roses-n-rads · 4 months
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Saw @statichvm and @tommyarashikage do this little quiz and thought it was fun!
No pressure tags @mars-colony @locustandwildhoney @minilev @ruvviks @teamhawkeye @isobel-thorm @voidika @jackiesarch or anyone who wants to do this!
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originalartblog · 1 year
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(domestic skk?? here???)
Sometimes it's hard to be vulnerable but they're working on it.
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ghcstao3 · 8 months
academic rivals ghost and soap but in the sense that they’re both immortal and have been publishing under different names for the longest time but the other continuously either disproves or writes the antithesis of a specific work every so often and it’s getting on both their last nerves
then somehow, by some miracle, they’re both professors at the same university at one given time, teaching within the same faculty, and a friendly discussion ends up turning into a polite argument about these particular past authors and written works and both end up extremely suspicious of one another from there on
then ghost publishes his newest paper, some new philosophical theory or whatever, under his current name—then soap goes and writes his opposing theory with his own current name but unchanging writing style and ghost knows then and there that soap—he’s been ghost’s faceless enemy after all these centuries
(soap already started to have an inkling a decade or so ago, but never confirmed anything until now. it’s a shame ghost has to be as handsome as he is wrong about so many things)
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
(During the fencing match in Riposte)
Kagami: (thinking) It seems I underestimated my opponent. His defense in incredible. It is almost as if he is predicting my attacks instinctively. What strategies are going through his mind?
Adrien: (thinking) Baby Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo
Baby Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo
Baby Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo
Baby Shark
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margarethelstone-2 · 7 months
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"One for all, all for one!"
...a Kagami & Co. commission I've had a pleasure to have work on for @callmequoteman! Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity, it was a challenge but a very rewarding one.
(I will be opening my commissions again soon, so keep an eye out for the new post and details! Bug out!)
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bananagreste · 4 months
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ooh, la, la it’s ladrien ↳ 68/?
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maddascanbe-blog · 8 months
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Finally! I will say now that the class girls will likely take a long time as well.
Kagami's first and second looks here are meant to be her pre and post character development outfits.
Buckle in, this is a long (haha) one
Kagami in cannon is clearly designsed to resemble Marinette in a lot of ways, both are of Asian decent and have blue-ish hair and blue eyes. Both have freckles and even their suits share a very similar color pallet. At least Luka was different from Adrien in more than personality.
I didn't want that for my Kagami. I wanted her too look like more than a Marinette clone. So she gets to keep her freckles since my Marinette doesn't have any. Her hair is a darker color instead of a blue, and her eyes take on a stormy grey color. And of course their body types are different, namely Kagami is both taller and ripped.
Ryuko's hair is more blue since I gave the miraculous blue, white, and gold accent to match the weather pattern on her chest. Her hair get's shorter, pinned back and is a bit more wild. It's probably got some static. Little horns and some armor to keep her extra safe as well as further resembling scales. Her suit is closer to an orange shade than Ladybug's cool red. I almost switched her to blue since I agree with the sentiment that the dragon should have been blue. But red looked good too.
I don't particularly like any of the akuma designs for Kagami. I like Oni-Chan in concept at least (hate the name) so I decided to combine that with Riposte to create her initial design. Than she gets a pallet swap and a few thorny details to represent the rose. And Bara-Oni, literally just 'Rose Demon' I ain't creative, when Lila pulls her stunt. Which would have less to do with "How could Adrien do this to me," to "That bitch is kissing Adiren when he is CLEARLY uncomfortable!"
Kagami's personality is very similar to cannon, however her character still has some pretty harsh changes. Kagami has come to realse through Adrien and Marinette's friendship that she isn't very happy with her life. Her mother is trying to live through her, forcing Kagami to participate in fencing and putting pressure on her to perform perfectly in every aspect of life.
This comes to a head when she is given Longg. While sitting in the akumatized mech her mother became, all because she had the audacity to make friends, she actually waits long (haha) enough for Longg to explain the miraculous. When Longg explains the weapon he points out that she must be thrilled to have a sword. At which point Kagami has an emotional breakdown and sobs that she doesn't even like sword fighting. That she would rather learn hand to hand combat and that she's wanted to switch for years but her mother refused to hear it.
Longg says her can change her weapon to better suit her, and she get's armor and the abilitly to summon gauntlets when her power activates.
After having this break she and Adrien sit down and try and find ways for Kagami to feel more like an individual without being disowned at 16. Cutting/dyeing your hair and getting a Tattoo are two of the results, and since Kagami already has short hair and doens't really want to go shorter she gets the tattoo instead. Subtly referencing her time as Ryuko but in blue (her favorite color). And of course her mother is blind and doesn't know
Is it kind of shitty to abuse your mother's disability to use her money and get a tattoo? Maybe. But that's what you get for mentally and emotionally warping your duaghter to the point where she lies about her favorite color to please you. She, Adrien, and Chloe are in the "Our mom's suck" club together. Chloe will be collecting her for new wardrobe shopping.
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alphamecha-mkii · 6 months
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Battletech: Riposte Cover Art by flyingdebris
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i find it really funny that you like a bunch of posts about kpop despite you presumably knowing nothing about kpop beyond gangnam style and sticker
(i forced my father to listen to sticker and he said it sounds like an argument between cash registers)
so. I saw the preview of this ask in my notifs and had a response planned, but then I actually opened it up and saw what you wrote and now I have another thing to say um….
so I was going to say that hell yeah I have no idea what the fuck’s going on with that shit, but I am here to support y’all bc ily :3
I dont know why this is surprising to me
seriously im boggled how did i not realize this
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roses-n-rads · 4 months
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Pictures from today
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IOTA Reviews: Protection
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In this episode, Lila is once again going to test the boundaries of Marinette's bond with her best friend, Al—Kagami. Uh, yeah, it's Kagami, not Alya. Because it's not like we saw that four episodes ago, right?
Let's get into the sixteenth episode of Miraculous Ladybug's fifth season: Protection
We start off with Kagami hanging out with Lila to establish the fact that Kagami still trusts Lila over Marinette for some reason before cutting to scene where Marc and Nathaniel reveal a plan for Marinette and Adrien to have their first kiss. Somehow, they believe kissing will allow them to be more honest with how they feel about each other based on what they've seen in fairy tales, shoujou manga, and Hollywood romantic comedies. I'm not making this up. Marinette and Adrien go on the Ferris wheel to try and have a romantic moment as part of the plan, only for Nino's terrible guitar playing to ruin the mood.
Nathaniel: Nino, have you never touched a guitar before?
Nino: Uh, no dude. This is my very first time!
Nathaniel: Well, then why did you replace Luka?
Nino: Well, it didn't look so hard when he was playing it!
Hey, to be fair, I'm there's at least a few people think Nino and Luka are the same character.
After the plan fails, we cut to Gabriel and Tomoe having tea as they discuss moving up the date of something called the Diamonds Ball. Gabriel claims its a scheduling issue, but Tomoe is able to hear his heart beating erratically. Because like in every TV show ever made, being blind somehow gives Tomoe the powers of Daredevil. Also, check out what Tomoe compares Gabriel's heartbeat to.
Tomoe: Your heart beats louder than a taiko drum!
After Gabriel reveals that he doesn't have a lot of time left (even dramatically showing his Cataclysmed arm to Tomoe when she can't even see it), we see Adrien and Kagami talking about how long Adrien was in the dark about Marinette for. All due respect, this is actually a pretty good scene. I like how Adrien admits that he doesn't want to force anything while also admitting that this is something he has to do on his own. It shows off their friendship and how far both of them have come. Of course, it's ruined by the fact that somehow, Gabriel and Tomoe never learned that Adrien and Kagami broke up over a season ago. Marinette is invited to Adrien's house, and in another good scene, she decides to stop worrying about what to do around Adrien and plans to go there in her pajamas.
Meanwhile, Gabriel and Tomoe argue about how their children were supposed to be the perfect couple, neither of them acknowledging that they didn't even know they broke up in the first place.
Tomoe: All of our plans are falling apart! You were supposed to control your son, Gabriel!
Gabriel: And you, your daughter!
Tomoe: My daughter's so perfect she doesn't need me to control her!
Gabriel: Well, it appears she does.
Tomoe: It's not my child who's falling for someone completely wrong for her!
Gabriel: But she seems to be the one encouraging him!
Tomoe: Take control of your son, and she'll have nothing left to encourage. Organize the dance as soon as possible. Don't fail in capturing Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous. It is imperative that this situation be resolved before you... leave!
Where is he going to, the Shadow Realm?
After Tomoe leaves with Kagami, Gabriel talks with Adrien. He tries to convince him to get back together with Kagami because they're “Of the same design”, and when the camera shows Gabriel touching his ring, he forbids Adrien from continuing his relationship with Marinette.
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Gee, I wonder how Gabriel is able to do this. I wonder what he means when he used the word “design” to describe Adrien and Kagami as if they weren't human. I wonder why we keep getting shots of Gabriel touching his ring whenever he orders Adrien around when this show has already established that creations of the Peacock Miraculous can be controlled with whatever object they were in and—Oh my God, just say Adrien and Kagami are Sentimonsters already!
We also get a scene where Tomoe tries to convince Kagami she still has feelings for Adrien, once again reminding us that she's Japanese.
Kagami: He loves Marinette, and Marinette is my friend. Some knots can't be undone.
Tomoe: When the knot cannot be undone, the samurai cuts right through it.
Ah, yes, just like the well-known Japanese legend of when Alexander the Great cut the Gordian Knot.
Adrien follows through on the order Gabriel gave him, until Nathalie gives him another order to do what he wants to do for his love life. For some reason, Gabriel is shocked even though I'm pretty sure Nathalie has had the ring since the end of Season 4, so this one's on you, dude. Meanwhile, Lila lies to Kagami about Marinette being a terrible friend, and once again, Kagami falls for it. Lila tips Gabriel off to what happened, and decides to send a Megakuma (and yes, I know the English dub always uses the term “Megakumas”, but this is the first time in a while where using one makes sense) towards Kagami, akumatizing her into Riposte Prime.
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Riposte Prime is... literally just the same as Riposte, only now, she has a different sword, and not even a cool sword at that. Rather than the sword beams she used back in Season 2, Riposte Prime now has the Turtle Miraculous' Shelter power, which she uses by tapping people with her sword, trapping them in red spheres. Why they're red in the first place when the last time an Akuma used Shelter, it stayed green is beyond me. Even weirder, she can only use one Shelter at a time, and I don't even think she knows about this, since she uses it on Adrien and assumes he'll stay in one place. So to summarize, Riposte Prime looks about as creative as Sole Destroyer and needs the Turtle Miraculous to do something Penalteam had the ability to do with ease.
I also need to point out that the whole reason he did this was to ruin Marinette and Adrien's date. Because somehow, a near-death experience at the hands of Adrien's akumatized ex-girlfriend will convince him that he wants to get back together with Kagami. For comparison, there was an episode of Power Rangers Time Force where one of the villains, Nadira, fell in love with Lucas/The Blue Ranger thanks to a misunderstanding. Do you want to know how Ransik, her father, reacted? Not only was he willing to show mercy to one of his mortal enemies, he showed a level of dedication to his daughter and threatened Lucas to treat Nadira kindly, only going back to trying to kill him after the two broke up. The point I'm trying to make is that it says a lot when a mutant crime lord from the future is still a better father than Gabriel is.
Adrien tries to get Marinette to safety, only for him to be trapped in Riposte Prime's Shelter. The tension from that scene is resolved almost immediately as Marinette is then trapped in Riposte Prime's Shelter, giving Adrien the chance to transform into Cat Noir, who then frees Marinette with his Cataclysm. Marinette gets to a safe place and transforms into Ladybug.
Ladybug uses her Lucky Charm and gets a bottle of olive oil. Her master plan is to... just throw it at Riposte Prime. Yeah, all Ladybug does it throw the bottle of olive oil at Riposte Prime, Riposte Prime then cuts it in half, causing the olive oil to spill on her, leading to her losing her grip on her sword for Ladybug to break.
Ladybug de-evilizes the Megakuma, gives Kagami another useless Magical Charm, but she chooses not to accept it, so both Ladybug and Cat Noir head off to detransform so Marinette and Adrien can convince her that Lila lied to her, leading to her forgiving Marinette.
Marinette and Adrien get another chance to be together, but for some reason, Marinette decides to go home, so Gabriel and Lila call this a win. And so the episode ends with Kagami confronting Lila and telling her that she's not going to fall for her lies anymore.
Kagami: I'll still be your friend if your friendship is genuine.
Oh for fuck's sake...
This is the third time Lila has tricked Kagami, and she's still going to trust her? Why? She caused you to get akumatized three times! Yeah, Kagami claims she isn't going to be Lila's puppet, but it's hard to see this as character development when she was already made a complete idiot for no reason! Hell, for all we know, Lila's next plan is to trick Kagami into handing over her mother's social security number.
But I'm just kidding... because this is the end of the Kagami and Lila subplot for the season. Yeah, seriously. Once again, despite being built up a lot, just like with a lot of stuff last season, the writers decided to abruptly end this subplot, as Lila and Kagami have their own plotlines later on. You know what? Screw it, the episode's over anyway.
Like “Sentibubbler”, this episode actually started off pretty strong, but started to fall apart towards the end. I liked the character moments Marinette, Adrien, and Kagami all had, and it really highlights their friendship, and Marinette and Adrien continue to have some decent romantic chemistry. The problem came from how stupid the conflict was. Not only was it out of character for Kagami to be this gullible, but the entire conflict stemmed from Gabriel deciding to ruin his son's date. The Akuma was underwhelming, the resolution felt phoned in, and once again, the cliffhanger doesn't go anywhere for the rest of the season. It's not terrible like “Illusion” or “Derision” were, but it's still a pretty mediocre episode.
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While Kagami came very, very close to getting the award, Gabriel ended up edging her out and became the first character to get the Biggest Idiot Award twice in a row. Not only did Gabriel have no idea his son broke up with Kagami, he didn't even know he started a new relationship with Marinette, forgot that he gave Nathalie one of the two things capable of overriding the orders he gives his son, decided to send an Akuma to ruin his son's date after he learned he and Marinette were dating, even though said Akuma was the girl he was trying to make Adrien develop feelings for again, and he did all of this right after the episode that ended with him vowing to be a better father to Adrien for what little time he has left before he dies. He's clearly spending what could be the last few weeks of his life well, isn't he?
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yo wackus do you have any thoughts on a hypothetical morally grey Kagami?
well... the first thing that occurs to me is that she probably wouldn't think she was morally grey at all. she'd probably be convinced she was in the right.
like look at all the times she's been akumatized!
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riposte - she wanted a rematch with adrien, to beat him in combat, to be the BEST. because that's what her family values are, to be perfect and the BEST.
oni-chan - she was trying to protect adrien from lila, trying to get him out of her clutches and rescue him from her influence
lies - she wanted to expose all lies and liars because lying is a bad thing and what ruined her relationship
ryukomori - she wanted peace and serentiy and dissociation and honestly can you blame her
riposte prime - her goal was to get revenge on marinette for lying to her and betraying her and just being a "bad" friend! she wanted to bring marinette to justice
the thing about kagami is, she has such a strong moral compass, you can only convince her to do wrong by tricking her into believing it's right. she always tries to be perfect, or better than perfect, and the times when she has faltered/been akumatized have been when tomoe, gabriel, and lila manipulated her into doing so.
if she were to become a villain, i would see her as a javert (les miserables) or a miguel o'hara (spiderman: across the spiderverse) type villain. one who's convinced they're on the right side, the just side, and who are trying to uphold a certain moral code. i don't think she is a person who leaves room for gray areas in ethical dilemmas. i think kagami is a very black and white character, and if she believes she's on the right side, then the other side must of course be wrong.
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yunyin · 10 months
I'm watching Riposte and the akuma went into Kagami's ring!
I realize it's possible that some things weren't all worked out re: senti stuff/rules at this point, but I think there might be an in-universe explanation, too.
We know at one point Felix's ring cracked and he's still here. Kagami's Riposte transformation was all merged together, like the sword was merged with her hand and she's armor all over, etc. Maybe it works more like damage in that case?
Or maybe it doesn't count when it's transformed? I can imagine that being the case.
It's interesting to think about, anyway.
Edit: Hold on, this ring doesn't look like her amok...
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So she got it later? This is actually more interesting!!
So maybe Tomoe decided she was worthy of holding her amok sometime during the series?
Edit 2: She has it in Frozer, which is her next appearance according to the wiki!
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character-fan19 · 6 months
Love Square Screen Time Records
Hey, everyone! As some of you may know, I've recently completed calculating the exact screen time for all the love square ships for all the episodes we have up until now, including the Miraculous World Specials. Now I've decided to list all the noteworthy moments in love square screen time based on the data I've collected.
We're going to start with doing some general overall records, then we're going to see the noteworthy moments of love square screen time for all the love square ships individually. so let's begin, shall we?
General Records
First episode to include all of the love square ships: Cat Blanc
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Of course it's "Cat Blanc' of all episodes to not only be the first episode to have screen time for all the love square ships, but also the only episode by far to have screen time for all the love square ships. It's already one of the greatest episodes of all time, so why not add some screen time for all the love square ships with it too?
We have the Adrienette dating montage, the battle between Ladybug and Cat Blanc, Adrien saving Marinette from akumatization as Cat Noir and revealing his identity along with it too, and finally Ladybug starting this mess by coming in to deliver her gift to Adrien, allowing him to catch her and piece together her identity.
2. First episode to include none of the love square ships: Representation
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Closely followed by "Conformation" as the second. Who does this episode have to thank for to having this record? Gabriel, of course. Since Gabriel sent his his son to London specifically so that he can't spend time with his girlfriend anymore, this was the result. Adrien and Marinette weren't able to get together again until the end of "Re-Creation".
3. Love square ship with the most screen time in an episode: Adrienette in "Oblivio"
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Not that surprising since a lot of the episode was spent in Adrien and Marinette running from the titular villain and re-learning who they are. It was only towards the end that they were able to figure out how to activate their powers again, thanks to Master Fu, giving Adrienette a total of 9 min 3 sec of screen time in this episode.
Adrienette Records
Episode with the most Adrienette screen time: Oblivio
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Since this episode already has the title for ship with most screen time in an episode, it will obviously also have the the title for episode with with the most Adrienette screen time. No need to repeat what I said earlier.
2. Season with most Adrienette screen time: season 5
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No surprise here. We don't need to know the exact screen time to know that this season was full of Adrienette. First third of the season had a few patches of Adrienette here and there but from "Transmission" onwards we had a continuous stream of Adrienette content up until "Revolution" where Gabriel separated them by sending Adrien to London, after which the only got back together at the end of "Re-Creation".
Even though Adrienette didn't dominate this season like Ladynoir does every season, it still had over a third of the love square screen time and had 45 min 57 sec of screen time this season which a lot more than it usually has.
3. Season with least Adrienette screen time: season 4
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Just like the other love square ships this season, Adrienette took a significant hit, having been reduced to having 12 min 38 sec of screen time as opposed to its usual half hour of screen time per season (roughly). It makes sense though considering that this season is more focused on the plot than past seasons have been and this is supposedly the season of Ladynoir.
4. Miraculous World Special with most Adrienette: New York Special
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Makes sense for this to be the special with the most Adrienette as this special had the plotline of Marinette trying to be nothing more than a friend to Adrien, giving us a total of 7 min 40 sec of Adrienette in this 1-hour special, even surpassing Ladynoir in screen time.
5. First episode Adrienette surpasses Ladynoir in screen time: Gamer
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Yes, this is an actual category since it's usually the norm for Ladynoir to have the most screen time in an episode. Not only was this the first episode where Adrienette surpasses Ladynoir in screen time, it's the first episode where any ship surpasses Ladynoir in screen time, and also the sole episode in season 1 where an episode surpasses Ladynoir in screen time. Adrien and Marinette being partners in the Mecha Strike tournament really did well to increase the Adrienette screen time.
Ladynoir Records
Episode with most Ladynoir screen time: Mayura (Heroes' Day- part 2)
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Kind of an interesting episode to have as the one with the most Ladynoir but OK. This part had the secondary heroes up until now put out of commission by scarlet akumatization in the first few minutes of the episode, leaving Ladynoir to fend for themselves, them against the world just as always.
2. Season with most Ladynoir screen time: season 1
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Of course it's season 1 with the most Ladynoir screen time, with this being the show being at its most formulaic at this time, leading the focus to be more on the usual battle with the akumatized villains than with progressing the plot, gives us a total of 1 hr 53 min 26 sec of screen time that season which is nearly 2 hours.
3. Season with the least Ladynoir screen time: season 4
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Ironically, the supposed Ladynoir season had the least Ladynoir screen time out of all the seasons. Despite it having the most screen time in terms of percentage, it still had the least screen time in terms of actual value, having a total of 59 min 24 sec of screen time this season, which isn't even an entire hour, although it's pretty close. But since this season focused more on the plot progression than any season we had before, it makes sense.
4. Miraculous World Special with most Ladynoir screen time: New York
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Similar to Adrienette, Ladynoir also gets the most screen time it's ever gotten in the New York Special, and just like Adrienette it makes sense given that this special had a lot of focus on their relationship and how Cat Noir broke Ladybug's trust by coming to New York, giving us a total of 6 min 29 sec of screen time.
Maricat Records
Episode with most Maricat screen time: Glaciator 2
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Out of all the designated Maricat episodes, this was the one that got the most screen time for Maricat having a total of 8 min 14 sec of screen time. Makes sense, given that the whole episode was them practicing Marinette being able to confess her love to Adrien and going on a "date". "Elation" would be a worthy contender but as it turns out it didn't have nearly as much screen time as we thought though it was still a fair five and a half minutes.
2. Season with most Maricat screen time: Season 4
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While season 4 had the least amount of screen time for Adrienette and Ladynoir, it had the most amount of screen time for Maricat, although it was only featured in 3 episodes of season 4 and most of the screen time was concentrated in "Sentibubbler" and "Glaciator 2". This gives it a total of 9 min 44 sec.
3. Season with least Maricat screen time: Season 2
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Season 2 had Maricat take a huge hit due to which it became the ship with least screen time in a season for the first time. It only really got to shine a little bit in the designated Maricat episode of the season "Glaciator" and other than that had small moments in "Befana" and "Anansi", leaving it with 4 min 7 sec of screen time in the entire season.
4. First episode Maricat surpasses Ladynoir in screen time: Weredad
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After 2 seasons of Ladynoir taking away their designated episode of the season, Maricat was finally able to surpass Ladynoir in screen time with 3 min 57 sec of screen time. Considering that the episode revolves around Marinette getting herself into the mess of Cat Noir thinking she has feelings for him and the awkward date between them set up by Tom and Ladynoir was only present at the beginning and towards the end of the episode, you can see why.
Ladrien Records
Episode with most Ladrien screen time: Desparada
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The episode where Ladybug entrusts Adrien with the Snake Miraculous gets the title of the episode with the most Ladrien screen time. It's obvious why since a good portion of the episode is Adrien as Aspik trying to woo Ladybug and failing terribly because he's focused more on that rather than defeating the titular villain.
2. Season with most Ladrien screen time: Season 2
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After only having most of its screen time concentrated towards the end of the season aside from "The Bubbler" and "The Mime" in season 1, Ladrien was finally able to get its moment to shine in season 2 with there being several episodes focuses extensively on Ladrien, some even surpassing Ladynoir in screen time, giving it a total of 8 min 46 sec in the entire season which is the most it will ever get as from here on out it, its screen time decreases with ever season.
3. Season with least Ladrien screen time: season 5
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Ladrien already usually gets the short end of the stick in Miraculous due to it's lack of a requirement for any development, so naturally, season 5 ends up being the season with the least Ladrien screen time, with us only getting Ladrien in "Passion" with detransformed Adrien holding a Venomed Ladybug and the small scene in "Deflagration" of Adrien handing Ladybug's Miraculous to her. Hopefully, future seasons will give us more Ladrien, but I doubt it.
4. First episode Ladrien surpasses Ladynoir in screen time: Riposte
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Since season 2 was the first time Ladrien ever got to shine, it also contains the episode where Ladrien surpasses Ladynoir in screen time, that being the first Ladrien-focused episode of the season, "Riposte" involving the titular villain going after Adrien, hence Ladybug having to protect him and Adrien being unable to go off somewhere to transform.
Well, that's it for all the love square screen time records. Let me know what you think about them and feel free to find any other notable records in love square screen time history by checking my work here. Until next time!
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blueiscoool · 8 months
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The Mona Lisa Painting Attacked in Paris
Protesters hurled soup at the Mona Lisa painting in Paris on Sunday, but it was protected from damage by its glass casing.
The environmental group Riposte Alimentaire – which roughly translates to “Food Response” – said two protesters involved with their campaign were behind the vandalism.
The Louvre has since reopened the “Salle des Etats” room which houses the Mona Lisa after it was evacuated.
“Two activists from the environmental movement ‘Riposte Alimentaire’ sprayed pumpkin soup on the armoured glass protecting the Mona Lisa, this Sunday, January 28, 2024, around 10am (4aET),” a statement from the museum said.
“The Louvre’s security staff immediately intervened.”
The museum said it was lodging a complaint.
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Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece the Mona Lisa hangs in the Louvre museum and is arguably the most famous painting in the world, drawing millions of visitors each year who line up to pose with the small artwork, which is just over 2.5 feet tall and under 2 feet wide.
The enigmatic portrait is no stranger to both vandalism and thievery.
It was stolen in 1911 by a Louvre employee, raising its international profile, and the bottom of the canvas suffered an acid attack in the 1950s, leading the museum to beef up protective measures surrounding the work, including bulletproof glass.
In 2009, a woman angrily threw a ceramic cup at the painting, breaking the cup but leaving the painting unharmed.
Then in 2022, a visitor smeared frosting all over the Renaissance-era painting’s protective glass.
By Stephanie Halasz and Chris Liakos.
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dimitrscu · 1 year
what the boss doin
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