#repost cuz my answer was too long
lopposting · 1 month
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@darkqueenhelba To be honest, I'm only really very familiar with I think the OG Astro boy and Urasawa's Pluto and I don't remember it exactly. Google is telling me that it was a toy car given by tenma that Tobio then brings out to real traffic? I wonder if the detail of Toby "causing" the accident was seen as problematic to present to younger western audiences [or they didn't want a relatively real-world situation]. That's very interesting!
Although, in Bowers' Astro Boy, Toby does sneak out when he's not supposed to, which ends up in him getting trapped in the room with the peacekeeper. The "Peacekeeper" that destroys him then comes back to play a larger role later, so I guess there's also that narrative reason for it.
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hajim3 · 1 year
You want requests? Hmmmm who (out of all characters you right for) likes a plump soft reader? Who looks at thicc ppl and just can't help themselves? And what's their first fantasy about chubby reader?
If you don't do chubby reader requests then plz ignore me. Thank you for your time ✌️🤗
𝚆𝚑𝚘 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎'𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖 𝚊 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚌𝚌 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎?
꒷꒦꒷‧˚.‧꒦꒷꒦ ꒷꒦‧˚.‧꒷꒦꒷‧˚꒦꒷꒦꒷‧˚.‧꒦꒷꒦ ꒷꒦‧˚.‧꒷꒷꒦꒷‧˚.‧꒦꒷
cw: gn!reader, mentions of titties but it can be ignored if it doesn’t apply, suggestive (I think??) I’m not good at warnings so lmk if I missed anything
a/n: HI GUYS!!! I’VE MISSED YOU!!! It’s been over a year! I know this is very short but this took me two days to write cuz I had to get my brain turning again. 😭 Also I had to stop myself from writing cuz I still had a bit more to say but imma save it for another time. I feel pretty good about this one so I hope you guys enjoy it as well.
word count: 478
꒷꒦꒷‧˚.‧꒦꒷꒦ ꒷꒦‧˚.‧꒷꒦꒷‧˚꒦꒷꒦꒷‧˚.‧꒦꒷꒦ ꒷꒦‧˚.‧꒷꒷꒦꒷‧˚.‧꒦꒷
⇾ Tbh I have a whole arsenal of characters that I think would die for a cute chubby person
⇾ But if i absolutely had to pick one person, I say Bokuto (oh and Osamu but imma save that for another time) and i will die on the hill that he would go through hell and back to just get a sprinkle of attention from a chubby person and if you disagree then you’re wrong 🤷🏽‍♀️
⇾ And if I’m not mistaken this is canon right???
⇾ My mans is going feral for some big thighs and titties bro
⇾ Bruh cant keep his hands off you man
⇾ Always expect your thighs to be squeezed, checks to be pinched, ass to be slapped, and tits to be caressed at any given moment
⇾ Cuddles are so nice with him especially in the winter
⇾ Cuddles can either be calm and relaxing or chaotic and loud (no in between)
⇾ But honestly he’s such an affectionate person in the first place so his favorite thing to do with you is cuddle because you’re both so warm and it just feels heavenly (I was always the person that someone would hug/touch to warm up because I’m naturally very warm so this resonates deep with me 😭)
⇾ He’s so proud to show you off in public
⇾ He’s the boyfriend that’ll let you wear whatever you want in public cuz he’s secure in the fact that you’re his and he’s yours so there’s no reason for him not to 🤷🏽‍♀️
⇾ In fact, he would jump at any opportunity to take pictures of you because he’s just so obsessed with your beauty he just can’t help it
⇾ Bro turns into a professional photographer when it comes to you
⇾ Like he’s getting all the angles and lighting to make sure it’s perfect
⇾ If someone was to open his social media they would think it’s ran by you from the amount of pictures and videos of you he has on there
⇾ He’ll post a pic of you and it’ll have some corny ass caption like “just in case you forgot what they look like 🤭🥰” even all his other recent posts (within the last couple days) were of you
⇾ He will spam your comments with emojis and stupid pick up lines whenever you post on you own page
⇾ His one and only wish is to be between your thighs at all times
⇾ Like if he could die between your thighs, oh trust me he most certainly will, with a smile on his face too
⇾ Oh yea he has a very bad habit of slapping your ass, so hard if hurts
⇾ But being the sweet boy he is, he immediately apologizes and rubs it
⇾ If I keep going any longer this is gonna be super fucking long so imma cut it here and maybe make a Pt2 and answer that last part in it💀
 ⌜ •   °    +   °   •   ⌝
© original work of hajim3, do not modify or repost without permission.
Like, replies,reblogs, and feedback are greatly appreciated 😁💖
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legorumii · 1 year
Hellooo!! I hoped you are well and I hope your day/night is going well!!
Is it okay to request a cole x male!reader who’s struggling to sleep? (Hcs or small fic you can choose!!) it’s 6.30 am and I can’t sleep 😭 if these aren’t open you can ignore this it’s okay!! But I hope you have a good day/night! :)
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╰╮Sleep , Cole Brookstone x Male Reader.
disclaimers ; i didn't add quotes this time cuz I was too lazy to find any songs that related to sleeping...
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You lay there, staring up at the ceiling. It was dark now outside, your room lit only by a few stray streetlights. You glanced at the clock on your nightstand. Almost 3. The moon shone down outside your window. It had been a long day, but you couldn't seem to fall asleep. You groaned, growing frustrated. You sat up and pulled yourself out of bed, you decided to get some water.
So you made your way to the kitchen, trying not to wake the others that were sound asleep. You filled a glass and drank it, then took another one as an afterthought. "What are you doing up?" You started to choke on your water when you turned around. Standing behind you with his arms crossed, was your boyfriend, Cole.
You cleared your throat in shock before answering him. “Can’t sleep.” He chuckled. "Come on, why don't you sleep with me tonight?" His lips quirked into a smile. Your face reddened. He grabbed your arm, pulling you towards him. "Okay." You responded, and he smiled. He led you to his room, which was already slightly illuminated by a lamp on his desk. As soon as you entered, he closed the door.
You sat on his bed as he walked across to turn off the lamp on his desk. There was just enough light from the moon for you to see his features as he got into bed next to you. He wrapped an arm around your waist and you laid your head on his chest, feeling safe and secure against him. After a moment of silence, you spoke up. "How did you know I was awake?" Cole chuckled, looking down at you.
"My senses were tingling." He laughs softly. You rolled your eyes playfully, smiling into his chest. "Go to sleep, baby boy. We have a busy day tomorrow." "Sure thing, loverboy." You said sarcastically, laughing as you heard him sigh. You yawned, feeling tired all of a sudden.
"Goodnight, you big softie." Cole hummed softly as you closed your eyes. It wasn't long before you fell asleep.
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all content belongs to @legorumii do not repost or translate on any writing website!
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Had an idea for a image for the nanny where Andy gets sick with a fever and becomes a big baby 🥺❤️✨
I'm so sorry it took so long to answer this. I saw the annon and tried to write it but I had so much work to do. And then when I finally had the time I was blocked and had no idea what to write! But I finally have it, I hope you like it. Trust me I did my best!
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Pairing: Andy Barber x Annie Johnson (OFC)
Summary: After Lily got sick, Jake followed and of course it was only a matter of time the head of the family was sick too.
Warnings: None, I think.
A/N: English is not my first language and I was tired when I wrote this, so I’m sorry for any mistake this may have. Enjoy!
Word count: 1612
Disclaimer: I do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, used, translated nor reposted anywhere else but here on this blog. Do not steal what you didn’t work for. Minors and ageless blank blogs don’t interact with me or my works. Reblogs and likes are always welcome. Thank you for reading this work of fiction.
GIF'S NOT MINE, you can find the credits underneath it. If you are wondering why the gif is a bear, it's cuz Andy is one hehehehe.
After Lily got better, Jake got a cold. Contrary to her sister, Jake didn’t have a fever, but he had a stuffy nose and his eyes were watery. The little boy had to stay home a couple of days to rest, but after that he went back to school brand as new. Annie knew it was the weather, it was the beginning of December after all, the wind was colder and of course it carried diseases.
Everything was fine for a couple of days until Andy woke up one morning with a sore throat. He didn’t think too much of it and he didn’t mention anything to Annie. He had his usual morning routine, drank his coffee and went to work. But as hours passed he felt more and more sick. His head was pounding, he began to cough and he had a runny nose.
“Mr. Barber?” Meghan, his assistant, knocked softly at the door as she opened it, she had been calling him for a while without getting a response from him. She found Andy drifting off in the middle of the day. “Andy.”
“What?” He lifted his head and Meghan saw his eyes and nose were red and his lips were completely dry.
“My god, go home.”
“I’m fined.” He sorted the files he had on the desk.
“No, you’re not. If Lynn sees you she will send you home. You know how she is when someone is sick.”
“I’m not sick!”
“Really? Then what are those?” Meghan saw the many tissues he had on the desk. “Go home, or I’ll call your wife.”
Andy stared at her not really believing she will do such thing, but Meghan was not joking, and when she saw Andy didn’t move, she went to grab the office phone.
“Fined! I’ll go! But I’m not sick!”
“This is the second time you said “fined” with a very mark D at the end.”
“I don’t like you right now.” Andy said as he stood up and grabbed his things.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I’ll tell Lynn you went home.”
“Danks,” he said, noticing the way he pronounced the word. “Fuck!”
Andy was always very careful so he barely got sick, in fact he hated when he got sick. Andy came back home, his headache was worse than when he left the office and he felt extremely hot.
“Honeyd… this is fucking ridiculous. Babe!” His head and the back of one of his eyes pounded when he screamed his wife’s name.
“Andy?” Annie came out of the kitchen carrying a laundry basket, “My god, you look awful!”
“I love you too.” He said as he walked to the couch and let himself fall on to it.
“What happened?” Annie left the basket on the coffee table.
“Meghan send me home cuz apparently I’m sick.”
“Well you look like crap and your cheeks are flushed, so yeah you must be sick. Let me…” Annie put her hand on her forehead, “You are burning. Go to bed. I’ll be there in a moment.”
“I’m fined!” He rolled his eyes, “Fucking cold…”
“Go to bed and don’t get near Lily!”
“What? That’s abuse!” Annie looked at him with a severe stare and Andy only nodded and went to their room.
By the time Annie walked into the room, Andy was already under the covers and she could only see his hair. She put the glass of water, pills and syrup on the bed side table.
“Andy?” His eyes were closed, “Andy, baby. I need you to sit down so you can take the medicine.”
Andy groaned and sat down, “Ow,ow,ow,ow!”
“What is it?”
“It hurts when I moved.”
“Just…” Andy pointed to his nose and forehead, “all over.”
“Does it hurt here?” Annie put her finger in the small part between his nose and his eye and put pressure.
“OW!!!! Stop that!”
“Don’t be a baby, a barely touch you!”
“Don’t yell! Ow! Fuck.”
“Alright, take these two.” Annie handed him two pills and the glass of water. She saw how Andy chugged them, “And now open wide.”
“For what?”
“The syrup.”
“I don’t want to.” He covered himself with the comforter and whined just like Jake did when he was about to throw a tantrum,
“If you don’t open your mouth I will get a funnel from the kitchen and I’ll stick it in your mouth.” Andy kicked his legs and Annie waited until he finally opened his mouth, she stuck the spoon in his mouth.
“That’s gross.” Andy gagged, “that’s… oh god!”
Andy jumped out of the bed and ran to the bathroom; he kneel in front of the toilet and threw up.
“Are you serious?” Annie said not believing this grown ass man threw up because of a cough syrup. She kneeled next to Andy and rubbed his back. “It wasn’t that bad.”
“Shut up.” He spit onto the toilet. “I hate those things.” He gagged again when he tasted the flavor on his tongue.
“You’ll have to take the pills again.” Annie said in a soft tone and Andy nodded, “Let’s get you back to bed.”
Once in the bed, Andy took another two pills and Annie helped him to arrange the pillows so he could be almost sited on the bed so he could breathe better. Annie kissed his temple when she heard Lily on the monitor.
“Try to rest. I’ll be back later.” But Andy grabbed her wrist.
“Where you going?”
“Lily is waking up, and I need to finish some things before I leave to pick up Jake.”
“No, you can’t leave. You can’t leave me alone.”
“What if I die?”
“hehehe I don’t think you’re gonna die.”
“I feel like I’m dying.”
“Andy it’s just a common cold.” She kissed his temple again, “I’ll be in the room next door. If you need anything, just scream.”
“My head hurts when I yell.”
“Well, I’m sure you’ll figure something out.”
Annie went to the bathroom to wash her hands before going to Lily’s room who was now fully awake kicking her chubby legs in the air.
“Hello, princess.” She said as she lifted Lily up, “Guess what?” She kissed her chubby cheek, “Your daddy is sick. So we must be quiet so he can slee…”
Her monologue was interrupted by the sound of some sort of bell.  
“What the hell?” Annie said and turned to see Lily, “Sorry.” The sound filled her ears again, it came from their bedroom. She walked there holding Lily and saw Andy under the covers, with his arm lifted holding his phone.
“What the hell are you doing?”
Andy uncovered his head and looked at his wife.
“It worked.” He sniffed, “I need you.”
“How does your phone make that sound?”
“It’s an app.”
“You should be sleeping, not searching for app of bells.”
Andy moved her phone and the bell began to sound again this time louder and Lily did not like the sound at all. Her face scrunched and a loud scream came out of her mouth.
“Nice job, Andy.” Annie began to bounce Lily, “Shhhh, let’s get out of here.” She took Lily to her nursery until she calm down, put the pacifier on her mouth and left her alone to come back to Andy.
“She is calm now.” Annie said as she walked into the room, “I can’t believe you search for an app with a bell sound, I am not your maid! I have things to do and you are acting like a fucking child!”
When she turned she was met with Andy’s watery eyes, who sniff before tears ran down his cheeks, “Oh god! Andy I’m sorry.” She climbed on her side of the bed. Andy was fully crying, “Don’t cry.”
“You hate me.”
“I don’t hate you.”
“Yes,” He sniffed once more, “you do.” He cleaned his nose with the back of his hand, “I’m dying and you don’t care.”
“Oh my god.” Annie rolled her eyes, “I don’t hate you, and you’re not dying. You need to sleep. I’m sure that you’ll feel a lot better when you wake up.”
“If I sleep you’re gonna leave.”
“uh, yes cuz’ a have things to do.”
“Ok, alright.” She pinched the bridge of her nose, I’ll text Sophie, “She took her phone, “and ask her to pick up Jake, she’s picking up Louis anyway.” Andy saw how she send the text and smiled to her. “Happy?”
“I want cuddles.”
“Of course you do.” Annie hugged him and began to hum a tune. “Close your eyes, and try to rest, I’ll be here when you wake up.” She kissed him on the cheek and soon after Andy’s eyes finally shut down.
7 p.m. Annie was in the kitchen cutting potatoes for the dinner.
“You promised you be there when I woke up.” Andy said making Annie turned.
“I told you I had things to do.” She smiled when she saw Andy looked a bit better than earlier. “How is my big baby?”
“I need more cuddles.”
“You think you can wait till after dinner?” Andy nodded with a big, tired smile on his face, “Cool! I’m making you a special noodle soup.” Andy smiled lovingly to her. “On the meantime,” Annie went to the fridge, “Here is some string cheese and a juice, go watch TV.”
“I’m not a child.”
“Ok, then. Can I get those back?”
“No, they’re mine!”
“Dinner will be ready soon.” She smiled and saw Andy walked to the living room, “And don’t get near the kids!” A small groaned was all she heard before Andy disappeared in the hallway.
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hazzybat · 4 months
Omg I saw you repost a Tommy cash thing (yes he would bottom cuz that man would literally be up for anything I think he's an absolute deviant lol) and it made me think of him in your monsters AU! I don't know if you'd be tempted or plan to write him but now I can't stop thinking about it. I can totally see him being a vampire based off aesthetics. Or because I've decided in my brain that he is some sort of sex fiend (in a good way) maybe an incubus. Either way I can totally see him being Bojans type. What monster would you assign him as? (if it's not gonna cause spoilers) if you don't plan on writing him into the AU I would absolutely love a ficlet/side story of him and Bojan orrrr him and Bokris? (I can see him and Bojan being super into eachother and Kris joining the fun for a bit of spice)
Oh yeah I haven't reblogged Tommy in a bit but I do love the fucking weirdo he is!
So I don't have a plan for him in this fic mostly cause it's a Joker Out fic with a cameo by Käärijä so no real reason. Could be a fun mention somewhere though.
I did actually write a thing of him as an incubus and ended up using a lot of that to inspire Bojan. I think he would maybe still be an Incubus but a much older and more experienced one. Bojan does flirty, kinda puppy love and Tommy does freaky, nasty, sex dungeon shit because yeah he's a freak. (If you like käsh and really kinky stuff I have a fic with him publicly cumming/getting milked as part of an art exhibit with some help.)
Otherwise I could also see him as a centaur (cause raked music vid). That could be pretty fun to play with too. He's such a horse girl so I think I'm leaning towards centaur just for some variety in the monsters.
Dunno if the horse cock would make that option better or worse. For having fun.
This is a long answer but if you want to read about an incubus Tommy getting blown by Käärijä you can find it here.
Figured I'd do that instead of pasting it here.
Let me know if you have more thoughts and I might end up writing some Tommy/Bojan/Kris fucking?
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naitosutan · 1 year
(I didn't know how to respond to your tags on your reblog so I thought I would just send you an ask-)
I'm glad you thought I had some good concepts, I'm terrible at explaining things so it's nice to know that some people understood what I was getting at. And your tsum tsum steek drawing lives rent free in my head, it is so fricking cute. I love tsum tsums!! And I was glad I could influence your love of Steek, kvasgi's art of Steek was one of the first pieces of art for that ship that I saw which was part of the reason why I got into the ship too! And your sister's art is super cute as well, I love it all so much, especially her AU!
Since I'm here, I'd like to ask you, who are your favorite characters and what are your favorite ships?
Thanks again for the sweet response, have a great day!! ❤️❤️
@/steeklover AHH I’M SO SORRY I FOOLISHLY SAVED YOUR ASK AS A DRAFT ON MOBILE AND TUMBLR ATE IT 😭 Luckily, I had part of my response written already and I’ll try to reply as best I can to what I remember of your ask!
Did you know I’m a fool and inept at anything technology ._. I found the ask; somehow I saved the ask in my drafts completely separate from my response ahskkgj
Pls forgive me for the repost, I wanted to keep the original ask attached 🙇🏻‍♀️
I think you explained yourself pretty well! Legit, I always love reading your thoughts on Steek and seeing the ideas you have for them, whether it be your mood boards or playlists, I enjoy your ideas! You are THE Steek shipper to me so I really value your perspective on them and keep some of your posts in mind whenever I try to portray them!
Tsums are definitely a long standing obsession of mine lol Evie says thanks for the praise as well! Her AU means a lot for the three of us ✨
(Long post so favs and ships under the cut haha)
To answer your questions, I’d say Tweek is my favorite from the show, but Stan had definitely settled into also being a major fav of mine! When I was first watching it, I went into season six a bit bitter about Tweek taking Kenny’s spot but… he’s just a little dude :3 Simpsons Already Did It is one of my top favorite episodes lol Stan was a surprising favorite but I guess following him and his friends around the most, I really liked the way he was characterized and the struggles he deals with? I also love Kenny content 🥺🧡 Anything and everything for Kenny lol
Anyways, here are some of my top favorite ships!! As you can probably tell, my sisters and I have a lot of overlap in the ships we like, and tend to influence each other a lot lol I’m a multi-shipper who generally likes a ton of ships and also really enjoy crackships and rare pairs cuz of the untapped potential of interactions that could happen! I also enjoy polys but for simplicity I’ll put just pairings here! I had tried organizing them in a tier list but… it ended up as a ranking list anyways so…
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Stenny - I actually surprised Kim a lot when I first brought up that I liked her old flame lol My first and my fav ship, there’s something about them that makes me extremely happy and I can’t quite explain it. It probably has to do with their personalities and interactions, but I can’t really articulate it into words haha I also love all the fan created content of them! They’re lovely and adorable 💖
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K2 - The OTP of my sisters means a lot of amazing fics recommended to me that makes it hard to not love lol I’m not picky about how the dynamic is portrayed, I’m always down for these two together! They baby 🥹
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Steek - <333 SO much love for these two! Like I had said you were definitely a big reason for it. Plus why NOT ship your favorite characters together? They both have a tendency towards destructive patterns that I think the other could relate to, especially with seeking validation on their feelings? I think potential interactions between these two are severely under explored so I’m always searching for more Steek content!
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Revin - OKAY. This one was definitely a ship I shipped from the show before looking at the fan content lol Constantly seeing them together in the background just reminded me of playground crushes, and their moments were small but cute. AND THEN WHEN THEY BROKE UP I WAS DEVASTATED. CONFIRMATION THEY WERE DATING AT THE COST OF THEIR BREAK UP AND NEVER SEEING THEM TOGETHER AGAIN 😭 We’ve also headcanoned their personalities quite a bit and so I like to think of them both being a bit airheaded? Kevin constantly thinking about his sci-fi and Red seemingly not pay attention to things around her? Kevin calling their fruits sandwiches and Red just going along with it was also funny even if it’s just an animation error lol ALSO KEVIN BEING SO SAD AT THE BAY OF MEMORIAL PIGS DANCE AS RED DANCED WITH TOLKIEN I CAN’T 😭 I love little background details the most when it comes to characters, I think.
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Crenny - Again, Kim was a big influence in me liking Kenny ships, also Crenny has some of the most beautiful and heartfelt works I’ve ever seen and read? I think things would be pretty easy with these two and they’ve had some good moments together!
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Cryle - I know people say they don’t interact much but when has that ever stopped me lol They’re both stubborn in different ways, Craig more passive and Kyle more confrontational, I think? Like, I really liked the scene in Fishsticks where they’re both advising Jimmy. They were basically indirectly arguing against each other and I think that’s such an interesting and fun dynamic lololol There’s enough there for me to enjoy them together!
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Creek - Just LOOK at them lol. I do admit I like them a lot in the show but don’t seek them out in fanworks but they’re great <3
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Stendy - I HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT THEM TOO. Like Stendy is complicated but they’re also elementary school kids, of course they’re not gonna know how to relationship properly. But they’re still so messy?? And it’s just on their personalities mannn. I think Stan very much takes his friends for granted sometimes and especially his girlfriend. And Wendy isn’t a part of his friend group enough to really be comfortable discussing their faults? Like obviously he’s done some things and she has as well but things are always resolved offscreen or brushed aside so we never really see how they get over it. Basically they’re cute when he’s pining or when they’re domestically together and supportive but when they’re just not paying attention to each other they’re difficult lol
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Stolkien - Another ship from the show, I think their interactions are always so fun, especially in the later seasons 🥺💕
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Staig - I love rivals lol I think fandom plays up their hatred for each other a lot but Scauses really convinced me that they do notice each other lol That and Craig likes stirring the pot a lot XD
It feels like I’m missing so many characters and ships but I had to limit myself! Ten is enough haha (shout out to all the ships I do ship but didn’t make it to this list 😔) I tried to keep this short lol
I hope your days have been great as well!! Thank you so much for the ask!! 💖
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green-binder · 5 months
I cant find the OG post I made responding to an ask I received from an anon so I’m reposting the whole thing cause I was so proud of the reply
The ask:
“you might’ve made a post about this already but i was just wondering if you’ve been watching the marvel ‘What If…?’ episodes ! cuz TWS is in s2ep2 and i.,,! don’t really know how to feel about it. it was kinda really out of character and made no sense but also the whole point of the series is like “lol but what if tho!” so it’s kinda hard to object LOL idk i was just wondering ur thoughts if you’ve seen it”
The initial reply:
“Mkay so:
I haven’t seen What If…?
I’ve seen the hype, and I’ve seen screenshots and stuff but I have a really hard time absorbing content that isn’t ‘canon’ u know? I might watch it anyways to better answer your question but as of this moment it doesn’t seem like I’ll like it”
One hour later I replied again:
“My thoughts on What If…? Winter Soldier are as follows;
I dont like the animation style. There feels like an inconsistent amount of depth of something. It makes me uncomfortable.
Part of what makes The Winter Soldier…The Winter Soldier is how expressive he manages to be, despite the mental and physical attempts to stop that (brainwashing, mask and goggles, etc) This show sort of… managed to water down his character which is an odd choice to say the least.
They made him kind of emo bad boy loner IMO instead of tortured man out of time
The scene on the comms between Howard and Bucky is… not as revolutionary as I had hoped, it almost feels like an aside (understandable given that Bucky is a side character but like.. that’s a monumental moment- he’s getting out of the programming!!)
Part of why Sebastian Stan played the part so well is he managed to inject emotion into an ‘emotionless’ character, to make (relatively) simple actions feel like an insight to the Winter Soldier, with breadcrumbs of the man behind. Maybe we’ve been spoiled by that but like… if they could do it once they could do it again IMO
The fact that the whole series is based on minor changes that add up WOULD excuse this (you are correct in that regard) but only if they acknowledged the change. Like at all. I haven’t seen any other episodes so lmk if I’m wrong but it seems like they hadn’t introduced TWS prior so his differing emotional breadth is sorta out of left field
The scene where Howard says ‘I’m presser sure Bucky Barnes is out there with him’ is I think supposed to inject hope for TWS future into the audience with ‘he’s probably getting better, even though we can’t say for sure’ but it sorta comes off as dismissive? Like Bucky is out there, but he’s still a super spy now so we aren’t going to do anything about that. Might be writing that wrong, it feels incorrect when I read it but idk how to word it better.
Another shoutout to the uncomfortable animation style.
Shoutout to the found family dynamic that tumblr is a whore for.
Overall: look how they massacred my boy. I likely wont be watching another ep unless requested. I didn’t care for this one mostly cause it didn’t feel like absorbing WS content?? Like my secret autism senses can tell that this content is Not My Winter Soldier which is a bit funny.
Yeah, hope this answered your questions anon. And wasn’t too long winded (you asked me, an autistic person, about my special interest tho u simply Cannot have expected a concise answer)”
So yeah that was it. I was so pleased with the depth of it.
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princeorion · 1 year
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Undertale Deluxe: A Starman Adventure 61
Follow the adventures of Starman Deluxe, leader of the Starman and Giygas’ invasion of Earth, as he finds himself in a strange new place filled with monsters, magic, and… snail facts? How did he survive his defeat in Stonehenge? How did he get into the Underground? What is the fate of his fellow Starman and his master, Giygas? Why does he have a dog alarm? Will any of these questions be answered? Maybe! But you’ll have to follow along to find out! Behold the very mani mani Mani Mani statue. Right on time!... Sorry about the delays. I'm moving at the end of the month and I've had some very stressful weeks and couldn't work. Also, I can't duplicate anything on Toriel, she has to have everything redone EVERY PANEL! SHE TAKES SO LONG TO DO! WHY DID I DESIGN HER THIS WAY?! Anyhoo, serve the master. Serve the master. SERVE THE MASTER. Links below:
Undertale Deluxe: A Starman Adventure 60
Undertale Deluxe: A Starman Adventure 01 Next week: Star Fox: Crisis, maybe. I'm gonna be real busy for the next few weeks. Dunno. Special Thanks for my Patreon backers:   Null
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allaboutthedongs · 2 years
Cheater | Four | 18+
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☆ Pairing: Idol!Jaehyun x Female reader (x Mark)
☆ Genre: smut, slight angst
☆ Word count: 3.4 K
☆ Warnings: Infidelity, toxic relationship, cursing, dirty talk, dom!jaehyun, unprotected sex, oral (m receiving), slight degradation, exhibitionist kink?, mentions of an accident, hospital, cuts, bruises, etc. Just filth, pwp as always.
☆ Prompt of the series: What should’ve been just a simple visit to your boyfriend, turned into a night of filthy pleasure with his friend when you both notice that you were alone at the dorm.
☆ A/n: Really hope you like this chapter and keep supporting this story. Like and/or reblog if you like it. Reposting cuz tags were not working again.
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“Mark had an accident while filming something with his Dream members” Jaehyun rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, Jaemin just sent me a voicenote letting me know.”
“I can’t believe that even from a distance, in the end Mark managed to ruin our perfect weekend.” he huffed in annoyance.
You could understand Jaehyun’s annoyance and frustration, you also didn’t want to think about Mark while you were with him, but you couldn’t help but feel really worried about Mark. Maybe this was a sign of life trying to tell you that your place was with him, not with Jaehyun.
Jaehyun noticed your change in mood and tried to calm you down a bit by telling you that it was probably nothing serious and that Mark would be fine, but he couldn’t ignore the uneasiness forming in his stomach when he wanted to kiss you one more time and you didn’t kiss him back. Jealousy, jealousy again because of Mark.
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The flight to Seoul seemed to take forever, and you kept thinking about Mark. Despite what you and Jaehyun were doing, you still cared a lot about him, you had to admit he was a great guy after all. As soon as the plane landed, you both headed to the hospital to see him.
Taeyong and Doyoung were in the waiting room, the dreamies were in the cafeteria trying to calm down a bit.
“Oh, you’re finally here! Why did you take so long?” Taeyong said as soon as he saw you appear.
“How’s Mark? What happened?” you asked in desperation,
Doyoung turned to look at you both in surprise “Why did you two arrive together?”
“We just met here, at the hospital entrance” Jaehyun replied pissed
“Why does it matter, Doyoung?! I just need to know how Mark is,” you said annoyed.
Taeyong watched the scene without understanding why everyone was starting to get upset, “Okay, let’s all calm down!”
“I’m calmed, but it’s Doyoung who’s asking a stupid question at a time like this!” although you claimed to be calm, between being worried about Mark and Doyoung trying to prove a point, it was pretty obvious you were about to lose control.
“Why are you getting so pissed off over a simple question, Y/N?” Doyoung seemed determined to push all your buttons.
“Just shut the fuck up, Doyoung!” Jaehyun shouted,
“Mark was filming a scene where he was supposed to fly, but something happened and his harness came loose causing him to fall from several meters in the air.”
You gasped imagining the moment
“Fortunately it’s not as bad as it sounds, but he was unconscious and has several fractures, he’s in surgery right now.”
“Oh, my goodness! Poor Mark.”
“Have they notified his family yet?” asked Jaehyun.
“No, the company wants to wait until Mark is out of surgery to give notice to his family, so as not to worry them too much since they can’t be here.”
“Yes, it’s better to tell them when the worst is over and Mark is completely out of danger,” you agreed with him, “Can I wait here with you, guys?”
“Sure, Y/N! I don’t see why not, you are his girlfriend, after all,” said Doyoung with an almost imperceptible hint of irony, taking a seat next to you. “Hey, Y/N. Can I ask you something?” he whispered to you.
“I’d really rather you didn’t,” you answered pinching your nose bridge.
“Well… I’m gonna ask you anyway.” he shrugged a bit.
“Why did it take you so many hours to get here if your apartment and your work are so close to the hospital?”
“I was working and my boss didn’t let me come right away,”
“Oh, I get you.” he stared at you and Jaehyun “You know what’s really interesting? That you’re both slightly tanned, but Seoul has been cloudy and rainy all week.”
“You know what, Doyoung?” Jaehyun leaned to whisper at his ear, not wanting Taeyong to hear him. “Fuck off,”
Hours passed and finally, a doctor came out to give you all news about Mark.
“He is out of surgery and is stable. We predict we’ll discharge him in a week. Seeing how well he feels, maybe even earlier. He is resting now, but you can see him.”
You gulped hard and closed your eyes for a moment when you stopped at the door of the private suite. Taking a deep breath you opened the door and came in. You looked in his direction and you let out the air from your lungs.
He had his right hand bandaged, his left leg up, a lot of bruises and cuts, you could see stitches on his forehead. You thanked the universe he was sleeping so he couldn’t see you crying.
Once again the guilt was killing you inside. You felt guilty about hadn’t come sooner, about being a terrible girlfriend, that you were fucking his friend while he was hurt and suffering. He truly didn’t deserve any of that.
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That night when you arrived at your apartment, you couldn’t help but cry yourself to sleep. For the first time, you allowed yourself to feel guilt and really sink into that feeling. You were so confused and disgusted about the person you had become.
The next morning, you picked up your phone determined to change the course of your life.
“I’m sorry, but I think we should stop seeing each other Jae, at least for a while. I have a lot of things to think about and my mind is spinning, plus the guilt is killing me inside. Maybe this was all a mistake from the beginning, we shouldn’t have gotten carried away with desire and now, we are mistaking this with love when it’s probably just lust. Please don’t look for me, I really need to clear my mind and I think you should do it too. When I feel ready, I’ll call you.” and turned off your phone as soon as you sent Jaehyun the message.
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A week later Mark was discharged from the hospital and you decided to pick him up and take him to his dorm along with his manager and Jungwoo.
“Are you two gonna be alone today?” you asked trying to hide your curiosity as to know whether Jaehyun was there or not when you entered the apartment pushing Mark’s wheelchair.
“There’s Jaehyun too, but I don’t know what’s wrong with him. He’s been in a really bad mood lately and keeps locking himself in our room,” Jungwoo said shrugging. “He barely comes out if he hasn’t a schedule,”
“Well, we all have bad moments, I hope he gets over it soon,” you told them in an attempt to downplay the issue and change the subject.
You spent the whole afternoon in the room with Mark and Jungwoo, until you noticed that it was getting dark outside and you had to leave.
“Thank you so much for coming to check on me, my love.” Mark reached up cupping your cheek with his free hand to give you a chaste kiss on the lips.
“You have nothing to thank me for, Mark. I love you and worry a lot about you, but now I feel more at ease knowing you’re accompanied at home and feeling a bit better,” you smiled at him getting up from the edge of his bed to grab your purse.
“Yeah, don’t worry about him Y/N, I’ll spend the night here in his room, taking care of my baby Markie,” Jungwoo said pinching his friend’s cheeks, making him laugh.
“I know Woo, there’s no one better than you to take care of him. Thanks, you’re the best!” You gave your friend a warm hug.
“Do you want me to walk you to the front door, Y/N?” Jungwoo offered.
“Thanks, but that’s not necessary, Mark already gave me a set of keys. You’d better stay with him.”
“Okay, see ya!”
“I love you,” Mark shouted from his bed.
“I love you too,” you replied awkwardly and closed his door feeling your stomach lurch at the lie you had just told. You sighed and made your way to the front door carefully not to trip as it was already after dusk and all the lights were down, but when you were about to open the front door, you felt a hand gripping your arm tightly.
“I love you too,” a mocking voice whispered behind you. “What a liar,”
Oh, no… the person you’d tried to avoid for days was right there.
“What were you doing in Mark’s room?” Jaehyun asked, turning you aggressively towards him.
“What the f-” you whined as he dragged you to his bedroom and locked the door.
“I asked you something,” tightening his grip on your forearm.
“Keep your voice down, someone might hear us!” you whisper-shouted to him, and he just went over his speaker to turn up the volume so your voices could be muffled by the loud volume of the music.
“I came to check on him! We were just hanging out with Jungwoo. He wanted to show me the new song he’d been working on!” you replied with annoyance.
“And was it really necessary for you to come hang out with him all afternoon?!”
“What did you expected me to do, Jaehyun? Let me remind you that Mark is still my boyfriend,”
“Yes, yes I know and that’s precisely my problem!”
“Hey, it wouldn’t be that easy to break up with him and even worse now that he’s hurt. Imagine the damage I would do to him right now!”
“And don’t you think about how much you are hurting me?” You remained silent not knowing what to answer, and he imprisoned you against the door.
“You come in here pretending to be the perfect, loving concerned girlfriend when just a week ago you had my cock drilling into you to the pit of your stomach as you moaned and screamed my name, begging me to fuck you harder!”
“Shut up, Jaehyun,” you said through gritted teeth.
“We spent together the most amazing weekend of my life, I confessed you all my feelings, I openly declared my love for you, I made love to you for hours like I’ve never made love to anyone before, and what have I received in return?” he snorted heavily, “A fucking text message telling me that we just shouldn’t see each other anymore! Y/N, I really thought that we were finally on the same page.”
“I told you to shut the fuck up!” tears began pooling in your eyes.
“No, and let me tell you something, Y/N. I don’t know what fucked up game you’re playing, but I’ve had enough! This was the last time you played with my feelings,” he was so mad, you could clearly see a pulsing vein on his forehead and his ears getting bright red.
“I’m not playing! Listen, I’m just… so fucking confused, I truly don’t know what to do.”
“Okay, I’m gonna help you clear your mind, then.”
“Yeah, how?” you snorted rolling your eyes.
“I’m gonna fuck you dumb until my name and the pleasure of my cock filling you up are the only things in your mind,” Jaehyun gripped your chin between his thumb and forefinger, pulling your face closer until he could slam his lips upon yours. You whimpered at the rough contact, but your whimper quickly turned to a moan as soon as he brought your bodies together by grabbing your butt harshly.
“Wait! Jae…” you gasped for air, “Mark and Jungwoo are right in the next room! We, we can’t d-” you said stuttering a bit.
“I don’t give a shit, anymore.” and he kissed you harder than before shutting you up as you were about to say something.
The two of you moved further into Jaehyun’s bedroom, hands exploring each other’s bodies as if was the first time. Pulling you backwards until the back of your legs collided with the edge of his bed, causing you to kinda topple on it, he hovered over you not breaking the kiss at all. You slid your hand down his body to unbutton his jeans, eager to feel him.
“Actually, I’m not sure if you deserve to get my dick right now,” he said pulling out from you, his signature teasing face: tongue in cheek and rolling his eyes, paired with a small scoff.
“Don’t tease me, or-” you warned him, propping up on your elbows before he cut you off.
“Or what?” pouting, he leaned closer to you, pulling your face up to look at him with a thumb on your chin. You could feel his warm breath on your face.
You cupped his cheeks to kiss him harshly and desperately, making you both moan into each other’s mouths. He immediately wanted to take advantage and dom you as he slipped his tongue into your mouth, which you sucked earning a deep growl from him.
“Uh-uh.” he stepped back a little “That’s not how it works this time, baby. You’ll have to work for it.“
"You’re such a cocky motherfucker,” he was getting on your nerves already.
“Yeah, and you love it, don’t you?” he scoffed pulling down his jeans along with his underwear, letting them pool on his ankles. Once his dick was free, he stroked himself looking at you, his eyes darkening. You just nodded at his question.
Regardless of the lust in his eyes, making eye contact with him wasn’t not only felt incredibly intimate for you but there was something mesmerizing and comforting in the way Jaehyun always looked at you, even on those passionate and lustful moments that made your heart melt.
“Get on your knees,” he commanded.
Only a few seconds passed before you leaned forward, a long string of obscenities spilling from his mouth as you parted your lips to run your tongue along the underside of his cock to the tip and hollowed your cheeks to suck more of him. Your eyes never leaving Jaehyun’s to gauge his reaction. He was loving it, of course. You could tell so, by the way he reached forward to lace his fingers in your hair and he curled his hand into a tight fist, a deliciously sharp pain spreading across your scalp.
You bobbed your head, relishing in the feeling of his cock filling your mouth, and your eyes fell shut as you took his length deeper and deeper with each stroke. The tip easily reached the back of your throat each time you went down. You gagged and coughed, knowing how much he loved that.
“Good girl, that’s my girl,” he whispered while slowly guiding you even further down his length. Jaehyun’s reactions were ungodly satisfying as he threw his head back toward the ceiling and instantly tightens his grip on your hair. Your clit was already throbbing even if he hadn’t touched you yet and you felt the urge to rub it, so you did.
“Fuck, fuck. Okay, stop or I’m gonna cum.” He chuckled playfully pulling you off from his dick as a string of saliva drew from the disconnect.
Pulling you by your hair, tilted your head upwards at him and he leaned down to kiss you. Open mouths, moans, tongues lapping and fighting for dominance, spit mixing. One of the hottest kisses you had ever experienced, and you both were loving it.
While you were still kissing desperately, Jaehyun grabbed the hem of your dress tugging it upwards to take it off, and stripped you naked.
“Lay on your side, princess,”
And you did as you were told, facing his door meanwhile, he finally finished getting rid of the rest of his clothes.
You could hardly contain the excitement you felt bubbling in your stomach and at other places as well, you were finally going to have Jaehyun inside you after that amazing weekend and having thought he would never fuck ever you again.
Jaehyun laid down behind you, a hand on your hip to pressing your ass against his incredibly hard dick. “I’m gonna remind you who you belong to” He menaced giving your ass a hard slap before reaching around your body to rub circles on your wet, swollen clit.
You whimpered and covered your mouth instantly knowing you’d be a moaning mess in his hands as his fingers worked magic on you, but must’ve been quiet because you’re not alone this time.
Every squirm had you bumping your ass up into his cock craving to finally have him fill you up, but just when his tip was about to enter your already soaking hole, a knock on the door had you both halting your movements.
“Jae, we’re gonna order fried chicken. Would you like some?” Jungwoo’s upbeat voice at the other side of the door, but Jaehyun decided to ignore him.
When Jungwoo didn’t get a response, a jiggle on the doorknob had you panicking, wanting to get up and hide somewhere. “Why is the door locked?” he asked and you felt a little bit relieved knowing he couldn’t open the door easily.
“No, I don’t want. Leave me alone!” Jaehyun, being the unbothered king he is, just tightened his grip on your hips and then, lifted your leg in the air and entered you fully without warning, making you yelp.
The stretch made you shudder with pleasure, and you just relaxed into him adjusting to his large size. You failed at bitting back another moan as Jaehyun buried his face in your neck leaving wet kisses.
“Wait, are you watching porn?” Jungwoo asked giggling amused. Your whimpers were still slightly audible despite the loud music, but not enough to realize it was actually you.
Jaehyun laughed at his gullibility, “Yes, I am. Now, go away!” He began to move his hips inside you, long thrusts that shook your body each time he entered.
Jungwoo scoffed on the other side, “Okay. Have fun, naughty boy!” and then, his shadow disappeared from under the door.
“Fuck, is this making you even wetter?” Jaehyun asked amused, feeling you clenching hard around his cock. You just nodded in response trying not to make any noise.
“Imagine if I hadn’t locked the door and Jungwoo or Mark saw my cock filling you up to the brim. Would you like that?” his hips pounding harder into you, rougher and faster than before. You could feel everything of him, every inch, every pulsing vein on his dick…
“What would Mark think if he knew that his cute girlfriend is such a slut for his friend? That you are always so eager to spread your beautiful legs for me, willing to take me so well, milking my cock and letting me fill you with my cum, just the way you like,” he said, drilling angrily into you so hard that you felt his cock at the pit of your stomach with every thrust.
“What if he knew that I own your body?”
Jaehyun was looking down at your eyes rolling to the back of your head and the tight grip you had on the sheets. His dirty words pushing you to the edge.
“I… Fuck! I’m, gon– cum.” The words scrambled in your scattered, empty brain.
“Don’t hold back, princess. Be as loud as you want, let them find out what’s going on between us, and let’s end this farce once and for all.” he started rubbing circles on your clit once again and you squeezed him so well that he felt his own release approaching. “Cum on my dick, baby girl. I want to feel you losing control.”
Feeling your legs shaking from the pleasure, your orgasm crashed over you while you were holding onto his sheets for your life and grabbed a pillow in a desperate attempt to muffle your whimpers. Jaehyun kept fucking you through your high, slamming your hips down to match his, so fast and rough that it almost had you crying out of the intensity.
With a last growl and a full deep thrust, you felt his dick pumping and filling you up with his hot cum.
“I’m sorry for calling you a slut,”
“Don’t worry, it was so fucking hot,” you told grinning at him and he couldn’t help but kiss you tenderly.
He pulled out and turned you around to face him. “Stay the night here with me. Tomorrow morning I’ll help you to sneak out,” you just nodded, way too worn out to speak, let alone getting up, dressing, and driving to your apartment. He kissed your temple and sat you both up.
“Wait a minute, I’ll be right back with some water and something to clean us up. Get yourself comfortable on my bed.” and he left his room just in his briefs, leaving you feeling lightest than ever as if you had a clear conscience, unaware of the chaos that was about to come to change all your lives forever.
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☆ Taglist: @lilacboba @queenrachelpink @kaja2016 @happyladybee @bekah931215 @ahtisa02 @jaeymark @yincotton
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sugar-cube-person · 2 years
Gotham guys noticing that their male coworker has a crush on them?
Hi thank you so much for the ask! I will try my best as this is my first male reader ask and if I get anything wrong or if there’s anything you don’t like just lmk! Again thank you so much for the ask and sorry it took so long :)
Gotham guys x male reader
Description: H.C.’s of the Gotham guys realizing that their coworker has a crush on him.
Warnings: None 
I DO NOT GIVE PERMISSION FOR THIS TO BE POSTED ANYWHERE EXCEPT ON MY TUMBLR AND WATTPAD, my wattpad is @itz_sugarrocky. Reblogs are accepted, reposting my work as your own isn’t. Thank you :)
he would notice right away
he would definitely discreetly tease you about it too there’s no doubt about that, just a fact
I don’t think he would know how he feels right away but he knows he feels something for you 
I mean he is pretty tall but if you're taller than him he would love it
when he confronts you about it he does it like
“Yea you know we should go do something after this job since you like me so much”
and you’ll have to do a double take
cuz like, he’s so nonchalant about it
In the end he’ll definitely ask you out first, what can I say, he’s confrontational
he figured it out when you were on a job for Fish and he had to use the john, and he heard you talking to yourself at how “stupid, stupid, stupid, he’ll totally like a guy like me who maKES UP WORDS” 
he finds it adorable tho lol
ok so I wholeheartedly believe he would like you first
just your personality and stature and everything about you
then when he notices you like him back? 
HOO man your in for it lol, he’ll go the whole nine yards
he’ll invite you to something and be super nervous and you’d be super nervous
Its a nerve-fest
and like it would be a gradual thing
to where you both just keep kind of flirting but also being super awkward?
but he would end up asking you to be his fellow king of Gotham with him or help him overthrow Falcone and Maroni
It just depends on where you meet him lol
he’ll notice it because you’ll agree with him on everything and your always staring and making goo goo eyes at him 
OOF as we all know, he’s gonna notice right away
and I mean RIGHT AWAY
he’ll definitely be kind of confused about it 
but if you don’t idk kill his girlfriend or something he would definitely get with you 
this man would give you a complex riddle when he tells you he knows you like him
just in general he likes you back ofc
but he obviously not all that open with it considering *ahem Oswald ahem* his personality 
he’d probably wait a while to tell you he knows you like him tho
he’ll notice the crush by means of body language
weird ik but I feel like that’s how he would figure it out
oh Jimmy boy would be so clueless until Ed or Foxy says it as if it’s something obvious
like you’d be interrogating somebody and they would just be like
“you are lucky to have him helping you out, when are you going to do something about that crush he has on you?” 
or something like that (sorry I’m crap at doing dialogue) 
once he does find out tho he would just be honest and ask you right away if its true
now after that he would definitely find some reason to risk his life or something bc its Jim Gordon we’re talking about
then you’d just slap him and tell him he’s a dumbass lol
you guys go for coffee as your first date :)
He’d know exactly when you realize it for yourself
sorry but there’s no sugarcoating this 
he would show his, uh, affection, by doing what he did with the bodies for maniax
but spelling out “I LIKE YOU TOO” instead
now the sentiment is there
but ofc he’s never had a real role model for any relationship in general
so he’d wing it for everything
I’m sorry but he would know about your crush on him before YOU even know about it
like wayyyyy before you know about it
now depending on which jeremiah you get you’ll answer will vary
if it’s pre-spray jeremiah, congrats, he will be very gentle with telling you he knows
but post-spray jeremiah will be harsh i’m sorry
he’d be all like
“yes yes I know you have that silly little crush on me but it doesn’t excuse the fact that you aren’t doing your job” *cue eyeroll*
but if you worship him enough he’ll date you
he noticed you liked him since you kept hanging around him and asking about his plans and offering help more than was deemed “normal”
ok so heres the deal
he pays zero attention
so he’d have no idea until you tell him
you’ll be on a hit and then tell him that for such a successful hitman he sure isn’t successful at notice when you like him and then you like, start shooting or something
real badass
and ofc he asks you out for milkshakes after ;)
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kaijime · 3 years
Heyyy idk if youre taking requests but if you are, i saw this haikyuu manga panel of daichi and kuroo being passive aggressive and literally cracking their fingers with how string their handshake was and all i could think of was 'oh my god i wanna be TAG TEAMED BY THEM SO BAD' cuz like- their ARMS?? theyre so CINPETITIVE? please just the thought of them being all competetive and just using me for it 😩😩😩
ok but then trying to see who can make you squirt first because it’s like a prize for them??,,
cw.threesome, tag teaming, lots of cum, squirting, mentions of dumbification, not proofread
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“c’mon pretty girl, don’t hold back” kuroo whispers, barely audible to you, even though he’s so close. he keeps tucking into you, no regards for your sensitive body whatsoever, he only cares about this not-so-friendly competition with his fellow ex-team captain. finally reunited, they decided to find out who could please their pretty little manager better, and who could make her come undone the most.
“you know i fuck you much better— fuck— than daichi over there, right?” he’s manipulating you,a don it’s painfully obvious for you and daichi, that’s why you don’t give him a coherent answer, opting instead to moan his name into his neck.
you wrap your legs around his waist when you feel your climax begin, and you press the heels of your feet into him to keep him closer to you, almost to assure he won’t pull out at the last minute, not that he would anyways. he finishes not long after you, filling you up with his warm seed for the second time tonight. now it’s daichi’s turn.
he’s not much different from kuroo with his goal, he wants to make you cum, hard. he want s to prove to kuroo that he’s way better at making you feel good. there is one difference however. and it’s his pace. he’s not much bigger than kuroo, only having a little more girth to him than the black haired, but he certainly knew how to make every drag of his cock along your walls mind numbing.
he made sure to focus on you, and he would kiss your body, from your neck to your nipples and so on, pressing tight circles into your clit. it’s too much for you, and before you know it, you’re cumming uncontrollably, your essence spraying all over his waist and his thighs, your tight walls trying to push him out to no relief, he didn’t pull out until he’d painted your walls creamy white, adding to the loads dripping from your raw cunt.
he pants in relief, proud to know he’d won.
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©️kaijime 2021 | all content belongs to kaijime, do not modify or repost
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liamiya · 3 years
now that eve brought up requests imma send one-
liaaaaaaaa 🥺 could you do headcanons of itadori having a crush on reader and getting really jealous cuz reader lives with and is really affectionate with megumi? this has been sitting in my mind for ages and i don’t know what to do with it
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pairing: itadori yuuji + reader
warnings: agender!reader, jealous but cute yuuji, modern au!, nothing else i think?; not proofread
author's notes: im so sorry for taking long to answer this and its still so short ;~; i hope u enjoy tho!
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— Itadori doesn't really mind that you're affectionate with your roommate – it do make his heart sting sometimes. What bothers him the most is the fact that Megumi accepts it;
— Yuuji wished that Fushiguro would just push you away while you hug him from behind, or don't compliment you back after you compliment him, because it make him feel so strange;
— He knows that he is feeling jealous, but he never felt it this hard before. His level of jealousy is so high that, at his breaking point, he could just throw you over his shoulder and bring you to live with him;
— Since he can't bring himself to tell you about his crush or his jealously towards Megumi, Yuuji will do some acts to see if you liked him back;
— In a movie night at your place, he would pull you against him before you could rest against Fushiguro, his hand softly brushing against your waist;
— If you go out together as a group, he would always be by your side, cracking jokes and letting his body go a little too close to yours;
— He would buy you anything you wanted, no matter if it's food or clothes – he always loved to spend money on you anyway;
— If you spend more time giving him your attention, this man is over the fucking moon. He would be so happy, a big smile wouldn't leave his face until he went to sleep that day;
— Still, even if he gets most of your attention sometimes, he would still be jealous while seeing you laugh out loud with Megumi;
— While he is at home, sometimes his mind drifts to what you and Fushiguro are doing. He's very scared that you two are secretly dating and his chances are gone;
— But Yuuji would never force his needs or his bad feelings on you. He would never raise his voice with you, give you a silence treatment or treat you bad. He loves you and his jealousy shouldn't get in the way of your happiness;
— If you have a crush on him too, let him know it, please, this man would be so so happy. He would instantly ask you to date him and pull you into his warm embrace;
— Also, he would ask you to move in with him. Yes, you have a choice to stay with Megumi, but can you resist to Yuuji's big puppy eyes?
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2021 © content belongs to liamiya, do not repost or edit without permission
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173 notes · View notes
missgeniality · 3 years
A Work Of Art (m)
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“In our life there is a single color, as on an artist’s palette, which provides the meaning of life and art. It is the color of love.” - Marc Chagall
➺ Banner: The lovely @dee-ehn 💕
➺ Pairing: Jimin x Female Reader
➺ Genre: PWP, Smut, Slightest Angst
➺ Rating: 18+
➺ Word Count: 7.3k
➺ Summary: You surprise Jimin with his Filter outfit; and then some.
➺ Warnings: tongues get tired in this fic, dom!jimin, we talk about spit, some biting, jimin loves praise, lingerie n stuff, nipple play, oral sex (m&f receiving), we talk more about spit, some bondage is involved, degrading names, blindfolds, spanking (maybe too much, don’t look @ me), light choking, light face-fucking, cum eating, we talk even more about spit, hickeys galore, some edging?, unprotected sex (don’t do it kids, not even for Jimin)
➺ Author’s Note: (repost bc tags, you know how it is) huge s/o to @ilikemesometaetaes for making time to beta read this monstrosity 💜 thank youuuu! Also thanks to @honeiibeehobi, @kithtaehyung for helping me with the many many details & @ppersonna​for hyping up this idea or else it would have never seen the light of day ;_; lol i will come back to edit this cuz this didnt let me focus on my paper due tonight so if you see a spelling mistake or tense error umm no you didnt 👀
do let me know your thoughts!! the smallest feedback goes a long way! 💛💛
This is the first part of my Dress Down series, find more at it’s masterlist!
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Y/N: soooooo, I did a thing. JM: is the dishwasher flooding our kitchen again? Y/N: -_- i’ll give you two more guesses. JM: oh no. you picked up a dog from the street again.  Y/N: come onn!! JM: y/n, last time you picked one up, HE HAD AN OWNER Y/N: you’re down to your last try, or else i’m taking this off. JM: … JM: so its something you have on? 😏 Y/N: pic_210124.jpg JM: holy shit JM: wait wait fuck JM: keep the door unlocked.
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“You like?”
The bob in his Adam’s apple wordlessly conveys the answer you’re looking for.
A crisp, white, button down shirt, tucked into black trousers, topped off with a panama hat that matches your top half is the view Jimin comes home to. Your dress pays homage to Jimin’s Filter outfit - actually, the exact one - the one that showcased his immaculate dance moves, the one that exposes his delicious collarbones, the one that brings the irresistible urge to bite your way up his neck - the one he eventually rids. 
If you had to pick a color, he is a flustered orange, bright and blushing, turned on by the indecent implication of your very decent outfit.
You’re on the counter, one leg crossed over the other, accentuating the swell of your ass. Landing on the pads of your feet, you take a few steps towards the man with the unhinged jaw.
“Babe.” a mellow croak - Jimin can’t get a whole sentence out without saliva pooling and obstructing his speech. “You, in my clothes… fuck.” 
Chuckling at his very obvious loss of words, you give him a twirl, allowing him to fully soak in your outfit.
“Was waiting for you.”
Three long strides and you were in his arms, a pair of lips desperate to invade your space and claim you. An Angel on your shoulder tells you to give in; after all, this is the end result - what you both want. 
However, the Devil on the other side, no no no. It wants you to make him suffer. To get revenge for all the times you were taken control of. It remembers all the days he turned you on with shoot photographs and all the nights he brought you to the brink only to stop you from tipping over with a cocky smirk and a cheeky wink. 
The Devil was created from the moments when you thought you would actually erupt, begging for release, only to be shoved aside with a single growl of ‘don’t you fucking dare.’ 
Your desire to please him effectively silenced the Devil and kept it at bay. But no more. All those times built up and gave your Devil the power to force its way against your will to restrain it, causing it to rise to the surface.
You will have the upper hand. 
So you push him away, keeping him at an arm’s length for your safety to have him on his toes. Forlorn eyes meet your steely ones, and you physically stop yourself from giving in to his puppy gaze - those eyes can turn icy and sultry when nailing you into the bed like his rent depended on it. 
“Sit there. I have a-” You turn to switch on some music, “-small present for you.”
“If the small present isn’t me folding you in half and fucking you till sunrise,” He sits with visible reluctance, irises slowly transforming into magma orbs, “I don’t want it.”
“Well, we’ll see… Depends on how you behave.”
On a normal day, this comment would have lit your ass on fire, pronto.
Today isn’t a normal day at all. 
You stride on, every noiseless step you take leaving a wreckage of nerves behind, ignoring the smoldering gaze he has locked on you- you are unsure whether he is deciding your punishment or simply admiring how his clothes fit on your body.
You stand on the side, drinking him in. 
From your viewpoint, this is ridiculous. Those cursed jeans, vacuumed onto his thighs, ensure your eyes don’t miss a single ridge. His legs are spread out, beckoning you to have a seat, and the Angel once again begs for some reprieve. He knows what he’s doing; knows you inside and out- knows you couldn’t miss a chance to ride him like this. The wicked smirk flashing back at you is confirmation. 
But you stymy that thought at its root. Walking behind, you wrap your arms around him to faintly buss his cheek. 
“Sooo I was watching Filter…” 
Jimin hums against your feeble touch. He wants more. The soft wind of your breath routing through his jeweled ear sends a wave of goosebumps down his spine. From behind, you run your hands over his sinewy biceps, taut in restraint - holding themselves back against the suffering you are putting him through. 
“You do know how fucking hot you looked, right?” You playfully let your tongue toy with the hanging ornament, the briefest of flicks causing Jimin’s shoulders to push back, trying to connect with your bosom.
With a crooked finger under his jaw, you bring him to meet your eyes- eyes that are adorned with layered shadows of deep maroons, a variety of colors blending into your skin tone, eyelashes piqued up and ready to reach the clouds.
“So pretty…” He whispers out as you place your hat on its rightful throne - Jimin’s head.
A lone digit traces the lines of art you etched for him, appreciating every single stroke you put in to make a memorable time. Warm merigold rays bloom in your chest in response to his gaze, with him looking at you like you invented the sky. Pupils are dilated, and the only reason you can see each other is because of the practically nonexistent distance between you.
His eyes pick up on your tapering resolve to keep him in line. A light quiver of need passing your lips as you hopelessly vie for dominance is what most likely gives you away. 
Grabbing you by the neck, he pulls you into a deep kiss, plunging his tongue into you with reckless abandon like he was a nomad all this while and your mouth has finally claimed him home. Your neck strains at the awkward angle and surely even his is hurting, but the pressure of his hand is unrelenting.
His tongue searches and searches, desperately looking for a part in you he has not yet explored. You’d think the years of togetherness would have diminished this fiery attraction but no, he comes onto you like he has a mission to prove - to validate his love for you, to plead you to be his. You would happily accept this shower of affection, returning it with due interest.
With great difficulty you part, a string of spit still connecting your lips because he has not let you move far enough. “Uh-uh. Be good.” You pout a little, breaking character.
“You’re here. In my clothes. A walking dream. How the fuck am I to be good?” He pulls you back in to continue what you cut short but you break the line of spit and his intention with a hand wedged between your faces. 
“I asked you a question, Mister.” Back on your cocky nature, you graze your lips against oh-so-lightly, barely giving him anything to feel, but the tingling on his skin shows he can feel it all.
The adoration moves into a competition, “You tell me, sweetness - how did I look?”
It’s always the praise. He loves it when you struggle to tell him his dick was crafted by the heavens when you’re choking on it, but he still makes you do it. You stutter and stumble your words when his lips smack against your cunt, devouvering and digging for the treasure of your cum, but he forces you to tell him. When you sit on his dick, your brain has no sense of diction or direction, only chasing the high at his mercy, but he makes you scream it out loud, letting everyone beyond the pearly gates know, between moans and wails, that only he can break you down this way. 
“This shirt, sweetie.” Your nose trails the path between his collar and the ends of his hair, basking in the sweet vanilla scent, “You’re all covered. Why, pray tell,” You dig your teeth into the point where his shoulder meets his neck, “does this sole patch of skin turn me on so bad?”
He sucks in an inhale through his clenched teeth, his stunning visage devoid of any virtue. His head is thrown back, hat toppling over in the movement and giving you a larger canvas to mark, an opportunity you happily grasp. The mellifluous tones he is producing is recorded in your mind for lonelier nights to come. 
“And the red suit? Fuck, your corseted waist?” At the corner of your eye you see his fingers clenching into a fist, your lush voice making it harder and harder for him to breathe. 
You slowly stride forward, painfully slow, letting him notice every single muscle of your body curving to his unspoken command, undoing one button at a time until your torso is revealed- and shows the true purpose of your scarlet eye makeup. 
A deep burgundy camisole, ribbed at the waist to accentuate the way your hips flow has Jimin salivating to no end. The strappy number, with carmine ribbons flowing into your yet to be removed bottom half- a deed Jimin intends on rectifying very, very soon- calls to him sinfully. The lingerie twists and ties in incomprehensible ways, but the amount of cleavage it gives you is ungodly. 
If they weren’t already, Jimin’s eyes are now wide open.
Time comes to a standstill as he checks out your whole figure, taking in every embroidered pattern on the lingerie and every embellishment on your breasts. Before, you were already a five-star meal, but now? An emperor’s feast. 
The little flower right on top of your nipple has Jimin’s attention. His thumb comes up to trace the bedecked rose, following the stitched line of stem that takes him to the peak, then drawing over petal by petal. Each time he reaches close to your hardened nub, he abstains from crossing over it, making your nipple hardens imperceptibly under the presentiment of any relief and the disappointment when nothing arrives. His other hand, sitting on your waist, coaxes you to straddle him while he plays gardner on your bust.
“Jimin…” Your nipple, finally finding solace under his thumb, is not faring too well under the attention. Your plan of teasing him is slipping through your fingers like sand.
“Tell me baby, what do you want?” His finger is now tracing the seams of your lingerie cups, admiring the way they frame your ample bosom. Things are progressing too slow for your liking, and you come clean with your ignoble intentions. 
“Please, I just want to suck you off.”
A wad of spit lands directly into your cleavage, followed by two thick fingers penetrating the lubed entrance. 
“Nope.” His fingers continue to shallowly fuck your cleavage. Neither of you are being touched in the erogenous zone, but why does it feel so good? Your valley is inundated with his dribble, coating your ensemble and shifting shades to a deep cerise. Every pump of his nimble fingers between your breasts is like a promise of what your pussy is going to go through. Will he fuck you hard and fast with your voice echoing across the room, making every neighbor privy of your sexual escapedes? Will he be slow and gentle, penetrate you with utmost care, soft gasps and whines only sounded to the two of you? You can never guess.
In the aphrodisiac moment, you forgot that you were supposed to take charge. 
“Please, please, please! I did so much,” You take the guilt route. If Jimin was anything, he was a just and fair man. “Can’t I get that much?”
Jimin’s gaze has not left your wet cleavage. A flit of his eye makes contact with yours and goes back to the fucking - that is enough language for you to understand his needs. You bend low, and spit out a fat glob onto your chest to add to the mess he has already made. The groan that leaves him is ungodly, and he licks the spit you unloaded onto yourself, spreading it all over your expensive wear. He slurps like you released sweetened water to a parched traveller, your bosom holding all the sweetness to itself.
Gathering your thoughts is more difficult than you could ever imagine. The cloth over your nipples is completely soaked, bitten into and sticking to your skin thanks to the vacuum Jimin pulled on them. Your back has had a workout, every vertebrae bent to its maximum possibility. Chiropractors are so last year, you just have your boyfriend ravish your breasts.
“Once I’m done, you can do whatever you want.”
All of your five brain cells had to be put in action to form that sentence. The moment the words left your lips, the pressure your breasts were on had been released, but you could still feel lips against you, stretching into a snarky smirk.
“Whatever?” His grip on your waist tightens, seating you more firmly onto his taut thighs. 
Whatever. That stupidly amazing word. 
“Saying ‘whatever’ always lands you in trouble. Have you forgotten?” His damp lips are tracing your collarbones, nibbles whenever he felt appropriate. How does he expect you to form a damned sentence like this, the Devil on your shoulder indignantly asks. The Angel on the other has gone back in time to fetch memories filed under the term ‘whatever’, strictly saved for your quality alone-time. 
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The first time you told him to do ‘whatever he wants’ was fairly early into your relationship. Sex was as vanilla as the ice cream tastebud-less people liked, and none of you ever pushed it too far. A happy, drunken night with a loose-lipped confession from him. 
“God, the things I want to do to you…” he had muffled into your hair, maybe not even intended for your ears to pick up. 
A cheeky giggle had bubbled out of your tipsy self. “Like what, tie me up?”
If Jimin then were a color, he was a pantone pink. Blushed cheeks from the alcohol and the realization that you had caught him, airbrushed with a depth you weren’t able to put in place that early in the relationship. Wide-eyed horror was shown in its place, possibly exaggerated to add to the denial he had landed himself in. 
“No no, of course, I don’t mean it like that, what ar-”
“Why not?”
The animal that awoke after confirming with you fifteen times was a force to be reckoned with. Your bra had turned into rope, wrists bound behind as he roughly squished your helpless cheeks. 
“You will tell me when to stop, right?” His tongue peeked lightly, brushing your top lip, taking the perspiration away.
“God, you’re gonna regret this baby.” 
But it was exactly the opposite. You got the railing of a lifetime, heard the filthiest words that could leave the lips of such a courteous man - a side you had not expected at all. You couldn’t possibly recollect every single move he made, but what you can recollect with excruciating detail is every feeling you felt that night. It was filled with lust, with revelations of the new ways your body could bend, a night of puppetry where Jimin played you like the master your body craved. The following day was Jimin taking care of you, big puppy eyes wondering whether he took it too far. In his daze of letting go of control, he couldn’t take in your lidded stare, heaving with satisfaction - so you made sure he could witness them when he took you the next time that morning.
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The other time the wretched word was mentioned was during an argument. You’re not jealous of Jimin on stage - it’s his career and you were one of the girls offering one of their kidneys to be able to catch a glimpse of him. 
But your workspace? That’s where you draw the line. 
She was a random worker. Some third-floor low-lying soul. You were eighth-floor premium material (the floors didn’t decide shit, but no one can tell you what skyscraper semantics you can craft in your brain). A lifeless party that even Jimin’s colorful locks couldn’t color up. 
This random worker was very enamored by Jimin (as she should, the man is a whole nine-course meal). Supportive fans are not what get you jealous either. 
But the limit is when placed her scrawny fingers on Jimin’s hand, drawing the glass in his grip to her lips and took a sip from it. If her lashes were fanned they could blow a man away (which is probably more than what her puny mouth could possibly do). The fume exiting your ears could have been in bright red for all you care, because every office member had been rightfully annoyed. 
The whole car ride back was filled with your drunken blabbers about the different ways you could skin her. The actual victim beside you was not making a nearly big enough deal out of it, intending to let you get rid of your temper.
“She fucking knew!” Your normally clean disposition had taken its leave after the fuming temper took real estate in your brain, and you aimlessly threw your heel at some corner of the house - hungover self shall have to deal with this angry mess you’ve made. Wait, you’re an angry mess too.. “The gall she had, I should jus-”
You march towards the door, in hopes of what, you don’t know. But if you didn’t take action you’ll probably explode. Any action, just anything. You never find out though, because a strong arm slithered around your waist and halted your expedition. 
“Calm down, feisty. Where are you going now?” His soothing voice, punctuated with a mocking chuckle almost quelled the fire in you. Almost. 
But you’re not done being an idiot. 
“To go find her for you. You’d fuck the living daylights out of her, right?”
The loudest silence you have ever encountered. Jimin’s grip on your waist tightened to the point where it could have hurt. Like he was trying to push every iota of that thought out of your body. From behind, you can hear a deep breath dragging, and somewhere in your irate head you knew you had struck a nerve, a bad one. Jimin is forced to expel any anger bubbling in him, trying to use reason with an unreasonable recipient. 
“Princess, you don’t actually think I’d do that right?”
“I don’t know!” Your misplaced anger had reached the rooftops. Jimin had done nothing wrong here except try to calm an increasingly livid girlfriend. “Maybe you’d love that. Her itty-bitty waist, that whore’s outfit she had on. You call me a whore right? Maybe she’s more worthy of you!” 
The timbre of his voice had completely changed. The breathy, airy aura had completely departed from your name he had just called. The lack of nicknames raised some hair at the nape of your neck, but you’re a stubborn one. 
“Ugh, I don’t care.”
You tried to walk back to your room, head still reeling in a palace of inferno, burning everything that dares to intrude your path - but somehow, you had been pushed to a wall, and the eyes of the man you loved had turned feral. 
If Jimin was a color, he was green - igniting with fury, anger repressed in dark shadows that never made the light of the day until pushed - but you pushed all right. And now released from its shackles, it has surrounded you and slammed you against the wall - and you have nowhere to go. 
“You’re my whore. Is that a complaint from my stupid, stupid whore?”
The only joint you’re free to move is your neck, and your gratuitous self decided to rebel with whatever degree of freedom you have. Turning your face away to not meet his seething eyes, you continue your rebel-without-a-cause tantrum.
“Whatever.” you carped out.
Again, with that stupid word, you had signed your fate for the night. 
Usually, you can express your feelings. Be it pain or pleasure (sometimes the two packed in one), you could wail it out to the heavens and respite would follow. 
Usually, you can see the torments laid out on you. Jimin’s lithe body performing every obscene spell he invoked is a treat for your eyes. He treats your body like an artisan, using any medium to paint his art on you.
But that day, you were stripped of them both, and made to realize what a privilege they were.
Mouth stuffed with your bunched up panties, eyes blinded by his tie of the evening, you could only rely on the sensors on your skin to somehow predict what was going to be done to you. And you failed. Every single time. Every thwack fell on a new area. Every teasing touch tickled you at a new place. Nothing could begin to prepare you for his next move and you couldn’t keep up with his tameless pace.
He made you beg through the makeshift gag, beg to let you come, then beg to stop coming, beg for every orifice of yours to be filled by his seed and then beg to get cleaned by him. With the first rays of morning sunlight, language was an illusion, time was an out-of-reach concept, and all you knew was the worshipping of last night.
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Whatever is a word. Whatever is mean. Whatever is filthy. Whatever is nailing you into the bed and rendering you immobile for the entire day. Whatever may just be a word to anyone, but to you it is what has you losing sense of reality, giving in to a phantasm of your wildest dreams. 
A wet tap on your cheek brings you back from you imagining the past - the fingers that were fucking your cleavage are squishing your cheeks, bringing your attention back from all your dirty memories to the present - to create another memory to add to your folder. 
If Jimin is a color, he is the darkest of all blacks. This is where everything pious comes to meet its sordid end. His sultry gaze is reading your eyes, searching for where you got lost, which shared memories of passed time made you melt into the puddle that you are right now. 
“I said, don’t you remember? ‘Whatever’?”
Let’s see. You don’t have work tomorrow. You don’t have any commitments. You don’t have to meet anyone. 
So there is no reason for you to be able to move. 
“Hmmmmn, I don’t seem to recall - you could remind me.”
Dark, dark chuckles from such a cherubic face. You flounder off his lap to shuck your (his) pants away, revealing the matching maroon garter belt set. The whole outfit is an ode to Jimin’s mid performance transformation, the one that made many people’s hearts skip a quick beat. His slim, cinched waist, the flared pants flowing down his frame were one for the books, and you’d like to think your rendition has its place too. 
Giving him a quick spin, you attempt to get down to business - but Jimin pulls you back on his lap. Without the pants, you can feel it - his hard, thick cock straining against the tough jean fabric and still making its presence known. 
“Tell me more, baby. What did you like?”
The man was a sucker for your praise. 
You were a sucker for the whole man. 
But the sucking will probably have to wait. 
“I loved your expressions. You’re so sexy on stage, fuck. Going around and giving bedroom eyes to the world.” 
His hand gripping you ass gives it a quick pinch, but voice just let out a lazy hum to get you to continue.
“The choreography,”, your whisper is strained, “you dance like you fuck baby. So sensual, so sexy.”
You lick a stripe up his neck, from his artistic collarbones to the back of his ear, the sensitive spot that makes him hiss is arousal. You stay there, wanting to whisper the next few lines. The world didn’t need to know your thirst for this. 
“You know my favorite part?” 
“Oh, tell me.” His voice is hitting lower and lower in pitch, much like it’s hitting you lower and lower in your body. 
You place the hand framing his face on his neck - the same one you want to cover in blooms of purple and red, lightly squeezing, letting him preen under the pressure. The tightness has Jimin’s head falling back on the headrest, and you can feel his pulse hastening to accommodate for the lacking oxygen in his stream. 
Letting go of his throat, and pleased to see the lightest indentation on his beautiful pale skin, you snake your hands downward. 
“Na, na, na,” Inching slowly towards your end goal, you whisper the tune into his ear, “na na na, na, na na”, covering every part with an indulgent languish, “pick your filter”.
Your hand finally reaches its destination - you grab his bulge and squeeze the hardness, making Jimin buck his hips against your palm. 
“Namaneul damabwa.”
It’s a low whisper from his lips, but even in the gravelly sound you can hear how melodious he is, how the song rolls off of his tongue and was made for his vocal color. The whisper is laced with lust, with want, with desire, all the feelings you portrayed for him in his performance.
That, and in life in general. 
You shuffle and sit to the side, simultaneously unbuttoning his jeans to get him some relief for the ache he had going on. Finally, you acquiesce and free his dick from its cages.
Every time you see him is a wonder to you. Hard, ridged, the right amount of veins to stimulate the walls of your cunt. Head leaking from the eons of teasing you’ve been doing, right from the text you sent to seconds ago. You bend down to clean him up, tasting the saltiness of his seed that has coated the head. Jimin’s lips are facing the brunt of your deeds - his teeth have found near permanent residence in its plushness, digging deep to keep from moaning too early, from giving you the pleasure. He is going to make you work. 
Well, you must get to work. 
Slowly, slowly, you dip your head in further, sucking lightly with each move, tongue tracing every vein on his dick. As you move your head back up, Jimin’s hand pushes into your back, making it arch further, and then you go down on his dick. His finger lightly follows the curve of your back, from your upper back all the way to the band of your lace panties. 
Hooking a finger underneath the lace fabric of your panty that had disappeared in between your mounds of flesh, he pulls at it - hard.  Your throat revolts against the intrusion as you gag, and the fabric presses into your clit. The concentrated abrasion turns into pleasure - he uses it to arch your back further, and bring your ass closer so that he can-
The spank sends you forward and you choke on his dick further, throat giving in to his hardness. 
“So good for me baby. Look at that ass.” He grabs one cheek, bubbled with the way your panties are now, squeezing and testing the firmness of your glutes. 
Your plans of torturing him are shot; the Devil on your shoulder is strangely mute. Awakening the brat, you slip a hand under and toy with his balls, pulling back to provide your throat some recess. Your saliva mixed with his precum is an gushing mess, glistening on his balls and now coating your palms as you play with light squeezes - the existing stiffness caused by your teasing arousal mixed with your playful fingers make Jimin buck into your mouth, releasing a delicious groan in the process.
A second spank is a warning, either you increase your pace or reap some serious consequences. You consider the consequences; they are very compelling. You could end with delicious marks of ownership from this delicious man. But he deserves the best suck of his life, and you’re going to do just that.
Hollowing your mouth, you go further down, till his head is poking an uninvaded point in your throat, and Jimin lets out a surprising note. A groan, no, a roar, but a tinge of whine mixed in it, like the pleasure is too much for him. 
You continue to swallow around, hand pumping the length you couldn’t take in, interlarded with swipes on his tight balls, leaving Jimin to be a heaving mess. Your ass is not faring better, bearing the brunt of his replies. You’re positive his fingerprints are imprinted on your asscheek, and one sit on his phone can unlock it. The line of your panties is drenched with your sopping wetness and lodged between the lips. 
“God, I’m so close baby, just a little more.” 
You would fervently nod in acceptance to whatever demand he places; in this position, he could ask you for the world and you would have it at his disposal. But what stops you are his ringed fingers lodged in your hair, pushing you in further, determined to spill deep in your throat, to the point where you don’t even have to swallow to get everything down. 
“Fuck, such a good girl for me.” Jimin appraises how deep he is going, how your throat is accommodating him and quivering around his length. Bunching your hair up into a makeshift ponytail, he stops them from obstructing his vision - the view of you struggling to take him in, toiling to keep the need to breathe at bay while you tend to his needs, worshipping his dick like its the last meal you’ll ever get - your desperate adulation takes him over the brink.
Jimin erupts into your mouth; an ungodly amount at that. It is the hardest he’s come in a while, and given your lifestyle, that’s saying something. Even a cum-hungry whore like you can’t possibly swallow that much in one go, and you are forced to let the globs dribble down his now-softening member. The two of you are heaving, catching a breath - completely different circumstances but the same result. 
The way you’re looking at him right now; his dick is already twitching to go for a second lap. Dilated pupils staring back, like you were at the receiving end of the orgasm - you are staring at him like he hung every star in the sky. Strings of cum are leaking out of the corners of your lips, ones he really wants to lap up with his tongue. Instead, you daintily dab it away - as innocent as pecking stray drops of ice cream off your mouth. 
You look at him with teasing eyes. “Want a taste baby?”
Running your tongue along the mess you (or he) made, you gather the remnant cum that didn’t go into you, and instead flooded his groin. Straddling back onto his lap, you go in for a kiss but stop halfway.
Jimin is looking, waiting with lust hungry eyes. Slightly pained by the pause, he whines. 
“Open your mouth.”
From a height, you let his cum and your spit drop into his mouth, a groan of satisfaction emanating as Jimin’s tongue accepts it with great delight. He tastes his juices, they somehow feel sweeter coming from your mouth. He pushes the glob you dropped on his tongue against the roof of his mouth, letting every taste bud bathe in relish. When he’s sucked all flavor out of the globule he swallows it. On opening his eyes and landing back from heaven to earth, he sees you admiring his adam’s apple, the way it bobbed when he swallowed your offering. 
Jimin’s eyes trace your current state; you look beautiful. The strappy red lingerie wet from Jimin’s treatment perfectly showcases your peaked nipples, ready for another round of torture. His shirt, through all this has managed to stay hanging on your shoulders. The curves of your sinful waist accentuated by the ribbons of the wear, like roads down a windy path, every ribbon vanishing into their destination, between your curvaceous thighs. 
Slipping his fingers under the band, he decides he has not played with the lingerie enough, tugging it up once again - a sharp inhale and you’re moving along with it, upward to balance between the point of pain and pleasure. Jimin makes sure you don’t tip in favor of one. Grabbing you by the neck, Jimin harshly pulls you down into a deep kiss.
He’s done waiting, done watching you take the reins. His tongue tells you that you now can only react to his doings. Deepening the kiss, you let your mind walk places. Back to his performance, his stage presence, the aura he exudes when he is in his element. His sinful body melding to the flow of the beat, like the music was made to his movement - his piercing gaze that could leave an insentient camera with blushed cheeks - but a sharp bite pulls you right back to the present to remind you that this is also Jimin in his complete element. Pillowy lips, incandescent with every brush, sucked and nipped with fervor. But it still didn’t satisfy. It wasn’t nearly enough. Starved, you wanted to scream at every imperceptible air pocket between the two of you - as if you knew in your soul they were guilty of keeping you away. 
Jimin pulls away, and his words shut you down before the whine leaves you. 
“About that ‘whatever’…” his sinister eyes are a window to his brain churning something unimaginable to close the night - sinister in uppercase. Make it bold. Underline that shit. That’s him. 
In the bat of an eye, you are face down on the sofa - Jimin’s rock hard thighs are straddling you, making sure you can handle his weight. In all the coarseness, he takes care of the smallest of things. An untimely smile creeps up on your face at the thought, the tender show of affection amidst the rough push and pull affecting your immersion, but you can’t say you don’t like it.
Feeling a rough jerk on your shoulder, you try to look back, just in time to receive Jimin’s ravenous gaze; he looks at you like he will eat you alive, and by the end of the night you plan on having just that. Pulling back your now-unbuttoned shirt and bunching its ends, he anchors you to the position of his choice by tying your hands behind.
Smelling a line up your neck all the way up to your hair, he briefly pauses to ask “Okay?”
Your tiny nod is enough for Jimin to carry on with whatever godless plan he has chalked out for you. 
“I hope you had your fun. Because I’m not going easy on you.”
Light banter could cause no trouble. Atleast, not more than you already have. “When have you ever?”
Flashbacks of the blossoming days of your relationship flicker in Jimin’s mind, their fugacious presence a telling sign of how long it has been. Looking downward, he can only thank his alcohol-induced blabbering of that night as that is the reason he can enjoy the view he has right now. 
“Maybe I should take it easy?” His tongue flits across your neck, too soft for your liking, torturous like his liking.
His fingers are playing with the straps and your now exposed upper back. It’s always been a favorite place of his. The whole expanse looks resplendent when he is done tasting you. Maroon and purple florets on your beautiful, glowing skin. And then you purposely wear dresses to show it all off, to show who your heart belongs to. He loves that about you. 
You gyrate lightly, snapping him out of his daze, begging him to take you hard and fast. “Jimin, please.” a low drawl leaves you as you try to not slobber all over the cushion. 
Jimin shifts lower to straddle your thighs. Snaking his hand between your legs, he finds your clit and plays with it, every press releasing a different sound from different depths of your throat. A particularly low grunt appears when he slips two fingers into your channel with smooth ease, and pushes you up from the inside. 
“Ass up for me.”
His fingers stay lodged inside as you raise your hips to obey him, pulling you up further and further till he is satisfied with your position. God, your pussy looks wrecked. With every pump of his fingers you gush our more liquid, and Jimin gathers the escaping drops on this tongue. 
“So perfect for me, this hole.” You can feel the cold metal of his rings drawing circles inside you as he prepares you to take his cock. His tongue, drawing completely different characters is too slow for your liking - he seems to be more satisfied in drinking your cum dripping from his fingers instead of paying attention to your throbbing clit. Seconds go by, several hinting moans of dissatisfaction go by, but the Devil on your shoulder seems to have returned and is asking for more. A hip raise, that’s all. His tongue will be right where you want. 
What you got instead was a sharp bite on your already battered ass - Devil, hey, where did you go? “Behave.” He grunts against your pussy, and a fresh wave of arousal escapes you with a third finger making its way in. “Don’t like it? Too,” Smack! “Fucking.” Smack! “Bad.”
The last spank hit you hard, leaving your cunt soaked to the core. He is trying to get a rise out of you, and you are falling for it. Your smarting skin is at its breaking point, but let’s not pretend like you don’t want this either. 
“Baby please, I’m so close.” You’re close to tears with how long you’ve been this turned on. Maybe Jimin will have a change of heart seeing you like this.
Well maybe not.
He’s using your hole like playdough - for his fancy, with no end goal in sight. He doesn’t seem to want you to come anytime soon and it is bothering you to no end. The tightening coil in your belly is almost painful at this point - but he doesn’t seem to want to let up anytime soon. 
“You taste so sweet baby, almost don’t want to let you come, so you keep dripping like this.” 
His fingers curl into you to hit that spot, and God, you’re seeing stars right now. Curling up your fists into a ball and trying to keep the threatening tsunami at bay, you jerk into his mouth and continue to sway to the tune his fingers play inside you. If desperation had a poster girl, they could take your photo right now.
“If you let me come I -ohhh- I will- I will give you more.” Your words are broken, every push into your cunt halting your flow of speech. 
A split second later you are empty. He’s pulled away from you, and you think the finger-fucking torture you were going through was almost better than this. Your walls flutter in empty anguish. 
“Better keep your promise then.” Finally, you hear Jimin shuffling behind, but your muscles feel too alive and too dead at the same time. At crossroads, you are unable to get yourself to move, to twist or turn and witness the glory of him, the scrunch of his features, the grit of his pronounced jaw, his lips heaving a sigh as he pushes his girthy self into your leaking hole. 
Jimin’s forehead is lined with sweat, jaws hurting from the tight clench he had trying to not nut into you too soon. Now they revolt in pain, ready to pass on their trouble to his dick and release into you the moment he fits himself in. But he held off; he had plans for you - long plans. 
As he slowly pulls himself out, you can’t help but mewl at the pleasure your walls are feeling, with every ridge of his cock pressing all the right spots inside you, the snug fit when he’s pulled out all the way only leaving the head inside you. Then, you can’t help but yell, expressing a mixture of anguish and pleasure when his hips snap to push into you in one swoop, hitting deep inside you. With your ass high up in the air, his balls smack your engorged bud, sending shockwaves throughout your body and clenching the hold you have on his dick.
“Fuck baby, you feel fucking tight. You’re so close?” Jimin’s voice is strained as well; the lack of mocking in his tone tells you he is close as well. 
“Ki-Kiss me, please.” The voice that leaves you is so foreign, so unknown. The fucked out woman speaking in your stance has no spatial or temporal comprehension. You don’t even realize how you are put on your back, now a lucky witness to Jimin’s nimble figure pushing back into you as he leaned over to slot his lips on yours. 
The kiss was explicit, it was rough, it would put to any kiss you’ve shared before to shame. Deep in throes of pleasure, his mouth is chasing yours. Your hands are still bound; a light fight against the restrain tells you you don’t have a chance. Instead, you suck his plush lip in, swiping your tongue across his cherry petals that are rushing with blood because of you. Dormant volcanoes across the world could erupt with the blaze of your merging lips, it is scorching hot. 
If Jimin is a color, he is a rich wine - deep and passionate. He puts his one hundred percent into whatever he does, be it skilled singing, adept dancing or simply fervent kissing. He gives it his all.
Jimin’s skillful hips move in every way he wishes - and your pussy is thankful for that. Rolling in deep, he tests the stretch of your walls, before pistoning into you with zeroed-in precision, sole focus to get you to come with him. The effort he was putting in could be seen in his abs - they have tightened with exertion, and with a light sheen on sweat, look absolutely delectable. 
Letting your hands roam, you bring Jimin’s face into your neck where you can hear every single breath, every hiss, every groan - that you could record and keep in your memory. With one hand tugging his tresses, and the other hand drawing paths on his back with your nails, you hear the sounds you want to. Jimin sharply bites your ear, and the shockwaves of pleasure send you tipping. 
There’s layers to the pleasure you are experiencing right now, your orgasm hitting you in ebbs and flows. Right when you think you can finally return back to ground, the high tide pulls you back into the water for another stream of pleasure. It feels like eternity when you finally hit the land, and even then the loose sand makes you falter, threatens to send you back into the ocean.
Jimin’s pace is faltering, and he spills soon after. Hot, heavy breaths tickle under your ear, as both of you feel the sheer intensity of the orgasm. Him on you, your hearts are aligned, and you can feel the beats fighting each other for dominance until they soften down. 
Ripples of energy flow out of the both of you, elevating the temperature around the two of you. If you didn’t have your eyes closed you’d say literal rolls of steam are emanating from the way you both are heaving. You slowly regain your senses, twitching hands trying to remember what it is that hands even do. 
A shiver runs through your spine when you hear a grunt so close to your ear, only to realize Jimin is in the same position as you are in. Even without looking, you can guess what his expression is. Void of any edge, the softness of his facial features must have made their return, with crinkled eyes and a light frown on his beautiful pouty lips, he probably looks like an innocent caricature of the man that stood behind you moments ago. Letting your palm rest on his head, you beckon him to get up.
If Jimin is a color, he is the pinkness best portrayed by his puffy cheeks at this moment. A childlike glow, a guileless visage. He looks at you with such adoration, like you are the only desire in his world, and everything else can be damned.
You don’t want to break this silence but you cheekily add, “You didn’t even get me naked. Like this a bit too much eh?”
Dark clouds mar the pink and turn it into a deep, sultry carmine - the shift in his color noticeably brings your temperature down by a few degrees.
“Cute. You think I’m done with you.”
He is the whole palette, and you can pick your filter.
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Thank you for making it to the end! Let me know what you think! And you can find more of my writing at my masterlist here!
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fe-fictions · 2 years
i panicked for a bit cuz i bookmarked your work where robin gets amnesia prompt ;;; can we get a repost of it plsss
Frederick had just begun training the new recruits when a messenger came flying at him..
The Exalt and princess had sent for him, the man said between pants for breath, they found the tactician. You came back.
Frederick bolted for the stables, blood roaring as he leapt onto Hebert and galloped to Southtown. His grip on the reins was so tight they nearly snapped.
Three long years, and you were finally home.
He streaked across the roads without a pause. Hebert’s hooves pounded the dirt paths, Frederick’s eyes glued to the hills beyond, searching for the valley.
He was halfway to Southtown when he spotted the Exalt, walking alongside a woman in a dark coat. Frederick jerked to a stop. He slipped from the horse’s back, eyes never leaving the trio.
He froze on his feet, eyes locked with yours. Those eyes he longed to see for three years.
His breath caught in his throat, a sob welling in his chest. He pressed forward, one step after another. Then he was running to you.
You stared at him, shocked to see such a large man charging you. Yet when he collided into you, he swept you into his arms with such gentleness you couldn’t react.
“Robin! Oh, Robin…!” He whispered fiercely, a strangled murmur as he clutched onto you and buried his face in your hair. “Oh, my sweet…my precious, dearest love! Gods…I’m never letting you go again.”
“Frederick…” Chrom’s voice was static in his ears, too overwhelmed with joy. The tears slipped from his eyes without a care he was being watched by his superiors. Being pitied.
He squeezed you tight, breathing deeply as you swept across every sense. He could hardly stand it. You were really here, again.
What finally drew him out of his reverie was your stiffness. You weren’t returning his embrace, nor crying and laughing…nothing.
Slowly, Frederick pulled back, and cupped your cheek. There were no tears in your eyes…not even joy. His brow furrowed softly, a confused smile on his lips.
“I’m…I’m sorry…how do you know my name?”
The blood froze in his veins.
“Do I know you? You…seem familiar, sir, but I don’t…know.”
Frederick painstakingly dragged his gaze to meet Chrom’s, searching for answers.
“I’m sorry, Frederick. I didn’t realize it until after we sent the messenger.”
“O-oh, Freddy…” Lissa hiccuped, seeing just how joyful Frederick was, only to crumble in an instant. “S-she doesn’t remember a thing.”
He didn’t touch her after the realization. It wasn’t possible, yet there she was. Living proof his wife was gone. She was touchable, breathable…but she didn’t know him. She knew nothing.
They took you to Libra, to look you over properly to see if anything could be done. However, amnesia induced by a spiritual event was difficult to reverse.
“Don’t lose hope.” Libra had told them as you sat awkwardly on the cot, Frederick standing protectively beside you. “There are several things we can try to spark her memory. Frederick, she spent the most time with you. I’m certain if you take her to your quarters, she could remember something.”
“I-I’m sorry, his quarters?” You piped up, drawing the attention of all around you. “But I barely know the man! You wish for me to go and visit his home?”
“Robin, my…” He caught himself before uttering another sweet name that would only discomfort you more, much to his heartbreak, “My lady, you do not remember, but it is your home. We…we are married. Do you not see the ring on your finger? Look at its inscription. It has both our names written on the inside, as does mine.”
You eyed him warily, glancing to Chrom and Lissa to check it was okay. You slowly pulled the ring off your finger, and there it was. “Frederick and Robin”, delicately inscribed on the ring.
“I don’t believe it…”
“You must.” Frederick insisted, showing you his ring, as well.
“Robin and Frederick”.
“R-Robin, we’re husband and wife. We’ve been married for five years, although you disappeared for three of them. D-despite that, we lived happily together, and….”
“Frederick, please slow down. She’s only just come back- we mustn’t overload her with too much information. Realizing she has a life beyond her own is a lot to handle.”
“But she must know. She must remember! We’ve waited so long to see her again!! She promised she would come back, and…how can this be? I-it cannot be like this, the gods cannot curse my family…!”
Chrom placed a hand on Frederick’s shoulder, drawing the man out of the room as the grim reality swallowed his hope.
“Frederick, we can’t give up hope.” Chrom promised, “It’s not like Naga would drop her on us without her memory, not completely. We just have to bring her back.”
“But how, milord? How can we bring her back if she cannot even remember her family?”
“T-there are plenty of ways! We just…w-we just gotta find’em!” Lissa insisted, “I’m sure there’s something that’ll bring her around! We can’t give up, Freddy. Not yet!”
“I…I know. I do not wish to.” He replied earnestly, “But what can I do? How can I help her?”
“For a start, we can begin by informing her of the past events from five years ago, to today. Even if she cannot remember, it would do well she learn the context of everything.”
“I-I would like that.” You spoke up, drawing Frederick’s hungry attention to you. Whether you spoke to him or not, he was starved for the sweet sound of your voice.
“Then that’s where we begin. Robin, a vast majority of your memories are beside this man. He has guided you more than anyone, and he does love you. If anyone can be trusted, it’s him.”
“I…I see…” You murmured, casting a bashful glance towards the knight. “W-well, then I suppose I ought to try and trust him a bit, doesn’t it?”
Lissa giggled at your remark, “Isn’t that funny- to think he was so distrustful of her the first time they met, and now it’s the opposite!”
Frederick shot her a look as Robin’s eyebrows rose, “I do appreciate your trust, Robin. I will do everything in my power to return your memories, and protect you until they do.”
You blushed softly at the man’s conviction; wary or not, you had to admit he was quite the dashing gentleman. “T-thank you, Sir Frederick.”
His bitter little smile was mistaken for amused. You only ever called him “Sir Frederick” sarcastically; and almost as frequently as “Freddybear”.
Gods, what he would give to hear you call him that, again…
“So, this is everything.” Frederick opened the door to your quarters, a small surge of excitement running through him. He knew you weren’t yourself, but he dreamed of this moment.
“This is your home? It’s so big!” You gasped, taking in the open living area, which acted as the hub that split off into the kitchen, master bedroom, and office.
“Yes, well, it is suited for someone of my rank, as well as to accommodate an officer who wished to wed and have a family, as we…as I did.” He corrected himself softly. “As you can see, we set up your desk here by the window, to give you a proper study space.”
He gestured to the hearty oak thing, stacked with papers and inkwells and tomes that looked as if they hadn’t moved in years. They were immaculately dusted, in pristine condition.
“This is my desk?” You said with a small frown, which deepened when you examined the contents. The papers were written in your handwriting, and signed with your name… Clearly you had done all this, but you couldn’t remember any of it. It muddled up your thoughts more than they already were.
“I see…well, this is certainly vexing. At least I know you aren’t completely lying.” You murmured more to yourself than anyone. Frederick bit back a scoff. To think you were wary of him.
“I would never lie about something like this, Robin. Least of all to you.” He assured you, which drew a shy smile to your lips.
“I do appreciate the gesture, Sir Frederick. I just…worry this won’t work. I don’t remember any of this, even after seeing my own place in it.”
“We mustn’t think like that.” He shook his head, stepping closer to you. He reached out as if he wished to comfort you, but in remembering his place, drew back. “We will find a way to bring your memories back. I promise.”
“If you believe that to be the case, then…all right.” You agreed. “I’ll entrust all of this to you, Sir Frederick. And…I do hope that my memory comes back, soon.”
“I couldn’t agree more.” He mumbled to himself. But you heard it loud and clear. It resonated with your heart, knowing deep down that this man meant more to you than you could fathom.
It started to hurt more when the weeks passed by.
His mind had become far more scrambled as of late. Since you agreed to board in Frederick’s quarters, Frederick had insisted vehemently that you take the bed.
He would sleep in the living area, he assured you, and would be quick to settle into his new place on the couch, the cushions hard and unforgiving much like his cot in the soldier’s quarters.
He didn’t miss it, that much was clear. However, he wasn’t sure what all options he had besides staying here, beside you.
Wondering if you would recall your memory at any given moment, if you would wake up afraid and unfamiliar in your old home.
He couldn’t risk leaving you alone, no.
He would stay nearby and keep watch over you, hoping and praying you would come back to yourself. For those weeks, however, nothing really happened.
Every other hour another Shepherd would visit, insisting that you join them and get to know your past, once again.
He would accompany to review and correct facts as necessary, watching your expression with every twist and turn in hopes you might recall something of value. So far, though, despite everyone’s best efforts, you remained locked away from your own memories.
The man wouldn’t admit it out loud, but after hoping for so long, and praying and wishing that you would come home to him…he was finally starting to lose his hope.
No, he would berate himself, he wasn’t going to give up. He had waited three years, knowing you would come home. He could wait a million more for your memory to come back, too.
He didn’t need to tell himself that this was all over. That you were never going to come back to him.
That he had truly lost his wife.
He wouldn’t do that to himself.
“Frederick,” You had called to him quietly, one afternoon between sips of your tea, “Do you ever suffer from bad dreams?”
His teacup slowed before his lips, a strange sense of pain overcoming his senses. It was naught for a moment, but you could see it in his eyes, too.
“They are infrequent,” He began, in an attempt to cover his own suffering. “But I have, yes.”
“I see.” You took another sip of your tea, though you seemed disinterested. “I…have been having them more and more often, it seems.”
“May I ask what they are about?”
“They’re strange, I suppose…sometimes they’re like plays, the same scenes running over and over in my mind. There are people in them that I recognize, many of them bear resemblances to the people here. The Shepherds.”
“There are many of them, to be honest. One that strikes me over and over is where an evil mage tries to kill the Exalt, Chrom…but I push him out of the way, and it strikes me instead. I usually wake up just after it happens, but if I try to sleep, it happens, again.”
“Robin,” Frederick set his cup down, looking at her with a deadly seriousness. “That’s not a dream. That happened.”
“What?” You stared at him, and he nodded.
“You protected Lord Chrom three years ago from an attack by Validar, the evil mage of which you speak. That’s not a dream at all.”
He recalled the terror he’d felt when he watched your body skid across the floor, limp and unresponsive. How he couldn’t break through the barrier and help.
He was lame and incapable of protecting you, then. He was separated from you and there was nothing he could have done about it.
Just like it was, now.
“So, then…the other dreams…could those be memories, as well?” You wondered with excitement that contrasted so sharply with his own terrible gloom.
He cleared his throat, “I suppose so, but you’ll have to tell me what they are. I can only guess what goes on in your mind, but I can’t know, for sure.”
“Do you think…it could be my memory coming back?” You asked him in an even smaller voice, just a small sparkle of hope in your eyes. He paused and looked at you, studying your expression.
“I’m not certain. But if it’s a chance that there’s truth in your words, then we should pursue this as passionately as possible.”
You smiled at him, with a warmth and a love that had his heart skip a beat and had him confused between whether he was looking at his wife, or the woman who simply looked like her.
“All right, then. Here’s hoping!"
Your dreams were repetitive, clearly memories your brain was trying to recall, but they wouldn’t move any further.
The names you knew were only because you had reintroduced yourself to those who bore them. Another five days would go by without any further progress.
Exhausted, Frederick sank down onto the couch yet again. His hand came through his hair, before falling to the floor.
What more was there for him to do? You had stayed in his home for nearly a month now, and yet you were still no closer to finding yourself.
You were still gone. A stranger.
Could he really put up a stranger in his bed for another month? What about two, or three? A year? Forever?
His heart twisted at the thought, and he grimaced. It couldn’t continue like this, and he knew it. The odds of you recovering your memory were shrinking by the day.
It was possible that…that it was time to let you go.
He turned on his side, facing the sofa’s back. The fabric became blurred and misty as the thought crossed his mind.
Maybe there wasn’t enough Robin left to find. You could very well be gone, forever. And if you were to be a new woman, if you were to go on without him…he couldn’t keep you here.
You needed to discover yourself, again. Your new self. Reborn from your sacrifice. His Robin was gone.
“Please, Naga…” He prayed, sucking in a trembling breath as the grief overwhelmed him. “I think it to be true…t-that my wife may very well be gone, but…please, if there is even a modicum of hope that my sweet Robin can return to me…please, Goddess, I beg you…let her come back.”
His desperation was palpable. Perhaps that’s why you could feel it, even with the door shut. You could feel how sorrowful the knight’s home felt.
You tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep. The dreams, they kept flashing in your mind. Coupled with Frederick’s discomfort outside, you were a mess.
Another hour would pass before you fell into a fitful sleep, and even then, you were plagued.
Nightmares and dreams, bad and good…all of them suddenly assaulted your rest without cause or care.
Dreams of war, of sacrifice…dreams of bear meat and late chats sitting in front of a fire…protecting your husband, your husband protecting you…
Your husband.
Your husband.
Holding him in the night, trembling from the cold and trying to keep each other warm. Walking hand in hand in the mornings on patrols, whispering promises to keep each other safe. The day you were kidnapped; and he rescued you. The day he was stolen, and you tore apart the enemy fortress to bring him home.
The day you fought, bitterly, when you told him your plan to sacrifice yourself to Grima. That night you wept, unable to fall asleep with the realization of what the morning would bring.
The promise as your body slipped away, as he gathered you into his arms, begging you not to go.
“I’ll come back.” You told him. That’s what you told him. “Wait for me.”
“I will.” His voice trembled and cracked, choked with grief.
You smiled at him.
“I love you…”
Who do I love?
You launched up from the bed with a sharp gasp, your vision white and your blood racing in shock. It was all hitting you at once. A dragon crashing into you, reminding you exactly who you were. Who he was. What you were, together.
“Frederick!!” Your coarse yelp was all the warning you gave, scrambling from the bed and stumbling across the floor, bursting through the door. “F-Frederick!!”
“Wha…” His voice was thick with troubled sleep, and you found him on the couch, barely stirring. Your husband.
Oh, gods, your husband.
“Frederick, I remember!!”
He didn’t quite register your words, but there was nothing he could do. You were suddenly on top of him on the sofa, grasping his nightshirt and spilling tears over his chest.
“I remember everything, I- oh!!” You tumbled from your place, losing your already shaky balance in your unstoppable excitement.
A strangled noise escaped him as his arm shot out, catching you only to send you both to the floor.
He had only a moment to touch the painful bump on his head, before it registered what exactly you had just said.
His eyes grew wide, staring up at you. Even in the dark, he could see the joy shining in your eyes.
That expression he saw so many times, before.
“Frederick, I’m back, I…!” You couldn’t even finish it. He engulfed you in his embrace, clutching to you tightly and crying out in joy.
“You’re back-!” His voice was thick with tears, muffled against your skin. Calloused fingers curled into your nightdress, squeezing you against his chest as close as he could. "Oh, my love... My love!"
You laughed, the both of you, relishing the touch you had been starved of for years.
That Frederick had suffered months longer for, wondering if he might ever feel it again.
You came back.
Really, truly, you were back in his arms. In his hold that you would never dare leave again, never ever. You swore it to him up and down as you wiped at his tears, gently cupping his cheeks and gazing up at the only man you ever loved.
You didn’t know how long you stayed there on the floor with him, but the sky had begun to shift from black to a purple and gray.
He deserved a proper rest, you said. You found strength enough in your legs to stand once more, grasping his hand and leading him to the bed.
How long had he slept outside it, after all?
It didn’t matter, he told you, drawing you into his chest as you pulled the thick blankets over your bodies. It didn’t matter, because you were here with him, now. That’s all he could possibly care about.
As if you needed to dissolve into tears yet again, that day.
Stahl came to fetch Frederick for the morning duties he seemed to be tardy from, but…once he saw the two of you…he figured you could both use a morning to sleep in, for once.
That one, and every morning after for at least two weeks. Frederick, for the first time in years, had never been happier to spend time away from work.
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hyuckssunchip · 3 years
sharing is caring dude.
prologue (repost cuz tumblrs a bitch)
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Pairings: Mark x Reader, Haechan x Reader
Words: 707
Warnings: Language (there is almost always language in my writings),
an intro into the relationship of markhyuck and y/n. but it’s about to get smutty...
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You plopped down on the couch between Haechan and Mark, handing a bowl of fruit to the latter as you watched the screen. Haechan was currently in the middle of a very important game that he claims he is winning.
Although it doesn’t quite look it.
“Thanks.” Mark grinned at you, dropping the bowl in his lap allowing him a free hand to wrap around your shoulder.
“Y/N, feed me one will you?” Haechan said, opening his mouth wide.
“No, I don’t really want to.” You teased, picking up a piece of fruit and feeding it to Mark with a sly grin.
He glared at you, taking his eyes off the screen for a second. But a second was too long and the screen flashed as his character died.
“Damn it.” He glared at the two of you. “If you had just fed me I wouldn’t have died.”
But nevertheless he chose to abandon his game, pouncing at you.
“Dude. Play your game. She’s mine right now.” Mark laughed, wrapping both of his arms around you.
“Nuh-uh. I thought we agreed to share.” He pouted, trying to appeal to you.
You laughed, shaking your head at him. “I’m a person, not a toy that you fight over.”
Haechan, never one to miss a beat, wiggled his eyebrows. “I don’t know a toy might be fun.”
You shoved at his chest when he came closer.
He eventually gave in, collapsing onto the couch next to you, hand beckoning for the bowl of fruit.
Mark easily complied, passing the bowl over and watching as Haechan picked out a piece.
“So what’s for date night?” He asked, directing this at you as he kicked his feet on the coffee table for a split second before you managed to push them off.
“Um. Y/N and I are having a movie night.” Mark said reaching for the bowl again, eyes bouncing towards you.
“Dude. This Friday is mine.” Mark sent Haechan a look, narrowing his eyes.
“How about this Friday is ours?” He winked at the two of you, grinning toothily.
“No. Last time you suggested that you ended up having her all night.”
“Sharing is caring dude.” Haechan stuck an immature tongue out at the older boy.
“You guys are being dumb.” You sighed, sinking into the cushions of the couch
“No.” They said in unison.
Mark whined, resting his chin on your shoulder behind you. “It’s our night right?”
You smiled, watching Haechan’s face fall into a pout.
“Sorry Haechan, Mark’s right. You remember last Friday right? You wasted your night playing that game of yours.”
He frowned for a second, “If I remember correctly we spent the whole night together after, very loudly might I add. And I beat the shit out of that game by the way.”
Mark groaned beside you. “I remember that very clearly. I almost debated on sleeping in the car you two were so loud.”
You blushed slightly as you were inadvertently caught in their fire. “Anyways, there you go. It’s Mark’s night tonight.”
“Yeah, don’t worry man, I’m not planning on being so incredibly loud that you’d hearing ringing in your ears the next day. Like dude? What were you doing? Trying to wake the dead?” Mark answered, attempting to swipe another piece of fruit, but Haechan was quicker. And a baby.
Haechan rolled his eyes. “You’re just jealous ‘cus you can’t make her scream like I can.”
“Really? You wanna go there?” Mark asked, eyebrows shooting up.
“No. We don’t wanna go there.” You interrupted, rolling your eyes as you stood up. “This is ridiculous. Mark, I’m getting changed, if you still wanna go on this date meet me ready in twenty minutes or we’ll lose our dinner reservations.”
Mark’s face softened as he stood up as well, nodding in agreement. He followed you out the room towards the hallway until you were both stopped by your respective rooms.
“I’m guessing it wasn’t a reservation for three?” Haechan called out but neither of you bothered to reply. “No? Okay.”
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© Copyright 2021. hyuckssunchip. All rights reserved.
166 notes · View notes
goldenroutledge · 3 years
stand still
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pairing(s): jj maybank x reader, platonic!pogues x reader
word count: 8.3k
warning(s): angst, slowburn, swearing, mentions of alcohol
a/n: this has been a long time coming so i hope y’all enjoy it! grab a snack cuz its a long one oops. also, i could only use 250 text blocks so that’s why the paragraphs are a lot longer than my usual blocking. i even had to delete a small scene y’all it was heartbreaking but now i know.... PLS LET ME KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS!! ily :)
wanna know (part 1); jj maybank masterlist
© goldenroutledge || do not plagiarize, repost, or translate my work in any way
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Life in Los Angeles was far from what you had expected. The city was vibrant and bustling, quite the opposite of the island you previously called home. You thought a part of you might miss the Outer Banks. To your surprise, you liked the west coast more than you thought you would. A second thought never even crossed your mind to pick up your phone and call anyone at all. The only ones who you kept in touch with were your parents and older brother, keeping them updated on your new adventures here and there. The new chapter was the true refreshment you needed. There was no small town drama, no avoiding people in hopes to not run into them, and most importantly no JJ Maybank.
Not to mention the chance to live lavishly, considering where you were residing in. Your cousin Layla lived in Beverly Hills, and it was quite an upgrade from where you had lived previously. Your uncle had initially bought the house, but as he was traveling around the world it didn’t seem that he was home much. You were thriving. Amazing weather, designer stores, what more could you ask for at eighteen. For the summer at least. In the fall semester you were going off to college at UCLA. But you might as well live it up while you could. Your friends left behind on the island couldn’t say the same, not for too much longer at least.
The setting sun peeked through the windows of The Wreck, the restaurant at capacity with the dinner rush of tourists. “I’ll have that right out for you ma’am.” Kiara told the customer, legs taking her back to the kitchen before she could think twice. “Kie.” A voice muttered from around her, barely within her earshot. “Kie!” They repeated themself, louder this time.
She looked in the direction of the voice, met with her floppy blond haired friend. A sigh fell from her lips before she kept walking. “What is it, JJ? Can’t you see I’m at work?”
“You wouldn’t answer my texts or calls. I had no choice.” He reminded her, quick on her heels although the revolving door was marked ‘Employees Only’.
“Excuse me if I didn’t know you could function without your new girlfriend.” She retorted.
Although he didn’t reply right away, she could feel him roll his eyes. “That’s exactly what I need to talk to you about. I need you to come to the Chateau. Please?”
“I’m not off for another hour, my dad needs me tonight.”
“I can wait.” He agreed. “As long as I can personally escort you there.” She shot him a look of warning.
“Fine. Now get out of the kitchen.”
“Finally.” JJ sighed, following Kie into the Chateau. “I know you all are upset with me for bringing Clementine to our bonfire but we need to talk about it at some point.”
“Why?” Kie shrugged.
“You just planned on ignoring me forever?”
“Just like you ignored the rules? Since when do we bring randoms to pogue sacred hangouts?”
“I get it, and I’m sorry, alright! But now she’s afraid to even come around here because you guys were rude.”
“Rude? Bro, you brought her to my house unannounced. What did you expect exactly?” John B chimed in. “We hadn’t even heard of her until you just rolled up on us like that. I mean not even a heads up?” He continued. “I get it and all JJ, but that was a slap in the face. I mean did you ever consider how we might’ve felt about that?” John B added.
“You crossed the line with this one, man.” Pope muttered to his friend.
“Like I said, I’m sorry but I can’t change what happened. I just can’t stand all of you mad at me.”
“Well, it seems one of us still is.” Kie insinuated. “Y/n’s not here.”
“She won’t return any of my calls or texts either, and I’m not gonna beg her to talk to me. This is on her now. Still can’t believe she didn’t even have the audacity to show, though.”
John B looked up at his friend with an uneasy look on his face. “I don’t think you’ll have to worry too much about her anymore.” The rest of the pogues stared at John B, all displaying confusion on their faces. “She left town this morning.” He revealed, holding up your folded letter in his hand. JJ scoffed, taking the paper from his friend and reading it carefully, before his facial expression turned to one of anguish as his eyes scanned your handwritten words.
my fellow pogues,
thought y’all should know i’m going away for a while. i’m so bored here, i don’t even know what i’m doing with my life. you guys know i’ve always been curious as to what life would be like on the mainland, so i feel like i need to find out for myself and experience it. please don’t be mad, or feel like i’m bailing on you, bailing on our dream. i hope one day we can have our pogues 4 lyfe t-shirt company, maybe even go full kook. i hope that pope can pay off all of his student debt, i hope kie saves all of the turtles, and jb will prolly marry rich anyway so the hell with him. i’m kidding, i love ya, booker. i love all of you. thanks for everything, i can’t thank you all enough. i’ll miss our days on the hms pogue, the keggers, our surfing days, being juvenile delinquents. if y’all ever feel the same way, i’m one call away ;) and as for jj, i hope you can move to figure 8 and have that koi pond full of fish. i hope you find a beautiful wife and start a family, even though that won’t be with me. i dont think i’ll ever get over you, but i have to let you go. i’m sorry that i’m leaving because you’re my soulmate but i’m not yours. maybe i should’ve told you sooner. i guess there’s certain people you can’t unlove, and i guess there is truth to ‘right person, wrong time’. hopefully we’ll meet again someday. be safe. and when the time is right maybe i’ll come back, please don’t forget about me. a piece of me will always be yours.
Pope and John B looked melancholy, not finding the right words for the departure of their dear friend. They had read the letter before JJ and Kie arrived, but neither knew how to bring it up. Kiara read bits and pieces over JJ’s shoulder, but he was too engrossed in the print to notice, his eyebrows scrunching unconsciously as confusion and hurt overtook him. Time stood still, and he thought if he couldn’t tell you how he felt the world would stop spinning on its axis. He had been a lousy friend lately, to you especially. Regret washed over him as he remembered the terrible things you would say to each other back and forth, even if it was only for fun. You left because of him. And living with that burden wasn’t something he could bear. Without a word, he rushed to John B’s kitchen drawer where he kept the keys to the Twinkie. Before he could rush back out of the front door, Pope spoke up. “Where are you going?”
“To stop Y/n. She can’t just leave like this, I gotta go find her.”
“It’s no use, JJ.” Kiara sighed. “I doubt she wasted any time. She’s already gone.”
“She’s not gone.” He spat in return. “She’s just waiting for me to apologize, and stop acting stupid. She’s at home, I bet. She’s probably pranking us.” The group watched the blond ramble, almost feeling sorry for him amidst dealing with their own feelings. “She wouldn’t just leave.”
“Except she did.” John B stated disappointedly, wandering into another room.
“Did you know, Kie?” He looked at her in the eyes, the letter still firm in his hand at his side.
She returned his gaze guiltily. “No, of course I wouldn’t just let her leave.”
“I’m not talking about that part. Did you know she loved me.” Her silence as her jaw slightly hung open was enough of a response for him, before he chuckled heartlessly and began running his fingers through his hair in distress.
“She made me promise, JJ. It wasn’t my place to tell you.”
“And THIS was?” He shouted, holding up the piece of now slightly crumpled paper. “In a fucking goodbye letter? Without even giving me a chance to explain myself?”
A moment of silence hovered over the group, before Pope spoke up. “To be fair, you never gave her the time of day. She was miserable watching you leave her behind. Ditching her for random girls. I could see it.”
JJ sat down, his foot tapping aggressively. “You should’ve told me.” He muttered.
“You should’ve noticed, maybe she’d still be here.” John B interjected coldly. Tears pricked JJ’s eyes, but he had too much pride to let them fall.
“Someone should’ve told me.” He repeated in a lower tone. His hands remained tangled in his hair as he sat still in the chair. “So I could’ve told her that I love her back.”
Across the country, you weren’t sure what you were expecting from the pogues. The flight to Los Angeles was long but worth it, being reunited with your cousin wiped all of your traveling thoughts away. “I can’t even believe I was able to get you out here, this is so unreal.” Layla raved from across the restaurant table.
“Me either, but I was bound to leave the island eventually, right?”
“Sure, but living on an island is like my dream. Beverly Hills is amazing but an island? You have to take me back there.”
You picked at your food with your fork, not interested in talking about the past you had just tried to leave behind. “I don’t know, not much to see really.” You shrugged.
“Except your friends and family are there, you wouldn’t wanna see them? Did you say all of your goodbyes?”
“Yep. I don’t really think I need to go back, though. I mean I just left.” You reminded her.
“True, but I wanna meet these friends of yours, too. I’m sure everyone would love to see you.” She suggested.
“I don’t know about everyone.” You mumbled, but she heard it clearly.
“As in?”
“No one important. Just maybe a few loose ends that I didn’t have time to tie up. But I’m sure they’ll move past it.” Layla’s eyes bore into you, wiggling her eyebrows in curiosity.
“Who’s the guy?”
“I never said anything about a guy.” You chuckled nervously, heat rising to your face.
“Y/n, it’s so obvious someone’s been on your mind. Spill the beans, babe.”
“He’s just an old friend. Nothing more.” You admitted reluctantly.
“So there is a guy?”
“Not anymore. I’m focused on the future, Layla.”
Almost as if on queue, the ringing of your phone drew your attention to the name displayed across the screen. An incoming call from JJ. Before spacing out and staring at the contact photo for too long, you declined the call and turned off your phone. You were hoping your cousin had been too focused on her food to not see your face, but she did. “That’s him? JJ? What does it stand for?”
You rolled your eyes, taking a long sip of your water. “Like I said, an old friend. If I wanted to talk to him I would’ve answered.”
The calls from JJ didn’t stop for weeks, which you were fed up with. You debated blocking his number for good but to see his face on your screen for a few seconds as you stared at the call was worth the annoyance. Sometimes he would call just for the hell of it. When he missed you and wanted to hear the short but sweet message on your voicemail. When he had a fight with his dad, or an exhausting day at work. He knew you wouldn’t pick up, but he needed to hear the voice he adored and loved so much. Blocking JJ would mean cutting that tie even further and that wasn’t something you were ready for, because even if you had physically left the Outer Banks, he was still there. In your mind, in your heart, and now in your long list of missed calls. Not to mention the calls here and there from your other friends, although you had opened up your text messages with Kiara, John B, and Pope several times. Staring at the screen for a number of minutes, beginning to type a somewhat suitable explanation or apology. A normal ‘Hey’ didn’t seem appropriate, but neither did anything else in depth. Not after you had poured your heart out via letter on John B’s kitchen table.
Back in the Outer Banks, your old home was quiet. Was meaning until JJ came knocking the same night you had left, met with your big brother Chance on the other side of the door. “What’s up, man? JJ, right?” He nodded, and before he could speak up he was cut off. “Y/n’s not around anymore if you’re looking for her. She left earlier today.”
If JJ wasn’t already in a state of sadness, his face would’ve dropped again at the painful reminder. “Yeah, that’s why I’m here. Where did she go, exactly?”
Chance hesitated. “I wish I could tell you, but I told her I wouldn’t give that out. Gotta keep my word, man.”
“Oh, I see. Sorry to bother you.” He apologized slowly before turning around.
“If it’s any help, I know she cared about you a lot, though. Worried about you, too. So if you ever need a place to stay for the night, our door’s open.” He called after JJ, who had frozen in his stance before giving your brother a tight lipped smile and nod.
“I appreciate that. Take care.” On the walk back to his house, he couldn’t take Chance’s offer off of his mind. Had you asked him to extend the invite? But surely if you wanted to be that inviting you would’ve at least called back. Even texted. He contemplated the offer more than he would have cared to admit.
He wondered if your room still felt the same, even if it didn’t have you in it. If he could smell your scent on the sheets and pillows. If you still had those pictures up of you both in your fondest times together. Probably yes to all three, which made the offer seem so enticing yet repulsive all in one. He would give anything to see just something of yours, something that reminded him of you. On the flip side, he didn’t know if he could take anymore reminders. The memory of you leaving would come crashing down harder than ever, and he couldn’t take it. The letter you had written remained in the same spot for weeks on the table where you had left it. JJ often found himself rereading it over and over as if the words would jump off the page and change somehow, just to make sure he was seeing correctly. And he was every time. Eventually, his emotions pent up to the point where he burned the letter. He didn’t have the strength to leave that as the last remembrance he had of you.
The boneyard seemed like the perfect place for JJ to drown out his sorrows and shake things off with the help of alcohol. Not that he really had a choice, though. Clementine was hell bent on partying whenever possible, considering they met at a party. As hard as it was, JJ had to put a smile on his face to keep his peppy girlfriend at ease. She had noticed a shift in his energy, but he only brushed it off as family problems. Opening up wasn’t his forte, especially about a girl he had loved for as long as he could remember. Talking to you was so easy, knowing you would never even think about judging him or turning the other cheek. Talking to his own girlfriend felt like moving mountains and it was impossible for her to understand him as well as you did. JJ presumed the kegger would lift his spirits, and it had for the most part. He seemed to be downing beers left and right, and in the end he only felt emptier than before. Clementine suggested the pair dance together on the beach with the rest of the tourons and pogues, music blasting from speakers on the bed of someone’s truck. He almost did, too, until the song switched to one that was all too familiar to him.
Disco by Surf Curse. Your song.
Memories of the two of you dancing to it rushed through his mind. It was a staple on both of your playlists. It was your go-to song to put on if he was having a rough day, or needed some cheering up. The song never failed to bring a smile to his face, because he associated it with you. The image was so clear he could’ve sworn he saw it as a hologram, despite his vision being slightly bleary. How your face lit up at hearing the first few chords of the song. The genuine smile that spread across your face as you playfully sang some of the lyrics to him. The feel of your arms wrapping around his neck, one of your bracelet clad wrists twirling his soft hair in your fingers. And how your eyes twinkled in the reflection of his as you gazed at him passionately.
But instead, he only saw a duller looking girl pestering him to go dance with her. “No, Clementine. Didn’t we already dance a bunch when we got here?”
“You’ve barely paid me any mind all night, J. Come on.” She whined, attempting to tug on his arm.
“I said no. I’m not feeling so well, I wanna go home.” She let go of his arm and sighed.
“Fine. I’ll drive.”
The ride back was silent. JJ didn’t have anything to say to the oblivious girl driving. What could he say? As he clicked the latch to undo his seatbelt, his girlfriend did the same. “I think I wanna be alone tonight.”
She scoffed. “Of course you do. What’s gotten into you lately? You’re never yourself anymore.”
“Goodnight, Clementine.” He muttered at last, trudging inside his house as the words of the song replayed in his head.
‘Cause there's nothing like it, locking my eyes with you’
For your first spring break in California, Layla insisted on bringing you out everywhere. There were certainly attractive men throwing themselves your way, but you weren’t ready for a relationship even months after leaving home. Moving on sounded appealing, but things from back home were still fresh in your mind. Sometimes you’d find yourself staring at old pictures as time passed by. You could’ve swore you were seeing things, laying out on the beach with Layla and a few of her friends. A tall blond had been playing football on the beach with some of his friends, and you had to do a double take to make sure it wasn’t JJ.
You were so spaced out in fact you hadn’t noticed one of his friends checking you out, until Layla pointed it out. “Holy shit, Y/n, have you seen that guy over there?” She nudged your shoulder and tilted her head in his direction.
“Not really.” You shrugged, lifting up your sunglasses.
“Are you kidding me? You have to talk to him or something. He’s the hottest one over there, and clearly likes what he sees.”
“Nah, that’s alright. All of the hot ones are taken anyways.”
“Well, how would you know unless you ask him?”
You chuckled softly at her persistence. “I guess I won’t be finding out then.” She rolled her eyes and mumbled some faux insults.
Layla clearly wasn’t the only one who noticed the boy staring your way, as his friends were nudging him towards you also. Somehow, on your way to buy a smoothie from down the beach, you caught a glimpse of the football coming at you in your peripheral vision. Before your mind could catch up with you, your reflexes luckily caught the ball, causing you to let out a sigh of relief. The same boy who had his eyes on you earlier was on his way over to you, as you threw the ball back to him in the process.
“Hey, sorry about that. That was a poor attempt at my idiot friend’s trying to get your attention.” He apologized.
“Oh, it’s okay.” You reassured him, smiling softly. Up close he definitely was as hot as Layla had said.
His toned body glistened with a light coat of sweat, he was practically glowing. He wore a simple gold chain around his neck, which you had to try to peel your eyes away from to avoid drooling. The way his large hands held the football, tossing it side to side mindlessly.
“Believe me, I’ve seen stranger attempts to get my attention.”
He chuckled. “I’m Jordan.”
“Y/n.” You replied with a smile, accepting the hand he held out for you to shake.
“Well, Y/n, you threw me one hell of a spiral. Ever considered playing quarterback?” You giggled at his charm, although you didn’t know if it was his charm that flattered you or if it was the heat damaging your brain.
“No, actually. My big brother taught me.”
He hummed. “I could use you on my team, you know. Tyler has about as much coordination as a 3 legged donkey.” You laughed again.
“I’d love to, but my cousin is waiting on her smoothie. I was on my way to go get it.”
“Ahh, I see. The one who’s been eyeing us like a hawk ever since we started talking?”
“Yeah, that’s the one.”
“How about, we ditch our people and I buy you a smoothie instead. I kind of owe you.”
The offer made you grin up at him widely. “What for?”
“Tyler almost slicing your head off with this football. It’s a good thing you have fast reflexes, girl. So, may I?” He held out his hand for you politely.
“If you insist.” You finally agreed, placing your hand in his.
“It would be my pleasure, Y/n.”
Over the last few months, your relationship with Jordan blossomed far more than you had anticipated. A serious relationship wasn’t on your radar at all, but you had to admit you were caught off guard by how much you enjoyed your time with Jordan. Conveniently, he played football for UCLA, and you couldn’t be prouder to be the girlfriend of a football player. If someone foretold you this position you would be in 2 years ago, you would’ve laughed in their face. Maybe the things unplanned made for the best surprises.
Not only your relationship, but your vacation destination this summer. In merely a few weeks, you would be off to the Outer Banks for the summer with Jordan and Layla. They both had been pestering you about going back to your home for months, and it was only right for you to give in. At this point, you had nothing to hide from at this place in your life, but Jordan’s request did catch you off guard.
“Do you ever miss it, being away from home and all?” He muttered into your hair as you laid down. You thought about what he said for a minute, drawing shapes on his chest before answering him honestly.
“No, not really. I think moving out here was the best decision I’ve ever made.”
“You think?”
“Yeah, California is beautiful. The company isn’t so bad, either.” You teased, smiling against him.
“Very funny. Have you ever thought about visiting, though?”
“Layla’s been pushing me to bring her. Have you thought about it?” You asked.
“Of course. I’d love to see where you grew up. Or were you raised by wolves and this island is just a myth?” His question made you chuckle, as you actually might as well have been raised by wolves.
“No, it’s very much a real place. I think you’d like it there.”
“So, let’s do it. Layla’s already offered to rent a place for the summer.” The offer was tempting, and you never thought this was something you would even be considering. You sighed heavily before giving him an answer.
“Sure, let’s do it.”
Before you knew it, you were on a ferry back to the island. Your parents had showed up to wait for you at the dock, insistent on meeting your new beau they’ve heard so much about over the phone. You took in the air with a deep breath. “Home, sweet home.”
Once you all had settled into the summer home Layla was renting, the questions started falling from her lips. “So where are these friends of yours? You did tell them you’re in town right?”
“We just got here. Everyone’s off doing their own thing anyways.” You shrugged it off. You had to decide not to consider the possibility of running into your old friends. Surely they had moved onto bigger and better things like you had, who knew if they were even still around.
“I guess we’re stuck with you as our tour guide, then. What’s good to eat around here? I need some real food.” Layla admitted in reference to the airline snacks they had been served throughout their long day. “How about that place called ‘The Wreck’? It looked busy on our way over here, so it must be worth trying.”
You would’ve almost said yes had the owners not been the Carrera family. “Oh, um. I actually got.. food poisoning! I got food poisoning at The Wreck once so I haven’t been back since...” You lied. “I could just cook for you guys instead?”
“You know I can’t resist your cooking, baby.” Jordan chimed in.
Layla rolled her eyes at the way you looked and smiled at each other, already regretting being the third wheel on this vacation. “Whatever, just hurry please. I’m starving.”
Staying on Figure 8 for the summer was certainly a different experience than what you had been used to. Especially with the neighbors. None other than Topper Thornton resided in the home just across from yours, much to your distaste. “Y/n Yl/n?” Are my eyes deceiving me?” Topper slowly approached the driveway as you retrieved a missing piece of luggage from the trunk of your rental car.
“Afraid not, Topper. It’s really me.”
“I thought you left the island ages ago. It’s good to see you back, though. You look good.”
You quirked an eyebrow. “Is it? Aren’t I technically still a pogue?”
“Aww, come on, Y/n. Why can’t we leave the past in the past?”
“I guess so. How has the Outer Banks been treating you?”
“It hasn’t. I moved down to Florida months ago, I’m just back for the summer. I see you had the same idea.”
“Yeah. Just a nice break from Los Angeles. Who knew Topper Thornton would be a Florida man? I never saw you leaving this island.”
“And who knew Y/n Y/l/n would be a California woman? I doubt we’ve missed much around here, though.”
“Probably not.” You nodded, a moment or two of silence falling over you before your boyfriend strolled down the driveway.
“Hey, babe.” You greeted him. “This is Topper, an old... person I know. Friend would be a stretch.” Topper laughed at your description of him, accepting Jordan’s hand to shake. “And Topper, this is Jordan. My boyfriend.”
Topper raised his eyebrows and faked a look of surprise. “Impressive. Settling down, already.”
“I forgot to mention he’s a smartass too.”
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Topper. Y/n doesn’t talk about her old friends much.”
“I’d love to catch you up if she hasn’t.” He grinned at Jordan slyly.
“I’m sure you would, Topper. But Jordan and I have a brunch date, maybe another time.” You told the boy, smiling and dragging your boyfriend away as he waved goodbye to you both.
The brunch date wasn’t a total lie, as you had promised to take Jordan to one of your favorite restaurants around town. Layla was a late sleeper and decided she would pick up some groceries later, as the restaurant brunch times didn’t necessarily align with her sleep schedule. The look of Kildare County really was the same, and it appeared as nothing had changed. Sitting near the window in the restaurant, you did a double take and nearly spit out your half chewed waffle at the sight moving along the sidewalk. Clementine, JJ’s girlfriend. And a very pregnant one at that.
“You ok?” Jordan asked, concerned. You quickly grabbed ahold of your napkin and drank a large gulp of orange juice. Your eyes narrowed as you took another good look at her, and this time you were unmistakably sure. You didn’t know the status of the relationship between her and JJ, but you were assuming it was his. The large, predictably 8 month baby bump set the timeline in place for you, and it seemed to all add up at that moment. JJ was going to be a father. You avoided letting the shock show on your face or in your mood, continuing your meal in peace.
Sitting down with your thoughts back at home about what you saw at brunch made your head spin. Of course things had to be a little bit different, right? You just weren’t expecting them to be that different. Those thoughts were soon interrupted by Layla chatting with someone outside, before she came in to talk to you. “Y/n!” She chirped. You hummed in response.
“Grocery shopping was a huge success. I went to this place called Heywards? I think?” She told you, her tone laced with confusion as she tried to remember the name. You nodded, motioning for her to go on. “Well, this cute guy offered to help me with the groceries and basically like deliver them, instead. Since someone rudely took the car.”
Just as you opened your mouth to respond, a guy came in through the door. “Hey, Layla? I can pack the seafood in your freezer for you if you’d like-” Once he looked up to lock eyes with you, he froze in his tracks like a deer in headlights. “Y/n?”
“Hi, Pope.” You smiled softly at the sight of him. You always had a special friendship with Pope, and you trusted him more than anyone. Ignoring him and leaving without a goodbye was the hardest to do out of everyone else’s.
“Don’t tell me you two know each other, too. God, I love this small-town island shit.” Layla muttered to herself. You got up off of the couch to give Pope a bone crushing hug, which he gladly returned.
“Wow. It’s nice to see you, Y/n.”
“You too, Pope. I’ve missed you.”
“I wish you would’ve returned my calls.” He shrugged. “But yeah, I’ve missed you, too. We all have.” You nodded in thought, not knowing how to respond to his last comment. “So, how long are you staying?”
“2 months. Then it’s back to UCLA in the fall.”
“UCLA? Congrats, Y/n. That’s amazing.”
“I wish I could stay but I have some more deliveries to do today. Maybe we can catch up later?” He suggested.
“Yeah, maybe.” You confirmed with a grin.
Little did you know, ever since your departure, the dynamic between the pogues had shifted drastically. They hardly shared glances with one another in public, let alone hang out together like old times. It wasn’t the same without you there, and the loss was too great for any of them to deal with. They individually dealt with it on their own instead, because together they only bumped heads. Pope was attending college as far as you knew, which was another thing you had to catch up about. Unbeknownst to you though, JJ had kept up a job at the Island Club for several months now. Of course Topper had been well aware of it, being such a frequent customer.
“Hey, Maybank.” He greeted with suspicious friendliness.
“What can I do for you, Topper? You can’t polish your own golf clubs?”
Topper let out a deep chuckle at JJ’s words. “That’s no way to treat a loyal client! I come bearing some information that might be of good use to you.” JJ quirked an eyebrow.
“Oh, really? Like what?”
“Like, your long lost love Y/n has come back to town, ran into her this morning in my neighborhood. She’s renting the Glisson’s vacation house for the summer. She looks good, too. Thought maybe you’d wanna know so you can take a look for yourself.” Topper winked, before walking off and leaving a bewildered JJ to himself.
He had hardly heard your name in months, let alone had the opportunity to see you stand right in front of him. As his shift finished up, he came to a decision. He was determined to see you before you had the chance to flee again, he just needed to explain himself. Even after all of this time, he needed to do it for himself. Rational or not.
His body felt too heavy and tired to put effort into his signature knock, ringing the doorbell of the large mansion instead. You had been napping, but just about to join Layla and Jordan for dinner. JJ didn’t know what he had been expecting when he came to pay you a visit, but it certainly wasn’t to be met with a man on the other side of the door. “What’s up, man? Are you the pizza delivery guy?” Jordan asked, looking around outside.
“Uh- I- no. Is Y/n here?” He stuttered out.
“Who’s asking?” Jordan questioned defensively.
“Oh, I’m just an old.. friend of hers. Wanted to see if she was around to talk. The name’s JJ.”
“Jordan. Y/n’s boyfriend.” He nodded with a tight-lipped smile before calling you downstairs. “Babe! There’s someone here to see you!” He turned back towards JJ. “Come on in, man.”
Making your way down the grand staircase in only Jordan’s larger t-shirt and some tight sleep shorts, you yawned. In fact, you presumed it was Pope showing up for that chat you had discussed earlier. When you were met with JJ’s sea blue eyes staring back at you, nothing could’ve braced you for that moment. Jordan pressed a kiss to your forehead before walking off, giving you both some privacy.
“Hi.” You swallowed harshly, your mouth running dry already.
“Hi. Long time, no see.” Despite your casual attire, you still looked absolutely beautiful to him. It was refreshing to finally see you, and not just on his phone or through a glass picture frame. The pause of silence felt like an hour, before he spoke up again. “I came here to explain myself, I was really hoping we could talk.”
You looked behind you towards the kitchen to be sure Jordan was invested in something else before responding. “Not here. JJ, this really isn’t what I came back for anyways. I mean we can just leave the past in the past, right?”
“Not about this we can’t. You keep slipping away from me, Y/n. I can’t let it happen again. You should at least hear me out.”
You shook your head, blocking away any other feelings you could still have for him besides heartache. “I’ve moved on, JJ. I have a whole new life. There’s nothing you can say that will change that.”
“I know. It was stupid for me to think you haven’t moved on after all of this time.”
“I already gave you so much of my life. You can’t ask anymore than that.”
“I know.” He admitted, moving back towards the door. “But, please, consider it at least. Promise me you’ll think about it?”
“Maybe, JJ. I’ll come find you if I make up my mind.”
“Ok.” He agreed.
“Ok.” You repeated, closing the door that was now in front of him.
It was a good thing you had napped that day, as you got zero sleep that night. You had pictured your first encounter with JJ over and over in your head, but never did you imagine it would happen like that. You had been so caught off guard that your heart took forever to stop racing. Jordan had to ask if you were okay from your excessive fidgeting and movements as you tossed and turned in bed beside him. “Yeah, I’m okay.”
If you were going to face JJ, what was the point in hiding from the others. No, you may have not decided to throw yourself in their faces, but you were familiar enough to know their patterns. Even after all of this time. Because in the Outer Banks, time really did stand still. “How about we try The Wreck for lunch?” You brought up to Layla.
“What about your freakish food poisoning story?”
“Ehh, maybe it was a little fib. Who cares who I run into, right? I don’t want that to stop us from having a kick ass vacation.”
“Alright, then, little cousin. The Wreck it is.”
Once you were seated, the face of your familiar waitress was priceless. She lit up with joy before practically shrieking. “Y/n!?” She dropped her pad and pen, pulling you into her embrace as you stood up in front of her. You both swayed back and forth for a minute, which made you both giggle. “How the hell are you? It’s been forever!”
“I’m great, Kie. You?”
“Even better now that you’re here, in the flesh! Wow. I’m actually shocked.” She expressed as her mouth slightly hung open. “Yeah, me too, I guess. Even though this isn’t really my stomping grounds anymore. It’s great to see everyone.”
“Are you kidding me? Kildare will always be your stomping grounds.”
You sighed. “Doesn’t feel too much like home, anymore. I, um- saw someone last night. They came by actually.” If there was anything about Kiara, it’s that she could read any and everyone. So by the look on your face, she didn’t even need any verbal affirmation as to who this mystery person was. Layla had said a brief hello before excusing herself to the restroom, probably feeling like a third wheel all over again.
“What did he say?” Kie inquired.
“Not much, just that he wants to talk. About my letter I’m guessing. But I don’t know if I want to, Kie. I mean, I just got a bit of security in my life. Found a real relationship and here comes you-know-who, trying to dismantle everything.”
She smiled at you sympathetically. “He can only dismantle your life if you let him. Does he know about your new man?”
You sighed once again. “Yeah, but what’s the harm in hearing him out? I think you might be interested in what he has to say.” Your expression was one of confusion, as you thought Kiara might know a little more than she led on.
“As in?”
“I’m really not sure. We haven’t spoken in a long time, actually. Just do what you feel is right, and it’ll be the right decision. Also, I hope you’re falling in love with the person, and not just the feeling of being loved back. I should get back to work, Y/n/n. But I hope we’ll have a chance to hang out sometime.” She told you.
“I hope so, too.” You agreed, though your smile faltered at one of her points. Falling in love with the feeling of being loved back. ‘Damn she’s good’, you thought. You could add that to your list of things keeping you up at night. Just as Kiara had turned away with a smile, Layla came back to join you.
“You good? You’ve been acting strange since dinner last night.”
“I’m just peachy, Layla.”
The kook party you had been invited to was just like ones you had been to as a younger teen, and it was nice that the parties were another one of the many constants in the Outer Banks. Jordan had started making friends already, which you had mixed feelings about. You had been too busy being whisked away by Sarah to know what he was up to. Unfortunately, Topper had a lot to do with it. He had been playing pool along with Jordan and some other kooks, when your name happened to be brought up. “You know, we were surprised at hearing Y/n has a real boyfriend and all.”
Jordan raised his eyebrows. “And why is that?”
Topper shrugged. “No reason in particular. Just her and the pogue, JJ Maybank, have some.... history.” He smirked, taking a swig of the mysterious liquid filling his solo cup.
“Really?” Jordan questioned. “I thought they were just old pals.”
“Old pals who were in loooveeee.” Kelce quipped childishly. Jordan hummed in response, keeping to himself.
“Yeah, man. I’d watch your back if I were you. Don’t put anything past that filthy pogue.” Topper spat.
Somewhere in the mix, you were able to spot JJ and drag him outside to the side of the house. The conversation between the two of you had weighed on you and you could hardly take the anticipation any longer. The alcohol in your system wasn’t a help either. “Talk.” JJ looked taken aback, but you just wanted answers. “You wanted to talk, so, spit it out.”
“Not here, let’s go sit down somewhere.” He led you by the arm towards a dock, legs dangling off the edge as you sat beside one another. He sighed, gathering his words together and choosing them carefully before he said them. “Ok, let me just start from the beginning. You shouldn’t have left so fast. You should’ve let me explain myself, things would be a lot different between us now.”
“Why would I set myself up for that kind of humiliation when you’d tell me you didn’t feel the same? I had no choice. You have a pregnant girlfriend anyway, I don’t see why it matters now.”
“It does matter now.” He paused. “Clementine and I broke up. Baby’s not mine. That’s why we broke up. But if it hadn’t been for that, it would’ve been for something else.” You refrained from sighing in relief at the confession and stayed calm, fidgeting with the jewelry on your fingers. “What I mean is, I couldn’t keep kissing her and pretend she’s you. No one ever will be.” Your eyes snapped up to meet his loving gaze, but you couldn’t bear to hold eye contact to too long. “And it always will be you.” You shook your head, closing your eyes to keep the forming tears at bay.
“You don’t get to tell me this now. I’m happy with my life.”
“You’re happy with keeping me out of it. And you’re upset that I’m telling you now, and if that’s any indication, you still love me too.” A tear or two fell from your eyes, as you had to take deep breaths. Your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest. “Tell me you love me, too.” He pleaded in a whisper. “Please? Just once. Y/n, you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for those words to come out of your mouth.”
By now you were both standing up, as he looked down at you in the moonlight. You shook your head in denial once again, scurrying off after saying. “No, JJ. I- I can’t.”
The party inside the house was still booming, but your spirits didn’t match the vibes. Jordan’s didn’t either, not after what he had been told. While you were talking to JJ, he had still been inside getting stories fed to him about the never ending love story between you and JJ. He had seen you leave with him, and he didn’t know why he was so upset. But now his intuition told him the worst, and he couldn’t let this go on any longer. He saw the way you still looked at JJ, even after all this time. All when he had thought that he had been your first love, only to find out he was far from it. “Y/n, we need to talk.” He grabbed your arm, turning you to face him under the nearby streetlight. He could see the tear stains on your cheeks which confirmed his intuition had been right. You still loved JJ. You wouldn’t be crying otherwise. You attempted to wipe the still fresh tears away before he started talking again. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Tell you what?” You looked at him innocently, which only made him angrier that you were still hiding the truth.
“About you and JJ. You didn’t feel like you should’ve maybe brought that up?” You attempted to cover it up, but he was successful at interrupting. “No, Y/n. You lied to me. If he’s just an old friend, do you still love him?” You tried to shake your head no but you felt frozen, as a new set of tears lined your tired eyes. You didn’t make a sound, only a quiet sniffle. “That’s what I thought.”
“I can explain-”
“Explain what? That he’s the reason you’ve been avoiding coming back here? That I’m just your rebound? Y/n I should’ve heard it from you, not randoms at a party.”
“Jordan, you were never a rebound. JJ is my past, you are my future.” You tried to reach your hand to cup his face, to which he only stepped away to avoid your touch.
“Then why do I feel like you’d be happier with him.” You scoffed.
“What do you want me to do, Jordan? Say fuck our relationship and run off into the sunset with him?”
“Either that, or I’ll be competing with how you feel about him for the rest of our time together. And I don’t want to compete with anyone. You’re either all in or not.”
“Like you are? It’s not easy to watch girls throw themselves at you, either. But I still deal with it, because I love you. Don’t you get that?”
He chuckled heartlessly. “It’s not that you love me, it’s that you still love him even more.” You didn’t protest his statement. The both of you stared at each other for a few seconds before he made up his mind. “Goodbye, Y/n. I’ll be gone by morning.”
Your feet took you to the only place you knew to go. A treehouse near the Chateau, a spot where you and JJ used to spend quite a bit of time. It held so many memories, and it was almost like a second home to you, oddly enough. Climbing the rope ladder to get inside and opening the trapdoor, a figure had already been sitting in the space. JJ. Of course he would be here now. You sighed. “Sorry, I-I can go.”
His head shot up at you from the position he held it in his hands. “No! Stay, please.” He let out the last part softly. Reluctantly, you pulled yourself up to sit in the treehouse in front of him, the small window to the side allowing the only source of light. Something snapped in you, and the floodgates opened as you let out quiet sobs muffled by the palm of your hand. JJ shuffled over to sit beside you, throwing an arm over your shoulder and holding you to his chest.
“Don’t cry, Y/n/n. You know I can’t stand to see you upset.” He muttered sympathetically, followed by some sweet nothings to calm you down.
“Jordan broke up with me.”
JJ would’ve smiled on any other occasion, but the circumstances already had his demeanor down anyways. “You’re gonna be okay.”
“Yeah, I hope so. We had only been together 3 months.” You shrugged, leaning into JJ’s embrace. “Still hurts, though.”
“I’m sorry if I had anything to do with it, y’know.” He muttered into your hair.
“You didn’t. It had more to do with me, I guess.”
“Anyone would be lucky to have you. He’s a fool for not seeing it.” You chuckled, looking up into his eyes. “Of course you would say that.” You sighed, speaking up again after a pause. “Who knows if I’ll ever get over you, Maybank.”
“Who says you have to?” You only smiled, and sat in the comfortable silence, listening to the leaves rustle around through the wind. “I’m glad I told you that I loved you. Or, that I love you.” He corrected himself. “I always have, Y/n.” You felt so much younger again, hearing the words fall from his lips as you smiled foolishly. You didn’t know what you were doing, before you pressed your lips to his sweetly. It didn’t last long, you being the first one to break away. But he cupped your face and pulled you in again, this time with more passion. He couldn’t get enough of the feeling, he wanted this moment to last forever.
“I love you, too.”
It was his turn to smile foolishly, and your eyes couldn’t help but twinkle at the sight as he brushed his thumb across your warm cheek. The moment you each had been longing for had happened, and it couldn’t be more perfectly imperfect. Neither of you knew what the kiss meant for you two moving forward, or if you were just making up for lost time. But you had the whole summer to figure it out.
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a/n: let me know what you guys think pretty please!!
taglist: @ilovejjmaybank @rosylinn @nxsmss @cameronsrafe @msgorillagripcoochie @bibliophilewednesday @tovvaa @freddymaybank @annab-nana @babeyglo @sunsetholland @moniamaybank @outerbankspreferences @laneybobeczko-g @jjpouggues part 2 taglist: @ifilwtmfc @iccyyyybitch @gwenthwips @obxmxybxnk @pen1s-parker-peter @lillymitl @canyoubuymetoast @mrsweasley05 @randomwritings
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