#right in the middle of an exam btw
vaguewizard · 1 year
I cast Safe From Tornadoes to anyone in the Kentucky-Indiana-Illinois tri-state area right now
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inkskinned · 1 year
so one time i got bit by a brown recluse which is one of the only types of spider in my area that's actually dangerous and at first i didn't know what had happened to me, only that it was nasty. the swelling wasn't going down and the wound started to get ugly. i don't want to like get into the details because that's gross but it got to the point 2 weeks later that i was worried enough to go to the doctor, which i hate doing.
i am not afraid of spiders but other people are so i'd been covering it with this big ole square bandage (i needed more landscape coverage than a simple bandaid) and sat in the university medical waiting room, kicking my heels and playing BOTW. the nurse who admitted me was like, oh, we have got to get Tom to cover this one. she wrote spider bite under my ticket.
i waited in the near-empty building for like an hour and then nurse tom shows up in spiderman scrubs, out of breath. "sorry," he says, "i saw - your slip - and I had," he heaves in a breath, "to run home and. get. these scrubs. i literally. ran. felt like a job. for. spiderman."
i laugh. he puts his hands on his knees, thumbs-ups at me. fishes a pamphlet out from under his clipboard that basically says spiders can be scary but you don't need to be scared, there's very few dangerous spiders in new england. "honestly," he wheezes, "we probably don't need to get you into an exam room. just..." he waves his hand at the pamphlet, "read that."
i look down at my arm. then back at him in his scrubs. and then down at my arm. i like that he made an effort to make a joke, but now it does not feel like a good joke, because they are mistaking my calm for a lack of injury. "can i. like. at least show you the bite?"
he gives me kind of a weird look, which is fair, but then says. "if. i mean, if you have to."
i peel the bandage off. his face goes green.
"oh," he says.
"yeah, man."
"a... spider bit you?" his voice is high and tight and trembling. he backs up a few steps.
"i think a brown recluse," i offer. "i know it's nasty, sorry."
"excuse me for a moment." he looks over to the administering nurse on the other side of the small room. "i need to find someone else to take care of you."
the administering nurse smiles over to us with a degree of pleasure that is almost salivating. for a moment, like a window opening, i am briefly aware of what must be a psychic message floating amongst the in-between. her jaguar teeth all say this is like a party for me and i know exactly what i'm doing.
"oh no, tom," she says, grinning. "i gave her to you specifically."
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mishkakagehishka · 1 year
So like. My literature notes just got interrupted because i had a new wip idea. Which is so funny to me personally bc you'll be reading notes on the specific genre that brought that divine inspiration on me, and in the margins OC name possibilities and titles to (re)read as my "models" and then right back to literature notes
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evergone · 7 months
Hey!! Idk know if you are taking requests right now but can you write a Theo x Hufflepuff reader imagine where the reader is always telling him to make friends from other houses. He finally does make friends but with a beautiful Ravenclaw and starts spending more time with her. The reader starts feeling insecure and ignores Theo. He soon realises that she is ignoring him and talks to her.
Btw I love your writing and can you please tag me if you do write it?
Too Friendly
Theodore Nott x reader
Warnings: Swearing, allusions to sex but no sex.
Description: The reader wants Theo to make more friends but when he does, she becomes insecure about their bond.
Sorry this took so long to get out, I'm in the middle of my final exams of high school so I don't have much time. I enjoyed writing this one. Thanks for the request @orphicmortala
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“It’s sad, Theo, you’ve got, like, no friends!” You said as you tried your best to remember how to tie your yellow tie.
“What do you call Malfoy, then?” Theo asked from the bed.
“An accomplice,” you replied with that unique snark that Theo loved about you, “You need friends from other houses— Friends that aren’t just me.” You added those final words hastily before he could open his mouth in protest.
Theo rolled his eyes and beckoned you over. His hands glided over the folds of your tie with expertise, undoing the mess of a knot you’d created in order to do it up properly and perfectly. When he was done, he looked up at you with his gorgeous, oceanic eyes and the corners of his mouth where both his beautiful lips connected turned upwards. You uttered your thanks quietly as you resisted the primal urge to just not go to class at all and instead spend the whole day with him. Your mind wandered off to imagine being stuck between Theo’s checkered emerald sheets, but you brought it back to reality.
Fending off your lustful desires as well as a nun would, you bid adieu to Theo and hurried out of his room and the Slytherin common room. On your way out, you dodged the teasingly crude jokes and names that Theo’s friends tossed towards you and told Pansy that she was no better than yourself (you’d seen the way she snuck out of that empty classroom after Draco a couple days earlier, her hair and clothes all dishevelled and her thighs rubbing together uncomfortably).
The whole day, Theo dwelled on your words. While you weren’t exactly dating or in a relationship, he always found himself bound to your every word and every whim. You seemed to dictate his life in a way that you certainly shouldn’t, but he couldn’t help but listen to you. So, in Arithmancy, he didn’t sit next to Blaise as he usually did, instead electing to sit with Lisa Turpin, a Ravenclaw girl he’d seen you talk to a few times.
She looked at him in confusion, “Did you need something?”
He withheld the instinct to say some snide remark and instead replied, “I thought I’d make a new friend today.”
“On some random Tuesday… in our Sixth year?” Her face contorted to expose her obvious disgust.
“Merlin’s cock and balls, I’m trying to be nice, Turpin!” Theo frowned and picked up his bag to go sit elsewhere.
Turpin grabbed his wrist as he stood up and her lips made a thin line as she pulled him back down to the seat. Her brows knitted together like a homemade sweater and she breathed out a sigh of defeat.
“No, it’s okay, sorry,” she said, “Sit here if you’d like.”
Over the next week, Theo made some serious efforts to get to know Turpin despite his friends’ obvious, loud verbal opposition. After that first Arithmancy class, Blaise had practically torn him to shreds with his massive speech on house loyalty and the horrible impact that you were clearly having on him. Daphne had recited the same speech her mother had given to her on her first day of her first year at school about how interrelations with students from the lesser houses was a gateway drug to blood sympathy (she’d given him the same speech when he started his little thing with you). And Pansy, Merlin’s beard, Pansy was furious.
Pansy had constructed this whole idea in her mind that you hated that Theo was talking to Turpin. She called it “cheating” which Theo had adamantly disagreed with. He wasn’t having sex with Turpin, in fact, he had absolutely zero romantic interest in her. He barely even liked her. The only thing the two had in common was Arithmancy and every time they hung out they talked about it until there was no more Arithmancy to talk about. It was, quite frankly, boring. Turpin was boring.
“It’s emotional cheating,” said Pansy in a huff as she and the others started towards the Great Hall for Monday breakfast.
“Emotional cheating?” Theo asked skeptically.
“Yes, Nott, emotional cheating,” she nodded, “And it’s hurting Y/n’s feelings. That’s why she hasn’t spoken to you all week.”
His gaze snapped to focus on Pansy whose black eyes were ablaze with the feminine rage of a girl’s best friend, “How do you know she hasn’t spoken to me all week?”
Pansy smirked, her honey red lipstick bright against her pale skin, and shrugged. She knew you hadn’t spoken to him all week because you wouldn’t shut up about it. In Divination on Wednesday afternoon, you’d all but assaulted Pansy with questions about Theo’s newfound interest in Turpin. All of which Pansy had no helpful responses to.
“Is he flirting with her?” You asked.
“Maybe, I don’t know, it’s not like they sit with us,” said Pansy, struggling to focus on the crystal ball with all your chatter.
“Why not? Why don’t they sit with you? Are they trying to be private?” You pushed almost frantically.
“Uh, possibly? Honestly, I just think he knows we don’t like her,” she explained.
“Why don’t you like her? Is she a bitch?” You frowned and then quickly added in a judgmental tone, “Or are you just being blood supremacists?”
“Is she a mudblood?” Pansy stopped working to stare at you.
You smacked her hand and she hissed, “I don’t know her that well. Don’t say that.”
When Theo and his friends finally arrived at the Great Hall, he searched the tables for your face. While most people usually stuck to their house’s table, you were a social butterfly and loved to flutter from table-to-table to talk to all of your many friends. Sometimes he wondered how you weren’t a prefect despite your popularity and the respect the younger years gave you. His eyes found Turpin first and she beamed and waved him over, but he blatantly ignored her. Pansy and Daphne watched on with delight as the girl cringed with embarrassment and turned back to her meal with bright red ears.
A spot of h/c hair floated above a robe lined with yellow and he abandoned his friends to go to you. You were standing at the end of the Hufflepuff table (not an unusual place to find you, but your favourite table was always the Slytherin one), and you were utterly consumed by a tale you were sewing for your housemates Hannah Abbott and Justin Finch-Fletchley.
“Y/n,” Theo spoke and his deep, smokey voice tore you straight out of your conversation, “Can we talk?”
Your eyebrows quivered and your blinking sped up as you took his appearance in for the first time all week. You hadn’t gone so long without speaking to him in at least three years (you got into an argument in your third year about the petrifications) and hearing his voice and seeing him so close was like throwing a former alcoholic into a sea of wine. There was nothing you wanted more than to indulge in him. But Hannah and Justin were glaring at him like hawks, or guard dogs, whichever was more intimidating.
“Um,” you glanced back at your friends and Hannah shook her head slightly, she’d never much liked Theo, “Sure.”
Hannah rolled her eyes and whispered something barely audible to Justin. Something about a “love-fucked pushover.” You ignored her. Theo took you to a pair of seats far from any prying ears and held your hands in his.
“You know I don’t like Turpin, right?” He said quietly.
You scoffed, “Yeah, right. And that’s why you spent all week with her.”
“I spent all week with her because you told me to!” He laughed with salt that spread itself over your wounded heart.
“Did I just? Because I really don’t remember saying ‘Hey, Theo, you know how I like you so much? I actually want you to go talk to another girl,’” you said sarcastically.
He held back a grin as best he could but the amusement glistened in his eyes and on his rosy, mole-spotted cheeks. His hand came up to your brow and massaged the frown out from between your eyebrows as you fluttered your eyelashes at him in the way you knew made him melt inside.
“I wanted to make friends for you,” he told you with that soft, romantic tone he used in bed.
“Don’t,” you ordered, “You’re Theodore Nott, you aren’t supposed to be friendly.”
For the first time in a week, he got a good look at you. He hadn’t realised how much he missed the sight of your h/l h/c hair and the way it framed your stunning face so perfectly that you appeared to have stepped right out of a portrait. He hadn’t realised how much he missed how your eyes, an elegant e/c and perpetually glossy as if always on the verge of tears, examined every centimetre of his face. He hadn’t realised how much he missed doing your tie up for you until he saw it tied like a bow around your neck.
“I’m friendly to you,” he said as his hands pulled at the end of the tie and it fell apart over your chest.
“And that’s all you need, I think,” you whispered pleasantly and pressed a loving kiss to his lips as he looped the tie around itself twice and pushed the end through the gap, tying it perfectly.
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hollandsangel · 1 month
bf!matt x uni!reader
current self indulgent headcanon bc my grip on reality is slipping through my mf fingers
this is my latest guilty pleasure @dazednmatthews knows
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not getting over this gif ever btw @mattsturnioloarchive
- you had one exam at 9 and ofc texted him when you finished, a little bit panicked but he soothed you with plenty of ‘you’re the smartest one in the class’ and ‘you worked so hard sweetheart i know you did well’
- you’re in the library studying for your next exam that’s in a few hours when you see the dirty air force ones by the leg of your chair
- you pull out an ear bud and look up and there’s your stupid boyfriend with a stupid grin
- “hi” he says all cheeky
- “what are you doing here?????”
- “brought my girl a treat” and he sets down a coffee and a little snack from your favourite cafe by your house (it’s a bit of a drive from his, so you know he really went out of his way) “you deserve it”
- you’re immediately pouting at him bc AWE how is he this fucking sweet
- you tug him down by his sweater for a kiss not even caring you’re in the middle of the library bc you have the best bf ever and he deserves a kiss NOW
- “i can’t really hang out tho—“ you start a little regretfully, looking down at all the papers and highlighters strewn over the desk
- matt immediately cuts you off, shaking his head “i know, i just wanted to stop by and give you that and say im proud of you and all that stuff” he shrugs, hands in his pockets
- “mattttt” you blush, rubbing your cheeks
- he grins and leans down again to kiss your forehead “i’ll see you this weekend yeah? good luck, you’re gonna do great” he’s rubbing your back all nice (im sick)
- “thank you” you say it super quiet, wishing there was a bigger way to express your gratitude
- “don’t worry about it” he mumbles right by your ear, kisses your cheek then reaching for your chin to tilt your face a little closer
- he’s gives you the sweetest kiss that bastard
- “i love you”
- you’re literally awestruck how is he real
- “i love you too”
- he winks as he walks away and you’re REELING for ten minutes before getting back to studying bc you’re boyfriend is the worst (best) distraction
tags ! @st4rswrld @urfavvev3lyn @mattsturnioloarchive @averysbestyears @its-jennarose @strnilolo @cherrypostsposts @dazednmatthews
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lunas-side-anime-blog · 5 months
Modern College Student/Gf Mikasa Ackerman Headcanons
Armin Version: Here Eren Version: Here
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scary goth girl that everyone is too scared to talk to but secretly crushes on
psychology major bc I think she had a tough childhood and wants to better understand trauma / help others
somwhere in the middle between Armin and Erin when it comes to academics
like I don't think she is as intense about grades as Armin is, but I also don't think she's as laidback about school as Eren
moderately studies throughout the week, but it's just basic note taking and chapter reading, i don't think she's afraid to miss a few classes though if she feels like it
only really crams and does all-nighters right before an exam if she thinks she needs it
i think she wears men cologne and deodorant and it fits her soo well, idk how to describe it but she smells powerful but comforting at the same time?
maybe like woodsy with strong notes of vanilla and cashmere
loves a black cold brew: no creamer, foam or sugar like she's so intense that way
i think she's that one cool girl who always walks into class like a few minutes late with a hot resting bitch face, AirPods in and a cold brew in hand
tall girl and I think her height is prob her fave feature about herself, like I can see her wearing more heeled boots or platforms to exaggerate it
wears lots of black and hardly any makeup besides some light eyeliner most days
doesn't talk alot unless she fr knows you, i think most people would just hear her say "here" for attendenace and that's it
doesn't go to parties unless she has to
I think think she'll only go to watch eren and armin. she knows eren loves to go overboard and armin will most likely get distracted so she takes it upon herself to be the sober one watching everyone's drinks
def a girls girl like if she sees another female in an uncomfortable situation shes jumping in, no questions asked
i can see her working out with eren so in my mind shes ripped too and yeah...most guys don't fuck with her
has a cute lil skincare routine, only has like a three step process tho since I think she has naturally good skin
she secretly loves facemasks tho and doing her nails with armin as rewards for studying lol
I think out of the main three mikasa would have the most instagram followers, which is so funny bc she doesn't know why she's so popular?
I just think her aesthetic and vibe is very cool, if her account is set to public she would quickly get a lil following
lots of secret admires with this one, men and woman alike
I can see her being BI or Pan too so like that's very conveient
other than armin and eren, I think Mikasa would be besties with Yimir and Sasha
i can see them going to concerts together, shopping, late night drives, getting food (at sasha's demand lol) like i think they'd be a chill lil trio
views eren and armin as brother figures btw, gets grossed out when people ask if shes dating them
obviously a very protective friend
the type of freind whose like "what's their name" when you tell her you're seeing someone new and within an hour Mikasa will have an entire report on where they went to school, all their exes, hobbies, pets, address, ect.
I can see her getting a masters tbh, I def think armin would talk her into it so I think they would be grad school buddies while eren finishes his BA (he'll lag behind them a year or two since he changed his major so much anyway)
Loves cats and I think she'd have one or two if armin and eren are cool with it
I think she would have a few tatooes and piercings, but very subtle ones she can hide since I think as a psychologist she'd want to be taken seriously
music taste is kinda stuck in middle school tbh, still loves my chemical romance with a passion
I don't think she'd smoke weed or drink
^^ not that she has anything against it but i think she just hates the feeling of not being in complete control of herself so she stays away from things like that
never gets sick? it's actually medically fascinating
Overall she's that one quiet girl in class who looks scary but is a sweethear and everyon'es dying to be friends with
As your GF
omg I think she'd be the best significant other tbh
I think you would meet her in a meet-cute way since it's always the people who you least expect to be cheesy
I think maybe like you accidentally tripped and made her spill her coffee in class. you look up an see this tall, ripped, emo looking chick and you rush to apologise and give her your drink in hopes she doesn't flip
shes like "...ok." and takes it. but then the next class she randomly sits next to you and passes you a drink and is like ... "i hope i got your order right?"
the dork memorized your drink akjglalg
after that she kinda keeps sitting next to you and attempts small talk, so you realize she's actually v sweet and exchange socials
which is great bc I think mikasa is way better at flirting over text than in person and you'd quickly understand that she likes you
First date would probably be a show, i think she'd take you to a local band she likes and would get a quick bite after it
I think for second date she'd like you to choose what you guys do and then third she chooses, you guys switch bc she's all about that equal effort
once you agree to be her s/o she'd gonna be so annoying on social media like she's def gonna loose some followers as she only posts you now
type of partner to notice the smallest changes in you right away
you give her a peck and shes like "why aren't you wearing your usual lip balm? do you not like strawberries anymore?"
in bed she's a dom, is that even a queston?
I think she's actually a brat tamer, in my head rn she gets a lil smirk when you act up and i think she just mentally notes what to punish you for later
mikasa views sex toys as allies not enemies, and yeah i think she has an impressive collection so buckle tf up
okay so she's kinda yandere (tbh i think most ppl from the aot universe are but esp mikasa) I think shes very protective and a touch paranoid?
like i think her past is kinda messed up and I can see her mind running wild with ideas if not reassured
so you can just oversleep for a bit and you'll wake up to mikasa practically breaking into your apartment to make sure you're okay bc you suddenly went silent on her
some trust issues too, would def be really upset if you didn't give her the passcode to your phone
doesn't like your friends or anyone else you talk to tbh, she just doesn't think anyone else has your back like she does and will always remind you
i also know her manipulation skill is cray being a psych major, I don't think she's as good as Armin but ik she can weaponize some therapy speak and make you feel a lil stupid (only does it for your own good she says)
doesn't get jealous but does get even
I can see the little shit putting thumbtacks in pockets or laxitives in drinks if someone dares flirt with you, she can be so evil sometimes i just know it
she isn't even scared of the aftermath bc she knows eren and armin have her back so she wants the smoke tbh
the type of partner to death stare someone from behind your back but when you turn around she's suddenly all :)
would love matching tattoos with you if you're down
think she'll be the quickest to bring up marriage too, porbably only a few months of dating and she's like "so when we get married-" and you're like "!?"
big spoon gf, you can be bigger than her and she don't gaf she's still holding you not the other way around
Overall a really sweet girlfriend who just wants to protect you and keep you all to herself
Can be a lil crazy at times, but she means well I swear !!!
Nicknames for you: love, my other half, wifey/hubbie
Songs that fit the vibe: The Perfect Girl by Mareux, Breezeblocks by Alt-J, Me and Your Mama by Childish Gambino
"You're such a strange girl, the way you look like you do."
"She's morphine, queen of my vaccine, my love, my love, love..."
"Girl you really got a hold on me, so this isn't just puppy love"
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(She's so hot omg I love her, i developed a lil crush writing this! Anyway srry the moodboard didn't include couple stuff, girlfriend aesthetics are way harder to find than bf aesthetics and the ones I did find looked nothing like her :( tell me if you guys like this series, totally open to doing more characters! not even just from aot, i also kinda wanna do demon slayer or hxh, also love jjk and chainsaw man but I didn't read those mangas yet so I may not be the best at it!!)
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shocymer · 4 months
Goodbye Summer
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"The friend label is a label I'm going to hate. Our story ended without even started."
Pairing : Mingi x afab!reader
Word counts : 4k
Contents : highschool au, angst, flashback, lived by the beach, TW! mention of divorce, slightly depressed reader, miscommunication issue.
A/N : The fic is inspired by "f(x) - Goodbye Summer". It's been my favorite song since it was released (bcs relatable af). Also this one took a set in early 2000 with Taiyou No Uta as my reference. Oh btw I don't use japanese semester system, I matched it with how it goes in my country. I hope everyone enjoy it! ♡
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2nd Year. Autumn 2006
You walked through the class corridor while sorting some papers from the student council. You heard fast paced step behind you,
“Better watch out girly,” he took your papers and continue running again.
He laughs maniacally, at some point he stop in the middle of corridor waiting for you to catch him up. As he saw you getting closer, he lift your paper high up. He amused by your action, struggling to reach those papers.
“Mingi! Can you stop!” You keep trying to reach it.
“Nah, I don’t want to,” he lift it even higher.
“If you don’t stop any moment, I’m gonna-”
“Hmm? Gonna what?” He put his face in front of you, staring into your eyes. You saw the opportunity as he lower his grip.
“Gonna grab this damn papers, thanks by the way,” you managed to get it, swiftly walk away from him.
He followed you, asking if you’re getting busy again as student council. You responded him with annoyance till both of you immersed in conversation as you walked back to your classroom.
2nd Year. Winter 2006
You blew your hands to heat it up. Today is awfully the coldest day since winter started. Silly you, you forgotten your mittens leaving it out nicely on your study desk. You keep cursing to yourself as you only brought limited hot pack and is enough for your stomach only. Everything’s ruined because the exam period.
“You keep blowing it like a freshly baked bread.” Mingi suddenly walk beside you.
You only gave him side eye. Too lazy to respond him. Like who the hell blowing a fresh baked bread out of the oven, that isn’t funny at all. You muttering some words and keep rubbing your hands.
He notice it before he took one of your hand and guide it to his winter coat pocket. He hold your hand tightly. You took a glance at him, he keep a straight face remain unbothered. It’s not the usual himself. You knew him that he’s a playful silly guy who always teasing you whenever he likes.
“Stay still if you don’t mind, I don’t bring mine too,” his eyes darting towards his hands.
You shrugged a little bit, nodding your head. “Thanks Mingi. We almost at school too.”
He smiled and grip your hand tighter in his pocket.
2nd Year. Spring 2007
“.. I like you,” faintly you heard a love confession.
New semester is just started and the vibe suddenly change. ‘New semester new you’ , ‘love is in the air’, and you blame the pollen scattering everywhere as it worsen your allergy. Just like the situation right now, you can find love confession almost every spot in the school including the stairs.
You never get the hype of other students cheering on it like an interesting show. And now you’re trapped, have been hiding for solid 7 minutes on the 3rd floor stairs. Afraid of make them feel awkward if you suddenly pass by them. So you politely hiding in your place. You’ve been on your flip phone to kill some time, but you’re growing impatient wondering who take a love confession so long.
Curiosity kills the cat like people said, you took a little peek between the railings. You saw the girl, but you’ve got no idea who she is. Then you tilt your head to get a better view, you saw the tall familiar figure. You recognize those side profile, those tall nose, and those eyes, it’s Mingi. Your heart sting for a while then you sat on the stairs quietly trying to grasp the situation. At the end you only heard their laughter slowly fading away.
2nd Year. Summer 2007
“Got some plans for summer?” Mingi poked your arms.
You lift your head trying to look at him. Headache taking over you as today is the last day of exam. 2 weeks of distress you only facing your books non-stop. And finally your hard work has paid of when the summer break getting closer.
“Dunno, gotta wait the result come out first.”
“Wanna go to the beach?” He asked you again.
You let out a heavy sigh, “I’m worried if I’ll take summer class.”
“We’re going afternoon, incase if one of us get that supplementary class,” he assured you.
You nod at him. He pat your shoulder before leaving you to talk to another classmate. Everything felt awkward after you saw him that day on the spring. First of all you’re not that close to him. Both of you only a casual classmate. But since that day, you tried your best to avoid him hoping it’ll hide the strange feeling in your heart. Deep down inside, you intended to move on from him hoping you can be your usual self. And this summer break is surely a perfect timing.
The summer breeze blew your hair gently, leading you to grip your hat tightly. Mingi told you to meet him before the railway that separate almost half of the town. You waited him, sitting on your bike. Your eyes look towards the sea from this distance. The beach is not difficult to reach, it only took 10 minutes from where you live. But going with him is a rare thing.
There’s still no sign of him. You pull out your flip phone, trying to check the time. Undecided whether sent him a message or not, you keep opening and closing his contact. During the summer break you didn't contact him at all. Still unsure about your feelings, you’re afraid of falling too deep. So you just wait for his message if he remembers those plan he made before. You reread his last message,
(Minkimingi) Meet me by the railway tomorrow afternoon, cya!
You let out a heavy sigh and finally send him one,
(You) Where are you? I might get carried by the wind cuz waiting you for too long.
The vibration startled you, didn’t expect him to replied you so soon.
(Mingkymingi) I don’t live by the shore my dear princess, please be patient.
Gasped by the nickname he gave, you slump your head to the bike handlebar. ‘Goddamit Song Mingi, I shouldn't have come, right?’ Still battling with your inner thought, suddenly you feel a cold sensation at the back of your neck. You turned quickly only to find him chuckling while holding a can of cold drink.
“As a good friend, I know you must be craving this,” he handed you the drink.
Yeah friend. You forced a smile before reaching those drink. Open it up instantly then chugging it. You’re observing him without you realize. He’s still in his summer uniform. As you guess he took the supplementary class. Beads of sweats rolled down his forehead, of course that’s the result of him riding his bike in a hurry. Till his eyes met yours, returning your gaze.
“I never expect you’ll suit in those white.. flowy.. dress..”
“Friends do not do that,” you put emphasis on your words by reflex.
Without thinking you answered him quickly,
“complimenting each other.”
He ruffled his hair as frustration drawn on his face.
“Well.. let’s say it’s not a compliment, but what’s wrong with friends complimenting each other?”
Fed up by every time he mention that label, you pedal your bike away towards the beach leaving him alone. You heard him yelling from distance,
“we’re still waiting others! Where are you going?!”
“I’m tired of waiting, meet me at the beach!” You yelled back at him.
The sky began to show its golden tinge. The seagulls flew to and fro over the sea. The waves rolled rhythmically and some of your classmate surf on them. Everyone is enjoying this moment, some of them playing volleyball, some of them splashing the waters towards each other, then here you are sat on the beach while thinking about your original intention of coming here.
You guessed nothing changes. The fact you’re still bitter by him is irritated you even more. You’re eyes are always on his presence, knew damn well that he’s still looking good without even trying. Just like right now, he wear a loose black t-shirt damped by water mixed his sweat, school uniform pants still hanging on him, and those brushed back damped hair while riding his surfboard.
“Say cheese!” One of your classmates push the camera shutter. Capturing the summer break moments before the new school year starts. You couldn’t help but pose for a few photos, until you didn’t realize Mingi pulled your hand. He mouthed you to follow him.
Obediently follow him, you started pedaling your bike behind his. He took you to a higher place than the shore. Stopping his bike, he look back waiting for you. Not too long, you stopped right beside him.
“We can get a better view here,” he smiled at you while his hand is pointing the sky.
You raised one of your eyebrow in confusion. He chuckled by your expression. Then he continued his words,
“I don’t know what you’ve going through. Somehow lately you seems.. different. I hope this will makes you better.”
Suddenly some loud bursts heard along the night sky decorated by the flickering light of fireworks. Leading you spontaneously looking up at it. It’s beautiful just like him. Like the light in the midst of a dark frantic mind. Even the fireworks weren’t enough to keep you entertained, you end up staring at him. Capturing the way how the smile carved onto his face.
“I like you Mingi,” you said it in a whisper.
You know it won’t be heard. You know that he belongs to someone else. And you know he appreciate you as a friend. At least this will ease your feelings even just a little.
The nights were getting colder. Both of you walked side by side while leading the bikes towards home. You talked to each other properly after a couple of months dealing with your antics, avoiding mingi by making some excuses whenever he came close to you.
You stop at the railway, he continue to lead his bike till the other side of railway. He gave you a small waved. You return it while looking at his back getting further away.
“Mingii! I hope we’re in the same class next year!” You yelled at him.
He looked back, raised his hand to give an ok sign from a distance.
3rd Year. Spring 2008
You rushed out from your class only 2 minutes before the class started, not in the mood to be a good and obedient student today. You’re gonna exploded in any minutes, home is in a mess and so does your head. Still hesitated skipping class at the library or leaving the school, you stopped your step right in front of the school gym door. Peeking through the window, you saw someone is dribbling the basketball.
You open the door slowly, decided to skip your class here. Startled by the sound he look into your direction. You thought there’s another students but none of them. It’s only him.
“Oh.. Mingi?” Yes that’s him, who you never talk to since those summer. Both of you only passed each other for a few times. Just saying hello and nothings more. Human can only wish, but fate said the otherwise. It all happened because you’re completely in different class.
“Hey, what’s up,” he greeted you back before tossing the ball towards you.
You catch it, slowly dribbling it towards his direction. He played along with you, a wide smile adorning his face. Trying to grab the ball before he asked you,
“How’s life?”
You almost tripped taken aback by his question.
“Um.. yeah.. great I guess,”
Finally you passed him through then you managed to shoot the ball. Mocking him, you jump out of the joy. He put a ‘Just watch, I can do better’ expression towards you. The squeak of shoes and laughter filled the gym. Both of you were playing in the joy, even you forget all of your tangled mind.
The least thing you ever wanted coming all of a sudden. You saw your teacher’s silhouette through the window. You quickly grabbed mingi’s hand and guide him to hide under the window hoping your teacher won’t notice. Both of you stayed still for a couple of minutes.
He checked if it safe already, then decided to leave the gym quietly while holding your hand. You both tried to stifle the laughter and keep walking only to find your teacher waiting for you at the corner. It ended by the punishment after such a long tired lecture. Mingi and you were on the knees side by side while raising both of your hand right in front of the gym.
“Sorry, we're busted,” he whispered to you.
“It’s not even your fault, please don’t blame yourself,” you mouthed back to him.
After quite some times, he looked at you with a mischievous smile. You're pretty sure he got some wicked plan. He gave the signal by counting down in whisper. You take steps, risking for everything he’ll do. On the last count you both ran away from your teacher hand in hand, giggling all the way.
3rd Year. Summer 2008
Everyone gathered, some of them were hugging each other with laughter, and some of them were crying in joy. Today is the graduation day. Right after the graduation ceremony you strolling around the school, trying to recall everything that was happen for 3 years you studied here.
Library was your best friend in your senior year. You swept the bookshelf with your palm as you walk pass through it. Opened one by one of your favorite books, before putting it back to the shelf. You leaned to the wall, closing your eyes. Last year of school is the roughest. Your parents divorced, you lose the desire to make some friends, leading you alone in the most of your times, and you lost him in some type of ways.
You saw him from the window. He’s friendly as he ever be. Talking and laughing with his friends. He never changed and so does your feelings. He always be the one you’ve crushed the most. But you know your place and never engaged those feelings. You wondered if you can talk to him for the last time.
Your 2nd year classmates waving at you. Shouting from the schoolyard under where the other students gathered including him,
“Heyyy!! Come here!” They keep calling your name with the smile on their face.
“Yeahh wait for me!” You shouting back at them as you hurriedly left the library going down through the stairs.
When you reach the schoolyard, you throw yourself at them. Hugging them in joy. Tears almost rolling down your eyes, you didn’t talk too much with them either for the last year. Even though you passed each other at school, you’ve been busy by your own problems that ended up distancing yourself from others.
Your classmates keep taking pictures, asking you to join them. They’re busy pulling in everyone whoever been the same class with them to take pictures together. As all of your classmates are almost gathered, you positioned yourself to take a group picture. Your shoulder bumped with someone accidentally.
“Oh sorry, I don’t mean to-”
“No problem,” his eyes widen before he smiled at you.
It’s Mingi. He’s standing next to you, joining as you do. You took a glance at him, he lose the second button of his uniform already. You shake your head, then you look into your friend’s camera, ready to take the group picture.
Before you left the group’s photo session, he pulled your hand as if he wanted to say something. The expression on his face was hard to read until he finally sighed and smiled at you.
“What?” waiting on his response.
“Nah, nothing. See you later princess.”
He pat your shoulder for the last time before he left you standing alone. Your tears fell without you realizing it. There’s no “later” for you. You won’t be here and you don’t know when you’ll be back. At the end you only murmuring to yourself.
“That should be my line silly.”
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Summer 2023
“Babe I remind you once more, don’t forget about today reunion okie.”
You chuckled, betting that she’s already telling you for a hundred times this week.
“I promise you I’ll come. Don’t you hear me right now? You can guessed where I am.”
The sound of crashing waves and birds chirping is in the background. You walk along the beach while on the phone with your friend. You just return to this town full of memories early in the morning.
“Wha- what! why don’t you tell me when you arrived?”
“It’s not a surprised if I tell you sooner.”
Both of you talked animatedly for a while until you ended the call, assured her for the last time that you’ll come to the class reunion.
15 years since you left this town to a completely opposite province. Moved to your mother's hometown, helping her business after your graduation the aftermath of your parents divorced. You lose contact with everyone and ended up missed two reunions. But somehow last week an unknown number called you. That was your 2nd year classmate back in the high school, excitedly inform you that there will be a reunion soon.
The restaurant atmosphere is filled with laughter by your friends, reminiscing their memories when they were still in high school. They chatted with each other lively. Some of them enjoying the dish while chugging the beverages, and some of them are curious about you due to your disappearance without a trace for years.
An hour passed by the event started. A figure you didn't expect and missed appears. He slide open the restaurant door. The same wide smile adorned his face as he greeted the others. Unless he looks much more mature. Short black hair neatly styled with a few strands fell over his forehead, glasses hanging on the nose bridge, a silver necklace with a cross pendant dangle on his neck, button up white shirt that it’s sleeve rolled up almost touching his elbow finished with a black vest and pants perfectly fit on his body.
The smile slowly faded when his eyes fall into yours. A look of disbelief crossed on his face when he saw you here. He brushed away those expression immediately then took a seat in front of you. You two exchanged glances for a moment. You wanted to talk to him, but your voice hitched. Heavy feeling fills your heart, opening up the old memories that you thought were all over.
He tapped his fingers on the table looking a little nervous. Occasionally sipping his glass of beer to divert it. Without realizing it, your eyes fell on his ring finger. A white gold ring circled his finger sweetly. Somehow makes you feel a little relieved to open up a conversation.
“It’s been a long time Mingi.”
“Yeah, good to see you,” he took a deep breath before continuing his words.
“You’re… gone. Just disappeared without a single notice.”
“I went back to my hometown.”
“Why don’t you tell me before?” He showed you the same expression as the last time you saw him.
“It’s just so sudden, I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you”
He sighed for a second time,
“As long as you’re fine. That’s all.”
“I’m doing great. Thanks for your concern.”
You pat the back of his hand, assured him that you’re completely fine. He only replied you with a bitter smile.
“Listen.. listen! Guess what? I managed to print the damaged photo,” one of your friend raised a big photo album proudly.
“Why it seems like in every reunion you always got new photos for the same reason.” Chirped by the other friends.
“Shut up! You don't even know how difficult it is to repair an old damaged roll film,” she rolled her eyes.
She put the album to one of the tables before instruct them to take turns if they want to look at it.
“And.. this one for you.” She handed you a big brown postal envelope,
“everyone already got all of this photos. I don’t know why some of it are missing so others who likes taking pictures complete it, including him.” She pointed Mingi with her head.
“Ah.. thank you.” You received the envelope and looked at it carefully.
Meanwhile Mingi immersed on seeing the album. He turn the page one by one slowly. Sometimes he chuckles when seeing some funny moments. Until he noticed the page with unfamiliar photos.
Oh maybe this is the newly printed, he thought to himself. He always pays attention to you in every photos that was taken. Only to realized your eyes were always on him in almost every photos. He turned the page quickly to confirm that.
Before you open the brown envelope, Mingi tap your hand lightly.
“Can we talk outside? If you don’t mind.”
You nodding at him, proceed to follow him outside.
He took his glasses off, pressing the bridge of his nose with the thumb and index finger. Then he looked at you in miserable stare. You notice something doesn’t feel right.
“What’s wrong Mingi?”
He averted his eyes before pull out a wedding invitation to you. Stammering on his words,
“I’ll.. get married next month.”
It doesn't hurt that much when you receive it. You definitely expect it. However life still goes on doesn't it?
“Oh! Congratulation on your wedding. I hope you’ll enjoy your new life.” You tried to smile at him.
Clenched his jaw, he’s trying to suppress the frustration. He's been looking for you for almost 11 years. Until finally gave up in the last few years, and only to find you appeared at the class reunion unexpectedly.
“Is it easy to say that?”
You don’t quite understand what he really means,
“..isn't it easy as long as she's the love of your life?”
Lowered his head, reality just hits him back.
“Yeah.. Right..”
He pulled you into his arm tightly. You’re frozen by his sudden action, still trying to digest what was just happen. When you intended to let go, he told you his final request.
“Please let me hug you for the last time.. as a friend.”
Your eyes wandered out, sitting by the train window. It’s quite a long day, you take the last train after returning from the reunion. Can’t deny it, you feel ecstatic after meeting them.
Shifted your bag to grab the phone, your hand touched the brown envelope that was given to you earlier. You decided to pull it out from your bag, loosen up the strap to see it’s content.
You look at the photo by photo carefully. School festival, school trips, graduation day, and mostly summer breaks, everything’s stored well. Except one photo tucked in between has a contrast vibe.
The paper is duller and it was taken at night unlike the rest. You recognize it, that was your side portrait with fireworks in the night sky. You turn the photo over, there is the date and a small note written on it.
August xx, 2007
“The moon is beautiful, isn’t it my princess?”
Covered your mouth in disbelief. Tight feeling rises in your chest made you lose focus till some photos fell over the train floor. You pick them out one by one while looking at it.
Your eyes automatically on him by the photos. He always looks at you from a distance just like you did. The tears flowed unstoppably. All this time he also felt the same way. You hate him who always hide behind the word “Friend” as if he’s pushing you away. You closed your eyes, it's all too late now.
“I liked you too Mingi.”
Only the sound of train tracks was heard afterwards.
The friend label is a label I’m going to hate.
The feelings I’ve hidden still remain as a painful secret memory.
The photos that can’t define our relationship is a heartbreaking story.
Our story ended without even started.
- Goodbye Summer
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a/n :
They used analog camera that contains film roll in it.
"He lose the second button of his uniform." That means he already gave it to someone who's supposed to be important (romantically) because it's located near the heart. People believed it's same as giving your heart to someone. Based on japanese students when it's graduation season.
Cutie patootie looks like this in the reunion, minus the tie.
"The moon is beautiful" is a popular japanese phrases 「月が綺麗ですね」 (Tsuki ga kirei desune). It means "I like you."
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ushijimaschubbs · 1 day
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"just please understand...."
an: im sorry if this sucks I have exams and i really wanted to finish this request. this is not proofread btw. based on this request. have fun reading anon and thank you so much for this adorable request <33
synopsis: reader has a bad luck in love and their bestfriend kuroo picks up the pieced after heartbreak while he's in love with them.
1.2k words
pairings: timeskip bestfriend!kuroo tetsurou × reader
warnings: breakup, cheating, reader has bad luck in love leading to multiple heartbreaks, slight angst
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the sunlight felt too bright this morning as you tried to shield yourself from it by covering your face with the nearest pillow. the dreadful memories from last night started clouding your mind when you remembered how you had to break up with your ex boyfriend because you found him flirting with multiple girls online. tears rolled down your the bridge of your nose as you tried to find your phone on the table, only to see 20 missed calls from kuroo. you sprang up from your bed and called him immediately knowing he is going to be pissed off because you probably drunk dialled him last night after the brutal breakup.
"oh wow look who has decided to wake up. it's 1pm", kuroo spat on the other line.
"I'm really sorry, kuroo. i was having a really awful night okay? please don't shout at me I'm still so hungover", you cried, falling back into the mattress.
"i don't remember the last time you had a good night actually, princess. i was really worried for you and I couldn't even check up on you because I'm still on this business trip", he sounded annoyed and pissed off and this really wasn't the first time. you didn't blame him since you did find yourself in horrible situations ever so often in your love life. cupid did not do anything for you because if it had, you wouldn't end up with rat looking, bad kissers every time you had a liking for someone. you were simply questioning your taste at this point and kuroo was clearly growing tired of watching you struggle, and worse cry yourself to sleep ever so often.
what you didn't know was how much kuroo longed for you but he was too scared to admit it in the fear of rejection and the loss of his bestfriend, he didn't want to give up something so precious only for it to break into pieces in future, if it ever does that is.
"i promise i won't jump into anything too hastily after this okay? and when are you returning? i really miss your stupid face, jackass", you replied, trying to lighten the mood because you knew kuroo was furious right now.
"im returning in a week and i swear I will keep my eyes on you at all times because I really don't like seeing you like this, y/n. you're my bestfriend and you deserve so much better please",he sighed and proceeded to hang up as his coworker urged him to the meeting room.
after this call, you swore to yourself you won't go out with any guy anymore no matter what happened but guess what, it hadn't even been two weeks before you were going insane over your new neighbour. his blonde locks and hazel eyes had you on a chokehold and you rambled on about it to kuroo who knew this was not going to end well. you went on two dates with this neighbour guy and gushed about him to your bestfriend, describing where he took you, how he treated you, how he paid for your dates blah blah.
"that's very bare minimum, y/n. I've done way more for you and you know that", kuroo blurted out in the middle of your rambling.
"yeah but he's not you, stupid. he's sweet, and kind and he has such beautiful hands you have no idea", starry eyed you went to bed peacefully that night not knowing what was going to take place the next day.
it was your third date now with this neighbour boy and he took you to a classy family restaurant, pulled your chair to seat you, ordered your favourite food and ran circles on your calves with his toes as he looked into your eyes. that was until a girl who had just entered the restaurant stormed towards your table and started screaming on top of her voice about how this guy was her boyfriend, and they had been going out for months now. you couldn't register what she was saying, the noise of shouting and him explaining himself drowned as you lost balance and fell on the chair. your head hurt and you knew you had to leave immediately. you ran towards the road, looking down in shame and got into the nearest cab. the entire night you kept calling kuroo, hoping to confide in him only to remember that he was supposed to be on a date too leading you to cry yourself to sleep that night.
you woke up to several knocks on your door and someone shouting your name outside loud enough for everyone in the building to hear. you made your way towards the door and found kuroo sweating profusely and out of breath.
"I'm so sorry y/n I'm really sorry I passed out last night after the date and my phone was on silent are you fine is everything okay??"
"yeah don't worry my bad luck in love just doesn't seem to leave", you sighed, plopping on the cream coloured sofa in your living room.
"what happened this time?"
"he was already in a relationship"
kuroo was usually always annoyed everytime you would tell him about a crush, or a bad date or even a relationship but this time he looked enraged.
"you can't be that blind right y/n"
"huh what do you mean"
"i mean we've been friends for almost idk our entire life and we've spent literally every fucking day together. there hasn't been a single day I have wanted to wake up and the only reason why I do anyways is you. you are my first thought of the day and every other thought after that and I simply cannot go on even a day more without saying this to you but I've always and always loved you y/n and I'm tired of other undeserving men breaking your heart everytime and I will not stand it anymore. my heart beats for you everyday so please..." he breathes hard "just please understand." he was now standing right over you, his eyes not leaving your face for even a second as you tried to process each of his words.
"kuroo what how why have you never told me this", you cried wondering how oblivious you were to all his feelings for so long.
"because I don't want to lose you. i never ever want to have to go through the loss of you as my bestfriend and i cannot risk that but I also can't see your heart break everytime because of some jerk and if that means risking our friendship I don't mind because I want you to be mine only", he urged as he sat next to you, taking your hand in his and caressing your fingers with his thumb.
"you'll never lose me kuroo, I promise you that. trust me. I'm sorry for being so unaware of what you felt for me. why don't we start by going on a date first? is that fine?", you said while closing the distance between you two by pressing your lips on his, your noses touching slightly. he was gentle and soft and you could taste the shared breath, feel the thud of your combined heartbeat as he held you close, making sure he's never letting you go again.
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azaarchiive · 4 months
ᥫ✦azariah’s solar system
CURRENTLY ON BREAK FOR EXAMS (sorry, a levels kicking my ass rn)
notes: hi guys, this is just something for origination and practicality. i do take suggestions btw! open to anything except noncom, bodily fluids (except for the white one) or anything glorified abuse or anything of the sort. pls submit smth wanna prove im a good writer. proper rules list will be coming soon tho.
semi eita
• holiday girlfriend - ON HOLD
- you were one of semi’s many flings every time he flew to (country), always waiting for him with open arms. what happens when he comes back to a baby bump? (series)
hinata shoyo
• only the elite
- y/n is stinking rich and shoyo is the complete opposite. what happens when y/n oddly falls for him despite her equally rich friends and boyfriend and introduces him to the fucked up life in hiroo (series)
oikawa tooru
• blackout
- a cute little fluffy one shot about a blackout in your neighbourhood and what you both do to pass that time
• fanfic bakugou vs real size
- katsuki finds you reading a fanfic about him (one shot)
gojo satoru
• be mine?
- satoru is never second, so why aren’t you with him right now? (one shot) (valentine’s special)
• countdown
- your new year was welcomed with a kiss from the one and only gojo satoru. womaniser of the east quickly sees the damage it’s caused and starts to generate a little white lie pertaining both of your marital status to try and salvage both (mostly his) reputation. (smau) (series)
TO BE MADE: theres quite a few spoiler alert
unlikely paring; atsumu miya
• “being blamed for a school fire and going from the it girl to an arson freak is not ideal. the school luckily scavengers its losses and it rebuilt but something seems different, especially after a dead body is found. now you have to team up with the only guy that knows you’re innocent despite him being your biggest victim since middle school: atsumu miya.”
soo, what do we think? :3. y/n is a massive bully but changes her ways for the better fr, atsumu, suna and osumu are stem nerds. series
gangsta paradise; oikawa tooru
• “you’re a sweetheart who moved into a ruthless and dangerous area and you just wanted to make friends, who knew that ‘friend’ would turn out to be a gang member? it’s not like you did.”
gangsta oikawa (lol), sweetheart y/n. series
back to me; suna rintaro
• “you and suna had just broke up, after three long years it was over, at least you thought it was. what, you thought suna was gonna let you go that easily?”
i mean i wouldn’t call him toxic but i guess that depends on what you think. this is truly just a funny little fic about him trying to get you back. series
write it in your blog; bakugou katsuki
• “you are the most successful journalist in the whole of japan! and you’re only 22, however your whole blog is based on your hatred in the hero society, especially bakugou katsuki. which only grows when you post about a highly confidential case which you have hot evidence about and he turns up at your house.”
heheh reader is rich in this but bakugou is even richer. series
on his birthday; todoroki shoto
• “in which you died on his birthday and he’s learning how to cope with it”
idk whether i should make it into a proper series or just a long ass fic
i hate this place; kiyoomi sakusa
• “your friend group is toxic as fuck yet you find solace in someone who arguable better than the rest.”
don’t know whether to make the friend group ocs or haikyuu boys. long ahh one shot
before it happens; osamu miya
• “osamu sadly took his own life, yet you have a chance to save him by going back in time and stopping him. through that, you fall back in love with him despite dating his best friend rintarou.”
meh idk i’m not exactly feeling it but maybe when i start writing it ill like it more. might be a long ahh series.
FACE2FACE; akaashi keiji smau
• “you and akaashi have been texting for a couple weeks now, yet have never seen each others faces. when the training camp roles in you have no choice to face him… but instead you don’t and pretend your a whole different girl.”
black reader, ideally has the boho, earthy aesthetic and believes in tarot readings/astrology! (sorry to anyone that doesn’t believe in them :(( ) series.
tell ur boyfriend; gojo satoru
• “satoru and y/n have a one night stand and he can’t get his mind off of her, satoru just had to have her. not like that would be a struggle- he gets whatever he wants- who cares about her boyfriend! who happens to be toji fushiguro… as well as his child’s biological father..”
no-curses au, collage au, spoilt gojo fr, he takes care of megumi who is around 7
ever after high x jjk
• it’s literally just that, royals and rebels with curses in the mix
rebel(lol)!reader x itadori
• series of their dynamic, how the got together and what their relationship means to them.
y/n is like that one kid that just never does the school work, is always in trouble and is always late
detective!gojo x lawyer reader
• murder mystery series with love in the mix heheh
i am not creative enough to make my own cases so i will be ripping off of mr monk (if you know, you know)
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number1greedlingfan · 2 months
Guys Peep This
ok so theres this high school au that me and a friend are cooking...
Almost all the characters are either faculty or students. Like Envy is a student right because then we can have them fight Ed crazy style in the middle of the cafeteria, but Wrath is the dean so we can say "mr the furious" are you seeing the vision?
Mustang is the academic decathlon proctor and also the AP chemisty and trig teacher. Hawkeye is the AP english teacher that everyone is afraid of. Havoc is the french teacher (but his ass is NOT teaching!! he just plays the french dub of shrek in class). Fuery is the new 20 yr old English 1 teacher who cant get thru a single class session without going to the bathroom and crying because his 14 yr old students keep bullying him. Olivier Armstrong is the PE teacher and she runs that shit like the fucking Navy. Their shitass poorly funded high school is in the top percentile of the presidential fitness exam because of her (at least one anemic child has died).
Ed gets blackmailed by Mustang into joining academic decathlon (he used his sadass dead mom backstory ONCE to get out of a test just to see if he could and Mustang has not let that go since he realized). Al is on the team because he likes it :)
Selim Bradley is a normal child here but hes like one of those insufferable gifted children that move up to high school way too fast. Hes on Eds team (debate champ) but Ed has insane beef with him because "there can only be one child prodigy" but Ed is. Not One. He is 15 and a sophomore, he is a normal age. I mean hes like taking too many AP courses but that doesnt make him special??? Attention seeking whoer
Ling and Lan fan are students from the prep school down the street that Ed's school has ancient beef with. Ling also has a guy in hisn head btw ("he's not crazy or anything he just has a guy that sometimes takes over his body and takes him on crazy benders" - how he describes his real medical disorder).
Ling is also the prep schools acadeca team's math guy (directly competing with Edward who is his team's math guy) and he thinks this just gives them more of a reason to be friends. He's obsessed with Ed the way that a child is obsessed with a wild animal. Sometimes Ling invites him to go dumpster diving and Ed has to watch in horror as he jumps fully into a dumpster and comes out with a half-eaten comically large turkey leg and devours it right in front of him. At one point Ed wakes up at 3AM to a text that just says "I want you." Ling tells him point blank that it wasn't him; Ed thinks he's just some kinda fruit in denial. (Greed sent it in an attempt to get Ed to stop hanging out with Ling because he thinks Ed is lame as shit).
is this anything
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barbarianbookhoe · 4 days
Chapter 8
No Permission
A/N: Hi lovelies! Sorry for the delay, I wanted to post this yesterday but I was away on a long ass exam
Anyways, this chapter just made it to my top 3 favs to write, so enjoy!!
Btw this got so long and I didn't have the heart to broke it into two parts, so I left it long as fuck
TW: PTSD, nightmare, fear of fire, fluff
Taglist: @kiraflowersworld @vainillasmil157 @bookloverfilmoholic @so-get-this-sammy @ell0ra-br3kk3r @hufflepuffprincessbabe @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @bitterspoons @el-de-phi @astess
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Everything was warm. Too warm.
The beautifully letal orange flashes surrounded everything. They were spreading through the small house, devouring every inch of space. The flames ran up the walls, rapidly eating up any surface they touched.
The house slowly became to lose balance, the fire weakening its composure, making it crumble down. The dark night was suddenly lit up by the flames erupting from the place.
The girl clutched the skirt of her dress, looking for a way out, but finding none. Her coughs became more frequent, more violent, making her chest tremble. She tried the windows, but the frames were too hot to touch, just like the door handle. She couldn't grab any of the chairs to break the window, the flames already eating them up before she could've even thought about using them.
Everything was warm. Too warm.
She already took off her dress, now running around in only a loose white underdress, the sweat and heat making it cling to her frame.
She didn't notice when she began screaming, but she did it with all her might. She screamed, sobbed and yelled as loud as she was physically capable, even as she felt her throat become hurt in the process.
She felt the flames closing in on her as she stood in the collapsing dining room. She didn't accept her fate just yet. She knew that trying to pry open the window frame would only burn her hands without protection, therefore she grabbed the end of her dress and tore a long stripe off of it, wrapping it around her hands.
It would do close to nothing in keeping her unharmed, but she wasn't in the right state to think about that. She also wasn't thinking when she punched through the glass and began pulling herself out.
The flames were too close.
It was warm.
It was too warm.
The girl didn't even realize the burning sensation that traveled up to her neck. Not until she was far from the house, squinting in the darkness trying to find a path she could take.
She put her hand on her neck to check how bad the burn was, and only then did she realize it wasn't sweat sticking to her skin.
It was blood.
Y/N woke up with a jolt, throwing the blankets and furs off of her in a rush. "N-no, no fire," she kept muttering as she began taking her scarf off, along with her coat, trying to catch her breath. It took every ounce of her will to keep herself quiet, not wanting to wake anyone.
But she didn't notice the boy next to her, also joltinf from his sleep in the chair, trying to get her to stop. She felt his leather clawed hands touch her and she flinched.
She flinched away.
She flinched, from him.
She couldn't meet his eye as she frantically put on her boots and strode out into the cold night, without anything to protect her from the snow.
Kaz almost ran after her just a second later.
Instead, he decided to wait for a minute, not wanting the others to wake up from the noise he would make. He made sure to grab her coat before walking out. He didn't want her to catch a cold right now.
Kaz almost had a heart attack when he saw her sitting in the snow. Without a coat. Without her gloves. Without anything to sit on. With her hands wrapped around her middle, trying to shake herself from the nightmare.
This wasn't the first time they had to deal with it. It won't be the last either. It will probably never go away. They just thought it wouldn't happen this soon again. Not here. Not now. Not while on a mission, where Kaz wasn't able to help them the way he wanted to.
Kaz quietly, but as fast as he could, walked over to her. He made sure to make some noise with his cane in the snow, so she wouldn't jump at his touch as he gently pulled her up from the snow and put the coat around her.
Y/N kept shaking, but Kaz knew he couldn't drag her inside, she needed a few moments to get back to reality. Therefore Kaz just waited patiently for her, like she did with him back home.
Home. The thought felt like a punch to Kaz's face. He never thought of Ketterdam as home, let alone the Barrel, because in his head home was a word associated with warmth, love and family. His home consisted of nothing more than bloodshed and greed. Except Y/N. She was like the Sun, always finding a way to shine even in the darkest places. She wasn't bright, and overloaded with joy all the time, kind to people, Saints no. She could be ruthless, downright cruel at times, greedy and selfish, a walking nightmare to anyone who dared cross paths with her.
But not with her family, not the Crows, not with Kaz. Never with him. It was as if Kaz's mean attitude allowed her to drop her armor and act however she wanted. They had their fare share of mean, petty arguments, but that didn't erase the fact that she was always comfortable around him. Kind and sweet, considerate and careful, annoying at times too, always challenging Kaz in some way to want to be better. Because she knows his heart better than he does most of the time.
Y/N doesn't say anything as she gently tugs on Kaz's arm, signaling that she's ready to go back inside, that she'll be alright. Kaz sends a questioning glance towards her and she nods with a tired smile. Kaz puts a hand to her back and guides her back into her bed.
He doesn't sleep a minute from then on, his pocket and heart heavy with emotions.
"Look, all I'm saying is that an eagle can claw it's eyes out, therefore the wolf wouldn't see and bleed to death!" Jesper said and turned towards Y/N.
Jesper started the argument with Nina when they left the cabin, and with time Y/N joined them, publicly announcing her opinions.
"Are you sure you didn't bribe the university to accept you?"
"Wow, you should've stayed in school."
"Have you learned nothing in the Little Palace?"
"How both of you survived beyond the age of 10, is unbelieveable to me."
"You're awfully mean today, did you know that?" Jesper asked and Y/N scoffed. "I'm just giving you my opinion. Doesn't mean you have to take it to heart," she told him and Jesper sent a knowing look towards Nina. "Doesn't mean you have to be mean about it,"
"Eat hedgehogs," Y/N said and turned around to walk over to Inej, so she could continue the journey in silence. Inej sent her a questioning look, but Y/N just sighed and shook her head tiredly. Regardless, Inej sent her a reassuring smile, covered by the scarf protecting her face from the cold.
Kaz didn't keep his eyes off her since last night. He knew the lack of sleep and the cold would get to him eventually, probably by nightfall, but he didn't care. He just needed to know that she would be alright.
They spent almost all day walking through the snow. Thankfully they didn't got caught up in another fight, or windstorm, their only inconvenience was Jesper's mindless hypothetic questions about animal fights and random things that came to his mind.
He was about to start a discussion on hats versus scarfs while they reached the top of the hill they were climbing, when they finally saw Djerholm spreading out beneath them. The rooftops were covered in snow, and they could almost make out the harbor in the distance. Nightfall was soon to come, so they didn't waste time with finding shelter for the night.
"Finally, a night where I won't have to listen to the piece of fur snore," Jesper mumbled, but not quiet enough for Matthias not to hear. He mumbled something in Fjerdan to with Nina gasped and Jesper frowned. "Don't call me that."
"You understand Fjerdan?" Wylan asked in surprise but Jesper just smiled. "I don't need to speak a language to know when someone's cursing me out."
Y/N also mumbled something from next to him and Jesper made a dramatically offended face at it. "You're just being offensive on purpose!"
"Maybe I am." Y/N shrugged her shoulders as they passed multiple little stands that were selling things for the upcoming Hringkälla. They actually passed multiple stands along with shops, bars and inns too. Y/N still couldn't shake the creepy feeling her nightmare left behind. She let her scarf get loose around her neck, hoping the cold would make the pain on her neck subside.
The tingling in her bones got more noticeable ever since she woke up. The last time she shapeshifted was more than a week ago, during the fight at Fifth Harbor. Her skin was itching with need, the need to transform before she scratched off her skin under the heavy coat.
"If you're worried about the price, then don't. I doubt guards would accept our money in prison." Nina told Kaz after he refused to go inside another inn. Jesper was complaining too, with Wylan and Inej silently siding with him. Even the Wraith couldn't deny the comfort of a bed. Matthias and Y/N were just fed up with their bickering, wanting them to stop and keep going so they could finally rest.
Kaz began leading them towards another inn, which didn't look inviting to say the least, and upon seeing it Nina and Jesper followed him close with complaints. Y/N had to swallow down her laugh at the absurdity of it all. They were here on a job, probably to never return home, with herself, Nina and -if her assumptions were right- Jesper most likely to be burned alive, and yet, their biggest problem was the state of an inn where they would spend no more than a few hours.
"Those two can make quite a show," Inej appeared next to Y/N, and she let out a smile. "At least it's fun watching them." She told her without any humor in her voice, almost as if she'd be anywhere but here, which wasn't far from the truth.
"You've been acting weird today. Is something wrong?" Inej asked while they followed the bickering pair and Kaz. "Aside from the fact that we can die tomorrow? I'm so hungry I could eat a horse. Literally." Y/N sighed as they went inside the small inn, where apparently no one was staying.
The dirt was visible on the creaky floor, and the walls were cracked in a lot of places. The dust was so thick on the tables, it looked more like a tablecloth. The receptionist was a middle aged man, who was currently sleeping in his chair, with a bottle of something on the front desk.
The group quickly realized that tonight wasn't gonna be about pleasure and comfort, but about a warm and dry place, nothing else. As they remembered Kaz earlier looking at the top of the building where a small rooftop terrace was, they understood why he chose this dirty place. From up there they would have perfect view of the road leading to the Ice Court.
"AH!" The man abruptly sat up, knocking the chair out from under himself while trying to reach his back, circling around himself like a maniac. A little mouse-like thing was hanging off his back, probably biting him.
Jesper, Nina and even Inej were laughing at him, while Wylan and Matthias seemed rather confused, and tired. Kaz on the other hand just sighed and rolled his eyes as he walked over to him and gently took the mouse off his back with his cane. He watched as the mouse quickly ran under one of the tables and disappeared.
While Kaz and Inej talked with the man about the rooms for the night, Jesper turned around himself a couple of times before Wylan spoke to him.
"Are you looking for something?"
"Yeah, Y/N. She was here just a second ago," Jesper bent down to look under one of the tables, when he noticed a black spider on his leg. He quickly stretched out his leg and hopped on the other to slap away the spider, but it disappeared as soon as it came.
"Why is it that insects always find ME!?" Jesper asked loudly and Wylan stiffled a chuckle next to him. Jesper turned to him with furrowed brows. "Oh laugh all you want, but you'd also act crazy if a spider tried to eat you."
"That was the size of your finger," Wylan said and Jesper's jaw dropped. "Will you keep lowering my dignity, or help me find-"
"Maybe the air was cut off halfway up your brain, but if you opened your ears you would hear the cat yelling at you." Kaz told them and made an obvious frown at the black cat that was sitting at Nina's leg, meowing loudly. He took the keys from the receptionist, who immediately went back to sleeping.
"That comment was absolutely mean and unnecessary," Jesper told him as he took one of the keys from him. "And?" Kaz asked with a raised brow, actually waiting for an answer. When Jesper just looked back at him, trying to think of a come back, Kaz smirked at him for half a second. "Thought so."
"You and Y/N should start a club. How to offend your friends in unnecessary ways," Jesper said the last half more to himself than Kaz, but he heard it regardless.
Nina listened in on his heartbeat and noticed it picked up at the mention of Y/N's name. She had to bend down to pick the cat up to hide her smile. It happened every single time Kaz looked at her, heard her name, voice, laugh, or was just near her. It was like Kaz's heart was trying to rush the air to his brain as if he was slowly suffocating without her. At the thought Nina felt like bursting into childish giggles, and took a mental note to talk to Jesper about it.
"We got three rooms. One of them looks directly at the street we just came in from, the second is next to it, and the last one is on the other side of the hall. That's obviously mine, since it has direct view of the main street, where the soldiers are usually stationed," Kaz told them and glared at Nina, who already had Y/N, still a cat, in her arms. Jesper mockingly muttered 'obviously ' and Wylan looked at him with a small smile. Their group was quite amusing when they wanted to be.
"The rest of you, I don't care where you sleep. We start at 5 bells sharp in the morning." Kaz said and everyone groaned at the early hour.
Despite the bad mood, the black cat was passed around their circle while Kaz set them down at a table, to quickly talk through everything major once again. Everyone knew everything about the plan and even the alternative(s), thanks to Kaz's demand to memorize every single detail.
Y/N, still in her cat form, jumped down from Inej's hands and took a lap around their table, happily scaring Matthias with how silently she moved. She stopped a little at Nina's legs again, liking how she scratched her head, then she made sure to go unnoticed as she sat down next to Kaz's bad leg.
It also went unnoticed when Kaz slightly moved his cane in a circling motion, as if scratching something. He made it seem like he was just playing with his cane as he listened to the group telling the plan back to him. Even if they didn't have time to talk yet, he was grateful that he found a way to give her some comfort at least.
When he felt the cat begin to move under his cane, he let her go and now focused all of his attention at their plan's revision. It wasn't after a few long minutes that he noticed the presence standing slightly next to him, quietly chewing on something.
"Not as good as a deer, but it'll suffice," Y/N mumbled to herself as Kaz turned his head to look up at her. She was holding a small bowl and eating something that looked like stew made of mud and something dead.
"What are you doing?" Kaz asked and he seemed honestly confused as to why Y/N was eating something like that. "It's called eating. My marvelous body needs its suppliments," she told him with a hand on her hip, while still chewing on something.
"And you decided to eat that," Jesper asked with a horrified face, and just as he said that, Y/N pulled out some small bones from her mouth, which could've belonged to a mouse. She looked surprised for a second then went back to eating.
The entire table looked at her in silence, with shock visible on their faces, and even Kaz's neutral face faltered for a second. Nina was the one to speak up on a truly horrified tone. "Why are you still eating that thing?!"
"Nina dear, I'm a shapeshifter. When I'm in the wild I don't really have the luxury of deciding what to eat." She told her as she grabbed her spoon to take another bite. "Plus after eating live rats, you really appreciate any kind of food you come across."
"Rats? You've eaten rats, alive?" Matthias asked disgust visible on his face. "Why?"
"I just told you. When you're in the wild you can't choose what to eat. Your only options are eating and starving, so yeah, I ate rats." After a small pause she continued. "Once I ate a horse. Not the whole thing, but you know, the liver, some tummy and a leg. It's not as bad as it sounds, trust me."
The table was silent once again. Everyone tried to figure out what to say to break the awkward silence, but it seemed hopeless. What could any of them say to make Y/N's words less uncomfortable?
"Why? Why would you say that?" Jesper asked with a pained face. "Why would you eat a horse?"
"Desperate times require desperate measures. Don't judge something you haven't tried," she said and put her empty bowl on the table. Jesper, Nina and Matthias visibly moved a little further away from it. "Oh come on, it won't infect you."
"Wait, so when you said earlier that you're so hungry you could eat a horse, you meant, like-" Inej started as she stared at Y/N, surprise written on her face.
"-literally? Yes. Sometimes animal habits are more affecting than what I'm counting on," She told her and took her bowl back into her hands. "I'll do a quick look-around before we go to sleep." Then she disappeared behind a door that they assumed led to the kitchen.
"Should we be worried that she eats live animals?" Jesper asked now somewhat less horrified, but still in shock. Kaz glanced at him with a hidden protectiveness for Y/N. "As long as it doesn't affect our job, it's none of our business." Kaz stood up, signaling their meeting was over and they can head to their rooms.
"I aggree with you, I do, but shouldn't we keep an eye on her just in case she decided to, I don't know, bite off a guard's leg or hand? I mean, I know she's not a psychopath, we all know that, but in the heat of the moment thing can-"
"Are you suggesting I spy on her? On the job inside the prison?" Kaz asked and raised his brow as he stared back at Jesper. "I'm not saying I don't trust her, Saints, she's one of the only people I trust with my life, but I'm just worried!" Jesper stood in front of him, his hands on his hips.
"And not because she could eat the guards if she wanted to, which is creepy but also cool, but because I'm scared how she'll react to it. I mean, she'll be in her animal form the entire time and I don't know how it'll affect her." He told Kaz and looked at him with genuine worry on his face.
Inej and Nina looked at Kaz with similar faces, hoping their trio would have some, or any kind of effect on him, so he'd make sure Y/N will be looked after during their time in the Ice Court. Having to see her almost get drowned at Fifth Harbor was more than enough, so none of them wanted to see her hurt once again. And if they were right, neither did Kaz.
"She's more than capable of handling herself, but if you prefer wasting time on worrying about her, then by all means do it," Kaz told them mockingly and walked over to the small staircase leading upstairs. "Do what you want, just be clear-headed tomorrow, otherwise I don't care." And with that he disappeared upstairs.
The little trio stood there for a few seconds, before Nina turned to Jesper and Inej with a mischievous smile. "I was listening to his heartbeat while Y/N was a cat, and it sounded like he was about to have a heart attack when Jesper mentioned her," she told them and Jesper stared back at her with a smile of his own. Inej had a questioning look on her face as she spoke up.
"But what does this have to do with our bet? It's not exactly a clue," Jesper and Nina nodded in agreement, while Wylan joined their circle and quietly spoke up. "They seemed close enough last night. I saw them talking."
The trio turned to him at once, Jesper with amusement on his face. "You were eavesdropping on Kaz?"
"N-not exactly-" Wylan started but got interrupted by Jesper. "Did they know you were listening?"
"Did they know you were awake?" Nina asked this time. Wylan looked at both of them with slight guilt. "Well, I didn't want them to know, but-"
"You were eavesdropping!" Jesper told him with a chuckle, followed by Nina's gasp. "Saints, maybe Wylan knows something that will help us. Alright, what did you hear, or saw exactly?" She asked and now the trio circled around Wylan to listen. He looked helplessly at Matthias, hoping he'll say something but he just shrugged and made his way upstairs. Wylan sighed.
"I don't want Kaz to know," he said and all of them rolled their eyes playfullly. "Come on, Nina and I made the bet, we're the last people who'd want him to know any of this," Jesper told him.
"And since we'll be in the Ice Court tomorrow, us talking about his relationship will go unnoticed. He'll be too absorbed with the job going perfectly," Inej told him reassuringly and it made Jesper turn to her suspiciously. "Since when are you a big fan of gossiping, Wraith?" "I'm a spy Jesper. It's part of my job." "Alright, understandable," he shrugged and turned back to Wylan.
"So, back in the cabin, I woke up to the door opening. At first I just wanted to go back to sleep, and I almost did, but then the door opened again,so I turned around to see what was happening, and Kaz, he had his arms around Y/N,walking her to the bed." Jesper and Nina let out a surprised gasp and Wylan continued.
"They were talking really quietly, I didn't hear most of what they were saying, but Kaz was talking about promising something and a tattoo they have." He said the last words more like a question, not sure if he remembered correctly. "That's the only part I could hear actually, before I fell asleep again," Wylan finished his "report".
"A tattoo? It could be the Crow and the Cup. Y/N told me she got it together with Kaz," Inej said and they turned to her. "Why didn't you tell me?" Jesper and Nina asked in union and Inej turned towards the latter in confusion. "You were there when she told me, back on the ship."
"I believe I've been tending to your life-threatening wound, if I remember correctly. You're welcome by the way," Nina told her in a playful voice and Inej tilted her head. "A little harsh Nina," The two girls smiled at each other briefly before turning back to the boys.
"So this can mean two things. One, Wylan is an exceptionally good liar and he just wanted to stir some drama before we kicked the bucket,-" Wylan looked at him offended and Jesper quickly continued. "-or two, which is unbelieveable but can be true...Kaz and Y/N are a couple."
"Jesper! Just because you want to win the bet, don't analyze their interactions! That's cheating," Nina scolded him and Jesper raised a brow at her. "If I can't go looking for evidence, then why were you using your powers, hmm?"
"Umm-" Nina started and he waited for her to find an excuse. "I was just checking if his veins got turned to stone because of his cold attitude."
"I hope you'll be a better actress once we get behind bars," Jesper sighed but Nina just rolled her eyes. They decided to stay a little while and talk about the couple, or rather argue about if they're even a couple or close friends.
Meanwhile Kaz Brekker was having an existential crisis in the old and dusty room above, his gaze constantly moving between the woman sleeping on the bed and the pouch in his hand.
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He shouldn't have come here. He should've made his way directly towards the Slat to gather his belongings before their ship departed to Fjerda. He shouldn't have listened to the voice in his head like he did a week ago, when he stupidly went into that shop.
And now here he was, standing in front of his door, knocking, without a single plan as to what he was gonna say. He didn't have time to think about it too long, because the door opened and Raffiel, Y/N's brother was standing there, he's shirt halfway open, the boots still on his feet.
"What are you doing here?" He asked on an annoyed tone. Kaz looked at him dumbfounded for a second before he found his voice. "I came to ask you something."
"Really?" Raffiel asked with a smile on his face and crossed his arms as he leaned against the doorframe. 'This will take longer than my temper can take,' Kaz thought. "Would you care to elaborate? I'm really curious about your intentions," Raffiel said mockingly and Kaz tried real hard not to roll his eyes.
"Will you keep asking me, or can we continue this inside?" Kaz asked as patiently as he could despite his heart pumping in his ears, telling him to walk away.
"Why would I do that?"
"It's about your sister." Kaz told him and stepped closer. That got his attention, because he immediately straightened his back. "Now, shall we go inside?"
Raffiel looked suspiciously at him, considering if they should continue this conversation. Kaz Brekker made his sister cry several times and even though Raffiel knew how his sister felt, he couldn't shake the feeling that Kaz will hurt her one way or another, intentionally or unintentionally.
"I'm asking for your sister," Kaz said without hesitation and it made Raffiel surprised.
Against his better judgement, he let him inside, but didn't step away from the front door in hope he could end this sooner rather than later.
"She's not here, as I'm sure you already know-"
"I'm asking for her hand."
Silence. Dead silence. Both men held their breath waiting for the other to speak. Kaz was the one to break the silence, trying to hide the tremble in his voice as best as he could.
"Years ago you told me to find you when I thought she was worth living for. Unfortunately that is not the reason I'm here." Kaz told him and Raffiel had genuine surprise on his face, and for the first time since they've known each other, without anger towards him. Kaz took it as a sign to continue.
"The job we're going on tonight will be long and dangerous. We'll be gone for weeks and it's possible not everyone comes back." Kaz had to take a second to breathe, before he spoke the next words out loud, for the first time since he thought about them. "In case I don't make it, I want your sister to have proper safety when she comes back."
Raffiel was silent, then let out a scoff, and another, and another, which slowly turned into laughter. He tried to stop it, or at least be quiet since his son and wife was asleep upstairs, but when he looked at Kaz's serious face he had to turn away to stiffle another laugh.
"Are you serious? You're asking my permission to marry her? Did you really think that I would ever let you-"
"I'm giving her everything I have. I've already signed the papers to her name, the club, the bar, the club's share in Fifth Harbor, every investment and money that I own, everything is hers. I'm giving her everything," Kaz told him angrily, desperately, convincing him that he wouldn't change his mind about this.
Raffiel's amusement slowly turned into surprise and suspicion, then as he kept looking at Kaz's face, analyzing every inch of his stare, and the way his determined gaze didn't falter for one second was all evidence that he was dead serious.
"You never needed my permission when it came to my sister. Why now?"
There was a long pause after that, and Kaz had to take several breaths before he could master the courage to speak the words out loud, making them all the more real and terrifying.
"Because I'm not sure I'll be coming back alive."
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lurafita · 3 months
Bodyguards Malec
This one is a little out there, but imagine:
Mundane AU, both Magnus and Alec are personal security of royal heirs.
Magnus is the bodyguard of Princess Clarissa (or Prince Simon, if you wanna make it Jimon or Sizzy), and Alec is the bodyguard of Prince Jace (or Izzy, if you want to make it Sizzy or Izzy/Clary - what's their shipname btw?... Oh right! Clizzy.)
Anyway, Magnus and Alec meet a lot during events where their charges have to attend.
"So how many grey hairs has yours caused you lately?"
"Sneaked out in the middle of the night three days ago, to get into some new club in a notoriously dangerous neighborhood. I had to disarm and incapacitate about eleven wannabe gangsters to drag his/her ass back home."
"Then this might be your win, this time. Mine only stole her/his parent's mercedes to practice the three-point-turn before the drivers liscence exam next week. I had to jump in through the open window on the passenger side to take control of the wheel before he/she crashed into the iron gate."
"I locked up the car keys years ago. Then the little shit learned to hotwire a car from a youtube video… "
"Well, at least they seem to be getting along, so far. Let's hope it stays that way and there won't be an incident like two years ago."
"Don't remind me, I still have nightmares…. So, uhm, seeing as our two charges are supposed to be together on this whole press tour thing… How about dinner tomorrow?"
"I would like that. I will arrange the time off with the rest of my team."
"Same. Pick you up at seven?"
"It's a date."
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itsevanffs · 3 months
a lot of tag games
i'm just gonna combine them into one post because otherwise i think the next like 10 posts you see are all gonna be my tag games. below the cut etc etc
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so, first and foremost, @aglassroseneverfades tagged me in a get to know tag game:
Relationship status: proud cat owner. i'm committed
Favorite color: probably the colour of alana's eyes. or her nose. or her beans. but cardinal red is a close contender
Song stuck in my head: nothing in particular, but i've been listening to all of cam ostrom's stuff on repeat recently. also bought his first EP the second i found him haha
Favorite food: broccoli and camembert pie (quiche?) with cashews
Last song I listened to: another familiar window by cam ostrom
Dream trip: home
Last thing I googled: tumblr
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@raehb336 and @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger tagged me in a wip tag game:
post all the names of the files in your wip folder, no matter how obscure or ridiculous. ok. it says to tag someone for every wip but i don't think i can tag like 80 people and i honestly don't want to. i have these in alphabetical order based on fandom btw
FS: rewrite
GF: cat eyes
HP: 2.5
HP: a/b/o fic canon adjacent
HP: a/b/o fic sacred nests
HP: a/b/o fic teacher/student
HP: a/b/o incest for monsieur
HP: a/b/o incest scarves
HP: a/b/o laundry au
HP: a learning experience
HP: at the expense of the world
HP: audio fic
HP: blood in your mouth
HP: blood relations 6
HP: boogeyman au
HP: chav au
HP: childhood pictures
HP: cnpg
HP: crash & burn
HP: curfew
HP: doll au
HP: egg creature fic
HP: emd fic of fic
HP: enamoured
HP: eton au
HP: fae au
HP: favours
HP: forced fem au
HP: forcedpreg kidnapping au
HP: futuristic ABO au
HP: hold me down (fuck me up)
HP: hooker au
HP: icarus au
HP: incest au 20
HP: incest inf nc
HP: in the dark rewrite
HP: junkie au
HP: lucifer au
HP: maid au
HP: mamma mia au
HP: mirror au
HP: monastery au
HP: monastery au 2
HP: new politics
HP: oedipus fic
HP: oviparous
HP: ovipos intersex
HP: priest incest au
HP: priest au n
HP: rage, rage
HP: red riding hood au
HP: reverse a/b/o au
HP: robot au
HP: romeo & juliet au
HP: smart move
HP: snow white au
HP: songbird au
HP: stalker au
HP: storm & silence au
HP: swan lake au
HP: tentacles
HP: the darker the weather
HP: the mark upon your heart rewrite
HP: therapy au
HP: tomcest bar sex
HP: tomcest sr 6
HP: vampire au
HP: vee pov genfic
HP: vespertine rewrite
HP: violent resurrection fic
HP: vol de lys
HP: zombie a/b/o au
RG: lecture
SS: swallowing smoke
SV: cnc
SV: eggs
SV: final exam
SV: god's just sleeping
SV: jumper au
SV: slowly
SV: sugar
SV: the worst
SN: demon
and no, these aren't all my fics, they're literally just the ones marked wip. my total fic count reaches 169, because i keep track.
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@aglassroseneverfades tagged me in a picrew/uquiz combination, so that's going here:
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i don't know if i 100% agree with the quiz but i do like taking care of people, up to a point. beyond that you're on your own, though i can help take care of some of the cleanup.
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@toast-ranger-to-a-stranger tagged me in seven sentence sunday, which is good timing on my part because it is in fact sunday:
Mr O’Hara hums. “You like the rain?” “I don’t like-like it,” Miles begins, then changes his mind. “Well, I like it when I’m inside. Not when I’m stuck in a downpour in the middle of nowhere.” “I don’t think Brooklyn counts as the middle of nowhere.” “I live outside the boundaries of human norms.”
that's seven, right?
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@aspengray tagged me in a 'get to know' tag game:
3 ships you like: miguel o'hara/miles morales, tomarrymort, and uhh the christian grey/anna steele dynamic i invented in my head. they're cute i like em
first ship ever: god. uh. that depends because it's either bella/edward from twilight, or it's... wait no it is just bella and edward, winx... wait no i watched it in dutchl. so yeah either bella/edward or bloom and that teacher guy from season 2 or three. jesus christ what was his deal. he was hot though
last song you heard: i see you by cam ostrom (it changed because i have spent like an hour on this already)
favourite childhood book: twilight
currently reading: the witcher blood of elves by andrzej sapkowski
currently watching: i don't watch series or tv but i'm always in the mood for a rewatch of spider-man across the spiderverse
currently consuming: water with syrup
currently craving: nothing. i just ate soup
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@moontearpensfic, @atredys and @goldenzingy46 tagged me in 10 characters, 10 fandoms, 10 tags, to which i have no context but i just assume you pick your favourite of each fandom:
voldemort - harry potter
miguel o'hara - spider-man: across the spiderverse
rikkard ambrose - storm & silence
john winchester - supernatural
bill cipher - gravity falls
rosalie cullen - twilight
geralt - the witcher
sans - undertale
jim - the jrasl original fiction universe
me - irl
in no particular order. i ran out of actual fandoms i like about 5 entries in so forgive me for cheating. link to jrasl for context though, jim is actually a fictional character and i want him to crack me like a glowstick
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@alittlebitofharrypotterinmylife tagged me with yet another get to know tag game, but a different one from the previous two:
last song: crossing the bridge by ólafur arnalds
favourite colour: prussian blue
currently reading: sources on extra virgin olive oil
sweet/savoury/spicy: spicy all the way tbh. i have been craving the burn
relationship status: single
current obsession: miguel o'hara's scrumptious tits. have you SEEN his chest. apparently we were deprived of additional ass which is a travesty but he's still so big that i had to seriously reevaluate my previous love for twinks the second i saw him
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erm yeah. sources for the images used as text breaks are all me. moi. follow me on @itsevansart or whatever, do what you want. i am so glad i am caught up. i think. maybe i missed a few but we'll see <3
thanks for the tags though! this year has been brutal but i'm so glad it'll be december soon and we can all get a well deserved break. what do you mean check the calendar? what's a calendar?
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lillisummers · 13 days
Okay help me out
I have so many stories in my head for so many fandoms!
Characters and fandoms I write for:
• George Weasley (Harry Potter)
• Louis Tomlinson (singer, used to be in One Direction) (I know you are mad at me for saying "used to be" but I want to acknowledge his solo career just as much)
• Horace Somnusson (Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children)
• Edmund Pevensie (Narnia)
• Legolas Greenleaf (Middle-Earth universe)
• Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds)
Thats it for now :)
💓Funfact: I actually made up these stories, 10 years ago (so when I was at the age of 8-9) but made a few changes in the storylines as I grew older. So some of them have been with me for a really long time and meant and helped so much to and for me through the years.
⚠️ a few disclaimers:
○ I have no idea how bad I am at writing
○ English is not my native language
○ I have a feeling I still don't fully understands how Tumblr works
○ I have exams right now for the next month so be patient
Thats about it :)
Thanks for reading this far, I love you!
Oooh and btw, help me out with this poll
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Can i request some modern college au Kanato fluff headcanons if that's possible?? ^^
hohoho I've been planning to answer this a bit later but it's kanato's birthday so might as well 😉 oh btw I don't think fluff headcanons would cut it so might as well add a whole lot of things for his modern college au version
ps. you can view kanato's modern college au romance scenario here (yes the s/o will be fem reader based on this scenario)
warning: a bit of nsfw
kanato sakamaki: modern college au headcanons
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modern boy living in an art of dolls, life, murder series, and desserts
kanato is actually taking up forensic mortuary science (basically everything about embalming funeral and reason behind death sht) bcos even in an au where he lives and breathes as a human, he still has his fascination with death and such so might as well throw them all out in this kind of course
he actually thought of dermatology or being a surgeon at some point bcos he'll get a license to cut somebody open but yeah his average grades won't let him make it
besides he can work in crime scenes and hunt criminals like in those murder crime documentaries he binge watches 24/7
while kanato enjoys studying under this course, he actually has average-ish grades just bcos karl annoys the sht out of him and he only does well in practical exams (so yeah if you give him a test paper, he'll most likely get a C or D; at least it's not an F)
he also takes up like two business classes on the side bcos karl demanded all his sons know something abt business management (ya know in case ayato decided to rebel against him and not become the heir)
he only had like 3 or 4 ex-girlfriends and they're either studying philosophy or english studies; and fun fact: these girls study in the same building as him
another fact: yui was shocked bcos she has no idea she's been in the same class with all kanato's ex-gfs all along 😭😭😭
but he had one ex who goes to the same class as laito's
you might think he'll date someone from his own class but actually, the forensic mortuary science course only has one class and there's only like 10 to 15 students (most of them being male); and since this purple gremlin right here is so introverted, he will never date someone who's obviously from the same circle 'cause he will always pick someone who won't draw that much attention
sounds like his modern college au scenario tbh (link above)
the triplets are all famous in the ryoutei university for being the it boys??? since ayato is the cute varsity player (I based this on the fact that Japanese fandom said he's babyface), laito was the casanova, and kanato was the "cutie goth kid"
ofc all the triplets are models, especially laito and ayato. but kanato was the only hand model out of them like yeah sure they've used his face and all for gothic photoshoots but what caught their eyes is his hands so yeah he's been careful not to get them injured or anything
another thing: boy wasn't allowed to carry teddy around school (bcos karl)
he actually tried smoking once bcos he saw laito and subaru doing it, only for him to cringe at the taste. laito mockingly laughed at him with kanato saluting him with a middle finger
his room is actually a purple harajuku pastel paradise like everything's lit with purple LED lights and filled with stuffed toys. also has his own mini fridge for his snacks and other things. his room is basically his own man cave.
his fashion sense is a mix of modern punk rock with a bit of goth. he also wears piercings for fun (but not too often). you can refer to his official super best art for more details
he wears piercings bcos of brotherly pressure (like once upon a time ayato and laito thought kanato must get piercings like then and they ended up injuring his ear)
now onto the fluff hcs that the anon asked
kanato as a boyfriend in the modern college au has no yandere tendencies so yeah we should be grateful
however, purple gremlin's so filled with jealousy and sassiness you'll think you're dating a brat
but he's not like caging his s/o or anything or demanding them to text him every second; he just doesn't like her being so friendly with other people
like too friendly with people (given by his own introverted tendencies)
would always ask his s/o to hang out with him after school like netflix and chill or chilling in the park laying on the grass and admiring the flowers
would even go to a stuffed toy shop with her or invite her for dinner at a desserts cafe
he's so good at resin and everything jewelry so he has prob given his s/o a lot of handmade jewelry pieces (even thought of opening his own online jewelry store)
even willing to use his own car just so he could drive his s/o around (he doesn't use his own car bcos why would he when they have their own family limo and sometimes ayato drives him and laito back home)
fun fact: his s/o studies culinary major in pastry??? and a few hotel restaurant management courses. also part times in the school cafe to learn a thing or two abt managing a restaurant
if you have read the scenario, you're prob aware that he met his s/o through ayato
kanato isn't a big fan of pda or something since he keeps everything lowkey so he doesn't kiss his s/o in public or do grand things, but he can deal with holding hands or intertwining pinkies
he doesn't also like those things such as going social media official like those celebs cause he thinks it's unnecessary
but if someone spots him and his s/o somewhere and asks them if they're dating, he'll just say yes and not elaborate anything
fun fact: after the ending of his romance scenario, he casually announced his relationship with his s/o to yui and his bros like nothing happened (like no preamble, he just dropped the bomb)
although kanato works with a lot of formaldehyde and other chemicals in his course, he actually keeps himself clean like he makes sure to change his clothes and spray on his sweet perfume so his s/o won't sniff chemicals that could harm her health
when it comes to arguments, kanato might look like a tough nut, but he's nothing but a soft cookie
he would say he doesn't care but he is sobbing as fvck and dying on the inside
he's like "how dare she? why won't she just make it up to me?!"
so yeah he ends up yielding bcos he has "spared her mercy"
now, with his nsfw headcanons hahahahahahaha
so here's the thing, his s/o actually passed out after their first sex so that counts as something
he's actually so good at foreplay tho, examining everything he could do to his s/o and how she'll get off with just his fingers 👀
likes leaving hickeys in places no one would see
would also gaze at his s/o from afar like he's already undressing her with his eyes all predatory and with a smirk that says, "see ya later"
ofc he practices utmost aftercare, like leaving his s/o clothes arranged on the nearby couch with a cart full of desserts and a few drinks on the side so his s/o could feel how much he loves her
would also cuddle with her all night long (that is if she doesn't have curfew)
he experiments with bdsm and roleplaying every now and then bcos he digs sht like that but he doesn't go knifing his s/o like he does in canon cause hello modern college au
but yeah he would shower her with kisses like for him this is a mandatory
and yes, he's one secret horny guy 👀
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edupiii · 2 months
🦇The Cryptic Tales of Coppersfield Update!!💛
Now I’m not entirely sure how many people on here actually read my fic The Cryptic Tales of Coppersfield, but incase you do I just wanna give a small update!
I’m more than halfway through finishing Chapter 10 as well as beginning Chapter 11, however, I am in the middle of final exams and essays for my first year of uni so my attention is focused on that stuff. I checked the other day and realized I hadn’t posted a new chapter in a while so I just wanted to put out this PSA incase any readers were wondering what was happening.
I’m also finishing up the designs for Lizzy and Khan, and sketched out Alice and Beau (even though they aren’t gonna show up for a while, I wanted to draw them). I think I’ll be making a new design for Uzi and possibly Thad since they were the first ones I made and looking back I think I could do better on them. To thank you for your patience and understanding, here is the intro to the next chapter!!
(Uzi uses she/they pronouns interchangeably btw, just a heads up incase you get confused reading)
TW: mention of body horror
Chpt 10, Game Plan
It was getting closer, she was sure of it. They couldn’t hear it over the sound of her own laboured breathing and the crunching of fallen leaves underneath their heavy steps; but they knew it was coming. They had been running in the dead of night for…she wasn’t sure on the exact amount of time, but a long time would suffice for an answer.
She stopped in the middle of a clearing and spun around, feeling the distinct fear of recognition growing. She had already been here. They’d gone in some type of messed up circle. But how?
Without warning, the sound of whatever was chasing her had caught up. They could hear it’s own heavy breathing and it’s snarling grin as it approached the small, tired figure. She begrudgingly turned their form to face their enemy, feeling her gut twist as the moonlight glistened off its torn and broken flesh’s
The creature cocked its head while making some sickly attempt to laugh at its preys reaction. It looked like it could have at one point been human, but its length and height were far too unnatural of any persons. Where Uzi assumed its eyes would be was covered by greasy hair while its mouth hung open. It’s not that it was opening its mouth, it’s that it no longer had a bottom jaw to close its ever gapping gob.
Long, spindly arms helped it crawl its thin yet heavy body closer to Uzi, her feet trying to move but unable too. Finally this thing stood over the terrified teen, drool dripping from its hanging maw onto Uzis hair and face. Its head drew closer and closer, its features becoming more prominent with every passing second.
The filthy hair covering its eyes slanted as it smiled down at Uzi, allowing her to be able to see the creatures face. As they looked in horror, a tinge of confusion began to swell. What gazed back at them were not eye’s necessarily, but two sagging black sockets. In the middle of each empty hole was that strange three pronged symbol Uzi had seen so many times before. They were glowing yellow and shaking sporadically.
Uzi snapped out of their trance as the thing inched its putrid face ever so slightly to her own, causing them to try and retreat. But they couldn’t. She looked back up and gazed at the beast whose warm breath incapsulated their face.
“Wha-what the hell are you?” they asked in a shaking voice. “Some kin-kind of eldritch monster?”
The thing reared back slightly, almost like it was in shock. However, this feeling quickly faded away as it brought its face right back up to Uzis.
“It hurts our feelings you don’t remember us.”
Uzi tried to pull away once again while looking at the things mouth. “How can-can you talk!? Some psychic link! You don’t even-“
“Easier to assimilate then explain.”
A large claw seemed to almost emerge from the shadows, its skin black with webbing between the talons. It rose up quickly and came back down on Uzi who readied for their painful demise, when suddenly-
Uzi shot straight up from their sleeping position, her alarm clock blaring it’s awful symphony. The noise hurting her very being, Uzi wasted no time scrambling over and slamming a shaking fist on the old electronic. It finally shut up.
Leaning back slightly, Uzi began to notice how much they were shaking. Their breathing was incredibly heavy with her heart rate sending small tremors throughout her body. She also began to notice how sweaty they were (gross! i hate waking up sweaty)
However, like the past week of restless dreams, it’s memory quickly faded from her mind. They couldn’t recall any of it. At least…they’d like to not recall any of it, because the one thing that stuck in her head were the unnerving words that were spoken to them before they awoke.
Spoken in that god awful, familiar monotone voice that chirped in their head.
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