#riverdale future fic
darwinquark · 2 months
please tell me this professional phase isn't going to last long ma'am I am humble and starving
it's not
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greynatomy · 1 year
the diner
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caitlin foord x reader
i googled some meet cute ideas and came up with this. been wanting to write a caitlin foord fic for a while, just didn’t know what.
let me know what you think!
Tossing and turning in bed, Caitlin couldn’t seem to get herself to fall asleep. Her mind not letting her rest. Instead of staying in bed, Caitlin put on some sweats and a hoodie, hopped into her car to drive around.
The neighborhood was pretty much dead, couple bars just barely closing at two in the morning. Driving a bit further, she comes across a small diner— an American style diner—one she’s never seen before. It looks to be open, also from the little light up ‘open’ sign, she parked her car in the small lot, heading inside.
She seems to be the only one there except for one other person. She didn’t know if she could sit anywhere or had to wait to be seated, but she didn’t have to figure it out for long.
“Hi. Sorry if you’ve waited long, but sit anywhere you please. Menus are already at the tables.” An American accent, Caitlin thought. made sense if an American owned the place.
Seating herself at one of the many small booths, she scans through the menu, suddenly becoming hungry.
“Now, I just made a fresh pot of coffee for you if that’s what you’d like, but how are you with the menu? Need more time?” Caitlin looks up to find you there with a little notepad in your hand, looking down at her with a smile.
“I think I know what I want actually. I’ll just get the pancakes with eggs and bacon please.”
“Alright. Now how do you want your eggs cooked?”
“Scrambled is just fine.”
“What about for a drink?”
“I’ll have a coffee please.”
“Great. I’ll go grab your coffee and start makin’ your food. Be back in a bit.”
As she waited, she looks around the diner, taking in the atmosphere. It looks like the diners you see on the television when watching some old time-y American film or show. Like the one show Caitlin had started to watch, Riverdale was it?
“Here’s your coffee. Cream and sugar for you if you want. And your food is almost done.”
“Thank you.”
Caitlin couldn’t help herself, but she thought you were beautiful. You have an aura that made her want to get to know you more, so she did what she thought she should do.
“Would you like to sit down with me? Like get to know each other and all that?”
You pause. Of course you’ve been asked by other customers to have a meal with them, but you’ve always declined. But you somehow couldn’t decline her invitation.
“Let me just grab your food and I’ll be right back.” You give her a big smile, making Caitlin smile just as big.
After the initial introductions, you and Caitlin had gotten quite along, conversation flowing very easily between the both of you.
You found out that she played football, not at all being a fan of the sport, or sports in general, but not your opinion would definitely change. She asked why you opened up a diner and you told her that you just loved the vibe diners give out and always wanted to open one. Also how there’s not many around England. It’s open twenty-four seven, you only come by when you want to or if there’s no one that can cover a shift.
Without realizing, two hours had passed. Your openers for the diner had just come in. Caitlin tells you that she should get going, picking up her wallet to pay, but you declined saying it’s on the house. Instead, she asked if she could ask for your number, hoping to hang out outside the diner in the future. You agreed, bidding her goodbye as she walked out.
Two months have passed. You and Caitlin have been texting and calling everyday, meeting up a few times mostly at your place as she didn’t want any of her friends just bathing in, wanting to introduce you at her own terms.
Her teammates, especially her Matilda teammate Steph, noticed how much she’s been smiling at her phone and cancelling plans with the team.
“What’s god you gigglin’ on your phone there Cait?”
“Nothing.” She brushes Steph off, finishing packing her bag to head back home.
“You’ve been a lot happier these days I feel like.” This got the attention of most of the team, interested in the conversation happening.
“Yeah. Just texting a friend.”
“A friend, hey? You sure they’re just a friend?”
“Okay, fine. I was supposed to invite you anyway, but I do have a girlfriend and I’d like to invite you all to her place tomorrow after training for a dinner. She’s cooking.”
“Foordy’s got herself a girlfriend!” Katie yells out. Everyone else cheering like they’d just won a major tournament.
“Alright. They’ll be here soon. Do you need me to do anything else?”
“Nope. Just stand there and be sexy.” You say, leaning up to peck her lips.
Moments later, you hear the sound of the doorbell, Caitlin’s friends trickling in one after the other. Settling down in your backyard, you start getting boba dyed with questions.
“How did you guys meet?”
“When did you guys meet?”
“How’d Caitlin get a hold of you?”
“Woah, guys! Don’t overwhelm her. She’ll answer when you quiet down.”
“Thank you, baby.” You kiss her cheek, getting aww’s from everyone, making you blush. “Alright. To answer all the questions at once, she came by my diner at like two in the morning, I was the only one working and she was my only customer. She was very shy at first, but we warmed up to each other very quickly, talking for two hours. We exchanged numbers, she asked me to be her girlfriend and now we are here.”
After swearing all the questions, everyone quickly dug into the food, complimenting you on the taste. Everyone was so easy to talk to.
Caitlin watched you bond with her teammates, laughing at something Leah had said. She was glad you were getting along with everyone and that everyone had gotten along with you, like they’d known you for quite some time.
She was grateful that she had walked into your diner that night.
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justateenagewitch · 1 month
Work in Progress Wednesday
Who wants some CO2?
“What are you going to do?” She gestures to black sludge dripping down the academy wall. “When this is all over?”
“Besides win you back?”
Sabrina scoffs but smiles regardless. “Be serious, Nick. Please?”
“All right,” he sighs. For a few long moments, he stares silently at the wall. The black sludge has almost reached the floor. “I’ll write that book I always wanted to.”
“The one about shapeshifters?”
“That’s the one.” He sighs and elbows her gently on the shoulder. “What about you, Your Highness? What are you going to do?”
“It’s Your Majesty,” she corrects. “Not Your Highness.”
“I’ll make sure to remember that. You own my soul, after all.”
Somehow, the thought never occurred to her, even when she saw Dorcas’ name crossed out in the Book of the Beast. She owns souls. Not just the dead, but the living. Hilda. Zelda. Prudence. There’s a coven in Riverdale. Does she own their souls, too? 
She looks at Nick. He may have broken her heart, but he doesn’t deserve to burn in Hell for it. How many people in the Book, her Book, don’t deserve it either?
“I’m going to…” Do what? Tear up the contracts? She doesn’t even know if that’s possible. They were made in blood, and not with her. She only has them through inheritance. She doesn’t know what she’s going to do. About the book. About Lucifer. About Hell. But, she does know one thing. “I’m going to turn seventeen.”
She’ll figure out the rest as she goes.
So there's a fun little Easter egg about a future fic in here. Maybe you can guess what it is from some of my recent reblogs.
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things to know:
i’m 21 years old, bisexual, a woman of color and have been a riverdale enjoyer since 2017. jughead, veronica, cheryl and archie are my blorbos. i miss rivervale i wanna go back please please please.
i’ll only post and reblog riverdale and archie comics related things as well.
i will be posting riverdale fics on ao3 under the same username soon! i might take requests in the future.
ships i will write about:
other things i’ll write about:
character trauma studies
alternate universe stuff (currently working on a vampire jughead fic)
ships i won’t write about:
any incest ship
thanks for reading lol
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Something I really appreciate about your writing is that you make the kids feel like actual teenagers. I have to ask, how do you get the characterization down when your writing? It's something I struggle to do, even when I go back to the original source.
Going back to the original source is a good start. Characterization goes deeper than simply ‘this character is nice’ or ‘this character is funny.’ Let’s look at Izuku for example. He’s kind and smart, but so are several other students. Something specific to him is that he doesn’t have much of a sense of humor; he doesn’t tell any jokes and rarely laughs at those made by others. Compare this to someone like Uraraka, who occasionally makes teasing comments about her friends, versus Sero or Mina who make jokes at the expense of their classmates pretty often. Back to Izuku, this fact about him contributes to a general sense of his social awkwardness, which my writing interprets in a few additional ways. I feel like his lack of humor and awkwardness would extend to trouble with nicknames, giving or receiving, further evidenced by his struggling in canon to call Tsuyu by the nicknames she wants to be called by. Kacchan on the other hand is out of habit, which combined with his issues visualizing One for All as a part of himself early on indicates he has a hard time breaking habits once he’s set on them. Even the fact that it took him so long to realize that he could adopt a kicking fight style is more evidence of this. And then a reoccurring feature in my fics is that Izuku isn’t a touchy-freely person. There’s not much evidence in canon for this, except that despite him and his Mom being close, they don’t touch often. This might not actually be the case, but that’s part of where my idea came from, and it fits back into that awkwardness. Little things like that can say a lot about a character and how they approach different situations.
As for writing teenagers in general, a common mistake i see in both fic and original content is the assumption that all you need to write believable teenagers is to throw in a bunch of modern slang and references. Think Riverdale, bad crack fics, and 90s anti-drug PSAs. Not only is this often handled poorly (incorrect slang use or misjudged references) it also quickly dates the writing. Memes can take years to reach big names in the entertainment industry, and then it takes another few years for a movie featuring those memes to come out. By then, the meme is dead and cringe. In this day and age, memes can have a much shorter shelf life, living and dying within a week. Even if you release an fic chapter during the peak of a meme’s life cycle, it’s only going to be funny to the people who read it then and there; everyone who jumps on the fic later will just cringe. And there’s no way to tell which ones with have the staying power of something like a rickroll or a classic vine.
The solution: don’t do this. Avoid overusing slang and meme speak, and instead implement more general/timeless dialogue. Slang like ‘dude’ has been in the lexicon long enough that it feels normal, and while ‘mood’ and ‘vibe’ are fairly new, they aren’t as obtrusive as ‘bae’ which is falling out of style, or ‘boomer’ which references a specific group of people. Basically, the more general and common, the better. And keep the time period of your story in mind; MHA for example takes place at least a century in the future, why would the kids of that era still be complaining about boomers? Teenagers still act immaturely sometimes and make jokes, but try and find the humor in the specific situation of the story rather than quoting something else. Teens are also more openly casual than adults. Teasing, touching, maybe saying something rude or inappropriate. One simple way to convey casual speech is to use more contractions; i.e. ‘can’t’ instead of ‘cannot’ or ‘we’re gonna’ instead of ‘we are going to.’ This is my advice for all dialogue: read it to yourself outloud and ask if it sounds like something a real person would actually say. Exaggeration is also good. ‘My life is over!’ when their crush doesn’t like them back, or a big group groan at a pop quiz.
As for the internal experience of being a teenager, the thing i remember most about being that age in the tension between suddenly being expected to be ready for things and take care of myself when i didn’t feel ready, but still being treated like a dumb child in other ways i thought i was ready for. You start understanding more things when you get older and want people to take you seriously as a result, but you’re also insecure about the things you don’t understand and maybe overcompensate. In short, being a teenager comes with a lot of confusing, frustrating changes, some of which are absolutely unfair, but there are a few you genuinely bring upon yourself.
Hope this helps you get started. If not, or you have other questions, the ask box is always open.
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its-breanna-lynn · 1 month
Celebrities I Know
Squid Game
Back to the future
TMNT (rise, 2012, bayverse, 2003, and 1987)
Hit List (podcast)
New Girl
Tommy Boy
Space Jam
Top Gun
The Looney Tunes Show
Types of Fics I will write:
Letter Fic -a story in the form of a letter/email-
Types of Fics I will NOT write:
I reserve the right to change any requests or modify them if necessary. I do not write romantic headcanons or short stories for minors, elder characters, and other groups I do not feel comfortable writing romance for. I do not write ships unless they are made canon by the creators of the fandoms.
People who send requests, they will NOT be posted on this account. They're posted on @writing-with-queen-b
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savemewattpad · 9 months
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Leila Whittaker
Aliases: Snow White, Sobaka, Laika Other Names: Leila Winchester (Wicked and Divine) Faceclaims: Eiza Gonzalez (default), Jenna Ortega (younger Eiza), Emeraude Toubia (untitled XMCU verse), Talia Al Ghul (comics) Previous Faceclaims: Nina Dobrev, Inbar Lavi, Medalion Rahimi, Hande Ercel, Melisa Asli Pamuk Fandoms: Marvel (various), Supernatural, Grishaverse
Mirror, Mirror: MCU. Leila's original verse. Leila is a former crimelord with the ability to copy other’s superpowers. She’s recruited to SHIELD (or rather coerced into joining), joins STRIKE team Delta, and eventually becomes an Avenger. Read Here.
Main Ship: Steve Rogers Minor Ships: Brock Rumlow, Natasha Romanoff, Aiden Hendrix, Wes Barton, Seth Lennox, Matt Murdock, Seol Hee
Beyond Seven Stars: Marvel (MCU, TASM, X-Men (XMCU inspired), various other Marvel), + National Treasure Crossover. Similar to Mirror, Mirror, but with a backstory more tied up in X-Men lore. Read Here.
Main Ship: Steve Rogers Minor Ships: Seth Lennox, possibly others
Wicked and Divine: MCU + Supernatural Crossover. Leila is Sam and Dean’s half-sister. John and Dean rescued her from a cult when she was thirteen and raised her until she joined SHIELD at nineteen. She becomes an Avenger and then helps her brothers find their father. And then her brothers help the Avengers stop Thanos, and then the Avengers help the Winchesters stop an angelic apocalypse. Read Here.
Main Ship: Steve Rogers Minor Ships: Aiden Hendrix
Gods and Monsters: Marvel + Grishaverse Crossover. Description here. Leila is the foster sibling of Grant Ward, after he was put in the system by his family and she was rescued from the cult compound.
Main Ship: Steve Rogers Minor Ships: None
Snow on the Beach: MCU. Takes place after the snap. Steve got snapped and Leila was left a social outcast for her (nonconsensual) role in the snap. Three years later, she comes back for one last mission and is made to work with Scott Lang. Read Here.
Main Ship: Scott Lang (sequel features Scott/Leila/Steve end game) Minor Ships: Steve (past)
Unnamed (Other) Scott Murdock AU: Marvel. Leila leaves the Trust before Johnny's murder attempt, and falls in with Scott Lang's band of thieves instead.
Main Ships: Scott Lang, Steve Rogers (OT3)
Unnamed XMCU Verse: Marvel (XMCU, possibly comic elements.) Leila is part of the Brotherhood of Mutants until she joins Xavier, less out of moral conviction and more out of emotional exhaustion.
Main Ships: Pietro Maximoff, Steve Rogers (possibly)
Unnamed X-Men Evolution Verse: Marvel (X-Men Evolution.) Leila is part of the brotherhood, and enjoys flirting with Cyclops to annoy him. Likely the same universe as Jace's Evo fic.
Main Ships: None (unless I again choose to expand it and include Steve in a future-set plotline).
Untitled Comics Verse: Marvel Comics. It's comics. I can't sum it up here. Ask about it if you want.
Main Ships: Steve Rogers Minor Ships: Pietro Maximoff, Scott Lang
So Close: MCU. Sex Pollen AU of Mirror, Mirror. An old Hydra bunker forces Leila and Steve to work out their issues. Read Here.
Main Ship: Steve Rogers Minor Ships: Brock Rumlow (mentioned only, unless I continue the fic with a part 2)
Call It What You Want: MCU. After her falling out with Steve, Leila is assigned by SHIELD to babysit a depowered Loki.
Main Ships: Steve Rogers, Loki (platonic)
Invisible String: MCU. Soulmate AU. Leila's soul mark was burned off as a child, but Steve Rogers' mark looks an awful lot like she remembers hers. She keeps this to herself, until she doesn't.
Main Ship: Steve Rogers
You Should See Me In A Crown: Riverdale. Leila is the leader of the ghoulies, who have to team up with the serpents against Hiram Lodge. Leila's role in this verse is largely abandoned, unless I turn it into a Marvel crossover.
Main Ship: None Minor Ships: FP Jones
Unnamed Reboot AU: Marvel AU. Leila is an ex-child actor who starred in the iconic teen sitcom The Avengers. When the network decides to reboot the series, Leila--now a music producer living a non-public life--decides to sign on, for...some reason that I'm still figuring out.
Main Ship: Steve Rogers Minor Ships: Tony Stark (past, currently platonic)
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blackberry-beee · 2 years
🚨new fic alert! 🚨
hey hi heidi ho howdy everyone! saints it’s been forever since i’ve posted on this account. after riverdale went off the rales i stopped writing fics for that fandom (including the compound and beauty rich and rare) but have been overrun by the OUTER BANKS fandom, and started a new fic with one shots and ficlets about the Pogues, focusing on JJ and Kie’s relationship. I’ve linked it here and would love your thoughts. I’ll also be taking requests for fics in the future so be sure to follow this account and YOU GOT IT, MAMA for updates
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jandjsalmon · 1 year
2023 FFRC - September🍂
Hello friends! I hope you've had a wonderful September. We've started my daughter's senior year with her choosing to join the high school football team instead of the soccer team (to the shock of everyone - including her soccer coach). Therefore, we've been spending every Friday night at the field - and she scored a touchdown in her first game - so that's exciting.
My 2023 @fanfic-reading-challenge is nearly complete. The challenge has various completion levels - and if you're looking for something to help motivate you to read new things or expand your range - or even if you just want to challenge yourself, you should join us. You don't have to wait until the new year to start - and there are a bunch of us on the Discord server and it's a really nice and encouraging place to be.
September 2023
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I read 58 new stories this month - and nearly 300 chapters. I'm closing in on 17 million words, so my year-long goal of 20 million words still isn't out of the realm of possibility. I also did a few podfic recordings... and was highly critical of all of them so I didn't post them. Maybe after I get more practise. lol.
Anyway, I’ve gathered a couple recs. I hope you enjoy them. 💖
before i knew which life was mine (3 fic series) by @smc-27 (Harry/Allie - The Society)  Summary: She’s got this weird feeling that everything with him is so natural and normal that there’s no way to imagine them not eventually ending up friends. Which is a fucked up thought, because prior to all this, all they had ever shared were barbs back and forth, or her calling him out on being a jerk to her sister. Notes: Okay - so this series is three separate fics that feel like they're unconnected - but really they are completely connected. They're like different dimensions or universes where Harry and Allie were friends (and they don't stay just friends). These are the "other worlds".
The Percy/Jenna Anon Collection by Anonymous (Percy/Jenna - RPF - All E) Fic 1 - Howlin’ For You - A night of drunken UNO leads to explicit actions between two friends who have been secretly sleeping together. Fic 2 - Lonely Boy - A surprise visit between two friends, a phone call, and a splash of angst. And sex. Fic 3 - Gold on the Ceiling - When Jenna tells Percy it’s over she’s not sure what that means for either of them. And she doesn’t even begin to understand the gravity of her choice until she’s forced to put work on hold for the actor’s strike. Has she even been living? Or merely existing.. Light angst, heavy sex? But it’s introspective? Notes: Okay - so RPF isn't for everyone. It is for me though. This series was written by the same Anon author (it's very clear that it's the same author) - I don't know who it is, but they deserve a huge cookie. I cried during the third one. And then had to fan myself. It's an odd conundrum. The writing is amazing. I would read a million more stories by this author - rpf or fandom or whatever. If I can only figure out who they are. 😉
three conversations about one thing by @imreallyloveleee (Bughead - T)  Summary: He’d known there would be consequences when he made this decision. But he hadn’t realized how quickly they might steamroll right over him. (Jughead & Veronica & Cheryl & Betty & memories of the future. Set post-7x19.) Notes: An absolutely lovely post-script on the final season of Riverdale.
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under-wcrlds · 2 years
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—what do you write for;
for x reader, currently genshin, honkai SR, Obey Me, & Bustafellows but i may add more in the future. You can also find my old nhl x reader blog here
I have several ongoing fics I am slowly updating on AO3 but these are all x OC
—are there things you won't write;
I don't really take requests because I get overwhelmed. I just kinda write what I want, when I want about who I want and hope thats enough to keep from burnout
⏤extra info;
I write nsfw as i'm trying to get better at it. I tag each post containing it as such so you can avoid it if that makes you uncomfy
the underwcrld rambling tag is where i talk to myself and scream into the void abt things
i'll probably block you if you have a blog that looks empty/like a bot
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*works are completed
—Circus* One Two Three
—College!au jealousy oneshot*
theres nothing here yet :)
theres nothing here yet :)
theres nothing here yet :)
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—tags; sweet pea/oc, riverdale werewolf!AU, pack hierarchal structures, fated mates/soulmates, enemies to lovers One Two
—tags; ben solo/OC, angst, childhood friends to enemies, galactic politics, kylo ren as prince of alderaan, sort of grumpy/sunshine but make it angsty, fated mates/soulmates, enemies to lovers, READ CW One
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introducation !!
hi! i'm erin and this is my fanfiction side blog. the reason why i decided to make a side blog for my fics is that its easier to find my fics. i wont just be writing fanfiction i'll also post stuff related to songs fitting characters (because i love connecting songs to characters). fyi, english isnt my first language (im dutch) so grammar mistakes can be there. please point them out because it helps me improve my writing :). here is a small intro! (read under cut)
my writing: for what fandom im writing depends on what im currently obsessed with. for now, im writing a lot of spiderverse fics (specifically ghostflower) so you can expect that a lot. its usually angst, aus or fluff. i will put this out there, swear words are to be expected in my writing. im not taking requests at the moment but maybe in the future i will!
extra: the stuff im interested is musicals (mainly six, heathers, hamilton, rtc), spiderverse (ofc), melanie martinez and detroit: become human.
how i started writing: i have been writing for a long time, maybe since i was like 7 or 8. it was usually stuff for ocs/characters me and my friends made who we would use when we played pretend. i have always had a huge imagination so i turned to writing and really enjoyed that. i started writing fanfiction when i was 9 or 10 and i saw a video of two youtubers reacting to a fanfic of them. when i saw that, i thought "hey, why not give it a try?" and started writing dumb fics in my notes app. i stopped writing fanfiction for a while until i got into riverdale (i wish i was joking). i picked up writing again but then dropped it again after a while because i couldnt think of ideas for fics. i didnt write actual fanfiction after that until i got into heathers. i finally started looking more into how to improve my writing and even published a horrible one-shot book on wattpad before i moved onto ao3. my english and writing improved a lot and i was writing for almost every fandom i was in. and now im here!
im excited to share more of my writing on tumblr! the tag for my fics is #erin's fics so all my fics will have this tag. hope you will enjoy what i will write!
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waterloou · 2 years
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPS.
Tagged by ✨💕@ksbbb @thiamsxbitch
Ok so half of these are ideas and others are almost done 😂
-Morey first date
-Scira, Berica, Morey and Thiam types of kisses
-Thiam first date
-Continuation of the chimera series with Tracy, Hayden and Josh
-broken parts later chapters
-of my beautiful li later chapters
-gaze up to the heavens drag me underground later chapters
-the ring later chapters
-unintentional later chapters
-young vernon boyd
-thiam smut that I will be very vague ab if asked and I will never post probably
-loneliness Vernon Boyd
-rewrite s3 a on
-goodbye, hello (scira oneshot where she comes back and heals his eyes 🥺)
-movie rewrite with Kira/Scott/Isaac bc it’s what they deserve
-as the bell tolls
-Hikari history/background
-Hikari and Kira interaction (it’s a VAGUE idea but it would be killer)
-Thiam best men to Morey wedding
-telltale heart future chapters
-Berica Persephone/Hades’ assistant au
-thiam parents reformed villain/hero au
-various Theo character studies
-various Liam character studies
-various mason character studies
-Corey background
-various young Theo
-Brett and Lori background (aka how the Briggs twins, Brett and Lori, and the Hales are all connected bc BORN WOLVES LOSING THEIR FAM IN A FIRE??? HELLO???) (I’ve seen maybe three or four fics do this and there needs to be more)
-connections between those who died and were brought back
-Hikari oc romance
-Kira and Theo talk
I have too many oc projects to name but just send me one of these fandoms
-the last of us
-teen wolf
Tagging @veetlegeuse @bisexualterror @s-s-southsideserpentine @humangrumpycat @chasing-chimeras @theoceanismyinkwell @songbvrd @darth-caillic @carmens-garden @wolfboy88 @sydney-winchester @letthestorieslive
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rigginsstreet · 1 year
💞A different type of rec list ask game, to rep your own fics and other authors you enjoy.💞 Spell out your user name with fic recs. If the letter correlates to one of your fics you rec it (no duplicates use a different fic for repeat letters.) If you get to a letter you don’t have a fic title for you rec one you‘ve liked from someone else. 💖Send this to someone who might need a little love on their own fics or just like spreading the love.💖
ooo this is fun!
A - all the best djs are saving their slowest songs for last (fred/fp RIVERDALE):
Fred had always figured he’d chaperone his son’s senior prom. It’s just what he did. Went to every dance, every field trip, every PTA meeting… He was involved. It’s just… He also kind of assumed his wife would be there with him. Even after the divorce he still figured they’d go as friends. Never in a million years did he think he’d be dating his ex… whatever they were in high school.
R - riches & wonders (billy/steve STRANGER THINGS by @oepheliawrites):
Steve's teetering on the edge of something, all alone. His eyes meet Billy’s. They’re teetering on the edge of something, together. (or a handful of the bricks that build steve and billy a home.)
I - it's not your fault, so please stop your crying now (fred/fp/gladys RIVERDALE):
FP's going through a hard time. Gladys and Fred help him feel better.
E - everybody's gonna need somebody (billy & heather STRANGER THINGS):
Ginger Boy looks up, taking notice of Billy for the first time. Has the decency to actually look a little guilty. Won’t even look directly at him. The same cannot be said for Heather, who is just standing in place all wide-eyed and, not innocent, but definitely unbothered. “What?” “I told you to stop cockblocking me!”
S - show me your teeth (robin/heather STRANGER THINGS):
Robin’s not ashamed to admit she starts crying. She’s too young to die. She had high hopes for her future. Now she’s gonna die in fucking Hawkins fucking Indiana. She wanted to die somewhere more glamorous. Like New York. Or Paris. Hopefully reincarnation is real. Everything else seems to be. But as she closes her eyes, ready to accept her fate, a girlish giggle erupts in her ear, a familiar voice laughing “Gotcha!” as she’s let go of, and the previous pressure at her back goes, too.
B - blood on his skin, dripping with sin (fred/fp RIVERDALE):
He’s too focused on searching for a threat that he becomes oblivious to the kitchen lock being picked, the doorknob slowly twisting open behind him. “I don’t see anybody,” Fred says into the phone, squinting his eyes at the window as if that’ll help. “Maybe I should just go outside?” There’s footsteps slowly approaching, deliberate in their movements to remain silent. The other end of the phone has gone silent. Fred hasn’t gotten a response, maybe FP hadn’t heard him. “F? You there?” He pulls the phone away from his ear to check the connection. They’re still on a call. “FP, can you hear me?”
I - it's a feeling that you cannot miss (and it burns a hole through everyone that feels it) (mary & fp RIVERDALE):
FP stops when the mystery object in the jacket is revealed: a ziplock baggie of what is most definitely enough weed to last a week. “Ho-ly shit,” FP says, eyes lighting up and a grin breaking out on his face as he holds the bag up between himself and Mary. “Oh, there is no way,” Mary laughs, a little disbelieving, as she checks for herself that what she’s looking at is real. FP opens up the bag, takes a whiff. It’s not as strong as it could be - it’s definitely been sitting in here for a while - but it’ll do. It’ll definitely fucking do. “Thanks for looking out for us, Freddie."
L - love is like a heat wave (fred/fp RIVERDALE by @fredheads):
Summer of 1991 Riverdale's hit by a massive heat wave. Fred and FP find ways to pass the time.
L - leave you when the summer comes along (fred/fp RIVERDALE by @nadjaofstatenisland):
FP leaves for the army, in three parts.
Y - your shadow weighs a ton (billy/steve STRANGER THINGS):
There’s a very good chance Billy will not be staying here tonight. Can’t imagine whatever rich bitch heiress that owns this house is gonna want some lowlife kid like him marking up her pristine marble or whatever the fuck she’s got going on in there. Tom seems like a nice enough guy, he guesses, will probably put up a little bit of a fight to keep Billy around, but. Billy’s not getting his hopes up. Maybe he can at least get a nice hotel stay out of this little trip. As he walks down to the end of the driveway he pats his jacket pockets, thankfully finding his pack of smokes and lighter. He hadn’t thought to check when he got it back, but now that he’s itching for a smoke he was worried they might’ve been taken at the jail. He pulls a cigarette out, resting it between his teeth as he sparks up. Inhales. “Who are you?” A voice startles him. Billy looks up, catching sight of the prettiest goddamn thing he’s ever seen standing at the end of the driveway next door.
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andsmile · 1 year
are you going to keep writing for varchie once riverdale is over? and, if riverdale doesn't end well for us? 🥺️
that's a tricky question because who knows where my inspo will be? i will finish lake michigan. that's the promise i make about writing for varchie in the future. i have a couple of other projects going on too (hymn, and something else 👀) BUT, other than that, if i have an idea after rvd is over, i will definitely write for them, especially if it doesn't end well! fanfiction heals everything. and my varchie love is forever.
what about you, nonnie?
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pleckthaniel · 2 years
Tag masterlist
Subject to changes, obviously.
If you see this on your dashboard, no you don’t.
#anarchism - anarchist posting, both theory and memes
#art - non-fandom art pieces (or pieces where I’m not interested in the fandom lol) created by people other than me
#art history - art history
#art resources - resources for learning artistic skills
#blm - racial justice theories & advocacy
#brighter fires - posts related to my warrior cats AU fic verse, Brighter Fires
#clothes - clothes I want or personal style inspiration
#containment breach - unfortunately, i've made a few viral posts. i'm too vain to delete them, ao instead i collect them in this tag while making constant posts about how much their notifications annoy me.
#fav - all my favorite posts
#couture - clothes I don’t want, but like to look at. and/or, general fashion tag
#de - disco elysium, mostly reblogs
#gravity falls - what it says on the tin (archival)
#for future reference - general resource tag
#goncharov - gonch posting
#hyenas - pics of yeens
#i am looking respectfully (and variations thereof) - thirst tag
#just english major things <3 - classic lit posts and/or blogging about english classwork
#laugh rule - I laughed out loud at this
#lego twin peaks - twin peaks tag, mostly shitposting
#lovesick tag - my real life relationship troubles
#mtz - mission to zyxx, mostly reblogs
#mission to zyxx - mostly original mtz related content & posts
#missouri my beloved (derogatory) - i grew up in missouri and currently spend about 2/3 of the year there. it is one of my favorite places on earth and also objectively one of the worst. this tag is for posts about that.
#nflposting - american football tag
#none gender left beef - talking about my day to day experience of transgenderism and also just posts that resonate with me on a gender level
#paperweight - blorboposting about c-53 from mtz
#pleck decksetter mission to zyxx my beloved - blorboposting about pleck from mtz
#pmmm - puella magi madoka magica (mostly archival)
#q - queued posts
#qlib - queer theory, advocacy, and general queer posting
#red dwarf - 90s space britcom red dwarf (mostly archival)
#rvd tag - riverdale, mostly reblogs
#riverdale is the best show on television unironically - riverdale, mostly original posts
#scout talks - talk tag / original posts and comments on other posts
#scout talks drunk / #scout talks high - original posts made under the influence
#scout.png - original art tag
#scout.txt - original writing tag
#scouts reddit adventures - screenshots of things i saw on reddit, posted here mainly for my own amusement
#serial killer genes - blorboposting about betty cooper from riverdale
#sf - generic science fiction-relevant content
#sociology major on main - usually just liveblogging reading soc journal articles for class tbh
#star trek - trekposting, 99% deep space nine
#space - information or images of real life space
#srhk - shadowrun hong kong
#wc - warrior cats, mostly reblogs
#sw - star wars
#thg - hunger games
#warrior cats - mostly original warrior cats related content & posts
#writing - non-fandom prose or writing-relevant content created by people other than me
#writing resources - resources for learning writing/storytelling skills
#wtnv - welcome to night vale (archival)
#youth liberation - youth liberation theories and advocacy
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godheadjones · 2 years
writer asks <3 🦄 💖
heyyy thanks for sending in :)) happy new year!! (cannot remember if i said it to you yet)
🦄 Is there a new POV you'd like to try writing?
a lot of POVs are interesting to me to try and get into! from riverdale i’m pretty sure i haven’t gotten written from veronica’s pov actually which is surprising because i do love her dearly. maybe i’ll plan a jeronica fic in the near future set in riverdale. who knows?
but in all seriousness i don’t have any POVs i desperately want to write now but if any opportunity’s come up they would be really interesting to write in some!
💖 What is your primary writing goal for this year?
keep up with my wips. i don’t have many right now, which is a shocker, but i do have one for carmen sandiego that i’m only a little stuck on so i’m trying to get through that. other than wips i also want to always have something to write at night. i’m writing a book with my friend and i’ve started writing that a bit more this year which is really good cause i like abandoned that and it’s a really fun idea! also to write for multiple ships in fandoms. i am really partial to jabitha but there are some ships i do enjoy still that i want to write more for like veggie! i really miss veggie so maybe i’ll try and write more of them
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