#rewatching it x100
felixfathom · 2 years
The only non-Felix episode I could watch over again without complaint is probably Party Crasher tbh
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dango-daikazoku · 1 year
Primal’s Plague of Madness episode is legit one of the scariest things i’ve watched in a way that’s hard for me to describe other than it made me feel a visceral fear that gave me goosebumps and left me in awe
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yatiso · 2 years
today i officially finished my box set of sex and the city... tonite i shall watch thee bonus features disc and at least one of the two movies
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goldennightengale · 1 year
Hello there! Here's my request for the day, could I have the Dorm Leaders hearing their female musician s/o sing a love song dedicated to them at VDC? As an added bonus, everyone (including their families) saw her performance and really liked it.
AAA I loved writing this so much!! I always have songs I assign to the boys going through my head all the time so this was so much fun writing! I hope you enjoy it~ -GN
Warnings: N/A
Fem! MC
A Song for Your Love
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Riddle Rosehearts (Sombody to Hold My Heart - Lindsey Sterling)
When I tell you this man was flustered when you pointed him out in the crowd. Not only was your song full of love and energy, but all of your attention was on him, laser-focused on his face in the roaring crowd as you danced and sang across the stage like a professional. He’s the type to try and show his affection through actions instead of words, so expect a lot of flowers, gifts, and lots of hand-holding!
What made it even worse was he knew this was being broadcasted. Though he felt horrified by the thought of his mother watching you perform, specifically with him in mind, he was quickly reassured that she was more than amused by your eccentric proclaims of affection. She appreciates a confident woman speaking her mind, especially towards her son.
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Leona Kingscholar (Lazy Love - Chloe X Halle)
Smug Bastard x100 He’s making that concert seat look like a throne with how confident he looks, knowing full well that you are talking about him. Nobody else in the thousands seated near him. (Don’t mention how he might have a slight ego about being the second prince, he can’t give you the throne you deserve but he can give himself to you instead. Knowing you return the gesture makes him unreasonably happy)
Forgot it was being broadcasted until he got a facetime call from his brother congratulating him on having a mate of his very own, especially one so talented! Cheka starts begging him to bring you back to the palace and Leona hangs up before he can get the waterworks going. 
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Azul Ashengrotto (Cariño - The Marías)
Stuck between stunned, smug, and highly embarrassed. He has this goofy smile as he watches you strut across the stage, occasionally ducking his face into his hands when you purr the lyrics into the mic and wink at him in the crowd.
His mama went NUTS when she caught her guppy getting serenaded on live broadcast and demanded that he bring you home. She wants to meet the gal who made her baby smile like that!
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Kalim Al-Asim (What is Love? - Jonelle Monáe)
Your hype man. He’s jumping, dancing, screaming your name, and “I love you”s as you perform. Jamil tries to get him to calm down but how could he when you look like the brightest star in the desert sky? His Jewel has talent!
His father was laughing so loudly when he called, delighted with his son’s choice in love. Immediately offered to build you a personal stadium in return for you (marrying his son) performing for the entire Al-Asim family.
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Vil Shoenheit (Only Girl (In the World) - Rihanna)
Smug x100 pt. 2, He is preening under the spotlight of your affections and, while he may be judging your routine (lovingly ofc), he genuinely likes how you make it clear to others that he chose you above everyone else. Though he does question if you have a death sentence announcing your relationship so boisterously.
His father loved your performance! Bold and confident, you really must have what it takes to make his son fall so hard for you. While he may not be at the front of the musical entertainment business, he’d be willing to get you some connections if you ever decide to pursue music in the field.
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Idia Shroud (Icarus - Grant Knoche)
Hates the attention but melts under your loving stare, completely enraptured by your declaration of love and the thought that you did all this for him. Is 100% recording everything so he can rewatch it over and over again late at night and squeal like a fangirl in the privacy of his room.
His parents teased him relentlessly for finally getting a girlfriend, calling you his Pomegranate, and begging him to bring you home so they can meet you properly. Your references to a well-known myth are not lost on them, and the dedication to get close knowing the potential to get hurt is more than enough to get their trust. His hair is pink by the end of the call but you can tell he’s really happy they like you.
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Malleus Draconia (Sunset - Caroline Polachek)
Smug x100 pt. 3, because not only did you invite him to this whole ordeal, but you were performing for him and admitting how much you felt about him in front of such a large crowd. Is not aware of your performance being broadcasted, but knowing that everyone will know who you chose as a mate is more than enough to get him all smug again.
Oh, his grandmother is more than pleased that her grandson found someone so wonderful to rule beside him.  The trust you put in him, the clear admittance that you see him as a safe place, it's all proof to the reigning Queen. She’s heard a lot about you from Lilia so it only makes sense for you to visit Briar Valley to make your engagement official, no?
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I know this was very short but I hope I fulfilled your wish! -GN
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yxngchen · 7 months
rewatching atla is just my brain going GET HIS ASS x100 per episode
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antigonewinchester · 11 months
Oppenheimer thoughts.
I’m neutral-to-slightly-positive on Nolan’s filmography but I loved Dunkirk when I saw it back in 2017 so I was delighted that Oppenheimer took many of its stylistic flourishes and dialed them up x100.
the timeline and perspective divisions between 1. Fission and 2. Fusion and how the two intermixed with each other & occasionally overlapping
the unrelenting pace, never stopping or slowing down, with the music almost constantly going except for key moments of quiet
just the sound mixing!! my favorite moment in Dunkirk is the last 30 seconds where the sound finally goes quiet (after having been near constant the entire film) and we get a similar moment twice in Oppenheimer -- once w/ the bomb test, where the bomb silences everything except for Oppenheimer’s breathing, and then when he’s giving his speech to the crowd after the real bomb has been dropped -- that are so so good, and made all the more compelling that the movie keeps going each of them, unlike Dunkirk
I’ve seen people talk about Nolan’s obsession with time, but seen less on his returning to 1) technology & its intersection with war & warfare, and 2) knowledge / uncertainty / action, all 3 of which are super prominent (and were also key to Dunkirk)
there’s a lot to say about the timelines but one thing that stood out what how it contrasted Oppenheimer and Strauss as two sides of the same powerful, horrible coin. I was a little put off by how the film seemed to take some glee in Strauss’s comeuppance at the end, even if Strauss going after & destroying Oppenheimer’s career & reputation was a real shit move, but the final scene was just a devastating undercutting of Oppenheimer & his choices & guilt. the image of Oppenheimer watching the bomb test with eyes wide open vs closing them against his visions of the world destroyed by nuclear catastrophe, huh. men chasing after dreams, men chasing after power, these impulses are both very similar, and it’s very often other people who pay the price (at least at first).
people crap on Nolan for not have good characters or character-driven movies, but that’s bothered me less esp as he’s embraced more technical elements within his style (the focus on how he structures his films, the sound design, editing, etc.) and I thought it was perfect how Nolan focused on the technical and allowed his actors to bring their humanity to their characters, particularly w/ Cillian Murphy delivering such an internal character performance. all those close ups of Murphy where you could tell there was so much going on underneath, in a way that can only be conveyed by an actor, as compared in something in the script, and that not many actors can pull in such a deep way. AND it also worked when Oppenheimer being a cypher was itself a thematic part of the film, in the question of “what did Oppenheimer really think / feel?” being so prominent thru it. it’s probably easy to miss the nuances but that’s not something bad, that just means the film was super dense and needs rewatching to get all of it.
not particularly related to the film but I have to say, people metaphorically comparing eyes to gem stones in writing is super common but never quite worked for me except wow do Murphy’s eyes look like actual blue gemstones at points in this film. he has such a beautiful face, altho in an aesthetic way for me. like a beautiful painting.
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nebulouscoffee · 11 months
What are your go-to Trek episodes from any of the series to rewatch?
Thank you for the ask! 😊
I have decided to answer this VERY comprehensively lmao, I tend to mostly rewatch TNG, DS9 and VOY so I looked up the episode lists and these are probably my most revisited-
TNG: Peak Performance, The Enemy, The Defector, Deja Q, Yesterday's Enterprise, The Offspring, TBOBW/Family, Remember Me, The Loss, Data's Day, The Drumhead, that whole Worf arc from Sins of the Father through Redemption, Darmok, Ensign Ro, Disaster (x100!! Disaster my beloved), Ethics (it's a mixed bag but it still gives me the feels), I Borg, The Next Phase, Schisms, Face of the Enemy (loooove this one), The Chase, Tapestry, Parallels, and the finale
DS9: Emissary, Duet, ITHOTP (it's a mixed bag but it still gives me the feels), the Circle Trilogy, Necessary Evil, The Wire, Equilibrium, The Abandoned, Civil Defence, Past Tense, Life Support, IC/TDIC (one of my fav two parters tbh), Explorers, Shakaar, Facets, Way of the Warrior, Rejoined, Starship Down, Our Man Bashir, Accession, Body Parts, Things Past, The Begotten, Purgatory/Inferno/DBIP (it's a trilogy. to me😂), Children of Time, In the Cards, the whole Dominion Occupation arc (I've rewatched these a lot), FBTS, One Little Ship, ITPM, Tears of the Prophets through Take Me Out to the Holosuite, Tacking Into The Wind
VOY: Parallax, Prime Factors, Faces (it's a mixed bag but it still gives me the feels), Jetrel, Resistance, Prototype, Meld, Dreadnought, Deadlock (why do these all sound like Bruce Willis movies), Warlord, Distant Origin (dino episode my beloved!!), Worst Case Scenario (fanfic episode my beloved!!), Year of Hell, Living Witness, Extreme Risk, Timeless, Barge of the Dead, Riddles, Pathfinder (it's a mixed bag but it still gives me the feels), Blink of an Eye, Muse, Body and Soul (it's a VERY mixed bag but it's got Jeri Ryan's EMH impression), Shattered, Lineage
ETA: How could I forget the TOS movies!! I don't rewatch the show much but those movies are my friends🥰
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ezrisdax-archive · 2 years
whisper to me your star trek rare pairs o fair shipper
send me a fandom and I'll tell you my rare pairs and tell you why you should ship them
Uhura/T'Pring - okay not as much as a rare pair as before but def still not as common as Uhura/Chapel (which I also love and is also kinda technically a rare pair...) but! they only have one single interaction and I do not care. that interaction is Uhura looking at T'Pring and going 'oh no she's hot' pretty much and how can I not ship it from there?? plus I like the idea of Uhura practicing her Vulcan with T'Pring and T'Pring getting other choices that aren't just Vulcan guys. aaaand the Captain Uhura first Officer T'Pring au is my absolute fave one, I mean it's TOS, gotta have a Vulcan first officer right?
Tasha/Troi - I love Troi/Bev but a few years back when I did a rewatch my heart just fell for Tasha/Deanna. I mean that scene where Tasha is all messed up by alien stuff and goes to Deanna's room and is like 'you always look so pretty' is extremely gay and then you've got Deanna who's saying 'Tasha's very good looking' to Picard at one point. also!! Tasha reaching out to Deanna when she's in pain always gets me, I like the relationship that was built up with these two and I think it just has a strong foundation for shipping in general.
Ro/Tasha - LITERALLY DATED IN ANOTHER UNIVERSE. god I'm never over it. but also the two of them grew up in war torn worlds where they had to fight for themselves and Tasha grew to be more idealistic sure but there's the base understanding between them. I don't think they'd get along in the regular TNG world right away because Tasha believes so strongly in Starfleet which is why I think having episodes where they grow to respect each other would be key here. kinda like B'Elanna/Seven but less antagonistic to each other.
Ro/Troi - okay fine I had to complete the trifecta but I love the Disasters episode where Deanna is in charge and Ro doesn't respect her at first but comes to see how competent Deanna is. Ro has a competency kink, don't @ me about this okay. And then later they share drinks and joke about Riker and I just think it's cute they grew to have this friendship and it could also be romantic where Deanna convinces Ro to relax more and Ro later helps Deanna when she's trying out for Command track. I wish it'd been Deanna who Ro had said good bye the episode she left instead of Riker cause given how they started it would have made it more interesting to me.
Ezri/Leeta - once again, married in another universe...but I think they're cute in the main universe too, like Leeta helping Ezri figure out what food/drink she could eat whenever she comes to the promenade and Ezri interested in joining Leeta for Bajoran festivals and the like. It's a shame they never interacted much in season 7 but again, they're gay and married in another universe so I'll take the win where I can
Ezri/Kira - it's about the potential for angst. it's the stupid "Jadzia had feelings for you" arc done with Julian but better because Kira hadn't admitted yet that she had feelings for Jadzia and then Jadzia died and Ezri is here, a different person but still Dax. and Kira grows to enjoy that version of Dax in the show! I think there could be something romantic there as well and it's a pity the show never went for it.
Ezri/Lenara - same as Ezri/Kira with angst but somehow x100 because Lenara and Ezri already have that past with their hosts. They've been married, they reconnected and parted again, and now they're here where Leanara remembers Jadzia and Torias but Ezri is a whole new host and she almost threw the whole Trill society away for a chance with Jadzia and is there a chance she could do it again with Ezri?
B'Elanna/Seven - I keep forgetting this actually is a rare pair the amount of work I've put in for stuff for it honestly. I've said it before but they make me feral. They're such mirrors of each other and in the series their relationship is so interesting in that it's antagonistic and gets a grudging respect later on. They both had such messed up childhoods and see themselves as outsiders and B'Elanna literally jokes "us outsiders need to stick together" when they get back and earth and god I wish Picard had done something with that throwaway line still. I think the relationship would be a lot of work and full of miscommunication but there's something about seeing the flaws in someone else that you see in yourself and forgiving them anyway even while you can't forgive your own that just appeals to me.
B'Elanna/Stadi - okay listen, I know Stadi appears for all of ten minutes and gets killed and never met B'Elanna BUT consider the au where she stays on as the pilot. B'Elanna would /hate/ having a Betazoid around to potentially read her thoughts and Stadi wouldn't do it but boy would she have fun riling up B'Elanna that way I feel given how she jokes with Tom a little. Like it's the pilot/engineer ship I fucking deserved to have!!
Hoshi/T'Pol - it is the main femslash ship but also such a rare one but what I watched of Ent I enjoyed with them because of how T'Pol reached out in understanding and Hoshi likes to make jokes around Vulcans and they clearly respected each other and look sometimes it doesn't take much for me to ship something but that.
Joann/Keyla - if these two aren't fucking canon by the end I will storm the filming location in Toronto and hunt the writers down. they keep staring at each other across the ship consoles, they keep hugging each other, they keep joking with each other, and Joann's looks always linger. She invites herself into Keyla's vacation as a joke. They're always filmed together in scenes and Joann is the one who helps her gain some confidence back in season three and I'm going insaaaaaane. they're so gay!!!!!!
Mirror!Philippa/Reno - I just think the snarky older women should banter and have sex. it's already established they both like women. what more do you want from me.
Uhura/Ortegas - okay listen. Ortegas is always teasing Uhura and I just think it's cute and at this point Uhura need a confidence boost and Ortegas has confidence to share. somehow that works out in my head enough that I wrote a fic for them.
Mixed trek ships
Ro/B'Elanna - look they were both in Maquis, they could have met at some point. both hate Cardassians and have strong morals and tried Starfleet and didn't fully work in their rules and regulations because of their temper and I think they should kiss. but also I think they'd understand each other quite a lot honestly.
Jadzia/Guinan - look me in the eye and tell me it's not possible that Guinan and Jadzia have a) met in Jadzia's past life times and b) wouldn't try to out flirt each other the whole time
Jadzia/Uhura - Why was Jadzia wearing a red dress when they went to the past when she was sciences? Answer: to sleep with Uhura and in case they got their uniforms mixed up there'd be no problems. It's litreally the only reason I thought of this ship and I'm sticking with it.
I know I have more but I feel I may have done enough tangents now...
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meetmymouth · 11 months
so rewatching his final speech where he tears up thanking his mum, and just imagining that x100 when harrys talking to y/n and teddy 😭 it really hits that without the music and tours, they wouldn’t be standing there. they wouldn’t have learned how to live without each other but choose to be in each others’ lives. rip my heart.
my heart! starting the tour life with y/n, then not having them with him, to getting back together again 💔💔💔 that must’ve been so overwhelming!!!! In the best way possible!!! ahhh my heart is breaking now <3 the satellite is home… <3<3333 🛰️🌼♥️ also guster’s satellite 🤝🏻 harry’s satellite
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hahaalaine · 1 year
I'm still rewatching the Inuyasha anime in the background while I work from home even though it bugs me, its just something to have on lol. Anyway, I think it's really interesting how the anime refuses to forget about Shippo. There are so many times where Takahashi has just not drawn Shippo in scenes in the manga even though technically there is no reason for him to not be there. Meanwhile, the anime ramps up his dialogue x100 and makes him sort of a representative of the audience in the story. He isn't annoying in the manga to anyone but Inuyasha, but in the anime he's such a little brat. They made some very strange decisions in their adaptation.
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bettyweir · 1 year
rewatched three cheers for evil on new years and was like damn. i made betty weir x100 more important in my brain then in the show.
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sorenkingsley · 2 years
two monitors means vegaspete rewatching x100 and a chipmunk eating corn on the cob... at the same time.
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miiikans · 5 years
hitorijime my hero got a dub 👀👀👀
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scare-ard--sleigh · 2 years
wait you’re telling me that in order to have cyril & kendall interact with logan roy i have to write logan roy 🤢🤢
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rosieblogstuff · 2 years
Ok so we’re almost on to the next rewatch episode and before we get there....  I must confess that I LOVE 2x13 for all the Jack parts. Like everything with Jack in this episode is gold. I mean, the robot apocalypse is fun, there are some really great Mac lines, and I love that Bozer’s out there having his back for once. But I love, love, love Jack’s high school reunion. I love the hilarious, over-the-top awkwardness of the whole thing. I love it because it’s like any high school reunion. Like literally, trust me here, if you’ve never been to a high school reunion? This vibe is SO accurate. 
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High school reunions are a weird mind game. You’re suddenly stuffed in a room with people whose opinions deeply mattered to you when you were ~17 years old. And so what if you haven’t given those people one second’s thought in 9.5 years? (or maybe 24.5, if you’re Jack!) It doesn’t matter how long it’s been or if you’re never going to see those people again, you’re probably also going to have that sudden, desperate need to prove you didn’t turn out to be some kind of loser.
But of course Jack’s reunion is like any awkward high school reunion x100, because of course Jack has to stick with the whole “bathroom tile salesman” cover story. Matty made sure to remind us all about it right at the start of the story so we can foresee Jack’s troubles coming from miles away.
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I mean, there’s like no reason Jack should still be stuck with this silly bathroom tile story instead of being able to say he’s actually a security consultant at a think tank, or involved in logistics for the think tank, or something. He’s got plenty of real-life army experience that wasn’t classified that could be spun into a story like that. But that wouldn’t be funny.
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Jimmy: I sold my business last year for ten times my initial investment. We used the proceeds to start a nonprofit. We just opened three schools and a hospital in Africa. The wife, you know, she’s still modeling a little bit here and there but her natural foods company just went public and the stock is (rocket noises) up through the roof, man. Oh, wait, and my kids… I got… that’s Jimmy Jr there, ace left-hander. The Blue Jays are already scouting him. Don’t get me started on that. And my little bell, Melody, she starts Harvard next fall. So I got no complaints, brother. 
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And of course when Jack actually breaks and tells the truth, his massively super successful high school nemesis doesn’t believe him, adding insult to injury. 
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I mean, there’s a second, where Jimmy looks at Jack and almost, almost, believes everything he just said. Like he sort of senses there’s something there that’s the honest-to-God truth. But then he passes it off and laughs.
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And Jack’s raging imposter syndrome bathroom breakdown? “What are you doing with your life, Dalton?” Poor Jack!
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We know what he’s doing with his life… he’s a highly trained government operative who really has saved the world over a dozen times, right? Of course he is! Because Jack’s the best. But you can’t always see yourself accurately and poor Jack is in the middle of the high school reunion mind game. And sometimes he lets his emotions run away from him.   
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But covert operatives gotta stick with their cover stories. Poor, poor Jack. ❤️😂 He sticks with his cover story because he knows he has to, because Jack’s a good agent and you can always trust him to do the right thing, even if it sucks in the moment. 
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mmahalko · 2 years
Finally the journey of #BadBuddySeries has come to an end. :( I feel somehow empty. It ended so fast. From the 1st episode to EP12, I couldn't imagine it to end so soon. Every day, I keep waiting... when will Friday come? I wanna watch a new EP so badly. This morning, when I realised it was really the last EP, to tell you the truth, I felt so empty. From having a new EP to watch every Friday, next week, there won't be a new EP anymore, and we can only rewatch. But, it's okay. :) Every journey is like this -- there's the beginning and there's the end. I have received so many good things from this series. :P So, let's get it started.
#BadBuddySeries has given me a lot of things -- acting, skills, friendship, love and value. I could even say this series has changed my life a lot. I am so happy and honoured to be a part of this series.
Thank you p'Tha for this opportunity. Thank you for always believing in and trusting me. Every time I asked you "p'Tha krub, how's the series?" you would always smile and tell me "I like it so much." I was so happy and I will continue to improve myself to be even greater.
Thank you p'Aof, the director, who is my parent and teacher, for teaching me and shaping me and making me grow in this career path with quality. I'm happy I got to work with you again. Thank you for giving me the chance since my 1st day working here. You have always been by my side. Even though sometimes, I'm well-behaved, and sometimes I'm not, I love you regardless. You have dedicated so much for this work. Thank you for giving more than 100% to this work. I'm so happy seeing you so satisfied with this work. Love you. ❤️
Thank you all the staff who worked upfront and behind-the-scene. Thank you for giving your efforts physically and mentally. You guys were x100 times, x1000 times more tired than us, but you never complained and kept going forward to make this project perfect until today has arrived.
Thank you all the friends, older and younger actors/actresses for giving your heart to this work. I believe all of you are happy about this series. I miss the shooting time with you guys. We did try our best to find a shortcut so that we could go home early but we always ended up leaving on time. Hahaha. to be frank, what I got more than having fun, was friendship and sincerity. You guys were so sincere -- it's like our gang really united as one. Miss you guys, always. I miss the time shooting together but now we can only rewatch. Anyway, it doesn't matter. We will cross paths again. I wish you all a success. I love you all.
Thank you Pa, Ma, my bro, Auntie and my family for always cheering for me, and for waking up early to help open the gate. When I finished work late, you always asked me if I was hungry. I'm happy that Pa & Ma enjoy my work and are proud of me as a son. I will continue to deliver quality work for Pa, Ma and the entire family to enjoy watching.
Thank you all the fans and Bad Buddy family for enjoying and loving this series. Thank you for joining the journey until the last day. Thank you for your support and for always being beside me. Although the series has both sad and happy scenes, you are still happy with it regardless. Today, the series has come to an end, but it doesn't matter, I'm always here. I promise I will continue giving you better work with greater quality for you guys to watch. ❤️
And finally, thank you Nanon, my best partner. Thank you for opening your mind and changing so many things for us to get along well. Thank you for dedicating all your efforts, physically and mentally to this work and to me. I'm happy I got to work with you and I've learned many things from you. I'm sorry If I misbehaved or did something wrong. But, you are always so understanding, staying beside me, supporting me and caring about me. You, too. Every time you are tired, discouraged or lack of passion, remember I'm always here to support you. I'm waiting for the day your dreams come true and to see you even more successful. Honestly, if I had to thank you for everything, a full-day wouldn't suffice. You and I are really like PatPran -- we've fought so much but in the end we love each other. I love you, Nanon. I'm looking forward to shooting more projects with you. Although this series has ended, our friendship hasn't. I love you, badass. ❤️❤️❤️
OHM 22.01.21 ❤️💚 (regarding bbs coming to an end.)
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