#repetitive motion injury
crippled-punk-guy · 6 months
Shout out to everyone who is having a flare up during the holidays or because of them
Yes I know my limits
And yes I went past them
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cuteasamuntin · 2 years
Went for a 6-mile hike yesterday and now I’m super sore… in my right elbow and forearm
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hamletisabitch · 1 year
It's just girls (gn) with repetitive motion injuries and their pet repetitive motion against the world
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Ambulatory Wheelchair user Vil Schoenheit, AU
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As a dancer and a highly active person the stress put on his joints and injuries to the hip and torso area gave him chronic pain. Formed a pars fracture and sprains became fairly common. With the additional injuries from his overblot it was decided that he would benefit from a mobility aid.
References below cut:
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#I hope the wheelchair looks right#I had to use a couple of reference photos for proportion#Spondylolysis is a defect caused by alternating full flexion and extension movements#are more common in ballet dancers than in the general population.#“Spondylolysis” is the medical term for a small crack (fracture) between two vertebrae in your spine.#the pain usually spreads from your lower back into your thigh and butt muscles .#Feels like a muscle strain in or around your lower back.#Gets worse during physical activity and improves with rest or when you’re less active.#Overuse: Repetitive motions that put stress on your low back cause wear and tear on your vertebrae. Over time#this damage can add up to cause a pars fracture. Doing physical work for your job#playing contact sports and repeatedly injuring your low back can all damage your vertebrae.#Dancers require extreme ranges of motion in their hips. They require this for many styles and performances. Hip pain and hip injury are#often seen in dancers as well as soft tissue injuries.#Dancer athletes exhibit extreme range of motion of their hips#a requirement for many styles and choreography. Hip pain and injury are leading causes of lost work and lost performance time for the dance#disney twst#disney#twisted wonderland disney#disney twisted wonderland#twistedwonderland#twisted wonderland#twisted series#vil schoenheit#schoenheit#ambulatory wheelchair user#ambulatory mobility aid user#twisted wonderland meme#vil twst#vil twisted wonderland#wheelchair
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abtheb · 1 year
April 28, 2023
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Despite everything, it's still you.
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tea-earl-grey · 2 months
i know the answer is just that i have a disability but i don't understand how people knit without hurting themselves.
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dykesynthezoid · 2 months
Putting myself in knitting/crochet jail bc I strained a muscle/tendon but I’m currently hyperfixated on it so I’m like.
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scooplery · 10 months
whyyyyy does my wrist hurt i didn't even do anything to it
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job hunting my BELOATHED
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historic-on-main · 1 year
reporting and blocking is not enough I need to tear the porn bots throats out with my teeth
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weebsinstash · 2 years
There's lot of character's to simp for in one piece but I got a soft spot for asl and ussop ( it's a crime theirs not many luffy or ussop smut out there )~
God I dunno if I could ever sexualize Luffy. That's like my brother right there. He has a very unfuckable non-sexual aura, like he's written in a very aroace way in the sense he's never once had a romantic encounter where he returned the other person's feelings. He just wants to eat tasty food and have adventures with his homes!
But like... he IS kind of loyal to the point of being possessive even in a platonic friend way? Or at least I can picture a fic where it's spun as such 😏 i can kinda see where he would be extremely reluctant to let go if a new friend or close friend of his didn't want to sail around on the ship or be a straw hat anymore. I mean, just look at how he let Sanji absolutely beat his ass because he wasn't willing to let Sanji walk away to join the Vinsmokes (although that was mostly because Luffy knew he didn't want to, but, you know)
Ussopp definitely takes some time to grow on you, especially depending on which version of him you're plucking from the story. The timeskip where he's more buff and self sufficient is definitely more appealing than "lying crybaby with a slingshot" that we get introduced to. I have to admit I need to rewatch the series 😩 Ussopp kinda gives me those "if you pass out drunk in front of this guy he might cop a feel" kinda vibes, at least for the kinds of things I write 😏
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cyborgdragongirl · 9 months
i love talking to people without it about chronic pain
like “yeah, anything under a 7 is a good day”
*screeching* “Seven?!! a seven?! out of ten?! I go to the hospital when I’m at a 4”
“oh well my baseline pain is a 3-5 daily. I just smoke some weed pop some ibuprofen and go on my day if it’s higher than 5, and if we get to 7+ i just lay around smoking weed till I fast travel into tomorrow”
i have a few fun stories about getting injured and straight up just walking it off, driving myself home, and patching myself up. I got my eagle scout and half my family are nurses and doctors, we just never went to the hospital. and everything they’re gonna do at the hospital I can do at home. while high. I can even stitch myself lol
chronic pains a bitch but so am I
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yinyuedijun · 4 months
I'm so sorry ga ming but tumblr user mydiluc single handedly motivated me to finish the danheng pwp fic this weekend oh gmfnesksjs (NSFW link)
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liomelonzz · 9 months
really lucked out with a job i kinda like that pays sorta okay cuz why do all my friends have jobs that sound like comically sinister medieval tourture tactics
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newfruits · 2 years
i need a physiotherapist and massage therapist that will twist me up like a pretzel and stretch me and make my stupid fucking joints go in the right place and do deep tissue massage on the muscle knots until theyre gone. it will be painful as fuck but im living in a flare up right now and it sucks ass. im in so much more pain every day than usual and i would do just about anything to make it stop
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onewomancitadel · 1 year
I got one of those ergonomic computer mice that are supposed to be better because your arm isn't tensed using them but I've had intense pain (and subsequent migraine) because of it. I feel like it's probably because it ended up being too large for my hands they said it was small so now I've gone back to using my old and faithful.
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