#replies ⟿ alejandra
toychest321 · 6 months
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Special thanks to @dollsinvogue for making this amazing Trans Day of Visbility banner!
To every trans person who sees this post, please know that you are loved. I wish only the best for you in your life.
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leaves-fall-down · 7 months
I’m just very confused on why you guys think Jk Rowling is denying the holocaust. She isn’t denying the holocaust itself.
She said that Trans people weren’t the first ones to be persecuted, and that’s true. The Nazis primarily were against the Jews. She didn’t say that the trans people weren’t targeted at all as far as I know. Im very confused.
Alright. Since you wrote this from what I'm assuming is good faith, I will reply as politely as I can. Sorry if anything comes off as rude, I just have a somewhat blunt way of speaking and talking.
Despite being a best selling author of books with a political message, all of which smack you over the head with it, JKR isn't particularly good at making arguments for her beliefs. So, any confusion is alright, and forgiven, because she herself is a confusing debater.
So, *I* did not say she's denying the entire holocaust. I don't know what other folks are saying, but *I* never said she's denying the entire Holocaust-she was denying the very specific act, an atrocity really, of nazis burning books about trans people. However, denying any atrocity of the Holocaust is still, y'know, bad. To me, denying one aspect of it is just as gross and harmful as denying the whole thing. But that's me and my view.
Second, nowhere in the original tweet is the person in the screenshot that she's replying to saying that trans people were the first victims of the nazis. (see below). They aren't saying that at all, what they're saying is that trans books/research were burned by the nazis (Which. Uh. They were!). In her original post, JKR denied book burnings done by Nazis, specifically books about trans people. Which is verifiable and correct. The nazis did in fact do that. So yes, she's denying an aspect of the holocaust. That is objectively what she's doing.
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Then, later (see below), likely because she was mad at this other girl for pointing out that her tweet is spreading false information (and again, is specifically denying an atrocity of the holocaust), Rowling herself is the one who switches it up from "Uh, nu uh never happened!" to "Well no no I'm just saying they didn't burn all of the books in Germany and that they weren't the first victims!"
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The poster, Alejandra here, calls her out again (see below). Because she never said that! The person there in the original screenshot that she's posting also doesn't say that anywhere in their original tweet!
Then, instead of just apologizing, she decided to move the goalposts and accuse Alejandra of lying, specifically of lying about a point that JKR was the one to switch to, and then used an entirely different tweet to accuse this girl of lying about something she and the screenshotted person never even said. She's doing this because she's embarrassed that someone called her out for denying an atrocity of the holocaust, that's whats going on here.
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Again: the person she was originally responding to didn't say that trans people were the first victims or that every last book on them in Germany was destroyed, and this Alejandra person certainly didn't say that either, so now JKR is quite literally accusing this girl (who she wasn't even originally arguing with!) of lying over a third separate person's tweet, and over a point that JKR herself was the one to switch over to in the first place. Because she's embarrassed and mad that she was called out as a denier of part of the holocaust over her first tweet.
And please don't give me the argument of "oh well technically Alejandra asked where anyone said that, though 🥺". JKR moved the goalposts and accused this girl of lying because she got embarrassed, and then pulled out a third separate person's tweet out, because she's simply embarrassed for being called out as a holocaust atrocity denier. She was so embarrassed and flustered over being a holocaust atrocity denier that she quite literally moved the goalposts of her argument instead of just apologizing for denying part of the holocaust. Like a normal person hopefully would.
If Rowling originally just wanted to argue that trans people weren't the first victims, then she should have posted a response to that second screenshot she had in the first place, instead of the one she originally posted. But we all have eyes here, and can see that what she originally did was deny an atrocity of the holocaust entirely through her original tweet. Everything after came through sheer embarrassment at being called out, and "no I'm just saying trans people weren't the first victims!" is deflection on her end, because she is embarrassed that she was called out and corrected.
TL;DR: JK Rowling is a holocaust atrocity denying bigot. That's it. That's what she's revealed herself as, and when corrected, she simply moved the goalposts instead of apologizing. That's a solid and morally sound reason for anyone to no longer consume her work if transphobia by itself wasn't enough.
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esmecullenswife · 3 months
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This has some NSWF
Forks, Washington was a small town nestled in the heart of the Olympic Peninsula, surrounded by lush forests and shrouded in near-permanent rainclouds.
It was a place where the unusual was commonplace, and the supernatural walked among humans without fear of discovery. Esme and Carlisle were two of those supernatural beings.
Esme was known throughout Forks as an extremely warm and loving individual, always eager to share her affection with those around her.
Her heart was as vast as the ocean, and she had a natural ability to connect with people on a deeply emotional level. Her strong maternal instincts made her the perfect adoptive mother to the many children who had found their way into her and Carlisle's lives.
Carlisle, for his part, was just as kind and compassionate as Esme.
As a doctor at the local hospital, he spent long hours working to heal the physical and emotional wounds of the people of Forks.
His gentle nature and unwavering dedication to his patients had earned him the respect and admiration of the entire town.
On this particular night, as Carlisle worked late at the hospital, Esme and their mate, Alejandra, found themselves waiting for him to come home.
The rain pattered against the windows, creating a soothing background noise as Esme and Alejandra chatted quietly in the living room.
Esme couldn't resist the urge to tease Alejandra, and she found herself reaching out to touch the other woman's hand, her fingers lingering just a little longer than necessary. She spoke softly, her voice full of sensuality and longing, and it wasn't long before Alejandra could no longer resist the pull of her mate's charisma.
Alejandra leaned in close, her lips brushing against Esme's as she whispered, 'I can't wait any longer. I need you now.'
Esme's reply was a low moan of pleasure as Alejandra's lips found her neck, her teeth gently nipping at the skin.
The two of them had been dancing around their attraction for weeks, but now, with Carlisle due home at any moment, they couldn't wait any longer to give in to the desire burning between them.
As if summoned by their thoughts, Carlisle arrived home just as Alejandra's lips found Esme's pussy.
He closed the door silently behind him, a small smirk playing at the corners of his mouth as he watched the two women.
Carlisle knew better than to interrupt them, and instead, he began to undress as he approached the couch where Esme and Alejandra were tangled together. He knew that his love for Esme was strong enough to share her with others, and as he joined in, the three of them found a new level of pleasure in the intimacy they shared.
The night was full of passion and love, a testament to the strong bonds that had brought them together. And as the rain continued to fall outside, the three of them found solace and happiness in each other's arms, knowing that they were truly home.
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scryarchives · 1 year
𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤 - 𝐣𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 | 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟖
things go better than expected, and jaime has so much more to learn about drea than he realised
masterlist | previous , next !
– pairings: jaime reyes x oc
– warning: fluff, canon divergent, blue beetle movie spoilers
– author’s note: DREA LORE!! was extremely excited to write this chapter hhehe! disclaimer: i’m not of Hispanic or Aztec descent and used a translator for certain terms, so do correct me if im wrong!
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“Ever heard of the galaxy, Cemanahuatlchan?” 
Jaime frowned in confusion, briefly about to open his mouth to ask what Drea meant as Khaji-Da’s voice filled the silence of his thoughts.
“Cemanahuatlchan, also known as ‘Home Universe’ among Alejandra’s people. A neighbouring galaxy of the Milky Way. It consists of approximately the same number of Milky Way planets, eight hundred billion, and more.”
“Actually, I guess I do now?” Jaime smiled unsurely, Drea giggling softly in reply.
“Let me guess, the scarab told you about it, huh?” She queried, Jaime, nodding his head side to side, his smile growing wider guiltily.
“No matter, I’ll tell you more anyway.”
Lifting her left wrist, the half-human tapped on the thin material of one of the matching bracelets on her wrist, the other accessory’s counterpart on her right wrist. As soon as she lifted her finger, a hologram appeared, displaying a map of the galaxy the two young adults were discussing.
With her eyes locked on a singular speck, Drea pinched her fingers, the image enlarging to display a planet, its exterior pattern reminiscent of Jupiter’s. The slight difference was the three bright rings that surrounded it.
“That’s my Mama’s home planet. To her, it’s known as Chantlemauatl, Home Flame,” She hummed, Jaime, watching in awe. 
With another quick tap to her bracelet, the hologram shifted into one of the natives of the planet, feathers adorning their headpieces, gold placed around their necks and arms, and vibrant paint swiped across their faces, more specifically, their eyes.
“But to those who are outsiders and know of its existence, it’s known as Tletlalia. Our culture, our language, it’s reminiscent of your ancient Aztec culture, I think. Even though our home planet birthed my people, the people of Chantlemauatl, the Comonqui, adapted to survive the conditions of our home.
“Our powers evolved as the climates of our planet began to change, and it would turn cooler by the year. It isn’t freezing, but it constantly rains, so to keep ourselves warm, our powers started to change to suit our needs, to benefit my people’s survival.
“Eventually, fire-related powers were one of the most useful powers we grew to have. More accurately, it’s the power of the majority of the population. Occasionally, there are a few variants to the main power, fire creation. Like mine, I have fire creation and fire manipulation. Somewhere in my ancestry, there was a variation, and it caused my mother and I to have both abilities.”
“Cool,” Jaime muttered, a small grin on his face. “What about that material you had? The one you used to fight with against Phantom?”
“Oh, it’s known as tecpatl. It’s a material that’s similar to your obsidian, except that it only hardens to that quality when in contact with flames, usually the flames of the Comonqui,” She grinned, pulling the said feather from her purse. “When not in contact, it’s just like feathers. The floating orbs, however, are called citlaltontli, small stars in English.”
“Are they made of a different material then?”
“Yeah, but they work just like tecpatl, only reacting to Comonqui flames,” She nodded eagerly. “My mother only brought a large pouch full of sand with her when she left home because it only takes a pinch of Tletlalia’s earth and a distinct type of flame to create any of these materials. I’m still learning the ropes to make it.
“In our culture, when a Comonqui is of age to be independent, they can either find their place in society or venture for new places to call home. My Mama, even though she was happy living on Tletlalia, she felt like she was missing something. So she left to find something new, and came to Earth.”
“And then, I’m assuming she met a guy, and then had you?” Jaime questioned while Drea tapped her bracelet a third time, the hologram disappearing.
“What? No, my Mama never had a lover on Earth before she met Amma,” She responded with a look of disbelief.
“Then how?”
“It’s a long, long story,” Drea sighed. “On our home planet, each person’s flame consists of a small trace of their DNA, it’s just a feature of our evolution. It makes it really convenient if there’s ever a crime committed because all it takes is a little DNA scan equivalent. But it’s also how reproduction works, especially with homosexual couples. 
“Usually, for them, there’s a different and distinct kind of flame they both produce which fuses their DNA, but I’m not sure with the whole… er… process of it,” She flushed red, Jaime’s cheeks blooming into a similar shade of dark crimson.
“R-RIGHT, right,” He muttered, ignoring the way his voice cracked slightly. “Wait, isn’t your other mom human?”
“She is, therefore she can’t produce the flame. But my Mama did actually bargain with Bruce Wayne to help fuse their DNA and create me,” Drea casually leaned back in her chair.
“Hold up, your mothers know Bruce Wayne? As in, the Bruce Wayne?” He questioned with widened eyes, his disbelief growing into a smile.
“Yeah,” She shrugged. “They’re a mutual friend of Uncle Cl– I mean, Superman.”
“You know Superman too?!” His jaw dropped, and the female across from him laughed in amusement. 
“I mean, it’s a small pool of humanoid extraterrestrials. Superman just had a little diplomatic convo with my mom, and they hit it off. He actually helped us find our home here,” She pulled her phone out, showing the young Mexican man a selfie of her, her mother and the man in the iconic blue, red and yellow suit.
Jaime’s chestnut eyes widened in excitement, and he took Drea’s phone from her hand gently as she giggled at his enthusiasm. As soon as his eyes were off the image, his eyes locked onto hers, a wide grin still plastered across his face.
“Any chance you could introduce us?” He grinned, Drea’s own smile growing from his good mood.
“Slim chance, but I could definitely give it a shot,” She winked, taking her phone back from him as Jaime’s cheeks warmed slightly, taken aback that she had it in her to wink at him so casually.
She didn’t mean it in that way. Right? Right… 
Before he could let other thoughts plague his head, he let the one thought that preoccupied his mind the whole time finally escape his lips.
“Hey, Drea?” He asked softly, watching the way she turned to face his direction in response.
“Why are you telling me all of this?”
He watched the way she swallowed the lump in her throat, the way her hands darted to keep her phone in her purse, and the way one of her hands instantly rushed to rest at the back of her neck once it was done with handling her device. 
Briefly, for just a short moment, Jaime saw a flash of fear and pain gloss over her light brown eyes, and he was struck with that sense of familiarity.
“Ah, uhm,” She began breathily, nervously fiddling with a few strands of hair, the other hand shoved into her jeans pocket. “Believe it or not, I uh… I don’t trust people easily, even if Milagro has become one of my best friends. It’s been… a long time since I’ve really told anyone who I am or where I’ve come from. And those didn’t… it didn’t go so well.”
She fiddled with her fingers, a soft yet sad smile growing at the memory of Bianca Reyes insisting on calling her ‘Tiá Bianca’, heartwarming in a bittersweet way.
“Your family though, you made me feel welcome. You all have no malicious intent, not a bad bone in any of you. You all made me want to trust you… And I mean, even though we had a rough start, you knew my secret, and I trust that you haven’t told anyone so… why not know each other a bit more before any more assumptions cause more problems?”
A teasing smile replaced her nervous grin, but the lingering emotions remained. Letting out a small, calming smile, Jaime nodded back, chuckling lightly at the joke.
“Yeah, yeah,” He huffed. “I’ve already apologised for it. How’d you know I had the scarab though?”
“I mean, it’s an alien species. And when you’re alien yourself, you get a rough idea of what’s out there. Just because we’re similar to the Aztecs doesn’t mean that we progress at the same speed as them,” She chuckled. “We do have technology there. And it’s pretty advanced, I gotta say.”
“Been there before?”
“Nah, but from the stories I heard from my mom? It sounds a little bit like paradise,” She sighed, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger. “She knows about the scarab too, by the way. She just didn’t tell me.”
“You told your mom about the scarab and I?” He frowned, a pang of betrayal shooting through him.
Instantly, Drea’s eyes widened, her hands pulling away from her hair as she waved them, her head shaking from side to side.
“What? No! Never! We made a promise, and I intend to keep it!” She reassured him, Jaime slinking back into the chair. “I just found a few of her old diaries in the attic. I rummaged through after we met. Found a whole bunch of diagrams and entries of the scarab and assumed that she knows of its existence and the extent of its powers.”
“Oh… oh, that kinda makes sense,” Jaime nodded, placing his cheek to rest on his palm, elbow hitched onto the arm of the chair. “Anything info about it that’s related to your history?”
“Oh, loads, but… maybe for another day,” She muttered tiredly. “Maybe when I actually have pictures of them. Forgot to take them when I was in the attic. Was too dark anyways.”
She then turned to face Jaime, eyes glimmering with curiosity and wonder as a small smile returned to her face. The young man across from her almost thought her expression to be cute before brushing the thought aside as nonsense.
“What about you though?” She questioned. “How’d you become the Blue Beetle?”
“Ah… uhm, I guess it’s your turn to buckle up,” He let out an airy laugh, head falling against the back of the chair. 
“And I mean really, listen well, ‘cause it was… a really rough ride.”
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gif by @rob-pattinson
taglist: @mooncleaver @hoshi4k @mymanjaimereyes @asvterias @tinkerbelle05 @littlekidsteve @allthingsvicf
< comment/dm me if you’d like to be on the taglist! >
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maleswillbemale · 6 months
Don't mind me just dropping receipts of JK Rowling engaging in holocaust denial~ Tee hee! :3
First of all, I should be financially compensated for having to watch this guy in an Ethel Cain shirt for thirty minutes.
Also, all of the voices used to narrate the posts were so blatantly exaggerated to make people he disagreed with sound cartoonishly villainous which was cringy as fuck. He was incapable of handling this topic with maturity or neutrality at all, and that made it incredibly difficult for me to digest this.
Here's what I learned, unbiased, from the video.
JKR saw a tweet from another user that claimed that nazis burned books related to trans healthcare as an argument point against her. This original tweet had no sources. JKR asked if this was a fever dream and commented that she would need to check her sources because it sounded false. Because it does. Because the original poster didn't provide any proof of this. That isn't Holocaust denial, that is skepticism towards a random Twitter user who made a big claim on a sensitive subject without providing further information. You shouldn't blindly trust what you're told online, especially on Twitter.
The books that the Nazis burned were by a homosexual Jewish man. Someone apart of the LGB alliance who was not JKR got into arguments over whether or not the author of the books was truly a good person, with accusations of him being pro-eugenics and supporting the castration of homosexuals being brought up with a book as a source. JKR posted a link to the thread with this information, but did not make the claim herself nor did she probably read an entire book or look too deeply into the claims happening, which granted she should have done, but she clearly took the elaborate thread and source for granted.
According to mister YouTuber, neither he nor someone else on his source team could find exactly what the LGB alliance claimed was in the book. He admitted things could have just been worded differently than on the thread, but the exact phrases such as "genes" were not in the book. Apparently the author was with a man 40 years younger than him though which I don't know why mister YouTuber brought that up (not even negatively, just randomly dropped) but okay I'll mention it here I guess
Hirschfield (the author of the burned books) was in fact racist and a supporter of eugenics by admission of mister YouTuber. Oops! Mister YouTuber admits that Hirschfeld supported castration for the "feeble-minded", but argued that there wasn't any evidence for homosexuals being considered under that umbrella for Hirschfeld. He also admitted that Hirschfeld, regardless of showing support for some feminist movements, still viewed women as inferior to men.
Hirschfeld's research partner created vaginoplasty, and it's mostly practiced the same way today. He (the research partner, Gohrbandt) also practiced horrific experiments on people for research in hypothermia apparently (and was never punished afterwards), but that's somewhat unrelated. Which leads to:
Mister YouTuber conflates criticism of Hirschfeld's political views and research to the criticism of modern transgender plastic surgeries sterilizing people, which is something JKR has expressed concern over before. This entire discussion isn't even remotely related to the denial of the Holocaust.
Next a user named Alejandra accuses JKR of Holocaust denial with screenshots to various articles that discuss the burning of Hirschfeld's books. JKR replies that the burning of Hirschfeld's books does not mean all healthcare books researching transgenderism were destroyed nor were trans people the very first victims of nazis, which Alejandra didn't claim and argues that she didn't. JKR responds with a screenshot from another user who was making those claims to clarify that despite Alejandra not saying it, others were. That was a bit off topic, but mister YouTuber goes on about people commenting unrelated to JKR even outside of the whole LGB alliance discussing the Hirschfeld mess as well, it's not just JKR going off about unrelated shit during this discussion.
TRAs were trying to twist the narrative of Hirschfeld's books being burned to instead mean that transgender people were the first target by Nazis and that ALL books pertaining to them were destroyed, which was factually not true and, frankly, incredibly insensitive. Mister YouTuber argues that a TIM named Dora who had vaginoplasty surgery at Hirschfeld's institute disappeared during Nazis storming the institute. Dora may have died or been arrested, the actual fate is unknown. I have no comments on this because no one ever said trans people never died to Nazis which he is insinuating and arguing against but I'll mention it here.
Mister YouTuber uses this incident as proof that trans people were targeted by Nazis and they lost all of their research - which was mostly worded with the same mythical usage as when people describe the burning of Alexandria, where people assume we'd be way ahead of what we are right now if the burning didn't happen. I wish I could drive home the fact that transgender people were killed and targeted (and still are today!) because they're seen as homosexuals. A lot of them ARE homosexuals. Man who is feminine = gay = a threat that needs to be dealt with. That is the reality of violent 'transphobia'. Homosexuals were murdered by Nazis. People like Dora were seen as homosexual males. Hirschfeld was a homosexual Jewish man.
The video then pivots to be about whether or not transgender people were killed by Nazis for being trans. JKR criticized TRAs for making the literal Holocaust center around themselves.
Mister YouTuber then goes on about transgenders being targeted by Nazis. We could go in a circle again explaining that transgender people were conflated with homosexuals which is exactly why Nazis would want them dead, or we could go over how NO ONE SAID THEY WERE NEVER KILLED BY NAZIS, but it's useless to keep having this argument. I will bring up that race was a big factor for transgenders when they encountered Nazis according to mister YouTuber's source excerpts though - 'aryan' transgendered people were almost always safe while Jewish and Roma ones were not according to this video's sources. When they (aryan transgenders) were charged, they usually had to pay a fine or go to prison rather than concentration camps. While still bad, it's not even remotely comparable and it happened far less because usually they were deemed not guilty in court since they were "racially superior"
Mister YouTuber brings up JKR's goblins in Harry Potter which is beyond a dead horse at this point.
Here's a direct quote from the fucking video YOU linked me from this man himself: "Joanne may have denied Nazi war crimes, but she isn't a Holocaust denier."
She literally only showed skepticism towards a random Twitter comment that didn't provide sources or any explanation. Should she have researched on her own time before responding with skepticism? Probably! But to stretch skepticism to mean Nazi war crime denial is just that: a stretch.
YouTuber uses anti-Semitic comments from other Twitter users as proof that JKR is bad somehow. Not her fault and there's plenty of TRA idiots who comment dumb shit all the time too. It's irrelevant. She has millions of followers and I see disgusting comments on random Twitter posts literally all the time, it's extremely common to have annoying bigoted trolls on there.
Anyways, here's my takeaway from this:
JKR needs to stop responding to random TRA comments who say dumb shit without sources. That TRA was using the Holocaust, a horrific and traumatizing part of recent history, as an argument point for the trans movement. She probably should have just ignored it or researched what the commenter was talking about so she could be better prepared.
With that being said, I didn't get any notion of Holocaust denial from her whatsoever. I saw nothing but skepticism at a random comment because people love nothing more than to be painfully inaccurate about historical events
I don't think Hirschfeld sounds like a good person at all thanks to his racism/hatred towards black people, his misogyny, his support of eugenics, and his bizarre 40 year age gap relationship, but I don't support Nazis terrorizing him for being a homosexual Jewish man fucking obviously. I would say that Malcom bringing all of this up is sort of irrelevant to what was actually being discussed. It's good to know that Hirschfeld had horrific political views but that wasn't really the point of the discussion going on so it felt really unrelated and out of place in my opinion, but Malcom isn't JKR.
JKR linked to Malcom's thread because he expanded on what these claims were talking about and he provided sources about Hirschfeld and his beliefs. She just didn't read the book that he used. I think she needs to be more careful about source checking and research, because otherwise she's ripped apart even if it's not her saying it.
'Aryan' transgender people were spared the horrific crimes of the Holocaust more often than not according to the very video that you linked to me. I hope white TIMs think about that before they make the Holocaust about themselves, which is exactly what JKR was saying she didn't want them to do. Because she doesn't deny that the Holocaust happened and knows it was a horrific event. It was almost alwaysJewish and Roma homosexuals/transgenders who suffered the brunt of Nazi hatred.
I don't read Harry Potter, and I don't have a deep attachment to JKR. I went into this video wanting to see where exactly the accusations she's receiving were coming from, and I'm left just feeling frustrated and disappointed. It's normal to not trust what a Twitter user claims at face value. It's normal to be skeptical about big claims surrounding the Holocaust. It's normal to not want something as serious as that trivialized.
There were some talking points in the video I didn't cover because I'm on mobile and I didn't have as much to say about it. The link is there for anyone to watch it and take away their own opinion afterwards.
My opinion is that I think JKR handled this poorly, but I do not think she is a Nazi nor do I think she is denying the Holocaust.
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hernando-valdez · 5 months
Don't Call My Name || A Chase & Nando Production
ft. @chasemmccoy
tldr: Alejandra ded trigger warnings: death, blood, depictions of violence including guns
Although Hernando and Chase had been planning this for months, Hernando still felt the weight of it all as they sat on the boat, zooming through open waters into Amsterdam canals. He was grateful that the boat was at least bigger than the plane they had been crammed into for hours. It wasn’t like they could exactly fly coach so their best option had been a sympathetic bombardeo who was willing to fly them for a price. If shit wasn’t about to get so serious he might have actually laughed about it. Like the two of them were in some buddy movie, encountering as many obstacles as possible along the way. That’s what the recent months had felt like. He had left town so quickly, there was a foolish part of his brain that thought he could solve this all quickly. But the reality was that he couldn’t get revenge in 24 hours. It just didn’t work that way. 
Especially when the person he was looking for was so damn good at not being found. She had made a true art of it and Hernando had spent countless days trying to figure it out. He and Chase had followed up on so many leads that at one point it just felt like they were moving in circles. At least Chase was still in town but Nando had been staying for so long at his safehouse, he was starting to believe that he’d never get home again. He still hadn’t fully figured out how the fuck he was going to casually blend back into Tonopah Valley society. It wasn’t like he could exactly just fix the shop up and keep on going. 
But all of these thoughts started to fall from his mind as he looked at his phone and saw they were getting closer to their destination. He took a deep breath and looked through his bag a few more times to make sure he had everything with him. “You know, if we do this shit, we might actually be able to get a drink in this fucking city before cutting out. I think Lyla would be pissed if I didn’t come back with a souvenir,” he said with a laugh but it felt like the truth. As the boat slowed to a stop, Hernando glanced at Chase. 
They were under a tunnel now, entering the building from underneath tunnels. Something that seemed almost too convenient but he was sure this was the same way Alejandra came through whenever she really didn’t want to be seen. Which was probably always. “You ready for this, hermano?”
“About as ready as I’ll ever be considerin’ all the unknown variables.” Chase replied as he ensured he had all of his weapons strapped to his person. He finally met Hernando’s gaze, lips quirking into a smirk. “Been waitin’ for this a long time. Catch.”
He tossed a pair of tactical goggles over towards him before securing the balaclava around the bottom half of his face. One of the only advantages of his new work with The Enterprise was the access to more advanced tech, and he’d made sure to grab a few pieces before they’d left. The goggles could toggle between night vision and thermal, and assuming Alejandra did everything in her power to put as many obstacles between her and them, they could come in handy to minimize casualties.
Chase hadn’t been surprised when they realized she’d holed herself up on the top level of the night club. One of the best ways to hide was in plain sight, and how were these revelers to know that they were providing safe harbor to a heartless harpy?
“No shit, damn, Jack Reacher ain’t got shit on us,” Nando joked as he hung the goggles around his neck before getting out of the boat and sliding the driver their payment. He waited until the guy drove out before moving with Chase to the door. He looked around out of precaution, especially for cameras as he accessed the lock on the door. It had been a long time since Nando had done something so undercover and though there was a little rust, he was remembering just how much experience he had. And how prepared he was for this exact moment. 
“Bingo, bango, baby,” he muttered as the door beeped and opened. “No going back,” he said more to himself as they stepped inside of the ground floor, clearly a storage of all things forgotten. Hernando figured it was a way to make this place seem like there wasn’t much going on. He moved slowly, one of his guns already drawn as they moved along. Everything was still too quiet for his liking but as they ascended the stairs, the loud music from the club could be heard through the walls. Hernando was about to turn the corner up the next set of steps when he heard a voice and paused, motioning at Chase to stop. 
He glanced upwards and saw two of Alejandra’s men making their way down the stairs, both of them taking out a pack of cigarettes to smoke. “Terrible time for a smoke break,” he muttered before signaling to Chase that he would take the one on the right. As they stepped down, he stepped up, smiling behind his face covering. “You know, they say those things will kill you,” he told him, flicking the pack up into his guy’s face before burying the muzzle of his gun into the guy’s stomach and firing off four times before letting him fall down the stairs. He waited for Chase to take care of the second guy before they started up the next set of stairs and finally made it to the club level. It would be elevators from there on out and according to the floor plan, the only way up was through. 
“Let’s get this party started,” Hernando said before inching the door of the club open. “After you,” he told Chase and waited for him to lead them through. “Try not to get too distracted, I know how much you love to dance.”
“Wanna tie a rope to each other so we don’t get lost?” he joked back over the music, chuckling as he stepped out onto the floor. The heavy bass rattled the floor beneath their feet and he made sure to keep the safety on his gun as they maneuvered through the crowd. The last thing they needed was for someone to grind into one of them and be met with a bullet in the leg.
The place was packed and he half wondered if they’d manage to make it to the elevators undetected, but it didn’t take long before people took notice of their tactical gear, giving them a wide berth and drawing the attention of the security guards posted up around the perimeter.
“Got company. Your four and six,” Chase spoke into their comms, flicking the safety off his pistol. He aimed, pointing the end of the silencer in the direction of the guards approaching on the left and shot two rounds into each, one after the other. Out of the corner of his vision through the goggles he noticed the other guards go down as Nando’s shots hit true, and suddenly the sound of screams from those around the fallen bodies rose above the music.
Chaos erupted on the dance floor, club-goers shoving one another in an attempt to reach the exits first. More guards filtered out of the elevator coming from the upper levels, guns at the ready, and the pair switched into autodrive. Bodies littered the floor by the time they’d reached the waiting elevator. Alejandra was no doubt aware of their arrival by now.
The doors closed and the elevator rose up towards the top floor. Chase inspected the wound on his shoulder, a knife having found purchase before he’d had a chance to slit the ambushing guard’s throat. “This is it.” He looked over to Nando meaningfully. “Whatever happens, it’s been an honor kickin’ ass with you.”
There had been a version of this plan where they were going to go in quietly but they had collectively decided that wouldn’t last very long. Which was evident to how quickly all hell broke loose. But it was the exact reason why Chase was the only person Hernando would do this with. It was clear in the in sync way they moved, that even with the cuts and eventual bruises, they had one goal and that was to survive long enough to accomplish what they had come here for. 
“You know, these people should be grateful, that DJ was shit,” Hernando joked, catching his breath as he wiped some blood from his cheek. He reloaded his gun, glancing over at Chase with a grin. “That makes two of us, man. Let’s do what we came here to do.” He met his eyes for a moment longer and nodded. No matter what happened on the other side of the door, they weren’t going to go down without Alejandra going down with them. 
The floor numbers went up and up and Nando gripped his gun tightly, ignoring the bits of blood on him or the way his knee ached from someone trying to kick his knees out from under him. He definitely wasn’t some young kid anymore but he had enough. It had to be enough. 
The elevator doors opened and Nando was the first one out, shooting the first guy he saw in the head, another army of bodyguards charging towards them. Hernando opened fire without hesitation before ducking behind a pillar for cover. He told Chase to hold up and grabbed one of the smoke grenades from his belt, sliding his goggles back on before he threw it out in front of them. On his count, they both charged forward. Hernando tackled one guy before shooting him, fighting another in hand to hand combat before he won the battle. Not without a cut to his side but it didn’t stop him from moving forward. There was no stopping until he and Chase stood at the final door, dripping sweat and blood. 
And then, there she was. As they entered the last room and she sat calmly behind her desk, her hands already on her gun as she looked at both of them. It hit Hernando then, just how long it had been since he had seen her in person. How much time stretched between them now. He saw no semblance of the woman he had once loved deeply. Once believed in. Once had followed blindly. 
“Qué sorpresa. Te tomó bastante tiempo.” She spoke first and Hernando almost faltered as he held his gun up and started to inch forward. 
“Yo podría decir lo mismo.” He responded. He had been sure that she was going to find him first and take him out. It had felt so certain and yet he had come to realize that maybe she had underestimated him. Or maybe she thought she could still convince him to stay loyal. 
The rest of it happened so fast, Hernando wasn’t sure he could even parse out the details yet. She reached for her gun and shot at both of them, catching Chase in the shoulder and causing him to stumble backward. In the next moment, Hernando caught her right on her hand. Quite literally shooting the gun out of her hand as he descended on her.
“You okay?!” He called back to Chase as he put one hand around Alejandra’s neck and put the tip of his gun to her forehead.
“Fuck!” Chase cursed, hand shooting to his shoulder to staunch the flow of blood spilling down his arm. “Yeah, I’m good. Her aim’s as shitty as the people she sent to off me.” 
Hernando locked his gaze with Alejandra’s, grip tight on her throat. His adrenaline was rushing as he looked her in the eyes, he was actually surprised at how he felt nothing. At how her actions had broken him so deeply. 
She didn’t plead with him, only told him how much of a coward his father had been, how much of a coward he was. How all the men who had come before him were cowards. How without her things would crumble. Ho-
Hernando didn’t wait to hear much more before he pulled the trigger and put a bullet between her eyes. There was no time for delaying, not time for eulogies or apologies, especially as they heard the ding of the elevator and a whole new group of people spilled out in hopes of catching them.
Chase wished he’d had a little longer to revel in this moment, to relish in the knowledge that Alejandra Eguia would never again terrorize their lives. Unfortunately, the bullet zipping past his already injured shoulder and embedding in the wall behind him was a clear sign that wasn’t an option.
“Time to fly,” he called to Nando, shooting out the glass from the window before running and swan diving through it into the canal below. Chase heard the muffled sound of Nando splashing into the water beside him followed by shots shot from above. He slipped the mini tank of oxygen from his gear and slipped the breathing apparatus into his mouth, motioning for Nando to do the same. Though the tanks were small enough to be portable, they provided enough oxygen to keep them under for a few minutes until they reached their getaway.
The boat’s driver helped haul them both over the edge and Chase sprawled out on the floor as it took off and put as much distance between them and the club as possible, his chest rising and falling as he gulped down air. He looked to Nando, a smirk taking over his face. “Ding dong, the witch is dead.”
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joannerowling · 7 months
I think the one problem with JK Rowling is that she's writing for an audience that's already peaked. We can see her tweets and know exactly what she's obliquely referring to and what point she's trying to make, but she's not really taking into account that the biggest asset of the trans movement is the general public's willingness to take them at face value and their unwillingness to do any deeper investigation. So to someone who hasn't already seen the movement for the ahistorical grift that it is, it's easy for someone like Alejandra Caraballo to paint her as a Holocaust denier when it's obvious (to us) that she's referring to how TRAs are trying to center themselves in the narrative. I don't think she needs to dumb it down or anything and obviously I share her frustration but I think this was an easy one for the grifters to misrepresent.
I agree, no one is perfect and sometimes she's a bit clumsy in her tweeting. She gets carried away a little with the sardonic replies (a sort of humour that flies over a lot of people's heads).
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ladybug023 · 1 year
Cigarette Kisses and Regrets
Lalo Salamanca x OC Alejandra Romero
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Notes: In this oneshot is set in the late 1980s, Lalo is sent by the cartel to infiltrate a police precinct that is defying them. But he never anticipated getting attached to Alejandra Romero, a cop who was assigned as his partner. She calls him Jorge or Angel Eyes since he's under the alias of Jorge De Guzman.
Also, they’re actually speaking Spanish for the entire conversation since it’s their first language and they’re in Mexico. But I didn’t want to full the entire page with translations so I just wrote it in English. I’ll be sure to add Spanish or Spanglish when they’re in America.
Lalo’s age: 30
Alejandra’s age: 29
Warnings: post sex, light cursing, nothing too bad.
Lalo Salamanca, going by the name Jorge De Guzman, stood silently by the open window of the bedroom. Wearing nothing but his boxers, he gazed at the moon shining brightly in the sky, illuminating the dark room with its soft glow. He was deep in thought, his mind consumed. He wondered to himself, was it guilt he was feeling? He raised a hand to his lips, taking a long drag from his cigarette before exhaling slowly. The smoke twirled and danced around him, forming a hazy cloud in the air.
Suddenly, he heard a rustling behind him and turned to see Alejandra stirring awake. "Why can't you sleep, Angel Eyes?" she inquired, her voice still drowsy from slumber. It was her love for spaghetti westerns that led her to nickname him Angel Eyes, as she said he reminded her of the character, particularly in his eyes and smile.
Lalo shrugged nonchalantly, smirking. "I don't sleep much," he replied, taking another drag of his cigarette. "But don't worry, I don’t need much of it anyways."
Alejandra sat up, her hair tousled from their time together. "I wish you would take better care of yourself," she said, concern etched in her sweet voice.
She was so considerate, Lalo's mind was already spinning with the idea of her quitting the police force and running away together. He could hide her away, keep her all for himself. It would be the perfect solution, the only way he could keep her safe. He never anticipated dealing with this kind of bullshit when he went undercover. To him, it was merely about fucking over a bunch of pigs, but then he met his precious Ale. She wasn't like the other swine - Alejandra was beautiful and sharp as a knife. One moment, she was tough and unyielding like steel, and the next, she was gentle and soft as silk. Over the time they spent together she became more than just his Sergeant and mentor, she managed to burrow her way into Lalo’s heart, despite it being as black as coal.
“Hey, what's going on in that head of yours?”Alejandra asked, sensing his unease.
“Just thinking about life," he said, he studied how lovely she looked in the moonlight. "You know, the usual stuff."
Alejandra sat up, wrapping the sheets around her as she moved to join him by the window. "Life, huh? What's there to think about?"
Lalo took another drag of his cigarette and then said, "I was just thinking, you know, about…us.” He noticed her shifting uncomfortably at the mention of them. Lalo figured it was because of the fact that their affair could get both fired. Alejandra was his superior after all. “Should we continue doing what we're doing or start something new?”
Alejandra's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What are you talking about Jorge?”
Lalo took a deep breath before continuing. “I mean, we could leave the police force and run. Start fresh somewhere else," he said, his eyes searching hers for any hint of agreement.
Alejandra frowned as she looked at him. “As tempting as that sounds, we can't run away from our responsibilities. It’s our obligation to protect this town, and I won’t cower away from those wolves,” she said, conviction in her voice.
Lalo's heart sank. He couldn't tell her the real reason he suggested they leave. She’d never understand. “I don't think you understand how dangerous they are, Ale. They want to kill you,” he warned her.
“You mean kill us,” she corrected, raising her chin with pride. “And I'm not afraid of the cartel.”
Usually, Lalo found her stubbornness endearing and even attractive, but right now, it was getting on his nerves. “You know, one day your pride and righteousness is going to get you killed. Do you want to end up bleeding out alone like your father?” His words were much, much harsher than he intended. Alejandra’s eyes narrowed when he mention her father, her hero. She stood before him silently, one of her hands clutched the sheets against her chest and her other was balled tightly into a fist.
After a couple of moments of tense silence, Lalo relented.“I shouldn't have said that…I just don't want you to get hurt,” he added, his voice softening.
Alejandra’s anger slowly dissipated, reaching for his hands. “The reason I don't fear the cartel is because I have you watching my back. Angel Eyes, you and I can take them. I know we can.” she assured him, her cinnamon brown eyes sparkling with affection.
‘I don’t have your back…. You’re so alone and vulnerable, and you don’t even know it.’ He thought to himself. He masked his disappointment with a false smile.
She then took a cigarette and placed it in her mouth before standing on her tippy toes to light it using Lalo's cigarette, the tips met in what they called a cigarette kiss.
He understood now that he couldn't save his beloved Ale. No matter how much he wanted to keep her by his side, she would never join him. Her damn moral code would never allow it. Alejandra had once said that her father divided people into three categories: the sheep, the wolves who prey on the sheep, and the sheepdogs who protect the flock. Both Lalo and Alejandra were driven by their innate nature - she as a sheepdog, and he as a wolf. This meant that they were destined to destroy each other. He hoped that this fact would make it easier for him to do what he had to do.
As the first rays of dawn broke the horizon, Lalo felt a sense of longing wash over him. He knew that he couldn't stay with her forever, but for the fleeting time they shared, he wanted nothing more than to bask in her presence. The smoke from their cigarettes curled into the air, mixing with the light of the rising sun. With each inhale, he breathed in her essence, savoring every moment before it slipped away.
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taintedlxve · 4 months
@voidofsins replied to your post “Obviously wouldn't be "Don Quixote" in this AU,...”:
Alejandra Quijano is a really solid name, I know it's just the feminine version of Alonso Quinajo, but it's still hot.
​I like it too tbh, sometimes a good name is a simple one
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rebelangelwings · 2 years
Diaz Sister Story
Alejandra took a deep, calming breath, staring at the patterns of wood in the door. She was excited. Of course she was, this was the start of her adventure. The new chapter of her book.
But with her previous chapters littered with doubt and anxieties forced upon her by overbearing parents, she still felt her hand faltering before knocking.
Turns out, she needn’t knock anyway.
“Chris, come on or you’ll be late!” The familiar voice filled her with warmth. Not a second later, the door opened and the owner of the voice startled, staring blankly for a moment before recognition registered behind soft caramel eyes- “Allie?”
“Hey big brother,” Alejandra smiled brilliantly at a baffled Eddie Diaz.
“Tía Allie!” Christopher Diaz came bounding towards the door accompanied by his crutches.
Allied beamed at the sunshine personified which also happened to be her nephew, “my little dude! Jeez you get more and more handsome every time I see you!” As Chris wrapped his arms tightly around Allie’s waist, she spun him in a circle before planting an exaggerated to his forehead, “Mwah!”
Eddie seemed to have recovered from his initial shock and was leaning up against the door watching the reunion fondly. Allie and Chris had always had a great relationship, often more like sister and brother than aunt and nephew, possibly due to her being much younger than her other siblings. In some ways Buck's friendship with Chris reminded Eddie of the one between his son and youngest sister.
“You want a turn, Eddie?” Allie proceeded to wrap her arms around Eddie’s waist and attempt to lift him as she did Christopher. She succeeded in briefly lifting him an inch off the ground, and then reached up on her tip toes to try and kiss his forehead too, her lips puckered mockingly.
“Stop that,” Eddie playfully pushed her head away, instead wrapping her in a regular hug. “What are you doing here? I didn’t think we were due a visit until Christmas? I haven’t got the bed made up for you but I can sort it later if-,”
“Hey calm down, its OK Eddie I’m the one that’s showing up unannounced. I can get a hotel room or something for a couple weeks but then I’ve actually got somewhere to stay. Permanently.” She said the last part whilst looking down to where she as nervously playing with Chris’ hair.
“Permanently?, Eddie inquired. “As in, this isn’t a visit? Is something going on? Are you OK, Allie?”
“Yeah Eds, everything is great actually. Look, weren’t you on your way out to get Little Man to school? I can’t wait to tell you everything but it can wait until you’re back.”
Eddie glanced between his watch and Christopher, who didn’t look pleased about leaving his favourite aunt when she only just got here, and replied, “yeah, you’re right. Why don’t you go in and make up some coffee, I’ll be back in a half hour.”
Allie waved goodbye to Chris, promising she would still be here when he got home and that she would build Legos with him.
She started a pot of coffee and plonked herself down at the breakfast bar. What would Eddie say about her decision? Would he be as upset as her parents had been?
A/N let me know if you're interested in a Diaz!Sister fic :)
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jacobklee · 8 months
— SETTING: the open range ; sunday, morning — AVAILABILITY: closed starter for ALEJANDRA SOLANO | ( @alesolcno )
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Although it was still cold outside, at least the snow had given Providence Peak a small break, so he was able to take Nabi out to the dog park to have some fun. He'd also texted Mari, someone he'd gone out on a few dates with last year to come and pick up the scarf and gloves she'd left in his car the last time they'd seen each other. He'd taken a few weeks to text her and get a reply, but was glad they'd managed to set up a place to meet.
As he held onto the small bag with one hand, he tossed the frisbee for his highly affectionate and energetic beagle to go fetch. When someone approached them, Jake adjusted his sunglasses over his eyes first, greeting the woman in question, before averting his gaze towards her... and realizing he wasn't talking to Mari at all.
"Oof... so sorry. I thought you were someone else." Just in time, Nabi came running towards him, bringing the frisbee. "That's my girl." He smiled, crouching to scratch behind her ears, then threw the Frisbee again. "Which one is yours?" He asked his companion.
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You know, I'm not sure if I've ever told this story (I probably have, so I apologize for repeating it), but I was browsing Twitter when I came across a story about an academic who received a new book on the Argentine dictatorship, published by a U.S. university, which had as its title "Dirty War," a denialist take on state-sanctioned genocide:
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Many will not care, but the authoritarian regime that was responsible for the death and disappearance of thousands of people, that plunged a stable economy into chaos by instituting neoliberal policies (since the U.S. instigated these dictatorships in order to experiment with such economies in Latin America to get a report on how they might work), and defended itself from accusations under the premise they were "fighting communism" (a premise by which many U.S. academics are surely attracted to defend their methods), it never has an equal position against its "opponents".
The term "Dirty War" is used to delegitimize the crimes against humanity carried out by the government of the time against all those it considered "reactionary", including mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters - pregnant women whose children were taken away from them to be given to families that would guarantee that the "communist" gene would not be propagated. It's a way of equating the small, tiny reactionary groups with the immense power of the military state that they decided to confront in order to defend themselves from an oppressive system established by force.
I am not surprised that today there are people defending this term so fervently within the academy since their own political and moral ideology is biased by an irrational hatred towards a form of government of economic and social thinking that differs from their capitalist worldview.
The Argentine military dictatorship did not happen centuries ago, in fact, barely 40 years have passed since its dismantling, those who celebrated such military intervention, civilians and businessmen who fervently looked to Europe and denigrated our native roots, are still alive today, propagating their mentality while supported, still, by the country that continues to call itself the "cradle of democracy".
[In fact, seeing this, I am not surprised either why the fandom of several series that barely touch upon political affairs about a repressive and oppressive system is so fervently anti-revolutionary.]
I still remember when my mom told me that one of her best friends from high school, Mauricio Fabian Weinstein, disappeared. His story is heartbreaking and gut-wrenching, as they all are, in his case, the military entered his personal home, kidnapped his father (Marcos), and forced him to tell them the whereabouts of his son while they were holding his daughter, Mauricio's sister, Dina kidnapped:
Mauricio's mom: "Marcos prior to this, at one point, said to Mauricio; 'Mauricio, don't make me choose, Dina is at home and she has nothing to do with this'. To which Mauricio replied: 'Dad, choose.'"
Mauricio disappeared and was never heard from again. It is believed that he was a victim of the infamous "death flights" - a method of murder that consisted in carrying the unconscious victims into an airplane and throwing them into the sea. (x)
Linked above there's a documentary dedicated to him, Juan Carlos Mártire (disappeared), and Rubén Adrián Benchoam (executed in his home), all classmates, none of them older than 18; Alejandra Naftal, kidnapped (released in 1978) and friend of Juan Carlos and Mauricio, who was the last one to see them, mentions that before they were taken away she managed to adjust Juan Carlos's shirt as a farewell gesture.
I will even expose myself a bit personally, but here are some articles about the three of them, where there is a photo of all the classmates, where my mother appears at her tender 17 years of age (it made me incredibly emotional as I wasn't expecting her image to be plastered on different articles or even a documentary): here and here -they're in Spanish, I'm sure you'll be able to translate it.
In case you want to know a little more, and please keep in mind this movie is fictionalized, so there're details left out in lieu of it being a movie, I'll recommend watching 1985.
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happy-mokka · 1 year
Tag Game!!
ˏˋ°*♡➷ get to know me ༊*·˚
(I was tagged by @santacoppelia <3 muchas gracias!)
rule: name your favorite movie, character, animal, drink, song, season, book, color and hobby
Ok, let's do this...on a side-note: I'm VERY bad in making decisions when I like so much stuff equally...you should see me in a restaurant with a huge menu... :)
Favorite: E.T. I soooo love movies...if I really have to choose 1 favorite, then it has to be "E.T." (Sorry "Jaws"...it was a close call...). I watched this as a six year old in our small town cinema when it came out 1982 (yes, I'm THIS old^^).
Recent: "Everything Everywhere All At Once" In the recent-section it's definitely "Everything Everywhere All At Once". Breathtaking movie...so many things at once... ❤️
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Favorite character:
Aziraphale. (Took 1st place by storm on angel's wings)
Waymond Wang. (Bascially me in asian)
Malcolm Reynolds. (Funny, Goofy, Selfish on the outside but his heart on the right spot.)
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Dogs (better humans) Cats (when they feel like it, they cuddle the whole day, when not they don't give a shit...sometimes I admire that, even if I can't...not give a shit I mean) Parrots (so intelligent, brilliant therapists when you just need someone to talk to who only replies with "wwwwaaaaak. idiot.")
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Favorite Drink:
Coffee. Nothing comes close. Black, no sugar. I also love to collect all kinds of weird cups for that matter... When I'm with my family and closest friends, the coffee comes as a "turkish coffee" (or "mocha" or I believe sometimes "demitasse" in the States?). We're from the Balkans and inherited that from the Ottomans and on top of this my sis-in-law is Lebanese...
Over the day it's otherwise just water or all sorts of teas.
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Oh gosh. Same as with movies. I just love almost all genres and favorites change on daily basis depending on mood, weather, ...
Some picks:
Spring Everything blossoms and nature just explodes from winter slumber...
Fall / Autumn Colors, colors, colors...sensory overload.
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Again sooo tough. But anyway, I'll try:
"The Lord of the Rings" - J.R.R. Tolkien Blew me away when I was 15 and a regular 2-year read since then...
"The Witching Hour" - Anne Rice Was my first Anne Rice and read basically all her work since then and still own the larger part of it in my shelf.
"Good Omens" - Neil Gaiman I must admit I only recently got to him, but currently digging through his other works as well...
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Green, Blue, White
Books Fiction mostly of all genres, some poetry (Shakespeare ❤️)
Movies Going to the cinema regularly. Love to see things on the big screen and the whole package that comes with it incl. the smell of fresh popcorn... Love all genres including subtitles.
Photography Totally unprofessional. Just love to picture moments on a walk in the park or walking home from the office. I see something that captures my eye, I have to stop and take a snapshot... Who's interested, come by my Insta "happy_mokka"...
tagging, without any obligation and with all the pleasure:
@uncleadelheid-will-eat-your-soul @eugenoid-remade @littlelodell
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anothersebastianblog · 3 months
well, him&Ale got into exact same situation, even with a louder volume, when they knew each other for maybe a few months of online communication and a few weeks of offline, and it didn't end in a few days but lasted for all their time together, yet they stayed an item😘 // Alejandra didn't lose anything from the hate tho, at least as far as is known. Back during the Ellie scandal, a screenshot was posted, showing that somebody had messaged a brand Ellie was modelling for, to tell them about her actions and the brand actually replied. They said that they are aware and won't be working with her again. Maybe it was fake, but if it wasn't... I can imagine that somebody would break up with him over this, even if it was a very serious relationship. Also, at the end of the day, Ellie and Alejandra are different people. We clearly know now that neither one was the love of his love, but we simply got more public "statements" from Alejandra about how strongly she was feeling compared to very private Ellie (I personally do think tho that Alejandra really thought that she had found the love of her life in Sebastian tbh 😅😬).
Probably yes for me as well
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darthmatthewtwihard · 7 months
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goddamnwebcomics · 1 year
Yeah, I feel you. While not as similar, it kind of reminds me of how Carry On treats Jinjur. She’s one of the main threats Kathy and the gang have to deal with and the comic goes out of its way to act like she’s this massive threat to everyone in Rackenroon and the entire continent of Africa. The characters really want you to believe she’s this master manipulator and strategist that will go out of her way to destroy an entire country if it means killing her enemies as if she’s too dangerous to even leave alive. But whenever the comic gives her any screen time, she just comes off as this petty, high school level bully practically all the time. 
Sure she’s mean and has an evil plan, but she hardly ever gives off any feeling of danger, worry or charismatic behavior. Okay well they try the charismatic part, but it’s not really good. And everybody hates her, especially her own soldiers (and they range from either fearing her to only being loyal to her family). Which is double embarrassing because the writer constantly wants you to believe she’s got some supporters behind her without ever showing us them, pretty much relying on the audience to take their words at face value. It’s literal “tell don’t show” at its worst and let me remind you: This comic loves doing that a lot. It feels like the writer really wants you to just believe in it and go with it without questioning it too much.
Designated Villains seem to be a very frequent webcomic cliche it seems. You might as well add Alejandra, Saign and CBR Cortex in that list. Also, spoilers for everyone who hasn’t read Carry On.
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