#request 13
in-hav3n · 8 months
i have this idea with current james
so current james x younger actress reader i don’t have a plot in mind so feel free to do whatever with this, it could be with them meeting each other for the first time or something else
i love your work btw
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Calgary, Canada. It was past seven when you walked through the bar doors of the local bar. After a long travel from your home and a tough day unpacking your things and meeting the staff, you decided to take a break and why not meeting some coworkers. You had been told that this place became like their new HQ and you had to meet some colleagues with whom you'll work with.
You were a young actress and didn't have much experience in the movie industry. Well, you already did 2 big movies but it was just a smaller role compares to the one they gave you in this new production. It was some kind of western movie, taking place in the 20th century in Texas.
You were excited about this project cause it would be your first big independent production - the previous one were more huge productions film. And for once, you could be in front of the camera and proved to everyone that you had the ability to act.
The bar was pretty crowd but you quickly understood the reason of this rush of people. There was a big hockey game on TV tonight and it seemed like all the town was there to enjoy it together.
You made your way through the people and found an empty seat on the counter. You sat, glancing at the place and checked the menu that had been left there. You went through it, searching for something nice to drink until you found something you like.
While waiting for the barman, you looked again at the place and smiled. It was really in a Canadian rustic style and it was a very comfy place. You understood why this place became the HQ of the crew. Five minutes later, a barman came over to ask what you'd like to drink and you waited five more minutes to see your drink placed in front of you, carefully placed on a napkin.
You took a first sip, looking at the TV screen now to see if it was interesting. You never really appreciated sports and to be honest, you never really understood the rules. Of course you did sports during high school, like everyone else, but because you had too and honestly, you never missed it.
Suddenly, something happened on TV and the crowd cheered and clapped loud, making a lot of noises that surprised you. You looked at them with a curious glance, wondering what just happened to put them in such a trance. You looked to the other side of the bar, and noticed the same energy and enthusiasm.
"Their local team just qualified for the championship", a hoarse voice told you.
You turned your head to see it was coming from the person next to you. A man, in his 60s probably, with grey hair and a charming face. He smiled and took a drag of his cigar. "You don't know much about hockey, don't you?"
"Is it that obvious?", you confessed, with a slight shrug as playing with the edge of your glass. "I'm not into sports to be honest..."
"I could tell", a charming smile as he put his cigar in the ashtray in front of him. He may be in his sixties but you observed some tattoos on his hands and it was quite unusual for a man of his age. But so hot at the same time...
You smiled and played with the napkin under your glass, blushing a little. It was the first time you were chatting with a man you could considered like a dilf and you really enjoyed it.
"I guess then you're not from here?". You looked at him once again and he chuckled. His voice was raspy and low, with a very pleasant tone. "I'm sorry, I sound like a perv or serial killer, asking such personal questions".
"No, not at all", you assured him, shaking your head and decided it was your turn to joke, "and what if I was the serial killer?".
He smiled while taking a sip of his soda. "Then one of us would be in trouble", he snapped back and you both giggle.
You drank your drink quietly, smiling and blushing like an idiot but you couldn't stop. He was really a nice guy and your eyes landed on his arms that were pretty big.
"You guessed well", you said as looking at him, "I'm not from here. I'm from New Jersey. I'm here to shoot a movie".
"Oh interesting...". You raised a brow, wondering why this boring information was interesting. "I'm here for a movie too. The Thicket ?"
"Yeah!". You smiled bigger and leaned against the counter, turning on the tool to face him. This was interesting indeed cause it means you'd meet more than once... "I'll play one of the leading female characters. You ?".
"I play one of the side character", he explained. "I'm not an actor in real life so they just gave me a short role. Or maybe they did because I'm a terrible actor". You cracked a laughter at his comment.
"I'm sure you're not", you gave him a smile and he smirked back at you.
"Oh you don't know yet darling. You'll see tomorrow at the lecture how bad I can be". You giggled at his joke but also blushed a little. He called you "darling" and it was absolutely pleasant to hear from this sexy old man.
"C'mon. They choose you because you have some abilities. It may be a small production but they prefer good actors with talent. Believe me, I've been in bigger productions and they usually choose people for their look first".
He seemed interested and asked you more question about your career and movie industry. This is how you ended spending the night at the bar, talking with this charming man about life, work and many other subjects. You learned he was a big rockstar and confessed you never really listen to his music but was curious to hear...
"Maybe we should make a deal?", he suggested and quickly explained his idea when he saw you raising a brow. "I make you discover my music and you give me some act lessons in return".
"Deal", you replied with a big smile. After all, you were both stuck in Calgary for at least two weeks. 2 weeks to get to know him better and with private lessons...what's better than this?
"Well...I should go and get some sleep, it's already late. And we have a big day tomorrow", you decided around midnight, as you finished your drink, jumping off the bar tool. "Thanks for the talk...?", you realized you didn't even ask for his name...
"James". You smiled and nodded at his answer.
"Then good night James, see you tomorrow", you added, with a smile as you gently rested your hand on his shoulder.
He turned his body on his tool to face you, and you realized your faces were closer. You could smell his cologne and blushed a little. But the air was hot and thick inside the bar and you hoped he'd think it was due to this atmosphere.
"Good night darling...we meet tomorrow". You smiled more cause you couldn't resist to his contagious smile. You noticed his blue eyes were sparkling and no doubt yours were too.
"Good night...", you squeezed his arms one last time before leaving with a big smile on your face. You were probably looking like an idiot but who cares? You were just happy. When you left the bar, you knew this experience would be amazing and you didn't regret coming here tonight...
A/N : Yes yes yes ! Thank you @mili0nd0llarman for this suggestion ! Current James is the most charming man on the planet, I couldn't resist to do this...Hope you'll love it !
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steddieficfind · 2 years
Hi im having trouble finding a fic! It was a steddie fic and the main thing i remember about it was that steve kept a notebook in his car and wrote down anything he considered important so he wouldnt forget it (things that happened in the kids dnd games and stuff like that) and i specifically remember a scene where he, eddie and mike were all in his car together and steve asks mike to write something in it and once mike and eddie realize what it is you can tell they think its really sweet. There was a specific note in the notebook that said something like “eddie likes sour candy”
Request 13! Send me an ask if you recognize this fic!
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wigglesdtuff · 1 year
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sky islands are scary but he was sooooo brave about it - maybe even the bravest
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rboooks · 11 months
If you take requests can you do a dc x dp with dead tired ship?
I love requests~! I really hope I got dead tired, ship, right. I need to find out the ship names. It's Tim/Danny, right? If not, let me know, and I'll fix you another one.
Tim really wasn't looking forward to meeting the new heir to Vladco. Usually, his parents didn't want anything to do with new money, as they thought that new money was too close to no money, but Vlad Masters was different.
The difference? He bought out almost all of Drake Industries' shares, and now Tim honestly thinks he owns more of the family company than his parents. Jack and Janet hoped to make good connections with the man and slowly but surely trick him into selling the shares back to the Drakes.
Tim thought if he was smart enough to get the people that bought shares of his family company generations ago, not just once but at least eight times, then Vlad Masters wouldn't be as easy to trick as they thought.
Then again, his parents aren't the best businessmen around. If they were, they wouldn't be flying through the family wealth, leading them to bankruptcy.
Tim would know.
One day, he looked at their books when he was bored a few months after discovering Batman's identity. He tried to tell his mom about it, but she told him that he didn't understand the business well enough to tell.
So he signed himself into college-level business courses online to learn it. She didn't appreciate his initiative.
"Remember, Tim, Daniel Masters is who you must befriend," Janet says for the third time as they climb out of their car. " Friendships are the ladders to climbing up in the world."
"Yes, Mom." He tries to smile at her, but all Tim wants to do is go back to the roofs of Gotham and watch the Bats.
Jason is supposed to start his solo patrols tonight, which is a big deal, and he's missing it. His parents weren't supposed to be back for another month. However, their latest job was canceled due to locals complaining.
His dad grumbled about people getting in the way of history, but Tim thinks it has more to do with his parents wanting to dig up an old cemetery......apparently the locals like their grandparent's resting place to be left alone.
Tim also thinks it's not lovely to dig there just because the locals are poor, so he may have hacked into the country's files and flooded the internet with the disrespectful attempt that his parents were trying to make. It received the right amount of backlash to stop the whole operation.
He then sent the community an anonymous donation so they could fix it up, get the gravestones washed, and the stories of the buried people turned into a book. It's the least he could do.
Tim's parents didn't realize the loss of funds only because he carefully hid his tracks with shell companies.
They are greeted at the door by Vlad Masters. He gives his father a handshake, compliments his mother's dress, and even offers Tim a gentle hello. Masters is known for being a bit of a humble hermit, soft-spoken but with sharp, intelligent eyes.
Everything he expects new money to be, down to his mannerism and even the way he stands. Tim would have been able to clock him miles away without even knowing his name.
"This is my son, Daniel," Masters says, patting the head of a frowning boy Tim's age. He stands just a bit away from Masters as if he does not want to be near him. Tim notes the way he shies away from Master's hand.
"It's Danny." The boy hisses. Mom's face tightens at his manners. She never liked children being heard instead of seen. Danny takes a small breath before smiling at the Drakes with a friendlier composure.
The hostility was only toward his father?
"Please call me Danny. It's my real name, not a nickname," He says, offering his hand for a shake. Tim fights a wince. As the son of a wealthy family and not the head, Danny is not supposed to initiate a greeting with Tim's dad.
He just told the Drakes he needs to be aware of high society rules, making him easy pickings. His parents jump onto that weakness like a lion on a trap gazelle.
"Daniel. It's lovely to meet you. " Mom's articulation is just a shade away from being mocking. Danny's smile falls off his face closing down into a near-emotionless mask. "How old are you, deary?"
"I'm old enough to still hear correctly, unlike you. That's not my name. It's Danny." He says much to mom's surprise. Tim guesses she's not used to people challenging her so directly. He learned that, too, while he was running Gotham.
The elites always made passive-aggressive backhanded comments to insult each other. The poor told you to fuck off to your face.
"You do not speak that way to my wife, Daniel-" His Dad starts, but Danny holds up his hand.
"You either call me Danny or don't talk to me." He says. "I don't need to waste my breath repeating myself."
Wow. Tim thinks, watching the red growing on Dad's face. He's cool.
"Are you going to let him talk to me like that?" Dad demands, turning to an amuse-looking Masters. The other man raises a brow, his gentle smile still on his face, but somehow it looks more....dismissive now. As if he was looking at a child demanding the impossible.
"Why ever do you mean?" Masters asks, "Your tone implies you were insulted, but that would mean you are upset with a child asking to be spoken to with respect. Surely, a man of your standing knows children deserve respect?"
"They need to respect their elders." Mom cuts in her voice like ice.
"He is my son, so I am his elder. Not you." Master counters, "But not to worry, I will remedy this issue. Danny will no longer be speaking to you disrespectfully, as I will not allow him to be near you."
His parents had a few seconds of looking smug until Masters waved his hand back towards the driveway. "Have a lovely night, Mr. and Mrs. Drake."
"Excuse me?" Mom cries, and Tim can't believe his eyes. The rest of the wealthy guests have caught on to the issue and have gathered near the windows and doorway to watch.
"That's Fruitloop for You can leave now." Danny chirps starting to look more like his father by the amusement on his face. "Except for him. He's cool."
He points to Tim, who flushes at the attention. He had been staring at Danny, taking in every detail of his expression and body language, fascinated by the fact he did not once seem intimidated. He didn't even look bored.
He seemed comfortable in his slightly slouched posture and confident in his skin and abilities. But his earlier behavior implied that just as he is confident in himself, he also doesn't think very highly of himself.
Tim's never seen anyone like that. It's strange. New. Exciting.
Heck, it was exhilarating.
Tim wanted to break Danny Masters' head open and figure everything about him out. It felt like a new case just begging him to uncover.
"I am?" He asks in a slight daze, and the other boy offers him a dazzling smile.
"Yeah, you respect the dead. The spirits adore you."
"Oh, this is the young boy who protected that cemetery in Guatemala?" Masters asks with genuine warmth this time. "A fine job, Timithoy."
"It's Tim." He hears himself say, and Masters nods.
"A fine job Tim."
Danny offers him a wink, and Tim thinks his stomach just fell out of his body. What is this-?
"Timothy, we are leaving!" His mother screeches, tugging on his arm and yanking him away. The rest of the guests laugh as the Drakes are driven away. Tim knows he will never be allowed near Danny after this, so he turns his head around to give the boy one last look.
He meets the glowing green eyes of the Masters, who wave their fingers at him.
Tim starts following Danny around after that.
(Danny and Vlad know he's there and think it's cute. That's how ghost courts, so they don't see it as a problem. What is problem is getting along long enough for them to figure out a way back to their home dimension. Danny allowed Vlad to overshadow people just so they could have the means to eat, but he's getting really sick of Gotham. At least the soft clicking sound of a camera lures him to sleep at night.
Tim approaches Robin before his hero can go to Ethiopia. He doesn't understand what he is experiencing as his first crush and concludes that the Masters are aliens planning on luring small children by making them fall under a spell through their glowing eyes. Jason takes this very seriously and agrees to wait on his mission overseas. He realizes early on what's actually happening but, by that point, thinks Tim is hilarious and just edges him on.
He, too, thinks the Masters are aliens, but he's not about to tell Bruce.)
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ladycibia · 6 months
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a Bard with a Plan
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kotaki · 3 months
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"Gargoyles have eyes that are sharp and heads that are hard. It can take many years for us to make up our minds about even a little thing."
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leobashi · 3 months
Incorrect quote, you don't have to draw it if you don't want to!
*everyone screams when they see a silverfish*
Chase: *traps insect under cup*
Anti: *puts two more cups down*
Henrik: Anti...Anti, nein...Don't do it...
Anti: *starts shuffling the cups while the others sweat*
(I don't like silverfish.)
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I’m not sure why I decided to put so much effort into this request in particular, but I’m very glad I did! I hope you enjoy it hdkdnf
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samuell-art · 29 days
nimona throwing a chair at ambrosius
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IM BACK GUYSSSSS!!! IT HAS BEEN TWO DAMN MONTHS. Anyway, sorry for not posting AND I am so fucking sorry that I asked y’all if you could give me Nimona drawing requests even though I had art block at that time :(
Also, WHY ARE SO MANY PEOPLE LEAVING THE NIMONA FANDOM???? (Been in that fandom for like 10 months :D)
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polisena-art · 4 months
Hi Poli ✨! I hope your day had been going well! (And hopefully the heat is bearable now!) do you think we can get Zico and Zeca being nice to Panchito? (Definitely out of their ✨ free will ✨and not because Zé threatened to ground them)?
Thank you for your tip!! And yes, the heat has been cutting us some slack for now!! Maybe I have been too mean to Panchito lately so here, have Zico and Zeca being "nice" to their new uncle 😉
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Context for people who have not yet read the last part of Panchito's struggle link
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churro-lord · 2 months
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[Taking requests for 4/13!! Plz send to askbox]
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cutielando · 9 months
✧༺♥༻∞ MASTERLIST ✧༺♥༻∞
hello, you gorgeous souls, and welcome to my blog !!!
i created this blog in order to kinda give myself a safe space to express myself and the wonders my mind comes up with lol
i'm just your regular 19 year old university student who would rather write fanfiction than actually study lol
welcome aboard, i hope we're going to have fun together !!!
MY REQUESTS ARE OPEN !!! feel free to send in any requests you might have ! <3
TAKEN emoji anons: 🗿
that would be all, enjoy xoxo
- JJ Maybank 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
- Rafe Cameron 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
- Spencer Reid 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
- Derek Morgan 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
- Aaron Hotchner 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
- Jay Halstead 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
- Adam Ruzek 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
- Kelly Severide 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
- Matt Casey 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
- Will Halstead 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
- Connor Rhodes 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
~ Jax Teller 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
- Chibs Telford 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
- Juice Ortiz 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
- Opie Winston 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
- Harry Potter 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
- Ron Weasley 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
- Fred Weasley 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
- George Weasley 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
- Draco Malfoy 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
- Cedric Diggory 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
- Theodore Nott 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
- Mattheo Riddle 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
- Lando Norris 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
- Charles Leclerc 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
- Oscar Piastri 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
- Max Verstappen 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
- George Russell 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
- Carlos Sainz 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
- Mick Schumacher 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
- Logan Sargeant 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
- Alex Albon 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
- Ollie Bearman 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
- Paul Aron 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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daily-dose-of-danno · 20 days
I was wondering if you could get screenshots of the amusement park seen in Identity Crisis and Flirting with Disaster along with that one park in Reality Trip when they fight Fullghost! Freakshow?
I need them as art references for developping lore around Goosebumps Park(yes, that's the name I gave to the amusement park) for my ongoing fanfic and even share it to everyone for their fanfics and fanarts as a separate post later on.
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Season 1, Episode 14 - 13
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Season 2, Episode 6 - Identity Crisis
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Season 2, Episode 10 - Flirting With Disaster
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Season 2, Episode 17 - Reality Trip
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moeblob · 3 months
Hey so I have to inform you all because I am morally and legally obligated to inform people about this movie -
I have told you before that Clue (1985) was available on Amazon Prime and today I have even better news. I don't know when it was added BUT ! it's FREE TO WATCH (with ads) ON YOUTUBE !
Also it's my favorite movie (this doesn't matter I just have to say it).
Also also just because I found this out five minutes ago it was released on Dec 13, 1985. Which was a Friday. A movie about a board game about murder released on Friday the 13th ? Truly a move of all time.
EDIT: Someone wanted to know if you can watch it with adblock on and hey! You can! (I have watched it problem free)
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gunsatthaphan · 9 months
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"I think I've been here before."
↳ requested by anonymous ♡ 
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t4yce · 2 months
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DENALI •  denali on ice ft dawn
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kotaki · 6 months
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"Boredom Tip: I pull out a good book of brain-teasers. Exercising my grey matter easily alleviates any symptoms of idleness. (Translation: as long as I'm thinking, I'm never bored.")
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