#riot gene
candycoloredragons · 11 months
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saggitary · 6 months
TBB S3 Spoilers
If the season doesn’t end with Rex and Echo in a custody battle with the Batch over Omega after they loosing her 3 separate times throughout the series… I will be disappointed
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dark-ethereal-visions · 2 months
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Well shit.
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root-dweller · 11 months
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Accent colour fest gene FINALLY
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palatteflags · 5 months
Day 12: Gray Ace!
Like stated before, this poll represents which character will get a moodboard in pride month. I will always have a group of 5 characters, canon or headcanon, and an other. Comments count as votes as well (one per person, to account for the other category).
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gilliverse · 2 years
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well, well, look who’s inside again.
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veggiecats · 2 years
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i’ll forget to post this if i don’t now. lil red for @jeannearc’s bikini kill fanzine :-)
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nobuverse · 1 year
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"...all of you are such fools."
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br1ghtestlight · 1 year
my one blessing in life is that i have never seen anyone genderbend the bobs burgers characters bcuz i KNOW they wouldnt do them justice!!!!!!! genderbending is a stupid transphobic concept anyway but yknow
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candycoloredragons · 8 months
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doctorguilty · 11 months
abberation: mom can we get fishbone plaguebringer: we have fishbone at home fishbone at home:
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marvel-unofficial · 1 year
i AM happy to have found a nice lcs so close by but tbh what i've REALLY been looking for is a place with a nice variety of manga/graphic novels 😭 there used to be a really great one at the toronto reference library and i used to always go after browsing tcaf but it fucking permaclosed 😭!!!
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personal fact
I hate spaceballs the movie so much I purposely bite into fortune cookies before retrieving the fortune. Stop spoon-feeding me the jokes, mel brooks
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creature-wizard · 5 days
Scams, Hoaxes, Conspiracy Theories, & Cults Everyone Should Know About
Jilly Juice: Jillian Mai Thi Epperly claimed drinking sixteen cups of her super salty cabbage concoction each day could regrow missing limbs and cure everything from cancer to homosexuality. In reality, overdosing on so much salt caused followers a host of health issues that Epperley dismissed as "healing symptoms."
Nonhuman Body Hoax: Jaime Maussan attempted to pass off mummified human remains as nonhuman beings to the Mexican government. (This isn't even Maussan's first hoax, by the way. He has a history.)
Love Has Won: Amy Carlson, a woman who'd walked out on her own children, started a New Age cult in which she presented herself as "Mother God," the creator of the universe. She claimed to be in contact with dead celebrities and alien beings, and taught a conspiratorial worldview. As her health declined, she attempted to treat herself with colloidal silver and alcohol, and her behavior became increasingly abusive. When she finally died, her followers sincerely believed she would return to life and kept her body in a sleeping bag. (She did not return to life.)
Seed Faith Offerings: Reverend Gene Ewing came up with the perfect get-rich-quick scheme to prey on desperate Christian believers: tell believers that if they "sowed seed" by giving money to him, God would bless them with even more money in the future. He made millions of dollars from these donations, while most of his followers never saw the miraculous returns they were promised.
William Walker Atkinson: In the early 20th century, William Walker Atkinson wrote around one hundred books, many of which he wrote under various pseudonyms. Some of these pseudonyms included alleged Hindu mystics. That's right - this guy was practicing literary brownface to sell his mystical ideas.
The LDS Church: In the 19th century, a man named Joseph Smith claimed that an angel had told him where to dig up a set of golden plates that were supposedly written by ancient Hebrews who'd come to North America. Smith even had eleven close associates who vouched for the plates' existence. Yet the script they were allegedly written in bore no relation to actual ancient scripts of the Near East, and the the names the locations in the books he "translated" were very obviously derived from placenames he would have been familiar with. (For example, Oneida/Onidah.) Oh, and actual archaeology and DNA studies have discredited pretty much everything from this guy's weird racist narrative.
Fake Cancer, Fake Cure: Wellness entrepreneur Belle Gibson claimed that she'd cured her brain cancer with natural remedies. Gibson never actually had cancer in the first place.
Medbeds: Back in 2020, QAnons and QAnon-adjacent people started circulating claims that a new form of healing technology was about to become available to the public within the next several months or so. Depending on who you asked, Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and even the Galactic Federation of Light were involved. The time of their supposed unveiling came and went, and what do you know, there are still no functioning medbeds used in actual medicine.
COVID Vaccine Zombies: Conspiracy theorists have been claiming the government practices high-tech mind control for ages now. One recent iteration of this is a conspiracy theory claiming that people who'd received COVID vaccinations would have malicious DNA code activated by 5G on October 4, 2023, turn into zombies, and riot. The time came and went, and no zombie outbreak happened.
Ms.Scribe: In the early 2000s, a Harry Potter fan known as "msscribe" or "Ms.Scribe" faked her own harassment through a number of sockpuppets, with the apparent goal of becoming friends with some Harry Potter fandom bigwigs. She manipulated the fandom for a few years until the deception was finally uncovered.
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woodland-gremlin · 6 months
Lemons? Pt. 2 (Adoption AU)
Here's the first part:
Dick took another deep breath while leaning against the cool metal that made up most of the watchtower. As much as he appreciates puns and how much easier it will be to track down these kids' villain relatives with a last name he still feels a bit weak in the knees with these revelations being thrown out one after another. They talk about it so casually and that makes him sick to his stomach. Potential villain grandparents, their terrifying weapons that disregard ethics, and apparently weapons that make the one they mentioned seem tame in their eyes. All of that speaks of those kids going through something they shouldn’t have had to.
“Is that how Dad got his terrible naming sense?” the first voice asked, dragging Dick out of his depressing thoughts.
“Huh,” Ellie huffed out, “Never thought of that.”
“Tt. It is likely that it is a biological disposition if you consider the naming sense of those that share his species alongside the Fenton genes. Now cease this needless drivel and assist me with returning home.”
The more words that come out of these kids' mouths, the more Dick just wants to disregard any stealth and poke his head through the door’s opening so he can bundle them up in a bunch of blankets. Maybe ask a few questions about their dad and ask them how they would feel about being adopted by a billionaire. He is sure Bruce wouldn’t mind, even if they, or even just their dad, weren’t fully human from what they have said.
“Alright Dami,” said the first voice with the sound of something being shuffled in the background. “Though-” before they could continue the sound of something tearing cut them off.
“Wulf!” one of the kids cried with joy.
Before Dick could begin to panic and do something about a wolf of all things somehow getting into the watchtower the kids began to speak again.
“Wulf, it is a pleasure to see you again,” Dami said softly as if he was looking at a cute puppy.
“Yeah, and you have perfect timing too!” The first voice cheered.
“Just don’t tell Dad, okay?” Ellie asked.
A gruff voice replied in a language Dick has neither understood nor ever heard before.
“Oh come on,” Ellie groused, “It’s no big deal. No one even saw us.”
The new person just replied in the same strange language.
“All right, all right.” Dick could practically hear Elle roll her eyes while she continued to grumble, something about causing a prison riot and breaking out?!?
The sound of feet shuffling and zipping was all he heard before it became silent.
After a minute of silence Dick peeked into the meeting room which he previously heard the kids in only to find it devoid of anyone. A lemon lying on the floor being the only evidence that he didn’t hallucinate the whole thing.
Note: Dick later checks out the security footage of where the kids were only for the footage to be full of static for the whole encounter.
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