inkymkk · 3 months
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Got no doodles have uh
Them, they can have romance
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anotherworldash · 11 months
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for my fanfic https://archiveofourown.org/works/48823012/chapters/123162340
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roxiasart · 2 years
My top 10 pokemon ships:
1. Pearlshipping
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2. Comashipping
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3. Palletshipping
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4. Contestshipping
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5. Orangeshipping
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6. Ikarishipping
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7. Romanticshipping
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8. Pokeshipping
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9. Rivalcrushshipping
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10. Cavaliershipping
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I have more but these are just my top 10 ships alright leave me be
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warlordess · 7 years
"never met-ships: Belleshipping (Dawn x Drew), RivalCrushshipping (Gary x Serena), Mesafanshipping (Clemont x Misty)
Um, okay, in order...
Belleshipping: Well, it’s not a ship I’ve ever given much thought to before? Part of the reason for that is because I OTP Drew with May so I don’t care to ship him with anyone else (as well as I have my hands full with Dawn ship preferences that easily stagger over any superficial interest for this NMS). I suppose they’d be interesting? Though I see a looooot of nitpicking going on between them. Like, Dawn can get downright furious when someone treats her like she isn’t really worth their time. I could easily see her kicking Drew in the balls or something after their first meeting. Lol.
RivalCrushshipping: Never would have thought of this one. Truthfully though, as much as Gary has matured as the seasons wore on, I could see Serena falling for him?? I mean, in a world where her feelings for Ash had faded at some point after they’d met at the summer camp in Kanto. However, I have to say, if it had been Gary who found Serena when she got lost that day, and if Gary had been the same douche-nugget that he was at the start of OS canon... Yeah, no, Serena probably would have been abandoned and pecked apart by local bird types. Either that or she would have lost it at a prideful, childish Gary who would have spent the whole time taking her to camp bragging about how she wouldn’t have survived without his help.
Mesafanshipping: Okay, so... I see a lot of similarities in Clemont and Serena’s personalities (which is part of the reason I can see GeekChic as a realistic future for them). Like, both characters have those one or two skills they excel at and they’re rightfully confident (read: not boastful) about those skills, while in a lot of other ways they lack the self-confidence to wholeheartedly pursue their interests and goals, which was why they were written around a different version of Ash during the XY saga. Anyway, what I’m getting at is that, due to those similarities I see - and being someone who ships Champselyseeshipping on the side - I could also see Mesafanshipping as a thing. Maybe platonic, maybe one-sided somethin’ somethin’... but I see Misty’s unique form of forceful cheering and support helping to grow Clemont’s confidence (as well as I see her reacting much the same as Serena and Bonnie when each of his inventions explodes). No, it wouldn’t be perfect, but there’s always been something about Misty’s temper and tone that pushes characters to make progressive decisions. There’s a reason Ash grew so much during the OS, there’s a reason May was so excited to finally meet her, there’s a reason that Max felt an intense connection to her as well.
Welp, that’s everything! Thanks for the ask!!
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d-e--a-d · 3 years
Ships that I ship
Harry Potter
Drarry (Draco x Harry)
Pansmione (Pansy x Hermione)
Bleville (Blaise x Neville)
Grindeldore (Grindelwald x Dumbledore)
Linny (Luna x Ginny)
Wolfstar (Remus x Sirius)
Jeverus (James x Severus)
Lily x Narcissa
Minevra x Tom/Voldemort
Deamus (Dean x Seamus)
Flintwood (Marcus x Oliver)
Luna x Theo
Lucissa (Lucius x Narcissa)
Belladophus (Bellatrix x Rodolphus)
Scorbus (Scorpius x Albus)
Teddy x Mattheo (Tom and Minevra's Son)
Misty x Serena
May x Dawn
Ash's Pikachu x Team Rocket's Meowth (B x B)
Ash's Bulbasaur x Ash's Squirtle (B x B)
Ash's Septile x Misty's Golduck (B x B)
Ash's Charizard x Misty's Gyrados (B x B)
Ash's Greninja x Serena's Braixen
Drew's Roselia x May's Blaziken
Drew's Masquerin x May's Beautifly
Drew's Absol x May's Glaceon
Paul's Weavile x Dawn's Bunery
Paul's Honchcrow x Dawn's Togekiss
Paul's Froslass x Dawn's Pachirichu (G x G)
Alain's Charizard x Mairin's Chespin
Gary's Umbreon x Serena's Slyveon
Kyoya x Gingka
Yu x Kenta
Shu x Valt
Suoh x Fubuki
Comment with shipping you like
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billyboymiki · 8 years
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Blameless Hesitation~ 8Tracks playlist http://8tracks.com/billyboymiki/blameless-hesitation ♕Serena X Gary♚
Fanart by the amazing Janna!: http://starstruckjanna.deviantart.com
Edit and Playlist by yours truly! ^^
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cultofpokeshipping · 8 years
Hey guys!!! Wrote this story, and felt like sharing, its a bit short, but I hope Y’all like it!! 
Rating: K+ (I think?)
Pairings: Sweetandsourshipping (Paul x Miette), Icecoldlemonteashipping (Clemont x Dawn), Rivalcrushshipping (Gary x Serena), (brief mention of pokeshipping)
"Ugh, why him? I could see Ash, but him?" Paul Ikari mumbled as he rolled his eyes, "who are you talking about?" Miette sighed, "No one" Paul slumped back in his chair, not bothering to acknowledge his girlfriend further. The bluenette rolled her eyes and tried to look in the general direction that her boyfriend was spying.
Across the street sat a honey lemon haired young man that had his back turned, and another bluenette, that she recognized as Dawn. Miette knew that Dawn and Paul used to be together. He told her things just didn't work out, and that their break-up wasn't a big deal. The older bluenette chose just to accept it and try to make him happy.
"Hey, guys!" A young blonde woman and a rather tall brunette young man walked hand in hand towards Dawn and her boyfriend. "Hey, Serena! Glad you could make it!" The honey blonde male stood up and hugged Serena. "Clemont?" Miette whispered under her breath. The once nerdy, shy, and awkward boy had managed to get with Paul's ex-girlfriend?
"We had a few hiccups this morning, but, we're here!!" Serena gleamed, "Oh, this is my boyfriend, Gary Oak."
"Wait a minute; you're THE Gary Oak?" Clemont shouted, "It's truly an honor to meet you!!" The honey blonde shook Gary's hand. "That's very kind of you! But I'm not as famous as my Grandfather!" Gary blushed. "Are you kidding? Your paleontological findings in Kanto alone are a grand tribute to science!" Clemont exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air.
"Thank you, Clemont, oh, hey there Dawn!" Gary chuckled and greeted the bluenette Sinnoh Coordinator. "Good morning, Gary! It's been quite a while since we've seen each other!" Dawn grinned ear to ear. "Yeah, Ash and Misty's wedding was only a year ago, but we've all been so busy!" Gary smiled as they hugged.
"Speaking of those two; Aren't they coming to Kalos next week?" Clemont asked, "No, babe, we are going over there, silly goose!" Dawn giggled at her blushing boyfriend. She quickly kissed him on the cheek, and he smiled earnestly back at her.
Paul, who was still watching from afar, was boiling over with jealousy, and wrath. He was beginning to bend his knife. Miette nudged him and gave him a harsh glare. The purple haired Sinnoh native rolled his eyes and settled down. Miette shook her head and lit up a cigarette, "Paul, why did you break up with her?" The Kalos native asked.
Paul tapped his fingers against the table for a few moments, "Because I wanted her to be happy." He sighed as he fished out his car keys and lit his own cigarette. "Ready to go?" He asked, Miette nodded and followed him to his brand new sports car. He opened the door for her, "My, my! Such a gentleman!" The bluenette Kalos native giggled and pecked him on the cheek. Paul smiled slightly and rolled his eyes as he went around to the drivers side. He cast a quick glance at Dawn, who had one arm draped over her boyfriend and her head resting on his arm. Paul blew her a kiss, got in, revved the engine as loud as he could, and when she happened to turn around; he flashed her a wide grin, waved goodbye, and sped off.
"Hey, Dawn, that looked an awful lot like Paul." Gary raised an eyebrow, "At least he looks happy if he is; I'm glad," Dawn smiled and hugged Clemont a little tighter, "Love you, Dawn." he kissed her cheek, "I love you too, Clemont." she kissed his lips. He turned redder than a tomato, and the four friends laughed, and enjoyed each others company.
Did ya like it, hate it, despise it? Please let me know!!! Also, feel free to leave suggestions if you feel inclined, and have a good night y’all!!
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bonbunniex · 10 years
'dude i know we don't know each other but my swim trunks came off when i jumped in the water can you grab them for me' AU for rivalcrush!! ! ! !!!!
(thank you for sending friend :D)
The gravel dug into Serena’s feet and stuck between her toes, but she didn’t care. She focused on taking brisk, even steps around the pool tile border, fiercely gripping the towel around her stomach and hips so that they remained obscured. 
A blonde with wild hair suddenly bolted from the nearby crowd and streaked past her to greet someone behind her, and his outstretched arm slammed into her shoulder, making Serena stumble. She almost shrieked when her grip on the towel slackened, the towel threatening to slip - in a terrified flurry she grabbed onto the folded ends with both hands as she moved away hastily.
She shot a nasty glare at the clear blue water, eyes darting across for a sign of what she lost.
"Enjoying the party?"
She jerked her head upwards at the sharp voice, eyes widening to meet those of a spiky-haired boy standing beside her. He had his elbow propped on her shoulder (how did she not notice?) and was leaning his face towards her, shooting her a friendly smile. She returned a pensive, faltering version, stepping away and gently nudging the arm off her collarbone.
"I-I’m pretty great, thank you," Serena stammered, awkwardly, her mind pressing her to get back to her search. 
"Hey, no need to be shy, honey, we’re all friends here!" His statement was accompanied by a short laugh; she turned her face to the side for an escape. "Speaking of, we're no longer strangers- I'm Gary. ...You sure you’re okay though? You look kinda distracted to me, and not in a good way."
She blinked rapidly at him, squinting in mild disbelief.
"Uh…" She reviewed her words mentally, choosing carefully what to say. "I just lost something…important in the pool. If you don’t mind, I just want to get it back before I have to leave."
His eyebrows shot up, grin dropping into a more serious expression. “Maybe I could get it for you?”
"Wh- You’d do that…um, I could find it myself just fine…" She trailed off as he began pulling off the black shirt and stepped towards the pool.
"Hold this for me, honey."
She flailed as the ball of black cloth flew into her face - luckily she managed to catch it with one hand, the other gripping her towel. She heard a couple of nearby hooting - either because of his second-long strip show, or at the nickname he called her. She gritted her teeth at the thought of the latter.
Water droplets flew and splashed over the tile as he dived headfirst into the deep end, and from behind her hand, she kept a lookout for him beneath the shimmering ripples.
He hadn’t asked her what she lost, which she was grateful for, but then again, he wouldn’t know what to look for. Maybe she could edge away before he found it - either scenario would be embarrassing.
While lost in thought, his head emerged from the surface and began paddling up to her. Leaning downwards, she pushed her damp hair back to look down at him.
"Hey, is this what you’re looking for?" To her horror, Gary held up a familiar pink bikini bottom, its ends untied and loose. She frantically waved her hands downwards, whispering "put it down!” and he immediately dunked it under.
"I guess that’s a yes." The water on her face was cool, but her face was burning. She was pretty sure her cheeks were brick red, and were probably growing darker at the tiny hint of a smirk on his face.
"Hey, no shame in a little skinny dipping, hon. If you asked me to join you, I wouldn’t say no." He winked, and Serena felt her stomach dip and her face catch ablaze.
"That’s very fine, thank you," she sputtered. "Really though, thank you… for finding…this. I appreciate it...Gary." He dipped his head in acknowledgement, rolling up the cloth so that it was indistinguishable, and handing it to her with that stupid smirk.
"No problem at all," he quipped. "If you’re really happy, maybe you could take it off again later…hey, I was joking, joking!" His voice became panicked as she aimed a kick at his head. 
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anotherworldash · 11 months
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for my fanfic https://archiveofourown.org/works/48823012/chapters/123162340
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anotherworldash · 11 months
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for my fanfic : https://archiveofourown.org/works/50628955/chapters/127896691
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anotherworldash · 11 months
"White Mustang" by Lana del Rey for IkariShipping & RivalCrushShipping
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anotherworldash · 1 year
Pokeshipping snippet from my RivalCrushshipping fic
Ash and Pikachu opened the hospital door carefully to not disturb the patient inside.
"Ash. Pikachu." The patient in hospital gown called them. An IV line was attached her arm.
"Mist. Are you feeling better now?" he panted towards her and checked her pulse. Pikachu climbed him and looked at her wrist over his shoulder ,"Pika?"
"I'm better. Thanks a lot for staying." she blushed when Ash's hand reached her ,"Who were you talking to outside?"
"Are you sure? You still looked so pale and cold." he doubted ,"It was Gary and Serena."
"Gary and who?"
"Wow. Are they together now?" she carefully asked. Misty knew about Serena, so this could be a good news.
"No, I mean, yeah, they're together because Gary is replacing me to be Serena's Kanto guide. I couldn't make it because I had to make sure you're okay." Ash explained ,"I'm not sure if they're dating, though."
"You what because of me?!" She withdrew her arm away from his hold.
"She asked me to be her Kanto guide, but I couldn't make it because I had to make sure you're alright, Misty." he repeated.
"Oh, Ash. Why'd you do that?" she showed a frantic expression ,"You shouldn't come here. She would be very dissapointed."
"And leave you with your unreliable sisters? I respect your family, Mist. But we all know they're undependable." he raised his voice ,"What if something happened to you again?"
"You're too worried. I was just overworked. That's all." she denied. Ash could be too dense sometimes. While she’s happy he chose to be here with her, she’s just worried he might miss his chance. And she didn't want him to be present here, if it would only give her false hope of being with him.
Ash rolled his eyes. Misty was just as stubborn as him. It's just one thing that made her both adorable and annoying. He knew he was correct. Plus, here with her is where he wanted to be.
"Whatever you say." he reclined on his chair ,"I'm not leaving until you get better."
“Pika.” And Pikachu supported his decision.
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anotherworldash · 11 months
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unrelated but a bonus illustration for my fanfic https://archiveofourown.org/works/48823012/chapters/123162340
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anotherworldash · 9 months
I have written a dead dove fic for RivalCrushshipping/ ShigeSere, ShigeKoha (republish later), and ShigeTsuru( just dub con tho) last year
Cavaliershipping (Shigehika) next???
Don't ask me why I write so many shigeru ships. Writing him is so easy to me because his funny personality is literally my inner monologue all the time x"D. I just imagine "what I'm gonna do if ...."
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anotherworldash · 10 months
Anotherworldash Masterlist
HxH :
- Kuraneo : https://www.tumblr.com/anotherworldash/734880337626365952/cbws-kurapika-x-neon-fanworks-masterlist?source=share
- Kuroneo : https://www.tumblr.com/anotherworldash/738569892451794944/mycbw-chrollo-x-neon-fanwork-masterlist?source=share
- Kurokura
- Kuraneokuro
- Misc HxH ( Hisokuro, Hisomachi, Killumachi, KiteGon, Pitokai, etc)
- Fearshipping/ Malik x Isis
PokeAni :
- Pokeshipping (Ash x Misty)
- Rivalcrushshipping (Gary x Serena)
- Cavaliershipping (Gary x Dawn)
- ????Shipping (Gary x Chloe)
- Gary x Quillon
Genshin :
- Wrionette (Wriothesley x Lynette)
Atelier Series : https://www.tumblr.com/anotherworldash/753264379453112320/my-atelier-series-fics?source=share
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anotherworldash · 10 months
Once I finish my Genshin drawing, I will create a Masterlist for my fanworks. I will include a sneak peek/snippets on each fanworks be it fanfic or fanarts.
HxH :
- Kuraneo
- Kuroneo
- Kurokura
- Kuraneokuro
- Misc HxH ( Hisokuro, Hisomachi, Killumachi, KiteGon, Pitokai, etc)
- Fearshipping/ Malik x Isis
PokeAni :
- Pokeshipping (Ash x Misty)
- Rivalcrushshipping (Gary x Serena)
- Cavaliershipping (Gary x Dawn)
- Researchfamilyshipping (Gary x Chloe)
- Gary x Quillon
Genshin :
- Still a secret ^^ for sure problematic and rare
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