#restrained myself from coming home with more frogs
lordsooga · 2 years
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Stopped at a pet store the other day and saw Naga there
[ID: Two images. The one on the left shows a real photo of four bearded dragons in their enclosure. Three of them are stacked on top of each other, seeming not to care. The one of the right shows a simple drawing of four, fat-tailed geckos in Naga’s color scheme, stacked on top of each other. \end ID]
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autisticempathydaemon · 4 months
[F4M] The Virgin Princess and the Frog-Man
Tags: [Fantasy] [Rape] [Monster] [Brat Taming] [Degradation] [Begging] [Fingering] [Creampie] [Mentions of Breeding] [Mentions of Free Use]
Type: NSFW
Tagline: What are you going to do, make me kiss you?
Tone: Bratty, spoiled, demanding
SFX: None
WC: 1,452, ~13 - 15 minutes
[Light humming and hair brushing, surprised gasp, sigh] You scared me, little Frog. What are you doing here? Don’t you have a dirty, scum filled pond to swim in somewhere?
[Scoff] This nonsense again. Don’t you have other little, gross creatures to bother and dance with rather than bother me incessantly? Everywhere I turn, all day, I see your disgusting, little body, all covered in slime and dirt and threatening to sully my dress, and I’m tired of it. Go on, shoo.
(Condescendingly sweet) Poor, dumb, ugly little creature; are you too stupid to get home to the swamp you crawled out from? You’re in luck. I am the future queen of this kingdom, and I shall rule more land than your feeble, pea-sized brain could ever fathom. I will be a benevolent ruler, and I will help you.
[Loud, vicious smack, cruel laughter] (Aside, distracted) That’ll teach it a lesson. I must have the castle wizard cast stronger pest control spells lest I have to dirty my hair brush again. I-
[Magical transformation noises] (Flustered) Little Frog… man?? What are you- how have you- Why are you naked?
You know what? I cannot be bothered to care. Make your leave before I make you leave. Curse or not, you are uncovered and… at attention before your future queen, and I will not be witness to your- your- indecency!
(Shocked) What? What do you mean “no”? I said leave! Do you not understand the words coming out of my mouth, you vile, obscene thing? Do not take another step, or I’ll-
[Sound of Princess being pushed against the vanity and forcefully kissed, punctuated with struggling and protests] (Out of breath, weakly struggling) How dare you? I am royalty, ordained by God to rule; you will not touch me with your disgusting, slimy hands or defile my mouth with your unnatural tongue. Unhand me at once, and maybe I won’t have your head chopped off and set before me on a stick-!
[Grunt, yelp] Let me up! How dare you push me and bend me over as if I were a common wench- Get your hands out from under my skirts!! The guards will do their rotations any moment, and when they see how you’ve pinned and humiliated the future queen, you’ll wish you were dead. You’ll beg for mercy and be refused-
[Startled moan, schlicking and restrained moan/whimpers begin] I am not wet, as you so crudely put it; that must be the disgusting slick that coats your fingers. I would never stoop so low, would never debase myself as to allow my body to react to a filthy, unnatural thing like you. You’re such a pitiful, sad creature resorting to brute force to take what is above your station. Leave me be, and I may be kind-!
[Loud moan and pause as we breach the point of no return] (Weak with pleasure, fighting the incoming orgasm) No, it does not. It feels wrong for your big… beastly hand and tongue to reach inside where even I do not touch, for what was kept pure for my future husband.
Of course not, it would be improper and sinful. That part of my body is only to be used by the future king to bring forth an heir. Your touch will have no effect on me.
Your unholy, unnatural tongue may twist and undulate deep alongside your fingers, but I will not be broken, and I will not give into your carnal tricks. I am a princess, and you are an animal.
[Schlicking stops, gasp] (Desperate) You will not. Please. You have humiliated me enough, but penetration is too much. I must be kept pure.
I will do whatever you ask, give you whatever you want. You could leave here without a hair on your head harmed. I could give you riches, land, a title, anything.
[Threatening schlicking] (More desperate) I will say whether you want, whatever you command, so long as you don’t do that.
(Being fed lines, mortified) I am a terrible princess not worthy to rule. I am only fit for running my stupid, slut mouth and being bent over my fine, useless things. I will submit to my betters, to my Frog Prince, and spread my legs and… pussy when I am told… Will that suffice?
What do you mean “no”?
[Insertion] (Gutted) You bastard. You sick, twisted, bastard villain, take it out.
[Fucking and restrained moaning begins] I didn’t say to put it back in!
It does not feel good, you frog bastard. Your cock as you call it is disgusting and uncomfortably hot inside me. Such a dirty, pulsing thing could never bring me pleasure no matter how you grind it against my womb.
That’s not me! The slick dripping down me and my thighs must be your doing, some bestial, obscene magic producing more of your filthy frog slime. It’s repulsive like your body pressed against mine and your hands roaming my skin.
I twitch and writhe because I hate this and you, because your touch and intrusion make my body burn hot with fury, nothing more, nothing less- especially there! Do not touch me there!
I don’t know what this “clitoris” is, and I don’t care. When you touch me there, my body heats even more and I can’t think straight. I don’t like it, and I will not be subjected to more of your cursed enchantments. Please just finish this.
[Unrestrained moaning begins] You villain, you dishonorable rogue. I don’t know what you are doing to me, but you will not get away with it. After you finish and abscond, I will make you pay, so please end this. (Frenetic as if nearing climax) Please end this. Please release inside of me so you may go. Please give it to me, please please please-
[Fucking and moaning stops] (Dazed, flustered) What? Why have you stopped moving? Why have you stopped touching me?
Why are you only doing as I ask now??
No, I am not pleased! Do as your Princess commands, and finish what you started!
Or… or…!
(Whining, defeated) But you can’t go. You can’t leave me here. I ache, and you must keep touching me and fix it.
(Frenzied, pleading) I’ll do anything, say anything. I’ve offered you land and money and prestige; you can still have it all, and I’ll give you more. Take the crown, the throne, the kingdom, but please just take me and ease this desperate yearning between my legs.
I will be so, so good for you and so obedient, my Prince, I promise, I swear! I’ll be as loud as you want, or I’ll not make a sound. If you release my hands, I will spread myself open and ready for you to fill and defile and consume, and I will do so so sweetly, so beautifully. All I ask for, all I want, is for you to please, please, help me and end my suffering. Please, my Prince, my love, my Lord, I need it.
[Fucking and uninhibited moaning begin] Thank you, thank you, thank you, my Prince. You are so kind and so good to me, I am in your debt and your service. I’ll beg you to use me whenever and wherever you like if it will feel like this, this sensation I could never have dreamed of.
Yes, Your Majesty, I will be so well-behaved and sweet, so wet and ready for you. I’ll not bother with skirts or corsets, and I’ll lay myself bare, pliable, and at your leisure.
Yes, you’ll be free to use my Princess hole whenever you like, Your Majesty, as your own personal plaything.
Then I shall not be a Princess anymore, and I will be your common whore and servant. I will freely surrender my crown and title at your feet and kiss them for the privilege; just please, please do not stop. Something is coming, and I will die without it.
Yes, you can finish inside of me. You can do whatever, whenever, however you like as many times as you may wish, just please give me more. Touch my clit again, please, my Frog Prince, I beg of you.
(Nearing climax) Yes, please, there, Your Majesty. There is magic in your touch and your body, and I feel it coursing through my veins, coming to a peak. It’s coming, it’s coming, I am coming, my Lord!
[Climax, heavy breathing, pause] (Ashamed) …I will give you my tiara and unspeakable riches if you abscond through the window and never darken my door again.
(Fading as Mister Frog flees) What do you mean you’ll be back in three weeks? Why? What is a tadpole?
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maryshinonome · 3 years
For your TG travel ask: could you please send Naki to either Italy or France (your choice). He desperately needs some culture in his life. Thank you!
I am pleased to do so))) To be honest, it was quite difficult, because adequacy and madness fought inside me 😅
Warning: All these are fictions and assumptions of the writer and shouldn't be taken seriously.
Naki's trip to France🇫🇷
In fact, Tsukiyama organized the trip for him, as he decided that he needed more cultural development in its very center, in Paris (or he was persuaded by Misa). For a long time, Naki wondered who Paris was and why he was waiting for him until his arrival there.
Of course, there were problems at the airport at passport control, since this was his first trip to another country and he seemed to be a very suspicious person to the guards. He almost started threatening to kill them, but the situation was helped by the person who was going to meet him (thanks to Tsukiyama)
The guide is a very polite, well-mannered and patient person (later you will understand) and Naki didn't like him right away because he is very boring. While they rode in a taxi, the Guide told him about Paris, its history and culture, while Nucky slept near the window.
Seeing the French, he didn't like them very much because of their completely different appearance and high growth. Throughout the trip, the guide tried with all his might to restrain him so that he would not say this directly to their faces.
He stayed in a luxurious hotel with a rich history and interior, but instead of admiring it all, he spent a long time trying to figure out how to turn on and off the light in the room, what is a bidet and how to use a blanket if it's tucked FOREVER.
On the very first day in the city, the Guide takes him shopping for clothes, since in his opinion his suit has long been out of fashion here (because of which Naki almost got into a fight with him). For a long time, he offered him options for more stylish and fashionable, but in the end, Naki chose a white suit that was no different from his old one. Naki is happy, but the Guide did only facepalm.
After that, they went for a walk around the city. The guide told him for a long time with admiration what an amazing city Paris was, while Naki only complained about the disgusting smell here.
Even before coming to France, Naki believed that people in Japan eat disgusting food. But here he realized that people in France eat even more disgusting and constantly thought "Is there really nothing for them to eat here that they eat snail snails and disgusting toads and frogs?".
They visited the Musée d'Orsay, where the Guide told him that the museum was once a station and Naki asked him for a long time why people did this and the Guide tried to explain to him for a very long time, but after each of his answers, Naki continued to say "Why? It's useless".
In the museum, he was interested in almost nothing, except for naked people in paintings and statues. And from the picture "The Origin of the World" by Gustave Courbet he did laugh at the whole museum.
His Guide didn't take him to the Louvre (not to embarrass himself even more), so he decided that he might like modern art. So they went to the Museum of Modern Art where Naki didn't like it either. But ordinary visitors, because of his appearance, considered him an influential critic, and every time when Naki called this or that picture terrible shit, many agreed with him and considered him a brilliant aesthete.
The only place he liked was the Parisian catacombs, which terrify and disgust many, but Naki felt at home here and looked at the skulls with interest, took them in his hands and said "When I get home, I want the same room for myself" under the shocked tourists' views.
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The Leverage/Stargate fic I’ll probably never write
I have an idea for a Leverage/Stargate crossover fic but no drive to actually write it. So I’m going to lay down the plot summary of the story that exists in my head. If anyone wants to take some or all of this idea and flesh it out into a full story, you’re welcome to it.
AU!Eliot Spencer went to work for Stargate Command early on in its existence and has been there ever since. He's extremely good at his job but in a ruthless way that has everyone at best wary of him and at worst terrified. He's the guy you send on the most dangerous missions, but he's also the guy you send when you want something awful doing without any questions asked.
The Goa'uld have put a bomb in a child and killing the child is the only way to stop it going off and killing thousands? Eliot Spencer is your guy. The megadeathray gun is surrounded by slaves as human shields? Eliot Spencer is the guy who will blow it up while everyone else is busy arguing about whether there's a better way. Need someone to headshot a Goa'uld and not care about the innocent host? He's the guy who will pull the lever on your trolley problem while everyone else is still arguing the ethical ramifications.
They keep him around because he is really good at his job but also because everything he does is technically for the greater good and you can see the logic in shooting the guy with the alien virus before he can spread it and cause a plague but still, you'd think the guy would show a little remorse about shooting an innocent person in the head. So he doesn't really have friends in the SGC just reluctant allies, but he's doing good and saving the world in his own, violent way.
But then one of the science teams discover something that's giving off the same sort of energy readings as the quantum mirror and Eliot is there to act as bodyguard/escort to the scientists. They bring the shiny, aliens toys back through the Gate but then something gets activated by accident, zapping Eliot, and then suddenly canon!Eliot is there in the base, with an apron and a wooden spoon because he was in the middle of cooking dinner.
Naturally, he's immediately on the offensive because he's apparently been kidnapped and these people are all in military uniform, so he starts fighting and takes down six marines with a wooden spoon but then AU!Eliot is there fighting him and they're evenly matched. Neither can get an upper hand and they only stop when someone shoots them both with a zat while they're locked in combat and knocks them out.
Eliot wakes up heavily restrained and they try to explain that they think he's been pulled from a parallel universe and of course Eliot doesn't believe a word of it because it sounds like something from one of Hardison's weird TV shows, and the guy who looked like him was clearly a trick. He's scared that the other Eliot is part of some plot to get to his team and so of course he's not going to give them any sort of cooperation. Everyone else is scared of him because they know how scary their Eliot Spencer is and they don't want to get on the wrong side of him, but they need to get one of the techs to try and undo what was done, so they get one of the team to bring in the alien gizmo - and it's Hardison.
The Hardison of this world was still a computer genius and got recruited to get alien and human tech to work together. He doesn't really know Eliot because the techs tend to spend most of their time with other techs generally, but also that guy's scary. He really doesn't want to be in the same room as two of them, glaring at each other, because if their Eliot Spencer is the good version, he really doesn't want to know what the evil mirror universe Eliot Spencer is like. But he drew the short straw so he's got to come in and try to get some tech they barely understand to zap this guy back to where he came from.
Canon!Eliot recognises Hardison at once but thinks that he's here as part of a con as a rescue mission, so he pretends to have no idea who he is, but plays along. When Hardison starts explaining about parallel universes and alternate timelines and quantum mirrors, Eliot listens and pretends he might start to believe this technobabble and asks questions like he's starting to be convinced. The first test to send Eliot back to his universe doesn't work but he agrees to cooperate if Hardison keeps working to send him home, because he needs to get out of these restraints anyway if Hardison's rescue plan is to have any chance of succeeding. And the other people who are around standing guard or watching the events unfold are surprised that Eliot would believe Hardison over an alternate universe version of himself.
"Of course I don't trust me. I know me!"
But AU!Eliot knows him too and thinks that he's been convinced too easily and that this is a trick. He knows he would never be so quick to believe a total stranger and thinks that Eliot is just lying to get out of the restraints and then he'll start fighting everyone again, probably taking that tech as a hostage.
But while all this is going on, people are referring to Hardison by his real name and talking to him like he's been here for years, and canon!Eliot starts getting weirded out because Hardison would never use his real name in a con and he has a very distinctive tell when he's playing a part and he's not showing that tell now.
AU!Eliot wouldn't just announce that he doesn't think this guy is telling the truth so he beckons whatever senior officer is present over to the far corner so that they can talk quietly but he can still keep an eye on canon!Eliot and warns him about what he thinks the guy is planning. Meanwhile, Hardison is still running tests on canon!Eliot with the alien tech and now no one is close enough to overhear, so Eliot lets his hair hang in front of his face to shield his mouth from the security cameras and whispers, "Is Parker okay?"
Hardison just goes, "Who's Parker?" in a voice loud enough that everyone in the room can hear it.
"Damn it, Hardison!"
The senior office asks Hardison what happened and he repeats back exactly what Eliot said to him. That's what convinces Eliot that this is real because he knows that Hardison would never do anything to expose Parker and he wouldn't blurt something like that out in the middle of a con after all the years they've been doing this.
"You're not my Hardison, are you?"
"Your Hardison?!"
And Eliot tries to then convince them that he now believes them, even though they're more suspicious than ever because he was pretending to believe them before. Eliot just looks at Hardison and says, "I swear on your Nana's chicken, chilli caserole recipe that I won't hurt you if you let me out of these restraints."
Everyone else is really confused but Hardison is astonished because Nana's chicken chilli caserole recipe is sacred. It's a family secret, but she will only give the recipe to family members she deems worthy, meaning that only one of her foster kids has ever been told it and Hardison (who consists off gummy frogs and orange soda in every universe) has never so much glimpsed the page it's written on. It's a meal that is served on the specialest of special occasions and Nana would guard that recipe with her life.
"You know Nana's recipe?"
"I proved myself worthy at your engagement party. She gave me the recipe for the wedding."
"I'm married in your universe?!"
"Not legally." Because three-way unions aren't legal and besides, the guy they had officiate their wedding dropped out of priest school to become an insurance agent con artist, so it's not exactly official, but that's never stopped them. Hardison is still confused but thinks that maybe it wasn't legal because of gay marriage rules and this means he had an unofficial commitment ceremony to Eliot Spencer. He has to sit down while he processes this.
After some discussion, they let Eliot out of the restraints and he spends a little bit of time in the SGC while Hardison works on the tech. He talks to the alternate version of himself and suggests he take a cooking class and tells him he should get to know Hardison better because, "Once you get past the annoying surface part that makes you want to murder him, he's one of the smartest, bravest, and best people you could ever hope to meet, and half the irritating stuff he does is just to make you smile."
"And the other half?"
"He's just being irritating," but Eliot says this with a soft, caring smile that AU!Eliot hasn't seen in his reflection in a very long time and that makes him think it's worth giving it a shot.
And Eliot talks to Hardison too, telling him that he has absolute trust in his ability to work out all this alien tech stuff and get him home safely because he has people there who need him because he doesn't trust Hardison to feed himself any with more nutritional value than gummy frogs without him there to take care of him. And he convinces Hardison to take a chance on this universe's Eliot because if anyone can get past his defences, it's him. Or Parker, but she doesn't seem to be around in this universe.
And that seems like the perfect moment for Parker to appear out of a vent because she wanted to give herself a challenge breaking into a facility with more security than any museum and she's been listening in on all of this stuff as it unfolds.
So this universe's Hardison and Eliot convince the SGC guards not to shoot Parker because she has a really useful skillset, and canon!Eliot wishes them luck as he gets sent bak to his own world, where his Parker and Hardison are in the middle of tearing the criminal underworld into a million pieces to find out what happened to him.
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megumisbimbo · 4 years
- Four -
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megumi fushiguro x reader
genre: fluff, slight angst
summary: (y/n) was nothing special. A human being who had no idea that curses walked the same earth they walked. But then they locked eyes with Megumi Fushiguro. Can Fushiguro focus on the task ahead or will he be distracted by the king of curses and his new love interest?
series masterlist
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©️ @megumisbimbo — all rights reserved. Please do not repost, modify or translate my work. Reblogs and likes appreciated!
Credit for the main storyline and characters goes to Gege Akutami.
tags: @xreemie @kitkozume @noyakura @vanilnya20​ @tobi--o​
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the songs are indicated throughout the story at certain points!
songs used:
put your records on - ritt momney
who dat boy - tyler the creator
goodbye - billie eilish
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— put your records on - ritt momney —
(y/n) pov:
It was early in the morning when you were woken up by the sound of rustling. You turn and see Fushiguro frantically getting himself together.
“New mission?” You ask, voice deep and scratchy.
“It was a bit of an emergency, sorry I can’t stay today. But the rest of the sashimi is in the fridge.”
“I’ll be fine Megumi, I promise. You shouldn’t worry so much you’ll get wrinkles.” You say, causing him to let out a small chuckle.
“Are you ready to leave yet?” You ask
“No not yet.”
“Then can I play with Kou?”
Megumi gives you a puzzled glare.
“Your white dog. I named it Kou! Isn’t it cute!?”
“You shouldn’t get so attached to them you know.”
“Yes yes I know. Now can I play with it?!”
Megumi smiles and summons his white dog, who he noticed has taken a special liking to you. As much as he knew it would be a bad idea for you to get so attached to his shikigami, he couldn’t help but feel all warm inside when he saw you laughing. He finished getting ready and him and his white dog make their way out the door bidding you goodbye. You stare out the window again, noticing that you tend to do that often. Well you didn’t want to sit around all day bored as hell, so you decide to watch a movie on Megumi’s television and finish the sushi from the day before.
Megumi pov:
They looked so cute playing with my divine dog, how could I say no to that face.
“Snap out of it Megumi.” Nobara says waving her hand in front of my face.
“Were you even paying attention?”
“Of course I was.” I respond, slightly irritated.
“Thinking about (y/n) again?”
“WHA- WHY- WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT??” I say, startled by her question.
“I don’t know. Just a hunch I guess.”
Itadori walks outside and greets us with a smile. Reminds me of their smile...stop it Megumi you’re going insane.
Ijichi-san’s black car rolls up beside us and we step into the backseat. He drives us to the Juvenile Detention Center in West Tokyo. We step out of the car and walk towards building two.
“Our windows confirmed a curse womb approximately three hours ago. Five inmates are currently trapped inside along with the curse. Curse wombs that grow and change shape can be expected to become a curse close to that of a special grade. You are not to engage.”
I know that a curse of special grade ranking should be dealt with by a special grade sorcerer. Where is Gojo-sensei?
“Satoru is currently on a business trip.”
Of course.
A woman comes running towards us, stopped by the gate guards.
“Is Tadashi...my son. Is my son ok?!?”
I turn and see Itadori’s face turn pale. He needs to stop letting his feelings get involved.
“We cannot disclose any more information at this point.” One of the guards explains.
“Fushiguro, Kugisaki. We have to save him.” Itadori says.
“Of course.”
Ijichi-san lowers the curtain and I summon Kou.
“If it gets close, Ko-... my dog will let us know.”
“Let’s do this.”
— who dat boy - tyler the creator—
We walk into the building and are immediately caught off guard. The whole place is a maze. I turn around looking for the entrance.
“Damn. Where’s the door?”
Kugisaki and Itadori panic but I explain that Kou would be able to sniff it’s way out, since it remembered the scent of the entrance.
“You’re so reliable Fushiguro.” Itadori says with a smile, a familiar glint in his eyes.
He reacts the same way (y/n) does. They really must be close.
We walk deeper into the maze and find the work yard where the curse had first been seen. A mangled up body lay across from us. Itadori walks up to the body and pulls on the shirt he was wearing.
Tadashi Okazaki
“Is it that woman’s son?” Kugisaki asks.
“We’re bringing this body back. His face isn’t that messed up. She won’t be satisfied if we just tell her that her son is dead.” Itadori responds.
I grab onto his uniform and pull him away from the victim.
“Leave him. We have to confirm that the other two are dead.” I say, knowing exactly who this man is.
“Everytime we look back the path is different. How’re we gonna get back here?” Itadori responds.
“I said leave him. I never said we were coming back. He’s not even worth saving alive, why would I save his dead body.”
Itadori grabs onto the collar of my jacket.
“What’re you talking about?” He says, anger laced in his tone.
“This is a juvenile detention center. I read about what he did to get in here. He was driving without a license and hit a girl who was walking home from school, and that was the second infraction. I know you want to save everyone, so they can die a natural death, but who’s to say that someone you save won’t kill someone else in the future?”
Itadori looks at me with a blank stare. Anger festers within him. I can feel his energy shifting.
I...can’t answer that.
Kugisaki’s voice tears us away from each others stare.
“Knock it off you two! This isn’t the time or-“
Her body being sucked into a hole on the ground cuts her sentence off. We both stare blankly at the spot where she was standing.
No way.
“There’s no way...my divine dog would have-“
I turn around and see Kou’s head sticking out of the wall. Completely dead. My heart sinks. (y/n).
I turn towards Itadori, fear building up inside me.
“Run! We’ll find Kugisaki after we get away-“
My words are cut off by the immense amount of cursed energy I suddenly feel beside us. The special grade.
I can’t move. Neither can Itadori...I think.
Itadori suddenly swings his slaughter demon upwards in hopes of at least wounding the special grade. It proves absolutely futile when both the slaughter demon and his hand fly through the air landing a few feet away from us. I look back at Itadori and find his arm gushing with blood.
We’ve lost.
“Fushiguro. Run. Find Kugisaki. Let me know when you get out of here.”
“I’m not leaving you behind!”
My heart sinks as I see Itadori’s pleading smile. I know he’s strong, but he’ll die if I leave him with this curse.
I nod and find my will to move. I run as fast as I can through the building desperately searching for Kugisaki, my black divine dog leading the way. I finally reach her and, using my frog shikigami, pull her away from the curse that was holding her. We both manage to escape from the building. I drop her off with Ijichi-san, and my divine dog lets out a howl, signaling our escape.
Please let him make it out.
Ijichi-san explains that he’ll take Kugisaki to a doctor, and insists that I come along with him. I refuse and opt to wait for Itadori outside the building. I ask him if he could do his best to bring a sorcerer higher than a grade one when he returns. Although it isn’t likely he will, he agrees and drives away with Kugisaki safely tucked in the backseat.
I wait for what feels like ages. Suddenly, I notice the expanded dormitory has disappeared, which means the special grade curse has died.
Now if Itadori would just come back.
My thoughts are interrupted by a familiar sinister voice.
“If it’s about him, he’s not coming back.”
My whole body tenses up at the sound of that demon’s voice.
“Don’t worry, I’m in a good mood right now. Let’s talk.”
Where’s Itadori? He should have switched back by now.
“He seems to be having some trouble, but it’s only a matter of time before he’ll switch back. So I thought about what I could do in the meantime.” Sukuna says, an evil grin creeping across his face.
I watch as Sukuna buries his fist inside Itadori’s chest and rips out his heart. My eyes widen as I watch him hold Itadori’s still beating heart in his hand.
“I’m taking this brat hostage!”
He can live without the heart but...Itadori can’t. He’ll die if he switches back.
“Itadori will come back, even if his death is the result...that’s just the type of person he is.” I say, my heart racing.
“You think too highly of him. Just a while ago he was so scared while on the verge of death. He was a mess you know. Talking about (y/n) and why he’s sorry and how he’ll miss them. How pathetic.”
(y/n). Dammit.
My mind is racing as I stare at Itadori’s body, covered with tattoos and gushing red hot blood.
I’ll try and make him restore Itadori’s heart before he comes back by convincing him that he can’t win with a heartless body. I have to. But is that even possible? For someone who couldn’t even move in front of a special grade curse. Doesn’t matter. I’ll do it.
“I’m finally outside, Let’s make use of this space!”
I quickly summon Nue to fight Sukuna. Although I’m using my shikigami, I’ll fight him myself as well. I think I manage to land a blow, but it’s quickly blocked.
“Put some more curse behind your blows!” Sukuna says before punching me in the face.
I summon my Serpent and with the help of Nue, I manage to restrain Sukuna.
“Don’t give him a chance!” I yell to my shikigami, hoping that I’d be able to hold him long enough to land a critical blow.
I watch in shock as Sukuna rips my Serpent apart, freeing himself. Without a second to think, I find him grabbing onto the back of my shirt, flinging me into the air. He follows me up into the sky and hits me hard against the back of my head. I fly aimlessly through the air, but Nue scoops me into its wings and softens the blow of the landing. I turn and pet it’s head.
Nue is at its limit. I have to undo the spell before it’s destroyed. I carelessly used my shikigami and now my Serpent and Kou are both destroyed.
Sukuna lands in front of me.
“Your shikigami use shadow as a medium, don’t they?” He asks.
“So what?”
“Hmmm, you don’t get it do you?
I give him a questioning look, still disoriented from the beating I just received.
“What a waste of talent...in any case, I’m not going to heal the brat. He’s not even worth fighting for.”
“Well I save people...unfairly.”
I let out all of my curse, allowing the blue tinted energy to flow through and around me.
“You’re going to get fired up now? That’s good! Well then. Entertain me Fushiguro Megumi!!”
I begin reciting a chant usually done by shinto priests that is believed to summon the dead. Also known as “The ten sacred treasures.” My thoughts are spinning, disorienting me more.
(y/n). What would they think of me? How could I face them if I lose Itadori.
— goodbye - billie eilish —
I stop, realizing the only way to win is to pull Itadori out of his own head, no matter the cost.
“Itadori, I know you can hear me. I didn’t have any logical reason to save you and (y/n) back then. Even if it was dangerous, even if they are a liability, I couldn’t watch good people die. I had some doubts but... ultimately I made a selfish choice driven by my emotions. But that’s fine. So to answer your question...I saved you because...because I’m not a hero. I’m a sorcerer. I never regretted saving you two. Not even once.”
The tattoos on his body begin to fade, and Itadori’s face resurfaces.
“I see...You’re smart Fushiguro and I think the way you live your truth is right. But I don’t think I’m wrong either.”
Itadori’s chest gushes blood and his body becomes limp.
“Ah, it’s almost time for me... Kugisaki and Gojo-sensei...I guess I don’t have to worry about them anymore. Live a long life Fushiguro, and tell (y/n)...I...love....the-“
His body hits the ground creating a puddle of blood. Tears form in my onyx eyes.
I have to go home to (y/n)...what will I tell them. I’m sorry (y/n). I couldn’t save him.
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OC Master List
Obviously if you’ve followed me for any length of time you will know that I have a really nasty habit of making characters of my own design. I love to be creative and make my own realities through this medium. It’s actually one of my favorite things to do. I’ve wanted to make this for a while because my friends sometimes get confused as to which OC that I’m talking about so this is the master list for everybody. 
My Hero Academia: If I have any fandom where most of my OCs go it’s into the MHA fandom. I have currently five OCs in this show so let’s talk about them one by one. 
Mitsuki Haruka: My first OC that I truly ever created and invented with the knowledge of doing it. Mitsu has a really special place in my heart because she was the first and the one that I work for the most in this fandom usually. Her comfort character is Katara from Avatar The Last Airbender. Her quirk is water. She can pretty much do anything with water. She can heat it, freeze it, glide around on it, whip it out of her and use something that I stole from Fairy Tail called waterlock where she locks a person inside of a body of water. Her canon partner is Tenya Iida my favorite square boi. I often talk about her with her adopted brother and my amazing friend @bio-hazard0us OC Kaku. 
Violet Katsuragi: Violet is one that I don’t really talk about in great detail a whole lot because every time I try to I cry. Her family is a massive shit show and I always feel so bad for making it that way.  I’m always like “My poor baby who is making you suffer so much-oh yeah it’s me sorry about that babe.” She is my “villain” OC. She is really only a member of the league so that she can stay close with her boyfriend and love of her life Twice (Jin). Her quirk is that she can control the plant tattoos that are on her arms by summoning them and using them in combat. Her comfort character is Mary Poppins because it reminds her of her older brother. Violet is an actress for a local community theater once the league disbands quietly. She and Jin also adopt Toga (a younger member of the villain league) as their own daughter to give her a second chance at life. I love her even though she’s the saddest backstory one that I have to work with it’s also the most fulfilling when I write fluff for her. 
Shizuko Kanade: Another absolute baby with a crappy home life. I’m sorry that I made it that way hun but it gets better for you I promise. Shizuko is my quirkless OC and my genius tech girl. She lives below her best friend and brother in arms Denki Kaminari and they’ve been best friends since they moved into the same building together. Her comfort character is PJ from the Goof franchise especially from Goof Troop that was her favorite show to watch with her aunt when she was growing up. She starts off really chubby, the cute kind of chubby but starts drastically dropping pounds in order for her parents to love and accept her. When they still don’t Denki has enough and talks to his mom and they decide to call the police and foster Shizuko into their own home. They get a restraining order against her biological family and my best girl gets a happy home. She wants to be the first quirkless hero to rely completely on support items. (She is also partnered with Shoji if anybody is curious.)
Arashi Mitsuha: This absolute baby, I love them. Ari is my gender fluid OC that I made who started off as just your everyday cis male but then I had an idea that spiraled from Ari in eyeliner to Ari in a skirt and then we wound up with the gender fluid absolute icon that they are today. Ari has a weather quirk. Basically anything involving weather they can do it with their eyes closed. Thunder and lightning storms, tsunamis, tornados but also snow and sunshine. They’re really OP and hella versatile it makes it more fun to write their fighting style. I paired them up with Denki in your stereotypical meet-cute scenario. In terms of backstory they just had a really bad ex-boyfriend before Denki came into their life like a literal speeding bullet. Their comfort character is Hedwig from Hedwig and the Angry Inch. 
Litzy Diaz: My last and FINAL MHA OC I promise you. Litzy is from a small town in Mexico and transferred to UA giving herself a second chance to start anew with her new friends and away from her toxic parents. She is fostered by Aizawa and Present Mic who have already adopted Shinsou so they are brother and sister in every way but blood. Her quirk was very heavily inspired by my love of Dr Facilier in Princess And The Frog. She can control shadows, shadow travel through things such as walls and she can control her friends on the other side basically demons from the underworld. Present Mic sees her as his long lost daughter and basically worships the ground that she walks on. He loves her more than anything in the entire world. Her comfort character is Miguel from Coco and La Muerte from Book Of Life. Her canon partner is Juso from Class B. 
DuckTales: I only have one DuckTales OC (thank the Gods) but she’s very special and important to me. I love the reboot of this show even if I’m way the hell behind on it (I promise I’ll catch up after Gravity Falls Donuts!!). 
Sabrina Duck: Sabrina is a sister for Huey, Dewey and Louie!! She shares the title of oldest quadruplet by thirty seconds and often took over the motherly role for her siblings when their mom wasn’t there. She was always reminding them to do their homework, regulated who got TV time and who was in charge of the delegated family movie night. This resulted in a rift between her and her brother Dewey that only got bigger overtime. School was really hard for her to deal with. She was never the best at paying attention during her classes and had a really bad sensory overload one day. She was really close with her uncle Ludwig though and he offered to teach her. They have a really special bond between the two of them that I love writing for. Sabrina was the person that grounded Ludwig to not think up as many crazy inventions. She also knits!! She loves knitting sweaters for her friends and family around the holidays. I am partnering her up with Gosalyn eventually. 
Star Vs The Forces Of Evil: To be perfectly honest with you guys, I have not seen the entire show. It’s really hard for me to get into it. Because when you only really love one character in the entire thing it gets harder to keep coming back for more. Especially because in the first two seasons you don’t get a whole lot of him and I’m stuck on season 2. 
Allania (Nia) Alvez: I feel like out of all my OCs I am the most like Nia. She’s a half elf-half mortal princess that isn’t allowed to live with the elves so they sent her to live with her mortal father. Her dad’s run a bakery in town and she works there as an assistant baker when she isn’t preparing for her next drag show. She grew up in this family full of love and acceptance and grew excited about one day having a relationship just like her parents. Her first brush with love left her broken by the side of the road even though no relationship came of it. A lot of my feelings for my ex-best friend went into Nia’s personality. However, there is a bright side! Of course with every one of my fics so far there is a bright side that comes in the form of my favorite character Tom who gives her the love that she deserves. 
Animaniacs: Of course this is me we’re talking about so there has to be an Animaniacs OC on this list! This is actually the first character that I ever made on my own free will! She has changed a lot throughout the years that I’ve had her mostly because my tastes have changed.  
Elizabeth Martin: Lizzy is a member of the scene crowd, I was inspired by my best friend and what she wears every day. For the modern au that I have her in her and Yakko are dance partners in a musical theater style school. For the regular fic she’s cast as his love interest. I love this girl so much. To me she is everything that I want to be even now. Her strength and confidence to get through every situation, even the ones that she is afraid to deal with speaks volumes to how I want to be one day. One of the few things that we have in common is that we both did martial arts! She stuck with it for longer than me though and is currently a green belt in kempo karate. Her favorite musical is Fun Home because it’s the one that she relates to the most through the eyes of the mother Helen Beckdal. Her parents basically had three other kids and went here take care of these it’s your job. Every time I listen to Days and Days I think of how much she had to go through just to make sure that everything was going according to plan. 
Looney Toons: Who doesn’t love Looney Toons?! We all have our personal favorite characters, mine has always been the schemer Daffy Duck. I thought that he was a combination of the funniest and had the most personality other than Bugs. I love his antics and get rich quick schemes and I thought to myself one day “How cute would it be if he had an adorable little niece who loved space?!” 
Daniella Duck: This began the creation of one of the best ideas that I personally think that I have ever had. So Daniella is the only one out of all my OCs that does not have aspergers. Instead I looked at Daffy’s elongated tongue and was like “Hm something inside of me thinks that she would have down-syndrome...” At first she was just going to have a little bit of her uncle’s speech impediment but this is what happens when I get ideas when I’m working out. Daniella lives with her uncle on the warner movie lot in the show fic. I love writing for her and her uncle’s relationship because it’s soft Daffy (it’s very similar to writing for soft Grunkle Stan and I LOVE BOTH). Daniella also has an uncle figure in Bugs and Porky of course. I gave her canon partner to Wakko because I just thought that they would be SO cute together. He helps her work on her self confidence and working her way around her speech impediment. In the modern au that I have she has a brother Ding Dong (@oo-fabooo02 OC). She goes to school with Wakko, loves Ed, Ed N Eddy, helps her uncle on his podcast because Daffy is a comedian in this au and she helps him write his script for the episodes. She loves space in both aus but in the modern au she actually is able to become an astronaut! 
Teen Titans\Promare: I have the same OC for both Teen Titans and for Promare but she’s more for Promare right now. What started off as just a happy au that she could have with her comfort character from the TT fic sort of spiraled into this whole other au. 
Keiko Katsuragi\Fotia in the Promare au: Keiko is a really special OC in my heart. She’s adorable, fun loving, sweet and just an all around amazing girl. In the Teen Titans au she’s a lot more damaged emotionally. Her father gave her powers through a serum that she didn’t even really want (she thought that he was joking) and it caused her house to burn down. When she left Japan she was homeless until the Teen Titans found her. Keiko is a member of the decora community and loves cutesy, girly things (especially Pokémon, Sanrio characters, Spongebob, Strawberry Shortcake and Care Bears). Her collection of stuffed animals is immense and intimidating. Her canon partner is Beast Boy. I’ve had Keiko since I was six and only just started to refine her and make her into an official OC. Promare au Keiko still has BB as her partner but I made him into a fire fighter for this au to work. She started off in a poly relationship with Meis and Gueira but I changed my mind. Writing the Promare au gave me the chance to make a happy unscarred Keiko. Her comfort character in this au is Dot. 
Princess And The Frog: If you forced me to pick a favorite Disney movie this one would be one of the two answers that I gave to you. I have a very big soft spot for this movie in particular. It is one that changed my life when I sat there as a young child and watched the movie unfold in front of my very eyes. Every time I rewatch this movie I am reminded of how much of my childhood I spent loving hand drawn Disney animation. 
Rhiannon (Rae): Rae is the daughter of Tiana and Naveen. I named her after Raymond the firefly. If you knew what a big comfort character my favorite cajun firefly is for me and my mom then her name will come as no surprise. She is the baker and pastry chef for Tiana’s Palace. Rae is a multi musically talented young girl she plays the ukulele, trumpet and accordion. When I first started writing for her I knew that I wanted her to be bisexual. So I turned to one of my favorite animation fun facts that I know. When Jim Cummings was first auditioning for Raymond they had him sing a song. This song that he sang is by Leon Russel and it’s called Cajun Love Song. It is also the song that he sings when he is untying Tiana and Naveen’s tongues. The song is about a girl named Alice. And part of my brain that makes these connections went perfect! That’ll be the name of her girlfriend. Rae is mostly a daddy’s girl. The relationship between her and Naveen was really what helped me refine her personality. Her comfort character is Rabbit from Winnie The Pooh. She is a gardener in her free time and that’s where she gets a majority of her fresh fruits and vegetables for her pastries and desserts. She isn’t really the best at being a princess. In fact she hates when she has to go and visit Maldonia. She doesn’t feel at home there and they won’t let her cook or bake anything at all because it’s not seen as ladylike. This is when she mostly feels like something is wrong with her. Why can’t she just do this one seemingly simple thing for her dad? When he does so much for her why can’t she do this? She learns that even though she isn’t perfect she is so very much loved that it’s ridiculous. Her family loves her so much and they’re willing to move hell or high water for her to be comfortable. 
Gravity Falls: My most recent obsession (I did not have cable when the original show was being released please don’t kill me). I have recently been binging this show on Disney+ and have just started the second season. I hope to be done with it within the next week or so because I love it so much. My favorite character so far is definitely Grunkle Stan. I love his growth and development from a power hungry greedy old man to somebody that clearly loves the kids that are put under his care. Watching his adorable relationship with mother and the father son relationship with Dipper is something that is really close to my heart.
Twilight Pines: My most recent OC!! Twilight is the older sister of Mabel and Dipper and has been visiting Grunkle Stan for years prior to the start of the show. She’s used to his money scheming antics by now but she still loves her favorite Grunkle. Growing up, Twilight had a nervous stutter. She was shy, nervous a lot, socially awkward and was never really the best at dealing with other people. This made her comfort character Piglet from Winnie The Pooh. Her stutter is still there but it’s gotten a lot better!! She spent the year before the show starts at drama camp trying to get over her stutter. While it’s not gone completely it was a lot of progress. She has a really strong relationship with her caretaker for the summer because of the years that she’s spent with him in the past. Up until Mabel went with her for the summer she thought that she would be the only niece in his heart. See, after Mabel was born she took up a lot of the attention. Everyone wanted to look at the cute one instead of the nervous one. It’s just the way that life is. But during the summer she got to spend it being the favorite relative of somebody. When she notices how close Mabel and Stan are getting that’s when she knows that it’s over. She was naive to ever think that somebody would pick her as the favorite. Not when Mabel existed alongside her. It’s not that she doesn’t love Mabel because she clearly does. It’s just that well sometimes she wants to be loved and appreciated by her parents instead of constantly being sidelined. That’s why her summers with her Grunkle were so important to her. It was just three months out of the year. But for those three months working at the Mystery Shack and having all kinds of chaotic fun were the highlight of her year. She has to learn that she has her own values too. One’s that while don’t oversell her sister are still her’s and they are still beautiful. She learns that her parents love and care about her just as much as her sister. It’s just hard to be a show stealer in this house let’s be honest. Twilight is a pansexual and her canon partner is Wendy. 
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shebeafancyflapjack · 4 years
First Strike
One last mini-fic before it’s back to work for me. Inspired by something @cecret-with-c said months ago about if Chris revealing himself had been more intense. It’s been a while since I wrote some whump as well.
What if Chris had done more than punch Eleanor in the face? (Sort of a sequel to Let Me In).
Once again, Michael is grateful that he was given a human suit with such long legs to help him sprint in such far strides. He’s had to do more running than he ever expected to do in the past couple of years and the only time he was ever ‘caught’ was when he willingly gave himself up, not that he counts that time as a loss.
He races across the town, ignoring the heads of the Janet babies who turn in his direction out of vague, programmed curiosity, making his way towards the most dull-looking beige bungalow on the corner. It’s the house of the grandmother no kid ever wanted to visit because all she did was sit in her armchair and forbid laughter while she ranted about the noisy ‘illegals’ living next door.
The door is closed. From the outside, there’s no obvious sign of distress. 
And of course, every resident’s home is made to be sound-proof in the interest of privacy (a feature Tahani pushed on when Janet revealed the ‘surveillance’ feature of Michael’s previous experiment. They weren’t happy about that). It explains why the others are all going about town as normal despite being close enough to hear any sort of ruckus.
He braces himself before rushing forward, finding the door unlocked as he turns the handle.
“Eleanor?” He calls, immediately. 
What awaits him inside is as bad as he predicted, furniture turned aside, a few smashed vases and torn, hideous flowery wallpaper. But at least nothing is on fire. Michael feels that’s always a plus to be counted in most situations.
He stumbles in, almost tripping over the leg of an upturned side-table. 
“Shirt...Eleanor?!” Michael tries again, looking down the hall, the house seeming like a small bull just charged through the place.
“I’m here.”
He follows the dejected voice to the living room, finding her sat on the one half that remains of broken sofa. The tiny bit of relief he feels at first to see her in once piece shatters when she raises her head up from her hands.
An uneven pattern of swollen bruises decorate her face, tearful eyes shining between the puffy lids, blood still dripping from a cut on her lip and to the side of her left eyebrow. There’s marks on her throat, her hands and where her jacket has been torn on her arm as well.
One would think Michael had seen enough beaten up humans in his existence for it to no longer affect him, but the sight of Eleanor in this state cuts deep.
She braves the smallest smile; “You should see the other guy.” She then winces, possibly regretting speaking.
“Linda?!” He still can’t believe it. It doesn’t make sense!
He’d been leaving his office to head over to Tahani’s when he’d bumped into a furious Janet, frog-marching a pissed off looking Linda in her grip. Before Michael could ask what the fork she was doing, Janet simply ordered him to get over to Linda’s house, for no other reason than ‘Eleanor is there’. He didn’t need more than that.
It was only after he’d left he smelled the blood on Linda’s hands. Eleanor’s blood. The same that is sprinkled around the room in its destruction and still leaking from her fresh wounds.
“Turns out Linda’s not as boring as we thought.” Eleanor scoffs, raising one of her blackened hands and cringing in further pain; “Fork...”
He puts aside the issue of Linda for a moment as he goes to kneel in front of her.
“Here...” He gently takes her wrists, cradling what looks to be an almost crushed set of fingers, delicately; “It’s okay...”
He snaps his fingers.
Eleanor hisses again, in discomfort more than pain this time, as the bones reset and fuse, her cuts seal up and the bruising settles down, hopefully taking the pain away with it. She lets out a deep sigh, now simply looking pained with exhaustion. 
“Thanks, bud...” 
He stays kneeling before her, eyes full of concern.
“What happened?” He asks, carefully; “Why didn’t Janet do that?”
Eleanor shakes her head, “Y’know what? It’s crazy. I don’t even remember...I just came here, wanting to try again with Linda, see if I could have a talk and understand her...For a few minutes she was just quiet, sitting and sucking on her mints while I did all the talking...And then out of nowhere...she got up and...”
She clenches her fingers on her lap, clenching her jaw to the point Michael hears her teeth grind.
“Take your time.” He tells her; “What did she do?”
“Not she...He.” Eleanor smirks again, annoyed; “Suddenly Linda was speaking in a guy’s voice...Calling me an annoying little bench, raging at me about how he got so sick of having to ‘play nice’ around me, and put up with me, when all he wanted to do whenever I opened my mouth was...Well. You saw for yourself.”
Michael takes a breath. He saw the result. He dreads to imagine what actions the clearly-not-human took to leave Eleanor looking like that.
“I just kinda blacked out, I guess. At first it was almost funny...this little old woman picking her chair up and throwing it at the radio, that was kinda neat. Then he started throwing things at me and I wasn’t ready to get out the way. And then, when I tried to call for Janet...his hands were on me and...” 
It might be more terrifying than the scene he walked in on, to see Eleanor Shellstrop this shaken and struggling to form a sentence. 
He flips the coffee table back upright and slides it close so he can sit and take Eleanor’s healed hands in his. He cages them safely in his own, rubbing them warm.
She laughs again, tears spilling; “Fork, Michael....I dunno what’s wrong with me!”
“You just took ten rounds from a demon, no one is going to judge you for not being yourself.” At least, that’s what he’s assuming. If Linda isn’t a human then angel is also very improbable, which leaves one last option. 
“I’ve dealt with ashholes on Earth trying to cup a feel when I wasn’t interested and I had no trouble handling myself or knowing how to get help. But this...” She trembles in his grip; “I was so....frozen. Like I couldn’t do anything! It was only when I thought he was gonna throw me through the window, I managed to call for Janet. She did offer to fix...” Eleanor gestures to her face; “But I just told her to get that motherforker out and somewhere secure...And I asked for you.”
She...wanted him? That causes a selfish little ball of light to glow inside of him, that he was the first one she wanted, out of the others. 
Then he reminds himself that he’s the only one out of them with magic to heal.
“You said this guy talked about having to put up with you before?”
She nods; “Yeah, I can’t remember if he was in those memories I saw...He might have been at that bar in Canada, I don’t remember. Might be the concussion.”
“Ah...I think I know who Linda might be underneath. I...put you with a lot of demons who posed as your fake soul mate and...one of them kept coming to me with a lot of complaints by the end because he was sick of it. It was only because he had the most handsome skin suit out of them all, he claimed I was being objectifying.” Michael waves off that bit; “His name was Chris.”
If he was working for Shawn to infiltrate them, posing as one of the humans, did he agree to it purely for the chance to finally get to physically hurt Eleanor like he always begged Michael permission for? He feels sick at the idea that he contributed to this in a way. 
“Well I’m glad Chrissy got it out of his system, now I know how guys really feel after having to put up with me.” Eleanor lightly jokes.
“No guy who’s been close to you would ever dream of hurting you like this.” He says that, earnestly.
Even before he changed sides, no matter how crazy Eleanor drove him, no matter how often she foiled his designs, he never wished physical hurt on her. Just to make her miserable by pranks and mind games. Nothing like this.
This was the last thing he ever wanted.
“I’m so sorry, Eleanor.” He brings one of her hands to his lips, “This is my fault.”
“No it’s not, dude.” She says, tired; “I should’ve waited for you to be done at Tahani’s before we checked on Linda...We agreed to do these things together...”
Damn, will he and Janet have to chaperone all the humans now until this is over, in case something else threatens them?
“I’m just pissed that we didn’t see through Linda’s whole boring schtick. Tahani even said something was up with her but I ignored it.” She groans and rubs her head.
“Does it still hurt?” Michael frowns. It shouldn’t do, if he did it right.
Eleanor shakes her head; “No...Not from the fight, just...all of this. I was so sure I could handle it but this...I wasn’t ready for...”
“Blame me. You wouldn’t be in this position if I hadn’t had that break down at the start.” Michael tells her, feeling twisted with guilt.
“You didn’t make me choose to take this on, Michael. Stop it. None of this is on you...I’m just glad you’re here now.”
“Of course.” He gets to his feet and offers her his hand; “C’mon. I think we better call Shawn and tell him we’ve got something of his. And the Judge too while we’re at it.”
Eleanor looks up at him and gives a smile, then a nod, before taking his hand and standing up.
They’re half-way to the door when there’s a sudden tug on his hand.
Michael turns, frowning, seeing Eleanor standing motionless behind him. Her fingers are gripping his with such ferocity, his fingers would probably crunch if he was human, while her shoulders tremble, the smallest wince of panic on her face.
“What is it?” 
Her bottom lip wobbles, her eyes on the ajar pink door; “I...I dunno, I just...I d-don’t wanna go there yet.”
“Eleanor, he’s restrained. Janet’s way stronger than any demon, remember? And I wouldn’t let him touch you agai-.”
“I know that, dude, all right?!” She raises her volume, frustrated; “I don’t need your forking rational argument - I know that he’s all chained up and I’m safe and, whatever, because I’m a sexy badash who doesn’t get scared of anything so, fork you, this isn’t because I’m scared because I’m not! I’m fine! You’re the one who’s scared, I’m just protecting you, got it?! So lay the fork-.”
Once Michael has pulled her into his arms, she shuts up. It’s hard for her to keep babbling once her face is smothered into his chest. He waits for the resistance, to be shoved back, but nothing comes. Instead she stills, before her knees buckle, and her arms slip around his middle to cling to him. He places one hand on her neck and the other on the top of her head, stroking gently.
He just holds her tight for a moment, closing his eyes to stop his senses from seeing all the clear signs in the mess around them of what that deckhead did to her. How there’s a dent on the wall from where she was clearly thrown, or how that particular drop of blood stained on the carpet must have come from a blow to her mouth.
“Michael...Bit too tight, bud, you just fixed these ribs...” Eleanor sniffs against him.
“Sorry, sorry.” He loosens a little, still keeping her close, for as long as she clings to him. He pulls back after another minute to touch her face, searching for those green-blue eyes; “Listen. I know you, remember? No one’s aware of what a badash bench you are more than me, okay? But I also know you’re still human...And humans break, that’s what you guys do, it’s what makes you so amazing. That you can be so spunky even when you’re so stupidly fragile.”
And the more vulnerable they are, such as the small woman in his arms, the more courage they seem to hold to compensate. 
“I know how often you’ve wanted to break down when things got tough but you always had to put up a front to save face. You don’t have to do that with me, remember?” He whispers, softly, his thumb brushing a tear from her face; “You were there for me when I collapsed like a Tahani being told she has to fly economy. You trust me to be still be there for you if you do the same right?”
She sniffs again, nodding.
“It’s not just you, bud. God can’t be seen weeping, can she?” She japes.
With a wave of his hand, the blinds close and the door shuts.
“God can have some privacy. You’ve earned it.” Michael smiles at her and brings her back in again, letting her curl into him, one of her hands grabbing at his jacket; “Take as long as you need. I’m sure Janet can have fun with Chris while he waits for us. Make him sweat. We’ll go when you’re ready.”
Perhaps he’ll ask Janet to have some ‘time alone’ in a quiet room with Chris, even after they’ve called Shawn and the Judge. He might not be Chris’ boss anymore but he still feels the need to offer some ‘managerial feedback’. Which is a euphemism, by the way, he plans on eviscerating the forknut.
He hears the smallest hum.
“Thanks, bud. I dunno what I’d do without you.” Eleanor whispers, still shaky, clinging onto him; “We should’ve known they’d be too dumb to use something like a Michael-suit and instead they pull a stunt like this that gives them away. Forking idiots.”
He chuckles with her, resting his cheek on her head as he keeps her close.
“They’re no match for us. Say it with me...We’ve got this.”
“That’s my line.”
“Our line.” He jostles her a little, delighted by the sound of her laughter, more so when she smiles up at him, that fire slowly starting to ignite in her eyes again. 
Michael moves a strand of her hair away before planting a kiss on her forehead. Only fair, as she kissed his cheek last time, and it had felt...oddly pleasant. 
She sighs, “Fine. We’ve got this.”
He looks down at her, feeling ready to burst with admiration. There she is. Eleanor Shellstrop. Holding it together after taking a pummelling from an immortal being. 
Unstoppable, as always. 
Better luck next time, Shawn, old pal. But try to lay a finger his humans again and there will be Here to pay.
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headoverjojo · 5 years
Could you write something for Diavolo being cruel towards someone he wants to be his. I don't mean like hurting them or anything I mean doing something like using Doppio to lure them into a false sense of comfort and trust, while the S/O falls head over heels for Doppio.
Hello there, dear! Ok, I tried, and I hope the scenario it’s fine! I used the anime scheme for his eyes, since I find them really cute. And I already apologize for the last sentence, I couldn’t restrain myself, lol
Diavolo using Doppio to lure a s/o into a false sense of comfort and trust, s/o falls head over heels for Doppio but Diavolo wants them to be his
(Under the cut for possible manipulation trigger!)
Diavolo noticed you, your beauty and your smartness way before anyone else: he was observant, he was always aware of people around him and his sweet Doppio. You stood out among civils and even his subordinates: you always knew how to get by in every situation, he saw it while Doppio was distracted by something else, such as a frog or a bug. He studied you from afar, your habits, your times, how you interacted with your friends; he observed the way you walked and the way you talked, finding them beautiful.
He knew he had to have you. You’d have been his most precious trophy, even more than his long past crush, Donatella, or his Squadra Speciale: he wanted you to stay safe by his side, to show you off to everyone, as proof of his power. Not everyone could have had such a special person at their side and he surely wasn’t a common person. He wanted just the best, he wanted to be surrounded by beauty and glory: you surely would have brought to him both beauty and glory, you would have been the envy of everyone. And he’d have basked in his self-glory with a smug smile, watching with satisfaction as everyone else would have watched at you from afar, without coming near or having you. Because you would have been just his.
However, he couldn’t approach you with his real appearance: he would have scared you away. He needed someone reassuring, someone that you would have found adorable, someone that would have gained your trust… he needed Doppio.
His sweet Doppio was cute and his goofiness was adorable, always hearing others’ opinions. Yes, he wasn’t a charmer, but he was reassuring and he didn’t instill fear and danger like himself did: he seemed innocent and harmless, most of the time. Sure, he should have been careful not to call him when he was near them or his little phone scene might have scared them away, but he would have found a way. He always did.
So, he finally took his final decision. Doppio, who was quietly reading on a bench, froze for a second, before emitting a high-pitched “turuturuturuturu!” and putting the book on his ear. His left eye rolled like a billiard ball for a second and, when it stopped, it was a vibrant green and not the usual sweet hazelnut.
“Pronto? Boss?” he murmured, watching around, careful. His green eye flinched again, before Diavolo’s voice responded to his other half.
“Doppio, my Doppio… I have a mission for you.” Doppio’s back straightened up and he frowned, focused, as always, when Boss had a mission for him. “Now, turn around slowly. Do you see that person on the bench?” Doppio nodded slightly, observing from afar you sitting on a bench and checking your phone.
“I want you to become their friend. They have to notice you and you have to be at your best for them. Act normal, with them: they have to trust you. Is it all clear, Doppio?” Doppio nodded, watching you, gulping. Becoming friend… well, those were Boss’ orders. He would have completed the mission, in a way or another. If Boss wanted him to do so, so be it.
“I understood, Boss. I’ll do my best.” he murmured, while the left corner of his lips lifted in a sly smile.
“I’m sure you’ll do. Now, let’s get started, Doppio.” the left eye rolled again and set on a sweet hazelnut color. Doppio took a deep breath and frowned, watching the book, confused. What was he doing? And his head hurt so much… but he had to do something, he remembered. The Boss told him to do something… but what?
He stood up, still fidgeting with the book and watching around. What did he have to do, what…? And his migraine was getting worse, why did his head hurt so much?!
“Ehi, are you feeling good?” Doppio’s head snapped up, hearing an unknown voice. His big eyes met yours and your curious expression.
“It seemed like you weren’t feeling good. It’s the head? I have some meds for migraine, if you need.” you said, while Doppio watched you in amazement. Why were you so kind…? He was used to people mocking him for his weirdness and softness!
“O-oh, yes, some meds would be useful, thank you…?” he left the sentence open and you smiled, while handing him the meds.
“Y/N. I’ve seen you often around, in the last period! This is a really nice place to come to read, don’t you think?” you asked, while Doppio took the pill with a sigh, hoping that the migrain would pass soon. He nodded, handing back the meds with a murmured thanks, before smiling a little.
“It really is! Do you come here often?” he asked, curious, cocking his head to a side. You smiled again, softened by the young man’s behaviour. It was so cute… and you had seen him around: he was a gentle soul, but he never talked to you or noticed you.
You nodded, sitting near him and then you started to talk about the books you’ve read, about animals -and you found out that Vinegar Doppio, this was his name, was really fond of cute little animals such as frogs- and then hours passed. He bid you goodbye with a goofy smile and you waved back, content. He was really a nice guy, Vinegar Doppio…
You couldn’t notice how his left eye flinched into a bright green for a fraction of a second, sign that Diavolo was studying everything, every second. Doppio hummed to himself, while the left corner of his lips lift in another smile.
It was all going as it should.
And so, Doppio felt obliged to go to that park every day, at the same hour, feeling like the Boss would have appreciated it. And he wasn’t wrong: every day your liking for Doppio grew more and more. He was so cute! He was a bit forgetful and his frequent migraines worried you a bit, but he said it was normal and he had suffered of it since childhood, so he was used to it by now.
You appreciated his love for every form of life, from bugs to frogs to other animals; he was naturally kind and this kindness was often mistaken for idiocy. People who didn’t know him often thought that he was a coward and a ratherly stupid young man, but you knew better: you saw the softness in his eyes, his sincere desire not to be involved in conflicts, to live a peaceful life. You really loved to pass your free time with him, even if he had some weird habits. Sometimes he just froze for few seconds, his eyes widen. His lips trembled, as he was speaking to someone; after few seconds, however, he blinked and went back to talk to you like nothing was happened. Sometimes he grabbed random objects or animals -you would never forget when he grabbed a frog- and put them to his ear, as to listen to something inside of them. He always apologized, after those facts, but never explained the reason behind them.
You learned that Doppio didn’t love too much to talk about certain things, such as his habits, and you didn’t pry: it was harmless, all in all, and it didn’t stop you from liking him. And, well, the adorable smile he gave you and how his freckled cheeks flushed when he was happy and was laughing compensated for every strange habit he could have had.
You finally understood you were falling for him when you found yourself staring at his lips so much that you missed the sudden and quick change in his eyes, how his left one passed from brown to green, how, sometimes, they rolled back, like they were not completely controlled by Doppio.
Diavolo noticed how you behaved with Doppio: your eyes filled with adoration, those affectionate gestures, how you followed everything he said, everything he did.
He saw how you, now, utterly entrusted Doppio with your life, how you thought that he could never harm you or lead you on a dark path.
How innocent you were…
When Diavolo was finally satisfied with the amount of trust you felt for Doppio, he called him again. Doppio was at home, cooking dinner and humming happily, after a whole afternoon spent with you, when he froze on spot.
“Turuturuturuturu!” he cried, his eyes completely blown out, before watching around. A phone was ringing! It was the Boss!
“Turuturuturu!!” he repeated, finally grabbing a tomato and bringing it to his ear. His left eye was already green.
“Pronto, Boss?”
“Doppio, sweet Doppio… you did a really good job with our little friend. I think they’re ready to meet me, now.” Diavolo said, while Doppio was literally beaming with joy at the Boss’ praise.
“T-thank you, Boss! When are you going to meet them?” he asked, almost bouncing on place. The left corner of his lips rose in a grin, as the green eye flinched like crazy.
“Tomorrow. You’ll take them to me, my sweet Doppio. I’ll wait for them here, in your house. Meet up with them as usual and then take them to me. They’re ready to enter my court.” Doppio smiled, hearing Diavolo’s words, and frantically nodded.
“Ok, Boss, I’ll do it! I’ll take them here, tomorrow!” he promised, as always so eager to please his Boss. Diavolo grinned and it showed in Doppio’s mouth, for half bent in a feral grin.
“Good, Doppio. I’ll patiently wait.” he said, before Doppio’s eyes rolled again, going back to their normal state. The young man watched the tomato, confused, before shrugging his shoulders and going back to the dinner.
Diavolo quietly observed his other half going on with his life, mulling about you and how you have followed Doppio even to hell and back. He was sure you would have followed him even when he, Diavolo, would have revealed himself from Doppio.
Doppio’s eye flinched to green for an instant, and, without Doppio even noticed, a wide grin graced his lips. Oh, you were so near to become his, his trophy, his beautiful doll.
You were so near to finally be part of the court of the Crimson King.
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Every time I fell more in love with you:
-When you made fun of me for owning so many pairs of shoes 
-The first time I heard you play guitar and you were so nervous
-When we laid side by side in the grass at night and I could feel your warmth so close to me 
-When I held you all night after a bad fight with D
-When you helped me sneak balloons into my dorm for Hannah's birthday
-When you insisted that we say that we loved each other every time we were going to class
-When you told me about the things you loved and your eyes lit up, melting me a little 
-When we’d walk to Goodwill and get ice cream after
-When we’d curl up in your bed after bio
-Every time you had a bad day and camped out in my room and we’d watch Coraline
-Whenever you’d come see me in the library after work and you’d bring me food
-When you’d randomly call me for math help
-When you’d wrap your arms around me and put your head on top of mine
-When we went to Walmart and you jousted Alicia and we almost got kicked out
-When we went to Target and you tried on ridiculous outfits
-When we’d sleep at night and you’d let out cute little noises in your sleep that just killed me 
-When you cried in my arms and my heart broke for you, I would have killed whoever hurt you in that moment 
-Whenever you hyped my makeup looks (which I did 100% for you)
-When we visited the humane society and looked at pups
-When you decided to transfer to NAU and my world turned upside down
-When I confessed to you and you met me with unconditional love and support
-When we held each other in the kitchen after 2nd Saturday at God knows what time
-Every time you smile at me and my whole body heats up
-Every time you meet my pain and trauma with understanding and it surprises me
-The day you graduated basic training, and you were so proud of yourself
-The first time you passed a PT test and you couldn’t wait to tell me
-Whenever I was sick and you’d buy me soup
-Every time you treat complete strangers like you’ve known them for years
-Every time you smile at me and my hands shake because of how much I just want to touch you
-When you face-timed me every day while I was back in California
-Every night when you’d fall asleep on call with me, showing trust in me 
-Whenever you were upset and you’d seek comfort and support in me
-Every night that we stayed up till 4AM talking about absolutely nothing
-When we got our tattoos together
-Every time you talk about our future
-When we talked to Mimi about your past and I had to physically restrain from wrapping myself around you to try and shield you from that hurt
-When we argued about the historical inaccuracies in the Princess and the Frog
-When we danced to the sound of the rain for no reason
-Every time I have a bad day and you just make it better
-When we’d make dinner hella late because we got distracted 
-Every day when I came home from work and you were napping with LB
-When we face time and you stop to just look at me like I’m everything, that kills me every time
-When we fall asleep together, despite the distance
-Every time you call me baby
-When ever you open up and show me just how vulnerable you are 
-When you trust me with things you’ve never trusted anyone with
-When you showed me around Alabama, telling me stories the whole time
-Whenever we end up laughing until we can’t breathe
-And millions of other tiny little moments: I fall in love with you everyday, I was fated to lose my heart to you from the beginning
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andrewmoocow · 5 years
Gravity Soul chapter 13: Return to the Falls, Trust No One? (originally posted on August 12, 2019)
AN: As Doctor Stephen Strange once said, "We're in the endgame now." I'd like to thank everyone who has stuck by me since Thanksgiving 2017 as I laughed, cried, cheered and felt myself die inside while this saga progressed. They always say parting is such a sweet sorrow, and I have a feeling it's going to be even more sorrowful for me since this story holds a special place in my heart as a crossover between my favorite anime and one of my favorite cartoons. But enough sentimentality, let the final battle against KISHIN CIPHER begin.
There was dead silence in the now red-lit forest of Gravity Falls. Kishin Cipher's fortress the Fearamid continued to hover above the Oregon town that barely had any life left inhabiting it now that the townspeople were either transformed into building blocks for his throne or hiding in the shadows.
However those shadows would finally see a beacon of light shining nothing but hope upon the desolate village in the form of the Mystery Meisters returning to the falls at last. Out of a portal came Dipper and Mabel first, their bond broken and repaired within the span of a few hours after the boy went out of his way to save his sister from the grasp of Kishin Cipher and Anti-Mabel.
Next came Stanford Pines, Maka Albarn, Black Star and Death the Kid along with their respective weapons Azusa Yumi, Spirit Albarn, Tsubaki Nakatsukasa and Liz & Patty Thompson. "This is it everyone. Beyond these woods, our final battle with Bill and Asura awaits." Ford boldly declared. "Is everyone ready?"
"I definitely am. And I'm ready to save Soul as well." Maka responded willing to risk her life for the sake of her Demon Scythe. "As am I dudes. We're coming for you Mr. Pines!" Soos added also ready to rescue his father figure and former boss Stanley Pines. "We haven't got a moment to lose, but I suggest we find shelter before he finds us." Franken Stein suggested turning his screw while Wendy, Crona, Ox, Kim, Kilik, Gideon, Pacifica, McGucket and the rest of the team followed behind. "Any ide-"
"Mystery Shack." the kids stated in unison before Stein could even finish. "Well aside from the fact that that's where we stayed at last Weirdmageddon, there's also a mystical barrier made out of unicorn hair protecting it from weirdness." Dipper explained. "Wait, unicorn hair?" Black Star wondered. "Tell me more!"
"How about later? We gotta get moving!" Mabel said racing to find the Shack. The group then followed the sweater girl but without their knowledge, an Eyebat peered at the party before flapping its wings and soaring to the Fearamid.
The eye creature entered the pyramid and faced its master Kishin Cipher as he schemed on his human throne. "Okay, gimme reports little guy!" he commanded the Eyebat with a poke of its cornea. It rumbled a bit before a holographic image of the Mystery Meisters running away from him. "Well well well, can't say I'm not surprised!" the Dream Kishin commented with a sneer. "Now we can finally start the welcoming party!"
His minions all assembled before their master and took a bow as Kishin Cipher gave orders. "Okay, I'll need all of you circling the town in search of any survivors!" he stated. "Arachne, Shaula, Mosquito, Giriko, Shifty, you follow those mortals and terminate them! Henchmaniacs, blow that cabin to bits and take out anyone inside! And Horsemen?"
"Yes Master?" the Madness of Greed formerly known as Grunkle Stan wondered planting his sword in the ground while his eight-legged horned possum Shanknir scampered to his side. "I've got a special assignment for all of you. I need the four of you to fight alongside me in the eventual big showdown. You up for it?"
"As always mighty God of Weirdness and Madness." Medusa Gorgon, the Madness of Wrath, answered loyally. "And I trust that you in particular won't try to turn on me and take my power?" K.C told the witch. "I sincerely promise you that I have no ulterior motives."
"Very good." Kishin Cipher smirked, feeling ready to destroy all in the fated clash.
"We should be getting close everyone, I can smell the cheap money." Dipper stated hiding in the bushes as he spotted the tourist trap from afar. "It feels like it's been so long since we've last seen that old place."
"Really? Cause it felt like we've spent an entire night searching for Pacifica and then a few days in Death City." Mabel added stacking her head on top of her brother's. "Well no matter, we're finally home." Ford continued stepping out of their hiding spot to knock on the door. "HALT! WHO GOES THERE?!" a familiar voice screamed. "Can you shut it Rumble? You'll get us caught!" another exclaimed harshly. "Besides, who knows who it could be?"
"Is that Eruka?" Dipper muttered in shock. "And that other guy sounds really familiar." Soos replied. "But let's barge in just to be safe!"
"That is rather rash and could be dangerous, but okay I believe you." Maka stated preparing to bust down the door. "Let's do this."
Battle cries were all around as the Mystery Meisters charged into the Shack with weapons raised high and a little resistance within the hovel roared as well. There were however a few familiar faces among the resistance's ranks. "Eruka, Free?" Dipper and Mabel exclaimed in unison. "Kids?" the frog and wolf responded just as stunned when the Multi-Bear stepped out of the bathroom. "Just so we're clear, we're all out of toilet paper." he announced amidst the awkwardness. "Did I miss something?"
"Are you making yourself at home Stanley?"
Stan sluggishly smacked his lips with a grumble and slowly opened his eyes to discover that he was now in a black and red room with a lamp as its only light source and a choppy record player nearby. Stan was bewildered as last he remembered, he & Soul sacrificed themselves to protect their loved ones and converted into minions of Kishin Cipher. He decided to get up from the chair he was sitting in to get a better look, but instead found himself chained to it. "Let me ask you again. Are you making yourself at home Stanley?"
"Hardly!" Stan exclaimed struggling to break out of his chains. "Where am I and who are you anyway?!" he asked. "Oh pardon me sir. Allow me to introduce myself." the voice's owner, a fine-dressed imp with a wide grin on his face, apologized. "I am the little demon now residing in your heart after you accepted the Black Blood within you."
"Hey, doesn't Soul have a weird little man kinda like you inside of him?" Grunkle Stan asked. "And why am I in this Sunday best getup?" He then brought attention to his current attire of a tuxedo with a red bowtie and a diamond ring on his finger. "Though I do like this ring."
"Why it's simple. As a fellow host of the Black Blood, you are one of four people forced to serve your new master. Though only one wasn't unwilling." the Ogre explained snapping his fingers to reveal the other hosts; Preston Northwest, Soul Eater Evans and Medusa Gorgon. Medusa was the only one to not be restrained to a chair, implying that she was the willing one.
"You won't get away with this you crimson cretin!" Preston shouted before the Ogre made a gag appear with another snap of his fingers. "Oh you Northwests don't know when to quit or shut up." the demon commented. "He's right you little twat, the twins will find a way to save us!" Soul added just as defiant. "Just why are we all here?"
"The master simply wants us all to be in better harmony." Medusa explained picking up a violin from a table out of two other instruments. "Make your choice." she commanded allowing the captives to get up from their chairs to choose. "I call dibs on the saxomaphone." Stan declared snatching the brass instrument. "Guess that leaves me with the clarinet." Preston added picking up his chosen woodwind. "But what about the boy?"
A spotlight shone on a grand piano behind Soul. "Of course." the scythe muttered sitting down and preparing to play. "But still, what's with all the harmony crap?" he asked the ogre. "Even though you are completely powerless to stop everything that you're perfectly aware of, there still has to be teamwork amongst Bill's slaves." the imp remarked. "NOW PLAY!"
The three unwilling Madnesses slowly warmed up under the watchful glare of Medusa who began expertly leading the way on her violin. Soul unwillingly but just as beautifully followed up with his piano while the Gravity Falls citizens just awkwardly looked at each other. "Do I see reluctance?" the Ogre snarled viciously electrocuting the two. "PLAY!"
"Okay, keep your pants on Lucy!" Stan growled playing the saxophone while Preston began his clarinet. Although their number was a nice piece, it symbolized how the three males were completely reluctant to serve Kishin Cipher.
"So that's the whole story?" Dipper asked Eruka while the group sat around a campfire inside the Mystery Shack that the resistance against Kishin Cipher had made their homebase. "Yeah, when we found your weirdo little house, there were already a few other people taking shelter as well." the frog witch answered. "Yeah, and a ton of strange characters too!" Free added. "Like those minotaur guys, the little dwarves, a couple of video game characters and whatever that bear is supposed to be!"
"Hey for your information Bigby, we're gnomes! The dwarves hang around in the mountains." Jeff exclaimed standing up next to Free. "But what of the strike force Death sent in?" Kid wondered twiddling his thumbs. "Most of them didn't make it." Sid stated. "Justin tried to kill that monster, but he was made a part of his creepy throne. Djinn Galland, Tsar Pushka, Feodor, Tezca Tlipoca and Mifunewould meet the same fate."
In a dark corner, Zubaidah & Enrique comforted a grieving Angela while Dengu & Alexandre leaned on the wall with Pitt colas in hand. "We're trying to do the best we can to fight back, but Kishin Cipher is pretty much all powerful." Mira explained. "The only thing that can keep us safe from him now is that unicorn hair shield keeping his powers at bay."
Suddenly rumbling footsteps sounded outside the Shack. "Uh guys, we got a situation!" the resistance's lookout, the wax head of Larry King, announced. "Those Henchmaniac guys are heading straight for us! And I am honestly surprised it only took them until now to find us."
"Everybody, battle stations!" the dating simulator character Giffany shouted taking position at a nearby window as the Henchmaniacs finally arrived with Moonlight, Kaguya, White Rabbit and the Black Clown leading the way. "Come out come out wherever you are." White Rabbit chimed in a sing-songy voice. "Your hair shield may not be penetrated by us, but we will find ways to penetrate you."
"NONE SHALL PASS!" Manly Dan screamed putting up his dukes. "You're only just making us want to tear you all to bloody shreds even more." Paci-Fire boomed telepathically. "Why the hell are we only cowering inside the Shack when we could be out there kicking their asses?" Black Star asked. "Also, what kind of monster is that ugly baby?"
"We're just not ready yet. Our forces are strong, but we still need something even stronger to stand a chance." Candy answered. "Candy's right you guys. We need to save Soul, Stan and Mr. Northwest if we want to save Gravity Falls. They're part of that big wheel Ford talked about." Maka responded. "Exactly, but how can we rescue them in their current states?" Stanford pondered. "By the way, do you think they can hear us?"
"Yes, yes we can!" Pyronica called out, causing the polydactyl author to angrily pound the wall. "Dammit!" he groaned agitatedly. "Well, time to cut things short. Kid, Kilik, Wendy & Dipper, you're all coming with us." Black Star declared. "The rest of you hit the deck!"
"Are you truly sure about this kids? These demons may look rather ridiculous, but judging by their apparent connections to Bill they must be insanely powerful." Stein observed. "We have to do this to protect the Shack while the rest of you think of a new plan." Kid replied beckoning Liz and Patty to his hands. "You're right. Stay safe out there." Maka promised the tourist trap defenders.
"Hey Henchmaniacs, we're right here for you!" Dipper announced grabbing Excalibur on his way out the door. "Well look who we have here, the master's favorite Pine Tree." Kaguya purred. "He always has talked about how much he hated you the most."
"Listen you creeps, just tell us where Soul & Mr. Pines are or you'll go from monsters to targets." Kid threatened. "We're basically saying prepare to get wrecked you rejected Pokemon!" Wendy added tossing her axe at one of the demons aiding the monsters. The creatures were silent for a moment and then, roared before charging.
"Incoming!" Kilik declared yanking Paci-Fire's binkie out of his mouth and stabbing him in the eye with it. Kid meanwhile shot right through Keyhole's namesake forehead at Lavalz. The amount of bullets put through the lava lamp creature's body were so plentiful, they put him on the brink of death. "Please boy, I beg you to have mercy!" he begged the son of Death. "I can do whatever you please! I'll be your servant, I'll turn on my fellow demons to assist you, just please don't kill me!"
"You know, come to think of it." Kid contemplated before a shadow rose from behind him. "This was all a trap and there's someone behind me, correct?" he wondered aloud shooting Amorphous Shape in the eye without even turning his back. "Now Dipper!"
Dipper cut Amorphous Shape to pieces while the creature's guard was down and he screamed loudly as he was reduced to just his soul. "Aw snap, he just killed Morphy!" Kryptos shouted. "This one'll be for him you freaks!" Pyronica shouted lighting her fists aflame. The opposing sides charged while everyone else in the Shack concocted a plan of attack.
"So I suggest we try using a human sacrifice." Stein revealed. "I like it!" Soos agreed. "No, I don't think that will be necessary." Maka rejected the idea to everyone's dismay. "We need an approach that'll involve everyone of us working together."
"OOH, OOH, OOH! I GOT ONE!" McGucket cried raising his bandaged hand. "All right, what do you got Fiddleford?" Stein asked the rich hillbilly. "Giant robit! We already did something like that last Weirdmageddon!" Fiddleford answered excitedly. "Funny story, that's almost exactly what we did when we fought Asura." Azusa stated. "Coincidence, I think not."
"But how are we going to get one? Especially in a place like this?" Crona wondered. "We can use whatever we please around town. Like we said, worked last time." Wax Larry King answered. "Is anyone else going to question why this wax head can talk?" Sid offhandedly pondered. "Whatever, let's get moving!"
As for Dipper's group, they were all backed into a corner by the surviving Henchmaniacs. Lavalz, Paci-Fire, Keyhole and Hectorgon had now joined Amorphous Shape in being destroyed, but their friends were now even more furious and taken them all down. "Well Dipper, where does this fit into our battle plan?" Kilik grunted awaiting his fate. "I'm sure something will turn up for us." Dipper replied optimistically. "Is that so?"
Standing before them, Arachne had just joined up with the former Nightmare Realm prisoners alongside Mosquito, Giriko, Shaula and the Shapeshifter. "And where were you this whole time?!" White Rabbit exclaimed hotly. "We were simply biding our time. Besides, it was fun seeing the children try oh so desperately." Arachne added. "And speaking of which..."
"Don't even think about trying anything funny with us or the Shack!" Wendy threatened. "Is that so little redheaded bitch?" Giriko snarled menacingly. "Well let's make a compromise. We'll do something funny with your little friends who are no doubt trying to escape."
And indeed Giriko was right. Maka was leading a group of the survivors out of the Mystery Shack consisting of herself, Bud Gleeful, Thompson, Ox, Sid, Mr. Poolcheck, Tyler, Free & Dengu. However the party would immediately be blocked by the Shapeshifter. "Stop, right, there. Which one of you wishes to die?"
"Hands off you glowing bastard!" Free snarled baring his claws. "Aw, poor little Free. It seems that you couldn't stand being a pariah for what you did to Maba, so you decided to betray your master for these weaklings she wants destroyed."
"For your information Xenomorph, Medusa was kind of a pretty awful boss and we just moved to a different one." the wolfman responded with a stupid grin on his face. "Can you not doom us right now?" Mr. Poolcheck and Thompson said in unison. "As you did serve Kishin Cipher, it is most unfortunate for you that I must slay you to prevent the rebels from gaining any information on him." the Shapeshifter deduced preparing to strike. "Make your last wishes."
"Stop right there!" Maka cried pointing her father's weapon form at the alien creature. "I won't let you harm anyone here today. I bet you won't even last until tomorrow to come back and kill us all!"
"Very well, then we'll strike again within two days!" the Shapeshifter replied. "How about three?!" Black Star butted in suddenly. "Four!"
"MAKA CHOP!" Maka cried smacking Black Star on the head and knocking him out. "Tomorrow it is then." the Shapeshifter declared. "Okay everyone, pack it up! We can start again the next day!"
"Aw man." the rest of Kishin Cipher's present minions groaned like disappointed children. "SUPER anticlimactic." Kaguya complained. "I know right?!" Giriko replied. As the monsters began to leave, the rebels raced back inside the Shack to form a plan.
"So what were you doing out there leading those guys?" Ford asked Maka. "We were coming up with attack plans while Dipper was out fighting and someone made the suggestion of turning the Shack into some kind of robot."
"That's exactly what we did to beat Bill last summer!" Mabel exclaimed. "Exactly!" McGucket added. "Seems like we made it safe to go outside again, so let's get to work." Tsubaki stated. "But where can we find what we need?"
"Don't worry everyone," Dipper announced. "Mabel and I know where."
One montage of working hard on the resurrection of the automated tourist trap later, the rebels snuggled up underground in Ford's laboratory watching for signs of trouble. "Status update: K.C's forces have kept their word." Tambry announced peering through the periscope disguised as the totem pole outside the Shack. "Good work, we still got time left." Ford applauded. "Time left til we can get Stan and Soul back."
"And my father?" Pacifica asked innocently. "Sure, him too." the scientist answered. "Can't you show her a little sympathy? Her old man is currently forced to fight for an all-powerful demon thing and even showed willingness to help us before that, yet you still have that grudge against him." Liz stated. "Yes I apologize for being a bit insensitive, but the other two are still most important." Ford claimed. "Now then, have we worked any kinks from the last time?"
"Well, definitely got more unicorn hair to fully shield us." Candy stated in the midst of cutting Celestabellebethabelle's mane. "And it can fly now too!" Grenda exclaimed. "Is there anything this town can't do when they come together?" Melody said.
Meanwhile in the attic, Maka gazed out the twins' bedroom window at the blood red sky in silence. "Don't worry Soul, we'll be there for you soon."
"Did we hear you talk about Soul?" Mabel asked suddenly interrupting their older friend. "Gah, you guys!" Maka squeaked. "Aw don't be so skittish Maka, we just got a little feeling you like him." Dipper replied. "As in, like him like him." Mabel added beaming which made the scythe Meister blush like mad. "Oh quit blushing, you know too!"
"Okay, you got me!" Maka finally gave in. "I really do like him. He may be rather distant and cold, but he's just that much of a loyal friend who would do anything to protect me!" she confessed to the twins. "That's why I'll protect him in exchange, and maybe we could finally make music again."
"And you've been hiding these feelings for how long now?" Mabel asked Maka again. "I mean, I've heard that you two often argued like you were married or something."
"But let's try not to hyperfocus on that for now, cause I've also heard that if you do so, you can get distracted a bit too much and even get mad when people try to keep you away from your-" Dipper responded before Maka shushed him. "Okay okay, let's just keep up the fight against Kishin Cipher. Hopefully no one heard us."
"I did." Soos stated suddenly appearing by the door. "Don't mind me dudes, I just knew it from the moment we all first met."
Meanwhile at the Fearamid, Arachne was forced to give Kishin Cipher the bad news about the results of the attack.
"My sincerest apologies master, we just arrived too late." the Spider Witch revealed bowing to the ground with her two subordinates and youngest sister. "But still, we might as well prepare for the final battle." she assured him. "You got a good point there Rachney." Kishin Cipher agreed spawning a wineglass filled with time punch. "In that case, I propose a toast! First one goes to absent maniacs."
The army of demons began mourning for the fallen Henchmaniacs while holding their own wineglasses. "Morphy was just too young!" Kryptos bawled into Pyronica's cape, blowing his nonexistent nose on it. "Did anybody else catch the lava lamp guy's name?" Moonlight asked Xanthar, who simply replied with a shrug. "This one is for you Keyhole." 8-Ball declared drinking the glass and tossing the time punch away hard enough for it to explode.
"But I would also like to propose another one." Kishin Cipher solemnly stated when his mournful expression turned into a fierce sadistic grin. "TO OUR ONCOMING VICTORY!" he cheered tossing his glass to the ground and smashing it underfoot. "MAZEL TOV TO ALL OF YOU! MAZEL TOV!"
The otherdimensional freaks began cheering for their master as his speech continued. "I'd like to thank all of the following for helping us make it this far!" Kishin Cipher announced splitting himself into Bill Cipher and Asura for the first time in what felt like ages. "First off, I'd like to thank my number one fan here for making a deal with me to exact our revenge!" the Kishin exclaimed fistbumping the dream demon. "And I'd also like to thank that pigtailed scythe-bearing brat for giving my new partner here that stupid courage punch!" Bill responded. "Without her, we wouldn't have met and become an unstoppable team!"
The duo merged back into Kishin Cipher who picked up a microphone while a large projector screen appeared behind him. "And in addition, we are also thankful for all the idiots that led themselves to their doom!" The screen began picturing many of the Dream Kishin's enemies and all they've accomplished in accidentally guiding the monsters to victory while the minions continued cheering. "It brings a tear to all three of my eyes to see so many freaks of nature all under one roof to celebrate the coming end of the universe! Especially you creature with like eighty-eight different faces! There, are you happy now?!"
"Actually, I've grown an eighty-ninth face!" the aforementioned multi-faced trog declared revealing a very handsome face to have sprouted. "Oh my, look at that thing!" Kishin Cipher exclaimed revealing the face's turquoise humanoid form. "Isn't it just dashing?!"
The creatures began oohing and aahing at how bizarrely attractive the new face was before Kishin Cipher returned to his speech. "As I was saying ladies, germs and unspeakable horrors of all shapes and sizes, this is it!" he declared making double peace signs over a podium while the projector screen made a large portrait of himself appear. "Tomorrow is the day that sanity goes completely down the shitter and pure madness reigns supreme! How excited are you!?"
"VIOLENTLY!" his army chanted arming themselves with torches, pitchforks and all sorts of stereotypically uber-violent tools. "And how bloody will our enemies' deaths be?!" Kishin Cipher continued. "INSANELY!" the monsters screamed pumping their fists. "Yeah, that's all I wanted to hear!" the leading abomination shouted raising his arms. "Come on everybody, let's get weird!"
Elsewhere in the Fearamid, the Four Madnesses meditated while their harmony exercises continued. The horsemen sat in utter silence until the Madness of Greed opened a single eye. "Kids."
The next day, all was silent once more in the forest. That is until a large mechanical being ambled among the trees, casting a shadow over the flora. Metallic footsteps thundered while leaving large car-shaped footsteps behind until finally, the Shacktron 2.0 reached the clearing where the Fearamid was situated. "Are we ready everyone?" Ford asked taking the pilot's seat. The rest of the rebellion nodded in response while preparing for war. "Good. Time to make our claim."
A large megaphone placed at the deck of the Shack was turned on by Dipper before he spoke into it. "Kishin Cipher, this is the Mystery Meisters telling you to surrender now and give back our friends or prepare to fight!" the boy threatened with an amplified voice. However, there was no answer. "D-Did he just give up already?"
"I'll say." Kishin Cipher sarcastically answered while suddenly appearing in front the young Pines brother and giving him a scare. "Long time no see Dipper, been a long while since we had a one-on-one chat!" the Dream Kishin casually greeted his archenemy. "And did you lose weight or is the stupid cosplay just throwing me off?"
"It's not stupid cosplay, my sister had it specially made for me!" Dipper declared defensively clutching onto his scarf. "Oh come on brat! It's too obscure, too ugly! I don't know which is worse!" K.C continued insulting making his hand violently detach itself. "I might just split a seam now if I don't die laughing first!"
"Not if we have the last laugh! NOW!" Dipper commanded allowing the rest of the crew to start firing all sorts of weapons at the Dream Kishin. "You can't break the Shacktron this time, we got unicorn hair from head to toe now!"
"Oh my, you're actually giving me a challenge?" Kishin Cipher quizzed while his forces spawned behind him. "Well what're you waiting for mortals?! Come and get me!"
"This is it everyone, we can do this!" Maka exclaimed taking control of the Shacktron 2.0. "Keep firing at them all!"
"But Maka, we can't just blast cannons at him forever!" Tsubaki advised. "You ready Black Star?" she asked her Meister holding out her hand. "Like Hell I'm not!" the ninja responded taking up arms and leaping outside the Shack, clashing blades with the Madness of Greed. "Been waiting for a proper rematch old man, haha!"
"Bah, you are simply a child dressed in a silly outfit. In fact, you are all children in silly outfits compared to us and our master." the old man in the golden armor scoffed taking out the Shadow Weapon Meister and making him fall to the ground. "NOOOOOT SIIIIILLLLYYYY!" the teen shouted faceplanting into the dirt. "Wait, are these clothes really that stupid?"
"Is there any way we can free Stan, Soul & Mr. Northwest without K.C getting in the way?" Dipper asked Stein. "The freeing our friends part is quite simple Dipper, we call it Chain Resonance where our souls must be on an equal playing field to do great things." the scientist proclaimed. "The keeping Kishin Cipher from interrupting part is much harder."
"How about the important guys, that's you guys, take on the Madnesses while everybody else keep the big guy at bay?" Free suggested warding off the Eyebats with his ice magic. "Good idea Free, and good luck too." Dipper agreed. "Okay everybody, we're gonna tackle the Madnesses ourselves!" he announced to the Mystery Meisters currently not occupied with fighting the monsters while Black Star crawled back up to the Shack. "Any last words before we go?"
"I got one." Pacifica stated turning to her mom. "Mother, I promise we'll bring Dad home."
"I love you." Soos said to Melody. "I know."
"If I don't come out of this alive," Gideon announced to his father and Ghost-Eyes. "tell my widdle ol' story."
"No offense to any of you guys," Azusa said to Ox, Harvar, Kilik, the Pots, Kim, Jackie, the NOT class girls and Hiro. "But you didn't do that much. Like I said, no offense."
"Eh, I'm used to it." Hiro replied giving a salute to the Mystery Meisters. "Now godspeed, all of you."
"Thanks everyone." Dipper said gratefully taking Excalibur by the hand and putting him in the sheath Mabel made for him. "And don't worry Stan, we'll be here."
"Hey hate to interrupt, but do you think these outfits look kinda dumb?" Black Star asked. "We don't have time B-Star!" Mabel exclaimed hurriedly. "Mabel's right, let's get a move on!" Maka announced arming herself with her father.
In the distance, the Four Madnesses were now benched after Greed's brief clash with Black Star watching their master take on the Shacktron from the Fearamid. "When do you suppose we shall strike once more?" the Madness of Sloth snarled biting on the tail of the eight-legged possum Shanknir. "We'll come back once Kishin Cipher is done with the mortals." the Madness of Wrath stated. "But speaking of which, I can sense a certain few of them coming our way."
"We've got you now Medusa! Release our loved ones, and others, or else!" Ford exclaimed leading the Mystery Meisters in cornering the four Madnesses. "It's absolutely hopeless now for all of you." the Madness of Envy purred menacingly while spinning his scythe. "Soon, Kishin Cipher's madness shall flood this town and once we bypass the barrier surrounding this town, we'll move onto the rest of reality as well."
"Barrier?" Marie asked turning to Ford. "That's the law of weirdness magnetism, whatever bizarre thing comes in can't get out." the author briefly explained. "But it seems that through Kishin Cipher's unlimited power that I'm sure he keeps pulling out of his behind, he won't need a special equation I've memorized to lower the shield around town."
"Doesn't matter if he's able to do that anymore, since our lord can warp all reality to his whims." the Madness of Sloth stated. "But enough about him, let's kill you!" The Northwest-turned-beast summoned his giant bell and slammed it onto the ground, creating a small crack in the floor of the lair that began getting larger. "Just wait til this hole begins to get larger and soon you'll fall headfirst on the ground below! I hear mortal brain-matter is delicious this time of year!"
"Listen daddy, I know it's still you underneath that hideous body!" Pacifica called out. "Please, just do anything to tell you still recognize me! I'll even take you ringing that stupid bell again if it means I'm still seen as your daughter!"
The Madness of Sloth prepared to smack his bell again before the girl's words reached his ears. "Pacifica?" he grumbled mid-attack. "He's open, now!" Maka shouted slashing the monster across his face with her father. "You brat!" the slovenly monster roared. "Black Star, tie those three up and we can begin!" the Scythe meister commanded the ninja who readied his chain scythe and lassoed up Sloth, Greed & Envy. "Dipper, did you bring the journal?"
"You bet I did!" Dipper proudly declared fishing Journal 3 from his backpack. "The three of you into position and get your wavelengths rolling!"
"Okay, this is it." Kid remarked as the three formed a circle around the three captured Madnesses. They began forming a connection with their soul wavelengths that built up a forcefield surrounding them. "No, you won't get away with this!" a frantic Medusa howled trying to stop the Resonance, but the barrier had other plans that caused it to send her flying toward her master's throne.
"Everyone, together!" Ford commanded placing his hand on the combined soul. "Wait, is this even possible?" Crona asked the author. "I honestly have no idea, but let's just improvise." Stanford answered while the rest of the group placed their hands on the soul. "Dipper, if you please."
"You got it." Dipper declared opening the journal with his free hand and beginning to read. "Videntis omnium. Magister mentium. Magnesium ad hominem. Magnum opus." he began chanting and everything took on a brilliant cyan glow, from the Mystery Meisters' eyes to the soul surrounding Maka, Black Star and Kid. "Habeas corpus! Inceptus Nolanus overratus! Magister mentium! Magister mentium! MAGISTER MENTIUM!"
In a similarly-colored explosion, all were fast asleep.
In a pitch black ethereal realm solely inhabited by three pillars with stained glass portraits depicting the trapped trio, Dipper & Mabel landed on the one depicting their lost great-uncle. "This has to be the place, especially with all the quiet Latin chanting around us." Dipper declared adjusting his cap while Ford, Wendy, Soos, Black Star & Tsubaki landed behind the twins. "And that must be Stan over there!"
Indeed, the boy was right. However, Stan has now been regressed in age in this spiritual plane with his only companion being a silhouette of his father in front of them. "Wait, I remember this! It's like when Crona chatted with his shadow in his soul!" Mabel exclaimed trying to walk towards the shrunken Stanley, when suddenly the shadow blocked her path. It remained completely silent for what seemed like hours before pointing at the group with a earsplitting loud, unearthly shriek while the three pillars rapidly drifted apart from one another.
On the pillar inhabited by Soul, he was currently held in a straitjacket with the Little Ogre holding him on a leash when Maka, Spirit, Crona, Marie, Stein, McGucket & Gideon. "What have you done to Soul you scarlet shithead?!" Spirit screamed preparing for a fight. "What have I done you may ask?" the Ogre snickered while the Latin choir was now backed up by a choppy record player. "Why, I'm simply helping your friend follow his destiny."
"Well what kind of destiny is forcing him against his will to serve a monster?" Marie argued. "Why not just ask the boy." the imp chortled letting go of the leash he held on Soul. "Now go on my boy. Show them how much the master has improved you."
"Like hell I-" Soul began trying to resist control before Ogre pulled hard and electrocuted him. "Make it stop! Just make it stop!"
And finally on Preston's pillar, he was tied to a fancy chair with his head forcefully bowed down while faced by his daughter along with Azusa, Kid, Liz & Patty and Blair. "Dad, can you hear us?" Pacifica called for her father. "What brings you here daughter?" Preston glowered in defeat. "Don't you know that I am beyond redemption?"
"Don't be like that daddy, it's like what Grandpa Auldman said! Even the blackest of hearts have a speck of light within." Pacifica tried comforting Preston, but her hand was slapped away by the bandage tendril of Kishin Cipher. "No no no Llama, YOU shouldn't be like that!" a figment of Bill Cipher scolded the blonde. "It was thanks to me your family was able to rise to the top, but then your generation just had to screw everything up! Need I remind you?"
With a clap of his hands, Bill conjured up a giant bell to threaten Pacifica with. He began ringing it violently, forcing the girl to stand down. "Wait, you're afraid of a bell?" Kid asked her. "Pavlovian conditioning." Preston grumbled. "My wife and I basically made her our bitch with that accursed bell. Go on, shoot me now and end this. All of you know I deserve it."
"No, we haven't lost yet!" Pacifica cried trying to resist the bell and slowly marched towards her dad. "Our...family...name is broken!" she growled in her struggling. "And I'm...going...to...FIX IT!"
"How are you fighting back?! It's like he said, you're his bitch!" Bill screamed continuing to ring even louder before Kid and Azusa shot at him. "And you're all pretty much Shinigami's bitches too, having to do the dirty work while he lazes about because his stupid soul protects that even stupider city!"
"I don't think so Bill." Kid scowled. "Now Blair!" he commanded the cat, who let out a loud "Halloween Cannon!" and blasted the bell out of Bill's hand. "This isn't over you all!" the triangle screeched angrily while fading away. "I'm only a figment of his mind, preparing all of you for the real deal!"
As soon as the imaginary Bill faded, Pacifica made a beeline for her father's prison and released him. "P-Pacifica?" Preston stuttered before his daughter hugged him tight. "B-but why? Bill was right, I was a monster!"
"I know you are, but you can be something more." the blonde said softly. Suddenly, the spirits of every Northwest before them appeared lining up beside the two and facing them. With soft smiles, the ancestors vanished just as quickly as they materialized, leaving a fade to white behind.
"More firing, more! More!" Grenda hollered as the Shacktron soared around the now giant Kishin Cipher like a biplane, continuing to shoot at the monster while he waved his arms around trying to swat them down. "Uh gang, don't think we're gonna last any longer out here!"
"Don't lose hope everyone! The unicorn hair will protect us!" Sid exclaimed while in command of the flying hovel. "Though I'm mostly saying this because I've already died before. The rest of you might not be so lucky, not gonna lie."
"If that's the case." Wax Larry King solemnly declared turning to Hiro and Dengu. "Then gentlemen, it's been an honor." He grabbed a violin with his teeth and began playing it with the bow he bit down on, before a large crashing sound was heard. Appearing from the distance was Death City itself, now with its own set of limbs equipped with larger copies of Death's gloves.
"Are you kidding me right now?" Kishin Cipher began chortling at the walking city. "I mean, what's a literal walking town gonna do to-" Before the Dream Kishin could finish, the Death City Robot gave him a fierce jab to the eyes. "THE HELL?!" he screamed falling to the ground. "Seriously, is that you in there old man?!"
"You bet it is Cipher!" Lord Death called from the Secret Vault where he piloted the machine. "Time for us to settle the score, and this time this shall be the day your madness ends forever!" The mobile city then held out its hands and scooped up Kishin Cipher's unconscious form. "Special Attack:" Death announced. "COFFEE TABLE FLIP!"
"SO AWESOME!" the boy band clones Sev'ral Timez cheered. "Who digs giant robots?!" Hiro exclaimed. "I dig giant robots!" Nate replied. "We dig giant robots!" Chutzpar added. "Chicks dig giant robots!" everyone else answered in unison. "Nice!"
Back in the mindscape, Soul and Stan were the only ones remaining of the present Madnesses. The shadow form of Filbrick continued his horrible shrieking for another few seconds before abruptly stopping. "Is that your old man?" Black Star asked Ford. "Exactly Black Star. Though he was most certainly a hardass in life and not very kind towards Stan, he was a very mediocre guy very deep down." Ford answered. "Allow me to make peace with him."
The author stepped forward towards the facsimile of his long-deceased father and extended his hand out. "Hello there dad, or at the very least some spawn of Hell taking his form." he greeted Filbrick. "It's me, Stanford. I know this may seem like much, but could you please kindly let my brother go free so that he can join us in saving reality from utter destruction?"
"Not impressed." Shadow Filbrick snarled glaring at his descendants. "Not impressed with what?" the six-fingered genius asked. "With what you've become." Filbrick answered. "Look at you my son. Workaholic, haughty, unforgiving."
"That's all in the past!" Ford argued. "Okay, maybe I'm still a little too focused on my research, but still you have no right to call me out like that!"
"You tell 'em Ford!" Mabel exclaimed before Shadow Filbrick forced a barrier around the others and another over Stan. "They are insignificant, especially to you!" the shadow stated. "Your family is suffocating, correct?"
"No, stop all these lies at once!" Ford continued shouting. "You should watch your tone around your father!" Shadow Filbrick scolded. "I thought your brother was the only ignoramus between you two, but it seems you're just as foolish!"
Stanford didn't say a word after that, except for the growl he let out as he clutched his father's faker's neck tightly. "You take that back about us you faker!" he roared. "I know what you are, you're nothing but a manifestation of our negative emotions!"
Suddenly the barrier lowered around the rest of Ford's party and prepared for a fight. "Get them!" Shadow Filbrick choked commanding an army of duplicates. "Black Star, help me here!" Ford shouted to the ninja. "Yahoo, a chance to show my skills at last!"
"Finally time to put "that" to good use." Tsubaki grinned before they declared in unison, "Let's go, Soul Resonance!"
Tsubaki's weapon form changed from a chain scythe into a katana blade and then into a kunai that Black Star used to create afterimages of himself while running circles around the Filbrick shadows. "Try and catch me suckers!" the man who would surpass God cried out brashly. Sadly for him, the shadows were able to find out which was the real one and apprehend him, snatching Tsubaki away. "Don't worry, I got this!" the Shadow Weapon Meister declared preparing another move. "Ultimate Move: Black Star Big Wave!"
Black Star zoomed in for the kill, elbowing his partner's captor in the back while forcing his palm out, creating a large electrical force in the shape of a star that dissipated the shadow and freed Tsubaki. "And now, onto you!"
Jagged black lines began decorating Black Star's face as his sword finally shattered the shield around Stanley, and the de-aged grunkle looked up. "Black Star, what're you doing back here?!" Stan cried trying to protect himself from the scrambling shadows. "Just saved your life kid. Come with us if you want to live some more!" Black Star exclaimed taking the boy's hand as Stan slowly began returning to his normal age. "Yo Dipper, Ford, we got Stan!"
"Excellent work you two! Now let's finish this." Ford congratulated the pair letting go of his father's impersonator to prepare for the final blow. "Everyone, mobilize!" he commanded standing alongside his returned brother. "Good to be back in the fold poindexter." Stan said with his voice returned to its normal gruff octave. "And thanks for helping me out there kid."
"You're welcome old man!" Black Star replied beginning to charge towards Shadow Filbrick alongside the Stans & Dipper. "Now let's end this!"
"What are you doing?!" Shadow Filbrick cried out in horror before Dipper and Black Star's souls formed a connection. "Twin Blades of Legendary Justice!" the two boys announced their new attack as they stabbed their enemy in the chest while the Stan twins punched him on both sides of his head. "Y-y-y-y-y-you haven't won, YEEEETTTTTTT!"
Those were the final words of the fake Filbrick Pines before he exploded into pure light that covered the entire mindscape, along with similar blasts coming from the other two pillars.
"Oh geez, what happened?" Stan groaned slowly getting up off the wet ground and noticing the sky was a beautiful blue. "And where are we? Are we dead? I was betting on biting the dust like a hero."
"I don't think we're dead Grunkle Stan." Dipper stated gazing at Tsubaki standing nude, glowing and covered with black stripes in front of a large deer-like creature colored black with white markings. "Everyone, this is the will of my clan." Tsubaki introduced the creature who glared at the three Pines. "I see you have taken on a pupil of your own my camellia blossom." the will of the Nakatsukasa clan remarked gazing at Dipper. "And it seems he wields the legendary sword Excalibur."
"Yeah, good observation there." Dipper remarked. "So are you going to like, bless me or something?"
"Such a modest young man." the Will of Nakatsukasa commented. "Reminds me quite a bit of Masamune before his fall." he added turning to Tsubaki. "A little, I guess." the young woman replied stepping down to look at the boy. "Are you ready for the next phase of training?"
"Uh, uh, yeah?" Dipper stuttered while he face turned red from trying not to look at Tsubaki's spiritually bare form. "Hey guys, am I late?!" Black Star hollered rushing towards the group. "Hey, we gonna knight Dipper or something?"
"Sure, go ahead Black Star." Dipper answered proudly before the ninja summoned his sword and knighted his newfound equal with it. "Hopefully you can be just as badass as I someday."
"You got it." Dipper answered his new brother in arms with a firm handshake and the realm went white once more.
"Please Maka, just kill me and put an end to this! It's the only way I can be free of him!" Soul begged his Meister as the Little Ogre continued pulling on his leash. "Just do it!"
"No Soul, I can't!" Maka cried. "I won't let you die like this, not after all we've done for each other." she stated letting a few tears fall. "We may bicker a lot, but you've done so much for me. I'm your partner, best friend, closest confidant. And maybe we could be something more."
"Called it!" Marie cheered. "Oh, my baby girl!" Spirit replied feeling proud of his daughter. "Wait, when was that a thing?" Gideon wondered. "Bah, don't think the power of love can stop me!" the Ogre scoffed yanking on Soul's chain even harder, the pain forcing him to change into his Madness of Envy form. "Now my slave, finally destroy them!"
Maka armed herself with her father and got to work on trying to free Soul. However for the latter, he had a scythe of his own that is pretty much an exact double of his weapon form. "So it's come to this old friend. Scythe to scythe!"
"Meister to weapon!" Maka replied clashing blades with Soul. "Soul to soul!" Their weapons collided and ground against each other, causing sparks to literally fly. As for the rest of Maka's group, they were forced to fight more shadows similar to Shadow Filbrick.
"We need to find a way to get Soul distracted so that we can save him!" Stein exclaimed while taking command of Marie and fighting back-to-back with Crona. "Anyone have ideas?"
"Why don't we, I don't know, get 'em to kiss?" McGucket suggested. "But how can we do that?" Crona wondered. "Simple, just gotta shove 'em into each other!" Ragnarok suggested. "But we'll have to take out all these first to make more room and make things go smoothly."
"And where have you been this whole time?!" Gideon asked Ragnarok. "You've barely been useful to us for most of this journey ever since we left for Death City!"
"Hey, shut up kid!" the Black Blood sword argued just as McGucket split them up. "Alright you two, let's just get a move on."
"It's like my master said, the power of love is fruitless against me!" Soul hissed proceeding to gain the upper hand on his former partner. "What makes you believe I can be cured?!"
"Because she's got help!" Crona declared trying to push the Madness of Envy towards her. "Quick old man, start playing!" Gideon cried shoving Maka forward. "You got it!" Fiddleford exclaimed beginning to play a romantic tune on his banjo while Stein cleared out the remaining shadows. "What trickery is this?!" the Ogre yelled as Maka & Soul began slowdancing. "Don't fall for that music, just kill them all!"
"W-what are you trying to do Maka?" the final Madness asked slowly beginning to turn back into Soul. "Remember how earlier I said we can be something more?" Maka asked softly. "Well it's because, I do kinda have a crush on you. I mean, after all we've done for each other I'm surprised you haven't admitted that either."
"Yeah, gonna be honest, I do too." Soul confessed. "Even this music is something we made together, isn't it?" he asked slowly bringing his partner in for a kiss. "Yeah."
"NO! NO NO NO! I can't be foiled by the power of cliches, what will Master Cipher think?!" the suited imp panicked trying to separate the newfound lovers. "Well we think you need to go." Crona snarled shoving him off the pillar and into the inky blackness below. "I know he'll get you for all of this!"
As Maka and Soul finally kissed, the mindscape went completely white.
"Yeesh, couldn't wait until after we saved the world, huh?"
When the pair broke, they found themselves back in the Fearamid with the entire Mystery Meister crew, plus the recently returned Stan and Preston, surrounding them. Spirit burst into tears about his daughter finding love, Mabel & Marie highfived each other for a match made and Black Star gave his buddy a thumbs up. "My man!"
"Everyone." Soul gasped looking at them all. "And Mr. Pines too!?" he exclaimed staring at Stan. "Yep, in the flesh Sharkbait." Stan cackled and took a deep breath. "Real nice for us all to be back together."
"So where do we go now?" Preston nervously asked and Dipper, Maka, Mabel & Soul looked onward at Kishin Cipher being double-teamed by the Shacktron and the Death City robot. "Kishin Cipher." they declared in unison.
Speaking of which, Kishin Cipher found himself backed into a corner by the two mechanized homes. "So, any suggestions my surviving goons?" he asked the remains of his army. "Well, it seems you can't directly hit the Shacktron." the Summerween Trickster analyzed. "So we must hit something with it!" Wax Sherlock Holmes added. "Like the other robot!" the Flying Dutchman concluded, which gave Kishin Cipher an idea. Shrinking down to regular size, he warped above Death City and extended his arm into its underground to seize Lord Death from his current hiding spot. "Not so all-powerful and all-knowing now, aren't you father?!"
"If this is part of another scheme, that's not going to happen!" Death shouted smacking Kishin Cipher in the face with his glove while being held by the antenna on top of his head. "I'll let you run free, if you hand over my soul." K.C. offered threatening him with an energy blast on his middle finger. "Or perhaps you'd much rather prefer being murdered on the spot in front of your soon to be dead son!"
"I'd never!" the Death God refused. "Well, suit yourself." the Dream Kishin casually answered carelessly dropping Lord Death on the ground from high above before his arm next searched the Death Room, eventually finding Asura's soul buried underneath one of the crosses within.
"Come to papa!" the monster announced swallowing the soul whole and beginning to get more stronger. Tiny bat wings emerged on his head which became more angular & chiseled, his arms more comedically muscular and the bandages forming into demonic wings. "And now for the main course!" he roared excitedly grabbing Death City by the large rock formation underneath and smashing the Mystery Shack into pieces, potentially killing everyone inside. "Oh no, I murdered everyone you love! Ah, don't be a bunch of sadsacks, cause you'll be joining them pretty soon!"
The Mystery Meisters stared in shock, horror and sadness at what just happened. Soos started crying uncontrollably at the possible loss of his fiance, Preston futilely reached out for his wife, Ford dropped to his knees in defeat and everyone else was in mourning.
All except for the Mystery Twins and Maka & Soul, who were absolutely furious at Kishin Cipher. Dipper held Excalibur tightly while tears leaked from his enraged eyes, Mabel stuck to her brother's side, Maka simply glared and Soul clenched his fists in fury.
The final battle for the fate of all humanity has finally begun. And in the distance, a certain clergyman stood atop a tree watching with a wolfman.
Hey there boys and girls, sorry this took so long! I just got tied up with so many things that this chapter took me nearly most of the year. But hopefully this is all worth it, even with some parts feeling rushed in my eyes. Is the resistance truly dead and has Kishin Cipher finally won?! Well, I guess the final line might make it pretty obvious. Join us next time for the epic final clash where the fate of Earth and all reality shall be decided.
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konan720 · 6 years
Sgt. Frog/AHiT AU: Stranded
Description: A young recon squad of three crash land on earth after shortly arriving to the planet. Separated and lost; they look for a place to stay until they can find a way home.
(Chapter one: Mayday!)
‘Mayday! mayday! This is Recon ship Zeta! Engine failure! Requesting rescue!’
A voice played on, over and over throughout the vast void of space; the voice came from a downed ship, small for a normal sized ship of their kind. The beings that dwelled within it long since gone. The wreckage was now in the side of a large mountainous region of an island far from a major city.
In this island, stayed a quiet little town. The world they crashed on is referred to them as pekopon- living there are pekoponians;
But to the natives?
They know themselves as humans, who live on the planet earth.
Small ‘plap’ sounded off in a steady pattern, as a small being wondered though the empty streets of a neighborhood; it was raining heavily that day- Sky dark and unrelenting; though the small being didn’t seem to mind all that much.
She was more worried about being lost- and alone; scared she was, as she looked for her squad. Entering the planet was not in the plan, some unseen and unfortunate events occurred. They were only to study and give information back to the ones in charge, waiting back home-
They were to young to see any major battles yet; but they had special privileges. Asking enough times can also get you pretty far.
Finally coming to the conclusion that this small being wasn’t going to find her friends here, she sat down and started sniffling; stifled little sobs barely heard over the rain.
Earlier this morning, two young adults clambered around their neat two story house; they were both getting ready for today. “Moon! Get moving! We’re going to be late!” One could hear shouting from inside the house if they stand close enough “and bring an umbrella, it’s going to rain today!”
“Oh relax, bother- I’m always prepared!” A more calm tone follows after a loud one “Snatcher, what’s gotten into you today? You seem more agitated the usual.”
Identical twins stood at the entrance of their modern style doorstep. William, and Mathews- but to everyone else they grew up with;
MoonJumper and Snatcher.
“Mid terms.” Snatcher deadpanned
A simple ‘Ah’ followed after as the two walked onward to school. They had to keep moving as thy talked, it wasn’t going to wait for no one. Especially when it's college.
“And then there’s Vanessa!” He emphasized, raising his hands to the sky “she won’t stop bothering me! Even after I’ve broken up with her, she thinks we’re still dating!”
“You broken up with her; when did this happen?” MoonJumper asked
“A week ago- and boy; that wasn’t pretty..” Snatcher put a hand to his face; slightly traumatized by the display of displeasure she showed.
“I would imagine, she seems to be missing a few screws..” moon said, earning a nod from his brother.
being identical mostly twins, they had looked the same from birth, besides their eye colors, all the way to Middle school; during High school is when their styles changed-
Snatcher, bored of his brown hair, died it a dark shade of purple- a shade that looks indefinitely black at first if not looking at it with a bright light source.
MoonJumper still kept his natural brown color, but upon his face he wore glasses, his vision not as bad, but from time to time he'll use them. Mostly when he goes to school, because his seat was positioned in the far back.
The only thing that was still identical, was the fact they still have their hair at shoulder length. Fluffy, one would say, And smooth to boot.
As they left the neighborhood, and into the streets of town, they passed by many kinds of people. A sweet lady in her mid thirties waved them hello, she was a chef at- and quiet possibly, the best restaurant on the island. Owned and ran it with a few relatives.
Then there were the two men who always yelled at each other- well, one did, the other sauntered around and made sassy comeback. Apparently they were directors visiting the island for potential movie ideas- to bad they can't cooperate with each other. They could really make a good movie if one just puts their differences aside.
Then there's the mayor, the boss with his goons; there's something shady about them- but surprisingly they run the town just fine. Nobody really complains, everyone knows each other in some way. These are perks of living in a small town, on an island, far from any major excitement-
"God, this place is boring!" Snatcher suddenly yelled to himself. Earning a small chuckle from his brother.
Up ahead, you could see the college building, sitting just at the borders of the forest the led to the mountains. The mountain sat in the middle of the island, and branched off quite some ways to the northeast, creating a spiky peninsula dubbed- ship wreck isle. Their entire island, from above, comically looked like a frying pan!
"Let's hurry and get to class before Vanessa finds me.." The dark purple haired man said, a whisper as if she was already here.
"I honestly don't see what you saw in her." Moonjumper shook his head, "didn't the others say, 'stay away from her'?"
"Tell me; since when do I listen to other people's opinions?" He snapped back
"And now look where that's gotten you?" Moon raised an unimpressed brow "a crazy ex girlfriend- who by the way, has an unhealthy obsession over you. And is currently stalking you right now." He mumbled something hat last part, noticing movement out of the corner of his eye.
"What, where?!" Without needing an answer or a position, Snatcher took off; Leaving his brother behind. Shortly after, moon hears shuffling, and clapping of slippers chasing after twin. He only shook his head "we might need to call a restraining order.."
To some of the students class was boring, however, to Snatcher- it was going to help him with his dream of becoming lawyer. Unlike some of the students who doodle in their book, and stare out the window, he was one of the students to actually pay attention.
Him and his brother were both trying to achieve their dreams.
What a duo; a lawyer and an astronomer.
With Snatcher's noise in law, Moonjumper aimed for the skies. Hence why he'd gotten the name Moonjumper. Snatcher had received his because at any good opportunity he'd take it and take advantage of it.
As the bell rang for lunch, Snatcher took the chance to stretch out his arms as he watched every one else pack up and leave for their hangout spots. Today, he’ll be coming home alone; for some reason- Rachael; the School’s head of the florist club, has asked for his brother’s help.
Snatcher thinks there’s something going on between the two, because at how fast he had accepted the invitation- thinking back on it, he only chuckled more. Quickly looking out the window before taking his leave, he saw how fast the storm was approaching; it was looking nasty out there.
So nasty, at a point he could have sworn he saw something Strike the mountain side.
It was probably lightning.
“Time to hide for lunch again..” he mumbled to himself. It’s always hard to find a nice spot where Vanessa isn’t watching him- or breathing down his neck.
Once school was over, Snatcher found himself walking down the streets as the rain pelted down on his umbrella... it was nice; peaceful.
Tap tap tap, the steps he took could be heard as he walked- but what was that-? Was that crying..? No, couldn’t have been, who would be out in this weather- at this time of evening? Snatcher paused, just to see if he was just hearing things..
But there it was, almost silent sobs; of what sounded like a child! Turning his head towards a dead end ally, he took action- hurrying over a few trash bags, and making sure he didn’t trip into old sludge, he found himself near and opening- a lamppost shined down on a slumped over figure.
It was so small.. and.. definitely not human. What.. what was it? It was purple, white, and wearing what looked like a tan top hat with flaps. It hadn’t noticed him yet, thankfully-
Should he leave? Before it sees him? It could be dangerous; it could have rabies-
As he stepped back, Snatcher accidentally stepped in a puddle, the splash makes the small head rise, and he got a more clear picture of its face. The bottom half was white, while the top part seemed to be purple. Big strange teal eyes looked back at him- and they were filed with tears. It looked like a small half tadpole that could walk like a human..
And then it spoke-
“I’m lost..” it.. she sniffed, rubbing her eyes “I don’t know where I am..”
it’s speaks English.
“You.. can talk..”
She nodded “can you help me..?” She approached him, and he backed up out of caution. “Don’t be scared pekoponian! I don’t mean any harm!..” she trailed off “I mean.. I as a single being.. the rest of my race is kinda..”
She was just rambling now, he couldn’t take his eyes off or her; Snatcher had to admit, she was cute- but what was that he was just called.. pekoponian..?
“Are you an alien..?” There’s no way something like this is native to earth, and hasn’t been discovered yet.
“I’m not supposed to answer question from a pekoponian-“ but she looked back and forth, making sure no one else was around “but.. yeah- I am!” She smiled.
The two stood there in the rain, after confirming this claim, it took awhile for the collage student to wrap his head around this. Should he just go for it? Just run? Or help her out? By the sound of it- she was the equivalent of a child; but she’s from space and alone- and let’s not forget soaking wet from the rain.
But she was an amphibious life form.. did the rain even bother her?
Snatcher closed his eyes, clinching his umbrella with his back to the alien; he could hear it start to cry again- as if feeling he was thinking about leaving.
“Please.. I’m all by myself right now- I don’t know what this planet will do to me!” She pleaded.
And that triggered thoughts to flood his head- she was an alien; is the government found out about her.. only bad things came to mind. Or what if she got road killed because she couldn’t understand crossing the road?
She probably doesn’t know much about this planet..
Taking a huge sigh, he finally caved in. Looking to the small little being, he extended his free hand. “Come on, kiddo..”
She smiled widely at the tall man, and he started walking off- keeping with his pace; the little frog followed.
“I’m Hakiki!” She smiled, “what’s your name?”
“You can call me.. Snatcher for now..” giving the small being a neutral look.
This will be posted to Wattpad for now; Fanfiction.net, and Ao3 Soon!
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fontainebleau22 · 6 years
Box of Frogs (Part 5)
From @tramstrams‘ not-at-all-serious prompt, ‘an AU with magic, but something has gone terribly awry and people are being turned into frogs. Only Sam Chisolm can stop this madness’.
Part 1 here. Part 2 here. Part 3 here. Part 4 here.
‘Turned into what?’ Sam stood in the doorway to the living-room, taking in the glass tanks full of foliage, humming equipment, stacks of brightly-coloured handbooks on amphibian care and plastic tubs spilling out … eugh.
‘Frogs.’ Goody was haggard, his normally well-trimmed beard beginning to bristle, and dark circles under his eyes: when he’d opened the door he’d fallen on Sam’s neck with the fervour of a drowning man. ‘That’s Joshua up there.’ 
Sam peered suspiciously into the tank on the shelf. Yes, definitely a frog, mottled green and brown with paler ridges along its sides, motionless apart from the rapid in-and-out of its breathing. Joshua?
‘Billy’s in here.’ Goody collapsed onto the sofa beside the larger tank on the coffee-table. ‘He won’t come out straight away – I’ll see if I can encourage him with the misting spray.’
Goody fiddled with a dial, but squinting into the tangle of leaves Sam saw nothing, only a running stream and mossy stones. He frowned. ‘You sure they’re not just pulling your leg?’
Goody looked at him reproachfully: he certainly seemed too agitated for it to be a joke. ‘Ale saw it happen both times: Josh got frogged right in front of him. And Billy too.’
Sam glanced around as though Ale might be lurking unnoticed somewhere in the room. ‘So where is he now?’
‘I put him in with Josh.’ Goody gestured vaguely towards the tank. ‘He’ll be hanging behind those branches – tree frogs are nocturnal.’ Sam leaned closer: he could just make out an indistinct green blob clinging half-hidden behind the leaves.
Right. Sam attempted to rally his rational forces. ‘Is everyone a frog but you?’
Goody nodded exhaustedly. ‘Jack’s in the bathtub.’
‘The bathtub,’ echoed Sam blankly. 
‘He’s a bullfrog,’ explained Goody impatiently. ‘He needs the space, though you should hear his croaking.’ 
Sam felt himself beginning to struggle. ‘You’ve been sharing your bath with Jack? What happens when you want to shower?’
 Goody gave him a withering look. ‘I put him in the basin. Look, can you try to focus on what’s important?’
Sam sat down heavily on the sofa. A flash of blue ricocheted across the habitat in front of him and a delicate black-striped frog landed next to the pool; it seemed to regard him sagely. He tried again to get to grips with the situation. ‘Where’s Red?’
Goodnight pointed upward. ‘On the roof.’
‘On the-‘ Sam bit himself off before he started parroting again. ‘Isn’t that a mite dangerous for him?’
Goody stared at him in puzzlement, then snapped. ‘He’s a hawk, not a frog. He hasn’t been human since Tuesday, I’ve had to wrangle this all on my own. I’ve been counting the days till you came back.
It certainly wasn’t the return he’d been expecting: Sam blew a breath out through his moustache. ‘How did it all happen?’
Goodnight was leaning forward over the large habitat, working at the latches. ‘It’s- there’s this woman,’ he said distractedly, ‘loses her temper, zap!, frogs. Can’t reason with her. Look, none of that matters.’ He grabbed Sam’s elbow with one hand. ‘It just hasn’t worn off, and there’s no cure we could find – kissing him doesn’t work, and what Joshua and Ale have been doing in there together – well, that doesn’t work either. It’s why I need you.’ He fixed Sam with such an earnest expression that Sam couldn’t help reaching to squeeze his shoulder comfortingly. ‘I kept telling myself, all I had to do was hold out till you came back.’
Sam Chisolm, officer of the law, six feet of well-preserved muscle and moustache, handsome, robust and a complete anomaly: a man without a magical fibre in his being. No ability could survive contact with him: from his childhood he had walked in a bubble of mundane reality, left sitting alone on the ground while a tree lifted his friends in its branches, speaking dogs clamming up into resentful silence at his presence, the flying ball that skimmed before a chase of laughing children falling inert to the ground at his touch
As he’d grown older he’d discovered he could make a bottomless flask of whisky turn up rattling and empty and the dancing pictures conjured by a barroom storyteller flicker to meaningless static; he’d made more enemies than he cared to count jostling elbows at a crowded counter and inadvertently stripping the glamour from a man or woman of irrestistible charm.
His stubborn resistance irked him, inevitably, when he had to put up with a minor injury Goody couldn’t cure, when his houseplants withered and died without Teddy’s ministrations, when he saw Faraday roll cheerfully through a wave of green lights which flicked relentlessly to red as Sam approached.
But in a world where everyone manifested some ability, useful or entertaining, the man who stood apart had power of his own. Sam could take pride in an exceptional career in law enforcement: he was the man who could clap a hand on the shoulder of a burglar and enjoy the dawning horror as his super-speed deserted him, the man in whose presence the lies of a con artist would fall clunking and flat from his tongue, the man who could walk confidently through a fog of confusion and slap the cuffs on the crime lord at its heart. Mundane and flat his world might be, but Sam served Justice, and served her well. 
‘You can touch them and make it wear off.’ 
‘Well, yes….’ Sam temporised, but Goody had already set aside the lid of the vivarium and was making frog-coaxing noises to draw Billy out. ‘I’d best put him on the sofa, the coffee table won’t take his weight…’
Sam put a restraining hand on his arm. ‘Goody, wait a minute.’
Goody’s eyebrows shot up. ‘Wait? It’s been days. I can’t imagine what he’s been going through: he’s been eating insects.’
 ‘Have you really thought this through?’ 
Goody made a sudden grab inside the tank and turned to him, hands cupped over his amphibian husband. ‘I’ve been doing nothing but think. All you have to do is touch him and he’ll be human again.’ 
‘It’s not that…’ Sam pressed himself backwards against the cushions, but Goody pursued him. ‘Here.’ 
With an inward sigh Sam caved. ‘Put him down, then.’ 
Goody opened his hands and Billy hopped co-operatively onto the cushion; Sam extended a finger and – flunch! – there was humanBilly sitting between them, rather dishevelled and slightly dazed. 
‘Sweetheart,’ cried Goody, folding him enthusiastically into his embrace. ‘Are you alright?’ 
‘Gkk.’ Billy coughed and swallowed, then looked as though he wished he hadn’t. 
‘I knew you’d fix it!’ Over Billy’s shoulder Goody’s face radiated joy; he pulled back to run his hands solicitously over Billy’s arms. ‘How do you feel? Did I do anything wrong?’ 
Billy stuck his tongue out experimentally, squinting at it, then held up his hand for examination. Goody folded his own around it and drew Billy back again to kiss his brow. He looked at Sam, still sitting at Billy’s side. ‘Could you … give us a minute?’ 
‘No,’ said Sam. 
Goody’s brow creased as Billy struggled from his embrace to frown at the vivarium. ‘It’s been a week: we could use a little privacy. Wouldn’t want to make you uncomfortable.’
‘You don’t understand,’ began Sam, but Goody rose to his feet. ‘Then excuse us – Billy and I will go and you can get started on the others.’
Billy was still touching the tank tentatively;  Goody took his hand and tugged him gently away. ‘Come with me, sweetheart, let me see you’re not–’
Billy took four obedient steps from the sofa, then - zap! - disappeared. Sam and Goody looked down together: where he had been standing was once more a tiny blue frog.
‘No,’ gasped Goody, falling to his knees. ‘No, no, no.’
‘I was trying to explain-‘ started Sam.
‘Quick,’ begged Goody, ‘touch him again!’
Sam heaved reluctantly to his feet. ‘This isn’t going to…’ Oh, why bother? Goody wasn’t going to listen. He squatted down and extended a finger again.
Flunch! There was humanBilly again, swaying a little. ‘I think,’ he said, voice rusty from disuse, ‘I’d like this to stop happening.’ He tried to scratch his eye with his foot and toppled over onto the carpet.
‘Sorry,’ said Sam with a pang of guilt. He jumped to his feet before Goody could stop him and headed for the door.
Goody let out a wail of despair as frogBilly hopped away and Sam took advantage of his distraction to duck into the hallway. ‘Goody, you have to listen. He’ll only stay human as long as I’m here, right next to him.’
There was a flurry from the living room and Goody reappeared, hands cupped protectively. ‘Then stay in contact with him.’
Sam backed away, hands raised defensively, but Goody followed him step by step. ‘What happens when I need to go home?’
‘You can stay,’ objected Goody, extending Billy’s diminutive blue form towards him; Sam felt a doorway behind him and retreated into its shelter.
‘What am I going to do, move in with you? Sleep in your bed so he doesn’t change back at night?
‘You could…’ began Goody optimistically, but Sam mustered his severest tone.
‘Neither of us wants you to finish that sentence. Besides, what about Josh and Ale? And Jack? Bedroom would be a mite crowded.
He’d been backing away from the door while he was speaking, but a sudden chill against his calves brought him up short. Brorp! bellowed something behind him, bass and echoing; Sam let out what he later hoped was a manly shriek and leapt for the door again.
‘Goody, see reason,’ he pleaded. ‘You heard him say it, he doesn’t want to keep transforming.’ For a moment there was silence, then he heard Goody’s footsteps retreating down the corridor.
Sam watched as Goody deposited Billy into the vivarium again with trembling hands, then clicked the lid back into place, ‘I’m sorry, Goody, truly I am, but I’m not the solution to this problem.’
Goody rounded on him, wild-eyed. ‘Not the solution? If you can’t fix this, who can?’
‘Just let me-‘ he began, but all at once the look of woe on Goody’s face was replaced by one of resolute determination.
‘I’m going up to the roof,’ he announced
Sam blenched. ‘Now Goody, I know this is all very distressing, but there’s no call for-‘
‘I am going,’ said Goody through gritted teeth, ‘to speak to Red. He knows where she lives.’
‘That’s a much better idea,’ agreed Sam at once, ‘I’m sure if we approach her like reaso-‘
Goody seized him by the shoulders, cutting him off. ‘You have to promise to bring me home again after.’
‘Huh?’ Why was he permanently on the losing side of this conversation?
‘If she won’t turn Billy human again, I can surely annoy her until she turns me into a frog. Swear to me that you’ll put me in the vivarium with him.’
Sam pinched the bridge of his nose. ‘Goody, this is not….’
‘Swear it!’ Goody struck a melodramatic pose in front of the tank. ‘I love Billy, and I’ll do anything it takes to be with him again. I don’t care if I’m a frog for the rest of my life, as long as-‘
‘What kind of frog will you be, have you considered that?’ interrupted Sam.
‘What?’ asked Goodnight, derailed.
Sam gestured around. ‘Everyone’s different, even I can see that: Billy’s a poison dart frog, you said Jack’s a bullfrog and Ale I’m guessing is a Mexican tree frog.’
‘So if she does agree to frog you, you don’t know what species you’ll be: you might not even be compatible with Billy. We’d have to keep you in separate tanks.’ Goody turned pale, and Sam pressed his advantage. ‘What if she turns you into a bayou bullfrog? You’d probably try to eat him.
‘I would not eat my husband!’ declared Goody, outraged, ‘he’s poisonous,’ but  nevertheless he sagged in defeat.
‘I’ll fix this, I promise.’ Sam squeezed his dejected friend’s shoulder, trying to project a confidence he didn’t feel. ‘I won’t let you down. Just give me a chance to tackle it my way.’
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xoruffitup · 6 years
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child NYC Show Report: 4/15
It’s so exciting to get to write another one of these! :’’) I’m not sure if any other London frequenters have already seen and written about the Broadway iteration, but hopefully we’ll all get to compare notes soon. LET’S GO!
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Act 1, Scene 3 (The Hogwarts Express)
Up until this point, the show felt mostly the same as in London. It was just like coming home to the coziest warm place imaginable – While at the same time my heart was pounding and fluttering in my chest with excitement, and with the thrill of once again being in the same room with this incredible bunch of actors who so convincingly brought my favorite characters to life. When I say the show felt “the same,” obviously I don’t mean “same old, same old” – I mean it was every bit the power and comfort and joy I remembered it to be. My memory hadn’t exaggerated at all the way that all breath leaves me when Jamie walks onto the stage the first time as Harry.
SO, it wasn’t until this scene when something happened to shake things up. I was already beaming to myself when I saw Anthony rolled on stage into the train compartment. Then, once he began speaking it was clear Scorpius was going to be entirely different. Anthony has always been known to sometime pitch his voice lower into that gravely, throaty tone – mostly when he’s shouting or in distress, but the longer he performed in London the more he modulated his normal speaking voice as well to be lower and somewhat nasal-y.
On Sunday, this tone was his whole voice. As the scene went on, it became apparent that the entire tone of the character had changed. He spoke deeper but his speech was also more calm and smooth. There were none of his trademark squeaky moments. My first impression was that this was a more mature, somber Scorpius.
Nonetheless, of course he still had the audience cracking up at his unexpected sweets song. To any new viewer, he would probably still seem plenty silly. But to my eyes, in comparison to Anthony’s usual antics, he was very restrained – To the point that I felt a bit off step, part of me very curious to see how Scorpius would behave as events progressed, and part of me slightly disappointed we might not see Anthony at his most ridiculous.
Scorpius sung out “SWEE-EE-EETS” swinging between multiple high pitches, then abruptly crashed in humiliation for the rest of the tune. But an added cute touch to the scene was Albus saying “no, I didn’t stay for you, I stayed for your swee-ee-eets” – also singing it in a hilarious imitation of Scorpius.
Act 1, Scene 4 (Hogwarts / Transition Scene)
The new Sorting Hat doesn’t do the fierce, ominous whisper like Chris Jarman used to. Instead, he rather clearly whispers the names of multiple houses in rotation before settling on the correct one. For Scorpius, the first whisper was clearly Ravenclaw. Then it went back and forth between settling on Slytherin. For Albus, it circled between Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor.
At the beginning of second year, Scorpius actually tries to give Rose a real rose with the cheese-ball line, “A rose for a Rose!”
Act 1, Scene 6 (Harry and Ginny Potter’s House)
This was the first time that Delphi was genuinely funny when she meets Albus on the stairs. She did the “give me all your chocolate frogs” joke in this faux-Western accent like a cowboy, before lapsing into chatting with Albus in almost a bro-matey sort of way. This Delphi has a much more confident, bigger personality. She’s effortlessly charming and funny, and honestly she’s very charismatic. For the first time, I see why Albus would have a crush on her.
Act 1, Scene 7 (Albus’s Room)
Jamie began this scene softly. Harry is so clearly, palpably trying his best. He so wants Albus to understand the enormous importance behind the gesture of giving him the blanket. Harry sounds so hopeful, almost to the point of being desperate with how badly he wants this gesture to reach Albus and build a bridge between them. Sitting beside Albus on the bed, even while Albus is hunched up and stiff, Harry is being as tender as he can, almost pleading with Albus to understand that this is more than just a blanket – he wants Albus to accept his larger appeal to give their relationship a chance again. It doesn’t have to be taken for broken yet.
Harry’s prior tenderness makes the sharp spike of his anger and the anvil of his words all the more painful. Albus is flippant with his own anger and his spiteful words, because Harry seems to have his walls down, and the danger seems minimal. So Albus keeps going and going, running with it, working himself up more and more while he fails to get a rise out of Harry. Even in “I’m not going to rise to your bait,” Harry remained calm, though growing strained. Then, at “I am done! Done being made responsible for your unhappiness!” Harry burst open into hurt, defensive flames.
When Harry says it, it’s like a visible blow to Albus. He steps back and he crumples. All the fight goes out of him in a second. In past performances, I usually remembered even while Albus was clearly wounded to the core by his father’s words, he remained resentful – anger still simmering below the surface. “No luck or love for me then!” was usually delivered with the exclamation point at the end, as Albus throws the blanket angrily onto the bed and storms out.
This time, none of that angry energy was present. The moment Albus hears the line, he visibly breaks instead. Through “You meant it, and honestly I don’t blame you…,” his voice cracked and it absolutely tore at my heart. He seemed to grow smaller by the time he said, “You should probably leave me alone now” and at this point there were audible tears in his voice. Albus leaves the room at the edge of crying, injured rather than angry, and I’d never seen him fall so quickly and terribly distraught during this scene.
This moment made me sit up and really notice Sam. Please let me make it clear before I say this: I have always loved Sam. But during performances in London I have to admit I would rarely really focus on him. He’s a strong and incredibly talented actor without a doubt, but I sometimes felt that Albus could fall a bit static in ensemble scenes.
I certainly did NOT feel that way on Sunday. Seeing how his father’s words so visibly pierced something in Albus’ heart, seeing that they made him cry – it made me connect to Albus in a new, powerful way.
(Spoiler alert: This isn’t the first time Sam would surprise me.)
Act 1, Scene 9 (Harry and Ginny Potter’s House, Bedroom)
Jamie Parker is a wonder. His acting talent just defies both belief and description. When I think back on his performances as Harry, I remember being floored each and every time, and having him wring me dry of every single emotion in existence by the end of Part 2.
His screaming when he wakes from his nightmare and when his scar burns absolutely wrenches at your heart. You’re truly scared for him; They cause pain – the screams are so real.
And then Jamie’s wonder is his incredible versatility. Two scenes ago he was a blustering, angry father speaking to his son in misguided rashness. He wakes from his nightmare in this scene, and then, sitting on the bed with his feet rubbing anxiously together and his face clamped in fear, he is so young and boyish and helpless it absolutely rends at the heart.
It’s incredible how Jamie manages to portray a new, adult visage of Harry who is absolutely credible and true to the young man we know so well. And in moments like these, Jamie almost becomes that young man too. Looking at his frightened expression in this scene, it feels like looking into Harry’s face in OOP, waking from a nightmare about going to places he doesn’t know or watching terrible things happen to people he cares about.
Jamie channels everything about Harry that moves us so – that has moved us since the very first book. And then he manages to add to it, spinning and elevating that boy into tricky, troublesome adulthood that turns out not to be any easier than school after all.
Act 1, Scene 10 (The Hogwarts Express)
There will never be a day when I don’t crack up at the nerdy adorableness of “Yes! A quiz!” This time, Scorpius fist-pumped his excitement and then high-fived Albus before excitedly launching into his mini-lesson on the Triwizard Tournament.
I love Scorpius’ excited little speech here – how much he usually delights in getting to retell thrilling history he learned all about – and I’ve heard Anthony deliver it enough to know how it usually sounds. If you’ve heard him before, you know how he usually adds the hilarious dramatic flair with: “…and transported them to Vooooldemort!”
While Scorpius on Sunday was definitely still excited to show off his book smarts, I didn’t catch any of his usual trademark ticks. In comparison to my expectations, he delivered it downright calmly.
At this point, it was clear that it was a deliberate choice on Anthony’s part to make Scorpius so different. His voice still remained deep and raspy; he wasn’t fidgeting or spazzing like he normally does; he was speaking whole sentences without launching into his squeaky voice or melodramatic exclamations.
By this point, I was starting to wonder what the intent behind the decision was. At first, I had the thought that maybe this is Anthony evolving and coming into his own as an actor. Maybe he’s developed confidence in himself now to play the role with more subtlety. Maybe he wanted to move away from playing Scorpius as an overactive, overly humorous spazz, and wanted to make him a more grounded, thoughtful, funny-in-softer-ways character.
Then Scorpius did something new in this scene, and I got a different idea entirely. When Albus urges him to climb up onto the train roof, Scorpius refused. He clearly mouthed ‘No’ several times, crossing his arms, shaking his head, and refusing to go where Albus points until Albus pulls him out of the way and climbs up himself. Sure, Scorpius is always unsure in this scene, but he always goes along with it. But this time, he clearly dug his heels in. His expression clearly showed he found Albus’s plan ludicrous and foolhardy, and at first, he really didn’t want any part in it.
Another possibility is that Anthony has interpreted the character differently – entirely separately from however he himself might feel as an actor. Here, I had the thought that perhaps Scorpius was rather the one who had discovered more confidence in himself.
Of course, he’s bullied because of the rumors about his parentage and he feels just as much an outsider as Albus, but perhaps this was a version of Scorpius who’s not quite so lost in himself that he’s willing to blindly follow Albus’ lead wherever it takes him. In the end, Scorpius still goes with him – He still makes the decision to follow his friend and abet his hare-brained scheme, but perhaps this is a Scorpius who really considers it on his own first so he can make up his own mind.
My new interpretations of Scorpius would continue to evolve as the play progressed. Leave it to Anthony to always do something interesting!
Act 1, Scene 14 (St. Oswald’s Home For Old Witches And Wizards)
This scene was unusually interesting. While Sam really shone, Anthony added complexity to my attempts to puzzle out this version of Scorpius.
Confession: When Albus is doing his speech about “how much blood is on my father’s hands. … Let me help correct one of his mistakes,” I have to admit I usually take that minute to stare at Anthony. Well, I certainly wasn’t doing that this time – Sam had all my attention absolutely riveted on him. His lines here aren’t even really that dramatic, but he kneeled down beside Amos’s wheelchair and delivered them with this soft, captivating intensity. In London I would often get the impression that Albus was kind of talking himself into this at the same time as he was trying to convince Amos, but this time there was no doubt – Albus held absolute conviction about doing this.
Scorpius remained leaning back against the wall for much of the scene, still looking a touch unconvinced. Then the moment comes when Amos seems to threaten Albus, and Scorpius launches into action. He grabs Albus and physically pulls him away. It’s clear that no matter what reservations Scorpius has about the sanity of his friend’s plan, he has an instinctive, unshakeable protectiveness of Albus that breaks through and overpowers all else.
This could also have been visible on the train roof. While the trolley witch reprimands them and they fall over from the wind, Scorpius reaches back for Albus’s thigh just for assurance Albus is still there and alright. I know Scorpius has done that before in London, but especially with this more thoughtful, calm, and collected new version of Scorpius – I love seeing that the compulsive urge that still bursts out of him strong as ever is his need to keep Albus safe, and at his side.
The tension remained taut and serious in the scene until Scorpius lightened it again with his classic “Do we?!” “Are we?!!!” And it was certainly every bit as funny as usual!
Act 1, Scene 15 (Harry and Ginny Potter’s House, The Kitchen)
I just have to say how wonderful it was to see the adult trio sitting there together around the table. For a while I thought we’d never see Jamie, Paul, and Noma sitting around that table again but (trying desperately to get my emotions under control) there they are!!
Little thing with the effects – The owl that delivers the letter was a fake owl that actually flew across the stage (On a wire, I imagine), rather than just a light!
Act 1, Scene 16 (Whitehall, Cellar)
I saw some pretty wild Polyjuice transformation scenes as their London run went on, so I figured I would be prepared and there was no way Sam and Anthony had worked up to that level of crazy already so quickly, anyway.
I was wrong!
So first, after they see Delphi transform before them, instead of saying “Wow” they do a much drawn-out, excitedly awed shout of “WI-I-I-IZZO!” Scorpius yelled it first and it was hilarious.
Then – they drink their potion. Within five seconds flat, Sam was already bright red in the face from flat-out yelling, and Scorpius was visibly drooling while making disgusted sounds. Sam was yelling like a human kettle about to blow up, holy moly.
And then it only got more ridiculous! Jamie absolutely went to town playing Scorpius – I don’t think I’ve ever in my entire life seen something more Extra.
When he pretended to scold Albus, “Go straight to your room. You’ve been an incredibly awful and bad son!” he actually swooshed his cloak up over his shoulder with such force that he nearly tangled himself in it and fell over. Then Paul gave him a good belly-bump after pointing out Uncle Ron’s gut.
Act 1, Scene 19 (Ministry of Magic, Hermione’s Office)
Just when I think Jamie couldn’t possibly get better, the impossible happens. He was killer hilarious in this scene, playing Scorpius to the uppermost echelons of squeaky, flaily excitement.
When he’s listing the books from the Restricted Section, his voice keeps rising higher and higher in gleeful excitement. When he gets to Sonnets Of A Sorceror, you can barely understand the title because his voice basically hits dolphin registers, and he actually melted to his knees on the floor, completely overcome with excitement. Rocking on the floor, he exclaimed in an overcome squeal, “That’s not even allowed at Hogwarts!!!”
Act 2, Scene 3 (Hogwarts, Headmistress’ Office)
Alright I am rarely one to criticize, but I kind of feel an obligation to warn people about the American McGonagall. I found her accent a little painful, and to compound it, she speaks in what to me sounded like a very fake, high-pitched tone of voice that warbles a lot. It just completed removed me from the scene whenever she spoke, and it was a shame I couldn’t take her lines seriously. This is only previews though, so there’s every chance she’ll improve!
This, among a few other scenes in this Act, had new dialogue. I know I won’t remember verbatim, but essentially, the new sections try to lay a better explanation for the fears and paranoia that drive Harry to make the poor decisions he’s about to make – namely, ordering Albus to stay away from Scorpius.
I do remember: “That’s how they’re trying to get to me. They know he’s my weakness.”
When speaking to Albus in the hospital wing after Albus and Scorpius turn time the first time, he says “The Death Eaters are trying to get to me through you.”
Act 2, Scene 4 (Edge of the Forbidden Forest)
Here’s where I have to admit I kind of missed Anthony’s usual over-the-top humor a bit. Sometimes he just brings the house down with his “Okay, okay, two points! …. Second point – more significant point! …” but last night he delivered that section mostly just sounding logical. “She didn’t kiss me” was also delivered almost off-handedly. Like ‘ah, well.’
Act 2, Scene 8 (Hogwarts, Hospital Wing)
Dumbledore’s first appearance! I hadn’t been able to judge from his performance as Amos what kind of Dumbledore he would be, but I really loved this version. It’s like he almost has a visible twinkle in his eye or in his face. He is serenely calm, watching over Albus in the bed with a placid yet distant look of caring. He speaks to Harry in a slightly misty tone, listening intently to what Harry’s saying but answering in the normal Dumbledore way of gentle truisms and ambiguous instruction. His first appearance here definitely warmed my heart.
With the added dialogue “The Death Eaters are trying to get to me through you,” it comes less out of nowhere and seems a bit less cruel when Harry forbids Albus from seeing Scorpius here. I remember how shocked and disappointed I was by Harry’s brashness in this scene the very first time I saw it, so I’m glad they’ve built up his rationale at least a bit for what he does here.
Act 2, Scene 10 (Headmistress’ Office)
More new, interesting dialogue here. (Preeeetty sure it was here? Either here or Scene 13, when Harry’s talking to Ginny.)
Harry makes an explicit parallel between Malfoys and dark magic, using the example of Lucius Malfoy giving Ginny Tom Riddle’s diary. I don’t remember exactly what prompts Harry to think this, but he remembers Albus met Scorpius on the train in his first year, and since then Albus has had no other friends – only Scorpius to confide his hopes, fears, and dreams to; The same way Ginny was isolated during her first year, and poured all of her thoughts and feelings into the diary, thinking it was the only thing akin to a friend she had. In Harry’s mind, there’s a direct connection here, and Harry says something like “He (Albus) doesn’t know he’s being bewitched.” It’s not clear whether it’s Scorpius or Draco that Harry really suspects, but he convinces himself there’s a real plot here – not just an obscure ‘black cloud’ – and it entirely runs away with him.
It’s very reminiscent of Harry conspiracy-theory Potter in HBP, refusing to be anything but convinced that Draco was involved in some elaborate dark Death Eater scheme.
Act 2, Scene 13 (Harry and Ginny Potter’s House, Kitchen)
Since Harry’s convinced there’s some Malfoy plot afoot, this scene where he faces off with Draco was especially heated and intense. Harry was glaring at Draco from the second he walked in. Harry bulled his way through the dialogue remorselessly, and barely hesitated after Draco asked tersely, “What are you implying, Potter?” When Harry asked, “Are you really sure he’s yours?” there was no remorse whatsoever in it. It was pointed – almost an accusation. You could have cut the air between them with a knife, the tension and enmity was so strong.
So at first, the duel felt angry and frenzied. By the time they reached the “Keep up, old man!” lines, the audience’s wonder and audible reactions to the spell work softened the mood a bit and let Alex bring in the dry, disparaging humor he does so well.
There were a couple of new spells used, but try as I might I can’t remember exactly what they were. I think Jamie might have been thrown around a bit more. He flippendo’d off the table and totally nailed it; It was awesome to watch!
Act 2, Scene 14 (Hogwarts, Staircases)
This Delphi-Scorpius scene was actually more interesting and poignant than I’ve ever seen it. This was the first time I really thought I saw Scorpius and Delphi develop a connection in this scene. Of course, her words in this scene about Scorpius and Albus belonging together always hit Scorpius deeply and motivate him to confront Albus. But this was the first time that I thought I saw Scorpius possibly beginning to trust Delphi in her own regard – independently of the encouraging things she says pertaining to Albus. I think this is mostly due to a unique rapport of how Anthony and the new Delphi play off each other – And the fact that this new Delphi can really be convincing when she wants to be.
First – the hilarious bit. When a student walks by, Scorpius always has to hide Delphi from sight. In London he would either sit in front of her and lean forward to obscure her from sight, or would hold up his cloak to hide her completely.
This time, he went ALL OUT with the second option. He literally jumped to his feet, dramatically spread his legs between two steps, and thrust one arm out holding his cloak up like a cape. When the other student gave him a weird look and started walking past, Scorpius just stoically held the ridiculous pose, his face an incredible mixture of total embarrassment and desperately trying to look casual. It was hysterical.
I was glad that he went on to mention Hector his invisible friend! He said the name in a little sing-song voice, and I don’t even know why, but this is always one of my favorite small Scorpius moments.
But when Delphi says, “Albus needs you, Scorpius,” this really captures Scorpius’s attention. He comes down a few steps closer to her and sits down, leaning forward towards her, totally engrossed when he asks her, “He needs me to do what?” He genuinely wanted her advice and explanation here, and I was unexpectedly touched by this exchange.
Act 2, Scene 16 (Hogwarts, Library)
I know I’ve probably said this about previous shows, but I truly believe this was the best I’ve ever seen this scene!! A large part of the reason was likely the new, more ‘mature’ base Anthony is setting for Scorpius, which gave a very nuanced, powerful depth of emotion for him to draw on in this scene.
When Albus took the time turner from Scorpius and Scorpius tried to get it back, the two boys launched into a very physical and aggressive struggle over it. When they wrench themselves apart and Albus exclaims, “Who’s saying that we’ll get it wrong?!” there was already a huge flair of anger blowing through their speech. When Scorpius shoots back, “We mess things up! We lose!” he’s already shouting, his words harsh and sharp.
Then Albus said with heat, “I wasn’t a loser before I met you!” and the whole audience audibly gasped with injury on Scorpius’ behalf.
I’ve never heard an audience react so strongly to that line – Another sign of Sam really stepping up his delivery across the board. But that reaction – The livewire immediacy of how clearly engrossed and finely tuned in the audience was to the boys’ confrontation here – that absolutely lit a spark in Anthony.
And the spark blew – spectacularly. When Albus said, “Without you holding me back, I can make a proper go of it,” Scorpius echoed first in a stunned, hollow sort of way, “Oh, without me?” with tears already visibly swimming in his eyes. I was sitting in the orchestra up towards the right side, so I could see directly into Anthony’s face and his eyes were already shining with tears waiting to fall.
“With a chip on his shoulder. Oh, poor Albus Potter,” was the explosive cinder burning down to its final inch, before “Try my life!” brought the true, shocking implosion.
Scorpius’s justified tirade here is always the moment when the audience kind of goes silent in shock, thinking “Wow, this character has had so much going on and churning within him the entire time – How did he bear it?” and also “Wow, this kid’s got some real acting chops. He doesn’t just tell jokes.”
But because Scorpius had been a bit more of a serious character up to this point, the audience didn’t need that shocked moment of adjustment to catch up with Scorpius’s overflowing anger and intensity here. It didn’t catch you off guard – It was easier to trace how this had all been building within him the whole time up until now. And because it was a bit more tied in to parts of him we saw before, it was so, so devastating to see the pieces of him come together in this furious fervor. I swear, it was like people weren’t even breathing – Every smidgeon of the audience’s attention was stunned and riveted on him.
His voice kept breaking in the most absolutely heart-wrenching places. Tears rushed into my own eyes when he said, “I’m still the child of Voldemort – Without a mother!” and not only his voice but his entire being seemed to break open across the word ‘mother.’
I mentioned that Anthony had been doing the deeper, raspy voice for Scorpius as the norm. I didn’t really like this at first, so I’d been trying to listen closely for hints to try to figure out what motivated that decision to pitch the voice that way. Once the boys come back from the past the first time and they’re in the first alternate world, I thought I heard his voice slide back to a more natural pitch a few times, but I wasn’t sure if I was either imagining it or if it wasn’t significant. In this scene, I definitely didn’t imagine that his voice was slipping back to a more relaxed tone.
Not, of course, while he’s in the shouting bit of this scene – but afterwards, after Albus pulls out the invisible cloak and Scorpius’s anger has all flooded out. This shift in voice tone, alongside how Scorpius comports himself in this whole scene, finally let me decide on my theory about Scorpius’s new characterization.
The deeper, throaty voice he used all the time in Act I was something akin to a front of bravado and a veneer of confidence he desperately wants to present to the world. Talking to my friend who was with me about his voice, she pointed out that Alex always pitches his voice lower and guttural in a similar way. The effect of this is largely to project an aura of aloof superiority and posh dignity. (Whether Draco has actually internalized this Lucius-type presentation is a matter for another post entirely… but hopefully you can just go with me on this for now.)
In line with Scorpius’s desire to please and impress his dad and hopefully thereby improve their relationship, Scorpius starts the play consciously imitating his dad’s airs. Furthermore, this is also a type of defense and coping mechanism against bullies at school – A posh veneer to protect the sensitivity beneath.
The library scene confirmed that I wasn’t imagining his voice relaxing into normalcy now and then, and that it was doing so more frequently as the play progressed. I believe that as Scorpius gradually grows into himself more and becomes more confident in his own ideas and decisions, that voice imitating his father gradually fades.
A significant sign of Scorpius’s growing maturity and confidence came in this scene, after he and Albus emerge from under the cloak. Usually, Scorpius immediately drops into one of the chairs, folds his arms around himself (or fiddles anxiously with his sleeves), and resolutely looks away from Albus.
But this time, he kept looking pointedly at Albus. When Albus begins to ramble about stealing the invisibility cloak from James’ cloak, Scorpius kept fixing him with a resolute, challenging look – Almost as if saying, “You’re really going to try pretending everything I just said didn’t happen?” Scorpius doesn’t back down or shy away from this difficult conversation – Instead, he challenges Albus to engage with him.
With this in mind, I noticed that Scorpius’s voice did regularly relax more as the play went on – with a few exceptions during his moments of duress in the Voldemort timeline. But I believe by the time we got to Part 2, Act 2, in Godric’s Hollow his voice sounded almost completely natural. This could be an indicator of Scorpius coming into his own – discovering his own identity, separate from his father’s expectations and confident enough to be his own person. His willingness to challenge Albus in this scene in the aftermath of Scorpius’s explosion, together with his initial refusal to follow Albus out onto the train roof – were to me very strong deviations of character.
I used to always have the feeling that Scorpius really was a follower – letting his father and then Albus determine much of his identity, until by the end of the play he finally feels comfortable in his own skin. But this was a Scorpius who was more thoughtful and introspective – in more control of his path and development from the beginning. Of course he was still wonderfully silly, but this Scorpius was one whose emotional growth and development came from a more internal source.
Act 3, Scene 1 (Hogwarts, Headmistress’ Office)
First of all, the Hogwarts uniforms in the Voldemort timeline are new. There’s a large collar on the front that looks almost like a lapel. Anthony looked very good in it. ;)
Scorpius did the nervous, forced echo of Umbridge’s laughter after he asks, “Has it?” and it was absolutely priceless. But from there, things got weird in this world.
I can’t remember exactly during which line this happened – I’m fairly sure it was while Umbridge was saying, “There’s rarely a Snitch you don’t catch. … Valued especially by me…” But she came over to stand very close beside Scorpius, paused for a moment while she was speaking, and… very deliberately looked him over. I mean, even leaned back for a moment like she was examining his backside. The audience gave an uncomfortable, disbelieving jitter. I definitely didn’t imagine it. I mean, there’s always been that predatory undertone here, but never this overt.
From there, this whole timeline seemed to have a strange sexual undertone. When Polly Chapman asks him to the ball, she wasn’t nervous or frightened at all by the world around her, like she seemed to be in London. Instead, she was fierce, almost aggressive in her come-on. (However, I must say I didn’t really care for the Polly portrayal. I thought she was much too ditzy-American. To me it just didn’t fit in at all.) Rather than giving the impression of playing the role she thinks is expected of her, this Polly wasn’t bashful at all in showing what seemed like real desire.
Then, when Craig sees Scorpius in the library and apologizes for not having his homework done yet, the exchange ended with Craig almost groveling in front of Scorpius, and just before running off stage Craig says in a rush, “I could do that assignment too – I’d do it all for you.”
???! And the hushed, almost desperate way Craig said it before literally running away – There was definitely a hint there of Craig wanting to do more than just Scorpius’s homework…
Act 3, Scene 9 (Edge Of The Forbidden Forest)
To me, one of the play’s most memorable lines was always “The world changes and we change with it.”
Scorpius didn’t say it! Maybe Anthony had a memory slip and skipped over it, but it always seemed like he emphasized that line so much, I kind of doubt it was an accident that it was missing. Instead, all he said was “I am better off in this world, but the world is not better.”
I do have to say that his pain and fear when the Dementor was making him relive painful memories of his mother – God, it was heart wrenching.
Then, the reunion lake scene! This is always one of my favorites! :D On Sunday, the second Albus burst up from the water, the whole audience gasped and immediately broke into jubilant applause and cheering. I love when that happens! (This audience also ‘aww’ed and applauded at the “Friends?” “Always” lines and Scorbus hug in the Part 1 library scene. I hope American audiences continue being so vocal!)
The way Scorpius splashed through the water to hug Albus was simply adorable; As was the way that you couldn’t tell whether the choked-up tone in Scorpius’s voice was profound relief or overwhelming joy. It was a perfect marriage of both.
Then the adults ran in! Scorpius was still on the ground at this point, having just pulled himself up out of the water. He kind of curled up and rolled onto his back when he exclaimed in glee, “IT’S HARRY POTTER!!!” The audience absolutely roared. When he got to “AND PROFESSOR MCGONAGALL!!” he was sitting up on his knees and did this little fist pump dance, churning his arms in wild circles.
Act 3, Scene 11 (Hogwarts, Slytherin Dormitory)
This was another scene where Sam just completely shone and took my breath away.
Again, I know this sounds terrible, but this is another scene where Sam used to kind of just be a placeholder for me. Usually, my focus would all be on Jamie.
Jamie played this scene with less forceful anger than usual. I could feel he was right there on the brink, just clinging to the edge of his anger and all the fear that almost consumed him while Albus was missing – But I could also feel him working desperately to keep it all within his control. There were only moments when bursts of his sentences would crescendo up into a shout before being wrangled down again.
While Jamie played this scene with more restraint, Sam had an opportunity for more nuance rather than just returning his father’s anger. When Albus says, “I know!” his voice hitched and there were visible tears in his eyes. Somehow, he looked simultaneously defiant and helplessly guilt-ridden.
Once he got to “That’s not the reason for our problems,” every bit of my attention was fixed on him. For the first time watching this scene, I really felt how hard Albus was trying to make his dad understand – and how hard Albus was trying himself.
Perhaps one of the key differences that made Sam’s performance so incredibly compelling this time was that now, Albus really is trying on his side as well to fix the relationship with his dad. His emotional range towards Harry was widely expanded from simply varying degrees of anger. Here, there was also despair and persistence. Sam really had my heart feeling for Albus in a way I never have before.
Act 3, Scene 14 (Hogwarts, Slytherin Dormitory)
Once Scorpius got out of bed, he tip-toed over to kneel down by the foot of Albus’s bed when he whisper-yelled Albus’s name. When Albus bolted awake, he spent a moment looking around in confusion before Scorpius popped up at the foot of the bed, laughing. What precious babies!!
For “Scorpius the Dreadless,” Anthony kind of flexed his arms like he was about to lift some weights. For “Malfoy the Unanxious,” he took up a ridiculous fencing pose.
When he quipped “Turns out Malfoy the Unanxious is a pretty good lii-aaar!” he had this overly-dramatic, scandalized face, complete with his mouth hanging wide open as if in shock at himself. Another of my absolute favorite Scorp moments. <33
Act 3, Scene 19 (Hogwarts, Quidditch Pitch)
I mentioned before that I liked the new Delphi actress, as she brought out and strengthened elements of the character I’d never seen fully realized before.
She definitely fully realized the sadistic, gleeful cruelty of the character. Perhaps it’s because she looks older, but she absolutely radiates danger and insanity, and you’re kind of fascinated by her while at the same time wanting to get as far away from her as possible. She’s Bellatrix’s daughter through and through.
After she kills Craig, her cruelly flippant “Oh, did you not understand? These are not childish games we’re playing here” gave me absolute chills.
Also, the two Crucios in this scene were incredibly devastating. During the second one, Albus’s whole body was thrashing on the ground, as if he were experiencing every ounce of the same pain as Scorpius.
Act 3, Scene 20 (Triwizard Tournament, Maze, 1995)
Sam created another incredibly touching moment here, when Albus and Scorpius encounter Cedric in the maze.
The deliberate, genuine tenderness with which Albus said, “Your father loves you… very much,” almost slowed down and stopped the whole scene. When Cedric replies, “Okay… thank you,” sometimes he sounds confused and there’s a little laugh from the audience while the moment fades to comedy. But that certainly didn’t happen this time. Cedric just stared at Albus intensely for a long moment, while Sam’s poignant delivery hung in the air. Cedric says, “What?” and Albus repeated a second time that his father loves him – Albus just thought he should know. Cedric hesitates, rooted to the spot not because he’s confused or weirded out, but because he is deeply touched and his emotions hold him down for a long moment.
It was a beautiful scene – one that sometimes gets a bit lost. But Sam’s gentle, precise delivery really made this scene hurt in the best way.
At the end of this scene, Delphi destroys the time turner and then flies away. In the moment Delphi disappears above the stage, Albus shouted “No!” and ran over to where she’d disappeared, looking up helplessly. Then he kneels, making a futile effort to pick up the time turner’s broken pieces.
Perhaps this production purposely had more of the silvery bits of the time turner drifting down through the air, but there was something really gorgeous about this moment I’ve never noticed before.
There was a long moment of silence while Albus kneels amidst the broken time turner pieces, and Scorpius stands down stage, regarding Albus with frozen horror on his face. There was a moment of pause and incredulity, before Albus confirmed, “The Time-Turner – it’s destroyed.”
To me, it was a stunning, exquisite moment: Albus just kneeling there in the broken remains of the item he thought could be their salvation, while this silver snow falls around him and Scorpius looks on in awed silence.
Act 3, Scene 21 (St. Oswald’s Home For Old Witches And Wizards)
Just a small addition in this scene. After Draco says, “Voldemort had a daughter?” Harry adds the line, “The ultimate Horcrux.”
Act 4, Scene 4 (Ministry of Magic, Harry’s Office)
OH MAN. This is the scene my friend and I were emotionally gearing up for all night. Jamie, of course, threw us for a loop with it.
Every time, I know “The years I spent there!” is when Harry will lose his composure, yet every time, it shocks me and slices my heart. Jamie finds a new intensity for this line every single time.
This time, his anger exploded like a solar flare. After slamming his hand on the table, he whirled around and stormed across half the distance to Dumbledore’s painting, nearly shouting the rest of his lines.
While Dumbledore responds, Harry stalked back to his table. He started reshuffling papers while Dumbledore spoke, his face rippling and turning stony every few seconds in furious attempts to contain the emotions and hurt welling up within him.
It wasn’t until “Dumbledore, I loved you too,” that Harry’s anger ebbed enough for his pained sincerity to filter in.
He didn’t completely break down in this scene, but Jamie wasn’t nearly finished yet…
Draco enters, and here was Alex’s moment to completely floor me with how much his performance has developed as well. When giving the explanation of he and Astoria’s decision to have Scorpius despite Astoria’s frail health, Alex didn’t move an inch. He stood in one place, completely still, his eyes gazing out over the audience’s heads, and every bit of emotional depth was packed into his voice alone. It was truly impressive and breathtaking in its effectiveness.
Act 4, Scene 5 (Godric’s Hollow)
Usually, while discussing and debating potential plans, Albus used to sit near Lily and James’s door, while Scorpius ambled around him, talking while he spoke.
This time, both boys were seated side-by-side at the very front of the stage, and they stayed seated while they talked. I really liked this. There was such an aura of boyish innocence about it. You could really see and feel them both pouring everything they have into solving this predicament. This staging also developed a real feeling of intimacy – not only between the audience and actors, who are sitting just about as close to the audience as they could get – but also between Scorpius and Albus themselves.
Act 4, Scene 6 (Harry and Ginny Potter’s House, Albus’s Room)
Okay, HERE’S where Jamie dumped the true trauma on us. Usually the scene with Dumbledore before this is the climax of Harry’s emotional collapse. This time, it was this scene.
The script says ‘Harry starts to cry’ after Ginny says the line, “Can we not treat this as if the battle’s already lost?” and SHIT, this time he sure did.
When he began, “I shouldn’t have survived -  it was my destiny to die..,” Harry had collapsed on the bed. With the blanket in his lap, every ounce of fight and anger had left him and the only thing filling him anymore were broken tears. His words were barely comprehensible as the tears streamed out of him.
“All that blood on my hands. And now our son has been taken too…” – This was not only one of the most painful, difficult to bear moments I’ve ever witnessed in this play, but possibly on stage ever. Harry was crying uncontrollably, his voice weak and uneven, the blanket cradled in his hands.
It was the one of the most terrible, cruel, beautiful things I’ve ever seen in theatre, and I had to stifle sobs.
Act 4, Scene 7 (Godric’s Hollow)
For “Is that a farmer’s market?” Draco seemed less excited, more disgusted. Either way, it remains one of the best lines in the whole play.
Act 4, Scene 8 (Godric’s Hollow, 1981)
Time for Malfoy family feels! Draco initiated the hug! Rather than Scorpius running towards his dad and careening to a hesitant stop, Draco walked over to Scorpius while Albus embraced Ginny. Draco stopped right in front of Scorpius to tell him, “We can hug too if you like…” at which point Scorpius launched himself into his father’s arms.
After this, the feels only grew because father and son kept touching. They must have hugged at least three times in total, and even when they stopped and were just standing beside each other, Draco kept reaching out to smooth Scorpius’s hair. AGH <3
Act 4, Scene 11 (Godric’s Hollow, Church)
They took out Delphi’s voice-magic bits. When she declares to Voldemort “I am the Augury to your Dark Lord,” it’s just in her normal voice, rather than the surround-sound echo that travels through the theatre. And when Harry’s fighting her, she doesn’t steal his voice for the “I’ll deal with you alone,” voice echo trick. Instead, during that part Harry was dragged towards her across the stage, and he seemed to be silently gasping for air, as if Delphi had stolen all breath from him.
Most of the fight seemed the same from here, until when Albus climbed out from the floor.
As soon as Delphi begun turning her wand towards Albus, Harry launched himself at Albus and bodily threw him out of harm’s way. In the remainder of the scene, after everyone else has unlocked the doors and run out, there was an extra intense physicality in Harry’s panicked protection of Albus. While the others are alternating sending curses at Delphi, Harry bodily throws himself in front of Albus and holds Albus behind him  - Harry’s arms extended and every inch of him resolutely determined to be a shield for his son against whatever comes at them.
Act 4, Scene 12 (Godric’s Hollow, 1981)
God, the other scene that causes absolute emotional breakdown.
When Lily is killed and Harry sinks to the ground, it was literally as if his body had been physically hit with a mortal wound at the same moment his mother’s was. The script says, “And it was like lighting had passed through Harry’s body. He’s sent to the floor, a pure mess of grief.” This is the closest thing to a perfect description, and yet doesn’t even begin to approximate the impact of really seeing Harry drop to the floor, doubled over and sobbing.
If you’ve seen Jamie before, you know there is absolutely nothing melodramatic or over-the-top about this. It is, without exaggeration, one of the most heartbreaking, emotionally devastating moments you will ever witness. His sobs fill the entire theatre. They are wrenched from the deepest depths of him, fighting to be free even while they embody pain of such raw acuity, it should be unthinkable and irreconcilable to our world.
He sobbed the entire time while he rotated off stage, while I sobbed into my coat.
Act 4, Scene 14 (Hogwarts, Classroom)
When Rose walked in and startled Scorpius, he fell down several stairs and landed with one foot propped up on the stair above him. He rolled with it and stuck with the ridiculous pose, pretending to relax and act suave in it.
After Rose says, “This is only going to be weird if you let it be weird,” he at first just goes “Mmhm,” with this air of desperately trying to look cool, while he bounces the foot that’s extended up on the step above him.
The Scorbus hug was GOOOOOD! Scorpius went all-in, burying his face in Albus’s shoulder and tightly clinging for a long time. How I missed seeing their hugs!! :’’’)
Act 4, Scene 15 (A Beautiful Hill)
Since I’m usually thinking when this scene starts that I can’t believe the play’s about to be over already – I always forget how much I love this scene, and my emotional response to it always catches me off guard.
This time, it was truly the perfect resolution and struck the perfect, satisfying chord after the emotional beating we had all just taken. Jamie struck the ideal balance between being a loving, attentive father listening to his son’s concerns – and being zealous in his assurances to Albus against his fears.
When Albus begun talking about James and Lily and seeing them with Harry as a baby, Harry smiled in this encouraging but infinitely sad sort of way. This really pulled at my heart a lot, because usually Harry’s expression remains stiff and guarded when Albus starts speaking about his parents.
When Harry promises Albus that he knows “that heart is a good one,” the intensity with which he speaks is nothing but the most intense, genuine form of love. When Albus makes the joke about pigeon racing, seeing Harry relax for a moment as he laughs with his son is one of the most delightful things you’ll ever see. It’s such a relief – such a hard-fought victory, for father and son to share this brief, loving laugh together.
The image of Harry looking up with a peaceful smile, his son standing at his shoulder is the most perfect image to complete this powerful, wonderful story. You see Harry reach out to touch Albus’s shoulder, and the words “I think it’s going to be a nice day,” are the perfect hopeful precursor to a kinder, brighter future. They seem so simple, and yet you realize they are everything you needed to hear.
14 notes · View notes
sophisticated-angel · 7 years
When Morning Comes
Character: Dean Winchester
Warning: Kidnapping, injury to kid, angst
Word Count: 2,916
Request:  Hi, do you think you could write about demons or even Amara kidnaps deans daughter who is around 5ish. Can they hurt her before she is rescued by Team Free Will.
A/N: I couldn’t bring myself to make the kid’s injury intentional, so I worked it in another way. Also, when I asked for daddy!Dean ideas, I though you guys might want some fluff, but whatever, you asked for it.
   Starting on the day she was born, every time Dean saw his baby daughter, every time he leaned over her crib or lifted her from her bassinet, he let her know that he loved her. She got big enough to answer with a smile and return his kisses, and when she got good at walking, she sought him out for it. As she grew more, the exchange became their morning routine. Whoever wakes up first starts it. Dean sleeps well at night knowing he’ll get a kiss and an “I love you” from his now five-year-old daughter in the morning.
   “Daddy” —she’ll begin by pushing on his shoulder— “Daddy, guess what?”
   “Mm?” Dean’ll murmur.
   “I love you.” She’ll lean up to give him a kiss on the nose.
   “I love you too,” will be Dean’s response, and then he’ll pull her up next to him to kiss her back and cuddle for a minute. He had to learn to wake up gently for her.
   But this morning he doesn’t get that. This morning he wakes up behind the wheel of the Impala with a pounding headache. Out the front window he can see bushes, to his left a highway, to his right an open door, empty seat, and more bushes. Groaning, he straightens up and rubs his head. Dried blood comes away on his fingertips. He doesn’t really remember what happened. He was driving, it was dark, and then he was swerving off the road, glass broke, someone screamed, and then something struck the back of his head. He turns to look behind him where he buckled in his daughter, but all he sees is her seat, glass shards from a busted window sprinkled across the back seat. The straps have been cuts, and a lone teddy bear stares back at him.
   Dean panics, bursts from the car and swings around to scour the floor in the back, walks around the other side for a different view. In doing so he steps over Sam who, he barely notices, is unconscious but still breathing. He checks under the car, in the bushes, and even steps into a nearby thicket of trees frantically searching for his daughter, and with each second that passes with no sign of her, his heart races faster.
   “Cassidy!” he calls. “Cassidy!”
   The sound of a silent environment is the only reply. Dean winds his way back to the car, stands forlornly on the highway, and turns in a circle praying the toddler is only hiding.
*    *    *    *    *
   Cassidy doesn’t know this woman. Daddy told her not to talk to strangers, so she hasn’t said anything, but she yelled a couple times, and the mean lady didn’t like that.
   Daddy isn’t here. That’s not good. Strange place, scary lady, and there’s lots of cuts on her arms. They hurt. She wants a Band-Aid.
   Where’s Daddy?
*    *    *    *    *
   Dean hasn’t called anyone yet. It kills him not to put an APB out on his little girl, not to put every hunter he knows on her trail, but nobody knows she exists. He’s worked hard to keep her a secret for her own safety. This search is one he’ll have to do alone, but he doesn’t know where to start. There was no sulfur, hex bag, blood, or fur at the scene to point him in the right direction. Not so much as a scrap of a shirt was left behind. All he has is her Beanie Baby teddy bear, but Gabby isn’t much help in or out of his pocket.
   “Somebody had to know about her to take her,” Sam is saying.
   “You think I don’t know that?”
   “Who knows about her? Besides me and Cass.”
   “Bobby knew, but he ain’t talkin’ much these days.”
   “You’ve never told anybody else? Nothing ever slipped? You never got a little too drunk and started bragging?”
   “No, Sam!” Dean snaps. “Nobody outside of this family knows a damn thing! And I would know if somebody was onto us because I am the ultimate overprotective, helicopter parent!”
   “Okay, Dean.”
   Dean rests his forehead in the palm of one hand and squeezes Gabby with the other. “I barely use her name in public, man. The government doesn’t even know she was born. I have done everything . . . I swear, if she’s hurt . . .”
   “We’re gonna find her. I promise.”
   “Where the hell do we start?”
   Sam lowers his eyes. Neither one of them knows the answer. When his phone rings, Dean is sluggish to answer it. Hunting doesn’t concern him right now. He taps ‘answer’ and then ‘loudspeaker’, then mutters, “Yeah?”
   “Dean Winchester?” says a woman’s voice.
   “Who’s askin’?”
   “You’re looking for someone.”
   Dean wakes up. “Who is this?”
   “She’s five, right? Blond, green eyes, last seen wearing flower-print leggings and a purple t-shirt?”
   “What’ve you done with her?” he growls. Across the table, Sam opens his laptop to track the call.
   “Nothing, yet. Here. Have some proof.” The line is quiet for a moment, and then a little girl’s voice says, “Daddy?”
   “Cassidy? Sweetheart? Where are you? Are you hurt?”
   “I said she’s fine. Relax.”
   “What the hell do you want?”
   “We can talk about that when you get here.”
   “And where is ‘here’?”
   “They say you’re smart. I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”
   “My employers. And Dean? I would hurry. They’re not patient.” The woman hangs up.
   “Got it,” Sam announces. “It’s not too far. Let’s go.”
*    *    *    *    *
   It’s a filthy trailer home off a highway forgotten by the town to which it leads. Red paint peels off wood siding, and frogs and insects make their respective noises in the bushes and trees. As far as either brother can tell, there’s no warding or traps on the place. Had they not known about it, they would have passed it by.
   Dean approaches the front door with his shotgun up and Sam at his back. A solid kick breaks the latch on the aluminum door. They find no lights on inside, and the sunlight coming through the bare windows is dappled by the surrounding trees. It’s a narrow, obviously inhabited place that opens first into a living room with a kitchen on one end. Orange carpet and paneling from the seventies make it an ugly space, but it’s clean, and nothing they see is witchy or demonic in nature.
   Somebody puts a gun to Dean’s head.
   “Sit down on that chair,” a woman orders. “Anybody makes a wrong move, I’ll blow your brains out. Now drop your gun and sit.”
   Dean doesn’t have an option. The gun is too close for an escape attempt to get him out of the way fast enough, so, pursing his lips, he sets the shotgun on the sofa and sits down in one of two metal folding chairs. The woman instructs Sam, who has also put his gun down, to bind him with a length of rope around his chest and zip ties around his wrists and ankles. Then, with the older brother restrained, she ties Sam up herself and moves their weapons farther away.
   “Where’s my kid?”
   The woman goes toward the kitchen, disappears down a hallway, and moments later returns leading Cassidy. Tear stains on her face, the girl dashes for her father, but her captor grabs her by the back of her shirt. She screams and struggles, frantically demands to be let go, and Dean strains against his bonds with all his might until the woman points her gun at the five-year-old.
   “No!” he shouts.
   The room stills. No one make a move or a sound. Even Cassidy, instinctively knowing that the device by her ear is dangerous, freezes and holds her breath. Dean is tense in his chair, heart racing, hands shaking, eyes locked on his daughter and the gun at her temple.
   “My employers tell me you’re hard to keep locked up,” says the woman calmly, “so this is how it’s gonna go: you stay put, and the kid doesn’t get hurt. Understand?”
   Dean glares at her.
   “Good,” she says. Taking a cell phone from her pocket, she dials a number and says to the receiver, “I’ve got ‘em.”
*    *    *    *    *
   There hasn’t yet been a trap Dean couldn’t escape. Whether it was his doing, Sam’s, or a combined effort, he’s made it out of every one. This is the first predicament where his options have been stripped. He can escape zip ties – it takes time but he knows how – but he can’t do it without risking alerting the woman holding a loaded gun against his daughter’s head. He’s not sure how far he could go before she actually pulls the trigger, but he knows Cassidy is only safe because she provides leverage. As soon as her captor perceives his behavior as uncontrollable, she won’t be. The only thing he can think to do is talk. So he does.
   “What’s your deal?” he asks. The woman doesn’t answer. “It’s demons, right? They promised you something if you gave them me and Sam?”
   The woman sighs and stares at him exasperatedly.
   “So what’d you ask for? Fame, fortune, a way to hide from me when I get out of here?”
   Rolling her eyes, she obliges him. “They’re gonna bring my son back. After eight years, I’ll finally see him again.”
   “Cut me loose and you can see him right now.” If looks could kill, the woman would be a burnt shell on the floor.
   Sam asks, “What’s your name?”
   The woman hesitates but answers, “Lily.”
   “Lily, we know demons. The bastards talk a big game, but their promises are bull. They’re gonna take what they want and probably kill you in the process.”
   “They’re going to bring my son back!” Lily snaps. “I’m his mother, and it’s my job to do what’s best for him!”
   “What’s best for him is leaving him where he is!”
   “You don’t understand!” Lily laughs bitterly, and her voice takes on a tremble. “He was ten. He was on his way home from a friend’s house, and somebody ran him over. He didn’t deserve that. He deserves a life.”
   “What happened to him is terrible, Lily, and I’m sorry, but you’re playing with fire here. It’s gonna go bad.”
   “I have to take that chance. I’m sorry.” From a nearby desk, Lily takes a roll of duct tape and then approaches the brothers.
   When Cassidy sees Lily stick a length of rope over her uncle’s mouth, she starts to whimper, and fresh tears roll down her cheeks.
   “Cassidy, look at me.” Dean hurries to speak. “It’s gonna be okay, baby girl, we’re getting out of here, I love – mmf!”
   Suddenly, the toddler bolts toward the door, actually managing to get the busted thing open before being noticed. Lily lunges for her, and the little girl runs for it. Dean tries to free himself and grab Lily, but his zip ties hold him fast and has to hope that the five-year-old can evade a grown woman until he gets free. In two seconds he hears her scream – Lily hasn’t made it out the door yet – and a different woman carries her, thrashing, back inside and tosses her aside. Cassidy huddles in a corner and snivels.
   “Ms. Armstrong,” says the newcomer as two men come in behind her, “don’t tell me you can’t control a child. You have her family. Rough them up a bit.”
   “You said not to touch them.”
   The demon grins slowly. “I did say that. Good on you. Brownie points.” Motioning to her companions, she orders them to free the brothers and adds, “And take that tape off. It doesn’t go with the rest of those pretty faces.”
   The duct tape is ripped off hardly a minute after being applied. Dean flinches as a few hairs are ripped out and it pulls at the skin on his lips, and he devises a plan while the demon break the zip ties. He doesn’t fight when he’s yanked to his feet, arms pinned behind his back, but he says snarkily, “Thanks. I think I’ll kill you now.”
   The lead demon laughs. “You’re funny, but we won’t be the ones dying today.”
   Cassidy comes out of her corner and goes to hug her father’s legs, but she’s kept at bay by the boot of the demon who’s got him. It takes immense self-control to not lash out this second; he’s only got one plan and one shot at making it work. Stilling his mind, he keeps his eyes on the demon in front of him. Sam watches him.
   “Let’s go, boys,” orders the demon. She raises her hand to snap herself out of the room.
   “What about me?” Lily interjects. “Where’s my son?”
   “Where he’s been for eight years.”
   “You said you’d bring him back!”
   “I did. I changed my mind. You can have that one instead.” She motions to Cassidy.
   “I want my son!” Lily shrieks, stepping towards the demon. “Bring him back!”
   “No. Really, Lily, what’s the problem? They’re all the same.”
   Dean sees Lily raise her hands and lunge forward. He sees the demon lash out and hoist her off the ground by her throat and squeeze. He sees his chance. With all his might, he slams his head into the jaw of the demon holding him and pulls free. Sam follows along. In sync they jab their elbows into soft spots and use the surprise of their attack to get one up on the demons.
   “Cass, go!” Dean shouts.
   Startled, the five-year-old bolts for the door, and this time Dean makes sure she makes it. When the female demon breaks Lily’s neck to go after her, Dean blocks her with his body and backhands her across the face. He continues the assault by dousing her with his flask of holy water. Face steaming, she shouts and stumbles backward. Meanwhile, San has taken care of his demon using the demon blade, and before Dean can whip out his angel blade, he jumps the other one too. Lily should have searched them.
   “Get Cass!” Sam shouts.
   Dean runs for the door. A pang of guilt would haunt him forever, but he would sacrifice his brother for his daughter in a heartbeat. Cassidy hasn’t gone far, and Dean scoops her up in stride. Clutching her to his body, he runs for the car, but something suddenly slams into his side and knocks him flat. He lands on top of Cassidy. Something pops, and at first he thinks it was his hip or shoulder, but Cassidy’s pained cry tells him it was much worse than that. He can’t address this because his attention is demanded by the demon on top of him with a kitchen knife in her hand. A successful grab for her wrists gives his face a narrow escape of being stabbed, but the demon, red face blistered and frothing at the mouth, wraps her hands around his neck and squeezes. Reflexively, he claws at her hands, but she has him at a disadvantage. His vision starts to blur.
   A thunk is heard. At the same time, the demon’s jaw drops in a silent scream, she sparks and sputters on the inside, and her grip loosens. Dean pushes her off himself as she dies; out of the corner of his eyes he sees a knife handle protruding from her back and Sam halfway to him. Coughing, he rolls over and fumbles for his daughter.
   When he grabs her arm, she screams.
*    *    *    *    *
   Cassidy wouldn’t let the doctors touch her. Each time one came in to the room, she panicked, and if they got too close she screamed bloody murder. A nurse had to put her under just to look at her arm. It was pronounced broken, put in a cast, and Dean did his best to give satisfactory yet evasive answers to the questions that were asked. He was beside her until she woke up and held her when she stretched out her arms to him. Now she won’t leave his lap, won’t even let him go to the bathroom though Sam stays with her. She won’t talk, either. In fact, she’s essentially unresponsive to anything said to her. When he reads her a story, she puts her eyes on the page but doesn’t seem to feel strongly about it one way or another. Dean decorates her cast, but for all the attention she gives it, the whole arm might as well have been amputated. Not even Gabby the Bear gets a reaction.
   Eventually, she drifts off again, this time without the influence of drugs, and yet Dean continues to cradle her in his lap, one arm around her shoulders, the other looped under her outside leg.
   “I wish you’d tell me what you’re thinking,” he says to her. “I can’t read minds, baby girl. Are you still scared? Hm?” He strokes her cheek. “The bad guys are gone. Your uncle got ‘em all.”
   Cassidy whimpers softly in her sleep and scrunches her nose.
   “Shh, shh. It’s alright. It’s alright. Nobody’s gonna hurt you here.”
   He drifts off face-up on her hospital bed with the five-year-old on his chest, arms wrapped around her. In the morning he yawns and brings her closer to his head to give her a kiss when she stirs.
   Hugging her, he says, “I love you.”
   For the first time ever, she doesn’t say it back.
@pureawesomeness001 @27bmm @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes @super-not-naturall @gabriel-themightysugaraddict @mogarukes @mrswhozeewhatsis @hexparker @kdfrqqg @little-castiel13 @18crazybutcutealsopsycho @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @thing-you-do-with-that-thing
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iesorno · 4 years
Anxious Comics – issue 3 page 4
I first saw Daniel Bristow-Bailey’s work when he offered up free copies of his prose zine Dog. I ordered it on the strength of the cover, Dog handwritten above a very detailed drawing of a frog. It made me laugh, there was something oddly significant in that juxtaposition, couldn’t tell you why, but there was. Shortly after that he started his Anxious Comics series, which is a fast paced, underground influenced mash series that has a lot of nonsense and yet some very powerful moments. It’s daft, but also on point and so, exactly what I enjoy.
He’s an eclectic creator and has a set of skills that make his work pop.
  You can find him here
Use the discount code ZINELOVE10 for a 10% discount on anything you buy. Valid until the end of 2020.
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  Screaming page 2
Can you tell us a bit about the first creator whose work you recognised?
It would have been someone from 2000AD. I remember being very excited by Kevin O’Neill’s run on Nemesis and Simon Bisley’s painted artwork for Sláine. If I look at Bisley’s stuff now I find it hard to get past the grotesque anatomy, but as with people like Todd MacFarlane in the US he pushed past his technical limitations with a raw energy that appealed to adolescent boys. I don’t mean that as snootily as it sounds! Adolescent boys can be fierce critics.
Kev O’Neill – Nemesis the Warlock
Simon Bisley – Slaine
  Which creators do you remember first copying?
My mum, who should get most of the credit for teaching me to draw, always strongly discouraged me from copying directly, but I came pretty close to it with Moebius! He always makes it look so (deceptively) easy that it’s hard not to have a go oneself.
Moebius – Edena
Who was the creator that you first thought ‘I’m going to be as good as you!’?
That’s an interesting question. Probably Gilbert Shelton. I started reading the Freak Brothers when I was far too young (got to thank my mum again for that) and that “underground” style with lots of fine linework and cross-hatching seemed to be achievable with the materials I had at home. I think the Shelton influence still shows in my black-and-white stuff.
Tumblr media
Gilbert Shelton – Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers
Which creator or creators do you currently find most inspiring?
In terms of comics, I’ve recently discovered Al Columbia. I can’t remember the last time I found an artist who really disturbed me like his stuff does. Even the more restrained stuff has an evil, haunted quality. The book I’ve got (Pim and Francie, Fantagraphics, 2009) feels like a cursed object, like the Necronomicon in Lovecraft’s stories, or the video cassette in the Ring. It’s a great example of text, illustration and book design all working together.
Al Columbia – Pim and Francie
Nabokov – Pale fire – Gingko Press edition
I’ve been reading a lot of Nabokov. He’s one of those writers I keep coming back to. Sometimes I like to think about how you could do a graphic novel of “Pale Fire”. The first half of the book is a very long poem, written by one fictitious character, and the second half is a collection of footnotes to the poem, written by a second fictitious character, who has stolen the manuscript and is preparing an unauthorised edition of the poem. As the notes digress further and further from the text of the poem, another narrative emerges, that may or may not be “true”, so it would probably be impossible to do a graphic novel adaptation, but thinking about how one might do impossible things is often creatively rewarding.
  Which creators do you most often think about?
David Lynch – Twin Peaks
Aside from the people I’ve mentioned already, I think a lot about David Lynch. I’ve always liked his stuff but Twin Peaks: The Return (2017) absolutely blew me away. There were points I was watching that when I thought “I didn’t know you could do that with television”. I think whenever a work expands your ideas about what’s possible within a particular medium you know you’re in the presence of real Art with a capital A. I love the sense of mystery in Lynch’s stuff, which I think comes from his letting the subconscious take the lead in the creative process – he talks a lot about using ideas or imagery from dreams, or meditation. It’s a process I’ve consciously been emulating with “Anxious Comics”.
Anxious Comics – issue 3 page 4
Can you name the first three creative peers that come into your head and tell a little bit about why?
      Gareth Hopkins, because I’ve just finished doing a page for his “no new ideas” project. It was great fun getting to paint over a copy of one of his pages. Gareth posts a lot of his process online and I’ve found it inspiring how he reworks and recycles stuff. His work has definitely encouraged me to veer more towards abstraction, and not to be afraid, in comics, of decoupling the text from the image – I think he was a big influence on my one-shot “the Screaming”.
Gareth Brookes. I’ve not talked to Gareth much about process but he seems drawn to ridiculously labour-intensive media, like embroidery or linocuts. As if making comics wasn’t hard enough already! But as I said before, there’s nothing like setting yourself an impossible challenge to get the creative juices flowing. Also, when I look at the spread of stuff he’s got for sale at conventions – a mix of self-published zines and two or three big hardback books published more traditionally, I think it’s where I’d like to be myself in a few years’ time, so I guess he’s kind of a role model for me right now.
  Hannah Lee Miller
Hannah Lee Miller is producing some lovely stuff. I picked up a copy of her zine about condiments at Catford Zine Fair and it’s one of those things that initially seems rather slight and inconsequential but is actually really, really good, it just doesn’t shout about it. Also, Hannah is, in my limited experience, infallibly enthusiastic about other comic / zine people and always ready to help out or lend support where it’s needed. An asset to the scene.
  Finally, can you tell us a bit about your recent work and yourself?
For a long time I tried to be self-disciplined and only work on one thing at once, but recently I’ve come to accept that I’m happier when I have several projects, preferably in different media, on the go at once.
The last thing I self-published was “The Screaming”, an experimental one-shot comic about dreams and mental health. I wrote about it in some detail for Broken Frontier.
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Screaming page 8
I’ve got five pages in the upcoming anthology by Obsolete Comics. I’m really excited about this one as it looks like it’s going to be great, and hopefully represents the start of another small comics press. We can never have enough small comics presses.
I’ve also got Anxious Comics, my ongoing series – four issues out to date and the fifth long overdue! My long-term plan with that, if you can call it that, is to keep it going between other projects for as long as it needs to, or until I get bored. At some point it would be nice to do a collected edition.
I’m currently drawing a comic written by Steve Thompson, which he’ll be pitching to publishers soon I think. I like drawing other people’s scripts because it forces me to draw stuff I otherwise wouldn’t think of.
Looking to the longer term, I’m working on a script for a longer-form comic. It’s kind of a superhero thing. But not quite. I’ve got this character who’s kind of my own take on the super-violent costumed vigilantes like the Punisher and Deadpool that were popular when I was a kid, but transplanted to the “real world” of early-noughties London.  It’s pretty bleak. I think it’s funny myself but as with some other stuff I’ve self-published in the past it will probably cause people to express concern for my mental health.
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Gareth – Hunt Begins – work in progess
Bio: Daniel Bristow-Bailey was born in London in 1978. Growing up during the “dark age” of mainstream comics, he quickly became attracted to the alternative / indie scene and, encouraged by his mum and the bloke in the local comic shop, started drawing his own from an early age. Like many others, he drifted away from comics in his late teens, put off by their uncool image and lack of seriousness compared to grown-up art and literature, but came back to them in recent years as he realised that no-one was going to think he was cool or take him seriously anyway. As well as making his own comics, he draws other people’s scripts and sometimes writes prose fiction. He has a day job working as a mental health person in schools. He lives in Richmond with his wife and two children.
Thank you very much for taking the time to fill this out and let us into your mind.
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Gerald – work in progress
all art copyright and trademark it’s respective owners.
content copyright iestyn pettigrew 2020
    Small (press) oaks – Daniel Bristow-Bailey @bristowbailey details who influenced him (tl:dr mostly his mum!) in our latest look creator's influences #smalloaks #comics #zines #inetrviews #zinelove I first saw Daniel Bristow-Bailey's work when he offered up free copies of his prose zine Dog.
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kevin-benn-blog · 5 years
Proust Questionnaire
When do you truly know someone? Can you ever? We can spend ages with someone, discovering their likes and dislikes-- but in the rare circumstance in which we peer into a person’s inner flame, we rarely dive deeper-- we rarely ask, “why?”
The Proust Questionnaire is typically a surface-level parlor game, yet it offers a basis for deeply personal conversation-- one must simple ask, “why?” Though we’ve known each other for years, I took this opportunity to better understand my girlfriend, Priscilla. Though I only recorded the start of our exchange, our conversations sparked a discussion that brought us closer together.
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
I would say first of all, peace within your own self-- self acceptance, self love, but also, if we’re talking about a physical manifestation of happiness, that would be a life full of rich experiences and people and places.
Like what?
Traveling and making meaningful connections. Living in an environment in which you can grow. And where you can make other people happy for sure.
What is your greatest fear?
Looking back at my life and being unsatisfied. Having regrets.
What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
I am very indecisive. If there’s one thing that I’m sure of, it’s that I’m indecisive. I also enjoy watching people suffer.
What is the trait you most deplore in others?
When people aren’t understanding. When you’re outright judgmental of other people. I guess people that can’t see past their own experience.
Which living person do you most admire?
The first person that comes to mind is Sam Harris. I’ve been listening to him a lot. I crave his mind and the things that he has to say, the topics that he presents. But of a person that I “know know”, I would say my mom. She has gone through so much but has stayed so positive. She has the ability to just keep going, to keep pushing on with life. And keeping the things that matter to her first and foremost always. Or the people that matter to her.
What is your greatest extravagance?
Honestly the only thing that I can think of is to go exploring. That’s food and travel, so I guess food and travel. That’s it.
What is your current state of mind?
If there is one word I could use it would be anxious.
It sums up things like worry and doubt. And just attaches that to a feeling of fear. And that’s just what’s in my mind a lot of the times, what I’m feeling in my head.
What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
Acceptance. It sounds more cynical than it is. Ignorant acceptance, if that’s a thing. Is that a virtue? I don’t even know.
On what occasion do you lie?
When I don’t want my mom to worry. She has a tendency to overreact to things so I sometimes try to minimize that and take it upon myself to not be truthful which sucks, it’s not a good thing to do. I don’t lie to her about big things, but I do about little things that don’t really matter.
What do you most dislike about your appearance?
Honestly, though I’m skinny and pretty and I’ve gotten compliments about myself, I’ve never really felt pretty. I’m not very confident in my appearance. I used to really dislike my teeth. My eyes aren’t the same size. I have weird crease-lines on my face. My hair is a mess all the time.
Which living person do you most despise?
Honestly I wouldn’t say I despise anyone because that takes so much energy that isn’t doing anyone any good. But, the person that I dislike the most is my dad.
What is the quality you most like in a man?
I would say trustworthiness, for sure. If you don’t have trust, what do you have?
What is the quality you most like in a woman?
I would say confidence. It inspires me to feel more confident. Plus I feel like we’re in a world that generally restrains women to how they should be. The fact that someone can find so much confidence in who they are… that’s amazing.
Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
“like” *I edited out all of them. Trust me, there’s a lot.*
What or who is the greatest love of your life?
My mom.
That’s what I was going to say too, your mom.
That’s why I didn’t say you. I’ve realized that as much as you or someone else may love me, I feel like the more that I’ve grown and seen how I’ve been with her and she still loves me for everything, and been there. How could she not be the greatest thing that happened to me? You’re a close second.
When and where were you happiest?
When I first started exploring with you guys. When I first met you. Every friday I would take a nap before I headed into the city. I was so happy that I found such good friends. We would literally be awake the whole weekend just having fun. It’s hard to explain.
Which talent would you most like to have?
I just wish I were more knowledgeable. If wisdom is a talent, I want it. I want to be a legged version of the three-eyed-raven. Just without those responsibilities, ya know?
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I wish that I wasn’t so hard on myself.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Being alive.
That’s how I was going to answer it too..
Sometimes I sit back and think, how the fuck did I make it to where I am now? I thought I was going to be dead by the age of 18, but here I am.
If you were to die and come back as a person or a thing, what would it be?
A bird.
Because, ever since I was little, I would have dreams of me flying around my house. Being able to take myself places. I want to just be able to fly and go anywhere.
Where would you most like to live?
In a van. Everywhere. Everywhere and nowhere.
What is your most treasured possession?
I’m not very attached to things that I own. I have this one Elvis Presley lunchbox that’s filled with little nick-nacks filled with little memorabilias of places and people and stuff. I guess my favorite possession is the physical manifestation of my memories. And my guinea pigs, but there not really my possessions, more like life companions.
What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
General moral misery? Anything that has to do with hurting another person, child rapists, killers, mass shooters, things like that. That being said, I think the thing that can bring you the most misery is yourself. We can get so caught up in our own minds that we create the problems that we try to run away from.
What is your favorite occupation?
Something out in nature. Something that has to do with exploring, traveling and animals. The first thing that comes to my mind is marine biology. They get to scuba dive all the time. That sounds so fun.
What is your most marked characteristic?
This is the hardest one to answer so far. I don’t know what other people see.
What’s something you’ve hear others remark upon?
My mom says I’m nice.
What do you most value in your friends?
Trust. Trust is very important for me. I feel like I don’t have very many people that I can go talk to. In my friends I want someone that I can go to if I have absolutely anything to say and I can trust that they’ll be there. I appreciate my friends to be present.
Who are your favorite writers?
Just because he’s one of my favorite thinkers, I’m going to have to say Sam Harris again. He just puts so many things that I think into words. He’s honestly the only person that I’ve read multiple books from. I like George Orwell as well. 1984. Fahrenheit 451. I really like dystopian novels. My favorite writers are people that can ponder about the direction of our lives, of our collective existence.
Who is your hero of fiction?
In most of the novels that I love there are no heroes. They raise more of a collective consciousness. How do we become the hero that our future needs? What do we do so that we don’t need this hero figure? I’ve never really liked romantic books, things of that nature. Things like Prince Charming. It’s a little silly, honestly. Some books like that are cute but I can’t take them seriously. They’re not present enough.
Which historical figure do you most identify with?
I’ve never had to think about this. Honestly, I’ve always had a great admiration for Einstein. He just has this thirst for knowing. He’s never satiated until he figures it out. I’m kind of in the same nature. He’s a smart man. I feel like we have in common a wonder about the world around us. Einstein is my dad.
Who are your heroes in real life?
To quote Tilian from Dance Gavin Dance, “They say you never meet your heroes, reverence is temporary, until the truth comes out.” I feel like whenever you idolize a person as a hero, you don’t see the person as a whole, you just see what they want you to see. You can never truly meet your heroes because your reverence is created by your own imagination. You admire more the idea of the person, not so much the person. That’s why I personally don’t believe in heroes.
You just said that you admire Einstein and Sam Harris, etcetera.
I don’t idolize them, I find their thoughts to be provocative. I do enjoy their minds for sure.
What are your favorite names?
Alex, because everyone in my family has like… My middle name is, Alejandra, my ex-step-dad’s name was Alex. Also I like that if I gave my child the name Alex, they could be a girl or guy, you can shorten it to Alex.
What is it that you most dislike?
What is your greatest regret?
I feel like I’m easily influenced and that’s why I stopped going to college. Probably that.
How would you like to die?
I wouldn’t like to die.
You haven’t answered the question.
Peacefully. Painlessly. In my sleep. If I am dying, if it's a long illness, I’d rather be put out of my misery than be put in a home or be a burden to family. If I’m not conscious, if I’m not there, I would rather you put me out of my misery. After, I would either like to be put in a fungus-suit so that my body would decompose and be used to fertilize soil or something. Or be made into ashes. I would like someone to have a piece of me when I’m dead.
What is your motto?
“It’s better to shit your pants than to die of constipation.” Am I proud of it? No. Was I warned against it several times? Yes. Was it an impulse decision to make it my yearbook quote because it summed that year up perfectly? Yes. It’s true though. Class of 2016.
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