#rhaegar x ned
imthefemalemonster · 2 years
Your fics are absolutely lovely. I wonder what gives you the inspiration to write such interesting pieces. And yeah, could you please do a Top!Rhaegar x Bottom!Ned (NOT ABO) story where for some reason Ned gives birth to twins (essentially Robb and Jon but they're Targaryen)? Like the pregnancy could be attributed to the hidden Velaryon bloodline they have when Cregan hid TemporaryAmnesiacLucerys or Rhaegar just literally bred Ned thoroughly stuff.
Hello honey! First of all, thank you so much, it's really touching to hear. Here it is, sorry it took so long, hope you like it. ♡
And to answer you... this is a such a good question. I don't really have an answer tbh, it's all... vibes? I feel like writing? I write. At the end of this shitty day, I put all my issues to the side and I read or write. I think that many of us consume content for this reason. As I mostly do requests, if my work can make someone happy a few minutes in their life, even if they are bound to forget it the next day, it makes it all worth it. I'm glad I can leave a part of me out there.
⸻Tell Me That You Mean It
Rhaegar Targaryen x Ned Stark (Mostly Fluff / Smut)
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⸻Summary: A dragon and a wolf love story knows no end.
Tags: Fluff, Smut, Angst, (a bit?), Mostly Fluff, Unspecified Timeline/Settings, Young Adults Characters, Maybe OOC, (I don’t know the characters very well), Kisses, Hugs, Mpreg, Anal Sex, Aftercare, No beta once I sneezed 8 times in a row
⸻Read on Ao3
Notes: I got inspired to do something smutty and fluffy for the young Rhaegar/Ned relationship. Lots of fluff and fluff with some more fluff, little bit of angst too (?), mpreg not explained it exists because I said so. Requested by anon I hope you like it. ♡
⸻Words: 2965
The wind brushed the leaves, air embracing the trees like tender arms around a body. A frail figure sat there, resting under the dance of the branches. Eyes closed, Ned focused on the sounds around him, breath steady.
“You left training without waiting for me.”
The voice came from behind him, accompanied by rapid and confident footsteps. Leaves cracked under the boots. Ned turned his head, cold face meeting with the young white haired man approaching him.
“You could just tell me if you didn’t want to see me…”. Rhaegar smirked, smug face as he kneeled next to his Stark friend.
Ned eyebrows’ frowned, eyes staring deep into the lilac orbs as if it was trying to decipher them.
“Oh relax”, Rhaegar laughed, hand reaching to pinch Ned’s cheek, “That wasn’t a reproach, merely a remark.”
Ned squirmed away from the touch, not without a shy smile on his lips.
“I was just tired.”, he sighed, “I wanted some calm, I found it here.”
“Uh, I see.” Rhaegar looked up to the trees, the beautiful features on his face emphasized by the daylight. Ned stared at them with great fascination. Often he wondered if the gods had created something more beautiful than his long-time companion.
“Starring again?”
Rhaegar smiled as he met Ned’s doe eyes. The Stark’s fingernails scratched the fabric covering his legs, drawing Rhaegar’s attention.
“Rumor has it, I do make you nervous.”
“I-I’m sorry?”
Avoiding the man’s burning gaze, Ned lowered his eyes to his feet,cheeks flushed.
“You are not usually like this when we are only together“, whispered Rhaegar, his voice both pained but comforting, “What’s on your mind?”
“Nothing.” Ned breathed heavily, feet kicking the leaves, digging in the dirt.
“There are so many things in your eyes I can’t stop staring at them.”
Ned exhaled, lips curling into a soft smile. He nodded, not quite sure how to say it.
“So what is it?”, insisted Rhaegar, leaned in so his head aligned with Ned’s.
“Not much”, he breathed, the wind blew around them, pushing them against another, “It’s the people… looking at us.” He fled the lilac’s eyes, the words sounded so stupid spoken outside of his mind.
“Does that make you nervous?”. Rhaegar always looked so relaxed about everything. Like he walked a path of confidence and nothing or no one could unsettled him. His pale hand reached for Ned’s paler one, digits gently brushing the skin.
“Your hands are so warm for a winter boy.”
“It doesn’t make me nervous.” mumbled Ned, this time meeting Rhaegar’s touch with delight, “It was stupid but I still think about it.”
“It’s not stupid if it hurts you”, added Rhaegar, smug still on his face as his eyes were ablaze. Mischief crossed his face as his hand left Ned’s to meet his waist, fingers digging in the leather.
“What are you-”
“I prefer when you laugh, Ned”, he smirked, arms crossing around his chest, moving behind him.
“You are insufferable”, sighed Ned, his cheek meeting with Rhaegar’s nose.
“You like it.”
“Never said I didn- Gods stop!”, Ned bit his lips as he felt Rhaegar hands move around his waist and chest, “Tickling?! How old are you-”
“You are so sensitive… here”, Rhaegar’s fingers dug into the other man’s ribs, Ned emitted a short and surprised gasp as he turned his flushed face to the Targaryen, “Oh I love that face”, he whispered against Ned’s neck, air burning against the warm flesh. A wide smile was painted on Ned’s face as he wriggled around to escape Rhaegar’s playful assault. “Here too!”, the Targaryen shouted, digit pushing against Ned’s lower back.
“F-fuck off!”, laughed Ned, elbow gently hitting Rhaegar in the stomach.
The two men stopped, Ned throwing a glance behind him, afraid he hurt his friend. Rhaegar just looked stupidly shocked.
“Who taught you that word…”, murmured Rhaegar leaning in so his breath imprinted on Ned’s skin, shivering under it.
“I wonder.”, he hissed, pushing his face away, standing up.
The Targaryen was a bit too swift on his foot as he followed the Stark’s motions, legs tangled together as they hit the floor. Rhaegar bursted out laughing.
“What the hell.”
“Gods! Another one?”, smirked Rhaegar, crawling his thin figure above Ned, “Got more words like that for me?”
Ned crossed his arms, falsely vexed. The Targaryen held himself on his hands, locking Ned’s body under his.
“What now?”
Rhaegar’s purple eyes wandered from the bottom to the top, slowly.
“Can I sit?”
Ned scoffed at the question. He was often overpowered by Rhaegar, there was little he could do to stop him.
“It’s not like I could stop you.”
“I wouldn’t force you.”, spoke Rhaegar, eyebrows raised, waiting for an answer. Ned nodded, a little sigh leaving his mouth as the Targaryen happily leaned in.
Smiling, Rhaegar rested on his elbows, hands maintaining his face above Ned.
“You look great like that.”
There was a long silence, a time of reunion and gazing as they stared both at each other face, their minds imprinting each detail like they would never see one another again. Words weren’t spoken, yet mouths were put to use. Rhaegar lowered his head to brush Ned’s lips, the man softly breathed, pausing a second, waiting for any kind of invitation. He was soon met with Ned's warmth as the young man closed the distance between them. Their lips collapsed as the wind blew in their ears, the coldness of it a perfect contrast of the hotness on their respective skins. Rhaegar took control, as he always did, pushing Ned’s head back onto the floor, his mouth capturing the bottom lip, tongue tracing the line of it until he was invited in. The men drown into each other embrace, the wetness and warmth of Ned's mouth tasted like honey on Rhaegar’s tongue. None of them could say how much time passed, they lost the ability to breathe the moment their bodies met, nothing else was important anymore.
Noises were heard around them, voices and footsteps. Rhaegar broke the kiss to look around, much less worried than Ned. The Stark grabbed his companion's leather clothes, pulling him closer, his fingernails scratching the fabric in newfound need.
“We should go.”, whispered Rhaegar, a large smile on his lips, focusing his attention back on Ned, “Or maybe you’re fine with being found under me in the woods but-”
“You don’t have to leave so soon.”, breathed Ned, face still standing close to Rhaegar, his lips wanting to capture the Targaryen’s again.
“I should. But join me tonight”, Rhaegar smirked, “Maybe I’ll show you something.”
The man got up, turning his heels away from Ned as he left, the Stark still sitting on the floor, watching his lover disappear behind the trees.
“I missed you so much.”
Ned turned to meet the voice he knew so well. The balcony was bathed in darkness, it was deep into the night already when Rhaegar arrived. Finally.
“It’s only been a few hours.”, commented Ned.
“And?”, laughed Rhaegar, “I still did.” He crawled to sit next to him, this time their shoulders met as he rested his chin on it, looking deep into the eyes staring back at him. “I did miss you. I always do.”
Ned was surprised, but he met the embrace with enthusiasm. Leaning closer he met Rhaegar’s lips again. It was more needy than the first one. Like they both starved for something buried deep within another, something that hadn’t been spoken yet.
“What did you want to show me.”, whispered Ned against Rhaegar’s face, their noses brushing.
Leaving his lover’s lips only a second, catching their breaths, Rhaegar moved in front of him, knees between the Stark’s thighs as he parted them gently. A soft gasp escaped Ned but he didn’t move, letting himself be manhandled to Rhaegar’s will.
“Will you let me show you?”
A confused smile appeared on Ned's lips, but he nodded, allowing Rhaegar’s touches to go further. His hands went to cup his face tenderly, thumbs grazing the skin, his eyes were cold but his skin was burning under Rhaegar’s palms.
“What is the status of us?”
The question cut the Targaryen short, standing still, trying to decipher the words.
“What do you mean?”, scoffed Rhaegar. He was too lost in the touches already to think.
“You know what I mean.”
Rhaegar shrugged his shoulders, fingers tracing Ned’s shirt, stopping on his waist.
“I fail to understand where this is going.”
“W-we-”, Ned mumbled, the words escaped him with difficulty, shyness missed with a certain feeling of shame, despite laying only in frail clothes in front of Rhaegar’s burning gaze, “We hang o-out. We ki-. I mean we-”
“Kissed, yes”, continued Rhaegar, hands on Ned thighs as his thumbs drew circles on the fabric.
“Then what are we?”, murmured Ned.
Rhaegar hesitated for a second. It has been so much time now. It felt so natural for him yet… yet Ned wasn’t wrong. What were they?
“We are…”, he paused, the words would never feel wrong, but he only realized now that he never spoke them, “We were friends, then very close friends, training partners, even closer friends”, in his mind he remembered all the moments, all the tenderness, all the first times, “We are two young men in love.”
“That’s what we are?”
“You are not?”, worries filled Rhaegar’s voice. What were they?, “In love?”
“You never said it.”
Rhaegar paused, eyes wandering on the younger man’s body he wished to show all his love to.
“Neither did you.”
Ned shook his head, lowering it as his fingernails pressed into the back of his hands. He was desperate to meet Rhaegar’s embrace again, maybe he should have never spoken.
“I know you are very keen on honor and this stuff-”
“It’s not that!”
The Targaryen stopped his motions, it felt like time did with him as he observed Ned's pained face.
“I j-just-”, he mumbled, trying to regain a sort of composure, his shoulders straight, rigid, face turned toward Rhaegar, “I just didn’t think you did.”
“You didn’t think I was serious all this time?”
“We hid, we ran away, we acted like… it wasn’t happening”, Ned raised his hands, shoulders shrugging in a slow movement, “It didn’t feel serious. It never felt real.”
“It always was to me…” Rhaegar leaned closer, lips kissing the Stark’s temple as his palm rested on his thighs. Ned immediately responded to his touch, arms crossing around the man’s chest, head resting on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry then.”
Rhaegar laughed, hands gently patting Ned’s back. The man moved backward, cheeks flushed and eyes tearing up, confusion filling them.
“What are you sorry for?”, mewled Rhaegar, lips brushing against Ned as he felt his smile, “For being in love with me? Uh, you’re not so wrong.”
“N-no!”, muttered Ned, head moving back, hands resting on the man’s waist, fingers shaking as they played with the fabric resting there, “I didn’t want to hurt you.”
“You didn’t, if that makes you feel better.”, Rhaegar’s digits played with the soft fabric on his collar, his eyes fixated on the little patches of pearl white skin he could see.
Ned nodded, the small smile on his face growing larger, observing Rhaegar’s gaze devouring him.
“So”, he paused, unsure, “About what you wanted to show me.”
“Hm”, hummed Rhaegar, the air tense around them, “I thought we could finally try… cuddling.”
“That’s how you call it?”, sighed Ned, lips painted back in a shy smile.
“You struggled to say that we kissed”, smirked Rhaegar, “I’m just trying to use your words.”
Ned laughed, raising a hand to muffle the sound.
“I mean you said ‘fuck off’ earlier”, commented Rhaegar, digits teasingly brushing Ned’s collarbone, “Maybe I’m being a little bit too naive about your supposed innocence.”
“I know a lot of these words.”, breathed Ned, “I just don’t use them like you do.”
An eyebrow raised, Rhaegar smirked gently. His kindness, his shyness, his patience, his tenderness, he wanted to possess it all. Hold him into his hands forever.
“If you let me, I’ll show you, love.” The words filled Ned’s ears, mind and heart like no other words ever did. He couldn’t say anything, he simply smiled and nodded as Rhaegar’s hands guided him to lay on the floor under him. The Targaryen moved above gently, steady on his knee, as a hand moved to cup Ned’s face.
“Am I being your first time?”, he whispered into Ned’s ear, learning over him, legs parted away above Ned’s waist.
The question was so genuine, Ned scoffed at first. Rhaegar’s usual teasing was replaced with loving features and gentle detail dancing on his face.
“Y-you are.”
Rhaegar stood up abruptly, hands raised in this air in a ridiculously exaggerated motion.
“Oh that’s making me nervous now!”
Ned scoffed, amused by the man’s humor.
“Come on now.”, he purred, “I don’t think you want to keep me waiting.”
“Wow My Lord…”, laughed Rhaegar, “I didn’t expect that from you.”
“Everything for you, Your Grace.”
Rhaegar scoffed at the name, lowering his body against Ned’s. They lips met once again, for what felt like the first time again. It was indecisive but loving, hesitant but soft. Both their shaking hands reached for the other’s shirt, collapsing, tangled as they discarded their clothes. The motions were clumsy, hips grinding against one another, wet lips battling noisily, moans exchanged as naked bodies rutted. Rhaegar lowered his head, dizzy with the warmth surrounding them, his mouth tracing the curves of the other man’s body, his lips wandering everywhere they could. Ned's figure shivered, jolting to meet with every of the soft touches. It felt just right, just where they both should be.
The air hit their burning skin, Ned gasped at the sensation, but soon he was taken in hand, handled lovingly. The strokes were slow but precise, the digits tracing the curves, lips meeting with the tender skin, teeth nibbling at the sensitive buds. Forehead pressed together, mouths collapsed, moans and grunts escaping the barriers of flesh. Hard members rubbing, fingers playing at one entrance. Everytime it pushed, Ned squirmed under the weight of the body above him, inviting him further in, reaching for the perfect spots inside. Rhaegar breathed softly, eyes hungry, gaze meeting with his lover. He wanted for any words, anything, a signal into the night that would seal this love forever. Hands on the back on his neck pulled him closer, lips collapsing in a hot and lustful embrace. His hands moved lower and lower, digits coated in wetness, rim inviting under the touch of his warm head. Lips brushed one another as he pushed in, feeding off Ned’s soft gasp. Rhaegar’s thumbs drew circles on his cheeks, encouraging words leaving his mouth as he possessed him whole, once, and for all.
“I love you.”
The days and the weeks went by. The leaves on the trees danced and changed colors. Ned and Rhaegar met again. In the woods. On training grounds, under the rain and on the sea. Everywhere they went love followed. Ned had invited Rhaegar in the coldness of the North, where his house stood. He had joined in great delight, wanting to discover the wonders of the region at his lover’s side. Maybe the cold could be a good excuse to keep each other warm every night.
“Can we stay like this forever?”, Ned whispered, sheets covering the naked pair. Fingers intertwined, palms meeting, they looked into each other's eyes. Something that was once buried deep down was now full grown, blossoming like spring leaves they once used to stare at for hours.
As desired as it was, the pregnancy still surprised them both. Ned the most, since he was the one bearing. The changes to his body were the hardest to deal with, the second were his dragon's constant worry at his side. Dare he left the bed, Rhaegar would rush to him, questions escaping his mouths and it felt like he could only but produce worry with his tongue. It had Ned smiling often, desperate to soothe his anxiety. They would walk together outside, Rhaegar would talk about the hundred things they could do with the little one, everything he would show him and teach him.
“I’ll be fine.”, Ned whispered softly, cupping his lover’s face. Rhaegar would walk ten thousand steps into the room everytime Ned breathed. His tenderness accompanied his companion in every motion as the months passed by.
“You can sleep, I’ll keep you both safe.”, Rhaegar murmured at night, waiting for his young lover to fall into sleep’s embrace. Watching his soft face rest at his side, cherishing every moment they had together until they were rocked by, to their grand surprise, two little high pitched voices calling for their attention.
The day of the delivery, Rhaegar refused to leave Ned’s side. Palms pressed together as the labor started. They encountered several complications but yet here they were. They. Twins there were, to the men’s surprise. Two little blonde figures, dragon's blood pulsing through their veins, much like their father. The room was calm as the little ones were cradled in their fathers’ loving arms.
“What should we name them?”
Rhaegar smiled, contemplating the two little swollen, sleeping faces. They had discussed that a lot, unable to choose between two names they loved much. Maybe fate did things well.
“Since we couldn’t decide… Why not use both?”
Ned observed the soft faces laying in their arms, unsure.
“That would fit for little Targaryen?”, he questioned, eyes raised toward Rhaegar who looked confident, like he always did.
“I’m sure it will.”
A smile appeared on the Stark’s lips as his face met the little foreheads.
“Jon and Robb, it shall be then.”
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I know Ned was stressed as hell seeing his daughter, who resembles Lyanna physically and in attitude, become friends with Robert’s bastard son and Edric Dayne aka mister pale blonde hair and purple eyes. Like that man was about to die again from a heart attack, hands shaking as he pulled at his hair, thinking to himself “no, gods, no. Not this again. No one give my girl a flower please”
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amber-laughs · 1 year
so lyanna brings home from college this platinum blonde twink who got her name tattooed on his arm after the second date but they’re polite about it (not brandon!) like ned thinks maybe it’s just his older brother bias and is trying to see him from lya’s perspective “hmm this guys handsome i guess, he’s older, he’s rich, passionate. sure we’ll give it a go i mean she’s young they’ll break up soon right? right lyanna? RIGHT??” brandon’s disgusted. rhaegar actually went to an adjacent high school that always beat his school’s football team and brandon always thought his instagram poetry was ass. benjen, lyanna’s little pet dog basically, thinks rhaegar’s great and “you guys if you’re gonna date lyanna you should love her enough to get her named tattooed on you” until she brings benjen to one of rhaegar’s open mics and he has to sit there while they make out and listen to 3 songs about sex with his sister. she’s pregnant 3 weeks later btw
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aelenavelaryon · 10 months
Robert Baratheon x Reader (pt.2)
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Summary: in which the Queen gets her revenge on her husband
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The return of dragons came to a surprise for the realm. It was unexpected yet a blessing, especially for Rhaenyra. Finally, dragons returned to the world. Robert was not on board with having them in King's Landing at first but after watching Rhaenyra be happy after the loss of their child he agreed. Robert, despite marrying her without love came to enjoy her company as the two enjoyed making children.
Rhaenyra choose to let her dragons roamed free in a place where they were all away from people, to avoid harming innocent people. Prince Daemon was born in the year 283, near the end of the year. His brother Orys came days after his first name day in 284. In the year 286 came the twins, Aemon and Aemond. Just a year later in 287 she lost a child, it was then that Dragons were reborn.
By 290, Rhaenyra's dragons had grown a lot. The year prior they disappeared and when they returned they were the size of an adult dragon. So, for the first time in centuries a Targaryen finally took to the skies on dragonback. Balerion, the dragon she rode flew her to a part of the Keep that was abandoned and where he kept dragons eggs.
Rhaenyra brought Dragon Keepers to the Keep to help with the dragons and their eggs. The eggs, which were enough to give to each one of her children and brother, were kept warm and ready in the children's room. Finally, after five years of trying for a daughter, a girl finally came. Well, more like two. Rhaena and Helaena came during the summers of 290. By then, her children all had dragons eggs. Prince Daemon had claimed Caraxes, while his brother's hatched their eggs. Orys named his Eros. Aemon named his Moonfyre and Aemond named his Meraxes. Princess Rhaena and Helaena's dragon eggs hatched the same day of their birth.
King Robert threw a feast in honor of their first name day. By then, queen Rhaenyra had given him four sons and two daughters. Princess Rhaena was said to be as wild and defiant as her mother in her youth. Rhaena had the Targaryen hair and eyes, while her twin, princess Helaena had black hair and blue eyes like his father but she was as quiet and calm as her late grandmothers, queen Rhaella and Lady Cassana Baratheon. Robert was a decent king who took the input of his queen. They had a quiet a decent marriage.
Since the day they married Robert kept to his wife's and his own chambers. He slept with no other woman that was not his wife. Some had said he changed for the better and Eddard Stark could attest to that. Rhaenyra's life was good. She had no worries. Everything was just perfect.
The news reached her a few weeks later. Robert Baratheon had slept with Cersei Lannister or so she claimed. Cersei was a girl of three and twenty. She was yet to be married as her father hadn't found her a good match yet. Rhaenyra when she heard said nothing. Robert even thought she hadn't heard but she had. She knew, thanks to her little birds that Jaime was Cersei's lover. So, her plan was to take Jaime from Cersei. It was her goal to make him loyal to her.
Her plan began the very next day. She had asked Robert for a new guard. Stating that with six children it was better for them and her to have extra security. The king agreed. She smiled and acted as if nothing was happening. When Cersei was forced to move the keep by her father's order, Rhaenyra was forced to confront her husband.
Robert entered their shared chambers. "Nyra" she looked away. Rhaenyra was two and twenty. She had given her husband six children. She never complained nor did she cause him any problems. She simply did her duty, ever the dutiful her mother used to say. "I have never asked anything of you, nor have I ever caused you trouble or any problems. I have stood by you for the last seven years. I married you despite everything. I am no saint, nor have I ever been. I brought a son into a marriage that was not yours. You loved him and took care of him as if he was your own. And in return I gave your four sons with your blood and two daughters with your blood" there was a brief silence. "Where our children not enough?" she asked. "Was I not enough?" she asked.
Rhaenyra had never been insecure. How could she? She was a Targaryen, their beauty seemed to be god like and now, with her dragon being a god seemed far more possible than before. "I love you, Robert. But I will not be the person you treat like a common whore. If Cersei gives you a bastard child I will give you one too. And if she gives you another so will I" she said. Robert was too stunned to speak. She gave him on chance to speak before she left their shared chambers, Arthur and Jaime following behind.
Rhaenyra knew Cersei's greatest love was Jaime, and she rarely even allowed him to wonder far from her. Jaime didn't mind, watching over her gave him some sort of relief as he felt guilty for killing her father years back. He also wanted to keep her safe as he could not keep Elia and her children. Jaime was also avoiding his sister, as much as she would try to find him but he would walk the other way or ignore her pleas to talk. Over the months the good relationship between the queen and king perished in the blink of an eye. King Robert returned to his drunken and whoring ways.
Cersei Lannister gave birth to a son who she named Joffrey Baratheon, a boy with black hair and green eyes, he seemed to be all his father but the eyes. A year later, in the year 292, queen Rhaenyra gave birth to a son, a boy she named Rhaegar Targaryen and a daughter who she named Rhaella. The boy had blonde white hair. His eyes were the same eyes of princess Alyssa Targaryen, wife of Baelon Targaryen. One green eye and purple. Her daughter, princess Rhaella had a her grandmother's looks. Ser Jaime Lannister was the first one to hold his two children. A little princeling he used to call him and his little baby girl. Jaime and Rhaenyra were the ones who picked the names.
Robert knew but he said nothing as the guilt of returning to his old habits returned. Prince Jacaerys came four years after his sisters, then, a year after him came Lucerys. Princess Rhaenyra had always loved those names and had always wanted to name one of her sons like them. Prince Jacaerys had dark brown hair and purple eyes, his brother Lucerys was just like his brother. Queen Rhaenyra bore thirteen children at the short age of thirty. Her last two children were girls. Daughters. Visenya and Daenerys, daughters of Ser Arthur Dayne.
Eddard Stark never married, instead he served his queen Rhaenyra his entire life. And of course he took care of their two sons. Ned had became her closest companion alongside Arthur and Jaime Lannister. She had no other allies at court but them. At least, she didn't trust anyone else but them. Cersei gave Robert three more children. Tommen, Myrcella and Joanna but they were known as bastards since they were not married.
On the queen's name day, a thirtieth name day celebration was made in her honor. Every house in the realm attended, including Dorne, Driftmark and the North. By then, Prince Jaehaerys was nearly six and ten, Daemon was five and ten, Orys three and ten, Aemon and Aemond were one and ten, Helaena and Rhaena were eight, Rhaegar and Rhaella were nearly six, Jacaerys was four, prince Lucerys three and his sisters had just turned one.
Queen Rhaenyra, despite birthing thirteen children looked far better than most, she was grateful, she also took care great of her figure, she wanted to preserve herself as much as she could. Robert knew that seven of those children where not his. Jaehaerys had been claimed as a Targaryen despite Tywin's insistence to keep him as a bastard. Rhaenyra did not wish for her son to bear the name Baratheon or Stark. Brandon had written to her often wanting to know about his son but he not once had asked for the boy to visit him nor to be claimed as a Stark. She knew Catelyn did not like the idea of Brandon's bastard sons being in their home and possible taking Robb's birthright.
During the Queen's name day celebration things are said and revenge is plotted. They say when you play the game of thrones you win or you die, there is no middle ground. Queen Rhaenyra is going to win, no matter what. The question is, will she succeed or will she fail?
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elainarcheronstotebag · 2 months
saddest part of elia’s story is that she didn’t even get to haunt the narrative. her death literally meant nothing to no one except for dorne/house martell. no, instead show!lyanna, the woman who ran away with her husband gets the sympathy and her legacy lives on. her ghost haunts robert/cersei/ned, but barely anyone even mentions elia’s name except for oberyn. elia died is such a tragic and cruel way with her children, and will never receive justice because to do so would harm lyanna’s memory.
and i don’t blame book!lyanna, because she was young and most likely a victim herself, i would like to think she’d be angry that elia died like that “for her.” i literally fall to my knees and sob anytime i think of my poor sweet beautiful angel elia and her babies:(
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lizzie-queenofmeigas · 8 months
I was twelve when I first read A song of Ice and Fire. Twelve and at the end of the first book it was obvious to me that Jon was Lyanna's and Rhaegar's son. How did so many characters miss that?
Ned Stark, super honourable and loyal man comes back with a bastard that has the Stark look. He comes back with this bastard after the war, after he retrieves Lyanna's body. Lyanna who was "kidnapped" by Rhaegar Targaryen. Ned Stark refuses to talk about the mother of the child, to anyone including his wife who he eventually falls in love with. Ned Stark is okay with "his" bastard wanting to go to the Wall, even though there many other alternatives for bastards like becoming a maester. Ned Stark loves his children and wants the best for them. Jon Snow, a child that was born at the end of the war, looks like the Starkest of the Starks. Lyanna Stark was described as a northern beauty and there are many cases where Targaryen children took after their non Targ parents, like Rhaegar's daughter with Elia.
Blanco y en botella, leche.
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Satin Flowers Theories That Spark Joy:
1. He is a highborn!!!!
DEFINITELY POSSIBLE!!!!!! Satin having skills that mainly a highborn would have {reading, writing, etc}, him being bad at keeping fires in Jon's fireplace going {which is something a servant would do, and not a highborn}, etc.
2. He is the real Prince Aegon Targaryen {son of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and Princess Elia Martell *who was "killed" when Tywin Lannister and his army sacked King's Landing*} and not Young Griff!!!!
A little out there, I know, but it's a fun theory!!!!!!!! If Satin is Rhaegar and Elia's Aegon, and Jon is Rhaegar and Lyanna's Aegon {or whatever Jon's real name might be, I really hope it's not Aegon}, then that means Jon Snow has been one - sidedly trying to court his half brother for 3 books {knowing the Valyrian's, that's not a bad thing, but they're both men, and one or both of them might not be into it}.
And if they're both Rhaegar's sons, them and Daenerys {Rhaegar's little sister} completes yet another 3 headed dragon {Dany as Aegon The Conqueror, Satin/Potential Aegon #? as Rhaenys, and Jon/Potential Aegon #? as Visenya. Walk with me. W A L K W I T H M E ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! }
More cons: 1. Satin being Rhaegar and Elia's Aegon would mean that another heir to the Iron Throne has thrown his life away to serve at a place that will kill you if you try to quit. And 2. As far as we know, Jon and their friends are the only support he has, and that wouldn't be enough to help him reclaim the throne {that Daenerys is also fighting for}.
3. He is one of Robert Baratheon's bastards!!!
Robert {a Baratheon man with Targaryen blood} was in love with a Stark man {Ned Stark, and not Ned's sister Lyanna *who went to war for, but couldn't even remember what she looked like*} and now Jon {A Stark man with Targaryen blood} in love with another potential Baratheon man with Targaryen blood?!?!?!?! {They'd still be related, but not as close as they'd be if he was Rhaegar and Elia's Aegon!!!!!!!!}
Satin Flowers Theories That DO NOT Spark Joy:
1. He is one of Littlefinger's MANY spies!!!!
WHAT WOULD BE THE POINT?!?!?! I mean, if it somehow ties into Littlefinger's whole climb up the Ladder plan, sure. But other than that, he would just wasting his time, money, and a very pretty boy that can make him even richer.
No matter Satin's possible station in the world, he literally has NOTHING to gain from killing Jon!!!! Jon comforted him when he was scared, stayed by his side while fighting, elevated his status {which includes living with Jon in his chambers instead of barracks full of men that hate him}, verbally tore apart all who talked shit about him, etc!!!!
The only thing Satin gains from killing one of his very few supporters, would be getting hurt and killed by enemies. Saying that Satin Flowers is one of the men that killed Jon Snow is about as believable as Sansa Stark causing the Doom Of Valyria {which happened centuries before she was born, but knowing Sansa antis, I'm sure they've found a way to blame her for that, too 🙄🙄💀💀}.
Or, Satin Flowers could be just as GRRM introduced him as: A former sex worker turned into a man of the Night’s Watch, nothing more, nothing less. But I have a feeling that GRRM has plans for Satin, and I PRAY those don't include hurting or killing him right after the mutiny, or him being a traitor. Either of those would kill Jon....again....💀💀💔💔
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rise-my-angel · 4 months
Some stans actually believe that once Jon learns of his true parentage he will be happy. Jon literally just wants to be acknowledged as a Stark, he wants nothing with that shitty prince or his fire loving family. He might get some closure knowing about Lyanna but Ned Stark will always be his daddy.
I was thinking about this, and really, it doesn't change much of Jon's understanding of Ned. He knows his father isn't telling him the truth, or at least by not saying a word to him about his mother, he is keeping information from him on purpose. He knows Ned was hiding something about his birth, because Jon spent his entire life wondering what couldve happened between his mother and his father to cause him to shut down about it, even to him, even to Catelyn.
Jon already is aware that Ned is hiding something. He just does not know the degree of the secret.
But also, I am sick of people dismissing Neds role in his life. Ned is not Jon's uncle. Sure by blood he is, but Jon was raised thinking that he is his father. He was treated just like a father treats his son, he was loved and given the same education that Robb got, he was raised in the family home getting to grow up with his brothers and sisters.
Jon didn't suddenly lose all those days or evenings he wouldve gotten to spend with his father alone. Didn't suddenly lose all of the times they acted just like a loving father and son with no hangups. He didn't suddenly lose the fact that to Ned Stark, Jon is not his nephew, he is his son.
Jon does not suddenly lose that Ned never even gave him a reason to feel like he wasn't a good enough son. He interacted with his father his whole life in a way that made him feel loved to the point that even now that hes dead, Jon routinely feels frustration that multiple older men in his life have tried to place themselves into the position of a father figure to Jon.
He was given a personalized version of the Mormonts ancestral sword, that was once belonging to Jeors son. Jon's honoured but he is not lost on the implication that Jeor looks at Jon like a pseudo son and it bothers Jon even then. Men can give Jon a thousand swords but it will never change that his father alone is Ned Stark. And keep in mind, this occurs during the period of time early at Castle Black where Jon is resentful and thinks Ned let him come here because this life was all he deserved. And he STILL refused to let someone sway him into seeing a man as a father figure other then Ned Stark.
Jon through all the insecurities and anger, loves Ned Stark as much as a son possibly could. More then once Jon thinks in situations that could lead to his death, about Ned. He always circles back to what would his father think or do. Jon dictates his independent, adult life based around learning to be the honourable man his father wanted him to be and does so without resentment.
My negative opinions of Rhaegar aside, Jon has no attachment to the thought of him as any kind of man. He grew up his whole life knowing the story that Rhaegar kidnapped Lyanna Stark. He grew up likely hearing the rumours that she was raped. He knew that kidnapping led to her dying tragically at the age of 16 in a way that clearly traumatized his father.
Jon has never been missing a father figure. He has always been missing his mother. Not missing a mother figure, only his mother. The only person he cares to learn about is her because shes the one person in Jon's blood he has never truly known. Then he learns hes heard about his mother his whole life, and realizes the bloodshed caused both for his conception and that she died without having a chance to be with her son at all.
Learning the truth is about realizing WHY Ned did the things he did. Why telling him about his mother was both too painful and too risky. Jon can be angry he was lied too, but does not change that Jon is smart and will understand that Ned did it all to protect Jon.
Jon will realize Ned did not need to raise him as his own son, in his home and family and give him love, to keep him safe. Jon knows Ned did all of that because he loves him the way Ned loved Robb or Bran. Jon will ultimately realize he never actually lost the father he grew up with, because Ned always considered Jon to be his son.
Learning the truth for Jon is about Lyanna, it's about learning that his mother died with her last words begging Ned to protect him because she loved him. It's about Jon realizing he is an echo of the dark shadows of Lyannas final months of life and that he needs to stand up and fight because she couldn't. That he needs to protect the ones he loves the way he wishes he could go back in time and protect her.
It's about realizing hes always had a father, because to Ned, Jon was always his son through and through. And it's about Jon realizing that he needs to live and fight because without him, Lyannas memory will fade away forever and he will not allow that to happen to her again.
Whatever people want to say about how Jon will feel about learning his blood is partly Targaryean, they will always downplay Jon also coming to terms with himself as a Stark.
However Jon will feel about the Targaryean side, none of that will take away that Jon will realize how incredibly important his Stark side is and always was. Their speculations about how Jon will feel about a man hes barley thought about his whole life, should never overpower that the truth leads Jon to the thing that matters.
That Jon Snow has always been loved, and he's always been a Stark. Because he was the son his mother died begging to protect, and he was the son that Ned Stark chose.
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I know your blog is very focused on Rhaegar x Lyanna but I wanted to ask what are other Game of Thrones universe ships you like. Can you give me a top 10 ?
This is a really cool question my top 10 is very weird. I like very different couples it’s my crack ship obsession. I’m gonna put an honorable mention to Sigorn x Alys Karstark, Arthur Dayne X Jaime Lannister, Sansa Stark x Margaery Tyrell, they are a cute couples but they don’t make my top 10 !
10. Alysanne Targaryen x Alaric Stark: I mean, I do have an obsession with stark/targaryen, fire and ice, ships so this was no surprise. My head canon is that this helped Alysanne with a lot of trauma from her first trip on Westeros where she was attacked. And I love that Alaric is kind of grumpy at the beginning but warms up to her with time.
9. Jacaerys Velaryon X Cregan Stark : Again stark/targaryen ship, but gay ! Two of the things that I love the most in life. I’m very sad that apparently Cregan won’t be making another appearance in this season of House of the Dragon. Because you know, I just wanted to see my ship or a little bit more of it.
8. Oberyn Martell X Willas Tyrell: This one is kind of complicated; For people that don’t know Willas is a book only character, he is the heir of HighGarden, when he was very young, he went into jousting, and he jousted against Oberyn. But sadly because he was so young and unprepared, he ended up having a very serious injury on his leg. And that caused the Martell’s and Tyrell’s to have even more beef than they already have, but the cool thing is Willas did not blame Oberyn. They became friends after this. So yeah I ship them because this one brings a softer side of Oberyn that we rarely see.
7. Jon Snow x Satin : I mean, bisexual Jon Snow, that’s it.
6. Ned Stark x Jaime Lannister : This one is one of the crack ones, and I know a lot of people will think I’m mad. But if you read the books, and you read Jaime’s POV you know for a fact, he had a huge fat crush on Ned Stark. Also bisexual Jaime Lannister !
5. Lucery Velarys x Aemon Targaryen : Oh we’re getting to the toxic one. This is more like a very dependent on the AU vibe. But I like the idea of forgiveness and growth. 
4. Brienne of Tarth x Jaime Lannister: I mean, you don’t really have to explain this one. it’s amazing. It’s probably the best thing that happens to Jamie in the books and in the series, and I will be eternally bitter of how they were treated in the tv show.
3. Arya Stark X Aegon Martell Targaryen : This the one that is the most cracked ship of all of them, but hear me out, yes, I know that the possibility of young Griff, being Aegon, is very slim, but I don’t care. 
2. Lyanna Stark x Jaime Lannister : I’m usually attracted to ships that are opposites attract, but that is not the case of this one. I would like to make the claim that Jamie Lannister and Lyanna Stark, are virtually the same person in different fonts. Middle child, of dysfunctional family, that lost their mom, has a very ambitious dad, and a kid that has to grapple with the weight of societal ecxpectations, but at heart are both rebellious. 
1. Rhaegar Targaryen x Lyanna Stark : I mean, this one is my OTP, of all the ships of all time. It’s my sensitive boy, and my tomboy girl, they’re everything to me and no, I will not be questioned or hear any criticism for it!
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spearsndragons · 8 months
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Visenya’s support system
— a gold thread of pride and guilt
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dalekofchaos · 2 months
GRRM's original outline
Other what if scenarios that I ran out of space for. Add your own if it didn't make the cut
What if Lyanna lived and became Robert's Queen?
What if Myrcella was born first and was betrothed to Robb
What if Robb and Margaery are betrothed?
What if Rhaella survived childbirth with Daenerys?
What if Joanna Lannister didn't die in childbirth?
What if Arthur took Lyanna/Jon to Dragonstone and fled with Rhaella, Viserys and Dany and regrouped with Jon Connington?
Jamie took the throne for himself after killing Aerys?
What if Elia and her children escaped to Dorne?
What if Balon died instead of his sons?
What if Jon Arryn had a son and was raised with Ned and Robert?
What if Theon did what Asha recommended and kidnapped Bran and RIckon and burned Winterfell to the ground and this leads to Theon becoming the Iron Prince and a strong contender for the Kingsmoot.
What if Rhaegar and Robert died in the Trident and Ned became King?
What if Viserys met and married Arianne Martell?
What if Domeric Bolton lived and never met Ramsay?
What if Rhaenyra won The Dance Of The Dragons
What if Arya revealed herself to Roose Bolton
What if Rhaegar married Cersei instead of Elia?
What if Ned and his brothers talked sense into Robert and he swore off his ways to be good for Lyanna and Lyanna fought in the rebellion because Aerys kills her father and brother(because Southern Ambitions)
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thealisflore · 2 months
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fairyde222 · 1 year
TikTok handle @ VXMPWOLF
His baby girl 😭
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simply-ellas-stuff · 5 months
This is a very long shot. But this is truly the only place I ever get actual help with random fandom things like this.
There was a YouTube video by Alt Shit X, where he discusses R + L = J and the theories of Jon's parentage BUT he also discusses A + N= J (the theory that Ashara Dane and Ned Stark are the parents of Jon) and he even mentions the babyswap theory - that Dany is the daughter of Rhaegar and Jon is the son of Ashara
But, now I can't find the video, does anyone remember this video too?
Can anyone tell me the name of or tell me what happened to the video? Or even send me a link to the video if it still exists?
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lapetiteshippeuse · 6 months
I do have the feeling that Ned inwardly supported Lyanna and Rhaegar, even if Robert was his best friend. If only they weren't all nobles and important persons. Like he probably did support Robert and Lyanna but even more with Rhaegar because he just wanted his sister to be happy with some very kind man for her, but understood it just wasn't Robert ; as Rhaegar was kinder.
I have the feeling that Ned all along was just sad this good man for her sister was Rhaegar ; was just sad for Lyanna for her impossible love story with the Prince. And as a consequence, felt even sadder learning her death in the name of this tragic love.
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lizzie-queenofmeigas · 7 months
I know my girl Lyanna is beating Ned's ass in heaven, because of sending her boy to The Wall. Rhaegar may as well be helping her.
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