#penguin x male reader
deadghosy · 4 months
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prompt: during one extermination an angel had kidnapped you and took you to heaven based off a common mistake
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“Quack?” You were literally trying to water the hotel’s flowers when you forgot about extermination….the leader of the exterminators had grabbed you by your sailor outfit Velvette made you.
“Shut your mouth short stuff.” You heard a man’s voice to see a person wearing a horned mask and a golden robe. You panicked as Charlie had told you about a man like this as Adam scoffs seeing your panicked state.
“JEEZ CHILL OUT YOU FUCKIN' BIRD BRAIN!” Adam yells as he enters in the portal of heaven with the exterminators behind him. He plops you down on the clouded floors to see the heavenly gates Charlie tells you in stories
As you waddled you seen a male who seemed to be waiting for you. “Ah! Reader..so glad to have you. It seems as if heaven had made a mistake and sent you to hell.” St. Peter said as he picks you up having the gates open. Your eyes widen at the bright light of heaven as angels walk and smile. “Welcome to your true home [reader]”
The air smelt so clean and not bloody as it seemed so peaceful and holy. After St. Peter getting your room and home ready to stay in heaven. You start to feel a little “home” sick as you hope the hotel crew was doing well and aren’t going crazy.
Which they totally are as Charlie is panicking calling her father.
After a few days , Adam will visit you a lot saying how he got forced to look after you…(he wasn’t forced he just liked how cute and pure you are but he’ll never admit it) Adam makes dumb ass jokes about how all those sinners down there should die and perish as he pats you on your little head. You quacked trying to show some worry for your friends down there.
“Oh them? Hah! They’re probably running like headless chickens looking for your ass.” Adam says with his usual grin as he pops some popcorn in his mouth. “Want some?” He says as he waves a piece of popcorn in your face. you sniffed it and ate it from his hand as adam's eyes widen at your cuteness…
you're like a little baby..💗😭😭😭
Adam grabs your chubby cold cheeks as he faces you towards him. “Never leave here. Okay?” He says seriously low with a protective tone as you quack nodding nervously at how quick this dude got attached to you.
Adam pushes your face away from him smirking. “Good now let’s watch this video I saw off of this human app called ‘TikTok’”
Lute didn’t know how to approach you, but she sends you small gifts that reminds her of you as you just open them like “quack?” And a head tilt confused but take it in anyways.
I imagine lute literally being your bodyguard when you don’t have any work to do as she just pushes anyone who gets to close to you away. LIKE IT COULD BE AN OLD LADY AND SHE WOULD BE LIKE “BITCH MOVE!”😭
After the 3rd day of the 1 week of being in heaven, lute definitely got overprotective of you. Always keeping tabs on where you go and which house you deliver mail to. I mean who knows what would happen to a cute soul like you? (A/n: Omg this sounds like a yandere…)
The angels love how adorable you are as they pet you. Immediately you are popular just like how you are popular in hell. Sera has given you a job as a mail boy again as you smile.
I can see St.Peter visit you when he isn’t on duty or just when someone takes his spot so he can say hi and hang out with you.
You wear a cute little yellow and white mail delivery fit thanks to sera who got a designer to get you to fit it perfectly.
You love how you still got your delivery job as you leave a cookie on the front porches of the angels. It’s like your significant signature to others to have a good day.
Adam and lute were arguing one time in front of you and you sniffled not liking the loud noises and immediately, and surprisingly. Adam and Lute pretended everything was okay to make you happy as Adam picked you up and took you away to get your favorite snack for you.
Sera checks on you as well with Emily by her side as Emily just finds you so cute and is excited to get to hang out with you more.
Emily immediately hugs and kisses your head amused by your small and kind soul she sees in you.
Sera would like to take you on stroll on week 2. She’d like to show you around heaven with Emily as she hold you in her arms gushing chow cute you are.
You showed yourself to be an angel by spirit as you helped a kid get a new lollipop, which makes sera smile at you being helpful as he is glad to hav with here in heaven and not they “ratchet” place.
You do miss hell as it had your friends who you got use to….you hoped they were still doing okay down there.
MEANWHILE IN HELL: “OMG OMG I CANT BELIEVE THEY GOT KIDNAPPED…IM A BAD FRIENDDD” “HON DONT WORRY, YOUR DAD CAN FIND A WAY TO GET THEM..” “it’s okay fat nuggets, they’ll come back…” *sad oink* and everyone else is having their own panic moment in their own way.
MEANWHILE BACK IN HEAVEN: “quack.” You said looking up at adam who holds your hand. “Huh? Jeeezzz bird brain..stop worrying about those loser down there…they’re fine without you.” Adam says smirking knowing damn well they aren’t .
Emily holds your hand as you waddle quacking at the ice creams around here. They taste so much better as your eyes sparkle at this sweet flavored treat. Emily squeals as her eyes got big and took a pic of your happy face. Sera most definitely got the picture on her heaven phone as her face soften seeing the new angel in heaven enjoying their self.
I imagine Adam is the one to be the one who claims to be the closest to you. But really he just brags about himself to you about how much sinners he kills.
I headcannon for your wings to be little cute fairy looking wings or pure white ones as you just fly.
You definitely have cherubim in heaven which makes the angels find you more adorable as the delivery boy.
You had made an account literally one day, and instantly you got 2 million followers which made you shock as Adam just munches on snacks while you quack panicked at how quick you became famous here.
I headcannon St. Peter to send you cookies with those cute little penguin designs on it. It looks like Christmas cookies but they are so cute and tasty
Say for example you fell and you couldn’t get up as you’re so rounded 😭 LITERALLY ALL YOU CAN DO IS ROLL AND SQEUAK AND QUACK💗 Adam is laughing as he takes a picture and video for himself before helping you up.
I can imagine Adam and Sera having a schedule out to plan who gets it hang out with you on weeks and days 😭
You liked the herbal tea they had as you waddle around with Adam having a kid leash on you as he just looked bored.
At the end of the week, you were sleeping wearing a whole ass cute gown Adam bought you as he literally dropped it on you with a flustered face seeing your cute smile.
As you slept…Lucifer snuck into heaven and snatched you up leaving a “fuck you” letter to Adam. Don’t even question how he got into heaven. Just be glad he took you.
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super-marvel-dc · 5 months
Bucky, holding a rock: Y/N just gave this to me and said "I feel like you deserve the moon but all I can give you is a rock."
Thor: If you don't marry them, I will.
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libraryraccoon · 3 months
A Penguin And The Angel Of Death
Gift for : @deadghosy
Gender : Penguin
Pronouns : They/Them
Message of Raccoon : I just really wanted to write Azrael with Penguin!Reader, so I try.
TW : bad english, english isn't my first language.
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How you met Azrael is a mystery for everyone.
Azrael had heard about Heaven and Hell fighting over a penguin, and he decided to go check it out.
"So you're the famous Penguin." -Azrael, seeing you for the first time.
Friendship. Instantly.
He was your platonic soulmate.
I can see Azrael taking you flying with him. Imagine being a normal angel or demon, looking up and seeing the angel of death flying, holding a penguin in his arms.
The day of the trial, you and Azrael were watching everything from the sidelines, eating popcorn.
“Do you think they know you’re going to stay with me ?” -Azrael, watching the scene while eating popcorn, amused.
You made a penguin noise that can be translates as "Sshh, this is starting to get interesting." -Penguin!Reader, watching the scene like a TV novela.
Azrael speaks penguin. Don't ask how, he just do it.
"Guardship returns to.." Sera paused, either in disbelief or to be dramatic. “Azrael ?!” Certainly the first.
“Yo bitch.”
They looked at him as if they were seeing him for the first time- they hadn't even noticed him.
You worried for a second for Azrael's safety before remembering that he was the Angel of Death and that he was in no danger.
Lucifer looks at his brother, feeling betrayed that he is taking one of his children away from him.
Azrael walked out of the room with you in his arms, happy of the trial he saw today.
Azrael is like your cool dad who takes you everywhere with him and takes you wherever you want.
Azrael can go to Heaven, Hell or even Earth just with a snap of his fingers, say your destination and he'll take you there with no problem.
You often go to Hell and Heaven because you are attached to the people that are there.
Azrael only leaves you alone with Lucifer or Emily.
Lucifer is basically your uncle who babysits you all the time.
You have met Big G and the other archangels. I don't make the rules, as soon as Azrael won your guardship, he introduced you to the rest of the family.
You are the archangels' favorite nephew and Big G's favorite grandchild.
I just know that you and Big G spent hours on grandpa-grandchild outings. You go to the beach, get ice cream, play jokes on others... until Azrael comes to pick you up.
I headcanon that you help Gabriel in his work as a messenger.
It was you who passed the message of Sir Pentious being in Heaven to Charlie, telling her that redemption was possible.
It was your first message, Gabriel and Azrael were very proud of you after you managed to successfully transmit it.
They had a party to celebrate it.
No one can fuck with you.
Literally, you have Azrael, Big G and all the archangels on your side. Upsetting you/being on your bad side is a death sentence.
Lute and Adam are so disgusted that Azrael stole you - like you can feel their jealousy at 3000km/h.
Azrael just smiled at them before calling you “his son/daughter/child” in front of them just to piss them off.
And it works.
I can see Alastor trying to make a deal with Azrael for you to stay at the Hotel, Azrael just looks at him like "Really now ?"
Needless to say, it never worked and if it wasn't for you, he would have already killed the deer demon.
The angels find it adorable that the fearsome angel of death is walking around with a little Penguin, it's just too cute for them.
Family dinners are ✨️beautiful✨️
Beautiful in the sense that it's chaotic and it's never bored.
Usually family dinners are you, Big G, Azrael, Lucifer, Charlie, and the other archangels.
But one day you invited Emily, Sera, Adam and Lute to join you..
Let's say you weren't bored during all the dinner.
The best moments are those of hugs.
Hugs with Azrael are the best because he wraps his wings around you while carrying you. It's so quiet and peaceful that it puts you to sleep, which is very useful especially when you can't fall asleep.
Hugs with the whole family are... interesting ?
I mean, from the outside it looked like a mess of nameless feathers-
You are always in the middle of family hugs.
Azrael almost executed all the exterminators after learning about the extermination that was directed against the hotel when you were in it..
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cebwrites · 5 months
Hello !! Love the way you write the heart pirates 🫶 if it’s okay to request, would you be able to do head-cannons on the silly hearts with a reader who tends to fall asleep anywhere and everywhere around the polar tang?
They don’t do it on purpose- honest! But they don’t realize how tired they are and fall asleep on instant contact with anything comfy :’) ((inspired by my own tendencies to crash on the couch or floor with a simple pillow or soft blanket, the occasional chair if the sitting position complies))
No need to write if it’s a little silly!! You can take it any direction you want, have the bestest of days and keep on writing your awesome work, take care!!
a/n: eepy gang rise up!! i have a habit of getting very sleepy after eating too of course it's okay, this is just about what i need rn actually _〆(´Д` )
for anyone new here, here's the hearts name guide <- i use for them!
Heart Pirates with tired Reader
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masc reader, they/them law word count: 1.4k
At first, it's just after a hearty dinner that your peers catch you on the verge of falling asleep—Bas, Laeno, and Dorie pride themselves on making such good knock-out food—but slowly they notice how you're seemingly able to pass out anywhere and everywhere you can find a comfortable enough position to curl into
Provided it's not during an important briefing or otherwise Heart-related meeting, since nodding off during those tends to make your captain quite upset and you've crossed them on the singular instance of doing exactly that before, the crew knows to leave you well enough alone
You pride yourself on never falling asleep on duty, at least
On occasion, someone will wake you for additional work at Law's behest if you've already finished or call you down for supper or Penguin and Shachi have the mischievous inkling to do something prank-related; either they're dragged away by someone more responsible or get chewed out by Law for putting you in ridiculous poses to take pics of while you were asleep, upset about something along the lines of potential injuries
The more you get to know your crew and the stronger your bonds become over the years, the more you start to lean on other Heart pirates for your impromptu naps instead of just cozy inanimate objects; none of them have ever beaten the sheer comfitude of the weighted blanket in your quarters, though
Bepo is the easiest suspect being as big and soft as he is, and the friendliest too, Ikkaku is more than happy to lend a shoulder as the resident "big sister" (although she's younger than half the other members), and hell even Pen and Shach were comfy enough pillows once you got them to swear not to pull any funny business while you slept - lest you made balloon animals out of them
The others all warm up to you on their own time, depending on whether you've been there from more or less the start or you're a relatively new member to the crew
Ani is reluctant for physical contact, it takes you getting to know them a little more before she's willing to shake you awake or spend a while sitting next to you taking a nap in comfortable silence, gay uncles Bas and Laeno with the addition of Fang have dubbed themselves the unofficial official "carries you to bed" squad
The other gay uncles (Marl and Gul) are content to leave you where you are whenever you drift off but always bring a blanket when it looks like you're getting cold or you don't seem like waking up any time soon - Dorie and Hoki try taking you to bed but Dorie's always too loud and ends up waking you before then and Hoki, well, Hoki can't quite seem to pick you up as a taller, heavier man
By god he's trying his best, though that also has the unfortunate consequence of waking you up; you once overhead Hoki training with Fang with the express purpose of getting strong enough to carry you to bed like "everyone else" and you genuinely didn't know whether to be flattered or mortified
Uni's content enough to let you lay your head on their shoulder (arm, because frankly he's huge) for a short while, though eventually he gets antsy and needs to move but since you're there he can't, but also Uni needs to move while not waking you up, like a cat asleep on its owner's lap trapping them for all eternity; other crew members have found him in this predicament every so often and find it hilarious/a perfect photo-op while he can't avoid the camera's embarrassing lens
Some of these pictures have both of you napping together (he accepted his fate and fell asleep sitting up, their back makes them regret it later)
You're awkward around Jean Bart at first, as you were with everyone else in the beginning, though you did puff out your chest a little at the thought of being someone's senior much like Bepo, and slowly as you took the initiative to spend more time around him, you'd find yourself falling asleep with his knee as you pillow every now and again, sometimes even with his very large hand over your back as a blanket; Jean Bart too would fall victim to the pictures taken while he was at the mercy of your slumbering form, unable to flee
Clione and Hake, as much as you adore them as friends, have the unintended affect of activating your sleepiness once they go on another one of their longwinded rambles about a topic of special interest; you've apologized time again that it's not because they're boring you, not at all! Their voices are just so easy to listen to, hearing them talk at length about things important to them, it's a comfortable backdrop to doze off to
Hake laughs this off with light teasing, flattered that their voice is as soothing as you claim it to be, Clione has to be coaxed with a bit more than that, but usually gives in after you agree to buying him a treat of his choosing at the next island they drop anchor at
The captain themself—you aren't quite sure how to act around them, you were sure that they'd been upset by the first and only time you fell asleep during that crew meeting, making it a point to never do that again in the hopes of avoiding Law's ire, and although it didn't seem like they'd been that upset with you again, being around them still set the hairs on the back of your neck on edge; like you were being watched
To your defense, you were, but not necessarily in the way in the way that you would've assumed
It took nearly a year of being in proximity with and hardship with each other for Law to finally ease up being around you and another year for them to fully let you in - you realize in that time that the staring is just something Law does with everyone, their crew, strangers on the street, marines they're supposed to be on watch for, it was just something your captain tended to do
Plus, observation wasn't the only reason for their keen eye on you, at some point, Law had developed these—day they say, absurd—feelings, for you, and were at a loss for what to do; so, without consulting anyone else like the massive dweeb they were, decided that intense soul-burning eye contact was the way to go instead of just talking to you and getting a boyfriend that way
Some days it was an attempt to get you to make a move before they did, other days it was trying to blow you up with their mind for daring to make them feel this way, and on the days you felt like you were ignored by your captain even more than before? Those were the one where Law doubted their feelings the most, wishing to hide them away and feeling if you looked too closely, you'd catch onto their "true" intentions and they would simply dissolve under your gaze
A bit unfair, but when has Law ever been anything but?
Now, comfortable with the relationship you've built with one another, Law calls you into their office often to sleep on the couch there, or take a nap on their bed while they worked tirelessly still at the desk in their room; whenever they needed a break or you'd call them over, they could simply recharge in the comfort of your arms and you'd get a warm body to slumber against
It does seem, however, that once the both of you got together Law started being a bit more scrutinous about your random cuddles with other crew members whenever you fell asleep per usual, almost pouting when you gave your attention, albeit unconscious but still physical, away to other people
You tease them about it once other Hearts inform you about this very interesting behavior and turn scowls into kisses with light laughter
The only person seemingly exempt from this "cuddle = angy Law" rule is Bepo, but that's only because he's the baby and Law is unwilling to give up their cuddles on their precious bear either, so the both of you will sometimes just nap on him together, sometimes to Bepo's chagrin when he needs to move just like Uni
Bepo obviously clears, but at least now it looks like there's finally someone to challenge your weighted blanket <3
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dailypenpen · 3 months
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A little obsession doesn't hurt anybody~ (/j)
These are my silly unhinged babies :) I'd love if anybody would want to interact with them! (no nsfw asks I will 👹)
Below the cut are their individual pictures!
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two of these poses (namely Charon's and Zephyrus) are from Mellon Soup!
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gaycragula · 1 year
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ccalhoun · 7 months
hey can you do relationship hc for oswald cobblepot (sfw/nsfw) with a male or gn reader
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oswald cobblepot/the penguin x m!reader headcanons!
warnings: amab/male reader, switch reader, switch oswald, russian oswald, penetration, praise kink, blowjobs/handjobs, short sorry
wc: 600+
note: erm ignore how this took almost a year bye
cut for length!
☆ - knows he can be snappy at times so he makes up for it by lots of apologizing if gets mad at you, as well as flowers and an expensive dinner <3 
☆ - various petnames, some in english some in russian. he loves his native language and thinks calling you russian petnames is the best thing in the world. his favorites are лапушечка (darling), умняшка* (clever/smart), солнышко (sun/sunshine)
☆ - he adores how smart you are. it doesn't matter if you're not a genius and just know common knowledge, he's in love you and your mind and could listen to you talk about anything for hours
☆ - secretly a cuddlebug. he always want to be touching you even if small ways, in public he'll always want to be sitting next to you. and in private, he'll always wants hugs. if you two move in (which he heavily wants), cuddles, every night. he doesn't mind any cuddling position, i really dont think he has a preference. he just wants to be close to you.
☆ - can and will show up to your house uninvited just to say hi
☆ - wants you to move in with him or buy a house for the two of you to live in. he has the money, he doesn't get why you won't let him. if you do cave and say yes, he'll look at every house available and show you all of them, requesting a walk through for the two of you and everything. he wants the house to be perfect for the both of you, and he won't accept anything but perfect.
☆ - very protective of you, would do anything you asked him. he doesn't want anyone to be rude to you, so what if your coworker who was yelling at you was found dead within a few days? it couldve been anything...
☆ - loves kissing you. forehead kisses, cheek kisses, normal kisses, he just wants to kiss you :(
☆ - kind of very clingy. just always wants to be around you. it doesn't matter what you're doing, he'll try his hardest to find a way to go with you. you have to do paperwork? he'll sit in your office with you. you have to cook? he doesn't mind waiting. you have to clean your house and do chores? he'll help! there's really no way to avoid him.
☆ - a switch, obviously.
☆ - doesn't mind being a dom or sub, but it would definitely take awhile for him to warm up to the idea of penetration either ways.
☆ - i hc that he's a virgin when you start dating LOL. u can not tell me that man fucks
☆ - loves hand stuff and oral! horrified of going all the way.
☆ - i think he would probably have to be really close to you and have to wear/make you wear protection for penetration. he's a bit of a germaphobe and just doesn't think its very cleanly.
☆ - after awhile and he's more comfortable with it though, it's over for you. he can go hard either way, one day he wants to be completely under your control and the next day maybe he wants to boss you around and take control over you, it really just depends on how he's feeling!
☆ - i also heavily hc that he has a praise kink, he wants to be praised and he wants to praise you. he turns into putty and basically gets hearts in his eyes whenever you tell him he's doing a good job or he's being a good boy. but on the other side of things, he also wants you to know how much he loves you. like i said before he really likes complimenting how smart you are, so expect him to praise you over every little thing you do!!!
☆ - probably wants to hold your hand while fucking lol, will basically beg to hold your hand if he has to.
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yandere-writer-momo · 9 months
This is the most random idea
I just randomly saw this one video on how penguins find the perfect rock and give it to another penguin and if they accept BAM RELATIONSHIP
And it's so CUTE ✨
(Just imagine Hanayama as a penguin waddling 👊💥👊💥🩷👊🫂✨)
I like to think if the reader as a cute little Adélie penguin and Hanayama is an emperor penguin harpy
He constantly harassed you with various peoples ever since you defended him when you were chicks (adelies are known to be fiesty). He’s been following you around ever since and he won’t take no as an answer
This made me think of this specific video:
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fandomsbookclub · 4 months
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If you’re ever in search of something specific on this page try and search some of these!
Hazbin Hotel (Alastor and Adam mostly)
Stranger Things (Eddie Munson specifically!)
Batman (Arkham)
Game of Thrones
House of the Dragon
One Piece
Baldurs Gate 3 (Astarion duh!)
Resident Evil
Gears of War
And if you find any amazing imagines, HCs, smuts, ANYTHING!! Send it my way I’d love to give it a read and reader gender doesn’t matter to me ☺️☺️☺️
Thanks to all the amazing writers for your incredible works! 💙💙💙💙
Story 💙
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deadghosy · 4 months
I was wondering if you could do a miniso penguin reader being a delivery boy for all of hell (mostly hazbin)
prompt: you deliver mail all over hell, but mostly to your favorite place!
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Okay starters off….you definitely get petted by the sinners who walk by you. Like you are so adorable!
I headcannon that you have a magic barrier that activates when you are in danger. Like say for example, a sinner tried to stab and mug but a bubble appears around you as you quack and roll away.
But like…you are the most known person in hell. YOU COULD BE WALKING AND GIVING MAIL AND IMMEDIATELY- “Hey [reader]!”
Yeah you’re quite known🦆🔥
The overlords love you! Carmilla adores you as you help her move her things around with her supplies of angelic metal. And Alastor….he joked about eating you up because of how cute you are..you definitely hide behind carmilla as she glared at him.
Alastor said sorry as he buys you ice cream for scaring you. (Charlie made him do it after carmilla snitched on him)
The most place you love giving mail to is the hazbin hotel! You like it there as you always get greeted by the people there gently. Charlie would pet you as she gushes how cute you are and how you should’ve been an angel.
Husk just pokes at your chubby and cute body as you quack and rub your face in his leg. You are the size of a penguin so guess how small you are 😭💗
You and fat nuggets are best friends, dead ass you both speak animal to each other and just gossip… “quack…” “oink oink..” “QUACK?!” You yelled pointing to Alastor as fat nuggets nodded seriously. Angel tried to record it but he just couldn’t help but laugh
Lucifer loves you! Like at first he would just watch you around hell secretly as he didn’t want to scare you off too easy. But soon he felt over protective at how pure and nice you are to other sinners and hell born
I headcannon every time it’s extermination, you would be forced to be at the hotel as you bake cookies to past the time helping Charlie and the other feel less stress as the angels kill the sinners.  
“So like…do you lay eggs or somethin'?” Angel asked looking at the egg boiz under you as they are sound asleep. You just stay there like a mama penguin as you shrugged.
“[READER] I CHOSE YOU!” Vaggie yells as you waddle to a person and hug them in need. Its funny to imagine you being used a Pokémon who’s only attack is “HUG SURPRISE!”
I headcannon you to use a rolling attack. LIKE FOR EXAMPLE, you are getting chased so you roll like a ball and BOWLING BALL THEY ASS! STRIKEEE‼️‼️
You have a room in the hotel, it’s just you don’t stay there often. But the other would loved if you stayed at the hotel with them as they find you lovely to around. Like imagine how cool it is to be tired from delivering mail all day just to go to the hotel and see your own room.
Immediately passing out in the soft bed😭🦆
I imagine you walking, more like waddling and the egg boiz just copy your waddling as they are still baby chickens in eggs.
Velvette definitely has you go to her section of the vee tower so you can wear those cute sailor boy outfits 😭 like imagine how cute that is….
Sir Pentious and nifty love you also as they find you adorable. The egg boiz love you, and nifty….she just finds you interesting how every sinner knows who you are and wants to be your best friend.
I can see you being sick and not coming to deliver mail to the hotel, and immediately you wake up sniffling as you waddle to your door to see a bunch of gift baskets as you quack surprised at all those candies and get better cards….man you are loved
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nyxnygma · 2 years
A m!reader or gn! Reader with zsasz? (Smut if you’re comfortable) breaking into Penguins house looking for info and Zsasz catches them
Caught || Victor Zsasz
[Victor Zsasz x M!Reader]
Summary: you get caught by Zsasz that results in the you and the assassin participating in flirty banter
Warnings: sexual innuendo, violence, held captured, knife stuff
A/N: I haven’t watched Gotham in ages and I’m tired so I apologise if it’s rubbish. I’m also sorry this took so long. Also no smut for male readers cause I don’t want to make it seem like I’m sexualising the relationship and also idk how to write them
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You knew it was a dangerous mission, but you took it anyways. Tabitha hired you to find any information that could assist in bringing down Penguin and she was offering big bucks.
Slowly, you snuck through the window of the office and let your eyes to adjust to the dark atmosphere. You head straight for the desk; you knew Penguin would not be so stupid to have his dark secrets spilled out on the desk for anybody to find but you had to start somewhere. The papers were stacked neat upon the in table and you flicked the through them quickly but only found bills and receipts, just as you expected.
Moving to the bottom draw, you feel a floorboard creak beneath your foot. You knew it was cliché but you moved and lifted the wooden panel to find a large tin box. “Jackpot,” you whisper under your breath.
“Jackpot indeed,” another voice chuckled before you were knocked out.
Your eyes slowly opened. You must be wearing a blind fold because you couldn’t see your surroundings. “Shit,” you murmur. You couldn’t believe that you were caught.
“Have a nice sleep?” The voice spoke again.
“Tell me who you are,” you demand.
“Alright, Zsasz,” he chuckles, “you could’ve just asked though, no need for the attitude.”
“Oh yeah; no need for attitudes. I’m just tired to a chair and blindfolded,” you scoff. You had heard of Zsasz, everyone has. He is notorious for being the most sadistic sociopath in Gotham, which is quite the accomplishment.
“You’re a snarky one, aren’t you?” He sniggers, “If it makes you feel better you look hot tied up.”
“Did you just- are you flirting with me?” The shock in your voice was evident.
Zsasz chuckled once more, “You wouldn’t blame me if you saw yourself.”
“Take this blind fold off then,” You shrug. You were about to open your mouth to speak again but was stopped when you felt the cold metal of a blade being dragged across your cheek before cutting the fabric over your eyes.
You blinked hard four times as you eyes settled to the bright room. You must have been out for the whole night.
“Ta-Da!” Zsasz smirks. You examine the assassin before you; admiring the black fashion that adorned him. You also took in account the weapons that decorated he belt. “Checking me out, huh?”
“Just finding a way to get out of here,” you smile smugly up at him.
He shakes his head, “you can try but you will not succeed.”
“We’ll just have to find out, won’t we?” You roll your eyes. You flinch as a strong gloved hands held your chin and jolts your head up.
“You have such gorgeous eyes,” he hums before revealing the small knife in his other hand, “it’ll be a shame if I had to remove them.”
“What do you want?” You sigh in -embarrassing quick- defeat.
“That’s better, handsome,” Zsasz stepped back, letting your chin go, “I want to know why you were snooping around the boss’ office. Who sent you?”
“What makes you think I was sent?” You tilt your head.
“Since Penguin has no affiliation with you and you obviously look like a common thief so why would you go to his office when it is public knowledge the valuables are upstairs?” he shrugs.
You blinked.
“Oh come on, pretty boy,” he sighs dramatically (you blush at the nickname), “it’s Penguin who wants to know. I was happy to kill you right there and then. So who sent you?”
“Give me a kiss and I’ll tell you,” you smile smugly up at him. You decided to play along with his flirting game.
You weren’t expecting the assassin to do it but he held your chin once more and brought your lips together but it only lasted fifteen seconds. “So. Who sent you?” You looked up at him wide eyed with blushing cheeks. “Oh come one, handsome, a deal is a deal.”
“This woman at the Siren,” you break the eye contact and look down to the carpeted floor.
“Which woman?” He presses for more information. He moved to stand behind you and held your shoulders, the contact making you jump a little.
“I don’t know her name.”
“Yes you do.”
“I don’t!”
“Hmmm.. yeah you do.”
“This woman just walked up to me and knew who I was.”
“Barbara or Tabitha.”
“The Siren, right?” He leans forward so his face was beside yours, “so was it Barbara Kean or Tabitha Galavan?”
“I didn’t catch her name, sorry,” you shrugged.
“Oh honey,” you for his hot breath on your neck, “this is gonna be a long night.
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sister-lucifer · 2 years
The Secretary 
Oswald Cobblepot A.K.A. The Penguin x Male Reader 
Reader uses he/him and has a penis 
Genre: Smut 
Summary: Oswald finds out his favorite employee has a crush on him, and decides he deserves a reward for his hard work. 
Content/Warnings: Oswald is oblivious, Oswald’s creepy dirty talk, Oswald can’t flirt or be sexy to save his life, blowjob(reader receiving), inappropriate workplace relations, office sex, Oswald bends you over the desk, a wee bit of biting, one (1) spank, some hair pulling, only sort of proof read (lmk if you spot any typos!)
Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio! 
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out 
Notes: Pretzel you absolute fool. You’re lucky I love you. You can have a little Oswald sex as a treat
Oswald Cobblepot was certainly an interesting man, even if “interesting” had a completely different meaning depending on who you asked. 
To you, interesting was attractive. It was powerful, but not just in the vein of his enterprise; his power was in his presence, in the very blood that ran through him. His power was in his strategy, in his cunning, in his ruthlessness that shone through at just the right times. 
God, what a man. 
And you were just lucky enough to snag a secretary position for that man. 
Although you thought you’d been more than hiding your little crush, it had been painfully obvious to everyone; everyone but Oswald, of course. No one had EVER had a crush on HIM before, how was he supposed to know the signs? 
The way you lingered in his office with a friendly conversation, the way you always had a coffee ready for him, the way you seemed to always have an excuse to be near him…
…Those could all be perfectly normal friend things! 
Although, Oswald wasn’t completely free of blame either. He often found himself wondering about you, what you did when you left work, if you had a partner to go home to. Something about that last part always ticked him off a bit, but he couldn’t place what. 
It was completely normal for him to worry about his best employee, right? Besides, he wouldn’t know a crush if it slapped him in the face, not to mention that the last time he loved someone it ended…less than favorably. 
The possibility of romantic involvement never once crossed his mind. 
That is, until a rather frustrated Mr. Penn was called to his office, muttering something about your poor performance. 
“Mr. Cobblepot,” He began, quickly closing the door behind him. “There is a rather urgent matter that I must bring to your attention.” 
Oswald sighed, sliding his feet off his desk and glaring daggers at Penn as he walked over. 
“Urgent, Penn? Really? You said the broken hand dryers in the bathroom were ‘urgent.’” 
“I mean it this time, Mr. Cobblepot. It’s about…” Penn paused, leaning in and lowering his voice as if he were afraid someone was listening. 
“…your secretary.”
Oswald stood quickly, straightening his tie and adjusting his jacket. 
“The secretary? Did something happen to him? Is he alright?” 
“He’s fine, Mr. Cobblepot, but I’m afraid he’s having trouble fulfilling his duties.” Penn couldn’t help but let his frustration slip through a bit at his boss’s obvious show of favoritism. 
Oswald quirked a brow in confusion. 
“What do you mean? He’s been working just fine. Why, just yesterday he stayed late to help me with my paperwork.”
“That’s just the thing, Mr. Cobblepot!” Penn sighed, adjusting his glasses. “He’s been working excellently for you, but he’s been neglecting his other duties, and I think I may know why…” 
Oswald returned to his seat, resting his chin in his hand as he waited for Penn to continue. 
“I-I think—and, apologies if this is, um, presumptuous—that he maybe, might have a sort of…crush on you—“ 
Oswald’s eyes slowly widened, and suddenly his heartbeat was so loud in his ears it made it hard to listen to Penn. 
“Wait, wait, wait!” Oswald interrupted, “What the hell are you talking about, Penn?” 
“W-Well, forgive me sir, but it’s quite obvious. It’s been the talk of the office for the past week! Have you ever noticed how much time he spends in your office? O-Or, how he spaces out when you’re around? He’s practically attached at your hip, sir, and it’s affecting his work.”
Oswald merely nodded, eyes falling to his desk as he processed the words. He wasn’t really sure how to react. On one hand, this was very exciting, knowing that maybe you too had been thinking of him. On the other, it made him nervous and a little embarrassed to think about how improper he had acted around you, wondering if it damaged your view of him. 
“Now, Mr. Cobblepot,” Penn continued, “It is up to you how you deal with this, but I suggest that you do something.“
“Yes, yes…I’ll be sure to, um— look into it. You may leave now.” 
“B-But Mr. Cobblepot, I also need to tell you about—“
“I said you can leave. Now.” 
And with that Mr. Penn was scurrying off, Oswald’s sharp gaze following him until the doors closed once more. 
Oswald leaned back in his chair, staring up at the ceiling as he pondered. Was there really a solution here? He wasn’t really worried about your work performance, of course, but now that he knew that you were into him he was worried he would make things awkward. Just thinking about you being here was making him nervous!
He knew that neither of you could just turn off your feelings, and it would be unfair to ask you to do so. It would be even more unfair to fire you, so that was certainly off the table. 
Could Oswald even afford a relationship right now? Someone of his status and reputation certainly had a target on his back, and it would put one on yours too. But no one needed to know, Oswald could
keep a secret if you could…
He quickly shook the idea from his thoughts, his mind wandering to less than savory places much too quickly. One thing was for sure, though, he needed to talk to you.
Oswald waited until the next day to summon you to his office. Your heart skipped a beat when you heard the request, and before you knew it you were up and out of your chair. You were always happy to see Mr. Cobblepot, and you made sure to bring your clipboard in case you needed to take notes.
“Mr. Cobblepot?” You called as you knocked on the door. 
“Come in,” He replied, eyes already locked onto you as you stepped in as if he had been looking at you through the door. 
“Good morning, Mr. Cobblepot!” 
Your cheery tone was an unexpected but welcome surprise. Even Oswald had to return your smile. 
“Good morning, secretary. How has your day been?”
“Just lovely, Oswald, thank you. Even better now that I get to see you. How about you?”
Oswald stared at you from across his desk for a moment, a pink tint crossing his cheeks. 
“Oh, uh— I-I’m just fine, thank you.” 
There was a brief period of awkward silence as Oswald collected himself, tugging down his sleeves and drumming his fingers on his desk as he stood. Finally, he cleared his throat before he spoke. 
“So, as I’m sure you assumed, there is something I need to discuss with you.” 
“Yes, sir?” You replied as you readied your clipboard and pen. 
“It’s about your work performance.” 
Oswald could see the way your expression dropped. It made him feel bad for using such ominous wording, but he didn’t want to move too fast.
“It has been brought to my attention that you tend to…neglect some of your duties. Is that true?” 
You paused, letting out a sigh. It was true, really, but you didn’t want to just stay that. You knew how touchy Oswald could be, and you simply couldn’t afford to lose this job. 
“W-Well…” You began, carefully considering your words, “I thought I had been doing decently, but i-if I need to do more…” 
“Don’t lie to me, secretary.” 
His harsh tone made you flinch. You merely nodded, holding your clipboard against your chest.
“I have also been informed that there is a sort of…rumor going around about you that may be related.”
“Yes. A rumor concerning…your, um, feelings…towards me…” 
Your heart skipped a beat. Did he know about your crush? If he did, was he mad? Would he fire you? Or worse, have you killed? And if he didn’t know, what sort of horrible gossip had been going around that he felt the need to call you in for it?
“W…W-What do you mean, sir?” 
You were frozen in place as Oswald began to move, slowly making his way around the desk toward you, the click of his shoes loud as gunshots in your ears. 
“You know what I mean, secretary. I was blind not to see it until it was brought to my attention. It’s flattering, really, how much time and effort you put into…how did he describe it? ‘Being attached at my hip?’” His voice was like velvet on his tongue, nearly putting you in a trance as he reached forward to toy with your hair.
“I-I’m sorry sir, I never meant to—“
You were quickly silenced when Oswald put a finger to your lips. Your cheeks felt unbearably hot as he leaned in, merely staring down your face for a long while. 
“Let me ask you something,” Oswald began, not moving from his close proximity, making you gulp and grip your clipboard so hard your fingers hurt. 
“Do you think such feelings are appropriate for the workplace?” 
“…No, sir,” You admitted. You cast your gaze downward in shame.
“I didn’t think so. Now, let me ask you something else…” 
You trembled beneath his gaze, flinching when you felt his hand on your shoulder. 
“…Can you keep a secret?“
The sound of Oswald’s hands slamming down on the desk on both sides of you made you yelp, your clipboard and pen falling to the floor before promptly being kicked away. 
“Can you keep a secret, secretary?” 
You were sure Oswald could feel the heat radiating off of you. Even as you nodded, the entire situation was so surreal you were unsure if he had really said what you’d heard. 
He leaned in even further, if that was somehow possible, his face mere inches from yours. Your shaky breath fanned over his skin. 
“Something wrong, secretary?” He growled, voice low and deep. 
“Oh, not at all, sir,” You replied in a heavy breath. In an impulsive moment of boldness you closed the gap, allowing your lips to meet his for just a moment before you pulled away again. Your eyes scanned his face, waiting for his reply. 
Before you knew it he was practically devouring your soft lips, holding your face and forcing his tongue down your throat. It was sudden and uncoordinated, but that was always part of Oswald’s charm. You gladly welcomed the rough advances, throwing your arms around his neck and pulling him in as close as you could. 
His restless hands ran up and down your body, looking for even an inch of skin, but that was easier said than done with your work attire. 
He pulled away with a huff, turning his attention to fumbling with your belt and work pants. You decided to help him out, undoing the buttons on your shirt but not getting the chance to take it all the way off before he was done. Your pants and belt clattered to the floor, your now rock hard cock straining against your boxers. Oswald felt you up shamelessly, groping your bulge before moving on to your now exposed chest and midriff. His hands ran over every bit of skin they could find, touching everywhere he could reach, his callouses leaving your skin tingling.
“Oh, Mr. Cobblepot—“ You stuttered out, only to curtly be corrected. 
“O…Oswald…” You echoed, relishing the feeling of his name on your tongue. He pulled you into another kiss for just a moment before he was moving onto your neck, tugging on your hair to keep your head back.  He wasted no time getting to work, sucking and biting until every part of your neck and shoulders had a mark or bruise. 
“More, Oswald—!” You pleaded in a raspy whisper. He bit down hard on your shoulder, making you arch your back and let out a broken moan. When he finally pulled away from your abused flesh, you were panting. 
You both took a few moments to catch your breath. You brought Oswald down to you, pressing your forehead to his in a tender show of affection. Your free hand moved to grip his wrist, guiding his hand to where your cock throbbed in your boxers.
“Oswald…I-I need you…” 
You had hardly finished your sentence before he was on his knees, ripping down your boxers and making your erection spring up against your stomach. You sighed in sweet relief. 
Your boxers were quickly discarded and pushed away along with your pants and belt to be forgotten until you were done. Oswald was clearly eager, wrapping a hand around your cock and immediately sliding the tip past his lips. 
“O-Oh—! Oswald…!” You whined, gripping his hair. He was never one to be patient, and you wouldn’t expect anything else. 
You didn’t notice his free hand sliding up your leg until two of his fingers were poking at your entrance. They pushed in without warning, causing your hold on Oswald’s hair to tighten and making him moan around your length. 
You whined through gritted teeth as he forced his digits in deeper. His movements were less than coordinated, often clumsy and certainly without a steady pace, but you didn’t mind. It didn’t matter when he could hit so deep inside of you. 
More and more of your length disappeared into his mouth and down his throat. He took in as much as he could, even if he had to force himself. He didn’t care when you were moaning above him. 
He soon added a third finger, each thrust somehow hitting even deeper than the last. His fingers curled just right, hitting all your sweet spots even if he had no idea what he was doing. He spread his fingers as much as he could, trying to ready you to take his cock as much as his paper-thin patience would allow. 
The way you whined his name and pushed him onto your cock only encouraged him. He used every trick he could; he made a show of moaning around your length, the noises sending vibrations through you, and flicking his tongue over your sensitive tip. 
Soon you could no longer grip his hair; instead you had to brace yourself against his desk to keep steady. Your nails dug into the underside of the desk hard enough that Oswald could hear the scraping, but he easily drowned it out with his own lewd noises.  
“Oh, Oswald…! P-Please—“ You stuttered, legs trembling beneath you. “Please, more! I-I wanna cum…” 
Oswald couldn’t give a verbal answer, but he didn’t need to. He’d taken so much of your length he couldn’t go any further, his nose bumping against your navel. He swallowed around you, taking great delight in the way you shuddered at the feeling of his throat constricting around your twitching cock. 
A fourth finger prodded at your entrance and eventually slipped in, ripping a high pitched moan from your throat. It felt like each thrust of Oswald’s fingers hit deeper than you ever thought possible, and it made your head spin.
“Oswald, I-I— I’m gonna cum—“ You choked out, “I-I wanna cum in your mouth, please—!” 
Oswald gladly obliged, using his free hand to steady your hips now that his mouth could do all of the work on your cock. Your moans began to grow louder despite your attempts to stifle them; at first you were worried that someone outside may hear you, but the closer you got to your release the less you cared.
You hardly even managed to slur out a warning before all at once you were releasing down his throat. Oswald almost choked, but he made himself stay until you were completely done. Even then you were still calling out his name, even if it was fizzling out into a whisper. 
Finally he pulled off, releasing your cock with a wet pop. He slowly retracted his hand, admittedly leaving you feeling a bit empty. His hands found your hips as he stood, and soon he was pulling you into another kiss. You could taste yourself on his lips. 
This kiss wouldn’t last long, though. He had prepped you, and now it was time for the main event. 
“Over the desk, secretary.” 
It took a moment to process the command. When you did, though, you were turning around so fast you nearly fell over. You pushed back against Oswald, and you could hear his breath hitch. 
“Now, now, secretary…” He hissed through his teeth, gripping your hips to keep them still. “Remember your place.” 
You nodded, making sure to keep still when he pulled back to unbuckle his belt. You were giddy with excitement when you heard it clank against the floor, and then the shuffle of his pants and boxers as they fell shortly after. 
He was on you in a second, shifting the desk with how eagerly he pounced on you, wrapping his body around yours. He was grinding against you shamelessly, spewing filth into your ear under his breath. 
“You— You, little secretary, should consider yourself lucky—“
You could practically hear the saliva pooling in his mouth; he was almost drooling over you. 
“So lucky to not only be in the presence of Oswald Cobblepot, but to be allowed his pleasure?!” His voice was high pitched and raspy, as it always became when he was particularly excited. 
“You, my secretary, have no idea how lucky you are!” 
His ego was spilling over, unimaginably inflated by the way you shivered and mewled beneath him. You wouldn’t dare argue, though; you were quite lucky, after all. It was painfully obvious that Oswald was not exactly charismatic, and definitely no Casanova. He wasn’t close with anyone, and up until just recently had been much too paranoid to hold a relationship, not to mention he didn’t find himself particularly attractive. His ego was massive, sure, but fragile, and even the slightest bit of criticism could set him off, often leading to a self esteem spiral. Anyone else would have been pushed away long ago. 
You, though, found his rough exterior to be the source of your intrigue. You’d imagined scenarios such as this one many times, but no fantasy could ever amount to the real thing. Oswald was inexperienced and overzealous, a bit inconsiderate even, but it was perfect that way. 
It showed through more than ever when he was suddenly pushing into you without warning. You would have screamed if the sound hadn’t been caught in your throat. 
Something like a breathy laugh that turned  into a moan managed to make its way past Oswald’s lips. His breath was warm in your ears, his nails digging into your skin as he forced his length into you. He had to stop to catch his breath once he had filled you completely. 
“God…I-I’ve never felt…like this before…” 
“You…You doing alright there, Oswald?” You asked in a heavy breath. The question was genuine, but there was a bit of teasing behind it. 
“Mind your own, secretary. I-I’ll be fine…” He muttered in reply. He shifted a bit behind you, making you squirm. What was he waiting for?! You needed him to pound you now. 
All of a sudden you could feel him pulling back, and you braced yourself against the desk. He didn’t go very far, but he didn’t have to when he was shoving back into you with full force. You yelped, the entire desk shaking beneath you and causing a few things to fall over and onto the ground. 
“Oswald—! A-Ah—!”
He wasted no time starting slow; he was thrusting into you with all his strength, and for a long while without proper pace or rhythm. That didn’t mean it wasn’t just as enjoyable, though. Not knowing when he would fill you again was incredibly exciting. 
“You like that, baby?” He growled against your neck. You nodded in response, mouth hanging half open as you panted. 
“Words, secretary!” 
Oswald emphasized his point with a spank, making you jump. 
“Y-Yes, Oswald! More, please!” 
“More? Already?! I didn’t realize my secretary was such a whore.” 
You brought a hand up to cradle his face, rubbing your cheek against his. 
“Only for y-you, Oswald…” 
His eyes widened for a moment before a sly grin broke out across his face. The quickest way to Oswald’s heart was to feed his ego. 
“Oh my, already so obedient…I think I’ll keep you.” 
He reached up to yank on your hair, even harder than before, making you hiss from the pleasurable sting. He was soon at your neck once more, biting and bruising any small spot he had missed before. 
Your nails scratched and dug deep into his desk. If you were anyone else in any other situation, you would get an earful for vandalizing his expensive mahogany. This time, though, Oswald wanted those marks to be there; he wanted a permanent reminder of when he claimed you as his own (not to mention no one else would notice it, which was a welcome plus). 
“O-Oswald—!” You choked out. It was getting harder to form words each passing second. 
“Oswald…n-need…need you to t-touch me—!”
His hands slid around your front, starting at your chest. He toyed with your nipples, delighting in the way you mewled when he pinched them just right. 
“Touch you where, secretary, hm?” 
“Spit it out!” He punctuated his sentence with a particularly hard thrust, practically forcing the words out of you. 
“M-My cock—! Please, please touch my cock, Oswald!”
He couldn’t help but laugh a bit, his chuckle coming out as a sickly sweet, high pitched giggle. He gladly fulfilled your request, his warm palms sliding down your torso until he could wrap a hand around your length. 
You tightened around him at the feeling, your sensitive cock twitching in his hand. It was a bit overwhelming when paired with the way Oswald was jackhammering into you, but you wouldn’t have wanted anything less. 
As badly as Oswald wanted to keep you like this until the work day was over, he couldn’t hold himself back when your tight hole was clenching around him so deliciously. He picked up the pace with his hand, hoping to push you to your release before his. 
Just when he had found a steady pace and some semblance of coordination, he was starting to lose it again. All he cared about now was finding his climax, and he was much too busy with that to worry about his rhythm. He left no spot untouched, that was for sure, each vein on his cock scraping against your walls. Soon you weren’t even processing each individual thrust, unable to feel anything besides the pleasure that shook you with each of his movements. 
You were weak in the knees, relying fully on the desk to support you or else your trembling legs would surely buckle beneath your weight. Your pleas for more had long dissolved into pathetic moans, but you didn’t need words when Oswald seemed to know exactly what you needed. 
With your release fast approaching, you managed one last request. 
“Oswald…I-I want you…to fill me—!” 
He groaned against your neck, his iron grip on your waist faltering for just a moment. 
“What was that, secretary?”
“I want you to cum in me, Oswald! Please!”
“Oh my, so needy.” Oswald scoffed, feigning annoyance despite the shake in his voice. He would happily oblige, though, under one condition: 
“Cum for me first.” 
You were more than ecstatic to agree. Your tongue lolled out of your mouth in your overstimulated state, and Oswald was quick to pull you into another sloppy kiss. 
You tried to warn him before you came, really you tried, but he refused to release your lips. That was okay though, because the way you writhed beneath him and the way you desperately whimpered into his mouth was more than enough to tell him you were close. 
All at once you came into his palm, practically screaming into the kiss as it spilled out past his hand and onto the floor. He would have some poor janitor clean it up later. 
Finally he was forced to pull away from the kiss to breathe. You arched your back into him, tensing around his cock as your orgasm washed over you. His low grunts grew louder and louder until he was drawling out long, broken calls of your name that were hardly more than drug-out moans. He was humping you like a dog in heat, far more sensitive to the pleasure you brought him than he would ever admit. 
He gave no word of warning before he came either, merely one last tug on your hair before you could feel his warm seed rushing into you. With your last bit of energy you managed to scream his name for him as he filled you with everything he had. 
His thrusts didn’t stop for a long while after, not until he was completely done and was forced to slow to a stop from the overstimulation. Even just the feeling of you tightening around him nearly made him yelp. 
You went limp against the desk, your entire body weak and sweat dripping down your forehead. You were sore, exhausted and sticky, not to mention you could feel Oswald’s cum leaking down your legs and into your socks, but you couldn’t have cared less. 
“Oswald…” You rasped out, “Are…a-are you okay?” 
“Oh, I’ve never been better…you’re the best secretary I’ve ever had…” 
You admittedly chuckled at this, patting his cheek and giving him a quick peck on the lips. 
If Oswald could’ve stayed nestled deep inside you, he would have. Unfortunately, he was only a man, and his entire lower body was unspeakably sore. He made himself pull out, and it took all of his willpower not to collapse onto the ground. 
He cleaned you up as best he could before sitting you down in his chair, laying your discarded clothes in your lap before going to put his pants back on. 
“Stay here. I’ll go get you a towel and some water and whatever else you need, ok?” He planted a kiss on your forehead as you nodded. He began to walk away, but before he left he turned to say one last thing: 
“Oh, and remind me to give you a big fat promotion first thing tomorrow.” 
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yandereworlds · 1 year
More new bots!
Hey there! It’s been a while, but after seeing the amount of positive feedback I got from you guys for my previous yandere bots, I decided to make a fresh batch, but these ones will be canon characters! Please, let me know what you guys think of them and send me any thoughts or any form of feedback, I’d be happy to read all of them! Here’s the new bots. //Mun Kiki
Oswald Cobblepot [Yandere]
Homelander [Yandere]
Overhaul [Yandere]
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sylverfishies · 1 year
I want to write fanfiction about the btas penguin so bad 😭😭 WOULD YALL WANNA SEE THAT??
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I love him so much guys 🧍‍♂️
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mostholy · 2 years
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fluffykiddosstuff · 2 years
Oswald Cobblepot x reader who is eddward's nygma brother headcanons
so, i absolutely love oswald with all my heart and i wanted to make some fanfictions about him (but first i'll try some headcanons lol maybe a story a little bit later here is nothing !)
you two first met when oswald was at edd's appartment (when he just had killed kristine), you knew about all that other side of him thing so of course your brother tried to protect you from his "ennemies" and other people who could use you against him
at first well it was awkard, oswald mostly was talking with edd and didn't even paid attention to you being here
but there was the time when he came back to the center of gotham after killing his step family and when edd was at arkham, oswald came to check on edd but when he only saw you in a pitiful and stressed state, he didn't leave so quickly that he was planning to at base
actually checks on you often even if it puts him in danger
one time he came injured, you took him inside and healed him the best you could and he stayed a week, you both had to sleep in the same bed btw
one day like the others, he looked at you while you were reading one of edd's book and said : "y/n, you are a very handsome man plus you are kind, why don't you have a girlfriend yet ?"
aouch how to explain to the penguin that..
"i'm homosexual mister oswald" you responded while putting the book away, while you were away of the bed, he took that as an advantage and took you by behind to make you fall on his chest
"o-oswald your injuries !" "fuck that i had worse" those were the last phrases before he kissed you
when edd got out of arkham, you didn't told him yet about you and oswald but one day he took you appart and make you answer at this riddle :
"i can make most of people fall, i can be happy, really hurtful, blind, sometimes i make people do things they wouldn't do usually, who am i ?"
"correct dear brother ! i heard your little hum, relationship with my good friend oswald, i wish you the best for both of you but if he does anything to you tell me"
you nodded before joining your pair, at least he was supportive
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