#rich guy x poor girl
keehomania · 2 months
successors (후계자) — kim namjoon (김남준)
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✧.* 18+
if you're born poor, that's not your fault. if you die poor, it's nobody's fault but yours. that was the way the world worked, and the only option was to live with it. whether you lived poor or lived rich, you lived with it. money was the essence of everything, it kept the world spinning. it was also the reason greed was the essence of man. all of the money mattered, even if it was a cent. it could buy anything in the world, except love.
the streets of busan bustled with life as you found yourself roaming the streets. it didn't feel like home, because it wasn't. your home or at least, what you made of it, resided on the outskirts of seoul. the poverty-stricken area that consisted of farmers and people with rich hearts, that was home. busan was thick with intensity, the sound of the night piercing your ears as you followed the coordinates your sister had sent you.
eunha was only a few years older than you, but she moved to busan the second she had the chance. she had found herself a boyfriend and, despite their recent break-up, she didn't regret the decision at all. the setting and environment itself had encouraged her to do better for herself, for her life. when she had first left, you hated her for it. you hated her for leaving you with your sick, mute mother, but you made peace with it. in the end, she was only looking to better herself and, now, she wanted you to play a role.
you knew she had struck gold as you reached the final address. truly, she had done well for herself. as you stood before the apartment door, you took a moment to admire the elegant building and the well-maintained surroundings. Tthe bustling city life outside faded into a peaceful anticipation as you approached her floor. eunha had clearly done well for herself, a stark contrast to the humble beginnings you both shared. the elevator ride up to the ninth floor felt like an eternity, your mind filled with memories of the two of you.
when you finally reached her apartment, you double-checked the number before knocking lightly. almost immediately, the door swung open, and she stood there with a wide smile. she looked radiant, her eyes sparkling with a mix of joy and relief at seeing you. without hesitation, she pulled you into a warm hug, engulfing you in her familiar, comforting scent. “(y/n), it’s so good to see you!” she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine happiness. “come in, come in!”
you stepped inside, taking in the beautifully decorated interior. the apartment was spacious, modern, and filled with personal touches that screamed eunha. from the carefully selected furniture to the framed photographs of you both on various adventures, every corner of the space radiated her personality and hard work. “you’ve done really well for yourself,” you said, admiring the place. “i’m so proud of you.”
she beamed at your words, a mixture of pride and modesty in her expression. “thank you, (y/n). it hasn’t been easy, but it’s all starting to come together.” as you settled on the plush couch, she brought out a tray of snacks and tea, sitting down beside you. she looked at you with a curious glint in her eye.
“so, tell me everything about your journey here. how have you been?” she asked, pouring tea into delicate cups. you spent the next hour catching up, sharing stories and laughing over fond memories. eventually, the conversation shifted to her recent breakup. her expression turned a bit somber, but there was a determined look in her eyes.
“it’s been tough,” she admitted, stirring her tea absently. “but the heartbreak pushed me to focus on something bigger. i've started my own company, calling it hanbok group.” you raised your eyebrows in surprise, impressed by her ambition. “wow, that’s amazing, eunha. tell me more about it.”
her eyes lit up as she began to explain. “hanbok group is all about preserving and modernizing traditional korean clothing. i've been investing a lot of money into it, and it’s starting to gain traction. we’re not just selling hanboks; we’re creating a cultural movement, blending the old with the new.” you listened intently, absorbing her passion and determination. yet, a part of you felt a twinge of skepticism. “it sounds incredible. but are you sure this is the right move? starting a company is a huge risk, especially after what you’ve been through.”
she nodded, understanding your concern. “i know it’s risky, but i believe in this. i believe in preserving our culture and sharing it with the world. i just need a bit of support, and i'm confident it will work out.” seeing the fire in her eyes, you couldn’t help but feel a surge of admiration. despite your reservations, you wanted to support her in any way you could.
“alright,” you said with a small smile. “let’s discuss it more in the morning. i want to hear all about your plans and see how i can help.” her face lit up with gratitude. “thank you, (y/n). that means a lot to me.”
the night passed with more conversation and laughter, the bond between you and your sister feeling stronger than ever. as you prepared for bed in the cozy guest room, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement for the days ahead. you couldn't help but notice the photo framed on the desk, just a few feet across the bed. it was a photo of eunha and her ex-boyfriend, the two of them on a beach. the sight of it practically made you shiver, an unsettling feeling engulfing you as you allowed yourself to fall asleep, just barely.
the next morning, you woke up to the comforting aroma of freshly washed sheets lingering in the air. however, as you groggily made your way to the kitchen, you noticed that eunha was nowhere to be found. you had assumed she had gone out to run some errands. feeling a bit more awake, you decided to venture out and find a cafe for your morning coffee. you grabbed your wallet and phone, then left the apartment, ready to explore the neighborhood.
after a short walk, you spotted a quaint cafe not too far from eunha’s apartment. the charming exterior and cozy ambiance drew you in. as you entered, you were immediately greeted by the rich scent of freshly brewed coffee and the soft hum of chatter. you made your way to the counter, scanning the menu. "these prices are insane," you muttered to yourself, shaking your head slightly. you paid no mind to your surroundings, entirely focused on the options before you.
just as you decided on your order and turned to move towards the counter, you bumped into someone. you stumbled back, eyes widening in horror as you saw the man in front of you with his coffee spilled all over his shirt. "oh shit, i'm so sorry!" you exclaimed, panicking and beginning to apologize frantically. "i wasn’t paying attention, i’m so sorry!"
the man laughed, a warm and genuine sound that immediately put you at ease. "it's okay, really. it was an ugly shirt anyway," he said with a playful smile. "i’m namjoon, by the way." you blinked, momentarily caught off guard by his easy-going demeanor. "i’m (y/n)," you introduced yourself, still feeling a bit flustered.
namjoon smiled again, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "well, (y/n), you can make it up to me by having coffee with me. what do you say?" you nodded, grateful for his kindness. "of course, i’d love to."
after paying for the coffees, you both found a table by the window and settled in. the initial small talk was easy and flowed naturally. you discovered that namjoon was also from seoul, which led him to ask what you were doing in busan.
"i’m visiting my sister," you explained, taking a sip of your coffee. "she’s been working on a new business venture here." namjoon nodded, interest piqued. "that sounds exciting. what kind of business?"
"she’s started a company," you replied. "it’s focused on preserving and modernizing traditional korean clothing." before namjoon could respond, the sound of heels clicking against the floor and a sharp cough interrupted your conversation. both of you turned to see a woman with long, black hair and bangs standing nearby, an impatient expression on her face.
"namjoon, what are you doing?" she asked, her tone clipped. he sighed, his earlier ease replaced with mild irritation. "just having coffee, soyeon. this is (y/n)," he gestured to you, "we had a little accident with the coffee."
she shot you a glare before turning her attention back to him. "i’m his fiancée," she declared, her tone possessive. you noticed namjoon rolling his eyes slightly at her introduction. she quickly grabbed his arm, pulling him away. he managed to offer you a small, apologetic smile. "i’ll see you around, (y/n)," he said, his voice filled with a hint of regret.
you watched as they left, doubting that you’d run into him again. it was only when you looked down at your table that you noticed a small piece of paper under his coffee cup. picking it up, you saw his phone number written in big black letters. a smile tugged at your lips as you slipped the paper into your pocket. the rest of the day passed in a blur of meetings and errands with eunha. you found yourself distracted, your thoughts drifting back to the morning’s encounter with namjoon. there was something about him that intrigued you, and you couldn’t shake the feeling that your paths would cross again.
the next few weeks flew by as you dedicated yourself to working on eunha's project. days blended into each other with meetings, brainstorming sessions, and countless cups of coffee as you helped her refine the vision for hanbok group. the experience was both exhausting and exhilarating, and you felt a deep sense of pride in her progress and determination. the days were filled with laughter, hard work, and the occasional late-night chat about everything from business strategies to personal dreams.
as the final days of your visit approached, you and her made the most of your remaining time together. you explored more of busan, visited local markets, and enjoyed some of the city’s best restaurants. it felt surreal that your trip was coming to an end.
on the day of your departure, eunha accompanied you to the train station. you were both a bit teary-eyed as you hugged goodbye, knowing how much this time together had meant to both of you. she squeezed you tightly and said, “please give mom a kiss for me, okay?” you nodded, trying to hold back the tears. “i will. take care of yourself, eunha.”
with a final wave, you boarded the train. as the doors closed behind you, you felt a pang of nostalgia for the time spent in busan. unbeknownst to you, a familiar gaze lingered on your figure as the train pulled away from the station. the journey back to seoul felt long and reflective. you found solace in the rhythmic clacking of the train wheels, your mind replaying memories from your visit and pondering the future.
upon arriving back in seoul, you made your way to your small house, eager to reconnect with your mother. however, when you opened the door, the house was eerily empty. confused and a little anxious, you went next door to speak with your landlord, hoping to find some answers. “hello, mr. min,” you greeted him. “i'm looking for my mother. she’s not at home.” the landlord looked at you with a mix of sympathy and hesitation. “oh, i'm afraid your mother moved out while you were away.”
your heart sank. “moved out? where did she go?” hee shifted uncomfortably. “she’s living in the kim manor now, in one of their spare rooms. she’s still working as a maid there.”
the news hit you like a ton of bricks. you could hardly believe it. “the kim manor? why?” he shrugged, “i’m not entirely sure. the chairman offered it to her, i think. it’s quite a change.”
you thanked him quickly, your mind racing as you headed towards the manor. the grand estate loomed ahead, its imposing gates and manicured gardens a stark contrast to your modest home. the thought of your mother living there, amidst such opulence, was overwhelming. when you arrived, you were greeted by a skinny, older woman sipping wine on the porch. her sharp gaze assessed you as you approached.
“hello,” you said hesitantly. “i'm (y/n). i’m here to see my mother.” the woman raised an eyebrow. “you’re the daughter of the maid, correct?”
“yes,” you replied, feeling a bit uneasy under her scrutiny. “the mute one.” the woman’s expression softened slightly, and she gestured for you to follow her inside. “come on in. i’ll take you to her.”
the interior of the manor was just as grand as the exterior, with ornate decorations and polished surfaces everywhere. the woman led you through the house until you reached a modest kitchen, where you found your mother washing dishes at the sink. “mom,” you called out, your voice trembling with emotion.
your mother turned, her eyes wide with surprise and a hint of sadness. she quickly dried her hands and approached you, her expression a mix of relief and worry. you noticed the deep lines of stress on her face and the weariness in her eyes. you sat down in a small, sparsely furnished room off the kitchen, the atmosphere heavy with unspoken questions. once you were settled, you asked your mother what had prompted such a sudden change.
she began to sign slowly, her hands moving with deliberate care, “the chairman offered me this position. it was an opportunity we couldn’t refuse, given our situation.” the realization hit you like a tidal wave. the financial strain you had both been under was more severe than you’d imagined. tears welled up in your eyes as you tried to process the gravity of the situation. you felt a deep, aching sadness for both your mother and yourself.
you held her close, the weight of your financial troubles and the complexity of your current situation feeling almost unbearable. the shock of the sudden change, coupled with the overwhelming sense of inadequacy, left you feeling emotionally drained. that night, as you lay in the small, cold room you’d been given, you cried yourself to sleep. the reality of your financial struggles and the sudden upheaval in your life weighed heavily on you. the sense of helplessness was overwhelming, and you realized just how precarious your situation had become.
as night settled over the kim manor, the quiet grandeur of the house was punctuated. the front door creaked open, and the sound of hurried footsteps echoed through the grand hall. namjoon, carrying a small duffel bag, was visibly exhausted from his travels. the clatter of a dropped glass and a gasp of disbelief came from the dining room as his mother laid eyes on him. her eyes widened, and tears began to stream down her cheeks. she rushed forward, her emotions overtaking her as she embraced her son with a fervent hug.
“namjoon, you’re back!” she exclaimed, her voice choked with emotion. “i didn’t expect you so soon!” his arms enveloped her, and he let out a sigh of relief. “mom, i missed you so much. it’s good to be home.”
they moved to the dining table, where namjoon recounted his experiences in busan. his mother listened intently, her heart swelling with pride and sympathy as he described the challenges he had faced. he spoke of his work, the stress of being away, and the yearning to reconnect with his family, despite his complicated feelings about his brother. “i’ve thought about Haejoon,” namjoon admitted. “even though he’s the last person i wanted to see, i hoped he might come around eventually.”
his mother placed a comforting hand on his arm. “haejoon will soften up eventually. he always does, even if he doesn’t show it right away.” he seemed to find solace in her words, and the conversation shifted to other matters. his mother mentioned the recent changes in the household.
“oh, by the way,” she said, trying to recall the details, “the housekeeper and her daughter have moved into one of the spare rooms.” namjoon raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “what’s the daughter’s name?”
his mother’s expression turned thoughtful as she searched her memory. “i'm afraid i've forgotten. it’s been a bit chaotic lately.” namjoon shrugged off the lapse, accepting it as part of the current upheaval. “that’s okay. i’m sure i’ll meet her soon enough.”
she couldn't help the frown from forming on her face at his words, her face suddenly serious as she warned him, “don't you talk to the staff, you know better than that.” he didn't take it to heart, he was just glad to be home. with the conversation winding down, he excused himself. the long day had left him exhausted, and he needed rest. he made his way up the grand staircase and through the opulent hallways to his room, ready to unwind and recharge. the house, now quiet again, settled into its usual rhythm. the only sounds were the soft rustling of the evening breeze and the occasional creak of the manor settling into the night.
as night deepened, namjoon tossed and turned in his bed, the remnants of his dreams lingering in his mind. sleep eluded him as his thoughts fixated on a fleeting image from his dream—your face. in his dream, you had been close, yet somehow distant, your presence tantalizingly out of reach. the vividness of the dream left him restless and unsettled. he tried to shake off the feeling, but the image of you persisted, haunting his thoughts as he lay awake in the quiet of his room.
morning arrived with a pale light filtering through the curtains. namjoon, still troubled by the unsettling dream, emerged from his room to find his mother in the dining room, awaiting breakfast. he joined her at the table, a hint of frustration in his demeanor.
“mom, i had the strangest dream last night,” namjoon began, trying to make sense of the lingering unease. his mother looked up from her newspaper, her attention piqued. “oh? what was it about?”
he hesitated before describing the dream, leaving out specific details about you. “i dreamed about someone i can’t quite place. she seemed familiar and yet distant. it was like she was right there, but i couldn’t reach her.”
his mother’s expression softened with concern. “dreams can be strange and unsettling. perhaps it’s just your mind working through your emotions.” namjoon sighed. “maybe. but it felt so real. it’s affecting my thoughts.”
his mother nodded understandingly. “you should try to focus on your engagement with soyeon. it’s important.” his brow furrowed. “but i don’t really like soyeon. i never have.”
his mother sighed, her gaze steady. “i know, namjoon. but it’s what the your father wants. soyeon’s family has the connections we need for the business deal. it’s a necessary step.”
namjoon nodded, though his frustration remained evident. “i understand the need for the business deal, but it’s hard to reconcile with my own feelings.” his mother, trying to shift the conversation, asked, “are you still in touch with jackson? i remember you mentioning him before you went to busan.”
his face darkened slightly. “not anymore. we lost touch. it’s been a while.” his mother raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity in her voice. “i see. well, it might be worth reconnecting if it helps with the business. but for now, focus on what’s ahead.” namjoon agreed and decided to head out for the day. his mother watched him leave with a mixture of concern and resignation.
meanwhile, in the backyard of the manor, you were laboring under the early morning sun. exhausted from the sleepless night, you diligently collected the dry clothes from the line. the repetitive task was almost meditative, but the lack of sleep made every movement feel heavier. once you finished folding the clothes, you carried them into the house, placing them in their designated spots. as you worked, namjoon’s mother observed you with a critical yet appreciative eye.
“you move with such grace,” she remarked, watching as you completed your task. you offered a tired smile, acknowledging the compliment before heading out. with the day stretching ahead and your exhaustion palpable, you decided to visit the nearby convenience store. you bought a cold drink, hoping it would offer some respite.
you settled at a small table outside the shop, the beverage in hand providing minimal comfort. as the effects of fatigue began to catch up with you, your head nodded, and you eventually drifted into a light sleep. unbeknownst to you, a man had noticed your unusual presence. Intrigued by the sight of you sleeping at the table, he took a seat across from you. with a playful curiosity, he poked at your shoulder, trying to rouse you from your slumber. when you didn’t immediately respond, he chuckled to himself, finding amusement in the situation.
eventually, you stirred awake to find him eating a snack, clearly entertained by your groggy state. you blinked at him, trying to clear the haze from your eyes. “who are you?” you asked, still disoriented from your nap. the man grinned. “i’m jackson wang. nice to meet you. and you are?”
you rubbed your eyes lazily, trying to wake yourself fully. the effort felt almost too much, and you glanced at him with a mixture of curiosity and irritation. without offering your own introduction, you stood up, feeling the overwhelming need to escape the awkward encounter. jackson called after you, “hey, wait! come back!” but you, still groggy and eager to retreat, ignored his calls and walked off, heading back towards the manor. he watched you go, a bemused smile on his face, as you disappeared from view, leaving him with an amused sense of intrigue.
you moved through the tasks around the manor with a mechanical efficiency, driven more by the need to keep busy than by any real sense of accomplishment. each chore—arranging the rooms, tidying up the kitchen, and sorting through the various household items—was done with a mixture of resignation and determination. the house, despite its opulence, felt increasingly like a gilded cage, with each task a reminder of the overwhelming changes in your life.
when you finally finished, you retreated to the small room you had been assigned. it was a modest space compared to the grandeur of the rest of the manor, but it was your sanctuary. as you sorted through the clothes you had folded earlier, your hand brushed against a slip of paper. you pulled it out and saw that it was the note with namjoon's phone number—an unexpected reminder of the brief encounter you had in busan.
you hesitated for a moment, considering the implications of using the number. curiosity and a need for human connection nudged you forward. slipping the paper into your pocket, you decided to test it out. you made your way outside, feeling the cool air of the morning against your skin. standing in front of the manor’s gate, you took out your phone and dialed the number. the number was a direct line to namjoon’s phone, and you felt a flutter of anticipation as it rang.
“hello?” his voice came through, sounding slightly puzzled but courteous. “hi, namjoon, it’s (y/n),” you greeted, trying to keep your tone casual.
there was a brief pause on the other end. “oh, hey. i didn’t expect to hear from you.” you made small talk, trying to bridge the gap between your brief but memorable encounter in busan and the present moment. as you spoke, you remained unaware that namjoon was standing behind you, having come out of the manor for a breath of fresh air.
he listened to your voice, recognizing it immediately. he felt a strange mix of curiosity and comfort. “are you still in busan?” he asked, his tone betraying a hint of unease. you looked around, still speaking into the phone. “no, i'm back in seoul, what about you?” his heart raced a little. he was only a few steps away from where you stood, and he was unable to resist the pull of curiosity. he walked quietly, positioning himself so that he could see you as you spoke.
“turn around,” he said softly, though his voice was tinged with an edge of nervousness. you turned, your eyes scanning the area until they landed on him. for a moment, both of you stared at each other in shock. there was a genuine, unfiltered emotion in his eyes—a fleeting look of recognition and something more profound. the connection from your dream seemed to come alive in that brief exchange. however, the words of his mother flashed through his mind, reminding him of the boundaries he was supposed to maintain. he had been advised not to engage with the staff in any personal manner. as these thoughts surfaced, his expression shifted from surprise to a colder, more controlled demeanor.
he approached you, his steps deliberate and his gaze icy. he met your eyes with a look that was both firm and unyielding. the warmth from the earlier moment vanished, replaced by a sharp detachment.
“you're the maid's daughter, aren't you?” he asked, his voice devoid of the previous warmth. you flinched slightly at the shift in his tone, still trying to make sense of the situation, as realization hit you like a ton of bricks. “you're the second son, aren't you?”
without another word, he turned and walked past you, his steps echoing in the stillness of the manor grounds. you watched him go, feeling a mix of disappointment and confusion. the brief moment of connection had dissipated into a cold reality, leaving you standing alone, grappling with the complexity of your emotions and the new world you were now a part of. as he disappeared into the distance, you were left with the unsettling feeling of being caught between two worlds—one that was rapidly changing and another that seemed to be slipping further away.
namjoon struggled with the reality of the situation that had unfolded before him. the girl he had felt a sudden, inexplicable connection with in busan was now revealed to be the daughter of his family’s maid. the revelation felt like a cruel twist of fate. the initial flutter of butterflies he had experienced was now replaced by a sense of profound disappointment and confusion. he grappled with the stark contrast between his earlier feelings and the current state of their interactions.
the coldness he exhibited towards you became more pronounced with each passing day. he avoided eye contact, spoke to you with a clipped tone, and generally treated you with the indifference reserved for those considered beneath his notice. the warmth and curiosity he had shown in busan were replaced by a rigid formality that left you feeling isolated and disheartened.
you, too, were deeply affected by the discovery. the boy who had occupied your thoughts with such intensity turned out to be namjoon, the second son of the kim group, and you, as his maid’s daughter, were now living under his family’s roof. the disparity between your lives was stark, and the reality of it was crushing. the dreams and hopes you had harbored seemed to crumble under the weight of the new circumstances.
as time went on, the emotional strain became unbearable. the disparity in how you were treated and the growing tension between you and him led to sleepless nights. the emotional weight of your situation bore down heavily on you, making every task and interaction feel like a reminder of your diminished place in the world. one particularly sleepless night, the tears became too much to bear. you reached for your phone, your hands trembling as you dialed eunha’s number. the phone rang several times before she answered, her voice filled with concern.
“what’s wrong?” her voice was soft but urgent. through your tears, you managed to speak, your voice choked and fragmented. “i can't keep doing this anymore.”
her soothing presence on the other end of the line gave you a brief respite from your distress. “i know it’s tough. i know it's hard, but it won't last.” you sobbed harder, the weight of your situation overwhelming. “everything is falling apart.”
she took a deep breath, her voice steady and firm. “listen to me. this is not the end. you came here to make something of yourself, to help me with hanbok group. you need to channel this pain into something positive. the company needs to succeed. it’s the chance we have to build a future, to prove ourselves.” her words, though harsh, held a certain clarity. the determination she spoke of seemed to cut through the fog of despair that enveloped you. “i'll try,” you whispered, your voice trembling but infused with a newfound resolve. “i'll make it work.”
if you're born poor, that's not your fault. if you die poor, it's nobody's fault but yours. as the weeks turned into months, hanbok group began to show promising signs of growth. the initial investments that eunha had poured into the company started to bear fruit, and the early struggles began to pay off. eunha, with your diligent support, navigated the complexities of the fashion and art worlds with a deft hand, securing deals and partnerships that elevated the group’s profile.
the company’s first significant breakthrough came with a fashion line launch. the designs, a harmonious blend of traditional and contemporary styles, garnered attention from influential fashion critics and buyers. the success of the line not only boosted the company's reputation but also injected much-needed capital. the positive reception provided a solid foundation for future ventures.
following the fashion line, hanbok group expanded into art galleries, showcasing a curated collection of emerging and established artists. the galleries quickly became popular, drawing crowds and generating steady revenue. the dual success of the fashion line and art galleries established hanbok group as a prominent player in the industry, with financial stability and a growing network of connections.
with the company thriving, you and eunha were finally able to realize a long-held dream: surprising your mother with a stable and secure future. the time had come to leave the kim manor, a place that had been both a refuge and a reminder of the stark divide between your past and present. on the day of your departure, you packed up your belongings with a sense of bittersweet relief. the process was emotional but filled with anticipation for the new chapter ahead. you knew your mother would be thrilled to see the changes and the new opportunities that awaited her.
as you prepared to leave, you glanced around the manor one last time, acknowledging both the struggles and the triumphs that had marked your time there. the decision to move on was not just about leaving a place but about stepping into a future you had worked hard to build. when the day finally arrived for you to move out, namjoon returned home, exhausted from a long day. he made his way through the manor, only to find that your room was conspicuously empty. the absence of your belongings was jarring, and a sense of confusion washed over him. he had not seen you or heard anything about your departure.
seeking answers, he approached his mother, who was seated in the living room. “mom, where are (y/n) and her mom? their room is completely empty.” his mother’s eyes flickered with a cold, distant look. she pointed to the television, her voice carrying an edge of disinterest. “turn on the news. you might find the answer there.”
namjoon, perplexed and slightly apprehensive, followed her instruction. he switched on the television, and the news channel immediately brought up a breaking story about hanbok group. the screen displayed images of a successful fashion line launch and a new art gallery opening, accompanied by interviews and glowing reports.
as the news anchor spoke, namjoon’s attention was drawn to the faces that appeared alongside the story. one of them was unmistakably yours, your image featured prominently as a key figure behind hanbok group’s recent success. the realization struck him with force, a mix of shock and dismay. his mind raced to piece together the connections—the girl he had coldly dismissed, the daughter of his family’s maid, had risen to prominence and achieved success beyond his expectations. the contrast between the image on the screen and the reality of how he had treated you was stark and uncomfortable.
his gaze shifted to his mother, who remained impassive, her expression a mix of detachment and grim satisfaction. the weight of the situation settled heavily on him as he grappled with the full extent of his oversight. the news had not only exposed the success of hanbok group but also highlighted the disparity between his previous actions and the new reality.
your new life was a testament to the hard work and determination you had poured into hanbok group. the transformation was nothing short of a dream realized. your mother had moved into a spacious, luxurious apartment in the heart of seoul, a far cry from the cramped quarters of the manor. the apartment was elegantly furnished, with sweeping views of the cityscape that spoke of both affluence and newfound security. it was a living space that matched the success you had achieved, offering your mother a comfortable and refined environment.
hanbok group’s headquarters had also moved to seoul, marking a significant milestone in the company's expansion. the sleek new office building was a symbol of progress, reflecting the growth and success of the business. the modern design of the building, with its glass facades and cutting-edge facilities, stood as a beacon of your achievements and aspirations.
as you walked down the polished corridors of the new office, you took in the bustling activity around you. the staff moved with purpose, the energy of the space reflecting the thriving state of the company. you were deep in thought, reviewing the day’s tasks, when you spotted a familiar face.
jackson wang, the man from the convenience store, was standing near the reception area, his presence causing a ripple of recognition in your mind. you approached him with a mix of curiosity and formality. “jackson, what are you doing here?” you asked, trying to mask your surprise. his smile was easygoing, and he seemed genuinely pleased to see you. “i’m here on behalf of my father,” he began. “he wanted to propose a deal between hanbok group and wang industries at tonight’s opening ceremony. he thinks it would be mutually beneficial.”
you nodded, processing his words. “i see. well, we’ll definitely discuss it further. i appreciate you coming by to inform me.” his eyes twinkled with curiosity. “so, you do remember me from the convenience store?”
you offered a small smile, nodding in recognition. “yeah, i remember. good to see you again.” his expression shifted to one of genuine admiration. “congratulations on the success of hanbok group. it's impressive how far you’ve come.”
“thank you,” you replied, feeling a warm sense of validation. “it’s been quite a journey.” as you prepared to leave, jackson watched you with an air of quiet confidence. “i’ll see you tonight at the ceremony, then,” he said. “i’m looking forward to it.”
the opening ceremony for the company's new headquarters was a significant milestone, a moment of celebration that promised new beginnings. the event was meticulously organized, with a grand hall decorated in elegant hues that mirrored the company’s successful journey. the atmosphere was abuzz with anticipation as influential guests, industry leaders, and key stakeholders gathered to witness the occasion.
you and eunha met with jackson, his father, and their team in one of the private conference rooms prior to the main event. his father, a distinguished figure with a commanding presence, extended a firm handshake and greeted you with a businesslike warmth. “it’s a pleasure to finally meet you in person,” he said, his tone reflecting a blend of professionalism and cordiality. the discussion centered around the proposed partnership between hanbok group and wang industries. the terms were negotiated with careful consideration, and both parties were eager to explore the mutual benefits. after a thorough exchange of ideas and a few rounds of negotiation, an agreement was reached. the partnership was set to bring new opportunities and enhance the growth prospects for both companies.
with the formalities concluded, you felt a sense of accomplishment as you prepared for your first public appearance. the night was about to transition from business to celebration, and you were eager to make a positive impression. as you made your way to the backstage area to get ready, you spotted jackson once again. he approached you with a friendly smile. “i just wanted to thank you for the opportunity,” he said. “it’s been great working with you and seeing how far your company has come.”
“you’re welcome,” you replied, appreciating the gesture. “and thank you for your support. i'm looking forward to the new possibilities this partnership will bring.”
he nodded, his expression thoughtful. “it’s been a pleasure. i think tonight is going to be quite memorable.” as the time for the showcase drew nearer, you and jackson took your positions. the grand hall was now a sea of faces, the crowd eagerly awaiting the main event. you took a deep breath, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness as you prepared to step out onto the stage.
just as you were about to make your entrance, you noticed a familiar face in the crowd. your heart skipped a beat as you locked eyes with namjoon. he stood at the edge of the gathering, his gaze fixed on you with an intensity that was both unsettling and familiar. the sight of him stirred a whirlwind of emotions—regret, longing, and an unspoken connection. his expression was unreadable, a mask of composure that did little to reveal his thoughts. for a moment, the world around you seemed to blur, leaving only the stark reality of his presence.
in the opulent study of the kim manor, the atmosphere was thick with tension. the chairman, haejoon, and haejoon’s stepmother, who had become a fixture in the household, gathered around a large mahogany desk. the study was dimly lit, casting long shadows across the room and adding to the gravity of the discussion. the chairman, visibly agitated, slammed a thick folder onto the desk. “this is bad,” he declared, his voice low and menacing. “absolutely bad for our company’s sales. hanbok group’s success at the opening ceremony has thrown a wrench into our plans.”
haejoon, who was pacing with a mixture of frustration and embarrassment, clenched his jaw. “father, you know i've tried to handle this situation,” he said, his voice strained. “but the backlash is enormous, and it’s affecting our public image.”
his father’s glare could have cut through steel. “you were supposed to maintain control over this. do you have any idea what this means for us? we’re losing ground to a company that was just a blip on our radar.” namjoon's mother, standing with her arms crossed, looked on with a cold expression. “this isn’t just about the company’s image. this is personal. eunha is your ex-girlfriend and (y/n) is the daughter of the woman who cleaned our toilets. their success is a direct insult to our family.”
before the conversation could delve deeper into the personal aspects, the door to the study opened, and namjoon walked in, his expression neutral but his demeanor tinged with unease. “the ceremony is finished,” he announced. “the opening was a success.” the room fell into a heavy silence as haejoon turned to face his stepbrother. the tension between them was palpable, with his dislike for namjoon evident in the way he glared at him. despite namjoon’s attempts to bridge the gap, haejoon seemed resolute in his disdain.
“we need a plan,” the chairman said, his tone was far from appreciative. “we need to find a way to counteract this situation. we can’t let hanbok group’s success overshadow our own achievements.” namjoon met his father’s gaze, accepting the gravity of the task. “understood. i’ll handle it.”
the chairman’s eyes narrowed. “you need to do more than just handle it. we need a strategy to undermine their momentum and regain control of the narrative. this isn’t just about competition; it’s about asserting our dominance.” namjoon nodded, a flicker of determination crossing his face. “i’ll get to work on it immediately.”
as he turned to leave, haejoon’s stepmother shot him a pointed look. the disdain in her gaze was evident, and it was clear that the family’s discontent with him was growing. namjoon, however, kept his focus on the task ahead, ignoring the glares and the underlying hostility in the room. as he walked out of the study, the weight of the responsibility settled heavily on his shoulders.
the transition to your new private school in seoul was a monumental shift, a step that symbolized the culmination of your hard work and the new opportunities afforded by hanbok group’s success. as you walked through the gates of the prestigious institution, you felt the weight of countless gazes. the students—dressed in their immaculate uniforms—watched you with a mixture of awe and envy. the whispers and stares made you feel like an object of fascination, a feeling both exhilarating and uncomfortable.
despite the attention, you held your head high, trying to maintain composure as you navigated the hallways. the sense of being scrutinized was palpable, but you were determined to focus on your new chapter.
suddenly, you felt a reassuring weight around your shoulders. you turned to see jackson, his familiar grin breaking through the sea of curious faces. “hey, i didn’t expect to see you here!” he said, his tone light and friendly. “i’m a student here too. thought i'd show you around.” relief washed over you as you smiled back. “thanks, jackson. that’d be great.”
as you walked together through the bustling corridors, you began to feel more at ease. however, your newfound comfort was abruptly interrupted when you came to a sudden halt. the reason for your pause became clear as you glanced ahead. namjoon stood at the end of the hallway, his gaze fixed on you. his eyes narrowed slightly when he noticed jackson by your side.
jackson’s voice broke the tense silence. “dramatic, aren’t you, namjoon? then again, you’ve always enjoyed a good crowd,” he remarked, his tone laced with an undercurrent of playful sarcasm. the students around you began forming a circle, intrigued by the unexpected confrontation. his expression darkened as he glanced at jackson. “what exactly do you think you’re doing here?” he asked, his voice edged with a hint of challenge.
jackson shrugged nonchalantly. “i could ask you the same thing. how was busan, friend?” the word “friend” hung in the air, heavy with unspoken history. the silence that followed was thick with unspoken tensions. the once close bond between namjoon and jackson had frayed over the years, especially after namjoon’s departure for busan, which had strained their relationship.
you shifted uncomfortably, unsure of how to navigate the suddenly charged atmosphere. as you considered walking away to escape the awkwardness, namjoon’s hand shot out and grabbed your wrist. his touch was firm but not aggressive, as he pulled you closer to his side. “wait,” he said, his voice low and resolute. “i need to talk to you.”
jackson’s eyes flickered with surprise, but he stepped back slightly, allowing namjoon to assert his presence. the surrounding students watched with bated breath, their curiosity piqued by the unfolding drama. namjoon’s grip on your wrist was firm, but his touch was not harsh. he guided you away from the crowd, leading you to a quieter corner of the school. his expression was a mix of confusion and something deeper—perhaps a flicker of old emotions.
“why are you here?” namjoon finally asked, his tone softening. “how did you end up at this school?” you met his gaze, trying to remain calm despite the rush of emotions. “that's none of your business, really.”
his eyebrows furrowed, a mix of surprise and hurt flickering across his face. “look, we’re both here now. can’t we just talk?” you shook your head, feeling a pang of frustration. “there’s nothing to talk about, namjoon. i’m here to focus on my studies and start fresh. whatever happened between us before, it’s in the past.” there was no getting over the way he had acted. no amount of money in the world could've made up for the nights you had spent crying, wondering why it was your life that was falling apart.
with that, you found yourself spinning on your heel. you had no interest in going back to where you started, and that included rekindling a bond with him. he was the one that looked down on you and, even if he wasn't, he was the one who wad engaged.
namjoon sat at a corner table in the bustling school cafeteria, his lunch barely touched as he absentmindedly stirred his drink. across from him, soyeon’s anger simmered beneath her composed exterior. the vibrant chatter of students around them seemed distant as she leaned in, her voice low and filled with frustration.
“i can’t believe this,” she said, her eyes flashing with irritation. “your company’s downfall is gonna ruin us. hanbok group is soaring, especially after the partnership with wang industries. it’s a huge blow to your sales, and since i'm engaged to you, my sales.”
he sighed, rubbing his temples. “i know, soyeon. it’s not like i wanted this to happen. i’m dealing with it as best as i can.” her frustration mounted. “dealing with it? it’s a disaster, and now you’re stuck here, trying to make sense of it all while they're out there taking the spotlight.”
his annoyance was evident. “we’re working on it, but what do you expect me to do? it’s not like we can just erase their success.” her eyes narrowed, her irritation shifting to a calculating gaze. “actually, there might be something we can do. it’s risky, but it could work.”
he looked at her with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. “what do you have in mind?” she leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “you know that girl from hanbok group, the one you saw at the ceremony? if you get close to her—”
namjoon cut her off with a skeptical glance. “are you suggesting i seduce her?” her lips curled into a sly smile. “exactly. if you can get close to her, you might find a way to undermine hanbok group from within. Ii’s a chance to gather information, and maybe even influence things in our favor.”
he studied soyeon’s face, weighing the proposal. the idea was certainly bold, but it did offer a potential path to addressing the threat hanbok group posed to his family’s company. the thought of involving personal feelings in the strategy was unsettling, but the prospect of weakening the company was tempting.
“you really think this will work?” he asked, still unsure. she nodded, her expression serious. “it’s a long shot, but it might be our best bet. if you can get her to trust you, you might be able to find a way to sabotage their plans or at least gather some useful intel.” namjoon considered the proposal, his thoughts swirling with conflicting emotions. the idea of manipulating someone for business gain was morally dubious, but the stakes were high. if this was the only viable strategy to save his family’s company, he was willing to consider it.
“alright,” namjoon finally said, his voice determined. “i’ll do it. but remember, this is a means to an end. i don’t want this to get out of hand.” she smile widened, a glint of triumph in her eyes. “good. i knew you’d see the potential. just be careful—if things get messy, it could backfire.”
the grand opening of hanbok nightclub was a dazzling affair. the sleek, modern design of the venue glittered with bright lights and vibrant colors, creating an atmosphere of excitement and luxury. the turnout was impressive, with a lively crowd enjoying the music, drinks, and the bustling energy of the night. you stood at the edge of the main floor, taking in the scene with a mix of pride and relief. the risky investment in the nightclub had clearly paid off.
as you watched the guests mingle and dance, you turned to see a familiar face among the crowd. it was namjoon, looking sharply dressed in a suit that accentuated his tall frame. his presence was unexpected, and you felt a flicker of curiosity and unease. you approached him, your voice barely rising above the noise of the crowd. “what are you doing here?” he offered a small, sincere smile. “i came to support you. i heard about the opening and thought i’d check it out.”
you were taken aback by his response, feeling a strange mix of emotions. “i didn’t expect to see you here.” namjoon’s gaze softened. “i wanted to make amends. i know things between us have been complicated.”
you nodded, appreciating his gesture. “well, i’m glad you came. it means a lot.” he glanced around the nightclub, then back at you. “would you like to grab a drink? i'd like to talk, if that’s alright with you.” you hesitated for a moment, still feeling the sting of past interactions but decided that it was worth at least hearing him out. “alright, let’s get a drink.”
you led the way to the bar, where you both ordered drinks and found a quieter corner away from the main festivities. the setting was intimate, the dim lighting casting a warm glow over the space. as you sipped your drink, namjoon looked at you with a mixture of apprehension and sincerity. “i owe you an apology for how I acted before. the way i treated you was unfair. it wasn’t just me—it was pressure from my stepmother and the situation at home.” you studied his face, searching for any hint of insincerity, but found none. “i appreciate you saying that. it was confusing and hurtful, but i understand that you were caught in a difficult situation.”
he nodded, visibly relieved by your response. “it’s been a tough time for me, too. my family’s expectations and the pressure to keep up with everything—it’s been overwhelming.” you took a sip of your drink, considering his words. “i can’t imagine what you’ve been going through, but i hope things get better for you. and i hope we can move past this.”
his expression softened, and he gave you a small, appreciative smile. “i'd like that. i know i can’t undo the past, but i want to try to make things right, even if it’s just starting with this.” you nodded, feeling a sense of relief at the honest conversation. “we can start fresh. i’m willing to forgive and move on.”
hia eyes met yours with genuine gratitude. “thank you. it means a lot to me.” the conversation flowed more easily as the night progressed, with both of you sharing updates about your lives and catching up on missed time. the atmosphere around you was lively and festive, but in your little corner of the nightclub, it was as if a new chapter was beginning.
the weeks following the opening of the nightclub brought an unexpected shift in your relationship with namjoon. you found yourselves spending more time together, both within and outside of the office. the initial tension between you had faded, replaced by a genuine connection. conversations became easier, and you began to learn more about each other’s lives and interests.
he often seemed conflicted, his guilt evident as he navigated his dual role in your life. the feelings he was developing for you were undeniable, and it was becoming harder for him to maintain the facade of mere friendship. he had started to question the ethics of his actions, feeling remorseful for his initial intentions.
one afternoon, as you were wrapping up some paperwork in the office, eunha stopped by. she looked concerned as she approached your desk. “can we talk for a moment?” she asked, her tone serious. you nodded, setting aside your work. “of course. what’s up?”
she waited until you both settled into a quieter area of the office before speaking. “i've been noticing that you and kim namjoon have been spending a lot of time together lately. i’m curious—what’s your relationship with him?” you hesitated for a moment before answering. “we’re just friends. we’ve been getting to know each other better.”
her expression remained thoughtful. “i see. well, i want to encourage you to keep it that way—just friends.” you raised an eyebrow, surprised by her insistence. “why? is there something i should know?”
she sighed, looking more serious than you’d ever seen her. “yes, actually. there’s something important you need to understand. namjoon’s family, including his stepbrother, are our direct competitors. hanbok group and their company are rivals, and haejoon happens to be my ex-boyfriend.” you were taken aback, your eyes widening in disbelief. “haejoon is your ex? i didn’t know that.” you had recalled the photo of them in her guest room, the pieces gluing themselves together.
she nodded. “yes. it’s complicated, but it’s crucial for you to know that the kims and hanbok group are deeply intertwined in this business rivalry. i don’t want you to get caught up in any personal entanglements that could complicate things for both our company and your own future.” the revelation hit you hard. you had been developing genuine feelings for him, and eunha’s warning forced you to confront the reality of the situation. the idea of distancing yourself from him now felt painful, especially given the bond you had started to form.
“i understand,” you said, trying to steady your emotions. “i’ll keep my distance. i don’t want to create any conflicts for us.” she looked relieved but also sympathetic. “thank you. i know it’s not easy, but it’s important for the sake of the company. and if there’s anything more you need to know, or if you’re struggling, you can always talk to me.”
you appreciated her offer, though the weight of the situation was heavy on your heart. as she left, you sat alone, reflecting on the growing feelings you had for namjoon and the difficult decision you now faced. the connection you had with him felt real, but the business implications and personal history made it all the more complex.
namjoon sat at his study desk in the grand manor, the room illuminated by the soft glow of the desk lamp. the space was decorated with rich wood paneling and shelves lined with books, providing an aura of both warmth and authority. he was lost in thought, his mind preoccupied with the tangled emotions and complicated dynamics of his recent interactions with you.
the creak of the door broke his concentration. haejoon entered the room, a stern expression on his face. he walked straight to his desk and dropped a stack of photographs in front of him with a thud. the images were candid shots of you and namjoon from various moments—some at the nightclub, others from the recent school encounter. he looked up, his expression guarded. “what’s this about?” haejoon’s tone was cold and direct. “explain these.”
namjoon’s gaze shifted to the photos, and he took a deep breath before speaking. “soyeon came up with a plan to get close to you and undermine hanbok group from the inside. she thought that if i could get close to you and learn about your company’s operations, it would give us an edge. all i'm doing is going along with it.”
haejoon’s eyebrows lifted slightly in surprise, but he remained silent, absorbing the information. he appeared to be considering the implications of namjoon’s revelation. after a moment, he nodded, seemingly satisfied with the explanation. “alright,” he said finally. “i’ll leave it at that.”
as he turned to leave, namjoon’s voice stopped him. “why do you hate me so much, haejoon?” he paused, his back still turned. for a moment, the room was filled with a heavy silence. he didn’t respond, and the tension between the two brothers was palpable. with that, he walked out of the study, leaving his stepbrother alone with a heavy heart.
the day at school had been unusually tense. as you navigated through your classes and interactions with classmates, the weight of recent developments lingered heavily on your mind. you had been trying to keep your emotions in check, focusing on your responsibilities, but the lingering thoughts of namjoon and the complexities of your relationship with him kept resurfacing.
he, too, seemed preoccupied. he found you during lunch, his usual confident demeanor replaced with a look of vulnerability. as you sat together, you noticed the tension in his shoulders and the sadness in his eyes. “can we talk?” he asked, his voice softer than usual. you nodded, leading him to a quieter corner of the school grounds where you could have some privacy. “what’s on your mind?”
he took a deep breath, struggling to articulate his feelings. “it’s haejoon. i’ve always wanted his approval, his love, but no matter what i do, it feels like i'm never enough. it’s like no matter how hard i try, i'm just not able to earn his respect.”
you could see the pain in his eyes, and it tugged at your heart. without hesitation, you pulled him into a comforting hug, your arms encircling him in a gesture of reassurance. “you’re enough, namjoon. You don’t need to prove anything to anyone. you’re doing your best, and that’s all anyone can ask.” his breath hitched slightly as he absorbed the comfort you offered. in that embrace, he felt a wave of emotions he had been trying to suppress. the connection between you deepened, and he realized that his feelings for you had grown beyond mere friendship.
later that day, he sought out soyeon in the crowded hallways. he found her standing near her locker, her posture rigid and her expression expectant. “soyeon,” he began, his voice firm but conflicted, “i need to talk to you about the plan.”
her eyes narrowed, a hint of irritation in her gaze. “oh? what about it?” his resolve was clear. “i’m calling it off. i can’t go through with it. i'm not going to sabotage hanbok group or manipulate (y/n).”
her eyebrows shot up in surprise, her lips curling into a sardonic smile. “caught feelings, have we?” his silence was all the confirmation she needed. her expression shifted from mockery to anger. “you’re serious? you’ve actually fallen for her?”
he nodded, his frustration evident. “yes, i have. i can’t do this anymore.” her demeanor grew colder. “you realize what this means, don’t you? if you back out now, i'll go public with our separation. it’ll be a scandal that’ll damage your family’s company even further. you can’t just walk away from this.”
the threat was clear, and namjoon felt the weight of it press down on him. the thought of his company facing additional fallout was unbearable. he was trapped between his burgeoning feelings for you and the ruthless demands of soyeon. swallowing his pride and masking his inner turmoil, he forced himself to comply. “alright,” he said, his voice strained. “i’ll go through with the plan. i’ll make sure it happens.”
her expression softened slightly, satisfied with his compliance. “good. i’ll be watching. don’t disappoint me, namjoon.”
the bond between you and namjoon continued to deepen with each passing day. as the weeks went by, your relationship evolved from friendship to something undeniably more intense. despite the growing affection between you, he struggled internally. he found himself torn between the desire for his family's approval and the undeniable pull of his feelings for you. the more his family praised him for his involvement with you, the more conflicted he felt.
one night, the hanbok nightclub was abuzz with activity. the grand opening had been a resounding success, and the club had quickly become one of the city's most talked-about venues. you were there, dressed in a stunning gold dress that shimmered under the nightclub's lights. you had taken up a spot on the floor above, enjoying the view and savoring the evening.
namjoon spotted you from the dance floor below and felt a rush of admiration. the way your dress sparkled in the ambient light, the elegance with which you carried yourself—everything about you seemed to captivate him. he made his way up to where you were standing, his eyes never leaving you as he approached. “(y/n),” he said softly, his voice almost lost amidst the noise of the club. “you look absolutely mesmerizing tonight.”
you turned to face him, a smile spreading across your lips. his words, combined with the way he looked at you, made your heart race. the intensity of the moment was palpable, and you both seemed to forget about everything else around you. the music and chatter of the nightclub faded into the background as the connection between you grew stronger.
his gaze dropped to your lips, and before either of you could second-guess it, he leaned in and kissed you. the kiss was gentle at first, but quickly escalated into something more passionate. his hands found their way to your waist, pulling you closer as the world outside seemed to vanish. caught up in the moment, you pulled away slightly, your breath mingling with his. “there are private rooms in the back,” you whispered, a mischievous glint in your eye. “we could have more privacy there.”
he nodded, his eyes dark with desire. without another word, you took his hand and guided him through the crowd, leading him towards the back of the nightclub. the private rooms were a secluded escape from the bustling main area, providing a more intimate setting. once inside, the room was dimly lit, with plush furnishings and a cozy atmosphere. the door closed behind you, shutting out the noise and leaving you both in a private sanctuary. as soon as you were alone, his lips found yours again, the kiss heated and fervent. his hands roamed your body, exploring and caressing with a hunger that matched your own.
you guided him to a nearby sofa, where you both sank into the cushions, the kisses growing more urgent. the warmth of his body against yours, the way his hands traced your curves, and the intensity of his gaze made everything feel electric.
namjoon stepped closer, his eyes devouring you body like a starving man. he reached out and traced a finger along the neckline of your dress, sending sparks of pleasure through your body. "you look incredible," he murmured, his voice a velvet rumble that seemed to resonate in your very bones. “take it off for me.”
your hands trembled slightly as you obeyed, the fabric sliding down your body to pool at your feet. you stepped out of the dress, revealing the lacy lingerie that matched the color of the gold fabric. he took a sharp breath in, his eyes widening with desire. “i knew you'd look even better without it,” he said, his voice thick with lust.
he stepped closer, closing the distance between you, and before you could react, he had you pressed against the nearest wall. his hands roamed your body, gripping your hips, then sliding up to cup your tits. he squeezed gently, his thumbs flicking over your hardened nipples. “you're so fucking perfect,” he whispered against your neck, his breath hot and heavy. you gasped, arching into his touch, your body begging for more.
he leaned in and claimed your mouth in a bruising kiss, his tongue invading yours with a hunger that left you breathless. you could feel the bulge in his pants, pressing against you, a silent promise of what was to come. his hands slid down to the hem of your panties, and with a swift motion, he ripped them away. the sound of the fabric tearing filled the room, a declaration of his intent.
he stepped back, admiring your naked form, his eyes lingering on the apex of your thighs. “spread your legs for me,” he ordered, his voice firm and demanding. you complied, your legs quivering with anticipation. he dropped to his knees, his breath hot against your skin. “you're so wet already,” he murmured, his voice filled with satisfaction. he licked a slow path up your slit, and you cried out, nails digging into the wall behind you.
he stood up, unbuckling his pants with swift, efficient movements. his cock sprang free, thick and hard, and you couldn't help but stare. “like what you see?” he smirked, stroking himself slowly. you nodded, your mouth dry with desire. “good, because you're about to get a taste.”
without warning, he plunged into you, filling you up in one swift motion. you cried out, your body stretching to accommodate his size. he didn't stop, his hips moving in a steady, punishing rhythm that had you seeing stars. “you're so tight,” he groaned, his grip on her hips tightening. “i can feel every inch of you.”
your bodies moved together in perfect harmony, the sound of your skin slapping echoing in the quiet room. you wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him deeper, walls clenching around him. he leaned in, whispering filthy words into your ear, telling you exactly how good you felt, how much he wanted you. you met each thrust with one of your own, hips rolling to meet his, driving him even deeper.
the tension built between you, a crescendo of passion that could no longer be contained. you both knew what was coming, the inevitable explosion that would shake you to your very cores. you were lost in each other, hearts pounding in time with the music that pulsed through the walls. as you both approached the edge, your movements grew more frantic, breaths more ragged. “i love you,” you gasped, the words slipping out before you could stop them. namjoon's eyes snapped to yours, a look of shock and disbelief crossing his face. but then, a soft smile spread across his lips. “i love you too,” he murmured, his voice filled with a vulnerability you had never heard before.
the next few days unfolded with a whirlwind of emotions and new experiences. your bond with namjoon continued to deepen, growing more intense with each passing moment. the connection you shared became evident to everyone, and photos of the two of you started flooding the internet. the media coverage was relentless, and while it brought both praise and scrutiny, it also highlighted the undeniable chemistry between you.
amidst the flurry of attention, you and him spent more time together, finding solace in each other's company. despite the external chaos, these moments became a refuge where you could escape the pressures and expectations that surrounded you. one evening, as you both sat in the lounge of the nightclub after hours, namjoon looked contemplative, his usual confident demeanor replaced by a quiet seriousness. the soft glow of the dim lights cast a warm hue over his face, revealing the subtle lines of worry etched upon it.
“you know,” he began, his voice low and hesitant, “there’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about.” you turned to him, your curiosity piqued. “what is it, namjoon?”
he took a deep breath, his gaze dropping to the floor before meeting your eyes again. “it’s about my engagement to soyeon. i've never really talked about it, but i think it’s time you knew.” you listened attentively, sensing the gravity of his words. his expression was one of vulnerability, and it was clear that this was something he had been carrying alone for a long time.
“engagements in our world aren’t always about love,” he continued, his voice tinged with frustration. “it’s more about alliances, business deals, and family expectations. soyeon and i—we’re both trapped in this arrangement because our families want it. neither of us wanted it, but we have to go along with it.” you reached out and took his hand in yours, offering a comforting squeeze. “i'm sorry you’re going through this, namjoon. it must be really difficult, feeling like you’re not in control of your own life.”
he nodded, his eyes reflecting a mixture of relief and guilt. “it is. and i know it’s no excuse for what’s happened between us, but it’s hard not to feel like i’m betraying everyone. the guilt is eating me up inside.” you looked at him with understanding, your heart aching for the turmoil he was experiencing. “you’re not betraying anyone. you’re just trying to find happiness in a situation that’s been forced upon you. it’s okay to feel conflicted.” he remained silent, his gaze fixed on your intertwined fingers. the weight of his confession seemed to lift slightly, but the guilt still lingered in his eyes. your words resonated with his situation too much—everything he had been doing behind your back, it was like he was going against everything he stood for. like he had been lying to you from the very start, but how could he?
the grand opening of wang industries’ new nightclub was set to be a spectacle, a symbol of the flourishing partnership between your company and theirs. the event was meant to be a celebration of collaboration, showcasing the mutual benefits of your alliance. as part of the evening’s arrangement, you and jackson were to make a dramatic entrance together, reinforcing the image of unity between your companies.
you walked into the club with him by your side, his arm wrapped around your waist. the crowd's reaction was immediate and electric, cheers and applause filling the room as the spotlight illuminated the two of you. the public's frenzy was palpable, and the media coverage was intense. it was all part of the plan, a well-orchestrated stunt to make headlines and reinforce the partnership’s strength.
the moment, however, was abruptly interrupted. namjoon, who had been watching from a distance, felt a wave of raw emotion surge through him. the sight of you and jackson together, the way his arm was possessively draped around you, was too much for him to bear. his heart pounded, his feelings of betrayal and jealousy mingling into a potent mix of anger.
without thinking, namjoon strode forward, his face set in a grimace. the crowd fell silent as he approached, the tension in the air thickening. before anyone could react, he threw a punch straight at jackson’s face. the blow landed with a sickening thud, and he stumbled back, surprised but quickly regaining his stance.
“are you out of your mind?” jackson spat, his voice filled with anger. he wiped the blood from his lip, glaring at namjoon. “you've got a lot of stones to throw for someone in a glass house.” your shock was evident as you rushed to jackson's side, wiping away the excess blood as your heart pounded. your wide-eyed gaze switched from one man to the other.
you looked between them, confused and alarmed. “what’s going on? what do you mean by that?” namjoon’s face was a mask of frustration and pain, and he remained silent. jackson’s smirk widened as he seized the opportunity to reveal the truth. “come on, joon, tell her. the house was bound to break at some point.”
your eyes darted from jackson to namjoon, searching for answers. when namjoon didn’t speak, jackson took it upon himself to explain. “your boyfriend and his fiancée had a plan. he was supposed to seduce you to bring down hanbok group from the inside. the whole thing was a setup.” the words hit you like a punch to the gut. “no,” you said, laughing without a hint of humor. “that can’t be true, right?”
the silence that followed was deafening. you looked at namjoon, his eyes filled with tears and regret. the realization sank in, and the truth became painfully clear. his actions, his earlier promises, and the moments you shared—they had all been part of a twisted scheme. the betrayal cut deep. namjoon, his voice choked with remorse, managed to whisper, “i'm sorry.”
the apology only fueled your anger. you brought up your hand, only to bring it down across his face, the sting of the contact echoing your hurt and disappointment. “how could you?” jackson stepped in, smirking at the scene. “who do you think soyeon’s fucking on the side? she tells me everything.”
the betrayal was overwhelming, and you felt as if your world was collapsing around you. all you could think about was getting away from the chaos and the lies. you turned on your heel and fled the nightclub, the sound of the commotion fading behind you as you rushed out into the night. the sting of betrayal and the weight of broken trust were nearly unbearable, and all you wanted was to escape and process the painful reality of what had just been revealed.
as you fled from the nightclub, your heart pounded in your chest, each beat echoing the betrayal you felt. the cold night air stung your cheeks, but the sharp pain of betrayal was far more intense. you rushed through the dimly lit streets, your breath coming in ragged gasps as tears blurred your vision. behind you, namjoon was desperately trying to catch up. his voice broke through the darkness, filled with anguish and regret. “wait! please, just wait!”
you continued to walk briskly, not wanting to give in. but his relentless pursuit forced you to stop. panting, you faced him, the cold wind whipping through your hair. “everything was a lie?” you demanded, your voice trembling with a mix of anger and disbelief. “you had sex with me, told me you loved me. just like that.”
namjoon’s face was a picture of torment. “no, it wasn’t like that. i meant every word i said. i truly did. i begged soyeon to put the plan off, but she threatened me. said she’d go public and ruin everything if i didn’t follow through. i just—iwanted my family’s approval, and i didn’t know how to stop it.”
his eyes were filled with genuine sorrow, and you could see the depth of his regret. but the hurt and betrayal you felt were too overwhelming. you scoffed, shaking your head in disbelief. “i hope their approval was worth it.” with that, you turned and walked away, leaving him standing in the middle of the street, watching you retreat. the night seemed darker and colder as you made your way back home, your thoughts racing with the events of the evening.
the next morning, the weight of the previous night’s events was still heavy on your shoulders. as you shuffled through the living room, the television blared with news about the scandal that had erupted. the screen displayed images of you and jackson, along with headlines about the altercation and the fallout from the nightclub’s opening. the impact was immediate and severe. your company’s sales began to plummet, and the media frenzy only added fuel to the fire. the news seemed to taunt you with every broadcast, a relentless reminder of the public humiliation and the damage done.
in the kim manor, however, the atmosphere was quite different. namjoon’s family gathered around, cheering him on as if he had emerged victorious. their approval was palpable, yet namjoon himself was far from triumphant. his face was a mask of despondency, a stark contrast to the elation of those around him.
back in your home, the situation was equally strained. eunha found you in a state of distress, her face etched with concern as she watched the news. despite the severe drop in your company’s sales, she remained a pillar of support. she wrapped her arms around you in a comforting hug, her presence a soothing balm to your wounded spirit. “we’ll get through this,” she assured you. “i’ll take care of the fallout. we’ll find a way to fix this. it’ll all be okay.” her words, though calming, did little to erase the sting of betrayal or the uncertainty of the future. you clung to her reassurance, finding solace in her unwavering support as you both faced the daunting task of repairing the damage and moving forward from the scandal that had rocked your world.
the days following the scandal were a whirlwind of turmoil and distress. the fallout from the nightclub incident extended far beyond the immediate embarrassment. at school, the situation was just as brutal. whispers and mocking glances followed you through the hallways, and every classroom felt like a stage for public ridicule. you were isolated, left to navigate the hostile environment alone. the once familiar faces of your classmates now seemed cold and distant, their earlier camaraderie replaced by harsh judgment.
jackson was the only one who stood by your side. his presence was a rare comfort in the sea of hostility, and he did his best to shield you from the worst of it. he took on the role of a defender, confronting anyone who dared to speak ill of you and making it clear that their behavior was unacceptable. despite his efforts, you couldn’t shake the lingering resentment toward him. his failure to disclose the truth about the scheme had deeply hurt you. His words, though sometimes harsh, were a small consolation amidst the overwhelming negativity.
in the midst of all of it, namjoon watched the drama unfold from a distance, his heart heavy with regret. every time he saw you being treated unjustly, it pierced him deeply. the sight of Jackson standing up for you, despite his own flaws, only highlighted how namjoon had failed to protect you when it mattered most. he grappled with his guilt, knowing he had played a role in the orchestrated chaos that had so thoroughly disrupted your life.
that night, he was scheduled to give a live report regarding the scandal. his family, sensing an opportunity to further their own agenda, encouraged him to use the platform to discredit your company as much as possible. they saw it as a chance to solidify their position and finally diminish your company. despite their pressure, namjoon’s conscience weighed heavily on him. he knew you would be watching, and the thought of adding more pain to your already wounded spirit was unbearable.
when the cameras rolled and the broadcast began, namjoon took a deep breath, bracing himself for the weight of his words. the studio was brightly lit, the atmosphere tense as reporters and cameras focused on him. his heart raced, and for a moment, he struggled to maintain his composure. the pressure to conform to his family's demands was immense, but as he looked into the camera, he saw your face in his mind.
he began his speech with a steely resolve, his voice calm but firm. “to those of you who are watching and, (y/n), i know you’re watching—i want to say this directly to you.” his gaze seemed to penetrate through the camera, reaching out across the miles. “don’t let these people fool you. (y/n) (l/n) and eunha (l/n) built their business from the ground up and used what little resources they had to make it happen. what happened was nothing but a publicity stunt set up by kim group to tear hanbok group down. please, support them as you always have.”
the words hung in the air, their impact palpable. namjoon’s declaration was a shocking turn of events, and the nation watched in stunned silence. for a moment, the spotlight shifted from the scandalous drama to his unexpected defense of your company. the studio fell silent, the only sound being the low hum of the camera equipment.
back at your home, you sat in stunned disbelief as the broadcast played on the television. the room felt eerily quiet as you absorbed his words. the gravity of his statement was overwhelming, and for a moment, you felt as though the world had stopped spinning. the anger and betrayal you had felt were momentarily eclipsed by a flood of conflicting emotions. eunha, who had been beside you through the entire ordeal, was equally shocked. her eyes widened as she listened to his defense, her expression a mixture of astonishment and confusion. the unexpected turn of events left you both in stunned silence, processing the weight of his public declaration.
the impact on hanbok group was immediate and profound. the public’s perception began to shift, with many people rallying in support of your company. the initial backlash softened as the truth behind the scandal was revealed. the sales slump began to recover, and the damage caused by the scandal started to heal.
later that night, the weight of the day's events had left you restless. tossing and turning in bed, you struggled to find solace amidst the turmoil of emotions. the soft glow of the moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting gentle shadows across the room. just as you were beginning to drift back into a fitful sleep, a series of urgent knocks echoed through the quiet house, jolting you awake.
confused and still groggy, you made your way to the front door. as you peered through the peephole, your heart skipped a beat. standing on the other side was namjoon, his figure shrouded in the darkness of the night. you opened the door without hesitation, instinctively ushering him inside.
“what are you doing here?” you asked, concern lacing your voice. the chill of the night air had seeped into the hallway, and you quickly pulled him in, closing the door behind him. his face was etched with a mixture of exhaustion and determination. “my speech, it got me kicked out of the house,” he explained, his voice tinged with a note of frustration and sorrow. “i had nowhere else to go.”
you guided him inside, leading him to your room. the warmth of the interior was a welcoming contrast to the cold he had just endured. namjoon’s eyes were filled with remorse as he took in the space, a safe haven he had come to, despite the circumstances.
“i'm so sorry,” he began, his voice thick with emotion. “i never meant for any of this to happen. i meant everything i said. i love you, i'd rather be your lover than their successor. if it means losing my family, then i’d rather have you.” his words hung in the air, heavy with sincerity. the vulnerability in his gaze made it clear how deeply he regretted the hurt he had caused. the pain and betrayal you felt were still fresh, but seeing him so raw and honest made something shift within you.
you took a deep breath, your heart aching with a mix of love and lingering hurt. “namjoon,” you said softly, stepping closer to him. “i love you too. i always have. if losing your family means that you can be with me, then i'd rather be your family. i want us to find a way to be together.”
his eyes welled with tears, the weight of his actions and their consequences finally hitting home. he reached out, pulling you into a tender embrace. the warmth of his body against yours was a comfort after the chaos of the day. you both held each other tightly, the silence of the room filled with unspoken promises and the hope of a new beginning.
the night wore on as you both sat together, wrapped in each other's arms. the emotional barriers between you slowly began to dissolve, replaced by a sense of understanding and reconciliation. the world outside continued to spin, but within the safety of your room, the turmoil of the day seemed to fade, leaving only the quiet, steadfast bond between you.
a/n: two fanfics in one night is wild ngl lowkey sad but i fw the heirs idc what anybody says the heirs was the blueprint for romance kdramas. kim tan was literally THE blueprint.
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Yakuza x Cinderella AU Part 1 (Sukuna x Reader)
A/N: I listened to Sukuna’s Russian voice dub while writing this. Gave me some cool gangster vibes.
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Everyone would have understood if you shed the “Itadori” name after old man Wasuke passed away, and no one would have blamed you if you walked away from being Yuuji Itadori’s legal guardian. After all, you just started college, you didn’t need to be “burdened,” especially by a kid you weren’t even related to.
But there was no way you could leave eleven-year-old Yuuji alone. You grew up changing his diapers, taught him how to ride a bike, cleaned up his boo-boos, and threatened his bullies. 
He was your family.
Prioritizing your baby brother and his future above your own, you decided to bartender at a fancy but sleazy bar. Although the majority of patrons were assholes and the place was too far from your house and the university, the pay was better than most other part-time jobs so you sucked it up.
Between your job, mandatory onsite classes, group assignments with lazy jerks, and taking care of Yuuji and the house, you could never afford to sleep for more than three hours a day. 
But Yuuji was, of course, an angel. 
He didn’t like to show it, but you knew he missed gramps, and you often caught him biting his lip to suppress his whimpers and wiping his eyes with his back turned to you. He did his best to appear strong, but you wished he’d rely on you more. But the little tiger never stopped doing his chores and liked offering to do yours.
“I can’t get a part-time job yet so all I can do is take care of the house and everything else!” When he said that, you swore an arrow pierced your heart and you almost died from fluffiness. 
Seeing Yuji’s bright smile was the only thing that kept you going, especially after a long day at the bar.
That’s where you met Ryomen Sukuna. He was the single most irritating bastard you’ve ever had the misfortune of meeting. It wasn’t like he was a sleazebag per se–he was actually more of a silent, brooding type compared to the handsy, foul-mouthed drunkards you usually dealt with. At least, that was your first expression of him.
It was nine pm and your five minute break was almost over so you sent Yuji a good night text and a reminder to lock the doors and windows. You brushed your hair and went to your post behind the bar. 
This place was in the inner city, far from most schools, so it was rare to find college students here, but it was a Friday and the end of finals week so the place was jam-packed with depressed people. You didn’t mind. Actually, you preferred having a bar full of university kids over a bar full of working adults. You liked college students. They were… nicer, more polite and patient compared to their older counterparts, who were usually middle-aged career men and women whose dreams have been shattered by the real world. Your regulars were broken and pathetic, and they often liked making their problem yours. You’d “listen” to their ramblings, nod and pretend to care, when in reality their words just went in one ear and left straight out the other.
You didn’t like talking or socializing. You left that part up to the waitstaff and prepared the drinks as quietly as possible in order to avoid trouble.  
It was nearing one am, almost time for you to go home. You finished wiping the last piece of glassware when the store bell rang. You didn’t bother to even pretend to be polite this time and continued cleaning up, waiting for one of the waiters to tell the guest that the bar was already closed. But that didn’t happen. 
“The VIP room is a little unclean right now, so if you’re willing to wait–”
“What do you mean unclean? You should always keep it ready,” a cold, androgynous voice reprimanded.
You were annoyed. And a bit confused. You’ve been here for several weeks now and you just found out about this so-called VIP room. And up until now, the personnel here always shooed away all customers during closing. 
“It’s fine, Uraume,” a deep, husky voice interrupted. “I’m fine waiting here. Just get me my drink.”
You raised your eyes and saw a tall man in a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, bringing attention to his… big veiny hands and sinewy arms, lined with black tattoos. 
“O-of course!” Your boss clasped her hands together. “Please excuse me, I’ll get the sake ready in a bit.”
As if sensing your gaze, your tall, red-haired stranger turned his head, revealing a face also full of tattoos. You blushed but composed yourself and bowed in greeting. You refused to make eye contact again though, too embarrassed that you were caught ogling. He was more gorgeous than most idols and sports players that showed up on TV.
“On second thought, I think I’ll sit at the bar.”
Ah, crap. 
“Oh, um…!” Your boss fumbled towards you, putting a hand over your shoulder. “Th-this is Y/N. She’s new. Really new, I don’t think you’ve met yet.” It felt odd watching your usually calm and charming boss act like this. She was the one who dealt with perverts and other difficult clients, all without getting too emotional or stuttering, but she seemed almost afraid of this man. “Y/N, this is Mr. Ryomen Sukuna, he owns this bar.”
That name certainly felt familiar, but you sucked at names, and as for his face… you glanced up at his smirking face. Yeah, there was no way you’d forget a guy like him. Even if you just saw him walking down the street for a split second you would remember him for sure. 
Your boss squeezed you and you quickly bowed your head again. “Um, hello, thank you for the opportunity.”
“You seemed irritated when my companion and I walked in.” 
“No, you must be mistaken.”
“Really? You couldn’t even be bothered to greet us. Bartenders are supposed to be friendly.”
You just tilted your head, contemplating on what to say next when your phone started ringing from the counter. Mr. Sukuna swiped it before you could blink. 
“Hey!” Your sudden burst of energy shocked you and your boss. You slapped a hand over your mouth. “Er. I mean… I apologize.” 
“Shouldn’t phones be on vibrate during work hours?”
“It was on vibrate. We’re supposed to be closed now.” Welp. You were already as good as fired so you didn’t try to cover up your weariness. Yuji sometimes woke up randomly in the middle of the night. He was probably wondering where you were. You held out your hand. “Can I please have it back now? Sir?”
Like you just told the world’s funniest joke, he threw his head back, laughing heartily. 
Despite your boss almost fainting on the spot thanks to your little stunt, you didn’t get fired. Sukuna seemed absolutely smitten with you–that is, as much as an owner can be smitten by a pet hamster. 
It was the beginning of an irritating, one-sided relationship. 
Ever since that day, Sukuna began frequenting the bar more often. Sometimes three times a week, other times almost daily. Rather than stay at the VIP room, he’d hang out by the bar and find many ways to piss you off, like hitting on you, annoying you until you talked about either Yuji or your classes, and asking you to make some complicated cocktail he heard from a business partner, only to then insult it (he’d always finish the thing though). At the very least, he didn’t try touching you inappropriately. And plus, his childish fascination with you meant he demanded you hang out with him immediately after you finished preparing someone else’s drink, so you didn’t have to listen to other people whine about their lives and you didn’t have to make up excuses with the more gropey customers.
To be continued…
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sceyth · 2 months
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qimir modern au send tweet
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ghostwritcr · 1 year
open to :  f ,  21 + muse :  dominic spencer ,  early - twenties ,  mechanic & illegal car racer , heterosexual .
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' okay , act like you don ' t see me , we ' ll play pretend . . . but your eyes already told me what you never said . . . '
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nemesyaaa · 1 month
buffalo 66' au ! old!serial killer!rafe x young!sugardoll!reader (how they met, and their first night together.)
you were red and you liked me 'cause i was blue. but you touched me and suddenly i was a lilac sky.
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warnings : lmfaooo this part always killing me but here it is....rafe being 90% of the warning part and the menace he already is, kidnapping, daddy issues, urge of sexualing your own self, slight of stockholm syndrome, dubcon, smut, dark!rafe, violence, mentions of threats, r being a missing girl, age gap, size difference, choking. rafe being mean to the reader. slight of daddy kink. sick attitude. dirty talk. attention whore. just minors DNI. (why it's bigger than my grocery list actually...). please carefully pay attention to the tags !!?
author's note : it's my first time writing a dark fic so don't expect too much 🙏🏿 you can read this without watching buffalo 66.
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some girls were the trailer park princess, and others the queen of the gas station.
as the girl of the gas station, you were there all day on the road of these men much older than you, who had and drove pretty vintage cars who were literally bigger than you. those rich daddies surely had more money than your poor father who was always sitting behind the desk of his shop waiting for the night.
your father never gave you any attention, not even a look, he didn't care about what you did on your summer days as long as he never saw you. so you stayed all day at your playground queendom across from the pitiful, filthy motel where you lived. because here at least the men were looking at you.
of course they were looking at you, you always gave them something to look at with your tiny dresses that showed your naked thighs, your tits pressed together in that backless top. you always dressed in that soft and milky blue shades. as the sea and the sky, you were blue.
while their wives found you sick, you could feel their stares every time you leaned down to grab the keys that they forgot to give you each time. you could feel their eyes completely charmed by the way your summer dress rode up above your ass, and your panties stuck out.
fully bent over, you could hear the groans of these old men, the way they forced their hands themselves to not touch you when you wanted nothing more than to see them give in to the young temptation that you were.
you had a power in them and you loved to see them completely crazy.
you worked as a gas pump attendant. in reality, you did it behind your father's back because it allowed you to stay in the company of these men who only had eyes for you.
you always put on a show for them, and it always worked because you were irresistible.
but there was this guy every time, a regular customer, cold and short-spoken who never spoke to you.
he had a beautiful and luxurious car and you always wondered what job he did to drive such an incredible vehicle, and to spoil you so much with all this money.
he never said thank you for your service. after all, you were paid for it. his eyes were blue as you. he could park and glare at you for hours, sitting deep in his seat, a cigarette stuck between his opened lips.
he was so much older than you, so much to the point it was indecent. when you had first seen him, you had melted like sugar.
as you were coming back from the ice cream parlor, your lips sucking that delicious vanilla ice cream, you sat on the edge of the gas station, right in front of his car, your legs completely spread, white cream melting and dripping between your thighs. he rubbed his painful boner through his boxer.
you were sick, you let him look at you with this completely perverted stare while you let chunks of ice fall into your cleavage.
his eyes were all over you, but this time it was different, because this time it was him who was thinking about you while touching himself. this time it was him who was sick about you , him who had all these furious ideas about you. he pumped himself so hard, biting his lips harshly. and you continued your depraved show, while he jerked off, his big cock shaked and leaked in his own hand, his thick and already experimented fingers moved around his length faster and faster, the sweaty and dirty sound of his balls slapping, the squeaking noises of his chair, his arched back making the chair shaking. you thought of the veins of his dick engorged of blood pulsated against his hefty strength. that was enough to make you fully wet.
you wanted nothing more than to make this old man reach for you. but the problem was, you were too young and naive to know how mad he was, and what he really wanted to do with a pretty doll like you.
you stood up when you finished your ice cream, putting your dress back on neatly, and leaned down, leaning your porcelain princess arms over his car window.
you shuddered when he spread his cum on your face without any warning, smeared the remains of vanilla ice cream over your sloppy lips gloss with lick of drool.
he pushed his big thumb against your little mouth, pushed it into an o shape, and you closed her to start licking up the drops of his cum.
but like every time he came here, he never spoke to you. you had just seen the car leave, while you still had the taste of him on your lips. it was rude.
the next day, your father sent you out to do some groceries on a sweltering hot summer day, tired of seeing you around doing nothing. what he didn’t know was that this was probably the last time he saw you. and even shoupe that you had seen earlier in the morning, and who had told you to be careful, something with a killer around.
when you were done with the grocery, you started walking through the empty parking lot.
you thought you were alone, even though there were a few empty cars.
but it was a mistake, a terrible mistake that you were going to regret.
“didn't shoupe tell you to be careful this morning, sweetheart ? because i'm pretty sure, he did. ”
you screamed when the man grabbed you by the waist, pressing your little ragdoll body against his chest much stronger. the stranger quickly covered your mouth, and bruised your pretty lips with violence without any caring, shoved down his fingers between them to the point that you almost choked with your own breath and saliva.
“ you hurt..me…! ” you tried to say with a lot of difficulty, as his firm grip crushed against your breasts.
“ not yet actually, doll. but i promise, i will if you continue to fight. so beware, or i will fucking kill you. not a threat, sweetheart. it's a promise. “ and you knew that even god couldn't save you at this time.
you tried to bite him, but your teeth barely touched his skin. his lips hovered above your ear, you could hear his deep older voice warned you.
" bite me one more time, and i will break you. i love wrestle with you little girl, but i think you will really hate the way i fight. because when daddy fight sugardoll, he kills. and tiny things like you are so easy to wreck. and you dont want to die today, right ? you're too young for that. do you got it ? nod if you got it, yes. smart baby, understand easily that she needs to listen and not fucking run away. ”
his strength was heavy. you had stopped resisting a few minutes ago, even when he put you in his car.
he started driving, with a smirk, he looked in the rearview mirror before telling you.
“ what's the matter, sugardoll ? don't want to put a show for me, anymore ? ”
he had taken you to a shitty old motel down the road, where no one would be able to pick you up here. you knew he was intelligent, you knew it because you understood that every time he came to see you, he tried to learn more about you, but not to know you no, but to know when would be the right time to kidnap you. you knew it because he had stalked you carefully.
he had tried to tie you up while you tried to struggle one last time. but he had grabbed your jaw so violently that you felt your face shiver in his hands. “one more move, and i’ll show you how dolls are really treated, how i have no fucking bother to kill a tiny thing like you. ”
“i’m not going to run away.”
"i know.” he shushed you with a sick evil smirk. “ but it's not because you don't want to, sugardoll .but more because you can't.” he said, while releasing your jaw.
“ that's the small but important difference. i kidnapped you. do you even know what it means ? "
you started to cry, tears running down your cheeks.
“ you want a real reason to cry? fine. i can do that for you. i kidnapped you but you want to know the big part of all this? is that no one will come for you. your father doesn't love you , and that's why you work in this stupid gas station. you love the attention of these men so bad that you feel obliged to sexualize yourself to feel desired but me, i wanted you the first time i saw you. i let you do it, i let you play with them, but now it's all over. since i own you, this game is fucking over. ”
“shoupe will come after me ! ”
“but maybe you won’t be around to see it anymore.” he looked at you, and shushed your tears, while staring in your wet eyes. “ yes, i really like when you give me those tears, cry to me, little girl i'm the only men that really got you. ”
you glared at him as if he had fallen from the sky.
“ but now you have to be careful, don’t get on my nerves. i know it's hard for you, but don't do stupid things. ”
he placed your hand on his lower back, where you had felt the metallic coldness of the gun. and you shivered.
"yes, you got it. don't ever get on my nerves.”
“ how can i get on your nerves ? you don't really seems like a bad guy. more like a sweet guy ? ”
“ i'm not. and i'm not trying to be so watch your mouth. “
“ but i really think you are. can i hug you ? ”
“ try it, doll, literally try it. just try to touch me, i dare you. and i bet you will never tell me i'm the sweetest guy again. ”
“ can you at least bathe me ? ” you asked seriously.
“ jesus, do you think i'm your slave or whatever ? do you forget which position you are in ? in the captive one. so do not ask me those stupid things again. and don't try, no, never try to run away because, i can promise you that when i will find you, it will not be a pleasant time for you. and not even a little, but to the point, you will ask me to kill you. and i will be in a mood to accept your request ? yes, me. ”
you nodded as the kind and little girl you are who cannot argue against this tall man. he released your small face, and you were bathing alone. while you were taking your bath, alone in the tub, you heard rafe on the phone without being able to understand what he was saying but after that call, he left the room.
you had decided to buy some food with the little money you had at the food and drink vending machine.
with a happy smile, you went back up, hoping to please him. but you had found him on the chair in front of the TV.
“look, what…”
“i think you’re really nice. but not at your own good, sugar. ”
“ i just wan…”
“ get on the bed, now. ”
he couldn't help but relaxing when he saw how your blue dress was so tiny, already showing your soaked underwear.
" no whining. " he said as he shoved himself deeply in your tight abused cunt, your ragdoll body pressed down in the mattress, his thick stronger arms hugged your small waist, while thrusting harder and harder, your walls clenched around his fat cock. you can felt the size growing bigger in your wettering pussy, as he turned you into a real crybaby, tears flowing down your cheeks. you were caged by his beefy and muscular body on the bed, gasped on the edge. “ you wanted to act like a big girl ? then take it like a big girl. no fucking whining, i'm just giving you what you want. ”
he was literally buried inside you, snapping your hips, moving in and out. the atmosphere was hot, you felt the heat, there were trails of saliva around your mouth. “stop whining babydoll, daddy is not at his worse actually. and you don't want to see this happen.” you wanted to hate him but it was like you appreciated him being so mean to you, your pussy was dripping, your fluids drenching him, your sticky walls surrounded his girth. " yes, that's it. pull up some juices for daddy, make it easier for him to destroy you. "
everytime you runned away from him, he lifted your head with a grunt, and with a wild thrust inside of you, making you drip even more as his glistening tip reached your spot, the dirty and wetness sound of his moves echoed in the room, your body trapped against his taller one.
with a hand on your throat, you were arched to the point where he could see your wetted eyes rolled up. "try to run away again, and you will have the fucking pleasure to be a momma, as well as a missing girl. i'm not asking you to take my cock better.” he said with a threat. “ no, i'm telling you to do it as your fucking job. ”
all teary, you could bet that rafe didn't know how big he was for telling you this. you were trying your best actually. he was rutting in you, holding your tiny size with one big hand, getting so feral everytime he saw your small body twitching when he pushed himself further. your moans were loud, as your squirted more than one time on him, your dripping walls clamped his hard cock. even when your third orgasm flowed against your bulging pussy, creating a mess at the surface, he continued.
" you know sugardoll, you better work faster for my cum, because i will only stop when i will see how creampie your pussy is for my dick.”
he stuffed your puffy messy cunt, while your pumped his fingers who slidded deep down in your throat, your warm and bullied tongue fighting to not dropped them.
you slobbed more with the overstimulation. you felt like this man was insatiable. rafe loved to see you, his sugardoll in pain, taking so much for him.
when he finally stopped teasing you, and fighting himself to not cum, and clearly toying you, he exploded, making you cried out. all your body was filled with spasms.
you expected something from rafe when he pulled out, a little soft spot, or at least, just one look but he just went to the bathroom. alone.
you expected him to be sweet for you, like the sugar you were for him. and you knew, that you will work for this later.
when he came back, you looked at him, always attracted by his charisma, the way he made you felt so tiny by his big size, the way he was old enough to make you feel like a little girl, just the way his raised voice made you feel so small.
“ can i sleep with you ? ”
“ whatever. just don't touch me. ”
“ you're not gonna be my big spoon ? “
“ what the fuck is this ? i'm not gonna be your spoon. jesus, can you just sleep and not ask for any stupid things that you think i will do because you're already so obsessed with me ? and give me your hands. ”
he tied them up on the bed with your little blue ribbon.
“ just in case you think you can escape me. ”
“ i can't sleep like that ! ”
“ i fear it's not my fucking problem, sugardoll.”
“ fine. i will talk and talk all night. ”
“ i can fuck you all the night too. but one of us will not survive this. so stop being so damn annoying. ”
“ what if i want to pee in the middle of the night ? ”
“ you're strong enough to hold it. and you fucking better be strong enough to hold it. ”
“ why are you so mean to me ? why you kidnapped me ? ”
“ sugardoll, listen to me. look at me, yes. eyes on daddy right now. i swear, and you need to listen carefully because i will tell you once, just once, so your dumby brain need to pay attention, if you're talking another time, even if i see your lips moving, just a twitch, i will put my dick right in your mouth, making you suck it for without a break until the sun rises again. and i can promise you that after, you will never talk to me because you will never be able to open that mouth again. do you got it ? nod your head if you got it, doll.”
and you nodded.
as a doll, you were conditionned to listen to your owner, even if he was so mean to you. but you were as soft as sugar, always melted around, already thinking he was the best guy around.
“ sweet dreams, sugardoll. ”
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i promise one day i will write something very good, just give me a chance. i think the only sweet thing in this work, it's rafe calling r " sugardoll ", he's so mean please 😭😭 i think i make him a little too dark to the point, i'm questionning about how he can be sweet to the reader now ????? but i guess, it's part of the game. tysm @bunnyrafe and @fae-of-prey me a lot !
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sunrizef1 · 4 months
Monaco Green
Pairing: Lando Norris x fem!reader
Warnings: suicide jokes in relation to a happy relationship? (Yall know what I mean)
Authors note: more Lando!
Requested: Yes/No
📍Monte Carlo, Monaco
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liked by user1 user2 and 13,800 others
yourusername took a day-trip away from London to go visit Monaco, bit posher than I’m used to, vlog coming soon xx 💚💚💚
In the meantime, new cooking video is up now, we made pesto pasta! 🍝
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user1 I’m actually in love with her
user2 she’s so pretty!
user3 who’s behind the camera in the pasta video???
user4 is it her editor???
user5 James??? Nah, he’s American, the guy in the video is British
user6 secret boyfriend???
user7 why Monaco?
yourusername visiting a friend! It was quite nice, might have to consider moving 🤔
user8 no offense but how tf would she afford Monaco rent
user9 yk these influencers and their rich parents
user10 so pretty 🥰
yourusername thank you, love 🫶
user11 I love her phone case 💚💚
user12 “we” made pesto pasta 🤔
user13 I loved the new karting vid!!! James had no chance lol, how r u so good?!
yourusername I had a good instructor haha, helps that James is absolutely abysmal at it
jamesedits that’s rude, we don’t all have experienced go-karters to teach us 😒
user14 I want to be her friend so bad, omg her life seems so cool
📍Monte Carlo, Monaco
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liked by jamesedits maxfewtrell and 3,008,996 others
landonorris Monaco green 💚
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user15 the soft-launch????
user16 who is that??????
user17 not Lando posting his secret girlfriend on a random Tuesday
user18 ooh but she’s got good taste in nails I’ll give her that
user19 and who tf is that then
maxfewtrell ah, bold innit?
landonorris 🤐
user20 wtf is max talking about
user21 all we get is hands????
user22 some Twitter detectives about to figure out who that is just based on the hands i bet my life
user23 and if I told you I know who that is, then what
user24 now how tf do you know that
user23 pure vibes and delusion
user25 who taught this man to soft-launch???
user26 I can tell she’s pretty
user28 what about our marriage and kids???
oscarpiastri she’s lovely
landonorris you have not met her
oscarpiastri this is your sign to change that
oscarpiastri and from what you’ve told me, she is lovely
landonorris she is
user29 awww I already love her
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📍Monte Carlo, Monaco
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liked by user1 user2 and 31,998 others
yourusername supposed to be a one day trip but now it’s been three days 😅
Day 1 Monaco vlog is up now! 💚
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user30 is this the girl that Twitter thread was about????
user31 she has the phone case!!!!
user32 you can’t tell me that the “tour guide” in the vlog isn’t Lando
user33 love that James was so against the sunshine the entire time lmao
jamesedits I’m white and from London, I can’t survive in the sun 😔
user34 I love the green 💚💚💚
user35 is this landos girlfriend????
user36 are yall just harassing this poor girl because she has a popular phone case??!! 😭😭
jamesedits can I go home now
yourusername pls do, you third-wheel too much
user37 third-wheeling???? I sense landooo
user38 are you staying with that friend you mentioned
user39 pretty girl 🤩
user40 if you go to the part of the vlog when they’re walking the circuit and go over the grand hotel hairpin, on my life you can see Lando for a split-second in the background
user41 are you sure that’s him and not James?
user40 James was wearing a black jacket, that guy was wearing like a beige hoodie
user42 I just binged like 20 of her videos because I heard she might be dating Lando and now I’m in love with her 😭😭😭
user43 I’m convinced it’s her just because of the phone case and yall can’t change my mind
jamesedits I had to work overtime to get all that footage cut quickly so you’re welcome
yourusername “work overtime” you are on vacation it’s hardly working
jamesedits don’t police my stress
yourusername 🙄
yourusername added to their story
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📍Monte Carlo, Monaco
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liked by yourusername charles_leclerc and 3,006,001 others
landonorris 3 days of Monaco with a guest 💚
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user45 and if I told you that phone case girl had that same hat in her Instagram post then what
user46 “three days of Monaco” “supposed to be a day-trip but it’s been three days”
user47 that third picture must be from day 1 because someone’s wearing that same beige hoodie in the back of her day 1 vlog
user48 and the green ny hat???
user49 y/n was wearing green converse on her insta story!!!
user50 AND SHE LIKED!!!!
user51 I recognize those shoessss
user52 this is so cute 😭🫶
oscarpiastri she’s lovely!
landonorris now you can say that
oscarpiastri it was lovely to meet her 🫶
landonorris I’ll tell her you said that
user53 the green aesthetic is so adorable omg I love it so much
user55 bathing with a toaster tonight dhmu
user56 wdym my husband has a gf? 😭
user57 what about our kids Lando?? What about the kids?
user58 I’ve never even seen her face but that’s my mom now I don’t make the rules 🤷‍♀️
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📍Monte Carlo, Monaco
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liked by landonorris oscarpiastri and 78,661 others
yourusername Day-trip —> full-time stay
More Monaco vlogs to come, then 😅
Monaco day 1 vlog (Lando’s version) is up now, thank you to James for re-including all the clips of him that he'd previously cut out 🫶
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user60 where’s the user who guessed this from the start
user61 James I going through it
jamesedits it’s bad enough I had to scrub through all the clips of them being lovey-dovey but then I had to look at all of them again to put them back in the vlog
jamesedits and NOW she’s gonna put these clips in EVERY VIDEO! THEYRE SO GROSS!
user62 oh my god poor James 😭
user63 somebody get James a pay raise
yourusername don’t listen to him, he’s like a dog, he’ll act sad to strangers but in reality he gets treated perfectly fine and gets fed on time every day, he doesn’t need any more treats
jamesedits I don’t appreciate being compared to a dog
landonorris dw about it mate, you’d be a nice little yorki
jamesedits 🤨
user64 LANDO!
user65 they both look so good im frothing at the mouth
landonorris glad I could convince you to stay
yourusername you’re very convincing
user66 sleeping on train tracks tonight
📍Monte Carlo, Monaco
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liked by yourusername maxfewtrell and 5,000,881 others
landonorris might have to get her a different phone case…💚
Tagged: yourusername
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user67 SHE GOT A TAG!!!!
user68 Y/N!!!!!
user69 awww they’re adorable 🥰
user70 I’ve followed y/n for years and it’s so nice to see her so happy 😭
user72 knowing it’s him makes it make sense as to why he never actually cooks in the video
user73 man moved to Monaco and still found an English girl
user74 I wish my rich athlete boyfriend would convince me to move in with him in his Monaco home… 😞
user75 I’m in love with both of themmmmm
maxfewtrell she made the main page! And you can see her face! Congrats mate!
landonorris 😐😑😐
maxfewtrell seriously though, happy 4 u
landonorris thanks max
user76 now I need to know where she got the phone case
yourusername wildflower!
user76 omg I wasn’t expecting a reply! Tysm!
yourusername 💚
user77 I’ve never been more interested in a relationship
yourusername 💚💚💚
landonorris 💚💚💚
user79 oh my god they’re so perfect
@casperlikej @evie-119
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yandere-writer-momo · 4 months
I often daydream about a mean girl who is actually a yandere (closeted) lesbian. She’s a spoiled rich girl that has an unhealthy attachment towards you.
Yandere Imagines: What She Wants
Yandere Mean Rich Girl x Fem Reader
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Mean yandere who was your childhood bully growing up. She hated you the minute you arrived in her fifth grade class with your bright smile and cute clothes. She’d often pull your hair or throw rocks at you at recess. Anything to get you out of the good graces of others… yet she couldn’t help but be fascinated with the texture of your hair…
Mean yandere who apologizes months later because she can’t help the way her cheeks heat up whenever you’re around. To her, you’re like a new toy she really wants. She’s never felt this way before since she wanted you more than any toy she’s ever had.
Mean yandere who integrated you into her ‘friend’ group just to keep you closer to her at all time. You became her designated ‘best friend.’ The two of you now went everywhere together as you sat with her and her lackeys… she threw tantrums if you refused anything she asked of you so you always went with her will. She loved your submissiveness
Mean yandere who plays with your hair whenever there weren’t people around. She thought your hair was so pretty… and she didn’t want anyone else to touch it. Despite being ‘friends,’ she doesn’t allow you to hang out with other people. She cannot stand to share you.
Mean yandere who told everyone that you still slept with a stuffed animal like a baby in high school! She didn’t want anyone else to think it was as cute as she did… it seemed it wasn’t an odd enough rumor either since no one seemed to care as much as she did. You’re a bit frustrated that she shared that secret about you, but it’s not a secret you really cared too much about.
Mean yandere who gets a boy expelled for starting a rumor about sleeping with you. She will not let anyone tarnish your reputation except her! She would rather cut her toes off than let someone touch you… yet she wasn’t sure why that bothered her so much.
Mean yandere who ended up going to the same college as you. She was so delighted when you ended up as her roommate in her dorm. It would be easier to keep an eye on you then! She totally didn’t pay the dean off to make this arrangement happen.
Mean yandere who uses her daddy’s money to buy you new clothes. Clothes that cover most of your skin since she didn’t like the way the men and women stared at you on campus. You deserved only the best!
Mean yandere who is taken aback by how sweet you are. You obey all of her rules and you clean up after yourself. Were you some kind of house wife? Did you want to be?
Mean yandere who can’t help the wet dreams she has of you. She’s always so terrified whenever she dreams of kissing every inch of your soft skin as her fingers explore the inside of your wet heat. The possibility of liking other women never occurred to her… she always thought she just hasn’t met the right guy.
Mean yandere who found out you’re bisexual when she comes back to the for early to see you kissing another girl. She pushed that poor girl out of the dorm before she storms off to her own. Her hands clutch at her chest to try to calm her frantic heart. Why was she so jealous of that other girl? And why did she want to kiss you so badly?
Mean yandere who crawls into your bed when you’re not home so she can inhale the scent of your pillow. Your scent drove her wild and it felt like she was closer to you than ever… it finally hit her that she was in love with you. That’s why she was always so strange when it came to you…
Mean yandere who finally gathers the courage to hold your hand as the two of you watch a movie. Her heart hammers in her chest as you give her an odd look. Yes… this felt right! Being with you felt right!
Mean yandere who doesn’t handle your rejection well. She loves you! Why can’t you accept her? Was that other girl better than her? She highly doubted it because she was far prettier than she was! She had more money! Didn’t you know she could ruin that girl’s life.
Mean yandere who resorts to threats. She doesn’t want you to leave her! You cannot leave! Never ever ever ever ever. She would ruin your life and make your family live on the streets. She will chase you to the ends of this earth until you’re in her arms where you belong.
You can only watch as your childhood friend has a mental breakdown before you reluctantly accept her. You’ve seen her wrath once and you don’t want anyone else to suffer because of your selfishness. If would just be better to give her what she wants.
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snowsinterlude · 9 months
melted snowflake.
(coriolanus x plinth!reader)
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summary: coriolanus never thought he would fall into his own trap. his plan wasn't falling for you. no, it was the contrary, he was supposed to use you. but god, you were so perfect for him.
based on this ask!
c.w: snow being a bit of a jerk, manipulation, jealousy, plinth reader x coriolanus snow, snow being head over heels with you, fluff (?)
you were a district girl, of course. your parents made sure to take that out of your head, but you couldn't simply forget about everything you lived in the districts. you were a child, but it didn't mean you were dumb or blind not to caught up on the things surrounding you.
the first time you saw snow was when your father met panem's president and left you to play on the kindergarden with your brother, sejanus. of course, it didn't go as planned when you were pushed away by a random kid and he protected you and your brother.
of course, after that, he never talked to you guys. a snow is not supposed to talk nor look at poverty with kindness. that's what his grandma'am taught him.
with this being explained, neither him nor his grandma'am expected your family to get richer than the snows, but after his father's death it was only natural they would be poor.
"y/n?" he approached you, now at the academy. he was a beautiful young man, often obtained your attention because of how much praise he recoeved from teachers and others. even though you were rich now, of course you wouldn't fit in as well as he did. not when you and your brother disagreed with everything the capitol kids stood for. "i'm sorry to interrupt you, but the teacher assigned us to do our assignment together." it was a lie. you could tell right away.
but why not see where he'll go with this?
well, that's what you decided to do. every lie he told you made you want to slap him from how dumb he seemed to think you were.
everyday you would caught him staring at you, at your eyes. stealing glances, stealing everything he could from you. hearing your voice was turning out to be the best moments of his days. but you knew deep in your heart that he was taking you for stupid. you were a girl, smaller than him, more soft looking than him, and he thought it was adorable.
but snow, being a snow, had something other than that silly feelings in his body. plans that didn't go as planned when you slapped his face hard, the red print kf your hand on his white skin being visible.
"hey! what are you-?" you interrupted him.
"look, i allowed you to go as far as lie to me about everything, even what others had to say to me. but i will not allow you to say anything about feelings, snow. this isn't funny. this is sick, and twisted. to think you want to have whatever i want so much that you would go as far as say you love me makes me sick." you said, and he blinked his eyes quickly, dumbly looking at you.
"ah, c'mon. don't look at me like that. you really thought i would believe you when you said clemencia hated me? man, she doesn't even know my name!" you kept going, and he gasped a feel times, his hand touching the place you slapped. "stop coming after me."
and you were gone, just like that. everything snow had planned for you both had gone down the drain while you walked away from him.
and after that, he tried to talk to you. he truly did. but you were always so far away from him, and when you caught a glimpse of him walking your way, you would always exit whatever place you were entering.
"man, what you did to the plinth girl? she's running from you like the devil runs from a cross." festus said, watching you exit the library the moment he stood up from the desk they were in.
"i don't know," he said, but he knew what he did to you. he knew he was wrong. and god, the ache he felt on his chest when he saw you laughing at a joke some body made to you was unberable.
that's when he noticed it. that's when he noticed he liked you, more than he planned to. you were supposed to be his accessory, his pretty ornament on the shelf, used when needed to. but now? ah, you had him at your bare feet and you didn't even knew, and if you did, you didn't care.
it was his fault, of course. he didn’t need to tell you that clemencia hated your guts, or that festus was betting that he could fuck you till the end of the year when you said he was pretty, or anything before and after that.
and thinking of that, he had a white bouquet of roses on his hand, provided by his grandma'am when he said he needed to apologize to the prettiest girl he had ever seen. mentally rehearsing his apology and what he would say, he didn’t even notice when he was already at your door, nervously knocking.
you were rich. why was it you the one who answered the door? god, if you were his wife in a near future, you wouldn't even need to move your hands to eat a grape and-
you closed the door right when you saw the white bouquet on his hand and the ashamed face he had on.
"y/n!" he called you, knocking on the door and pressing the bell of your house multiple times. it was so loud, so irritating, that you opened the door again.
"god, what the hell do you want?!" you asked, angrily frowning at him.
"you," he said. "please, i'm sorry. i-i didn't took you for stupid- you're actually the smartest girl i've seen in the academy, and the prettiest too, and i'm so sorry for being a douchebag to you but i wasn't planning on-" he stopped talking, gulping down.
"planning on what? being a jerk? a liar? a manipulator? a-"
"on falling in love." he said.
"there he goes again." you said, rolling your eyes.
"y/n, i'm serious!"
"prove me." you said, crossing your arms. and he fell on his knees at your feet, placing the roses delicately on your ground. "i'm sorry. i think love is a weakness, i am not used to feeling it- nor any kind of affection towards others but- i can't stand the sight of you, the thought of you being with anyone that isn't me, please-"
ah, how cute. anyone who saw coriolanus at your feet right now would be surprised, his grandma'am would go nuts, saying that snow's are supposed to be on top and not on the bottom of some district girl's feet. but he didn’t mind. he needed to do it. if being on his knees was the only way to get back at you, fuck it. he would be.
"get up." you said, looking away. he obeyed you promptly, eyes looking at you with hope. "that's your last chance, coriolanus." he nodded, almost falling on his knees to kiss your feet.
well, within the span time of seven months, you both were dating. but it didn't change much, coriolanus was always, and i mean always ready to get on his knees for you. he was a sucker for you, even if he was all high and mighty with others, with you, he was a melted snowflake. and he was fine with it.
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chateaaa · 3 months
☆ Blue Lock and their cliché love trope
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Isagi Yoichi - "You know how to ball" x "I know Aristotle" athlete x smart reader
Bachira Meguru - sunshine x grumpy
Chigiri Hyoma - friends to lovers! Princely fem reader! x Princess Hyoma
Mikage Reo - Independent and Poor x Dependent and Rich
Seishiro Nagi - Love at first sight
Itoshi Rin - "he probably hates me" x "i love you so much"
Shidou Ryusei - "Shut up!" x "Make me"
Yukimiya Kenyu - Photographer x Model
Otoya Eita - nice girl x play boy
Shoei Barou - tiny girl x big guy
Julian Loki - Penpals
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— fanfic here
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mv1simp · 1 month
my constant thought about max is him and virgin reader where r is saving herself for marriage and for her husband but max convinces her that doing anal means she’ll stay a virgin <33
Anon YOU EVEN MADE ME BLUSHH 🤭🤭🤭 do u know how hard that is. got me kickin and gigglin an shit, here u go u filthy animal keep the requests coming 🫶
Low Life ♥️
Max Verstappen x Horner! Reader
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I been on the molly and ‘em xans with your daughter, if she catch me cheatin’ I won’t ever tell her sorry
Mad Max is back in full force with the poor Redbull strategy this season - and his boss, Christian Horner, doesn’t seem to be doing anything about it. Guess Max will just have to find some other way to get his revenge and relieve his stress…starting with his boss’s precious, spoiled daughter.
Content includes: 18+ MDNI, smut, innocent virgin!reader, who’s also a spoiled brat lol, dark! Max, blackmail, coercion, filming, VERY dubcon, anal, size kink, dom/sub, bimbofication, religious themes, EVERYTIME I WRITE A DARK MAX FIC IT KEEPS GETTING MORE NASTY GODDAMN, 5.2k WC
To say Max was pent up with rage would be an understatement. After dedicating himself tirelessly and dominating the track since his debut, the Redbull team had disappointed him this season with their pisspoor car and even poorer strategy. And to top it off, his boss was now making comments to the media about how he needed to spend less time on the sim rig the night before a race, making Max scoff. As if Horner knew more about winning a race than a 3 time world champion, Max thought angrily, yanking off his helmet as he stormed straight to his boss's office to give him a piece of his mind after another disappointing P3 finish.
Horner was having none of it, though, telling Max some bullshit about how the team needed to have a united front blah blah blah. Max has already tuned him out, cause what the fuck does he mean the team - he was the one bringing home the results every weekend, and anyone who tried to say otherwise just needed to look at the track record of Max completely dominating his teammates in equal machinery. God, he hadn’t gotten this mad in a long time, so he excuses himself rudely as he can tell he’s about to wreck something if he has to hear another one of Horner’s excuses. He wrenches open the office door just to have you stumble straight into his firm chest as you try to enter it.
You, Christian’s Horner’s daughter from his first wedding, freshly graduated from some private all girls college. He’d met you 3 months ago while you were trotting about like the spoiled little brat you undoubtedly were. No job, just using your degree as decor while you used your daddy’s fame to find yourself a rich man to spread your legs for, he had speculated, knowing just your type.
And it irritated him to no end that you looked the picture of innocence, an angelic figure in your white minidress and kitten heels and wide doe eyes, with a matching purity ring and all - even though your pretty tits and fat ass were openly ogled by many a male staff member. Max himself had to readjust his pants a few times when he’d seen you bend over.
He’d assumed you’d try to sink your gold digging claws into him soon enough, wanting some of his multimillionaire status for yourself, but you’d surprised him by skittishly avoiding him, almost looking a little scared, which he found amusing. He supposed he did dwarf your 5 foot frame though, and you had all the aura of a sweet little lamb compared to the Dutch lion. You’d surprised him again last month, when you’d introduced your dad to your pick of a first boyfriend - Tim, a docile looking, short guy who was a lowly new hire in the F4 reserve category. Too far down in the rankings to do any real benefit to your status. Conveniently, though, Tim’s father happened to own a software development app that was currently in the process of a $3 million acquisition deal. Chump change to someone like Max, but like he said, he knew your type, didn’t he?
But he’d been most surprised when he’d overheard moaning one night when he’d stayed late in the garage - and had pervily gone to investigate down the abandoned hallway and into one of the empty rooms - only to get an instant hard on at the sight of you on your knees, dress pulled down to your waist and those delicious tits out on display. So entranced by the angelic vision, Max hadn’t even noticed your loser boyfriend - till a scowl appeared on your pretty face as Tim furiously jerked his tiny dick off in front of you. He was panting and whining, sweat running down his face as he pathetically begged please, please can i touch your boobs-
You were no scared little lamb now as you snapped at him viciously. No! I told you, only looking and no touching! I promised daddy I would stay pure for my husband- Eww! Oh my god, what is that?
You’d been cut off as your boyfriend came, his small, clear load weakly spurting past his fist so that only a couple of drops landed on your caramel skin. Max had thought you’d been lying about the purity bullshit, just wanting an excuse to avoid Tim’s touch - but his eyes narrowed at your look of disgust at your boyfriend’s dick, and the genuinely puzzled expression on your face as you tried to figure out what the clear fluid that landed on you was - making the impressive semi he still rocked twitch, despite your pathetic boyfriend ruining his show. Interesting, you were still a virgin, huh?
Sure, you’d piqued his interest then, but he ignored you now as you stumble back from his hard chest, wide brown doe eyes blinking up at him. He’s still furious with Horner and starts to move past you but your aggravating father perks up, asking if you could show Max where his new drivers' room was in the refurbished wing, so that he could cool down and destress in peace after today’s race. Of course, daddy, you responded sweetly, making Max’s cock stir. He eyed you doubtfully as you lead the way. You had to know what you were doing, a grown woman using that word, right? But then again, he’d seen you call Horner by that title in a team wide press conference, making GP choke on his water next to him - so maybe not.
His anger hadn’t dissipated one bit as you approached his room, in a much more secluded area of the new wing for him to “cool down” as Horner had passively aggressively suggested. Still clearly nervous in his presence, you accidentally dropped the key you’d fished out. As you bent over to collect them, your miniskirt rose up, revealing your juicy ass peeking past your white cotton panties. Oh, he’d found the perfect way to get back at his boss, Max thought devilishly.
As you unlocked the door, he stepped in behind you, giving you no choice but to stumble inside - and then he’d casually stopped in front of the door to block your exit. You nervously twirled your keycard in your fingers, shuffling side to side.
Why don’t you sit down, he offered, we should get to know each other, yeah? You still looked like you wanted to bolt any second, but at Max’s authoritative tone you gingerly sat down on the plush couch.
He started with some generic bullshit about how he’d seen you around, you were his boss’s daughter after all, and as Horner’s best driver he should be on good terms with you too, no?
You relaxed, now looking up to meet his eyes and smiling brightly, pleased that the great Max Verstappen had come to seek your favour. You start saying that it was nice to meet him too, you’d heard lots about him, he was such an incredible driver-
You hadn’t noticed Max discreetly locking the door behind him. Stepping forward, he responded neutrally to your excited questions as he casually strips off his top layer, leaving him shirtless.
You abruptly stop talking, going pink in the face, and he asks what’s wrong, I’m just getting changed, are you a virgin or something? His mocking tone makes it clear that he still didn’t quite believe you were one. When you don’t reply, he gently lifts your face up with his large hand. And as your eyes shyly rise up to meet his, desperately avoiding looking at his broad, toned abs, there’s no faking the genuine innocence in them. I am, you stutter out. A virgin, I mean. I made a promise to daddy to wait till marriage.
You twirl your promise ring around anxiously as you say it. Max didn’t know what kind of sick brainwashing Horner had been subjecting his daughter too, but he fully intended to use it to his advantage. Really? He says slyly. Does your daddy know you let your little boyfriend jerk off on your tits?
You gasp, then glare as you demanded to know how he knew that, had he been watching, that was soo creepy and gross -
There’s the bratty angel he knew had been hiding. He cuts you off, confirming that yes, he’d been watching - but you’d been the dirty girl who seduced her innocent boyfriend in the garage for just anyone to see, hadn’t you?
You’d look outraged at his statements, but he reminded you of the power he had when he nonchalantly mentioned that he hadn’t planned on telling your father, but now that he knew about the promise you had made - well, it was his duty to let Horner know what kind of naughty things you’d been doing behind his back, right?
That had wiped the bratty glare right off your face, instead making you wide eyed and tremble with fear at the thought of your daddy finding out. You begged Max to keep your secret. Please don’t tell him, he would die, you'd do anything to stop him knowing!
Jackpot. Smirking darkly, Max pretended to consider your option before saying that he supposed he could keep it to himself if you helped him destress and relax like your father had sent you here to do, okay?
You nodded eagerly, looking up at him with those innocent doe eyes as he stepped right in front of you, watching you predatorily. His thick fingers brush along your pink lips, and his eyes darken as you instinctively take them into your mouth, sucking sweetly. Oh, you were going to be such a sweet little angel for him, he just knew it.
Within seconds he had you dropping your dress down to your waist, exposing those lush, pretty tits of yours. You blushed when he stared hungrily and ordered you to play with them, and at first you obliged and gently squeezed them, but then stopped to brattily ask just how this was supposed to help destress him, was he just being pervy again?
Great point, he said, and sat down next to you to easily lift you into his lap, taking over and roughly palming your tits. N-no touching! You had squealed, desperately trying to escape his strong arms. Rolling his eyes, he forced you back against him, explaining that it was okay, you knew that it didn’t count if it was to help him destress, right? And besides, nothing would affect your promise to your daddy except a man’s cock actually entering your precious virgin hole-
Okay! You had said frantically to put a stop to his explicit words, face flushed. Okay, if you promise it doesn’t count, I’ll still be a virgin, right?
God, it was so cute how naive you were. You hadn’t even realised that if what Max was saying was true then there was nothing illicit with what you and Tim had done - and Max had nothing to hold over you. Right, Angel, Max promised, enjoying the dazed look you gave him at the nickname as he squeezed your tits, bending down to take a pretty nipple into his mouth. It doesn’t count.
And that was how Max had his boss’s innocent little daughter wrapped around his fingers, ready to do whatever he asked of her, as long as he kept your secret. It was such a rush, having his way with you right under your father’s nose, being able to punish you for his crimes and ruining you more and more each time Horner pissed him off - and oh, did he piss Max off constantly.
So the next race, he’d had you fully strip for him, and yes, even those cute panties, Angel, when you’d whined, embarrassed from his intense gaze. You’d bit your lip and slid them off, obediently spreading your legs and gently playing with yourself like he’d asked, using unfamiliar movements. Soon enough you’d become accustomed to Max’s hungry stares at your innocent parts and began thrusting your tiny fingers inside your virgin cunny, because it had started to feel sooo good and soo tingly down there, and you’d never felt like that before.
You’d become distracted, closing your eyes from the sensation and when you opened them you shrieked, because Max was now standing right above you, greedily looking down at your petite form as he stroked his own private parts - called a cock, he’d made you repeat. He’d also warned you never to scream again in his room, or he’d gag you next time and tell your dad about Tim. You pouted, nodding obediently, but whining that you got scared Maxie, why was it so big, so angry, was it going to hurt you?
Of course not, Angel he’d reassured at the next race again, this time making you sit next to him, naked except for your kitten heels and a lacy blue thong he’d had delivered to your house - your father as clueless as ever when he handed the package over to you. It won’t hurt you, he promised, but it's very hard from stress and needs you to help drain it, okay?
He’d guided you to his large cock, smirking evilly as you struggled to grip him even with two hands. He moved one large hand over both of yours, showing you how to jerk him off the way he liked. You’d picked it up very quickly, innocently asking him why Tim's cock was so much tinier that his. Cause, Angel, I'm just a better man than he is, he had said with a chuckle. Oh, you had said, then - I hope my husband is a good man then, and has a big cock like you.
Oh, Jesus. Max was definitely going to hell after this. Feeling his peak approaching, he ordered you onto your knees, making you hold your tits up - and then proceeded to cover them with his thick, creamy release, so much of it that it dripped down onto your stomach - and much more than the time you had seen Tim’s cock explode. You’d almost screamed again but bit your tongue at the last minute, remembering Max’s threat last time. But it didn’t stop you from glaring up at him, brattily asking what this gross stuff was, eww, you didn’t want it on you-
That’s fine, Max had said cooly. That’s fine, because next time he'd make you drink it all instead. Your eyes went wide at that, tears forming and you adamantly denied Max, saying you’d never do something like that, it sounded pervy and dirty.
But your reluctance meant nothing to Max, as he smirked at you from your fathers side the next day, whispering something in his ear that had your daddy looking over at you and an icy chill running down your back. You were petrified as you got a text from your father to come see him in his office now, walking in on the verge of tears only to have him smile delightedly at you because Max mentioned you’d been very supportive of his races lately, it’s been a big reason why he’s so much more of a team player these days, so proud of you for helping the team, sweetie!
You’d accepted his praise, blushing from the attention, and later had dutifully wandered back to Max’s room to greet him after the race. He smirked at finding you there, already naked except for a pink lacey thong and heels, on your knees for him, shyly thanking him for keeping your secret and saying such nice things to your daddy. Of course, Angel, he murmured, unzipping himself. You know just how to say thank you then, hmm? And you obediently nodded, jerking him off like he’d taught you, then licking and sucking on his cock when he asked, and then taking all of his length inside your eager throat at his command, gagging the whole way as he tutted disapprovingly at you, taking over and controlling the pace with his large hands. It had really hurt your tiny mouth, and you couldn’t speak properly afterwards, but seeing Maxie swear and tell you how good you were doing, how he never wanted to let you go, made that tingly feeling come back in between your legs again. Instead of ignoring it like you normally did, this time you couldn't resist fingering yourself, thong pushed the side as you shoved your fingers inside your wet cunny.
Maxie had gone breathless seeing that, and then he tensed before you felt his warm, sticky thick cum fill your mouth. You swallowed every drop, opening your mouth afterwords for him to inspect. Good girl, he said, patting your head. My sweet angel, you drained my stress so well. Oh, so that’s what it was, you say innocently. I’m glad I made you feel better, Maxie.
After that, there were no races for a whole month as the paddock went into summer break. You had thought you’d be glad for the relief from Maxie and his mean demands, but you found yourself texting him often, missing his loving kisses and touches after you helped relieve his stress, missing the tingly feeling you got when he looked predatorily at you spread open for him.
You’d been shocked when you opened your eyes as a shadow had blocked out the sun while you were sunbathing at your family’s St Tropez holiday home, only to find Max grinning down at you, saying your dad had invited him to come for the week. Had you been doing your homework? You nodded diligently, looking at the banana you’d been practising swallowing whole without gagging to copy the dirty video Max had texted you of a petite woman eagerly sucking a very big cock - he must be a good man, you’d thought, just like your Maxie.
Secretly, you were so glad he was here, shooting him looks over the dinner table as he sung praises about what a good friend you’d been to him, helping him get back to P1, making your daddy proudly pat your head. And after dinner when everyone had gone to bed, he joined you in the hot tub to unwind. You’d excitedly begun to tell him about what you had been upto on the break when you felt his thick fingers creeping up the inside of your thighs. You’d frozen instantly, because Maxie had never touched you there himself, but before you could say anything your father stepped out onto the veranda, asking you something about your plans for the next day.
Answer him, Max mouthed, smirking as you had no choice but to let him keep gliding up your legs and undoing your tiny bikini. And when your daddy had gone back inside, oblivious that the flush on your face wasn’t from the heat of the pool, you’d tried to shove Max’s hand away, brattily saying you didn’t want his hand near your private parts, that was just for your husband-
Doesn’t count, Angel, Max had cooed, easily overpowering you and sliding a finger in, much thicker and longer than yours and making you squeal as he started pumping it in and out of you. And he hadn’t stopped despite your half hearted protests, because you’d started to feel really good, really tingly, and Maxie, I feel funny, I think I’m going to pee-
After you had your first orgasm, he carried your tired figure back into the house, setting you down and licking your cum off his fingers. And then, through your half asleep state, you felt his tongue swirling around your nipples, leaving hickeys and then trailing down, and down before his warm breath gently blew over your puffy cunny. And then you felt his wide tongue licking your folds, making you gasp awake and squeal cause why was he kissing you down there, that’s so pervy-
But he’d easily bullied you back into quiet muffled moans again, your skimpy bikini bottoms shoved inside your mouth as he warned you that your father was going to wake up right next door and come investigate if you didn’t shut up. So you reluctantly let him continue his filthy kissing, spitting and licking on your most innocent parts until you felt you had to pee again. He grinned wickedly as you squirted a second time, completely ruining the sheets, before redressing your passed out figure in a comfy hoodie. You felt the ghost of a sweet kiss on your forehead before he walked away.
You avoided him the next few days, glaring when he would approach you, angry he’d kissed you somewhere only your husband should. He’d promised you were still a virgin, sure, but still! It was just too much, wasn’t it?
But you’d been unable to resist his advances any longer when he’d cornered you in the family study one day when everyone else had gone out to the markets. He’d sweetly apologised, presenting you with a new Dior bag he’d had speed delivered that morning, and you happily snatched it up, gasping with delight as you look inside to find a Cartier bracelet. You’ll forgive me, right, Angel? Max had said, slowly wrapping his arms around you from behind and rubbing his practically blue balls against your plush ass as you distractedly admire your new gifts. I just wanted to make you feel good, hmm?
You nodded breathlessly, agreeing that you supposed it had felt really good, you liked that tingly feeling in between your legs. Yeah? Max had grinned, kissing you and slipping his tongue inside and saying that he knew a way to make you feel even better, Angel, and you’d still be a virgin after it, he pinky promises, okay?
With the new Dior bag and diamond bracelet you’d become a lot more agreeable, and didn’t protest as he laid you back on your father’s study table, lifting your miniskirt over your hips and grinning wickedly when he found no panties - just your glistening pussy. Y-you always just rip them anyways, Maxie you pouted.
Oh, you secretly wanted this, didn’t you? Acting all bratty just cause you wanted to make him work for it, he was certain. Your sweet body was such a good plaything for him that he didn’t really mind, deciding not to punish you for avoiding him.
You curiously watch as he unzips himself, taking his thick cock out, then you squeal adamantly in protest when he brings it close to your innocent hole. Shh, Angel, it’s just on the outside, he’d promised, I won’t put it in, it’ll feel so good, trust me.
And it had felt sooo good, making you bite your lip and toss your head back as he dragged his warm length along your folds, slapping your clit a few times with his cockhead, making you spread your soft legs invitingly as you felt the addictive tingly feeling come back again.
He’d been unable to resist the temptation, sliding just the tip into your virgin cunny- but you’d immediately screamed in protest, twisting away and he had generously released you from his hold, tongue in cheek as you sashayed away with a backwards glare, Dior bag in hand. He’d had to leave the next day, and you didn’t see him the rest of the break.
After the break, you had seemed different to Max. You carried the brattiness openly in your eyes, confident now in your ability to seduce him as he has brought such expensive apology gifts just for a little taste of your virginity.
You had infuriatingly said no when he tried to rub himself against your cunny at the next race, and at the one after that, so here he was, stuck fingering you and sliding his tongue in and out of your folds for the 3rd time this week while his cock ached to be buried inside you - when the wicked idea came to him.
He’d made sure to have all the preparations ready for the next race, knowing you would be a brat and try to weasel your way out of it. Like he’d predicted, you make your way to his plush sofa, spreading your legs to show off your naked pussy and demanding he come kiss it how you liked.
Oh, his Angel had become quite the spoilt little bitch, hasn’t she? He’d have to make sure you learned your lesson about who was in charge around here. You smirk as he drags his tongue up and down your puffy folds, thinking you had the millionaire driver all wrapped around your fingers. His thick third and ring fingers join his tongue, making you moan and close your eyes as he pumps them into your pussy. And then, his thumb drops down, lower, to circle your other winking hole before sliding inside.
You’d jumped in shock, naively asking why he was touching your dirty hole, that’s so embarrassing, you don’t want him to touch that place!
Max cooes that he couldn’t care less, besides, he can clean it out for you, yeah? If he just slides his cock in, just a little bit, he can make sure it’s all clean for you.
Your eyes go impossibly wide at the thought of his big cock anywhere near your ass. You furiously close your legs, brattily telling him that you’d had enough, wasn’t he just being a pervert now, and you’d already broken up with Tim ages ago and since Max seemed to be very relaxed now given his P1s has resumed you didn’t think you needed to help him out anymore!
Time to pull out the big guns. Sitting back on the sofa now, Max palms his growing erection as he calls out to you, making you pause from where your hand rested on the doorknob.
You know, Angel, I’ve had a lot of creepy fans sneak onto the garage lately. Some even got into my room. I guess they just really wanted to see me shirtless, huh?
You turn around to look at him, confused, until your eyes slowly widen in horror as he points to the camera tucked in the corner. There’s no trace of sympathy on his handsome face as he starts lazily jerking himself off, telling you that it had been your fathers idea to set it up, for his safety, and he’d even kindly offered to go through all the footage later - he took any threats against his prized driver very seriously.
You panicked, already teary eyed at the thought of your father seeing you spreading your legs sluttily and demanding Max pleasure you. You immediately dropped to your knees, begging Max to keep the tape himself-
Now why would I do that, Angel? Max cooes, getting harder at the sight of you kneeling in front of him and crying for his help. After all, you’re the one who’s forcing him to kiss her pussy on that video, hmm?
He knows he has you right where he wants you as you beg him, offering up your precious pussy to slide against again if he wanted, just don’t go inside, okay?
That’s not the hole he wants, Angel, he told you darkly. No - he wanted your other hole, the dirty embarrassing one, and he wants to sink his entire cock inside it.
He watches you stutter and gasp, before you take a deep breath and naively ask My husband won’t be able to tell, right Maxie? I’ll still be a virgin?
Max smirks. Of course, Angel. You know he’d never break your precious promise. And with that, you’re ready to become his obedient pet again, blankly turning around and sticking your ass up in the air like he asks, spreading your cheeks for him to look at.
And oh, Max takes his sweet time looking, enjoying the twisted satisfaction of having completely broken you down like this. He generously douses you in lube, making you squeal at the chill, before he’s furiously pumping his thumb inside your impossibly tight back hole. You tremble as he lines his cock up, ordered you to relax or it’ll hurt, Angel. Slowly sinking inside, he moans as he finally finds his way into your heat, feeling like he’s reached heaven. Tears stream down your face as you wail once he begins meanly thrusting, wickedly taking your anal virginity all for himself and giving you his fingers to suckle on and keep quiet.
He doesn’t stop until he’s finished inside you, panting heavily and pushing his matted hair out of his eyes, pressing kisses down your spine to let you know you did so well for him.
He pulls out with a wet squelch, enjoying the sight of his cum dripping out of your poor, abused little hole. Sitting back comfortably on the sofa, legs spread, he gives you a cocky smirk as you turn around, still seated on the ground in front of him.
Now clean it up, he demands meanly. He can’t have your hole make his cock dirty now, can he? And you obediently responded, crawling forward with glazed eyes, licking him clean from balls to tip like he’s trained you to do.
After that night, Max had held you completely in the palm of his hand. You’d be the perfect angel for him, doing whatever he wanted wherever he wanted - except for entering your innocent pussy, of course. He’d let you keep it yours for now, finding the fantasy hot. He’d buy you a diamond ring one of these days, he mused, so that you’d beg him to finally claim your virginity.
But for now, he had a couple other tricks to try out. And if you’d try to refuse, he’ll pull up the video he has on his phone of your eyes rolling back as Max ate you out on your father’s work desk from summer break.
He’d taken you back to his hotel room to teach you those tricks, making you wail and scream his name without restriction, headboard banging against the wall. It was hilarious when Horner had come upto him at breakfast the next morning, patting his back and saying it sounded like he’d been celebrating his win very well last night, congratulations, he deserves it and sounded like the girl couldn’t get enough!
Max had to hold back his laughter, as your clueless father had no idea he was carrying an extra croissant up for the very same girl who couldn’t get enough - his precious little daughter, who still lay sleeping in his hotel bed, exhausted from his dirty activities all night.
You’d ended up missing your flight back, making some weak excuse to your daddy and had followed Max into his private jet, obediently spreading yourself open for him as he pulled you behind the privacy screen. The flight attendants had blushed as they heard your eager moans and the lewd sounds of Max greedily fucking your ass again.
And when you landed, greeting your waiting family, Max had to discreetly wipe the line of cum that trickled down your skirt. You didn’t have to worry, though, he’d already thoughtfully ordered another delivery of sexy underwear straight to your home 🖤
A/N: I actually gave myself post nut clarity writing this (post writing smut clarity?? Post smut conscience??) time to go outside and reconnect with nature. As always,,,lmk what u think 🤔
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musaslullaby · 17 days
Streaming night
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Lando Norris x fem reader
Summary: Yn and Lando make a bet
Warning: only fluff, au instagram
Face: random people on Pinterest and Lando.
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Description: Soon live, we’re waiting for you.❤️❤️❤️
liked by Landonorris, oscarpiastri and other 293932892
Landonorris: My baby girl❤️❤️❤️
Landonorris: You are so beautiful.
yn_lando: Lando flooding the comment section of Yn.
Landonorris: I don’t know how I’ll keep my hands to myself tonight.
Yn_gamelife: Lando, stop, you won’t dissuade me from playing The Sims.
Landonorris: Oh my god baby plssss
Ynmyword: The third photo is completely random.
Landono_rris: He's so cute
N4: Lando without a shirt????
L_y: Shh, let me enjoy the scene.
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Description: I left Lando alone for two seconds asking him to create me on The Sims (I shouldn't have done that)."
liked by Landonorris, oscarpiastri and other 293932892
Ynqueen: Yn's face says it all
❤️ Like to author
Yn_Lando: Ok now I want to see what Lando has created
utente67:You should have come live.
Landonorris: It was beautiful, the best Sim ever.
Yn_lifegame: No no absolutely no
Yn_Lando: O my God they replied
Landonorris: Okok but it was so difficult
Yn_lifegame: No it wasn't
Landonorris: If you think you can create one better than mine, go ahead, but if you can’t, you owe me a date—just you, me, and clothes on the floor. ❤️ Like to author
Yn_lifegame: If I win, you’ll have to do everything I say for a day.
Landonorris: Get ready to lose
Ynmyword: What did we just witness?
Ln4_81: I’m scared.
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Description: Her super professional setup, and then there's mine that just exists
liked by Yn:gamelife, charles_leclerc and other 293932892
Yn_lifegame: Please don't embarrass me
❤️ Like to author
charles_leclerc: I didn't know you knew how to play Minecraft.
Yn_gamelife: I was playing
Landonorris: I was busy making her blush.
Yn_lifegame: LANDO PLSSS
Landonorris: What?
Landonorris: Mate I didn't know u even knew Minecraft
charles_leclerc: I’m not that ignorant.
Yn_lifegame: Really Charli? ❤️ Like to author
F1lover: Lando's face is resigned
Lan_:Yes, he's the rich one in the couple, and yet she has the more expensive setup.
Yn_norris: Bro she is also very famous
Game.yn: She probably earns as much as Lando.
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Description: Ok guys this is my beautiful creation. Did I win the challenge?
liked by Yn:gamelife, charles_leclerc and other 293932892
Ynnnnn.; O my God is Lando?
Yn_norris: Yn, you beat him
charles_leclerc: Someone call Lando and tell him he owes a full day under Yn’s command
❤️ Like to author
Landonorris: shut up mate
Oscarpiastri: Yn, can you create me too, please?
❤️ Like to author
Yn_lifegame: Immediately teddy bear
Ln4_81: YN???
georgerussell63: Don’t worry, it’s all normal (Could you create me too?) ❤️ Like to author
Landonorris: Don’t load up work on my poor girl
Yn_gamelife: The only one getting stressed today is you.
Landonorris; You know I love you so much?
Yn_gamelife: You know flattering me won’t work
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Description: Him before, him during, him after (he thinks he’s super sexy).
liked by Yn:gamelife, charles_leclerc and other 293932892
F1lover: He looks like a model in the last photo
❤️ Like to author
Lando4norris_: The Spider-Man suit boosted his self-esteem ❤️ Like to author
Yn_gamelife: He was so happy and incredibly stunning.
Landonorris: I should dress as Spider-Man every day ❤️ Like to author
N4: Wait, why are they dressed like that?
Yn_Norris: Because Lando lost a bet to Yn, and she made him go around Monaco dressed as Spider-Man.
charles_leclerc: Alex and I saw you, you looked ridiculous
Landonorris: Did you guys passed out?
charles_leclerc: No? and I'm honestly scared to ask why
Landonorris: Because we were freaking awesome ❤️ Like to author
Yn_gamelife: Guys, Lando has officially gone crazy
468 notes · View notes
pinksturniolo · 6 months
Switch - Chris and Matt Sturniolo (Part One)
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Chris x Matt and Fem Reader
Summary: Cherry Bomb - The largest underground BDSM club in Los Angeles, California. Its member list is extremely exclusive, only granting access to celebrities, influencers and the filthy rich. No one really cares who you are or what you do, they come for one thing and one thing only. Whatever happens at the Cherry stays at the Cherry….
Content warnings: smut, oral, fingering, protected sex, bondage, spanking, teasing, threesome
this story has heavy themes and descriptions of bdsm, so if you’re not comfortable with that pls don’t read <3
word count: 3,879
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Neon lights bounce off the shiny black walls, loud music playing but not too loud that you can’t hear what the blonde guy next to you is saying. He’s been talking your ear off for the last 20 minutes, while you zone out, sipping on your lemon club soda. This was the only time you wished they served alcohol here so you could at least be tipsy enough to endure the men that have been approaching you tonight.
Your usual partner hasn’t shown up yet and you have already been here for almost an hour. You try to ignore the slight ache in your chest though, focusing your attention back to the man next to you.
“So, how long you been coming here?” He asks.
“About 6 months now.” You reply.
“Damn, I feel like an amateur." He laughs, “This is only my second time.”
You hated to think so rudely but every person you’ve talked to tonight just wasn’t the one you preferred. You were starting to get extremely impatient, wondering where he was. He was never late.
As if your internal monologue has been heard by a higher power, you feel a hand on the back of your neck and turn in your seat to see the same man you were just thinking of. He has a dark look on his face as he eyes the person next to you.
“I don’t think she’s very interested buddy, why don’t you go bother some other poor girl.” He says to him, his hand now curling around your shoulder possessively.
The blonde guy’s face reddens with embarrassment as he quickly scrambles up from his chair. “Sorry man, I didn’t know she was yours.” he says and quickly walks off.
You scoff as your partner sits next to you, ordering a water from the waitress.
“That was unnecessary.” You say, his face still annoyed as he relaxes into the chair, his arm still slung around the back of you. He takes a long sip of his water, avoiding looking at you. You see his jaw clench and he runs a hand through his hair before speaking.
“What were you doing talking to that loser anyways?” He finally asks, making eye contact with you and he looks pissed.
“Oh my god, are you jealous Matt? Maybe you should’ve been here on time before other guys had the chance to talk to me.” you reply, a teasing smile appearing on your face.
He then grabs the side of your chair, pulling it forcefully towards him, causing you to gasp out. Your thighs are touching, and his hand moves from the back of your chair to the nape of your neck, sliding up to knot his fingers in your hair and pull slightly.
“Maybe you shouldn’t entertain other men when I’m not around and wait patiently for me like a good girl. Or do you need me to remind you who you belong to? Hm?” He whispers in your ear threateningly. Your core pulses with arousal at his words, his warm breath on your neck causing tingles to shoot down your spine.
So of course, this leads to you replying with a smart remark, which makes him take you to the candy room and punish you until you beg for forgiveness.
There were numerous rooms in the club that members could use, their time limit being an hour. But the main rooms that were larger and you could reserve for however long you wanted (at a high price) were only four. The star room, the red room, the flower room and the candy room.
The candy room is where you and Matt spend most of your encounters together at the Cherry Bomb. However, there’s nothing sweet about it besides the name. Its walls are painted red, a black bed with silk sheets in the middle and glossy black floors. There’s a cabinet of floggers, ropes, leather and fuzzy cuffs, vibrators and anything else you can imagine.
There’s no particular reason why it’s your favorite but Matt has been reserving it for you since you met him here and it’s become a routine on a Saturday night, twice a month.
Cherry Bomb has been around since the late 80s and has done a particularly good job at keeping its participants a secret, mainly due to the NDA you have to sign upon your first entry, along with a recent STD panel and heavy entrance fee. They also prohibited alcohol and drug use.
You were referred by one of your friends, which made it easier for you to get in. The money was no issue for you, but the wait list was long and having a friend on the inside had its benefits.
You instantly loved it from the first time you came. The atmosphere wasn’t grungy or too dark like you would expect a typical sex club to be. No one seemed to care who you were here, there was no judgement, and it was a safe place to act out your wildest fantasies, with whoever you choose.
You had had experiences with a couple different men and women, all which were satisfying for the most part. Most people had a habit of choosing a particular partner and being loyal to them, while others constantly swapped, not staying with one person too long.
When you met Matt, you instantly clicked, and found something in him that you hadn’t felt with any other member. He approached you one night, his demeanor confident but also calm. The energy flowed between you two, and once he got you to the room alone, it was fireworks. He was very clear on consent being an important aspect and boundaries were established before anything else.
Matt was a switch, like you. While most of the time he preferred to be dominate, he could also be submissive which was heaven to you. You loved it when he took control, using your body however he pleased, and he knew the best way to handle your brattiness. Because as much as it felt good to submit to him, you also had a fiery attitude which only made the pleasure of his punishment better.
He made you beg till you cried, spanked you so hard you had marks for weeks, and would tie you to the bed and fuck you until your brain was fuzzy, and your throat was raw from screaming his name. Making you cum over and over again until you were numb.
But when he was the submissive for the night… it was a whole different experience. There was nothing better than the feeling of him begging you to please him, demanding him to do whatever you wanted. Edging him until he was whimpering for you, teasing him and seeing how much he enjoyed it. Nothing compared.
And the best part about Matt that you liked, was that he always took the time to make sure you had the proper after care after each session. Cleaning you up, getting you water if you needed it, and even massaging your body if he went particularly hard on you that night.
He was currently holding you after tonight's session was done, rubbing small soothing circles on your back, your head cradled against his chest. You can hear his heart beating at a relaxed pace, calming you as your own heart slows down to match his tempo.
He breaks the sweet silence, his velvety voice pulling you out of your trance. “Y/N… I have a question for you.”
“Mhm?” You mumble, your fatigue settling in.
“How do you feel about a threesome?” He says, his hand stroking over the top of your head.
You’re alert now, lifting your head to turn and look at him. His eyes are half closed, a lazy smile on his face as he waits for your answer.
“I think it’s pretty hot. Is that something you want to do?” You reply.
“Are you comfortable with that?” He asks.
“I’ve experienced them before, yes. Depends… who would it be with?”
His bottom lip is pulled in between his teeth, a contemplative look on his face.
“I know someone that’s interested. In you. He’s always wanted to come to Cherry but he’s hesitant.” Matt says and your heart rate picks up a little at his words.
“He’s interested in me?” You ask, surprised at the fact that Matt talks about you outside of the club. That would be breaking the NDA.
He strokes his hand over the side of your face, caressing your jaw with his fingers. His eyes are soft, like they always are at the end of the night, adoring you with affection.
“Sorry, princess. I know I’m technically not supposed to talk to anyone about this. But I trust him… and I wouldn’t have said anything if I knew you would be upset.” He says.
You sit up now, fully facing him, and place your arms on either side of him, one hand resting on his chest and the other on his bicep.
“I know, I’m not upset. I’m flattered actually.” You say, smirking, the idea of what he’s proposing piquing your curiosity.
“Mm. Don’t get too cocky. But if you would like to try it out, I’ll tell him to come with me next time.” He tells you.
Your mind races at the thought of a threesome with him and another man, wondering how exactly that would change the dynamic between you two. Matt could be a little possessive and you were more than satisfied with just him as your partner but it made you think of how he would be able to share you. It excites you. He must trust this other person a lot.
“Who is it?” You ask him and he clicks his tongue, shaking his head at you with an amused look.
“It’s a surprise.”
You return to Cherry Bomb two weeks later, more nervous than you had been any other time you’ve come. But your anticipation outweighs your nerves as you sit at the bar, patiently waiting for Matt. You’re wearing a skin tight black lace dress that’s basically see through, showing your matching black lingerie set underneath. Sleek red heels are on your feet, your hair falling in soft loose waves that frame your face and a light coat of mascara through your eyelashes.
You took the time to put extra effort into your appearance tonight, and practically everyone in the club notices, staring at you as they wander around. But you pay no mind, your focus on the soda in front of you. Matt would be fuming with rage if he knew you were entertaining anyone else tonight and usually you would play with fire but given the special circumstances, you decided not to mess with him tonight.
The waitress hands you a note, pulling you out of your thoughts. She smiles at you politely before walking off, attending to another customer.
Meet me in the red room.
It’s Matt’s handwriting. He’s never done this before, always meeting you at the bar and then escorting you to your usual room. Your palms sweat as you stand from your chair and make your way to the large room at the end of the hall with the red door.
The red room. It was the largest room in the club, and the only one you hadn’t been in before. You’ve heard rumors of how luxurious it was which is why it was so hard to book. How Matt was able to get it tonight, you’re not sure.
You take a deep breath and adjust your dress, pushing the door open. The cool air of the room hits you, tiny goosebumps erupting on your skin. Your heart picks up speed at the sight of Matt centered directly at the center edge of the bed. He’s also dressed in all black, his eyes roaming up and down your body in hunger as you saunter over to him.
Wait. Is that Matt? You pause in front of him, a few feet away. His hair is longer, and his face is extremely similar but with a slight difference. And his aura is arrogant. But when you make eye contact with him, you feel butterflies gather in your stomach, his blue eyes making you drown with attraction. It’s the same feeling Matt gives you but there’s something different about him.
You now realize it’s not Matt at all.
The smug smile on his lips that’s been growing since he noticed the confusion on your face only widens, his hands gripping the sides of the bed, making the muscles in his arm flex. He looks incredibly strong.
“Looking for someone?” He asks teasingly and you can already feel the pool of wetness growing by the second in your underwear.
“Where’s Matt?” You ask sweetly, tilting your head. Your arms are crossed and your eyes narrow, fighting the smile that threatens to break through.
Let the games begin.
The stranger in front of you chuckles, leaning back on his arms now, his legs spreading slightly in jeans. He licks his lips, looking you up and down again. You can’t help but do the same.
“What’s wrong sweetheart? Don’t like what you see?” He says, his bottom lip stuck out in a fake pout.
You smile at him, mocking the tone in his voice. “I prefer princess.”
He laughs lowly, biting his lip and looks behind you. “You weren’t lying when you said she was a brat.” He says and you whip your head around, shocked to see Matt sitting in the love seat at the corner of the room.
You hadn’t noticed him at all when you walked in, given the darkness of the room and the fact he was so quiet during your exchange.
Matt has a blank expression, not looking at you. “Call her whatever you want, Chris.”
You can see that he’s dressed in a plain white shirt and black jeans. It’s simple, like the clothes he usually wears but he still looks incredible.
You’re still turned towards him, giving Chris a full view of your ass now, which you’re sure he’s appreciating.
“I didn’t know you had a twin.” You tell him, your eyebrows raised in amusement.
The corners of his lips twitch as he fights a smile, exchanging a look with Chris that you can’t decipher. “There’s a lot of things about me you don’t know.”
He gets up from his seat now and crosses the room to where you are. You’re about to respond with a witty remark but he’s suddenly gripping your arms, turning you around forcefully to face Chris again.
Your ass is pressed into his crotch, and you feel him harden against you. You gasp lightly as he places his mouth next to your ear, whispering lowly.
“That’s enough from you, Princess. I suggest you keep your mouth shut unless it’s a yes or no. Understand?”
You nod slowly, and Chris watches with fascination at the way Matt handles you. You can see how visibly turned on he is, his boner straining through his jeans.
You’re more aroused than you’ve ever been, the feeling of Matt’s strong grip on your arms, as he places soft wet kisses on the curve of your neck and the look in Chris’ eyes as they burn into yours, his pupils blown out.
“Are you comfortable? You know your safe word, right?” He asks you, his tone a little lighter. He wraps one hand around your throat, the other on your left hip and squeezes.
“Yes.” You breathe. “Good.” He replies, releasing you completely and you feel him back up from behind you. “Now get on your knees.”
Your heart races as you sink down, Chris’ eyes following your every moment. He hasn’t taken them off you since you entered the room and something in his eyes made you very nervous but incredibly excited at the same time.
Matt is now seated on the opposite side of the room, in a large leather chair. He’s directly in front of you now, to the side of Chris. You sit obediently on your knees, your eyes still focused on him as he speaks his next set of instructions.
“Why don’t you show Chris how you put that mouth to good use.” he says, nodding his head for you to continue.
You swallow and look away from Matt now, to see an enticing smirk on his brother’s face. He spreads his legs farther open as he adjusts himself on the bed, unbuckling his belt from his jeans. He places it on the mattress next to him and pulls his jeans down and off his legs.
You scoot closer to him, positioning yourself between his legs, your hands resting on top of his thighs. The look in your eyes is enough to get his heart racing like yours, and he curls a finger under your chin, tugging your face closer to him as he leans down.
“Let me taste your lips, sweetheart.” He says softly and connects his mouth to yours.
Now you can tell the real difference between them. Matt is harsh, yet caring. His energy penetrates you with a feeling of deep connection, a tie that binds you to him in one more ways then one. The trust you two have built over the past few months comes through when your bodies mesh with one another. He knows just what to say to please you and you in return, love to obey his every wish and command.
But Chris… he kisses you like he’s starving. He’s sweet, yet strong. It’s all new territory to explore, and you can almost taste the desperation on his tongue. His hands are soft against your face, warmth flooding your body at the feeling of his touch. You wonder just how much Matt has expressed to him, what secrets he’s revealed about all the sinful, delicious acts you’ve conceived with him in the candy room.
Chris is magnetic, his wet, hot kisses making you ache in your core. He finally pulls away from you, his jaw clenched, his eyebrows furrowed in a dark look. “Take your dress off.” He speaks.
You pull it off with no hesitation, up and over your head, now in your lingerie beneath him.
He drinks in the sight of your half naked body, your tits pushing against your bra, the hem of your black thong high on your hips and you slip your heels off.
He pulls his dick out, red tip leaking with precum already. He’s practically the same length as Matt, with a little more girth. It’s a little intimidating but your needs overpower, your mouth watering as you look at him.
You open your mouth, puckering your lips to let a pool of saliva drip down onto his length and you make eye contact with Matt, the look he gives you making a spark run through you.
Chris groans as you look back at him, spreading your spit down him with your hand before you wrap your lips around his tip, swirling your tongue. “Shit… feels so fucking good.” He rasps.
His chest is moving up and down as he breathes deeply, exhaling from his nose as he grits his teeth, and you take him further into your mouth. It’s a little hard to adjust to his size but you do, bobbing your head as he brushes the back of your throat, making you gag slightly.
He moans loudly, bucking his hips up slightly. He pulls your hair back from your face, holding it into a ponytail, tightly, pulling at your hair a little. This makes you moan in return around him, his eyes rolling into the back of his head at the pleasure. The air in the room is thick now, the sounds of Chris fucking your mouth and his groaning filling the space. You can feel Matt’s stare on you, and your knees dig into the softness of the shaggy black carpet, your grip on Chris’s thighs tightening.
“Fuck.” He pants, and moves his hands down your back, your body bending slightly so your ass poked out, allowing him access to feel you up. He caresses the flesh of your cheeks, massaging them before he brings one hand down to smack you.
You jolt slightly, not expecting him to do that, and hum around him, your thighs clenching.
“Yeah? You like that?” he says, smacking you once more, making it sting a little. You make another noise of approval, his cock still stuffed down your throat but then pull out, with a response you’re later bound to regret. “Not hard enough.”
You look up through your lashes at him and your heart races from how mad he looks. When Matt gets that mad, his eyes glaze over, and his face is cold. But Chris smiles. Even though his eyes are hard, there’s a grin on his face that says, ‘You have no idea what you just started.’  It’s insanely attractive.
He then reaches next to him, the metal of his belt clanking. He folds it, and you see the genuine leather thick in his hand.
He grabs the back of your head, knotting his fingers in your hair. “Did I tell you to stop?”
You glance at Matt and his hand palms over the hardness in his jeans, his other hand gripping on the arm of the chair.
You take Chris into your mouth again, your ass in the air for him. He sighs as he slips back down your throat, dragging the belt across you. He does this agonizingly slow, your head working on him. Finally, he slaps your it on your ass, hard. You moan loudly, your nails digging into his thighs. “How’s that, princess?”
You breathe out hard from your nose, the harsh sting of the belt lingering. Chris rubs his hand over your cheek, soothing the skin there, allowing you a few seconds of relief before he brings it down against you again, a loud smack ringing in the air.
You cry out, tears forming in your eyes and bring your head up slightly, gasping for air.
See, the pain… the pain sucked. You saw red each time you were punished like this but after the few seconds of hurt passes, you feel a rush of euphoria, and tingles of pleasure you just can’t get enough of.
“Hm? Don’t got anything to say now? Is this what you wanted?” Chris says, his large hands squeezing and rubbing you, before bringing his belt down once more against you. All you can do now is whimper, your actions on Chris at a complete stop, while you grip his thighs, tears now streaming down your face, mascara running.
You look up at him through your pitiful tears, his teeth sunken into his bottom lip so hard it almost draws blood. Your face is flushed, lips red and swollen. “Fuck, you’re beautiful.” He whispers and your heart flutters at his compliment.
You wonder if Matt heard and flick your gaze to him again. His jeans are unbuttoned now, his black boxers showing, his hand still on himself but not moving. He smirks, enjoying the fucked out look on your face.
Chris then grips your jaw in his hand, forcing you to look back at him.
“What do you think Matt? Think she deserves to cum?”
“Give her what she wants.” He replies.
a/n: soooo this one was supposed to be a full one shot but i had to split it into two parts or else it was gonna be too long lol i had this idea in my head i just had to write it out, so i promise i'll work on the final part of my matt series soon!!
taglist <3 :
@christhopersturniolo @sturniolopepsi @tillies33ssss @whicked-hazlatwhore @riasturns @junnniiieee07 @junovrsmp4 @sturnsjtop @seahorsie11 @inveigledvex @honestlyjb @mattslolita @stingerayyy2 @glassesmattsbae @eryismum @sturncakez @sturnioloco @wh0resstuff @muwapsturniolo
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asahicore · 2 years
all i see is gold - pjs (m)
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this work contains smut - minors please do not interact
pairing. jay x fem!reader
synopsis. Pretending to be your number one's rival girlfriend to please his parents isn't how you would usually spend a Thursday night, but you really owe Jay a big one this time. You'd sworn this was just a one-time thing - and yet when his parents ask you to come again, the word 'yes' is out before you can stop it. Before you know it and much to your dismay, your feelings for Jay start to change, and you're in too deep to backtrack.
genre. college au, academic rivals to lovers, fake dating au, rich rich millionaire ceo's son jay x poor ass scholarship part-time job reader
warnings. heeseung is a mega asshole sorry to this man, slight violence like the girls are fighting, these two are pathetically in love w each other it's laughable actually, rich people being annoying slightly and also y/n's friends having way too much knowledge about fanfiction tropes... i like my fourth walls broken
word count. 27.1k
a/n. hi sisters user asahicore is back with another repost because she can't be asked to come up with anything original... sorry! i did add a new scene to this fic for.. character development. hope you guys enjoy it, as always let me know your thoughts otherwise i will find you and hold you at gunpoint, have fun love you stay healthy keep slaying bye bye!
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“Actually, I think what you just said is complete bull.”
Jay rolled his eyes for the thousandth time in an hour and a few sniggers were heard around the room.
Your tutor sighed and, in an exhausted tone, asked you to “keep it polite, please. This is still a classroom setting.”
“Right, sorry.” You cleared your throat and sat up straighter. “I completely disagree with your statement, Jongseong. Just because a movie has young teenage girls as its target audience doesn’t mean it is completely insipid and has no value, like you’re insinuating. If you look at Mean Girls, for example-”
Jay scoffed. “Oh please, you’re not actually going to use Mean Gir-”
“Ah, would you look at the time? Class is over,” your tutor interrupted. “You can all go home and ponder the riveting discussion Jay and Y/N led today.” 
You were pretty sure you heard a general sigh of relief from your classmates. After all, you couldn’t really blame them: it was only the first tutorial of the semester for that course and Jay and you were already at each other’s throats, having something to say about every idea the other put forward, no matter how small.
“Oh, and Jay, I do have to side with Y/N here. There’s a surprising amount of things that can be said about that film,” your tutor admitted with an apologetic smile. You, however, were harboring a triumphant expression. Nothing better than having the tutor agree with you against Jay. 
As you packed your stuff away, mentally patting yourself on the back, Jay approached you, looking visibly annoyed. “Seriously, Y/N? Symbolism in Modern Cinema? Since where do you even care about movies?”
You gasped dramatically and put your hand over your heart, feigning shock. “Why, I’m offended that you think you’re the only one who’s allowed to love cinema, Jongseong.”
“Yeah, it’s my thing!” he whined like a child, and you gave him a look that hopefully made him reflect on what he’d just said.
You started walking out of the room and he followed, a step behind you. “I mean, there’s no way you didn’t know I was taking this class. Are you like, obsessed with me or something?”
“Yes, Jongseong, that’s exactly the case. I’m sooooo obsessed with you, I took this class just to see you.”
You were obviously joking, but he looked at you with a smirk and said, “I wouldn’t put it past you. I wouldn’t put it past anyone, to be honest; I mean I am the most good-looking, smartest, richest guy on camp- Ouch! That hurts!”
You had just punched him in the shoulder, not wanting to listen to his self-indulgent ramblings. “Get your head out of your ass, Park. I just thought it would be an interesting class. Why are you even taking it, anyway? I don’t think a cinema course is gonna teach you much on how to run daddy’s company,” you asked him, a smirk teasing your lips.
He rolled his eyes (you thought they might stay stuck at the back of his head, with how often he did that) and took a tone one might use to speak to a child. “You see, Y/N, I also major in Visual Studies. I’m not a single honors Econ major like you. Loser.”
He’d added the last word with a playful smile on his face, purposefully trying to rile you up. You were about to reply with an equally petty remark when you heard your name being called out. 
“Y/N! Wait up!”
You could recognize that voice anywhere. Your heart started beating a thousand times a minute and you felt your hands get clammy. As you turned around, you forced a relaxed smile and told yourself to stay calm, but as soon as you made eye contact with the boy, all rational thought left your brain.
“H-hi, Heeseung.” You heard Jay snort behind you but were too entranced by Heeseung’s presence to tell him off.
Clearly enjoying your nervousness, Heeseung smiled at you and bent down so that he came directly face to face with you. “It was nice seeing you last Friday. You should come to our parties more often, not many people can set fire to the dance floor like you did.”
Your cheeks had already turned bright red when he’d called your name, but now you probably looked as crimson as a fire extinguisher. Over the weekend, you’d tried so hard to forget about that party where you had gotten black-out drunk and made a fool of yourself on the dance floor. Sure, you’d had a lot of fun, but when you remembered that Heeseung literally lived in the frat house that had hosted the pre-start of term gathering, you’d felt so embarrassed and wanted to never have to face him ever again. Yet here he was, and he had obviously seen you.
“O-oh, right, haha. Um, I was pretty drunk, but, yeah, um, it was f-fun.” You cringed at yourself. Where was the Y/N that had torn down Jay’s every argument just moments prior? You were usually self-assured and confident, but whenever you were around Heeseung, you didn’t know how to act.
Heeseung stood up straighter and patted your head. You thanked yourself for having washed your hair that morning. He chuckled and said, “That’s good to hear. Guess I’ll see you around, then?”
“Yeah!” you replied with a tad too much enthusiasm. 
“Great.” As he walked past you, you didn’t need to turn around to see the nasty looks exchanged between Heeseung and Jay. 
The venom with which they had spat the other’s name would’ve sent a chill down your spine any other time, but right now, you were too busy mooning over what had just happened. Like many girls on campus, you’d had a crush on him since freshman year; but unlike most, you’d never actually tried to do anything about it. Realistically, you could probably bag him - Heeseung could be seen with a different girl at every party and didn’t seem to be too picky about who he finished the night with. But you also couldn’t stand the idea of being just another drunk fuck to him. So, you’d never revealed your feelings to him, although he could most definitely see the effect he had on you.
As soon as he was out of earshot, Jay burst into laughter. You turned around and looked at him, arms crossed, waiting for him to be done with an impatient look on your face. When he finally caught his breath, he had tears pooling at his eyes and was holding onto his belly.
“H-hi, Heeseung,” he breathed, trying to imitate you by making his voice higher in pitch but laughing too hard for it to come out properly.
“There’s nothing funny about this, Jongseong.”
“Oh, but there is, Y/N. And you know what the worst part is? You could do so, so much better than that guy. I mean, he’s a Business major, for fuck’s sake.”
“And what’s wrong with that?” you asked hotly, starting to get defensive.
“You’re studying Econ, Y/N. Dating a Business major, that’s like, the highest betrayal possible.”
You rolled your eyes at his stupid values and started walking towards the exit of the building, bumping into his shoulder on the way. He started following you again and added, “It’s not even just about that, Y/N. You know his reputation, he’s clearly bad news. There’s no point in liking a guy like that.”
Because you knew how much he hated it, you always made sure to call him Jongseong instead of Jay. But right now, you didn’t feel like joking around. You turned around abruptly, Jay almost bumping into you, and looked at him pointedly. “Look, Jay, I know you and Heeseung have this weird competition between the two of you of whose dad can make more money. But that doesn’t give you the right to tell me I shouldn’t like him.” And with a mumble, you added, “I can’t help liking him, okay?”
You went on your way again and Jay caught up with you so that the two of you were now walking side by side. Sighing, he said, “Whatever. When he inevitably hurts you, though, I’ll say I told you so.”
After flipping off Jay as your way of saying goodbye, you joined your friends in the cafeteria. You told them about your encounter with Heeseung, and as much as they wanted to support you, they couldn’t help but think your behavior at the party on Friday was hilarious. 
“I wasn’t gonna show this to anyone, but I can’t hold it in anymore…” Sunoo said, pulling out his phone.
It wasn’t hard to guess what he might be hiding in there, so you quickly protested, “It’s been three days, Sunoo. I’m sure you can hold in whatever it is longer than that.”
He looked at you with a sheepish smile and said, as if he didn’t have a choice but to show everyone, “It’s so funny though.”
Sieun and Keeho were urging him to show them, so you just hung your head as Sunoo pressed play. You didn’t even need to look at the video to know what it was: even in his drunken state, Sunoo had had the foresight to film you as you danced like there was no tomorrow, knowing this was a special occasion. Your friends tried to reassure you that you didn’t look that bad and you just seemed to be having fun, but the sniggers they tried to hold back in vain told you otherwise.
Keeho seemed to take pity on you when seeing your defeated expression. “Y/N, I promise you it’s not that bad. You were very obviously drunk, and so was everyone else. If anybody remembers this, they’re probably thinking that you were fucking awesome. Can’t you see how everyone is cheering you on in the video?”
With an exasperated sigh, you replied, “I don’t care that everybody saw me. I care that Heeseung did. I only started drinking that much because I thought it’d help me relax and talk to him. I didn’t think I’d go wild on the dance floor.”
Your friends exchanged a look and immediately burst into laughter. You wanted to get mad at them, but even you had to admit the whole situation was pretty funny. You let them make as much fun of you as their hearts desired, then, to change the subject, told them about the tutorial you had in the morning with Jay and how much fun it had been arguing with him.
Sieun was looking at you thoughtfully, until she said, “You know, I think it’s…” she paused for a second, trying to find the right word, “interesting, how much effort you put into getting into the same class as Jay when you could’ve directed that energy towards getting into one of Heeseung’s class.”
The sudden statement took you aback. “Well, I wouldn’t say I put that much effort into it…” you stammered in an attempt to defend yourself.
“Y/N,” Keeho started, an accusatory tone to his words, “you literally asked Jake to tell you what courses he was taking this semester and when his tutorials were, and when you somehow managed to be enrolled in a class that’s supposed to be reserved for Visual Studies students, you emailed the tutor to make sure you’d be in the same group as Jay. I’d say that requires some effort.”
You huffed, mildly offended. “I- Well- I just thought it’d be fun to argue with him about something else than economics, you know. There’s only so much to say about that.” Your friends didn’t look very convinced. “Plus, there are no classes that Heeseung’s taking that seemed interesting, and even if they were and I managed to get into them, I just would’ve stuttered trying to answer easy questions. At least if I’m in a class with Jay, I know it’ll be fun.”
After that last sentence, Sieun looked at you like you had proven her point. What a smartass, you thought. What was she even trying to prove? 
“Is no one gonna say it?” Sunoo asked, bewildered, looking around at your friends. “It sounds like you like him, Y/N.”
Your automatic response was to go, “Pfffft,” but when Sieun and Keeho didn’t disagree with Sunoo, you looked at them, wide-eyed. “Are you guys serious? I don’t like Park Jongseong, that’s ridiculous.”
Sure, you liked arguing with Jay, that wasn’t a secret. That didn’t mean you liked him, or anything like that. Just the thought made you shiver. Dating Jay had never even occurred to you; as soon as you’d met, you had taken on a rival-like relationship, arguing about everything and anything. Sure, he was smart, and not too bad-looking, and he was really rich, and when he wanted he could actually be quite nice - but that was not the point! Most of the time, he was just annoying and argued with you for no reason other than to rile you up, and had the most unreasonable opinions you’d ever heard. He took his wealth for granted and sometimes came across as so privileged it made you want to puke.
Sieun took your hands in hers and tried to convince you with her eyes, her eyebrows furrowing slightly. “But think about it, Y/N. It’s the enemies to lovers trope!”
You snatched your hands out from her grip and gave her a pointed look. “This isn’t Wattpad, Sieun, this is real life. And Jay and I aren’t enemies, we’re merely rivals.”
“Even better!” she exclaimed.
“I completely agree with Sieun,” Sunoo said. “Y/N, you’re such a rivals to lovers type of gal.” You rolled your eyes, but Keeho was fervently nodding his head in agreement.
“By the way, did you guys hear about his parents’ company throwing a fundraiser?” Keeho said. This piqued your interest, but after your friends’ accusations, you couldn’t look too excited about anything Jay-related, so you nonchalantly asked him to go on. “It’s for some charity, they’ve invited all the big names, and apparently it’s gonna be huge so they need some people to waiter. I’m thinking of applying. It pays really well and it’s gonna be so fancy. It’s not like I’ve got much else to do that night anyway.”
“When is it?” you asked, still trying not to sound too interested.
“Friday in two weeks.”
“Well, if it’s a Friday, I’ll be getting wasted, so count me out,” Sunoo replied.
“I’d come, but the idea of serving rich people as they give out ten thousand dollars when they could give a million and it wouldn’t even affect them in the slightest, not to mention having to do it with a smile on my face, makes my skin crawl, so no thanks,” Sieun said. She wasn’t wrong, but this was also Jay’s parents you were talking about. Not only would Jay be there, and your presence would surely piss him off, but his dad’s company was one of the top of the country and being introduced to their world, maybe even getting to know some people there, even just as a waitress, could really benefit you in the long-term. You’d never admit it to him, but you’d been dreaming of working there ever since you’d first heard of it. Nothing might come out of this, but it was worth trying.
“What about you, Y/N? You in?”
You looked at Keeho and said, “Yeah, let’s do it.”
The next time you saw Jay was for your Economics of Cities and Regions lecture a couple days later. As appropriate of the top students, you two always sat at the very front row along with only a few other brave students. Keeho was always bugging you to sit with him at the back, but you liked being able to look the professor in the eye so they could see how much attention you were paying to them. You listened carefully to the whole lecture, and when it ended, you turned to Jay and called his name in a sickly sweet voice, smiling as warmly as you could. He turned to you with a horrified look on his face.
“Please never do that again.”
Your smile instantly dropped. You should’ve known there was no point trying to be nice to him. “So, I’ve heard about your dad’s firm’s fundraiser…”
Before you could even finish your sentence, he interrupted you. “No. No way. You’re not working there. Nope. Not happening.”
“What? Why not?”
“Because this is an important night for me to make myself known as the CEO in line and I can’t have you distracting me.”
You didn’t question why he considered you a distraction and just pressed further. “C’mon! I promise I won’t be in your way.” He looked at you as if to say I don’t believe you. “I need the money.”
“Then get a part-time job.”
“I already have one! And it doesn’t pay very well.”
He looked at you and crossed his arms over his chest. No, you didn’t notice how his shirt tightened around his biceps. Shut up. Exasperated, he asked, “Do you even know what this fundraiser is for?”
That hadn’t even crossed your mind. Why did you need to know what it was for? All you needed was to work there and make some money. You just shrugged “No.”
He rolled his eyes at you. “You’re unbelievable. It’s to help students in need of scholarships. You know how my parents sometimes pay for students’ tuition fees? Well,” he sighed, and started to pack up his stuff. “This is to encourage CEOs of other companies to do the same. They’ve invited a few students to talk about why scholarships are important for them.”
Interesting, you thought. It’d have been nice to be one of those students, but being a waitress was already good enough. You’d have to be quicker to get the role next time. “I’ll be part of the waitering team, so I won’t embarrass you, don’t worry.”
After a beat, Jay asked, “Why are you even telling me this? I can say no all I want, I’m not the one deciding on the staff. I’d just really, really appreciate it if you didn’t come.”
You eyed him for a second until realization hit you. Right. It wasn’t like Jay had any say in this, so why were you trying to get him to agree? It had just seemed natural to you that you’d talk to him about this.
You shook your head and said, “Well, I’m gonna go anyway. I just thought I should let you know. That way you know you’re gonna need to bring your best game to impress me.”
You noticed Keeho waving his arm impatiently at you, waiting for you to leave the lecture theater. Jay watched you walk away, and he couldn’t stop the smile spreading on his face. 
“So… Y/N will probably be working at the fundraiser,” Jay said, looking down at his notes. As on most days, Jake and Sunghoon were over at his place, half-studying, half-messing around.
The two boys in front of him groaned in unison. He raised his head and added defensively, “What? I’ve barely said anything yet.”
“Yeah, but you’re talking about Y/N. Again,” Jake said, as if stating the obvious.
“You know, I’m actually surprised he’s managed to not mention her for that long. It’s been what, fifteen minutes since we got here?” Sunghoon half-joked.
Used to his friends’ teasing, Jay ignored them and continued. “On any other occasion, I’d be more than happy to have her around” - cue another groan from Jake and Sunghoon - “but I really have to impress my parents and all the guests that evening. If I don’t, I’m gonna have to work twice as hard.”
Indulging his friend’s rant, Jake asked, “What’s wrong with her being there? She’s not gonna go around and tell everyone you’re a little shit as she hands them champagne glasses.”
Jay rolled his eyes. “No, of course not, but I’m gonna be hyper-aware of her presence and I don’t want it to distract me.” A third groan. “Plus, I don’t like the idea of her being there as a waitress. She should be with the students who talk to the guests, she deserves it more than anybody I know.”
After a beat, Sunghoon, with gracious subtlety and tact as always, added, “You know, if you had just manned up and asked her out in freshman year when you still had the chance, maybe you could’ve taken her to the fundraiser as your girlfriend and not have her go there as a waitress. Just saying.”
“It’s 2022, Sunghoon, nobody says things like ‘man up’ anymore.”
“You dumbass, is that all you’re hearing from what I just said-”
“What I think Sunghoon is trying to say,” Jake cut in, “is that this could have been avoided had you had the guts to tell her how you feel. But rest assured, my friend, it can still happen. No such thing as too late.”
“You always say that, but how the fuck am I supposed to ask her out when she’s only ever seen me as her rival? Plus, she’s head over heels for that prick.”
Sensing that Sunghoon was getting ready to deliver another one of his punchlines, Jake quickly replied. “Who cares about Heeseung? It wouldn’t be hard to make her see what an asshole he is. And once that’s done, you can just give her the Park charm,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows.
Sunghoon fake gagged at the thought of his friend trying to flirt, and even Jay had to admit he hated how Jake had formulated his sentence. “That’s all I do though. As soon as we met, we got into arguing, and that’s just how we communicate now. She wants competition, so I give her competition. I don’t know what else to do.”
His friends sighed, unsure what to tell him after having had the same conversation hundreds of times. “Did you ask her why she took that cinema course? I thought it was weird she asked me for all that info. She wanted me to keep hush-hush about it, too,” Jake asked.
Jay thought for a second, then answered, “I did ask her if she was obsessed with me.” A fourth, deserved, groan. “She just said she thought the class seemed interesting. She didn’t even know I was a double major, by the way.”
Jake and Sunghoon chuckled, both thinking but not daring to say that, indeed, no one knew Jay also majored in Visual Studies. The three boys continued chatting for a while until they fell into silence and finally started getting some work done.
Jay managed to get you out of his head for a couple hours, but when his friends left and he was alone, his thoughts immediately drifted back to you. When the two of you first met in freshman year, you had become instant rivals, both top of your class, and always disagreeing on everything. He hadn’t minded the dynamic at first: he thought your ideas and the conversations that stemmed from them were always interesting, and he had a lot of respect for you. He wanted to know why you thought that way or what made you say certain things, and soon enough he wanted to know everything about you. He’d noticed things like how you chewed on your pen when you were in deep reflection, or how you’d look intently at anyone who was talking, as if you were making mental bullet points of their arguments only to break them down afterwards. When he finally realized his feelings for you (not without help from Jake and Sunghoon, who thought he couldn’t get any more obvious), he felt like your rivalry-almost-turned-friendship had gone too far, and you’d think he was stupid for liking you. It didn’t help that your confident attitude always broke down in front of his arch nemesis Lee Heeseung, making it painfully clear that you had a crush on him.
That night, he kept tossing and turning in his bed, trying to fall asleep. He hated the idea of you having to be there as a waitress, handing out drinks and mini toasts to entitled guests who probably wouldn’t even look at you. There had to be a few strings he could pull, right?
In all twenty years of your life, you had never been to a place like this. As soon as you’d entered the lobby of the building in which the fundraiser took place, you’d been overwhelmed by the sheer extravagance of the room. Every surface was shiny marble, the ceilings were at least fifteen meters high and the whole place was lit up by tiny wall lamps. You were almost scared to see what the actual ballroom would look like.
The fundraiser started at 8:00 p.m. but the staff had been advised to come earlier to prepare everything. You went further in, and now that you had somehow acclimated to your surroundings, you noticed how busy everyone was. People were running around, going from the kitchen to the back room to the main hall in quick strides. You tried getting one woman’s attention, hoping she could direct you to where you were supposed to go.
“Sorry, hi, where do the wai-”
She stopped dead in her tracks and barely looked at you as she whipped out a sheet of paper from her blouse pocket and asked for your name.
“Um, Y/N-”
She checked something off and looked up at you and smiled. “Great, follow me.” You had no time to ask anything else before she swiveled on her heels again and marched towards another room, you in tow behind her. “We’ve got a script ready for you. You just need to learn it in time for tonight and then use your charm on the guests. Oh, and don’t worry about your outfit and all that, we’ve got it covered. Good luck!” And with that, she was off. 
Script? Outfit? What was all this about? You panic-texted Keeho, telling him some lady had dragged you somewhere and told you to learn a whole script. When he didn’t answer after five minutes, you assumed he must be busy helping out, but it made you panic even more. You looked around the room and noticed a girl you thought you recognized from one of your classes. You walked up to her, and after saying hi, asked her what the hell was going on here.
She looked at you a bit oddly, as if it didn’t make sense you didn’t know where you were, but clarified things nonetheless. “Basically, the six of us are going to be wearing these tags so that the guests know who we are, and we’re gonna give them a pity story about how we’re so poor but also so smart and able to change the world if only they give us money. That’s what the script is for, it just makes it a bit nicer.” Right, that’s what Jay had told you. But why were you here when you had signed up to be a waitress? It was what you had wished for, but it made no sense whatsoever.
Registering your still confused expression, the girl went on, “They’re also gonna give us nice outfits and make us look more presentable. But not too much, you know, cause a thousand dollar gown wouldn’t really fit with the scholarship kid aesthetic.” You laughed with her. You had to admit the whole situation was a bit ridiculous, but if it could help you out, you would take it. You had needed to take out a loan when you started studying, and the enormous debt you would be in as soon as you stepped out of college already stressed you out.
You learned your script, which was actually just more like detailed examples of the things you should say and what direction your conversations with the guests should take, until somebody called out your name, telling you it was time to get you ready. You were led to another room which was full of clothing racks holding fancy dresses and suits. Your immediate thought was that the clothes in this one room were probably worth more than your entire house. 
You could only admire the room for a few moments before a stylist threw a dress in your arms and practically pushed you into a dressing room. You took a good look at black dress before putting it on. It wasn’t overly fancy; the girl you had talked to was right, it wouldn’t make sense for you to look like you were the richest person there. With its modest cleavage and mid-thigh length, it was what you assumed to be formal enough for this type of event, and surprisingly fit you like a glove. It made you look put-together and accentuated your features in the subtlest way. 
When you walked out of the dressing room, the stylist eyed you up and down, adjusting the dress here and there, then stepped back and mumbled absent-mindedly, as if thinking out loud, “Wow, he does have good taste.”
You didn’t have the time to ask her what she meant as she had already turned away, looking for jewelry to finish off your outfit. The earrings, necklace and ring she gave you weren’t huge 20 carat diamonds, but you’d never worn such delicate jewelry before, you were almost too scared to move with them on you in fear of breaking them. The stylist, however, didn’t seem too fussed, and as soon as she was done, said, “Well, that’s all for me. Off you go to hair and makeup now!”
Hair and makeup? You were going to get your hair and makeup done by professionals? You felt like a celebrity. Your whole life, your mom had cut your hair, and you bought your makeup at the drugstore. 
While they didn’t make you look like a Hunger Games Capitol citizen, when they were done with you, the reflection that looked back at you in the mirror was uncanny. You were still you, there was no doubt about that, but you looked like a perfect version of yourself, which only makeup expertly applied could create. Although they’d never seen you before, the makeup artist had managed to accentuate or make disappear lines you had never noticed on your face before, and the hair stylist had done your hair in a simple but very flattering manner, letting it cascade naturally down your shoulders.
The stylists let you admire yourself for a few moments, knowing you probably weren’t used to such pampering, but soon ushered you out to the ballroom; the fundraiser was just about to start, and you needed to be there for the beginning of it. You were made to sit at a table with the other students at the front, close to the stage. An organizer came to see you and explained how the evening was going to go down. Most of the evening would be spent standing, chatting to the guests and persuading them to donate, except when the main course was served. There was no fixed seating chart, so you could go with whomever invited you to sit with them. All in all, your goal was to be as likable as possible, and get guests to understand why scholarships were important without sounding desperate, just like the script indicated.
Tapping your foot nervously, you watched as more people trickled in, each looking richer than the previous. Soon enough, the whole room was seated, and a man you recognized as Jay’s dad arrived on the stage, welcomed by polite applause. You listened intently to his welcome speech, and you could see Jay’s presence and charisma in him; every word of his seemed to be thought out and to have purpose. He did a spectacular job at kicking off the fundraiser, and you were clapping enthusiastically when he was done, not expecting what he was about to do. 
With an extended hand, he pointed at you and the five students you were sitting with. “Of course, this wouldn’t be possible without these six brilliant students whom we have the honor of welcoming tonight. Would you all come up on stage with me?” he asked warmly, although you knew it wasn’t really a question. You all looked at each other bemusedly, but you didn’t have much of a choice, so you all got up and walked up the stairs to the stage.
You hadn’t realized how many people were attending until you were standing right in front of them. The bright spots lighting the stage made it hard to distinguish anyone’s face in the crowd, which only made your position more intimidating to you. Thankfully, you didn’t have to introduce yourself; Jay’s dad did it for you, and after a few minutes, you were free to walk off the stage and start mingling with the guests. Whew.
As soon as the six of you stepped off the stage, guests started approaching you, engaging you in conversation right away. You were a bit taken aback, but remembering you needed to be perfect tonight, you put on the most genuine smile you could muster. Them coming to you was better than having to chase after them. 
An hour and a half passed, and you had been engrossed in so many conversations that you hadn’t noticed so much time had already gone. The only time your attention had been pulled out was when Keeho came to your group, offering you toasts of caviar and bubbly champagne, and discreetly (or at least as discreetly as Keeho could be, which wasn’t very) gave you a wide-eyed look, which you returned. You had no idea why you weren’t working like him either. 
When somebody announced the main course would soon be served, a lot of guests went to sit down, so you were now stuck with the most pretentious man you had ever talked to. All the other guests, no matter how rich or famous or successful they were, had managed to stay somewhat humble and not flaunt how much higher they were in society than you, but it seemed that it was all this man knew how to do. You knew you needed to stay polite even in front of scum like him, but it was hard giving him your undivided attention when he was going on and on about basic economic principles you had learned in your first year of college. Your eyes started drifting around the room, until they fell on a certain someone.
Lee Heeseung was here. Of course he was; his parents, although they were rivals to the Park family, were still huge names in your country’s economy, and they couldn’t not be here tonight. Heeseung’s presence wasn’t required, but you imagined it couldn’t hurt his image to be seen by many adults at a gathering like this one. He was standing by the bar, talking to a girl who was clearly trying to flirt with him, but he didn’t seem to be into her. You hadn’t meant to stare, but his eyes soon met yours. You immediately felt heat rise to your cheeks. He didn’t break eye contact, even when he replied to whatever the girl was saying. His eyes started drifting down from your face to your body, as if he was undressing you with his gaze. You opened your mouth and let out a small gasp at the sheer indecency of the way he was looking at you. The sound you made made you snap out of your daze, and you turned your attention back to the man in front of you, who hadn’t even noticed you weren’t listening to him anymore, so enthralled he was by his own conversation.
You excused yourself, not wanting to be in Heeseung’s sight anymore. You weren’t sure what to make of the interaction - you loved the idea of Heeseung paying so much attention to you, but there was something about the setting and the fact that he was talking with another girl the whole time which made you a bit uncomfortable. Disheveled, you sat down at the nearest table, not paying much attention to who was there.
“Everything alright, miss Y/N?”
That voice was too familiar. Of course, you just had to sit next to Jay’s dad, a.k.a. one of the richest CEOs in the country, a.k.a. the man behind this fundraiser. You changed your expression from distressed to spirited, not wanting him to think you weren’t handling tonight well. Before you could say anything to reassure him, he added, “Not easy, is it, entertaining so many people? I’m sure you’ll get used to it.”
Relief immediately washed over you. You looked down and said, “It hasn’t been too bad, just depends on the person you’re talking to.”
He chuckled. “I thought I saw you talking to CEO Jung. Or rather, CEO Jung talking at you. Sorry about him, he’s just the kind of person you have to learn to deal with.”
You continued talking to Mr Park, and he even invited you to stay at his table when the main course was served. He was surprisingly easy to converse with; he intently listened to you, even though he probably met infinitely more interesting people than you every day, and bounced off of your words naturally. You wondered how such an easy-going man could give birth to an argumentative boy like Jay.
You suddenly wondered where Jay was. You hadn’t seen him all evening, and he wasn’t sitting at his dad’s table either. You assumed he’d be busy with other people, but you couldn’t help being curious about his whereabouts. Not wanting to look around the room searching for him and appear disinterested in his dad, you just asked him directly if he knew where his son was.
Mr Park quirked an eyebrow and asked, “Oh, you know my son?”
“Yes, we’ve had a lot of classes together since freshman year,” you explained.
He seemed deep in thought for a second, until he started slowly nodding his head as if he’d just figured something out. “Of course, you’re Y/N. I knew that name was familiar.”
Why would your name be familiar to Jay’s dad? “Oh, did Jay mention me or some-”
Before you could finish your sentence, Mr Park said, “Ah, there he is,” gaze directed behind your shoulder. And indeed, as you turned around, you saw Jay coming towards your table.
 “Dad, mind if I steal Y/N for a second?”
“She’s all yours,” he replied, sending a wink his son’s way. You looked at Jay and he seemed just as confused about his dad’s words as you. But then his eyes found yours and he motioned for you to get up and follow him with a tilt of his head.
“It was really nice talking to you, Mr Park, thank you so much for your time.”
“Of course. It was lovely meeting you, Y/N. I’m sure we’ll see each other soon enough,” he said with a knowing smile. 
You didn’t even try figuring out what he meant, and just walked with Jay as he took you to a quieter area of the ballroom. Most people had finished eating and had stood up again, so you’d needed to weave through them, and Jay put a hand on your lower back to guide you better. You ignored the warmth that spread on your skin where he touched you, blaming it on the glasses of champagne you’d had. 
When you’d reached a spot where you could talk easily, he turned towards you with a smirk. “I can’t believe you’re already charming your way up to my dad. You’re definitely ambitious, Y/N.”
You rolled your eyes but then remembered where you were and thought it might be best to not give in to Jay’s taunts here, so you kept your voice low when you replied. “I didn’t even do it on purpose. I just sat there, and he happened to already be at the table.”
His smirk only grew wider. “Right.” Then he stepped back a bit, and took a good look at you. Unlike Heeseung’s gaze earlier, the way Jay looked at you in that moment, like you were the only thing worth looking at in this beautiful ballroom, made butterflies erupt in your stomach. God, you really had had too much champagne. “I knew that dress would look good on you.”
You should’ve been flustered by the compliment, but you were too confused by Jay’s words: how could he have known about this? Why did he make it sound like he had chosen the dress? The stylist’s words from earlier suddenly pop up in your mind: “he does have good taste.” There was also the fact that you had applied to work as a waitress tonight but ended up as one of the scholarship students. Slowly, things started piecing together in your mind, and you looked up at the well-dressed, smirking boy in front of you in disbelief.
“Jay. Did you do this?”
“Do what?” he said, an innocent tone to his voice, but a mischievous look in his eyes.
Your eyes widened and you lightly slapped his arm. “You did! I- You- Ugh. Thanks, I guess,” you muttered, looking down at your shoes. You were beyond grateful, but your ego stopped you from being too showy about it.
He smiled at you, and you ignored how much you loved it. “It was no big deal. Just had to change your name from the waitering group to the student reps. Took me two seconds,” he said, following your gaze down, bashfully admitting to helping you out.
“Why’d you do it?”
Because you’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met and the world should know about it, was his immediate thought. But of course, he’d never say that out loud, so he opted for, “I just felt bad for you, really. I know you like to think of us as rivals, so I thought the least I could do was to put us on equal footing tonight.”
Although you had a feeling he wasn’t telling you everything, you weren’t going to press any further. You chatted for a bit longer, the both of you enjoying a relaxed conversation after hours on being on your best behavior, and your ability of talking normally to Jay and not wanting to claw his eyes out surprised you, not to mention the fact that you were… enjoying yourself.
“Anyway, I’m doing the closing speech soon. I’m gonna be awesome, so look closely, yeah?” You knew he wanted to look cool, but you thought he sounded like an excited kid who was about to put on a show for his family. How cute, you thought, and immediately chased that thought away from your brain. That damn champagne must’ve been laced with something.
You both went back into the crowd, and quickly your name was called out by someone you had talked to earlier who wanted to introduce you to someone else. You quickly waved goodbye at Jay, a smile on your face. If anybody had seen him, they would’ve noticed how his cheeks fired up and how he waved excitedly back at you.
And indeed, he had been seen.
His dad had been talking with one of his business partners, but tried to keep some of his attention on you and Jay. He couldn’t help but be curious as to why his son, who had previously never expressed any romantic interest in anyone, was suddenly making sure you attended the fundraiser as a student rep and not a waitress, and why he’d even gone the extra mile and chosen your dress for you. He hadn’t missed the way his son’s face lit up when he was talking to you, and how his gaze lingered on you as you walked away. But he also hadn’t missed how you’d followed Jay without hesitation, and how relaxed you’d looked talking to him. He thought the both of you acted as if it was just you two in a room full to the brim with people. When his wife joined him at the table, he’d told her about their son’s unusual behavior, and she said that she had noticed him looking around as if searching for someone a few times during the evening. They exchanged a knowing smile.
Heeseung had also noticed Jay leading you away from the crowd, and had intently watched your interaction, not even trying to make the girl he was talking to think he was still paying attention to her. He knew you had a crush on him; you couldn’t make it any more obvious. But he also knew how comfortable, how yourself you were around Jay; he’d seen the two of you banter around campus, always arguing about something, whether it was the new law that was being put into place or whether pineapple belongs on pizza or not. Heeseung wasn’t stupid, he’d seen enough rom-coms to know that the girl always ended up with the friend she joked around with and not the hot popular guy that made her feel nervous.
Jay and him had been rivals since he could remember, and not rivals like you and Jay, but proper rivals, who actually had to fight for something. Well, technically, it was their fathers who were competing as CEOs of some of the top firms in the country, but since they were bound to take their place at some point, it had felt like their competition as well. Nothing was off-limits when it came to their rivalry, and you were most definitely not an exception, not to Heeseung. He couldn’t stand seeing Jay have something he didn’t. At that moment, he made up his mind.
Heeseung had to have you.
But before that, Jay needed to give his closing speech. As soon as he’d stepped on the stage, the chatter started to quiet down, and everyone turned their attention to him. Much like you earlier, he hadn’t realized how bright the lights were when standing onstage. He could only see over a hundred people staring right at him, and his confident demeanor from moments ago crumbled at his feet. He scanned the crowd for your face, desperately needing something, or rather someone, to anchor him. When his eyes finally found yours, he felt strength regaining his body. His mother followed his gaze and found you looking right at her son, sending a reassuring smile and thumbs-up his way.
Jay’s speech went very smoothly, and everybody congratulated him for it as they left the room.
Back home after a stressful but rewarding evening, all Jay wanted to do was take a shower and pass out in bed. But his parents had other plans.
“So…” started his mother, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
“So?” Jay asked, already fearing whatever his mom was about to say.
“Y/N’s a nice girl,” she simply stated, hoping Jay’s reaction would give her more to go on.
And oh boy did it. He immediately started blushing and stuttering at the sudden mention of your name. He knew you’d spoken with his father at the fundraiser, but he hadn’t thought his mom would bring you up.
“Y-Y/N? Yeah, I guess. But what about her?” he said, looking away and trying to sound uninterested, but blatantly failing.
His parents exchanged a look. “C’mon, son,” his dad picked up, “you don’t need to hide something like that from us. We’re very happy that you’ve found a nice girlfriend like Y/N.”
A nice… girlfriend? Had Jay heard that correctly? His parents thought you two were… dating? 
As he stared at them wide-eyed and mouth agape, they just chuckled softly at him. “It’s okay, Jay, really. She made a dazzling impression on all of the guests tonight, and on us. She’s exactly the kind of person you should be dating, so don’t worry about us getting in your way of anything. We approve of your relationship.”
Jay started laughing in disbelief, and his parents just took it as a sign of his relief. If only they knew. “Right,” he said between chuckles, “thanks, guys.”
Why he didn’t deny what his parents were saying was beyond him. A part of him didn’t want to disappoint them by telling them the truth - his mother had always urged him to get a girlfriend, saying he wouldn’t have the time for dating later on in his career, that he should enjoy his college years as much as he could. Another part of him loved the idea of dating you, and it hurt him too much to shatter that thought.
So he just nodded along, saying he was glad they liked you.
“We really did,” said his father. “In fact, you should bring her over for dinner sometime this week. It’d be nice getting to know her in a less formal setting, don’t you think? Ask her what she likes, I’ll ask the chef to cook it specially for her.”
“S-sure,” Jay said, already panicking - he’d either have to come up with an excuse as to why you couldn’t come to dinner, or with ways to convince you to be his pretend-girlfriend for a night. If he actually did ask you, he’d have to be very careful about it, otherwise it’d end up with you trying to pull his hair out.
What the hell had he gotten himself into?
At 10:43 a.m. the next day, you were waiting for Jay in front of the library. Right when you were about to turn your bedside lamp off, you’d received a text from him, asking to meet. Apparently, there was something he needed to tell you, and whatever it was, you were absolutely dreading it. Jay always had a lot of things to say, but he’d never felt the need before to warn you in advance that he needed to tell you something. Those kinds of messages were never very pleasant, and even less so when they came from Park Jongseong. Rereading the messages, you really couldn’t figure out what was so important that required you to take a break from your weekly Saturday morning study sessions.
00:44 archnemesis: Hey Y/N
00:44 archnemesis: Are you still up?
00:44 you: do NOT fuckboy text me jongseong
00:44 archnemesis: Sorry
00:45 you: go away im trying to sleep
00:45 archnemesis: Not trying hard enough obviously
00:45 you: shut up
00:45 you: what do u want
00:45 archnemesis: I need to tell you something.
00:45 archnemesis: Can we meet up tomorrow morning?
00:46 you: wtf
00:46 you: what is it ???
00:47 you: cant u just tell me now??
00:49 you: jay ???
00:49 archnemesis: Um.
00:49 archnemesis: I’ll tell you tomorrow!
00:49 archnemesis: :D
0:49 archnemesis: library 10:45?
0:50 you: ughhhhh
00:50 you: yeah whatever
00:50 you: this better be worth it istg
00:51 archnemesis: Good night Y/N &lt;3
00:51 you: EWWWW
You’d stayed awake for a while after that, trying to figure out whatever it was he needed to tell you, but the only thing you were sure about was that it had something to do with the fundraiser, since he’d texted you after it. Had he finally realized how superior in every aspect you were to him and would finally bow down to you? That seemed pretty unlikely. Did one of the guests there really like you and had spontaneously decided to pay for your studies and offer you an internship at their company? Were they impressed by your intellect and wanted you to become their kids’ private tutor? Possible. Or even better, maybe it was Jay’s parents whose attention you had particularly caught, and they wanted to reward you in some way. Maybe they thought you were amazing and that you’d be a perfect girlfriend for their son, and Jay, ever the daddy’s boy, would now shower you with gifts and attention in order to capture your heart.
Ha, as if, you thought, laughing to yourself. It was a lot less funny when Jay told you about the little misunderstanding.
You were sitting at the library café with Jay, who’d wanted to postpone delivering the news as much as possible and had bribed you with the promise of free hot coffee. Well, free for you, at least. Not that a coffee would create much of a dent in his bank account. After five minutes of chit-chatting, you were getting annoyed with him and didn’t understand why he was being so uncharacteristically awkward and asked him to cut straight to the chase. When he told you his parents thought you were his girlfriend and wanted to have you over for dinner this week, it took all you had to not spit the coffee right in his face. Not only was it ridiculous, it was practically exactly what you had imagined.
“Are you kidding me, Jongseong? I can barely pretend to be your friend, how the hell am I gonna pretend to be your girlfriend?”
Your words were like bullets piercing right through his body, but he had to ignore the pain, telling himself you were just shocked by the sudden news. “I’m sorry, Y/N, I just- I panicked, and I didn’t know how to tell them the truth. They seemed so happy,” he said, head hung low. You knew he was genuinely sorry, because he’d almost never actually said those words to you, so he had to mean them. The only other time you could think of was when he’d dropped his water bottle all over your laptop. The next day, he’d offered you a brand new MacBook with all of his notes already downloaded on it.
You sighed, unsure what to make of the whole situation. At any other time, your first reaction would’ve been to flip Jay off and tell him to get out of his own mess, but you felt like you owed him after what he’d done for you at the fundraiser. Even though he made it seem like no big deal, it still meant a lot to you that you’d gotten to spend the evening making yourself known to the guests and not serving them smoked salmon toasts, and that was all thanks to him.
“I guess I do owe you one, Jongseong.” His head snapped up and he looked at you with the most hopeful eyes you’d ever seen. “But before you get carried away,” you warned, “this is a one-time thing. Find an excuse, say we broke up or whatever. Fake dating is like, the most predictable trope ever,” you said, remembering all the heated discussions you’d had on the topic with Sieun.
But Jay paid no attention to that last sentence - he leapt up from his chair and came over to your side, engulfing you in a surprisingly warm hug. He muttered thank you over and over into your hair before realizing hugging wasn’t something you guys did and he might have just made things way worse. To his relief, when he took a sudden step back, you didn’t look upset at all, but rather amused at his sudden burst of excitement. 
He returned to his seat and cleared his throat. “Right. Thanks a lot, Y/N. My dad likes to have family dinners on Thursdays, so it’ll probably be then. I’ll, uh, I’ll take you there, so don’t worry about that.”
You chuckled at him. “You know I’ll never let you live this down, right?”
He sighed and shook his head, saying, “I know. But I’d rather have that than disappoint my parents, to be honest.” He smiled at you as if to take away some of the gravity of what he’d just said. You thought it wasn’t something he wanted to delve into, so you took a sip of your coffee and brought up the topic of this week’s tutorial for your cinema class, knowing it was a surefire way to start an argument with him. 
On Monday at lunch, you were sitting at the cafeteria with your friends. Keeho was telling them how fancy you’d looked and how you’d managed to charm everyone.
“I feel like I should be jealous, but what you did looked a lot more tiring than what I did, to be honest. When you’re a waiter at that kind of event, those rich people don’t even register your presence, so they just say the wildest shit in front of you. Apparently, CEO Cha is having an affair with CEO Liu’s wife, whoever they are.”
You chuckled at your friend, feeling even more thankful towards Jay that you didn’t have to spend your evening like that. The four of you continued chatting, which mainly consisted of complaining about how you already had so much work only two weeks into the semester. You were intently listening to the niche topic Sieun was learning about in her Bio class when someone dropped a bag on the table right next to your tray. The letters ‘Gucci’ were written on it in the iconic but simple font.
Your gaze went from the bag to the person holding it, and of course, it was none other than Park Jongseong himself.
“Hey, Y/N. Hey, guys,” he said, giving your friends a simple nod. They all replied with a confused hi. You were just staring at Jay, wondering what he was doing here.
“I got you something for Thursday night,” he explained. “Gotta wow the parents, you know?” he added with a wink.
“Uh-huh” was your very clever reply. You could feel your friends’ gaze ping-ponging between you and Jay.
Jay looked around the table, an awkward silence spreading between everyone. He cleared his throat. “Well, let me know if it fits or not. See you around.” And with that, he was gone as quickly as he’d arrived. You turned back to your friends, and their confused faces echoed your own. 
“What are you waiting for?” Sunoo nudged your arm. “Take a look inside!”
You took the bag on your lap and pulled out a magnificent green satin dress that was a lot more elegant than the one you’d worn at the fundraiser. You guessed Jay really did want for you to make a good impression on his parents. It seemed to be quite long and to not show too much skin, which you appreciated. You could only hope it would look as good on you as it did seeing it like this.
As soon as you’d taken it out, you’d heard your friends gasp. 
“God,” they’d said in turn, obviously mesmerized by the gift. 
You handed the dress to Sieun, who clearly wanted to admire it up close, and looked into the bag in case there was anything else. You were maybe hoping for a pair of earrings or a necklace, but it was wishful thinking. Instead, you found a sticky note signed Jay, which read, Wear the accessories and shoes from last week. I can’t spoil you too much just yet.
You hadn’t even noticed Sunoo was reading the note over your shoulder until he put his hand over yours in what seemed to be a confidential manner and said, with all the seriousness in the world, “Y/N, be honest with us. Is Park Jay your sugar daddy?”
Sieun and Keeho’s head snapped up and they stared at you expectantly. “What the hell? Why is that the first place your mind goes to?” you said, almost laughing in disbelief.
Bewildered, Sunoo replied, “How can it not? The wink, the Gucci gift, the note? It screams sugar daddy!”
“Wait - didn’t he say something about his parents? I’m not an expert, but I don’t think meeting the folks is sugar daddy etiquette,” Keeho mused, taking this way too seriously.
You took a deep breath. There was no point in not telling your friends what had happened, so you explained the events of the past few days to them, from Jay changing your role at the fundraiser, to his parents thinking you were dating, to dinner with them on Thursday.
When you were done bringing them up to date, they all looked at you with incredulous looks. After a moment, Sieun broke the silence: “Y/N, you’ve become a real walking rom-com. I’m so proud of you.” 
Keeho was tearing his bread apart, throwing chunks into his mouth. “I don’t know. Fake dating is kinda boring, to be honest.” Sieun let out an offended gasp and Sunoo nodded in agreement. 
“We’re not gonna be fake dating. Just for this one evening, I’ll pretend to be his girlfriend, and it’ll be over as quickly as it started,” you said, hoping that’d be the end of this conversation, but your friends wouldn’t back down so easily. 
“Y/N, that’s literally the whole concept of fake dating. You’ll think it’s only that one time, and before you know it, you’ll be married with three children, and it won’t be fake anymore,” Sieun warned, but you just shook your head and laughed, stealing Keeho’s other piece of bread from his tray.
“You guys are blowing this way out of proportion.”
“And you’ll be blowing something else soon…” Sunoo muttered, just loud enough for your table to hear. You let out an offended gasp but Keeho and Sieun just burst into laughter.
“What?!” he replied, imitating your outraged tone but sporting an amused smile. “Your whole rivalry thing is too cute, I can’t take it seriously. You won’t admit it to yourself, but you clearly like Jay a lot more than you do Heeseung,” he said with a shrug, as if it was all so obvious. You tried to find support in Keeho or Sieun’s eyes, but they avoided your gaze, guilty expressions on their faces.
“Guys, come on, you can’t be serious. Jongseong and I are just- we’re just-” Rivals? Friends? Soon-to-be fake boyfriend and girlfriend? Who knew anymore. You took a deep breath. “It’s not like that.”
“Whatever you say,” Sunoo sighed, but to your relief that was the end of the conversation. Your friends quickly moved on to another topic, but their words gnawed at the back of your mind like rabid bunnies. Either they were completely insane, or you had gravely misjudged Jay this whole time. 
When Jay rang your doorbell at 7:00 p.m. sharp on Thursday, you were just done applying a thin layer of gloss on your lips. That morning, he’d texted you to ask for your address and tell you to be ready at seven. You took a good look at yourself in the mirror and headed down the stairs to get the door, but your mother had beat you to it. 
Not used to keeping secrets from her, you’d told her everything. She’d looked at you curiously the whole time, a slight smirk on her face as if she knew something you didn’t. And sure enough, when you were finished talking, she’d said, “I knew there was something between you and that Jay boy. You talk way too much about him.”
Not her too, you thought, but you didn’t need to encourage her delusions by telling her your friends thought the same, so you’d tried to defend yourself. “Mom! I just told you, I’m only pretending, I’m not actually his girlfriend. If I did like him, you’d be the first to know.”
She looked at you with a knowing smile that moms loved to wear. “I do know. You’re the one who doesn’t.” You’d dismissed her with a roll of your eyes. Everybody around me’s going crazy, you thought.
When she opened the door, it revealed a very smartly-dressed Jay (but when was he not?), bouquet in hand. He immediately handed them to her and introduced himself.
“Nice to meet you, Mrs Kim. I’m-”
“Jay, I know. Y/N’s mentioned you.”
“Has she?” he asked, a genuine grin blooming on his lips. You ignored how the glint of surprise and - hopefulness? - in his eyes tug at your heartstrings.
“Just once or twice, and never positively,” you interrupted, appearing next to your mom. Taking your appearance in, she nodded at you approvingly, but Jay just stood there, mouth agape, seemingly transfixed by you. He only snapped out of his daze when you called out his name.
“You ready to go?” you asked, and hoped that the heat that had traveled to your face was hidden by your makeup.
“Uh, yeah, yeah. Let’s go. It was nice meeting you, Mrs Kim.”
“You too, Jay. Thanks for the flowers. I hope Y/N will be a good fake girlfriend to you tonight.”
“Oh, you told her?” Jay asked you, looking somewhat disappointed. 
“I wasn’t gonna lie to my mom about my boyfriend,” you said, nudging him out of the door. “Bye, mom!”
You ignored her reply (“Don’t have too much fun!”) and walked speedily towards Jay’s car, which looked far too expensive for this neighborhood. As you got closer, he took a few quick steps in front of you and opened the passenger door for you. You rolled your eyes, not wanting to let on how the gesture made your stomach flip. “No need to go that far, Jongseong. Don’t try to woo me.”
He hurried to the driver’s seat, looked at you with a grin and said, “Might as well get into character now.” His gaze lingered on you for a second too long, and you started feeling self-conscious when his eyes moved up and down over your body. When you coughed, he suddenly turned his attention back to the front and gulped, then started the car. He looked taken aback himself, as if he hadn’t even noticed he was staring at you. After a few seconds of silence, he said, “I really do have good fashion taste.” 
Although he was technically complimenting himself, you caught yourself hoping he also meant you looked good in the dress he’d chosen for you. “You could have included shoes and jewelry, you know. I wouldn’t have taken it the wrong way,” you said with a playful tone. 
“Sounds like you’re already getting used to a lavish lifestyle,” he retorted, making you smile sheepishly. 
“I’m just not used to dressing up nicely like this. It’s nice,” you said truthfully. You weren’t sure where the honesty was coming from, but something about being in a car with Jay made you feel like you could say anything - it felt safe, like whatever you could tell him would stay between the two of you. What happens in Jay’s car, stays in Jay’s car, or something along those lines. 
Jay wanted to tell you that if you gave him a chance, you could do this anytime you wanted. He’d buy you all the dresses you could dream of, and give you a taste of his world, which he so often found bland and shallow, but that he was sure you could light up in the blink of an eye. But he couldn’t say that, so instead, he said, “Yeah, I noticed. I don’t think anything you’ve ever done or said offended me more than that one time you showed up to class wearing a ‘where the hell have you been, loca?’ t-shirt.”
“Shut up, that shirt is amazing!”
“Maybe, but the movie it’s quoting is an absolute trashfire of a film, if you can even call it that,” he claimed, knowing it’d get a reaction out of you.
“Don’t talk shit about Twilight, Jongseong, or I’ll mess tonight up and your parents will think you’re dating a psycho.”
He turned to you with a smirk. “I’d like to see you try.”
You’d always known Jay was a confident man. It’s obvious in the way he holds his head high whenever he enters a room, or how he manages to stay calm and collected during an argument with someone who’s practically shouting at him (you, usually). And while he was always self-assured during your debates, seeing him act like this to practically flirt - could you describe it like that? - with you rendered you speechless. And you hated being speechless.
So you crossed your arms with a hmph and looked out the window, turning away so he couldn’t catch your fluttered state. 
You finally arrived at his parents’ house after a half-an-hour drive (“You live so far away, do you seriously drive to campus and back everyday?” “Yes, Jay, not all of us can live in a three-bedroom flat in the middle of the city”). As soon as you walked in, his mother greeted you with a warm hug, telling you how pretty you looked, and his father clasped your hand tightly, the lines around his eyes showing as he smiled at you. By the looks of it, you wouldn’t need to do much for them to like you.
You could tell Mr Park was a businessman by the way he didn’t beat around the bush when talking to you. As soon as you’d sat down in the (or at least one of the) living rooms for drinks and small appetizers, he asked, “So, Y/N, tell us about yourself.”
Having anticipated such a question, you started, “Well, I’m an Econ major-”
“Yes, but I know there’s more to you than just academics,” Jay’s dad interrupted with a well-intentioned smile.
You looked at Jay, hoping he could help you out. He just looked back at you as if he was waiting for your answer as much as his dad was. “Right. Um. Where should I begin?” you said with an awkward chuckle. You felt a bit put on the spot, but there was only genuine curiosity in all three pairs of eyes looking at you, so you felt comfortable enough to go on.
“I’ve always lived here. Or, technically, in the suburbs. Since I spend most of my time either studying, working at my part-time job or commuting back and forth between school and home, I don’t have much time for hobbies. I just use my free time to spend time with my friends or my family.” You looked at the three people in front of you, wondering if you’d said enough. After a beat, you added, “Sorry, was that too depressing?”
Mr and Mrs Park chuckled at you, and he instantly reassured you, saying, “No, no, not at all. Tell us about your family.”
You were expecting that one too. “Well, it’s just my mother, my little sister and me. But she’s at boarding school right now, so I only see her during the holidays.”
“Boarding school - that’s pretty impressive,” commented Jay’s mom.
You smiled fondly at the thought of your little sister. “Yeah, she’s a smart cookie. Got there on a scholarship and everything. She likes it most of the time but she does complain about how the people there are all-”
You stopped yourself before your tongue could slip up and potentially offend Jay’s parents. But to your surprise, they smiled and, in turn, said, “Rich and self-centered?” 
“Little kids who think they run the place when they’re only fourteen?”
A chuckle escaped you, not expecting them to share that kind of opinion with you and your sister. An amused tone in your voice, you nodded your head and said, “Yeah, exactly.”
“Yeah, I know all about those. Your boyfriend here might have been born into wealth,” he started, and you tried not to choke on your drink at Jay being referred to as your boyfriend, “but my father’s company, the one I’m in charge of now, only started being successful when I was in high school. My dad worked his way up from the ground, so he and I both know what it’s like to not be well-off. I’ve tried to not turn Jay into one of those rich kids who think they’ll rule the world just cause they have money, and… well, I hope I did a good job.”
You looked at Jay with a grin. He looked right back at you as if to say, I dare you to tell my dad he’s wrong. If this was anyone else in any other situation, you definitely would’ve told them Jay is one of the most privileged people you’ve ever met. You thought for another second - yes, Jay was definitely privileged, but there was a sort of innocence about him. He’d never used his wealth to make you feel inferior to him or anything of the sort. When he’d bought you that MacBook, it was to apologize, not to show off. It was as normal for him to have his meals cooked and laundry washed as it was for you to sigh in defeat every time the price of milk went up, even by just a cent or two.
So, still looking at him, you replied, “Yeah, I’d say you did a pretty good job.”
The way Jay’s eyes looked in that moment, fond and soft, made you want to never look away. But you didn’t want to make it awkward, so you turned back to his parents, who were watching the two of you with affection. Maybe Jay and you were a little bit too good at this whole fake-dating thing.
A maid came into the room to announce dinner was ready, and you all headed to the dining room. When plates of your favorite food arrived, you looked at Jay, astonishment written all over your face.
“How did you know?”
“You might’ve mentioned it here and there…” he sheepishly answered, knowing fully well that he’d gotten the information from a tweet you’d made eight months ago.
As conversation picked up again and you exchanged with his parents over a bunch of different topics, from childhood memories to that weird new Netflix show that’s strangely addicting, you tried to ignore Jay’s stare that was burning into the side of your face. 
“What about your dad?” he suddenly asked, catching everybody in the room off guard. Noticing your confused look, he continued, “Earlier. You said it was just you, your sister and your mom. What about your dad?”
His mom furrowed her eyebrows at him and said, “Jongseong, leave her be. If she hasn’t told you, she probably doesn’t want to talk about it.”
You took a deep breath. “No, it’s alright. I don’t mind talking about it, I just don’t usually bring it up cause it makes people think of me differently? Like they start to pity me just because my dad’s out of the picture, when, really, it hasn’t affected me that much. I’ve never known him, my mom has always raised the two of us on her own.” You looked down at your hands. You hadn’t even realized you’d been fiddling your fingers. “It just seems too cliché, the poor girl who lives in the suburbs and is on a scholarship and doesn’t have a dad and redeems herself by having good grades. Which is why I like to usually keep it to myself.”
You looked back up at them and were relieved when you found understanding and not pity in their eyes. If there was one thing you didn’t want to happen, was for them to think you were leeching off of Jay or trying to get his money. Even though you weren’t actually dating, it would’ve still damaged your ego if they had seen you that way.
A few hours later, dessert was finished, and you could tell everyone was starting to tire (or had had too many glasses of wine) by the way the conversation was starting to make less and less sense. Jay was looking at the three of you in amusement, stone cold sober, as he knew he’d have to drive you home later.
“Well, Y/N, son, we’re not going to hold you hostage here any longer. You still have classes tomorrow,” Jay’s dad said.
His parents led the two of you to the door as you gathered your coat and bag. “It was so lovely getting to know you more, Y/N. You truly are a sweet girl, and we can tell you’re making our Jay very happy,” his mother said, pulling you into a hug.
“You better treat her well, son,” said Mr Park. Jay looked over at you, and there was something in his eyes you couldn’t quite explain; all you knew was that it sent shivers straight down your spine. “I will,” he simply said, but with so much honesty, it made you wonder if he actually did mean it.
“Oh, and Y/N, there’s an event this Saturday. It won’t be as fun as ours last week, but I’m sure you could find a way to enjoy it. Plus, it wouldn’t hurt for people to see what a nice, hardworking girlfriend Jay has,” his father said, beaming down at you.
Jay and you exchanged a look, and the panic at the sudden invitation made you say, “Yes, I’d love to attend!” instead of finding a palatable excuse.
You exchanged final goodbyes with his parents, and as soon as you were in the car, you let out a hearty groan.
“My God, what’s wrong with me? Why did I have to say yes to that?”
Jay started the car. “I’m surprised too. If you had given me three seconds, I could’ve come up with an excuse for you. But I mean, I’m not gonna complain.”
You turned your head towards him, a pout on your face. “What do you mean?”
Jay kept his eyes straight on the road as he answered. “Well, like he said, it won’t be a bad look for me to have you on my arm. As much as it pains me to admit, you’re charming and intelligent, and,” he glanced quickly towards you, “I have good fashion taste, so you don’t look like an absolute fool in that department either.”
You snorted at his coyness. “Just say I’m pretty and move on, Jongseong.”
“Is that what I said, though?” he asked, a devilish grin on his face. 
You gasped dramatically, trying to appear as offended as possible. “Your dad literally just told you to treat me well, I’ll have you know.”
“They really fell for it, didn’t they?,” he said with a sigh. “I have to say, you did a pretty good job tonight. Almost got me wondering if you’re not used to being people’s fake date for the night.”
“Yeah, it’s my side job actually.” You smiled at each other, and when the eye contact lasted a second too long, you both quickly turned your head to the road. “So, what’s Saturday night about?” you asked, wanting to break the silence.
“Oh, it’s probably just another boring event where the grown-ups go to socialize and flaunt their wealth or their children’s prowess.”
“Wow, look at you being all critical. I thought you lived and breathed that kind of stuff.”
“I like it when it has a purpose. Like a fundraiser, or a company opening, or whatever. But this is just another excuse for people to show themselves off. You don’t have to come, you know. I can probably find a way out for you.”
Once again, without thinking, you immediately answered, “I’ll come.”
Jay glanced at you quickly, an eyebrow raised. “Wh- Really?”
You shrugged, trying to stay casual. “I mean, I don’t have anything on Saturdays. Might as well keep you company. Turns out you’re not always insufferable.” You’d lowered your voice for that last sentence, only half-heartedly admitting it. But of course, Jay wasn’t going to let you go with it.
“Huh? What was that? I don’t think I heard you,” he teased, leaning slightly towards you.
You gently nudged his shoulder, saying, “Shut up, you heard me. Just because I tolerate you slightly more doesn’t mean you’ve stopped being my number one rival.”
You’d never seen Jay smile that much. You sometimes caught glimpses of it when he was with his friends, but with you, he usually had an arrogant smirk, so seeing his genuine grin made your heart swell with joy you couldn’t explain. 
“Of course not. I wouldn’t assume anything else.”
He dropped you off at your house and made sure you were inside before driving away. When you told your mom about your night, she watched you with a smile, that knowing glint in her eyes still there. When she tried hinting at you having feelings for the boy, you’d gotten off your chair and shouted good night! before heading to bed. 
Saturday quickly rolled around the corner, and you were in your room with Sieun, trying on the two dresses Jay had given you to pick from. “They’re both good, I just wanted to see if you’d choose the best one,” he’d said. This time, he’d also included a new pair of shoes and a set of matching jewelry. Your friends kept teasing you about him being your sugar daddy (“you can’t deny it anymore, Y/N”), and you had to admit you were starting to feel a bit like that, even though you weren’t really giving him any sugar. He was just spoiling you like it was his day job.
He was right; both dresses were gorgeous. They were both black, but one of them was body-fitting with an open back, while the other cinched in at the waist and had puffy sleeves. You couldn’t deny that you looked good in the first one; Sieun had let out the loudest gap when she’d seen you in it. But you both agreed that it was on the riskier side, and it was probably more appropriate to wear the second dress.
You were laying on your bed, talking about this and that. It’d been a while since it was just the two of you, and it was nice catching up with her.
“So…” she’d started, an impish tone to her voice. You knew immediately what she wanted to talk about and let out a loud groan, but that didn’t deter her. “Wanna tell me about Jay?”
It was obvious what she was trying to get at, but you weren’t going to give her what she wanted. “Well, he’s rich and has a huge house. Not surprising. He drives well. He’s not half as annoying when he’s in front of his parents. Probably not trying to be as much of a smartass. He seems to think he’s all that. He-”
“Okay, okay, I get it!” she said, laughing. “What I mean is, has anything changed between you two? Have you finally come to your senses about the boy?”
You thought about it for a second. Something had definitely shifted in your perception of Jay. You felt it in the pit of your stomach every time he smiled at you. But it was scary: this wasn’t you and Jay. You and Jay argued, and riled each other up, and got on each other’s nerves. You didn’t crack jokes so you’d hear the other laugh, or agree without thinking when they asked you for a favor. It was confusing, so instead of voicing out those concerns, you lied. “No. Not really.”
But your friend wasn’t buying it. “C’mon. The guy buys you dresses, gets your mom flowers, drives you to his parents’ for dinner. I know it’s not for realsies, and you’ve got integrity or whatever, but you can’t completely be indifferent to it, Y/N. Even you’ve got to admit Jay’s hot.”
You laughed at your friend’s reasoning. “Fine. Maybe he’s not just someone to beat anymore. I guess that’s what fake dating will do to you. But that doesn’t mean I have to say he’s hot.”
She turned to fully face you. “Not even when he’s all dressed up? Or when he hands you a bag that has contents worth thousands?”
Her eyes were telling you that you had to agree with her. You tried to suppress a smile, still not wanting to admit anything. Just because you and Jay had been rivals since you’d met didn’t mean you went blind every time you saw him. Of course, you knew how attractive he was. But you had conditioned yourself to never see him that way, so letting on that you didn’t think he was completely repulsive felt like betraying yourself. 
Sieun laughed at your reaction. “C’mon! Say it!”
You pursed your lips together, suppressing a smile, and shook your head. The tilt to Sieun’s head and the devilish glint in her eyes told you your friend was up to no good - and indeed, a second later, she was on you, tickling your sides and asking you to “say it! Say it!”
“Fine, fine!” you said between breathless giggles. She finally relented. “I think Jay’s hot.”
“Do you, now?”
The sudden male voice made you and Sieun shriek. You sat up in your bed and found its owner - sure enough, Jay was standing in your doorway, leaning against the wall and clearly liking what he’d just heard. Your mother soon appeared behind him, explaining that he’d knocked and she let him in, telling him to go up to your room. She mouthed sorry and quickly scurried down the hall.
“I’m not sure why it took you so long, but I’m glad you’ve finally opened your eyes, Y/N.”
Sieun’s eyes were going back and forth between the two of you, until she stood up and said, “Well, I guess that’s my cue to go. Have fun you two, and tell me all about it on Monday, Y/N!”
Before you could protest, she had already left your room, sending Jay a wink as she passed by him. It was silent for a few seconds as you sat there in embarrassment, cursing the Gods for your awful timing. He walked in and sat down at the edge of your bed, comfortable and keeping his distance at once. The sentence there’s something perfect about him flashed in your mind but you were quick to brush it away. “So, which dress did you choose?”
“The one with the puffy sleeves,” you replied, unable to look him in the eye.
He tutted, shaking his head disapprovingly. “Wrong choice.” You rolled your eyes. “Show me?”
This made you look at him. His smile was taunting, but his eyes were soft. With the way he looked right now, you thought he could ask you anything and you’d say yes. You hadn’t imagined that him sitting on your bed would make you stammer like a schoolgirl in front of her teacher crush, but here you were, almost rendered speechless by the mere sight of him. The fact that he was manspreading and leaning back on his hands, the top buttons of his shirt undone and his trousers stretching against his thighs, wasn’t particularly helping. More shyly than you intended, you told him to turn around and close his eyes, then quickly put the dress on. You were thankful for its lack of zipper - you don’t know if you could have handled Jay zipping your dress up for you.
“Okay. You can turn around now.”
This was already the third time Jay was seeing you all dressed up, but his gaze managed to make the heat rise to your cheeks every time. The corners of his lips rose slightly. “Wrong choice,” he repeated, “but you still look really good, Y/N.”
You couldn’t stop the smile spreading on your face as you coyly replied, tugging at the hem of your dress, “Why thank you, Jay.”
“You gonna be ready to go soon?” he asked, checking the time on his phone.
“Yeah, just need to put on jewelry and shoes, and I’m good. Sieun did my makeup for me earlier.” You put on the thin silver earrings and ring Jay had gotten for you and checked your reflection in the mirror. You put a hand to your collarbone, thinking the area looked a bit empty without a necklace.
“Should I wear the necklace from last time? It looks a bit weird without anything right now,” you asked Jay, keeping your gaze on the mirror. 
“Um, I’ve got something, actually. I forgot to give it to you with the rest of the things.” He fished a small box out of his bag and got up to stand behind you. He took out the necklace and put it around your neck, asking you to hold your hair up. You complied, looking at his reflection in the mirror. His hands slightly brushed the back of your neck as he locked the necklace, and you had to keep yourself from visibly shivering at his touch. This was infinitely worse (or better) than him zipping up your dress.
He absent-mindedly let his hands slide along your shoulders until they came to a halt on the sides of your arms. His eyes met yours in the mirror, and with a smile, he said, “All done.”
Nothing, not even the fundraiser of the previous week, could’ve prepared you for how lavish this party was. Whereas the fundraiser has been in an 18th century ballroom, in the old part of your city where most of the architecture was traditional, this event was taking place in the newer, richer part of the city where skyscrapers constituted most of the area. You were at the top of one of those skyscrapers, and from the huge windows that made up two of the four walls of the spacious room, you could see the whole city laid out right in front of you, as if it was yours to take. If having money meant seeing this everyday, you thought you could understand why rich people got addicted to it. 
As Jay and his dad had warned, the atmosphere that evening was very different from that of the fundraiser. Instead of gathering for a cause, this just felt like an excuse to get drunk and eat tiny, tiny appetizers that probably cost a hundred dollars each, all while looking rich and fashionable. The room was quite dark, only the moon outside and the small LED lamps on every table bringing light in. You’d never seen such an impressive collection of alcohol (to be fair, you’d only ever been to frat parties where most of the alcohol was cheap beer and dodgy brands of vodka), and you were really going to have to restrain yourself from trying out every cocktail the barman offered. Although most of the people there were in their forties to sixties, and the younger people were only there thanks to their parents, the dress code wasn’t as formal as you’d have imagined it to be, and Jay’s assessment of your dress as the “wrong choice” now made more sense. The women wore dresses that showed quite some skin, or didn’t leave much to the imagination, and the men had left their suit blazer behind and hadn’t buttoned their shirt all the way up.
It was all a bit mind-boggling at first, but you soon got used to it, and Jay’s warm hand on your lower back reassured you. At first, the two of you walked around together, talking to different people, and hoping you were making your “relationship” clear to them. You were glad Heeseung or anyone that would’ve recognized you wasn’t there: you could handle pretending to be Jay’s girlfriend in front of his parents and other random people, but in front of the whole school, that would’ve been a whole other level of fake dating.
Watching people slowly slip into a drunk state as the hours passed was just about the only source of entertainment you got that night. The two cocktails you’d tried out were way too strong to your liking, so you didn’t feel like drinking anymore, and Jay couldn’t because he was driving you home later on. When most guests were beyond the point of being able to hold a coherent conversation, you and Jay took it as your cue to leave. You found his parents among the crowd to tell them goodbye, and you could tell they weren’t completely sober by the way they kept telling you you were amazing and made you promise three times you’d attend more of these events. Guess you couldn’t back out now.
And indeed, as weeks passed, it became a normal thing for you to accompany Jay every time he had an event to attend. Your wardrobe was going to burst from all the outfits he kept buying you, but you weren’t going to complain. Jake and Sunghoon, as sons of CEOs of smaller but still important companies, were sometimes present. They usually ditched these types of events, and you couldn’t blame them, but they still made the effort from time to time. You were already friends with Jake before; the two of you had lived in the same dorm building and kept finding each other in the study room late at night, then started to bond over insolvable questions and watered-down instant coffee. Sunghoon, on the other hand, you hadn’t had many chances to talk to, and you couldn’t lie, judging by his appearance alone, you had first thought he was even more self-centered than Jay. But after talking to him for just a minute, you found that that cold facade quickly broke down and he was easy to talk to and very funny - in his own way, but funny nonetheless.
Heeseung wasn’t always at these events, but whenever he was, you couldn’t miss him. He always garnered attention, especially from the female guests, but he always kept his eyes trained on you. In all your three years of liking him, he’d barely spoken a word to you, so why the sudden interest? Usually, you’d have craved his attention; but for some reason, at those parties, you felt indifferent towards it. You hated how he was always with a different girl and never approached you, yet wasn’t trying to keep his glances towards you discreet at all. Jay noticed it too, and a couple times you’d even had to stop him from going up to Heeseung and asking him what the hell he wanted. 
Since you didn’t have money to bedazzle people with, you always tried to make a good impression with your conversation and intellect, but some nights you just weren’t up to it and spent most of the time laughing with Jake and Sunghoon, as Jay was often too busy talking to someone else. Tonight was one of those nights; half an hour into the party, an important businessman approached Jay and started talking to him, completely ignoring you. He always ended up apologizing later on, but you didn’t reproach him for it - you knew he had a reputation to uphold and that these events were important for him. Plus, it wasn’t like he owed you anything - you weren’t his girlfriend after all, even if the line between real and fake had started to blur more and more often as of late. 
Feeling out of place, you looked around the room and found Jake and Sunghoon at the bar, six shots lined up in front of them. You had never gotten drunk at any of these events, not wanting to risk embarrassing Jay or his parents, but tonight seemed like it was gonna be the most boring one as of yet. So you gestured to Jay that you were leaving and joined the two boys.
“Room for one more?” you asked when you reached them. They turned around and smiled at you; this was clearly not their first drink of the night. 
“Of course!” replied Jake excitedly, beaming at you. You could tell he already had a few drinks in his system. Without further ado, you each took a shot glass in your hand, clinked them and brought them to your lips, dipping your heads back. The burning of the alcohol as it glided down your throat was both repulsive and intoxicating, and you were soon reaching for the second one. The boys cheered you on and quickly mirrored you. 
Although you’d promised Jay you’d always be on your best behavior, as the evening went on, you never refused a drink that the servers approached you with or the boys offered you. Without Jay to make snide remarks about the snouty guests with, the evening was a lot less fun, so you couldn’t help but down every glass of alcohol that came near you; since Jake and Sunghoon were doing the exact same thing, none of you were realizing exactly how drunk you three were getting. At least, you weren’t going around the room, mumbling drunkenly to everyone; you were staying at a table in the corner, mumbling drunkenly to each other.
Jay was observing you from afar, trying not to worry and stay focus on the conversation (no matter how mind-numbing) he was having; but when he saw you almost fall out of your chair and burst into laughter right away instead of regaining your senses, he thought it was time to come check on you. He couldn’t help but feel guilty for having left you alone for most of the night, and he knew Jake and Sunghoon never stayed sober through these events, but in his defense, he didn’t think any of you would go that far.
He took a seat in the chair next to you, leaning close to you so you could hear him over the music and chatter of the guests. He asked you how you felt, and you gave him a lopsided smile in response. “Me? I feel great. This place is awesome once you’ve had-” you hiccuped, “a few drinks.”
Jay sighed but had an affectionate look on his face. “Right. I think it’s time to get you home.” He saw you open your mouth in what was probably going to be protest, so before you could say anything, he added, “And don’t even argue with me. I’m taking you home, let me just go let my parents know first. You two figure it out on your own,” he told Jake and Sunghoon, who had already started to doze off on their chairs.
He got up and headed towards his parents, and you watched him walk away with a pout on your face. Your vision was blurry from the alcohol and you could barely make out any faces, but you waved in what you hoped was the general direction of his parents. 
“She just keeps getting better, doesn’t she? Even when she’s drunk, she doesn’t embarrass herself,” said Mr Park when Jay announced your departure. “I’m glad you have her, son.” Jay was glad for the dimness of the room, which meant his dad wouldn’t notice how hard he was blushing. Even if it was all an act, thanks to his parents, he had gotten closer to you than he thought he ever would.
He bid goodbye to his parents and a few other guests, including Jake’s and Sunghoon’s parents, making them aware of their kids’ state, then went back to get you. The trek to the car wasn’t the easiest as tiredness had started to hit you and your body grew heavier against your will. You fell asleep as soon as your head hit the back of the passenger seat and Jay couldn’t help but think you were the cutest thing in the world. He then realized how far gone he must be to think you still looked precious in your current state.
The car ride was silent, your quiet snores and the soft chatter of the radio the only sounds filling up the space. Jay thought you were dead asleep as you didn’t wake up when he fished your keys out of your bag and carried you bridal style out of the car and to the door, but really, you just didn’t wanna have to walk. When he got to the door, though, you thought it would’ve been unfair to make him struggle that much, so you opened your eyes and quietly told him to let you on the ground. He walked you to your room, tucked you in bed and even got a wet wipe to take your makeup off for you. 
As he gently swiped it over your eyes, trying not to hurt you, your drunken state got the best of you and you asked, voice barely over a whisper, “Why are you doing all this?”
He didn’t say anything for a minute, and you thought he might not have heard you, until he replied, “Because I want to.” You were too tired to press the matter any further, although you desperately wanted to. You’d have to wait until you were sober - if you’d have the courage to bring the subject up then.
When he was done and got up from your bed, the sudden absence of his presence around you made you panic, so you called out, “Jay?”
“Yeah?” he said, and you hoped you weren’t imagining how expectant he’d sounded.
“Will you stay?”
Your eyes were too heavy to even open, so you couldn’t see his reaction. After a second that felt like an eternity, he answered, “Of course.”
You heard him steal a pillow and lay down on the carpeted floor next to your bed. Maybe it was the remnants of alcohol in your system, or the fact that spending so much time together, especially as his girlfriend - fake girlfriend - had made you see him in a new light, or the fact that you felt like your whole world would collapse if you didn’t have him next to you at that moment, or all three of those things. All you knew was that something beyond your control made you whisper “come here” in the quiet of your room, and, when he got under the covers with you but kept his distance, made you wrap your arms around him and cling onto his shirt as if he would disappear.
You slept like a baby that night, but Jay barely got a wink of sleep, the sound of his own heart beating uncontrollably keeping him awake.
You woke up that Sunday morning with a ringing headache, an upset stomach and a thirst you knew you wouldn’t be able to quench no matter how much water you drank. Your bed was empty, and the only thing that reminded you Jay sleeping overnight wasn’t a fever dream was his scent lingering on your pillow. The pang in your heart at his absence was hard to ignore - you were definitely curious about what it’d be like to wake up in Jay’s arms. 
The busy chatter coming from the kitchen forced you out of your bed, although you would’ve rather stayed there all day. As soon as you opened your bedroom door, the smell of pancakes and sizzling bacon attacked your nose, and you hurried downstairs.
The sight of Jay cooking breakfast for you and your mother alone was enough to cure your hangover. You sneakily watched from the staircase as he expertly flipped pancakes and cooked eggs at the same time, all while holding a conversation with your mom. You walked into the kitchen and poured yourself a cup of coffee before taking a seat next to your mom, trying to but failing to suppress a smile. “I didn’t know you were also a housewife, Jongseong,” you said, voice still groggy with sleep.
“I thought it was the least I could do after making you attend such an awful event,” he answered, and you had the suspicion he was only being nice because your mom was there, even though she knew you two weren’t actually dating. 
He kept that energy all throughout breakfast, making your mom laugh, and you watched him play his charm on her, glad you didn’t need to participate in the conversation. Any mom would be lucky to have him as a step-son, you caught yourself thinking.
Your mother hugged him when he left, and turned to you with a smile as soon as she’d closed the door. “Y/N, there’s no way in hell you don’t wanna date that boy. Hell, if he wasn’t half my age, I probably would.”
You took a cold water bottle from the fridge and said, “We’re not talking about this,” then headed up the stairs to your room. You ignored her calling after you and laid down in bed. Last night had given you a lot to think about.
You never got as drunk as that night again, not wanting to repeat that situation. Your relationship with Jay had already changed so much in so little time, but now, there was a lingering tension that always kept you on edge, and it wasn’t due to the constant arguing. It was due to the way you couldn’t get his scent on your sheets out of your head and the way he couldn’t forget how you had held onto him that night. You two had always said whatever was on your mind to each other, especially if it was something that would annoy the other, but now unspoken words constantly lingered between the two of you.
Your friends saw right through you; even though you tried to play it cool, it was painfully obvious that Jay was much more than just competition to you now. You hadn’t told them about the time he’d slept over and made you breakfast, knowing you’d never hear the end of it; but they didn’t need to know about that to see something had changed. It was clear in the way you talked about him, which had gone from irritated to excited, or how you never mentioned Heeseung anymore. One time, you’d even said “dating Jay” instead of “fake-dating,” and Sunoo had immediately picked up on it.
“That-that’s what I meant!” you’d exclaimed defensively, but they’d all looked at you with teasing smiles.
Jay hadn’t been very discreet when he’d given you bags of designer clothes all over campus, like in the cafeteria, in a random hallway, or in a lecture hall, and given his immense popularity (you know, being handsome and rich and all that), a few rumors about you two dating were being spread around. But they hadn’t really blown up, since the both of you always denied them whenever someone asked you if they were true, because you didn’t need to keep the pretense at uni. 
The pretense - because that’s all it was, of course. Play pretend. Fake dating, keyword fake. But everything with Jay felt too real - the laughter in his car on the way to and fro the events, the smiles you exchanged from across the room, his hand brushing against yours when you sit next to each other during lectures. It wasn’t enough to have his arm around your waist once or twice a week, and it drove you crazy that you had him in bed right next to you but that you’d let him go. You needed to have him close, and for it to be real.
It was a sunny March afternoon when you realized this. Your week was surprisingly unbusy - along with the preparation for your lectures and tutorials, you only had two small online quizzes to complete, and all your bigger deadlines were so far away that even you didn’t see the point in starting on them already. So, armed with your favorite book and plenty of snacks, you’d decided to head to the park next to campus and spend a relaxing afternoon in the sun. It went as planned for about an hour, when an all too familiar voice called out your name - a voice that used to make you sigh in annoyance and roll your eyes automatically, but that now made your heart skip a beat in nervousness, you realized with some alarm.
“Hey! What are you doing here?” He sat down next to you on your picnic blanket, beaming at you like you were his good old friend he’d just run into. He had a professional-looking camera with him, something you’d never seen him carry around. You were so taken aback by his excitement at seeing you that no words formed in your mind, and you just raised your book and waved it stupidly.
Jay chuckled when he saw what you were reading. “Twilight, of course. And that’s the last one, isn’t it?” He shook his head in mock-disappointment at you. “I can’t believe you would put yourself through the torture of reading four of those books, Y/N.”
You just mumbled something about them being fun to read, turning your gaze back to the cover of the book you were holding. What the hell was wrong with you?! Usually, you’d be quick to shoot an answer back at Jay, either defending yourself or attacking him on one of his own weird preferences (you’ll never forget the day they had corn at the cafeteria and Jay had scarfed down at least five cobs in one sitting). But right now, Jay’s presence next to you turned your insides to liquid and rendered you unable to think properly. You hated it.
But then you noticed something on the book cover - “Jay, how do you know this is the last one?” From the corner of your eye, you saw Jay’s head snap up while you turned the book in your hands. “There’s no number on it.”
“O-oh,” he started, and judging from the growing blush on his face, you knew you’d caught him. This brought some of your usual confidence back to you. “Isn’t it common knowledge that Breaking Dawn is the last book in the series?”
You giggled at that. “Absolutely not.” His guilty expression only made you want to press further, and you added, “That’s something you’d only know if you’d watched all the movies and made the effort to remember the separate titles.”
He looked away, letting out a small hum as he found sudden interest in his camera. You were still smiling at him in disbelief. “Jongseong, have you seen all five Twilight movies?”
He furrowed his eyebrows and kept avoiding your gaze. “Pffft. No.”
At the sound of his name, he abruptly turned his head in your direction, and his glare only made you smile even more. “You’ve actually seen all five movies, I can’t believe this,” you said, almost laughing. Jay’s eyes softened slightly, just enough for you to notice. He turned his attention back to his camera, but he was smiling down at it as he spoke this time.
“It’s just that you’ve mentioned them so often, I thought I should check at least the first one out. Turns out they’re pretty addictive,” he admitted sheepishly.
“So you watched them for me?” you asked, and your voice was more admirative than you’d had intended it to be - you wanted to tease him, not let him know that what he’d just said actually touched you.
“I watched them for… research purposes,” he conceded. Your eyes met. Your cheeks were starting to hurt from all the intense smiling this conversation was bringing you, but you couldn’t help it. This time, you were the one to look away.
“Research purposes, of course.” A short silence ensued, the sort of silence you should’ve been used to with Jay by now but that always made you feel giddy - the sort that’s awkward in a lighthearted way, the sort where you’re repeating all the words that have just been said in your head and committing them to memory. The sort where you hope the other is feeling all the things you’re feeling.
You broke it first. “What about you, what are you doing here?”
Jay raised his head, looking like he’d just remembered he had come here for another purpose than just talking to you. “Right. I have a project for this elective I’m taking, so I need to film some stuff and I thought it’d be nice to do it here,” he explained, shrugging.
“Sounds cool,” you said, and you hoped he knew you actually meant it. He looked at you again, and he seemed surprised. “Tell me more,” you added, and from the way his features lit up, you could tell you had said the right thing. You positioned yourself more comfortably on the blanket as you listened to him.
“Oh, well, our professor’s a bit of a romantic so the project is all about finding beauty in the small things, the happiness around us, love…” 
Your gazes locked the moment he said that word, but it only lasted a second. Jay was quick to clear his throat and go back to his explanation, but it took you a few more seconds until you could focus on his words again. When you snapped out of it, he was showing you some films he’d already taken. They were all very short, just three or four seconds long, but a peacefulness emitted from each of them. An encouraging message scribbled into a lecture hall table, a cat laying on a windowsill, enjoying the sun, an old couple walking slowly hand-in-hand, teenage girls celebrating a birthday at an ice cream parlor, the metro passing quickly through the frame as the sunset paints the sky orange in the background. All beautiful moments that make up life, but that you never take the time to fully appreciate.
“This… this is beautiful, Jay,” you breathe, mesmerized by what he’d manage to capture.
“Yeah? Not too cheesy?” he asked, a small smile on his lips.
“Not at all. I think your professor will love this, you completely grasped the subject.”
He let out a shaky breath of relief, his smile getting wider. “Nice,” he said under his breath. Then he suddenly turned his head to look at you, an intensity in his gaze you hadn’t expected. “Would you mind if I took a video of you? Add you to the film?”
“W-what, like here? Right now?”
“Yeah,” Jay said, and when he smiled at you like that, who were you to say no?
“Okay, sure.” You tried to shrug, play it cool, but something about Jay looking at you through his lens and adding a video of you to all those beautiful ones he’d just shown you made your heartbeat speed dangerously.
“Great,” he beamed. “Just read your book. Pretend I’m not here,” he instructed. As if you could be anything less than hyper-aware of his presence, you thought.
Thankfully, the video was shot in just a few minutes as Jay searched for the best angle to take it from. Before you knew it, he was already back next to you, mirroring your position on the blanket as he laid on his stomach. You tried to ignore how his shoulder brushed against yours as he leaned on his forearms, showing you the video. You had to admit, it looked really nice - from this angle, the sun shone down on you perfectly, and you could see the wind blowing through the tree leaves in the background. It fit perfectly with the other videos.
“Beautiful,” Jay whispered, looking at the film with nothing but fondness in his eyes.
You didn’t linger on his words too long, just took the chance to tease him: “Are you complimenting me or your videography skills?”
The look in his eyes didn’t change as he turned his head and gazed down at you. “You, of course.”
A smirk tugged the corners of his lips up as he took in your flustered expression, your incoherent mumbles. “Whatever,” you mumbled when you regained the ability to speak. 
Another comfortable silence settled between the two of you as Jay busied himself with his camera while you read the same paragraph over and over, unable to concentrate on the words. You desperately wanted to say something, but had no idea what, so you were grateful when Jay broke the silence.
“Just need to edit this all together on my laptop, and then I’m all done. Thanks for your help, Y/N.”
“I didn’t do anything, though,” you said with a small smile. His compliment from earlier was still ringing in your ears.
“But you did. I think that shot of you will end the film perfectly.” 
Sure, Jay had gotten nicer and nicer to you as time passed - but today, he was really laying it on thick. He was making it hard to breathe properly. All you could do to save yourself was change the subject.
“So, this is for the Visual Studies part of your degree, right?”
For the second time today, Jay’s expression went from surprise to delight - you remembered, he thought. “It is, yeah,” he replied, with a wide grin he couldn’t control. He seemed to hesitate for a bit, as if deliberating whether he should say whatever it was he wanted to say or not. You were happy to see he opted for telling you. “If it was up to me, it’s the only thing I’d have done.”
You studied him for a bit. With just this simple sentence, you realized Jay’s life wasn’t as simple as you’d always imagined it to be. “But it’s not up to you, I’m guessing.”
He smiled sadly, and you had to resist the urge to take him in your arms. All these things you had been feeling for him, they weren’t supposed to be there, and you were getting really tired of fighting them back.
“It isn’t, no.” He turned over to lay on his back, and you imitated him, so that you were now both staring up at the sky. He sighed before speaking again. “My father isn’t a particularly conservative man, but he does like tradition. He wants to keep the company in the family, and as his only child, I’m the one the responsibility falls upon. He’s never even asked me if this was what I wanted to do, just assumed I’d be happy with it.”
In your three years of knowing Jay, you’d thought how unfair it was that he wouldn’t have to go through the hoops of job applications and job interviews. He already had a top position waiting for him as soon as he got out of college. But now you realized that he was completely trapped in the position - all of the decisions you’d taken academics- and career-wise had been your own, while Jay’s had been chosen for him in advance.
“I picked up photography as a hobby to get away from it all and ended up really falling in love with it. I have control over my camera even if I have zero control over anything else in my life,” he explained with a defeated chuckle.
You let your head fall to the side and looked at him. “I had no idea about any of this.”
Jay met your eyes and smiled. The sun was right behind you, so he had to shield his eyes from it to look at you. “Of course not. I never mentioned it.”
“I feel like I should’ve known, for some reason.”
His smile got wider. You looked away. “Why?”
“Just ‘cause. Maybe I would’ve gone easier on you if I knew you were also struggling.”
“I wouldn’t have let you.” He bumped your shoulder with his, making you let out a chuckle.
A beat passed before you spoke again. “Guess we both have a lot of pressure on our shoulders, huh? Even if they’re different kinds.”
“Guess we do.”
“Then we’re more similar than I’d thought,” you said, and looked at him again.
“Guess we are.”
A smile bloomed on your lips, and Jay’s eyes drifted down to it. That simple action made you panic, and you suddenly sat up. He didn’t have time to ask if everything’s alright, you were already throwing your stuff back in your bag and mumbling something about the time and having to go. You stood, and turned to Jay before scurrying off. “I’ll see you around.”
Jay chuckled, slightly confused, but let you go. It wasn’t until he left himself that he’d realized you’d left without your picnic blanket.
After that afternoon, you tried to pretend nothing happened, and that you hadn’t run away just because of Jay glancing down at your lips. You were already getting worked up over things you shouldn’t even be thinking about when it came to him - you didn’t need to have Jay kissing you on your mind.
Thankfully, Jay didn’t bother you about it, and you got back into your routine of arguing by class and pretending to be a couple by night. Everything was fine.
That is, until Mr Park happened.
You had waited all week, hell, all month for this: Jay’s dad was about to give a special talk for the School of Business on how to get a company started and efficiently run it, but most importantly, he would announce how to apply for a summer internship at his firm. You’d made sure to get there early so you could get a good seat. He noticed you when you walked in the amphitheater, and motioned to you to come see him.
“Y/N! Lovely to see you, thanks for coming,” he greeted, beaming down at you. It always surprised you just how similar his smile was to his son’s.
“Of course, Mr Park! I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
“Come and see me after the talk, yeah? There’s something I want to tell you.”
God, what was it with Park father and son to announce things like that? Why not just say it straight away? You kept those thoughts to yourself and nodded, then sat down at a seat in the front.
You listened intently the whole time and took down rigorous notes. When it was over, you had to wait another twenty minutes as people asked him questions, until he finally announced that was all he had time for today. You headed down towards the stage, and complimented him on his talk. Most people in the room had started trickling out, but there were still a few students waiting at the doors, hoping to catch him before he left.
“Oh, thank you, thank you,” he said with a chuckle, before taking a deep breath. “I realize now what I said earlier might have made you nervous, but don’t worry, you’re not in trouble.” 
You released a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Good. “I just wanted to thank you for being such a good girlfriend to Jay. I’ve always been proud of him, but I know he has a lot on his shoulders, so it’s nice to see that he has someone like you to rely on.”
You smiled at Mr Park, saying it was nothing, but you felt guilty. He truly believed in you and Jay, when the two of you were only pretending. Even though it didn’t always feel that way anymore. 
“Oh, and for the internship, I’m sure you’ll understand that it wouldn’t look too good if I gave it to you. But don’t worry, I’ll put in a good word for you wherever you decide to apply.”
A second passed. Then another, and another, until your lack of answer was becoming weird, and you had to say something. “Oh. Right. Of course, I understand,” you replied, hoping the disappointment in your voice wasn’t too obvious. You exchanged a few more words until you said you needed to get back to studying.
As you turned around to exit the room, you noticed everybody who had been waiting for Mr Park was staring right at you, wide-eyed. You tried to ignore them and get to the doors, but a girl stopped you. “So the rumors are true, you really are dating Jay?”
You’d never seen her in your life and were a bit shocked that a stranger could demand information about your love life, but you nonetheless shook your head and started to say, “What? No.”
“Why are you lying? We just heard everything,” said another voice.
“Yeah, it doesn’t matter anyway, just don’t lie.”
You turned your gaze away from the students to look behind you at Mr Park. Or more precisely, at the lecturer mic wrapped around his waist. From where you were, you could make out a tiny red light on the mic, signaling it was still on.
As soon as you were outside, you called Jay. He picked up after a few rings, groaning, “What? I’m at the library.” Ah, there was the Jay you knew.
“I’ll be here in two, come outside.”
“Right now,” you said sharply and hung up. 
Jay had wanted to scold you for disturbing him like that, but as soon as he saw you, eyebrows furrowed and biting your lip nervously, worry overcame him. “Hey. You okay?” he asked gently, placing his hands on your forearms.
“Yeah. I’m fine, but, um, everybody knows. »
He looked at you questioningly, and when you wouldn’t explain further, he asked, “Knows what?”
“You. Me. That we’re dating. Well, they think we’re dating.”
“What? How do they know?”
“Your dad. We talked after his presentation, and he thanked me for being a good girlfriend, except his mic was on. So everybody heard. And you know how gossip travels here, so everybody’ll know by tonight,” you said, sighing in exasperation.
Jay thought for a while. “Well, who cares if they know? We don’t have to change the way we act with each other. That’d be more suspicious, if anything. We’ll just have to not deny it when people ask if we’re dating.” 
Your frustration got the best of you and you scoffed, giving Jay a harsher look than you wanted to. His hands left your forearms. “How far is this gonna go, Jay?! How much longer do we have to-” You realized how loud your voice was, and switched to whisper-shouting instead of just shouting. “To pretend? I can let you parade me around those CEOs and whatnot, but I don’t wanna have to keep the charade up on campus, too.”
Jay’s law locked. He looked like you’d just punched him. But he didn’t say anything, so you dropped it. “Anyway, that’s not even the bad part. Your dad told me I wouldn’t get the internship.  And it’s fine, I guess I can get one somewhere else. But I wasn’t expecting it, and I was really looking forward to working at your dad’s firm.”
Again, he was silent for a small while, until he muttered, “Right.”
You looked up at him, and he was avoiding your gaze. Why wasn’t he surprised, or angry? Why wasn’t he reacting?
“Did… did you know?” you asked, unable to keep your voice from shaking.
“Jay. Did you know?” you repeated, tone harsher, more impatient.
“Um. Yeah, I knew,” he mumbled. He still wouldn’t look you in the eye. 
You shut your eyes for a few seconds, trying to grasp the situation. “Wh- you knew? And you didn’t say anything?” 
“Sorry,” he said, eyes trained on his shoes.
“Sorry? That’s it?” You shook your head in disbelief. You almost wanted to laugh. “How long have you known?”
“Since the beginning, really. My dad’s not the type to do favors, and he wants to keep up that image. So if you’re my girlfriend, he wouldn’t give you the internship.”
You couldn’t say anything. Not getting the internship was one thing. You could get over it. But Jay knowing from the start and keeping it from you, that was what really hurt you. You could feel tears forming in your eyes, but you walked away before Jay could see just how much he’d upset you.
“Y/N!” he called after you. He grabbed your wrist, making you stop in your tracks and turn around. The sight of you, teary eyes and staring at him with fury in your eyes, and knowing he was the reason behind it, made him indescribably angry at himself.
“Whatever it is you have to say, I don’t wanna hear it, Jongseong.” He tightened his grip on your wrist before you could snatch it away from him.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. I didn’t know you wanted that internship. If I did-”
“If you did? Then what? You wouldn’t have asked me to be your pretend girlfriend? You would’ve let me have a chance at the internship?” You shook your head. “Of course not. So save it.”
You managed to get out of his grip and continued walking away, ignoring him as he called out your name again. When you were a few meters away, you turned around and said, venom only in your voice, “I hope you realize how selfish you are, Jay.”
That’s when his heart broke.
Jay had been right when he said people wouldn’t care about the two of you ‘dating.’ However, the people who did care, your friends, were more confused than anything: you had gone from bickering non stop, to denying couple rumors, to not talking to each other. It’d been a week since your argument with Jay, and you still didn’t want to hear him out. You didn’t want to have anything to do with him: you straight-up ignored him every time he tried to get you to talk to him, had blocked his number and shut down your friends and mom whenever they mentioned him.
You missed him; you missed his stupid arguments, and his stupid jokes, and his stupid face, and how it had started to feel like he genuinely cared for you. Or at least, that’s what he’d made you think. And he’d made you think it so well, that you thought you might have been starting to genuinely care for him as well. Which only made his betrayal a hundred times worse.
You’d decided to drown your sorrows in textbooks, and spent most of your time at the library. On Thursday, you were searching for the week’s essential reading in the Econ section, and as you took out the book in question, you saw a pair of eyes staring right at you. You tried not to shriek but you felt like your soul had left your body. You’d barely had time to gather your spirits when the culprit had come round to your side of the bookshelf, and of course, it was none other than Lee Heeseung. God, you thought, could that boy get any weirder?
“Trouble in paradise, or so I’ve heard?” he asked in lieu of a normal greeting. Whatever happened to hello?
“That’s none of your business, Heeseung,” you replied curtly, opening the book.
He tried not to be taken too aback by your attitude. He was used to stammering and blushing Y/N, not you-better-not-give-me-any-shit Y/N. He wouldn’t say he disliked the change.
“I’m not sure why you thought dating a guy like Jay was a good idea in the first place, anyway. You could do a lot better, you know,” he said, and you couldn’t help but chuckle at the irony of it all. When you didn’t answer, he went on. “You know, we’ve missed you at the frat parties. I know you’ve been going to all those boring company events, but don’t you think it’d be more fun to let loose with us? Tomorrow night?”
This made you look up at him. He had that gaze again, the one you’d seen all those times, and you remembered why you’d liked him for so long. Something about his eyes, about the way he was waiting for you to say yes, made you reply, “I’ll think about it.” You returned his smile and headed back to your seat. You did think going to his party would be fun, and you definitely needed some of that right now.
Plus, you had the perfect dress for the occasion.
So here you were, standing in front of the frat house’s door, Sieun, Sunoo and Keeho at your sides, in the tight black dress Jay had given you but you hadn’t chosen for that one event. They were all used to this kind of party, but you’d only been a few times, and although they’d all hyped you up for it, you suddenly felt yourself deflate. 
“Guys, what if I just embarrass myself like last time? I don’t think I could live with that-”
“Nope! We’re not having this conversation again!” Sieun exclaimed, already pushing you inside. “You look hot as fuck, and tonight you’re gonna have so much fun and forget all about Jay.”
Keeho and Sunoo gave her a stern look. “Sorry,” she quickly apologized, but you barely heard her over the bass of the booming music. It was 11 p.m. and the party was well into motion. People were drunkenly dancing on the designated dance floor, and you tried to not conjure up memories of that last party. There were people everywhere you looked: on the staircase, in the backyard, in the kitchen. 
Your friends and you headed first to the mini-bar and shot down some vodka for liquid courage. As you started chatting, trying to see who was there, Heeseung approached you.
“Y/N! You came! And you look really good,” he said, taking in your figure. He pulled you into a hug which you returned warmly. The vodka was already having its effects on you, apparently.
“Can I get you guys a drink?” he asked you and Sieun. Keeho and Sunoo had already disappeared to the dance floor. 
“Sure,” you said, smiling up at Heeseung.
Sieun looked between the two of you, and said, “Actually, I’ll join the others. Come dance with us soon, Y/N!” And like that, she was gone, giving you no time to protest. She thought she was being slick, that one.
You and Heeseung chuckled. He got you a red cup and you watched him as he expertly poured different juices and liquors in it. “So, what made you decide to come?” he asked, handing you your drink. You took a sip of it and nodded approvingly.
“I just needed a good party. To let loose, like you said. Plus, who am I to deny an invitation from the great Lee Heeseung?”
Neither of you was sure where all the confidence was coming from. As soon as you’d said that, you looked down at your cup and smiled shyly. Heeseung looked at you curiously, but he couldn’t help but grin as well. You chatted a bit more, drinking one, two, three cups of the heavenly concoction Heeseung made for you. 
“Wanna dance?” he suddenly offered, extending his hand. Right at that moment, you saw Jay enter the house with Jake and Sunghoon. You saw him look around the room until his eyes zeroed in on you and the boy in front of you. Perfect, you thought. You smiled at Heeseung and took his hand, letting him lead you to the dance floor.
Somebody had dimmed down the lights and Lost in the Fire by The Weeknd was playing loudly, creating a sensual atmosphere in the whole room. Your body started swaying to the music, and you were thankful for the alcohol in your system, ridding your mind of any negative or self-conscious thought; you were just enjoying yourself, exactly like you’d wanted to do tonight.
You were getting lost in the music, when a pair of hands on the sides of your waist brought you back to reality. Heeseung got so close to you, you could feel his lips on your ear as they moved to whisper, “Having fun, princess?” 
You nodded fervently, leaning your head back on his shoulder, closing whatever gap there was between your two bodies. His hands traveled from your waist to your hips and you could feel his broad chest against your back as you two moved to the rhythm of the music. From where you were, you had a view of the living room. Jay was sitting there, a girl sitting so close she might as well have been on his lap, but he was staring right at you. You knew never hooked up with random girls at parties, so he had to be doing this to get a reaction out of you. You hated that it worked, that it only made the fire in you burn harder - so as a response, you started grinding your ass against Heeseung.
When the girl actually sat on Jay’s lap, you couldn’t look anymore, so you turned around and put your arms around Heeseung’s neck and faced him. His eyes had glossed over and he was looking at you with a hunger you’d never seen before. Well, that wasn’t true - you’d seen him look at other girls that way, and you always knew what happened after that, but you chased the thought out of your mind, forgetting all about that promise you’d made to yourself of never becoming another one of his drunk fucks. Now that his attention was on you and you only, you felt yourself wanting more. His hands traveled further down your body as he grabbed at your ass, bringing your hips closer to his. He bent down to press wet kisses up your neck until he reached your ear. 
“Wanna take this upstairs?” he asked. It sent shivers down your spine, but you couldn’t tell whether they were good shivers or not. You willed away your hesitation, smiling at him as he took your hand once again, this time leading you to what you assumed was his bedroom. As you walked up the stairs, you scanned the room and sure enough, found Jay sitting on a couch, staring right at you. You thought the beer can in his hand might explode, he was holding it so tight. Feeling you slow down, Heeseung tugged at your hand, and you detached your gaze from Jay’s, trying to drown out the feeling of guilt that was creeping up inside you.
As soon as he’d closed the door behind you, Heeseung wasted no time in pressing you up against the wall and kissing you hungrily. You hadn’t been kissed many times before, and surely not with such energy, but you were sure it was supposed to feel better. Heeseung was in no measure a bad kisser, he seemed to have the technique down to a T and kept a perfect rhythm. But you felt no fireworks, no butterflies, no light-headedness you’d always hoped would come with a good kiss. There was just no passion to it.
After a few minutes of making out, when you were starting to hope he’d get on with it, he said, breath irregular, “What would Jay say if he saw this, huh? Probably hates the idea of me kissing his precious girlfriend, don’t you think?”
The mention of Jay hit you like a ton of bricks. “Wh-what?” you stammered, not letting Heeseung kiss you when he leaned in again.
“Jay? Your boyfriend?” he repeated, looking at you bemusedly.
You chuckled once. Then twice. Then you just started laughing. “Oh, Jay? We’re not actually dating,” you revealed, your filter completely gone because of all the alcohol.
“What?” Heeseung took a sudden step back from you. His confused gaze had turned cold.
“We’re not dating, I said. It’s all fake, it was to make his parents happy,” you explained, yourself confused by Heeseung’s sudden attitude change. 
It was his turn to laugh. “Wow. That’s impressive. You managed to fool me.” His smile dropped. “Now get the fuck out.”
“Excuse me?” you said, crossing your arms over your chest. Who the hell did this guy think he was?
“You heard me. Get the fuck out. There’s no point in fucking you if you’re not Jay’s girlfriend. You’re just a random loser.”
You stared at him for a few seconds, until you started laughing. It only seemed to make him angry. “What the fuck are you laughing about? I told you to get out.”
You sighed amusedly as if Heeseung was just joking around. “I just think it’s funny that you won’t fuck me because I’m not actually Jay’s girlfriend, when that’s not stopped you from getting with a different girl every single weekend. Whore,” you said, adding that last part in a whisper. You didn’t actually care that Heeseung slept around, not anymore, at least, but you wanted to get a reaction from him after the way he’d treated you.
But perhaps you went too far, because Heeseung’s eyes turned even angrier, and he pushed one of your shoulders harshly, making you almost hit the wall. “I’ll tell you one last time. Get out, you pathetic little bitch.” 
Just at that moment, the door burst open, revealing a very angry Jay. 
“What the fuck did you just call her?” he growled, heading straight for Heeseung and grabbing him by the collar. The other boy didn’t seem fazed, a smile back on his face, as if this whole situation was funny.
“Aw, Jongseong is mad I’m not being nice to his little fake girlfriend?” You guessed Jay must’ve looked confused, because Heeseung continued, “Yeah, she told me. To be fair, I should’ve known even you wouldn’t date a fucking beggar like her.”
You weren’t quick enough to stop Jay from bringing his fist up to Heeseung’s nose. You swore you heard something crack. But as soon as you saw him get ready for another punch, you ran to him and held his arm, shouting, “He’s not worth it, Jay!” and God, you almost wanted him to punch you because of how cliché that had sounded, but you truly thought Heeseung wasn’t worth losing any energy over.
Your voice seemed to make Jay snap out of his fury, and he looked at you, worry written all over his face. However, that only lasted a second, as his expression then shifted to something you’d never seen on his face before, and he grabbed your wrist, leading you out of the room. The commotion had gathered some attention, and you left the house under a bunch of people’s curious looks and chatter.
What was it with men grabbing you and leading you wherever tonight? You were tired of it, so as soon as you’d reached the front yard, you got your wrist out of his grasp, and demanded to know where he thought he was taking you. He grabbed your wrist again, and said, “To my place. We need to talk.” 
The tone in his voice told you it was better not to test him, so you got in his car. Jay was always a safe driver, but this time, he sped through the whole city, even burning some red lights, reaching his apartment on the other side of town in a matter of minutes. You quickly texted your friends your whereabouts so they wouldn’t have to worry. The whole car ride had been silent but you could feel him fuming next to you, and you had no idea what to expect when you entered his apartment.
His place was exactly like you’d imagined it: modern, spacious, and way more organized that any other university student’s flat would be, but also had a lot of personal touches. It was very Jay, and if it hadn’t been for the tension between the two of you, you’d have immediately felt at ease there.
Jay walked through the dark apartment to the kitchen, where he turned on a single light. You followed him, unsure what else to do. He leaned against his hands on the island counter, head hung low, and you went to stand on the other side of the counter, waiting for his next move. When his head snapped up and he peered straight at you, you could barely decipher the look in his eyes, but thought it contained a mixture of jealousy, anger, and… hunger. He’d never looked at you that way before, and his gaze itself created a ball in the pit of your stomach. You told yourself it really wasn’t the moment, but you couldn’t help but feel desperately attracted to him.
“What the fuck were you doing with Heeseung?” he asked, finally breaking the silence.
You scoffed. “What the fuck were you doing with that random girl?” 
“I wanted to make you jealous.” He hadn’t hesitated a second before answering, and his confidence destabilized you. You’d guessed that had been his plan, but hearing him say it made you feel weirdly shy. “Now answer me. What the fuck were you doing with Heeseung?” 
You couldn’t hold eye contact anymore, so you looked down at the counter, and replied, “I um, I was drunk, and I… I wanted to make you jealous too, I guess.” You looked back up at him, wanting to gauge his reaction. He was now wearing a smug look, like he’d won something over you. He slowly walked over to your side of the counter, and when he reached you, he put his hands on the counter on each side of you, making you lean back against it. You gulped at the way he towered over you
“And why did you want to make me jealous?” He was so close to you now that when he uttered those words, voice barely over a whisper, you felt his breath fan over your face. As much as you tried to keep eye contact, your gaze fell down to his lips, and you saw him smirk. He caught your chin between his index finger and thumb, nudging your head up. “Eyes up here, doll.”
Your eyes met his again. He was looking at you so intently, you thought your knees might buckle under you. He cocked an eyebrow, patiently waiting for your reply. “Because I…” 
It was so obvious, but you hadn’t been able to bring yourself to say it, or even let yourself think it, before. But it needed to be put out there, once and for all. There was no point in fighting it anymore. “Because I like you, Jongseong.”
To your surprise, his smirk turned into a cheeky grin. It made some of the tension dissipate, but not enough for you to breathe properly again. “I like you too, Y/N.” You sighed out of relief at his words and mirrored his smile. 
“Can I kiss you?” he said, the thumb that had been holding your chin caressing your bottom lip.
“I thought you’d never ask,” you breathed, and he leaned in, your lips meeting delicately. It stayed that way for a few minutes, until the pent-up feelings that had been threatening to come out finally did, and hunger and passion took over the kiss. Jay was kissing you like a man starved, and all you could do was return everything he was giving you. This was nothing like you’d imagined it; it was infinitely better. Talk about fireworks, or butterflies, or light-headedness, you felt like you were on another plane of existence, like a kiss that felt this good and was this freeing wasn’t humanly possible. 
Your hands slipped under his shirt and the sudden contact of your cold hands against his warm skin made him shiver. You were glad to see you had as much effect on him as he had on you. Never breaking the kiss, he led you to his bedroom and sat down on his bed, gesturing for you to straddle his lap. Your dress rode up your calves a little bit, and he used this opportunity to pull it further up until it bundled up around your hips, leaving your lower half almost naked. You could feel how hard he was getting underneath your clothed core, and as the kiss grew needier, you started grinding against him, getting the both of you off. When you heard him groan against your lips, something snapped in you, and you wanted to hear that sound over and over, so you doubled down on your actions. 
His hands, which had been resting on your ass, came up to the nape of your neck, and he grabbed you by the hair, exposing your neck to him. He started pressing down eager kisses along your jawline, throat, and collarbones. When he found a spot in the crook of your neck you particularly liked, he started attacking it like crazy, sucking at the skin and turning you into a moaning mess. One of his hands came to cup your breast and he was very glad to find you were not wearing a bra. Your nipple had hardened through the fabric, and he started playing with it. That, as well the feeling of him in your neck and against your core, was overwhelming, and you felt like you were about to pass out because of how good it all felt. You didn’t know what to do with your hands so you alternated between running them over his arms and tugging at his hair.
As your lips met again, teeth almost clashing because of the intensity, you started unbuttoning his shirt. When it was off, you couldn’t not stare at him. You’d had an idea already, but you still couldn’t believe how toned his arms, chest and abs were. You thought to yourself, God, he’s so hot, and hadn’t realized you’d actually said it out loud until he jokingly said, “Yeah?”, looking up at you with the biggest smile. His hands ran over your calves, your thighs and your ass, sending shivers along the way, and he said, “You’re not too bad yourself, doll.” He kissed you with much more gentleness than before. “In fact, you’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever laid eyes on.”
You kissed him so he wouldn’t see the blush spreading on your face. He put his hand on your lower back, and guided you down on the bed until you were laying on your back, him hovering over you. He pulled your dress all the way up, helping you get rid of it. You were now left in only panties in front of him, and you would’ve imagined that to be intimidating, but his gaze was truly making you feel like a goddess. Nonetheless, you didn’t want to be the only one naked, so you tucked your fingers under his trousers’ waistband, gesturing for him to take them off. He chuckled but immediately obliged, getting rid of them in a matter of seconds. You had an even better view of his now fully-hard cock, and its size made you gulp. Your mind was quickly off of that, though, as he started trailing kisses all the way down to your breasts, taking one of your nipples in his mouth as his hand came up to the other. Your back arched at the sensation, and you only wanted more, more, more. Your fingers tugged at his hair and you breathed out his name between moans. 
After a few minutes, he traveled further down your body, until he was face to face with your dripping core. He hooked his fingers under your panties, looking up at you and asking you if this was okay. You nodded impatiently and he chuckled at your reaction. How could you be so cute even in this moment? He took your panties off excruciatingly slowly. You wanted to take your time, but you also wanted him where you needed him the most.
You did feel a bit shy when he stared at your sex with the utmost wonder, musing to himself, “So pretty.” He slid a finger between your folds, making you moan in relief and pleasure, and added, “So wet, too.”
You had lifted your body onto your forearms so you could take a good look at him. He peered up at you and, with a small smile, asked gently, “Tell me if it feels good, okay?”
“Okay,” you replied, nodding fervently.
Without wasting another second, he licked a stripe up your core, making you moan again, louder this time. He took that as confirmation to go on and continued exploring your pussy with his tongue. You practically screamed out in pleasure when he found your clit, and by the time he started sucking on it, your thighs were shaking like crazy. You didn’t have any strength left in your body and your forearms gave out under you, so you just lied down on your back, fingers still tangled in and pulling his hair. You hadn’t been able to actually tell him it felt good, but you were sure he understood that much.
One of his fingers, and then a second, entered you, filling you up. “Shit, doll, you’re so tight. How are you gonna handle my cock?”
He curled his fingers inside you and they hit a certain spot that made you see stars, and you were coming all over his fingers and tongue in a matter of seconds, screaming out his name and a string of blasphemies. You had to physically lift his head from your core, telling him it was too much, otherwise he would’ve kept going. He gave you a sheepish smile and you couldn’t believe the boy grinning at you was the same one who’d just said and done all those lewd things to you. He pressed a small kiss on your inner thigh, then lay down next to you on the bed, taking in your flushed cheeks and blown-over eyes. He couldn’t believe he got to have you like this, in your most vulnerable state, all to himself. 
When you’d calmed down from your high, you managed to say, “That was amazing, Jay.”
He let out a soft chuckle and kissed your forehead, then trapped your lips with his own. You could taste yourself on his tongue, but you didn’t mind. After a few minutes of lazily making out, you threw your leg over his to position yourself over his hips, and started pressing feather-like kisses down his neck. He’d made you feel so good, and you intended to return the favor.
You felt him sigh at your touch, but before you could go too far down, he stopped you by bringing his hands to both sides of your face, making you look up at him.
“Did I do something wrong?” you immediately asked, worry laced in your voice.
“No, no. God, no, you’re perfect.” he replied. “I just… I still feel so guilty for what I did, and I feel like I don’t deserve you right now.”
He hid his face in the crook of your neck and held your waist tightly. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. You’re right, I was being selfish. I should’ve known you wanted that internship, and I knew you wouldn’t get it if my dad thought we were dating, but… I’ve wanted to be with you for such a long time, and when I had the chance to have you, even if it was just pretend, even if it meant lying to you, I couldn’t bring myself to not take that chance. I’m so sorry.”
You had completely forgotten the events of that week, and of that night. Your argument with Jay and Heeseung’s words seemed light-years away. “How long have you liked me?” you couldn’t help but ask. You should’ve been surprised by Jay’s confession, but for some reason, it made sense - what didn’t make sense was how you hadn’t noticed it, or how you’d thought it wasn’t possible that you might like him, too.
“Since we met,” he admitted shyly. “I would’ve told you, but you seemed to enjoy arguing with me so much, I was scared you’d just make fun of me.”
Since you’d met… so, three years? And he’d never said anything? “To be honest, I probably would’ve made fun of you at first,” you agreed light-heartedly. “But I also think it would’ve made me realize what an amazing person you are earlier. I’m sorry it took me so long.”
“That’s okay. I would’ve waited my whole life if it meant I could have you at the end.” Butterflies erupted all over your stomach at his words. You kissed him like you’d stop breathing if you didn’t.
Now that Jay had gotten what he wanted to say off his chest, you’d hoped you could continue your previous actions, and started pressing kisses down his neck, but he soon stopped you again.
“I’m getting the feeling you don’t want me to go down on you,” you said, half-joking.
He grinned and closed his eyes, as if fighting himself back. “I do, I promise you, I do.” When he opened his eyes again, they were full of affection. “But we’ve got so much time for that later. I just want to feel you around me right now. Would that be okay?” he asked, voice soft.
Your core pulsed at the thought of Jay inside you, and you nodded, breath growing erratic again. Jay gently lay you on your back, and took off his black boxers so that the two of you were finally completely naked, revealing his throbbing cock. He was right, how were you going to handle it? He rummaged around in his bedside drawer for a condom, and put it on with nervous hands. 
He lined his tip at your entrance, pressing soft kisses all over your face and neck before pushing in as if to get you to relax. He kissed you gently on the lips. “Tell me if it hurts, and I’ll stop right away.”
He waited for you to nod again, and finally entered you. It immediately stretched you out like never before. The sound of you taking a sharp breath in made Jay stop in his tracks. You wrapped your hands around his biceps for support, then, letting out a deep sigh, told him to go on. He pushed in inch by inch until he finally bottomed out. You both let out a hearty moan at the feeling. It was so perfect.
He didn’t move for a few minutes, letting you adjust to his size. You had your eyes closed and were focused on relaxing, until all at once the pain of the stretch turned into pleasure, and you breathed out, “Please, move.” He obeyed and started rocking in and out of you, making you feel each inch of his length inside you. The sensation was intoxicating. You couldn’t stop any of the moans escaping your throat, and Jay took that as a green light to go gradually faster. Your bodies were moving at the exact same pace and you thought the two of you molded together perfectly, as if this was what you had been meant to do your whole life. His fingers were tightly gripping your hips as he thrusted into you harder and harder, making you moan so loud you were practically screaming in pleasure.
“You feel so fucking good, Y/N,” he said, throwing his head back and letting out a deep moan himself. Your hands roamed all over his body, unable to stay in one place at a time. He suddenly changed the angle of his hips and started hitting that spot inside you he had found earlier with his fingers, making your mind go hay-wire. 
“Fuck, right there, Jay!” you screamed out, as he brought your hips down to his faster than you thought was humanly possible. Soon, you were coming again, and the feeling of you clenching down around him made him shoot his release into the condom. He fell on top of you, unable to carry his weight on his arms anymore. He only had enough strength to pull out and discard the condom, before nestling his head between your breasts. Tiredness seeped through your bones, and you both fell asleep in seconds, completely naked and arms around each other.
Jay woke up a few hours later, a cramp in his arm because of how you were laying down on it - the two of you had apparently switched positions at some point during the night. He softly pulled his arm away, trying not to wake you up. He checked his phone; it was 4:29 a.m. He looked down at you, admiring how soft you looked when you were sleeping. He still couldn’t believe his luck, it all felt like a dream to him. But then you shifted slightly, letting out a small whimper, probably because of a dream, and Jay knew this was happening for sure. He hugged you tightly, breathing in the scent of your hair, and, knowing you were fast asleep, murmured, “I love you.”
The sunlight peeking through the curtains and hitting your face softly was what woke you up the next morning. You were relieved to feel Jay’s arms around your waist as he hugged you from behind. You gently turned around, curious about what he looked like in the morning.
As expected, he was perfect.
You observed him for a while until his eyes fluttered open. “Good morning, handsome,” you whispered, pushing away the hair that had fallen in front of his eyes.
“Good morning,” he replied, smiling sleepily. “Creep.”
Quietly, you gasped dramatically and said, “Is a girl a creep for looking at her boyfriend as he sleeps in the morning?”
He cocked an eyebrow. “Boyfriend, huh?” he teased.
You grinned at him. “Yeah.”
“Well,” he said, returning your grin and tightening his grip around your waist, “my girlfriend can look at me all she wants.”
You’d technically been dating Jay for over three months now, but knowing it was finally real and not just pretend made you giddy. You buried your face in the crook of his neck and kissed him there, trying to hide your shy smile. 
He took your head and lifted it to place a delicate kiss on your lips, which you returned like it was second nature. When you pulled away, you jokingly said, “Mh. Morning breath,” but Jay’s eyes opened wide and he immediately put his hand over his mouth, asking, “Seriously?”
You laughed at him and pulled his hands down, going back in for a kiss. It soon escalated, and you were reminded of the fact that neither of you had clothes on when you could feel Jay’s hardness pressing against your thigh. He apologized shyly, but you told him it was fine, and that you’d take care of it. 
This time, when you two made love, it was much slower and light-hearted than the previous night, as if the two of you had finally realized that you had all the time in the world and could enjoy every single second. It was the perfect thing to wake up to.
You two lazied in bed, alternating between slowly making out and daydreaming together, until his stomach rumbled loudly and you really needed to pee. When you joined him in the kitchen, he was heating up waffles on the stove. You hooked your arms around his waist, pressing your chest to his back, and he hummed softly.
“Jay?” you whispered, lips just millimeters away from his ear.
“Yes, doll?”
“I love you too.”
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permanent taglist: @k-ingzo @bbujiikseu @sunghoonmybeloved @lalalalawon @sd211 @w3bqrl (ask to be removed/added!) © asahicore on tumblr, 2023. please do not repost, translate or plagiarize my works. feedback and reblogs are always appreciated!
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hauntedrain · 7 months
Part 1: Unexpected | Max Verstappen x Fem Reader |
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mixed Social media AU summary: Max stumbles upon a twitch streamer who peaks his interest
✮▹A/N: Love you guys and thank you for 1,000 notes on my last post but also 100 followers! love you guys
✰▹Warnings/Notices: Used random names for readers friends, also i really didnt know how to format this tbh so might be a bit weird and make no sense. NOT EDITED.
Part 2: Here!
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liked by 25,456 others
@Y/N: Stream was lovely today, sorry for missing the last stream. love you guys and see you on the weekend! ALSO new video out on YouTube with Theo and Lorelei.
Y/N has posted a youtube video!
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YouTube transcript!
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Y/N: Its actually really pretty out today, I expected it to be a little more gloomy. But its rather sunny out.
Lorelei: Why are you talking like that?
Y/N: What do you mean? Just because you still talk like a 5 year old doesn't mean I have to stay on your level.
Lorelei: Anyways...
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Theo: Did you hear that they're planning an f1 race here?
Y/N: F1? Like the vroom vroom thing you like?
Lorelei: PLEASE the vroom vroom thing.
Theo: Yes the vroom vroom thing. Anyways yea they're planning it.
Lorelei: What team do you like?
Theo: McLaren. you?
Lorelei: Maybe Redbull or Ferrari.
Y/N: Preferably I like the one thats winning. so...
Theo: Redbull.
Y/N: got it.
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Y/N: I wanted to buy this coat from down the street from my apartment but it was like $150. At that time I really thought about where and if I should find a rich man to marry.
Lorelei: F1 drivers are rich.
Theo: Like rich rich, mainly the popular and good ones but thats besides the point.
Y/N: As much as you guys try im not gonna get into F1. And also why is this video just you guys insulting me over not knowing anything.
Theo: We just think you'll like it.
Y/N: Cars going in a circle for 2 hours? Would rather watch football
Lorelei: But you like football.
Y/N: Yeah thats my point?
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Max Verstappen has gone live!
Max Verstappen has ended the stream!
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Liked by Max verstappen & 32,345 others
@Y/N: Why are people tagging me in F1 stuff? And whos Max verstappen? HELP.
user9: I think you should do a reaction video or stream to everything.
↪ user10: she would need Theo and Lorelei for help.
↪ Lorelei: Babe please come to my room. I'll explain everything.
↪ Y/N: Will do?
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Y/N has gone Live!
titled: HELP ME.
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⭒❃.✮:▹A/N: Guys im deeply sorry if this makes no sense and everything is confusing. IDK what im doing. but love you guys and I hope you enjoyed.
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lady-ashfade · 1 year
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Yan!Mafia!Bakusquad x Chubby!Fem!Reader
Plot: After getting stood up by your date things take a twist when a group takes notice.
This isn’t really mafia but has undertones and me thinking about it.
Warnings: Being stood up, flirting, slight yandere vibes, hinted sexual themes, nothing to much on this.
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Liquor filled them room with many other mixed smells of perfume, rich and cheep each. The place was crowded and it wasn’t what you had in mind for a first date, let alone to be set up at. A deep feeling made your stomach twist at the people that filled up the tables and seats, they all seemed off. About two drinks in you swirled the straw around the cup of fruity alcohol that the bartender recommended. It was funny to think that you had to convince yourself to come to this date and in the end you got stood up.
It’s been thirty minutes since you sat down and waited for the man to walk threw the doors but still saw no sign of him. The dress around your figure was black and red, something to show off the body you had just right. Your stomach showed its fluff and the dress stop just below your knee. You even shaved for the dude, hoping you’d get at least some relief from the date. He was a handsome fellow and seemed to be your type, he was overly sweet when you met him.
But still couldn’t have the decency to tell you he was running late, or not even coming at all? It ticked you off.
Across the bar sat a group of friends that unknowingly owned the bar, a set of cards in their hands while chatting about anything they could think. The girl with pink skin and matching hair seemed to pay no attention to the boys she was with and instead looked a beautiful girl all alone. Her hair seems styled perfectly, the dress she wore had herself drooling at the hips and body, and don’t get her started on the legs and thighs that showed. She sat on the arm of the chair a guy with red hair sat in, his eyes playful and looking at the blonde in front of him.
“I think I have you now.” He showed a toothy grin that showed pointy white teeth. The blonde smirked and rolled his eyes while leaning forward, “Doubt that.” His rusty voice made the rest smirk and watch the two boys. At the rest of the table sat two other boys, one with more yellow blonde hair and black dyed ends, he wears a loose button up shirt. Beside him was a man with black hair with many piercings, his ears filled with different types and then his brow which matched the red haired boy. When he talked you could see the black haired boy had a tongue piercing.
“Say, how many games have you guys played tonight?” The girl, Mina spoke while forcing her eyes away from the beauty she was staring at. Her fingers found the red hair on the body near her.
“About twenty.” Katsuki, the angry blonde spoke and threw his hand down to show the cards, the other man groaned and leaned back. He laughed and pulled the money to himself and started to count everything he won. Mina hummed and licked her lips while turning her head back across the bar.
“Do any of you know who she is?” She asked. The boys then turned to see who she was talking about. They all saw how sexy the girl in question was and wondered how they hadn’t noticed her yet. “If I did I wouldn’t be sitting around.” The other blonde, Denki smirked while his eyes traveled over her body.
“She’s been all alone since she walked in and the glass across from her has already melted.” Mina pouted her lips in pity at the thought of you getting stood up. “I think she got stood up, poor thing.”
Bakugo sighed, “She doesn’t look like she knows what this place is, you think she’s a spy or some shit?” The table didn’t consider his question or didn’t care. Hanta smirked and got up from his chair and straightened his jacket, “I could find out.”
Mina pulled him back down to his chair and replaced his place on the floor, “If anyone gets to speak to her it’s me, I noticed her first.” Her hands brushed off her hips to freshen herself up first. “Plus, I’m a girl. She would be more comfortable with me first.” The boys watched with slight jealousy they didn’t get to speak to her first but let it go, because it would be their turn soon.
You decide that it was about time to head back home because you thought everyone noticed that you were alone. It was embarrassing to think about. As you continue to take a few sips of your drink someone walked up to you mid sip and you looked at them. The most beautiful girl looking at you with a smile on her face, your cheeks flustered at her attention.
“Hey cutie, what are you doing her alone?” Her voice was cheery and sounded like sugar. The table made a clink when your glass hit it and you swallowed the slightly burning liquid down your throat.
“I um- I don’t really know to be honest, seems like men become more dicks these days.” A giggle was heard from her and your ears heated up at the sweet sound. You couldn’t deny the feeling you had toward her because she was attractive so you felt pride when you made her laugh.
“Good men these days are hard to find, but they are there.” She inches closer and leaned her arm on the counter, “The names Mina.” She winked at you.
“Y/n, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” You gave her a kind smile and she couldn’t stop herself from falling for you. There was something about you that made her scream inside to be close to you and have you by her side. “Y/n.” She repeated, “The pleasure is all mine.”
You watch her name move up to your face and grab ahold of the peace of hair that was by your ear and stared to spin it between her fingers. Butterflies filled your stomach and ran everywhere, “You’re too pretty be here alone. Mind if we keep you company?” She asked so smoothly. But you caught her wording and arched a brow.
“We?” Her smile only grew bigger as your attention on her blinded you from the men standing behind you.
“Don’t get her too worked up, we still need a chance.” The sudden voice made you turn around and your eyes went wide. Four men stood before you and you couldn’t help but take notice of their bodies. Two were huge with muscle, one with a small frown and the other with a grin. Then one with a smirk who spoke, a calmer one but he held a charm. They all looked rough and had something about them that you couldn’t pinpoint, but they were very attractive.
“Don’t bitch about it, I was just warming up.” Mina threw a arm around your waist. You looked down nervously at her hand and back up to the imitating men with hunger in their eyes. The one with dark hair and piercings stepped forward and grabbed a hold of your hand to give it a soft kiss. “Call me, Hanta.” You nodded.
“Denki is the name, better remembered.” You looked at the blonde with yellow eyes to match his hair. “D-Denki, nice to meet you.” He laughed at your stuttering. It was cute to be so shaky around them. “Whatever, Katsuki is fine.” The other blonde growled and pushed his hands into his pocket, his red eyes making you fold slightly in fear. “Call me Eijiro or Kirishima, any one you want.” The red haired man leaned on the angry one with a more playful aura.
All the attention on you made you feel overwhelmed, they all seemed too attractive. “My names Y/n like I was telling mina here.” You flashed a smile and her grip on your waist squeezed for a second. “Isn’t she cute?” Her voice called out and your eyes went wide and your body heated up again.
“Awe,” fingers wrapped themselves around your chin and made you look up into black eyes “Don’t get so embarrassed now, we’re just getting to know you.” Hantas lips curled up into a smirk because he knew how close he was to you. You laughed nervously as he let you go.
Mina dropped her head on your shoulder and her chest pressed against your back and her arm was still on your hip. “Care to dance with us?” The boys watched you go through your thoughts to find answers. Bakugo walked passed them and took Hantas place, he looked at you with a slight glare.
“I deserve the first dance, I am the boss after all.” Mine whined and the guys huffed at his statement. His hand reached out and you saw his rough and tough hands that had scars on it. “Boss?” The way you titled your head made Bakugo feel some type of way, you seemed so innocent to not even know who they were. And where you are.
“I own the damn bar, now you dancing or not?” His voice got louder and more angry. You took his hand hesitantly but then gave him a smile. “Sure.” He grinned and pulled you close to his chest and began to walk you over to the dance floor. The group watched you two carefully and admiring everything about you.
“We agree to keep her right?” Denki asks with a sparkle in his eyes.
“Damn right, can’t have her getting hurt.” Kirishima glared his eyes at the thought of you getting hurt. You came into their territory so they have a claim to you easily.
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astonmartinii · 1 year
signed up for life | lewis hamilton social media au
pairing: lewis hamilton x signlanguageinterpretator!reader
f1 finally introduces a sign language interpretor to their media team
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liked by lewishamilton, danielricciardo and 110,951 others
yourusername: ahhhh such a dream come true, my first f1 weekend was an absolute dream and to be able to represent the deaf community on such a big platform was such a pleasure - here's to many more and to normalising sign language on major sports broadcasts !!
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user1: f1 may be going backwards in terms of fia tomfoolery but i'm super happy to see some good progress
user2: why isn't sign language compulsory in schools? seeing y/n has defo inspired me to start learning
lewishamilton: you're such an inspiration and a great addition to the paddock
yourusername: thank you lewis and thank you for the warm welcome <3
user3: f1 finally stepping up the representation game
user4: i was living for the sass in her signing i can't wait to watch her sign the inevitable domestic between toto and christian
charles_leclerc: welcome to the paddock y/n!
yourusername: thank you charles :)
user5: i ship it already
user6: take a day off already lord she's been there one weekend and you're already minimising her to a driver she could date
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liked by lewishamilton, yourusername and 1,204,871 others
tagged: yourusername
f1: how did you guys enjoy y/n y/ln's sky sports debut this weekend? y/n will be on the broadcast team this season as their sign language interpreter!
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user10: she killed it i love her already
user11: the signing was a slay but can we also talk about how she's slaying the fashion game?
user12: finally lewis has some good competition
lewishamilton liked this comment
alexalbon: welcome y/n !! thank you for the extra help with the hard of hearing fans on friday
user13: huh?
user14: oh a girl on twitter has a thread about this, she's hard of hearing and y/n stopped and acted as translator for her with all of the drivers going into the paddock
user15: omg i love her even more
lewishamilton: can't wait to start my signing lessons
yourusername: you're lucky you've got the best teacher around
user16: uh HELLO?
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liked by lewishamilton, lilymunhe and 149,086 others
yourusername: taking advantage of the mini break
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user17: who told her she could serve this hard?
lilymunhe: gosh i have a crush on you
alexalbon: do i mean nothing to you?
lilymunhe: not compared to her
yourusername: well i am flattered but unfortunately not up for grabs :(
user18: she's not up for grabs ??? we already lost her ???
user19: it's only been like five races who ever it is wasn't messing around
user20: not to be one of those crazy wag conspiracy theorists but the guy in the last slide is defo lewis
lewishamilton: pastries on a boat?
yourusername: idk the guy i was with thought it was a great idea
user21: chatting like it wasn't him they're so shameless
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liked by yourusername, georgerussell63 and 1,023,677 others
lewishamilton: perks to living in monaco
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user22: oh to be rich...
yourusername: hmmm a baguette on a boat
lewishamilton: idk the girl i was with thought it was a great idea
user23: please stop playing with us
georgerussell63: i see my invite was lost in the post yet again
lewishamilton: i wasn't prepared to hear you complain about thirdwheeling the whole time
georgerussell63: clear solution here... invite carmen and it's a double date?
user24: so they're just gonna be like this and just never confirm whether they're together or not?
charles_leclerc: so this is what my boat was used for ?
lewishamilton: i think i'll keep everything that happened on that boat to myself
charles_leclerc: based on that i don't think i want to know
user25: poor guy, getting fucked by ferrari and lewis fucked y/n on his boat
pierregasly: most action he's seen in a while
user26: charles is just catching so many strays 😭
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liked by user38, user29 and 2,340 others
tagged: yourusername, lewishamilton
f1wagupdates: y/n y/ln and lewis hamilton have all but confirmed their relationship after they spent the entire summer break together and arrived to the first race back at spa together. lewis even showed how much time they've been spending together by signing during a tiktok filmed for mercedes' account. what do you think of the couple?
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user39: they're so so cute that's my PADDOCK POWER COUPLE
user40: they are too sexy it should be illegal for them to be so sexy
user41: can't wait for some bitter old men to say that she can't be on the broadcast team cause of "bias"
user42: i need them to stand on me
user43: i think they might actually be the best f1 couple ever soz
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liked by alexalbon, lewishamilton and 309,778 others
tagged: lewishamilton
yourusername: yeah i guess he won yet another race but we all know his biggest win is off the track
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user44: mama knows her worth i love her
lewishamilton: never doubt that you're my biggest prize
yourusername: i love youuuuuuuuuu
lewishamilton: leave your meeting and come home please
user45: move over roscoe i'm their dog now anything to be with them
roscoelovescoco: ????
lilymunhe: give me a chance i swear
alexalbon: i regret ever introducing you two
yourusername: oh please albono you love any excuse to hang out with us
lewishamilton: yea i don't hear you complaining on our double dates
user46: lily, y/n, lewis and alex all double date ???? kill me.
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liked by georgerussell63, yourusername and 1,340,887 others
tagged: yourusername
lewishamilton: getting to the end of the season and the hard work is paying off. we keep pushing until the end but always remember to take time to be with the ones you love
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user47: only this man could make a race win post so sappy
yourusername: proud of you baby
lewishamilton: i love you
user48: the fact that lewis is so good at signing now he could do most of his post race interview in bsl (though he still needs y/n there for reassurance)
user49: i was there and interlagos had a mainstage activity of y/n teaching basic sign language I LOVED IT
mercedesamgf1: let's go lewis 💪
roscoelovescoco: lets goooooooo dads
user50: guys i worked out that sign we always see lewis and y/n do to each other that's not on any of dictionaries i've looked at - it's their sign names and saying they love each other
user51: they're so fucking cheesy but i love them
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liked by yourusername, f1 and 1,679,045 others
tagged: lewishamilton
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yourusername: speechless honestly
lewishamilton: really? cause all i heard was screaming on the broadcast
user53: the way i knew he would win but i don't know what to do with myself now it has happened?
roscoelovescoco: congrats dad !!!!
georgerussell63: mega season from lewis 🏆 we go again next season 💪
lewishamilton: thank you george, your time will come
user54: the kiss... parents for real
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liked by georgerussell63, lewishamilton and 901,347 others
tagged: lewishamilton
yourusername: this season has been a rollercoaster but two things have stood out to me. 1. i met the love of my life and the man i will be with for the rest of my life and was able to watch the man i love make history and i couldn't be prouder. 2. i got to represent my community on one of the biggest platforms ever and inspire people to pick up the beautiful language of sign language which is the most rewarding part of my job!! thank you so much for this opportunity, the love and for taking the journey into sign language, we welcome you xx
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user53: no i love you so much and your addition to f1 is invaluable
user54: you guys are so cute and so inspiring, really god's favourites
lewishamilton: i love you so much, thank you for your love and support and for introducing me to this beautiful language
yourusername: you're such an inspiration to me baby, you're a record holder and the holder of my heart
landonorris: lord i might throw up
yourusernme: if you're not here to congratulate STFU
landonorris: my bad, congrats (you guys are so grossly in love)
user55: they're so parents it's now illegal for them to divorce
f1: thank you for educating us, we'll see you next season !
note: hope y'all enjoy, i'm partially deaf in both ears and am currently learning BSL to feel closer to my community and had this idea. i wish this was an actual position in f1 but hopefully in the future xx
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