
I hung up and turned to Marie, whose eyebrows were raised. “What?”
“What was that voice?” Marie asked.
“It was my voice. Haven’t you heard of code-switching?”
“Fine. Did you get the name?”
“Yes, Justine and I’ve met her.”
“What? How?”
“She’s rushing Si Chi.” I couldn’t keep the devilish smile from working its way into my mouth.
“What does that look mean?” Marie asked.
“It means that there are many more perks to being in a top house besides living in it.”
For some reason, everyone thinks that white girls have a monopoly on passive aggression and relational aggression. That was not the case at all; black girls simply are more inclined towards active aggression but we’re capable of both. I proved as much during Brink’s gala.
The ballroom was packed with board members, trustees, alumni, and the wealthiest GOD U students, the latter being my target of interest. They were all easy to approach since I had met them at some function or another.
“Y/N,” Bianca Peterson gushed as she hugged me.
Her Gucci Guilty perfume tickled my nose and I willed myself not to sneeze as I politely pulled away from her. “Bianca, it’s been too long. I think the last time I saw you was at Beta Ro’s Brunch for Boy Scouts.”
Bianca nodded, light auburn curls bouncing around her sculpted features. “Yes, we bonded over jewelry.”
“And you still have fantastic taste,” I mentioned, gesturing to the gold buckle around her wrist.
“Thank you, it was a present from Theo but I gave him a few hints,” she bragged lightly.
“How is rush going?” I asked.
“Pretty well, our pledges are shaping up nicely this year, not that they don’t every year,” she quickly added the last part.
“Of course. Do you have a lot of girls from Counting?”
“We’re interested in a couple, why? Are you trying to poach?”
I shook my head. “Not at all, I just wasn’t sure if you heard what Layla from Zeta Nu discovered.”
Bianca raised a microbladed brow. “No, I don’t think I have.”
I took a deep inhale and slowly shook my head in disbelief. “Oh, well, I should let it come from her then.”
A moment later, Bianca glanced across the room at Layla Ruthers, the president of Zeta Nu, who was smiling politely at a pair of hunched-over old men.
“In case I don’t have a chance to talk to her, what happened?” Bianca asked.
I glanced around us for a moment before leaning closer. “Apparently, a freshman posted a video about another girl’s eating disorder.”
“Really?” Bianca’s eyes widened.
I nodded. “Layla was insulted for the other girl and banned the pledge from rushing Zeta Nu. She even said that no respectable house would accept someone so low-class.”
“Oh,” Bianca uttered.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to take up all your time. I should go mingle.”
I made it about two steps before Bianca gently grabbed one of my arms.
“Wait, Y/N. Did Layla say the name of the pledge?”
My eyes wandered around the twinkling lights of the room for a second. “Justine something, I think.”
“Thank you. I’ll see you later.”
The rest of my conversations followed that pattern. Each girl I spoke to was shocked and horrified by my words. Plus, none of them would dare speak to the other; that would mean another house had better information than them. My final target was easily the most important one: Sydney.
In her ice-blue mermaid dress and intricate updo, she looked more like Cinderella than a gala attendee. She was standing at a table, nodding her head at something a shorter guy was saying.
“Excuse me,” I politely interrupted, “I need to borrow Sydney for a second.”
The guy deflated slightly. “Sure.”
“I’ll see you soon.” Sydney huffed a sigh of relief as soon as we were out of earshot. “Thank you, I don’t know what he was even talking about.”
“Anytime,” I replied.
She snatched a champagne flute from a passing server and downed half of it. “I can’t wait for this night to be over.”
I nodded. “It is morbid despite their attempt to dress it up.”
“Yeah, and my parents won’t stop bugging me about my future. I can only apply to so many internships and not everyone is looking for a telekinetic,” she griped. “Sorry, how are you?”
“I’m alright. Ironically, I think he’d hate the name they picked but I didn’t know him super well,” I admitted.
Here it goes.
“So, I think the event the other day was a success,” I commented.
“Definitely. The house was packed. It’s too bad we can’t accept them all.”
Sydney smiled as she spoke.
“I know. It’s great that there’s so much interest.” I paused for a second. “But, I wanted to tell you that something came up with one of the pledges.”
Sydney gestured for me to continue.
“Even though my social media deep dive on the pledges was thorough, something came up today that I thought you should know when considering the pledges,” I explained.
“Today, Justine posted a video exposing another girl’s eating disorder. Several of the girls were upset when they saw it.”
“That’s awful,” Sydney responded.
“It’s also so disappointing since I met Justine during that event, and she was saying how women empowerment is important to her. I know that women empowerment is a huge passion for you and a foundation for Si Chi and to imagine a pledge so willing to tear down another woman infiltrating the safe space you building is horrifying.”
Despite the liquor, I could tell Sydney was processing my words quicker than any computer. Her expression shifted from shock to anger to coldness. Then, she finished the last of her champagne and set it on the table closest to us. “Thank you for telling me, Y/N. I’ll see you later.”
As she walked away, I grinned widely at the response. Bid Day was going to be even more fun and interesting than last year. To celebrate, I grabbed myself a flute of champagne and sipped it as I started to wander the room.
My body froze at the masculine voice and my mind raced with what to say or do. Finally, I decided to face Jordan. They were in their masculine form and standing at a table by themselves. Though they looked fantastic in their navy suit, they looked like they hadn’t slept in days.
I practically sang it and prayed for someone to make the floor swallow me.
“Can we talk?” he asked.
“Um, sure.” I walked closer to their table and rested my forearms on it.
 “It’s good to see you,” he started. “Outside of class, I mean.”
“You too.”
Jordan nodded and rubbed the back of his neck. “That’s good.” He paused. “I’m sorry about everything.”
I looked up from tapping my nails on the tablecloth. “Wh---”
“Please, let me finish. That day…I don’t know why I didn’t just tell you that I wouldn’t throw you under the bus but I wouldn’t even think about it. How could I do that to my little freshman?”
For the first time ever, my chest warmed at the nickname. However, I tried to bite back the smile that was worming its way onto my face.
I glanced away for a moment, crossing my arms over my purple sleeveless satin gown. “Well, I guess I forgive you,” I playfully grumbled before turning back to him. “But you still did it pretty easily to Marie.”
Jordan’s expression faltered and he sipped some champagne. “Don’t mention her.”
“Why not? She’s my friend and we did a very mean thing,” I argued.
“Look, I protected myself and you that night, I won’t apologize for that. Besides, she’s still here and she’s doing great,” he spat.
“I know you’re pissed about the rankings but, those can change, especially with how hard you work and how powerful you are.”
Jordan scoffed. “That’s how it should work but no one wants to back a bigender Asian.”
His words made me stop for a second. In all the time I knew them, Jordan seemed invincible to punches, laser beams, electric shocks, and words. They made succeeding at Godolkin look so easy but it must have been anything but. Plus, Luke and Brink’s death must have impacted everything else.
“We’ll see about that,” I challenged. “There’s about thirty trustees and every board member in this room. There will have to be a few who will like you.”
Jordan hesitated. “I’m not really in the mood to promote myself.”
“Then let me talk,” I offered.
He eyed me for a while before crossing over to my side of the table and looping one of his arms with mine. “Don’t make me look bad, freshie.”
“I think that’s impossible.”
The first target was easy: a thirtysomething white guy with floppy light brown hair and an oversized gray suit. I focused on him for a moment, gathering as much information as I could.
“Trevor Emerson, GOD U alum and old money beneficiary,” I muttered to Jordan.
“Isn’t he supposed to hate me?” Jordan hissed back.
“He’s overcome by white guilt since his recent discovery that all the black and brown people who built and managed his family’s manor were not salaried employees,” I explained. “He’s dying to look as much of an ally as possible.”
Jordan straightened up. “Good job, freshie.”
“I haven’t even gotten started.” I painted a polite smile on my face. “Mr. Emerson, it’s so nice to meet you, can we bother you for a moment?”
Two guilty and three haughty donors later, Jordan and I found ourselves at a different table. It was the first time that I saw him smile that night.
“You were amazing out there,” Jordan exclaimed.
“Thank you but you also made my job a little easier being talented and whatever,” I joked.
“Seriously.” Jordan grabbed my hand. “You might have saved my ass.”
I tried to ignore the tingle that shot up from my hand into the side of my neck. “It’s okay, I’m happy to help.”
When they announced that the video was about to start Jordan sulked again. “I can’t believe they’re making us sit through this shit.”
“Me neither.” I rest my hand on top of his. “I’m sorry I didn’t ask sooner but, are you okay?”
Jordan laughed humorlessly. “No but schmoozing with you did help a little. I’ll see you later?”
When we parted our separate ways, I wiped my sweaty palms on my dress skirt and approached my table. Fortunately, Mom and Dad had not burned down the ballroom with their arguing. In fact, when I got to their table, Mom was on her phone and Dad was rhythmically tapping his fingers against the tablecloth, looking anywhere but her.
“Hi, were you bored with me gone?” I asked, giving Dad a side hug.
“Not at all. I met a few board members and sold a few pictures,” he responded.
I nodded and slowly took the middle seat between them. The video was equal parts patronizing and infuriating. However, my parents’ whispers kept me from focusing too much on the video.
“Y/M/N, can you get off the phone for one second? They’re playing the video,” Dad hissed.
“I am about to cut the biggest deal of this quarter. They can send it,” Mom hissed back, waving a manicured hand for emphasis.
“Mom, people are starting to stare,” I quietly interjected.
“Let them stare. This is what’s paying for you to be here.”
“Don’t act like I don’t contribute!” Their words used to make me flinch but I forced myself to sit up straighter and breathe.
“I’m grateful for it, for both of you, really. You both paid to be here and I thought you would not want to miss the man they’re honoring,” I whispered.
Those words made Mom slowly mutter something into the phone before placing it face down on the table and leaning forward. At that same time, they flashed a picture of Brink and me across the screen. He had been meeting with my small group when the photographer appeared.
Dad squeezed an arm around my shoulder and I softly leaned into his touch.
“Thank God you lost that baby fat,” Mom commented.
“Y/M/N,” Dad said quietly.
“You know it’s true, Y/D/N,” Mom hissed back.
Suddenly, Dad’s arm felt like a boa constrictor, and I gracefully slipped out of its grasp. When the video ended, I drank a fresh flute of champagne. The bubbles instantly went to my head as I giggled at Dean Shetty introducing Marie.
She looked really pretty even though she was nervous.
“Do you know her?” Mom asked over the applause.
“We’re friends,” I replied.
“So why is she a guardian and not you?”
“She was more involved in stopping Luke than me,” I lied.
 When Dean Shetty cued everyone to return to socializing, Mom turned to me.
“Your grades are fantastic and your standing in your house is good,” Mom began. “But eligible bachelors will not notice you unless you stand out like her.”
“Y/M/N, leave her alone. Anyone who doesn’t notice Y/N isn’t worthy of being in our family anyway,” Dad defended.
Mom ignored him. “That girl, Marie Moreau, is not your friend, she is your competition. You are in the prime setting to have everything you’ve ever wanted but she could snatch it from you. You’re supposed to be able to see things like this coming, Y/N.”
“I do see things coming and I know Marie wouldn’t do that to me,” I quipped.
At that moment, Mom’s eyes bore so deep into me that I didn’t think that anyone could claw them out. Her eyes looked like they were going to bug out of her head at any moment and I could feel my breathing pick up.
“I’m sorry, it just slipped out,” I promised.
It felt like forever until she leaned back in her seat and grabbed her phone.
“Make sure it doesn’t ‘slip out’ again. Now go socialize.”
“I need a minute, Mom, I’ve been socializing since we got here.”
Mom rolled her eyes. “This again.”
“Y/M/N, please.”
“No, no, Y/D/N, she is constantly using, what, anxiety to get out of speaking to people. You are always too soft on her and make me look like the bad guy. I’m the one helping her be normal,” Mom snapped. “Anxiety didn’t exist when we were her age, we just did what we had to do, and look where we are now.”
I wondered if Emma ever felt as small as I did in that moment. Then, I wondered if she ever made herself small to hide from people, even her mom. Wordlessly, I left the table and tried to avoid any cameras as the tears burned in the corners of my eyes.
I tried to take deep breaths to calm my trembling chest and keep my throat busy. My chest shifted from trembling to heavy and I started looking around the room.
“I hear one piano…feel two fingers…smell three different alcohols…and see---”
“Y/N, are you okay?” Cate’s voice broke me out of my rhythm and I glanced to see her sitting with Marie and Jordan, who was in their feminine form.
My chest felt much lighter and I quickly wiped away my tears. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Bullshit,” Jordan called gently.
Cate pulled me into a hug and had me sit between her and Marie. “What happened?”
“My parents, well, my mom mostly. I guess I got too anxious for her, and she yelled at me,” I rambled.
Cate smiled softly. “Then you came at the perfect time. We were just talking about our horrible parents.”
My ears perked up. “Really?”
“Well, mine are dead,” Marie commented.
I turned to her and placed my hands on top of hers. “What? I’m so sorry. How did it…”
“I accidentally killed them with my powers,” Marie explained.
“That must have been horrible.”
Marie barely nodded and I squeezed her hands. “I just told my little brother to go away during a camping trip. He never came back and my mom pretty much locked me away,” Cate confessed. “I was seven.”
 “What?” I whispered.
“I killed my grandpa with my powers,” Jordan interjected.
We all turned to her and I cocked my head to the side.
“No, you didn’t,” Cate countered.
Jordan smiled. “You’re right, I was feeling left out.”
I didn’t think that I could laugh the way I did but it felt so nice. At least I had friends again.
When I started sipping on the whiskey Cate stole, I saw a brief image flash before my eyes. There was a guy with curly brown hair covered in dirt running away from several bloody bodies. He paused for a moment and opened his hand, revealing a tiny sleeping Emma. When the vision left, Andre was standing in front of us.
“Seriously?” I complained before he even spoke.
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slvt4em1lyprenti2s · 19 days
heyy could you do a renee rapp or Regina george x reader? Any genre is ok! Thank you!
my masterlist!
Slow mornings
Summary: A slow morning, and just reader and Reneé being all domestic. Tooth rotting fluff!
Word count: 667 (SORRY ITS SHORT!!)
TW: kissing, I think that’s it?
Pairing: Reneé Rapp x fem!reader
A/N: Hey so I’m kind getting back into writing, going to try keep going with all my requests I get sent and try keep going with my emily series!! Hope you enjoy!
Reader pov:
The chilly autumn breeze floats through the windows and parts the curtains for a few seconds, the sun peaking through as it does so. My hands come up to my eyes to shield them from the golden sun beating down on me and Reneé through the thin gap.
I turn around after feeling her arms around me like usual, and burry myself into her chest, making myself at home. I let out a relaxed breath as I feel her stir. I attempt to stay still in hopes of not waking her but her eyelids pry themselves open anyway. Her blue eyes find my own and a tired smile graces her face.
“Good morning” Her tired voice croaks, the sound bouncing off the walls, sending shivers down me. She could never not be gorgeous.
“Morning, love” I say back, tilting my head up to be more in her eyeline. She takes this opportunity to capture my lips in hers, moving against each other softly, gently pouring every ounce of love we could muster at this early hour into the kiss. She pulls back and cups my face in her hand, rubbing soothing circles over my cheek and smiling softly.
“I love you” The words tumble drowsily out my mouth before I could stop them. But her smiles grows fonder nonetheless.
“I love you too baby” The replies falls upon my ears as I place my head back in her chest, now enjoying the warmth of the sun on us rather than being annoyed it disrupted my sleep. Our legs tangle together and it’s hard to see where she starts and I end.
Her hands draw mindless patterns over my side as I begin to feel my eyes close again. I know I shouldn’t go back to sleep but who can resist when in my position? Safely tucked into your lover, the sun warming us gently, being totally lost in the other’s touch.
A blaring alarm rips through our tranquil state reminding us we do need to get up at some point. Reneé reaches over me and turns it off.
“C’mon baby, we need to get up” Her breath fans over my ear as she whispers to me. I reluctantly pull myself out of her embrace and watch her as she rolls over and sits upright on the edge of the bed, stretching slowly, waking weary limbs after a peaceful night.
I quickly follow suit as she slips into the darkness of the hallway and walks down to the kitchen. She puts on the kettle before turning her attention to me. Her hands find my waist and she pulls me so we’re flush against each other. Her nose brushes mine as we talk.
“What are we doing today, anything in particular?” She questions.
“Not that I’m aware of” I reply. A content hum leaves her lips, we haven’t had a day where both our schedules agree in a while so, finally having today is nice.
Reneé taps the backs of my thighs gently as she pressed me against the kitchen counter, signalling for me to jump. I do as she says and position myself on top of the marble countertop. She stands between my legs, sliding her hands up and down my thighs in a soothing manner. Her eyes lock with mine and we both lean in. We’re lost in yet another kiss, the world seems to dissolve whenever we’re together. Like it’s only us, and only ever been us. Nothing beats slow mornings. Lazy cuddles and kisses. The lack of words made up for in gentle lingering touches and the whispers of the autumn breeze.
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agaypanic · 8 months
Could you write a regina x femme jock fic please
Welcome to the Team (Regina George X Jock!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: After her spine has fully healed, Regina’s doctor suggests she channels her anger into a sport. She chooses lacrosse, mainly because of the hot star player. 
A/N: basically just a meet cute fic. idk shit about lacrosse or sports in general, i was an orchestra + theater kid in high school. also i havent seen it yet so idk if renee’s regina joins the lacrosse team at the end, but i know that rachel’s regina did lol
Junior year was very eventful for Regina George. She was a mythic bitch, putting down anyone who so much as looked at her wrong. With the arrival of the new girl, Cady Heron, she saw an opportunity to add another girl to her posse of Plastics. But that new friendship ended with Regina George getting hit by a bus.
She survived, thank God. Her spine had broken, but it healed up in time for her senior year. Regina and Cady forgave each other for the things that had happened last year and were now on good terms. But the social hierarchy that Regina created seemed to die out, she was no longer the queen bee.
But now that Regina George was no longer focusing on being popular, she had time for other things. Like ogling one of the girls on the Lady Lions Lacrosse Team. Not so worried about always doing the ‘right’ thing, she didn’t feel ashamed by her stare or her thoughts. Deep down, she had probably always had a thing for you, the star lacrosse player. 
So when her doctor told her that she should join a sport to channel her anger in a healthier way, she immediately signed up to be a Lady Lion.
As she walked onto the field and saw the rest of the team getting ready for practice, Regina felt slightly intimidated. Not that she let that show. The most she knew about lacrosse was how hot you looked in your uniform. 
And then suddenly, you were standing right in front of her.
“Hey! Regina, right?” You asked, even though you obviously knew who she was. “Our new Lady Lion?”
“Yup.” Regina’s smile was unlike any other she had shown people; it seemed a bit timid. But you didn’t comment on it. “That’s me.”
“I’m Y/n.” You said, shaking her hand. Regina couldn’t help but notice how nice your hand felt in hers. “So, have you ever played lacrosse before?”
“No.” She gained the confidence to giggle and twirl her hair. She had never really flirted with a girl before, so she had to resort to the tactics she had used when trying to bag any guy in her grade. Not that she really had to try, they all dropped to her feet like obedient dogs when she so much as looked at them. But you were different; you actually had a brain. “I’ve only done P.E. sports.”
“Well, don’t worry.” You smiled at her, and she could feel butterflies all up in her stomach. “I’ll help you out. Come on! We’re about to start warm-ups.”
As Regina followed you to the middle of the field, where everyone else was stretching, she had only one thing on her mind. How to get you to be hers before the season was over.
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sapphicnae · 4 months
Sapphicnae Intro + Masterlist!
My name's Ash and my current obsessions are Renee Rapp, Mean Girls (2024) and whatever I latch onto next 😁
I mainly write for Regina x Fem!Reader but I'm more than willing to take requests for anything else, including Rejanis, Cadina etc.
My DMS are always open to make new friends, I love bonding over anything I'm just simply too shy to message first!!
Smut - 𓇼 Fluff - ♥︎ Angst - ✱
Mean Girls (2024)
Regina George
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Love, Hate and Everything in Between ♥︎ ✱
Regina hated you and you hated Regina. Each of you so obsessed with taking down the other. But was this obsession pure hatred or something more?
No Exceptions? ♥︎
Regina was mean to everyone, no exceptions. Yet when she was around you, it was a completely different story…
The Sex Lives of College Girls
Leighton Murray
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coming soon...
Requests are open!
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