#ricky montgomery started playing in my head
sarah-dipitous · 6 months
I looked down at two of my cat’s toys and almost started crying. I think I need to uninstall tiktok
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glitch-karma · 9 months
So, I've heard that requests are open again, and I really like your writing, so I'd like to request somwthing with Chuuya and a reader who just really likes his hat, and often steals it and has similliar fashion taste...yeah, just some fluff with Chuuya and his hat if that makes sense.
Have a nice day, take care!
(Always nice to see you on my page Why <3)
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✧Hc's + a one shot cause y'all know how much I love this man
✧Cw's: Tooth rotting fluff ♡
✧Includes: GN! Reader, Established relationship, Pet names, Play fighting, Lots of my own hc's, Chuuya being a cutie and taking my heart once more
✧I listened to Boy Toy by Ricky Montgomery over and over while writing this and omg I just AH
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At first he just, did not understand???
Like yes it's important to him but why you going crazy over this hat?
Whenever you'd steal it he'd chase you around wherever trying to get it back, using his ability to throw softer objects at you
One day you showed up to work with an outfit that he actually had in his closet and it drove him crazy
When he asked if you took it and figured out you actually just threw it on from your own wardrobe he fell harder for you
Chuuya loves fashion and the fact you were also so great at styling clothes actually made him a little smitten
When you two started going out on dates it just got better
You two coordinated clothes and always were the prettiest mother fuckers where ever you went
Omg please take him dancing.
Both of you just get nice and dressed up and go, even if you don't know how to dance just TAKE THIS MAN!!
Not only will he love it, he'll love teaching you and watching you dance with him
He now lets you take his hat on occasion, but play fights to get it back are a must
I've always loved the hc of Chuuya liking play fighting 🥹
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After a long day of work, you found yourself lazily sprawled out on the floor with takeout in your hand as Chuuya laid on the couch, flipping through channels trying to find anything interesting on TV. The exhaustion of the day had settled in, making your limbs feel like lead.
You sighed as you set down your food, peeking up at him as he had a bite half out of his mouth as he focused on the remote. The soft glow of the television cast a warm ambiance over the room.
"Chu, I already finished eating while you searched for a movie," you said with a hint of playfulness in your voice.
He snickered at that as he glanced down at you. "Just be patient, Doll, I'll find somethin'."
You hummed as you looked back at the TV, and by now, he was scanning through romance movies. Although he'd never admit it to anyone else, he secretly loved them.
Only after a few more seconds did the genius idea pop into your head. You know what you haven't done in a while?
You stood up innocently, going to walk into the kitchen. You then sneakily walked behind the couch, trying to contain your excitement.
"Chu?" you began, and he responded with a nonchalant "Yea."
In one smooth motion, you snatched the hat off his head, laughing as you ducked down and rolled away from the couch before staring at him with a mischievous grin.
He blinked a few times before tossing the remote to the side, a playful smirk now on his face as he brushed his hair out of his face.
"You really wanna do this?" he teased, his tone filled with anticipation.
"Do what exactly~?" you replied with a playful tone.
You then flipped the hat in your hand before tossing it on your head. Pulling the top slightly over your face, you giggled. "Oh, do you mean this ol' thing?"
"Y/n," Chuuya cooed playfully as he stood up, his work clothes messy as he grabbed a pillow from the couch. "Chuuyaaaa."
With one quick motion, he threw the pillow, causing you to squeal as you ran away. He immediately gave chase, running after you as you dodged his attempts to grab you. The game of cat and mouse led you from the living room to the kitchen, into the laundry room, and then slipping back out and running back to the living room again.
Chuuya chuckled as he quickly grabbed another pillow and threw it, successfully hitting your feet and knocking you onto the couch. You screamed playfully as he jumped on top of you.
"Come on now, love! Give in!" he teased.
"Never!" you replied with determination.
You two wrestled back and forth on the couch for a few seconds, laughing and teasing each other until the two of you grew tired from chasing and running. You gracefully placed his hat back on him crooked as you smiled up at him.
"You're lucky I'm worn out," you admitted, your playful demeanor still evident.
He chuckled at you, looking down with such adoration in his eyes. He then leaned down and gently kissed your forehead. "Let's just rewatch 'The Princess Bride' again."
"Anything you want, lover boy," you teased as you leaned up and kissed his nose lightly. The evening had transformed from a mundane night to a playful and affectionate memory the two of you would cherish.
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azrakaban · 9 days
Masked pt 1 - Draco Malfoy
This is a 5 part mini fic, hope you enjoy <3
next part
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Summary: Draco attends a masked ball... but leaves with more than he anticipated.
A/N; If you can't tell, this is based off of the classic Shakespeare play Romeo and Juliet! Idk when and how this came to my brain but I hope you guys enjoy it. Also: NO PANSY SLANDER IS TOLERATED IN MY COMMENTS. PANSY IS BAE AND I LOVE HER SO KEEP YOUR MOUTHS SHUT PLEASE <3
Key info: This is set in Draco's sixth year, so when Voldemort was actively back. Also in this one shot, Theodore and Draco hate each other, whereas in other one shots they're friends
The plot of Deathly Hallows happens after the golden trio's year leaves Hogwarts, so basically the equivalent of their 'eighth' year. The seventh year is just Voldy doing his thing.
Mini Playlist for you guys:
-Love Story (Taylor's version) - Taylor Swift
- Wanna be yours - Arctic Monkeys
- Line without a hook - Ricky Montgomery
- My Blood - Ellie Goulding
- Set fire to the rain - Adele
- Don't blame me - Taylor Swift
- Hits Different - Taylor Swift
- I'm yours - Isabel LaRosa
- Love me or leave me - Little mix
- Only love can hurt like this - Paloma Faith
- Shameless - Camilla Cabello
- Daddy issues - The Neighbourhood
- Total eclipse of the heart - Bonnie Tyler
- Wildest Dreams (Taylor's version) - Taylor Swift
Third person POV:
The Malfoys and the Notts hated each other. It was a rivalry that ran deep and long since both families could remember. It was rumoured that the dispute had started with Cantankerus Nott's publishing of 'The Pure Blood Directory' in the 1630's, which featured a small jab at the Malfoy family. The Malfoys, indignant, retaliated, leading to a fourty year dispute.
Needless to say, the only reason the families were ever civil to each other was for the sake of the dark lord. Although even this was strained, and the families tended to go out of their way to avoid each other.
So you can imagine the reaction when the Malfoys turned up to The Dark Lord's ball at The Nott Estate.
It was a dark November Saturday night and the few Death Eaters that that had re-emerged when The Dark Lord rose once again were gathered at a masked ball, hosted by Nikovos and Helyre Nott, accompanied by their son and daughter, Theodore and y/n, twins.
your pov:
As you entered the hall, you pulled the mask down over your eyes, standing to survey the guests before your parents made a beeline for the dark lord and Theodore headed for his friend from Hogwarts. Having been home schooled for your safety, you had never experienced Hogwarts. Your understanding of people your age came from forced 'playdates' with other Pure-Bloods.
It had taught you to be nice to the right people, but you yearned for a true friend. One your parents hadn't pre-approved, a genuine friend.
Unfortunately, you didn't see an end to the monotonous life your parents forced upon you from a young age. You were stuck attending the balls, feigning interest in every new idea presented the Death Eater Meetings you rarely attended. You were usually the only teen there. In reality, you didn't remember a single meeting, having either fallen asleep, zoned out or excused yourself.
Pulling out of the memory with a shudder, you walked through the people filling the hall, heading straight for the drinks table. You grabbed a drink quickly. Non-alcoholic of course. You couldn't stand the substance, having an extreme intolerance to it.
You sank down onto a seat with a view of the drinks and leaned back against the wall, sipping your drink. You zoned out entirely and didn't notice the atmosphere tighten when three masked figures walked in. They spread out and vanished from view, dispersing through the crowd. The atmosphere relaxed and the crowds babble resumed, conversations resuming and turning back to their companions.
It was as you came back to reality that you noticed the blonde haired boy standing by the drinks table throwing back a glass of some liquid. As you watched, he sighed and refilled his glass, downing half his glass in one gulp. You couldn't see the rest of his face, just his mouth, set into a hard line. The mask covered the rest of it.
"You know, if you keep staring, I'll start to be self-conscious." He said, looking over to you and quirking his mouth up a little. "Not staring, just wondering if I've seen you before." You said.
He smirked. "You haven't, I can tell you that Princess." He said, coming over to sit beside you. "Or do you prefer Miss Nott?"
You flipped him off, not giving him the satisfaction of a serious response. "Actually, I prefer Princess." You said, matching the smirk on his face. "And shouldn't I know your name if you know mine?" You said, actually turning to look at him.
"I'd really rather you didn't. " He replied, watching the people dance. You looked to them and your eyes softened, watching the couples dance. He looked to you. "Beautiful." You turned and smiled at him. "Yeah, they are."
"I wasn't talking about the dancing."
You blushed, thankful for the mask covering your cheeks. He stood, setting his glass on a nearby table and outstretching a hand to you.
"May I have this dance?" You calmed your sudden blush and took it.
"You may."
He gently tugged you to your feet and brought you into the circle of dancing couples. His hands rested on your hips and your arms went around his neck, gently swaying to the music. You moved through the motions of the dance, him spinning you at the right times, you moving your feet in time with the beat.
The dance ended and you found your faces close to each others, mere inches apart. You could see the pale blue colour of his eyes, the dark lashes surrounding them and his lips... oh god, his lips. He swallowed and his eyes flickered to your lips for a second. Your faces moved closer, the distance between you growing shorter...
"Y/N!" Yours and mystery guy's eyes snapped up to the source of the yell. Your father came running towards you, his expression thunderous. Your mother came running after him. "Nikovos, calm down, I'm sure its a misunderstanding!" she said. Mystery guy looked back to you and locked eyes with you.
"Tonight, midnight, west balcony." He said. You were instantly confused. "Wha-?"
"Y/N!" Your father yelled again, finally reaching you and pulling the two of you apart. "What in the Salazar do you think you're doing dancing with the Malfoy boy?" he spat, eyeing mystery guy with a glare.
The Malfoy boy. Oh hell.
You looked back to mystery guy. "You're Draco Malfoy?" You said, although you already knew the answer.
"Yes princess. This seems to be new information to you though... perhaps your parents are keeping you too isolated from the real world?" He drawled, smirking at your parents. Your father seemed to be seeing red. (Little inappropriate, given it was a Slytherin ball, but okay Mr Nott - that was an author comment, not part of the story lol x)
"Move yourself far away from her before I make you. And I won't hesitate to snap each of your fingers while doing so." Said Theodore, appearing at your side. You turned, seeing an expression of stone set into your brother's face.
"Ah, but you see Nott, I'd rather keep my fingers for doing other things." Said Draco, rolling his tongue in his cheek. He winked at you from under the mask and you nearly died.
"YOU WILL DO NO SUCH THING!" Your father whisper yelled, a few onlookers starting to watch.
"Were you talking to me or your son, Nr Nott?" Said Draco, smirking once again.
You met Draco's eyes and they had had a glint to them that matched the mocking smile aimed at your father. He was enjoying this, you could tell, and it was nearly frustrating. Nearly. It was more fun watching Nikovos get mad. Your mother's feeble attempts to get him to calm down had done nothing, so she resorted to a different tactic.
"NIKOVOS! You will calm down this instant! We are in the presence of the dark lord, and this sort of behavior is unacceptable. Theodore, go find your friends again, and do not grace me with your presence unless you have something useful to contribute. Nikovos, Yaxley is looking for you, go speak with him. Y/N, go dance with Mattheo, you need the distraction. And you boy..." She finished, turning to Draco. "... You stay away from my family." She said, glaring at him from behind her feathered mask.
"Oh don't worry Madam, I'll stay far away from your husband and son. Be sure of that." Said Draco, turning to walk away.
"I assume your father will be hearing about this?" Said Helyre, almost taunting him. Draco lifted his head a little and halted, but didn't turn.
"No, I don't think he will. I think I'll keep this our little secret." He said, before resuming his walk and being lost from sight. If you were honest, you weren't sure if that was directed at your mother or you.
End of Part 1! If you enjoyed please leave a like, reblog or comment <3
Next Part
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namusthetic · 2 years
The Four Seasons
Color guide for the characters' comments:
Winter; Spring; Summer; Autumn;
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Jittery because had way too much sugar
Started buying presents and wrapping them in September
Has a special mug for every occasion
Likes to relax by the fire while reading or scrolling through their phone
Gives Christmas-themed socks to everyone
Sits in weird positions
Loud and affectionate with people they feel close with (even too affectionate... )
Cold and unforgiving when pissed
Has a reading list and is gonna finish it before the year ends (hopefully)
Struggles with anger management
Smiles at strangers on the street
Starts stuttering and their lisp comes out when too nervous or excited (I heard Autumn saying it was cute - oh really? - S-spring!!!!!!)
Loves surprises
Prideful, gets offended easily, but also forgives and forgets easily (it took us a whole afternoon to get them to open the door just because the three of us hung out without them - still don't know why we bothered. - HEY!!! )
Calls instead of texting
Ready to throw hands if any of their friends gets bullied or insulted
Hot chocolate and a crackling fireplace, Christmas songs and mulled wine, snow and cold wind, warm scarves and knitted gloves, snow angles and snowball fights, smirks and fistbumps, warm sweaters and tight hugs, doodles on frosty window panes, dad jokes and uncoordinated dance moves
Mr. Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra
Everybody Talks by Neon Trees
Don't Stop Me Now by Queen
Tongue Tied by Grouplove
(I Can Get No) Satisfaction by The Rolling Stones
This Side of Paradise by Coyote Theory
Line Without a Hook by Ricky Montgomery
Eleanor Rigby by Cody Fry
Somebody To Love by Queen
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas by Michael Bublé
Snowman by Sia
Winter Wonderland by Michael Bublé
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy by Queen
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Has various nervous tics because of anxiety
Always sitting on the floor
Often with their head in the clouds (AM NOT! - darling, I've literally seen you walk into door frames more times than I can count - ... )
Almost never raises their voice
Starts reading a book, then forgets about it and starts another one
Gets lost in daydreaming and dissociates from reality
Defends strongly what they believe in
"If I were a frog you'd be welcome on my lily pad"
Starts projects but never finishes them
Sensitive, cries easily when animals and environment is involved
In touch with their emotions and nature (and also with summer apparently - if you don't shut up, I swear. - Autumn, help me!! - oh, hell nah)
Spends long afternoons having pic-nics in the park, reading, sleeping and sunbathing
Walks in the woods looking for fae traps and playing hide and seek with foxes
Flower crowns, pic-nics and apricot jam, sunshine filtering through the leaves, birds chirping and bubbly laughter, bumblebees and bees flying from flower to flower, soft singing, flower crowns and daisy chains, curious eyes and pastel colors, small frogs and lilly pads, strawberry toasts and herbal teas, sweet smiles and paint-stained hands
Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish
Cool Kids by Echosmith
Ophelia by The Lumineers
Hey There Delilah by Plain White T's
Swing Lynn by Harmless
My Kind of Woman by Mac DeMarco
girls by girl in red
Coffee by beabadoobee
Juliet by Cavetown
rises the moon by Liana Flores
Where'd All the Time Go? By Dr. Dog
cardigan by Taylor Swift
No Plan by Hozier
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Sleeps with the windows open
Goes to the beach at sunrise to walk along the shore
Parties until late at night and comes home in the early morning
Afraid of never being good enough
Plans their day to the second, has a set goal in life
Chatty, makes friends easily but sometimes tries too hard
Just plain gorgeous (agreed!! - *blushes*)
Constantly doing something so they doesn't have any time to wallow in their thoughts
Sees the best in people (even Autumn? - Would you knock it off!?!!)
Doesn't need anyone's approval but cares about their found family's opinion
Has always something urgent to do
Done with everyone's whining (e- even me? - no, not you - pffft, simp. - *proceeds to throw a shoe at Winter* - You asked for it.)
Always tries to be strong by repressing their emotions (yeah, you shouldn't do that - sigh, I'll try not to)
Sunshine and linen sheets, freckles and dimples, gold and sand, warm laughter and cold cocktails, strawberry lemonade, pizza and a can of soda, tan lines and stretch marks, afternoon naps on the porch and late night rides, roller skating with their headphones on the promenade, thrift-shopping, a light breeze in the summer heat
Juicy by Doja Cat
Chicken Noodle Soup by J-Hope (ft. Becky G)
Cool for the Summer by Demi Lovato
Need to Know by Doja Cat
I'm Legit by Nicki Minaj ft. Ciara
About Damn Time by Lizzo
Levitating (ft. DaBaby) by Dua Lipa
Egoistic by Mamamoo
Next Level by aespa
Truth Hurts by Lizzo
Gashina by SUNMI
Dirty Harry by Gorillaz
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Lovely and deep, like the woods they like to wander
Started planning their Halloween costume since summer
Chooses their afternoon tea depending on their mood
Likes to sit by the window and read when starts raining
Often misunderstood
Looks dark and broody but is just a cinnamon roll (a cute, little, squishy cinnamon roll!!! - sometimes I struggle to repress the urge to push you off a cliff - nah, you know you love me - who's gonna tell them? - Not me.)
Starts reading several books at the same time and switches between them
Spends long afternoons reading in coffee shops
Struggles with depression and anxiety
Cannot function without coffee in the morning
Gets startled easily if they are focused on something else
Judges everyone silently, that's just what they do (Except Spring, she can do whatever she wants. - is it the cuteness? - It is.)
Waits for the call to end and then texts "What do you want?!?"
Eye-rolls, tired eyes, old books and fallen leaves as bookmarks, sentences underlined with shaky lines, large cardigans and knitted sweaters, dark coffee with splashes of milk, Earl Grey tea and butter biscuits, soft sighs and sweater paws, leather messenger bags and worn-out notebooks, the pitter-patter of rain on the sidewalk, fog and drizzle, the distant rumble of an incoming storm
The Less I Know the Better by Tame Impala
Tired by beabadoobee
Devil Town by Cavetown
Coffee by Jack Stauber's Micropop
Blondie by Current Joys
Alien Blues by Vundabar
Little Dark Age by MGMT
Hey Kids by Molina ft. Late Verlane
Take a Slice by Glass Animals
Vide Noir by Lord Huron
Mary On a Cross by Ghost
The Chain by Fleetwood Mac
Zombie by The Cranberries
Helloo!!! ✨
Sorry it's been a while since I've posted anything (again, sob) but I'm back!
I chose seasons this time, and I've also added comments from each one, I thought it would be a cute thing to add, I had fun doing it.
For the character's comments I used different colors to recognize them, I hope it's not too chaotic.
Hope you enjoy, and please take care of yourselves,
lots of love 💜
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immoralimmortals · 1 month
A Song With Ten Names
Chapter 9: This December
Chapter 1 ☆ Next chapter
Summary of chapter: It's hard to play the entire piano, end to end 88 keys, with just one set of hands. It's impossible to go through life totally alone, no matter how well you convince yourself otherwise. Itachi, Kisame, and the traveler discuss the little things that set her world apart from that of the shinobi.
Author's Note: The song for this chapter is This December by Ricky Montgomery, lyrics not entirely in order.
CONTENT WARNING: the overall warning for the fic is especially prevalent in this chapter. Allusions to suicide, suicidal behavior and ideation, self harm.
I also now have a playlist with each song in order of appearance :)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It's just a little bit, it's just a little bit
Lonely in this home
It's always colder on your own
My darlin', I
I let the season change my mind
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Kisame keeps an arm’s length about as well as the traveler can ignore how a full size piano could be taken back to the mansion with just a scroll and a puff of smoke. That is to say: it was, for certain, a noble attempt. She’s watching him now, bumblebees idling by as he re-sides the brick wall in humid summer air. Ivy pushes forth from its cracks, poison and otherwise alike, so he had rolled his eyes and pretended like he wasn’t going to be the one working on this chore anyways, having no allergy. As if Itachi would sully his pretty hands.
In this time together, the princess’s knight hasn’t been so bold as to ask...why? He knows she’s lonely. Damn, so is he! But she was told, right? That her first set of bouncers weren’t the exception but the rule for the rest of ‘em. It’ll be her fault, he excuses himself, if anything amiss were to threaten that lovely little neck of hers. He’s still stuck on the stage of denial where it’d just be for the mission if he did- and he should- make the offender pay dearly, direly, desperately.
The woman contemplates, too, but at a different pace, eyelids low and sleepy under the blanket of midday humidity. Contradictions are smothering: guilt for feeling guilty. But she’s an adult, and prolonging the sensation makes her weary. Best she can do is do her best, and in this case, it means to think about other things until that part of her psyche settles down. Ironically, this shift causes another part of her mind ramp up— a rather metaphysical sort about this predicament she finds herself in. Kisame, of course, is a part of it, but he is not the whole: she is unhappy about her happiness. Sadness can survive even in summer air.
Under the shade of the back porch awning, deep in a trance, it takes her a second to recognize a second shadow has layered over her, just a bit darker where she sits.
“Mm…? Oh. Thank you.” A cup of tea passes between the Uchiha’s hand to hers, ceramic hot to the touch, but not too hot as to burn in your grasp. It’s an uncanny skill he has, this perfect steep; a personality like his would be well suited for a cafe, she muses. Steam raises as the cup tilts at her lips, a mist collecting on her rose-pink lenses that sit on top of her head; they aren’t the best at being sunglasses, but they’re cute, and that’s a good enough reason to still have them. Slowly, knowing her as jumpy, the gentleman raises a finger and pokes the object, just enough that she can feel it start to part her hair.
“I haven’t seen these before.”
Despite his efforts, she blushes a little; memory of Kakuzu’s confusion over them have made her a touch bashful. “Glasses. Use them to read.” She points to the sky with a finger of her tea-holding hand, the other cupping her chin while its elbow leans on her knee. “Help with the sun.” There’s only the slightest shift— tilt of his head— as he contemplates the usefulness of tinted reading glasses.
...Strange girl, indeed. His own brew perfectly balanced above his lap, Itachi sits on the stoop beside his ward, his partner’s work and grunts as much of a buzz in the background as the bees in long-untamed rose bushes that line the property. Thoughtfully, he allows a relaxing pause before he prods the traveler further:
“Do many have such glasses where you come from?”
Lazily, a “mm-mm” negative-toned hum and shake of the head answer him. It’s like she’s sucked dry of energy. “Clear or black tinted, just like here. Bought ‘em because they made me happy.”
He takes in the details of her, lax in a noonday breeze. Rosettes— tiny and pink— adorn her white dress in vertical rows, frocked with thin, blue lines that match the powder tone of the sweater she’s tied around her waist. Certainly not attire she chose to travel in, the sort of ground to cover between here and Hoshigakure. This is merely one reason among many that she is not of Hoshigakure, of course, a fact so obvious he sees no point in berating the matter when he can get right to the heart:
“What brought you all this way from the stars, Miss Takara?”
He won’t be able to tell, but she isn’t nearly as eager as she used to be, back at the bar with her job and patrons. “I just… I don’t know... It wasn’t worth it anymore, I guess.” She shrugs, the weight of the matter much lighter upon her shoulders than it should be thanks to many, many hours of reflection. “I just wanted to be done with it all, end it the way I wanted to. On my own terms, you know? As much as I could.”
The man tilts his head even further, closer, as if proximity will assist their connection, and he answers softly. Her own words are tinged with a poison, regardless of her relaxed attitude. “...You speak of severance of an utmost degree…” His gaze is kind. It understands. “It must have been difficult.” But her eyes just look through the trees. For as warm as the cold man is, so is the warm woman being cold in turn.
“Just seemed like the logical thing. That’s all.”
“Miss Takara…” She’s just an inch away, both as he leans in and as he pulls the curtain of her mind away. “...What in particular pushed you so—?”
“Can we talk about something else?!”
It’s the first she’s ever demanded anything of them, let alone in such a tone. The woman bares her teeth and pinches her brow. The change stands out enough to warrant Kisame look over his shoulder in concern. The calm of lazy days is broken, in pieces in her fists. As such, the woman is abruptly too seen.
“I—oh…" Immediately, as if on command, she becomes as small as before. "Sorry. That was out of place. Sorry.” Itachi masks his surprise well, dipping his head in acceptance of her behavior.
“It’s understandable.” And it's no lie. Such emotional affairs...difficult to unwrap without tearing a layer or two. But still, she’s too unsettled to continue this dance around speaking her destruction, and she picks herself up from the steps of the porch.
“Excuse me—”
The cup of tea is set behind in her stead, dappling light washing over and away until she’s walked back into her home. The knight watches in silence, up until the very last bit of her is out of sight. He frowns at his fellow Akatsuki. “Are you going to—?” He won’t admit it’s too good to be true, living like this, and so it’s a relief when Itachi shakes his head. The easy way of the Sharingan is not a necessary one, to accomplish the mission. Persuasion will remain as talk.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
I wanna see you with your head wide open
Empty in the ground, gone without a sound
Just another white elm growing at the end of town
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Only in my
No...that’s not right.
Her wrists raise again to press the keys:
Only in my dar
Hm. No. No! This shouldn’t be so difficult. Her silhouette is framed by the wall of the newly dubbed “piano room”, walls blackened with indoor shade while the outside glows with color. Itachi takes it in before stepping further towards the musician, the fuchsia of her glasses becoming clearer as the branches outside fade into bright, blinding light of the sun with his changing position. She doesn’t flinch, she doesn’t look. The music simply continues:
…Or it is trying to.
“What’s wrong?” the raven inquires from the doorway, interloping for his real concern. His eyes need not look at the piano. “Is it not tuned?”
“No…” the woman hums, unhappily. “It’s fine. It’s… It’s me. It’s the song.” There’s such a sharp frustration in her voice that was never present before, in this past week of daydreaming together, playing house. “I’m used to it sounding more full.”
Itachi blinks. “What’s missing?”
“Instruments that don’t exist.”
A rather blunt answer for how the woman typically presents herself, now a bit of a rose like her garden rather than a shrinking violet. Well-versed with thorns, the man draws closer behind the piano bench. As he does, he notes how this woman looks as if she was made to exist in this room, now that it’s been properly attended to; floors rustic but comfortable, a soft shade of brown wood that match her boots; a seat with a blanket and pillow neatly set atop, embroidery flourishing the edges of fabrics; the birds sing hardly some feet away as they do their best to peer inside, past antique curtains and old glass; a kitschy clock with tick tick ticks as a reliable metronome. Her fingers decide to go on their own, lyrics now wayward as she pins her thoughts too sharply onto black and white. Itachi, as always, listens, but he receives more than he anticipated.
It shouldn’t be so easy to catch an Akatsuki off guard.
“You are all...incredible.” Villains live on her tongue with such love. Could anyone but of another world treasure them? But that word has more meaning, here, than just to compliment. She refuses to look up. “You have wonderful abilities. Magic.” The performer has hardly seen anything of this place, but it’s more than enough to witness a man sink into the ground and a piano evaporate in a cloud just to arrive here in the middle of nowhere. She’s eager for more, but she is afraid— afraid, for obvious reasons, reasons like the magician’s red eyes.
“Why?” This question is so rehearsed that there’s no need to focus upon it, no need to stop playing idle music. “Why me? What makes me so special?”
Itachi answers simply. “You know why, Miss Takara.” But she shakes her head to this.
“Kind of. But. I don’t! Not why I’m here. Not what I’m useful for. Itachi, I-- I didn’t come here on purpose. I just woke up. And it had happened.” He furrows his brow, every so minutely.
“No explanation whatsoever…?” It’s hard to believe not even a clue in the laws of her dimension, what can and cannot make sense. “Do you not have higher powers, where you were? Chakra?” Another shake.
“I don’t even know what chakra is! What I had was just...reality.” The word is wistful under her breath. “I don’t know how else to explain it.”
“Perhaps you can try," her confidant offers.
And perhaps that's a wrong move of his in this chess game of feelings and semantics, as now she’s fallen mute. Her hands stray from the piano. They fold on her lap. He’s right behind her, now, but she still won’t shift to see him. A phrase repeats in her head, one of the voices that’s resided like an itchy scar for years, that she’s pushed away into the crowd of the village bar, or the traffic at rush hour, or the meaningless chatter of a TV screen. Those sounds are not here to pacify the voice, to rescue her away. She has no place to hide from it now, as she wonders what color Itachi looks at her with:
What have you done today to deserve your eyes?
“And what if it’s worthless to you?” The voice objects to her worth, to how she can see what's so good about living when she contributes so little. It's a question that logically brings another next, sorrow heavy in the space between them. “What then?”
He pauses, but unlike hers it is done in precision. The performer has her own answer that she wants to hear, and he knows another cannot become until this has its say.
“Itachi... Zetsu told me something." It's hushed, it's vile, it stings the way she speaks of him. It's like how you speak of a disease. "I’ve heard you’ve done something terrible. I’ve heard that you killed people.” It is true, and yet he must pretend he is unbothered, merely allowing she continue her interrogation. “Why not torture me? Hypnotize me again? Get it over with and go back to your lives?”
She waits. She waits and waits and waits like each tick of the clock above her head is slowly poisoning her air. There’s nothing she can do about fate; just make it quick. But Itachi sees her as his mirror, aware of what is behind the glass of their window, light shining bright enough to blind. He knows the tactic, the reflection of questions back without answering his.
“Why are you so eager to suffer?
“Because...—” A justification so quick breaks so easily, and so does her voice, the answer so obvious. “Because…” But can she say it? She can’t catch her breath. As the truth is spoken, it nearly chokes.
“It’s...too good to be true.” She whispers something a sin to even acknowledge. “I still need to wake up."
No more flowery words or vague analogies.
"I still need to die.”
Without her conscious say, the woman's own hands have been fidgeting and rubbing so hard they might become raw, her fingernails pinching at her cuticles to tear skin away shred by shred. Maybe if the woman keeps pulling, she’ll unravel, and this will all be done. Crying shouldn't be so hard, but she’s already shed so many teardrops for her own sake. In the time they're needed most, they do not come. Surely, this is proof that dying would be of no regret. The crow looks with sad eyes, so hurt that he's expected to see her as a vulture does carrion.
“Takara-san…” So this is what she keeps inside. Burning intensity, ice-cold flame, feels intimately familiar. Who would he be to ignore such a plea? A black cloak shuffles like crow feathers around the unoccupied side of the bench and fills her lonely space. Because he knows this suffering so well, so too is there knowledge that this isn’t the core of her being but the veneer, the protection of something precious that you want left alone, lest a glass shatter so fine it becomes diamond dust. “You don’t deserve that.” A hand with a crimson plaque gently grasps her own, pulling bleeding fingers away from their small self-destruction. The player allows it, though her hissing mind does not cease. Please don’t waste your time on pitying me. Her blood will dry on his skin.
“It isn’t about deserving it. I told you. It just...made sense to do.”
He’s getting an idea, now, of how she ended up this way, so frayed and delicate and yet so wide open to whatever . It’s the kind of person you are when you meet the end. The raven weaves his fingers between those of the ghost. The muscles in hers tremble with effort, as they refuse to melt into his as they craves to.
“What if you can make it worthwhile?” he proposes. “Is there nothing to enjoy? You told me you liked the rain. That dragonflies shimmer so beautifully in the sun. ...And what of us? Do you not enjoy Kisame? Perhaps even me?” A bold addition, considering his reputation, but it finally makes her flinch. The queen has been captured, a move that paid off. At first her mouth grimaces, but slowly, surely, it’s a bitter smile.
“...The guilt card…” her voice quivers, the tiniest touch of gratitude amid playful seething. “That’s what we call this back home…”
With no worthy reason not to, just for him, she gives in. She lets him hold his hand, soft flesh giving way under his. A killer can comfort she who perhaps is the next prey. The wolf and the lamb need not carry on tradition, not just yet.
“Please promise me something.”
“...Anything.” She’ll never know the weight his vow holds.
“When it’s all about to end...tell me. Whenever that becomes the plan. I have no reason to fuss over it. I don’t have anything to lose.”
But you guys.
He already spoke his seal, his dedication, and so Itachi finds it unnecessary to taint the moment with a mere verbal confirmation. Her smile becomes more genuine, and gratefully, she rubs his knuckles with her thumb. Eyes close again, this time with a closer semblance of peace, and a blind hand raises by its wrist once more. It isn’t trying yet for the melody; she merely...appreciates the notes. She lets them resonate deep in her, its echo up her bent arm and into her heart. The player studies them individually and by their own merit rather than failure to replicate a certain song, returning to the basics of what makes a sound pleasant to the ear.
With two silhouettes side by side, layered into one person with two heads in the dark, maybe there’s a new version of what “complete” means. A rendition. A remastering. A rearrangement. How can one note mean so much? To seep such emotion into cold-hearted murderers...a talent, indeed.
The next step in healing is to try move on.
“Itachi,” she repeats, about to outdo herself. “What do you like?” She beats him to the cop-out: “Besides time with me.”
While a question he’s gotten sarcastically once or twice in the past few years, it has never been one with an answer. You either know him well enough to not need ask, or you do not. And with his own mission, it leaves few worth the time to see firsthand. However...her happiness, however brief, is part of this journey now. To indulge her is to unlock his secrets. It is a risk worth taking, and so he closes the gap until he’s right up to her side and can whisper innocent things from terrible lips.
“My brother,” he begins with the most obvious, the sun his planet revolves around. He hears her murmur of surprise. “I left him when he was small. But everything I do...I do for him.” He’s never...seemed happy before. Placid, yes, perhaps even content but...happiness is what this is. She can hear the smile just underneath his collar. “When he said my name...nothing surpassed that joy. He loved playtime with his big brother. He wanted his shadow to be just as long as mine, if only to keep me safe. He loved being where he didn’t belong, just to stay beside me. ” And Itachi regrets that he cannot do the same.
Itachi’s happiness stings.
The rose leans into him more, and the Uchiha welcomes the intimacy that scratches him with her gentle touch.
“He sounds...incredible,” she repeats, though different in meaning. A cracked eye sees his free hand raise, and a finger that has sent many to hell tries to join her in heaven with a single, harmonic voice.
It joins her perfectly, something deep from her on one end and bright from him upon the other.
“He is. He always will be.”
And that’s enough. She needs to return the favor, thinks the crow: “And what of you? What do you like?” With the question, her finger inches just a little closer to his, just a little higher in tone.
“I…” Dumb things make her heart race, as ever. Her cheeks tinge the color of her glasses. “It’s the first thing on my mind, is all. Just the first. That I miss from home. Don’t laugh.” The woman knows he will not, and yet fear necessitates this verbal ritual, this disclaimer. She knows how he would answer, that any little thing that keeps her alive is worthwhile.
“I like...cotton candy. I like how puffy it is.” She pushes back shame for not praising things of grander value to the universe, as her own existence is so very small, and its buds deserve to be nurtured by the only one who can garden for it. “I like that it’s soft. That it can be pink. Or blue. Or yellow. It’s always so pretty. It’s like a cloud from your dreams.”
Itachi’s hushed voice betrays wonder. “...I’ve never heard of such a thing.” His receptiveness puts heavy shoulders a little more at ease, setting her burden a little more upon the ground.
“It isn’t...a sophisticated taste. It’s just sugar. But it’s whipped so, so fast...that it’s like silk. It’s like spiderwebs. And then as soon as it’s in your mouth...it melts so fast that it’s gone.” She holds back an ironic comment on how this could be like other forms of joyousness, but that’d be rude to him.
“I like…” She purposefully selects something alongside her grievances with an infinitely connected world. “...Pictures of cats. Where I come from, it’s so easy to share things. To show things. And so much of it was dedicated to just showing how silly or happy or cute your cat was.” Her smile widens, sweet as the sugar clouds he can only imagine. “I love cats.” Love. That’s progress in his purview; he didn’t even have to press for such emotion. “Do you like cats?” All of a sudden, she’s looking at him, and her eyes are as bright as the morning they searched for the piano standing in front of the pair. “I like all of them, but I really like orange cats.”
And suddenly, something clicks.
He sees it now. A part of her, deep inside, is so very, very small. She sheltered it so much from the suffering in her skin and bones that this piece of her soul will never quite grow all the way up. The magician takes her question very, very seriously.
“...The brown ones. With soft tones and darker points.”
And then it happens. She laughs. She laughs unhindered and out loud and without guilt. Itachi sees something familiar, and he remembers that this is what it means to be alive. This is what peace can be...
...Is, before him, for him, now.
This is how the rest of a lazy summer day passes by. Much to the ease of Kisame's mind, he finds the woman enraptured in joy and stories and so many- many- flutters of excited hands. Part of him is so goddamn relieved he didn’t fuck up so badly that rainy night prior that he sucked all the hope out of her precious bleeding heart… But also part of him didn’t know she had this kind of energy in her, that this kind of behavior was beaten out of her with no return. So after brief surprise, it returns to grateful ease. What is it with Itachi and women…?
...No, it isn’t worth framing like this so simply, Kisame surmises, seeing the way black eyes soften with her reflection in them. So even Uchiha can feel love...
Tentatively, with the guide of a red-ringed hand, the traveler gets some help passing barefoot past the road of coals and thorns and on the way to some sort of freedom, as much as can be found in a situation with no choices. The new man is greeted warmly as he enters.
“What’s all this about?” Kisame joins in, pulling up the chair to join one old friend and one new. Bashfully, the woman releases her grasp from Itachi’s— the hold unseen by the swordsman in the first place— and presses her reddened fingertips together. “I’ve been thinking about things that cheer me up. What do you like?” she invites so quickly it takes him off guard.
The taller man looks up to his partner and either receives the permission he is seeking or does not in those dark eyes. With hesitation, as if he could make her cry with just a word, Kisame engages the childish quandary, putting his true, bandaged favorite that's normally strapped to his back in temporary second place.
“Well…” he begins with a scratch of his chin, worried it won’t be up to par with whatever preceded him, “...I quite like seafood.”
At first he’s afraid, she’s so much louder than he’s ever heard her, but those are stars in her eyes as she jumps up.
“I love seafood!”
With slow acceptance, the blue man raises a brow and one side of his mouth. “...Is that so…?” She nods, eagerly, and so it’s impossible to hold back a chuckle. “Then we’ll make a date of it, princess.”
“Oh my gosh!” Two fists pump the air, the woman’s expression as determined as one can be over fish. “Yes! Next time! Next time we’re out!” She turns to Itachi, just a notch quieter. “...Next time we’re out?” As if he’d do anything else, he pauses before giving his own quiet nod. “Yes!”
The shadows change shape over the hours, and the three silhouettes are now in color with it so dark outside. Normally such a figure in triple-headed shape alone would be more akin to a hydra, what with 2/3 being some of the most feared men in all of humankind, but the third makes their picture mean something else entirely. Unknown, what other analogy there could be for something with three faces, but it is remarkably more sweet.
“—And you can use it to watch videos!”
“Hm? Videos?”
“Like movies! Wait, do you have movies? Films?”
“Of course we have films, we aren’t cavemen!” Though Kisame doesn’t know her movies have sound and color.
“Okay, so it’s like a film, but it’s shorter— no, it can be as long. Or longer! But it’s usually pretty short. And you can say whatever you want in them, or do whatever you want!”
“Sounds trite.”
“It is! It was awesome. I liked one channel who talked about his farm—”
“Yeah, where you would post your videos!”
“Post? Hold on, princess, I thought this wasn’t a physical place. How can you post anything that’s not, say...a billboard? A pole?”
“That’s just the word for it, Kisame, I didn’t pick it!”
“How unusual…”
Itachi watches the two banter as she tries to paint them a picture, a mere sketch in the corner of a massive masterpiece that is an entirely separate manner of existence. For someone who hated it so much, these details still make her bubble with glee, grin like it’ll all be just fine. But then it grows late, and as the moon rises, so does the dreamer’s hand to suppress a yawn. Kisame offers her a hand, though she takes before understanding his purpose.
“We’ve kept the songbird up for so long that she lost her voice!” he teases, and even though she comprehends this tone, she still shakes her head in refusal.
“No, I haven’t lost it yet. Just one last thing. One more—”
It doesn’t have to be perfect. It doesn’t have to be complete. But it can be something else.
The dying man returns her gaze. She does not flinch at his coal-black eyes.
“Help me with something?” Even as she requests, her hand is already taking his again, and an angel guides two fingers to make one chord on the piano, pressing for him in multiple lengths.
Dmmmm… Dm. Dm. D-d-dm.
“Just like that,” she explains. “Every so often, when it feels right. That’ll be a big help for this song.”
Having slumped onto the floor somewhere in the past couple subjects, she outstretches her fingers for Kisame’s hand again, signifying she’s ready finally for his aid, and she’s lifted off the ground. Once the wrinkles upon the lap of her dress are pressed off, the woman returns one again at the bench, Itachi having not moved from it. Their sides touch again. He’s numb to the thorns. The scent of rose is intoxicating, dizzying in its contrarian, painful innocence, and he notes to be wary of it in the long times to come.
“I’m going to sing for you guys.” Confident as the statement is, the next one makes it waiver: “...If that’s okay.” But she knows it’s okay, so she does not wait. An inhale winds up her nose and an exhale shoves out fear clinging to her throat. Two wrists raise and press the keys, once they pulled down her lenses so she can view her situation with rose-tinted glasses. Unspoken questions ruminate, fuel the engine of her soul:
Can we be friends?
But what if it doesn’t last?
Does it matter?
So she sings:
Only in my darkest moments can I see the light
I think I'm prone to getting blinded when it's bright
She sighs melodically, to her new rhythm, as she tries to describe to them what it’s like to want to hurt, to ache, to die, when things are getting better.
Well, this December, I'll remember
Want you to see it when I do
Oh, oh, oh
God knows I do
Suffering makes you doubt joy, joy makes you doubt that you’ve suffered. Both are veracity of being alive, and yet so easily they can be swayed to the benefit of the negative. Guilt for allowing yourself happiness: it’s something these men know, too. They need little explanation. The passiveness, as if existence is merely erosion of the self instead of the building of your mountain, your accumulation of many, great, little things. It's a form of self-harm. Itachi is perfect in his role; he knows just when to add in his given chord and give her strength.
I'm alright if you're alright
I'm okay if you're okay
It's this state, in this state I'm living in
It's just a little bit, it's just a bit
Maybe, this December, I'll remember
Want you to see it when I do
Oh, oh, oh
God knows I do
The ghost will ride joy out as long as it lasts. Maybe someday, Itachi will see how cotton candy compares to dango. Kisame tries in vain not to have this moment change him forever, for the better. Heaven doesn’t need to pass away just yet. And then as the song fades and it’s time to retire for the evening, single words between the three make each other a promise:
We will all still wake up for each other in the morning.
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primumincaelo · 2 months
about the mun!
Name: i go by Dust! Age: 26, almost 27 Pronouns: he/they Sexuality: gay-ace Single Or Taken: single and a lil unsure about the mingle Hobbies: doodling, writing, cosplay... i also participate in a rocky horror shadowcast group and that's been really fun! Favourite Colour: probably purple tbh? Fandoms: ― Current: uhhhhhh hahaha mostly just hazbin hotel these days, my audhd ass is hyperfixated babey ― Past: oh boy there's a lot. good omens, south park, adventure time, stranger things, gravity falls, steam powered giraffe, welcome to night vale, camp here & there, homestuck, nbc hannibal, doctor who, sally face..... there's still more but i'll stop there easfrgth Other Blogs: my main is onhigh (canon div angel dust), i also have disventura (hazbin au wednesday addams), clawtender (sinner oc; blog is still kinda wip efsrdgth), incisura (fallen exterminator oc; low activity), and then i'm working on a super secret trio muse blog for my heavenly muses (which includes st peter - currently at pearlkeep until the mini mumu is done!). i also have a multimedia mumu, dustified, but since hazbin has consumed my brain i haven't really used it much. Favourite TV Show: hazbin prolly atm Do You Cosplay?: ABSOLUTELY I DO i've been doing it for like 12 years. i'm in the process of putting together luci and adam, plus i've cosplayed angel before! Favorite Media: i dont entire get this question? uh... i like watching youtube a lot? Favourite Book: i don't really read all that much? i've recently started house of leaves, it's been pretty good so far Favourite Band: i'm here to post Detour North propaganda (i'm actually, genuinely friends with the singer, we were in high school theater together). technically they're not together anymore but their music still goes fucking hard. also huge fan of will wood/wwatt, waterparks, calypso, front bottoms/flat stanleys, flatsound, hozier, ricky montgomery, tally hall/miracle musical, ghost, chonny jash.... again there's a lot here, i'll stop before i make this too long Favourite Movie: bright young things from 2003. i can't remember when i came across it but it's been a comfort movie since i first watched it Do You Have Pets?: we have a black cat named wednesday! she's still a junior, only about 2 years old i think, she's a stupid lil thing there's not a thought in that head Favourite Animal: opossums or raccoons i think :3 Do You Play Any Instruments?: i took piano lessons from grade 6 up until i graduated high school, i took a couple months of violin lessons, and i can kinda pluck at a ukulele, but i'm by no means extremely good at any of them lmao Favourite Hellaverse Character(s): hhhhh lucifer and adam. no hesitation. i thought when i came back i'd be right back to angel dust? nope. lucifer and adam come in and sweep up the title like it's candy from a baby
tagged by: @brokendreamscreation (ty!!) tagging: uhhhhhhhhhh you <3
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fbfh · 1 year
light up the dark [X] - Leo Valdez x reader
wc: 6.3k
genre: domestic fluff, slice of life, smut, character interactoins
pairing: Leo Valdez x goth gf!child of eros!reader
warnings: reader might be starting to warm up a little, Leo being an absolute lovemuffin (he's so sweet), c*lypso mentions, c*lypso shit talking, reader nico goth kid friendship, leo hazel friendship, hazel being adorable, possible soulmate au????? v brief, good old fashioned friend group tea spilling/gossip sesh, penetrative sex, closet hookups, emotional sex, oral (f recieving), leo making everyone's heart do backflips, switch leo, gratuitous use of the words cunt and clit, gratuitous clit play, sex w a side of feelings
summary: after a surprisingly enjoyable movie, many important conversations are had while everyone splits up to do chores in groups. your ability to resist Leo is getting weaker, and he's starting to make you feel things.
song recs: that's amore - dean martin moonstruck soundtrack, canzone per loretta/gioventu mia tu non sei morta - moonstruck soundtrack, dear future husband - meghan trainor, don't know how - ricky montgomery, hangin - bastille, let's generalize about men - crazy ex girlfriend soundtrack, she knows - j. cole, bad ideas - tessa violet, haunted house - florence and the machine, if my heart was a house - owl city, I'll make love to you - boyz II men
a/n: struggled with this bc of a change in my environment that ate up an hour of my writing time!! hate it :) the movie they're watching is moonstruck if you didn't catch that lol.
tags: @yesv01 @magcon7280 @avashaye @perseajohnson @afidiofobia @thatmultifandomloser @yelenabel0vaswife @almostjollypizza @fictionalcomforts  @lizziebitch33  @jacksondeeznuts @girlfriendwhoseawitch @urmum-xoxo @Asunnyhunny @dustyinkpages @cowboylikekelsey @legramilis @youkissedareaderinthedark @mrscarolscaramoucheplease @cosmiq-cloud @anything-forourmoony  @i-dont-remember-a-lot  @chasingpj @1dpjohoohp @mystic-writings   @babiesimagines @dreamerball @demirunner @if-only-i-was-fictional
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You spend all day waiting for the shoe to drop. You sit through “family meetings” of chore wheel arrangements and board games and movie night schedules with your stomach in knots, waiting to see if Nico told anyone yet, or if he’s going to. One move from him and it could be dramageddon. Dread sits cold and heavy in your stomach, like an unwelcome but familiar old friend. For the whole time everyone’s piled in the living room, dividing up chores and tasks, taking turns picking games and movies, you look at everyone’s faces a little too closely, trying to figure out if anyone knows, if anyone suspects anything yet. It's going to be tough, being in such close quarters like this. You just have to act totally normal, not give them a reason to suspect anything. All these bonding activities and let's split up gang tasks are a minefield, each one laying the potential groundwork for more and more to go wrong. 
But as the time draws nearer to actually do all the things you've spent the morning planning out together, you don't find yourself nearly as worried as you thought you would be. After breakfast - which was obviously delicious because Leo made it - you all cram back in the living room to watch a movie. As you curl up in an armchair that's not too close to anyone and the opening credits begin to play, the only thing on edge is the voice in your head insisting that something is going to go wrong if you're not careful. 
You glance over at Leo, who's scooching an ottoman over to sit a little closer to you. It's enough to make you smile, but not so much that it feels like someone cornering you or encroaching on your personal space. You both settle in in tandem as the opening shot of the movie glows across the screen. You try not to pay too much attention to that voice, try to focus on the movie. You even manage to ignore the grinding pain between your shoulder blades that feels like something’s going to rip through your flesh for most of the time. You did try looking at your back in the bathroom mirror, but the skin around where it hurt just looked a little irritated. You don't know what this is, but you hope it goes away soon. 
The she-devil has been nowhere to be found for all this, the planning and arranging, even now during the movie. You can't say it's an unpleasant surprise, though it still escapes you why anyone would rather sulk then be spending time with a group of people that actually aren't terrible. Granted, Calypso's absence has made it a lot easier to get along with everyone else, keep the conflict to a minimum. Leo did go to check on her once earlier. All you knew was what you heard her berating him about on his way back down, how stupid and pointless she thinks all this is. 
You're not the biggest fan of it all yourself, but hearing the way she talked to him led you to adamantly take the opposite stance out of spite. Group bonding is so important. You'd even go as far as to say it's enjoyable. Your favorite fucking thing since Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge. It's not like you'll get to say it to her face, she only shows up for mealtimes, if that. You could easily bitch slap her for never helping with cooking or cleaning either. The only thing she actually does do is make everyone uncomfortable, talk shit about you, then storm off in a huff and expect everyone to worry about her, but turn down anyone who tries to talk to her. So yeah, it's probably best that you haven't seen much of her. 
By the end of the movie - that you actually enjoyed, in spite of the lack of things you usually look for in movies, like blood or the occult - everyone had a great time. You got some laughs, and even a few inside jokes out of it, including the phrase, 'it's like a big snowball' said in a thick new york accent. Percy didn't have to change anything to mimic the line perfectly, which was easily the best part of the whole thing. Once everything is all wrapped up, everyone splits up into teams for chore duty. You and Nico head to the laundry room, Hazel and Leo head to the store for groceries, and everyone else tidies up and starts to get dinner ready. Normally you hate laundry, but you realize this is actually the perfect opportunity to get some more information on children of Eros. You just have to play your cards right, be extra careful with Nico. You can’t charm your way out of this one. 
On the way to the grocery store, Hazel is quiet. She’s quiet when Leo plays old Megan Trainor songs, she barely replies when he asks how her craft projects are going, and she barely even bats an eyelash when they drive past someone walking not one, but two dogs. That’s when he knows something is really bothering her. It takes him until they’re half way through their list to figure out what’s going on, and get her to talk to him about it. Once she does open up, it seems obvious. He wonders how he didn’t piece it together before now, but he’s just glad they’re finally talking about it. 
“I just…” she starts, hesitating at the awkwardness of the subject. “I think that if you’re- putting out for each other, that that should mean something.” 
Leo nods, and she continues, avoiding his eyes.
“That if you like her enough to… you know… roll in the hay,” she mumbles, and Leo bites back a smile at the turn of phrase, “then you should ask her to be your girlfriend.” 
Leo lets out a dry laugh. 
“Be-fucking-lieve me, I want to.” 
She looks at him confused as he tosses bread into their cart. He lets out a sigh, trying to find the words he’s looking for. 
“The thing is,” he starts, skimming the aisles for the next thing they’re looking for as they walk, “I think she does like me like that. And I definitely like her like that. I just…” He trails off, feeling her silent question hover between them. If you both like each other, he should just ask you out! He thinks back to you, to how careful he’s been to not push you away or come on too strong. 
“I just don’t want to move things too fast and scare her off.” 
Hazel nods. 
“Like a horse.” She says solemnly. That gets a laugh out of Leo. 
“Yeah,” he says, scratching something else off their list as she places it in the cart. “Like a horse. So like you said, us doing the diddly-”
“Rolling in the hay!” She interjects with a humorous frown. 
“Whatever.” He says dramatically, getting another giggle out of her. “The point is, it does mean something - at least I think it does, between us - so I don’t want to pile on all this commitment on top of that. At least until I know she’s ready for that.” 
He glances over as she listens. 
“We’re just doing things backwards, I guess.” 
She hums in response. That all makes sense, sure, but there’s something that’s still bothering her. 
“Well,” she says, picking out some nice looking fruit from the produce section, “you shouldn’t keep your backwards relationship a secret from your friends.” 
She really called him out with that one. After how many unnecessary problems arose between the time they came to camp and actually defeated Gaia, all because of keeping secrets and not sharing things that are (in hindsight) really important, they came to the conclusion that keeping secrets is stupid. They all agreed to be much more open with each other, to tell each other everything and rely on their friends when things were hard. This informal no more secrets pact had only been broken twice. By Leo not telling them what’s going on between him and you, and by everyone else not telling him what they’ve really thought of Calypso all this time. Aside from those, things have never been better between them. Leo lets out a sigh. 
"You're right." He concedes, "I promise I'll tell them soon, I just don't want to scare her. I mean…" he sighs with a smile, thinking about how much you've opened up to him already. "She's finally starting to warm up a little, you know?"
Hazel nods. You really do remind her of a horse. You're skittish because you're scared, not because you're actually dangerous. You just need the right person to take care of you, brush you and feed you sugar cubes until you realize they're not all bad. She thinks Leo is probably that right person. She hopes this will be enough of a resolution, but as they walk to the next area of the store, she can feel that antsy feeling beginning to erode at her insides again. 
"So when you say soon…" she starts, getting a laugh from Leo, "do you mean like, tomorrow night at dinner soon, or this weekend soon?"
He considers. He's prioritizing how you seem to be doing, the silent cues he's picking up from you over a specific time. He shrugs.
"If the right opportunity strikes, sure, it could be as soon as tomorrow night." He says with a chuckle, half joking. As they scratch the last items off the list and head to the front to check out, they both feel a sense of resolution about the whole situation. Leo concludes the conversation with an emphasis on timing, waiting for you to be ready to take things further without taking on too much. Hazel concludes the conversation with an emphasis on the specific timing of dinner tomorrow night. She feels better knowing that she won't have to keep this secret from the people she loves more than anything for much longer. The only thing she needs to do now, is figure out how to keep it for that long. 
While you and Nico start sorting laundry into different piles, you try to figure out where to start, and more importantly, how to bring this up at all in a way that feels natural. You can't charm your way out of this with him, so you need to be a little more strategic. Once you decide where to start, which burning question to ask first, you break the comfortable silence that fills the room. 
"So," you start, not looking up from what you're doing, "how did you know that little trick of mine wouldn't work on you?"
He looks over at you with a dry hint of a smile, like he's been expecting this. He lets out a long sigh, and you brace yourself for wherever this is going. 
"Every once in a while, my dad - Hades," he clarifies, before continuing "he'll try to have a… father/son heart to heart with me."
You shudder in tandem at how uncomfortable that sounds. 
"After a few seconds, he realizes how painstakingly awkward it is, and give me a bunch of random information instead. I used to think it was useless, but…" 
He looks over at you, seeming to size you up, aligning what he knows about you with what his dad has told him about children of Eros in an attempt to avoid awkward dad talks. 
"I guess not."
You wait in silence for him to continue, but he turns back to sorting laundry. It's quiet for a few moments before you cave, trying not to seem as desperate for more information as you are. 
"So…" you start again. You try to seem nonchalant, but all it does is bring a good natured laugh out of Nico. You find yourself laughing along with him, and the realization sets in again that you can't make him perceive you the way you want to like you can with so many other people. It's somehow both alarming, and strangely comforting. Nico sighs before answering. 
"Children of Eros can invoke lust, sort of like how some children of Aphrodite can use charmspeak. The thing is, you can't draw on feelings that aren't there. Your powers are only going to work on people in the right age group - within a year or two of your age until you're 18. It's also not going to work on people that aren't attracted to your gender. I have a boyfriend, not a girlfriend, which is why-"
"None of that worked on you." You finish, grateful both for the information and to have someone to talk to about it. 
"Yeah." He agrees, as you finish putting the first load of laundry up in the washer as he continues.
"So basically, it's not going to work on someone who's not compatible because of their age or preference," he says, summarizing his knowledge on the topic, "or your soulmate." 
Your eyes flare at the addition. Soulmate? The curiosity in your eyes is obvious, so he continues. 
"But soulmate connections are pretty rare, so I wouldn't worry about that."
"Oh," you chuckle with a sigh of relief. At least that's one more thing you don't have to worry about. "Thanks."
The rest of your time in the laundry room is quiet, the white noise of the machines adding to the comfortable silence. You don't know if this counts as an actual friendship considering you're both just silently doing laundry in the same room, but you actually don't mind it too much. You're looking forward to the next time you do laundry together. 
Everyone else has made their way to the kitchen, starting to get everything ready for dinner and keeping each other company. It’s not long before the conversation turns to tea spilling, as it tends to when close friends are spending time together. It’s not long before the conversation turns to you. Annabeth asks Jason more about when you first met, and Jason is happy to go into detail. He’s mostly just glad he can finally talk to his friends about all this. After a while, they’re caught up on more or less every interaction he’s had with you before they arrived. 
“And then you guys showed up the next morning, so that’s basically everything. What do you think?” 
Once they’re up to speed, Piper’s the first to speak up. 
“I mean,” she starts, brow furrowed, “I’m worried about Leo, for obvious reasons.” Everyone agrees, none of them needing to go into detail about Leo’s taste in women. Historically, it’s been questionable at best, sometimes even bordering on self destructive. In the midst of Calypso inserting herself into their lives, something none of them are a fan of, the last thing any of them want is for Leo to jump from one toxic relationship into another, or worse, backslide to Calypso. Again. 
“Yeah, me too-” Jason starts, about to reiterate this point. 
“Wait,” Annabeth interjects, brow furrowing, “you said she scared off Calypso? When she first showed up?” 
“Yeah.” Jason nods. Annabeth considers for a moment. 
“I like her.” 
It brings a laugh out of everyone, but none of them disagree. Frank pauses chopping up vegetables for a second. 
“Honestly, I’m just worried she’s going to say something mean.” 
“To Leo?” Percy asks, getting another coke from the fridge and handing a redbull to Annabeth. 
“Yeah,” Frank shrugs, “or to any of us. I mean, we’re already dealing with enough shit right now, you know?” 
“Wait, has she actually said anything mean to anyone here? Like, targeted any of us?” Will asks, thinking back. Jason lets out a dry laugh. 
“Uh, yeah?” He says, stating the obvious, “She was super mean and terrifying when we first met.” He thinks back to how intimidating you were that first day they found you. 
“Wasn’t she, like… scared out of her mind then? Like, she just woke up from a magic coma and probably didn’t even know she was a demigod. Has she done anything mean since then? Like, after that?” 
Jason’s brow furrows as he tries to remember. 
“...I don’t think so.” He says, and Will chuckles. 
“Yeah, she was probably just scared!” 
Jason has no idea how he didn’t think of it like that before. He realizes that now, since your life isn’t in mortal danger, you haven’t really been snapping at anyone but Calypso that much. Everyone else seems to come to the same conclusion. 
“I mean, she did call Calypso a wilted jagweed the other day.” Frank points out. 
“In her defense, Calypso was being a wilted jagweed.” Percy says, nonchalantly. 
“I think that’s the nicest thing I could say about her…” Annabeth agrees, drawing a loud laugh through the room. They start remembering your best Calypso roasts and funniest zings over the last few days, and in doing so, they notice a pattern. All of that, every mean but honest thing you’ve said about her, has been in response to something less good natured that Calypso said or did. You haven’t been the one starting shit since day one. 
“Okay. If no one else will say it, I will.” Piper says, and everyone braces themselves for some scalding hot tea, “Am I the only one who’s noticed how much shit Calypso talks about her?”
Everyone in the room could not agree more. 
“Especially behind her back!” Piper points out incredulously. They’re all reminded of the various mean girls they’ve had to deal with over the years. None of them want to admit it, but ever since Calypso left Ogygia, she’s been steadily getting worse than Regina George. Percy lets out a dry scoff while he stirs the contents of a frying pan, a dish towel casually tossed over his shoulder. It’s something he’s seen his mom do countless times, and it feels weird cooking without one. 
“You know, it’d probably be a lot easier to gel as a group like Chiron said if Calypso wasn’t picking fights all the time.” 
Annabeth turns to him, agreeing adamantly. 
“Yeah! And have you noticed she only shows up to eat?” She scoffs, “Where is she when we’re all cooking and cleaning up?” Facts have truly been spoken, and no one shies away from agreeing with her. At least you’re actually participating. Even when it seems like sometimes you don’t want to, you still make an effort to be there. You still show up where Calypso doesn’t. 
“Yeah, literally!” Jason agrees, “She actually helped me and Leo go grocery shopping on our first day here. She made a list and divided it up so it would be easier and everything.” 
The silence speaks volumes. There’s more than enough evidence that in spite of your prickly exterior, you’re actually much nicer than Calypso is. Granted, with her track record it’s not hard to be nicer than she is, but they all still appreciate the effort from you. Frank finishes chopping the vegetables as cooking smells waft through the air, a preview of the delicious food to come. He finds himself relating to you. After the blessing he got from his dad, he noticed the instantaneous difference in the way people look at him. He suddenly got so much taller and more buff than he was, and that paired with the Mars energy can make him seem really intimidating. He knows what it’s like to be written off as mean and scary before someone even tries to get to know you, because he’s been through that too. 
“I feel kind of bad for her…” he muses. Between how much Calypso has been shitting on you, and gods know what you went through before they found you, they all find themselves agreeing with him. It makes sense that you would have a chilly attitude if you’ve been hurt by people in the past. The tides continue to shift in your favor, leaving them feeling a little defensive over you. It sinks in that even though you’re a little rough around the edges, you haven’t done anything to hurt them. You’re trying to get along with them as best as you can, you seem to want peace. 
Not only that, but you really do seem to make Leo happy. It’s pretty hard to miss. Even earlier during the movie when he scooched his way over to you, and kept whispering to you about what was going on when you missed something or forgot a character’s name, no one could deny that it was sort of… cute. He gets excited when you walk in the room, his gaze always seems to linger on you. They’ve even seen your gaze flick over to him enough to clearly see you’re not totally uninterested in him. Knowing you, that might just be the tip of the iceberg. 
The way you look at each other has Percy and Annabeth, and Jason and Piper sharing meaningful looks. Frank and Will stare into space for a second, thinking about their girlfriend and boyfriend, respectively. Leo seems more confident, more at ease, more himself when you’re around. At the very least, definitely more than he is with Calypso. If it comes down between you and Calypso, which it looks like it is at this point, they all know they’re going to side with you. Because in spite of your thorns and rough edges, you really do know how to make Leo feel good. 
“Oh f-fuck!” Leo sighs out in a strangled moan. You're in a cramped closet you slipped into - or more accurately, dragged him into - when he got back from grocery shopping and you finished the laundry. Nico went off to take a nap and Hazel said she has an appointment with her diary and a hot cup of tea, to please not disturb her. You pounced on him like a goddamn animal the second you got the chance. Now you're biting his lips, scratching his back, sucking hickies into his neck. It really didn't take long to rile him up, get him fuck into you wildly, so deep and good that neither of you can get enough. He has a hand clapped over his mouth in a desperate attempt to muffle his moans. It barely stands a chance against the way you grip him, dripping more arousal with every thrust, but at least he's trying. He's lost all sense of time since you first dragged him in here and pulled him closer by the collar of his shirt, connecting him in a deep, open mouthed kiss. 
He forgets himself, forgets everything outside that door. The only thing he can think about is you. You, and the way your nails bite blissfully into his skin, your sweet smell invading his senses, making him feel high. He can’t hold on, can’t stop himself from moaning out your name like a prayer, over and over as he climaxes inside you. He throbs and pulses against your cushy walls as the condom bulges inside you, stuffing you full with all his cum. In spite of the thin - but incredibly important - layer of latex between you, the feeling of him filling you up is more than enough to push you over the edge. You clamp down hard around him, clit throbbing, as you climax. You do your best to stay quiet, but there’s not a sigh, not a single pant or heavy breath of yours that escapes him. He commits it all to memory. 
He peppers your face with kisses between heavy breaths and murmured praise against your skin as you both come down from your high. 
“So good for me, so, so good,” he mutters, breath mixing with yours, “gods, I love you so fucking much…”
You feel your stomach slowly stop twisting, feel that hollow emptiness begin to go away as he kisses you and kisses you. You indulge yourself, letting him keep kissing you while you attempt to get yourselves straightened up. You have hookups and quickies down to a science at this point. You mentally run through your list of things to fix and check, but keep losing your place at how soft his lips and kisses and breaths are against your skin. He sighs again, all blissed out from you, making your head spin for a moment. It’s really, really distracting. Eventually, you try to pull away from him and his soft, addictive lips and touches and longing looks to fix your lipstick. 
You open the door, nudging him out before someone starts to wonder where he is. 
His gaze, his hand in yours, all of his attention all linger on you. He knows you’ll be a minute or two behind him, and these last few moments in your presence will be enough to sustain him until then. He hates to part from you, every time you’re near him is better than the last, so he takes a leap of faith. He presses the back of your hand to his lips, gazing up at you through his thick eyelashes. From the moment his lips meet your skin until you’re finally out of each other’s sight, you stop breathing. Your stomach flips, feeling less empty than ever. You hoped it was just the way he looked at you, but trying to find your breath in that dark, stuffy closet, it’s also his kiss that lingers. 
When he enters the kitchen, he tries his best not to seem like he’s on cloud nine, he really does. But as he walks through the doorway, making conversation and checking on the food, he smells like you. Piper’s the only one to notice. Her eyes flare in realization as she pieces together what seems to her to be completely obvious, and she takes a sip of her drink to disguise the knowing look on her face. She pulls it together, helping with dinner, joking and laughing with everyone, bringing Leo up to speed on all the gossip that wasn’t about his love life. Both parties remain unaware that just moments ago, while you were milking his cock dry in secret, everyone else was talking about you and him and Calypso, and the two exceptions to the no secrets pact remain broken.
Leo sleeps lightly that night, every noise startling him awake, in hopes that it’s you creeping into his doorway like a cute little Nosferatu. He tries to reason with himself, reminding himself that you might not even come at all tonight. It’s not like you’re obligated to or anything. But he knows you will. You always do. He wakes back up suddenly, only realizing he’d drifted off when his eyes open back up. This time, he’s finally met with your familiar silhouette, quietly closing his door as your inability to resist temptation won again. He smiles that sweet smile of his at you, knowing he was right. 
You want to see him. You still like him enough to do this, to show up here. All it takes is one look and you know he can tell how weak your attempts to hold onto your chilly persona are becoming. You’re going soft. You walk over to the bed as he sits up, looking at you in that way that makes you wish he wouldn’t. You feel unnerved as you approach, and it fights the conflicting yet simultaneous cravings for him that leave you feeling empty and impatient. The hollow twisting feeling in your chest and stomach always makes you less stoic than you usually are, and you don’t like it. You don’t like that you didn’t feel like this before you met him. He just smirks up at you, eyes all soft and sweet as they trace over your features that look so pretty in the moonlight. He thinks you look even prettier during the day, when he can see you properly instead of sneaking around in the dark like this. His hands are warm and cathartic on your hips as he pulls you into his lap, leaning his whole body in to kiss you. 
“It’s just sex.” You insist unprompted. He pauses, lips millimeters from yours. 
“I know,” his voice is low, intimate, and he leans closer. You hesitate. 
“I’m just using you for your body.” You demand. 
“I know…” there’s that signature note of playfulness to his voice, and your words only make him smirk more. He doesn’t seem convinced, because it’s not at all convincing. Not like it was the first time you said it. He learned how to read you like a book in such a short period of time, now he knows you so intimately, and it’s obvious that the words you’re saying aren’t lining up with the way you say them, with everything else you’re telling him. There’s a vulnerability to you, just below the surface. He knows not to press you about it, to let it rise up naturally, but he wants to let you know that he sees it. Just the corner. 
Finally his willpower runs out, along with yours, and he kisses you deep and warm. He pulls away for a moment, looking at you like that again, before he leans back in to really kiss you properly this time. You’re relieved every time he kisses you, every time he touches you and looks at you in that way you don’t like and it makes that feeling go away. Sometimes you don’t even know it’s back before he’s dusting off cobwebs and taking sheets off furniture in your haunted house of a heart, turning on lights you didn’t even know were there. 
You can feel him getting harder under you. It’s enticing, feeling his cock come to life for you. You savor the feeling of how it teases you, rubbing against your hot, puffy folds and nudging against your clit. You squirm against him, hoping it seems like it’s for his pleasure and not because you really, really want him inside you. You reach into his pants, beginning to wrap your hand around the base of his cock, feeling a vein pulse under your touch. Right when you’re about to do something fun, his hands move to your waist and he flips you over before you can blink. He hovers on top of you, faces so close, lips almost brushing. The air freezes in your lungs. 
“Not yet…” he whispers low into your ear, punctuating with a kiss to the tip of your nose. You don’t have time to worry about not letting him see how flustered that made you, how much such simple words and gestures affect you, before he starts to move down. He pushes up your shirt, pressing a few kisses against your soft stomach, sending butterflies erupting through each place his lips make contact. He reaches your waistband, fingertips slipping comfortably below the fabric. He tugs off your panties, nudging your knees further apart, encouraging you to open up your legs for him. 
“Good girl, just like that.” 
He murmurs the words softly against your mound, before pressing another soft kiss against your skin, this time, directly on your cunt. It’s hot against his mouth, and if the way your breathing hitches at the contact is anything to go by, sensitive. He parts your lips slightly, dipping his fingertips between them to trace your entrance. You feel him smirk at how wet you already are for him. You want to tell him to shut up, to stop smirking like that, but the words don’t reach your mouth. In the moment you think them, he spreads you all the way open, and starts pressing soft kisses to your throbbing clit. The sentiment evaporates, leaving your mouth as a shuddering gasp instead. 
He kisses you again, making the slightest contact with his tongue, and you feel the thoughts flying out of your head at the sensation. You forget what you wanted to say anyway. You don’t think things could possibly get better - or maybe get worse? You’re not sure - than they are right now, as he floods you with more pleasure than you knew was possible to achieve from soft, warm kisses. You’re proven wrong by him again, as he fully wraps his lips around your puffy, twitching clit, going to town with his tongue on your sensitive bundle of nerves. The noise you let out is unholy. You clamp a hand over your mouth in a futile attempt to muffle your moans. You feel him smile - not smirk this time, actually smile - and it hits you like a ton of bricks; he’s doing this for your pleasure alone. 
This isn’t prep or foreplay, he’s not trying to get you ready for him, all he wants is to make you feel good. The last time you can remember a guy going down on you, it’s been as a way to get you ready for him - or as a way to get something in return. But not Leo. Leo Valdez, sweet Leo who smells masculine and spicy, with his soft lips and soft hands and soft looks, and his warmth… he’s between your legs, placing your hands in his hair, sucking on your clit for your pleasure. ‘And his, apparently,’ you think, feeling the bed start to bounce as he ruts his hips into the mattress, moaning into your cunt. 
It makes your head swim, and it’s mere seconds before you’re cumming, rutting up into his mouth and dripping for him. When you come down from your high, you realize he hasn’t stopped. He’s still going, slowly and gently, squeezing your hips tight as he does. He moans into you again, the vibrations of his voice feeling even better than they did before. You’re so sensitive, and he’s so good at this that it doesn’t take you long until your legs are shaking in climax for him again. You lose track of everything except the dizzying feeling of him slowly and lovingly making out with your clit. 
You don’t know how many times he’s made you cum - three or four? Maybe five, you’re not sure - until it’s eventually too much. He can feel your pulse racing against his tongue, feel you dripping down his chin, wetter than you’ve ever been as you tug at his hair, trying to get him to detach from your clit and close your shaking legs. He lets go, very, very reluctantly, and looks up at you. You don’t think there’s anything he could say or do to drive you crazier, then he rests his head on the inside of your thigh, blinking up at you through thick, dark eyelashes. A ghost of a smile nudges the corner of his lips as he leans over enough to press a few affectionate kisses to your puffy, sensitive mound, and you’re proven wrong again. 
“Just fuck me already…” you plead. Your hands are still in his hair, and you find yourself simultaneously wishing for more of these intimate acts from him, and for him to just use you to get off, like you’re used to people doing. He smirks again, climbing up to hover closely above you. You’re once again face to face, lips millimeters apart. 
“Yeah?” He presses kisses across your face, your nose and cheeks that sends a chill down your spine, “You want that?”
You do. You want that so bad. You need to feel him inside you like you need air, or Palaye Royale’s entire discography. You nod frantically, humming in response as you close the gap, tasting yourself on his lips.  
“Okay,” he murmurs into your mouth, barely comprehensible from the way your tongue is pushing past his lips. He lines himself up with your entrance, and you wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him inside you as soon as possible. He moans into your mouth at how wet you are, the way your pussy sucks him inside you. He takes his time, fucking you good and deep, his kisses never ceasing. He takes care to grind the base of his cock against your clit, not too much, but just enough so you feel it. You definitely feel it. Every thrust has you whimpering, has your eyes rolling back and moaning into his mouth. 
The whole time he has you like this, there’s one phrase that’s on repeat in your mind, and it makes you realize something. He’s not fucking you, he’s making love to you. There’s a huge difference, and it’s something you’ve only known one side of until now. All this swirls around you in an intangible and undeniable amalgamation of feelings that you can’t dismiss as just lust anymore. You know lust and sex better than anyone, and in the back of your mind, you know for sure it’s not just sex. It’s probably too late now, you think, and if you want any chance to get away from this as cleanly and not messy as possible, you need to leave right now. Like, right now. 
But you don’t. You let him hold your hand, let his fingers intertwine with yours. You let him kiss you sweetly and gaze into your eyes like that, you let him hit all those spots inside you that he knows make you feel good. You let him make you feel good. You let him make you feel like you’re in a movie. And not some artistic psychological horror flick with an overuse of narration and too much dramatic irony, something sweet. Something romantic. Romcoms have never been your genre, but it feels okay with him. Good. You let him make you feel like a leading lady in a campy, wonderful romcom, like a love interest. You’re sure this will complicate things at some point, but you’re too terrified and dizzy and drunk on him, on how good he feels, to worry about that right now, so you stay where you are. You let him make love to you. 
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afreakingdork · 1 year
Hi again, it’s loaf! My Heart is Buried in Venice wasn’t a playlist specific one, but I know a lot of people were comparing Ricky Montgomery’s voice to Donnie’s a few months ago on TikTok!
I hope your day is going okay! Tomorrow is the end of the year and it’s so exciting! Do you have any New Year’s resolutions? Or anything you’re looking forward to?
Here’s a song for you to relax to tonight!
Space Cowboy
—Kacey Musgraves
It's Loaf! Ok, so my assumptions on the song were correct. i don't have tiktok for a litany of reasons, but that is a fun little factoid!
My day is going well and I'm about to sink into the abyss and see Avatar: Way of Water because I played a game of chicken with my friend about it and we both lost. I am very gungho about REASONABLE new year's resolutions. I actually print out a checklist at the beginning of each year and then evaluate myself at the end of the year (wow, writing that out makes it sound terrible). I'm really kind to myself and I use it as a means to figure out things like 'why didn't I do this?' 'was this too difficult?' 'did I make progress?' 'Was this something I wanted to do or was it something I thought I should do?' while also reflecting on the past year as a whole. Looking at my current list, it looks like I got 80% my resolutions done this time around.
I won't list all of them but my biggest resolutions for this upcoming year is finally stop putting off starting my original story in some form and finally frigging start lifting weights. I want to be stronk (and by that I mean be able to comfortably lift all my groceries at the same time without wanting to die after).
I hope you have a wonderful new year's yourself and be kind! The new year is both special and just another day. You don't have to become a new person overnight. Every waking day is about making new little choices that head you in whatever direction you want to go! 💪
Wow that turned out more lengthy than I thought. I'll go listen to that song now!
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eirist · 2 years
Little Bits and Pieces of Heaven
One-shot #: 33
Disclaimer: One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei.
Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.
Warning: OOC possible. One shot.
Rating: T
Note: How ZoNa-ish is the song Line Without a Hook by Ricky Montgomery? There are some parts that just fit them perfectly, especially the first lines. Anyway, play the song while reading this. I did when I was writing (and placed it on repeat) the latter parts of this story because it reminds me of them so much.
Summary: “It’s not so bad to get mad because I was hurt.”
Nami stepped out of the bar, all smiles and feeling victorious. She then took a deep breath of the not-so-fresh midnight air.
Another night, another bar, another win.
She turned and smiled at her companion, who followed her out, all scowls and grumbling under his breath.
Nami rolled her eyes. Nothing new with that.
“Quit grumbling Zoro,” she placed both of her hands on her hips to chastise him. “Thirty percent of our winnings tonight are yours.”
The man huffed, muttering something about how stingy she was. And really? Just thirty percent?
Nami frowned. “Thirty percent plus I buy you barrels of your favorite drink for your stock!”
“Tch!” Zoro clicked his tongue. “This is a waste of time.”
It was Nami’s turn to scowl. “Gee, I wonder why you still keep on accompanying me even if that’s what you think.”
“Because you keep forcing me!”
The map-maker folded her arms across her chest and stared him down. Even if he was taller than her, she was still able to pull it off.
“I did not!” She retorted. “You went here with me on your own! I didn’t even need to resort to anything to make you! Besides weren’t you having fun earlier when you were gambling against those pirates?”
Well… that was actually true. Zoro thought begrudgingly. He was having fun earlier and it’s because he was winning! But hell if he will admit it to her.
“I’m getting tired of being roped into your money-making schemes every damn time.” He decided to grouse in a petulant manner.
“So what? You don’t wanna do this with me anymore?”
He just shrugged in response.
Nami tapped her cheek as if she was pondering. “Oh well, I can probably ask Sanji-kun next time. And here I thought I’d have better chances of being safe with you because you’re stronger, more feral, absolutely intimidating and don’t get distracted too easily.”
“Don’t sweet talk me.”
The navigator’s eyes widened as she looked at him in disbelief. That was sweet talk to him? Good grief! What’s wrong with this man?
She just shook her head. Flipping her hair over her shoulder she gave him an unamused look.
“Fine. If you want out then out you go,” she agreed almost easily that it had Zoro raising an eyebrow at her. “Maybe it is actually much better to ask Sanji-kun. You’re not the only strong person in our crew capable of protecting me, you know.” She gave a casual, dismissive wave of her hand; trying to act nonchalant but inwardly grinning when her eye caught the way his jaw clenched.
Nami decided to push it some more.
“Too bad. Not only do I think you are stronger… but you are also luckier in gambling than him,” she added before walking away from him, humming.
Her inward grin was now displayed on her lips as she sashayed along the almost deserted street. Oh she saw how his face darkened and how a scowl was starting to appear on his mouth at what she said.
It was so easy to rile him up.
Far behind her Zoro was snarling, “Oi! Stop comparing me to that shit—”
He wasn’t able to finish what he was saying. Because Nami’s head suddenly whipped towards the left… a result of an unexpected attack coming from a drunk pirate that had jumped her suddenly.
She fell down the ground with a thud.
“You bitch!” The angry pirate was shouting while brandishing his weapon. “Give me back my mo-OOFFH!”
The pirate’s eyes widened in surprise when his back hit the wall near him suddenly, knocking his breath out of him. His weapon fell down the ground with a loud ‘clang’.
He was slow to realize that a hand was wrapped around his throat, gripping it tightly and lifting him right off the ground.
The pirate choked as he tried to take in some air. And he gawked in shock at the green-haired man whose features were so dark and menacing that it made him think of a demon who emerged from the depths of hell.
Sobriety instantly returned to him.
His dangling legs kicked at the air as he tried to claw at the hand that was holding him.
The man in front of him didn’t flinch, nor did he utter any word but he can feel the hand around his neck slowly tightening… determined to crush his throat.
There’s no doubt that this one-eyed man will kill him.
Nami clutched her head woozily. She can feel a warm liquid trickling down the side of her face. She touched it with her hand to check if it was blood and it is.
She was wounded. But despite the bleeding, she can tell that it wasn’t too deep. She had seen the man jumped at her earlier and was able to avert her head at the last minute. The attack had only grazed her—thankfully—yet it had broken her skin, hence the blood. She fell down the ground more because she lost her balance while trying to avoid the attack than because of it.
Would you look at that? Her instincts are sharper and definitely on another level now. A few years ago she wouldn’t be able to evade such attacks easily and would most likely end up with a squashed skull.
Zoro’s ever sharp reflexes must be rubbing off on her.
She pushed herself to a sitting position and was about to reprimand the stupid swordsman for not assisting her while she’s flat on the ground when she caught sight of Zoro and her attacker.
The former pirate hunter had the man by the neck, holding him up against the wall and dangling him like a rag doll.
Nami’s blood ran cold. She had seen this terrifying aura on him before but only in battles when he is faced up against an enemy that he absolutely abhors.
Even so he never loses his cool like this. And he always made sure his enemies get a taste of his sharp blades… not with his bare hands.
She watched as Zoro tightened his grip on the man. He was on the process of choking the life out of her aggressor…
Nami ignored the way her body swayed a little when she stood up hastily and dashed towards Zoro, grabbing his arm.
“Hey, hey. I’m ok!” She shouted at the ever-so-quiet Zoro, tugging at the sleeve of his green coat. “I’m alright Zoro! Let him go!”
There was a gurgling sound coming from the man and Nami took it as sign that the stupid pirate was still alive… fortunately.
“Just leave him and let’s go! Zoro!”
He barely flicked a glance at her and he continued staring darkly at the man before him. Nami tugged at his forearm this time and called his name again. She felt how rigid it was under her palm and she can see the veins bulging in it and realized how firmly he was holding the pirate’s neck.
She breathed a sigh of relief when she felt his arm relaxed.
Without another word, Zoro threw the man a good few feet away from them like he was disposing a piece of trash.
Well he is… attacking her like that. Coward.
A whimper came from the man before he eventually passed out. From fear most definitely.
Nami barely spared him a glance as she looked up at Zoro who was now eyeing her intensely.
Nami did not make one sound. Despite Zoro’s silence and the way he was staring at her, he looked like he had finally pacified.
He lifted his hand and his thumb brushed the side of the wound on her forehead.
“Let’s get you to Chopper.” He finally muttered.
They were quiet while they made their way back to the port where the Thousand Sunny was docked.
Zoro was walking before her—now vigilant—in case that pirate’s crewmates are also planning to attack them as well. His shoulders were stiff. Despite his now calm demeanor, she somehow knew something was brewing inside him.
He never loses his composure like that. Not in all the time Nami had sailed with him. It was the first. And it was different from the times he loses his temper on her or their crewmates—that was comical.
What she witnessed earlier… was what most of the people outside the crew calls his ‘killing-intent’.
And she somehow knows that she has something to do with it. Seeing her hurt while she was with him was clearly what got to him. She knows how seriously he takes on the role as the protector of his nakama.
Not to mention it’ll raise a lot of questions from the crew and oh boy, it would drive Sanji-kun into a murderous rage aimed totally at the green-haired man.
Thinking of the ensuing chaos when they get back on the ship was making her wound throb. Nami winced when she touched it to check if it was bleeding again.
“Don’t touch it,” Zoro suddenly muttered.
Nami frowned. How did he even know that? She didn’t bother replying to him but did as he said.
She let her eyes settled on his back again, silently observing him. She noted how rigid his posture was, how his hands were clutched tightly into fists. It was a clear indication that he was bothered by what happened previously.
“Zoro,” she called out to him.
He didn’t answer. And Nami fought the eye roll that she wanted to do.
Dear Kami he is in a mood.
Was he actually mad because he saved her?
Or was he mad because of how he almost lost control when he saw her got hurt?
She’d bet every beli in her treasure chest that it was the latter.
Because she knows—she had known—the real reason why he still keeps on accompanying her in every town bars, in every island they docked, to gamble and drink despite all his complaints.
What happened tonight just reinforced what she was already aware of.
And it seems like Zoro just had his own revelation earlier. And like the stubborn man she had always known him to be… he will try to fight it off, deny it and be absolutely sullen about it.
Just like what he’s doing now.
She had enough of his surly manner and temperamental mood. It’s not so bad to feel something for someone right?
“Zoro!” She raised her tone a bit higher to get his attention.
This time he briefly glanced behind her as he hissed an irritable ‘what?’.
She instantly crossed the space between them in three strides. Nami grabbed his hand, and forcibly unclenched it.
Then she held it in hers.
“You know… it’s not so bad to get mad because I was hurt.”
Nami watched his unscarred eye widened.
And she smiled. Sweet initially, before it turned into a mischievous one when she saw how his face started to color despite the walkway leading to the port being dimly lit by the lamp posts situated on the side of the pavement.
They just stared at each other. Nami’s mischievous grin widening by the second as Zoro’s initially surprised expression started turning into a pained one.
He groaned. What an infuriating way for her to find out that he absolutely, definitely have feelings for her.
“I won’t have you lording this over my head woman.” He growled as he tried to pull his hand away from hers.
But Nami held on tightly, even as he tried so hard to shake off her grasp.
“Forget about it Zoro,” Nami said with finality in her tone. “There is no way I’m letting go now.”
He felt his face heat up some more; the warmth slowly spreading on his face, his neck, even reaching his ears.
Nami’s statement has so much to read between the lines.
Earlier when he saw her get attacked and fall to the ground, he was surprised at how violent his reaction had been.
And it shook him. Shook him down to his very core because he realized it was all because Nami’s was hurt. It was because of Nami.
When she held on to him and asked him to stop, when he felt the warmth of her hand against him and saw her… everything just slowly calmed down.
The abrupt shift of emotions had him reeling. And it dawned into him—the extent of what he really feels for her. And what he could and would do for it.
Zoro looked at her. Really looked at her
And her face clearly tells him that she has it all figured out.
“Fine,” he grunted as he resumed walking with his hand still in hers. She followed suit with a small giggle.
He didn’t bother retorting or even arguing with her anymore to save his face nor to save his pride.
He had nothing to say.
Not one damn thing… when the warmth of her hand on his easily put everything inside him at ease.
I don’t really give a damn
About the way the way you touch me
When we’re alone
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i-have-oneirataxia · 3 years
Barley Lightfoot Headcannons:
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i wrote all of these sleep deprived and hungry so please exuse all of it-
Going on a quest.
Quests of Yore night.
He'd play a mixtape he made you.
You'd star gaze together on top of Guinevere.
Dance sessions in the back of Guinevere.
Midnight trips to 24hour gas stations for snacks and slushies.
Going to concerts together.
Making each other playlists. 
Getting lost in the woods.
Going to a museum.
Going to a skate park.
Going on a camping trip.
Going on a picnic.
Drive-in movies.
Board game night.
Going bowling.
Have a Nerf gun war.
Cooking together.
Taking a dance class together.
Watching the sunset on top of Guinevere.
Pillow forts and movie nights in the back of Guinevere.
Making a fire pit and roasting marshmallows on the beach.
Favourite Forms of Affection:
To Do To You:
Kissing your hand (the back, your knuckles, your palm, etc,.); He’d take your hand in his, bowing down, his lips brushing delicately against your knuckles. He’d look up at you from this position, his eyes locked onto yours, enchanted.
Kissing your forehead; He’d lean down, his lips pressing to your forehead comfortingly.
Cuddling; -Read excerpt below-
Holding your hand; Your fingers laced together, swinging between you as he gently strokes your hand with the pad of his thumb.
Holding your face; He enjoys holding your face in the palms of his hands, stroking your cheeks and breathing you in.
To Have Done To Him:
Playing with his hair; Your fingers gently comb through his hair, massaging his scalp with your nails.
Kissing his neck; You lean up, your lips brushing the crook of his neck, leaving a delicate peck.
Hugging him; You embrace him fully, arms wrapped tightly around his middle, nuzzling his chest and taking him all in.
Stroking his upper arm/chest; Your fingers dance along his skin, doodling and writing little notes of fixation.
Kissing his forehead; You get up on your tippy-toes, taking his cheeks in the palms of your hands, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead, right between his eyebrows. Then leaning your forehead against his, just admiring him.
Big Spoon V. Little Spoon:
Barley is very cuddly and doesn’t really mind either way, he just likes being near to you. 
He enjoys holding you close to his chest, wrapped safely in his arms where he can breathe you in. You love listening to the calming melody his heart plays for you whenever you’re like this. Your nails draw soothing shapes and patterns along his arm, dancing along his skin, as his chest rises and falls beneath you, almost lulling you to sleep. He just watches, enamored by you, as his pointer finger draws a delicate line between your eyebrows and along the bridge of your nose over and over.
Or when you have him laid on your stomach, whispering words of adoration as you gently run your fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp. He’d lay there, his fingers wandering tiredly along your outer thigh, writing your name again and again. 
It doesn’t matter to him, he just enjoys laying with you in his company.
Nicknames he'd use for you:
My Heart
My Heart’s Fire
Little Mouse
My World
Angel Eyes
Nicknames you'd use for him:
Prince Charming
Sweet Boy
Teddy Bear
Little Bear
Little Biscuit
How He Kisses (slight nsfw)
Him cradling your face in his hands
You having to get on your tippy-toes for a kiss.
Him lifting you into the air to kiss you. 
Sweet and modest kisses, very soft and slow, but also passionate.
His lips are slightly chapped, but you don’t mind.
He’s a gentle starter, very innocent and tender.
Sweet kisses turning into heated make-out sessions.
Lots of soft moans and gasps swapped between lips.
Him biting your bottom lip when things get heated.
For him to lift you up and wrap your legs around his waist when fervent. 
What it's Like Sharing a Bed With Him
Lot’s of cuddling- he’s quite the cuddle-bug.
You lay your head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat while he plays with  your hair.
Falling asleep on separate sides of the bed and waking up with your legs in a tangled heap and you wrapped tightly in Barley’s arms.
Songs That Represent Your Relationship
‘Mr Loverman’ by Ricky Montgomery
‘Line Without a Hook’ by Ricky Montgomery
‘Nicotine’ by P!ATD
‘House of Gold’ by Twenty One Pilots
‘Sweater Weather’ by The Neighbourhood
‘Everybody Talks’ by Neon Trees
‘Soldier, Poet, King’ by The Oh Hellos
‘I Wouldn’t Mind’ by He Is We
‘Royalty’ by Conor Maynard
‘Honeybee’ by Steam Powered Giraffe
‘Nightingale’ by Demi Lovato
‘Stereo Hearts’ by Gym Class Heroes
‘A Teenagers Romance’ by Ricky Nelson
‘Put Your Head on my Shoulder’ by Paul Anka
‘Hey Stupid, I Love You’ by JP Saxe
‘I do Adore’ by Mindy Gledhill
‘Still into you’ by Paramore
‘Someone to you’ by BANNERS
‘Bad Romance’ cover by Halestorm
‘Feel it Again’ by Hudson Taylor
‘I’m Yours’ by Jason Mraz
‘Unconditionally’ by Katy Perry
‘Would you be so Kind’ by Dodie
‘Loser’ by Julian Moon
‘Can’t Help Falling in Love’ by Elvis Presley
‘18’ by Anarbor
‘Someone you Like’ by The Girl and the Dreamcatcher
‘Gentleman’ by Will Jay
‘My Life Would Suck Without You’ by Kelly Clarkson
‘Sk8er Boi’ by Avril Lavigne
‘Partners in Crime’ by Set it Off
‘Shut up and Dance’ by WALK THE MOON
‘Take my Hand’ by Picture This
‘Out of my League’ by Stephan Speaks
‘Yellow Hearts’ by Anthony Saunders
‘Giants’ by Dermot Kennedy 
‘Safe and Sound’ by Capital Cities
‘Be Around Me’ by Will Joseph Cook
‘Snow’ by Ricky Montgomery
hello, if you enjoyed, thank you, if not, valid. im going to start taking requests for fics if youd like to send any in, go for it! :^)
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ererokii · 3 years
Line without a Hook || E. Jaeger & J. Kirstein
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➳ Jean Kirsten x Fem Reader x Eren Jaeger
Word count: 4,517 Warnings: angst, fluff, unrequited love, cursing ➳ note: this is based off the song Line Without a Hook by Ricky Montgomery! I’ve been thinking this for a long time and I’m super excited by how it came out! Also big thanks to @reddriot​ for betaing!
➳ Synopsis: is love really worth it? Let me say, it’s not always worth it.
You can hold my hand if no one’s home.
Do you like it when I’m away?
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
It starts out simple really. A boy and a girl. Childhood friends, to be precise. Those two are inseparable. Nothing can tear the friends apart, besides their parents, of course. Like two peas in a pod. 
Jean says he knows you like the back of his hand. He truly means that. He knows your favorite boy bands from when you were younger, how many terrible phases you’ve gone through, favorite foods, and places. If he wrote a novel about the things you told him, he would be a renowned author. 
Since kindergarten to now, in the middle of your junior year, you and Jean have been side by side. You told him everything. From random vents and gossiping about the rude girls in your class to how horrible your period cramps were— even though Jean hated hearing about the last, he stuck through it for you.
Only you. 
The pavement that followed the street your house was on is memorable. Jean can recall the amount of times you’ve had races, chalk scribbles covering the grey that would be washed away by the angry neighbors. 
He listens to you as you talk about a kid getting in trouble in your Calculus class, watches how lively your motions are as you speak. Jean can’t help but smile when a laugh slips past your lips and you glance at him. There’s an unknown sparkle in his eyes, one filled with love. 
You haven’t changed one bit, he thinks as he faces back forward, shoving his hands in the front pockets of his jeans. His mind begins to wander as you both continue down the pavement, part of your routine when school ends. 
Your houses are right next to each other. You’ve been with him since you were in diapers. He was there when your first tooth came out, congratulating you, and you were there for him when he finally learned to ride his bike with two wheels instead of three. 
The bubbly lovable five-year-old back then is the same as you are now. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Oh all my emotions
Feel like explosions when you are around
A sigh of disappointment leaves Jean’s lips when he listens to Connie talk about something he has learned over the weekend (something completely stupid— he just doesn’t care). Currently, the students are at lunch, the cafeteria full with loud shouts and random noises. 
“Connie, shut up,” Sasha groans, placing her water bottle on the table, wiping her crumbs off. “No one cares that you finally figured out how to stick a spoon to your nose.”
“What do you mean?! You were the one who showed me!”
The brunette gasps and looks over his way, cream cheeks tinted with an adorable shade of pink, pointing a finger at him. The bickering between the two commence as Jean listens, slightly amused. 
As much as he indulges in their argument, he can't help but wonder where you are. 
It’s not like you to skip lunch, especially without at least letting him know. Did you stay behind to talk to a friend? A teacher? Maybe you went to the bathroom.
But it’s at least 15 minutes in. 
“Sasha,” he speaks up, slicking back his hair. The sound of her name catches her attention, making her look at him. “Have you seen Y/N?”
“Y/N?” she asks in a whisper before her lips curl in a grin, already knowing why he asked. “Do you miss her?”
“Just answer my goddamn question!”
“Wait, what’s going on?” Connie asks, looking between his friends before stopping his gaze on Jean. “Why do you need Y/N?”
“Oh, you know! He lik-”
“Shut up!” Jean shouts, catching the attention of nearby students, his face heating up as his cheeks turn a darker pigment. “Just answer me!”
“If you must know,” she taunts him, twirling a strand of hair from her loose ponytail. “I saw her talking to someone in the hallway. Must be important, she’s been there for quite some time. Might want to be her knight in shining armor and saving her, huh?” she cocks her head to the side, staring at one of the windows in the room, watching as the branches of trees sway from the harsh winds. 
The atmosphere outside was cold, breezes rushing down on anyone who was not inside. The sun was hidden by the thick grey blankets filled with rainwater, waiting to shower the world. The temperature recently has been dropping, mid 50’s at least. The weather was a shock, to say the least. 
“I didn’t know Jean likes her!”
“What do you mean?!” Sasha gasps, turning her body to face her small-minded friend. “It’s only obvious! You must be really stupid then!”
“Well, how could you tell?!”
Before Jean has a chance to interrupt Sasha, she begins to rant. He prefers to stay silent, clasping his hands together in his lap as he lowers his head, finding interest in the marbled tiles of the floor his feet rest on. 
The words that slip past Sasha’s lips reach his ear and out the other. 
It’s easy to tell, Connie. Have you noticed the way he looks at her? Can’t you see the love in his eyes? The way he will actually go out of his way to help her with anything? Here you guys are, two close friends, I thought you would have known about his crush. I’m surprised you didn’t catch on every time he ditched plans with us to go hang out with her. He’s whipped, and you’re too stupid to know it. 
His cheeks turn a shade of pink as his eyes squeeze shut, her words replaying in his head like a broken record player. Each sentence is like a knife stabbing away at his brain, causing the slightest ache to form in his frontal region. 
She’s right. Anything she just said five minutes ago, is completely and utterly correct. 
He can still hear her talking about it to Connie, but he can only focus on three sentences that stick to him like glue. 
Have you noticed the way he looks at her? Can’t you see the love in his eyes? The way he will actually go out of his way to help her with anything?
Memories of him helping you in any possible way come to mind. He can’t recall how many times he has entered class two minutes late because you had so much to carry. 
He stares at you like you’re the only thing worth looking at. It reminds him of those cliche animated movies with hearts in the character's eyes. He’s blinded by his love for you, that he never noticed any signs that you don’t feel the same way about him. His heart races miles per hour when you’re around. Sometimes he worries for himself that maybe, his heart might explode within him. 
“Anyway, lunch has about 20 minutes left...where is she?” Connie mutters, scratching the top of his head.
“I don’t know, but,” Sasha grows quiet, listening to the ongoing thunder from the outside. The lights flicker for a second, a couple of yelps emitting from other students, slightly afraid that the power might go off while school is in session. “The storm is almost here.”
“Y/N!” Connie suddenly yells, pointing in the direction of the door, your body jogging closer to the table. “Where have you been?!”
“Sorry!” you laugh, out of breath as you drop your things on the bench, taking a seat beside Jean. “I got caught up in a conversation with someone! I guess I lost track of time for a bit.”
“I messaged you like four times,” Jean mutters, glancing over at you before looking at the table, playing with the plastic straw that he used to drink out of.
“You did?” you ask, pulling your phone out from your pocket, lips puckering when indeed he did so. “I’m sorry, Jean. I didn’t even feel my phone vibrate.”
“Oh, whatever, who cares! Eat! Or I’ll eat your food!” Sasha yells, pointing a finger at you, a smile gracing her features. 
You laugh along with her as you converse with your peers, the conversation you had replaying in the back of your mind. Jean chooses not to intervene, instead would rather listen. 
The roaring thunder plays in the background, everyone paying no mind to it. What he doesn’t know is that the storm is much closer than Jean could have thought. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Listen close, it’s a no
The wind is a pounding on my back
And I found hope in a heart attack
Oh at last, it is past
Now I’ve got it, and you can’t have it
Another evening, another study session, another day of bottling up his feelings until he can no longer hold them inside.
The storm made its way to shore, raining pouring down and even some hail; not what anyone was expecting. 
Jean mindlessly flips through the pages of his English book, not even paying attention to the words as he checks how many pages are in chapter five. 
“This seems pointless,” he adds with a sigh, tossing the book on your bed along with his highlighter he uses to annotate with. “I should just find a summary online or something, I don’t want to read this.”
“And why is that?” you ask, looking up from your book, placing the hardcover against your thighs. “Is it boring to you?”
“No,” he mutters, rolling onto his back. “It’s stupid. This love crap.”
“Well...it is a romance story, the teacher told us when we got the book. But why do you think it’s dumb?”
“He writes letters for her, and in the end, she ends up rejecting him. I don’t think that’s romantic.”
“And? It’s beautiful on his part,” you close your eyes as you stretch your arms over your head, letting out a grunt. “It’s the fact that he wrote to her every day. It’s like he poured his soul into every word. The words he uses are..literally everything. It makes me swoon over him, and he’s not real. Makes me wonder if someone would do that for me.”
Jean’s head perks up at your words, one of his eyebrows raised in curiosity when he notices the bashful look on your face, eyes averted to the comforter on your bed. “Why do you have that dopey look on your face?”
“Huh?!” your eyes are blown open as you look over at him. “What are you talking about?!”
“I’m talking about that, idiot,” he points at your face, watching your eyes cross faintly to stare at his finger. “You’re acting about that guy in the book.”
The patter of the rain is the only noise that fills the void called silence in your room. His warm eyes don’t leave your face at all, waiting for your answer. You’ve been acting weird ever since you were late to lunch this past week. 
He watches your mouth open as if you’ll say something but close it right away, like you were concealing anything you had to hide.
“...well? Y/N? Are you there?”
“Yeah!” you cough into your elbow, running a hand down your face. “I-- you can’t tell anyone.”
“You know I never tell anyone what we talk about.”
You’re silent, a bit too quiet than usual. You fiddle with your fingers before blurting the words that have been eating away at you. 
Jean’s heart stops for a moment, eyes wide in shock when he processes it. His blood runs cold as he’s unable to move, frozen like a statue. The signals in his brain begged him to respond, but he couldn’t. He could hear the faintest sound of bells ringing in his ears; all noise surrounding him was now drowned out by his thoughts. 
One second.
Two seconds.
Three seconds. 
“You like someone?” he asks in a whisper, barely audible to your ears, but you heard as you nod shyly, biting down on your lip. “Well... who is it?”
“That’s...I can’t say it.”
“Why can’t you?”
“I’m afraid to say it out loud because I don’t want to ruin my friendship with him.”
Friendship? That could be anyone at this point.
I have to figure out who, he thinks as he draws random patterns into the sheets. “Well, tell me about him then. Is he in our grade?” he asks.
“Yeah, he is. He’s in four of my classes.”
Jean was in four of your classes. Math, English, Foreign Language, and Science. 
“That’s it?”
You huff, rolling your eyes. “Can I finish before you interrupt? Thank you.”
You pause momentarily before speaking again.
“He’s stubborn. I’ve noticed that his demeanor changes when it depends on who he is with. He seems like a hardass and looks like he doesn’t want to be bothered, but he seems like a total softie when he’s with people he loves. Not to mention he’s hot...and tall. He’s blunt and straight to the point. He doesn’t bullshit at all. He’s really sweet as well, to me. He always goes out of his way to make sure I’m okay and how my day was. He just..he seems to care for me, and I feel the same way about him.”
Jean takes every word you say into consideration. He’s stubborn, it seems that he doesn’t like to be around people he doesn’t know but loves those he does know. He knows he’s hot. Practically every day he looks at himself in the mirror and thinks about how good he looks.
He’s blunt and straight to the point. He doesn’t bullshit at all. He’s really sweet as well, to me. He always goes out of his way to make sure I’m okay and how my day was. He just..he really seems to care for me, and I feel the same way about him.
Jean can feel his doubt and worry turn into happiness and confidence as you keep on ranting, to which he’s not fully paying attention anymore. He knows it's him. It has always been him.
No one else.
Jean likes you.
And you like Jean, that’s all there is to it. 
“Do you want to tell him?”
“Yeah...” you trail off, scratching the nape of your neck. “I want to tell him on Friday after school. Do you think he’ll like me back?”
“I think he would. How could he not? He would be a total idiot to reject you.”
You hum at his reassurance, placing your hand on his, squeezing gently.
“Thanks, Jean.”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Darling when I’m fast asleep
I've seen this person watching me
Saying, “Is it worth it? Is it worth it?”
Tell me, is it worth it?
Friday comes, and Jean can hardly wait for school to end. He’s not paying attention, his eyes constantly staring from the whiteboard in the front to the clock that tauntingly ticks slower than usual. 
He bites down on the pink end of his pencil in anticipation, tapping his foot repeatedly on the floor, the noise resonating through the classroom. 
Maybe I should just keep my eyes off the clock, he thinks, lowering his head back to the worksheet their teacher gave the class.
Econ class was a drag. He could care less about the differences in macro and microeconomics, the same with Communism and Capitalism. It’s just a bunch of words that don’t make sense to his brain. 
This was one of the classes he didn’t have with you, the last class. 
Instead of doing his worksheet (luckily, the teacher said it would be for homework if it wasn’t finished), Jean proceeded to think about ways he could tell you his feelings.
He could be old fashioned, tell you how much he adores you and how happy you make him feel when you’re around. How his heart can be heard from the outside of his body, how his hands got warm and clammy, maybe sweaty when he became too nervous.
He could ask you out on a date. Take you somewhere, one of the places you’ve told him in the past that would make a great date for you. He smiles when he thinks about taking you downtown at night, looking at the soft lights that would brighten the streets; loving the sparkle in your orbs as you look around in awe. 
He hums, pleased with himself when he figures out what he’ll do, scratching the back of his ear. 
He wonders if you’re thinking the same thing.
You glance at your table partner, looking at his piece of paper before looking down at yours, displeased how his is able to look better than yours. You pick up your eraser, gently wiping the shadings away from your drawing, careful not to crease your paper.
“It’s not that hard you know, you just don’t know how to shade.”
“I know how to shade, Eren,” you reply with a huff, placing your eraser back down. “It’s just...this is a bit harder than usual.”
“All you have to do is follow the markings,” he presses the edge of his drawing pencil against the reference photo both of you are using, tracing the shape of it. “You could honestly just copy the photo, I doubt this woman would even notice.”
You chuckle at his choice of words, shifting in your seat to get comfortable. “I don’t think she would anyway. She just stares at it and calls it an A. I bet for our expressive project, she wouldn’t notice if we copied each other.”
He shakes his head with a smile, the loose strands of his hair swaying with his head movement. “No, she wouldn’t,” he rolls the sleeves of his hoodie to his elbows, grabbing his pencil again. “Then again, we are working on it with each other.”
“Speaking of that, what should we do?”
“Up to you, Y/N. I don’t mind. I’m just trying to pass this stupid class anyway.”
You relish in the silence between you as you gaze at him from your peripheral. You take notice how his hair frames his face effortlessly to the dip in his nose. It’s perfect how it forms to his cupid’s bow to his lips; not too big nor too small either. Just right. 
You clear your throat, scratching at the nape of your neck. “Why not do...stages of love?”
That catches his interest.
“Stages of love?” he asks, moving in his chair to face you, a hand propping his head up. “Elaborate?”
“Like you know...how we gain a crush on someone. We like how they make us feel, and soon we think about them some more. Maybe make little scenarios in our head. Then we gain the crush and want to be around them. You know what I mean, right?”
He’s silent, hues that represent the blue of rivers, boring into your own. At first, you think he hates your idea, but then the corner of his lips curls into his infamous grin. “Yeah, I like that. Did you have anything else in mind?”
“Rejection?” he repeats, a bit shocked at how romantic your words were, to something filled with sadness. “And why would you want to do rejection?”
“W-Well,” you stutter, unsure how you should put it. “Everyone always talks about the good in love but never the bad. And I think it could be done good, you know?”
He hums, scratching away at his chin before nodding. “Yeah, alright. That sounds oddly specific, but I like it. We can honestly get started soon, that way, we can finish faster and not worry about it.”
His smile throws you for a loop, your face heating up as you pick up your pencil, trying to distract yourself. 
“Say, Y/N?”
“Yes, Eren?” you reply a bit too quickly, cursing yourself out internally for sounding too desperate. 
“Can we talk?” his cheeks are a shade of pink, his eyes averted as he plays with one of the strings of his hood, reminding you how a child would distract themselves. The tips of his shoe nudge against yours, barely kicking gently.
“Aren’t we talking right now?”
“No, I mean after school.”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
And in my eyes, there is a tiny dancer
Watching over me, he’s singing, 
Jean storms out of his Econ class with a grin, hands gripping onto the straps of his backpack as he looks down one end of the hallway before going down the other direction. The art room was three classes down his. Usually, Jean will wait right there by the door for you since you take ages to finally leave the classroom. 
When Jean finally reaches the room, he sees that the doors are locked, and the lights inside are off.
Huh, that’s weird, you’re always one of the last to leave, nor are you ever this early. 
He stands there for a few more seconds, peering in through the small glass, and sees nothing before taking a step back and quickly continues to walk down the hall. His legs are quicker, going down the two flights of stairs. 
His eyes frantically search for the yellow shirt you wore, unable to find you anywhere. 
“Sasha!” he calls out once he reaches the end of the stairs, running towards the girl and their friend, who was at the lockers, pulling things she needed to take home for the weekend. 
The brunette looks over her shoulder, stopping her conversation with Connie as she shuts her locker. “Yeah, Jean?”
He pants, leaning on his knees before letting out a deep breath and standing straight up. “Have you seen Y/N?”
She ponders for a while before shaking her head, looking over at Connie, who shakes his head, shrugging. “We haven’t seen her since Art class.”
“You didn’t see where she went at all?”
The events before class ending play in her mind before she gasps, snapping her fingers, pointing up at Jean. “Yeah, I know where she went!”
“...are you going to tell me, or am I going to have to guess?!”
She mocks him for a second before pulling her phone out. “I could have seen her leave with Eren. I think they went to the bench in the back. You know the one I’m talking about?”
He’s taken aback for a moment before shaking his head, retaining the information. “Alright, thanks.”
Why would you even be with Eren right now? You never meet with him after-
“Are we still on for this weekend?!” Connie yells when Jean is making his way down the corridor.
“Yeah, we are!” Jean's voice travels through the air, reaching both of his friends, hands clammy as they’re shoved in the front pocket of his pants. 
The walk to the back courtyard was tiresome. His feet seemed to drag behind him, an aching feeling forming in his gut. Thoughts pounded against his skull repeatedly, trying to force him to stop. He wants to stop, but he has to go.
He has to tell you he loves you. 
He can’t help but smile when you describe the boy you like this week. In his mind and most certainly his heart, he was the king of the world sitting on his high horse as he screamed in victory, letting the whole world know that the person he likes, feels the same way about him. 
The fresh air from the outside meets his nostrils as he deeply inhales, allowing it to enter his body before exiting. The sun is the first thing he meets with as he exits the building, bringing a hand up to shield his eyes away from the harsh light. He mutters something under his breath as he looks around for a second. 
“She’s a,
She’s a lady and I’m just a boy”
His honey orbs finally stop on a bench where you and Eren are seated, that’s not too far away, but his body is hidden from your view. He lets out a sigh of relief, leaves crunching underneath his feet as he walks, not taking long strides, rather walking slow to rethink what he’ll say.
“Y/N, I’ve liked you for a long...no,” he mutters, stopping in his tracks as he looks down at the green grass and leaves, kicking away at them. “I’ve loved- no, that sounds a bit aggressive, goddammit,” he groans, tugging at the roots of his hairs. “Why is this so fucking hard?!” he growls underneath his breath, leaning against the brick wall. 
He never was anything else but honest with you. How could he say it?
What if this ruins your relationship?
...what if you liked Eren?
His breath hitches in his throat when realization dawns on him. His lips part, a soft exhale releasing from within him. His fingers curl around nothing, as if he was holding the air’s hand. The tips of his fingers shake, his whole body stiffening as he stares hard at nothing. 
How could he be so stupid?
It all made sense now. How you stayed behind during lunch that one time without saying anything; in the back of his mind that day, he knew that someone had to be a boy, maybe a girl. Even then, you would always let him know. 
Jean should have known from the beginning that you only saw him as a brother. 
His chest aches as his vision goes blurry, biting down on the inside of his lip to the point where he can taste the bitter metallic on his tongue. He squeezes his eyes shut before opening, wishing he hadn’t at that moment. 
He’s singing
“She’s a, she’s a lady and I am just a line without a hook.”
His heart breaks, stomach-dropping when he sees Eren’s hand brings you closer to his body, lips pressed up against yours; your hand placed on his cheek, cradling his face. Even from where he stands, he can sense the urgency in the kiss, how your bodies move together as one, how your fingers grip onto him like he’ll leave any moment. 
His lower lip quivers for a second, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand, clearing his throat. Jean cranes his neck upward, looking at the sky, muttering the words, “Why him?” over and over like a mantra, no other words coming to mind. 
When he closes his eyes, all he can see is you. Not Eren, just you. Those moments where you laugh, cry, or stay silent, those are the moments that flash in his head.
Did he do something to you? Was it something he said?
Did you ever like him at all?
“It’s pointless,” he whispers, pushing himself off the brick wall, immediately making a beeline for the doors. He swallows harshly, legs moving faster than ever, wanting to get out of this hell hole called reality. 
Like every day, you’ll walk down the same pavement you’ve been walking on for years.
Only this time, he’s walking alone. 
Oh, and if I could take it all back
I swear that I would pull you from the tide. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
taglist: @sleepysnk @jaegerbomb20​ @reddriot​ @kkiimmberly​ @kingtamakimurder​ @tamasoft​ @byougen​ @spike-this-ass​ @crimsonbows-and-arrows​ @squidonmywall​ @thicmitten​ (message me to be apart of it!)
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“What happened..?”
Summary: The prison is supposed to be the most secure and safe place to be, even for someone like Tommy. I guess Sam lied about that. (gender neutral)
Author’s note: this hurt so bad to write (´∩`。) while i was writing this mr lover man by ricky montgomery started playing and dude- i almost started crying - enjoy my first time writing angst lol
Trigger warning: Angst, swearing, Dream SMP spoilers for 1-3-21 (?)
You were always very close to Wilbur. You considered him your best friend, and his family was basically yours. That included Tommy. When Wilbur passed away it hit hard. You refused to go outside for a week and barely ate anything. You lost your reason to keep going.
But after a while you realized something.
He needed you more than ever. He lost his brother, his role model and mentor. You needed to be strong. For him.
So you did. You helped him through the process of losing Wilbur, and he helped you. You and Tommy became closer and closer by the day, and before you knew it, you were in Wilbur’s place as mentor and best friend. 
You were one of the few people who visited him while in exile, you were one of the first to help Punz with saving Tommy and Tubbo. He trusted you with his life.
Sam was also really protective over Tommy, wich you were grateful for. He was there to keep an eye on him when you weren’t around. 
There were times you and him butted heads, but other than that you and him were on good terms.
You and Tommy were walking along the prime path going to get some wood for the Big Innit Hotel. He was talking about all the things he was going to do with the hotel, about Sam Nook and about who’s going to live there.
“___, if I die, I want you to have my discs!”
“If?” You pause your walking and look at him, raising one eyebrow.
“Yeah! Just in case. You know I can’t die, but if anything happens, you get to have them”
“Well, what about Tubbo? Does he not deserve them more than me?”
He stops for a minute and thinks, holding his chin with his thumb and index finger.
“Good point.”
You and Tommy keep walking when he comes to a conclusion.
“I have an an idea! You get to have Mellohi and Tubbo gets Cat.”
“Sounds good, Tommy. Let’s just hope I never have to take it.” You say, smirking slightly.
“No need to worry, ___! I’ll keep them in my chests forever!” The blonde says with his big signature smile plastered on his face.
Sam quickly ran over to the small cottage you lived in. He had to tell you first. You deserved to know first.
He knocked on the door, trying to catch his breath in the process.
“oh, hi Sam-”
“___, this is important. Can I come in?”
“Oh, uh... Okay?”
Sam walks in and puts his helmet on the table. He sits down and leans against the back of the chair.
“So, what’s up? You look exhausted.” You look at him with furrowed eyebrows.
“Look, I’m just going straight to the point. Tommy went to the prison this evening.”
“Oh, yeah! He told me about that. How did it go?” You say, taking the seat parallel to his. 
“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” He says with his eyes closed.
“What happened to him?” You mind was racing with what could’ve happened. You tend to do that when it comes to Tommy.
“An explosion happened just outside the prison while Tommy was talking to Dream. He’s stuck there for now.” Sam lets his head hang low. He hates saying that.
The silence continued for what felt like centuries. Your eyes were getting dry, but they were fixated on the crown of Sam’s hair.
“___, I’m sorry. I’m trying my best to find out what happened and-”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” 
Your eyes are tearing up. You have no idea if it’s because you haven’t blinked yet or because you’re angry. It didn’t matter.
“___, please calm down. I’m trying my best to help-”
“Well, you’re not doing enough! He’s in there with the man that manipulated him and God knows who else!” You stood up and felt the tears rolling over your cheeks.
“You can’t just leave him in there! Get him out of there! You idiot!” You spat at him.
“Listen, I’m trying my best. But due to the protocol I can’t just let him out.”
“Fuck the goddamn protocol, that kid is terrified!”
“I’m trying, ___! I don’t want this either!” Sam’s voice cracked on your name. He stands up as well.
“You said that it was the safest place to be! You promised me he would be fine! Was that just a lie?” You can’t even see him through the water in your eyes.
Sam takes his helmet and walks towards the door. He knows he messed up. He's not going to stop you from being mad at this point.
“Nothing? Is that all you have to say?! You’re just going to walk away like that?!” You yell after him. He doesn’t respond.
"FUCK YOU, SAM!" You screamed. He slammed the door shut.
You sob as you fall to the floor, your hands clasping your mouth. Not your boy. Not Tommy...
But, he's okay right? He's okay. He has to be.
Sam would keep him safe.
It's been a couple days since Tommy got stuck in the prison. It was practically eating you alive.
You just came back home from a long day of farming, hunting cows & mining. You wanted to just unwind and look after your pets, but the universe had other plans.
You hear a knocking on the front door.
“Really? Right after I’m back?” You say to yourself. 
You sigh and walk towards the door.
He looks at you with red eyes and Mellohi in his hand.
“What happened..?”
Thank you for reading! I’ve never done something like this before, so feedback is very appreciated! Stay hydrated my friends ♡
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plutouran · 2 years
hi, can i have a bnha match up please (if its not too much trouble, this is such a good idea).
i’m a bisexual girl (but can i have a male match up please?) , 5’6, a slytherin, an infj and a virgo. my love language is both physical touch and words of affirmation. i would describe myself as an ambivert as i’m quite shy and get drained quite easily but when i’m more comfortable with someone i’m more talkative and outgoing. I’m an affectionate person and quite flirty and complimentary, I speak my mind and have strong opinions on things. i’m not a sporty person and would rather stay indoors and chill out, i like listening to music and a lot and mostly listen to rock and alternative music. i’m quite geeky with my interests but i’m not particularly the smartest person out there, i can be a bit ditzy sometimes ^.^
you have been paired up with…
— bakugou katsuki!
your song with bakugou is line without a hook by ricky montgomery
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(bestie, this is gonna be fun i promise.)
no because you two would fit together perfectly! katsuki‘s s/o definitely has to be someone who speaks their mind and is lowkey strong-willed.
and eventually kick his ass sometimes to calm him the hell down. you definitely could manage him. omg i’m invested.
he‘d hate you so much at first. you‘d scratch something inside his head that he wouldn’t understand but he longs for your strong opinions on things.
especially if you do disagree with his ideals. he‘d get so worked up but he secretly loves your way of thinking.
and god, omg. if you flirt with him to annoy him, his cheeks would turn pink. for real. someone strong like you flirting with him?
god. his feelings are such a mess but it’s bakugou we are talking about.
this man doesn’t do things half assed. never. he‘d go all in. love you to the fullest although he‘d probably never stop picking on you.
but he loves you. so much. once he realises that, he will start fights with anyone who messes with you. fr.
he basically wants to be the only one that annoys you.
you two listening to rock music together on your way home!! and him cooking for you!
once you tell him how pretty he is, he never wants to be called something different. katsuki? pretty? you have his heart now.
bear with the arguments though. he doesn’t mean everything he says. and tell him to shut up sometimes. haha.
you two would flirt with each other all the time in a weird way, calling each other names but in an affectionate way.
katsuki‘s dates are really simple. just chilling and listening to music or playing games. but i think it’s fine like this :)
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have a good day! check out this post if you are a katsuki simp: here
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starrygalaxy04 · 3 years
Songs That Remind Them of You (MLQC Headcannons)
Don't Go Breaking My Heart (Elton John)- Victor is a sucker for romantic-style music, and this song is no exception. He can't help but imagine dueting this song with you whenever it plays softly in the background while he's making your favorite caramel pudding.
Adore You (Harry Styles)- He would never admit it, but this man just wants to shower you in affection. His favorite moments are when he gets to hold you in his arms and he can just gaze at you with the insane amount of joy, admiration, love, and unfiltered affection that only you get to see. He's been searching for you for a very long time, and he's going to cherish every second of being with you.
Still the One (One Direction)- He would never admit he ever listens to this song because like hell is anyone going to find out that he listens to boy bands, but this song's lyrics strike all the right chords with him. He loves the message it sends because its the very message he will always reiterate to you when you feel like you're not enough or he could do better. Its you, its always been you.
Dark Side (Kelly Clarkson)- This man has a hard time knowing that you love him and are blissfully unaware of the monster that lurks just below the surface. He often finds himself wondering if you would still love him if he were just Ares, or if you would leave after you found out all of the things he had done for the sake of progress. But every time you wrap your arms around him or smile at him, all those worries melt away because he feels true emotion when he looks at you.
Its Gonna Be Me (NSYNC)- He knows that anyone in this world can have you, and it would kill him if you chose anyone else besides him. So he wants to make absolutely sure that he will never even have to think about letting his beautiful butterfly go. He is forever yours, and you will be forever his, even if it takes an eternity for that to happen.
Line Without A Hook (Ricky Montgomery)- This song mainly applies after Lucien no longer remembers MC, because I feel like it accurately describes how he feels. He knows MC doesn't trust him and is purposefully being distant, but at the same time the feelings that the other him felt are slowly trickling in and before long he's wishing that he could fix whatever it was that was tearing MC up so bad inside. And he knows that as he is, he's no good for you. But that doesn't mean that he isn't going to ignore the voice of reason in his head like the other him did and try his hardest to be what he once was for you.
Fight For This Love (Cheryl)- Kiro knows that with him being a huge pop idol that sometimes the pressure gets to you. And he wants you to know he is always there and will be there next to you to fight through the thick and thin. He always wants to be with his favorite person ever, and will do whatever it takes to make sure that you're okay and he can be there to experience everything life has to offer with you, and to assure you that you are worth it.
100% Pure Love (Crystal Waters)- True to the name of the song, everything that Kiro feels (well almost everything, if you get what I mean) comes from the purest parts of him. He always wants you to be the happiest you can, always making sure that you have a bright smile on your face. And he knows what you two have is something people could only dream of, and having you in his arms is the best thing that ever happened since he met you again at that convenience store.
Price Tag (Jessie J)- He knows that when you two are together, nothing else matters. He knows you're not with him just because he's Kiro the superstar, but because he's Kiro. The bubbly 22 year-old who has an affinity for sweets and puppies with an adventurous streak. And he knows that if you two are next to each other, you wouldn't need anything else to have a good time.
Treasure (Bruno Mars)- Honey, you are the center of this man's universe. He had treasured you since the first day he laid eyes on you, and wanted nothing more than to be by your side. And now that he is, he is over the moon. He may not be able to shower you in lavish gifts like some of the others, but every single moment you two spend together more than makes up from it, whether its a picnic under the stars or a midnight flight.
What A Man Gotta Do (The Jonas Brothers)- This brings back some of his older memories, back from the high school days. He was so shy when it came to you, and he never even knew how to approach you the majority of the time. So he always watched from the distance, wondering what he could do to get you to notice him. The song allows him to reflect on those cringey memories with a smile, and let him enjoy the fact that you were his, even after all that had happened.
Loving You Tonight (Andrew Allen)- This man can't wait to come home and just lay in your arms, or have you lay in his arms. His favorite moments are the ones of pure domesticity, things he never saw between his mother and father when he was younger. It feels so pure and freeing, and just so right. He loves every moment of it, and wouldn't have it any other way.
Popular Monster (Falling in Reverse)- While Helios is indeed a person, Helios is somewhat of a character that Kiro is playing. Its the side of him that he can't show to the world. He has killed people to protect others, to protect you, and in that way, he's exactly as the title reads, a popular monster.
Therefore I Am (Billie Eilish)- As Helios, he knows that everything relies on technique and execution, so he has completely shut out emotional functions for the most part, except when he's around you. But because Kiro is such a good actor, its very hard to tell. He knows that he's that bitch, and is not afraid to prove it, being blunt about literally everything. But he also knows that you have the perseverance of a God, to the point that its stupid, but as you build the confidence that comes with the identity of your Evol, he sees you growing in a way that he could have never taught you as Kiro.
Cigarette Duet (Princess Chelsea)- Helios knows that he can't associate with you as much as when he was Kiro because Black Swan is a bitch, but one thing he always wants to make sure is that you haven't fallen down and devolved into bad habits. The one thing that didn't leave Helios was his ability to care specifically about you, and even thinking that you would get into a habit that would harm yourself makes his blood boil. So he always makes sure you've remained drug-free and that you see him just enough that it won't get him in trouble and can give you comfort.
No Roots (Alice Merton)- Shaw's idea of you is something much like how Victor saw you in the beginning. Someone who thrust themselves into something way over their head and now had to deal with the consequences of it. The only reason he believed you was because he knew of things (the man has his ways) and decided to help you because he found you just interesting enough that he thought it might be fun. But he found himself envying the fact that you didn't have a past in this world, and that you were free to do whatever you pleased without a reputation preceding you. He didn't like the fact that it caused you pain, but thanks to his asshole of a father the idea sounded a little too good to him.
Sad Girl (Lana Del Rey)- Shaw often found you moping around at first, mourning the fact that you had lost everything. But in the end, he was the one who helped you get over it, getting you back to your normal self. He still catches glimpses of that depressed look in your eyes, and always makes sure to lighten up on the teasing when he does see it. He never got the chance to be a kid and grow up properly, so he couldn't fathom exactly how hard it was for you. But he still tried.
White Tee (CORPSE)- We all know Shaw would be more into the punk style, and his music taste is no exception. He likes listening to mostly emo style music, and dabbles into a little bit of everything when he feels like it. However, this song mixes together his anger at the world for giving him such a shit childhood and the fact that with you he feels like he can start fresh. Because even though everyone else falls into the same category with him, you were different, and he wanted to explore that kind of different.
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osamiiya · 4 years
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Pairing: Tendou Satori x Reader
Type of fic: Angst (But make it like, the middle to end)
TW// Death, panic, slight panic attack
Summary: Tendou's in love, and he'll stay in love, because, how could he forget you?
A/n I'm back baby, also I cried while writing this so good luck 🤩
Songs I listened to while writing: Love Like You (Caleb Hyles) , Be my Mistake (The 1975) , Mr Loverman (Ricky Montgomery), Lonely (Noah Cyrus), She used to be mine (Jessie Mueller), Before you go (Lewis Capaldi)
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"Satori~" Tendou turns around, grin only growing as he hears your sing song voice call from around the corner.
He watched with bated breath, letting out a soft sigh and a heartwarming smile, as he holds out his hands and pulls you into his chest. Taking a deep inhale and exhale.
"How did you sleep?" His grin is soft, and those who've only seen a sinister smile on his face from volleyball would be surprised at how full of love and adoration it held. Truly, Tendou's paradise from the rest of the world, a breath of fresh air from those who found him creepy or weird.
No, you weren't like them. Ever since the beginning you were always the first to jump in to defend Tendou, who had just started to shrug off the looks and whispers of those around him.
"The best sleep I've ever had."
"Yeah?" Tendou sways the two of you in his arms slightly, his tall and thin frame trying it's best to keep you warm from the fall air.
"I had a nightmare." Tendou hums, clearly not worried about it.
"You did?" Tendou's heart squeezes in a way he can't describe as you look up at him with innocent eyes.
"Yeah, your bus was in a car crash." He hums, chills running down his back as remembers the rush of feelings that accompanied the dream.
"Well, I'm here now, besides it's just a dream." Too engrossed in his conversation with you, Tendou isn't aware of the worried look Semi sends him and then Ushijima.
But before he can formally say anything, Ushijima interrupts him.
"He'll be ok. He always is."
Tendou's absolutely sure that the looks he's gotten from people in the halls have passed just staring because he was weird looking, there was some underlying message in the stares now, something he couldn't decode.
"Don't mind them Satori." You tug on his uniform blazer, marching ahead of him slightly, eager to get to the convenience store.
"You know y/n. Eating ice cream in the winter leads to all sorts of bad things." Tendou leans over you as you pick out an ice cream from the ice chest, hands coming to your hips and subconsciously rubbing circles into the uniform fabric as he pretends to compare the different ice cream types, as if he wouldn't get the same ice bar he always got.
Tendou's eyes sparkle with happiness as you pick out a new flavour, turning over your shoulder to smile and show him the ice cream you picked.
As always, Tendou pays. Something about how you can repay him later, maybe when a manga he really wants comes out.
"Satori, do you want to try?" There's a mischievous smirk playing at your lips as you hold out the ice cream. After stopping on a park bench, not to far away from the school, the two of you just couldn't wait to have the slowly melting ice creams.
Instead of licking the ice cream as you expected him to do, Tendou leaned over and planted a kiss on your lips, humming as he pulled back and licked his tongue over his lips, smirking at your bewildered expression.
"Tendou." Ushijima's curt voice pulls both of your attentions away from eachother and to the stoic boy above you.
"Ushiwaka, sorry we didn't get you an ice cream. You don't like them anyways, but I did get you..." Tendou trails off, rummaging through the white plastic bag you had acquired at the store, a polite smile on the underplayed college student's face.
Tendou lets out an 'Ah ha!' as he procures the mint chocolate flavoured protein bar you've seen Ushijima eat during practice before.
Ushijima takes it from Tendou's outstretched hand, a polite and curt thank you as he sits next to Tendou.
"We were about to talk about the literature project." Tendou hums, sending you a wink and taking a careful bite of his ice cream.
"Tendou, y/n is gone." It's like ripping off a bandaid, it hurt to see his best friend push himself deeper into a fantasy he created of his own imagination.
"Silly Ushiwaka, they're right-" Tendou's stomach drops as he turns and sees you with a sad smile spread over your features, eyes glassy.
"No, they're- Ushiwaka they're right here." Tendou's confused, was this a prank?
"Tendou, y/n's bus was in a very bad accident, and they didn't make it out of the hospital." Tendou lets out a dry and nervous laugh.
"No, that was my nightmare last night, there's no way..." Tendou's blood runs cold and his hands are shaking.
'Not my Y/n. He's talking about the wrong Y/n.' Tendou's thoughts are too quick for him to keep up with, quick breaths coming out in short bursts.
Words are trapped in his throat as he looks between you and Ushijima. Ushijima's face uncharacteristically full of pity, and your's sad, a tear rolling down your cheek.
"Ushijima I think I need a minute." Ushijima nods at Tendou's serious voice, on the verge of breaking, and gets up, walking a good distance away.
"You're gone?" Tendou's hands are shaking as his voice cracks, wanting to reach out to you.
"Satori, listen to me ok? I love you. Don't ever forget that." A tear rolls down Tendou's face as his thoughts become clearer by the second.
What was once incomprehensible static in his head taking the shape of a word, then two, until they formed a sentence.
'Y/ns gone.'
A sob claws it's way out of Tendou's mouth, and he feels like he's in elementary school again.
"Make sure you don't give Goshiki too much of a hard time ok? He's always trying to impress you guys." Both of your hands are on Tendou's face at this point, and it scares him that he can't feel you, your warmth gone, your presence hanging on by a thread.
"Always eat enough ok? I know you don't have a big appetite, but don't get sick while I'm gone ok? Don't skip out on your meals, please." There's tears running down your face, and Tendou finally notices how you're not really there, tears falling quickly, like rain on the bench.
"You're not here?"
You stop wiping his tears away, giving him a sad smile and a kiss on the cheek.
"I'm at Tokyo Cemetery, darling." A bone shattering shiver rolls through Tendou as he lets out another sob.
"You can't go, I need you." Tendou's shaking, trying to suppress a scream in pain, his body overflowing with realizing and pain.
"You've been in denial Satori." You wipe his tears and leave a kiss on his cheek, and it kills Tendou inside because he can almost feel it. He wants to feel it. Tendou wants to feel your lips on his cheeks.
"Be good ok? Remember how we were going to go to Paris? Take my memory there, take me around Paris using that photo in your wallet. Kiss me goodnight, don't forget me." Your voice is strained and Tendou can't breathe.
"You hear me Satori? Don't forget me, ok?"
"Ok." He manages, it comes out forced , and very much real. A contrast to the life he's continued to live with you in his head, his body and mind now painfully aware that he'd been walking around like a husk of his last self, his mind entertaining the hope and the denial that, you y/n, were still alive. And Tendou could kiss you, and hold your hand, and see you in his jersey one last time.
'Y/ns gone.' And with that Tendou's back to the reality he hates, where you're gone. Tendou can't breathe and his mind feels like it's a tape recorder on 3x speed.
His heart is beating and his hands are grabbing for something to ground him. Seeing his best friend break apart, Ushijima speeds over, taking big steps and allowing Tendou to grip tightly to his shirt, sobbing loudly.
"I didn't get to say goodbye." He chokes out, burying his head into Ushijima's stomach, letting out a yell of pain and heartbreak.
Ushijima feels his heart constrict at the demonstration of his best friend's pain, the red haired boy screaming into his maroon shirt, soaking through the fabric as he rests his hand on Tendou's head, rubbing it in a way he's seen you do it before.
"I loved them and I couldn't say goodbye." Tendou screams, voice raw and filled to the brim with pain, lanky body shaking violently.
"I didn't get to kiss them one last time. I didn't get to tell them I loved them. I never got to take them to Paris like we planned. I never got to give them my volleyball jersey and see them in the stands, cheering for me one last time."
Tendou and Ushijima stay like that for what seems like hours, Tendou buried in his best friend's embrace, needing to be grounded from his raging thoughts.
"I loved them Ushiwaka." Tendou whispers, no longer shaking, voice and eyes hollow.
"I know Tendou." Ushijima tried his best to sound gentle, he knows that Tendou needs it.
"I didn't get to say goodbye." Tendou's like a broken record as Ushijima helps him get off the park bench, plastic bag filled with two uneaten melted ice creams picked up and thrown out.
"We were going to see the eiffle tower." Tendou whispers from his bunk above Ushijima's.
Body heavy with exhaustion, he's about to sleep when he sits up suddenly, hands panicked as he searches for something.
"Tendou?" Came Ushijima's voice from the below bunk.
"My wallet, where's my wallet?" He's stammering and his voice is raw from sobbing and his hands are shaking as he looks.
"Tendou." Comes Ushijima's calm voice as he gently hands Tendou the wallet.
Immediately Tendou opens it, digging through to find the picture he's sure he kept in there.
Pulling it out, he smiles gently, all run out of tears, as he brings the photo shakily to his lips, kissing the photo gently and smiling, looking into your eyes, frozen in time, no idea of the future, just pure happiness.
"Goodnight, my paradise."
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into-the-daniverse · 2 years
Snow | Jamil, Camia, & Leon
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I really wanted to live vicariously through one of my OCs getting to experience snow for the first time, so that’s what this fic is. This takes place shortly after Break the Chain, Jamil and Camia are 19-20, and Leon is 17-18.
Title: Snow by Ricky Montgomery  1.7k words
When Chiara showed up at Il Palazzo D’Oria in Venterre unannounced, Jamil, Camia, and Leon decided to run further south, to stay with a friend of Jamil’s aunt Annalisa in the town of Sólsetur. But to get there, they had to cross the Strait of Sirens, and to do that, they first had to stay in the northern town of Hinode overnight.
The three of them were all anxious. Jamil and Camia worried about Chiara trying to follow them, and Leon had never traveled so far from the desert; almost everything was new to them. They tried to be quiet and calm, but Jamil could tell by the way they held onto him as they slept that they were anything but. And he felt badly about it, knowing they deserved something more stable than running away with him and Camia, but they hadn’t wanted to be left behind, and he didn’t want to leave them anyway.
After their night in the inn at Hinode, when Jamil woke up, Leon was buried under most of the blankets, one hand still holding onto Jamil’s arm, and sitting up slowly, he blinked when he noticed Camia wasn’t in bed with them. Before he could begin to worry, she entered their room, letting out a surprised “oh” when she saw him up.
“Is everything alright?” he asked, noticing how tired her eyes looked.
“It snowed last night,” Camia said, closing the door behind her, covering her mouth with her hand as she yawned. “The innkeepers said the ferry to take us south is going to be a bit delayed, because there’s ice at Sólsetur, but it should be around by the evening.”
Jamil hummed, stretching his arms over his head. “That’s fine, I guess. Nothing we can do about it, but—”
“It snowed?” Leon spoke, suddenly wide awake, messy bedhead poking out from underneath the blankets. “What do you mean?”
Jamil exchanged a glance with Camia. “Well, you remember how cold it was yesterday? And the innkeeper told us to bundle up when we went to bed since there was going to be a drop during the night?”
“Well, it’s rare this time of year, but it seems like it snowed.”
“No, I mean—” Leon paused, their cheeks turning pink from embarrassment. “What is… snow?”
“Oh. I guess you wouldn’t know, being out in the desert for so long. It never snowed in Prakra either.” Jamil looked out the window, frost covering the glass. “You know, it’s probably easier if we just show you.”
“Show me?”
“Yeah, come on!” Jamil pulled them out of their cocoon of blankets. “Get dressed, lots of layers.”
Leon let Jamil and Camia help them dress, their face scrunched in confusion the entire time, and held onto their hands as they led Leon outside the inn. It was still snowing lightly, and the snow was a good few inches deep, from what Jamil could tell. The strait wasn’t frozen, at least on this side of it, but it still looked beautiful. At the sound of their feet crunching snow, Leon’s eyes went wide, snowflakes already starting to gather in their hair.
“What is that?”
“This,” Jamil said, leaning down, “is snow.” He turned Leon’s palm up and placed some snow in their hand.
They flinched but let out a nervous giggle. “It’s wet. And so cold.”
“Well, it is water—frozen water, actually—”
“Jamil.” Camia cut him off, grinning at him. “We can explain the science later, if you want,” she said to Leon, who had started playing with the snow in his hand.
“What do you do with it?”
“Hm, well, you can’t do much with it in a traditional sense, but you can play in the snow. Make snowbirds, snowball fights, or just run around.”
Leon paused, shaking the rest of the snow off their hand. “It’s safe?”
“I mean, provided you don’t stay out too long or fall asleep in it, yes.”
As they spoke, Jamil continued leading Leon behind the inn, where there was an open field covered in snow. Letting go of their hands, he took a few steps out. “Come on, Lee. You can run around here.”
“Yeah?” A grin spread across Leon’s face, and they took a tentative step forward, judging the height of the snow with their shoes. They took another step, and then another, and then they were sprinting across the field, past Jamil, until suddenly they tripped and fell, face first, into a bank of snow.
“Leon!” Jamil ran over to them, but before he had time to be concerned, they rolled over onto their back, laughing louder than he had ever heard. As he approached them, he looked them over just to make sure they weren’t hurt, but his eyes caught on their face. Cheeks pink now from the cold, they had snowflakes on their dark eyelashes, and a wider smile than he would have thought possible. He laughed along with them, reaching down to help them up. “Are you alright?”
“It’s so cold!” They cried, still laughing. “I love it!”
Camia joined them, smiling at them both. “Wait, Lee, lie back down.”
They did as she said, practically vibrating with excitement. She instructed them to move their arms and legs, and once she was satisfied, they stopped.
“Now you’ve made a snowbird.”
“I have?”
“Mhm.” Camia led their hand along the outside of the shape they made. “It’s like the shape birds leave behind when they land in the snow, hence, snowbirds.”
Leon’s eyes lit up. “Fish!”
His familiar, Fiasharya, came soaring towards them, seemingly out of nowhere to Jamil’s eyes, and landed in the snow next to Leon, leaving behind similar prints with her wings. Leon felt them with his hand and laughed, petting her head.
“Look, we match!”
She trilled, nuzzling their head with hers, red feathers contrasting vibrantly against the snow and Leon’s black hair. Jamil still wasn’t completely comfortable around her, just due to the nature of her being huge with dangerous talons, but she seemed to like him well enough, blinking her red eyes in his direction.
Leon turned back towards the other two, still smiling. “What’s next?”
“Well,” Jamil said, “now all you need to do is have a snowball fight.”
“What do I get if I win? Is it like, for money or…” their eyes glinted, “to the death?”
Camia laughed while Jamil just shook his head. “No, no, neither of those things. It’s just for fun! I guess the loser gets soaked from all the snowballs hitting them, but that’s it.”
“Oh.” Leon almost sounded disappointed, but before they could say anything else, Camia threw a snowball at them, hitting their chest. “Ow!” They flinched, but they were laughing as the snow sprayed over them. “Was that a snowball?”
Camia barely had enough time to get out a “yes” before Jamil was throwing a snowball at her.
“Cami, you should at least teach them how to make one before throwing it at them!”
She just laughed, standing up and running further down the field to start building her own arsenal of snowballs. Jamil packed snow into Leon’s hands, and in no time at all they had made a little pile of snowballs and were getting ready to throw them around.
“Are you both ready?” Camia called from her spot across the field, and when Jamil and Leon nodded, she started a countdown. “3… 2… 1… Go!”
At “go” Jamil threw a snowball towards her, but he was immediately hit by Leon, who was already cackling with glee. “Lee!” He gasped, indignantly. “I thought we would work together!”
They grinned, gathering some of their snowballs in their arms and running away from him. “You didn’t say anything about that!”
Jamil groaned, unable to hide his own smile as he started firing back at them, dodging Camia’s throws at the same time. The three of them fought for what felt like hours; even Fish eventually joined in, on Leon’s side, of course. Jamil complained about it, but he didn’t really mind, at least until she dropped a giant snowball onto his head.
Jamil hadn’t spent so much time in the snow since he was much younger, and Camia was the same, but neither of them wanted to quit watching Leon as they looked truly happy for the first time since meeting them. When they all finally collapsed, laughing breathlessly, they decided Leon was the winner, and he didn’t stop smiling even as they went inside, soaked from their fight.
The innkeepers just laughed at the sight of the three of them when they came inside, ushering them back up to their room to change into dry clothes and sit in front of a small fire. Jamil helped Leon squeeze out their hair and wrapped one of the blankets from the bed over them as they warmed themselves.
Camia was already warm, having changed from her wet clothes, and she sat a bit away from the fire, watching the two of them with drooping eyes. Leon was already half-asleep against Jamil’s shoulder, holding onto his hand, and Jamil nodded over at Camia.
“We have a few more hours before the ferry comes. Why don’t you take a nap? I’ll make sure we get up in time.”
She looked like she wanted to argue, but when he raised an eyebrow at her she laughed through her nose and nodded, getting up to lie back down on the bed. Lying down so she was still facing them, her eyes slid shut almost immediately, and Jamil could tell from her breathing that she was asleep. He watched the crackling fire in front of them for a moment before Leon stirred, apparently not sleeping yet.
“Thank you,” they whispered, and he almost missed it, but they squeezed his hand at the same time. “I… I liked the snow.”
“Good!” Jamil squeezed their hand back, leaning his head against theirs. “I’m glad you liked it. There’s only going to be more where we’re going. You might even get tired of it.”
“Hm.” They shrugged, nestling closer to him. “I hope not.”
He smiled gently at them, though he knew they couldn’t see it, thinking back to how happy they had looked in the snow, how relaxed and carefree for what was probably the first time in their whole life. “I hope not too.”
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